Monday, April 1, 2013

Kind-Hearted Woman, Part 1

Filmmaker David Sutherland (The Farmer's Wife) profiles Robin Charboneau, a divorced mother and Oglala Sioux woman living on North Dakota’s Spirit Lake Reservation. Sutherland follows Charboneau over three years as she struggles to raise her children, further her education, heal the wounds of sexual abuse and battle alcoholism. She fights in tribal court with her ex-husband for custody of the children, even after he’s convicted of sexually molesting his daughter and another child. Charboneau’s quest to heal her family, earn a degree and return to the reservation to help prevent abuse of women and children leads her on a journey of discovery, heartbreak and, ultimately, redemption. 

Watch Kind Hearted Woman - Long Preview on PBS. See more from FRONTLINE.

Today on PBS. Check local listings. 

372 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said... 1

Radar has the B'vill Twitter war story and not surprisingly, failed to mention Kate's love of the bullying outers and support of them. And her love for them. ~ Administrator said... 2

It's probably a bad idea for Kate to get involved in anyone that litigious. What if he turns on her like he did his partner?? She never thinks ahead.

Tucker's Mom said... 3

RT @KnowsTheTruth: @kateplusmy8 If you have ever sent a Kate an innocent tweet of encouragement then been harassed by the haters please RT

My gosh, Kate is just digging into this deeper and deeper. She really needs to step away and stop this insanity.
Truly sick.

PatK said... 4

Did anyone expect ROL's article to be anything other than one sided? At least they had the foresight to leave out the name of this "stalker".

Tucker's Mom said... 5

You know, if I was harrassed on Twitter for tweeted Kate something positive as a fan, I'd steer clear of Kate's twitter. It wouldn't be worth it to me.
I mean, how badly do you need to worship her?
It's like banging your head against a wall and complaining about a headache.

SG said... 6

While the Selena comment did seem disturbing, I don't see how it was a threat. ????
Selena was killed by A FAN. I think that comment was more of a warning than a threat. I think it was made around the time it looked like Milo was going to show up at Kate's front door with a gift for her on her birthday.

It seems that the crazed fanatics are more of a danger to Kate than the non-fans. They don't seem to have a desire to get to know her personally or interact with her in real life.

Tucker's Mom said... 7

Totally agree, SG. It was a reference to a FAN killing Selena and it truly is a cautionary tale.

Tucker's Mom said... 8

If this is Kate's idea of conflict resolution, it's no wonder her kids were kicked out of school. Look at the example she's setting!

Millicent said... 9

From the previous thread:
Virginia Pen Mom said... 23
Reading the publisher's blurb about "I Just Want You to Know" makes it clear that Zondervan believed they had almost 10 million potential buyers of Kate's book. Zondervan also believed Kate "grateful," "faith filled" and "sacrificing." They obviously didn't know Kate!
It is surprising to me that Zondervan didn't seem to do any real market research regarding Kate and her likeability factor. It seems that they could have at least had an employee watch several recent episodes of the show to form an opinion about Kate. They could have gone on-line to read articles (and more importantly, the comments generated by those articles), to get a feel for whether Kate was generally liked or disliked. I wrote to them myself when I heard they were planning to publish her cookbook, but got nothing but a canned response. So Zondervan deserved to lose money on that deal, because they didn't do their due diligence.

MJ said... 10

Absolutely right Tucker's Mom,
That IS the way Kate resolves conflict and her kids are learning by example. This is SO w.r.o.n.g. on SO many levels.
Neither Bullyville nor the fans or non-fans, will will settle this. Only Kate has the power to diffuse it, yet not surprisingly, she does the exact opposite.

She has conveniently been silent on twitter all morning except for those 2 re-tweets. If this is how she handles something like this, her alienation of family and friends is certainly not surprising.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 11

IMO, Kate bit off her nose to spite her face.

With a complete lack of clarity, lack of control, and full-on desperation, she has paired up with unsavory characters. Mark my words, this desperate move will come back and bite her in the ass.

Whats more, as an adult, seeing how she is handling things, I would be very concerned if I found out my teenager idolized Kate.

If it's true that you are who you associate with- then her alliance with BV has offically
sealed her fate. She can kiss that nonexistent "career" goodbye.

No one will want to go near her with a twenty foot pole.

Mel said... 12

It is surprising to me that Zondervan didn't seem to do any real market research regarding Kate and her likeability factor

It doesn't seem like *anyone* does due diligence before contracting with Kate.
She must have one heckuva pr person, to get companies to offer cupcake contracts to someone they know nothing about, and who not only has a horrible reputation of being lazy but attracts mega-negative attention to everyone she's involved with.

PatK said... 13

This whole Bullyville fiasco is Kate getting back to her TLC roots of "take care of this for me".

Always wants others to do her bidding and keep that protective bubble around her.

LB said... 14

Didn't she sign a 3-book contract after Multiple Ble$$ing$ was published? I could have sworn I read somewhere some years ago about it. It would explain getting the 2 other books published then deciding to dump the cookbook.

I see the photo shoot going down like this: mommy has a new job/project and you are to do what I ask you! It was never about the children having a voice and giving input. They have to do whatever Mommy wants them to do because it was 'work'. In her Stir post, she talked about the house always hopping with fun whenever they had a photo shoot. Um, when was the last time they did that? Three or four years ago? Around the time of divorce. Another lie, yes?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 15

Kate Gosselin Wages Twitter War as Child Abuse Claims Surface

I’m not sure what exactly this angle is supposed to prove. Kate is a huge supporter of Bullyville but aren’t they replicating the exact behavior that they claim to despise?
If Kate was being harassed her followers are now ganging up on the woman who was bothering her. I get that she needed support but you can’t be against bullying only when it benefits you and then promote the behavior the other half of the time. Kate’s Twitter war isn’t about to help what is supposedly a big cause for her!

AuntieAnn said... 16

Didn't see the new thread so I'll repost from the old.

I was catching up with yesterday's twitter drama. Good grief.

I went over to bullyville a few minutes ago to see what all this is about. What a busy, discombobulated site that is. And I feel like I should shower.
On their twitter feed: "NaziGods @Kateplusmy8 we have your back Kate cc @BullyVille if bv considers you worth protecting I consider you family."

NaziGods considers her family. Is Kate absolutely sure that her kids will be 'so proud' of her?

Anonymous said... 17

IMO Kate and the haters are all very immature on Twitter. Seriously, if you don't like Kate, don't tweet to her. It's very simple. Also, if you don't want to be outed and would be embarassed to be outed after saying the things you say on Twitter, than just don't do it. How do any of these people have this much energy to spend on a person like Kate Gosselin anyway?

I guess everybody gets what they deserve.


Layla said... 18

Many have wondered what is going on with Kate lately. She certainly does seem to be in the midst of a full-blown meltdown. I think it's a combination of factors:
1. Her 38th birthday. She is almost 40. She can claim that she de-ages on TV, but she can't deny the fact that she is middle-aged, divorced, alone, and largely unemployed with 8 kids to support.
2. The kids are getting older. M&C will be teens soon, and the "littles" are almost 9. Not "little" any longer. She made money off her adorable toddlers, but now those days are gone and there is no way for her to turn back the clock. They are older, they are not adorable, they have minds of their own and problems for her to deal with. And they're not making her any money.
3. The Hollywood lifestyle she so desperately wants will never be hers. She got a taste of that lifestyle while at Kendra's house, but then had to return to rural PA and go back to shoveling chicken poop and driving a bunch of kids around. She got to see what she really wants close-up, then suddenly be reminded that that will never, ever be her life.
4. Her cookbook is a monumental failure. Novelrank shows just 12 people having pre-ordered her book in the first 5 days. She does not have the number of fans she thought she did. Going by the numbers who bought her book, even at half-price, she has very, very few fans/supporters. That has to hurt.
5. She has no career. She wants to be on TV. She is desperate to be on TV. But nobody wants her there. She is reduced to blogging for a living, and blogging won't pay her upcoming 6-figure tuition bill for the kids. Or her mortgage, or her domestic staff.
6. Robert Hoffman's book is coming out again, and she can't stop it. She can't make TLC's legal staff fight her battles for her, and she can't make the book go away. She is stuck fighting--and paying for--her own battles.
Kate can't turn back the clock. She misses they days when she was younger, had adorable toddlers, a hit TV show, money rolling in, and dozens of projects to choose from. She has already "peaked", and now it's all downhill for her. She's looking for someone to blame. This woman who has been outed (who cares how old she is?) is now tha bad guy, according to Kate and Bullyville. But did this woman ruin Kate's life? Is this woman the reason Kate isn't on TV? Is she the reason that nobody is ordering Kate's cookbook? I don't think so. Kate is responsible for her own downfall, and when the mess with this "outed" woman is over, Kate will still be aging, alone, angry, unemployed, and trying to find someone else to blame.

fidosmommy said... 19

"Kind Hearted Woman", eh? So, clarify something for me, OK? Who is Robin Charboneau and why is she standing in for Kate Gosselin?

Oh, sometimes I just make myself giggle......
Sorry everyone. I just could not resist.

Tucker's Mom said... 20

Marie, I also don't get engaging in this Twitter war, or harassing Kate's fans or tweeting hate to Kate over 70,000 times. It's just sick all the way around.
I think Kate needs to "be the hero in this situation", to paraphrase Dr. Phil.
She needs to put on her big girl panties and admit that Pandora's box has been opened and there is no hope of having a civil discourse on her Twitter.
It's the only way it will stop all the hatred and derision, and Kate's the only one who can stop it.
I'm betting she won't.
This is where she and Jon differ. Kate will cut off her nose to spite her face, whereas Jon took the high road and shut it down.
Go ahead and Google Jon. You get NOTHING.
Excellent strategy, Jon.

Tucker's Mom said... 21

RT @NaziGods: @Kateplusmy8 we have your back Kate cc @BullyVille if bv considers you worth protecting I consider you family.
NaziGods consider Kate family.

Anonymous said... 22

Jon did do the right thing. Kate's ego is too big. She can't ignore and that's why this has gotten so out of control.


NJGal51 said... 23

Spot on Layla. Excellent post.

Anonymous said... 24

This is Nazigods profile on twitter:

We wish that we were @UG so badly that we created this account to try to be just like them!!! We are awesome hackers..except none of us are over 14. #ExpectUs

United Kingdom

Kate, give it up now.


Mel said... 25

If all these people feel the need to "support" Kate, why haven't *they* purchased her cookbook?

Mel said... 26

If everybody stopped tweeting/email/commenting about Kate today...does that mean that they'll immediately purchase her cookbook?

Uh, probably not?

Bullyville....for every comment they perceive as bullying of Kate, they hack the person's info and send them each 8 cookbooks.
You know, put their money where their mouth is. Support Kate!!! Where it counts!! In the pocketbook!

PDMan said... 27

Kate Gosselin = Teflon. No matter how badly she behaves, nothing - NOTHING - sticks to her. She missed her calling - she should be in politics.

Millicent said... 28

Great comment Layla - your outline of Kate's situation is pretty right on the nose IMO.

Marie - I agree, some people seem to get obsessed with Twitter, or other forms of online communication. I don't know where they find the time for it - perhaps they don't work and have little social outlet. Anyway, if I were on Twitter and someone was sending me tweets that I didn't want to see/receive, I would just block them. I know there's a way to do that. I am a fan of Craig Ferguson, the late night talk show host. He is on Twitter and I've heard him say that if someone is tweeting him in a way he finds unacceptable, he just dumps them somehow from his Twitter feed. That's what Kate should have done re this woman who sent her 70,000+ tweets.

While I would definitely like to have more financial assets in my bank account, I would never trade my mediocre private life for Kate's over-exposed one in a million years. She wanted the fame and fortune, so she ought to have learned how to gracefully and wisely deal with the negative that comes along with it. She could get away from the "haterz" if she followed Jon's example and closed down her Twitter, closed down her blog, ended her contract with The Stir, and just returned to private life. Her 6 to 12 fans would eventually move on and fixate on someone else.

AuntieAnn said... 29

Anonymous said... 22

Jon did do the right thing. Kate's ego is too big. She can't ignore and that's why this has gotten so out of control.



I guess he learned the hard way that you can't win when you're in a battle with a narcissistic wolverine.

I remember when he was interviewed on ABC he said Kate basically called him a lame fish who wasn't going anywhere. He took a lot of crap from her. There is no denying she is abusive.

He was ridiculed for doing that interview and yet Kate's been able to keep talking smack about him whenever she gets the opportunity and she's had plenty.

AuntieAnn said... 30

PDMan said... 27

Kate Gosselin = Teflon. No matter how badly she behaves, nothing - NOTHING - sticks to her. She missed her calling - she should be in politics.

haha! I agree PDMan, but please, please, don't give her any ideas.

Tucker's Mom said... 31
It's getting uglier.
Kate really needs to call this off. People are going to get hurt and she has the power to stop it.

Mel said... 32

if I were on Twitter and someone was sending me tweets that I didn't want to see/receive, I would just block them....
That's what Kate should have done re this woman who sent her 70,000+ tweets.

I think that Kate *did* block that woman. Her tweets never show up on Kate's timeline.
Kate doesn't directly see anything the person tweets her.
Kate has to go searching for it, if she wants to see it.

Apparently, BV is objecting to the person sending tweets that Kate doesn't even see.
Although I don't see the point of tweeting something to someone who has blocked you.

None of it makes any sense to me. Must be something I don't get about it all.

Hoosier Girl said... 33

“We are getting ready to release a bombshell about the true intentions of Kate’s bullies,” McGibney told Radar, promising more details this week.
The bullyville guy has been tweeting something about a 'money trail' leading to the source of the 'haters' LOL! Conspiracy theory anyone?!

I can't decide if this whole mess is priceless or tragic, but I can't look away!

I will say though, bullyville's PR guy has earned his check with this Kate hook-up. Who had heard of bullyville until he hooked up with Kate? Today he's mentioned in all the rag mags.

Hey Kate! You don't need to out your detractors. You just need to sign on with bullyville's PR guy!

Tucker's Mom said... 34

This BV guy seems to pride himself as some kind of anti-hero. He's just doing the same thing the haters are. This is vigilante justice.
Kate needs to shut down her cesspool of a Twitter account.
I've never seen anything so vile.

Dmasy said... 35

She is the 38-year-old mother of 8 children. She is inviting danger and vitriol into her home.

I would ask, "What is she thinking?" But, the answer is obviously that she isn't thinking of consequences at all.

Is she so delighted to see her name in the news that she does not care about the context?

Tucker's Mom said... 36

I wonder if Jon could ask a judge to enforce Kate shutting down her Twitter. She is only putting herself and kids in danger by intentionally hurting people. Let one of the people who lose their job because of her be a wingnut and there could be serious danger.
She's playing with fire by aligning herself (and by extension, the kids) with BV.
I hope Jon can step in and make the madness stop.

LB said... 37

Dear gid, Bullville is now going after non-fans' minor children, posting the children's personal information. Isn't that illegal? Please stop that!

Tucker's Mom said... 38

btw, is what this "62-year old woman" doing stalking? Whoever this person is, they are way obsessed with hating Kate on Twitter, but is it really stalking?

Hoosier Girl said... 39

And if I were Kate, I'd really stop RTing things like:

RT @BullyVille: WOW, one of @Kateplusmy8 haters has a domestic battery conviction. Beats up women physically and emotionally. #expectus #opkatehate

I'd guess bullyville knows they are treading a fine line, while Kate on the other hand, is too stupid to realize that. Her 'Oh look a supportive tweet about me me me! Let me RT!' is going to get her into some hot water one of these days.

Millicent said... 40

Mel @ 32:

So Kate never even saw most of the tweets from this one woman in California, yet she still encouraged outing her? Sounds to me like the tweeter has some mental issues of her own. The whole thing is just strange to me. Both women (and Bullville) have too much time on their hands. ~ Administrator said... 41

This is out of control. Kate should be darn SURE that retweet is 100% accurate. Even if it's true you still shouldn't harass people. I fear this won't end well. And you never know who is on the other end, what if someone she is poking at snaps and retaliates? It's dangerous.

I'm all for the cause of ending bullying (which I define as actions against CHILDREN not grown woman who are perfectly capable of handling themselves) but I don't like the method. I don't think it's right to fight fire with fire, and even more than that, it is rarely effective. Bullying should be stopped through education and zero tolerance, not through this "let's get them back even worse than they got us." I just don't believe in that. What school teaches that? What school teaches to get your bully back even harder?

I'm shaking my head floored this is the direction she is going. She's unhinged. ~ Administrator said... 42

By the way it doesn't seem to occur to her that Bullyville is using her for the free publicity. They may genuinely believe in her cause but they sure are benefiting. They need her as much as she thinks she needs them. For all the belly aching she does about those taking advantage of her she doesn't see what is going on here.

Jane said... 43

Dmasy said... 35
Is she so delighted to see her name in the news that she does not care about the context?


Yes, I think that's a big part of why she's doing this. I'm sure she figures this will get her booked on some talk shows where she can cry and wail about how the non-fans are keeping her from making a living for her 8 kids.

The other part of all this is that she's desperate. As was mentioned up thread - she's pushing 40, has 8 kids, little or no income, huge expenses, has been relegated to hawking jewelry and makeup on the Internet and has a poorly made, self-published cookbook that no one's interested in. Oh, and she's a narcissist to boot.

Kate will do anything to keep herself in the news.

Robert? Is the book still a go?

Terri said... 44

I always said that twitter was going to be Kate's downfall. If she is so upset by all of this why doesn't she follow Jon's example and shut down her twitter account. I know why she doesn't, it's because this is her life line to staying relevant. I just don't see how her condoning bullying the bullies is going help her. I think quite the opposite.

LB said... 45

I guess Kate doesnt care if there were children involved in the outings of people on twitter. A single mother, who mistakely answered a hacker's tweet (don't remember what it was about) is pleading with Bullivlle. It's getting scary!

LifeinOH said... 46

Wow. Just wow. You can't make this crap up.

Kate is seriously going to regret directing all this attention to Robert's pending book.

I think the "haters" are out of control, but this is insane.

Dwindle said... 47

Popped in to say HI and to read a few posts. Kate and twitter, still, eh? How incredibly sad that this is her life now. "Twitter is my life and my life is Twitter". Ya know, when you are away from it for a bit and then look at it again, you can really see how much she has devolved mentally. Must be more than just a bit of psychosis going on in that mind. Kate, how many times a day do you have trouble telling reality from psychosis? I bet it is several, isnt it?

She needs a good 90 days of rehab, so she can be titrated off whatever she is medicating with, and break the psychological addiction to media fanstasy life. Learn some new coping skills and some other real-life activities.

AuntieAnn said... 48 (Administrator) said... 39

By the way it doesn't seem to occur to her that Bullyville is using her for the free publicity.

Exactly, I thought that too. It's definitely an I'll scratch your back recriprocation except I don't think she even recognizes it..

Is she really that naive or doesn't she care just as long as her name is out there somewhere, anywhere? It's hard to tell.

Dwindle said... 49 (Administrator) said... 41
This is out of control.

In more ways than one! How in the WORLD does she have time for this? It is an addiction for her, (ANOTHER one) and she cant seem to exist, breathe, live, if she isnt stirring it up.

Forget the children; Kate is destroying what is left of her own mind. She is losing touch with reality, life and normal society.

Does she still have all the housekeepers and not-a-nannies and homework helpers and personal chefs and laundry girls? I hope so, so the children have some of their basic physical needs being met as their mother dances around the house with her phone stuck to her nose, in Norma Desmond mode.

AuntieAnn said... 50

Hi Dwindle. She would take that 90 days of rehab, too, just as long as they had a spa.

PatK said... 51

She's probably dancing around the McMansion like a giddy schoolgirl at all this activity surrounding her, with dreams of her phone ringing nonstop with interview requests, tv appearances, etc.

Yeah, this is really something to be proud of. I guess if you can't get media attention because you have no actual talent, you'll desperately grab at anything.

Oh, and hi, Dwindle! Always good to see you drop by...wish it were more often.

Unknown said... 52

LB said... 37
''Dear gid, Bullville is now going after non-fans' minor children, posting the children's personal information. Isn't that illegal? Please stop that.''
LB, where are you seeing this? I've been all over everwhere, looking for what Bullyville is actually posting vs what he is threatening to do, and I can't find a thing. I thought he was just threatening.....obviously, I must have poor google skills!

NJGal51 said... 53

HI DWINDLE! Good to see you.

gabby2 said... 54

Someone is paying for criticizing KK...I have been doing it for free!!

Where do I sign up??

Anonymous said... 55

I have to hand it to Julie May. She is a marketing genius. She keeps coming up with new ways to get Kate's name in the gossip rags. I mean really: How many people were even involved in the "twitter war?" Kate has what, 4 or 6 fans left on twitter?

And yet she manages to STILL get a story in ROL. Amazing. Simply amazing.


Katykat said... 56

It just must be so awful to be in constant turmoil and to have so little inner peace. Those poor kids.

Hoosier Girl said... 57

gabby2 said... 54
Someone is paying for criticizing KK...I have been doing it for free!!

Where do I sign up??
You owe me a new keyboard! LOLOL

Tucker's Mom said... 58

And yet she manages to STILL get a story in ROL. Amazing. Simply amazing.

Kate's got 2 Radar posts today, and she continues to RT Bull'ville's tweets threatening to expose #expectus.
There's is NO WAY that the kids aren't going to hear about this in school and I bet it scares them.

Layla said... 59

This Bullyville situation is not going to end well for Kate. At some point, they are going to get something wrong--a name, a false criminal record, call the wrong employer--and there are going to be some serious consequences. And Kate will take the fall with them, since she is publicly encouraging this. She's even retweeting everything Bullyville says! She's putting her name on the line, and I don't think she can trust them. Isn't it Bullyville who set her up with the "hackers" who ended up being teenagers? I believe so, and yet she is trusting them again after that mess. They are all going to end up getting sued, and she could lose everything. What does that do to the kids? Is it really worth it for her? She tweets about positivity and love, and yet if you look at her twitter timeline all you see is bullying, negativity, and hate.
Kate should have gone private long ago. Her supporters always say she shouldn't have to do that, but look at the mess she has gotten herself into. She is claiming she's bullied, she has aligned herself with bullies (Bullyville), and there are going to be some serious, ugly consequences for her somewhere down the line. It's not worth it. If she doesn't do it to save herself from this ugliness, then she should do it to save her kids from same. They don't need or deserve this, and somewhere down the line they will end up affected by the hatred and fighting going on.

Unknown said... 60

LB said... 37
''Dear gid, Bullville is now going after non-fans' minor children, posting the children's personal information. Isn't that illegal? Please stop that.''
LB, where are you seeing this?
Never mind....I finally figured it out!
Hello Dwindle!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 61

Dwindle! :o)

Paula said... 62

This is going to end very, very bad for Kate. Bullyville is using her for publicity. This is the final nail in Kate's quest for any type of career. She is so toxic now who would touch her?

Ex Nurse said... 63

Holy this for real? When this is over, there will be virtual bodies strewn for miles. Where can Kate go next? An all out brawl on Jerry Springer? That would actually be a step up from where she is right now.

There will be no recovering from this. She just signed her own pink slip.

Hey, Dwindle--good to hear from you!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 64

Hoosier Girl said... 39

And if I were Kate, I'd really stop RTing things like:

RT @BullyVille: WOW, one of @Kateplusmy8 haters has a domestic battery conviction. Beats up women physically and emotionally. #expectus #opkatehate

I'd guess bullyville knows they are treading a fine line, while Kate on the other hand, is too stupid to realize that. Her 'Oh look a supportive tweet about me me me! Let me RT!' is going to get her into some hot water one of these days.


Oh. My. God.

She does not give a flippin' sh*t about anyone-
but herself.

I have no doubt in my mind that the universe always unfolds as it should. Karma will take
care of Kate.

If one sows goodness, you will reap goodness; if one sows evil, one will reap evil.

AuntieAnn said... 65

Wikipedia isn't the last word on bullying BUT it is interesting to note that they have this to say about it:

"Of bullying in general

Bullying consists of three basic types of abuse – emotional, verbal, and physical. It typically involves subtle methods of coercion such as intimidation. Bullying behavior may include name calling, verbal or written abuse, exclusion from activities, exclusion from social situations, physical abuse, or coercion.[10][16]

U.S. National Center for Education Statistics suggests that bullying can be classified into two categories:

direct bullying, and
indirect bullying (which is also known as social aggression).[1]

Ross states that direct bullying involves a great deal of physical aggression, such as shoving and poking, throwing things, slapping, choking, punching and kicking, beating, stabbing, pulling hair, scratching, biting, scraping, and pinching.[17]"

Who comes to mind when you read the last paragraph?

AuntieAnn said... 66

And further on WikiP has this to say about parental bullying

Parents who may displace their anger, insecurity, or a persistent need to dominate and control, upon their children in excessive ways have been proven to increase the likelihood that their own children will in turn become overly aggressive or controlling towards their peers.[80] The American Psychological Association advises on its website that parents who may suspect that their own children may be engaging in bullying activities amongst their peers, should carefully consider the examples which they themselves may be setting for their own children, regarding how they typically interact with their own peers, colleagues, and children. Do the parents typically motivate their peers and their children with positive and self-confidence building incentives, or do they most often attempt to motivate their peers and children with certain "threats" of one form of "punishment" or "reprisal" or another (emotional or physical blackmail)? [81]

Silimom said... 67

Someone will need to sue Bullyville and Kate as co-defendants for her team to be able to tell her to stop - if she even still has a team after this.

What's next? Kate will be having dinner with Leann Rimes and getting tips from her on Twitter wars and how to handle them?

Kate should be focused on her kids, and professionally, her website, her blog and her cookbook.

NJGal51 said... 68

BV is following the money trail? Unless BV employees forensic accountants I doubt that they'll be able to follow a "money trail" on the internet. Do they actually think that Jon and/or Robert are paying off the haters to criticize Kate? Wait, maybe Kate or her PR team are paying them off to keep Kate in the public eye...Look at me!!!!!!!! I have haters so I must be relevant!!!!!!!! Kate has more twitterbots and fake followers than she does either fans or haters which is why she's presold so few of her cookbooks.

Tucker's Mom said... 69

Ex Nurse said... 63
Holy this for real? When this is over, there will be virtual bodies strewn for miles. Where can Kate go next? An all out brawl on Jerry Springer? That would actually be a step up from where she is right now.
A paternity test on Maury Povich would look like Masterpiece Theater compared to this.

Tucker's Mom said... 70

Happy Birthday Jon!

Rearranging theDeck Chairs on the Titanic said... 71

Tuckers Mom (#66): You crack me up. Good one.

readerlady said... 72

My good God in Heaven. KK has lost whatever mind she had left. I haven't been to Bulyville or her twitter feed, but it sounds like things are skating very close to libelous, if not actually over the line. Scary. Wonder how long it's going to take someone to utter KKs favorite phrase "Can we sue?"

I can't get a PBS station -- one of the drawbacks of cancelling my cable. I sure hope "Kindhearted Woman" will be available online. If anyone sees/knows about online availability, please post it here.

Unknown said... 73

NJGal51 said... 68
''BV is following the money trail? Unless BV employees forensic accountants I doubt that they'll be able to follow a "money trail" on the internet. Do they actually think that Jon and/or Robert are paying off the haters to criticize Kate?''
The more this saga continues, the more I'm convinced that KK has totally punked Bullyville. Bullyville seems to have swallowed each and every lie KK has ever told as the truth. Otherwise, Bullyville would have done 'due diligence', and realized that Robert has PROOF of everything he put in his book!

In her (so far successful) effort to blame every single person in the world for HER behavior, it wouldn't surprise me at all to discover that KK has convinced herself that Jon and Robert made up her journal in order to make money on HER Gosselin name! She doesn't even have enough grip on reality to grasp that Gosselin is NOT her name. Jon and his children are Gosselins...she is KK!! Yes...I believe that she really IS that mentally ill.

Happy birthday, Jon!

Jane said... 74

There's an interesting conversation going on between @imperel, the managing editor of Radar Online, and a blog owner and non-fans. This is far from over.

Dmasy said... 75

Auntie, thank you for all that information. Chilling, isn't it?

She seems to have no ability to understand the consequences of her choices.

LB said... 76

I think Kate has bullying and cyber bullying confused She was always saying she was bullied. She should specifically said via the internet, not in person, and she made the choice iof googling herself every morning so she would 'know' what she had to deal with each day. This was said on DWTS! She seeks it out! What the kids goes through being bullied at school ARE 100 times worse. Some have died from the beating and some have committed suidice! WTF! Don't youthink she and Bullivlle change it from Opertion Kate to these innocent children? Start a non profit cause like many celebrities has for something personal & close to their hearts. Some chefs have a food charity. Parma lakeski has a foundation after experiencing health problems.

SCgal said... 77

Jane - 74,
What is the conversation? Can you tell us more? Thanks!

MJ said... 78

It looks like bullyville may have indeed outed an innocent person - just a non-fan who is not a hater or stalker. She's received a number of tweets from fans agreeing she's not a 'hater', but what is interesting is they've only said this to her, not including Kate or bullyville in their tweets.

IMPerel a Radaronline VP is tweeting her asking for her story. This is the convo.

@IMPerel @BullyVille Mr. Perel, bullyville has pegged me as a hater tho I nevver tweet to K8 just mention her and do not threaten/harass

@strawberrypsu @BullyVille "pegged" in what way?

They have these hacker teens do their stuff. One of them tweeted me last night. I told him I have no hate today he "outed" me

@strawberrypsu outed u, how?

@IMPerel Did you just see his threatening tweet to me about "going down this path"? When I joined twitter I tweeted about KG having nannies

Nothing mean and she flipped and blocked me. I was like wtf so I looked at her timeline and followed some of the critics.

I also tweet with true crime people, friends and family. BUt I will tweet with the haters and actually the fans and I are civil

A few months ago a twerp was bothering a hater and I loled about it. He put me on the "list" to be outed. TUrned out he was some

teen from UK. @liksakn knows. He said he would get credit and bank info and Kate G retweeted that. His name was Mad British GUy

Last night someowh this guy named funnybear started in on me. I said look at my TL I am not obsessed with Kate G. I was nice to him

Today he and bullyville put my name, address, phone number, my teen's email address on pastebin. FOr what!? Not liking Kate G?

Now bullyville is saying he is going to call employers. I don't know what he would say that would get me in trouble but I am

a single mom living paycheck to paycheck and Bullyville and Kate G are the real bullies here. I never attacked, threatened or

harrassed her. I don't even care if people know StrawberryPsu is MY NAME but it's libel when they call me a bully etc.

Bullyille uses these teen anon wannabes to bully other people. They use anti-bullying as an excuse to bully. I asked bullyville

to point to my timeline where I have done so and instead he says DO YOU REALLY WANT TO GO THERE? GMAB Thanks for listening.

@strawberrypsu It is a shame that non-fans get called haters 4 no reason. Stand tall u have done nothing wrong. Opinions r not Bullying sp?

@tishthedish1 Thanks. That's my condolence; there's nothing they can point to but an opinion I'm allowed to have. I've been bullied by them

Ex Nurse said... 79

What is frightening to me is that Bullyville is vigilante justice. What is the supposed line that was crossed that warrants the public flogging and the equivalent of exhibiting the guilty in the town square? Who gets to decide who is right and who is wrong? That one guy? 

What is true, is that if there is a toxic mess, Kate Gosselin is likely in the middle of it. She attracts polarizing people because she is the definition of a polarizing personality. 

What will it take to break her delusion that she is entitled to have her own show, by virtue of her supreme wit, intelligence beauty and raw talent? Kate has had EVERY opportunity handed to her, and, every time she was her own undoing. 

Why are people making it their personal cause to bring her down? It is mental illness, plain and simple. 

After spending a just little time reading twitter, I need a Silkwood shower. Blech.....

TLC stinks said... 80

AW • an hour ago −
Well I just hope kate's goons aren't on to me too. 1 by the name DeviLynCaiNe just tweet me screens of my comment on the ROL article. Taking action against Him, Bullyville and Kate if i have to. This is bullshit!

Jane said... 81

SCgal said... 77
Jane - 74,
What is the conversation? Can you tell us more? Thanks!

Sorry, didn't mean to be mysterious! It's kind of convoluted and long so copying it won't work. It's probably best to just read his tweets here:

Basically, he's tweeting to some of the non-fans, asking for additional information on Kate's bullying, wants to know who sent the cartoon of Milo and Kate to Radar, the background on the outing of the one non-fan's teenager (who's not at all involved in this idiocy).

Ex Nurse said... 82

MJ said... 78
It looks like bullyville may have indeed outed an innocent person - just a non-fan who is not a hater or stalker. She's received a number of tweets from fans agreeing she's not a 'hater', but what is interesting is they've only said this to her, not including Kate or bullyville in their tweets.
What a shock--collateral damage! FBI! Cops! Lawyers! What's next--Sasquatch? Now the haters have their martyr. Of course, their obsessive virulent hate mongering and hand-to-hand combat had nothing to do with this single mom being outed. How about everyone stop and take a look at what part they played in this insane drama.

LB said... 83

I'm pretty sure threatening someone in regards to their employment is illegal. I looked at the definition of cyber bullying & cyber stalking. This is what I think Bullivlle is doing: imdiation, threats & offering a bounty.

Ex Nurse said... 84

Jane said...
Sorry, didn't mean to be mysterious! It's kind of convoluted and long so copying it won't work. It's probably best to just read his tweets here:
At, you can see all comments directed to the Radar editor. Just put imperel in the search box at the top.

Sounds like he is taking the time to look at all that has transpired. Here's hoping there is at least one sane voice--besides Admin, of course! Got my DVR set for tonite.

Unknown said... 85

My question to all of them they remember that ROL/ IMPerel is the one that knows ALL about Robert's book and KK's journals? Unlike Bullyville, HE did his due diligence last year. As we have all said....this is not going to end well.

just a mom and grandma said... 86

'Sometimes you have to be a bully to get a bully...It's going to get messy.'

I know I very rarely post, but it seems to me bullyville has what I would call a "gang" mentality. I would be so ashamed to be associated with that. When her kids are older, will she approve that way of thinking for them? It seems to me she wants to get even with anyone that does not fawn over her.

Sherry Baby said... 87

Yes, I think that's a big part of why she's doing this. I'm sure she figures this will get her booked on some talk shows where she can cry and wail about how the non-fans are keeping her from making a living for her 8 kids.

And if she does, I hope to heaven that somebody has the balls to ask her why she thinks she's being bullied. Had she been nice, kind, respectful and not hell bent on achieving fame and fortune on the backs of her kids, she wouldn't be in the position she's in right now and haters would be few and far between. She's just a miserable nasty person who brought this on by her own behavior.

fidosmommy said... 88

I'm on my third bowl of popcorn and I STILL don't know what's going on with Twitter today. Maybe this is where I should add another "grain of salt".

Bluebird said... 89

I've not read all of the comments regarding Bullyville, but from what I surmise Kate has, again, put her foot in her mouth.

Layla, I loved your post, you are always spot on when it comes to Kate.

lukebandit, I read the last comment on the thread before this, and just want to congratulate you for all of the good shoebox work you do. I know you've been ill lately, but I'm sure your good heart and deeds have been noted by many.

Lovemygrandsons are you still around?

Sherry Baby said... 90

RT @BullyVille: WOW, one of @Kateplusmy8 haters has a domestic battery conviction. Beats up women physically and emotionally. #expectus #opkatehate

She's losing her mind to retweet something like this. She also needs to be careful exactly who it is that bullyville "outs." There might be someone in law enforcement who has connections, or someone in a position not only to threaten a lawsuit, but one who will actually file a complaint. It could wipe her out financially.

Intervention is needed here. Where is Jon?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 91

Kateplusmy851 secs ago via TwitterrificTwitter.

RT @KnowsTheTruth: @kateplusmy8 The goal of the hate tweeters is to try and make it so Kate can't get work? Who does that? Why do they care? Turn the channel.


Wait. What does Kate want people to believe?
That haterz are the reason she cannot find or keep a gig?

You have got to be KIDDING.

Tucker's Mom said... 92

Intervention is needed here. Where is Jon?
I agree. Kate can invoke the kids' safety all she wants, but she is the one poking the hornet's nest.
Sadly, it seems the kids are not with Jon on his bday.

Midnight Madness said... 93

The sheeple are encouraging all of this...they think it's wonderful and commendable for bullyville to be outing non-fans. Exactly how terrific will they think this is when Kate is sued or drawn into an investigation?

The Milo wannabe continues her butt-kissing tweets...

Lauren Johnson ‏@ljohnson2006 4m
@Kateplusmy8 even through all of this awful bullying you continue to hold your head high. You're a great example for your kids and others

A great example for her kids? How? By encouraging a group of internet thugs to take down those who don't like her?
You just hope someone like "Lauren" doesn't procreate.

Dwindle said... 94

fidosmommy said... 86
I'm on my third bowl of popcorn and I STILL don't know what's going on with Twitter today. Maybe this is where I should add another "grain of salt".


Fido, you know I love ya, but if it dont make sense after THREE count em 3 bowls of popcorn, it is just too twisted for prime time. Head for the rumspringa and forgit the popcorn. Unless of course you have a SURPRISE shot of nicely flavored vodka hiding in your serving there.

Whoo. I have missed it here. ~ Administrator said... 95

I can't believe that retweet that the haters are the reason she can't get a job. No, her bad behavior and lack of skills in anything marketable are the reason. Period. Scott from CC even said it was her behavior that got her fired.

This is a what came first the chicken or the egg argument, only way easier. Kate's bad behavior came first. The hate came next. ANd it wasn't even right away, most people gave her lots of leeway before they'd finally had enough. Plus, lots of celebs have their twitter haters but they get work. Any employer understands a little hate comes with the territory. She is beyond delusional if she thinks some vile twitter people have anything to do with her pathetic situation.

Also what prevents her from filling out an application at any various business locally and getting a job? How would the "haters" possibly know that unless she blabs about it? They wouldn't.

Bluebird said... 96

Gosselinbook has a new post for the month of April. Blue Ribbons for Kidss, April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month.

JoyinVirginia said... 97

Sad news re another reality show participant. Shain Gandee who was featured on the MTV show ”Buckwild” was found dead in his vehicle along with his uncle and another person. According to media reports, he and his uncle left a bar at three am on Sunday morning, saying they were going four wheeling. The vehicle with the deceased men inside were found Monday morning by someone riding off road.
If this young man had not been on a TV show encouraging reckless behavior and wild stunts, would this have happened eventually anyway? Who knows?

Dwindle said... 98

oh and HI back to all!!! If someone from ROL is listening, remind them that my 86 year old cardiac patient mother in law got threatened too. And neither she nor I have ever had a twitter account.

Disagree with Saint Katie and she makes it her life mission to hurt you. Her poor children.

And Jon doesnt have a single standing here to do anything. At this point only her parents or a blood sibling could petition adult probate court to have her mental and physical health examined. Likely only a 72 hour hold for eval, although I dont know what the time limit is in Pa.

Dwindle said... 99 (Administrator) said... 94
I can't believe that retweet that the haters are the reason she can't get a job.

Also what prevents her from filling out an application at any various business locally and getting a job?

KATIE????? Fill out a GASP "JOB APPLICATION"??? At a local business??? OMG, Admin, what a great little April Fools joke! Kudos to you, hon!


Kate... filling out a job application at a local business... I cant stop laughing...

AuntieAnn said... 100

Dmasy, you're welcome. Yes, it's very chilling. Kate had better hope bullyville doesn't turn around and go after her. They don't seem to be the most principled group of people - from what I've seen so far. ~ Administrator said... 101

You got me. April Fools.

Terri said... 102

What I think is so ironic in this entire twitter fiasco is that the so called "haters" are really what keeps Kate in the news. If she silences these people she will in essence be ending her relevancy. I truly think this is the true beginning of the end for Kate.

I loathe this "woman" and "her" entire brand! said... 103

If the haterz are keeping "her" from getting a job, they are also the same people keeping "her" off TV. To television execs, they want people who will sell- not polarizing people who are predominantly hated by the masses! Besides, the Kardashians are also very polarizing but they are also gorgeous, tight with their family, have a fashion sense, and don't appear to whine and complain about EVERYTHING!

NJGal51 said... 104

OK, so the fans have been calling for people to retweet if they've ever been bullied after tweeting support to Kate. Who cares? The fans are saying that there have been 100 retweets (out of 150K followers LOL). I'm surprised that they haven't got the twitterbots on this yet.

What I'd like them to call for is a tweet from those that have worked with or for Kate as to whether or not they've been bullied by her. Those would carry more weight with me because what we've got now are a bunch of people crying that "a hater told me that Kate is a child abuser and a bitch". WAAAAAAA! Are the haters crude? At times but the fans can give as good as they get.

I just don't get it and think that if Kate has a lick of sense she'll call for an end to this sooner rather than later. Oh yeah, I went to novelrank and all of those supporters of Kate are still not pre ordering her book.

prairiemary said... 105

O.T post, for Lukebandit-I always love reading your posts, you have such an awesome heart, and giving spitit. I lost a child 10 years ago, and found that it really helped my Christmas spirit by packing up 10 of those shoeboxes, I just poured my heart into them! I decorated the box lids with pretty pictures of animals, on brightly colored paper, and wanted to write some things, but was afraid they would not let them go through. Thanks so much for filling those shoeboxes,so kids with nothing could have a little something. I wish I could do 50 of them. So sad that for kate, 50 boxes would be nothing to her bank account.Imagine what it would teach her 8 children, to give to children who have so much less than they have.But with kate, that would sadly never happen. God bless you, Lukebandit.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 106

Dianne ‏@MeInAtlanta 45m

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 - This is why I offered a Spa Day for you two! I don't give one ounce of care what these bullies say. I know me!


This is one colossal brown noser. She and Milo are playing kissy-kissy with each other. Gawd. I'm waiting for tweets about organic expired cereal!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 107

Terri said... 102

What I think is so ironic in this entire twitter fiasco is that the so called "haters" are really what keeps Kate in the news.


You're right. There should be a twitter boycott. With no haters to go after, will Bullyville pull up the troops and march off, leaving Kate with six pathetic sheeple?

Silimom said... 108

Loathe - unless you're ABC.

This woman really has no clue. Sad.

Silimom said... 109

I meant Kate, not Loathe. Sorry if that was confusing.

Abbysays said... 110

I think a lawsuit against Kate might be in order...she has millions just sitting there.

jolie Jacquelyn said... 111

Just like old times, posts not only from Auntie Ann, but DWINDLE! Now we just need to see LoveMyGrandsons back again. Is Aggiesmom still around?

April Fool is almost over & no sign of Robert's book. Too bad, it would have been the perfect day.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 112

Millicent said... 9
From the previous thread:
Virginia Pen Mom said... 23
Reading the publisher's blurb about "I Just Want You to Know" makes it clear that Zondervan believed they had almost 10 million potential buyers of Kate's book. Zondervan also believed Kate "grateful," "faith filled" and "sacrificing." They obviously didn't know Kate!
It is surprising to me that Zondervan didn't seem to do any real market research regarding Kate and her likeability factor. It seems that they could have at least had an employee watch several recent episodes of the show to form an opinion about Kate. They could have gone on-line to read articles (and more importantly, the comments generated by those articles), to get a feel for whether Kate was generally liked or disliked. I wrote to them myself when I heard they were planning to publish her cookbook, but got nothing but a canned response. So Zondervan deserved to lose money on that deal, because they didn't do their due diligence.


It's surprising to me too, Millicent. I bet someone at Zondervan got chewed out for signing off on that project. If not fired.... The Kate Effect strikes again!

chefsummer #Leh said... 113

Bullyville is so stupid.

Once this thing blows up and they will be blamed for all of this.

Kate will turn her back on them and against them and so will her fans.

Once this blows up bullyville will be "bullied by Kate & her sheep.

She is evil said... 114

Kate is such a douche. Placing the blame on other people, vindictively attacking anyone who dares to not like her. Does she understand that she is unlovable? Unlikable? Insufferable? Exhausting? Such a giant douche.

Oh and Kate: your horrible behavior came first, the universal repulsion to you came second. Douche.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 115

NJGal51 said... 23
Spot on Layla. Excellent post.
April 1, 2013 at 11:54 AM


Yes! Hear, hear, Layla. Great analysis.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 116

Hoosier Girl said... 39
And if I were Kate, I'd really stop RTing things like:

RT @BullyVille: WOW, one of @Kateplusmy8 haters has a domestic battery conviction. Beats up women physically and emotionally. #expectus #opkatehate


It just keeps getting worse and worse. Kate has no conscience. She looks very small now. She hasn't figured out that to be a successful public figure she has to be ABOVE this, not down in the mud wrasslin' (nod to Milo).

Virginia Pen Mom said... 117

gabby2 said... 54
Someone is paying for criticizing KK...I have been doing it for free!!

Where do I sign up??


Nominated for Funniest Comment of the Week Award!

chefsummer #Leh said... 118

I don't feel sorry for KK not one bit she brought all of this on herself.

I truly feel sad/bad for the kids.

Their mother is a nutcase who's getting worse by the second.

Her kids will know the truth.

You bet they will Kate and they are going to know everything you said and done.

Kate is her own worst enemy not the haters.

Mel said... 119

 Any employer understands a little hate comes with the territory. 

And that's exactly what Kate's rep leads them to believe is going on. And they believe her, until they start working with Kate and realize that that isn't the whole story. Too bad for them.... ~ Administrator said... 120

I can read the tweet, I was responding to Pink's question wondering if that means that Kate thinks that's the reason she hasn't gotten a job. (Wait. What does Kate want people to believe?
That haterz are the reason she cannot find or keep a gig?)

I do think that's the goal of some people, fair enough. Though doesn't retweeting it just antagonize them? I don't like when Kate takes jobs exploiting the kids though I have never once contacted anyone who has employed her--but other than exploiting the kids I'd love nothing more than for her to get a job.

fidosmommy said... 121

Zondervan, being a Christian publisher, might have been judging numbers by the filled churches
for the sobathons Kate and Jon put on. Those were limited in number, maybe 25 or 30 churches at most? But they were well attended. Zondervan may have believed those were representative of the rest of the country, serving like Nielson ratings of the Gosselin's reading public.

Somebody at Z was shocked when the cases of 8 Little Faces and I Just Want You to Know just sat there, unwanted by customer after customer. ~ Administrator said... 122

I remember the early days of first seeing this family on T.V. I saw the specials as just like those specials about the Dilleys or McCauleys. I thought the kids were cute. I thought Kate was a little high strung but it was understandable given the situation. I thought the grocery store trips were interesting. I remember when the kids were born, living in PA, and what big news it was in that state. I remember thinking OH that's family I remember them! I have known of them since the kids were born.

Judging by how often I've heard this same story before I think this a pretty common introduction. Women tuned in because in the 90's and 2000's multiples were all the rage and we watched the programs about them--hate was the last thing on our minds. If anything we loved them.

In other words, proof that Kate's behavior started the hate, the hate didn't just come out of nowhere. There is no hate for the Dilleys or McCauleys. They came through fine.

chefsummer #Leh said... 123

What is Kate hoping to get from this whole me and bullyville against the hater?

Once this is all said and done then what will she do with all her free time?

chefsummer #Leh said... 124

I hope Jon got to see the kids on his bday.

Happy bday Jon you are the kids only hope stay strong.

NJGal51 said... 125

Joy - I just finished doing the YMCA in my living room!

JTN said... 126

Her behavior is churlish. No serious publicist, PR firm, agency, or studio will touch a person who actually spends their time engaging the public in this manner.
Celebrities get crap daily from fans in a wide variety of ways. They do not respond, and if they do, it is through the legal system.
If she responds to negative attention, then she is also a participant. It's hard to cry foul if you feed the beast. Perhaps she's PT Barnum's Jumbo of Twitter.
Public figures attract attention of all types. If she has the time and energy to respond to the crap, then she signals to the world that she has nothing better going on.
Pretty much every tweet she sends is another flush of a dollar down the future earning port-o-potty.

fidosmommy said... 127

JTN, I suspect Julie Carson May is long gone, Steve is gone, and Kate has no one to balance her out any longer. At least when they were there she was only ridiculous. Now she's past
retrievable, sadly. And to think that with a little effort on her part she could have been using her nursing and organizational skills to work at a job in a medical lab or something. No patients, no sick people, just science and unclutterish all around her.

A friend of mine left her job as a physician because she didn't like it. She is now working in medical research. She loves it. She's using her education, just in a way that suits her personality better. Kate could do the same.
It beats the socks off of pushing little buttons on the phone all day.

JoyinVirginia said... 128

NJ gal, that was so FUN!
The theme tonight was just a hoot! ”Brook's hair had been declared a nesting site.”
I think everyone was having lots of fun tonight.

Unknown said... 129

I was transfixed with the two hours of Kind Hearted Woman, but that was the most depressing two hours I've had in a long long time!

JoyinVirginia said... 130

JTN, ”a flush of a dollar down the future earning port o potty”. Great analogy and so true! Almost as good as Glenn Hetricks line when judging face off. ” It smacks you in the face with how bad it sucks.” ~ Administrator said... 131

I'm only the first hour in but it's very sad. Robin is a devoted mother. Her kids are so strong. They are showing how hard being in a broken home is on kids, with sensitivity and subtlety.

Just Down The Road said... 132

Someone commented here about intervention -- that only a spouse or blood relative has the authority to do so. The law varies from state to state. In Pennsylvania:

Who may initiate:
For inpatient or outpatient commitment:
50 PA. CONS. STAT. ANN. § 7304(c)(1). Any responsible
party may file a petition in the court of common
pleas requesting court-ordered involuntary treatment
for any person not already in involuntary treatment.

However, for both inpatient or outpatient treatment, a person must meet the following criteria:

be a “clear and present danger” to him/herself or others. "Danger" specifically includes the inability, without assistance, to satisfy need for nourishment, personal or medical care, shelter, or self-protection and safety.
Exhibit a reasonable probability that death, serious bodily injury or serious physical debilitation will ensue within 30 days without treatment.

Children First said... 133

I think this bullying thing is Kate's desperate attempt to stay relevant, nothing more. She's grasping at her last straw. No network is beating down her door, she has nothing in the works, her cookbook is going to be a humiliating failure and she's got nothing going for her. Nothing. At least now her name is being tossed about in the media. Yes, it makes her look like she's totally losing it, but at least she's out there. What a desperate way to try to hang onto the last gasp at being a celebrity. She has to be embarrassed, but it's all she's got. She has to play victim. Problem is that it's going to backfire on her. She's just not smart enough to see it.

NJGal51 said... 134

Someone on twitter brought up a very good point: @xxxxxx: @xxxxxx @xxxxxx @Kateplusmy8 do they even get how much Kate fans harassed Jon until he finally deleted twitter? Do they know him??

Kate didn't seem to have a problem with that bullying.

Children First said... 135

NJ gal, that was so FUN!
The theme tonight was just a hoot! ”Brook's hair had been declared a nesting site.”


Ah, Joy, sadly, I don't think your saint Tony is going to be seeing too many more weeks. I know in the beginning you said they will go far because of the sympathy for Wynonna's husband, and the pull from her mother. However, she's really terrible. I feel so sorry for her, but I have to say that she might be a worse dancer than Kate...and that's pretty darn bad. However, at least she's likeable. Kate had nothing going for her!

Ex Nurse said... 136

Someone tweeted Bullyville and asked if they take donations--he said "no" and suggested that they make a donation instead.

That should piss off Kate--St Jude's is making money off her kids!

Meagler said... 137

I am just shaking my head. I find this whole " Sometimes you have to be a bully to beat a bully" scary. It is turning into a war. Yes, I can understand that some people have crossed some lines. Why not just let Kate report them to police. If these " hackers" can find out who the posters are that are bullying kate, why wouldnt the police be able to do this.

I am very concerned that someone is going to crack and something very tragic is going to happen.

Unknown said... 138

Children First said... 132
''I think this bullying thing is Kate's desperate attempt to stay relevant, nothing more. She's grasping at her last straw. No network is beating down her door, she has nothing in the works, her cookbook is going to be a humiliating failure and she's got nothing going for her. Nothing.''
I think that this latest debacle is yet more proof that KK has zero grasp on reality. I believe that she really REALLY believes that anything said against her is ''bullying''. The more this goes on, I also suspect that in her heart of hearts she believes she will be asked to make the media rounds, poking herself in the eye with a tissue in an effort to produce a real tear as she makes the vulgar mistake in the quote of Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted."

Shelby said... 139

I'm gob smacked.

This 'Kind Hearted Woman' KNEW her husband was molesting her cousin and yet later gave CUSTODY of her KIDS to HIM.

WTH? Why would this woman want her life filmed? It's not inspiring, it's depressing, pathetic and fulfills every stereotype of Native Americans that there is.

The kids filmed for this should NEVER have been on camera. My god. Is there no decency left?

Shelby said... 140

How come my posts aren't going thru?

She is evil said... 141

Robin is inspiring and beautiful. I want so much for her to be happy.

Shelby said... 142

They are showing how hard being in a broken home is on kids, with sensitivity and subtlety.

I didn't see it that way at all. That poor little girl Darian was sobbing and the camera was right in her face. Not subtle at all.

Is there a problem with my posts going thru?

Shelby said... 143

Could someone please tell me the rules I must have broken ?? because I really want to post about KindHearted Woman.

Millicent said... 144

Re psychiatric holds, etc. - I can only say that it's very difficult to get such a hold put in place in California. One reason is the shortage of beds in psychiatric facilities; so they will only take the most serious of cases. Has to be pretty extreme for a judge to order a psych hold, and that only last 36 hours or something. Sadly, this happened to a relative when they were in the terminal stage of a disease - they wanted to end it all. Their wife, meaning well, put them in a psych facility under one of these holds. I really think it was unintentionally cruel, as the relative begged to be released back home. He was released after 3 days, returned home under hospice care and died shortly thereafter.

Anyway, unless the cops pick up Kate after she's wandered around confused, lost, and/or acting bizarrely and making threats, she probably won't get put on a psych hold anytime soon. She'd have to pull an Anne Heche or something similar. Just tweeting alone won't do it.

I think Kate's mental illness took root a long time ago. Since she's become a public figure, her inability to deal with social situations has always been crystal clear. For a long time, Jon was her buffer. Then TLC, her publicist, Steve Nield, etc. One by one, those buffering layers have been stripped. That's why she does the same things over and over: go tan, go get nails done, quick trip to Target, pick up kids yet sit in the van while they climb in, return home to her "mine all mine" creepy McMansion. She doesn't like interacting with other people, because she can barely hold it together long enough to be minimally polite. As she ages, it only gets more pronounced.

She's gonna snap at some point, have total break from reality. I just hope that when it happens, her children will be with Jon at the time.

Tiffany said... 145

That PBS doc. was amazing! Thank U Admin.

Ingrid said... 146

So they admit to being bullies at Bullyville:

BullyVille Quote Of The Day - Sometimes you need to be a bully to beat a bully.

I thought all bullying is wrong.

njay said... 147

Hey all, things are looking pretty good once we finally cleaned up what the fire department tore down while putting out the fire. We really don't need to replace any of the wiring, just 3 cupboards and sheet rock on the ceiling and two walls in the kitchen. Other than that the rest is smoke damage, which I am still waiting to hear from a clean up crew that's coming tomorrow.

Thanks to all for your well wishing and prayers once again. Family have come together and pitched in to help pay for repairs. I truly am blessed and watched over by God and family. That is one concept I think Kate just doesn't get. It makes me sad for anyone that has no clue or the capacity to recognize what it feels like to give and receive from the purest place of your heart.

I used to have a hard time letting others do things for me until I had one person say not to rob them of their blessing. Also, I know how I feel when I am allowed to give to others.

Ya know, many have wondered when she will get what's coming. To me, there is nothing worse than loneliness. It's a dark place. There could be hundreds of people around you but all you can feel is the aura that inhabits your space. When that is dark and cold it's a VERY LONELY feeling. Kate has said before that all she see's around her is the task she is trying to accomplish. Yep, it's dark when all there is is silence, you and God's Spirit telling you of His disapproval. Ok, He's not talking all the time but I guarantee you He gives her those moments. For the things she does, it would be better for her to not know about God then to know and blow Him off.

15-I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16-So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17-You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. Rev. 3:15-17. NIV.

I was going to stop with v16 but v17 it so fit her. I use the scripture because she uses religion to justify her deeds.

Jumping In said... 148

Eight children, and she spends her time on this nonsense? My goodness, what would so difficult in shutting it all down and focusing on the 8 people who need their mother? Nope, the drama trumps it all as it may lead to some more publicity and another shot at fame. She is one sick puppy.

MJ said... 149

Someone on twitter brought up a very good point: @xxxxxx: @xxxxxx @xxxxxx @Kateplusmy8 do they even get how much Kate fans harassed Jon until he finally deleted twitter? Do they know him??

Kate didn't seem to have a problem with that bullying.


You're so right. They have selective memory. They didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with wishing Jon had an accident and was in a coma for 6 months. The things that were said to Jon were beyond despicable and vile, but it was ok because they were doing it. No matter who does it, it's wrong, but they're either unwilling or unable to acknowledge their role in all this.


Kind Hearted Woman wasn't on until 3am here, so I'm going to be a day behind the rest of you in watching. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts.


Dwindle, welcome back!

Anonymous said... 150

Robert changed his website and blog and he's promoting national child abuse month. it looks great but all of the old posts are gone. i hope he brings it all back. please, robert.


JoyinVirginia said... 151

One more thought, Ms Kreider all on her own has managed to alienate former employers. The View wasnt knocking down her door. Coupon Cabin did an open letter when they fired her. TLC showed all her bad behavior with no soundtrack.
Right now she and BV are best buddies. How long will it be before BV head ” doesn't know how to help her” like everyone else she has kicked to the curb? Maybe July 4th? Less than six months? Longer? Will she still have the blogging gig?
Pass that popcorn, I'll get some rumspringa to share.

JoyinVirginia said... 152

Topic of reality TV and the effects on participants and community, maybe this sad event deserves its own post.
Shain Gandee was one of the young people featured on MTV s ”Buckwild” about young people having fun and doing crazy stuff while drinking and hooking up in West Virginia. TMZ and other media outlets are reporting the family will be doing fund raising to pay funeral expenses, that Shain didn't make much money from his time on reality TV. This is just sad, sad, sad. MTV made money off this young man, the company should help with the final expenses. it would be a kind thing to do.
Also there is speculation that Shain and his uncle and another friend died from carbon monoxide poisoning, because the trail pipe of his truck was buried in mud. If this is the real cause of death it is even more sad, because of being preventable death. W will find out when the autopsy results are released.
Did being on a reality show encourage risky behavior that led to his death, or did the reality show have no relation to these events?

TLC stinks said... 153

ROL has new article up by Perel.

TLC stinks said... 154

This is all for publicity between Bullyvile and Kate.

Kate is a nut job said... 155

Kate is in for a nasty shock when (if?) it finally sinks in that pairing up with Bullyville will not fix her reputation. When she realizes "outing" people (it even sounds juvenile!) does nothing to further her non-existent media career. When all this sturm und drang amount to zilch.

Because what the hell is she going to do after she's done pitching THIS particular hissy fit? She actually used to handle her critics better, at least publicly. She did the equivalent of putting her fingers in her ears and singing, "I can't hear you!"

I guess now that TLC is long gone and the big bucks aren't rolling in, she's turning her rage onto her critics--playing the victim by erroneously calling them bullies.

So what's next? Who will she have to blame next after it's clear this won't work?

I sadly suspect the kids have already taken the brunt of her anger many, many, many times. Hell, I don't just suspect--she wrote about it in her journal. And that was when she WAS making money and getting attention. Thinking about how she must treat them now is enough to give me chills.

I wish she'd get serious psychiatric help, if only for her kids' sake.

Mel said... 156

What about the tweeter who said she wished Jon would be in an accident, then in a coma for 6 months, then rehab for a year? THAT's ok with BV?

What about those who tweet awful things about Jon, and Kate RETWEETS or responds to them? THAT's ok?

It's fine if it's about Jon, but not if it's about Kate? I don't see BV going after those tweeters who 'bullied' Jon, and still do.

Wonder who is paying who.

Mel said... 157

I haven't seen death threats to Kate....some nasty, vulgar things, but not death threats. And certainly nothing worse than what is tweeted to/about Jon, that Kate *retweets*, and doesn't request to be stopped either. She encourages it instead.

The latest hoopla abput someone saying they hope she choked on her cake.....hoping someone will choke isn't saying you hope they die.

OTH, I only recently started paying more attention to twitter. Has Kate really had death threats?
Or is that just something in the drama of her mind? Something to use to get attention?

AMD said... 158

Kate's twitter "haters" are her replacement for the paparazzi who no longer (if they ever did)target her every move. Kate loves playing the "victim". She, however, has put herself in this position. I just hope that she hasn't pulled her children into this self-created drama. Her actions are totally inappropriate for a 38 year-old mother of eight. Very unprofessional and immature.

Mel said... 159

I surely don't understand the media articles about this....they seem to be slanted towards Kate, and just ignoring the fact that she engages in bullying as much as the worst of the people she's complaining about.

BV has to be getting something out of this for as much time they're spending on a child-abusing, dog-beating, fame ho. Why do they believe what SHE tells them? And not what others tell them?

Riding Kate's coattails for fame? She's paying them? Someone else is paying them?
She promised to write a book about them and make them famous? Hahahaha. That's not it.

Terri said... 160

ROL has a new article saying Kate is egging Bullyville on to do her dirty work, they in turn say they are not working on Kate's behalf. I believe that about as much as I believe It's snowing here in Florida this morning.

Terri said... 161

One more thing about this twitter drama. Kate should really think twice about what she wishes for. If all the people who dislike or just simply disagree with Kate were to disappear tomorrow she would have NOBODY talking about her and keeping her name out there.

LB said... 162

Sherri Shephard also wished harm to Jon. What did Kate do about it?

Tucker's Mom said... 163
So the dark underbelly of the genesis of this bullying tit for tat is finally seeing light. Thanks Radar for looking at the evidence (I think mostly provided by RWA) and posting the other side of the story.
Kate is not going to come out the other end of this without some serious PR issues.
I think she is seriously jeopardizing her gig at The Stir, who would be crazy to tacitly approve of Kate's actions in this debacle by keeping her as a blogger.
Isn't The Stir under Cafe Mom? What an example to set for children. In effect, law enforcement is ineffectual, so turn to vigilante justice and embrace anarchy.
What a fine Christian example to set.
(clearly, Steve is no longer in the picture)

TLC stinks said... 164

So I just read an interview Yahoo did on McGibney. A "bully" they are going after is Gosselinbook. Could this be the real reason why Kate is so invested in Bullyville? Rather than speak out against Robert, she's letting Bullyville do her dirty work because she can't legally stop his book this time around? The timing is suspicious.

TLC stinks said... 165

Yahoo! article, McGibney said:

There's about ten of them altogether that we're aggressively going after. @emeraldcityjazz, @gosselinbook, @lisakn16, @Allisstair, @chancertheboxer, @Tallisf @SuzeW718 and a few others. They are despicable bullies of the highest magnitude and we're simply bullying them back. Sometimes you need to be a bully to beat a bully. You can't have a rational conversation with people like this. It's actually a complete waste of time to even try to do so. Once they were called out on a national stage, they played the "we're protecting Kate's children because she's a child abuser" card. If that were the case, where's the proof? Why hasn't protective services stepped in? Because it's complete and total bullshit, that's why. One user @emeraldcityjazz has tweeted over 72,000 times and 98% of her tweets are about Kate. Either she's got a major obsession issue or she's on someone's payroll. Same holds true with a few others, we'll get to the bottom of it, we always do.

chefsummer #Leh said... 166

fidosmommy said... 128

KK could do this but she doesn't want to be regular working mom.

She doesn't want to be mediocre.

I think she rather go broke be for she goes back to an honest day's of work.

Plus if she did she would be proving the haters right and know that can't happen.

Jane said... 167

Kind Hearted Woman is beautifully made, very visual but very difficult to watch. I'm hoping that as more of the story unfolds, I'll understand why Robin agreed to the filming and why she allowed her abusive husband to care for the children.

There's some information on the above on the PBS website but I hesitate to post it as it may be a spoiler for some.

I did see that there's a live chat with Robin this Weds.

JoyinVirginia said... 168

Children First, I agree with you about Saint Tony and Wynonna on DWTS. She is nice as can be, but is getting worse instead of better. I don't think they can overcome the low score they got last night.
True confessions, I love Tony, but voted for Kellie and Derek last night. I think Wynonna will be happier as an audience member. And Tony will continue to choreograph for the troup and be featured in pro dances. Kellie is just a revelation, who knew the girl could really REALLY dance?!?! ~ Administrator said... 169

Sometimes you need to be a bully to beat a bully.

This is a fundamental difference in philosophy and there's no meeting in the middle. He thinks to deal with bullies you should bully back. Others don't. I don't know what to tell him other than not everyone believes in that tactic.


Why hasn't protective services stepped in?


This is an asinine comment. By that logic, it's not child abuse unless CPS is involved. Perhaps someone could enlighten him about all the cases of child abuse that go on without CPS getting involved, or being involved but evaluating them out. Is he aware that PA won't interfere unless it's "severe"? That means mild all the way up to ALMOST severe is okay.

Tucker's Mom said... 170

Perhaps B'ville should out Msgoody2shoes21 for this:

"I know this is not a nice thing to say, but I hope Jon gets hit by a car and put into a coma that last 6 months. At the end of the six months it will take another 12 months of rehab."


TLC stinks said... 171

I'm thinking that the real reason behind the Kate/Bullyville alliance is Robert. He's the target; the rest are collateral damage.

TLC stinks said... 172

Sheeple tweeters are bullying Robert. You should read the stuff they are posting.

Seems to me this whole thing will implode and Twitter may have to step in. Nasty on both sides.

Oh, and the sheeple are praising Kate tweet after tweet today. Her head must be huge.

Laurie said... 173

I think the "death threat" may be that one of them tweeted "remember Selana" to her on the 28th. I didn't take it so much as a threat but rather a warning because that was when Milo was sending all those tweets making it seem as if she was on her way to Kate's house. Kate's fans were just as bad with what they tweeted to Jon. Rather than fight with them constantly he shut down his twitter account.

I read on RWA that Anonymous has made a statement that they are not behind this. It is BV and all BV. It's an interesting read. BV is just using Kate for the publicity. Also, the head guy on BV needs to stop with the "I was a marine" crap. Having served in the military does not give you carte blanche to be an ass hole.

chefsummer #Leh said... 174

Shoshana ‏@Shoshie143 2h
@kateplusmy8 hey kate, why didn't you have 1 of ur kids write@the_stir yest for apr fools? I was looking 4ward 2 reading it!!

Great their giving her ideas.

Tucker's Mom said... 175

njay, thanks for the update. I agree with your sediments too.

Jennifer said... 176

"BV has to be getting something out of this for as much time they're spending on a child-abusing, dog-beating, fame ho. Why do they believe what SHE tells them? And not what others tell them?"

Because it's exactly as McGibney claimed about the "haters," only reversed: BV is on Kate's payroll. Where do you think they are getting the list of "haters"? From Kate herself, of course. It's actually pretty pathetic how much she cares about what other people think of her. But then, I guess low self-esteem goes hand in hand with narcissistic personality disorder.

mim said... 177

Mel 158, No, she hasn't received "death threats." Vulgar, tacky comments and memes? Yes.
She and her fans like to use words as a preemptive strike, and also subscribe to the philosophy that if you say it a lot and loud, it must be true. Once they've posted a few times that she's gotten death threats, then another fan picks it up as gospel.
And none of the media outlets have enough sense to look into the situation on their own and see what's really going on. Add to that the "mother" factor, and Kate is pretty untouchable.

Tucker's Mom said... 178

RT @IMPerel: @Kateplusmy8 encouraging groups exposing true ID's of her bullies. Latest on @BullyVille releasing names.
Kate is RT everything re: Bullyville and even this tweet, which links to the Radar article exposing Kate's instigation and encouragement of bullying.
Kate, it's not flattering to you in the least.

mim said... 179

Please note that the keyword last night and today to the Twitter bots is "strong."

foxy said... 180

If Bullyville is going after everyone who has said not so nice things about Kate, why are they not going after Anderson Cooper, Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Tony Dovalani and many more people. Perhaps because these people have money, first line attorneys and are respected. This Bullyville person sounds like the proverbial loser who will run when someone beigger than he even looks cross eyed at him. This is not going to end well. When Kate no longer wants to play, he will go after her as well.

Jennifer said... 181

"Kate is in for a nasty shock when (if?) it finally sinks in that pairing up with Bullyville will not fix her reputation. When she realizes 'outing' people (it even sounds juvenile!) does nothing to further her non-existent media career."

I don't even think this is about strategy and getting back in the media. I think it's mostly about revenge. Ever see the withering, hateful look she gives to anyone who crosses her (I know Admin experienced this glare in person!)? She is a vengeful person who is full of hate, not love (as she'd like people to believe). Look how she treats Jon, and they were once married and have a bunch of kids together! She's almost pitiable.

PDMan said... 182

Mel said... 160
I surely don't understand the media articles about this....they seem to be slanted towards Kate, and just ignoring the fact that she engages in bullying as much as the worst of the people she's complaining about.


I'm telling you, KK is the living embodiment of "I'm Rubber, You're Glue." I've never seen anything quite like it.

Tucker's Mom said... 183

TLC stinks said... 169
I'm thinking that the real reason behind the Kate/Bullyville alliance is Robert. He's the target; the rest are collateral damage.
I do too. I think going after a dozen or so people is a smoke screen. The real target is Robert and it's an intimidation tactic he doesn't seem to be responding to, thankfully.

TLC stinks said... 184

I also read that Gibney's Cheaterville outed some wrong people.

I am against bullies, that's for sure, but let's get real. Bullyville has a vigilante mentality and there doesn't seem to be any oversight as to what their tweeters say. I find much of what is tweeted threatening. They are definitely the pot calling the kettle black (I hate to use an idiom like that, but it is perfect).

Jane said... 185

Laurie said... 172
I think the "death threat" may be that one of them tweeted "remember Selana" to her on the 28th. I didn't take it so much as a threat but rather a warning because that was when Milo was sending all those tweets making it seem as if she was on her way to Kate's house.

I agree and I'm not understanding why ROL doesn't print this side of the story. Apparently they have all the info.

While the picture involved is vile, like many I took it to be a warning to Kate of the mental instability of her fans. The picture was posted either during or after Milo went on her road trip and her tweets had everyone, including Kate, thinking she was on her way to Kate's house. Both fans and non-fans were concerned. I never saw this as a death threat to Kate - just a very strong WAKE UP warning from non-fans, who always seem to care a helluva lot more than the fans.

Mel said... 186

Kate's twitter "haters" are her replacement for the paparazzi...


One user @emeraldcityjazz has tweeted over 72,000 times and 98% of her tweets are about Kate.

Is there a law against that?
The tweets weren't TO Kate.

Ever heard of this thing called 'Free Speech?'
If you want to tweet 72,000 times on a topic of your choice, you can do that.
Can't you?

How many times has Kate tweeted?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 187

Tucker's Mom said... 170

Perhaps B'ville should out Msgoody2shoes21


She's been "outed" for a few years, as have many of the sheeple.

Mel said... 188

I'm thinking that the real reason behind the Kate/Bullyville alliance is Robert. He's the target; the rest are collateral damage.

And there we have it. Bingo. We have a winner! ~ Administrator said... 189

The picture was posted either during or after Milo went on her road trip and her tweets had everyone, including Kate, thinking she was on her way to Kate's house. Both fans and non-fans were concerned. I never saw this as a death threat to Kate - just a very strong WAKE UP warning from non-fans, who always seem to care a helluva lot more than the fans.


I agree 100%. The picture was not appropriate but the message was pretty clear it was a warning to be wary of her biggest fan--and yes non-fans AND fans were concerned. When even fans are concerned that's pretty bad.

Mel said... 190

Wasn't there something about death threats a long time ago? Like years ago?

Have to say that I never saw anything like that, but I think Kate always implied it.

Although if the stuff that she's quoting now and is claiming is a death threat is the same sort of thing that happened earlier, ya gotta wonder about her critical thinking skills.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 191

As soon as I return from Tai Chi class this afternoon, I will watch "Kind Hearted Woman".

IMO, bv can expose everybody in the planet, and it's still not going to change the fact that Kate is a "Persona Non Grata" in Hollywood, Bollywood, Brentwood, Wildwood, Englewood, Pinewood, Redwood etc... in other words, everywhere.

Maybe Kate can work for bv- she is very good at bullying. Just ask her brother, other siblings, past co-workers, past helpers, babysitters, husband, TLC, and neighbors(did I leave anybody out?). ~ Administrator said... 192

Kind Hearted Woman is a really good message about why parental alienation is so bad for kids. Even though her child was molested by her father, Darien wanted to be with him and was devastated she couldn't see him. The little boy missed him terribly too, even said he didn't want his mom to go to court to get custody. Even when parents are being abusive kids often still want to be with them and love them. I like that Robin didn't scold them for their feelings, she would just kiss and hug them and tell them their feelings are okay and took them to counseling.

I like when she was after them to do the chores and told them to say Yes, Mommy Dearest. Haha nice! Although went over the kids' heads LOL.

chefsummer #Leh said... 193

Kate has tweets 40,000 times I wonder how much of that is.

1.Using the kids in some fashion?
2. Bashing Jon in some fashion?
3. Allowing her fans to bash Jon in some fashion.
4.Grifting for things in some fashion. ~ Administrator said... 194

Shouldn't death threats be something that law enforcement handles anyway? If anything it seems rather reckless, and frankly, stupid, to turn to an internet entrepreneur to handle it. Law enforcement has the experience and resources to handle it. There's eight kids here, if Kate truly feels there is a danger, she can dial 911. In fact with eight kids she has an OBLIGATION to turn to the proper authorities and get off that stupid web site.

chefsummer #Leh said... 195

Bullyville ‏@BullyVille 2h
Bullies are now claiming to be victims? Today we show the world just how sick and twisted these stalkers truly are. #ticktock #ticktock

Well now Kate is doing this.

TLC stinks said... 196

Kate's article (Feb. 8) about bullying and the alliance with Bullyville were around the time Robert announced his re-edited book (Feb. 6)would be released soon. Coincidence? It's a mutual relationship: Bullyville gets publicity and Kate gets to threaten Robert with clean hands. I think ROL's Perel suspects that. He asked but McGibney denied.

chefsummer #Leh said... 197

Even if Kate is getting death treats and bad fan mail.

No one is going to believe her cause she proven to be a liar in the media.

It's sad really.

She cried wolf one to many times.

Macy said... 198

Jane said "The picture was posted either during or after Milo went on her road trip and her tweets had everyone, including Kate, thinking she was on her way to Kate's house."

Carol posted that picture at RWA right after midnight on the morning of the 28th. Well before Milo's tweeting. It is time stamped on the comments when you subscribe to comments. It might have been tweeted later in the day but the picture was made for Kate's birthday and was posted at like 1:30 am.

Just wanted to clear that up. The picture was not made out of concern for Kate which is the spin it seems to be taking right now.

PatK said... 199

Another day, another thousand praise tweets to Kate and retweets BY Kate. How exciting. ~ Administrator said... 200

By the way I don't think this was really explained much but tribes can intervene in child abuse cases if you and your kids are a member of the tribe. There's a whole different scheme of laws for Native American children that are stricter.

I do get the sense though there is another side to the custody story here. The way Robin and her friends paint it they just don't like her because of filming and that the kids were missing school and false allegations of abuse. I get the feeling there's more to it than that, just a hunch. The red flag for me is the tribe actually asking for a no contact have to be doing something pretty bad for that. Even child molesters can get visits.

I don't quite get the same feeling of comfort with Robin that I got with Juanita from the Farmer's Wife. I guess I don't "trust" her as much. Like she's pulling a fast one. I could be totally wrong.

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