Kate will attend a fundraiser tonight at Trinity Lutheran Church in Pottsville, PA to benefit the family of the two children who died in March as the result of a car crash. The event will feature Zumba, a popular dance fitness program, from 6 to 7 p.m. upstairs at the church. Doors open at 5 p.m. It is $5 to attend.

96 Plymouth Breeze driven by their mother, Victoria Place, 27, of Minersville, that was hit broadside by another vehicle on Route 61 at the entrance to Faith Church in West Brunswick Township on March 24.
Kroh died later that day at the Lehigh County trauma center while her younger sister died March 25 at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest after she was taken off life support. Place survived the crash.
From the Facebook invitation:
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Look who showed up. |
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Was Kate accepting personal gifts for herself at this charity fundraiser that were not part of the auction? According to one person on Facebook, yes. |
632 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 632 Newer› Newest»Kate in her bog describes how she stopped at a construction site to find an appropriate headstone for Fabio's grave:
"The kids thought it was funny that I was so adamant about asking permission to take a rock, but I reminded them that it would be considered “stealing” if we didn't. Not our property. Not our rocks."
This from the same person who stole pine cones from the Sequoia National Forest without a thought.
Look at how one of the donation accounts makes you specify whether to give money to the mom, dad one or dad two. That doesn't sound like people are getting along. How does a charity decide which of the three to give to? I agree with Kelly the public has been more than generous, time to step back and let them fight it out. I'm not going to apologize for being a concerned citizen wondering where people's money is going. We're not talking about a few bucks people. I have to take issue with the idea that it's nobody's business unless you gave. Potential scams or misuse of funds is always our business. How come you can't donate directly to medical billing? Could it be because Medicaid doesn't bill you for emergencies as OP pointed out and they actually don't have a dime to pay??
I hate to question anything regarding this fundraiser, but if Kart received any gifts over the maximum required to be reported on her 2013 IRS tax form, does she need proof that she didn't throw them out in the garbage? I assume Steve and his overnight services qualifies as a business deduction also.
Kate's fish burial reminds me of an episode of "Everybody Loves Raymond". Ray had a little daughter who was about the same age of the tups. Her hamster, Pumpernickel, died and the family decided to bury it. They used what looked liked an ordinary shoebox. Ray dug a hole in the backyard and in the rain the family all stood in a circle and said a few words of remembrance about how their little pet touched their lives. It was very touching but very simple and true to life.
Debra, the mother, didn't go specialty shopping for special colored spray paint to match Pumpernickel, a biodegradable box, hamster themed stickers and ribbons, plastic florals in the shape of a "P" and the shape of a heart, or a special cushion for his resting (sponges). Nor did Deborah take her kids to a construction site in heels and sit for a good while waiting to ask for a freaking grave stone. No, Debra didn't do any these theatrical things like Kate did, but I bet her kids will remember their pet burial with the same affection as the Gosselin kids will.
Ha! It is only fair to compare one fictional TV family with another fictional TV family!
Kate is a twit said... 1
Kate in her bog describes how she stopped at a construction site to find an appropriate headstone for Fabio's grave:
"The kids thought it was funny that I was so adamant about asking permission to take a rock, but I reminded them that it would be considered “stealing” if we didn't. Not our property. Not our rocks."
This from the same person who stole pine cones from the Sequoia National Forest without a thought.
She's such a hypocrit and so so full of it. How big of a headstone does one need for a freaking pet fish anyway? There's not a rock on the 25 acres they live on? Who even thinks of putting a headstone on a fish grave. Who thinks of having a funeral and burial of a fish? Hold the ceremony over the toilet and flush.
You know how we say you can't make this stuff up? Well Kate can.
This was a horrible tragedy, but still you have to question the fund raisers and where the money will be going and what it will be used for.
AuntieAnn said... 197
I think you're right. This fourth grade essay about fabio was probably ready to be submitted last week but had to be postponed. Maybe someone at the Stir told her it would look very unsympathetic to write about a dead betta fish after the tragic bombings in Boston.
I was trying to figure out what grade level she was writing at. It's definitely not high school. I think it's more like an 8th grader who has a word quota for an essay and got carried away! I remember thinking that adding multiple adjectives was the way to write when I was 12 or 13.
I used to read her bogs out of curiosity, but don't anymore. To much drivel.....
You know how we say you can't make this stuff up? Well Kate can.
I wouldn't have entertained this until the long-winded yarn about the Audi.
Except..... the part about doing things for her kids that embarrass them.
Climbing up the side of a boat to "drive" it in Daisy Duke's, braless halter side boob top and gladiator spikes? CHECK.
That one rang true.
and for those who haven't read Robert's book/Kate's journals, she really, really did not like animals at least back them. Showed nothing but disdain for dogs, let alone fish.
AuntieAnn-Kate said that there were few appropriate stones on their property. Apparently she needed a BIG one so that Fabio's name could be put on it. This is the picture that accompanied the bog.
How many stones or acres does it take to bury a fish? Actually, one flush without a roll of her grifted cases of toilet paper, down one of her six or seven toilets should do it. Bye Bye Fish Fabio. You are lucky you didn't have a geese fly by and knock you off years ago.
Tucker's Mom said... 8
You know how we say you can't make this stuff up? Well Kate can.
I totally agree. Without TLC managing her every step of the way, she is pathetic at best. And just getting worse by the minute.
Still, there's got to be a sizeable rock somewhere on their land. Oh what am I saying? The entire story is so over the top. She's not teaching her kids about death she's showing them how nuts she is. IT'S A FISH.
And as Improbable Dreams said, this gets put on her blog the day after she attends a charity fundraiser for a family who lost two little girls. She is thoughtless.
Upstater - eighth grade is generous and fourth grade might be too low. How about sixth grade. That seems about the right level for a twelve-year-old, although I tend to think Kate is de-aging mentally.
You can tell she is hitting rock bottom with any original thoughts. HELLO Kate- Did you forget about Boston and Texas or were you warned not to discuss as someone knew you would totally screw it up by having no awareness of other people's serious problems. She really doesn't get it, does she?
Auntie Ann,
Thank you for refreshing my memory about the Metro Parent article about Kate in 2009. Ms Martina offered her views on Kate's speech and insights about giving and receiving. I remember it quite well now.
Everyone please go to TheStir website and read Lisainkentucky post. She is comparing herself to Kate. Please, again go read it. We need to post as a guest and let her know how wrong she is. This is what we feared: Kate pretending to be a fake great tv mother is making other mothers feel horrible about themselves. Her post is heartbreaking. If several of us can address this, perhaps we can make a difference. Even if it is just to this one poster. Thanks everyone.
Did I dream it or does anyone else remember Kate, not so long ago on Twitter, talking about replacing a fish with an identical looking one so the kids wouldn't notice the difference? Or was she worrying out loud about having to do that at some point? For some reason I remember her having this conversation with someone fairly recently and of course I can't find it on her TL.
Kate doesn't realize it but all her bogs at the Stir have one thing in common...They absolutely prove without a doubt, that English was NOT her best subject.
Kate sent Jon, Jodi, Kevin, Beth, Nala, etc away into the sunset without so much as a second thought or concern for for children's reactions. So we are to believe she went nuts over a dead fish?
She greedily sucked money from the government and anyone who donated to her family yet is squeamish about taking a rock?
In her fake blog posting, Kate treated a dead fish with more respect than she ever has shown to her own kids or ex husband.
Zumba Fan. Are you a comedian?
Kate doesn't have 3 friends. She only had Deanna when Kendra was taking her place. As far as DWTS goes, yeah, they all loved her and can't wait to screw up her makeup and costumes again. She was so warm and friendly and WHAT A GOOD MOM. Especially when she's beating the crap out of toddlers for not potty training on HER schedule. Great mom.
She accepted a gift. The organizer of the event stated so on her FB page.
If you're not a comedian than you are just really, really, REALLY stupid.
Kate wiped out many brownie points with the presence of her unnecessary and tiny bodyguard to stroke her ego and the cruella deville smile as she drooled over her free shoes. Ugh. Gross
Anonymous said... 16
''Everyone please go to TheStir website and read Lisainkentucky post. She is comparing herself to Kate.''
Anon16, Lisainkentucky post is in response to LeannesTwindoll who talked about Lisainkentucky being too busy running a blog to properly bury a fish.
In other words, one was poking at Lisa from RWA, and Lisa from RWA responded to her in like fashion.
They are having their own kind of fun, and nothing for you to be upset about.
MJ said... 17
Did I dream it or does anyone else remember Kate, not so long ago on Twitter, talking about replacing a fish with an identical looking one so the kids wouldn't notice the difference?
Yeppers. She makes it up as she goes along. She really has no clue.
She is evil said... 19
Kate sent Jon, Jodi, Kevin, Beth, Nala, etc away into the sunset without so much as a second thought or concern for for children's reactions.
Add to that - her parents (the kids' grandparents), numerous nannies, and possibly Ashley and Jamie.
Upstater - eighth grade is generous and fourth grade might be too low. How about sixth grade. That seems about the right level for a
twelve-year-old, although I tend to think Kate is de-aging mentally
Spot on once again Auntie Ann.
Okay, true confession: When I was about 10 my little (3") pet turtle died. I had had it for quite some time and was quite fond of it. I
couldn't bring myself to flush it so I buried it under a tree in the yard and marked the spot with a popsicle stick. No ceremony, no big
deal, it just felt like the right thing to do at the time. ( I was 10!)
OT. This just tickled my funnybone. You know, just because.
Narcisstists often make it up as they go along to rationalize their actions.
Kate does sound totally and completely nuts with her post about a fish. Maybe metaphorically she now feels like the small fish in the big pond, and is burying herself. Who knows? Way way over the top for a weekly blogger.
Over the top!
Remona, I believe "Anonymous" 16 is here trying to stir up crap again.
MJ said... 17
Did I dream it or does anyone else remember Kate, not so long ago on Twitter, talking about replacing a fish with an identical looking one so the kids wouldn't notice the difference? Or was she worrying out loud about having to do that at some point? For some reason I remember her having this conversation with someone fairly recently and of course I can't find it on her TL.
She said something, somewhere about getting another fish and they had to give it a name with the letter "F." I don't recall the Fabio had died when she said that.
PatK said... 30
Remona, I believe "Anonymous" 16 is here trying to stir up crap again.
Pat, I believe the same thing, which is why I they were having their own kind of fun and not worry. 16 was just too clever by half, you know?
Kate's hair is way to long for her age. Just had to say!
I agree Ugg footwear is a specific kind of gift she must have mentioned she wanted.
MJ said... 17
Did I dream it or does anyone else remember Kate, not so long ago on Twitter, talking about replacing a fish with an identical looking one so the kids wouldn't notice the difference?
She said that on her previous blog about all her pets. But circumstances caused her to change her mind. Blame Fabio, because he died when the kids were home.
"I know my original plan was to attempt a “body double,” slipping in a new fish who resembled Fabio, while my kids were at school, but Fabio had other plans."
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 31
She said something, somewhere about getting another fish and they had to give it a name with the letter "F." I don't recall the Fabio had died when she said that.
She first mentioned the other fish "Felicia" in her website blog talking about what they did on their spring break. In her Stir blog about her pets, she mentioned both Fabio and Felicia, and also the frogs Leon and Neon.
When she wrote the Christmas blog back in 2011, she wrote that she got the fish because Mady said she always wanted one "since she could talk", and made it seem that Fabio was Mady's pet. She didn't mention anything about Mady being upset, just the tups.
"Who thinks of having a funeral and burial of a fish? Hold the ceremony over the toilet and flush."
Wow, how crass. Some people consider "pets" members of the family regardless of species. I see nothing wrong with a ceremony or burial. There's so much else to legitimately criticize about Kate. Treating a sentient being with respect (assuming the story is true) isn't one of them, IMO.
Some posters have mentioned about Kart looking different, but I'm thinking Steve had some work done to his face also. I barely recognized him, perhaps botox also?
Milo is going on and on about the Stir post. She must be in withdrawal because can't hasn't tweeted her since Monday. This has to be the most crazy of all her tweets about the blog.
@Kateplusmy8 Very much appreciate how U didn't just apply #GroupTherapy 2ur 8..Alexis had special needs w/this& U took care of her concerns!
Seriously--Milo and Kate should get together and get some group therapy.
By the way, Milo's falling down on the job--she has tweeted about the cookbook since last Friday.
It seems that Kate's blog's comment section is the new location for the SHEEPLE to use our names and trash our towns and what they perceive to be our lifestyle. But aren't they filing a lawsuit for all the bullying WE do?
What is it called when you post under another person's legal name? Yeah, the judge will love them and their proof of how innocent they are.
JoyInVirginia, The Rock is my favorite famous man after Anderson Cooper.
I also agree that Twitter has some benefits. I was also following a reporter during the standoff with the bomber and he was at least 20 minutes ahead of all the TV shows reporting on the same incident.
Twitter can be a cesspool if you use it as one but it can also be a very informative social networking place.
I've enjoyed small chats with some (actual) famous people but I don't live on their timelines or consider them to be personal friends. Sometimes just a "thanks" is enough and makes it fun.
It's all on how you use it.
She is evil said... 19
Kate sent Jon, Jodi, Kevin, Beth, Nala, etc away into the sunset without so much as a second thought or concern for for children's reactions. So we are to believe she went nuts over a dead fish?
She greedily sucked money from the government and anyone who donated to her family yet is squeamish about taking a rock?
Not to mention the pinecones they stole from a National Forest
Spot on excerpt from a comment on Kate's bog.
"Even though I have no doubt this post is 100% lies, it is very telling that you showed more fake compassion for a dead fish than you did last week for the victims of the Boston marathon."
Sam McGrath @sammc243 3m
@Kateplusmy8 not only a great mom great mom but a Miss Fix-It too! Is there anything you can't do Kate?
Yes, she can't keep from throwing Jon under the bus every chance she gets: she can't stop grifting; she can't write a blog that isn't beyond the eighth grade level; she can't get a network show; she can't sell cookbooks...and...and...
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 45m
@Kateplusmy8 Very much appreciate how U didn't just apply #GroupTherapy 2ur 8..Alexis had special needs w/this& U took care of her concerns!
Why would it matter to Kate that Milo appreciates how she handled it? She's not part of the family, no matter if, in her delusional fantasies, she thinks that she is.
Isn't it VERY coincidental that exactly two weeks ago today, Kate's blog was all about their pets and she wrote about her fear of the fish dying? She wrote:
Not that I love seeing the swimming and squirming during dinner, but from a practical standpoint, the table location helps to ensure that we won't forget to feed them, leading to their demise and the mass mourning that will no doubt bring with it. I must admit, we've become attached, and therefore, I have a major fear of our smallest pets “dying.” I've already made a mental plan to rush to our local pet store when no one is looking to find a “fishy body double” if need be -- to save the kids the sadness of losing their table top friends. I know death is part of life but I think it's in a mom’s DNA to keep our kids shielded from that unavoidable fact as long as possible -- even if it means a slight bit of this type of “trickery” here and there. Before you judge me (please refer to my last post here), if you're a mom, and you're being honest, you KNOW you'd do the SAME THING, or may have done it already!
I agree Ugg footwear is a specific kind of gift she must have mentioned she wanted. 33
Too personal and too expensive for a thank you gift under the circumstances. IMO.
Ok, fund raiser for 2 dead children Wednesday night; blog about a dead pet fish on Thursday?
Predictably insensitive.
MJ - You are welcome. It's well-written. She ripped Kate a new one so eloquently.
Rhymes - a turtle is different and a little more of a pet than a fish :o) At least you can hold him.
Jennifer said... 35
"Who thinks of having a funeral and burial of a fish? Hold the ceremony over the toilet and flush."
Wow, how crass.
Sorry Jennifer. I just can't get all warm and fuzzy about dead fish. Sue me.
Kate is a twit said... 18
Kate doesn't realize it but all her bogs at the Stir have one thing in common...They absolutely prove without a doubt, that English was NOT her best subject.
Talk about exaggeration....
Kate tweeted a picture of her and Collin trying to fix her dishwasher. One tweetie asked what was wrong and how many times she ran the dishwasher.
@BarbGilmer yes it's leaking and my TWO dishwashers run 1-2 times each per day! Crazy!
She has two, count em, two, dishwashers that she runs at least once a day? Where are all the dishes coming from, especially since the kids don't eat lunch at home.
I've never had a dishwasher, but it sure seems like she would have an exhorbitant amount of dishes to run them that often. Plus, doesn't she use paper plates and bowls a lot?
"Who thinks of having a funeral and burial of a fish? Hold the ceremony over the toilet and flush."
Wow, how crass.
It's not crass. It's how most of America handles a dead fish.
Kids need to learn how to control their emotions and how to assign appropriate value to things. You know how a little kid will cry if their pencil snaps? However most adults wouldn't do that, they would just say it's okay I will get a new one. You have to teach many kids how to temper and control their emotions. I don't see how you easily bond with a fish as opposed to say a cat or dog. They are overreacting when there will be likely many more much more tragic things to deal with down the line, like for instance when they lose Shoka eventually. If they can barely handle a fish, how will they handle the death of a dog?
The histrionics over the top over a dead fish aren't good for anyone.
Sorry Jennifer. I just can't get all warm and fuzzy about dead fish. Sue me.
Ordinarily, I would agree with you, but you didn't have one that lived for 19 years and would come to the top of the bowl to be petted! It was a very sad day when that one passed on...
I thought the kids eat on paper plates???
I gently wrapped a towel around his bowl and made the decision that, as with everything, honesty was going to be the best policy.
That's completely contradictory to everything she said two weeks ago, in which she stated quite clearly she would be happy to go get a new fish and replace him WITHOUT TELLING THE KIDS and then told us all that WE WOULD DO IT TOO. (Uh, no, that is not a choice many people make actually.)
Now all of a sudden she's miss honest. Which is it, lie about the pet or be honest?
Seriously--Milo and Kate should get together and get some group therapy.
Or just get a room. It would be cheaper.
When she wrote the Christmas blog back in 2011, she wrote that she got the fish because Mady said she always wanted one "since she could talk", and made it seem that Fabio was Mady's pet. She didn't mention anything about Mady being upset, just the tups.
If she got it in 2011 then it wasn't the first Christmas after the divorce. The divorce was final in 2009.
"He was a sort of symbol of new beginnings; since he joined our family the very first Christmas that we celebrated as a family of only 9."
Family of nine? So Jon died that year? OMG...I can't believe she actually wrote that. Wait...well, yes, I can.
Does anyone not think this is really insensitive? Does no one at The Stir vet her crapola? Her command of the written English language is pathetic.
As for liar, liar - she runs 2, count 'em 2, dishwashers 1-2 times a day? In what universe? Her kids eat lunch at school, and on plastic plates (if not using paper) at home. 9 plates, 9 cups, 1 crockpot, where does she fill 2 dishwashers twice a day? Oh, 9 cereal bowls. Big whoop.
Heather, security guards have also accidentally hurt or killed innocent people too, so if your argument is we're not safe with a cop because some cops made a mistake in L.A. I don't understand that at all. I think Steve is a joke and I would choose the police force over him any day out of the week.
Penny, I love The Rock! Remember when he was on Saturday Night Live years ago and played the monkey guy s father? He want afraid to jump around and act like a crazy chimp. And the time he played Hulk version of President Obama, and threw the republican congressmen out of the White House windows, was so funny! I will pay money just to watch him raise that one eyebrow.
My goodness, what a load of phony baloney Kate wrote in her latest bog. As if she'd go to any trouble over a dead fish. She probably saw it floating on the surface of the bowl, screeched at the boys to "clean up this disgusting mess!", and then told them they probably killed the fish by either over feeding or under feeding it.
In her delusional mind however, she played it out all quite differently - with Kate once again in the hero role. She broke the news gently to the children, she purchased all sorts of funeral decor, and she patiently waited to politely ask if she could have just the right rock for the headstone. I'm surprised she didn't play taps as the children softly lowered the bedazzled fish coffin into the ground.
I tried my best to read KK blog but I couldn't do it.
I could barely make it pass the first paragraph.
Must confess - we buried the guinea pig and flushed the fish. We did say a few words and for the guinea pig the kids made a cross out of old garden stakes and put little rocks around the hole we buried him in.
Losing a pet is hard. It's usually a kid's first experience with death. My kids were over the guinea pig in a week but it helped that we left for Yellowstone right after.
Knowing that this guy lives in PA and tweets relentlessly to only Kate is why I would not have driven home from an event alone. I'd be looking in the rear view mirror every few seconds. I don't trust this one.
irishfan @irishfan47 9m
@Kateplusmy8 Good Night! If ur worried u can shut the water off or i can come over and comfort u...lol
rainbows - You're right I haven't had a fish live 19 years and I think I have to agree that I would miss a fish that's been around for that long. I might even donate his little fish body to science after that length of lifespan. That's incredible. What kind of fish was he?
If she is running 1-2 dishwashers 1-2 times a day than someone needs to teach her a lesson in loading a dishwasher efficiently and effectively. 8 Breakfast bowls/cups and 8 dinner paper plates and a couple pots and pans do not = 4 dishwasher runs. Her credibilty is so incredible that even those that don't think about it know she is a liar, liar pants on fire....but why?
Millicent said... 58
In her delusional mind however, she played it out all quite differently - with Kate once again in the hero role. She broke the news gently to the children, she purchased all sorts of funeral decor, and she patiently waited to politely ask if she could have just the right rock for the headstone. I'm surprised she didn't play taps as the children softly lowered the bedazzled fish coffin into the ground.
It certainly gives us a glimpse into how she spends her day. No wonder she doesn't sit down, she's a funeral director now too.
irishfan @irishfan47 2h
@Kateplusmy8 it's 2.5 hours..well worth the drive if I get to spend time with you ;)
Something is wrong with this guy.
I bet Milo hates him sooooo much.
MiIoandJack @shatzy8 2h
@Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir GN Kate GN Steve!!
Kate is a twit said... 18
Kate doesn't realize it but all her bogs at the Stir have one thing in common...They absolutely prove without a doubt, that English was NOT her best subject.
Writing that poor makes you doubt that English is even her first language.
"Our favorite fish friend, Fabio, who we all loved as much as you can love a fish, passed away, from natural causes ... (?)"
What else would the fish have died from other than natural causes? Is there going to be an inquisition into Fabio's death? I can't believe that she actually made the kids pose for a picture at the "grave site". Really Kate? Kate was way overthe top with this. I'm surprised that she didn't fly her flag at haft mast.
I love my dogs and have the ashes and collars of those who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge and I buy little bully angels to remember them by, but never have I gone to the extremes that Kate claims to have gone to for a fish. Although I will admit I was quite shocked when our vet asked if we wanted individual or group cremation when our last bully passed. It goes without saying that I opted for individual.
That's incredible. What kind of fish was he?
Just a plain old garden variety goldfish, and yes, we did bury him in the yard with his little ceramic bridge that he liked so much. I got him when I was 10 and he went to college with me!
As a family that's been on the receiving end of donations after a tragedy, I object to anyone saying that they have the right to question where the money is going. If you don't want to donate, then don't. You do not have the RIGHT to question the use of the donations. If you give, then GIVE and let it go.
Even in a legal nonprofit, you have no right to designate donations. You can suggest where you'd like them to go, but the organization can LEGALLY use it for whatever they like.
In this case, the family can use these funds however they like. The medical bills are covered. The funeral is covered. After that, they can use the funds however they wish. They are facing the biggest nightmare that any family should ever face. If Mom wants a day at the spa, SO BE IT. What's it to you?
I'm sorry, I'm a little hot about this topic. God forbid you ever walk a day in their shoes.
There did seem to be a lot of drama over this dead fish. Kate gave Fabio a great send-off, then packed up the fish-bowl with no intention of having another slimy fish looking back at her over dinner. Done and DONE! If the kids want another fish or two, they should go out and get them, but nope, the fish phase is offically over accoding to their symapthetic mother.
The message here is, sayonara fishy. The yucky, icky, slimy fish has beeen disposed of with great fan-fare, a clever distraction for sure!
Rhymes - a turtle is different and a little more of a pet than a fish :o) At least you can hold him. 46
It (gender unknown) engaged in a number of adventures but I'll spare you the details.
I admit, I did flush the goldfish when I found it floating.
Another one from the creeper...
irishfan @irishfan47 19m
@Kateplusmy8 it's 2.5 hours..well worth the drive if I get to spend time with you ;)
Does anyone think that this is Iwana?
Wow... Can anybody here explain to me how this woman can fuss for pratically a whole day on a fish burial, selecting a special biodegradable box, finding the paint to paint the box the exact same color as the deceased, looking for and buying stickers and ribbons with fish motifs, bedazzling the whole mess and than running out and around to find a perfect tombstone, and then... not caring enough to find and buy the right size of pants and t-shirts for her boys?
So much energy spent on a dead fish. So little for three little boys...
Anyone else think Kate is sounding crazier than ever? Like certifiably delusional? Does she really think anyone believes her bullcrap blog? She's sounding scary, truly mentally ill.
KK wants to keep her children shielded from the fact of death for as long as possible? This from the shrew that shrieked at a 2 year old "You will die!", because she licked her hands after having hand sanitizer dumped on them? What a load of codswallop!
I remember several fishy funerals, complete with matchbox coffins, when I was a kid. No over-the-top preparations, no histrionics. Also buried several canaries and parakeets over the course of my childhood, plus a kitty and a dog. All very sad, and I remember my parents were sad too, especially over the dog and cat, but again, no over-the-top preps or histrionics. I don't remember how they explained it to me when I was small, but I grew up knowing that, sadly, we outlive our pets. Yet another teaching moment KK screwed up for her kids.
Anon again first I am very sorry for your loss. Sadly, the idea that you just shouldn't question it is exactly what scammers prey upon. If we become a culture of not questioning anything the scammers will grow more numerous. I have no doubt that most people involved have their hearts in the right place, especially the mom who having been quiet this whole time was able to come out of seclusion and thank Kate. That shows how grateful she really was. But it appears that some people may be in a feud or upset over the money, and there is nothing wrong with asking questions about that.
We are a country of openness. That's what the 501c is. It's not meant to be an insult, it's not meant to be nosey, it's not meant to be disrespectful, it's meant to guard against the, sadly, numerous people out there who want to take good people's money and misuse it. If we can question the Red Cross which helps victims from terrible circumstances, we should be able to question anyone helping victims from terrible circumstances. There shouldn't be a difference.
No one is questioning they have been through an unspeakable tragedy. But out of respect for the true victims in this, the girls, I don't see anything wrong with asking, respectfully, how much money was raised and what will it be used for. If the choice is a spa day, that's their choice, but I think the public should know about it in order to make an informed decision. This is not a wealthy area of the country. This is a hard working middle class area, and for many people giving is a huge sacrifice. Their efforts to give deserve to be respected too, by using the money in a manner that is respectful and honors the victims. Respect goes both ways, the giver and the receiver. No one is asking for a play by play of where every last cent goes (although a 501c does require that, this is not a 501c). What was asked was why four separate fundraisers, what is the feud about, if it's covering bills why can't we donate to those bills directly, why three separate funds, why do you have to designate which parent you are giving what amount to, and why are charities keeping quiet about the amounts raised?
IMO these are very legit questions. No one is probing without good reason. It's not like there is one fund, no sign of any kind of feud, no other red flags, and people are being rude and questioning for no reason anyway.
Sorry, but I'd take these stories with a grain, or a ton, of salt. I know for a fact that the sheeple still post here and then GLOAT about it behind the scenes.
shake head shake head shake head
1. kate's bog: I believe this is an attempt to right the wrongs she had in her bog about the family pets. She reads here, and saw that many of us said we would NEVER do that switcheroo game.
Some of us said that supporting the kids through small grief like a dead fish or other animal can help to prepare kids for the BIG deaths of a family member. Low and Behold, she says almost exactly that...
Kate says: "it would help them grieve and eventually move on. And maybe, I reasoned, it would form a positive (as possible) baseline for how they handled death in the future?! I could only hope."
As for the waiting at the construction site... Kate is again attempting to change her brand into the loving patient and respectful mom.
She is branding herself as a changed woman in preparation for the re-release of RH's book!
Some of you feel she threw Jon under the bus, but I first was amazed she actually mentioned him. Up to now, her kids have had no father.
The weekly evening visit could likely be the Wednesday night visit that kids have with the parent they are not currently with. That does NOT mean they do not go their for weekends.
Again another attempt to re-brand herself as someone who respects their father...she will try this and say he doesnt respect her, esp as she moves forward with her so called lawsuit.
2. last nights charity! I kick myself for giving her the benefit of the doubt. NEVER AGAIN.
Whoever upthread said Steve is the one fixing her " honey do list" I am sooo on board with you.
I am pretty certain they are an item! She sure was smiling in those pictures.
I couldnt watch the video, but thought her face looked different in the picture with Collin fixing the dishwasher.
As for the dishwasher... Yah right...liar liar Kate!! 4 loads in the dishwasher? I have 4 people in my family, you have 9, so I can see you running yours 2 x as much. I run mine once a day and I put everything in there. So yes run the dishwasher 2 x ...but 4? Not buying it.
Sorry for the long post.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 68
Well Said :)
Someone knows for a FACT that sheeple post here then GLOAT about it behind the scenes? I would like to see proof of that.
A sheep let you into the paddock to view the GLOATING? Now why would they do that.
A sheep let you into the paddock to view the GLOATING? Now why would they do that.
You don't need to be let into anything. All you need to do is to read their blogs and their timelines.
If you don't feel comfortable donating, then perhaps you should not do it. Many charities do things with their money that would make your hair curl. I just heard about a church spending a huge chunk of money to send their leaders (12 of them) to a week long 'customer service training' at the Ritz Carlton. Are you kidding me? If I went to that church, I'd never give another dime.
That's where our power lies in these situations. If you don't want to give then you don't have to.
Look at Lana's Twitter. She is two-faced and was laughing at this site on her timeline AFTER she posted here.
Re: Sheeple posting here
I've seen several posts that are definitely directed at a particular hater that the sheeple hate. They are using this forum to throw digs at her, but you'd have to be close enough to the situation to catch it. Yes, they do post here and they can be subtle about it. There's not Admin can do because they tend to skate under the radar.
Okay. So Kate eats salad throughout the day. Probably in her favorite bowl/plate because of her OCD. All the kids eat on paper plates. Why the eff is she running 2 dishwashers twice a day or whatever the effin stats are on that load of crap she's pushing on everyone. She uses paper plates people. Every day. All day. That won't change. Ever. And I will snark now. I agree with others that her hair style is suited more for a younger person. I have to say that hair color Jason is selling her is too artificial. Way too yellow and unnatural. As long as she is trolling for the next poor, hapless victim, she will keep the long blonde hair. She must be stuck in some teenage fantasy that it draws the men in or why else would she do it at 38? LOL. Good luck with that Kate. Your grouchy personality precedes you, long blonde hair or not. Yick.
Golly gee,I had no idea sheep were posting here. Or bitter former members. Or truthers from other blogs.
I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you!!
My last comment on this topic:
If you knew that a baby died and a family used donated dollars to take their children to DisneyWorld, would that bother you?
What if another couple lost their child and then used donated dollars to take a cruise?
How would you feel if a family with an ill child used some of their donated funds to purchase an Ipad to use while sitting at their child's bedside for hours on end?
What if a family used donated funds to pay off their car?
One mom used donations to pay for a weekly cleaning service.
All of these situations have happened within the last year with people I personally know. I don't have an issue with any of it. Unless you've walked in their shoes, you don't know what you'd do in that situation. Thank God that you don't have to think about it.
Okay. So Kate eats salad throughout the day. Probably in her favorite bowl/plate because of her OCD. All the kids eat on paper plates. Why the eff is she running 2 dishwashers twice a day or whatever the effin stats are on that load of crap she's pushing on everyone. She uses paper plates people. Every day. All day. That won't change. Ever. And I will snark now. I agree with others that her hair style is suited more for a younger person. I have to say that hair color Jason is selling her is too artificial. Way too yellow and unnatural. As long as she is trolling for the next poor, hapless victim, she will keep the long blonde hair. She must be stuck in some teenage fantasy that it draws the men in or why else would she do it at 38? LOL. Good luck with that Kate. Your grouchy personality precedes you, long blonde hair or not. Yick.
Anon I don't understand. You're appalled at that church yet think we shouldn't question it. You can't have it both ways. If no one asks questions we wouldn't know about misusing funds. This shouldn't be something we accept as par for the course for charities. It's unacceptable. Many charities are not corrupt and they deserve to be recognized and receive money versus one that is corrupt and should be exposed.
Simply not donating is not an option for me. I donate to charity but make sure I have a good understanding for what I am donating to first. Of course not donating is an option but I wouldn't want anyone passing on a legit cause just because they are being secretive. That would be a real shame.
My last comment on this topic:
If you knew that a baby died and a family used donated dollars to take their children to DisneyWorld, would that bother you?
No as long as they disclosed that's what the money being raised is for and didn't suggest it was being collected for other things instead. You're leaving out an important point. The family specifically said the money would be used for medical bills and funerals. I trust it will be. In that scenario should a family use it for Disney instead we're talking about a criminal action called fraud. In this country you are not allowed to collect money for one purpose then turn around and use it for another.
When I had a goldfish as a little kid and the fish would pass on.
My mom or older brothers would just flush the fish down the toilet.
I thought that was a normal thing to do.
However my brothers and I would say goodbye to our fish.
I never ever buried a goldfish I find that kind of odd but that's me.
I see the term "misuse of donations"-- what exactly do you want her to use the money for? What's the expectation? I see people setting accounts for them and she might not even be aware of it before it happens. No one is promising where the donated money will be spent-- are they?
My family was in a similar situation. People were setting fundraisers and accounts without first asking us. We'd see things on Facebook claiming that the proceeds were going to certain things when it was absolutely not accurate. It wasn't our fault, we were not in control of it.
I'm guessing that in the case of these two little girls, the expenses are probably not that high. I'd be willing to bet that the medical bills are covered and the funeral expenses were probably covered as well. There's now a pile of money left and it's unclear what people think should happen with this.
Darn. Just when I started to feel a little something positive for Kate for not having Stevie around anymore, his little grey head pops up again at some banal, harmless, church location in PA. My God. I'm back to detesting her now. I ask, does she really truly believe her life is in danger. Why oh why doesn't some reporter ever ask her about that. Unlike others, because of her mental instabilities and insecurities I think she has him around because she does think people are out to off her. Not because people think she likes him around because it makes her look like a celebrity. She's a weirdo and weirdos do weird things.
In this country you are not allowed to collect money for one purpose then turn around and use it for another.
I'm sorry Admin, but that is not true. It's not illegal to use donated funds for other purposes. It's unethical and it's a crappy thing to do, but it's totally legal.
Fundraiser you'll have to clarify that for me. I can give you numerous examples of charities prosecuted for misusing charitable donations or misleading people, under fraud statues. Just google it. There are thousands.
Solicited designations. A solicitation means that your organization asked for donations for a particular cause. Maybe it was by letter, email, website, radio spot…it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that donations given in response to a direct solicitation are to be permanently dedicated to that purpose. In our soup kitchen example, the board cannot move that money around, no matter how dire the circumstances, if those funds are the result of a solicitation. Just last week, many of you may have read the story of the director of a large, national charity resigning after it was found he did just this very thing. Was it for a good reason? Yes. Was it illegal? Unfortunately, yes.
I think this qualifies as solicitation. They can't move money around for what they said it was for.
Prosecuted? If the charity uses the funds for illegal purposes, they can be prosecuted for that activity. Charities can use your donations for other things and they do it all the time. This article will explain that a little better.
Remember, the MOTHER in this situation did not promise to use the funds for anything. Other people said things. Also, it's unlikely that most of these donations are tax-deductible and are not subject to 501 C3 regulations.
Fundraiser I figured out the answer on my own thanks. If it's solicited, as all this clearly was with numerous Facebook ads, articles in the paper asking for money, etc., they can't move money. If it's not solicited and just a random donation without anyone asking them for it, they can move the money around.
So that goes back to this example:
"If you knew that a baby died and a family used donated dollars to take their children to DisneyWorld, would that bother you?"
Not only would it bother me, but if the money were solicited for some other purpose, it's ILLEGAL and FRAUD for the family to use it for Disney.
Fundraiser actually that's a good point they are not a 501c so aren't subject to any of these regulations.
But you said charity in general so I was just pointing out that no you actually can't move around funds like that in many scenarios. You made it seem like any charity can do whatever they want with money, but maybe I misunderstood you, since that's simply not true (solicited vs unsolicited is the key).
Another good reason to choose proper 501cs for charitable donations, they are regulated tightly. Small operations not registered are not subject to much of anything it seems. Actually I'm far more concern about others involved other than the direct family members themselves, who don't even seem to be much a part of these fundraisers. There is nothing stopping someone running a fundraiser from skimming a bit off the top when there is no one accounting for the money. Make no mistake people do this, counting on good people to say "oh well they're such a nice family and this is such a tragedy I wouldn't want to ask any questions." That's exactly what they want.
What would bother me is if I was donating money to help with medical expenses then money was used on a ipad or to pay off a car. If they needed an ipad or a car paid off they should have stated that up front when asking for donations.
I don't even have an ipad and my car isn't paid off.
IMO people should ask for money from others as a last resort, not a first plan.
I also think it is disturbing when goal amounts are purposely left off of fundraising sites, so that potential donors are left unaware of how many thousands of dollars have already been raised.
Ah, ha! Thank you Kate is a Twit, Tweet-le and Anon for remembering Kate's previous reference about replacing the fish. My memory definitely leaves a lot to be desired, but at least I've not lost it completely! lol
I'm guessing that in the case of these two little girls, the expenses are probably not that high. I'd be willing to bet that the medical bills are covered and the funeral expenses were probably covered as well. There's now a pile of money left and it's unclear what people think should happen with this.
Isn't the mother still in the hospital with considerable medical expenses?
The dishwashers are close to being on their last leg..does the word grifting come into play? You gotta give the gal credit, letting the manufacturers know she needs TWO!
what exactly do you want her to use the money for? What's the expectation?
I think you're confusing two separate issues. I have no idea or opinions how the money should be spent as I know very little about what the family's true needs are since they've disclosed almost nothing about their situation. I just would prefer all charities are honest about where the money goes, how much they have raised already and need to raise to meet their goal, and so on. For instance, how much will need to be raised here before the girls' medical bills would be paid off? Is 20,000 enough or they still need more? No one has even hinted what that number might be. Personally I think disclosing the number actually helps bring in more donations since if people knew they are not even close yet, they might be inclined to dig deep and give more. But if the bills were 21,000, they might not.
He flapped his fins for the last few times just at the exact moment that my little kids were returning from their weekly evening visit with their father.
So ... as I was driving home and chatting about the supplies I had found, and what I still needed, I realized, at that exact moment, we were passing a construction site that had an abundance of loose stones and rocks mixed into the large piles of freshly dug dirt near the road.
Gee, Kate had 2 "at that exact moments" happen to her in regards to this fish facade. What a coincidence...NOT!
I'm sorry Admin, but that is not true. It's not illegal to use donated funds for other purposes. It's unethical and it's a crappy thing to do, but it's totally legal.
I have 2 words for you. Jim Bakker.
The mother is not in the hospital. She was there last night and is in one of the photos. She spoke at the funeral on April 6th and has been at other fundraising events.
Susan Williams is an extreme example of parental alienation....all four of her kids supported her despite her attempt to hire hit men to kill their father. Her teen daughter even hid incriminating documents for her!!
The dad just said he wished she would get the help she needs. Quite a lot of restraint.
Anon said:
Unless you've walked in their shoes, you don't know what you'd do in that situation. Thank God that you don't have to think about it.
This is exactly why I will rarely donate money to a quickly put-together "charity." I believe in helping others, but I also believe in using common sense. I do not donate money so someone can buy an iPad, or take a trip to Disneyland. That's my choice.
Instead I donate to Meals on Wheels, or to the Salvation Army, or to my local food bank. I hire a local lady to clean my house once a week because I know that weekly amount goes a long way toward helping her and her family.
Unfortunately, there are too many scam artists out there trying to make a buck by working on people's natural sympathy. I won't donate if I think the charity is not on the up and up.
"No over-the-top preparations, no histrionics"
Yet another example of her trying to pick up on cues or pretend to handle this type of situation like a NORMAL parent.
Remember her scowling "YOU'RE NOT WELCOME!!" when the kids thanked her for the new puppies.
Millicent said "I'm surprised she didn't play taps as the children softly lowered the bedazzled fish coffin into the ground."
I'm really careful about where my money goes. A family in our school lost their father. I donated to the children's college fund that was setup because the family was so nice and it was a shock. The mother remarried after a couple of years (not surprising because she is so sweet.....) She married well, if you know what I mean. So, her children will probably be better funded for their college education than my kids will be.
Also, I would be upset I found out that a family took a Disney vacation or paid their car off with excess donations that I made for medical/funeral expenses. It's not right to question a family about where the donations are going but it is right to run through all scenarios in your head and make the decision for yourself, which I do.
Oh lord, she`s got all friggin day why can`t she wash a dish or two?
How boring must your life really be if you're resorting to poor-me tweets about lying on the kitchen floor with a flashlight, trying to figure out the source of a dishwasher leak.
Especially when 'most everyone knows you're using paper cups, bowls and plates.
All those church people who thought they were helping Jon and Kate feed, clothe and shelter their children must have been surprised when they figured out the truth of their financial situation. I wonder if those people still blindly give at fundraisers, not caring how the money gets used.
TJ said... 115
Oh lord, she`s got all friggin day why can`t she wash a dish or two?
LOL! My thoughts exactly!
There is a big difference among a cop, a security guard and a bodyguard.
Cop is paid by the city/county. Security guard is paid by the business/corporation. Bodyguard is paid by the individual. I'll take my chances with a bodyguard any day of the week. They have one loyalty and one boss: you. And I don't mean Steve who is obviously not a bodyguard.
I just would prefer all charities are honest about where the money goes, how much they have raised already and need to raise to meet their goal, and so on.
Absolutely, positively 100% agree on this one. It's why I don't "run" for anyone. Money goes to CEO/executive salaries and perks, funding labs for big pharma which makes big profits. Millions and millions and millions of dollars, year after year after year. No gains for the general population, though.
Local charities only.
"a unique part of our close knit family"
"Close knit family" is generally a compliment others bestow, not how a family describes itself. Kate is complimenting herself. Again. Reinforcing the idea of being the perfect family with the perfect, all-wise mother at its helm. Wise, patient, loving, HONEST. Definitely an attempt to rehabilitate her image.
Wait, Kate, can we talk to the kids instead of taking YOUR word for it? Bet they'll tell us you yanked little Fabio by the tale and flung him away, saying, "No more slimy nasty fish in this house! Stop crying!" THAT'S the Kate we know!
Man, she's grifting for a new set of dishwashers now.
@sears....where are you?
Oh wait. Too low class. Only the best for Kate.
She'll soon include an @xxxx for a high end brand, only will have the twitter name wrong. Again.
Do we hear the makings of next week's blog post?
I adore the "I Love Lucy" shows. I have watched them many times.
I never considered that Lucy and Ricky really lived their madcap sitcom adventures.
Kate is trying to sell us a lifestyle of episodes.
She is Mrs. Wiggins in a short, tight skirt and high heels on the side of the road or stumbling through a construction site.
She is saccharine mom decorating a bio-degradable fish coffin.
She uses adjectives to try to convince us that life in the Gosselin household is just a charm a minute.
No. Not buying it. I have seen her mean face. I have heard her dictatorial commands.
The re-appearance of Steve is all I need to see to convince me that Kate is still planning her center stage stardom.
She uses adjectives to try to convince us that life in the Gosselin household is just a charm a minute.
lol so true.
Do we hear the makings of next week's blog post?
Mel-that was my thought also. She's really milking this.
GM! Down to 1 dishwasher=dish pile up..Fast! Trying2find prob so I can stop laying on my kitchen floor lol(altho it's a good job if tired!)
Kate still has one working dishwasher. She can't run it more often? She can't wash dishes by hand? Yes, it's an inconvenience, but just do it and stop whining about it. In the amount of time she spends tweeting, she could have washed whatever dishes were piling up.
Then when someone tells her to get a new one, she says she can't do that because she has to have 2 that match!
@PayneCece ha ha. Would rather spend the time on an inexpensive repair then waste lots of $ on a new 1! I have 2 that match= 2 expensive!
Kate, why don't you just call Mr. Handyman. I'm sure he can get it fixed.
Poor Kate--down to one dishwasher and it's a major calamity.
Kate is having another "the problems of the 1% kind of day." Flat on her back trying to fix her, as she makes sure to point out "expensive" dishwasher. She's so tacky!
Get up off your butt, grab some Dawn and a sponge, and wash your dishes. It's what the rest of America does when the dishwasher breaks IF they even have one.
Re fundraisers, I am willing to give most anyone who had suffered a tragedy the benefit of the doubt, that is I can accept that the money will go to family expenses. Even if the hospital costs are paid, even if a settlement from other drivers insurance may be coming, there are bills that have to be paid, phone, electric, groceries. If someone is unable to work and they get no paid time off, they still have bills to pay.
The organizer of the fundraiser means well, and it was nice of Ms Kreider to attend and support it.
That said, I do think points other posters bring up are important. Is there any accountability for the monies raised? Donations to local groups that serve a specific need in your own community is a good choice. Donating your time and energy to help support a local animal rescue by fostering, or helping to build a habitat for humanity house, or answering phones at the area agency on aging, or putting together bicycles the local social services will give to children of needy families at Christmas, or numerous other activities are all great ways to help your community.
All those church people who thought they were helping Jon and Kate feed, clothe and shelter their children must have been surprised when they figured out the truth of their financial situation. I wonder if those people still blindly give at fundraisers, not caring how the money gets used.
Thank you for pointing this out, Fido. It's really an important thing to realize. The problem is when people are misled or taken in because it was impolite to ask questions, eventually they might get burned and badly. And then where are they left but with disillusionment and a sour taste in their mouth. The next time a couple comes forward LEGITIMATELY struggling, those donors might just say no thanks burned once fear the fire.
The reason that people taking money need to be very open and honest about all aspects of it is so that everyone continues to feel comfortable and willing to donate. We should become a culture of transparency when we give. Many charities are, some still are not. If we always were, it would be almost impossible for things to happen like what Jon and Kate did to those churches. If someone had simply required them to disclose their income before going to their church, they would have had to reveal things like that huge Lane contract they were signing within DAYS of asking for money from good middle class people at churches. Now, they could always go to the next gullible church if a church gave them a hard time, but think if every church required it, they would be stuck with either disclosing their true fantastic and astounding financial situation or dropping the church circuit altogether, saving those good church folk thousands back in their own pockets. A win-win in my book. Well not for THEM but for everyone else, the people I actually care about who just wanted to help.
This all occurred right around the time our country went through a big market cash. It irks me to no end that some of those people could have benefited from having that money stay in their own pockets or at least given to those who really needed it.
Since Kate can't find a man, perhaps she should consider self marriage.
@PayneCece ha ha. Would rather spend the time on an inexpensive repair then waste lots of $ on a new 1! I have 2 that match= 2 expensive!
In the meantime, I suppose the kids' chore chart just got a little longer.
Why oh why doesn't some reporter ever ask her about that. Unlike others, because of her mental instabilities and insecurities I think she has him around because she does think people are out to off her. Not because people think she likes him around because it makes her look like a celebrity. She's a weirdo and weirdos do weird things.
If people are out to get her, it's because of her own encouraging and inappropriate behavior on Twitter. There would be no irishfan if she weren't on twitter. She has only herself to blame. Unfortunately her kids will have to pay the security bills for her own negligence.
Silimom said... 128
Since Kate can't find a man, perhaps she should consider self marriage.
Don't give Kate any ideas. She'd have a wedding ceremony to marry herself, just to get all the gifts.
Oh for ef's sake, most appliances, especially those just a few years old, can be fixed over and over without having to buy a new (and yes, K8 we get 'expensive') one. Like she could figure out a leak anyway. And Ms. 1%, what part of poor you will even those few remaining fans get - you have 2 dishwashers, one is out of commission, so here's rocket science advice, given all your free time - load breakfast dishes, run, empty before dinner, load and run. Poor K8.
Now imagine being a single mom and having a major appliance break down but you WORK 40 hours or more a week and the only time the repair people can come over is during business hours when you work, so you have to either try to find a friend or relative, who also probably works, to try to come by the house and wait for them, or, you can take one of you precious few vacation days, if you even have those days in the first place or haven't already used them up on sick kids, school plays, and your carpool days.
And of course they never say they're coming at 10. It's always, we'll be here between 10 and 4. So you can't even take a half day, you need the whole day.
She has to be a real turnoff to the real working single moms. Incidentally, I don't see anyone in that group hanging out on her twitter.
Millicent said... 111
Anon said:
Unless you've walked in their shoes, you don't know what you'd do in that situation. Thank God that you don't have to think about it.
This is exactly why I will rarely donate money to a quickly put-together "charity." I believe in helping others, but I also believe in using common sense. I do not donate money so someone can buy an iPad, or take a trip to Disneyland. That's my choice.
Instead I donate to Meals on Wheels, or to the Salvation Army, or to my local food bank. I hire a local lady to clean my house once a week because I know that weekly amount goes a long way toward helping her and her family.
You can consider hiring a cleaning lady a charitable act? That is really condescending, to say the least. A cleaning person provides a service; the person is not a charity. Are you claiming that you would clean your house yourself, but instead have someone else do it in the spirit of "giving?" I'm sorry, but are you serious?
For some reason after hearing about David Spade's response, I thought of Kate...
Background: When Reese Witherspoon & hubby were stopped for DUI, Reese kept getting out of the car and screaming to the police, "Do you know who I am?"
Later, a reporter asked David Spade, “when is it okay to use the 'do you know who I am' card?” and his reply was “never”. He said, “clearly if you have to explain how famous you are and they have no idea who you are then you’re not as famous as you think you are.”
What a great response! Spot on.
Kate is a twit said... 131
Silimom said... 128
Since Kate can't find a man, perhaps she should consider self marriage.
Don't give Kate any ideas. She'd have a wedding ceremony to marry herself, just to get all the gifts.
KK can marry herself and boss herself around LOL.
And if the marriage doesn't work she can divorce herself to. HA
So KK can't afford a new dishwasher?
She must think her sheep are real stupid.
Kate think....
Kate did good at FUNraiser now Kate entitled to beg for free shiny stuff .
Except for "heaven" in her title, not a word about discussing the religious aspect of death? I am not religious but was expecting something a little more on that since she claims to be christian.
I think it was over embellished piece of writing. All her blogs are. Maybe she gets paid by the word. They sound like school kid writings because it is overly descriptive.
She actually thinks that if one dishwasher breaks down completely she will need TWO new ones because they have to match? (that is what I got from her one comment) I had a thought. Maybe she should install a industrial dishwasher but make sure it matches her industrial meat slicer. There must be room in that big house somewhere.
GM! Down to 1 dishwasher=dish pile up..Fast! Trying2find prob so I can stop laying on my kitchen floor lol(altho it's a good job if tired!)
What is she laying? Is she a chicken? Ms Perfect Grammar needs the correct verb. Lie = rest, recline; lay = set or place.
Re: fundraisers for families affected by tragedies. Recently here in Lancaster, PA (not far from Wernersville) a 6 year old was killed in a fire at her adult sitter's home. The sitter also died. The girl's biological family was living elsewhere nearby, and her "adoptive" family was living in another location. Neither family had sufficient resources to pay for a funeral. The fire department, friends, neighbors and community members made donations directly to the funeral home for the child's services with any money left over going to the medical expenses of a firefighter who was seriously injured. There were articles written about this, which was handled well and provided peace of mind to donors that their gifts were going for the intended purpose.
Back in the old house there was an episode where she was loading her lone dishwasher (I know, sad huh? only one dishwasher). She had nothing but big mixing bowls in it.
I don't think she washes anything by hand except her precious bone-handle knives. That's why she thinks she needs two count em two dishwashers. It takes all of about 10 minutes, maybe 15 to wash & dry a few big bowls by hand instead of running two dishwashers twice a day. Her problem is she's just a lazy, spoiled rotten princess who relies on appliances and other people to do all the work for her. One week without electricity in that house would wreak havoc in her life. She wouldn't survive it.
Kate - It's likely not your dishwasher but your dish washing detergent. They took out phosphates from commercial dishwasher detergents a few years ago and the new formulas don't dissolve food enough which then tends to clog up your drain hoses. Bail out the water in the dishpan at the bottom of your machine, then follow these directions:
You'll also want to clean out your air trap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmG2JXQL858
Then go online to Amazon and buy Bubble Bandit dishwashing detergent which has phosphates in it. Or google "TSP Laundry detergent" to find out how much TSP (which you can buy at your local hardware store for a few bucks) to add to your powder detergent (don't use liquid - the formulas are even worse than the powders).
Our dishwasher was having similar issues which is how I discovered a lot of this stuff. If you want to learn how the whole phosphate free detergent debacle got started, read here: http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/another-triumph-greens_536862.html?page=3
chefsummer said... 135
KK can marry herself and boss herself around LOL.
And if the marriage doesn't work she can divorce herself to. HA
And throw herself under the bus.
Lauren @ljohnson2006 6m
Why do people always act like they're living @Kateplusmy8 life with her? You're not. All she and her kids want is the respect they deserve
Is she talking about Milo? lol!!!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 9m
@mscatie @AnnaWilliams7 @Kateplusmy8 No lie...its a fact he pays no CS! Kate has 2house them, clothe them, feed them, educate them! :)
Milo, you goof. Everything you mentioned is for the welfare of the kids and can be taken out of the fund set up for that purpose. They earned the money.
This is the article that started me on my journey to learn more about why my dishwasher kept breaking down:
Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 94
Darn. Just when I started to feel a little something positive for Kate for not having Stevie around anymore, his little grey head pops up again at some banal, harmless, church location in PA. My God. I'm back to detesting her now. I ask, does she really truly believe her life is in danger. Why oh why doesn't some reporter ever ask her about that
Actually somebody did. When Kate was on Watch What Happens Live in October, Andy Cohen asked about Steve and why she had a bodyguard. Steve was with her at the studio-in fact, I think that was the last Steve sighting there was until he showed up at the fundraiser. Kate's reply was:
“Because [in] my job as a single parent to provide for eight kids, my safety is imperative to them … I’m not going to give out [past horror] stories, but it’s warranted for sure. He keeps them safe.”
First she said that her safety is imperative for the children, and then she said that he keeps THEM safe. My question is how is he supposed to keep them safe, when he's with her when her children are home alone with a "babysitter", a fact that many people knew just from reading her twitter feed.
As usual, Kate makes absolutely no sense when trying to come up with excuses for Steve's presence.
Milo's promoting the cookbook again. I guess that on her Friday to-do list.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate just did a bk signing 4 "I Just Want You To Know"...soon will be set 2sign 4new bk #LoveIsInTheMix Time 2pre-order! :
Wow, talk about twisting things. The fundraiser has now been turned into a Kate "book signing". Milo again is making it all about Kate. She has no boundaries at all.
Yeah right-Kate will have a "book signing" for the cookbook. The way sales seem to be going, it'll be done through the mail.
Tis is a prime example of the wA Kate's fans think and why they admire her...
@Xxxxxxxx @Xxxxxxxx @Kateplusmy8
I know I'd take that opportunity if it came along
A LOT of people would love to be famous and wealthy
But milo according to Kate that was her choice so it's a little disingenuous to cry martyr over your own decision.
Milo lives in a universe where whatever she tweets is the obvious truth, but only to her. Facts, shmacts, who needs them?#nonsensicalthoughts.
I have 2 that match= 2 expensive!
What is with Kate and her obsessive need that everything must match? She's still dressing the younger six children in matching outfits. She rudely refused the cribs donated by her father's church because they didn't match. And now she won't replace a dishwasher with a less expensive model, because then it wouldn't match her second dishwasher?
How frivolous is this woman?
I had 7 siblings, so our family size was the same as Kate's, except we were either one or two years apart in age. We didn't even have one dishwasher - at least not the mechanical kind. There were plenty of human dishwashers! We ate on real plates, used real silverware, sat in chairs around the table, ate meals prepared by my mother most every night, and we kids took care of the dishes. It was not a big deal.
Kate is at home all day long without the kids. She needs to put on some rubber gloves and wash her few non-paper'ish dishes by hand. Lazy woman.
Kate, for the umpteenth time it's 'lie' not 'lay.' Arghhhh! Some gift-o'-gab.
Grifting a new dishwasher? Collin is in the pic. I think it's damage control, 'see how well I get on with my little Colly?'
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 9m
@mscatie @AnnaWilliams7 @Kateplusmy8 No lie...its a fact he pays no CS! Kate has 2house them, clothe them, feed them, educate them! :)
This is what a good parent does for their children.
They support them.
Here's an idea for Kate: teach your kids to wash the dishes & pots & pans, either with you or by themselves. Millions of people do that all the time. Geez, Kate you have 8-9 hours to wash dishes, do laundry? So, what's the problem? Could it be LAZY!
"a unique part of our close knit family"
Which is probably why Fabio opted out.
Seriously krate? No grandparents, aunts or uncles, or cousins? But your stupid ass fish is part of your close knit family?
Hate to break it to you but your knitting had come undone looooo-ooong ago.
Pooshanella Goober, I LOVE your name and your Rumspringa avatar!
I have never commented on her looks before but the photo she posted looking at the dishwasher, how on earth did she get to the point of looking so masculine, or is it just me??
i didn't know you could wash paper plates in a dishwasher
GM! Down to 1 dishwasher=dish pile up..Fast! Trying2find prob so I can stop laying on my kitchen floor lol(altho it's a good job if tired!)
What is she laying? Is she a chicken? Ms Perfect Grammar needs the correct verb. Lie = rest, recline; lay = set or place.
Apparently, Kate's now helping out with the egg production. What a dumb cluck!
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 As relaxed & pretty as U looked last nite lying on the floor..I do believe U need need 2get vertical again! LOL #ToDoListWaits
Milo - Unlike most moms who are down on the floor to check something out, Kate took the time to put makeup on for the posed picture.
Starz22 said... 137
Kate think....
Kate did good at FUNraiser now Kate entitled to beg for free shiny stuff.
I don't think she needs a reason to grift. But she needs to hurry up and grift the repair or a new dishwasher. It's almost time for the annual grifting for the tups' birthday party and Mother's Day.
I sometimes wonder if kate has a copy of Roberts book, and is trying to un-do all of the damage written in it.
Milo's tweet about kate lying on the floor looking pretty is just creepy. This woman needs help and Kate needs to really put an end to this. I would'nt be surprised if Milo has Kate plastered all over a wall in her house along with scrapbooks of articles. Very creepy.
Virginia Pen Mom said... 160
GM! Down to 1 dishwasher=dish pile up..Fast! Trying2find prob so I can stop laying on my kitchen floor lol(altho it's a good job if tired!)
What is she laying? Is she a chicken? Ms Perfect Grammar needs the correct verb. Lie = rest, recline; lay = set or place.
Apparently, Kate's now helping out with the egg production. What a dumb cluck!
What she really needs to do is:
-turn on the faucet
-pour some dish liquid detergent onto a sponge,
and hand wash the friggin' dishes & cups.
What is she waiting for?
Her dishes to magically wash themselves?
Anonymous, letting a child play in your yard isn't the same as Kate's hundreds of reckless and inappropriate and encouraging tweets to fans being inappropriate and creepy. One is a reasonable choice, the other is not.
Kate is a twit said... 147
Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 94
Darn. Just when I started to feel a little something positive for Kate for not having Stevie around anymore, his little grey head pops up again at some banal, harmless, church location in PA. My God. I'm back to detesting her now. I ask, does she really truly believe her life is in danger. Why oh why doesn't some reporter ever ask her about that
Actually somebody did. When Kate was on Watch What Happens Live in October, Andy Cohen asked about Steve and why she had a bodyguard. Steve was with her at the studio-in fact, I think that was the last Steve sighting there was until he showed up at the fundraiser. Kate's reply was:
“Because [in] my job as a single parent to provide for eight kids, my safety is imperative to them … I’m not going to give out [past horror] stories, but it’s warranted for sure. He keeps them safe.”
First she said that her safety is imperative for the children, and then she said that he keeps THEM safe. My question is how is he supposed to keep them safe, when he's with her when her children are home alone with a "babysitter", a fact that many people knew just from reading her twitter feed.
As usual, Kate makes absolutely no sense when trying to come up with excuses for Steve's presence.
Betcha Andy saw right through her b.s.
Justification for buying new 3rd car:
@xxxxxxx 35m
@msgoody2shoes21 @kateplusmy8 @bullyville crazy!!! If no one bought a new car what would happen to the jobs? Can't have it both ways!!
Oh so Kate is saving the job market by blowing the kids' money on all these cars? Well silly me, she's an American hero!
overthehill said... 159
i didn't know you could wash paper plates in a dishwasher
I think overthehill figured out what is wrong with the dishwasher...one of those plates "dissolved" and is now stopping something up
This is what she uses the other dishwasher for!
"Could it be LAZY!"
YUP!Narcissists are notoriously lazy, always looking for the easy way out but lament on and on and ON how HARD they have it.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 169
Oh so Kate is saving the job market by blowing the kids' money on all these cars? Well silly me, she's an American hero!
If she (wait, the kids are buying the cars since it's their money she's using) buys another 5 cars, then each will have one when they're old enough to drive.
Okay really, the fundraiser for two deceased children is now a 'book signing' for Kate?
If nothing else Milo tweets gets addressed by Kate, this should. That's just sick.
"As relaxed & pretty as U looked last nite lying on the floor.."
Gawd that is disturbing. Milo should go private on that damn twitter.
Dmasy said... 122
I adore the "I Love Lucy" shows. I have watched them many times.
I never considered that Lucy and Ricky really lived their madcap sitcom adventures.
Kate is trying to sell us a lifestyle of episodes.
She is Mrs. Wiggins in a short, tight skirt and high heels on the side of the road or stumbling through a construction site.
She is saccharine mom decorating a bio-degradable fish coffin.
She uses adjectives to try to convince us that life in the Gosselin household is just a charm a minute.
No. Not buying it. I have seen her mean face. I have heard her dictatorial commands.
The re-appearance of Steve is all I need to see to convince me that Kate is still planning her center stage stardom.
Of course Kate is still planning her comeback in show business.
I share your adoration of I Love Lucy.
A little I Love Lucy trivia:
As much as Lucy and Desi loved each other, they had a hard time co-existing under one roof.
Both were workaholics, and Desi had an explosive temper. But was really infuriating and frustrating for Lucy was that Desi was an unabashed womanizer. When he was not busy working 14 hour days, he spent his free time with his latest "hot tamale".
One time in their office, Lucy became so fed up with Desi, that she took a gun (that she found in Desi's desk), aimed it at his head, and pulled the trigger. It ended up being a cigarette lighter, so Desi just nonchalantly stepped up and lit his cigar.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 169
Oh so Kate is saving the job market by blowing the kids' money on all these cars? Well silly me, she's an American hero!
Then it stands to reason Kate should buy a NEW dishwasher instead of trying to fix old one. LOL
lazyway said... 155
''Here's an idea for Kate: teach your kids to wash the dishes & pots & pans, either with you or by themselves.''
Oh for goodness sake! Please don't encourage KK to give those poor children MORE 'chores'! Please!
Fellow I Love Lucy fan here!
Adding to the trivia: sometimes their ad libbing/double entendres and screen smooches were considered too racy by many to air but they insisted as producers.
AuntieAnn said... 175
"As relaxed & pretty as U looked last nite lying on the floor.."
Gawd that is disturbing. Milo should go private on that damn twitter.
She never disappoints, does she? Weirder and weirder....
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 Oh my...on the floor #DownUnder with the #GreatDivide....LOL What a view! All 4the love of dishwasher! :)
I haven't seen the pic, but someone please please tell me "the #GreatDivide" isn't Kate's crotch?! Please?
Can I just ask - what's the point of giving a gift to someone raising funds for a fundraiser?
It's why I check out all the so called 'not-for-profit' organizations before I give money. If any money is going towards 'administrative' fees, I really calculate contributions vs administrative fees before I give.
And for something as small as a local fundraiser, I'd be embarrassed to 1. buy Kate a gift, or 2. receive it.
Whatever was spent on Kate could have gone to that family. If someone felt they wanted to send Kate a gift, do so privately, in another venue. It's not like it would have been difficult. She tweets her address to any tweeter wanting to donate to her cause.
Sue Buddy said... 177
Then it stands to reason Kate should buy a NEW dishwasher instead of trying to fix old one. LOL
I just had to say ... Oh Sue Buddy, I miss you!
I'm not and expert but um the dishwasher chicken didn't look done to me.
I mean who cooks in a dishwasher?
prairemary said...
I sometimes wonder if kate has a copy of Roberts book, and is trying to un-do all of the damage written in it.
I think you're right. When Laverne & Shirley sent Robert a letter last fall prior to the book's release, iirc, they requested a copy so I'm sure she's read every single page. She seems to be going thru each chapter trying to address every accusation via her blogs or tweets, but try as she might, she can't re-write history - there are videos and articles and interviews that will forever prove the truth.
Hoosier Girl said... 174
Okay really, the fundraiser for two deceased children is now a 'book signing' for Kate?
If nothing else Milo tweets gets addressed by Kate, this should. That's just sick.
I totally agree.
Formerly Duped said... 179
''Fellow I Love Lucy fan here!''
I remember being a I Love Lucy fan when they were first on television. Then, when watching with my Granddaughter, I was shocked to see how often Desi spanked Lucy! I was shocked to realize that Lucy's scrapes she got into were usually because Desi wouldn't give her any money. After explaining over and over to my granddaughter that she should never allow a man to spank her or hit her in any way, and explaining that it wasn't right for Desi to have such total control over Lucy, I just gave up, and didn't allow her to watch I Love Lucy when she was with me...
MJ said... 185
prairemary said...
I sometimes wonder if kate has a copy of Roberts book, and is trying to un-do all of the damage written in it.
I think you're right. When Laverne & Shirley sent Robert a letter last fall prior to the book's release, iirc, they requested a copy so I'm sure she's read every single page. She seems to be going thru each chapter trying to address every accusation via her blogs or tweets....
I agree with both of you. The problem with KK addressing each accusation, is that she really doesn't think she is wrong, and due to her mental illness has no idea how to 'fix' things. Therefore, in her attempts to seem 'normal' she overdoes every single thing...without a clue that those overblown accounts only make it even more clear that she is unable to be 'normal'!
chefsummer said... 184
I'm not and expert but um the dishwasher chicken didn't look done to me.
I mean who cooks in a dishwasher?
Seriously, that's what I thought.
Now excuse me while I go iron my flank steak and take the breadsticks out of the electric blanket.
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 As relaxed & pretty as U looked last nite lying on the floor..I do believe U need need 2get vertical again! LOL #ToDoListWaits
I thought Milo likes Kate in the horizontal position...she's always tweeting about her going to bed and getting flat. Now she wants her to be vertical? I guess she's not fussy about positions.
Milo has to be one of the sickest craziest fans out there...she's even more obsessed and over-the-top than Irishfan.
"Apparently, Kate's now helping out with the egg production. What a dumb cluck!"
lol!! I haven't heard that expression in ages. My mother would often say, "Why are you being such a dumb cluck about it?"
By the way I heard from a lawyer listserv I'm on that Marty Singer's case is going to the California Supreme Court. I'm pretty sure it's that case over that NASTY cease and desist letter he sent out that was so over the top he got smacked down by the lower court basically calling him a bully, threatening, extortion, etc. I haven't had a chance to google for more details but I will eventually.
Kate, the anti-bully, hired the biggest bully of them all. I hope he gets schooled in the Supreme Court.
It was not a book signing. How awful to say that.
You know, she should have walked herself upstairs, put on some sneakers, and participated in the zumba. That actually might have been picked up by a few tabloids. Instead she got almost no traction out of this appearance. A tabloid doesn't want a pic of Kate opening shoes, they want her doing something interesting like zumba. There would be the obvious DWTS reference. She's dumb and awful at promotion.
I'm not and expert but um the dishwasher chicken didn't look done to me.
I mean who cooks in a dishwasher?
You're the chef, chef, so I trust you.
Read the comments on that article, LOL. Basically most people are kinda like "ummm.....okay?" It was like they were horrified, but trying not to hurt her feelings.
handinhand said... 189
U can make stake in the dishwasher to.
But I'll stick to oven's frying pans ect,
What was so weird about that article was the woman said if you seal up the chicken really well you can also run your dirty dishes through at the same time.
Brenda is now saying all she gave Kate was a bottle of water.
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66 1h
@MsPamme @kateplusmy8 Kate did not!!!!!!!! Profit in any way. Oh wait I did give her a bottle of water. Don't think she drank it tho lol
The problem with KK addressing each accusation, is that she really doesn't think she is wrong, and due to her mental illness has no idea how to 'fix' things. Therefore, in her attempts to seem 'normal' she overdoes every single thing...without a clue that those overblown accounts only make it even more clear that she is unable to be 'normal'!
Completely agree Remona Blue.
It's one thing to give a celeb a gift whose value was far beyond what is ever appropriate for a thank you for a charity event.
Quite another to lie about it.
I actually respected her when she owned it and removed the photos. I thought that showed a lot of introspection. At least she wasn't stubborn and stomped her foot and said I can do what I want haters screw you, and then published a bunch more gift photos.
I mean who cooks in a dishwasher?
Seriously, that's what I thought.
Now excuse me while I go iron my flank steak and take the breadsticks out of the electric blanket.
LOL, HandinHand
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