Kate will attend a fundraiser tonight at Trinity Lutheran Church in Pottsville, PA to benefit the family of the two children who died in March as the result of a car crash. The event will feature Zumba, a popular dance fitness program, from 6 to 7 p.m. upstairs at the church. Doors open at 5 p.m. It is $5 to attend.

96 Plymouth Breeze driven by their mother, Victoria Place, 27, of Minersville, that was hit broadside by another vehicle on Route 61 at the entrance to Faith Church in West Brunswick Township on March 24.
Kroh died later that day at the Lehigh County trauma center while her younger sister died March 25 at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest after she was taken off life support. Place survived the crash.
From the Facebook invitation:
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Look who showed up. |
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Was Kate accepting personal gifts for herself at this charity fundraiser that were not part of the auction? According to one person on Facebook, yes. |
632 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 632 of 632 Newer› Newest»I like creative ways to do things when it makes sense, like it saves money or something.
Dishwasher? Doesn't make sense to me.
Plus the idea of all the dirty plates in there for hours or longer and it really can't be the most sterile place in your house to be cooking food for consumption.
Now excuse me while I go iron my flank steak and take the breadsticks out of the electric blanket.
lol!! I just steamed my vegetables in the bathroom when I took a shower.
This is an article that explains how nonprofit donations are designated:
To summarize the organizations are required to honor any restrictions on use of a donation stipulated by a donor. For example, if funds are donated for a particular project or purpose (ex. scholarships, new hospital wing, etc) the charity is legally obligated to adhere to those restrictions. The accounting rules are very specific--this is a major concern in the nonprofit world.
Since it is unknown whether the Zumba event had tax-exempt status (I.e. the church may have extended that status), it may never be known how much was collected and how the funds were used.
As sympathetic as I am to this family, there are many red flags that bring the legitimacy into question. The red flags include the apparently discordant relationships between the immediate families and the lack of any accounting or information of how the funds were used.
Since there was an auto accident involved there are most likely 2 insurance companies involved. Typically, each driver's insurance will immediately take care of hospital bills, and then surrogate the guilty party's insurance company later, once liability is established. Therefore, I am suspicious about the medical bills claim.
In addition, if the owner of the other car has a personal (umbrella) liability policy, that is another legal avenue to pursue to recover medical/funeral bills.
My heart breaks for this family--loss of a child's life is always a tragedy. However, in financial terms, this is not a situation in which there will be life-long medical issues, and, these children were not wage-earners--meaning, the family is not losing a source of future income. I know this may seem cold, especially to anyone who has suffered a similar tragedy. So, my apologies for that. I am just adding my opinion to the discussion.
I don't blame people for asking questions, especially since Kate is involved. She has consistently demonstrated that greed is her primary motivation and that she will lie and misrepresent without batting eye. She has absolutely zero credibility or integrity.
Brenda is now saying all she gave Kate was a bottle of water.
Then who gave her the sandals? What Kate should have done if fans arrived bearing gifts (gold, frankincense and myrrh) is to thank them, and tell them that she appreciates it but they should donate them to the auction. Of course we know she could never refuse a gift, so she should have taken gifts, put them under the table, gotten the fans' names, opened the gifts at home and sent then a hand-written thank you note.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 1
lol!! I just steamed my vegetables in the bathroom when I took a shower.
I truly have to make sure I'm not eating or drinking anything when I read this blog! That was hilarious!
All you multi-taskers have inspired me! I just chopped my lettuce with my weed eater.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 4h
@MY_3BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 Repairs 4older/foreign sports car can go thru the roof! May be better 2buy new! More cost effective! #HerBusiness
Oy. She's nuts, I tell you...nuts! Kate's business? Then why did Milo pester the living daylights out of Kate to find out what was wrong with her car?
At this point because her fans just don't get it, I'm afraid Kate's going to have to do the tacky thing and say in lieu of gifts please donate to the charity I am here for or a charity of your choice.
New post!
Was the 'stash' from Kate's Bargain Basement of Books? Did Kate return any of the public's love offerings, by donating thousands to the mother of these two girls?
Did they ever disclose exactly how much money was made for this charity?
Did Kate get free his & hers UGGS for the both of them... or just herself? She sure looks happy opening those personal gifts. Stevie? I need you stat... FUN!! !!!!!! Does Rat Claws still pull in $1,600 per day for this type of event?
Where are the terrible burns or bandages on Kate's hands (and weird belly)-- she suffered, and hear she tweeted ALL about? Where are they?
(All rhetorical questions, of course.)
All you multi-taskers have inspired me! I just chopped my lettuce with my weed eater.
Bet it wasn't as good as the broccoli I steamed in my dryer. Has a nice Downey soft texture.
Know what this reminds me of, when Kate did the auction in Australia and NO ONE, for months and months, would say how much money she raised. That was a huge charity and had a history of shady dealings since Steve passed away (I like Steve, I don't like Terri that much). Why all the secrecy? Especially when you have a history of issues, wouldn't it be better to be extra careful to be on the up and up? Eventually Kate spilled the beans how much it was, I think she said about 1,000, barely enough to cover the flight to get her out there.
Why is it that every charity Kate is involved with seems to be so secretive or have some kind of history of issues?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 8
You can use the dryer sheets to make KK's version of fish & paper.
Just add ur broccoli for 8x the flavour.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 10
Why is it that every charity Kate is involved with seems to be so secretive or have some kind of history of issues?
I wasn't questioning anything (mostly because I didn't care that much) until the SweetBren person just tweeted they made ... wasn't paying so much attention ... but like 2000, but more to come with a photographer taking pictures??? or something like that?!! I didn't really understand or care.
Then says the ONLY thing she 'paid' Kate was a bottle of water ... when she clearly put on her facebook that she's the one who bought Kate Uggs right? I do pay attention to this blog! :-)
You are the company you keep I guess.
They made "like" $2,000? Sounds like the accounting department is on it.
This kind of operation makes itself incredibly vulnerable to bad people who might take a bit off the top.
You could probably make a living going around "volunteering" for operations like this and skimming a little here a little there.
One of my favorite books as a child is one whose name I forget. But it was about a city girl who went to stay with her country aunt and uncle. They went on a picnic and they put a can of baked beans under the hood on the drive so when they got to the picnic they had hot baked beans.
Admin said... "Why is it that every charity Kate is involved with seems to be so secretive or have some kind of history of issues?"
Every single one. Even during the McDonald's House episode she had the check folded in half. Kate did not disclose the amount given. Kate doesn't like to get out her checkbook- this is the reason I brought the charity up. 'Kate might bring a stash of books to sell and sign at the event', possibly means that's her donation to the cause. That and $5 bucks for the Zumba FUN. As Kate Gosselin herself once put it- (Home Maintenance epi, ladies & gentlemen)...
"It would feel like Christmas, if I didn't have to get out my checkbook."
What's this I hear about Robert Hoffman being there? Does Robert Zumba? LOL, I love it.
Typically, each driver's insurance will immediately take care of hospital bills, and then surrogate the guilty party's insurance company later, once liability is established. Therefore, I am suspicious about the medical bills claim.
That's what happened in the case of my accident. However, depending upon the type of insurance you have (and the other party's insurance) there is a cap as to what they pay out. If they only had, for example, $5,000 in a medical pay-out, I would imagine that would have been eaten up darn fast.
My heart breaks for this family--loss of a child's life is always a tragedy. However, in financial terms, this is not a situation in which there will be life-long medical issues, and, these children were not wage-earners--meaning, the family is not losing a source of future income
I don't know the details of the accident, but if the other person was at fault, in the hands of a good personal injury attorney, there are claims that could be brought against him through his insurance carrier regardless if the children survived. This would involve punitive or exemplary damages for a loss of life. However, there's always a cap there, too, and you can't get more than what the insurance dictates.
Gotta go check to see if my bread is rising under the furnace.
... "They went on a picnic and they put a can of baked beans under the hood on the drive so when they got to the picnic they had hot baked beans."
That sounds divine, Local. My family and friends are always teasing me about wanting to include baked beans, in every gathering meal. Now I can just put my can (Bush's Original) under the hood of the Jeep-- then put them in my purse with the can opener, and presto. The breadsticks in blankets idea was also helpful.
And remember, to always use pot-holders... @Ladies! You might suffer a BAD burn from #HotThingz
Gonna be sunny here tomorrow, so sun-fried eggs on my balcony, only need tinfoil which I will wash and re-use
Hoosier Girl said... 181
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 Oh my...on the floor #DownUnder with the #GreatDivide....LOL What a view! All 4the love of dishwasher! :)
I haven't seen the pic, but someone please please tell me "the #GreatDivide" isn't Kate's crotch?! Please?
You all are cracking me up tonight (Get it? I'm on a pun roll!) No, seriously, Hoosier, this made me laugh out loud. And then I had to go back and look at the photo. No idea what Milo meant by that strange comment.
Eeeeew, on the great divide.
I think we can use that leftover foil for the hats in the morning, Anon. Don't toss it yet! The blogger world is still afraid to "Like" Robert's page- out fear of retaliation alone.
Myself included... liking you from afar, Mr. Hoffman.
One of the young men that works for the ambulance co. that I use would put his can of Chef Boy R Dee on the dash so the sun would heat it up and he had hot spaghetti for lunch.
Years ago on the news, I saw a lady had put a roast with all the fixings in a plastic bag and put it in a Pyrex dish and had it in the back window of her car to cook!
They got a close up of it and it was actually bubbling! It was hot. It was over 100 degrees that day.
So mad at kate trying to grift for a new dishwasher that must match the other one. You should of already have called a repairman to come out and fix it and pay for it, you stingy hag.
Even more furious for accepting gifts, especially the 100 dollar UGG sandals at the same table only inches away from framed pictures of the 2 little girls.
It seems to me that the lady that bought the sandals was more enamored to meet kate and give her the gifts than raising money for the cause.
Lady, you admitted on Facebook that you bought them for kate and then deleted the post and now are saying that you just bought her a bottle of water that you don't know if kate even drank or not.
Lady, Your Busted! You can't unring a bell!
I went to youtube last night and it was suggesting that I watch J and K plus 8. The episode was Say Yes to the Dress.
I thought why not.
Wow in 5 years she doesn't even come close to look like what she used to look like.
We all found out after the renewal vow that their marriage was kaput. But when kate finally found that dress and they asked her if this was the dress, she just acted like it was no big deal, waved her arms around just a little and she acted and looked BORED AS HECK!
You would think if you were doing your renewal vows you would be a little excited. I have seen several women on that show doing renewals they are so excited and happy and grateful for their husbands.
kate knew all along it was fraud.
Also, has anybody noticed that knot looking thingy on her right forearm in the picture with the UGG lady? I zoomed it. Can someone else zoom it and see what you think?
Luke I think you're the one who asked about the lump on KK's wrist. I haven't scrolled through all the comments as I'm on my way out for work. It could be a synovial aka ganglion aka bible cyst. I used to get them, but never that big and always on the inside of my wrist, where the hand meets the wrist. If that's why it is, it's harmless and usually goes away on it's own or she could have one of her kids smack with it a big ole bible. Think of the fun the kids would have! Now I think of it, that sounds like the idea solution and just another way karma's comin for you KK!
lukebandit said... 22
I went to youtube last night and it was suggesting that I watch J and K plus 8. The episode was Say Yes to the Dress.
I thought why not.
Wow in 5 years she doesn't even come close to look like what she used to look like.
Yupe she doesn't even look like the same person as she did 5yr ago.
She doesn't even look the same when she started K+8.
All the funny cooking comments are reminding me of an old Seinfeld episode, where Kramer cooked an entire meal in his shower and served it to his guests (Elaine, Puddy and one of Elaine's coworkers).
Had to do a white wash with hot water today so I threw in some pasta and veggies. Made enough pasta primavera to share with everyone ( it was a big load )!
BTW. This was a horrid accident I know Route 61 and a relative knows the boy who struck their car. Unfortunately it was her fault she pulled out on the road and hesitated in the path of his car. He is devastated as he had a family tragedy recently.
Darby Shaw said... 27
BTW. This was a horrid accident I know Route 61 and a relative knows the boy who struck their car. Unfortunately it was her fault she pulled out on the road and hesitated in the path of his car. He is devastated as he had a family tragedy recently.
Thanks for sharing this. Do you have any information on lawsuits from either party? Was the driver arrested?
So she took Skeevo as her bodyguard huh? In Pottsville, PA. And what is that on her head? Straw?
It was so strange about the SYTTD episode because I had always wanted to see it, but didn't seek it out.
If kate standing there in that wedding dress could of looked into the mirror and saw how she was going to look in 5 years, she would of had a mental breakdown.
On the Seinfeld episode, Kramer cooks all the food in the shower. Elaine's coworker is a germaphobe, big time. The expressions on their faces, especially the coworker when Kramer told them as they were shoveling it down, they loved it, that he cooked all the food in the shower was hilarious!
kate is slipping up trying to keep up with Kendra. If Kendra had of noticed the dishwasher leaking, she would of told Hank and Hank would of called a repairman to come out and fix it. Not GRIFT for a new one!
The picture of her and poor Colin is her lame attempt at damage control of her journal in her own words. Because, um, uh, see, people do you actually believe that um uh I, kate Gosselin would pick up my children by the hair of their 2 yr old head and throw them into their crib and beat them with the wooden spoon??
Not only would you do that, you would accept expensive UGG sandals and gifts in public at a fundraiser to raise money for 2 little girls who were killed in a car accident.
And you accepted them inches away from their framed photos.
You always have said kate that anything you do must be cost-effective. Well, received gifts at fundraiser, remember by 5 till 6 so maybe you and Steve could go out to dinner? Also, are you going to file Steve's one night stand bodyguarding services and a business dinner meeting to the IRS as a "business expense"?
So all you were out were a couple of 3 for 1 dollar books that you have stored in your house to sign, you must still dream that they are still retail price.
Your right, kate. You always make it cost-effective!
About a year ago, I tried to find Gina on Facebook because some of you said that she was on it. I couldn't never find it.
The other day I was on FB and I decided to look and I found it. And was surprised.
Gina had just updated her picture on FB and it is a picture of her and Steve and they look so happy, her hair is blowing back a bit, but it may be a younger picture.
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