Kate will attend a fundraiser tonight at Trinity Lutheran Church in Pottsville, PA to benefit the family of the two children who died in March as the result of a car crash. The event will feature Zumba, a popular dance fitness program, from 6 to 7 p.m. upstairs at the church. Doors open at 5 p.m. It is $5 to attend.

96 Plymouth Breeze driven by their mother, Victoria Place, 27, of Minersville, that was hit broadside by another vehicle on Route 61 at the entrance to Faith Church in West Brunswick Township on March 24.
Kroh died later that day at the Lehigh County trauma center while her younger sister died March 25 at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest after she was taken off life support. Place survived the crash.
From the Facebook invitation:
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Look who showed up. |
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Was Kate accepting personal gifts for herself at this charity fundraiser that were not part of the auction? According to one person on Facebook, yes. |
632 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 632 Newer› Newest»Interesting how Kate accidentally burned herself on the same day there was something in her hometown that she could have attended about a fundraiser for the Boston runners.
Didn't that happen not too long ago when there was something else local that she could have attended for fundraising purposes? Lo and behold, she had a sprained back that day.
I'm going to take this at face value and say Thank you, Kate for going to this event. Being physically present shows emotional support. I am distressed at the idea of selling your book about children, and would prefer you write a personal check instead, but going is good. Now, please remember to make it about the 2 victims and their mother's loss, not about you and your 8. Can you do that, Kate? That would be really good.
Note to Milo. That message is for you, too. N
ur tweets, can u not make it all abt K8? TY.
Fido, agree.
Omg there are pictures of the set up for the meet and greet for Kate. It's so mediocre. The sign is like a homemade glitter sign and then there is a throne for her with a wrinkled tablecloth. I hope Kate doesn't get all mad at the D list feel to it and focuses on the purpose of the event.
Horribly sad reason for fundraiser, signing happy family pics for strangers is just wrong. Snark for Kate - D list is several alphabet letters higher than this image of a wrinkled tablecloth. Much more appropriate would be a personal meet 'n greet appearance and a nice check. Throne chair may please Her Highness.
And shaking my head at Milo's explanation of Kate's evening jog being a run in support of the Boston victims. She really needs to shut up,
Aw... you know what? It's just fine.
The fundraiser coordinators hearts are in the right place.
I hope that 100% of the money goes DIRECTLY to the family of the crash victims, not Kate. I also hope that Kate is not dragging her kids into it, or saddling the fundraiser with a tacky appearance fee, etc...
Otherwise, Kate is doing something for someone- other than herself, and that's a good thing for a change.
Glad to hear there was a previous fundraiser. I hope they raised enough to help that poor mother.
Considering there has already been one fundraiser and the cost for this one is only $5 and the people in PA not having the warmest memories of Kate, I'm very curious what the end result will be.
Looking at the picture above, all I can think is how the "mighty" have fallen.
Yes I think it's perfectly fine and their hearts are in the right place, I just wonder if Kate will take one look at this setup and cringe. I mean they could have ironed the tablecloth for her at least, but it's not about ironing it's about two sweet girls.
This is how the rest of America lives and she needs to get used to it or move to NY or LA.
Many more people could attend than are signed up on FB, but for what it is worth, only 160 are signed up on FB. 800 bucks. And that's if they all pay the 5 bucks for the class. If you look, the 5 bucks is OPTIONAL. Every little bit helps I'm sure but maybe they should have upped the price a bit and made it a mandatory fee at the door just to be there?
It sounds like the people running this are just a bit inexperienced is all.
Ok, good that she is donating the proceeds. I'd like to know how much.
Wonder if rent-a-cop will be there? (You know, the cop she had escort her to the radio station). Gotta play up those phantom death threats.
Fido, ITA! This event is NOT about Kate.
Fido, ITA! This event is NOT about Kate.
Well you coulda fooled me. Where are the photos of the beautiful girls? Where are their names across a banner? All I see is welcome Kate, Kate, Kate, a photo of Kate, and in a couple other photos, some gift baskets.
I think the woman running this might be imposing her love of Kate on other people and misdirecting the focus here because she really likes her. I'm not sure she is seeing this clearly. This looks like a D-list book signing for Kate, not a benefit for two sweet little girls.
If you read her quotes in the article, she talks about how they've been Twitter friends since some 5K thing. Really? The impression I got was that she was hounding Kate to do this both on Twitter and through DMs and was ignored until Kate finally felt backed into a corner and said fine. I don't get the warm and fuzzy BFF feel between them. My point is I don't think Kate sees the relationship the same way she does. In any case I hope it raises as much money as possible for that sweet family.
I didn't read anything about Kate doing the zumba class. Poor Milo will be so disappointed. (Drool). I guess it would be kind of hard in heels. We'll see. If she does the class, I hope somone has the foresight to record it.
Not sure how this all works now, but previously didn't Kate have to have all appearances approved/arranged through her manager, Julie? And didn't some sort of contract and special provisos have to be agreed to for her appearances?
When she does these local things (radio interviews, this charity gig) can she just go and make these commitments on her own, without her Manager or Publicist being involved?
This is just something I ponder.
You're right, Admin. This event, IMO, is nothing more for Kate than another attempt to rehabilitate her image. At least money is being raised for the mom.
I'm not criticizing the effort put in to this fundraiser or how it looks. It's typical of what people all over the country do. I live in a very rural area. Small town full of people with big hearts. But I am chuckling to myself remembering Kate and her limos and stays at the Essex and Kobe beef dinners and her spiffy 3rd car and her hope for that chair on The View.
I think someone on the other thread posted they thought that her next blog post would be about this fundraiser. I kind of think that too. Except it will be about her, not the mom or the kids.
Kate did tweet that she'd be wearing Zumba clothes.
I noticed on the FB page that Kate's "friend" mentioned the local radio personality, Jackie something who interviewed Kate once, and she talked about this fundraiser on her show, but didn't have Kate on. Hmmmm
I hope it raises money to help the bereaved mother. This is such a sad story. Maybe people who attend will donate more than $5. It is nice that Ms Kreider is willing to do something to benefit the community.
Isn't there a photo of a little girl on the left side of the table? That's not a picture of Kate.
Remember, this is a church event. They generally expect that people will make donations larger than the set price. My bet is that many people will toss $20 in the box, or write checks if they want tax deductions.
Admin-according to a post on that FB page, everyone attending must pay the $5 fee. This is the post:
"SHe will bring and sign to the first 100 people a pic of her/family.
She will have some of her books to sell and will donate the proceeds :)
She will take pics also and sign her books if you have them :)
*Note- $5 fee must be paid for ALL AGES and paid even if not doing Zumba - thanks!!"
The original promotion post is a bit misleading and could be misinterpreted.
I will give kudos to Kate for attending and for helping to raise money, but bringing pictures of her family and autographing them just seems tacky-the same with her books.
Couldn't she have just done a meet and greet without involving her children?
I'm sure most people are attending to raise funds for the benefit of the family, not because Kate is going to appear.
From the FB page:
Kate will have books to sell ! $10. She is donating them to the cause :) and giving DVDs to chin auction. And donating a signed book to be released in September will be mailed to you :)"
So where is Kate getting these books and DVDs from? Does she have a large supply stored in her basement?
Ok, if she is gonna wear zumba clothes, then she must be doing it. Cameras, action...DWTS Redux!
P.S. $5.00 for a Zumba class is a great deal.
IMO, Kate would not be a good Zumba participant.
Zumba instructors are not allowed to take the time to explain the dance steps. You learn the dances in a "monkey-see, monkey do" way. It takes more than one class to "get" the routines, but it's still alot of fun if you do not take yourself seriously- AND YOU SWEAT LIKE A PIG. Great for losing weight, and toning up.
I've been doing Zumba for 4 years- I love it, and recommend going to more than one class.
Kate is a twit said... 21
So where is Kate getting these books and DVDs from? Does she have a large supply stored in her basement?
I've always thought she did.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 199
Interesting in trying to find an article for my post about Zumba I saw that there has already been a fundraiser for the girls a few weeks ago that charged 20 bucks a head instead of just 5, and it was apparently very well attended. There's still outstanding expenses after that?
Maybe a scholarship should be set up at this point.
Admin, I've seen it discussed here and have hesitated to mention it, but this is at least the fourth fundraiser in as many weeks. Tonight's fundraiser has been arranged by Brenda, whose cousin held the first fundraiser, as she's a good friend of the mother. When that event was over and people asked on Facebook how much was raised, that friend said she wasn't going to disclose it, at the request of the family.
Of the four fundraisers, I'm aware of only one that disclosed the amount raised. I can provide more info if you'd like.
Admin said...
The impression I got was that she was hounding Kate to do this both on Twitter and through DMs and was ignored until Kate finally felt backed into a corner and said fine. I don't get the warm and fuzzy BFF feel between them. My point is I don't think Kate sees the relationship the same way she does. In any case I hope it raises as much money as possible for that sweet family.
I do too but I won't be surprised if one of the kids suddenly gets sick around 3 this afternoon or she blows a tire on the way to the fundraiser. I know I'm jaded in thinking that, but it's Kate afterall and something tells me she doesn't really want to do this thing.
I'm glad that Kate is doing this fundraiser. It's high time she kept her word on this whole "Gosselins giving back" thing.
Kate's been the recipient of so much giving that it's astounding. She's loaded with millions and the luxuries she has she has for the most part, received for free/product placement, although she's never admitted it, but lied to deflect the truth.
Like her Audi. Still in the shop there, Kate? Didn't think so.
And, if you think Kate's original refrigerator in the mansion was really moldy (what an insult to the prior owners), think again. This was just a story concocted to cover the fact that Kate had already grifted for free Frigidaire appliances before she ever moved in.
At least Kate is helping out for a local family/mom. Even if they don't raise a lot of money, every bit helps and provides emotional support as well for that poor mother. What a tragic loss!
I sincerely hope that Kate comes without the children. I hope she puts on a smile and is courteous to those who ask for an autograph, photo with her, etc. I hope everyone who attends leaves feeling good about their participation in this fundraiser.
PatK said... 24
Kate is a twit said... 21
So where is Kate getting these books and DVDs from? Does she have a large supply stored in her basement?
I've always thought she did.
Or that's why she demanded Jon clean out the garage apartment. She wanted to store her overstock up there. Along with her AbChamp and all the Health-Tex clothing hang tags with her face on them. It would all take a lot of room.
I still haven't seen the AbChamp ad on TV.
I'm guessing that was a complete bust.
Was reading up on buying followers and retweets and came across this, thought it was funny:
"Should buying Twitter followers prompt you to reevaluate your life?
Yes, absolutely. You'll feel disgusted and guilty because you just paid actual money for fake followers on a website, and, man, blech, come on."
Off topic, but remember how Milo was trying to wheedle Kate into doing "Splash"? Lots of participants (I hesitate to call them "stars") are getting injured on the show. Bruised kidneys, ruptured eardrum, broken foot.... Hm, does anyone else think Milo didn't really care if Kate were hurt? She just wanted to see her idol back on TV--and Kate in a swimsuit would have been a bonus!
I also have to give kudos to Kate for agreeing to do this. I think most will be attending to support the cause and not to see Kate.
Unfortunately for Kate she's now got a new BFF who will hound her to death unless Kate blocks her (by mistake of course).
I don't think the mother will be there because it sounds like it will be a fun event with a lot of laughing and I'm sure she's not up for that just yet.
"Should buying Twitter followers prompt you to reevaluate your life?
Yes, absolutely. You'll feel disgusted and guilty because you just paid actual money for fake followers on a website, and, man, blech, come on."
Funny. I saw this on Twitter and thought it was funny and applied to people who tout their the number of Twitter followers they have:
"The number of "followers" you have does not make you better than anyone else. Hitler had millions, Jesus had 12."
Wow, what's with criticizing the fanciness of the fundraiser? It's a Zumba class not a black tie affair.
She is evil - I have to agree. Can we please check the snark at the door for this event? I understand there are a lot who question where the money is going and Kate's involvement but I would ask that we all just give the event coordinator(s) the benefit of the doubt and applaud them for trying to help and for me that even includes Kate. We complain a lot that she doesn't give back. I'm not saying that she's not trying to promote herself but for anybody it takes a first step to go down a new path. Hopefully, Kate will be able to gain a new perspective today and change herself a bit. She might not but I do pray this is the start of some more "other centeredness" attitude for her.
Apparently the stock market took a brief dive yesterday after someone hacked AP's twitter account and posted that the White House had been bombed. That was not a good thing to do, but I had to roll my eyes at one woman who was interviewed (maybe she was a market analyst? other financial expert? I can't remember). The woman said, very seriously, that people would stop taking Twitter seriously if they didn't tight up their security protocols.
Twitter, something to be taken seriously? I can't get behind that concept.
On the night the two bombers were being hunted in the Boston suburb, I followed the Twitter feed of one local amateur reporter. He (and others in the same area) were the first official reports of what was going on at that moment. Even when the traditional media arrived, they were all over the place and often wrong. On that night, I found real value in Twitter.
But why would anyone expect that any one Twitter comment ought to be viewed as rock solid factual reporting? Whatever happened to fact checking with multiple sources?
Snark checked, with apologies for earlier snarking. Truly just hope that Kate does not make this about her, either tonight or in a future bog piece.
You asked on the previous thread if there were still expenses after the $20/head fundraiser. I googled the story when Kate said she was going and came across an article which said that as of @ April 1st $20,000 had been raised w/fund associated with a church. I don't know if the zumba fest is connected to the same fund, however.
Other than on the local zumba FB page, I couldn't understand why they didn't tweet the link to the donation site or list the details for when, where, etc. Her tweets were very vague, imo and not geared to increase attendance or donations - heck, maybe some fans/non-fans would have donated if they'd had the link.
I hope Kate's motivation comes from a selfless spirit and that her participation helps raise money for the family. I also hope that Kate's heart is touched in a way that helps her understand what is truly important and that things like the loss of precious life and life changing physical and emotional wounds are more important than crossing a marathon finish line. The tone of the tweets, blogs, photos, etc., after the event will tell that story, though. I don't like the feeling I get when questioning her motivation, but after her complete fails in being a giving and selfless person, I just can't help it. Time will tell.
PatK, Except for major deals like for tv appearances, magazines (HA, they've dried up, haven't they?) I don't think Kate has anyone representing her now, at least not what she used to have a few years ago with JCM.
Who is snarking? Everyone has said this is great and I hope the family benefits as much as possible.
What was said was there was concern that flaunting her kids around might be insensitive to the family. That's not snark, that's just concern for the family. Also what was said is this event is probably not what Kate is used to.
Finally I don't think any tragedy no matter how great should make one uncomfortable to ask where the money is going. That is looking out for the victims and is nothing to be ashamed of. That's what scammers do, set up situations where you are afraid or uncomfortable to ask. I don't know why the family is not disclosing the amount of money they have been given after four events now. I hope it is for good reason like because they think that's tacky. Who knows. I hope everything is kosher and that that funny feeling I keep getting is way off base.
NJGal51 said... 32
I also have to give kudos to Kate for agreeing to do this. I think most will be attending to support the cause and not to see Kate.
Unfortunately for Kate she's now got a new BFF who will hound her to death unless Kate blocks her (by mistake of course).
I don't think the mother will be there because it sounds like it will be a fun event with a lot of laughing and I'm sure she's not up for that just yet.
I agree. It is a start and a first. Hope she actually shows up ; )
About the home/boat owner who found Suspect #2, can you imagine him saying "hey, if they want to shower me with money and gifts, who am I to say no?"
I'm reading RH's book again and you just would not believe what Kate got for free. Mostly from people and companies who wanted to help, not knowing that Kate had so much help and so much money.
It's astounding.
And bitching about milk? Sure, it was a shock to her system to not get it for free after a while, but Kate admitted in her journal that they were NEVER without it. If the milk was on sale, she'd clean out the store's supply and then get rain checks for the future.
I don't get the need to lie about that. Never will.
I suspect everyone who posts here has a charitable heart, and that we contribute time, money and efforts to worthwhile causes. That said, it's also true that trusting, good-hearted people can be (and sometimes are) bilked. In lean times, it's to everyone's benefit to be as above-board about fundraisers as possible.
I wouldn't host a fundraiser without first putting accountability measures in place. And I would certainly feel more comfortable about contributing to something like this, if there were an appointed trustee to ensure the monies were distributed as promised, for specified expenses.
A quick Google search reveals that there have been appeals to celebrities & hometown neighbors. Fundraisers occurred; a trust fund was established at a local bank. Best case scenario (given the sad but all-too-real circumstances), is that the money gets pooled into a central location & is monitored on behalf of the mother, who most certainly has more important things on her mind right now than an accounting ledger.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21
@Kateplusmy8 @Kateplusmy8 I think I figured out when Jon Gosselin gave Robbie Trashman the go-ahead to threaten you & write book.
Jon lost job at Omega Systems in Feb/Mar 2012 and asked Kate if he could be absolved of paying arrears, current and future child support.
April 2012 Kate had lawyer end Jon's current and future child support payments.
Jon asked Kate to pay his back child support and Kate said no. She isn't paying any of his past due bills, especially since Gameface publicly announced Jon was going to be director of whatever.
Because Kate said no to Jon's request he gave told the trashman to help him nail Kate's coffin.
May 2012 is when Robert Hoffman started sending Kate menacing tweets.
Aug 2012 Jon gave an exclusive to Star magazine about child support and Kate wanting him to go to jail.
You know the rest. Book of lies was on sale for 3 days. Bullyville steps in and discovers Jon stole Kate's computer and he and Robert Hoffman conspired agianst Kate.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 I believe U are probably correct on all of this! He has fueled hate...always doin stuff 2hinder/hurt Kate!
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Gut is telling me I'm right. Wonder if reason Kate stopped allowing Jon on property is bcuz he was stealing stuff
@MiloandJack @SheepMentionedInRH'sBook @Kateplusmy8 Ur #GutFeeling is spot on! Theft & other issues involving Kates personal stuff/even groceries! #SorryMan
(Milo's tweet was in reference to that fan's tweet: "Gut is telling me I'm right. Wonder if reason Kate stopped allowing Jon on property is bcuz he was stealing stuff."
If the milk was on sale, she'd clean out the store's supply and then get rain checks for the future.
I hate it when people do that, leaving nothing on the shelf for the next person. It's what gets me about that extreme couponing show - taking all 86 of the razors or the last 44 bottles of flavored water.
It's just a personal pet peeve, nothing grand on the world scale.
So where is Kate getting these books and DVDs from? Does she have a large supply stored in her basement?
Maybe she went to her dollar store and gathered up all the excess they were about to throw into the dumpster. They can't give those things away.
Milo seems to think that is event is all about Kate, even if Kate may not.
@Kateplusmy8 U go out there & just ENJOY urself! Let loose & have FUN! Gr8 cause 4U 2give ur time/efforts toward! :)
@Kateplusmy8 Loosen up/relax/have fun....#SkakeItZumbaStyle Kate! Blessed they R 2have U support this event! Wish I was there!!!! :(
I have seen some of Kate's tweeties tweet to good luck to the organizer of this event, but I have yet to see anyone ask her if there is a place they can send donations.
I think many or most of us who participate in charity events regularly know the charities well, as we have been part of them for years. Toys for Tots, regional Salvation Army Thanksgiving Dinners, etc.. but there are some national corporations who take a huge bite out of what fans contribute- CEO salary, etc...
In this case with Kate doing her first local charity event, which is private, and does not benefit her financially (as far as I know), this may be a step in the right direction. Time will tell if she is interested in paying it back/forward or if this is for all for publicity with her recent BV adventure and trying to gain support.
Who knows with her. But history does repeat itself, and after all of the "charity," she has received from so so many for so many years on end, it clearly is time to pay it forward. Tick tock.
Admin - This was the post I was referencing and which Orange graciously acknowledged was a bit snarky (Orange, this is not meant to embarrass you and I apologize if it seems like this. I'm just trying to illustrate to Admin what some of us took as being a bit snarky. I liked your reply and agree that I hope Kate doesn't turn this into being all about her).
I agree, most people are appreciative that she's going and understand that it's for a good cause and applaud her for that. However, this post is only 42 comments in and it's still light out. As much as we all hope that Kate doesn't make this all about her, I think we need to be mindful not to make it all about Kate either and seize it as an opportunity to snark. Sorry if that sounds preachy, it's truly not meant to be. I guess I just want to let things unfold and see what she does with this. If she goes and it's reported she behaved like a total diva, then we'll have something to criticize or snark about.
OrangeCrusher1 said... 4
Omg there are pictures of the set up for the meet and greet for Kate. It's so mediocre. The sign is like a homemade glitter sign and then there is a throne for her with a wrinkled tablecloth. I hope Kate doesn't get all mad at the D list feel to it and focuses on the purpose of the event.
Horribly sad reason for fundraiser, signing happy family pics for strangers is just wrong. Snark for Kate - D list is several alphabet letters higher than this image of a wrinkled tablecloth. Much more appropriate would be a personal meet 'n greet appearance and a nice check. Throne chair may please Her Highness.
I'll be surprised if ROL doesn't have a story on this.
I think that they have to keep really good records on how much money is taken in during all the fund raisers becasue if the money is given directly to the individual it is considered taxable income since she is not a bona fide non-profit organization. The IRS doesn't care why you received the money, just that you received it.
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 Ur #GutFeeling is spot on! Theft & other issues involving Kates personal stuff/even groceries! #SorryMan
Milo, you've already said some darn libelous things about Jon that included blackmail. If I were you, I'd shut the heck up.
Some of the stalkers just refuse to let things go.
Both Milo and Goody have been master baiting today, trashing Jon, trying to get something going with the "haters." It's not working. Can you say "desperate?"
I wonder if Milo had her checkbook out today, sending a donation to the fundraiser. After all, Kate's supporting it, and she does support whatever Kate supports!
Sounds like someone's randomly corralled a college student to "guard" her, lol. Shortly before 6pm.
@xxxxxx 7m
Playing bodyguard for Kate Gosselin at the moment. Just chalk that up on my résumé.
Shick Nugars @ShickNugars 18m
Playing bodyguard for Kate Gosselin at the moment. Just chalk that up on my résumé.
A college student for a "bodyguard"? How the mighty HAVE fallen. Mr. Policeman Friend not available?
In any case, I hope she can somehow manage to make this NOT about her, or some blog about herself in a zumba class, or some big travail driving there, etc. I hope she can actually make it about a cause for once, and not her own cause.
librarylady said... 55
Sounds like someone's randomly corralled a college student to "guard" her, lol. Shortly before 6pm.
@xxxxxx 7m
Playing bodyguard for Kate Gosselin at the moment. Just chalk that up on my résumé.
LOL! Should have seen that coming!
The kid has a pic of himself & Kate up on his twitter account.
Is he SURE that's Kate? She's changed yet again.
The face sure is different than we've seen before, but the revealing dress...yeah.
Stash for proceeds, autograph on the stash for her pocket. You just watch.
Poor kid that's doing the bodyguarding. He has NO idea what he's opened himself up for with those two innocent tweets.
fidosmommy said... 45
These Super Couponers are just hoarders with an addiction. No one, not even Kate, needs 20 toothpastes.
Someone is guarding Kate? Oh dear lawd, from WHAT or WHOM, pray tell?
Interesting just how MUCH Kate looks like Kendra now. Hmmmm....
If I were going to be seated at a table with people walking up to it and looking down at me, I'd wear a top that wouldn't allow you to get a good gander at my boobies!
I'm guessing Kate's not Zumbaing in that blouse!
Shick Nugars @ShickNugars 22m
Just chilling with Kate Gosselin on this lovely Weds evening. @kateplusmy8 http://instagram.com/p/YgQMMXxWZs/
Oh my gosh -- that HAIR. Hers, not his. Look at those fried ends. Wouldn't you just love to have a scissors with you and chop it to chin length and then put some lowlights in it? She's getting more plastic Barbie looking by the day... That's not snark...it's an observation that's dead-on.
Kate does look different. Nose job?
Mel said... 62
Poor kid that's doing the bodyguarding. He has NO idea what he's opened himself up for with those two innocent tweets.
Hopefully he doesn't get sh*t bombed by Kate's Twaters. I don't get it, why a teen boy would be enthralled by Kate, but there are worse things to be into at that age.
What I don't understand is why anyone would think of Kate when holding a fundraiser for children. I thought the local's and people around her area pretty much had her number.
With the child abuse brought to light, I just don't get it. I feel so bad for this mother and hope she get's the help she needs in every way she needs it.
As for Kate, sorry I don't buy it. Kate has shown people for years,she doesn't do anything without getting something for herself. She uses her own children to get whatever it is she's after, I have no doubt that she would use somebody else's children for a reason.
Sorry if that's harsh,but it's Kate's MO.
Melissa NV said... 66
The hair is terrible. Unnatural, dry and way, WAY too long. It drags her face down. Unless she's actually going for the Sarah Jessica Parker look.
Tucker said: If I were going to be seated at a table with people walking up to it and looking down at me, I'd wear a top that wouldn't allow you to get a good gander at my boobies!
LOL!! I was thinking the same thing. But she does love those boobies, don't you know? If you're going to pay for something, you want to show what your money bought, not keep your purchase hidden away somewhere.
"I'm guessing Kate's not Zumbaing in that blouse! "
Is that what they call it nowadays? Where's Steve?
And bitching about milk? Sure, it was a shock to her system to not get it for free after a while, but Kate admitted in her journal that they were NEVER without it. If the milk was on sale, she'd clean out thestore's supply and then get rain checks for the future. 41
While I am glad those children apparently had milk although I distinctly remember her stating that she ONLY bought milk on sale, and
locals said that milk never went on sale in PA.
Color me confused.
On the other hand I do not doubt that she would clear out any sale items that were on "her" list.
Latest Conspiracy Theory 43
Thanks for the laugh!
She's looking way older than 38.
I'm sorry, but it is still my view that kate should just write a cheque, and not haul her books and family pictures along to sell. Even if the mother of those angel-girls is not there, it should not be a 'fun evening'. I stand firm on that.
I think she looks different because SHE did her own makeup and hair NOT a professional...thus, the FLAT stringy giant forehead look and no 8 foot spider lashes so the eyes look different ....that KID looks like my kid bother NOT a bodyguard...what the HELL does she need that for in a rinky-dink PA town where EVERYONE knows her and NOONE gives a shit about her?!?! To use Kate's own words "I don't get it...I just don't get it"
That photo of Kate tonight looks absolutely nothing like her twitter ID photo. Her 2 year old photo looks so young and fresh (probably why she still has it on there). Every time you see her now (yes I still see her out and about, mostly with her hair in a ponytail) she looks so tired and haggard.
I'm glad to see she is doing something that may aid this young mother, but if she really wants to improve her image she needs to stop with the Hate campaign against her husband and take care of her family.
That flat and fried hair does her no favors, esp with her high forehead. Bangs, layers, highlights would be softer and more flattering. Just another high maintenance Barbie doll with fake boobs,
As for Milo:
Or perhaps #desparate.
Kate is truly pathetic. She just cannot go anywhere in public, where she will be having to interact (however briefly) with strangers, without "protection." I think it's because she just can't handle dealing with people. A small fundraiser, at a church, and she needs a young man (what is he, all of 19?) to act as bodyguard?
Kate did not tweet one tweet that directly states there will be a fundraiser for the two girls. Yes, she has tweets that indirectly relate to it but nothing that directly promoted the fundraiser. For instance this morning's tweet was: "Good morning! Got your Zumba shoes on? Lol... See you all tonight. Hope you'll be there!". And another: "can't wait to meet you there! So much fun!" To help a gr8 cause! ;) and another one: "I'm so happy to help! See you there soon! ;)".
How hard it is to just tweet something to the effect of fundraiser for 2 little girls killed in car crash on 4-24. (attached newspaper article). Then she could tweet another one that states she will be there with her books at (name place) and mention the rumba class. Like Admin. says she sucks at promotion.
Did Kate do any radio to promote this event? I thought that lady said she had radio lined up for Kate to do. Anybody know?
I think Milo is scanning the internet for any sightings of her girlfriend. She tweeted the 'bodyguard' 8 minutes after he tweeted the picture: (or maybe she reads here.....)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h
@xxxxxxx@Kateplusmy8 And looks like ur enjoying every minute! #Smiles
Sounds like Kate was a hit with the locals.
The reports are refreshing.
She couldn't have dressed a bit more conservative for this fundraiser held at a church? Just wow.
what the HELL does she need that for in a rinky-dink PA town where EVERYONE knows her and NOONE gives a shit about her?!?!
It's not a rinky-dink PA town. It's actually a nice community.
Speaking of which, I'm surprised Milo isn't tweeting Kate to tell her to be careful during the thunderstorm moving through. She's slipping up on her weather-gal job.
While I am glad those children apparently had milk although I distinctly remember her stating that she ONLY bought milk on sale, and
locals said that milk never went on sale in PA.
Color me confused.
"Regular" milk never goes on sale in PA, but I believe that stores do have sales on organic milk.
Holy neckline batman. That's one loose top. Doesn't she own a Tee Shirt? Who was responsible for obtaining the body guard? Did she make that a condition for showing up? As energetic as Zumba is a ponytail is what she needs not loose locks(at least it doesn't appear she's clipped in her extensions). Did she feel the need to be "picture perfect" if fans wanted to take a snapshot with her? I guess she's gonna zoom out of there the minute she's done with Zumba. and I bet she doesn't do the whole class and hang afterwards. There will be no photos of her fumbling, bumbling and sweating.
I am one of those that get uneasy with donating to just a person or family without knowing where the monies are really going. I know in the state I live in you cannot drive without auto insurance and the minimum medical coverage you can carry is %50,000. Is PA radically different? Because I've friends and families in other states and they too have the same or close limits.
Just read my health insurance and it says it will NOT pay for acts of terrorism. So for these sweet girls I can't imagine there being too horrid of medical bills since they didn't keep the one on life support for months on end but those folks in Boston may be out of luck if they too have health insurance that doesn't pay for medical treatment as a result of terrorist acts.
She looks happy. My hope is that she will have fun and learn that giving back is a great thing.
I don't often have props for Kate - but tonight, I'm glad to see that she went - and that she appears to have gone without the kids - two good things, I believe.
As far as her appearance, I don't like to really snark about it - but I think she looks pretty. As far as her shirt, she was told to wear pink, in honor of the two deceased little girls, and this may be the only pink she has. She has a genuine smile on her face when she's been photographed with the fans, and that's good.
As others have said, I hope she goes home tonight counting her 8 blessings at home, and I hope she gets that warm, fuzzy feeling that comes from doing something for someone else - for nothing.
I really think the guy was kidding about being a "bodyguard". He probably is the son of one the women who went, and offered to help out.
I will give kudos to Kate for a few things. She agreed to do this, she actually showed up, and she did not tweet during the event.
As far as for promoting it, it's possible that the organizer didn't want to promote it on twitter, but only wanted to let people know that Kate was doing a good thing. I'm sure that most people who went didn't go because Kate was going to be there-she was just an added attraction.
I would like to believe that Kate actually did this out of the kindness of her heart, and not because she thinks she will get a lot of publicity about it, which I don't think is the case. If the organizer had never said anything on twitter, no one would have even known about it.
Tucker's Mom said... 82
Sounds like Kate was a hit with the locals.
The reports are refreshing.
Tucker's Mom? I can't get the link to open. Could you give a few details as to what was said or give a different link? Thanks!
prairiemary said... 74
I'm sorry, but it is still my view that kate should just write a cheque, and not haul her books and family pictures along to sell. Even if the mother of those angel-girls is not there, it should not be a 'fun evening'. I stand firm on that.
It's a zumba class. Kate didn't turn a somber event into a "fun evening."
It's a zumba class. Kate didn't turn a somber event into a "fun evening."
It's my understanding it was the organizer's idea to do Zumba. I think it's a very odd choice for two dead children. I picture a Zumba class as a good activity perhaps to raise money for a school, or the Girl Scouts or to build a ramp for a child in a wheelchair. Not for two dead children. Just uncomfortable for me, maybe other people didn't think anything of it.
But it's true that wasn't Kate's decision on what activity they would do.
Tucker's Mom? I can't get the link to open. Could you give a few details as to what was said or give a different link? Thanks!
It was a pic of a fan posing with Kate. The twittered photos and reports all say positive things. Kate was nice and friendly etc.
The facebook page has several photos of Kate. While I find it kind of interesting that the vast majority of their photos are of Kate (the woman organizing this event is clearly a huge fan who doesn't seem to understand that this was not about KATE), what I see from this woman is she made a sincere attempt to show up, WITHOUT her kids, participate, be friendly, and flash a genuine smile. I see a woman who is TRYING.
Now who knows what her motives are or what is going on in her head, but I give her props for TRYING.
Sounds like Kate was a hit with the locals.
The reports are refreshing.
Well, yes...she's not going to go in there with a sour-puss face, ignoring people, being rude or nasty. Kate can put on a pleasant, friendly air when she wants to.
Kate, brava! It's wonderful that you went to the event, interacted with the people when interacting comes hard for you, and you appeared to have a good time. You did some direct good for the family. As a byproduct of that, you have harbored some GOODwill in that community. THAT is the way to live, Kate. You gave of yourself, and as the reward for that, you can feel plenty good about what you did. Way to go, Kate, and I mean that with sincerity.
What strikes me about the photos of Kate is that
there seems to be light in her eyes. She has a great smile, but most photos of her show that smile with blank eyes. She looks as if she is there for the right reasons, perhaps she really is helping with this cause, one can only hope.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate and I. My twitter buddy. hope I was not to over the top :) lol thanks again for everything. Hugs ! pic.twitter.com/RsGDU5jjUL
Uh-oh. Kate has a new bff. Milo is probably pulling her hair out over this.
Over, I could see how much Kate was struggling to be friendly and make conversation at the Santa Monica book signing. It was obvious she wasn't enjoying herself and that she didn't know how to talk. I know she was upset at the poor turnout, but yes she does have a history of behaving poorly in public. She usually looks happy when she's at some A-list celebrity thing like the Emmys or in grifting tents. Other things it's a crap shoot. Plus, I never got the sense she REALLY wanted to do this that much.
I think it would be hard for her to be so approachable and sweet at something like this that really doesn't help her one way or the other.
That fan looks exactly like how I pictured her.
Good point about the light in her eyes. Kate frequently has dead eyes. Sociopathic eyes. It's creepy. I can't say that about these pics tonight.
Maybe she's happy because she's suing Jon and feels she's one step closer to terminating his parental rights once and for all?
Well, I was thinking, too, yes, at least she is TRYING. Any attention on her, she'll take it, but hopefully she truly was doing this for the right reasons. It's sad that she has allowed her behaviors to define how her future actions will always be perceived - as questionable.
But, then, the pic of her in the high pink shoes - she tries so hard to look what she thinks is "Hollywood", doesn't she? Tries too hard.
No offense Over in Kate's County: I actually live in a very small, quaint and charming town with wonderful folks as well....my point was that according to all the comments over the years from the folks in your neck of the woods, Kate has been less than friendly and looks down her nose at folks like she is above you. So my point was that getting a body guard for her friendly hometown folks seemed kind of ridiculous like she is pretending in her head that she is the star attraction at an LA event. I am actually surprised and glad that her demeanor has been reported to be warm and friendly. Maybe she is actually trying to practice what she tweets with all her positivity.
@Kateplusmy8 Thank you so much for being so awesome tonight! And letting me break the rules and get a pic w/the bodyguard!!! <3 You rock
I'm surprised posters here are giving Kate the benefit of the doubt. Really?
Kate doesn't do ANYTHING unless it benefits Kate. Ever. Why would she change now? She's a vengeful, spiteful bitch.
I'd bet her 'manager' told her to go do this charity thing as free publicity for her failing crookbook.
Leopards don't change their spots. She's getting SOMETHING for doing this. Even if it's just trying to prove to the public that she's charitous. (not really sure if charitous is a word. LOL)
Does any know if Kate did any radio to promote this event? Thanks, Leslie
@Kateplusmy8 Kate and I. My twitter buddy. hope I was not to over the top :) lol thanks again for everything. Hugs ! pic.twitter.com/RsGDU5jjUL\
Why is her hair on the right side so much longer than the left side? :)
Shelby, I'm not sure I will ever give up the hope that Kate might change, might at least TRY to change. If only because I care about that for her children.
The group here has struck me in general as a glass half full type of folks always open to people if they demonstrate they are trying.
Also I think it's important to encourage good behavior, whether it's Kate, or even people in your own life. Otherwise you run into a trap of "well I can't do anything right so why try."
That said, I understand it is a perfectly justified position to write people off no matter what they do. At a certain point people run out of second chances, and that is a fair point. This is why people get away from their narcissists, because they finally decide they've used up all their chances.
1) Well said Admin regarding Kate's participation. I too hope she has fun and enjoys giving back. If she would do more things like this, drop her suit against Jon by simply saying "I've had time to reflect and, for the sake of my kids, I've decided to drop my suit against Jon. The past is the past and it's time we move on.", she might actually find things turn around for her.
2) I attend an evangelical church in CA. I understand we're a little more relaxed here but honestly her shirt did not seem too low cut. Women at my church wear tops like that and it's not considered risqué by any stretch. Perhaps PA is more conservative.
hope I was not to over the top :)
Oh Lord. She probably was. I'm embarrassed for her. Kate was restrained and seemed warm. This lady is embarrassing, hounding Kate like crazy until she agreed, plastering the facebook page almost exclusively with photos of Kate and comments on Kate, slobbering all over her clinging to her side in all the photos. There's barely a pic of Kate that lady isn't in. Why did she have to stand right next to her for the signings??
And this is the lady who tweeted what a fun exciting wonderful time a fundraiser for two dead children was going to be and was pushing for the photos and books to sign of a happy healthy family. I think the biggest issue is this lady, not Kate. She couldn't separate her love of Kate with how to put on a dignified fundraiser.
Admin 107 - Again, nicely said and my sentiments as well.
Did anyone get a chance to watch that 'Brooklyn Five' documentary? It was incredibly good.
I read the Central Park Jogger's book when it came out. What was done to her was unspeakable.
I felt tremendous sympathy for those boys. They fought so hard against those charges and their families, in most cases, never gave up on them.
Sillimom I don't think the top is an issue either, you can't even see her cleavage at least in the ones I saw. That's a pretty typical cut of outfits I see in church.
I would wear that to church I guess if I liked pink and hibiscus designs. But I didn't ever go to church in PA really so I don't know. Well, I think I went once and do remember seeing suits. I wasn't into church really at that time I was into sleeping in and studying on Sundays.
Why is her hair on the right side so much longer than the left side? :)
THANK YOU! I thought it was just me...it's really wacky-looking (and here I said I wouldn't comment on her appearance!!) But the hair?? She really has always been into the asymmetrical look, I guess, but the different hair length does sort of bother me. I just want to grab a pair of scissors and even it out!!!!
Again, though - kudos to her for going. People say we "hate" Kate - no, I just hate the hypocrisy that Kate is - and the lies/half-truths/embellishments that she has pooped out over the years...so when I see what appears to be a genuine effort on her behalf to "make nice" and "give back" - I want to point that out.
Kate doesn't do ANYTHING unless it benefits Kate. Ever. Why would she change now?
Probably the minimal something she thinks she might get is some sort of publicity out of it. Yes, there has always been an angle, imagine she knows that at this point she has to at least look like she's trying to do something nice. Guess just people hoping that at least there is a smidgeon of thoughtfulness lurking in there somewhere.
Milo, of course, is ruining any dot of charitable thought that people might have thought KG brought to this event by making it all about K8. KG doesn't even have to do it herself with any narcissistic writing, Milo is stepping right up. S/he needs to back off.
Her hair! It looks terrible. Dark roots. Looks like it is different lengths everywhere. Longer on one side than the other. Really awful looking. She is trying so hard to be what she believes is young and hip. The stick straight bleached hair, the skinny jeans, the hooker shoes. Not doing her any favors.
I forgot who said this yesterday but it was such a great comment, that the so called "haters" will usually always say so when Kate does something right, but they have yet to see a sheeple admit it when Kate does something wrong.
And that is a huge difference that I like about this side of the debate. To me most of this group calls it like they see it. Most of the time, this group's temperature is a good one. If it's good it's good, if it's bad it's bad. Call it like they see it. And if people are going off course, people aren't afraid to say so, respectfully. When I think about any group I've ever been a part of that has an opposing group, be it in politics or elsewhere, 9 times out of 10 I want to be on the side that is more open and flexible.
Milo does need to back off. She doesn't want to bait Kate into ruining this whole thing by saying something. LET IT BE.
Kate did right, but it could easily be sabotaged if she runs her mouth after.
You know that's the problem with Milo? She doesn't know when to let things ride and let them be.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 10m
@Kateplusmy8 Oviously local folks N PA feel very comfortable around U...enjoy ur presence & support!
Oh, Milo...if you only knew.
Over In Kate's County said... 95
Sounds like Kate was a hit with the locals.
The reports are refreshing.
Well, yes...she's not going to go in there with a sour-puss face, ignoring people, being rude or nasty. Kate can put on a pleasant, friendly air when she wants to.
I agree with Over in Kate's County. We've all seen how Kate can be pleasant and friendly when she wants to or wants something. I'm going to hold off on saying "well done Kate" for a few days and see how little event shakes out publicity-wise, etc. Call me cynical.
One thing I did notice in the 2nd picture--her smile is not as wide as in other pictures I've seen--and it reminded me of Kendra Wilkinson's smile.
@Kateplusmy8 Have U safely made it home yet? Don't want U out on the roads late at night! Mother Hen needs 2get hm 2all her lil chicks
Milo, for once in your life, LET HER ALONE!! Good heavens above!
Milo actually had the nerve to ask Kate if her admirer, irishfan showed up. She has since deleted that tweet, but she just can't help butting in where it doesn't concern her. Now she wants to know if Kate is home yet:
@Kateplusmy8 Have U safely made it home yet? Don't want U out on the roads late at night! Mother Hen needs 2get hm 2all her lil chicks! :)
Is she worried due to Kate's driving record?
Milo is feeling very left out of this.
This is just sad. Why can't she just let this be tonight? Most of the haters are okay with it, the fans are loving it, just enjoy the night and shut up.
PA Dutch Mom said... 117
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 10m
@Kateplusmy8 Oviously local folks N PA feel very comfortable around U...enjoy ur presence & support!
Isn't Pottsville 30 miles or so from Wernersville? I wouldn't exactly call that local.
Shelby I did see it eventually. I have soooo much to say about it but I'm too tired tonight. The interviews struck me the most, how they could take advantage of CHILDREN, especially sometimes with their parents sitting right there. There were a lot of socio-economic-cultural issues. A lot of things to say about how society has a burning need to just bring a crime to its conclusion by solving it and saying well done, often regardless of whether it's really solved or not. This continues and I see it every day. They just want to get SOMEONE, ANYONE.
When one of the kids was asked if he wanted a lawyer and he said ok thank you, it was clear to me he did not understand he could have a lawyer RIGHT THEN. As a lawyer, that kind of questioning horrifies me.
Local folks in PA are polite and are not going to go to a charity event to air some grievance with Kate about paying for her nurse 8 years ago or all the disruption production caused or a host of other issues that bother them about her.
I mean no one would do that. Besides why can't you attend a charity event with someone you don't like and be civil about it? Any adult could. It's not the time or the place with those two girls on everyone's mind to be rude to Kate Gosselin. That's ridiculous.
I don't think it's fair to say locals like her just because they were polite no more than it's fair to say WE like her just because we're okay with this.
Only saw the one pic, again, weird she is friendly to any baby but her own. And thank goodness for the bra or there could have been a nip slip pic :p eek. And rules? Yep, when Kate shows there must be rules or else! After all we've seen she's a frustrated drill Sargent. Not so surprising, when she's getting the attention she's better behaved, not as if she was having to stand and watch someone else get attention like the children. When the focus shifts to anyone else is when the bitching, moaning and whining starts.
I pretty much got the reason the Kate + 8 failed so bad is due to Kate being such a camera hog. Look at me, me, me, me. Woe is me, 8 children are such a burden, look at me, such a martyr. Hey, mr. camera man I'm over here, cackle, cackle, shriek.
Now, she will tweet about her exhaustion, throw together some nonsensical bog post patting herself on the back about her great it is to give (though did she give anything then her presence?). We'll see.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 107
''....Also I think it's important to encourage good behavior, whether it's Kate, or even people in your own life. Otherwise you run into a trap of "well I can't do anything right so why try.''
In the spirit of encouraging good behavior, I am happy to see that on her twitter, KK is responding graciously to those that were there/took photos with her. That is nice to see.
Watching American Idol. Keith Urban just said, "I'm not in agreeance." lol!! I hope he hasn't been hanging with Kate!
Is this a local news station? Hate to be suspicious but it's automatic with her history, of course my first thought is that's why she appeared to be perky...
Scott Schaffer @schafferwnep 12m
My fellow Berks Countian Kate Gosselin makes an appearance tonight on NW16 @ 11 !
Try as I might to give kudos to Kate for attending this charity event, I keep going back to Robert Hoffman's book and those words, chapters that brought tears to my eyes. I'm just not ready to believe that she's turned herself around and become a new, loving, giving, caring mother.
@Kateplusmy8 Have U safely made it home yet? Don't want U out on the roads late at night! Mother Hen needs 2get hm 2all her lil chicks! :)
Come on now Milo. How the gag reflex doesn't kick in a little when you think up and write this kind of juvenile tripe is anyone's guess. My neck muscles are just starting to relax again after that major cringe-fest.
@Kateplusmy8 Have U safely made it home yet? Don't want U out on the roads late at night! Mother Hen needs 2get hm 2all her lil chicks! :)
Come on now Milo. How the gag reflex doesn't kick in a little when you think up and write this kind of juvenile tripe is anyone's guess. My neck muscles are just starting to relax again after that major cringe-fest.
Jane said... 130
''.....I'm just not ready to believe that she's turned herself around and become a new, loving, giving, caring mother.''
I'm not either, Jane. I think that she is still the controlling hateful mother that has abused her children, and has turned them (especially the boys) into blank faced, silent, robotic little workers.
However for this ONE night, for those few hours, KK appeared, smiled w/fans for photos, and on her twitter, graciously responded to those who attended.
However for this ONE night, for those few hours, KK appeared, smiled w/fans for photos, and on her twitter, graciously responded to those who attended.
I don't think anyone seriously thinks she's changed after one night and I don't see anyone suggesting that. Just that for this one night she did well and maybe it will be the start of something new. Nothing more nothing less.
Isn't Pottsville 30 miles or so from Wernersville? I wouldn't exactly call that local.
It's in the PA coal region, about 45-50 minutes north of Wernersville,
It's claim to fame is that it is the home of the country's oldest brewery -- Yuengling.
@Kateplusmy8 I can't ever remember ur hair being that long! U looked gr8 from head 2toe...literally! I'm sure ur tired...long day...Gnite!
Why do birds suddenly appear...?
Me too, I am going to give Kate the benefit of the doubt.
I did think she was going to Zumba though, but silly me , I should have known.
As for her hair. I think its shorter on one side as she has the long strands over one shoulder. It is very hard for anyone to rock a centre part, and doing the zig zag part is rather outdated. Kate would do well to find a bit of a different style. Even if she doesnt want bangs, going with a side part and sweeping over her forehead.
I havent heard Kate tweet out to jasen lately. Maybe she's cutting her own hair..along with the kids!
One thing I found interesting on the event Facebook page is no one commented afterward one thing about Kate being there. They all said how great it was, thanked the organizers, and how good it was to see each other but not one said a word about Kate being there. Even of all the photos of Kate posted by the organizer no one commented on them. There were a few "likes" but no comments. Steve was there with Kate. There's a photo of him posing with a woman.
Steve was there? No way!
As for the no comments on FB, the way I see this Kate was semi exciting to locals maybe 7 years ago. They have to be long over it. I cannot imagine there are very many locals left who even give a crap. It's not like Johnny Depp showed up. I can't imagine Kate would draw much of a crowd anywhere at this point.
Oh Lord. She probably was. I'm embarrassed for her. Kate was restrained and seemed warm. This lady is embarrassing, hounding Kate like crazy until she agreed, plastering the facebook page almost exclusively with photos of Kate and comments on Kate, slobbering all over her clinging to her side in all the photos. There's barely a pic of Kate that lady isn't in. Why did she have to stand right next to her for the signings??
She appears to be a Klingon, that's for sure! Can you imagine both that one, and Milo showing up at the same appearance to see Kate? Talk about droolin, smotherin and a-kissin! I'd feel sorry for Kate.
Yes, Admin, he was. I don't know if this will work but here's the link.
So that's what that lady meant by how she couldn't take pics of the bodyguard. Just like other people have reported especially the Red X guy, no pics of Steve.
She is so ridiculous, she doesn't want pictures of Steve because she knows it makes her look snooty not to mention helpless. She wants the impression she was there all on her own without help. That's all.
For those of you who don't have FB and want to see the pictures, you can go here:
And yes, Steve was there. Maybe that's why Kate was smiling.
gotyournumberKate said... 138
One thing I found interesting on the event Facebook page is no one commented afterward one thing about Kate being there. They all said how great it was, thanked the organizers, and how good it was to see each other but not one said a word about Kate being there. Even of all the photos of Kate posted by the organizer no one commented on them. There were a few "likes" but no comments. Steve was there with Kate. There's a photo of him posing with a woman.
Well, now we know why she was smiling....
I know there are many fan types out there who are very respectful and dignified and aren't always looking to cling on or get something out of it, but then there are people like this lady. For this reason alone I'd never wanna be famous. I couldn't stand someone being so annoying and fake. It would mortify me to be plastered all over some facebook page that is supposed to be about two precious little girls.
Steve was there with Kate. There's a photo of him posing with a woman.
Where? I thought Kate's bodyguard for the evening was the college kid who tweeted he was with Kate...she had her picture taken with him.
Was Kate getting GIFTS when she was there??? WTF!!!
I see photos of her unwrapping a pair of Ugg sandals that look her size and some kind of ornament. She looks happy as a clam. This can't be true. What is WRONG with these people?? They came to give gifts to Kate when two girls are dead??
Nearly every pic on FB was of Kate. There is only ONE of the Zumba dancing, what this was supposed to be about. One! There were lots of cute kids and happy sweet people there, how about some pics of them? It's not Kate's fault the FB is full of her but this lady who ran it needs to get a clue.
Also WTF is THIS text message? All about how there is some kind of feud over the girls/family?? What's THAT about? Is this about the MONEY, you know all the red flags we've been pointing out??? Was someone upset about Kate being invited, or how the organizer was running things? With four separate events was their competition? Curiouser and curiouser.
This thing just went to a whole interesting level.
Oh boy, if Steve was there all good thoughts about finally doing something normal, and for someone else for a change, goes out the window. Of course, that could explain the smiles. As for Milo, I am still surprised by how low she goes, each and every time.
But again this appearance, coaxed out of her by a pesty fan, no matter how good the cause, is a one off. Her calender remains blank. TLC forges ahead with new seasons of the Amish, American Gypsies and the arrival of an adopted baby for their little couple. She is Kate Who?
Sheesh well of course she was happy. Steve was back just like old D-lister times.
She couldn't even manage to drive 45 minutes to a charity event held in a church without hiring Steve for the night?? She's bound and determined to wipe out all the kids money between lawyers and Steve.
Bet Milo's jealous...Steve's there for the night!
Wow - an actual purse boy sighting! Do you think Kate had to pay him to attend with her? There is absolutely no valid reason for Steve Nield to be in attendance unless they are indeed a couple.
She is definitely approaching anorexia, if not there already. She's underweight. I know in our society, that supposedly one can never be "too thin," but I disagree. She does not look healthy - her hair reflects it.
However, she appears to have done a very nice job tonight. Interesting that on the organizers FB page, many many photos of the event and many that feature Kate. Lots of nice comments, but not a single one that mentions Kate (as Admin pointed out). I don't think Kate was any particular draw, but she did not detract from the event. Maybe she was all smiles because Nield was there by her side.
Oh boy, if Steve was there all good thoughts about finally doing something normal, and for someone else for a change, goes out the window.
Yep. Exactly.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 147
Was Kate getting GIFTS when she was there???
I wondered that too but decided to give her the benefit of the doubt thinking maybe, just maybe, she won these at the Chinese Auction.
Got your number oh I HOPE so, good point. The ornament has something written on it that looks personal, hopefully not.
Maybe the reason for Kate being so happy is because she saw her Stevie after such a long time without him. Even the woman in the picture with him said thank you for bending the rule "no photos of the bodyguard". Why does she need a body guard? So many real celebrities go about their lives like everyone else, with no bodyguards. She was out for a couple of hours only. It must have taken Stevie longer to get there from Maryland then to get to the venue in PA. Plus the kids paid all that money for his fees. Banging my head now.
Well #91, Anon. with no name, it is a free country, and we are all entitled to our own opinions.
The only people I've ever seen with a bodyguard was Maria Shriver and that's because she was the governor's wife at the time and of course security would be there.
Celebs even go to events knowing full well fans will be there--without bodyguards, seen that firsthand. What a joke she is.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 154
Got your number oh I HOPE so, good point. The ornament has something written on it that looks personal, hopefully not.
I think it has a saying on it about an angel.
Jumping In said... 97 '' What strikes me about the photos of Kate is that
there seems to be light in her eyes''
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 100 ''....Maybe she's happy because she's suing Jon and feels she's one step closer to terminating his parental rights once and for all?''
Sherry Baby said... 103 mandyregs32
@Kateplusmy8 Thank you so much for being so awesome tonight! And letting me break the rules and get a pic w/the bodyguard!!! <3 You rock
gotyournumberKate said... 138 Steve was there with Kate. There's a photo of him posing with a woman.
So now we know why KK was smiling!! We should have known.......SIGH
Attention****Gifts****Steve...these are Kate's favorite things.
Like I said earlier, She has shown us for years,she does NOTHING for nothing. There is always something in it for her. She uses her own kids to get what she wants....now she used a woman's dead children! Wow just Wow Kate. We have seen how low you can go.
Next time she steps into a church I wouldn't be surprised if she bursted into flames.
She sure must have won a lot at the Auction, there is more than 1 gift bag on the table in front of her.
So if steve is guarding kate, who is guarding the 8? What a joke, having to have her steve with her, in her own back yard.
She should have just written a nice cheque.
If I remember correctly, those two girls had different last names. Neither one shared their mother's last name. I think that text is referring to some discord between the girl's relatives. Death does strange things to people. I've seen close knit families ripped apart when a family member dies. They could be arguing over anything related to those poor little girls. In all fairness, I thought it was a good thing Kate was doing. If she was what drew the crowd, so be it. Doesn't matter whether we like her or not, the bottom line was to bring the most people in so as to raise the most money. I thought Kate was appropriately attired for the venue. That's all I'm going to say. I feel kind of strange even commenting on such a sensitive subject as the death of two young girls on a blog that we mainly snark about Kate on. With all due respect Admin, it's over and we should move on.
There was a rent-a-cop there, what's wrong with just calling him over if any fan is causing trouble. She did not need Steve there when there was a perfectly good cop right there. I suspect any event with that many people a cop will want to hang around. What's wrong with just using local police force if there's issues?
Do the good people of PA ever feel insulted when she shows up with an D-list celebrity entourage like that? As in she thinks they would hurt her?
I'm glad she got to feel like a celebrity again for one night.
Kate is a twit said... 143 For those of you who don't have FB and want to see the pictures, you can go here:
Thank you SO much for the link for those of us who aren't on facebook.
Do you think Kate had to pay him to attend with her?
I doubt that he did it out of the goodness of his heart! :)
Actually if someone like that Irish guy, who is local, was tweeting me, I'd travel with a man to a night time event too.
Rent a cop wouldn't be enough, not where I live, too rural, no street lights, few cars. I'd hate someone like him following me home.
Well, I'll be damned. Steve WAS there???
Kiss more of your money goodbye, kids.
No wonder "the girls" were front and center. It was all for Steve!
Tweet-le--Good point. Isn't there another guy who has the hots for Kate and lives near her, too?
I wonder if Kate realized that word would get out that Steve was there, because she bent the "rules". I doubt that she is very happy that a picture of Steve was shown. I wonder if she'll make them take it down?
Actually if someone like that Irish guy, who is local, was tweeting me, I'd travel with a man to a night time event too.
That guy is extremely scary, and getting more bold as time goes by. I'd want someone with me, too...not necessarily Steve, but I'd feel much more comfortable if a man went with me to that event. Haven't we always said here that it's the obsessive fans that are the most dangerous? He certainly fits the profile. Then, of course, there's the wrestler. He's local, too, and you just never know when one of those is going to show up.
#164----We're used to her parading around with her un-necessary bodyguard! She used to take Stevie Boy to Target with her all the time...we haven't seen him around here lately since he started to work for the Little Couple.
Looks like Kate had a miraculous recovery from the cooking incident she claimed to have had the other day...claimed she received severe burns while not using a potholder. But there she is, signing autographs/shaking hands with absolutely NO visible burns at all!
Guess it was a two-fer, Kate & The Bodyguard. Skeeve looked rather dapper in his sporty coat; maybe it was date night for her too. She did look a little too giddy to be out with the regular people by herself. And Poor Poor Milo was worrying about her GF being out late, alone and far from home. Yep, all goodwill just flew out the window. And she got to open presents, the magic key to her heart. What a night.
Well, well, well greedy girl gloating over her grifts. Could she have not said no please add them to the raffle items? Ugh, why give Katie the million gifts at a fundraiser for funeral expenses for two children. Really baffles me that someone would choose to use there money buying gifts for the woman known to toss away treasured ornaments because the glitter makes too much mess.
Who paid Skeevie's fee? I doubt he showed up free of charge. Or else Gina really might not be too happy to see his face on that site, oops.
Family feud, eh, I wondered about where the father/fathers/husband and all the other family members were in this story. But that's not really any of my business but was odd to note mom and 2 daughters each had a different last name.
Looking for a new hairstyle is boring. As is Katie, who doesn't seem to be changing her spots at all. Just another chance to get Skeevie boy at her side. See, see I am so still important, and see how they love me, look at my goody bag!!!!!!!! So did she Zumba or not?
There must be a great deal of fighting in the families of those little girls who died. Everyone had a different last name. I have seen this type of problem first hand, where families did not want the children buried next to each other because there were different fathers. I also know of one family where a 16 year old child was killed in a car accident and the mother won $250,000 from insurance. The dead beat dad came out of nowhere, never supported this child in her life, hadn't seen her since age 2, and he went to court and won half of the insurance money. So sh*t happens, and it is a darned shame if this is what is going on.
By having Steve there with her, Kate did make the evening more about herself than the cause she was there to support. With her "bodyguard" there, she sets herself apart from her community. The message seems to be that her presence is special and should be acknowledged as such. This was her chance to be Kate, a supportive neighbour, not Kate, clinging to the idea of being seen as a celebrity first and foremost. If her presence brought in moe money, then good, but she remains a spectacle.
Well I guess we know why Kate was all smiles tonight and why she was so sweet to people. Her handler was there with her. I'm guessing that she's probably not too happy that the picture of Steve got out. I wonder if Kate's going to try and get them to delete that picture. Oh wait, I get it now....she needed him because of the bullying, stalking and "death threats". This explains some of the BV BS, she can now be seen in public with Steve again.
Kate did not pay Steve, he is her boyfriend. I bet he was with her in LA during CWS but she kept him hidden cause she wants a dating show. The day that Kate is really over they will officially hook up!
Kate probably hated to attend the fundraiser and rub elbows with mediocre people, but she needs to build up her I'm a good person reputation. Her past behavior and personality will never change. Kate is a selfish, money hungry, lazy woman who cares about no one but herself. Unfortunately !
I can't remember what this irish fan said or if he's a concern however wouldn't it make more sense to turn to the actual OFFICER who was there? He has weapons, a police car, and backup. Wouldn't he be a much safer bet than Steve if some fan rushes her?
Kate is a twit said... 170
Tweet-le--Good point. Isn't there another guy who has the hots for Kate and lives near her, too?
There's Dave G something. He's in PA too. Not sure how close he is.
My concern would be someone following me home, not someone bothering me at a churchful of people.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 178
I can't remember what this irish fan said or if he's a concern however wouldn't it make more sense to turn to the actual OFFICER who was there? He has weapons, a police car, and backup. Wouldn't he be a much safer bet than Steve if some fan rushes her?
How do you know there was an actual OFFICER there vs. a security guard who likely would not be armed, would not have a police car and would not have back-up.
Bottom line: You have no idea what type of threats she has received and therefore are not in a position to judge whether or not a bodyguard is needed.
I can't remember what this irish fan said or if he's a concern however wouldn't it make more sense to turn to the actual OFFICER who was there?
He most definitely is a concern. He once tweeted that he was going to go to Kate's house to "chase her around." His tweets get more bold as time goes by. I'd also want someone with me on the way home.
NJGal51 said... 177
Oh wait, I get it now....she needed him because of the bullying, stalking and "death threats". This explains some of the BV BS, she can now be seen in public with Steve again.
We have a winner!!
Kate did not pay Steve, he is her boyfriend.
I think that Robert has some of his invoices...billable hours. He doesn't do it for free.
Well, well, well greedy girl gloating over her grifts. Could she have not said no please add them to the raffle items?
Wasn't there an auction? Maybe she bid on those things and won. With Kate, who knows?
It was an actual officer complete with the township badge on his shoulder, gun, radio, and full uniform. It was not just a security guard.
Maybe it's just me, but I will take the police force any day over a security guard.
I believe Steve is there to make her feel important. If the family is in such danger, how come he's not at the house where the children are, and let the cops protect her at the event and escort her home? They would probably be happy to do that, it's part of their job. No I can't say for sure but I think most of the danger is fabricated out of her own sense of importance, or actively encouraged by her own behavior on Twitter. Actually I think she's very reckless about her safety, but that's her fault.
Yes gotnumber pointed out they were probably auction gifts.
However it seems a bit odd to add a pair of shoes to the auction. Only people who are that exact size could bid on it. That's what makes me think it might be a gift just for Kate, knowing her size.
Steve was there with Kate. There's a photo of him posing with a woman.
Oops. Who took the pic of the bodyguard? Who let the rat out of the bag? Heads will roll.
Thanks for all the updates, everyone who posted the picture links. Looks like it was a successful event. Good for Ms Kreider for supporting a local family.
Admin said... 186
I believe Steve is there to make her feel important.
Oh you bet he is. Steve puts the FUN in fundraiser.
I believe Steve is there to make her feel important. If the family is in such danger, how come he's not at the house where the children are, and let the cops protect her at the event and escort her home. They would probably be happy to do that, it's part of their job.
I really don't think that it's part of their job to give her an escort on a 45 minute drive home.
Here's the tv coverage of the event. Kate still hasn't learned how not to say "um" a zillion times.
Bottom line: You have no idea what type of threats she has received and therefore are not in a position to judge whether or not a bodyguard is needed.
But here's the thing. Steve is not a bodyguard, and never has been. He is a "handler." He gets her through airports, carries her purse and keeps those pesky fans away. Moreover, she said that he is her road manager.
Cops escorted people all over L.A. who were in danger from Chris Dorner. They also escort celebs if they are being hounded. Escorting people who are in legitimate danger is part of their job, yes.
Does Steve have a weapon? Is he allowed to just carry a weapon and use it as a security guard and not official law enforcement? What will he do if he is escorting Kate home and they are being followed? How does just Steve help? Again, cops are a safer bet, IMO, because they have weapons and when legit harm is going on they can bring backup in. That's what they are here for, legit threats. If no such threats exist, then you don't need vanity security.
Interesting to see that Robert was a guest. I wonder how that went. Maybe that is why Steve showed up. She was probably so angry.
Yeah, Steve looks real threatening just standing there chewing on gum.
Here's a photo of the LAPD escorting Ben Affleck and his daughter from school in 2009 during a particularly bad time with paps. There are many other photos of them helping this family.
If things are bad, the cops are happy to help out. Obviously they're not going to be willing to be a regular security guard if there are no threats going on, but legit threats, of course they will. If some irish guy showed up and was threatening Kate, of course the cops would bring her home.
OT entertainment news, The Rock Dwayne Johnson had surgery. This is what twitter Is for!
Surgery a success! Dr repaired 3 hernial tears (fun pain). Superman is on the mend.. #WeFallWeRise pic.twitter.com/VnLUVVdkFV
How do you guard someone when you are busy posing for photos with fans?
There are other photos that show the real cop, quietly lurking in the background near the exit sign, surveying the room and keeping track of who is going in and out, as a good security person would do.
I didn't see that Robert was there, huh?
Speaking of donations--has anyone read the articles where sales of "Sweet Caroline" increased 597% after the Boston bombings?
"Sweet Caroline" is played at ever Red Sox game and Neil Diamond performed it at the first game after the bombings occurred. He is now donating all the sales since to benefit the victims.
That's what charity is about.
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