Mara Wilson of all people has emerged as the Dalai Lama of the former child star world
Move over
Because this girl's back in town:

Smart, savvy, and often just downright hysterical, little Matilda's
all-grown-up blog has been a fascinating read for over a year now. Last year,
Wilson blogged about all the pitfalls of childhood fame, talking candidly about creepy, demanding fans, tedious days on the set, and her "relief" to be out of that lifestyle. Her spot-on, well-written essay (or warning) suddenly went viral a couple months after she wrote it, and, of the almost 900 posts we have done here since the inception of almost four years ago, according to our stats, our post on Mara's musings last year remains the
fifth most popular blog post here
of all time. (Whoa!)
This week, former child star
Amanda Bynes was arrested again. Her bizarre and frightening post-arrest Twitter tirade (Amanda said the cops slapped her "vagina") may be due more to her alleged mental illness than anything else, but she's still yet another sad story of a washed up child star who can't hack it in the adult world. The latest incident prompted Mara to take to the subject of child stars again, this time penning another visionary essay called
7 reasons Child Stars Go Crazy (An Insider's Perspective). It's worth your time to read the entire thing, but here are a few important excerpts.
On parents forcing their kids into the spotlight: I chose to start acting when I was 5. It was my decision, and my parents tried their hardest to discourage me. When I insisted, they allowed me to act, but were always very protective of me. I saw many child actors who did not have that, and they were all miserable. Kids whose parents pushed them into acting often grow up to resent them. They never had a choice, and worse, they never had the chance to be a kid... The next time a former child star is in the news, look at the age at which he or she started performing. Then imagine making a life-changing decision at that age. Chances are good he or she wasn't the one who made it.
Mara (center) in Mrs.Doubtfire |
On transitioning from the cutest thing in the world to discarded yesterday's news: The first week of my first movie, Mrs. Doubtfire, I got gifts from every cast member. When an interviewer asked me what I loved most about acting, I forgot all about the joy of becoming someone else on camera and said, "You get a lot of presents, sometimes!" Combine the regular amount of free stuff celebrities get with all the presents people give kids just for being cute, and you've got a recipe for one spoiled-ass child....This tends to happen: It's called the hedonic treadmill, which sounds like something 1950s sci-fi writers imagined we'd all have in our pod-houses by now, but actually means that even people who have the best of everything quickly become used to it. The thrill of new things and new experiences always wears off. Adults know that infatuation is fleeting, but kids don't understand this. A year in a kid's life seems like an eternity, and they think anything happening now will happen forever. Years of adulation and money and things quickly become normal, and then, just as they get used to it all, they hit puberty -- which is a serious job hazard when your job is being cute ... A child actor who is no longer cute is no longer monetarily viable and is discarded. He or she is then replaced by someone younger and cuter, and fan bases accordingly forget that the previous object of affection ever existed... Imagine that people you once relied on and trusted -- as well as millions of people you'd never met, who had previously liked you -- had told you then, "Yeah, it's true. You are exactly as ugly and worthless as you feel."
On sexual exploitation: When I was 12 years old, I made the mistake of looking myself up on the Internet. (I know not to do that now, unless I want to stay up all night imagining the kind of person who would replace my Wikipedia article with nothing but the word "poo.") One of the things I found was a foot fetish website dedicated to child actresses. There was worse, both for me and for others. Like the Coogan Law, there are too many loopholes. If you ever need to convince someone not to get their kid into show business, inform them that it's still legal in several places to Photoshop a child's head onto a nude adult body. Sexual exploitation is just part of the package.

On fans' expectations: Having to live up to your fan base is a little like having to deal with a million strict parents who don't actually love you. They reward you for your cuteness and cleverness, but are quick to judge and punish. And they do not want you ever to grow up. How do you react? The way any sullen teenager does: You get resentful, and as soon as you have the freedom, you act out....But even here [in New York] I still get recognized. It's flattering, but it can be uncomfortable. Maybe because it only seems to happen when I'm looking and feeling crappy, and while I'm glad what I did meant something to someone, I can't take much pride in my childhood acting. It feels like it happened in another lifetime, and even then, it felt like a hobby. People making a big deal out of me just embarrasses me, and I'm also very camera shy. It's not something I'm ever going to escape. And while I'm glad for all the advantages it's given me -- I got to meet the queen of England! -- it does give me something I have to not only live up to, but surpass. A lot of child stars feel like they'll never get past what they did as a kid, that their character has taken over their life.
Thank you once again Mara for more valuable insight, and warnings, about a scary world.
326 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 326 of 326 Newer› Newest»gilmoregoofball
@Kateplusmy8 I always thought Mady and Cara were identical. Apparently not because they don't look anything alike now.
lol!! When did they ever look alike?
Anyone interested in a virtual beach trip to the Outer Banks this summer? We did that last June I think. I'd love to host a virtual kayak tour of the Albemarle and Roanoke Sounds and maybe even the Alligator River if my virtual paddling can go that far. Anyone who doesn't want to paddle can stay at the beach house and have rumspringas while enjoying the hot tub.
(IRL we have a close-to-the-beach house for rent in Nags Head so the tour may be virtual, but the places are real.)
PatK said... 195
Yes, Kate's always home now--because she's unwanted by the entertainment industry.
Bingo, Pat. She's talking sweet lemons but she knows very well her 15 minutes have finally expired and she hates it.
I am not going to give The Stir any hits but what you guys are saying is true. Whether you work or not, summer is harder when you don't have kids in school. Period. If Kate is going to spend her time sleeping in, then Cara and Mady are taking care of the kids or Kate has a housekeeper/nanny there in the mornings. Doesn't she get it that the majority of The Stir readers do not have the luxury of sitting on their rumps during the summer? If anything, summers are more hectic for "mediocre" moms.
Sounds to me Kate's agenda is to make it sound that Jon is no longer involved with his children.
JoyinVirginia said... 2
Anyone interested in a virtual beach trip to the Outer Banks this summer?
I'm taking a real trip on 6/22! WOOT Kitty Hawk
Regarding Kate's latest The Stir, for the love of everything holy, Kate, let your kids pick out their clothing! It's just sick that she makes the tups wear matching clothing. Me thinks it's to give PR to whomever donated the clothing.
"God bless teachers. I really admire them! "
Really, Kate? When they're not "blowing smoke up your butt?"
"Yes, moms get excited too."
Why, Kate? Most moms have to go to work and figure out how to care for their kids during summer break. It's a REAL burden to them. The reason your "peers" glare at you is because they don't live in mansions with pools and tons of help, you idiot.
And overnight planning of beach trips? Who's donating this year?
BTW, for anyone who still believes that Kate, all on her own, last minute, planned the trip(s) to Bald Head Island, think again. She LIED. TLC planned it for her, and she knew all the while that the filming at BHI was planned while her 6-figure kitchen redo was happening.
I still can't believe Kate collects a paycheck for writing this self-centered drivel.
BTW, for anyone who still believes that Kate, all on her own, last minute, planned the trip(s) to Bald Head Island, think again. She LIED. TLC planned it for her,
Oh, come on. Kate still had the overwhelming task of trying on new bikinis, making sure her toenails were sandals-worthy, shop for chocolate pudding and invent a Flag Cake recipe.
It's exhausting to even have to type all that!
Interesting article this morning about Twitter:
"In its infancy, Twitter was a service built around basic, personal interactions with friends and acquaintances. Keeping up with your feed wasn't particularly overwhelming or laborious because anyone who tweeted more than a half-dozen times a day was considered a loudmouth. But Twitter exploded, and now it's too big, too fast, and too noisy to try and stay up on every tweet a typical user might have in their feed.
It's becoming increasingly clear that Twitter needs a focus. I've frequently heard people say that they don't know what to use Twitter for anymore. Some have even deactivated their account.
And those who still aren't on Twitter have a hard time understanding what the fuss is all about."
That sounds so similar to what so many people here have said....along the lines of I don't get twitter what is the point of twitter.
Meagler, thanks. That's right, I remember that. I thought the kids must be behind to do more than encourage reading, maybe hone their math skills now and then. Isn't Collin a math genius or something? I also remember when they weren't in enforced 'summer school,' they 'played' school in the basement, complete with school supplies and report cards. Crazy. (Administrator) said... 8
Interesting article this morning about Twitter:
Couldn't agree more. I used Twitter a few years ago for my blog. When I started, I read that you don't tweet something unless you've got something to say, that people want to spend their time reading. It's very easy to cause Twitter fatigue and no one will read anything you write because you just blow hot air without any substance all the time.
Now, it's like friggin' diarrhea of the thumbs. Hashtag this, hashtag that. Another big no-no. You don't hashtag everything under the sun. Ahem, Kate.
Ashton Kutcher recently gave an interview stating why he 86'd Twitter.
"‘It used to be sort of a personalised experience for me, a really personal experience that I could share,’ he went on, explaining that he used to get a kick out of sharing his personal moments with his 14million followers.
‘For lack of a better verb, I think the media kind of f***** it up,’ he grumbled, blaming his change of opinion on ‘companies and people just pitching crap’.
He also went on to explain he had grown tired of his feed being filled up by seemingly pointless retweets.
‘I think retweeting hurt Twitter the most. It created a ton of noise in the system that took away from some of the value,’ he added."
Ahem, Kate.
From Kate's The Stir blog this week, I think we can assume that once again, the kids will miss out on summer camp.
They'll be corralled on the compound all summer long, swimming in their stinky bathing suits and wrapping up in their smelly towels.
I totally agree with Ashton.
I think in short what happened to Twitter was it got changed into a gigantic chatroom. If you went into a chatroom, if those even exist anymore, you'd have to weed through thousands of little messages to find something worthwhile. That's twitter. Garbage with one or two gems mixed in. Most people don't want to wade through all that crap to get to something good.
The way I definitely prefer it is if something significant is happening in the twitter world, I just read the article about it. For instance Amanda Bynes or Amy and Samy. Instead of trying to weed through trying to find what I want to see myself on Twitter, I just let the new article pick out the tweets I need to see.
Around here, almost all kids attend some sort of church bible school every summer. They also , from the age of 5 on up, play softball/and or baseball, and are on a team/teams. They attend the lovely summer reading programs the local libraries provide each summer too. Don't Kate's kids do anything that regular kids often do?
Winsome yes there was a disturbing omission of various summer activities that involved social interact with children other than their own brothers and sisters. Deeply disturbing. These days kids are so busy with school and other activities that proper socialization seems to be secondary. Summer is one of the few times they can really work on their social skills. Camps overnight and day, VBS, sports teams, library activities, play dates, all without the pressure of school to attend to, are great for kids. And essential.
I loved summer camp, especially horse camp. Man, that was a dream...
The tups need to separate, really, and develop their own social networks and interests.
I don't think the tups have EVER been enrolled in any formal activities such as Girl Scouts or soccer, T ball, soccer...
This is well past the age to start these activities. Most kids have athletic skills by this time. Also, I hope the tups are brainiacs, because they will never get scholarships in sports, which most parents wish for.
Also, did you notice that Kate's latest blog was all about HER happiness? Yes, the kids are counting down to summer vacation, but she didn't mention any child or what they individually have to look forward to or be happy about.
The pool? Meh.
Kate is so happy to have the kids around, but what about them?
It's all about Kate, once again.
Not saying I necessarily agree with it, but if they ever want to get off the bench playing sports, they are going to be hopelessly behind if they haven't participated in sports throughout elementary school. These days kids who are top of their teams usually played on pee-wee leagues from the time they were five, as well as doing community teams on the school's off seasons. When I played basketball only a couple girls did all that, the rest of us learned the sport shooting a few shots with our dads and we were on the team, and the team did well too. Now days the whole team has been doing all that preparation for a decade before they ever get on varsity, and if I tried out today (and still had the young body of a 16 year old!) I doubt I'd make it.
Also, did you notice that Kate's latest blog was all about HER happiness?
I haven noticed that everything she says is all about her happiness.
What's surprising is despite her plastering the kids all over social media and T.V. for years now, at the end of the day we really know very LITTLE about them. Now, it's a good thing we don't know much about them, but it really speaks to her state of mind.
I haven't the foggiest about their individual personalities on more than a peripherally level. I know some like legos, some like lacrosse, and some like the pool. But what does that tell me about them as people? Nothing.
I agree that once again the G8 will be having a Kompound Summer. And while it is nice to have no schedule, they also never do any of the summer community activities: bible school, baseball/softball, library reading programs. Does she really still think the people in her area will be staring if she brought the kids to the library for an hour? The twind could be doing some jr volunteer work, or for the love of god send Cara to lacrosse camp, send Mady to some kind of photography workshop. Use a false name (hah), but it's time they stretched their wings for a week. Nope, Paranoid Mama will not let them out, nor will she open her wallet. Those little boys could really use an activity away from the hen house, too. Pool and basement school hardly makes for a fun, enriching summer. Trust me, the working moms she so insults with her yay summer drivel would love to be home, juggling hang loose days with summer activity days. For Milo: #selfabsorbedsummermama.
@Kateplusmy8 I felt so much like you last night! My daughter went poop on the potty for the first time last night and I took a picture of it
What do you do with the picture? Include it in your annual Christmas letter? Frame it and hang it over the fireplace? Put it on Facebook? Blow it up to poster size and hang it over the toilet?
Tucker, I forgot that Kate 'requires' the kids to use dirty towels and doesn't wash the swimsuits!
Her laundry habits also point to a person who is a secret slob with the appearance of order and cleanliness (like Amy of Bakery fame)
lol#washmore -indeed she should!
Admin, according to Kate, Cara is the world's 'friend', she and Mady know how to help her, they are annoyed by her trying to be young and cool, love hangin' with Kate. The six say funny & cute things. All are appreciative, praise Kate, squeal in delight, love her cooking, and eagerly do what she says, follow rules and have sibling rivalry.They are all generous and love one another.
In other words, right, we know nothing that is definitely true. I'm sure they are good, average kids- at least I hope so, but don't need to know more as long as they are healthy and happy.
Oh, and the reason we don't, thankfully, know much about the kids as individuals has nothing to do with their biotch mother protecting their collective privacy. She doesn't see them as individuals, to her they are a collective pack, one she she has to clean, feed and educate all on HER OWN, don't you know? Oh if asked she could come up with a sentence or two, ones that would show her favoritism, a negative about the icky boys, but truly she has no idea who or what they are about. She had them to seek fame and fortune, and now, who knows?
My rant for the day ends here, as I do have a real, and happy, life.
OT for local yokul! Have fun in Kitty Hawk. Do try to do a kayak tour or dolphin cruise, they are fun! Hope you can enjoy a great breakfast at Stack 'Em High or Sam and Omies, get late night pizza at Lucky twelve tavern, and enjoy a fancy dinner at Owens! If you go to Lone Cedar on the causeway to Manteo ask to sit in the dining room with a good view of Lucy and Desi's nest, they are the ospreys who come back year after year to raise their babies. I love the beach, I also love to check out all the local places to eat!
You may want to head a little ways south to check out the beach. The nor'easter storms in January and February really made a mess of Kitty Hawk at the time, the ocean breached the big dune around there and made the beach road and the bypass impassible for a while. We were down last month working on our house, and the roads are fine now. You can see where the dune is gone and there are some houses right on the beach that are condemned because their septic system is exposed. All the houses down there have individual septic, and if your system is visible that is automatic condemnation until things are fixed.
A few years back Nags Head town did beach nourishment, and that beach survived the storms very well. You might want to drive down the beach road past jennetts pier and the 7-11 at Whalebone Junction and park in one of the public beach access areas and check it out. We always bring the dogs, and Nags Head allows leashed dogs on the beach 24/7, another reason I like it.
Anyone who would discuss ON THE RADIO their pre-teen's embarrassment about buying a bra does not have her kids best interest at heart.s
Susie Cincinnati said... 20
@Kateplusmy8 I felt so much like you last night! My daughter went poop on the potty for the first time last night and I took a picture of it
What do you do with the picture? Include it in your annual Christmas letter? Frame it and hang it over the fireplace? Put it on Facebook? Blow it up to poster size and hang it over the toilet?
Hahaha, Susie. Taking a photo is GROSS. These people deserve to be Kate fans. They think just like her.
How can the majority of mothers relate to her statements?
We get it, Kate. You are a mom to 8 kids. Why do you need to capitalize that information over and over in everything you write? Your ego is getting too big. Dial it back. Very few are able to stay home now because it is EXPENSIVE to have a family nowadays and two incomes are basically required to survive.
There’s no way Kate will go off the rigid schedule. She admitted to running the household on a military-style schedule and said that was the only way that worked. She gets antsy when they don’t eat their food in the order she barked at them. She’s going to throw that out of the window the second school is over? Nope, she is going to create a new military-style schedule for the summer to keep them occupied EVERY SINGLE MINUTE. They are only allowed to read a book when it is to take a picture for her twitter. Remember no one is allowed to come down until she is up and in the kitchen making breakfast or whatever. I suspect she is going to create a boatload of chores and will only allow them in the pool until every single chore was completed. Remember the chore jar? That was so overblown and over the top. When have they ever taken a trip without someone giving it to them?
Fake traditions that were created while filming by TLC; they didn’t continue, didn’t they?
As a follow up to what Matt Roloff posted last week on Facebook and I posted here on the last thread, last night Matt posted the following update on Facebook:
Matt Roloff
The Cat is out of the bag... "Roloff death threats investigation expands to Governor and police chief" ...What in the World? I think they're going to find them now.
Wasn't that weird in the CWS clip how the twins who were up and dressed early were not allowed in the kitchen as it was not yet 6:03? Why ever not?
@Kateplusmy8 I felt so much like you last night! My daughter went poop on the potty for the first time last night and I took a picture of it
I wouldn't be surprised if the person posted the picture on twitter. From reading Kate's TL, it seems that she has posted pictures of her daughter taking a bath which shows full frontal nudity.
No wonder she's a Kate fan. What is wrong with these people?
Admin said:
Interesting article this morning about Twitter:
"In its infancy, Twitter was a service built around basic, personal interactions with friends and acquaintances. Keeping up with your feed wasn't particularly overwhelming or laborious because anyone who tweeted more than a half-dozen times a day was considered a loudmouth.
I've mentioned before that I don't use Twitter. It's probably a sign of my age - but since I already have e-mail, a FB page, and a cell phone so that friends can call or text me -- I have enough on my electronic plate. If I feel the need to broadcast something, I'll post it to my FB page.
My teenage son does not use Twitter and apparently neither do many of his friends. They text each other, or interact via games they've downloaded to their Smart phones. He has a FB page, but he only occasionally posts there.
However, at certain times, I think Twitter is amazing. When the police were closing in on the Boston bombers, I went online, saw someone suggest following a certain local's twitter feed for the most up to date info, and I was able to know what was going on. The newscasters were hopelessly out of the loop!
@Kateplusmy8 I felt so much like you last night! My daughter went poop on the potty for the first time last night and I took a picture of it
Not every first needs a photograph commemorating the occasion. Did this same mama take a photo of the first time her baby vomited? Some bodily functions should not be photographed. I think anyone who take a photo of this sort of thing has at least a few screws loose.
Honestly, this is the caliber of people who are Kate fans - they sound either very naive, very dumb, or just plain weird.
Matt Roloff
The Cat is out of the bag... "Roloff death threats investigation expands to Governor and police chief" ...What in the World? I think they're going to find them now.
I have no idea what is supposedly going on -- but from just that post alone, it sounds overly dramatic. Reminds me of something Milo would post. Is Matt Roloff saying that there is some vast conspiracy of death threats that involve his family, the police chief (of his town presumably) and even the Governor of his state?
Maybe Matt is drinking again.
Tucker's Mom said... 6
Regarding Kate's latest The Stir, for the love of everything holy, Kate, let your kids pick out their clothing! It's just sick that she makes the tups wear matching clothing. Me thinks it's to give PR to whomever donated the clothing.
Someone on twitter just pointed out that the picture accompanying her blog was actually taken last year.
@The_Stir So why is your blogger @kateplusmy8 lying on your blog with pics of her 8 exploited kids from August 2012??
The picture on her bog was apparently taken the same day as the picture of Leah with the guacamole all over her. That was the same day she tweeted:
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
Wholly Guacamole, Leah! She wears it well! (and smiles while wearing it!!!)
Here are the two pics:
Bog picture
She not only recycles old posts-she recycles old pictures. It kind of brings into question how many of her pictures are actually current ones.
Matt's not exaggerating. He was quoting an article from local news that one of their reporters got a death threat against the governor and police. Whoever is doing this is sick and needs to be apprehended.
The twind could be doing some jr volunteer work, or for the love of god send Cara to lacrosse camp, send Mady to some kind of photography workshop. Use a false name (hah), but it's time they stretched their wings for a week.
They'd enjoy it for sure. However, I'm just wondering how many of us managed to grow up, healthy and happy, without all of those things available to us. We lived in the city, no backyard, but my grandmother lived in the country. Every summer the whole family packed up, moved in with her and I absolutely loved it. We didn't have a pool and there was no community pool. Each day we played in the neighborhood, running through pastures, collecting mint tea, riding bikes. We were gone from morning to night. My grandmother had a big old bell and when it was time to come in for supper, we heard the bell. We'd play in everyone's yard, nobody cared, even the "old" neighbors welcomed us, and if they invited us in for lunch, that's where we ate lunch.
Oh, for those times of a kid's life. There was one week of Bible school at the local church and we always went to that. There was no summer camp until I was in high school, no workshops, no volunteering, no little league games, no Girl Scouts. We were kids. We played. We used our imagination and built forts. I guess we were structured activity-deprived, but we didn't know it. We just knew it was summer and it was glorious.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 36
The twind could be doing some jr volunteer work, or for the love of god send Cara to lacrosse camp, send Mady to some kind of photography workshop. Use a false name (hah), but it's time they stretched their wings for a week.
They'd enjoy it for sure. However, I'm just wondering how many of us managed to grow up, healthy and happy, without all of those things available to us. We lived in the city, no backyard, but my grandmother lived in the country. Every summer the whole family packed up, moved in with her and I absolutely loved it. We didn't have a pool and there was no community pool. Each day we played in the neighborhood, running through pastures, collecting mint tea, riding bikes. We were gone from morning to night. My grandmother had a big old bell and when it was time to come in for supper, we heard the bell. We'd play in everyone's yard, nobody cared, even the "old" neighbors welcomed us, and if they invited us in for lunch, that's where we ate lunch.
Oh, for those times of a kid's life
Me too! Mom had a bell (used to embarrass the crap out of me!) to call us in for dinner and at night. We roamed the neighborhood, visiting neighborhood ladies. Got goodies!
It's too bad all the G kids are so isolated on the compound. Would be so much better if they lived in a neighborhood where they could just go out to play, or have friends knock on their door.
After I posted about my summers, I thought about the times my neighborhood friends and I were outside playing, heard the dinner bell, and we all went inside for supper at my house. I remember telling my grandmother that my friends were eating with us. There were always about eight or so of us. My grandmother would just say, "put out some extra plates" and all was good. She always cooked enough for an army. We had a screened pavilion outside with some picnic tables and that's where we ate. I was just thinking about what Kate would do if her kids came inside for dinner with a flock of unexpected guests!
She not only recycles old posts-she recycles old pictures. It kind of brings into question how many of her pictures are actually current ones.
Did she say in her blog that it was a current photo?
The problem is we live in a time now where most kids are doing things like camp, sports and other activities. To deprive a child of good activities like that could isolate that child from their peers. It's debatable whether all those things are any better than fishing in the creek behind the house, but it is the reality for kids today. Also Kate gets to do her fun VIP activities. That bothers me the most.
Of course Kate is using pics of the tups from a year ago. Unless she comes up with a plan B she will keep them looking as young and cute as possible with old photos. On the tups 9th birthday Kate used their 8th birthday pic for her blog. The woman is sick!!!
Me too! Mom had a bell (used to embarrass the crap out of me!) to call us in for dinner and at night. We roamed the neighborhood, visiting neighborhood ladies. Got goodies!
Yes! Homemade sugar cookies and marbles! One old lady gave me a rag doll that belonged to her when she was a child. It always sat on a rocking chair in her kitchen and I always liked the doll. I was about six or seven at the time. I remember helping her make noodles in her summer kitchen when she told me that it was mine. I still have it. She died a few months later. I often wonder if she knew that those were her last days and she just wanted me to have the doll.
You weren't one of my neighborhood friends, were you? :-)
OT childhood back in the day. In the sixties and seventies, no summer camp but we kept busy with vacation Bible school at church, church youth group meeting, riding bicycles around. I lived in rural area and grandchildren of neighbors came to visit, we all played together. Played with cousins. Watching Dark Shadows together!
There’s no way Kate will go off the rigid schedule. She admitted to running the household on a military-style schedule and said that was the only way that worked. She gets antsy when they don’t eat their food in the order she barked at them.
Here's what happens in life. Kate's OCD will trickle down to some of her kids and when they start exhibiting that behaviour soon, if not already, it will surely drive her nuts and she will be too daft to figure out it was her that caused it. I am always mindful that my actions today might come back to haunt me later in life when it comes to my kids. I try to avoid having too many regrets in life. LOL.
The problem is we live in a time now where most kids are doing things like camp, sports and other activities.
My point. If the G8 were shipped off to G'mas for a summer of country fun, no crazy mom, and got to see cousins, aunts, uncles, etc., that would be fine too. They get neither, and living out where they do,with their mother, the one who is too selfish and lazy to get them out and about with even a few activities, well, it's just wrong. She could even hire a nanny to do the shlepping, but no, too selfish for even that.
There were tweets a few days ago between Kate and her Connecticut friend from the Litchfield race, Emily, that alluded to someone visiting that area soon. I'm unable to access Tweets right now to check, but I remember thinking that it was Mady and hoping Mady was going to a camp (there are many in that area).
I think some of the kids have OCD re: getting dirty or disobeying Mommy. I don't know if acquired OCD is possible but those kids were not allowed to get dirty, roll on the grass, use colored markers or paint, or scissors, even eat ice cream without Kate throwing a fit. The boys on CWS seemed very upset at not eating the tacos at the table.One boy showed tendencies the way he played, collecting and lining thing up.
According to everyone here, Jon has the kids 50% of the time. Why can't he enroll them in summer programs if Kate doesn't?
Matt's not exaggerating. He was quoting an article from local news that one of their reporters got a death threat against the governor and police. Whoever is doing this is sick and needs to be apprehended.
Oh, that wasn't clear from the info provided in the post I saw. How do they even know it's the same person (or people) involved?
Sorry, my dislike of Matt Roloff causes me to look sideways at most anything he says.
Sumemrtime, summertime in a small Jersey Shore town. In the mornings we'd go to VBS for an hour, next was play practice (yup, summer plays that all the kids participate in still going on today). After play practice it was lunch time and then we hit the beach! A huge group of us (adults and kids) all sat together and had a great time. Swimming, body surfing, beach base ball, vollyball...well you get the picture. Then it was home for dinner and chores followed by a walk over to the local ice cream place. When we were old enough we hit the boardwalk to cruise for a while. Everyone in town knows everyone else and everyone still has their same spot on the beach. Great times and even greater memories.
To clear up any confusion on this web site as to what is going on in the Roloff world (and no doubt what was probably going on in the Gosselin world too but Kate would ignore it due to her personal quest for fame and money) ~
On May 22nd Matt posted on FB:
In response to many questions/concerns from tonights local Portland New cast story. Amy and I, and our family and friends, have had to endure many ugly death threats and lies written about us over the years. To some extent it "comes with the territory". These typically come from anonymous bullies that live in the shadows behind their real identity . They are probably nice and kind people when not cowering behind their computers. Often they write.. hideous, unimaginable things about us, such as raping and beheading my family. .... they build their lies based on previous lies. We rarely know their motivations or degree of their illnesses. We just read their sick and disgusting attempts to garner attention and build their self worth. We want these people to seek the help they need. A recent barrage of death threats to blow up our home and farm and kill all of us has gone to far. These facebook posts, phone call and email threats, combined with other activities (calls and suspicious stalkers) have caused us to engage multiple authorities and agencies at several levels. Being featured on tv does have its drawbacks, but sharing our life story with You and the world is more rewarding. We choose to see the good. Nobody should have the right to threaten to harm and kill another person. Please stand up to evil that's hiding behind their keyboards. When you see it ... refute it. Use kind love language to combat it. Do not speak hate in return or you will become like them. Thanks to you all for your overwhelmingly kind words of love and support.
On May 30th Matt posted on FB:
The Cat is out of the bag... "Roloff death threats investigation expands to Governor and police chief" ...What in the World? I think they're going to find them now.
"Kate Gosselin: Remember when she was a frumpy normal bitch mom from rural PA? And then she thought she'd be a real big star and her appearance changed quite a bit…"
Reality TV Stars Plastic Surgery – Did They Or Didn’t They? Before And After Photos!
Administrator, Mara Wilson will be appearing on Katie Couric's show- Monday, 6/3. It appears that the theme of this show will fit nicely with what we have been discussing on this blog.
Former Child Stars on the Public Downfall of Amanda Bynes
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 38
After I posted about my summers, I thought about the times my neighborhood friends and I were outside playing, heard the dinner bell, and we all went inside for supper at my house. I remember telling my grandmother that my friends were eating with us. There were always about eight or so of us. My grandmother would just say, "put out some extra plates" and all was good.
That was the same at our house growing up. My mom had a large crowd to feed every night, so she made dinners that could easily spread for extra guests.
Life for children is certainly more structured than ever before. They do miss out on the free form way that I remember playing as a kid. But then again, they have opportunities I didn't get.
The reporter was the same one who wrote the article about the little people I think that's how they connected it. I'm guessing they may have even admitted they are the same person. I haven't seen the actual death threat, they may not be releasing it to the public because of the ongoing investigation. Such scary stuff.
I don't know if acquired OCD is possible but those kids were not allowed to get dirty, roll on the grass, use colored markers or paint, or scissors, even eat ice cream without Kate throwing a fit.
What do you think they do at school when Kate's not watching? In art class, do they refuse to use paint or scissors; at recess, do they stand by and watch while other kids are on the slide or playing ball?
Regarding Kate's promise to let her fans know when there is a new TV show, I really think she believes there is going to be another show. To her, TV is her career, it's what she was meant to do, and that means that there will be another show someday. She's just waiting for it to happen. I think that she can't imagine herself doing anything else,like nursing. Imagine her carrying bedpans while people whisper, "Didn't she used to be on TV?" It's an impossible idea for her. She has said that she belongs on TV, she's just waiting for her next big project, her goal is to land another "amazing TV opportunity", and she looks forward to her next big job. It's TV or nothing in her mind.
She is annoyed that it's taking so long for her next big break to come. But she is so delusional that she is absolutely convinced that it will happen. She has tasted the life she wants--the trips, the 6-figure paychecks, the red carpets and paps everywhere. To her, that is the life she is meant to lead, and she thinks that anyone who says there won't be another show is just jealous of her success, both past and future. She's a narcissist. There is no convincing her to move on, no matter how many years she has to wait. We can only hope she does"t destroy the kids' futures in the process.
I have to wonder what affect Kate's mindset is having on the kids as they grow older She knows that they were marketable when they were toddlers, and now she's trying to recapture that time in their lives. Calling them "so, so cute" and "adorable" is disturbing. You don't describe 9-year-olds as adorable. That's a word for 3-4-year-olds. According to her, they still say the kinds of things toddlers say, play with toddlers' toys, and dress in match-matchy outfits like toddlers. She calls them the "littles", but they are not little anymore. She keeps them isolated from other kids their age so they don't develop individual interests or start to act like other kids their ages. She posts pictures of them when they were younger as often as possible. She is stunting their emotional growth and maturity in an effort to leverage them for a new show, but the long-term consequences could be devastating for them. What is she going to do when they reach puberty? She can't pass them off as babies when they're adolescents sprouting pimples. She's in denial, but that time is coming very fast. It's frightening to think of how she'll react when it happens.
Layla said... 57
Spot on, Layla. Anything short of TV/media is mediocre, and Kate would rather rot away doing nothing than take on a mediocre job. I agree that she believes that being on TV is what God wants for her, since you know, he spends so much of his time thinking about her and granting her wishes.
Just Down The Road said... 56
I was talking about their early formative years. What point are you making?
Life for children is certainly more structured than ever before. They do miss out on the free form way that I remember playing as a kid. But then again, they have opportunities I didn't get.
But I also think that this creates a generation that doesn't really know how to entertain themselves. There has to be something available to them at all times, whether it's gymnastics, a photography class, summer reading programs, dance instructions or whatever. They become restless very quickly. I don't ever remember being bored in the summer. We learned to be inventive in our play. We used our imaginations. We weren't driven around to all kinds of activities. Our summer was what we made it and we did it on our own.
Of course Kate is using pics of the tups from a year ago. Unless she comes up with a plan B she will keep them looking as young and cute as possible with old photos. On the tups 9th birthday Kate used their 8th birthday pic for her blog. The woman is sick!!!
You all know that I'm most definitely not a sheeple, but I don't see why using a photo from last summer is wrong. She's writing about summertime, being excited to have the kids home (yeah, right), and there's a photo of kids eating outside on a blanket. I'm not sure why this is objectionable. If she's referring to the photo and saying that this was taken when they opened their pool last week, and it was then found that it's a old photo, then yes, call her out on it. Otherwise, I'm not understanding why there's a problem with using a photo from last year.
I don't know, I remember feeling bored a lot as a kid and I knew how to do all the typical things like treehouse and fishing holes. I think it depends on the kid. Some need more variety and stimulation than others. I was never going to be a Collin who plays with Legos for weeks but I have definitely seen kids happily do that.
The wheels of justice turn slowly. Karma does come around.
Discovery is being sued for wrongful death. It's not just talk, the suit was filed. This time, no means no. Hi Eileen!
I'll do a post on it.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 61
But I also think that this creates a generation that doesn't really know how to entertain themselves. There has to be something available to them at all times, whether it's gymnastics, a photography class, summer reading programs, dance instructions or whatever. They become restless very quickly. I don't ever remember being bored in the summer. We learned to be inventive in our play. We used our imaginations. We weren't driven around to all kinds of activities. Our summer was what we made it and we did it on our own.
Amen and sing it, sister! Kids today can't just "be kids" and use their imaginations. Every minute has to be structured for them. Oh, for the good old days.
The thing is, I don't think Kate keeps the kids so isolated because she sincerely believes in the respectable notion that kids today are too structured. :) Her reasons are in her best interest, not the children's.
Kate is a Twit said....
@Kateplusmy8 I felt so much like you last night! My daughter went poop on the potty for the first time last night and I took a picture of it
Maybe this is the way karma is playing out in Kate's life. Maybe she is condemned to having to hear these kinds of comments for the rest of her life. Kate only wants the one-way, customized fame where it is all about her. As annoying it is for me to read these types of comments, imagine what it would be like for her. Every time a child poops in a potty, Kate comes to mind. Sounds about right to me.
Pink, thanks for the alert about Katie! I just saw an advertisement for Katie on the gym T.V. and didn't see Mara but saw a clip of the Eurkle guy....White somebody??? No sound so I couldn't hear what he said, but I don't recall him ever speaking out about child stardom before. This should be GOOD. Do me a favor and reminds us Sunday night, or someone reminds us! I believe this is called the snowball effect.
Is the poop in the potty anything like every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings? Every time a child has his first poop Kate Gosselin's face comes to mind?
LOL I knew it was worth it to follow Amy on facebook:
Amy's Baking Company Bakery Boutique & Bistro
And now our personal email has been hacked! To all of our friends and associates please do not click on the link! It may infect your computer! We are notifying the authorities.
Amy & Samy
Jaleel White played Urkel on Family Matters. He also was on Dancin With Them Thar Stars! And did fairly well, he could actually dance. And he hosts a game show on SyFy called Total Blackout. He has lots more talent than you would think from just seeing the Urkel character.
Re another child with reality TV connections, there was an article on Forbes online dated 5/30 about the never ending court battle between Anna Nicole s estate and her stepsons J.Pierce Marshall s estate. According to the report, the judge in the case is going to end it by ordering sanctions.against marshalls estate and Marshalls attorney, for ”egregious deceptive practices” to hide information from Anna Nicole s attorneys. The only heir to Anna Nicole is Dannielynn Burkhead. The facts of the convoluted court case are fascinating. Interesting fact I didn't know, Pierce Marshall s estate is still in dispute with the IRS about deceptive practices to hide assets and avoid taxes.
Is the poop in the potty anything like every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings? Every time a child has his first poop Kate Gosselin's face comes to mind?
lol! I'm glad that mine are past the first poop stage. I wouldn't want to see Kate's face in that poop! People are crazy. By the way, the person who tweeted that she took a picture of her child's first poop is under fire on Twitter, as she should be. She posted a video of her child, naked, getting out of the bathtub. Some people have no sense at all and should not be parents. Kate certainly does attract some questionable characters.
Now Joy that Erykle role had a lot of depth!
There was an article today in The Huffington Post entertainment section about Lisa Jakub. She is the actress that played Mara Wilson's sister in Mrs. Doubtfire among other movies. She is a writer now and has started a blog and is writing her memoir about her life as a child actress and why she chose to leave it all behind her. Although it sounds as if her acting experience was for the most part okay, she chose to leave before she became a "cautionary tale" and could still have a normal life. We hear so much about child-actors-gone-wrong, it is nice to hear about one that didn't let the money and fame keep her in a life that wasn't right for her.
I just realized Urkle is Milo. That was a revelation.
Nosey neighbor. (Administrator) said... 74
I just realized Urkle is Milo. That was a revelation.
Nosey neighbor.
Hahahhahahaha So true!
Can you imagine if the Winslows packed up and moved in the middle of the night without telling Urkle?
Nosey neighbor.
Speaking of...
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 10h
My son grew up it seems overnite. I have mixed proud because this is what it's all abt. Fr helpless baby 2responsible adult!
But doesn't he still play with dump trucks?
There were two lawsuits against Discovery that were filed recently...the copter crash and one filed by a crew member who was ejected from an all-terrain vehicle.
Lauraaaaaaaaa! Come baaaaack!
LOL!!! Carl is Kate! Urkel is obsessed with him. I'm so shocked I never noticed the parallel before.
@ChipotleTweets haha. You just have a way of keeping us coming back! And we love it!
@Kateplusmy8 That's great to hear as always Kate and thank you!
Ah, a lovefest. Kissy kissy.
Admin, Discovery IS NOT named in the suit.
"The men were filming a scene for an untitled military-themed show being produced for the Discovery Channel, which is not named in the lawsuit.
The case's defendants are Van Nuys Copters and Orbic Air, the companies responsible for the lease of the helicopters; the estate of pilot David Gibbs; and reality television producers J.D. Roth and Todd Nelson."
I think it is interesting that the other day here on the blog there was some discussion about Melissa Gilbert and her book and twitter feed. I checked out her twitter, which was so fun I followed her. Then I go to Kate's twitter and see her tweeting to her "tweeties". Has she ever done that before? Cuz Melissa's feed was full of that, so I'm kinda takin that to mean that Kate has been here and is stewing over what Melissa has. (you know, true fans, true success, and a real, non-blow up, husband)
Jendi you're right they are suing the producers directly, sorry that is misleading to say they are suing Discovery as a whole. They are saying the producers did not do their jobs in ensuring that someone competent was hired to fly the helicopter.
Admin, Discovery IS NOT named in the suit.
"The men were filming a scene for an untitled military-themed show being produced for the Discovery Channel, which is not named in the lawsuit.
The case's defendants are Van Nuys Copters and Orbic Air, the companies responsible for the lease of the helicopters; the estate of pilot David Gibbs; and reality television producers J.D. Roth and Todd Nelson."
Sorry. This is the correct link.,0,752044.story
Nah Chipotle is just hoping that thank you tweet will be enough to shut her up because if she thinks they're going to pony up a Chipotle gold card that shit ain't happening.
Kate is Chipotle's Milo.
@Live_Your_Love @Kateplusmy8 It's the very least she could do; in fact it's all she has done. Has not acknowledged #OK disaster at all.
Didn't Kate tweet (after several days) that she was "glued" to the news about the tornado?
Nah Chipotle is just hoping that thank you tweet will be enough to shut her up because if she thinks they're going to pony up a Chipotle gold card that shit ain't happening.
Speaking of that 'shit ain't happening,' weren't you going to do a Hitler video on the cookbook?
Jendi (83)...
Discovery is named in the recent filing by the crew member.
Melissa's instagram is fun too. She posted a slew of photos the past several days from her cookbook photoshoot, delicious spreads, the photographer and behind the scenes stuff, things like that. I think it's hysterical that she is doing a cookbook too only is 100 times better at creating buzz and interest. It's not hard. Behind the scenes stuff you can never go wrong with.
Her twitter is good too, sometimes she and Alison Arngrim will banter back and forth. It's funny. Alison and Melissa had a lot of sleepovers growing up and Alison had some interesting stuff to say about it in her book. Melissa was rich so she loved going over to Alison's whose family was living in a hotel paycheck to paycheck, she thought this was so exotic. It's funny cause on the T.V. show it was the opposite, Melissa poor and Alison rich. They also loved to walk down to the corner market and buy things and watch people's reactions when they got recognized. Alison also pointed out how uninvolved Melissa's parents were at home, that they had pretty much run of the house and that she found her home life very odd. Which, it pretty much was. I think Melissa's still got a few odd bones left, her short romances and whimsical personality, but I think she's a good mom and seems sweet.
This is the third legal incident that has to do directly with Discovery's NEGLIGENCE.
Bill Blankinship, the helicopter, the vehicle crash.
They act hastily, they don't vet people, they push the limits without regard for safety, they are only concerned with getting the project done and back to the editing bay. They're finally getting called out on it. THey seem to have an unusual amount of suits for just a mid-sized cable network. They also had a host of problems with the Deadliest Catch cast.
Makes you wonder with the kind of things they had Kate and the kids do, the bungie jumping and deep sea fishing to name a few, whether there were ever any mishaps we don't know about.
I will at some point, maybe closer to when it comes out.
I definitely need to get a Chipotle reference in there.
Maybe Hitler's minions brought him cold Chipotle!
And the beginning of the video definitely needs to be his staff relucntly explaining how they have only sold a few copies of the crookbook here in Dusseldorf (insert map) and here in Berlin for a total of 35.
And the beginning of the video definitely needs to be his staff relucntly explaining how they have only sold a few copies of the crookbook here in Dusseldorf (insert map) and here in Berlin for a total of 35.
I'm waiting to see what the secretaries have to say!
What is a Chipotle? Fast Mexican food? We don't have any here. Is it something I can live without? Apparently Kate is really hung up on it.
Is it like Qdoba?
I definitely need to get a Chipotle reference in there.
And something about Milo hawking the cookbook (and hitting the road in search of the family that left her high and dry with no contact info)!!
kate says absolutely NO to botox.
BUT, I soo recall another interview where Kate said something to the effect that although she would never have plastic surgery, she wouldnt be opposed to ever doing something to get rid of ( and she points to) these 2 lines ( the ones she has ( had) between her eyebrows.
I can not find that video. It had to be before she started with Coupon Cabin as that is about the time her forehead no longer moved when she talked. When you watch earlier videos, Kate's face was always animiated with that tell tale 11 between her eyebrows. That is gone now.
Does anybody remember that video?
Also, I was trying too find those litle talked about video interview she did and I forget wh with, but kate was in what appeared to be a court yard of a hotel or some where like that?
help anyone else know what I speak of?
You all know that I'm most definitely not a sheeple, but I don't see why using a photo from last summer is wrong. She's writing about summertime, being excited to have the kids home (yeah, right), and there's a photo of kids eating outside on a blanket. I'm not sure why this is objectionable. If she's referring to the photo and saying that this was taken when they opened their pool last week, and it was then found that it's a old photo, then yes, call her out on it. Otherwise, I'm not understanding why there's a problem with using a photo from last year
The thing is, If the picture is from last summer, to me it sends a red flag that they didn't really picknic or whatever she is saying they did. She never misses a chance to prove what a good mother she is and post real pictures if she is telling the truth about the activity. Humm..I wonder if she thought about that?'s not in her.
OOps, I forgot to give credit. My comment was refuring to number 62.
Chipotle is a very slightly upscale qdoba.
Taco bell < qdoba < chipotle IMO
Admin said...
Is the poop in the potty anything like every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings?
Yep--just like that!
I think that Kate's recent publishing of individual pix of the tups was a blatant attempt to manufacture some outrage that would get picked up on ROL. I have always made a point of not knowing which kid goes with which name. And, I don't recall her ever highlighting each kid individually. When that failed she published bathing suit and bikini shots.
Or, maybe she thinks of it as putting it out as head shots, so that when Disney calls, they can ask for them by name. In any case, she has no regard for their privacy or safety. She really is sickening.
Parent -- There are Chipotle's in Reading, York, Exton, West Chester, etc. They have fresh, made to order, assembled before your eyes burritos, burrito bowls, salads, tacos, etc. They use only meat that is antibiotic and hormone free and, for the most part, cruelty free. They try to get their produce locally as much as possible and much of it is organic. They're reasonably priced and the food is tasty (I'm addicted to their burrito bowls, LOL).
Parent -- There are Chipotle's in Reading, York, Exton, West Chester, etc. They have fresh, made to order, assembled before your eyes burritos, burrito bowls, salads, tacos, etc.
Thanks...I googled it and found that the closest to Lancaster County is in York -- too far to drive for a burrito bowl, although I'm having a case of insomnia right now and a taco salad would taste good!
I don't have a problem with the year old picture of the picnic, either. Kate says in her blog that she WANTS/INTENDS to have picnic this summer. But there hasn't been time for it yet in 2013 because of rain and cold weather. It's still spring. So, it makes sense to me that she would drag out a picture of her kids picnicking from last year. I can't fault her on this one.
Chipotle is really clean, simple, fresh food which is nice, but it's a bit overrated. Most of the offerings can easily be made at home so for that reason I do think it's overpriced since for a little more time than it took you to stand in the long lunch line you could have made it yourself for a third of the cost. I do like the slow trend to offer better quality healthier fast food that tastes decent.
Ex nurse I've gotten the sense for several months now that much of what this woman does is a big fat F-U, not sure to who. Her haters I guess. It started with that stupid marathon tshirt she had forgot what it said but it was something like this is for the haters or something. I'm sorry for her that she is, at 37 years old, this obsessed with what others think of her.
Anonymous said... 46
There were tweets a few days ago between Kate and her Connecticut friend from the Litchfield race, Emily, that alluded to someone visiting that area soon. I'm unable to access Tweets right now to check, but I remember thinking that it was Mady and hoping Mady was going to a camp (there are many in that area).
Kate will probably be dragging the kids back to CT next weekend for the Rod Dixon's Kid's Marathon, followed by her running in the Litchfield Hills Road Race, just like last year. That was the one where the kids looked miserable, almost being forced by Skeeve to stay on the track as they were simply plopped into a program that other kids had been participating in for weeks. The next day, while Kate ran the Litchfield Hills Road Race (with Rod Dixon, she had Em from CT babysit the kids.
Kate told Em in a tweet recently that she would probably see her again this June. Her attempted cryptic tweet to Em last week about sending her an email and being local soon pretty much confirmed that she will be there again this year, June 8th and 9th.
The lucky kids, two years in a row this is how they spend their first weekend of summer break. She has to drag them so many hours away to participate in something they have no interest in, rather than ever doing something in their own community with friends and schoolmates.
I'll bet a million bucks Kate hasn't vetted this Em teenager at all.
Em could be completely incompetent with children, she might not have the foggiest sense of child safety or child development, needs and wants, or appropriate boundaries, but heck if Kate knows. In Kate's eyes she's a cute young girl who loves her and that's all that matters. Em "looks" like how a good fan should look, i.e. pretty, young, not creepy, so, she's in.
From last week:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 23 May
@EmCr68 oh so fun! And our lil just like Em friend will be local soon! Will email you abt it...:)
Emily Creighton @EmCr68 23 May
@Kateplusmy8 WHAT?!?! Oh my word!!! SO looking forward to this email!!
7:06 PM - 23 May 13 · Details
Emily Creighton@EmCr68 23 May
How am I suppose to sleep when MammaG leaves me with a tweet that has me hanging on the edge of my seat?!?
7:49 PM - 23 May 13 · Details
Emily Creighton@EmCr6826 May
@Kateplusmy8 have a happy Memorial Day weekend MammaG! P.s you still have me hanging on the edge of my seat!! ;)
10:19 AM - 26 May 13 · Details
Emily Creighton@EmCr6826 May
I can't wait for @Kateplusmy8 to see my prom dress next weekend! I think she'll approve!
12:50 PM - 26 May 13 · Details
See this is what I mean. Kate gets to have her summer fun in Connecticut. And the kids get?
Love that she screwed around emailing Em back. Predictable.
Also, I was trying too find those litle talked about video interview she did and I forget wh with, but kate was in what appeared to be a court yard of a hotel or some where like that?
Meagler(96)==Is this the interview you were asking about? There are 4 separate clips.
Here is a related article to the above videos.
This interview was filmed while Kate was in NY to run the 10K for Breast Cancer Awareness for CC in October 2012. It was just before she got fired from CC.
Meagler-this might be the other interview you are referring to. It was done the first time Kate ran in LV. She explains away the pictures that were shown as PR for being hired by CC, which fueled the rumors of her having a face lift.
Admin-this video also answers your question about what was on the back of her marathon shirt regarding the haters.
Speaking of running-how come she isn't in SD this weekend to run the RocknRoll Marathon? I guess it wouldn't look too good if she was, since she just stated in her bog how she loves having her kids at home for the summer and spending time with them.
I have always made a point of not knowing which kid goes with which name. And, I don't recall her ever highlighting each kid individually.
Me too. I think Aaden has the glasses? Other than that, couldn't put a name to a face.
Ex Nurse, the boys especially don't have hardly anything mentioned about them (Legos, ok, big deal) and I don't think it's for privacy, I think they've got nothing going on in the way of outside activities, sports etc. I really hope Jon is being assertive in getting them interested in activities, interests, hobbies and sports-- and getting them off the compound to do it.
The thing is, If the picture is from last summer, to me it sends a red flag that they didn't really picknic or whatever she is saying they did.
On the one hand, Kate didn't say the pic was this year, but on the other hand, Kate uses old pics to support current activities. Shoka is a prime example. I think most of the dog's pictures are old, and Kate writes about him doing things in the present.
I still think that dog in banished to the out of doors most of the day.
I don't get it.
Meagler 96:
Also, I was trying too find those litle talked about video interview she did and I forget wh with, but kate was in what appeared to be a court yard of a hotel or some where like that?
help anyone else know what I speak of?
It might be this AH interview with Michelle Beadle (my pick as a new co-host for Matt Lauer should Savannah not work out).
Do you think Chipotle is sending Kate free coupons and hence the love fest?
Sounds to me like Jon has the tups. She tweeted about C and M swimming, and Chipotle. She only had to pony up for 3 Chipotles. Well, 2 for the twins and water for herself probably.
Meagler @ 96
The link below is the video. Kate does indeed point to her space between her eyes and jokes that "if she had botox she wouldn't have this " It is at the 2:20.
If the link doesn't work it is the video titled Fact or Fiction: Kate Gosselin Smacks down rumors
I thought I was the only one who couldn't identify the children. I have been "following" for a few years. I watched most of the shows.
But, if the kids were lined up in front of me, I probably couldn't attach the correct name to the correct face. I do recognize Hannah.
That doesn't mean that I don't care.
I probably could pick Kate out of a line up of hard looking bleached blondes. Her disgruntled face would be my clue!
Loves to Read said... 108
From last week:
Emily Creighton@EmCr6826 May
I can't wait for @Kateplusmy8 to see my prom dress next weekend! I think she'll approve!
12:50 PM - 26 May 13 · Details
I think she just meant she was going to tweet a picture.
Emily Creighton @EmCr68 43m
My last prom ever is today! Where has the time gone? 😯🎵💃ðŸ‘
On the one hand, Kate didn't say the pic was this year, but on the other hand, Kate uses old pics to support current activities.
Right. I think the point being made is that there is very little effort put in here, and also, that there are an unusual amount of old photos used, which makes people suspicious that a picture is trying to be made that the kids are not as old as they are. For instance someone pointed out that on a birthday post she used a birthday pic from last year. Now that one makes no sense. Part of a good blog is good photography, and usually, that means current photography. Stock photos of tow trucks, old photos, rerun photos, usually don't cut it.
In this case, it's a rare instance where it makes sense to use a photo from last year, but you should say and here's us enjoying summer fun LAST YEAR as can't wait for more of this THIS year.
I just saw a video the Oregon reporter covering this story did explaining about the new threats against the governor and police in the Roloff saga.
What happened was she had interviewed Amy and Matt for a story and then got the Facebook contact of the people harassing them and decided to message them herself and ask them why, etc.
The perp or perps actually responded back to her, and that's when they threatened the other people. So it's definitely connected.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 23 May
@EmCr68 oh so fun! And our lil just like Em friend will be local soon! Will email you abt it...:)
I could be completely wrong, but the way I read this tweet is "our lil just like Em friend" (Mady because she likes singing and acting) "will be local soon" (Mady will be in some sort of show, either school production or community theater).
As to the prom tweets, I think Em will just tweet a picture.
I think I could recognize all the G kids but only in a group of them together. If I bumped into one or two on the street I could not. Some have changed more than others, though, especially one boy tup.
I was talking about their early formative years.
Formerly I wanted to back you up on your point on this and say that regardless what may or may happen at school (and unless you are actually there following them around to each class, I'm not sure anyone knows exactly what goes on other than hearsay--and why should anyone, their problems or not at school should be private), that some of their interactions with Kendra might be our first clue how they react in normal situations. And unfortunately, it wasn't always good. They were extremely uncomfortable with some of the normal things she suggested they do. Now, they may behave completely differently outside of the context of the home and Kate's iron fist, I hope so. But it was definitely proof that changes to their rigid military lifestyle were upsetting and confusing to them.
I did a new post on Little People.
So now not only have you put your family in grave danger, but you don't even have any income anymore to show for it.
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