Mara Wilson of all people has emerged as the Dalai Lama of the former child star world
Move over
Because this girl's back in town:

Smart, savvy, and often just downright hysterical, little Matilda's
all-grown-up blog has been a fascinating read for over a year now. Last year,
Wilson blogged about all the pitfalls of childhood fame, talking candidly about creepy, demanding fans, tedious days on the set, and her "relief" to be out of that lifestyle. Her spot-on, well-written essay (or warning) suddenly went viral a couple months after she wrote it, and, of the almost 900 posts we have done here since the inception of almost four years ago, according to our stats, our post on Mara's musings last year remains the
fifth most popular blog post here
of all time. (Whoa!)
This week, former child star
Amanda Bynes was arrested again. Her bizarre and frightening post-arrest Twitter tirade (Amanda said the cops slapped her "vagina") may be due more to her alleged mental illness than anything else, but she's still yet another sad story of a washed up child star who can't hack it in the adult world. The latest incident prompted Mara to take to the subject of child stars again, this time penning another visionary essay called
7 reasons Child Stars Go Crazy (An Insider's Perspective). It's worth your time to read the entire thing, but here are a few important excerpts.
On parents forcing their kids into the spotlight: I chose to start acting when I was 5. It was my decision, and my parents tried their hardest to discourage me. When I insisted, they allowed me to act, but were always very protective of me. I saw many child actors who did not have that, and they were all miserable. Kids whose parents pushed them into acting often grow up to resent them. They never had a choice, and worse, they never had the chance to be a kid... The next time a former child star is in the news, look at the age at which he or she started performing. Then imagine making a life-changing decision at that age. Chances are good he or she wasn't the one who made it.
Mara (center) in Mrs.Doubtfire |
On transitioning from the cutest thing in the world to discarded yesterday's news: The first week of my first movie, Mrs. Doubtfire, I got gifts from every cast member. When an interviewer asked me what I loved most about acting, I forgot all about the joy of becoming someone else on camera and said, "You get a lot of presents, sometimes!" Combine the regular amount of free stuff celebrities get with all the presents people give kids just for being cute, and you've got a recipe for one spoiled-ass child....This tends to happen: It's called the hedonic treadmill, which sounds like something 1950s sci-fi writers imagined we'd all have in our pod-houses by now, but actually means that even people who have the best of everything quickly become used to it. The thrill of new things and new experiences always wears off. Adults know that infatuation is fleeting, but kids don't understand this. A year in a kid's life seems like an eternity, and they think anything happening now will happen forever. Years of adulation and money and things quickly become normal, and then, just as they get used to it all, they hit puberty -- which is a serious job hazard when your job is being cute ... A child actor who is no longer cute is no longer monetarily viable and is discarded. He or she is then replaced by someone younger and cuter, and fan bases accordingly forget that the previous object of affection ever existed... Imagine that people you once relied on and trusted -- as well as millions of people you'd never met, who had previously liked you -- had told you then, "Yeah, it's true. You are exactly as ugly and worthless as you feel."
On sexual exploitation: When I was 12 years old, I made the mistake of looking myself up on the Internet. (I know not to do that now, unless I want to stay up all night imagining the kind of person who would replace my Wikipedia article with nothing but the word "poo.") One of the things I found was a foot fetish website dedicated to child actresses. There was worse, both for me and for others. Like the Coogan Law, there are too many loopholes. If you ever need to convince someone not to get their kid into show business, inform them that it's still legal in several places to Photoshop a child's head onto a nude adult body. Sexual exploitation is just part of the package.

On fans' expectations: Having to live up to your fan base is a little like having to deal with a million strict parents who don't actually love you. They reward you for your cuteness and cleverness, but are quick to judge and punish. And they do not want you ever to grow up. How do you react? The way any sullen teenager does: You get resentful, and as soon as you have the freedom, you act out....But even here [in New York] I still get recognized. It's flattering, but it can be uncomfortable. Maybe because it only seems to happen when I'm looking and feeling crappy, and while I'm glad what I did meant something to someone, I can't take much pride in my childhood acting. It feels like it happened in another lifetime, and even then, it felt like a hobby. People making a big deal out of me just embarrasses me, and I'm also very camera shy. It's not something I'm ever going to escape. And while I'm glad for all the advantages it's given me -- I got to meet the queen of England! -- it does give me something I have to not only live up to, but surpass. A lot of child stars feel like they'll never get past what they did as a kid, that their character has taken over their life.
Thank you once again Mara for more valuable insight, and warnings, about a scary world.
326 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 326 Newer› Newest»As I finish up this post I sit here wondering....exactly how many more child stars like Mara will need to explain what is wrong with this industry for parents to GET IT?
I see your new post. Wanted to let you guys know that on Kate's bog, this was written by aka Milo (exactly what she tweeted before):
Nonmember comment from Isabelle Saturday at 3:28 PM
Very good post Kate.I grew upon a farm and I had to do chores everyday since I was about 4. It's hard work but it gave us structure and good work ethics. I cannot wait for your cookbook. To all the naysayers, her book was likely pushed back because Kate has gotten guest spots on TV shows like the View and others so she can sell the book.You'll see a lot of her on tv in Speptember. (Administrator) said... 1
As I finish up this post I sit here wondering....exactly how many more child stars like Mara will need to explain what is wrong with this industry for parents to GET IT?
Parents getting it? It will never happen. It's all about the money. Money trumps all with some people. Well, probably MOST people.
Mara is just such a clear thinker and is able to put her thoughts into well-written sentences. Thanks, Admin.
Kate could read those excerpts 3 times and still shake her head in confusion. " can yummy gifts be a bad thing?"
Rep. Tom Murt Honored by SAG-AFTRA for Reforming Child Labor Laws
HARRISBURG-- Rep. Tom Murt (R-Montgomery/Philadelphia) has been honored with a Friend of SAG-AFTRA award acknowledging his work reforming the child labor laws pertaining to child actors in Pennsylvania.
“I want to thank the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists for this special honor,” Murt said. “But I cannot accept it without recognizing their support during the long process of updating the state’s antiquated labor laws pertaining to child actors. We could not have succeeded without the union’s support.”
In 2009, Murt hosted a House Policy Committee hearing on the “Kate Plus Eight” Reality TV show, then filming in Pennsylvania. Murt wanted to discover how the children on the show were being cared for and what state laws protected their physical, psychological and financial well-being.
“We discovered that Pennsylvania’s laws overseeing child actors had not been updated since the early 1950s,” Murt said.
To correct this, Murt, in 2012, introduced House Bill 1548, which passed both the House and Senate and was signed by Gov. Tom Corbett as Act 151 of 2012.
The PA Film Industry Association also had a reception celebrating the new law, and those who had a part in it.
"PAFIA’s reception recognized and supported the individuals whose work contributed to Pennsylvania’s new child labor law that has improved the working conditions of child actors and the regulatory climate for film producers!
PAFIA would like to thank everyone that came to the reception in Philadelphia at the Four Seasons and supported the individuals whose work contributed to Pennsylvania’s new child labor law!"
Wow what an honor! GOOD FOR SAG!!
Congrats Murt. Well deserved.
Dmasy, yes. Mara has a way of explaining things, things that seem to be counterintuitive to some people.
I think she did an excellent job explaining why no, it is NOT a good thing to lavish a child actor with gifts, trips, STUFF, experiences. For Kate and her sheeple is was always about what the kids could get in terms of material thing. Mara explains why lavishing a child with stuff like this can result in disaster.
I've always thought these people are not too bright. They can't think beyond the simple. Sort of like, oh a whole plate of cookies, it's good to eat cookies they taste good! They can't think beyond that, such as well if I eat that whole plate though, I'll get a stomach ache, and if I do it a lot, I'll be unhealthy.
Here is a YouTube video of part of Paul Petersen's speech at the PFAI reception on Apr. 14.
At about 1:00, he mentions Jon&Kateplus8. Just listen to the audience's reaction.
Thank you for posting this, Administrator.
Keep talking/writing, Mara!!!
The worse thing that can happen to stage parents, reality t.v. show/movie executives, is to keep exposing the dirty underbelly of children working in show business.
If adults want to work in show business, that's their prerogative- just leave minors out of it.
Kate is a twit said... 5
Rep. Tom Murt Honored by SAG-AFTRA for Reforming Child Labor Laws
HARRISBURG-- Rep. Tom Murt (R-Montgomery/Philadelphia) has been honored with a Friend of SAG-AFTRA award acknowledging his work reforming the child labor laws pertaining to child actors in Pennsylvania.
“I want to thank the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists for this special honor,” Murt said. “But I cannot accept it without recognizing their support during the long process of updating the state’s antiquated labor laws pertaining to child actors. We could not have succeeded without the union’s support.”
In 2009, Murt hosted a House Policy Committee hearing on the “Kate Plus Eight” Reality TV show, then filming in Pennsylvania. Murt wanted to discover how the children on the show were being cared for and what state laws protected their physical, psychological and financial well-being.
“We discovered that Pennsylvania’s laws overseeing child actors had not been updated since the early 1950s,” Murt said.
To correct this, Murt, in 2012, introduced House Bill 1548, which passed both the House and Senate and was signed by Gov. Tom Corbett as Act 151 of 2012.
The PA Film Industry Association also had a reception celebrating the new law, and those who had a part in it.
"PAFIA’s reception recognized and supported the individuals whose work contributed to Pennsylvania’s new child labor law that has improved the working conditions of child actors and the regulatory climate for film producers!
PAFIA would like to thank everyone that came to the reception in Philadelphia at the Four Seasons and supported the individuals whose work contributed to Pennsylvania’s new child labor law!"
Well deserved.
Congratulations, and thank you to all that made a difference.
Kate is a twit said... 8
Here is a YouTube video of part of Paul Petersen's speech at the PFAI reception on Apr. 14.
At about 1:00, he mentions Jon&Kateplus8. Just listen to the audience's reaction.
TLC made $200/mil of J&K and TLC gave the kids $0?
I wonder how much did TLC make of K+8 and how much did they give the kids?
Probably nothing again no wonder why Kate won't stop exploiting those.
Poor kids she knows they are/used to be money makers.
And now I bet KK did make $250 an epi that's nothing to pay of you're make $200 mill.
Kate is a twit said... 8
Here is a YouTube video of part of Paul Petersen's speech at the PFAI reception on Apr. 14.
At about 1:00, he mentions Jon&Kateplus8. Just listen to the audience's reaction.
Excellent speech.
I guess Mr.Petersen is not on Kate's Christmas card list...
Kate could read those excerpts 3 times and still shake her head in confusion. " can yummy gifts be a bad thing?"
Exactly. Mara is clearly a mature, intelligent adult while we know Our Kate operates at a juvenile middle school level. Anything written above that goes right over her head. And TLC was only the frosting on that cake - she was already grifting: living with boyfriend, Jon's dad, the doctors who did her IVF procedures. So yummy gifts, oh sure, send them over 24/7.
What a great post! Mara Wilson is such an intelligent girl and great writer! If only more people would see what she did.
I love the way she writes. I read through many of her blog posts last night before forcing myself to bed. I will be bookmarking and reading her blog often.
What a great thing that Rep. Murt received that award! Congratulations, Rep. Murt and thanks again for all your hard work!
"They reward you for your cuteness and cleverness, but are quick to judge and punish. And they do not want you ever to grow up."
This rings so true of Kate and her small band of fans - they want that brief moment in time when the show was a hit, and the sextuplets were cute toddlers and youngsters, to be on a never-ending loop. That's why Kate talks about re-watching old episodes. That's her "reality." Not children who actually outgrow their high chairs, who don't need to use a sippy cup anymore, who want to be individuals and not dress exactly like their brother or sister.
" .. but actually means that even people who have the best of everything quickly become used to it. The thrill of new things and new experiences always wears off. Adults know that infatuation is fleeting, but kids don't understand this. A year in a kid's life seems like an eternity, and they think anything happening now will happen forever. Years of adulation and money and things quickly become normal, and then, just as they get used to it all, .."
Love the above from Mara.
Kate certainly is/was not adult enough to understand.
Money makes people do all kinds of things. Thankfully Mara had good parents who put her best interests first. It is heartbreaking how many children don't have that.
It's so refreshing to see someone tell it how it really is regarding children in the entertainment industry.
Thank you Mara and congratulations to Rep. Murt.
On another topic, Martyr Milo has increased her whine today:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 58m
If I teach my kids the Golden Rule, I will have left them an estate of behavior/way of life that no money could ever buy! #Priceless
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 56m
Sometimes tho I feel like I'm not meant 4this world...I'm 2kind, 2giving...& I get taken advantage of all the time! #NiceGalsFinishLast :(
And wow, the whole part about the 'fan base' not wanting them to grow up! How many times an hour do we see some adoring 'fan' comment on the G kids growing up. Spot on Mara.
Our Kate operates at a juvenile middle school level. Anything written above that goes right over her head. And TLC was only the frosting on that cake - she was already grifting: living with boyfriend, Jon's dad, the doctors who did her IVF procedures. So yummy gifts, oh sure, send them over 24/7.
Yes, and it appears that the majority of her fan base is the teenage girl, or young 20s something who clearly don't have the maturity to really "get it." Since Kate's on that middle school level, she appeals to that age group. They are her "peers". Other sheeple who idolize her seem to be the older retired women with grandchildren. But you'd think that those are the ones who would "get it" and not encourage the exploitation of kids on television. You just have to wonder what is lacking there, where they were when logical thinking ability/reasoning was passed out. There really don't seem to be too many fans Kate's own age. Interesting.
Of course, then there's Milo, and I have no idea to which group she actually belongs! She's all over the place.
Congratulations to Rep. Murt for an honor and recognition well deserved. I think it took a lot of guts to tackle this project, given that the Gosselins were Pennsylvania's darlings, and frankly goose that was laying golden eggs, when he began this endeavor. I think it took someone like Murt, a truth to power (Ed Rendell) type of person, to probably put his career on the line to get this thing done.
So sad. Kim Kartrashian's child is being used for ratings... in utero!
Because of Mara's article, I looked up Jackie Coogan's Wikipedia page. It said the parents spent all/most of his earnings because "In their defense, Coogan's mother and stepfather claimed Jackie was having fun and thought he was playing". Sound familiar!?!?!
AND- Mara was not only cute but she was an ACTOR with TALENT- playing a different character other than herself. The fans still expected things from her. The G kids are "being themselves" with NO TALENT and therefore they cannot escape into a character. When people write things about Mady- they mean HER- not a character! I would suppose that that would be even more damaging. Mara is a smart writer and she is a highly educated grad of NYU! She is spot on! Khate will never get it and I can't wait for the day when the kids can speak for themselves- NOT through Khate!
Oh that's so classic. It's not that Milo is annoying, rude, nosey, inappropriate and unstable. It's that she is too kind, too giving. And that's why people are mean. Gimme a break. Classic victim mentality. What a good day for kids, Mara speaking out again and a major entertainment organization giving Murt credit due.
Milo is a victim, of her own warped hyper-imagination. As for kind and giving, nonsense.
As a retired person with grandchildren (new grandgirl who is two weeks old today!), Kate's behaviour is unfathomable to me. I admit that TLC sucked me in at the beginning, but whoo boy, it did not take long. The whole afternoon naps, her cold attitude with the children, her horrible treatment of her husband, the lack of family involvement - no, her number came up fast.
I think Milo expected Kate to be gushing with thanks to her for the continual hawking of her website. Milo just won't accept that Kate does not say thank you -- Kate expects people to do her work for her.
Milo wasn't so kind when she was cheering on Bullyvile and that Mad Britsh Guy. She also wasn't so nice when the subject involved Jon.
Kate's only tweet today was just so random:
Hi there....crying ..........over my chopped onion this morning..... #makingdinnerearly
Wouldn't a person who is touting a cookbook be the one to give tips on how to slice an onion without crying? Yet her tweeties are the ones who are giving her tips about it.
I took a look a Brian Boitano's book on Amazon. He gives different tips, and also has a glossary of cooking terms. Do you think Kate will have something like that in her cookbook?
Tweet-le--I think your probably right about Milo. She hasn't got the reaction from Kate that she expected for all the "barking" she's been doing re the book, and the pictures on the website. Kate hardly tweets to her anymore, and she's feeling upset that she doesn't get more recognition and appreciation from Kate.
I've also noticed that Kate hasn't been retweeting Milo's tweets about the book. Instead, she'll wait until someone mentions the book, and then retweet it AND add the link to her website to pre-order it. As mentioned in the last thread, Kate even altered a tweet so that she could include the link when she retweeted it.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 56m
Sometimes tho I feel like I'm not meant 4this world...I'm 2kind, 2giving...& I get taken advantage of all the time! #NiceGalsFinishLast :(
Oh my gosh break out the violins! Cue the weeping and wailing!
If you are truly a kind and giving person, you don't expect anything in return. You give because you feel it is the right thing to do, and you don't expect thanks, public appreciation, or a return on your investment. True giving is selfless, with no expectation or wish that your gift somehow pays you back. One should give because you see someone in need, so you step up and try to help out. Donating to a food bank, driving an elderly neighbor to a doctor's visit, sharing tools with your friend or neighbor, whatever it is.
Generosity of spirit is its own reward. Milo didn't mean to demonstrate her own narcissism, but she did with that remark. It's all about her -- and if people don't give her the due she expect, she'll cry martyr. No wonder she is enamored of Kate - they are two of a kind! It's always all about them.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 28
I think Milo expected Kate to be gushing with thanks to her for the continual hawking of her website. Milo just won't accept that Kate does not say thank you -- Kate expects people to do her work for her.
Always has, always will. Kate is one of the laziest people ever known to want a shot at stardom. Volunteers non stop, then TLC, friends and family helping constantly, and now Mady and Cara are designated as lunch makers, shower watchers, and how many other duties during the short time they are home during school days.
Kate can say they were just "playing" during the filming, but the CWS show, she chose to put her kids on indicates that she knows she is nothing without her kids. Never mind all of the recent non-stop pictures she has been posting. There is absolutely no respect for the kids' privacy. Still!! After all of the money she has made off of them, exploiting their lives.
When will it end? My guess is when the kids are supporting themselves. Don't care what she does to earn money solo 9 years later, but seems she does little, and STILL expects a lot of her kids to keep her relevant. Sad and pathetic.
I think Milo expected Kate to be gushing with thanks to her for the continual hawking of her website. Milo just won't accept that Kate does not say thank you -- Kate expects people to do her work for her.
But how naive (or dumb) do you have to be before you realize that you are just being used? Has the celebrity worship of her idol gone that far that no matter what Kate does she is still glorified? Wouldn't being used as a doormat get old after awhile?
As a retired person with grandchildren (new grandgirl who is two weeks old today!), Kate's behaviour is unfathomable to me. I admit that TLC sucked me in at the beginning, but whoo boy, it did not take long. The whole afternoon naps, her cold attitude with the children, her horrible treatment of her husband, the lack of family involvement - no, her number came up fast.
Here's the thing. You and I and the rest of the intelligent, logical-thinking world can figure that out. Why can't the sheeple?
On another topic, Martyr Milo has increased her whine today:
Maybe she needs to chill a bit, relax, and increase her wine.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 56m
Sometimes tho I feel like I'm not meant 4this world...I'm 2kind, 2giving...& I get taken advantage of all the time! #NiceGalsFinishLast :(
Well then, maybe it's time for her to step back,
and stop laying the insincere b.s. on so thickly. It's annoying.
We all knew it would be a matter of time before Kate ran like the devil from her.
Milo is apparently upset about a family that she and her husband helped financially and emotionally who left town without informing Milo. They are also not returning Milo's calls.
@CarleneMarie_1 I don't get it..we had talked openly abt their troubles. Others also helped..gave husband odd jobs. Strange ingratitude!
@CJWhodunit The money and things we gave what! It's the betrayal...the lack of trust...friendship that bothers me!
@CarleneMarie_1 @CJWhodunit I invested alot of myself "emotionally" in them. That's the part that hurts! Well, life goes on!
@CarleneMarie_1 Yeah...I always try 2give the "benefit of doubt"....all I need is just a phone call...a note...some excuse!
There's more tweets, but that's about the gist of it. It seems Milo thinks that if you help people out, that eternally binds them to you for life and that if they do something unplanned and don't let you know, that's being ungrateful. Perhaps, there was a good reason they didn't let her know when and where they were going. Does Milo think about that?
Hmm-I wonder if Kate stopped following her on twitter, in addition to ignoring her, would Milo feel the same? Or would she just make excuse after excuse for Kate?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 56m
Sometimes tho I feel like I'm not meant 4this world...I'm 2kind, 2giving...& I get taken advantage of all the time! #NiceGalsFinishLast :(
Here you go, Milo, an oldie just for you...from the "Pet Sounds" album:
I Just Wasn't Meant For These Times
I keep looking for a place to fit
Where I can speak my mind
I've been trying hard to find the people
That I won't leave behind
They say I got brains
But they ain't doing me no good
I wish they could
Each time things start to happen again
I think I got something good goin' for myself
But what goes wrong
Sometimes I feel very sad
Sometimes I feel very sad
(Can't find nothin' I can put my heart and soul into)
Sometimes I feel very sad
(Can't find nothin' I can put my heart and soul into)
I guess I just wasn't made for these times
Every time I get the inspiration
To go change things around
No one wants to help me look for places
Where new things might be found
Where can I turn when my fair weather friends cop out
What's it all about
Each time things start to happen again
I think I got something good goin' for myself
But what goes wrong
Sometimes I feel very sad
Sometimes I feel very sad
(Can't find nothin' I can put my heart and soul into)
Sometimes I feel very sad
(Can't find nothin' I can put my heart and soul into)
I guess I just wasn't made for these times.
Kate is a twit wow she is just like Kate. Never thought that much before. To her life is one big gigantic game of keeping score. If I do this or that for you I expect this and that in return and will make you pay if you don't. That's probably exactly why these people got the hell away from her, they realized everything she was doing she was filing away stocking up in her mind of "points" they "owe" her in return. People's reactions to charity vary across the board. If you're in it for a hallmark movie ending with a tearful hug and everyone singing amazing grace you may end up disappointed. If milo doesn't understand that I don't know what to tell her. Or also they left cause they realized she was an overbearing catfish creep... could be that.
And why is Milo talking about this openly on twitter? Twitter is not the place for it, but I guess she wants the sympathy of Kate and her tweeties. Even though she didn't tweet them to anyone, she knows that people who follow her will see them, especially Kate.
She's basically telling everyone--"See, look at all the things I do, and all I get back is ingratitude".
If she expects that people that she helps to be beholden to her forever, then she doesn't know the meaning of charity.
I agree with others about the G kids growing up as kids do, not cute little toddlers but kids with separate identities and interests, maybe not as physically appealing now, as their teeth grow in, limbs stretch out, pimples pop up...and are judged for it!Kate should guard their privacy as they make their way through the wicked world of adolescence.
Mara is wonderful!
We've all seen how Milo feels entitled to give people the third degree. I have to wonder if Milo felt, since she helped them out, she had the right to ask them 1000 questions and basically tell them what to do.
I feel sorry for anyone who ends up with Milo as their mother-in-law.
Or also they left cause they realized she was an overbearing catfish creep... could be that.
I'll place my bet on that one.
There's more tweets, but that's about the gist of it. It seems Milo thinks that if you help people out, that eternally binds them to you for life and that if they do something unplanned and don't let you know, that's being ungrateful. Perhaps, there was a good reason they didn't let her know when and where they were going. Does Milo think about that?
What happens if Kate does the same thing to her? The problem is that these sheeple feel entitled. Kate says she loves them. They believe her. In turn, because they "support" her they expect something in return. They feel that they are entitled to know what she's making for dinner, where she's going on vacation, how the kids are doing in school. She owes them. She owes Milo.
Kate never should have started any of this. Weaning them is going to be difficult. I've never seen such nosy busybodies in my life. If Milo is half the way with her family (assuming the role of Gladys Kravitz) as she is with Kate, would it be any surprise if they left her high and dry?
When I read something like this, head meets wall. Don't these sheeple want to see kids on television protected from exploitation? Is it okay for parents to usurp all of the money? Don't kids have a right to privacy -- shouldn't they have a spokesperson/advocate who makes it his/her life business to speak up for them?
@Kateplusmy8 Paul P should just shut up & go away. Hes never saved anyone, but I noticed hes shucking his childhood show on his site for $$$
Kate is a twit said... 37
Who knows if Milo really helped others? But based on Kate pretty much ignoring her over the past couple of weeks, this could be Milo's way to try to get Kate's attention. Using an alleged third party- Who knows? She will do pretty much anything to get Kate to respond.
So many times people have told Milo she is too much in Kate's business. She has been compared to nosy Mrs Kravitz. I bet that family was getting that same treatment and took advantage of Milo until they could move away. They probably didn't tell her because she would have been asking what their new address is to bug or spy on them there too. I am so glad my closest neighbors are atleast a block or more away. I couldn't handle someone like that either.
If adults want to work in show business, that's their prerogative- just leave minors out of it.
And here's where a hypothetical question comes up– should minors be "left out of it"? I certainly agree that more regulation needs to be in place to protect child actors, but should there be no actors under, say, 18, period?
Some child actors go off the rails- many don't. Some are forced into the business by their parents- many aren't. I grew up in LA and went to school with a bunch of child actors, and for the most part they were no more "messed up" than any other kid going through middle school.
If child actors are abolished, what television/movie entertainment would there be for children? Yes, cartoons, but I know when I was a kid a visual diet of only cartoons would have driven me nuts. Psychologically, children "aspire" towards characters ~5 years older than they are (for example, 'Hannah Montana', though starring a teenager, was marketed towards preteens).
So where's the happy medium? Is there one?
So let me get this straight. Paul Peterson is supposed to tell people not to buy the Donna Reed Show? Why shouldn't he get his residuals, if he even gets any at this point, for something he worked very hard on? That's the whole point, to pay kids. He never said he is against kids on tv period even though some people are. He simply said he wants stricter regulations in place. As usual everything is all or nothing with the sheeple. Plus they forget everyone on that show is old or dead now. There is no child exploration on that show anymore, we're not talking about things you can't take back, we're talking about what's happening now and who are still children now that we have a chance to do right by. He has actually said he's an exception because generally he had "fun" acting, Donna Reed was very caring to him and that there is nothing wrong with being rich and famous in and of itself. He's just saying I want to help kids who were NOT lucky like I was. He has specifically said NO I am NOT asking for no kids on TV. "No, no, no" was his quote on that! :) Yes, but protect their welfare is what he said. I think his view is a realistic one. We're never going to be able to ban kids from the entertainment business. But what can we do to make it as safe and pleasant as possible.
Hasn't this blog been saying for YEARS that the Gosselin children are in for a rude awakening when the gifts stop coming? TLC isn't ponying up at the Give A Gosselin A Gift Bar, so the fans are taking over to prevent the little darlings from feeling unloved and ungifted.
And Kate, no, a gift from a teen in England is NOT a good substitute for an afternoon with grandparents or cousins.
You know how the sheeple, especially Milo and Goody have been pushing Kate to go on YouTube, Pinterest and keep posting things on her website? I really wonder how Kate feels about that.
They think they are supporting Kate, but actually aren't they in fact telling her that she can't get anything else-that's she no longer the celebrity she thinks she is and no TV producer is ever going to be interested in her? It's like them saying to Kate "Well, you're going nowhere in show business, so you might as well settle for YouTube".
Basically, they're telling Kate she IS washed-up, so she might as well join the ranks of the mediocre who have YouTube accounts and websites.
Any guesses on tomorrow's Stir blog article?
Is it time for a piece about organizing/switching out the winter and summer clothes and how BIG they are getting? (Hint, Sheeples!!)
Pool maintenance costs?
Ideas for keeping kids busy over summer vacation?
And speaking of vacation, I wonder who the lucky sap is this year who will be providing her and the kids a beach house?
Whatever the situation is with Milo being dumped by a family "in need" that she and LOM were helping, her whining today about it via social media is just another perfect example of how she has no filter. None whatsoever. Tho you have to wonder, with the amount of time she spends glued to Twitter and KG, when she has time to get up in anyone else's business. Fool.
I feel sorry for anyone who ends up with Milo as their mother-in-law.
Oh, my gosh. I thought about this some time ago, when she said she has teenagers. Can you imagine what it would be like to have those prying eyes and ears on top of you all of the time? You'd go nuts.
Mara and paul and people are not anything like the gosselin 8 because their fans like the fictional them but the gosselin fans like real life kids!! Mara didn't really have her dad divorce her mom and then dress up pretend to be her old lady nanny. The gosselin kids were really pooping in their pants, throwing up on that boat, being insulted by their REAL LIFE mom and dad and having their parents really divorce leaving them with a bunch of nannies nowhwere near fake Robin Williams. In REAL LIFE. Mady was not pretending to be a badly behaved kid reading a script and stuff but she was being called a bitch and worse and she was 6 YEARS OLD and edited up the wazoo. Total different situation don't think can be compared with kid actors.
Why is Kate so stressed at the end of the school year?
Perhaps tomorrow's stir can be about how she's so proud and thrilled that the great state of PA is taking such great strides to fix a broken system and protect children in the public eye. I would think anyone who loves kids would be thrilled they live in a state that cares so much too.
Perhaps tomorrow's stir can be about how she's so proud and thrilled that the great state of PA is taking such great strides to fix a broken system and protect children in the public eye. I would think anyone who loves kids would be thrilled they live in a state that cares so much too.
I don't think I'd hold my breath on that one! :-) I'm thinking it's going to be all about these crazy end-of-school activities and how exhausted she is, but she's looking forward to a GR8 summer, sleep-in mornings, and her POOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus, maybe some tips will be thrown in there on how to keep kids from being bored at home over the summer. Yawn.
Looks like the #haters r continuing 2 maintain their grueling 24/7 schedule of hate-at least it keeps them off the streets :) @kateplusmy8
These are the tweets that make you laugh and scratch your head. How would a tweetie know if someone is on 24/7 unless that tweetie was on 24/7?
@Kateplusmy8 What did you make?
When...and why is it important?
Blowing In The Wind said... 58
...Plus, maybe some tips will be thrown in there on how to keep kids from being bored at home over the summer. ...
I can't wait. Maybe she will give us tips like if you have a pool then swim in it.
Tho you have to wonder, with the amount of time she spends glued to Twitter and KG, when she has time to get up in anyone else's business. Fool.
True. Kate is her life. I wonder how her family (if she really has one) feels about playing second fiddle.
Kate is a twit said... 51
But, but, but, this YouTube thing is just to tide them over until that new show with her the kids is on tv!! You know the one--the one that's just around the corner that she's secretly working on and teasing them about!!!!!!!! And I bet it's taking so long because the producers keep trying to get her to accept top dollar, but she keeps putting her hands up, saying "no, no, no....that's WAY too much money for my talents and we certainly don't need all those vacations."
Luke's Mom said... 60
Blowing In The Wind said... 58
...Plus, maybe some tips will be thrown in there on how to keep kids from being bored at home over the summer. ...
I can't wait. Maybe she will give us tips like if you have a pool then swim in it.
Or perhaps she'll share with her silly fans who wait with bated breath for her next tome how hard she's worked to make sure the kids have a gr8 summer because hard work is...hard.
I thought the whole idea was for Kate to hear the truth: there's nothing of substance out there for her. So, if her FANS are telling her this, maybe it will finally begin to seep into her brain tissue. The queen has been removed from her throne by popular vote and new queens are popping up all the time. Right now there must be 8 or 10 queens vying for the center throne. There is no room for Kate on the dais, most certainly not as Miss Congeniality.
Formerly Duped said... 56
Why is Kate so stressed at the end of the school year?
I have no idea. I posted last night that there is nothing happening that should stress her out. The older girls' finals are coming up, but she's certainly not taking then for Mady and Cara; the younger ones had their standardized testing, and there are no more athletic games. I can't imagine what she can be doing that would make her exhausted at the end of the school year. I think it's just to get those "oh, you are such a great mom, so busy, everything is for your kids, keep up the good work, how do you do it, you deserve a rest, you're amazing" responses that she thrives on.
Parent In Lancaster County said... 65
Formerly Duped said... 56
Why is Kate so stressed at the end of the school year?
I have no idea. I posted last night that there is nothing happening that should stress her out. The older girls' finals are coming up, but she's certainly not taking then for Mady and Cara; the younger ones had their standardized testing, and there are no more athletic games.
Seriously. My DD is in public HS and has two weeks left...the last week is finals. They had their Keystone exams, and teachers aren't really assigning homework beyond final packets. It's just coasting til the end...much less stressful than the rest of the year.
I'm not sure if anyone saw the movie Behind the Candelabra on HBO this weekend. I thought it was really well done. It was a frightening true story of one very famous musician (Liberace) who used his fame, influence and money to completely take advantage of an average joe, much younger, former foster youth. While he wasn't a child, there was still that sense of an unbalanced relationship that can often lead to disaster. At one point his boyfriend even got plastic surgery to look like him. It kind of reminded me of the extremes fans will go to.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 9h
Sometimes tho I feel like I'm not meant 4this world...I'm 2kind, 2giving...& I get taken advantage of all the time! #NiceGalsFinishLast :(
Where's all that "positivity" Milo keeps telling us she has? She did something for you? You dang well better be grateful. Do you hear that, Kate? Because you owe her more than anyone!
"I'm too kind and too giving for this world." Seriously? St. Milo...
I was wondering if there really was a St. Milo. From Wikipedia:
"By that time, Milo's behavior had become so repugnant even his formidable political connections could not save him."
That does sound like our St. Milo of Dixie.
The real St. Milo was killed by a wild boar. If Milo and Kate get into it, Milo's epitaph could read: "St. Milo of Dixie, a wild bore, tongue-lashed by St. Kate, a wild boor."
I'm willing to bet that MOST of the people on this blog have helped out a friend in need - with money, with a place to stay, with the loan of a car, with emergency travel tickets, with food and other provisions, etc.
I am also willing to bet that not one of them sat back and waited for the "needy one's" family to suddenly have a new member.
There is an old saying: If you save a person's life, you own it. Milo seems to think in those terms. It is so much better to think if you do a really good thing for someone, you walk away pleased you could help. Period.
Fido, I'll bet that too. When people spend some time doing things like that, they realize that the way people react may not be cliche. Someone may have all the gratitude in the world yet still be unable to even speak to you.
For all the "walk a mile in Kate's shoes" Milo needs to walk in the shoes of this family. Even if you as the receiver are comfortable with it at first, it's totally understandable to suddenly wake up and decide you know what I'm not comfortable anymore, I'm embarrassed, or a host of other feelings. I need space now. There could be many reasons this family is putting some space between them and her, and not a one of them necessarily means they are ungrateful or trying to be "mean" or make someone feel like all they do is give and give and they just get burned.
I know they are used to griftors being the norm, but I think they'd be surprised how hard it is for MOST people to just accept charity without any shame or other negative feelings at all.
If Milo did something like a neighborhood cleanup after something like a hurricane, she'd get to see a broad spectrum of how people react to such things and understand that the reactions will vary. She lives down south, I'd be surprised if she hasn't at some point.
There will be some people who will come out and bring you lunch, hug you, cry on your shoulder. Some will work right alongside you. Some will ask all about you, pray for you, give you things. Then there will be people who will not be home, or pretend not to be home, or make it known they are home but refuse to come out. There will be people who want you there but will complain about everything you do. There will be people who demand you do way more than you are equipped for. And there will be people who don't want you there. There may be people you don't like. There may even be a few people who are angry about it and cause a problem.
This kind of thing is a good experience in terms of learning acceptance of people when you give despite reactions you'd maybe prefer you not get. I can only conclude Milo really hasn't done that much charitable giving if this shocks her.
My Brian Boitano cookbook arrived today. The photography of the food is great and makes you want to try the recipes. The recipes look like they'll be easy to follow AND not one recipe is named "Brian's anything". He's also got pointers throughout the book. His cookbook is actually about food. All in all it was worth the money.
My Brian Boitano cookbook arrived today... All in all it was worth the money.
But will it improve your skating? ;)
@Kateplusmy8 Paul P should just shut up & go away. Hes never saved anyone, but I noticed hes shucking his childhood show on his site for $$$
I think KK needs to shut up and go away.
Apparently even SAG doesn't think Paul Petersen should "shut up and go away."
I think too it's important to note I remember Paul and SAG weren't on the same page when he first started and that's understandable. Here was a mover and shaker who wanted to restrict some SAG members (minors.) SAG was wary about what that would mean for them and their members. He earned their trust and they understand now he is out to help, not out ot get anyone.
Now, SAG is all on board with him and his cause, even giving awards to people he has helped. The wheels of justice turn slowly.
Apparently even SAG doesn't think Paul Petersen should "shut up and go away."
But you have to consider the source. The person who made that "shut up and go away" comment isn't the sharpest sheeple in the shed.
LOL fidosmommy! The only thing I could ever do on the ice was fall on my ass so anything would be an improvement!
I just read Maras entire column. She is a terrific writer! And it made me think, I didn't realize so many child actors are not well educated. The people who have gone on to college and taken time out to do that, I never thought of as courageous, but to completely change your life like that is courageous.
Re Behind the Candelabra, I really want to see it but don't have hbo. Hoping it will come to Netflix or other outlet eventually. Apparently Steven Soderburgh had been working on this project a long time. I dragged the family to the Liberace museum in Las Vegas a few years back, they loved it once we got there. Too bad it is closed now. The kitsch factor with the clothes, the cars, even the slot machines with his image, was just over the top. What they told us at the museum was that Liberace s mother loved the slot machines. When she became too infirm to go to the casinos, Liberace got some slot machines made with his picture of course, and installed in his home so mom could still play. The museum had the official permit from the Nevada Gaming Commission that he had for the home machines.
I want to see Matt Damon and Michael Douglas act together! Must find acquaintance with HBO!
Just came back from a week at Dove Mountain, Arizona and was not checking this blog while I was gone. Once home in rainy BC, I was not the least bit surprised NOTHING has happened (as in her media career....ha ha) in the life of KK. BTW, you Americans have a great country. I loved Arizona so much!!
I have a question: could Kate take recipes off and alter it by changing something by just a teaspoon and call it her own legitimately? I have seen her give credit to that recipe site before when she has made things....
Also, I was watching a clip of her when she was on DWTS and she was talking to the interviewer about her upcoming show Twist of Kate and that they were going to be filming soon. All those lost opportunities.....flushed down the toilet because of her hoity toit attitude and lack of real talent. Things looked so promising for her at one time. She even had an opportunity to be a correspondent for ET and she effed that up too. I think it was the Skating With The Stars interview when she did some affected over-exaggeration when referring to some skating contestant she had the hots for. It was embarrassing and I remember looking at my husband and saying God she is terrible, ET has really stooped down pretty low to allow this caliber of reporting. Yes Kate, you really did suck on ET, you didn't fit in and unless ET allows persons to just say whatever they want whenever they want to, there is no place for you on shows like that. News Flash: reality TV is not acting and no talent is required. That is why you have failed so miserably up to this point.
Joy I remember another child actor talking about how their costars were practically illiterate but I can't remember who now. It might have been Allison Arngrim or Missy Francis. I'm guessing it depends on your set and your parents how much of a priority education will be. And even if it's a strict set when the show is over if the parents don't think it's more important than the next audition I can see how that can happen. Sad and yet another major issue for some reason not discussed much. We've talked a lot about long hours and privacy invasion but not much about sub par education.
Keep on the lookout for Candelabra Joy. I just read that it got record ratings for HBO. They're happy. I'm sure it will turn up for rental soon. It should have been in theaters, it was that good. I'm neutral on Michael Douglas usually. This is the first role where he really impressed me. He did one of Liberace's routines pretty much word for word and I watched the real one to compare--they were identical. Usually he just sort of plays himself. For this one he had to transform and he pulled it off.
Oops Susie I forgot to consider the source! :)
Milo is apparently upset about a family that she and her husband helped financially and emotionally who left town without informing Milo. They are also not returning Milo's calls.
This family could have moved for many reasons - perhaps they had family that live in another town or state, that offered them a place to stay; or even a job. So they up and moved for greener pastures. Why would they need to tell Milo anything about their business?
Milo is exactly the sort of person that you would NOT want to accept any help from, because then she thinks it's her right to know your business, call you all the time, and be your new "bestie." Yikes!
She's a pain in the ass. I make myself laugh when I picture this poor family, sneaking off in the dead of night, pushing their car past Milo's house so as not to wake her and start her round of 100 questions.
Admin I watched Behind the Candelabra on HBO. I thought both Michael Douglas and Matt Damon did great jobs. Michael was spot on. My grandmother loved Liberace. B/c of her I watched it.
It was so scary how true it was. Lee... got anything and everything he wanted. He took a troubled 18 year old...who was in and out of foster homes to be his "everything". Liberace wined and dined and 69 him. Not only did he want plastic surgery to look younger he talked his boy servant into it also. This story showed how money talks. When Lee was done with scott he was all but wiped from the face of the earth.It was like he never existed in Liberace's world. But while laying on his death bed who did he call out to? (Administrator) said... 83
Keep on the lookout for Candelabra Joy. I just read that it got record ratings for HBO. They're happy. I'm sure it will turn up for rental soon. It should have been in theaters, it was that good. I'm neutral on Michael Douglas usually. This is the first role where he really impressed me. He did one of Liberace's routines pretty much word for word and I watched the real one to compare--they were identical. Usually he just sort of plays himself. For this one he had to transform and he pulled it off.
I agree. I was waiting for Michael Douglas to not make his character believable but he was spot on. It was worth watching...
NJGal51 said... 73
My Brian Boitano cookbook arrived today. The photography of the food is great and makes you want to try the recipes. The recipes look like they'll be easy to follow AND not one recipe is named "Brian's anything". He's also got pointers throughout the book. His cookbook is actually about food. All in all it was worth the money.
I enjoyed watching his cooking show set in San Fran.
I recently made corned beef brisket in the slow cooker (was crazy cheap on sale @ .98/lb!) and wanted to make Reuben sandwiches with it. I had cabbage on hand and found Brian's recipe online for quick sauerkraut. It was fantastic!
For a fast home made sauerkraut that you don't have to ferment, it was delicious.
Someone mentioned above Kate's attempts at being an ET correspondent. Gawd, she was awful.
Remember when she grabbed the microphone out of that guy's hands and said that she wanted it, like it was hers for the taking?
She does NOT have the gift of gab, unless you consider blathering on about youyouyouyouyouyouyou to be the gift. No, Kate, the gift of gab is the gift of *communication*, which is a 2-way street, a give and take.
Kate walks away from every media appearance and hosting gig thinking she did so amazing, always saying that it just comes natural.
Really, how hard is it to get wardrobe, make up and hair done for you, then walk 12 feet out to a set and sit there, talking about yourself?
She has never commanded a segment of a segment in any show, has she?
I remember her nervously looking at her blue note cards on The View and interjecting one question, but that's about it.
Hmm... Radar is reporting that Amy and Samy are entertaining reality tv offers based on their atrocious restaurant and antics.
“Right now their agent is just looking out for them to make sure they get the best deal, so they want to wait on signing with Cineflix to make sure they’ve seen all the deals on the table,” the source told Radar.
Keep wishing! It's working so far for Kate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(ps.. the best deal? Like they're swatting offers away like flies. Yeah.)
Just went to msnbc and watched the video clip where Kate corresponded for ET and interviewed the next season of DWTS contestants, ie: Jennifer Gray...and oy vey! Kate is THE WORST! She sounds like a stupid, ditzy, valley girl and all she does is talk about herself! Why the hell would ANY of them want advice for DWTS from her?!? When she was voted the worst dancer of any season! Um, yeah, I would say snow ball's chance in hell that she would EVER get a talk show gig. Wow!
She's a pain in the ass. I make myself laugh when I picture this poor family, sneaking off in the dead of night, pushing their car past Milo's house so as not to wake her and start her round of 100 questions.
LOL. Maybe the nuns helped them escape through the mountains!
LOL. Maybe the nuns helped them escape through the mountains!
There the family is, pushing the silent car past Milo's house, singing "Climb Every Mountain!" to themselves, while Milo blows her whistle.
Tucker's Mom said... 89
Hmm... Radar is reporting that Amy and Samy are entertaining reality tv offers based on their atrocious restaurant and antics.
“Right now their agent is just looking out for them to make sure they get the best deal, so they want to wait on signing with Cineflix to make sure they’ve seen all the deals on the table,” the source told Radar.
Keep wishing! It's working so far for Kate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(ps.. the best deal? Like they're swatting offers away like flies. Yeah.)
Well, that was predictable.
Reality T.V. loves a dysfunctional freak show.
At least kids will not be a part of it- so that's a relief.
They're gone!!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Kate's Aug. 9 ticket revealed: 23 mph over the spe...":
You know what really ticks me off??? People who get some sort of FAME- and all of a sudden they are "authorities" on how to raise kids!
Kate giving "feed your kid advice" (have people not WATCHED her abnormalities when it comes to food and her kids) reminds me of Lisa Welchel (Blair of The Facts of Life) giving advice about "hot saucing" kids as punishment. Maybe thats where the lady from The Dr. Phil Show got the STUPID idea! So.... now the child of some Kate super fan is sitting at the supper table for the past two hours because he doesn't like green beans- or perhaps going to bed hungry for the first time because that is how the almighty Kate does it!
Tell me- why are the 8 all eating the SAME dinner while she is GRAZING on a salad? Or the 8 sitting eating breakfast while she struts around the table with her coffee in her hand barking orders about what ORDER they eat their packed lunches?
Good Lord.... when will it all stop???
This is an old comment from September 2011, yet like many old comments, it's still true today. (Administrator) said... 83
Keep on the lookout for Candelabra Joy. I just read that it got record ratings for HBO. They're happy. I'm sure it will turn up for rental soon. It should have been in theaters, it was that good. I'm neutral on Michael Douglas usually. This is the first role where he really impressed me. He did one of Liberace's routines pretty much word for word and I watched the real one to compare--they were identical. Usually he just sort of plays himself. For this one he had to transform and he pulled it off.
It was an excellent movie. Michael Douglas & Matt Damon were both amazing- actually, I was impressed with all the performers.
You know what shocked me? First, that Liberace was as bald as a monk, and second, how predatory he was with his love interests. I did not know that his lover was only 17 when they met. I understand that Scott Thorson never got his life back together- continued using drugs, and became involved in all manner of criminal activities. Sadly, he is currently dying from cancer in jail somewhere in Europe.
Otherwise, Liberace was such a beautiful pianist & showman. We all loved watching him perform on t.v.
He was a definite treat to watch. (Administrator) said... 94
They're gone!!
Hehehehe!! What a clown :o)
I just read that Scott actually was 17, a minor, when Liberace first took him in. I thought he was 18. So now we're talking about possible child molestation. I'm not sure that woulda flown today, but some people have a knack for getting away with things when others doing the same things sit in jail.
This story will make you believe in palimony if you don't already.
Radar is reporting that Amy and Samy are entertaining reality tv offers based on their atrocious restaurant and antics.
Their own realty show. How very wonderful for them.
Who's next? Casey Anthony? I think it's only fair that every contemptuous narcissist out there have their own show.
Here is an article with two videos about The Little Couple's adoption of Will, 3, and Zoey, 8 mos.Seems they were on the list for a US baby/child w/ dwarfism but these two children were available first.
What time is Kate's bog due at The Stir? I would think it should be up by 9AM so daily readers could look at it int the AM when most people do their on-line 'rounds.' This is true of SAHM and people in the workforce, before the day gets too busy to read about Kate! It's almost 11AM here.
Millicent said... 85
She's a pain in the ass. I make myself laugh when I picture this poor family, sneaking off in the dead of night, pushing their car past Milo's house so as not to wake her and start her round of 100 questions.
Hilarious! And I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.
And it's been 19 hours since Milo's twitter rant and even though a couple of people have tweeted her asking about her, Milo is maintaining her martyr-like silence.
OMG this looks like another version of KK & Steve.
-(If Steve got a tan)
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 17h
@MiloandJack Why are you disappointed ? I'm sure they needed & appreciated your help. Just bcuz you helped doesn't mean they owe explanation
Even MsGoody gets it.
Formely I'm glad you brought that up. I can't even pretend to understand the marketing strategy, if there is one, behind this woman.
Blog posts should go up at 5am on the East Coast so as you said, everyone can hit it on their morning internet rounds.
For the whole country her blog goes up between 10am and 1pm, for most people, right in the thick of work, lunch, school pickups, errands, and the like. And a Thursday, when the week is winding down and you're rushing to get everything done for Friday Just a bizarre choice. Most stats show that Monday-Wednesday are the busiest days on the internet with traffic tapering off Thursday and Friday into the weekend.
Unless they're using her to fill a " dumping ground" spot.....
Amy & Sammy.
Kate & Steve.
They all can have a show together as the double mint twins cooking barf recipes.
How about Kate wife swaps with Amy? While I don't want to see the kids have to stay with Amy, I would like to see Kate have to team up with Samy.
Speaking of MsGoody:
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 7m
@kateplusmy8 RT @kimgarst: 10 Types of #Tweets That Encourage REAL Connection
Love how she stressed "REAL" connections. Obviously Kate's website ploy didn't work out. On Amazon she is behind April's sales by 22. (Administrator) said... 105
Tell they don't look like the double mint
You lie, you treat others like crap, you're rude, you mouth off on the internet, slapping down others who dare to criticize, you're a real biotch and you get your own reality show and make tons of money. Yes indeed, that's what we need to teach our children about life.
Obviously Kate's website ploy didn't work out. On Amazon she is behind April's sales by 22.
Guess Milo has to think up some new strategy...that is, when she stops feeling sorry for herself because she was shunned by the Von Trapps. I know nothing about book rankings, but is it common for pre-order sales to go down each month in advance of the release?
Oh no, don't remind us about Kate's pork and sauerkraut recipe! *joking* I'm still gobsacked over what she used to make it. Onions and sauerkraut together? UGH! Should have left it at just sauerkraut or add a different vegetable in place of the onions.
I think some of Kate's fans are stuck in a time warp. This is a tweet some fans are retweeting today:
Hey @TLC !! Don't u think it's about time u brought #KatePlus8 back? We miss them on tv!! #BringBackKatePlus8 @Kateplusmy8
It's almost 2 years since the show was cancelled. Do they really think TLC cares? The person in charge of TLC's twitter must be laughing his head off every time he sees one of these tweets.
I would think those tweets would be an embarrassment to Kate. Imagine if you got fired from your job, and you're still unemployed 2 years later, and your "friends" start calling your former boss telling him he should rehire you. That's what they are basically doing.
Then, of course, there are those that tweet cute sayings by the Gosselin kids, that were said when the kids were much younger.
It's true what Mara said about your fans wanting you to never grow up. Perhaps that's why so many tweets were about being surprised the kids turned 9. Both they and Kate want to keep those kids young forever.
She's a pain in the ass. I make myself laugh when I picture this poor family, sneaking off in the dead of night, pushing their car past Milo's house so as not to wake her and start her round of 100 questions.
@CarleneMarie_1 @CJWhodunit I invested alot of myself "emotionally" in them. That's the part that hurts! Well, life goes on!
Just think about how much she has invested "emotionally" in Kate! If Kate ignores her e-mails and DMs, all hell is going to break loose.
I just saw them Monday! So this was done quickly...secretly. They don't answer cell phone. I'm just so disappointed in them.
Who, in their right mind, would give Milo their phone number or answer a call from her? Can you imagine being pestered day and night with tons of questions about what they are doing, where they are, and who they are with? Nobody wants to punish themselves like that.
Maybe this should be a wake-up call for Milo to step back from her meddling. Others don't need or want her to be "emotionally" invested in them.
strawberry walrus @strawberywalrus 38m
@Kateplusmy8 u r a big fan of organic. Do u garden & grow ur own food? It is so fun, cheap & healthy!
Ah two of KK favorite words cheap and organic to bad she'll have to do the work to garden.
Andrea DeCoeur @andreadecoeur13 6h
Watching @Kateplusmy8 on Netflix while on Maternity Leave is motivation! Thanks, Kate :)
Motivation to do what exactly???
I haven't seen Kate's ET/DWTS segment. I don't know whether I can stomach it. But I do remember her appearance on Andy Cohen (WWHL). It was all about Morgan Fairchild, and Kate had to shove her way in (she was showing her "fun side", apparently) and wanted the book that Andy Cohen was looking at. Then she sat and quoted from the book, saying, "This is so me!". Good grief, she is such a wreck! That's her gift of gab? She has nothing to add to any conversation, so she grabs things (microphone, book) and then blabs about mememememe. I have to say, her "fun side", much like her "gift of gab", does not exist.
FYI, the Stir had an article defending Jodi Arias. Kate Gosselin associates with such nice people.
And her poor kids, farm duties after they quit making money for Kate as circus performers. She has no empathy.
What? Jon and Kate didn't make this list?
Top 15 Worst Reality TV Divorces:
Kate's new bog is posted. It's titled "Summer Countdown is Here". It's really not bad, and describes how she(mostly she) and the kids are looking forward to summer break. And get this--it consists of less than 600 words and only 7 exclamation points(I guess she forgot one)!
This one paragraph that sums up why she likes summer:
"I LOVE HAVING MY KIDS AT HOME! Ta da! I love the extra time that we have. No rush, no schedule. We can be “lazy” and last minute. We can go to a playground on a whim. We can hold long, unrushed (yes, I am aware “unrushed” is not a word and I don't care) discussions about why we like “fat bees” better than the types of bees with stingers. We can plan a trip to the beach overnight. We can eat dinner at 8 p.m. after splashing in the pool all day. And, if we so choose, we can even eat ice-cream for dinner (a long standing family summer tradition!). We can sleep in and skip breakfast and replace it with brunch -- any day of the week."
The only thing I question is the "overnight beach trip". I do hope that part is true.
For once-it wasn't a long-winded post.
Of course, Kate doesn't realize that working mothers don't have all the luxuries of summer break that she does--but Kate always writes from her own perspective, and doesn't relate to mothers who actually have a job.
Kate is a twit said... 120
Kate's new bog is posted. It's titled "Summer Countdown is Here". It's really not bad, and describes how she(mostly she) and the kids are looking forward to summer break. And get this--it consists of less than 600 words and only 7 exclamation points(I guess she forgot one)!
I wonder who wrote that blog for Kate - it's well written and the description of summer life sounds pleasant. So I know Kate didn't write it, and the children will not be experiencing any such pleasant summer relaxation and fun.
I believe they "ate ice cream for dinner" exactly once, for the tv show, and even then, Kate was a spoil sport, whining about the boys playing on the grass after they had their ice cream.
Admin said:
LOL. Maybe the nuns helped them escape through the mountains!
LOL! While Milo and her dog Katie Irene 2, furiously stomp around looking for any trace of them.
"I gave them a bag of second hand clothes and coupons for half off Tuna Helper! How dare they not return my calls!"
Just read Kate's bog. I have to say that, as a teacher, when I sometimes have students count down the days to summer, it's because they are struggling in school. They want the summer time to be free from reading, math and projects. Many students experience the "summer slide" and the way Kate treats summer, I bet her kids will. Will her children join the summer reading club?
Kate is a twit said... 120
The only thing I question is the "overnight beach trip". I do hope that part is true.
It might be better and not long winded but she's grifting again.
The bog is just as predicted.Summer FUN with nothing to do. A whole lot more of nothing, just excitement about sleeping in, swimming in the POOL, ice cream dinners etc. "Lazy days of summer' indeed.
Why is Kate trying so hard to convince skeptics that she really does love having her kids home with her for the summer? Guilt?
lol, she did not mention that organic garden they are supposedly growing for summer FUN!
'(yes, I am aware “unrushed” is not a word and I don't care) '
well, Kate, 'unrushed' IS a word! It means unhurried, just so you don't take credit for inventing it. lol
I don't think Kate realizes by repeatedly emphasizing how she looks forward to "sleeping in" that she comes across as LAZY. Most mothers I know are up, showered, dressed with breakfast on the stove after having started laundry or exercising before the kids get up.
Kate, this is how most moms live...
@Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir it doesn't matter much to me cuz I work .I would love to spend summer sitting at home with my kids.youresolucky
'But how naive (or dumb) do you have to be before you realize that you are just being used? Has the celebrity worship of her idol gone that far that no matter what Kate does she is still glorified? Wouldn't being used as a doormat get old after awhile?'
Even the dumbest doormat eventually figures out that she is being used and that the person she glorifies couldn't care less about her. When that happens, the former doormat is likely to react with extreme anger. Kate is playing a dangerous game, encouraging some of her fans' delusions and fantasies.
I feel bad for anyone reading that to have their nose rubbed in the fact that for many people summers are actually harder. There is no sleeping in, lazy days or whimsical over nights at the beach. There is still work to go to only now, they have to figure out child care all day.
I think we've seen that picnic photo on the bog before...full of plastic cups, plastic spoons, baggies, individual prepackaged containers ( and socks only on the cloth he kids are eon!) Why not fill up their prison trays with the lunch and be a little ecologically sound?
If people are glaring at her it's because she is bragging about being home with the kids all summer and sleeping in, which most people can't do. I even get irritated when I hear teachers moan about the summer coming to an end.
Jill Jones @JillyNy74 1h
@Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir I'm jealous . I wish I could be home for the summer with the kids. Cest la vie
paula epps @plove5 1h
@Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir it doesn't matter much to me cuz I work .I would love to spend summer sitting at home with my kids.youresolucky (Administrator) said... 133
I feel bad for anyone reading that to have their nose rubbed in the fact that for many people summers are actually harder. There is no sleeping in, lazy days or whimsical over nights at the beach. There is still work to go to only now, they have to figure out child care all day.
Yeah, well that's how Katie rolls...
She's incapable of seeing past the tip of her nose.
Andisgrammy said... 130
I don't think Kate realizes by repeatedly emphasizing how she looks forward to "sleeping in" that she comes across as LAZY. Most mothers I know are up, showered, dressed with breakfast on the stove after having started laundry or exercising before the kids get up.
That is what Kate says now. Next month she will say that she never sleeps in.
Kate constantly changes her story- which is fine with her fanatics, because they have memory loss issues.
It works best to not believe a word that shoots out of her mouth.
LOL! While Milo and her dog Katie Irene 2, furiously stomp around looking for any trace of them.
Too bad Katie Irene wasn't trained to sniff out Milo deserters.
There is still work to go to only now, they have to figure out child care all day.
And pay for it as well.
We can plan a trip to the beach overnight.
Unless it's going to be a day trip or a grifted trip she's not going to be able to get decent accommodations just because they want to go to the beach. Most places sell out quickly and well in advance of the summer season.
LB said... 112
Oh no, don't remind us about Kate's pork and sauerkraut recipe! *joking* I'm still gobsacked over what she used to make it. Onions and sauerkraut together? UGH! Should have left it at just sauerkraut or add a different vegetable in place of the onions.
I make my sauerkraut with browned onions and some bacon drippins. It's very good. Don't knock it until you've tried it.
German, she cooked the onions then cooked them furrther in the slow cooker with pork chops and the saukraust. I knew cooking onions twice would turn Into mush, almost baby food texturally. I have had saukraust before. I have made the mistake of cooking onions too long. If I recall, she had it in the slow cooker quite a while and I dont recall juice added to keep the pork from drying out or make a sauce from that extended cooking time. I wasn't just crazy over her cooking method . For me, I perfer it warmed horoughly to keep that texture instead of cooking it down. I do have German blood in me:)
Kate is a twit said... 113
The person in charge of TLC's twitter must be laughing his head off every time he sees one of these tweets.
More like wearing a necklace of garlic and holding up a cross at their tweets.
I make my sauerkraut with browned onions and some bacon drippins. It's very good. Don't knock it until you've tried it.
When I make the pork and sauerkraut in the crockpot, I do add onions, then the sauerkraut. I put the pork in first, then add thinly sliced onions, and sprinkle a little bit of brown sugar over the pork. The apple slices go in last -- about two hours or so before everything is cooked. I never thought about bacon drippings. That sounds interesting.
Some here swear that onions are never added to pork and sauerkraut, while some say that it onions add flavor. I think it all depends on how your mother, grandmother and all those before you made it. Perhaps Kate is making it the way her mother did. It's one of those recipes that's passed down through the generations.
And yes, I'm PA Dutch, through and through...100 percent German stock on both sides.
Kate's bog: "Moms, are you as excited as your kids are for summer break?"
What a dumb thing to ask. She's assuming that all moms just take off work all summer to spend with their kids. If she had to ask that question, she should have said, "If you are a stay at home mom, are you as excited as your kids are for summer break?"
"We can plan a trip to the beach overnight."
What does she mean? She can plan (on the spur of the moment, as in "overnight") to go to the beach the next day, or does she mean that they can plan an overnight trip to the beach?.
I'm just not sure she has any idea or remembers that most people, if they get benefits at all, get maybe a handful of vacation days and sick days, and if they have kids her age they need to save them for when their kids are sick or other things like that, or if they are LUCKY, the family vacation. There are very limited days to just putter around with them at the pool or beach as much as most may want to. It's just not possible.
She has been out of the real work force for five years now. It's a long time. I think she really has no idea how the real working world works. Either that or she is sadistic and loves to rub it in how because she exploited her children their entire lives she doesn't have to work a real job anymore and deal with such realities. Is this another of her F you's? You say I should work a real job but I don't have to and look at the lifestyle I lead for it?
@Kateplusmy8 is their any word on (maybe) another tv show?
@bugsbunny683 when there is, I'll let you know. Promise:)
WHEN there is? Not IF there is? What was the big surprise she had in store for her tweeties several weeks ago -- right before she went to the Derby? She never followed through on that one, and they were begging her not to keep them in suspense.
Andrew @bugsbunny683 40m
@Kateplusmy8 is their any word on (maybe) another tv show?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 12m
@bugsbunny683 when there is, I'll let you know. Promise:)
"When." She's delusional.
There's no way. Get therapy Kate.
I promise to eat my hat if she actually gets a new show.
Speaking of promises did Kate ever email her teeny bopper fan, Em? Does Kate ever follow through?
Wow! I'll be just like Kate this summer. Every Friday I'll be able to sleep in, eat brunch instead of breakfast and swim in the pool all day long. It's too bad my son is grown and won't be around to enjoy this time with me. Oh, wait a minute, I'm a government worker and will be on furlough so I won't be paid for the wonderful days off. I'll be fine because we're higher grade ready to retire employees employees. I feel sorry for those single moms/dads or the single income families who live paycheck to paycheck and depend on that 40 hour work week. All the bills will still be there but the pay won't. Yeah Kate, I'm sure they're going to love those lazy days of summer!
There are talkers and then there are actual do-ers. The talkers may be able to BS there way through things for a little while but the do-ers will end up ahead in the end because they don't talk so much about what they are GOING to do and just actually do it.
I cannot stand talkers never have.
Where was this taken? Think she was po'd about something? Don't think I've ever seen it before. LOL
I promise to eat my hat if she actually gets a new show.
What kind of hat? Cloche, fedora, pillbox, Panama? ;-) With or without seasoning?
PA Dutch Mom - Do you brown the pork before putting it in the crockpot? I'm still looking for a good Rippchen mit Kraut recipe.
Slouch beanie.
No fair, Admin! I had to choke down a wide-brimmed hat with ostrich feathers! I'm still picking the pinfeathers outta my teeth. :)
Speaking of promises did Kate ever email her teeny bopper fan, Em? Does Kate ever follow through?
Wasn't it about something that one of the kids is involved in? Acting class? I can't remember all of Kate's promises. Did she ever thank Austin for the video?
lol!! You can always tell when she's po'ed about something because she purses her lips together!
This tweeter has a point. It's a "hater" so I'm guessing that Kate will not answer.
@Allisstair: @Kateplusmy8 During schl season you're "running so fast". Kids at school 10 hrs/day. Why during summer aren't you running 10x faster?
Tweet-le DE....154
I don't know when or where that picture of Kate was taken, but her eyes always seem the same; blank, joyless and lifeless. There is just nothing behind those dead eyes of hers. She can change her outfits to bring out the colour of her eyes, but still, nothing shines through
them. Sad.
lol!! You can always tell when she's po'ed about something because she purses her lips together!
Yep, she doesn't hide it, that's for sure, even in front of fans. So immature.
Jumping in, you're so right! Eyes are the windows to the soul. Her eyes say a lot. That photo is how I picture Kate.
admin said (about eating her hat)..."Slouch beanie"
You might want to rethink that. Every time I have to eat a beanie, it gives me gas. Of course, you could take Beano to prevent that!
Why in the heck don't the two non-fans (okay, haters) on Twitter give it up? They're taking sheeple bait, and instigating arguments, and it's keeping her timeline alive. Sheeple love it. I just don't understand it.
Is Milo sulking, or is she on a road trip to track down the family that left in the middle of the night?
Children First said... 146
"We can plan a trip to the beach overnight."
What does she mean? She can plan (on the spur of the moment, as in "overnight") to go to the beach the next day, or does she mean that they can plan an overnight trip to the beach?.
This mean if I can grift a free trip to the beach we can go.
Or if I can get a sucker to pay for us (grift) we can go.
But if not we're stuck at home.
I tried to pick something that sounded edible. And I really do own a slouch beanie! lol
Hmmm, Kate's had a change of heart from last year? Her this year plans sound lazy,hazy days of summer. Kate says No routines, no homework.... not what she said last year....
From Kate's July 2012 Coupon Cabin blog....
"Now the Gosselin kids have a summer routine: Three to four days a week after breakfast, they sit down for one math and one language arts lesson before they chill out in the backyard pool."
I said her bog would be about how her pool saves her money. I am still saying that one will be recycled. She never says anything new...She is a " Say it Again Sally!"
Chee$ecake @ashymama2 2h
@kateplusmy8 Question is: Do you have 'special' blood like mine? Mine's A- LOL. Special Katie..
Yes it called tiger blood.
I was wondering how many times you can hem and haw and promise but never deliver with your fans who "love" you before even the fans get annoyed.
Why is Kate's blood type ANY of their business???
I well recall having to plan for the summer months when my son was younger. Once he began school, I would try to set aside a little bit each month to help pay the cost of the YMCA summer camp during the summer. Thank goodness for my parents, who always insisted on paying for one month's worth! The most I could take off was one week, and my son, bless his heart, was a good sport about having to get up early each weekday morning and spend the day at camp. He did not have a blast, but some days were fun, others were "ok" and some were just plain unpleasant for him. But what could I do? Had to work, and bring in a paycheck.
So yes, Kate is clueless and has no idea how tactless it is to broadcast how easy her life is compared to most of us.
Chef I didn't realize she had blood at all.
Maybe...a fava beanie with a nice chianti.
OK. Bad, I know.
As a Dirty Dancing fan(as a teen I went to where it was filmed before it got torn down), I wasn't happy with Kate being around Jennifer Grey during her DWTS time. She was also on The View the day after Patrick Swayze died. Ugh. Keep your cooties away from my movie, Kate.
Chee$ecake @ashymama2 2h
@Allisstair @Kateplusmy8 she doesn't need another vacation. She's been on a permanent vacation for YEARS. Sleeping in after bus run daily.
Chee$ecake @ashymama2 2h
@kateplusmy8 I mean, you have a housekeeper and all, so how hard is it to just get up and take. care. of. the kids?
Chee$ecake @ashymama2 2h
@kateplusmy8 When you are unemployed, a SAHM, your 1 job is to get up and take care of those kids. You can't even do that? Really?
"I don't know when or where that picture of Kate was taken, but her eyes always seem the same; blank, joyless and lifeless."
Yes, they do, and she also has a difficult time making eye contact. I sometimes wonder if it's insecurity, or because she just doesn't have time for mediocre people.
NJGal51 said... 167
They're nine games behind in the East. They'll really have to go full steam ahead!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 4h
RT @UberFacts Only 2% of Earth’s population naturally has green eyes.
I could have sworn KK had brownish/gray color not blue.
I saw them when she was doing the croc-tears on and epi of J&K.
But I guess since Jon has pretty green/blue eye KK can't be one upped by her ex. (Administrator) said... 174
Chef I didn't realize she had blood at all.
She's just cold-blooded with a mix of tiger blood.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 168
Is Milo sulking, or is she on a road trip to track down the family that left in the middle of the night?
Too funny!! I wonder if she's called on the expertise of super sleuth CJwhodunit?? (Administrator) said... 170
I tried to pick something that sounded edible. And I really do own a slouch beanie! lol
I slow cooked a nice pork roast yesterday then shredded it. I'll let you have some for some tasty bbq pork and beanie.
Mqgjd7 @magjd7 2h
@Kateplusmy8 @UberFacts unless they have changed since your tv show...u do not have even close to green eyes...they are hazel..
Thank you.
LetThemBKids @hugiegramma 2h
@magjd7 @Kateplusmy8 @UberFacts color contacts & a "good bra".
Thank you.
Too funny!! I wonder if she's called on the expertise of super sleuth CJwhodunit??
Oh, I forgot about her. I'm sure she can track them down. Of course, she'll have to check things out with Cruise Cindy first...just to see if the family is stowed away on a ship somewhere!
Hi tweeties! Have you seen most recent pics of my kids? If not, go here: Goodnight! XO
She just reeks of desperation, doesn't she? Had to use pics of her kids to get one final hawk in there for her cookbook before she signs off.
Kate you are unbelievable. How insensitive you are. Like many other hard working parents, when my kids were young, my husband and I had to use up our annual leave in the summer months so one of us could stay home with the kids. I would take the month of July and he would take August. It ate away at our yearly holiday time given to us by our employer but we did it for our kids. And don't think I am not grateful for the fact I have paid holiday leave either. Kate is a clueless, self-absorbed ego-maniac. Again, she shows us she can't relate to most of the population who didn't get rich selling our kids to the highest bidder. She never disappoints does she?
Parent In Lancaster County - the 69 Mets were 20 games behind in August and came back to win it all. Ya gotta' believe. And just the fact that they swept the Yankees makes us happy! The Mets could lose every game from now until the end of the season and we'd say "yeah, but we swept the Yankees". Small pleasures.
I feel like there's this undertone to her when she talks about this, sort of like SEE it was so worth exploiting them because look at us now, we have a perfect life and I'm always home and we're perfect, so there!
The problem is she doesn't understand that most people, as much as they'd love to be home with their children al summer, would not exploit their kids for the privilege. That's how strongly people feel about it, the family will sacrifice time together if it means their children can have private childhoods while they, the adults, work. Privacy holds THAT much of a value for most people.
Again the link is directly to the main web site with the cookbook plastered all over it, not to the actual pictures. Bait and switch.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 154
Where was this taken? Think she was po'd about something? Don't think I've ever seen it before. LOL
That picture was taken the same day she appeared on the Today Show on Aug. 8, 2011. She's wearing the same dress and jewelry as she did on the show.
By the way, that was ONE WEEK before the show was cancelled. Maybe she had just heard the news or had gotten a call from TLC to discuss the show.
Meagler said... 171
Hmmm, Kate's had a change of heart from last year? Her this year plans sound lazy,hazy days of summer. Kate says No routines, no homework.... not what she said last year....
From Kate's July 2012 Coupon Cabin blog....
"Now the Gosselin kids have a summer routine: Three to four days a week after breakfast, they sit down for one math and one language arts lesson before they chill out in the backyard pool."
Good find, Meagler. Kate's bog is a place she can present scripts for her make-believe (reality TV) life. Her fans eat it up. (Administrator) said... 191
I feel like there's this undertone to her when she talks about this, sort of like SEE it was so worth exploiting them because look at us now, we have a perfect life and I'm always home and we're perfect, so there!
Yes, Kate's always home now--because she's unwanted by the entertainment industry.
Admin, you are so right. There is definitely an undertone...... 191
I just wish she would think before she speaks though. She needs to know that none of us have any sympathy for her tales of woe about how exhausted she is when her kids are in school all day. If she truly is the drill sergeant we believe she is, they must not be giving her any guff or attitude. Ergo, raising 8 robots sounds pretty easy to me. Must be her Kate salad and lack of nutrients causing her such fatigue.
Kate is a twit said... 193
By the way, that was ONE WEEK before the show was cancelled. Maybe she had just heard the news or had gotten a call from TLC to discuss the show.
Well that certainly explains the sour look. I remember back one week before the show was cancelled. The fans were adamant that the show wouldn't be cancelled and the "haters" were adamant it would be. So much for platitudes and rainbows and a silly contest. Reality can suck.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 154
Where was this taken? Think she was po'd about something? Don't think I've ever seen it before. LOL
A first time for me, too. Look at the crowd behind her. They are looking at/taking pictures of someone ELSE. It looks like she is being ignored, save that one camera.
Re: summertime freedoms. When TLC was filming, Kate was not free to just pick up and go for an overnight beach trip. She had to be at the "studio" ready to "work". Didn't they film during the summer, too? Why can't she remember what it is to be a working parent whose schedule is tied up by commitments to the company that employed her?
Ya gotta' believe. And just the fact that they swept the Yankees makes us happy!
It didn't make me happy. I was switching between the baseball game and the basketball game. Both of my teams lost. Oh, some, lose some! Yankees did beat the Mets in the 2000 WS, though! ;)
Why wouldn't she sit down and read that CC blog before writing today's blog to see what she said last year so she wouldn't contradict herself? How difficult would that have been to do?
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