Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mediocre hero does fame right

Charles Ramsey is everything an overnight celebrity can be

An unexpected hero emerged yesterday out of the shocking story of three girls kidnapped in Ohio a decade ago who are now free. Neighbor Charles Ramsey, with his backwards baseball cap, missing teeth and colorful storytelling skills, helped kick down a door (half eaten Big Mac in hand) to save the girls from their horror.

In these days of internet and social media, people can become instantly famous, and possibly rich. Many of them screw it up, greedy for more fame and money. However Ramsey has handled his overnight success with amazing fortitude. Here's where he went right:

1. He's humble. He doesn't see himself as a hero. He was just being a Christian neighbor.
2. He's not greedy. He doesn't want any reward money because as he tells it, whipping out his paycheck, he has a job. Besides, he knows the girls need it more.
3. He's not trying to hide who he really is. Ramsey speaks his mind, from the postal system to 9-1-1 operators, to realities about race relations, he calls it like he sees it, even if it takes a curse word or two to get the point across. Ramsey's not polished, doesn't have the best grammar, and at times meanders through a story, but at least he's honest (and often hysterical). Something we see so little of these days on T.V.
4. Anderson Cooper treated him with such dignity it was like he was interviewing the president. Because respect when earned should be freely given, Bro.

As for McDonald's? Stand by, they told Ramsey, we'll be knocking.

597 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 597   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

What? It was a good excuse to include a pic of Anderson!

Anderson giggles and rolls his eyes when he talks about Kate Gosselin. He folds his arms, looks him in the eyes and purses his lips with dignified respect when he talks to Ramsey.

Anonymous said... 2

I adore Mr. Ramsey and love that video, and the one with AC, but this one really makes me smile. May he be abundantly blessed for freeing those girls after all these years. No matter what he says, he IS a hero, of the highest order:

Talked, then Stalked

LoveMyGrandsons said... 3

Hi, all. I just popped in to say 2 things.

First of all, congratulations, lukebandit, on the birth of your precious grandson! I am so happy for you. I know jaundice can be scary, but the bilirubin lights are made for precisely that purpose and now your sweet grandson is home where he belongs. Much love and blessings to you and your family.

Second of all, God bless Charles Ramsey. I've seen his interviews and I adore the honesty that this good man speaks. He doesn't mince words or try to be politically correct. He just says what he thinks and feels, and it's not derrogatory, it's just honest. God bless this everyman's hero. ~ Administrator said... 4

LOL they've already mixed it that's great. Someone else posted it on the prior thread. Pop culture is awesome. ~ Administrator said... 5

Did you hear him say it was his day off from working in a restaurant? Probably a waiter or working in the kitchen. He can't be making hardly anything. But he doesn't want money.

fidosmommy said... 6

Again, hard work is its own reward. It does not require a reward of any kind, including a trip to the Kentucky Derby.

Mr. Ramsey understands this because Mr. Ramsey can see beyond his own nose and cares about someone other than himself. He did something truly brave and takes nothing in return.

Remember when Jaycee Duggar's neighbors reported something strange IN THE BACK YARD? The police went to the front door, never walked around the property. And Jaycee was on the property. Maybe NOW police will start to take some time to check thoroughly when reports are made. ~ Administrator said... 7

Again, hard work is its own reward. It does not require a reward of any kind, including a trip to the Kentucky Derby.


I think the problem is some people don't see the world as one giant game of points. Points for this, points for that, you have more points than me, I have more than you. If you do this you get points, if you do that you don't get points.

People like Charles Ramsey don't keep score. Hard work is just hard work and is done because hard work feels good and is often necessary, it's not done for superficial things. If the opportunity arises such that you're in a position to do what he did, you just do it, and you don't do it for points, you don't do it for fame, you don't do it for money. You just do it because that's what good human beings do. Hats off to him. Backwards hats too!

readerlady said... 8

Don't forget our gratitude candles. I just lit 2, for the victims and for Mr. Ramsey.

I've followed this story off and on for 10 years. I remember when Amanda disappeared. I live a couple of hours S of Cleveland, and we had a Cleveland TV station on our cable line-up at the time. The police screw-ups go all the way back. Gina DeJesus' family, particularly her father, were furious because the police refused to issue an Amber Alert when she disappeared. Instead, they labeled her a runaway and did very little to look for her, despite there being no evidence that she was voluntarily missing. The only one who got much notice at all was Amanda, the only Caucasian in the group. The other 2 girls are minorities and Michelle is apparently intellectually challenged, too.

Sue Buddy said... 9

Anonymous said... 2
I adore Mr. Ramsey and love that video, and the one with AC, but this one really makes me smile. May he be abundantly blessed for freeing those girls after all these years. No matter what he says, he IS a hero, of the highest order:

Talked, then Stalked

Love that video!

fidosmommy said... 6
Again, hard work is its own reward. It does not require a reward of any kind, including a trip to the Kentucky Derby.

Right you are. Next time I see one of Kate's fawning fans tell her she deserves a trip or a new car or whatever is next on her bucket list, I'll remember what you said and think of Charles Ramsey.

BTW, I think only one fan asked Kate if she'd heard about what happened in Ohio. It was the Irish Creeper. I think she missed most of it; there was a stinkbug in her car.

boo said... 10

I know I'm in the minority, but I just don't think these videos and mixes are inappropriate in light of the horrors of these crimes. I get that people want to celebrate this guy -- rightly so, but something about making cute videos just makes me uncomfortable. ~ Administrator said... 11

Boo I understand that, though I think humor is how a lot of people process something upsetting. Most of these kidnapping cases are so horrific, I think people are relieved there can be some lighter moments. Even Jaycee Duggard found ways to laugh. She said "it is better to laugh and cry than just cry." I take a page from her since she's an actual victim and would know like few others would.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 12

I think she missed most of it; there was a stinkbug in her car.


Yes, and she was driving.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 13

Every single time I watch the Jon and Kate plus 8 where they go to kindergarten makes me cry so much 😥 @Kateplusmy8


How many times can you watch an episode of the kids going to school? If it makes you cry, why do you watch it?

These sheeple...makes you bang your head for sure!

Wilma said... 14

bummer...dailymail is reporting that Mr. Ramsey has 3 domestic violence convictions and doesn't pay his $51 monthly child support. ~ Administrator said... 15

Why is that a bummer? The whole point of him is that you don't have to be perfect to do the right thing. Lots of people have checkered pasts, it doesn't mean when the moment comes you can't do the right thing. No one said Charles Ramsey is a perfect hero, rather the opposite, he's a flawed hero.

He pulled out a legit paycheck, if he has a child support obligation it should be docked upfront unless Ohio operates different than the rest of the country. ~ Administrator said... 16

On another note, I don't see how his child support is ANYONE'S business. The mother and the state can handle his child support. This incident had nothing to do with his children, I didn't even know he had kids. I think it's really sad that that publication thinks this is fair game. Why not just accept that he did the right thing when the moment happened and leave it at that?

Sherry Baby said... 17

A non-fan tweeted...
BDyin, without drama Kate's TL is DEAD. Proven fact. Fans provide the gossip and slander @kateplusmy8

Not dead yet, as long as these non-fans hang on there. It's just what the sheeple want. What is it that these "haters" can't grasp about this concept? It's not rocket science.

Wilma said... 18

To me it's a bummer because Mr. Ramsey may be a fake. It is being said that a man who spoke only Spanish rescued the girl and Mr. Ramsey is taking credit as he could speak English to the reporters. I don't want for Mr. Ramsey to be a fake which is why I stated "bummer".

Anonymous said... 19

It's Charles Ramsey's voice on 911, that is for certain. I did see the interview with Angel, the Spanish-speaking gentleman, and it sounds like he rescued one of the other girls from the other side of the house.

Talked, then Stalked

Sleepless In Seattle said... 20

To me it's a bummer because Mr. Ramsey may be a fake. It is being said that a man who spoke only Spanish rescued the girl and Mr. Ramsey is taking credit as he could speak English to the reporters. I don't want for Mr. Ramsey to be a fake which is why I stated "bummer".

--------------------- ~ Administrator said... 21

The girls were all there and would have been able to verify his story. Especially Amanda. They are all talking and doing fine, unless they have told police this man is a fraud, I believe him. I'm sure we would have heard it immediately if the girls said this man didn't rescue us!! Amanda was standing right there on another line, you could hear her in the background. I'm at a real loss how it's fake, it's an Oscar worthy performance then :). I think people try to cut anyone down sometimes because they like to see a good fall. It's really really sad. A really nice moment spoiled by people trying to cut someone down any way they can. As much as I think most people are reasonable, there are real "haters" out there who actually do try to screw someone over for no good reason. I think this guy gives people with spotty backgrounds hope that you don't have to be defined by your history and you can still do the right thing. I prefer media outlets that don't try to do such things like my boyfriend Anderson.

Sue Buddy said... 22

Wilma said... 13
bummer...dailymail is reporting that Mr. Ramsey has 3 domestic violence convictions and doesn't pay his $51 monthly child support.


And we wonder why people don't want to get involved. Your name makes the news and there is going to be some "investigative" journalist or ten who have to find out everything about you. Whether it's true or not, it's now out there. ~ Administrator said... 23

Good grief. "I was first"? That's rather immature. This is JUST like the Dorner situation. I found him first, no I found him first! I want money, no I want money!

Ramsey never said he was first and never said that the neighbors didn't work together, so I don't understand this guy. He admits Ramsey was there and helped with the door and the call, so what is the big deal? Good for ALL of them helping out, it's great. They all put themselves at risk. Maybe the other guys have been quieter since they know their child support records suddenly become fair game when you do the right thing. Ugh, sour taste in my mouth.

Sidney said... 24

Why did someone have to investigate Charles Ramsey's background and put it out there? How rotten. Has nothing to do with what he did yesterday. Disgusting. He is still a first class hero.

Wilma said... 25

It's more than "I was first", it sounded like Mr. Ramsey wasn't on the porch at all.

It does kind of seem weird that he told her to go use someone else's phone. I don't know if I hear her but a ton of other people in the street.

But I guess it doesn't matter, time will tell.

I will admit my dad beat my mom and my sister and it would be just like him to try to take credit for something he didn't really do. So I could be biased. ~ Administrator said... 26

It's more than "I was first", it sounded like Mr. Ramsey wasn't on the porch at all.


He says he was first then he says all three kicked in the door? Which is it? And what does it matter? The point is some good kind neighbors all stepped up and helped out. It's hard to imagine in the heat of such a quick moment someone could make up such a fantastical story. Everyone agrees there was a door to be kicked in, how did he know it needed to be kicked in in the first place, specifically the "bottom" as he described it, if he wasn't there?

The phones makes sense to me, they both placed calls to 9-1-1 at the same time. I can see in the heat of the moment thinking the more calls to 9-1-1- the better. I agree with Sidney, it's rotten to bring up his past. No one knows any of the circumstances of that and it really has no relevance to anything. And I don't buy that you need it to prove his credibility since we have four perfectly aware girls and women who were there who can explain what happened. They would be the best source for what happened not someone's rap sheet from 10 years ago. Either we are a country that believes that you can do your time and reform and prove you haven't offended since and do the right thing when the moment happens, or we should send everyone to the electric chair and be done with it. People are SO hard on people these days and so quick to write them off. I should have written Kate off from day one but I didn't....nor did most people who ended up here eventually. Because that's just not how we should be. People should be given second chances, a chance to do the right thing, even more chances to do the right thing, and should be given the benefit of the doubt. His is a story of redemption.

Unknown said... 27

It seems that Charles Ramsey was convicted for battering his wife and did prison time for three separate attacks more than 10 years ago. I'm not at all surprised that he has a 'checkered past'. His face is a road map of a difficult life.

I do hope that having his past dragged into the media accounts won't cause others to fail to help someone in distress because of fear of media attention.

Also, I believe the accounts of neighbors who say they had called police in the past and were either ignored or the police just knocked on the door and then left when no one answered. That neighborhood seems to be full of distrust from both the people that live there and the police. The people seemed to just expect and accept that calling the police wouldn't necessarily result in any action being taken.

In my neighborhood, if the police don't come at once, we would call again and ask why. If we thought the police weren't taking the proper action, we would call and complain. If all else fails, we can always call the Texas Rangers.

I believe that none of Charles Ramsey's past makes what he did any less brave or wonderful. I hope that others feel the same.

Unknown said... 28

I'm laughing at myself for being so annoyed that the comments weren't being approved on the last topic. It took me a couple of hours to wonder if there was another topic! I just posted my comment from the last topic, and now will read what everyone has said.

AuntieAnn said... 29

Either we are a country that believes that you can do your time and reform and prove you haven't offended since and do the right thing when the moment happens, or we should send everyone to the electric chair and be done with it. People are SO hard on people these days and so quick to write them off.


Again, it's the old adage no good deed goes unpunished.

I gathered from his first interview that another man ran across the street the same time Ramsey heard the screaming, but when he realized it might be a domestic problem he took off. Ramsey stayed and helped. Whether or not there were more or less people helping is absolutely beside the point. Ramsey did what was necessary. I wish people who are looking for the bad in this would stop and think what would have happened had he not kicked that door in. That Castro jerk would have come home, locked those girls back up and no one would have been the wiser for how many more years...

fidosmommy said... 30

If the other people who helped want recognition they can call the papers. I think Ramsey got sucked into attention when all he wanted to do was help someone in distress.

I'm reminded of the times my dreamboat Mark Harmon helped people in distress, probably saving lives.
He didn't do it for the press, but answered a few questions and got on with his life. There may have been a reunion.

How long before Lifetime turns this into a movie?
Any bets?

food for thought said... 31

Like everyone, especially the admin here, says, public people are 'fair game'. Had Ramsey NOT done the interview, and stayed private, he would not be 'picked apart'.

I thought this blog did not respect people who 'go public'. And that's what Ramsey did. Went public. Over and over and over. He had the option of putting out a statement instead of appearing in interview after interview. He's 'Fair Game' now. Too bad.

Millicent said... 32

Sounds to me like Mr. Ramsey served time for his past crimes - right? So he served his sentence and I hope he learned his lesson. Possibly he has, since it's been at least 10 years with no DV convictions.

The real point is that even though he thought there was a domestic violence situation going on at Castro's house - he ran over to offer help. He didn't shrug his shoulders and say 'It's none of my business.'

People just want to drag him down - probably because he's black, uses colorful language, and is not their idea of what a hero should look like.

He did a good deed that helped save three women and one young child. I don't approve of his past behavior, but if he's served his time and hasn't committed any similar offenses since being released - that's good enough for me.

fidosmommy said... 33

I just went to the Barnes and Noble site to check Kate's sales rank there. 151,000+. What struck me was that her author's picture is pre-extensions. She looks young and fresh. I guess the publisher, HEALTH Communications Inc. didn't prefer her more gaunt look for a cookbook.

Vanessa said... 34

bummer...dailymail is reporting that Mr. Ramsey has 3 domestic violence convictions and doesn't pay his $51 monthly child support.

2 wrongs make ANOTHER wrong?? WTF?

Vanessa said... 35

Off Topic Here
From OK magazine-'Teresa Giudice is the Second Highest Paid Bravo Housewife at $650,000 Plus Bonuses and Products Sales' This is for the season.
I'm starting to doubt the $250,000 pay check per episode that was rumoured regarding Khate. The RHW franchise has a bigger audience than Khateplus8 EVER had.

Tucker's Mom said... 36

Great to hear from you, LMG!
Let's hope everyone has a stinkbug-free day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chefsummer #Leh said... 37

Vanessa said... 36
Off Topic Here
From OK magazine-'Teresa Giudice is the Second Highest Paid Bravo Housewife at $650,000 Plus Bonuses and Products Sales' This is for the season.
I'm starting to doubt the $250,000 pay check per episode that was rumoured regarding Khate. The RHW franchise has a bigger audience than Khateplus8 EVER had.

I believe it and this is just a guess here so.

If Kate & the kids did twenty-eight episodes of K+8 at $250,000 that's seven million.

If they took out 15% for the kids and she paid 45% in taxes-(wikipedia)and paid her manger.

That would have left her with $3.4 million or $3.1 million.

But this is just a guess.

chefsummer #Leh said... 38

I'm just happy that those poor girls are out of that horrible house.

A mom of the girls passed away before she could see her daughter was alive-(so sad).

Formerly Duped said... 39

Whoever was involved in the rescue, well done! I thought Charles Ramsey seemed legit and Anderson Cooper treated him with the respect he deserves, as he pointed out, 'we're the same, we bleed the same blood" or the like. Thank goodness Amanda took a chance and was so brave.Shame on whoever ignored the neighbors' concerns and Amanda herself, from 911.What a nightmare these women have gone through and I shudder to think what details will come to light.And that words. Best wishes for healing for all. And may justice be served. ~ Administrator said... 40

Like everyone, especially the admin here, says, public people are 'fair game'. Had Ramsey NOT done the interview, and stayed private, he would not be 'picked apart'.


No, it's not that absolute. I have even said that I think certain things about Kate are not fair game. The reports about her abortion, her taxes, all the information Robert put in there about her investors, I found crossed the line. What's fair game about a public figure is what is RELEVANT to what they are doing. Ramsey's child support has absolutely nothing to do with anything and is not fair game. I absolutely do not agree that you do a handful of interviews about ONE SUBJECT, the rescue of a girl, and your entire life gets to be put on display.

You know what, we want to discourage this. Because people need to feel free to talk to the press about stories that are IMPORTANT AND RELEVANT without feeling like they could be "outed" with irrelevant details of their private life. If no one talked to the press, it would be a lot harder to know what is going on in our world. We can't do this to people, it's wrong.

Ramsey never gave an interview to the press about HIS life. He gave an interview to the press about a VERY SPECIFIC 10 minutes that he was a part of as it came to the girls. Nothing more, nothing less. That and only that is fair game. ~ Administrator said... 41

The real point is that even though he thought there was a domestic violence situation going on at Castro's house - he ran over to offer help. He didn't shrug his shoulders and say 'It's none of my business.'


All the more reason he is heroic. By being at the scene he could have been mistakenly implicated as involved in some kind of DV dispute. With a DV background already that could have been bad. He should have run but did not.

People just want to drag him down - probably because he's black, uses colorful language, and is not their idea of what a hero should look like.
I am not one to see racism around every corner but I see it here. Some people can't stand that this is who a hero is and so they've found a round about way to bring him down. If he were a good looking white man in a suit with a DV conviction from 10 years ago, no one would have brought it up. It makes me sick.

chefsummer #Leh said... 42 (Administrator) said... 40

Being a public figure means your information is out there.

Good and bad information wrather you do good deeds or bad deeds.

And Mr. Ramsay did a good deed and bad things are coming out.

Kate not so good and her information is coming out.

We really have to privacy in this world.

food for thought said... 43

Ramsey never gave an interview to the press about HIS life. He gave an interview to the press about a VERY SPECIFIC 10 minutes

Disagree. He brought up his job and even wanted Anderson to read his CHECK STUB.

He wanted his 15 min just like everyone else. ONE interview would have been enough. More than THREE? Not buying it.

Formerly Duped said... 44

I don't see racism. Ramsey's being hailed as a hero. The other man who claimed he was the actual one to break down the door is a hero too. Ramsey did call 911. Whoever helped the girls escape is a hero, one man or more.

If you have done something wrong in your past, does that mean you can never do right again? ~ Administrator said... 45

Ramsey is a "limited" public figure, and arguably he might be considered "involuntary" since although it was his choice to speak when someone asked him a question, it was not his choice to be at that moment at that time....similar to an airplane crash (see below). This has been recognized by defamation law. That means that basically you are famous for one thing or incident. You are a public figure for that incident, but a private figure for unrelated incidents. The distinction is important because whether you are a public figure or not determines what standard you use when suing for defamation, since the standard is much higher when you are public. And I think speaks to the point that so many others have made that something from 10 years ago should be off limits.

I agree with defamation law as it stands, a limited public figure should not have his whole life is on display.

"A limited-purpose public figure is one who (a) voluntarily participates in a discussion about a public controversy, and (b) has access to the media to get his or her own view across. One can also be an involuntary limited-purpose public figure—for example, an air traffic controller on duty at time of fatal crash was held to be an involuntary, limited-purpose public figure, due to his role in a major public occurrence."

This is different than your run of the mill celebs like say the Kardashians who have pretty much put their whole lives on display. They couldn't try to argue limited public figure, it wouldn't work.

Tucker's Mom said... 46

chefsummer said... 38
I'm just happy that those poor girls are out of that horrible house.

A mom of the girls passed away before she could see her daughter was alive-(so sad).
Her mom passed away perhaps from a broken heart, after being assured by "psychic" Sylvia Brown, that Amanda was gone. Brown was a regular on the Montel Williams show at the time, and she hustled so many people.
The woman has a silver tongue (and a 3-pack a day Winston voice).
I feel so bad for Amanda, emerging from this tragedy to find her mother passed away long ago. Not something a 25-year old woman expects. ~ Administrator said... 47

Disagree. He brought up his job and even wanted Anderson to read his CHECK STUB.


Correct. Because he was asked if he wanted a reward, so he made the point that he is a hard working American with a job and a paycheck, right there in his pocket. He was pointing out the address to prove he lives here and not some random cook. All relevant to the topic at hand.

He didn't say "hi I'm Charles and here is my paycheck" for no reason.

Three interviews--one national and two local, don't seem like a lot to me. People want lots of information about something shocking and serious and he's trying to provide it. Again they are not interviews about him, the life and times of Charles let's talk about me, me, me--they are about what happened where he happened to be that day. I think if he suddenly started talking about irrelevant things gunning fora reality show lol I'd be skeptical too. He's not. His interviews are strictly about those 10 minutes. I think people are overly skeptical about this man because of who he is, not because they are seriously concerned about something from 10 years ago.

food for thought said... 48

It's not defamation though. He beat women on at least 3 separate occasions. Maybe he's rehabilitated. Thank god he wasn't a past pedophile. ~ Administrator said... 49

If you have done something wrong in your past, does that mean you can never do right again?


Apparently so.

Tucker's Mom said... 50

Charles Ramsey will be scrutinized if he gives interviews or tries to hide under a rock for the foreseeable future. To compare him with RTV fame whores who use their little children for fame and fortune is ridiculous.
If Ramsey starts to think he deserves limousines, solar panels, Disney trips, Starbucks freebies, love offerings, red carpets, Nobu, wardrobe, furniture, appliances, electronics, toilet paper, Alexia products, personalized linens, make up, skin care products....ugh, my fingers are getting fatigued... for 18 years, get back to me.

chefsummer #Leh said... 51

Tucker's Mom said... 44

It really is sad all around but at least the three young woman are safe now.

And I do hope they receive justice. ~ Administrator said... 52

It's not defamation though. He beat women on at least 3 separate occasions. Maybe he's rehabilitated. Thank god he wasn't a past pedophile.


Not saying it was defamation, the point being made is that it's being suggested you talk about one specific incident and your entire life is fair game. I disagree. I was pointing out that even the law draws a pretty clear distinction between the Kardashians of the world, versus the Ramseys of the world.

Again, do we WANT to put people through such hell if they come forward to talk about something very important and only that something very important? The media that is going down this road REALLY needs to think about this. They NEED people like Charles to talk to them. Doing this to him makes people afraid to talk let alone even place that 9-1-1 call. Many other media are not doing this and they are right not to.

What about 9/11? Is that fair game too? Does a volunteer who pulled someone from the rubble get his rap sheet published in the New York Times? I don't recall anyone doing that to them. It's the same exact thing. ~ Administrator said... 53

. To compare him with RTV fame whores who use their little children for fame and fortune is ridiculous.


Yes I agree. In any major news event, some private people usually end up highlighted often for the choices they made in that moment. Perfect example, the same thing happened in the Boston Marathon with Carlos Arredondo, the man in the cowboy hat who ran to help the victims. He did several interviews, but I don't consider him a fame whore. I consider him a man who happened to be there whose story should be told because this story is important and relevant.

Do I want to see Carlos's rap sheet? No, and no one should. He is a public figure for purposes of the Boston bombings and nothing more. He DOES has a past that some people have dug up....he was an undocumented immigrant for many years, living here illegally since he was 19, and he had a pretty wild incident that quite frankly looked like suicide in which he burned himself alive. Do I care about that? No. Do I think he should be dragged through the mud for that? No. I care that on that day at that moment, Carlos did the right thing. His past simply is not relevant to that particular incident. Now, if he suddenly decides to become the face of immigration or suicide prevention, suddenly it's relevant.

foxy said... 54

I believe Charles Ramsey is a dishwasher at a restaurant. Whatever he did 10 years ago was 10 years ago. There could have been circumstances that never came out..drugs, alcohol, whatever. He seems to be a stand up guy and regardless there are 3 women and a child who are now free of that torture. He did say after the noise of kicking in the door and screams from Amanda that a couple other guys came to help.

food for thought said... 55

Do I want to see Carlos's rap sheet?

He doesn't have one. Case in point.

TLC stinks said... 56

Jumping in here, but IMO Charles is a hero for not ignoring Amanda's pleas for help. I don't care what dirt is dredged up. So what. He did the right thing, and there are plenty of people out there with no criminal record who would have just ignored the situation. I think it's the media who is to blame for focusing on Charles and not the others who helped. Charles is more colorful and outspoken, so he got the camera time. Let the guy bask in his moment.

On the topic of Kate, I guess we will be treated today to a prolific post on her prepping for the tups' birthday tomorrow. Somehow it'll be all about her and her coping with being a "single" parent, because you know, Jon is a douchbag (watch for the slam in the blog) and how sad she is to see her six littles growing up. She's sad, alright, that they're not cute babies any longer and not supporting her. Oh, and every year Radar has some story about the birthdays, so

Bullyville has been extraordinarily quiet for weeks. Maybe someone filed a lawsuit against them? tick tock

Robert has been quiet too. I'm sure we won't see any republishing until the lawyers has cleared the way. ~ Administrator said... 57

He doesn't have one. Case in point.


He was an illegal immigrant for over 20 years. He may not have been caught, but a crime is still a crime. Just because he managed to avoid capture doesn't mean it wasn't illegal. But I don't care about that and neither did most people because it doesn't matter to that particular situation.

Formerly Duped said... 58

Ramsey was so proud of his paycheck and he didn't seem at all interested in any reward. Kudos to him for turning his life around.I think he was happy to help and do the right thing. I hope only good comes from his actions for all involved. ~ Administrator said... 59

Matt Kemp does something amazing for a sick fan....

Susantoyota said... 60

As I was driving to work today and scanning the radio stations for something interesting, some disc jockeys were talking about the yearly poll of America's favorite TV moms. Kate was nowhere on it, but Michelle Duggar came in at #10.

FYI said... 61

I don't think Kate's bog will be about the tups birthday. That'll be next weeks topic.

I think she's going to write about Mother's Day, and all the things that the kids do for HER, and how grateful they are to her for being their mother.

lukebandit said... 62

Even though Charles Ramsey was convicted of DV and spent time in prison, it doesn't matter in rescuing the girls. So glad he responded to their cries of help.

He said in the interview with AC that he was a Christian and a American! It is very possible after getting out of prison and not continuing the DV, he got his life back on track due to becoming a Christian.

The child support that shouldn't even be in this story. The mothers of the children need to have it taken out of his paycheck every month.

He said he had been living in the neighborhood for a year. They would have not had any trouble finding him there.

marie said... 63

past wrongs are not negated by doing the right thing, but honestly, give the guy credit for stepping up and doing the right thing. he could very well have turned his back and pretended not to hear anything and chosen not to be involved like many "upstanding" citizens would have done. you don't ask someone what wrongs that have committed in the past when they are helping you.


rainbowsandunicorns said... 64

Disagree. He brought up his job and even wanted Anderson to read his CHECK STUB.


He brought up his job to show that he has one and that he didn't need a reward. He was proud of the fact that he is a working American. Why is that wrong, and why does that show that he wanted to bask in the limelight? That makes no sense. If he wanted to play the pity card, he could have said that he is an unemployed person struggling to pay his bills, and anything that anyone could do for him would be appreciated. He didn't do that!

lukebandit said... 65

A couple of days ago, I sent an email to the Kentucky Derby about kate. Wow, she really stayed under the radar! lol

Thank you for contacting Churchill Downs, Home of the Kentucky Derby for 139 years! In answer to your question below, Kate Gosselin, did not attend the Kentucky Derby this year. It is not known if she had been invited by any of the local parties.

Thank you for your interest in Churchill Downs.

Guest Services
Churchill Downs
700 Central Ave.
Louisville, KY 40208

So funny that Scuba Steve had to take her picture there and he can now add paparazzi to his huge portfolio!

rainbowsandunicorns said... 66

I thought this blog did not respect people who 'go public'


That's a generalization, and if you're talking about Jon, it's an entirely different scenario. He's commended here by many for taking the high road and not getting into this "she says, he says" battle.

I've been here for some time and I never got that impression from this blog that if people went public they weren't respected. What gave you that idea? There have been many threads on people who did go public, the last one being Melissa Francis who wrote a book on her life as a stagemom's daughter. She indeed was respected here for her willingness to "go public" and put her experiences out there.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 67

The reports about her abortion, her taxes, all the information Robert put in there about her investors, I found crossed the line.


I agree about the abortion, and there are those "haters" who continue to bring up this allegation on her timeline, the most recent being last night. There are very cruel comments about it, and it's disgusting that these people continue to do it.

TLC stinks said... 68

oops! I forgot Mother's Day is Sunday. I take back my prediction. Agree with Kate is a twit.

wowser said... 69

I have to laugh because we have all been saying how Kate really has dropped off the face of the earth publicly and NOONE cared that she was at the Derby...she wasn't mentioned on any lists, nor photographed nor written about. BUT TODAY after reading the new feed here, I realized NOONE is talking about her HERE either!!! lol true sign that she has truly circled the drain and I believe has actually gone down the tube!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 70

you don't ask someone what wrongs that have committed in the past when they are helping you.


Exactly, Marie. If you're in an accident and trapped in an overturned car and someone comes to your rescue to pull you out, you don't say, "Wait a minute...have you ever been arrested on a DUI or spent time in prison, are you an illegal immigrant, or do you have a history of domestic violence? What diseases did you have in the past. Are you HIV negative...let's see your medical records. If so, call someone else."

TLC stinks said... 71

Spoke too soon. Her bog is posted! and it's about the birthday. She goes into the birth, how she was in the hospital for 8 weeks (I knew it would be about her) and absolutly NO MENTION of JON. NONE. ZIP. I guess it was an immaculate conception.

And of course the birthday is celebrated with just her and the kids.

Stand by for pictures tweeted with foggy camera lens.

FYI said... 72

Oops, I guess I was wrong. Kate's bog IS about the tups birthday, but it's just a recap of what SHE went through before they were born(the bed rest, etc) plus the plans SHE has made to celebrate.

And yes, the kids are going to be screeching and shrieking with joy over their presents.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

fidosmommy said... 73

What better way to redeem yourself from past sins than to risk your life for a stranger? Marie is right. You don't ask for credentials when you are being carried to safety. There are at least 4 people who could not care less about Charles' past record. Make that 5. I couldn't care less either.

TLC stinks said... 74

"...My worry about their health and how we'd manage to provide for eight kids threatened to overtake me"


I think she spent her time in the hospital plotting how to make money off the kids.

She says in the blog she was hospitalized for 8 weeks. Isn't there some discrepancy about that time frame? I thought she claimed to have been there much longer.

foxy said... 75

Well, Kate's sermon on the Stir is about the birth of the six. How she suffered in the hospital, all her nausea, etc. etc. She has a picture of the tups 8th birthday. Of course she is bragging that the kids will be shreiking with delight when they receive their gifts tomorrow and thanking her ad nauseum.

PatK said... 76

Yep, her bog is about the birthday, and her long, horrible hospital stay. She only mentions the private celebration tomorrow night, and that they have requested her famous (burnt) pizza for their birthday dinner.

No mention of any party with friends.

In 365 days, I'm sure we'll be reading another version of the same.

PatK said... 77

I sure hope they get to spend time with their dad this weekend so he can celebrate their birthday with them, too.

Formerly Duped said... 78

The bog: screeches of joy..basically she just recapped last year's birthday. Didn't they have pizza and her famous if wobbly chocolate cake then the faux parties attended by two or three guests, the boys in the garage? Forced into the pool on a cold day? Oh , and she delved into Multiple Blessings for the tales of her 100 months of bedrest and suffering?

SeeSaw said... 79

Mr. Ramsey has a checkered past?
Who cares.

If that was MY daughter in that house, I wouldn't care if her rescuer was a former ax murderer. He rescued her.

And thanks for the new topic, Admin. Kate, who?

FYI said... 80

Kate's current bog is basically a repeat of last year's bog on her website, only this year she goes into a little bit more detail regarding their birth. Maybe she is paid by the word.

Last year, her stomach circumference before birth was 52 inches, this year it grew to 54. I guess next year it'll get even bigger!

As I said earlier--Lather, rinse, repeat.

chefsummer #Leh said... 81

TLC stinks said... 73
"...My worry about their health and how we'd manage to provide for eight kids threatened to overtake me"


I think she spent her time in the hospital plotting how to make money off the kids.

She says in the blog she was hospitalized for 8 weeks. Isn't there some discrepancy about that time frame? I thought she claimed to have been there much longer.

You know that KK can't keep up with her lies.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 82

Another year, another website (CC, The Stir, her own), same old rehash of her (now) immaculate conception, the 2 years of bed rest, the drama, and still, all about HER. Lather, rinse and repeat is pretty accurate. Yawn.

Millicent said... 83

he was an undocumented immigrant for many years, living here illegally since he was 19, and he had a pretty wild incident that quite frankly looked like suicide in which he burned himself alive.
this is in reference to a man named Carlos Arredondo. "Arredondo was a handyman living in Hollywood when (his son) Alex, a U.S. Marine, was killed in Iraq in August 2004. He torched the van of the Marines who notified him of his son's death in a fit of grief and rage."

He had just been notified of his son's death and he was overtaken with grief. I cannot judge him for what he did, because that is probably the most awful thing that a parent can ever experience - the death of their child.

We need to get over expecting that heroes will be perfect people with nothing negative in their past. We are all human; we've all said or done things we are not proud of in retrospect. This is a continuing theme here - do we judge people solely on their past behavior, or will we look at whether they've tried to do better and atone for past mistakes?

Vanessa said... 84

Disagree. He brought up his job and even wanted Anderson to read his CHECK STUB.

That didn't come out of thin air, they were discussing the REWARD money (AC brought this up) and his response was he didn't NEED it, to give it TO THE VICTIMS!! So the guy is animated and colorul, who gives a%$#@. I smell a s%$#T stirrer and it stinks!

Millicent said... 85

food for thought said... 43

Disagree. He brought up his job and even wanted Anderson to read his CHECK STUB.

He wanted his 15 min just like everyone else. ONE interview would have been enough. More than THREE? Not buying it.
It's interesting but sad to me that what some people are focusing on in this tragic, horrific story is their negative feelings about one of the men who helped rescue these women. This is what you come away with from this whole saga?

It seems that some people's first reactions are to tear down others.

In that moment in time, Charles Ramsey (and apparently one or two other neighbors) were momentary heroes. I can guarantee you that the three women and one child who were rescued from their hellhole will also consider them heroes, regardless of their past.

As to Mr. Ramsey showing his paycheck - he is proud to be holding a job! Do you have any idea how difficult it is for a black man, one who has served time in prison, and comes from a very disadvantaged part of society - to get and hold a paying job? He is proud to be a wage earner! Shame on anyone who sees this man's simple pride in being gainfully employed and trying to fault him for that.

Some people want to keep others down. They will only look at the negative and refuse to acknowledge the positive. They don't realize that it only reflects poorly on them to be that way.

Tucker's Mom said... 86

I can't say that I'm surprised that the tups birthday has turned into a dissertation on Kate's long, long pregnancy suffering, by Kate.
You know what? I'd rather hear 100 stories from other women's ripped episiotomy than subject myself or ANYONE in fact, to Kate's blathering on once again, about her suffering during the HOM pregnancy that she planned, induced, accepted and had to endure by her own choice.
In Kate's own words, Jon was an amazing husband and father, and he was there for her during that difficult pregnancy. He went through hell and back, right along with Kate, and she can not bring herself to so much as mention him.
It's truly disgusting.
Sadly, six children are having a birthday and not ONE is having a party with friends. Just the six pack, and I am sure that if they were filming, at least they'd have their friends over for a pool party.

Tucker's Mom said... 87

PatK said... 76
I sure hope they get to spend time with their dad this weekend so he can celebrate their birthday with them, too.
I hope that Jon has asked them if they wanted a party. They deserve it. No cameras=no party with Kate.

Vanessa said... 88

Amen Millicent, so well put

chefsummer #Leh said... 89

Who cares if Ramsey gives 800 interviews and gets paid for them.

He helped three ladies from being furthered torted and possibly killed.

Melissa NV said... 90

I agree about the abortion, and there are those "haters" who continue to bring up this allegation on her timeline, the most recent being last night. There are very cruel comments about it, and it's disgusting that these people continue to do it.


There were some others who tweeted about it this morning. I don't care what Kate did when she was in high school or if she had an abortion. For a hater to throw that up on her timeline is crossing the line, reeks of cruelty and just shows how far those haters will go. It casts THEM in a bad light, not her. It's totally uncalled for.

Melissa NV said... 91

Do you have any idea how difficult it is for a black man, one who has served time in prison, and comes from a very disadvantaged part of society - to get and hold a paying job? He is proud to be a wage earner


Yes! And he's a dishwasher, proud of it, and wants to show his paycheck. Good for him.

Formerly Duped said... 92

Again many negative comments on the bog. How much longer , Stir?

Improbable Dreams said... 93

Via Facebook:

caught this thread this morning on DataLounge and thought it quite interesting.... what do you think?

If you're laughing at Charles Ramsey, you're an ass

Let's talk about the difference between "laugh at me" and "laugh with me."

In modern ironic hipster culture, where identity is consumption (even if it's consumption at a thrift store) and where "authenticity" is an impossible dream achieved only by consuming certain things with enough enthusiasm to not be considered a "poser," it's hard to understand people like Charles Ramsey, who rescued an abducted white woman in Cleveland. To a lot of people, it may be fun to share videos of Ramsey and smile at his way of expressing himself. To others, sharing those same videos is a way of ridiculing the man and diminishing his heroism.

In case you're one of the people doing that, here are a few things you should know.

1. Ramsey is more heroic than you. Remember that guy Sully who landed the plane? He was doing his job. Remember that NBA player that came out of the closet? He was trying to GET a job. This guy, Ramsey? He was on a day off from his job when he heard what he thought was a domestic disturbance and he did something most DON'T do, considering it very much NOT their job: he intervened.

2. Ramsey is probably worse off than you. That job he was off from? Dishwasher. Hard, smelly, low-paying work. The work of the working poor. And McDonald's, for all its faults, is what people who work as dishwashers can afford to eat. Disapprove? Fix poverty. Lectures and jokes only serve to further alienate you from the working poor people you often claim to give a shit about.

3. Ramsey is more authentic than you. See this guy? He's himself. Because he's not trying to appropriate a culture, or attain ironic distance, or impress anyone, he can actually be an expressive human being.

4. Ramsey is funnier than you. Because he's comfortable in his own skin, Ramsey, like the many great folk raconteurs of my childhood, and like so many people back home that I still know, is able to blur the line between "laugh at me" and "laugh with me." He doesn't feel the need to broadcast with a wink or air quotes when he's being funny. And, because he doesn't, you, oh smug sharer of unkind memes, don't even REALIZE when he's being funny. He doesn't have to deliver his comedy with a smirk or a sneer. He can mug, be expressive, and use slang without being wry about it. Your need to separate everything into "intentionally funny" and "unintentionally funny" is your problem, not is. And you're too smug to know that he's putting one over on you.

Mr. Ramsey acted quickly, compassionately, and bravely, and did it all with a sense of humor and a great deal of insight. As a result of his bravery, I can think of one guy who is DEFINITELY not laughing. He did more good with this act than many who are laughing at him will ever do in their entire lives.

And I'd rather eat McDonald's on Ramsey's porch than get Whole Foods with a lot of people who find him so laughable today.

FYI said... 94

Ha ha-I was reading comments posted here last year on the tups birthday, and one of them included this tweet from Kate:

Kate Gosselin ‏ @Kateplusmy8
The sound of many delighted squeals coming from our pool erases all memories of bed rest, pain, worry and discomfort from 8 yrs ago today...

I replied to that comment by saying:

"....Until the next birthday."

Just goes to show, how contradictory Kate is, and also how predictable.

NJGal51 said... 95

Today's bog is about the tups birthday and SHE is the center of everything. The kids are, yet again, screeching with delight over everything. I would pick pizza (even burnt pizza) over a pound of beans and cheese too.

I'm going to guess that next weeks bog will be about how, even with the excitement of their birthday, the kids were able to prepare the most amazing Mother's Day event for HER. They will be even more excited because it's all for HER and the screeching will be even louder because the twins will join in because they're so excited to be able to do something for HER.

TLC stinks said... 96

From news report on birth of the tups:

Mr. Gosselin, who wore six hospital wristbands to the news conference, said the family's church, Calvary Bible Fellowship Church, in Sinking Spring, had offered to pay to expand the family's home. Various corporations have also made donations, he said.

"Our church is behind us 100 percent. We have everything material taken care of," said Gosselin, an information technologies director for a petroleum equipment company, near Reading.

A member of the media asked Jonathan Gosselin if he had thought about the fact that he could have eight children in college at the same time, with his six new children joining his 3-year-old twins. Gosselin, who said that Penn State football Coach Joe Paterno visited the family on May 10, and is hoping that the boys get football scholarships to Penn State to help fund their educations.

FYI said... 97

If anyone wants to compare this year's bog post, to Kate's post last year without giving her website any hits, you can read what she wrote last year here:

It starts at comment #22.

Melissa NV said... 98

It's interesting but sad to me that what some people are focusing on in this tragic, horrific story is their negative feelings about one of the men who helped rescue these women. This is what you come away with from this whole saga?


I agree, Millicent. The moral idea of character often prevents us from seeing character. Since a teenage kid has blond hair, lives at home, has no juvenile record, excels in school, sings in the church choir, participates in community events, we see no further. However, a person of character will not necessarily be a moral exemplar. Nor will a bundle of past sins define a bad character. A bad character would refer to a person with little insight about his own self. He may be disloyal, irresponsible, untrustworthy with a host of other flaws. However, in this particular incident, the public saw a "good" character, one who recognized a problem and did what was needed to correct it without giving any thought that he himself might be in danger. That indeed is commendable. I would bet that he didn't say to himself...someone is in trouble, needs help, and if I kick this door down, I'll be a hero, receive a reward, and appear on national television. In a time of crisis, there are not too many people who would plan such a spur-of-the-moment strategy for self-recognition.

The philosophical upshot? Don't miss the goodness of the world while dwelling on the complexity of characters therein. Just recognize and appreciate that for one moment, someone (or more than one person) was in the right place at the right time, regardless of his flaws, or his past or present sins and failures.

Suzy said... 99

Any person that writes a blog post about their kid's birthday and revolves the entire post around themselves is a selfish asshole. There, I said it!

I have a friend that is going through a divorce with a person that has the same personality disorders as Kate and whoa! - the stories and dysfunctional tales are CRA-ZY!

I haven't been keeping up lately with the Gosselin saga, but happened upon this new birthday post on The Stir. Or should I call it the "I gave birth to sextuplets and therefore their birthday is all about ME ME ME" post? The nerve! Wait 'til those kids are teenagers.

Over And Out said... 100

@FuseHipHopHQ @Sherrod_Small @Kateplusmy8 my buddy and his new network ! Check him out :) he wants you to stop by :) I can't wait to c him!

Now what is she pestering Kate about? Wasn't it enough that she slobbered all over her at the charity event?

I guess she thinks she a member of the family...

@Kateplusmy8 great read. And very special moments. Last year of single digits. Enjoy! You are doing a gr8 job Mom! Give them a hugx6 from me

Over And Out said... 101

"Our church is behind us 100 percent. We have everything material taken care of," said Gosselin, an information technologies director for a petroleum equipment company, near Reading.


I thought someone here said that Jon was unemployed when the babies were born.

Anonymous said... 102

We all make choices instantly on a day to day basis, so I completely support Mr. Ramsey on the unselfish and brave choice that he made on that day. And I am quite sure the 4 persons held captive for 10 years do as well. He is to be praised for his choice in the matter.

Sidney said... 103

Admin, excellent! Thanks!

readerlady said... 104

Millicent 85 -- Brava! Very well said.

You know, I just don't get people. Mark Sanford, who had an affair, duped the people of S. Carolina, disappeared for 5 days or so, cheated very publicly on his wife -- all while being governor of his state -- was just re-elected to Congress. But let a mediocre man do a genuinely brave and selfless thing and the vultures are already picking him to pieces for acts that are irrelevant to the event. The Bible says "For ALL (emphasis mine) have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God". I think Mr. Ramsey recaptured a bit of that Glory the other day. And God Bless him for it.

I agree with Admin and others re KKs alleged abortion. So what if she had one. It was LEGAL. That may very well be the reason she became adamantly opposed to reduction when she became pregnant with HOMs. Or maybe not. Either way, it's nobody else's business. And having an abortion, whether forced upon her by a parent or by her own choice, has no bearing on her current belief system. People grow and change and gain knowledge. That knowledge allows us to make decisions which may be different from the ones we made or may have made when we were ignorant. I don't like KK. I despise what she has done and is doing to her children, to her children's father, to her family, and to basically everyone who has crossed her path. She's rude, mean and hypocritical. But in this instance, I think she's being unfairly criticized.

Sidney said... 105

Regarding Charles, the brave man who saved those women. I would not exactly say he has a job and is PROUD of it, I would say he has a job and is very THANKFUL for it. He didn't want a reward. He wants the women to benefit in any way possible.

NJGal51 said... 106

Thanks for your post Improbable Dreams @93. How very true it is.

Dmasy said... 107

Readerlady, 104, I appreciate your wise comment. I agree completely. I don't appreciate Kate Gosselin or approve of much that she does. But, certain decisions are painful and private.

marie said... 108

He helped three ladies from being furthered torted and possibly killed.


Yes, not to mention how many more babies would have been killed or aborted. according to the news sourced, the women were punched in the stomach to abort their babies. Sick. I will take Charles Ramsey and his faults over this kind of horror any day.


Formerly Duped said... 109

What do you ladies think of the 911 dispatcher who hung up on Amanda Berry? Aren't they supposed to stay on the line until the police arrive?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 110

NJGal51 said... 95

Today's bog is about the tups birthday and SHE is the center of everything. The kids are, yet again, screeching with delight over everything. I would pick pizza (even burnt pizza) over a pound of beans and cheese too.

I'm going to guess that next weeks bog will be about how, even with the excitement of their birthday, the kids were able to prepare the most amazing Mother's Day event for HER. They will be even more excited because it's all for HER and the screeching will be even louder because the twins will join in because they're so excited to be able to do something for HER.


Aagghhh! I don't know how she does it- another tedious bog entry.

Katie left out the part (in HER birthday itinerary) where she imagines HER "littles" thanking HER profusely for giving birth, and for all the hard work in making their 9th birthday AMAZING once more.

Maybe they'll give her a trophy.
Maybe not.

Tucker's Mom said... 111

readerlady said... 104
Millicent 85 -- Brava! Very well said.

You know, I just don't get people. Mark Sanford, who had an affair, duped the people of S. Carolina, disappeared for 5 days or so, cheated very publicly on his wife -- all while being governor of his state -- was just re-elected to Congress
It boggles the mind, that a man who ABANDONED his job, LIED to his entire staff and constituency and winged his way to Argentina(?) to get to his mistress is elected back into office.
S. Carolinians who voted for him; You asked for it, you got it. Same goes for his chippie. If he'll do it with you, he'll do it to you.
Just ask Mrs. John Edwards. Oops, that's right, she's not married to her cheating baby daddy: I meant, Rielle Hunter.

readerlady said... 112

Formerly -- At the very least, that 911 dispatcher should be reprimanded, retrained, and perhaps suspended. He or she may have thought the call was a hoax or had some sort of misgivings about it, but it should have been checked out just to be on the safe side. It's better to make a mistake and take a hoax call seriously than it is to ignore a real and serious call.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 113

Formerly Duped said... 109
What do you ladies think of the 911 dispatcher who hung up on Amanda Berry? Aren't they supposed to stay on the line until the police arrive?

When I heard the call the first thing I thought of was that person has no empathy and sounds like he wants to get off the phone.

Probably how Kate would sound if she were a 911 operator.

Just Down The Road said... 114

Katie left out the part (in HER birthday itinerary) where she imagines HER "littles" thanking HER profusely for giving birth, and for all the hard work in making their 9th birthday AMAZING once more.


I wonder if that pool is open yet. If there's a party on Saturday, at least it won't be 40 degrees like in other years. We're expecting temps in the low 70s, but, alas, rain and thunderstorms.

Just Down The Road said... 115

Aagghhh! I don't know how she does it- another tedious bog entry.


Do you think she does this deliberately, just to get media attention? I mean, she has to be aware that she does this over and over again and receives criticism for it. Does she laugh while she's doing it, knowing that these bogs are all about her? I don't think I've ever seen such an egotistical person who is this consistent in their conceitedness. It's gotten to be a joke, and she keeps doing it. At least she doesn't disappoint!

Did anyone count the number of times she used "I" and "me?"

math girl said... 116

Counts from Kate's bog:
me - 8, my - 34, I - 50

What more can I say? ~ Administrator said... 117

Counts from Kate's bog:
me - 8, my - 34, I - 50

What more can I say?


I'm glad someone here is good at math.

I really cannot believe the kids are nine years old we're still talking about Kate's heroic pregnancy. Good lord, woman. Get over it. It's really sad that blog wasn't about what an fun life they've all lived over 9 years and what a milestone this is and here's to 90 more years, but rather, we're talking about when they were in utero and what a martyr their mother is.

I'm pretty sure we've talked about this before, someone like Kate would LOVE pregnancy and having babies because you get a lot of attention. And what a jackpot she hit with high order multiples, attention times eight. She must have been over the moon with the attention. The pregnancy and baby days are long over, long, long over, and most women have long left that all behind, but Kate is going to bring it up forever as long as it continues to get her attention.

JoyinVirginia said... 118

Millicent, Improbable Dreams, Melissa, reader lady, others with same sediment, I so shrew with you about Mr Ramsey. He has been in jail years ago. He is making his way in the world as best he can. There was a chance to do something and he did it. Good for him! And good for Anderson interviewing him with respect.
Same for Ms Kreider. Whatever she did as a teen is her private business, that was years ago. There is enough of her current and near past actions on film that we can talk about, that was public.

Melissa NV said... 119

Get over it. It's really sad that blog wasn't about what an fun life they've all lived over 9 years and what a milestone this is and here's to 90 more years, but rather, we're talking about when they were in utero and what a martyr their mother is.


Shades of Norma Desmond. She lives in the past. The kids are still toddlers. She still has her show. She's still a celebrity and America loves her.

Sad, isn't it? How so much better the bog would have been if she had talked about their milestones, the development of their individual personalities, some fun moments they've had on trips over the years. She could have done such a good job with this, but once again, she missed the opportunity. She can't write and she has no creative talent. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost, but not quite. ~ Administrator said... 120

I agree 100% with the comments about why the abortion shouldn't be fair game. I find it despicable that some non-fans keep throwing it in Kate's face. It really isn't as simple as everything about a public figure is fair game. This goes even for Kate herself. The issue is far more complicated and dependent on the circumstances. ~ Administrator said... 121

Sad, isn't it? How so much better the bog would have been if she had talked about their milestones, the development of their individual personalities, some fun moments they've had on trips over the years. She could have done such a good job with this, but once again, she missed the opportunity.


She is clueless about how to write a birthday post or any bog post. She needs to look at Pioneer Woman's posts. She laments them growing up but it's funny and a bit tongue in cheek as in boo hoo hoo I'm a pile of tears right now! Obviously she isn't. But she's not over the top, and she always celebrates who they are today and includes a beautiful photo.

I like Melissa's idea. If she must bring up NINE YEARS AGO when they were babies, how about tie it in with how they were today? Whether they are similar or not. For instance, Hannah was supposedly the leader of the group even in the incubators. What is Hannah like today? Still a leader? Maybe include a short but cute story about her leadership today. Or, maybe she's nothing like that anymore, and include a story about that. Each kid could have one paragraph about them comparing and contrasting then and now if she really has to sneak in there oh and by the way ME, I carried six at once!

Now don't get me wrong I don't WANT to know more details about the kids, I want them to have their privacy, I'm just saying this is how you write a good blog. In many ways Kate's terrible writing is a blessing for them, since she rarely shares relevant details about them that would be more interesting but exploitive, after all they have been through. How can she, she's so busy talking about herself. Their mother's abysmal writing protects their privacy but sure makes readers' brains hurt. ~ Administrator said... 122

Melissa I think we've gone way beyond just "shades" of Norma Desmond, but you are very restrained! :) ~ Administrator said... 123

Hey, the Gosselin kids are almost as old as Mr. Ramsey's convictions. :)


FYI said... 124

Hmm, Milo's been MIA since Tuesday night. She hasn't tweeted to Kate or anyone else. I wonder if she's pissed that Kate didn't reply to her spider story, but instead tweeted about a bug in her car.

Also, Milo is usually the first one to announce Kate's bog on twitter--always before Kate or The Stir, but today, nothing. I wonder if she'll do her weekly Friday tweet about the cookbook?

Doesn't she usually disappear for a while when she's not getting any attention? ~ Administrator said... 125

Wow that's a long time for Milo isn't it? Isn't she on all day every day all day and sometimes night? Is Kate at all concerned? I'm guessing not.

If she ever went off for some reason or something happened to her I'd miss her in a strange way.

Melissa NV said... 126

I don't think I've ever seen such an egotistical person who is this consistent in their conceitedness. It's gotten to be a joke, and she keeps doing it. At least she doesn't disappoint!


Somebody, ANYONE, needs to sit her down and read the facts of life to her and tell her that you just don't make everything about yourself. Would she listen? Probably not, but at least they would have given it the old college try.

As long as her enablers, such as Milo, Milo's clone, Brenda, and a handful of others out there keep drooling over her, I'm afraid nothing is going to change. She thrives on the adulation. She needs those sheeple, and it's so very sad that she depends on a few internet strangers to feed her narcissism.

FYI said... 127

Admin-doesn't seem like anyone is concerned. No one has tweeted to her either. Of course, she and Kate could be communicatin' in "other ways", but I'm surprised none of the other tweeties have shown any concern.

Improbable Dreams said... 128

...along came a spider and dropped down beside her, and scared Miss Milo away. ~ Administrator said... 129

You know who Kate is? Kate's your great aunt who only wants to talk about their carbuncle and their sciatica. All day long, every time you see them. Nothing changes, everything is always defined by that, the long stories about treatment, etc., there is nothing else going on for them of any interest. People much worse off don't have a need to talk about it that much, they get on with life, what can you do. It crosses the line between true deserved sympathy and someone who just wants attention.

Only Kate just wants to talk about what a martyr she was for carrying six. For NINE YEARS she has talked about this. Nine long years. No wonder she has no friends. We've listened to the whole long boring story about a hundred times, how many more times has she made friends and family hear it? ~ Administrator said... 130

I think her fans may be secretly glad if she goes away. She dominates Kate and selfishly hogs her, enables her and speaks to her in ways even the fans think is over the top, and is an interloper. It's really not fair to other fans and I can see how they would be relieved if she just went away.

Improbable I like the article you posted earlier. Strong words, but I agree with them. Charles Ramsey really said a lot about who we are as a society--the good, and the bad. Who knew. I'm fascinated.

Melissa NV said... 131

If she ever went off for some reason or something happened to her I'd miss her in a strange way.


Kind of like a scab. You randomly pick at it while you're watching television, and one day you find that, little by little, you've either picked off the whole thing, or it's healed on its own. Your hand inevitably goes to where the scab once was, and you find it's no longer there. You do miss it -- in a strange way, but you're glad it's gone!

NJGal51 said... 132

The sad thing is that Kate actually believes that she's a a good writer. I'm sure that she believes that she did most of the work on MB and Beth just played a small role. In Kate's mind, if she put all her bogs together into one book it would be a best seller.

Speaking of best sellers, how's that cookbook selling Kate? Looks like you've finally broken 100 copies sold!

Improbable Dreams said... 133

Glad you liked it, Admin. Meaty stuff in that article, some of it hard to swallow. It's important, though, for someone like Charles Ramsey to come along, now and again. Someone who holds up a mirror to our ideas & ways of being.

Sue Buddy said... 134

Completely off topic, but with Kate fading away we do talk about other things:)

Today I've been searching for good Spanish guitar music, and squeezing oranges, just one of the many things I'm doing since I got rid of the boob tube. I've found a guitar player named John Clarke. He's very good, cute, too.

I love things Spanish and Mexican, especially the food and music. I once recommended the Frida Kahlo cookbook with its authentic Mexican recipes and stunning photography,

Frida's Fiestas

and now I'm recommending this music if anyone is so inclined. Here's a playlist that will give you an idea:

John Clarke

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 135

Last year's birthday essay:

part one..

Happy 8th Birthday My Precious 6!

May 11, 2012

As I reflect back on yesterday and all the excitement, preparation, and planning that went into yesterday, my sextuplets 8th birthday celebration, I realize that much of my reflection is focused on two emotional aspects surrounding the day.

First of all, and most amazingly, I found myself marveling at the perfect health of all six of my premature babies. It may seem as though I mention this often, but I can’t help it! It is truly a miracle – a full blown miracle that everyone of my infants born at 29 weeks and 5 days gestation not only survived, but are thriving at full capacity as they turn 8 years old. I can absolutely say that not a day goes by that I don’t think of the true miracle that is Alexis Faith, Hannah Joy, Aaden Jonathan, Collin Thomas, Leah Hope and Joel Kevin!

They are truly excelling academically, socially and in every other way in school! They are developing normally as they grow and learn how the world works outside of school! It is a true joy to be called their mother! Which brings me to the second area I found myself pondering yesterday as I baked and decorated…

Pt 2 next...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 136

part 2...

I remember the 23 weeks I spent lying on my right side, first at home on bed rest and then in the hospital… Enduring all of the boredom, worry and discomfort.
I remember the pain of feeling seas of baby parts kicking and punching my back bone, stomach, bladder and the constant unrest that the developing zoo inside of me created.
I remember the struggle of feeling nauseous and unable to eat the entire 30 weeks but knowing I had to because my babies were counting on my calories, all 4,000 of them daily!
I remember how badly and constantly my 52 inch in circumference belly burned (like a sunburn) because it was stretching so fast.
I remember having zero lung or stomach capacity with which to breath or store food…and the resulting havoc that caused me.
I remember just wanting to give up because my body hurt so badly! Period.

But, I think just before I gave birth to my six precious babies, my scrapping tenacious never-give-up determination was born…. I’ve carried it with me and even further refined it over the years… It’s my story on how I became a mom. It made me who I am as a mom. No different than any other mom. We each rise to the call of duty, otherwise known as our children! Each child has their unique traits and needs. It’s our job to meet them. Because of this, it brings us extra joy to celebrate each year..

So, when we celebrate our kids special days, we are also reflecting back on our own “Labor Day,” the glorious day we met face to face…. All the pain and discomfort long forgotten once we catch a glimpse of that face.. Well, 6 faces in my case! :)
Each year when I watch my kids open their presents, they unknowingly gift me in return in the form of smiles, squeals, laughs, enjoyment and gratitude! Beyond that, I’ve already received the best gifts ever… I got a full set of 6, eight years ago and added them to my perfect 2 pack I already had in my collection! Talk about being blessed! :)

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 137

part 3

It was a wonderful birthday here yesterday and my kids are sure it was their favorite one yet, of course! They opened and squealed and were so thankful for each little thing.. But my favorite part was watching them open their gifts from Mady and Cara – who had planned, bought and wrapped all by themselves.

The boys received Lego board games. They loved them! It was exactly what they wanted! The girls, however, received Mady and Caras “hand me down” American Girl clothing collection. It was a very heart warming process to watch the little girls open their “wish list” of items from their big sisters!

As a mom, I was so moved as I watched the careful planning and consideration behind which girl would receive which items! It was divided fairly and thoughtfully and wrapped carefully! It was equally rewarding to see Mady and Cara wriggle with excitement as they asked to give out their gifts first because they couldn’t contain their excitement!

They demonstrated such giving spirits and received much joy from their little sisters excited and grateful reactions! This was truly my favorite part of the day… our family bond was so evident in so many ways but especially in this one exchange! I am proud of my kids – all 8 of them – and am so blessed to have had each one here with me, happy and healthy, for another year!
Happy Birthday, “babies!”

K8 (mommy) ~ Administrator said... 138

To play armchair psychologist, I think in some ways the Charles Ramseys of the world make us question what we would really do in that situation. And none of us can really say for sure until we've lived such a thing.

And I think sometimes when some people lash out, it's because of some deep seeded doubt that they would do the same. It's easier to get rid of those feelings by dismissing someone who was brave and making sure they are quickly cut down. Then we won't have to face our own human flaws, doubts, fear of not measuring up in the same situation, and what if it were me's.

I like when they said something about how it's the Big Mac eating guys of the world that are going to be there for you when you need it instead of those who go to Whole Foods, and I think that truth scares people. We like things to be in the proper "order." People who dress nice, look nice, do all the right things and don't get into trouble, and eat organic food at Whole Foods, are supposed to be the heroes. Some people are confused or upset by someone who doesn't fit the natural order of things bucking that system, bucking everything THEY think is the "right" thing to do, the natural order of things, what they've been working so hard for, and emerging in that hero spot that's supposed to be for Mr. Whole Foods with 2 cars and 2 1/2 kids and a house in the suburbs. And like it or not a lot of this is really racism or elitism as much as we try to tell ourselves oh no we don't think that way, never. I should note though, that most people don't seem to be going down that rabbit hole including most media, and that's good. Anyway forgive my somewhat offensive rambling. :) Facing some truths or what I think could very well be truths is a good thing.

Anonymous said... 139

Ottmar Liebert is an outstanding guitarist. Yes, a German is a master at Spanish style guitar!

Talked,then Stalked

Over And Out said... 140

@Kateplusmy8 in the show they were so young now the little kids r not the little kid they r the older kids and lady and cara r the Big girls


I need a drink.

Anonymous said... 141

We have been conditioned to believe that every stranger is a murderer, pedophile, thief, kidnapper, sociopath waiting to kill us while we sleep, waiting to snatch our children from playgrounds.

It's not true. 99+% of the world is good. We've just forgotten that this is true.

And like admin has pointed out, we've been conditioned to believe only certain types of people are "good." I believe when faced with situations, more often than not, people do the right thing. The world would be a horrific place if this weren't true.

I was a huge fan of Anderson until he did a deliberate hachet job on that professor in Florida. The program that ran was highly biased and truly offensive. Anderson was not reporting and clearly had an agenda. He lost me there, completely, because he was not being a reporter, but was being a propagandist. The program should be viewed in every media studies class as an example of what NOT to do as a reporter. It was very upsetting to me to lose respect and trust in a newsperson.


Granny said... 142

I think the fact that Kate may have had an abortion is very relevant since she claimed that she could not get pregnant unless she used artificial means. If that is true, how did she get pregnant at 17? If she did, it makes her a liar.
Just curious if others agree with me that it is important to her history. ~ Administrator said... 143

Granny, that has been discussed, however, I still say no.

Just because you get pregnant at one time doesn't mean you can't have fertility problems later. If she does have PCOS, my understanding is it's entirely possible to get pregnant naturally with one child but have a heck of a time getting pregnant with another. Because it neither proves nor disproves her fertility, I don't think it's fair game.

Kate is not 100% barren and never claimed to be, she only claimed to have trouble getting pregnant. Perhaps had she tried for four or five years naturally it would have happened eventually, but many couples don't want to wait that long or take that chance.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 144

But, I think just before I gave birth to my six precious babies, my scrapping tenacious never-give-up determination was born


The thing that gets me about Kate is how she gives herself compliments continually.

I also agree with Admin that Kate is a one-trick pony. How many times and ways can she tell us about being pregnant with multiples?

Rhymes with Witch said... 145

In the doctor's office yesterday, skimming Reader's Digest (March 2013). Found a humorous piece about new words. Wanted to share this

Fanthropomorphize to confuse celebrity behavior with that of an ordinary human.

ex. David's wife fanthropomorphized that she and Molly Ringwald shared a skin regimen.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 146

I think the fact that Kate may have had an abortion is very relevant since she claimed that she could not get pregnant unless she used artificial means.


The thing is that we don't know that it's a proven fact and for those to throw that in her face on twitter as fact is cruel, unnecessary and nasty. Admin is right -- just because you could get pregnant at the drop of a hat one time doesn't mean that it's going to come easy the next time. If (and I say IF) she did have an abortion it could have caused her to think that perhaps it was botched or may have caused some future fertility issues, or God would punish her and not allow her to become pregnant again. There are many things that could have been going through her mind that might have caused her to feel that she'd have trouble getting pregnant again.

I loathe this "woman" and "her" entire brand! said... 147

I have PCOS. With my son, I took my temperature every day and took clomid. By the third month, I was pregnant. With my daughter, I didn't do any of that and got pregnant. I have a pretty bad case of PCOS too. I have dealt with it most of my life. I don't buy Khate's story at all and I don't believe she needed to have so many embryos. Also, I have rarely discussed my children's birth. With my daughter, I got an e-coli infection and my white count went sky high. My daughter had to have an IV through her head and I couldn't bring her home for a few days. I have rarely reminded her of that and I have NEVER expected either of my children to be indebted to me! Oh, and by the way, I had cancer in high school and was told that I may never have kids. Today, they are 20 and 18. I don't really expect anything from them. They are both actors and I refused to let them be child actors. They have given me plenty of joy and have never squeeled or felt the need to thank me profusely. I loathe Khate's hyperbole!

Anonymous said... 148

"This year, we will celebrate as usual -- together as a family, after school. It is truly always a momentous occasion, if only our “little” traditional family celebration."
For seven years, the tups have had over the top, expensive, media related birthday parties. So does Kate feel she can just rewrite history and pretend this year's celebration will be like all the others.

But I am very glad that the tups are having a small, inexpensive, no media (except her stupid blog) celebration. Having a "special" birthday party for the first 7 years of their lives wasn't normal or healthy. So I am glad they will be celebrating like most of their other classmates.

But referring back to the quote of Kate's at the top, it is so sad that the party celebration will once again not include grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, etc. Just the nine of them. This is not right or fair for Kate to cut all others out of their lives.

And one last point, once again Kate's blog is mostly all about her and the trauma she went through to bring them into the world. We and everyone else has heard this story told over and over. Enough is enough. The celebration is about six other people, not about her.

Unknown said... 149

Oh Heather...*138)
''I was a huge fan of Anderson until he did a deliberate hachet job on that professor in Florida. The program that ran was highly biased and truly offensive. Anderson was not reporting and clearly had an agenda. He lost me there, completely, because he was not being a reporter, but was being a propagandist. The program should be viewed in every media studies class as an example of what NOT to do as a reporter. It was very upsetting to me to lose respect and trust in a newsperson.''
You couldn't be talking about Professor James Tracy, could you? The James Tracy that believes Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Newtown and Boston Marathon bombings were staged events? The James Tracy that wanted to discuss the possibility of witnesses being "play actors" and how the event resembles a "mass-casualty drill" with victims using prosthetic legs to portray carnage.

That guy?

How DARE Anderson question that person? How DARE Anderson not just allow that person to spew his nonsense without questions?

I will agree that that program should be viewed as an example of how reporters should deal with such nonsense. Good for Anderson!!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 150

@Kateplusmy8 You never know when a birthday could be the last to be. We will be celebrating my niece's on the 15th. She would've been 4:(


Well, that's a nice thought to send to someone a day before your children's birthday! Geez...
Don't these sheeple THINK?

Millicent said... 151

readerlady said... 112

Formerly -- At the very least, that 911 dispatcher should be reprimanded, retrained, and perhaps suspended. He or she may have thought the call was a hoax or had some sort of misgivings about it, but it should have been checked out just to be on the safe side. It's better to make a mistake and take a hoax call seriously than it is to ignore a real and serious call.
I've had to make a few 911 calls over the years. The last one was about a week ago, when a man who had been living with one of my neighbors awoke the neighborhood in a screaming rage. The 911 dispatcher was calm, not dismissive in any way, told me they were in contact with the homeowner and officers were on the way. The other calls I made in the past were dealt with very professionally and I never felt rushed off the phone, nor taken anything but seriously.

I hope this particular dispatcher is an aberration and is retrained or moved to a different position. Most 911 operators do their difficult job very well.

Millicent said... 152

A pink straight jacket - those birthday blog posts - are they from last year? I had a case of deja vu when I was reading them, especially the part about Mady and Cara giving the girls their American Girl hand me downs.

If it's from this year and yet again those boys got Lego presents, I will feel like screeching. Enough with the Lego's already - nine year old boys like other things too!

When she describes the children as squealing with delight - does she have no idea how phony she sounds? They are not two years old anymore Kate - and I know they haven't squealed with delight in your presence in years!

Have to laugh at how Kate thinks anyone still cares about her bedrest pregnancy. Like Admin said - get over it already and try to live in the present. You are boring everyone Kate with your pregnancy story. No one cares anymore.

Anonymous said... 153

In Kate's world she is going to make her Easy Bake Oven cake for her children's birthday, accompanied by the squeals and glees of appreciation that she imagines while convincing herself that she is a better mother than all of us others who have ungrateful children because they don't say thank you for a meal of beans and cheese or express undieing gratitude for a measly portion of birthday cake that comes with the price of having your young face plastered all over the internet. Thanks but no thanks.


Anonymous said... 154

Heather can you tell us more about the story about the Florida professor. I am curious to learn more about what you are saying about Anderson.

Unknown said... 155

Oh Heather...*138)
''I was a huge fan of Anderson until he did a deliberate hachet job on that professor in Florida. The program that ran was highly biased and truly offensive. Anderson was not reporting and clearly had an agenda. He lost me there, completely, because he was not being a reporter, but was being a propagandist. The program should be viewed in every media studies class as an example of what NOT to do as a reporter. It was very upsetting to me to lose respect and trust in a newsperson.''
You couldn't be talking about Professor James Tracy, could you? The James Tracy that believes Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Newtown and Boston Marathon bombings were staged events? The James Tracy that wanted to discuss the possibility of witnesses being "play actors" and how the event resembles a "mass-casualty drill" with victims using prosthetic legs to portray carnage.

That guy?

How DARE Anderson question that person? How DARE Anderson not just allow that person to spew his nonsense without questions?

I will agree that that program should be viewed as an example of how reporters should deal with such nonsense. Good for Anderson!! ~ Administrator said... 156

Her pregnancy story isn't even that perilous or interesting as pregnancy stories go. Where are the blood transfusions or preeclampsia stroke?? Yawn!!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 157

You couldn't be talking about Professor James Tracy, could you? The James Tracy that believes Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Newtown and Boston Marathon bombings were staged events? The James Tracy that wanted to discuss the possibility of witnesses being "play actors" and how the event resembles a "mass-casualty drill" with victims using prosthetic legs to portray carnage.

That guy?


That's most likely the guy, the one who embarrassed the university. The one who claims the Boston bombings were the result of a government conspiracy and those play actors were never injured. I wonder if he visited the young man who had both legs blown off and asked him, while looking at the only parts of his legs that are left, how much he was paid as an actor to "pretend" that he lost his legs.

Good for Anderson for going after him. If I recall, the university would have gone after him, too, but he has tenure and he didn't make his outrageous claims in class, but rather on a personal website. ~ Administrator said... 158

I know my birth was an emergency c-section and that they kicked my dad out of the room and my mom needed a blood transfusion and later had to be tested for HIV. This story was told to me once. Once. And I got so freaked out about the HIV scare I never wanted to hear about it again. We were both fine, thankfully.

Which got me thinking, if Kate is that preoccupied with such a harrowing tale I wonder if it might upset the children, make them get the wrong idea about having a baby and maybe even develop unnecessary fears about it, and overall just be quite confusing for them. She never seems to consider when she runs her mouth how the children will perceive it. ~ Administrator said... 159

Millicent the 9-1-1 call I made was all positive too. The dispatcher kept us calm, asked lots and lots of questions, hit the important points like make sure they are breathing but don't try to give them any food or drink in case they choke (diabetic coma) and stayed on the line the entire time. I don't know her name or her face but I remember feeling so, so grateful. In that moment they are like a literal guardian angel putting their arm around you telling you stay calm, check for this, do this but don't do that, and help is on the way.

There are many recorded 9-1-1 calls that were done properly. I think and hope this is the exception to the rule. It really is a shame they were not able to be there for them like so many other operators have been there for other people facing emergencies.

Remember that classic show from the 80's Rescue 9-1-1??

Millicent said... 160

When I gave birth to my son, I lost a lot of blood and had to stay in the hospital two extra days. (Doesn't sound like alot, but you know how insurance wants to rush you out the door the day after you give birth. So two extra hospital days told me that it wasn't "nothing.")

I have never once mentioned anything about that to my son. He doesn't need to know that sort of information, and besides it's not important. It all turned out just fine, so why dwell on that moment when I'd much rather dwell on all the wonderful moments instead. That's how most parents are, but not Kate. She'll never stop reciting that old worn out story about her terrible bed rest.

Re Milo's twitter silence. Hmmmm, so unlike Milo. Maybe her husband insisted she get off the computer for a week and spend time with her family, just so they don't forget what she looks like.

TLC stinks said... 161

The abortion is an accusation, not fact. Having said that, if proven, it is the smoking gun that will prove what a conniver and liar she is. A family member revealed the alledged abortion to Robert (I think it had to have been Kevin) so therefore the family must have known she was pregnant if her brother was aware. I believe in choice and it's a woman's decision but what is PA law regarding abortion? Do you need consent from parents if you are underage?

Her whole spiel about infertility, the young age she embarked on treatment, and the fact that she was a nurse (hospital insider with doctors) have always made me suspicious. If true, and that's a big IF, Jon must have been furious to learn that he was lied to and manipulated.

There is something not right about her relationship with her family and it may just be a secret. If an teenage abortion was the secret, then it is and was a scandal for her and the family.

Tucker's Mom said... 162 (Administrator) said... 158
I know my birth was an emergency c-section and that they kicked my dad out of the room and my mom needed a blood transfusion and later had to be tested for HIV. This story was told to me once. Once. And I got so freaked out about the HIV scare I never wanted to hear about it again. We were both fine, thankfully.

Which got me thinking, if Kate is that preoccupied with such a harrowing tale I wonder if it might upset the children, make them get the wrong idea about having a baby and maybe even develop unnecessary fears about it, and overall just be quite confusing for them. She never seems to consider when she runs her mouth how the children will perceive it.
I was thinking the same thing yesterday. The issues that Kate thrusts onto the children is worrisome. From the "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" and " we grow up, not out" mantras, to Kate's constantly reminding the tups of how horrible her pregnancy, it's enough to implant serious phobias, anxieties and other psychological problems.
She really needs to stop, but unfortunately, she has made damn sure that she controls the narrative in the tups heads. Their father has been marginalized and all other family is banished.
Jon can't be there daily to tell them to get dirty and Aunt Jodie is no longer around to be that soft place to fall.
I'm not an expert, of course, but I truly see this as abuse.

I remember those scary HIV transfusion worry days. Back in the late 80's or early 90's, my mom needed surgery and wanted to donate a couple pints of her own blood. Her first donation was tested and she was told it was HIV positive. Gulp. She's been widowed and alone for many, many years at that point and we wondered if she'd contracted it through the dentist (remember those days too?).
Turns out, it was a false positive upon further testing.
My poor mother!

TLC stinks said... 163

6 X's the birthday prep is SO tiring...having said that, I'll take 'tired' for the sake of this many bdays any day, any year!! Love 'em!


Why the heck is she always so tired? She supposedly eats healthy, runs, etc. (at least that's what she wants the world to think). She's a 30 something and complains like an old woman.

Anonymous said... 164

No matter what Charles Ramsey has done in the past, he is a hero, as he rescued 4 victims from 10 year captivity, so my hat goes off to him! People makes choices every day, and his bravery and unselfishness is to be commended!

As far as Kate goes, I truly hope that as far as a birthday present to her kids, she get psychotherapy. Best present she could give them.

This woman has alienated everyone (Jon, Beth, Jodi, her brother, her family, Ashley, etc...) who has not gone along with her agenda, and needs to realize there is a good reason for this. The kids deserve better, and I am fairly sure that the "squeals" of delight, if they even happen, are manufactured to please histrionic Kate. All of her overtures are overdramatic, which were finally caught on tape when TLC stopped editing her over the top behavior. Kids learn by example so I am fairly sure they mimic her histrionics for approval. Not something to be proud of.

Since "she is still in charge," she still clearly expects her kids to act on cue, like trained animals. CWS, without her there, was clearly telling, as most of the kids were robotic, or in the case of Mady, very telling, that all she has ever known is "work." How can a parent be proud of that? Good for Mady for speaking the truth.

Mel said... 165

** @EmmaLovesCelebz I sing individually every year to them;) takes a while but worth it!:)**

Poor, poor Kate. How long does it take to sing Happy Birthday?
30 seconds? A minute if you sing slowly?

She makes it sound like it takes an hour...each.

Such an inconvenience to her, wasting 3 whole minutes singing Happy Birthday 6 times.

Mel said... 166

** o - Twitterrific6 X's the birthday prep is SO tiring...having said that, I'll take 'tired' for the sake of this many bdays any day, any year!! Love 'em! GN**

Why is she so tired? What could be taking so long?

Wrap 6 presents (that they chose themselves, no thinking on her part), make one crappy looking small cake, and she's done.

If it's going to take so long maybe she should have stayed home this past weekend and worked on bday prep instead of being out gallivanting.

Improbable Dreams said... 167

Kate is driving people to her website this morning by promising she'll post b'day photos all day long. Pimping out her kids again, I see.

Watch, her website count will skyrocket...way out of proportion to what you might expect. Not unlike the number of twitter followers, which grows by the day, even when she's out of the limelight,

Here what her site visit counter reads, as of this posting:

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 168

Millicent said... 152

A pink straight jacket - those birthday blog posts - are they from last year? I had a case of deja vu when I was reading them, especially the part about Mady and Cara giving the girls their American Girl hand me downs.

If it's from this year and yet again those boys got Lego presents, I will feel like screeching. Enough with the Lego's already - nine year old boys like other things too!

When she describes the children as squealing with delight - does she have no idea how phony she sounds? They are not two years old anymore Kate - and I know they haven't squealed with delight in your presence in years!

Have to laugh at how Kate thinks anyone still cares about her bedrest pregnancy. Like Admin said - get over it already and try to live in the present. You are boring everyone Kate with your pregnancy story. No one cares anymore.


Millicent, this was the birthday bog entry from last year.

Same drivel, different bog.

Anonymous said... 169

Improbable Dreams said... 167
Kate is driving people to her website this morning by promising she'll post b'day photos all day long. Pimping out her kids again, I see.

She is clearly shameless, as always, and thinks the world owes her. Never a thought about the kids' privacy. All about Kate. Does she EVER think of them first?

Anonymous said... 170

Seriously, if after 9 years of marketing her kids, she can not stand alone, and market herself solo, shame on her. Time to move on with life. Be grateful for what you have received, and give your kids' their privacy, which they have very much earned.

Why, oh why, won't she get this? Being a former Reality Star, who has had many solo opportunies that failed says it is time to let go. And stand on your own two feet. Minus the kids.

Formerly Duped said... 171

Doesn't Kate say Mady and Cara love to wrap the littles' gifts? One fewer thing to exhaust her. ~ Administrator said... 172

Now try planning a birthday party when you work a full time job, too. She couldn't be more out of touch.

This reminds me of a funny Dana Carvey standup when he is talking about his friends who hadn't settled down yet or had kids and was talking about calling them and one of them whining "God I slept until noon and I'm STILL tired! I need to get to Starbucks for a frappuccino!"

LOL. ~ Administrator said... 173

Yes, you need consent in PA. Actually we should have discussed this before because it's an important piece of the puzzle and proves that IF she had an abortion, her parents MUST have approved of it. PA is at the forefront of one of the most famous abortion cases everyone studies in law school, Planned Parenthood v. Casey. The Supreme Court upheld PA's law from the 80's that says you need parental consent for an abortion if you're a minor.

I believe the abortion story, and by law, we know her so-called Christian mother and father had a hand in it and had to approve it (instead of say, supporting her in giving the baby up for adoption or going to a teen mom group home).

If the abortion is the way I think it as and consistent with PA law in that her parents MUST have played a major role and COULD have stopped it should they choose to, I feel very sorry for young Kate. I believe her that she wanted children from a young age, and I have a hard time believing she would abort even as a teen. I have my suspicions that IF this happened, she was forced into it.

Vanessa said... 174

From the "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" and " we grow up, not out" mantras, to Kate's constantly reminding the tups of how horrible her pregnancy, it's enough to implant serious phobias, anxieties and other psychological problems.
GUILT- a narcissists greatest tool

FYI said... 175

Sleepless In Seattle said... 150
@Kateplusmy8 You never know when a birthday could be the last to be. We will be celebrating my niece's on the 15th. She would've been 4:(


Well, that's a nice thought to send to someone a day before your children's birthday! Geez...
Don't these sheeple THINK?

Sleepless--the person who tweeted that is the aunt of the 2 girls that the fundraiser was held for. I think she was trying to tell Kate to cherish every moment, but it didn't come out right. Kate actually is pictured holding her children at the fundraiser.

You'd think Kate could've offered her some sympathy if she saw the tweet.

chefsummer #Leh said... 176

Kate's a lying liar but I don't think her supposed abortion.

Should be brought up esp if it was forced especially if she was underage.

FYI said... 177

Looks like today will be another twittersode and webisode for the Gosselins. Kate already has 2 pictures on her website. One of them is of the kids wearing the birthday hats at home, and the other is of them on the school bus. That picture is taken inside the school bus, from the back of the bus.

Did she really have to get on the bus to take a picture? Did she not care that it might be somewhat disruptive to the driver and the other kids? She shows no consideration for other people.

FYI said... 178

As far as the shrieking and screeching go--my grandkids are 9 and 6. I have been with them on their birthdays and at Christmas. They have never shrieked or screeched when opening presents. They may say "wow", "cool", "I love it", but no shrieking.

I think Kate is the one doing the shrieking and screeching. We all know that she does that very well, as we have seen many times on the show.

FYI said... 179

It seems like the theme of all the tweeties tweets are "I can't believe the kids are 9!". I had to laugh at this one though, because it is so honest and truthful:

The Stir ‏@The_Stir 18h
Can you believe Kate Gosselin's 6 are 9?! @Kateplusmy8

jellybean jellybean ‏@nswru1 15h
@The_Stir @Kateplusmy8 yes. Because kids do grow up.

librarylady said... 180

Why the heck is she always so tired? She supposedly eats healthy, runs, etc. (at least that's what she wants the world to think). She's a 30 something and complains like an old woman.
I don't think she really is always that tired. She certainly isn't when it comes to things that benefit her. It's just the continued attempt to bring some attention to herself to try to keep up the "exhausted mom of 8 brand".

There are a lot of people I know who like to use the "exhausted" angle for attention who have no legitimate reason to go on about it. Driving kids around every day to practices, for example - most moms do it, it could be tiring after work to do this but I certainly didn't have to trumpet about it to everyone I know, lol. They didn't care. I'm pretty sure the Amish mom of 12 next door, all 1 year apart or so, would be embarrassed at Kate's constant exhaustion drama. No comparison. And no complaining.

Improbable Dreams said... 181

She sees her kids as a unit, moving in tandem through the day. So it's quite possible that their individual reactions--ranging from mild interest to wild enthusiasm--would blur themselves into a single eruption of noise, cacophonous shrieks of joy that echo in her narcissistic ears. ~ Administrator said... 182

Right, she just pulls it out for attention and sympathy.

She never claimed to be exhausted shooting over 100 episodes of her show. And she never claimed to be exhausted at the Kentucky Derby on her weekend getaway. She looked fresh as a daisy. ~ Administrator said... 183

The Facebook group "Wow, you've grown up!" "Well, yes, that tends to happen." has almost half a million likes. LOL. I guess lots of people are tired of hearing that. ~ Administrator said... 184

LOL three of them have already whipped off their birthday hats once they got on the bus. That just seems embarrassing, nine years old and your mom is traipsing onto the bus for pictures in your hats. I'd be mortified.

For once it is a good picture, a new and interesting perspective, however why is it so gosh darn blurry??? There should have been plenty enough light with all those windows. Is she utterly incapable of holding her iphone STILL? I feel bad for these kids, they're going to look back on their childhood photos and all they will see is just one big blur.

Amy2 said... 185

Regarding her blog on her's all she has. She wants to relieve her glory days, when people were amazed by a mother giving birth to 6 kids at once. Fast forward to now...the kids are 9 years old with their own wants and desires. They're beyond the cute stage and just regular 9 year olds. What's Kate going to do to market her kids to keep them in the public eye? Well, remind everyone how she suffered for her children. That way the public will remember that once upon a time she was oohed and awed by people because of her personal miracle. Ugh. The problem, and Kate doesn't get this, people have moved on to the next bright and shiny object. Kate is old news. Public isn't as interested any more about high order multiples. She tried to market herself and failed (running, Derby, DWTS, etc.). Nobody wants her and the kids have grown beyond the toddler stage.

Bottom line...Kate hasn't read the memo that her glory days are gone and aren't coming back.

Anonymous said... 186

Never mind her failed cruise and her new book,

Leave these kids alone Kate! The only three who wore your stupid hat were your favorites- Hannah, Leah, and Joel, who is afraid if you say boo. They are 9 now and don't need you humiliating them on a bus to school. You have clearly chosen to humiliate them by filming for 9 Count 'Em 9 years. Enough already! Get a job, or film yourself! Leave your kids alone! ~ Administrator said... 187

The sad thing is that Kate actually believes that she's a a good writer.


And a good mother. ~ Administrator said... 188

This from point, why is no one upset these people slipped through the cracks for TEN YEARS despite other calls to authorities??

CNN PRODUCER NOTE DShieldsTx says we should be celebrating Charles Ramsey for his heroics and not focusing on his criminal background. She condemns the view of heroism within America that consists of an expectation of a perfect 'Superman' sort of hero with a pristine past. 'I think that it's unfair that once we see someone do something heroic we start digging into their background. This is a case that he's already done his time for, he's been released. We should concentrate on his heroics, not on the ugly stain of a felony on his reputation.'

DShieldsTx challenges those 'cowards sitting behind computer screens' to go out and spend their time and energy searching for the missing instead of criticizing Ramsey for his criminal past, who actually did save the lives of three missing young women.
- jne2013, CNN iReport producer

(She also points out that Ramsey and the mother are on good terms, she has nothing bad to say about him)

FYI said... 189

Kate really should think before she tweets. I wonder how the twins would feel after reading this tweet:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 4h
This minute, 9 years ago, my life was forever changed for the better..Times SIX!
From 7:51 am til 7:53 am, my babies were born!I love you!

Was her life so bad before, that the tups birth changed it "for the better"?

Hmm-still nothing from Milo. Her twitter is still public and no one seems concerned that she hasn't tweeted since Tuesday. She could be DMing Kate, so Kate might know what's going on, but what about Kate's other tweeties?

It's really strange for sure.

Midnight Madness said... 190

Re Milo's twitter silence. Hmmmm, so unlike Milo. Maybe her husband insisted she get off the computer for a week and spend time with her family, just so they don't forget what she looks like.


Don't you think they'd rather forget what she looks like? If she's on the computer all day tweeting Kate, at least she won't be pestering them.

Midnight Madness said... 191

Sleepless said:

The thing is that we don't know that it's a proven fact and for those to throw that in her face on twitter as fact is cruel, unnecessary and nasty. Admin is right -- just because you could get pregnant at the drop of a hat one time doesn't mean that it's going to come easy the next time. If (and I say IF) she did have an abortion it could have caused her to think that perhaps it was botched or may have caused some future fertility issues, or God would punish her and not allow her to become pregnant again. There are many things that could have been going through her mind that might have caused her to feel that she'd have trouble getting pregnant again.


Very true. If she indeed was pregnant as a teen, that doesn't mean that she's a liar and couldn't get pregnant years later. We just don't know what she was thinking, why she was thinking it, or if she had medical issues.

Winsomeone said... 192

In the birthday picture of the kids on the front steps,did anyone notice the neck of the striped T-shirt? It sure looks like someone grabbed that shirt by the front of it and stretched it out of shape? Wonder if that poor little guy needed to be "happied "up?

chefsummer #Leh said... 193 (Administrator) said... 187

The sad thing is that Kate actually believes that she's a a good writer.


And a good mother.

And a good blogger.

chefsummer #Leh said... 194

Why isn't Aaden wearing a hat.

And Milo didn't wish them a happy birthday and she did kiss KK butt today.

Something must be very wrong.

Formerly Duped said... 195

She bought those hats while doing the show. I notice two boys did not have them on the bus. Two girls dressed alike.I agree nine is too old for that for school among most kids I know.

localyocul said... 196

Do you think the school lets them wear street clothes on their birthdays? Do they have a tradition where kids where birthday hats? If not, how embarrassing. I remember my daughter getting a paper crown at Burger King when she was 5 and proudly wearing it around the mall. It was so sweet because I knew that would not last. By 9, no way would she do that.

I guess there will be no more pics til the end of the day since she has all those long hours every day without them to do whatever she wants.

Midnight Madness said... 197

Regarding the hats in the photo. I looked at those one time at a novelty store...was going to buy one for a Halloween costume. They are not cheap. I believe each one of them was thirty or forty dollars. I wonder if those were gifts from the sheeple. Would Kate pay that much for a hat?

It looks like the photo of one of the boys with the Legos in the toy store was not a stock photo as some had suspected. The jacket is the same as the ones they are wearing in the birthday photo on her site.

foxy said... 198

Poor Colin. He never looks at the camera. His eyes are always closed or averted away. He is going to have serious issues if he doesn't already.
I think people should just lay off Charles Ramsey. His past is just that. His former wife said they are friends now. That is his business and I bet the women he rescued and their families would kiss his feet for being so brave. He did not know if someone was behind that door who could have killed him and them.

Millicent said... 199

Seems to me Ramsey is actually an example we'd like more people to emulate, if they are going down the wrong path. I don't know the details but he apparently has more than one arrest for domestic violence. He then was convicted and sent to jail for that crime. He served his sentence. This was ten years ago (in the past). Sounds like since he's been out of jail, he's not been arrested again, has found a job, pays his bills, and in his spare time, saves women abducted by a monster.

This is what we should all want to see if a person formerly going down the wrong path in life - paying the appropriate punishment (jail time, etc.), then when they are released, choosing to follow a better path than before. Ten years ago is a long time. I say if his ex has forgiven him, and he's paid his debt to society - it should not be an issue today.

What is it about some people's nature, that they seem unable or unwilling to judge a person by how they've behaved after making mistakes - but rather choose to focus almost solely on the mistakes themselves? I don't know the answer to that question. Although I am currently of no particular faith, I was raised Catholic. One of the primary tenants is forgiveness of sins. We are taught that if you truly repent of your sins, God/Christ will forgive you and you are "cleansed" of those sins. While I may no longer believe in conventional religion, I do believe in redemption and forgiveness of past mistakes if the person truly is sorry and shows by word and deed that they will do better. ~ Administrator said... 200

Milo not tweeting on their birthday? Now that's odd. Geez I hope she's okay.

It's like that politician whose politics you just hate and they drive your crazy. And then they leave office and a part of you kinda feels sad they're gone, in a weird way.

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