Monday, June 3, 2013

Former child stars on Katie Couric

Katie will interview those who have been there before about Amanda Bynes and the hardships of growing up in the spotlight. Guests include Mara Wilson (Mrs. Doubtfire and Matilda), Candace Cameron (Full House), and Jaleel White (Urkel!).

Monday afternoon, June 3. Check local listings.

1449 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 1449   Newer›   Newest»
chefsummer #Leh said...

There is one way Kate wouldn't be damned if she does or doesn't. She could get off twitter, shut down her blog and leave her kids out of it. Simple!

Or she could make her twitter private just for her and her fans.

She could block the haters if she went private and only keep the sheep.

If she did this she won't have so called haters and bullies just sheep/fans.

Layla said...

It does"t look like Kate ran in San Diego, and it doesn't look like she and the kids are going to Litchfield next weekend. She rarely tweets about running. Did she lose interest, or did Rock n Roll Marathons stop "sponsoring" her? I'm sure she thought she was going to reinvent herself as this super mom who does it all, including running 26-mile marathons for fun. She wasn't immediately rewarded for pretending to be a fitness/nutrition freak (remember when she claimed that people were discussing her teaming up with Michelle Obama on kids' fitness? That was too funny!), so she lost interest. That's so typical of Kate. If she's not immediately rewarded, then she loses interest. Her cookbook isn't selling, so she's not boasting about her "yum!" meals. She's not interested in any of these things that she claims are her passions if they don't result in fast cash.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Milo would love to run a nice hot bath for an exhausted Kate and wash her back for her!

OrangeCrusher1 said... 155

Pass the brain bleach


LOL! When I read it, I was picturing Milo bringing Kate a glass of wine to the bubble bath. Milo herself asked if Kate was having wine in the bath not too long ago. Eeeew. Don't use all the bleach up. Pass it over!

Anonymous Today said...

Tucker's Mom, there are a lot Kanye West gay rumors these days. Makes one wonder.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

She could block the haters if she went private and only keep the sheep.

I thought she already blocked the haters. I know nothing about Twitter.

FYI said...

This is the CWS line-up for the next 3 shows starting June 23. Remember when we wondered how Kate could be on it since she wasn't a wife?
Well, I guess you don't have to be one, since on the June 23 episode, NO ONE is a wife.

#9. Bristol & Willow Palin/Melissa & Joan Rivers

#10. Ric Flair/Rowdy Roddy Piper

#11. Nia Peeples/Tiffany

So Bristol who is 22 and Willow who is 18, are going to be in charge of watching a 12 year old(Melissa's son)?

Maybe they should just name the show Kid Swap.

FYI said...

Kate tweets a "proud momma alert" and gets this reply:

@Kateplusmy8 Proud buddy Alert!! Gr8 jobs kids. And gr8 job Mom!! #KidsDontGetGoodByAccident ✏๐Ÿ““๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

So because she has met Kate twice, and Kate attended her fund raiser, she now considers herself a "buddy". If she's such a buddy, how come Kate doesn't follow her on twitter?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Parent In Lancaster County said... 4

Not all of them.

FYI said...

Forgot to add the link to the CWS lineup:

Nanny Dairy said...

BTW, I totally don't believe anything happens by accident on these reality shows. I cannot possibly believe that Kim Kardashian "accidentally" got pregnant. I bet Kayne West is feeling a little trapped. He never looks happy in any of the pap photos these days. And she sure pulled one over on Kris Humpheries. She is a manipulator like our Kate, IMO.
Did anybudy read the kardashian nanny's tell all? Their mom screwed them up good from the very beginning. ~ Administrator said...



You know it would kill them to admit it but some kids really are just naturally good, or not good, at school, by accident.

Ask any parent who has devoted time an energy to helping a kid who is struggling with school. No matter what you do improvements are often only marginal. And then there are many kids who pull straight A's whose parents have no involvement at all. Haven't they ever seen Homeless to Harvard?

It's wonderful to have supportive parents who help kids with school but it is no guarantee it will make a difference for many kids in terms of the actual grades. Now emotionally that's a different story but we're talking straight grades here. Kate should get some credit, as should Jon, as should the teachers and the homework helpers Kate flat out admitted she has or had. But also the kids themselves, good luck and just being born with a bright mind play a huge role.

Nanny Dairy said...

Parent In Lancaster County said... 142
Sixth graders (the twins) do receive grades and they certainly could have excelled academically. Kate makes it sound like all the kids were on the honor roll. I remember when she said that the "littles" were at the top of their class. The school DOES NOT rank its students.
We get it. Your kid did/does attened the same school the Gosselin kids are at and you want us to make sure we know not only what a mega insider you are but also how your kids is smarter than the Gosselin sextuplets. Since Kate rarely if ever brags about her kids I'm going to give her this one. I hope to Jesus none of the eight read her twitter feed but that tweet would be one that might actually make them feel semi-good. Sour milk this time, not cheese?

Somewhere In Time said...

The Irish fan is really weird. I hope Kate knows to stay far away. If he's not asking for pictures of her in a bikini and slobbering all over her "beauty," he keeps sending her videos, jokes and stupid math puzzles. He is really creepy.

@Kateplusmy8 hope this makes u laugh a customer sent it to me, not sure why its not on tv.. My inner child roared:)

Nanny Dairy said...

Somewhere In Time said... 150
How about just "my kids" or even better respect their individuality and use their given names?


"My kids" include Mady and Cara. "Littles" are just the younger ones, and six names takes up too many letters (31) on Twitter! lol!!
And of course in KateWorld all six of the littles are doing, saying, thinking, eating, liking, hating the EXACT SAME THING. Always. ~ Administrator said...

Hate to defend Kate but a lot of parents use "my kid is top of the class" not to mean they are literally ranked (obviously no one ranks elementary students) or even that they receive grades, just to mean that they are ahead of the others, i.e. "on top."

But even so, it's obnoxious. No one cares your kid is "on top." If they even are. I've never had a teacher compare a student to the others in front of the parent. You are described as how you are doing compared to general expectations, not compared to your actual classmates. Seems inappropriate otherwise.

It's elementary school for pity sake. Brag when your kid is valedictorian. And I don't mean of the 6th grade graduation. I mean of HIGH SCHOOL. Besides, just because you are on top in elementary school doesn't mean it will continue. Some kids may plateau, or lose interest, or focus more on other things like sports while academics suffer, or find they are suddenly a small fish in a big pond once they get to the more populous and competitive high school and aren't so on top anymore. Or heck, maybe you just got lucky and got a class with less motivated or bright students, suddenly you look smart. STFU parents I'm sure would hate this kind of chatter.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

We get it. Your kid did/does attened the same school the Gosselin kids are at and you want us to make sure we know not only what a mega insider you are but also how your kids is smarter than the Gosselin sextuplets.


LOL!! And just WHERE did I say that my kids is (sic) smarter than the Gosselins, or, in fact if I even have any children?

Fact: Pre-School through 4th grade students do not receive grades and therefore students in those grades are not on an academic honor roll.
Fact: The school does not rank its students.

I'm sure you could find those facts online. ~ Administrator said...

There have been a lot of name switch-a-roos lately I've been letting go.

I'm going to ask people to please do what everyone else here does and stick to one name. No switching around. There is no good reason to keep switching your name. Remember rule 1 is not just pick a name but it asks people to stick to a name. Often name switchers have good things to say and I don't think I'm the only one who would like to know who you are. IMO switching names around is only a small step above going anonymous, i.e. not good. Thank you. ~ Administrator said...

Lancaster isn't a local who ever says anything inappropriate or tries to imply they know something they couldn't possibly know for sure unless they are actually the Gosselin kids themselves!

Parent In Lancaster County said...

And then there are many kids who pull straight A's whose parents have no involvement at all. Haven't they ever seen Homeless to Harvard?


That's very true. It also may depend on the school itself. For example, a child who is a visual (spatial) learner and works at his/her own pace independently may excel at a Montessori based school but struggle at a school that uses a traditional approach in its academics. A parent needs to recognize that not all children learn in the same way, and therefore they need to know how their children learn if they are helping those who are have difficulty in school. ~ Administrator said...

I LOVE Montessori! But exactly as you said, it may be great for some kids, not great for others. I think I would have loved it, but we didn't have one where I was growing up. I tended to zone out a lot at school thinking about the next thing or something else and I was easily distracted. I'm sure my grades could have been better in a different learning environment.

Grades are grades. Say good job honey, then move on to the next thing. They only mean so much. And they certainly are not a reliable indicator of good parenting. There are plenty of straight A students sitting in foster care.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Hate to defend Kate but a lot of parents use "my kid is top of the class" not to mean they are literally ranked (obviously no one ranks elementary students) or even that they receive grades, just to mean that they are ahead of the others, i.e. "on top."


But admin, how would Kate know that her children are at the top of the class if the teachers don't divulge that information to her? They are not, for example, going to say that her children are smarter or ahead of other students. The progress report would be for her children only, and not in comparison to other students.

You're right, though...why brag about it? Why would she even mention this on Twitter today? Certainly she's proud if the girls made the honor roll, but what was her reason for tweeting this if not to make herself look like she's doing something right?

NJGal51 said...

Parent In Lancaster County - I enjoy your posts and think that someone is here only to try and shit stir because Kate's twitter is all but dead and just doesn't know that it's time to give up the ghost. ~ Administrator said...

But admin, how would Kate know that her children are at the top of the class if the teachers don't divulge that information to her?


Oh, I doubt anyone did say such a thing to her! Parents just SAY stupid stuff like that and it often has no basis in reality. Before the Twitter days someone would say this at the hair dresser and the other mothers would probably discreetly roll their eyes. This is why that brilliant blogger started STFU parents for this very thing haha.

Luke's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 15's obnoxious. No one cares your kid is "on top." .....It's elementary school for pity sake. Brag when your kid is valedictorian. And I don't mean of the 6th grade graduation. I mean of HIGH SCHOOL. Besides, just because you are on top in elementary school doesn't mean it will continue. ....
The way I see it is that when you factor in that the six G kids are at least 1 to 2 years older than most of their classmates you would expect them to be more advanced in 1st and 2nd grade. An age difference of just one or two years when you are just 7 years old is Huge.

The 6 Gkids are 9 years old and are just finishing 2nd grade. Most 9 year olds are in 3rd grade and some even in 4th grade.

As Admin said wait to brag when they are in High School and the competition to be on top becomes real.

Melissa NV said...

And of course in KateWorld all six of the littles are doing, saying, thinking, eating, liking, hating the EXACT SAME THING. Always.


Somehow I can't see the boys playing with Calico Critters!

A Ninny Mouse said...

If I was spendin what Kate and Jon are paying to send their eight kiddos to Lanc I sure as hell would want to know where they were in comparison to every other kid!! And I'd want that information correlated in a neat, nice professional file with color graphs, IQ, EQ, and future grade expectations. But that's just me. <------ public school educated and proud ~ Administrator said...

Luke good point. They are red shirted kids. I would hope they're doing well.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Lancaster isn't a local who ever says anything inappropriate or tries to imply they know something they couldn't possibly know for sure unless they are actually the Gosselin kids themselves!


Busted, admin! I'm one of the boys. Excuse me now while I go pack a slice of burned pizza for my lunch tomorrow! It is, after all, the envy of all my classmates. And yes, I do remember in what order to eat the food.

NJ said..."Parent In Lancaster County - I enjoy your posts and think that someone is here only to try and shit stir because Kate's twitter is all but dead and just doesn't know that it's time to give up the ghost.:

Thanks, and I think you're right! It's time for the ghost to cross over... unless it wants to make an appearance on "Paranormal Witness."

Parent In Lancaster County said...

@ashymama2 @Tallisf @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir That school does not give grades to kids in pre-K-4. Kids not ranked! K8 is LIAR.


Just for the record. That tweet did not come from me. I am not on Twitter and do not have a Twitter account.

fidosmommy said...

We get it. Your kid did/does attened the same school the Gosselin kids are at and you want us to make sure we know not only what a mega insider you are but also how your kids is smarter than the Gosselin sextuplets. Since Kate rarely if ever brags about her kids I'm going to give her this one. I hope to Jesus none of the eight read her twitter feed but that tweet would be one that might actually make them feel semi-good. Sour milk this time, not cheese?


So, if it was actually Cara and Mady who got the
awards, wouldn't they want to have that acknowledged and not have to share the glory with their younger siblings? Why would Kate spread the congratulations around when they belong to two specific children? That doesn't sound like a "feel good" to me, it sounds like
a lot of nothing. When my brother won swimming trophies I don't think he would have appreciated our parents giving me credit, too.
I got my own attention when I accomplished something myself.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

How telling that "Em" is a very attractive blonde getting a personal invite to the gulag. Bet a not so attractive fan wouldn't be given that same opportunity. And maybe Austin is hoping for a little love connection with Em while they are babysitting the littles together while professing their love for Kate. Wonder if Kate is planning a little getaway with Deanna to the Big Apple, ergo, the twitter sitters. We haven't heard any bragging about being in NY lately for fish in paper with Diego, the best waiter ever. Hah. What do I know. But all this speculation is tantalizing I must say..... ~ Administrator said...

Anonymous I don't talk about my family here and never will because of people like you. But you are wrong. Now please leave you are beyond inappropriate. ~ Administrator said...

Yet ANOTHER unwritten rule.


It's not an unwritten rule it all. It's right there in rule 1 and has been there for ages. Pick a name and "STICK TO A NAME." I'm surprised you haven't seen that before obsessed as you are with me and this blog.

Melissa NV said...

Yet ANOTHER unwritten rule. Come on people, we're supposed to know exactly what the cunt who calls herself admin thinks at all moments.

Jesus fucking christ. MAKE RULES people can FOLLOW.


Speaks volumes, doesn't it admin?

Luke's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 27
Luke good point. They are red shirted kids. I would hope they're doing well.
I know parents who pushed their kids to read, an early age and loved to brag to all the other moms about how smart their little Johnny is in Kindergarten only to see years later that Johnny barely passed High School because they no longer had control over how he studied and applied himself in school (or what he did when he was not in school).

And then little Suzy, who struggled to read in Kindergarten, becomes the star student in High School excelling in AP and Honors courses because of her own drive and hard work.

I am not a big fan of "Redshirting". It is controversial in my area because some parents are doing it just to gain an academic advantage for their child. We have some excellent public HS with Magnet programs that are rated top in our state and across the county. Competition is fierce to get in these programs and parents start the process very early and "redshirting" seems to be one strategy that is now being used.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

It's not an unwritten rule it all. It's right there in rule 1 and has been there for ages. Pick a name and "STICK TO A NAME." I'm surprised you haven't seen that before obsessed as you are with me and this blog.


There's no reading comprehension with many of them. Never was, never will be.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

@ashymama2 @Tallisf @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir That school does not give grades to kids in pre-K-4. Kids not ranked! K8 is LIAR.

So, if it was actually Cara and Mady who got the
awards, wouldn't they want to have that acknowledged and not have to share the glory with their younger siblings? Why would Kate spread the congratulations around when they belong to two specific children? That doesn't sound like a "feel good" to me

It sounds like Kate didn't lie this time. She didn't say that ALL of the kids got an award, but she didn't say that they didn't! She just left it to the sheep's interpretation when she said "kids."

PatK said...

I wonder what Kate would do if any of the six wasn't progressing well in school and needed to be held back a year. Would she demand they ALL be held back?

Luke's Mom said...

Layla said... 2
It does"t look like Kate ran in San Diego, and it doesn't look like she and the kids are going to Litchfield next weekend. She rarely tweets about running. Did she lose interest, or did Rock n Roll Marathons stop "sponsoring" her? I'm sure she thought she was going to reinvent herself as this super mom who does it all, including running 26-mile marathons for fun. She wasn't immediately rewarded for pretending to be a fitness/nutrition freak (remember when she claimed that people were discussing her teaming up with Michelle Obama on kids' fitness? That was too funny!), so she lost interest. That's so typical of Kate. If she's not immediately rewarded, then she loses interest. Her cookbook isn't selling, so she's not boasting about her "yum!" meals. She's not interested in any of these things that she claims are her passions if they don't result in fast cash.
I agree. And Kate is not interested if it becomes work and is not easy for her. Kate can't move past the glory days when TLC did everything for her and she could take all the credit.

Just like Coupon Cabin fired her, I think RnR marathon is done with Kate too. They saw enough to see she was a FAKE.

No matter how many times Kate claims (or tweets)that she works hard and never gives up blah blah blah, her own actions reveal a lazy unmotivated person who gives up when the reward doesn't come quick enough.

We see it in her Website ("Coming Soon" remains after 2 years), her lack of effort at her job at Coupon Cabin, her current blog at the Stir, her menu Mondays that have dissappeared, her failed cruise, her so-called marathon running that is non-existent, her family "traditions" that only last one year or existed only when TLC did all the work, her failure to practice on DWTS, her FAILED attempt at interviewing stars on ET, ....

Sleepless In Seattle said...

We see it in her Website ("Coming Soon" remains after 2 years), her lack of effort at her job at Coupon Cabin, her current blog at the Stir, her menu Mondays that have dissappeared, her failed cruise, her so-called marathon running that is non-existent, her family "traditions" that only last one year or existed only when TLC did all the work, her failure to practice on DWTS, her FAILED attempt at interviewing stars on ET, ....


Ah, but Milo tweeted that after the divorce, Kate is a success at whatever she does!

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Yet ANOTHER unwritten rule. Come on people, we're supposed to know exactly what the cunt who calls herself admin thinks at all moments.

Jesus fucking christ. MAKE RULES people can FOLLOW.


Speaks volumes, doesn't it admin?


Oy. They do have a "mouth" on them, don't they?

Sleepless In Seattle said...

The actress that's playing Anna Nicole Smith in the upcoming lifetime movie looks like @Kateplusmy8 I think Kate is gorgeous now!


Looks like she's wearing her good bra!

Nina said...

Parent In Lancaster County said... 16
We get it. Your kid did/does attened the same school the Gosselin kids are at and you want us to make sure we know not only what a mega insider you are but also how your kids is smarter than the Gosselin sextuplets.


LOL!! And just WHERE did I say that my kids is (sic) smarter than the Gosselins, or, in fact if I even have any children?


Well, if you don't have children your choice of screen name is a bit odd.

Hill Street Blues said...

"IDModo said... 199
One of the most sensible people I know is a young schizophrenic woman who married a young man, also schizophrenic."

IDModo is adorable. I'm sure she'll get the humour of quoting only the first part of her post :)

NJGal51 said...

Wow, Kate's twitter I'd deader than I thought. They're out in full force tonight! As a Jersey girl I've been known to curse more often than not, but even I was taken aback by that little tirade by anonymous. Inappropriate to say the least.

fidosmommy said...

As a Jersey girl I've been known to curse more often than not, but even I was taken aback by that little tirade by anonymous. Inappropriate to say the least.

As I have said many times, I am not accustomed to swearing. It's not something I have to deal with in my basic life and I find no point in it. But taking the Lord's Name in vain like that is more than I can tolerate. It has really upset me.

silimom said...

Anon, your need to use swear words to voice your frustration gives me (at least) the impression that you must be, at best, an uneducated person. Most of us here on this blog are able to express ourselves with more decorum and consideration for the other commenters that post here. There are other blogs you could visit where your choice of vocabulary would be more appropriate to the tone of the blog and where you, possibly, would be allowed to maintain your anonymity, if that is what your desire. I would encourage you to seek those out. No one is twisting your arm to comment here.

I refer you to rule #1, which is, and has been for quite a while now, listed under the "Post a Comment" section.

1. Do not use Anonymous. Pick a name (click Name/URL to type in a name) and stick to the same name.

Now, some people do post as anonymous because their browsers will not allow them to do anything else for some reason, however it is my experience that most of these people include their screen name at the bottom of their comment.

Essentially, it is an accountability issue. If you are going to come here and comment, pick a screen name and stick to it. Be accountable for what you say, whether it is popular or not, whether it is pro or anti Kate or something else entirely.

silimom said...

The 6 Gkids are 9 years old and are just finishing 2nd grade. Most 9 year olds are in 3rd grade and some even in 4th grade.

My daughter is 9 and is in 4th grade. Most 9 year olds are in 4th grade. Some are 10. The only 9 year olds in 3rd grade I know about have been red-shirted.

Kate kept the kids out of school because of the filming schedule and probably because they had very poor socialization skills. That is only supposition on my part, btw. But I think it's reasonable.

I don't think there's anything wrong with being proud of your kids and wanting to share that. But she shares it with the entire world, not just her close inner circle, and I think that's wrong. At 9 and 12, the children are old enough to have a say in what their mom does or doesn't discuss about them. But she does it without any apparent consideration of their feelings. Ultimately, it is an issue that will be between her and her children, now or later in life. But it is bothersome to me.

Ex Nurse said...

PatK said... 39
I wonder what Kate would do if any of the six wasn't progressing well in school and needed to be held back a year. Would she demand they ALL be held back?
Isn't that what she did when she waited until the kids were 6 years old before starting kindergarten? As it is, they will be 19 years old when they graduate high school.

Wow, Anonymous--you are one class act. I guess it is just too hard to formulate a civil, articulate comment.

localyocul said...

Why does Kate sound taken off guard that her kids made honor roll all year? Doesn't she know what their grades are? Don't most schools have an assembly to hand out those certificates? And why is Kate proud that her kids, who have DAILY PAID tutors made honor roll? Because she paid for the tutor? Most kids better make honor roll if they are not left to their own devices to figure out they better do their homework and study if they want to do well and instead are forced to sit down and be supervised and tutored.

Mel said...

If the rules here are too hard to follow, perhaps a different blog would be better suited?

I kind of wish posts with that kind of language weren't posted. Pretty offensive. There are other blogs where that kind of talk is more accepted. This one, not so much.

FYI said...

Layla said... 2

It does"t look like Kate ran in San Diego, and it doesn't look like she and the kids are going to Litchfield next weekend. She rarely tweets about running.

Since today is National Running Day, she may mention running today. This is what she tweeted last year:

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Today is National Running Day! I challenge you 2 run your very 1st run 2day!Take those 1st steps towards health!
Then tweet me about it..GL!
6 Jun 12

Not sure whether she and/or the kids are running in Litchfield or not. Em's tweet about her not running could just be to keep people off guard, and for her "security". Note how she included 2 "winking" faces:

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 19h
@Kateplusmy8 wish you were coming again this year ;(

Looks like I'll just have to take a trip out to PA! ;)

Last year, Kate also tweeted how she wanted to make it a "tradition" to go to Litchfield each year. But then we already know how long "traditions" last when it comes to Kate.

Kate Gosselin Kateplusmy8
@DLBergeron I enjoyed ur 'neck of the (beautiful) woods' so much that we'd love 2 make it a tradition 2 visit Lichtfield each yr 4 events!:)
11 Jun 12

If she and the kids ARE going to Litchfield, I sure hope Kate has at least learned how to spell it.

Cthulhu the Cuddly said...

Beware puny mortals! Anonymous 33 is a fine example of a minion, spreading confusion and ill will. Mwahaha!

SaraMRN2010 said...

Luke's mom and Sleepless in Seattle @40, @41,

It is funny how her website never gets updated. I know a lot of people do not care for Tori Spelling because of the adultery but she updates her website daily. She has blogs that are interesting to read. She never complains about how exhausted she is and freely admits that she has a nanny. I know she only has 4 children, 1/2 of what Kate does but 2 of them are babies. Tori is a girl who seems to work her tail off.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Kate's great at lying by omission--lying by what she doesn't say. Of course, she's got lying by commission down too! Her award for that type should a bronzed good bra.

She's highly skilled at omitting key words and writing passive sentences when she's covering something up. Since passive sentences omit the subject, they're a great liar's tool.

Kate says, "Love when I am handed..." Who handed you the certificates, Kate? She does it all the time when she says things like, "My garden was weeded..." Who weeded it, Kate?

I occasionally lead writing workshops. I teach that passive sentences are poor writing, but when used deliberately, passives are a method of avoiding blame or obscuring the truth. Kate's not a good writer, but she IS a good liar.

Her other writing technique for lying is just dropping the subject completely. "Finished cleaning the chicken coop." She didn't say SHE cleaned it. How does someone get so GOOD at lying? Practice, I guess!

Virginia Pen Mom said...

NJ said..."Parent In Lancaster County - I enjoy your posts and think that someone is here only to try and shit stir because Kate's twitter is all but dead and just doesn't know that it's time to give up the ghost.


The sheep and Kate don't like it when Kate is caught in lies. Thank you, Lancaster! And that Kate must have missed the awards ceremony (great catch!) just shows that she's the same lousy mother she's always been.

TLC stinks said...

When my kids were in elementary school, they always got all kinds of certificates/awards. Don't want to knock Cara and Mady (am sure they are bright girls) but making the Honor Roll in elementary school is not a big deal since most kids do. And agree that most likely there was an awards program at the school for parents to attend and Kate did not (I think she doesn't want to mingle with the serfs).

One thing I will give to Kate is that she is a master when it comes to wording her lies. That's the only talent she possesses.

And, yes, of course the kids interact with their friends and teachers at school, but that doesn't mean there's no coercion on Kate's part. She had the school bend the rules to allow those kids plenty of time off to film. I wonder what legal papers the school had to sign to assure that the kids could film and their privacy assured while on campus. ITA Kate would never homeschool because as much as she crows she loves being around her kids, she does not; but she does the next best thing to isolate them by living far away from their classmates. ~ Administrator said...

I occasionally lead writing workshops. I teach that passive sentences are poor writing, but when used deliberately, passives are a method of avoiding blame or obscuring the truth. Kate's not a good writer, but she IS a good liar.

Her other writing technique for lying is just dropping the subject completely. "Finished cleaning the chicken coop." She didn't say SHE cleaned it. How does someone get so GOOD at lying? Practice, I guess!


Yes I've noticed that too! And it's not like she uses the passive tense all the time. Only when she's lying.

She IS a good liar, I'll hand it to her. She has street skills. I have a feeling she's been practicing lying since she was a child.

readerlady said...

silimom 47 and Mel 51 -- AMEN!! Thank you. Finding that kind of crudity on this blog makes me want to stop coming here. If I wanted to read that kind of garbage (which I don't), I'm sure I can find it on the other blogs.

silimom 48 -- I turned 9 in the 3rd grade and I wasn't "redshirted", just born a couple of weeks past the cut-off date for school enrollment. I have a cousin who is 2 months to the day older than I, who was a year ahead of me all through school. It had its advantages and its disadvantages. The major disadvantage was being bored silly in elementary school because I'd already taught myself to read before I started school, and that was a big no-no back in those days. Oh the horror, LOL! "How do we know she learned to read the "right way"? (teacher) She reads and understands beyond her grade level and age level, so what's the problem? (my parents)

I agree with everyone who thinks KK is done with running. She was about 90 minutes from a major, and well-publicized, marathon a few weeks ago (The Cincinnati Flying Pig marathon, run the day after the Kentucky Derby) and didn't even mention it. An "avid" runner would at least mention something like that, I would think.

Tucker's Mom said...

She IS a good liar, I'll hand it to her. She has street skills. I have a feeling she's been practicing lying since she was a child.
I was just thinking the same. She has admitted to bamboozling Kevin into doing her work for her.
She's a master manipulator.
What really pisses me off is that intelligent, professional journalists sit 2 feet away from her, close enough to smell to steaming piles of crap she spews forth, and say NOTHING!
C'mon Matt Lauer, Merideth Vierra, Anne Curry and Natalie Morales! All at the top of their game and comments like the mediocre debacle go unquestioned.
Except AC, who immediately recoiled and reacted to Kate's unabashed attack on Jon. Love him. He's not a hack.

TLC stinks said...

Compulsive lying is a symptom of narcissism. We have discussed this disorder and if you read about it, Kate exhibits every single symptom. There is also much written on the effects of living with a narcissist, and it is so bad for the victims they may be diagnosed with narcisstistic victim syndrome. I think we sometimes throw out "narcissist" as an adjective for Kate, but she really needs to be evaluated. I can't imagine how it could be accomplished since no family would be allowed to intervene and Jon appears to have no clout financially or legally to force her into therapy.

LB said...

I think Cara & Mady were given the honor roll certificates. I do not know any school who carry a honor roll list in elementary school. My school didn't have one. But I noticed Kate said 'honor roll'. Either it's a word play on how SUPER WELL the children did all year long, I'd just leave it there and don't give her any more attention about it. She threw that out for attention. Milo lapped it up, turned it around and made it all about Kate. No credit given to the children. wow.

chefsummer #Leh said...

The actress that's playing Anna Nicole Smith in the upcoming lifetime movie looks like @Kateplusmy8 I think Kate is gorgeous now!


Agnes Bruckner the actress playing Anna looks nothing like KK.

What are her sheep smoking if she resembles any one to me it's a little bit of Kendra & Amanda Seyfried.

KK not so much.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

I would not worry too much about those journalists, Miss Kate is not getting near the interview table, or chair, any time soon. Looks like Rod Dixon is not having the famous runner up to CT this weekend. Her race hobby is dead in the water. And the cookbook has apparently tanked. What's next for the long hot summer ahead?

chefsummer #Leh said...

TLC stinks said... 61

Maybe this is why she did want to go to MC with Jon she was afraid.

Dr. Sylvia Lafair was going to her diagnosed as an evil lying liar lols.

PatK said...

Ex Nurse said... 49
PatK said... 39
I wonder what Kate would do if any of the six wasn't progressing well in school and needed to be held back a year. Would she demand they ALL be held back?
Isn't that what she did when she waited until the kids were 6 years old before starting kindergarten? As it is, they will be 19 years old when they graduate high school.


Yes, that is my point. Would she do it a second time if faced with one or more of them failing a year? It would certainly put her in a dilemma. However, I would have to think the school (perhaps by law?) wouldn't now be able to accommodate her on that one.

It seems she came close to that situation with the two who were expelled for bad behavior. If they hadn't turned around and successfully completed that year, it could have been a very sticky situation for her goal of trying to keep them as a perfectly even pack.

So far, she's been very lucky.

the mad hobbit said...

One of the main reasons I enjoy this blog is the fact that the salty language is kept to a minimum. I really don't want to sit down to eat lunch and enjoy the chat to wind up feeling like I'm in a bar.
This blog maintains the atmosphere of a group of friends having coffee and talking. It keeps the fun and wit alive. ~ Administrator said...

This is an old post from Sheri, not sure if she's around today but I think it helps to explain why Kate preys upon both her children and now seeks out YOUNG fans, teens and young adults:

Sheri has left a new comment on your post "TLC hires convicted criminal for reality show":

Auntie Ann (58) said...

"I understand the self worship of narcissism just not the part about why they need to have little kids to feed upon. It's an ugly, cruel disorder."

You kind of answered your own question there. Narcissist women have children to feed upon because healthy adults will not have anything to do with them.

They need to be adored, worshiped, looked up to, seen as infallible and thought of as omnipotent.

What normal, healthy person is going look upon a fellow person like that?

But kids, while they're little anyway, do look upon their parents with those eyes. Without children to feed their ego, narcissist women run out of fuel real quick.

I know I'm generalizing here and the issue of NPD is way more complicated than that. I'm no psychologist, though I did spend 2 years seeing one weekly to undo the damage from my own NPD mother.

You said it right though Auntie, it is a very ugly and cruel disorder that destroys families and even takes lives. I would bet my last dollar that a large percentage of suicide victims have a narcissist in their immediate family.

Mel said...

While I don't want to read salty language...I'm sorry, Admin, that you have to. It must get old sometimes.

Tucker's Mom said...

They need to be adored, worshiped, looked up to, seen as infallible and thought of as omnipotent.
That hits the Kate nail on the head. I shook my head at Kate's choice of a bedtime game, Green Glass Door. It's a power trip to be the person who knows the game's secret. I just picture her watching the kids squirm trying to figure it out.
Those kids have been conditioned to worship her. It's bizarre for children to thank Mommy for every single meal.
When I saw Kate telling the kids to thank her for making pancakes during the RV trip, I wanted to smack her. I can not begin to imagine my mother prompting me to thank her for meals. I don't recall doing it, let alone on a regular basis, and I don't think I was an ungrateful kid.

Formerly Duped said...

Middle schools often have Honor Roll, and yes, most kids are on it. There is also High Honor Roll here.I won't brag about if my kids got on it, lol.

Nina said...

silimom said... 47
Anon, your need to use swear words to voice your frustration gives me (at least) the impression that you must be, at best, an uneducated person.


Research does not show that swearing is associated with low educational attainment. That is a correlation assumed by many that is not evidence-based.

I am not defending the post, but the administrator chose to publish it, inviting the controversy.

Nina said...

readerlady said... 59

silimom 48 -- I turned 9 in the 3rd grade and I wasn't "redshirted", just born a couple of weeks past the cut-off date for school enrollment.


Yes, the implication that the Gosselin kids are two years behind, rather than one, is incorrect. They were born in May, as was I. Age 5 is the typical age at which one enrolls in kindergarten. For a child born in May (or March, April, etc.), that means turning 9 at the end of 3rd grade.

Sheri said... (Administrator) said...(68)

"This is an old post from Sheri, not sure if she's around today but I think it helps to explain why Kate preys upon both her children and now seeks out YOUNG fans, teens and young adults:"

Hey Admin, yes, I'm here. I don't post as often these days because I don't have the time. It generally takes me a while to articulate what I want to say.

I'm glad that you found my comment relevant enough to repost...actually, I'm not glad really. It's kind of sad that Kate is still demonstrating these disturbing behaviours publicly.

Yes, it is interesting, bothersome as well, how she only invited the younger fans to get together. In any case, I doubt very much she'll follow through anyway.

Mel said...

Here's an interesting blog article about narcissistic victim syndrome. She has some good links in it, also.

Tucker's Mom said...

Hi Sherri! I have found so much information on NPD on blogs like this. The victims have stories to tell! It's been illuminating and has helped me in my life, to put certain people into perspective.

Dmasy said...

Hi to Sheri!

Melissa NV said...

Isn't that what she did when she waited until the kids were 6 years old before starting kindergarten? As it is, they will be 19 years old when they graduate high school.


They will be 19 for a week or so when they graduate. Many kids who have not started school late are 18 when they graduate. If graduation were held the first week in May, they'd be 18 when they graduate. Does that one week of being 19 really matter, and who is going to know or even care?

Tucker's Mom said...

Very interesting links to NPD articles. You know what just occurred to me? I bet one of the reasons that Jon shut down his Twitter account was to get out of the competition from Kate. You KNOW Kate wanted to beat Jon's # of followers. She's absolutely fixated on the number of "followers" she has, and by Jon shutting his down, he took away her pleasure in getting more people to follow her than him.
Good game plan for a NPD victim.
Ditto for the rationale to shut down all media and interviews. Kate just can't get any satisfaction from provoking retorts from Jon. Whatever she says about him (still, ugh) just evaporates.
That's got to drive a NPD crazy!

Tucker's Mom said...

From the linked article:
"When you are in a relationship with a narcissist, you may feel very lonely"

My goodness, this is so true. I date a NPD guy for several years and it was the most unhappy and lonely time of my life. He, like Kate, felt very much at ease loving me from afar.
I can't even begin to describe the insidious abuse...
But yeah,* I* was the crazy one.

Melissa NV said...

Don't want to knock Cara and Mady (am sure they are bright girls) but making the Honor Roll in elementary school is not a big deal since most kids do.


Mady and Cara aren't in elementary school. They are in middle school and most middle schoolers do get report cards, grades, and have honor rolls. I think it also depends on the school. It wouldn't be usual for most kids to get on the honor roll at a private college prep school where academics are often more demanding and rigorous than some other schools. They'd really have to excel and work for it. I hope they did, and I hope they get credit for it and not Kate.

TLC stinks said...

From Molly Castelloe, Ph.D. "Psychology Today" magazine:

..."trophy children" ... enhance his or her esteem and inflate their social standing in the world.

Narcissists playing the "grandiose" role promote themselves as powerful figures, demanding gratitude and adulation from their child. Just so long as the child is not too successful, incurring jealousy and recrimination. No narcissist wants to be upstaged or outgrown so they suppress signs of independence, any behavior beyond their command. Invasions of privacy, boundary violations, and direct attacks on others are the norm. Young-Bruehl tells the story of a patient called "Alice," physically beaten by her father when she tried to leave home. Alice says of her childhood, "I was always on the edge of terror... I mean error. Well, no, I guess I do mean terror."

"Childism" is the word the writer gives to the distorted belief that a child exists to serve his or her parent's needs. Such children are, at an early age, put at the service of their parent's ego.

The child is called upon to give the "parental" love and attention that their parent(s) did not receive in their own upbringing.

Catherine said...

When Mady & Cara were in first grade Jon said specifically that they were #1 & #2 in their class. That was very specific & also a lie. He would have no way of knowing where his kids were ranked, because they are not ranked. The lies & distortions in that show were just sickening. And I'm not a Jon basher at all. I just clearly remember him saying that because my bullshit meter went off immediately.

Mel said...

The post was intended to insult. It wasn't intended to voice frustration.

TLC stinks said...

From a blog by Sandra Rose about Female Narcissists:

You probably think she’s an attractive, successful woman who has her life together — except that she doesn’t have a man or she seems to have problems keeping men. Other than that, she seems perfect to you.

The female narcissist seeks female friends to subjugate them or to steal elements of their personalities, since she doesn’t have a personality of her own. You might think that her imitating your personality or style is a form of flattery, but it is not. Have you seen the movie Single White Female?

"The narcissist’s closest female friends are almost always lessors; not as attractive as she is or not as successful or as materialistic. Her female friends serve only to boost her ego and to make her feel superior...."

Some narcissistic females can be heterosexual one minute or lesbian the next. She flip flops with ease. Whatever role she has to play to snag her target, she will play it to perfection.

The female narcissist usually has no interest in sex. She uses sex the way a hunter uses bait; to trap a man. The female narcissist sees a man’s need for sex as a weakness — and she despises him for his weakness. Once she subjugates a man (gets him under her complete control), their sex life decreases or ceases entirely — if they have a sex life at all.

A narcissistic female has been a narcissist all her life. Narcissists are not born that way, they are created. By the time you meet her in adulthood, she has sharpened all the tools in her arsenal. Her ultimate goal is to woo you, then leave your life in ruins before she moves on to her next victim.

"The female narcissist is an empty vessel inside. She needs her victims to fill that empty void. But because she has the mind of a child, she attacks you relentlessly — like a child abuses her toys — whenever you step out of line."

Sheri said...

Hiya Dmasy! :D

Parent In Lancaster County said...

"Kate kept the kids out of school because of the filming schedule and probably because they had very poor socialization skills. That is only supposition on my part, btw. But I think it's reasonable."


The kids were put into Junior Kindergarten because not all of them were ready for Kindergarten. Rather than separating them, they all entered Junior Kindergarten at the same time. I can understand this. Redshirting all of them didn't seem to have any ill effects and I think this was actually good for them. To have some of them in Kindergarten, but some in Junior Kindergarten wouldn't have done anything to help their self-esteem. The kids left behind one grade would have always wondered "why" and if they weren't smart enough to be in the same grade with their siblings.

Susie Cincinnati said...

@Kateplusmy8 All ur kids being Honor Roll/High Achievers says they have a loving/happy/supportive hm environment...conducive 2learning! :)


Kate's manipulation of words has Milo believing "ALL UR KIDS" when Kate didn't tweet that. She said "my kids." So, according to Milo, being a "high achiever" is because of Kate and the home environment. It has nothing to do with the teachers or the school. She's nuts.

Susie Cincinnati said...

(30)..."We get it. Your kid did/does attened the same school the Gosselin kids are at and you want us to make sure we know not only what a mega insider you are but also how your kids is smarter than the Gosselin sextuplets."


Sometimes you not only want to bang your head on the wall when trying to figure out how someone comes up with something like this. You also want to put your fist through the front door! Where does this come from? ~ Administrator said...

But many kids achieve excellent grades without a good home environment, Milo. How do you explain that? Maybe they had a great teacher, or mentor, or are just naturally bright?

Lynne In RI said...

I appreciate the input of the locals on here who do not claim to be "mega insiders" and do not reveal anything about how the kids are doing academically or socially at the school (or anything about their schedules, activities, etc) but can call Kate out on things that she herself puts out there if they know that something she says or does simply isn't the way things are.

Mel said -- "The post was intended to insult. It wasn't intended to voice frustration."


Exactly. When one has to resort to calling someone the "C" word, it's not out of frustration. It's personal. It's also disrespectful and shows a lack of class. I often wonder if these people talk to others like this in "real life" or only if they can hide behind a computer to do it.

TLC stinks said...

Thanks, Melissa. I have no idea how the grades run at their school and I don't recall what grade they are in. I know with my kids, 6th-8th was middle school. I am sure Mady and Cara make excellent grades. Kate should be proud, she just made it sound with her tweet that ALL the kids made the Honor Roll and in a backdoor way, gave herself a pat on the back.

As far as holding the tups back, I thought it was a good idea since they appeared developmentally slower because of being preemies. Kate infantizing them has not helped with their maturity. She doesn't do that with Mady and Cara because they aren't "special" like the 6-pack.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... (Administrator) said... 90

But many kids achieve excellent grades without a good home environment, Milo. How do you explain that? Maybe they had a great teacher, or mentor, or are just naturally bright?


But, but, but, everything marvelous that happens in the Gosselin world is due to the miracle/God's gift to the world, that is Katie Irene.

And apparently, ONLY Milo understands that.

Sheri said...

Hi Tucker's Mom! It's nice to see some familiar faces (screen names). ;)

Tucker's Mom said...

@kateplusmy8 You show up and poof your gone! What's up with that KATE?
Kate just did a Twitter drive by to say that her kids are out of school for summer and apparently, one of her sheeple is a bit ticked! Barb, gurlfriend, let's talk. Kate goes to her Twitter for her narcissistic supply. It's not about hanging around for you.
She'll be back when she needs all of you to fawn over her wonderfulness.
Milo is *begging* Kate for more recent kid photos. Milo, leave the kids alone! Tell you what, why don't you post your photos and your kids photos first?
Let the kids have their privacy and stop begging for their photos and every activity. They're not your pen pals.

Millicent said...

Looks like I missed out on the salty language. I worked for about a year in a small construction office while going to college - believe me, that made me immune to words of the four-letter variety! Still, there is a time and a place for coarse language, and if a person bothers to skim posts here, they should realize this is not one of them.

I agree that Kate is a compulsive liar, even when there is no need to lie. It's somehow embedded in her genetic structure. I had a roommate like that once - at first, I believed her. But as time went by, I realized she could hardly ever tell the truth, even about the most insignificant things. If she missed a class, it was always because some strange event occurred. Never would she admit that she just slept late!

She didn't have a car. Many of us didn't either. But for her, it wasn't that she couldn't afford one - oh no. It was because her dad had bought her this wonderful car and then she was in a dear-death accident in the car, in which it was totalled. (Total lie, as I later found out.)

I see such parallels between my ex roommate and Kate. It's like it hurts to tell the truth. She cannot not lie. The way you can tell if Kate is lying, is look to see if her mouth is open and words are coming out.

Tucker's Mom said...

As far as holding the tups back, I thought it was a good idea since they appeared developmentally slower because of being preemies.
I agree that holding them all back was good for them, and Kate's wallet, of course.
Kate never pushed to bridge the gap in the kids' developmental skills, given their premature birth. She seems to have been pushed to get them to cut with scissors for motor development and just brushed off teaching them how to tie their own shoes like it wasn't important AT ALL.
I remember shoe tying is being a rite of passage as a kid. You were definitely growing up when you mastered tying. Big accomplishment.

Formerly Duped said...

TLC, I agree the tups were behind in scissor, printing and social skills from what we saw on the program. I have no opinion on whether holding them back was good or bad. Time will tell.Pros and cons both ways. But Kate did contribute to this by being lazy and not teaching them, getting OT help and her dislike of messes.Of course the show was the main reason she needed them home and forever young.

FYI said...

Speaking of privacy, EmCr tweeted the following to Kate:

@Kateplusmy8 I put you in the yearbook with me MammaG!!

The link goes to her picture in her HS yearbook which shows some pictures and a brief paragraph with their thoughts about the school year. Em has a picture of her and Kate in Litchfield, but the way she has the page folded you can't read all that SHE wrote. However, you CAN read what the person above her wrote.

I wonder how that girl would feel about Em tweeting her thoughts for all the world to see. Just like Kate, Em doesn't think before she tweets.

Susie Cincinnati said...

Twit (99)... "Em has a picture of her and Kate in Litchfield, but the way she has the page folded you can't read all that SHE wrote. However, you CAN read what the person above her wrote."


I saw that. The person above even gives the name of the high school. Emily should have covered up that part, but I don't think that kids think about things like that.

Notice on that photo of Emily and Kate, Emily's hair is medium brown. On her prom photos, it's now a light bleached blonde. It looks nice, but is she going the Kate route?

Susie Cincinnati said...

Duped (98)..."Of course the show was the main reason she needed them home and forever young."


But regardless if they were in Junior Kindergarten or Kindergarten, they wouldn't be home to film. They'd still have to be taken out of school to travel and film. This could have been done if they were in Junior K or K.

Susie Cincinnati said...

Tucker (95)..."She'll be back when she needs all of you to fawn over her wonderfulness.
Milo is *begging* Kate for more recent kid photos. Milo, leave the kids alone! Tell you what, why don't you post your photos and your kids photos first?"


Oh, heck, Milo. You and Kate are such good friends. Take a road trip to PA and photograph them yourself. Or, since you communicate in other ways, I'm sure Kate could send you photos of the kids on her iPhone.

FYI said...

Notice on that photo of Emily and Kate, Emily's hair is medium brown. On her prom photos, it's now a light bleached blonde. It looks nice, but is she going the Kate route?

It seems like it. She tweeted the following after she got criticism from one of the non-fans:

By far just got my favorite kate-hate tweet ever! The haters are so sick, but we might as well get a good laugh in! Right?! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†

RT @ReneeAudric: @EmCr68 U should think abt college, not how 2 b a mini-K8. U bleached ur hair blonde hair & got fake nails 2 look like K8. Not mature. Sick

And then she adds:

Where is our @BullyVille buddy at??

Bullyville "buddy"? Do Kate fans really expect Bullyville to sweep in an take care of every non-fan who tweets them? Even Kate hasn't mentioned Bullyville in almost 2 months.

Emily seemed to be a sweet girl infatuated with Kate--but now it seems she's becoming Kate.

Sherry Baby said...

Sheri said... 94

Hi Tucker's Mom! It's nice to see some familiar faces (screen names). ;)

Hi Sheri -- from the "Y" Sherry!!

Catherine said: "When Mady & Cara were in first grade Jon said specifically that they were #1 & #2 in their class. That was very specific & also a lie. He would have no way of knowing where his kids were ranked, because they are not ranked."

True. But it's also possible that Kate told him that and he just went along with what she said. Heaven knows she does tend to embellish.

Improbable Dreams said...

Kate Gosselin Tweets About Being Brave – Financial Troubles Or Simply Seeking Attention?

FYI said...

Seems like Milo doesn't know everything about Kate and the kids. Earlier today she tweeted:

@Kateplusmy8 Few more days & this will be ur kids 2nd home >>> Oh how those lil tadpoles have grown! :)

The link goes to the swimming pictures on Kate's website. How come Milo didn't know(as per Kate's tweet today) that today was the last day of school? I guess she and Kate are not "communicatin'" in any way.

Milo's keeps on linking to Kate's website--but she is linking to specific posts. She's failing in her job to promote the cookbook. She's also failing in getting Kate to respond or retweet her.

TLC stinks said...

I dunno. I seem to remember on the show she had them sitting at the kitchen table practicing using scissors, but then again, it was probably just for filming. I think she was too self-absorbed at that time with the show and the book tours (Steve) to spend time with the tups. Annnnnd, it worked to her advantage to keep them younger, tiny, dressed alike, and not correcting them on how to speak properly. I hope they are progressing well now and behaving appropriately for their age. One can hope.

TLC stinks said...

Ha, ha. I wonder if Kate will like having her picture in Em's yearbook (being compared to a cute high school girl). Let's see if she responds or ignores.

Karen said...

My girls attend a public elementary school and they have honor roll starting in 4th grade. They have the A Average honor roll and the A-B Average honor roll. As to ages and oldest is very young for her grade. She's 10 and just finished 5th grade. She won't turn 11 until December of her 6th grade year. She did a program at the age of 4 that allowed her to essentially skip Kindergarten.
My younger daughter is only 12 days younger than the Gosselin kids...and she just finished 3rd grade. If I were Kate, I'd be worried if my kids weren't doing well in school given that they are by far the oldest kids in their grade!

Sherry Baby said...

From TMZ...

Paris Jackson was rushed to the hospital early Wednesday morning, and sources tell us it was a suicide attempt.

Paris was taken out of her Calabasas family house on a stretcher at around 2 AM and taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital.

The 911 call came in at 1:27 AM. We're told the caller reported a possible overdose, although a source connected to the emergency response said there were multiple cuts on one of her wrists.

On Tuesday night ... Paris posted some cryptic tweets, including, "I wonder why tears are salty?" ... and "yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away now it looks as though they're here to stay."

We're told she's doing ok.


1:33 AM PT -- Katherine Jackson's attorney tells TMZ ... "Paris is physically fine and is getting appropriate medical attention."

The lawyer, Perry Sanders, adds, "Being a sensitive 15 year old is difficult no matter who you are. It is especially difficult when you lose the person closest to you."

10:28 AM PST: TMZ has found several photos of Paris in which it appears Paris' arm has possible cutting scars. We don't know when the other was taken.

Tucker's Mom said...

But regardless if they were in Junior Kindergarten or Kindergarten, they wouldn't be home to film.
I seem to recall that Jr. Kindergarten was part time and allowed them days of filming still.

FYI said...

Looks like Milo is trying to remind Kate that today is National Running Day, because it seem like "runner" Kate has completely forgotten:

@Kateplusmy8 ‏@CGIprguy @BrooksRunning on #NationalRunningDay: That's ur shoe Kate? Running day ..hope U get one in!

I guess Milo reads here--because I was the one who mentioned National Running Day earlier. Would she have known about it on her own?

Sherry Baby said...

In the past hour, Milo has tweeted links to Kate's page three times. Kate is still ignoring her. Now she's trying something different to get her attention:

@Kateplusmy8 ‏@CGIprguy @BrooksRunning on #NationalRunningDay: That's ur shoe Kate? Running day ..hope U get one in!

When you are ignored as Milo has been, is there ever a point where you realize that the other person just wants nothing to do with you, and you walk away?

silimom said...

Ahh, so Emily is the new Ashley. Got it.

She'll fall in love with the kids and she'll put up with Kate because she'll want to be there for the kids.

I'd suggest Ashley talk to her, but honestly this Emily will need to figure things out for herself, I think, where Kate is concerned.

Tucker's Mom said...

Where is our @BullyVille buddy at??
See, this is what Em is learning from Kate. BV is a BULLY, and is vile. Kate has set a very poor example for her young minions.
Em, learn about conflict resolution and ignore the haters. Twitter is a waste time and brain cells.

Sherry Baby said...

My younger daughter is only 12 days younger than the Gosselin kids...and she just finished 3rd grade. If I were Kate, I'd be worried if my kids weren't doing well in school given that they are by far the oldest kids in their grade!

The kids aren't doing well in school?

I may be dense, but I don't understand what age has to do with how far ahead the kids are...or how far behind. If they started Kindergarten at age 6 and their peers were age 5, and they all learned the same curriculum, all advanced to first and second grade at the same time and all learned the same academics there, then why should the tups be ahead of the rest of the other students just because of their chronological age? Even if they were 10 now, they still would have been taught the same material as their peers who are younger.

Tucker's Mom said...

I wish Paris Jackson the best. The Jacksons are one f*cked up family. Now she IS getting bullied and I don't see BV rushing to help her. What's up with that?
Kate is a grown woman who acts like she's a teen in school. Paris has the eyes of the world on her and is under a lot of stress what with the greedy Grandma dragging her into a lawsuit against the concert company.
I hope the family isn't giving her crap about wanting a relationship with her birth mother.

Sherry Baby said...

Why is Kate boob-less in that photo? She's as flat as the proverbial pancake? Did she leave the good bra at home?

silimom said...

Parent In Lancaster County said... 87

PILC - I'm a former K/1 teacher and I don't have an issue with a child being held back a year if it's appropriate for that child. I disagree with you about making all the kids enroll in Junior Kindergarten, however, especially if some were ready to move forward. In my experience, if a child is ready for Kindergarten they should be enrolled in Kindergarten.

A child's brain can't be held back. There is so much brain development that happens in the 5-6 year range and kids need to be challenged at the level they are at.

This is a really good article if you're interested in the topic of redshirting:

Ultimately, though, the Gosselin children weren't held back just one year but two, which I think will be detrimental to them in the long run.

Tucker's Mom said...

I watched a film on Ethel Kennedy, done by her daughter, Rory. Ethel had 11, count 'em, 11 kids and was pregnant for 99 months of her life. She and Bobby instilled such values into her kids, telling them to always serve and give back.
The family was so full of joy, despite the tragic death of their dad and uncle, RFK.
At the end of the film, Rory credits her mother for instilling in them, the best of their father and for the life of Ethel, she just could not take the credit for it. She credited their dad, Robert.
What a humble woman.
I don't know why, but it made me feel so sorry for Kate's kids. It has to be quite burdensome to have a mother with NPD.

Sherry Baby said...

@Kateplusmy8 Enjoy! Can you say pool party :) I will be waiting for my invite :) #FingersCrossed Enjoy your summer and your beautiful kidsK8

See what happens when you send out invitations to your favorite tweeties? Brenda, the Charity Lady, wants to come, too. This is the second or third time she's tweeted a hint for an invitation. She says she misses Kate so much. I guess that's what you can expect when you become 'besties' after just one or two meetings.

Formerly Duped said...

Susie Cincinnati said... 101

They filmed during Jr K in the afternoons or when they only went 3 days a week. They went to two Jr K programs, one at E-town in their town, one at their current school.The farm visit was one such episode the twins were at school for but the 'littles' were free.

Formerly Duped said...

Oh , I hope Paris is ok. I thought she seemed really grounded for such a dysfuntional family. I was pleased she was getting tr o know her bio mom too...:( Beautiful, talented, sensible girl or so it seemed.

silimom said...

Catherine said... 83
When Mady & Cara were in first grade Jon said specifically that they were #1 & #2 in their class. That was very specific & also a lie.

Okay, just playing devil's advocate here for a moment.

No the school doesn't give their 1 graders letter grades. However, you don't know what the teacher told Jon and Kate during parent teacher conferences. That may have been something the teacher told them.

I'm not saying it is what the teacher said, mind, just that it could have happened that way.

Personally, I hate competitive parents like this. I have no problem with being proud of your child. I have five and I am proud of each and every one because they do the best that they can. We have had straight A students in our family and B/C and even D students. I don't love or feel any less proud of my children who struggled more in school.

Schools often have a once size fits all approach to education and not every child learns that way. We've had to work hard to help our kids understand that the journey and what you learn on it are what matters, not the grade. High grades are nice and certainly something to strive for but they are, in the end, one person's subjective opinion about the effort and knowledge you demonstrated in their class, nothing more.

There's a verse in the Indigo Girls song "Closer to Fine" that I love:

I went to see the doctor of philosophy
With a poster of Rasputin and a beard down to his knee
He never did marry or see a B-grade movie
He graded my performance, he said he could see through me
I spent four years prostrate to the higher mind, got my paper
And I was free.

School is, in many ways, simply a game. Some people play the game better than others.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kate is a twit said... 99
Speaking of privacy, EmCr tweeted the following to Kate:

@Kateplusmy8 I put you in the yearbook with me MammaG!!

The link goes to her picture in her HS yearbook which shows some pictures and a brief paragraph with their thoughts about the school year. Em has a picture of her and Kate in Litchfield, but the way she has the page folded you can't read all that SHE wrote. However, you CAN read what the person above her wrote.

I wonder how that girl would feel about Em tweeting her thoughts for all the world to see. Just like Kate, Em doesn't think before she tweets.


Wow. I hope she asked for permission first.

Will Kate sue Em's school for using her likeness in the yearbook?

Or will Kate demand a cut from the total amount of yearbook sales?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Poor Paris Jackson. Her father's death has really affected her.

Proof that all the money & fame in the world cannot bring you happiness.

I wish Paris peace, and may she know happiness again.

Midnight Madness said...

10:28 AM PST: TMZ has found several photos of Paris in which it appears Paris' arm has possible cutting scars. We don't know when the other was taken.


Wow. It looks like those are marks of a cutter. I thought Paris was fairly well grounded and had her act together. I guess you just never know. I hope she gets the help she needs.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Is Brenda vying for Milo's title as Most Obnoxious?

Brenda Schuettler ‏@sweetbren66 32m
@Kateplusmy8 Enjoy! Can you say pool party :) I will be waiting for my invite :) #FingersCrossed Enjoy your summer and your beautiful kidsK8

FYI said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 128
Is Brenda vying for Milo's title as Most Obnoxious?

Brenda Schuettler ‏@sweetbren66 32m
@Kateplusmy8 Enjoy! Can you say pool party :) I will be waiting for my invite :) #FingersCrossed Enjoy your summer and your beautiful kidsK8

I think Brenda feels she has the inside track to Kate because she has actually met Kate 2, count em', 2 times-one more time than any of her other "tweeties". She seems to not only feel that Kate is her "buddy", but feels some sense of entitlement because she has met Kate.

Milo must be seething with jealousy! Meanwhile, Kate is ignoring both of them.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Tucker's Mom said... 120

I watched a film on Ethel Kennedy, done by her daughter, Rory. Ethel had 11, count 'em, 11 kids and was pregnant for 99 months of her life. She and Bobby instilled such values into her kids, telling them to always serve and give back.
The family was so full of joy, despite the tragic death of their dad and uncle, RFK.
At the end of the film, Rory credits her mother for instilling in them, the best of their father and for the life of Ethel, she just could not take the credit for it. She credited their dad, Robert.
What a humble woman.
I don't know why, but it made me feel so sorry for Kate's kids. It has to be quite burdensome to have a mother with NPD.


That was a fantastic documentary.
I really like Ethel alot. She's has been through so much heartache, and yet she remains centered, has a wicked sense of humor, is so approachable, and a pillar of strength.

God bless her.

Gosh, Rory's documentaries always ROCKS.
I think have have seen all of them, and I have yet to be disappointed.

Over In Kate's County said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 128..."Is Brenda vying for Milo's title as Most Obnoxious?"


I remember when she first started tweeting Kate, and then the whole charity thing and the fun, fun, fun event. Tweeters and some here were saying that Kate needs to watch out because she's a celebrity worshiper and that she lives too close to Kate for comfort. I recall that she e-mails late night talk show hosts with jokes, and has a penchant for tweeting ABC, GMA, Bethenny and so many others, tweeting them like they know her and are old friends. I really do think she expects to be invited to Kate's, particularly after Kate extended the invitation to Em and Austin.

I kind of think she's a poor soul and lonely...but hey, many times those are the ones who turn out to be the most annoying and obnoxious.

AuntieAnn said...

Sherry Baby said... 118

Why is Kate boob-less in that photo? She's as flat as the proverbial pancake? Did she leave the good bra at home?


That dress was probably two sizes too small but Kate squeezed into it anyway even if it did squish her boobies flat. Whatever that material is, it looks like it's bulletproof. And while we're at it, those kewpie doll eyelashes and whiter than white veneers make her look like a mannequin from a '70s store window. Gawd she's gauche.

Tucker's Mom said...

That dress was probably two sizes too small but Kate squeezed into it anyway even if it did squish her boobies flat. Whatever that material is, it looks like it's bulletproof. And while we're at it, those kewpie doll eyelashes and whiter than white veneers make her look like a mannequin from a '70s store window. Gawd she's gauche.
Yes, the dress was ill-fitting and the material, odd. Very unflattering.
I think Kate stole those eyelashes from a tranny.

Over In Kate's County said...

@Kateplusmy8 YES we want post school pics! That would be so cool. I hope u can post some.

Why would you want to see school pictures of someone else's children? You have swimming pictures. Isn't that enough? In case you can't find the links to those photos, Milo has them in nearly every tweet of hers.

You (the sheep) don't get it. Let these kids enjoy their childhoods free of your prying eyes. They were not put on this earth for your amusement. They are not props on display. Just because you support Kate (whatever that means) she owes you nothing, and neither do her children. What don't you understand about that? Is it stupidity, or are you just too darn nosy for your own good?

TLC stinks said...

Hey, all I can say is that Emily looks A LOT BETTER than Kate. I don't think it's a big deal she highlighted her hair and got her nails done. My daughter did the same. Doesn't mean she's trying to be a mini-Kate. I am just concerned that she is celebrity star struck and Kate is a terrible role model. Hope her parents step in. Hate to see her used and tossed aside like Ashley and the rest.

Tucker's Mom said...

Over In Kate's County said... 134
Amen. I wish Jon could get a judge to order Kate not put her children out there on social media. In bathing suits, in pj's etc.

Over In Kate's County said...

I watched a film on Ethel Kennedy, done by her daughter, Rory. Ethel had 11, count 'em, 11 kids and was pregnant for 99 months of her life. She and Bobby instilled such values into her kids, telling them to always serve and give back.


I'd like to see sounds interesting. Didn't one of their sons -- was it David? -- die from a drug overdose?

Was there anything in the film about Ethel's family, and her nephew being convicted of killing Martha Moxley?

Formerly Duped said...

Paris J apparently tried a drug overdose, no meat cleaver as reported. Is a cutter and has tried suicide before. I feel so sorry for her and anyone who loves her. Her brothers? Debbie Rowe?

LB said...

Milo seems to be at it again; butting in to answer other people's questions that were sent to Kate and only Kate. I did saw that she's already asking for new pictures. I already mentioned Milo had something about her urge to see MORE pictures. Someone ask HER to post pictures of her own freaking kids. She doesn't know if all 8 would want to pose for more picture for someone's personal needs AND public entertainment. Milo, you haven't met them, leave them alone!

Over In Kate's County said...

They filmed during Jr K in the afternoons or when they only went 3 days a week. They went to two Jr K programs, one at E-town in their town, one at their current school.The farm visit was one such episode the twins were at school for but the 'littles' were free.


They didn't go to two Junior K programs. They went to pre-school, which is one "grade" lower than Junior K. It was a program at their church. When they completed that, they went into Junior K at LCDS. They never went to pre-school at their current school.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Improbable Dreams said... 105
Kate Gosselin Tweets About Being Brave – Financial Troubles Or Simply Seeking Attention?

Financial Troubles???

Unless KK all of a sudden stop being a millionairess I smell a woe-is-me/grifting/feel sorry 4 me thing to began.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tucker's Mom said... 133

I was thinking more like a Muppet or the real miss piggy.

I know that's mean but it's kind of funny.

FYI said...

Milo has been praising Kate about Kate's kids making the honor roll(whether all of them did or not)and of course, she gives Kate all the credit.

One thing I don't understand is why Milo continues to do this when Kate did not even acknowledge Milo's son's HS graduation. Not one word about it-NOTHING! No congratulations-no good job, well done-NOTHING.

Milo goes on and on about praising Kate and her kids, but you would think she would be a little bit hurt that Kate didn't say squat about her son and his achievement.

I just don't get it. Why keep on supporting someone, who obviously doesn't care enough to acknowledge an important event in your child's life?

Milo is definitely an enigma.

TLC stinks said...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy84h
Happy summer! Let the fun begin.......... I'm SO happy to have my kids home for 2.5 months!

Uhhh, don't they live with you year round, Kate? And to say 2.5 months sounds like she's already counting the days they go back to school. Hmmm, eight kids home during summer vacation doesn't sound like a "fun" time to me. Sounds a little too contrived and forced.

Tucker's Mom said...

I'd like to see sounds interesting. Didn't one of their sons -- was it David? -- die from a drug overdose?

Was there anything in the film about Ethel's family, and her nephew being convicted of killing Martha Moxley?
I believe Ethel lost 2 boys; one to drug overdose and one to a skiing accident.
I remember when John Jr. died. Awful.
The Moxleys were mentioned relating to the airplane crash and death of her parents, and how that affected Ethel.

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad about Paris. I can't help but wonder how she feels about all the accusations against her dad. True or not (I believe they are true), it's got to leave her with mixed feelings about a man she so dearly loved.

I think Em needs help. I wonder where her mother is during all this fame-whore worshipping. It's sad that she can't admire somebody that is real and doesn't put on a fake persona.

TLC stinks said...

Milo has nerve wanting more pictures of the kids when all she has on twitter is a fistful of flowers for her avatar.

Mel said...

We gotta stop giving Milo ideas. :-)

National Running she would have known about that if she hadn't read it here first.

Hmmm...I think it's time for a red herring.

localyocul said...

Formerly Duped said... 138
Paris J apparently tried a drug overdose, no meat cleaver as reported. Is a cutter and has tried suicide before. I feel so sorry for her and anyone who loves her. Her brothers? Debbie Rowe?


What bothered me is Debbie Rowe "confirmed the suicide attempt". Why would a mom do that? Why not just thank people for their concern and ask for privacy?

localyocul said...

Midnight Madness said... 127
10:28 AM PST: TMZ has found several photos of Paris in which it appears Paris' arm has possible cutting scars. We don't know when the other was taken.


Wow. It looks like those are marks of a cutter. I thought Paris was fairly well grounded and had her act together. I guess you just never know. I hope she gets the help she needs.


When my niece was 14 she was suddenly hospitalized..her mother had found out she was cutting. She also had an eating disorder. On the one hand, we had been concerned by her goth phase. On the other, she was responsible, with a job at 14 and straight A's. She managed to get well, get out of the goth scene, and will graduate from Boston U in the winter. You just never know.

Tucker's Mom said...

What bothered me is Debbie Rowe "confirmed the suicide attempt". Why would a mom do that? Why not just thank people for their concern and ask for privacy?
I think Rowe got out there first so the Jacksons couldn't control the story and cover it up.
The J's are all about image. Lots of skeletons in the closet. They've been covering up all their lives and maybe Rowe doesn't want Paris to have to conform to that.

localyocul said...

@Kateplusmy8 9m
Dear teachers-I'm 4ever grateful 4 all u do...HOWEVER,my house is now FULL of random books,artwork&papers!

Ms organized can't keep her kids artwork filed away neatly? I kept ALL my daughter's stuff. She is a teen now and loves to look through the stuff from her younger years. And her painting won an award at the high school art show.

Midnight Madness said...

Hey, all I can say is that Emily looks A LOT BETTER than Kate.


She should look better than Kate. She's 18, hasn't been fried in tanning booths and didn't have a make-over to look like a plastic Barbie. I think blonde looks good her, but if she's doing it to become a mini-Kate, does the fake tanning and implants like her role model, then her parents should step in and explain the facts of life to her, regardless if she's not a minor. She wants to be like Kate, but because of her fascination with her, cannot see what Kate done to herself and that she looks 20 years older than she really is because of it.

Midnight Madness said...

That dress was probably two sizes too small but Kate squeezed into it anyway even if it did squish her boobies flat.


That's got to hurt. It's like back in the Victorian era when they called it chest binding. I can't imagine shrink-wrapping your girls would be pain-free. Wouldn't they be screaming to be set loose?

getting old! said...

Could some be kind enough to remind me what the name of that doc. about the family music band from way back is called? I can't remember. Thanks in advance!!

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Oh poor Kate, the teachers are at fault for sending her 8, count'em 8, children home with huge masses of books, artwork and papers. And random ones at that. Suggestion: get a big box, dump it all in there, get off Twitter and just shut up! For a change.

Sheri said...

@Kateplusmy8 9m
Dear teachers-I'm 4ever grateful 4 all u do...HOWEVER,my house is now FULL of random books,artwork&papers!

One day Kate will regret her attitude towards her children's "random books,artwork&papers!".

Someday all she'll have left are the memories brought back by their tangible creations. In her future, when the kids have moved out and on with their lives, lies an empty house with nothing left of them but what she can hold and reflect upon.

She even let them film her throwing her toddler's artwork into the garbage. She thinks nothing about what their work means to them. To her, it's just a mess.

For the record, it's not RANDOM Kate! It's ALL OF YOUR KIDS' work, it's the result of the year they just spent in school. Yeah, sure...I imagine there is a lot of it to go around.

But who's the one who CHOSE to have TWO sets of MULTIPLES? Where do you get off bitching on Twitter to their teachers for sending home their work?

It's not funny, it's not cute and all it does is cement why mediocre, run of the mill, everyday Moms can't stand you.

There, I said it. I'll go back to my corner now. Thank you. :P

FYI said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 15m
Dear teachers-I'm 4ever grateful 4 all u do...HOWEVER,my house is now FULL of random books,artwork&papers!

Kate, the "making memories mom", is willing to throw out stuff that her kids did or made in school, just like she did on the show when they made stuff in Sunday School. I guess if it's not on DVD, it's not worth keeping.

Just goes to show what an insensitive, uncaring Mom she is, especially by saying something on twitter about it.

I have 3 grandchildren, ages 2 thru 9. Every bit of their artwork, thank you cards and holiday cards to me are precious and saved. I would never think of throwing them in the trash.
I have a box labeled for each child and I love pulling them out and looking at them over the years.

Yet, "Miss Organization" is complaining how she has too much "kids stuff" and needs to get rid of some of it.

And then along come Milo and Goody with the "ideal" solution:

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 24m
@Kateplusmy8 Scan ALL of your kids' artwork. That will definitely be *memories*, ♥

Kate Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 22m
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 And let's remind her 2put some of that gr8 Gosselin art on her web site! Loved seeing the kids drawings! :)

Milo-is nothing sacred or consider private where the G kids are concerned? What next-ask Kate to put the kids diaries(if they have them) on her website too?

Sorry, Kate. For someone who waxed on about your "honor roll" kids, you seem very eager to get rid of anything that led to that "achievement".

By the way, does the stuff you want to put in the trash include those "honor roll" certificates?

kris said...

Maybe Kate needs to read this article on how 'Paula Deen's Salad Picture is Pinterest Perfect' - she could use some of the pointers, lol.

Parent In Lancaster County said...

@Kateplusmy8 9m
Dear teachers-I'm 4ever grateful 4 all u do...HOWEVER,my house is now FULL of random books,artwork&papers!


Ever hear of the 'Buyback Book' option, Kate?

FYI said...

And here is another "great" idea from one of her tweeties:

MeInAtlanta™ ‏@MeInAtlanta 3m
@Kateplusmy8 Hello Sunshine! You should auction (some) them off ~~ I would buy pieces of artwork! We could have an online bidding war! ;)

These people literally make me sick.

kris said...

Oh my, Atlanta/Mel just told her to auction the artwork! What is wrong with these people? Sad thing is, the light bulb probably went off in Kate's head. Ka-Ching! :(

Parent In Lancaster County said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 40m
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 And let's remind her 2put some of that gr8 Gosselin art on her web site! Loved seeing the kids drawings! :)

NO! NO! NO! For heaven's sakes, NO! Let these kids alone! Milo, lust after Kate all you want, but just let the kids out of your fantasies.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h
Dear teachers-I'm 4ever grateful 4 all u do...HOWEVER,my house is now FULL of random books,artwork&papers!
Kate has what? a 6-7K square foot house with full basement and an apartment and barn and she can't store their artwork?
Bloody hell. ~ Administrator said...

Evernote. You can scan every precious project your kid ever does. For free. And have it forever. It's just impossible to save every single last piece of paper. Modern technology is amazing. ~ Administrator said...

They are CREEPY lately! What's with the sudden interest in the kids? And at the worst time just when they are hitting the pre-teen and teen years where this kind of attention is mortifying.

They are just kids. Just random kids. Would you stop some kid on the street and be interested in their artwork? Good grief. Have kids of your own or show an interest in kids in your family or close friends, but complete strangers? It's creepy. ~ Administrator said...

Sheri I'm so glad you came out of hiding today. :)

chefsummer #Leh said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 U could feature a different set of artwork every wk at ...we would love it...would bring lots of smiles!

Am I the only that's happy that KK to lazy to do any of these suggestion?

If Deanna did KK's makeup for the fashion show/red carpet. She should never do makeup again.

Hard To Keep Loving Jon said...

Watched that Ethel documentary. It was good but terribly annoying that 50 and 60 yr. old people are saying 'mommy' and 'daddy'. It sounds ridiculous to me. YMMV.

chefsummer #Leh said...

MeInAtlanta™ ‏@MeInAtlanta 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Hello Sunshine! You should auction (some) them off ~~ I would buy pieces of artwork! We could have an online bidding war! ;)

Hasn't she made enough money off the kids all ready goodness.

Tucker's Mom said...

Shame that there are no relatives left to take the art and display on their refrigerators.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Admin, how can you say they're just random kids?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 28m
@Kateplusmy8 Ur kids R internationally known...folks have followed them fr birth...their artwork is priceless N our eyes! Share them! :)

They're internationally known like kings and queens and presidents and popes and stuff!!

FYI said...

They are CREEPY lately! What's with the sudden interest in the kids?

It's because they all know that Kate is absolutely NOTHING without the kids. They all want Kate to use her kids again to generate income for herself. Kate can't do it alone and they know it. No matter how much they praise Kate, she is nothing without those kids.

By the way, Kate--I'm sure Jon would happily take those "random" kids' things off your hands. Maybe you should consult with their FATHER about what things to save.

Also, remember--throwing things in the trash may not be such a good idea. #GosselinBook

FYI said...

Exactly how old does this tweetie think the younger kids are?

Jen ‏@bassriffwife 12m
@Kateplusmy8 I know you have 8 so it's a lot more...but just keep stuff with hand/foot prints. The older ones the "best" work. My method

It seems like a lot of Kate's "fans" have no idea how old the kids are, or will always think of them as babies. ~ Administrator said...

I must have missed it where is the Ethel documentary available? Did it air on T.V. or is it on DVD somewhere? ~ Administrator said...

Good grief, when is the last time a nine year old did a handprint project??? That's ludicrous.

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 162
I must have missed it where is the Ethel documentary available? Did it air on T.V. or is it on DVD somewhere?
I caught it on cable today. HBOSIG.

FYI said...

getting old! said... 145
Could some be kind enough to remind me what the name of that doc. about the family music band from way back is called? I can't remember. Thanks in advance!!

I think the documentary you're looking for is "Family Band: The Cowsills Story". I think it is available on DVD and also will be having several upcoming airings on Showtime.

Millicent said...

getting old! said... 145

Could some be kind enough to remind me what the name of that doc. about the family music band from way back is called? I can't remember. Thanks in advance!!

It's about the Cowsills - can't remember the exact name, but do a search for Cowsills Family Band and you should be able to find it. I'm still waiting for it to be available on Netflix (not sure if it ever will be). My other option would be to purchase it, but I am not ready to do that.

getting old! said...

Thank you very much 'Kate is a twit'.

I, too, find the whole mommy/daddy thing quite obnoxious.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate is a twit said... 160
They are CREEPY lately! What's with the sudden interest in the kids?

It's because they all know that Kate is absolutely NOTHING without the kids. They all want Kate to use her kids again to generate income for herself. Kate can't do it alone and they know it. No matter how much they praise Kate, she is nothing without those kids.

Exactly Kate's riding on her kids coattails.

KK's just a poor mans Kris Jenner.

Millicent said...

Over In Kate's County said... 131

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 128..."Is Brenda vying for Milo's title as Most Obnoxious?"


I kind of think she's a poor soul and lonely...but hey, many times those are the ones who turn out to be the most annoying and obnoxious.

Unfortunately, this is true. Anyone else remember a Latina pop star named Selena. She was murdered at the age of 23 by Yolanda Saldรญvar, the former president of her fan club. Turns out Saldivar was embezzling some funds, Selena found out and I believe was going to fire her.

I do feel sorry for people who are so lonely and lacking in real life connections that they become borderline obsessed with celebrities, and talk to them and about them as if they are friends. I hope if I ever start going down that road, I'd have at least one good friend who would intervene and stop me.

Melissa NV said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 28m
@Kateplusmy8 Ur kids R internationally known...folks have followed them fr birth...their artwork is priceless N our eyes! Share them! :)

They're internationally known like kings and queens and presidents and popes and stuff!!


Well, hell's bells, Milo. Contact art dealers in New York City and have them market this stuff...private showings, dealers from all over the country would buy the artwork for thousands of dollars. This could easily be a new source of income for Kate since the kids are internationally famous. Don't forget to draw in the overseas market as well. I'm sure art dealers in France would rush to New York just to spend big bucks on a finger painting of Shoka.

Milo is insane. No question about it. If she's on meds, it's time to increase the dosage.

readerlady said...

Sheri -- Please come back out of your corner. You have a lot to contribute. I've always enjoyed reading your posts.

When my mother had to go into a nursing home because of her dementia, I had to pack up her house. I found boxes of my report cards, drawings (and believe me, only a mother would want my drawings. I'm a TERRIBLE artist), poetry and stories I'd written, even some of my college papers and other mementos from my childhood. It was bittersweet going through them, but it reminded me of so many things I'd forgotten about. KK doesn't know or understand what she's throwing away because nothing has any sentimental value to her. Nothing matters to her except her own possessions and feelings. She doesn't understand how people can value something just because of their association with someone they cared about -- witness her forcing the twins to throw away the Christmas ornaments Jon's father gave them and making Jon get rid of his father's golf clubs. She's such an empty, hollow person. I really do pity her.

Melissa NV said...

It's about the Cowsills - can't remember the exact name, but do a search for Cowsills Family Band and you should be able to find it. I'm still waiting for it to be available on Netflix (not sure if it ever will be). My other option would be to purchase it, but I am not ready to do that.


Millicent -- it's available on DVD on Amazon...lowest price is 7.33. It's well worth it...really!

readerlady said...

MelissaNV -- Have you tried your local library system? If they don't have it, maybe they could get it for you on Inter Library Loan. Some systems will do ILLs on audiovisual material.

getting old! said...

Does anyone have a clip of Kate trying to sell that Xmas ornament? I've never seen it. ~ Administrator said...

Thanks, looks like it is re-airing a week from Saturday. I also found it on HBOgo if I have time to see it before then. Perfect!

readerlady said...

Oops! Sorry, I meant Millicent, not Melissa!

Melissa NV said...

MelissaNV -- Have you tried your local library system? If they don't have it, maybe they could get it for you on Inter Library Loan. Some systems will do ILLs on audiovisual material.


Hi Readerlady. It's Millicent who is interested in the documentary. I told her it's available on Amazon. I already have it. Thanks, though! ;-)

FYI said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 20m
@Kateplusmy8 Ur junk...probably considered a "treasure" by many! LOL Unbelievalbe things folks buy & sell at #FleaMarkets in the south! :)

So now Milo is calling the kids' artwork and stuff "junk"? Because Kate doesn't want to save it? This is the same person who tweeted a photo of a child's dump truck in her yard, claiming it was her son's?

Milo just shows what a sycophant she really is. Whatever Kate does, she can do no wrong in Milo's eyes.

LB said...

I hadn't seen a full length picture of the black 'bulletproof' dress. All I can say.....UGH. Super ugly. I can see it's wrinkled in the hip area too. She almost looks she is standing rather stiff, probably because she can't move that much, lol! I think it might be a sample dress, a dress made for the runaway. Remember she was on the runaway that day, I think.

Also, does anyone remember Kate writing about the tups being older than everyone else in their class maybe last year? She was going on and on about it almost as if she has already laid it all out. They would be driving before everyone else, etc. ~ Administrator said...

Here's a comment from when Kate first announced her web site.

grifter city has left a new comment on your post "Kate's press tour before series finale--9/12/11":

A website? Good luck with that. She'll have to hire someone to run it (great way to get ripped off), or give up a lot of control if she has "volunteers" run it.

She doesn't have the kind of work ethic needed to sustain a website herself. In six months it will be deader than a doornail.

Tucker's Mom said...

Finally watched Behind the Candelabra and thought it was quite good. It got panned a bit by critics, but I thought the actors did a great job. Michael Douglas was really great. Rob Lowe was super creepy as the surgeon who basically disfigured people for a living. That, and turned them into junkies.
Such a bizarro world he created though. The plastic surgeries, the jewelry and those costumes!
Looking back, you just can't believe that anyone would think Liberace was straight.

Tucker's Mom said...

She doesn't have the kind of work ethic needed to sustain a website herself. In six months it will be deader than a doornail.
Many of us called this one. When I saw Kate's blog at first, and all the categories she put on it, I knew she'd never keep up the content.

FYI said...

Well, it looks like Kate, the "runner" forgot about National Runners Day, even when prompted by Milo.

My daughter is a runner and is running the NYC marathon this November. She and her friends didn't forget about it. They posted on FB about it, and also mentioned Boston.

But, Kate, alas, couldn't be bothered. She's too busy worrying about her kids' "paperwork" and what to do about it.

So has she given up on running? What is going to be the next persona Kate will come up with?

Perhaps that's why she's been relatively silent on twitter. She's trying to figure out what she will morph into next.

Zoe said...

Both my parents addressed their parents "Mama" and "Daddy" their entire lives, and I have done the same. It's an endearing name spoken with love. I don't understand how anyone could find that ridiculous (@161) or, heaven forbid, obnoxious (@172).

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 9m
Lately I've felt like I'm talkin 2myself on here! LOL Well, self-expression is good 4the soul. I'm at ease w/me! Gnite if any sees this!:)

Martyr Milo at it again.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

She almost looks she is standing rather stiff, probably because she can't move that much, lol!


The pain a woman must endure to be beautiful, especially when your boobs can't breathe.

"Milo just shows what a sycophant she really is. Whatever Kate does, she can do no wrong in Milo's eyes."


It's too bad that Lights Out Man doesn't flip the switch at 9 p.m. instead of 11. It would be two hours less of Milo playing kissy-face with Kate. Is Kate still ignoring her?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Zoe said... 189

I agree me and my mother brothers on 26 and the other 36 still call our mom momma once in a while.

My SIL's still call their mom's momma to but were blk lol so it normal and we have great mom's.

My niece is 19yrs college student and still calls my brother daddy.

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