Monday, June 3, 2013

Former child stars on Katie Couric

Katie will interview those who have been there before about Amanda Bynes and the hardships of growing up in the spotlight. Guests include Mara Wilson (Mrs. Doubtfire and Matilda), Candace Cameron (Full House), and Jaleel White (Urkel!).

Monday afternoon, June 3. Check local listings.

1449 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Dmasy said... 1

The references to Michael Douglas, Glenn Close and Fatal Attraction sent me to IMDB to find what happened to the little girl who played Ellen Gallagher. Remember her standing in the doorway clutching her stuffed animal and crying?

My DVR is set to catch Katie's program.

localyocul said... 2

Oooh I'd love to watch it but I don't have a DVR and I (gasp) work..

Carrying over from the last thread, Karla Homolka is apparently living in paradise...

I read this book. It's short but good.

Formerly Duped said... 3

What did happen to Ellen form Fatal Attraction? I loved her; she was such a natural non-Hollywood type little girl.

NJGal51 said... 4

@Kateplusmy8: Dear @joshgroban - thank you for your song 'Brave'. Amazing message! I will be, I promise! 😉
Because he is, of course, talking to her. It is a beautiful song though.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 5

I can understand talking about growing up in the spotlight, but I would hope they could keep comments about Amanda Bynes to a minimum. She has enough problems without being the subject of a conversation by her peers on a national tv talk show. It seems a bit unkind. ~ Administrator said... 6

Orange a lot of people have snarked about Amanda for sure but I don't think this is going to be the tone of this program. I think this is more about what went wrong and how can we prevent such a thing from happening. I think peopel are really trying to help, Mara was when she wrote about her, I'm sure.

Speaking of Mara, Melissa Gilbert retweeted her latest blog post about Amanda and said "very smart!" Another former child star who agrees.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 7

I get the concern, but it still makes me cringe a little to think about her being talked about on this show. Sometimes Katie Couric is a little too self important for me. That said, I won't be able to watch it either. ~ Administrator said... 8

Aw I like Katie Couric. Especially since she did the Katie Plus 80 parody video lol.

She was one of the few journalists to actually dare ask Kate about Robert's book, for that I give her props. Although it was a softball interview, she still managed to squeeze in a few tough questions, which is more than can be said for most interviewers. She may very well have been asked not to ask anything controversial, which would make her sneaked in questions even more commendable.

TLC stinks said... 9

I don't classify the Gosselin kids as even ex-stars because it's not like they were acting although sometimes repeating lines fed to them. I don't put them in the same category as professional actors in a TV series.

What I do worry about more is the effect of being raised by a narcissist with many issues. The kids, IMO, are a necessary inconvenience in Kate's drive for continued fame. The kids are continually prodded and pushed into the public because Kate wants to be noticed. And she cannot allow them to separate and stand apart because it's all about the 8-pack. It will not come out well for these kids. Very frustrating to watch it unfold but I think Jon's hands are tied. I guess mental well-being doesn't come into play with a judge as long as a parent provides a roof, food and clothing. ~ Administrator said... 10

I think they're worse off than a child actor because a child actor only has to live down the characters. Reality t.v. kids have to live down THEMSELVES.

However the parallels between an actor like Mara who is expected to remain cute and little forever by her fans and was washed up at age 12 are uncanny.

Formerly Duped said... 11

Another doc on child stars, this one about the original children's cast of Broadway's "Annie" is called "Life After Tomorrow" and it's very good, and makes many of the points Mara did but in more detail.

Anonymous said... 12

OrangeCrusher1 said... 5
I can understand talking about growing up in the spotlight, but I would hope they could keep comments about Amanda Bynes to a minimum. She has enough problems without being the subject of a conversation by her peers on a national tv talk show. It seems a bit unkind


She will have a twitter meltdown if they do. She has gone off about People Magazine and any comments people make about her even if helpful. She's not well and this could send her over the edge I'm afraid.

chefsummer #Leh said... 13

Rick V. ‏@TherealDragonV 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Want to go on a date with me kate? Promise no oompa loompa :-)

Looks like Irshfan better step his game up.

localyocul said... 14

Amanda is stuck on the word ugly. She calls anyone who she perceives to be attacking her ugly. Then later she will say it wasn't her, her twitter was hacked, or she told one guy, I forget who, "I lied" you're not ugly.

My dad is as ugly as RuPaul! So thankful I look nothing like you both! I had nose surgery after my mug shots so my nose and I are gorgeous!

Her poor parents. I feel so bad for Amanda. I read that her fixation on the word "ugly" is typical of schizophrenics. My daughter used to watch the Amanda Show and she was so bright, talented, and funny.

I'm sure she'll call Katie Couric ugly.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 15

My DVR is set.

I wonder if Kate & her sheeple are going to watch the show?

Who better to explain the negative effects of children working in show business- than former child stars.

Kate should tape/watch this Katie show. She might learn something... for a change.

localyocul said... 16

PS Anonymous #12 was me I forgot to put my name

Tucker's Mom said... 17

chefsummer said... 9
I donated to the Central OK Human Society and hope to donate a large set of Corning Ware once I think people are returning to homes. Anyone know how to find information on the need for things like kitchenware, which I'm sure people will have to rebuild after the tornados?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 18

localyocul said... 14
Amanda is stuck on the word ugly. She calls anyone who she perceives to be attacking her ugly. Then later she will say it wasn't her, her twitter was hacked, or she told one guy, I forget who, "I lied" you're not ugly.

My dad is as ugly as RuPaul! So thankful I look nothing like you both! I had nose surgery after my mug shots so my nose and I are gorgeous!

Her poor parents. I feel so bad for Amanda. I read that her fixation on the word "ugly" is typical of schizophrenics. My daughter used to watch the Amanda Show and she was so bright, talented, and funny.

I'm sure she'll call Katie Couric ugly.


I read somewhere that Amanda threatened to sue anyone that speaks or prints anything negative about her.

I feel sad for Amanda & her family.

I'm sure that Amanda is not feeling well, and having the spotlight on her has got to make it worse.

I hope she gets help before she hits "rock bottom".

Tucker's Mom said... 19

OrangeCrusher1 said... 5
I can understand talking about growing up in the spotlight, but I would hope they could keep comments about Amanda Bynes to a minimum. She has enough problems without being the subject of a conversation by her peers on a national tv talk show. It seems a bit unkind.
I am *very* interested in this show, but I have to agree. When Admin said she was doing a post on this, I went to Katie's site and cringed when I read the huge header:
Former Child Stars on the Public Downfall of Amanda Bynes


Tucker's Mom said... 20

localyocul said... 14
I didn't realize using "ugly" was typical for schizophrenics,or maybe it's just insulting others out of paranoia?
Amanda Bynes is obviously ill and I don't know what it will take for her parents to be able to have conservatorship. I just think in this country, we don't know how to help the mentally ill enough.
From Katie's previews on her website, I don't like the way Urkel talks about her. Yes, she's calling Rhianna ugly, but you simply can not hold it against her, because she is ILL!!
It's not a level playing field.

Mel said... 21

From the last thread...Kate could shake up her media contacts and give them a story. Mom of 8, expert at big batch cooking, feeds displaced residents who have lost their homes.

Yeah, I'd LOVE to see Kate truly cook something, and not just serve food that was actually prepared by Craft Services.

I'd love to see her come up with the menu ideas, do the shopping, prepare/cook the food, clean up....on her own. No help with any of it.

Hahaha. I crack myself up.

chefsummer #Leh said... 22

Tucker's Mom said... 17

There are tons of homeless pets here in Chicago from the tornadoes.

Tucker's Mom said... 23

Catching up on my Ladie's Home Journal at the beach last week, I read an article written by a woman who has schizophrenia and her experiences with the disease from a child.
It was fascinating how she compensated through the voices and paranoia. She wound up isolating herself from everyone, even close family. She eventually flew back to her hometown, across the country, to kill herself because the voices were telling her she should die where she was born.
Fortunately, her fear of pain kept her from jumping out a window, and she called her psychiatrist and got real about telling him everything that she was experiencing.
She's now got her M.S., and is teaching and speaking, thanks to therapy and ongoing psychiatric support.
I truly hope we can read a similar evolution from Amanda Bynes one day. If not, I fear this disease will kill her. ~ Administrator said... 24

I don't know if not saying anything or only saying kind things helps a person in this situation. She won't get treatment or listen to her parents, maybe hearing it from her own peers will help. Some of them said they worked with her, this may be the only way they have left to try to reach her.

Sometimes a person needs to hear you're a real screw-up in order to realize it. It doesn't always work, but sometimes it does. The truth hurts, but kindness and enabling is bad too.

It may not help her, she may be beyond help at this point, but it may hit home with other kids thinking about entering the spotlight. They may think twice. And parents. At the end of the day how this plays out for Amanda Bynes is on her shoulders, mental illness or not it is her choice not to get help. The blame is not on those who commented on the situation. I don't think she should be made FUN of, but commentary on it, even harsh commentary I think is fair game. ~ Administrator said... 25

That sounds like paranoia maybe? To her everything around her IS ugly. It's ugly, ugly, ugly. Everyone is after her, cops are assaulting her, anyone trying to tell her she needs help is "lying". All she sees is negativity because to her that's what it is. Her reality sounds like a scary one. I feel bad for anyone trapped in that illness.

Anonymous said... 26 (Administrator) said... 24
I don't know if not saying anything or only saying kind things helps a person in this situation. She won't get treatment or listen to her parents, maybe hearing it from her own peers will help. Some of them said they worked with her, this may be the only way they have left to try to reach her.

Sometimes a person needs to hear you're a real screw-up in order to realize it. It doesn't always work, but sometimes it does. The truth hurts, but kindness and enabling is bad too.


If they actually know her, they can speak to her directly. Going on national television to discuss her is not a form of "helping." You are talking about an obviously mentally ill person here. I don't think "you're a screw-up" is the appropriate approach.

localyocul said... 27

I don't think it's the word "ugly" that points to's her fixation on one word and the paranoia that goes along with it. ~ Administrator said... 28

Anonymous, what if she won't take their calls?

Blowing In The Wind said... 29

Kate should tape/watch this Katie show. She might learn something... for a change.


It wouldn't matter. None of that applies to her because she's an amazing single mother, her kids are all healthy and happy, they love her and tell her repeatedly how much they love her, they enjoyed filming and miss it tremendously. She'd say that it's too bad about some child stars, but hers don't fit the profile.

Blowing In The Wind said... 30

Formerly Duped said... 3

What did happen to Ellen form Fatal Attraction? I loved her; she was such a natural non-Hollywood type little girl.


She was also Ruby Sue in Lampoon's Christmas vacation.

"Discovered at an open call at age six, Ellen was chosen from well over a thousand children to play Michael Douglas' daughter in Fatal Attraction (1987). She continued acting full-time until she left for a Vermont boarding school at age 15. After graduation, Ellen took some time off to travel and, later, began studies in glass at an art school in Oakland, CA. Her mother, Anne, lives in New Rochelle, NY, her father, Bob, step-mother, Lorrie, and 10-year-old sister, Elena, live in Roslyn, NY, and her 26-year old sister, Amy, lives outside Denver, CO. Ellen has little plans to get back into acting, though will always reflect fondly on her past achievements."

From a blog about Christmas vacation...

Where is she now: (as of 03/25/2010)
I was lucky enough to have had contact with Ellen a few years ago. She's a very sweet and candid person and was willing to share information on her current life a little with me. She is no longer in the business but really would like to be, on many different levels. She thought for a while that she would like to attend film school, but never actually pursued it. Real life got in the way. She also said "Plus, it's kinda cool to be considered a has-been. And, kind of sad too."

"I'm proud of what I've done, but I yearn for so much more." - Ellen Hamilton Latzen

Ellen is currently an Account Executive.

Tucker's Mom said... 31

Sometimes a person needs to hear you're a real screw-up in order to realize it. It doesn't always work, but sometimes it does. The truth hurts, but kindness and enabling is bad too.
Sounds like the woman I read about. She allowed herself to be completely walled off from family for years, but Amanda sounds angry. She has to hit bottom before she gets help, and maybe hearing from her peers will get through to her.

Blowing In The Wind said... 32

@BuzzedBunny @deannatweeting @Kateplusmy8 What a unique/special one of a kind video this could be! All #Gosselinites would love it! :)

Is Milo still carrying on about this darn five-minute makeup video that she needs because she can't follow the instructions on Kate's webpage? All the kids would love it? I'm sure the boys ask Kate about it every day, waiting with anticipation to see Deanna apply mascara on their mother.

Milo has really lost it.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 33

Blowing in The Wind, I think by #Gosselinites she means Kate's fans. You can't have a cult without a name!

Midnight Madness said... 34

Kate follows @Hoffmanbook. Interesting!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 35

Austin Martin ‏@TheAustinMartin 10m
@Kateplusmy8 Emailed ya

I just don't get this kid. He worked to arrange meet n greet for Kate and fans and never heard back from Kate, other than some tweet about contact my mgr. He sends gifts galore and never receives a thank you. Kate encouraged him about some "Kate bracelet" thing they could do together then she never answer his inquiries, how it's a trip to see her and who wants to bet she'll never reply to his email???

Formerly Duped said... 36

Blowing In The Wind said... 30


Thanks for the Ellen info! I was so impressed with her 'natural' performance in FA. glad she is doing well.

JoyinVirginia said... 37

OT re comments about Michael Douglas interview from last post. HPV or Human Papilloma Virus has been implicated in cervical cancer, anal cancer, penile cancer, and oral cancer. It can also be spread from one body location to another by self inoculation - a person touches one area of their skin with hpv, touches another area, and if conditions are right the infection is at another spot. You can read about it at
HPV vaccine is a vaccine to work against several strains of HPV that are most associated with cancer. It is a vaccine designed to PREVENT CANCER. That is why my pediatrician vaccinated my children when they were old enough. Just like Hepatitis B vaccine that had been around since the 80s, hepatitis B vaccine was designed to PREVENT CANCER. If you are immunized against hepatitis b, you cannot get chronic hep b infection. Chronic hep b infection increases a persons risk for liver cancer. Now hepatitis c has moved up as a cause of liver cancer.
Theses and more fun facts are all on! especially the next health scare that is eventually heading our way: ”Middle East Respiratory Syndrome - Coronavirus” or MERS-CoV

lukebandit said... 38

Wow. I finally got caught up reading the posts. Lots of going ons. I know it is hard to believe but I am in the hospital again. Same situation as last time, it was just 2nd gear, fixing to go to 3rd gear, so I am glad I came to the hospital.

Hopefully, I won't be here that long. I felt so much better about a couple of hours after I got here. They gave me a different medicine to bring my BP up and I could tolerate it much better.

kate always has had ulterior motives on everything! It is a winner winner chicken dinner for kate for Em to come on Ems dime, babysit the kids so her and Steve can have a little quiet getaway, teach Mady singing and other things for room and board and a weekly allowance.

It is much cheaper to do this than right out pay for Mady to go to the camp that is near her home at the University. I would guess Cara would like to go to a camp, sports or something that she was interested in.

When my sons were 8, 9 and 11 they had the opportunity to go to Arts Camp in the early 90's. It cost back then $75 per child. They got to go for 2 weeks. All me and the DXH had to pay was for gas picking up and dropping off each day and pack them a lunch w/drinks. They all got scholarships to go for several years.

They were ecstatic! They swam, painted, ceramics, dramas, all kinds of things. My oldest drew a picture of Charlie Brown, it was unreal. He also wanted to take art lessons after Arts Camp from a lady who had a art studio in town and I went and did extra jobs
and pay cash. When I went to the studio to pay, there was a lady there talking to the teacher.

She was dressed in a navy themed outfit. I know it cost a lot of money. Here I come in, in a Tshirt and jeans and she tried her best to ignore me. I was very mediocre to her! I overheard her tell the teacher if she could make payment arrangements.

Well, she finally stepped aside and I registered my son and paid for the lessons in cash! I was so thrilled to do that for my son. After that lady saw me pay cash, boy she looked down on me like I wasn't worth nothing. Oh, boy, did she have it wrong.

Note to kate: I didn't pay for the lessons in $20 bills fleeced from one of the churches you robbed.

Blowing In The Wind said... 39

Thanks for the Ellen info! I was so impressed with her 'natural' performance in FA. glad she is doing well.


You're welcome. I liked her in Christmas Vacation...the scene where she and Clark were talking about Santa and she said, "We didn't do nothing wrong, and we still got the shaft."

"Blowing in The Wind, I think by #Gosselinites she means Kate's fans. You can't have a cult without a name!"


Oops. I thought she was talking about the kids because the discussion was about getting the children involved in filming -- a family project. I didn't know that the cult has an official name!

Blowing In The Wind said... 40

I just don't get this kid.


He's a bit on the odd side, I think. If you read his tweets to Kirstie with the ongoing reference to her "rack," you just know there's something off about him. Apparently he's into boobies, so his fascination with Kate is right in line with that.

Blowing In The Wind said... 41

Jaleel White: "My mom didn't go off and buy fur coats. When the kids become the breadwinner, that's when the trouble starts."

Midnight Madness said... 42

I wonder how much Milo gets paid for every tweet she sends that links Kate's website! Kate's ignoring her. Nothing seems to work anymore, not platitudes, not pictures of the new dog, not her whining about being taken advantage of. Time to think up a new plan! Now she including Josh Groban in her tweets.

@Kateplusmy8 @joshgroban U need 2b brave every day...single working Mom of 8...everything/everyone depends on YOU!...

NJGal51 said... 43

And here we go! Kate can film her own reality show and apparently they'll put it out somewhere. Reality TV's version of YouTube I guess.

@ReallyReelTV: @Kateplusmy8 We’d love to check in on you and those adorable kids! Let us put your reality on Really Reel!

@ReallyReelTV: Wanna be a movie star? Celebrity? Headliner at Wrestlemania?

Make your show. Headline your reality on Become a STAR

Blowing In The Wind said... 44

Candace Cameron (Full House)...her parents kept her grounded, not letting the entertainment industry go to her head, or to their heads.

Blowing In The Wind said... 45

Mara's new play is Sheeple. Too funny!

FYI said... 46

Blowing In The Wind said... 45
Mara's new play is Sheeple. Too funny!

I was laughing my head off when I heard that! Best laugh of the day!!

Susie Cincinnati said... 47

I think maybe Austin is under the delusion that Kate can't keep promising and leading him on forever -- that one of these times she's going to have to make good on her invitations, and that this just might be the time.
Dream on, Austin.

chefsummer #Leh said... 48

@ReallyReelTV: @Kateplusmy8 We’d love to check in on you and those adorable kids! Let us put your reality on Really Reel!

Oh god it's never going to stop is it.

chefsummer #Leh said... 49

I love Jaleel White aka Steve Urkel.

And Jonathan Lipnicki now he's 22 I can say he's sexy.

Millicent said... 50

"She's not well and this could send her over the edge I'm afraid."


It's not that I want Amanda Bynes to go over the edge, but it's that I think the only way she'll get the type of mental health help she needs is if she has a complete mental breakdown. She's clearly teetering on the edge. Because she is an adult, her parents or other family members don't have any legal standing to intervene. They can only wait until she comes under the jurisdiction of a court of law. It's very heartbreaking. I think her problems definitely involve a mental illness that is only growing worse.

Millicent said... 51

@Kateplusmy8 @joshgroban U need 2b brave every day...single working Mom of 8...everything/everyone depends on YOU!...

Oh shut up already Milo! Every parent who takes their role seriously has a difficult yet extremely rewarding life. As a single mom, I am aware that a married couple with two incomes might have it financially a bit easier than I do. But for pete's sake, being a parent is hard work. It doesn't matter much if you are one of two parents, one of two divorced parents, a single mom or dad, or a grandparent who has to step up and take custody of a grandchild.

Parenting is hard work! Enough with the sloppy sentimentality of "having to be brave every day!" It's not bravery - it's called life, it's called being a parent, and it's both incredible yet also mediocre.

I don't feel brave when I get up in the morning and fix a quick breakfast and pack a lunch for my child. I don't feel brave as I drop him off and then continue on to my job. I don't feel brave as I run to the grocery store at lunch time. I don't feel brave as I do laundry, make a meal, clean up a meal, and then settle down on the couch to watch tv. There is no stirring, patriotic music playing in my head as I pay the bills for that month.

I definitely don't feel brave or admirable as I scoop out the cats' litter box, nag my son to schlep the garbage can to the sidewalk every Wednesday evening, weed the garden, or scrub the toilets. Mostly, I just feel average. I guess it's because I don't have 8 kids - that must be it. If I had 8 kids, the Star Spangled Banner would play on continuous loop in my house, and I'd strut about bravely. As it is, the strains of Sponge Bob Square Pants are as close as I get.

Vanessa said... 52

Kate follows @Hoffmanbook. Interesting!

Baha! You're kidding right? Interesting INDEED!

Vanessa said... 53

These episodes happening with Amanda Bynes are not a result of her being a child star. It is mental illness. The sad part is she's being dissected, lampooned, and analysed to death because she's a celebrity/actress. Charlie Sheen? Mindy McCready? Britney Spears? A history in showbiz does not make you a schizophrenic, bipolar, or give you borderline personality disorder.

localyocul said... 54

capecodmama said... 55

Maybe Amanda Bynes parents need to talk to Britney Spears' father about how to get conservatorship over your adult child. Britney was an adult with two kids when her father got conservatorship over her. And he had it for several years. It seems that Britney has her act together now .

OrangeCrusher1 said... 56

Kate Couric is no Dr Phil, and I don't like his tactics either. I maintain that it cannot possible do Amanda Bynes any good to be discussed publically on national television. Discuss your own experiences, but why talk about her. She has enough problems without this supposedly concerned exposure.

Dmasy said... 57

Millicent, I think that was a GREAT post.

Most everyone does what they need to do when it needs to be done. We grew up. We live. We have responsibilities. Some times, it feels good. Some times, it is just one foot in front of the other.

Not brave -- normal.

Milo is a fool who is slobbering over a woman who is ignoring the drool.

Millicent, I would bet you accomplish more (by yourself) in an average day than Kate could ever imagine.

Millicent said... 58

Is Milo still carrying on about this darn five-minute makeup video that she needs because she can't follow the instructions on Kate's webpage? All the kids would love it? I'm sure the boys ask Kate about it every day, waiting with anticipation to see Deanna apply mascara on their mother.

Another silly idea. There are tons of make up tips all over the internet. What would be special about Deanna's tips as filmed by a 13 year old girl?

Formerly Duped said... 59

Great post, Millicent and very funny too. lol @ Sponge Bob! ~ Administrator said... 60

I said when this first happened her mental illness is probably mostly organic in nature though it's hard to say what part her background played in exacerbating it. No one can say what for sure.. The bigger point is that due to her child stardom it's all being played out so publically, and that's a problem too. If it inspires some former child stars to discuss their own backgrounds, the good and bad, I think that's generally helpful and informative. But we should be talking about such things anyway.

Just Down The Road said... 61

As it is, the strains of Sponge Bob Square Pants are as close as I get.


Great post, Milicent. That's what is wrong here. We don't get Sponge Bob. For us, it's Dora and Boots. :)

FYI said... 62

Kate follows @Hoffmanbook. Interesting!

That is a twitter account that was set up by Bullville. There are no tweets. Also, in the following tweet he mentions, which does not exist. It's possible he set up the domain name, but there is no website.

Bullyville ‏@BullyVille 4 Apr
Coming Soon! Hoffman Book ~theft, lies and the money trail. Follow @hoffmanbook for breaking news, launching shortly.

His "coming soon" is similar to Kate's "coming soon". Nothing comes of it.

Formerly Duped said... 63

Sometimes mental illness is triggered by a situation. Otherwise it may not even become evident in a person. I believe this is the case with AB. I feel badly for her, as mental illness is so difficult to manage for some.

Anonymous said... 64


I am giving you a standing ovation, and singing "The Star Spankled Banner", With a "G-d Save the Queen" mixed in.

BRAVO, BRAVO, Sing it sister!!!


silimom said... 65

Millicent said... 51

Well said. To add to that:

I felt brave when the doctor came out of the CT scan my 4 year old little girl had just undergone (while under sedation) and said "There's something there. We need to do more tests and you need to see a specialist".

I felt brave when I sat in a hospital with my baby girl as she was injected with radioactive tracers to do a bone scan to find out why she had swelling in her jaw bone and was finally crying after being so brave for so many hours because they couldn't find a vein in her arms that would work and finally had to go through her feet and I sat and stroked her hair and sang her favorite lullaby.

I felt brave when I sat in a waiting room with my husband as that same four year old was in an operating room having a biopsy done on her jaw and the procedure took an hour longer than they had originally told you. And this was after being bumped on and off the surgery schedule several times throughout the day and your poor little girl couldn't eat anything just in case they could get her in.

I felt brave when the doctor came out and there was that moment before we learned, God be praised, that things looked good.

I felt brave when we went to the follow up appointment and learned the biopsy showed no cancer but instead an inflammatory condition called CRMO.

I felt brave because she needed me to be brave, because my other children needed me to brave, and I felt brave because my faith strengthened me and my beloved husband, my partner, my friend, was with me on that journey and we could be brave for each other when they other didn't have it in them anymore.

That is when you feel brave. Not because you woke up that day and have a mountain of laundry, a floor to be mopped, dishes to be done, a dog to be walked, summer camps and swim lessons to prep for, autism therapy to get through, and you know tomorrow you will wake up and have to do it all over again.

Nope, those are the times you turn on Pandora, crank up the tunes, and sing your way through the day, rejoicing in the day the Lord has made and being glad to have all that drudgery because there are millions in the world who would trade places with you in a heart beat and whose lives you wouldn't be even to last an hour through, most likely.

silimom said... 66

capecodmama said... 55
Britney was an adult with two kids when her father got conservatorship over her. And he had it for several years. It seems that Britney has her act together now .

He still is her conservator to the best of my knowledge. The judge isn't likely to stop the conservatorship anytime soon, from what I've heard. It seems to be working for everyone.

silimom said... 67

Here's an interesting article concerning Britney's conservatorship:

Midnight Madness said... 68

I am giving you a standing ovation, and singing "The Star Spankled Banner", With a "G-d Save the Queen" mixed in.


Spankled? Like with a wooden spoon to happy up?

Midnight Madness said... 69

Another silly idea. There are tons of make up tips all over the internet. What would be special about Deanna's tips as filmed by a 13 year old girl?


But not made exclusively for Milo, and the videos aren't of Kate being "made up." Milo can't follow the instructions for a five-minute make-up session.

Dutch Tulip said... 70

Hé Franky, I'm going to join you!
Bravo Millicent, you are a TRUE mother! Applause,applause!

Parent In Lancaster County said... 71

"Great post, Milicent. That's what is wrong here. We don't get Sponge Bob. For us, it's Dora and Boots. :)"


And Kayu (which is actually good), Adventure Time, Bubble Guppies, and Max and Ruby!

Parent In Lancaster County said... 72

I was thinking about the Heat-Pacers game tonight and thought about Mrs. Miami Heat, the iPod or iPad lady or whatever it was. Has she disappeared, or is she still sending gifts? I can't remember her Twitter ID.

NJGal51 said... 73
This comment has been removed by the author.
OrangeCrusher1 said... 74

There is nothing brave about Kate raising her children, what a silly word. Also, the phrase 'single working mom' does not apply to her either. It's fine if you crazy sheeple want to adore her, but get it right for all the real single, and working, moms. KG is a divorced SAHM, with a bank account fueled by a long ago reality show. Period.

money trumps all said... 75

It may not help her, she may be beyond help at this point, but it may hit home with other kids thinking about entering the spotlight. They may think twice.


You talk as if Katie Couric and these other washed up kid stars are doing such a kind service in travelling allll the way to dear Kate's show to 'help' that poor Amanda.

Ms. Couric is only doing a show on the down side of fame and child stars BECAUSE of one thing. Ratings. Amanda Bynes is the 'hot topic' right now and Ms. Couric is jumping in with the rest of the tabloid crap. It's sad, really.

If you think these people are doing this show out of the goodness of their heart, think again. It's ALL about the Benjamins.

Even Mara is there to promote herself, whatever it is she is promoting. Probably a book. *smirk*

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 76

Millicent said... 51

@Kateplusmy8 @joshgroban U need 2b brave every day...single working Mom of 8...everything/everyone depends on YOU!...

Oh shut up already Milo! Every parent who takes their role seriously has a difficult yet extremely rewarding life. As a single mom, I am aware that a married couple with two incomes might have it financially a bit easier than I do. But for pete's sake, being a parent is hard work. It doesn't matter much if you are one of two parents, one of two divorced parents, a single mom or dad, or a grandparent who has to step up and take custody of a grandchild.

Parenting is hard work! Enough with the sloppy sentimentality of "having to be brave every day!" It's not bravery - it's called life, it's called being a parent, and it's both incredible yet also mediocre.

I don't feel brave when I get up in the morning and fix a quick breakfast and pack a lunch for my child. I don't feel brave as I drop him off and then continue on to my job. I don't feel brave as I run to the grocery store at lunch time. I don't feel brave as I do laundry, make a meal, clean up a meal, and then settle down on the couch to watch tv. There is no stirring, patriotic music playing in my head as I pay the bills for that month.

I definitely don't feel brave or admirable as I scoop out the cats' litter box, nag my son to schlep the garbage can to the sidewalk every Wednesday evening, weed the garden, or scrub the toilets. Mostly, I just feel average. I guess it's because I don't have 8 kids - that must be it. If I had 8 kids, the Star Spangled Banner would play on continuous loop in my house, and I'd strut about bravely. As it is, the strains of Sponge Bob Square Pants are as close as I get.


OMG. Milo is so disingenuous.

For 'effs sake.

"Brave" is not a word that best describes her idol.

Untalented, controlling, overbearing seem to be better descriptors.

Too bad Kate probably doesn't feel the same kind of love for Milo, that Milo feels for her.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 77

Parent In Lancaster County said... 72
I was thinking about the Heat-Pacers game tonight and thought about Mrs. Miami Heat, the iPod or iPad lady or whatever it was. Has she disappeared, or is she still sending gifts? I can't remember her Twitter ID.

Her name is Linda Foerrester. She still has a twitter account but hasn't tweeted since last October when she said she was sending 2 Mac Books for the kids. Who knows if she was for real?

Dmasy said... 78

Silimom, you did describe what bravery is. Brave -- you, your little girl, and the rest of your family.

Thank you.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 79

Millicent, your post gave me goosebumps. So happy things turned out well for you and your family! Love stories like that!!!

Melissa NV said... 80

@Kateplusmy8 Speakin of "being brave"...the countdown is down 2 four more days of I correct? Press on brave one...almost there!

@Kateplusmy8 @joshgroban So "oh brave one"...what figurative dragons did U slay 2day? Always a Mom of courage & strength U are! :)

@ReallyReelTV @Kateplusmy8 We would love 4U 2put this adorable/fun family >> back on #ReallyReelTV ! They R missed!

She makes me ill. In fact, I think that this person (man, woman, or it...whatever it is) is more aggravating than Kate.

readerlady said... 81

Tucker's Mom -- Thank you for your donation to the animals displaced by the tornados. If anyone else wishes to make donations, you can go to to make a donation. It looks like a dogs only site, but at this time they are providing assistance to the 3 main locations caring for all animals in the Moore, OK area -- the Moore Animal Shelter, Cleveland County Fairgrounds, and the Animal Resource Center. You can also go to Paypal and make a donation to This is the Cat Fanciers Association Disaster Relief Fund. It's a 501(c), so donations are tax deductible. Make sure you specify that it is for tornado animals. The DRF is providing food, litter, litter pans, dishes, and other pet supplies (for cats, dogs, and horses). Fanciers in the area have gone in with food, clothing and supplies, provided cages for the temporarily displaced pets, are volunteering with cleanup, and are fostering and helping to care for the animals. I'm sure the AKC is doing something too. Th need is great and any help is appreciated.

Parent In Lancaster County said... 82

Her name is Linda Foerrester. She still has a twitter account but hasn't tweeted since last October when she said she was sending 2 Mac Books for the kids. Who knows if she was for real?


Thanks. Now I remember. She also invited Kate to a game in Philly, and contacted Under Armour when the kids needed socks. Poor Kate, couldn't afford socks for her kids, but at that time she went to NYC regularly for her pricey cuts and colors. What a joke.

I remember said... 83

Linda Fxxxxxxx is the name of a woman who was a moderator along with Baby Mama on her site. That twitter account was a fake account set up to upset the real Linda and poke at her.

Non fans from another non fan blog had been going after poor Linda for a long, long time to the point where she left the state at one point because she feared for her life and the life of her children. They had found out her real name and she was quite upset.

They loved to pick on her. That was several years ago.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 84

@ReallyReelTV @Kateplusmy8 We would love 4U 2put this adorable/fun family >> back on #ReallyReelTV ! They R missed!

What is Milo talking about?

I thought that ReallyReelTV was somewhere that you made a video and sent it to them. The couple I looked at were awful.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 85

Melissa NV said... 79

@Kateplusmy8 Speakin of "being brave"...the countdown is down 2 four more days of I correct? Press on brave one...almost there!

@Kateplusmy8 @joshgroban So "oh brave one"...what figurative dragons did U slay 2day? Always a Mom of courage & strength U are! :)

@ReallyReelTV @Kateplusmy8 We would love 4U 2put this adorable/fun family >> back on #ReallyReelTV ! They R missed!

She makes me ill. In fact, I think that this person (man, woman, or it...whatever it is) is more aggravating than Kate.


Oh God. How embarrassing.

FYI said... 86

Milo once complained about people "butting in" on her tweets to Kate. Kate makes one tweet to Josh Groban about one of his songs, and now Milo has included him TWICE in her tweets to Kate about being brave.

It's like "monkey see, monkey do". If Kate tweets some other celebrity, you can bet that Milo will be tweeting them next.

Then there's this tweet:

@ReallyReelTV @Kateplusmy8 We would love 4U 2put this adorable/fun family >> back on #ReallyReelTV ! They R missed!

Does Milo even know what ReallyReelTV is? It's a site similar to Youtube. Does she think it's a reality tv network who would come and film Kate and the kids? She wants THEM to put Kate back on TV?

The more Milo tweets, the more desperate she makes Kate look. Between her "advice" and Goody's "advice", Kate comes across as someone who can't think for herself, and needs her tweeties to tell her in which direction to go.

If I were Kate, I would be totally appalled.

It's now over a week since Kate has responded to Milo. I wonder if she has put Milo on permanent ignore.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 87

Thanks. Now I remember. She also invited Kate to a game in Philly, and contacted Under Armour when the kids needed socks. Poor Kate, couldn't afford socks for her kids, but at that time she went to NYC regularly for her pricey cuts and colors. What a joke.

Oh, I'd forgotten about the socks. How embarrassing, not that anything would embarrass Kate.
------- ~ Administrator said... 88

Millicent sing it sister. :)

I wonder if this is part of this new trophy generation some unfortunates seem to subscribe to. Kate and her cronies want her to get the medal of honor for doing what every.....other ..... mom does every single day of the week. These people would bestow a trophy on someone for rolling out of bed and making breakfast for the fam. In my day, you got a trophy because you were the BEST, not because what you did what you were SUPPOSED to do! LOL!

I have read several experts say that excessive and repeated praise leads to narcissism and are very concerned about this new trophy to every kid (and apparently, Kate) thing.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 89

She makes me ill. In fact, I think that this person (man, woman, or it...whatever it is) is more aggravating than Kate.


There are some people who can really get under your skin, and if you met them, you'd want to turn them upside down and shake some sense into them. Kate's Chief Ewe is one such person.

FYI said... 90

Millicent and silimom-

Brava to both of your posts!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 91

Milo, this is for you:

How to Overcome Martyr Syndrome

Are you tired of living with feelings of suffering, being overwhelmed and helplessness? You may have martyr syndrome. Martyr syndrome is a term that describes people who use self-sacrifice and suffering to control or manipulate their environment. It frequently includes being stuck in a victim mentality with resulting feelings of helplessness.....

Stop expecting to be rewarded for your suffering. Some people believe that the larger the obstacle, the sweeter the reward. They volunteer to endure pain and neglect with the hope of being rewarded somehow.....

Stop holding on to your suffering. In any given situation suffering may include some or all of the following: guilt, a feeling of unworthiness, fear of change, fear of conflict, inability to see options or alternatives, stubbornness, or a belief that life has to be difficult.

Aimee said... 92

Everyone has their Brave Moments in life. When you give birth, you have committed to protecting a life. Brave is not leaving, not walking away and always being there for your child/children in everyday/everyway. If you don't make the most of those moments when no one else can comfort and protect and insure security, you do wrong in this life. Some people have a hard time when the child is no longer a baby and starts to ask why and you have to answer. If you don't and let others answer you take the chance of losing your right to be Brave.

Amanda Bynes has a long, hard road a head of her. She no longer is in demand, like Lindsay Lohan but one time they had power over production companies, but like an adult losing a job after many decades, you either pick yourself up, get the help and accept the help or you drive yourself crazy. Someone said Britney was better. Britney takes medication which levels her off but she cannot be trusted to always take that medication and her father makes the decisions. She could lose her children if she does not stay in therapy,take medication and work at being a good mother.Thankfully she has a Brave father holding her up. One's duty never ends.If Amanda needs the Courts to detail her life from now until whenever, so be it, the Court will help not hurt her. But we must remember their plight is not different from children who are important as children, then adulthood is so hard for them, as adulthood is not structured as childhood is. Our duty as a parent never ends and we are Brave to be able to
stand up and always be there,supportive even when we want to say You are now on your own, not everyone is strong enough to leave their parent and some never leave, some need extra help in life. Hope I can be there now and as long as I live for my children and I don't need a badge that says Brave as conceiving is a choice folks. ~ Administrator said... 93

Ms. Couric is only doing a show on the down side of fame and child stars BECAUSE of one thing. Ratings.


I don't think that every single journalist or person on T.V. always has "one thing" in mind the ratings. Believe it or not some people actually are in the news business because they are passionate about current events, people, and explaining what is going on to the world in fair manner to the masses. Like many professions, not everyone is just there for the money. Quite honestly, if you don't have such a sincere passion you will get bored and tired of the long hours, the weekends and evenings and whenever a big story breaks, the low pay, and the unforgiving bosses.

I think Katie Couric has proven herself over two decades to be a woman sincerely passionate about current events and being a broadcast journalist. I have no idea whether this particular cause really interests her but I can't agree with such a blanket dismissal of T.V. newscasters. She has even said herself that she has a genuine interest in people which is essential. She seems to enjoy herself and she's good at it. I'm sure the money is nice....but the odds of a journalist making big bucks like that are very slim. Most end up either producing or working at some tiny local news station for 45,000 a year if they're lucky. You don't get into news casting because you want to make money.

Of course they are talking about Amanda Bynes because that's current. It is a soft news show and they are expected to talk about what is happening now. I would be surprised if programs like this DIDN'T discuss this issue. It's not a conspiracy theory. (Heather?)

rainbowsandunicorns said... 94

Milo, this is for you:

How to Overcome Martyr Syndrome


Poor Milo. First Celebrity Worship Syndrome, now Martyr Syndrome, with a splash of narcissism throw in there. A psychologist would have a field day with her. If she's also a catfish or a Sybil she'll be written up in psyc books.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 95

Ms. Couric is only doing a show on the down side of fame and child stars BECAUSE of one thing. Ratings.


That's funny because I watched the show and it was not about the down side of fame. In fact, it was just the opposite and presented a few child stars who, because of their parents and upbringing, turned out to to be fine adults and successful in their careers. It was a show about positivity. ~ Administrator said... 96

Rainbows I haven't seen it yet but that's what it sounds like. It sounds like they were offering up great examples of what went right for them. You can learn from where things went wrong but you can also learn from where things went right.

The one most prevalent thing I have noticed among child stars who do well is that they did not have to support their families and their parents make valiant efforts to keep their day jobs. It seems to be crucial for a child to not feel the very adult pressure of supporting the family at too young of an age. Almost every single glowing success story involves parents with day jobs. The ONLY one I can think of who made out all right where this wasn't the case was Allison Arngrim. Granted, her mom was Gumby and she did work but Alison admits it did get to the point where they were relying on Alison's income.

Anonymous said... 97

Aimee said... 92
Everyone has their Brave Moments in life. When you give birth, you have committed to protecting a life. Brave is not leaving, not walking away and always being there for your child/children in everyday/everyway.

That is not "brave." If you choose to bring a child into the word it is obligation to protect that life. It is not an act of bravery.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 98

Rainbows I haven't seen it yet but that's what it sounds like. It sounds like they were offering up great examples of what went right for them. You can learn from where things went wrong but you can also learn from where things went right.


That's exactly what it was. They discussed the role of the parent and how very important it was that fame did not cause over-inflated egos of either the stars or their parents. In fact, White stressed how important it was that he had a trust fund, his mom wasn't into making a name for herself or spending money, and that a child star's parents shouldn't depend on them for income. It was a good show, and you really got the sense that when you have parents who have the child's best interests at heart and don't exploit them, kids in the entertainment industry can grow up to live happy lives.

It all kept coming back to the parents and their role in making sure that these kids were grounded and weren't spoiled by fame and material possessions. ~ Administrator said... 99

I wish anonymous would pick a name but I have to agree. I'm not following how it is brave not to walk away from your child. It is you CHILD. Being a parent to your child is what you're supposed to do, and if that's not for you you simply need not bring a child into the world. Kate is not brave for sticking around and being there "every day" (of which, she is not). Also what about custody orders that limit your contact? She's not there every day and she's admitted that per their custody order. Most parents who split are simply not allowed to be there every day but that in and of itself doesn't make them less of a parent. This is no different than saying it's brave not walk around killing other people. You're not SUPPOSED to kill people under normal circumstances in the first place. It's not "brave" to do the right thing! ~ Administrator said... 100

. It was a good show, and you really got the sense that when you have parents who have the child's best interests at heart and don't exploit them, kids in the entertainment industry can grow up to live happy lives.


This is one reason I am not supportive of banning kids from T.V. Mostly because that will never happen and is a waste of time and precious resources and diminishes the credibility of the cause, but also because those men and women prove there IS a way to do it and mitigate most of the negativity that comes with it. Mara will probably always be annoyed with people asking her about when she was 6 years old and wishing she were little again, but that's an annoyance she can live with just fine, no more annoying than many other things normal adults face.

fidosmommy said... 101

I have never been a fan of Katie Couric. In fact, I switched to Good Morning America because I couldn't stand Katie's "chirpiness" and goofiness on the air. That said, she has always, IMO, done well with MOST of her interviews. I've seen some that didn't go so well, but that's normal, I guess. Anyway, I watched the first part of her program today and fell asleep while Jonathon Lipnicki was on telling his story. I felt it was a positive show at that point. What happened after that I will have to read here. ~ Administrator said... 102

I think that's why it just didn't work with Katie Couric anchoring the evening news, she was just too chirpy and neighborly. She couldn't be taken as serious enough no matter how hard she tried.

In terms of skill though, yes she has it, and influence. I firmly believe her interview with Sarah Palin was the beginning of the end. That interview had major influence, defining influence, on what happened there. She knows the power she has and respects that. Oh and the SNL parody of it....was brilliant, period. It was also portrayed in Game Change and led to the famous scene where she screams into her blackberry afterward at her staff, "I am not your puppet!!!"

Oh and Katie's a real single mom, Kate, so suck it.

Millicent said... 103

Aimee said... 92
Everyone has their Brave Moments in life. When you give birth, you have committed to protecting a life. Brave is not leaving, not walking away and always being there for your child/children in everyday/everyway.

What the heck? If you aren't sure that you really, really, really want a child, and you are not sure if you are ready to give up your life (I mean in the sense that your life is no longer yours to call your own), then for the love of all things decent and holy, don't have a baby!

I echo the sentiments of those that point out it's not brave to fulfill your parental obligations. It's your responsibility, if you have a child, to raise them. Gee whiz, since when do people need a medal of bravery for doing what they are supposed to do?

Being a mom is the hardest thing I have ever done, or will ever do. At times, it's absolutely bone-deep exhausting. It's also mostly thankless. (Despite how Kate describes it, most children do not thank their moms or dads for being their parents) It requires that you give up many things you'd rather be doing. It takes all your money and then some. It can feel very lonely.

On the other side of the coin, I have never felt such love for another human being as I do my child. I didn't know I could love that much. I didn't know I could sacrifice so willingly for another person. It made me a better person. Plus, what a privilege to have this wonderful soul in my life, to get to experience all his firsts, to share in the simple childhood joys. Wow, I cannot describe adequately how amazing it is to be a mom.

I am not brave, at all. I absolutely refuse to be called brave for doing what most every other parent does - at least parents who love their children. It should not be anything special that I actually stick around and raise my child, care for my child and fulfill the obligation I accepted the day I chose to become a parent. That's what parents are supposed to do.

So Kate chose to have all these kids. I'm not going to applaud her just because she hasn't given them up for adoption. How low has the bar gone down when some people think it's an act of bravery for a parent not to abandon their children? ~ Administrator said... 104

You know what's brave? Choosing not to get pregnant if you're not sure you're ready for such a responsibility. I can respect that.

Millicent said... 105

Thanks for the sweet comments fellow posters :) And Sillimom, your post brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad to hear that your daughter did not have cancer.

Millicent said... 106

Parent In Lancaster County said... 71

"Great post, Milicent. That's what is wrong here. We don't get Sponge Bob. For us, it's Dora and Boots. :)"


And Kayu (which is actually good), Adventure Time, Bubble Guppies, and Max and Ruby!

Oh I have fond memories of Dora the Explorer and Caillou. I also loved the Little Bear cartoons. LOL.

Zoe said... 107

At one point during Katie's interview with Jaleel White she said something about "how sad it is" and Jaleel jumped in and made the point that there are lots of child stars whose lives turned out just fine, but it's just that the sad stories make bigger news. He said something like "we need an all good news" show.

L In Oklahoma said... 108

L In Oklahoma said... 12
Thank you so much Chefsummer for coming here to help, please know it is so appreciated! We just barely missed the first storm and got hit this storm. We lost our roof, some windows and power but we haven't lost anything compared to many, many others. Our pets are safe but scared and the kiddo and husband are fine. We lost all of our food but on the bright side, I have a really really clean fridge to put food back in when the power comes back on! It might even be Kate approved!!! Her cookbook? Please spare the people down here from Kate's half done chicken and scary pizza, we have enough problems down here!! Can you imagine? Her food looks like ours after it sat in the hot fridge for two days... Thank you all for thinking of us! It looks like we have a couple more days to worry about this week and hopefully it won't be as bad...

fidosmommy said... 109 (Administrator) said... 104
You know what's brave? Choosing not to get pregnant if you're not sure you're ready for such a responsibility. I can respect that.

I didn't because I wasn't, and thank you.

It was an easy decision for me, though. I knew from the start I didn't want to do the Mommy stuff and make any children either live with a martyr or with a crabby grouch. I have never looked back with regret.

chefsummer #Leh said... 110

fidosmommy said... 109

It was an easy decision for me, though. I knew from the start I didn't want to do the Mommy stuff and make any children either live with a martyr or with a crabby grouch. I have never looked back with regret.

This that's guts to.

I'm still debating or rather I want to be a mom or not.

chefsummer #Leh said... 111

L In Oklahoma said... 108

You are welcome I enjoy helping others.

I volunteered through my 4yrs of HS helping children and animals and I miss it a lot.

capecodmama said... 112

Millicent and Silimom...Great posts.

My grandson is not a fan of Spongebob. At our house, his favorites, as well as mine, are Little Bear and Franklin.

fidosmommy said... 113

Several threads ago someone here talked about the art of food photography and how it is quite a major production. I just finished watching a video put out by McDonald's Canada that answered the burning question of why our burgers don't look like they do in the pictures.
We are taken to a studio and the work begins, transforming a simple cheeseburger into a luscious looking cheeseburger for the camera.

I was thinking the whole time how long it would take these experts to transform Kate's chicken cacciatore or her sausage cacciatore into a beautiful, tempting picture for her cookbook.
I don't think just any person is qualified to
make the mediocre look tasty.

This has probably been discussed before and I just missed it. If so, sorry.

Formerly Duped said... 114

Yup, as per Twitter, they're still 'littles' at age nine...

TLC stinks said... 115

OMG. Today has a short piece on Kate's tweet about being brave, and the other day Celeb Dirty Laundry did a piece on Kate's eye color. WTF! I guess Kate is not a dummy when it comes to using Twitter to have some interent tabloid picking up her tweets. I still think there's a link between them and The Stir, ~ Administrator said... 116

The littles. Who are nine pushing ten now.

Kate has always de-aged the children three or four years. Remember the RV episode? She called the kids "preschoolers." The kids were seven at the time!

TLC stinks said... 117

A sheeple said Kate is wise to not announce the kids' outside activities for fear they will be stalked. What stoopid thing to say. She announces on Twitter their activities all the time. As a mom of two, summer camps were a welcome break for me and my kids. I don't think Kate enrolls her kids in anything during the summer because then she relinquishes control to strangers.

The high point this summer will be when she manages to grift another beach vacay ( and don't think for even a minute that she hasn't approached whomever it was last year that gave her the free beach house). This reaching out to Emily smells like she is looking for a nanny to take on vacation ( Deanna probably is busy this summer or has realized what a jerk Kate is just like everyone else). Kate has always been totally inept in travelling alone with her kids. Pathetic. ~ Administrator said... 118

Saying the kids will be enjoying summer camp or other activities this summer does not put the kids in any danger. There are a thousands and one summer camps probably more. No one would ever know where they are.

If anything, announcing when they are home all the time is what is dangerous. For instance when she tweets they're all out by the pool, what a perfect time for someone to try to sneak in around the other side of the house. Or what about Chipotle? Anyone could figure out which one is near them and stake it out quite easily. You can never mention where you are and what you are up to and claim safety, but you can't mention SOME things then claim safety for other things, that's silly.

TLC stinks said... 119

Kate using the term "littles" is proof she lives in the past when the tups were her bread and butter. Just another example of her mental illness. Calling them "littles" is not cute when they are nine. Next year they will be in pre-puberty.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 120

TLC stinks said... 119
Kate using the term "littles" is proof she lives in the past when the tups were her bread and butter. Just another example of her mental illness. Calling them "littles" is not cute when they are nine. Next year they will be in pre-puberty.

Wasn't there some TV show where people referred to their wife/husband as "spousal unit?"

The tups are corralled together by an invisible umbilical cord and move, think and speak as one.

TLC stinks said... 121

Tweet, that was SNL and it was the Coneheads, LOL.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 122

TLC, of course!! Now I remember. So funny.

Not too funny in Kate's case however.

Formerly Duped said... 123

I think calling them littles also demeans them and keeps them in their place under her control. No nine year old wants to be called that! Also agree with the unit mentality.

Tucker's Mom said... 124

I watched most of the segment on Katie and Amanda Bynes really wasn't the main topic. Each child star talked about their experiences and how important having a normal childhood was. Jonathan Lipniki is still so cute, but he's an amazing young man now. Mara was very articulate and discussed her article which was picked up by the HuffPo.

Somewhere In Time said... 125

Kate invited Emily and Austin to visit this summer. Why didn't she invite her die-hard fans - Milo, the Detective, Goody, the drooling Irish person and all of those who have "faithfully" supported her and defended her over the years. Why just those two teens?

Tucker's Mom said... 126

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 16h
Playing 'Green Glass Door' with littles at bedtime.... They are trying SO hard to figure it out!!! ;)
I'd rather Kate just refer to them as "the tups" than "littles". They're about to hit puberty for Pete's sake! She's got to give it up. They had several years of being really cute toddlers and kids, but they've grown up and well, they're not the draw they used to be. It happens. Ask any child star who grew up and had to change their life plans.
Then there's LiLo who is lost without Hollywood. That I put squarely on her f*cked up parents. She drew the short straw parentally.

Tucker's Mom said... 127

Somewhere In Time said... 125
Kate invited Emily and Austin to visit this summer. Why didn't she invite her die-hard fans
Me thinks Kate was tipping the box that night...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 128

Somewhere In Time said... 125

Kate invited Emily and Austin to visit this summer. Why didn't she invite her die-hard fans - Milo, the Detective, Goody, the drooling Irish person and all of those who have "faithfully" supported her and defended her over the years. Why just those two teens?


Because she does not feel "threatened" by young people.

 ~ Administrator said... 129

Because young people are much easier to manipulate and control and because young fans are more flexible to drop everything and come work for pennies or nothing for you. She has this all figured out. One word. Liberace.

Tucker's Mom said... 130 (Administrator) said... 129
Because young people are much easier to manipulate and control and because young fans are more flexible to drop everything and come work for pennies or nothing for you. She has this all figured out. One word. Liberace.
Yes, Kate doesn't like a level playing field. Jon, for one. He was malleable and very young, and a follower. He had the common sense to not want to go through with more fertility treatments after he was happy with the twins, but caved to Kate's pressure, uh, I mean, prayers.

TLC stinks said... 131

Kate doesn't invite anyone over without an ulterior motive. For instance, didn't Jaime pop up at the house last summer to help Kate clean (remember the range hood pictures?). Could it be that Kate knew at that time there were going to be photos for her cookbook shot in the kitchen, so who you gonna call? Good ol' Jamie. I guess we'll just sit back and see what Kate has in store for Emily and Austin, if indeed, they come to the McMansion. Remember at the marathon how Emily ended up watching the kids?Inviting strangers into your home? Jon, what are you going to do about this?

BTW, I totally don't believe anything happens by accident on these reality shows. I cannot possibly believe that Kim Kardashian "accidentally" got pregnant. I bet Kayne West is feeling a little trapped. He never looks happy in any of the pap photos these days. And she sure pulled one over on Kris Humpheries. She is a manipulator like our Kate, IMO.

TLC stinks said... 132

Admin, ITA. Her former "friends" have figured out her game. Deanna, Ashley and Jamie hopefully have had their fill of being used and told her to stick it. Teens are easily star struck, so that's where Kate has set her sights. She has something planned and has run off everyone else, so now she is recruiting from Twitter. Scary and dangerous. Austin could be a pedophile for Pete's sake. She hasn't even met him.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 133

Tucker's Mom said... 127
Somewhere In Time said... 125
Kate invited Emily and Austin to visit this summer. Why didn't she invite her die-hard fans
Me thinks Kate was tipping the box that night...

Me too.

Nina said... 134

TLC stinks said... 117
I don't think Kate enrolls her kids in anything during the summer because then she relinquishes control to strangers.
Considering that she enrolls her children in school vs. home schooling them, therefore relinquishing control, this theory doesn't make any sense.

Somewhere In Time said... 135

Because she does not feel "threatened" by young people.


How would a group of middle-aged fans be a threat to her? ;-)

"Because young people are much easier to manipulate and control"


I would think that fans such as Milo would be more than willing to do ANYTHING asked of them, such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, taking care of the kids...! It's the cult thing. They'd drop everything in a heartbeat to have the chance to spend time with her at her home. The bragging about being there would be endless and others on Twitter would turn green with envy. They'd love the attention.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 136

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 1h
@Kateplusmy8 the road race is this weekend! Can you believe it's been a year?!

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 1h
@Kateplusmy8 wish you were coming again this year ;(

Looks like I'll just have to take a trip out to PA! ;)

Em is looking for confirmation of Kate's drunken tweet the other night. Good luck, Em.

Somewhere In Time said... 137

I'd rather Kate just refer to them as "the tups" than "littles".


How about "the younger six..."

Parent In Lancaster County said... 138

End of year proud momma alert: Love when I am handed year long 'honor roll' certificates when my kids get off the bus! WTG, kids!!


Grades are not given in grades Pre-K through 4.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 139

Tucker's Mom said... 127
Somewhere In Time said... 125
Kate invited Emily and Austin to visit this summer. Why didn't she invite her die-hard fans
Me thinks Kate was tipping the box that night...

Me too.


For sure. And yes, she thinks these teens would be like putty, unlike Milo-like sheeple - no interest in relationships with adults; adults are only useful if they give her things.

Tucker's Mom said... 140

BTW, I totally don't believe anything happens by accident on these reality shows. I cannot possibly believe that Kim Kardashian "accidentally" got pregnant. I bet Kayne West is feeling a little trapped. He never looks happy in any of the pap photos these days. And she sure pulled one over on Kris Humpheries. She is a manipulator like our Kate, IMO.
I think Kanye is sticking around until the baby is born, then he'll split. I heard that Kim's mom and step dad have only met him once! The baby daddy of their (I think) first grandbaby and they don't even know him.
That is just classless, tacky and rude.
I think Kanye doesn't want to get involved with their show and is staying a mile away from it.
The Kartrashians don't wipe their butts if it doesn't behoove their show somehow.
I know I'm going to Hell for this, but Kim is looking more and more like Augustus Gloop every day.

Vanessa said... 141

This reaching out to Emily smells like she is looking for a nanny to take on vacation ( Deanna probably is busy this summer or has realized what a jerk Kate is just like everyone else). Kate has always been totally inept in travelling alone with her kids. Pathetic.

Oh good Lord I hope not, but I think you've hit on something there admin. Not only is it pathetic, it's irresponsible, it's being CHEAP and it reeks of desperation. She REALLY does not have ANYONE to vacay with that would go because they are her FRIEND? Oh yeah, she lost TWO GOOD FRIENDS on the RV vacation. What will be even more pathetic if this is true and we all will get a play by play via twitter. KEEP. IT. TO. YOURSELF. YOU. FAMEWHORE.

Parent In Lancaster County said... 142

Sixth graders (the twins) do receive grades and they certainly could have excelled academically. Kate makes it sound like all the kids were on the honor roll. I remember when she said that the "littles" were at the top of their class. The school DOES NOT rank its students.

Silimom said... 143

If she is asking Emily to come so she can get a free babysitter, then she's more of a fool then I thought or desperate. Kate's true colors will show eventually - they always do - and now you're outing yourself to one of your twitter followers who can report back to your twitter fans and who will likely be more believed by at least half of them then, say, this blog or her own tv show? Really, Kate? Not such a brilliant move if you want to keep up your facade of being the uber wonderful super single mom.

Tucker's Mom said... 144

Considering that she enrolls her children in school vs. home schooling them, therefore relinquishing control, this theory doesn't make any sense.
First of all, Kate would have to be around all the time to home school and a couple years ago, she was on the road at least half the time. Additionally, she's on record saying that her ideal mothering schedule would be mothering them in person HALF THE TIME.
It takes far more work and dedication than she'd be willing to put in and frankly, I don't think she's got the smarts to teach the material. And again, she's too lazy to teach herself.
So, it is far, far better that the kids go to school where the pros can teach them.
BTW, have you seen the K+8 gymnastics episode? Kate wouldn't get her ass off the very busy floor and get the hell out of the instructors way, even when about a dozen people gave her the stink eye!
It's all about control, mostly, controlling who the kids may have contact with and what they might say.

Silimom said... 145

Somewhere In Time said... 137
I'd rather Kate just refer to them as "the tups" than "littles".


How about "the younger six..."


How about just "my kids" or even better respect their individuality and use their given names?

Tucker's Mom said... 146

Oh yeah, she lost TWO GOOD FRIENDS on the RV vacation.
She sure did. One-way friendships like that don't last. After a while of being used and catering to the narcissist's needs, you've have enough.
I think Jamie got a good dose of being on Kate's "servant" side. I was surprised she went back to PA to visit, but then again, I find Jamie to be a bit strange, especially not having custody of her kids.
Kate just has that personality type where she can get some people to worship and have a girl crush on her. Jamie sure did.

Silimom said... 147

Any news on her lawsuit against Robert and Jon? Have court papers been filed yet?

rainbowsandunicorns said... 148

I would think that fans such as Milo would be more than willing to do ANYTHING asked of them, such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, taking care of the kids...! It's the cult thing.


Milo would love to run a nice hot bath for an exhausted Kate and wash her back for her!

PatK said... 149

Parent In Lancaster County said... 138
End of year proud momma alert: Love when I am handed year long 'honor roll' certificates when my kids get off the bus! WTG, kids!!


Grades are not given in grades Pre-K through 4.


She knows how to word things just so to get her fans all excited. I had assumed it was the twins with these awards and not necessarily any of the six-pack.

Somewhere In Time said... 150

How about just "my kids" or even better respect their individuality and use their given names?


"My kids" include Mady and Cara. "Littles" are just the younger ones, and six names takes up too many letters (31) on Twitter! lol!!

Call Me Crazy said... 151

Nina said... 134
TLC stinks said... 117
I don't think Kate enrolls her kids in anything during the summer because then she relinquishes control to strangers.
Considering that she enrolls her children in school vs. home schooling them, therefore relinquishing control, this theory doesn't make any sense.

Ah, but Nina, you are forgetting one very important constant in the equation: "The Lazy Factor". Home schooling would be far too much
work for Kate. Her usual MO is to do whatever is EASIEST for HER. So in this particular case, lazy trumps control. AND, even when they are at school, she can still exercise enough control (for now) over her kids through threats (which she showed everyone numerous times on her shows).

In the summer, Kate can easily delegate childcare duties to Cara and Mady. This not only gives her complete control over everything all the kids do, it also makes things easy for her. So she accomplishes being lazy AND being in control in one fell swoop.

If she could figure out a way to have C&M home school themselves and their young siblings, I have no doubt she would do that as well.

Somewhere In Time said... 152

Considering that she enrolls her children in school vs. home schooling them, therefore relinquishing control, this theory doesn't make any sense.
First of all, Kate would have to be around all the time to home school and a couple years ago, she was on the road at least half the time. Additionally, she's on record saying that her ideal mothering schedule would be mothering them in person HALF THE TIME.


I see what the poster is saying here (134). She's not talking about why Kate does or does not home school, but is pointing out that the kids are not under her control at all times because they attend school five days a week and therefore Kate does not have control of them at that time. They very well may not be treated as a "pack" at school, but rather individuals in different classes with different interests.

Tucker's Mom said... 153

The school DOES NOT rank its students.
I know we want to preserve the kids' school privacy, but I sure do appreciate a local who can bust Kate in yet another lie.
I mean, a flat-out, nose-elongating lie!

rainbowsandunicorns said... 154

@Kateplusmy8 Name the date, and I'll be in PA with @EmCr68! Got my check book ready to buy a plane ticket! Lol! #AustinMeetsKate ;)

Oh, geez...

OrangeCrusher1 said... 155

Milo would love to run a nice hot bath for an exhausted Kate and wash her back for her!


Pass the brain bleach.

Re: summer activities. I think there are a lot of factors: she is still in mourning for her filming summer schedule, she is too lazy to coordinate anything other than her school bus runs, she is too cheap to pay for extras (bet her parents didn't either), and she is really fearful of strangers interacting with her children outside her presence. School is different because she thinks that she read them the riot act about privacy from the beginning, and feels they are under her control. TLC no longer backs her, so this may or may not be true. I am sure the school is professional and does protect their privacy, but she will not subscribe to more casual summer programs, and frankly, if she did, they would all have to do the same thing, and do it together. I am amazed that the 9 year olds, both boys and girls, have yet to experience a team sport experience.

TLC stinks said... 156

Silimom, nobody at RWA has been served so my guess the whole Bullyville/ Radar threats were for publicity. I don't believe there is any lawsuit against Jon and Robert. I would be shocked if there were.

prairiemary said... 157

A few months after I turned 9, my breasts began developing, I remember my mom cut down one of her really pretty bras, to fit me, I would have been mortified to be called a 'little', what goes on in that brain of hers??

Mel said... 158

Additionally, she's on record saying that her ideal mothering schedule would be mothering them in person HALF THE TIME.

So the problem with Jon having 50% custody is.......?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 159

Austin Martin ‏@TheAustinMartin 28m
@Kateplusmy8 Name the date, and I'll be in PA with @EmCr68! Got my check book ready to buy a plane ticket! Lol! #AustinMeetsKate ;)

Yeah, Kate, name the date. LOL

Virginia Pen Mom said... 160

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h
End of year proud momma alert: Love when I am handed year long 'honor roll' certificates when my kids get off the bus! WTG, kids!! #welldone

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 40m
@Kateplusmy8 These results spk #LoveCertificates implanted N ur heart when kids excel! Obvious U & teachers did gr8 job!


"Love certificates"?? Good gosh, Milo. Get a room already. Milo has lost any semblance of self respect. I'll bet she'd like to give Kate a "love certificate," hehehe.

Kate and homeschooling... Remember when two of the children were expelled, Kate hired a tutor. No way is she going to sit down with the children, plan the curriculum and field trips, testing, etc. It's fun, but it's also a lot of WORK, and we know work is a language Kate doesn't speak. Speaking as a longtime homeschool mom, we don't want her over here!

Anonymous said... 161

Remember that Robert Hoffman writes that Jamie came on to Jon when he was married. So it will be interesting to see if Jamie reappears in Kate life. Kate seems to have forgiven her for the RV trip. (Kate thinks she did wrong, I don't).I don't remember the details in the book though. And didn't Robert say that he has proof of that. It may have been a photo of her boobs or email...not sure. Anybody remember? Leslie

Nina said... 162

Tucker's Mom said... 144

First of all, Kate would have to be around all the time to home school and a couple years ago, she was on the road at least half the time. Additionally, she's on record saying that her ideal mothering schedule would be mothering them in person HALF THE TIME.
It takes far more work and dedication than she'd be willing to put in and frankly, I don't think she's got the smarts to teach the material. And again, she's too lazy to teach herself.
So, it is far, far better that the kids go to school where the pros can teach them.
BTW, have you seen the K+8 gymnastics episode? Kate wouldn't get her ass off the very busy floor and get the hell out of the instructors way, even when about a dozen people gave her the stink eye!
It's all about control, mostly, controlling who the kids may have contact with and what they might say.
June 4, 2013 at 12:07 PM

All of the above has nothing to do with my point. The fact remains that if Kate were so dang worried about "relinquishing control," her children would not be educated outside the home. It's ludicrous to state that she's trying to "limit contact" with the outside world when her children are away from home for close to 1,500+ hours per year attending school.

And it is false to state that she would have to be around all the time to home school. She could hire a teacher, which would meet your "limited contact" criterion as there would be no other kids, staff, etc. to whom the children could blab. The whole "she doesn't want her kids talking to outsiders" line that is perpetuated here does not pass the logic test. ~ Administrator said... 163

What about the kids Milo? Don't THEY get credit for their own work??? Wtf, just Kate and the teachers get credit? It's THEIR hard work you obnoxious little....

Even Kate gave the kids credit.

Tucker's Mom said... 164

Ah, but Nina, you are forgetting one very important constant in the equation: "The Lazy Factor". Home schooling would be far too much
work for Kate. Her usual MO is to do whatever is EASIEST for HER. So in this particular case, lazy trumps control. AND, even when they are at school, she can still exercise enough control (for now) over her kids through threats (which she showed everyone numerous times on her shows).
We're talking about a mother who goes back to bed after dropping her kids off at the bus stop. That is, when she does, which we know is delegated to the nanny much of the time.

silimom said... 165

Tucker's Mom - I decided to reserve judgement about Jaime not having her kids a while ago. To the best of my knowledge, we don't know if her custody arrangement with her ex was a mutually agreed upon decision or court ordered (feel free to correct me). They could live with their dad for a variety of reasons.

I think it's sad that we automatically think there must be something wrong if the dad has primary custody. I know, I know...generally courts award custody to the mom. But I just find it kind of disrespectful to dads. Sometimes they are just the ones who at that time can provide more stability for the child and I appreciate courts that take the best interest of the child over social convention.

Obviously, Jaime sees her kids and it seems to be fairly regularly. Based on the show, she appears to have a good relationship with them. Her children seemed well behaved, socialized, and pretty typical, more so than Kate's kids as demonstrated many times on the show.

You're entitled to your opinion, obviously, and I respect your perspective. It's neither wrong nor right. It's just different than mine, especially as both are based on mostly speculation on our parts.

Tucker's Mom said... 166

I am amazed that the 9 year olds, both boys and girls, have yet to experience a team sport experience.
I think this is going to handicap them later in life. Can you see the boys being asked to join a pick up game of football, soccer or baseball?
"Sorry, I've never been taught how to play. Do you want to paint some potter?"

Anonymous said... 167

#158 Oh Mel, call on me. I have the answer. It is Kate's image. She would never let the world know that Jon is parenting 50%. She is supermom. She doesn't care that rotating nannies babysat 50% of the time but not their other parent. "Her" kids would definitely fall more in love with Jon than Kate if Kate dare let go of the control and gave Jon 50%. Leslie

Tucker's Mom said... 168

They very well may not be treated as a "pack" at school, but rather individuals in different classes with different interests.
I think school is their saving grace, really. Once home, they are the "little', a pack with so little individuality that their mother still makes them dress alike (in reciprocity for free clothing).

Tucker's Mom said... 169

And what about Jon? A little credit there. Never, ever from Milo.

Formerly Duped said... 170

I hate parents who brag about their kids. Sure, share with close friends and relatives but not on twitter. JMO.

Free Shoka said... 171

Is Irish really Milo? He deletes some of his tweets every day just like her. Is it common to delete your tweets like this? He also sounds nothing like a man to me.

Children First said... 172

I am amazed that the 9 year olds, both boys and girls, have yet to experience a team sport experience.

In all fairness, though, maybe they aren't interested in participating in sports. It happens. You don't push a child to play sports if he/she doesn't want to. Would she allow them to play on a team? Maybe, maybe not.

My kids showed no interest at that age in team sports. They loved to watch basketball, football and baseball on television and attend games, but as far as playing, no interest. When they hit 8th and 9th grades, however, all that changed. Daughter won the MVP in softball three consecutive years, and son was a varsity quarterback as well as pitcher on the baseball team. You just never know. ~ Administrator said... 173

The school has demonstrated itself to be trustworthy, holds their privacy under lock and key, and Kate seems to genuinely be happy with them. It doesn't make sense to try to mess with that and bring someone in to homeschool. I think the kids are isolated and spend far too much time just at the house with each other, but I don't think they have no contact with the outside world, that's silly and simply untrue.

Children First said... 174

What about the kids Milo? Don't THEY get credit for their own work??? Wtf, just Kate and the teachers get credit? It's THEIR hard work you obnoxious little....


lol, admin! She does tend to get under one's skin, doesn't she?

Children First said... 175

"Love certificates"?? Good gosh, Milo. Get a room already. Milo has lost any semblance of self respect. I'll bet she'd like to give Kate a "love certificate," hehehe.


I just want to know when and where this love relationship is going to be consummated.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 176

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 159
Austin Martin ‏@TheAustinMartin 28m
@Kateplusmy8 Name the date, and I'll be in PA with @EmCr68! Got my check book ready to buy a plane ticket! Lol! #AustinMeetsKate ;)

Yeah, Kate, name the date. LOL


What a strange love affair- and a ginormous waste of time & money.

Where the heck are their parents? I'm sure the money they will be spending for the entire trip, and gifts, was not easily earned.

WTH. Not a responsible, and logical adult in sight.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 177

I think it is conceivable that the younger children have no interest in sports, but I doubt this implies to all six. What I think is wrong is that she has apparently never tried to find out. And of course, given that their father does not live so far away, he could also have tried to place them, boys or girls, in a team situation. Jon played soccer, he was probably playing by the age his sons are now. Try and not like it, fine, deny them the experience, not so fine. The mother would prefer to keep them as littles, and since they appear to be physically small, she gets that advantage. There is more to a summer than splashing in a pool. ~ Administrator said... 178

I have no idea how Jamie got in this situation with custody but I have to say it's VERY rare under the circumstances you described, Sillimom. Possible but rare. I think it's a red flag. I also find it hypocritical for the fans to judge Jon for his custody issues but not judge Jamie for the same.

Nina said... 179 (Administrator) said... 173
The school has demonstrated itself to be trustworthy, holds their privacy under lock and key, and Kate seems to genuinely be happy with them. It doesn't make sense to try to mess with that and bring someone in to homeschool. I think the kids are isolated and spend far too much time just at the house with each other, but I don't think they have no contact with the outside world, that's silly and simply untrue.

I never stated that it made sense to home school. I merely pointed out that the "no contact with the outside world" theory does not hold water given the reality that they attend school and interact with plenty of people outside the family on a regular basis.

Anonymous said... 180 (Administrator) said... 174
I have no idea how Jamie got in this situation with custody but I have to say it's VERY rare under the circumstances you described, Sillimom. Possible but rare. I think it's a red flag. I also find it hypocritical for the fans to judge Jon for his custody issues but not judge Jamie for the same.

It is equally hypocritical for people to not judge Jon for his custody issues but judge Jamie for the same. ~ Administrator said... 181

Jamie is a woman, anonymous. That's a very different scenerio when it comes to losing custody. That's the difference and why I say it's hypocritical. It's common for men to have less custody than moms. The other side isn't common. ~ Administrator said... 182

Nina who said that? Maybe you are taking hyperbole a bit too literally! We can all see they occasionally leave the compound. :)

chefsummer #Leh said... 183

KK is to lazy to home school her kids

-She would have to do actual work in home schooling rather it be doing it herself or hiring teachers.

I doubt KK would pay a teacher to home school her kids. If she could grift it yes.

If oould be filmed the kids would be home schooled in a second.

Midnight Madness said... 184

Nina who said that? Maybe you are taking hyperbole a bit too literally! We can all see they occasionally leave the compound. :)


Admin, I believe her point is that they go to school five days a week and are gone nine hours a day, which is not exactly "isolated." Some here have said that they have no social life because Kate controls their every move. Some on Twitter keep harping on the fact that these kids are isolated from the outside world.

I still maintain that Kate is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. If she reports on their play dates, and any activities, then she's depriving them of privacy. If she doesn't tweet about these activities, then it's assumed that they are isolated and never interact with other kids. The sheeple, of course, want to know their every move because they believe that their support has entitled them to know what these kids are doing. The pester her constantly for photos and updates.

"Where the heck are their parents? I'm sure the money they will be spending for the entire trip, and gifts, was not easily earned."


Based on their tweets, I don't think that money is an issue for either one of them.

Tucker's Mom said... 185

You're entitled to your opinion, obviously, and I respect your perspective. It's neither wrong nor right. It's just different than mine, especially as both are based on mostly speculation on our parts.
Thanks, Silimom. Balanced perspective as usual. Love your posts, especially upthread. Really moving...

Luke's Mom said... 186

Formerly Duped said... 170
I hate parents who brag about their kids. Sure, share with close friends and relatives but not on twitter. JMO.
I agree.

And Kate's wording gives the impression that it was all of her kids coming home with an award.

Today was only the Middle School Awards ceremony, so it was either just Cara and Mady or both - not the 6 younger kids.

And can't you hear Kate on the ride home from school making the kids say "Thank you mommy" for how well they do in school. Because as Kate and the sheeple believe it is all because of Kate and not the kids hard work at school.

But what I find most interesting is that she tweets that she finds out about their awards "when my kids get off the bus". Parents are invited to the Awards Ceremony, so why was she not there?

I work full time and I have NEVER missed one of my kids Award Ceremonies in over 15 years.

What is she doing that is more important than attending her children's award ceremony?

Tucker's Mom said... 187

Anonymous said... 180
I appreciate your differing views, but please, pick a name! Own it!!

Tucker's Mom said... 188

I never stated that it made sense to home school. I merely pointed out that the "no contact with the outside world" theory does not hold water given the reality that they attend school and interact with plenty of people outside the family on a regular basis.
And you know this how?

Tucker's Mom said... 189

Jamie does seem to have good relationships with her kids, but it's just hinky to me, that'll all. Her son especially (forget his name, probably a good thing) seems lovely.

Tucker's Mom said... 190

Try and not like it, fine, deny them the experience, not so fine. The mother would prefer to keep them as littles, and since they appear to be physically small, she gets that advantage. There is more to a summer than splashing in a pool.
Bingo. My mom was so wonderful and let me try different things growing up. I had a smattering of sports and music. She punched her ticket to heaven many times, are those were some of them!

Midnight Madness said... 191

Try and not like it, fine, deny them the experience, not so fine


But how do we know that they didn't try it and not like it? Or how do we know that the kids aren't involved in any kind of sports or extra-curricular activities that the school may offer, or that Jon may be involved in with them?

Nina said... 192

Tucker's Mom said... 188
I never stated that it made sense to home school. I merely pointed out that the "no contact with the outside world" theory does not hold water given the reality that they attend school and interact with plenty of people outside the family on a regular basis.
And you know this how?


How do I know that they attend school? You can't be seriously asking me that question. I am saying that they interact with people 5 days per week for ~ 10 months per year within the context of school. I don't think it takes an insider information to "know" that. Yes, I am taking a giant leap and assuming that the children interact with their teachers, other kids and school staff during the course of the school day. If you choose to believe that doesn't occur, then there really is no point to further discussion because that's not remotely rational.

Parent In Lancaster County said... 193

Today was only the Middle School Awards ceremony, so it was either just Cara and Mady or both - not the 6 younger kids.


Kate played word games again today. She didn't say that ALL of her kids got honor roll certificates, but her "kids." Naturally the sheeple jumped all over this, assuming that it was every one of them. It would be interesting to hear her answer the question, "who received honor roll certificates?" since the younger kids don't get report cards or grades and therefore are not listed on an academic honor roll.

FYI said... 194

I also dislike Kate calling the younger kids "the littles". It reminds of the childrens' book series and former childrens'TV series of the same name. Hmm--maybe that's where Kate got it from, or why she does it?

On her bog and website, she refers to them as "my six" or "my 6". Even "the 6" would be better. Using "my 6" should would even save a few twitter characters.

Susie Cincinnati said... 195

I never stated that it made sense to home school. I merely pointed out that the "no contact with the outside world" theory does not hold water given the reality that they attend school and interact with plenty of people outside the family on a regular basis.
And you know this how?


I would think that this would be common sense. They go to school. They have classmates. They have teachers. Kate said that they have play dates, and friends have parents. These are all people outside the family with whom the kids interact. One of the older girls is on a sports team; another is involved in dramatics and music. Each of those activities involve interaction with others.

Nina said... 196

Midnight Madness said... 184

Admin, I believe her point is that they go to school five days a week and are gone nine hours a day, which is not exactly "isolated." Some here have said that they have no social life because Kate controls their every move. Some on Twitter keep harping on the fact that these kids are isolated from the outside world.


Indeed, that is my point!

I still maintain that Kate is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. If she reports on their play dates, and any activities, then she's depriving them of privacy. If she doesn't tweet about these activities, then it's assumed that they are isolated and never interact with other kids.


Exactly. ~ Administrator said... 197

There is one way Kate wouldn't be damned if she does or doesn't. She could get off twitter, shut down her blog and leave her kids out of it. Simple!

Midnight Madness said... 198

There is one way Kate wouldn't be damned if she does or doesn't. She could get off twitter, shut down her blog and leave her kids out of it. Simple!


Exactly. I think so many here said when she started this darn Twitter stuff that this would be her downfall. Shut it down. Pull the plug. The sheeple (and a few of the haters) will suffer withdrawal, but so be it. If they need their Kate fix, they can always pester her for an invitation to a jammie party at her house. She and Milo communicate in other ways, so this shouldn't be an issue for Milo. She can lust after Kate privately.

The only reason her blog exists right now is to sell the cookbook, and even that's not working. When you don't update a blog for two years, it's time to put it out of its misery.

IDModo said... 199

One of the most sensible people I know is a young schizophrenic woman who married a young man, also schizophrenic. Both of their illnesses are well controlled by medication. She decided that because there is a chance that there might be a hereditary component to schizophrenia, that they would not have children, but have pets instead. They have 2 cats.
These two are a true example of unselfishness.

Parent In Lancaster County said... 200

The school DOES NOT rank its students.
I know we want to preserve the kids' school privacy, but I sure do appreciate a local who can bust Kate in yet another lie.
I mean, a flat-out, nose-elongating lie!


Privacy is extremely important, but that one was a whopper and busting her did not compromise their privacy in any way. I remember when I read that one my mouth dropped open!

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