Now in its ninth season, Food Network Star is still about the basics: Do you have what it takes to get your mug on T.V.? Is your story compelling, are you a good teacher, are you smooth and engaging and comfortable with the cameras? Do people like you and want you to cook in their kitchens? One by one the hosts cut the chefs until they decide on a winner, who gets their own pilot.
This season features an endearing Chicago native, Chef Lovely, whose "glam up the kitchen" style of cooking is sassy and fun. Rumor has it she stirs with jewel-encrusted spoons back home. Lovely has a passion for kids, and in her spare time can be found supporting Michelle Obama's initiative to bring better food to schools. "Sometimes we just have to step outside ourselves to make a difference," says Lovely. Go, Lovely!
Next Food Network Star airs Sunday nights. Watch full episodes online here.
678 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 678 Newer› Newest»Kudos Kate,you are once again the topic! Well played!
Tucker's Mom said... 199
Is that what they call it now? Fixing? Mommy is fixing Steve? As in love-making, or being neutered?
The note is telling Steve to not touch the baby doll, not by Steve or fixing Steve.
Seriously wonder why this is what Kate chose to tweet today. Maybe trying to hint to some news?
What that she's and Steve are doing it yuck she can keep that to herself.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 4m
Answering ?:Dolls r from @FAO
Most favorite babies. Leah has Steve. Alexis has Buggy &Hannah's is baby pic.twitter.com/HieAoJ7kdu
Oh, so the baby's name is Steve. Too funny. Little baby Steve the personal slave.
The doll's name is Steve. That's one weird looking doll.
@sharmon1999 @Kateplusmy8 Did you read the note? It's signed "Steve". Guess he's part of the family now. Not her kids' printing.
What? It is not signed "Steve." The note says that mommy is fixing Steve, and it most certainly is a kid's printing.
Kate's explanation:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 16m
Answering ?:Dolls r from @FAO Most favorite babies. Leah has Steve. Alexis has Buggy &Hannah's is baby pic.twitter.com/HieAoJ7kdu
So Leah's baby is Steve, but the doll in the photo is a girl. Why is its name Steve? She says that Hannah's baby is the one in the photo. Is her baby also named Steve?
I am so confused.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 186
Jane, I meant to thank you for the link you put on the other thread:
"Weaponize the Media": An Anonymous Rapper's War on Steubenville
You're welcome! It was eye-opening - especially the role BullyVille plays in all this.
Creepy doll.
The Irish Creeper is feeling ignored. Seriously, that one scares me as much as Milo and Goody do.
irishfan @irishfan47 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Hello... hello...You out there????
FAO Schwartz sure makes creepy babies.
So apparently, Nigella's abusive husband has received a caution by the police. He's lucky he's not in the States, because his ass would be wearing stripes by now.
Childred First said... 6
The Irish Creeper is feeling ignored. Seriously, that one scares me as much as Milo and Goody do.
irishfan @irishfan47 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Hello... hello...You out there????
Some here have said he sounds like Milo, and he really does.
Tucker's Mom said... 2
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 4m
Answering ?:Dolls r from @FAO
Most favorite babies. Leah has Steve. Alexis has Buggy &Hannah's is baby pic.twitter.com/HieAoJ7kdu
Oh, so the baby's name is Steve. Too funny. Little baby Steve the personal slave.
LOL, Tucker! I wonder if they talk for him in an Aussie accent? "Put that camera down! Delete those photos now, or I shan't have patience and shall do it myself!"
I actually don't think the doll is that creepy. If yo enlarge the face it's got very nice features. It's just an Asian baby doll. I think it's just the pose and maybe the cloth body.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 7
FAO Schwartz sure makes creepy babies.
lol!! It's an artist doll. FAO doesn't make them. Usually the limbs are cernit or hard resin (breakable), but it's hard to tell the composition of the legs from the photo. It could be hard rubber, but the face definitely is polymer clay. These dolls are usually collectibles, and not play dolls, and many of them are very pricy.
If you want to see creepy, check out the reborn dolls. Some of those are so real that you actually have to touch them to make sure they are not live babies.
Nigella's husband was divorced by his second wife on grounds of domestic violence. He is a multi-millionaire, 70 yrs old. She too is wealthy, 43 yrs old with 2 teen age kids. They say he was friends with her late husband. I hope she has sense enough to stay away and keep her kids safe from him. How could she or any woman stay with a man for 10 years that abuses her and most likely also the kids.
Thank you for this link, Jane....it was very interesting. I wonder what bv thinks of it.
"Weaponize the Media": An Anonymous Rapper's War on Steubenville
By the way...that is one freaky looking doll in KK's tweet!!
Reborn dolls: ahhhhhh!!!!!
Good grief, Ms. Goody is as hung up on the child support as she is on Jon's "size". Funny how Kate says she absolved Jon of responsibility for paying child support, but Kate has never said he does not pay. Perhaps they went to 50/50 custody. Perhaps she lets him contribute what he can, when he can. But if he didn't pay at all, she would make sure everyone knew. Yet, she didn't. She just let her sheep make that conclusion, and didn't bother to correct them. Jon is the one with a regular job, so the kids' health and dental insurance must come from him, too.
I can see Kate telling Jon that he can be on a pay-what-you-can basis--as long as Kate can film the kids. She wanted to do CWS, and he was in a financial bind. It also looks like he got more custody time. Good for him. He gave that interview saying that Kate was a good mom and the kids missed filming, Kate got to do CWS (which she obviously thought would kick-start her show business career), and Jon got more time with the kids. Win-win. I just wish Kate would clear up the obvious lies her fans tell. They have asked before, but she refuses to answer.
On the subject of dolls, I think one of the most fantastic doll artists is Scattolini. Scroll down and look at Little Secrets and Cover Girls and the pricetags!
"The doll's name is Steve. That's one weird looking doll."
But why is a girl doll named Steve?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 11
Can you image that doll looking at you when you wake up?
Looks like KK's been paroled from twitter jail.
Or she could say the financial arrangement is between her, Jon and the courts and she would appreciate it if they don't make derogatory remarks about it. Jon also could be helping with some or all of the school tuition. This could also explain why a support order would end, if other financial arrangements had been worked out that are fair. Do the sheeple actually think the courts would let a father get away with this in most cases? I understand sometimes moms get screwed financially it happens occasionally but usually dads pay SOMETHING no matter how unfair a mom may think it is. You don't get a free pass all that easily! You don't just go from paying huge amounts of support to nothing without good reason. In PA as in many states the standard is best interest of the child, so if they have a problem with it they can go complain to the judge, because he was the one who felt he could make that best interest finding.
As for Nigella, I cannot believe he has a HISTORY of D.V. with another woman. Nigella, Nigella. I fear this guy has been abusing her forever. I doubt this was the first time. I don't know what a caution is but it sounds like a slap on the wrist. I want him in the U.S. too, where he would get JAIL TIME, lose his children, and be required to complete a 52 week batterer's intervention course as well as licensed therapy before he ever has a prayer of being back with his family in a normal capacity again. Men have gone to jail for a LOT less than choking their wives.
Layla said... 12
If Kate admits this then she's admitting that she and Jon have 50/50.
She would be admitting that Jon see's his kids spends time with them. And takes care of them equally as she does.
She's not giving Jon and credit. And she's not giving up.
The whole single hardworking mom w/a dead beat ex thing.
Chef I finally caught up with Next Food Network star and watched Sunday's episode. Lovely is just wonderful. What a breath of fresh air. She definitely has my vote, hands down, even if I didn't know you were related. Your family must be so proud of her.
As for what's her face? There's definitely a new reality T.V. villain!
Part of the reason, a major reason, Kate will never be a successful mommy blogger, is that so often when she tries to explain things, she is confusing and leaves readers scratching their heads with more questions than answers. I don't know if it's deliberate or she likes to play games. Or if she is just genuinely bad at explanations.
But the bottom line is a great blogger needs to be clear. They cannot be vague, they cannot frustrate people because you don't know what they mean or your explanation opens up another can of worms. Tonight is a perfect example. Mentioning the doll's name is Steve without any explanation is generally frustrating for a reader, given the family lore. To add more confusion, the doll is a girl, and the doll starts off as Hannah's then is Leah's--more confusion. Even her own tweeties were giving her 20 questions about it, even they were confused. Constant confusion usually just doesn't work when you want to gain readers. Going back to the holy grail of Mommy bloggers, there is not a single post on Pioneer Woman that is even remotely confusing. In fact they are so clear they seem rather simple sometimes--and yet when you are a "fast food" blogger, that is what you do. Simple is better.
He gave that interview saying that Kate was a good mom and the kids missed filming, Kate got to do CWS (which she obviously thought would kick-start her show business career), and Jon got more time with the kids. Win-win. I just wish Kate would clear up the obvious lies her fans tell. They have asked before, but she refuses to answ
I hope all of this comes out in Robert's book.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 26...
I sure wouldn't hold my breath hoping for Robert to validate one bit of this...(0ther than Jon said in an interview that KK was a good mom)
''He gave that interview saying that Kate was a good mom and the kids missed filming, Kate got to do CWS (which she obviously thought would kick-start her show business career), and Jon got more time with the kids.''
Doing the happy dance! Danushka is G-O-N-E !!! I really, I mean REALLY disliked her. Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard. I'm surprised she made it to the 3rd episode.
Chef, Lovely is definitely one of my favorites. I also like Chris though.
Mentioning the doll's name is Steve without any explanation is generally frustrating for a reader, given the family lore. To add more confusion, the doll is a girl, and the doll starts off as Hannah's then is Leah's--more confusion.
I agree, Kate is rarely able to be clear about what she means. I just think it's the way her mind is...jumbled.
However, she didn't mention the name of the doll or whose it was in her first tweet. With the tweet there was a note that mentioned the doll's name. Then in her second, she tells which tup has which doll and gives doll's names.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 4h
Fixing babies is part of my usual routine. I found a note attached 2 this baby in my 'hospital'. Cute! pic.twitter.com/uLr2mz81sG
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3h
Answering ?:Dolls r from @FAO
Most favorite babies. Leah has Steve. Alexis has Buggy &Hannah's is baby pic.twitter.com/HieAoJ7kdu
Admin said:
As for Nigella, I cannot believe he has a HISTORY of D.V. with another woman. Nigella, Nigella. I fear this guy has been abusing her forever. I doubt this was the first time. I don't know what a caution is but it sounds like a slap on the wrist. I want him in the U.S. too, where he would get JAIL TIME, lose his children, and be required to complete a 52 week batterer's intervention course as well as licensed therapy before he ever has a prayer of being back with his family in a normal capacity again. Men have gone to jail for a LOT less than choking their wives.
Admin - I am 99.9% positive this was far from the first time. Abuse begins gradually and usually in non-physical ways. It's usually verbal - jokes that are hurtful and derogatory. Then criticisms. Then pushes, shoves, slaps and pinches. It slowly builds.
For this man to actually choke her IN PUBLIC tells you that it is much, much worse in private. This was him on his "good" behavior in public!
She needs to leave him, immediately. If she won't do it for herself, she ought to think of her children, raised in this toxic environment. Sadly, Nigella has allowed her children to be around this abusive behavior and the chances that her daughter will end up in an abusive relationship, or that her sons may abuse their significant others, are greatly heightened. She needs to put a stop to it by leaving her husband and filing for divorce. She will eventually, but if this incident wasn't the breaking point, I'm rather afraid at what extreme it will take before she wakes up and realizes she is in danger and so are her children.
It's very sad that Britain seems so far behind progressive times regarding domestic violence. It's been an eye opener. Perhaps the public outcry over this incident and the "wrist slap" will invigorate the debate in that country over domestic violence. They have so many great things to be proud of, but their record on domestic violence is sadly not one of them.
As to any book by Robert Hoffman - I don't think one will ever come out. After all this time, I think he's just going to let it go.
Further, there really wouldn't be much of a market for such a book. A few of us here would purchase it. Who else?
Why would he risk being involved in endless expensive lawsuits?
For this man to actually choke her IN PUBLIC tells you that it is much, much worse in private. This was him on his "good" behavior in public!
Yes I 100% agree, no way would a public incident be the first time. Plus he gave a big hint when he said that she hates fighting so that's why she was crying. Good heavens, man how often are you making her cry to act like "that's just how she is"???
That's another thing, any man who makes a woman cry and then brushes it off like that, is no man. You should not be fighting with her so intensely she is crying. He couldn't even say, yes she was crying and I feel just terrible that our fight had brought her to tears.
Having the paparazzi catch him in the act may be the best thing that ever happened to her, ironically. Although I'm sure they probably did it with only the motivation of salacious photos in mind, it may be enough to wake her up.
I think D.V. falls into family matters that British keep that notorious stiff upper lip about. You don't splash family problems in public. With a few exceptions, if you look at British celebrities who have marriage troubles, they rarely air their dirty laundry. Even if he cheated, did drugs and beat them and is a grade-A jerk, they will say everything is fine the divorce is amicable and we'll always be friends. And we reward this by saying they are classy and putting their kids first. Something to think about, are they being classy or are they hiding really terrible behavior and not getting help?
It really makes you wonder how much has been hidden in other families. She is but a representation of the sound of silence. I fear for her, her kids, and I hope she can get out of this relationship and have a happy life. She deserves better.
However, she didn't mention the name of the doll or whose it was in her first tweet. With the tweet there was a note that mentioned the doll's name. Then in her second, she tells which tup has which doll and gives doll's names.
The whole series of tweets is confusing. On another note, it's a boring, not-cute story. It's also borderline embarrassing, since the children are nine and at the age where it could be embarrassing to still play with dolls. Many still do, but they generally wouldn't want others to know. It's yet another attempt to portray them as younger than they are. She has no idea what blog fodder is and it's really sad.
I was reading a bit about Nigella's background to get some context here. Her mother died when Nigella was only 25. She also lost her sister when her sister was in her early 30's. She hasn't had the family women around to talk about relationships with, they are long gone. She needs a strong, grounded, smart girlfriend who can help her get through this.
As far as her past relationships, they are tragic. Her first husband left her, her second died of cancer, which threw her into a depression.
She has also had nearly endless reviews talking about how she is nothing special as a cook and that people only watch her because she's so beautiful. I wonder if after awhile she started to believe that this is all she is worth as a woman, her looks, and that there's not much else behind it so she doesn't deserve a good man. One more point, she comes from an incredibly wealthy family. I am fascinated by a woman who seems to have it all together ending up in a relationship like this and I think there are some big clues in her past.
I think Kate provokes the confusion on purpose. She knew including Steve's name written in childish handwriting would get attention.
Agree with you100%, Dmasy (at 37)!
Bonus round: It drew everyone's attention away from speculation about her "mom's get-away," and subsequent imprisonment in "twitter jail."
She's careening from one controversy to another.
I am fascinated by a woman who seems to have it all together ending up in a relationship like this and I think there are some big clues in her past.
Good insight.
What strikes me is that I'm inferring that this is NOT the first time he's put his hands on Nigella. Far from it.
First, to do this in public is very brazen. Maybe he's just so cavalier about it, and maybe it's his wealth and power that makes him not even think twice about assaulting Nigella in a public place in view of everyone.
Second, notice Nigella never put a hand up to stop him. If anyone grabbed my throat or put their hand over my face, I'd go ballistic and fast. She didn't defend herself at all, and that's really troubling.
If that 70-year old grabbed my throat, I'd rip his shriveled nuts off and shove them down HIS throat.
Second, notice Nigella never put a hand up to stop him. If anyone grabbed my throat or put their hand over my face, I'd go ballistic and fast. She didn't defend herself at all, and that's really troubling.
GOOD POINT. I would think an instinct, a normal reaction when someone grabs your throat, is to grab their hands. She didn't do that. That suggests, sadly, that this has happened before. That she is used to it.
This whole thing has to be one of the single most disturbing celebrity "incidents" I've seen in awhile.
It's very sad that Britain seems so far behind progressive times regarding domestic violence. It's been an eye opener.
It says a lot that no one intervened. Patrons, servers and paps saw it. It was right out there in the open!
It's a very dangerous culture for women. Yes, we Americans may be crass and loud mouthed at times, but we speak up! Screw the stiff upper lip.
The police (Scotland Yard?) are ineffectual and look weak when all they can do or want to do is slap this aristocrat on the wrist.
Do they live in a caste society?
Silimom - I'm with you and am soooooo glad that Danushka is gone. I'd seen her on Chopped and didn't like her there either. She was so annoying that I thought they'd keep her on for the drama. My favorites so far are Lovely and Viet.
Yes nice to see Danushka gone. I thought they hit the nail on the head when they said she acted like she didn't want to be there. She was ungrateful, and it showed, and they axed her.
She knew including Steve's name written in childish handwriting would get attention.
Bonus round: It drew everyone's attention away from speculation about her "mom's get-away," and subsequent imprisonment in "twitter jail."
And there you go. The gist of Kate's life.
GOOD POINT. I would think an instinct, a normal reaction when someone grabs your throat, is to grab their hands. She didn't do that. That suggests, sadly, that this has happened before. That she is used to it.
Didn't Nigella claim that her mother abused her as a child? Some children who are physically abused believe that they "deserved it". Perhaps, that's why Nigella won't press charges as she feels that she is the one to blame, not her husband.
YES, Nigella was abused as a child. This is the kind of thing that has long lasting effects for some people. Into your 40's and 50's.
Look at the eerie similarities in this interview:
A violent and depressive woman, Vanessa Salmon – who was married to Conservative politician Nigel Lawson, the former Chancellor – would lash out when her children made too much noise, Miss Lawson said. (like blowing a whistle??)....
She is convinced, moreover, that she in particular would face her mother’s wrath because she ‘just didn’t like me’. (Favoritism in the family?)
Miss Lawson, who studied at Oxford University and is estimated to have earned £15million from her cookery career, had a far closer relationship with her father, who divorced his wife in 1980. She said Lord Lawson was a relaxed parent (the laid back, live and let live parent of the two)
Dismissing suggestions that she flirts on screen, she said her complicated childhood had led to her developing a relentless need to please people.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2227618/She-just-didnt-like-Nigella-Lawson-reveals-agonising-relationship-depressed-mother-hit-brother.html#ixzz2WZqRd79d
I sure wouldn't hold my breath hoping for Robert to validate one bit of this...(0ther than Jon said in an interview that KK was a good mom)
I would think that if a book does come out and since Kate constantly feels the need to say how exhausted she is because she does it all on on her own without Jon, that there would be some mention as to the custody arrangements and exactly how much time Jon has the kids and how much he provides for them. Just because he doesn't pay child support to her directly does not mean that he contributes nothing to them financially.
Whoa the Nigella story is gaining traction. It's the top story on cnn.com this morning. A DV group said this:
"Research shows that strangulation is a key risk factor for domestic homicide," she said. "Last year, almost 50% of the women we supported had been strangled or choked by their abusers."
And apparently her husband voluntarily asked for the caution to sort of make the incident go away. No one, not Nigella, not the police, had tried to prosecute him. With those pictures as evidence not to mention his own damning admissions, that's truly unbelievable.
Has Kate bothered to give her condolences to poor Paige about her cat?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 48
Whoa the Nigella story is gaining traction
I hope she's working with her people to come out with a statement. She doesn't owe anyone an explanation of her private life, but her empire is a stake.
I think Nigella's fans, supporters and backers need to know she's going to get help for herself and her kids.
This could be a very good thing on many levels, but she needs to get ahead of this.
If this has been going on for years like we suspected, I imagine Nigella is at a real crossroads here. What kind of statement does she make when deep down she knows she probably did not do what she would tell her daughters to do in such a situation? I imagine her entire life, all of the tragic things that have happened to her and all her unresolved issues from child abuse and losing people she loved, has come to a head. I hope she is channeling that into something productive like therapy.
She has an opportunity to help other women here. But first she has to focus on her and the kids and get help for the family. I feel for her fans, they must be hurting for her. I know just woman to woman, I sure am.
My local paper is reporting that Nigella's husband was given a "caution" after a five-hour grilling. The article says, "under British law, a caution is a formal warning given to someone admitting a minor offense. It carries no penalty." Isn't it nice to know that, in Britain, choking someone is a minor offense. Nigella's kids are 20 and 17. If this abuse has been going on since she married this turd, her kids have seen alot.
On another note, Nigella sure is quite a shocking example of how "things are not always what they seem." Fronts are put up in the entertainment world, and some people are darn good at it.
I think even Kate is part of the great celebrity "front." I think much of how she has portrayed herself and her home life rings untrue. Much like Nigella it may all come to a head eventually.
She didn't defend herself at all, and that's really troubling.
Probably because she has "learned" to not fight back. She knows it would only make things worse as I'm sure he's shown her before.
Cape, I had no idea it was like this in Britain. I am truly floored. I was reading that a caution is given to things like graffiti. Graffiti! Oh okay, because that's just like CHOKING SOMEONE I.E. ATTEMPTED MURDER.
Ugh, I am so mad. We have come so far....and yet we really haven't at all, apparently.
I have a question about this 5 hour grilling. Did they interview the VICTIM? What about the kids? How about the photographer who witnessed the whole thing? Because it sure doesn't say they did.
If you're just grilling the perpetrator for five hours what do you expect him to say? Is he honestly going to say I have a terrible anger problem and I'm abusive and I've hurt her X amount of times? Gimme a break. He's going to downplay it and plead with them to just make this go away with a caution. He's going to lie if he has to.
DV groups are up in arms.
Is this you Steve? http://www.fao.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3764912
Those are some expensive dolls from FAO, pretty but very expensive.
I think even Kate is part of the great celebrity "front." I think much of how she has portrayed herself and her home life rings untrue. Much like Nigella it may all come to a head eventually.
I really appreciate Aunt Jodie's sister's blog for revealing the truth behind J+K+8, in particular, Kate's manufactured image, very early on.
Sad to think that Kate still tries to perpetrate the lie that she's done it on her own.
Sometimes, being confronted with the truth is a wake up call. With Nigella, this domestic issue had nothing to do with what her career is predicated upon. With Kate, the truth fractures the very foundation of her "brand", which is to say, she's going to go down fighting.
I think that's why I still have hopes that Robert's books will see the light of day again, but this time, with the full, unvarnished truth.
What Kate could capitalize on is redemption. More than any make-over or reinvention of herself, redemption could have been her ticket.
Kate's too unapologetic to admit she perpetrated a fraud to get rich and famous.
I don't understand the point of Kate's tweet and picture of the doll. We've all fixed toys. The doll could be boy doll, but how odd to name it "Steve". I bet there's no "Gina" doll, LOL.
Notice the bottle of glue by the doll. Kate is so strange to tweet something like that. Must be attempting to get the point across that Steve is loved by the girls and a part of the family. LOL, Kate wishes.
I was trying to think back at what age I quit playing with baby dolls. Pretty early, I think. I would think the tup girls would be more into Barbie, but the baby dolls may be comforting for them to hug and sleep with. God knows they need comforting in that household.
Tucker's Mom said... 41
It says a lot that no one intervened. Patrons, servers and paps saw it. It was right out there in the open!
It's a very dangerous culture for women. Yes, we Americans may be crass and loud mouthed at times, but we speak up! Screw the stiff upper lip.
The police (Scotland Yard?) are ineffectual and look weak when all they can do or want to do is slap this aristocrat on the wrist.
Do they live in a caste society?
It's a completely different world living here in England. I've been here for nearly 2 years and I still feel like an outsider (but thankful for my British hubby who is just wonderful). The stereotype of people being reserved is unfortunately all too true. I have yet to develop genuine and lasting friendships here because women rarely open up or are the 1st to invite you out for coffee. In the states I'm so used to people randomly talking to me in lines or engaging with friendly waitresses/waiters...it is unfortunately very much the opposite here (and I hate to add to the stereotype because there have indeed been some lovely people I've come across...)
But in my experience no one speaks about issues or easily opens up, and I can see how no one would have come to her aid at the restaurant because they would have been "intruding." I hope I've not insulted any British readers..in fact, if you're posting here I'd love to know I'm not alone here in the UK :)
Nigella must have learned how best to respond to his abuse. According to witnesses, Nigella kissed him twice during this attack.
I forgot to add that I don't know what is going on with Robert. I agree that there isn't much of a market for a book about the Gosselins based upon his perspective, but maybe he is banking on a made-for-tv movie about the family at some point.
I will add that I enjoyed reading an unauthorized biography about Martha Stewart. She never made a peep about it and it was accurate as far as I could tell. Robert just blew it with the initial book. He should have worked with an attorney and a good publisher and then he'd be in the black instead of the red. I could not believe he thought he could write what he wrote and not get sued. Very naive. Hey, but at least I have my copy, hee, hee.
Kate sure does have "Steve" on the brain...
At least the kids are FINALLY getting something VIP.....VIP dolls from FAO Schwartz.
Tucker yes Nigella can probably still successfully cook no matter what happens at home.
That brings up an interesting issue.....there must be untold pressures to keep a stiff upper lip when you've built your brand around family and home life. The Martha Stewarts, the Pioneer Women, and so on. And the Kate Gosselins. Even more pressure than the usual celebrity faces. I imagine this could create a sad and even dangerous situation where you are putting up with things you shouldn't for fear of sabotaging your brand.
For instance if PW's husband hit her would she stay with him for fear that her empire would collapse if suddenly she was Pioneer Shared Custody Who Kicked that Jerk out of the Home?
This should all be considered when trying to put your "life" on display as opposed to just your talents, your cooking, your acting ability, that separates out easily from the family.
I think Robert should get his Kate book out before starting on a Jon book!
VIP dolls or no, I'm guessing they were a grift--er, gift.
On a related note, FAO Schwartz & Manufacturer's Recommended ages for those dolls is 3-6 YO.
"FAO.com bases "Our Suggested Age" ranges on these manufacturer recommendations, as well as considering which ages will enjoy the product. Such factors as a child's developmental skill set and toy popularity help determine the enjoyment levels of a product."
You know, regarding Hoffman's book on Jon, I'm surprised that Hoffman hasn't commented on it on his website/blog.
Kate just tweeted that it's a busy and hot one there. Umm it's barely 80 degrees and rainy, at least here in Chester County
Admin... From the article in my paper, it sounded like the police only talked to Nigella's husband.
Harrisburg native...I lived in Scotland for 3 1/2 years and I didn't find the people reserved at all. There were plently of Americans around but my best friend was a Scottish lass. I found the people warm and welcoming. But it could have been because the field my husband worked in also employed plenty of the locals. My husband would agree with you however, about feeling like an outsider. He said even if we lived there for 20 years, we would still be considered outsiders.
Back on Twitterific.. Had to re buy the updated version of app. Not happy but.... At least I can tweet you again!
Say what? Isn't it like $3 if it's not free? Is that what the problem was? She couldn't grift a free app..she sure tried and Twitterific even tweeted to her to upgrade. Is she really that cheap? But she will get a $2000 haircut? She makes no sense!!
Hey genius: the regular Twitter app on iphone is FREE
Dismissing suggestions that she flirts on screen, she said her complicated childhood had led to her developing a relentless need to please people.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2227618/She-just-didnt-like-Nigella-Lawson-reveals-agonising-relationship-depressed-mother-hit-brother.html#ixzz2WZqRd79d
Huh? The camera has a cigarette after filming Nigella ;-)
At least the kids are FINALLY getting something VIP.....VIP dolls from FAO Schwartz.
Middleton dolls aren't exclusive to FAO Schwarz. You can get them on Amazon, eBay. If she got it at FAO, she could have saved about half the cost by searching the internet or ordering it from one of the shopping clubs!
Of course, it could have been a gift from a fan.
I started playing with Barbies when I was nine. I still liked baby dolls at that age, but I really don't remember playing with them. They sat in my room, or slept in my bed. My mom bought me a doll at a garage sale, an Eloise Wilkin Vogue Baby Dear. You talk about creepy...but I loved it!
I apologize if this was already mentioned, but I just noticed that Robert added several links to articles on the Lance Armstrong debacle to the bottom of his GB page. Under the heading "liars always get caught."
The similarities are striking. So many people tried to come forward and tell the truth about Lance's cheating. He would respond by crushing them legally and personally, some he successfully sued for damages.
When this all came out in January, he was such a smug a-hole about it. He seemed irritated that people were asking for an explanation after years of him vehemently denying he doped. He's just another raging narcissist who was not sorry for the people he hurt and deceived, he was sorry for himself for being caught and having to admit it. Jerk.
Sorry to hear that Iwana's wife passed away. Kate actually tweeted him...
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1h
@IwanaInspireU I'm so sorry. :(
Local -- I'm in Lancaster County and even though it's 70 something, it's really humid and tropical. I was outside before the storm hit, and I really minded the heat.
I wonder if she really did have Twitter problems, or if she didn't tweet because she was away and she really likes to have the sheep gushing over her after her absence.
PA Dutch Mom said... 75
Sorry to hear that Iwana's wife passed away. Kate actually tweeted him...
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1h
@IwanaInspireU I'm so sorry. :(
Local -- I'm in Lancaster County and even though it's 70 something, it's really humid and tropical. I was outside before the storm hit, and I really minded the heat.
Ahh I'm inside. It was like that yesterday though after a downpour...utterly steamy
seven said... 74
I apologize if this was already mentioned, but I just noticed that Robert added several links to articles on the Lance Armstrong debacle to the bottom of his GB page. Under the heading "liars always get caught."
The similarities are striking. So many people tried to come forward and tell the truth about Lance's cheating. He would respond by crushing them legally and personally, some he successfully sued for damages.
When this all came out in January, he was such a smug a-hole about it. He seemed irritated that people were asking for an explanation after years of him vehemently denying he doped. He's just another raging narcissist who was not sorry for the people he hurt and deceived, he was sorry for himself for being caught and having to admit it. Jerk.
Armstrong crushed anyone in his way. Sylvia LaFair would have been living in a van by the river if she tried to sue him vs. Kate. He had way, way too much power, and seems to have no conscience.
I'd think for the sake of not setting one hell of a shitty example, he'd show remorse.
But, he's good, in a bad way, but really good. Oprah couldn't even make him flinch, and most people are peeing themselves when she eats their souls with her eyes. She couldn't get a leg on the interview, and Armstrong stayed on top of her the whole time.
Thanks for sharing your experience capecodmama. I'm glad you had a lovely time in Scotland. Funnily enough I know a few Scottish people here in the area and they're all far more talkative. I work with 2 people from Ireland who are also very chatty. I think a lot depends on the culture/area you live in. Not many Americans near me!
What I wouldn't give for the warm temperatures of Pennsylvania! "Warm" here in the north east of England rarely goes past 60.
On a related note, FAO Schwartz & Manufacturer's Recommended ages for those dolls is 3-6 YO.
Maybe she got it a few years ago when she was that age, and she still has the doll and sleeps with it. Nothing really unusual about forming an attachment to a favorite doll. It if needed "fixing," then it's most likely not a new doll.
Ahh I'm inside. It was like that yesterday though after a downpour...utterly steamy
lol, Local! I know...and it's like that again today. It's like a tropical rainforest out there. We're under a flash flood warning -- not sure about your county, but we really got hit earlier today with a steady downpour and more is on the way.
I wonder what Kate does with the kids in this weather. Are they in the pool without Steve telling her that storms are on the way, or without Milo giving her daily weather forecast?
Sorry to hear that Iwana's wife passed away. Kate actually tweeted him...
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1h
@IwanaInspireU I'm so sorry. :(
That's very sad news. I know he has a young daughter to raise. My heart goes out to both families and friends.
I don't know if he still reads here, but Iwana, I'm so very sorry for your loss.
PA Dutch Mom said... 75
Sorry to hear that Iwana's wife passed away. Kate actually tweeted him...
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1h
@IwanaInspireU I'm so sorry. :(
How sad.
My condolences to Iwana, and his family.
May his wife rest in peace.
I'm originally from the UK. I've also spent 10+ years in the US working with on DV prevention and with survivors.
I'm shocked and disgusted too by the assault on Nigella. May I toss my 2 cents in?
Millicent said
I'm shocked and disgusted to read that no one who witnessed Nigella Lawson's husband grabbing her throat repeatedly did a damn thing about it. I don't expect them to physically intervene - but did not one single person consider calling the police? Apparently not. I guess the British still think domestic violence is a "family matter" and best to turn a blind eye. I am incensed. What a bitter ugly old man she is married to. I feel 50% sorry for NIgella and 50% angry with her for putting up with this nonsense. If they had a wine bottle on the table, why not pop the jerk over the head with it?
In defense of my homeland: "Bystander Effect" is not just a British problem. It was first identified, as in given a name, in the USA. Not intervening or calling 911 in an assault, rape, murder, etc. is becoming increasingly common. Lots of recent examples of it in the US too. People are researching it because it is truly worrying.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 77
(snipped) Here any man that CHOKES a woman is going to get slapped with a restraining order immediately as well as a kick-out order (he has to move out of her home).
Here as in your state? Are you in CA or FL perhaps? I don't think that is true for many states. In my state, the woman would have to file charges herself to get restraining order or kick out order. Police Officers get very frustrated as their hands are tied. They can get called out daily, weekly monthly for years, to the same residence where women are hurt, choked and injured far worse than Nigella was. The perp gets away with it unless the woman files. The dynamics of DV and economics make it incredibly hard for women to leave/file charges. Sad.
It is a huge problem. We have come a long way in raising awareness in both the US and UK, but we are far from done.
A couple of things to remember: Sometimes when a DV assault happens unskilled intervention by a passer by can just temporarily stop it. As soon as the passer by is out of sight, the assault resumes. 10 fold.
The most dangerous time for a woman getting out of a DV situation is immediately after she tries to leave. Women have been shot dead on the courthouse steps.
Saachi is horrible. He's reminiscent of Howard Hughes. Filthy rich, has always been strange, and seems to be getting worse fast. Possibly, like Howard Hughes, he has something neurological going on? But, still.
I'm confident that if this assault had happened in one of Gordon Ramsey's restaurants, Gordon would have had a very different reaction. There is a lot of criticism of the restaurant in question. I hope it gets put out of business.
I guess the latest news is that Nigella has left the house. I hope she gets help and never goes back.
Then at home the assa
I pray Nigella gets help with this man. Oh and he's 70, good Lord man you haven't learned by now how to treat a woman??
This just in.... Teen Mom Farrah Abraham, star of a sickening porno she initiated and brokered herself, is now claiming to be a victim of online bullying.
She and Kate are two peas in a pod. Both chose to live very public lives, both chose to make money by doing something untoward and unpopular. Then, when there is public backlash over selling your children's privacy and childhoods to the highest bidder, or making a porn, they cry bully.
This is the epitome of narcissism. I want to make a bad a choice, make a lot of money, and I want you to love me. No, make that I DEMAND you love me and tell me how wonderful I am. Farrah, in particular, feels she is a role model and doesn't understand why others don't feel the same way.
No weather report from Milo, but she's really trying everything for a response and didn't forget her PR plug today...
Fired Up 4 Kate Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3h
@Kateplusmy8 BTW doc Kate...how was the surgery this morning? Is pic.twitter.com/3oaCPAn9zP in recovery now? Whew what all a mom has 2do! :)
Fired Up 4 Kate Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3h
@Kateplusmy8 Here it is almost NOON! Need 2remind everyone >>> http://www.kateplusmy8.com/pre-order-love-is-in-the-mix/ … is coming SOON! :)
Fired Up 4 Kate Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3h
@Kateplusmy8 Well....may I assume U got ur twitter app fixed? If so...then hopefully we will see more of U soon? :)
Sorry, I forgot to say I love this new post and what fun to have a relative here.
On a more optimistic note about the state of DV awareness in the UK, Patrick Stewart (Jean Luc Picard) has done some wonderful work over the years for "Refuge." His mother is a survivor and he has been a fantastic spokesperson on the issue. I adore Patrick Stewart.
Harrisburg Native, I'm sorry you are having a hard time in the UK. Are you in a large town? My family lives in a small town and people talk to each other all the time, even to Americans like my husband! I hope it gets better for you. I'm sure people will warm up to you soon.
Mind you, when I first moved to Boston I found people positively frosty. Once we moved further south, I found people much friendlier. Perhaps it is regional.
Blowing In The Wind said... 47
''...that there would be some mention as to the custody arrangements and exactly how much time Jon has the kids and how much he provides for them...''
I agree with you. The thing I don't expect to see in Robert's next book would be Robert confirming that Jon allowed KK to shoot CWS in exchange for no child support and seeing the children more often.
I believe that KK shot CWS behind the compound gates during her custody time with the children and Jon was totally unaware it was happening until it was a done deal.
PA Dutch Mom said... 79
On a related note, FAO Schwartz & Manufacturer's Recommended ages for those dolls is 3-6 YO.
Maybe she got it a few years ago when she was that age, and she still has the doll and sleeps with it. Nothing really unusual about forming an attachment to a favorite doll. It if needed "fixing," then it's most likely not a new doll.
PA Dutch Mom ~ Separate from my comment about when/where Kate got them, I wasn't suggesting that there was anything untoward about the kids' having/playing with those dolls at any given age. I thought their rating (the rating system itself) was interesting, that's all. Truth be told, I know next to nothing about the doll culture--designer dolls, especially. (I didn't have many dolls when I was younger.) I also found it interesting that one of the people who rated it on the site said that she was giving it to her 54 YO sister for her b'day.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 34m
@Kateplusmy8 Wow Kate..do U see all the international followers Ur gaining? World renown Kate U R ! All who see U love U! Take note @TLC
Good lord. She really is delusional. There are no words...
Sad news about Iwanas wife.
When real life crises happen, it puts reality TV and celebrity into perspective.
Lynne In RI said... 89
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 34m
@Kateplusmy8 Wow Kate..do U see all the international followers Ur gaining? World renown Kate U R ! All who see U love U! Take note @TLC
Good lord. She really is delusional. There are no words...
I'd love to see the "tweet parties"
@Strydomelsie 21m
@Kateplusmy8 hi kate plz taking to me plz
PA Dutch Mom ~ Separate from my comment about when/where Kate got them, I wasn't suggesting that there was anything untoward about the kids' having/playing with those dolls at any given age. I thought their rating (the rating system itself) was interesting, that's all.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to suggest that you did! I apologize if my comment implied that. The doll probably is rated for the 3-6 age group, but kids are often reluctant to give up the baby dolls they had at that age. There are many women who collect dolls (especially vintage dolls that they had in their childhood), as well as very expensive dolls made by talented artists. I know one woman who has an extensive collection of reborn dolls. She buys outfits for them, swings, playpens, highchairs, etc. She's not really weird...she just likes having babies around her house. On second thought, that really does sound a bit odd! ;-) There was a woman featured on one of the strange obsession shows who collected Cabbage Patch Kids. I forget how many she had, but it was in the hundreds. They all had names and she took them with her on her errands, to appointments, safely secured in a child seat. Her husband went along with this. Now that one was really bizarre.
Milo's tweet about Kate being world-renown. Fans often become very passionate in their celebrity worship, but something really is "off" about that one. It's just so very over-the-top and nor normal. I wonder if she knows that many of Kate's followers are "bots," especially the retweets. She did say that Kate would NEVER buy a follower and she KNOWS Kate quite well, but it would be interesting to hear her explanation for the high number of tweeters who do nothing but re-tweet with a keyword.
And no, MIlo, not all who see her love her. Honest.
I'd love to see the "tweet parties"
@Strydomelsie 21m
@Kateplusmy8 hi kate plz taking to me plz
lol!! Before or after three shots of Captain Morgan?
I'd love to see the "tweet parties"
@Strydomelsie 21m
@Kateplusmy8 hi kate plz taking to me plz
Somebody really wants to get in touch with the Gosselins!! :)
ELsie @Strydomelsie 13 Jun
@LEAHHgosselin hi there
ELsie @Strydomelsie 13 Jun
@Jon_Gosselin_ hi there
ELsie ELsie @Strydomelsie 10 Jun
@jongosselin hi there
ELsie @Strydomelsie 9 Jun
@Jon_Gosselin_ hi you have facebook how are you
ELsie @Strydomelsie 9 Jun
@8Gosselins hi there
ELsie ELsie @Strydomelsie 9 Jun
@aadengosselin hi
I just caught the last epi of Food Network Star and really don't have a pulse on who I think a front runner is quite yet. Haven't watched from the start, but I can say that I remember Danushka from Chopped, and well, she hasn't changed a bit.
The fragging voice, the utter torpor and seeming inability to understand simple challenges made her easily the first person to go. Maybe an 8 ball of speed would have helped, I don't know, but her weirdness got old on Chopped, so I don't know why the FN decided to recycle her.
The next episode looks so stupid that I think I may be too embarrassed to watch. It looks cringe-worthy. I couldn't help but think of Cowboy Curtis on the PeeWee Herman show way back when, played by then Larry, now Lawrence Fishburne.
Interesting article about the NFNS Season 9 contestants:
If I offended anyone with the link I posted, I apologize. I didn't realize until I was reading the rest of the article that it was a very pro-evangelical Christian website. However, I do think his comments about the cast being mostly reused reality show players were interesting.
I'm not sure I agree with that article. The contestants all freely own that they want to be ON camera. I would be surprised if most of them hasn't made other attempts to be on camera before. That's how you get experience in the first place. The romantic notion of picking a great chef off the streets and oh what luck they are amazing on camera, is a nice one but not too realistic. I think it would be different if the premise of the show were anything other than "get your own food show on camera."
Of significant note is that every single past TV experience had to do with food. All that tells me is they are sincerely passionate about their dream to cook on TV.
@Kateplusmy8 Wow Kate..do U see all the international followers Ur gaining? World renown Kate U R ! All who see U love U! Take note @TLC
Good lord. She really is delusional. There are no words..
How long has it been since Milo has gotten a response from Kate? Is this an all-time record?
Here's another reason I think Milo is a fraud.
She's supposed to be besties with Iwana ... but I didn't see her tweet any condolence to him until after Kate did. Did I miss something?
He tweeted away when she was having surgery and couldn't be told Kate + 8 was ending!
At first I thought maybe she had that extra secret way of communicating with him ... like she does Kate ... but then I see her tweeting him ...
I sure wish someone like Perel or MTV would go 'catfishing.' Sad to say, but Milo and her obsession is much more interesting than either Kate or Jon Gosselin ... or their 8 kids.
Danushka Lysek, was on 24-Hour Restaurant Battle, Chopped, The Bachelor, Models Edition Fear Factor VH1's Supergroup, Fear Factor and now on TNFNS. (source & source)
Not surprised at all. Alton seemed none too sorry to let her go, in a "don't let the door hit you in the ass" when he told her she was leaving. I loved the pregnant pause, where Alton just held his ground, didn't want to soften it for her and told them to go.
Needs no explanation. She wants to be famous at whatever. I'll wait for the porno to be a featured story on ROL. Maybe she can call Farrah for some tips.
I think a common theme on FN Star is being authentic. Sue and Bob must say it a thousand times a season. Danushka is authentically boring.
Fishing said...She's supposed to be besties with Iwana ... but I didn't see her tweet any condolence to him until after Kate did. Did I miss something?
Perhaps she's just too busy promoting Kate's cookbook and trying to find out what's for dinner tonight!
I keep reading this stuff about Kate vs Jon being the worst parent.
How sad is that when you are one of those kids?!
They sure didn't win the Parental Lottery!
I think it was Maya Angelou (NOT Oprah!) who said "when you know better, you do better" in All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes (one of my most favorite books, but it could have been another, she has a lot of good books :-)
Anyway, I think Jon came to the point that he knew better.
Just my opinion.
I'm sure there were audition tapes sent in by FNS contestants. They could have been picked because of either their camera presence or their cooking skills are truly lacking. They cannot have someone who is already a clear winner in both areas. That would ruin the show. The contestants all have obvious flaws that are being deconstructed in order to improve.
PA Dutch Mom said... 92
Thanks so much for taking the time to explain! I freely admit that I'm in the dark about doll babies, and I'm not all that swift sometimes about interpreting tone/intent in online conversations.
It's interesting -- and not all that surprising -- that some people take their childish affections to extremes. Obsessed with Cabbage Patch kids? Whoa, I never did understand that trend. :)
Oh and Milo? She's a Chatty Cathy today, isn't she? When Kate comes online, it's as if someone pulled her string.
I'd love to see the "tweet parties"
@Strydomelsie 21m
@Kateplusmy8 hi kate plz taking to me plz
I bet the conversation really keeps you on your toes!!
☁Iris Lee @_IrisLee 19m
kate gosselin's kids look so different now..
P.s. Are you impressed that I know about Chatty Cathy? Amazing, the things you can learn online... :)
Oh and Milo? She's a Chatty Cathy today, isn't she? When Kate comes online, it's as if someone pulled her string.
LOL!! Or a Howdy Doody talking doll!!
I'm sure there were audition tapes sent in by FNS contestants. They could have been picked because of either their camera presence or their cooking skills are truly lacking. They cannot have someone who is already a clear winner in both areas. That would ruin the show. The contestants all have obvious flaws that are being deconstructed in order to improve.
I vaguely remember Danuska being on The Bachelor. She was sent packing early, and she had made some remark about a contestant being a slut.
My 2 cents on what happened to Nigella-
Violence is not a part of any loving relationship. Period.
Nigella deserves so much better. If I were her,
I'd pack my pots & pans, and get the heck away from him.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 34m
@Kateplusmy8 Wow Kate..do U see all the international followers Ur gaining? World renown Kate U R ! All who see U love U! Take note @TLC
These are the tweets from Milo that make me picture her in a cheerleader outfit. "Rah, Rah, Sis-Boom-Bah!!!"
They cannot have someone who is already a clear winner in both areas. That would ruin the show.
Agree. This is a show that requires specific casting. It's not going to work to do an open casting call to all chefs, you would spend years trying to find the right people for this. You've got to look specifically for chefs or people who like cooking who want a show. IMO, wanting that show is more important than the cooking. Not only do you not need anyone too good, but you can't really have anyone too bad either. You need a pool of people who have potential to be a star with a little work. They're giving this person a PILOT so they can't mess around with a bunch of inept people. A few throw-aways I'm sure are in the mix for the entertainment value but other than that this is not just a reality show for sh&ts and giggles, it's a serious effort to make a real pilot and a real show.
It's pretty much come out that most of the big reality shows usually pull from aspiring actors now. It bothers me more that a show like Amazing Race would do that, since Amazing Race is supposed to sort of be this every-day couple next door traveling around the world. It doesn't bother me a show about being on T.V. would pull from people on T.V. Of course the contestants would and should aspire to be on T.V. Why would you want to subject yourself to such a thing otherwise? In fact if someone walked in without every trying to be on T.V., my first question would be, where is your passion to be on T.V.?? When your reality show is ABOUT being on T.V., griping over people on board who just want to be on T.V. doesn't make any sense to me.
On another note, this idea she writes about that this season of Food Network Star has way more people who have made the Food Network rounds just isn't true. Go to IMDB which has the whole cast list from 2005 of this show. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0461727/fullcredits?ref_=tt_cl_sm#cast
Click on any name. Many of the contestants from 2005 on have done some kind of T.V. work before being on Next Food Network. This is not a new thing as she tries to imply.
LOL those series of "hi" tweets set me into a fit of giggles.
Twitter is just so.....so..... DUMB most of the time.
By the way it seems to me Alton Brown is one of the few successful on air personalities who gets away with saying uhhh, um, uhhh all the time. It's constant.
Personally he drives me nuts.
LOL those series of "hi" tweets set me into a fit of giggles.
Is it the tweets, or are you sitting there with a box of your favorite fruit of the vine? :) Or both?
Harrisburg native...I agree Scottish people are chatty. I'm Scottish and English on my mom's side and Irish and Welsh on my dad's. We're a pretty chatty family. Maybe the terms "stiff upper lip" and "reserved" better describe English people and not British people as a whole. Here's hoping you find a chatty, unreserved, genuine friend soon.
No alcohol here! The tweets are funny even sober!
Our President is an "ummer" and an "uhher". I love the guy, voted for him twice, but he can't seem to lose the distracting interludes.
capecodmama said... 116
Harrisburg native...I agree Scottish people are chatty. I'm Scottish and English on my mom's side and Irish and Welsh on my dad's. We're a pretty chatty family. Maybe the terms "stiff upper lip" and "reserved" better describe English people and not British people as a whole. Here's hoping you find a chatty, unreserved, genuine friend soon
So are the Irish. My mother, a Fitzpatrick will call her siblings nightly just to talk (there are 7 countem 7). She will talk and talk and talk and talk
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 114
By the way it seems to me Alton Brown is one of the few successful on air personalities who gets away with saying uhhh, um, uhhh all the time. It's constant.
Personally he drives me nuts.
Me too. I think he's got so much great scientific information on his shows, like Good Eats, but the halting speech pattern and silly characters get in the way.
I can't explain it but his delivery, including the ums and uhs and his overall stilted demeanor, give me hives. Sometimes I felt like I was watching a children's show which was a turn off. The nerdy science professor has always seemed to fake to me.
I get the feeling he really hates Giada.
Sorry if someone already mentioned this but is the Lovely you all are talking about the same on from Hell's Kitchen?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 7m
@Kateplusmy8 So what adventures have colored ur life these last few days...when U could not tweet? No #MurphysLaw stalking U I hope! :)
Murphy's Law isn't stalking Kate. That honor belongs to Milo and the Irish Creeper.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 11m
@Kateplusmy8 Nail N back tire at business mall 2day! #Flat No need 2call AAA..being blonde & acting helpless got it fixed likety split! :)
Milo is blonde? Now I'm giggling!
irishfan @irishfan47 25m
@Kateplusmy8 *Knock Knock Knock*, Kate..."Knock Knock Knock*, Kate...*Knock Knock Knock*, Kate...
OMG. Again? Seriously?
Here as in your state? Are you in CA or FL perhaps? I don't think that is true for many states. In my state, the woman would have to file charges herself to get restraining order or kick out order.
When I say he would be thrown in jail here, I say that because of the incident being in public, the photos to back it up, and all the witnesses. That kind of thing would usually be plenty to nab him. But no there are MANY DV perps not in jail. Sadly as you say there are many unreported incidents, but often that is because they happen in secret.
In CA, the woman does NOT have to consent to filing charges. Sad to hear that is not the case in other states. The woman does, however, have to request a restraining order in civil court. Unless it's criminal charges--I believe a restraining order can be put in place criminally without her consent. In any case if a woman doesn't consent to a restraining order, it's rather useless anyway.
Has anyone on Twitter asked Kate if she was on vacation? Seems someone would be nosy enough to ask.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 98
The romantic notion of picking a great chef off the streets and oh what luck they are amazing on camera, is a nice one but not too realistic.
If memory serves, wasn't that how the first season of Food Network Star was done? They picked unknowns? I can't remember, it seems so long ago now. :-)
Whatever happened to those early Food Network winners? Are they still on the network?
As for this seasons contestants, you can see their audition tapes online at FoodNetwork.com
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 117
No alcohol here! The tweets are funny even sober!
You sure Amdi or have you been drinking the sheep's kool-aid?-(lol)
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 123
Milo is blonde? Now I'm giggling!
Sounds like SWF to me lol.
Next thing you know Milo's going to be tanning and getting her hair fried.
If memory serves, wasn't that how the first season of Food Network Star was done? They picked unknowns? I can't remember, it seems so long ago now. :-)
You can look at IMDB to see who has had experience and who hasn't. The winners of season one, there were two, were both actors with extensive singing and dancing professional experience, with head shots, audition tapes, and so on. One of them had worked for 10 years in the business before going on Food Network! So yes, they've always pulled from people who want to be on T.V. The link to the full cast list is further up thread.
Virginia Pen Mom said... 13
Tucker's Mom said... 2
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 4m
Answering ?:Dolls r from @FAO
Most favorite babies. Leah has Steve. Alexis has Buggy &Hannah's is baby pic.twitter.com/HieAoJ7kdu
Oh, so the baby's name is Steve. Too funny. Little baby Steve the personal slave.
LOL, Tucker! I wonder if they talk for him in an Aussie accent? "Put that camera down! Delete those photos now, or I shan't have patience and shall do it myself!"
Steve is a Kiwi not Aussie. Just sayin....
I sure wish someone like Perel or MTV would go 'catfishing.' Sad to say, but Milo and her obsession is much more interesting than either Kate or Jon Gosselin ... or their 8 kids.
I just wonder what Milo's life has been like the past few weeks...not knowing what Kate is doing, who she is doing it with, what she's having for dinner. Can Milo eat, sleep, and enjoy her days without Kate telling her what she's been up to, or does she sit around in breathless anticipation, with her phone by her side, waiting for the notice that Kate is tweeting?
I'd love to see the "tweet parties"
Can you imagine being at a live tweetie fan meet and greet with the Irish person -- telling one-liner inane jokes to anyone who will listen, and walking around with a drink in hand, saying, "Knock, knock, Kate...knock, knock, Kate. Where are you, Kate. Knock knock?"
Knock, Knock, Knock.... does this creep anyone else out in a Jamie Lee Curtis Halloween/ Scream mask kind of way? It's so taunting!
I picture Kate's eye's darting around, huddled on the couch, clutching a pillow, jumping out of her skin when the phone rings...
... tap, tap, tap on the door... no, NO! don't answer the door! Who opens the door?
I just realized why Kate had such a difficult time getting her Twitter fixed: You can buy boobs, but you can't buy brains.
Knock, Knock, Knock.... does this creep anyone else out in a Jamie Lee Curtis Halloween/ Scream mask kind of way? It's so taunting!
I picture Kate's eye's darting around, huddled on the couch, clutching a pillow, jumping out of her skin when the phone rings...
... tap, tap, tap on the door... no, NO! don't answer the door! Who opens the door?
And remember -- according to Tommy Doyle, "you can't kill the boogeyman!"
Tuckers (132): Knock, Knock, Knock.... does this creep anyone else out in a Jamie Lee Curtis Halloween/ Scream mask kind of way? It's so taunting!
I picture Kate's eye's darting around, huddled on the couch, clutching a pillow, jumping out of her skin when the phone rings...
... tap, tap, tap on the door... no, NO! don't answer the door! Who opens the door?
Or "The Raven" (with apologies to E.A. Poe):
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my mansion door.
`'Tis Irish Fan,' I muttered, `tapping at my mansion door -
Only him, and nothing more.'
Improbable Dreams said... 107
P.s. Are you impressed that I know about Chatty Cathy? Amazing, the things you can learn online... :)
LOL, I don't know anything about that doll. Before my time. ;) (Oops, you didn't say it was a doll, did you?) And I didn't have the "Chatty Cathy" Golden Book either!
Sherry Baby said... 99
@Kateplusmy8 Wow Kate..do U see all the international followers Ur gaining? World renown Kate U R ! All who see U love U! Take note @TLC
Good lord. She really is delusional. There are no words..
How long has it been since Milo has gotten a response from Kate? Is this an all-time record?
It's been over 3 weeks. What IS the record? Does anyone know?
Milo believes Kate's line that she was completely unable to tweet for a week, coincidentally when she was spotted out of state. Doesn't Kate always have "Twitter jail" issues when she's on vacation? She doesn't want to say that she doesn't give a rip about her fans when she's out having fun without the kids.
This is what i don't understand. Why doesn't Kate just tell the truth and say hey we're going to be busy the next few days and I'll be with the kids and family and friends and I don't think I'll have time to tweet. Enjoy your week and I'll check back in when I can!
NO ONE would put up a fuss about that. In fact I'd have to give her props for that. Instead, she lies, pretends to be in twitter jail (in which apparently the only tweets you are allowed to send out are tweets announcing you are in twitter jail--HAHAHAHA), and even despite being spotted out of town, acts like nothing has happened.
She is not required to disclose where she is, she is not required to even say she is on vacation. But it would be nice if she did her tweeties the common courtesy of announcing that she won't be around for a bit. She at least owes their loyalty and blind devotion that much. If she does not want to give them at least that, she need not have gotten so "close" to them in the first place. You don't get to let people "in" so closely when you feel like then leave them in the dust when they are of no use to you. It's cruel.
Is she just a compulsive liar? Is she simply utterly incapable of just telling the truth and say she's been out or busy?
The knock, knock, knock reminds me of Sheldon from the show The Big Bang Theory. Maybe Irish Fan is a genius with OCD?
@Kateplusmy8 Wow Kate..do U see all the international followers Ur gaining? World renown Kate U R ! All who see U love U! Take note @TLC
They took a note it called a pink slip.
Admin said:
In CA, the woman does NOT have to consent to filing charges. Sad to hear that is not the case in other states.
In fact, I believe if police arrive at a domestic disturbance and see signs of injury on one party (most often the woman), and have cause to believe the other party caused those injuries - they will take the offender in and book him (or her). The other person has no say in the matter. So the victim does not have to bring charges, and cannot dismiss the charges either. I hope this spreads across all states soon.
There is no excuse for domestic abuse. No matter if it's the man hitting the wife, or the wife hitting the husband. It should always be treated very seriously, and I do believe charges should be filed even if it's a "first offense." Only through continued education of the public, with enforcement by the law, will this problem slowly be diminished.
Sleepless in Seattle - I very much enjoyed your edited version of The Raven :)
Knock, knock
Whose there?
Irish who?
I rish you woul go away and stop tweeting!
I found online that 23 states have mandatory arrest policies in DV cases. If you have probable cause to arrest you HAVE to do so. It makes no difference whether the victim is begging you not to and you are NOT required to personally witness the abuse, witness statements could be enough.
In Nigella's case, pictures and his own statements would be plenty of probable cause. More than you usually get. Which is why some of us were saying oh I wish that jerk was here.
Aargh! WHO'S there?
Trouble in paradise for beloved Chipotle.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 147
Trouble in paradise for beloved Chipotle.
Something tells me all of Kate's groveling at Chipotle's feet was in order to score the elusive "black card"... the free grub for life card. So many other companies and restaurant chains offer these cards to celebs and VIPs (Kate is neither), wonder how many Griftie has already managed to score?
Your E.A.Poe raven post was spot on.
Oh, for the rest of the stories to follow.
Kate spotted out of state? I missed that. Details?
She is indeed a compulsive liar.
Guess the dislike or ignoring of the Gosselins is equal. No one cares do they about Jon and E. Hardy. No one cares what goes on in Kate's house, do they? Not really. Too much going on in everyone's life, right? They were a thing of the past on TV, one of the first and will always be "Remember When...." and that is all there will be. They both killed their future with any endorsements by hating each other so much. Must be a terrible thing to live with,...that hatred they have for each other. All either one has to do is look in the mirror and they will see who is responsible for believing they were ever important. No talent, no personality,no real marriage and no love on that show. But the kids were adorable for a time then it was just disturbing how unhappy the whole family became.
Good ridance to the whole Gosselin name.
Another thing, the women's shows that are on cable are getting worse. I didn't think that would happen but people stop at nothing to expose their most personal lives for $$.Think all the housewife shows are on their last legs and so are the Kardashians. All hanging on by their fingernails as the public understands that they glorified all these people into the millionaire's club and who did that? You viewers who have to watch the stupidity of the shows. Ban them, let them learn to make a living working not destroying their families on TV.
From today's Washington Post:
After three decades of fighting the culture wars from within the Washington establishment, the conservative Family Research Council decided that it needed a fresh, new face to reach outside and cultivate the grassroots.
Its pick for the job is a 25-year-old newcomer to Beltway politics, but he’s already a potent brand name in some circles: Josh Duggar.
Yes, one of those Duggars! The group’s president, Tony Perkins, announced late Monday that he has hired the eldest sibling of the “19 Kids and Counting” reality-TV dynasty as executive director of the lobbying arm FRC Action. Duggar is already moving wife Anna and their three kids — the youngest of whom is 2 weeks old — to the area.
Kate missed her opportunity for this job, LOL. She, after all, opted to not selectively abort and professed her Christianity. Two words: "Not Authentic".
Here's more:
The job came out of a conversation Perkins had with the younger at the March for Life in January. In hiring him, the group — known for its vigilantly anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage stances — hopes to appeal to more young people and to tap into the huge popularity of his evangelical clan within flyover America. “The big part of Josh’s focus is going to be building our grass-roots across the country” — Christian conservatives, homeschooling families. Duggar, he noted, previously campaigned for Rick Santorum and for a restrictive Arkansas law that would ban most abortions after 12 weeks.
“Their program has shown that there are viewers who are not just inquisitive but who really do understand the importance of family,” he said.
In a conversation on Perkins’s “Washington Watch” radio show Monday night, there was little talk of FRC’s legislative agenda and more about the ever-proliferating Duggar family.
“You don’t have too difficult a time finding babysitters, do you?” joked the host.
“It’s a challenge even getting to hold my son,” said Duggar, “because he’s being passed around by all my siblings.”
The most recent episode of “19 Kids. . .” showed Josh and Anna house-hunting in the Washington area. Hmmm, sound like a spinoff? TLC says that it’s not planning one — and don’t look for much Beltway politics on the show, either. “We’ll continue to follow the Duggar family in Arkansas,” said spokeswoman Shannon Martin, as well as Josh and Anna’s “life in the big city.” But when it comes to Duggar’s new day job, the cameras won’t follow him there.
TLC stinks said... 150
Kate spotted out of state? I missed that. Details?
She is indeed a compulsive liar.
Last week, someone tweeted that they saw her at a mall in Ohio, apparently near her sister's house.
Milo gets creepier and creepier! (With apologies to those who don't want to hear about her.) Milo's last tweet of the night was to a Youtube music video: "I Want a Love I Can See."
This is the closest I've ever see Milo get to admitting she's in love with Kate. Sounds like she's beginning to feel it's unrequited. "Actions speak louder than words." Got it, Kate?
I want a love I can see
That's the only kind that means a thing to me
Don't want a love you have to tell me about
That kind of loving I can sure do without
(I can sure do without)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I want a love I can feel
That's the only kind of loving I think it's real
Don't want to be quoted by something I heard now
'Cause baby action speaks louder than words
(Ah, louder than words)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yesterday, Kate tweeted Ziggy, SandieBellz, Barb Gilmer, and Iwana. But not Milo! Ouch. Didn't acknowledge Paige's cat, either. Kate plays such a dangerous game with these fans.
TLC stinks said... 151
From today's Washington Post:
After three decades of fighting the culture wars from within the Washington establishment, the conservative Family Research Council decided that it needed a fresh, new face to reach outside and cultivate the grassroots.
Its pick for the job is a 25-year-old newcomer to Beltway politics, but he’s already a potent brand name in some circles: Josh Duggar.
Yes, one of those Duggars! The group’s president, Tony Perkins, announced late Monday that he has hired the eldest sibling of the “19 Kids and Counting” reality-TV dynasty as executive director of the lobbying arm FRC Action. Duggar is already moving wife Anna and their three kids — the youngest of whom is 2 weeks old — to the area.
Kate missed her opportunity for this job, LOL. She, after all, opted to not selectively abort and professed her Christianity. Two words: "Not Authentic".
Sounds like a good job for someone with just a High School diploma.
bethanne che rry @bethannecherry
@Kateplusmy8 is this a doll??? If so, my granddaughter needs one for her 5th birthday!!!
Uh, no. Kate had another baby and this one has a cloth body and no belly button. It's genetic.
Yesterday, Kate tweeted Ziggy, SandieBellz, Barb Gilmer, and Iwana. But not Milo! Ouch. Didn't acknowledge Paige's cat, either. Kate plays such a dangerous game with these fans.
I think that Kate's had it up the gazoo with Milo, but Milo is just too far gone to realize it.
Milo gets creepier and creepier! (With apologies to those who don't want to hear about her.) Milo's last tweet of the night was to a Youtube music video: "I Want a Love I Can See."
Why did she tweet that? In what context?
Blowing In The Wind said... 160
Milo gets creepier and creepier! (With apologies to those who don't want to hear about her.) Milo's last tweet of the night was to a Youtube music video: "I Want a Love I Can See."
Why did she tweet that? In what context?
She only posted the Youtube link, no comment with it. Very odd. And it was around midnight, an hour past her usual bedtime.
I remember one of Kate's sisters showed up for some event a few years back and had her photo taken with Kate, so she may be maintaining a relationship with at least one family member. All I know the Twitter Jail she claimed was a bunch of BS. She can tweet from anywhere but consistently she goes on Twitter silence when out of town. It makes no sense.
She only posted the Youtube link, no comment with it. Very odd. And it was around midnight, an hour past her usual bedtime.
Very strange. A new tactic to get Kate's attention? Is LOM giving her grief about something? Sounds like an afternoon Soap!
MsGoody has started her hate Jon tirade again, digging in the archives for past deeds. Kate could really score some Brownie points if she read the riot act to her and shut her up. I just don't understand why she lets this go on.
Kate, if you read here, please put an end to this person's insane rants against the father of your children.
This must be driving Kate nuts. This is the only "Kate" blog left, and we're talking about Milo way more than we're talking about Kate.
imo.....Ms Goody has penis envy...she doesn't have one.
I don't know what the Hardy Brand T-shirt is now or then, only that Jon wore one. LOL
Milo...the word Catfish was invented for HER/him.
That Irish guy....milo's alter ego.
Disappointed Robert's book has not come out. What's the deal?
Oh yep, I can see how plucking the young, uneducated, not terribly sophisticated Duggars up out of Arkansas and moving them to the DC area for a job in the lobbying hot bed is going to work out well for everyone. Hope a couple of the siblings are coming along for child care help since young Josh won't be home much.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 145
I found online that 23 states have mandatory arrest policies in DV cases. If you have probable cause to arrest you HAVE to do so. It makes no difference whether the victim is begging you not to and you are NOT required to personally witness the abuse, witness statements could be enough.
In Nigella's case, pictures and his own statements would be plenty of probable cause. More than you usually get. Which is why some of us were saying oh I wish that jerk was here.
But just arresting a perpetrator does do much good if he/she is just let out again on bail with a restraining order while awaiting trial -- we all know it takes months to get to trial. That is the most dangerous time for the victim. Do you know how that is usually handled? What if the victim refuses to testify, or is a hostile witness? What is the conviction rate? Also, how tough on DV are the judges in CA in the penalty phase? A slap on the wrist and probation, or jail time?
Sorry for all these questions. I'm afraid Jodi Arias and Casey Anthony have made me rather cynical about juries recently! Although, I will add that I'm anti-death penalty myself.
Thanks in advance.
Mel said... 166
This must be driving Kate nuts. This is the only "Kate" blog left, and we're talking about Milo way more than we're talking about Kate.
Milo may consider that a real coup, taking the focus off Kate. Watch for a tweet soon from Milo saying she's "takin the heat" for Kate.
NJGal51 said... 144
Knock, knock
Whose there?
Irish who?
I rish you woul go away and stop tweeting!
Love it. Very clever. LOL
Jill I don't know all the stats, there are a lot of good DV groups out there that I bet have compiled them you can track down. If the woman is willing, she can stay with a family or friend, preferably at an address the man does not know. She can also go to a D.V. shelter. Yes, that's the most dangerous time. It's not just throwing them in jail. It's the program many states order--a 52 week batterer's intervention program and intensive therapy. IMO, that is what is needed and what makes a difference.
I don't think anyone is saying how we handle DV in the U.S. is perfect. I think one of the main things is educating women about D.V., how to recognize the red flags and how to end it. I'm only saying that had this particular scenario happened here, it probably would have been handled differently. We know it would have, we don't have this "caution" thing to begin with.
Blowing In The Wind said... 164
She only posted the Youtube link, no comment with it. Very odd. And it was around midnight, an hour past her usual bedtime.
Very strange. A new tactic to get Kate's attention? Is LOM giving her grief about something? Sounds like an afternoon Soap!
That is strange. Is Milo sneakin into the box o wine after lights out?
That is strange. Is Milo sneakin into the box o wine after lights out?
lol!! Or else wanderin around somewhere outside in search of a love she can feel!
Mariya Guseva @_Mariya_Guseva 2m
Смотрю любимых @Kateplusmy8 ❤❤❤💛💛💛❤❤❤ Зоопарк в Австралии показывают.
Glad we got that cleared up! ;-)
Oh yep, I can see how plucking the young, uneducated, not terribly sophisticated Duggars up out of Arkansas and moving them to the DC area for a job in the lobbying hot bed is going to work out well for everyone.
I was thinking the same thing. Like Josh would know *anything* about being an Executive Director...
lol!! Or else wanderin around somewhere outside in search of a love she can feel!
What an image that conjures up in my mind. LOL If LOM catches her I wonder if she'll have to drop and do 20?
I have heard their education of the kids is sub-par too. This kind of thing will just validate that. See, we're doing everything right educational wise. Look at Josh! When the truth is it sounds like he was hired because it's a gimmick.
Orange Crusher
I'm hoping that your uneducated, unsophisticated comment wasn't meant for all homeschooled children. Even so, you do yourself a disservice by saying that a person who does not have a college education is not wise in the ways of the world, nor sophisticated enough to tackle the issues of concern that one was raised in.
I find your comment condescending and a bit rude. I'll give it to you that you are talking about the Duggars, but even so, their children are family and service oriented and have a great degree of moral standing and compassion. We can't say that for everyone involved in Reality TV.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 173
Blowing In The Wind said... 164
She only posted the Youtube link, no comment with it. Very odd. And it was around midnight, an hour past her usual bedtime.
Very strange. A new tactic to get Kate's attention? Is LOM giving her grief about something? Sounds like an afternoon Soap!
That is strange. Is Milo sneakin into the box o wine after lights out?
Is the video meant for Kate?
Cause it sounds like a love song to me. Is Milo trying to tell Kate something w/the song?
Yesterday, Kate tweeted Ziggy, SandieBellz, Barb Gilmer, and Iwana. But not Milo! Ouch. Didn't acknowledge Paige's cat, either. Kate plays such a dangerous game with these fans.
She also tweeted to Goody. Both Goody and Ziggy were bashing Jon on her TL. So if she saw the tweets from Ziggy and Goody that she responded to, she had to have also seen the other ones.
Yet, she says nothing. By not saying anything to either of them, it seems that she gave them her stamp of approval.
I think another reason Goody is tweeting links to old stories about Jon, is revenge for Robert's posting links to old stories about Kate on his website. She'll trash Robert for doing that, but she's basically doing the same thing.
Blowing In The Wind said... 175
Mariya Guseva @_Mariya_Guseva 2m
Смотрю любимых @Kateplusmy8 ❤❤❤������❤❤❤ Зоопарк в Австралии показывают.
Glad we got that cleared up! ;-)
Another great contributor to Kate's group of international tweeties. When's the next tweet party??
I by no means think someone from Arkansas cannot be a lobbyist or someone not "sophisticated" has no place in D.C. But people who are lobbyists usually have at least college and often masters degrees and PhDs. They study things like public relations, economics, communications, politics, political theory, sociology, psychology. They spend a lot of years and spend a lot of money to be qualified for such a position. Even if you were homeschooled well as a child, you do still need to go to college usually for such things. Josh didn't go to college, did he? I can't agree he is in any way remotely qualified for such a position, a position other young people his age are toiling away at George Washington on a masters or PhD for in the hopes that maybe after 10 years of internships and bringing coffee they might get there too. What is his background? He went to a few anti abortion rallies with his parents, sells used cars, and was on a reality show.
Spokesperson, maybe. I just wish they would own it, Josh is a gimmick. I think they may be giving him a false impression he could do this in any other context other than being a famous Dugger child.
I give up....I'm back to lurking. Obviously I'm among the lessers when it comes to opinions of post secondary education vs. experience.
I wasn't familiar with the song Milo posted a link to and looked up the lyrics. We've all said how odd, how sad and how scary her tweets are becoming and after looking at these lyrics (there are additional verses) I think it's clear she's desperate and really falling apart:
I want a love I can see
That's the only kind that means a thing to me
Don't want a love you have to tell me about
That kind of loving I can sure do without
(I can sure do without)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I want a love I can feel
That's the only kind of loving I think it's real
Don't want to be quoted by something I heard now
'Cause baby action speaks louder than words
(Ah, louder than words)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Berks ... what? The "lessors"? I don't think Josh is less-than. There are plenty of careers Josh is probably well suited for. He has a lot of good business sense it seems. A lobbyist, however, is going to almost ALWAYS require a masters. Period. They won't even let you in the door without it. He is circumventing normal requirements because he's a famous Duggar. Is that fair to everyone else who has spent 6 years in school and blown how much money on their degree? That's my point.
I made no comment about home schooling, I made a comment about the Duggar situation. Perhaps uneducated is not the correct word, but undereducated in this case, for this particular job, is exactly what I mean. And I stand by it; while I may not personally subscribe to the values of the Duggars and this association that Josh will be working for. I do suspect that he was 'selected' for his family name, which is truly an insult to his peers who have yes, gone to college, and graduate school, for the career path that Josh has apparently been handed. I think he is grossly UNDEReducated for this position.
Making the jump that I am insulting home schoolers is exactly that, a jump.
And this just proves that Josh is a gimmick.
On this organization's own web site, they have job listings. There is only one listed at the moment, but it REQUIRES a college degree and THREE YEARS experience. And that's just to run their web site. Yet Josh only has a GED and very little experience and he's a director at the same company? I can understand taking him on as an intern or something help him get his feet wet, that would make more sense.
Their president and most of their staff have masters in things like public policy and theology.
Putting Milo's whine here just for the heck of it:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 12m
@msgoody2shoes21 Did U tweet me this morning? Earlier?
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 7m
@MiloandJack Yes, I did. I deleted it because I didn't want to be mean today. I was sticking up for you regarding the spanker hater.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m
@msgoody2shoes21 Well...I just glanced earlier...didn't have time 2respond...now I went and they are gone! Didn't want 2b mean? Did U see.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m
@msgoody2shoes21 ...how nasty & ugly they have been to me lately! I never engage them...don't argue w/them...& I still can't win! Maybe..
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m
@msgoody2shoes21 ...I just need 2leave twitter...my being here is not benefiting anyone anymore...just a catalyst 4the haters 2put nasty
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m
@msgoody2shoes21 ...things on Kate's timeline. I worry abt young ones seeing the filth they tweet. Seems I can do nothing 2stop it. :(
I also have no problem, zero, with homeschooling, as long as the child is educated properly. We're talking about a job that requires a masters. If you would like to be a lobbyist, you should get your masters like everyone else, even if you were home schooled as a kid.
I have nothing against home schooling, I too just have concerns about the Duggar's education. There has been a lot written about their situation. In fact I would say they give home schooling, generally a fine practice, a bad name.
We've all said how odd, how sad and how scary her tweets are becoming and after looking at these lyrics (there are additional verses...
Do you mean like these?
"The kind of kisses to make, make me melt (Ooo, make me melt) The kind of love that can really be felt, now (Really be felt) Yeah, yeah, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, I
(Why don't you know I want a love) Yeah, I want her love now"
Time to play "hide the bunny" again!
Yes Goody, please leave Twitter. Please.
"the spanker hater."
So, people who don't believe in spanking are "haters"? Got it.
Milo's complaining about how mean and ugly the haters are to her. What I don't understand is why she doesn't just block them?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 7m
@msgoody2shoes21 ...how nasty & ugly they have been to me lately! I never engage them...don't argue w/them...& I still can't win! Maybe..
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m
@msgoody2shoes21 ...I just need 2leave twitter...my being here is not benefiting anyone anymore...just a catalyst 4the haters 2put nasty
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m
@msgoody2shoes21 ...things on Kate's timeline. I worry abt young ones seeing the filth they tweet. Seems I can do nothing 2stop it. :(
Now she's acting like a self-proclaimed martyr. She's in "woe is me mode", still hoping for a response from Kate.
Kate-Kate---look how mean they are to me!!
Milo, why can't you be like Kate and "block the bullies and join the fun"?
From the Family Research Council web site:
In his new capacity, Josh will be carrying on the family's political legacy -- started by his dad, Jim Bob, who served two terms as an Arkansas state representative and was a candidate for U.S. Senate. The eldest of the Duggar kids, Josh showed an interest in public policy early on and founded a part-time consulting firm called Strategic Political Services in 2006. During the 2012 Republican presidential primary, he served as a surrogate for former Senator Rick Santorum.
Why do I get the feeling that this kid is being primed for political office down the road?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 191
Yes Goody, please leave Twitter. Please.
"the spanker hater."
So, people who don't believe in spanking are "haters"? Got it
There's someone with the name Kate the Spanker on twitter who tweeted grunting noises regarding Milo and Milo told them to leave her alone.
I think this is a better way to look at it. What if the president's son at this PAC was hired to be a "director," but the only thing the president's son had done was achieve a high school education, tag along for a few rallies, and runs a small, though admittedly successful used car business in a small town that has nothing to do with this PAC's issues? People would be OUTRAGED. In fact I'm guessing the cries of nepotism would be so loud the president may have to step down. How is this any different?
The problem is not that he was home schooled. He properly got his GED and that's as good as any other GED. The problem is he had no higher education or significant experience, and if this company requires higher education and at least three years experience of normal employees, then that is wrong to hire someone under qualified. In any context.
Berks ... what? The "lessors"? I don't think Josh is less-than.
I think that Berks was saying that she is the lesser because of her opinion on education vs. experience.
I would never "bash" a homeschool education. My sister raised 6 homeschooled children -- 2 are now physicians and one a pediatric IT nurse. (Others are still in college. Yeah Purdue!)
I know several other success stories of home educated young people.
However, socialization and exposure is imperative to the program. I do not think (other than TLC travels) the Duggers are well-rounded in the ways of the world. Being dumped into DC after an living an insulated life would be a recipe for disaster for most young families.
I wish Josh and Anna luck. A agree with Admin, he was hired for his name and not his expertise.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m
@msgoody2shoes21 ...things on Kate's timeline. I worry abt young ones seeing the filth they tweet. Seems I can do nothing 2stop it. :(
Does Milo worry about that nasty hate-filled things that. Msgoddy tweets day in and day out about Jon?
Or does she just see the so called haters tweeting?
Of course experience would be important for a job as well but this Duggar guy has neither a college degree NOR life experience. How old is he, 23 or so? And he's been more sheltered than many people of his age. Homeschooling when done well can be great but I don't see how anyone without a college degree or lots of experience in lobbying would qualify for that job.
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