Now in its ninth season, Food Network Star is still about the basics: Do you have what it takes to get your mug on T.V.? Is your story compelling, are you a good teacher, are you smooth and engaging and comfortable with the cameras? Do people like you and want you to cook in their kitchens? One by one the hosts cut the chefs until they decide on a winner, who gets their own pilot.
This season features an endearing Chicago native, Chef Lovely, whose "glam up the kitchen" style of cooking is sassy and fun. Rumor has it she stirs with jewel-encrusted spoons back home. Lovely has a passion for kids, and in her spare time can be found supporting Michelle Obama's initiative to bring better food to schools. "Sometimes we just have to step outside ourselves to make a difference," says Lovely. Go, Lovely!
Next Food Network Star airs Sunday nights. Watch full episodes online here.
678 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 678 of 678 Newer› Newest»Well that blog was a heaping, steaming pile of dog crap!
I agree with those of you who think that their "game" was really very cruel and I can't believe that the poor dog's humans actually allowed this to happen or condoned this behavior. And why, oh why doesn't anyone ever proof read her submissions before hitting publish? I'd be embarrassed to put my name on her bogs and I'd be embarrassed if I were actually paying her to write this crap. It is money not well spent.
Finally, I agree with those of you who think the picture is odd. I actually tried to recreate the position she's in by laying on my dog and I couldn't do it. I especially couldn't get my left arm into the position that hers is in. That left arm in the picture looks like a man's arm. Very odd because it doesn't even look like her skin tone. Very odd.
There are some tweets to Kate that make me shake my head, but this one really takes the prize.
Brittany @AidanandMadi 43m
@Kateplusmy8 How do you help an upset stomach my son had his tonsils taken out today and he has had a belly ache. pic.twitter.com/1ByMOCDxqe
She attached a picture of her son in the hospital. Why wouldn't she ask her son's doctor? Even if he went home, I'm sure they told her to contact her doctor if there are any problems, so why is she asking Kate?
Oh, I really REALLY want to comment on that, but I'll refrain. LOL
Anything having to do with "shortcomings?" :)
localyocul, 199: "Oh, I don't know, I mean Marcia Brady got a kiss on the cheek from Desi Arnez Jr. Wonder if she's washed that cheek yet?"
lol!! When my oldest daughter was just a half pint, she had a crush on a celebrity (a real celebrity, not the Kate kind). She knew that I knew him. She told me that if she could just touch his arm she could grow old and die happy. She met him. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and he put his arms around her. She couldn't talk the entire way home. I mean she was literally in shock. When she did open her mouth, she said, "I am never ever going to wash my hands or my face again, or my shirt. It smells like him."
I do wonder, though, about these adult fans who believe that they are part of the lives of these celebrities.
Every time I see a photo of paper bowls and plates on her table, I cannot believe this woman continues to believe it is okay to be so wasteful. Her kids could load and unload the dishwashers throughout the day but maybe she's so cheap she doesn't want to use up the electricity.
And her writing skills are embarrassing. I would cringe if she walked around my house doing a Skooby Doo voice thinking she was being oh so funny. Imagine what that would sound like, especially after a couple glasses of red. In fact, I would bet the Skooby Doo voice only comes to life after a couple glasses of red. And Kate, your continued and persistent attempts at damage control have to stop. No one is buying the New Improved Kate. You really want people to believe finding a dog hair in your coffee is no big deal anymore? Now that would be after a full bottle of red.......
RT @Truth_Teller201: Describes you @Kateplusmy8 H8RS “Hatred – the anger of the weak.” Alphonse Daudet REMINDS ME OF KATE'S EX FROM HELL
How this person fails to see the hypocrisy of this is just astounding. She seems to be one of the biggest haters (of Jon) in all of Kate's fandom.
OT: Stephen Colbert's mother died. I am sitting here in tears because I just watched his heartfelt tribute to his mother. Lots of news outlets haves it, I watched at popwatch.ew.com
Just go there and search for Stephen Colbert and ” get ready to cry”. And she had ELEVEN children, count'em, ELEVEN!!!!!!!!!!!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 193
Do these people really believe that they have a personal connection to celebrities? Twitter has opened up a whole new world in which Celebrity Worship Syndrome is fed. It's gone so far beyond the days of writing to a celebrity though snail mail, hoping that the person in charge of the fan club will send out a pre-autographed stamped photo to you.
This one woman I watched my crazy obsession series.
She would show up where all types of celebs who be and get an photo or autograph from them.
She would stand in line for hours or pay doormen to let her in the place where he celeb. Who be at the moment.
She had 20,000 plus photos and autographs of celebs. She stalked .Pauly d on JS it all she did/does to this day.
This is her Vanessa Sky Ellis
Here's a clip of her from TLC.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 1
Oh, I really REALLY want to comment on that, but I'll refrain. LOL
Anything having to do with "shortcomings?" :)
Bingo! lol
I looked at gosselinbook.com and it seems like Robert is adding more and more links each day.
It just occurred to me that maybe one of the reasons he is doing it is to show all the negative articles, videos(even parody videos) etc. done about Kate—yet she never went after anyone who wrote those articles etc. She never called them "bullies", she never enlisted BV to go after them, and she never threatened to sue them.
I think the point he's trying to make, is that he's not the only one who has written or said anything negative about Kate, so how come she is she going after him and none of the others?
How come she ignored all the other stuff written and said about her, but chooses Robert as the focus of her battle?
It really makes a weak case for her when she never responded to others the way she did to Robert and his book.
Totally OT, but did anyone read that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West name their baby girl, NORTH West?
That poor little baby girl.
localyocul, 199: "Oh, I don't know, I mean Marcia Brady got a kiss on the cheek from Desi Arnez Jr. Wonder if she's washed that cheek yet?"
It wasn't Desi Arnaz, Jr. that kissed Marcia. It was one of my favorite Monkees, Davy Jones.
JoyinVirginia said... 3
OT: Stephen Colbert's mother died. I am sitting here in tears because I just watched his heartfelt tribute to his mother. Lots of news outlets haves it, I watched at popwatch.ew.com
Joy, I watched it too, and the tears flowed freely. What a lovely tribute. It can be watched here:
Make sure you have a tissue handy.
You know, I could almost get the Jon bashing if he still had twitter and was still around.
It looks just flat out crazy to still be talking about someone who has flat out DISAPPEARED. They repost articles and discuss things that happened in 2009 and never have any updated information. It really is no different than yelling at a brick wall.
Pauly D from JS has a stalker named Vanessa that girls a cra-cra.
And why doesn't Kate use plastic plates or plastic food trays?
It just occurred to me that maybe one of the reasons he is doing it is to show all the negative articles, videos(even parody videos) etc. done about Kate—yet she never went after anyone who wrote those articles etc.
That's exactly what he is saying. That's why we were saying last week that I doubt the sheeple will get it. They will just see it at face value, he's just being mean. Rather he is making a very clear statement that this is a witch hunt against just him while 100 other people who have said negative things about her even the big names like Katie Couric and Andersen Cooper are just ignored? It's hypocritical at best. I don't follow twitter except here but it seems to be the lawsuit talk has once against died down. Typical.
Not to mention, if he's vomiting and just got his tonsils out, how about get off twitter and take care of him? And definitely call the doctor, vomiting after surgery is something you would want to tell your doctor right away as opposed to just random vomiting from a little bug. It could be his meds but it might be some kind of infection or something more serious. It would be nice if Kate also shut down the medical questions and respectfully ask these people to please direct medical questions toward medical professionals.
Call me crazy @ 179
I know OCD is a real disorder. I was saying that she is weak because she is using it as a cop out to cover up the real problems or whatever she doesn't want to face. Labeling oneself to have OCD seems to be a way of shutting up people, in my opinion. She doesn't seem to be crippled by it. Definitely not OCD, I think someone on twitter said she might have OC personality disorder? I don't recall the name.
I once dated someone who was a clean freak. For example, If I was in the living room opening my mail, he would straighten up my mail stack WHILE I'm opening and reading my mail! Just couldn't kept his hands off anything that wasn't sorted away or sitting neatly. He didn't listen even if I put my hand on my mail and told him to stop. I could see it got him agitated a liitle but it didn't cripple him at all.
Kate must think OCD fits in whenever something isn't working right.
Kate is a twit said... 9
You make a good point and I think it cause Robert finally took a stand against her.
And this is what's getting to Kate.
Sure all of sites and article talked about her and her bad behavior but that's it.
They write about her and that's it. But Robert wrote it and won't back down.
He doesn't want her to get away with what she is doing and has done.
And Kate can't make Robert go away she can't control him or what he say's and she hates it.
She loves to be in control and Robert won't let her so he's a bully.
The reason we never heard the outcome of the Audi in the shop is that the Audi probably was never in the shop.
The towtruck episode was just something stupid for Kate to write about.
I still want to know about the new car. Why doesn't she write about that?
I really wish someone could figure out what's wrong with Kate's right arm at the top. It's not coming out of the sleeve. It just looks like the arm was cut out of a picture and pasted there. Although I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, it's driving me crazy!
Kate wrote:
She did not bark at me. She did not growl. My friends raised their eyebrows in surprise. Instead, she accepted her snack calmly and willingly, as her human mom inspected her sore limb....
She did not bark. She did not growl. My friends said they'd never seen a visitor brave enough to lie next to her.
She didn't bark at me. She didn't growl at me. And I think she even enjoyed the "Scooby Doo" voice I used when "making her talk."
Hm, I'm a writer. I'd like to make a few improvements if I may.
"She did not bark. She did not growl. Growl, Kisa, growl! Kisa can growl. See Kisa growl. Kate can lie. Lie, Kate, lie! Kate lies well. Kisa hates lies. Growl, Kisa, growl! Uh, oh. Run, Kate, run! Now Kisa can lie...and rest."
Why on earth would you expect a dog to growl at you anyway? Especially if it's a friend's dog. I would expect any good friend would NOT bring a dog around who growled at her friends especially with children around.
I think she's done her fair share of teasing dogs, that as a result many dogs don't like her, and this is why she acts like growling is normal because she thinks it is.
Hint, it's not normal.
Lynne In RI said... 22
''I really wish someone could figure out what's wrong with Kate's right arm at the top. It's not coming out of the sleeve. It just looks like the arm was cut out of a picture and pasted there. Although I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, it's driving me crazy!''
I did explain what is wrong w/KK's arm. When a photo shop is badly done, it looks exactly as you described it...as though ''the arm was cut out of a picture and pasted there''. That is also why the other arm doesn't match her right arm, and why her hand isn't touching the dog, but sort of floating above the dog. Maybe you just don't understand what photoshopping is?
Reading kate's bog may cause you to inexplicably want to stick a pencil in your eye!!!
Oh my freaking gawd!!!!! So much for short sweet and to the point. That bog rambled so much I could not even read it to the end. She mad e up for he last 2 bogs in this bog, by adding every known adjective to man!
I know Kate has said she is a good speller ( yah right ) but has she tried to have us believe she is a good writer? because the following paragraph...
"She belongs to a good friend of mine who was very worried about how she and I would get along when I visited recently."
Uh, who would get along? You and your friend? Why would a person who is suppose to be a good friend be worried about how you and she would get along? OOOHHHHHH.... you mean you and the dogggg??
Okay, I give you that one grammar mistake. But she does it a second time!!! ( and yes, like Kate, I like exclamations points! Please forgive me!!! but I am trying to make a point here people!) :)
Here is the second mistake....
"I got out, and happily greeted my friends while unloading the car, doing my best to show no fear of her."
Uh Kate... if you are afraid of your friend, and she is worried about how to two of you are going to get along, was this visit perhaps a good idea? perhaps you should have left the kids at home while you and your friend tried to work out your issues with each other. Ohhhhhhhh.... its the dogggg you were afraid of???
I think you need some grammar lessons Kate!
Hmmmm. Someone up thread said, it looks like Kate was at Jamie's house. Do tell. Inside info? if this is Jamies, then perhaps the above two paragraphs of kate's were..... slips of the tongue...
Things that make you go hmmmm...
Been reading all along, still in the hospital. But, I am doing another treatment tomorrow and if it is good, I will go back to the Nhome. Friday is 3 weeks that I have been in here. I'm tired.
I can't believe kate allowed herself and her kids to play that horrible joke on that poor dog. I haven't seen the pictures yet or read the bog, but reading here, a person feels like they have all ready seen the pictures and read her bog! lol
That dog had the sense to know that kate did that trick to him, but it is surprising that the dog laid down beside kate.
kate is cruel, sadistic and horrifying evil entity that is prideful and thinks she will never ever have her downfall.
It's coming, kate. Film at 11.
Luke I hope you're able to go home soon!
This is why this woman is so universally hated. She is a tease. To her children, to her fans and now to poor helpless animals. There's so little redeemable about someone who so consistently vile. She can't have many fans left.
On another note no wonder Kate won't acknowledge the dog named after her. She hates dogs. Now what will milo do to please her, get rid of poor Kate Irene??
chefsummer, have you heard of Stalker Sarah? That girl kind of goes along with the Vanessa person you're talking about. Stalker Sarah is a girl in California who wears pretty much the same outfit all the time and meets celebs by the dozen.
Its Friday June 21, happy summer solstice everyone! And happy super duper moon day, moon will be closer to the earth. Seems like a good evening to have a virtual wedding reception for a fictional bride who is 2.5 miles from everyone. Luke bandit will be guest of honor. Please bring your pets. The solsticing will commence this evening eastern time sometime.
So Kate posts a picture of herself laying with someone else's dog and writes a bog about it. Big freakin' deal. Let me know when she posts a picture of herself laying with her OWN dog. You know. The one she loves so much. What a bunch of doggie doo doo.
Meagler said... 27
Hmmmm. Someone up thread said, it looks like Kate was at Jamie's house. Do tell. Inside info? if this is Jamies, then perhaps the above two paragraphs of kate's were..... slips of the tongue...
Check the 16th testimonial down.
Kate is a twit said... 13
localyocul, 199: "Oh, I don't know, I mean Marcia Brady got a kiss on the cheek from Desi Arnez Jr. Wonder if she's washed that cheek yet?"
It wasn't Desi Arnaz, Jr. that kissed Marcia. It was one of my favorite Monkees, Davy Jones
Sorry, I'm a Brady Bunch expert. It was DA JR:
She WAS president of Davey's fan club and wanted him to sing at her prom and he wound up taking her to the dance.
I could not bring myself to read her "bog", but I was curious about the picture you guys have been speculating on. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT....THAT IS A MAN'S ARM.
So, this begs the question, why on earth would she photoshop herself laying next to someone else's dog? Why not Shoka if she loves her very own dog so much? God, she's nuts.
The next day, and in my typical fashion with people or pets, I was determined to "win her over!"
Why, Kate? Are you admitting that you make a lousy first impression?
Be well, lukebandit :o)
localyocul said... 34
Thanks for showing me that it WAS Desi Arnaz, Jr. I guess I remember the Davy Jones episode so well, that I completely forgot that Desi Arnaz, Jr. was also on the show. I was a DJ fan-Desi, not so much.
I apologize. Mea culpa.
capecodmama said... 32
So Kate posts a picture of herself laying with someone else's dog and writes a bog about it. Big freakin' deal. Let me know when she posts a picture of herself laying with her OWN dog. You know. The one she loves so much. What a bunch of doggie doo doo.
Kate is a textbook megalomanic. In her mind, she is omnipotent. Of course a dog, who growls at everyone, would not growl at her.
Kate is magical.
Just an FYI, I am taking my computer to the Geek Squad this weekend, as I have many unauthorized pop up attacks. Nothing to do with this site, but I am sure it has do with "other" sites, and will let you know once I get a report.
We all have a right to an opinion and I have had Norton as a way to avoid unwarranted attacks, but am still getting constant pop ups and pop up alerts of attacks on my system over past 8 weeks. I am going to report any and all unwarranted hacking and intrusions to the proper authorities.
Is anyone else dealing with this? Nothing to do with this site, but am curious with sources protecting Kate from "bullying" is an issue, as I have never had this issue before. And if someone is hacking my information, I am definitely going to contact authorities.
I am allowed to have a non-threatening opinion without the constant new invasions of my computer. I do plan to take action, as my comments are simply comments, no threats, etc..
It IS Jamie's dog. Great sleuthing.
So wait a gosh darn minute here. Jamie's been on T.V. before and everyone knows who she is, what's the big problem with saying my friend Jamie?
What, she doesn't want to be in the public eye anymore or associated with Kate? Ruh-row.
On a side note I'm glad to see Jamie is a responsible dangerous breeds dog owner who was consulting experts on how to train her dog since the dog was a puppy. Good for her. So if the dog has been trained since puppyhood, why would growling be a concern whatsoever?
This whole thing is one big melodramatic contrived farce.
Sounds good Joy!
Kate is a twit said... 38
localyocul said... 34
Thanks for showing me that it WAS Desi Arnaz, Jr. I guess I remember the Davy Jones episode so well, that I completely forgot that Desi Arnaz, Jr. was also on the show. I was a DJ fan-Desi, not so much.
I apologize. Mea culpa.
LOL who can keep track of all the stars those kids met...don't forget Joe Namath
I don't think the picture was photo-shopped. I think it's a combination of bad lighting and camera angle, plus the color of the shirt she was wearing. Kate's right shoulder is hunched up, and it's hard to tell where exactly her shoulder is and where her arm begins. Here's the picture for those who have not seen it:
My one question is if the picture was taken the night before the dog was taken to the vet, why is she lying on the dog's right leg, which is the one that was injured? She couldn't have lain on the opposite side of the dog for her photo op?
Quite frankly,done with comments, but with Norton Security, not happy, and done. Nothing to do with this site.
Will report all "hacking" results to proper authorities, as something is clearly wrong and it all started about 8 weeks ago.
Brady Bunch fan here , too! Yes, DA Jr kissed Marcia's cheek in the lost diary episode, forget what Davy did although he sang Hey Girl in the school dance episode? One of them said Marcia was a groovy girl or vice versa? I need Nick at Night to refresh my memory. What a fun innocent show although reading MM's autobiography behind the scenes less than idyllic.
I also meant to mention Kate only put about 2 inches of juice in those glasses with breakfast!!
So if the dog has been trained since puppyhood, why would growling be a concern whatsoever?
Because Kate's use of dramatic license made it that way. She had to give the impression that the dog was intimidating to strangers, and how she as the "dog whisperer" was able to tame Kisa into submission.
Another question. Why would this be the first time Kate has met Kisa? If she and Jamie were such good friends, wouldn't she have met the dog before?
Kate decided to use Kisa as fodder for her bog, and spun it for the dramatic effect.
Because Kate's use of dramatic license made it that way. She had to give the impression that the dog was intimidating to strangers, and how she as the "dog whisperer" was able to tame Kisa into submission.
Exactly. Only she got caught in a lie. Turns out, Jamie has had this dog professionally trained since PUPPYHOOD, and has been RAVING online about how well trained he is since puppyhood:
"Our Great Dane is a wonderful addition to our family...My husband and I and 3 small kids are very happy with the training that Ted has provided us with! She is a huge dog and we really needed to know how to handle her before she became an adult! We have taught her many tricks and many obedience skills, thanks to Ted!"
lukebandit--I'm sorry to hear that you are still in the hospital. I hope you'll be going home soon.
LB said... 19
Kate must think OCD fits in whenever something isn't working right.
That is her latest phrase de jour.
Kate blamed her nastiness/ cankiness
on having "low blood sugar". She tossed that one around for a while.
Kate is a twit said... 14
JoyinVirginia said... 3
OT: Stephen Colbert's mother died. I am sitting here in tears because I just watched his heartfelt tribute to his mother. Lots of news outlets haves it, I watched at popwatch.ew.com
Joy, I watched it too, and the tears flowed freely. What a lovely tribute. It can be watched here:
Make sure you have a tissue handy.
What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful lady.
May her dear soul rest in peace.
Kate used the word "bark" 11 times and the word "growl" 13 times. She wanted to give the impression that she was facing a huge and ferocious dog, and how she was able to calm the "beast".
It goes with her story about how "everyone who meets me, loves me".
Kate is a twit said...53
Ha! You're right!! Hand-in-glove with her overuse of the word "typically"...it's sprinkled like fairy dust over her bog.
Kate is a twit said... 53
Kate used the word "bark" 11 times and the word "growl" 13 times. She wanted to give the impression that she was facing a huge and ferocious dog, and how she was able to calm the "beast".
Kate IS a dog whisperer. I wouldn't expect anything less of her than to tame that huge, rampaging creature!
And here is lazy personified - the woman has two dishwashers and continues to post pictures of her children eating with plastic and paper, and not outdoors a la picnic, no, this is breakfast. Her kids are certainly old enough to have loading/unloading the dishwashers as a chore, and split among 8, no excuse for not using dishes. And will someone explain to Ms. Organic about the impact on the environment? She is such a tool. Now if you are living through a kitchen remodel and don't want to wash dishes in a bathtub . . . .
Nice way to pay back your friend for her hospitality. Write a public blog about how beastly the dog is. Bet Jamie was real pleased with that!
Kate did that to the tow truck driver, too. He tries to be nice to her and she writes a very public blog about his looks, and how much better than him she thinks she is.
Real nice, Kate.
And what about the trainer? Now that the dog has been connected to him, I'd be fit to be tied that someone was implying a dog I properly trained well needed to be won over or was apt to growl or otherwise was being intimidating. Fit to be tied.
New post!
Craziness said... 30
chefsummer, have you heard of Stalker Sarah? That girl kind of goes along with the Vanessa person you're talking about. Stalker Sarah is a girl in California who wears pretty much the same outfit all the time and meets celebs by the dozen.
Wow I haven't I only know of Vanessa because she stalked Pauly d on tv she flshed him like 3x.
One other thing about Kate's bog. She implies that all of her kids were with her. Whenever, she mentions "the kids", she wants people to think she's only talking about hers.
If she had specifically named Jamie, people would realize that she may also be talking about Jamie's kids.
Thus the reason for her not mentioning Jamie by name. Whenever Kate mentions "kids" she wants people to believe she's only talking about her own.
Kate is a twit said... 53
Kate used the word "bark" 11 times and the word "growl" 13 times. She wanted to give the impression that she was facing a huge and ferocious dog, and how she was able to calm the "beast".
It goes with her story about how "everyone who meets me, loves me".
I don't think she clam the dog lol.
If it is Jamie's pup I bet the dog knows Kate & the kids all ready.
So this isn't some dog that she is seeing for the first time.
Funny how Kate never wrote that she never met the dog be for or this was their first meeting.
DPSL said... 33
Meagler said... 27
Hmmmm. Someone up thread said, it looks like Kate was at Jamie's house. Do tell. Inside info? if this is Jamies, then perhaps the above two paragraphs of kate's were..... slips of the tongue...
Check the 16th testimonial down.
Nice detective work!
I see that Jamie included her kids in her signature. Does this mean she has custody again?
I also had a thought, and no evidence to back it up, that maybe Kate dropped some of the kids at Jamie's so she could either get her much needed break or so that she'd have fewer kids around for a while.
Another reason she may not have mentioned Jamie, Jamie who seemed to have no problem being on camera before and associating with Kate by name, is she may want to create the illusion she has a wide variety of really close friends. When the reality is only a few people like Jamie are still sticking around enabling her. I'm surprised after Jamie was treated she even still puts up with this. Says a lot.
Anonymous said... 40
Just an FYI, I am taking my computer to the Geek Squad this weekend, as I have many unauthorized pop up attacks. Nothing to do with this site, but I am sure it has do with "other" sites, and will let you know once I get a report.
I'm sorry this is happening to you. Not only can it be expensive, as well as time-consuming, to get a computer back in order, but it can be scary. I had it happen a year or so back and was concerned that personal info might have been stolen (it wasn't). Are you thinking the problems came from Twitter, if you're on it? Was your email address compromised? Please do share if you find out the cause.
I also meant to mention Kate only put about 2 inches of juice in those glasses with breakfast!!
Is it possible that the glasses were more full than that, and they drank most of it either before or during breakfast?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 63
Or Jamie knows how Kate uses people and she asked her not to mention her on the blog.
But the thing I’m most proud of is being Lorna Colbert’s daughter.”
Will the Gosselin kids ever say that about their mother?
Kate says her kids woud be so proud of her getting on twitter. And has said similar things about them being proud of her before.
And that's all well and good. But the true test or every mother is after she is dead and gone and the kids are giving the eulogy, isn't it?
Thank you everyone for the good wishes. Just saw the dr. after treatment, getting out this afternoon!
That picture has to be photoshopped! kate, and we all know how she is, would NEVER EVER lay on a dog's bed and have her picture made with the dog. Remember, WE ARE NOT DOGS!
That arm that is near the dog bed is a man's arm! The way the angle is, that arm should be jutting out of her neck! And see the color difference! The upper arm is much lighter than the bottom one! Those fingers and knuckles are not a woman's. And why would she lay on the injury that she made worse by playing the joke on him.
Conspiracy Theory: kate knew about the dog, because it is Jamie's dog. She would never treat Shoka with all this respect and concern and especially LAY down with Shoka on his dog bed and be photographed! So, I think that she USED JAMIE AGAIN and the dog to further her agenda about the animal abuse.
His dog hair in her cup? No problem! Lay down beside him on his dog bed with dog hair all over it? Absolutely! While I was cooking, the dog kept hitting her with his tail! He was just trying to Happy Me Up! Got water droplets all over the bathroom floor? I threw the towel down on them and let the towel do its job!
All this is heavy damage spin control about how more people are realizing that she is a animal abuser. She would never ever lay down on Shoka's bed and take a picture with him.
Can't believe the micro details in that bog! EVERY SECOND on the way there she was thinking about the dog and how she was going to win him over! Texas Taffy to greet him with, some of Shoka's toys...etc.
She did the joke on him to show him who was going to win control and make him weak and cower around her. She is a vile bully, plain and simple. And she did the same thing to Lil Hank. She was going to make him cower around her and perform for her like a brainwashed robot, just like she does her own kids.
So happy that Lil Hank said OH NO! No she's NOT! when being told that she was going to take care of him for a week. That tore her up! Team Lil Hank!
Saw the realtor show in LA. Every house they showed on there was 1 million plus. kate would have to do DWTS and CWS for 10 years and put every penny in just to buy a house there in LA.
kate you are so transparent.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 67
But the thing I’m most proud of is being Lorna Colbert’s daughter.”
Will the Gosselin kids ever say that about their mother?
Kate says her kids woud be so proud of her getting on twitter. And has said similar things about them being proud of her before.
And that's all well and good. But the true test or every mother is after she is dead and gone and the kids are giving the eulogy, isn't it?
Kate say a lot of things and we know mostly of what she says is a lie.
She speaks for the kids.
I know I pain the fact that one day I will have to do my mother's eulogy.
But I know why I'm proud to have her as a mom I could go on and on about it.
Most mother don't have to convince the world that they're good mother's.
Kate say's on twitter and her website over and over how the kids think.
She such a good mommy and how they praise her over and over.
What mother who knows in her heart that she a good mom would need such validation.
Or who needs to express to stranger that she's a good parent?
Who is Kate trying to convince us or herself that shes a good mom.
Kate decided to use Kisa as fodder for her bog, and spun it for the dramatic effect.
Boy we have some great detectives here!!
She is so good at lying and exaggerating that I believe most of her bog was made up. I think Jamie told her to go ahead and make up whatever she wants. I could picture them both working on it and laughing about how Kate would be pulling the wool over everyone's eyes.
If she went to Jamie's that means she must have just stopped in Ohio to see sister. Jamie is in Michigan. That is quite a drive if she didn't fly. I am surprised she didn't brag about traveling all that way with no one to help her.
As for the growling, Kisa may "growl" yet not be a mean growl. I had a Rottie once who when she wanted attention would look at us and do a low deep growl noise that sounded scary but it wasn't a bad growl. (we got her as an adult and once we knew what it meant it wasn't scary)
I have always wanted a Great Dane since the time I watched the Disney movie "The Ugliest Dachshund" (way back in the 60's I think)
Saw the realtor show in LA. Every house they showed on there was 1 million plus. kate would have to do DWTS and CWS for 10 years and put every penny in just to buy a house there in LA.
Realtor shows are not reality! You can buy plenty of nice homes in Los Angeles for well under $1M. Certainly not a home and land the size of Kate's, but many homes in perfectly nice neighborhoods are available for a heck of a lot less than a million bucks.
I looked at the picture and I have to say the showing of skin instead of clothing in the area where her neck and shoulder head meets the dog's body..I think it's someone else's arm. Someone else was laying there and she laid on that person's arm. The arm and hand looks way too big to be hers and it's a darker skin tone. Unless she was wearing a off shoulder shirt...it's a man behind her, maybe?
The mystery shall contiune!
Jane 64- Not sure what the problem is, but have had Norton for years, and taking to Geek Squad this weekend. Many unauthorized pop ups which have NEVER occurred until past 2 months, and never reported. I will Geek Squad to report same as I will be paying for this and have said rights.
Nothing to do with this site, but will be reported to proper authorties, trust me, as I am tired of the illegal intrusions and will take this where it needs to go. Again, nothing to do with this site.
I am going to pay for a Geek Squad analysis, and let the chips fall where they may.
Kate's trying to change her bad image to bad no one cares.
That other arm is 100% not Kate's. Look at the hand. It has huge knuckles and is much larger than hers. Come on The Stir, don't you question such silliness and lies. And yes, she is trying so hard to change the way the public perceives her. And the dead give away is we have zero photos of Kate snuggling in any shape or form whatsoever with Shoka or for that matter any other dog or cat. That photo and story is bull bullshit supreme.
Kate is coming up on 2 years since TLC canned her and except for the hour ABC show Wive Swap she is history as far as TV goes. Leslie
Anonymous, the pop-ups are usually caused by malware. this may happen via a Trojan Horse. You can pick it from a web site. There are special programs that will clean malware out.
Good luck with Geek Squad.
That arm looks pretty hairy also and the hand is huge. Looks like maybe Kate was spooning and she photo shopped the person out.
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