Now in its ninth season, Food Network Star is still about the basics: Do you have what it takes to get your mug on T.V.? Is your story compelling, are you a good teacher, are you smooth and engaging and comfortable with the cameras? Do people like you and want you to cook in their kitchens? One by one the hosts cut the chefs until they decide on a winner, who gets their own pilot.
This season features an endearing Chicago native, Chef Lovely, whose "glam up the kitchen" style of cooking is sassy and fun. Rumor has it she stirs with jewel-encrusted spoons back home. Lovely has a passion for kids, and in her spare time can be found supporting Michelle Obama's initiative to bring better food to schools. "Sometimes we just have to step outside ourselves to make a difference," says Lovely. Go, Lovely!
Next Food Network Star airs Sunday nights. Watch full episodes online here.
678 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 678 Newer› Newest»Happy Father's Day to all you dads of 2-foot, 4-footed, furred and feathered kiddos.
Yay! Admi you're to cool.
Chef I love your cousin's passion for good nutrition in our schools. And I love that she doesn't just talk about what she believes in, she goes out there and actually does it. I wonder if maybe that could be here theme just as well, instead of glam!
Chefsummer -- That's your cousin, Lovely? Looks like she's well named. I don't get The Food Channel, so I'll be rooting for her on the sidelines. She looks like she's full of fun and passion. Hope she goes all the way!
To carry over from the last discussion. KK says the kids are with Jon "a couple times a month". Is it possible she's not "lying" about that, and that he is with the kids a couple of times a month -- for a week at a time? That would work out to 50/50 and technically KK would be telling the truth. We all know how she likes to manipulate the truth to suit her purposes.
Rats! Hit publish too soon.
Happy Father's Day to all the fathers in our lives, and to all the mothers who also serve as fathers to their kiddos.
Thanks, Admin.
Chefsummer, I will watch and root for Lovely!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 3
Thanks I agree but she's been glam all our lives so no changing that lol.
Thanx everyone.
HAHAH Kris Jenner getting her how talk show aw poor KK.
And Kanye said he doesn't want their baby in the media good for him but well see.
Chef are you saying Lovely is authentic?? Hehe
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy816m
Cara says she'd write this for 1 of my last blogposts 4 @The_Stir :
'Im hungry4icecream.Craving it all wk. The end!'
Girl of few words!
Is Kate admitting that Cara writes her blog posts for her? Ha.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 9
Oh very lol but she's a bit more cra-car in person.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2h
Cara says she'd write this for 1 of my last blogposts 4 @The_Stir :
'Im hungry4icecream.Craving it all wk. The end!'
Girl of few words!
So did Cara get $15% for writing KK's blog post?
*are you smooth and engaging and comfortable with the cameras*
Kate? Ah...no. But she sure thinks she is!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 57m
Cara says she'd write this for 1 of my last blogposts 4 @The_Stir : 'Im hungry4icecream.Craving it all wk. The end!' Girl of few words!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5m
@Kateplusmy8 If U are ending ur blog at the Stir...then that means we need 2see U blog more here
How often are the g-kids allowed to have ice cream? Craving it for a week? Four freezers and no ice cream?
I wonder if the sheeple think that the G8 Summit is about getting Kate and the kids back on TV.
Happy Father's Day to all the dads in our lives.
Last blog posts? Has The Stir come to their senses? Could this really be the end? If so, let's all enjoy some ice cream.
Wishing all the dads a Happy Father's Day, and hoping Jon Gosselin has a sweet day with his children.
@Kateplusmy8 What kind of ice cream is it that Cara is craving
Who cares? Geez!
I think when Kate said "last" blog posts, she meant "latest" or "recent" blog posts, probably the Countdown to Summer one.
Seems she's trying to imply that Cara is with her today instead of being with Jon on Father's Day.
I hope Jon has a Happy Father's Day with ALL of his children.
I caught that too...
Cara will write for one of her LAST blog posts.
Was this only a one year contract? When did she start writing for The Stir...
That, and remember we noticed the last 2 bogs had been less wordy and less adjective(y) ( Kate speak). Perhaps Kate has been told to tone it down, and Kate is using Cara's comment " girl of few words" as a bit of sarcasm....
Happy Fathers day to everyone. My hubby is making his own breakfast as I am not as good at pancakes as he is. But I do have a special meal planned for tonight...
By the way, for those of you who used to read comments via twazzup, the site is back up BUT apparently now you have to have a twitter account in order to access it. As far as I can tell, the only way to see the convo on Kate's timeline is:
Cara's comment could also be related to one of kate's previous ( and Kate used the word last) bogs about how they often have ice cream as a meal one day during the summer. Its a tradition ya know ( wink,wink)
and Cara is saying she has been craving it all week, so lets go have that ice cream supper that you promised us lady!!!
Didn't Kate go away right before (or during) her firing from CC?
I thought your questions on what makes someone interesting enough for the camera were very telling when applied to Kate.
Is Your story compelling? yes
Are you a good teacher? No. people who are good teachers are good learners and inquisitive and curious. Kate is incurious..
Are you smooth and engaging in front of the cameras? No. When she was just being her, yes, I thing that she had a star quality. But, her arrogance and entitlement prevented her from being teachable (back to question #2!)
Do people like you? In the beginning, I think that the family was very like able. Face it, the mother always gets the role of strict taskmaster and mean mommy--especially with her immature, but very lovable husbands. The children were beyond adorable. However, Kate wears on people and eventually kills their good will towards her.
So, in view of these questions, no surprise that Kate is a total flop on her own. The only thing interesting about her is her delusional extraordinarily high opinion of herself.
Kate suffered from overexposure, because her worst personality traits came out without Jon to kick around. The only reason Kate is where she is right now is because she dictates life on her terms, and rightfully earned her diva reputation. Showing up "just in time" for a live shoot on DWTS? She seriously underestimated the power of all of the "little people" that work in production, and, the one thing you never screw with is the time schedule. Those costume and makeup people destroyed her, and made her a national joke--( and, yes--she certainly didn't help herself, either!)
However, I do think the single quality that has destroyed any chance of a career is that she is unteachable.
Sheeple, Kate never said her illustrious writing career at The Stir was coming to an end.
God, it's like a bad game of "Telephone".
These have got to be my WTF tweets of the day.
@kristastark: @Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir Every Mom needs a break. Once my kids were old enough (5or6) I started talking 2days per year to rejuvenate &recharge
@kristastark: @Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir And FYI naysayers; Time at dads doesn't count! All single parent knows that time is used for catching up on housework
@kristastark: @Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir Like stripping beds, scrubbing floors, cleaning fridge, hiding bday/ Christmas presents(most recent" break time") LOL
Um, Kate doesn't work and when the kids are in school she has at least 8 hours a day 5 days a week to do this. Oh wait, she's got people to do this for her so I guess that time counts as "me" time until she has to get them at the bus stop. When the kids are with Jon, Kate has nothing but "me" time. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you work full time so this may be your reality, but Kate...not so much.
NJGal51 said... 16
I wonder if the sheeple think that the G8 Summit is about getting Kate and the kids back on TV.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2h
Cara says she'd write this for 1 of my last blogposts 4 @The_Stir :
'Im hungry4icecream.Craving it all wk. The end!'
Girl of few words!
Is Kate vague on purpose or just plain stupid? What is she trying to say?
They had ice cream on the episode where Cara's foot was needing an x-ray, on the one where they had it for dinner, the NYC epi where Kate dashed through the hot streets in her hooker heels and of course the 'she's ruined!!!' Disney one. I think they have it more than Kate lets on. Also they go to that place that has something like ice cream but no fat- that was in a pap picture a couple of years ago iirc.But yeah, who cares?
Caitlyn Grab @caitlyn_grab 24m
@alikins417 @Kateplusmy8 I cant wait to meet Kate! We seriously need to find a book signing for #loveisinthemix :)))
I think that first she needs to show that this book is going to sell. How's that going? Have there been 100 pre-orders?
I have an idea....Kate's friends can all host a book signing at their homes and invite friends. One bedroom needed for K&S.
Jill Jones @JillyNy74 3h
Happy Fathers Day to a part time father. You do it all.
Um no they have a full time dad named Jon.
Paige had to put her cat to sleep today. People are tweeting their condolences and Milo just HAS to tell her what to do.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 17m
@Paige_Kate8fan @Kateplusmy8 Once ur heart has had time 2heal...go to a shelter...so many kitties would welcome your love & affection! :)
ONCE, Milo, just ONCE stfu. You act as though people can't make a move without your damn advice.
Whoa (Kate-speak):
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h
Father's day pick....18yr old got a lil smart-alecky..hubs says..."Drop and give me 20 NOW"! LOL #NoMoreTimeOutsForOurBigBoy :)
LOL's and a smiley face??? Guess LOM rules the roost.
Too bad LOM can't take her Twitter capabilities away.
Happy Father's Day everyone :o)
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 33
Whoa (Kate-speak):
Come on, Tweet-le, if you're going to use Kate speak, get it right. It's WOAH!
Kate is a twit said... 36
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 33
Whoa (Kate-speak):
Come on, Tweet-le, if you're going to use Kate speak, get it right. It's WOAH!
LOL! I know. I thought I'd spelled it the "Kate way" but when I saw it posted I saw it was the right way. I guess my fingers just didn't want to do it.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 17m
@Paige_Kate8fan @Kateplusmy8 Once ur heart has had time 2heal...go to a shelter...so many kitties would welcome your love & affection! :)
ONCE, Milo, just ONCE stfu. You act as though people can't make a move without your damn advice.
How insensitive is Milo with this tweet? Paige just lost her cat today. I don't know about anyone else, but when I lost a pet, the last thing I needed or wanted to hear was "go get another one".
That's almost like telling someone who lost a baby, don't worry you can have another one.
Milo is LOL about this? I imagine this is one teenager who cannot wait to get out of that house. Shaking my head over what she tweets.
'Drop and give me 20 NOW!' ???
Milo's style of parenting sounds a lot like Kate. (If I believed Milo has kids, which I don't.)
The whole drop and give me 20 on top of the blackmailing his parents with photos?
If Milo really had an 18-year-old son, (who they just allowed to get a driver's license! and posted pics of his 10-year-old-boy toys in the yard that looked like they were still played with!) and he wanted to rebel and humiliate Milo ... that kid would only have to join in on Kate's Twitter and out his mommy.
He hasn't, which makes me pretty extra sure that there are NO children in Milo's life. I thank God for that.
@msgoody2shoes21: That inking feeling - http://NYPOST.com - http://www.nypost.com/p/entertainment/fashion/that_inking_feeling_Nw4FX6nTJmUZnDVysI7BWM
Or maybe it's because the clothing line just sucked in general. I wonder if Jon has any legal recourse against mr hardy.
I have lots of questions about your cousin Lovely, but to ask them would be way too Milo-ish. Just know I will be watching her and hoping she excels at this new venture. And always remember, it's not always the winner who ends out with the best PR and the best career boost! Sometimes other contestants end up having more of the "it" factor than the winner.
I know you and your family are excited about this.
For those who don't get Food Network it looks like they are putting the episodes online for free!
There are two there. Check back in a day or so for today's episode.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 33
Whoa (Kate-speak):
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h
Father's day pick....18yr old got a lil smart-alecky..hubs says..."Drop and give me 20 NOW"! LOL #NoMoreTimeOutsForOurBigBoy :)
LOL's and a smiley face??? Guess LOM rules the roost.
I think this kid is giving them a run for their money. Good grief were they giving him timeouts when he was 17 a month ago? She tweeted something the other day about Teens pushin the limits! One came home late! Newflash you live under our roof you abide by our rules!
Of course she's deleted it
Readerlady! OT
I was cleaning up after the mowing boys (!) today and I heard a meowing coming from the magnolia. A tiny little face peered out at me. Oh, great, I thought, now what. An orange kitten, only about four or five weeks old with the bluest eyes you ever saw. I bent down and saw another one, and another one, and another one, and another one.
Five kittens and I have no idea what to do with them. I put down some wet cat food and they are chowing down, so they do know how to eat. I do not want another inside cat!
Why me? Why do these strays hang out here and pick me? I am a feline magnet.
fidosmommy said... 41
Oh no problem I was just excited to let you guys know that she was on their.
I mean my family nuts so when we do good we promote it.-lol
That's pretty harsh to blame your business failing on one person. I think the brand simply ran its course. It was trendy and trends never last. It was a one trick pony wth basically the same design on everything. If you want it to last you've got to innovate. Sour grapes.
Sorry - I was anonymous @41. My iPad has been giving me fits with posting lately.
Milo is LOL about this? I imagine this is one teenager who cannot wait to get out of that house.
With Milo in that house, who in the heck wouldn't want to get out? He's probably been waiting for many years to be able to go off on his own!
AW! Somewhere -- The kitties know you have a loving heart. That's why they find you. If you truly can't keep them, and I understand why you can't if you already have pets, don't leave them outside. It's not safe for them. See if there's a no-kill shelter or a rescue in your area and get in touch with them. This is a bad time of the year. A lot of rescues and shelters are full to overflowing, but most will find a foster or make room somehow.
This is Ex Nurse--sorry can't post with name on iPhone.
I think that Hardy was right--if it was something that Kate was linked to that failed, no one make excuses. Yes, fads come and go, but the Hardy brand was tied to Jon when it imploded. It became emblematic of Jon's highly inflated sense of self-importance that he displayed at that point in time.
MsGoody is spending father's day ranting about Jon again. No surprise.
Sorry-pushed publish too soon..Any way, It would be nice if these kinds of stories wouldn't run, but the media doesn't work that way. Jon's behavior was displayed on a public stage and he, and the kids, will be paying for this, probably forever. In a fair world, the article would have me too ex that he is leading a quiet and private life, and that those days are long behind them. I do feel sorry for the guy--not much he can do, except what he is doing. He has the ex from helltrying to soak him for whatever share if the assets he may have escaped with, a d dragging him thru the mud--again.
Ugh! Last anonymous was me, too
Ex Nurse
Looks like Goody's right no time I mean it father's day might as well bash Jon.
That's pretty harsh to blame your business failing on one person. I think the brand simply ran its course. It was trendy and trends never last. It was a one trick pony wth basically the same design on everything. If you want it to last you've got to innovate. Sour grapes.
I don't think that Jon was that powerful that he could bring down a multi-million dollar clothing line. He had to blame someone and Jon is the scapegoat. People were sick of it, and when you see so much of it that everyone has it, then nobody wants it anymore.You want something unique and different, and the trend dies. It had become a joke, and it wasn't because of Jon.
Actually I can't imagine blaming the fall of a multi million dollar business on Kate. That's pretty silly. Businesses do not fall because of one short lived celebrity endorsement. The brand was dumb before Jon got on board. That was why people were calling him that awful word a douche. He was wearing a brand that already had a reputation for being "douchey". Blaming your failures on who sold your brand is exactly why a company like this failed--they can't even take ownership of their own failures.
Somewhere in Time . . . A year ago this August I was crying to Readerlady about the same problem! Only I had 1 kitten on my hands, thank goodness. I still call him The Cat I Do Not Want, but right now he's sleeping on my bed, and he is the calmest, sweetest, most handsome cat we've ever had. But I swear he is the last stray for this house! : ) Good luck with the kittens. Keep us posted.
Craziness said... 50
MsGoody is spending father's day ranting about Jon again. No surprise.
I wish, just one time, that the Goody person could see Jon, up close and personal, interacting with his children, instead of trashing him and hating him from afar. She'd see the love he has for his children, and they for him.
Then again, perhaps her hatred for men, all men, runs so deep that even seeing him, or knowing him, wouldn't matter. Those are the kind that know it all and their opinion never changes, and she'd never admit that perhaps she judged him harshly...all based on tabloid reports.
I agree that those Ed Hardy shirts were pretty
awful. Things like that last for a few months and then go away. While Hardy may have had a fantastic year with them (how, I will never understand) they were doomed to become yesterday's news no matter what. It's not like they were 1980's The Who concert shirts.
Jon looked stupid in them. So did everyone else who wore them, IMO. Personally, I thought Mr. Hardy needed to be ashamed of himself for ruining perfectly good shirts.
vulgar, ugly or sexual about what U say! Their moral compass like a real compass that always points NORTH...their compass always pts 2 SEX?
And Milo's always points to Kate's rockin' body! Fickle much, Milo?
Milo's son was on time out until he was 18, and leaves toy trucks in the yard? Sounds like something really is "off" in that household. Bet he can't wait to get away. Is the kid going to college...does she say?
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 1h
#Allisstair @kateplusmy8 You don't know what I think. As far as opinions go YOU exalt your opinions of Kate daily. I respect & admire Kate.
MsG tweets so often about respect. She doesn't respect Jon; he hasn't earned her respect (like he cares a diddly if she likes him or not), but she does respect and admire Kate. I wish some of these tweetie friends would explain exactly what it is that Kate does that is worthy of someone's respect and admiration. If Kate is such a pillar of goodness, what does she do that makes her such a hero in their eyes?
Speaking of the Food Network, which I really don't watch, have y'all seen this disgusting story?
I had to google Nigella
MsGoody is divorced and it must have been very bitter and nasty. I wonder if she hates her 3 sons as much as she seems to hate men and Jon especially. If she does hate her sons I feel bad for them. She also must have a very lonely, hateful and nonexistent life. I truly feel sorry for people like this.
And that Ed Hardy guy, the tattoo artist who let someone market his crap is another joke. I am surprised it lasted as long as it did. It was just one of those fads that thankfully disappeared.
Jon looked stupid in them. So did everyone else who wore them, IMO. Personally, I thought Mr. Hardy needed to be ashamed of himself for ruining perfectly good shirts.
Yes, he did. It reminded me of a middle-aged man going through a midlife crisis trying to look like a designer ghetto teenager. Those things were darn ugly.
Respecting Kate? Interesting that a non-fan can rattle off a list of specific reasons why they don't respect her, but ask a fan why they respect and admire her, and the answer will be, "Because she's a good mom to eight kids." Brilliant.
If Goody "respects" Kate so much, you would think she would show Kate that respect by keeping tweets trashing Jon off of Kate's timeline. Let her tweet her disrespect of Jon on her own timeline.
The sheeple always say that when haters bash Kate they are hurting the children. How come the same doesn't apply when they are bashing Jon? They are Jon's children, too. They do exactly what they accuse the haters of doing.
The Ed Hardy phase and all it entailed are best left as an unpleasant memory.
At the time, the line seemed fitting for Jon.
It's nice to realize that it no longer does.
HFD to Jon, and all the dads out there.
Is Milo anticipating the demise of Kate's bogs on The Stir?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@JacquieSpalding @msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir I gathered that she is ending it soon...maybe had just a year's contract?? :)
Yea, new post! I will try to catch this one and the Cooking Channel show this week.
I do want to host Stephanies wedding reception! Tell me when the big day is please! I am not getting those ads, and I never had the chance to chat with Stephanie, she was 2.5 miles away from everyone else!
Hope everyone was able to wish the fathers in your life a happy fathers day. As the minister in our church honored fathers today, first he asked for the great grandfathers to stand, then the grandfathers, then the fathers, then anyone who had a father, then we all stayed standing and greeted our neighbors!
I am thinking of planning Stephanie s virtual reception in conjunction with a virtual beach party and virtual kayak tour. maybe the first week in July. That will be here before you know it! Then fourth of July, Redskin s training camp, Labor Day, the height of hurricane season, then its practically Christmas! We all better go on vacation right this minute!
Don't know why my previous post went through..did you guys see this? I had to google her but it is horrifying.
Let me get this straight. Nigella's husband attacks her in a public place and not only does no one call the police, but no one even steps in to intervene?? What the heck? And now she's gone back to their home together with him and the kids?? What is wrong with the human race??? Will he have to kill her first? Poor Nigella! These are the kind of men we should be outraged over.
General man-haters should think about what they are teaching young women and men. They're watching us. We should be setting good examples for our younger counterparts, showing them that relationships can and should be healthy and balanced, that men, and of course women, can and should be respected, always, even if you happen to break up, even if you make a mistake, even if you hate each other. And especially when you have to work with that person forever because they're the other parent of your children and you've been forever tied together.
Back to the Ed Hardy thing, any fool could see that was a hot trend doomed to fail at a moment's notice. A better idea might be to build up the company and get it going, get it on fire, then at the top of the game, SELL IT. Dump it. Get rid of it. You make out a millionaire, the buyer is stuck with a trend that's dead. A big mistake, IMO, was hanging onto it. Unless you can somehow transform it out of the firm "trend" spot it held, an impossible feat IMO, you gotta dump these trendy ideas, any business person would tell you.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@JacquieSpalding @msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir I gathered that she is ending it soon...maybe had just a year's contract?? :)
How does Milo figure that Kate's bog would be ending soon due to having just a year's contract? The bog is less than 5 months old!! The first one was posted on Jan.24.
In Milo's world is it December already?
Um, another question, why is "attacked" in quotes in that article.
He ATTACKED HER. There are no QUOTES about it.
Kate is a twit I thought the same thing, she can't have been blogging a long time. I thought it was only a few months too! When working the damage control beat, you should probably come up with a damage control story that actually makes sense haha.
I think Milo is sniffing out a potential demise and is preparing the masses for the usual spin. I hope the Stir writes a letter like Scott did lol, that was the single most classic moment in this entire saga ever. I think a lot of us gave this about 6 months and we're right at that mark. I cannot imagine Stir's regular readers are all that impressed, surely they have complained. Not to mention the comments. It's a bit more sophisticated a site then just the usual drive through media site and I can't see the regulars putting up with this low-brow blogging for long.
It's interesting the way some of the sheeple seem so preoccupied with making bad jokes or crude remarks about sex, genitalia size, and pornography. I don't see such behavior among most civilized people. Why these sort of things are even on their minds much less tweeting to the public about it is eyebrow raising.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 71
Um, another question, why is "attacked" in quotes in that article.
He ATTACKED HER. There are no QUOTES about it.
I had the SAME THOUGHT? He choked her! And pushed her nose (I think he was calling her a pig). What an asshole! I can't believe noone did anything..it is like a real-life What Would You Do and noone DID anything! Imagine how he treats her in private!
You can't even say well I was afraid to report the DV incident and get wrapped up in it. I've heard that excuse. You could have discreetly called the police from your phone and no one would know. I don't know what the laws are in England but I hope the police use those pictures to go out there. Here any man that CHOKES a woman is going to get slapped with a restraining order immediately as well as a kick-out order (he has to move out of her home).
I pray Nigella gets help with this man. Oh and he's 70, good Lord man you haven't learned by now how to treat a woman??
The convo continued:
@JacquieSpalding 28m
@MiloandJack @msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir Maybe...thats a shame :-\
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 25m
@JacquieSpalding @Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir Yep...I hope she picks up blogging regularly on her web site...I love reading her posts! :)
But Milo, Kate doesn't get paid to post on her own website. Unless she charges admission.
I still think that when Kate said "last" she meant "recent", "latest" or "previous". Kate speak is very hard to interpret at times.
I've noticed that Kate's most recent tweets have been random blurbs about nothing or a retweet of some other tweet. She hasn't been directly responding to any of her tweeties since the night that she invited Emily to visit.
Maybe she's getting tired of twitter or just wants to wean her fans from expecting a reply.
Obviously, she hasn't done her usual Father's Day tweet, wishing all the fathers out there a HFD.
I wonder if she will offer her condolences to Paige about her cat. If she does, I wouldn't be surprised if she also says something like "I once had a cat that died, too".
Police are "investigating" the Nigella situation. That "husband" needs to be hauled in based on the pictures alone. So sad. I was emotionally abused by my ex...I feel for her. People don't understand that leaving means the end of what you thought you were going to have in a marriage. But I did and she needs to.
I can't believe no one did anything either. The article states:
"A couple on the adjacent table, who briefly chatted with Nigella earlier, turned round and gasped in alarm as they saw her in distress."
So why didn't the get help or call the police? What about the restaurant staff?
This is so incredible. It reminds me of Kitty Genovese all over again.
It does not take a brave soul to DIAL 9-1-1 if you see such a thing. If you see D.V., for the love of God, call the police. What about the photographer? I think it's good he snapped pics because the police could use them but geez call the police while you're at it? The restaurant also should have held him there until the police could arrive, and also they should kick him out in the future. Apparently that's his favorite table. Not anymore. How could they let him back if he's putting other patrons in danger?
Also a DV support group needs to talk to her. I'm sure she is having a very difficult time with the idea of ending a 10 year marriage. But many women have done it and she can too. This is how women end up DEAD. This makes me so mad. I really like her.
Kate is a twit said... 77
This is so incredible. It reminds me of Kitty Genovese all over again.
Yes..I thought of that case but did not remember the name. Everyone assumes someone else will do something so noone does. :(
It's interesting the way some of the sheeple seem so preoccupied with making bad jokes or crude remarks about sex, genitalia size, and pornography. I don't see such behavior among most civilized people
Exactly. Then there's MIlo, who wonders if the haters spend their days viewing porn, but she says nothing about one of her own flock (Goody) who went on a rampage about Jon's puny penis. It seems to be on her mind quite frequently.
I think Milo is sniffing out a potential demise and is preparing the masses for the usual spin.
But if she and Kate are so close and she knows everything about Kate, wouldn't you think that she wouldn't have to sniff out anything? Kate would have told her about her contract length with The Stir.
I do understand not intervening because the situation could potentially be dangerous and not everyone has the instinct to run to danger. What if he had a weapon? BUT, IMO dialing 9-1-1 does not require any kind of bravery. Pick up your cell, dial. End of story. For that there is no excuse. Everyone there should be ashamed of themselves. I've only see What Would You Do a couple times but I like the concept. I think it's good to examine our moral compass. I like the one I saw where a father was making his young son do hard labor in the store and a woman spoke up and said it's wrong to make a child so young work so hard! Good for you, lady!
On another note what's with the sheep already planning Kate's retirement party? LOL where's the faith? Geez Kate who cannot write uses a vague word once (she obviously meant her latest, not her "last") and the sheep are shorn.
Rainbows exactly I don't understand why pornography would be on her mind in the first place. Who, when trying to diss someone, would immediately think, oh I know I'll accuse them of viewing porn! What the hay?
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say there might be a lot of projection going on here.
Apparently this happened last week, and the police are investigating.
And this is from an article in the Daily Mail:
"Domestic violence is a top priority crime in the capital, and senior officers will want to investigate even without a complaint from the victim.
A Met Police spokesman said: ‘Officers are aware. Inquiries are in hand to establish the facts of the incident.’
A Scott’s spokesman said: ‘The staff at Scott’s are aware of the allegations in the media today but did not see anything untoward happen within the restaurant. As this is now a police matter we cannot comment further."
So the restaurant is covering their ass saying that the staff didn't see anything. Yeah, right.
I don't understand why he's not in handcuffs. Men have been thrown in jail for a lot less. He CHOKED HER. That's assault and perhaps even attempted murder, period. She was crying, he clearly wasn't playing around. The restaurant needs to make it clear they have no tolerance for their patrons being harassed and that he is not welcome back, for starters.
Also concerning is that she was apparently tweeting photos of her breakfast just before the incident. So it sounds like everything was fine and then he just snapped. That's just not normal. I don't care what she said or did.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 14m
Still going insane trying to tweet and read tweets...bear with me.. Looking into other apps...:)
Kate, take your phone and go to the Apple Store-I'm sure they will help you. That is, IF you are telling the truth.
Obviously, she hasn't done her usual Father's Day tweet, wishing all the fathers out there a HFD.
A fan did wish Kate a happy Father's Day because after all, Kate is both father and mother.
Jon is nothing, according to them. As far as they are concerned, he is deceased.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say there might be a lot of projection going on here.
Bingo! I bet you're right, Admin. It was a completely bizarre thing for Milo to say. She's still tap dancing trying to get Kate's attention. Three weeks today.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 I sent e-mail w/instructions..4ur Iphone..when U figure it out...help me w/my android! LOL Tryin 2install new app here...ugh!
Here you go Kate good ol' Milo to the rescue.
Kate is a twit said... 72
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@JacquieSpalding @msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir I gathered that she is ending it soon...maybe had just a year's contract?? :)
How does Milo figure that Kate's bog would be ending soon due to having just a year's contract? The bog is less than 5 months old!! The first one was posted on Jan.24.
In Milo's world is it December already?
In Milo's world, anything is possible! It might even be 2008, Kate's heyday.
If LOM ordered the 18-year-old son to "drop and give me 20 NOW"! (how bizarre)--on FATHER'S DAY--how dysfunctional is that household? No wonder Milo lives in a Kate fantasy world where she's a beautiful, talented, organized, athletic star (or in love with one) and lives in a big mansion with a pool and happy kids.
I bet Milo's place is crazy town. I'd be highly concerned about her if I were Kate.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 I sent e-mail w/instructions..4ur Iphone..when U figure it out...help me w/my android! LOL Tryin 2install new app here...ugh!
Milo has two teens and a husband and no one there can figure out how to install new app?
@Kateplusmy8: Still going insane trying to tweet and read tweets...bear with me.. Looking into other apps...:)
OK Kate, let me explain this to you in simple terms.
1. Delete your current Twitterrific app.
2. Go to App Store and download updated Twitterrific app.
3. Select your profile when prompted.
4. Begin tweeting as usual.
This is not rocket science.
chefsummer said... 8
HAHAH Kris Jenner getting her how talk show aw poor KK.
And Kanye said he doesn't want their baby in the media good for him but well see.
Talk about whoring out your family...Kris Jenner is the queen.
I think Milo is cat fishing people with her stories of her family. They don't ring true. I am not sure I believe she even has kids.
Watching Lovely now on Food Network Star! She is...lovely!
Milo has two teens and a husband and no one there can figure out how to install new app?
Does she ever talk about her daughter?
Sleepless-she mentioned her yesterday. Something about her playing soccer. Can't remember exactly what she said.
Of course, she already deleted that tweet.
Totally arm-chairing this, but I wonder if some of these people who hate Jon sooo much might actually find a small part of them attracted to him. Since their loyalty lies with Kate, these deep down thoughts tick them off so they have to overreact and insult his genitalia and constantly insult his manhood. I can't think of very many other explanations for the preoccupation with the sexual aspect of a stranger. Other than basic man-hating issues, stemming from a very bad experience with men in the past I suppose.
Totally arm-chairing this, but I wonder if some of these people who hate Jon sooo much might actually find a small part of them attracted to him.
Like a love-hate relationship?
I think that Milo was responding to another tweeter giving her a bad time for always talking about KK's body. In Milo's KK addlepated mind, she then assumes that the other tweeter must watch porno. No...it doesn't make sense, but we are talking about Milo here.
As for the one so focused on Jon's genitalia, I believe that she keeps going on and on and on about it in an effort to get Jon to respond. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together would have figured out by now that Jon doesn't care what she says.
The longer Jon remains silent in spite of KK/her fans insults and goading, the more I say GOOD ON YOU, JON! He is SUCH a good example for his children to follow. Happy Father's Day, Jon. (And you too, Robert!)
Sleepless-she mentioned her yesterday. Something about her playing soccer. Can't remember exactly what she said.
Of course, she already deleted that tweet.
Why does she delete some of the tweets, but not all of them? Does she mostly delete the tweets that mention her children, and the controversial ones lusting after Kate and her body?
Perhaps one of the many astute posters here could help me understand something.
I get it that it's *gauche* to wax on and on about a stranger's (in this case Jon Gosselin) penis. It's gross, weird and slightly creepy.
What I don't understand is arguing with these people. They will never change their opinion so why do people try by engaging them with twitter and posting online about them?
It's kind of like banging your head against a wall. You're not going to get anywhere with people like these. In fact, by engaging in conversation with them, one could say that you're feeding the beast.
Sorry for the long post because my question is actually not very complicated. Why do people try and try again to change these people's minds?
Just seems to me to be a huge waste of time. And now that people are being served subpoenas and there's legal ramifications, is it worth it to defend a D List reality star? Actually, make that a Z list star as Jon has pretty much disappeared.
Anyway, if anyone cares to explain, please do! I'd certainly appreciate it.
I remember watching what I believe was Season 1 of Next Food Network Star. The winner was Guy Fieri (I've heard it pronounced Fee-et-ee). I liked him from the start and then learned he lived in my town, owned a couple restaurants in town, etc. He was on the local radio station from time to time, and was very personable. I was glad he won. However, I never did warm to his "cooking" show and I guess the FN decided his personality would be better showcased in Diners, Dives and Drive Ins. He still lives in town, his children attend local public schools and when he's not working, he is sometimes spotted picking them up after school.
I definitely agree that it's not about being a good cook/chef - it's about how well you can present yourself in front of the camera, and do people like you, like watching you. Which is why I ultimately lost interest in Food Network - because I really prefer a cooking show that actually helps me with cooking. I want to learn recipes I'll actually use. Rachel Ray came the closest but I can't stand watching her now either. LOL.
ExNurse said:
"Do people like you? In the beginning, I think that the family was very like able. Face it, the mother always gets the role of strict taskmaster and mean mommy--especially with her immature, but very lovable husbands. The children were beyond adorable. However, Kate wears on people and eventually kills their good will towards her."
I would say that Kate was never extremely likable, but her worst traits were not apparent and her unpleasantness was very toned down. I always thought she focused too much on cleaning and not enough on simply enjoying her children and interacting with them. I didn't see Jon as immature, but merely as a young man figuring out how to suddenly be a dad to 8 kids. From what I saw, he was a very good dad. He worked full time, he came home, he took over as primary care giver on his return home. Where was the immaturity?
The children as babies and toddlers were indeed adorable. Most children are at that age. But the very real meanness of Kate sickened me - and that was exposed very clearly certainly by season 3. It's not solely that Kate is unteachable - she is painfully lacking in any true warmth, compassion, or pleasant human emotion that would cause her to be likeable. I often think of her as a female version of Dorian Gray. Attractive on the outside, but cold, calculating and ultimately despicable on the inside.
Admin - I often wonder about people who constantly make derogatory and crude remarks about Jon's anatomy too. It crosses a boundary and tells me something is off about the person making those comments. It's not just inappropriate, it goes way beyond that.
I have had a couple bad break-ups but even so, I never made crude or derogatory comments about my ex's to do with their anatomy. Nor really anything else, except perhaps to call an ex a "jerk" or something like that. And once the break-up is more than 6 months or longer in the past, we'd both moved on and weren't talking about each other at all. I think that Goody2Shoes woman must have at least one screw very loose. She is fixated and that is not a sign of good mental health.
hey im a big fan threw my mom and her best friend jenn:)
board and at this time i would really like to watch some kate plus 8 hahaha @Kateplusmy8
Maybe grab a dictionary instead?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h
Father's day pick....18yr old got a lil smart-alecky..hubs says..."Drop and give me 20 NOW"! LOL #NoMoreTimeOutsForOurBigBoy :)
If this is true, I feel sorry for this young man. He's technically an adult, and his parents ought to be treating him as one, even if he is still living at home.
When I (and each of my siblings) turned 18, my dad would sit us down and say, "Well, you are now an adult. Neither me nor your mother have any say over your decisions, and we will respect your decisions as we would any other adult." He went on to talk about how they did their best to raise us to be good thinkers, sensible adults, and how they were proud of us. But they also meant it - after we turned 18, even though we might still be at home for a little bit, there was no more curfew, no more parental control. We were expected to be courteous and let them know if we might be out late, or all night, just so they wouldn't worry. But we were adults and treated as such.
I really hope Milo has made up her entire family - because if not, it's clear she did a crappy job raising this alleged 18 year old boy.
Blogger glitched when I tried to post, so I'm sending this again. If there are duplicats, please forgive.
Admin -- I think that for some of the Sheeple's hatred of Jon, there's some racism going on, too. After all, he is Asian, and a fairly dark skinned Asian at that. KK was blonde and fair-skinned when they married. I hate that I think that, and I hate that there are still some people in this country who think that way, but there are.
Mrs. Malaprop, How is Mr. Noah doing? Sounds like he's moved in and taken over, wrapping his paws around your heart. Give him an ear rub from me. I loved reading your stories about him last summer.
I'm shocked and disgusted to read that no one who witnessed Nigella Lawson's husband grabbing her throat repeatedly did a damn thing about it. I don't expect them to physically intervene - but did not one single person consider calling the police? Apparently not. I guess the British still think domestic violence is a "family matter" and best to turn a blind eye. I am incensed. What a bitter ugly old man she is married to. I feel 50% sorry for NIgella and 50% angry with her for putting up with this nonsense. If they had a wine bottle on the table, why not pop the jerk over the head with it?
(Uh yes, I am a feisty redhead Irish gal. I simply would never put up with that nonsense for one minute, not without fighting back.)
I really cannot get over the fact that not one single person made any effort to get some help. Utterly unbelievable.
Norma said... 106
''Perhaps one of the many astute posters here could help me understand something.''
''They will never change their opinion so why do people try by engaging them with twitter and posting online about them?''
''Just seems to me to be a huge waste of time. And now that people are being served subpoenas and there's legal ramifications, is it worth it to defend a D List reality star? Actually, make that a Z list star as Jon has pretty much disappeared.''
Well, I'm pretty sure that I'm not very ''astute'', but since I just commented on both Milo and the other twitter idiot, I will answer for myself ONLY.
I post online my thoughts about Milo and that two shoes person because I like to point and laugh at stupidity. I don't even have a twitter account, so I'm not having a conversation with them. My online comments are me talking ABOUT them, not TO them...a totally different thing.
As for defending Jon, I will defend both Jon and Robert as long as I please. If anyone on earth can find something about my defense of either of them that is worth a subpoena, they can just go ahead on and try to serve me.
One must first act like an adult in order to be treated as one. IMO.
Kate is a twit said... 89
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 14m
Still going insane trying to tweet and read tweets...bear with me.. Looking into other apps...:
I have an ipad..doesn't she just have to go to Applications or Store or whatever and download twitter? How hard is that? Twitterific even tweeted her to tell her to upgrade her version. Good grief she's dumb.
Admin, ITA on your catfish theory. Not only is it ignorant but also dangerous for Kate to form any kind of bond with total strangers on the internet. MsGoody could very well be a man. Women pretend to be men and men pretend to be women is not unusual when you have lonely people looking for some companionship and Twitter provides a perfect vehicle. I have long felt Milo was pretending. Husband and teenage children...not in a million years. Goody Two Shoes fixated on Jon's penis...this is beyond crazy.
If Kate had heathy relationships with people, she would not be seeking out friendships with unknown "fans". She cannot deal with real people because she has no empathy. She wants to be the center of attention and her handful of teen fans and a few nut job "fans" are fulfilling that desire. I feel bad for the kids being raised by a narcissist and I hope they manage to not suffer too much psychological damage but when you have 8 kids, the odds are some are not coping.
If Milo is telling the truth about her family, her LOM seems abusive to me. Just the fact that he goes around the house declaring Lights Out every night for the whole house, including Milo, at a relatively early hour is controlling and abusive. She told that story a while ago and how they came to call him LOM
Millicent good point about the British stiff upper lift and extreme value of privacy. Usually respect for the family's privacy is a good thing. This is when their value of privacy is a bad thing.
I think everyone who saw it needs to ask themselves how they would feel if she went home and he killed her?
Mannie K@manniek_12h
@Kateplusmy8 happy Father's Day to you Kate. You're a strong woman for playing the role of both parents to your 8 kids!
I didn't know Kate was a widow, although I bet she wishes she were. In a nutshell, this tweet is EXACTLY what Kate wants the world to believe.
People apparently are still tweeting, so what is Kate's problem? Wonder what the real story is.
Maybe grab a dictionary instead?
I believe the tweets by this unfortunate girl are pretty indicative of the intelligence level of Kate's fans.
Regarding Milo's husband making their 18 year old son drop down and do 20? Gad, how strange. That Milo is a creepy one.
People apparently are still tweeting, so what is Kate's problem? Wonder what the real story is.
I have had a Twitter account for a few years and I was never in what Kate calls "Twitter Jail". I don't know what she's talking about. I use the Twitter app for my phone. It's pretty darn simple.
I don't understand any of this either. It's like when the internet first came out and our grandparents trying email for the first time were calling up because they kept right clicking instead of left and didn't know what a window was. Except they had a good excuse, they'd never used anything like this before. Is she that computer illiterate? Go to TWITTER.COM for heaven sake. You can tweet right from there. Or download the official twitter app. Update your apps. A phone as nice as the iphone is a waste if you can't use your apps.
Twitter Jail to Kate = I have something better to do than tweet with you losers.
Not Twitter jail = No one else is paying attention to me, so you'll have to do until something better comes up.
"People apparently are still tweeting, so what is Kate's problem? Wonder what the real story is."
People called her on it on her last blog post. It was pre-emptive strike to justify a "desperate mommy get away". She's most likely vacationing somewhere.
Can any of you computer/twitter savvy folks tell me if there is any way to access the new Twazzup to read Kate's timeline like we used to? I understand Twazzup changed their "user interface" which is supposedly up and running, but I'm wondering if there is any way for those of us without Twitter accounts to go back to just being able to read.
Regarding Milo's husband making their 18 year old son drop down and do 20?
Exactly what does that mean? I never heard that expression. Fall down on his knees and turn over $20?
If Milo is telling the truth about her family, her LOM seems abusive to me. Just the fact that he goes around the house declaring Lights Out every night for the whole house, including Milo, at a relatively early hour is controlling and abusive. She told that story a while ago and how they came to call him LOM
Maybe he has no choice. He knows that if he didn't shut her down at a reasonable time, she'd be spending all night tweeting Kate, fawning over her, and giving advice to her tweeties.
You know someone else made a good point about a man waltzing around the house announcing lights out. Excuse me, but an adult should be able to go to bed whenever they darn well please. If that's the same time as your spouse, great, but if you want to stay up later, or go to bed earlier, or heck even stay up all night if you want, you should be able to. Women are not children to be told what to do by their husbands.
It's one thing to have a discussion about how you'd like it if you went to bed together at least on some nights, it's quite another to dictate it.
PatK said... 125
Twazzup seems to be down for a while now. No idea wazzup with Twazzup.
Kate's not in Twitter jail. Never has been. Ever. I looked it up. There's little info out there on this so called"twitter jail", but it has no resemblance to Kate's explanation of Kate not tweeting. Look it up. Very interesting. Twitter bots biting her in the ass?
She's blowing off tweeting and her tweeties (whomever is left) are stupid enough to believe that she'd be tweeting if she could.
Kate can tweet. She doesn't want to.
I thought twitter jail was just a thing to prevent spammers so if you tweet like hundreds of tweets all at once it throttles you. This would probably only happen to people using twitter like a real chat room instead of what it really is. It red flags the constant activity.
Although Kate tweets a lot, she's not tweeting much now and there's no way her tweets would be recognized as spam putting her in "jail". It's just sad she can't admit she's just taking a break because she's on me time. Stop the lying.
PatK said... 125
Can any of you computer/twitter savvy folks tell me if there is any way to access the new Twazzup to read Kate's timeline like we used to? I understand Twazzup changed their "user interface" which is supposedly up and running, but I'm wondering if there is any way for those of us without Twitter accounts to go back to just being able to read.
It's not twazzup but you can read Kate's TL here:
Blowing In The Wind said... 126
Regarding Milo's husband making their 18 year old son drop down and do 20?
Exactly what does that mean? I never heard that expression. Fall down on his knees and turn over $20?
LOL. It means do 20 pushups. LOM sounds like a drill sergeant.
Tucker's Mom said... 128
PatK said... 125
Twazzup seems to be down for a while now. No idea wazzup with Twazzup.
Kate's not in Twitter jail. Never has been. Ever. I looked it up. There's little info out there on this so called"twitter jail", but it has no resemblance to Kate's explanation of Kate not tweeting. Look it up. Very interesting. Twitter bots biting her in the ass?
She's blowing off tweeting and her tweeties (whomever is left) are stupid enough to believe that she'd be tweeting if she could.
Kate can tweet. She doesn't want to.
Her fans aren't to bright obviously lol.
They can't figure out no matter how hard they try to help her that.
She doesn't want their help or she doesn't want to tweet with them.
I don't Twitter, but she is misusing the term "twitter jail". She hardly tweets so it doesn't make sense. Maybe her phone is giving her trouble, but you most certainly can tweet from your computer like Milo does. I agree. She is lying. Must not want to be bothered tweeting or is somewhere where is phone is not working.
She'll never explain what the problem is just like she never explained what caused her car to break down (it didn't happen).
Can not believe Nigella's husband isn't arrested yet. I get that she thinks he owns her and is frightened due to his money and influence. She's got to get away. Her kids too.
From what I've read, Nigella is covering up the abuse, calling it "play". It's sad when a strong, amazing woman tolerates abuse. Sadder is that she's got 2 kids in this-- her kids- not his.
She owes it to herself, her kids and other abused women to take this cruel bully (yeah, Kate, THAT'S bullying) to task for what's he'd doing.
Nigella is hiding in fear. To even begin to try and spin this thing into something "playful" is just insulting and obviously how she's coping in a very dysfunctional and dangerous way.
Twit offered up this link to see the tweets:
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 123
I don't understand any of this either. It's like when the internet first came out and our grandparents trying email for the first time were calling up because they kept right clicking instead of left and didn't know what a window was. Except they had a good excuse, they'd never used anything like this before. Is she that computer illiterate? Go to TWITTER.COM for heaven sake. You can tweet right from there. Or download the official twitter app. Update your apps. A phone as nice as the iphone is a waste if you can't use your apps.
Exactly! If Kate can't figure out how to install an app it's only because she refuses to LISTEN AND/OR LEARN! I can't believe M or C can't do it FOR HER! Geeze!
Ex Nurse, I don't think Jon hurt Ed Hardy, I really don't. Ed Hardy is douchewear. I don't think any douche who wears it thinks that he'd be shamed by Jon Gosselin. That assumes they have some degree of introspection, and for that matter, taste. Like there's some bar they wouldn't lower themselves below.
Douches are inherently unaware. Oblivious.
They're. Douches.
The Ed Hardy brand failed due to assholes blowing the money on trips to France, Cadillac-sized doobies and assholishly large bottles of shit champagne.
Audiger (or whatever his name is) used Jon and his company failed.
Did P&G go under when they touched the third rail named Kate? Is Zondervan still publishing?
Kate is roundly HATED, but people like Scott pulled a coyote ugly and cut her off and somehow, are still around.
Ed Hardy failed due to incompetency. Douches everywhere would still have bedazzled tigers on their ass cheeks if only they could. And they'd still pay way too much for it.
Thanks, Tweet-le De, but that IS the link I've been using since Twazzup's been down. I liked the format of Twazzup better and was hoping since it's supposedly back up (but in a different format) that there's a way to get back in there to read like before.
I wish things wouldn't change so often. lol
Omg Nigella's husband is an a-hole!! He issued a statement admitting they were arguing and that she was crying yet says choking her was just a playful tiff! To top it all off, he blamed their argument on the children. Unbelievable.
You know? I really hope the UK police step in and arrest Nigella's abuser. She needs mandatory counseling ordered, or else take away her kids.
This is not, no way in hell, the first time this man's temper has turned physically violent.
Nigella needs to stop the cycle of abuse.
He also said
"About a week ago, we were sitting outside a restaurant having an intense debate about the children, and I held Nigella's neck repeatedly while attempting to emphasize my point."
Why would you "hold" someone's neck to emphasize a point? What point? What is playful about grabbing someone by the throat?
I so wish she would press charges.
How about Im sorry? I've immediately moved out of the home to ensure everyone's safety, and the entire family had immediately begun intensive therapy so this never happens again. What a jerk.
ROL picked up the story about Jon "ruining" the Ed Hardy brand. I wonder if Goody told them about it? ROL probably saw her tweet on Kate's TL.
Most of the comments though blame Ed Hardy saying that his designs were a one-shot fad whose time had expired, and it would have tanked no matter who was wearing their clothes.
The article also states: "Hardy, 68, puts much of the blame on Audigier, a French businessman." Of course, that blurb is buried in the middle of the artice, and the headline is "Jon Gosselin’s Endorsement Killed Ed Hardy Brand, Says Ed Hardy!"
I don't understand why this guy is not in jail. Who cares if she presses charges? There are eyewitnesses and photographic proof! If the cops were called while this was going on would they have arrested him? In the US the cops have to if they see proof of something. I'm sure she had marks on her neck.
I don't know a thing about UK DV laws but in the US the woman doesn't need to press charges or consent to pressing charges. A DV offense is criminal and they'll cart you away to jail and charge you whether the woman agrees or not.
Isn't it funny someone in twitter jail is able to TWEET about it? Lol that makes no sense.
Robert changed the video on his website from the Kathy Griffin one to the one where Anderson Cooper put Kate on the Ridiculist for pizzagate.
He also added some links under the heading "SIMILAR SITUATION? LIARS ALWAYS GET EXPOSED IN THE END". Those links are to stories about Lance Armstrong. Below the links he says "At least Armstrong gave the world LiveStrong"
Doesn't seem like Robert is going to back down like Kate had hoped.
The article also states: "Hardy, 68, puts much of the blame on Audigier, a French businessman." Of course, that blurb is buried in the middle of the artice, and the headline is "Jon Gosselin’s Endorsement Killed Ed Hardy Brand, Says Ed Hardy!"
I just wonder how much more of these libelous statements Jon is going to take before he decides enough is enough and all hell breaks loose. I admire his taking the high road, getting on with his life, but geez, the media just won't let him alone. The Goody sheep keeps saying that he's been trying to put the nail in Kate's coffin since 2009. Where is this coming from? He's been quiet and has not been hammering on Kate. How would she know this? Of course, you've got to consider the source. She has major issues.
Omg Nigella's husband is an a-hole!! He issued a statement admitting they were arguing and that she was crying yet says choking her was just a playful tiff! To top it all off, he blamed their argument on the children. Unbelievable.
I'd dump him so fast that his head would spin. I just don't understand women like this, who clearly are the victims of domestic violence, and yet they "stand by their man." It might be a different story if she depended on him for support, had no other place to go, thinking that he will never do it again (the denial excuse), but gosh, this certainly isn't the case here.
Kate said on Saturday that she went to the twitter website and that's how she was able to tweet. She follows twitteriffic, so how come she didn't see their tweets about having to upgrade?
Milo even said that she sent Kate an email about the upgrades, and she also retweeted twitteriffic's tweet.
She's so full of it.
So now Christian Audigier is blaming Jon wow for his clothing line demise.
It couldn't be that the clothes and accessories were totally over priced poor marketing skills?
I like Ed Hardy but I wasn't going to buy a t-shirt for. $30 or underwear for $30 or shoes for $120+
And Audigier sold Hardy for $62mil so Jon didn't harm you that bad did he?
And this.
Hardy, 68, puts much of the blame on Audigier, a French businessman.
You know what else galls me about the Nigella Lawson story?
That the paper that published the pictures didn't notify authorities themselves. How could they see those photos and not say or do anything? Were they so worried that their "exclusive" would be ruined if they went to the police?
Isn't it funny someone in twitter jail is able to TWEET about it? Lol that makes no sense.
Yes, Kate should start wearing Ed Hardy cause she's a "douche". Course, her very intelligent followers will believe that she can only Tweet to tell them that she can't Tweet.
Maybe he has no choice. He knows that if he didn't shut her down at a reasonable time, she'd be spending all night tweeting Kate, fawning over her, and giving advice to her tweeties.
Maybe "lights out" means TURN OFF THE DAMN COMPUTER AND COME TO BED. haha
Kate is a twit said... 145
ROL picked up the story about Jon "ruining" the Ed Hardy brand. I wonder if Goody told them about it? ROL probably saw her tweet on Kate's TL.
David Perel, Rol exec pres., follows Goody. LOL
"Jon Gosselin’s Endorsement Killed Ed Hardy Brand, Says Ed Hardy!"
Well who hired him? what an effing loser
You know, if Goody is fixating on Jon in that way, it's clear to me she's not nothing else to complain about as far as Jon is concerned. When you've got nothing of substance to say against a person, you go for the crass. She's got nothing of substance to say against Jon.
David Perel, Rol exec pres., follows Goody. LOL
Oh my . . . that says alot about him.
Can not believe Nigella's husband isn't arrested yet.
I don't get this either. Also, all the abusers featured on Dr. Phil (or any other tv show) who ADMIT IN PUBLIC & ON FILM that they are abusers, WHY AREN'T THEY HAULED OFF TO JAIL IMMEDIATELY AFTER TAPING???
David Perel, Rol exec pres., follows Goody. LOL
Well, at least he has no questions about Jon's penis size. If he's following Goody, he gets daily updates. Surprised he hasn't written a story about it for ROL yet.
Tucker's Mom said...(139)
"Ed Hardy failed due to incompetency. Douches everywhere would still have bedazzled tigers on their ass cheeks if only they could. And they'd still pay way too much for it."
Bahahaha, love this Tuckers! I was going to comment but you said it so beautifully here. Yeah, Jon ruined their brand. *roll eyes*
Admin said...(147)
"Isn't it funny someone in twitter jail is able to TWEET about it? Lol that makes no sense."
I was wondering about that. I don't use Twitter so I'm not sure of all the technical nuances of the medium, but how does it work that you can tweet that you can't tweet? SMH
As for the public physical abuse of a woman by her spouse that people had time to take pictures of but did not intervene...
Disgusting and heart breaking. For her, for her children, for society as a whole. Was there not a man in the vicinity who could have/would have stepped in and at least held the abuser back?
Oh wait, they were holding cameras and taking pictures. Why would you need digital proof this happened when there were a dozen actual witnesses?
The minute that man started getting verbally abusive someone should have intervened. Even if it was merely a staff member going by the table to ask him to quiet down or leave. The fact that it escalated to him actually choking her right there at the table boggles the mind.
So sad.
Kate is a twit said... 145
ROL picked up the story about Jon "ruining" the Ed Hardy brand. I wonder if Goody told them about it? ROL probably saw her tweet on Kate's TL.
David Perel, Rol exec pres., follows Goody. LOL
She really is out to get him, isn't she? She appears to be a very vengeful, spiteful person. I guess Jon is her "go to" victim when she needs to vent her hate.
Hmm-Ed Hardy's book will be released tomorrow. Seems like the NY Post article(which ROL picked up) about how Jon "killed" the brand, could be in order to just get more publicity for the book.
Trash Jon and get more press for your book.
The "give me 20" thing makes me think ROL is/was military in a position to work closely with recruits - like someone said above, like a drill sergeant. Several of my friends who had ex-military fathers dealt with military type life at home. Rigid. It was what their fathers knew. (This was in the 1960's and it wasn't all of my ex-military-father friends.)
Re: Kate tweeting while in Twitter jail. She is on the work release program. She gets out of jail to do her job of tweeting her fans.
Snotty Girl @Snotty_Girl 5m
Jon Gosselin Parties With New, Young Mistress in Saint Tropez | Fox News http://fxn.ws/IVpoxN via @fox411 @Kateplusmy8
From 2009. Sheeple just can't get past this. Nice to tweet it to Kate to remind her. Are they suffering from Rip Van Sheeple syndrome? They just woke up?
Well, at least he has no questions about Jon's penis size. If he's following Goody, he gets daily updates. Surprised he hasn't written a story about it for ROL yet.
He can't find his tape measure to verify her claims.
"Ed Hardy failed due to incompetency. Douches everywhere would still have bedazzled tigers on their ass cheeks if only they could. And they'd still pay way too much for it."
Bahahaha, love this Tuckers! I was going to comment but you said it so beautifully here. Yeah, Jon ruined their brand. *roll eyes*
If Jon ruined the brand, maybe the public should be thanking him so we don't have to look at bedazzled tigers on ass cheeks.
Is That Hardy purse line still marketed? Those were the tackiest things I've ever seen, hot pink, zebras, skulls, hearts and dragons with the word, "kill" across the front!
They're multiplying and mutating! It looks like there's a Goody Junior on Twitter, digging back into the past for articles hating on Jon.
They just can't move on, can they? Is Twitter a hang-out for man haters?
I still see a lot of kids wearing Ed Hardy. I know mine had some when younger. I even took over my dd's as it is very comfortable cotton, for gardening and such ( not in public, not my style, lol)
Sherry Baby said... 170
They're multiplying and mutating! It looks like there's a Goody Junior on Twitter, digging back into the past for articles hating on Jon.
They just can't move on, can they? Is Twitter a hang-out for man haters?
What they're making very obvious is that they have to go back YEARS to dig up articles about Jon.
Says a lot about Jon and the choices he's made.
LOL. It means do 20 pushups. LOM sounds like a drill sergeant.
Thanks, Tweet-le. Now I feel really stupid! I guess you can tell that nobody here is military! I thought maybe the kid was supposed to get down on his knees and apologize for talking back to his dad, and then fork over twenty bucks as a punishment. You know...like those curse jars, when you have to put a dollar in for every time you use an expletive!
Sarah Plain signed a deal to be a commentator on fox's news.
Looks like Sarah using that gift of gab take that Kate...lols
Gosh...talk about going back in time to dig up something (literally!)...
"The FBI is planning to dig in a Detroit-area field Monday in a hunt for the remains of former Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa, according to a law enforcement source with direct knowledge of the investigation.
Agents on Monday morning were executing a search warrant for a field in Oakland Township, north of Detroit, based in part on information provided by Tony Zerilli, a man alleged to have been a mobster.
Earlier this year, Zerilli told New York's NBC 4 that Hoffa was buried in a Michigan field about 20 miles north of where he was last seen in 1975."
If they find him, then what?
Talk about going back in time. Good grief these sheeple are slow.
http://www.archiexpo.com/prod/dualit/commercial-combi-toasters-9827-216061.html … @Kateplusmy8 i found your 6 slice toaster you said you wanted Kate. Do you have one yet
I have not had a chance to read all the comments here, but got to the ROL article about Jon ruining the Ed Hardy brand. What stuck out to me is this:
“That Jon Gosselin thing was the nail in the coffin,” Hardy said.
I have to admit that the wording jumped out at me - just like the "nail in the coffin" reference in the supposed conspiracy emails between Jon and Hailey (? - or whoever it was) over the computer files.
Coincidence? I think not? LOL
Just went over to gosselinbook.com to see the video of AC's Ridiculist with Kate and pizzagate. AC makes me laugh. TLC did a great job of showing the true Kate during that RV trip.
Saw the pictures with regard to Nigella. If that was being playful out in public, I can't imagine what goes on behind closed doors. I don't know why she hasn't booted his ass out and changed the locks.
Boy, talk about blowing opportunities. If Kate had only managed to at least be polite to the Palins, look at all the connections she might have had.
And it isn't like the other production crew didn't quietly, privately spread the word about how charming Kate was, I would think.
Ummmm... Ed Hardy stuff is still being sold. a store I went to at Christmas had Ed Hardy fragrances with a free backpack or tore thrown in. last year I posted this, dh got me a watch he ordered online and it was... Ed Hardy! With a giant fish on the face. It was fairly hideous and not like it looked online, but I were it for a while so I wouldn't hurt the dh feelings. Dh was clueless about the Jon G. Connection... Like most people!
If they find him, then what?
I have to find some new jokes...
The only person the Ed Hardy brand can blame for poor business is the person who decided to HIRE Jon, send him free clothing and fly him and Hailey to France.
I highly doubt Jon is to blame for a douchy product being douchy.
Also, MsGoody has 3 sons. She posted a picture of them that she took and one of them was giving the finger. Classy boys obviously love their mommy.
Abby Lee on Dance Moms says drop and give me 50 as punishment lol
PatK said... 140
Thanks, Tweet-le De, but that IS the link I've been using since Twazzup's been down. I liked the format of Twazzup better and was hoping since it's supposedly back up (but in a different format) that there's a way to get back in there to read like before.
I wish things wouldn't change so often. lol
PatK - I like the Twazzup format, too. It's easy to follow. You mentioned that you don't have a Twitter account and I wanted to suggest that you get one just for Twazzup. It's easy to create an account and then, if you don't want to be active on Twitter, lock it. You'll be able to log into Twazzup with your Twitter info.
Also (this isn't for PatK) I'd like to suggest we refrain from discussing Jon's anatomy. It drops us to the level of Goody and a few other sheeple.
PatK - I like the Twazzup format, too. It's easy to follow. You mentioned that you don't have a Twitter account and I wanted to suggest that you get one just for Twazzup.
You don't need an account for Twazzup. I don't have a Twitter account and never had one, and I use it (when it works). Without an account, you can also follow the conversations here...
Jane, I meant to thank you for the link you put on the other thread:
"Weaponize the Media": An Anonymous Rapper's War on Steubenville
It answered a lot of my questions about who these "anonymous" people are, their mindsets and where they came from. It was a real eye-opener.
For anyone who hasn't read it I highly recommend it.
Also (this isn't for PatK) I'd like to suggest we refrain from discussing Jon's anatomy. It drops us to the level of Goody and a few other sheeple.
As far as I can see (and I haven't read all of the posts), nobody is discussing his anatomy per se. What was being discussed is how far the hatred for Jon has gone, with Goody's constant rants, even carrying on with a tirade about his manhood and the size of it, as well as how far back sheeple go in order to bash him. That remark (was it initially made by Glassman or Major?) is old news, and yet the sheep keep resurrecting anything negative about Jon in order to trash him.
Admin 144 -- US magazine is reporting that she did leave, with the children. Apparently they stayed with a friend last night and she's looking for a place to live. I haven't seen the pix, don't know much about her and have never seen her show, but I have to agree -- grabbing someone by the neck is NOT playful. It's scary and abusive and dangerous. I hope she's able to stay safe and keep her kids safe.
Girl From Up North said... 177
I have not had a chance to read all the comments here, but got to the ROL article about Jon ruining the Ed Hardy brand. What stuck out to me is this:
“That Jon Gosselin thing was the nail in the coffin,” Hardy said.
I have to admit that the wording jumped out at me - just like the "nail in the coffin" reference in the supposed conspiracy emails between Jon and Hailey (? - or whoever it was) over the computer files.
Coincidence? I think not? LOL
How foolish.
Yeah, sure. Jon is responsible for ruining that God awful ugly Ed Hardy brand... It's ALWAYS Jon's fault.
I hope that Kate understands that no amount of blaming Jon is going to resurrect their tarnished family name, dead career, lack of personality or talent- that's ALLLLL Kate's fault.
Kate will NEVER forgive Jon for ruining her plans to keep the kids on t.v. straight through their teen years.
Now Kate is going to have to settle for a mediocre job. Damn you, Jon.
[Pouting & stomping feet].
Re Twazzup's terms of service
This application will be able to:
•Read Tweets from your timeline.
•See who you follow, and follow new people.
•Update your profile.
•Post Tweets for you.
I'm not all that clear on the meaning of the third and 4th bulleted features. Privacy's a big thing, at least for me. So I'm wondering...
Does this mean Twazzup can direct my Twitter account to follow random people w/o my knowledge? And can it post tweets via my Twitter account w/o my prior approval?
Maybe I'm overcautious, but apps can be kinda sneaky...!
What a relief to hear Nigella moved out although a week late. I hope she has good people in her life who can help her and get through to her and she's not just moving out because of the media explosion a week later.
My initial reaction was HE should move out, not her. But maybe she has gone to that friend somewhere he doesn't know where she is, which would be good. They say the most dangerous time for a woman in D.V. is when she decides to end it.
What a relief to hear Nigella moved out although a week late. I hope she has good people in her life who can help her and get through to her and she's not just moving out because of the media explosion a week later.
According to him, HE was the one who suggested she move out:
"There was no grip, it was a playful tiff. The pictures are horrific but give a far more drastic and violent impression of what took place. Nigella's tears were because we both hate arguing, not because she had been hurt," he added. "We had made up by the time we were home. The paparazzi were congregated outside our house after the story broke yesterday morning, so I told Nigella to take the kids off till the dust settled."
This application will be able to:
•Read Tweets from your timeline.
•See who you follow, and follow new people.
•Update your profile.
•Post Tweets for you.
I'm not all that clear on the meaning of the third and 4th bulleted features. Privacy's a big thing, at least for me. So I'm wondering...
Does this mean Twazzup can direct my Twitter account to follow random people w/o my knowledge? And can it post tweets via my Twitter account w/o my prior approval?
Maybe I'm overcautious, but apps can be kinda sneaky...!
Hmmmm.... I've been using Twazzup for years to follow this saga (and also using Twitter.com). My account isn't locked or protected, my profile has certainly never been updated, except by me, they've never tweeted for me -- overall, it's been a pretty benign program. Perhaps Twazzup means that you're able to do the things listed above to your Twitter account when you're logged into Twazzup? I think that's what it is :)
rainbowsandunicorns said... 187
As far as I can see (and I haven't read all of the posts), nobody is discussing his anatomy per se. What was being discussed is how far the hatred for Jon has gone, with Goody's constant rants, even carrying on with a tirade about his manhood and the size of it, as well as how far back sheeple go in order to bash him. That remark (was it initially made by Glassman or Major?) is old news, and yet the sheep keep resurrecting anything negative about Jon in order to trash him.
Those that post here are way classier than Goody!
The thing is, every time this 'Issue' is discussed, even when couched in words like manhood, size, etc we are feeding the anatomy fire. So ... no additional posts from me on this topic. I hope there are other that feel the same.
Kate's tweeting again...must've sprung loose from Twitter jail. But LOL! Does that note really say, "Do not touch. Mommy is fixing Steve?
Fixing babies is part of my usual routine. I found a note attached 2 this baby in my 'hospital'. Cute! pic.twitter.com/uLr2mz81sG
Why would one of the kids write a note to Steve to not touch her doll that Kate is fixing? Why is he in the house tidying up?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 35m
Fixing babies is part of my usual routine. I found a note attached 2 this baby in my 'hospital'. Cute! pic.twitter.com/uLr2mz81sG
Is that what they call it now? Fixing? Mommy is fixing Steve? As in love-making, or being neutered?
Um this guy is a piece of work. No, you leave. Why does SHE have to leave?? Good grief. Nigella, toss this guy to the curb.
Is that what they call it now? Fixing? Mommy is fixing Steve? As in love-making, or being neutered?
The note is telling Steve to not touch the baby doll, not by Steve or fixing Steve.
Seriously wonder why this is what Kate chose to tweet today. Maybe trying to hint to some news?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2h
Fixing babies is part of my usual routine. I found a note attached 2 this baby in my 'hospital'. Cute! pic.twitter.com/uLr2mz81sG
Well this is bizarre.
And Steve is supposedly with them no surprise their.
Or is the baby supposed to be Steve and Kate is fixing him???
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