Thursday, June 27, 2013

Humility, contrition, personal responsibility, apology

Michael Levine has been in the PR business since 1983 (his firm is called the "Oscar" of PR and has represented Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson, and Cameron Diaz). This expert has weighed in on how a celebrity should handle a crisis (or f-up, if you will) as big as Paula Deen's. His four tips are interesting, and pretty spot on. Here we go:
1) Respond quickly to problems: Though Deen cancelled her originally-scheduled "Today" interview, opting to record her own videos — which were much maligned for being obviously edited — Levine says she can make up for it during her Wednesday appearance. "I don’t think it was wise [to cancel], but America is basically a forgiving nation, so I think if she goes on the ‘Today’ show and confronts it, this will be a good thing for her."

2) Respond with humility: "We've already started seeing her make her apology," says Levine of the self-recorded videos in which Deen apologized “to everybody for the wrong that I’ve done,” saying she's made mistakes and calling her language "inappropriate and hurtful." But Levine says she will need to continue to appear remorseful when speaking to Lauer. "She's begun the healing process, but it's a process and you have to keep doing it again and again until you get it behind you."

3) Respond with contrition: "If you make clear that this is not who you are today, and you show some degree of sincerity about it, over time you should be fine," Levine opines, though adding changing the public's new perception of her will not happen "in an hour, day or week." Though he does believeAmerica could see Deen back on its airwaves in the course of a year or two if she appears sincerely sorry.

4) Respond with personal responsibility: Levine says one of the biggest goals of her "Today" appearance should be to own up to her actions without making excuses. "She can't belittle and blame others," he says, citing O.J. Simpson as an example of how not to address a crisis. “He responded arrogantly, slowly, and belittled and blamed others and did not do well with the public." Instead, Levine recommends Deen follow Hugh Grant's lead back in 1995, when he appeared on "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno" to publicly apologize for having an affair with a prostitute, famously saying, "I did a bad thing." The actor went on to have continued success.

"If you do those four things — if you go fast, humble, personally responsible with contrition, and apology, you're going to basically be OK," says Levine.

898 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Minka's Tail said... 1

Now Kate is in trouble for making "Asian" eyes in a photo years ago when she was still married. Supposedly, it was an in-joke that "everyone is Asian except Mommy." Somehow someone got ahold of this photo and leaked it to the media. We'll see if they'll still publish her cookbook. I can't stand her, but I'm on her side on this one, especially if the picture was supposed to be private.

I'm not a big fan of Paula, either, but I'm also on her side. Before the OJ trial, this word, while unkind and racist, was not the "worst word in the English language by 1000 miles" like it is now. So we live in a society where there is a word that is so bad that saying it even once in any context, is enough to destroy someone's career and life forever? That's scary.

Kate is a slag said... 2

Well, she's not listening to that guy. Her apologies were all of the non-apology sort: I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I'm sorry if I hurt anyone. Never just a straight up apology.

And more and more people are reading the deposition and original complaint, which makes it very clear this is NOT just a matter of saying one word many years ago.

She just lost Wal-Mart, her restaurants in four casinos, and Home Depot, and Target is "looking at the situation." I think that's code for they're trying to see how they can get out of their contract with her and how much of her product they currently have stocked.

Once those dominoes start falling, they fall fast and hard.

By the way, did anyone notice in her Today show interview, there was not one single real tear? She SOUNDED like she was crying. She LOOKED like she was crying. But no tears.

Remind you of anyone?

OrangeCrusher1 said... 3

Wonder what he thinks AFTER the Today show performance? Seriously, the woman is her own worst enemy this week.

"I is what I is and I'm not gonna change"

Not the best PR move.

tate said... 4

I would imagine Kate has Food Network on speed dial and is trying to convince them that she can fill Paula's spot with a cooking show. Something like Cooking With Kate and Eight!! It would go right along with her cookbook release.

TLC stinks said... 5

Not buying her tripe and tears. She is lying. She says in the deposition that she may have used the n-word on occasion, but swears on Today the only time she used it was during a bank robbery. BS. I grew up in the South, lived in the North, and I heard it plenty, particularly during the 60's and 70's. She's a 66 year old woman and she's only said it once?!

The lawsuit: Lisa Jackson, the former general manger of Uncle Bubba’s Seafood and Oyster House in Savannah, Ga., sued Deen and her brother Earl “Bubba’ Hiers for $1.2 million in 2012, claiming he sexually harassed her for five years, frequently used the the word “n*gger”, referred to President Obama as a “n*gger” and watched pornography on work computers.

I totally believe it. I've heard Obama called the n-word in the North and in the South. It still goes on although things are much better.

Here's the latest:

The woman suing the embattled queen of southern cuisine, Paula Deen, is preparing to file a new lawsuit — this time, against her son Bobby — after he charged that her lawsuit “began as extortion and it has become character assassination” during a CNN interview on Tuesday morning.

During the interview with Chris Cuomo, Deen sons Bobby and Jamie insisted the depictions of their mother were an effort by Jackson to get a chunk of the family fortune. ~ Administrator said... 6

Conversely, milo, I haven't seen Kate at Jon's house or on the property either. I suppose it's obvious Jon doesn't allow her near? Maybe he got a restraining order!

What an asinine comment. Ex's don't hang out at each other's houses usually. If they wanted to do that they would stay married. Plus I imagine that would be very confusing for the kids. Divorce is what it is. Most people pack up, move out and try to start over. There is nothing unusual about their arrangement.

TLC stinks said... 7

I read on the other thread that some of you are suspicious about Kate's picture surfacing during this Paula Deen controversy as a cunning PR move by Kate. I highly doubt it. I believe it was Robert who released the photo. Perhaps he did not have the Jon photo, so IMO, she trumped Robert by releasing it. I do think, though, that she is aware of the fans that are supporting Deen by going to restaurant and buying her books. In that instance, it would not surprise me that Kate would play it up to get her name out there and sell some cookbooks. She doesn't seem to care about her reputation, just that she makes headlines. What Kate and Jon did was stupid, but not on the level what Deen and her brother are accused of.

TLC stinks said... 8

This also in the lawsuit:
Black staff members were required to use the back entrance and were not allowed to use a restroom assigned to customers, while white employees could.

TLC stinks said... 9

OMG. Her post is up and it's her LAST.

FYI said... 10

Kate's new bog post is up. It's a compilation of texts she sent to a family friend who just turned 18. The texts are basically Kate's advice how to survive in the adult world.

Only thing notable in this whole post, is this line:

She urged me to share my thoughts with you and felt it was especially fitting since this is my final post here on this site.

So her Stir gig is up. I wonder if we'll ever find out why. ~ Administrator said... 11

I really don't see Paula's downfall because she said the n word once. Her downfall is because she created a nasty environment for her employees and has behaved like a vile person towards minorities for decades. She also let her brother behave like a disgusting pig and what's more thought all this was normal. If it were one time I really don't think she'd be sitting here watching her world collapse. ~ Administrator said... 12

Omg did the stir fire her???

How long did this one last, four months? This woman turns every single thing to cow dung doesn't she? She does it to herself.

Improbable Dreams said... 13

This is superb...the post and the comments.

AN OPEN LETTER TO PAULA DEEN, by culinary historian Michael Twitty

FYI said... 14

Her first bog post was Jan.24, so it lasted 5 months--total of 23 posts.

Although it's possible Kate and the Stir had an agreement where she would only write bogs for a limited time(say until the summer), it's going to look like the Stir fired her because of the recent controversy. and she'll probably let it be played that way, so that she can play the victim.

Waiting for the sheeple to start bashing the Stir just like they did CC and TLC.

TLC stinks said... 15

The Stir gig started in January, so it only lasted six months. Don't know if that is what her contract was with them or they just let her go. She ought to give up blogging. Not working out to say the least. Again, she bows out with a bunch of platitudes to some 18 year old family friend (supposedly tweeted). Somehow, I'm not buying it. Maybe it was just a big FU...I am woman, hear me roar, LOL.

PatK said... 16

If she's done posting for The Stir, I'm wondering if it's because she has a better gig coming up? I'm not getting the feeling The Stir canned her already.

Ex Nurse said... 17

Just got caught up on last might's posts, and wanted to address Admin's comment that one of the most serious things Kate did was getting (or letting?) TLC go after Jon.

Since TLC was simply enforcing a contract that Jon signed, not once, but twice, why wouldn't they protect their interests? I don't think Kate would be consulted on this--they owned the rights to the family and the contract specified a non-compete, which is very common in contracts. And, those non-competes come with compensation--otherwise it would not be enforceable. It is highly likely that Jon continued to draw his salary, even after he was fired. That would put TLC on very firm financial grounds in terms of enforcing his contract.

TLC released Kate for DWTS and other gigs because it was another way to promote herself. But, Jon, shut down filming of a highly rated show. I really don't think Kate had any say in this. TLC controlled her--not the other way around.

Kate is a slag said... 18

Minka's Tail: please read the deposition and original complaint.

This was NOT about uttering a single word many years ago. The media have simplified it to that (as they do with things), but it is so much worse than that!

Glad to hear Kate is gone from the Stir. I knew that wouldn't last long. When TLC canned her, I predicted any media type jobs she got from then on out would decrease as time went on in number, quality and length.

As in, she might start off with something really good and she wouldn't cock it up for like a year.

But then, she'd have to take something far more Z list and she'd cock THAT up faster.

And so on and so on.

Looks like I was right, except she didn't even get anything really good right off the bat (like another show or something).

DWINDLE said... 19

I stopped by (again) to see if you guys are in party mode yet over The Final Post.

You know if she left of her own accord, she would be tooting her horn about being oh too busy for this, and blah blah blah. After all, she has a cookbook to eat, a lawsuit to strap a life jacket on, and just looking in the mirror chanting 'who's the fairest of them all?' is a full time job.

Carry on, you wonderful 15 Minutes Puppets!

Millicent said... 20

Minka's Tail - I would agree with you if the issue with Paula Deen was as simple as she said the "n" word once (or even multiple times) a couple of decades ago. The media focuses on that (doing its usual terrible job of reporting), when the real issues are those laid out in the complaint filed by Lisa Jackson, a former general manager of the restaurant co-owned by Deen and her brother Bubba Hiers. I don't have the link, but if you are interested, it can be easily found online by doing a simple Google search. In that complaint, there are very specific allegations that, if true, are really shocking and disturbing. It alleges that Bubba watched pornography all the time at the restaurant, often came in drunk, used vulgar and coarse language, called black staff "monkeys", once physically shook a black staffer, makes the black employees use the back entrance and the bathroom in the back while white employees may use either entrance or bathroom. It also alleges that female employees are paid less than male employees in the same positions within Deen's restaurant empire. It alleges male employees get bonuses and other perks that female employees in the same position do not get. It alleges Paula Deen is fully aware of all these issues and goes right along with it.

This is why I now find Deen unworthy of my respect, and certainly of my support. I encourage anyone who thinks this is simply much ado about nothing to dig deeper than the "news media" reports, because there is a real ugly problem underneath the surface of this phony southern lady.

DWINDLE said... 21 (Administrator) said... 12
Omg did the stir fire her???

How long did this one last, four months? This woman turns every single thing to cow dung doesn't she?


You know, if you cure it properly, you can burn it in the fireplace and SAVE MONEY on your heating bill in the winter! Kate could write a whole other book on how to pile up the cow dung! ~ Administrator said... 22

Ex nurse, maybe I wasn't clear but I don't mean Kate herself could come between someone seeking to honor their contract. She could however say she does not agree with the witch hunt and ask TLC to be reasonable and let him do things like the Superbowl commercial. And she could have even refused to work with them. But that would take morals, values, and a respect for the father of her children over the love of money, something she has never done. Where I'm from families stick together. She would have come off the hero standing tall against a huge corporation. TLC would have been forced to cool it.

FYI said... 23

I wonder how Milo will react to Kate not writing for the Stir anymore? I assume she will check with her "reliable source" to find out why.

Then she will start posting links to Kate's website and tell Kate that she can write more posts over there.

She will also start assuming that Kate's tweet about "good stuff on the horizon" must mean that Kate got a new gig somewhere.

Sue Buddy said... 24

I got a good laugh out this bit of advice on Kate's Last Blog Post

"Know when you're wrong and admit it willingly. Don't ever let anger get in the way of love."

foxy said... 25

There really has to be more than the "n" word to Paula Deen's current mess. Maybe if this lawsuit ever gets to court we will find out. Things are coming out that Lisa Jackson does not have clean hands either. We will just have to wait and see.

seven said... 26

Kate is a slag said... 2

By the way, did anyone notice in her Today show interview, there was not one single real tear? She SOUNDED like she was crying. She LOOKED like she was crying. But no tears.

Remind you of anyone?

I did catch that. Not one drop.

I found it interesting that some of the sponsors waited to see her Today appearance before making their decision. Obviously, they weren't impressed. She actually reminds me very much of Kate, although there's no denying how hard Paula worked to build her empire. This matter seems to be less about her use of the "N" word and more about her failure to address her brother's bad behavior.

Last year it was revealed that Paula had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes for two years, while still promoting her "budder" laden dishes. People were fairly ticked off by that hypocrisy.

I think Paula fell into the same trap many pop stars, pro athletes, actors and wealthy celebs in general often fall into. Untouchable. Above the law. Above social norms. Above political correctness. Money will buy their way out of anything, even though many, many a celeb has been held fully accountable for their actions. I think there has to be a degree of narcissism in play when they not only refuse to stop the behavior, they refuse to apologize when called on the behavior. Instead, they point fingers at everyone else. I can't help but wonder if Paula had just cried real tears, had been truly remorseful and had not pulled that overly dramatic, angry Scarlet O'Hara-esque "just throw rocks as hard as you can at my head" bit, maybe she could have retained some of her sponsors. People wanted to hear her say that yes, she's human and sometimes she's said that word. Not "I haven't said it in 30 years, but I hear my staff say it all the time."

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 27

I can't stand her, but I'm on her side on this one, especially if the picture was supposed to be private.


When you're a celebrity, nothing is private, even if it's supposed to be. When in doubt, you just don't do it because you never know if and when it's going to surface. You think about your every move because you never know when the media is going to go digging and come across things that you thought were private. If you didn't do it, there's nothing there to find.

Unlike Milo, who states assumptions as facts, I do know this for a fact!

TLC stinks said... 28

Jumping in to say I agree with Ex-Nurse and Admin. Factor in Kate was LIVID Jon wouldn't play ball anymore, she just stood by and let TLC rake him over the coals. You would think she'd want Jon to make money to help in support, but she was too angry and vengeful. I think her hatefulness towards Jon stems from blaming him for her continued failures. If only he had continued with the filming...all he had to do was pretend and she'd be piling in the money.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 29

You know if she left of her own accord, she would be tooting her horn about being oh too busy for this, and blah blah blah. After all, she has a cookbook to eat, a lawsuit to strap a life jacket on, and just looking in the mirror chanting 'who's the fairest of them all?' is a full time job.


Milo tweeted that Kate is insanely busy. I bet she is...busy thinking about if she qualifies for unemployment! Kate tweeted that good things are on the horizon (or something like that). What does she have up her sleeve now?

seven said... 30

TLC stinks said... 15
The Stir gig started in January, so it only lasted six months. Don't know if that is what her contract was with them or they just let her go. She ought to give up blogging. Not working out to say the least. Again, she bows out with a bunch of platitudes to some 18 year old family friend (supposedly tweeted). Somehow, I'm not buying it. Maybe it was just a big FU...I am woman, hear me roar, LOL.

Hmmmmm... wonder if the "family friend" is EM?

At any rate, I implore the person who received this advice to do the polar opposite of whatever Kate advised you to do.

Tucker's Mom said... 31

Minka's Tail said... 1
Now Kate is in trouble for making "Asian" eyes in a photo years ago when she was still married. Supposedly, it was an in-joke that "everyone is Asian except Mommy." Somehow someone got ahold of this photo and leaked it to the media. We'll see if they'll still publish her cookbook. I can't stand her, but I'm on her side on this one, especially if the picture was supposed to be private.
The thing is, it's out there. It doesn't matter that Kate didn't sanction its release and of course, never intended it to be anything but private. I get it. It must feel violating to know that private photos are in someone's hands who can release them at will, whenever they wish.
This could be a win-win for Kate, but as with so many other PR opportunities, she digs her heels in and right fights. No one would blame her for being angry at the photo's release, but a little acknowledgement of the slant eyes derogatory implications is warranted.
Kate should have said it was in the spirit of fun and nothing mean-spirited, but I get the social and racial implications and that people use this to make fun of and hurt Asians and there are Aryan undertones to it.
I mean, just put it out there, get ahead of any criticism you KNOW will be coming your way, and you win people over. More than that, more people would be won over if Kate showed humility and insight.

TLC stinks said... 32

Kate always teases she's got something in the works when these kind of things happen. The only thing is the cookbook. I cannot imagine she would be hired to blog by anyone anymore. Of course, if there is a lawsuit pending, I suppose she is refering to that because in her mind she wants to crush Robert and Jon.

Layla said... 33

Interesting turn of events with Kate's bog. No TV show, no marathons, no bog to write. Now what? I think The Stir canned her. Who signs a contract for 5 months, not 6 or 12? And she recently tweeted about Cara's suggestion for one of her last bog posts. Not for her last one. One of her last ones. She still thought she had a few bogs left to write. I think it was supposed to be 6 months, so Kate knew the contract was coming to an end, but The Stir cut it off early. They don't want to be attached to her name if anyone was offended by that picture.
So, now Kate is left with a huge failure masquerading as a cookbook and Twitter. She was so disdainful about the notion of being "mediocre". She'd have to pull off some major suceeses to rise to the level of mediocre.

TLC stinks said... 34

I was so distracted by her big, black eyelashes that I didn't notice any tears. She was more composed than I am when I cry. Only Matt Lauer knows for sure if she cried or not.

Tucker's Mom said... 35

here is nothing unusual about their arrangement.
I thought J+K's initial plan to share time at the house when it was their respective visitation/custody time was a really bad idea. Eventually, you have to cut ties, get your own home, your own life and not intertwine such intimate things as sharing the same domicile, if you can afford it, and they could.
But, I think it a really bad idea to ban Jon from entering the property for pick up and drop off. No inside the home, just allowing him to drive up their football field length driveway for privacy sake.
To me, that was just dirty pool and the kids' paid the price by having their melt downs and sadness recorded.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 36

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Oh, I just saw this 2nd one. What does GM mean? The world is so negative... I was blindsided by the hate tweets I


LOL!! General Motors. Don't most people begin their day by saying, "General Motors everyone!"

TLC stinks said... 37

Her picture was not private. People post pictures all the time on the internet without permission. She's just pissed she lost control of the photo.

TLC stinks said... 38

I have been trying to figure out who the "family" friend is. The blog is a lie if it's EM, right, because she just met her. I think the post is a lie just to get some platitudes out there. I don't recall anyone that she has been friends with for that long other than family members so maybe a niece?

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 39

Jumping in to say I agree with Ex-Nurse and Admin. Factor in Kate was LIVID Jon wouldn't play ball anymore, she just stood by and let TLC rake him over the coals. You would think she'd want Jon to make money to help in support, but she was too angry and vengeful


Heck, she lets her bestie tweeties rake him over the coals without putting a stop to it. Why wouldn't she have allowed TLC do the same thing?

FYI said... 40

I've just read Kate's whole bog, and her first text to this girl says:

I love you. Happy Birthday, girl. You're truly the most inspiring young girl I've ever known!

I wonder how her own daughters especially M & C would feel about that? It's similar to when she called Kendra's son "the most wonderful little boy I've ever met"(or something to that effect).

BTW, she couldn't have been referring to Emily in that post--Emily's 18th birthday was in September.

Sherry Baby said... 41

Are the sheep sliding down their poles, sounding the damage control alarm, scrambling to find out if she was fired, or if her contract ran out? Get with the program, Milo, do your job and round up the flock. This time, though, make sure your "source" knows what in the world he/she is talking about.

Tucker's Mom said... 42

Another point about Kate's slant eye photo-- just because you're married to an Asian man, and have bi-racial children doesn't make you immune to imitating or mocking someone's features.
In 1993, Ted Danson accompanied his then girlfriend, Whoopie Goldberg to a roast at the Friars Club in NYC... in blackface. Needless to say, even at a thoroughly irreverent and bawdy even such as a roast, using racial stereotypes as the base of a joke doesn't go over well with many people.
And should Danson have been given a pass because Whoopie is black? Interestingly, she thought so and defended him, but many, many people were offended.

Sherry Baby said... 43

If her contract were for six months, it would have expired in July. If it did expire, then why wasn't it renewed if she were doing a fantastic job at bogging?

Over And Out said... 44

So did she indirectly throw her own parents under the bus with that title?

Why wouldn't she have said that this girl is "ONE of the most inspiring young girls...?"

Tucker's Mom said... 45

I'm not thinking that Kate's leaked photo caused her dismissal from The Stir because she basically foreshadowed her final blog coming up soon.
Eh, I doubt Kate is heartbroken, nor is The Stir. The blog never built a base, never built on a theme or took on an palpable identity. It was a mish mosh of random topics and thoughts, erratically punctuated, bolded and italicized.
Kate's messages to the elusive 18-year old reads like anyone's high school yearbook pages.
"Never quit with or without a fight"?
Dear 18-year old, whoever you are, believe me, there are times you need to walk away. Yes, to quit. Fight, no fight, there are times to walk away from things that are wrong, wrong for you, not bettering you, destroying you.
Don't be a right-fighter.
It's not about winning, it's about succeeding.
Not the same thing.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 46

Cristina Rich ‏@Sienna_Star 1m
@Kateplusmy8 Would it be possible for me to get the cookie recipes C&M made in Hawaii?

M&C made cookies in Hawaii?

localyocul said... 47

Last bog post huh? And now she's insanely busy? What happened to her unscheduled lazy summer by the pool? Didn't she just tweew that last night?. Signed, puppet on vacation #OBX

Blowing In The Wind said... 48

So did she indirectly throw her own parents under the bus with that title?


It appears that way. Even if she had been given advice when she was 18, it would have just gone out the window. When has Kate ever taken any advice from anyone (other than Steve about the good bra size -- allegedly)...

Blowing In The Wind said... 49

Eh, I doubt Kate is heartbroken, nor is The Stir. The blog never built a base, never built on a theme or took on an palpable identity. It was a mish mosh of random topics and thoughts, erratically punctuated, bolded and italicized.


I wonder what self-esteem/character website she copied that from?

Layla said... 50

I'm still waiting on all the talk shows Kate is supposed to appear on. One of the fans (Marie?)claims that the haters helped Kate's career by calling attention to the picture, which meant she would be asked to appear on talk shows to explain it all. Why is the Today Show making Kate wait? What about The View? Surely she'll get to co-host after this debacle. It's been 4 days. Not even trending online anymore. Why wait until it's old news? Unless--gasp!--they didn't want to talk to her. It almost seems like she's being snubbed.
Is this the same fan who said that Kate will be on TV a lot in September to promote the book? I'll believe that when I see it.

Tucker's Mom said... 51

Blowing In The Wind said... 48
So did she indirectly throw her own parents under the bus with that title?


It appears that way. Even if she had been given advice when she was 18, it would have just gone out the window
Isn't it known that Kate was living with her bf's family at that time?

Blowing In The Wind said... 52

Is this the same fan who said that Kate will be on TV a lot in September to promote the book? I'll believe that when I see it.


...and going on a world-wide book tour. Or was that Milo?

Midnight Madness said... 53

Last bog post huh? And now she's insanely busy? What happened to her unscheduled lazy summer by the pool? Didn't she just tweew that last night?. Signed, puppet on vacation #OBX


Muppet puppet here. INSANELY busy. In fact, EM tweeted,

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 35m
Finally spending a warm summer sunny day lounging by the pool! Feeling like @Kateplusmy8 :)

Doesn't Em think that Kate is INSANELY busy?

chefsummer #Leh said... 54

TLC stinks said... 37
Her picture was not private. People post pictures all the time on the internet without permission. She's just pissed she lost control of the photo.

Exactly how can Kate say I need privacy and cry about her personal.

Photo being released without her permission. But she does it to her kids all the time.

I'm sure the kids don't want their bed time photos posted.

I'm sure Maddy didn't want her dress up photo posted.

I'm sure they want privacy but do they get it?

JudyK said... 55

"Kate is a slag said... 2
"Well, she's not listening to that guy. Her apologies were all of the non-apology sort: I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I'm sorry if I hurt anyone. Never just a straight up apology.

"And more and more people are reading the deposition and original complaint, which makes it very clear this is NOT just a matter of saying one word many years ago.

"She just lost Wal-Mart, her restaurants in four casinos, and Home Depot, and Target is "looking at the situation." I think that's code for they're trying to see how they can get out of their contract with her and how much of her product they currently have stocked.

"Once those dominoes start falling, they fall fast and hard.

"By the way, did anyone notice in her Today show interview, there was not one single real tear? She SOUNDED like she was crying. She LOOKED like she was crying. But no tears.

"Remind you of anyone?"

I was out of town yesterday and missed this crocodile-tear performance but got to see it later in the day. I agree with EVERY SINGLE WORD you wrote.

I read Paula's full deposition this morning. She lied on Today yesterday (and that reminded me of someone else as well).

She's now been dropped by seven (7) major sponsors. This is about far more than the "N" word 30 years ago (which is another lie). Attorneys for the corporate sponsors are reading the depositions and advising their clients accordingly.

I'm frankly amazed Paula Deen has not been dropped by all sponsors and/or business associates.

Midnight Madness said... 56

M&C made cookies in Hawaii?


They stayed in a hotel in Hawaii. Where did they make cookies? I think that this is the fan who wants school pictures of the kids, wants to know what movies Kate watches, and was going to send Kate some gifts because she had just gotten a job.

Or am I thinking of someone else? These fans all kind of blend together after awhile!

TLC stinks said... 57

Freudian slip with her bog title. I thought she insulted her parents too.

Midnight Madness said... 58

LOLOLOLOL!!! Somebody here called it!!!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4m

@Kateplusmy8 Nice tenure time 2move ahead. Would love 2see U submit a new blog every wk on ur site!

FYI said... 59

Ha ha--I got this one right!!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2m
@Kateplusmy8 Nice tenure time 2move ahead. Would love 2see U submit a new blog every wk on ur site!

Midnight Madness said... 60

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 7m

@Kateplusmy8 Super advice Kate. Oh that every child N this world would have such good direction! :) … … via @The_Stir

Hey, Milo, has your source confirmed your tweet about the restraining order? Maybe you need some "good direction" or someone to tell you not to make such an assertion unless you know that it's true. Why was your tweet deleted? Why the backpedaling?

FYI said... 61

M&C made cookies in Hawaii?

Yes they did. Not only M & C, but all the kids. I found the clip.

It starts about 2:44.

TLC stinks said... 62

LOL. Milo, you are so predictable.

Funny how it got posted all over the Internet about her new blogging gig at The Stir, but so far I haven't seen anything about her blog being DONE. I think she was canned because posters caught her in lie after lie. "Inauthentic" again, Kate?

I gotta say her last post is just plain bizarre. Why didn't she explain her departure from The Stir? Be gracious for once if they don't make an announcement. Leave with dignity instead of all the high school platitudes. Once again she rubs it in people's faces that she thinks she is a better person than everyone else. She sure doesn't preach what she mouths off all the time.

Midnight Madness said... 63

Kate is a twit said... 59

Ha ha--I got this one right!!


Isn't it scary when you can get inside Milo's head and know exactly what she is going to say? :) What else is in there?

Over And Out said... 64

Paula Deen, Kate Gosselin's Asian Face or Amanda Bynes' Wig: What's More Cringe-Worthy? Vote Now!


Ouch. Eonline poll -- Kate beats out Paula for the most cringe-worthy!

Millicent said... 65

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2m
@Kateplusmy8 Nice tenure @The_Stir.

The most funny thing is that Milo is not being sarcastic. Tenure usually means you've done a job for a long time, as in years, as in 10 years or longer. What is the time frame for Kate's Stir bogs? Four months? Oh Milo - the reason Kate doesn't cut you off completely is that you are as delusional as she is.

I wanted to post a comment on Kate's last Stir bog, pointing out that the whole bog is premised on a lie. There is no way Kate has been friends for 18 years with anyone.

Over And Out said... 66

@Kateplusmy8 H8rs Ask whoever stole the photo from Kate for an apology. Kate doesn't owe an apology for something she did NOT make public.


Is this the mindset of all sheep...or just this one?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 67

Kate is a twit said... 61
M&C made cookies in Hawaii?

Yes they did. Not only M & C, but all the kids. I found the clip.

It starts about 2:44.

Thanks for the link. I never saw that episode.

getofftwitter said... 68

Doing the happy dance! Hey, didn't Kate tweet about a week ago, that one of her twins, was going or wanted to write Kates last blog. So maybe kate already knew the blog job was over or she got canned, then. This blog shows kate mentality, who has adult conversations with a not yet 18 year old, Kate said this young girl was very mature. She is a teenager. just lurking

Over And Out said... 69

I wonder what self-esteem/character website she copied that from?


She got it from somewhere. She couldn't come up with that on her own. She probably mass-assembled some of the platitudes tweeted by her fans, threw them around and typed them as they fell.

Over And Out said... 70

Do narcissists ever wonder why nobody likes them? Is Kate capable of seeing so many negative comments about her, look at herself in the mirror and ask herself what she has done to alienate so many people? Or doesn't that happen because narcissists are so shallow that they believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong? Thus, the victim (Kate) will always be the victim, and the tormentor (everyone else) will always be the tormentor.

Speaking of tormentors, will BV "take down" everyone who has been posting negative tweets about Kate...will they be outed? That will be one monumental job.

Millicent said... 71

TLC stinks said... 28

Jumping in to say I agree with Ex-Nurse and Admin. Factor in Kate was LIVID Jon wouldn't play ball anymore, she just stood by and let TLC rake him over the coals. You would think she'd want Jon to make money to help in support, but she was too angry and vengeful. I think her hatefulness towards Jon stems from blaming him for her continued failures. If only he had continued with the filming...all he had to do was pretend and she'd be piling in the money.
I think somewhere buried deep, deep, down inside Kate, she knows that Jon was an intrinsic part of the success of the show. He "humanized" Kate and provided the fun, "spontaneous" parent-child interactions. Once he said "I'm done" and it was just Kate and the children, the show lost much of its appeal. Mainly because it became glaringly obvious just how unpleasant and downright boring Kate is.

She will never forgive him for not continuing to be her doormat and favorite whipping boy. She will never forgive him for outshining her, for going on to lead a "mediocre" life yet being happy! How can he dare be happy when she took all the money, the big house, the tv show, and while she was at it, ran him down to the media as a cheating spouse, deadbeat dad, and all around loser. How dare he not crumble to his knees in defeat!

I have no doubt she was completely happy with TLC's persecution of Jon. Rational thought has never governed Kate and never will.

The only silver lining is that with each passing year, the children get that much closer to adulthood and the ability to walk away from their mother and never have another thing to do with her - if that's indeed what they want. I think Kate is going to end up alone, some old leather-faced boozehound, dressing inappropriately for her age, still referring to her adult children as "the littles."

Ex Nurse said... 72

Admin--thanks for clarifying. I guess it doesn't even occur to me that Kate would ever act in the best interest of anyone but herself. Which, of course, has led to her own demise as a star.

I'm not convinced it would have helped anything, except her own reputation. And, who knows, maybe TLC threatened her with cancellation. More likely, they pacified her with the offer of two shows. Kate is way too greedy to put family before fame.

PatK said... 73

Kate's a lying liar who lies.

Julie Timmons‏@juliectimmons1h
@Kateplusmy8 can we look for a weekly blog post on your website now?

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy82m
@juliectimmons great idea! Sure thing!!! I'll keep you posted!

Ex Nurse said... 74

Kate is a twit said...
Then she will start posting links to Kate's website and tell Kate that she can write more posts over there.
Well, I think we all know who Milo's finger puppet is! ;-D

A Mom said... 75

Since Kate is off "the stir" making some money; how writing a blog on Kate's web site gives her a pay check? Kate must think her cookbook will give her enough $$$$$ to keep the big house/land, 3-cars and private school for the kids.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 76

@Kateplusmy8 H8rs Ask whoever stole the photo from Kate for an apology. Kate doesn't owe an apology for something she did NOT make public.


Is this the mindset of all sheep...or just this one?


There are no words for that one. You couldn't even have a logical discussion with someone who believes that.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 77

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 20m
I wish @Kateplusmy8 and her 8 were back on TV daily. Can you find a way to grant that wish? 😍

Shelby Wingard ‏@Shelby121401 9m
@Kateplusmy8 When is a new season of Kate +8 coming back on? I miss that show!!

Keep rubbing it in, sheeple! If Kate could do anything about it, don't you think she'd be standing watch outside the networks' doors, just waiting for them to call her in?

PatK said... 78

She's thanking The Stir, so I doubt that they fired her.

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy811m
Texted 18th Birthday Wisdom: …
**THANKS every1 @The_Stir for opportunity 2 blog Jan-June 4 u!**

FYI said... 79

Milo got her wish for get to post a weekly blog on her site.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Nice tenure time 2move ahead. Would love 2see U submit a new blog every wk on ur site!

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 21m
@MiloandJack @The_Stir
Consider your wish granted! :)

Kate also thanked The Stir:
Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 8m
Texted 18th Birthday Wisdom: …
**THANKS every1 @The_Stir for opportunity 2 blog Jan-June 4 u!**

I don't think she got fired. The Stir gig was a strategy to keep her tweeties interested, and used to a weekly blog. Now she will be using her website, not only to get hits, but to promote her book.

I wonder if she'll publish some of her recipes that aren't going to be in the book. The original PR statement issued for her book, said that's what she would be doing.

Tucker's Mom said... 80

Speaking of tormentors, will BV "take down" everyone who has been posting negative tweets about Kate...will they be outed? That will be one monumental job.
I have to wonder if Kate will stir the BV pot again. Seems to me it's like poking a bear and oh yeah? Here's a little taste of the promise I made when I said don't do this...
Bam-- Slant eyes photo.
I wonder if Kate will let the rumors of suing Robert and Jon (and other contentious stories on ROL) build up again without response, because I have a feeling this was a warning-- tip of the iceberg, shot across the bow if you will.
Just speculating.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 81

Stop the presses! Kate responded to Milo! She's going to be bogging on her own website! Oh, joy, what fun! Hallelujah and pass the collection plate. Why did she include The Stir in her tweet?


Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 28m
@MiloandJack @The_Stir Consider your wish granted! :)

prairiemary said... 82

I can't remember where or who said it, but someone is taking screen shots of every time Milo sends a tweet, as soon as she tweets them, so Milo can delete all she wants, but someone out there is saving every one of them. For what, I am not sure. I don't tweet myself, nor do I read them unless they are here. I really appreciate it when you post them here, or I would never know what was going on!

Improbable Dreams said... 83

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Nice tenure time 2move ahead. Would love 2see U submit a new blog every wk on ur site!

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 21m
@MiloandJack @The_Stir
Consider your wish granted! :)

The comment threads are always closed on her website posts, so I don't know that I'd call them blogs...missives. maybe?

fidosmommy said... 84

I gotta say her last post is just plain bizarre. Why didn't she explain her departure from The Stir? Be gracious for once if they don't make an announcement. Leave with dignity instead of all the high school platitudes. Once again she rubs it in people's faces that she thinks she is a better person than everyone else. She sure doesn't preach what she mouths off all the time.

Who tells an 18 year old that the world is full of hatred you must stand up to, nastiness and
negativity? And then passes it off as a Birthday greeting? Isn't this the time to say
Congratulations! I've watched you grow from a sweet child into a mature and lovely young woman and wish you the best - and leave it at that. Is Positive Kate trying to scare this person into adulthood?

I don't think this blog piece not written for any 18 year old. I think Kate is
re-enumerating the things she wants to hear for herself, in her own life. Things don't seem to be going swimmingly for her and she needs to feed herself some platitudes. She's telling the WORLD she is strong because she needs to believe she is. She merely presented it in this graduation message format, IMO.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 85

So Kate's "tenure" is up on The Stir, and we never did get a follow-up on the fate of her sports car. Darn.

Unknown said... 86

Millicent said... 71
''.....She will never forgive him for not continuing to be her doormat and favorite whipping boy.''
''....How dare he not crumble to his knees in defeat!''
''... I think Kate is going to end up alone, some old leather-faced boozehound, dressing inappropriately for her age, still referring to her adult children as "the littles."
I believe that in KK's head, the very fact that he hasn't crumbled in defeat means that he hasn't been punished enough! In KK's mind, Jon won't be punished enough till he is homeless and has had his parental rights ripped away, and given to her as they should have been all along. Remember when she said that she didn't understand why he was allowed any say about the children since he only had them every other weekend? To KK, the children are objects that belong to her because she is the mother.

I also agree that KK is going to end up alone, still calling them ''the littles'' and totally without understanding of why the adult children will have nothing to do with her. She'll probably blame Jon for 'turning them against her'...but no matter what, she will NEVER EVER believe that it is HER behavior that has caused her to be alone.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 87

fidosmommy said... 84

I gotta say her last post is just plain bizarre. Why didn't she explain her departure from The Stir? Be gracious for once if they don't make an announcement. Leave with dignity instead of all the high school platitudes. Once again she rubs it in people's faces that she thinks she is a better person than everyone else. She sure doesn't preach what she mouths off all the time.

Who tells an 18 year old that the world is full of hatred you must stand up to, nastiness and
negativity? And then passes it off as a Birthday greeting? Isn't this the time to say
Congratulations! I've watched you grow from a sweet child into a mature and lovely young woman and wish you the best - and leave it at that. Is Positive Kate trying to scare this person into adulthood?

I don't think this blog piece not written for any 18 year old. I think Kate is
re-enumerating the things she wants to hear for herself, in her own life. Things don't seem to be going swimmingly for her and she needs to feed herself some platitudes. She's telling the WORLD she is strong because she needs to believe she is. She merely presented it in this graduation message format, IMO.


I agree. That letter was really nothing more than a love letter from wackadoodle Kate, to her wackadoodle self.

IMO, that 18 year old "friend" is just a bystander in this lovefest.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 88

rainbowsandunicorns said... 81

Stop the presses! Kate responded to Milo! She's going to be bogging on her own website! Oh, joy, what fun! Hallelujah and pass the collection plate. Why did she include The Stir in her tweet?


Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 28m
@MiloandJack @The_Stir Consider your wish granted! :)



Go away Kate, and heal your wounded brain.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 89

Millicent said... 71

''... I think Kate is going to end up alone, some old leather-faced boozehound, dressing inappropriately for her age, still referring to her adult children as "the littles."

Remona said... 86

I also agree that KK is going to end up alone, still calling them ''the littles'' and totally without understanding of why the adult children will have nothing to do with her. She'll probably blame Jon for 'turning them against her'...but no matter what, she will NEVER EVER believe that it is HER behavior that has caused her to be alone.


Sadly, I see Kate guilting one of her girls into taking care of her until she takes her last breath.

I really hope that I am wrong.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 90


Shouldn't that term be used for someone that has been at a job for a l-o-n-g time?

I think temp work would be a better word to describe Kate's jobs.

fidosmommy said... 91

I don't think this blog piece not written for any 18 year old.

Allow me to try that again. When I reformatted my sentence, I deleted the wrong word.

"I don't think this blog piece WAS written for any 18 year old."

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 92

PatK said... 78
She's thanking The Stir, so I doubt that they fired her.

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy811m
Texted 18th Birthday Wisdom: …
**THANKS every1 @The_Stir for opportunity 2 blog Jan-June 4 u!**


I'll bet everyone at The Stir are breathing a collective sigh of relief today.

Let the party begin at The Stir. ~ Administrator said... 93

Did you see she put in there about jealousy. That's just a lovely way to start off in the real world with a suspicious eye toward everyone. This girl will be eaten alive if she acts as smug as Kate seems to want her to.

No, grasshopper. Never quitting is not a virtue. It's knowing when to go forward and when to stop that will make you a success. Good luck.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 94

I'll bet everyone at The Stir are breathing a collective sigh of relief today.

Let the party begin at The Stir.


Too bad she didn't wait until next week to end this. She could have gone out in a blaze of fireworks...after she posted her recipe for the Fourth Of July cake.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 95

YAY!! Khate the Witch is gone from the blogosphere!!!! Happy day indeed, but her kids are still $tuck with this dysfunctional nut-bag of a "mother". Good riddance to 'ya Khate.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 96


Shouldn't that term be used for someone that has been at a job for a l-o-n-g time?

I think temp work would be a better word to describe Kate's jobs.


A better word choice would have been "stint" or "stunt" or even "stink."

fidosmommy said... 97

IMO, if Kate had left the Stir by her own choice she would have said something like "With so much on my plate, something had to go." She might not get specific - she is not expected to - but she would have said something to make it appear to be HER choice. Since she said nothing of the kind, I'm guessing she got pink slipped. I hope the kids still get pancakes,
oatmeal, eggs AND French toast every day after this financial downturn in the household.

Over And Out said... 98

@gypsi001 @Kateplusmy8 @BHappyLoveLaugh There is nothing Better to Brighten the day than the announcement of a healthy Bouncing Baby Boy!xox


Uh, if you're Kate there is. Announcement of a new network show would trump the birth of a baby, bouncing or not. ~ Administrator said... 99

And HCI is groaning. Now, this woman is all theirs to deal with.

Over In Kate's County said... 100

@Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir I will miss reading your blog Kate! So much fun. Where will we find you next? Give us a hint ;) ;)


926 Penn Ave in Wyomissing. Temp agency.

fidosmommy said... 101

No, grasshopper. Never quitting is not a virtue. It's knowing when to go forward and when to stop that will make you a success. Good luck.

I'm hearing Kenny Rogers faintly in the background. Something about knowing when to hold 'em...

Tucker's Mom said... 102

I never got the sense that The Stir was as big of a deal/job as CC. At CC, it seemed like Kate was hired to represent CC, to be one of their famous faces. I got the sense it came with some serious perks, too.
The Stir seems to be a nice outlet for those looking to build a body of writing assignments. I don't think Kate honed the craft or availed herself of the generally immense body of writing knowledge that editors have.
Again, never built a voice, tone or style.
We've talked about Erma Bombeck and her unique style and wit before. She had a predictable resonance to her missives that was uniquely hers. Without a doubt, a rare thing.
I currently enjoy Gene Weingarten's writing in the Sunday Washington Post magazine. Jeez, he's funny and relatable in a way that I never would have thought of a middle-aged Jewish man.
To be able to speak to a wide audience with aplomb that is met with all the foibles that come with being human is truly a gift.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 103 (Administrator) said... 94

And HCI is groaning. Now, this woman is all theirs to deal with.


Well lots of people have suffered knowing Kate-
now it's HCI's turn.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 104

Shut up Milo:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m
@BarbGilmer @Truth_Teller201 @SiobhanR111 @Kateplusmy8 She just had a short term contract there..6 months I think. They change writers alot!

Then why was she gone after 5 months?

Over In Kate's County said... 105

I'm hearing Kenny Rogers faintly in the background. Something about knowing when to hold 'em...


lol, Fidosmommy! I was thinking the same thing. Know when to walk away, know when to run!

I guess Kate's not going to be countin her money while sittin at the table, unless she finds another "job" that's willing to hire her and take the risk.

Over And Out said... 106

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 7m
@Truth_Teller201 @Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir All of us loved Kate's blog..the Stir will miss her! But its our gain at ! :)


Oh, lord.

Maybe now she will work on that disaster that's called her website, and remove the "news" from 2011.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 107

rainbowsandunicorns said... 94

I'll bet everyone at The Stir are breathing a collective sigh of relief today.

Let the party begin at The Stir.


Too bad she didn't wait until next week to end this. She could have gone out in a blaze of fireworks...after she posted her recipe for the Fourth Of July cake.



She went out with kind of a bang- she will be remembered by her slit-eyed "happy memory" photo.

Great legacy, huh?

Over And Out said... 108

IMO, if Kate had left the Stir by her own choice she would have said something like "With so much on my plate, something had to go." She might not get specific - she is not expected to - but she would have said something to make it appear to be HER choice.


It will all come out in the next few days. Somebody will spill something.

PatK said... 109

Kate won't be getting paid for blogging on her own website. How long do the sheepies think she'll keep it up? LOL

Over And Out said... 110

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 23m

@gypsi001 @Kateplusmy8 What a legacy...born on twitter...born on Kate's thread! Now Kate don't that just make U feel special! #TwitterMom!


This woman is out of her mind. It's all about Kate...not about Gypsi's new baby, but Milo has declared it was born on Kate's thread. She's nuts!

JoyinVirginia said... 111

Improbable Dreams, thank you so very very much for the link to Michael Twitty's afroculinaria blog! I like his writing and the topics. I learn about such terrific things here - websites, authors, documentaries, so much!

chefsummer #Leh said... 112

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@gypsi001 @Kateplusmy8 What a legacy...born on twitter...born on Kate's thread! Now Kate don't that just make U feel special! #TwitterMom!

Wait what?....

chefsummer #Leh said... 113

Over And Out said... 108
IMO, if Kate had left the Stir by her own choice she would have said something like "With so much on my plate, something had to go." She might not get specific - she is not expected to - but she would have said something to make it appear to be HER choice.


It will all come out in the next few days. Somebody will spill something.

Then Milo and the Kate followers with slam the stir.

Children First said... 114

Kate won't be getting paid for blogging on her own website. How long do the sheepies think she'll keep it up? LOL


Especially since she still has "Coming Soon" under one of the tabs!!

Over In Kate's County said... 115

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 6m

@Kateplusmy8 @The_Stir its NOT often that I get a WISH granted! So am I on a roll...can I request something else? :) #SayYes?


No, Milo. Kate's bedroom is off limits. You'll have to stay at the Homestead Suites on Paper Mill Road. ~ Administrator said... 116

Her blogs at the Stir were sorta like, Dear World, here's what's bouncing around my little noggin today! Love Me.

There really wasn't a lot of guidance and honing she desperately needed.

fidosmommy said... 117

Yes the truth will probably come out soon enough, I agree.

But even so, I've been thinking about this. If Kate DID quit by choice, there had to be a reason. Perhaps she wanted to bring her loyal Stir readers over to her own blog (which they may not already do since it's such a mess with nothing to read.) They will see the COOKBOOK order form and buy a copy or 8. All a well thought out plan, which probably works better in Kate's mind than it does in the real world.

This is all happening after Kate's contact with HCI, right? It might be one more last ditch effort to get customers.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 118

Children First said... 114

Kate won't be getting paid for blogging on her own website. How long do the sheepies think she'll keep it up? LOL


Especially since she still has "Coming Soon" under one of the tabs!!


Well, Kate can always go "old school" and ask them to support her website with love offerings.

Somewhere In Time said... 119

Can you imagine going on a date with the Irish Creeper? He'd be zinging you with one-liners all night. Why does Kate attract these people, and did Dave the Wrestler give up?

@Kateplusmy8 evening, a photon checks into a hotel. When asked if he needed any help with his luggage, he replied "No I’m traveling light:)

Where's Auntie Ann? ~ Administrator said... 120

A stint, or perhaps even a driveby!

I believe it was a sheeple who once said Jon can't hold a steady job. Then what's this called?

Rhymes with Witch said... 121

This could be a win-win for Kate, but as with so many other PR opportunities, she digs her heels in and right fights. No one would
blame her for being angry at the photo's release, but a little acknowledgment of the slant eyes derogatory implications is warranted.

I find it very interesting that Mark Sanford (former gov of SC who had/has the Argentinian mistress/soul mate) and Anthony Weiner
(former NY congressman who tweeted sexual pics of himself) are both making political comebacks.

What do they have in common?

They both apologized. Then they answered people's questions. People found them sincere.

Not trying to start a political conversation and not giving my
thoughts on either of them. My point is that sincere apologies

Rhymes with Witch said... 122

I believe that in KK's head, the very fact that he hasn't crumbled in defeat means that he hasn't been punished enough! In KK's mind, Jon
won't be punished enough till he is homeless and has had his parental rights ripped away, and given to her as they should have been all
along. 86

You hit the nail on the head with this comment. She wants him gone, baby gone.

I think temp work would be a better word to describe Kate's jobs 91


Somewhere In Time said... 123

Not trying to start a political conversation and not giving my
thoughts on either of them. My point is that sincere apologies


But how do you know if an apology is really sincere? Politicians talk the talk, can be very convincing, maybe even have some good writers who can whip up an apology for them. You just never know.

Mona said... 124

Blogging is cutting into Kate's pool time. She has to ditch it.

Somewhere In Time said... 125

I believe it was a sheeple who once said Jon can't hold a steady job. Then what's this called?


A fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants job?

Somewhere In Time said... 126

Well, Kate can always go "old school" and ask them to support her website with love offerings


I'm sure Irishfan would be more than willing to support her with love offerings.

FYI said... 127

Do the other tweeties now accept Milo has the be-all source of info on Kate?

Barbara Gilmer ‏@BarbGilmer 2h
@Truth_Teller201: @BarbGilmer @SiobhanR111 @Kateplusmy8 I Wonder why it's her last post?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@BarbGilmer @Truth_Teller201 @SiobhanR111 @Kateplusmy8 She just had a short term contract there..6 months I think. They change writers alot!

Barbara Gilmer ‏@BarbGilmer 5m
@MiloandJack @Truth_Teller201 @SiobhanR111 @Kateplusmy8 Oh ok, thanks for letting us all know milo.

For one thing-how does Milo know whether they change writers a lot? She only started going to the Stir when Kate started bogging. I haven't seen any changes in any of the writers. In fact, a lot of them are regular staff of the Stir.

Milo throws something out there, and they believe it without question. Just like they do with Kate. Are they really that gullible?

Rhymes with Witch said... 128

But how do you know if an apology is really sincere? 123

I don't know. I was just addressing what the poll numbers are indicating, and comparing people's reactions to the reactions to Paula
and kate.

Only time will tell.

Kate is a slag said... 129

I think The Stir wanted to get rid of her and they made a deal: she could act like it was never meant to be a long-term thing and they don't say anything if she doesn't go negative on them.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 130

Milo throws something out there, and they believe it without question. Just like they do with Kate. Are they really that gullible?


In a word. Yes.

Barb never questioned why, if Kate was contracted for six months, she left after five months. She just took Milo's word for it.

Still waiting on confirmation from Milo's source that Kate got a court-ordered restraining order on Jon. ~ Administrator said... 131

Just guessing, but Kate's been pretty focused on her silly cookbook for several months now. Apparently she's even been traveling. I wonder if she's been falling down on the job at the Stir, missing deadlines, not giving what was promised, because she's losing interest.

I think this is similar to what happened at CC. She suddenly got excited about Wife Swap which she knew she was about to go on, we could see she was tweeting about something exciting and knew it was being filmed the first couple weeks in October right after she was fired....and I think she just sort of let CC fall by the wayside.

This is classic narcissist. Something new and shiny catches their eye and they forget about the other thing they used to be interested in. Only that doesn't fly for the people who need them at the former gig and they end up firing.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 132

"The list of corporate sponsors backing away from Paula Deen continues to grow. Target, Home Depot and diabetes drug maker Novo Nordisk are the latest companies to ends their relationships with the celebrity chef after she admitted to using a racial slur in the past."

There has to be more to it than using a racial slur so long ago. These companies must have looked at the deposition and saw that something just wasn't right.

Terri said... 133

Does anyone know when the last marathon Kate ran in was? Seems to me that if someone other than herself is paying her way she's all for it, but "if they ain't payin, she ain't playin." ~ Administrator said... 134

There has to be more to it than using a racial slur so long ago. These companies must have looked at the deposition and saw that something just wasn't right.


There's a lot more to it.

A couple people earlier were saying this is starting to get defined in a simplistic way. And I'm realizing that today. The headline is, Paula Deen used the N word. They're not going deeper here. Now some people are thinking oh well if that's all people need to chill!

Except, that's just one small part of it. The headline should be, Paula Deen is a dysfunctional boss and person who has been treating minorities like crap for decades.

As much as it's unacceptable to use that word, there were many other things in that deposition equally if not more outrageous. I could barely stand the whole description of her brother and what a pig he was, from the jokes to the pornography at work, and how she just put up with it and even thought it was normal. I can't imagine working in that environment.

Unfortunately this is starting to get defined as one blurb about Paula using the N word. In our 120 character or less society, this is how it goes, and in a complex situation like this one, 120 really isn't cutting it. I encourage everyone who wants more info to read the Depo. It's not overly long, complicated, or full of legalize.

Tucker's Mom said... 135

There has to be more to it than using a racial slur so long ago. These companies must have looked at the deposition and saw that something just wasn't right.
Here's the PDF of the Complaint. It is really, really bad.

FYI said... 136

Terri said... 133
Does anyone know when the last marathon Kate ran in was? Seems to me that if someone other than herself is paying her way she's all for it, but "if they ain't payin, she ain't playin."

The last race she ran was the LV RocknRoll half marathon back in December, over 6 months ago. I would say most likely CC paid for that. They were going to sponsor her to run a half in LA last October, but she never ran it. Maybe they agreed to let her run the LV race as part of her termination agreement.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 137

I can't imagine having a Gladys Kravitz as a mother-in-law. First thing I would do is go house hunting in the South Pacific, South America, or Europe.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 10m

@Truth_Teller201 @SouthernMomma85 @gypsi001 @Kateplusmy8 Ha...I don't want any teen age pregnancies here! I have 2get them married 1st! LOL

Tucker's Mom said... 138

Paula Deen is the Captain of the ship. This woman, who is being vilified as "evil" and "jealous", brought the complaint after many years of trying to remedy a hostile and dysfunctional workplace.
I'm surprised she was only asking for a little over a million, I believe. Pauler should have just paid her and made it go away, and then hopefully learned her lesson and vowed to enact positive changes in the workplace.
My mouth dropped open when the complaint alleged that her home cost $33 million. Holy glazed donut burgers.

fidosmommy said... 139

Terri said... 133
Does anyone know when the last marathon Kate ran in was? Seems to me that if someone other than herself is paying her way she's all for it, but "if they ain't payin, she ain't playin."

She hasn't even mentioned running the rural roads near her house, running circles on her driveway or running on her treadmill in a very long time. That doesn't mean she's not doing it, but it used to be a regular topic for her.
If it still served her needs or made her feel like a supermom you can bet she'd be talking about it and planning to do some public runs.

I wonder if she showed up/will show up at the
Rod Dixon run in Connecticut this year.

JoyinVirginia said... 140

Novo Nordisc dropped Paula?! Wow, that is a biggie. Remember Paula s ” diabetes confessional tour” ? Where it came out that she had been diagnosed for two or the years before her announcement? At that time she said that NovoNordisc had approached little ole her out of the blue! after all this commotion, no way in the world do I believe that story. ~ Administrator said... 141

33 million is RIDICULOUS. Who does she think she is? Giada, little big head, who is just is famous as she is, lives in a 2 million home in the Palisades.

2 million in the Palisades is just a normal single family home, no fuss. It's 1600 square feet and looks like every other single family home there.

Melisa NV said... 142

@SchmeckyGirl2 @Kateplusmy8 Hey genius she said in her previous post it was one of her last! @IMPerel


She did? She said in the post about the Great Dane that it was one of her last posts? In what context? I didn't read it.

Tucker's Mom said... 143 (Administrator) said... 141
33 million is RIDICULOUS. Who does she think she is? Giada, little big head, who is just is famous as she is, lives in a 2 million home in the Palisades.
Wow, I thought Giada's home cost way more than that. It's on the beach, isn't it?
The view out of her kitchen window is amazing. Can't imagine being able to look at that whenever I wanted.
Maybe the house is smaller than I'd imagined, but I'd take that location, view and pool anyday!

But yeah, no way I'd have thunk Pauler's house cost that much money. It must be a compound.

FYI said... 144

I wonder if she showed up/will show up at the
Rod Dixon run in Connecticut this year.

That run was a couple of weeks ago. She didn't run the Litchfield road race, and apparently she and the kids didn't go to the Rod Dixon Kids' Marathon, because Emily tweeted how sad she was that Kate wasn't coming this year. ~ Administrator said... 145

Not much in Palisades is directly on the beach because it's on sort of a big mountain, but a lot of homes have full or partial views of the ocean from the "cliff". Palisades is literally built up into the Santa Monica mountains, some neighborhoods are really high up there. When I read she lived there I immediately thought she is in a more down to earth part of LA.

I love the Palisades I nannied there for four years. Loved that family. Their house was also about 1600 and 2 mil. Three bedrooms/3 baths and an office, that's about it. It had a small ocean view from the master. But if you wanted to surf you had to drive at least 10 or 15 minutes. It's not like the East coast where you only have an ocean view if you're right on the shore.

Palisades is a very family friendly, non-LA type neighborhood. There are very few gated homes and a lot more traditional neighborhoods. It is much cheaper to live in many parts of the area as opposed to Bev Hills, etc. This is the place to see celebs really let their hair down. My kiddos played roller hockey and bball with Arnold Schwarzenegger's son, he would just come and sit there like it was normal. Tom Hanks would MC opening day pancake breakfast of Little League--no paps.

People like Paula annoy me because plenty of people do not live her lavish lifestyle. I think people like her sort of gives the rich and celebrities a bad name, makes them look spoiled and over the top when many are not.

Terri said... 146

Well I guess those races with the kids isn't going to be a part of The Gosselin Family Traditions that she speaks of all the time. Sure cracks me up how fast these "traditions" come and go in that household. She seems to make everyday activities into a tradition. This woman just makes me want to shake my head in utter disbelief at what comes out of her mouth.

Tucker's Mom said... 147 (Administrator) said... 143
Very cool info about Pallisades. Giada at Home gives the impression that she just strolls down to the beach from her property. Maybe that's more Malibu?
When you think about having spent that much $$ on a house, like Paula apparently has, how on earth can you keep it up without the guarantee of having that income?
No wonder she's sold her name to so many companies!

basically unemployable said... 148

I think that the Stir canned Kate because of her mocking of Asians with her slanted eyes. Kate never said the insulting gesture was wrong, just that it was a "fun memory" and a private photo. She never issued an apology and let the insult stand. My guess, giving the fact that the stir fired her immediately after the photo was released is that this was the cause of her termination. ~ Administrator said... 149

I'm looking at Giada's house on the map which is public record, it is right off Temescal canyon which is a very steep road from PCH up to the heart of Palisades. She actually is pretty close to the beach, but I THINK she's still up on the hill. I can't remember houses there that aren't way up on the hill. Google earth doesn't show any direct easements down. But maybe if there is some kind of hidden easement to get to Temescal it wouldn't be far. There may be an easement kept a bit more hidden, there are lots of those you can't easily see. From there whereever that comes out, she can cross right over to Will Rogers beach.

She's not really in the heart of Palisades more on the outskirts, but I'm not crazy about this area of the beach, it attracts HUGE crowds because it's right on a state park beach. She herself may like that because she could put on sunglasses and never be recognized. She is definitely living a toned down celebrity lifestyle. This is where the normal families hang. Good for her and her kid. ~ Administrator said... 150

Basically Un., it really is one HECK of a coincidence. The photo comes out and within days she's gone? I don't know, it's hard to imagine this isn't directly related to it. Honestly, as Kate likes to say, this was probably just the tipping point for them. This is not the first time she has caused them problems.

Did the Stir even say we're so sorry to see Kate go we'll miss her? As far as I know they have been silent--suggesting they are not happy and just want her away from them.

Kate had to announce it herself. How embarrassing! ~ Administrator said... 151

I think two comparable food network stars with two very differently priced houses gives a lot of clues about them.

2 million says I'm comfortable, but I'm not too comfortable, and I don't want to get in over my head or feel like I have to work 24 hours a day to maintain our lifestyle. Hey, what if Italian food goes out of fashion? If it all came crashing down right now, I'd be okay with this house.

33 million says I"m delusional about my own marketability and self importance. It suggests arrogance, that this bubble will never burst, Southern cooking will always be in vogue and I will always be loved. I may be to work 24 hours a day to keep up the 33 mil, but it will be worth it because the most important thing is to live like a princess and have lots of stuff. This is why I did this in the first place, didn't you?

Two completely different women, I think.

FYI said... 152

Kate had to announce it herself. How embarrassing!

Considering the letter Scott Kluth wrote, it was probably better that Kate announced it herself. Maybe that was part of the deal in her leaving.

Kylie said... 153

I don't think Barb Gilmer was praising Milo or following her. She has, in the past, made it quite clear that she does not like or appreciate how Milo acts like she is thisclose with Kate. I think she was actually saying STFU to Milo.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 154

Did the Stir even say we're so sorry to see Kate go we'll miss her? As far as I know they have been silent--suggesting they are not happy and just want her away from them.


Not even one sentence? Not even a "we wish her well in all her future endeavors?"
That's strange...

Tucker's Mom said... 155

33 million says I"m delusional about my own marketability and self importance. It suggests arrogance, that this bubble will never burst,
I was floored when I read that cost!
I wonder if Clooney's villa on Lake Como cost that much!

Meagler said... 156

When someone says, " I wish someone had told me that when I was 18!", doesnt that mean you didnt learn the lesson? Thats my take, so what I see Kate saying is.....

I didnt know I should have been loving and kind.

I didnt stay true to who I was and what I believed.

I repaid people with hate, meanness, and had a lack of understanding.

I usually only see the bad in people, not the pot of "good".

I did not make wise choices and I did not think out my decisions.

I only love those who are easy to love. I couldnt love the difficult people in my life. I should sometime quit, if it means a fight.

I am never wrong, and even if I was, I would never admit it. I let my anger get in the way of my love.

I did not accept the Destiny that God had chosen for me. I took my destiny into my hands and only relied on myself when the going got tough.

I did not take the blessings he bestowed upon me and use them to help others out. I did not give enough.

I do not look beyond the surface appearance of people.

I believe if people are smiling they are happy, no matter what. Their tears are only a momentary disappointment, its the first time they have ever been disappointted. People are never lonely, helpless, or exhausted. Tears are just tears and I never ask people if they need help. I dont reach out and help others, and that is why I am unhappy. Making others smile is repelling. never cry. Hold back the tears. Sit down and stay put. Dont worry about love. Have regrets. Miss life.

Kind of sounds like Kate might be trying to tell us its my parents fault I am the way I am because they never told me these things.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 157

Kate announced writing her "last blogs" on June 16, the picture came out on June 23 so she knew she was leaving at least a full week before the picture surfaced:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 16 Jun
Cara says she'd write this for 1 of my last blogposts 4 @The_Stir :
'Im hungry4icecream.Craving it all wk. The end!'
Girl of few words! ~ Administrator said... 158

Clooney's place is 15 mil so says Google. Paula Deen's house is TWICE what Clooney's EUROPEAN VILLA is??

Oh good grief.

fidosmommy said... 159

A preemptive strike, perhaps?

The Stir asks Kate to leave after the unfortunate (to put it mildly) racially demeaning picture in order to avoid all the hoopla that Paula Deen's business partners have had to put up with following her unfortunate (!) deposition. Fire her now and we won't have to deal with an agitated public the way the Food Network, Walmart, Smithfield, etc. have had to.

The Stir will be seen to be intolerant of any kind of racial commentary. They got rid of her as soon as there was a question.

None of this is being stated as fact. It's only another angle I'm looking to to examine this newest Kate news. ~ Administrator said... 160

Funny I thought when she meant last she meant latest.


Well they may have canned her well before and allowed her a final few posts, they certainly had plenty of reason to let her go. For instance, her crappy posts.

Tucker's Mom said... 161

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 155
Kate announced writing her "last blogs" on June 16, the picture came out on June 23 so she knew she was leaving at least a full week before the picture surfaced:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 16 Jun
Cara says she'd write this for 1 of my last blogposts 4 @The_Stir :
'Im hungry4icecream.Craving it all wk. The end!'
Girl of few words!
I tend to agree. I know Kate is so good at word play, and I don't know why she pretty much let the cat out of the bag that she wouldn't be blogging for much longer on TS, but I think it was pretty clear that the blogs were winding down.
I just don't think it was anything as formal as CC. I can't imagine it paid more than beans.

Tucker's Mom said... 162

Well they may have canned her well before and allowed her a final few posts, they certainly had plenty of reason to let her go. For instance, her crappy posts.
Sadly true. If Kate was showing promise and churning out noteworthy writing, I think TS would have sweetened the deal, asked her to stay awhile, made some overtures. Maybe not kindling the fire just let the embers do what they do.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 163

I think they let Kate go because her writing is crap. The Stir has a staff of 43 writers. They certainly won't miss her.

Meagler said... 164

Kate said this in her first bog with The Stir;

"This year is going to be full of adventures for me and my eight. For starters, I'm blogging here at The Stir every week! I was asked to join the many talented writers here and I feel honored that my stressful, funny, crazy, and sometimes unbelievable life experiences as a single mom of eight will be documented right here!"

If it was short term most people might have said.. " I will be blogging here until the end of June!" Kate said " this year".

She also said she had other projects on the go, and she isnt being a tease, she just cant disclose just yet... what the cookboobk? oops, spelling mistake..ha ha, think I'll leave that one! ~ Administrator said... 165

You know what's so funny. When Kate said my "last," people here were saying oh my gosh she's outta there!!!

And the sheeple were saying she meant "latest" you dummies how dare you say that. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and thought that too.

Oh, but the gatars were right. Again. LOL! ~ Administrator said... 166

I wonder if it was a test run. We'll keep you on for a few months and see how it goes then reevaluate. She was reevaluated and the failed. So she's done. But in her head she will play it like it was just a gig anyway. But if she were truly a good writer she has to know they would have kept her on longer.

Frankly i don't understand how if anyone read her CC posts they would hire her in the first place. She is awful. Truly awful. Look, this is where quitting comes in and there is no shame in it. Kate, it's time to quit. Why keep doing something you are terrible at? I'm not very good at math so why would I sign up to be a mathematician? I quit it as soon as I could. This never quitting thing is SO overrated and a stupid platitude, I have no idea how we got to that stupid mentality. No, you should know to quit the things that add no value to your life and you stink at, and focus on the stuff you are naturally good at.

There is something out there Kate is better at. I don't know what it is, other than maybe scamming? But please, stop this and do something you might have more of a natural talent for.

Melissa NV said... 167

Kate announced writing her "last blogs" on June 16, the picture came out on June 23 so she knew she was leaving at least a full week before the picture surfaced:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 16 Jun
Cara says she'd write this for 1 of my last blogposts 4 @The_Stir :
'Im hungry4icecream.Craving it all wk. The end!'
Girl of few words!


So she didn't announce it in her last blog post, as the sheep tweeted, but I still don't see Kate's tweet as an announcement that she wasn't going to be blogging for The Stir. She tweeted that Cara said she'd write about the ice cream for one of Kate's last blog posts. That could be at the end of August, in the fall, whenever. There was no specific time frame, was there? "1 of my last" sounds very nebulous.

So what was the fan talking about when she said that Kate announced it in her last blog post?

Meagler said... 168

people have commented that The Stir hasnt even bid Kate farewell... what about Kate?

She doesnt even bid her fans farewell. No Thank you for reading my posts. Not even the usual " and what words of wisdom do you wish you had been given on your 18th birthday?"

I think this was the bog she was working on. She had the bog almost finished. I wonder if they said, you are done. Finish up your last post. Kates bog is all flowery and adjectively, until that last line...

" especially fitting since this is my final post on this site" Not very Kate like. If she knew it was her final post, these are not the words she would have been saying! It would have ben about her. what a wonderful person she is, how hard he works etc,etc.

The ended before she was ready! ~ Administrator said... 169

It's just the usual sheeple spin. when they didn't want to believe she was done they spun that statement as "latest." When now she actually is done they're spinning it as, well see here Kate knew all along it was a short term gig no one fired her!

Can I just say how grateful I am to Scott for settling things once and for all when it came to CC. If it weren't for him, we might still be sitting here having the sheeple tell us that was just a short term gig. She left was mutual that was the intention all along! Just like now this is how it works in the biz!!


fidosmommy said... 170

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 16 Jun
Cara says she'd write this for 1 of my last blogposts 4 @The_Stir :
'Im hungry4icecream.Craving it all wk. The end!'
Girl of few words!

I don't see this as an announcement. I think she was just saying that Cara would like a chance do a short and sweet and to the point article. It would probably be one of the last ones the Stir would allow Kate to submit. Not enough words, ironically enough.

Of course, Cara's few words are better than anything I've seen Kate churn out.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 171

So she didn't announce it in her last blog post, as the sheep tweeted, but I still don't see Kate's tweet as an announcement that she wasn't going to be blogging for The Stir. She tweeted that Cara said she'd write about the ice cream for one of Kate's last blog posts. That could be at the end of August, in the fall, whenever. There was no specific time frame, was there? "1 of my last" sounds very nebulous.

So what was the fan talking about when she said that Kate announced it in her last blog post?

Well I suppose it could be a huge coincidence that Kate tweeted that and then she's gone 11 days later but I don't think so.

Who's the fan that said she announced it in her last blog post?

A Mom said... 172 has Kate's book at 202 sales. Wonder if that's really true?!?

Kate is a slag said... 173

I don't know if Kate is even important enough for a website to announce she's no longer writing for them, you know? I mean, probably 99% of America either never knew who she was or has forgotten who she is. So...yawn.

Melissa NV said... 174

Frankly i don't understand how if anyone read her CC posts they would hire her in the first place. She is awful. Truly awful. Look, this is where quitting comes in and there is no shame in it. Kate, it's time to quit. Why keep doing something you are terrible at?


The sheep think she's a wonderful writer. But then again, maybe in their world she is. We've seen samples of their writing. They don't know any better:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Let's raise ur wine glass 2say bye 2 @The_Stir..& press on 2many new & wonderfully well written blogs at

PJ's momma said... 175

Paula Deen's $33,000,000 was an error. It's $13,000,000, here in the document that someone provided earlier:

And thanks for providing it. Quite a compelling read. ~ Administrator said... 176

The Stir doesn't have to drop confetti for the final post but they could have at least done a little italics before her post saying it was lovely to have her on the team and they're sad to see her go. Nothing. Silence. ~ Administrator said... 177

Well 13 is a bit better! Still in Georgia you must be able to buy a castle with that kinda money.

Melissa NV said... 178

Who's the fan that said she announced it in her last blog post?


@SchmeckyGirl2 @Kateplusmy8 Hey genius she said in her previous post it was one of her last! @IMPerel

PJ's momma said... 179

Paula's $13,000,000 (LOL!) house:

I remember that Oprah episode at her house, now that I saw the pictures.

FYI said... 180

I remember when Kate first started bogging at the Stir. It was the Stir who first announced it through the following tweet.

The Stir ‏@The_Stir
We're so excited to welcome @KatePlusMy8 to @The_Stir team! #KateGosselin #Moms

Kate, herself, didn't announce it until several hours later. I posted the following here at that time:
Check it out! I'm excited to be bogging for @The_Stir ! Here's my first post:

She tweeted this over 2 hours after the Stir announced it. To me it doesn't show any respect for her fans at all. She should have been the first to announce it, not for her fans to find out from a third party."

So you would think they would have mentioned something about her leaving, since they were the ones to announce her starting.

Or perhaps, they're just glad to get rid of her and are leaving it at that. ~ Administrator said... 181

Funny how the blog poster says her Paula's house on Oprah looks different than the photos. That's probably because it was different! We know now this woman moved every two to three years her whole life. She left a perfectly beautiful house for another over and over. Very odd.

The decor..... Talk about hitting you over the head with 1998 country. She's a bit much.

fidosmommy said... 182

A Mom said... 172 has Kate's book at 202 sales. Wonder if that's really true?!?

I can't get into Novelrank for some reason. A kind person on here announced that her March, April and May sales totaled 165, which included and

That's just Amazon, does not include Barnes and Noble.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 183

Melissa NV said... 178
Who's the fan that said she announced it in her last blog post?


@SchmeckyGirl2 @Kateplusmy8 Hey genius she said in her previous post it was one of her last! @IMPerel

Thanks. I missed that. She's one of Kate's die-hard fans who would say anything, true or not, without providing any proof whatsoever. Ironic she calls herself "Truth Teller."

Shelby said... 184

At any rate, I implore the person who received this advice to do the polar opposite of whatever Kate advised you to do.

Actually, seven, I hope the person does what Kate SAYS and not what Kate DOES. She can say all the great advice she can but she doesn't LIVE it. I get what you're trying to say.

Do those kids have a chance??

Over In Kate's County said... 185

The decor..... Talk about hitting you over the head with 1998 country. She's a bit much.


I like it! It's warm and friendly, without being cold and sterile. If you think that's 1998 country, you should see some of the homes here with chickens and pigs, heart wreaths and brooms with bows!

FYI said... 186

Another tweet from a helpless tweetie:

alie ‏@twehues 2m
@Kateplusmy8 Hey Kate! We just got our first egg from our chickens and just wondering what to do with it?

alie ‏@twehues 1m
@Kateplusmy8 and do we eat it or will it be bad since its the first egg? :)

If this person is serious, maybe they shouldn't have chickens in the first place if they have to ask Kate a question like this.

Millicent said... 187

Admin said:

As much as it's unacceptable to use that word, there were many other things in that deposition equally if not more outrageous. I could barely stand the whole description of her brother and what a pig he was, from the jokes to the pornography at work, and how she just put up with it and even thought it was normal. I can't imagine working in that environment.
Deen's brother sounds like a very unsavory character. Without Paula propping him up and basically giving him money to "run" a restaurant, I have a feeling Bubba Hiers would be driving an old pick up truck, living in a rented seedy apartment, and living paycheck to paycheck. Probably getting into trouble with the law and his employer too, what with showing up to work with liquor on his breath and watching pornography.

Deen really tried to sell America a pig's ear, calling it a silk purse! And Deen knew all about it and thought it was A-okay. That's what is most disturbing. Not that she used a racial slur, although I always consider that low class as well. But that she allowed her own employees to be treated so poorly and thought nothing of it. It tells you a lot about her character, and none of it good!

Over In Kate's County said... 188

Speaking of chickens...

alie ‏@twehues 4m

@Kateplusmy8 Hey Kate! We just got our first egg from our chickens and just wondering what to do with it?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 189

Regarding book pre-orders, as of today, they're down by 12 from last month, and last month was down from April.

Millicent said... 190

Remona - I agree that Kate will never see that her own behavior is what has caused so many of her problems and disappointments in life.

Pink - I am sure Kate will try to guilt one of the girls (Mady?) into taking care of her. Let's hope the kids' dad will help them understand that they do not owe their mother a lifetime of indentured servitude.

Over In Kate's County said... 191

Here you go, Milo. There may be hope for you yet:

"MILEY Cyrus has hired an "obsessed" fan to work for her.

The actress grew close to the mystery super fan after they swapped numbers and began chatting over the phone.

Miley was so impressed with her knowledge that she has now hired the follower as her personal assistant and is jetting her out to Los Angeles to live with her mum Tish for the summer.

Miley said on US chat show Jimmy Kimmel Live: "Yeah, she is actually flying out here and staying with my mom this summer, she is going to work for me for the summer."

And when asked why she had decided to give the fan a job the singer made it clear it was down to her impressive knowledge.

She added: "Because, let me tell you, I never know... I don't know if this is how it works for you, but no-one ever tells me anything, I'm the last to know everything.

"I didn't know about a schedule today, I didn't know what time I was going to be here, I didn't even know I was going to sit on this couch and talk to you, I thought we were going to just do everything outside."

And Miley paid her new employee a compliment - kind of - by branding her "more than a stalker."

She continued: "She's more than a stalker because she's so obsessed, she knows things about how to break VEVO records, which we did with her help.

"She just knows... I don't know anything, I don't YouTube or whatever, so she knows what has to be done in what amount of time to be number one or to break the record. She just knows everything."

While she was wary at first it seems Miley soon overcame her fears and formed a firm friendship with the girl.

She explained: "When I first called her, I called her off my friends phone but then I ended up just texting her all the time. I bet she gets more annoyed with me than I get of her because I just hit her up all the time.

"I'm like, 'Yo, you gotta make this happen', 'You gotta make the fans trend this'. She's really amazing."

FYI said... 192

Hey Pink-I found this old comment by you when Kate's bog was first announced. You called it!!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 95
Too bad for "The Stir".

I can't wait to see how they kick toxic, lazy & demanding Kate off their team.

I give it 6 months, tops...

January 24, 2013 at 12:11 PM

seven said... 193

Barbara Gilmer ‏@BarbGilmer 5m
@MiloandJack @Truth_Teller201 @SiobhanR111 @Kateplusmy8 Oh ok, thanks for letting us all know milo.

Heh heh, Barb cracks me up.

But of course, Milo the all knowing one would have a quick, snappy excuse for Kate's brief and painful tenure at The Stir. This is also the same doofus who declared Kate's initial crookbook presale launch successful, NovelRank just doesn't update their numbers too often (hey Milo? They update. Alot.) The same ding dong who tweeted to anyone who would read it that Kate's fundraiser appearance at the church was a "book signing." ~ Administrator said... 194

I was just gonna ask who won the pool. Why congrats Pink. Your prize is a rubber chicken and some organic fluffernutter. ~ Administrator said... 195

I freaking love Barb. Hahahhahah.

seven said... 196 (Administrator) said... 191
I freaking love Barb. Hahahhahah.

Milo must have a chronic case of vertigo for all the spinning she does for Kate.

fidosmommy said... 197

Wasn't Barb Kate's personal secretary there for awhile? She was liaison between Kate and the fans and then seemed to quit.

Kirkland said... 198

Just wanted to post this podcast by Jason & Molly Mesnick about "Reality TV Moms".

Jason Mesnick was on the Bachelor, and he met his wife on the show (she was one of the final two).

Anyway, they are talking about putting kids on TV. It's rather interesting.

They did mention Kate a few times. And they had some interesting things to say about the topic.

Jason and Molly Mesnick Podcast


Vanessa said... 199

fidosmommy said... 194
Wasn't Barb Kate's personal secretary there for awhile? She was liaison between Kate and the fans and then seemed to quit.
She disappeared after the Blankenship scandal.

TLC stinks said... 200

I agree that The Stir allowed Kate some dignity in that they did not announce her leaving ( odd since they were quick to announce hiring her). Just because she thanked The Stir does not mean she was not fired. Hey, if she did indeed have a 6 month contract, why not RENEW it if she was doing a great job, Milo? When your contract is not renewed, you are FIRED.

BTW, Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post wrote a great piece on Paula Deen. Some gems:

"Paula Deen needs to give the self-pity a rest...and her desperate search for approval and vindication is just making things worst."

"The woman is 66, not 96. She was all of 7 when the Supreme Court issued its "Brown v. Board of Education decision, which means she's had plenty of time to get used to it. She has spent her adult life in an America where black people are not compelled to be subservient to whites. She has made her fortune in an America where most people, white as well as black, consider warm-and-fuzzy nostalgia for the days of slavery and Jim Crow to be highly offensive."

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