Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth!

50 Children: The Rescue Mission of Mr. and Mrs. Kraus

Independence Day is a day to honor and celebrate the birth of America, and the American spirit. One such couple that exemplifies just that were Philadelphians Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus.

In 1939, Gilbert, a lawyer, and Eleanor, who stayed home with their two small children, were very concerned about the impending war in Europe. The Krauses, Jewish themselves, traveled to Nazi occupied Germany. There, they orchestrated the rescue of 50 Jewish children back to the United States. Many of the children are still here and alive today.

The Kraus' bravery has been called a "quiet act of decency and humanity on the eve of one of modern history’s darkest chapters." On this special day, we remember the Krauses as just but one example of the American spirit. 50 Children is a short documentary which tells their remarkable story. Now that's a Pennsylvania couple whose reality is worth watching.

Available on

941 sediments (sic) from readers:

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fidosmommy said... 1

Wow. Now those are people to celebrate. Thank you for lifting up their story on the day we celebrate "the land of the free and the home of the brave".

Harrisburg Native said... 2

Wishing everyone a very happy Fourth of July from here in the UK. What I wouldn't give for a proper BBQ and fireworks show! ~ Administrator said... 3

Many of those kids are just babies! Can you imagine how scary? And god bless their parents for giving them up. They put love for their children over themselves and that is very brave.

Formerly Duped said... 4

Kate has the flags in the driveway 'tradition' on a twitpic- wonder if it's a new pic or not! I remember how crabby she was the first time they did this in the OBX vacation home- Alexis was crying she needed the bathroom but Kate insisted on a photo and all the kids were grumpy. Kate's knowledge of Independence Day was a little shaky I recall!

Luke's Mom said... 5

Vanessa said... 91
We're really getting deep into the brain here which is a scary thing, but I think the reason she can't decide who she is is because she doesn't know who she is, or maybe even doesn't like who she is.
Sorry,don't know how to make it clickable

I am bringing this over from last post because I thought the article Vanessa posted was so spot on describing Kate.

And amazingly it just reiterated what we have posted over and over again about how Kate's lies have become her reality:

"...narcissists develop what's called a "false self." ...believe all the lies they tell themselves about who they are: as the quote says, if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the "truth.""

And haven't we all said how Kate lies so much that she has convinced herself that her lies are her reality! Breast Augmentation=Good Bra

Unfortunately, Kate's lies are only fooling her and a few fans that are hanging on to her twitter feed.

Anyway, hope everyone has a great and SAFE 4th of July!

JoyinVirginia said... 6

Hope everyone had a fabulous Fourth of July! Whether you go out to a big party, our stay home and chill out all day, hope you will have a fun and enjoyable day!

FYI said... 7

Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Fourth of July!!

NJGal51 said... 8
This comment has been removed by the author.
OrangeCrusher1 said... 9

Nice post, good to stop and think about true courage and generosity today. Happy 4th to all.

Which makes me always reminisce about this holiday in years past, from my childhood growing up in a neighborhood of barbecues and fireworks at the park to raising our children in even a more small town atmosphere: pancake breakfast at the fire station, parade, cousins over for a barbecue, fireworks at the high school.

Which makes me sad in some ways for the Gosselin children, and their flag lined driveway. I am sure all of this community is within their reach, actually we did see it on tv, but today they will swim in their pool, and have a barbecue, probably all by themselves. Sorry, the one or two people crazy mom might invite over does not count IMHO. This day should be so much more. The isolation is so sad.

fidosmommy said... 10

Oh, the memories of the 4th of July! First, it was a "no train" day for our swim team, but we still showed up for FUN. Scavenger hunts all around the country club grounds, steeplechases where we ran up and down the balcony steps, up and down the 32 foot diving tower, swimming backwards, etc. Then at night families came for a cookout, pool games, entertainment by clowns on the 10 foot diving board - with FIRE RINGS! - and then the fireworks over the golf course. A perfect day/night, even if it rained.

Sorry we missed Canada Day on July 1st. I hope our Canadian friends had a great celebration.

NJGal51 said... 11

Wishing everyone here a Glorious Fourth! We were talking about fireworks the other day and one that my son most remembers is when we were stationed in San Francisco...we heard all the "booms" but all we saw was colored fog. It doesn't have to be perfect and you don't have to manufacture memories. If you're with those you love it doesnt matter if the flags on the driveway are perfectly spaced because there will always be memories. Here's hoping that you're all with loved ones today.

chefsummer #Leh said... 12

Happy 4th everyone.

Ya'll are all welcome to my all-some sweet BBQ ribs and bake beans and salad.

It's a hot rumspringa today.

NJGal51 said... 13

@Kateplusmy8: The driveway is lined..the menu is can't wait..pool/grill ready..fireworks will pop right on cue..Happy 4th from us to you!
I'm hoping that when she says "fireworks" she means sparklers for the kids. Even innocent looking fireworks can be dangerous. Of course this may just be Kate speak for "we're watching them on TV" , not that there's anything wrong with that!

localyocul said... 14

I seem to recall Jon had the kidslast year. Someone spotted them at some community picnic at a mansion. Guess its no fun Kate's year. If you use the pool every day then today is just like all the rest

OrangeCrusher1 said... 15

@Kateplusmy8: The driveway is lined..the menu is can't wait..pool/grill ready..fireworks will pop right on cue..Happy 4th from us to you!

Other than a few sparklers, same old weekend fun at the Gosselins. Unless, of course, they're with their dad and this is all Twitter fantasy.

Dmasy said... 16

Orangecrusher, 9 ... I agree, the isolation is so un-natural. Maybe she has many guests coming and isn't sharing that info. I hope so.

Our day will be filled with friends and rural neighbors...a casual celebration where everyone brings some food and arrival times are fluid. I don't know how many guests will share.

We will have private fireworks tonight. Darkness is about the only requirement for today's activities.

Kate should try "letting go" just a bit.

FYI said... 17

localyocul said... 14
I seem to recall Jon had the kids last year.
Not only last year, but the year before.

Last year she tweeted:

GN, all. Spent my 1st summer holiday EVER (my 1st full holiday period,I think) w/o my kids..but happy they got extra X 2 spend w/their dad!

The year before she tweeted:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjoyce1992 Not this yr. No kids for 4th :(

I hope the kids enjoy the holiday even if they spend it with their mother.

localyocul said... 18

So she last year about it being the first summer holiday w/o the kids?

fidosmommy said... 19

On their show they said they always went to Wyomissing for the 4th, it was a huge big deal for Jon to "be home" in Wyomissing for the festivities there.

My bet is Jon negotiated having the kids on the 4th so they could continue that genuine family tradition. The year of Tups on a Chain in lieu of strollers and the Purell hand licking incident weren't so grand, but I still think Jon was glad they went that summer. Tra-dish-ON!

Anonymous said... 20

Happy Independence Day to all my American "cousins".


TLC stinks said... 21

Her tweet implies the kids are with her. They could also be with Jon as always this year. Unless there is a photo with all 8, not buying it.

Happy 4th!!

Unknown said... 22

Happy 4th of July, everyone. Fort Worth is planning a very elaborate fireworks show, and then there are the traditional fireworks from The Botanical Gardens. I live in a perfect place to watch both...from my front porch!

In my opinion, this quote from the link Behind the Facade is the best description of KK that I have ever seen!

''Narcissists can't afford to be vulnerable at all--especially not to themselves. Remember, they need to believe the lie. So they make up a fictitious false self who is everything the narcissist is not: the entitled, superior, inflated, and grandiose self fed by the narcissist's fantasies and what they can squeeze out of sources of narcissistic supply.''

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 23

Do you have to be a member of HBOGO to see that documentary?

Call Me Crazy said... 24

Happy 4th of July everyone!

Just Creepy Today said... 25

That was the best admin. What wonderful people.

I hate to connect a Gosselin post to this thread ... but ...

Milo! Seriously!? If you read here (and I think she does):

This has NOTHING to do with the butterfly pic ... just everything else you Tweet!

MANY of your Tweets to Kate ARE quasi-sexual. I'm CONVINCED you KNOW that prior to hitting that SEND button.

THAT is why people (FANS AND NON-FANS ALIKE) find you ... just a bit OFF.

Asking Kate what she expects you to look like, asking how a prospective beau should approach her, continually commenting on her body, asking to see bikini pics, asking to see her driving the lawn tractor in her 'daisy dukes'?

YOU KNOW what those Tweets said BEFORE you hit SEND! YOU KNOW they come off as WAY CREEPY!

Maybe I'm the first person to ask nicely, or at all, but ... why would you think those were appropriate to send to anyone? ... especially on a public forum?

chefsummer #Leh said... 26

They put the photo of KK's I want you to know on her timeline.

The book is free LOL I wonder if KK's embarrassed? ~ Administrator said... 27

Tweet it just came out so I think at the moment hbo is the only way to watch. I looked elsewhere hoping to find it in amazon but no such luck. However I'm sure it will be more widely available in a few months.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 28

Admin, thanks for the information. I'll be on the lookout. Sounds like a very interesting documentary.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 29

Thank you for this incredible post, Administrator.

I never heard of Mr.& Mrs. Kraus'

I'm looking forward to watching this documentary.

No doubt, angels do walk on this earth.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 30

Happy, and safe July 4th to everyone!!!

Meagler said... 31

Well Kate answered your questions by putting a post on her blog about Summer and Forth of July past and present. It is mainly pictures from the past, and of course from today, showing them s a family, celebrating at home on the driveway with flags and riding their bikes.

Of course she bumped the cookbook blog back up above her blog post! I am surprised she hasnt tweeted about it yet to try and drive traffic to her cookbook sales promotion...

happy 4th to my American neighbors. July 1, was a heat wave here!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 32


File this under WHY???? & WTH????

I said a little prayer this morning that @Kateplusmy8 would get to enjoy some crab legs with her babies today! #happy4thofjuly

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 33

Asking Kate what she expects you to look like, asking how a prospective beau should approach her, continually commenting on her body, asking to see bikini pics, asking to see her driving the lawn tractor in her 'daisy dukes'?


Don't forget the tweets about Kate in the bathtub sipping wine, and how great she rocks a bikini and everything else she wears, as well as her fantastically toned legs! For awhile there she was totally hung up on Kate's legs.

kate knows us said... 34

Well, she has the haters right where she wants them....flocking to her website. She knows that people still want to see her and the kids, even to just have something to discuss like everyone here will be. I would never go to her site. I won't give her the hits plus I don't trust anything about her and don.'t want my IP collected.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 35

why would you think those were appropriate to send to anyone? ... especially on a public forum?


Milo likes Kate to put her on "time out." She gets attention that way when all else fails. I think the more controversial the tweet, Milo thinks that Kate will "rein her in" and therefore she, in some weird way,. feels much closer to Kate on a more personal level.

Suggestive tweets seem to be the way for her to get that attention. On the other hand, maybe she just doesn't think before tweeting. No common sense. When others call her out, she plays victim and says what a God-fearing, moral person she is and everyone else has a dirty mind. Poor Milo, always being attacked. She loves to bait and then cry bully.

But nothing seems to be working any longer. Did Kate comment on the butterfly picture?

Over In Kate's County said... 36

You just have to be really careful who you defame, especially on Facebook and the Today show...

"A former Miss USA hopeful who branded the beauty contest "fraudulent" has lost her bid to avoid paying pageant co-owner Donald Trump $5 million in damages after a New York judge upheld the defamation ruling.

Sheena Monnin resigned from her post as 2012's Miss Pennsylvania last summer after alleging a fellow contestant had seen a list containing the top five winners before they were officially announced, and she blasted the contest as "fraudulent, lacking in morals, inconsistent and in many ways trashy".

Trump, who co-owns the competition with bosses at NBC Universal, immediately filed suit on behalf of the Miss Universe Organization in New York after she refused to apologise for her remarks, and an arbitrator awarded the property mogul and reality TV star $5 million in damages in December.

Monnin appealed the ruling, insisting there was evidence of misconduct by the arbitrator and claiming the damages would leave her in financial ruin, but on Tuesday, federal Judge J. Paul Oetken upheld the punishment and ordered her to pay up.

The judge accepted the monetary award was "devastating", but accused Monnin of failing to recognise the consequences of her actions and blamed her "poor choice of counsel" for the lawsuit loss as her former lawyer had "presented no evidence on her behalf over the course of several months".

After the ruling was made public, Trump's attorney, Michael D. Cohen, said, "We applaud the judge's very articulate 30-page decision, and will pursue all rights available to Mr. Trump under the law (to claim the payment)."

Millicent said... 37

Thank you for sharing the Kraus' story. Their generosity of spirit is inspiring and I hope that in some small way, I too can make a difference in other's lives.

Happy 4th of July to you all :) It is hot again here today (or at least, plenty hot for me, high 90's). So instead of BBQ'ing, I decided to make a roast in the crock pot. A friend shared the simplest recipe - top the roast with picante sauce and cook on low 8 hours. That's it! I had fresh sliced avocado, chopped tomato, shredded cheese and pinto beans. I forgot the tortillas! So all this goodness simply went into a bowl instead of a wrap.

My son is spending the afternoon and evening with a friend and the friend's family at a local park, going swimming and then watching the fireworks. They are long time family friends and I'm glad he can go out with them to have fun while his heat sensitive mama stays home in front of the fan.

I hope everyone is having a good day/evening.

foxy said... 38

I wonder when her kids are going to rebel against their pictures be taken and put on her website. The twins are not posted, so maybe when the younger kids are 11 or 12 they will figure it out too. They could have been with Jon this morning and with Kate later today.

PJ's momma said... 39

Another program that is playing today on HBO is James Gandolfini's documentary Alive Day Memories. It seems appropriate to air today, as so many have sacrificed so much in the name of freedom.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 40

Austin Martin ‏@TheAustinMartin 2m

Wondering when @Kateplusmy8 is gonna plan a date for me and @EmCr68 to visit!!! #SummerFun ✈

Oh, geez


Jesse Voliva ‏@JesseVoliva 2m

@Kateplusmy8 RT me 50 minutes ago and I just noticed! And this is the second time so were basically best twitter friends!

I think you'll have to fight Milo for that title!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 41

Rian  Rian  ‏@RianHeibert 13s
Lol im seriously about to cry

Rian  Rian  ‏@RianHeibert 1m
My life is forever made oh my god

Rian  Rian  ‏@RianHeibert 1m
Omg is this even real life KATE GOSSELIN RETWEETED ME

Rian  Rian  ‏@RianHeibert 3m

Such sheeple drama! LOL!!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 42

Sleepless In Seattle said... 40
Austin Martin ‏@TheAustinMartin 2m

Wondering when @Kateplusmy8 is gonna plan a date for me and @EmCr68 to visit!!! #SummerFun ✈

Oh, geez

What is going on with some people that, even though they've been rejected umpteen times, they just keep on hoping?

njay said... 43

Admin, you can find it on youtube. It is in sections and I have not watched it and I don't know if all the sections are watchable. I typed in my browser "youtube 50 children" and it came up on youtube. The sections seem to be 2 minutes long but there is usually enough clips to watch all the show.

Sorry if someone already posted the info. I haven't read all comments yet. I hope this is what you wanted.

Happy 4th all.

njay said... 44

Admin, on youtube it also says that it first aired April 2013 on HBO

lukebandit said... 45

Happy 4th to everyone!

I was going to get to see my grandson who is 2 months old tonight, but it didn't work out. Going to try again in a few weeks.

That tweet that person sent about kate having lots of children and lots of grandbabies made me think of those college kids that made that parody video and one of the tup girls was pregnant and one of the other girls saying Mommy made her. Mommy made her for tv ratings? Something like that. funny.

I really want to see this documentary. The couple went to Nazi Germany and was there the night before it all hit. There is a video of a man who saved way over 600 kids and the interviewer had a box that had the original computer print out of all the kids names, ages and cities where they were from. They escaped to Britain. His name is Sir Nicholas Winton. He is still alive at 103!

The interviewer has a surprise for him.

Here is the link:

Meagler said... 46

Does Kate make anything besides pizza? b.o.r.i.n.g.


Not cookboobk worthy

No Flag Cake for dessert? So much for those family traditions....

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 47

lukebandit said... 45

The interviewer has a surprise for him.

Here is the link:

Very touching. Thanks for the link.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 48

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 9h
This year, we traded the traditional flag cake for a new tradition..The grilled flag pizza! Nothing tastes as good!

I guess you can only have one "tradition" at a time. She had to trade having the flag cake for flag pizza.

Isn't "new tradition" an oxymoron, like giant shrimp?

localyocul said... 49

Did she grill the pizza? she said the grill was ready to go...that pizza looked gross. Who would eat mostly sauce. Those poor kids must be sick to death of pizza

Barb Gilman said... 50

Some of you may remember how Kate banned me from her Twitter feed because I asked her politely to use proper spelling instead of text spelling to be a good example to her young fans. I just read this article and watched this video about a group of school children in Brazil who are helping their celebrity idols with their English. This is from BuzzFeed.

localyocul said... 51

Oh I see she did grill it. Still, no cheese. Gross

Wowser said... 52

Wow!! 8 pieces of pepperoni and about a 1/2 cup of shredded cheese! One piece of pepperoni each...KATE YOU ARE SERIOUSLY MESSED UP IN THE HEAD WITH FOOD ISSUES....please see a therapist and for God's sake..please make sure you pay them. It will be the best investment you ever made. Geesh!

Formerly Duped said... 53

Did you ladies notice the tweeter's pic of a flag cake was so much better than Kate's? Neater, looked nicer. Probably tasted better than that pizza mess. Why would anyone bother to BBQ a pizza when burgers and kabobs etc are much more grill-friendly?

Wowser said... 54

The one consistent "tradition" they do have is STARVATION!

TLC stinks said... 55

That flag pizza is ridiculous. Better Homes and Gardens has one where you use plum tomatoes sliced in half for the stripes, sliced mozzarella cheese for the opposite stripes, spinach in the corner, Ragu sauce as the base, and little mozzarella stars cut from the cheese on top of the spinach. You can also use thinly sliced red peppers instead of the tomato sauce. Man, oh man, is Kate lazy! Nothing but dough with a dab of sauce.

Still not convinced she had the kids actually on July 4th. Those flags could have been planted prior, and same with the flag pizza picture. She certainly reads here. I remember GWOP stating that Jon read there and left some nasty comments. LisaK stated that Kate was a reader of her blog. I guess we know how she spends part of her time.

Dmasy said... 56

She is her own worst advertisement. Who? Who would want to pre-order a cookbook that probably includes unimaginative, unattractive and unappetizing recipes?

She didn't want to be mediocre -- and, she isn't. She is so below that mark that she would need to up her game to get there.

I am sorry for those children.

Anonymous said... 57

Ramona Blue,

Can you tell me a little about Fort Worth? Housing near downtown hospitals? Would prefer to rent a house in old downtown or over by the stockyards. Is that a bad commute? Any info on FW neighborhoods near hospitals would be appreciated.

Looking at Texas

chefsummer #Leh said... 58

localyocul said... 51
Oh I see she did grill it. Still, no cheese. Gross

OMG are you sure it's grilled?

It looks like the dough is raw and the cheese and hardly melted and the pepperoni isn't cooked either.

Yuck X8...

chefsummer #Leh said... 59

Wowser said... 52
Wow!! 8 pieces of pepperoni and about a 1/2 cup of shredded cheese! One piece of pepperoni each...KATE YOU ARE SERIOUSLY MESSED UP IN THE HEAD WITH FOOD ISSUES....please see a therapist and for God's sake..please make sure you pay them. It will be the best investment you ever made. Geesh!
1. Kate is a control freak.
2. She isn't spending her $$ on any type of mental help.

chefsummer #Leh said... 60

Meagler said... 46
Does Kate make anything besides pizza? b.o.r.i.n.g.


Not cookboobk worthy

I know right how many times can you makes pizza be for you get tired of eating it?

But I think she obsessed with pizza cause.

1.Steve likes pizza-(RV breakdown.
2.Pizza ruined her in a sense-(RV Breakdown)

But for someone who wrote a cookbook it does seem like pizza is the only thing she makes.

And she can only come up with one or two types of pizza?

chefsummer #Leh said... 61

Dmasy said... 55
She is her own worst advertisement. Who? Who would want to pre-order a cookbook that probably includes unimaginative, unattractive and unappetizing recipes?

I bet most of the recipes are pizza or pizza related.

TLC stinks said... 62

I thought the point of grilled pizza was to cook directly on top of the grill so you got those great grill marks. She has the pizza sitting on foil paper. No after picture...wonder why? Duh. This woman thinks people will buy her cookbook?

There are a ton of recipes on the internet for grilled pizza. Too bad she didn't bother. Hope the kids enjoyed their pizza dough.

FYI said... 63

Since March, Kate has posted 6 different pictures of pizza, either on her website, her twitter, or on the old picture program( she used to use.

For someone who is promoting a "cookbook", all she talks about is pizza, pizza, pizza.

The PR for her book said that "This mom-of-eight also has surprises in store during the months before her book is published. “I plan on making some recipes available that are not in the book and also share some traditions and tips along the way. So watch my Twitter @Kateplusmy8 and my website for these.”

I guess one of the new tradtions is having pizza as often as possible.

localyocul said... 64

chefsummer said... 57
localyocul said... 51
Oh I see she did grill it. Still, no cheese. Gross

OMG are you sure it's grilled?

It looks like the dough is raw and the cheese and hardly melted and the pepperoni isn't cooked either.

Yuck X8...


I assume that's the before pic. Hope she put some more stuff on it before actually grilling it

Blowing In The Wind said... 65

But for someone who wrote a cookbook it does seem like pizza is the only thing she makes.

And she can only come up with one or two types of pizza?


Looks like the sheeple really don't cook much, or are so deep in idol worship that they just don't give a darn what they tweet:

Siobhan R ‏@SiobhanR111 30m

@gew_81 @Kateplusmy8 That looks amazing! Well done! :)

OrangeCrusher1 said... 66

Seriously, didn't she tweet about her 'menu' being set for the 4th?

This pizza is a menu? On the 4th of July? One hopes this was not the only pizza being grilled for dinner, but it's Kate. 8 slices of pepperoni and a sprinkle of cheese. Do they eat anything else? And yet she thinks she is SO creative. Slap to head.

TLC stinks said... 67

So if the kids were there for the 4th, anyone think Mady or Cara actually put that pizza together, because it looks like something a 12-year-old would do?

Oh, and that shot of Mady's toes...looks like just the thing someone with a foot fetish would enjoy.

FYI said... 68

Someone wrote an article about James McGibney on CnnIReport. Some of the sheeple are going gaga, because they think that CNN is now recognizing him as a major factor in fighting bullying. What they don't comprehend is that anyone can write on CnnIReport. It's basically a blog, to share different stories.

From FAQ's about it's IReport:

"On iReport, we invite people around the world to upload stories, photos and videos that they think deserve attention from a wider news audience. Everything that's posted receives a very visible "Not Vetted for CNN" banner"

How is this section different from the rest of
Everything you see on iReport starts with someone in the CNN audience. Stories submitted to CNN iReport are not edited fact-checked or screened before they post. Only stories marked "CNN iReport" have been vetted and cleared by CNN.

The article on McGibney clearly states "not vetted by CNN". Here's a link to the article if anyone cares to read it:

Poor delusional sheeple.

JoyinVirginia said... 69

OT: today us a good day to start on my virtual kayak tour. Pack your virtual kayak, lots of water and snacks, sunscreen and a hat are essential, and don't forget your personal flotation device! My kayak is yellow and my pfl is red, so I will be visible in case I need to call for help. Oh, and your dry bag for things like cell phone. Cell phones don't like salt water, I haves learned from experience. We are going to start at the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge! You can see all the information at

chefsummer #Leh said... 70

localyocul said... 63
chefsummer said... 57
localyocul said... 51
Oh I see she did grill it. Still, no cheese. Gross

OMG are you sure it's grilled?

It looks like the dough is raw and the cheese and hardly melted and the pepperoni isn't cooked either.

Yuck X8...


I assume that's the before pic. Hope she put some more stuff on it before actually grilling it

Okay I hope so to but then again if Kate grills up raw chicken on TV then....

chefsummer #Leh said... 71

TLC stinks said... 66
So if the kids were there for the 4th, anyone think Mady or Cara actually put that pizza together, because it looks like something a 12-year-old would do?

But lets remember Kate has the mentality of a 12-13 year old.

JoyinVirginia said... 72

OT: what in the world does a wildlife refuge have to do with a blog about reality TV and kids? There IS a connection! Being outdoors and learning about natural resources benefits children in many ways. Knowing that education funds are being cut all over, supporters of Alligator River NWR have a grant program to help with transportation and things to help teachers create programs that will benefit their kids. You can read about it at
Is there a National Wildlife Refuge near you? Check it put and find out what resources they have!

Dmasy said... 73

Not every meal I prepare is gourmet. Not every pizza I make is a masterpiece. Perfection isn't the point.

The irritation is that Kate thinks her meals are so special. She is so unaware that her creations are average or less.

She gloats and brags and preens over the stuff most moms would heat and eat and forget.

Her arrogance chokes me as much as her food would.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 74

If you have written a cookbook and it's not selling, why would you put out a picture like that? It would seem that you'd want to show photos of great stuff that's in your cookbook, not a mediocre pizza that even a kid could make. And yet, the sheeple are congratuating her. She didn't say that the twins made it. If they did, fine, but she's going to take the credit, but why would she want to? I just don't get it.

Dmasy said... 75

Joy, I don't swim. I will buy a life jacket, buckle it on and join the group.

NJGal51 said... 76

I think that the reason Kate keeps making (and posting) pictures of pizza is because it's the only thing that she can really and truly make from scratch. It's kind of like when a little kid learns to make something, that's all they want to do because they are so impressed with what they can do. The pizza has taken the place of the bazillion cookies that she used to make. The picture of her uncooked pizza does not make me want to buy her cookbook. I can google flag pizza and come up with much more appetizing ideas for dinner.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 77

LisaK stated that Kate was a reader of her blog. I guess we know how she spends part of her time.


How did she know that?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 78

I was just looking at grilled pizza recipes. They say to brown one side BEFORE adding toppings then remove from grill, putting toppings on grilled side then put back on grill and grill that side.

I'm surprised a world renown (as Milo would say) chef wouldn't be able to figure that out.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 79

Well heck my husband spent the whole evening gloating about the fact he managed to grill two large filets of salmon without either piece breaking as he turned them on the grill. He did NOT take a picture or post the non-picture to his non-existent blog. He is also not trying to sell a crappy cookbook. Don't laugh, but I would rather have seen another flag cake picture than that pathetic pizza. She fired up the grill for that?

JoyinVirginia said... 80

OT: come on down, Dmasy!
We are all packed up for our virtual tour and now we will drive to the put-in area, where we put the kayaks in the water. Anyone who doesn't want to come can hang out on the porch with some rumspringas in the hot tub, read a book,.walk to beach, whatever.
We are heading from Nags Head and driving West over the causeway. Look, there is Lone Cedar restaurant on left, we should go there for Sunday brunch and check out Lucy and Desi the ospreys and their babies who are getting kinda big.
Keep driving, there is the visitor center on the left. We can stop in, say hi to the nice volunteers, check out anything new.
Now we drive over the Manns Harbor bridge, the bridge is five miles long. Out was built as another evacuation route for hurricanes, and has opened up the wildlife refuge to more visitors from the Outer Banks.
Now we are in the tiny town of Manns Harbor, don't blink or we will miss our turn! Go left on Buffalo City Road, and at the end of the road is where we will park and put in the kayaks. make sure you have all your stuff! we have yellow and red kayaks to pick from. We have red life vests to of you forgot yours.

Mrs. Malaprop said... 81

Joy, I just bought a waterproof case for my iPhone but I'll pack it up just to be safe. Does someone have an extra kayak sitting around that I could borrow?

Layla said... 82

Two years ago, when the kids returned from that hellish RV trip, Jon was photographed taking them out for pizza, and was blasted by Kate's fans for it. But Kate seems to feed them a diet largely based on pizza lately, and they praise her. When Jon did an interview and said that when he's cooking for the kids and his girlfriend and her kids are there, he just opens another jar. Of course, the Sheeple were ready to crucify him for feeding the kids food from a jar. But when Kate posts a photo of her cleaning the fridge, and jarred spaghetti and rolls of commercially-prepared cookie dough are shown, they applaud her and mock the non-fans for even noticing.
Double standard? I think so!

Vanessa said... 83

Yesterday was the first time I've ever checked out her twitter pics because you were all talking about the flags down the driveway. I was going post yesterday if all she ever makes is pizza because that's literally what 99% of the pics are of. (grammar?)
Lo and behold, she made pizzas!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 84

Kate just tweeted a good morning to her simpleton sheep and said they all...are you ready for the surprise...(((drum roll))) slept in.

chefsummer #Leh said... 85

Layla said... 82
Double standard? I think so!


Also Kate said she & the kids don't eat fast food and yet they love Chipotle.

She said they rarely eat junk food and yet she post photo of. Big bowls of popcorn and ice-cream and candies.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 86

Don't laugh, but I would rather have seen another flag cake picture than that pathetic pizza. She fired up the grill for that?


It was probably safer making pizza on the grill than chicken salmonella.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 87

Seriously, she wants the tweeties to believe she and 8 children "slept in" until almost noon today? What was in that pizza? And with the kitchen closed to anyone but her, woe to a child who might want breakfast before then.

silimom said... 88

I don't think the flag pizza had anything to do with her food issues. I think she is into making pizzas right now.

I found an article on Huffington Post about a bacon flag pizza:

You can follow links to the BevCooks website. Here's the receipe:

I suspect she's spending her days looking at food websites and trying to change up the recipes she finds to make them her own. That was her MO the first time around, if memory serves.

lukebandit said... 89

Thank you Twiddle.

The video is only 1:39 seconds, but it is wonderful!

Tucker's Mom said... 90

Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great 4th. We went over a neighbor's annual 4th of July party. It's a tradition- you know, the kind that repeats itself at a set interval and doesn't suddenly go away because a film crew doesn't follow us around ;-)
We live in an area that allows the sale of fireworks, but being from PA, I recall them being illegal to purchase and shoot off. You need a permit, I believe, so does Kate pay for someone to come in and do a blow out fireworks display on her property? Or did she actually venture out in public to join the hoi polloi?

BTW, I read on ROL that Jennifer Love Hewitt, now pregnant, announced that she's shutting down her twitter because she's been getting bullied and it's become of sewer of hate. Now there's the maternal instinct kicking in.

JoyinVirginia said... 91

paddle paddle paddle everyone keep your eyes peeled for all kinds of birds. I think there's a heron over there and what is that up there on the tree?
. yes its a young black bear up in the tree I think he's found a beehive and is trying to get some honey

Dmasy said... 92

Joy, I am so enjoying the slight breeze ruffling my hair. Paddle...paddle.

Dmasy said... 93

Tucker's Mom, where ever did you get that definition of "tradition"?

I like it!

Formerly Duped said... 94

Joy, enjoying your commentary. You should be a tour guide in 'real life!"

Tucker's Mom said... 95

Dmasy said... 93
Tucker's Mom, where ever did you get that definition of "tradition"?

I like it!
How did I come up with it? I thought exactly the opposite of Kate!!
Paddle paddle!

seven said... 96

Kate is a twit said... 63
Since March, Kate has posted 6 different pictures of pizza, either on her website, her twitter, or on the old picture program( she used to use.

For someone who is promoting a "cookbook", all she talks about is pizza, pizza, pizza.

The PR for her book said that "This mom-of-eight also has surprises in store during the months before her book is published. “I plan on making some recipes available that are not in the book and also share some traditions and tips along the way. So watch my Twitter @Kateplusmy8 and my website for these.”

This is not the behavior of someone trying to promote a cookbook. How about some gourmet turkey burgers? Grilled corn? Kabobs? A festive dessert? If I was shilling a cookcook, I would make sure I prepared some mouth watering dishes and took great pictures to post.

I think this is another bit of evidence which suggests Kate doesn't do much actual cooking. I believe she probably still gets meals delivered by Katherine the chef and she fills in with her pizzas and 6 can casseroles. This is another incentive for to her keep Robert gagged. She has touted herself as the sole meal preparer for years. How would it look if the info is allowed to come out that she's had chef service since before they moved to Wernersville?

Vanessa said... 97

Regarding this topic of her thinking her pizzas are something out of this world, some reading for you...
'Narcissistic delusions rarely persist in the face of blanket opposition and reams of evidence to the contrary. The narcissist usually tries to convert his social milieu to his point of view. He attempts to condition his nearest and dearest to positively reinforce his delusional False Self. But, if he fails, he modifies his profile on the fly. He "plays it by ear". His False Self is extemporaneous – a perpetual work of art, permanently reconstructed in a reiterative process designed around intricate and complex feedback loops.
Though the narcissistic personality is rigid – its content is always in flux. Narcissists forever re-invent themselves, adapt their consumption of Narcissistic Supply to the "marketplace", attuned to the needs of their "suppliers". Like the performers that they are, they resonate with their "audience", giving it what it expects and wants. They are efficient instruments for the extraction and consumption of human reactions.

As a result of this interminable process of fine tuning, narcissists have no loyalties, no values, no doctrines, no beliefs, no affiliations, and no convictions. Their only constraint is their addiction to human attention, positive or negative.
Narcissists can't afford to shut out the world because they so heavily depend on it for the regulation of their labile sense of self-worth. Owing to this dependence, they are hypersensitive and hypervigilant, alert to every bit of new data. They are continuously busy rearranging their self-delusions to incorporate new information in an ego-syntonic manner

Vanessa said... 98

The narcissist believes that he is destined to greatness - or at least the easy life. He wakes up every morning fully ready for a fortuitous stroke of luck. That explains the narcissist's reckless behaviors and his lazed lack of self-discipline. It also explains why is so easily duped.

By playing on the narcissist's grandiosity and paranoia, it is possible to deceive and manipulate him effortlessly. Just offer him Narcissistic Supply - admiration, affirmation, adulation - and he is yours. Harp on his insecurities and his persecutory delusions - and he is likely to trust only you and cling to you for dear life.

Narcissists attract abuse. Haughty, exploitative, demanding, insensitive, and quarrelsome – they tend to draw opprobrium and provoke anger and even hatred. Sorely lacking in interpersonal skills, devoid of empathy, and steeped in irksome grandiose fantasies – they invariably fail to mitigate the irritation and revolt that they induce in others.

Maybe TLC DID rake her over the coals. Serves her right!

Vanessa said... 99

The grandiose fantasies of the narcissist inevitably and invariably clash with his drab, routine, and mundane reality. We call this constant dissonance the Grandiosity Gap. Sometimes the gap is so yawning that even the narcissist - however dimly - recognizes its existence. Still, this insight into his real situation fails to alter his behaviour. The narcissist knows that his grandiose fantasies are incommensurate with his accomplishments, knowledge, status, actual wealth (or lack thereof), physical constitution, or sex appeal - yet, he keeps behaving as though this were untrue.

The situation is further exacerbated by periods of relative success in the narcissist's past. Has-been and also-ran narcissists suffer from a Grandiosity Hangover. They may have once been rich, famous, powerful, brilliant, or sexually irresistible - but they no longer are. Still, they continue to behave as though little has changed.

Unknown said... 100

Anonymous said... 57
''Ramona Blue,
Can you tell me a little about Fort Worth? Housing near downtown hospitals? Would prefer to rent a house in old downtown or over by the stockyards. Is that a bad commute? Any info on FW neighborhoods near hospitals would be appreciated.''
I live in an older neighborhood in the museum district, and get downtown in about five minutes....and five minutes to UNT Health Science Center. From the hospital district, I'd guess less than ten minutes. (I'm not sure what you mean about downtown hospitals...I didn't think any hospitals are actually ''downtown''.)

I don't know where you live now, so am not sure what you would consider a bad commute, but unless you live in a suburb, there really isn't a problem with traffic in Fort Worth in the areas you mentioned.

Housing isn't a problem here, and depending on where you are now, I would guess that most would consider housing in Fort Worth very affordable.

If you have more questions, it would help to know which hospital you are discussing, so I could be more specific.

Fort Worth is a very nice place to live. People are friendly, the streets are clean, many good places to eat, and the museums are is considered one of the top five in the world! I am always happy to discuss/brag about my beloved Fort Worth! lol

Sherry Baby said... 101

It doesn't take much to thrill these sheeple teens, does it?

Lily Mae ‏@mslilymae 46m


Luke's Mom said... 102

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 78
I was just looking at grilled pizza recipes. They say to brown one side BEFORE adding toppings then remove from grill, putting toppings on grilled side then put back on grill and grill that side.

I'm surprised a world renown (as Milo would say) chef wouldn't be able to figure that out.

Wow - I just looked up grilling pizza too. Every recipe said to grill the dough BEFORE putting on toppings.

Kate the FAKE posted her picture with all the toppings on the UNCOOKED dough. There is no way she put that pizza on the grill to cook.

It is both funny and sad, that Kate, who is trying to sell a cookbook, would tweet about grilling a pizza and post a picture that clearly proves she does NOT know how to grill a pizza.

SCgal said... 103

Those posts about the narcissists ring true. Where did that information come from? Thanks for posting it.

JoyinVirginia said... 104

OT: Paddle paddle!
I think I see a nose right above the water, and a couple of eyes. Yes! We have sorted an alligator on the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge!! Look for a yellow tag on the back of the neck, that means it is an alligator that has been measured and released. Check out the story from May 2013 on this link

fidosmommy said... 105

The gourmet pizza Kate fixed has a very thick crust in some places and very thin crust in others. It will not cook evenly on the grill or in the oven. Will the boys get the pieces with the raw/burned dough while the girls get the nicer pieces? Will Kate eat salad? Tune in to twitter at 11:00 p.m. to find out the rest of the story about how the pizza rated with the 8!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 106

Sherry Baby said... 101

It doesn't take much to thrill these sheeple teens, does it?

Lily Mae ‏@mslilymae 46m



Oh brother. Simply idiotic.

I'm curious to find out what in particular those teenie boppers find interesting in Kate-
other than making memories with her screeching, b*tching/whining, and ordering people around.

Aim higher, young sheep. Please.

TLC stinks said... 107

ITA, you grill one side of the pizza and then flip, add ingredients. If she put that on the grill, no wonder there is no after picture, LOL! Hope there were burgers and hot dogs as a backup.

Rhymes with Witch said... 108


I'm curious to find out what in particular those teenie boppers find interesting in Kate-105

You're kidding right? She had EIGHT count 'em 8 children. She was on TV!

She's FAMOUS! She's a media darling!

She's a candidate for sainthood! What? Oh never mind.................

Aim higher indeed. :)

rainbowsandunicorns said... 109

other than making memories with her screeching, b*tching/whining, and ordering people around.

Aim higher, young sheep. Please.


Well, this one gave a reason:

Lily Mae ‏@mslilymae 5h

I love @Kateplusmy8 . She's got cute kids, a show I'm addicted to, and makes really good organic food. And takes no crap from no one😎

rainbowsandunicorns said... 110

Look for a yellow tag on the back of the neck, that means it is an alligator that has been measured and released.


Is that what that was? I thought it was a sale/discount price tag from Target. ~ Administrator said... 111

That's how I do with with Stonefire grill naan flatbreads. Cook the top side down on the grill then flip and add all the toppings and cheese, toppings have to be cooked separately. Cover with a lid to melt the cheese. Comes out perfectly crispy on the outside soft in the middle, looks like something from a bistro. This isn't rocket science. This should not be that hard for her. Of course maybe she doesn't eat it to know how unappetizing it is.

chefsummer #Leh said... 112

TLC stinks said... 107

Hope there were burgers and hot dogs as a backup.

Only if she didn't grill them.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 113

The Stir had a Flag Pizza recipe on their blog on Wednesday:

Neither look very appetizing to me. ~ Administrator said... 114

Ugh the Stir's is even worse. Pizza should look crispy and brown, the cheese should bubble with little light brown spots. It should be a little oily so you know you're biting into something dynamic and not a cracker.

Homemade pizza does not have to look or taste like that slop.

Tucker's Mom said... 115

Just another example of Kate's lying. That pizza was on a lined sheet pan and no way was it grilled after she prepped it raw. No big deal, but why the need to lie? So, it's the 4th of July and yes, grilling is traditional but you don't HAVE to grill.
A baked pizza is just fine.
It just boggles the mind.

Tucker's Mom said... 116

Yeah, that looks like barf, seriously. Yellow tomatoes with blue dye. Yuck!!
Give me a misshapen pie with fresh mozzarella and basil any day.

Tucker's Mom said... 117

The question is, will Kate sue The Stir for stealing her original idea of a flag pie? Because, nothing tastes better than hers. Nothing.

localyocul said... 118

I told my daughter it is the law you have to have a hot dog on 4th of July. OK she didn't buy it but she loves hot dogs. Seriously, hot dogs and hamburgers (veggie if you must) are for the 4th! What's with the pizza? That's for Friday nights and late night college dorms.

Just Down The Road said... 119

MiloandJack 16m
@Kateplusmy8 Has our "Her Highness...Kate The Reat"....aka #MissAttitudey come back 2twitter!! :)

She's calling Kate Her Highness and Miss Attitudey? I must be missing something here.

Just Down The Road said... 120

So Jennifer Love Hewitt closed her Twitter because of harassment. Wait -- you mean she didn't call on BV to take down the haters? No class action lawsuit? No outing? She just did what needed to be done without any fanfare and dramatics? Problem solved. Smart gal.

Annonymous This Time said... 121

1. Kate is a control freak.
2. She isn't spending her $$ on any type of mental help.

3. Kate is an abusive and confusing control freak
4. She doesn't believe for a second she need any type of mental help.
Place a bet the kids have little to nil idea which if any photographs there mom or Mady or Cara take of them end up on twitter or a website. And I would also bet they think parts of their mom's bog is private and only friends can see it. She told them so.

foxy said... 122

It is rumored that Jenny McCarthy is taking Joy Behar's seat on the view. Another opportunity totally gone for Miss Katie. She sure screws up any and all opportunities.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 123

JessNWheeler ‏@JessNWheeler
@Kateplusmy8 Will you do a book tour for the cookbook? More importantly will you make a stop in Pittsburgh?


If the cookbook doesn't happen, I'm sure Kate will meet with all her fans who had pre-ordered it and treat them to lunch somewhere. Oops -- wasn't that promised after another one of her failed ventures?

Speaking of promises, did Emily and Austin get a tweet to confirm the teen pajama party?

Layla said... 124

Joy in Virginia,
Loving the tour! You are a gifted guide. More details, please!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 125

Just Down The Road said... 119
MiloandJack 16m
@Kateplusmy8 Has our "Her Highness...Kate The Reat"....aka #MissAttitudey come back 2twitter!! :)

She's calling Kate Her Highness and Miss Attitudey? I must be missing something here.

I guess Milo is letting Kate know she has not be happy with Kate's lack of tweeting.

Sandi said... 126

@Allisstair @MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 Yup..sounds like old Milo is the one w/the attitude. The martyr attitude. #LookWhatIDoForYou

@Shatzy @MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 Looks like Milo has been demoted from Chief Executive Sheep position and does not like it one bit #URFIRED

Mel said... 127

That pizza wasn't ready to go on the grill, it was ready to be popped into the oven.

Sandi said... 128

Fired Up 4 Kate
@kateplusmy8 U naysayers don't run this feed..Kate DOES! She sets the tone w/positivity, encouragement, love & when N the mood..lots of LOL!

Go Milo Go!!! This may get you an RT!

Luckie Strikes said... 129

Annonymous This Time said... 121

How do you know what the kids think about the blog? Is there a new article out somewhere?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 130

Sandie ‏@SandieBelllz
@EmeraldCityJazz @Allisstair @Kateplusmy8 lol and your dead cat avatar was so cute. Cheers you POS.


It's getting nastier by the minute over there, with Kate included in the tweets.

Melissa NV said... 131

Fired Up 4 Kate
@kateplusmy8 U naysayers don't run this feed..Kate DOES! She sets the tone w/positivity, encouragement, love & when N the mood..lots of LOL!

Go Milo Go!!! This may get you an RT!


I thought Milo ran the feed. Was she/he demoted?

chefsummer #Leh said... 132

Yvonne Phillips ‏@YvonnePhillips1 2m
@Kateplusmy8 how old are the kids now? #itsbeenawhile

fidosmommy said... 133

Mel said... 128
That pizza wasn't ready to go on the grill, it was ready to be popped into the oven.

That's what I thought too. So I went back and read her tweet and she said GRILLED pizza,
and she had indicated earlier that she had the grill ready for dinner. So it sounds like she planned to grill the pizza.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 9h
This year, we traded the traditional flag cake for a new tradition..The grilled flag pizza! Nothing tastes as good!

FYI said... 134

I took a look at the pictures Kate posted. One thing I noticed is that none of the kids are wearing bike helmets.

Doesn't PA have a bicycle helmet law? Is this another law that Kate feels doesn't apply to her or her kids?

FYI said... 135

MiloandJack 16m
@Kateplusmy8 Has our "Her Highness...Kate The Reat"....aka #MissAttitudey come back 2twitter!! :)

Kate the "Reat"? I guess Milo lost her g's again.

JoyinVirginia said... 136

Paddle paddle! For those intrepid kayakers who are checking in this evening, hope you enjoyed the lovely sunset. Listen to the night sounds, including that howling. Know what it is? The red wolf!
Hear that bellow and grunting every now and then? The alligators are active. Listen to the frog chorus, it is loud tonight. There is the hoot of an owl, it must be close. Look at those gorgeous stars! Everything is so much clearer away from the lights of the town.
Time to head back for some rumspringa and time in the hot tub. Hope you had fun! Tomorrow another paddle to another interesting area.

Over In Kate's County said... 137

Doesn't PA have a bicycle helmet law? Is this another law that Kate feels doesn't apply to her or her kids?


Yes, all kids under the age of 12 are required by PA law to wear an approved helmet. I'm not sure, though, if riders on a private driveway are exempt from that law, and I really doubt that the kids ride on the public road. Regardless if it's the law, accidents can happen on driveways and those kids should be wearing helmets.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 138

Kate is a twit said... 136
MiloandJack 16m
@Kateplusmy8 Has our "Her Highness...Kate The Reat"....aka #MissAttitudey come back 2twitter!! :)

Kate the "Reat"? I guess Milo lost her g's again.


Over In Kate's County said... 139

Time to head back for some rumspringa and time in the hot tub.


No hot tub! A cold shower is needed here! Our air conditioning is out and it's so bad that I'm considering loading everyone up and going to a hotel for the night! We have fans going, but all it's doing is blowing hot air around. It's supposed to be hotter tomorrow, so I'm hoping the repair boys aren't too backlogged.

Where are we going tomorrow, Joy?

Suze said... 140

That pizza wasn't ready to go on the grill, it was ready to be popped into the oven.

That's what I thought too. So I went back and read her tweet and she said GRILLED pizza,
and she had indicated earlier that she had the grill ready for dinner. So it sounds like she planned to grill the pizza.


I can't imagine doing it, nor eating it afterwards, but... I wonder if she put the pizza, covered tray included, on the grill grate, closed the lid and 'baked' it that way. SMH

Over In Kate's County said... 141

Kate the "Reat"? I guess Milo lost her g's again.


At least she typed Reat. With the R next to the T, it could have come out Kate the Teat.

FYI said... 142

The PA law states:

Section 3510. Pedalcycle helmets for certain persons.
(a) General rule.-- A person under 12 years of age shall not operate a
pedalcycle or ride as a passenger on a pedalcycle unless the person is
wearing a pedalcycle helmet
meeting the standards of the American
Standards Institute, the American Society for Testing and Materials, the
Snell Memorial Foundation's Standards for Protective Headgear for Use in
Bicycling or any other nationally recognized standard for pedalcycle helmet

So it doesn't matter where they are riding the pedacycle(PA's term for bicycles), they must wear a helmet.

So Kate is just flaunting the law again, and is apparently not concerned about the safety of her children.

Over In Kate's County said... 143

‏@MiloandJack 27m
@Truth_Teller201 Six minutes & counting til #LitesOut! May the sandman come & give U some rest! :)


Oh, good gosh. She sits and counts the minutes until he turns off the lights? Did she ever say WHY those lights must go out exactly at 11 p.m.?

Over In Kate's County said... 144

So it doesn't matter where they are riding the pedacycle(PA's term for bicycles), they must wear a helmet.


This was a gray area for some time in PA law.

"In 1991, Pennsylvania passed a law requiring helmets on all bicycle passengers under age 5. In 1995, it passed a law applying to all pedalcyclists under age 12. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation also strongly recommends that all bicyclists wear approved helmets whenever they ride, regardless of age. Although the law largely addresses road safety, it does not specifically exempt riding off-road from the helmet law."

fidosmommy said... 145

You know what Kate's next book should be?
"Kate's Kitchen Disasters". It could include
cooking over an open fire, grilling and casseroles of many sorts. Oh, and icing chocolate layer cakes.

Widowed Young said... 146

Doesn't PA have a bicycle helmet law? Is this another law that Kate feels doesn't apply to her or her kids?
From the time my kids were walking we had the rule if it has wheels you wear a helmet. It is the same philosophy as a seat belt-you start them young and it is just part of riding in a car.

My daughter took a bad fall one summer night when she was about 10. It warranted a trip to urgent care because of a deep wound with gravel that needed cleaning out and stitches. We had EVERY person from reception, to nurses, to the PA to the doctor ask if SHE WAS WEARING her helmet. Luckily the answer was yes-why take a chance with your kids?

Shelby said... 147

Any other Big Brother fans who opted out once they heard all the racist, misogynistic crap the HGs have said?

I'm out. Too toxic for me. And I say this following Kate's life. what's wrong with me?? LOL

Suze said... 148

I found an explanation of the PA bicycle helmet law requirements that says it pertains to bikes used on public streets. I think in this case, with the G kids on their own property, the laws do not apply. She may not be breaking the law, but she's also not safety conscious.

Bicycle Information
Pennsylvania Bicycle Driver's Manual - Foreward

This manual will teach you safe bicycling on public roads and streets.

Title 75 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes contains the laws which govern the operation of vehicles on Pennsylvania roads. In Pennsylvania, a bicycle is considered a vehicle and, as such, is governed by a general set of rules (common to all vehicles) and a specific set of rules (designed for bicycles).

Re: the helmet law quoted in #142 above: (PA Vehicle Code, Section 3510)
Comment: The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation strongly recommends that all bicyclists wear approved helmets whenever they ride.

Ex Nurse said... 149

I think that sometimes, people do nitpick and over-criticize Kate. But, this picture of the kids, riding in the driveway without helmets, shows how misplaced her priorities are. Rows of perfectly placed flags do not make you a good mother. Teaching your kids to be safe, and the importance of thinking through potential

My kids didn't know that it was even possible to ride a bike without a helmet. Same for rollerblades--plus elbow and knee pads. Do the kids where seatbelts in the car? Does she truly supervise them in the pool? Her arrogance in flaunting safety rules, including parking in fire lanes, infuriates me. Especially because she is a nurse--We see the freak accidents and tragic consequences of inattention.

readerlady said... 150

A few years ago, IIRC, a picture was taken of the kids sitting on Jon's ATV without helmets. They were just sitting, not riding. The Sheeple went nuts, saying that he was endangering their lives and that he should lose all parental rights. KK allows the kids to ride bicycles without helmets and not a word. More double standard!

I'm sorry I missed the kayak excursion today. I hope to make it in time for tomorrow's (or rather today's) outing, but I haven't learned to speed the way KK does, so I might be late. If so, I'll settle for some hot tub time, beach strolls and rumspringa!

Vanessa said... 151

I've gone to different sites to find info to maybe help me understand 'MY' narcissist. This one by far is the best. It's a lot of "oh God, that's HIM!(and oh God, that's Kate!) Not sure how to make it clickable but here it is.

JoyinVirginia said... 152

OT: anyone up for some history along with paddling today? Let's go a bit further south and closer to civilization, and paddle into another time. Virtual kayaks and personal flotation devices will be supplied. You bring along plenty of water and snacks, sunscreen, hats, and your dry bah with any essentials. I am checking out the map now to find the best put-in spot.

localyocul said... 153

The nonfans seem to be hinting about big news with Jon. Several have changed their avatars to pics of him with names that include DWTS I can't copy and paste from my phone but the sixymomma one sent a DM to all "truthers" with "big news". One replied that it looks like "he's out of the woods".

readerlady said... 154

Joy, I'm always up for some history. Got my snacks, my sunscreen, my bottled water, and my dry bag. I'm all ready. Glad I made it down in time for today's excursion!

Layla said... 155

I'm ready for a history lesson!

Dmasy said... 156

Joy, I am not stiff or sore from paddling my virtual kayak yesterday. Ready to take off whenever you are!

Tucker's Mom said... 157

localyocul said... 154
The nonfans seem to be hinting about big news with Jon. Several have changed their avatars to pics of him with names that include DWTS I can't copy and paste from my phone but the sixymomma one sent a DM to all "truthers" with "big news". One replied that it looks like "he's out of the woods"
Well, Kate leaked the DWTS information on Jay Leno- it was obviously a set up question and I'm convinced the deal was pretty much sealed.
Hmm... Kate sang, sorry, "sang" Paparazzi, so what will Jon like to dance to?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 158

Vanessa said... 152
I've gone to different sites to find info to maybe help me understand 'MY' narcissist. This one by far is the best. It's a lot of "oh God, that's HIM!(and oh God, that's Kate!) Not sure how to make it clickable but here it is.

Thanks for the link. Kate's future looks bleak:

"The unintended consequence of this fictitious existence is a diminishing ability to grasp reality correctly and to cope with it effectively. Narcissistic Supply replaces genuine, veritable, and tested feedback. Analysis, disagreement, and uncomfortable facts are screened out. Layers of bias and prejudice distort the narcissist's experience.

"Yet, deep inside, the narcissist is aware that his life is an artifact, a confabulated sham, a vulnerable cocoon. The world inexorably and repeatedly intrudes upon these ramshackle battlements, reminding the narcissist of the fantastic and feeble nature of his grandiosity. This is the much-dreaded Grandiosity Gap.

"To avoid the agonizing realization of his failed, defeat-strewn, biography, the narcissist resorts to reality-substitutes. The dynamics are simple: as the narcissist grows older, his Sources of Supply become scarcer, and his Grandiosity Gap yawns wider. Mortified by the prospect of facing his actuality, the narcissist withdraws ever deeper into a dreamland of concocted accomplishments, feigned omnipotence and omniscience, and brattish entitlement."

chefsummer #Leh said... 159

readerlady said... 151

To the sheep whatever Kate does is great and needs to be praised.

Whatever Jon does is bad and needs to be criticized.

FYI said... 160

If the kids were pictured riding their bicycles without helmuts on, while they were with Jon, you know the fans(especially Goody and Ziggy) would be bashing Jon, accusing him of child endangerment.

But because it's Kate, they'll give her a pass as they always do. Remember, when the picture came out showing Collin(I think) under the BBB? They said that people were overreacting because Kate had given him permission to go under there to retrieve a water bottle.

If one of the kids actually fell off their bike and injured their head while riding in their driveway, the fans would find some way to blame Jon.

chefsummer #Leh said... 161

Kate is a twit said... 161

Remember one of the boys climbed under the BBB to get something and KK's fans defended her.

If it was Jon who let on of the boys do the same he would've been ripped apart.

JoyinVirginia said... 162

OT: since we are virtually paddling today, we can go long distances. We will put in the kayaks, or canoes for those who prefer that, and we are going toward Manteo. There is a boat landing just under the bridge to the causeway, turn to the left. Let's get everything ready and go south. Paddle paddle!
The Albemarle Sound is north of the bridge, we are now in the Pamlico Sound. Pea Island is to our left, the mainland of Beaufort County is to our right. We can see the tri villages now, Rodanthe, Waves, and Salvo. There is the REAL Watersports store with their dock and landing, and see all the colorful kites? There are a bunch of people on kiteboards, most of them from Canada, that's why this area us called the Canadian Hole.

Mrs. Malaprop said... 163

If Jon goes on DWTS, maybe he'll dance to Kelly Clarkson's Stronger - "You know the bed feels warmer sleeping here alone/ You know I dream in color and do the things I want!"

Joy, is the excursion on rain or shine? It's been really rainy here in the Buckeye State. How's the weather down there in the OBX?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 164

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 39s
@Kateplusmy8, IF things are looking up for your ex from hell please #GET_ALL_JONS_MONEY_KATE because it's #TimeForJonToPayChildSupport

Oh oh. Is MsGoody headed toward another freak-out? So glad I've got popcorn in the pantry.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 165

Vanessa said... 152
I've gone to different sites to find info to maybe help me understand 'MY' narcissist. This one by far is the best. It's a lot of "oh God, that's HIM!(and oh God, that's Kate!) Not sure how to make it clickable but here it is.

Have been reading more of that link. The writer is a narcissist. He describes himself this way:

"Narcissism is ridiculous. I am pompous, grandiose, repulsive and contradictory. There is a serious mismatch between who I really am and what I really achieved - and how I feel myself to be. It is not that I THINK that I am far superior to other humans intellectually. Thought implies volition - and willpower is not involved here. My superiority is ingrained in me, it is a part of my every mental cell, an all-pervasive sensation, an instinct and a drive. I feel that I am entitled to special treatment and outstanding consideration because I am such a unique specimen. I know this to be true - the same way you know that you are surrounded by air. It is an integral part of my identity. More integral to me than my body.

"This opens a gap - rather, an abyss - between me and other humans. Because I consider myself so special, I have no way of knowing how it is to be THEM.

"In other words, I cannot empathize. Can you empathize with an ant? Empathy implies identity or equality, both abhorrent to me. And being so inferior, people are reduced to cartoonish, two-dimensional representations of functions. They become instrumental or useful or functional or entertaining - rather than loving or interacting emotionally. It leads to ruthlessness and exploitativeness. I am not a bad person - actually, I am a good person. I have helped people - many people - all my life. So, I am not evil. What I am is indifferent. I couldn't care less. I help people because it is a way to secure attention, gratitude, adulation and admiration. And because it is the fastest and surest way to get rid of them and their incessant nagging."

SeeSaw said... 166

If one of the kids got hurt the sheep would probably say Kate couldn't afford helmets because Jon doesn't pay support.

NJGal51 said... 167

It's fun to speculate what Jon would dance to if he were to be on DWTS and I would watch and vote for him. My picks are "I Will Survive" (Gloria Gaynor) and "Anything You Can Do" (Annie Get Your Gun). OK, I can't think of a single dance that could be done to "Anything..." But it seems appropriate.

I'm on my way down Joy. My waterproof pouch for the iPad arrived and I've got one of those Verizon things to keep us connected to the Internet. Let the good times roll (hey, there's another song for Jon).

JoyinVirginia said... 168

OT: paddle paddle! Not sure if last post was eaten by blogger.
We put in under the bridge to Manteo and are heading south into the Pamlico Sound. The mainland is on our right and Pea Island is on our left. We are passing the tri-villages area of Rodanthe, Waves, and Salvo. REAL Watersports is on the left, and there are many colorful kite boarders out today. Check out some videos at

NJGal51 said... 169

Goody is on a tear today!

@msgoody2shoes21: @summerdowling87 @Kateplusmy8 #PayChildSupportJon #TimeForJonToPayChildSupport #GET_ALL_JONS_MONEY_KATE & then #NailJonsCoffin

JoyinVirginia said... 170

OT: we are paddling south down the western border of the Pamlico Sound. We are turning right and hugging the coast as we go toward the mouth of the Pamlico River. On our right if the Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge. There are lots of marshy areas around her, and more of the fresh water that alligators and waterfowl like. Keep a sharp lookout for eagles flying and osprey diving down for fish. See all the ducks! Check out the virtual tour at

JoyinVirginia said... 171

OT: paddle paddle! Keep heading West up the Pamlico Sound which is gonna become the river. Up on the right, its historic Bath North Carolina! Former capital of the original colony, North Carolina s first town officially founded in 1705. It was an important port. And home to Blackbeard the pirate! You can take a virtual tour at

Layla said... 172

How about when one of the girl tups was pictured at Easter last year, zooming down the driveway on a scooter with no helmet on and a lollipop in her mouth? Jon would have ben hounded forever for that if he had been the one at home.

Layla said... 173

Sadly, if Jon gets to go on DWTS, all the money he makes will probably have to go to lawyers for this lawsuit Kate is supposedly filing. We know he would rather it be used for the kids, but Kate is so vengeful, she won't let that happen. How much is going to have to be taken away from the kids just so Kate can have her little tantrum in court?

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said... 174

If the kids were pictured riding their bicycles without helmuts on, while they were with Jon, you know the fans(especially Goody and Ziggy) would be bashing Jon, accusing him of child endangerment.


This is what is really scary about them. There's not objectivity there. They don't have the ability to reason; to see things as they really are; to recognize the hypocrisy in what they are putting forth. This is cult mentality. Whatever Kate does is perfect because it's Kate. There's no reasoning with them because they are so set in their ways that it's impossible for them to understand this. It is a cult...a Kate cult, and they follow their leader, too blind to open their minds to any logical thinking. Of course, stubbornness among the sheeple plays a role, too. They are at war with the haters and they are not backing down. Not ever.

Kate needs to step up to the plate and put an end to this now, not later. I can't figure out why she allows this to continue other than that she needs that love thrown her way because it feeds her narcissism. I would think, though, that if she has any common sense at all she would see that her . Both sides are guilty of using her Twitter as a battleground. Twitter is nothing but an embarrassment to her and it needs to go

chefsummer #Leh said... 175

SeeSaw said... 167

If one of the kids got hurt the sheep would probably say Kate couldn't afford helmets because Jon doesn't pay support

Or Kate has count them 8 kids she can't possible watch all 8 of them at once.

And then the sheep will blame Jon and the haters.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 176

I am actually rather amused by that Goody person, which surprises me. Her rants are so angry that they are ridiculous. Ex from Hell? Even Kate is not as angry 4 years later. Oh sure, she throws him under the bus, and probably trash talks about him to the children, and that is not cool, but Goody is just one crazy nut. This cannot have anything to do with Jon Gosselin, but whoo boy, whatever happened in her own life, get yourself under control. And she's raising boys? Scary.

FYI said... 177

NJGal51 said... 168
It's fun to speculate what Jon would dance to if he were to be on DWTS and I would watch and vote for him. My picks are "I Will Survive" (Gloria Gaynor) and "Anything You Can Do" (Annie Get Your Gun). OK, I can't think of a single dance that could be done to "Anything..." But it seems appropriate.

Please, not "I Will Survive". Anytime I hear that song I remember Kate's appearance on the finale of her season, when she was lifted up in the air on a crane. That was the song that was playing during that routine.

NJGal51 said... 178

You're right Twit! I forgot about that.

Silimom said... 179

I apologize if this is offensive to anyone and Admin, as always, please remove this if you wish.

Anyone who knows my family knows that my daughter has a deep and abiding love of wolves. She has HFA and it is one of the subjects that she perseverates on but more than that it has become a big part of her identity. She is the "wolf girl" to her friends and neighbors and she has shared a lot of awareness in her community because of her love for them. Because of her interest, our family has also developed a love of these magnificent animals.

In June, the US Fish and Wildlife Service announced plans to delist the Gray Wolf from the Endangered Species list. This would have a significant and detrimental impact on conservation efforts to re-establish the wolves in their historic habitat. It would also have long range environmental consequences.

In states where wolf management has reverted to state control, wolf hunting has had significant impact on their populations. 0ver 1600 wolves have been killed by hunters, ranchers and farmers in just the past few years. While there is not argument that the needs of these interest groups need to be addressed, removing federal protection of the gray wolf is not the answer.

I would ask that if you are willing that you would let the White House know that you'd like to keep the Gray Wolf protected by signing the following petition:

Blowing In The Wind said... 180

This cannot have anything to do with Jon Gosselin, but whoo boy, whatever happened in her own life, get yourself under control. And she's raising boys? Scary.


I thought the boys are adults and gone from the house. Perhaps I'm wrong.

She definitely has some very severe issues going on, and I guess no place to vent except for Twitter. I'm glad she doesn't live anywhere near Jon. I'd fear for his safety. Since some of those "haters" on Twitter were outed, it is a concern that one of these sheeple could do more than just spew obscenities at them on Twitter. They know their names and where they live.

JoyinVirginia said... 181

OT: paddle paddle! Time for some more history about Bath NC. Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard, decided to retire in 1718 and made his way to Bath where the governor gave him a royal pardon. He was the toast of the town for some months, then went back to piracy. The governor of Virginia sent forces to capture the pirates, and they had a battle off Ocracoke in November of 1718. Blackbeard was killed in the fight and the surviving pirates were taken to Williamsburg where they were tried and hung.

Blowing In The Wind said... 182

Former capital of the original colony, North Carolina s first town officially founded in 1705. It was an important port. And home to Blackbeard the pirate! You can take a virtual tour at


I didn't think he had a home! He was all over the West Indies. I know he set up a blockade in Charleston and ransacked ships that tried to get past his fleet. I've been to Blackbeard's castle in Charlotte Amalie (St. Thomas), and his history is fascinating. He really got around!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 183

NJGal51 said... 170

Goody is on a tear today!

@msgoody2shoes21: @summerdowling87 @Kateplusmy8 #PayChildSupportJon #TimeForJonToPayChildSupport #GET_ALL_JONS_MONEY_KATE & then #NailJonsCoffin


What lovely people Kate attracts...

I think that Kate should invite her over for some homemade, organic pizza.

TLC stinks said... 184

This Goody person must have gone through a very nasty divorce. The language is vile.

I would be disappointed in Jon if he did DWTS, but I can understand that he needs the money to battle Kate's attorneys. Perhaps she would like nothing better than to bankrupt him, thus the silly lawsuit. She just can't forgive him for not filming. She did not make it on her own, so she blames Jon. She should get some therapy to move on with her life and accept that she has no talent.

DWINDLE said... 185

Jon could completely ignore his exwife on DWTS, as most contestants do. Perhaps a nice rendition of You Are The First, My Last, My Everything (Barry White, dedicated to his children would be a fun dance?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 186

JoyinVirginia said... 163

OT: since we are virtually paddling today, we can go long distances. We will put in the kayaks, or canoes for those who prefer that, and we are going toward Manteo. There is a boat landing just under the bridge to the causeway, turn to the left. Let's get everything ready and go south. Paddle paddle!
The Albemarle Sound is north of the bridge, we are now in the Pamlico Sound. Pea Island is to our left, the mainland of Beaufort County is to our right. We can see the tri villages now, Rodanthe, Waves, and Salvo. There is the REAL Watersports store with their dock and landing, and see all the colorful kites? There are a bunch of people on kiteboards, most of them from Canada, that's why this area us called the Canadian Hole.


Joy, is there any room for me on your virtual paddling trip?

JoyinVirginia said... 187

OT: more history and trivia from Bath NC. Edna Ferber is sill read in English classes, but most petiole are not familiar with her novels. Everyone probably has heard at some point the song ”Ol' Man River” from the musical Show Boat.
Edna Ferber happened to come to Bath NC to join a floating theater that traveled the southeast coast for research for a novel. The story is fascinating, and you can read about it at

Millicent said... 188

If Jon were to go on DWTS, I have a feeling he would win over some audience members that have never heard of him before. He is generally quite a likeable guy, and makes good effort to be pleasant and likeable. The total opposite of his ex. As to Kate's alleged lawsuit - all I've seen is a lot of talk, but very little action. She either needs to get it filed or shut up about it. I'm 90% sure that lawsuit will never be filed, because no reputable attorney will take the case. If it does get filed, it would be great if Jon could file a summary judgment motion, get the case against him dismissed, then file for costs of suit. (That happened in a recent case locally, so not only did the plaintiff get zero dollars from the defendant, the plaintiff has been ordered to pay nearly $5,000 in costs. I see that as a possibility should Kate actually file a nonsensical suit against Jon.)

OrangeCrusher1 said... 189

Don't think Ms.Goody is going to leave the safety of Twitter and actually seek out Jon Gosselin to physically spew her venom. I would bet money she's a closet crazy and the interweb has given her the anonymous freedom to be as negative and nasty as she pleases. But I wish she would take her bile elsewhere. Or get help. Doubt this personality surfaces at church.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 190

chefsummer said... 160
readerlady said... 151

To the sheep whatever Kate does is great and needs to be praised.

Whatever Jon does is bad and needs to be criticized.


They praise & encourage her like she is a handicapped person.

There is a fine line between being encouraging, and just being a boot-licker.

Tucker's Mom said... 191

TLC stinks said... 182
I'm ambivalent about Jon on DWTS too, to tell the truth.
I think the Reality TV provides an addictive teat that keeps the participants returning to again and again. Once of the teat, the RTV personality (no, not celebrity) can't survive on his or her own and has to go back, as if afflicted with a bone rattling addiction-- learned helplessness if you will.
If Jon goes back on TV, the cycle starts again, Kate too will be more visible in media due to her history with Jon and worse, the kids will be back in a bubble.
And then what? Another taste of fame, money and attention and another failed attempt to make it in the real world.
This makes me think of a movie I watched again today, Moneyball. The players are little more than ball-weilding dollar signs for owners who don't give a crap, really. And at some point, the "show" ends in both the literal form for Reality TV personalities, and metaphorically for professional ball players.
Whether you get told to take your ball and go home at 17, or at 40, you WILL be told it's over. It's not if, but when.
Then what? Then you had better saved, saved, saved and lived within your means, all the while making plans for when the party is over, because if your lucky, you will outlive this lucrative, but very short fairy tale of a ride.

seven said... 192

Layla said... 174
Sadly, if Jon gets to go on DWTS, all the money he makes will probably have to go to lawyers for this lawsuit Kate is supposedly filing. We know he would rather it be used for the kids, but Kate is so vengeful, she won't let that happen. How much is going to have to be taken away from the kids just so Kate can have her little tantrum in court?


I have no idea how soon DWTS starts vetting upcoming casts... and we don't even know if Jon IS actually going on this season. However... what curious timing that Kate claims she's going to file a civil suit (civil, sheeple.. no law enforcement involved) against Jon, over one year after she became aware of Gosselinbook. Why not file back then? Interesting that she gets her ducks in a row in case he might come into some money.

JoyinVirginia said... 193

Hi Pink! Of course you and anyone else can just hop in a virtual kayak and join this virtual expedition en route! We are headed up the Pamlico sound to Washington NC, we will tie up at the dock and hop out to get a nice late lunch at The Meeting Place Cafe, right on the water. You can find out all about Washington NC at

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said... 194

It's fun to speculate what Jon would dance to if he were to be on DWTS and I would watch and vote for him. My picks are "I Will Survive" (Gloria Gaynor) and "Anything You Can Do" (Annie Get Your Gun). OK, I can't think of a single dance that could be done to "Anything..." But it seems appropriate.


The AGYG song would be really funny. I'd vote for "My Way," "Why Do Fools Fall In Love," and just for giggles, "Dog Days Are Over."

And one in honor of Kate, Bob Dylan's "Like A Rolling Stone" --

"Once upon a time you dressed so fine
You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn’t you?
People’d call, say, “Beware doll, you’re bound to fall”
You thought they were all kiddin’ you
You used to laugh about
Everybody that was hangin’ out
Now you don’t talk so loud
Now you don’t seem so proud
About having to be scrounging for your next meal

...Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people
They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made
Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts and things
But you'd better lift your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe..."

Dmasy said... 195

Tucker's Mom, 192...I couldn't put my thoughts about Jon on DWTS into words. Thanks. You did it for me!

I would watch him and I would hope that he did very well.

But, what you said makes total sense.

Over In Kate's County said... 196

Hi Pink! Of course you and anyone else can just hop in a virtual kayak and join this virtual expedition en route! We are headed up the Pamlico sound to Washington NC, we will tie up at the dock and hop out to get a nice late lunch at The Meeting Place Cafe, right on the water.


Of course we will go to Ford's Theater and the Petersen House across the street...for all of the Civil War/Lincoln buffs, right?

Over In Kate's County said... 197

Don't think Ms.Goody is going to leave the safety of Twitter and actually seek out Jon Gosselin to physically spew her venom. I would bet money she's a closet crazy and the interweb has given her the anonymous freedom to be as negative and nasty as she pleases.


Yes, but historically, it's the ones you don't think will ever do anything like that who actually surprise everyone and take it upon themselves to right any wrongs that they think were done to their idol celebrity. Those are the ones that bear watching.

Wowser said... 198

Let's see....all Kate ever wants to do is destroy Jon,...his reputation, his relationships with his kds, take all his money, throw him under the bus in every media outlet...literally-if she could-wipe him off the planet SO IF he goes on DWTS, I think he should dance to "WIPEOUT"

fidosmommy said... 199

Hey Joy and Cruisers! I can't paddle, so I decided to swim the tour. Unfortunately, I got hung up in the Gator River. Those are some BIG gators you got there! Anyway, since I didn't have a paddle, I took off my Speedo, intending to tie up the mouth of the biggest one. Well, they all bolted out of there with their eyes covered, making really strange noises. I am now on my way to the sights you have listed and should be in DC right behind you. Will someone have towel for me? Speedos are very hard to get back on once they're wet. Thanks!

Layla said... 200

Joy in Virginia,
So happy for the lunch stop--I was starving! Do we get to do a little sightseeing while we're on dry land? Of course, I'm a sucker for souvenirs, too. Gotta bring something home to remind me of every trip.

If Jon goes on DWTS, he has to dance to Taylor Swift's "Mean". First, because Kate raved about that sone, and said she sings it in the car. And, the lyrics are a perfect fit--"Someday I'll be living in a big old city, and all you're ever gonna be is mean". Oh, yeah, that's it.

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