Saturday, July 20, 2013

PBS spoofs reality T.V.

A local New York PBS station has been launching a campaign against crappy reality T.V. And the T.V. spots they've produced and released this month are smart and funny.

PBS produced the first ever reality T.V. show, An American Family, and has been home to some of the finest reality T.V. since, from The Farmer's Wife to Frontline's Poor Kids. PBS has proven there is such a thing as quality reality T.V. No surprise watching other networks put out pure sludge these days must be frustrating to the network!

Here are some of PBS's hilarious spoofs. They're so spot on, you can barely tell they're parodies.

Meet the Tanners, about a family who loves the sun. "If you sass me you go to the shade!"

Long Island Landscapers. "Flamingos: elegant bird."

Clam Kings: "These two aren't shucking around!"

283 sediments (sic) from readers:

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A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 1

LOVE IT!!!!! T.V. gone wrong, INDEED.


Formerly Duped said... 2

TV is getting ridiculous. It's sometimes hard to find anything worthwhile watching without going to On Demand, Netflix etc. Or maybe that's why I read so many books?

Susantoyota said... 3

As my brother says--FIRST!! This website has been good for a few laughs during my mother's latest hospitalization. The doctors have now told us just to keep her comfortable.

Anyway, I've gotten a chuckle out of a lot of the comments from you sharp-witted women. Ms. Kreider continues to circle the drain (I think her legs and lower torso are actually in the drain while she holds onto the lip with those manicured fingers, grifting all the while.

Keep it up, ladies!

pym said... 4

Susantoyota I wish I were one of the quick and hilarious posters that help keep your spirits up. I am sending a virtual hand squeeze, though.

I like your visual of Kate circling the drain. I see her in an Audi inspired Tidybowl boat whipping around the drain as she gets closer and closer. Maybe getting smaller, too, like the incredible shrinking woman until she is no longer visible to the eye.

Dmasy said... 5

Susantoyota, sorry about your mother. Try to stay strong during a difficult time.

Kravitz Syndrome said... 6

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 7m

@mscatie @Kateplusmy8 I answered 4Kate because she was going 2bed. I know HOW strongly she feels abt fake IDs/twitter accts, of her kids! :)

Well, Milo is going strong again today. Last night she answered a question for Kate and was called out on it. She's defending herself. Milo, give it up. Someone wanted to know if Kate's kids had a Twitter account and she just couldn't help herself. What was so earth-shattering about that question that it couldn't wait until Kate signed on to answer it? In my opinion, this one is worse than Gladys ever was, even on her worst days snooping on Samantha!

Sheri said... 7

From previous thread...

Admin said...(31)

"There is no shame in buying a car like everyone else."


Well, there kind of is if you don't really need one and you're using the money made from exploiting your children and you won't even spring for a summer holiday to the beach or take them to the movies.

I suspect Kate is not as clueless as we think and that perhaps she lies because she knows just blurting out that she upgraded a luxury vehicle would make her look bad.

JMO, of course.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Kravitz Syndrome said... 8

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m

When U care 4someone it's not all abt being w/them. It's abt being there 4them. ~ IamWiseQuote @Kateplusmy8

And on she goes. It's about being there for them when they want you to be there for them. It's not about inserting yourself into their lives and peering through virtual windows!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 9

Oh My Word!! What clever parodies. PBS NY I love you. This has made my day.

When I made the decision to stop paying for TV altogether, losing PBS was my only regret because I love Doc Martin and Downton Abby but I can watch those on the PBS website. Anyway I'm so glad to see them making fun of all the reality garbage and that's what it is--mind numbing garbage. It's discouraging sometimes for me to know there are millions of people out there who live for all the reality shows. I guess if it's on the boob-tube they'll watch, whatever it might be.

Thanks Admin, for finding this and sharing it. LOL

JoyinVirginia said... 10

Admin, THANK YOU! For hilarious new post. These are so funny!
Susantoyota, so sorry about your mother.
Lukebandit, hope you drop by and hope you are doing well.
In the new Tim Dorsey novel, The Riptide Ultra Glide, his anti-hero Serge Storms is running around south Florida with his pal Coleman filming his own realty show he plans to shop around. Its funny, he wants to include a staged fight on the interstate and ” Floridas natural thrill ride, the Riptide”. Typical Serge, things only get more weird and funny from there.
Also read the new Sookie Stackhouse novel from Charlaine Harris, very enjoyable like all her books.

Silimom said... 11

She made Radaronline's "31 Celebrity Secrets" article. Her help basically said she would yell if she ran out of a certain beauty product and was so obsessed with her appearance the help was raising the kids.

No big surprises.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 12

MsGoody is doing a little philosophizing this am:

@Kateplusmy8 RT @LovLikeJesus: It's time to rise above those negative cicumstances and believe what God says about you. You are blessed, favored, loved…

The funny thing is she tweeted this right before the above:

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 24m
#TeamBullyville will reveal who faked that malicious DM tweet regarding @Kateplusmy8. We'll all know soon enough. @bullyville

Way to rise above the negativity MsGoody. She's nutz.

Blowing In The Wind said... 13

@mscatie @Kateplusmy8 By Kate RT that answer ALL her followers were able2see the response. I meant no disrepect 2Kate. She will correct me!


Yes, indeed. She's feeling just a bit defensive today. Hey, Milo. Kate shouldn't have to correct you. You should know better than to butt into a tweet that was directed to Kate. It's called manners -- you know, what you were complaining about the other day when drivers didn't thank you for waving them all? MANNERS! Stay out of Kate's business and you won't have to be corrected.

Or, maybe enjoys being "corrected" by Kate?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 14

Bullyville ‏@BullyVille 16m
The real strong have no need to prove it to the phonies. ~Charles Manson

Are things getting weird or is it just me?

localyocul said... 15

@MiloandJack 14h
@PatriciaChow1 I'm already feeling #EmptyNestEmotions....18yr old already talking abt getting his own apartment. He grew up 2fast! :(

Hmmm no college? Guess he's tired of dropping and doing 20?

localyocul said... 16

Milo also tweeted about one of her kids coming home late and they laid down the law..said their house their rules. ~ Administrator said... 17

Lovely, Kate teams up with somebody finding inspiration from a mass murderer. ~ Administrator said... 18

Milo's kid probably couldn't wait to get out of there. Poor guy. Most kids these days at least stay at their parents' house until college starts in August. Sounds like he's OUTTA THERE.

JoyinVirginia said... 19

We can all come up with titles of the reality TV show WE would like to see or to star in. here's my idea for today: Alligator Snappers! Your faithful tour guide travels around leading a group taking pictures of alligators and titles and reptiles of all sorts in their natural habitat and zoos. There is a turtle species called the Alligator Snapping Turtle, they are amazing prehistoric creatures. We can start in Myrtle Beach, south Carolina at Alligator Adventure. Then drive south a bit on 17 to Huntington Beach State Park, we can see some there in the swamp. Further south in Hilton Head, each golf course and pond has its own alligator. The Methodist church on Pope Ave has a sign by the pond out front, ” please don't feed the alligator”.
All the folks snapping photos must wear crocs.
What would be you're personal reality show fantasy?

localyocul said... 20

One of these days in the not-too distant future Kate will (or maybe will not) discover at least one of her kids has a secret twitter account that only the kid and their friends know about. It's not like Facebook where you can search their names. All the kid needs is a gmail, a twitter name that doesn't ID them, and voila. If she thinks she can keep track of whether they are doing Twitter and Vine and Tumbler and Instagram and any other new thing that comes out she's deluding herself.

localyocul said... 21

Why is Bully quoting Charles Manson as if he is a role model? That's just scary! Didn't Kate used to follow BV? I just looked to see if she does because he tweets so much meanness and vulgarity and she doesn't follow him now. ~ Administrator said... 22

She also didn't say a peep about his latest harassment.

If she is seeking to disassociate from BV, then good for her. But she needs to make a clear statement saying she does not support this anymore and she is asking her fans not to associate with such viciousness. Trying to slip quietly away from the drama and pretend it never happened is cowardly after condoning this whole thing for MONTHS.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 23

localyocul said... 21
Why is Bully quoting Charles Manson as if he is a role model? That's just scary! Didn't Kate used to follow BV? I just looked to see if she does because he tweets so much meanness and vulgarity and she doesn't follow him now.

Yeah, she does. His name is right below Milo's.
So she sees his tweets.

Kate definitely needs a handler. Someone needs to tell her she should at least stop following him. But then, she wouldn't listen.

localyocul said... 24

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 11m
@MiloandJack thanks2my loving followers /friends 4answering for me re fake twitter etc accts. When u c ?'s abt it, answer away! #gratitude

Read here much Kate?

localyocul said... 25

Ah! I didn't scroll down before I hit Ctrl F and bully. It's disgusting that she sees his disgusting tweets and thinks it's A OK

Melissa NV said... 26

Yeah, she does. His name is right below Milo's.
So she sees his tweets.

Kate definitely needs a handler. Someone needs to tell her she should at least stop following him. But then, she wouldn't listen.


I was reading some of the recent tweets. I'm not sure how far you can go with veiled threats until they become actual threats, but it seems to me that there are some on there that would constitute a threat. I wouldn't fool with it; I'd take those things to authorities and let them handle it. There's some scary stuff on there and Kate shouldn't be aligned with that in any way shape or form.

Melissa NV said... 27

Milo also tweeted about one of her kids coming home late and they laid down the law..said their house their rules.


I think that maybe Milo has a good heart and she may be a kind person. The problem is that it's really tough to get through her annoying ways and obnoxiousness to see it.

Melissa NV said... 28

The real strong have no need to prove it to the phonies. ~Charles Manson

Are things getting weird or is it just me?


It's weird. So are those around him Tex Watson, Patricia Krenwinkel, Leslie Van Houten and Squeaky Fromme? Quotes from them, too? ~ Administrator said... 29

I think that maybe Milo has a good heart and she may be a kind person. The problem is that it's really tough to get through her annoying ways and obnoxiousness to see it.


I think so too. I think she cares far more about many others than they do for her. She SORT OF has a giver personality. I dislike her victim pity party though when people get justifiably annoyed with her and I dislike her points system mentality. She does not give and give like a giver personality does. She gives expecting something IN RETURN. That is really not a straight "giver."

Melissa NV said... 30

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 13m
Hey people! Any account for @Kateplusmy8's kids on any social media are fake! Please report them and spread the word

Hey, Lauren. You're a little late to the party. Milo put out the word on that last night.

Oh, wait...Kate just thanked her loving followers and friends, thus giving Milo carte blanche to tweet on all things regarding Kate:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 34m
@MiloandJack thanks2my loving followers /friends 4answering for me re fake twitter etc accts. When u c ?'s abt it, answer away!

So Lauren chimes in to spread the word. Such kisser-uppers!

Um, Kate...remember when Milo said there was a restraining order on Jon? Was that okay to answer in your behalf?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 31

And if anyone doubts how Kate feels about BV here it is:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 12 Jul
Omg I NEVER watch tv during the day, but took a work break, stopped at @DrPhil and there's my friend @BullyVille ��
What a co-inky-dink!:)

Sherry Baby said... 32

@MiloandJack 14h
@PatriciaChow1 I'm already feeling #EmptyNestEmotions....18yr old already talking abt getting his own apartment. He grew up 2fast! :(

Time to put away those toy trucks in the yard, Milo!

localyocul said... 33

I used to think Milo was sweet. Then she latched onto BV and became friends with Goody.

Silimom said... 34

Was looking over the hummus recipe on her website and I think she needs to adjust her recipes for smaller portion sizes. 3 cans (16 oz each) of chickpeas is a LOT of food. One of my favorite recipe ( only uses one can.

However, in honor of her upcoming book release, I'm going to make the recipe and put it through the taste test with my family. I know someone else already made it but I think you mentioned you had modified it a little? I could be remembering wrong.

Anyway, wish me luck.

Sherry Baby said... 35

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 12 Jul
Omg I NEVER watch tv during the day, but took a work break, stopped at @DrPhil and there's my friend @BullyVille ��
What a co-inky-dink!:)

Scary stuff. Really scary. Her friend. Wow. I missed that tweet. What is wrong with her?

"I think so too. I think she cares far more about many others than they do for her. She SORT OF has a giver personality. I dislike her victim pity party though when people get justifiably annoyed with her and I dislike her points system mentality. She does not give and give like a giver personality does. She gives expecting something IN RETURN. That is really not a straight "giver."

True, and that's what is worrisome. If Kate would ever ignore Milo, or heaven forbid, abandon her, what would she do? She's "given" so much to this relationship, has supported her through Kate's ups and downs, and Kate up and leaves her hanging. Then what?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 36

Silimom said... 34
Was looking over the hummus recipe on her website and I think she needs to adjust her recipes for smaller portion sizes. 3 cans (16 oz each) of chickpeas is a LOT of food. One of my favorite recipe ( only uses one can.

However, in honor of her upcoming book release, I'm going to make the recipe and put it through the taste test with my family. I know someone else already made it but I think you mentioned you had modified it a little? I could be remembering wrong.

If it's inedible, perhaps you can use it as a degreaser with those 18 tlbs lemon juice or a facial mask with the chick peas? Hmmmm

Sherry Baby said... 37

I used to think Milo was sweet. Then she latched onto BV and became friends with Goody.

That speaks volumes, doesn't it

Over And Out said... 38

I still don't quite get this tweeting thing. Last night Milo answered for Kate. The "haters" jumped on her for butting in and answering for Kate. Kate comes on and says that it's okay for her loving friends to do this.
If Kate has the "haters" blocked, then how did she know that they were giving Milo the dirt about it?

localyocul said... 39

Sherry Baby said... 37
I used to think Milo was sweet. Then she latched onto BV and became friends with Goody.

That speaks volumes, doesn't i


I think so. How does positivity mesh with Goody and BV's negative hateful rants? It doesn't. Oh look, spellcheck is telling me "positivity" isn't a word.

Audible Click said... 40

Does Kate even know or care that Charles Manson and his groupies committed mass murder? Does she care that Sharon Tate who was ready to give birth to her first child, begged, Charles Manson to abduct her and allow her to give birth before he murdered her? She begged for her child's life and he responded by allowing one of his groupies to stab her 16 times and write "PIG" on her front door in Sharon Tate's blood. These are the people you admire Kate Gosselin. I pray for those children of yours.

Sideline Sally said... 41

Just an observer said... 9

Has there been a single lawsuit of any kind concerning anything to do with twitter and the Gosselins? Or with blogs and the Gosselins? 

From where I am sitting there's been years of threats that have become more ridiculous, vicious, and constant over the past 4 years. Threats but no action. What was that modern proverb about all talk?
In reading accounts on Twitter, it's obvious that there is a lawsuit in process. I think maybe more than one. When the person you are suing is an anonymous person, you get what is called a "Doe subpoena" (as in John/Jane Doe). 

This is speculation, but it appears that BV and/or KG supporters got a Doe subpoena for info from RWA. That is how he has the IPs and info from the site as well as possibly the blog owner's emails. The next step with a Doe subpoena is that you take the IPs to the ISPs (internet service providers) and subpoena them to get the information of the people who made the defamatory and/or threatening comments. Once you have a name, or in this case names, you move forward with the lawsuit against the individual(s). It can be a lengthy process.

What I don't understand is him posting all of this stuff on his website. I would think that it's all considered evidence and why would you put it out there? OTOH, McGibney has a good law firm and his lawyers would tell him to stop if it's a bad idea.

Yes, people are being sued. Free speech only goes so far. Hate speech, libel and threats are not protected under the 1st amendment. ~ Administrator said... 42

Sally, what's the case number and what court was it filed in? What state? Who is the judge and what is the number of the court room it is being heard in? When is the next court date? Who are the attorneys of record?

Kate is a twit said... 43

Admin-thanks for this post. I saw this on and laughed hysterically. Being from LI, I loved the LI Landscapers one.

JoyinVirginia said... 44

A quote from Charles Mansion. Hmmm. I suppose there were no quotes available from Vlad the Impaler or Caligula?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 45

I suppose Kate could say she doesn't know who Charles Manson is, it was before her time but then we all know who Jack the Ripper was and we weren't born yet.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 46

Susantoyota said... 3

As my brother says--FIRST!! This website has been good for a few laughs during my mother's latest hospitalization. The doctors have now told us just to keep her comfortable


Prayers & strength to Susan, mom, and family.

Anonymous said... 47

Audible Click said... 40
Does she care that Sharon Tate who was ready to give birth to her first child, begged, Charles Manson to abduct her and allow her to give birth before he murdered her? She begged for her child's life and he responded by allowing one of his groupies to stab her 16 times and write "PIG" on her front door in Sharon Tate's blood.

Not exactly. Charles Manson was not present at the murders. He convinced his followers to do his dirty work for him. ~ Administrator said... 48

Convincing others to do your dirty work seems to be a common theme.

He was however, convicted of murder.

Sideline Susie said... 49 (Administrator) said... 42
Sally, what's the case number and what court was it filed in? What state? Who is the judge and what is the number of the court room it is being heard in? When is the next court date? Who are the attorneys of record?

Amen. Something just doesn't smell right. Why would BV post evidence on his website? Also, any credible death threats would be handled by law enforcement, not in a civil suit. Does anyone, fan or non-fan really think an attorney would tell Kate to deal with *credible* death threats with a civil suit and not involve law enforcement? No.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 50

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 23

localyocul said... 21

Why is Bully quoting Charles Manson as if he is a role model? That's just scary! Didn't Kate used to follow BV? I just looked to see if she does because he tweets so much meanness and vulgarity and she doesn't follow him now.

Yeah, she does. His name is right below Milo's.
So she sees his tweets.

Kate definitely needs a handler. Someone needs to tell her she should at least stop following him. But then, she wouldn't listen.


Quoting Charles Manson is a MAJOR red light.

It's got to bother Kate's "older" fanatics...

Is the bv guy even old enough to remember what Charles Manson & his followers did?

There is a very good reason why he is still in jail...

WTH! ~ Administrator said... 51

I wasn't around for it either but it's so famous it's unbelievable if you haven't heard of it. Plus he's always in the news when his parole comes up, wouldn't you at one point say hmmm who's that why is everyone talking about him? Google is a beautiful thing.

localyocul said... 52

I read Helter Skelter last year written by Manson prosecutor. It's an excellent read.

localyocul said... 53

I was a toddler during the Manson Family crimes but I do remember when his on sheep Squeaky Fromme tried to shoot President Ford. ~ Administrator said... 54

His truck or allegedly his truck is still in Death Valley. I saw it, it's in this tiny little town that has like 3 residents I think called Bellerat?

Tammie said... 55

If there is no lawsuit or subpoenas where is all of his information coming from? ~ Administrator said... 56

No idea Tammie, but you don't need a lawsuit to obtain info. A good lawyer would instruct you not to plaster all your lawsuit information all over twitter. Did LaFaire do that when she sued Kate, or did she just quietly sue? (i.e. she put up and shut up)

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 57

JoyinVirginia said... 44
A quote from Charles Mansion. Hmmm. I suppose there were no quotes available from Vlad the Impaler or Caligula?

Now Vlad the Impaler is someone BV would like to emulate, I'm sure. He's no doubt reading up on him right now.

Ex Nurse said... 58

As luck would have it, I have my book of Daily Affirmations of Serial Killers right here. ;-D

Perhaps Kate would find these quotes inspirational, as well:

I loved my mother, she's a good girl.
                        Charles Manson 

It is always more difficult to fight against faith than against knowledge.

Words build bridges into unexplored regions

Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong.
                         Adolf Hitler

When you work hard to do something right, you don't want to forget about it 
                            Ted Bundy

We do not mind establishing a truce between us and you.
                            Osama Bin Laden

Kiss my ass. (last words spoken before execution)
                             John Wayne Gacy

There comes a point where a person has to be accountable for what he's done. Can't go around making excuses, blaming other people or other things.
                           Jeffrey Dahmer
We become strong, I feel, when we have no friends upon whom to lean, or to look to for moral guidance.
                            Benito Mussolini

To sum it all up I must say that I regret nothing   
                           Adolf Eichmann

Chicken said... 59

Someone mentioned the United States of Tara.
I'm watching Season 3 right now on Amazon.

Layla said... 60

Kate recently claimed that the screen shots of DMs that were made public (between her and her hacker buddies, asking them to publish information on some non-fans) are fake. Now Goody is claiming that the DMs were proven fake, and some non-fans are calling her out on it. What proof? Let's see it! Of course, there's no proof. Kate and the fans make it up as they go along, an then claim that everything they say is fact/proven. Just because Kate or another fan says something, does not mean it's proven. They've been called out on some of this behavior lately, but just can't seem to stop. And they call non-fans liars!

Problem is, are any of these claims helping Kate? She has been fired over and over again for her lack of authenticity (fake) or for being strongly disliked. Neither she nor her fans are trying to improve her image. In fact, they are making it worse. Now she has no show, no blog, no visible employment. Unemployed with 8 kids? She markets herself based on the controversy surrounding her, and lacks the insight to see that controversy isn't working for her any longer. TV viewers get enough of that from the Real Housewives. We don't need it from Kate. At least the RH have each other to bicker with. With Kate, the only one for her to b**ch at is the kids, and who wants to see that?

So go ahead, Kate, stir up the negativity and wait for it to pay off. It never will. Kate's not hurting the non-fans. Our lives keep chugging along. She's the one with no job prospects. People in the entertainment industry know that you have to reinvent themselves when their current persona isn't working. Kate either lacks the awareness to know this, or lacks the ability and intelligence to actually do it. She clings to the formula that worked for her 8 years ago. But times have changed. People got sick of that version of Kate. And she has no new version to offer. Game over. Career over.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 61

Brenda Schuettler ‏@sweetbren66 1h
@Kateplusmy8 I think my buddy Kate forgot about me :( I have not heard from her in a bit. Here's hoping 👌😜😉👍#K8 miss you ! Hope all is well

Aw, she misses Kate. It appears that Brenda, the Charity Lady, is very much like Milo in that if you give something (Uggs) then you expect to get something in return. In this case, she doesn't want to be ignored. I guess she's still waiting for that pool invitation.

Manson. Geez. Great person for an 'inspirational' quote. Manson was not present for the murders. He ordered them. Ever wonder why, out of all the houses in the area, that he chose that particular one for the slaughtering?

Manson was a songwriter ("Never Learn Not To Love"). Some of his girls had met Denny Wilson of the Beach Boys, who was a friend of Terry Melcher (son of Doris Day), who was also in the recording business. The record deal that Manson thought was a possibility for himself never panned out, and it is believed that he sent his "family" members there to get Melcher, not knowing that Melcher no longer lived there. Unfortunately, for Tate, Jay Sebring, Leno and Rosemary La Bianca, and five others, his mistake cost them their lives. He's also suspected in being involved in the murder of eight others. If you believe in the paranormal, there have been investigations done in the area, and Sebring's voice came through as an EVP.

Just a bit of history on good old Charlie, whom BV seems to be fond of quoting.

say a prayer for the lives that were brutally taken away said... 62

localyocul said... 21

Why is Bully quoting Charles Manson as if he is a role model? That's just scary! Didn't Kate used to follow BV? I just looked to see if she does because he tweets so much meanness and vulgarity and she doesn't follow him now

I watched a documentary about the Manson murders a few years ago. It broke my heart to hear the female followers describing in excruciating detail about how Sharon Tate begged and pleaded for her unborn baby. Charles Manson ordered those murders and demanded that they be extremely grisly. When BV does crap like this- quoting a deranged mass-murderer, he shows what he really is. And it's certainly not someone concerned about people being bullied.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 63

If there is no lawsuit or subpoenas where is all of his information coming from?


Tammie, supposedly there was a subpoena sent to Lisa, owner of RWA and she closed the blog.

I still don''t understand, however, how a subpoena could be issued without a lawsuit being filed.

Sideline Sally said... 64 (Administrator) said... 42
Sally, what's the case number and what court was it filed in? What state? Who is the judge and what is the number of the court room it is being heard in? When is the next court date? Who are the attorneys of record?
Hell if I know. Perhaps right now there's just a criminal complaint being investigated rather than a civil lawsuit. If that's the case there would be no court record as it would still be in the hands of law enforcement.

It's pretty much indisputable that BV has IPs from RWA. If he didn't get them from through a Doe subpoena, then he could only have that info due to RWA blog owner simply handing it over, or hacking. I seriously doubt he would obtain the info from hacking; that's criminal. And if RWA owner just handed it over, you would have to ask why.

And I don't know enough about the law to know if he would be privvy to info obtained about the blog by law enforcement. Something is in the works. I thought it was a bluff at first but now I don't. My best guess at this point is that a criminal complaint was filed and pending the outcome of that, civil suit(s) will follow.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 65

Bullyville ‏@BullyVille 3h
All I wanted was to be what I became to be. ~John Gotti

Too bad Mr. Charles Manson Jon Gotti wanna be Bullyville couldn't help this kid. BV was too busy "doxing" little old ladies who don't like grifting, narcissistic Kate:

Bullied New Mexico teen who counseled others writes anguished Twitter note before attempting suicide
The family of Carlos Vigil, 17, took him off life support early Tuesday.

Formerly Duped said... 66

That is the saddest story about Carlos and his family. How awful he had lived life being bullied from a young age. He tried to do good for others but could not help himself. I am very sad to hear of this. Why can the bully problem not be solved? From what my own kids told me, the other students often mocked anti-bully programs/speakers at HS.Both were bullied in various ways themselves but thankfully are past that part of life.

Kate should not worry about herself being 'bullied' but check to see if any of her own children are having a hard time as well they might be. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Tweet.

not a follower said... 67

Lovely, Kate teams up with somebody finding inspiration from a mass murderer.

Manson didn't kill anyone. This has proven over and over again.

Over And Out said... 68

At least one lawsuit has been filed and dismissed by a judge. It didn't involve BV and was brought by a fan against a non-fan. It played out on Twitter over the past few days.


When did this happen, and where are the tweets that played out on Twitter?

Regarding Manson. I don't know if Kate is very familiar with the Manson murders, and if she is, I seriously doubt that she's a fan of his, and nobody said that she is. The fact, though, is that BV quoted a serial killer and Kate called BV her buddy.That's a fact that she herself tweeted.

It doesn't mean that Kate approves of everything he tweets or that Manson is a role model to be quoted, but it certainly does say something about the person (BV) that she has called a hero. The old adage, "you are known by the company you keep" is often times true.

Tammie said... 69

not a lawyer said... 64

At least one lawsuit has been filed and dismissed by a judge. It didn't involve BV and was brought by a fan against a non-fan. It played out on Twitter over the past few days.

Not a lawyer, I followed the Twitter stuff and know some background from our group. One person was arrested and an order of protection was enforced for computer crimes. Most of us know about that and have for some time. It's not new to all of us. I never heard a single word about a lawsuit being filed between a fan or non-fan either way. I think that's wrong information and I am a little suspicious why you are bringing that up here. That drama should find another home. It's more RWA stuff ending up here.

Admin, what other possible way could BV have all of this information? I am nervous just asking this. People keep talking about lawsuits but no one has seen any filed. ROL would be all over that. I find the idea that Twitter is giving BV anything laughable. Don't you? Twitter gives less than Google. I Googled it! BV can't see IP addresses from tweets.
Is Anonymous really getting involved in this ridiculous D-list celebrity drama? Even that is too hard to believe. But he is getting the info. Are people talking? THAT is what makes me nervous. I do not want my information on Twitter.

Tammie said... 70

I am so offended that BV quoted Charles Manson. The sheeple say NOTHING about it. But Jon wore Ed Hardy and was labelled a druggie and a douche dad for it. They have such a double standard.

Over And Out said... 71

I was thinking about Kate's fans who met her, and was vaguely remembering someone in Australia who flew a long distance to attend an event where Kate was. It seemed that she really didn't get to spend much time with her. I don't remember the story, though. Does she still tweet Kate and has she remained a big fan and supporter?

fidosmommy said... 72

Gladys Kravitz here...

HEY, Admin, u haven't let any posts go thru4 HRS. What's up? U go out sumwhr w/your fam? What yummies did u eat? Bet it was healthy! Where did u go after? U probly rocked ur outfit. Get sum ZZZ after such a long day!

How ridiculous did I just feel typing that? But it's pretty close to what Milo tweets to Kate. It rates a double ugh. I would barely ask these questions of my sister.

Somewhere In Time said... 73

Is it normal for an 18-year-old to spend Saturday night watching Kate videos? I just wish I knew the fascination that Kate holds for teens and young women. Why? I hope she outgrows this and when she gets to college finds that she keeps busy with academics and social life with friends her own age.

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 3m
@Kateplusmy8 just spend my Saturday night watching wifeswap & kateplus8 reruns. Are we surprised?! My mom certainly was not!

JoyinVirginia said... 74

Found a Caligula quote: ”Let them hate me, so long as they fear me.”

Millicent said... 75

Sideline Sally said... 41

... you get what is called a "Doe subpoena"
What are you talking about Sally? A subpoena has to be directed to either a specific individual, or to the custodian of records for a business or other legal entity. You cannot issue a subpoena to a Doe defendant, because a Doe defendant is someone who may later be discovered as a possible party, at which point the plaintiff submits notice to the court substituting the true name of the Doe defendant.

By definition, a Doe defendant is a yet unnamed defendant that might be brought into the case at a later date. How in the world do you serve a Doe subpoena on an entity or person who you haven't even identified as a defendant?

I'm sorry but you don't know what you are talking about.

Secondly, I imagine the owner of RWA got taken in by a phony subpoena and is now too embarrassed to admit it. Otherwise, why not at the least post the information which gives the court name, and the case name and number?

No, a lawsuit has not been filed. But information may have been obtained by illegal methods. I say it every time - but just in case anyone here ever gets served with a subpoena asking you to produce records, your best course of action would be to ask a local attorney to review the subpoena and advise you how to best proceed.

Millicent said... 76

not a lawyer said... 64

At least one lawsuit has been filed and dismissed by a judge. It didn't involve BV and was brought by a fan against a non-fan. It played out on Twitter over the past few days.
July 20, 2013 at 4:45 PM
Link to the lawsuit? What court was it filed in? What was the case name? All this should be public record. Why did the judge dismiss the case? How did it play out over Twitter? Whose twitter accounts were involved.

Millicent said... 77

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 63

If there is no lawsuit or subpoenas where is all of his information coming from?


Tammie, supposedly there was a subpoena sent to Lisa, owner of RWA and she closed the blog.
I still don''t understand, however, how a subpoena could be issued without a lawsuit being filed.
The answer is simple - a subpoena CANNOT BE SERVED IN A CIVIL CASE UNLESS A LAWSUIT HAS BEEN FILED. I'm sorry to yell, but this is driving me absolutely crazy.

Necessary steps:
1. Plaintiff files a lawsuit against a defendant or defendants.
2. Plaintiff has summons and complaint properly served on those named defendants.
3. Defendants then have a specific amount of time in which they must file an answer to the complaint (often 30 days from date personally served).
4. Defendants file and serve their answer to the complaint. They have then "appeared" in the case.
5. "Discovery" commences. Either party may serve discovery requests on the other parties to the action. They may also serve subpoenas for records that are pertinent to the action.
6. Often, non-parties are served with subpoenas. For example, in an injury case, someone claims they were injured and had to receive medical care. The defendant (person being sued for causing the alleged injuries) would have the right to subpoena the medical records for treatment of the alleged injuries.
7. I have no idea what type of case would be brought in this situation - personal injuries for emotional distress? Libel?
(to be continued in next post)

Millicent said... 78

Cal.Code Civ. Proc. Section 2020.410(d) reads:
(d) If, under Section 1985.3 or 1985.6, the one to whom the
deposition subpoena is directed is a witness, and the business
records described in the deposition subpoena are personal records
pertaining to a consumer, the service of the deposition subpoena
shall be accompanied either by a copy of the proof of service of the
notice to the consumer described in subdivision (e) of Section
1985.3, or subdivision (b) of Section 1985.6, as applicable, or by
the consumer's written authorization to release personal records
described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) of Section 1985.3, or
paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) of Section 1985.6, as applicable.

RWA was allegedly served with a subpoena for her blog records. If those records included those of non-party "consumers," seems there would likely be a duty to serve those consumers notice that their records were being sought. Was this done?

The fact that none of the many excellent sleuths both here and other places on the Internet have been able to find any concrete proof of any lawsuit being filed tells me it does not exist. This would be a matter of public record.

The owner of RWA has chosen to go silent. If this was a real case, filed in a real court, I think at the very least she would have shared that information with others and allowed it to be leaked or shared in general. The absolute silence leads me to believe that it was probably a hoax. I hope she didn't provide whatever was being sought in that most-likely phony subpoena.

Layla said... 79

not a lawyer (64)
I suspect that any lawsuit filed between fans and non-fans will be dismissed. Our legal system has enough to do without playing referee between people who do/do not like Kate Gosselin. All this lawsuit talk if just a bunch of bull. There will be no lawsuits. 5 years from now, Kate will still be claiming that she's going forward with a lawsuit against Jon, her 6 loyal fans will still be saying that BV and Kate are taking all the non-fans to court, and the general public will have forgotten that Kate Gosselin ever existed.

Side note--it's been 5 months since Kate has even been on a talk show. Even after K+8 was cancelled. she still managed to show up every 3 months or so. Even her recent (planted) racism scandal didn't get her an appearance. If she gets any talk show appearances for the cookbook, I'll be shocked. I think she's been left behind. ~ Administrator said... 80

HEY, Admin, u haven't let any posts go thru4 HRS. What's up? U go out sumwhr w/your fam? What yummies did u eat? Bet it was healthy! Where did u go after? U probly rocked ur outfit. Get sum ZZZ after such a long day!



Fido that cracked me up.

I couldn't decide which would be more like a Kate response, to either ignore you said that and wait for you to go to bed before jumping back on..... or to give some vague suspect response like had a great time with best friends who fixed the plumbing too and gave the new audi a tuneup xoxoxo!!! ~ Administrator said... 81

Millicent I've been trying to think of another way to explain subpoenas since I share your frustration.

Basically think of it this way. A subpoena is a court document compelling certain things--either your presence, or records usually. Ordinary PEOPLE don't have the power to make you do anything. That is why a subpoena must be tied with a court of law. There must be an open, active court case. The power behind that subpoena is not the person who drew it up, it is the judge and court. Subpoenas are just a piece of paper without a case number and judge to back it up.

Part two: Even though the courts have the power to make you do things, you are ALWAYS entitled to due process. In the case of subpoenas, you will ALWAYS have an opportunity to respond to it. By either complying with it or objecting to it in full or in part. Therefore, it should not be a surprise to ANYONE that records of theirs were successfully subpoenaed as they should have already been served, known the court case and had a full opportunity to object.

In light of that it makes absolutely zero sense that anything should have been turned over without a full hearing in court to object should you wish to object. ~ Administrator said... 82

Sheesh I'm equally offended he quoted John Gotti now too! How many people did he kill? He is NOT to be admired I don't care what he said.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 83

Where did u go after? U probly rocked ur outfit. Get sum ZZZ after such a long day!


LOL!!! So funny but so true! You forgot the "YOU DESERVE IT! Don't forget, I'll always have your back! ((((((HUGS!))))))"

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 84

As the administrator of a blog could that administrator turn over their password thereby providing to whomever they turned their password over to the ability to go through the tracking log of said blog and gather IPs and email addresses? ~ Administrator said... 85

Manson didn't kill anyone. This has proven over and over again.


Since he was convicted of seven separate counts of murder, I think it's proper to say he's a murderer.

Tammie said... 86

Where should we be looking for these lawsuits anyway? What state would they be filed in? IIRC Lisa does not live in the same state as Kate. I do know that the criminal case was in New York State but I have no idea whether it was federal or state or what? Does anyone know any more about these cases?

Millicent said... 87

I apologize for my testiness earlier - there was no call for that and I am sorry. And I have no valid excuse either, which makes it worse! Just cranky I guess.

So I left the computer and went to watch an episode of Monk and I feel much better now :) In the grand scheme of things, this silliness by BV, by rabid fans, by Kate Gosselin herself, are all relatively meaningless. Why do I get worked up sometimes?

I find it really odd that BV tweeted a quote by Charles Manson. Odd and creepy. I remember reading Helter Skelter when I was younger and it affected me deeply. Very disturbing.

Anyone taking odds on how long Honey Boo Boo stays on TLC before its ultimate cancellation? I'm thinking no more than two further seasons. But during those two seasons, I bet June will get any number of procedures and beauty make overs done. They have already done the obligatory professional hair styling/coloring; the tanning; and styling. Have they had her teeth done yet? Wonder if they are planning any discreet liposuction or lap band?

Sideline Sally said... 88

Millicent said... 75
Sideline Sally said... 41

How in the world do you serve a Doe subpoena on an entity or person who you haven't even identified as a defendant?

I'm sorry but you don't know what you are talking about.
Apparently neither does Wikipedia ;)

“A Doe subpoena is a subpoena that seeks the identity of an unknown defendant to a lawsuit. Most jurisdictions permit a plaintiff who does not yet know a defendant's identity to file suit against John Doe and then use the tools of the discovery process to seek the defendant's true name.[1] A Doe subpoena is often served on an online service provider or ISP for the purpose of identifying the author of an anonymous post.”

I suggest reading the whole article:
(sorry no hyperlink, wouldn't accept html)

And for the record, law enforcement can also issue a subpoena in a criminal investigation.

FWIW, I tried posting this hours ago but it wouldn’t send: (Administrator) said... 42
Sally, what's the case number and what court was it filed in? What state? Who is the judge and what is the number of the court room it is being heard in? When is the next court date? Who are the attorneys of record?
Hell if I know. Now that I think of it, perhaps right now there's just a criminal complaint being investigated rather than a civil lawsuit. If that's the case there would be no court record as it would still be in the hands of law enforcement.

It's pretty much indisputable that BV has IPs from RWA. If he didn't get them from through a Doe subpoena, then he could only have that info due to RWA blog owner simply handing it over, or hacking. I seriously doubt he would obtain the info from hacking; that's criminal. And if RWA owner just handed it over, you would have to ask why.

And I don't know enough about the law to know if he would be privvy to info obtained about the blog by law enforcement. Something is in the works. I thought it was a bluff at first but now I don't. My best guess at this point is that a criminal complaint was filed and pending the outcome of that, civil suit(s) will follow.

Starz22 said... 89

Manson was the voice behind the murders. Not the one caught with blood on his hands. He did not murder anyone (nothing has been proven)

Kate bought a new car? Used the kid's money? What a shocker!

I really think giving Kate all this attention still keep's her relevant. I know many say this blog has nothing to do with keeping her in the news....I beg to differ. Kate has what? 6 fan's that follow her every move and hang on her every word? Then we have the haters...Some go out of their way to follow everything Kate. I can not stand the woman and refuse to spend my time on anything other than this blog,seeing what she's been up to.
I have never went to her web-site(s) blog....I don't have a twitter...I don't check out amazon every day to see how her latest book is failing....I don't spend hours looking up her driving record.

I mean no disrespect but I just don't get why anyone would waste their time on her. Like buying her book. Yes I know it has been talked about...would be funny to snark about her lies...her fake ass recipes...But really we know better. We all know Kate is full of shit...and when her lips are moving she's lying. Why give her any more attention? Why not just call her out on her BS by stating that Kate Gosselin is a Child and Animal Abuser? ( come sue me BV)

So 6 people defend's the other 100 that gets her back in the news. The haters giving attention to her cook-book are the ones keeping her in the spotlight.
/shrug...I just don't get it.

Anonymous said... 90

RWA, dang my phone.

To try to understand Manson, You have also got to understand the"White"Album". , then put them together, as Manson did.

He was the "fifth beatle", Gabriel ressurected, then try to make sense of it.

Al said and done, Manson is truly insane, and harmed many, in too many ways.

Ti quote him, and retweet, for me, is to let a bit more darkness into our world.


Virginia Pen Mom said... 91

I seem to recall someone posted here under the name "A Former Friend" (or something like that) not long after RWA shut down. This person said Lisa didn't actually receive a subpoena but was somehow threatened and therefore turned everything about the blog over to BV. Does anyone remember that? ~ Administrator said... 92

He did not murder anyone (nothing has been proven)


Actually, it's been proven he murdered 7 people which is why he's been sitting in jail for so long. You don't have to be the one actually pulling the trigger to be a murderer. Like that movie Saw, that explains the concept quite well. ~ Administrator said... 93

perhaps right now there's just a criminal complaint being investigated rather than a civil lawsuit


I don't know if even that is that realistic. The statute of limitations for most crimes in PA is two years. Robert even said the police were called when this incident went down, so they knew about it which means without a doubt that SOL is running. Remember the DA files criminal charges not Kate or anyone else so it's irrelevant if Kate knew as long as the police knew. Every day that goes by makes criminal charges more and more of a pipe dream.

Another big problem that has been brought up time and time again is standing. What standing does BV to demand any of this info unless HE were the one harmed. He cannot say he was harmed just because he's upset that some D list celeb was "bullied". That's a huge red flag to me this is all a load of crock. ~ Administrator said... 94

Where should we be looking for these lawsuits anyway? What state would they be filed in?


Good question. Anyone's guess. Any lawyer worth their salt would demand a huge retainer upfront to sort out a lawsuit that involves parties in multiple states. There's jurisdictional issues right off the bat, it's complicated but to oversimplify it a state usually doesn't have the authority to take jurisdiction over someone in another state. To get around that initial hurdle you need an attorney well versed in inter-state lawsuits who has a good handle on what state is best to file in and how to get around jurisdictional issues for the out-of-staters. (i.e. big retainer demanded).

Who is paying that? I'll never say never but there are just way too many red flags here to find any of this credible whatsoever.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 95

"So 6 people defend's the other 100 that gets her back in the news. The haters giving attention to her cook-book are the ones keeping her in the spotlight.
/shrug...I just don't get it."

Kate's not in the spotlight. Kate's nowhere near the spotlight. When I read the news or even go to the grocery store and glance at the trashy gossip magazine covers she's never featured. When I go out with friends her name is never mentioned.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 96

This is what Lisa from RWA posted when she closed down the blog:

I also want everyone to be aware that BullyVille was not bluffing after all. I was served with a subpoena today. They are gathering information for the lawsuit that Kate has against Jon and Robert. I have had the subpoena verified, it is a real legal document.

Who is the 'they' that are collecting information for the lawsuit? I don't this the above statement makes any sense whatsoever.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 97

Actually, it's been proven he murdered 7 people which is why he's been sitting in jail for so long. You don't have to be the one actually pulling the trigger to be a murderer. Like that movie Saw, that explains the concept quite well.


Of course not. Look at how many are sitting in jail because they hired a hit man and weren't even near the crime scene. Pam Smart, for one.

"Apparently neither does Wikipedia ;)"


That kind of says a lot, doesn't it! Never use it as a source. I found a friend of mine "researched" in there, and the "facts" were so erroneous, but none of us bothered to correct it.

localyocul said... 98

Tammie said... 70
I am so offended that BV quoted Charles Manson. The sheeple say NOTHING about it. But Jon wore Ed Hardy and was labelled a druggie and a douche dad for it. They have such a double standard.


Milo also tweeted a lovely pic of her house in the woods and the sheep are oohhhing (or eweing) and ahhing about it. Jon however is ripped apart for living in the woods.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 99

Kate's not in the spotlight. Kate's nowhere near the spotlight.


Exactly, which is why the fans are frantically trying to push the book. They can't be so naive (or so much in denial) not to see that it will be no best seller. They see her desperately trying to direct tweeters to her website. If she were in the spotlight, she wouldn't have to rely exclusively on twitter to do this.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 100

Who is paying that? I'll never say never but there are just way too many red flags here to find any of this credible whatsoever.


I don't think that the fans can logically think this thing through. Would anyone believe that BV or his friends would fork over thousands and thousands of dollars to pay an attorney in a very complicated lawsuit such as this -- simply because the "middleman" is a huge Gosselin fan and feels sorry for her having been bullied? What's in it for him, other than getting his name out there? Unless, of course, she is putting money into the fund, but I just can't see that happening. Are there "sub" lawsuits going on, with everyone running around suing everyone?

The internet is a strange place.

localyocul said... 101

Julie Timmons ‏@juliectimmons 2h
@Kateplusmy8 any green beans or other veggies from your farmer friend this summer. I have not saw any pics? Great blog topic;-)


That reminds long has it been since she said she would put weekly blogs on her website? Is that what Ask Kate was? One of her weekly blogs?

Jane said... 102

Catching up on posts.

Susantoyota - prayers, strength and healing to you and your family.

So BV is quoting Charles Manson and John Gotti? I think that speaks volumes about his character, or lack of one. I took a look at his Twitter page and some of his comments are vulgar, filthy. I wouldn't dream of copying them here...or anywhere. It doesn't surprise me that the sheeple and Kate think of him as their knight in shining armor. Like attracts like.

I'm not sure whether the RWA blog owner was served with a subpoena or if BV has some damaging info on her. I'm also not sure it matters since BV has been able to obtain some personal information on non-fans. My understanding, though, is that RWA wasn't the only blog that turned over information. There are at least two fan blogs that allegedly did the same.

Tweet-le De - you make such a good point about Kate being totally off the radar, except on her Twitter feed. No articles, no television appearances, no interest. She sure shot herself in the foot, as my grandmother would say!

Jane said... 103

I was listening to NPR last night and there was a discussion of a 2011 film - "Holy Rollers: The True Story of Card Counting". This isn't a subject that I would normally be attracted to, but the description of how some rather ordinary people figured out how to count cards in casinos throughout the US and then built up a business employing church-going Christians grabbed my attention. It might be one to add to the queue!

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 104

Millicent, I'm with you on the Honey Boo Boo prediction. I watched a clip of June on Wendy Williams and what I found odd was when June was asked how she lost 100 lbs. She said it was just from being busy with the show. I recall Kate also saying the same thing in the beginning when she started losing weight. I wonder why these two women have been told to say the same thing about their weight loss when we know they are on some diet plan. Like Kate, June is only comfortable being herself on camera. Translation: easy money. When she is put on a talk show, she struggles to sound smart and eloquent but her redneckishness is too powerful. If she goes all Hollywood, people will do the same thing they did to Kate, they will start deriding her. On the upside, June is not going to make the same mistake Kate did. She is up front about the kids' money. Guess TLC made her do her homework first. But who knows if that's the truth either........when they sell that house by the tracks and get a mansion, I will start deriding like the rest of them.....

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 105

According to ROL there are three lawsuits in the works involving Kate:

The law firms Randazza Legal Group and Polsinelli Shughart will be handling the three court cases, including Kate’s.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 106

Manson didn't kill anyone. This has proven over and over again.


Right, and because he didn't do the murdering this means that he should have been allowed to go free, his hands clean of any blood? Scary thought -- having Charles out in society right now, free to draw others into his cult and ordering more slayings, or going on a solo rampage. He's been unrepentant for four decades.

Van Houten, who didn't participate in the Tate murders, but was along the second night for the murders, stabbed LaBianca after she was dead. Van Houten still sits in prison, just denied her 20th bid for parole. She didn't murder anyone either. Releasing Manson and his followers is just too much of a chance that the justice system wants to take, even though some of them have admitted that they have "changed."

PA Dutch Mom said... 107

Why is TLC so fascinated with wayward Amish? I see a new show starts tonight, Breaking Amish, LA.

Is this going to be a trend...TLC following Amish all over the country to see how wild and crazy they can get? nnsinnich!

I need a Rumspringa!

Tucker's Mom said... 108

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 103
Millicent, I'm with you on the Honey Boo Boo prediction. I watched a clip of June on Wendy Williams and what I found odd was when June was asked how she lost 100 lbs. She said it was just from being busy with the show. I recall Kate also saying the same thing in the beginning when she started losing weight. I wonder why these two women have been told to say the same thing about their weight loss when we know they are on some diet plan
I watched the WW clip and also June's cooking videos on YouTube and there is no way on God's green earth that she lost weight without surgery. Just no way.
The family subsists on junk food, processed food and fat. Horrible, horrible eating habits and poor HBB is already tipping the scales.

Layla said... 109

Regarding lawsuits, I just don't understand the basis for any. Can she sue just because people don't like her? If there were any obvious death threats, then why hasn't BV tweeted them? He tweets everything else. I just can't see that it's illegal for people to voice dissent. I don't think it's criminal.

Yes, some people went over the top with their opposition to Kate, but what did they do that is criminal? Is there a certain number of tweets allowed by law, and anything over that number is grounds for a lawsuit? We are all her voicing our opposition, but we all make it clear that anything we say is just speculation. RWA clearly stated that it was a parody blog.

I guess I'm confused about what anyone can sue about. If there are no actual death threats, then why all the lawsuit chatter? Is it just Kate being desperate to keep her name out there and look like a victim? If Kate takes someone to court and says, "(S)he was said something mean about me on a blog", and the defendant produces Kate's tweet where she thanks her "haters" for all the buzz, then how can Kate prove damages? It's what she said she wanted--attention (buzz).

**Sigh**to quote Kate, I just don't get it.

Ex Nurse said... 110

Millicent said....
So I left the computer and went to watch an episode of Monk and I feel much better now :)

And here I thought you were an attorney. You just unwittingly proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Monk is your source! ;-D

Anyway, isn't it possible that Lisa cut a deal to protect herself from future liability? Or, even volunteered it in return for immunity and agreed to cooperate? It is pretty clear that BV has the kind of access that only an admin would have, unless he used tracking software. But, that wouldn't explain why Lisa closed the blog, since she was mighty cocky that her parody site was protected.

Starzz22, Kate is relevant? Now that is news!

NJGal51 said... 111

Very interesting...the ad on my page today is for Pillsbury pizza crust and gives you step-by-step instruction (with pictures) on grilling your pizza. Yes Kate, the crust is grilled before putting any toppings on.

Tucker's Mom said... 112

But, that wouldn't explain why Lisa closed the blog, since she was mighty cocky that her parody site was protected.
Would it even be legal for a site Admin to hand over private IP addresses? I would think so, but don't know. One could argue that turning over private information could end in harm.

Melissa NV said... 113

And here I thought you were an attorney. You just unwittingly proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Monk is your source! ;-D


Monk is the I Ching, the sum of all wisdom, the source of all knowledge. I love Adrian!

KG - known by the company she keeps said... 114

I thought I had seen and heard it all. I was wrong. Am I to understand that Kate Gosselin’s knight-in-shining-armor and the hero of all the sheep people is now using words from two of the most despicable criminals in modern American times as “inspirational quotes”? And in the face of this, the sheep people continue to associate with him and give him high-fives?

MARIE ‏@MY_3BCOLLIES 17h @BullyVille is there when you don't know where or who to turn to for help & gets the job done. Four ★★★★ all the way …

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 17h @MY_3BCOLLIES @BullyVille James McGibney is ALL THAT! #TeamBullyville

MARIE ‏@MY_3BCOLLIES 16h @msgoody2shoes21 @RealZiggyFlo @BullyVille And much more!

I’m especially gobsmacked to witness MsGoody2Shoes21 support of him after this revelation. Is she not the fan who raves incessantly about ProLife issues? Does she not realize that Sharon Tate was brutally murdered on the instructions of an insane criminal (BV’s “inspiration”) with an 8.5 month baby boy in her belly? And her hero finds this criminal inspirational? I shouldn’t be surprised, but I truly am.

What a sordid mess Kate Gosselin solicited and brought into her life. I honestly don’t think she can recover from this internet debacle with any kind of credibility, marketability or dignity whatsoever. Her hands are too dirty now, and all the cheery tweetings of love, family, children, recipes and platitudes will not scrub them clean in my opinion.

foxy said... 115

Didn't Mama June say they rented the small where they live? They were offered a larger house but declined as June said the show could end any time and where they live is just fine.
Also, her daughters dyed her hair the first time on one of the shows. I hope they don't change too much, thanks to TLC.
The show that is really disgusting is Sisterwives. With Grody Brown and his women and all of those kids.

fidosmommy said... 116

Comment #1. So, what I am hearing is that RWA may have been handed a FALSE "subpoena", a document that was touted as legit, but may not have been? Enough to twist her arm, but not actually from a court official? I have to say this whole BV thing gives me gas.

Comment #2. I fully agree Kate has no platform for her cookbook. None. She might as well have
Leigh S. make a poster and stand in Walmart parking lots. Preorder KATE'S COOKBOOK. Limited supply! Going fast! Reserve yours today!

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 117

I’m especially gobsmacked to witness MsGoody2Shoes21 support of him after this revelation. Is she not the fan who raves incessantly about ProLife issues? Does she not realize that Sharon Tate was brutally murdered on the instructions of an insane criminal (BV’s “inspiration”) with an 8.5 month baby boy in her belly? And her hero finds this criminal inspirational? I shouldn’t be surprised, but I truly am.


Not defending Goody by any means (perish the thought), but if you read my post (61), Manson didn't know that Sharon Tate lived there, much less that she was pregnant. He ordered killings in that house, believing that Terry Melcher owned the home. He was ticked off at Melcher and those who didn't think his music was good enough to deserve a recording contract.

Of course, I would think that Goody must know that on Charlie's orders, murders took place; sadly, the life of an unborn child was taken.

I don't know why BV chose Manson to quote. Perhaps just to get non-fans riled up?

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 118

Her hands are too dirty now, and all the cheery tweetings of love, family, children, recipes and platitudes will not scrub them clean in my opinion.


She could probably play Lady Macbeth quite convincingly. "Out, damned spot, out I say!"

Millicent said... 119

Ex Nurse said:

Anyway, isn't it possible that Lisa cut a deal to protect herself from future liability? Or, even volunteered it in return for immunity and agreed to cooperate? It is pretty clear that BV has the kind of access that only an admin would have, unless he used tracking software. But, that wouldn't explain why Lisa closed the blog, since she was mighty cocky that her parody site was protected.
A person would cut a deal with the D.A.'s office or with the Feds. I cannot believe that the Feds are involved in a pie fight between Kate/BV/rabid fans and non-fans. Secondly, if the Feds were involved and cut a deal, how then would you explain BV having access to any info the Feds got? That would not happen.

So by virtue of the fact that BV allegedly has some info he could only obtain from a blog owner - that means no official agency is involved, investigating, or planning on filing charges at this time. If so, they certainly would not turn evidence over to BV.

If BV indeed has info only a blog owner could know, that means either that the blog owner provided him with that info, or he hacked their site and obtained it that way.

No lawsuit has been shown to exist, thus no subpoena could have been legally issued, thus if BV obtained info directly from a blog owner via a "subpoena," he did so illegally, and the blog owner got taken for a ride. If I were someone who posted on that blog in good faith and discovered the blog owner willy nilly responded to a subpoena without even bothering to see if it was genuine, I'd be genuinely and deservedly upset. Also, I might have standing to sue for release of my personal info.

This is a very valuable lesson in the ever changing face of cons. You can never be too careful. The owner of BV is clearly unscrupulous, and so is Kate. I would never trust anything either of them say.

Over In Kate County said... 120

Eric Toussaint ‏@ezcollectibles 2m

@Kateplusmy8 Our family of 6 r BIG fans! Road tripping back from NYC. Any chance for pics today??


Wants pics posted online, or wants to stop at Kate's house for pics?

Fidosmommy -- Lisa posted that she showed the subpoena to an attorney who verified it as legit. Who knows?

Over In Kate County said... 121

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 2m

@LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 Your salsa looks delicious and much more appealing than that DaddyKingGo pest.


lol!! And if one of the "haters" had posted the very same photo, the fans would think it was disgusting! ~ Administrator said... 122

When you order murders you take the risk that anyone could be there unexpectedly, including someone nine months pregnant. It's not an excuse you didn't know someone would be there. He's an awful man and John Gotti is just as bad. I can't fathom why you would be inspired by that slime. I said this before, there are people involved in this who might do well to get some professional help for anger issues, mental instability and other blatantly obvious problems.

mim said... 123

GoKingDaddy's food always looks appetizing, well prepared and presented. Sorry, MsGoody, Leigh's salsa has been over-processed. But I don't have high expectations of Kate fans to recognize good quality. ~ Administrator said... 124

@Kateplusmy8 Our family of 6 r BIG fans! Road tripping back from NYC. Any chance for pics today??


Once again no regard for the children and whether they want their photos used like that. Nothing about how they would love to see some updated photos but only IF the children are okay with that! They are not babies anymore. Lots of kids that age are embarrassed by photos much less putting them out there for millions to see.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 125

Comment #2. I fully agree Kate has no platform for her cookbook. None. She might as well have
Leigh S. make a poster and stand in Walmart parking lots. Preorder KATE'S COOKBOOK. Limited supply! Going fast! Reserve yours today!


Too funny, Fido! And Leigh would do it. Heck, she's already proven she would! ~ Administrator said... 126

Millicent I'm starting to be even more confused about the standing problem as opposed to the idea we think no lawsuit has even been filed in the first place.

I do not see how he has standing. I can't come up with any scenario where he would. He was not the one harmed if anyone even was harmed. You MUST show harm to be able to file suit and use the power of the courts to get info you need.

I imagine it would go like this:
I'm filing a suit and issuing some subpoenas regarding Kate Gosselin.
Judge: What's your standing to do so, sir?
I'm mad because Kate Gosselin is bullied!
Judge: You sure don't look like Kate. If Ms. Gosselin wants to sue, Ms. Gosselin can march herself down here and ask for the same. But you have no standing.

Let's assume he is "working" with Kate's attorneys. They have no right, NONE to show him what records they've obtained. He isn't a party! Records you subpoena are only for you and your client to see, the other parties, and the court.

I don't get this at all. At all.

KG - known by the company she keeps said... 127

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 113 Manson didn't know that Sharon Tate lived there, much less that she was pregnant
Understood. Regardless, whomever the intended victims were notwithstanding - the connotations associated with the name of Manson are murder, including murder of a woman late in her pregnancy, mind control, swastikas carved into the foreheads of both himself and his followers, and outright, unconcealed insanity. My point was simply that of all the things to applaud, the sheep people astound me when they hold up a man as their hero, who would quote such a monster as inspirational. But maybe it is no wonder, since Kate Gosselin herself describes this individual as her "friend", complete with smiley-face.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 12 Jul Omg I NEVER watch tv during the day, but took a work break, stopped at @DrPhil and there's my friend @BullyVille 👍 What a co-inky-dink!:)

That's all I have to say. Just so disturbing. The whole thing.

Jane said... 128

I imagine it would go like this:
I'm filing a suit and issuing some subpoenas regarding Kate Gosselin.
Judge: What's your standing to do so, sir?
I'm mad because Kate Gosselin is bullied!
Judge: You sure don't look like Kate. If Ms. Gosselin wants to sue, Ms. Gosselin can march herself down here and ask for the same. But you have no standing.


Ha! So funny!!!

SCgal said... 129

Virginia Pen Mom said... 91
I seem to recall someone posted here under the name "A Former Friend" (or something like that) not long after RWA shut down. This person said Lisa didn't actually receive a subpoena but was somehow threatened and therefore turned everything about the blog over to BV. Does anyone remember that?
I remember that. It makes more sense than this subpoena stuff.

Hoosier Girl said... 130


What a sordid mess Kate Gosselin solicited and brought into her life. I honestly don’t think she can recover from this internet debacle with any kind of credibility, marketability or dignity whatsoever. Her hands are too dirty now, and all the cheery tweetings of love, family, children, recipes and platitudes will not scrub them clean in my opinion.
I wonder how many people are being 'played' on both sides? If there ever is a real lawsuit filed, I can't imagine anyone comes into it with 'clean hands.'

Sherry Baby said... 131

I'm filing a suit and issuing some subpoenas regarding Kate Gosselin.
Judge: What's your standing to do so, sir?
I'm mad because Kate Gosselin is bullied!
Judge: You sure don't look like Kate. If Ms. Gosselin wants to sue, Ms. Gosselin can march herself down here and ask for the same. But you have no standing.

From personal experience, I know this to be true. Without going into details, a friend and three co-workers wanted to bring a case to court and figured out the total sum they wanted to be awarded. However, since only one of them filed suit, only that person could be awarded damages because the others' names were not on the lawsuit. Judge amended the damages sought to include only the one who had brought the suit. The others had no standing.

Tucker's Mom said... 132

Kate's hands are very dirty and I have to believe the IF a judge ever hears about this sad, childish and frivolous boloney, that Kate's complaints would be dismisses due to her malice.

Sherry Baby said... 133

Tiff Jenn ‏@gchs2013 7m

@Kateplusmy8 How do you get your kids hicups away i have tried everything can you please help

lol!! The questions from needy (and amusing) sheeple continue...

Silimom said... 134

Need your help, ladies snd gents. I'm out hitting my farmer's market today and then was going to whole paycheck to buy ingredients for Kate's hummus recipe to make today but my iPhone resolution bites and I can't tell how much tahini she use. Is it 3/4 a cup or 1/4 a cup?

Thanks! ~ Administrator said... 135

Sherry did the other two not have standing because they weren't harmed and that's why they didn't file? Standing isn't exactly who filed. It's whether you have standing if you do try to file. You might have standing even if you never file suit, that's just a question of whether you want to go forward with something you do have standing on. Many people never file or bother with claims they may very well have standing to file.

I like the house painting example which is often used in law school. Neighbor 1 contracts with painter to have his house painted and is not happy with the results. Neighbor 2 is good friends with neighbor 1 and feels bad for him so he files suit for Neighbor 1.

NO you can't do that. Neighbor 2 may feel bad all he wants for Neighbor 1, but only 1 is the guy who was harmed and only 1 can sue.

The recent Supreme Court case for gay marriage has a good explanation of standing and why they didn't have it. It's actually quite similar to this situation in terms of a person or persons "outraged" over something or for someone, and trying to sue, but having standing problems.

Sherry Baby said... 136

So now Leigh and GKD (??) are in competition to see who has the best farm to table food preparations? Too funny!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 137

FWIW, here is what is in the article by ROL:

And Kate confirmed her lawsuit, releasing this statement that was made available to Radar: “This lawsuit is absolutely moving forward.”

Two other lawsuits connected to the situation also will be filed and lawyers have already been hired and some subpoenas prepared and sent, Radar has learned.

The law firms Randazza Legal Group and Polsinelli Shughart will be handling the three court cases, including Kate’s.

One of the other lawsuits will be against a person who runs what she calls a “parody” site but includes venomous anti-Kate rhetoric and worse. There will be multiple plaintiffs in that suit, James McGibney, founder of the website told RadarOnline exclusively, revealing that at least 80 people have come forward claiming they were victimized.

And McGibney, who set these events in motion, will also file suit against a Twitter user who apparently sent messages claiming he was sending people to harm her, and worse.

“When BullyVille says we’re going after someone, we mean it,” McGibney told Radar exclusively. He adds that subpoenas have been issued to obtain IP addresses where “implied death threats” originated.

Was it all bluster to scare people into providing BV with IPs and email addresses?

Ex Nurse said... 138

Millicent said...
A person would cut a deal with the D.A.'s office or with the Feds. I cannot believe that the Feds are involved in a pie fight between Kate/BV/rabid fans and non-fans. Secondly, if the Feds were involved and cut a deal, how then would you explain BV having access to any info the Feds got? That would not happen.
Sorry I wasn't clearer. I am wondering if Lisa received some kind of threatening letter about a future lawsuit from an attorney. And, that she turned over access to the blog and her posters in return for escaping being named. So, no Feds, no lawsuits, no courts involved. Maybe immunity is wrong word, since not a plea deal.

Ex Nurse said... 139

I thought that I remembered her saying that she was going to lawyer up if she was named in a lawsuit. Then---phhhhhttt--she foldd the blog and BV has her blog info, down to which posters used which names and which IP addresses go with them. I suppose that she may have inadvertently downloaded spyware and tracking software. But, is that legally obtained evidence?

Ex Nurse said... 140

Ok--I see that some of my questions were addressed. So, for Admin any other legal pros, what is a scenario that explains how he got the ip addresses? That Lisa was fooled? Is it ruled out that she made some kind of deal? Or, is this all in the category of "I don't know"?

Moving on....
I am really surprised that Kate has not placed orders to boost her sales. One of the things that came out about Greg Mortenson was that he bought books through retailers that he resold at book signings so that the numbers would boost his sales figures and his "New York best seller" standing. I don't know how common a practice this is--seems like it is more misleading than illegal. Definitely demonstrates poor character IMO.

fidosmommy said... 141

My swimming coach was murdered by a guy who brought a friend of his along for the ride. The guy with the gun was sentenced to death and his friend received life imprisonment. They were both guilty in my coach's death one way or the other even though only one actually killed him.

I would not want to posts "inspirational" quotes from either one of them. It was my dead coach who was worth quoting, and I often do.

Sherry Baby said... 142

Sherry did the other two not have standing because they weren't harmed and that's why they didn't file?


It was a case of landlord-tenant dispute. Yes, each party was "harmed" and owed money, but because only one filed suit, she, as the plaintiff, was the only one who was entitled to damages even though the money was in a collective pot, so to speak. The others couldn't recover anything, even though they were entitled to damages, because their name wasn't on the suit.

Over In Kate's County said... 143

Need your help, ladies snd gents. I'm out hitting my farmer's market today and then was going to whole paycheck to buy ingredients for Kate's hummus recipe to make today but my iPhone resolution bites and I can't tell how much tahini she use. Is it 3/4 a cup or 1/4 a cup?


3/4 cup paste. Good luck!

jbranck1980 said... 144

Long time lurker, first time poster (and not as creepy as that sounds)

On the MSN homepage, there is a story about Once Hot, Now Not reality starts. Kate and Jon are #6.

Where I live, we call that karma :) ~ Administrator said... 145

Come to think of it I don't know that Hitler actually pulled the trigger on anyone either. But he sure did murder 6 million or more people. ~ Administrator said... 146

Yes, each party was "harmed" and owed money, but because only one filed suit, she, as the plaintiff, was the only one who was entitled to damages even though the money was in a collective pot, so to speak.


Ah, ok! Makes sense. Since they were harmed, I think they have standing actually. But since they never filed, they are not entitled to recover anything. They have not established themselves as a plaintiff.

Like I said lots of people have standing but unless you file you can't exert your rights to whatever you may recover.

You bring up another good point: Come to think of it even if someone else is supposedly holding the reins for Kate and successfully pursues something what guarantee does she have that they will give her any of their spoils???

Sherry Baby said... 147

You bring up another good point: Come to think of it even if someone else is supposedly holding the reins for Kate and successfully pursues something what guarantee does she have that they will give her any of their spoils???

You just read my mind! ~ Administrator said... 148

Ex Nurse, any other scenerio you can think up in your head other than a subpoena or court case I guess!

Sherry Baby said... 149

Ah, ok! Makes sense. Since they were harmed, I think they have standing actually. But since they never filed, they are not entitled to recover anything. They have not established themselves as a plaintiff.

Exactly. That's what the judge told them. They each needed to bring a suit. It was rather complicated because they were advised that since all of the money owed was in one pot, only one of them had to file suit. Needless to say, the advice was not correct. The judge did point out that if he awarded the entire amount to the plaintiff, there was no guarantee that they'd actually make sure that the others would see any of that money. Case of live and learn, and so far they didn't opt to pursue it because of the time and expense involved.

Sherry Baby said... 150

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1m

Mady: wanna know something funny? Half the time you're in the kitchen&I do this weird dance behind you.. And you never notice!' #LOVEmykids

Oy. I don't think that, as a parent, I would admit that I never notice my kids.

Sherry Baby said... 151

Good gosh, Kate...for the love of all that's holy, will you PLEASE answer this person and put this to rest?


domilight ‏@domilight 5m
@Kateplusmy8 Do u remember Collin's dance?:D

Ex Nurse said... 152

Ok-- here's one more scenario. Bullyville is in this because he is an arrogant power-hungry tyrant. He gets off on threats and intimidation, then revels in the adulation that follows. He is using Kate, just as surely as Kate is using him for her damsel in distress shtick. Seems like they would make a great couple, in the vein of Boris and Natasha--they certainly deserve each other!

Anyway, it is pretty clear that Lisa gave up her posters' privacy, despite all of her bravado.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 153

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 That's not fun


I thought she disappeared! Maybe she's going to give advice on promoting a cookbook!

Layla said... 154

Sherry Baby (131)
How ridiculous is it for the fans to turn gardening into a competition? I admire anyone who can do it successfully. I can usually kill any plant that crosses my path. Some have green thumbs, some don't. I slaved over some tomato plants last summer and they never amounted to anything. This year, I planted a couple over in the corner of the yard, and then pretty much forgot them. While out in the yard today, I noticed that they are huge and thriving, and I had 8 gorgeous, ripe tomatoes to bring in, with many more growing on the vines. Seems that the less I have to do with them, the better off they are. Go figure!

By the way, has anyone here ever grown pumpkins? We have a pumpkin vine growing in the yard (where the heck did that come from?), and a neighbor said to plant marigolds around it if we want it to grow pumpkins. I'm curious--what do marigolds have to do with growing pumpkins? Have any of you ever heard of this? Right now it just has some flowers on the vine.

PA Dutch Mom said... 155

By the way, has anyone here ever grown pumpkins? We have a pumpkin vine growing in the yard (where the heck did that come from?), and a neighbor said to plant marigolds around it if we want it to grow pumpkins. I'm curious--what do marigolds have to do with growing pumpkins? Have any of you ever heard of this? Right now it just has some flowers on the vine.


We had a pumpkin patch in the backyard when I was a kid. Nobody ever planted it. I think it just grew on its own from Halloween pumpkin seeds. Nobody tended it. It grew wild, and the results were pumpkins large and gorgeous enough to take a blue ribbon at the local county fair. No marigolds in sight!

Tucker's Mom said... 156

Layla said... 142
I have the same luck with tomatoes. They grow 7 feet high and yield nada. This year I have one tiny cherry tomato plant that was on sale at Lowe's, so for $3, I said, "hell, why not" and I've gotten a dozen little tomatoes so far.
It's a small victory.
I believe the marigolds are to deter pests-- a natural pesticide.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 157

I thought she disappeared! Maybe she's going to give advice on promoting a cookbook!


Please help me here, because my mind does tend to get muddled with all of this sheeple stuff. Wasn't there a problem when Gypsi had signed up for the cruise, and Cindy screwed up by sending out names of cruisers and Gypsi was going to cancel because of it? I seem to recall she was really upset. Or am I thinking about another person? Apparently she still uses Cindy's services.

She tweeted...

sarah ‏@gypsi001 29 May
@CindyCardella hi Cindy! Do u still work with the travel agency?

Cindy Cardella ‏@CindyCardella 29 May
@gypsi001 Hi Sarah, yes I do. You can call me at xxxxxxxx.

sarah ‏@gypsi001 29 May
@CindyCardella thanks. Will call soon. Needing info for 10 ppl to disneyworld Orlando in march:)


The mind of a sheeple...GKD (non-fan) and Leigh (fan) both posted photos of food from their gardens. Ms Goody (non-fan) explains why she likes Leigh's better:

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 16m
@PamPammaj @LEIGHSHAHAN1 @RealZiggyFlo @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Based on King's nastiness &harsh criticism over the months I PREFER LEIGH'S

You can't make up this stuff!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 158

jbranck1980 said... 136
Long time lurker, first time poster (and not as creepy as that sounds)

On the MSN homepage, there is a story about Once Hot, Now Not reality starts. Kate and Jon are #6.

Where I live, we call that karma :)

Welcome. :)

Karma indeed. I'd love to see how Kate's fans would spin this. Maybe MSN is a hater and BV should be notified.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 159

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 5m
@Kateplusmy8 love the new ask Kate update on your site. You should do one where people can send in questions for the kids

@ljohnson2006 ohh food idea! Will do soon!

They don't get it and never will. They want videos of the kids, photos of the kids, and now they want the kids to answer questions on Kate's website. My gosh -- let them alone! They do not exist for the entertainment of the fans.

Food idea? She really does have that cookbook on her mind!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 160

I believe the marigolds are to deter pests-- a natural pesticide.


The smell of marigolds would deter anything. There's a reason they are called "stink flowers."

Layla said... 161

Thank you all for the advice on the marigolds. Our neighbor is an avid organic gardener, so using marigolds to deter pests is something he'd know about. When I asked him why I should plant them, he just said, "If you want pumpkins and not just flowers, then you have to plant marigolds". I'll plant some out there, and let you know how it turns out. Maybe we won't have to buy pumpkins this year for Halloween!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 162


PUMPKINS: Pumpkin pals are corn, melon and squash. Marigold deters beetles. Nasturtium deters bugs, beetles. Oregano provides general pest protection. Again dill may help repel those frustrating squash bugs. See squash entry for more tips. ~ Administrator said... 163

Food Network Star has aired on both coasts. If you haven't seen it yet this is a big spoiler alert so please scroll on by ..

LOVELY IS BACK!!! YEAH LOVELY! YEAH CHEFSUMMER! How awesome and good for her! Now that's someone who actually puts their money where their mouth is when they say never quit.

Melissa NV said... 164

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h

WE FEELHONORED! RT @franciepants3: @Kateplusmy8 saw on CNN..calling royal baby watch "Will and Kate Plus 1" Wonder how they thought of that?


It sounds like Kate thinks that William and Kate and the royal family are calling the baby watch "Will and Kate Plus 1." She feels HONORED? ~ Administrator said... 165

Honored???? That's weird. It's really not about her it's just become a pop culture reference.

She's honored and wants her cut.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 166

From the mouth of a narcissist:

francie what ‏@franciepants3 2h
@kateplusmy8 Just saw on CNN that the station is calling the royal baby watch "Will and Kate Plus 1." Wonder how they thought of that?

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h

WE FEELHONORED! RT @franciepants3: @Kateplusmy8 saw on CNN..calling royal baby watch "Will and Kate Plus 1" Wonder how they thought of that?

Katelyn ‏@kateladd 1h
@Kateplusmy8 I doubt THEY know who you are... I mean really???! #showsover

Kate now thinks Will and Kate talk about her. LOLOL

Anonymous said... 167

Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate. The Royal Family are not talking about you. I'd bet the farm that they probably don't even know who you are. The Wil and Kate plus one is something that the news came up with because everyone is on baby watch.

SPOILER ALERT! Bummer about Lovely. I was looking forward to seeing more of her.

Gayle ~ Administrator said... 168

When is that royal baby coming anyway?! lol

I thought the Sun's spoof with the doubles going in the front door was funny. They really poked fun at the craziness of camping outside a freaking hospital door for a week now. Really?? I can't imagine delivering a baby while the world waits like this. It is hard to imagine what it would take to be able to withstand this kind of public lifestyle. I have to wonder if she may change her calm and stoic tune when suddenly it's her own innocent child who is being hounded, a child who unlike her, did not choose this. I wonder if we will soon see a "get these cameras away from my child on our private holiday" rant from Kate. ~ Administrator said... 169

Oh my gosh I was compiling a netflix streaming suggested watch list for my mom and stumbled upon a documentary The Six Degrees of Helter Skelter? Is this any good anyone seen it?

silimom said... 170

SPOILER ALERT: NEXT FOOD NETWORK STAR - scroll past if you don't want to read spoiler information.

Gayle - Sigh. I don't have cable, so I have to wait until Monday to watch Next Food Network Star and the Redemption with Robert Irvine. In addition, most of us on the West Coast probably don't see the show air until 8 or 9 p.m.

I know we've talked about spoilers before. Could we all agree to hold off on talking about shows until 24 hours after they aired? I realize that Lovely is Chefsummer's cousin, so many people here feel a connection, but even so, I would have liked to have been surprised.

I appreciate that you marked spoiler alert, but try and give some carriage returns to give some space for people to scroll past. Yours was "spoiler alert" and then BAM! spoiler. It hadn't registered with my brain that I was about to read a spoiler until I had already done so. Sorry, but I read really fast. The carriage returns gives me time to process that I'm about to be spoiled.

If others disagree or if we've given up on trying to halt spoilers, then I'll just make sure not to log on here until Monday after I've seen the show. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. NFNS is one of my favorite shows. ~ Administrator said... 171

I know we've talked about spoilers before. Could we all agree to hold off on talking about shows until 24 hours after they aired? I


We both did spoiler alert in giant letters. That should be plenty of alert to scroll by, isn't it? That's what many other sites have done. 24 hours is a long time and most people don't want to talk about it then.

The west coast feed is early for food network, I don't believe they have a separate west coast feed. Many smaller networks don't. Mine aired at 6.

silimom said... 172

Admin, I'm surprised with what happened the last time with the radio prank that they pulled it off. I think the difference was that they didn't go into the hospital, or at least that was my understanding. They also made it pretty clear with the shirts that they were pulling a prank.

I agree, thought, that it was a nice way to poke fun at the reporters all camped outside.

I think William and Kate will try and give their child as private a life as possible. To be fair, I think Charles and Diana did a fairly good job with William and Harry.

One thing's for sure - they won't be doing a reality show. No "(Baby name) and Kate while Will waits (for the throne)" for these three. ~ Administrator said... 173

I don't particularly fancy pranks but when they are completely innocent and make a point, poking fun at the situation and really of themselves, I mean it was the Sun. Then I think it works. Everyone seemed to take it quite well and it probably helped to relieve the boredom!

I think the key was no one could be hurt, and they revealed their true identity within seconds. It was a very quick prank too quick for anything to happen.

The hospital was night and day, since right off the bat they were doing something improper and perhaps even illegal by trying to gain access to someone they had no right to speak to by impersonating someone else. Versus the fake Kate and William who have every right to walk up to a hospital door, turn around and say "hi!"

I've seen interviews with that Kate lookalike and I actually really like her! She's so sweet and open. What a world to fall into you just happen to look like her.

silimom said... 174

Admin I didn't see your spoiler alert only Gayles. And yes, it was in big letters followed right by the spoiler. As I said, I read fast. I don't necessarily comprehend the spoiler alert until I've already read the next line, which in this case was the spoiler.

What I've seen usually done is something like this:


Again, that wasn't done here.

You don't need to post this, obviously. And, again, if you're fine with people talking about shows the same night they air, then I respect that and will simply not log on until Monday after I've had a chance to see it. This is literally one of a handful of shows (the others being Grimm, Big Bang Theory, Sherlock and Dr. Who) that I follow during it's regular season run rather than just waiting for the whole season to come on Netflix or Apple TV, and I like to be surprised. My issue, not anyone else's, and thank you for clarifying your position on spoilers.

silimom said... 175

Admin, I just saw your spoiler alert, and yes, that was perfect.

I think another issue, again mine, no one elses, is that I read from the last comment backwards. That's why I saw Gayle's first and not yours. Had I seen yours first, I would have been aware that the show was being discussed. ~ Administrator said... 176

I'm not going to ask people not to talk about things at all, except our usual rule that it needs to have been through at least one first airing on all coasts.

Problem is, and this is a rather new problem, that everyone has different times they watch the shows. This is a modern consequence of tivo and the internet. Some wait a day, some wait two days. Sometimes it's a week or more before I get to things. We just can't know on any given day who has seen it or not. A spoiler alert though is a nice courtesy if it's soon after the airing, and doing hash tags so you have to scroll by is an even bigger courtesy.

Millicent said... 177

Once again, Kate reveals that in her tiny mind, everything is always about her. "Will and Kate Plus One" translates into "the Royal Family is playing on the name of my show! I'm so HONORED!" I'm embarrassed on her behalf.

Ex Nurse: I have no idea how BV got ahold of information that should only have been available to the owner of various blogs. If I had to guess, I would say it was in some unscrupulous way.

As to the alleged subpoena - I will believe a court case has been filed and that subpoena legally issued when someone - anyone - provides a link the the case name, number and court it is filed in. Until then, I do not believe it exists.

Admin - I agree, BV has no standing to bring any sort of lawsuit against people who supposedly have bullied and/or threatened Kate Gosselin. The only way he could bring suit is if he goes to law school, passes the Bar and is retained by Kate as her attorney, with Kate named as the plaintiff. He better get hopping!

At this point, it's nothing but talk and talk is cheap. The owner of BV did once file a lawsuit against the owner of another blog. I was able to find links to that lawsuit by searching online. It was fairly easy. So the fact that no lawsuit filed by Kate Gosselin can be found tells me it hasn't been filed, and will probably never be filed.

I wish the former owner of RWA would actually post something explaining what happened. However, she may simply have found the whole experience too disturbing that she just wants to never speak of it again. At this point, I will only accept first hand proof of any sort of lawsuit: a link to the case filed in some court; someone posts a file-endorsed copy of the complaint, etc. Until then, I simply will not believe it to be so :) I'm wise to the antics of Kate and her strange followers. A lot of talk signifying nothing. ~ Administrator said... 178

I may be in the minority but I don't think that blog needs to explain except to those whose info got posted. I also am wondering at this point if we'll ever know the truth. ~ Administrator said... 179

Over the years some people have urged me to get a tracker to capture the trolls. Obviously we had no idea this could happen. Now I'm glad I don't have any logs like that. Even if someone wanted any of your ip addresses I have NOTHiNG to give them. I haven't the first clue what your iPs are. They would have to go directly through Google.

Starz22 said... 180

Sure...lets believe Kate never did anything. Let's believe the hater's don't carry a torch for Kate. Like the lovers we have the haters spending time and money to keep Kate in the spotlight.

Let's buy her cookbook and snark on it. Let's waste our money and time making her recipes just so we can bitch about her. Really? We all know Kate is full of shit...everything she says is a lie...we have had what 5 years to prove this? I see no reason to give her this attention.

I'm sorry but, this is not taking one for the team. Who really gives a shit enough to take time out of their day to cook like Kate? Same with following her twitter and what not....Why do you care? Why waste your time on this when you know she speaks nothing but lies?
As for her cooking? We all know she controls the kids with food. Eat what I cook or else!!! The portions she claims to cook is NOT enough to feed a family of 9...We get this. Call her out for being a child and animal's that simple. To give her any other attention is just feeding the kate wagon.

localyocul said... 181 (Administrator) said... 158
When is that royal baby coming anyway?! lo


Very soon!!!

Tucker's Mom said... 182

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 10h
WE FEELHONORED! RT @franciepants3: @Kateplusmy8 saw on CNN..calling royal baby watch "Will and Kate Plus 1" Wonder how they thought of that?
Add my "blech" to the crowd here!
Kate thinks she's just like Diana and now she thinks Will and Kate are alluding to her show? Puleez.
"Plus" is a common expression and if I were doing any sort of PR for the royal couple and parents to be, I'd nix this reference asap. Wills had to live through his own parents bitter and very public divorce as a small child, and he was hounded by the paps and NOT because his parents thrust him into the spotlight. On the contrary, Diana was the original Grizzly Mom, trying her best to protect her children's privacy and it was obvious that it pained her to have her family vacations made public.
Kate on the other hand, invited, chased and embraced the selling of her children.
I'm sure Will and Kate will do everything in their power to protect their child from the world, not offer him or her up to it. ~ Administrator said... 183

LOL you can watch a live feed outside Buckingham palace where they'll post the announcement.

I think I prefer the puppy cam! ~ Administrator said... 184

Tucker I'm not even fully convinced it's a play off the show since as you said Plus 1 is a very common expression even before that show. Probably goes all the way back to invitations where you bring a guest.

Dmasy said... 185

OT..TV. Last night I stumbled across a show I had not heard of.

Has anyone else watched "Naked and Afraid" on the Discover channel?

I think there are about 4 episodes so far.

I haven't decided what I think...compelling or campy?

I am going to google for info on how "true" it is to the premise. ~ Administrator said... 186

Dmasy I saw about 30 seconds of Naked and Afraid channel surfing. It was like a normal reality show, two people fighting like cats and dogs, only they were naked in a dense forest.

I couldn't tell if PBS made this parody or if it were real! :)

Seriously, reality t.v.?

Anonymous said... 187

Sorry! I saw Admin's post and thought it was fair game to talk about the show. When posting from my phone I have trouble signing in (hence the anonymous with name at the bottom) and I also have trouble going back and forth to the screen to put in symbols. Again, sorry.


Tucker's Mom said... 188

Probably goes all the way back to invitations where you bring a guest.

Agree. I think about Sex and the City (many years ago) when I hear "plus one". I think that was an angst-filled subject on more than one occasion.
Kate thinks the world revolves around her. It's embarrassing that she assumes that any of this relates to her.
She's a legend in her own mind.

Is anyone following The Newsroom on HBO? Last night's episode struck close to home here. A man on death row was waiting to be granted last minute clemency and a producer, who felt very strongly that the guilty verdict should be overturned, knew the name of the "swing vote" making this last minute decision.
If the verdict wasn't overturned, this asshat producer wanted to publish this swing vote's name, address and Google Earth location, "so you can see what his house looked like before it gets burned down".
His boss, the big boss, said "why don't we just publish his kids names and their school, too?"
Sound familiar? ~ Administrator said... 189

Newsroom is a beautiful show. One of the most accurate best portrayals of journalists who really care. (They do exist!)

This is from last night SO scroll on past if you don't want to read! When they showed that old 9-11 footage where Will tiredly told the cameras after 16 hours of being on air there was still so much we didn't know yet, but he was going to be there with them, all night, no matter what. You know, there was another group of heroes out there and that was the people who tried so hard to bring the public accurate coverage about what was going on during a terrifying time. I haven't teared up much for T.V. but that did it for me. That day was sort of that big story every journalist thinks about yet when it finally came it wasn't about making careers or doing something spectacular it was just about holding the public's hand and trying to make it better by providing as much info as they could.

Also, their portrayal of Gabrielle Gifford's coverage still moves me to the core. ~ Administrator said... 190

Jon and Kate themselves borrowed from a phrase already out there and just changed it to plus 8. They didn't make up this idea of "plus" anything.

Also didn't Jon say he came up with the name? How about some credit to him if she wants to take credit?

Tucker's Mom said... 191

I'm fairly certain that Jon came up with the name. "Surviving Sextuplets and Twins" was a bit unwieldy.

Blowing In The Wind said... 192

TheUnFabulous ‏@Spar_kle_Girl 45m

@Kateplusmy8 Are your girls excitedly awaiting the Royal Baby ?

Oh, sure. The girls were up all night. Kate woke them to tell that that Kate was in labor. They had plans for today, swimming and fun stuff, but they decided to stay in the house and wait for the birth announcement. I doubt if the girls even know who Kate and Will are, much less are excited over the birth.

"Let's buy her cookbook and snark on it. Let's waste our money and time making her recipes just so we can bitch about her. Really? We all know Kate is full of shit...everything she says is a lie...we have had what 5 years to prove this? I see no reason to give her this attention."


If you don't want to read any recipes that are cooked, reviewed, and any comments made, there's the scroll button. But let's not criticize, chastise, or blast anyone simply because something is done that you don't believe should be done. It's not your blog. It's admin's decision on what gets posted and what doesn't. There are not, and neither should there be, rules that she can be called out on child abuse or animal abuse, but anything else is off limits because some posters don't want to read about cooking skills. ~ Administrator said... 193

Blowing, I agree. I think this blog has called out bad behavior plenty. There is no reason we can't have fun too.

It's Not All About You Kate said... 194

As noted above, +1 is a fairly common term, especially on wedding invitations if you're single and being invited to bring a guest along. From the dictionary of slang.

Plus 1:

•with an un-named guest.
•a person's un-named guest to an event.

Did my changing names to fit the situation mean that I've now got sock accounts? LOL! ~ Administrator said... 195

Tweet I found one in spam and published it. The other ones I didn't publish due to the content.

Tucker's Mom said... 196

Plus 1:

•with an un-named guest.
•a person's un-named guest to an event.
Which is why the Brits, with their wonderful command of the English language, chose this phrase. NOT because of J+K+8.
As soon as the sex and name of the child is known, +1 will go away.

It's a placeholder. Trust me, that family will not be known as Will and Kate plus One tomorrow.
Enjoy it while you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Formerly Duped said... 197

Didn't Katie Irene become Kate to fit the show's title better? Not her idea iirc.

Over And Out said... 198

All of the Twitter talk about the case number, state in which it was filed, docket number, attorneys of record, plaintiff/defendants...ANYTHING!

Throwing out tweets like this one don't mean a tinker's darn without proof:

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 1h
@ashymama2 @mscatie @stashcache @Kateplusmy8 Apparently folks care enough abt Kate to close hateful blogs, squash harassment &bring lawsuit

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 199

Over And Out said... 189
All of the Twitter talk about the case number, state in which it was filed, docket number, attorneys of record, plaintiff/defendants...ANYTHING!

Would posting the attorneys' names help at all?

JoyinVirginia said... 200

Ms Kreider is boring.
The next Food Network Star is a fun show, and I am so glad I read about it here. It would never have been on my radar otherwise.
Ok, let's talk movies! Has anyone seen the and is it really all that and a bag of popcorn? I generally avoid horror movies, but this one sounds intriguing and it made a mint last weekend. And supposedly no blood and guts. Anyone who has seen it, would you recommend it ?

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