Teresa and Joe Giudice's troubles with the IRS are truly unbelievable. The 39 count indictment is a train wreck to read. Although much of their blatant dirty deeds happened before Teresa ever signed on with Bravo, there are some interesting tidbits about Teresa's role on the popular Real Housewives of New Jersey. Notably, the compensation is much lower compared to reality T.V. top figures that used to be reported just a few years ago.
- Between June 2008 and October 2009, Teresa made approximately $110,000 between her reality show, appearances and her web site.
- In 2009 Teresa and Joe signed on for Season 2 of Real Housewives at $110,000 for the season. This amounts to about $6,000 an episode.
- The IRS is ticked that Teresa didn't disclose expected future income when she filed for bankruptcy in 2009. They allege she only disclosed her Bravo salary and did not disclose any other income from other sources such as her business and web site. She specifically told them, under oath, that her web site was not generating any income, when the IRS alleges in fact it was.
- The IRS is also ticked that Teresa didn't disclose the true income from her many other business ventures.
- The IRS is really, really ticked at this couple.
![]() |
Teresa Giudice, middle |
Teresa and Joe could face up to 30 years in prison. Their passports have been confiscated and Joe faces possible deportation to Italy if convicted.
803 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 803 Newer› Newest»Who knows, but it's not her usual M.O. I'm guessing her obnoxious teasing behavior may be annoying not just the non-fans but the fans too, just a hunch.
I think that if I had to come up with just one adjective to describe her, it would be obnoxious.
TLC stinks said... 187
I really don't understand Milo's tweeting of some of her beach vacation pictures. Sounds more to me like she is teasing Kate, sending her pictures and telling her to visualize herself there.
I don't understand why you guys think Milo arranged Kate's grifted Alabama beach vacation last year. All I ever read was that the rental company had a client that offered up the beach house. It just never struck me that the client was Milo.
I think suspicions were raised because Milo seemed to know in advance that TFW was going to the beach. While TFW was there, Milo tweeted something about hoping Kate enjoyed _________ (don't remember what) she left them there for her.
I would not be surprised if last year repeats itself this year, hence the school shopping in July. In the next week or so, TFW will again drive 16 hours each way to the free beach house- wasting 1 and a 1/2 days of vacation in the van. Beaches are available to her in every direction from her house, for only a few hour drive. But I guess they are not FREE, and they don't offer the complete seclusion from the world and other humans that her paranoia requires.
While I don't think Milo owns the house, I think Milo had something to do with getting it for her and possibly paying toward/for the rental. Never say never, but I just don't see a beach house owner offering up their home for free during a prime August rental week. There's more to that story.
Mady's pictures are very good. She is very creative. However, Kate should not be using her to drive traffic to her site. Set Mady up with her own Flikr account and let HER choose who she shares her work with.
Admin... I agree. A used 7D (or the Nikon equivalent) would be an awesome camera for her. I own a brand spanking new one and it is a great, great camera. A Canon Rebel would also be a good starter camera.
Kelly H.
Somewhere In Time said... 197
I would completely agree with you except for one thing, Milo KNEW they were going last year. She dropped all kinds of blatant hints about it no one could have possibly guess unless she really did know.
I seem to recall that someone on FB (or was it Twitter) posted that she left the red umbrella set up for Kate.
I posted something similar before I saw you posted the same! Definitely something very fishy about TFW and her "free" beach house!
Mady's pictures are excellent. They should be at the top of Kate's blog, not buried under the cook book ads.
If Mady is writing and photographing for the blog, she is working and should be cut in on the profits, which should then be placed in her trust fund.
Does anyone really think this is happening?
I am enjoying reading the recipe reviews here.
From what I have read so far, TFW reminds me of how many of us felt at age 13 in the kitchen. We had watched mom and grandma do it and it didn't seem so hard and suddenly we were experts. We knew it all. Not.
I cracked up about "1/2 bag of baby carrots". Is it the bag with 6 carrots in it meant to toss in your lunch sack? An 8oz bag? 2Lb bag? And how about a show of hands here that she has no clue at all that Big Mommy and Daddy Carrots are being fed into a machine to whittle them down into Baby Carrots, unless you are buying micro veggies? REAL baby carrots don't pop out of their specialty soil already peeled, so how about a show of hands that TFW is standing there scrubbing and peeling a sack of micro carrots? Again: NOT.
Attention Jon's Former Wife: if they are perfectly whittled and peeled when you buy them, you have WASTED THE CHILDREN'S MONEY buying Big Carrots that have been zipped through a machine to make them cute.
Kate using Mady to drive people to her website so that they'll order her book, reminds me of when the twins were used to push people to purchase cruise tickets. Wasn't it a few months after the cruise announcement, that TFW and Cindy C. informed everyone that the twins were going too in order to entice people to purchase tickets?
Just proves that she will use her kids to promote sales, and I find that disgusting.
However, it also shows how desperate TFW is now, just like when cruise sales weren't going so well. I think the same thing that happened with the cruise, will also happen to the cookbook-it'll never come to pass.
Somewhere In Time said... 198
Oh, is Kate's white bean chili recipe online??
Since the cookbook isn't out yet, and folks are posting the ingredients, I would think they are getting it from somewhere. Didn't someone say there are recipes posted on Amazon on the pre-order page? For some reason, I can't get to the site this morning.
Cilantro Chili
Click on the "read an excerpt" tab. Immediately feel your blood pressure rise as you take in the incredible salt content.
If my link doesn't click, here's the cut & paste: http://www.hcibooks.com/p-4290-kate-gosselins-love-is-in-the-mix.aspx
Lol half a bag of baby carrots. You can assume she doesn't mean the single serving packs, but there definitely are two distinct bag sizes at the store that are very popular, I think they are the 8 ounce and 16 ounce. One is small one is large. Which one??? And if it's half of the 16 ounce one, why not just say one 8 ounce?
Any editor worth their salt would notice this glaring confusion.
Ex Nurse - Yes, yes, yes! W need to have Mr. Monk at the party!
I just checked my stash in the crisper it's a small one, 16 ounces. So the large bag I'm thinking is maybe 32? It looks about double the small. Huge difference which bag you use in terms of your recipe.
Knowing TFW and her affinity for the number 8, she probably meant the 8 ounce bag. If ever asked about it, she would probably say "of course, it's the 8 ounce bag!! What other size would I use?!!"
What profits?
Perhaps TFW has grifted a beach house; if it's the one from last year then here comes the silent treatment as they trek all the way to Alabama. If she would open her welded wallet for less than the upgrade for her new car, they could vacay so much closer to home. And this would explain the back to school shopping and cookie baking in July, if she is going to be away closer to the start of school. Whatever; nice for the kids to get away if that is the case.
Mady's pictures are OK. If she keeps it up and TFW gets her in to a couple of classes she may become an excellent photographer.
Somewhere In Time said... 191
Vivian Tran @TranVivianC 18m
Aww! @Kateplusmy8 Mady is so sweet and Leah is too! They both are adorable! Please call me one day!! xxxxxxxxxx.
How absolutely incredibly stupid are these young fans? Posting a phone number on Twitter?
Where are the parents? I know parents cannot (and should not) follow their children around all day, monitoring their behavior. But how about raising them with some good basic common sense?
And if I knew my child was using Twitter (which thankfully he has no interest in), I'd find out their twitter user name and check up on their posts from time to time, just to be sure there weren't any areas of concern. Sounds like this young lady's mom needs to have a heart to heart with her.
All this talk of white bean chili is making me crave some of my own. I'm off to one of my favorite recipe sites for some good ideas!
Another favorite of mine is white beans and sausage - straight up comfort food.
Tony Shaloub added, check!
Also serving endless supply of baby carrots with ranch dip.
Attention Jon's Former Wife: if they are perfectly whittled and peeled when you buy them, you have WASTED THE CHILDREN'S MONEY buying Big Carrots that have been zipped through a machine to make them cute.
Thank you, Dwindle! I was posting about this last night.
"Baby Carrots" are grown up carrots that are shaved down to cutsie little carrot-shaped things.
That machine also sucks all the flavor out of the carrots. Waste. Of. Money.
Kate is a twit said... 6
Kate using Mady to drive people to her website so that they'll order her book, reminds me of when the twins were used to push people to purchase cruise tickets. Wasn't it a few months after the cruise announcement, that TFW and Cindy C. informed everyone that the twins were going too in order to entice people to purchase tickets?
When it looked like Kate's cruise was going to tank, she brought out the "twin guns" as a last ditch effort to get people to sign up.
Ex Nurse said... 199
Can you add Tony Shalhoub to the list?
And my secret crush-
Dweezle Zappa, please?
NJGal51 said... 10
Ex Nurse - Yes, yes, yes! W need to have Mr. Monk at the party!
Let's also add Ted Levine (Stottlemeyer) to the list!
Wasn't it a few months after the cruise announcement, that TFW and Cindy C. informed everyone that the twins were going too in order to entice people to purchase tickets?
When was the promotion announced to "watch Kate and the kids play on the beach...?" I remember it caused such an outrage, comparing the kids to a circus act. That was a terrible move -- talk about desperation!
Mady's pictures are excellent. They should be at the top of Kate's blog, not buried under the cook book ads.
Great photos! Better than Kate's ever were! Maybe she should have designed the cover photo!
Milo tweeted something about hoping Kate enjoyed _________ (don't remember what) she left them there for her.
The red tent or umbrella? I don't believe Milo tweeted that. I don't think we ever found out the identity of the person, but I'm fairly certain that it wasn't tweeted directly by Milo, as if she was the one who left it there.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Woohoo..U know how the "Rhymin Dime" loves the arts & encouraging education, talents of ur kids! Tell Mady I'm proud of her! :)
Oh, well...there you have it. Mady's life is now complete knowing that Milo is proud of her. Ye gads.
"Any editor worth their salt would notice this glaring confusion."
This is why I think her book is self-published. If it were being traditionally published (which I think is what HCI claimed?), it would have gone through (multiple) copyediting/proofreading stages. This project is typical of Kate--as little effort as possible just to make a profit. Too bad she didn't realize that her profit would be bigger had she actually applied some diligence.
I'm bringing Jonathan Rhys Meyers as my plus 1. Miam, Miam!
Also, I don't think the fact that she uses baby carrots is a big deal (although I do think it's horrendous that she left out measurements in a *cookbook*). I use them from time to time instead of regular carrots (and, yes, I know they are whittled down and not actually "baby" anything) just because they are convenient. In my area, they go on sale for $1.50 per bag, while a bag of regular carrots is maybe .70. Frankly, I think it's kinda silly to begrudge her that extra .80 when there are so many other ways she wastes huge sums of the kids' money.
Vivian Tran @TranVivianC 18m
Aww! @Kateplusmy8 Mady is so sweet and Leah is too! They both are adorable! Please call me one day!! xxxxxxxxxx.
Why would Kate call a teenage fan? For what reason? What could they possibly talk about? Do these fans really believe this is going to happen?
Yes, Millicent, where ARE the parents?
Dwindle and everyone>> Those little carrots are made from big carrots. These are the carrots that do not fit a uniform size or thickness, and use to be thrown away. I looked little carrots up and that's what it said. They use to do that with peaches, tomatoes, a whole variety of veggies and fruits, if they did not meet a certain size, shape or thickness, they were tossed. Even eggs, they come in different sizes and color. White was consider, superior to brown, there is no difference. As for eggs there were pullet eggs or small, they use to be available, they do use them for cooking in resturants, medium is another you don't see a lot any more, but large, extra large, jumbo is what you can get. Just some info.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Woohoo..U know how the "Rhymin Dime" loves the arts & encouraging education, talents of ur kids! Tell Mady I'm proud of her! :)
What??? Milo found the 'g' key?? How'd that happen?
Please add Derek Jeter to the list. He can really hit them out of the park on the first pitch.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 22
Let's also add Ted Levine (Stottlemeyer) to the list!
Did you know Ted Levine is on a new show, The Bridge? Once again, he's playing a police officer (captain?) of a crime task force. The show has a grim premise, but so far I've found it very well done. And nice to see Levine again!
Hi everyone~
Someone here nicely sent me over to "Lipstick Alley" for some reading on the Giudice situation...and I'm in the middle of a long thread there...but as I'm reading, I started to wonder about something. I'd imagine that most of the people on RHNJ have engaged in various financial shenanigans and being totally clueless about this sort of behavior my question is:
Let's say Joe and Theresa G....starting back in 2001....had taken out a bunch of loans, mortgages and lines of credit like they did and made some fraudulent claims on the applications (like they did)....BUT...they had subsequently made their payments in a timely fashion, gradually paying off all these loans like they were supposed to
AND, they had dutifully filed their tax returns AND had never attempted to file for bankruptcy (at which time they lied and hid assets also).......would they now be in trouble for the bank fraud if it had come to light? Or would they still be in big trouble for that?
I'm reading a lot of comments by fans of Theresa...and they seem to be focusing in on the hijinks that occurred in the mortgage industry prior to the 2008 crash....and subsequent home foreclosures. And my assumption would be that in most of those cases, it was ONE mortgage given for ONE home to individuals who couldn't really afford it......not a whole series of mortgages, construction loans and lines of credit as happened in this case.
Because to ME, this particular case looks like 2 individuals who premeditated a plan to obtain millions of dollars via a series of different loans....with NO intention or effort to repay them.....and then later, attempted to get out of paying for any of them via a bankruptcy.
IIRC, their loans totaled somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-6 million dollars. In their attempted bankruptcy, they were trying to unload 11 million in debt. It's not all that easy to spend 11 million dollars.....and I just have to assume that the 5-6 million in loans was included in the 11 million they tried to declar.....leading me to assume that from 2001 until they tried to declare bankruptcy, they were simply blowing millions of dollars on themselves and making no real attempt to pay back the loans.
I also base this assumption on the fact that they were apparently sued multiple times for non-payment by various creditors. And also that they filed for bankruptcy shortly after Theresa got the show (RHNJ)....at a time when they might finally be bringing in some money with which to pay off some of these loans....but instead they just totally tried to dump the entire debt....so that they could continue to spend lavishly (now with the income from her show, cookbooks, endorsements, etc.)
I'm reading comments including accusations that Theresa's SIL (M. Gorga) secretly provided documents to the Feds....and that Monica Chacon went off on a secret vendetta somehow to get the G.'s into trouble.
Wouldn't the Feds already have enough just from IRS records, bank and lending institution records, bankruptcy filing records? Wouldn't they have had enough even without any help from the Gorgas or from Monica Chacon?
Many of their fans seem to be missing the big picture. I'm doubting if they would be in nearly as much trouble if they'd been dutifully making their loan payments, paying their creditors, filing and paying their taxes....and not tried to dump all their fraudulently obtained debt via a bankruptcy (where they then lied and hid assets).
Right? :D
Tucker's Mom said:
Thank you, Dwindle! I was posting about this last night.
"Baby Carrots" are grown up carrots that are shaved down to cutsie little carrot-shaped things.
That machine also sucks all the flavor out of the carrots. Waste. Of. Money.
Carrots are a staple in our house. I try to keep a package of whole carrots on hand, because they are so easy and convenient. My son likes to have a carrot as an afternoon snack. I just chop off both ends, give it a light scrub and hand him the carrot. Super easy to steam as a side veggie dish for dinner. Love to toss them in (sliced or diced) for homemade soups. When I'm making banana bread, I often add one grated carrot to the mix.
I think people are just brain washed into thinking that the "baby" carrots are somehow better.
Jen said... 27
This project is typical of Kate--as little effort as possible just to make a profit. Too bad she didn't realize that her profit would be bigger had she actually applied some diligence.
Boy, that is SO true...and so classic Kate. She did the same thing with Coupon Cabin, DWTS, the cruise....etc. What aspect of narcissism does that come under? The "People should give me money just because I'm ME and I shouldn't have to exert myself much" one or the "I'm so over-worked because I have 8 children so others should take care of things for me" one or the "I'm too important to exert myself if there are no cameras filming" one?
Dwindle said...
And how about a show of hands here that she has no clue at all that "Big Mommy and Daddy Carrots" are being fed into a machine to whittle them down into Baby Carrots, unless you are buying micro veggies?
"Big Mommy and Daddy Carrots," lol! She probably believes they're more tender. The "veal" of the carrot world.
Jen (27) and others,
To go a step further, and maybe I'm wrong, but I had always believed that cookbook recipes weren't just edited, but also tested by others, to be sure the directions (which size bag, for example) were clear and the results were consistent. Perhaps I read that at some time, but I would have thought that a proper cookbook editor would not only read the recipe, but also attempt it. I would say testing a recipe is equivalent to a non-fiction editor fact- and source- checking a historical or political book.
As to Mady's blog entry, it is wonderful that Mady (or any child) has a hobby in which they show proficiency and passion. We all want our children to have these kinds of pursuits, whether it is arts, sports, community, music, spiritual, whatever. And the photos show some talent on her part. I just can't with Kate using them on her blog. If she was a private person, and posted them because only friends and family would see, that is a totally different thing. Kate's website is clearly a commercial venture, meant to promote Kate's projects and keep her brand "out there" for future work. She is, once again, using her daughter for traffic to her site. She is using her daughter's hobby as filler for a site that has been seriously lacking in content since day one. She is using her daughter for her own gain, again. She hasn't changed at all, and doubtless sees no problem with it, what-so-ever.
Everyone come by for a lovely virtual beach vacation at Cape May! Nice beach, charming Victorian architecture, great food, and of course a big veranda where you can sit a spell and do some rumspringa or a fruity drink of your choice. Remember the house is handicap accessible with an elevator, so everyone come!
There are THOUSANDS of places up and down the east coast where you can rent, all sorts of price ranges, and by going somewhere close to home you save on gas. Lots of bargains if you look. At this point in the season, owners will negotiate prices to fill the last weeks of summer. In car you need a real beach trip in addition to a virtual one!
When was the promotion announced to "watch Kate and the kids play on the beach...?" I remember it caused such an outrage, comparing the kids to a circus act. That was a terrible move -- talk about desperation
The part about the kids playing on the beach was mentioned by Cindy Cardella in an interview with the Pocono Record, which was published right after the cruise was announced.
Although TFW was asked many times on twitter if any of the kids were going, she didn't answer to either deny or confirm. She finally did tweet that the twins were going several weeks after the cruise was announce. Admin made a post about it which you can read here:
Didn't Kate once say that 99 percent of the people don't like her? Knowing that, why would she publish a book? Why would someone spend money on a book authored by someone you don't like? I don't get it. If you know you're not well liked, you don't bank on the fact that maybe only one percent will be interested in it. Isn't that a "duh?"
Taylor Swift's childhood home for sale
So TFW is using her daughter to drive traffic to her lame site?
I would say I'm surprised but I'm not sadly.
It's also kind of funny that Maddy being 12yrs old takes better pics then mom.
The actor/ hot men that I have the hots for are.
1.Alexander Skarsgård-(true blood)
2. Ryan Kwanten-(True blood)
3. Jon Gosselin-(don't judge me he's cute 2 me lol)
I wonder if TFW is ever going to post Part 2 of Ask Kate. Since that only generated about 3-4 book sales, she decided to use Mady as another lure to her website so people will order the book.
Why doesn't she just promote the book on twitter? She's not using the biggest marketing tool she has to sell the book. She hasn't even mentioned it on twitter for almost a week. There are so many ways she could promote it more on twitter. I'd write what they are, but I don't want to give her any ideas.
Instead she just slyly entices people to her website, and makes sure to tweet the link to the home page only. Very poor strategy, because I think most people go right to the post to look at it, and skip right by the promotion for her book.
Back from the ferry ride. Tim Gunn told me all sorts of backstage secrets from Project Runway, but he still won't tell me who wins this season!
Next up, and I do mean up, we are heading to Cape May Point State Park to climb the 199 steps to the top of the lighthouse! Everyone grab your walking crocs!
Then I want to catch the Sunset Parade from the Coast Guard Training Center. We will all meet back at the house later. Bring your yummiest virtual snack and yummiest virtual guest!
TFW is having a problem with one of her freezers and she tweets about it to some appliance repair account?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 17m
@ApplPartsPros HELP! What does it mean when upright freezer is BUZZING?Door was left sl open;contents partially defrosted,leaking &buzzing!
Why doesn't she just call a local appliance repair and ask them about it? It is so all her tweeties will start commiserating with her and start giving advice and saying "Poor Kate", just like they did when she tweeted about the problems with her dishwasher? I'm surprised she hasn't posted a picture of the freezer.
Hope it's not the freezer that she put all her cookies in. If so, what ever will she do?
I'm thinking that Kate didn't have enough questions to do a part 2 so she is just keeping quiet about her lack of part 2.
I'm surprised she hasn't posted a picture of the freezer.
Or an audio so the sheeple can hear the buzzing!
The constant need for attention. Isn't the love of eight kids enough? She is nuts.
I pity the child that didn't close the freezer door all the way. Wll this be another "globe gate" and will she write a blog about getting the guilty party to confess?
TFW is having a problem with one of her freezers and she tweets about it to some appliance repair account?
I have never seen anyone so helpless and so much in need of attention. This is why she will not take down her Twitter. What happened to Kan Do Kate?
"Next up, and I do mean up, we are heading to Cape May Point State Park to climb the 199 steps to the top of the lighthouse!"
The last time I did that (for real) it was so gosh darn hot and humid I almost didn't make it to the top, and like a dummy, I was wearing flip flops. Make sure you wear your crocs (or sneakers)!
Hugh and I were on Sunset Beach by the lighthouse last night. It is very romantic! Don't forget to try out the homemade crab cakes at The Sunset Grille on the beach!
Frankly, I think it's kinda silly to begrudge her that extra .80 when there are so many other ways she wastes huge sums of the kids' money.
I can see baby carrots for snacks, especially kids. Very convenient. Great for crudite and dip platters. But for a recipe? To specifically call for baby carrots is ridiculous.
Milo to the rescue!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 55m
@Kateplusmy8 @ApplPartsPros I'd say close the door...motor is probably working harder 2get temperature back 2normal....:) Give it time...
Kate says the door was opened slightly and food is partially defrosting. Milo tells Kate to close the door! Brilliant, Milo.
You can't make this stuff up.
If Monk and the captain are there, how about Randy?
Be there soon...waiting for my new Muu-muu (Thanks Tucker's Mom!) to dry!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1h
@ApplPartsPros HELP! What does it mean when upright freezer is BUZZING?Door was left sl open;contents partially defrosted,leaking &buzzing!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 58m
@Kateplusmy8 Ha...my "know it all" 18yr old says make sure water did not leak around fan...then refreeze...could cause fan motor 2buzz. :)
I've never considered the phrase "know it all" to be complimentary. Kate's kids are great but Milo's own son she calls a "know it all."
Kate is a twit said... 49
Why doesn't she just call a local appliance repair and ask them about it?
She's hoping to suck a company in to feeling sorry for her so she can grift a new freezer.
"Why doesn't she just call a local appliance repair and ask them about it?"
She's probably grifting for a new freezer.
Ex Nurse said... 57
If Monk and the captain are there, how about Randy?
Disher? Didn't he hook up with Sharona somewhere? Not sure if he's available!
I'm thinking that Kate didn't have enough questions to do a part 2 so she is just keeping quiet about her lack of part 2.
If she had three hours to spend trying on uniforms, she certainly could have whipped out 10 answers to questions like she promised. If you're not going to do it, fine...just don't tell them that you're going to do it and then leave them hanging.
Hope it's not the freezer that she put all her cookies in. If so, what ever will she do?
LOL!! I'm sure the sheeple who are experts on freezing and defrosting cookies will have a perfect solution to that dilemma!
Can I bring my Margaritaville machine?
I'll make Pina Coladas for everyone!
Ex Nurse - Randy wont have too far to go to attend since he's now chief of police in a small NJ town and married to Shrona. Natile can also come since she's now a cop and works for Randy (according to the last Monk novel).
That is how clueless Kate is. Her freezer could have an sensor that goes off if the temp goes up, or the motor is over heating. Or worst story, one of the kids left it open to maybe get rid of some food that Kate cooked, so they would not have to eat it. Or a food they want to eat. You know hey it not frozen we can eat it. just sayin.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 17m
@ApplPartsPros HELP! What does it mean when upright freezer is BUZZING?Door was left sl open;contents partially defrosted,leaking &buzzing!
As a woman, I am embarrassed for kate. What in the heck is she doing tweeting this? Waiting for a knight in shining armor to swoop in and fix it?
Make a damn repair call, idiot.
Transfer your food to another freezer (doesn't she have 5?), unplug the broken freezer and go from there.
How dumb.
First thing tommorrow, I'm going to pick up some freshly baked bread (NOT from a bread machine!!!!!!) from The Bread Lady on Sunset.
Then, I think I'll pay a visit to Beach Plum Farm, grab an early lunch at Key West Taco, and shop like it's 1999 at the West End Garage.
Anyone want to join me?
That looks like just a general tips and tricks for your appliances. Why the heck does she think they are there to take on your questions for free? I imagine they wouldn't want the liability in the first place. Call the manufacturer or google it. Problem solved.
Goodness, her son is hardly a know it all for knowing a few basic things about appliances. Maybe he was paying attention when his parents or the repair man looked at their fridge or maybe he's read up a bit on it because it interests him. It doesn't make him a know it all to read, watch and listen and pay attention to things. A curious and engaged child is a blessing not someone to poke fun at.
My plus-one is going to be Keith Urban. He is just too yummy!
I wonder what TFW will do if there was meat in that freezer that was partially defrosted. I always heard it's not a good idea to re-freeze meat. Do we dare hope that the kids will be getting plenty of protein over the next few days?
Milo does seem to know a lot about what's going on with TFW. I really believe TFW feeds her things that she wants to be mentioned on twitter, and has Milo push those topics (new show, cookbook, etc). And as I recall, when TFW was quiet for a few days in October, it was Milo who said something like, "You should know that when Kate's quiet, that means she's working". There have been plenty of times when TFW has been quiet for a few days, but Milo knew that at that specific time, TFW was working/filming.
As a woman, I am embarrassed for kate. What in the heck is she doing tweeting this? Waiting for a knight in shining armor to swoop in and fix it?
I'm surprised irishfan has shown up yet to offer his services.
She tweeted her "freezer emergency" over 2 hours ago. Is she going to wait around for an answer or will she call a repairman? Maybe she called "Mr. Smith" and he's on his way to save the day!!
I have not posted here in ages but just had to share. I do not know how to do a link but today at blind gossip.com there is a story about a former reality star trying to be a fill in writer at New
York Post. It sure sounds like TFW,
My Aunt has the same refrigerator that TFW has. I didn't shut it all the way once and the Frig started to buzz. When I shut the door it stopped.
Is TFW THAT stupid?! God help this woman. Gawd!
Another reason to be embarrassed for Milo - she shares TFW's tweets with her son. And the kid could be right. Yep, always tweet your problem instead of calling a repairman. Smack to head.
Call the manufacturer or google it. Problem solved.
I solved my washer and dryer problems this way. Saved me repair bills big time.
Tweeting this shit is so passive and lazy. Start Googling and so somehting about it!
Hey, are there any tennis courts nearby in Cape May? I'm playing the cougar and bringing Rafa Nadal with me. Muy caliente!
It's amazing how many problems can be solved with a toolbox and google. Now there's a way to save money.
Dee 3 said...
AND, they had dutifully filed their tax returns AND had never attempted to file for bankruptcy (at which time they lied and hid assets also).......would they now be in trouble for the bank fraud if it had come to light? Or would they still be in big trouble for that?
If they had filed returns and paid off the loans, they may not have ever been investigated. The way the IRS works, is that they start with an audit, and if there are no big red flags, that is the end of it. If there were errors made, or a reasonable interpretation of tax laws, then the owed taxes must be paid, and there may be a penalty on top of that. The taxpayer can make a case, for example, medical reasons, hurricane, etc., but they have to prove it.
If there are red flags, and obvious efforts to defraud, the IRS will just keep going back, and begin building a case.
As far as the banks, if the payments are being made, there would be no reason to probe. They only care about getting their money.
Not a Natalie fan...I never really accepted her as a replacement for Sharona!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 72
It's amazing how many problems can be solved with a toolbox and google. Now there's a way to save money.
Oh yes, the wonders of Google! A couple months ago my daughter called me after she left work and told me her car wouldn't start. I went over and tried to jump start it, but it was having none of that. So I figured either the battery was truly dead, or it was the alternator. Her battery is in the trunk (how weird is that?) and I wasn't sure how to take it out. So my daughter got out her phone and found step by step directions. We got the battery out and took it to an auto parts place to have it tested. It was dead, so I bought a new one and we did the same thing (Googled)to make sure we put it in correctly.
There were no meltdowns involved. It took an hour, and we did it without having to call anyone to "save" us.
But I have to say I was grateful to have the tools I needed, thanks to my ex, who bought them for me as a Christmas gift the year we got divorced-(from the kids)
We both bought gifts for each other for the kids to give to us, until they got jobs and could buy them on their own.
I got my schedule mixed up. The Sunset Parse at the Coast Guard Academy is Sunday August 4. We have to be ok the grounds and seated prior to 7:30.that evening. So right now, to recover from or lighthouse hike, we should take a horse drawn carriage tour around Cape May. Remember the Seinfeld episode where Kramer drove the carriage but he fed the horse something that made it produce mass quantities of gas that almost incapacitated the passengers? Yeah, stay away from any drivers like that!
What's next? What if the toilet overflows and keeps overflowing? Will she tweet for advice? Would she even know where the shut-off valve is? I guess there would be frantic DMs back and forth to Milo's know-it-all son...if it's before 11 p.m.
Yes! A Monk reunion! I love it!
See that white chair over there in the corner of the veranda? Let's wipe it extra clean with Clorox wipes then cover it in plastic so Mt Monk will have a place to sit. Packaged snacks for him only so he can be sure of the sanitation. Maybe a new pack of Hostess Twinkies! Anyone know if he likes Twinkies?
Tuckers Mom, your itinerary for tomorrow looks great, I will come along. Plus Tim Gunn, to carry our packages and help us find fabulous things to bring home. How about a beach walk at sunrise?
LeeLee said... 39
Jen (27) and others,
To go a step further, and maybe I'm wrong, but I had always believed that cookbook recipes weren't just edited, but also tested by others, to be sure the directions (which size bag, for example) were clear and the results were consistent. Perhaps I read that at some time, but I would have thought that a proper cookbook editor would not only read the recipe, but also attempt it.
I found a couple of websites about publishing your cookbook. I'm assuming it's for self-published books. I'm still not sure whether TFW's is traditionally published or self-pub.
Anyway, the websites all told the author to hand the recipe to neighbors and friends to try out from start to finish and make written comments about the recipe - level of seasoning,
proportions, recipe comprehension, etc. It was not up to the publishing company to try the recipes out. That would be a HUGE time consumer for the pub. company, running a test kitchen for 108 recipes for this book, 95 recipes for that book.....the cost of the kitchen experts, the ingredients, the utilities, etc. would be prohibitive for most companies and the author. Magazines like Good Housekeeping have test kitchens, but it's on a much smaller scale.
I think Kate's book will only run through text edit, and that means some things are going to be missed.
TFW is probably taking notes from this blog to see what's wrong (somebody upthread said that first, I'm agreeing.)
Summer Days And Nights said... 42
Didn't Kate once say that 99 percent of the people don't like her? Knowing that, why would she publish a book? Why would someone spend money on a book authored by someone you don't like? I don't get it. If you know you're not well liked, you don't bank on the fact that maybe only one percent will be interested in it. Isn't that a "duh?"
TFW had something like 130,00+ twitter friends she no doubt believed were 130,000+ individual actual real people who loved her. She most likely believed they would each buy at least one of her cookbooks. You know, loyalty and all.
I see TFW is begging for a new freezer. First thing I do when something happens to something I own is google it. I ALWAYS find an answer. I've googled lights flashing on my printer, car doing such and such, how to do whatever...it's all there! And a lot of time there is a youtube video or ten to help as well!
I crack up everytime I see a hater refer to Milo as #FU. I know, it's terrible but it makes me laugh every time.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 17m
@ApplPartsPros HELP! What does it mean when upright freezer is BUZZING?Door was left sl open;contents partially defrosted,leaking &buzzing!
The "buzzer" is the alarm that tells you the door has been left open. On the bottom right hand corner of the open freezer is where you turn it off. Rocket science.
Emily Creighton @EmCr68 4m
@Kateplusmy8 on my way to "our" ice cream shop! Can't go there without thinking of you guys and the wonderful memories! Miss you all!
I hope she outgrows this, and there's not another Milo in the making.
Where is Paige these days?
iAm Wise @iAmTheWiseOne 59m
Everything in life can teach you a lesson, you just have to be willing to learn.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
This reminds me of the old joke: How many people does it take to change a lightbulb?
Only one, but the lightbulb has to really want to change -or- want to learn to dance ;-)
Wonder if TFW is baking and getting uniforms ready so early because she has a beach vacation grifted again?
NJGal51 said... 53
I pity the child that didn't close the freezer door all the way. Wll this be another "globe gate" and will she write a blog about getting the guilty party to confess?
I thought the same thing (shudder) If she lost her s--- over a tiny piece of ripped globe- what kind of interrogation will they endure over possibly spoiled food?
I'm betting that TFW's freezer motor has iced up. She needs to fix that, not just shut the door and flail her arms around.
Where's Jon when she needs him? Remember when her washing machine leaked all over the floor?
TFW sounds really panicked. Don't worry. The buzzing doesn't mean it's going to explode.
The "buzzer" is the alarm that tells you the door has been left open
I don't think so. It sounds like the motor is working overtime and breaking down. Not good.
Here you go, TFW
You're welcome
ETA I guess she's too young to remember the "is your refrigerator running? You better go catch it" crank call
somewhere beyond the realm said... 75
NJGal51 said... 53
I pity the child that didn't close the freezer door all the way. Wll this be another "globe gate" and will she write a blog about getting the guilty party to confess?
I thought the same thing (shudder) If she lost her s--- over a tiny piece of ripped globe- what kind of interrogation will they endure over possibly spoiled food?
I was thinking about her shit fit when someone left the back slider open, was in timeout, and all kids were ordered to go through the front door as a result.
This is a good example of why freezing all this crap months and years in advance may not necessarily work out. One wrong move with the freezer and all that food spoils. Stock piling is fine until something goes wrong, like a freezer door that wasn't shut. We actually discussed this issue before. Great, freeze lots of meals in advance but what about when the power goes out as it tends to do? You could lose hundreds of dollars.
If TFW didn't make it her life's work to alienate Jon, she might have been able to call him to come take a look. He could swing by after work and maybe even pick up some of the kids for the weekend while he's at it. But alas she has decided like everyone else who doesn't go along with her scheme he must be cut off.
Great, freeze lots of meals in advance but what about when the power goes out as it tends to do? You could lose hundreds of dollars.
And I've said before that it was and still is very short sighted to not equip that home with a whole house generator. Kate would rather tweet "can I use a portable generator inside?" than put the money into equipping the house with something that could save her thousands if the power goes out.
Especially with 8 kids.
Penny-wise, pound foolish.
Penny-wise, pound foolish.
That pretty much sums it up.
She also thinks in the moment as has been discussed here quite a bit. Not thinking about the long term consequences of anything, including her own kids.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 17m
@ApplPartsPros HELP! What does it mean when upright freezer is BUZZING?Door was left sl open;contents partially defrosted,leaking &buzzing!
Saying "Door was left sl open" in Kate-speak means that SHE is the one who left the door open. Had it been one of the kids, she would have adopted the poor, put-upon, victimized mother act to complain about the child and whine about what a terrible burden she shoulders.
She then would have described how she herded all the kids to the freezer and made them press an ear up against it so the buzzing would drive them mad, thus causing one kid to eventually break and rat out another, probably innocent, culprit.
Joy, do you have room for a few more guests? These guys would surely be easy on the eyes and interesting:
Johnny Depp (he was mentioned earlier but I didn't see him on your guest list)
Bradley Cooper
Robert Downey Jr.
Jim Caviezel
Thanks ever so much!
She's not interested in figuring out the problem. She just wants Sears to deliver a new one. Preferably already stocked with food.
Again, why does she even need several freezers? She does not live miles and miles from grocery stores, she has 3 cars and as a SAHM with no volunteer committments, she has plenty of time to go shopping. I can see a freezer, maybe 2 fridges for a large family, but all she has is freezer burn on year old organic chicken parts. And a bunch of cookies.
I'm not sure I quite understand the over the top stockpiling and freezing either. It's almost like an obsession for TFW. Extreme stockpiling and freezing saves some money I guess, but it's marginal and not always worth the pennies saved when you eat something old with freezer burn or with cold spots or that defrosted soggy or rock hard (like most cookies would).
At the end of the day I've found very few things really defrost as good as the original unfrozen product. I've found that that small class of dishes that "taste better the next day" are the most successful to freeze. Soups, casseroles, chili, burritos, all taste better the next day and usually seem to freeze well. But most people can't eat that heavy all the time and want fresh grilled or baked proteins like chicken, fish or beef, fresh veggies, salads, and some kind of starch. A fruit? Forget it.
The other part of this is that she doesn't work and has plenty of time to whip up a fresh and healthy meal several days a week. There is no reason every meal needs to be microwaved out of the freezer. She is not pregnant or has a newborn or broken leg and needs to just pop something in the microwave quick. She has all day to feed her family fresh foods and skip the zapping.
Sometimes I really wonder what she does with herself all day. She must have hours and hours. Just T.V.?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 15m
@Kateplusmy8 Oh....BTW...how is the freezer? Still humming along? :)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 16m
@Kateplusmy8 Did Mady write her own intro there? She has ur confidence...I like that! Will help her 2b successful whatever she does! :)
Three questions in two tweets. I wonder if Kate just rolls her eyes and sighs when she reads Milo's tweets.
Saying "Door was left sl open" in Kate-speak means that SHE is the one who left the door open. 89
She's not interested in figuring out the problem. She just wants Sears to deliver a new one 90
Again, why does she even need several freezers? 91
More than several FIVE (5)! For TFW, nothing is ever too much. It's really sad.
Blogger ate my post! tuckers mom, your itinerary for tomorrow morning sounds great! I definitely want to go to the bread lady! Call me Crazy, all those other delightful witty men should definitely come over!
The Coast Guard Academy Sunset Parade was not this evening, it will be Sunday evening.
The veranda is open! Rumspringa and your favorite fruity drinks are being served! Who is singing inside? I think its Adam Levine!
ON K+8 one of the kids let her screen door open and the kid was punished to sit in the corner.
So I highly doubt that one of the kids left the freezer open.
I bet TFW did it.
Milo reminds me of an old Roseanne episode where Roseanne invites a guy (Donald) over to dinner. Every time he opens his mouth, he asks questions, not even coming up for a breath between them. It's really funny. When Roseanne and Dan go to bed at night, they poke fun of him and just fire off one question after another. When I read Milo's string of questions, I have to laugh because I can hear "Donald" doing this!
Is there some kind of name or psychological spectrum for never being satisfied? Other than greed. You know for people who can literally never have enough of anything--money, freezers, children.
The veranda is open! Rumspringa and your favorite fruity drinks are being served! Who is singing inside? I think its Adam Levine
I thought it was Ted Levine, reprising his singing debut in Monk, "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone..."
Lol it's online!
I forgot how great that show was.
Here's a reason for a freezer - very organized pregnant friend of a daughter bought a chest freezer in her 8th month, and nested bt cooking dinners and freezing them post baby. It amused my daughter who even now with 3 small ones copes differently.
We have a Sub-Zero bought almost 25 years ago for our growing family. Kids grown and gone, and the freezer part is mostly empty, as I cook less, shop more frequently for fresh meats/fruits/veggies for 2. TFW has way more time than most working moms, you know the kind with jobs. As I said above, I could see having one freezer for occasional bulk purchases, or cooking 2 casseroles and freezing one, but who wants foods with freezer burn?
Lol it's online!
I forgot how great that show was.
It was the best. That's the episode! If that isn't Milo, I'll eat my hat! There was a Roseanne-a-thon on television recently and I happened on that episode and all I could think about was Milo being the female version of Donald (or the male...we may never know)!
Five freezers makes as much sense as 3 cars.
Is there some kind of name or psychological spectrum for never being satisfied? Other than greed. You know for people who can literally never have enough of anything--money, freezers, children.
It could be a form of psychological egoism.
Most likely its the freezer alarm. Our upright freezer sounds an alarm if the door is opened for more than five minutes.
Our freezer does that, too, but it's more like a beeping at intervals. Kate said it's a buzzing, so I'm thinking more like a constant buzz from a motor, but who knows?
She does have a phone, and I would hope she could call Mr. Appliance Repair Man, assuming she knows who services her appliances.
I was staying with my older brother for a bit and his larger freezer was left open.
All his meat being to un-thaw he was mad for like 2 minutes and then he started grilling the meats.
My thing is if one of kids did do it so what. They're kids and kids make mistakes get over it.
This is more entertaining than cable, lol. That appliance twitter account is tweeting about smelly hampers, flat out ignoring TFW's damsel in distress pleas for help. The ONLY person to respond to poor TFW was Milo. TFW really is circling the drain.
AppliancePartsPros @ApplPartsPros 46m
Smelly hampers happen. Get them smelling great again with this tip! :) pic.twitter.com/NwAIKe3z75
So TFW didn't hear the buzzer on her freezer?
I wonder why maybe cause she's to busy tweeting and to busy on the Iphone to supervise her kids.
She does have a phone, and I would hope she could call Mr. Appliance Repair Man, assuming she knows who services her appliances.
But, but, but, if she calls a repair man then she will have to pay for the repair. She's hoping to get free advice on how to fix it herself.
Even if she doesn't know who services her appliances, she could just call her good friend @Sears. They have people who can come a fix almost any appliance. I've called them when I had problems with my dryer many years after it was out of warranty.
Kate and her buzzing freezer crack me up. The first thing I do if some appliance or other item in my home seems to be acting up - I google the problem to see what comes up. 9 times out of 10, I find a similar situation being discussed with possible solutions.
I learned how to unclog my bathroom sink drain by advice found via an internet search.
If the problem is beyond my ability to fix on my own, I call on my handyman. Usually he can fix most simple problems. Something bigger, I figure out who is the expert - plumber, electrician, etc.
Kate really has poor coping skills. And I agree - she is hoping that someone, somewhere, will spring for a brand new matching freezer. Unless ole Milo comes up with one, she's going to find out her days of grifting for free appliances are long over. Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!
So TFW didn't hear the buzzer on her freezer?
Did she say which freezer it was? I thought she has one (or two or three) in the basement, and if so, she probably wouldn't have heard it.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 112
She didn't say however you'd think with all the meals that.
She claims to freeze she would keep her eye and ears open.
She also did say what kind of freezer it was.
What I find funny is when in the past TFW tweeted about some household problem, lint trap, dishwasher, generator, etc., her tweeties jumped to give her advice. This time the only person that actually responded to that tweet was Milo.
Maybe some of them are realizing that CanDoKate-Can't and are tired of hearing about it on twitter.
She also did say what kind of freezer it was.
What kind did she say it is?
Sleepless In Seattle said... 115
Typo I meant to say she didn't say.
If the door was only open a crack, and not wide open, it would take quite a while for a full freezer's food to start thawing. A day, maybe?
Although if it's in the basement it would be easy not to notice the door ajar.
She probably made the whole thing up, anyway. Just to get attention.
She sure gets off on playing helpless, doesn't she.
Is Kate's freezer bullying her?
Jen said... 29
:-) I was being wayyy sarcastic. I am almost ALWAYS way sarcastic.
Re the freezer; I am surprised she doesn't have them padlocked. What if a gross and icky child reached in with disgusting hands, ungloved, and with NO FOIL and took an unauthorized cookie and bit into it in an unapproved manner!?! The world would spin sideways, cats and dogs would hold hands... and a crumb might hit the floor. Oh the horrors.
Will there be a 10,000 word, 6th grade essay from TFW next week on FreezerGate?
Did I miss something? What instructions were on her 700,000 cookies?
I, too, am embarrassed that Kate, who brags about being a "single" mom, doesn't have the common sense to call an appliance repair person. Is she so desperate to fill her twitter that she feels the need to tweet something so stupid? Is she trying to make it sound that she needs to figure out what the issue is because she can't afford a repairman? I have never witnessed such manipulating behavior as that of Kate Gosselin.
And tweeting about the exaggerated 3-hour marathon of going through uniforms serves no purpose other than to continue the fallacy of her being so, so busy all by her lonesome. Well, lady, you wanted a freakin' big family, so now you have to pay the price. I bet she never factored in that Jon, her man-servant, would grow a pair and leave her. Hey, we all have had to prepare for a new school year so why does she think she is so special? She actually has it quite EASY with the kids wearing uniforms, and what she needs she can order...no shopping clothing sales and arguments. Geez.
Maybe some of them are realizing that CanDoKate-Can't and are tired of hearing about it on twitter.
The Irish Creeper didn't even tweet that he'd be right over to help.
You know, I'd be interested with all the freezing she claims she does, how she avoids freezer burn. Does she vacuum seal everything?
My next question would be, why so much freezing food anyway? Irony...she writes a cookbook because supposedly she loves cooking, but freezes everything so she can just stick stuff in the oven or microwave rather than cook a fresh meal. With all the explicit instructions we saw on the cookies, maybe the meals are frozen for either the helper or twins to cook?
Boyson 105 said...
I thought Kate (TFW) was organized. She should have a copy of the freezer manual.
They did a whole episode showing Kate learning the systems of her home & making a book of manuals and such. They showed her making a tracking sheet of her chickens so if she is so organized and kept up with it, she should know how many chickens she has. Of course that was just a show & that book probably has an inch of dust on it by now.
I wonder tho if she isn't making & freezing for 'a rainy day'? She has to know she can't live off of her savings forever and one day it may come down to deciding whether to buy food or pay the light bill and this way, she at least has food? Idk, I just don't think she's made enough $$ to not work, stay in her house with all it's upkeep, keep kids in private school, maintain 3 vehicles, have part time help, etc...it's going to run out.
I wonder if TFW saw this tweet:
AppliancePartsPros @ApplPartsPros 19h
Stuck on leftovers? Not a problem for this #family! pic.twitter.com/8bxblE54Yw
So celeb.gather.com picked up Kate's latest about Mady's blog and pictures. Here's the last line:
"Apparently, Kate Gosselin is doing things right and letting her kids figure out what makes them happiest. Go Kate!"
Well, I do hope so, too. This is a good sign that the kids are emerging as individuals and Kate won't be able to package them as she did when they were younger. I just hope Kate doesn't take credit for any of their talents.
Can my Canadian-self come to the virtual party in the big house, and sip a Ginger Beer on the veranda?
I hope I am not being too selfish by asking if I can bring along 2 of my favourite men, I would like to bring Jon Bon Jovi along with our Canadian cutie, Bryan Adams. Oh, how about asking Johnny Reid to come along, we will have such a diverse collection of singers! Garth Brooks would put the cherry on top for me!
Cara @dwerptwerp 1h
@Kateplusmy8 what does 'edible dough for play' really mean? Really curious kate! #kateplusmy8 #askkate #cookbook
It means it's toxic, should never be put into the mouth, and is not for use by children. Geez. These people.
@msgoody2shoes21: RT @eminethe1st: You can't change what you don't acknowledge. @Kateplusmy8
Very true Goody and I'm sure you were not trying to get a dig in at TFW but you did nevertheless. TFW has never even acknowledged that she has any faults so she will never be able to change for the better.
Autumn Leaves said...(28)
"I'm bringing Jonathan Rhys Meyers as my plus 1. Miam, Miam!"
Awwwww man! You called it so I'll concede but I make no promises that I'm not going to try to get him to leave the party with me. ;)
I was looking at the books on Amazon Kindle and noticed Robert's book is there, with reading the first chapter for free. I thought that was pulled, or has it always been there? I clicked on the Amazon link, and got an error message that the website is not functioning. Nevertheless, the book is showing up on the Kindle site.
@xxxxxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Just google "edible playdough" You'll find all sorts of recipes & info & ideas. http://www.dealiciousmom.com/edible-play-dough-10-yummy-recipes/
I love it when the non-fans post links for sites that are so much better than TFW's site. This particular "fan" was posting a question wondering what edible play dough really means. Although the "fan" may have been doing it to yank TFW's chain.
Was driving by The Stone Pony in Asbury Park and invited The Boss to the party. Hope you don't mink because I'd like to also rock out to Born In The USA tonight.
This particular "fan" was posting a question wondering what edible play dough really means. Although the "fan" may have been doing it to yank TFW's chain.
How can you tell if it's a yanking non-fan, or an obsessed fan who is serious? Like this...who would be this thrilled that excitement can't be contained? LOL!
alexsus fillippinie @alexsus27_ 33m
Seriously can't even contain my excitement right now that I'm watching Kate plus 8 on Netflix. @Kateplusmy8
In 131 that was MIND and not MINK. I sometimes hate autocorrect.
Here's an interesting story that I ran across. Yes FW one can be too thin and as the mother of 5 girls you should be setting a better example. I'd never heard of this new trend among teens before seeing this video.
Well, it's raining right now in Cape May. Joy, any back up plans for today? I guess the performance by the Boss won't be held on the beach. We might have to run up to the concert venue in Wildwood to hear him, or how about a trip up the coast to the Great Auditorium in Ocean Grove?
I think some of her fans may be over her whining and helplessness too. I have to assume most of the fans are probably like most Americans. Middle class, working, credit cards, mortgages. To hear some millionaire complain about their fridge and grift and hint so much has got to be annoying eventually. Normal people when faced with such a problem immediately feel that anxiety. You know what I'm talking about. Oh, no what if google and my toolbox can't fix this? What if I need to call a repair person? It's only the first week in August, my budget for the month will be blown if I have to do that. What about back to school costs, I'm counting on any extra money for that. THAT is what the real middle class faces every time something like this happens. They don't have time to screw around on twitter waving their white handkerchief hoping for some free help.
That tweet got two responses the whole night, one from Milo and the other from someone saying check the settings. I guess all the better for Milo, she can have her all to herself.
I didn't see Robert's book on Amazon but I did see that Polly K's name is now on the cover of Al W's book as a "contributor". Is this something new? No wonder they both slammed Robert.
OVer in TFW's County - The Auditorium would be great AND I could give everyone a tour of Tent City.
Sheri said... 129
Awwwww man! You called it so I'll concede but I make no promises that I'm not going to try to get him to leave the party with me. ;)
*Side eyes Sheri* You must have a thing for bad boys.
Back to the Giudices, Bethenny Frankel had this to say in US Weekly today. I thought she was pretty spot on:
"Do I feel sorry for them? No, I don't. Not so much, because it broke the law. You broke the law and you went on television. That's not really that smart."
But Frankel does sympathize when it comes to the Guidices' four daughters. "I feel badly for them because they have kids," explained, the mom to 3-year-old daughter Bryn. "And their kids didn't sign up for this."
I didn't see Robert's book on Amazon but I did see that Polly K's name is now on the cover of Al W's book as a "contributor". Is this something new? No wonder they both slammed Robert.
That tweet got two responses the whole night, one from Milo and the other from someone saying check the settings. I guess all the better for Milo, she can have her all to herself.
Wouldn't you think that you know you are done when you tweet for help and attention, and out of 163,000 followers, only two respond, one of whom believes herself to be your bff?
Did TFW grift a brand new, stand up freezer yet?
I have a question for people who comment or read here. Does anyone believe anything Kate says or does?? I don't believe Mady wrote the entry, without help anyway, and I don't know if it was Mady who took the pictures. Don't remember her showing any interest in cameras, but I do remember Cara taking pictures and filming. Maybe I'm just one person who doesn't believe one single thing Kate says unless I see it with my own eyes!
You have to invite Ryan Gosling to the party! He's young but sooo sexy! He reminds me of Steve McQueen and since Steve is not around anymore Ryan will do!
I don't understand Milo. She's all about reaffirming how strong Kate is, how she can do anything, how she can meet any challenge and win, etc. etc., what an amazing mom of EIGHT she is,and yet she consistently tells her what needs to be done, like she's totally unable to figure anything out for herself.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 22m
@Kateplusmy8 Getting kids acclimated 2back 2school routine is important..but getting urself there first is a must! Lead the way...Mom Kate!
@Kateplusmy8 Getting kids acclimated 2back 2school routine is important..but getting urself there first is a must! Lead the way...Mom Kate!
That's right, it's all about the parent, not the child and how exciting another year starting is.
There should be a name for parents who make parenting all about them. But all I can think of is douchebag parenting.
Don't remember her showing any interest in cameras, but I do remember Cara taking pictures and filming. Maybe I'm just one person who doesn't believe one single thing Kate says unless I see it with my own eyes!
Yes, I believe Mady took them. They're good for a 12 year old. She can only go up from here. Kate sure as heck didn't take those.
"There should be a name for parents who make parenting all about them."
Well, there is. It's narcissist.
Before I go to sleep, I have to stop reading about Kate's home maintenance issues. I had a dream last night that Kate called me and asked me to come to her house. She was freaking because her door bell didn't work and she smelled smoke. When I arrived, there were about a dozen or so repairmen scurrying around, along with a priest (??) and Milo, who was about four feet tall, and said her name was Hattie or Hannie, or Hettie or Helen...something with an H. Milo was standing on a step ladder, cooking spaghetti for the workers because she said Kate was too upset and frazzled to do anything.
Anyway, Kate was told that repairs to the door bell would be $23,000. She came unglued. I said that was outrageous and she should just disconnect the door bell and cut the power. That way she wouldn't have to worry about a fire. She was crying, saying she couldn't afford a repair and if they cut the power, she wouldn't know if anyone was at the front door, and depending where she was in the house, she couldn't hear knocking.
I said of course she would. She's have to open the electric gate to let them in...she'd know if someone came to her house.
She gave me the strangest look...
I woke up. Never did find out how Milo's spaghetti turned out.
Tomatoes you probably don't remember what Mady is interested in because TFW rarely talks about the children's likes and dislikes, interests, or describes them as individuals. For as much as she tweets, we actually know next to nothing about who these kids really are. While that is a good thing in general, at the same time it suggests what little interest Kate really has in these kids as people other than what they can do for her. She suddenly took notice of Mady's photography because she suddenly had the bright idea she could use it to drive hits to her site and crookbook.
@msgoody2shoes21: RT @eminethe1st: You can't change what you don't acknowledge. @Kateplusmy8
Hey Goody stop watching Dr.Phil lol.
TLC stinks said... 123
You know, I'd be interested with all the freezing she claims she does, how she avoids freezer burn. Does she vacuum seal everything?
I thought she grifted one of the vacuumed sealed machines.
Susie Cincinnati said... 102
Lol it's online!
I forgot how great that show was.
It was the best. That's the episode! If that isn't Milo, I'll eat my hat! There was a Roseanne-a-thon on television recently and I happened on that episode and all I could think about was Milo being the female version of Donald (or the male...we may never know)!
Roseanne ROCKED! The entire cast was hilarious. Now, that was great t.v.
Slightly OT, but a particular episode stands out for me, called "Wait Till Your Father Gets Home".
Roseanne & Jackie's father had died. So
Roseanne enlists Jackie to call their relatives-to announce the unfortunate passing.
The first call that Jackie reluctantly makes is to their very hard of hearing Auntie Barbara. Very, very funny.
(skip the 4:00 mark)
Yes, I believe Mady took them. They're good for a 12 year old. She can only go up from here. Kate sure as heck didn't take those.
I believe she did, too. Mady has always been the creative one
from what we've seen -- art, drama and theater, film-making, singing, and so photography makes sense.
@Kateplusmy8 Getting kids acclimated 2back 2school routine is important..but getting urself there first is a must! Lead the way...Mom Kate!
It's more important for Kate to get herself ready for the back to school routine? God, Milo...you are so far gone there's no hope.
Oh my goodness! Blowing In The Wind had such a funny dream! So detailed! I laughed out loud. Sounds like a good episode for Kate+8. Maybe TLC will film it as that follow-up all her tweeties are asking for!
I remember that TFW tweeted a few pictures of Shoka that Mady had photoshopped. In one tweet she said "Oh, Mady........ Check out her latest amusement...photo art!" This is that picture:
Also, when TFW wrote her Stir bog about being sick and it showed a picture of her in bed, the photo credit went to Mady. I would also assume that when TFW tweets a picture of herself that the picture was taken by Mady.
So, yes, TFW has mentioned it before.
Just a side note. It looks like TFW using Mady to get more book orders didn't work. Only ONE book was ordered yesterday. She's up to 289.
That's another thing about instructing people to freeze things. A good vacuum sealer can be expensive not to mention buying the plastic to refill it. You can tell people to save money all you want but if they can't afford the upfront costs to it, the average joe will be left to foil, ziploc, and a bad case of freezer burn. So your tips are worthless.
The first call that Jackie reluctantly makes is to their very hard of hearing Auntie Barbara. Very, very funny.
I remember that one (even without watching it again). "He's fine. He sends his love."
"I'm not doing that again. You can't make me!"
Tomatoes said,
"I don't believe Mady wrote the entry, without help anyway, and I don't know if it was Mady who took the pictures."
Kate certainly didn't take them! This is one time when I do believe Kate. I can see Mady being interested in photography, and the photos are not outside the capability of a soon-to-be thirteen year old. They are very good, and I'm not questioning Kate this time. I believe that Mady took them.
Autumn Leaves said... 140
Sheri said... 129
Awwwww man! You called it so I'll concede but I make no promises that I'm not going to try to get him to leave the party with me. ;)
*Side eyes Sheri* You must have a thing for bad boys.
Jonny's got nuthin' on my RL hubby as far as bad boys go. But yeah; gorgeous, Irish brogue AND can sing and play guitar - any day of the week! Oh, I think he's done some sort of acting gig here and there too. Hehe (JK - Huge fan of his since Velvet Goldmine.) :D
I believe she did, too. Mady has always been the creative one from what we've seen -- art, drama and theater, film-making, singing, and
so photography makes sense. 155
I won't to to TWF's website, so thanks for this: http://img.ly/q0xn
It definitely demonstrates creativity and skill. How does her gestational carrier respond?
"Oh, Mady........ Check out her latest amusement...photo art!"
No recognition of her skill, which far surpasses TWF's.
It doesn't surprise me that someone who didn't want to be in front of cameras is interested in being behind the lens.
On another note, the twins different interests (one in sports, one in the arts) has been pretty well acknowledged by both parents. It is the sextuplets who are dressed identically and treated like a six pack of kids. IMO the identical clothing is because they are not identical and wouldn't necessarily be recognized as sextuplets, which is TWF's
only real claim to fame. Poor kids,. All of them.
Oh, and as an adult (female) human, TWF's helplessness is both embarrassing and beyond annoying.
I think Mady could have taken the pictures but they should be kept private. They also should have her name on the watermark.I don't believe she wrote the blog, though. Previously it seemed TFW had someone take photos of her that appeared to have been taken from odd angles, in the kitchen for example. Maybe Mady took a class in photoshop or photography at school? She has improved! The other pictures were not too good.But basically I take everything TFW says with a grain of salt- who knows, maybe Jamie took them; we just don't know.
I think that the photos by Mady are good, especially for her age. She has an imaginative, artistic eye. It's just too bad that TFW made sure her name is on all the photos instead of Mady, the photographer! I wonder if TFW's narcissistic mind believes that since she 'made' Mady, then she deserves to claim the photos that Mady made?
Thread lightly, Tomatoes, thread lightly when speaking about MY Ryan Gossling. He's not just "coming to the party". I'm "bringing him" to the party as my plus-one. :) But... I'm willing to share him for a while if Jonas Kaufmann, my plus-two, is able to make it to Joy's. I doubt it, he's singing his little heart out in Salzburg at the moment, but a girl can always dream...
Of course she does. She didn't just make those children, she owns those children; therefore, anything they do until the age of emancipation is Kate's and Kate's alone to cash in on! (depending of which rendition you believe, they were either an immaculate conception, or their father, Jon, is deceased)
I don't know if you've ever heard the story, but Kate was miserable and on bed-rest for about 2534509168 days, or weeks, or months! (depending on which of her renditions you want to believe)
Those kids OWE her! She certainly didn't ASK for them to be brought into the world! ... Oh wait! ..... That argument usually goes the other way huh?
Um ... wait just one second ...
Milo! Need a 'Kate is the GREATEST ever mother who ever lived' PR spin! Aisle 5! (sorry to discount you Blessed Mother Mary, but apparently you got nothing on Kate Gosselin!)
G'head Katie ... sue me for being both hilarious AND snarky!
Time for a flashback to TFW's defensiveness when she bought the first Audi sports car. She blamed it on the paparazzi. I'm sorry, did the paparazzi make her buy the car? WTF.
@teapotgnome nope. Got it 6 months ago! They chose to release photos of it now but pap was aware long time ago- anything2 make me look bad:(
8 Sep
adam hay
wadecool33 adam hay
@Kateplusmy8 It would seem you did that to yourself when you bought an expensive sports car.
3 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@wadecool33 not really. I dont have to answer to you! Do you answer to me? Nope! Have a nice day!;)
TFW's ego know no bounds. Someone tweeted:
Sophie Willcox @SophieWillcox 6h
@Kateplusmy8 Look what's on TV... You'll be honoured!! pic.twitter.com/JJfpV10fFR
The picture is a screenshot of a TV listing called "William and Kate Plus 8 Royal Weddings".
So TFW replies:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 45m
SUPER COOL! WE FEEL HONORED! :)RT @SophieWillcox: @Kateplusmy8 Look what's on TV... You'll be honoured!! pic.twitter.com/Yt7n2ZJu1C
That TV program aired on TV in Dec. 2010 a few months before the royal wedding in 2011. Ironically, it aired on TLC and it's original title was "William, Kate & 8 Royal Weddings."
Why does TFW always think any reference to "Kate plus 8" is about her, or makes it about her? Why should she feel honored-it had absolutely nothing to do with her.
I think Mady could have taken the pictures but they should be kept private. They also should have her name on the watermark.I don't believe she wrote the blog, though. Previously it seemed TFW had someone take photos of her that appeared to have been taken from odd angles, in the kitchen for example. Maybe Mady took a class in photoshop or photography at school? She has improved! The other pictures were not too good.But basically I take everything TFW says with a grain of salt- who knows, maybe Jamie took them; we just don't know."
Mady just went to photoshop, and they have tutorials on blending animal faces into human ones. The tiger face is the one they use the most it looks like. So, she is not all that creative.Takes some computer knowledge to follow the instructions though, and if she can do that, I am sure she also blogs and twitters and can keep the accounts hidden from her mother.
Hey, guess what just happened? The lightbulb in my garage door opener has been burned out and I just replaced it. Still not working. So I googled it and found the advice to unplug it, remove the bulb, and use a small screwdriver to pull out the contact a little bit in the socket. So I did. And guess what! It worked! I didn't even have to tweet @Liftmaster! #CanDoLocal
Blowing in the Wind...Funny dream. I laughed out loud. You need to have at least one more so we know how Milo's spaghetti turns out. I see her as 4' tall and looking like a hobbit.
Those pesky storms have cleared up! I spent most of the day on the veranda reading a book. Ever After by Kim Harrison, I enjoyed it.
For your dining pleasure this evening, crab cakes, grilled fresh veggies including fresh from the farm corn on the cob, green peppers, fresh cantaloupe and peaches, a salad with Hanover tomatoes from Hanover County Virginia that I brought along. Plenty of ice tea and rumspringa. I think its great that Jon Bon Jovi and BRUCE! Will be coming by to strum their guitars and serenade us, maybe we can sing along! Prairie Mary, I would be very happy for you to come and bring your musical guest!
Ghost tour later, after dark, anyone want to come along?
I think Mady's photos are very nicely done and I'm glad she's pursuing something that interests her.
If Kate's blog were any normal mom blog, I don't think I'd take as much issue with it. I would put it down to a proud mom giving her teen daughter a chance to show off her talent.
I think where the issue comes in is that we always second guess Kate's motives. Was this just a mom giving her daughter a forum to show how proud she was of her talent or was this a case of Kate trying to promote her kids to get a show, draw fans to her website, etc.?
It's sad that you have to second guess another parent's motives all the time.
Still, good work, Mady. I hope you are able to enter your photos in some local photography contests and take some digital media classes to improve and enhance your talents.
"When I arrived, there were about a dozen or so repairmen scurrying around, along with a priest"
The priest was obviously trying to get the demon out of Kate and save Milo's soul. Probably didn't work.
@Kateplusmy8 Getting kids acclimated 2back 2school routine is important..but getting urself there first is a must! Lead the way...Mom Kate!
Oh for the love of Pete!!!!! Milo is so far gone, there is no hope for her.
Milo acts like preparing for your children to return to school is some epic event. It's actually fairly mundane, especially when you've gone through it several times already.
In fact, with each passing year, it feels easier to me. Many supplies last for more than a year. I've got a full package of pencils from last year, a ream of lined, 3-hole punched paper, and of course, assorted colored pencils, pens, erasers, etc. I need to buy my son one large binder, which he will divide into five sections. That's how he prefers to handle his school work. He needs a new back pack. Once those are purchased, I'm done with school supplies for the moment.
Clothing? Well, he wears jeans and t-shirts, except for when he's wearing his ubiquitous long blue baggy athletic shorts. He does need a new pair of athletic shoes, and some socks. Easy peasy.
I always have lunch food on hand, so no special purchases needed there.
Had his athletic physical last week, going to the dentist this week, and haircut next week.
Am I missing something? Am I doing it wrong? Why doesn't it seem epic when I gear up for my son's upcoming school year? Is it because there's only one of him? Maybe so.
When Milo says stupid stuff like this, I wonder if she really is a mother, or just a big faker.
I think where the issue comes in is that we always second guess Kate's motives. Was this just a mom giving her daughter a forum to show how proud she was of her talent or was this a case of Kate trying to promote her kids to get a show, draw fans to her website, etc.?
silimom-you make a good point, but if TFW just wanted to share Mady's pictures, she could have provided the link to take you directly to that particular post.
Instead, she posted the link to her home page, where the first thing you see is her cookbook and then you have to scroll down to find the Mady's post. So it's easy to suspect that her main objective was to get more people to her website so that they would order her book.
lancia rowbotham @l_rowbotham 2h
@Kateplusmy8 kate you probably wont get around to reading this but i was just wondering if or when you would be bringin back kate plus8
Yes TFW when are you bringing back your cancelled show?
Your fans are begging to know.
Ghost tour later, after dark, anyone want to come along?
I just did the ghost tour (for real) in Cape May, but I'm always up for another one. Let's do the Ghosts of Cape May Trolley tour tonight. I'm really tired from walking up those lighthouse steps!
irishfan @irishfan47 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Hi how's life? Starting to feel like ur avoiding me:(
Sandie @SandieBellz 1h
@irishfan47 Uh, ya think? @Kateplusmy8
Watching Too Cute on Animal Planet...this Goldendoodle gave birth to 12, count-em 12 puppies. The average GD litter is 6. Beat that, TFW
Blowing in the Wind...Funny dream. I laughed out loud. You need to have at least one more so we know how Milo's spaghetti turns out. I see her as 4' tall and looking like a hobbit.
No more! That one was enough. I really couldn't see Milo's face. It was kind of transparent, nebulous, not clearly defined. She was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and kind of looked like the Unabomber. Come to think of it, I really couldn't tell if it was male or female. That's all I remember. Oh, and she was putting orange juice and pineapples in the spaghetti sauce. Kate was totally ignoring her.
I'm new to this site, have much to comment on, but for now want to share only that she has again invited people to view mady's work on "our" website. I would not have believed that she knew the meaning of the word anymore. But clear as twitter "our". So is she letting kids post to drive up hits? Sad that her preteens cant have a facebook account like peers, but have to be dragged into her website.
Sad that her preteens cant have a facebook account like peers, but have to be dragged into her website.
I'd rather have her on my website than on Facebook. A 12-year-old has no business having a FB account, unless it's going to be strictly monitored, which I doubt that Kate would do. Even then, I don't believe in kids having FB accounts, but that's just me.
I just read an article where a teen was harassing a younger girl on FB. She was convicted, and state court upheld the conviction. She got six months probation.
jeremy said... 199
I'm new to this site, have much to comment on, but for now want to share only that she has again invited people to view mady's work on "our" website. I would not have believed that she knew the meaning of the word anymore. But clear as twitter "our". So is she letting kids post to drive up hits? Sad that her preteens cant have a facebook account like peers, but have to be dragged into her website.
Hi Jeremy, good catch! I think one of the fans, probably Milo, suggested the kids have a section on her blog. I think C and M probably have a secret FB or Twitter that she does not know about. I have a teen who is 16. In middle school FB was all the rage. I made her friend me and give me her password. Now, though, she has a twitter (which can see), and instagram, a tumblr, and who knows what else. I am sure the twins have something their mom knows nothing about. My dd played soccer with a girl who went very wild after 13 or so. She was on probation for something and I used to look at her twitter but she must have gotten wise that her PO could see her tweets about drinking, etc. so she either changes her twitter name or locks it up depending on her mood.
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