The ubiquitous pizza-loving "manager"/booby guard who once never left Kate's side, has been MIA for awhile now. He has suddenly popped up again in recent months both with TLC's Honey Boo Boo and with the Little Couple. File this under #Hahahahhahaha.
With Honey Boo Boo and company:
![]() |
Vine |
On Jen Arnold's trip to China to adopt her son. Does China have pizza? Hope so:
1236 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1200 of 1236 Newer› Newest»Dear Admin,
Did Robert Hoffman cross the line dragging Jamie into it? That information was in his book and read by many and sent out to many, many news organizations by many of the "haters."
I don't remember that from Robert's book at all. Although that book was so dense ill take your word for it. I don't think Robert should say such things either. Why does Jamie have to be dragged into this by any side. Stop.
Message to Kate:
It is serving no one, including yourself.
There was a ton of criticism here about things people thought Robert should have left out, remember? Starting with the abortion.
A huge difference however is that Kate is sanctioning it this time. Her own best friend. It's not a fan or non fan going off, it's someone Kate has supported and condoned. I don't think anyone should say that but for Kate to support it elevates it to another egregious level. This is her crusade, not some fan or non fans. This is her friend, not some stranger. (Administrator) said... 1
I don't remember that from Robert's book at all. Although that book was so dense ill take your word for it. I don't think Robert should say such things either. Why does Jamie have to be dragged into this by any side. Stop.
Not his book, but the Twitter or website or maybe an interview given. He definitely wrote that he's got photos that are so bad that he will not release them unless Kate calls him a liar.
Anyway, I do remember this Jamie story from a while ago and dredging it up again to hurt this Angela person could cause some collateral damage that I don't think Kate should condone.
Interesting that on the same day Kate reveals that Jamie and kids have been visiting and are departing, that Angela's missive gets "outed".
Raise your hand if you don't think Kate would throw her BFF (and her BFF's family) under the bus to further Kate's agenda.
There are tread tracks on who already? ... parents, siblings, in-laws, ex-husband ...
I firmly believe she'll turn on any child who writes a Mommy Dearest book too. Mark this date and my words.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 200 Holy smokes.
So let me get this straight- this person sent an email to "someone" stating that Jamie TRIED to seduce Jon? Seeing that they are on a campaign to discredit Jon, wouldn't this information hurt Kate? Or make her not trust her best friend?
And why would bv find this so interesting that he felt the need to post the email?
I swear, I've never seen a weirder bunch of people in my entire life.
July 18, 2013 at 4:26 PM
it is suppose to make Robert know that his emails as "Angela" have been turned over. He wants to scare Robert.
It's prolly a lie anyway.
Does Kare receive residuals from the old show? (Administrator) said... 198
They've crossed the line dragging Jamie into it.
I believe that "story" was in Robert's book. I thought it was tasteless then and I still think so. I agree Admin, Jamie and her family should be off limits.
Scare Robert away from what? Marty Singer can't do that? I don't think there's an end game here at all except to work everyone up and get clicks on the 10 ads on that site. This really, really looks pathetic for Kate not to handle her problems quietly with her lawyers. It makes her look helpless like she has no case. They don't see that?
I think people are missing the point. We can debate all day whether it's just for strangers to discuss certain aspects of a celebrity's life. And some people may have good points about certain things that shouldn't be talked about, sure.
However, that's apples and oranges to that same celeb putting their best friend on the proverbial chopping block and feeding her to the wolves as a martyr for her cause. Apples and oranges. Jamie is not OUR best friend, or Robert's best friend, or any fan or non fan's best firend--she is Kate's.
Jerry said... 8
''it is suppose to make Robert know that his emails as "Angela" have been turned over. He wants to scare Robert.''
Oh my goodness....''Jerry''....I'm calling you out!! Where is your proof that Robert is posting as ''Angela''? It is equally nonsense to even suggest that bv or anyone else is going to ''scare Robert''. No one has managed to scare Robert yet, and your silly little baseless insinuation sure isn't going to!
I dunno Admin. Your a lawyer. Your friends are lawyers. You never have to pay lawyer bills. If a rich guy like Bully paid my expensive lawyer bills and all I had to do was let him tease some of the case I might do it. Lawyers make alot of money cause they charge alot of money. Maybe Kate is low on money.
If a rich guy like Bully paid my expensive lawyer bills and all I had to do was let him tease some of the case I might do it.
I understand that, but not if the tradeoff is condoning humiliation of your best friend. Not if you're going to bully, out and harass other people no matter how much you may hate them.
People are supposed to have morals and ethics. And a good person does NOT put a price on their best friend's quiet enjoyment of life and right not to be humiliated. This whole alliance tells me everything I need to know about Kate. And Jamie? Well, I hope she will wake up and realize a price has been put on her friendship. And if you can put a price on it, is it really a friendship?
It's incorrect lawyers never have to pay lawyer bills. Wildly incorrect. There is no network of lawyers that just all work for free for each other.
Not gonna be a conspiracy nut here but how strange is it that Kate is tweeting Jamie stuff the exact day this crazy Jamie story is tweeted? Where's ROL on this anyway? Why isn't that ROL guy writing this up. He made like 3 stories out of those RWA comments. Why not write this juicy one up? it's got Jon, Kate & sexting. That doesn't sell? He must think it's bogus. I think he knows Jamie OKAY it because its bogus.
I dont get it Admin. Jamie is Kate's BFF but Kate didn't tweet that story. Bully did.
Remona, while I can't rule anything out since I really am totally lost about this one....I do agree with you about scaring Robert off.
Marty Singer was Kate's lawyer! She has had a team of high powered lawyers. If that doesn't scare Robert why would this?
The man really doesn't seem to be all that deterred by much, why would anyone think some little email about Jamie would do a darn thing, even if Robert wrote it himself? Aren't people saying he published it in his book? He himself put it out there! That makes no sense. And let's say he wrote it himself. So what? Jamie AND Jon has had almost a year to sue him and never did. What is he afraid of if no one involved is even acting on it? What needs to be remembered again is that BV has NO standing, none. They can threaten and cry all they want but at the end of the day if the people HARMED don't bother to sue--in this case only Jamie and Jon, all the whining in the world won't do anything. And Kate can't sue for this one, she wasn't harmed! Her friend and ex were!
Correct. Kate has aligned herself directly with BV though, he is pretty much doing the work for her and even she admits it. She's made it crystal clear they are a partnership.
"If I could only figure out what IP address this email from "Angela" was sent from? Oh wait.."
It's incorrect lawyers never have to pay lawyer bills. Wildly incorrect. There is no network of lawyers that just all work for free for each other.
You mean lawyers don't wear decoder rings and have secret handshakes?
No club like that??
"If I could only figure out what IP address this email from "Angela" was sent from? Oh wait.."
I'm not trying to be contrary I'm trying to understand. This teasing makes no sense to me. What IP address? Why doesn't he just be clear? How does that little tease prove anything about Robert? So you're saying Angela is Robert but HE didn't say that, did he?
Oh I give up. And this? Is why I never liked a tease.
OMG I just read it again its not to scare Robert off its to scare JON to show JON YOU CANT TRUST ROBERT. HOLY BASEBALLS I THINK ITS A WARNING TO JON
LOL holy lot of nothing. He hasn't the first clue whether Jon is even following his dozens of tweets a day much less cares one iota about this to check in. It's a "warning" to Jon? For all we know Jon is out getting icecream right now or at the movies or who knows what, I highly doubt he is waiting with baited breath for what BV will say next.
It may very well be they are "trying" to do that, but it's completely illogical for them to assume 1. Jon would even see it 2. If Jon did see it Jon wouldn't be just as confused as us and 3. Jon would even care even if he did understand it.
Oh I thought someone said thats a story from Roberts book so of course I thought its Robert cause its the same story. Its not like there are two people with the same bizarre story.
Its a bizarre story. I don believe in it.
Whatever I thought I solved it.
Gawd . . . Kate is like the ex from hell. She will stop at nothing to get back at Jon, even if it means throwing her BFF under the bus. I feel bad for Jamie but after seeing the RV episode, I don't believe Jamie has any illusions about the type of person Kate is.
If a rich guy like Bully paid my expensive lawyer bills and all I had to do was let him tease some of the case I might do it.
He's rich? I am so confused I don't know if I'm coming or going. I thought he lost a house (or two houses) to foreclosure.
Why are you shouting?
admin said...
It's incorrect lawyers never have to pay lawyer bills. Wildly incorrect. There is no network of lawyers that just all work for free for each other.
Where would someone get that idea? They don't work for free for each other, unless, of course, it's a personal injury case, or a contingency case and a percentage of the settlement money goes to them. However, that's not exclusive to attorneys representing attorneys.
I wish I could figure out when this Jamie story first arose and from whom. I just know we've heard it before and it was shocking then, and still is now.
Either way, if I were Kate, I'd ask BV to take this down asap.
Jerry said... 21
"If I could only figure out what IP address this email from "Angela" was sent from? Oh wait.."
''Jerry'', I responded to you when you said:
''it is suppose to make Robert know that his emails as "Angela" have been turned over. He wants to scare Robert.''
My response was that I did not believe your comment that Robert was emailing as ''Angela''. As for this comment, you're yelling too loud for me to be certain what you're yelling about! I think that you are saying that Robert told the story in his book (which I have read) I called YOU out because you are the one that posted the comment on this blog. As far as I can tell, you have confirmed that Robert did not post the email as ''Angela''. Is that what you're screaming about?
Oh yes, just so you can scream at me correctly, my name is Remona....not Ramona.
You could barter for legal services which occasionally happens but it's not like a patent attorney can barter for estate planning unless the estate planner is trying to invent something!
Melissa NV said...
So what happens when all of that built up "inside" seething anger surfaces and explodes? ;
We go get another body piercing and a new pair of bIrkenstocks!
domilight @domilight 7h
@Kateplusmy8 Do u remember ?:D How r u today?
domilight @domilight
@Kateplusmy8 And you like @SnoopDogg @SnoopLion or JT, Bruno Mars, Red Hot Chili Peppers?:D
The "marihuana" person is fishing for answers again. Kate, for gosh sakes, respond to her, and don't forget to tell her what you think about "marihuana"!
Why do I picture Kate courting Jamie just like she allegedly did to Hailey in those emails? This will help us both but especially you! Just stick with me and we can both exact our revenge and it will feel good to me of course but it will be even better for you, what a great deal! You don't like Jon either, right? I'll clear your name in the process too! Now just sign here.
Sure enough....when someone asked a few days ago if she had seen Jamie, Kate jumped right in oh yes just saw her we're great! Thus clearing the air the friendship is just fine and "clearing" Jamie's name.
Tucker, I really can't remember this story myself. I think I filed it away under "outrageous stories that couldn't possibly be true" and forgot about it. That's probably why.
Jerry said... 21
"If I could only figure out what IP address this email from "Angela" was sent from? Oh wait.."
''Jerry'', I responded to you when you said:
''it is suppose to make Robert know that his emails as "Angela" have been turned over. He wants to scare Robert.''
My response was that I did not believe your comment that Robert was emailing as ''Angela''. As for this comment, you're yelling too loud for me to be certain what you're yelling about! I think that you are saying that Robert told the story in his book (which I have read) I called YOU out because you are the one that posted the comment on this blog. As far as I can tell, you have confirmed that Robert did not post the email as ''Angela''. Is that what you're screaming about?
Oh yes, just so you can scream at me correctly, my name is Remona....not Ramona.
We go get another body piercing and a new pair of bIrkenstocks!
Do you run out of body parts to pierce?
What? No crocs?
I didn't make up the name Angela. Its right there on the email on Twitter.Its the story thats the same. Same bizarre story. Coincidence?
Remona Blue said...
Kelly/Walt said that my name should be ''Remoaner''.
I am very proud that Walt said "Fuck you, Ex Nurse"! Tucker's Mom, I have said many times that what is so stupid is that we agree on 99% of the issues. It is only the tactics that differ...they seemed to enjoy inserting themselves into the story. And, not in a good way.
Those of you who like the Brit mysteries might want to check out "Line of Duty". There are only 5 episodes available on Hulu (I think it's on the Hulu free service, but I can't be sure, because I'm a Hulu plus member). It stars Lennie James ("Jericho", "The Walking Dead"). The Prime Suspect series with Helen Mirren is really good too. If you like some of the older ones, "A Touch of Frost" and the Inspector Morse series are good. Also "Rumpole of the Bailey". I really like the Miss Marple series too, the one starring Joan Hickson. They're all available on Netflix. If you like the classic mysteries, there are always the Poirot series and the Lord Peter Wimsey series. Peter Davison (the 5th Dr. Who; Tristan Farnon on "All Creatures Great and Small") did the Albert Campion series, based on the books by Marjorie Allingham.
I'm pretty sure the Jamie story was in Robert's book. What I don't understand is, how is that a threat to Jon? Did he solicit the nude pix? If not, then he's just the recipient, not the instigator. And why wouldn't KK hesitate to put her BFF on the chopping block? She's put her husband, her family, even her kids on that block. Why would Jamie be any different? Jamie is either very stupid, or she knows exactly what KK is like and what she is capable of and doesn't care.
I didn't make up the name Angela. Its right there on the email on Twitter.
Did someone say that you did? I'm lost.
I see that Goody is STILL harping on the "danger and detriment" to Kate thing. Jon, just keep a watch on this one.
The next email from 'Angela' has Robert in the back of the car. Angela and Robert are friends and have the same strange story which has to be a lie. Would Jon show two people pics of Jamie like that? Thats low.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 43
I didn't make up the name Angela. Its right there on the email on Twitter.
''Did someone say that you did? I'm lost.''
~~~~~~~~~'re not lost. Someone else is! From now on, I'm just scrolling right on by!
Sleepless In Seattle said... 43
I didn't make up the name Angela. Its right there on the email on Twitter.
''Did someone say that you did? I'm lost.''
~~~~~~~~~'re not lost. Someone else is! From now on, I'm just scrolling right on by!
This has been strange night here. So far we've had Melissa getting medicated: a marijuana person wanting to know if Kate likes the Chili Peppers; Remona the Remoaner getting screamed at; Ex-Nurse coming clean about being called the F word; impatient, but polite Seattle people getting pierced and buying Birkies; Robert coming out as Angela in the back of a car; Goody concerned that Jon is going to nail Kate; Jamie's a flasher and would-be seducer, and attorneys giving freebies to other attorneys out of the goodness of their hearts, IF they wear their secret decoder rings.
Does that about cover it?
And now I see that Milo is still pestering Kate:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Well...tell me something good Kate? :)
Sherry Baby said... 45
I swear there's some punking going on!
Milo goes to bed and Kate comes on. If this keeps up, LOM is going to have to extend waking hours...
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 12m
You had ?'s, I had answers: ASK KATE has been posted! Don't miss these topics ....
The mystery has been solved!! Kate did buy a new Audi. But she was so very practical in buying a 4 door. Such a great mom. Since all her kids' legs are getting longer according to her and wouldn't fit in the other car. So, so altruistic.
Tucker's Mom said... 47
Sherry Baby said... 45
I swear there's some punking going on!
I share that sediment!
I'm with you Remona! I feel Ike I need to put on a tin foil hat to ight to protect myself.
Kate answers questions on "ask Kate". Does one think HCI is getting worried about the non pre orders prior to release date and telling Kate get more attn. and bring them her web site.
Tracking sales only 263 pre ordered.
I got curious and used the find function to search for any mention of Jamie in the Gosselin book. This is the only thing I could find in reference to these "photos", just a couple sentences. No wonder I don't remember it:
"I wonder if you’ve ever seen the email or the topless photo that your best friend Jamie sent to your husband Jon while she was trying to seduce him – while you were still married. I’ve seen them. I have them. Think I’m bluffing? Try me."
He never says Jon showed them to him. He never says anything happened in a car. He never mentions who is source is, whether it could have been this "Angela" person, Jon, or someone else who knows who.
Anyway point being nothing about what he said rings inconsistent with this so called Angela person. For all we know this person is his source.
At the end of the day all I can conclude is this is a whole lot of nothing that would be embarrassing to a perfectly private person. All she's done is embarrassed her best friend.
Sherry, we ought to start recapping the DAY at this point lol! Seriously, what a bunch of silliness from grown adults. And you captured it all so well.
readerlady said... 42
I'm pretty sure the Jamie story was in Robert's book. What I don't understand is, how is that a threat to Jon? Did he solicit the nude pix? If not, then he's just the recipient, not the instigator.
THANK YOU -not screaming just happy!
Same strange story is in Roberts book and Angelas email. Either 2 people made up the same bizarre story and lied about it or the bizarre story happened to 2 people or it is a lie one person made up and told 2 times or it really happened to one person. Hope that's not to tricky for you to follow. At first I thought Robert had to be Angela and BV was warning Jon not to trust Robert cause see- he tells secrets to people in emails. Then the next email says Angela is in the back and Robert is in the front. So maybe Jon showed the pics to Angela and Robert at the same time? Whatever- Jon shouldn't have done that to 2 people and they both should have kept it quiet. It's low.
I never said lawyers all work for free for other lawyers. I meant just some. Thats bogus.
Oh, and Alie, the Egg Chick, is back on Kate's twitter --
@Kateplusmy8 Hey Kate! We just got our first egg from our chickens and just wondering what to do with it?
THANK YOU admin- I didn't make it up. Same story. Unless you are saying it happened TWICE???
Admin, who is Robert talking to in that quote? Is it an email to Kate?
Sherry, we ought to start recapping the DAY at this point lol! Seriously, what a bunch of silliness from grown adults. And you captured it all so well.
lol, thanks! I was thinking about that as I was hastily writing that post! A recap!
Then the next email says Angela is in the back and Robert is in the front. So maybe Jon showed the pics to Angela and Robert at the same time?
Who's On First?
If the story is made up then this is the order I blame people-
Robert and Angela for lying.
and Kate
If its true I blame them this way-
Jamie for sexting a married man
Jon for showing the pics to Robert and Angela and not Kate
Angela and Robert for blabbing it
and Kate
I'm still not getting it. So what if Robert leaked the story using the Angela alias? All that shows is he wasn't comfortable yet using his real name. Now he is. Big freaking deal. There is no crime in being an anonymous source as long as your info is true. The only issue is with Jon and Jamie. Kate has no lawsuit here. You can't show harm just because someone humiliated your BFF. Jamie can pursue this if she wants, and she should have known all along at least Robert was one to disclose it so why does she need BV for help? It's already been disclosed. I'm going to need to hire head scratcher for the blog, my fingers are tired.
Am I the only one who wonders if maybe KK put Jamie up to sending those pix to try to "set" Jon up?
Jerry you said I will "never" have to pay lawyer bills. That's already not true. My family recently hired an estate planner and we paid the bill. She couldn't care less what I am she wanted her bill paid.
Jerry said... 55
If the story is made up then this is the order I blame people-
Robert and Angela for lying.
and Kate
If its true I blame them this way-
Jamie for sexting a married man
Jon for showing the pics to Robert and Angela and not Kate
Angela and Robert for blabbing it
and Kate
Who are you and why are you assigning blame?
If the story is made up then this is the order I blame people-
Robert and Angela for lying.
and Kate
If its true I blame them this way-
Jamie for sexting a married man
Jon for showing the pics to Robert and Angela and not Kate
Angela and Robert for blabbing it
and Kate
What's On Second?
Am I the only one who wonders if maybe KK put Jamie up to sending those pix to try to "set" Jon up?
There was a movie along those lines. A wife hired a hooker to try to seduce her husband to see if he would take the bite.
Why in the world bv and Robert too thought this was appropriate to put out there baffles me. It's not criminal to send suggestive photos to someone. It's also not criminal to blab about something like this or act as a source. Just really awful and something the married couple have to work through. The only issue here is libel if it's not true, but that's for Jon and Jamie to decide. Kate has no stake in it! So what was . The . Point?
This does sound like a very dysfunctional friendship and marriage though, if true.
Shery they made an entire movie on this subject? Hmm. Lifetime?
I believe BV posted this because he felt you ladies all needed something to talk about.
Personally, I think there is a full moon lurking out there. Somewhere. It's there.
Lynn w.
"I throw the ball to who. Whoever it is drops the ball and the guy runs to second. Who picks up the ball and throws it to What. What throws it to I Don't Know. I Don't Know throws it back to Tomorrow, Triple play. Another guy gets up and hits a long fly ball to Because. Why? I don't know! He's on third and I don't give a damn". (Abbott & Cstello)
Now, who sent the email and who was in the backseat with whom? I don't give a damn (short stop)!
Shery they made an entire movie on this subject? Hmm. Lifetime?
"Chloe" with Julianne Moore.
Bawwww haha so she DID get another sports car. I think that whole car breakdown was all a lie to ease people into the idea that she was upgrading. Ya'll called it.
So wait if her Audi was so beyond repair it was never the same, why would she buy from Audi again? Wouldn't you think after just a few years with major problems like that so bad that it was "never the same", you might question the brand??? Things that don't add up. What a lie that is. And why was she so reluctant to answer the simple freaking question about it for MONTHS? Guilty much? Why does she have to lie? Just say you upgraded your car.
This woman is filthy stinking rich but spends all the money on herself and won't even give her kids one stinking beach vacation a two hour drive away. She'd rather have a better Audi. Kids don't care one iota about some stupid sports car.
Now, who sent the email and who was in the backseat with whom? I don't give a damn (short stop)!
I Don't Know was behind the steering wheel, but question is, was he sober?
I dont know is on third!!
Decided to see what was up in Kateland and WOW, what a day!
Too much for me- I'm peacing back out!
NJGal, sorry to hear about your furlough. The civilians furloughs are affecting too many services and it affects us in the military, too- I am in training and my teachers are furloughed, so less training- UGH not good, and in other places we have to work overtime to make up for the furloughed employees. Bad morale for all involved. September can't come quick enough! Glad you only got 1 day, my teachers got 2- huge pay cut :( Hang in there.
As long as this car didn't wave anyone through we're good.
Sherry Baby, you are making me laugh tonight. Who's On First indeed. This whole thing is like untangling a mess of yarn. Where's the beginning or the end? Ultimately I don't really care.
I think that since that nasty site RWA closed, some have become bored and have begun playing here.
Count me in as a fan of the British mystery series. All of them. LOL
I'm also watching two other shows on PBS. One is The Cafe which is a little gem of a show with quirky characters and gentle humor. The other is Hebburn which I find tremendously funny. Comedy as only the Brits can do.
Butterfly - Welcome back. I am furloughed for 11 days. Every Friday unitl mid September. I will be OK, I worry about those single moms or one family paycheck homes who will be losing 2 day's pay every pay period. It really hasn't hit home yet because we don't get the first paycheck minus the money until next week. The thing that gets me is that it's all political.
how did you know Kate got another car?
From Ask Kate...
On returning to TV:
A: Hi! Just know that I’m always working on fun stuff behind the scenes… You’ll just have to wait and see! Very exciting…
A: I’m sure we will “come back to tv” at some point when we can fit it into our schedule, lol! :) I know you miss us. We miss sharing our lives with you too! We are still here doing what we’ve always done, minus the cameras, at the moment! Thanks for your support!
A: Hi Jaymee – seems like I answer this question a lot. Stay tuned. I’ll tell you what’s coming as soon as I can….. :) Thanks for watching and following and caring! XO
On parenting:
Q. How do you raise eight children to be confident and believe in themselves while growing up in a society....
A: Hi Courtney. Being a parent is hard work in every way but I find it especially difficult in the “emotional/relating to peers and others” department! Sounds like you do too! I don’t think we are alone. Focus on the positive: It IS difficult to help kids grow up confidently. I try to build my kids up, discuss their unique strengths and positive qualities. I constantly stress being KIND to others, being a friend and building others up no matter what.
Empathy: Figuring yourself out and how you fit in with others is very difficult (I remember being young and how hard it was). I try to remember how I felt and give good solid advice on how to handle a peer situation.
Support and Listening and Love: We discuss scenarios at length at home and the bottom line to my kids is always: be kind to others no matter what. I also remind them that I am here to work through issues with them and that NOTHING they tell me will ever change my love for them. This helps them to feel safe to discuss any and every issue. I also stress our “team family approach” to problems. We are a unit and one of our struggles is ALL of our struggles. We listen and help each other. They know that home and Mommy is their safe haven to be themselves and I’m here. Together, we will figure life out for the best results for everyone. Remember too, that kids aren’t always asking for a solution to their every problem. Sometimes they just need an empathetic, kind and loving listening ear (I have learned this the hard way, lol.).
Final Thought: Doing our best as parents is the most important thing: modeling a good example, our presence and validation for their thoughts, feelings and fears makes all the difference! Just my thoughts. Hope this helps!
On driving:
...I’m specifically worried about teaching eight kids how to drive! I’m a good driver, for sure, but I don’t feel overly qualified to teach them all how to be responsible drivers...
Does anyone think that she believes this drivel? She said she watches the show,,,where was the kindness then? Has anyone ever heard first person accounts in which she is described as kind?
Good driver? Well, at least she realizes that she is not "overly qualified" to teach responsible driving. Her grammar is absolutely atrocious. She should be embarrassed, especially since she is a New York bestseller author.
So, is it a foregone conclusion that Lisa (RWA admin) turned her blog over to His Nibbs? How else would he know where the comments originate? Hacked?
Blech..this is very dirty business! Interesting that that blog constantly accused Admin as having socks, and that she was carrying on conversations with herself. Because, that is what they are doing. What is the point of that? Can anyone explain this? What were these people doing before the Internet provided the means to anonymously stalk and harrassment people? Making crank phone calls?
All this talk about Kate trying to get a new show made me think of the movie Whatever Happened To Baby Jane, starring Betty Davis and Joan Crawford. Some of you may be a little too young to remember but Betty as Baby Jane was a frightening site and nuttier than a fruitcake..
Wonder if that will be what Kate looks like years from now when she cracks up because no one wanted to take risk and give her a show.
SCgal said... 81
how did you know Kate got another car?
Kate did a Q+A which once again, revealed nothing new and just tried to sell her book, phish for a new show, and show what a terrific mom she is.
She said she traded in her Audi TT for an Audi A4, which is no big shakes. The A4 isn't an upgrade in terms of cost or sheer Audi cachet. DH had one when we met and it was OK, meh, nothing all that and a bag of chips.
It's smarter to have a car that can handle a couple of her kids, whereas the TT was purely for fun.
Oh and empathy?
em·pa·thy [em-puh-thee] Show IPA
the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.
I think it's very telling that Kate's thoughts on empathy have nothing to do with others, other than how SHE feels and fits in with others. What a narcissist.
6. Q: Can you give me any tips on how to take time out for myself during the day???
These questions are very similar to the Twitter bots, saying and asking the same things over and over and over.
Kate takes time out for Kate all the time. When is the last photo of Kate without a fresh mani/pedi, tan and processed hair color?
Kate HAS time for Kate. She doesn't work a FT job, has a co-parent who takes the kids on a regular basis, travels at will and wants nothing more than to get a show that has her travel all over.
Robert reported with his own eyes, when he was on assignment for US magazine, Kate's continual habit of leaving the kids for days and even when she was home, she spent hours away spa-ing.
Think he's lying? Try him ;-)
There's no way Kate wrote that Q & A piece. Wasn't Jamie there last week? We all know Jamie has to work when she visits. Remember the photos Kate tweeted of Jamie cleaning the vent hood in the kitchen?
I think I read that she traded in the Audi TT, which had mechanical problems, for a new Audi A4. The A4 runs in the mid 30's or higher, if you add on options. Can you imagine Kate getting a car without options? Nah,me either. If the TT wasn't running well (and wasn't it used to begin with?) I doubt she got much for it. I don't begrudge her a new, reliable car but how about a Honda, Nissan or good old Ford? Since she uses the car, per her own words, for the children, I assume she used their money to buy or lease it.
I am disgusted that BV seems to have all of Lisa's emails as well as posts. Obviosly, the "subpoena" was not for a lawsuit but for this bullying purpose. The question is did Lisa know this?
There is an Angela Rosario that lives in Reading. Perhaps a former housekeeper/ nanny?
Oh, this is going to be good. Kate posted her self-serving Q&A on her blog. I'm on the other side of the world and going to sleep now but I know when I come back here that it will all be analyzed and dissected and fun to read. I took a look and can almost predict the responses. She really is clueless. Let the games begin. Night All!
Re: ask Kate.
Agree with the others. What I learned is Kate still wants a dating show since her kids are asking for one; she is a good driver (lolol) and she abused her children in "I once had a rule that if you complain about the meal, you get MORE of it on your plate, and you have to eat it!" To me that's abuse, forcing a child to eat a meal they said they didn't like and forcing a larger helping on them.
In her twitter I learned how busy she is since she 'ran, did laundry and planned dinner.'
PS Kate, how abut grifting a licensed driving school to teach your kids to drive? I recall her being a bad driver in the old days and made Jon drive everywhere as well as put gas in the car, was afraid of highways and got lost easily 'hither, thither and yon.' She can't find gas stations, and does not plan ahead, panics when she has car trouble on the road, and parks in fire lanes, speeds and turns off her lights at night. She's right- not qualified to teach anyone to drive. Maybe she should sign up for lessons too.
It sounds like a "bot-y" question. You need to ask a single mom pulling a full time work week plus with kids doing everything most kids do in the summer months how she finds time to "take time out."
Chances are, she can't.
If they complained about the meal they got more and had to eat it? Like Joan Crawford served the same liver to Christina for 3 meals? That explains why the kids thank her profusely and give all thumbs up for every meal. They HAVE to. She ONCE had that rule because she no longer has to. They don't dare complain. What a witch.
If they complained about the meal they got more and had to eat it? Like Joan Crawford served the same liver to Christina for 3 meals?
I immediately thought of Joan Crawford and then I thought of insane food control. I agree with the comment it is abuse. Why can't the kids be honest and say I don't care for this? Give them the three bite rule and move on. Good grief. What is the big freaking deal about a kid not liking something anyway? Their taste buds are much more sensitive than an adults. It's why some kids will only eat peanut butter and jelly. It's a matter of evolution, so kids can be more sensitive to bad foods or poisonous foods since when a puny little kid eats something bad he's more likely to have trouble fighting the sickness that follows than a strong adult would.
Empathy: Figuring yourself out and how you fit in with others is very difficult (I remember being young and how hard it was). I try to remember how I felt and give good solid advice on how to handle a peer situation.
Does she even understand what empathy is? Empathy has absolutely nothing to do with "figuring yourself out" or fitting in, or on how you felt in the past. This is a little scary. I don't think she knows what it is!
I hope it is OK to copy the question and the entire answer.
Control, anyone? I have a feeling there are many things that she "doesn't allow" in her home. She has dominance issues that extend way beyond being a guiding parent.
Also, there is a solid plug for the cookbook.
From Kate's Q and A:
4. Q: How do you handle picky eaters?! I have 5 kids, at least 3 complain every night about something on their plates?
A: Well, I typically ignore any complaints and don’t allow them. I once had a rule that if you complain about the meal, you get MORE of it on your plate, and you have to eat it! ;) So, complaining didn’t last long here. I also find that certain kids just tend to be ‘meal complainers’– they just have to “say” they don’t like what’s for dinner, but in reality, they do. For example, every single time we have scrambled eggs for breakfast, Hannah will say “oh I don’t like eggs!” and then, she eats them AND asks for seconds! I think her complaint is interpreted as “I am really in the mood for cereal and wish we could have that instead.” By hearing what your kids are REALLY saying, changing what’s on the menu often, constantly making new recipes and involving the kids in planning (some) of the meals — ie: asking what meals the things they are hungry for, and not allowing them to CHOOSE what they eat and don’t eat on their plates, you can have a big impact on the picky eaters in your house!
For LOTS more helpful ideas on this topic, you can preorder my cook book LOVE IS IN THE MIX.
You can pre-order it here on my website. It’s set for release in September! Sooo exciting!
Dmasy, I 100% agree, the control. Obviously dinner can't be a free for all, but she takes it so far to the other extreme it's scary.
"and not allowing them to CHOOSE what they eat and don’t eat on their plates"
They are NINE and TWELVE almost THIRTEEN. It is time to let the child start to CHOOSE what he is going to eat from his plate. Heck he can even dish up his own plate, the horror!
"they just have to “say” they don’t like what’s for dinner, but in reality, they do.""
Is this how she handles filming too? Oh well they say they don't like it but in reality they do! How dismissive of the poor kid, what you're saying isn't true trust me.
Ugh, she must be an absolute pill for a mother. I feel so bad for them. This insane control of what they put in their mouths is going to set them up for eating disorders and control issues of their own.
If you complain about a meal you get more of it on your plate and you have to eat it? Agree. Abuse. She has no concept of personal preferences, tolerances, etc. For example -- I've never been able to get hot cereal down. My mom said I would gag on it as a baby, and I still do. It's not the flavor, it's the texture. If you force me to eat it, you're going to get it back fast, in your lap. Maybe that's why her kids are always vomiting? Some people just can't deal with certain flavors/textures.
I like her description too of how the kid finally came around after complaining about eggs and finally ate them. Kate takes this as proof that her original comment that she didn't want eggs was just her complaining and that she really DID want them. LOL WTF!
Kate? Maybe that was because she knows there is no way she is winning this battle of the wills and she GAVE UP? She KNEW she had to eat them no MATTER WHAT so she gave in and just ate them?? Maybe it wasn't worth it to her to fight at 6 in the morning with her mother who always wins. Maybe that??
Also, why can't a child have cereal for breakfast instead of eggs??? It's just breakfast for flipping sake. WHO CARES? Make eggs for the kids who want it, cereal for those who don't want eggs. WHY??? It is not a freaking crime to not want a heavy egg breakfast every morning. Since they are plenty old enough to get their own bowl, spoon and pour cereal and milk into it, it is no skin off her back.
Good grief, she's fishing for a dating show again? And at the same time, she's suing her ex-husband. Anyone else find this completely ironic and ridiculous? Sounds like she's hoping to use TV to help her find her next victim. Since she's already floated the dating show premise before (back when she was more popular than she is now), and it didn't work, why is she doing it again? Running out of ideas, perhaps? Recycling the old ones? And, of course, she's still using the kids to get what she wants. It;s not her begging for a dating show, the kids want her to have one.
It's so obvious that many of her Twitter questions are plants. She just did one of her Q&A sessions where she asked the kids what they miss most about filming, and now she's claiming that they want a dating show for her. Let me get this straight, the kids miss their show and all the trips and fun it brought, but they want a new show for their mom, not themselves? Right.... Perhaps all the talk about Jon and DWTS is getting to her. If he can be on DWTS, then she can one-up him and have a show of her own! Sorry, don't see it happening. She's on film hitting her ex-husband and Emeril. She's an abuser, and no network wants to set her up with her next victim. That would be a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Kate bought herself a new Audi. And what do you want to bet, the kids won't get a vacation this summer, even though ate got a vacation away from them. She keeps saying she deserves all this--trips, a new car, pampering and spending all on herself. Why don't the kids deserve anything? Most parents put their kids before themselves. Kate puts herself before the kids. A true narcissist.
Readerlady, bingo. I have very few food sensitivities now but I had plenty as a child.
For example, the texture of anything carbonated was PAINFUL to me. I hated sodas and anything bubbly like that. It felt like it was burning my mouth. So if soda was served, often at parties, I was given the option of water, milk or juice. It is not a big deal to get that out of the fridge for a child who is in PAIN to be drinking something. Should I have been made to drink what everyone else and written off as just a complainer ? No, my preferences were respected and they did not raise a picky adult as the old adage warns of because I eat almost everything now, and now actually am much more willing to eat foods no one else will touch. Many times I've had sushi, frog legs, snails, fish eggs, and other things like that when most of my family won't touch it.
Most kids will naturally grow out of many of their sensitivities. And she is not describing a stubborn child who only wants to eat pizza morning noon and night. She describes a child who has a simple and REASONABLE preference for cereal over eggs. Maybe the texture tastes off to her, maybe they taste slimy like some people say they do. Maybe it's too heavy for her that early in the morning. Maybe they make her stomach hurt.
It is NOT a big deal to simply allow a child to eat cereal at breakfast if that's what tastes right to her. Good freaking grief. She needs intensive parenting classes. One on one, in home.
Those poor kids have to eat eggs. They've got 50 freakin' chickens.
My 11 year old daughter tends to be a complainer at supper time. I realized that the Big Sigh and Eyeroll was kind of becoming a habit. I explained to her that every meal can't be her absolute favorite, and I told her that she needs to keep her dislike of what we put in front of her to herself. Now, I'm not talking about liver and bean sprouts here, just basic things like chicken, salad, potatoes, etc. I think it's a matter of using her manners. I don't make her eat things that she truly dislikes. She's not a fan of most breakfast foods, so she often eats leftovers for breakfast. Kind of weird, but at least she's not eating sugary cereal. She prefers raw broccoli to cooked, so when we have broccoli I make sure I leave some for her to eat raw with some ranch dressing. I guess it boils down to the fact that I want my kids to be happy and to enjoy their food, so I make concessions within reason. I just don't allow the moans & groans over something that they're not in the mood for.
Really? They complain and get more of it? She is a food control freak.
I grew up in a household where we had to eat what was served (at least some of it - a few bites). My mom made a big effort to serve what we all liked, though. To be fair to her, too, I did not like much, so I had to be forced to eat a least a little vegetables at each meal. She did make me eat my tomato every time we had salad, though. To this day, I do not like them. Purely a texture thing.
With my kids, I make a main dish. My son does not like rice so I make him up buttered pasta or something. No biggie, not a lot of extra work. They have to try everything I make. If they don't like it, no big deal. They tried it.
I don't get the breakfast thing either. How hard is it to let one child have cereal or warm up some extra pancakes that you have frozen?
I told this story a while ago.
I had a friend whose son would NOT eat anything with color. His intense dislike started very young -- high chair age. He would cry and react negatively to any food that was colorful. Not just baby food carrots -- later M & M's would send him into a tailspin.
His mom worried and consulted the pediatrician.
His diet consisted of milk, mashed potatoes, mozzarella cheese, egg whites and a few other colorless choices.
The Dr. said that he would develop normally and he would eventually outgrow his aversions. That is exactly what did happen!
Don't forget the moldy sandwiches she kept sending back to school. Joan Crawford exactly.
Give them the three bite rule and move on. Good grief. What is the big freaking deal about a kid not liking something anyway?
Couple things.
Agree this is an unhealthy way to teach kids about food and develop healthy eating habits and relationships with food.
I was told I had to at least try most things, but not all things. Then it was done. Funny thing is, I'd generally give it a try ON MY OWN!
Another point--Kate's meals seems to trend towards casseroles/dump and stir, so there's no main and sides (or meat and two/three for you Southerners!) to pick from. If you don't like the one pot meal, you're SOL.
I can't believe (well, yeah, I can) she would give the kids more as punishment for bellyaching.
Food IS control for Kate. Remember the RV rafting trip? If any kids DARE splash her, they would not eat that night!
Hannah eats the eggs because otherwise, she will go hungry.
Smart girl. She's got this figured out.
Way to beat them into submission.
If Kate doesn't listen to the kids when they say they don't like what she's serving, or gives them extra and forces them to eat it when they complain, then what does that tell you about her grading system for meals? When she brags that all the kids gave a certain meal a "10", does that mean they like it, or does it mean that they hate it and don't want to get stuck with more of it?
I wondered why Kate's not asking for a cooking show since she has a new cookbook coming out. Then remembered that Jamie was visiting. The premise of the dating show was that Jamie would hunt for acceptable single men, shoot them with a tranquilizer gun, bind and gag them, and haul them back to Kate for approval. Or something like that. Jamie was to be par of the dating show, and Jamie's visit prompted Kate to go back to the dating show idea. I also wondered about the article saying Kate will to be looking for a new reality show after the cookbook is published--it was posted hours before Kate's Q&A where she mentioned a dating show. Of course, Kate and Jamie made sure to leak that to the press, but it was posted before she thought, so it did not come from her Q&A. I always thought Kate was feeding "sound bites" to writers to keep her name in the news, rather than some poor sap sitting around reading her TL and waiting for something to write about. Now I know for sure.
How can one say she makes kids eat more about what they complain about, then advise parents to have empathy? Her explanation of empathy plus that contradiction shows she has no idea what empathy is. It's been clear since she threatened to throw the peanut-butter ladened lovey in the trash.
"Does she even understand what empathy is? Empathy has absolutely nothing to do with "figuring yourself out" or fitting in, or on how you felt in the past. This is a little scary. I don't think she knows what it is!"
Of course she doesn't. She's a narcissist.
My favorite of all her contrived answers to contrived questions is that she and the kids will be back on tv when they can fit it into their schedule. Add the lol.
Bored with same old, same old from Ms Kreider.
OT: lots of new fun shows on TV. New episodes of Royal Pains. Big Brother is lots of fun to watch this week. Americas Got Talent has new fun acts every week.
New books out too. I just finished ” The Riptide Ultra Glide” by Tim Dorsey, i'm reading the latest Sookie Stackhouse novel by Charlaine Harris. I might even check OT how to ”redneckonize my inner Honey BooBoo.
No I won't. That's just my heat exhaustion talking!
its hot, good time to look for bugs in your yard. I have a couple of garden spiders I watch every day, fascinating critters.
kate's message about picky eaters is very mixed. She says she involves the children in meal plannings, yet denies them choices on what they wanted on their plates. Do they get to choose food they want for dinner or what? Which is it, Kate?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 32m
@Kateplusmy8 I need 2hear the #RestOfTheStory about that day on the interstate! U showed what a mature/capable woman U are! #NoDumbBlonde
What is she talking about?
grandee4 said... 84
All this talk about Kate trying to get a new show made me think of the movie Whatever Happened To Baby Jane, starring Betty Davis and Joan Crawford. Some of you may be a little too young to remember but Betty as Baby Jane was a frightening site and nuttier than a fruitcake..
Wonder if that will be what Kate looks like years from now when she cracks up because no one wanted to take risk and give her a show.
"Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" is one of my all time favorite movies. Baby Jane was so twisted... so bitter... so evil...
Bette Davis was such an AMAZING actress- one of a kind.
IMO, I picture Kate leaning more towards Norma Desmond ;o)
Joy, how did you like "The Riptide Ultra Glide?”
I love the way Kate makes it seem that the old car's trouble was the dealer's fault because it acted up after routine maintanence, then implies they simply gave her another car to make up for it. And Milo buys it hook, line, and sinker.
I'm laughing myself sick reading this blog today. Kate's ridiculously ridiculous ridiculousness has got me quite amused, and your comments are hysterical. Thanks, everyone!
Yep, I'm feeling great empathy for Kate as I
figure myself out and how I fit in. I've got it. I am an audience member watching this tragicomedy unfold. She is the main player and those around her are the court fools.
Kate, shut this theatre down!
Admin: I thought I was the only person alive who finds carbonated drinks painful! I still, to this day, cannot drink a soda without A LOT of ice to kill the carbonation. I never outgrew it...
She doesn't want the kids to eat cereal with milk because she has to buy it! Duh...the eggs are free and she has free labor (the boys) to care for them. The cost of chicken feed is much cheaper than the cost of buying other breakfast foods.
How ironic that the very childhood she complains about and claims "scarred her" with many chores, authoritarian/abusive parenting style, etc. is EXACTLY how she is raising her own children.
@Kateplusmy8 I need 2hear the #RestOfTheStory about that day on the interstate! U showed what a mature/capable woman U are! #NoDumbBlonde
What is she talking about?
Kate is a Wonder Woman. Her name should be Lynda Carter. Nobody else would ever think to call a tow truck when their car breaks down. Only a mature/capable woman would ever think of such a thing.
Man... food time is supposed to be a pleasurable experience.
Why force food on children that they do not like? I'd rather have a room full of smiling, satisfied eaters, than seeing people complaining, or throwing up the food you spent money, time & energy preparing.
Life is too short. She needs to stop being so controlling over every single aspect of their lives.
Life is easier, and happier, when you pick your fights.
Lisa E @lulu2465 1h
@Kateplusmy8 You're the only person who could take in a used car for repairs & walk out w/a new one?! How is that?? #luckylady
This poor fan seems to think Kate traded straight across, her used Audi for a brand new one.
Kate: Mr. Car Salesman, my Audi isn't running well.
Mr. Car Salesman: Oh no! Tell you what I'm gonna's a brand new one. Don't worry about paying for it. I love giving away free cars.
Milo is so far up Kate's rear end that only a neurosurgeon could pull her out. Paging Dr. Gupta...
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 47m
@Kateplusmy8 Ha...U ask "would we watch a dating show w/U?" Is the sky blue!!! >>> ABSOLUTELY! POSITIVELY! YES!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 56m
@Kateplusmy8 Top of the day 2ya Kate! Wow, my did U swing gettin a new car outta that deal! I'm impressed!
2 years since TLC pulled the plug; if they had any plans for an update/reunion show, it most likely would have been a year later, with another one planned for this fall. Nope, not happening, they are not working with that PIA again.
And her food issues re: kids and meals are ridiculous, and actually mean spirited. She really never saw herself in charge of meals, kitchen, or anything once she signed that TLC contract. Never understood that her marriage was an integral part of the package. Fame filled her empty and narcissisic head so fast it was like a tsunami.
Dating show - laughable. Association with BV - disgusting.
Way past time to shut down the Twitter.
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. ~Benjamin Franklin
Kate has done neither with her latest tripe.
Courtney Adams @CourtneyAdams40 19m
@Kateplusmy8 would your pizza recipe happen to be in your cookbook coming out?
Why do you need a pizza recipe? You make the dough, put on the toppings that you want and then bake it, making sure not to burn it! Or you look up a pizza recipe on the internet, or you call Papa John's or Little Caesar's for their new deep dish. Good gawd. (Administrator) said... 16
It's incorrect lawyers never have to pay lawyer bills. Wildly incorrect. There is no network of lawyers that just all work for free for each other.
Jerry's comment made me laugh out loud. I have worked for various law firms and attorneys for approaching 30 years now. I can verify that Admin's comment is accurate. The only edge attorneys have over non-attorneys -- is that they often know who is considered the best in any particular field (criminal law, probate, family law, etc.) in their local area. But when they retain an attorney, they pay just like any other client does. That was pretty funny stuff Jerry.
Pink and grandee4 - I agree with you both and have had similar thoughts. I can easily picture Kate in her mid to late 50's, looking like Tanning Mom, wearing mini skirts and high heels, with what's left of her hair still bleached blond, looking quite ghastly.
Contrast that with Raquel Welch, who is 72 years old! She recently did a series of commercials for sunglasses and looked amazing. I am sure she's had work done, but it's not hugely obvious. She looks sexy, classy, and still a natural beauty.
Mrs. Malaprop said...(103)
"I guess it boils down to the fact that I want my kids to be happy and to enjoy their food, so I make concessions within reason. I just don't allow the moans & groans over something that they're not in the mood for."
Great comment. I was the same way when my kids were little. No, we couldn't have tacos every night and I expected my kids to at least try something new. However, if I was serving something I knew one of my kids detested, I would provide a reasonable alternative.
With 8 kids (I only have two), I could see taking requests at every meal being unreasonable bordering on complete chaos.
But to pile more food they don't like on their plates, that's definitely a control issue and, as others pointed out, a quick road to eating disorders later.
The thing that boggles me is that Kate has all the time in the world to plan ahead for meals. Sit the kids down, compile lists of their favourites and their dislikes and work around them.
And for goodness sake, take advantage of their number and get the kids involved in meal planning and prep.
Along with the meaning of empathy, I think for Kate that the meaning of compromise is also beyond her.
How are those kids going to function in the world if every choice is always made for them?
Having 8 children, while no doubt exhausting - will never argue that point - is a perfect opportunity to teach them how to be compassionate, caring and to compromise with others.
Meal planning seems to me to be an excellent place to start for lessons like that.
Dmasy - thanks for sharing the picky eater story again. I bet most of us either were picky eaters, had at least one child who was a picky eater, or otherwise know of a child who is/was a picky eater. Seems like a fairly common occurrence. The good news is most kids outgrow it and develop into fairly healthy average adults. Since that's the case, I don't think making a big deal of it serves a useful purpose.
Growing up in a big family, we children could not have our choice of food for dinner every night. Sometimes I might love what was being served, and other times not so much. We had to take at least one small serving of everything. My mom tried to serve foods that were healthy, economical and not universally hated. LOL - bless her heart!
My own son has his particularities. After babyhood, he just doesn't like anything mushy, nor mixed foods like cassaroles. He likes spaghetti noodles, but not with spaghetti sauce on them. So I make them plain. He loves baked potatoes but hates mashed potatoes. He loves cake, but hates pie. Loves granny smith apples, but hates mushier fruit like plums or bananas. For him, it's often about texture.
As he has grown, his food choices have widened. He's healthy, hardly ever sick, growing at the appropriate rate, has one cavity, sleeps well, does well in school --- so I guess his picky eating hasn't caused any serious problems.
So when I talk to a mom with a picky eater, I tell her about my son, how I found foods that he did like and were healthy for him, and simply went with the flow. I feel sorry for the Gosselin kids because I don't think Kate has ever once considered what they like and don't like, nor has she ever tried to accommodate their individual tastes. It's "eat it or else I will serve this every meal until you do - even if it gets moldy."
The July book sales do not look good. Is it a done deal...are they sure that the book will be published, regardless of how bad the pre-orders are? Virginia Pen?
Kate is a Wonder Woman. Her name should be Lynda Carter. Nobody else would ever think to call a tow truck when their car breaks down. Only a mature/capable woman would ever think of such a thing
I don't think she even called the tow truck. I think she called a friend who called the tow truck.
Mady made it crystal clear in the chicken coop episode she did not like eggs. Did Kate care? Nope. Mady had to choke them down anyway for dinner. Eggs is a popular food for children and adults to dislike. Some people find them slimey and the idea of eating an animal's egg off putting. Why can't that be respected?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 10m
3rd week of Sept! preorder and info here exciting!!! RT @vicsmaq: @Kateplusmy8 When is your book out?!
Lisa E @lulu2465 7m
@Kateplusmy8 I got an email from Amazon after I ordered mine stating it won't be shipped out til Oct :(
Mady made it crystal clear in the chicken coop episode she did not like eggs. Did Kate care? Nope. Mady had to choke them down anyway for dinner. Eggs is a popular food for children and adults to dislike. Some people find them slimey and the idea of eating an animal's egg off putting. Why can't that be respected?
True, but it depends on how you cook them. Mine won't touch an over-easy egg, but they love a good cheese, mushroom and bacon omelet or garden omelet and often ask for it at dinner instead of breakfast.
These teenybops are so funny. Why is it that the majority of Kate's fans are teens? What could possibly be so appealing about a divorced, almost 40 woman with eight kids?
leo.del @leelee74875052 8m
@Kateplusmy8 you tweeting me is gunna be my cover photo like OMG ah thank you it would mean the world if you followed me
leo.del @leelee74875052 2m
So this kid has been asking Kate to tweet him/her. She did and he was very excited, then he tweeted the following...a LOL moment if ever I saw one.
@leelee74875052: @Kateplusmy8 ah! its weird though i was thinking like wow your a saint taking care of all those kids but then i was like oh wait my mom has9
Millicent said...(131)
"My own son has his particularities. After babyhood, he just doesn't like anything mushy, nor mixed foods like cassaroles. He likes spaghetti noodles, but not with spaghetti sauce on them. So I make them plain. He loves baked potatoes but hates mashed potatoes. He loves cake, but hates pie."
I had to laugh at this Millicent, I thought my son was the only kid on the planet who didn't like pie growing up.
I mean who doesn't like pie? For him too though, it was a texture thing and he eventually outgrew it. Funny now, at holidays and such, he kicks himself thinking of all the years he missed out on my homemade apple pie.
Interesting how so many here were or had kids who were picky eaters and how many positive and non-controlling ways to deal with this issue.
Someone just tweeted to Kate that she got an email from Amazon, saying that the cookbook won't be shipped until October. Now, after 6 months of pre-orders and a publication date of Sept. 24, why would it take so long to ship the book? Unless the publisher is waiting until the last minute and refusing to print any more books than they absolutely have to. They might wait until Sept 24, and then only print the exact number they need to fill the pre-orders, so they don't end up with masses of unsold books.
Sillimom, you ordered a copy from Amazon--did you get an email? Im curious about this one.
Kate has been pushing the book nonstop for the past hour or so on Twitter, as well as plugging it on her Q&A yesterday. Perhaps she's a bit anxious? If I were Kate and had such low sales after 4 months of pre=orders, I'd be panicking!
I don't think she even called the tow truck. I think she called a friend who called the tow truck.
Wasn't there discussion about why Kate didn't call AAA? With three cars and a multitude of kids, I can't believe that she wouldn't have some kind of emergency road service, either through her insurance or AAA. It's so inexpensive and imperative when you might be stuck on the road with a disabled vehicle and eight children.
LOL!! I am cracking up over these tweets today! Are these fans really this dumb? Do they know nothing about division...if a recipe serves 8 and you want to serve 4, what do you do? OMG!
Andrina Autagne @aja23 6m
@Kateplusmy8 does your book offer smaller portion recipes?
@leelee74875052: @Kateplusmy8 ah! its weird though i was thinking like wow your a saint taking care of all those kids but then i was like oh wait my mom has9
"Woah" This pretty much answers what kind of teens watch Kate. The not real bright ones.
My niece would not eat egg yolks when little and her brother did not like the white part. It turned out she was allergic to egg yolks. Even before finding out about the allergy, my sister would separate the eggs, cook the yolks for my nephew and the whites for my niece. Happy kids, happy mom, problem solved. No big deal.
You've to watch out for those little old ladies. Sometimes they canout-piss the youngins! 171
Responding with a little OT humor:
An older lady gets pulled over for speeding...
Older Woman: Is there a problem, Officer?
Officer: Ma'am, you were speeding.
Older Woman: Oh, I see.
Officer: Can I see your license please?
Older Woman: I'd give it to you but I don't have one.
Officer: Don't have one?
Older Woman: Lost it, 4 years ago for drunk driving.
Officer: I see...Can I see your vehicle registration papers please.
Older Woman: I can't do that.
Officer: Why not?
Older Woman: I stole this car.
Officer: Stole it?
Older Woman: Yes, and I killed and hacked up the owner.
Officer: You what?
Older Woman: His body parts are in plastic bags in the trunk if you
want to see
The Officer looks at the woman and slowly backs away to his car and
calls for back up. Within minutes 5 police cars circle the car. A senior officer slowly approaches the car, clasping his half drawn gun.
Officer 2: Ma'am, could you step out of your vehicle please! The woman steps out of her vehicle.
Older woman: Is there a problem sir?
Officer 2: One of my officers told me that you have stolen this car and murdered the owner.
Older Woman: Murdered the owner?
Officer 2: Yes, could you please open the trunk of your car, please.
The woman opens the trunk, revealing nothing but an empty trunk.
Officer 2: Is this your car, ma'am?
Older Woman: Yes, here are the registration papers. The officer is stunned.
Officer 2: One of my officers claims that you do not have a driving license.
The woman digs into her handbag and pulls out a clutch purse and hands it to the officer.
The officer examines the license. He looks quite puzzled.
Officer 2: Thank you ma'am, one of my officers told me you didn't have a license, that you stole this car, and that you murdered and hacked up the owner.
Older Woman: Bet the liar told you I was speeding, too.
The premise of the dating show was that Jamie would hunt for acceptable single men, shoot them with a tranquilizer gun, bind and gag them, and haul them back to Kate for approval. 109
Layla that was hilarious!
Contrast that with Raquel Welch, who is 72 years old! She recently did a series of commercials for sunglasses and looked amazing. 129
And check out Tina Turner at 73.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 56m
@Kateplusmy8 Top of the day 2ya Kate! Wow, my did U swing gettin a new car outta that deal! I'm impressed!
Dear Milo. I will try to explain in short, simple sentences how Kate swung "gettin a new car outta that deal!":
Kate went to the bank and withdrew a lot of money.
Kate then went to the car dealership and plunked down said money in front of a car salesperson.
Said car salesperson took said money, tried to sell Kate some extras and warranties, filled out some paperwork, and handed Kate the keys to a car.
And voila, like magic, that's how Kate got "a new car outta that deal!"
Any questions?
Wasn't there discussion about why Kate didn't call AAA? With three cars and a multitude of kids, I can't believe that she wouldn't have some kind of emergency road service, either through her insurance or AAA. It's so inexpensive and imperative when you might be stuck on the road with a disabled vehicle and eight children.
Especially when you can't find a gas station even with an app and GPS in your car!
I think I forgot to add the link to a story about Tina Turner in my last post. Here it is:
Over And Out said... 132
The July book sales do not look good. Is it a done deal...are they sure that the book will be published, regardless of how bad the pre-orders are? Virginia Pen?
Over, it depends on the contract. HCI might have a clause that a certain number of pre-orders must occur to actually print the book. They may have hedged their bets. (That could also be the reason for the super-long pre-order window.) Or they might not have, believing Kate's hype.
I DO think that right now it's a money-losing proposition to print them--and that's whether Kate is self-publishing through HCI or whether HCI is actually acting as a traditional publisher.
Whoever is assuming the risk--Kate as self publisher or HCI as traditional publisher--is going to be out some bucks. Those color photos will be expensive, so you need a large print run to lower the printing cost per book. A $17 discounted cover price for a 304-page color book is already a pretty low margin. Remember Amazon gets a hefty chunk of that $17, too.
Just for fun, I found an online quote. I used large hardcover, 304 pages, color. The quote comes from Lightning Source--a huge and very economical printer. (They're a division of Ingram, THE distributor to B&N).
LS will only give online quotes up to 500 copies, so unfortunately we can't really see a true quote on say, 1,500 copies, but for 500 copies of the book above, each book would cost $6 (base) + .10 per page, then discounted 25%. (Check my math.)
$6 + (.10 x 304 pages) = $36.40
25% quantity discount lowers the price per book to $27.30 per book.
With a $22.95 nondiscounted cover price, I'm sure HCI expected to many thousand books. You can see that printing only 500 would be a SIGNIFICANT loss.
I've wondered if Kate will subsidize this somehow to save face and make sure the cookbook is a go.
Andrina Autagne @aja23 6m
@Kateplusmy8 does your book offer smaller portion recipes?
Kate, I don't want to make a full-size pizza. I just want a personal pizza for myself. What do I do? How do you make dough for just one person?
Layla said... 109
The premise of the dating show was that Jamie would hunt for acceptable single men, shoot them with a tranquilizer gun, bind and gag them, and haul them back to Kate for approval. Or something like that.
Thank you for the Friday Funny, Rhymes with Witch :o)
Loved it!!!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3m
@Quotelmages Ha! Critics have said "Ur finished..ur 15min R up..blah blah" They don't realize ur just gettin ur 2nd wind! @Kateplusmy8 :)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1m
@Kateplusmy8 Whatever happens N ur future..more best sellers..more TV hits..more just plain watching Kate & the kids grow..I will support U!
♫ ♫
Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you
Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you ♫ ♫
With apologies to Sting and the Police.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 11m
@Quotelmages Ha! Critics have said "Ur finished..ur 15min R up..blah blah" They don't realize ur just gettin ur 2nd wind! @Kateplusmy8 :)
IDK Milo Kate looks done to me.
She has no TV shows.
She has no interviews coming that I know of.
Her blog is over with.
The kids are growing up.
Her lame cookbook isn't doing to well.
soooo hmmm yeah.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 11m
@Quotelmages Ha! Critics have said "Ur finished..ur 15min R up..blah blah" They don't realize ur just gettin ur 2nd wind! @Kateplusmy8 :)
Keep digging in that knife, Milo. I love all of her comments that only serve to bring up Kate's bad points.
@Quotelmages Ha! Critics have said "Ur finished..ur 15min R up..blah blah" They don't realize ur just gettin ur 2nd wind!
Nice to remind Kate that her critics say she's done. I'm sure she loves hearing that. It takes two years to get a 2nd wind?
@Kateplusmy8 Whatever happens N ur future..more best sellers..more TV hits..more just plain watching Kate & the kids grow..I will support U!
Whew! I'm sure that's a load off Kate's mind, just knowing that Milo will support her will make sleeping so much easier for Kate tonight! When is that best seller coming out? When is that TV hit making its debut? Tell us, know everything! Don't be shy! Spill!
Milo is a jerk of epic proportions.
Maybe, given the possibility that Kate still has lots of money, she really doesn't care if she loses money on the book. It will just be a means to get out there on tour, be seen again. It really doens't matter how many are sold to her, just so she has some to go on your with, maybe that is what she is thinking. Plus another reason to leave her kids.
Samantha Dixon @samanthadixon24 6m
@Kateplusmy8 I love you guys! I am from Canada and I am wondering if I can still order your cookbook?
LOL! What in the heck do you think Kate's been hawking on Twitter and her website? Hair bleach?
Well looks like Kate finally said what happened to her car.
1. Q: What was the outcome of ur two seater car issue?
A: My TT (4 seater, btw) had gone in for regular service and….after that was never the same! In the end it all worked out okay because the dealership worked with me and replaced it with a new A4. It’s a more practical car with four doors and can better fit my kids (who now have much longer legs)…In the end, all’s well that ends well, right?
Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you
lol!! Kate could sing this one back to her (with apologies to the Gershwins)...
There's a saying old, says that love is blind
Still we're often told, "seek and ye shall find"
So I'm going to seek a certain fan I've had in mind
Looking everywhere, haven't found her yet
She's the big affair I cannot forget
Only one I ever think of with regret
There's a somebody I'm longin' to see
I hope that she, turns out to be
Someone who'll watch over me
I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood
I know I could, always be good
To one who'll watch over me
So the kids are still begging/pushing mommy to get a dating show huh?
She is so full of it. I mean what kid cares about their parents personal life?
Unless they bring it up all the time?
And Kate doesn't like when the kids complain about dinner?
So when she was complaining about the mouse hot dogs during the.
Sarah Palin trip why wasn't she forced to eat them?
Q: Can you give me any tips on how to take time out for myself during the day???
She sure can.
Take trips when you want where you want with your bodyguard.
Spend time getting your hair and nails and, feet done and a tan.
Buy what you want and when you want and grift the rest.
Virginia Pen Mom, I love the fact that we have someone here who knows the publishing business here to explain things. I wouldn't even know where to go to get that kind of info.
Just for grins and giggles, the numbers for the first 2 episodes of season 2 of Honey Boo Boo are in:
9:00 show=2.837 million viewers
9:30 show=2.918 million viewers
The sheeple can't believe that TLC has a show like HBB on, but won't bring back K+8. Well, there's your reason. HBB brings in the numbers. K+8 did not. Anyone here remember what the numbers were for the first 2 episodes of season 2 of K+8? If I recall correctly, the show was already struggling. Season 2 of K+8 frequently dipped below 1 million viewers. I bet this season of HBB stays above 2 million. HBB makes money for TLC. It's as simple as that.
Layla said... 109
The premise of the dating show was that Jamie would hunt for acceptable single men, shoot them with a tranquilizer gun, bind and gag them, and haul them back to Kate for approval. Or something like that.
Thanks for the laugh, Layla! It would be a spin-off of Survivor, I'd guess. :D
@Quotelmages Ha! Critics have said "Ur finished..ur 15min R up..blah blah" They don't realize ur just gettin ur 2nd wind! @Kateplusmy8 :)
@Kateplusmy8 Whatever happens N ur future..more best sellers..more TV hits..more just plain watching Kate & the kids grow..I will support U!
Oh dear... One of Kate's uber fans is having a hard time facing the reality that Kate & her brand's career in the entertainment industry is fini.
I hope that she doesn't hold it against Kate when her "vision" falls extremely short.
@ljohnson2006: Not every celeb with a lot of followers buy them @GiulianaRancic and @Kateplusmy8 among others are followed because people support them
If this is true than why haven't these supporters been buying Kate's cookbook?
Oops. Someone is a little miffed with the Irish Creeper!
@irishfan47 Give it up already! @Kateplusmy8
A: My TT (4 seater, btw) had gone in for regular service and….after that was never the same! In the end it all worked out okay because the dealership worked with me and replaced it with a new A4. It’s a more practical car with four doors and can better fit my kids (who now have much longer legs)…In the end, all’s well that ends well, right?
So she's saying that the sports model was a spur-of-the-moment purchase? She knew she had eight kids when she bought that car. Now she decides that a four-door would be more practical? Slow on the uptake, Kate?
Still, why does she need three cars? What's wrong with driving the SUV when she's by herself, and the BBB when she has the kids? Oh, wait, you save gas when you have three cars and can drive the most economical one!
@ljohnson2006: Not every celeb with a lot of followers buy them @GiulianaRancic and @Kateplusmy8 among others are followed because people support them
If this is true than why haven't these supporters been buying Kate's cookbook?
Lauren appears to be just a little bit slow when it comes to reasoning and logic! Sometimes she comes out with things that make you scratch your head!
I have a sick feeling that the kids wanting her to get a dating show is true. Kate makes constant references to her sheeps that she cries a lot and if only people knew the battles she has to overcome....blah blah. The kids see her crying all the time because she is lonely and tired of doing things on her own. We all know the kids see how stressed she gets. It would make sense to me that they would want her to have a partner. No one wants to see their parent crying all the time......she is just so manipulative it makes me ill.
A: My TT (4 seater, btw) had gone in for regular service and….after that was never the same! In the end it all worked out okay because the dealership worked with me and replaced it with a new A4. It’s a more practical car with four doors and can better fit my kids (who now have much longer legs)…In the end, all’s well that ends well, right?
Hysterical. It all worked out ok because the dealer worked with her and replaced it with a new A4. Twisted Kate speak to imply she got new wheels for almost nothing because her not so old car was just never the same after a regular service. Crock of steaming dog pile. And those sheeple lap, lap, lap this up.
I may be late to this. But other than hits to his website, what does BV have to gain by bringing all this attention regarding Jamie? If I was Kart or Jamie I would be livid. Whether these emails were from Robert or someone else close to the situation at that time, it doesn't really matter. BV just seems to be taking the opportunity to post this information for his own personal gain. The guy just seems to be looking for attention. I understand Robert posted a brief paragraph in his book regarding this, but why is BV posting these private email conversations? It seems like he's the desperate one and doesn't care about Kart and her friendship with Jamie. I honestly don't understand his point of posting this old stuff on his site, except to bring additional hits.
I personally think that Kart is finished with having a career in the entertainment industry. Her book is not selling even though she supposedly has so many devoted fans and she has no real talent to be a host or carry her own show on any network.
I will make a comment regarding Giuliana Rancic. I always see Bill holding their son, but don't really see Giuliana as a hands on mom. I'm really surprised considering all she went through to have this baby. I don't see her interacting the same way with him that Bill does. I wonder if she really bonded with him.
Regarding Honey Boo Boo, I never watch the show, but had to look at TLC's site regarding the mother's recipes. I gagged at her recipes but had a good laugh at the same time. To each his own. I suppose her cookbook will be outsell Kart's.
Klaudia Osorio @KLSBCD 25m
@Kateplusmy8 what's ur IG address?
Inspector General? :)
I was reading the comments from last night, particularly those from "Jerry," as in Tom and Jerry. Was that poster playing a little cat and mouse game? Will Tom show up tonight?
Admin, re: the Jamie comment in Robert's book:
Chapter 28, location 21954 in my kindle for iPhone app.
Sandie @SandieBellz 58m
Did I read this correctly? The dealership gave you a new car? @Kateplusmy8
What the heck is wrong with these people? OF COURSE you get a new car when your old car breaks down!!!! Just take it to the dealership and they'll give you a new and BIGGER one!!!!
Wow, Kate's fans believe the weirdest stuff about her. Talk about sheep. Now just follow me and we'll walk right over this cliff. It'll be fun!
OMG!! Someone just bought a Kate cookbook! One sale in the last 37 hours.
OMG!! Someone just bought a Kate cookbook! One sale in the last 37 hours.
I have to laugh at the fans who ask Kate if she's going on a world book signing tour. Milo insists that Kate is a world-famous celebrity. Obviously they've never checked to see how pre-orders are going in the UK and Canada! That's got to be embarrassing for Kate.
IG address...hmmm? Oh wait! Incessant Grifting address, that's gotta be it.
Kate is a twit said... 155
You know, reading the words you quoted of Every Breath You Take by Sting/The Police, I'm reminded how often I read that Sting was horrified that so many people believed that song was a love song, when he thought he was clear that it was about stalking!!
My children refused to eat peanut butter or any other food ''that sticks to your teeth''. The oldest, when she was about two, suddenly refused to eat anything other than green beans and cheese. I worried the Doctor about it, and he gave the wise advise I followed the rest of their time w/me: ''All a child at this age requires is two tablespoons of food a day. Give her what she wants to eat and do not ever try to force her to eat more than she wants, or anything she doesn't want.''
We had a two bite rule. If they didn't like it, that was fine. I did try the food again as they got older, reminding them that what they didn't like ''when you were little'' doesn't mean you won't like it ''now that you are a big kid''....and that worked too. By the time they were in grade school, they would try anything...though to this day one still hates lima beans, and another one gags on bananas.
KK's comments about food are proof to me that Jaimie helped her write the ones that 'sound good', and the KK comments are the ones that prove she has no idea what a moron she actually is!!
@Kateplusmy8 could you please post a picture of the kids so I can see how much they have grown on me?
How much they have grown on her? What are they...barnacles?
Sandi @SandiBellz
Did I read this correctly? The dealership gave you a new car? @kateplusmy8
Kate Gosselin @kateplusmy8
@SandiBellz no not gave...But made it very possible...Was necessary
Was necessary
There is nothing "necessary" about an Audi sports car.
Is that what she tells the trustee when she withdraws the money for it from the children's trust fund?
What I keep reading over and over from the mommies here is both patience with their children's likes and dislikes, as well as keeping any disputes calm and low key, no biggie.
A child is entitled to likes and dislikes just like an adult is. There need not be a national incident over picky eating, which is a biologically and evolutionary very normal part of childhood that almost everyone grows out of.
I keep thinking about that comment someone made, I can't remember who, after CWS. Congrats Kate, you've won a battle of wills with a two year old.
For some reason she thinks she deserves a trophy for winning the battle of wills with her own children. When really all she's done is brow beaten them into submission and shown what a controlling authoritarian parent she is.
How much they have grown on her? What are they...barnacles?
Bwaaaahaaahaaa. I scared my sleeping dog.
Kate's fans are a real attraction. I can't tear myself away from their inane tweets.
I understand Robert posted a brief paragraph in his book
It wasn't even a paragraph. It was like 3 sentences. Most people probably wouldn't even remember it had he not brought it up. I really don't understand digging things up that have long been dead and buried. It's been posted, now what? Jamie got humiliated, Jon and Kate probably should be humiliated, some fans and non-fans alike felt uncomfortable and embarrassed for the parties involved, and we're right back to where we started. One person won. The man who brought more attention to him and his site.
Most of Robert's brief discussion about Jamie was Kate's own journals talking about what a wonderful friend she is. Granted a good friend to Kate is someone who acts like a slave, but I do believe she genuinely does like to have Jamie around.
Was necessary.
Explain yourself out of this one, Kate, as in how is a 3rd car for a one driver household ever necessary? Old new car had a boo-boo, needed a new one? Nope, cannot make any sense out of this one.
Saw this on redtri today:
Adorable ice cream pizza that looks great.
With free recipes like that who needs cookbooks.
Pioneer Woman is asking for tips and suggestions for best cities to do book signings at. She's already planning her tour on a cookbook that comes out after Kate.
This is a great way to make fans feel involved with the process.
Wow, Kate's fans believe the weirdest stuff about her. Talk about sheep. Now just follow me and we'll walk right over this cliff. It'll be fun!
Or we'll walk into a car dealership and they'll give us a new car!
Kate's personality is pretty "damsel in distress"-like. Sometimes I think she thinks it's "cute" sometimes I think she really is helpless. I have a funny feeling she attracts a lot of sort of like-minded "helpless" women.
And drives women who prefer that we leave that stereotypical aspect of our sex behind for good....well, nutso.
Speaking of those wacky fans, I see gypsi's daughter just gave their opossum a pedicure!
M @Bridesmaids7 23m
@Kateplusmy8 what movie? We're watching your refund lol
What refund would that be?
"Speaking of those wacky fans, I see gypsi's daughter just gave their opossum a pedicure!"
I hope that polish was kid-friendly and non-toxic. If he/she chews on it, it could make him sick. I knew a woman who used nail polish on her puppy and he chewed it off. Got sicker than a dog!
I hope that polish was kid-friendly and non-toxic. If he/she chews on it, it could make him sick. I knew a woman who used nail polish on her puppy and he chewed it off. Got sicker than a dog!
I was wondering about that.
Cameron Ligon @CameronMarion 11m
@Kateplusmy8 is the bread recipe that you use online anywhere or will it be in the cookbook?
Um, Cameron, if the recipe is in the book, and she tells you that
it's also online, then you won't need to buy the cookbook! I don't think that's what Kate has in mind.
I see @theaustinmartin said on twitter Kirstie's people had called him about Camp Kirstie. Kirstie replied she is trying to schedule a party.
Will he get a call from Kate's people about Camp Kate?
Kate's fans are a real attraction. I can't tear myself away from their inane tweets.
@Kateplusmy8 And u like @SnoopLion @SnoopDogg Red Hot Chili Peppers JT, Bruno Mars? And How r u today? #GodBlessKate
I see the Chili Peppers/marihuana fan keeps asking the same questions!
Fans really are an attraction!
I'm surprised that admin is defending Jamie re: this boob photo. You think it's wrong that this has come up and that Jamie should be off limits?
Yet you constantly malign Steve by saying he was having an affair with Kate.
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