The ubiquitous pizza-loving "manager"/booby guard who once never left Kate's side, has been MIA for awhile now. He has suddenly popped up again in recent months both with TLC's Honey Boo Boo and with the Little Couple. File this under #Hahahahhahaha.
With Honey Boo Boo and company:
![]() |
Vine |
On Jen Arnold's trip to China to adopt her son. Does China have pizza? Hope so:
1236 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1236 of 1236 Newer› Newest»Will he get a call from Kate's people about Camp Kate?
What a #SuperFunWeek THAT would be! Held at her
acreage, the daily activities will include tending chickens, weeding, cleaning garages and basements. The Mess Hall opens at 6:03 a.m. and the winner of the 10 laps around the driveway is the lucky camper who gets to bring Kate her coffee.
I'll defend anyone who leaves the public eye. Last I checked Steve was still front and center with TLC's biggest star Honey Boo Boo. The egregious action here that is upsetting people is Kate and this BV guy using Kate's friends to further her cause. It really doesn't matter WHAT Jamie did, an affair, solicitation, or any number of bad behaviors. What matters is that her friend is now using her and humiliating her to further her silly agenda. I can't see feeling much different even if it were Steve who allegedly sent the messages.
Cameron Ligon @CameronMarion 11m
@Kateplusmy8 is the bread recipe that you use online anywhere or will it be in the cookbook?
Um, Cameron, if the recipe is in the book, and she tells you that
it's also online, then you won't need to buy the cookbook! I don't think that's what Kate has in mind.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 4m
In my book! preorder: RT @CameronMarion: @Kateplusmy8 is the bread recipe that you use... in the cookbook?
LOLOL!!!! :)
Kate is in a frenzy to drive people to her website...trying everything possible. It's almost kind of sad, actually. The book pre-orders, however, reveal that it's not really working.
The Mess Hall opens at 6:03 a.m. and the winner of the 10 laps around the driveway is the lucky camper who gets to bring Kate her coffee.
As long as the one male camper is allowed in her bedroom, I don't think that he will mind!
Patrice Brooks @patrice_brooks 5m
@Kateplusmy8 Is your cookbook listed on Amazon for preorder?
Look it up on Amazon! I swear...
There are tweets that are really amusing and entertaining, and then there are those that are downright creepy. Who would want to see a picture of the twins with their braces?
Aaron Friesen @AaronFriesen1 7m
@Kateplusmy8 Do you have any photos of the twins with their braces? You haven't really posted any (even among the Fourth photos).
Tess @tesstess1982
@kateplusmy8 is the twitter handle @ MadyAndCara the legit twitter of Cara and Mady?
Milo once again felt the need to respond.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@tesstess1982 @kateplusmy8 Tess...none of Kate's kids have twitter accts. or Facebook. Only Kate herself has a verified twitter acct. :)
Kate came back with:
Kate Gosselin @kateplusmy8
NO! My kids DO NOT have twitter!! RT @tesstess1982: @kateplusmy8 is the twitter handle @ MadyAndCara the legit twitter if Cara and Mady?
Kate did not acknowledge Milo nor did she tweet or RT Milo today.
Do these RWA and BV and EC whoevers in whoeverville have the same lawyer that Robert forgot to listen to before he tried to publish his book?
Has there been a single lawsuit of any kind concerning anything to do with twitter and the Gosselins? Or with blogs and the Gosselins?
From where I am sitting there's been years of threats that have become more ridiculous, vicious, and constant over the past 4 years. Threats but no action. What was that modern proverb about all talk?
I don't understand why Kate's fans are so confused about the new car. Have they never traded in an older car on a new one? This is exactly what happened here and Kate just keeps leading them on with the insinuation that it was given to her. You just gotta shake your head at the madness of it all.
What was that modern proverb about all talk?
Put up or shut up?
I don't understand why Kate's fans are so confused about the new car. Have they never traded in an older car on a new one?
If they adhere to the same rigid gender stereotypes that Kate does then their husbands or fathers always took care of the cars. That's men's work. For them the car just appears in the driveway like magic.
Anti Twaliban @ashymama2 7h
@boimanakene @Kateplusmy8 when this cookbook last failed here it was sent to other countries, so probably.
Is that what happened to it? I don't recall ever hearing where it went. I thought it was never published. So it it was sent to other countries, then are there copies of it out there somewhere?
That's men's work. For them the car just appears in the driveway like magic.
For free or next to nothing. You just take your old car to the dealership, tell them it's never been the same since they serviced it, they are apologetic, and they give you another car because it's necessary.
I wonder if their husbands give them an allowance too!
I wonder if Audi would be pissed to know Kate Gosselin is tweeting about how she took a car to them and they screwed it up so bad it was never the same.
I also don't believe for one stinking minute that's what happened.
I don't understand why Kate's fans are so confused about the new car. Have they never traded in an older car on a new one?
Because most of her fans are teenagers who probably haven't even purchased new underwear, let alone a car. And the other fans are probably still living in their parent's basements.
You remember how Northern finally had to issue a denial that they sent free to Kate? (Except that they probably did send her free stuff.)
Wonder if Audi will have to do the same thing. There's lots of deserving needy people who could use a free car, if Audi's donating cars to people.
I tell you what happened. Kate decided she wanted a new car, but she figured that would look bad so she made up that bull crap story about the old one having trouble, having to call tow truck blah blah blah. Her fans kept asking and asking what happened to her car but she chose to ignore. I guess she finally realized she had to answer that question, so she came up with her latest line of bull crap. Typical Kate if you ask me.
Obviously she just traded it in and upgraded but I don't understand her dramatic comment that Audi made it possible. What does that mean? Um, anyone can go to Audi, trade in or either buy a four door sports car. I doubt she did anything other than what a normal (er, rich) person would do who wants to upgrade their sports ca.
She's not one of those stupid women who fall for everything the dealer says to her, is she? What, did they tell her oh yes Kate we've been saving this four door JUST for you JUSt in case, we won't let anyone else have it but YOU! You can't find this anywhere else, only we made it possible for you!
Even a teenager understands the concept that you have to buy a car if you want one even if you're trading in. Otherwise they'd all think they can drive Audis themselves instead of dad's old clunker!
Didn't some teenage girl tweet that her father had sold Kate a car around the time that Kate wrote the bog abou her car breaking down?
NJ yes someone definitely tweeted or FBed about it but I don't remember the details other than she knew someone who sold Kate a sports car (I think you're right it was her dad).
But it was from an established account in the area and I think most people were pretty sure that wasn't a fake. Then her blog post about her car breaking down and we put two and two together.
Sure enough...
Has she ever answered the question why one person needs three cars, other than the fact that it's more economical because when gas prices are high, you just drive the one that gets the best mileage?
other than the fact that it's more economical because when gas prices are high, you just drive the one that gets the best mileage?
Yes, you save money that way. So smart!
I think we did the math here once back when she did a blog post on it and determined something like the gas prices would have to be 300 times higher than they are now to ever actually "save" by having two cars. Just like all the math says you usually don't "save" by buying a hybrid. Buy it to help the environment and because you like it, don't buy it to save money.
Here is the tweet about Kate buying a new car:
Marissa Hendrixson @RISSme_imirish 9 Apr
Kate Gosselin is buying a car from my Dad so that's really awesome because she's famous
This was tweeted 5 days after Kate posted her bog about the old Audi.
Sounds like just a normal car transaction to me so what's with implying there was something special about it or made possible just for her?? And what's with letting her poor ignorant sheeple run with that idea?
Whenever she gets in those I'm different and special moods I always think of Nancy's essay from Little House on the Prairie: Why Jesus Loves me more than Most.
I have a quick question for all of you-
What is considered successful book sales?
What happens if the book bombs? I mean, all of Kate's rabid fans already pre-ordered their
book(s). Will she force all of them to order again, and again until HCI gets a good number?
Will Kate have to purchase 1000 books, and sell them on her own for additional "Love Offerings" at her book signings?
As of today, "Love Is In The Mix" has a combined total (U.S., U.K., Canada for June & July) of 102 pre-sales.
new post!
Kate just loves to make people think she's getting things for free, doesn't she? She did it with Quilted Northern (they said they just sent her coupons), with the new Audi (she bought it), with Bella Bars (company owner said he just sent her samples, she had to buy the rest), with that $200 moisturizer ( just got free samples again), her treadmill (Sears said she bought it). I think she gets such a thrill out of grifting things for free that she wants to make people think she gets everything for free. Shows the world how special she is..."Look, I'm such a big star that people give me everything for free because they love me sooooo much!". And it feeds into the fans' claims (and hers) that people are jellus of her. She words her claims carefully so she's not actually saying things were given to her--but she insinuates it. Then, when the truth comes out, she can still say, "I didn't say it was free".
Audi gave her a trade-in on her old car and had a decent APR for the new car purchase. This wasn't a freebie, and they didn't give her a special rate or lower price just because she's Kate Gosselin.
Kate desperately wants to feel like she's special and somehow better than others. That's why it's so important for her to be on TV. That's why the house and the pool and the cars, etc, are so important. People think it's ridiculous that she had 3 cars just for herself (it is). None of us would be so wasteful, especially when unemployed. But to her, that's something that separates her from the masses. So, to her, that third car was necessary. She needed it to feel special, and all the talk about her having 3 cars feeds into her already-inflated ego and delusions of grandeur. We think it makes her financially irresponsible, she thinks it makes her special.
Emily Creighton @EmCr68 47s
Had a dream @Kateplusmy8 and the kids moved to CT! Oh how I miss them!
Give me a break. Emily is celebrity star-struck. She saw Kate and the kids one time at a run, and now they are all part of her extended family.
When is the Kate Sleep-over Camp happening?
I think Long Island Landscapers is so similar to other reality television it's just impossible to tell whether it's a joke or not if you didn't know.
Layla, I think you'er right, in her twisted mind she likes making people think that, because she likes people thinking she is special and gets special treatment. It's really weird.
A normal person would say, exciting news my car was breaking down so I just traded it in and bought a new car! Operative word, BOUGHT. No one would say well my car was breaking down so the dealer "worked with me" and "replaced" it and they made it possible! That's just such a bizarre way to tell a "bought a new car" story. Who talks like that? Except Kate.
There is no shame in buying a car like everyone else. (Administrator) said... 191
Pioneer Woman is asking for tips and suggestions for best cities to do book signings at. She's already planning her tour on a cookbook that comes out after Kate.
This is a great way to make fans feel involved with the process.
Does anyone need her cookbook? Or was your "who needs cookbooks" remark only in reference to Kate, not in reference to the revered Pioneer Woman?
Huh? No no one needs her cookbook either, did someone say that? I didn't. Her web site is full of free recipes. It was simply a comparison between two celebs with a cookbook coming out at the same time.
domilight @domilight 22m
@Kateplusmy8 Do u remember Collin's dance?:D What did you do today?
This person asks this question every day. Kate, it must be very important to her, so even if you don't remember, say that you do!
This is not 100% accurate. His company is under contract with TLC, but he still travels with her. He's just being more sly about it since she's crying broke publicly.
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