Monday, July 22, 2013

To the little prince: 'You are normal'

Prince William and Kate welcomed a baby boy today!

With all the excitement over the good news, it's easy to forget that the yet to be named prince already has his life's destiny planned for him. One day, perhaps not until most of us are long gone, he will be king of England. Until then, he will likely spend most of his life being dissected by the public. Even right down to his placenta (Says England's Mirror, Kate’s boy was a healthy 8lb 6oz, suggesting she ate well during her pregnancy and the placenta worked well.)

The Mirror wrote a rather frank open letter to the new royal, urging him to remember he has a "bumhole" like everyone else and to be wary of camera phones. But the snide article also has a few good tips for the tyke:

  • Privilege comes at a price. Yours is a beautifully gilded cage, but I wouldn’t want to spend my life in it. You can escape if you wish but bear in mind it’s a lot different outside than in.
  • Hold an opinion. Mummy has spoken publicly on fewer occasions than I have fingers, and everyone else has to keep their lips buttoned for constitutional reasons. But
    I reckon you can rule objectively – sign the paperwork, and so on – and still say, now and and again, that you disagree.
  • You must find your own way in a life for which there are too many rules and at the same time not enough, where you crave privacy and rely on the public, in which everyone you meet will bow and scrape.
  • At many points in your life someone will probably say that you’re ‘common’ because Mummy wasn’t Royal. This person is an idiot
  • You could do lots and you could do nothing at all. It’s up to you.
  • You are normal. If at any point as you grow up you doubt this, check your bumhole. If it’s still there, you’re normal.

We hope William and Kate will always make it their priority to help this baby have a happy and normal life as he swims in a very abnormal fishbowl. The Mirror calls him "lucky." Maybe not.

928 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Dmasy said... 1


The British have a better way of saying everything! ~ Administrator said... 2

From the Jon interview. Realest reality T.V.?

There were some times when they (the producers) were like , ‘Can you do that again?’ and I told them no because its freezing out and I didn’t just take my kids out of a store to bring them back in to the store to take them out again. ~ Administrator said... 3

Another important quote, TLC paid for everything for Kate and cut him off, leaving him screwed in a divorce case and any other suits. Everything makes sense now why he had to get out so quick with so little, he couldn't afford to be buried:

No PR. I had to pay for PR. I had to pay for management. I had to pay for this, pay for that, and the network paid for all of my former wife’s stuff. So it was me versus one of the largest media outlets in the world (Laughs). And I got sued for ½ a million dollars and settled in January of 2010. ~ Administrator said... 4

He talks a lot about how he hates for them to be isolated.

Sounds like he is saying Kate isolates them.

And this:
Have you been able to shed the effects of the divorce in anyway?

"It’s still going on now. Its 4 years now. Custody battles, not agreeing, what are the rules, and court. It doesn’t bother me though because I want to do what’s best for my kids. If they want to stay at my house, they can stay at my house. The custody order is a guideline; it’s not set in stone. Who has legal? Who cares? It doesn’t matter. I mean, are you going to take me to court over that? Over what my kids want to do? Go ahead.

So there is still a battle. Do you think it will ever get better?

That’s because my former wife sees it as ownership and not as togetherness. I just want to do what’s best for the kids. It doesn’t matter to me. I took off from work today to do this interview and to spend time with them."

THAT is just SO SAD. You're STILL battling him and still seeing this as an ownership, Kate? Really? For once just let this GO. For your kids. For YOUR KIDS. It's been FOUR YEARS. FOUR. ~ Administrator said... 5

Bumhole yes, I love British-isms!

Over In Kate's County said... 6

From Jon's interview -- such great thoughts in two paragraphs:

"Right. Life skills. You can’t just isolate them from the world…just because they were on television? And it’s way worse for them because it was reality TV. So why change the reality of things? You’re going to have to acclimate yourself, make it ethnically diverse, because we live in an ethnically diverse community, you have to see people, and everyone is different, and you have to go meet friends. Go to camp; enjoy clubs, and all that kind of stuff. And that’s what I’ve been doing and I think it’s been working really well. They have a lot of freedom here.

Now, everyone wants to know, who’s your favorite? There are no favorites, it’s based upon personality. Who do you get along with more? It’s the same in life. There are going to be conflicts and things like that but they’re siblings. They’re going to beat each other up and going to fight and it’s not perfect at all. But I’m trying to teach them respect and love for other people. And that’s the big thing, humanity. They need to look what is inside other people’s hearts. I’m trying to teach them that as much as possible. By isolating them, they’ll never learn. They’ll only know what they know from inside the household. What the rules are in our household sometimes they don’t apply to the outside world. So you have to go outside to see how things work and then apply it back to your house and start thinking on your own."

The sheeple are going to tear him apart. They'll find a reason.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 7

Jon also would not refer to Kate by her name, just "former wife". Very interesting. Guess he doesn`t want to give her any more attention. And he acknowledged she is sitting on a big pile of money. And he said she considers the kids as an ``ownership`` issue where he is more into working together with her. That`s what we have always said about her......

Also loved the bumhole comment. LOL. ~ Administrator said... 8

Let the sheeple tear him apart. This man's values are how I was raised and are the values I see here. I don't care if other people don't like those values. If we have a fundamentally different set of values, that's their right. But I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

Jon hates Kate? I don't think so. It is crystal clear here who is the aggressor. Jon was very clear he is DESPERATE, just DESPERATE to have a calm, peaceful co-parenting relationship. He sees other people do it and he longs for it. For the children he loves. It's clear who is preventing that.

My heart just hurts for children who cannot have a peaceful divorce. It's just so very sad. I wish Kate would get lots of help and therapy and understand this.

Jane said... 9

From Jon's interview - I find this incredible! TLC paid for Kate's attorneys?

. I had to finance my divorce, the network paid for my former wife’s divorce attorneys.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 10

Looks like everything we have casually talked about here may well be true in Kateworld: social isolation, anger towards ex, role TLC played in Jon's financial unraveling post divorce, etc. The man certainly sounds rational, and a good father who can see his children not as the pack their crazy mother keeps them in, but as the individuals they are. Crazy ex wanted the divorce, got the divorce and the $$$, and still makes his life difficult. Jon has a job, Kate plays on the internet all days with real crazies.

Unknown said... 11

From the previous thread...I see that a lot of us focused on the same things! (Administrator) said... 70
''I don't think Jon needs to do an interview now whatsoever and I really don't get why he did this......''
I also don't 'get' why Jon did the interview now, but as I read the interview, I found myself nodding in agreement over and over. I agreed with the interviewer, who said, ''I found Jon to be honest, open, articulate, and while not arrogant, certainly self-aware of the weight, whirlwind and occasional controversy his name can bring.''

KK can call him ''mediocre'' all she wants, but to me he is ''normal''! He has a 'normal' grasp of reality, a 'normal' way of understanding the needs of children, and especially children of divorced parents. To me, a 'normal' person would not want their divorce to be filmed....which would also film the children and their feelings. He sees the need for his children to function in the real world....

''I live in a private community but I take them to public places, why not? They have to know what the mall is like. They have to know there is a whole other world out there and the public has to accept them as normal people.'' I was glad to read that Jon is doing what we hoped he was doing...''Go to camp; enjoy clubs, and all that kind of stuff. And that’s what I’ve been doing and I think it’s been working really well. They have a lot of freedom here.''

I was also struck by his insight when he said in response to the interviewers question about custody battles and if Jon thinks it will get better: ''It’s still going on now. Its 4 years now. Custody battles, not agreeing, what are the rules, and court. It doesn’t bother me though because I want to do what’s best for my kids. If they want to stay at my house, they can stay at my house. The custody order is a guideline; it’s not set in stone. Who has legal? Who cares? It doesn’t matter. I mean, are you going to take me to court over that? Over what my kids want to do? Go ahead. That’s because my former wife sees it as ownership and not as togetherness. I just want to do what’s best for the kids. It doesn’t matter to me.''

He is still with his girlfriend, and he is starting another job that will allow him more time to spend with his kids. I think in spite of myself, I am glad he gave the interview, because it has confirmed what so many believed about Jon...that he is a nice, honest, 'normal' man who loves his children!

Tucker's Mom said... 12

The sheeple are going to go apeshit and Goody is probably going to work herself into an apoplectic lather. So what?
Jon's responses affirm what we've been saying in a freakishly accurate way, and I don't think it's because he's been reading here!
We know who DOES do that ;-)

Tucker's Mom said... 13

Jane said... 9
From Jon's interview - I find this incredible! TLC paid for Kate's attorneys?

. I had to finance my divorce, the network paid for my former wife’s divorce attorneys.
You bet your bum that TLC backed their money maker with the best attorneys money can buy. Now, remember back to the many interviews Kate did, lamenting woefully about how much money the lawyers cost.
Did she ever mention she was paying for them. I don't recall so. ~ Administrator said... 14

There was more rationality, reasonableness, love, understanding and just good parenting than I've seen in 1,000 tweets from the former wife. I also get why he did the interview now.

Yes, I believe TLC paid for Kate's divorce attorney. Jon was a barnacle to be scraped off. Also Kate even said in one of the episodes she was TOLD she needed to file now. What??? By WHO?? Now we know. TLC. TLC orchestrated the whole thing. Excuse me, but when is a couple's divorce any of their business much less to be funding it?

Something rings very fundamentally unjust and unfair about that for an employer to swoop in and take a side and then pay for that person's legal bills with the best attorney around thus giving that person a massive edge. TLC? These are children we are talking about here. I am not aware of a legal ethics issue with that but it's still morally wrong. If they want to fund a divorce to make it happen, fund attorneys for BOTH of them. But to pick Kate's side and have such a heavy influence on the outcome is disgusting. TLC has a direct hand in the outcome of this divorce and all the alienation of Jon. DIRECT.

Tucker's Mom said... 15

Why am I not surprised that Kate, like my ex, is that special type of cherub who would end a marriage on an anniversary date?

Tucker's Mom said... 16

. Excuse me, but when is a couple's divorce any of their business much less to be funding it?
When they are busy crafting the canonization of St. Kate in order to launch the next chapter of her carefully planned and controlled story.
For. Money.

Something that really hit home is how Jon elucidated just how *huge* of a deal it was for him to leave the show, in terms of the wrath, opposition and penalization he knew he would face with the network.
It's bigger than I'd ever imagined-- David and Goliath.

SeeSaw said... 17

TLC orchestrated and paid for the divorce just like they orchestrated the show and the PR post-divorce to make Jon seem like a horrible person.

I was sorry that he broke his silence, but maybe it was time for him to try to repair his image and set the record straight. I wonder how long it will take for ROL and the other tabloids to pick up the store.

Sad that the fans will have a field day with this, but so what. I'm sure they're already crowing it's all lies.

Unknown said... 18

From the other topic...I hope I haven't already posted this in the new topic...I've confused myself!! (Administrator) said... 70
''I don't think Jon needs to do an interview now whatsoever and I really don't get why he did this......''
I also don't 'get' why Jon did the interview now, but as I read the interview, I found myself nodding in agreement over and over. I agreed with the interviewer, who said, ''I found Jon to be honest, open, articulate, and while not arrogant, certainly self-aware of the weight, whirlwind and occasional controversy his name can bring.''

KK can call him ''mediocre'' all she wants, but to me he is ''normal''! He has a 'normal' grasp of reality, a 'normal' way of understanding the needs of children, and especially children of divorced parents. To me, a 'normal' person would not want their divorce to be filmed....which would also film the children and their feelings. He sees the need for his children to function in the real world....

''I live in a private community but I take them to public places, why not? They have to know what the mall is like. They have to know there is a whole other world out there and the public has to accept them as normal people.'' I was glad to read that Jon is doing what we hoped he was doing...''Go to camp; enjoy clubs, and all that kind of stuff. And that’s what I’ve been doing and I think it’s been working really well. They have a lot of freedom here.''

I was also struck by his insight when he said in response to the interviewers question about custody battles and if Jon thinks it will get better: ''It’s still going on now. Its 4 years now. Custody battles, not agreeing, what are the rules, and court. It doesn’t bother me though because I want to do what’s best for my kids. If they want to stay at my house, they can stay at my house. The custody order is a guideline; it’s not set in stone. Who has legal? Who cares? It doesn’t matter. I mean, are you going to take me to court over that? Over what my kids want to do? Go ahead. That’s because my former wife sees it as ownership and not as togetherness. I just want to do what’s best for the kids. It doesn’t matter to me.''

He is still with his girlfriend, and he is starting another job that will allow him more time to spend with his kids. I think in spite of myself, I am glad he gave the interview, because it has confirmed what so many believed about Jon...that he is a nice, honest, 'normal' man who loves his children!

Anonymous said... 19

That is the Jon we knew in Elizabethtown, I am thrilled he has finally gotten his voice back. Great article describing a hard working guy who loves his kids to pieces which we ALWAYS saw when he lived here. The ownership line was spot on. Good for him....well done!

Hard To Keep Loving Jon said... 20

Jon, who always refused to talk about his kids, now is telling everything about them. Who plays with who, who gets along with who, how they deal with the divorce, school dances, dating....

What happened to their PRIVACY, Jon?? ~ Administrator said... 21

And Jon faced Goliath, all so his children wouldn't have to go through a divorce on national T.V. Even if he went bankrupt and even lost custody, his love for them and what was best for them, to not be on T.V., was his priority.

Someday, his children will fully understand what he did for them. And they will decide for themselves what they think of that. ~ Administrator said... 22

Kate did, lamenting woefully about how much money the lawyers cost.
Did she ever mention she was paying for them. I don't recall so. \\&&&

Nope. Classic word play. Woe is me this is all so expensive. Of course, she didn't say it was expensive for HER. Just expensive.

Yeah for TLC's check writers it sure was. ~ Administrator said... 23

Jon's responses affirm what we've been saying in a freakishly accurate way


This IS freakish.

The thing that really made me jump is the comment about the children being just about ownership to Kate.

My God, that's what we've been saying.....all....along!!! It's amazing what you can really pick up about a person just from reading their tweets. She has revealed a lot about who she really is and we've had her pegged apparently all along.

foxy said... 24

There is more to Jon's interview to be published. It appears that Kate has soured the twins on wanting to be with their dad. Why would she have Collin and the other 5 are with Jon? Like he said, ownership. He has 10 more years before the youngest kids are out of high school. I just hope he stays the same with his kids and if there is a problem with the twins that they see the light when they are older. I cannot imagine having to live like that. ~ Administrator said... 25

How will the sheeple handle two red alerts in two weeks? I fear for them!


*8Red lights flashing**

SeeSaw said... 26

Giving an interview on a local website that no one probably ever heard of is not quite as bad as pimping out your kids pictures to sell a cookbook, using your kids "memories" to drive traffic to your website, using your kids "cute sayings" to increase your Twitter traffic.

There's telling some general stories about your kids and then there's exploiting them for monetary gain. Big difference.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 27

To #20, oh give it up, the man is not telling 'everything' about his kids, he is talking about raising his family of multiples to be normal kids. Period. He's not the parent on Twitter, using their names, putting pictures there and on her laughable web site. He's not pimping a so-called cookbook with their picture on the cover. I think he's allowed to occasionally talk about his life as a parent. And this was hardly national coverage ala People or ROL. The ex is probably fuming since no one is asking to talk to her about anything.

Tucker's Mom said... 28

Anonymous said... 16
That is the Jon we knew in Elizabethtown, I am thrilled he has finally gotten his voice back.
Another reason I relate to Jon having been so belittled and abused in his marriage is that people watch you change and become less than what you used to be. Then, once you're free, you get yourself back and one day, people say "glad to have you back, you weren't yourself there for awhile".

can't stand either one of them said... 29

I was sorry that he broke his silence, but maybe it was time for him to try to repair his image and set the record straight. I wonder how long it will take for ROL and the other tabloids to pick up the store.

He could have done this without divulging so much PRIVATE info about the kids. I mean, WTH Jon?

Anonymous said... 30

Jon seems to have patience. Someday, when his children are adults, he will be able to tell them what he did and why ,,,,I just bet they will understand and respect him for it. Westbrooke

Terri said... 31

This interview just reinforced everything I thought about how that divorce went down. Jon seems like a very caring father that just wants his kids to live a life that is based on the "REAL REALITY" that is now their lives. He wants happy well adjusted kids that will grow into happy well adjusted adults. It's been four years and I think it's about time Kate prove how everything she does she does for her kids. Pick up the phone and call Jon to meet you for coffee. Sit down and talk like mature adults about any issues you have with co-parenting and try to work out a viable solution. Remember to love your kids more than you hate your ex.

Sherry Baby said... 32


Admin, that is so funny. I picture a whole herd hoofing around, scattering dirt and straw everywhere, feverishly brushing the wool out of their eyes as they scramble to their muster stations in the barn.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 33

Jon, who always refused to talk about his kids, now is telling everything about them.

EVERYTHING? I don't think so. Not by a longshot. Read the interview again. ~ Administrator said... 34

He could have done this without divulging so much PRIVATE info about the kids. I mean, WTH Jon?


I don't get it either. I guess part of it could be self-serving to show he really is an involved father. Maybe he's trying to really break through to Kate after all else has failed, who knows. He could have explained everything without divulging a single thing about the kids.

I think at the end of the day, I will never really understand Jon or Kate. Kate is much more of a mystery than Jon, but Jon still doesn't always make sense. But I suppose that's true of many people. Some people you just can't really know or understand. Some people will always surprise you.

I think these sort of people are ripe for the picking for reality shows. They need these types. People who are predictable and always do the right thing make for boring reality.

Toni said... 35

Remember to love your kids more than you hate your ex.


I agree. I'm not sure Jon's interview is going to promote any *goodwill* with Kate. He should have stayed quiet. He said too much. ~ Administrator said... 36

Seesaw, true, Jon's stories are actually more in line with general kid stories many celebs tell that no one makes a fuss about. I think though I really do see these kids as different than most kids in that they were so exploited for so long that I find myself hyper sensitive to ANY private info about them being released at all.

If this was say, Reese Witherspoon's kid, I wouldn't bat an eyelash, since we know next to nothing about them. When people jump on here and post as anonymous and say oh my gosh so and so was just on T.V. why not get all upset about them??? That's why. Because while many children have passed by the T.V. and been exploited, very, very few have ever been exploited for the time and to the level the Gosselin kids were.

I know some people think all exploitation is all the same all the same level of terrible, but I'm not one of those. Reasonable minds can disagree but I think there are degrees of it, and that some is much worse than others (due to length it went on, what was exposed, the logistics of how it was obtained, how they were treated on set, were they paid properly and treated fairly, etc.). Anyway that's why I cringe when we so much as hear that a Gosselin child has an earache. They've just been so violated for so long, it's like any little thing feels like a piling on when hearing the same story from a more private celeb wouldn't be a problem.

Maybe once they've been out of the spotlight longer, these typical little celeb kid stories will be easier to handle. For now it still seems too fresh.

Unknown said... 37 (Administrator) said... 34
''He could have done this without divulging so much PRIVATE info about the kids. I mean, WTH Jon?''
''I don't get it either. I guess part of it could be self-serving to show he really is an involved father.''
I suppose that each person that reads/re-reads the interview will have their own opinion, and they won't all agree. When I re-read the interview more slowly, I took Jon's comments to be something entirely differently than the two of you. To ME, it seemed that Jon and the interviewer were relaxed and were having a conversation between two dads (who both have daughters) about being fathers....Jon answering the questions about what being a divorced father is like.

I can't be THAT far off, can I?

Tucker's Mom said... 38

I'm curious to see if the blogger will address Robert's book and the circumstances of Jon getting kicked out of the apartment. Well, he did say he was kicked out already, but I wonder if he'll give Jon a chance to "set the record straight" about his involvement or lack there of. ~ Administrator said... 39

If someone would be so kind as to push the button and alert the masses....

Anonymous said... 40

Did he verify custody? I hope it's more than the every other weekend that Kate claims.


SusanNH said... 41

First time ever that I felt ashamed for reading this blog. This one is out of line for me.

Over In Kate's County said... 42

That is the Jon we knew in Elizabethtown, I am thrilled he has finally gotten his voice back.


"I found Jon to be honest, open, articulate, and while not arrogant, certainly self-aware of the weight, whirlwind and occasional controversy his name can bring."

So well put by the writer. Yes, this is the Jon I've known. I'm sorry his critics here can't see how down-to-earth he is, and just how much he cares about his relationship with his children. It's obvious that his main focus is to raise well-adjusted, happy, and loving kids despite any mistakes he has made in the past.

Terri said... 43

I'm thinking Jon just was tired of always hearing the crap written about him that wasn't true, and we can all pretty much agree where those stories came from, that he decided enough is enough. Kate can say all she wants that the twins don't have access to twitter or internet, I say "COME ON" THEY ARE TEENAGERS. Maybe Jon wanted to get his story out there about how he feels for his children so when they do go on the internet and see all the crap written about him they can read his true feelings.

SusanNH said... 44

SusanNH, shaking my head here in New Hampshire. Sometimes this blog borders, or...skating on the very thin ice of truth. I despise Kate Gossellin.

SeeSaw said... 45

I see your point, Admin. It's true we know way too much about those kids, but very, very little of that has come from Jon in the last few years.

I was trying to point out that I didn't get the impression that Jon was using the kids and this interview for monetary gain unlike his former wife.

SusanNH said... 46

Kate Gosselin is a horror,more concerned about her looks. Her own children are a back seat. Jon Gosselin is a prince among men. A wonderful father. In my world, the very fact that the monster mom is still a miracle

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said... 47

There were some very good questions asked, and the bottom line is that Jon, through his guidance and teaching them about life, is letting his kids be kids. That says a lot.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 48

I agree. I'm not sure Jon's interview is going to promote any *goodwill* with Kate. He should have stayed quiet. He said too much.

Jon could have moved to a mountain top in Tibet, become a monk and taken a vow of silence never to be heard from again and Kate would still rail about him.

Smoochie said... 49

Sorry, I give Jon a pass on giving the interview.

Did he reveal some personal things about his kids? Yes, he did.

Did he give multiple, intimate, personal details and pictures about each one? No, he gave snipits of coping as a single parent with multiples and a tiny glimpse into their life with him.

Did he do it to drive people to a website to buy a book? No.

Did he do it to earn himself money or produce an income? No. He was giving an interview about his life and how he lives now, with his children, without his children, working, etc. His life and relationships with his children sound pretty normal. I know many children of divorced parents and it isn't easy choosing one over the other, who to live with, etc. and is often a back and forth. It's really a shame she doesn't make it easy for her children.

He was in the public eye and has taken a verbal beatdown from pretty much every publication on line and in print when Reality TV gets discussed. So, I don't blame him for a least putting some of his experiences out there, how he was treated, how he has adapted going from Reality TV to Real Life. (I'm not even talking about what Kate say, infers, endorses, nor her poisonous twitter feed, that's over the top and is beyond the pale.)

His interview proves out how 'normal' Jon is, in that his descriptions of his children, career and life, are how many of us live, treat our families and expect to be treated in return.

It also confirms (in a round about way) what many of us speculated, that his what, 3 month of 'wild' living, were him breaking free, which he will never live down and pretty much since that time he has lived a mediocre (normal) life that Kate professes to abhor.

marie said... 50

He doesn't refer to Kate by name. Only ex-wife or former wife. Ha.

Marie ~ Administrator said... 51

Every other weekend Friday through Monday and Tuesday nights. It's about 40%. Not quite the 50-50 I was told but close. He called it "shared" custody which is a term used for joint custody. He likely wouldn't use a legal term like that if he hadn't been told that by the judge. He also talks about fighting for that, which is also what I was told, that he fought for it last spring I believe and won.

I also noticed how he was clear one of the girls always wakes up at 530 in the morning. When Kate says they all slept in, I never bought it. SHE was sleeping in. Some kids sleep in that young, but it would be unusual for all six different kids to do it. Sure enough, one of them is an early riser. Jon sees his kids as individuals not a pack. Some sleep in some don't. Some like to be at his place, some don't. There was a level of credibility to him lacking from the former wife.

I think lots of this interview was very deliberate and yet much of it was like two friends chatting. This is sort of classic Jon really, sort of just getting knee deep into something not realizing it's gone too far.

Tucker's Mom said... 52

Deciding what to discuss when it comes to Jon's children is tricky at best, but he said nothing regrettable.
Not being able to unsee Geraldo Rivera's selfie today, that's regrettable.

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said... 53

Jon, who always refused to talk about his kids, now is telling everything about them.

EVERYTHING? I don't think so. Not by a longshot. Read the interview again.


At least he didn't drag up old photos (Memory Mondays) to be plastered on the internet, or talk about Mady and Cara's bra shopping, discuss the kids' braces, or tweet pictures about one of the twins' playing dress-up in high heels.

Philly Mom said... 54

I think lots of this interview was very deliberate and yet much of it was like two friends chatting. ___________

Jon needs to understand the 'world' is not his friend. He needs to keep quiet. Don't think that Kate hasn't read this and is taking it out on the kids. She is.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 55

Truth Teller ‏@Truth_Teller201 7m

@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack Wow, that's over 10 lbs in your belly!


Wow! Stop the presses! Kate's twins weighed a little over 10 pounds in her belly! What a feat! Nobody on the planet has ever given birth to twins weighing that much! Gosh-almighty! Wonder Woman Kate!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 56

Interesting, one of Kate's fans (or a Jon hater-whichever you prefer) refers to Jon putting being with his kids before his job as having no work ethic.

Unknown said... 57

SusanNH said... 41
''First time ever that I felt ashamed for reading this blog. This one is out of line for me.
SusanNH said... 44
SusanNH, shaking my head here in New Hampshire. Sometimes this blog borders, or...skating on the very thin ice of truth. I despise Kate Gossellin.
SusanNH said... 46
Kate Gosselin is a horror,more concerned about her looks. Her own children are a back seat. Jon Gosselin is a prince among men. A wonderful father. In my world, the very fact that the monster mom is still a miracle''
SusanNH....three comments, and I'm still confused about what point you are attempting to make! How is the blog out of line for you? This blog is skating on the very thin line of truth? The truth about Jon or the truth about KK? The blank you left after ''monster mom is still'' a pretty big blank, especially since the blank ends with ''miracle''? Sigh...I have no idea why I'm even asking you to clarify.

Unknown said... 58

Smoochie said... 49
''Sorry, I give Jon a pass on giving the interview.''
I do too, and for all the same reasons. I don't agree that Jon has gone too far. I am happy that he has validated what so many of us believed him to be. A normal man that loves his children and will pay whatever price he has to pay in order to do what he believes is the right thing to do for his beloved children.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 59

I like this from Jon:

So it was a confluence of crap?

Most people wanted to know why I quit the show and ruined their Monday nights. I quit the show so our divorce couldn’t be filmed. So there was no video record of the demise of our marriage and the insecurity of our children.

We know from Kate's own words that had no effect on her whatsoever.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 60

Jon could have moved to a mountain top in Tibet, become a monk and taken a vow of silence never to be heard from again and Kate would still rail about him


As it is now, the sheep still trash him for living in a house in the woods, calling him a gnome or the Keebler Elf. They're still railing about him.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 61

I agree. I'm not sure Jon's interview is going to promote any *goodwill* with Kate. He should have stayed quiet. He said too much.


I don't think that was the purpose of the interview, either directly or indirectly. Goodwill with Kate seems a very remote possibility, regardless of what is said or is not said.

Susie Cincinnati said... 62

Aw -- a little Kate-sheeple lovefest going on tonight. So sweet!

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 9m
@Truth_Teller201 @gypsi001 love you guys for helping me&others who get attacked! You're love and encouragement keeps me going .. XO

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 63

Not being able to unsee Geraldo Rivera's selfie today, that's regrettable.

UGH! Tell me about it. Urpsville.

getofftwitter said... 64

You go Jon. I had always said Kate, treats those kids like a set/6 pk/team never as individuals, like they are dolls, dress them alike, wind them up to perform, then put them back on shelf, for next time, a freak show. So glad to hear Jon takes them to local things and does normal kids stuff, and gee, the gosselin 8 don't cause any riots, when they are out, as Kate claims, they might. I had always thought thaty Kate cleaned Jon out and that TLC, paid for Everything(house down payment, mortgage, furniture, appliances, kitchen redo, pool re-do, etc, Kate payed for nothing, which means she did not earn anything. And Kate herself said recently on twitter, on the ask a question, what are you & kids doing this summer? Kate tweeted: sleep in, pool relax. So unless someone grifts her a beach house, the kids are going no-where. That is what Kate is doing with the kids. Not Jon. And yes, everyone here or most everyone here has been right on the dot on how Kate treats those kids. Kate lackeys are going to try and make-up stuff to defend Kate. Kate so far seems to be at lost for words, and some of her fans too. Can't wait to read the rest. Perhaps Kate was spending the day talking with the lawyers, about this Jon interview. lurking around.

Anonymous said... 65

This is how the sheep see Jon's interview

@LilyatIW: @Truth_Teller201 @TrippenIn @Kateplusmy8 Yes, rewriting history to sound noble instead of admitting how self-serving it was.

They're also saying that they were right Jon doesn't have 50-50 custody and the haters were wrong. (Sticking my tongue out making a raspberry sound). Also the same old tired "Jon doesn't support them."

50% or 40%, meh. I'm glad that he finally spoke out and I don't think that he gave out too much personal info on the kids.


Over In Kate's County said... 66

@Kateplusmy8 Did i tell you the time we went to PA, and my friend was hoping to see you? HA! We spent all day watchin K+8, we love it :)


Oh, yes, PA is just a tiny neighborhood. You stand on the street corner anywhere in the state and chances are good that you'll see Kate.

Over In Kate's County said... 67

Interesting, one of Kate's fans (or a Jon hater-whichever you prefer) refers to Jon putting being with his kids before his job as having no work ethic.


Since Kate has no job, what does that say about HER work ethic?

Over In Kate's County said... 68

Jon needs to understand the 'world' is not his friend.


I think that Jon more than understands this. He's seen what a powerhouse such as TLC is capable of doing, will do, and it will stop at nothing.

NJGal51 said... 69

Oh.Dear.Lord. Tucker's Mom. I had just about erased seeing Geraldo's selfie from my mind's eye and here you go bringing it up! Now I'll probably have nightmares.

As far as Jon's interview goes? I'll read part two tomorrow. Kate will be seething over the article but I think that Jon just wants to put things into perspective. It must be very hard on him to constantly read what a "douche" he is. You know Kate read it because she's on a tweet tear/love fest tonight. She loves all her fans/friends, bah, blah, blah. ~ Administrator said... 70

Kate has said many times he sees the kids four days a month.

That's only 13%. That's just a tad different than FORTY PERCENT, ain't it?

NJGal51 said... 71

SusanNH....Ditto what Remona said @57. ~ Administrator said... 72

I was wondering actually if Susan was refer to the open letter to the royals...?

If you read it, it's harsh. But it was written by a Brit and many British have tension about the royals, it is their tax dollars not ours. Nonetheless I pulled out what were good points.

I think this is the one (I read a few open letters picking the one I liked best) where she said something at the end up how this child owes it to them to prove to them they need the royals. All I could think was that child really doesn't owe you that. That child didn't ask for this. If you don't like the royals then parliament needs to get rid of them. It's not that child's job to prove you need a king no more than it is the Gosselin children's job to entertain the sheeple.

That aside, they made great points. The short of it is, at the end of the day everybody farts. ~ Administrator said... 73

Kate has a job. She writes a cookbook.

She also blogs come on now. Or did she get fired from that? Twice.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 74

SusanNH....three comments, and I'm still confused about what point you are attempting to make! How is the blog out of line for you? This blog is skating on the very thin line of truth? The truth about Jon or the truth about KK? The blank you left after ''monster mom is still'' a pretty big blank, especially since the blank ends with ''miracle''? Sigh...I have no idea why I'm even asking you to clarify.


I have no idea either, but I thought it was just me, which is why I didn't comment!

Edie said... 75

Something rings very fundamentally unjust and unfair about that for an employer to swoop in and take a side and then pay for that person's legal bills with the best attorney around thus giving that person a massive edge.
I agree. A lousy attorney can be a real bumhole.

Tucker's Mom said... 76

We know from Kate's own words that had no effect on her whatsoever.
This is Kate's narrative, and she's sticking to it. One reason that she controls what they do and where they go, when she can. One reason why they are confined to the compound so much.
The kids are doing great.
Filming has zero negative effect or stress.
The kids were not expelled.
The kids beg me to date and get married.
The kids love every meal I make.

She's crafting the story. Still.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 77

Kate has said many times he sees the kids four days a month.

That's only 13%. That's just a tad different than FORTY PERCENT, ain't it?


Yes, but I don't think the fans are very good at figuring percentages!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 78

Yes, but I don't think the fans are very good at figuring percentages!

Sheep are very baaaad at maaaath.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 79

If it's one thing I've found from reading comments from fans it's that I really want to do a lot of head banging. Even if you try to get inside their heads to try to figure out why they say what they do, or how they arrive at some of their conclusions, you just can't. ~ Administrator said... 80

Interesting, one of Kate's fans (or a Jon hater-whichever you prefer) refers to Jon putting being with his kids before his job as having no work ethic.


And this is what I mean about different values.

Some people value simply making money for the kids to give them a certain lifestyle. This isn't an unusual concept. Other people value your time spent with them over your money. So he cuts cable and cuts internet and downsizes and lives in a much more modest manner, but he has TIME. For some parents, you cannot put a price on time. Kate and perhaps even some of the kids might belly ache about no T.V., no internet, no huge house to run around. But that's just not what some people value. Some people think it's better to give up those luxuries if it translates to more time.

It seems to me we have people who seem to think a man's role is to provide as close to a VIP lifestyle for the children as possible. Rather, Jon sees his role as to be there for his kids. He clearly has enough money to feed them and house them and care for them in a safe manner when they spend the weekend and doesn't need more than that. And hey Kate said it best, he is content with mediocre.

What it comes down to is whether you believe mediocre is fine if you have more time, or whether you think mediocre is not fine even if it gives you more time with your loved ones, as Kate does.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 81

teresa gregory ‏@teresagregory16 1m

@Kateplusmy8 @lovesopreciouss you are a good woman in life stay that way kate..


I guess it's preferable to being a good woman in death.

Unknown said... 82

Sleepless In Seattle said... 61
''I don't think that was the purpose of the interview, either directly or indirectly. Goodwill with Kate seems a very remote possibility, regardless of what is said or is not said.''
Bingo! Jon will always be damned by many no matter what he does or does not do. I'm just happy to read what Jon thinks without flinching along with him when KK slaps his face, or makes a stupid face as she snorts, pretending to be Jon breathing. Or feel sorry for him sitting silently as she lies and lies and making that horrible sound that she believes is laughing at her own cuteness.

I'm happy to read that he really IS normal, and has the best interests of his children in mind in everything he does. The reason those things make me happy is that it gives me hope that at least when the children are with Jon, not only is he normal, but he teaches them to be normal too!

Unknown said... 83

Hit publish too soon!

I also LOVED it that the children have two rules, don't jump on furniture and pick up after yourself. No need to be robots when with Daddy!

OrangeCrusher1 said... 84

Here's a thought for you, Kate, if you closed down Twitter, and got off the internets, why you would remove yourself from all that bullying that seems to follow you around. Of course what would you be without all your faux friends?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 85

If it's one thing I've found from reading comments from fans it's that I really want to do a lot of head banging. Even if you try to get inside their heads to try to figure out why they say what they do, or how they arrive at some of their conclusions, you just can't.


Like this? So would identical twins not have their own individual personalities and traits? If they look alike, they can't be unique?

Angela Holsinger ‏@angelic843 2m
What strikes me as I re-watch the series kateplus8 is how 8 kids look so much alike, yet so unique at the same time.

Tucker's Mom said... 86

Another good point is that Kate will never own the kids, although she tries. I think one of the most despicable things she said was that someone who sees the kids 4 days a month shouldn't have a say in how they're going to be raise. She just tried to cut his parental value right out of the equation.
I also liked reading that the custody/visitation is shared and fluid, not set in stone, so as situations change and the kids' preferences change, with whom they spend their time with can change also.
Large families have alliances and divorce can escalate these connections and disconnection, that over time, may change. The kids have a lot of emotional growing to do and let's face it, growing up is hard enough without divorce.
I hope that therapy is on Jon's agenda for the kids, but am perfectly fine to never know. Between the acrimony of the public divorce, the parental alienation, the crush of media attention, the vast difference in households and parenting styles on many levels, and one or more parent moving on to other relationships, I would think it imperative.

Tammie said... 87

"The set custody night is Tuesday night dinner nights then every other weekend."

Even with 1/2 of every Mon. and 1/2 of every Fri. included in every other weekend, and 9 hours every Tues., and all 8 children going, that is a 34%/66% split. Your source was wrong. No fudging it!

NJGal51 said... 88

I think what Jon showed with some of his comments about the kids is that they are normal kids. They argue and fight with each other. They get up early or sleep in. They want to make their own sandwiches. They may have, at some point, jumped on the furniture which is why there is a "no jumping on the furniture" rule. They are not perfect and loving all the time as Kate would have you believe. THEY.ARE.NORMAL.MEDIORCE.KIDS. Just like your kids, just like mine. Like Admin said, at the end of the day, everyone farts. Even Kate.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 89

It just dawned on me, MsGoody missed the Jon interview. When she realizes that in the morning she is going to blow a fuse!! She just might come totally undone. ~ Administrator said... 90

That's not how you count days when they are in school. They're not with Kate either. They are in school all day. Kate doesn't get to get credit for it. For custody purposes, tax purposes, and any other purpose it counts as your day.

My source was Jon, who contacted us (not the other way around) last summer thrilled that he had finally won more custody, frustrated that he was constantly being marginalized and alienated as only "four days a month" and wanted the truth to come out. I'm sure that will set the sheeple off, but I found him to be just the same as this interviewer, genuine and a devoted father. He spoke with us a few times over the phone and text to get the message out that he was not a deadbeat dad and left it at that, hasn't contacted us since. I told him it would be better for him to go on record himself but he didn't want to, and it seems all this time later, he finally decided to do it.

AMD said... 91
------------------------------------------------This article shows striking similarities to the "rise and fall of kate gosselin" ~ Administrator said... 92

NJ exactly! The difference is so glaring.

In Kate's lollipop world, everything is perfect all the time and rainbows flow out your bumhole while the sheeple sing Hallelujah chorus and God gives you butterfly kisses.

In Jon's real world, kids do this that and the other crazy/funny/weird thing, sometimes, all of the time, shoes scattered by the door, furniture jumped on, sandwiches to make, kids up at all different times. It's not cookie cutter, but that's just real life. His description of home life is so much more relatable because it's just honest.

AMD said... 93

.....except that Kate hasn't built a career, much less an empire!

Tucker's Mom said... 94 (Administrator) said... 88
Thank you for sharing that, and thank you for clearing up what custody is really based on. Did not know that.
I'm sure you've received a great deal of blow back from Kate's supporters who called you a liar and worse, but kudos to you for not revealing your source until he went public and on the record for himself.
Says a lot.

Tucker's Mom said... 95

I liked Jon's practical and not sensationalized account of feeding the kids. He's been doing it for years, so it's his normal. It should be Kate's normal too, but that wouldn't keep the fans in complete awe of how she does it all alone. ~ Administrator said... 96

I can't remember if Jon even actually said "50-50," but he definitely was clear it was "split" half-and-half, even, joint now, huge victory, etc. 50-50 is just the lingo used in family law. He was so happy about it I can see him not worrying about 3 measly days short of a PERFECTLY even split. Whatever, it's still way more than he used to have. I don't hold it against him for not breaking it down to the exact minute.

The Tuesday thing (although I thought it used to be Wed) was a huge victory for him, he really wanted that mid week check in with them.

Anyway, I wish him the best of luck. His kids will examine his choices when they are older and I think he knows that. ~ Administrator said... 97

Tucker that's another thing so much more appealing. When Jon describes taking care of the kids, it's sort of like whatever I just sort of do this and somehow it all works out! You know like parents who aren't annoying talk when they speak of the time and effort children take.

With Kate, she and her minions want her crowned the next in line to the throng for taking out a ketchup bottle and squirting some ketchup on a plate and other normal parent things. ~ Administrator said... 98

I wonder if he will clarify the child support issue too, since with that amount of custody your child support payments should almost go away. Funny I just saw that 40% seems to be a really important number in PA, a smart attorney would try very hard to hit that number to reduce your support:

What is joint custody? What is sole custody?

Joint physical custody, also called shared custody, is an arrangement where custody is shared by both parents in such a manner that assures both parents have continuous contact with the child. It is important to note that parties can share custody and not have equal time with the child. Parents may have shared physical and legal custody.

Generally, even if one party has primary physical custody the parties will share legal custody, or the right to make decisions for the child. Sole custody is the award of both physical and legal custody of the child to one parent. Sole physical custody is rarely granted.

If both parents share custody does anyone pay child support?

Possibly. Support obligations are determined by calculating the disparity in parties’ incomes. If a child spends 40% or more overnights per year with a noncustodial parent, a rebuttable presumption exists that the noncustodial parent is entitled to a reduction in their child support obligation.

If the parties have equally shared custody there may not be a support order if their incomes are substantially the same. If one parent makes more money than the other, there will generally be an order for child support even if the parties equally share custody.

Sherry Baby said... 99

She just might come totally undone.

Isn't she already? How much worse could it get? Strike that -- I don't really want to know!

Sherry Baby said... 100

Interesting, one of Kate's fans (or a Jon hater-whichever you prefer) refers to Jon putting being with his kids before his job as having no work ethic.


Since Kate has no job, what does that say about HER work ethic?

So, according to the fans, if Jon puts his children before his job, he has no work ethic, but if he puts his job before his children, then he doesn't give a rat's rear end about them and is ignoring his responsibilities as a parent?

annastasia said... 101

Lurker, but had to comment after I read Jon's interview. Wow, Jon sure does appear to have the brains in the parent/normal person department. I thought he gave an awesome interview, and answered a lot of questions that I have wondered about all these years. Like most people knew, he got the short end of the stick when it came to money. Love how he calls her 'former wife', instead of ex-wife, and worse. If I had a choice, I would prefer to live with him. He puts the 'normal' and the 'real' in the kids lives, so that was so good to know. He speaks so fluently, not an um anywhere. I think Jon should be the one writing blogs, and having his own talk show, he knows just how to talk to people. Yeah, Jon!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 102

Sherry Baby said... 99
She just might come totally undone.

Isn't she already? How much worse could it get? Strike that -- I don't really want to know!

I don't think we've seen her in Mt. Vesuvius mode yet.

JoyinVirginia said... 103

I like the interview a lot. It is very unguarded, two fathers talking about common challenges and an uncommon situation.

And now, more than ever, I believe the most virulent sheeple are nothing mow than Ms Kreider sock puppets. Paid or from her own fingers, they are her paid placements. Probably originally paid for by tlc to drum up publicity on social media, then taken over by Ms Kreider.
That's my story, and i'm sticking to it!

Tucker's Mom said... 104

And now, more than ever, I believe the most virulent sheeple are nothing mow than Ms Kreider sock puppets.
They are the psychological salve for her fragile ego, always ready to lick her wounds and buoy her when any perceived slight presents itself.

JoyinVirginia said... 105

Having it confirmed that tlc paid for everything for Ms Kreider makes the ever present Steve somewhat more understandable also. Of course tlc wanted their employee to stick to her like glue! Couldn't have any second thoughts or possible reconciliations happening now, could they? Steve kept Ms Kreider in line for tlc, doing exactly what she was supposed to do and following the reality script.
And now she has been discarded by tlc with as much distaste as if she were a used tampon. I could almost feel sorry for her. That's ok, I'll save the sympathy for when she has give hormonal ten girls in the house at once.

Sherry Baby said... 106

"In Kate's lollipop world, everything is perfect all the time and rainbows flow out your bumhole while the sheeple sing Hallelujah chorus..."

And how would that go? "Baaa-lelujah! Born, the Lord Kate our Queen...Baaa-lelujah! For the Queen Omnipotent reigneth! Baaa-lelujah! And she shall reign for ever and ever! Baaa-lelujah!" ~ Administrator said... 107

OMG Youtube has freaking everything. These kids nearly made me pee my pants. THIS is how the sheep sing Hallelujah, a must see. ( I love the extra bum-bum, bum-bum at the end, LOL good job kids)

Sherry Baby said... 108

Even with 1/2 of every Mon. and 1/2 of every Fri. included in every other weekend, and 9 hours every Tues., and all 8 children going, that is a 34%/66% split. Your source was wrong. No fudging it!

So you're saying Jon (the "source") was wrong about his own custody?

Sherry Baby said... 109

They are the psychological salve for her fragile ego, always ready to lick her wounds and buoy her when any perceived slight presents itself.

Buoy her? Is that what they're calling it now? Hear that, Milo?

Unknown said... 110

Sherry Baby said... 104
''So you're saying Jon (the "source") was wrong about his own custody?''
Oh my goodness! That question struck me as so funny that I laughed myself into a coughing fit!

Sherry Baby said... 111

I don't think we've seen her in Mt. Vesuvius mode yet.

LOL, Tweet! Perhaps not. Will Twitter be in ruins, such as when Mt. Pelee erupted in the town of Saint-Pierre in the Caribbean, causing massive devastation?

Lies Lies Lies from the Lying Liar said... 112

"I have major major major debts from the divorce" "tragedy of losing 7th baby girl we named Emma" Ugh Ugh Ugh. The lying liar lies ALL the time.

Check out

Lies Lies Lies from the Lying Liar said... 113

Transcript of the Lying liar who lies all the time:

IMO said... 114

Welp. now that the cat's outta the bag re: Jon being this blog's source, I gotta say I'm disappointed.

I'm disappointed that Jon is still reading the crap we post here. He needs to stop caring what other people think and just DO.

All this time, I thought he had backed himself out of the blog wars but apparently he's still in this up to his eyeballs.

Sure, he talks a lot about how he's such a good dad in that interview he gave but if he's having trouble finding time to drive hither, thither and yon for custody, how does he find time to read the blogs?

Jon, you suck!

ncgirl said... 115

On the television without pity's website, they're celebrating ten years. They're having polls on the website about shows from the past ten years. Our Katie Irene was nominated for one of the most appalling reality show stars.

Ingrid said... 116

Hogwash to the kids all sleeping in. I don't believe she lets them stay up late enough to actually sleep as late in the morning as she likes. With her rigid time schedule before breakfast like we saw on CWS, I bet any early riser knows to never make a sound so mommy doesn't wake up cranky.

In case he reads here... THANK YOU JON! I really like the interview.

ladygoogle said... 117

Kate is doing a great job promoting her book on her website. In 83 days she has sold 274 copies on Amazon. 3.5 books a day. Amazon must be overwhelmed. What a colossal success. Bezos can retire now.

SwingsandRoundabouts said... 118

Sometimes I question why I still read here regularly about a washed up has been. Then come the interview with Jon, the article about Bethenny Frankel, and remarks about Geraldo's selfie. That's why I'm still here. You all agree with MEEE! LOL

I liked Jon's interview. It seems he has matured and has gained some perspective. I'm waving at you Jon.

Bethenny and Geraldo are also both narcissists, liars and deluded like our Kate.

Silimom said... 119

I guess I'm stil not certain I get how custody works then. I found this time share breakdown online and it seems based on what Jon said it's more like a 16% Jon / 84% Kate not including holidays.

I realize this pertains to CA but I couldn't find a listie this for PA.

Please feel free to explain this in more depth.

jbranck1980 said... 120

I recall many interviews Kate gave during or post divorce and every time the interviewer asked about stopping filming for the sake of the kids, she replied with how much debt she was in and the show was her only source of income. Ugh, I can't stand the depth of lies and deceit of this woman!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 121

Jon's statement on custody:

I know you touched on it and talked about it being a guideline but what is your custody like?

The set custody night is Tuesday night dinner nights then every other weekend. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday was supposed to evolve in to Monday but usually goes back to Sunday at 7:30. During the school year I don’t have them that much but I always have that Tuesday. I’m probably going to pick up Thursday nights with Mady and Cara.

Every Tuesday = 4

Every other Fri, Sat, Sun = 6

4+6 = 10

Using 30 days in a month, 10 is 1/3 of the time = roughly 33%

It sounds like he has them less during the school year which I don't understand.

Charlie said... 122

You all called it. Miss Goody got up on the wrong side of the bed. 25 angry tweets so far. Two words, John: Restraining Order.

Mel said... 123

"I have major major major debts from the divorce" .... How's that work if TLC paid for everything? They made her reimburse them???? They took it out of her paycheck?

I wonder if Kate ever regrets letting TLC talk her into a divorce....

Mel said... 124

 If one parent makes more money than the other, there will generally be an order for child support even if the parties equally share custody.

Since Jon HAS a job, and Kate doesn't, I guess him paying support makes sense in the above context.

OTH, are assets taken into account? Kate certainly has far more assets than Jon. ~ Administrator said... 125

Looks like the Duke and Duchess are going to be fun parents. They ordered in pizza after the birth! ~ Administrator said... 126

Tweet you left out Monday. That's what the arrangement is, even if he said they sometimes just drop the kids of Sunday (I'm guessing that's easier since they can get ready for school Sunday night at home.) Nonetheless, Monday counts for him, for support and anything else even if he is reasonable and flexible about letting it slide sometimes. He can be flexible all he wants and reasonable all he wants but the support order would be based on what is on paper.

I see the order also makes Jon do ALL the drop offs and pick ups. Real fair there (not.) Geez, they can't meet halfway sometimes? ~ Administrator said... 127

Sillimom those percentages are to determine support in CA, and you're looking at the wrong one. Jon has 6. Alternating extended weekends, not just alternating weekends, because his extends into Monday.

There isn't a scenario for Jon's situation on that web site where he has alternating plus a midweek visit. CA I believe only counts the actual overnight in the percentage to determine support. I don't know what PA does. I assume Jon was just counting the actual days like a layman when he said it was split, more or less, now. ~ Administrator said... 128

IMO, I don't think Jon really reads here although I know he did occasionally when things were crazier. He just knew about us and thought we could reach a lot of people. I didn't get the impression he was a regular. Rather I got the impression he was very busy with work and kids and didn't even have the internet at his house. ~ Administrator said... 129

Congrats to TWOP for ten years, wow!

That site will forever have a place in Gosselin history. It was one of the first places that like-minded viewers gathered to say "wait a minute all is not right with this seemingly 'cute' little show." It really was one of the first major places where people first started to call out what they were seeing.

I wouldn't be surprised if using sheeple to describe her supporters originated there.

Eventually, people got so passionate there that they had the shut the site down. I think we all had a laugh when they said it was closed until 2018 or some such year! LOL I WILL check back then!

Midnight Madness said... 130

You all called it. Miss Goody got up on the wrong side of the bed.


I don't think that there is a "right" side of her bed. She always seems to be angry, if not about Jon, then about something else.

localyocul said... 131

From the other post:

Dmasy said... 80
Make sure you click on Tweedle's colored link.

The first link took me to just one page of the interview.

Part 1 is 4 pages of Jon's words. Part 2 will be published tomorrow.

I thought it was a great interview. He represented himself so well.

Kate's fans are going to go berserk over their interpretation.

Thank you! I hadn't read the whole thing either! I think theses paragraphs are very telling:

But the freedoms of being together and traveling and stuff like that…they live in a gated community? I don’t. I live in a private community but I take them to public places, why not? They have to know what the mall is like. They have to know there is a whole other world out there and the public has to accept them as normal people. Just because they were on television, that was our decision and that’s what I have to live, but they have to adapt to society because one day they’re not going to be under our reign. They’re just going to be 18 and…peace (Jon puts his hand up to wave goodbye).

Right. Life skills. You can’t just isolate them from the world…just because they were on television? And it’s way worse for them because it was reality TV. So why change the reality of things? You’re going to have to acclimate yourself, make it ethnically diverse, because we live in an ethnically diverse community, you have to see people, and everyone is different, and you have to go meet friends. Go to camp; enjoy clubs, and all that kind of stuff. And that’s what I’ve been doing and I think it’s been working really well. They have a lot of freedom here.

It sounds as if, as we suspected, Kate isolates them behind that gate. She has said she cannot take them out because "chaos would ensue".

Also, TLC paid for K8s divorce while they sued Jon for 1/2 million dollars. No wonder she is sitting on a pile of cash! Unbelievable! No wonder she thinks she doesn't have to pay for anything

localyocul said... 132

I see my comments had been addressed already! I hadn't read through the thread! ~ Administrator said... 133

Kate said in that interview she didn't see that losing the kids' privacy was all negative.

That says it all. She put a price on their privacy when many other parents don't think such a thing is ever worth any amount of money or perks. If you get a certain amount in return, then it's ok to fork over privacy. And there's that fundamental difference in values again--that is just sad.

"I have major, major, major major legal debt. That's the truth!"

When someone has to say that's the truth, chance are they are lying. Sure enough, she was.

Summer Days And Nights said... 134

admin said,

"IMO, I don't think Jon really reads here although I know he did occasionally when things were crazier."


Jon, if you do read here, or are in contact with someone who does (or is on Twitter), PLEASE be on alert for the MsGoody person. Her hate, her behavior, her explosions are not normal, and in many cases like this, the object of her obsessive vindictiveness could put you and your family in danger. You just never know in situations like this. Be careful.

Terri said... 135

You are here: Home / Spotlight / The Jon Gosselin Interview Part 2
The Jon Gosselin Interview Part 2 ~ Administrator said... 136

Do you think there will ever be a time when they stop?

Oh yeah, they’re not now because we’re not relevant now. That’s what I was trying to explain to my former wife. Every time she mentions my name or wants to keep the brand going and stuff like that, I become relevant.


Sounds like he has tried to get through to Kate and get her to stop putting them and their name out there. No such luck of course.

He also is VERY aware of the dangers out there and carries a gun and has had training so no worries he knows about certain people.

"She says the kids want to do this and I’m saying, they’re right here saying something else, so she’s speaking for them and they’re speaking for themselves when they are here."
What we've been saying ALL ALONG. Kate says what the kids think and say but when someone actually asks the kids themselves, they say something different.

"I don’t know why she doesn’t want to work together? I don’t know what the hate is, what the revenge is? She chose TV, she wanted to get divorced, she marketed the children. I just sit here. I really don’t go out that much. I stay on the deck. My friends and their kids come over, that’s pretty much what I do."

Poor Jon. We don't understand the hate either or why she can't move on. Look, she is a narcissist. You can't understand them or get through to them or understand why they do what they do. They just ARE.

He has incredible insight into how money and fame changes how people perceive you and treat you.

He is really pissed about being blamed for Ed Hardy and explained quite accurately why the brand really failed. The reason he did Ed Hardy was because there was a plan to make a clothing line for the kids and make him set for life, it was supposed to be a 26 million dollar deal. But TLC blocked it (of course they did, why would they let Jon do anything to set the kids for life?) so Jon got out of Ed hardy.

He says Kate talks a lot and uses him as a scapegoat and is trying to instigate him to say something, but he won't. He said he could have talked in 2009 about her and could have made a lot of money but the sanctity of the family was more important to him.

Frankly, Jon makes it look like Kate is just obsessed with him. Like creepy obsessed. As Katherine Hepburn would say, You have a fixation! Which is what we've been saying all along. ~ Administrator said... 137

Well Garden I don't know. Obviously Jon has talked, he did an interview with People last year and I believe another one and he's been on twitter.

I don't know what he means by that I guess he means actually told all. Not literally talked.

The guy is a conundrum sometimes. That comes through in the interview, especially today. Sometimes I'm nodding, sometimes I'm scratching my head. That's Jon.

localyocul said... 138

I have had custody and child support in PA for 14 years. When mine was little little, (toddler not NINE) my ex had her every other weekend and one evening a week and he paid child support. There's a formula they plug in based on what percentage of income each makes and how much the person has the child. They take both our incomes and come up with a ratio. I made 60% but had her more and he paid me child support. As she got older he kept losing jobs. Now he has her every other weekend (we split the transportation) and is on unemployment and I get very little.

Here's what I think. Jon shared with Admin he got shared custody. Then when Kate said he pays no support we thought it must be 50/50. I think it's more a matter of the percentages. Kate is getting an income from somewhere, obviously and it's obviously a hell of a lot. Say John is making $300000 a year and Kate takes in $1,000,000 a year. She would be responsible for 97% of their support and he for 3%. And she probably takes in a lot more than that.

readerlady said... 139

I read the interview over twice just to make sure I didn't miss anything. One thing I noted was that KK doesn't make it easy for Jon to have his custody time. The other is that Jon is a lot more intelligent than he's been given credit for. He came across as articulate, thoughtful and concerned. How do I feel about the interview? I'm sort of on the fence. I'm glad Jon had the opportunity to "set the record straight" and that he acquitted himself so well. I do wish he'd been a little more general about the kids. He could have said that one of the kids gets up at 5:30 AM instead of naming the child who does so, but he really didn't go into intimate details about individual kids' lives. It's mostly general stuff like "one kid wants to make the sandwich", etc. I think the interview does a very good job of showing just which parent truly "does it all for the kids". ~ Administrator said... 140

Alexis:OH!Are they going to have any more? Just 1?


Surely they understand the concept that most births are single births. They're not stupid.

I read this that she was simply asking if they would have more than one child. I.e. down the road. Which I can see how a little kid interested in prince and princesses might wonder. Actually watch the British press, in a couple weeks they'll be going on about when they will produce a spare!

It's good the kids are starting to become more aware of the big world out there even if it's just about royal news for now.

readerlady said... 141

Admin -- Could you please put in a clickable link to that youtube video you mention in 107? When I type in the link, I get a message that "this video doesn't exist". Thanks! ~ Administrator said... 142

The other is that Jon is a lot more intelligent than he's been given credit for. He came across as articulate, thoughtful and concerned.


He pegged why Ed Hardy failed like an MBA would. It was spot on.

Also, apparently he's so good at contracts now he marks up his friends' contracts.

He had reasonable and perfectly understandable explanations for most of the worst criticism he has gotten.

I.e. he went to France as part of a deal that was supposed to set up his kids with 26 million dollars. Shortly after he left Hardy--that was because that deal with the kids fell through. Makes a heck of a lot more sense now. There are two sides to every story and THIS is why so many of us said wait Jon hasn't explained his side so is it really fair to say things like oh that trip to France just to party he left his kids behind what a "douche". Maybe so, but his story is that it was all part of a huge deal that would have allowed him to be set for life and GET OUT of all this madness once and for all.

Take it or leave it, but the fact of the matter is Jon has a side of the story too that may be perfectly reasonable and understandable. Kate and her fans have been allowed to set the agenda here all along and spin things her way all along. No more. ~ Administrator said... 143

Sheeple singing Hallelujah Chorus for readerlady! ~ Administrator said... 144

One thing I noted was that KK doesn't make it easy for Jon to have his custody time.


Apparently she is trying to interrupt his time WHEN THE KIDS ARE THERE by saying it has to be cut short or interrupted in some manner because the kids "want" to do this or that other thing.

Then Jon has to say um Kate? The kids are standing right here and are saying something different than what you think they want.

Really, it's just disgusting parental alienation to even be trying to call on HIS time and screw around with what your kids are going to when they are supposed to be with their father. It's really none of her damn business what they do there and unless it's a true emergency, she needs to leave them ALONE when they are with him.

Kate would have a royal FIT if Jon tried to do that on her time and she darn well KNOWS IT. ~ Administrator said... 145

I can see Kate trying to explain the rise and fall of Ed Hardy. Um, well, honestly, people just stopped buying the clothes!

Yes, Kate.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 146

As I sit here with my morning coffee catching up on e-mail, blogs, etc., it really does boggle the mind to think that someone like that Goody nutjob actually wakes up and can spew out 25 angry, nasty tweets about a person she does not even know. Restraining order? WTH? And for what?

I also am in the camp that thinks Jon does no wrong by sitting down to the occasional, and thoughtful, interview. He is an intelligent man who, as a young man, made an impetuous decision and apparently married the wrong woman. I have a great deal of respect for his decision to quit the show and not have Kate's divorce played out for TLC ratings; it explains why he apparently got the very short end of the financial empire. ~ Administrator said... 147

This was posted here a long time ago:

"Maintain good personal boundaries between you and the narcissist. In response to your setting a boundary, the narcissist may attempt to rewrite history or even try to convince you that what you thought (or saw) just happened didn’t, and thus, there is no need for setting a boundary in the first place. Do not back down. Do check in with others to confirm your reading of the situation "

Kate is trying to convince others the kids want this or that even so far as to try to yank them away from their father on his custodial time. It sounds like Jon is doing a much better job setting boundaries for her, telling her NO, N-O when she insists on certain things. ~ Administrator said... 148

Milo was going on and on about how Kate had 16 pounds of baby in her for the sextuplets. Kate just has to add not to forget to add a few pounds for each of the placentas!! Oh good grief she will take every pound she can get!

I guess they can't stand Kate Middleton getting all this attention for just popping out one. ~ Administrator said... 149

If they REALLY want to go there with a R-O? Sounds like Jon is the one who has a better case. He has a former wife apparently harassing him constantly with phone calls on his custodial time to try to disrupt that time and yank the kids from him when he already bends over backwards to respect what the kids want and not force them to come over if they don't want to. Harassing, annoying and disruptive phone calls if you really push it can wind you up with a restraining order. So can constant disruptions on someone's custodial time. He has already had to call the cops on her at least once back in the day for interrupting HIS TIME, there are pap photos of it. They told her to GO AWAY.

Of course, that's all just so silly. Neither one of them needs such a thing. But what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

getofftwitter said... 150

IMO...116> Shame on you and BV, for trying to take away peoples rights. Jon can read, comment to any blog if he wants, just as BV is trying to limit peoples right to comment, yes, if it is a death threat, by all means report it to the police, but criticism, please, it's called ignore/delete/block. To say Jon should do this and Jon should not be talking to the media, excuse me!, it's still a FREE country last time I looked , and Jon is a citizen of this country, just like you & I are, he can talk if he wishes to or not, just as you and I and everyone here can comment and talk about someone none of us know, personally. I have no problem with Jon talking, it's about time he says something, long as he does not give too much info, and he did not. So, explain why Jon can't talk or comment etc, but you can, Kate can, and everyone else can, including me? Explain?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 151

Jon learned a lot from his experiences with TLC and the fallout.

Kate has not.

Mel said... 152

I’m not under injunction anymore and I think that’s the fear of the network and the fear of my former wife but the truth is actually going to come out because one day, I’m just going to snap. Then it is all going to come out. ..... I have no fear anymore. I have no fear of the network. I don’t have fear of my former wife.

And thus the reason for all the Bullyville crap, etc. from Kate recently.
He's no longer afraid of her.
And she's terrified that the truth (whatever in the world that is) is going to come out.

Mel said... 153

They’re going to go to school; they can sit in the library and Google themselves.

And Kate says that the kids have no access to the internet. Uh,huh.

What's she do? Demand a history of where they've been? And all of their friends?? And then scream at all of them?

Midnight Madness said... 154

Milo was going on and on about how Kate had 16 pounds of baby in her for the sextuplets. Kate just has to add not to forget to add a few pounds for each of the placentas!! Oh good grief she will take every pound she can get!


It was nine years ago, and they're still bringing this up? Who cares about how many pounds a placenta adds? Get over it, it's done, and yes, we know how big your belly was. You published a photo of it for proof.

That's the thing about the sheeple. They live in the past. Kate still has toddlers. Kate still has a television show (they watch it over and over and over again on DVDs), Kate's still relevant with world-wide appeal. It's pathetic. Wake up -- this is NOW and none of it is true. ~ Administrator said... 155

The ironic thing is, had she just not talked about him and done her best to get along with him and not trashed him so much, he would have no reason to feel compelled to talk and set the record straight, thus telling the truth about her. That truth she just is so petrified to let out. He kept saying look I'm just trying to live life and bbq on my porch, why can't I do that? He kept saying he's tried to explain to her to stop TALKING so much in public.

It's called poking a rattlesnake with a stick. You don't do it. Sooner or later he'll bite.

Just keep poking Kate.

Midnight Madness said... 156

So, according to the fans' way of thinking, Jon is the ex from hell because he ended the show, didn't want TLC filming the divorce because of the emotional damage it could do to his children. He didn't want the kids exploited any longer, so he pulled the plug and dealt with the consequences.

In other words, sheeple think that the show should have continued, regardless of the impact it would have on the kids. Therefore, it's all Jon's fault for putting their well-being first...above any financial incentive he may have had for keeping it going.

The fans clearly have no problem with filming the divorce and consequential damage it may have to the children because of it...and many of those fans are parents? Good grief.

Mel said... 157

I’m an easy scapegoat because I haven’t gone out bashing anyone. I’ll sit here and tell you that. Do I want to? Sure and I have every possible piece of documentation needed to back myself.

Ruh-oh. No wonder she's running scared.

I’ve never burned my ex-wife in the public. ..... You want to go out there and burn me? You go ahead but you’re not protecting the sanctity of your family. You’re not protecting your children’s lives you’re just burning their father in the press.

Bolding is mine. Says everything, doesn't it. About both of them. Who has integrity, and who has none. Ahem, Kate.

Midnight Madness said... 158

As I sit here with my morning coffee catching up on e-mail, blogs, etc., it really does boggle the mind to think that someone like that Goody nutjob actually wakes up and can spew out 25 angry, nasty tweets about a person she does not even know. Restraining order? WTH? And for what?


I think that Jon is just the scapegoat in that situation. She appears to hate all men. Something happened in her life that makes her go off on a rage, and Jon just happens to be there at the moment, taking a direct hit from the hatred that she's built up inside. I just hope that he's aware of it. It does sound like he has a pretty good handle on what can happen in situations like this because he says he knows that there are nutjobs out there and he's always looking over his shoulder when he's with the kids. She's clearly one to be watched.

localyocul said... 159

Do the kids ever mention that they miss the show?

They miss traveling.

They miss the benefits of the show more than the show itself?

Yeah, of course, who wouldn’t? Everything was paid for but they filmed it. That was our sacrifice. Most people don’t get to spend the night at the Essex House in New York City. Its $5000 a night (Jon laughs in almost disbelief). They got to go to Australia. They got to go here, they got to go there. They’re not even 10 years old yet.


This makes me think of the email in RH's book where Kate laid out her dietary demands for the Essex House. She was quite the diva. Unfortunately an ocean wave took out my kindle last month and I hadn't finished the book yet

Mel said... 160

I wrote a book but I’m not sure I want to publish it now.

And there we have the explanation for his book that we'd been wondering about. A perfectly reasonable explanation.

Kate? Reasonable? Not so much.

PatK said... 161

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 89
It just dawned on me, MsGoody missed the Jon interview. When she realizes that in the morning she is going to blow a fuse!! She just might come totally undone.


I do believe you called it right!

Anyway, I'm very impressed with Jon's interview. Thank you, Jon, and I'm sorry you will have to deal with this witch for many years to come.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 162

Funny how chaos does NOT ensue when Jon takes the kids out for dinner or an ice cream. And while I don't need a tell-all I will admit to beng curious about when Jon figured out the crazy narcissist part. I also hope he gets to add another evening with the older girls to his weekly routine, another normal evening off the compound would be good for them.

localyocul said... 163

Yes. They get US Weekly in school, they get all the magazines in school, they read about everything.


Why would a pricey private school subscribe to US Weekly? Isn't that a tabloid?

swimmermama said... 164

Loved the Jon article. I think he has a right to tell his side of the story. He has made mistakes which he admits and has changed. Big difference from Kate who will never admit to making mistakes.

The sheeple on twitter are referring to Jon as Peter Pan. Um, sheeple, he has grown up! Try reading the articles.

They also are referring to him as lazy because he can't keep a job. Apparently sheeple have reading comprehension problems. He said he left jobs in order to maintain his custody and is starting a new job at the end of the month.

Why is Kate not considered lazy as she can not keep a job??!! Their lack of logical thinking is frightening.

Summer Days And Nights said... 165

I just think that it's really amusing that the fans hold Kate up in such high esteem, believing that she does everything for the kids, all by herself with no support whatsoever from Jon. He set that straight. He spends $300 to $400 a weekend for food, he says he takes them places, to the mall, to Walmart, or wherever, and I'm sure if they go shopping, those kids don't come back empty handed.

Unknown said... 166

Mel said... 152
''And thus the reason for all the Bullyville crap, etc. from Kate recently.
He's no longer afraid of her.
And she's terrified that the truth (whatever in the world that is) is going to come out.''
I agree with you. Jon is no longer afraid of any of them. He said more than once that if they want to sue, he has nothing. When Jon said ''Then it is all going to come out. ..... I have no fear anymore. I have no fear of the network. I don’t have fear of my former wife.'' As I read his comments, in my mind I was hearing Janis singing...''Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose''

Now BOTH Robert and Jon have made it perfectly clear that whatever truth KK is afraid of, the documentation is just sitting there....waiting!

OrangeCrusher1 said... 167

This makes me think of the email in RH's book where Kate laid out her dietary demands for the Essex House. She was quite the diva.


The diva is spending her days at home this summer alternating between whining/grifting for a beach vacation and trying to pimp her awful new cookbook. Not to mention her hours online with her BV cohorts. Ah, the good life.

Kate is a twit said... 168

Milo tweeted about CNN naming their special "Will and Kate plus 1":

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 16h
@Kateplusmy8 CNN made the cute connection! LOL...the significance is the fact that everyone KNOWS abt OUR Kate! #FamousWorldwideMom :)

If Kate is such a Famous Worldwide Mom, then
why are her book sales so dismal? Perhaps, it's because everyone does know about Kate, and no one cares.

Midnight Madness said... 169

And she's terrified that the truth (whatever in the world that is) is going to come out.


Do you remember, way back when, Jon said that Kate knows the truth. It wasn't in a written interview; it was somewhere on a video. Where was it? At the time I thought -- truth about what? What does he know that he's not telling?

readerlady said... 170

Thanks, Admin. That is hilarious!

Midnight Madness said... 171

icoffee ‏@icoffee 56m
@Kateplusmy8 Hi again, Kate! We'd love for you to try our revolutionary icoffee brewer. We'll send you one to keep! What do you say?

LOL!! How about sending one to Jon, too?

Kate is a twit said... 172

This makes me think of the email in RH's book where Kate laid out her dietary demands for the Essex House. She was quite the diva. Unfortunately an ocean wave took out my kindle last month and I hadn't finished the book yet

localyocul-You don't have to have a kindle to read the book. You can download a free reading app from Amazon, that you can use on your PC, laptop or phone.

Although the book is no longer available for purchase on Amazon, it remains in YOUR purchased products. I had to get a new PC several months ago, and after I installed the reading app, I was able to re-download the book with no problem.

Jane said... 173

Mel said... 152
''And thus the reason for all the Bullyville crap, etc. from Kate recently.
He's no longer afraid of her.
And she's terrified that the truth (whatever in the world that is) is going to come out.''


That explains it. And the sheeple are too afraid, blind and dumb to see. If the truth comes out, there's just no way they'll be able to spin it.

Unknown said... 174

I just re-read the interview, and when I read this, I realized that I hadn't read it correctly!

Jon said: ''Are you going to sue me? I don’t care. I’ll go to court by myself and for what? For freedom of speech? For freedom of expression? For actually telling the truth? I’m not under injunction anymore and I think that’s the fear of the network and the fear of my former wife but the truth is actually going to come out because one day, I’m just going to snap. Then it is all going to come out.''

When I first read and commented on the quote, I was reading it as Jon is no longer afraid of the network or KK. Now, I'm reading it as Jon saying that the network and KK are the ones that are afraid! That is VERY interesting!!

readerlady said... 175

localyocal -- If you replace your Kindle, or download the Kindle app (free) on your iphone or computer, you should be able to download RHs book again. It'll be in your "manage my Kindle" or in "my media" or "my collections". At least, my copy is. With very, very rare exceptions, once you pay for a Kindle download, it's yours. My copy of the book is on my laptop, my Kindle, and on my old Kindle that I keep as a backup. Also check with Amazon. Depending on the age of your Kindle, they may replace it for you.

localyocul said... 176


Amanda Bynes Placed Under 5150 Hold After Bizarre Chain Of Events Near L.A.

localyocul said... 177

Radar reporting on the interview. They claim that Kate's lawsuit is imminent. The sheep are saying that's why he did this interview.

They also are saying Jon exaggerates about $300 bill for a weekend of food while at the same time they are saying "think how much it costs Kate". Oh but Kate's toilet paper claims were no exaggeration, right?

Silimom said... 178

Sorry that Ms. Bynes life has become so out of control but I am glad she has been 5150. Now perhaps her parents will be able to get a conservatorship and get her the help she needs.

Ex Nurse said... 179

For determining the % of custody, it helps to look at a calendar. There may be 5 Tuesdays in a month, and the same is true for any of Frifay-Monday. In any month, except February, there are 2-3 duplicate days. In September, there are 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. If Jon has them the first, third and fifth weekends of the month, he has 13 days of custody--other weekends, his custody would be 14 days. This does include Mondays. Custody arrangements is split, but can change by mutual agreement--correct? If Jon's place is 26 miles further away from the bus stop, it would make for an even longer commute for the kids on Monday morning. (if closer, then disregard!) Monday's are tough enough--I can understand that it could be better for the kids to be in the place with the most established routine.

As for his interview, it never fails that whenever I begin to think he finally is done with a public image, an interview happens. 2 days ago, I was going to suggest putting a halo over his head on the blog graphic. Anyway, I always find it amusing when posters excuse him because what Kate does is so much worse. He managed to get off a fair share of passive-aggressive shots at Kate. I hold everyone to the same standard--She shouldn't do it, he shouldn't do it. They both violate the kids' privacy. Sickening. If he can get a gig based on his talent and charm, then do it. Clearly, since he is paying a PR firm, he can't.

Formerly Duped said... 180

Two comments on Jon's interview: Alexis and Collin are mentioned as the two who have not bonded especially with a particular sibling. They are the two who had issues- maybe they always felt the odd man out??

Sad that Mady and Cara do not go to Jon's much but he is making sure to spend quality time.

Would love to know what Kate thinks of all this!

Summer Days And Nights said... 181

Are there any sheeple with one degree of intelligence, or are they all pretty much lacking in brain power? One is saying that Jon quit TLC because he wanted his own show. How in the world do they come up with this stuff? How would they pick this out of the interview? I had given them the benefit of the doubt, that maybe a few of them had just a bit of reasoning ability, or at least minimal intelligence, and that they all weren't blind. Sadly, I guess I was wrong.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 182

Radar reporting on the interview. They claim that Kate's lawsuit is imminent. The sheep are saying that's why he did this interview.


And exactly what would Kate hope to gain from such a lawsuit? It's pretty clear that he doesn't have much of financial value...he even rents a home. You can't get blood from a turnip.

Emily commented this morning that Kate was up late last night. Yes, very late. She tweeted well after midnight (was it around 1 a.m.?). Quite possibly she was reading the interview, plotting, thinking "Can I sue," and on the phone with her PR people trying to get on television shows to "set the record straight."

Millicent said... 183

I imagine that Jon has not only his own recollection of events to share, but proof of various actions done by Kate and/or TLC that would make them (Kate, TLC) look as bad as they are. Even into the present day, Kate treats those children like dirt. We all know the real Kate - but we are a relatively small group compared to the general population.

I noticed that the ROL article says that filing of a lawsuit is "imminent." Not that I think ROL is a reliable source for anything factual --- but, that statement alone would support the contention that any subpoena served on the owner of RWA was bogus. A lawsuit would at least have to be filed prior to service of a subpoena.

stay strong Jon said... 184

Sociopaths and feelings
(My words are bolded)

•Sociopaths have NO conscience, though they know the difference between right and wrong. So they don't experience remorse or a sense of guilt. Usually they even have great difficulty owning their actions. (asian slanty eyes) In other words, they often can't even bring themselves to say, "Yes, I did this" if it's something society disapproves of.(racism)
•Another key characteristic of sociopaths is callousness and lack of empathy, so genuine sadness for others is something they aren't capable of. (she was shown numerous times on camera coldly showing contempt for her sick children for having the gall to inconvenience her.)
•Many sociopaths are quite good actors. They know how to pretend to show sympathy and so on. Sometimes they give themselves away by displaying exaggerated or even melodramatic sympathy that doesn't ring true. Always look out for uncalled for drama. (A costly, elaborate funeral for a betta fish, complete with a bedazzled, painted headstone which was specially plucked from a construction site. Seriously?)
•As for 'feeling bad for themselves', it usually takes the form of aggressive self-pity. As they can't accept responsibility for their own actions, they blame their misfortunes on others.(Jon has been in the middle of her bullseye for 4 years. It's all his fault she has not had a successful entertainment career. He will pay)

Sociopaths are sharks in deep water
Sociopaths absolutely have no conscience and that also includes the law. To them laws are to be broken and they do not adhere to the regular social norms of others. Sociopaths don't even have pity for themselves because they have no conscience. They are callous, unforgiving, cruel and get great pleasure out of demeaning, harming another human being, even in some cases animals (Shoka and Nala) When looking into a Sociopath's eyes it's like looking at "shark eyes" ... dark, unmoving and dangerous! (Kate's death glare at the DWTS judges when they were skewering her was terrifying. Laws don't apply to them? She hit a parked car and drove off. Since she was on TV she didn't think she had to stop. Her speeding tickets and parking in fire lanes also show how she thinks laws don't apply to her.)

Unknown said... 185

Millicent said... 185
''I imagine that Jon has not only his own recollection of events to share, but proof of various actions done by Kate and/or TLC that would make them (Kate, TLC) look as bad as they are. Even into the present day, Kate treats those children like dirt.''
All I can say that IF the lawsuit is ''imminent'', I hope that KK's attorneys make it very clear to her exactly what ''discovery'' is!! If I'm remembering correctly, her lawsuit is her attempt to send Jon to prison and take away his parental rights because he 'stole' and/or helped Robert 'steal' all the computer stuff/documents that were in the garbage. Wouldn't that cause all the 'stolen' stuff to be entered as discovery?

As I said before, now both Robert and Jon have made it very clear that they have 'documentation', just waiting....

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 186

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 8m
Well...yesterday was #MemoryMonday...what shall 2day be? @Kateplusmy8? Maybe #TeachingTuesday? Share some of ur jewels of parenting!! :)

Oh, Milo...for once in your life, shut up!

"I noticed that the ROL article says that filing of a lawsuit is "imminent." Not that I think ROL is a reliable source for anything factual --- but, that statement alone would support the contention that any subpoena served on the owner of RWA was bogus. A lawsuit would at least have to be filed prior to service of a subpoena."


Which lawsuit? Serving a subpoena to RWA has nothing to do with an "imminent" lawsuit that Kate supposedly is serving on Jon, does it?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 187

For determining the % of custody, it helps to look at a calendar.

Was that directed at me? LOL I said "roughly." I'm aware of how a calendar looks.

As far as the interview goes, I'm glad he did it. He's been jabbed and ridiculed for 4 years and Kate just keeps on jabbing away. I'm not sure how many people would be able to keep quiet forever. We're all only human, not saints with halos.

Tucker's Mom said... 188 (Administrator) said... 142
Alexis:OH!Are they going to have any more? Just 1?


Surely they understand the concept that most births are single births. They're not stupid.
To Jon's point, it's all about reinforcing the brand, which is mother of HOM's, total 8 kids.
As I said yesterday, the kids should know how extraordinary their births were and that women are built to have one baby at a time, as a rule.
Yes, there are twins, triplets and HOM's, but the optimal pregnancy is one at a time, and that is what they should want, not to follow in their mom's footsteps if they can at all help it.

Summer Days And Nights said... 189

Anyway, I always find it amusing when posters excuse him because what Kate does is so much worse.


I wasn't amused by any of the posts. I think they were well thought out. I don't think anyone has excused him because what Kate does is so much worse. From what I've read here, it seems he did the interview as a "dad" thing, explaining what it's like for a parent of eight kids after a divorce, having been nationally known, and his decisions to do what he did. I actually learned a lot about his "side" of the story and why he did some of the things that he did. It was especially interesting to learn that TLC paid for Kate's legal fees in the divorce, but that Jon was on his own. Kind of makes the mounds of legal bills Kate claimed to have racked up just a figment of her imagination.

Jon has a right to speak out. I was of the opinion that he should have continued to take the high road and remain private. Now I'm not so sure. He's been brow-beaten by the fans, humiliated by the media, bashed by his former wife, and I guess a person can only take so much. The interview was a good one with not too much given out, but only enough so that readers could see what it's been like post-divorce for him and the children. ~ Administrator said... 190

I agree Tweet. I don't like slams on either parent either however it's not like this has been a back and forth even exchange. The reality is Kate has made the vast majority of slams, parental alienation and ad hominem attacks sometimes nearly constantly in his direction. At what point do you finally snap? At what point are you allowed a little self defense? At what point are you allowed a little leeway to tell your side? In my opinion that point has long passed and someone in his shoes has every right to finally jump in and take the reins back. It's sad, I don't disagree, but we are only human and can only be treated badly for so long before basic fight or flight instinct kicks in. It's not fair to view his comments in a vacuum as if Kate hasn't attacked him and lied about him hundreds of times in the past four years. Hundreds. He even tried playing nice telling everyone they get along and she's a good mom. No such luck. What I hear from him is a resounding message. No more, Kate. Enough already. And if you don't stop I'll let the chips fall where they may. Try me.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 191

Are there any sheeple with one degree of intelligence, or are they all pretty much lacking in brain power? One is saying that Jon quit TLC because he wanted his own show. How in the world do they come up with this stuff? How would they pick this out of the interview? I had given them the benefit of the doubt, that maybe a few of them had just a bit of reasoning ability, or at least minimal intelligence, and that they all weren't blind. Sadly, I guess I was wrong.

All their information on Jon comes from gossip magazines. It's gospel to them.

Tucker's Mom said... 192

Apparently she is trying to interrupt his time WHEN THE KIDS ARE THERE by saying it has to be cut short or interrupted in some manner because the kids "want" to do this or that other thing.
Also, never doing pick up or drop off means that travel cuts into Jon's time and Jon's time only. Would be nice to share that so that Jon is not always the parent associated with the shuffling back and forth, which can't be fun all the time.
I think Jon confirmed that the kids miss traveling, and we've never doubted that. The don't miss filming.
Big distinction there.
I've suspected that Kate has linked the show to the perks and let the kids know that no filming=no travel, no toys, etc.

Terri said... 193

You know even the most patient of people will eventually get tired of constantly being bashed and strike back. This has been a long time coming and I think Kate has no one to blame but herself for any "secrets" that may come out. If she would have conducted herself like an adult and cared more about her children than the hate she has for Jon none of this would be happening.

Sheri said... 194

I just read the entire interview and the associated ROL article.

Normally I lean toward giving Jon the benefit of the doubt but in this case I think it was unwise for him to do this interview now.

If there really is an "imminent" lawsuit, it just seems he would have been better off saying nothing, at least until it was all over.

I don't think he did himself any favours by saying as much as he did and I have to agree with Ex Nurse that some of what he said did come across as passive-aggressive.

Not to mention, that no matter what he said or how he meant it, people are putting their own spin on it and the troops are rallied with unsolicited opinions shooting back and forth in comment sections.

I don't think it helps his cause, especially if, as he says, his ultimate goal is to give his kids as normal a life as possible.

All that being said, I don't demonize him for finally speaking out. I honestly don't know that I would have been able to withstand the kind of parental alienation he's had to deal with.

What a mess.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 195

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 188

Which lawsuit? Serving a subpoena to RWA has nothing to do with an "imminent" lawsuit that Kate supposedly is serving on Jon, does it?


According to ROL with information provided by BV there are 3 lawsuits, one, Kate suing Jon, another class action lawsuit against RWA and another one in which BV suing a twitter hater.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 196

In the interview Jon said his financial debt is astronomical. Could that be the reason he isn't paying child support? The judge said "you're $XX,XXX in debt and you make $XXXX per month and pay $XXX per month for the children when they're with you. You can't get blood out of a turnip. No child support at this time."

Is that when Kate had her most recent vindictive freak-out and said she want to sue Jon and put him in jail? Because she knows she can't get any money out of him.

Over In Kate's County said... 197

They both violate the kids' privacy. Sickening. If he can get a gig based on his talent and charm, then do it. Clearly, since he is paying a PR firm, he can't.


I think what's sickening is that he's come off as the bad boy in all of this and he's not supposed to say a word because he's held to a certain standard.

I know Jon. He's a likeable, personable guy who puts his kids and his love for them above everything else in his the point where he ended filming and his chance to keep the money train rolling in because he believed it wasn't in the best interest of the kids.

What's so disheartening is to see him being slammed for speaking out in an interview, and very honestly and openly answering the questions that have been the topic of nasty rumors and innuendo for so many years. I'm sure that there are many things that he could have been said to set HIS record straight, but he didn't do that because it would serve no purpose other than to get her all worked up and come back at him. Jon's not an eye for an eye person, but I think if pushed too far, he just might let everything spill. He alluded to that in the interview. That's the last thing that she wants and she knows it.

White Organza said... 198

"They claim that Kate's lawsuit is imminent. The sheep are saying that's why he did this interview." (179)

Yes, it could be that it is why Jon finally decided to break his silence, but I'll believe that lawsuit when Admin and Millicent (Hi, Millicent!) tell us it's real and legit. Until then... I think it's mainly huffing and puffing on Kate's and BV' s part.

But it could be for other reasons as well. I noticed, in yesterday's interview, that he apparently has a PR team. What use would he have for PR if his only aspiration is to live quietly in the woods, enjoying his kids? It could be that he's thinking of restarting some sort of media career for a while. Take a shot at DWTS, maybe? Or products endorsement? He says he is still very much deep in personal debt. That's never a confortable situation to be in, but I imagine it's an almost unbearable stress when you have 8 kids to provide for. So why not a little stint in showbiz, just enough to get back afloat financially? But, for that, I'm sure any PR specialist would tell him to first clean his image perception by the public. A deadbeat dad unable or unwilling to keep a job is not the best marketable label when one wants to get people to vote for oneself...

Or, more simply, -since he knows that the kids google themselves and this whole sad saga-, maybe he just felt the need to have something, -anything!-, positive written about on him for them to read on the Internet. Something to counter all the venom spewd almost daily by the likes of Goodie and Milo. I know I probably would...

Mel said... 199

I was of the opinion that he should have continued to take the high road and remain private. Now I'm not so sure.

That's how I feel/felt, too.

I thought the interview was very good. Explained things in a calm, reasonable way, from the "dad's" perspective. Which was the point of the interview...the perspective of a dad.

I do wish, however, that he hadn't used names. I would have been fine with him describing scenarios just by saying one child does this, or two of the kids don't get along as well. I kind of wish he hadn't used their names.

But that's really the only nitpick I have with the interview.

He has clearly grown, learned a lot about himself and others. He's articulate, thoughtful, intelligent, has the kids' best interest as his top priority. And he is definitely 'on to' to Kate. Smirk.

Dmasy said... 200

I think Jon "fired a shot across her bow" -- really and metaphorically. He warned her that her "ship" is within shooting distance of his cannon.

He has documentation. He no longer has injunctions to keep him from speaking. He is not afraid of her or TLC.

I think he laid it out for her. I think he told her that he is still being "Mr. Nice Guy" and he is doing it for the children. But, if she pushes him any further, he has the ammunition to harm her.

Anyone with any common sense and concern for the remnants of their family would pay attention to what he has said.

She is so stubborn and full of hate that I doubt she will.

Pure speculation -- what if the document regarding the conditions of a fake marriage really exists? What if it wasn't written at the Gosselin kitchen table, but was drawn up by TLC attorneys? What if Jon has proof that Kate and Steve were behaving as a couple? At least, what if Jon can produce medical receipts for the good bra?

I just guessed at that paper trail. There has to be so much more.

Jon has been a silent saint -- so far. She should be so wary of pushing him into speaking.

My opinion is that his interview was a warning to her as well as a release of some facts to the public.

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