'If we kept going on trips all the time and not ever seen that there's, like, a different way to live, we could have wound up being really bratty, you know?'
Katykat said... 186 The Von Trapp children were MISERABLE being so orderly. VERY poor choice of words by Kate Coyne. It just makes Jon look more like Maria, giving freedom and love to all of the children, while Kate is the "Stick up her Ass" Captain who was away all the time and awful to live with while he was home.
Yes, exactly. And the Captain was so concerned with order, he barely knew his children. He treated them as a unit. Sounds familiar!
I get these pictures in my head....
Ashley as Maria: Kate blows her little whistle, and the children line up. When Kate blows it for Ashley, Ashley says, "Whistles are for dogs, not for children, and certainly not for ME!" And then Ashley takes the children to freedom out in the country away from their perfect, spotless clothing where they can actually play!
Too funny how Kate Coyne & Kate G thought they were making TFW sound organized when in fact she just sounds like a military dictator.
The problem is, their problems are the same as our problems. We ALL worry about college funds, unless you're a millionaire. Food is expensive for everyone. Insurance, rent or mortgage, school expenses, all add up. A parent of one or two children does not feel the anxiety of it any less when they don't have a college fund or blew their paycheck on groceries because the kids are eating like crazy. Making ends meet is a fear we all have. They are not special.
This vibe from quite frankly both of them, Jon included, that they somehow feel their problems more because they have more kids, has become extremely off-putting. It comes across as, you couldn't possibly have problems, you only have two kids!
Gimme a break. Especially from parents who despite their alleged problems have somehow by some miracle managed to keep the children in a mansion and a posh private school.
I think this was a big part of why people acted so negatively to the article this time around. Enough was enough.
Personally I find stories about how parents in tough circumstances manage to make it work, much more interesting and engaging, than stories about parents in tough circumstances who can't seem to do anything but complain about it.
From what I've observed of my classmates whose parents can't or wouldn't pay for college is that they never missed class, never missed a reading assignment, didn't party much, and always graduated in four years or under. It's amazing how the value of something skyrockets when you're not dependent on others to fund it. You respect it more. And it feels GOOD to know wow I was just a kid and I made that WORK. It makes you feel like you'll be able to tackle many other adult responsibilities, and often much sooner than your peers. And your learning curve in terms of finances skyrockets.
The book signing I attended INVITED the public. In that situation it is appropriate to approach a celebrity. And, even though the children were in town at the time, Kate did not bring them. Had they been standing there, it would have been a different story. As far as I can tell no one tried to follow her anywhere or go anywhere but the designated area. When she left out the back, everyone else left out the front. It is BEYOND inappropriate to approach the family when they are not at a public event and so beyond creepy to follow 12 year olds into a restroom that I would be seriously considering calling the police if I were in that situation.
I'm watching The Pioneer Woman making shrimp stir fry. Kate should have taken notes! PW stir fried up the shrimp then garlic, unlike Kate who doesn't know stir frying from steaming in a boat load of salt laden liquid. She then removes the shrimp so they don't get tough like rubber bands, and cooks the vegetables *according to the time they take to cook*. Not dump and cook through. She finishes with lemon and basil. Not exactly an Asian dish, but very healthy. Oh, and PW ADORES Charlie. What a cutie patootie!
(OT, we lost our senior (16 yr old) bichon last week. His kidney failure just took a turn for the worse. We'd been giving him subQ fluids for several months, but his kidneys stop responding. Seriously-- worse than losing my parents. Thank goodness we have 2 dogs to help ease the pain.)
The Costco where my son works has the magazine rack at the end of the snack/candy aisle. It is a stand-alone rack. Stockers pass by it when they are going back and forth down one of the two main aisles, stocking the shelves. It is not at the registers. The cashiers noticed whether anyone actually bought it because the manager address the employees as a group before the store opened and reminded them to always make sure that particular mag was turned forward and that nobody drew thing on TFW's picture (last time it was devil horns and a goatee). When employees went out after work together, they griped about having to take the time to turn the cover around over and over again when they had work to do. The question came up--did anyone even buy it? Only one checker could recall having a sale, and that was 6 copies. 6 copies of one magazine by a single shopper stood out. Plus, stockers have to restock the magazines so they don't run out. They did not need to restock that one. I did not say that the magazines were at the checkout stands. Where did that idea come from?
Layla that's so weird! Is this a PA/local Costco? That would make a lot more sense. If it's just some random Costco in Minnesota, she's more hated than I thought. Around the country people are just randomly turning her around and defacing the magazines? Is it seriously this bad? I'm not doubting you, you're a regular who has never given me cause to question you, I just am a bit shocked at this story.
"And what's with the Nanny-Free crap?" (Tuckers' Mom)
Lol... I had the same reaction. Written that way, having a nanny seems like having some sort of contagious disease or an insect infestation. "Look! Not only this sparkly clean kitchen is absolutely germ free, it's also nanny free!"
Blogger may have eaten my post quoting the paragraph about chores. Here is another try. ” The laminated chore charts posted in her kitchen today are not for the faint of heart. A full page fifty two point checklist details how the house odd to be cleaned. m and c earn one dollar for each item completed. An additional ten item check list on the refrigerator for the twins Carries a fine print disclaimer threatening one dollar fines for each item not completed, as well as the removal of IPhones and IPads based on attitude and response.the younger kids also have a chart focusing on general tidying up of the kitchen and the feeding of the family dog Shoka, in the summer pool maintenance is added.”
If you had looming financial problems, would you be eating out? Or buying shrimp for dinner??? Wouldn't you be a tad more frugal if you knew you had upcoming financial problems???
You don't get a medal because you don't have a nanny. A millionaire with eight kids probably should have a nanny. That way they can focus on one or two children at a time while the others are well attended to. There is no shame in it unless you just use the nanny to avoid motherhood (as sadly some do obviously).
haven't seen anyone yet mention the part (and I'm not quoting directly here) where the twins were in a store and a lady followed them, even into the restroom, telling them she was had always been a fan, loved the family, etc =====================
This was actually mentioned in the article? That sends up all sort of red flags, and is very scary. Is that something TFW is proud of-that her children are recognized and people stalk them to the point of following them into a restroom?
If they were my children, I would be very, very worried that due to my putting my children "out there", that my children would be followed by creeps like this.
What is wrong with this picture? And why doesn't TFW get it that she is subjecting her children to people like this?
Admin (171), your Costco doesn't carry candy? I have never seen one that doesn't. Ours has an aisle where you can buy it in large bags or multiple-bar boxes.
Layla said... 199 **** It just goes to show you how reviled Kate is. So, she got the People cover. I really have no idea what the heck they were thinking. The cover? Kate Coyne definitely has a girl crush on Kate. I just can not fathom any good business reason that could possibly explain how Kate got on the cover. Again. I seriously would not mind if just Kate was on the cover, but to splash her kids on the front, KNOWING that they've already been in danger because of being in the public eye, is just sick.
Another thing? Just because the kids may be happy, which I hope they are, it doesn't mean they won't have times where fame is a burden to them, and it certainly doesn't mean it may not be until adulthood when they really start to process what was done to them and feel the effects, if any. Hopefully, especially for the younger ones, they will barely remember their camera time. However they will remember being famous.
Actually, I'd be surprised if at this age they aren't happy. That would be a huge red flag. It's probably not going to be into their teens and even 20's where it will be known what damage was done. Judge THEN whether they are happy with how their lives turned out.
What! That is creepy. I would have called the police. Following a minor child into a restroom and hounding them about what a fan you are? What is WRONG with people?
And the fans say that the non-fans are stalkers. Wasn't that why security was initially hired...to protect the family from obsessed fans?
No it carries candy just not near the checkouts. The checkouts are bone dry bare. I just thought it was odd the employees would be so aware of what's going on with the magazines since ours are also by the books and doesn't look like employees are keeping tabs. However as you explained, they are up front in your store, so it makes more sense now.
Kate's positing that they don't have a nanny is just like her finger waggling about the show not being scripted. I have no doubt she's "cobbling" together part-time staff at the manse. I would rather raise my kids in a humble house than make them take care of a mansion. It's really not fair. No wonder Kendra cried.
The Von Trapp's father also left them for extended periods of time to go to do what he wanted. He also never got over losing their mother and took it out on the kids, sort of alienating them and not wanting to see them laugh, sing or have fun like they used to. Whether it's a death or just a divorce, the lesson in that was that you have to move on from relationships that are over and let your children move on too, or it hurts your children.
And the fans say that the non-fans are stalkers. Wasn't that why security was initially hired...to protect the family from obsessed fans? August 17, 2013 at 7:30 AM **** Well, that story changes a whole lot. First it was their car being vandalized, then it was some perv who wanted the kids to sit on his lap. I think Skeevie was hired more to keep Kate's inner divabitch in check.
I think there's still confusion at times re: the kid's college funds vs. whether they are getting a free ride. TAP funds were set up for all the kids a year after the six were born and the public invited to donate to the funds. See link below--it's from wiki.answers.com, but appears to be the actual press release. The blurb at the end from TFW and Jon in 2008 seems to indicate no one contributed? Hmmm. Or maybe it was just a matter of choosing their words carefully in order to maintain the illusion of a struggling family.
The blurb at the end from TFW and Jon in 2008 seems to indicate no one contributed? Hmmm. Or maybe it was just a matter of choosing their words carefully in order to maintain the illusion of a struggling family.
http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Do_the_Gosselin_sextuplets_have_college_scholarships ********* The college fund story also changes. First it's nowhere near funded, then, inexplicably, it's totally funded. J+K never wanted anyone to be disabused of the notion that they weren't poor anymore. After all, "how will we act normal in a 2 million dollar home!".
Pool maintenance? These kids are far too young for such things. A pool is dangerous, and pool maintenance usually involves highly toxic chemicals, machinery, electricity, and being around a dangerous body of water potentially unsupervised. At most they could clean out the little filter basket and skim some leaves out but they should be heavily supervised.
"An additional 10 item checklist on the refrigerator for the twins carries a fine print disclaimer threatening $1 fines for each item not completed"
Good heavens. How often does the fridge need to have its hazmat shower anyway or you're out 10 bucks? We only clean ours out once every couple months or so, if that. It's called cleaning as you go. If something is leaking or sticky, wipe it off and wipe the shelf! Problem solved. Sheesh.
Admin (5) We are near Baltimore, MD. It's a very busy area. Yes, people were turning the magazines around, but no defacing them this time. The last time (When the show was first canceled, and they had TFW and the kids on the cover--I think Sept 2011) someone had drawn horns and a goatee on TFW on some of the copies. That has not happened this time, but employees were warned to watch carefully. Fridays through Sundays are very busy there, and the employees (my son stocks shelves) have to really hustle. They aren't happy about having to stop what they are doing to turn a magazine around. Other here have mentioned seeing them turned around. I get that people don't like TFW, but it makes more work for the store employees who have to take time from their actual work to check on/turn around a magazine. So, Long story short: 1. I never said the magazines were at the checkout stands at our Costco. They are in a stand-alone rack at the end of the bulk candy aisle. Go back and read what I wrote. Do not attack me for something I never said. 2. No magazines were defaced yet this time. Some were defaced in 2011. They do not want a repeat. Some were turned around, but the employees are irritated that they have to monitor a magazine to make sure it's not turned backward or drawn on. Any other questions? You can ask--I'm here right now. But please ask, do not attack.
What happens if a "fan" approaches them and says hey kids I'm your biggest fan what an honor to meet you oh gosh I have a bunch of People magazines in my trunk out back it would mean the world to me if you followed me out back to sign them. It will only take a second I promise!
Will the kids follow?
I'd be scared to death they could be drawn in like this!
I was out for the day with visiting family. When we came home, the mail and magazine were on the table. My cousin picked it up, looked at the cover and said "why in the world is anyone interested in reading about her".? Since this blog is my secret vice :-), I will take her comment as one that most of the population thinks. Sorry Milo, the world does not love your narcissist.
Kate Coyne seriously overeached with this one. The article, the photoshoot, the hair, makeup and wardrobe? Nothing could be less 'natural'. What we did on our summer vacation. What a sad joke.
Okay, I am going to explain this one more time. There is no candy or magazines at the checkout stands. When you walk into Costco, the registers are to your right. To the left are all the aisles where the merchandise is. They are set up perpendicular to the registers. One of those aisles has bulk candy. At the end of that aisle is a stand-alone magazine rack. That is where the magazines are. Go back and read what I said. I never, in any post, said the magazines are at--or even near--the checkout stands/registers. If you want to attack, then please, attack me for something I actually said. No need to make things up.
Here is the exact quote about the housekeeping. ” the laminated core charts posted i'm her kitchen today are not for the faint of heart. A full page 52 point checklist details how the house is to be cleaned; M&C earn $1 for each item completed. An additional 10 item checklist on the refrigerator for the twins carries a fine print disclaimer threatening $1 fines for each item not completed, as well as the removal of IPhones and IPads based on” attitude and response”. The younger kids also have a chart focusing on general tidying up of the kitchen and three feeding of the family dog Shoka; in the summer pool maintenance is added.” To dispel the image of a slave labor camp, the writer segues into the next paragraph with a description of happy googling animated children clearing the lunch dishes and just being delightful with their visitors. ________________
I may start calling her Herr Kommandant Kate - HKK.
Well Kate seems to reward the children with Chipotle every time they choose not to go to Jon's so I can see how Jon would feel such pressure to take the kids out too once in awhile. Plus what parent doesn't want to take all the kids out once in awhile for ice cream or a meal even if you have to pinch pennies to do so? They are definitely at an age where they're not content anymore staying home the entire weekend and having a staycation. They want to go out, do something outside the home, see other kids and people. Maybe it's spoiled, but it's reality. You can tell them no of course, and maybe if money is that tight, you should, but those kids are cute and probably manipulative as most kids that age are and then there's the pressure of all the other families and how they fill their weekends. It's tough times to raise kids and it takes more effort than it used to to avoid the realities of 2013. We never gave a second thought as kids to hanging around the house all weekend--that just isn't how things work anymore.
That said, I think both of them are guilty of exaggerating the financial state of at least the children. They've been in their school and in that house TOO LONG now to buy it. Foreclosures come down like a guillotine these days. If they couldn't afford this house, they simply wouldn't be in it.
I think that Gordon's Fisherman thing has boxes of breaded shrimp in the freezer aisle. You can probably get a huge one. I don't think it's that expensive though I've never bought it. He didn't say he took them to a 5 star restaurant to get the shrimp.
Kate Coyne seriously overeached with this one. The article, the photoshoot, the hair, makeup and wardrobe? Nothing could be less 'natural'. What we did on our summer vacation. What a sad joke. ******** Agree. Did the article mention what the kids got to do this summer? Bald Head Island? No? Camp? No?
Admin (25) After I posted last night, multiple people posted that there are no magazine racks at Costco, nothing at the registers, no candy, etc. Not just one, but several, including you. Please go back and read what I said. I never said anything about the registers, location of the magazine rack, or if there is candy there until after I saw those. I just don't understand why people feel the need to claim I said something I didn't. I know where my son works. I know the layout of the store (I shop there, myself). I shared what he told me. Then, today, I see that people were basically claiming that I said things that I never said. Go back and read. I never said he magazines were at the registers. They are not. I never said there was candy at the registers. There is not. I never said the magazines were defaced this year.They have not been. I said that her picture was defaced last time (2011). It was. Others have seen the magazine turned around. Nobody questions them. Why me?
Admin, from reading the brief paragraph about chores, I interpreted it add meaning there is one large household cleaning list. Maybe left over from the maid days, providing she really doesn't have a maid anymore. And then that there is a separate twins chore our duty list of ten things they must do. The author does not specify any item on either list, so this is my interpretation. The duties of the younger children are mentioned exactly as quoted.
Who attacked you, I'll delete it. I didn't see any attacks.
I didn't see any "attacks" either. I read some comments about the location of magazines there, some said that placement of them could be different, depending on the location of the stores. But as far as a personal attack, who did the attacking?
I said the checkout lanes are bare (where most employes are), not that there were no magazine racks at all. Please don't take it as an attack! You explained what you meant. It was a reasonable question, because it doesn't make a lot of sense employees would be hyper aware of what's going on with the magazines if the magazines are back deep in the store by the books. I don't think anyone wants people to think stories that make Kate look bad are exaggerated or made up, so people were just seeking clarification, which you kindly provided. In your scenario it makes perfect sense. In my particular store, it wouldn't. It's crazy how done TFW is with the public that just in random stores people are turning her around. I've never seen anything like it.
Why do Mady and Cara get paid a $1 per chore but the younger kids have to pay $1 for any chore not done plus lose access to their iPhones and iPads?
And why do 8 kids ages 12 & 9 each have those devices anyway? The twins I could maybe see but my 8 & 10 year old do not have their own. We have one iPad that is shared and I let them play games on my iphone. For someone crying poor again, this seems extravegent.
When I posted, people then stated that Costco doesn't have magazines, or that they don't have them at the checkout stands (I never said they did), that there's no candy (they do sell candy), etc. All I posted is what I was told to me by my son. Others have also posted that they have seen the magazines turned around. Nobody questions them.
**sigh**Let's just drop it. I have no need or desire to make anything up regarding TFW or anyone else. I just wrote what my son told me. I didn't know that it would be confusing to anyone.
Layla, I love the comments from your son. I did not see where anyone attacked you, but I do think people unfamiliar with Costco or other warehouse stores like Sams Club or BJs are confusing them with grocery stores. Costco is all about efficiency in serving members, and you do have to have a membership card to get in the door. What that means is all items are grouped together on the shelves, there is limited selection and they sell most things in large quantities, and you can get great deals on things like furniture or jewelry or custom cakes or twenty rolls of paper towels. For efficiency all magazines are together in one place. All books are in the same place. All the paper products are on the same aisle. When you check out, the member goes on one side of the register, the cart goes on the other side, one team member checks you out and one packs your items in boxes or a cart or flat dolley for large things. its not a traditional grocery store. Your member ship card is checked at the door, when you check out, and your receipt is checked as you leave. I love going to Costco, our couch came from there, our new garage doors were purchased thru Costco, and last birthday cake I bought was from there, and dd got her eye glasses there. Plus they carry organic milk!
Oops I misread the quote about the laminated chore charts. It looks like Mady and Cara are the ones that face those consequences.
Went out to a concert with my sis and spent the night. I didn't sleep a wink. I have cervical vertebrae that are narrowing along with bone spurs and my nerve is being pinched and I just couldn't get comfy. Wish me luck on the 2 hour drive home later today.
I looked up the 52 point cleaning list. Wow, some of these things do not need to be done every week. I wonder what the time frame is? I believe TFW has a cleaning person /people anyhow. I think she just wants to sound super clean and organized, 'in CHARGE as she always will be' and that the super kids tow the line and do these chores. I'm sure they do some but not these 52 points!They have the chickens and dogs and probably cleaning their bedrooms and playroom, putting away laundry etc. plus lots of homework and have to turn in early.
I agree with all that you said. I think both TFW and Jon are guilty of exaggerating food costs for the four, six, or eight kids (depending on who has however many at the time). However, I'm going to give Jon a bit of a pass on this issue. TFW exaggerates because 1) she's always grifting, 2) she is still clinging to the 'organic' story, 3) she's always grifing, and 4) we know she obsessively controls those kid's portions, and has sent uneaten lunches back to school the next day. Did I mention she's always grifting, especially for her new favorite Chipolte? Jon at least takes the kids out as a family (without cameras)to what appears to be a variety of public eateries (Olive Garden, pizza, and now shrimp, etc.)and is probably seeing the first wave of increased appetites that goes along with growth spurts, etc. and because he is not as hung up on food as TFW, the kids feel at ease and eat until they are truly full.
So, I'll give him 1/2 of a pass on this. I'd love to teach him how to use coupons, but he may avoid them because 1) TFW's emphasis on them, and 2) a lot of men don't think to use them. I'm jellus because I've heard that coupon deals are so much better in the east and west while I'm stuck in the midwest.
Tucker's Mom - Sorry to hear about the loss of your fur baby. Even with others in the house it's still hard. My thoughts are with you.
Layla - I know exactly what you're talking about. We have that same stand alone magazine racks in the Costco that I shop in. I think that people just assumed you meant that the magazines were at the front of the store by the checkout stands. I try not to go down the candy aisle though because its too tempting.
I agree with Tucker's Mom. A 9 year old should only be responsible for very basic pool maintenance and then only with an adult around. Accidents can happen in a flash to anyone. While by my pool last August I took a nasty fall and hit my thigh in the cool deck as I tried to keep from falling in the pool. My thigh swelled up immediately and turned all shades of black and blue. I went to the Dr that afternoon to have it checked and he said I'd be fine (I am). This was at lunch when I'd gone home to let the dog out. No one else was home and I'm lucky that I didn't hit my head. That was one of the most painful things that's ever happened to me because as gravity took its toll the bruising moved down my entire leg. It's a year later and I've still got a small "saddlebag" on that thigh due to the fall. The Dr said it will eventually re absorb into my body. I wasn't fooling around, or running or anything kids do, I was just stepping out of the bully's way and hit the edge. Lesson learned...next time just go with it and it the water and change my clothes.
Here is the exact quote about the housekeeping. ” the laminated core charts posted i'm her kitchen today are not for the faint of heart. A full page 52 point checklist details how the house is to be cleaned; M&C earn $1 for each item completed. An additional 10 item checklist on the refrigerator for the twins carries a fine print disclaimer threatening $1 fines for each item not completed, as well as the removal of IPhones and IPads based on” attitude and response”. The younger kids also have a chart focusing on general tidying up of the kitchen and three feeding of the family dog Shoka; in the summer pool maintenance is added.” To dispel the image of a slave labor camp, the writer segues into the next paragraph with a description of happy googling animated children clearing the lunch dishes and just being delightful with their visitors. ________________
I may start calling her Herr Kommandant Kate - HKK.
It's good that children are assigned chores, but like everything else, TFW takes things to extremes.
What the heck is she going to do when her children leave home? Who is going to take care of her long housekeeping list?
Not the kids...
TFW had better find job before then, so that she can pay a full staff to take care of her chore list.
Or does she expect to spend the rest of her life "masterminding" tasks for someone else to do?
Before I get busy doing my non laminated household chores and to do list, I have two more thoughts on the article and on the turning around magazines in stores. One, since there has been such a lot of blogging about chickens, where are the chickens? No mention of chickens in the article, no photo of chickens, the core list says kids feed the dog but what about chickens? Two, when TFMJG (the former Mrs Jon Gosselin) was on dancing with the stars, her treatment of a very popular professional who has his own loyal fan base was noticed and remembered. Her distain of everyone was noticed. Viewers who had seen her horrible treatment of her husband realized it was not just him, she was awful to everyone. She completely blew a chance to become relatable and popular and instead made herself more unpopular.
Boy, I'm posting a lot this morning. Avoiding housework:) Anyway, I just saw an article on Radar Online re: the now grown kids on Roseanne (sorry, couldn't make a clinkable link for some reason). The 2nd paragraph really sums up what posters on this blog have been saying for a long time.
Conner kids Becky and D.J. open up about life on 'Roseanne'
And while many child stars succumb to the temptations of Hollywood, these two said the Conner kids stayed grounded.
“The big part of it is the choices you make and the responsibility you take as an individual and we were lucky. I think we were worked with really supportive people and we had families that were very supportive and very normal and we really adapted to. We never looked at it as we were stars, we looked at it as this is a job that we take a lot of pride in but at the same time, you know, we never wanted to get credit for those things and be the person making the problem,” Fishman explained.
“I think it’s important to differentiate yourself from whatever that person is, you know, it’s a job and then it’s you, and I think what happens is that people don’t feel that they have value outside of that, you know, what if that went away? Then what? Then who am I? Do I still matter? Do I still have value?" Goranson said. "And I think that’s a real question. I don’t belittle people that struggle with that because that’s a real thing."
Sillimom, The younger kids are not penalized $1 for a chore not completed, M & C are. They get penalized for the extra 10 point chart not being finished. When we were kids all 12 (TWELVE) of us had chores to do. We were not treated like slaves. We were told if everyone does a little, nobody has to do a lot. Everything really ran smoothly and we all knew how to become independent and useful people.
Admin (36) People despise Kate. Look at all the thousands of negative comments on the recent stories online about her. My son said that they have never, in the 3 years he has worked at his store, had to be warned about defacing of magazines--except this one. That's because it has never happened there, except for TFW's cover in 2011. They never had to be warned about magazines being turned around--except the ones with TFW on the cover. Everyone has their own reasons for disliking her. I dislike her because she shows no appreciation for her kids. Someone who has had to go the extra mile, like she did, to have kids, should be on her knees thanking God every day for them. But to her, they are commodities. They are there to support her, cater to her, and build up her ego. Those are the things she should be doing for them. Some people are just so sick of her crying poor, while refusing to work. If you're truly poor, and you are able to work, then you work. Simple enough. But she refuses. She'd rather grift. That massive sense of entitlement is pretty off-putting. She seems to think that actual work is beneath her, and that is an insult to those of us who work for a living. Of course, she considers all of us mediocre (which means that she, by her logic, is superior), and feels no guilt in taking what others work for. It's like a little monarchy. The mediocre serfs should work to support their queen. Fortunately, that's not working out too well for her lately. The Daily Mail article has a quote where she said that people think she will do anything for fame, but she's not that girl--she will not work with Jon. Isn't it telling that the one thing she will not do is something that would make HER unhappy. Yet things that humiliate her kids--nudity, going to the bathroom, bathing, throwing up--are just fine with her. I guess because it's them, and not her. Fans say the non-fans are jealous of her. I don't think it's jealousy as much as the feeling that she does not deserve what she has, She hasn't worked and paid her dues. She sold her kids and their privacy, for what? Another car? A bigger house? Is it worth it when your daughters are followed into public bathrooms? To the rest of us, the answer is no. To her, it is a resounding yes.
When you walk into Costco, the registers are to your right. To the left are all the aisles where the merchandise is. They are set up perpendicular to the registers. One of those aisles has bulk candy. At the end of that aisle is a stand-alone magazine rack. That is where the magazines are. *********************************************
Pool maintenance? These kids are far too young for such things. A pool is dangerous, and pool maintenance usually involves highly toxic chemicals, machinery, electricity, and being around a dangerous body of water potentially unsupervised. At most they could clean out the little filter basket and skim some leaves out but they should be heavily supervised.
Good heavens. How often does the fridge need to have its hazmat shower anyway or you're out 10 bucks? We only clean ours out once every couple months or so, if that. It's called cleaning as you go. If something is leaking or sticky, wipe it off and wipe the shelf! Problem solved. Sheesh. ********************************************
Admin, regarding TFW's laziness . . . I think many successful narcissists have *had* to work hard for what they have. TFW was basically handed her fame & fortune due to the nature of reality tv. I wonder how driven she would have been to work for material possessions and status had she remained a regular nobody. Would she have thrown herself into her nursing career, working long hours to make more money? It's interesting to think about how things might have worked out. ~ Mrs. Malaprop (Google account is not cooperating!)
Here's a portion of an interview one of MTV's Teen Mom's gave where she's asked about the possibility of she and her son shooting a new series: On filming again:
It was actually pretty strange. It had been let's say about a year since I'd filmed. It was weird getting back into the groove of filming a show. I'd kind of forgotten how much work it actually is. I was still kind of used to cameras being around -- that wasn't the weird thing -- but it's pretty exhausting. It was a rough week or so of filming.
On Bentley dealing with the attention:
At first -- up until he was about 3, 3 1/2 years old -- he thought that this was normal and that everyone had a camera crew all the time and everyone knew everyone and everyone had a TV show because they were filming the day that he was born, and up until he was 3 1/2 years old, they were filming him. Once he turned 4 the past year ... it really sunk into him that we aren't necessarily normal. Not everyone knows everybody. Because when we go out in public, everyone knows us and knows our name, and I think that now he understands. He's like, why do these people know us but we don't know them?
On whether a spin-off is coming:
There's no word about that right now. I honestly have no idea. It has to be up to the fans and what they want to see.
On including Bentley in a spin-off:
It would all depend on the direction of the show. I don't want to make this type of decision for him. He is in Pre-K, next year he'll be in kindergarten.
I'm not sure if I'd be so willing to put him out there in the public eye at such a young age because I'm not sure if that's something that he would want. I wouldn't know the answer to that for a very, very long time.
If any spin-off did happen, I'd say that probably the only things I would want him to be involved in would be the things that go on at home. I wouldn't necessarily want him at school being covered and stuff like that.
I do want him to be as normal as he can be and I don't want to make any decisions to take away from his normalcy -- even though he'll always be Bentley.
At this point, as much as I can slow it down, I will try to slow it down.
JoyinVirginia said... 34 Maybe left over from the maid days, providing she really doesn't have a maid anymore. And then that there is a separate twins chore our duty list of ten things they must do." *************************************************** Oh my gosh if this is the same list Robert quoted in the email to Carla, it was excessive. My heart aches for these children. I believe kids should have chores. But it needs to be age appropriate chores. Why can't this lazy, no good, has been allow these children to be children? Does she not realize that her time with them is short? They will be grown and then who is going to do all of her lazy arse chores! This woman is not a mother. She is a Monster. US magazine had it right.
Tucker’s Mom, I’m so sorry about your loss. I lost my beautiful bichon baby girl last year and I miss her terribly but the memories of how happy she made me softens the pain in my heart. What I completely missed was that my other dog would grieve her passing as well. It was a learning experience for me. I’m glad you have two other dogs to be there for you and each other.
I hate that the kids have now gone from being TFW’s personal ATM’s to a cleaning service. I just received my copy of Tom North’s book True North, the shocking truth about “Yours, Mine and Ours”. It was only a movie instead of reality tv but what happens behind the scenes usually comes out at some point and it’s rarely a picture of happy, happy, fun, fun that TFW stresses so much.
Admin, Long time reader, first time posting. Reading the excerpts from the article here and getting upset. A 52 point (laminated) check list where the CHILD is judged not only on completing the assigned task, but also her attitude/response to the "sole power holder" in the home. I am willing to bet that category of judgement includes looking her in the eye, no frown, no "herrumpphh," no discussion. Oh this makes my stomach hurt. Such a dominant / submissive relationship. I am an adult and still grumble about unpleasant chores. I do them but I live in an environment where I am free to express my opinion. She is teaching children to bury their emotions and that the individual with the power is the only one allowed to express an opinion. To me that is being a bully in a passive aggressive but oh so controlling manner. Thanks for providing a place to vent our feelings!
Layla, don't sweat it. I live in Costco's corporate home state and every store I have visited here has magazines too. Our main store has a migrating magazine rack. Sounds like our store is set up a bit different, but the rack migrates to either the front of the long aisle you travel to get to the back of the store (where all the perishables are) or the end of the other aisle, where you might see it while waiting for a checkstand. It is also sometimes next to popular seasonal things at the beginning of the season. Maybe people were surprised to hear they have magazines. I was surprised to hear some don't have them. What I wish we had is hot coffee! Some stores offer lattes and mochas, but ours only has the frozen ones. Sigh. Tucker's Mom, so sorry about your loss. We lost a bichon about 4 years ago, who had health problems his entire life, and even though he didn't live a long life, it was devastating. So sorry!
Tucker's Mom, so sorry about your loss. We lost a bichon about 4 years ago, who had health problems his entire life, and even though he didn't live a long life, it was devastating. So sorry! ******* Our bichon lived with Cushings for 11 years, which is pretty unusual. Thank you all for your kind words. Critter lovers understand the love and attachment you have to your fur baby.
Well, it serves those kids right to be condemned to a life of hard labor, without parole (until age 18). If they don't like it, they should just go get another reality show for themselves. Why should TFMJG have to work? Hasn't she done enough? Doesn't she deserve the life she was meant to have? Don't those kids owe her? If the kids would just get another reality show, they could just return to their lives of just wandering in and out of the camera frame. That is just so much better, not to mention, more convenient for TFW, than having to go to all of that trouble to work at a job. And, really, if you think about it, don't the kids owe this to their fanz?
Honestly, her sheeple really think this. Why can't they understand the incredible impact that living life in a fishbowl, put on display by their fame-whore of a mother, has on every aspect of their lives? It is truly mental illness at work--there just isn't any other explanation. How can anyone fail to see that TFW is not now, or ever been, the main attraction? She is the sideshow--nothing more.
The TFW is home most days, so what will she be doing when her children are attending school? Having a 52 point chore chart for these children is ridiculous. Is TFW incapable of cleaning bathrooms, floors and dusting? Her kitchen appears to be kept spotless. A once a week service can breeze in and out for additional cleaning. Her children don't seem to get a break. Paying her kids a few dollars instead of hiring a cleaning service once or twice a month is beyond cheap and pathetic, considering the children's schedule during school. She's already admitted to having help, so this is just another attempt at sympathy.
As others have said, I think she's lazy with cleaning in general (her room is always a mess, and she has that open bottle of wine ready for companionship that is sitting in her room or on her kitchen counter).
And the Talk, the View, or any other talk show will not give her a full time hosting position. She has nothing to add, is uptight and has no views outside of her own bubble. TFW will have to find a hosting job on another planet.
I can also understand why Kendra cried for these children.
Melinda Martinez @Melli_mel80 10m @Kateplusmy8 recently I have become unemployed and income is limited.. Any tips for savings.
Take a course in Griting 101.
If you have a pool, swim in it rather than going to the community pool; if you don''t have a pool, consider putting one in. Three cars save money on gas; choose the one that is the most economical depending where you are driving.
I'll never forget that screwed up blog she wrote on saving money. If ever there was a time for head-banging!
Just finished reading my People magazine and am as usual baffled by TFMJK's thinking. Kids learn what they live. We all saw the endless complaining by TFMJK about anything and everything. However if the kids dare live the example she has shown them, they are penalized. Uh, okay? Guess she lives by the motto "do as I say not as I do".
As a mother of two teenage boys, I concur with the earlier comment about the groceries. I only have sisters, so the amout of food boys consume in the teenage years is shocking to me! I swear they are eating constantly. I hope at their ages the Gosselin kids have open kitchen access and TFMJK isn't just feeding them the amounts she sees fit.
I can see how Jon is spending $450 on two days of food when they are with him on weekends. They are probably power eating to get them through to their next visit to dad's.
[excerpt] (OT, we lost our senior (16 yr old) bichon last week. His kidney failure just took a turn for the worse. We'd been giving him subQ fluids for several months, but his kidneys stop responding. Seriously-- worse than losing my parents. Thank goodness we have 2 dogs to help ease the pain.)
I'm so, so sorry for your loss, Tucker's Mom. Our fur babies mean so very much to all of us. It's horrible when they get sick, or pass on.
Give your family (furry & human) extra hugs, and relish each and every day that you are all together.
A 52 point laminated chore chart. I am certain I would grow to hate the very sight of my mother's hand writing. Complete and utter control, no compromise. Her rules. Absolute power. Add this to a demanding school curriculum. Sounds emotionally draining. That picture of the child, hand over mouth, but shade of tiger takes on an eerie meaning to me now. Oh I wish she could lighten up. I imagine her childhood was lacking in affection and attention. Of course I do not know. But I think any parent can see this need for absolute control is not normal, and certainly not nurturing. I feel sorry for the children and in some very small part of me, I feel sorry for a once little Katie Irene. (I know I can't believe it myself) But don't we often do as we were taught? Isn't parenting often similar from generation to generation? Not with every sibling, but with some. I think its time for family intervention.
Tweet-le at 29 quoted the article as saying that Shoka gets fed three times a day. He must be the size of a small elephant by now.
Stupid woman! (TFW, Not Tweet-le!)German Shepherd dogs need to be kept slightly underweight or at an exactly appropriate weight, as determined by the vet, as they are prone to hip dysplasia which can be very painful if they are overweight. My guess is that this is a lie, as it would cost a lot to feed a dog Shoka's size. I bet Kate lets him get by on half a meal and roadkill.
And the Talk, the View, or any other talk show will not give her a full time hosting position. She has nothing to add, is uptight and has no views outside of her own bubble. TFW will have to find a hosting job on another planet. ***** Agree, and The Talk films in CA, so wth? Is TFW going to fly coast to coast to mother her kids from afar? Or, does she think she's going to move the kids to CA, 3000 miles away from Jon? Why even mention or dote on such a silly notion.
Apparently one can just call QVC and make an appointmtent to sell things? Who knew. Its right here in West Chester, what is she waiting for?
Sure. You just clean out your basement and attic, haul everything to QVC, sit back while the hosts hawk your stuff, and rake in the profits. It's that easy. Who suggested QVC? Let me guess -- one of the six die-hard sheeple.
TFW believes her job is to "piece and patch" her shattered shot at fame and put it all back together again. Can you imagine being any one of her kids knowing your value, your worth, is attached to a mother who will not rest until she gets you back on television again. TFW will not work at an ordinary job simply because it would be a distraction from her only goal in life, getting back on the small screen.
She has let every relationship fall away in pursuit of stardom believing they were all nay-sayers who tried to get in her way. To trash her husband AGAIN (in print) where her children are featured just adds to how despicable she is as a person, and a parent. She simply could have requested that she not be asked questions about Jon so to PROTECT her children.
Ironically, this People magazine spread has provided the final nail in her coffin. She can take her make-up off to prove how her priorities have changed, but it's just another lie, another approach to softening her image. But, you cannot wash off a mean-spirit, a phoney smile, or put a sparkle in dead eyes; it just cannot be done.
It's worse than just not having a view or being apathetic. I don't think she even knows what's going on around us to know there might be something worth having a view on. That kind of personality will never, ever work in any kind of interview job. Katie Couric once explained how curious she is about the world and other people. That's what makes a successful host.
I agree that children need to perform chores but that chore list is absolutely ridiculous! It is not the CHILDREN'S job to maintain such a HUGE home (or is it?). I wonder exactly what chores does Kate DO while the children are in school 8+ hours a day, 5 days a week. In all seriousness, Kate should look into downsizing if the home is that much work. The People article also exposed Kate as a liar of sorts. "Piecing and patching" an income? Really, Kate? If you are having financial difficulties you do not live in a million dollar home, own/maintain THREE cars (the LATEST being an AUDI),send EIGHT children to private school, eat only ORGANIC food, tan, get your hair done in New York City, get your nails done etc. Also, I believe Kate took TWO mini-trips (vacations?) to the Kentucky Derby and to visit her friend Jaime. I really, really doubt Kate is having ANY financial difficulties whatsoever. Oh and I forgot Kate also generously allowed Jon to DISCONTINUE paying his child support!
LOLOLOLOL At Kate, the woman should really shut up. She makes an ass of herself. Her, latest tweet> About the People article> REAL pic of family, written with honesty & accuracy as always? WHAT! That article had lots of inaccuracies, Kate has been divorce 4 almost 4 years, Jon does not go to the kids house for dinner, he is not even allowed on the property, Kate was not natural, she had on make-up, Kate is not struggling, she has not downsized anything, does not work and put down Nurses and a real photo would not have had all in designer white clothes in a green grass field with 3 large inflatable balls, that is not a REAL family pic.
Thank you People magazine for paying me splash my children on your front cover! No makeup? Yeah, right. She's got plenty on in the cover shot. Haven't seen or read the rest.
I have no problem with kids doing a few chores but school work always took priority. What is so chilling with Kate is that she carries things to extremes with her demanding lists. Remember all those post it notes all over the old house for Jon and the helpers? You better follow her rules or else!
And she is proud of such a detailed chore chart for those kids! You guys are right. What the heck does she do all day while the kids are in school?
I knew once she lost control of her man servant, Jon, those kids were going to be literally enslaved to her commands. It will be interesting when they are older, bigger, and teens with independence on their minds. Eight against one are not good odds. Bribery, shouting nor the spanker is going to work any longer. Remember what the Menendez brothers did to dear ol' mom and dad. Dysfunction can be deadly.
@adrienneevers: @Kateplusmy8 Pre-ordered 8 copies of ""Love is in the Mix" for my mom friends as gifts they will just love it thank you Kate! xx ======== This was posted 3 hours ago. Novelrank has TFW's book as selling 61 for the mont of August so far and it was updated in the last hour. I guess the article has done some good because she's sold 10 more books than last month. Why don't I believe all these folks that say they've bought a copy (or 8)? I guess twitterbots can be set to say " I just bought my copy, did you?" but they can't be made to actually buy a copy. I just want whomever interviews her on Today to ask how many copies she's sold to date.
How ironic she tweets a thank you to People magazine for an article she set up and collaborated with Katie Coyne as being "truthful". She and People magazine must think the public are dopes.
In all the stores I was in today that had magazines, People was in full in the rack. Customers were not looking at People either, and at a few of the stores, someone was turning and hiding People. A woman in back of me at Walmart, looked at the mags by the register, shook her head, said> exploiting again! I said back to her >Yeah, still crying poor, struggling, she still lives in a mansion, kids in expensive private school, just bought a 3rd new expensive car, and has the nerve to cry struggling, we should be so lucky. She agree with me.
Speaking of TFW being oblivious to the world around her and not caring at all about US or world news, she tweeted something a few weeks ago that illustrated this perfectly. Forgive me if it was already posted here and I missed it.
We all know what's occurring in Egypt now and although it has escalated greatly this past week, it's been going on for quite a while. While it's been all over the TV news and newspapers, and online, a timeline of the violence and bloodshed can be found here:
At the time of TFW's tweet, there were stories all over the news about the horrors occurring in Egypt, as well as travel advisories to Americans:
Cerys @h4rrypotter 24 Jul Kateplusmy8 in my hotel in egypt there's a women who is the double of u. no kids present lol, is it you?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 24 Jul @h4rrypotter in Egypt???? Oh I SO wish! The pyramids are on my bucket list! What are you doing there? Vacationing? So....how do I look?Lol! 12:34 PM - 24 Jul 13 · Details
I bet at the time of that tweet that TFW had NO CLUE what was occurring in Egypt. She simply saw a tweet about Egypt and thought, "Oh, Yay! Pyramids! Sign me up!"
TFW, if you really do wish to go to Egypt, start packing your bags because I will gladly send you a first class ticket!
Tucker's Mom, so sorry about your pet. I had to put five beloved pets down in a five year span and my children don't understand why it's been two years since the last one was put down and I'm still not ready to adopt another pet at this time. And I've also weathered the loss of both my parents who were relatively young with sudden illnesses. For those who love and cherish their pets, the loss is like losing another member of your family.
She's likely to get hurt or killed if she goes to Egypt. In fact I'm pretty sure it's a no travel zone for Americans at the moment. Whatever, TFW. She's absolutely clueless. Clueless.
Meanwhile, those of us who worked our butts off for ages to afford to go to Egypt once, are worried sick about the safety of all the lovely people we met there that took such good care of us.
I've been concerned for a long time about how the children are processing Kate's incessant talking about filming.
I have a feeling a child this age would wonder, why aren't I good enough just the way I am? Why must I be filming for mommy to be really happy? I wish mommy would love me as much as she did when we were filming. Poor kids.
url said... 89 Tucker's Mom, so sorry about your pet. I had to put five beloved pets down in a five year span and my children don't understand why it's been two years since the last one was put down and I'm still not ready to adopt another pet at this time. And I've also weathered the loss of both my parents who were relatively young with sudden illnesses. For those who love and cherish their pets, the loss is like losing another member of your family. *** Oh, how painful. You'll know when it's time to let your heart be open to your next pet. They'll find you when it's right.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 91 She's likely to get hurt or killed if she goes to Egypt. In fact I'm pretty sure it's a no travel zone for Americans at the moment. Whatever, TFW. She's absolutely clueless. Clueless. **** She's clueless and so used to traveling with a crew and body guards that she couldn't find her way out of a paper bag, let alone travel internationally. DH saw the pyramids in Egypt-- said Alexandria is a hole.
I can't picture her liking Egypt. Of course she's never bothered to research or ask someone who has been there what it's really like.
It is ROUGH there. She is blond and walks around like a two bit hooker, she would be getting cat calls and other noises constantly. We had two bodyguards with machine guns and still got that kind of thing. Our van got into a fender bender, which was resolved through a very nasty and frightening verbal argument instead of insurance companies. There is garbage everywhere, sweat shops and factories and incredible poverty.
There are no women in Egypt. Not that I ever saw. She just has no idea. None.
On top of this all, our entire group got salmonella poisoning, even though we ate at 5 star restaurants the whole time. It's just everywhere. You have to get interviewed by the health department when you get home and disinfect every time the toilet for a month so no one else gets it. And if you're a child, you can die from such a thing.
You know what? Go there, TFW. Maybe it will open your eyes to your privileged life and you'll stop whining once and for all. College funds? Those poor people are mostly worried about staying alive first.
Yeah, Kate's got no idea how the rest of the world lives, despite her extensive travel. "Oh, it's on my bucket list!". She's a child, or at least, acts like one. I remember finding the Nat'l Enquirer's story about Kate in Alaska hard to believe, until I saw it myself on Sarah Palin's show. How would TFW deal with the bathrooms there? If she couldn't handle peeing in a bucket, I love to be the one to tell her that the "facilities" in such countries can be as primitive as a hole that you straddle. Germaphobe my arse.
Two, when TFMJG (the former Mrs Jon Gosselin) was on dancing with the stars, her treatment of a very popular professional who has his own loyal fan base was noticed and remembered. Her distain of everyone was noticed. Viewers who had seen her horrible treatment of her husband realized it was not just him, she was awful to everyone. ****************************************
Indeed- skyscraper guy, Emeril, solar panel guys, whitewater rafting guy, Aunt Jodi & Kevin, Shoka/Nala, EM Tanner, school bus driver, old neighbours, HER HUSBAND, HER CHILDREN....anyone want to add to the list
Just went to my local Costco. People mag on top rack of the magazine kiosk which is maybe six feet high. No covers turned around, but the pile in the rack looked untouched, compared to other magazines. Also the all white clothing made it appear washed out compared to magazines with colorful covers. There were several publications with Halloween recipes out today, very eye catching. Gardening magazines with flowers. Lovely photo of Jennifer Lawrence on cover of one of those womens mags. Special edition of some magazine with Duchess of Cambridge and the royal baby. Even the appliance guide had a more engaging cover photo. The bad Photoshop is not going to increase sales at all.
OT: On August 8, music lost a pioneer with the death of Cowboy Jack Clement, who died at age 82 in Nashville. He was a musician, songwriter, music producer, engineer among other things, and he helped nurture the careers of Jerry lee Lewis, Johnny cash, Kris Kristofferson, and John Prine and many more rockabilly, country, and americana artists. One quote from Cowboy Jack that may apply to TFMJG. ” There's a difference in being a fake and a phony. I may be a fake but ain't no phony. Fakery is alright - that's showbiz.” That's it. In everything she does, down to her bones, TFMJG is not just a fake, she is a phony.
Loves to Read said... 90 Speaking of TFW being oblivious to the world around her and not caring at all about US or world news, she tweeted something a few weeks ago that illustrated this perfectly. Forgive me if it was already posted here and I missed it.
We all know what's occurring in Egypt now and although it has escalated greatly this past week, it's been going on for quite a while. While it's been all over the TV news and newspapers, and online, a timeline of the violence and bloodshed can be found here:
At the time of TFW's tweet, there were stories all over the news about the horrors occurring in Egypt, as well as travel advisories to Americans:
Cerys @h4rrypotter 24 Jul Kateplusmy8 in my hotel in egypt there's a women who is the double of u. no kids present lol, is it you?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 24 Jul @h4rrypotter in Egypt???? Oh I SO wish! The pyramids are on my bucket list! What are you doing there? Vacationing? So....how do I look?Lol! 12:34 PM - 24 Jul 13 · Details
I bet at the time of that tweet that TFW had NO CLUE what was occurring in Egypt. She simply saw a tweet about Egypt and thought, "Oh, Yay! Pyramids! Sign me up!"
TFW, if you really do wish to go to Egypt, start packing your bags because I will gladly send you a first class ticket!
Dear Lord. Doesn't she ever watch the news, or read a newspaper, etc...?
Egypt is in dire straits, and all that bubble headed boobie can come up with is that the pyramids are on her entitled bucket list?
About a month ago I came up with an idea to keep our house reasonably clean. I bought one of those photo albums that stands and you flip the pages back. Then I printed out a to-do list for Monday through Friday and put one day on each page. We just flip through as the week goes on. I hate spending my free time on the weekends cleaning, so the idea is to get everything done during the week, just a little each day. My family actually looks at it from time to time! Or, I can just ask the kids to please pick a job & get it done. No biggie! The other night it was around 9 pm & the main job for the day was sweeping & mopping the laundry room/kitchen/bathrooms. I was going to put it off for the next day, but my hubby said, "Let's get it done together." So I swept & he followed with the mop. It took 15 minutes. Awesome! My kids are learning how to keep up with the house, and there are no threats, punishments, or tears. I offer some money for more random jobs like wiping our white baseboards. We don't live in a McMansion and I'm so glad because I really like a clean, tidy home. I wouldn't want to be a slave to an enormous home. No thank you!
Mrs. Malaprop said... 104 ***** I love that idea. Beats a laminated 52-point chore list. Ugh, I'm a grown adult and can't imagine THAT being imposed on me. I like my house clean, but not 52 chore's worth clean.
There used to be a chain restaurant, can't remember the name, where for one price you got a meal and a salad bar which included all you can eat peel n eat shrimp. They are on the smaller side, not like stuffing shrimp, which makes them cheaper. Maybe they have a kids special, like 9.99 per child. At least Jon takes them out in public. With Kate they have no chance to be normal, with the pre plated food, served on prison plates. If they ever go to a friends house, they won't know what to do with a bowl of mashed potatoes or a salad, a platter of meat that is based around. I haven't read the article, but she is clueless. At the twins age, going back to school this year, their focus should be on their school work, not keeping her majesty's home spotless. The kids are going to need years of therapy, imaging how stressed and full of anxiety they are in that home. There is no fun, no relaxing or just being kids. It's all work, don't make a mess, clean up this, clean up that. They probably get 5 minutes to eat, because Kate can't stand to look at dirty plates on the table and must be rushed into one of the two dishwashers, if by chance dinner isn't on a paper plate. This just brings forth the question, what the hell does Kate do all day? Are there scans anywhere of the article/pictures? What was her act/photo op a few months ago of "her" cleaning the frig? Just that, a photo op.
Yep, it's the obsessed fans that Kate needs to worry about, not the "haterz". Kate has this level of crazy, consumed fans and she's playing with fire engaging them.
There was a new What Not to Wear last night. (I still like it even if it's on TLC.) The woman was Lizz the mom of the 3 kids on Everybody Loves Raymond. She went through an awful divorce, remarried, and has a total of 9 kids. That's 9 kids. One pretty recently. She dressed awfully wearing a lot of maternity clothes or really short shorts. They asked her about the money her kids made working on the tv show. They asked couldn't she use some of that money to dress better? She said firmly no that's their money. She advises the kids on how to use their money but never uses it on herself or the family. She seemed like a good mom. She looked really pretty in her new clothes.
Do people buy gossip mags anymore? You can read just about anything on the internet and it's brand new "news". I used to skim Star and Enquirer while waiting in check out lines, but wouldn't waste the money on them. I get a few months magazine, Food NetWork, Journal, Good Housekeeping. I used to get more, but don't have time to read them all and they tend to pile up. I used to get Oprah, but it was like, I can't afford anything advertised in here, so why bother.
I used to get Oprah, but it was like, I can't afford anything advertised in here, so why bother. ***** I just read the rags at the dentist office and nail salon. Wouldn't buy that bathroom reading myself.
Decribing Kate's ascent into stardom- Along the way came word that Kate was, to use one euphemism- demanding. "There was no pleasing her sometimes, says a source close to (K+8) production. It became impossible." The production source went on to say that the network became tired of Kate's diva-like antics and, given the show's dwindling ratings, pulled the plug. "I made so many mistakes, of course" Kate says-but regrets very little.
"No longer employing care givers or housekeepers (or bodyguards: erstwhile security sidekick Steven Neild is not in her employ)"
On Jon's two rules for the kids, which are: treat each other with respect and clean up after yourself- Kate's reply is "the way he lives versus the way I live is the reason we are divorced, let's just leave it at that."
Ask the younger Gosselin kids if they miss being on TV, their answer is a uniform, emphatic yes. "I'm glad someone is asking the kids themselves" Kate says, "because whenever I say they miss the show, everyone thinks I'm putting words in their mouths."
Kate on how she's getting by in her mansion on 25 acres, driving 3 luxury foreign vehicles and paying her 100K private school tuition bill every year. "I'm in a place of unrest, figuring out what to do." The answer, so far, has taken many forms. In addition to running her own website and releasing a cookbook, she is also set to launch couponsbykate.com, a site offering coupon codes to shoppers. "Being home for these two years, I've loved every minute of it. But it also meant no steady paycheck, and I've hated every minute of that."
She does appear to live in an alternate universe. This is a quote from the article: "people are dying for me to fail. They can keep waiting". Um what about Twist of Kate or cruise or Coupon Cabin etc. Those were successes?
Every place on earth is on Kate's bucket list, LOL.
I wish Jon had not given a response to Kate Coyne but one thing he said that was interesting, and that was (and he could have just been talking about the tups since Cara and Mady don't visit as often) how much they ate at a restaurant (4 lbs. of peel and eat shrimp). If that was Kate serving their meal, each child would get 2 shrimp. I bet the kids are so excited to visit dad and EAT their fill.
Ex Nurse said... 67 Well, it serves those kids right to be condemned to a life of hard labor, without parole (until age 18). If they don't like it, they should just go get another reality show for themselves. Why should TFMJG have to work? Hasn't she done enough? Doesn't she deserve the life she was meant to have? Don't those kids owe her? If the kids would just get another reality show, they could just return to their lives of just wandering in and out of the camera frame. That is just so much better, not to mention, more convenient for TFW, than having to go to all of that trouble to work at a job. And, really, if you think about it, don't the kids owe this to their fanz?
Honestly, her sheeple really think this. .... ----------------------- I just had to repost this from "Ex Nurse" because it is so true that the sheeple think this. And sadly their own so-called mother - the TFW - does everything in her power to make sure the world and her own children know it too.
I don't know. Reading more about the People article here: http://omg.yahoo.com/blogs/celeb-news/gosselin-kids-grown-kate-jon-still-t-seem-173406410.html
and I'm sorely disappointed that Jon seems to think that this whole working a regular job thing is some sort of temporary fix until his next big break on tv comes. He's support Kate on tv again, too, but didn't mention the kids. Whatever happened to pushing Kate to get a regular job and downsize because the kids don't need all that? Kate being on TV only means that there will be more sitters and nannies. It's sickening that Kate will never even consider going back to nursing. There's always and excuse. She'd have to roll up her sleeves and do the hard work. Might not even be permitted to wear those French tipped nails. The horror!
Kateplusmy8 in my hotel in egypt there's a women who is the double of u. no kids present lol, is it you?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 24 Jul @h4rrypotter in Egypt???? Oh I SO wish! The pyramids are on my bucket list! What are you doing there? Vacationing? So....how do I look?Lol!
I've never liked the term "dumb blond" but it certainly applies here. Oh, Sue Buddy?!
Michelle said... 71 ''I can see how Jon is spending $450 on two days of food when they are with him on weekends. They are probably power eating to get them through to their next visit to dad' ~~~~~~~ Michelle, I had the same thought about Jon's comments and the cost of food when he has the kids. Jon allows the children to eat till they are full, and is surprised at how much they eat when they aren't under the thumb of TFW, controlling every bite they put into their mouths!
As for Jon's comment about the children eating four pounds of shrimp, I noticed that some were dividing the four pounds by eight...but I think it is much more likely that he only had four children with him. Also, I didn't read his comments as complaining about the cost (or amount) of the food...instead, it seemed to me that he was saying it all with a smile. (As in...these kids are growing up!! )
I remember when my children were growing up, and how the grocery costs jumped when they went from sharing one piece of meat to each having their own. The same thing with vegetables...there is a stage when they seem to suddenly need double the food that they required before!
THAT is what I think Jon's conversation about shrimp was all about.
I used to get Oprah, but it was like, I can't afford anything advertised in here, so why bother. **** I used to get Oprah magazine years ago and just felt it so out of touch. Her lists always included things that were extravagantly pricey. Poor Poprah was also whining about being a victim of racism. She was shopping in somewhere Scandinavian where she's evidently not well known, and the sales associate discouraged her from looking at a very $$ bag intended for Tina Turner. What is UP with these filthy rich types lavishing gifts on their friends when they visit? Uh, a little hostess or house warming gift for me would be like flowers or baked goods, not a Hermes bag!
Layla said... 51 .....Some people are just so sick of her crying poor, while refusing to work. If you're truly poor, and you are able to work, then you work. Simple enough. But she refuses. She'd rather grift. That massive sense of entitlement is pretty off-putting. She seems to think that actual work is beneath her, and that is an insult to those of us who work for a living. Of course, she considers all of us mediocre (which means that she, by her logic, is superior), and feels no guilt in taking what others work for. It's like a little monarchy. The mediocre serfs should work to support their queen. Fortunately, that's not working out too well for her lately. The Daily Mail article has a quote where she said that people think she will do anything for fame, but she's not that girl--she will not work with Jon. Isn't it telling that the one thing she will not do is something that would make HER unhappy. Yet things that humiliate her kids--nudity, going to the bathroom, bathing, throwing up--are just fine with her. I guess because it's them, and not her. Fans say the non-fans are jealous of her. I don't think it's jealousy as much as the feeling that she does not deserve what she has, She hasn't worked and paid her dues. She sold her kids and their privacy, for what? Another car? A bigger house? Is it worth it when your daughters are followed into public bathrooms? To the rest of us, the answer is no. To her, it is a resounding yes. ---------------------------- Loved this post so much because it was just what I would post.
And to add...I think all her whining in People is also a BIG push to GRIFT big time from not only her fans but to readers,companies, and advertisers. Poor poor Kate with 8 kids can't work a job and all the "freebies" she lived off of for years are slowly drying up. Boo Hoo. Why should she spend her millions on her kids ... come on world, where are all the freebies?
That was me, I bought all the soap mags, People & US, EVERY week. Now it's all old info by the time the mag comes out so I stopped buying them a few years ago. All of my gossip (lol) comes from the 'net.
Just Down The Road said... 77 Apparently one can just call QVC and make an appointmtent to sell things? Who knew. Its right here in West Chester, what is she waiting for?
Sure. You just clean out your basement and attic, haul everything to QVC, sit back while the hosts hawk your stuff, and rake in the profits. It's that easy. Who suggested QVC? Let me guess -- one of the six die-hard sheeple.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 18h @EmeraldCityJazz She does have 8 kids! Plenty ideas 4 kids. I'm sure @Kateplusmy8 can think of something to sell on QVC for women &children
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 7h @Kateplusmy8 @peoplemag I am ready to see you on QVC Kate. I know you will be a big hit with children's clothing & accessories.
Who can say they've got 8 college funds, let alone 1, when their kids are 9? Someone call a whaaaaambuance. ******** Exactly. If putting her children through college was such a high priority for TFW, then she should have stopped with two healthy lovely twin daughters and had no more children. Much easier to put two through college than eight. But if you must persist in trying for more children, don't whine about not having the money for every single one to attend college.
Plan your family size according to a realistic budget. Some people suggested I might want more children. Yes, I would have liked maybe up to three children -- but then I realized that I could really only afford one. So I didn't have another child. My life is still full and happy, and I am going to be able to put my child through college. Would not be able to say the same if I had more than one though.
I've spoken before about coming from a large family. My dad made a fairly good income, but he could not afford to pay 100% of our college costs. We were expected to have summer jobs to help with those expenses. I waited until I was 20 before I started college, and then I paid for everything except for the dorm cost the first year. I worked full time during the summers and part time during the college year. (It costs sooooooooooooo much more for college these days, that your average 18-year old probably couldn't do what I did, but they could still contribute as much as they could earn toward the annual expense.)
I also just looked for the article about Kate and the kids on People's cover at Huffington Post - and couldn't find it. It had 95% negative comments. Most people were telling Kate to "get a job" and "stop whining." Most were unhappy with People editors for choosing to feature Kate on their cover.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 9m @Kateplusmy8 Re: Fan that followed M&C in2 bthrm...I think Kate has taught her kids 2never go alone...how 2handle curious, excited fans! :) ________
Kate taught her tween daughter how to handle grow strangers in a public bathroom?
I get scared if I think a stranger is following me. I bet the poor twins were scared as well.
Question where in the hell was mom when a stranger was stalking her teen daughters?
I can see why many people hate/dislike TFW she is so fake and full of herself.
Ex Nurse said... 107 Tucker's Mom--so sorry to hear about the loss of your pup. Our pets are so important to us, and here for such a short time. August 17, 2013 at 5:00 PM ***** Thank you ;-( I had and still have this overwhelming urge to relive those 16 years with him. Every feeding, every walk, every accident in the house! I was sure to hug and kiss him every day. "So many kisses", I'd say to him.
@Kateplusmy8 Re: Fan that followed M&C in2 bthrm...I think Kate has taught her kids 2never go alone...how 2handle curious, excited fans! :)
Excited fans? How to "handle" them? God help us. It's the excited fans that are dangerous. No kids know what to do if cornered in a bathroom, or followed around by obsessed fans who want to gush over them...I don't care how much kids are taught. It only takes one minute for someone like this to grab a child and run with that child...in a blink of an eye that child can disappear.
In this Kate love-fest relationship, Milo is so far into it that she can't see or think straight.
I don't care how curious or excited a fan is, they have no right to pursue a 12 year old and definitely not into the bathroom. It's disgusting and inappropriate.
How coincidental, the article you referenced about Maci Bookout from Teen Mom talking about the 'possibility' of having a spin-off show, when she has one airing this Sunday, Aug 18 on MTV. It's a 1 hour special called "Being Maci". What more is there to know about her life? LOL I think they're probably going to use this special to guage whether or not there's enough interest in a full series on her. I personally can't imagine she's interesting enough to carry a show, but who knows.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 7h @Kateplusmy8 @peoplemag I am ready to see you on QVC Kate. I know you will be a big hit with children's clothing & accessories.
Is McGoody aware that Kate had a children's clothing line and it flopped? Is she supposed to do it again and hope that the second time around is a charm?
@Kateplusmy8 Re: Fan that followed M&C in2 bthrm...I think Kate has taught her kids 2never go alone...how 2handle curious, excited fans! :)
I seems that this lesson was a fail. One of the 1st things you'd teach them is that they NOT go into the restroom or any other secluded/private place with someone following them. First rule of child safety is you head to the safety of someone in charge, ie: find an employee or family/group, not where you're alone with them!
@Kateplusmy8 As a responsible mother Kate has preached safety & proper boundaries 2her kids...they R well traveled & used 2crowds looking!
Yes, sir! Come one, come all. For one thin dime, one tenths of a dollar, watch Kate and her kids romp on the midway. See them play, shake their hands, take their pictures, and for another dime, have your picture taken with them. The well-traveled Gosselins love this, thrive on this, make their day and gawk all you want...all for one thin dime!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 112 I don't care how curious or excited a fan is, they have no right to pursue a 12 year old and definitely not into the bathroom. It's disgusting and inappropriate. **** Creeeeeepy. Exactly how does one teach a 12-year old to deal with inappropriate fans? Pepper spray and a whistle? Old Stevie has moved on, so there's that.
He's support Kate on tv again, too, but didn't mention the kids. Whatever happened to pushing Kate to get a regular job and downsize because the kids don't need all that?
I think Jon has made it pretty clear in the past T.V. is no "career." He did a whole interview attacking Kate for trying to make a career on T.V.
I wonder at this point if it's probably just not worth antagonizing her. Yea yea yea sure Kate go back on T.V. That's what his strategy was on the cruise he told me. He knew Kate was never going to get the amount of people she needed to make it a go, so why drag her to court and upset her prematurely? He just let it ride and sure enough it all folded just as he knew it would.
Along the way came word that Kate was, to use one euphemism- demanding. "There was no pleasing her sometimes, says a source close to (K+8) production. It became impossible." The production source went on to say that the network became tired of Kate's diva-like antics and, given the show's dwindling ratings, pulled the plug.
Have her main sheep addressed this? After all, Kate is loved all over the world. Everyone who meets her loves her. They must have read this. I guess the person responsible for this quote was lying through his/her teeth because they were jealous.
He just let it ride and sure enough it all folded just as he knew it would. ******* You know, that makes a lot of sense. Just placate her knowing nothing is going to materialize. Well, we've also said good for Kate, just Kate, if she gets a TV gig. But really? I don't see it happening.
No I don't see that they learned much here. They should have immediately exited the bathroom and told that fan thank you but we're children and it's a rule we're not supposed to speak with people we do not know for our safety. We're private people just trying to do some shopping now and we're respectfully asking you to stop following us and talking to us.
If the fan refuses, they need to go straight to store security and if necessary, the police.
If the fan refuses, they need to go straight to store security and if necessary, the police. ****** One thing I'll definitely give Jon is that he realizes that the danger comes mainly from crazed fans, hence he packs heat.
I was wondering why the kids faces aren't blurred out like they always used to be.
Of course, I know this is not my blog and that Administrator runs it and can do what she wants. I was just wondering. Please don't be angry with me for asking. I do read here a lot but probably missed something explaining this.
I should have blurred them but the discussion was so frenzied about all the controversy in this article, from what Mady said to the creepy fans following them into the bathroom to the heartbreaking chore chart, it sort of fell by the wayside. I'm still catching up on comments. I will probably go back and blur them as soon as I get a chance. Seems a moot point though since it's in every supermarket aisle this week.
I love that idea. Beats a laminated 52-point chore list. Ugh, I'm a grown adult and can't imagine THAT being imposed on me. I like my house clean, but not 52 chore's worth clean.
Yes who doesn't like a clean house. To me life is all about cost benefit. Gosh would it be lovely to live in a house that's suitable to eat off the floors? Sure. But it wouldn't be worth all the money you would have to pay a full time housekeeper, or all the time you and your family would have to dedicate to it. If there comes a point a full time housekeeper is financially possible, then great. But I can't ever see justifying the amount of time you would need to devote to a 52 point checklist all the time. I do have a list myself, but it's about 20 things, and it's pulled out once a month and knocked out on a Saturday morning (well, in a perfect world hehe.) I suspect like most people, the house is not always perfect, but it's reasonably clean most times, a little messy sometimes, and a wreck once in awhile, and gets a deep cleaning every once a month or so, and I try not to sweat it otherwise.
When you're on your deathbed someday nobody says I wish the house was cleaner.
When you're on your deathbed someday nobody says I wish the house was cleaner.
Reminds me of Erma Bombeck's "If I had My Life To Live Over:"
If I had my life to live over, I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.
I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television - and more while watching life.
I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner."
There would have been more "I love you's".. More "I'm sorrys" ...
But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute... look at it and really see it ... live it...and never give it back.
This is the first I ever recall a TLC insider saying she was cancelled in part because she was a pain. Obviously we speculated but no one ever said it.
The last few episodes with the RV trip fit right in with the TLC insider saying she was difficult. It sure did look like they had had enough and weren't going to edit out any of the bad stuff this time. I guess I give Kate Coyne a little credit for throwing in some truths like Mady's statement and some stuff about TFW, although I think her motives were to show the brand new "changed" TFW by comparing and contrasting, and not to make her look bad. Coyne seems to be clueless that her information about the chores make Kate look psycho, not mother of the year as she seems to be implying with her ridiculous nanny-less comment. Blech.
Chef you're right it's TFW's responsibility to address this issue with the fan. Find out who it was if possible and warn her never to do it again or a restraining order will issue, and hire full time protection for the children when they go out. I cannot believe the gall of some people to approach 12 year old CHILDREN. There is testimony right now about strangers approaching celebrity's children and it's looking good for this bill to pass. In CA, this woman might find herself arrested for such a stunt come next year.
The irony is it's starting to look like these kids will need far more therapy to deal with TFW's terrible treatment of them than they ever will about being filmed and being child celebrities. Yet my focus has always weighed more in the direction of the filming that was the issue, and I sort of brushed TFW off as well lots of people have bad mothers. Irony is funny like that.
I love to be the one to tell her that the "facilities" in such countries can be as primitive as a hole that you straddle.
Yes. I once held it eight hours on the bus because the only option at a rest top was a row of holes. No curtains, nothing. Just a hole. At least there was a ladies room and men's room. I finally just went at the next one, but it was revolting. I think everyone who gets the chance should go to a third world country. I'd like to see her spent seven hours at the border as they question what you want with their country and why you're there. Seven hours. I would pity her crew.
I noticed she said hey what you up to there in Egypt, vacationing? Who can "vacation" there right now? Wouldn't your first question be oh gosh are you staying safe hope you're ok! I mean if you EVER, EVER turned on the news the past six months or ever looked at it online, ever.
Ask the younger Gosselin kids if they miss being on TV, their answer is a uniform, emphatic yes. "I'm glad someone is asking the kids themselves" Kate says, "because whenever I say they miss the show, everyone thinks I'm putting words in their mouths."
Yet, when interviewed only one out of the eight talked about being on T.V. The rest have normal interests.
It never occurs to Kate that maybe they say what she wants to hear because they love her and want to please her. How can the little kids even remember what filming was even about to know they want it back? Even Maura Wilson, who was their age when she filmed Mrs. Doubtfire, said she can only remember little bits and pieces of Mrs. Doubtfire. Otherwise, it's all a blur. The second filming comes back and they can't see their friends or do a school activity because it interferes, or have to sit around on an interview couch for hours or stand around in hot or cold weather, they'll be singing a different tune. Few children this age have the slightest interest in hanging out on a production set. It's rare a child who enjoys that.
Kids learn early to please their parents. And if you have a parent who is particularly controlling, stubborn or mentally ill, you learn to appease or you would never survive. There is no point in telling Kate they might not want to film, she would never listen anyway. Better to keep her happy.
They want to film again, yet in a private interview Mady admits all those trips would have made them brats. Which is it? I think in front of Kate they say sure yes we want to film. When they are out of her gaze, they are free to be more honest and say look it was fun while it lasted but let's get real, we woulda been pretty spoiled had such a lifestyle continued.
We were in a little bistro in Paris and I had to go to the bathroom. Imagine my surprise when I went in and found footprints facing one way for men and the other way for women to squat over the drain. In Paris! And I had to be quick when I flushed because the floor flooded to wash everything down! Did I mention that this was in Paris and not some 3rd world country?
Sleepless in Seattle - I remember reading Erma Bombeck's column as I was growing up. Sadly, these days, the media wants to feed us the Kardashians, and Kate Gosselin, instead of a real mom, and a real, truly nice lady like Erma Bombeck.
I can only imagine if someone like Erma came along now - she'd be laughed out the door, or else they'd want to do a makeover on her, and turn her into a plastic looking shell of herself.
**** Creeeeeepy. Exactly how does one teach a 12-year old to deal with inappropriate fans? ****** Well, when I felt my son was old enough to be left alone in the trading card section of our local Target while I went and did my own shopping in the same store, we had already had several discussions about what to do should a stranger approach him, or if he otherwise became uncomfortable in any situation. In a store, he knew that he should find a way to excuse himself and either come find me, or if that wasn't happening - look for a store clerk up at one of the registers and ask for assistance.
I think I was finally comfortable leaving him on his own for 10 minutes or so by the time he was 10. One day, a man did try to engage him in conversation. I was in the boy's department and looked up to find my son right there by my side. He told me what happened and that he just said, "my mom is waiting for me" and walked away from the man.
I see no reason why the twins couldn't already know how to deal with a stranger trying to speak to them. Tell them "we have to go," and either head straight for a parent, or up to the front of the store and seek help from a store clerk or manager. "This lady tried to follow us into the bathroom" ought to have been enough to have the manager at least speak to the strange lady.
All children should know some basic skills to get themselves out of a situation where they feel uncomfortable.
I haven't posted here for a long time, and I was never a big poster anyway, but I just wanted to say something that's been really bugging me about TFW.
I really really doubt that she has THAT much money, definitely not enough to be "retired" and not work. I'm quite positive that she is NOT just living off of the interest of her investments, she is most definitely dipping into the principal, probably quite a bit. I giver her 5 MAYBE 10 years before she truly is flat broke. She will be almost 50, AS IF she is going to start a new career then, when most people are starting to slow down and think about retiring, she will be forced to go out into the work force. The fact that her house isn't paid off tells me that she doesn't have nearly the amount of money that people think, definitely not enough to be sitting around for the last 2 years waiting by the phone for her next reality show to materialize. She is burning through her money now, when she's young and setting herself up to be broke and destitute once she hit's middle age. I just hope she's not counting on the kids to support her once they enter the work force, it's bad enough that they have supported her up until now.
I know this topic is nothing new around here... but it just astonishes me that she is just "hanging around" blowing through her money and waiting for her next big break. She is really setting herself up for a MAJOR dose of reality in a few years.
I'm just happy that at least the kids have Jon to be there for them when TFW's money run's out and her house of cards falls down around her.
Canadian Mom - I tend to agree with you. Some people have suggested that TFW either has invested wisely and is living on the interest on her investments. The problem I have is that TFW is not smart, but thinks she knows best. I can imagine a financial adviser trying to direct her toward various investments and TFW picking her own, merely to prove that she knows better than some stupid financial advisor.
Then, I look at her fairly lavish lifestyle. She scrimps on the kids, but she does go all out when she wants something, like a new sports car. The house alone has to cost quite a bit simply to maintain, pay the mortgage, the property taxes, and so forth. The tuition for the private school, for 8 children, cannot be cheap. Even if Jon somehow scrapes up half of that tuition (how? how?), TFW has to pay the other half. The school would be crazy to subsidize the tuition.
I think she did hide money from Jon in the divorce, and has the lion's share. But with no new money coming in, eventually what she has will run out. Interesting point about it running out when she's least able to jumpstart any type of career.
Ask the younger Gosselin kids if they miss being on TV, their answer is a uniform, emphatic yes. "I'm glad someone is asking the kids themselves" Kate says, "because whenever I say they miss the show, everyone thinks I'm putting words in their mouths." ********
I thought there was a recent interview where one of the kids said they missed the trips (not being on tv)?
Millicent said... 167 ********** It's a head scratcher. The inequity in financial distribution at the time of the divorce is mind boggling. How Kate could hide so much money and Jon not be able to find it? Or his lawyers find it? He's intimated that he *knows* that she has many accounts, yet he lives so meagerly, almost hand to mouth, it seems. Don't get it. Kate's pseudo admitting she was a diva to work with... well, duh. TLC made sure that the curtain was pulled back to reveal what those who worked with her had to deal with. The thing is, Kate gets back into the RTV game, or gets a hosting/reporting job and she's going right back to being the demanding, swag-hoarding woman she was before. Once the dough starts rolling in again, if it ever does, she'll change her tune. The humility will be long gone.
I haven't read the People article, just excerpts, but aside from Kate's inexplicably covert coupon site ( I have to laugh at the irony), was there ANYTHING new that hasn't been said 50x before?
All children should know some basic skills to get themselves out of a situation where they feel uncomfortable. ****** So true. Unfortunately, children need to be very aware of reality. Two things. Strangers KNOW the G kids by name and have a false sense of familiarity, taking liberties they would NEVER do with private children. It takes it to another level. Second, it's been touted over and over again how the G kids warm up to strangers and are very comfortable with unknown adults. A lifetime of grown up playmates has done this to them.
NJGal51 said... 163 We were in a little bistro in Paris and I had to go to the bathroom. Imagine my surprise when I went in and found footprints facing one way for men and the other way for women to squat over the drain. In Paris! ********* Something I noticed in Italy was the lack of toilet seats. Your butt went right onto the turlet. Ouch, and you almost fell in! Yes, restrooms in the U. S. are like the Taj Mahal of toilets.
I thought there was a recent interview where one of the kids said they missed the trips (not being on tv)? ****** They did say that, or was it J or K that paraphrased what the kids said. It didn't say they missed filming (you know, their Daddies), but yes, they miss travel. I get that. The kids had so much attention with the crew around and got to be a bit spoiled for the cameras, like the regimented rules were relaxed to show Relaxed Kate version 2.1. The kids know the vacations and getaways aren't happening without a film crew, or at least, rarely. Growing up, it would never occur to me to miss travel, because we rarely did. I enjoyed going to the Jersey shore, but looked forward to a week or two at camp more. Mostly, I enjoyed my freedom to run and play with my friends daily, something you really can't do when isolated on a compound.
Another tragedy involving an obsessed fan. According to an article on Us weekly- Daniel Green was obsessed with Selena Gomez. He took out his frustration out and killed his mother, sister, niece, and infant nephew. “This person is obviously significantly troubled, then that frustration and those problems may build up to the point that he felt like he had no other options,” Dr. Steven Sternlof told News9.
“I want her [to] be my eternal wife and the queen of my kingdom forever. Hey, I love her more than god, my momma, my dad, Jesus, myself and ya’ll,” said one. Talk about celebrity worship! His Facebook wall was covered with pictures of the singer, who he called “yummy.” Sound like anyone we know??
“Someone that may have an obsession, in this case with a celebrity, might have a compulsion to respond in a certain way, thinking that this celebrity is in love with them or they’re in love with the celebrity and they need to be close together, and they may need to stop others that are interfering in that relationship.”
I thought there was a recent interview where one of the kids said they missed the trips (not being on tv)? ****** They did say that, or was it J or K that paraphrased what the kids said. It didn't say they missed filming (you know, their Daddies), but yes, they miss travel.
Thanks Tucker's Mom.
Travel when I was growing up meant 3 hour car trips a few times a year to visit grandparents and maybe a family vacation every 3-5 years to visit DC or Chicago or rent a cabin on a lake, but that was it. I have fantastic memories of those trips. They weren't lavish or expensive but the memories we all have of time spent with loved ones are priceless.
I don't blame the G8 for missing the trips; if I were them I'd feel the same way! Except for the grifted trip to the beach last year, they've been basically cooped up on the Kompound since the show ended. It's a shame that the G8 won't have memories like you and I do.
I was just thinking about the pile of money many of us think TFW has socked away and why or how she seemed to end up with more than Jon.
We know a trust was set up for the kids which can be used for education, healthcare, and their basic needs if necessary. I wonder if she over-funded the fund (put the bulk of the "family earned money" in this account before the divorce settlement) and is using it to pay for their private school, housing, braces, BBB, etc, etc., and the only part that was split in the divorce was what she chose to 'share'.
I wonder if she could have finagled this during the divorce.
I think Jon at the time of the divorce had some guy for a lawyer who was more interested in being a hanger on for the 'fame', then getting things done right for Jon. Wasn't he the lawyer who wasn't even legal in PA, and they had to sub someone at the last moment? And he'd been disbarred someplace besides? A real cocky guy, who apparently didn't have a brain.
Canadianmom, I think you're probably right. She has enough for a while yet. But not the rest of her life.
Mealer, I found the 52 point list online from Merry maids, a professional cleaning service,not children ! Personally I just clean what needs to be done. Sometimes I will find something shocking like enormous dust bunnies somewhere...no big deal.Common sense really. Imagine kids coming home tired from along school day to a list of 52 chores plus penalties!If this is even true which I doubt as I'm sure she has help.
I think one of he reasons Jon is not financially well off is that TLC sued him and he settled which cost him big bucks I bet. He also had attorney fees for that lawsuit and the divorce. TLC paid for Kate's divorce for playing ball with them. I do believe she had accounts hidden from Jon but unless he hired a forensic accountant during the divorce, he cannot prove it and is just surmising what he believes. Jon also was not a good money manager and allowed Kate to control the money during their marriage from what I have read (remember his $5 a week lunch allowance before TLC?)
I agree that she is dipping into the principal she has socked away and the money pile has got to be dwindling as the kids age. She doesn't seem to cut corners on herself or the lifestyle and just hopes some high paying TV job will fall into her lap again. She knows it won't be by luck but with her usual plotting and manipulating but TV is wise to her now. And she is still paying for a manager, obviously, to get her mug on "People" and Today show.
Robert's book may not have gone mainstream, but he did do her damage, not even taking into consideration her own public behavior. Think about it....she is reduced to Twittering, blogging, and printing her own book like us mediocre people. The entertainment industry is a small world and reputation is everything. They only put up with divas who bring in the ratings. She cannot.
So true. Unfortunately, children need to be very aware of reality. Two things. Strangers KNOW the G kids by name and have a false sense of familiarity, taking liberties they would NEVER do with private children. It takes it to another level. Second, it's been touted over and over again how the G kids warm up to strangers and are very comfortable with unknown adults. A lifetime of grown up playmates has done this to them.
Indiscriminate affection. What's scary is that she has encouraged immediate and close relationships with other strangers, like their daddies the crew, and random fans like Emily. So how can a young child tell the difference between who it's okay to be BFF with and who it's not?
Any child could be hurt by a stranger if given the opportunity however these kids are more vulnerable because as you said people know them. They can use information about them to lure them in easier. For example, someone could say hi Mady and Cara I'm Emily's best friend she's told me all about you! Emily's actually in town, she's right over at my house. Let's swing by and surprise her she'll flip!
It would be that easy. And I'm not sure these kids are old enough and savvy enough to feel a situation like that out properly.
AW RT @texaschic1111: No joke @Kateplusmy8 at costco reading @peoplemag &3 strangers&I bonding on how much we miss seeing u&kids #madeourday @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Too funny that she retweets this after the Costco conversation here. Sheeple read here. I wonder if if ANY change their minds because I think we have excellent conversations here.
Too funny that she retweets this after the Costco conversation here. Sheeple read here. I wonder if if ANY change their minds because I think we have excellent conversations here.
They've popped up now and again to defend some of the ridiculousness of the article but it seems to me overall it's been rather quiet in sheeple land. The obligatory oh how excited I am to see you on the cover, then silence.
Someone recently tweeted that their mother had passed away unexpectedly after surgery and Milo can't help but stick her nose into the tweeter's personal business to satisfy her ghoulish curiosity?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 13h @xxxxxx Don't mean 2impose..U may not wish 2talk abt it...but very concerned? Did she have complications N surgery? What happened?
I thought that last night about the twitter account that tweeted about Costco so I went and looked at it. It has almost 2,000 tweets and doesn't appear to have tweeted about or to Kate before. Doesn't follow any sheeple. I think that must have just been a random tweet.
When I did some stockpiling shopping yesterday the People was in the rack where it was supposed to be, 3 or 4 issues left. No one was talking about it either good or bad, no one tried to turn it around or move it to a better spot. It was just....there.
I don't understand people who are just dying to know (no pun intended) how someone died. What does it matter? It's none of your business, and it won't bring them back.
If someone wants to offer the details, fine, but is it just me or is that an incredibly rude question? Who wants to rehash how someone died?
Admin said... I think Jon has made it pretty clear in the past T.V. is no "career." He did a whole interview attacking Kate for trying to make a career on T.V. -------- I posted this earlier: doesn't it seem more believable that Jon is the one who refuses to film with TFW and/or kids? That would explain a lot of the ongoing hostility and trashing.
I sincerely doubt that accounts were hidden--woukdn't that be criminal? Also, I don't think anything was being paid to the lids until the law changed, requiring 15%.
I haven't read the article (darn you Trader Joes--no mags), but the summary mentioned $24,000 per episode. Didn't Robert have contracts proving more in the later years, and for K+8?
It can be true that she is wealthy, but running into cash flow problems. Money was probably put in retirement accounts to minimize taxes, which would incur an early withdrawal penalty and tax liability. The fact that she has a mortgage means nothing. It isn't mortgaged to the hilt--she still has substantial equity.
If she worked as a nurse in a 9-5 job (and, yes, Kate, they do exist. I have several nurse moms in my GS troop) those earnings plus the interest from her investments would allow her to live comfortably if not extravagantly.
Jon's lawyer was originally from PA but he got fed up with Jon, if memory serves, and left. Then Jon got mixed up with Michael Lohan and got Mark Heller as a lawyer, the one who Lindsay Lohan left Shawn Holley for and then ran back to Shawn Holley begging her to represent her again because Heller was SO bad.
Jon made a lot of mistakes. He believed he was going to come out of the divorce smelling like a rose because everyone liked him, he was the poor put upon husband with the shrew wife. He had a lot of "yes" people (Lohan, Glassman, Major, Heller) telling him what he wanted to hear.
He paid for it both in his lawsuit with TLC and with his initial child support payment to Kate. A year of $24,000+/- a month will eat up your divorce settlement very quickly.
1. Kate didn't have to pay her lawyer bills and other expenses because TLC covered it. Jon did have to pay on his own. Jon himself said this. Anyone who has ever seen a divorce attorney bill knows this will wipe you out. I always tell people divorce will make you broke so be prepared for that and don't do it as anything but a method of last resort. I 100% believe this divorce made him broke, no question. 2. The divorce settled very quickly. Since it's hard to picture TFW ever agreeing to any give and take settlement, I'm guessing she made out like a bandit. Jon probably figured it wasn't worth the time, money and aggravation to fight her for years over money. I think at the time, he thought he would keep making money by doing things like the Superbowl commercial. 3. Kate is willing to dip into the children's money for "necessities" and Jon won't do that. If she dips into their trust for their schooling, food, medical care, toys, entertainment? That would cover almost everything but her own pedicures. I think anyone can afford 30 bucks a month for those when the trust covers everything else.
I also think the money will run out I'm just a tad surprised that it hasn't yet. But as I said a couple days ago, this is only year two. A tiny amount of time in the grand scheme of a trust or bank account. God knows where she will be in year 5 or 10.
I consider Milo's questions to be extremely rude. Milo knows it's rude. She prefaced her prying questions with "Don't mean to impose...." So I'm assuming she was schooled in manners and what is appropriate. She just doesn't care. Her nosiness completely overtakes what is appropriate and what is not.
As far as I'm concerned only your close, close family and friends has any right to ask the details of someone's death.
I have shared before I lost a friend to a terrible car accident when we were in high school. But, I don't know any details of it. It's not my place to ask. The only thing I know is the intersection it happened at, and that a failure to stop occurred (she was not the driver). I have no idea how long she lived afterward or if it was pretty instant, and I have no idea what her injuries were. Clueless. To this day.
It's simply not my place to ask. If the family wants to talk about the details, they will. For over 15 years now they have chosen not to, and a good friend respects that.
Milo also said she was "very concerned." It's one thing to feel empathy, even when something happens to a stranger. But very concerned? That's what family and friends who are close to someone feel. It's a natural feeling (unless of course one is a narcissist). But to be "very" concerned? Those are just words Milo used to try and cover up her obnoxious nosiness.
canadianmom, you said it better than I ever could! The fact that the house is not paid off AND was refinanced with more principal taken out at the time is what got me firmly on the side of what you say. Thank you for saying it so eloquently!
I will never subscribe to People again until they quit this promotion of these people. KG is still her old "better than you" self with the inflated ego as high as the sky. Once upon a time we imagined her as being more than flush with money. I believe she is still doing okay living off her children. We wouldn't even know her name if she had not had two sets of multiples and exploited the heck out of them. Sad that it is still happening. She lost so many opportunities and friends with her attitude. The kids will be flying the coop in a few years. That time will tell the true story.
I have NEVER believed that $250K figure that they finally earned per episode. Absolutely makes no sense. I believe those salary figures for celebs are nothing more than publicity to pump up their image. I do believe Jon and Kate hit the 6 figure mark for a yearly salary, but even the $5mil number seems high to me. Maybe it's just an image game for Kate now and she really is starting to panic. She is only 37 and will have 8 kids in college so she better reconsider medicine. BTW, I think she has offended many people by knocking the nursing profession, but her real reason could just be that no doc or hospital in her area will hire her. Talk about burning your bridges!
Wll I guess they only paid for the twitterbots on the day people came out. Tweets have gone down considerably. Mostly re-tweets of old stuff today and tweets from the regular crew of fans and non-fans. Done and done.
TLC stinks said... 180 AW RT @texaschic1111: No joke @Kateplusmy8 at costco reading @peoplemag &3 strangers&I bonding on how much we miss seeing u&kids #madeourday @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Too funny that she retweets this after the Costco conversation here. ****** DH and I just got back from Costco. No maudlin, weepy fans staring longingly at the People cover on the rack. Plenty of copies, nothing backwards, nothing defaced. When will Kate ever stop living in the past? "Our life is our show and our show is our life"
Didn't TFMJG tweet awhile back that Mady had gotten her braces off? Since Mady clearly has braces, this cover must have been shot awhile back. I wonder if it was when TFMJG was on twitter silence and at that time we speculated something was up.
Milo also said she was "very concerned." It's one thing to feel empathy, even when something happens to a stranger. But very concerned?
I just read about this term today, grief tourism. It includes a lot of things but includes people who seek out sites for people who have recently died to post lots of comments about how upset they are over this, is there anything they can do, etc.
It's sort of like an attention thing I suppose. I guess so you can act so upset then maybe tell your friends and family how tragic it is.
@ Millicent 167, I totally agree with you. I'm just speculating all of this based on my own experiences, but I know she didn't make much off of her books. And unless she has over 10 million socked away (which I highly doubt, it's probably somewhere around 2 or 3 if that), there's no way she's living off of the interest of her money. Also, living in the country ourselves (no where near the kind of home or maintenance that she has) I know how expensive it is to maintain, that property is costing her a fortune to run.
Anyway, I guess only time will tell, but my prediction is that her house is on the market in the next 5 years.
Another thing that's been bugging me about this whole thing is Milo. My take on "her" is that she isn't a "her at all, I think Milo's entire persona is made up. I don't even think this person is even a fan of TFW's. The back handed compliments that they are constantly tweeting. Always making sure to rub a little salt into most of her tweets. I don't think this person even likes her at all. I don't think Milo's motivation for this weird twitter relationship with TFW has anything to do with TFW at all... I think it's all about the attention they get from us and the non-fans. I think this is someone who is very bored and lonely and is in some sort of institution, probably a male who might think that TFW is physically attractive but someone who also get's a kick out of their passive aggressive jabs at her. It's like they are constantly sprinkling a little salt in with every "YOU GO GIRL" tweets. I honestly think that for Milo, this is all about the attention they are getting elsewhere, not really from TFW. I also think that to them this is nothing more then some weird game they are playing, trying to see how long they can keep it up.
That's my take on it...
I hope you great ladies (and guys?) have yourselves a fantastic weekend and enjoy some sunshine! :)
I just can't believe they didn't pick Hannah Anderson for the top story this week, that story was huge, blowing up by the minute, and perfect for People's style.
Maybe they give Kate Coyne a cover of her choice once a year to shut her up. They bury it deep in the bowels of summer when no one is paying attention.
721 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 721 Newer› Newest»Katykat said... 186
The Von Trapp children were MISERABLE being so orderly.
VERY poor choice of words by Kate Coyne. It just makes Jon look more like Maria, giving freedom and love to all of the children, while Kate is the "Stick up her Ass" Captain who was away all the time and awful to live with while he was home.
Yes, exactly. And the Captain was so concerned with order, he barely knew his children. He treated them as a unit. Sounds familiar!
I get these pictures in my head....
Ashley as Maria: Kate blows her little whistle, and the children line up. When Kate blows it for Ashley, Ashley says, "Whistles are for dogs, not for children, and certainly not for ME!" And then Ashley takes the children to freedom out in the country away from their perfect, spotless clothing where they can actually play!
Too funny how Kate Coyne & Kate G thought they were making TFW sound organized when in fact she just sounds like a military dictator.
The problem is, their problems are the same as our problems. We ALL worry about college funds, unless you're a millionaire. Food is expensive for everyone. Insurance, rent or mortgage, school expenses, all add up. A parent of one or two children does not feel the anxiety of it any less when they don't have a college fund or blew their paycheck on groceries because the kids are eating like crazy. Making ends meet is a fear we all have. They are not special.
This vibe from quite frankly both of them, Jon included, that they somehow feel their problems more because they have more kids, has become extremely off-putting. It comes across as, you couldn't possibly have problems, you only have two kids!
Gimme a break. Especially from parents who despite their alleged problems have somehow by some miracle managed to keep the children in a mansion and a posh private school.
I think this was a big part of why people acted so negatively to the article this time around. Enough was enough.
Personally I find stories about how parents in tough circumstances manage to make it work, much more interesting and engaging, than stories about parents in tough circumstances who can't seem to do anything but complain about it.
From what I've observed of my classmates whose parents can't or wouldn't pay for college is that they never missed class, never missed a reading assignment, didn't party much, and always graduated in four years or under. It's amazing how the value of something skyrockets when you're not dependent on others to fund it. You respect it more. And it feels GOOD to know wow I was just a kid and I made that WORK. It makes you feel like you'll be able to tackle many other adult responsibilities, and often much sooner than your peers. And your learning curve in terms of finances skyrockets.
The book signing I attended INVITED the public. In that situation it is appropriate to approach a celebrity. And, even though the children were in town at the time, Kate did not bring them. Had they been standing there, it would have been a different story. As far as I can tell no one tried to follow her anywhere or go anywhere but the designated area. When she left out the back, everyone else left out the front. It is BEYOND inappropriate to approach the family when they are not at a public event and so beyond creepy to follow 12 year olds into a restroom that I would be seriously considering calling the police if I were in that situation.
I'm watching The Pioneer Woman making shrimp stir fry. Kate should have taken notes!
PW stir fried up the shrimp then garlic, unlike Kate who doesn't know stir frying from steaming in a boat load of salt laden liquid. She then removes the shrimp so they don't get tough like rubber bands, and cooks the vegetables *according to the time they take to cook*. Not dump and cook through.
She finishes with lemon and basil. Not exactly an Asian dish, but very healthy.
Oh, and PW ADORES Charlie. What a cutie patootie!
(OT, we lost our senior (16 yr old) bichon last week. His kidney failure just took a turn for the worse. We'd been giving him subQ fluids for several months, but his kidneys stop responding. Seriously-- worse than losing my parents.
Thank goodness we have 2 dogs to help ease the pain.)
The Costco where my son works has the magazine rack at the end of the snack/candy aisle. It is a stand-alone rack. Stockers pass by it when they are going back and forth down one of the two main aisles, stocking the shelves. It is not at the registers. The cashiers noticed whether anyone actually bought it because the manager address the employees as a group before the store opened and reminded them to always make sure that particular mag was turned forward and that nobody drew thing on TFW's picture (last time it was devil horns and a goatee). When employees went out after work together, they griped about having to take the time to turn the cover around over and over again when they had work to do. The question came up--did anyone even buy it? Only one checker could recall having a sale, and that was 6 copies. 6 copies of one magazine by a single shopper stood out. Plus, stockers have to restock the magazines so they don't run out. They did not need to restock that one.
I did not say that the magazines were at the checkout stands. Where did that idea come from?
Layla that's so weird! Is this a PA/local Costco? That would make a lot more sense. If it's just some random Costco in Minnesota, she's more hated than I thought. Around the country people are just randomly turning her around and defacing the magazines? Is it seriously this bad? I'm not doubting you, you're a regular who has never given me cause to question you, I just am a bit shocked at this story.
"And what's with the Nanny-Free crap?" (Tuckers' Mom)
Lol... I had the same reaction. Written that way, having a nanny seems like having some sort of contagious disease or an insect infestation. "Look! Not only this sparkly clean kitchen is absolutely germ free, it's also nanny free!"
Blogger may have eaten my post quoting the paragraph about chores. Here is another try.
” The laminated chore charts posted in her kitchen today are not for the faint of heart. A full page fifty two point checklist details how the house odd to be cleaned. m and c earn one dollar for each item completed. An additional ten item check list on the refrigerator for the twins Carries a fine print disclaimer threatening one dollar fines for each item not completed, as well as the removal of IPhones and IPads based on attitude and response.the younger kids also have a chart focusing on general tidying up of the kitchen and the feeding of the family dog Shoka, in the summer pool maintenance is added.”
If you had looming financial problems, would you be eating out? Or buying shrimp for dinner???
Wouldn't you be a tad more frugal if you knew you had upcoming financial problems???
Kate Coyne doesn't get it.
You don't get a medal because you don't have a nanny. A millionaire with eight kids probably should have a nanny. That way they can focus on one or two children at a time while the others are well attended to. There is no shame in it unless you just use the nanny to avoid motherhood (as sadly some do obviously).
haven't seen anyone yet mention the part (and I'm not quoting directly here) where the twins were in a store and a lady followed them, even into the restroom, telling them she was had always been a fan, loved the family, etc
This was actually mentioned in the article? That sends up all sort of red flags, and is very scary. Is that something TFW is proud of-that her children are recognized and people stalk them to the point of following them into a restroom?
If they were my children, I would be very, very worried that due to my putting my children "out there", that my children would be followed by creeps like this.
What is wrong with this picture? And why doesn't TFW get it that she is subjecting her children to people like this?
Admin (171), your Costco doesn't carry candy? I have never seen one that doesn't. Ours has an aisle where you can buy it in large bags or multiple-bar boxes.
Layla said... 199
It just goes to show you how reviled Kate is. So, she got the People cover. I really have no idea what the heck they were thinking. The cover?
Kate Coyne definitely has a girl crush on Kate. I just can not fathom any good business reason that could possibly explain how Kate got on the cover. Again.
I seriously would not mind if just Kate was on the cover, but to splash her kids on the front, KNOWING that they've already been in danger because of being in the public eye, is just sick.
Another thing? Just because the kids may be happy, which I hope they are, it doesn't mean they won't have times where fame is a burden to them, and it certainly doesn't mean it may not be until adulthood when they really start to process what was done to them and feel the effects, if any. Hopefully, especially for the younger ones, they will barely remember their camera time. However they will remember being famous.
Actually, I'd be surprised if at this age they aren't happy. That would be a huge red flag. It's probably not going to be into their teens and even 20's where it will be known what damage was done. Judge THEN whether they are happy with how their lives turned out.
What! That is creepy. I would have called the police. Following a minor child into a restroom and hounding them about what a fan you are? What is WRONG with people?
And the fans say that the non-fans are stalkers. Wasn't that why security was initially hired...to protect the family from obsessed fans?
No it carries candy just not near the checkouts. The checkouts are bone dry bare. I just thought it was odd the employees would be so aware of what's going on with the magazines since ours are also by the books and doesn't look like employees are keeping tabs. However as you explained, they are up front in your store, so it makes more sense now.
♡·Nikki·♡ @Nikki_C_Wilson 5m
Come on #LoveisintheMix, I'm needing new recipes bad. @Kateplusmy8 can we hurry Sept along please? ♡♡
There's the internet. I assume fans do know how to search for recipes, don't they?
Kate's positing that they don't have a nanny is just like her finger waggling about the show not being scripted.
I have no doubt she's "cobbling" together part-time staff at the manse.
I would rather raise my kids in a humble house than make them take care of a mansion.
It's really not fair. No wonder Kendra cried.
The Von Trapp's father also left them for extended periods of time to go to do what he wanted. He also never got over losing their mother and took it out on the kids, sort of alienating them and not wanting to see them laugh, sing or have fun like they used to. Whether it's a death or just a divorce, the lesson in that was that you have to move on from relationships that are over and let your children move on too, or it hurts your children.
And the fans say that the non-fans are stalkers. Wasn't that why security was initially hired...to protect the family from obsessed fans?
August 17, 2013 at 7:30 AM
Well, that story changes a whole lot. First it was their car being vandalized, then it was some perv who wanted the kids to sit on his lap.
I think Skeevie was hired more to keep Kate's inner divabitch in check.
I think there's still confusion at times re: the kid's college funds vs. whether they are getting a free ride. TAP funds were set up for all the kids a year after the six were born and the public invited to donate to the funds. See link below--it's from wiki.answers.com, but appears to be the actual press release. The blurb at the end from TFW and Jon in 2008 seems to indicate no one contributed? Hmmm. Or maybe it was just a matter of choosing their words carefully in order to maintain the illusion of a struggling family.
The blurb at the end from TFW and Jon in 2008 seems to indicate no one contributed? Hmmm. Or maybe it was just a matter of choosing their words carefully in order to maintain the illusion of a struggling family.
The college fund story also changes. First it's nowhere near funded, then, inexplicably, it's totally funded.
J+K never wanted anyone to be disabused of the notion that they weren't poor anymore. After all, "how will we act normal in a 2 million dollar home!".
Pool maintenance? These kids are far too young for such things. A pool is dangerous, and pool maintenance usually involves highly toxic chemicals, machinery, electricity, and being around a dangerous body of water potentially unsupervised. At most they could clean out the little filter basket and skim some leaves out but they should be heavily supervised.
"An additional 10 item checklist on the refrigerator for the twins carries a fine print disclaimer threatening $1 fines for each item not completed"
Good heavens. How often does the fridge need to have its hazmat shower anyway or you're out 10 bucks? We only clean ours out once every couple months or so, if that. It's called cleaning as you go. If something is leaking or sticky, wipe it off and wipe the shelf! Problem solved. Sheesh.
Admin (5) We are near Baltimore, MD. It's a very busy area. Yes, people were turning the magazines around, but no defacing them this time. The last time (When the show was first canceled, and they had TFW and the kids on the cover--I think Sept 2011) someone had drawn horns and a goatee on TFW on some of the copies. That has not happened this time, but employees were warned to watch carefully. Fridays through Sundays are very busy there, and the employees (my son stocks shelves) have to really hustle. They aren't happy about having to stop what they are doing to turn a magazine around.
Other here have mentioned seeing them turned around. I get that people don't like TFW, but it makes more work for the store employees who have to take time from their actual work to check on/turn around a magazine.
So, Long story short:
1. I never said the magazines were at the checkout stands at our Costco. They are in a stand-alone rack at the end of the bulk candy aisle. Go back and read what I wrote. Do not attack me for something I never said.
2. No magazines were defaced yet this time. Some were defaced in 2011. They do not want a repeat. Some were turned around, but the employees are irritated that they have to monitor a magazine to make sure it's not turned backward or drawn on.
Any other questions? You can ask--I'm here right now. But please ask, do not attack.
Who attacked you, I'll delete it. I didn't see any attacks.
Baltimore makes sense, rather local.
What happens if a "fan" approaches them and says hey kids I'm your biggest fan what an honor to meet you oh gosh I have a bunch of People magazines in my trunk out back it would mean the world to me if you followed me out back to sign them. It will only take a second I promise!
Will the kids follow?
I'd be scared to death they could be drawn in like this!
I was out for the day with visiting family. When we came home, the mail and magazine were on the table. My cousin picked it up, looked at the cover and said "why in the world is anyone interested in reading about her".? Since this blog is my secret vice :-), I will take her comment as one that most of the population thinks. Sorry Milo, the world does not love your narcissist.
Kate Coyne seriously overeached with this one. The article, the photoshoot, the hair, makeup and wardrobe? Nothing could be less 'natural'. What we did on our summer vacation. What a sad joke.
Okay, I am going to explain this one more time. There is no candy or magazines at the checkout stands. When you walk into Costco, the registers are to your right. To the left are all the aisles where the merchandise is. They are set up perpendicular to the registers. One of those aisles has bulk candy. At the end of that aisle is a stand-alone magazine rack. That is where the magazines are. Go back and read what I said. I never, in any post, said the magazines are at--or even near--the checkout stands/registers. If you want to attack, then please, attack me for something I actually said. No need to make things up.
Here is the exact quote about the housekeeping. ” the laminated core charts posted i'm her kitchen today are not for the faint of heart. A full page 52 point checklist details how the house is to be cleaned; M&C earn $1 for each item completed. An additional 10 item checklist on the refrigerator for the twins carries a fine print disclaimer threatening $1 fines for each item not completed, as well as the removal of IPhones and IPads based on” attitude and response”. The younger kids also have a chart focusing on general tidying up of the kitchen and three feeding of the family dog Shoka; in the summer pool maintenance is added.”
To dispel the image of a slave labor camp, the writer segues into the next paragraph with a description of happy googling animated children clearing the lunch dishes and just being delightful with their visitors.
I may start calling her Herr Kommandant Kate - HKK.
Well Kate seems to reward the children with Chipotle every time they choose not to go to Jon's so I can see how Jon would feel such pressure to take the kids out too once in awhile. Plus what parent doesn't want to take all the kids out once in awhile for ice cream or a meal even if you have to pinch pennies to do so? They are definitely at an age where they're not content anymore staying home the entire weekend and having a staycation. They want to go out, do something outside the home, see other kids and people. Maybe it's spoiled, but it's reality. You can tell them no of course, and maybe if money is that tight, you should, but those kids are cute and probably manipulative as most kids that age are and then there's the pressure of all the other families and how they fill their weekends. It's tough times to raise kids and it takes more effort than it used to to avoid the realities of 2013. We never gave a second thought as kids to hanging around the house all weekend--that just isn't how things work anymore.
That said, I think both of them are guilty of exaggerating the financial state of at least the children. They've been in their school and in that house TOO LONG now to buy it. Foreclosures come down like a guillotine these days. If they couldn't afford this house, they simply wouldn't be in it.
I think that Gordon's Fisherman thing has boxes of breaded shrimp in the freezer aisle. You can probably get a huge one. I don't think it's that expensive though I've never bought it. He didn't say he took them to a 5 star restaurant to get the shrimp.
Kate Coyne seriously overeached with this one. The article, the photoshoot, the hair, makeup and wardrobe? Nothing could be less 'natural'. What we did on our summer vacation. What a sad joke.
Agree. Did the article mention what the kids got to do this summer? Bald Head Island? No? Camp? No?
Admin (25)
After I posted last night, multiple people posted that there are no magazine racks at Costco, nothing at the registers, no candy, etc. Not just one, but several, including you. Please go back and read what I said. I never said anything about the registers, location of the magazine rack, or if there is candy there until after I saw those. I just don't understand why people feel the need to claim I said something I didn't. I know where my son works. I know the layout of the store (I shop there, myself). I shared what he told me. Then, today, I see that people were basically claiming that I said things that I never said. Go back and read. I never said he magazines were at the registers. They are not. I never said there was candy at the registers. There is not. I never said the magazines were defaced this year.They have not been. I said that her picture was defaced last time (2011). It was. Others have seen the magazine turned around. Nobody questions them. Why me?
Admin, from reading the brief paragraph about chores, I interpreted it add meaning there is one large household cleaning list. Maybe left over from the maid days, providing she really doesn't have a maid anymore. And then that there is a separate twins chore our duty list of ten things they must do. The author does not specify any item on either list, so this is my interpretation. The duties of the younger children are mentioned exactly as quoted.
Who attacked you, I'll delete it. I didn't see any attacks.
I didn't see any "attacks" either. I read some comments about the location of magazines there, some said that placement of them could be different, depending on the location of the stores. But as far as a personal attack, who did the attacking?
I said the checkout lanes are bare (where most employes are), not that there were no magazine racks at all. Please don't take it as an attack! You explained what you meant. It was a reasonable question, because it doesn't make a lot of sense employees would be hyper aware of what's going on with the magazines if the magazines are back deep in the store by the books. I don't think anyone wants people to think stories that make Kate look bad are exaggerated or made up, so people were just seeking clarification, which you kindly provided. In your scenario it makes perfect sense. In my particular store, it wouldn't. It's crazy how done TFW is with the public that just in random stores people are turning her around. I've never seen anything like it.
Why do Mady and Cara get paid a $1 per chore but the younger kids have to pay $1 for any chore not done plus lose access to their iPhones and iPads?
And why do 8 kids ages 12 & 9 each have those devices anyway? The twins I could maybe see but my 8 & 10 year old do not have their own. We have one iPad that is shared and I let them play games on my iphone. For someone crying poor again, this seems extravegent.
When I posted, people then stated that Costco doesn't have magazines, or that they don't have them at the checkout stands (I never said they did), that there's no candy (they do sell candy), etc. All I posted is what I was told to me by my son. Others have also posted that they have seen the magazines turned around. Nobody questions them.
**sigh**Let's just drop it. I have no need or desire to make anything up regarding TFW or anyone else. I just wrote what my son told me. I didn't know that it would be confusing to anyone.
Layla, I love the comments from your son. I did not see where anyone attacked you, but I do think people unfamiliar with Costco or other warehouse stores like Sams Club or BJs are confusing them with grocery stores. Costco is all about efficiency in serving members, and you do have to have a membership card to get in the door. What that means is all items are grouped together on the shelves, there is limited selection and they sell most things in large quantities, and you can get great deals on things like furniture or jewelry or custom cakes or twenty rolls of paper towels. For efficiency all magazines are together in one place. All books are in the same place. All the paper products are on the same aisle. When you check out, the member goes on one side of the register, the cart goes on the other side, one team member checks you out and one packs your items in boxes or a cart or flat dolley for large things. its not a traditional grocery store. Your member ship card is checked at the door, when you check out, and your receipt is checked as you leave. I love going to Costco, our couch came from there, our new garage doors were purchased thru Costco, and last birthday cake I bought was from there, and dd got her eye glasses there. Plus they carry organic milk!
Oops I misread the quote about the laminated chore charts. It looks like Mady and Cara are the ones that face those consequences.
Went out to a concert with my sis and spent the night. I didn't sleep a wink. I have cervical vertebrae that are narrowing along with bone spurs and my nerve is being pinched and I just couldn't get comfy. Wish me luck on the 2 hour drive home later today.
I wonder if Milo sleeps with one of her six copies of the magazine between her head and her pillow?
I looked up the 52 point cleaning list. Wow, some of these things do not need to be done every week. I wonder what the time frame is? I believe TFW has a cleaning person /people anyhow. I think she just wants to sound super clean and organized, 'in CHARGE as she always will be' and that the super kids tow the line and do these chores. I'm sure they do some but not these 52 points!They have the chickens and dogs and probably cleaning their bedrooms and playroom, putting away laundry etc. plus lots of homework and have to turn in early.
I agree with all that you said. I think both TFW and Jon are guilty of exaggerating food costs for the four, six, or eight kids (depending on who has however many at the time).
However, I'm going to give Jon a bit of a pass on this issue. TFW exaggerates because 1) she's always grifting, 2) she is still clinging to the 'organic' story, 3) she's always grifing, and 4) we know she obsessively controls those kid's portions, and has sent uneaten lunches back to school the next day. Did I mention she's always grifting, especially for her new favorite Chipolte? Jon at least takes the kids out as a family (without cameras)to what appears to be a variety of public eateries (Olive Garden, pizza, and now shrimp, etc.)and is probably seeing the first wave of increased appetites that goes along with growth spurts, etc. and because he is not as hung up on food as TFW, the kids feel at ease and eat until they are truly full.
So, I'll give him 1/2 of a pass on this. I'd love to teach him how to use coupons, but he may avoid them because 1) TFW's emphasis on them, and 2) a lot of men don't think to use them. I'm jellus because I've heard that coupon deals are so much better in the east and west while I'm stuck in the midwest.
Tucker's Mom - Sorry to hear about the loss of your fur baby. Even with others in the house it's still hard. My thoughts are with you.
Layla - I know exactly what you're talking about. We have that same stand alone magazine racks in the Costco that I shop in. I think that people just assumed you meant that the magazines were at the front of the store by the checkout stands. I try not to go down the candy aisle though because its too tempting.
I agree with Tucker's Mom. A 9 year old should only be responsible for very basic pool maintenance and then only with an adult around. Accidents can happen in a flash to anyone. While by my pool last August I took a nasty fall and hit my thigh in the cool deck as I tried to keep from falling in the pool. My thigh swelled up immediately and turned all shades of black and blue. I went to the Dr that afternoon to have it checked and he said I'd be fine (I am). This was at lunch when I'd gone home to let the dog out. No one else was home and I'm lucky that I didn't hit my head. That was one of the most painful things that's ever happened to me because as gravity took its toll the bruising moved down my entire leg. It's a year later and I've still got a small "saddlebag" on that thigh due to the fall. The Dr said it will eventually re absorb into my body. I wasn't fooling around, or running or anything kids do, I was just stepping out of the bully's way and hit the edge. Lesson learned...next time just go with it and it the water and change my clothes.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 29
Here is the exact quote about the housekeeping. ” the laminated core charts posted i'm her kitchen today are not for the faint of heart. A full page 52 point checklist details how the house is to be cleaned; M&C earn $1 for each item completed. An additional 10 item checklist on the refrigerator for the twins carries a fine print disclaimer threatening $1 fines for each item not completed, as well as the removal of IPhones and IPads based on” attitude and response”. The younger kids also have a chart focusing on general tidying up of the kitchen and three feeding of the family dog Shoka; in the summer pool maintenance is added.”
To dispel the image of a slave labor camp, the writer segues into the next paragraph with a description of happy googling animated children clearing the lunch dishes and just being delightful with their visitors.
I may start calling her Herr Kommandant Kate - HKK.
It's good that children are assigned chores, but like everything else, TFW takes things to extremes.
What the heck is she going to do when her children leave home? Who is going to take care of her long housekeeping list?
Not the kids...
TFW had better find job before then, so that she can pay a full staff to take care of her chore list.
Or does she expect to spend the rest of her life "masterminding" tasks for someone else to do?
TFW is a load of phooey.
Before I get busy doing my non laminated household chores and to do list, I have two more thoughts on the article and on the turning around magazines in stores.
One, since there has been such a lot of blogging about chickens, where are the chickens? No mention of chickens in the article, no photo of chickens, the core list says kids feed the dog but what about chickens?
Two, when TFMJG (the former Mrs Jon Gosselin) was on dancing with the stars, her treatment of a very popular professional who has his own loyal fan base was noticed and remembered. Her distain of everyone was noticed. Viewers who had seen her horrible treatment of her husband realized it was not just him, she was awful to everyone. She completely blew a chance to become relatable and popular and instead made herself more unpopular.
Boy, I'm posting a lot this morning. Avoiding housework:) Anyway, I just saw an article on Radar Online re: the now grown kids on Roseanne (sorry, couldn't make a clinkable link for some reason). The 2nd paragraph really sums up what posters on this blog have been saying for a long time.
Conner kids Becky and D.J. open up about life on 'Roseanne'
And while many child stars succumb to the temptations of Hollywood, these two said the Conner kids stayed grounded.
“The big part of it is the choices you make and the responsibility you take as an individual and we were lucky. I think we were worked with really supportive people and we had families that were very supportive and very normal and we really adapted to. We never looked at it as we were stars, we looked at it as this is a job that we take a lot of pride in but at the same time, you know, we never wanted to get credit for those things and be the person making the problem,” Fishman explained.
“I think it’s important to differentiate yourself from whatever that person is, you know, it’s a job and then it’s you, and I think what happens is that people don’t feel that they have value outside of that, you know, what if that went away? Then what? Then who am I? Do I still matter? Do I still have value?" Goranson said. "And I think that’s a real question. I don’t belittle people that struggle with that because that’s a real thing."
Sillimom, The younger kids are not penalized $1 for a chore not completed, M & C are. They get penalized for the extra 10 point chart not being finished.
When we were kids all 12 (TWELVE) of us had chores to do. We were not treated like slaves. We were told if everyone does a little, nobody has to do a lot. Everything really ran smoothly and we all knew how to become independent and useful people.
Is Blogger acting up? I made 3 pretty long posts early this morning and only the very short one got posted? just wondering? or was it what I said?
Admin (36)
People despise Kate. Look at all the thousands of negative comments on the recent stories online about her. My son said that they have never, in the 3 years he has worked at his store, had to be warned about defacing of magazines--except this one. That's because it has never happened there, except for TFW's cover in 2011. They never had to be warned about magazines being turned around--except the ones with TFW on the cover. Everyone has their own reasons for disliking her. I dislike her because she shows no appreciation for her kids. Someone who has had to go the extra mile, like she did, to have kids, should be on her knees thanking God every day for them. But to her, they are commodities. They are there to support her, cater to her, and build up her ego. Those are the things she should be doing for them.
Some people are just so sick of her crying poor, while refusing to work. If you're truly poor, and you are able to work, then you work. Simple enough. But she refuses. She'd rather grift. That massive sense of entitlement is pretty off-putting. She seems to think that actual work is beneath her, and that is an insult to those of us who work for a living. Of course, she considers all of us mediocre (which means that she, by her logic, is superior), and feels no guilt in taking what others work for. It's like a little monarchy. The mediocre serfs should work to support their queen. Fortunately, that's not working out too well for her lately.
The Daily Mail article has a quote where she said that people think she will do anything for fame, but she's not that girl--she will not work with Jon. Isn't it telling that the one thing she will not do is something that would make HER unhappy. Yet things that humiliate her kids--nudity, going to the bathroom, bathing, throwing up--are just fine with her. I guess because it's them, and not her.
Fans say the non-fans are jealous of her. I don't think it's jealousy as much as the feeling that she does not deserve what she has, She hasn't worked and paid her dues. She sold her kids and their privacy, for what? Another car? A bigger house? Is it worth it when your daughters are followed into public bathrooms? To the rest of us, the answer is no. To her, it is a resounding yes.
When you walk into Costco, the registers are to your right. To the left are all the aisles where the merchandise is. They are set up perpendicular to the registers. One of those aisles has bulk candy. At the end of that aisle is a stand-alone magazine rack. That is where the magazines are.
Our Costco is set up exactly like this :)
Pool maintenance? These kids are far too young for such things. A pool is dangerous, and pool maintenance usually involves highly toxic chemicals, machinery, electricity, and being around a dangerous body of water potentially unsupervised. At most they could clean out the little filter basket and skim some leaves out but they should be heavily supervised.
Good heavens. How often does the fridge need to have its hazmat shower anyway or you're out 10 bucks? We only clean ours out once every couple months or so, if that. It's called cleaning as you go. If something is leaking or sticky, wipe it off and wipe the shelf! Problem solved. Sheesh.
This leaves the question: WTF does TFW do????!!!
If my mom had a 52 + 10 point chore list for me, I'd tell her to keep the stupid iPad and clean her own darn house.
Whatever happened to the system she blogged about at the Stir? Was it this regimented? I don't remember the details.
Admin, regarding TFW's laziness . . . I think many successful narcissists have *had* to work hard for what they have. TFW was basically handed her fame & fortune due to the nature of reality tv. I wonder how driven she would have been to work for material possessions and status had she remained a regular nobody. Would she have thrown herself into her nursing career, working long hours to make more money? It's interesting to think about how things might have worked out.
~ Mrs. Malaprop (Google account is not cooperating!)
Here's a portion of an interview one of MTV's Teen Mom's gave where she's asked about the possibility of she and her son shooting a new series:
On filming again:
It was actually pretty strange. It had been let's say about a year since I'd filmed.
It was weird getting back into the groove of filming a show. I'd kind of forgotten how much work it actually is. I was still kind of used to cameras being around -- that wasn't the weird thing -- but it's pretty exhausting. It was a rough week or so of filming.
On Bentley dealing with the attention:
At first -- up until he was about 3, 3 1/2 years old -- he thought that this was normal and that everyone had a camera crew all the time and everyone knew everyone and everyone had a TV show because they were filming the day that he was born, and up until he was 3 1/2 years old, they were filming him.
Once he turned 4 the past year ... it really sunk into him that we aren't necessarily normal. Not everyone knows everybody. Because when we go out in public, everyone knows us and knows our name, and I think that now he understands. He's like, why do these people know us but we don't know them?
On whether a spin-off is coming:
There's no word about that right now. I honestly have no idea. It has to be up to the fans and what they want to see.
On including Bentley in a spin-off:
It would all depend on the direction of the show. I don't want to make this type of decision for him. He is in Pre-K, next year he'll be in kindergarten.
I'm not sure if I'd be so willing to put him out there in the public eye at such a young age because I'm not sure if that's something that he would want. I wouldn't know the answer to that for a very, very long time.
If any spin-off did happen, I'd say that probably the only things I would want him to be involved in would be the things that go on at home. I wouldn't necessarily want him at school being covered and stuff like that.
I do want him to be as normal as he can be and I don't want to make any decisions to take away from his normalcy -- even though he'll always be Bentley.
At this point, as much as I can slow it down, I will try to slow it down.
Well, if they all have phones and iPads at least there will be no need for further laptop grifting.
Weren't the iPads from some fan?
JoyinVirginia said... 34
Maybe left over from the maid days, providing she really doesn't have a maid anymore. And then that there is a separate twins chore our duty list of ten things they must do."
Oh my gosh if this is the same list Robert quoted in the email to Carla, it was excessive. My heart aches for these children. I believe kids should have chores. But it needs to be age appropriate chores. Why can't this lazy, no good, has been allow these children to be children? Does she not realize that her time with them is short? They will be grown and then who is going to do all of her lazy arse chores!
This woman is not a mother. She is a Monster. US magazine had it right.
Tucker’s Mom, I’m so sorry about your loss. I lost my beautiful bichon baby girl last year and I miss her terribly but the memories of how happy she made me softens the pain in my heart. What I completely missed was that my other dog would grieve her passing as well. It was a learning experience for me. I’m glad you have two other dogs to be there for you and each other.
I hate that the kids have now gone from being TFW’s personal ATM’s to a cleaning service. I just received my copy of Tom North’s book True North, the shocking truth about “Yours, Mine and Ours”. It was only a movie instead of reality tv but what happens behind the scenes usually comes out at some point and it’s rarely a picture of happy, happy, fun, fun that TFW stresses so much.
Addition for my to-do list -- laminate the chore chart.
Oops. First I have to create the chore chart.
Gads. She is aggravating.
I feel so sorry for those children.
Admin, Long time reader, first time posting. Reading the excerpts from the article here and getting upset. A 52 point (laminated) check list where the CHILD is judged not only on completing the assigned task, but also her attitude/response to the "sole power holder" in the home. I am willing to bet that category of judgement includes looking her in the eye, no frown, no "herrumpphh," no discussion. Oh this makes my stomach hurt.
Such a dominant / submissive relationship. I am an adult and still grumble about unpleasant chores. I do them but I live in an environment where I am free to express my opinion.
She is teaching children to bury their emotions and that the individual with the power is the only one allowed to express an opinion. To me that is being a bully in a passive aggressive but oh so controlling manner. Thanks for providing a place to vent our feelings!
This leaves the question: WTF does TFW do????!!!
Writes endless lists and "masterminds".
Layla, don't sweat it. I live in Costco's corporate home state and every store I have visited here has magazines too. Our main store has a migrating magazine rack. Sounds like our store is set up a bit different, but the rack migrates to either the front of the long aisle you travel to get to the back of the store (where all the perishables are) or the end of the other aisle, where you might see it while waiting for a checkstand. It is also sometimes next to popular seasonal things at the beginning of the season. Maybe people were surprised to hear they have magazines. I was surprised to hear some don't have them. What I wish we had is hot coffee! Some stores offer lattes and mochas, but ours only has the frozen ones. Sigh.
Tucker's Mom, so sorry about your loss. We lost a bichon about 4 years ago, who had health problems his entire life, and even though he didn't live a long life, it was devastating. So sorry!
Apparently one can just call QVC and make an appointmtent to sell things? Who knew. Its right here in West Chester, what is she waiting for?
Tuckers Mom, my sincere sympathy on the loss of your dog. They really are members of the family with their unique personalities.
Tucker's Mom, so sorry about your loss. We lost a bichon about 4 years ago, who had health problems his entire life, and even though he didn't live a long life, it was devastating. So sorry!
Our bichon lived with Cushings for 11 years, which is pretty unusual.
Thank you all for your kind words. Critter lovers understand the love and attachment you have to your fur baby.
Well, it serves those kids right to be condemned to a life of hard labor, without parole (until age 18). If they don't like it, they should just go get another reality show for themselves. Why should TFMJG have to work? Hasn't she done enough? Doesn't she deserve the life she was meant to have? Don't those kids owe her? If the kids would just get another reality show, they could just return to their lives of just wandering in and out of the camera frame. That is just so much better, not to mention, more convenient for TFW, than having to go to all of that trouble to work at a job. And, really, if you think about it, don't the kids owe this to their fanz?
Honestly, her sheeple really think this. Why can't they understand the incredible impact that living life in a fishbowl, put on display by their fame-whore of a mother, has on every aspect of their lives? It is truly mental illness at work--there just isn't any other explanation. How can anyone fail to see that TFW is not now, or ever been, the main attraction? She is the sideshow--nothing more.
The TFW is home most days, so what will she be doing when her children are attending school? Having a 52 point chore chart for these children is ridiculous. Is TFW incapable of cleaning bathrooms, floors and dusting? Her kitchen appears to be kept spotless. A once a week service can breeze in and out for additional cleaning. Her children don't seem to get a break. Paying her kids a few dollars instead of hiring a cleaning service once or twice a month is beyond cheap and pathetic, considering the children's schedule during school. She's already admitted to having help, so this is just another attempt at sympathy.
As others have said, I think she's lazy with cleaning in general (her room is always a mess, and she has that open bottle of wine ready for companionship that is sitting in her room or on her kitchen counter).
And the Talk, the View, or any other talk show will not give her a full time hosting position. She has nothing to add, is uptight and has no views outside of her own bubble. TFW will have to find a hosting job on another planet.
I can also understand why Kendra cried for these children.
Melinda Martinez @Melli_mel80 10m
@Kateplusmy8 recently I have become unemployed and income is limited.. Any tips for savings.
Take a course in Griting 101.
If you have a pool, swim in it rather than going to the community pool; if you don''t have a pool, consider putting one in. Three cars save money on gas; choose the one that is the most economical depending where you are driving.
I'll never forget that screwed up blog she wrote on saving money. If ever there was a time for head-banging!
Tucker's Mom,
please accept my sympathy too. I'm sure you have a heavy heart with a big gaping hole in it today...sad news.
Just finished reading my People magazine and am as usual baffled by TFMJK's thinking. Kids learn what they live. We all saw the endless complaining by TFMJK about anything and everything. However if the kids dare live the example she has shown them, they are penalized. Uh, okay? Guess she lives by the motto "do as I say not as I do".
As a mother of two teenage boys, I concur with the earlier comment about the groceries. I only have sisters, so the amout of food boys consume in the teenage years is shocking to me! I swear they are eating constantly. I hope at their ages the Gosselin kids have open kitchen access and TFMJK isn't just feeding them the amounts she sees fit.
I can see how Jon is spending $450 on two days of food when they are with him on weekends. They are probably power eating to get them through to their next visit to dad's.
Tucker's Mom said...
(OT, we lost our senior (16 yr old) bichon last week. His kidney failure just took a turn for the worse. We'd been giving him subQ fluids for several months, but his kidneys stop responding. Seriously-- worse than losing my parents.
Thank goodness we have 2 dogs to help ease the pain.)
I'm so, so sorry for your loss, Tucker's Mom.
Our fur babies mean so very much to all of us. It's horrible when they get sick, or pass on.
Give your family (furry & human) extra hugs, and relish each and every day that you are all together.
I wish you comfort, and peace, dear.
A 52 point laminated chore chart. I am certain I would grow to hate the very sight of my mother's hand writing. Complete and utter control, no compromise. Her rules. Absolute power. Add this to a demanding school curriculum. Sounds emotionally draining.
That picture of the child, hand over mouth, but shade of tiger takes on an eerie meaning to me now.
Oh I wish she could lighten up. I imagine her childhood was lacking in affection and attention. Of course I do not know.
But I think any parent can see this need for absolute control is not normal, and certainly not nurturing.
I feel sorry for the children and in some very small part of me, I feel sorry for a once little Katie Irene. (I know I can't believe it myself)
But don't we often do as we were taught? Isn't parenting often similar from generation to generation? Not with every sibling, but with some. I think its time for family intervention.
Tweet-le at 29 quoted the article as saying that Shoka gets fed three times a day. He must be the size of a small elephant by now.
Stupid woman! (TFW, Not Tweet-le!)German Shepherd dogs need to be kept slightly underweight or at an exactly appropriate weight, as determined by the vet, as they are prone to hip dysplasia which can be very painful if they are overweight.
My guess is that this is a lie, as it would cost a lot to feed a dog Shoka's size. I bet Kate lets him get by on half a meal and roadkill.
And the Talk, the View, or any other talk show will not give her a full time hosting position. She has nothing to add, is uptight and has no views outside of her own bubble. TFW will have to find a hosting job on another planet.
Agree, and The Talk films in CA, so wth? Is TFW going to fly coast to coast to mother her kids from afar? Or, does she think she's going to move the kids to CA, 3000 miles away from Jon?
Why even mention or dote on such a silly notion.
A Pink Straight Jacket For TFW said... 72
Tucker's Mom said...
Thank you so much. All of your support means a lot.
Apparently one can just call QVC and make an appointmtent to sell things? Who knew. Its right here in West Chester, what is she waiting for?
Sure. You just clean out your basement and attic, haul everything to QVC, sit back while the hosts hawk your stuff, and rake in the profits. It's that easy.
Who suggested QVC? Let me guess -- one of the six die-hard sheeple.
TFW believes her job is to "piece and patch" her shattered shot at fame and put it all back together again. Can you imagine being any one of her kids knowing your value, your worth, is attached to a mother who will not rest until she gets you back on television again. TFW will not work at an ordinary job simply because it would be a distraction from her only goal in life, getting back on the small screen.
She has let every relationship fall away in pursuit of stardom believing they were all nay-sayers who tried to get in her way. To trash her husband AGAIN (in print) where her children are featured just adds to how despicable she is as a person, and a parent. She simply could have requested that she not be asked questions about Jon so to PROTECT her children.
Ironically, this People magazine spread has provided the final nail in her coffin. She can take her make-up off to prove how her priorities have changed, but it's just another lie, another approach to softening her image. But, you cannot wash off a mean-spirit, a phoney smile, or put a sparkle in dead eyes; it just cannot be done.
What did TFMJG say about Jon in the People article? It's bad enough that Jon went on the record about how crappy their relationship is.
and has no views outside of her own bubble.
It's worse than just not having a view or being apathetic. I don't think she even knows what's going on around us to know there might be something worth having a view on. That kind of personality will never, ever work in any kind of interview job. Katie Couric once explained how curious she is about the world and other people. That's what makes a successful host.
I agree that children need to perform chores but that chore list is absolutely ridiculous! It is not the CHILDREN'S job to maintain such a HUGE home (or is it?). I wonder exactly what chores does Kate DO while the children are in school 8+ hours a day, 5 days a week. In all seriousness, Kate should look into downsizing if the home is that much work. The People article also exposed Kate as a liar of sorts. "Piecing and patching" an income? Really, Kate? If you are having financial difficulties you do not live in a million dollar home, own/maintain THREE cars (the LATEST being an AUDI),send EIGHT children to private school, eat only ORGANIC food, tan, get your hair done in New York City, get your nails done etc. Also, I believe Kate took TWO mini-trips (vacations?) to the Kentucky Derby and to visit her friend Jaime. I really, really doubt Kate is having ANY financial difficulties whatsoever. Oh and I forgot Kate also generously allowed Jon to DISCONTINUE paying his child support!
LOLOLOLOL At Kate, the woman should really shut up. She makes an ass of herself. Her, latest tweet> About the People article> REAL pic of family, written with honesty & accuracy as always? WHAT! That article had lots of inaccuracies, Kate has been divorce 4 almost 4 years, Jon does not go to the kids house for dinner, he is not even allowed on the property, Kate was not natural, she had on make-up, Kate is not struggling, she has not downsized anything, does not work and put down Nurses and a real photo would not have had all in designer white clothes in a green grass field with 3 large inflatable balls, that is not a REAL family pic.
Honesty and accuracy to TFW means, "I was quoted accurately".
Thank you People magazine for paying me splash my children on your front cover!
No makeup? Yeah, right. She's got plenty on in the cover shot. Haven't seen or read the rest.
I have no problem with kids doing a few chores but school work always took priority. What is so chilling with Kate is that she carries things to extremes with her demanding lists. Remember all those post it notes all over the old house for Jon and the helpers? You better follow her rules or else!
And she is proud of such a detailed chore chart for those kids! You guys are right. What the heck does she do all day while the kids are in school?
I knew once she lost control of her man servant, Jon, those kids were going to be literally enslaved to her commands. It will be interesting when they are older, bigger, and teens with independence on their minds. Eight against one are not good odds. Bribery, shouting nor the spanker is going to work any longer. Remember what the Menendez brothers did to dear ol' mom and dad. Dysfunction can be deadly.
@adrienneevers: @Kateplusmy8 Pre-ordered 8 copies of ""Love is in the Mix" for my mom friends as gifts they will just love it thank you Kate! xx
This was posted 3 hours ago. Novelrank has TFW's book as selling 61 for the mont of August so far and it was updated in the last hour. I guess the article has done some good because she's sold 10 more books than last month. Why don't I believe all these folks that say they've bought a copy (or 8)? I guess twitterbots can be set to say " I just bought my copy, did you?" but they can't be made to actually buy a copy. I just want whomever interviews her on Today to ask how many copies she's sold to date.
How ironic she tweets a thank you to People magazine for an article she set up and collaborated with Katie Coyne as being "truthful". She and People magazine must think the public are dopes.
In all the stores I was in today that had magazines, People was in full in the rack. Customers were not looking at People either, and at a few of the stores, someone was turning and hiding People. A woman in back of me at Walmart, looked at the mags by the register, shook her head, said> exploiting again! I said back to her >Yeah, still crying poor, struggling, she still lives in a mansion, kids in expensive private school, just bought a 3rd new expensive car, and has the nerve to cry struggling, we should be so lucky. She agree with me.
Here's a link between Kate Coyne and Kate Gosselin: Coyne is the mother of twin boys.
Speaking of TFW being oblivious to the world around her and not caring at all about US or world news, she tweeted something a few weeks ago that illustrated this perfectly. Forgive me if it was already posted here and I missed it.
We all know what's occurring in Egypt now and although it has escalated greatly this past week, it's been going on for quite a while. While it's been all over the TV news and newspapers, and online, a timeline of the violence and bloodshed can be found here:
At the time of TFW's tweet, there were stories all over the news about the horrors occurring in Egypt, as well as travel advisories to Americans:
Cerys @h4rrypotter 24 Jul
Kateplusmy8 in my hotel in egypt there's a women who is the double of u. no kids present lol, is it you?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 24 Jul @h4rrypotter in Egypt???? Oh I SO wish! The pyramids are on my bucket list! What are you doing there? Vacationing? So....how do I look?Lol!
12:34 PM - 24 Jul 13 · Details
I bet at the time of that tweet that TFW had NO CLUE what was occurring in Egypt. She simply saw a tweet about Egypt and thought, "Oh, Yay! Pyramids! Sign me up!"
TFW, if you really do wish to go to Egypt, start packing your bags because I will gladly send you a first class ticket!
Tucker's Mom, so sorry about your pet. I had to put five beloved pets down in a five year span and my children don't understand why it's been two years since the last one was put down and I'm still not ready to adopt another pet at this time. And I've also weathered the loss of both my parents who were relatively young with sudden illnesses. For those who love and cherish their pets, the loss is like losing another member of your family.
She's likely to get hurt or killed if she goes to Egypt. In fact I'm pretty sure it's a no travel zone for Americans at the moment. Whatever, TFW. She's absolutely clueless. Clueless.
Meanwhile, those of us who worked our butts off for ages to afford to go to Egypt once, are worried sick about the safety of all the lovely people we met there that took such good care of us.
I've been concerned for a long time about how the children are processing Kate's incessant talking about filming.
I have a feeling a child this age would wonder, why aren't I good enough just the way I am? Why must I be filming for mommy to be really happy? I wish mommy would love me as much as she did when we were filming. Poor kids.
It's scary Coyne is a mother at all.
She probably feels she "gets" Kate because she too has multiples. Uh huh.
url said... 89
Tucker's Mom, so sorry about your pet. I had to put five beloved pets down in a five year span and my children don't understand why it's been two years since the last one was put down and I'm still not ready to adopt another pet at this time. And I've also weathered the loss of both my parents who were relatively young with sudden illnesses. For those who love and cherish their pets, the loss is like losing another member of your family.
Oh, how painful. You'll know when it's time to let your heart be open to your next pet. They'll find you when it's right.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 91
She's likely to get hurt or killed if she goes to Egypt. In fact I'm pretty sure it's a no travel zone for Americans at the moment. Whatever, TFW. She's absolutely clueless. Clueless.
She's clueless and so used to traveling with a crew and body guards that she couldn't find her way out of a paper bag, let alone travel internationally.
DH saw the pyramids in Egypt-- said Alexandria is a hole.
I can't picture her liking Egypt. Of course she's never bothered to research or ask someone who has been there what it's really like.
It is ROUGH there. She is blond and walks around like a two bit hooker, she would be getting cat calls and other noises constantly. We had two bodyguards with machine guns and still got that kind of thing. Our van got into a fender bender, which was resolved through a very nasty and frightening verbal argument instead of insurance companies. There is garbage everywhere, sweat shops and factories and incredible poverty.
There are no women in Egypt. Not that I ever saw. She just has no idea. None.
On top of this all, our entire group got salmonella poisoning, even though we ate at 5 star restaurants the whole time. It's just everywhere. You have to get interviewed by the health department when you get home and disinfect every time the toilet for a month so no one else gets it. And if you're a child, you can die from such a thing.
You know what? Go there, TFW. Maybe it will open your eyes to your privileged life and you'll stop whining once and for all. College funds? Those poor people are mostly worried about staying alive first.
Yeah, Kate's got no idea how the rest of the world lives, despite her extensive travel. "Oh, it's on my bucket list!". She's a child, or at least, acts like one.
I remember finding the Nat'l Enquirer's story about Kate in Alaska hard to believe, until I saw it myself on Sarah Palin's show.
How would TFW deal with the bathrooms there? If she couldn't handle peeing in a bucket, I love to be the one to tell her that the "facilities" in such countries can be as primitive as a hole that you straddle.
Germaphobe my arse.
Two, when TFMJG (the former Mrs Jon Gosselin) was on dancing with the stars, her treatment of a very popular professional who has his own loyal fan base was noticed and remembered. Her distain of everyone was noticed. Viewers who had seen her horrible treatment of her husband realized it was not just him, she was awful to everyone.
Indeed- skyscraper guy, Emeril, solar panel guys, whitewater rafting guy, Aunt Jodi & Kevin, Shoka/Nala, EM Tanner, school bus driver, old neighbours, HER HUSBAND, HER CHILDREN....anyone want to add to the list
Just went to my local Costco. People mag on top rack of the magazine kiosk which is maybe six feet high. No covers turned around, but the pile in the rack looked untouched, compared to other magazines. Also the all white clothing made it appear washed out compared to magazines with colorful covers. There were several publications with Halloween recipes out today, very eye catching. Gardening magazines with flowers. Lovely photo of Jennifer Lawrence on cover of one of those womens mags. Special edition of some magazine with Duchess of Cambridge and the royal baby. Even the appliance guide had a more engaging cover photo. The bad Photoshop is not going to increase sales at all.
OT: On August 8, music lost a pioneer with the death of Cowboy Jack Clement, who died at age 82 in Nashville. He was a musician, songwriter, music producer, engineer among other things, and he helped nurture the careers of Jerry lee Lewis, Johnny cash, Kris Kristofferson, and John Prine and many more rockabilly, country, and americana artists.
One quote from Cowboy Jack that may apply to TFMJG. ” There's a difference in being a fake and a phony. I may be a fake but ain't no phony. Fakery is alright - that's showbiz.”
That's it. In everything she does, down to her bones, TFMJG is not just a fake, she is a phony.
Loves to Read said... 90
Speaking of TFW being oblivious to the world around her and not caring at all about US or world news, she tweeted something a few weeks ago that illustrated this perfectly. Forgive me if it was already posted here and I missed it.
We all know what's occurring in Egypt now and although it has escalated greatly this past week, it's been going on for quite a while. While it's been all over the TV news and newspapers, and online, a timeline of the violence and bloodshed can be found here:
At the time of TFW's tweet, there were stories all over the news about the horrors occurring in Egypt, as well as travel advisories to Americans:
Cerys @h4rrypotter 24 Jul
Kateplusmy8 in my hotel in egypt there's a women who is the double of u. no kids present lol, is it you?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 24 Jul @h4rrypotter in Egypt???? Oh I SO wish! The pyramids are on my bucket list! What are you doing there? Vacationing? So....how do I look?Lol!
12:34 PM - 24 Jul 13 · Details
I bet at the time of that tweet that TFW had NO CLUE what was occurring in Egypt. She simply saw a tweet about Egypt and thought, "Oh, Yay! Pyramids! Sign me up!"
TFW, if you really do wish to go to Egypt, start packing your bags because I will gladly send you a first class ticket!
Dear Lord. Doesn't she ever watch the news, or read a newspaper, etc...?
Egypt is in dire straits, and all that bubble headed boobie can come up with is that the pyramids are on her entitled bucket list?
God help us.
If TFW has sold 61 of her books so far in August, then this is the first month her sales have increased over the previous month.
About a month ago I came up with an idea to keep our house reasonably clean. I bought one of those photo albums that stands and you flip the pages back. Then I printed out a to-do list for Monday through Friday and put one day on each page. We just flip through as the week goes on. I hate spending my free time on the weekends cleaning, so the idea is to get everything done during the week, just a little each day. My family actually looks at it from time to time! Or, I can just ask the kids to please pick a job & get it done. No biggie! The other night it was around 9 pm & the main job for the day was sweeping & mopping the laundry room/kitchen/bathrooms. I was going to put it off for the next day, but my hubby said, "Let's get it done together." So I swept & he followed with the mop. It took 15 minutes. Awesome! My kids are learning how to keep up with the house, and there are no threats, punishments, or tears. I offer some money for more random jobs like wiping our white baseboards. We don't live in a McMansion and I'm so glad because I really like a clean, tidy home. I wouldn't want to be a slave to an enormous home. No thank you!
Yep, those People magazines are just flying off the racks. How can we find out how many were sold?
Mrs. Malaprop said... 104
I love that idea. Beats a laminated 52-point chore list. Ugh, I'm a grown adult and can't imagine THAT being imposed on me. I like my house clean, but not 52 chore's worth clean.
There used to be a chain restaurant, can't remember the name, where for one price you got a meal and a salad bar which included all you can eat peel n eat shrimp. They are on the smaller side, not like stuffing shrimp, which makes them cheaper. Maybe they have a kids special, like 9.99 per child. At least Jon takes them out in public. With Kate they have no chance to be normal, with the pre plated food, served on prison plates. If they ever go to a friends house, they won't know what to do with a bowl of mashed potatoes or a salad, a platter of meat that is based around. I haven't read the article, but she is clueless. At the twins age, going back to school this year, their focus should be on their school work, not keeping her majesty's home spotless. The kids are going to need years of therapy, imaging how stressed and full of anxiety they are in that home. There is no fun, no relaxing or just being kids. It's all work, don't make a mess, clean up this, clean up that. They probably get 5 minutes to eat, because Kate can't stand to look at dirty plates on the table and must be rushed into one of the two dishwashers, if by chance dinner isn't on a paper plate. This just brings forth the question, what the hell does Kate do all day? Are there scans anywhere of the article/pictures? What was her act/photo op a few months ago of "her" cleaning the frig? Just that, a photo op.
Yep, it's the obsessed fans that Kate needs to worry about, not the "haterz".
Kate has this level of crazy, consumed fans and she's playing with fire engaging them.
There was a new What Not to Wear last night. (I still like it even if it's on TLC.) The woman was Lizz the mom of the 3 kids on Everybody Loves Raymond. She went through an awful divorce, remarried, and has a total of 9 kids. That's 9 kids. One pretty recently. She dressed awfully wearing a lot of maternity clothes or really short shorts. They asked her about the money her kids made working on the tv show. They asked couldn't she use some of that money to dress better? She said firmly no that's their money. She advises the kids on how to use their money but never uses it on herself or the family. She seemed like a good mom. She looked really pretty in her new clothes.
Do people buy gossip mags anymore? You can read just about anything on the internet and it's brand new "news". I used to skim Star and Enquirer while waiting in check out lines, but wouldn't waste the money on them. I get a few months magazine, Food NetWork, Journal, Good Housekeeping. I used to get more, but don't have time to read them all and they tend to pile up. I used to get Oprah, but it was like, I can't afford anything advertised in here, so why bother.
I used to get Oprah, but it was like, I can't afford anything advertised in here, so why bother.
I just read the rags at the dentist office and nail salon. Wouldn't buy that bathroom reading myself.
Here are some key quotes from the article:
Decribing Kate's ascent into stardom- Along the way came word that Kate was, to use one euphemism- demanding. "There was no pleasing her sometimes, says a source close to (K+8) production. It became impossible." The production source went on to say that the network became tired of Kate's diva-like antics and, given the show's dwindling ratings, pulled the plug. "I made so many mistakes, of course" Kate says-but regrets very little.
"No longer employing care givers or housekeepers (or bodyguards: erstwhile security sidekick Steven Neild is not in her employ)"
On Jon's two rules for the kids, which are: treat each other with respect and clean up after yourself- Kate's reply is "the way he lives versus the way I live is the reason we are divorced, let's just leave it at that."
Ask the younger Gosselin kids if they miss being on TV, their answer is a uniform, emphatic yes. "I'm glad someone is asking the kids themselves" Kate says, "because whenever I say they miss the show, everyone thinks I'm putting words in their mouths."
Kate on how she's getting by in her mansion on 25 acres, driving 3 luxury foreign vehicles and paying her 100K private school tuition bill every year.
"I'm in a place of unrest, figuring out what to do." The answer, so far, has taken many forms. In addition to running her own website and releasing a cookbook, she is also set to launch couponsbykate.com, a site offering coupon codes to shoppers. "Being home for these two years, I've loved every minute of it. But it also meant no steady paycheck, and I've hated every minute of that."
She does appear to live in an alternate universe. This is a quote from the article: "people are dying for me to fail. They can keep waiting". Um what about Twist of Kate or cruise or Coupon Cabin etc. Those were successes?
Ever the narcissist, in her thank you tweet to People she refers to "the honor of gracing your cover".
Every place on earth is on Kate's bucket list, LOL.
I wish Jon had not given a response to Kate Coyne but one thing he said that was interesting, and that was (and he could have just been talking about the tups since Cara and Mady don't visit as often) how much they ate at a restaurant (4 lbs. of peel and eat shrimp). If that was Kate serving their meal, each child would get 2 shrimp. I bet the kids are so excited to visit dad and EAT their fill.
Ex Nurse said... 67
Well, it serves those kids right to be condemned to a life of hard labor, without parole (until age 18). If they don't like it, they should just go get another reality show for themselves. Why should TFMJG have to work? Hasn't she done enough? Doesn't she deserve the life she was meant to have? Don't those kids owe her? If the kids would just get another reality show, they could just return to their lives of just wandering in and out of the camera frame. That is just so much better, not to mention, more convenient for TFW, than having to go to all of that trouble to work at a job. And, really, if you think about it, don't the kids owe this to their fanz?
Honestly, her sheeple really think this. ....
I just had to repost this from "Ex Nurse" because it is so true that the sheeple think this. And sadly their own so-called mother - the TFW - does everything in her power to make sure the world and her own children know it too.
I don't know. Reading more about the People article here:
and I'm sorely disappointed that Jon seems to think that this whole working a regular job thing is some sort of temporary fix until his next big break on tv comes. He's support Kate on tv again, too, but didn't mention the kids.
Whatever happened to pushing Kate to get a regular job and downsize because the kids don't need all that? Kate being on TV only means that there will be more sitters and nannies.
It's sickening that Kate will never even consider going back to nursing. There's always and excuse. She'd have to roll up her sleeves and do the hard work. Might not even be permitted to wear those French tipped nails.
The horror!
Kateplusmy8 in my hotel in egypt there's a women who is the double of u. no kids present lol, is it you?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 24 Jul @h4rrypotter in Egypt???? Oh I SO wish! The pyramids are on my bucket list! What are you doing there? Vacationing? So....how do I look?Lol!
I've never liked the term "dumb blond" but it certainly applies here. Oh, Sue Buddy?!
Michelle said... 71
''I can see how Jon is spending $450 on two days of food when they are with him on weekends. They are probably power eating to get them through to their next visit to dad'
Michelle, I had the same thought about Jon's comments and the cost of food when he has the kids. Jon allows the children to eat till they are full, and is surprised at how much they eat when they aren't under the thumb of TFW, controlling every bite they put into their mouths!
As for Jon's comment about the children eating four pounds of shrimp, I noticed that some were dividing the four pounds by eight...but I think it is much more likely that he only had four children with him. Also, I didn't read his comments as complaining about the cost (or amount) of the food...instead, it seemed to me that he was saying it all with a smile. (As in...these kids are growing up!! )
I remember when my children were growing up, and how the grocery costs jumped when they went from sharing one piece of meat to each having their own. The same thing with vegetables...there is a stage when they seem to suddenly need double the food that they required before!
THAT is what I think Jon's conversation about shrimp was all about.
I used to get Oprah, but it was like, I can't afford anything advertised in here, so why bother.
I used to get Oprah magazine years ago and just felt it so out of touch. Her lists always included things that were extravagantly pricey.
Poor Poprah was also whining about being a victim of racism. She was shopping in somewhere Scandinavian where she's evidently not well known, and the sales associate discouraged her from looking at a very $$ bag intended for Tina Turner.
What is UP with these filthy rich types lavishing gifts on their friends when they visit? Uh, a little hostess or house warming gift for me would be like flowers or baked goods, not a Hermes bag!
"Here's a link between Kate Coyne and Kate Gosselin: Coyne is the mother of twin boys."
Dr. Drew has triplets and seemed sympathetic to Kate.
Layla said... 51
.....Some people are just so sick of her crying poor, while refusing to work. If you're truly poor, and you are able to work, then you work. Simple enough. But she refuses. She'd rather grift. That massive sense of entitlement is pretty off-putting. She seems to think that actual work is beneath her, and that is an insult to those of us who work for a living. Of course, she considers all of us mediocre (which means that she, by her logic, is superior), and feels no guilt in taking what others work for. It's like a little monarchy. The mediocre serfs should work to support their queen. Fortunately, that's not working out too well for her lately.
The Daily Mail article has a quote where she said that people think she will do anything for fame, but she's not that girl--she will not work with Jon. Isn't it telling that the one thing she will not do is something that would make HER unhappy. Yet things that humiliate her kids--nudity, going to the bathroom, bathing, throwing up--are just fine with her. I guess because it's them, and not her.
Fans say the non-fans are jealous of her. I don't think it's jealousy as much as the feeling that she does not deserve what she has, She hasn't worked and paid her dues. She sold her kids and their privacy, for what? Another car? A bigger house? Is it worth it when your daughters are followed into public bathrooms? To the rest of us, the answer is no. To her, it is a resounding yes.
Loved this post so much because it was just what I would post.
And to add...I think all her whining in People is also a BIG push to GRIFT big time from not only her fans but to readers,companies, and advertisers. Poor poor Kate with 8 kids can't work a job and all the "freebies" she lived off of for years are slowly drying up. Boo Hoo. Why should she spend her millions on her kids ... come on world, where are all the freebies?
Tucker's Mom--so sorry to hear about the loss of your pup. Our pets are so important to us, and here for such a short time.
kate's Cart said... 105
Do people buy gossip mags anymore?
That was me, I bought all the soap mags, People & US, EVERY week. Now it's all old info by the time the mag comes out so I stopped buying them a few years ago. All of my gossip (lol) comes from the 'net.
Just Down The Road said... 77
Apparently one can just call QVC and make an appointmtent to sell things? Who knew. Its right here in West Chester, what is she waiting for?
Sure. You just clean out your basement and attic, haul everything to QVC, sit back while the hosts hawk your stuff, and rake in the profits. It's that easy.
Who suggested QVC? Let me guess -- one of the six die-hard sheeple.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 18h
@EmeraldCityJazz She does have 8 kids! Plenty ideas 4 kids. I'm sure @Kateplusmy8 can think of something to sell on QVC for women &children
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 7h
@Kateplusmy8 @peoplemag I am ready to see you on QVC Kate. I know you will be a big hit with children's clothing & accessories.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 191
Who can say they've got 8 college funds, let alone 1, when their kids are 9?
Someone call a whaaaaambuance.
Exactly. If putting her children through college was such a high priority for TFW, then she should have stopped with two healthy lovely twin daughters and had no more children. Much easier to put two through college than eight. But if you must persist in trying for more children, don't whine about not having the money for every single one to attend college.
Plan your family size according to a realistic budget. Some people suggested I might want more children. Yes, I would have liked maybe up to three children -- but then I realized that I could really only afford one. So I didn't have another child. My life is still full and happy, and I am going to be able to put my child through college. Would not be able to say the same if I had more than one though.
I've spoken before about coming from a large family. My dad made a fairly good income, but he could not afford to pay 100% of our college costs. We were expected to have summer jobs to help with those expenses. I waited until I was 20 before I started college, and then I paid for everything except for the dorm cost the first year. I worked full time during the summers and part time during the college year. (It costs sooooooooooooo much more for college these days, that your average 18-year old probably couldn't do what I did, but they could still contribute as much as they could earn toward the annual expense.)
I also just looked for the article about Kate and the kids on People's cover at Huffington Post - and couldn't find it. It had 95% negative comments. Most people were telling Kate to "get a job" and "stop whining." Most were unhappy with People editors for choosing to feature Kate on their cover.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 9m
@Kateplusmy8 Re: Fan that followed M&C in2 bthrm...I think Kate has taught her kids 2never go alone...how 2handle curious, excited fans! :)
Kate taught her tween daughter how to handle grow strangers in a public bathroom?
I get scared if I think a stranger is following me. I bet the poor twins were scared as well.
Question where in the hell was mom when a stranger was stalking her teen daughters?
I can see why many people hate/dislike TFW she is so fake and full of herself.
Ex Nurse said... 107
Tucker's Mom--so sorry to hear about the loss of your pup. Our pets are so important to us, and here for such a short time.
August 17, 2013 at 5:00 PM
Thank you ;-(
I had and still have this overwhelming urge to relive those 16 years with him. Every feeding, every walk, every accident in the house!
I was sure to hug and kiss him every day.
"So many kisses", I'd say to him.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 15m
@Kateplusmy8 Re: Fan that followed M&C in2 bthrm...I think Kate has taught her kids 2never go alone...how 2handle curious, excited fans! :)
Excited fans? How to "handle" them? God help us. It's the excited fans that are dangerous. No kids know what to do if cornered in a bathroom, or followed around by obsessed fans who want to gush over them...I don't care how much kids are taught. It only takes one minute for someone like this to grab a child and run with that child...in a blink of an eye that child can disappear.
In this Kate love-fest relationship, Milo is so far into it that she can't see or think straight.
I don't care how curious or excited a fan is, they have no right to pursue a 12 year old and definitely not into the bathroom. It's disgusting and inappropriate.
hand in hand,
How coincidental, the article you referenced about Maci Bookout from Teen Mom talking about the 'possibility' of having a spin-off show, when she has one airing this Sunday, Aug 18 on MTV. It's a 1 hour special called "Being Maci". What more is there to know about her life? LOL
I think they're probably going to use this special to guage whether or not there's enough interest in a full series on her. I personally can't imagine she's interesting enough to carry a show, but who knows.
To the returning familiar names and the new ones I've noticed the past few days, WELCOME!
Kristine, prairiemary, boyson, Kate's cart, DanielleB, JonFan, Dottie.
I bet Milo doesn't want her teen daughter followed to the restroom.
Had this been Jon and not his ex-wife the sheep would want him stripped of his fathers rights.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 7h
@Kateplusmy8 @peoplemag I am ready to see you on QVC Kate. I know you will be a big hit with children's clothing & accessories.
Is McGoody aware that Kate had a children's clothing line and it flopped? Is she supposed to do it again and hope that the second time around is a charm?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 15m
@Kateplusmy8 Re: Fan that followed M&C in2 bthrm...I think Kate has taught her kids 2never go alone...how 2handle curious, excited fans! :)
I seems that this lesson was a fail.
One of the 1st things you'd teach them is that they NOT go into the restroom or any other secluded/private place with someone following them. First rule of child safety is you head to the safety of someone in charge, ie: find an employee or family/group, not where you're alone with them!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 24m
@Kateplusmy8 As a responsible mother Kate has preached safety & proper boundaries 2her kids...they R well traveled & used 2crowds looking!
Yes, sir! Come one, come all. For one thin dime, one tenths of a dollar, watch Kate and her kids romp on the midway. See them play, shake their hands, take their pictures, and for another dime, have your picture taken with them. The well-traveled Gosselins love this, thrive on this, make their day and gawk all you want...all for one thin dime!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 112
I don't care how curious or excited a fan is, they have no right to pursue a 12 year old and definitely not into the bathroom. It's disgusting and inappropriate.
Exactly how does one teach a 12-year old to deal with inappropriate fans?
Pepper spray and a whistle?
Old Stevie has moved on, so there's that.
He's support Kate on tv again, too, but didn't mention the kids.
Whatever happened to pushing Kate to get a regular job and downsize because the kids don't need all that?
I think Jon has made it pretty clear in the past T.V. is no "career." He did a whole interview attacking Kate for trying to make a career on T.V.
I wonder at this point if it's probably just not worth antagonizing her. Yea yea yea sure Kate go back on T.V. That's what his strategy was on the cruise he told me. He knew Kate was never going to get the amount of people she needed to make it a go, so why drag her to court and upset her prematurely? He just let it ride and sure enough it all folded just as he knew it would.
Along the way came word that Kate was, to use one euphemism- demanding. "There was no pleasing her sometimes, says a source close to (K+8) production. It became impossible." The production source went on to say that the network became tired of Kate's diva-like antics and, given the show's dwindling ratings, pulled the plug.
Have her main sheep addressed this? After all, Kate is loved all over the world. Everyone who meets her loves her. They must have read this. I guess the person responsible for this quote was lying through his/her teeth because they were jealous.
He just let it ride and sure enough it all folded just as he knew it would.
You know, that makes a lot of sense. Just placate her knowing nothing is going to materialize.
Well, we've also said good for Kate, just Kate, if she gets a TV gig. But really? I don't see it happening.
No I don't see that they learned much here. They should have immediately exited the bathroom and told that fan thank you but we're children and it's a rule we're not supposed to speak with people we do not know for our safety. We're private people just trying to do some shopping now and we're respectfully asking you to stop following us and talking to us.
If the fan refuses, they need to go straight to store security and if necessary, the police.
If the fan refuses, they need to go straight to store security and if necessary, the police.
One thing I'll definitely give Jon is that he realizes that the danger comes mainly from crazed fans, hence he packs heat.
I've always read articles on preesi's site but can't any more. Anyone have a link of the entire People article?
I was wondering why the kids faces aren't blurred out like they always used to be.
Of course, I know this is not my blog and that Administrator runs it and can do what she wants. I was just wondering. Please don't be angry with me for asking. I do read here a lot but probably missed something explaining this.
I should have blurred them but the discussion was so frenzied about all the controversy in this article, from what Mady said to the creepy fans following them into the bathroom to the heartbreaking chore chart, it sort of fell by the wayside. I'm still catching up on comments. I will probably go back and blur them as soon as I get a chance. Seems a moot point though since it's in every supermarket aisle this week.
I love that idea. Beats a laminated 52-point chore list. Ugh, I'm a grown adult and can't imagine THAT being imposed on me. I like my house clean, but not 52 chore's worth clean.
Yes who doesn't like a clean house. To me life is all about cost benefit. Gosh would it be lovely to live in a house that's suitable to eat off the floors? Sure. But it wouldn't be worth all the money you would have to pay a full time housekeeper, or all the time you and your family would have to dedicate to it. If there comes a point a full time housekeeper is financially possible, then great. But I can't ever see justifying the amount of time you would need to devote to a 52 point checklist all the time. I do have a list myself, but it's about 20 things, and it's pulled out once a month and knocked out on a Saturday morning (well, in a perfect world hehe.) I suspect like most people, the house is not always perfect, but it's reasonably clean most times, a little messy sometimes, and a wreck once in awhile, and gets a deep cleaning every once a month or so, and I try not to sweat it otherwise.
When you're on your deathbed someday nobody says I wish the house was cleaner.
Where are some of you finding TFW 52 point chore chart?
When you're on your deathbed someday nobody says I wish the house was cleaner.
Reminds me of Erma Bombeck's "If I had My Life To Live Over:"
If I had my life to live over, I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.
I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television - and more while watching life.
I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner."
There would have been more "I love you's".. More "I'm sorrys" ...
But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute... look at it and really see it ... live it...and never give it back.
This is the first I ever recall a TLC insider saying she was cancelled in part because she was a pain. Obviously we speculated but no one ever said it.
So what was the point of blurring them out in the first place then? There were tons more articles out there when this blog started doing this.
Now it's a moot point? Please, blurr them out like always.
If the fan refuses, they need to go straight to store security and if necessary, the police.
It's not their responsibility it's their responsibility to tell a stranger to go away.
It's their mother responsibility make sure her preteen. Daughter aren't bee followed by a stranger.
The TLC insider must be right, because TFW herself tweeted:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 11h
Thx @peoplemag for REAL picture of my family...written w honesty &accuracy, as always! Thx 4 fun shoot&honor of gracing your cover, again!
Sooo, I have not read the People article other then the info shared here...
Is it true that TFW is admitting that SHE IS A DIVA and that is why she currently is out of work???????????
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 139
I bet Jon feeds his ex-wife ego of being on TV cause he knows that she won't make it on TV.
The last few episodes with the RV trip fit right in with the TLC insider saying she was difficult. It sure did look like they had had enough and weren't going to edit out any of the bad stuff this time. I guess I give Kate Coyne a little credit for throwing in some truths like Mady's statement and some stuff about TFW, although I think her motives were to show the brand new "changed" TFW by comparing and contrasting, and not to make her look bad. Coyne seems to be clueless that her information about the chores make Kate look psycho, not mother of the year as she seems to be implying with her ridiculous nanny-less comment. Blech.
Chef you're right it's TFW's responsibility to address this issue with the fan. Find out who it was if possible and warn her never to do it again or a restraining order will issue, and hire full time protection for the children when they go out. I cannot believe the gall of some people to approach 12 year old CHILDREN. There is testimony right now about strangers approaching celebrity's children and it's looking good for this bill to pass. In CA, this woman might find herself arrested for such a stunt come next year.
The irony is it's starting to look like these kids will need far more therapy to deal with TFW's terrible treatment of them than they ever will about being filmed and being child celebrities. Yet my focus has always weighed more in the direction of the filming that was the issue, and I sort of brushed TFW off as well lots of people have bad mothers. Irony is funny like that.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 11h
Thx @peoplemag for REAL picture of my family...written w honesty &accuracy, as always! Thx 4 fun shoot&honor of gracing your cover, again
So I guess all the negative stories about you are true as well right?
I have another question. Steve was supposedly hired for the kids.
And he was with the family and TFW for what 4-5 years?
In all that time did she not learn how to spot a crazy fan or stranger danger?
What did she learn from having Steve around all these years in protecting her kids?
I love to be the one to tell her that the "facilities" in such countries can be as primitive as a hole that you straddle.
Yes. I once held it eight hours on the bus because the only option at a rest top was a row of holes. No curtains, nothing. Just a hole. At least there was a ladies room and men's room. I finally just went at the next one, but it was revolting. I think everyone who gets the chance should go to a third world country. I'd like to see her spent seven hours at the border as they question what you want with their country and why you're there. Seven hours. I would pity her crew.
I noticed she said hey what you up to there in Egypt, vacationing? Who can "vacation" there right now? Wouldn't your first question be oh gosh are you staying safe hope you're ok! I mean if you EVER, EVER turned on the news the past six months or ever looked at it online, ever.
Ask the younger Gosselin kids if they miss being on TV, their answer is a uniform, emphatic yes. "I'm glad someone is asking the kids themselves" Kate says, "because whenever I say they miss the show, everyone thinks I'm putting words in their mouths."
Yet, when interviewed only one out of the eight talked about being on T.V. The rest have normal interests.
It never occurs to Kate that maybe they say what she wants to hear because they love her and want to please her. How can the little kids even remember what filming was even about to know they want it back? Even Maura Wilson, who was their age when she filmed Mrs. Doubtfire, said she can only remember little bits and pieces of Mrs. Doubtfire. Otherwise, it's all a blur. The second filming comes back and they can't see their friends or do a school activity because it interferes, or have to sit around on an interview couch for hours or stand around in hot or cold weather, they'll be singing a different tune. Few children this age have the slightest interest in hanging out on a production set. It's rare a child who enjoys that.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 160
Exactly I mean she fines her kids if that don't want to do chores.
She fines them if they speak up against doing the chores.
Could you image what mom would do if they didn't say they missed being on TV?
Those poor kids know not to come against their mother.
So TFW wants to go to Egypt. I'll book her a nice room fronting Tahrir Square. /sarcasm
Kids learn early to please their parents. And if you have a parent who is particularly controlling, stubborn or mentally ill, you learn to appease or you would never survive. There is no point in telling Kate they might not want to film, she would never listen anyway. Better to keep her happy.
They want to film again, yet in a private interview Mady admits all those trips would have made them brats. Which is it? I think in front of Kate they say sure yes we want to film. When they are out of her gaze, they are free to be more honest and say look it was fun while it lasted but let's get real, we woulda been pretty spoiled had such a lifestyle continued.
We were in a little bistro in Paris and I had to go to the bathroom. Imagine my surprise when I went in and found footprints facing one way for men and the other way for women to squat over the drain. In Paris! And I had to be quick when I flushed because the floor flooded to wash everything down! Did I mention that this was in Paris and not some 3rd world country?
Sleepless in Seattle - I remember reading Erma Bombeck's column as I was growing up. Sadly, these days, the media wants to feed us the Kardashians, and Kate Gosselin, instead of a real mom, and a real, truly nice lady like Erma Bombeck.
I can only imagine if someone like Erma came along now - she'd be laughed out the door, or else they'd want to do a makeover on her, and turn her into a plastic looking shell of herself.
Exactly how does one teach a 12-year old to deal with inappropriate fans?
Well, when I felt my son was old enough to be left alone in the trading card section of our local Target while I went and did my own shopping in the same store, we had already had several discussions about what to do should a stranger approach him, or if he otherwise became uncomfortable in any situation. In a store, he knew that he should find a way to excuse himself and either come find me, or if that wasn't happening - look for a store clerk up at one of the registers and ask for assistance.
I think I was finally comfortable leaving him on his own for 10 minutes or so by the time he was 10. One day, a man did try to engage him in conversation. I was in the boy's department and looked up to find my son right there by my side. He told me what happened and that he just said, "my mom is waiting for me" and walked away from the man.
I see no reason why the twins couldn't already know how to deal with a stranger trying to speak to them. Tell them "we have to go," and either head straight for a parent, or up to the front of the store and seek help from a store clerk or manager. "This lady tried to follow us into the bathroom" ought to have been enough to have the manager at least speak to the strange lady.
All children should know some basic skills to get themselves out of a situation where they feel uncomfortable.
I haven't posted here for a long time, and I was never a big poster anyway, but I just wanted to say something that's been really bugging me about TFW.
I really really doubt that she has THAT much money, definitely not enough to be "retired" and not work. I'm quite positive that she is NOT just living off of the interest of her investments, she is most definitely dipping into the principal, probably quite a bit. I giver her 5 MAYBE 10 years before she truly is flat broke. She will be almost 50, AS IF she is going to start a new career then, when most people are starting to slow down and think about retiring, she will be forced to go out into the work force. The fact that her house isn't paid off tells me that she doesn't have nearly the amount of money that people think, definitely not enough to be sitting around for the last 2 years waiting by the phone for her next reality show to materialize. She is burning through her money now, when she's young and setting herself up to be broke and destitute once she hit's middle age. I just hope she's not counting on the kids to support her once they enter the work force, it's bad enough that they have supported her up until now.
I know this topic is nothing new around here... but it just astonishes me that she is just "hanging around" blowing through her money and waiting for her next big break. She is really setting herself up for a MAJOR dose of reality in a few years.
I'm just happy that at least the kids have Jon to be there for them when TFW's money run's out and her house of cards falls down around her.
Canadian Mom - I tend to agree with you. Some people have suggested that TFW either has invested wisely and is living on the interest on her investments. The problem I have is that TFW is not smart, but thinks she knows best. I can imagine a financial adviser trying to direct her toward various investments and TFW picking her own, merely to prove that she knows better than some stupid financial advisor.
Then, I look at her fairly lavish lifestyle. She scrimps on the kids, but she does go all out when she wants something, like a new sports car. The house alone has to cost quite a bit simply to maintain, pay the mortgage, the property taxes, and so forth. The tuition for the private school, for 8 children, cannot be cheap. Even if Jon somehow scrapes up half of that tuition (how? how?), TFW has to pay the other half. The school would be crazy to subsidize the tuition.
I think she did hide money from Jon in the divorce, and has the lion's share. But with no new money coming in, eventually what she has will run out. Interesting point about it running out when she's least able to jumpstart any type of career.
Ask the younger Gosselin kids if they miss being on TV, their answer is a uniform, emphatic yes. "I'm glad someone is asking the kids themselves" Kate says, "because whenever I say they miss the show, everyone thinks I'm putting words in their mouths."
I thought there was a recent interview where one of the kids said they missed the trips (not being on tv)?
Millicent said... 167
It's a head scratcher. The inequity in financial distribution at the time of the divorce is mind boggling. How Kate could hide so much money and Jon not be able to find it? Or his lawyers find it?
He's intimated that he *knows* that she has many accounts, yet he lives so meagerly, almost hand to mouth, it seems.
Don't get it.
Kate's pseudo admitting she was a diva to work with... well, duh. TLC made sure that the curtain was pulled back to reveal what those who worked with her had to deal with.
The thing is, Kate gets back into the RTV game, or gets a hosting/reporting job and she's going right back to being the demanding, swag-hoarding woman she was before.
Once the dough starts rolling in again, if it ever does, she'll change her tune. The humility will be long gone.
I haven't read the People article, just excerpts, but aside from Kate's inexplicably covert coupon site ( I have to laugh at the irony), was there ANYTHING new that hasn't been said 50x before?
All children should know some basic skills to get themselves out of a situation where they feel uncomfortable.
So true. Unfortunately, children need to be very aware of reality.
Two things. Strangers KNOW the G kids by name and have a false sense of familiarity, taking liberties they would NEVER do with private children. It takes it to another level.
Second, it's been touted over and over again how the G kids warm up to strangers and are very comfortable with unknown adults. A lifetime of grown up playmates has done this to them.
NJGal51 said... 163
We were in a little bistro in Paris and I had to go to the bathroom. Imagine my surprise when I went in and found footprints facing one way for men and the other way for women to squat over the drain. In Paris!
Something I noticed in Italy was the lack of toilet seats. Your butt went right onto the turlet. Ouch, and you almost fell in!
Yes, restrooms in the U. S. are like the Taj Mahal of toilets.
I thought there was a recent interview where one of the kids said they missed the trips (not being on tv)?
They did say that, or was it J or K that paraphrased what the kids said. It didn't say they missed filming (you know, their Daddies), but yes, they miss travel.
I get that. The kids had so much attention with the crew around and got to be a bit spoiled for the cameras, like the regimented rules were relaxed to show Relaxed Kate version 2.1.
The kids know the vacations and getaways aren't happening without a film crew, or at least, rarely.
Growing up, it would never occur to me to miss travel, because we rarely did. I enjoyed going to the Jersey shore, but looked forward to a week or two at camp more. Mostly, I enjoyed my freedom to run and play with my friends daily, something you really can't do when isolated on a compound.
Another tragedy involving an obsessed fan.
According to an article on Us weekly-
Daniel Green was obsessed with Selena Gomez. He took out his frustration out and killed his mother, sister, niece, and infant nephew.
“This person is obviously significantly troubled, then that frustration and those problems may build up to the point that he felt like he had no other options,” Dr. Steven Sternlof told News9.
“I want her [to] be my eternal wife and the queen of my kingdom forever. Hey, I love her more than god, my momma, my dad, Jesus, myself and ya’ll,” said one.
Talk about celebrity worship!
His Facebook wall was covered with pictures of the singer, who he called “yummy.”
Sound like anyone we know??
“Someone that may have an obsession, in this case with a celebrity, might have a compulsion to respond in a certain way, thinking that this celebrity is in love with them or they’re in love with the celebrity and they need to be close together, and they may need to stop others that are interfering in that relationship.”
I thought there was a recent interview where one of the kids said they missed the trips (not being on tv)?
They did say that, or was it J or K that paraphrased what the kids said. It didn't say they missed filming (you know, their Daddies), but yes, they miss travel.
Thanks Tucker's Mom.
Travel when I was growing up meant 3 hour car trips a few times a year to visit grandparents and maybe a family vacation every 3-5 years to visit DC or Chicago or rent a cabin on a lake, but that was it. I have fantastic memories of those trips. They weren't lavish or expensive but the memories we all have of time spent with loved ones are priceless.
I don't blame the G8 for missing the trips; if I were them I'd feel the same way! Except for the grifted trip to the beach last year, they've been basically cooped up on the Kompound since the show ended. It's a shame that the G8 won't have memories like you and I do.
I was just thinking about the pile of money many of us think TFW has socked away and why or how she seemed to end up with more than Jon.
We know a trust was set up for the kids which can be used for education, healthcare, and their basic needs if necessary. I wonder if she over-funded the fund (put the bulk of the "family earned money" in this account before the divorce settlement) and is using it to pay for their private school, housing, braces, BBB, etc, etc., and the only part that was split in the divorce was what she chose to 'share'.
I wonder if she could have finagled this during the divorce.
I think Jon at the time of the divorce had some guy for a lawyer who was more interested in being a hanger on for the 'fame', then getting things done right for Jon. Wasn't he the lawyer who wasn't even legal in PA, and they had to sub someone at the last moment? And he'd been disbarred someplace besides? A real cocky guy, who apparently didn't have a brain.
Canadianmom, I think you're probably right. She has enough for a while yet. But not the rest of her life.
Mealer, I found the 52 point list online from Merry maids, a professional cleaning service,not children ! Personally I just clean what needs to be done. Sometimes I will find something shocking like enormous dust bunnies somewhere...no big deal.Common sense really. Imagine kids coming home tired from along school day to a list of 52 chores plus penalties!If this is even true which I doubt as I'm sure she has help.
I think one of he reasons Jon is not financially well off is that TLC sued him and he settled which cost him big bucks I bet. He also had attorney fees for that lawsuit and the divorce. TLC paid for Kate's divorce for playing ball with them. I do believe she had accounts hidden from Jon but unless he hired a forensic accountant during the divorce, he cannot prove it and is just surmising what he believes. Jon also was not a good money manager and allowed Kate to control the money during their marriage from what I have read (remember his $5 a week lunch allowance before TLC?)
I agree that she is dipping into the principal she has socked away and the money pile has got to be dwindling as the kids age. She doesn't seem to cut corners on herself or the lifestyle and just hopes some high paying TV job will fall into her lap again. She knows it won't be by luck but with her usual plotting and manipulating but TV is wise to her now. And she is still paying for a manager, obviously, to get her mug on "People" and Today show.
Robert's book may not have gone mainstream, but he did do her damage, not even taking into consideration her own public behavior. Think about it....she is reduced to Twittering, blogging, and printing her own book like us mediocre people. The entertainment industry is a small world and reputation is everything. They only put up with divas who bring in the ratings. She cannot.
So true. Unfortunately, children need to be very aware of reality.
Two things. Strangers KNOW the G kids by name and have a false sense of familiarity, taking liberties they would NEVER do with private children. It takes it to another level.
Second, it's been touted over and over again how the G kids warm up to strangers and are very comfortable with unknown adults. A lifetime of grown up playmates has done this to them.
Indiscriminate affection. What's scary is that she has encouraged immediate and close relationships with other strangers, like their daddies the crew, and random fans like Emily. So how can a young child tell the difference between who it's okay to be BFF with and who it's not?
Any child could be hurt by a stranger if given the opportunity however these kids are more vulnerable because as you said people know them. They can use information about them to lure them in easier. For example, someone could say hi Mady and Cara I'm Emily's best friend she's told me all about you! Emily's actually in town, she's right over at my house. Let's swing by and surprise her she'll flip!
It would be that easy. And I'm not sure these kids are old enough and savvy enough to feel a situation like that out properly.
AW RT @texaschic1111: No joke @Kateplusmy8 at costco reading @peoplemag &3 strangers&I bonding on how much we miss seeing u&kids #madeourday
Too funny that she retweets this after the Costco conversation here. Sheeple read here. I wonder if if ANY change their minds because I think we have excellent conversations here.
Too funny that she retweets this after the Costco conversation here. Sheeple read here. I wonder if if ANY change their minds because I think we have excellent conversations here.
They've popped up now and again to defend some of the ridiculousness of the article but it seems to me overall it's been rather quiet in sheeple land. The obligatory oh how excited I am to see you on the cover, then silence.
Someone recently tweeted that their mother had passed away unexpectedly after surgery and Milo can't help but stick her nose into the tweeter's personal business to satisfy her ghoulish curiosity?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 13h
@xxxxxx Don't mean 2impose..U may not wish 2talk abt it...but very concerned? Did she have complications N surgery? What happened?
I thought that last night about the twitter account that tweeted about Costco so I went and looked at it. It has almost 2,000 tweets and doesn't appear to have tweeted about or to Kate before. Doesn't follow any sheeple. I think that must have just been a random tweet.
I don't have a dramatic magazine story myself.
When I did some stockpiling shopping yesterday the People was in the rack where it was supposed to be, 3 or 4 issues left. No one was talking about it either good or bad, no one tried to turn it around or move it to a better spot. It was just....there.
Maybe we're more apathetic around these parts! :)
I, uh, I might have turned it around. Might have.
I don't understand people who are just dying to know (no pun intended) how someone died. What does it matter? It's none of your business, and it won't bring them back.
If someone wants to offer the details, fine, but is it just me or is that an incredibly rude question? Who wants to rehash how someone died?
Admin said...
I think Jon has made it pretty clear in the past T.V. is no "career." He did a whole interview attacking Kate for trying to make a career on T.V.
I posted this earlier: doesn't it seem more believable that Jon is the one who refuses to film with TFW and/or kids? That would explain a lot of the ongoing hostility and trashing.
I sincerely doubt that accounts were hidden--woukdn't that be criminal? Also, I don't think anything was being paid to the lids until the law changed, requiring 15%.
I haven't read the article (darn you Trader Joes--no mags), but the summary mentioned $24,000 per episode. Didn't Robert have contracts proving more in the later years, and for K+8?
It can be true that she is wealthy, but running into cash flow problems. Money was probably put in retirement accounts to minimize taxes, which would incur an early withdrawal penalty and tax liability. The fact that she has a mortgage means nothing. It isn't mortgaged to the hilt--she still has substantial equity.
If she worked as a nurse in a 9-5 job (and, yes, Kate, they do exist. I have several nurse moms in my GS troop) those earnings plus the interest from her investments would allow her to live comfortably if not extravagantly.
Jon's lawyer was originally from PA but he got fed up with Jon, if memory serves, and left. Then Jon got mixed up with Michael Lohan and got Mark Heller as a lawyer, the one who Lindsay Lohan left Shawn Holley for and then ran back to Shawn Holley begging her to represent her again because Heller was SO bad.
Jon made a lot of mistakes. He believed he was going to come out of the divorce smelling like a rose because everyone liked him, he was the poor put upon husband with the shrew wife. He had a lot of "yes" people (Lohan, Glassman, Major, Heller) telling him what he wanted to hear.
He paid for it both in his lawsuit with TLC and with his initial child support payment to Kate. A year of $24,000+/- a month will eat up your divorce settlement very quickly.
I think the money thing is three things.
1. Kate didn't have to pay her lawyer bills and other expenses because TLC covered it. Jon did have to pay on his own. Jon himself said this. Anyone who has ever seen a divorce attorney bill knows this will wipe you out. I always tell people divorce will make you broke so be prepared for that and don't do it as anything but a method of last resort. I 100% believe this divorce made him broke, no question.
2. The divorce settled very quickly. Since it's hard to picture TFW ever agreeing to any give and take settlement, I'm guessing she made out like a bandit. Jon probably figured it wasn't worth the time, money and aggravation to fight her for years over money. I think at the time, he thought he would keep making money by doing things like the Superbowl commercial.
3. Kate is willing to dip into the children's money for "necessities" and Jon won't do that. If she dips into their trust for their schooling, food, medical care, toys, entertainment? That would cover almost everything but her own pedicures. I think anyone can afford 30 bucks a month for those when the trust covers everything else.
I also think the money will run out I'm just a tad surprised that it hasn't yet. But as I said a couple days ago, this is only year two. A tiny amount of time in the grand scheme of a trust or bank account. God knows where she will be in year 5 or 10.
I consider Milo's questions to be extremely rude. Milo knows it's rude. She prefaced her prying questions with "Don't mean to impose...." So I'm assuming she was schooled in manners and what is appropriate. She just doesn't care. Her nosiness completely overtakes what is appropriate and what is not.
As far as I'm concerned only your close, close family and friends has any right to ask the details of someone's death.
I have shared before I lost a friend to a terrible car accident when we were in high school. But, I don't know any details of it. It's not my place to ask. The only thing I know is the intersection it happened at, and that a failure to stop occurred (she was not the driver). I have no idea how long she lived afterward or if it was pretty instant, and I have no idea what her injuries were. Clueless. To this day.
It's simply not my place to ask. If the family wants to talk about the details, they will. For over 15 years now they have chosen not to, and a good friend respects that.
Milo also said she was "very concerned." It's one thing to feel empathy, even when something happens to a stranger. But very concerned? That's what family and friends who are close to someone feel. It's a natural feeling (unless of course one is a narcissist). But to be "very" concerned? Those are just words Milo used to try and cover up her obnoxious nosiness.
canadianmom, you said it better than I ever could! The fact that the house is not paid off AND was refinanced with more principal taken out at the time is what got me firmly on the side of what you say. Thank you for saying it so eloquently!
I will never subscribe to People again until they quit this promotion of these people. KG is still her old "better than you" self with the inflated ego as high as the sky. Once upon a time we imagined her as being more than flush with money. I believe she is still doing okay living off her children. We wouldn't even know her name if she had not had two sets of multiples and exploited the heck out of them. Sad that it is still happening. She lost so many opportunities and friends with her attitude. The kids will be flying the coop in a few years. That time will tell the true story.
I have NEVER believed that $250K figure that they finally earned per episode. Absolutely makes no sense. I believe those salary figures for celebs are nothing more than publicity to pump up their image. I do believe Jon and Kate hit the 6 figure mark for a yearly salary, but even the $5mil number seems high to me. Maybe it's just an image game for Kate now and she really is starting to panic. She is only 37 and will have 8 kids in college so she better reconsider medicine. BTW, I think she has offended many people by knocking the nursing profession, but her real reason could just be that no doc or hospital in her area will hire her. Talk about burning your bridges!
Wll I guess they only paid for the twitterbots on the day people came out. Tweets have gone down considerably. Mostly re-tweets of old stuff today and tweets from the regular crew of fans and non-fans. Done and done.
TLC stinks said... 180
AW RT @texaschic1111: No joke @Kateplusmy8 at costco reading @peoplemag &3 strangers&I bonding on how much we miss seeing u&kids #madeourday
Too funny that she retweets this after the Costco conversation here.
DH and I just got back from Costco. No maudlin, weepy fans staring longingly at the People cover on the rack. Plenty of copies, nothing backwards, nothing defaced.
When will Kate ever stop living in the past?
"Our life is our show and our show is our life"
... until it's not.
Didn't TFMJG tweet awhile back that Mady had gotten her braces off? Since Mady clearly has braces, this cover must have been shot awhile back. I wonder if it was when TFMJG was on twitter silence and at that time we speculated something was up.
Mady had braces when she was nine and then again now.But they do shoot the covers in advnce.
Milo also said she was "very concerned." It's one thing to feel empathy, even when something happens to a stranger. But very concerned?
I just read about this term today, grief tourism. It includes a lot of things but includes people who seek out sites for people who have recently died to post lots of comments about how upset they are over this, is there anything they can do, etc.
It's sort of like an attention thing I suppose. I guess so you can act so upset then maybe tell your friends and family how tragic it is.
@ Millicent 167, I totally agree with you. I'm just speculating all of this based on my own experiences, but I know she didn't make much off of her books. And unless she has over 10 million socked away (which I highly doubt, it's probably somewhere around 2 or 3 if that), there's no way she's living off of the interest of her money. Also, living in the country ourselves (no where near the kind of home or maintenance that she has) I know how expensive it is to maintain, that property is costing her a fortune to run.
Anyway, I guess only time will tell, but my prediction is that her house is on the market in the next 5 years.
Another thing that's been bugging me about this whole thing is Milo. My take on "her" is that she isn't a "her at all, I think Milo's entire persona is made up. I don't even think this person is even a fan of TFW's. The back handed compliments that they are constantly tweeting. Always making sure to rub a little salt into most of her tweets. I don't think this person even likes her at all. I don't think Milo's motivation for this weird twitter relationship with TFW has anything to do with TFW at all... I think it's all about the attention they get from us and the non-fans. I think this is someone who is very bored and lonely and is in some sort of institution, probably a male who might think that TFW is physically attractive but someone who also get's a kick out of their passive aggressive jabs at her. It's like they are constantly sprinkling a little salt in with every "YOU GO GIRL" tweets. I honestly think that for Milo, this is all about the attention they are getting elsewhere, not really from TFW. I also think that to them this is nothing more then some weird game they are playing, trying to see how long they can keep it up.
That's my take on it...
I hope you great ladies (and guys?) have yourselves a fantastic weekend and enjoy some sunshine! :)
I just can't believe they didn't pick Hannah Anderson for the top story this week, that story was huge, blowing up by the minute, and perfect for People's style.
Maybe they give Kate Coyne a cover of her choice once a year to shut her up. They bury it deep in the bowels of summer when no one is paying attention.
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