'If we kept going on trips all the time and not ever seen that there's, like, a different way to live, we could have wound up being really bratty, you know?'
She doesn't have the clout of the TLC machine behind her anymore to say that she'll only answer certain questions. My guess is that she have no more than a 5 minute segment to say "yes, my cookbook is out and/or coming out". Gone are the days where she be on as a featured player.
Joy - SOA has two more seasons to go. YEA! I saw Sons of Poetry and loved it. Those muppets were right on the characters. Especially the "Tig" muppet.
The picture of Kate (page 5) sucking on her finger while two of the girls are making no-bake cookies is seriously grossing the heck out of me. Who the heck chooses and approves these pictures. ? (rhetorical question I know) *GAG*
I find this gross too. I think generally it's a bad idea to stick your fingers in food that you are trying to "sell" even if you're only selling the idea of it. I think people identify with the food as if they are going to eat it, and then get vicariously grossed out when it's tampered with. No other way to explain why it would make people cringe to see someone do this to food that the viewer can't even eat.
I saw Giada do this once to cupcake frosting, and even though I have no way to eat her cupcakes, it gave me the heebie jeebies. It's just so gross! It's like I almost want to say back away from my cupcake frosting excuse me I'm going to eat that! LOL
I don't think CNN is a joke at all. I get a lot of my news from them, most of the time they get it right and they don't get it wrong more than anyone else does, and they are mostly just repeating the same exact information that everyone else you get your news from is repeating. Unless it's a really big story like an election or terrorist attack, news stories almost all come from the same couple sources at the site of the news. If you look at their web site, the BULK of CNN's stories come DIRECTLY from wire sources that EVERYONE is using, such as the AP news wire. So no, I totally disagree they are a "joke."
I do however think it's hysterical they would list pending appearances. They are so desperate to get it out there she was at least considered for Piers, even if she doesn't make it, they want to make sure you know she was on the table. It's so pathetic. Almost doesn't count!
You know in thinking about this I wonder if Kate's PR team is trying to sell her appearances as a "Where are they now" thing. They can capitalize on the two year anniversary of the show being cancelled.
I just find it hard to believe this many people are willing to let her on to talk some silly cookbook. Tons of celebs write books like this every day and they don't get nearly as many appearances.
It'll be interesting if my speculations are right--I am guessing 90% of the interviews will be where are they now and that she'll be allowed 10% of the time to plug the book.
And pray tell WHAT job out there lets you work a week on and a week off? See?
That's actually an old tweet, I posted it because we were talking about when she said that. But I don't think she's changed since she said that. Especially in light of her comments about The Talk.
I think BV has moved on from this mess, it's just the sheeple who keep a-wishin' and hopin' the fight would carry on. Where is that class action he promised them? Aren't they embarrassed to have been led on like that then left to rot? But if they ever send us a fake subpoena Millicent you'll be the first to know.
What has this accomplished anyway? Do they think TFW wouldn't have gotten this cover and all these appearances if the "bullies" were still around? Gimme a break. She still says and does everything else she always did and what limited opportunities she has left still come her way "bullies" or not. The fumes of fame do not care about bullies.
ABC and CNN are my news sources of choice. There are news programs I won't watch unless someone has glued my eyeballs to the TV screen. So I guess we've all got our preferences. That's why there's more than one option. One simply won't do. :-)
ABC and CNN are my news sources of choice. There are news programs I won't watch unless someone has glued my eyeballs to the TV screen. So I guess we've all got our preferences. That's why there's more than one option. One simply won't do. :-)
I think a site like Radar online is a "joke." Because almost all their articles are full of errors. People is a "joke" because they promote people who have no relevance and also have articles full of errors and in Kate Coyne's case completely clueless that the person in front of them is a nut.
But the major news sources are so far and above what they do I don't see them as jokes at all. They may have different takes and spins on things and their commentators may lean one way or the other but depending on how I'm feeling I would feel pretty confident tuning into any one of the major news channels when something terrible is happening. News sources that are "jokes" usually don't make it because no one will watch.
Re: tasting food. When I finally got the Food Network I watched it avidly. I kept seeing the chefs doing their taste test by tapping their pinky finger into the sauce or whatever they were approving and touching their lip to see if the food was perfect. It was a quick tap, touch and nod. Even that bothered me for awhile. I sure don't want to see TFW licking her finger and rolling her eyes in ecstasy.
Yep, there's Ms. Germaphobe getting a cookbook ready to sell to the masses, and she's got her finger in her mouth. Yum-meeee!
I think in general it's best not to talk too much about it because number one it gives them attention and number two the conversations go nowhere. There's not much we can do about it.
But I wrongly assumed since no one has mentioned them in ages it had died down. I guess that proves how irrelevant that nonsense is, no one is bothering to mention it much.
I have no idea why BV is doing it. It doesn't seem legal yet he's doing it. He's very twisted IMO. Those pages have thousands of hits. It's not exactly irrelevant, just irrelevant here.
There are some things about Americans I think can be a bit gross, and one is our penchant for finger foods and touching our food. I still remember my grandmother over her stove and those fingers would be flying into the pasta sauce all the time to taste test. God love her, but all this dipping your pinky finger in is so blech! Whatever happened to grabbing a spoon? Does that compromise the taste or something?
Nobody cares about what BV posts now. Initially it was making news with us and Radar, etc., but I don't think his site is relevant. He is a lawsuit waiting to happen. RWA was packed with vitriol postings while this site is just people stating opinions about a variety of topics. Best advice is to stay off Twitter and not make threats. If this blog is attacked by him, he opens himself up to all bloggers going after him in court and he knows it. Have no idea what LisaK's story is, but she mislead her posters, IMO.
I saw Giada do this once to cupcake frosting, and even though I have no way to eat her cupcakes, it gave me the heebie jeebies. It's just so gross! It's like I almost want to say back away from my cupcake frosting excuse me I'm going to eat that! LOL **********************************************
Although I love Master Chef, it also grosses me out when the judges taste the food. Sorry, it doesn't need that much camera time. You don't know whether they like it or not until they make their comments...it's not like Kitchen Nightmares when he literally spits out the food LOL, THAT at least warrants the camera time.
What about the thousands upon thousands of negative comments on all the articles that were posted this week?
They are basically the little Dutch boy here. Ok so fine, you intimidated someone into shutting up and going away. But there are three other "haters" to replace that person so what was the point?
There seems to be a lot of pent up, rather frightening anger in what limited tweets I read. Maybe therapy would be a better choice to try to tackle the heart of that intense anger rather than spouting off on twitter to a captive audience not to bright and very prone to manipulation.
Most people I know, and they're Americans, use a spoon when taste testing. Who puts a finger in a pot of cooking sauce? I even use a spoon when taste testing and I live alone. LOL
BV has said "Vengence is mine..." as though he was the one who was "bullied." I think publishing all these people's names, etc., has something to do with his being angry that the negative comments are still going on at Kate's twitter. He thought he'd be able to stop all that and now he's angry.
has something to do with his being angry that the negative comments are still going on at Kate's twitter
I think it goes deeper than that. Perhaps something that happened during military service, or childhood.
We don't do nearly enough to provide enough mental health services and support for our veterans who are returning home and reentering normal society. His behavior is not normal. It's rather frightening, frankly. I don't care how much of a bully someone else is being, his response is unsettling and not within normal spectrums of appropriate responses to such things. I can't help but wonder where his support system is for vets, if any.
The "pending" interviews are funny, funny in the sense that why mention anything not confirmed. And the idea of washed up KG showing up, with all her ums, on Piers Morgan to talk about her mediocre cookbook is also funny. Who in his audience wants to see her? I know that sometimes she has been foisted upon hosts of shows, but now? And after the 1,000's of negative comments on the People cover. It may feed her bloated ego, but she is a media joke.
The "pending" interviews are funny, funny in the sense that why mention anything not confirmed.
I know, I can't get over how funny that is. It reeks of desperation.
I "almost" won the lottery once. I was only five numbers off! LOL. Or those people who talk about all the things they ALMOST did or WILL do, but it never happens. Almost....doesn't....count.
No idea what Kate paid to have her cookbook published, but HCI promotes themselves as "doing it all" for self-publishers. They have a huge facility in Deerfield, FL where they print and bind the books. They even offer marketing, but you have the option of hiring your own marketing team, which is what I think Kate did. I think she paid plenty as an investment to get her mug out there. She might even pay out for a second printing just to make it appear the book is a best seller. At least she's got a big garage to store all those books, LOL. And I would not be surprised she pays a company to make sure the book hits the NY Times best seller list. I've read how that is done. Yeah, right, NY Times. They are secretive about their formula for a reason.
Oh, I agree. Something happened to him to make him so angry. I'm merely saying that the continuing negative comments that are appearing on Kate's twitter has triggered something and he's acting out. He must have big control issues. He thought showing up on the scene would have everyone cowering in fear with the lawsuit talk and other threats yet the "haters" kept right on doing what they've always done. He must be steaming mad.
I agree, this is clearly heavily orchestrated by some team, probably her own hired guns. And it makes me just sick to think how much money she is spending on all this marketing. The children's money?? She sure isn't working. I can only assume the trust fund is being dipped into to fund this pipe dream. This is, after all, a "necessity" for them.
If she makes but a quarter profit when all is said and done I'll be shocked.
I hope whatever she made off People, she puts back in the children's trust and repays every last cent she may have taken from it.
TLC stinks said... 33 No idea what Kate paid to have her cookbook published, but HCI promotes themselves as "doing it all" for self-publishers. They have a huge facility in Deerfield, FL where they print and bind the books. They even offer marketing, but you have the option of hiring your own marketing team, which is what I think Kate did
****** This whole thing is mysterious to me. Either Virginia Pen Mom or Readerlady kindly told about the publishing of a book. There is a whole lot to it and there are all kinds of things to think about.
There seem to be 2 branches of HCI. One is a standard publisher and one isn't. The one connected with Kate's book appears to be the one that asks the author "How do you plan to promote your book?" There didn't seem to be too much beyond printing it that they did. They suggest having friends and family test out the recipes before they are submitted to assure measurements, oven temp, etc. It really sounded DIY to me. I posted the link in the last thread.
TLC stinks said... 33 No idea what Kate paid to have her cookbook published, but HCI promotes themselves as "doing it all" for self-publishers. They have a huge facility in Deerfield, FL where they print and bind the books. They even offer marketing, but you have the option of hiring your own marketing team, which is what I think Kate did. I think she paid plenty as an investment to get her mug out there. She might even pay out for a second printing just to make it appear the book is a best seller. At least she's got a big garage to store all those books, LOL. And I would not be surprised she pays a company to make sure the book hits the NY Times best seller list. I've read how that is done. Yeah, right, NY Times. They are secretive about their formula for a reason.
These kind of package options are pretty common with "self-publishing" companies. I put it in quotations because these companies are hybrids--not true self-publishers and not traditional publishers. It's self-publishing for those who need help with the process.
These companies also lend their name on the back of the books to give the superficial appearance of being traditionally published. An HCI will have a catalog of other such books. "See, we're a real publisher!"
A guess of what she paid is $5,000 to $10,000. That isn't the actual cost of printing books, butthe fees for pulling the book together. It will contribute to her eventual loss!
She will NEVER make a profit on this, but she might buy up copies of her own book to put on a good show. That would contribute to the loss, too, since she'd still have to pay for the books she buys.
(I bought 10 of my own books on Amazon once because I didn't have enough of my first editions. Boy, it galled me to have to buy my own books and then give a cut to Amazon, the printer, etc. At least we can giggle thinking how it will chaff her butt to have to do that in HUGE quantities.)
Agree, TLC Stinks, that she'll probably pay to get on the NYT list. There are ways to do it. Getting on it is not the be-all that it appears to be. Kinda shady, really.
I've been away for a few days and just walked back in, so I don't know what I've missed on the book publishing front (or any front!)
I wonder how accurate those appearances are that HCI has listed for TFW. They have her appearing at a book signing at B&N in Staten Island on Sept. 24. However, the B&N website doesn't have her listed.
However, they do list a book signing for Melissa Gorga on Sept.25 at their Staten Island store.
TFW's name is not even listed on B&N's "Find an Event by Author" page.
Since that HCI page is geared towards retailers, are they possibly "over-hyping" TFW, in a desperate attempt to get more book orders from retailers, because the demand has been so low? They've overstated her show ratings, her website hits, etc. so what a little bit more exaggeration.
I'm sure a lot of retailers remember the great "success" of IJWYTK, and they just aren't biting at the bit to order the cookbook. Especially when according to HCI's catalog, books may be returned, but for CREDIT ONLY.
I agree, this is clearly heavily orchestrated by some team, probably her own hired guns. And it makes me just sick to think how much money she is spending on all this marketing. The children's money?? She sure isn't working. I can only assume the trust fund is being dipped into to fund this pipe dream. This is, after all, a "necessity" for them.
Totally agree. And this where I go from amused to as angry as a virtual stranger can be. Her vanity knows no bounds and her sheeple think she will be providing a living for her children with this nonsense. It's just sick.
One more comment about BV. When he outs people, he gives real names, email addresses, sometimes towns. In some cases, people have been tracked down and harassed because of this exposure. It's my understanding that children and spouses have been contacted. Of course, allegedly. How can this be legal?
What the sheep don't understand is that at some point BV may turn on them, or another site will be developed that will out them. It just seems unending on both sides. It's not a game, it's harmful.
TLC stinks said... 25 Nobody cares about what BV posts now. Initially it was making news with us and Radar, etc., but I don't think his site is relevant. He is a lawsuit waiting to happen. RWA was packed with vitriol postings while this site is just people stating opinions about a variety of topics. Best advice is to stay off Twitter and not make threats. If this blog is attacked by him, he opens himself up to all bloggers going after him in court and he knows it. Have no idea what LisaK's story is, but she mislead her posters, IMO. ****** Good points. The owner of BV is going to be hit with a lawsuit (or more) sooner or later. Your comment to stay off Twitter and not make threats is good sound advice for life in general :) (Okay, maybe it's not necessary to stay off Twitter, but I do anyway.)
LOL Admin - I doubt BV will harrass you or your site, but thank you for putting me on the notification list :)
On a completely unrelated note - it is overcast and misty here this morning (northern CA), but it's supposed to get muggy and fairly warm as the day progresses. I am enjoying this cool respite, and thinking ahead to what to make for dinner. We've had chicken of one kind or another 3 days in a row! My grocery budget is lean for this week, so I will be making crockpot "refried" beans tomorrow. Think I will pick up some lean ground beef, make hamburgers for dinner tonight, with some beef left over to use for homemade burritos on Wednesday.
I hope everyone is having a good day. When I have these moments of quiet contentment, they feel so good, that I wish them for everyone.
"They have her appearing at a book signing at B&N in Staten Island on Sept. 24."
Having a book signing on Staten Island makes very little sense. If you're going to have one in NYC, you'd do it in Manhattan. Is her fan base on Staten Island so large? Does she expect people from the other boroughs to take the ferry over just to see her? HA.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 34 Oh, I agree. Something happened to him to make him so angry. I'm merely saying that the continuing negative comments that are appearing on Kate's twitter has triggered something and he's acting out. He must have big control issues. He thought showing up on the scene would have everyone cowering in fear with the lawsuit talk and other threats yet the "haters" kept right on doing what they've always done. He must be steaming mad. ===================================== I think you're correct. It was easy to eliminate the other blog because of some of the inflammitory statements and pictures. This blog, not so much and it seems to frustrate him. He seems to be of the mind that no one is allowed to discuss TFW on a daily basis.
What TFW is experiencing is not unlike what other celebrities experience on twitter. Lady Gaga could give BV a full time job with what goes on on her TL. Many celebrities quit twitter, they don't need it for income and publicity. TFW does, so quitting is not an option for her. So what we get is intimidation and other questionable tactics from BV to make us go away.
Millicent said... 42 Good points. The owner of BV is going to be hit with a lawsuit (or more) sooner or later. Your comment to stay off Twitter and not make threats is good sound advice for life in general :) (Okay, maybe it's not necessary to stay off Twitter, but I do anyway.) ----------
I hear what you're saying but I don't think this is about Twitter. As far as I know, it's not possible to out someone from Tweets, unless a real name is used or personal information such as a photo etc is shared. It looks like anyone who posted on RWA is fair game for BV, he seems to be going down the comments and ISPs and attaching them to names, addresses, etc. As someone who posted on RWA less than 10 times am I at risk for having my personal information scattered to the blogosphere?
Having a book signing on Staten Island makes very little sense. If you're going to have one in NYC, you'd do it in Manhattan. Is her fan base on Staten Island so large? Does she expect people from the other boroughs to take the ferry over just to see her? HA. ======================
Maybe she's planning on riding the Staten Island ferry a la Barbra Streisand and sing "Don't Rain on My Parade".
LIZ> easy way to find out type your name, then BV, on google, if there is anything it will show up. The names being, usernames and your real name, both short first name & full. people should do this from time to time to check if someone is using your name or saying stuff about you.
While I may not agree with what BV is doing, reading those documents is shameful. I think the moral of the story is don't post anything under alias you wouldn't post under your own name. Your own words can come back to haunt you.
NJGal51, thanks for the article link. Very interesting.
It opens up a myriad of questions about how "8 Little Faces" made it to the NY Times Bestseller's List. I never believed that one was legit. And "I Just Want You to Know was never even a contender, with or without the campaign.
11,000 sales gets you to the NY Times list. Do you suppose she's already preordered those for herself (to sell at book signings and speaking engagement?) Would she use kids' money for that? Oh wait! Maybe she called TLC!
I could think about this all night, but for now will just say thanks for posting that link.
RealAlias said... 49 While I may not agree with what BV is doing, reading those documents is shameful. I think the moral of the story is don't post anything under alias you wouldn't post under your own name. Your own words can come back to haunt you. -------
How about if what was posted on RWA was respectful, asking questions, offering an opinion without the cursing and hate language that was so evident there? There were many many comments made like that. I know of people who only posted there a couple of times. Because I fall into this category, (I'll ask again) is it okay for my personal information to be out there on the blogosphere?
RealAlias said..."While I may not agree with what BV is doing, reading those documents is shameful. I think the moral of the story is don't post anything under alias you wouldn't post under your own name."
Then why do you read them...if it's shameful? Maybe I'm misunderstanding your comment. You're posting under "alias." Is that your real name?
There was one hater blog writing about and outing the fans and there were three fan blogs attacking and outing haters. Both sides were wrong but to pretend there were any victims in this saga is nuts. Both sides were vile, the fans that are playing victim are the same ones who outed and harassed haters including someone who had a baby grandson near death from heart disease. And the outings the haters did are buried in an old closed blog and the outings BV is doing is showing up with real names on google and some of it is wrong info provided by the Defektive Detektive.
Fact is no matter what name you use your personal info is out in the blogosphere. Even if Admin can't see it my IP is attached to this comment and it would be possible for my real name and location to be be known. Usually it takes a court order of some sort.
No one is really anonymous on the net. Most of us put our own personal info on the net with facebook and the like.
If he does a report on you I wouldn't think you wouldn't have anything to worry about. Same thing if he did a report on me. Last I checked he had not done one on me. I made a few comments over there. I didn't like the vibe. So I left.
Is it fair? I don't know. My comment was only to say even when using an alias make sure it's something you would say even if using your own name.
Because I fall into this category, (I'll ask again) is it okay for my personal information to be out there on the blogosphere?
I don't know, Liz. I'm in the dark about all of this. I've never had Twitter and I've never posted on RWA. I just don't understand what the purpose of all of this is. There is a fan on Twitter who keeps linking these reports, and my question is...WHY? What will it accomplish? Does this make them feel powerful in some way, being in BV's inner circle? Revenge? In fact, one fan thanked God for BV. I don't get it.
Those who are "outed" will just keep tweeting, perhaps under the same IDs, or they will set up others. My concern is that this may go the route of Nancy Grace, when she kept hammering on two people and they ended up committing suicide. Some people are very fragile, emotionally, and you just never know if a public revealing will cause them to hurt themselves. Nancy was sued on both accounts, and I believe settlement was reached...apparently there were strong cases there because she was directly involved. Anything that could happen to the people who were outed can revert back to the person and persons who contributed to this, and I would think that they could be held liable. Is that correct, admin?
OrangeCrusher1 said... 40 And it makes me just sick to think how much money she is spending on all this marketing. The children's money?? She sure isn't working. I can only assume the trust fund is being dipped into to fund this pipe dream. This is, after all, a "necessity" for them.
Totally agree. And this where I go from amused to as angry as a virtual stranger can be. Her vanity knows no bounds and her sheeple think she will be providing a living for her children with this nonsense. It's just sick. ************************* I agree with what you are saying but I think in her deluded mind she is okay accessing the children's money because they are featured in the puke-book. She can justify it as a "family" project.
Some where beyond the realm said... I think you're correct. It was easy to eliminate the other blog because of some of the inflammitory statements and pictures. This blog, not so much and it seems to frustrate him. He seems to be of the mind that no one is allowed to discuss TFW on a daily basis. -------- Why go to all of the bother of outing people. There are so many people who have ridiculed and criticized her publicly, under their own names. Whoopsie, Admin's boyfriend Anderson, Kathy Griffin, journalists and bloggers from mainstream media outlets, and on and on. When they subpoena AC, then I will begin to worry about this blog.
Bullyville is trying to give the impression that he can out anyone. To my knowledge, no one has been outed on this blog. There are people who were outed on Facebook, due to own actions--not directly as a result of posting here. The outings have been the result of, IMO, RWA's turning over IP records, or something related, and some have been entrapped by commenting on fanz blogs and Kate's own website. I don't think that anyone who only posts here can be exposed, just by posting here. The comments here just don't rise to a reasonable level to be classified as harassment, bullying etc. --admin has been very instructive on the right to free speech, and, as I said, so many people have gone on the record with criticism, why bother to work so hard? If they have a valid point in going after us, wouldn't it be so much better to make an example of Anderson Cooper?
Liz asked: (I'll ask again) is it okay for my personal information to be out there on the blogosphere? ****** No, of course it isn't okay Liz. And if this happens to you - whether by BV or some other unscrupulous person -- and you suffer consequences because of that, you might have grounds for a lawsuit, or perhaps the filing of a criminal complaint. Merely having your name and address publicized would probably not be enough. But if a rabid fan of Kate used the information "outed" by BV, and then called you incessantly, leaving obscene, vulgar, harassing messages; or if they found out where you worked and tried to get you fired; or they made threats against you -- then you'd have a case of one kind or another.
That's what I meant by my belief that the owner of BV will eventually pay the consequences for his behavior. At some point, someone will go too far and the victim will contact the authorities. If they suffer real damages, like loss of a job, then they could also file a civil suit against BV and others for their financial loss, etc.
As has been said before, a good rule of thumb is also never to write anything under a screen name that you wouldn't be happy to own up to under your own name. It is so easy when we feel anonymous on a message board or blog, to be over the top, or rude. I am sorry to say I've fallen into that trap myself on occasion and do not like myself much afterwards.
And I hope I never become like Goody2Shoes, who says crass and vulgar things all the time about Jon, yet claims to be a very religious person! The two do not go hand in hand.
In an article on ROL dated April 1, the BV guy, James (?), is quoted say he's going after the "worst offenders." I don't think any comments here are close to fitting the category.
There was one tweet yesterday from some obscure fan who said their crystal ball said he'd be going after this site next. One and only one. That's ridiculous. It's not going to happen.
I am up to my eyeballs making applesauce, to feed my 5 grandkids until next harvest comes, so am so behind reading comments! But I read back about TFW being a nurse, and how she keeps burning bridges, so has no close family to help, besides Jon, their Dad. I was thinking about when I was 3 hours away from home, in the hospital for 4 months, and if I had been single, and had no friends, what would have happened with my 3 daughters back then? I hope TWF understands how lucky she is, to have great health, and to have healthy kids. Life can change drastically in a moment. I wonder if she ever thinks about that, or does she fly thru life thinking that things like poor health only happen to other people, and not to her? Back to the apples:)
So Piers Morgan might be interviewing her? Really?! Do you think he needs to know all about her before he does that? I wonder who sends these 'reporters' the back-story of those they interview? He would sure have lots of information if he and the other 'reporters'(or what do you call these people?) would find their way over to this blog:) I wonder if TFW reads over here, and takes the advice of some of the posters here? I am sure some of us have 'helped' her without even knowing that they did. Maybe we should not be doing that? Or does it make any difference?
Admin said... I "almost" won the lottery once. I was only five numbers off! LOL. Or those people who talk about all the things they ALMOST did or WILL do, but it never happens. Almost....doesn't....count. ----- Her list of almosts go on and on...almost had a children's clothing line...almost had a talk show....almost won DWTS...almost worked with Michelle Obama on her childhood obesity campaign...almost had a dating show...almost had Twist of Fate...almost had a brand. She will go down in history as someone who had so many real, and imaginary, opportunities and couldn't deliver on any of them. She has become that person that she 'played' on the Emmy show--an outsider everywhere she goes.
I have to admit I'm surprised that Milo hasn't been tweeting ooohs and aaahs over the People article and telling Kate how proud she is of her and how far she's come and how her life is getting better every day and how the world adores her and what a strong woman she is and how any TV exec would be thrilled to have her on their show and how obvious it is that the kids worship the ground she floats above like a pure and shining angel.
All she's tweeted is that she can't find her way around the coupon help and needs Kate to teach her and that was yesterday.
I am sitting in my Dr's waiting room, looking at her self-published cookbook featuring her weight management groups favorite recipes, which were photographed at a potluck. No e of them looked like vomit--the food looks fantastic and appetizing. Some if the recipes were from published sources, which were cited.
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66 4m @Kateplusmy8 you made the #Bing headline. Msn search engine #RealityTv some positive press. Hopefully more to come !! Keep doing you #K8 ____________
LOL. It's an MSN "Where are they now" article and when you click on Kate a link comes up and when you click on the link the old Wife Swap stories come up. Whoo hoo.
LOL. It's an MSN "Where are they now" article and when you click on Kate a link comes up and when you click on the link the old Wife Swap stories come up. Whoo hoo.
There's a link there (underneath the CWS link) that takes you to the People Cover. Maybe that's what the Charity Lady was all excited about.
There was one tweet yesterday from some obscure fan who said their crystal ball said he'd be going after this site next. One and only one. That's ridiculous. It's not going to happen.
I'm not so sure I'd bait him. That's what happened at the other blog, if I recall. They were poking and poking at him about the lawsuit, he was all hot air, there were no charges, he couldn't touch them, and I think he did what he did just to give them the finger and prove them wrong. I don't think we'll ever know how he managed to shut that blog down and have the owner turn over the info. There's more to it than just a subpoena...in my opinion.
Like maybe the fact that Kate was not liked and was difficult to work with -- the reason TLC pulled the plug?
Yes. For three years poor Milo has been singing this tune that we've got TFW all wrong and that if only you got to know her you would not think she was all that bad. Then here comes TFW admitting that it's true, she was a diva and was fired in part because of that and was an overall nightmare but now she's changed. Remember she said the entire article was true and accurate.
I imagine all this would be very confusing for someone like Milo. What exactly is the party line now, she must be wondering? I almost feel bad for her. Almost.
Totally off topic, but has anyone ever heard of what Jane Wyman said once when a reporter asked her why she flat out refused to talk about Ronald Reagan all those years. She never answered questions about him.
She basically said hey I don't have a problem with the man and really I actually don't really know anything about politics to say, but more than that, it's just in BAD TASTE to talk about your ex husband. She didn't seem to understand why this was so shocking.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 22h 👍 http://couponsbykate.com/ RT @PalmBchPrincess: @Kateplusmy8 saw good travel deals on ur site-nice2save..$ on airfare Planning a trip nxt mo
The vagueness is getting annoying. Could they be more specific?? WHAT travel deals?
I want to hear a specific instance where they found a coupon. What was it for, what did they buy, how much did they save compared to the normal price? Because I can't find anything.
No Milo, she never said or even implied that she cut the hair herself. Stop! There's nothing wrong with paying someone to cut your child's hair and it doesn't make you less of a martyr.
@Kateplusmy8 And as I expected...had 2drop back by the grocery store 2day & the @PeopleMag rack was empty! U were a #SellOut again Kate! :)
Was this entire magazine devoted to Kate? No stories about anyone else? Would it occur to Milo that perhaps people buy the magazine to read other articles that have absolutely nothing to do with Kate?
Was this entire magazine devoted to Kate? No stories about anyone else? Would it occur to Milo that perhaps people buy the magazine to read other articles that have absolutely nothing to do with Kate? _____________
Wasn't there an article in there about the girl who was kidnapped and found and her mother and brother were killed? That might have generated some interest. But I don't really believe the magazine was sold out.
Whenever I see those magazine racks there's usually only room for 5 or 6 issues per stack. Surely the store has more of them than only 5 or 6. I imagine it's probably someone's job to periodically go around and replenish the ones that are out. It doesn't mean they "sold out" it just means someone hasn't restocked! LOL
In my grocery store on the hour someone comes over the P.A. and says "Ralphs employees it's time for your station check" or something like that. I imagine restocking the magazines is part of that.
I now think they made a grave error not putting Hannah Anderson on the cover.
That story just imploded overnight now that it looks like Hannah was quite involved and possibly could even be charged as part of a conspiracy. They likely lost out on a ton of readers looking to read about that. It is a PERFECT article for their demographic. Now if they put it on this week, it looks like old news.
Tell me about it local! That was the top human interest story, how something like this could have happened and could it happen to our daughters. Not some washed up reality star desperate to be famous again. Forget 1800 comments on Kate's story, a story I read on Hannah had 8,000 comments, most of them looked skeptical of her, and a post that simply said something does not add up here got something like 3,000 up votes!! Holy goodness. We were all about that story a few days ago, what was People thinking???
I missed this gem in the article because it's one of those large print blurbs.. TFW says: People will still say the show harmed them.... and yet they've never met them. They're happy kids."
Two of the children were suspended from kindergarten for bullying- while the show was in production. Classmates were hit as well as the adult monitors hired to mind them when the situation began to escalate.
While TFW is correct that we don't know the kids, it doesn't take a child development specialist to figure out that something is wrong when children so young are asked to leave school. PA Dept of Labor and Industry had to intevene on behalf of the children. A law was specially written to protect the interests of PA child performers after the plight of the Gosselin children was revealed. I believe that the children are happy- now. During the filming of the show, all you needed to see was the unhappy faces, a crying Mady in Alaska, and children repeatedly pulled out of school for filming- to know that they were not living their best life.
People will still say the show harmed them.... and yet they've never met them. They're happy kids."
But Jon knows his own children and over the years he has told us multiple things that are very concerning to him, from the children being kicked out of school to TLC and TFW's hellbent plan to film them through a very traumatic divorce. They were NOT fine. Why is she to be believed over him?
And isn't this more of an opinion anyway? I think it HAS harmed them for the simple fact that they can't go into a bathroom without some creepy fan accosting them. *I* think that's harmful, period. People have a right to think that filming (and the consequences years later) is bad for children just as much as TFW is free to think otherwise.
All she's tweeted is that she can't find her way around the coupon help and needs Kate to teach her and that was yesterday.
Well, for once I give Milo the benefit of the doubt here. I can't find my way around the coupon site either and would need someone to teach me. Since when does a good web site need a tutorial??!
Same here, admin. I couldn't really figure her coupon site out. I also find it unattractive. Who wants to look at a HUGE picture of Kate? Well, Milo does but...
That story just imploded overnight now that it looks like Hannah was quite involved and possibly could even be charged as part of a conspiracy.
Do you have a link to that, Local? All I could find was that law enforcement is still saying that she was a victim and that she had no part in any of it, plus stories about the money he left to her grandmother.
I know that. I specifically excluded celebrity news sources from the general rule.
People will always buy tabloids full of gossip and read things full of errors like Radar articles always are. But if you want to give people hard news, you better be sure you're not a joke. That may have something to do with the type of viewers and what they expect.
I'm not sure the police have admitted they have suspicions like everybody else does. I am guessing the LAST thing they want to do is publicly name her a suspect and scare her off. I bet they are quietly reviewing the evidence they have, including her diary/notes, and perhaps having several low key conversations with her fishing for info, before jumping into something like this without all their ducks in a row.
New stuff comes out all the time. Now they're saying she was seen with him HOURS before the fire ever even happened.
I agree, Admin, that People blew that cover story. I don't see how anyone can argue with the fact that a Kate Gosselin search on Google for the last 24 hours returned 2 news stories. One was a gather article about back to school and the other was a Huffington article on Jon's comments about transportation.
On the other hand, a search for Hannah turns up infinite pages ( maybe not infinite, but many pages) of results. What say you to that, Milo?
I read the article while waiting at the pharmacy. She actually did make that nursing/babysitter remark, again (thought that was just from the old comment that Admin posted). The article also references the concern that the G8 may face tragedy, as so many young stars do. Kate Coyne can definitively say, that at the ripe old ages of 9 and 12, almost a whole 2 years after cancellation, that all of the children are perfect and happy, so no worries people! Therefore, since ages 9 and 12 are completely accurate indicators of the future, we can be 100% sure that there is zero chance that any problems will EVER surface . We haven't met the children, so we don't know what we are talking about. Also, every one of us is hoping that Kate will fail, because...oh wait--why? Must have missed that...anyway, I feel so relieved that I can stop worrying about the prisoners in Alcatraz, condemned to a life of hard labor because they are just not drawing TV offers for their sainted mother. Serves them right!
And, finally, there is proof positive that these children do, in fact, shriek with joy on a regular basis as they merrily skip their way from odious chore to odious chore! That is, when they are not piling up on each other in the kitchen (that is Kate's rationale for not serving the next kid before the previous one is sitting). What Kate--no stoplight installed in the kitchen?
Also, in reference to the diva behavior, not only did Kate admit it--there were unnamed sourced comments from someone in production.
I'm not sure the police have admitted they have suspicions like everybody else does. I am guessing the LAST thing they want to do is publicly name her a suspect and scare her off. I bet they are quietly reviewing the evidence they have, including her diary/notes, and perhaps having several low key conversations with her fishing for info, before jumping into something like this without all their ducks in a row.
Oh no doubt they will review everything. There were two people murdered there. I'm just wondering where the poster got the info that she may be charged in the conspiracy because I couldn't find anything about it...the phone calls and sighting with him, yes, and the insurance policy with her grandmother as beneficiary, but nothing that she may be charged. That's interesting.
It's past 9PM, here, it's been a long, hot, sticky, generally blaahhh day and I'm still at work... living the wonderful life of free lance. Was tired and grumpy, came here for a quick visit on my break and those two comments made me laugh out loud. Love, love, love the no nonsense tone. Thanks for the giggles. I needed that. :)
" People is a "joke" because they (,,,) have articles full of errors and in Kate Coyne's case completely clueless that the person in front of them is a nut." (Admin, 16)
"I am sitting in my Dr's waiting room, looking at her self-published cookbook featuring her weight management groups favorite recipes, which were photographed at a potluck. None of them looked like vomit." (Ex-Nurse, 65)
White Organza said... Ex Nurse said..None of them looked like vomit." -------- Actually, the photos were stunning, and the people appeared to be just plain old mediocre folks. I forgot to ask her took the photos, but she did confirm that the pictures were the actual dishes brought for the potluck.
Thank you TFW for providing the vomit standard, by which all future and aspiring chefs can be judged.
With regard to Hanna Anderson. I was watching the news either yesterday or the day before and they reported that letters were found from her to her abductor (can't remember his name) at his home and also found were two used condoms. Now that doesn't mean they had sex, but it does make you wonder. Also, I find it hard to fathom that she was out in public so quickly after she was reunited with her family. Considering she was subjected, allegedly, to an ordeal and also it was reported that her mother and brother were tortured before they were killed. The last place I would be found would be out in public. I would be so distraught I would be holed up in my bed.
I apologise if I've repeated what someone else has stated but I haven't been on the blog in several days and there are 600 plus comments that I haven't read yet.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 93 ''........I'm just wondering where the poster got the info that she may be charged in the conspiracy because I couldn't find anything about it...the phone calls and sighting with him, yes, and the insurance policy with her grandmother as beneficiary, but nothing that she may be charged.'' ~~~~~~~ I'm not seen anything either, SiS. In fact, the last thing I read said that the FBI had cleared her of any involvement. If anyone has seen any official statement from anyone in law enforcement that says otherwise, please link us to it!
No, no one in uniform is admitting anything but that she was a victim, at least not at the moment, but anyone looking at the facts might scratch their head. Here is a site discussing everything that doesn't add up. But one of hundreds:
For the 100th time, I have nothing TO give up. I don't know your IPs, your names, or anything about you other than what you've said here. I don't have to even promise you I won't "sell out" the blog because I have nothing to sell out in the first place. If I got a subpoena asking for IPs the only thing I could tell them is sorry don't know 'em.
If they would like your IPs, they will have to go directly to Google themselves. But they would have to do that for any site, so we're not more vulnerable than anyone else.
capecodmama said... 96 ''With regard to Hanna Anderson. I was watching the news either yesterday or the day before and they reported that letters were found from her to her abductor (can't remember his name) at his home and also found were two used condoms. Now that doesn't mean they had sex, but it does make you wonder.'' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm just about positive that the letters and two used condoms were found as soon as they realized that Hannah was missing. Also they said that the two were sighted already on the road 20 hours before the house caught on fire.
Two used condoms may mean that someone had sex, but it could have been the Mother, not Hannah. You could even speculate that the used condoms were used when DiMaggio raped the Mother, before he killed her, and set the explosions to go off more than 20 hours later.
See? Speculation can work in ways that do not involve Hannah being anything other than a victim.
It's obvious to me they're trying to scare us into we're next so that people won't post here because they got nothing. Don't fall for it. If you right click on this site on most browsers you can see all the coding that goes into this web site. You can see for yourself there is no IP tracker on this site.
Oh I agree with that too Remona. I am completely open to any reasonable explanation for what doesn't add up. However, if she was involved, I think she needs to be held accountable for that. This was serious, a double murder, and if someone else was involved besides that man, then justice demands it be investigated. The police have done a good job so far and I'm sure they are quietly getting to the bottom of each and every oddity, it just may take some time. Time will tell whether her involvement really was completely innocent.
What I do know? This story should have been front page of People. It is, I dare say, the biggest 'human interest" story of the summer. And People just let it sail on by and what's more, replaced it with TFW.
Well it looks like I was wrong, apparently her book will be published. And I am SHOCKED that she was able to book media appearances. How interesting that she is not sharing the info with her fans, though. I facebook follow Jen Lancaster (AWESOME humor writer!!) and as soon as she had dates for B&N appearances, she shared them with her fans. I will add that it was only about a week before the event that Barnes and Noble put the info on their website for the town where I visited. So just because it isn't on B&N site could be a glitch with the store. But i find that she will actlauuy be appearing in a town where I will be visiting at the time . . . . it is so very tempting to observe her appearance, if only to be able to share my observations with the loyal commenters here.
Admin...in the site you linked, I stopped five paragraphs in, because of what I read. The ''DiMaggio had a DNA test kit listed as an item recovered from his home'' has already been dismissed by the authorities as a missunderstanding. The authorities said that they had used a DNA kit on DiMaggio's car....NOT that he had one of his own.
To use the comments Hannah made on the social media site as somehow 'proving' she knew things as they were happening seems a real stretch to me. She was answering questions from people using things she learned AFTER she was freed....and people are basing their speculation as though she knew those things in real time, instead of realizing that she was giving information she learned after it was over.
Remona I didn't know the kit was in his car! But then, why would you have a DNA test kit in your car? You're driving along and the mood strikes you to swab someone's cheek? Why would he have a DNA test kit at all, no matter where it was found?
Lisa gave up her administrator password. That's all BV needs or wants.
So, YES, people should still be concerned posting here.
At least be honest with your followers!
I am being honest with the POSTERS here (followers sounds creepy) and I tend to agree with what the other person said about scaring us into not posting. Even if I gave someone the password (and in fact the "staff" has the password), that only gets you into the blogger control panel which only allows you to change settings like the color of the background and to make new posts. What good is that?
You can start a test blog at blogger.com and see exactly what info is in that panel. A whole lotta nothing. It has a bunch of options for the blog layout, and access to comments, but it does NOT show your IP for those comments. Look it up. Blogger does not show admins the posters' IPs unless you install a separate system.
RWA had a rather complex IP tracking system set up from a THIRD PARTY. THAT is what they wanted after. We have no such system. Never have, never will.
Admin, I don't know how to make it more clear than to say once again that the authorities said THEY (the authorities)had a DNA kit that THEY used to gather DNA from DiMaggio's car. The DNA kit did NOT belong to DiMaggio. Period.
Oh. I can't find that information anywhere! How would the police not recognize their own DNA swab kit versus an over the counter drug store one? That makes as little sense as anything else. A police DNA kit would likely have the police Dept. name stamped on it and be part of a uniform forensics kit or something, how could they mix that up?
And not I (Remona) have messed up! The DNA kit that the authorities said they used on the car wasn't DiMaggio's car, but the authorities used the DNA kit on the Mother's (Christina Anderson) burned out car! In any case, whatever car, the DNA kit was one used by the authorities, and DiMaggio never ever had a DNA kit.
Wait. Just stop and think. WHO messed up the freaking DNA kit story? THE MEDIA. The authorities NEVER mixed up the freaking DNA kit. The media was wrong.
So...one more time. DiMaggio did not ever have a DNA kit. Period.
I see, thanks Remona! That makes sense now. I can't find the PDF documents that were confusing people about the DNA test kit, apparently they were in released court documents. I did however find the initial search warrant.
Notice how it has the case number (at the bottom), the number of the warrant, the name of the deputy seeking the info, the judge's name and the judge's signature. All information necessary and expected when serving legit, legal documents.
Admin, here is a clarification about the DNA kit. I don't know how to make the link clickable: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-hannah-anderson-warrants-20130816,0,4115104.story?track=rss
Notice at the very bottom it says: ''Ed. note: NBC 7 News initially reported on a DNA test kit listed among the evidence removed from Christina Anderson's vehicle on the search warrant documents. A sheriff's department spokesperson clarified the contents of the list explaining the DNA test kit was used by investigators and not found in the vehicle.'' the end
I see it. It doesn't clarify whose mistake it was though. It would be a completely innocent mistake to report it as evidence if the DNA test kit was listed with other recovered evidence, which is the way the cop makes it sound. I like reading the comments on the LA Times site. They make good points from all kinds of perspectives.
Admin, MY point is that it has been taken as FACT that the DNA kit was DiMaggio's and that is NOT true. It doesn't really matter exactly how the mistake was made, does it? The FACT is that it was NOT DiMaggio's kit...and I wanted to make that fact clear!
This conversation has worn me out. Off for the night.
Back to my copy of people. Every well there are celeb recipes toward the back of the mag. This week there is a red velvet cake recipe from Buddy Valastro from his nee cookbook coming out in November. There is Jillian Michaels guacamole and mentions her yoga DVD coming out in sept. Brian Boitano apple panini from his cookbook. Jose Andre roasted vegetables from his cookbook Made in Spain. Where's Waldo? Whoops, no recipes from TFMJG. Must be an oversight. I do agree People goofed on the cover story. Oprah got a sidebar photo on the cover, even she would be better, as The Butler was the biggest movie at the box office last weekend.
I still subscribe to TV Guide also, and the August 26 issue came in the mail today. There are a couple of interesting articles about reality TV. One about Duck Dynasty. The August 14 season four premiere ” averaged 11.8 million total viewers making it the most watched unscripted series telecast in cable history, with 6.3 million viewers in the advertiser coveted 18-49 demographic, a new record for A&E. It was also the biggest rating in that demographic for ANY REGULAR PROGRAM - BROADCAST OR CABLE - since the April 15 episode of the Voice.” An A&E executive says ” they're self made, they love each other, they do have rivalries and multi generational tension, but what comes first to them us family. There's no fighting our yelling or cursing. Just a lot of high jinks.” The entire family gets $250,000 per episode and also has licensed merchandise and still sells their duck calls. I even saw a Duck Dynasty welcome mat for sale in Walmart! In the same issue, there is an article about how most of reality is now a glut of tired formats and that new ideas are needed to shake up the genre. Ideas discussed are game shows, limited run events, and ” big reality” like nick Wallenda walking a tight rope across a gorge. No mention of shows with average kids.
I just read that Jon and Kate had the record until Duck just beat it. I guess I didn't realize they held the record. Life goes on people move on and newer better things break your old records. They are officially has beens, used to be's.
The entire family gets $250,000 per episode and also has licensed merchandise and still sells their duck calls. I even saw a Duck Dynasty welcome mat for sale in Walmart! ***********************************************
Love the show. No dysfunction. It's so staged and scripted you don't feel like their trying to pull a fast one on the viewers. Unlike TFW's former show "realest Reality show out there". We QUETIONED the "authenticity". This family was extremely wealthy and successful before the show.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 87 That story just imploded overnight now that it looks like Hannah was quite involved and possibly could even be charged as part of a conspiracy.
Do you have a link to that, Local? All I could find was that law enforcement is still saying that she was a victim and that she had no part in any of it, plus stories about the money he left to her grandmother.
Sleepless, that was Admin who said that. I said that I am suspicious of her involvement due to her behavior afterward.
I just read that Jon and Kate had the record until Duck just beat it. I guess I didn't realize they held the record. Life goes on people move on and newer better things break your old records. They are officially has beens, used to be's.
And, the only reason JK+8 had the record was because of the divorce hype. Duck Dynasty has the record just because people like the show
And, the only reason JK+8 had the record was because of the divorce hype. Duck Dynasty has the record just because people like the show
Great point. They had the record because people were slowing down to stare at the train wreck. It was a gimmick and publicity stunt that couldn't be repeated.
721 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 721 of 721 Newer› Newest»She doesn't have the clout of the TLC machine behind her anymore to say that she'll only answer certain questions. My guess is that she have no more than a 5 minute segment to say "yes, my cookbook is out and/or coming out". Gone are the days where she be on as a featured player.
Joy - SOA has two more seasons to go. YEA! I saw Sons of Poetry and loved it. Those muppets were right on the characters. Especially the "Tig" muppet.
The picture of Kate (page 5) sucking on her finger while two of the girls are making no-bake cookies is seriously grossing the heck out of me. Who the heck chooses and approves these pictures. ? (rhetorical question I know) *GAG*
I find this gross too. I think generally it's a bad idea to stick your fingers in food that you are trying to "sell" even if you're only selling the idea of it. I think people identify with the food as if they are going to eat it, and then get vicariously grossed out when it's tampered with. No other way to explain why it would make people cringe to see someone do this to food that the viewer can't even eat.
I saw Giada do this once to cupcake frosting, and even though I have no way to eat her cupcakes, it gave me the heebie jeebies. It's just so gross! It's like I almost want to say back away from my cupcake frosting excuse me I'm going to eat that! LOL
I don't think CNN is a joke at all. I get a lot of my news from them, most of the time they get it right and they don't get it wrong more than anyone else does, and they are mostly just repeating the same exact information that everyone else you get your news from is repeating. Unless it's a really big story like an election or terrorist attack, news stories almost all come from the same couple sources at the site of the news. If you look at their web site, the BULK of CNN's stories come DIRECTLY from wire sources that EVERYONE is using, such as the AP news wire. So no, I totally disagree they are a "joke."
I do however think it's hysterical they would list pending appearances. They are so desperate to get it out there she was at least considered for Piers, even if she doesn't make it, they want to make sure you know she was on the table. It's so pathetic. Almost doesn't count!
You know in thinking about this I wonder if Kate's PR team is trying to sell her appearances as a "Where are they now" thing. They can capitalize on the two year anniversary of the show being cancelled.
I just find it hard to believe this many people are willing to let her on to talk some silly cookbook. Tons of celebs write books like this every day and they don't get nearly as many appearances.
It'll be interesting if my speculations are right--I am guessing 90% of the interviews will be where are they now and that she'll be allowed 10% of the time to plug the book.
And pray tell WHAT job out there lets you work a week on and a week off? See?
That's actually an old tweet, I posted it because we were talking about when she said that. But I don't think she's changed since she said that. Especially in light of her comments about The Talk.
In that HCI Catalog it says Kate's website gets over 200,000 visitors a month. Is there anything about Kate that isn't a lie?
I think BV has moved on from this mess, it's just the sheeple who keep a-wishin' and hopin' the fight would carry on. Where is that class action he promised them? Aren't they embarrassed to have been led on like that then left to rot? But if they ever send us a fake subpoena Millicent you'll be the first to know.
What has this accomplished anyway? Do they think TFW wouldn't have gotten this cover and all these appearances if the "bullies" were still around? Gimme a break. She still says and does everything else she always did and what limited opportunities she has left still come her way "bullies" or not. The fumes of fame do not care about bullies.
ABC and CNN are my news sources of choice.
There are news programs I won't watch unless someone has glued my eyeballs to the TV screen. So I guess we've all got our preferences. That's why there's more than one option. One simply won't do. :-)
ABC and CNN are my news sources of choice.
There are news programs I won't watch unless someone has glued my eyeballs to the TV screen. So I guess we've all got our preferences. That's why there's more than one option. One simply won't do. :-)
Jen, thanks for the info on the Breaking Bad podcasts! I will check that out.
And pray tell WHAT job out there lets you work a week on and a week off? See?
Ha! Maybe TFW will finally figure out the art of dragging hoses if she takes that job.
I think a site like Radar online is a "joke." Because almost all their articles are full of errors. People is a "joke" because they promote people who have no relevance and also have articles full of errors and in Kate Coyne's case completely clueless that the person in front of them is a nut.
But the major news sources are so far and above what they do I don't see them as jokes at all. They may have different takes and spins on things and their commentators may lean one way or the other but depending on how I'm feeling I would feel pretty confident tuning into any one of the major news channels when something terrible is happening. News sources that are "jokes" usually don't make it because no one will watch.
Bullyville hasn't moved on. He's posting the names and IPs of those who posted on RWA as we speak.
Oh really, I didn't know.
WHY? What does this accomplish? I don't understand this. This is getting so absurd.
Re: tasting food. When I finally got the Food Network I watched it avidly. I kept seeing the chefs doing their taste test by tapping their
pinky finger into the sauce or whatever they were approving and touching their lip to see if the food was perfect. It was a quick tap, touch and nod. Even that bothered me for awhile. I sure don't want to see TFW licking her finger and rolling her eyes in ecstasy.
Yep, there's Ms. Germaphobe getting a cookbook
ready to sell to the masses, and she's got her finger in her mouth. Yum-meeee!
I had the impression we weren't to talk about BV so I for one didn't. That does not mean he's moved on. It just means we haven't spoken about him.
Ha! Maybe TFW will finally figure out the art of dragging hoses if she takes that job.
LOL good one!
I think in general it's best not to talk too much about it because number one it gives them attention and number two the conversations go nowhere. There's not much we can do about it.
But I wrongly assumed since no one has mentioned them in ages it had died down. I guess that proves how irrelevant that nonsense is, no one is bothering to mention it much.
I have no idea why BV is doing it. It doesn't seem legal yet he's doing it. He's very twisted IMO. Those pages have thousands of hits. It's not exactly irrelevant, just irrelevant here.
There are some things about Americans I think can be a bit gross, and one is our penchant for finger foods and touching our food. I still remember my grandmother over her stove and those fingers would be flying into the pasta sauce all the time to taste test. God love her, but all this dipping your pinky finger in is so blech! Whatever happened to grabbing a spoon? Does that compromise the taste or something?
Nobody cares about what BV posts now. Initially it was making news with us and Radar, etc., but I don't think his site is relevant. He is a lawsuit waiting to happen. RWA was packed with vitriol postings while this site is just people stating opinions about a variety of topics. Best advice is to stay off Twitter and not make threats. If this blog is attacked by him, he opens himself up to all bloggers going after him in court and he knows it. Have no idea what LisaK's story is, but she mislead her posters, IMO.
I saw Giada do this once to cupcake frosting, and even though I have no way to eat her cupcakes, it gave me the heebie jeebies. It's just so gross! It's like I almost want to say back away from my cupcake frosting excuse me I'm going to eat that! LOL
Although I love Master Chef, it also grosses me out when the judges taste the food. Sorry, it doesn't need that much camera time. You don't know whether they like it or not until they make their comments...it's not like Kitchen Nightmares when he literally spits out the food LOL, THAT at least warrants the camera time.
What about the thousands upon thousands of negative comments on all the articles that were posted this week?
They are basically the little Dutch boy here. Ok so fine, you intimidated someone into shutting up and going away. But there are three other "haters" to replace that person so what was the point?
There seems to be a lot of pent up, rather frightening anger in what limited tweets I read. Maybe therapy would be a better choice to try to tackle the heart of that intense anger rather than spouting off on twitter to a captive audience not to bright and very prone to manipulation.
Most people I know, and they're Americans, use a spoon when taste testing. Who puts a finger in a pot of cooking sauce? I even use a spoon when taste testing and I live alone. LOL
BV has said "Vengence is mine..." as though he was the one who was "bullied." I think publishing all these people's names, etc., has something to do with his being angry that the negative comments are still going on at Kate's twitter. He thought he'd be able to stop all that and now he's angry.
has something to do with his being angry that the negative comments are still going on at Kate's twitter
I think it goes deeper than that. Perhaps something that happened during military service, or childhood.
We don't do nearly enough to provide enough mental health services and support for our veterans who are returning home and reentering normal society. His behavior is not normal. It's rather frightening, frankly. I don't care how much of a bully someone else is being, his response is unsettling and not within normal spectrums of appropriate responses to such things. I can't help but wonder where his support system is for vets, if any.
The "pending" interviews are funny, funny in the sense that why mention anything not confirmed. And the idea of washed up KG showing up, with all her ums, on Piers Morgan to talk about her mediocre cookbook is also funny. Who in his audience wants to see her? I know that sometimes she has been foisted upon hosts of shows, but now? And after the 1,000's of negative comments on the People cover. It may feed her bloated ego, but she is a media joke.
The "pending" interviews are funny, funny in the sense that why mention anything not confirmed.
I know, I can't get over how funny that is. It reeks of desperation.
I "almost" won the lottery once. I was only five numbers off! LOL. Or those people who talk about all the things they ALMOST did or WILL do, but it never happens. Almost....doesn't....count.
No idea what Kate paid to have her cookbook published, but HCI promotes themselves as "doing it all" for self-publishers. They have a huge facility in Deerfield, FL where they print and bind the books. They even offer marketing, but you have the option of hiring your own marketing team, which is what I think Kate did. I think she paid plenty as an investment to get her mug out there. She might even pay out for a second printing just to make it appear the book is a best seller. At least she's got a big garage to store all those books, LOL. And I would not be surprised she pays a company to make sure the book hits the NY Times best seller list. I've read how that is done. Yeah, right, NY Times. They are secretive about their formula for a reason.
Oh, I agree. Something happened to him to make him so angry. I'm merely saying that the continuing negative comments that are appearing on Kate's twitter has triggered something and he's acting out. He must have big control issues. He thought showing up on the scene would have everyone cowering in fear with the lawsuit talk and other threats yet the "haters" kept right on doing what they've always done. He must be steaming mad.
I agree, this is clearly heavily orchestrated by some team, probably her own hired guns. And it makes me just sick to think how much money she is spending on all this marketing. The children's money?? She sure isn't working. I can only assume the trust fund is being dipped into to fund this pipe dream. This is, after all, a "necessity" for them.
If she makes but a quarter profit when all is said and done I'll be shocked.
I hope whatever she made off People, she puts back in the children's trust and repays every last cent she may have taken from it.
TLC stinks said... 33
No idea what Kate paid to have her cookbook published, but HCI promotes themselves as "doing it all" for self-publishers. They have a huge facility in Deerfield, FL where they print and bind the books. They even offer marketing, but you have the option of hiring your own marketing team, which is what I think Kate did
This whole thing is mysterious to me. Either
Virginia Pen Mom or Readerlady kindly told about the publishing of a book. There is a whole lot to it and there are all kinds of
things to think about.
There seem to be 2 branches of HCI. One is a standard publisher and one isn't. The one connected with Kate's book appears to be the one that asks the author "How do you plan to promote your book?" There didn't seem to be too much beyond printing it that they did. They suggest having friends and family test out the recipes before they are submitted to assure measurements, oven temp, etc. It really sounded DIY to me. I posted the link in the last thread.
TLC stinks said... 33
No idea what Kate paid to have her cookbook published, but HCI promotes themselves as "doing it all" for self-publishers. They have a huge facility in Deerfield, FL where they print and bind the books. They even offer marketing, but you have the option of hiring your own marketing team, which is what I think Kate did. I think she paid plenty as an investment to get her mug out there. She might even pay out for a second printing just to make it appear the book is a best seller. At least she's got a big garage to store all those books, LOL. And I would not be surprised she pays a company to make sure the book hits the NY Times best seller list. I've read how that is done. Yeah, right, NY Times. They are secretive about their formula for a reason.
These kind of package options are pretty common with "self-publishing" companies. I put it in quotations because these companies are hybrids--not true self-publishers and not traditional publishers. It's self-publishing for those who need help with the process.
These companies also lend their name on the back of the books to give the superficial appearance of being traditionally published. An HCI will have a catalog of other such books. "See, we're a real publisher!"
A guess of what she paid is $5,000 to $10,000. That isn't the actual cost of printing books, butthe fees for pulling the book together. It will contribute to her eventual loss!
She will NEVER make a profit on this, but she might buy up copies of her own book to put on a good show. That would contribute to the loss, too, since she'd still have to pay for the books she buys.
(I bought 10 of my own books on Amazon once because I didn't have enough of my first editions. Boy, it galled me to have to buy my own books and then give a cut to Amazon, the printer, etc. At least we can giggle thinking how it will chaff her butt to have to do that in HUGE quantities.)
Agree, TLC Stinks, that she'll probably pay to get on the NYT list. There are ways to do it. Getting on it is not the be-all that it appears to be. Kinda shady, really.
I've been away for a few days and just walked back in, so I don't know what I've missed on the book publishing front (or any front!)
I wonder how accurate those appearances are that HCI has listed for TFW. They have her appearing at a book signing at B&N in Staten Island on Sept. 24. However, the B&N website doesn't have her listed.
However, they do list a book signing for Melissa Gorga on Sept.25 at their Staten Island store.
TFW's name is not even listed on B&N's "Find an Event by Author" page.
Since that HCI page is geared towards retailers, are they possibly "over-hyping" TFW, in a desperate attempt to get more book orders from retailers, because the demand has been so low? They've overstated her show ratings, her website hits, etc. so what a little bit more exaggeration.
I'm sure a lot of retailers remember the great "success" of IJWYTK, and they just aren't biting at the bit to order the cookbook. Especially when according to HCI's catalog, books may be returned, but for CREDIT ONLY.
Here's an interesting article on bestsellers.
I agree, this is clearly heavily orchestrated by some team, probably her own hired guns. And it makes me just sick to think how much money she is spending on all this marketing. The children's money?? She sure isn't working. I can only assume the trust fund is being dipped into to fund this pipe dream. This is, after all, a "necessity" for them.
Totally agree. And this where I go from amused to as angry as a virtual stranger can be. Her vanity knows no bounds and her sheeple think she will be providing a living for her children with this nonsense. It's just sick.
One more comment about BV. When he outs people, he gives real names, email addresses, sometimes towns. In some cases, people have been tracked down and harassed because of this exposure. It's my understanding that children and spouses have been contacted. Of course, allegedly. How can this be legal?
What the sheep don't understand is that at some point BV may turn on them, or another site will be developed that will out them. It just seems unending on both sides. It's not a game, it's harmful.
TLC stinks said... 25
Nobody cares about what BV posts now. Initially it was making news with us and Radar, etc., but I don't think his site is relevant. He is a lawsuit waiting to happen. RWA was packed with vitriol postings while this site is just people stating opinions about a variety of topics. Best advice is to stay off Twitter and not make threats. If this blog is attacked by him, he opens himself up to all bloggers going after him in court and he knows it. Have no idea what LisaK's story is, but she mislead her posters, IMO.
Good points. The owner of BV is going to be hit with a lawsuit (or more) sooner or later. Your comment to stay off Twitter and not make threats is good sound advice for life in general :) (Okay, maybe it's not necessary to stay off Twitter, but I do anyway.)
LOL Admin - I doubt BV will harrass you or your site, but thank you for putting me on the notification list :)
On a completely unrelated note - it is overcast and misty here this morning (northern CA), but it's supposed to get muggy and fairly warm as the day progresses. I am enjoying this cool respite, and thinking ahead to what to make for dinner. We've had chicken of one kind or another 3 days in a row! My grocery budget is lean for this week, so I will be making crockpot "refried" beans tomorrow. Think I will pick up some lean ground beef, make hamburgers for dinner tonight, with some beef left over to use for homemade burritos on Wednesday.
I hope everyone is having a good day. When I have these moments of quiet contentment, they feel so good, that I wish them for everyone.
DENISE @Mydmaxx 4m
@Kateplusmy8 You going back to your old still? Lol. JK. Love your long hair.
Kate made moonshine? Who would have thought it? Are the recipes included in the new book?
"They have her appearing at a book signing at B&N in Staten Island on Sept. 24."
Having a book signing on Staten Island makes very little sense. If you're going to have one in NYC, you'd do it in Manhattan. Is her fan base on Staten Island so large? Does she expect people from the other boroughs to take the ferry over just to see her? HA.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 34
Oh, I agree. Something happened to him to make him so angry. I'm merely saying that the continuing negative comments that are appearing on Kate's twitter has triggered something and he's acting out. He must have big control issues. He thought showing up on the scene would have everyone cowering in fear with the lawsuit talk and other threats yet the "haters" kept right on doing what they've always done. He must be steaming mad.
I think you're correct. It was easy to eliminate the other blog because of some of the inflammitory statements and pictures. This blog, not so much and it seems to frustrate him. He seems to be of the mind that no one is allowed to discuss TFW on a daily basis.
What TFW is experiencing is not unlike what other celebrities experience on twitter. Lady Gaga could give BV a full time job with what goes on on her TL. Many celebrities quit twitter, they don't need it for income and publicity. TFW does, so quitting is not an option for her. So what we get is intimidation and other questionable tactics from BV to make us go away.
Millicent said... 42
Good points. The owner of BV is going to be hit with a lawsuit (or more) sooner or later. Your comment to stay off Twitter and not make threats is good sound advice for life in general :) (Okay, maybe it's not necessary to stay off Twitter, but I do anyway.)
I hear what you're saying but I don't think this is about Twitter. As far as I know, it's not possible to out someone from Tweets, unless a real name is used or personal information such as a photo etc is shared. It looks like anyone who posted on RWA is fair game for BV, he seems to be going down the comments and ISPs and attaching them to names, addresses, etc. As someone who posted on RWA less than 10 times am I at risk for having my personal information scattered to the blogosphere?
Having a book signing on Staten Island makes very little sense. If you're going to have one in NYC, you'd do it in Manhattan. Is her fan base on Staten Island so large? Does she expect people from the other boroughs to take the ferry over just to see her? HA.
Maybe she's planning on riding the Staten Island ferry a la Barbra Streisand and sing "Don't Rain on My Parade".
LIZ> easy way to find out type your name, then BV, on google, if there is anything it will show up. The names being, usernames and your real name, both short first name & full. people should do this from time to time to check if someone is using your name or saying stuff about you.
While I may not agree with what BV is doing, reading those documents is shameful. I think the moral of the story is don't post anything under alias you wouldn't post under your own name. Your own words can come back to haunt you.
NJGal51, thanks for the article link. Very interesting.
It opens up a myriad of questions about how "8
Little Faces" made it to the NY Times Bestseller's List. I never believed that one was legit. And "I Just Want You to Know was never even a contender, with or without the
11,000 sales gets you to the NY Times list. Do you suppose she's already preordered those for herself (to sell at book signings and speaking engagement?) Would she use kids' money for that? Oh wait! Maybe she called TLC!
I could think about this all night, but for now will just say thanks for posting that link.
RealAlias said... 49
While I may not agree with what BV is doing, reading those documents is shameful. I think the moral of the story is don't post anything under alias you wouldn't post under your own name. Your own words can come back to haunt you.
How about if what was posted on RWA was respectful, asking questions, offering an opinion without the cursing and hate language that was so evident there? There were many many comments made like that. I know of people who only posted there a couple of times. Because I fall into this category, (I'll ask again) is it okay for my personal information to be out there on the blogosphere?
RealAlias said..."While I may not agree with what BV is doing, reading those documents is shameful. I think the moral of the story is don't post anything under alias you wouldn't post under your own name."
Then why do you read them...if it's shameful? Maybe I'm misunderstanding your comment. You're posting under "alias." Is that your real name?
There was one hater blog writing about and outing the fans and there were three fan blogs attacking and outing haters. Both sides were wrong but to pretend there were any victims in this saga is nuts. Both sides were vile, the fans that are playing victim are the same ones who outed and harassed haters including someone who had a baby grandson near death from heart disease. And the outings the haters did are buried in an old closed blog and the outings BV is doing is showing up with real names on google and some of it is wrong info provided by the Defektive Detektive.
Liz you can't be identified by your IP. The ones being outed had a bigger presence then you. Don't worry.
Fact is no matter what name you use your personal info is out in the blogosphere. Even if Admin can't see it my IP is attached to this comment and it would be possible for my real name and location to be be known. Usually it takes a court order of some sort.
No one is really anonymous on the net. Most of us put our own personal info on the net with facebook and the like.
If he does a report on you I wouldn't think you wouldn't have anything to worry about. Same thing if he did a report on me. Last I checked he had not done one on me. I made a few comments over there. I didn't like the vibe. So I left.
Is it fair? I don't know. My comment was only to say even when using an alias make sure it's something you would say even if using your own name.
Because I fall into this category, (I'll ask again) is it okay for my personal information to be out there on the blogosphere?
I don't know, Liz. I'm in the dark about all of this. I've never had Twitter and I've never posted on RWA. I just don't understand what the purpose of all of this is. There is a fan on Twitter who keeps linking these reports, and my question is...WHY? What will it accomplish? Does this make them feel powerful in some way, being in BV's inner circle? Revenge? In fact, one fan thanked God for BV. I don't get it.
Those who are "outed" will just keep tweeting, perhaps under the same IDs, or they will set up others. My concern is that this may go the route of Nancy Grace, when she kept hammering on two people and they ended up committing suicide. Some people are very fragile, emotionally, and you just never know if a public revealing will cause them to hurt themselves. Nancy was sued on both accounts, and I believe settlement was reached...apparently there were strong cases there because she was directly involved. Anything that could happen to the people who were outed can revert back to the person and persons who contributed to this, and I would think that they could be held liable. Is that correct, admin?
OrangeCrusher1 said... 40
And it makes me just sick to think how much money she is spending on all this marketing. The children's money?? She sure isn't working. I can only assume the trust fund is being dipped into to fund this pipe dream. This is, after all, a "necessity" for them.
Totally agree. And this where I go from amused to as angry as a virtual stranger can be. Her vanity knows no bounds and her sheeple think she will be providing a living for her children with this nonsense. It's just sick.
I agree with what you are saying but I think in her deluded mind she is okay accessing the children's money because they are featured in the puke-book. She can justify it as a "family" project.
Some where beyond the realm said...
I think you're correct. It was easy to eliminate the other blog because of some of the inflammitory statements and pictures. This blog, not so much and it seems to frustrate him. He seems to be of the mind that no one is allowed to discuss TFW on a daily basis.
Why go to all of the bother of outing people. There are so many people who have ridiculed and criticized her publicly, under their own names. Whoopsie, Admin's boyfriend Anderson, Kathy Griffin, journalists and bloggers from mainstream media outlets, and on and on. When they subpoena AC, then I will begin to worry about this blog.
Bullyville is trying to give the impression that he can out anyone. To my knowledge, no one has been outed on this blog. There are people who were outed on Facebook, due to own actions--not directly as a result of posting here. The outings have been the result of, IMO, RWA's turning over IP records, or something related, and some have been entrapped by commenting on fanz blogs and Kate's own website. I don't think that anyone who only posts here can be exposed, just by posting here. The comments here just don't rise to a reasonable level to be classified as harassment, bullying etc. --admin has been very instructive on the right to free speech, and, as I said, so many people have gone on the record with criticism, why bother to work so hard? If they have a valid point in going after us, wouldn't it be so much better to make an example of Anderson Cooper?
Liz asked:
(I'll ask again) is it okay for my personal information to be out there on the blogosphere?
No, of course it isn't okay Liz. And if this happens to you - whether by BV or some other unscrupulous person -- and you suffer consequences because of that, you might have grounds for a lawsuit, or perhaps the filing of a criminal complaint. Merely having your name and address publicized would probably not be enough. But if a rabid fan of Kate used the information "outed" by BV, and then called you incessantly, leaving obscene, vulgar, harassing messages; or if they found out where you worked and tried to get you fired; or they made threats against you -- then you'd have a case of one kind or another.
That's what I meant by my belief that the owner of BV will eventually pay the consequences for his behavior. At some point, someone will go too far and the victim will contact the authorities. If they suffer real damages, like loss of a job, then they could also file a civil suit against BV and others for their financial loss, etc.
As has been said before, a good rule of thumb is also never to write anything under a screen name that you wouldn't be happy to own up to under your own name. It is so easy when we feel anonymous on a message board or blog, to be over the top, or rude. I am sorry to say I've fallen into that trap myself on occasion and do not like myself much afterwards.
And I hope I never become like Goody2Shoes, who says crass and vulgar things all the time about Jon, yet claims to be a very religious person! The two do not go hand in hand.
In an article on ROL dated April 1, the BV guy, James (?), is quoted say he's going after the "worst offenders." I don't think any comments here are close to fitting the category.
There was one tweet yesterday from some obscure fan who said their crystal ball said he'd be going after this site next. One and only one. That's ridiculous. It's not going to happen.
I am up to my eyeballs making applesauce, to feed my 5 grandkids until next harvest comes, so am so behind reading comments!
But I read back about TFW being a nurse, and how she keeps burning bridges, so has no close family to help, besides Jon, their Dad. I was thinking about when I was 3 hours away from home, in the hospital for 4 months, and if I had been single, and had no friends, what would have happened with my 3 daughters back then? I hope TWF understands how lucky she is, to have great health, and to have healthy kids. Life can change drastically in a moment. I wonder if she ever thinks about that, or does she fly thru life thinking that things like poor health only happen to other people, and not to her?
Back to the apples:)
So Piers Morgan might be interviewing her? Really?! Do you think he needs to know all about her before he does that? I wonder who sends these 'reporters' the back-story of those they interview? He would sure have lots of information if he and the other 'reporters'(or what do you call these people?) would find their way over to this blog:)
I wonder if TFW reads over here, and takes the advice of some of the posters here? I am sure some of us have 'helped' her without even knowing that they did. Maybe we should not be doing that? Or does it make any difference?
This is Ex Nurse
Admin said...
I "almost" won the lottery once. I was only five numbers off! LOL. Or those people who talk about all the things they ALMOST did or WILL do, but it never happens. Almost....doesn't....count.
Her list of almosts go on and on...almost had a children's clothing line...almost had a talk show....almost won DWTS...almost worked with Michelle Obama on her childhood obesity campaign...almost had a dating show...almost had Twist of Fate...almost had a brand. She will go down in history as someone who had so many real, and imaginary, opportunities and couldn't deliver on any of them. She has become that person that she 'played' on the Emmy show--an outsider everywhere she goes.
She is completely delusional.
I have to admit I'm surprised that Milo hasn't been tweeting ooohs and aaahs over the People article and telling Kate how proud she is of her and how far she's come and how her life is getting better every day and how the world adores her and what a strong woman she is and how any TV exec would be thrilled to have her on their show and how obvious it is that the kids worship the ground she floats above like a pure and shining angel.
All she's tweeted is that she can't find her way around the coupon help and needs Kate to teach her and that was yesterday.
I am sitting in my Dr's waiting room, looking at her self-published cookbook featuring her weight management groups favorite recipes, which were photographed at a potluck. No e of them looked like vomit--the food looks fantastic and appetizing. Some if the recipes were from published sources, which were cited.
Ex Nurse
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66 4m
@Kateplusmy8 you made the #Bing headline. Msn search engine #RealityTv some positive press. Hopefully more to come !! Keep doing you #K8
LOL. It's an MSN "Where are they now" article and when you click on Kate a link comes up and when you click on the link the old Wife Swap stories come up. Whoo hoo.
Almost took her fans on a cruise.
I think that article had some things that threw Milo off. Maybe there's a secret regrouping meeting going on.
LOL. It's an MSN "Where are they now" article and when you click on Kate a link comes up and when you click on the link the old Wife Swap stories come up. Whoo hoo.
There's a link there (underneath the CWS link) that takes you to the People Cover. Maybe that's what the Charity Lady was all excited about.
There was one tweet yesterday from some obscure fan who said their crystal ball said he'd be going after this site next. One and only one. That's ridiculous. It's not going to happen.
I'm not so sure I'd bait him. That's what happened at the other blog, if I recall. They were poking and poking at him about the lawsuit, he was all hot air, there were no charges, he couldn't touch them, and I think he did what he did just to give them the finger and prove them wrong. I don't think we'll ever know how he managed to shut that blog down and have the owner turn over the info. There's more to it than just a subpoena...in my opinion.
All she's tweeted is that she can't find her way around the coupon help and needs Kate to teach her and that was yesterday.
Are those tweets deleted? I don't see them...
I think that article had some things that threw Milo off. Maybe there's a secret regrouping meeting going on.
Like maybe the fact that Kate was not liked and was difficult to work with -- the reason TLC pulled the plug?
Like maybe the fact that Kate was not liked and was difficult to work with -- the reason TLC pulled the plug?
Yes. For three years poor Milo has been singing this tune that we've got TFW all wrong and that if only you got to know her you would not think she was all that bad. Then here comes TFW admitting that it's true, she was a diva and was fired in part because of that and was an overall nightmare but now she's changed. Remember she said the entire article was true and accurate.
I imagine all this would be very confusing for someone like Milo. What exactly is the party line now, she must be wondering? I almost feel bad for her. Almost.
Totally off topic, but has anyone ever heard of what Jane Wyman said once when a reporter asked her why she flat out refused to talk about Ronald Reagan all those years. She never answered questions about him.
She basically said hey I don't have a problem with the man and really I actually don't really know anything about politics to say, but more than that, it's just in BAD TASTE to talk about your ex husband. She didn't seem to understand why this was so shocking.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 39s
@Kateplusmy8 Cute the lil snippers U have on that tweet! So do we add #BarberAndBeautician 2ur resume'? :/ That's alot of hair 2cut Xs 8!
Did Kate give eight haircuts?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 22h
👍 http://couponsbykate.com/ RT @PalmBchPrincess: @Kateplusmy8 saw good travel deals on ur site-nice2save..$ on airfare Planning a trip nxt mo
The vagueness is getting annoying. Could they be more specific?? WHAT travel deals?
I want to hear a specific instance where they found a coupon. What was it for, what did they buy, how much did they save compared to the normal price? Because I can't find anything.
No Milo, she never said or even implied that she cut the hair herself. Stop! There's nothing wrong with paying someone to cut your child's hair and it doesn't make you less of a martyr.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 7m
@Kateplusmy8 And as I expected...had 2drop back by the grocery store 2day & the @PeopleMag rack was empty! U were a #SellOut again Kate! :)
Was this entire magazine devoted to Kate? No stories about anyone else? Would it occur to Milo that perhaps people buy the magazine to read other articles that have absolutely nothing to do with Kate?
Was this entire magazine devoted to Kate? No stories about anyone else? Would it occur to Milo that perhaps people buy the magazine to read other articles that have absolutely nothing to do with Kate?
Wasn't there an article in there about the girl who was kidnapped and found and her mother and brother were killed? That might have generated some interest. But I don't really believe the magazine was sold out.
Whenever I see those magazine racks there's usually only room for 5 or 6 issues per stack. Surely the store has more of them than only 5 or 6. I imagine it's probably someone's job to periodically go around and replenish the ones that are out. It doesn't mean they "sold out" it just means someone hasn't restocked! LOL
In my grocery store on the hour someone comes over the P.A. and says "Ralphs employees it's time for your station check" or something like that. I imagine restocking the magazines is part of that.
I now think they made a grave error not putting Hannah Anderson on the cover.
That story just imploded overnight now that it looks like Hannah was quite involved and possibly could even be charged as part of a conspiracy. They likely lost out on a ton of readers looking to read about that. It is a PERFECT article for their demographic. Now if they put it on this week, it looks like old news.
Good job Coyne.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 78
I now think they made a grave error not putting Hannah Anderson on the cover.
That story just imploded overnight now that it looks like Hannah was quite involved and possibly could even be charged as part of a conspiracy.
I completely agree! Her Ask.fm posts were bizarre! Something stinks to high heaven there!
Tell me about it local! That was the top human interest story, how something like this could have happened and could it happen to our daughters. Not some washed up reality star desperate to be famous again. Forget 1800 comments on Kate's story, a story I read on Hannah had 8,000 comments, most of them looked skeptical of her, and a post that simply said something does not add up here got something like 3,000 up votes!! Holy goodness. We were all about that story a few days ago, what was People thinking???
I missed this gem in the article because it's one of those large print blurbs.. TFW says:
People will still say the show harmed them.... and yet they've never met them. They're happy kids."
Two of the children were suspended from kindergarten for bullying- while the show was in production. Classmates were hit as well as the adult monitors hired to mind them when the situation began to escalate.
While TFW is correct that we don't know the kids, it doesn't take a child development specialist to figure out that something is wrong when children so young are asked to leave school. PA Dept of Labor and Industry had to intevene on behalf of the children. A law was specially written to protect the interests of PA child performers after the plight of the Gosselin children was revealed. I believe that the children are happy- now. During the filming of the show, all you needed to see was the unhappy faces, a crying Mady in Alaska, and children repeatedly pulled out of school for filming- to know that they were not living their best life.
People will still say the show harmed them.... and yet they've never met them. They're happy kids."
But Jon knows his own children and over the years he has told us multiple things that are very concerning to him, from the children being kicked out of school to TLC and TFW's hellbent plan to film them through a very traumatic divorce. They were NOT fine. Why is she to be believed over him?
And isn't this more of an opinion anyway? I think it HAS harmed them for the simple fact that they can't go into a bathroom without some creepy fan accosting them. *I* think that's harmful, period. People have a right to think that filming (and the consequences years later) is bad for children just as much as TFW is free to think otherwise.
All she's tweeted is that she can't find her way around the coupon help and needs Kate to teach her and that was yesterday.
Well, for once I give Milo the benefit of the doubt here. I can't find my way around the coupon site either and would need someone to teach me. Since when does a good web site need a tutorial??!
Same here, admin. I couldn't really figure her coupon site out. I also find it unattractive. Who wants to look at a HUGE picture of Kate? Well, Milo does but...
That story just imploded overnight now that it looks like Hannah was quite involved and possibly could even be charged as part of a conspiracy.
Do you have a link to that, Local? All I could find was that law enforcement is still saying that she was a victim and that she had no part in any of it, plus stories about the money he left to her grandmother.
So basically, all Milo could come up with today was a tweet about the cute little snippers on Kate's tweet? LOL
News sources that are "jokes" usually don't make it because no one will watch.
Radar Online has its' own television show.
I know that. I specifically excluded celebrity news sources from the general rule.
People will always buy tabloids full of gossip and read things full of errors like Radar articles always are. But if you want to give people hard news, you better be sure you're not a joke. That may have something to do with the type of viewers and what they expect.
I'm not sure the police have admitted they have suspicions like everybody else does. I am guessing the LAST thing they want to do is publicly name her a suspect and scare her off. I bet they are quietly reviewing the evidence they have, including her diary/notes, and perhaps having several low key conversations with her fishing for info, before jumping into something like this without all their ducks in a row.
New stuff comes out all the time. Now they're saying she was seen with him HOURS before the fire ever even happened.
I agree, Admin, that People blew that cover story. I don't see how anyone can argue with the fact that a Kate Gosselin search on Google for the last 24 hours returned 2 news stories. One was a gather article about back to school and the other was a Huffington article on Jon's comments about transportation.
On the other hand, a search for Hannah turns up infinite pages ( maybe not infinite, but many pages) of results. What say you to that, Milo?
I read the article while waiting at the pharmacy. She actually did make that nursing/babysitter remark, again (thought that was just from the old comment that Admin posted). The article also references the concern that the G8 may face tragedy, as so many young stars do. Kate Coyne can definitively say, that at the ripe old ages of 9 and 12, almost a whole 2 years after cancellation, that all of the children are perfect and happy, so no worries people! Therefore, since ages 9 and 12 are completely accurate indicators of the future, we can be 100% sure that there is zero chance that any problems will EVER surface . We haven't met the children, so we don't know what we are talking about. Also, every one of us is hoping that Kate will fail, because...oh wait--why? Must have missed that...anyway, I feel so relieved that I can stop worrying about the prisoners in Alcatraz, condemned to a life of hard labor because they are just not drawing TV offers for their sainted mother. Serves them right!
And, finally, there is proof positive that these children do, in fact, shriek with joy on a regular basis as they merrily skip their way from odious chore to odious chore! That is, when they are not piling up on each other in the kitchen (that is Kate's rationale for not serving the next kid before the previous one is sitting). What Kate--no stoplight installed in the kitchen?
Also, in reference to the diva behavior, not only did Kate admit it--there were unnamed sourced comments from someone in production.
I'm not sure the police have admitted they have suspicions like everybody else does. I am guessing the LAST thing they want to do is publicly name her a suspect and scare her off. I bet they are quietly reviewing the evidence they have, including her diary/notes, and perhaps having several low key conversations with her fishing for info, before jumping into something like this without all their ducks in a row.
Oh no doubt they will review everything. There were two people murdered there. I'm just wondering where the poster got the info that she may be charged in the conspiracy because I couldn't find anything about it...the phone calls and sighting with him, yes, and the insurance policy with her grandmother as beneficiary, but nothing that she may be charged. That's interesting.
It's past 9PM, here, it's been a long, hot, sticky, generally blaahhh day and I'm still at work... living the wonderful life of free lance. Was tired and grumpy, came here for a quick visit on my break and those two comments made me laugh out loud. Love, love, love the no nonsense tone. Thanks for the giggles. I needed that. :)
" People is a "joke" because they (,,,) have articles full of errors and in Kate Coyne's case completely clueless that the person in front of them is a nut." (Admin, 16)
"I am sitting in my Dr's waiting room, looking at her self-published cookbook featuring her weight management groups favorite recipes, which were photographed at a potluck. None of them looked like vomit." (Ex-Nurse, 65)
White Organza said...
Ex Nurse said..None of them looked like vomit."
Actually, the photos were stunning, and the people appeared to be just plain old mediocre folks. I forgot to ask her took the photos, but she did confirm that the pictures were the actual dishes brought for the potluck.
Thank you TFW for providing the vomit standard, by which all future and aspiring chefs can be judged.
With regard to Hanna Anderson. I was watching the news either yesterday or the day before and they reported that letters were found from her to her abductor (can't remember his name) at his home and also found were two used condoms. Now that doesn't mean they had sex, but it does make you wonder. Also, I find it hard to fathom that she was out in public so quickly after she was reunited with her family. Considering she was subjected, allegedly, to an ordeal and also it was reported that her mother and brother were tortured before they were killed. The last place I would be found would be out in public. I would be so distraught I would be holed up in my bed.
I apologise if I've repeated what someone else has stated but I haven't been on the blog in several days and there are 600 plus comments that I haven't read yet.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 93
''........I'm just wondering where the poster got the info that she may be charged in the conspiracy because I couldn't find anything about it...the phone calls and sighting with him, yes, and the insurance policy with her grandmother as beneficiary, but nothing that she may be charged.''
I'm not seen anything either, SiS. In fact, the last thing I read said that the FBI had cleared her of any involvement. If anyone has seen any official statement from anyone in law enforcement that says otherwise, please link us to it!
No, no one in uniform is admitting anything but that she was a victim, at least not at the moment, but anyone looking at the facts might scratch their head. Here is a site discussing everything that doesn't add up. But one of hundreds:
Lisa, too, said she would never give up her blog.
And she did. Soooo....
For the 100th time, I have nothing TO give up. I don't know your IPs, your names, or anything about you other than what you've said here. I don't have to even promise you I won't "sell out" the blog because I have nothing to sell out in the first place. If I got a subpoena asking for IPs the only thing I could tell them is sorry don't know 'em.
If they would like your IPs, they will have to go directly to Google themselves. But they would have to do that for any site, so we're not more vulnerable than anyone else.
As far as I'm concerned, this discussion is over.
capecodmama said... 96
''With regard to Hanna Anderson. I was watching the news either yesterday or the day before and they reported that letters were found from her to her abductor (can't remember his name) at his home and also found were two used condoms. Now that doesn't mean they had sex, but it does make you wonder.''
I'm just about positive that the letters and two used condoms were found as soon as they realized that Hannah was missing. Also they said that the two were sighted already on the road 20 hours before the house caught on fire.
Two used condoms may mean that someone had sex, but it could have been the Mother, not Hannah. You could even speculate that the used condoms were used when DiMaggio raped the Mother, before he killed her, and set the explosions to go off more than 20 hours later.
See? Speculation can work in ways that do not involve Hannah being anything other than a victim.
It's obvious to me they're trying to scare us into we're next so that people won't post here because they got nothing. Don't fall for it. If you right click on this site on most browsers you can see all the coding that goes into this web site. You can see for yourself there is no IP tracker on this site.
Oh I agree with that too Remona. I am completely open to any reasonable explanation for what doesn't add up. However, if she was involved, I think she needs to be held accountable for that. This was serious, a double murder, and if someone else was involved besides that man, then justice demands it be investigated. The police have done a good job so far and I'm sure they are quietly getting to the bottom of each and every oddity, it just may take some time. Time will tell whether her involvement really was completely innocent.
What I do know? This story should have been front page of People. It is, I dare say, the biggest 'human interest" story of the summer. And People just let it sail on by and what's more, replaced it with TFW.
Well it looks like I was wrong, apparently her book will be published. And I am SHOCKED that she was able to book media appearances. How interesting that she is not sharing the info with her fans, though. I facebook follow Jen Lancaster (AWESOME humor writer!!) and as soon as she had dates for B&N appearances, she shared them with her fans. I will add that it was only about a week before the event that Barnes and Noble put the info on their website for the town where I visited. So just because it isn't on B&N site could be a glitch with the store. But i find that she will actlauuy be appearing in a town where I will be visiting at the time . . . . it is so very tempting to observe her appearance, if only to be able to share my observations with the loyal commenters here.
Admin...in the site you linked, I stopped five paragraphs in, because of what I read. The ''DiMaggio had a DNA test kit listed as an item recovered from his home'' has already been dismissed by the authorities as a missunderstanding. The authorities said that they had used a DNA kit on DiMaggio's car....NOT that he had one of his own.
To use the comments Hannah made on the social media site as somehow 'proving' she knew things as they were happening seems a real stretch to me. She was answering questions from people using things she learned AFTER she was freed....and people are basing their speculation as though she knew those things in real time, instead of realizing that she was giving information she learned after it was over.
I don't have to even promise you I won't "sell out" the blog because I have nothing to sell out in the first place.
Lisa gave up her administrator password. That's all BV needs or wants.
So, YES, people should still be concerned posting here.
At least be honest with your followers!
Remona I didn't know the kit was in his car! But then, why would you have a DNA test kit in your car? You're driving along and the mood strikes you to swab someone's cheek? Why would he have a DNA test kit at all, no matter where it was found?
Lisa gave up her administrator password. That's all BV needs or wants.
So, YES, people should still be concerned posting here.
At least be honest with your followers!
I am being honest with the POSTERS here (followers sounds creepy) and I tend to agree with what the other person said about scaring us into not posting. Even if I gave someone the password (and in fact the "staff" has the password), that only gets you into the blogger control panel which only allows you to change settings like the color of the background and to make new posts. What good is that?
You can start a test blog at blogger.com and see exactly what info is in that panel. A whole lotta nothing. It has a bunch of options for the blog layout, and access to comments, but it does NOT show your IP for those comments. Look it up. Blogger does not show admins the posters' IPs unless you install a separate system.
RWA had a rather complex IP tracking system set up from a THIRD PARTY. THAT is what they wanted after. We have no such system. Never have, never will.
Admin, I don't know how to make it more clear than to say once again that the authorities said THEY (the authorities)had a DNA kit that THEY used to gather DNA from DiMaggio's car. The DNA kit did NOT belong to DiMaggio. Period.
Oh. I can't find that information anywhere! How would the police not recognize their own DNA swab kit versus an over the counter drug store one? That makes as little sense as anything else. A police DNA kit would likely have the police Dept. name stamped on it and be part of a uniform forensics kit or something, how could they mix that up?
And not I (Remona) have messed up! The DNA kit that the authorities said they used on the car wasn't DiMaggio's car, but the authorities used the DNA kit on the Mother's (Christina Anderson) burned out car! In any case, whatever car, the DNA kit was one used by the authorities, and DiMaggio never ever had a DNA kit.
Wait. Just stop and think. WHO messed up the freaking DNA kit story? THE MEDIA. The authorities NEVER mixed up the freaking DNA kit. The media was wrong.
So...one more time. DiMaggio did not ever have a DNA kit. Period.
I see, thanks Remona! That makes sense now. I can't find the PDF documents that were confusing people about the DNA test kit, apparently they were in released court documents. I did however find the initial search warrant.
Notice how it has the case number (at the bottom), the number of the warrant, the name of the deputy seeking the info, the judge's name and the judge's signature. All information necessary and expected when serving legit, legal documents.
Admin, here is a clarification about the DNA kit. I don't know how to make the link clickable:
Notice at the very bottom it says:
''Ed. note: NBC 7 News initially reported on a DNA test kit listed among the evidence removed from Christina Anderson's vehicle on the search warrant documents. A sheriff's department spokesperson clarified the contents of the list explaining the DNA test kit was used by investigators and not found in the vehicle.''
the end
I see it. It doesn't clarify whose mistake it was though. It would be a completely innocent mistake to report it as evidence if the DNA test kit was listed with other recovered evidence, which is the way the cop makes it sound. I like reading the comments on the LA Times site. They make good points from all kinds of perspectives.
Admin, MY point is that it has been taken as FACT that the DNA kit was DiMaggio's and that is NOT true. It doesn't really matter exactly how the mistake was made, does it? The FACT is that it was NOT DiMaggio's kit...and I wanted to make that fact clear!
This conversation has worn me out. Off for the night.
Back to my copy of people. Every well there are celeb recipes toward the back of the mag. This week there is a red velvet cake recipe from Buddy Valastro from his nee cookbook coming out in November. There is Jillian Michaels guacamole and mentions her yoga DVD coming out in sept. Brian Boitano apple panini from his cookbook. Jose Andre roasted vegetables from his cookbook Made in Spain.
Where's Waldo? Whoops, no recipes from TFMJG. Must be an oversight.
I do agree People goofed on the cover story. Oprah got a sidebar photo on the cover, even she would be better, as The Butler was the biggest movie at the box office last weekend.
I can not find anything anywhere that looks or sounds like BV is going after this blog next.
Sounds like scare tactics to me. I will be scrolling past those comments from here forward.
I still subscribe to TV Guide also, and the August 26 issue came in the mail today. There are a couple of interesting articles about reality TV. One about Duck Dynasty. The August 14 season four premiere ” averaged 11.8 million total viewers making it the most watched unscripted series telecast in cable history, with 6.3 million viewers in the advertiser coveted 18-49 demographic, a new record for A&E. It was also the biggest rating in that demographic for ANY REGULAR PROGRAM - BROADCAST OR CABLE - since the April 15 episode of the Voice.”
An A&E executive says ” they're self made, they love each other, they do have rivalries and multi generational tension, but what comes first to them us family. There's no fighting our yelling or cursing. Just a lot of high jinks.”
The entire family gets $250,000 per episode and also has licensed merchandise and still sells their duck calls. I even saw a Duck Dynasty welcome mat for sale in Walmart!
In the same issue, there is an article about how most of reality is now a glut of tired formats and that new ideas are needed to shake up the genre. Ideas discussed are game shows, limited run events, and ” big reality” like nick Wallenda walking a tight rope across a gorge. No mention of shows with average kids.
I just read that Jon and Kate had the record until Duck just beat it. I guess I didn't realize they held the record. Life goes on people move on and newer better things break your old records. They are officially has beens, used to be's.
The entire family gets $250,000 per episode and also has licensed merchandise and still sells their duck calls. I even saw a Duck Dynasty welcome mat for sale in Walmart!
Love the show. No dysfunction. It's so staged and scripted you don't feel like their trying to pull a fast one on the viewers. Unlike TFW's former show "realest Reality show out there". We QUETIONED the "authenticity". This family was extremely wealthy and successful before the show.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 87
That story just imploded overnight now that it looks like Hannah was quite involved and possibly could even be charged as part of a conspiracy.
Do you have a link to that, Local? All I could find was that law enforcement is still saying that she was a victim and that she had no part in any of it, plus stories about the money he left to her grandmother.
Sleepless, that was Admin who said that. I said that I am suspicious of her involvement due to her behavior afterward.
I just read that Jon and Kate had the record until Duck just beat it. I guess I didn't realize they held the record. Life goes on people move on and newer better things break your old records. They are officially has beens, used to be's.
And, the only reason JK+8 had the record was because of the divorce hype. Duck Dynasty has the record just because people like the show
And, the only reason JK+8 had the record was because of the divorce hype. Duck Dynasty has the record just because people like the show
Great point. They had the record because people were slowing down to stare at the train wreck. It was a gimmick and publicity stunt that couldn't be repeated.
It was a gimmick and publicity stunt that couldn't be repeated.
Exactly. How the heck would you top that???
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