'If we kept going on trips all the time and not ever seen that there's, like, a different way to live, we could have wound up being really bratty, you know?'
It almost makes me laugh when I think about how she has put her own hatred of Jon even over the fans and the special they want so desperately.
The fans have been encouraging and supporting this hatred of Jon for years. Only now, all this hate has come between this family and doing a special since TFW hates him SOO much she won't do a special with him, and TLC knows the draw was the two of them so they aren't interested without him.
Like I said the other day, there is no greater definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face. This is really hysterical. Good job TFW and fans. Good job. Hope all that hate was worth it since now? You can't get what you want because of it.
London (CNN) -- Reports that a Scottish teenager took his own life after becoming the victim of an alleged Internet blackmail scam have heightened concerns in Britain over online abuse. Daniel Perry, from Dunfermline, was reportedly the victim of blackmailers who recorded his interactions via Skype with a person he believed was an American girl his own age. They then threatened to show his family the footage unless he paid up, UK media reports say. Instead, the 17-year-old jumped from a bridge last month.
This sounds just like what BV did to me and others. Threatened to release private information about me and others unless I did what they asked. Unbelievable. How would they feel if they did this to someone who decided they should end their own life rather than deal with this? I hope they have long moved on from TFW and all this nonsense. One of these days if you keep up this behavior it could have terribly tragic consequences like this one.
There are successful narcissists out there. I personally think Wendy Williams is one. But the difference between them and Kate is that they are willing to work their behinds off to be successful. Kate has never been willing (or able) to do the same. She is not only a narcisstic person, she's got many other issues as well. One huge problem is that Kate is not good at dealing with people. She cannot handle the smallest irritation without blowing her top. She freaks out easily. She blames everyone around her for her own failings. She is anti-social.
Comment from the other day but it was so good I want to make sure to respond.
I agree there are many successful narcissists. Many of them are in big business, or Hollywood. I think TFW's problem is her laziness. A successful narcissist simply cannot be lazy. If anything, successful ones seem to be the exact opposite of lazy--workaholics. At first blush you might be impressed with how long and hard a successful narcissist works. But then you realize they're doing all this at the expense of marriage, children, family and friends. That they are doing all this to feed their massive egos and stay number one no matter what. A workaholic narcissist is not satisfied to work 12 hours a day. They must work 18. A workaholic narcissist can't be satisfied when their manager brings them three solid auditions, they must have 8. They are not satisfied scoring one or two touchdowns, they must score every single one for the whole game.
In many respects, it's creepy.
The fact of the matter is though, her own laziness has done her in time and time again.
Looking at the cover, and its caption, my first thought is meh, who really cares where this family is now. And the 1,000's of comments on the People website show this to be true. And if the rumor that she turned down reunion shows because TLC wanted to include Jon are at all true, she is a bigger narcissistic fool than I thought possible.
And honestly for all the disgust over this cover from the jellus haters, insert smile, this does not a career make, or remake. Same old, same old - a cover here, 5 minutes on tv or radio there, a public appearance to promote the crackbook, all with expenses being paid from her pile o'cash. The coupon project seems dead already. What's telling is that she thinks/refers to herself as 'just a girl'. Honeypie, you are a 38 year old woman, 8 children, no talent and overprocessed looks. Grow the F up already.
And if you want anyone to think YOU turned down TLC's reunion show offers because YOU did not want to do it with the ex, well, think again. Your ex has made it pretty clear he is never filming anything with you in this lifetime. And how you got around his permission for the kids to appear on CWS is a mystery to me, but you remain a dirty, self-absorbed POS because of that one too.
I cannot think of anyone else who makes people turn around magazine covers in supermarkets. You should be proud.
And if you want anyone to think YOU turned down TLC's reunion show offers because YOU did not want to do it with the ex, well, think again.
You know, I actually believe this. However I do think she is conveniently leaving out that JON would never film EITHER so it's a moot point what she wants. LOL. Pesky little fact there.
However, from what we've seen of how much she hates him, including hating him more than she loves her own children, I 100% believe she hates him more than she loves her own career and publicity even to the point of turning down projects that involve him. That is one scary ball of HATRED.
Such a wise child... She understands what her mother cannot/will not understand.
Meanwhile, TFW is still wasting more time on another doomed venture. How long before she abandons her new couponing site, because of her laziness & short attention span?
"This sounds just like what BV did to me and others. Threatened to release private information about me and others unless I did what they asked. Unbelievable. How would they feel if they did this to someone who decided they should end their own life rather than deal with this? I hope they have long moved on from TFW and all this nonsense. One of these days if you keep up this behavior it could have terribly tragic consequences like this one."
As Bullyville says:
@BullyVille 2h Twitter is the Devil's playground.
[excerpt] What's telling is that she thinks/refers to herself as 'just a girl'. Honeypie, you are a 38 year old woman, 8 children, no talent and overprocessed looks. Grow the F up already.
Re TFMJGs grouping of Alexis with the boys. I think TFMJG doesn't consider Alexis to be a girl because she likes things like bugs and reptiles. Remember TFMJG telling her in one of the back to school episodes that she couldn't have a backpack with the picture of a lizard on it because she wasn't a boy?
Woo Hoo! New post! I subscribe to People, when this weeks issue comes in the mail I will post if there is anything extra in the print copy. It will be interesting to see if there is any mention of mister Gosselin. The photo just looks very awkward in the posing and spacing of the subjects. TFMJG doesn't look anything like any of those children.
And what is most offensive is Kids Tell All - no attempt here to even consider keeping their lives somewhat private. And so close to their return to school, their faces and comments plastered all over a magazine. And yes, the framing of that picture, with TFW sprawled on the ground surrounded by her adoring trophies - pictures do tell tales. She is truly a piece of work.
With regard to the kids' teeth in the picture, I can see that the twins and even Hannah (still) have braces in the picture. Their chains and bands, which cover the metal brackets, are white which blends well in a picture. Been there, done that, as an adult 10 years ago. Chains and bands are changed every few weeks, which is why you see kids with wacky colors for holidays, seasons, sports, etc. My husband and I had them at the same time and did not get a discount. I doubt Kate is either. It's a business with several educated/trained employees and payroll must be met. We joked that our ortho was buying a new boat with 2 patients in the same family, but his cost was comparable to others doing the same thing. We did shop around. Hannah's may have been first phase of two or more to correct a cross bite or something. The boys may not have issues like that and will only have 1 set, but sometimes, when they're losing a lot of teeth at the same time, things just align up normally and they don't need them. Hopefully they won't need them, because it sucks! Kate's still a pig. Have a good day/weekend!
I doubt the kids are getting free braces/ortho services b/c then she'd have braces on all 3 of the boys. She's probably staggering who's getting them as she can afford them. Not surprising tho that they get put behind the girls.
Great point chef. If money is so tight and all you have to do is do one little project with your ex wouldn't anyone do that? She's so full of it how does she have any fans?
So I went to her que-pon site and on the Walmart ones, it says to click to redeem, so I clicked on it and it takes you to the Walmart site! It doesn't give you a code or anything. Her site says $30.00 off of a razor but it's already marked down on the Walmart site. The Walmart site offers an addition $10 off but if you go straight to the Walmart site, it does the same. So WTF is her site for? I'm confused.
Funny story, and true! I just got back from the grocery store and there were only three check-outs open, so there were fairly long lines. Sure enough, there was TFW staring at me from People. I was loading my things on the belt, and the lady in back of me picked up the magazine and said, "Oh, God, not again!" I laughed, but didn't say anything. She said, "Those kids are getting big, aren't they? Nice looking, but not so cute anymore." I said that yes, kids do grow up, still not making any comment on TFW. She was looking at the picture and said, "I don't know the kids' names, but is there something wrong with that one in the back?"
Okay, I bit, and asked which one. The one on the left, she said. I thought maybe she meant about his eyes because he's the only with glasses. "His right arm...is it deformed, and why is his left arm thinner and tanner than his right arm?" I hadn't' even noticed that. Bad photoshopping, I explained.
The lady at the next aisle said, "She's still using those kids, is she?" She suggested turning the magazine around. The manager guy was standing there and he said, "Please don't do that. The last time she was on a cover, but I don't remember which one, I had to go around and flip them all back!"
Seems with all the negative comments on her own twitter, blog and People article, her 'fans' are few in number. Not enough to 'piece' together a 'fandom.' Was a show actually offered with Jon? I think a reunion one would be ok since they got into exploiting the kids in the first place, and it might settle down questions the sheeple have about what's new. TFW insists she's always working, so why cry poor now?(again?)
Two boys have Ralph Lauren shirts- while you can get them cheaper at TJ Maxx etc, why dress them in designer duds in an article partly about struggling to support the kids? The others are all nicely dressed too although I can't tell brands, but wouldn't a no-name make look be better to support TFW's tales of woes?
karilyn_faith @Kateplusmy8 seriously I was just telling my hubby I wanted to ask you how you go about couponing! #win #JehovaSneaky #ILuvKate
_________________ First you have to master the art of freezing and defrosting cookies, and then you move to a more difficult project, which is learning what to do with a coupon!
Another thought about doing an update with Jon -- most likely it would be impartial. (Hopefully.)
Both parents would be shown with the children and custody arrangements would be referenced.
She can't allow the facts of his regular involvement be revealed. She probably understands that the kids would appear more relaxed in his presence.
The audience might notice the disparity in the living conditions. Viewers might not think she is superior just because her home is larger. Viewers might decide that Jon is doing a good job of being a dad to the 8.
She can't allow us to see the reality of an update. She is sticking to her single-mom-suffering story.
kris said... 17 So I went to her que-pon site and on the Walmart ones, it says to click to redeem, so I clicked on it and it takes you to the Walmart site! It doesn't give you a code or anything. Her site says $30.00 off of a razor but it's already marked down on the Walmart site. The Walmart site offers an addition $10 off but if you go straight to the Walmart site, it does the same. So WTF is her site for? I'm confused. _____________
I'm just guessing that if you get to the Walmart site through Kate's blog, she gets paid if you buy something.
@Kateplusmy8 my name is claire! im mady and caras age! ive been tweeting about the korren dinner! is there ant way i could meet u? - claire
@rgpgreenville preach on brother rob! espn guys apoplectic they might not be able to talk about tiger for next two days. he should w/d
_______________ Unless a pre-teen was using an adult's account, this sounds very odd to me. She/he knows the meaning of the word apoplectic (and can spell it), but can't figure out out to spell Korean?
It's scary to think who hides behind these tweets -- Catfishers who want to meet the children.
From August 2010...Our special correspondent Kate Gosselin had some mic envy. Grabbing Kevin’s mic, she said with animation, "Someday I’ll own this mic! I’m telling you, I like the mic. They don’t believe me, but it just feels really natural." ======== How's that going for you? Do you "own that mic" yet? It seems to me that Kevin Frazier retained control.
The article linked contains another huge contradiction. If you are so concerned about finances, where did all the iPhones and iPads come from? You know, the ones kids get punished by having them taken away. Aren't the phones and then whatever service contacts you would need, kinda, what's the word, expensive? It will be interesting to see how many folks realize this does not compute.
Two boys have Ralph Lauren shirts- while you can get them cheaper at TJ Maxx etc, why dress them in designer duds in an article partly about struggling to support the kids?
________________ You can purchase RL shirts on eBay or at a consignment shop, often brand new with tags, for five dollars. I really don't think that's an issue or that most people are going to find fault with that. You can pick this apart until the cows come home, with the placement of kids, what they are wearing, who are her favorites, etc., but in the long run, it's just going to come off as nitpicking.
The fact that she is still using these kids for publicity to sell her books and to go to her new coupon site is the concern here. She's never going to stop, and that appears to be the bottom line. She will use them as long as she can, and as long as they allow her to do so --- until they have a voice in all of this.
I'm just guessing that if you get to the Walmart site through Kate's blog, she gets paid if you buy something. **************** So how does that make it a coupon site? lol She's absurd. She needs to do is make her site more attractive by getting her picture off of there. She's no Oprah, people aren't going to utilize the sight just b/c her picture is on there. If anything that is a deterrent.
I was reading an article about TFW and her People interview at starcasm.com. This is an excerpt that talks about Jon:
Jon has had a string of relationships since his split with Kate, and has lived in several different states, but he’s now living close to the family. Kate says he’s in a cabin about 30 minutes away from the kids in Pennsylvania. He comes over once a week for dinner, and every other weekend to spend the night with them. Other than that, Kate and Jon keep their communication to a minimum. ”The way he lives versus the way I live is the reason why we’re divorced,” she says. “Let’s just leave it at that.” She also admitted that while she’d like to do another television job, she isn’t open to just anything, including working with ex-husband Jon.
Where did they get that Jon goes to TFW's house? Is that in the People article, or are they just misinterpreting things they have read?
The direct quote from TFW saying they're divorced because of their different lifestyles is almost the same as when she said the "mediocre" statement. She basically said "I want to live in luxury, but Jon lives in a "cabin", and never the twain shall meet". Does she also tell the kids that "MY house is better than daddy's-why would you want to go there"?
Funny about TFW Wagon in The Music Man. I saw the show on Broadway with that good-looking hunk, Craig Bierko, in the role of Professor Hill. He was wonderful, but Robert Preston was still the best in that.
I see Kate as Ali Hakim, the peddler in Oklahoma, going from house to house with his cart, selling whatever the folks will buy!
Also, I'm just curious about something. Wasn't it speculated a while back that Jon had won 50% physical custody, and that is why he was relieved of his child support obligation? Based on what Jon said in the interview he gave, it would seem that he has never had 50% custody. I understand that he works, but is there some reason why he couldn't have the kids Tuesday nights and every weekend (instead of alternate weekends), since Kate doesn't work and is home all with them during the week anyway, or does custody generally not work that way?
The original agreement Jon said was supposed to include Monday, and if it's a first third and fifth weekend schedule it's a few days shy of an even split. However he said they are flexible with it. He was so thrilled when the change happened last year I can see how winning almost half got translated for him to just half. Later as they settled in and he respected their needs it didn't quite work out as written on paper. I can't speculate why he said what he said other than I think he was just so thrilled to have made such progress.
Oh. my. word. Now Milo can see deep into Jon's soul and knows exactly what he's feeling...
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 20m @msgoody2shoes21 @RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 Deep inside he misses Kate...knows he messed up royally & threw away best thing he ever had!
She's all-knowing, soothsayer, prophet and clairvoyant? She should change her name to "The Amazing FU" and go on the tour circuit to give readings...or get her own show "Deep South Medium."
So Jon should have stayed in that marriage, continued to film the crap out of those children when he knew it was wrong (he said so several times) just so TFW could continue with the lifestyle she thought that she deserved? Never mind the kids, what it did to their privacy or childhoods...that's what he should have done?
Several different states? He lived in one other state. New York. And that was because that's where the work was. He came back to PA all the time during that period. Kate Coyne is ridiculous.
You're right, Jen. My apologies to all pigs. That wasn't fair. She is a slug though. I hate those slimy things and don't care if that statement insults slugs everywhere! They are nasty, slimy little leeches who kill everything in their path!
Now that TFW has a "coupon" site, Milo's dissing Scott Kluth and CC. Remember, when she first started working at CC, the fans were all ecstatic?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 59m @Kateplusmy8 HaHa...how sweet it is 2see U launch something like this! A yr ago almost seems someone thought U weren't a good fit 4this! :)
Then she tweets this:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h @Kateplusmy8 Congrats 2U! Smart move..doing what U love, working fr hm providing 4U & ur kids! I signed up last nite..will love working w/U!
So now she's "working" with TFW, by signing up on her coupon site?
I wonder how long it will be before TFW does another blog post on that site? I've also noticed that there are no comments. Does she have that disabled also?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 42 Several different states? He lived in one other state. New York. And that was because that's where the work was. He came back to PA all the time during that period. Kate Coyne is ridiculous. _________________________
Kate Coyne is more than ridiculous...she has a "Kate" fixation/blindness. Can't stand the woman and don't think she's particularly bright, based on the interviews I've seen.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 41 The original agreement Jon said was supposed to include Monday, and if it's a first third and fifth weekend schedule it's a few days shy of an even split. However he said they are flexible with it. He was so thrilled when the change happened last year I can see how winning almost half got translated for him to just half. Later as they settled in and he respected their needs it didn't quite work out as written on paper. I can't speculate why he said what he said other than I think he was just so thrilled to have made such progress.
Please stop perpetuating this blatant falsehood. He has nowhere near 50% custody, even if he had the kids on Mondays as well. Let's do the math:
There are 52 weeks per year.
Every other weekend=26 weekends.
4 nights x 26 weekends=104 nights.
Even if you want to throw in Tuesday dinners, which are not "custody" since Kate has the children that evening, you don't get anywhere near 50%.
@msgoody2shoes21: @MiloandJack @RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 IMO Jon won't have success until he gets his ex wife off his brain.
@MiloandJack: @msgoody2shoes21 @RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 Deep inside he misses Kate...knows he messed up royally & threw away best thing he ever had! ======== Thank you Milo & Goody, I needed a laugh today and this was a coffee out the nose snorter!
HAHAHAHA, my son texted me that when he went to work this morning (Costco), the manager addressed the workers before opening. He said that TFW is on the cover of People again, and every employee, every time they pass the magazine rack, should check to make sure that the magazine is facing forward. Said, "Remember last time, people kept turning it backward". Also, they are supposed to watch for customers defacing the magazines. Apparently someone drew devil horns and a goatee on TFW on several of them last time. I can't wait to hear what happens this time.
Sounds like TFW's coupon site is nothing but crap. I wouldn't expect anything different from her. But, if she can make a go of it without dragging the kids into it, then I'm all for it.
No way in heck does Jon come over to TFW's house for dinner or to stay over. He didn't like in several other states. Kate Coyne needs to get her facts straight, or else leave Jon out of it. This is supposed to be a story about TFW and the kids. Why does she need to drag Jon into it at all? And then fails to fact-check.
New text from my son. Two women standing at the magazine rack. One said, "Oh, look, the devil's minion is on People again". Second woman, "Turn that crap around. I just had lunch. I don't want it coming back up".
I bet Jon turned down TLC for a reunion show so Kate had to make it about herself. She comes off sounding spiteful. Once TLC was turned down by Jon, they didn't just want Kate. She will never admit that.
Jon got joint custody which doesn't mean he has to take the kids 50% of the time. Joint implies half and I think people make a wrong assumption about it. Especially Gladys Kravitz. Yeah, you, Milo-the-Meddler.
This doof is still hoping for that TV job that is just right for her to accept and meets all her criteria? Good Lord. Will it ever end. And that is complete crap that she is too busy for a guy. Why keep up the Hollywood look if she isn't trolling. You would think by now that she would have had at least some dates. That is an awfully long dry spell if you ask me. Wonder what the problem is.....there has to be someone, anyone out there in PA who would put up with a ball-crusher with a pile of money.
Just my two cents regarding support, maybe because Jon has the full time job he carries the health, dental insurance etc on his children which would be quite the bill and would explain him not required to pay her more dollars. She twists words and spins so much, I think most people have her number now. Changed? Where is the apology? westbrooke
What I meant re: the kids dressed up in designer duds was part of the picture TFW likes to paint- how superior their cars, clothes, POOL, couch, school, lunches, lifestyle are..compared to Jon's cabin and that remark. Yet she cries poor and working so hard to patch it all together to make this happen by herself. No, the kids themselves on the show bought the Golden Platter. (Plus Kate would never shop at a consignment store, only give gifted clothing in to be resold.) Yes, it's nit picky but if you're on the cover of People that's gonna happen!
I say "whatever" about the exact number of days regarding Jon's custody. He sees his kids very often which is a big deal. He has always been a caring parent proven by his actions.
All joint legal custody means is that both Jon and Kate make legal decisions for their children and have access to their school records, medical files, etc. Joint physical custody is different and it's my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong) that both parents can be awarded joint legal custody and one parent can be awarded physical custody.
That is an awfully long dry spell if you ask me. Wonder what the problem is.....there has to be someone, anyone out there in PA who would put up with a ball-crusher with a pile of money.
Um, no. Not in our neck of the woods! Guys here are too smart, too perceptive than to want that. If they want their balls crushed, there's a ton of farm machinery that could do the job. She'll have to look to the lusting Irish Creeper to fill that position.
Do the Math - Actually, any time a child is in the custody of one parent or the other, it's considered part of that parent's custodial time. So yes, you do need to factor in the time they spend with Jon on Tuesdays.
As my stepchildren grew older, they had considerably more say about where they wanted to be and both their parents put their needs first, which I really admire them for. So what was written on paper wasn't what was happening in real life. At one point, we had the kids living here during the school week and they'd visit their mom on weekends.
It sounds like a similar thing is happening between Jon and Kate. And if they have to text each other to keep it civil, then good for them that they've found something that worked. It's clear there is no love lost between either of them so it's probably better that they see each other as little as possible.
Gosselin — who said she won't go back to nursing because "I'd spend everything I made on the babysitter" — admitted that she hasn't been easy to work with, which was rumored during her TLC days (a show source tells the magazine that "there was no pleasing her" and she became "impossible" to deal with) and alleged when she was canned from another coupon-related job last year.
Well, Kate, in the mediocre world, child care does take up plenty of your hard earned cash. Duh! But your kids are in school full time, so you work their hours as a nurse. I don't think she cared one bit about nursing. I think it was all about snagging a doctor.
Please stop perpetuating this blatant falsehood. He has nowhere near 50% custody, even if he had the kids on Mondays as well. Let's do the math:
At this point, who cares? Seems to be only the sheeple and Jon-haters who keep bringing this up. Only Kate and Jon know their actual custody arrangement...who goes where on what days, what kind of change is made to the schedule when school is in session, what the drop-off arrangements are, etc. etc. It's their business, and as long as it works for them, it's really not worth any time and effort doing the math or trying to figure it out.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h @Kateplusmy8 Congrats 2U! Smart move..doing what U love, working fr hm providing 4U & ur kids! I signed up last nite..will love working w/U!
So now she's "working" with TFW, by signing up on her coupon site?
I'm telling you, something is seriously wrong with that person, and it's more than just Celebrity Worship. She actually thinks that she is part of that family, is qualified to give advice and acts as a pr person, in addition to being a cheerleader. Nothing good is going to come from this. It's just one of those feelings...
I am still reading on the last post, got busy in the kitchen today. Just wanted to thank Virginia Pen Mom for the big `Hello`!! Very kind and much appreciated, will make the rest of my day a happy one:)
Ever since I read it yesterday, part of me has a nagging feeling that what Mady said that is impressing everyone, may not be coming from Mady, but from her mother. To me it sounds like something TFW would WANT Mady to say, in keeping with her turning over a new leaf. After all, she is such a buddy to Mady, she could easily have told her what kind of things she wanted to hear from her. It is such a strong gut feeling I have about it, but everyone else seems to think otherwise. Anyone else on here feel anything like me, or am I just very wrong this time. Back to previous post to catch up, and see if anyone else had the same feeling. I hope you are doing well, kate`s cart, and are not in too much pain today:)
How exactly do other nurses afford childcare pray tell? Isn't the average nursing salary about 65,000? That's vastly more than a full time live in nanny 60 hours a week plus weekends would make unless you're in the upper west side.
The twins don't even need a babysitter. They're nearly 13 for gosh sakes. The other kids can do the late bus. Problem solved. Of course Kate Coyne didn't point that out.
Now now you insulted slugs ever where lol. I would call her a succubus.
_______________ According to myth, a succubus is an incredibly beautiful and seductive woman who descends on men to have sex with them without their knowing. Not sure that applies here, although some of the sheep who have a crush on her and envy her rockin body might disagree!
Do the Math said... 49 Please stop perpetuating this blatant falsehood. He has nowhere near 50% custody, even if he had the kids on Mondays as well. Let's do the math:
There are 52 weeks per year.
Every other weekend=26 weekends.
4 nights x 26 weekends=104 nights.
Even if you want to throw in Tuesday dinners, which are not "custody" since Kate has the children that evening, you don't get anywhere near 50%. ###################################
It's not a falsehood. Who do you think has the kids when "Piecin' Pennies" Kate travels? Do you know how often he has them? Do we? No. What we do know for damn sure IS THAT IT MUST BE OFTEN ENOUGH THAT A PA CUSTODY JUDGE ABSOLVED HIM OF CHILD SUPPORT. Ya'll want to keep ignoring that little legal nugget- but it is what it is and it says alot.
Layla, too funny about your son and the texts! I had to make a run to the store for something I forgot this morning. Different store this time! I'm making pork and kraut tonight and I forgot the apples. In two lanes, People was turned around, and I let them stay that way! No devil horns on the other copies, though. Gotta love the way she's loved around here! I didn't hear any comments this time, but if I had stuck around long enough, I'm sure there would have been something said about it.
I stated in a previous comment why are TFW's children are all dressed in white clothing. Can you imagine the Pioneer Woman dressing herself, her husband and her children all in white for a photo shoot on their ranch? People magazine could put that out as a future cover with their dogs, cats, cattle, ranch workers etc. all adorned in white for a future holiday cover story. She could promote her upcoming Christmas book with fake white snow also. At least people are still buying into her story.
I believe that they have offers to film together. But, I don't think that she turned them down--IMO, Jon has. And, that may be the reason she continues to spew venom his way every chance she gets. I don't believe that she would have any problem filming her life as a single parent, including Jon, if that was what it takes--she was willing to continue a fake marriage and keep filming throughout the divorce, for Pete's sake! She has made it clear that as long as there was an audience, she would film the crap out of her kids, until they were 18. But, now, she suddenly has principles and boundaries?
As far as Jon, didn't he say something like "yay, if either one of them got a show"? So, I don't think think he is adverse to the idea, but, maybe will not do with Kate. I do think his interview showed he still has animosity to TFW. I think that he may also be baiting her by denying her the one thing she wants most, even though it keeps him in humble circumstances. Typical passive-aggressive move. I know that people here will disagree--this is JMO. This crap goes both ways. I just don't believe that Jon doesn't participate in this, but she is definitely worse.
I don't see anything remotely sexual with TFW. Since her wannabe boyfriend Steve is out of the picture for the most part now, she looks hard and ornery and it's not going to be any easier for her as years slip by. She may tell her viewers it's only been two years since the divorce, but the reality is it's going on four years. I believe she's jealous of Jon's ability to find a new girlfriend and to just be able to move on. That is something she isn't able to do and she resents Jon because he has moved on and she's still living in the past.
Can you imagine the Pioneer Woman dressing herself, her husband and her children all in white for a photo shoot on their ranch?
________________ But that's comparing apples to oranges. It's an entirely different platform. They are branded as ranch, outdoorsy people, while Kate has always been the designer show-off celebrity. It makes sense that she would put her kids in all white for a cover, rather in different styles and different colors. That's her schtick. Photo-wise, having them all in different colors would make for a rather "busy" cover, not as easy on the eyes!
The twins don't even need a babysitter. They're nearly 13 for gosh sakes. The other kids can do the late bus. Problem solved. Of course Kate Coyne didn't point that out.
________________ Kate Coyne couldn't figure that out if her life depended on it. Not much going on upstairs there, I imagine. She's way too far a Kate-kisser to be able to think logically.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 20m @msgoody2shoes21 @RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 Deep inside he misses Kate...knows he messed up royally & threw away best thing he ever had!
Oh Milo, you are SOO SOO SOOOOOOOO wrong. Jon thanks his lucky stars to be away from her. If anybody knows that "deep inside they messed up," it's your "girl," Kate.
Such delusion is scary. I hope she's being watched by family and/or professionals.
Have Gladys and the sheep tweeted anything about all of the bots that have shown up, or do they still believe that all of these unknowns have jumped on Twitter because they couldn't contain their excitement about Kate being on the cover?
I'd love to their explanation for this, since they are adamant that Kate does not have bots!
Such delusion is scary. I hope she's being watched by family and/or professionals.
It seems that it's all they are doing -- just watching as this obsession gets worse with each passing day. I really do hope that this person has been put on some kind of a list. When it comes to someone who is this far gone, it's better to err on the side of caution.
The twins don't even need a babysitter. They're nearly 13 for gosh sakes. The other kids can do the late bus. Problem solved. Of course Kate Coyne didn't point that out.
________________ Kate Coyne couldn't figure that out if her life depended on it. Not much going on upstairs there, I imagine. She's way too far a Kate-kisser to be able to think logically.
There is absolutely no reason that TFW can't get an 8 to 5 or 9 to 5 job and have the kids take the late bus home. They would leave before she does in the morning, and get home after she gets home. She wouldn't have to pay a cent to a sitter during the week. How long as she been using this "all my money would go to a sitter" excuse? Geez.
Well, got a close up look at People to see the kids, and it looks as if Kate favors, the girls. They seem to be the ones who got the braces. Poor boys, and 2 of them really need braces. I guess the boys are still icky. I also notice, nobody picking up People to even look at it, and the racks were filled, at Walmart, Target, Jewel, Dominicks, no roits, or standing in line to get a copy. I did a little arranging. LOL!
URL> It's symbolic > Kate wore white, to show off her tan, and the childrens tan, and probably to show innocents, and starting fresh, being pure & clean again. She said in the article> I'm can't even remember the past, I don't who that person I was is! Kate re-writing of history> lesson 1> forget past, make up some sorry ass lame excuse, for mistakes. Lesson 2> talk finances, > Poor me lesson 3 > exploit kids any way you can, lesson 4> don't talk about million dollar house, private school or the 3rd new car bought, etc or grifting gifts from fans will stop. Lesson 5 ?
Orangcrush> the yahoo article> 3500 comments, about maybe 1/2 of 1% are for Kate, the rest are negative. that is only one article, the people site has about that many too. I don't think I've seen that many comments in a very short time on anyone. The ugly, the pretty, mundane, average, normal, mediocre, Joe public, does not like Kate.
Well, got a close up look at People to see the kids, and it looks as if Kate favors, the girls. They seem to be the ones who got the braces. Poor boys, and 2 of them really need braces.
Kids' jaws and teeth all develop differently. Orthodontists may map out plans according to when fitting braces will be best for them. Not all kids get braces at the same time. As much as Kate may favor the girls, I really doubt that the boys have been ignored when it comes to their teeth. I don't think Jon would let that happen.
How gracious of People to tell the other side. I see Kate Coyne got someone else to help her with that blue. What, is Coyne refusing to speak with Jon too? With 8 kids plus you and maybe a girlfriend I can easily see spending 450 bucks on groceries, especially if you're trying to stick to their healthy and organic diet. And Im sure there were leftovers. Maybe it's not worth listening to their mother complain about their diet if you don't follow it. Not sure why that's so hard to believe. As for the shrimp, I thought that story was cute. Maybe it was Popeyes shrimp, you don't have to be in a 5 star restaurant to get shrimp!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h @Kateplusmy8 Finally !! U at last arrived! @PeopleMag....picked up several copies & made sure U got front & center exposure on the rack!
Jane @jane_980 2h @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 a beautiful sight 😍😍😍 (: ______
What's the point of buying multiple copies? I guess Milo will be worshiping her queen tonight.
Over and out I believe it was CWS where TWF claimed the divorce was in 2011. I remember we were all like.....on what planet!?? I can only speculate maybe she wants to make it seem closer, more sympathy?
Thanks Admin and prairiemary said... 17. I'll try and stay more in the "loop". I'm still thinking about a new name LOL. I try not to post when I'm about to go on a rant...because then I just go on and on.
Why? What would anyone do with several copies, unless they are planning on giving them as gifts! Betcha Milo will be a-clippin and a-framin' tonight! ________________
And as Dusty Springfield sang:
Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin' Plannin' and dreaming each night of his charms That won't get you into his arms
Yahoo.omg has an article about the article LOL with over 3,500 comments. I looked at a few pages and not one favorable one. http://omg.yahoo.com/blogs/celeb-news/gosselin-kids-grown-kate-jon-still-t-seem-173406410.html
These fans. Wouldn't it make more sense to leave the extra copies there for more people to buy and the good will of Kate be spread round the community? How does hoarding help?
These fans. Wouldn't it make more sense to leave the extra copies there for more people to buy and the good will of Kate be spread round the community? How does hoarding help?
lol! Yes, but they can't think that far. Don't you know that you have to have copies to put away for posterity as collectors' items, and copies to clip apart, frame, and put on your fireplace mantel, or in a special place if you have a shrine set aside for Kate?
TFW tweeted another child will get braces in a month- could be a boy. I agree she will get their teeth straightened as needed, since one, they are an extension of her, and two, it is likely grifted.
lol! Yes, but they can't think that far. ____________
They're highly entertaining, the sheep. Yesterday Milo thought her store had already sold out when in fact the magazines hadn't arrived. Today she's buying multiple copies and then bleating about how tomorrow the stores, of which she's probably hit many, will be all sold out and SHE thinks she's making sense.
Thanks Admin and prairiemary said... 17. I'll try and stay more in the "loop". I'm still thinking about a new name LOL. I try not to post when I'm about to go on a rant...because then I just go on and on. Thanks Admin and prairiemary said... 17. I'll try and stay more in the "loop". I'm still thinking about a new name LOL. I try not to post when I'm about to go on a rant...because then I just go on and on.
__________________ Kate kind of does that to you...causes rants!
Why? What would anyone do with several copies, unless they are planning on giving them as gifts! Betcha Milo will be a-clippin and a-framin' tonight! ________________
And as Dusty Springfield sang:
Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin' Plannin' and dreaming each night of his charms That won't get you into his arms
At least one copy is going under her pillow! Maybe one under LOM's too. (Ewwww)
I know guys like LOM, at least the way Milo describes him and quotes him. He thinks he's a real catch and that Kate's a little jealous that Milo has him. He wants to help Kate find a guy just as great as himself. He fancies himself a protector of helpless women--and every woman is helpless without a man. He's chauvinistic, which is why he jokes about Kate "bossing him around" and tells Milo when she's going to bed.
My grocery store still had last week's People when I was there at 6 p.m. Love the store rack stories. Keep 'em coming!
TFW tweeted another child will get braces in a mont
Why are we getting a play by play in the first place of the braces? It's weird and creepy. Braces play by plays are for grandmothers, not 100,000 strangers.
@Mydmaxx @Kateplusmy8 @peoplemag I know....store here just got them in! Will be sold out by 2morrow!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tomorrow? Aren't stores open 24 hours now? I would think people are heading out tonight to get their hands on multiple copies!!
I know guys like LOM, at least the way Milo describes him and quotes him. He thinks he's a real catch and that Kate's a little jealous that Milo has him. He wants to help Kate find a guy just as great as himself. He fancies himself a protector of helpless women--and every woman is helpless without a man. He's chauvinistic, which is why he jokes about Kate "bossing him around" and tells Milo when she's going to bed. __________________
That's exactly the way I see him. He's the kind of guy one of your high school girlfriends married and you wished she hadn't, the blowhard at the parties who makes everyone roll their eyes when he's bloviating.
I actually don't think TFW is trying to be all that different from Pioneer Woman. She's basically living in the country too, posts about her dog and farm animals, posts about cooking and recipes, around the town and house posts (that are not nearly as funny or interesting). In my view they are on the same spectrum, which is why we compare them so much. Not much point to compare her to a blogger who writes about iphones or T.V. shows.
PW lets the children wear what's natural. One of the girls has a really cute style. I think this photoshoot would have been a lot more successful if they were allowed to wear what they want so you could see their individual personalities. I imagine Cara would wear something sporty, Mady something hip, maybe Joel something stylish since he likes fashion. Putting them all in white emphasizes the "pack" and as someone else said represents the new innocent fresh Kate. I see what they were doing but I don't think it worked. It made the photo dull.
I went out early today to get some flowers for the house--family will be visiting this weekend. I wasn't thinking about looking for the magazine but saw it when I went down the aisle where magazines are kept. I saw it, but didn't even think to pick it up and look inside. Didn't dawn on me until now. LOL
Some may not attach as much significance to it that I do but I think this idea her husband orders her when to go to bed is a huge red flag. It's control, and control is the first thing that happens when DV starts. If he has a problem or concern with her bedtime, he needs to talk about it with her. Or perhaps they could compromise, if her computer light is keeping her up she could go to another room. Or maybe he just misses her in bed at night, in which case they could compromise and maybe go to bed early some days and later other days. But ordering her when to hit the hay every night is inappropriate.
With so many People comments being negative I wonder what could possibly happen to the kids when they are out in public. You know just a day out and a stranger comes up to one of them and goes off on a rant about their mother. Its one thing to read it in print, its another to have someone rant in person. I truly hope this does happen, but who knows.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h @Kateplusmy8 Finally !! U at last arrived! @PeopleMag....picked up several copies & made sure U got front & center exposure on the rack!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 4m @TheAustinMartin @Kateplusmy8 Oh U #BigSpender Austin! LOL I bought 2just 4starters! I hope its turns out 2b one of the biggest editions! _____________
So which is it, several or 2? Words have meanings, unless you're saying them to Kate?
I'm sure the store workers appreciates someone rearranging their magazines to the front and center rack. They probably have designated spots for magazines and will just have to move everything back as soon as MIlo leaves. Same for turning them around! Lol.
Becky LeBlanc @beckyx329 15m Even though I only had 7 dollars I spent 4 on this because I just had to have it @Kateplusmy8 pic.twitter.com/TnZ4zqM2ba
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 10m @beckyx329 Aww!Send it to me along w a self addressed/stamped envelope and I'll sign it/return it! http://www.kateplusmy8.com/ for address! ___________
Kate's version of pinching pennies. Make a teen with little money pay postage both ways for a signed copy of the magazine.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 128 ''Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 10m @beckyx329 Aww!Send it to me along w a self addressed/stamped envelope and I'll sign it/return it! http://www.kateplusmy8.com/ for address! ___________
''Kate's version of pinching pennies. Make a teen with little money pay postage both ways for a signed copy of the magazine.'' ~~~~~~~~~ Thank you! It flew all over me when I read TFW's idea of being generous with a fan! It never even entered her mind to ask the fan to go to her site and leave the address so TFMJG could send her a signed copy! That woman makes me crazy. What a useless, stuck on stupid, waste of skin and space she is!
For the love of all that's holy, where are these sheep coming from? Kate...brilliant? She's had so many failures, going back to her show, Twist of Kate, the Paula thing, the cruise, clothing line, one cookbook, CC, The Stir! If that's brilliant, then I'd hate to see what dumb would be!
Pattymcgregor @Tallncurvy 2m @Kateplusmy8 you need to create & market organization tools for parents You're brilliant at it. Sell thru QVC & you'll be back in the money!
Pioneer Woman gives away her shirts that she bought and never wore every so often. A couple days ago she gave away ten of them. And she frequently has movie trivia contests with the prizes being Amazon gift cards. She also randomly gives away Le Creuset pans, Kitchenaid mixers, knife sets, and a lot of other things. And she always has a disclaimer at the end of the post stating that she is not being sponsored by any of the companies, she does this because she believes in the products and wants to share. Then we have Kate who can't even spring for postage to send a magazine back to a teenaged fan.......
Washington, D.C. (August 16, 2013) - Editor's Note: TV's Answer Woman, aka Allison Moore, takes your questions regarding TV stars and shows. If you have a question about TV entertainment, ask TV's Answer Woman by sending an e-mail to swann@tvpredictions.com
Q. I read that Kate Gosselin has learned her lesson when it comes to reality TV shows. Do you believe her? Brian, Dunkirk, Maryland.
Brian, Kate Gosselin, who lost her TLC reality show two years ago, tells People Magazine that she's now making a living by "piecing and patching" a variety of projects together. She even says she's "living very carefully these days."
But, folks, make no mistake. If Kate can get another reality show, she will take it in a New York minute. The most dangerous place in America is to be between Kate Gosselin and a television camera.
In fact, she tells People that it's a "little scary" not to have a reliable income. In order words, TV producers, pitch, pitch, pitch.
Of course, there's some question as to whether Kate has worn out her welcome in America's living rooms. She tells People that her diva behavior hurt her reality show career and imposed damage on other aspects of her life. But with her interview with People, which appears in the current issue, Kate is telling the world: I'm Back. I'm Rested. I'm Tan. And I'm ready for the cameras!
Thank you! It flew all over me when I read TFW's idea of being generous with a fan! It never even entered her mind to ask the fan to go to her site and leave the address so TFMJG could send her a signed copy! That woman makes me crazy. What a useless, stuck on stupid, waste of skin and space she is!
Hey, Remona, want to tell us how you really feel? lol!!
And she always has a disclaimer at the end of the post stating that she is not being sponsored by any of the companies, she does this because she believes in the products and wants to share. Then we have Kate who can't even spring for postage to send a magazine back to a teenaged fan.......
I just read an article about a local Lancaster man who sank his life savings into a clothing line and he's taking it to Thailand to clothe the kids there, many of whom are orphans, as part of Project Hope Asia.
MY_3BCOLLIES @Truth_Teller201 @parker_scarlett @Kateplusmy8 The bullies probably used all their "sock" names to leave as many negative comments they can.
They're not this dumb. Please tell me they're not this dumb. Thousands and thousand of negative comments on various sites, and they're all coming from hater "socks." Oh, my gosh!
Isn't it soon time for the Chief Executive Ewe to go to bed with her two copies of Kate-on-the-Cover under her pillow? She's gotta get up early to get to that store to make sure that her purchases will account for a sell-out!
They're not this dumb. Please tell me they're not this dumb. Thousands and thousand of negative comments on various sites, and they're all coming from hater "socks." Oh, my gosh!
Delusional I guess. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that some people may have changed their name and left another comment, but there are 1,700 comments on the People article alone and thousands more on other web sites. That's just impossible for such a small group to do such a thing. And I'm sure People's web site would block you from doing that, if it sees a bunch of comments from one IP it would most likely recognize it as spam and stop you from doing so. And even if it were the case it's just a few people, wouldn't the socks have accomplished such an impressive feat I don't know, years ago? Why wait until now to suddenly post a gazillion comments? Um, a day late and a dollar short?
It should be noted many of the commentors are registered, regular People commentors who appear to have no connection or unusual knowledge about this situation. Many of them are men. It's not like most "regulars" here or elsewhere are men.
By the way it's a bit odd they printed the Jon interview two whole days after Kate's. I wonder if they panicked when they saw all the outrage and figured they might better print an interview with him too so they show both sides and crawl down out of the ass a bit--Kate Coyne has to have seen at least some of the comments about her and how absurd she is. That helps explain why two reporters were assigned to such a little article--they needed it done stat. Is it in the actual magazine?
The sheeple always say how juvenile it is to turn around the covers of magazines that feature TFW on the cover and claim that no store would allow that.
Yet, both Milo and Leigh proudly proclaimed that they covered up other magazine displays with the copies of People.
Leigh Shahan @LEIGHSHAHAN1 5h @Kateplusmy8 I seen you today at the store! Shhhh i did a little rearranging!! 😜 pic.twitter.com/Euxtm3tlYe
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 38m Making sure @Kateplusmy8 gets maximum exposure at the super market! http://twitpic.com/d8plm0 Got my copies! #Finally
So non-fans turn around covers, and fans cover-up other magazines--tell me, is there a difference? Yet the sheeple apparently think so.
I saw the People magazine in my local drugstore this morning and did a quick, power-read, so not much stuck. What did resonate with me though was the inside shot of Kate and the kids looking happy as clams. Based on her "piecing and patching", and feeling "scarey" about not having a regular income, she sure looks carefree!
I agree that putting all of them in white was a dumb idea, likely pitched to Kate as a selling feature and she took the advice. Dressing them all in white does project them as unit as Administrator suggests, but I found it distracting and a blur of blandness.
I know guys like LOM, at least the way Milo describes him and quotes him. He thinks he's a real catch and that Kate's a little jealous that Milo has him. He wants to help Kate find a guy just as great as himself. He fancies himself a protector of helpless women--and every woman is helpless without a man. He's chauvinistic, which is why he jokes about Kate "bossing him around" and tells Milo when she's going to bed. __________________
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 121
That's exactly the way I see him. He's the kind of guy one of your high school girlfriends married and you wished she hadn't, the blowhard at the parties who makes everyone roll their eyes when he's bloviating. August 16, 2013 at 5:28 PM
Oh, yes, yes, yes! THAT GUY.
And then Mr. and Mrs. Lights Out Kravitz wonder why all the neighbors move away in the dead of night. Abandoned houses all over Milo's neck o' the woods, lol.
I got my copy of People in the mail today like West coastie. Pages 50 to 55. Article by Kate Coyne, photos by Brian Doben. At the bottom of page 52 in teeny tiny letters are credits: hair and makeup Deanna Bell, prop stylist Tara Marino, stylist Marie Blomquist. Kate dress Splendid. Cisterns clothing is listed by child, from Polo, Tommy Hilfiger, Nukutavaka, Mayoral, KC Parker, Hartstrings, Old Navy, Guess.
I got my copy of People in the mail today like West coastie. Pages 50 to 55. Article by Kate Coyne, photos by Brian Doben. At the bottom of page 52 in teeny tiny letters are credits: hair and makeup Deanna Bell, prop stylist Tara Marino, stylist Marie Blomquist. Kate dress Splendid. Cisterns clothing is listed by child, from Polo, Tommy Hilfiger, Nukutavaka, Mayoral, KC Parker, Hartstrings, Old Navy, Guess. I got my copy of People in the mail today like West coastie. Pages 50 to 55. Article by Kate Coyne, photos by Brian Doben. At the bottom of page 52 in teeny tiny letters are credits: hair and makeup Deanna Bell, prop stylist Tara Marino, stylist Marie Blomquist. Kate dress Splendid. Cisterns clothing is listed by child, from Polo, Tommy Hilfiger, Nukutavaka, Mayoral, KC Parker, Hartstrings, Old Navy, Guess.
Does it say who gave Aaden one tan arm and one white arm?
I haven't read through everyone's comments yet. But, it looks like Hannah (sitting girl to TFW's left) is holding part of a foot. By the way she is sitting, I believe, that would be physically impossible.
Here are a few quotes: ” her kitchen is tidy and nanny free. Her children are as cheery and orderly as Von Traps. No child approaches the counter until the previous one has been seated.” Talking about kids getting lunch. There is a brief sidebar with nice photo that talks about ”Jons Low Key New Life” by Charlotte Triggs. That will probably not make any sheeple happy. ” much of the remaining tension between the two has to do with their clashing parenting styles” Jon does not have many rules. ” No longer employing caregivers or a housekeeper or bodyguard (erstwhile security sidekick Steve Nield is not in her employ) Kate had her kids pitching in whenever possible.” Talks about a fifty two point checklist for housecleaning that twins earJ money by doing, and the younger kids have separate chart including feeding dog. No photos of chickens or dog, there is awkward posed photo of giant beach balls with TFMJG tossing a yellow one up while kids are poised around giant red one and smaller blue one.
People article continued: very odd quote for kids that supposedly watch old episodes all the time. ” do I look different now than when I was on TV? I wish I could remember when I was a baby.” One says. Strange. ” the kids tell all” teaser on the cover is a big fat lie. There is very little directly quoted, the captions of individual photos are semi generic descriptions that could be any kid. One wants to be a teacher, one wants to live on a ranch, one likes school, one doesn't like school, one runs fast. one sentence in the article says TFMJG is natural with no makeup, but the article has a make up artist credited! They should have put Oprah on the cover, at least she is in a good movie. at the back of the mag is a two page spread on the Jolie-Pitt kids, that us an adorable group of six kids, from three races and three continents. One likes to cook, one likes horses, two have been in mom and dads movies, typical kids!
her kitchen is tidy and nanny free. Her children are as cheery and orderly as Von Traps.
She herself has admitted they've had nannies and housekeepers and homework helpers forever, so I don't know what that nonsense is supposed to mean. No celeb in their right mind would have the nanny trooping around on display during a photoshoot. That's always conveniently your day off. I've helped prepare for many, but I've only actually seen a scant few. Can't have the nanny showing up in some article about mom of the year.
Has Kate Coyne seen The Sound of Music? The lesson in that was that the father needed to loosen up around the kids and stop treating them like they were midshipman and just relax, be with them, and love them. They just want your love, Captain, I believe is the line.
Sleepless, the contents page just gives photo credit to Brian Doben again. No credit for bad Photoshop! I need to send a letter to the editor about that oversight!
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 137 ''Hey, Remona, want to tell us how you really feel? lol!'' ~~~~~~~~ I'd love to tell you how I really feel about that idiot, but this blog really doesn't like obscenities!
Cursing is my second language, and saying ''Thank you! It flew all over me when I read TFW's idea of being generous with a fan! It never even entered her mind to ask the fan to go to her site and leave the address so TFMJG could send her a signed copy! That woman makes me crazy. What a useless, stuck on stupid, waste of skin and space she is!'' was a very good example of my superhuman restraint out of respect for this blog!
So, does this photo shoot, seem weird? Everyone in white, in a field, where there is grass, dirt, with 3 inflatable super large color balls? HUH Is it suppose to be, fresh innocents, opening to color? Blooming? I don't get it! A better shoot, would have been showing what the kids have been doing for the last 4 years> like sports, art work, interests? But a field, with grass, 3 large inflatable balls, dressed in white? And Kate being natural no make-up, then why was Deanna there, to help, take care of kids?
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic
What is TFMJG? The Former ? ? ? ....Bueller? Also, to have her $tupid coupon site, doesn't TFW (I know THAT is The Former Wife, LOL) have to pay *** $500 *** per month to the company who runs it? TFW is a desperate ass.
” her kitchen is tidy and nanny free. Her children are as cheery and orderly as Von Traps. No child approaches the counter until the previous one has been seated.”
Yeah... That really sounds like a lighthearted carefree family meal where everyone has fun exchanging about their day...
” her kitchen is tidy and nanny free. Her children are as cheery and orderly as Von Traps. No child approaches the counter until the previous one has been seated.” -----------------
Is it me, or did I have too many rumspringas tonight? Look at Hannah's right arm. In what kind of a weird position is it bent? It looks like the bottom part of her arm, which is lighter than the top, belongs to someone else. I can't figure out how that is all her arm. The top part is also darker than her left arm.
My son is home from a busy day of stocking shelves at Costco (and going out with coworkers after work). So, how did People magazine fare? He said the cashiers were talking about how only one person actually bought it, and she got 6 copies. What does anyone need 6 copies for? And the ones on the rack kept getting turned backward. I asked, "Did you turn them back forward like you were supposed to?" He answered, "No! Do you really think I wanted to see at that face every time I passed by? I just pretended I didn't notice". No devil horns or goatees yet, but it's only Friday.
A better shoot, would have been showing what kids have been doing for the last 4 years> like sports, art work, interests?
I'm actually kinda pleased they stayed away from more information about the kids. That's the only good thing I take away. The info that was printed was at least generic.
She talked about a fifty two point checklist for housecleaning that twins do. Holy Cow. Are the twins her own personal housecleaning service since she says she doesn't have a housekeeper anymore. All kids need chores but this sounds extreme. Remember when Mady said all they knew was work. I guess nothing has changed.
There are no magazine racks at the registers in Canadian Costcos either.
I doubt the cashiers would even notice what they're ringing thru. They go thru SO much stuff. People around here shop at Costco in bulk, not to just get milk.
Have the kids been photoshopped to look more "white" and thus more Kate-like? None of them seems to have their natural skin tone especially after having spent months in the sun swimming in the pool. Maybe it's just poor lighting or maybe it's just me, but it makes me go hmmmmm.
What does 52 points mean? Not 52 separate chores?? My god, they're not her personal housekeepers. They didn't ask for 7000 square feet.
I googled 52 point housecleaning checklist and some cleaning services came up with their checklist. It is quite a detailed list. I hope she is not making the twins do all that!
That picture is nothing but photo shopped. There is no way they stood as a group and had that picture taken together. Like TFW's comment it has been piece mealed together.
Costco here does not have the magazines by the check out stands like grocery store do, they tend to be in a square rack by the book section.
TFW seems to have forgotten who her demographics are. typically young teeny boppers who are not shopping for the items TFW is sharing on her coupon site, or they are from out of country and therefore will nnot be able to access or use her coupons..
@Mydmaxx @Kateplusmy8 @peoplemag I know....store here just got them in! Will be sold out by 2morrow!
I remember last year on Black Friday, the mobs of people standing behind locked doors at 4 am. Soon as the doors were opened, the mobs of people practically trampling over people and running. I can imagine that the sheeple have the same image in their head as mobs of people run from the entrance to the magazine racks as they fight others to get their very own copy of People magazine. Gotta love these sheep!
White Organza said... 162 ” her kitchen is tidy and nanny free. Her children are as cheery and orderly as Von Traps. No child approaches the counter until the previous one has been seated.”
Yeah... That really sounds like a lighthearted carefree family meal where everyone has fun exchanging about their day... ****** So, is this about how they eat their meals? Wow, highly regimented cafeteria style dining. WTH? How about teaching them how to eat family style? You know, how to pass plates and bowls and serve yourself and wait to eat until everyone has their food? And what's with the Nanny-Free crap? Hey, People Magazine idiots-- my mom's kitchen was always "nanny free". Yep, she was the Chief Cook and Bottle Washer. Crazy, I know. It's how us mediocre's live.
The Von Trapp children were MISERABLE being so orderly. VERY poor choice of words by Kate Coyne. It just makes Jon look more like Maria, giving freedom and love to all of the children, while Kate is the "Stick up her Ass" Captain who was away all the time and awful to live with while he was home.
I found a 49 point checklist and all the things on it would take me all weekend to do. Children are not your personal maids. A few age appropriate chores are fine but their job is to go to school and learn and participate in extracurricular activities and learn socialization skills with friends and heaven forbid play once in awhile. The point of chores is not so much you get to have a sparkling clean house because you popped out a litter of little maids, but rather teaching the child responsibility.
They're going to start resenting this big house rather than thanking Mommy for it. It makes complete sense now what Mady said about how all she's ever done is work. From filming to mom's personal assistant/housekeeper/nanny/house manager. Poor kids.
librarylady said... 93 I see Jon gets a blurb, too. Comments are interesting...
http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20726339,00.html#disqus_thread ******** You know, it's just sad that J+K are just barely communication about "logistics". Grow the eff up! I have no idea whether it's all Kate, or partially Jon, but these people are parents who should be constantly co-parenting. Texting as progress? Set the bar higher, you morons! Whoever has "looming money woes" because they've got their kids colleges funded needs to pull their head out of their butt. Who can say they've got 8 college funds, let alone 1, when their kids are 9? Someone call a whaaaaambuance.
Katykat said... 186 The Von Trapp children were MISERABLE being so orderly. VERY poor choice of words by Kate Coyne. ***** Exactly. The Von Trapp kids were like the Osmonds or Jacksons-- put to work to pay the bills. Their father was a militaristic dolt until Maria came into the picture. A 52 point checklist for the household chores? Holy crap! I was responsible for my bedroom, helped with the dishes, raked leaves etc. But no way was my mother keeping a 52 point checklist that I had to do day in and day out. That's just nuts. I'm so glad Jon is there for the kids to show them how to live without so many ridiculous rules. Spilled milk is just that, spilled milk. Big deal. The thing is, I think Kate is really a slob. She wants everything in order if other people do it, but her personal space, her bedroom, looks like a disaster area.
I have to say, both J+K need to shut up about how much food the kids consume and how expensive it is. Who cares if the kids ate 4 lbs of shrimp? Not that much between 6-8 kids. Wait until those boys become teens. They will eat you out of house and home. I just imagine that some of the kids will feel like they're a burden because there are so many of them. Like when Kate had her meltdown on the plane when they were diverted due to weather. "There's just too many of us!". Shut up. Figure it out. Be the grown up and stop burdening children with adult problems!
Who can say they've got 8 college funds, let alone 1, when their kids are 9? Someone call a whaaaaambuance.
This is really starting to bug me too. They have many years left to save for college, the kids can chip in too, and what's more why do they think they are ENTITLED to college funds? College is outrageously expensive and it's getting to the point where many people just can't afford them. They would rather the children have all their needs met and be comfortable, and college will just have to be something to deal with later.
Many, many children will enter college with them without college funds. It's become something only the wealthy or the militantly careful can manage to scrape together. They'll figure it out. There's loans, scholarships, and with their family size, it will work out easier than for many families of 2 or 3. It is not our problem they didn't properly manage their money so they will have fully funded college funds in 10 years. Heck, maybe knowing college will be tight will motivate the children to try even harder in school to get those scholarships they need. They might not bother if they know college is a free ride.
As for choring, as kids we were all expected to help set the table and clean up after dinner, parents helped too and with everyone pitching in, it was done in 10 minutes flat. Then it was homework time at our desks, where kids SHOULD be after dinner. When that was done it was your free time to play, watch T.V., read, whatever. Saturday mornings was cleaning day and we FAIRLY divided the house and rotated so no one was stuck with anything nasty over and over again. Except my dad, the saint that he was, would always volunteer to do the bathroom because he knew how much it grossed out the rest of us and he didn't mind. It really worked out to about one or two rooms tops per person and but a few hours on a Saturday morning. Then the weekend was ours. The limited upkeep of the house during the week was done by the PARENTS. We were in school and busy with activities and it was not our JOB to maintain the house. Plus when everyone is expected to clean up after themselves, which usually takes two seconds, there isn't much upkeep in the first place.
My life was not spent doing chores and our house was very clean. Of course it was about 1700 square feet, not 7000. What is the point in spending your life making a house spick and span if you never get to relax and have fun?
Long time reader here .... I read the People article in the store last night (nope didn't buy it, stood there and read it!), haven't seen anyone yet mention the part (and I'm not quoting directly here) where the twins were in a store and a lady followed them, even into the restroom, telling them she was had always been a fan, loved the family, etc. It didn't say what happened after that. Also one of the blurbs set out from the article, Kate says (again not quoting, going from memory) something like, everyone says the show harmed the kids, but see they are very happy kids. Well TFW (and Jon), the lady following the twins? THAT is how the show and resulting attention has harmed the kids!
) where the twins were in a store and a lady followed them, even into the restroom, telling them she was had always been a fan, loved the family, etc.
What! That is creepy. I would have called the police. Following a minor child into a restroom and hounding them about what a fan you are? What is WRONG with people?
You know it's scary enough to have a teenage daughter with all the news about young people like Hannah Andersen. But imagine having a teenager daughter that many people recognize and know and seek out.
As OP said, THAT is how the children have been harmed. God bless them and I hope they have good street smarts and don't hesitate to call the police the second someone gets out of hand. I fear for them.
Yup, TFW most definitely decided on the positioning of those kids in the pic. She's disgusting. Speaking from my own experience, she plays those kids against each other. If "A" or "C" are growing up feeling like the "black sheep" or less than their siblings, there's a good chance they'll just prove her right. Kind of like "well if you SAY I'm ...(fill in the blank)loud, rough, disruptive, mean etc. then I will BE all those things." Basically a thorn in their mother's side(my brother ended up on this path) And then she can wallow in her misery and say "SEE WHAT YOU'VE PUT "ME" THROUGH? YOU'VE BEEN LIKE THIS SINCE YOU WERE A KID" (quoting my mother)
She is looking ruffff! Too funny they didn't photoshop her MULTIPLE marionette lines out, bahaha!
Choice wording "cabin"-I don't recall the blogger who interviewed Jon implying it was basically a dump. Coin-head is implying this. Could have added "rustic" "rural" "cozy" "comfortable"
"He comes over once a week for dinner, and every other weekend to spend the night with them."-that sounds like she's saying HE stays over at the compound to spend the night.
They'll figure it out. There's loans, scholarships, and with their family size, it will work out easier than for many families of 2 or 3. It is not our problem they didn't properly manage their money so they will have fully funded college funds in 10 years. Heck, maybe knowing college will be tight will motivate the children to try even harder in school to get those scholarships they need. They might not bother if they know college is a free ride. **** Personally, I think all kids need some skin in the game. Working in high school and taking out student loans is a good thing. The thing is, all the kids are too far behind the 8 ball to even think about getting a sports scholarship and I just don't think any is an Einstein in the making. Sorry-- just being honest here. Yikes! They're.... mediocre! And again, I can not abide by either Jon or Kate bellyaching about food costs. They've had more free food than anyone could get in 5 lifetimes. It's only going to get worse, if you want to see your kids grow. Suck it up, buttercups! Those kids got you your fame and fortune, so stop complaining about feeding them.
Here is the exact quote about the housekeeping. ” the laminated core charts posted i'm her kitchen today are not for the faint of heart. A full page 52 point checklist details how the house is to be cleaned; M&C earn $1 for each item completed. An additional 10 item checklist on the refrigerator for the twins carries a fine print disclaimer threatening $1 fines for each item not completed, as well as the removal of IPhones and IPads based on” attitude and response”. The younger kids also have a chart focusing on general tidying up of the kitchen and three feeding of the family dog Shoka; in the summer pool maintenance is added.” To dispel the image of a slave labor camp, the writer segues into the next paragraph with a description of happy googling animated children clearing the lunch dishes and just being delightful with their visitors.
JM said... 191 Long time reader here .... I read the People article in the store last night (nope didn't buy it, stood there and read it!), haven't seen anyone yet mention the part (and I'm not quoting directly here) where the twins were in a store and a lady followed them, even into the restroom, telling them she was had always been a fan, loved the family, etc. It didn't say what happened after that. Also one of the blurbs set out from the article, Kate says (again not quoting, going from memory) something like, everyone says the show harmed the kids, but see they are very happy kids. Well TFW (and Jon), the lady following the twins? THAT is how the show and resulting attention has harmed the kids. ********************************************
WHAT? TFW is quoted as saying this? SEE! There is the proof she is INSANE. We/us on THIS side of the crazy train KNOW this as absolutely UNACCEPTABLE. SHE on the other hand spills it like "See how people just LOVE LOVE LOVED US?" pfft! (I spit on her)
JM said... 191 Long time reader here .... I read the People article in the store last night (nope didn't buy it, stood there and read it!), haven't seen anyone yet mention the part (and I'm not quoting directly here) where the twins were in a store and a lady followed them, even into the restroom, telling them she was had always been a fan, loved the family, etc. It didn't say what happened after that ******** As we've always said, it the fans that should worry that family, not us detractors. I will never attempt to contact any of them, nor would I approach them in any setting. Kudos to Admin for not having the flesh melt off her face when she deigned to ask Kate about filming (in light the the "Gosselin" law). Yet, knowing how her children will be in danger and knowing that a pedophile had unfettered access to raw footage of her children, Kate puts the kids on the front cover of People magazine (wonder how much $$ she gets for the photos), to be ogled at every grocery store checkout across North America. She disgusts me.
Suck it up, buttercups! Those kids got you your fame and fortune, so stop complaining about feeding them. ************************************************Exactly!
KM that anecdote about the girls being followed into the ladies room was kinda scary. There was not any resolution to it, it was just a brief story about a weird lady, word from the girls perspective. Also the brief interview with Jon does note the kids come to his house. That other story that mentioned Jon coming to the estate was completely wrong, just an example of sloppy paraphrasing from another publications writer.
721 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 721 Newer› Newest»It almost makes me laugh when I think about how she has put her own hatred of Jon even over the fans and the special they want so desperately.
The fans have been encouraging and supporting this hatred of Jon for years. Only now, all this hate has come between this family and doing a special since TFW hates him SOO much she won't do a special with him, and TLC knows the draw was the two of them so they aren't interested without him.
Like I said the other day, there is no greater definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face. This is really hysterical. Good job TFW and fans. Good job. Hope all that hate was worth it since now? You can't get what you want because of it.
From last thread.
I bet Maddy just glad that she and her siblings don't have to work so they can go on vacation.
If K+8 was still on you bet they would be going on vacation however. The kids would still be working.
At least now they can get some sorta of break and be kids and not workers.
London (CNN) -- Reports that a Scottish teenager took his own life after becoming the victim of an alleged Internet blackmail scam have heightened concerns in Britain over online abuse.
Daniel Perry, from Dunfermline, was reportedly the victim of blackmailers who recorded his interactions via Skype with a person he believed was an American girl his own age.
They then threatened to show his family the footage unless he paid up, UK media reports say. Instead, the 17-year-old jumped from a bridge last month.
This sounds just like what BV did to me and others. Threatened to release private information about me and others unless I did what they asked. Unbelievable. How would they feel if they did this to someone who decided they should end their own life rather than deal with this? I hope they have long moved on from TFW and all this nonsense. One of these days if you keep up this behavior it could have terribly tragic consequences like this one.
Maybe I'll use her amazon coupon to buy her cookbook.
I'll get $10% off so I'll only pay $3-5 bucks depending on shipping lol.
There are successful narcissists out there. I personally think Wendy Williams is one. But the difference between them and Kate is that they are willing to work their behinds off to be successful. Kate has never been willing (or able) to do the same. She is not only a narcisstic person, she's got many other issues as well. One huge problem is that Kate is not good at dealing with people. She cannot handle the smallest irritation without blowing her top. She freaks out easily. She blames everyone around her for her own failings. She is anti-social.
Comment from the other day but it was so good I want to make sure to respond.
I agree there are many successful narcissists. Many of them are in big business, or Hollywood. I think TFW's problem is her laziness. A successful narcissist simply cannot be lazy. If anything, successful ones seem to be the exact opposite of lazy--workaholics. At first blush you might be impressed with how long and hard a successful narcissist works. But then you realize they're doing all this at the expense of marriage, children, family and friends. That they are doing all this to feed their massive egos and stay number one no matter what. A workaholic narcissist is not satisfied to work 12 hours a day. They must work 18. A workaholic narcissist can't be satisfied when their manager brings them three solid auditions, they must have 8. They are not satisfied scoring one or two touchdowns, they must score every single one for the whole game.
In many respects, it's creepy.
The fact of the matter is though, her own laziness has done her in time and time again.
Looking at the cover, and its caption, my first thought is meh, who really cares where this family is now. And the 1,000's of comments on the People website show this to be true. And if the rumor that she turned down reunion shows because TLC wanted to include Jon are at all true, she is a bigger narcissistic fool than I thought possible.
And honestly for all the disgust over this cover from the jellus haters, insert smile, this does not a career make, or remake. Same old, same old - a cover here, 5 minutes on tv or radio there, a public appearance to promote the crackbook, all with expenses being paid from her pile o'cash. The coupon project seems dead already. What's telling is that she thinks/refers to herself as 'just a girl'. Honeypie, you are a 38 year old woman, 8 children, no talent and overprocessed looks. Grow the F up already.
And if you want anyone to think YOU turned down TLC's reunion show offers because YOU did not want to do it with the ex, well, think again. Your ex has made it pretty clear he is never filming anything with you in this lifetime. And how you got around his permission for the kids to appear on CWS is a mystery to me, but you remain a dirty, self-absorbed POS because of that one too.
I cannot think of anyone else who makes people turn around magazine covers in supermarkets. You should be proud.
And if you want anyone to think YOU turned down TLC's reunion show offers because YOU did not want to do it with the ex, well, think again.
You know, I actually believe this. However I do think she is conveniently leaving out that JON would never film EITHER so it's a moot point what she wants. LOL. Pesky little fact there.
However, from what we've seen of how much she hates him, including hating him more than she loves her own children, I 100% believe she hates him more than she loves her own career and publicity even to the point of turning down projects that involve him. That is one scary ball of HATRED.
Such a wise child... She understands what her mother cannot/will not understand.
Meanwhile, TFW is still wasting more time on another doomed venture. How long before she abandons her new couponing site, because of her laziness & short attention span?
"This sounds just like what BV did to me and others. Threatened to release private information about me and others unless I did what they asked. Unbelievable. How would they feel if they did this to someone who decided they should end their own life rather than deal with this? I hope they have long moved on from TFW and all this nonsense. One of these days if you keep up this behavior it could have terribly tragic consequences like this one."
As Bullyville says:
@BullyVille 2h
Twitter is the Devil's playground.
And who would know better?
OrangeCrusher1 said...
What's telling is that she thinks/refers to herself as 'just a girl'. Honeypie, you are a 38 year old woman, 8 children, no talent and overprocessed looks. Grow the F up already.
Carried over from the previous thread:
Re TFMJGs grouping of Alexis with the boys. I think TFMJG doesn't consider Alexis to be a girl because she likes things like bugs and reptiles. Remember TFMJG telling her in one of the back to school episodes that she couldn't have a backpack with the picture of a lizard on it because she wasn't a boy?
Woo Hoo! New post!
I subscribe to People, when this weeks issue comes in the mail I will post if there is anything extra in the print copy. It will be interesting to see if there is any mention of mister Gosselin. The photo just looks very awkward in the posing and spacing of the subjects. TFMJG doesn't look anything like any of those children.
LOL she's getting some negative replies to her tweet this morning about the new Coupon site.
Someone said what good is it if the only coupon for Walmart is for a razor? LOL.
Tweeters, don't forget you can also get a GPS system at Bestbuy.
And what is most offensive is Kids Tell All - no attempt here to even consider keeping their lives somewhat private. And so close to their return to school, their faces and comments plastered all over a magazine. And yes, the framing of that picture, with TFW sprawled on the ground surrounded by her adoring trophies - pictures do tell tales. She is truly a piece of work.
With regard to the kids' teeth in the picture, I can see that the twins and even Hannah (still) have braces in the picture. Their chains and bands, which cover the metal brackets, are white which blends well in a picture. Been there, done that, as an adult 10 years ago. Chains and bands are changed every few weeks, which is why you see kids with wacky colors for holidays, seasons, sports, etc. My husband and I had them at the same time and did not get a discount. I doubt Kate is either. It's a business with several educated/trained employees and payroll must be met. We joked that our ortho was buying a new boat with 2 patients in the same family, but his cost was comparable to others doing the same thing. We did shop around.
Hannah's may have been first phase of two or more to correct a cross bite or something. The boys may not have issues like that and will only have 1 set, but sometimes, when they're losing a lot of teeth at the same time, things just align up normally and they don't need them. Hopefully they won't need them, because it sucks!
Kate's still a pig.
Have a good day/weekend!
Didn't TFW just claim that she's living paycheck to paycheck?
And she's worried about monies so if someone offers her to work with.
Jon for a paycheck why is she turning it down if she sooo worried about money?
She must not be that worried right?
I doubt the kids are getting free braces/ortho services b/c then she'd have braces on all 3 of the boys. She's probably staggering who's getting them as she can afford them. Not surprising tho that they get put behind the girls.
Great point chef. If money is so tight and all you have to do is do one little project with your ex wouldn't anyone do that? She's so full of it how does she have any fans?
So I went to her que-pon site and on the Walmart ones, it says to click to redeem, so I clicked on it and it takes you to the Walmart site! It doesn't give you a code or anything. Her site says $30.00 off of a razor but it's already marked down on the Walmart site. The Walmart site offers an addition $10 off but if you go straight to the Walmart site, it does the same. So WTF is her site for? I'm confused.
Funny story, and true! I just got back from the grocery store and there were only three check-outs open, so there were fairly long lines. Sure enough, there was TFW staring at me from People. I was loading my things on the belt, and the lady in back of me picked up the magazine and said, "Oh, God, not again!" I laughed, but didn't say anything. She said, "Those kids are getting big, aren't they? Nice looking, but not so cute anymore." I said that yes, kids do grow up, still not making any comment on TFW. She was looking at the picture and said, "I don't know the kids' names, but is there something wrong with that one in the back?"
Okay, I bit, and asked which one. The one on the left, she said. I thought maybe she meant about his eyes because he's the only with glasses. "His right arm...is it deformed, and why is his left arm thinner and tanner than his right arm?" I hadn't' even noticed that. Bad photoshopping, I explained.
The lady at the next aisle said, "She's still using those kids, is she?" She suggested turning the magazine around. The manager guy was standing there and he said, "Please don't do that. The last time she was on a cover, but I don't remember which one, I had to go around and flip them all back!"
But, I guess everyone the world over loves TFW!
LOL she's getting some negative replies to her tweet this morning about the new Coupon site.
Someone said what good is it if the only coupon for Walmart is for a razor? LOL.
Is this whole new couponing enterprise just a way to flip the finger at CC, saying hey, you fire me, I'll just set up my own site?
Seems with all the negative comments on her own twitter, blog and People article, her 'fans' are few in number. Not enough to 'piece' together a 'fandom.' Was a show actually offered with Jon? I think a reunion one would be ok since they got into exploiting the kids in the first place, and it might settle down questions the sheeple have about what's new. TFW insists she's always working, so why cry poor now?(again?)
This sounds just like what BV did to me and others. Threatened to release private information about me and others unless I did what they asked
Isn't that extortion?
As Bullyville says:
@BullyVille 2h
Twitter is the Devil's playground.
And, according to The Music Man, "The idle brain is the devil's playground...trouble, we got trouble!"
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 16
She's so full of it how does she have any fans?
Well for one they aren't to bright and two they're super quibble.
Two boys have Ralph Lauren shirts- while you can get them cheaper at TJ Maxx etc, why dress them in designer duds in an article partly about struggling to support the kids? The others are all nicely dressed too although I can't tell brands, but wouldn't a no-name make look be better to support TFW's tales of woes?
@Kateplusmy8 seriously I was just telling my hubby I wanted to ask you how you go about couponing! #win #JehovaSneaky #ILuvKate
First you have to master the art of freezing and defrosting cookies, and then you move to a more difficult project, which is learning what to do with a coupon!
Of all the really newsworthy potential covers, People chose this. Still shaking my head at the absurdity.
Another thought about doing an update with Jon -- most likely it would be impartial. (Hopefully.)
Both parents would be shown with the children and custody arrangements would be referenced.
She can't allow the facts of his regular involvement be revealed. She probably understands that the kids would appear more relaxed in his presence.
The audience might notice the disparity in the living conditions. Viewers might not think she is superior just because her home is larger. Viewers might decide that Jon is doing a good job of being a dad to the 8.
She can't allow us to see the reality of an update. She is sticking to her single-mom-suffering story.
PS: I am another long-time poster who appreciates the reappearance of an "old" name. Thanks for the updates. You are not forgotten.
I miss Auntie Ann, too!
kris said... 17
So I went to her que-pon site and on the Walmart ones, it says to click to redeem, so I clicked on it and it takes you to the Walmart site! It doesn't give you a code or anything. Her site says $30.00 off of a razor but it's already marked down on the Walmart site. The Walmart site offers an addition $10 off but if you go straight to the Walmart site, it does the same. So WTF is her site for? I'm confused.
I'm just guessing that if you get to the Walmart site through Kate's blog, she gets paid if you buy something.
These tweets came from the same account:
@Kateplusmy8 my name is claire! im mady and caras age! ive been tweeting about the korren dinner! is there ant way i could meet u? - claire
@rgpgreenville preach on brother rob! espn guys apoplectic they might not be able to talk about tiger for next two days. he should w/d
Unless a pre-teen was using an adult's account, this sounds very odd to me. She/he knows the meaning of the word apoplectic (and can spell it), but can't figure out out to spell Korean?
It's scary to think who hides behind these tweets -- Catfishers who want to meet the children.
FLASHBACK FRIDAY - 15 Minutes style:
From August 2010...Our special correspondent Kate Gosselin had some mic envy. Grabbing Kevin’s mic, she said with animation, "Someday I’ll own this mic! I’m telling you, I like the mic. They don’t believe me, but it just feels really natural."
How's that going for you? Do you "own that mic" yet? It seems to me that Kevin Frazier retained control.
Dmasy I believe you're right. She's downright petrified that Jon might come off the good guy in this. Can't have that.
The article linked contains another huge contradiction. If you are so concerned about finances, where did all the iPhones and iPads come from? You know, the ones kids get punished by having them taken away. Aren't the phones and then whatever service contacts you would need, kinda, what's the word, expensive?
It will be interesting to see how many folks realize this does not compute.
Two boys have Ralph Lauren shirts- while you can get them cheaper at TJ Maxx etc, why dress them in designer duds in an article partly about struggling to support the kids?
You can purchase RL shirts on eBay or at a consignment shop, often brand new with tags, for five dollars. I really don't think that's an issue or that most people are going to find fault with that. You can pick this apart until the cows come home, with the placement of kids, what they are wearing, who are her favorites, etc., but in the long run, it's just going to come off as nitpicking.
The fact that she is still using these kids for publicity to sell her books and to go to her new coupon site is the concern here. She's never going to stop, and that appears to be the bottom line. She will use them as long as she can, and as long as they allow her to do so --- until they have a voice in all of this.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 30
I'm just guessing that if you get to the Walmart site through Kate's blog, she gets paid if you buy something.
So how does that make it a coupon site? lol She's absurd. She needs to do is make her site more attractive by getting her picture off of there. She's no Oprah, people aren't going to utilize the sight just b/c her picture is on there. If anything that is a deterrent.
I was reading an article about TFW and her People interview at starcasm.com. This is an excerpt that talks about Jon:
Jon has had a string of relationships since his split with Kate, and has lived in several different states, but he’s now living close to the family. Kate says he’s in a cabin about 30 minutes away from the kids in Pennsylvania. He comes over once a week for dinner, and every other weekend to spend the night with them. Other than that, Kate and Jon keep their communication to a minimum. ”The way he lives versus the way I live is the reason why we’re divorced,” she says. “Let’s just leave it at that.” She also admitted that while she’d like to do another television job, she isn’t open to just anything, including working with ex-husband Jon.
Where did they get that Jon goes to TFW's house? Is that in the People article, or are they just misinterpreting things they have read?
The direct quote from TFW saying they're divorced because of their different lifestyles is almost the same as when she said the "mediocre" statement. She basically said "I want to live in luxury, but Jon lives in a "cabin", and never the twain shall meet". Does she also tell the kids that "MY house is better than daddy's-why would you want to go there"?
"Kate's still a pig."
This is an insult to pigs everywhere.
Funny about TFW Wagon in The Music Man. I saw the show on Broadway with that good-looking hunk, Craig Bierko, in the role of Professor Hill. He was wonderful, but Robert Preston was still the best in that.
I see Kate as Ali Hakim, the peddler in Oklahoma, going from house to house with his cart, selling whatever the folks will buy!
Also, I'm just curious about something. Wasn't it speculated a while back that Jon had won 50% physical custody, and that is why he was relieved of his child support obligation? Based on what Jon said in the interview he gave, it would seem that he has never had 50% custody. I understand that he works, but is there some reason why he couldn't have the kids Tuesday nights and every weekend (instead of alternate weekends), since Kate doesn't work and is home all with them during the week anyway, or does custody generally not work that way?
The original agreement Jon said was supposed to include Monday, and if it's a first third and fifth weekend schedule it's a few days shy of an even split. However he said they are flexible with it. He was so thrilled when the change happened last year I can see how winning almost half got translated for him to just half. Later as they settled in and he respected their needs it didn't quite work out as written on paper. I can't speculate why he said what he said other than I think he was just so thrilled to have made such progress.
Oh. my. word. Now Milo can see deep into Jon's soul and knows exactly what he's feeling...
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 20m
@msgoody2shoes21 @RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 Deep inside he misses Kate...knows he messed up royally & threw away best thing he ever had!
She's all-knowing, soothsayer, prophet and clairvoyant? She should change her name to "The Amazing FU" and go on the tour circuit to give readings...or get her own show "Deep South Medium."
So Jon should have stayed in that marriage, continued to film the crap out of those children when he knew it was wrong (he said so several times) just so TFW could continue with the lifestyle she thought that she deserved? Never mind the kids, what it did to their privacy or childhoods...that's what he should have done?
Just down the road, your story of the grocery customers reaction to TFMJG photo on the mag is hilarious! Thanks for sharing!
Several different states? He lived in one other state. New York. And that was because that's where the work was. He came back to PA all the time during that period. Kate Coyne is ridiculous.
You're right, Jen. My apologies to all pigs. That wasn't fair. She is a slug though. I hate those slimy things and don't care if that statement insults slugs everywhere! They are nasty, slimy little leeches who kill everything in their path!
Now that TFW has a "coupon" site, Milo's dissing Scott Kluth and CC. Remember, when she first started working at CC, the fans were all ecstatic?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 59m
@Kateplusmy8 HaHa...how sweet it is 2see U launch something like this! A yr ago almost seems someone thought U weren't a good fit 4this! :)
Then she tweets this:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Congrats 2U! Smart move..doing what U love, working fr hm providing 4U & ur kids! I signed up last nite..will love working w/U!
So now she's "working" with TFW, by signing up on her coupon site?
I wonder how long it will be before TFW does another blog post on that site? I've also noticed that there are no comments. Does she have that disabled also?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 42
Several different states? He lived in one other state. New York. And that was because that's where the work was. He came back to PA all the time during that period. Kate Coyne is ridiculous.
Kate Coyne is more than ridiculous...she has a "Kate" fixation/blindness. Can't stand the woman and don't think she's particularly bright, based on the interviews I've seen.
The home page on the coupon site says "Scouring the Web To Find the Best Deals for You and Your Family".
Do her fans actually believe that TFW is searching out all the "deals" and "coupons", herself?
She's got a program that does that-she's not doing any "work".
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 41
The original agreement Jon said was supposed to include Monday, and if it's a first third and fifth weekend schedule it's a few days shy of an even split. However he said they are flexible with it. He was so thrilled when the change happened last year I can see how winning almost half got translated for him to just half. Later as they settled in and he respected their needs it didn't quite work out as written on paper. I can't speculate why he said what he said other than I think he was just so thrilled to have made such progress.
Please stop perpetuating this blatant falsehood. He has nowhere near 50% custody, even if he had the kids on Mondays as well. Let's do the math:
There are 52 weeks per year.
Every other weekend=26 weekends.
4 nights x 26 weekends=104 nights.
Even if you want to throw in Tuesday dinners, which are not "custody" since Kate has the children that evening, you don't get anywhere near 50%.
Didn't Jon stay in Utah for a while, too? A very short time. I'm not sure I'd classify that as actually living in another state.
@msgoody2shoes21: @MiloandJack @RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 IMO Jon won't have success until he gets his ex wife off his brain.
@MiloandJack: @msgoody2shoes21 @RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 Deep inside he misses Kate...knows he messed up royally & threw away best thing he ever had!
Thank you Milo & Goody, I needed a laugh today and this was a coffee out the nose snorter!
HAHAHAHA, my son texted me that when he went to work this morning (Costco), the manager addressed the workers before opening. He said that TFW is on the cover of People again, and every employee, every time they pass the magazine rack, should check to make sure that the magazine is facing forward. Said, "Remember last time, people kept turning it backward". Also, they are supposed to watch for customers defacing the magazines. Apparently someone drew devil horns and a goatee on TFW on several of them last time. I can't wait to hear what happens this time.
Sounds like TFW's coupon site is nothing but crap. I wouldn't expect anything different from her. But, if she can make a go of it without dragging the kids into it, then I'm all for it.
No way in heck does Jon come over to TFW's house for dinner or to stay over. He didn't like in several other states. Kate Coyne needs to get her facts straight, or else leave Jon out of it. This is supposed to be a story about TFW and the kids. Why does she need to drag Jon into it at all? And then fails to fact-check.
New text from my son. Two women standing at the magazine rack. One said, "Oh, look, the devil's minion is on People again". Second woman, "Turn that crap around. I just had lunch. I don't want it coming back up".
I bet Jon turned down TLC for a reunion show so Kate had to make it about herself. She comes off sounding spiteful. Once TLC was turned down by Jon, they didn't just want Kate. She will never admit that.
Jon comes 'over'?? I thought he wasn't even allowed on the property, let alone '..comes over once a week for dinner....'
Jon got joint custody which doesn't mean he has to take the kids 50% of the time. Joint implies half and I think people make a wrong assumption about it. Especially Gladys Kravitz. Yeah, you, Milo-the-Meddler.
This doof is still hoping for that TV job that is just right for her to accept and meets all her criteria? Good Lord. Will it ever end. And that is complete crap that she is too busy for a guy. Why keep up the Hollywood look if she isn't trolling. You would think by now that she would have had at least some dates. That is an awfully long dry spell if you ask me. Wonder what the problem is.....there has to be someone, anyone out there in PA who would put up with a ball-crusher with a pile of money.
Layla, sounds like a conspiracy to neutralize Kate! An under-ground, unplanned reaction. Funny.
You do by a 1st their and 5th weekend, and you're forgetting holidays.
1-3-5 is the standard custody arrangement.
It's a moot point anyway since no one seems to be following it that closely.
Just my two cents regarding support, maybe because Jon has the full time job he carries the health, dental insurance etc on his children which would be quite the bill and would explain him not required to pay her more dollars. She twists words and spins so much, I think most people have her number now. Changed? Where is the apology? westbrooke
What I meant re: the kids dressed up in designer duds was part of the picture TFW likes to paint- how superior their cars, clothes, POOL, couch, school, lunches, lifestyle are..compared to Jon's cabin and that remark. Yet she cries poor and working so hard to patch it all together to make this happen by herself. No, the kids themselves on the show bought the Golden Platter. (Plus Kate would never shop at a consignment store, only give gifted clothing in to be resold.) Yes, it's nit picky but if you're on the cover of People that's gonna happen!
There are 52 weeks per year.
Every other weekend=26 weekends.
Cool, you know how many weeks in a year and in 1/2 year. Could you explain to the sheep why her 23 weeks does not add up to a 6 month contract. LOL
I say "whatever" about the exact number of days regarding Jon's custody. He sees his kids very often which is a big deal. He has always been a caring parent proven by his actions.
PJ's momma said... 45
Now now you insulted slugs ever where lol. I would call her a succubus.
Layla said... 52
HA that's to funny.
Anonymous said... 55
Jon comes 'over'?? I thought he wasn't even allowed on the property, let alone '..comes over once a week for dinner....'
Forget allowed inside the property he can't make it pass the front gate.
All joint legal custody means is that both Jon and Kate make legal decisions for their children and have access to their school records, medical files, etc. Joint physical custody is different and it's my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong) that both parents can be awarded joint legal custody and one parent can be awarded physical custody.
I'm not sure what arrangement Jon and Kate have.
That is an awfully long dry spell if you ask me. Wonder what the problem is.....there has to be someone, anyone out there in PA who would put up with a ball-crusher with a pile of money.
Um, no. Not in our neck of the woods! Guys here are too smart, too perceptive than to want that. If they want their balls crushed, there's a ton of farm machinery that could do the job. She'll have to look to the lusting Irish Creeper to fill that position.
Do the Math - Actually, any time a child is in the custody of one parent or the other, it's considered part of that parent's custodial time. So yes, you do need to factor in the time they spend with Jon on Tuesdays.
As my stepchildren grew older, they had considerably more say about where they wanted to be and both their parents put their needs first, which I really admire them for. So what was written on paper wasn't what was happening in real life. At one point, we had the kids living here during the school week and they'd visit their mom on weekends.
It sounds like a similar thing is happening between Jon and Kate. And if they have to text each other to keep it civil, then good for them that they've found something that worked. It's clear there is no love lost between either of them so it's probably better that they see each other as little as possible.
Interesting from People article:
Gosselin — who said she won't go back to nursing because "I'd spend everything I made on the babysitter" — admitted that she hasn't been easy to work with, which was rumored during her TLC days (a show source tells the magazine that "there was no pleasing her" and she became "impossible" to deal with) and alleged when she was canned from another coupon-related job last year.
Well, Kate, in the mediocre world, child care does take up plenty of your hard earned cash. Duh! But your kids are in school full time, so you work their hours as a nurse. I don't think she cared one bit about nursing. I think it was all about snagging a doctor.
Please stop perpetuating this blatant falsehood. He has nowhere near 50% custody, even if he had the kids on Mondays as well. Let's do the math:
At this point, who cares? Seems to be only the sheeple and Jon-haters who keep bringing this up. Only Kate and Jon know their actual custody arrangement...who goes where on what days, what kind of change is made to the schedule when school is in session, what the drop-off arrangements are, etc. etc. It's their business, and as long as it works for them, it's really not worth any time and effort doing the math or trying to figure it out.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Congrats 2U! Smart move..doing what U love, working fr hm providing 4U & ur kids! I signed up last nite..will love working w/U!
So now she's "working" with TFW, by signing up on her coupon site?
I'm telling you, something is seriously wrong with that person, and it's more than just Celebrity Worship. She actually thinks that she is part of that family, is qualified to give advice and acts as a pr person, in addition to being a cheerleader. Nothing good is going to come from this. It's just one of those feelings...
The article was written oddly. I took it to mean the kids visit Jon for a sleepover. I doubt she is allowing him on the property still.
I am still reading on the last post, got busy in the kitchen today. Just wanted to thank Virginia Pen Mom for the big `Hello`!! Very kind and much appreciated, will make the rest of my day a happy one:)
I haven't read the back comments, but why are they all dressed in white? Apparently, there's no contrived photo shoot going on here.
"Now now you insulted slugs ever where lol. I would call her a succubus."
Someone somewhere one likened her to a dementor. Now that's as apt a description as I've ever seen!
Ever since I read it yesterday, part of me has a nagging feeling that what Mady said that is impressing everyone, may not be coming from Mady, but from her mother. To me it sounds like something TFW would WANT Mady to say, in keeping with her turning over a new leaf. After all, she is such a buddy to Mady, she could easily have told her what kind of things she wanted to hear from her. It is such a strong gut feeling I have about it, but everyone else seems to think otherwise. Anyone else on here feel anything like me, or am I just very wrong this time.
Back to previous post to catch up, and see if anyone else had the same feeling.
I hope you are doing well, kate`s cart, and are not in too much pain today:)
How exactly do other nurses afford childcare pray tell? Isn't the average nursing salary about 65,000? That's vastly more than a full time live in nanny 60 hours a week plus weekends would make unless you're in the upper west side.
The twins don't even need a babysitter. They're nearly 13 for gosh sakes. The other kids can do the late bus. Problem solved. Of course Kate Coyne didn't point that out.
Now now you insulted slugs ever where lol. I would call her a succubus.
According to myth, a succubus is an incredibly beautiful and seductive woman who descends on men to have sex with them without their knowing. Not sure that applies here, although some of the sheep who have a crush on her and envy her rockin body might disagree!
Do the Math said... 49
Please stop perpetuating this blatant falsehood. He has nowhere near 50% custody, even if he had the kids on Mondays as well. Let's do the math:
There are 52 weeks per year.
Every other weekend=26 weekends.
4 nights x 26 weekends=104 nights.
Even if you want to throw in Tuesday dinners, which are not "custody" since Kate has the children that evening, you don't get anywhere near 50%.
It's not a falsehood. Who do you think has the kids when "Piecin' Pennies" Kate travels? Do you know how often he has them? Do we? No. What we do know for damn sure IS THAT IT MUST BE OFTEN ENOUGH THAT A PA CUSTODY JUDGE ABSOLVED HIM OF CHILD SUPPORT. Ya'll want to keep ignoring that little legal nugget- but it is what it is and it says alot.
Layla, too funny about your son and the texts! I had to make a run to the store for something I forgot this morning. Different store this time! I'm making pork and kraut tonight and I forgot the apples. In two lanes, People was turned around, and I let them stay that way! No devil horns on the other copies, though. Gotta love the way she's loved around here! I didn't hear any comments this time, but if I had stuck around long enough, I'm sure there would have been something said about it.
I stated in a previous comment why are TFW's children are all dressed in white clothing. Can you imagine the Pioneer Woman dressing herself, her husband and her children all in white for a photo shoot on their ranch? People magazine could put that out as a future cover with their dogs, cats, cattle, ranch workers etc. all adorned in white for a future holiday cover story. She could promote her upcoming Christmas book with fake white snow also. At least people are still buying into her story.
I believe that they have offers to film together. But, I don't think that she turned them down--IMO, Jon has. And, that may be the reason she continues to spew venom his way every chance she gets. I don't believe that she would have any problem filming her life as a single parent, including Jon, if that was what it takes--she was willing to continue a fake marriage and keep filming throughout the divorce, for Pete's sake! She has made it clear that as long as there was an audience, she would film the crap out of her kids, until they were 18. But, now, she suddenly has principles and boundaries?
As far as Jon, didn't he say something like "yay, if either one of them got a show"? So, I don't think think he is adverse to the idea, but, maybe will not do with Kate. I do think his interview showed he still has animosity to TFW. I think that he may also be baiting her by denying her the one thing she wants most, even though it keeps him in humble circumstances. Typical passive-aggressive move. I know that people here will disagree--this is JMO. This crap goes both ways. I just don't believe that Jon doesn't participate in this, but she is definitely worse.
Sherry Baby said... 78
LOL the succubus is also a female demon.
I don't see anything remotely sexual with TFW. Since her wannabe boyfriend Steve is out of the picture for the most part now, she looks hard and ornery and it's not going to be any easier for her as years slip by. She may tell her viewers it's only been two years since the divorce, but the reality is it's going on four years. I believe she's jealous of Jon's ability to find a new girlfriend and to just be able to move on. That is something she isn't able to do and she resents Jon because he has moved on and she's still living in the past.
Can you imagine the Pioneer Woman dressing herself, her husband and her children all in white for a photo shoot on their ranch?
But that's comparing apples to oranges. It's an entirely different platform. They are branded as ranch, outdoorsy people, while Kate has always been the designer show-off celebrity. It makes sense that she would put her kids in all white for a cover, rather in different styles and different colors. That's her schtick. Photo-wise, having them all in different colors would make for a rather "busy" cover, not as easy on the eyes!
The twins don't even need a babysitter. They're nearly 13 for gosh sakes. The other kids can do the late bus. Problem solved. Of course Kate Coyne didn't point that out.
Kate Coyne couldn't figure that out if her life depended on it. Not much going on upstairs there, I imagine. She's way too far a Kate-kisser to be able to think logically.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 20m
@msgoody2shoes21 @RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 Deep inside he misses Kate...knows he messed up royally & threw away best thing he ever had!
Oh Milo, you are SOO SOO SOOOOOOOO wrong. Jon thanks his lucky stars to be away from her. If anybody knows that "deep inside they messed up," it's your "girl," Kate.
Such delusion is scary. I hope she's being watched by family and/or professionals.
Have Gladys and the sheep tweeted anything about all of the bots that have shown up, or do they still believe that all of these unknowns have jumped on Twitter because they couldn't contain their excitement about Kate being on the cover?
I'd love to their explanation for this, since they are adamant that Kate does not have bots!
Such delusion is scary. I hope she's being watched by family and/or professionals.
It seems that it's all they are doing -- just watching as this obsession gets worse with each passing day. I really do hope that this person has been put on some kind of a list. When it comes to someone who is this far gone, it's better to err on the side of caution.
The twins don't even need a babysitter. They're nearly 13 for gosh sakes. The other kids can do the late bus. Problem solved. Of course Kate Coyne didn't point that out.
Kate Coyne couldn't figure that out if her life depended on it. Not much going on upstairs there, I imagine. She's way too far a Kate-kisser to be able to think logically.
There is absolutely no reason that TFW can't get an 8 to 5 or 9 to 5 job and have the kids take the late bus home. They would leave before she does in the morning, and get home after she gets home. She wouldn't have to pay a cent to a sitter during the week. How long as she been using this "all my money would go to a sitter" excuse? Geez.
Well, got a close up look at People to see the kids, and it looks as if Kate favors, the girls. They seem to be the ones who got the braces. Poor boys, and 2 of them really need braces. I guess the boys are still icky.
I also notice, nobody picking up People to even look at it, and the racks were filled, at Walmart, Target, Jewel, Dominicks, no roits, or standing in line to get a copy. I did a little arranging. LOL!
URL> It's symbolic > Kate wore white, to show off her tan, and the childrens tan, and probably to show innocents, and starting fresh, being pure & clean again.
She said in the article> I'm can't even remember the past, I don't who that person I was is! Kate re-writing of history> lesson 1> forget past, make up some sorry ass lame excuse, for mistakes. Lesson 2> talk finances, > Poor me lesson 3 > exploit kids any way you can, lesson 4> don't talk about million dollar house, private school or the 3rd new car bought, etc or grifting gifts from fans will stop. Lesson 5 ?
Orangcrush> the yahoo article> 3500 comments, about maybe 1/2 of 1% are for Kate, the rest are negative. that is only one article, the people site has about that many too. I don't think I've seen that many comments in a very short time on anyone. The ugly, the pretty, mundane, average, normal, mediocre, Joe public, does not like Kate.
Speaking of delusion:
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 10m
@Kateplusmy8 Maybe a line of kids clothing could be next. ;-)
I see Jon gets a blurb, too. Comments are interesting...
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 10m
@Kateplusmy8 Maybe a line of kids clothing could be next. ;-)
I guess she doesn't know that this has already been tried. Whatever happened to that clothing? I seem to remember it was selling somewhere overseas.
Of course, the cookbook was done before and dumped, so maybe it's time for a second try at the clothing line!
Well, got a close up look at People to see the kids, and it looks as if Kate favors, the girls. They seem to be the ones who got the braces. Poor boys, and 2 of them really need braces.
Kids' jaws and teeth all develop differently. Orthodontists may map out plans according to when fitting braces will be best for them. Not all kids get braces at the same time. As much as Kate may favor the girls, I really doubt that the boys have been ignored when it comes to their teeth. I don't think Jon would let that happen.
How gracious of People to tell the other side. I see Kate Coyne got someone else to help her with that blue. What, is Coyne refusing to speak with Jon too? With 8 kids plus you and maybe a girlfriend I can easily see spending 450 bucks on groceries, especially if you're trying to stick to their healthy and organic diet. And Im sure there were leftovers. Maybe it's not worth listening to their mother complain about their diet if you don't follow it. Not sure why that's so hard to believe. As for the shrimp, I thought that story was cute. Maybe it was Popeyes shrimp, you don't have to be in a 5 star restaurant to get shrimp!
Just opened the issue ( I subscribe ) and I notice Deanna is listed as hair and make up.
Guess she is still drinking the kool-aid.
She may tell her viewers it's only been two years since the divorce, but the reality is it's going on four years
When did she say it's been only two years since the divorce? It was finalized in December of 2009.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Finally !! U at last arrived! @PeopleMag....picked up several copies & made sure U got front & center exposure on the rack!
Jane @jane_980 2h
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 a beautiful sight 😍😍😍 (:
What's the point of buying multiple copies? I guess Milo will be worshiping her queen tonight.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 9m
@Kateplusmy8 Finally !! U at last arrived! @PeopleMag....picked up several copies & made sure U got front & center exposure on the rack!
Why? What would anyone do with several copies, unless they are planning on giving them as gifts! Betcha Milo will be a-clippin and a-framin' tonight!
Oh, and a-droolin'!!
Over and out I believe it was CWS where TWF claimed the divorce was in 2011. I remember we were all like.....on what planet!?? I can only speculate maybe she wants to make it seem closer, more sympathy?
Here's from my recap:
Somewhere around 2011” Kate was divorced, she said. Uh, no, Kate, you were separated and divorced in 2009. That’s more than three years ago, not one
Thanks Admin and prairiemary said... 17. I'll try and stay more in the "loop". I'm still thinking about a new name LOL. I try not to post when I'm about to go on a rant...because then I just go on and on.
Why? What would anyone do with several copies, unless they are planning on giving them as gifts! Betcha Milo will be a-clippin and a-framin' tonight!
And as Dusty Springfield sang:
Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'
Plannin' and dreaming each night of his charms
That won't get you into his arms
Also, a stylist is listed which could mean all the clothing was brought to the house and then chosen by the photog.
Yahoo.omg has an article about the article LOL with over 3,500 comments. I looked at a few pages and not one favorable one. http://omg.yahoo.com/blogs/celeb-news/gosselin-kids-grown-kate-jon-still-t-seem-173406410.html
Have the cookbook pre-orders skyrocketed today?
20/20 tonight at 9:00 ... Halle Berry and Jennifer Garner's testimony regarding the paparazzi's pursuit of famous children.
Over And Out said... 100
I bet she's going to post them all over the bedroom so she can star at Kate.
These fans. Wouldn't it make more sense to leave the extra copies there for more people to buy and the good will of Kate be spread round the community? How does hoarding help?
Over and out I believe it was CWS where TWF claimed the divorce was in 2011. I remember we were all like.....on what planet!??
Thanks, admin. I must have missed that. I didn't watch CWS...just can't stand to listen to her voice.
These fans. Wouldn't it make more sense to leave the extra copies there for more people to buy and the good will of Kate be spread round the community? How does hoarding help?
lol! Yes, but they can't think that far. Don't you know that you have to have copies to put away for posterity as collectors' items, and copies to clip apart, frame, and put on your fireplace mantel, or in a special place if you have a shrine set aside for Kate?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 35m
@Mydmaxx @Kateplusmy8 @peoplemag I know....store here just got them in! Will be sold out by 2morrow!
He/she/it scares me!
TFW tweeted another child will get braces in a month- could be a boy. I agree she will get their teeth straightened as needed, since one, they are an extension of her, and two, it is likely grifted.
lol! Yes, but they can't think that far.
They're highly entertaining, the sheep. Yesterday Milo thought her store had already sold out when in fact the magazines hadn't arrived. Today she's buying multiple copies and then bleating about how tomorrow the stores, of which she's probably hit many, will be all sold out and SHE thinks she's making sense.
Thanks Admin and prairiemary said... 17. I'll try and stay more in the "loop". I'm still thinking about a new name LOL. I try not to post when I'm about to go on a rant...because then I just go on and on. Thanks Admin and prairiemary said... 17. I'll try and stay more in the "loop". I'm still thinking about a new name LOL. I try not to post when I'm about to go on a rant...because then I just go on and on.
Kate kind of does that to you...causes rants!
Why? What would anyone do with several copies, unless they are planning on giving them as gifts! Betcha Milo will be a-clippin and a-framin' tonight!
And as Dusty Springfield sang:
Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'
Plannin' and dreaming each night of his charms
That won't get you into his arms
At least one copy is going under her pillow! Maybe one under LOM's too. (Ewwww)
I know guys like LOM, at least the way Milo describes him and quotes him. He thinks he's a real catch and that Kate's a little jealous that Milo has him. He wants to help Kate find a guy just as great as himself. He fancies himself a protector of helpless women--and every woman is helpless without a man. He's chauvinistic, which is why he jokes about Kate "bossing him around" and tells Milo when she's going to bed.
My grocery store still had last week's People when I was there at 6 p.m. Love the store rack stories. Keep 'em coming!
TFW tweeted another child will get braces in a mont
Why are we getting a play by play in the first place of the braces? It's weird and creepy. Braces play by plays are for grandmothers, not 100,000 strangers.
My grocery store still had last week's People when I was there at 6 p.m.
I couldn't even find it in mine today, although I have to admit I didn't look that hard.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 35m
@Mydmaxx @Kateplusmy8 @peoplemag I know....store here just got them in! Will be sold out by 2morrow!
Tomorrow? Aren't stores open 24 hours now? I would think people are heading out tonight to get their hands on multiple copies!!
Virginia Pen Mom said... 115
I know guys like LOM, at least the way Milo describes him and quotes him. He thinks he's a real catch and that Kate's a little jealous that Milo has him. He wants to help Kate find a guy just as great as himself. He fancies himself a protector of helpless women--and every woman is helpless without a man. He's chauvinistic, which is why he jokes about Kate "bossing him around" and tells Milo when she's going to bed.
That's exactly the way I see him. He's the kind of guy one of your high school girlfriends married and you wished she hadn't, the blowhard at the parties who makes everyone roll their eyes when he's bloviating.
I actually don't think TFW is trying to be all that different from Pioneer Woman. She's basically living in the country too, posts about her dog and farm animals, posts about cooking and recipes, around the town and house posts (that are not nearly as funny or interesting). In my view they are on the same spectrum, which is why we compare them so much. Not much point to compare her to a blogger who writes about iphones or T.V. shows.
PW lets the children wear what's natural. One of the girls has a really cute style. I think this photoshoot would have been a lot more successful if they were allowed to wear what they want so you could see their individual personalities. I imagine Cara would wear something sporty, Mady something hip, maybe Joel something stylish since he likes fashion. Putting them all in white emphasizes the "pack" and as someone else said represents the new innocent fresh Kate. I see what they were doing but I don't think it worked. It made the photo dull.
I went out early today to get some flowers for the house--family will be visiting this weekend. I wasn't thinking about looking for the magazine but saw it when I went down the aisle where magazines are kept. I saw it, but didn't even think to pick it up and look inside. Didn't dawn on me until now. LOL
Some may not attach as much significance to it that I do but I think this idea her husband orders her when to go to bed is a huge red flag. It's control, and control is the first thing that happens when DV starts. If he has a problem or concern with her bedtime, he needs to talk about it with her. Or perhaps they could compromise, if her computer light is keeping her up she could go to another room. Or maybe he just misses her in bed at night, in which case they could compromise and maybe go to bed early some days and later other days. But ordering her when to hit the hay every night is inappropriate.
With so many People comments being negative I wonder what could possibly happen to the kids when they are out in public. You know just a day out and a stranger comes up to one of them and goes off on a rant about their mother. Its one thing to read it in print, its another to have someone rant in person. I truly hope this does happen, but who knows.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Finally !! U at last arrived! @PeopleMag....picked up several copies & made sure U got front & center exposure on the rack!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 4m
@TheAustinMartin @Kateplusmy8 Oh U #BigSpender Austin! LOL I bought 2just 4starters! I hope its turns out 2b one of the biggest editions!
So which is it, several or 2? Words have meanings, unless you're saying them to Kate?
I'm sure the store workers appreciates someone rearranging their magazines to the front and center rack. They probably have designated spots for magazines and will just have to move everything back as soon as MIlo leaves. Same for turning them around! Lol.
Becky LeBlanc @beckyx329 15m
Even though I only had 7 dollars I spent 4 on this because I just had to have it @Kateplusmy8 pic.twitter.com/TnZ4zqM2ba
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 10m
@beckyx329 Aww!Send it to me along w a self addressed/stamped envelope and I'll sign it/return it! http://www.kateplusmy8.com/ for address!
Kate's version of pinching pennies. Make a teen with little money pay postage both ways for a signed copy of the magazine.
Poor fan. Only 7 bucks to her name and Kate wants her to spend it all on postage.
I will give that fan 100 bucks if she asks Kate if Jon will sign it too.
I suspect that teen lives in Canada and will not be able to purchase the required U.S. return postage outside the USA.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 128
''Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 10m
@beckyx329 Aww!Send it to me along w a self addressed/stamped envelope and I'll sign it/return it! http://www.kateplusmy8.com/ for address!
''Kate's version of pinching pennies. Make a teen with little money pay postage both ways for a signed copy of the magazine.''
Thank you! It flew all over me when I read TFW's idea of being generous with a fan! It never even entered her mind to ask the fan to go to her site and leave the address so TFMJG could send her a signed copy! That woman makes me crazy. What a useless, stuck on stupid, waste of skin and space she is!
For the love of all that's holy, where are these sheep coming from? Kate...brilliant? She's had so many failures, going back to her show, Twist of Kate, the Paula thing, the cruise, clothing line, one cookbook, CC, The Stir!
If that's brilliant, then I'd hate to see what dumb would be!
Pattymcgregor @Tallncurvy 2m
@Kateplusmy8 you need to create & market organization tools for parents You're brilliant at it. Sell thru QVC & you'll be back in the money!
Pattymcgregor @Tallncurvy 2m
@Kateplusmy8 you need to create & market organization tools for parents
Peddling fertility drugs? I don't think that's a get rich quick scheme that works anymore.
What are organizational tools? A 3-ring binder, pen, some storage bins and a label maker?
Pioneer Woman gives away her shirts that she bought and never wore every so often. A couple days ago she gave away ten of them. And she frequently has movie trivia contests with the prizes being Amazon gift cards. She also randomly gives away Le Creuset pans, Kitchenaid mixers, knife sets, and a lot of other things.
And she always has a disclaimer at the end of the post stating that she is not being sponsored by any of the companies, she does this because she believes in the products and wants to share.
Then we have Kate who can't even spring for postage to send a magazine back to a teenaged fan.......
Washington, D.C. (August 16, 2013) - Editor's Note: TV's Answer Woman, aka Allison Moore, takes your questions regarding TV stars and shows. If you have a question about TV entertainment, ask TV's Answer Woman by sending an e-mail to swann@tvpredictions.com
Q. I read that Kate Gosselin has learned her lesson when it comes to reality TV shows. Do you believe her? Brian, Dunkirk, Maryland.
Brian, Kate Gosselin, who lost her TLC reality show two years ago, tells People Magazine that she's now making a living by "piecing and patching" a variety of projects together. She even says she's "living very carefully these days."
But, folks, make no mistake. If Kate can get another reality show, she will take it in a New York minute. The most dangerous place in America is to be between Kate Gosselin and a television camera.
In fact, she tells People that it's a "little scary" not to have a reliable income. In order words, TV producers, pitch, pitch, pitch.
Of course, there's some question as to whether Kate has worn out her welcome in America's living rooms. She tells People that her diva behavior hurt her reality show career and imposed damage on other aspects of her life.
But with her interview with People, which appears in the current issue, Kate is telling the world: I'm Back. I'm Rested. I'm Tan. And I'm ready for the cameras!
Thank you! It flew all over me when I read TFW's idea of being generous with a fan! It never even entered her mind to ask the fan to go to her site and leave the address so TFMJG could send her a signed copy! That woman makes me crazy. What a useless, stuck on stupid, waste of skin and space she is!
Hey, Remona, want to tell us how you really feel? lol!!
And she always has a disclaimer at the end of the post stating that she is not being sponsored by any of the companies, she does this because she believes in the products and wants to share.
Then we have Kate who can't even spring for postage to send a magazine back to a teenaged fan.......
I just read an article about a local Lancaster man who sank his life savings into a clothing line and he's taking it to Thailand to clothe the kids there, many of whom are orphans, as part of Project Hope Asia.
And Kate can't buy postage for a magazine.
@Truth_Teller201 @parker_scarlett @Kateplusmy8 The bullies probably used all their "sock" names to leave as many negative comments they can.
They're not this dumb. Please tell me they're not this dumb. Thousands and thousand of negative comments on various sites, and they're all coming from hater "socks." Oh, my gosh!
Isn't it soon time for the Chief Executive Ewe to go to bed with her two copies of Kate-on-the-Cover under her pillow? She's gotta get up early to get to that store to make sure that her purchases will account for a sell-out!
They're not this dumb. Please tell me they're not this dumb. Thousands and thousand of negative comments on various sites, and they're all coming from hater "socks." Oh, my gosh!
Delusional I guess. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that some people may have changed their name and left another comment, but there are 1,700 comments on the People article alone and thousands more on other web sites. That's just impossible for such a small group to do such a thing. And I'm sure People's web site would block you from doing that, if it sees a bunch of comments from one IP it would most likely recognize it as spam and stop you from doing so. And even if it were the case it's just a few people, wouldn't the socks have accomplished such an impressive feat I don't know, years ago? Why wait until now to suddenly post a gazillion comments? Um, a day late and a dollar short?
It should be noted many of the commentors are registered, regular People commentors who appear to have no connection or unusual knowledge about this situation. Many of them are men. It's not like most "regulars" here or elsewhere are men.
By the way it's a bit odd they printed the Jon interview two whole days after Kate's. I wonder if they panicked when they saw all the outrage and figured they might better print an interview with him too so they show both sides and crawl down out of the ass a bit--Kate Coyne has to have seen at least some of the comments about her and how absurd she is. That helps explain why two reporters were assigned to such a little article--they needed it done stat. Is it in the actual magazine?
The sheeple always say how juvenile it is to turn around the covers of magazines that feature TFW on the cover and claim that no store would allow that.
Yet, both Milo and Leigh proudly proclaimed that they covered up other magazine displays with the copies of People.
Leigh Shahan @LEIGHSHAHAN1 5h
@Kateplusmy8 I seen you today at the store! Shhhh i did a little rearranging!! 😜 pic.twitter.com/Euxtm3tlYe
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 38m
Making sure @Kateplusmy8 gets maximum exposure at the super market! http://twitpic.com/d8plm0 Got my copies! #Finally
So non-fans turn around covers, and fans cover-up other magazines--tell me, is there a difference? Yet the sheeple apparently think so.
It's both silly, though I have to admit rather amusing. I'd rather we battle over magazine covers than out each other.
I saw the People magazine in my local drugstore this morning and did a quick, power-read, so not much stuck. What did resonate with me though was the inside shot of Kate and the kids looking happy as clams. Based on her "piecing and patching", and feeling "scarey" about not having a regular income, she sure looks carefree!
I agree that putting all of them in white was a dumb idea, likely pitched to Kate as a selling feature and she took the advice. Dressing them all in white does project them as unit as Administrator suggests, but I found it distracting and a blur of blandness.
Virginia Pen Mom said... 115
I know guys like LOM, at least the way Milo describes him and quotes him. He thinks he's a real catch and that Kate's a little jealous that Milo has him. He wants to help Kate find a guy just as great as himself. He fancies himself a protector of helpless women--and every woman is helpless without a man. He's chauvinistic, which is why he jokes about Kate "bossing him around" and tells Milo when she's going to bed.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 121
That's exactly the way I see him. He's the kind of guy one of your high school girlfriends married and you wished she hadn't, the blowhard at the parties who makes everyone roll their eyes when he's bloviating.
August 16, 2013 at 5:28 PM
Oh, yes, yes, yes! THAT GUY.
And then Mr. and Mrs. Lights Out Kravitz wonder why all the neighbors move away in the dead of night. Abandoned houses all over Milo's neck o' the woods, lol.
Fortunately, they have each other. And Kate.
I got my copy of People in the mail today like West coastie. Pages 50 to 55. Article by Kate Coyne, photos by Brian Doben. At the bottom of page 52 in teeny tiny letters are credits: hair and makeup Deanna Bell, prop stylist Tara Marino, stylist Marie Blomquist. Kate dress Splendid. Cisterns clothing is listed by child, from Polo, Tommy Hilfiger, Nukutavaka, Mayoral, KC Parker, Hartstrings, Old Navy, Guess.
I got my copy of People in the mail today like West coastie. Pages 50 to 55. Article by Kate Coyne, photos by Brian Doben. At the bottom of page 52 in teeny tiny letters are credits: hair and makeup Deanna Bell, prop stylist Tara Marino, stylist Marie Blomquist. Kate dress Splendid. Cisterns clothing is listed by child, from Polo, Tommy Hilfiger, Nukutavaka, Mayoral, KC Parker, Hartstrings, Old Navy, Guess. I got my copy of People in the mail today like West coastie. Pages 50 to 55. Article by Kate Coyne, photos by Brian Doben. At the bottom of page 52 in teeny tiny letters are credits: hair and makeup Deanna Bell, prop stylist Tara Marino, stylist Marie Blomquist. Kate dress Splendid. Cisterns clothing is listed by child, from Polo, Tommy Hilfiger, Nukutavaka, Mayoral, KC Parker, Hartstrings, Old Navy, Guess.
Does it say who gave Aaden one tan arm and one white arm?
I haven't read through everyone's comments yet. But, it looks like Hannah (sitting girl to TFW's left) is holding part of a foot. By the way she is sitting, I believe, that would be physically impossible.
Here are a few quotes: ” her kitchen is tidy and nanny free. Her children are as cheery and orderly as Von Traps. No child approaches the counter until the previous one has been seated.” Talking about kids getting lunch.
There is a brief sidebar with nice photo that talks about ”Jons Low Key New Life” by Charlotte Triggs. That will probably not make any sheeple happy. ” much of the remaining tension between the two has to do with their clashing parenting styles” Jon does not have many rules.
” No longer employing caregivers or a housekeeper or bodyguard (erstwhile security sidekick Steve Nield is not in her employ) Kate had her kids pitching in whenever possible.” Talks about a fifty two point checklist for housecleaning that twins earJ money by doing, and the younger kids have separate chart including feeding dog.
No photos of chickens or dog, there is awkward posed photo of giant beach balls with TFMJG tossing a yellow one up while kids are poised around giant red one and smaller blue one.
Fortunately, they have each other. And Kate.
And a plethora of People magazines.
People article continued: very odd quote for kids that supposedly watch old episodes all the time. ” do I look different now than when I was on TV? I wish I could remember when I was a baby.” One says. Strange. ” the kids tell all” teaser on the cover is a big fat lie. There is very little directly quoted, the captions of individual photos are semi generic descriptions that could be any kid. One wants to be a teacher, one wants to live on a ranch, one likes school, one doesn't like school, one runs fast. one sentence in the article says TFMJG is natural with no makeup, but the article has a make up artist credited!
They should have put Oprah on the cover, at least she is in a good movie.
at the back of the mag is a two page spread on the Jolie-Pitt kids, that us an adorable group of six kids, from three races and three continents. One likes to cook, one likes horses, two have been in mom and dads movies, typical kids!
Novel rank gives sales numbers for Amazon. I have been curious about Barnes and Noble. I found this, for whatever it's worth.
Correlation between Rank and Sales Figures
From my research and asking around, it seems to follow something along these lines.
Sales Rank - Sales Per Week
150 - 1,200
200 - 500
500 - 200
1,000 - 80
5,000 - 50
8,000 - 40
20,000 - 20
50,000 - 10
100,000 - 5
her kitchen is tidy and nanny free. Her children are as cheery and orderly as Von Traps.
She herself has admitted they've had nannies and housekeepers and homework helpers forever, so I don't know what that nonsense is supposed to mean. No celeb in their right mind would have the nanny trooping around on display during a photoshoot. That's always conveniently your day off. I've helped prepare for many, but I've only actually seen a scant few. Can't have the nanny showing up in some article about mom of the year.
Has Kate Coyne seen The Sound of Music? The lesson in that was that the father needed to loosen up around the kids and stop treating them like they were midshipman and just relax, be with them, and love them. They just want your love, Captain, I believe is the line.
Leigh Shahan @LEIGHSHAHAN1 5h
@Kateplusmy8 I seen you today at the store! Shhhh i did a little rearranging!! �� pic.twitter.com/Euxtm3tlYe
Fans really seem to have a problem with the verb, see.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 1h
@Kateplusmy8 QVC should be your next venture. Don't know what you'll sell but I'm sure your fans will give you some ideas.
How about the gifts that fans left for her at the gate?
She's already sold the kids.
Sleepless, the contents page just gives photo credit to Brian Doben again. No credit for bad Photoshop! I need to send a letter to the editor about that oversight!
Why is it that most of these Kate lovers are teenyboppers? I've been looking at the timeline, and my gosh, these are kids! Young kids!
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 137
''Hey, Remona, want to tell us how you really feel? lol!''
I'd love to tell you how I really feel about that idiot, but this blog really doesn't like obscenities!
Cursing is my second language, and saying
''Thank you! It flew all over me when I read TFW's idea of being generous with a fan! It never even entered her mind to ask the fan to go to her site and leave the address so TFMJG could send her a signed copy! That woman makes me crazy. What a useless, stuck on stupid, waste of skin and space she is!''
was a very good example of my superhuman restraint out of respect for this blog!
So, does this photo shoot, seem weird? Everyone in white, in a field, where there is grass, dirt, with 3 inflatable super large color balls? HUH
Is it suppose to be, fresh innocents, opening to color? Blooming? I don't get it! A better shoot, would have been showing what the kids have been doing for the last 4 years> like sports, art work, interests? But a field, with grass, 3 large inflatable balls, dressed in white? And Kate being natural no make-up, then why was Deanna there, to help, take care of kids?
Sleepless In Seattle said... 151
Fortunately, they have each other. And Kate.
And a plethora of People magazines.
Unfortunately, the magazines are not intact, but rather the cover is taped on walls, mirrors and in the shower stall.
What is TFMJG? The Former ? ? ? ....Bueller? Also, to have her $tupid coupon site, doesn't TFW (I know THAT is The Former Wife, LOL) have to pay *** $500 *** per month to the company who runs it? TFW is a desperate ass.
” her kitchen is tidy and nanny free. Her children are as cheery and orderly as Von Traps. No child approaches the counter until the previous one has been seated.”
Yeah... That really sounds like a lighthearted carefree family meal where everyone has fun exchanging about their day...
” her kitchen is tidy and nanny free. Her children are as cheery and orderly as Von Traps. No child approaches the counter until the previous one has been seated.”
Hopefully they don't have to goose step.
Sometimes these fans are really good for a belly laugh!
ANDREW WAL$H @AndrewWalsh_ 14m
Was just in CVS & I can't believe how big everyone has gotten!
Is it me, or did I have too many rumspringas tonight? Look at Hannah's right arm. In what kind of a weird position is it bent? It looks like the bottom part of her arm, which is lighter than the top, belongs to someone else. I can't figure out how that is all her arm. The top part is also darker than her left arm.
Thanks TLC Stinks @136 that was a great little article. Allison Moore sure has TFW's number.
My son is home from a busy day of stocking shelves at Costco (and going out with coworkers after work). So, how did People magazine fare? He said the cashiers were talking about how only one person actually bought it, and she got 6 copies. What does anyone need 6 copies for? And the ones on the rack kept getting turned backward. I asked, "Did you turn them back forward like you were supposed to?" He answered, "No! Do you really think I wanted to see at that face every time I passed by? I just pretended I didn't notice".
No devil horns or goatees yet, but it's only Friday.
Costco must be different depending on the region of the country. I've never seen magazine racks in Costco.
A better shoot, would have been showing what kids have been doing for the last 4 years> like sports, art work, interests?
I'm actually kinda pleased they stayed away from more information about the kids. That's the only good thing I take away. The info that was printed was at least generic.
Come to think of it our Costco doesn't either. It's just a stand alone ramp and checkout station. No candy, gift cards and no magazines. Nothing.
She talked about a fifty two point checklist for housecleaning that twins do. Holy Cow. Are the twins her own personal housecleaning service since she says she doesn't have a housekeeper anymore. All kids need chores but this sounds extreme. Remember when Mady said all they knew was work. I guess nothing has changed.
Yes, Tweet. Or answer to a high pitched navy whistle!
There are no magazine racks at the registers in Canadian Costcos either.
I doubt the cashiers would even notice what they're ringing thru. They go thru SO much stuff. People around here shop at Costco in bulk, not to just get milk.
No magazines in the Costcos in our area either.
What does 52 points mean? Not 52 separate chores?? My god, they're not her personal housekeepers. They didn't ask for 7000 square feet.
Have the kids been photoshopped to look more "white" and thus more Kate-like? None of them seems to have their natural skin tone especially after having spent months in the sun swimming in the pool. Maybe it's just poor lighting or maybe it's just me, but it makes me go hmmmmm.
What does 52 points mean? Not 52 separate chores?? My god, they're not her personal housekeepers. They didn't ask for 7000 square feet.
I googled 52 point housecleaning checklist and some cleaning services came up with their checklist. It is quite a detailed list. I hope she is not making the twins do all that!
That picture is nothing but photo shopped. There is no way they stood as a group and had that picture taken together. Like TFW's comment it has been piece mealed together.
Costco here does not have the magazines by the check out stands like grocery store do, they tend to be in a square rack by the book section.
TFW seems to have forgotten who her demographics are. typically young teeny boppers who are not shopping for the items TFW is sharing on her coupon site, or they are from out of country and therefore will nnot be able to access or use her coupons..
Whatever happened to photoshopping the kids out of pics here?
Realitytvkids.com blurs the children's faces in photos. Please join us in giving them their privacy back.
Our Costco has magazines but not by the checkout lanes. They're in a square magazine rack, usually near the books although they do move it around.
I'm in northern CA.
Sounds like the article was CWS revisited in terms of no nanny, housekeeper, laundry person or gardener seen and the kids doing chores.
My Costco in Canada does indeed have a magazine rack and sells the mags highly discounted.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 35m
@Mydmaxx @Kateplusmy8 @peoplemag I know....store here just got them in! Will be sold out by 2morrow!
I remember last year on Black Friday, the mobs of people standing behind locked doors at 4 am. Soon as the doors were opened, the mobs of people practically trampling over people and running. I can imagine that the sheeple have the same image in their head as mobs of people run from the entrance to the magazine racks as they fight others to get their very own copy of People magazine. Gotta love these sheep!
Gigi ( it's not allowing me to post my name)
White Organza said... 162
” her kitchen is tidy and nanny free. Her children are as cheery and orderly as Von Traps. No child approaches the counter until the previous one has been seated.”
Yeah... That really sounds like a lighthearted carefree family meal where everyone has fun exchanging about their day...
So, is this about how they eat their meals? Wow, highly regimented cafeteria style dining. WTH?
How about teaching them how to eat family style? You know, how to pass plates and bowls and serve yourself and wait to eat until everyone has their food?
And what's with the Nanny-Free crap?
Hey, People Magazine idiots-- my mom's kitchen was always "nanny free". Yep, she was the Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.
Crazy, I know. It's how us mediocre's live.
"Some may not attach as much significance to it that I do but I think this idea her husband orders her when to go to bed is a huge red flag."
Oh, it's her husband whom she refers to as "Lights Out Man"? How bizarre. I would have assumed she was living in an institution or something.
The Von Trapp children were MISERABLE being so orderly.
VERY poor choice of words by Kate Coyne. It just makes Jon look more like Maria, giving freedom and love to all of the children, while Kate is the "Stick up her Ass" Captain who was away all the time and awful to live with while he was home.
I found a 49 point checklist and all the things on it would take me all weekend to do. Children are not your personal maids. A few age appropriate chores are fine but their job is to go to school and learn and participate in extracurricular activities and learn socialization skills with friends and heaven forbid play once in awhile. The point of chores is not so much you get to have a sparkling clean house because you popped out a litter of little maids, but rather teaching the child responsibility.
They're going to start resenting this big house rather than thanking Mommy for it. It makes complete sense now what Mady said about how all she's ever done is work. From filming to mom's personal assistant/housekeeper/nanny/house manager. Poor kids.
librarylady said... 93
I see Jon gets a blurb, too. Comments are interesting...
You know, it's just sad that J+K are just barely communication about "logistics". Grow the eff up!
I have no idea whether it's all Kate, or partially Jon, but these people are parents who should be constantly co-parenting. Texting as progress? Set the bar higher, you morons!
Whoever has "looming money woes" because they've got their kids colleges funded needs to pull their head out of their butt. Who can say they've got 8 college funds, let alone 1, when their kids are 9?
Someone call a whaaaaambuance.
Katykat said... 186
The Von Trapp children were MISERABLE being so orderly.
VERY poor choice of words by Kate Coyne.
Exactly. The Von Trapp kids were like the Osmonds or Jacksons-- put to work to pay the bills.
Their father was a militaristic dolt until Maria came into the picture.
A 52 point checklist for the household chores? Holy crap! I was responsible for my bedroom, helped with the dishes, raked leaves etc. But no way was my mother keeping a 52 point checklist that I had to do day in and day out. That's just nuts.
I'm so glad Jon is there for the kids to show them how to live without so many ridiculous rules. Spilled milk is just that, spilled milk.
Big deal.
The thing is, I think Kate is really a slob. She wants everything in order if other people do it, but her personal space, her bedroom, looks like a disaster area.
I have to say, both J+K need to shut up about how much food the kids consume and how expensive it is. Who cares if the kids ate 4 lbs of shrimp? Not that much between 6-8 kids.
Wait until those boys become teens. They will eat you out of house and home.
I just imagine that some of the kids will feel like they're a burden because there are so many of them. Like when Kate had her meltdown on the plane when they were diverted due to weather. "There's just too many of us!".
Shut up. Figure it out. Be the grown up and stop burdening children with adult problems!
Who can say they've got 8 college funds, let alone 1, when their kids are 9?
Someone call a whaaaaambuance.
This is really starting to bug me too. They have many years left to save for college, the kids can chip in too, and what's more why do they think they are ENTITLED to college funds? College is outrageously expensive and it's getting to the point where many people just can't afford them. They would rather the children have all their needs met and be comfortable, and college will just have to be something to deal with later.
Many, many children will enter college with them without college funds. It's become something only the wealthy or the militantly careful can manage to scrape together. They'll figure it out. There's loans, scholarships, and with their family size, it will work out easier than for many families of 2 or 3. It is not our problem they didn't properly manage their money so they will have fully funded college funds in 10 years. Heck, maybe knowing college will be tight will motivate the children to try even harder in school to get those scholarships they need. They might not bother if they know college is a free ride.
As for choring, as kids we were all expected to help set the table and clean up after dinner, parents helped too and with everyone pitching in, it was done in 10 minutes flat. Then it was homework time at our desks, where kids SHOULD be after dinner. When that was done it was your free time to play, watch T.V., read, whatever. Saturday mornings was cleaning day and we FAIRLY divided the house and rotated so no one was stuck with anything nasty over and over again. Except my dad, the saint that he was, would always volunteer to do the bathroom because he knew how much it grossed out the rest of us and he didn't mind. It really worked out to about one or two rooms tops per person and but a few hours on a Saturday morning. Then the weekend was ours. The limited upkeep of the house during the week was done by the PARENTS. We were in school and busy with activities and it was not our JOB to maintain the house. Plus when everyone is expected to clean up after themselves, which usually takes two seconds, there isn't much upkeep in the first place.
My life was not spent doing chores and our house was very clean. Of course it was about 1700 square feet, not 7000. What is the point in spending your life making a house spick and span if you never get to relax and have fun?
Long time reader here .... I read the People article in the store last night (nope didn't buy it, stood there and read it!), haven't seen anyone yet mention the part (and I'm not quoting directly here) where the twins were in a store and a lady followed them, even into the restroom, telling them she was had always been a fan, loved the family, etc. It didn't say what happened after that. Also one of the blurbs set out from the article, Kate says (again not quoting, going from memory) something like, everyone says the show harmed the kids, but see they are very happy kids. Well TFW (and Jon), the lady following the twins? THAT is how the show and resulting attention has harmed the kids!
) where the twins were in a store and a lady followed them, even into the restroom, telling them she was had always been a fan, loved the family, etc.
What! That is creepy. I would have called the police. Following a minor child into a restroom and hounding them about what a fan you are? What is WRONG with people?
You know it's scary enough to have a teenage daughter with all the news about young people like Hannah Andersen. But imagine having a teenager daughter that many people recognize and know and seek out.
As OP said, THAT is how the children have been harmed. God bless them and I hope they have good street smarts and don't hesitate to call the police the second someone gets out of hand. I fear for them.
Yup, TFW most definitely decided on the positioning of those kids in the pic. She's disgusting. Speaking from my own experience, she plays those kids against each other. If "A" or "C" are growing up feeling like the "black sheep" or less than their siblings, there's a good chance they'll just prove her right. Kind of like "well if you SAY I'm ...(fill in the blank)loud, rough, disruptive, mean etc. then I will BE all those things." Basically a thorn in their mother's side(my brother ended up on this path) And then she can wallow in her misery and say "SEE WHAT YOU'VE PUT "ME" THROUGH? YOU'VE BEEN LIKE THIS SINCE YOU WERE A KID" (quoting my mother)
She is looking ruffff! Too funny they didn't photoshop her MULTIPLE marionette lines out, bahaha!
Choice wording "cabin"-I don't recall the blogger who interviewed Jon implying it was basically a dump. Coin-head is implying this. Could have added "rustic" "rural" "cozy" "comfortable"
"He comes over once a week for dinner, and every other weekend to spend the night with them."-that sounds like she's saying HE stays over at the compound to spend the night.
They'll figure it out. There's loans, scholarships, and with their family size, it will work out easier than for many families of 2 or 3. It is not our problem they didn't properly manage their money so they will have fully funded college funds in 10 years. Heck, maybe knowing college will be tight will motivate the children to try even harder in school to get those scholarships they need. They might not bother if they know college is a free ride.
Personally, I think all kids need some skin in the game.
Working in high school and taking out student loans is a good thing.
The thing is, all the kids are too far behind the 8 ball to even think about getting a sports scholarship and I just don't think any is an Einstein in the making.
Sorry-- just being honest here.
Yikes! They're.... mediocre!
And again, I can not abide by either Jon or Kate bellyaching about food costs. They've had more free food than anyone could get in 5 lifetimes. It's only going to get worse, if you want to see your kids grow.
Suck it up, buttercups! Those kids got you your fame and fortune, so stop complaining about feeding them.
Here is the exact quote about the housekeeping. ” the laminated core charts posted i'm her kitchen today are not for the faint of heart. A full page 52 point checklist details how the house is to be cleaned; M&C earn $1 for each item completed. An additional 10 item checklist on the refrigerator for the twins carries a fine print disclaimer threatening $1 fines for each item not completed, as well as the removal of IPhones and IPads based on” attitude and response”. The younger kids also have a chart focusing on general tidying up of the kitchen and three feeding of the family dog Shoka; in the summer pool maintenance is added.”
To dispel the image of a slave labor camp, the writer segues into the next paragraph with a description of happy googling animated children clearing the lunch dishes and just being delightful with their visitors.
JM said... 191
Long time reader here .... I read the People article in the store last night (nope didn't buy it, stood there and read it!), haven't seen anyone yet mention the part (and I'm not quoting directly here) where the twins were in a store and a lady followed them, even into the restroom, telling them she was had always been a fan, loved the family, etc. It didn't say what happened after that. Also one of the blurbs set out from the article, Kate says (again not quoting, going from memory) something like, everyone says the show harmed the kids, but see they are very happy kids. Well TFW (and Jon), the lady following the twins? THAT is how the show and resulting attention has harmed the kids.
WHAT? TFW is quoted as saying this? SEE! There is the proof she is INSANE. We/us on THIS side of the crazy train KNOW this as absolutely UNACCEPTABLE. SHE on the other hand spills it like "See how people just LOVE LOVE LOVED US?"
pfft! (I spit on her)
JM said... 191
Long time reader here .... I read the People article in the store last night (nope didn't buy it, stood there and read it!), haven't seen anyone yet mention the part (and I'm not quoting directly here) where the twins were in a store and a lady followed them, even into the restroom, telling them she was had always been a fan, loved the family, etc. It didn't say what happened after that
As we've always said, it the fans that should worry that family, not us detractors.
I will never attempt to contact any of them, nor would I approach them in any setting. Kudos to Admin for not having the flesh melt off her face when she deigned to ask Kate about filming (in light the the "Gosselin" law).
Yet, knowing how her children will be in danger and knowing that a pedophile had unfettered access to raw footage of her children, Kate puts the kids on the front cover of People magazine (wonder how much $$ she gets for the photos), to be ogled at every grocery store checkout across North America.
She disgusts me.
Suck it up, buttercups! Those kids got you your fame and fortune, so stop complaining about feeding them.
KM that anecdote about the girls being followed into the ladies room was kinda scary. There was not any resolution to it, it was just a brief story about a weird lady, word from the girls perspective.
Also the brief interview with Jon does note the kids come to his house. That other story that mentioned Jon coming to the estate was completely wrong, just an example of sloppy paraphrasing from another publications writer.
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