Tuesday, August 6, 2013

TLC's 'Raising Fame' looks at horrid stage moms

'My childhood was taken from me by this industry'

In a rather ironic turn, TLC's newest reality show looks at none other than child actors and their mothers. Raising Fame premieres Wednesday. Check local listings.


613 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 1

Silimom, do you recognize the redheaded mom and her daughter from the documentary you told us about?

Is that the same girl??? Sounds like if she can't make it being famous, she'll make it on documentaries ABOUT trying to get famous!

Silimom said... 2

That was the first thing I noticed, Admin. It is indeed Presley Cash aka Megan Haun. Her IMDB page shows she's done a lot of interviews but not a great deal of acting.

I remember watching that documentary and wondering how a mother could seperate her daughter from her dad like that, how a wife could be away from her husband so long. And for what? A slimmer than none chance at fame.

My now 21 year old went through a phase of wanting to model and audition at one of those "Barbizan" style events. I told her if she wanted to do children's community theater or drama at school that was fine but all those types of "casting call" auditions you hear advertised on the radio are simply people trying to sell you acting, singing and dancing lessons at exorbitant prices. I told her I knew it sucked to have a parent who's major was music and who's aunt was a drama teacher but she had to trust me on this - the easy roads to fame are few and far between. It takes years of hard work to even get your foot in the door.

There are kids who genuinely love acting and performing. But I find, as a teacher, that a lot of people just want a quick way to make it on American Idol etc. They don't really want to be an actor/actress or singer/musician. They don't want to put in the hard work.

It's kind of sad, really. It doesn't help that, at least in CA, fine arts programs have been cut to the point of extinction in many districts.

Sorry to get on my soap box.

Silimom said... 3

Great article about Ms. Cash and her mom appearing on Anderson.

I loved this quote - Kate take note:

Anderson also pointed out the difference between an 18-year-old moving to LA and working as a waiter to make ends meet while auditioning, and Presley's arrival aged eight.
'That's an adult making a decision. But an eight-year-old saying "oh yeah I want to be an actress" and you picking up and moving there...' he started.


Tucker's Mom said... 4

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 184
OT so scroll on by if you'd like. Just had to say after so much talk about TFW's recipes I went out to dinner tonight with a good buddy and I had what was called an "Albondigas" appetizer. I've lived in this area for 10 years and always avoided that word but learned how to pronounce it tonight!
Yes, delisioso!
Albondigas are meatballs in Mexican cuisine. In Italy, they are called polpette (pole-PET-tay) and of course, we call them meatballs.
Albondigas are typically served in soup, similar to the Italian version (escarole soup, wedding soup) with little meatballs, or polpettine.
One of the things I've find interesting about food is that the same theme can carry through different cuisines around the world. To go further abroad, Chinese have lion's head soup (the lions' heads being the meatballs) and Singapore has fish ball soup.
Stuffed pasta and stuffed cabbage are other dishes that span the globe in different iterations.
Fascinating stuff.

JoyinVirginia said... 5

Thanks for the heads up about this show admin. I will add this to the list of TLC shows I don't watch. Unless a clip makes it onto The Soup with Joel McHale!

Jumping In said... 6

This is where Kate's 'single parent' moniker blows up in her face. The only reason TFW hasn't relocated to L.A. is because the FATHER of her children has parental rights. I bet Kate would be pushing Mady, who does show interest in acting, just to get something going again. The irony is Kate is stuck in rural Pennsylvania because her ex-husband has some say over his children's proximity to him. The husband she refuses to acknowledge even exists, does have some hold over Kate.

If Mady does have a desire to act, I think she should follow Silimom's sound advise, and put in the work hard locally to achieve her dream.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 7

MsGoody is sending TFW job leads now:

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 4h
@Kateplusmy8 RT @WMetcalfeNWEM: we're looking for a celebrity to endorse a public health/safety campaign #JournoRequest

I remember when she tweeted Ron Howard that TFW was available after her show was cancelled and that he should offer her something quick before someone else did. How embarrassing, not that TFW minds her fans interceding.

Formerly Duped said... 8

There were a couple of shows on kids and ambitious parents several years back, one being Showbiz Moms and Dads...anyone see it? It was really good. An update was shown a few years later and only one child had 'made' it even to a small extent. Sad how the parents would spend food money and give no time to the siblings to try to promote the kids, who were ambivalent at best, or trying to please their parents.

NJGal51 said... 9

If all else fails pull out the bully card. Here's a quote from the article.

"After the taping today, the teenager who appeared last year in a Taylor Swift video for the single 'Mean', tweeted: 'Anderson Cooper and Kelly Cutrone bullies my mom and I on national tv. It's airing tomorrow.'"

Tucker's Mom said... 10

NJGal51 said... 7
If all else fails pull out the bully card. Here's a quote from the article.
The word "bully" has become trite. In fact, I think it tops the "Trite Word List".
"Jealous" comes in second.

From this blog, I watched a show on Pilot Season (was it called that or something else?). It was unreal how these (mostly) moms would haul their "showbiz wannabe" kid (sometimes with a tag along sibling or two) of to LA for 'pilot season" in hopes of landing something, ANYTHING in showbiz, all the while, throwing away all of their savings and dashing any hopes of a college fund.
The saddest part was watching a mother join the Scientology cult in order to get her daughter in a Scientology promo. It that's not selling your soul, I don't know what is.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 11

Andersen did a great job calling out a mother for blowing her child's college fund in their quest for fame.

Somewhere along the way, telling people the cold hard truth got confused for "bullying."

OrangeCrusher1 said... 12

I don't think any of the kids has a real desire to act, or work - it's TFW who wants to be out there, and so she may have sold one or two on the fun perks of being back in front of a camera. The operative word is work - not happening if she has to actually do some. She still thinks people are going to come to her again. Uh-uh, not happening, not in LA, not in rural PA.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 13

That documentary about pilot season also touched on all the scams out there. People would promise parents their little Priestly is going to be the next big Kardashian and next thing you know Priestly's mother is paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars on sub-par head shots, acting lessons, consultants and the like. That documentary was really hard to watch. They have no incentive to say look lady, Priestly's talent if any is mediocre at best and she doesn't stand a chance. They don't make money that way. It's a pretty big scam and so many kids are getting sucked into it. Only a handful of those hundreds of kids staying in that hotel together ever got any work and only a few of those ever get any lasting work.

Call Me Crazy said... 14

NJGal51 said... 9
If all else fails pull out the bully card. Here's a quote from the article.

"After the taping today, the teenager who appeared last year in a Taylor Swift video for the single 'Mean', tweeted: 'Anderson Cooper and Kelly Cutrone bullies my mom and I on national tv. It's airing tomorrow.'"

That teen's mom should have spent her money on grammar lessons instead.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 15

That teen's mom should have spent her money on grammar lessons instead.


Well, she dropped out of school to chase all of 10 seconds in a Taylor Swift video. Sigh.

A Pink Straight Jacket For TFW said... 16

Thanks for posting "Raising Fame", administrator.

I will definitely watch this program.

I hope TFW & her sheep tune in as well.

Dmasy said... 17

My DVR is set to go. Thanks for the heads up on another good program.

Ironically, Raising Fame airs immediately after Honey Boo Boo and Toddlers and Tiaras.

JoyinVirginia said... 18

New definition of bully (verb): to disagree with an action or opinion and verbalize this disagreement; to refrain from enthusiastically endorsings someone's opinion; to point out a person's unrealistic or irrational thoughts or actions.
Example: Dr Phil told the mother she was spending money needed to support her family on acting lessons for her three year old and the mother said Dr Phil was bullying her.

localyocul said... 19

A random tweet:

Jenny Harner ‏@JLHarner 37m
The awesomeness of Tomie dePaola coming to the Balt Book Fest balances out the ridiculousness of Kate Gosselin being there.

SeeSaw said... 20

I've been out of town and catching up on posts.

I see someone was posting as "SeeSaw" yesterday.

Not me. I've never posted without my avatar.


LB said... 21

The momagers are forgetting one thing. Some of the people who made it had been honing their skills since childhood and working the local circuit. Look at Pink or Christina Arguilla. They started when they were small kids. I forgot which one, but she went to local talent shows and was recongized for her talent. To think they will be the next Kim Kardashini instantly is just so silly!

FYI said... 22

Here are a couple of clips from when Presley and her mother appeared on Anderson Cooper Live in May 2012.




They've been in LA for 8 years and it doesn't look like Presley"s "career" is going anywhere. I just wonder at what point would they pack it all in and call it a day. What would make them realize that the "dream" isn't happening?

Or will they just continue spending money hoping for Presley's big break?

JoyinVirginia said... 23

Hi SeeSaw! I didn't think that sounded like you. whenever someone posts about ”humble brag” I get suspicious.

JoyinVirginia said... 24

Dmasy, love the avatar! That brings back lots of memories.

Tucker's Mom said... 25

They've been in LA for 8 years and it doesn't look like Presley"s "career" is going anywhere
I agree with the woman who said that chasing her daughter's "dream" of stardom is a convenient excuse to disengage from her family and marriage.

Thank you for the clips. I'll watch them in a bit.

Dmasy said... 26

Joy, thank you. I had to get ready for Tim Gunn and your party!

Tucker's Mom said... 27

JoyinVirginia said... 23
Hi SeeSaw! I didn't think that sounded like you. whenever someone posts about ”humble brag” I get suspicious.
Yes, thanks for clearing it up!
Good to see you!

FYI said... 28

Joy-Don't know if you've heard, but just want to let you know that DWTS will be announcing their new cast on Sep. 4, on GMA.

Rumors are that Paula Deen turned it down and won't be one of the celebrities.

Silimom said... 29

Tucker's Mom - that's the documentary this girl, Presley Cash, is in. It's called "The Hollywood Complex", if anyone is interested. You can probably rent it from Netflix. It doesn't look like they have it on their streaming package anymore, unfortunately. Or you can rent it on iTunes or buy it on Amazon.

getofftwitter said... 30

Toddlers & Tiaras, have taken a turn this season. There is more drama with their daughters, and more drama with the moms. Some of these kids come off as pure brats, the moms as drama queens. Even one getting violent, and the cops showing up. Toddlers & Tiaras is becoming a train wreck. On some old Wife Swap, there were a couple of shows, where they had the stage parents, parents who think their kids have talent to the extreme leaving out the rest of the family. For sports, and music. Even one family headed by a dad who thinks his kids have talent and should be on TV, and forces them to play in a band and practice giving interviews, and talking into cameras. Or the one that has 8-9 kids and the 12 year old is a rap star(never heard of him) and the rest of the kids are ignored and are told to support their brother. Not even giving time or support to the other kids for their dreams or activities. Shameful.
They are those parents who are living through their kids, the things they never got to do. It's like watching that movie: Gypsy with Natalie Wood, the story of Gypsy Rose Lee.Talk about stage mothers, and living through their children, even when the kids did not want it any more or never wanted show biz. Forced into it to fill mommas dreams.

getofftwitter said... 31

LB> like the Osmonds, Jacksons, started out as kids. Even though a couple of years ago, we found out that half of both families, would had rather had a normal child/teen hood. Both families(the parents) pushed their kids into the business. Donny Osmond even said, he was pushed into it and told to do it to help support the family. Jacksons, do it or you will be punished. Kids that had no choice. They both are survivors. These parents now don't understand or want to understand the effects, this will have on their kids later. They are in it for the money & fame. Kate has lots of company.

SeeSaw said... 32

Thank you, Joy.
Sorry I missed your party. Looked like it was a great time.

Over And Out said... 33

kateisthebest ‏@kateisthebest1 17m
@Kateplusmy8 i am so sorry to ask again but could you also send a beautiful picture of your kids for me

kateisthebest ‏@kateisthebest1 21m
@Kateplusmy8 i love you so much you have inspired me so much your kids it would also mean so much for you to say hi to me thanks so much

It may just be me, but I think it's creepy to want photos of someone's kids that you don't even know. If you want to see the Gosselin kids, go to the website. What do you do with a picture of the kids -- print it out, frame it, and set it on the coffee table?

silimom said... 34

I think it's a hard line. There are some students I've had who had real talent and they take lessons and practice all so they can really hone their natural gifts. These students are the ones going to the local performing arts magnet high school, performing in their churches and local community theater productions, and they enjoy what they do. It's what they spend most of their time doing.

It's the same for kids that are good at science, math, computers, sports, etc. You get kids who hyper focus and that's what they spend their time on. And if it's the kid pursuing it, that's okay, in my opinion. As a parent, you give them the opportunities to explore and develop these interests but you should always let the child be the guide.

That being said, I think there is value in making kids stick with a choice. I've had a lot of students over the years, and some just want to take music lessons because friends are doing it and after a month they decide they want to do something else. As parents, we always made sure our kids knew that if they wanted to try something that was fine but then they had to stick with it for 6 months to a year. This helped us all put our time and energy into things they really wanted to pursue.

I often tell new students to give it three months. I advise parents to use that time to evaluate how their child is responding - are they practicing willingly or do you have to push? Do they want to come to lessons or is it a fight to get them to come? At three months, they should have enough information to know if this is an activity that is worthwhile for their child to pursue.

Ex Nurse said... 35

I watched Hollywood Complex when it aired on cable. One of my neighbor's child has done a lot of local acting and a talent rep approached her family. She has had some TV parts and was cast in a pilot that wasn't picked up. They live on a quiet block in Seattle and she maintains a normal life. There is zero chance that either parent would bank their future on this child's earning potential. she is an only child, so if she does get a part, one of her parents can accompany her. But, never, would they just quit their jobs and pour tons of money on the off-chance that she will hit it big.

Over And Out said... 36

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 I agree....Kate stands way above N her example as a mother 2her kids! Lives & works w/integrity! #KATEROCKS

Really, Milo? Is it a good example for your kids to see their mother go to a bar, let a stranger lick your foot, get smashed, wake up with a hangover, and put it on film for the a multitude of viewers to see? Is it a good example for your kids to see you as a grand champion of parental alienation, trashing their father on Twitter...allowing vile and disgusting comments about their father to appear on your timeline? Is it a good example for your kids to call someone like BV your hero and friend -- are those the kinds of people you'd want your children to associate with? After all, you're setting the example. What will they think of you when they find out that you bilked hundreds of church-goers out of their hard-earned money while simultaneously settling on a million dollar home? They will find out...you can bet on it.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 Govt. assistance is no shame when honest & needed! Thankful G's have Kate working hard/hustling 2care of them!

Kate works? What exactly is it that Kate does?

It seems that in every tweet that Milo sends out she manages to somehow include Kate, whether it's about a pet, cooking government assistance or whatever. I wonder if her whole life revolves around Kate. When she goes to bed at night, does she think...is Kate wearing a nightgown or pajamas tonight? Did the kids have a snack tonight? Was it popcorn or granola bars? If she goes to the grocery store, does she tell the person ahead of her in line that she really should be buying organic because that's what Kate Gosselin does? If she goes to the salon, does she gush over Kate's beautiful blond hair and wants her hair to be exactly the same color?

It's just so bizarre. Is there a cure for Celebrity Worship Syndrome? I can't find an answer online -- only the psychological symptoms and dangers. How is one weaned from this obsession?

Sheri said... 37

Over And Out said...(33)

kateisthebest ‏@kateisthebest1 17m
@Kateplusmy8 i am so sorry to ask again but could you also send a beautiful picture of your kids for me

kateisthebest ‏@kateisthebest1 21m
@Kateplusmy8 i love you so much you have inspired me so much your kids it would also mean so much for you to say hi to me thanks so much

"It may just be me, but I think it's creepy to want photos of someone's kids that you don't even know. If you want to see the Gosselin kids, go to the website. What do you do with a picture of the kids -- print it out, frame it, and set it on the coffee table?"


Believe me, it's not just you Over. I often wonder if these aren't sock accounts. I mean, it's just so over the top ridiculous.

Exactly, what do these people want with pics of the Gosselin kids anyway? Like you said, "frame it and set it on the coffee table"? Creepy doesn't begin to describe it.


Ex Nurse said... 38

Some kids seem to be destined for fame. They have tons of talent and charisma and are willing to work hard to succeed. One of my daughter's best friends had a recording contract at afe 17. Her album was critically well-received, but she was dropped. All of that album were songs that she had written before age 15, and she played all of the instruments and did all of the vocals herself. It was a huge disappointment, but, over the next few years, she has become one of the too song-writers in the business, and is releasing a new album and touring nationally. She works her butt off, and is unbelievably persistent and genuine. If this album doesn't take off, she has a songwriting career--she has written for any top artists, including Britney Spears, Keisha and Katy Perror. She has had 8 Grammy nominated songs and won numerous music industry awards. She learned about the importance of collaboration and making a name for yourself by being dependable and low-maintenance.

We are all extremely excited for her new album and opportunities. She has always had a star quality, but, sometimes that is not enough.

Ex Nurse said... 39

That was supposed to Katy Perry!

Over And Out said... 40

Someone was tweeting last night that Robert's book is going to be re-released soon. The article, though, was Jessica Carlson's and it was an old one. I couldn't find anything on Robert's blog about it. Does anyone know anything about it?

Tweet-le...did you see that?

Over And Out said... 41

JoyinVirginia said... 23
Hi SeeSaw! I didn't think that sounded like you. whenever someone posts about ”humble brag” I get suspicious.
Yes, thanks for clearing it up!
Good to see you!


So it was just a troll doing a little stirring of the proverbial pot? Why would someone do that?
Welcome back, See Saw!

Silimom said... 42

Over and over - there are people who collect photos from celebs. It's a way they feel connected and special. If a celeb sends them a signed pic, it means that celeb took time out of their life to do something nice for this random fan.

I don't collect them, but I know others who have. I've known people who have been avid fans of authors, actors/actresses, and musicians. I've known people who have followed musicians around the country, who fly in for concerts in other states, who travel to book signings, go to red carpet events. I don't always get it - I'd spend my time and money differently - but I do understand enjoying being part of a community. After all, that's what we are here. :-)

chefsummer #Leh said... 43

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 Govt. assistance is no shame when honest & needed! Thankful G's have Kate working hard/hustling 2care of them!

Kate works? What exactly is it that Kate does?

Exactly what is her job and where is she employed?

chefsummer #Leh said... 44

Ronnie ‏@RonnieGoldRush 2h
@Kateplusmy8 I'm 27 years old. I'm looking for a single mom with at least 8 kids. Will you marry me?

Watch out Milo & Irshfan you might have competition for TFW.

Sheri said... 45

Silimom said...(42)

"Over and over - there are people who collect photos from celebs. It's a way they feel connected and special. If a celeb sends them a signed pic, it means that celeb took time out of their life to do something nice for this random fan.

I don't collect them, but I know others who have. I've known people who have been avid fans of authors, actors/actresses, and musicians. I've known people who have followed musicians around the country, who fly in for concerts in other states, who travel to book signings, go to red carpet events. I don't always get it - I'd spend my time and money differently - but I do understand enjoying being part of a community. After all, that's what we are here. :-)"


I know you weren't addressing me Silimom but since I already put my 2 cents in in response to Over's first post, I thought I'd add another 2.

I don't think it's creepy that people collect pics of their favourite celebs in general. Like you I don't do it myself but I do know a few who do. (Daughter and Hubby for two.)

What I think is creepy is wanting pics of the children. Why didn't this fan ask for a pic of Kate? Why don't any of them? Why is it always just the kids?

They gush how Kate inspires them and motivates them, they remark how fit she is, how pretty (gag) etc... But they never ask for an autographed picture of just HER? Why not? How many even ask for a pic of Kate AND the kids? Why are some of those people hell bent on a pic of just the 8?

I don't know, to me it's just not on the same level as random celebrity photo collecting.

That's just my opinion though.

JoyinVirginia said... 46

OT: Redskins training camp is in Richmond and here is an article about rg3's grandmother! I don't know how to make the link shorter sorry.
www.TimesDispatch.Com/sports/Professional/football/Redskins/a-slice-of-life-with-rgiii-s-grandmother/article_445180bf-c681-5941-b4cf-529c8fd 29468.html

Mel said... 47

Thankful G's have Kate working hard/hustling 2care of them!
Exactly what is her job and where is she employed?

Well....she may not ever work, but she's got hustling down to a fine art!

Over And Out said... 48

What I think is creepy is wanting pics of the children. Why didn't this fan ask for a pic of Kate? Why don't any of them? Why is it always just the kids?


Thanks for your comment. Yes, that is what I found to be creepy. I know there are fan clubs, celebrity groupies who follow their idols around, fans who wait backstage after shows...but those are adult celebrities. Why anyone would want a photo of kids who have been off television for two years now is beyond me. If they want a photo of Kate, fine...they like Kate and they collect pictures. But why children?

chefsummer #Leh said... 49

Sheri said... 45

They ask for photos of the kids cause they only want to see the kids.

The sheep don't want to see Kate. I mean who is she without her kids?

She's a nobody and who wants a pic of a nobody?

Silimom said... 50

Ex Nurse - Exactly! I love your friends' attitude about it. They are giving their child opportunities but in a balanced way. If something great happens and her career takes off, I'm sure they would protect her and make certain that, again, her life had balance.

We've had this discussion before. The kids who have parents that continue to work and don't invest their own selves heavily into their child's success seem to do the best.

Silimom said... 51

Ex Nurse - Exactly! I love your friends' attitude about it. They are giving their child opportunities but in a balanced way. If something great happens and her career takes off, I'm sure they would protect her and make certain that, again, her life had balance.

We've had this discussion before. The kids who have parents that continue to work and don't invest their own selves heavily into their child's success seem to do the best.

localyocul said... 52

Haha I actually follow this person so the tweet came up in my timeline:

MissHathaway ‏@MissHathaway 5h
Wait. There are people out there who *still* worship that grasping,
child-exploiting Kate Gosselin? Good grief.

MissHathaway ‏@MissHathaway 3h
@yummerbunny She has a cookbook coming out next month, on twitter promoting it/herself.

localyocul said... 53

Another interesting tweet:

The really interesting ones like I've seen today are those who are not otherwise embroiled in the drama:

Clare Lipscombe ‏@Lips_dont_Lie 42m
That Taylor Swift fan reminded me of the time I got hate from Kate Gosselin fanatics for tweeting a picture of Jon Gosselin at her

Mel said... 54

How many even ask for a pic of Kate AND the kids? Why are some of those people hell bent on a pic of just the 8?
Precisely. Seems a little creepy doesn't it...

Over And Out said... 55

liv ‏@oliviabliss_ 3m
@Kateplusmy8 will you ever do kate plus 8 again miss it already

Already? It's been two years! These fans, I'm telling you...

Silimom said... 56

Sheri - I think, as many have said, that some of these requests are Twitter bots. But for the ones that aren't, I see it as someone asking for a young Jodi Foster's autographed pic, or Taylor Swift, or Dakota Fanning, or the kids from the Brady Bunch when they were younger. The Gosselin children were on tv. Many people saw the show like a sitcom, I think. We know this was a reality show but to many the G8 are just another set of child actors. It's no different then asking for any young actor or actresses head shot.

Do I think it's creepy? Yes and not just for the G8 but for any child actor. Do I think some people might want those pics to get off with? Maybe, although they could watch the show on Netflix or go to her website just like they could watch Taxi Driver or Hound Dog or go to google images for pics/movies of young stars.

But I think most of the legit requests come from people who fall into my "I'm a fan of the show and the kids and don't see them as kids but as actors" category. They want a pic to add to their collection of autographed head shots. It's that simple.

Over And Out said... 57

Well....she may not ever work, but she's got hustling down to a fine art!


lol, Mel! I think she forgot to add "grifting" to that tweet!

Ex Nurse said... 58

Sillimom said...
Ex Nurse - Exactly! I love your friends' attitude about it. They are giving their child opportunities but in a balanced way. If something great happens and her career takes off, I'm sure they would protect her and make certain that, again, her life had balance
Saw her at our block party last night--just a normal kid running around with the other kids.

I often put in a search on google for TFW in the last 24 hours. Virtually nothing, except for an old 2010 posting on her firing from Coupon Cabin from the NY Daily News website. They sourced the story and it was scathing. I don't remember seeing this at the time. I don't understand why old articles come up in filtered searches--it is probably the only reason her name is still out there.

Ex Nurse said... 59

Forgot the link http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Kate%20Gosselin

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 60

Over And Out said... 40
Someone was tweeting last night that Robert's book is going to be re-released soon. The article, though, was Jessica Carlson's and it was an old one. I couldn't find anything on Robert's blog about it. Does anyone know anything about it?

Tweet-le...did you see that?

No, I missed that. I was in Albondigas heaven last night. I did just find it from last night though. I guess someone was trying to tell RH to hurry and get the book out. I have my doubts we'll ever be seeing it though.

Silimom said... 61

Sheri, what concerns me isn't a request for a headshot. It's when that request is made by a fan who tweets about loving the kids so much, who uses possessive pronouns when talking about them, e.g. I just love my Gosselin babies, who wants to know every detail of their lives. That is an obsessed fan and yes, a request for a pic from that type of fan is both creepy, unhealthy and a warning sign. It's because of those types of people Jon carries a concealed weapon. (And the fact he feels compelled to do that 2 years after the show was cancelled bothers me as well.)

ZeldaZee said... 62

I too saw the documentary about pilot season (damned if I can remember what it was called)...it stuck with me for many reasons, one of which being- I used to live in that apartment complex! It's essentially dorm housing for industry types, is the best way I can describe it. Nice, certainly, but it's where companies/studios put new hires up until they can get more permanent housing (which is why my family was there).

There were always a TON of kids there, and this was 15+ years ago. They were all pretty standoffish from what I can recall- I don't remember making any friends, but I guess I was one of the few kids there that wasn't trying to "make it", so we didn't have anything in common!

Mel said... 63

From the article referenced above...which I never saw before either:

What may have been the final straw is how Gosselin is also accused of telling tall tales in her CouponCabin column.

In her final post this past Monday, she claimed to have saved money doing home repairs herself last week by shopping at Lowes and Home Depot — when she was actually on the road for msedia appearances.

PatK said... 64

TFW tweeted she has put up more of Mady's photography/photoshopping/whatever. I guess as long as the other kids are in said pictures, the fans will go wild with their praises and the website will continue to get a lot of hits.

But at what point will this become boring? Sure, people now know Mady can do this...but there is such a thing as overkill, no?

Luke's Mom said... 65

Over And Out said... 36
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 I agree....Kate stands way above N her example as a mother 2her kids! Lives & works w/integrity! #KATEROCKS

Really, Milo? Is it a good example for your kids to see their mother ....
"Lives & works w/integrity"

Does Milo even know what the word "Integrity" means???

Where was Kate's "integrity" when she....

Accepted cash donations (under false pretense) from church parishioners when she knew she was NOT in any financial need of charity. OBTAINing of property by intentionally misrepresenting a past or existing fact = NO Integrity.

Lied to her children (and the viewers) about her FAKE remarriage to Jon because she wanted a FREE trip to Hawaii. Lying to falsely OBTAIN what you want = NO integrity.

Continued to travel exclusively with a married man when her husband espressed concerns among growing rumors of an affair. Showing no concern for the feelings and wishes of her own husband or what the married man's wife was reading in the press = NO integrity.

Portrayed a FALSE image on TV (and now on twitter) of a mom who does the work that is really done by TLC assistants and other hired help such as housekeepers, cooks, nannies, shoppers, household/yard workers. Promoting and living a FALSE image = NO integrity.

Couldn't we all go on and on about how Kate does NOT have integrity?

But of all the examples of Kate's total lack of integrity that I could list, I think the biggest and most telling one is how she uses and exploits her own children in order to OBTAIN the wealthy lifestyle that she thinks she deserves. Love of self and material goods over your own children = NO integrity.

Please Milo, give us just one example of how Kate has integrity.

We could all write a book of FACTUAL examples of why Kate has NO integrity (oh I forgot, R. Hoffman already did).

White Organza said... 66

"It may just be me, but I think it's creepy to want photos of someone's kids that you don't even know. "

No, Over and Out, it's definitely not just you. In fact, most of her die hard fans creep me out. Lately, that Domi-something-or-other is the one that really gives me the bejeevers with his (or her...) daily question to TFW: "What's your bucket list?" Considering that a bucket list is all the things you want to do before you die, I'd be worried stiff if a stranger was emailing me this message over and over... It feels like the beginning of a suspense novel of some sort.

Tucker's Mom said... 67

PatK said... 64
TFW tweeted she has put up more of Mady's photography/photoshopping/whatever. I guess as long as the other kids are in said pictures, the fans will go wild with their praises and the website will continue to get a lot of hits.

But at what point will this become boring? Sure, people now know Mady can do this...but there is such a thing as overkill, no?
Yes, it will become boring. Mady's pictures are good and it's great she's got an interest. But, if her second showing is any indication, her photos are one note, seen one, seen 'em all.
Photoshopped, but not evolving in skill and composition.
If she gets professional instruction, she could advance, but this is not only going to get old, but it's yet more fodder for Radar Online.
Unfortunately, having Mady wind up on Radar isn't enough for Kate to stop using her to drive traffic to her site to sell her book.
Sad. Still no sense of motherly protection. No never means no, even if it means your kid winds up on gossip sites.

Luke's Mom said... 68

PatK said... 64
TFW tweeted she has put up more of Mady's photography/photoshopping/whatever. I guess as long as the other kids are in said pictures, the fans will go wild with their praises and the website will continue to get a lot of hits.
Kate is showing her desperation again by reverting back to using and exploiting her kids to drive traffic to her website.

Her cookbook is not selling enough and the print date is approaching. Just like the FAILED cruise, she NEEDS the kids to make any book sales.

Makes me wonder if the book will even go to print.

Formerly Duped said... 69

Many kids can do a lot with photography and photoshop these days due to their exposure to the internet, Facebook and instagram and all that, at a young age. I think photography as a real hobby or a career is something to be taken more seriously than a 12 year old's pastime.Mady is talented, not to put her down, but many kids are just as good with edits etc.She may be on to something else soon.That's good; kids should try many things while they can.

Luke's Mom said... 70

Kate's cookbook has only sold 307 books on Amazon (per Novel Rank site). In over 4 months of sales!

And her ranking on Barnes and Noble has consistently been in the 110,000+ range. According to my research, a B&N ranking that high = sales of less than 5 books per week. So, we can assume at most, B&N sales are 25 per month or 125 in total (assuming 5 months).

Combined Amazon and B&N sales = 432 TOTAL sales.

Is there any doubt that selling under 500 books in 4 months = another Kate FAILURE?

As a poster mentioned before, even a church cookbook would have more sales than Kate's.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 71

Isabelle ‏@Belle_N_E 6m
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 Is that Kate in the picture with little girl?

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 5m
@Belle_N_E @Kateplusmy8 Ask Kate. I have no idea. Could be Cara.

Isabelle ‏@Belle_N_E 5m
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 Ok.Kate is that you in the silhouette photo? lol

I'm beginning to understand Kate's fans a little better now. They don't read. Too lazy, too challenging? I don't know.

Kate clearly explains the photo in the blog post:

The first one is Mady and Leah.

Anonymous said... 72

Mady's pictures are fine. Not great, not terrible. Photoshop 101. The kids in our school's photography club do that and more. The true test is composing really good and interesting pictures without the use of photoshop. For that she needs a SLR and some training. If this is really an interest for her it should be encouraged. She may have a natural eye for these things. This too will go by the wayside when she's not needed to further Kate's agends.


chefsummer #Leh said... 73

Tucker's Mom said... 67

If she gets professional instruction, she could advance,

Sadly I don't think TFW is going to pay for Mady to take lessons or a class in photography .

Sherry Baby said... 74

No, Over and Out, it's definitely not just you. In fact, most of her die hard fans creep me out. Lately, that Domi-something-or-other is the one that really gives me the bejeevers with his (or her...) daily question to TFW: "What's your bucket list?" Considering that a bucket list is all the things you want to do before you die, I'd be worried stiff if a stranger was emailing me this message over and over... It feels like the beginning of a suspense novel of some sort.

LOL!! I saw that again today. I checked her TL. She posted the question for four consecutive days, and twice today. This is the latest question to Kate:

domilight ‏@domilight 15m
@Kateplusmy8 Do you know which one country is Hungary? I'm vacationing in here now✈📷👍

Connie said... 75

A mom of a teen I know used her husband's insurance settlement (he passed away) to take her little darling to "Hollywood to work with Justin Bieber." They sold house and belongings, packed up the car and took off. Have no idea what has become of them. They haven't returned that I know of.

Sherry Baby said... 76

Nice photos from Mady, but she needs to learn more than just photoshopping. That gets old after awhile. If she's really serious about photography, Kate needs to purchase an SLR for her and enroll her in classes. If she really enjoys it, she should keep it up. Kids at age 12 often become bored. They can lose interest rather quickly, but it seems like she has a good eye for composition and creativity. She's young...there's plenty of time for developing skills.

Somewhere In Time said... 77

Brenda, the charity lady who wants an invitation to Kate's pool, is one of those, like Milo, who is obsessed with celebrities. I guess when Kate gave her the time of day, she was in sheep heaven. Do these people really believe that celebrities know who they are, or even care? "Say hi to "Jen" Aniston?" Geez...

Brenda Schuettler ‏@sweetbren66 11h
@xxxxxxxxxxxxx I will be watching. Tell Jen Aniston I said hi. Love her ! Ps. Your still my fav tho lol

Maybe they are lonely people, I don't know. It's just very odd.

Luke's Mom said... 78

The only appearance Kate has for her cookbook is in Baltimore.

According to the Baltimore Book Festival website, many accomplished authors with cookbooks will be appearing and presenting.

Lee Frank & Rachel Anderson: http://nachosny.com/category/recipes/

Brian Boitano:

Jennifer Crovato:

Elizabeth Graeber:

J.M. Hirsch:

John Holl:

Pati Jinich:

Ali Larter:

Daphne Oz:

Jennifer Perillo:

Barton Seaver:

Joe Yonan:

The above websites make Kate's website, her recipes (that have now been tested), and her cookbook look unprofessional and not one that anyone (other than Kate's few obsessed fans - less than 500) would want to visit or buy.

How embarrassing for Kate to be at book show with the above talent!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 79

Lol CNN.com has a link to 20 of Gwyneth Paltrow's most pretentious food quotes. She's pretty bad. But do I see her whining and crying to her fans or BV? Nope. Who cares? She's a celeb and ridiculous at times and people will snark. Her bank account is fine and she seems happy so what does she care? If she doesn't like it she can always leave the public eye it's as simple as that.

"One night at one of David chang's spots crispy sprouts came out with bacon and sriracha. This is my version, minus the bacon." Lol.

readerlady said... 80

Okay, I give up. What the heck is an SLR?

Children First said... 81

@RealZiggyFlo @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Sorry, but if OCTOMOM was scamming the state I don't feel sorry for her, this is why ppl who 1of2

The fans think Octo should serve time for scamming the state (welfare fraud), but when parishioners were scammed for donations, that was perfectly okay. They were still collecting love offerings when purchasing their new home. How do the sheeple explain why Kate gets a pass? A scam is a scam, no matter who is being conned.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 82

Single lens reflex Luke. In short, a camera that helps a budding phtoographer control and understand why and how a photo is the way it is. The options for creativity it unleashes are literally endless. Mady needs one desperately. She is only learning but one tiny aspect of photography with her iPhone and if she's serious about it will find herself hopelessly lost without an SLR if she ever wants to pursue this further.

Sherry Baby said... 83

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m

@Kateplusmy8 The camera is just an extension of HOW we see life...things, people, animals! We create the mood..the effect...the story! :)

Uh, Milo, how do you explain candid shots? In this case, photographers don't create mood or effect. They capture life as it is. Some of the most profound and moving photos are those taken when the photographer is in the right place at the right time. They happen by accident and are not set up or staged. There is nothing posed, and the result often is a captivating photograph. No photoshopping is necessary.

chefsummer #Leh said... 84

Ali Larter:

Has a cookbook I freaking love her as an actress well Ali & Milla Jovovich.

Sorry TWF I was going to get your cookbook but now I'm getting Ali's.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 85

Ok so if octomom scammed taxpayers why didnt anyone else with multiples who misrepresented their situation? It's not any different!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 86

The only thing a photographer does is have an eye for the photo. I love street photography but true street photography is never posed and even more strict street photography insists on trying to hide yourself so your subjects don't even know you're taking photos.

Most real photographers these days will insist you learn how to take a perfect photo in camera, no photoshop. Once you learn that then you can play with photoshop but relying on photoshop to create the perfect photo from a so so photo will only take you so far before you peak.

chefsummer #Leh said... 87

LOL I want you to know is still selling.

It sold 2 books in August and 1 book in July.

silimom said... 88

From the NY Daily article:

Another issue for the website was that it was hard to deal with Gosselin’s abrasive personality and over-the-top, expensive demands, a second source said.
Among her daily requirements paid for by the Internet company were a personal security guard whenever she appeared in public, sources told the Daily News.

Because, after all, Steve needs his pizza money, don't ya know?

From a different Daily News article, regarding last years DWTS All Star cast:

(One star who didn’t make the cut was Kate Gosselin, who wanted to return but apparently the producers didn’t think her current “storyline” was that interesting. Snap!). Then again, DWTS would have been foolish not to approach Palin, as her season generated huge ratings for ABC.

Wow, that is a slap, because wasn't Kate credited with bringing in a lot of viewers and increasing ratings during her stint?

I suppose if DWTS really wanted to improve their ratings, they could have both Kate and Jon on the show at the same time. If that did well, then TLC could do a Jon & Kate plus 8 special focusing on how they don't co-parent well.

See, that's what Kate never realized. The initial draw was the kids to some degree but, imo, it was mainly the relationship between Jon and Kate that people tuned in to watch. When Jon left/was forced out/what have you, Can Do Kate just wasn't enough of a draw.

She missed an opportunity, really. She could have retooled the show to focus on life as a newly divorced mom - relying on the kids more to do chores, doing chores herself, setting up playdates for her kids so she can spend time with other kids, arranging carpools, assessing her wants vs her needs in regards her housing, cars, hired help, etc. TLC even tried to retool the show in that direction.

But Kate wanted the big house, the sports cars and more than anything the travel. She likes being in hotels and having people wait on her hand and foot. She likes experiencing new things. My theory there is that she is a desperately unhappy person and likes to "go" in an effort to be happy.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 89

"Jen" Aniston? Celebrity worship sure is fascinating.

Luke's Mom said... 90

Thank you to the posters who spent their money and time to test Kate's recipes to report back to all of us.

I enjoyed reading about the experiences and the reviews. I am not one to say my cooking is cookbook worthy but after 20 years of cooking recipes from cookbooks and off the internet, I could tell her recipes would not be very good.

I did not want to waste either my money or time testing one of her recipes so THANK YOU again to those who did try!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 91

Luke's Mom said... 78
The only appearance Kate has for her cookbook is in Baltimore.

According to the Baltimore Book Festival website, many accomplished authors with cookbooks will be appearing and presenting.

Thanks for all the links! I bookmarked several. Real honest-to-goodness delicious looking meals. YUM!

Kate is going to be so out of her element. I just have to laugh. Wish I could be there to watch. Wonder if she'll be flashing her boobage and wearing 12" stilettos? Just what every mom of 8 should wear.

Dmasy said... 92

Admin, you live in LA, right?

I am sure you see a lot of celebrities as you go about your day. Would you say "hi" for me, please?

Wuldja, huh?

Somewhere In Time said... 93

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 85

"Jen" Aniston? Celebrity worship sure is fascinating.


Yes, indeed. Tell Jen I said hi. Oh, well...she also tweeted Britney Spears like they were old friends, but at least she didn't call her "Brit." She tweeted A-Rod, telling him she was on her way to a Yankees game and she wished he was playing; Robin Roberts to compliment her on her necklace; and Justin Timberlake, announcing that she's going to be in Hershey for a concert (thanked him after the show). I only went back on the TL a few days, so I don't know who else is her BFF.

CWS really is interesting! At least Milo only has one true love.

Somewhere In Time said... 94

Kate is going to be so out of her element. I just have to laugh. Wish I could be there to watch. Wonder if she'll be flashing her boobage and wearing 12" stilettos? Just what every mom of 8 should wear.


Rumor is that she is going to take pots of chili and skillets of stir fry to hand out as samples. ;-)

readerlady said... 95

I was reading some recipes online the other day. All of them included nutritional information. I'd love to see someone "Ask Kate" or tweet TFMJG and ask her if her recipes will include nutritional information. Bet she won't have a clue how much fat/carbs/protein, etc. is in each dish.

chefsummer #Leh said... 96

Well atleasr TFW can get her time with RCTBG-(rat claws the bodyguard)during the book festival.

I hope they serve pizza.

PJ's momma said... 97

Kate posted those new Mady photos 2 hours ago, and Milo has already tweeted directly to her about it 5 times. 5 times (so far) in 2 hours! And then she gets up on her defensive cross as a martyr for the Kate cause when people call her out for being obsessive. It's so weird.

Hope everyone is having a good day and a good summer.

Luke's Mom said... 98

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 91

Thanks for all the links! I bookmarked several. Real honest-to-goodness delicious looking meals. YUM!

Kate is going to be so out of her element. I just have to laugh. Wish I could be there to watch. Wonder if she'll be flashing her boobage and wearing 12" stilettos? Just what every mom of 8 should wear.
I am reviewing my schedule for Sept to see if I can attend the Baltimor book festival. Unfortunately, Sept. is a busy month with sports and activities for my kids.
And to make it harder, the National Book festival in DC (one of my favorites to attend) is the weekend before the Baltimore one.

If I can make it work with my schedule, I will take pictures/video and report back. It will be a continuation of my thanks to those who had to eat the food cooked from her recipes.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 99

I think TFW fell into the trap a lot of D listers do. Overestimating your worth. She is not Celine Dionne. She was not in a position to make the demands that she made. It's really just simple economics. Every employer is going to weight the costs and benefits of their star's behavior. Someone like Celine, who brings in millions, can afford to make every demand in the book. She is worth the trouble and annoyance. Someone like Kate, who could easily be replaced with a honey boo boo, cannot afford such a thing. If TFW is demanding too many VIP trips and star treatment, creating scandals like child abuse and Bill Blankinship, and causing trouble wherever she goes (for instance racking up other people who hate her like Tony and Andersen--people you never know who you might need someday) eventually the costs are going to outweigh the benefits. I think this is exactly what happened at CC. The trouble TFW caused for them outweighed the clicks she brought in. Scott was pretty clear that SHE herself, TFW, was TROUBLE. Scott isn't stupid--when the trouble outweighed the benefit she was gone, simple economics.

I'm speculating that the Little People's relationship with TLC is rock solid. I know Matt is not everyone's favorite person but I firmly believe he knows exactly when to push TLC and when to back down. He never causes enough trouble or is too greedy to get fired and the family continues to bring in ratings. For instance I've noticed every third special or so is a trip. So, instead of demanding a trip for every single special, they are patient and hold off and do a few around the farm specials for the big payoff, a nice big trip special. They are cunning. They are TLC's empire for a reason and that does not happen by accident.

As usual TFW's own stupidity and lack of business sense and awareness of herself did her in.

Luke's Mom said... 100

localyocul said... 19
A random tweet:

Jenny Harner ‏@JLHarner 37m
The awesomeness of Tomie dePaola coming to the Balt Book Fest balances out the ridiculousness of Kate Gosselin being there.

August 7, 2013 at 9:42 AM
Love it!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 101

Looks like a lot of great people there. This actually looks fun! I will be in Baltimore a few weeks later for a Redskins game but alas not that weekend, so no Rat Claws II the sequel! If anyone does stop by, you should bring Steve a pizza from all of minutemen at realitytvkids.com. I'll chip in!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 102

Dmasy hahaha I saw Suzanne Sommers on Sunday. Anyone want to say hi? NO ONE was bothering her. Not a single person. She was just shopping at the farmer's market with her husband who seems so sweet. She was in jeans and a button down top.

I cannot imagine interrupting her nice day out with her husband to say oh hey "Suze" can I have a pic, or, hey Suze, guess what Barb says hi. I'd be mortified.

chefsummer #Leh said... 103

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 101

Since were now going by initials his name is RCTBG.

-(Rat Claws The Bodyguard)-

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 104

I think it's obvious now potential publishers probably did some preliminary research and realized no one wanted to buy this thing. TFW's name is mud. No one would touch her so she had to self publish. I'm convinced she is bearing the upfront costs and her publisher won't lose a thing. Otherwise they would be acting pretty desperate right now. They don't care, they lose nothing.

Is there a way to determine how much I Just Want you to Know sold?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 105

Rumor is that she is going to take pots of chili and skillets of stir fry to hand out as samples. ;-)

LOL. That should get people running...away!

Luke's Mom said... 106

Somewhere In Time said... 94
Kate is going to be so out of her element. I just have to laugh. Wish I could be there to watch. Wonder if she'll be flashing her boobage and wearing 12" stilettos? Just what every mom of 8 should wear.
Rumor is that she is going to take pots of chili and skillets of stir fry to hand out as samples. ;-)
She is listed as a "Presenting" author. I wonder how many cooks she will need to hire and bring with her to help her FAKE her cooking performance?

She doesn't have TLC to set it all up for her and make her believable as a cook anymore.

How much of the kids money is she going to have to spend to pay all the cooking help and of course her paid male travelling companion (Steve)?

Tess said... 107

I often tell new students to give it three months. I advise parents to use that time to evaluate how their child is responding - are they practicing willingly or do you have to push? Do they want to come to lessons or is it a fight to get them to come? At three months, they should have enough information to know if this is an activity that is worthwhile for their child to pursue.__________________

Why do you advise parents to give it 3 mths but
at home you make them wait 6 mths. to a year? I'm curious because my own daughter wants to start the violin. Is 3 mths. long enough?

FYI said... 108

According to the Baltimore Book Festival website, TFW will be appearing at the Food for Thought Stage. This is their description:

"Food for Thought offers a weekend featuring celebrity chefs and authors, delicious food demonstrations, recipes and cooking tips."

I wonder if TFW will be participating in those "delicious food demonstrations"?

Of course, the book still has to get published first.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 109

Luke's Mom said... 98
I am reviewing my schedule for Sept to see if I can attend the Baltimor book festival. Unfortunately, Sept. is a busy month with sports and activities for my kids. And to make it harder, the National Book festival in DC (one of my favorites to attend) is the weekend before the Baltimore one.

It would be a hoot if you could make it, but your schedule sounds pretty busy.

Over In TFW's County said... 110

Dmasy hahaha I saw Suzanne Sommers on Sunday. Anyone want to say hi? NO ONE was bothering her. Not a single person. She was just shopping at the farmer's market with her husband who seems so sweet. She was in jeans and a button down top.


Is Anderson still at your house? He stood me up last night.

fidosmommy said... 111

I went to a website called HCI Publishing. Whether it's the one TFW is using or not is beyond me. There are lots of HCI's out there, including one that specializes in contentious divorces, personality disorders and a few other interesting things.

Anyway, this particular HCI Publishing had this to say about themselves. Note the "limited edition" mention.

"HCI Publications is the publisher of limited edition books on interesting topics. We are a full-service shop, and translate, edit, design, and print special books."

Does that mean they will run a printing with only 500-600 pre-orders? Or does "limited edition" mean something else?

Anonymous said... 112

Rumor is that she is going to take pots of chili and skillets of stir fry to hand out as samples. ;-)

LOL. That should get people running...away!


Or just give them the runs


Somewhere In Time said... 113

She is listed as a "Presenting" author. I wonder how many cooks she will need to hire and bring with her to help her FAKE her cooking performance?


Luke's mom. my post about her bringing along her chili was snark! Have you read somewhere that she really is going to cook some food there?

Somewhere In Time said... 114

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m

@mscatie @Kateplusmy8 Why yes they do...my son is an accomplished guitarist...classical! My lil girl is into dance...she has the moves! :)


When does he play with his toy trucks?

Sorry, couldn't help it.

fidosmommy said... 115

I would think that authors trying to sell cookbooks would do well to have SOMETHING to offer as a taste tease. A mini brownie, a beverage, a dip, a one bite of something. I realize it would be a problem serving chili or stir fry, but a tiny sample of something easily served in a paper nut cup, on a napkin or in a small Dixie cup would help sales, assuming it tasted good.

I realize this probably never happens at book fairs, but cookbook booths might do well with samples. Daphne Oz has a new book on salsas.
That would be very simple to do.

Anonymous said... 116

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 101
Looks like a lot of great people there. This actually looks fun! I will be in Baltimore a few weeks later for a Redskins game but alas not that weekend, so no Rat Claws II the sequel! If anyone does stop by, you should bring Steve a pizza from all of minutemen at realitytvkids.com. I'll chip in!


Haha, I'd give out my credit card number to contribute to that!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 117

This is an old comment from a non-regular who I don't think is around anymore. It's about Kate's web site. What's really sad is that a comment that was true in September 2011 is just as true if not MORE true today:

Friend In Pennsylvania has left a new comment on your post "Jon to single mothers: 'Kids don't need money, the...":

Is it just me, or does anyone think that this internet website is just a down-scaled version of exploitation - invading the kids' privacy? Granted, it isn't anywhere near as bad as shoving cameras in their faces, or dragging them around on public display, but still - their photos are being splashed out there for all to see. Aren't these kids ever going to be free of all of this? They just can't have any privacy, can they? If I were Jon, I'd object to this and march myself right into court. Kate is under no obligation by any network to fulfill her contract by making the kids available to film at all times.

If Kate wants her own webpage - Kate Gosselin's World, more power to her, but the kids need to stay out of it!

But, of course, in order to get them into television, movies, or whatever plan she's concocting next, they have to stay out there. Kate can't make it on her own and she knows it. Then again, do the sheeple, who will be playing around on the site, really care about the kids? Would they even miss them if they are gone from the website? It's Kate they adore!

Luke's Mom said... 118

Somewhere In Time said... 113
She is listed as a "Presenting" author. I wonder how many cooks she will need to hire and bring with her to help her FAKE her cooking performance?


Luke's mom. my post about her bringing along her chili was snark! Have you read somewhere that she really is going to cook some food there?

I am assuming yes. The website lists authors (includes Kate) appearing on the "Food For Thought Stage" and not just in a tent. "Stages" are for "Presenting" authors who are demonstrating or just speaking. It would only make sense that the cookbook authors are demonstrating while a children's book author would be speaking.

I found this from a post on a past Baltimore Book Festival:

"The demonstrations are part of the festival’s Food for Thought Stage, which will be hosting cooking demonstrations from renowned cookbook authors all weekend long."

Luke's Mom said... 119

Just found this regarding cooking demonstrations at the Baltimore Book festival:


"The Food for Thought Stage at the festival offers a weekend of savory foods, demonstrations, recipes and cooking tips with celebrity chefs and authors. Featured professional cooks showcase their skills with multicultural cuisine, fresh spins on old dishes and delicious all-American fare, from the simple to the complex. Acclaimed food critics and writers chronicle their experience with covering cooking, as well as making food. Plus, specialists on beer, wine and cocktails share their expertise with festival-goers."

silimom said... 120

Tess - I usually tell parents 3 months because of experience and a desire not to be wasting someone's time and money. In the beginning of lessons, we have what I call the Honeymoon Period. The child is excited to be learning something new and there's a momentum because songs and techniques are relatively easy to master.

The third month is a check point. The student has been taking lessons long enough that they and/or their parents know what's involved outside of the 30-60 minutes I meet with them once a week and if this is something they want to continue doing or not. 90% of the time, students continue. However, as a business owner, I feel it's important to touch base with my clients sooner rather than later to evaluate whether they find music lessons worth their time and effort.

Why do I make my kids stick out for 6 months to a year? Because I know my kids. Because of their autism, they have trouble with new routines and trying new things. They need that extra time.

I've never taught violin, so I can't speak to all that's involved with that instrument. I had to take an instruments class for my degree that would allow me to teach it in an elementary music setting. I can tell you that I found it much more difficult than piano. It was harder for me to do the finger placement and master the technique. I did much better with woodwinds and brass.

But that was also me. Your child may take to it like a fish to water. I would encourage you to write down all your questions about what's involved with learning the violin, as well as making sure you understand the teacher's studio policies and what they expect from their students. Ask the teacher how long they recommend a child study before you assess if this is working or not.

Hope that answered your question and helps. :-)

Over In TFW's County said... 121

If anyone does stop by, you should bring Steve a pizza from all of minutemen at realitytvkids.com. I'll chip in!


Wouldn't you just love to walk in there with an extra large pizza in a box and say, "Here, Steve, this is just for you. Pizza that has never been touched by human hands, only by a pair of polyethylene disposable food handling gloves.

Luke's Mom said... 122

This video shows the Baltimor Book festival cooking stage at 1:12 and again at 2:15.


After watching this, I am going to try very hard to go.

I can't wait to hear Kate "um" and "um" her way thru a recipe and flap her arms and yell for Steve when something goes wrong.

She does not have enough experience with cooking in front of an audience to pull it off without something going wrong or embarrassing herself.

Over In TFW's County said... 123

Looks like the bots have been out today, with the keyword "Netflix." Milo thinks that Kate has a huge fan base who is watching past episodes there!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 My goodness Kate..I'm amazed at all the tweets abt folks constantly watching show on Netflix..U guys R "watch-a-licious"! :)

fidosmommy said... 124

"Watch-a-licious? Add that to Creepy Things From Milo. Just bizarre.

fidosmommy said... 125

"The Food for Thought Stage at the festival offers a weekend of savory foods, demonstrations, recipes and cooking tips with celebrity chefs and authors.......Acclaimed food critics and writers chronicle their experience


Ah yes, the food will be tasted by people with sensitive palates and real credentials. I wonder where their reviews can be read?

I hope they have their 1-10 rating cards with them!

PJ's momma said... 126

I can't really imagine Kate 'presenting.' In the past, her idea of presentation is to sit on a stage with a microphone and answer questions about herself from her adoring fans or cohosts/interviewers while bobbing that leg up and down. She might be very uncomfortable going off the cuff to an audience - most of us would be uncomfortable with that.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 127

Presley Cash and her mom are both nuts. Nuts. They have gotten worse since the documentary. Presley is very parentified. They have wasted away her childhood shuffling around to various auditions that never pan out.

Anonymous said... 128

"Featured professional cooks showcase their skills with multicultural cuisine, fresh spins on old dishes and delicious all-American fare, from the simple to the complex. Acclaimed food critics and writers chronicle their experience with covering cooking, as well as making food."

And TFW, aka TFMJG, fits into this how? She's not a professional cook (grifter, yes) nor a food critic or writer. Wonder if she bought her way in with the kids' money?

Lynn W

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 129

And TFW, aka TFMJG, fits into this how? She's not a professional cook (grifter, yes) nor a food critic or writer. Wonder if she bought her way in with the kids' money?


I was helping a friend recently research art festivals to potentially show in and I was really surprised to find out that as long as you pay the vending fee and have an approved set up (usually just your own tent and displays), it's pretty much a first come first serve basis. A FEW of them screen their artists but the screening doesn't appear to be too vigorous. The shows remain top quality because most of the people who can afford the huge fees are successful and most successful artists have good stuff. I bet you anything that's how this book festival went. As long as you have a legit book and pay the fees, you can get in. The quality of the guests is high because the higher quality guests knew to get in there first and they can afford the fees. TFW's marketing person or persons snagged a spot with cold hard cash, I bet. I highly, highly doubt the festival pursued her. She pursued them with her checkbook. Even on their own web site they have links to some kind of application process, but all the info has been taken down because applications are closed.

What made me bummed for my friend is that these various art shows that go on all the time here and around the country SHOULD be open to the best of the best artists....they're not. They're mostly open to who can pay the high booth fees the quickest. Boyle Heights did their own art walk last month and kept the fees rock bottom low--25 bucks for a booth. They could have charged the going rate, 800 or whatever it is....but they wanted everyone to be able to participate. The event turned out awesome, such talent out there.

fidosmommy said... 130

I can picture Kate in the Book Fair (Food Fare?)
stage. Enough said.

chefsummer #Leh said... 131

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 5h
@Kateplusmy8 My goodness Kate..I'm amazed at all the tweets abt folks constantly watching show on Netflix..U guys R "watch-a-licious"! :)

Apparently not Milo I mean she was fired from TLC sooo yeah.

chefsummer #Leh said... 132

Admi it's okay we all know the reason why you're not going to see TFW in Boston.

It's cause you're soooo jelly of her cookbook and it's okay. -)

I hope you enjoy your game though

just me said... 133

What made me bummed for my friend is that these various art shows that go on all the time here and around the country SHOULD be open to the best of the best artists....they're not.


There's nothing stopping your friend from joining with other like minded individuals and starting their own exhibition. If she's passionate enough about what she does, there should be no stopping her. I'm sure there are lots of other artists who feel the same way.

Silimom said... 134

If anyone goes, please record her presentation. I would love to see her cook for real critics, although I doubt it will be like that. Just probably a booth with her cookbooks. This is happening after her cookbook comes out, right?

Also, I'll chip in for Steve's pizza!

Loves to Read said... 135

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 104

Is there a way to determine how much I Just Want you to Know sold?



Kate Gosselin's New Book Bombs

Celebrity News April 29, 2010 AT 4:17PM
By UsWeekly Staff.

Kate Gosselin's latest book isn't exactly flying off the shelves.

Since its April 13 release, I Just Want You to Know: Letters to My Kids on Love, Faith, and Family has sold just 10,084 copies, according to national book sales tracker Bookscan. The non-fiction title debuted at #11 on the New York Times' non fiction bestseller list, and at #103 on USA Today's bestsellers chart. By Thursday afternoon, its Amazon.com rank was #862.

This is in spite of Gosselin's relentless promotion of the tome on TV and radio -- plus her ubiquitous presence on Dancing with the Stars prior to her ouster last week.

Jim Milliot, business and news director of book-industry magazine Publishers Weekly, tells UsMagazine.com that the numbers "nowhere near a blockbuster" and "not that impressive."

By contrast, the 35-year-old mom's first two books, Multiple Blessings and Eight Little Faces, both climbed to number five on the New York Times' list; Multiple Blessings sold 523,000 copies in 2009.

Could I Just Want You to Know end up selling 500,000 copies in the long run? Not likely, Milliot tells Us, explaining that the lion's share of book sales typically occur "in the first month or two of publication." He adds that Gosselin will have "a very tough time getting to 50,000, let alone 100,000...I think it will be a disappointment in the end."

The book "continues [Kate's] story of faith and family," an Amazon description reads. "Using excerpts and written prayers from her journal, Kate offers an intimate look at the heart of a mother during the three years her family transitioned from obscurity into television fame."

Tucker's Mom said... 136

The shows remain top quality because most of the people who can afford the huge fees are successful and most successful artists have good stuff. I bet you anything that's how this book festival went. As long as you have a legit book and pay the fees, you can get in.
And Kate has had "people" and connections with management firms and PR people for many years, and she has experience with a very successful book, albeit written by Beth, so I'm not surprised that she road that coat tail in vs. getting in on talent and ability.
The names at the book fair are pretty well known and associated with food. I just imagine people walking in, excited to see the chefs, cooks and authors and then they see TFW and go, "wtf??".
"One of these things is not like the other..."

Tucker's Mom said... 137

What made me bummed for my friend is that these various art shows that go on all the time here and around the country SHOULD be open to the best of the best artists....they're not. They're mostly open to who can pay the high booth fees the quickest
Our local Arts Festival is wonderful and I bet costs a pretty penny to get in to show. We see many of the same artists every year.
A festival in another neighborhood costs a lot less to enter and draws artists/jewelers etc. that sell at lower price points, making it more accessible. The festival offers local foods, "street" food, is HUGE and a blast!
Both should be in a month or so and I hope we'll make it to each.

Tucker's Mom said... 138

Anonymous said... 128
"Featured professional cooks showcase their skills with multicultural cuisine, fresh spins on old dishes and delicious all-American fare, from the simple to the complex
... to the canned

Tucker's Mom said... 139

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 127
Presley Cash and her mom are both nuts. Nuts.
Not evolved, unaware and unexamined lives. Wasted grey matter.

jbranck1980 said... 140

So, add this to the list of bad things I say but would never do: If Kate said she will sign copies of her book, who wants to print off RH's book and have her sign it? Anyone? Anyone? I'd pay good money to see her face when that gets plopped down in front of her and then Skeeve try to interfere :)

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 141

♡·Nikki·♡ ‏@Nikki_C_Wilson
Hope all is well on the home front @Kateplusmy8, haven't tweeted ya for a few days! ♡♡ Sept is getting closer! #loveisinthemix

That's because you've been so busy trying to get in with the bully boys. What an oddball and her language when she's schmoozing those bad boys! The "haters" had her figured out a long time ago.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 142

CJWhodunit ‏@CJWhodunit 3h
This reminded me of you & your kids, Kate! :-) #Kateplusmy8 http://instagram.com/p/cvx1J8OZsJ/

It's a sappy platitude written over a long list of negative words: "struggle, difficulty, give up, lonely, anger, despair, lost...."

Yes CJ, when I hear those words I think of Kate's poor me attitude, too. LOL

Kate is a twit said... 143

Amazon lowered the price of the book from $17.26 to $13.77. Total books sold as of today is 311. Barnes & Noble is still selling it for $17.60.

If I'm reading this correctly, those that pre-order the book at $17.26 will get the book for the lower price even if it increases before the release date. From Amazon:

"Whenever you pre-order a book, CD, video, DVD, software, or video game, the price we charge when we ship it to you will be the lowest price offered by Amazon.com between the time you placed your order and the end of the day of the release date.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I still don't understand why she doesn't promote the book itself more on twitter instead of just directing people to her website. I don't think she's tweeted about the book itself for several weeks now.

NJGal51 said... 144

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 5h
@Kateplusmy8 My goodness Kate..I'm amazed at all the tweets abt folks constantly watching show on Netflix..U guys R "watch-a-licious"! :)
More like "bot-a-licious". I guess Milo will never admit that the majority of those that are spending their beautiful summer vacation watching nothing but TFW's shows on Netflicks are nothing but paid twitterbots (with Netflicks being the operative word here). Maybe she should tell them to stop using their hard earned cash to watch constant reruns of the show and use it instead to buy the book. #poordelusionalsheeple

I'll chip in for the pizza!

Formerly Duped said... 145

Two comments..one, TFW is still pushing Mady's photography. Is it to drive people to her book entry or to stay relevant through interest in Mady??

Two, I saw TFW make meatloaf on what, GMA? She
had all the ingredients ready in front of her and just dumped and mixed, explaining to cook until middle no longer pink?? Then she said with leftovers ( what!!) you could make sandwiches, cut on the diagonal, of course!

localyocul said... 146

Just found this regarding cooking demonstrations at the Baltimore Book festival:


"The Food for Thought Stage at the festival offers a weekend of savory foods, demonstrations, recipes and cooking tips with celebrity chefs and authors. Featured professional cooks showcase their skills with multicultural cuisine, fresh spins on old dishes and delicious all-American fare, from the simple to the complex. Acclaimed food critics and writers chronicle their experience with covering cooking, as well as making food. Plus, specialists on beer, wine and cocktails share their expertise with festival-goers."


Interesting...someone else is doing a lunch box cookbook!

J. M. Hirsch, Beating The Lunch Box Blues

And I wonder if Brian Boitano is friends with Johnny Weir?


Tucker's Mom said... 147

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 104
I think it's obvious now potential publishers probably did some preliminary research and realized no one wanted to buy this thing. TFW's name is mud. No one would touch her so she had to self publish.
All they would have needed to do was look at Kate's website and see the dreck she posts. It's not like going to PW's site, or David Lieberman's site or Chocolate and Zucchini's site or Smitten Kitchen's site or... even my old site!
If they follow as closely as we do, they'd see that nothing she's published, posted or demonstrated on TV shows has been unique or original, shown any culinary skill or even appealed to the health-conscious crowd.
Meatloaf- run of the mill with laughable instructions
Hummus- 18 tbsp of lemon juice- need I say more?
Stir Fry- 1/2 cup of soy (to start, no less)- need I say more?
Chili- canned corn and beans with salt-laden liquid- need I say more?
Grandma soup- a bunch of veggies in broth - need I say more?
Monkey Munch, Flag Cake and Christmas Buns - not even her recipe.

Anything I'm missing that's redeemable?

chefsummer #Leh said... 148

I'll buy the tin foil for RCTBG so he can have his pizza.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 149

There's nothing stopping your friend from joining with other like minded individuals and starting their own exhibition.


Yes there is. Vending fees, site fees, permits, advertising, etc. You can't do anything in L.A. without putting down an arm and a leg for a permit. It would cost thousands of dollars to host your own exhibition.

The way the artist world works, unless you have a lot of money, it is very, very difficult to get your foot in the door.

Blowing In The Wind said... 150

Amazon lowered the price of the book from $17.26 to $13.77. Total books sold as of today is 311. Barnes & Noble is still selling it for $1


Didn't it start out at $22 something? What's next? BOGO?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 151

It's a sappy platitude written over a long list of negative words: "struggle, difficulty, give up, lonely, anger, despair, lost...."


There are so many countless inspirational stories of people who have faced and overcome really struggles it's kind of puzzling what exactly it is about TFW that has been a struggle. If she has faced any struggles, they are struggles she created herself. As far as I'm concerned TFW and her family have a charmed life. The children's only struggle is that they live with a narcissistic FW who alienates their father and won't even so much as let them attend summer camp. Otherwise, they don't want for anything.

Shouldn't TFW say oh no please I have hardly struggled let's save our prayers for, say, the men and women of the military, or children with cancer at Hershey Medical Center, or the Boston Marathon victims. It's kind of insulting to suggest she has EVER "struggled."

FYI said... 152

Didn't it start out at $22 something? What's next? BOGO?

The list price is $22.95. I think it only sold at that price during the first day or two after it was put up for sale. HCI has always listed it for $18.36 on their website, but the price on Amazon and B&N has fluctuated.

If my memory serves me correctly, at one time it was selling for around $10-12. I think that was sometime in April.

Blowing In The Wind said... 153

That's because you've been so busy trying to get in with the bully boys. What an oddball and her language when she's schmoozing those bad boys! The "haters" had her figured out a long time ago.


lol, Tweet! I read that last night and was going to post exactly the same thing. She's really throwing that street language around, isn't she, trying to fit in with those bad boys! I guess that makes some people feel special, but I have no idea why. The focus there isn't Kate and how many books she can sell, or even Mady's photography. There seem to be sub-groups among the sheeple, some hanging with the tough bunch, and others, like teens, just doing their occasional gushing, and the adult Milos-in-Training.

Formerly Duped said... 154

I'm sure if it is printed, we will find it in time for Xmas (lol) at the local Dollar Store.
TFW could give them out as gifts to Mr Garbage Man, Mr Shoka's Groomer/Driver, Pool Boys, Ms Homework Helper etc as gifts.I'm sure they'd enjoy it. Why, the kids could use a copy each too, but alas, they don't 'do' stockings- oh wait, they do, with wrapped newsprint end goodies.

Ingrid said... 155

Formerly Duped. Here's the link to TFW's meatloaf on GMA


Blowing In The Wind said... 156

Ah yes, the food will be tasted by people with sensitive palates and real credentials. I wonder where their reviews can be read?

I hope they have their 1-10 rating cards with them!


And easy access to the restrooms.

Formerly Duped said... 157

Thanks Ingrid! Yummy! Oooh, forgot how annoyingly TFW says 'cel-ry' That's a lot of 'vege' she put in there. That's a good thing, just wouldn't have thought it would mix well. But anyone can make meatloaf- why pick that as a dish for TV presentation?

localyocul said... 158

Ingrid said... 155
Formerly Duped. Here's the link to TFW's meatloaf on GMA

August 8, 2013 at 7:25 AM

Guess her good bra was in the wash that day.

TLC stinks said... 159

Just as I thought, Mady is now Kate's golden child with all the photography promotion. Is she grifting for FREE photography lessons for Mady? Is this bribery to keep her from wanting to go to Jon's? I guess her plans to make Mady a Disney star haven't worked out, LOL. Glad Mady has a hobby, though; just hate to see her mother shamelessly promoting her like she's the next Richard Avedon.

Yes, indeed, the Netflix bots are out. Looks like somebody wants TLC to take notice that she still has a fan base YEARNING for a Kate + Kids show. Fat chance.

As far as the cookbook and upcoming Baltimore fair, I do believe she bought her way into that event, just like she bought the printing for her cookbook. I cannot imagine fans, except for the most blind, to rave about her recipes. This is public stuff that people can actually try and guess what, Bullyville, people in this country can be recipe critics.

PA Dutch Mom said... 160

Thanks Ingrid! Yummy! Oooh, forgot how annoyingly TFW says 'cel-ry'


Oops. That's the way we say it here. Now I'll have to think of TFW whenever I see it and say it!

FYI said... 161

If TFW does a cooking demonstration at the Book Fair using a recipe from the cookbook, I bet it will be "Kate's Famous K8 Salad". Little prep, no cooking time. Easy directions.

"Cut up salad ingredients. Mix together. Add dressing and feta cheese. Yum!!!"

BTW, I was re-reading the thread posted here regarding the announcement of the cookbook.

A comment dated Mar. 29, stated that Amazon had the book for sale at the price of $11.22, two days after the cookbook was announced.

I believe that is the lowest price that it was sold for. So those that pre-ordered it the first 2 days will get it at that price. Those that ordered it after the price increased again, will get it at $13.77, which I believe is the second lowest price.

Of course, the price may even go lower to try to generate more sales. 48 days and counting until the publication date.

SeeSaw said... 162

Admin -
I'm not sure if it's the same in LA, but your friend should look into "juried" art shows. I love to go to art and craft shows, but I'm not a fan of the open ones with booths full of tissue box covers and lawn signs. With a juried show, the artist or crafter has to submit a piece or pieces for review and then be invited to display. I'm sure they still have to pay a booth fee (or a percentage of sales) to participate, but the result is a much more professional event.

A Pink Straight Jacket For TFW said... 163

Tucker's Mom said... 139

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 127
Presley Cash and her mom are both nuts. Nuts.
Not evolved, unaware and unexamined lives. Wasted grey matter.


Dear Lord. Where to begin...
Red flags flying left & right.

Mental abuse, emotional abuse, control issues, delusion, fractured families, rejection, etc...

If you walk away without having some kind of psychosis, you can consider yourself very lucky.


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 164

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 58s
AW! HANG IN THERE!XO RT @TaraCampbell1: @Kateplusmy8 ur such a strong woman, inspiring to those of us going thru difficult times.Thank you!!

Those are TFW's encouraging words. It's always "hang in there." How about some sappy platitudes for the poor woman, Kate. Your fans fall all over themselves to keep you bolstered up. All you can say is "hang in there?"

PA Dutch Mom said... 165

Yes there is. Vending fees, site fees, permits, advertising, etc. You can't do anything in L.A. without putting down an arm and a leg for a permit. It would cost thousands of dollars to host your own exhibition.


But if it's not a one man/woman show, and several of them would get together for their own exhibition, wouldn't they all share the costs? I have no idea how many thousands of dollars would be involved, but if there were enough interested and talented persons to do this, the cost would be greatly reduced and perhaps even affordable. With so many artists out there, though, getting the foot in the door would be a challenge, even if the funds were available to do so.

"Yes, indeed, the Netflix bots are out. Looks like somebody wants TLC to take notice that she still has a fan base YEARNING for a Kate + Kids show. Fat chance."


The funny thing is that Milo is all excited because she thinks fans are all huddled together this summer watching Netflix and therefore the networks should sit up and take notice that Kate is worthy of having a show once again. She's still in denial about the bots, though. Kate would never in a million years pay for tweets. She KNOWS this because she KNOWS Kate. With someone like Milo, even though she's Kate's greatest promoter/supporter, wouldn't there be something in the far recesses of her mind that would logically look at this and think...why is Netflix being tweeted so much lately -- is it possible that these really are bots?

Then again, maybe not.

NJGal51 said... 166

Tucker's Mom - Don't forget Kate's sausage cacciatore...It's what's for dinner!



Sherry Baby said... 167

domilight ‏@domilight 1m
@Kateplusmy8 Do you know which one country is Hungary? I'm vacationing in here now✈📷👍✌😃

Here we go again! I guess she gave up on the bucket list. She still is trying to figure out where she is.

FYI said... 168

Don't know if this is a bot or not, but this tweeter definitely spoke the truth without realizing it:

♡belieber arinator♡ ‏@Tay_Mac17 20m
@Kateplusmy8 first to favorite:)OMG u love u so much I am still a huge fan of ur show even tho its nt on but I watch ur show on Netflix 24/7

lukebandit said... 169

Hey, everybody. I finally got out of the hospital today was a week ago. I thought last night I may have to go back, but through prayer and a good friend sending me an out of the blue message on FB that she was praying for me and that she loved me made me better.

I read what I could when I was in the hospital and I took one for the team today. I tweeted the dark side and sent Milo a tweet about telling k8 to Buy not Grift Mady a SLR camera and classes and Pay for it herself. I told her in another tweet before it that I agreed with her for once that Mady is good at taking pictures.

At the end of the tweet, I put then Mady could EXCEL! And I thought, oh, no, that sounds like Milo! lol

I will also chip in for pizza for Steve. It might be a great diversion for maybe getting Robert's book signed by TFW. Hand it to her open faced with her other books and talk to her so maybe when she closed the special book, she wouldn't notice it! lol

Would sell the book to ROL and donate the money to my niece's 5K race to raise money for people living with HIV/AIDS.

lukebandit said... 170

It would be so funny for TFW to make her Stir Fry at the Bookfest and be finished with it and dish it out to people to try and see their reaction and the sloshing of the way to much soy sauce on the sides of the styofoam bowl or styofoam plate.

Remember, if you go, please record or take pictures. If RC's approaches you and demands you to delete your pictures of TFW, tell him no. You are in a public place and he has no right to force you to delete them and call for security or the police!

If he grabs you like he did Admin, holler and say He's trying to hurt me and put your phone in your blouse. Tell him to get a judge's court order!

LB said... 171

I’ve never seen the full version of the GMA cooking demo. I remember they showed a snippet on the J&K show—I don’t remember which episode or why it was shown. I just read the recipe and realized Kate may have made a grave mistake with her instructions. She instructs to chop up the vegetables in the food processor. I don’t use the food processor blade to chop up vegetables but I know there is a disk you put on top of the bowl to slice/chop vegetables or whatnot. I can just image people trying to stuff the uncut vegetables in and trying spin the blade. The vegetables used for the demo looks so obviously chopped by hand. They are all the same size and were chopped separately. She did not mention that in her recipe—whether to chop them together or separately. I’m not 100% certain how the end result would be but the vegetables has to be cut up in smaller pieces first before you put them in the food processor. Also using a food processor would turn them in NOT FINELY—more like misshapen chopped pieces or mush if you go too far with it. She doesn’t mention how many celery stalks make one cup so I think that should be included in as that information is important as you do not want people to waste more than they need to get 1 cup. I also notice the recipe had a lot of salt—I meant A LOT salt. The seasoned breadcrumbs, cheese, ketchup, Italian seasoning and garlic salt each have salt in and overall, it must have packed a whooping punch of salt.

Oh yes, there go her 'good bra' theory :)

White Organza said... 172

"Here we go again! I guess she gave up on the bucket list. She still is trying to figure out where she is." (Sherry Baby)

I'll bet you a "Love is in the mix" crookbook that this is not the end of the bucket list question. Hungary shares a lot of its border with Roumania, where Dracula's castle can be found. In my opinion, "it" is slowly traveling toward the US.

Insert eerie sounds here and then... a whisper (with a lisp): "What's your bucket list, dear FW?"

Sheri said... 173

Kate is a twit said...(168)

"Don't know if this is a bot or not, but this tweeter definitely spoke the truth without realizing it:

♡belieber arinator♡ ‏@Tay_Mac17 20m
@Kateplusmy8 first to favorite:)OMG u love u so much I am still a huge fan of ur show even tho its nt on but I watch ur show on Netflix 24/7"


Bahahahahahahahaha! I had to read it twice before I got it even with the bolding. That's hilarious.

chefsummer #Leh said... 174

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Life lesson 101...U don't quit when U get tired...U quit when U are done! #FinishingIsWinning :)

This doesn't apply to TFW I.E the Sarah Palin trip her book singing for IWUTK when she hide in the closet.

And other examples.

Mel said... 175

u love u so much I am still a huge fan
They forgot a word or two:

u love u so much butI am still a huge fan anyway

NJGal51 said... 176

PA Dutch Mom - I pronounce it "cel-ry" also. It's got to be a regional thing and I've never faulted TFW for her pronounciation of things becasue I also pronounce "our" as "are".

Over In TFW's County said... 177

I went to the market this morning where I purchased the ingredients for the Stir Fry. Yes, I am a glutton for punishment, but after the chili experiment, I am willing to give it another try...just to be fair. I'm thinking that there must be a recipe in there that is good (positivity!). The soy sauce still scares me, and I'll have to fudge it on the carrots because I don't know what size bag she used.

I'll report back. Wish me luck!

Over In TFW's County said... 178

If he grabs you like he did Admin, holler and say He's trying to hurt me and put your phone in your blouse. Tell him to get a judge's court order!


I'd yell, "Geez, man, don't you ever cut your fingernails?!!"

A Pink Straight Jacket For TFW said... 179

lukebandit said... 169

Hey, everybody. I finally got out of the hospital today was a week ago. I thought last night I may have to go back, but through prayer and a good friend sending me an out of the blue message on FB that she was praying for me and that she loved me made me better.


Yay! Fantastic news, lukebandit :o)

Be well, and stay well dear.

Over In TFW's County said... 180

Hey, everybody. I finally got out of the hospital today was a week ago. I thought last night I may have to go back, but through prayer and a good friend sending me an out of the blue message on FB that she was praying for me and that she loved me made me better.


Hi, Luke...glad to hear you're doing better and didn't have to go back. Maybe you and Milo could become Twitter besties!

Over In TFW's County said... 181

Tucker's Mom - Don't forget Kate's sausage cacciatore...It's what's for dinner!


That is one thing that I absolutely refuse to make! No way, no how.

chefsummer #Leh said... 182

Over In TFW's County said... 177

They sell soy-sauce with low sodium.

When cooking I use kosher salt and cracked blk pepper for a grinder.

With kosher salt it's a bit bigger so I can use less of it.

Dmasy said... 183

Lukebandit, welcome back. I wish you could attend the Baltimore Book Festival. Sounds as if you would have the situation well in hand!

Take care.

chefsummer #Leh said... 184

Lukebandit glad that you're doing good. :-)

chefsummer #Leh said... 185

LOL I wish RCTBG would try to make me erase my photos of TFW if I took them.

And if I took my mom with me she would rip RCTBG a new one.

Loves to Read said... 186

In addition to Amazon reducing the price, it's interesting that they changed their suggestion for a book pairing. They used to show a combination of this new crookbook with one of TFW's older books (IJWYTK, I think).

Now, Amazon is pairing her book with the Duggar Girls' book that doesn't come out until next March:

Frequently Bought Together

Kate Gosselin's Love Is in the Mix: Making Meals into Memories with Family-Friendly Recipes, Tips and Traditions
Growing Up Duggar: The Duggar Girls Share Their View of Life Inside American's Most Well-Known Super-Sized Family

Price for both: $26.96

One of these items ships sooner than the other. Show details

Buy the selected items together
This item: Kate Gosselin's Love Is in the Mix: Making Meals into Memories with Family-Friendly Recipes, Tips and Traditions by Kate Gosselin Hardcover $13.77

Growing Up Duggar: The Duggar Girls Share Their View of Life Inside American's Most Well-Known Super-Sized Family by Jill Duggar Hardcover $13.19

Sherry Baby said... 187

I'll bet you a "Love is in the mix" crookbook that this is not the end of the bucket list question.


domilight ‏@domilight 2m
@Kateplusmy8 What's on your Bucket List?✈🗿📝🐨🐼🌴

Dang, you guys are good! Must I really buy you a crookbook?

Formerly Duped said... 188

NJGal51 said... 176

Sorry Gal! Anyone but TFW can pronounce things whatever way she may wish. It's her voice that grates, really.No offence meant!

Sherry Baby said... 189

Now, Amazon is pairing her book with the Duggar Girls' book that doesn't come out until next March:

I don't think that's new; I believe they've been doing that for some time, but I could be wrong. I usually am!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 190

Here's an interesting theory from one of TFW's fans:

RealZiggyFlo ‏@RealZiggyFlo 1h
@Kateplusmy8 "set up" by #TLC 4 drama">Maybe K8 finally put her foot down & could b Y show was cancelled even while still actively promoted.


See, what really happened is TLC "set up" Kate to be b*tchy and rude and whiny and cruel and she's finally refused and put her foot down so they canceled the show.

PA Dutch Mom said... 191

It's got to be a regional thing and I've never faulted TFW for her pronounciation of things becasue I also pronounce "our" as "are".


Same here, NJ...all the time. It's ARE way of speaking!

Sitting here waiting for the next thunderstorm to zip through, but it seems to be taking its good old time.

chefsummer #Leh said... 192

Sherry Baby said... 189
Now, Amazon is pairing her book with the Duggar Girls' book that doesn't come out until next March:

I don't think that's new; I believe they've been doing that for some time, but I could be wrong. I usually am!

You're right Sherry amazon has been doing it for quite sometime now.

I think that started doing it two months ago.

They also put the three of her book together to sometimes.

lukebandit said... 193

Thank you for welcoming me back!

Would love to have a ringside seat there, but maybe my new "bestie" Milo can get me a hotel package similar to the beach package she supposedly got TFW.

I want to tell everyone something. I have a hobby that I do and it is rewarding and it is free! A couple of years ago my local paper printed a whole page ad of names of people who had things in my state's unclaimed property office and the ad was sponsored by a local bank. I read the entire page and found several people that I knew.

A lady at church, who I am good friends with, I found her money that was owed to her and she claimed it and received it. She was thrilled. At the Nhome here, when a new CNA comes in, I tell them about it and tell them I have found several people money that they claimed and received and they were so surprised!

All you have to do is Google your states unclaimed property or the State Treasury Office. MoneyQuest has taken over a lot of states. But go to all the states that you have lived and all they ask in your first and last name.

If you have ever left a utility bill, apt. deposit, a paycheck from an employer due to circumstances where you couldn't get it, this is the way to get it. There is no charge.

I looked up Paris Hilton and other celebrities and they are owed money! lol

PatK said... 194

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 190
Here's an interesting theory from one of TFW's fans:

RealZiggyFlo ‏@RealZiggyFlo 1h
@Kateplusmy8 "set up" by #TLC 4 drama">Maybe K8 finally put her foot down & could b Y show was cancelled even while still actively promoted.


See, what really happened is TLC "set up" Kate to be b*tchy and rude and whiny and cruel and she's finally refused and put her foot down so they canceled the show.


Kate would never "put her foot down" on filming. Her narcissism would never allow that.
I've got some swampland to sell that Krow!

FYI said... 195

I'm curious--did anyone watch "Raising Fame" last night? I didn't, but I wonder if anyone else did and if they could give us their opinion.

I read any article about one of the girls, Amber. Her mother wants her to be a Victoria's Secret model, and earn seven figures.

"To keep her daughter model-thin, Shun restricts Amber's meals for auditions and repeatedly tells her that she expects Amber to make a seven-figure income soon. "Thin is in, fat ain’t where it’s at," Shun told Amber. "Don’t you want to maintain a zero, so you can be a Victoria’s Secret model?”


This girl will definitely have some eating issues because of her mother.

A Pink Straight Jacket For TFW said... 196

Kate is a twit said... 194

I'm curious--did anyone watch "Raising Fame" last night? I didn't, but I wonder if anyone else did and if they could give us their opinion.

I read any article about one of the girls, Amber. Her mother wants her to be a Victoria's Secret model, and earn seven figures.

"To keep her daughter model-thin, Shun restricts Amber's meals for auditions and repeatedly tells her that she expects Amber to make a seven-figure income soon. "Thin is in, fat ain’t where it’s at," Shun told Amber. "Don’t you want to maintain a zero, so you can be a Victoria’s Secret model?”


This girl will definitely have some eating issues because of her mother.


Kate is a twit, I did.
I found it unsettling/disturbing.
I don't know what to make out of mothers seeking fame for their kids.

This is what I wrote earlier today:

Dear Lord. Where to begin...
Red flags flying left & right.

Mental abuse, emotional abuse, control issues, delusion, fractured families, rejection, etc...

If you walk away without having some kind of psychosis, you can consider yourself very lucky.


Sheri said... 197

Kate is a twit said...(194)

"I read any article about one of the girls, Amber. Her mother wants her to be a Victoria's Secret model, and earn seven figures.

"To keep her daughter model-thin, Shun restricts Amber's meals for auditions and repeatedly tells her that she expects Amber to make a seven-figure income soon. "Thin is in, fat ain’t where it’s at," Shun told Amber. "Don’t you want to maintain a zero, so you can be a Victoria’s Secret model?”

This girl will definitely have some eating issues because of her mother."


That's heartbreaking isn't it? It's so sad that this girl's mother is so shallow and one track minded. Along with eating issues, I suspect that girl will also come away with a host of emotional and self-worth issues too.

This glamorization of Hollywood and of fame in general has really warped some people's view of success and happiness.

People no longer care how or why other people achieve fame because instead of it being a side effect of an achievement as it once was, it has become the end goal. Sad, sad, sad.

FYI said... 198

Pink-thanks for your synopsis on "Raising Fame". I find it very disturbing to see any mother using her kids to gain fame. IMO, the mother doesn't care one iota about her children, doesn't care what's best for her children, but only thinks about what her children can do to bring fame and fortune to her family.

I think I just described TFW in a nutshell. Unfortunately, she's not the only one that thinks that way.

Autumn Leaves said... 199

If he grabs you like he did Admin, holler and say He's trying to hurt me and put your phone in your blouse. Tell him to get a judge's court order!
I love you,lukebandit.

FYI said... 200

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 5h
For U young ones...this is what it means when U say "I do..4better or worse, in sickness & health"...This is LOVE! pic.twitter.com/omkz73bWLG

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h
@MiloandJack THAT sounds remarkably familiar... My grandparents were madly in love and married for 65/66 years! #myrolemodelsforround2

So is TFW admitting that she had no commitment to her marriage to Jon? How come her grandparents weren't her "role models" for her first marriage? Did her marriage vows to Jon not mean anything to her?

I'd be very surprised if "Round Two" ever happened.

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