Sunday, September 22, 2013

Jon in Reading Eagle

"I'm in a great mood right now.  I live in a very comfortable house. It's very secluded and private. And that's security for my children. They know it's safe there. Obviously there's a lot of things going on in the realm of things. But, I'm fine with everything. Because I know what I know. I know what the truth is."

201 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Dmasy said... 1

From the last topic -- to the poster who thought that Kate was "breathtakingly beautiful".

I thought that the Grand Canyon was breathtakingly beautiful. TFW thought the Grand Canyon was a "waste of space".

I think TFW is .... oh, we found the connection!

Meagler said... 2

DMASY!! bwaaahahahahaaaahh

I loved the connection!!!

Jon was feeling safe and secure in that article and then some female photographer had to go and screw that up.

I see in Kate's forecast...blotchy red skin, a lot of ahhs and uhmm, eye rolling and looking up #notatellingthetruth and a leg that swings back and forth with so much force, the energy could be used to light the room!

I hope the kids get a good break and are not a part of the not-a-cookbook tour.

SeeSaw said... 3

You crack me up.
Waste of space indeed.

Hope she has fun on her world book signing tour.

Rhymes with Witch said... 4

What a nice article. Jon sounds very grounded and focused on his children. I wish him much success.

JudyK said... 5

Am concerned about the gun shot warning thing, but the pap was ON Jon's private property, and I agree that he was within his rights.

See that the Queen of Mean is making her tv appearances this week, beginning Tuesday. Nothing is beneath her and her loathesomeness.

Blowing In The Wind said... 6

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 17h

@LakeRat2011 @msgoody2shoes21 @BullyVille If he really felt threatened he should have put towel over his he did 2his kids! :)

Is she/he really this stupid? I mean, seriously?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 17h
@LakeRat2011 @msgoody2shoes21 @BullyVille If he really felt threatened he should have put towel over his he did 2his kids! :)

Millicent said... 7

That was a nice article. I feel sad that his feeling of safety and privacy in his own home have now been violated by that crazy lady. If someone followed me home and down my driveway, I know I'd be nervous and anxious for some time to come in my own home.

Most of the responses were very positive toward Jon. I think he's generally well liked, or at least liked, in his local area. The WOS (see Dmasy's comment above), not so much.

PatK said... 8

That article just reaffirms the major difference between TFW and Jon. How down-to-earth and full of common sense he is. Her...not so much.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 9

It's so good to hear that is he feeling liberated about his life and what may come next. Good for him. He admits he was a regular guy before the show and has gone back to being that same guy and liking who he is. Unlike Kate who still feels she has star power left in her veins. Watch out Hollywood, here she comes again....!!!

And from the other thread, why does Kate have to, once again, let everyone know she has pre-cooked all the meals for the babysitter/nanny when she is gone? Control freak. Yes, yes Kate. You are the world's best mother. Just in case we have all forgotten. I get so tired of the same crap from her whenever she is going on a road trip.

FYI said... 10

Millicent-I feel the same way. He had this private place where he and his children could feel safe, and now that's been violated. I can imagine how that must make him feel.

I wish one of the media outlets that always report the bad news about him would pick up that story. They were so quick to pick up the gun story, but I doubt anyone will report this one.

I think the article was great. I haven't ever heard any of TFW's bosses speak about her like that. Remember Scott Kluth?

Rhymes with Witch said... 11

Hey katie, your bff is running the NYC Marathon for a good cause.
Plan to join her?

JudyK said... 12

LOL @ Paper Plates. Yes, Kate is full of crap and as obvious and transparent as Saran Wrap to anyone who has above a 1-digit I.Q.

Over In TLC's County said... 13

From the other thread...

Also, I disagree with the poster who said it is a VERY rural area and would take police a long time to respond. It's not that rural and "off the map" like people are thinking. Police response time would likely be within 10 minutes.


That's what a friend of mine thought, but response time was 25 minutes. It's in a rural area, so it depends on other calls at the time, and how many are on duty. It's in Robeson Township and as far as I know, it's Mohnton's jurisdiction.

Meagler said... 14

Paper Plates: I feel the same way, that pre-cooking meals when mommy is away is a controlling tactic, but that said, a fridge/freezer full of food does help if the Nanny is getting the time off during the day and starts her day picking the kids up off the bus. It would then be nice to be able to just pop that meal into the oven.

However, I do find it controlling when my MIL pre-cooks meals for FIL when she goes away and then gets mad at him when he excepts invitations from friends to eat out :(

When I go away, I make sure there is food, if I have time, if not, they can eat out, buy or do what ever they want ... teachs them to think for themselves!

FYI said... 15

I hope TFW remembers to bring her passport with her when she goes to Canada. Especially since she didn't remember or consider the last time she went there that she was out of the country.

Berks Neighbor said... 16

You know what is total KARMA - This week is supposed to be all about TFW and her 'cook-book'. Unfortunately for her, Jon is coming into the limelight and looking like a much better father, friend, and employee. She's going to look like a desperate hack making another attempt at going for the brass ring.
Every article, no matter how biased it may start out to be, seems to be turning the tides for people to realize that Jon is just a regular guy. And from someone who has met Jon I can confer. He's a decent guy. (although like most humans has made a few judgments in error - and has done his best to rectify them). I'm glad to know that he is continually putting his children first despite being handed some horrible odds. ~ Administrator said... 17

It's lovely TFW sued Jon just when he was mourning the loss of his grandmother last month.

FYI said... 18

It's lovely TFW sued Jon just when he was mourning the loss of his grandmother last month.

Not only his mother, but her children's great-grandmother.

She really is a WOS.

Blowing In The Wind said... 19

stasistasic ‏@stasistasic 3h
@Kateplusmy8 what kind of meals did you prepare?

What does it matter? Are the fans coming over for dinner when Kate's gone?

Sometimes I do think these questions are jokes, such as the one who couldn't figure out what to do with reheated food, or where to buy the cookbook. But then I remember that these are sheeple. Enough said.

Unknown said... 20

Berks Neighbor said... 16
''You know what is total KARMA - This week is supposed to be all about TFW and her 'cook-book'. Unfortunately for her, Jon is coming into the limelight and looking like a much better father, friend, and employee.''
What makes the KARMA more interesting to watch is that it was TFMJG's lawsuit against Jon and Robert that forced Jon into the limelight. Once again, TFW's plan has backfired on her. She thought the lawsuit would draw attention to her poor bullied self.

Had TFW not filed the suit, the attorneys wouldn't be working pro-bono for Jon and Robert, and bringing attention to Jon, exposing him to more people as the nice man he really is, and TFW as the ''desperate hack making another attempt at going for the brass ring.''

PatK said... 21

I guess I missed it, but what does "WOS" stand for?

AuntieAnn said... 22

Nice article about Jon. He has come up through some murky waters and seems to be a happier person now. His children have a great role model in him.

I do hope all the B&N and other outlets on TFW's tour de force book signing schedule have tidyed up their broom closets.

Anonymous, please make an appointment with an optometrist ASAP before your sight deteriorates further. TFW is not breathtakingly beautiful. Never was and never will be. The image of her at the top of this page is more of a portrait drawing than a caricature drawing. It bears an uncanny resemblance to the real thing I mean person.

Milo, step away from your keyboard and go take your meds. You're way off your beam again.

Dmasy - you are hilarious. lol!

fidosmommy said... 23

Great article. Thanks for posting it.

Picture # 8 in the article looks like it was taken by the cookbook photographer. The man looks like he has a bat taking flight from his head.

How many people who have known/worked with Jon have nice things to say about him? I'm betting it is the huge majority. He seems to have a good reputation for enjoying people and making friends who will always think well of him.

Anonymous said... 24

Harvey is friends with Kates lawyer so I'm sure this negative article is a favor to his friend. Just trying to push back after all the positive reaction Jon got this week. She's probably ready to bust a blood vessel..I'm sure. All her doing. She is beneath contempt.

Rhymes with Witch said... 25

I thought that the Grand Canyon was breathtakingly beautiful. TFW
thought the Grand Canyon was a "waste of space".

I think TFW is .... oh, we found the connection! 1

Waste of Space.

Formerly Duped said... 26

Well, TFW reported that Cara feels better when 'Mommy' is gone away for work to have 'Mommy' food for comfort...yup.I think the idea is fine as long as she doesn't specify what has to be eaten when or freak if they order pizza or eat something else.

Nice article about Jon. He sounds peaceful, and happy, and extending that to the children has got to be good for them. ~ Administrator said... 27

If Kate's camp is behind some of this the funny thing is they are hoping to make him look bad isn't necessarily working. It's getting spun the opposite way. As a victim of a vicious lawsuit and protector of his children, not a bad guy with a gun who is dangerous like they hoped.

Blowing In The Wind said... 28

Anonymous, please make an appointment with an optometrist ASAP before your sight deteriorates further. TFW is not breathtakingly beautiful. Never was and never will be.


When I read that, and the comment that she had the body to have been a success (or whatever), I thought it was Milo posting here!

Formerly Duped said... 29

I see the NoNetz bog is still on TFW's site...I wonder if other companies will hear about this and maybe refrain from asking Kate for a review.

Speaking of reviews, the Amazon ones of the crookbook are scathingly negative...

Anonymous said... 30

If anyone here is waiting for Karma, its been here and knocking on her door for some time now. Don't know how she sleeps at night. A lot of negative things going on in her life that most people couldn't cope with. No T.V. offers, lawsuits, her book is a failure, and the last thing she needs is her ex looking like the concerned normal parent whos working hard to create a life for himself. Karma is kicking her ass right now.

Hoosier Girl said... 31

Dmasy - Waste of space comment - hilarious!
Millicant - I'm using WOS from now on!

FYI said... 32

I see that Amazon now has a Kindle edition of the cookbook. How many times has she been asked if it was going to come out as an e-book? Just one other thing she hasn't promoted.

She tweets that she's so excited to meet her fans on her book tour, but doesn't promote where she's going to be. I guess she figures one tweet directing them to HCI's website was enough and her part was done.

She'll take all the perks(travelling, book signings, interviews), but she won't do any of the work.

Hoosier Girl said... 33

Formerly Duped said... 26
Well, TFW reported that Cara feels better when 'Mommy' is gone away for work to have 'Mommy' food for comfort...
Hey WOS -

You know what would be better than 'Mommy' food for comfort? Having Daddy stay with them while you are gone.

AuntieAnn said... 34

Blowing In the Wind - I think Milo reads here and sprinkles her "pixie" dust in the occasional post. I think TFW does too.

In RH's book, he said she reads blogs that slam her. At one time she had the power to persuade TLC to have them shut down but she lost that power when TLC ditched her. I think that is one of the reasons she hooked up with BV - so that he will do the same. They are both cut from the same cloth.

Formerly Duped said... 35

lol, WOS it is! How apt.Thanks, Dmasy.

Suzee said... 36

Of course ROL picked up the pap story. The comments are almost all pro Jon! The pendulum is finally swinging towards his side, both w/this pap story and the suit and the Reading Eagle article is a very nice topper. My mom always told me that good things would come to those who wait. ;-)

ElvisFan said... 37

According to TMZ, Jon will not be pressing charges against the pap, stating that he believes she's learned her lesson.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 38

It's lovely TFW sued Jon just when he was mourning the loss of his grandmother last month.
Wow, I had not even considered the timing. What a POS. And I doubt he was able to take the children to the restaurant gathering where they would have seen their family. Family, WOS, what a concept.

Well, TFW reported that Cara feels better when 'Mommy' is gone away for work to have 'Mommy' food for comfort...

Mommy is gone for 'work' - she and maybe 6 people think that this is work. Wonder if Uncle Steve has arrived for their 'business' trip?

capecodmama said... 39

Nice article about Jon. He seems to be in a good place in his life right now. As for the tabloid articles about him working in a restaurant, since when is it hitting rock bottom because you work in a restaurant. And as for having two jobs, there are plenty of people in this country who work two or more jobs to make ends meet. Nothing wrong with that. With regard to the stalker chick, Jon should press charges.

TFW must be seething with all the press Jon is getting.

Anonymous said... 40

Kate says she is leaving to go on her 3 hour tour with Gilligan, but Jon is the one who gets the attention with a newspaper article where it counts, in your own hometown, and he gets the front cover of TMZ, ROL, & E! online without even trying LOL.

Justice, sweet justice.

Jeanne said... 41

Robeson Twp has their own police. But the cabin most likely has a Mohnton address. The Mohnton zip code covers a lot of area. So I can see why the stalker would be confused and go to the wrong police. I can also see why the police would not investigate. Why would you report yourself for trespassing? Her instructions must have been to do anything you can to get Jon in trouble so we can make him look bad for the lawsuit.

I saw the RE article online. I liked the article. I hope he likes his jobs. Work is work. I would think these jobs would be a little flexible.

silimom said... 42

Hi all. Great article about Jon. Thanks for posting it, Admin. It's nice to see him getting some (mostly) good press for a change.

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

Rhymes with Witch said... 43

I just love this quote from Jon:

"But the No. 1 thing is, I spent every single day with my children for five years. That's time you'll never get back."

It cuts right to the heart of the matter.

Rhymes with Witch said... 44

TFW must be seething with all the press Jon is getting. 39

Ha,ha, even TFWs twitter timeline is all about JON.

Forget #katiebarthedoor. Kids should bar the door. Or stay with Daddy.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 45

The only positive spin I can put on TFW's media/book tour this week is that I am sure she is going to give us many, many things to comment on - swinging legs, set jaw, flushed face, and oh yes,more than a few umms. She is in such an ugly position with her ex, her own doing, that I would hope she just might realize there is no throwing him under the bus. Does she know the words, "no comment'? Nah, it's Kate.

Wowser said... 46

TFW (WOS) is "ready for her close up".... She's gone into her delusional mode of "I am a star....people are going to line up to see me without mememe promoting anything...Steve will come with ME to protect my kids (WTF??)....mommy is going to "work" kids to be on TV (I doubt anyone is paying her). She will basque in her imaginary fame and glory in that WOS head of hers while she gets her hair and make up done getting ready for that close up. I would LOVE for someone to ask her some pointed uncomfortable questions just to watch her break out in hives again and ummmmm and pump her legs like a mad woman.

Wowser said... 47

I used to read TFW's twitter feed at but every time I go to that site it says there is an error and it doesn't connect.

Is there another way to read those crazy tweets?

Mary said... 48

I'm sure she uses the word work to the children to make herself sound good when she is taking off and leaving them. However, we all know this is not work but a vacation for Kate. She gets away from the kids and other people pay her some attention. She probably can hardly sleep at night because she is so excited.

On the plus side, the kids get some time away from her which is good.

I don't remember if this was discussed. For the book signings does Kate have to pay her own way?

Sheri said... 49

Wow, crazy life indeed. I say good on Jon for firing the warning shot to prove he meant business. Clearly he gave this woman ample time and warning that he was not happy with her presence.

Kate likely would have yelled at the kids to come outside, posed them all around her, pinched the ones that weren't squealing with delight and plastered a cheesy grin on her face.

Snark aside, it's good to see this article and that the tabs are finally giving Jon a much fairer shake.

Formerly Duped said... 50

Was looking at that pic with the girls and stuffed animals with all WOS' oh, so carefully arranged 'best sellers.' This sounds mean, but why all the fuss on the CWS list about flat ironing the girls' hair, when in all honesty their hair was only well-kept when the nanny Judy (?) was around? OK, they'e at home here, but if she's gonna plaster their pictures for public view, at least brush all the girls' hair!

I know, a petty comment, but not on the girls, but on their Mommy Dearest.

Rhymes with Witch said... 51

According to TMZ, Jon will not be pressing charges against the pap, stating that he believes she's learned her lesson. 37

WHAT? He didn't ask "can we sue?"

Just a mature and rational response. (no matter what you think of the warning shot).

p.s. I still maintain that that woman was a stalker.

Sheri said... 52

Just skimmed over at ROL, I guess I was wrong about the tabs giving Jon a fairer shake but at least the comments are more positive.

Also, thanks to whoever posted the Amazon forum link, I was interested in what people were saying about her far, nothing good.

FYI said... 53

Wowser said... 47
I used to read TFW's twitter feed at but every time I go to that site it says there is an error and it doesn't connect.

Is there another way to read those crazy tweets?

Wowser, you can read TFW/WOS timeline here:

But I wouldn't recommend going there now. There's a major sheeple/haterz war going on at this time.

Anonymous said... 54

Besides the few books that she sells over the next couple of she going to make ANY money. Isn't this all about making money to pay the bills? Or is she spending to promote this ridiculous book? Will she actually be in a "hole" financially over the "LOOK AT ME OR I'LL SCREAM" tour...

SeeSaw said... 55

I looked at the book on the B&N website this morning. It was ranked #50,995. Will be interesting to see how much it climbs during the book signings this week although that may only be a ranking for online sales.

PatK said... 56

The "Look at Me or I'll Scream" Tour!

Love it!

Melissa NV said... 57

But I wouldn't recommend going there now. There's a major sheeple/haterz war going on at this time.


Yes, it's been a real Hatfields and McCoys over there today! Nobody's winning, though...feud could go on for decades, and they still haven't figured out the difference between slander and libel.

Lalalalala said... 58

Does anyone else wonder how many people in the TV and movie industry Kate has contacted about making a movie of HER story and HER hardships about raising EIGHT, count them, EIGHT kids and having a worthless husband who never did anything to HELP HER?? I mean, COME ON PEOPLE!! She's a single mother of EIGHT kids! Of course everyone should be begging her to sign a contract! Why hasn't this happened yet?

I'm going to patiently wait for the "Mommy Dearest" books to come out from her kids. And they will. Then the movie. I vote for Daniel Dai Kim to play Jon. Joan Rivers can play Kate. Hehehehehehehehe.

Melissa NV said... 59

PatK said... 56

The "Look at Me or I'll Scream" Tour!

Love it!


Too funny! How about the "Come and Get Me I'm in the Closet" Tour?

JoyinVirginia said... 60

Bringing forward acronym key from prior thread.
TFW = The Former Wife
TFMJG = The Former Mrs Jon Gosselin
KK = Katie Kreider = Katie Irene Kreider = TFW maiden name
WOS = Waste Of Space ( and we are not talking about the Grand Canyon)
Saint Tony of the Ballroom = Tony Dovolani who apparently knows how to teach anyone else in the world how to dance except TFMJG.
# - various hash tags representing Super Fun Things that the witty posters here come up with. So far Auntie Ann is in the lead with #SuperFunLawsu.
Anyone else want to add anything? ~ Administrator said... 61

Too funny! How about the "Come and Get Me I'm in the Closet" Tour?


I wonder if Canadian utility closets look the same as Santa Monica ones.

Melissa NV said... 62

I wonder if Canadian utility closets look the same as Santa Monica ones.


I heard that they serve shots of Canadian Club in their closets.

NJGal51 said... 63

How about the "Come Out Of The Closet" tour. Come out of the closet (literally) and come out of the closet and show yourself for the WOS that you are because it's all going to "come out of the closet" during discovery.

chefsummer #Leh said... 64

"Come and Get Me I'm in the Closet" Tour?

OMG I love this and don't forget delivery my pizza to the closet.

And free gift card and cash for pics of meeeeeee and my 8.

Melissa NV said... 65

I do feel sorry for some fans...

Live,Laugh,Dance ‏@lilly_time 4m
I don't know what I'm gonna do when I'm done watching Jon and Kate plus 8 and Kate plus 8 @Kateplusmy8 I don't know what to do now

Live,Laugh,Dance ‏@lilly_time 1m
I'm going to spend the whole night to get a tweet or shout out or get to meet @Kateplusmy8

Melissa NV said... 66

How about the "Come Out Of The Closet" tour. Come out of the closet (literally) and come out of the closet and show yourself for the WOS that you are because it's all going to "come out of the closet" during discovery.


lol!! "Skeletons In My Closet" Tour?

ElvisFan said... 67

#standwithmeorstandagainstme ~ Administrator said... 68

Remember years ago I talked about momentum and how when the momentum is in your favor it can be very hard next to impossible for the other parent to change that? Everything feels like yet another nail in the coffin like you'll never recover.

Bit by bit Jon has clawed and scraped his way back to getting that momentum to shift. Now, HE has the momentum. Everything is spinning his way, multiple articles that are positive and portray him like a good guy who's working hard. He is also benefiting from a time in our history right now where working hard doing what you have to do is very highly valued and respected by most people. We are not in an era that looks down on this kind of thing at the moment. People just want to see people working, they are not about to make judgements on what. Momentum has shifted, and Jon is now riding the wave. Now it's TFW we're watching claw and scratch and try to turn things back around.

What a world.

Unknown said... 69

Does anyone know why I can't see the comments on ROL? Is there something to click that I don't know about? Thanks in advance for any help!

Tess said... 70

LOL so many good ones :)

My humble entry: Come and Get Yer Popcorn Tour

chefsummer #Leh said... 71

R Kelly can do "Kate Gosselin Trapped in the closet 2"

He can sing while Steve pushes her all over the dance floor.

Upstater said... 72

OT. Whoever recommended "Last Tango in Halifax" on PBS, thank you. (I'm too lazy to look at the past comments....). It's adorable, well written and entertaining! Looking forward to watching the rest of the episodes.

Carry on!

Lalalalala said... 73

The "I don't see people" tour.

Rhymes with Witch said... 74

The man is working. His children are priority. What's to criticize?
Looks like what goes around, comes around. It just took a while.

And no, no sympathy for TFW.
You reap what you sow.

Amy2 said... 75

Kate belongs in the era of excess. Whereas the rest of America learned to do with less and hang on to any job they can get. Even if it meant separating families when Daddy went to another state to find work. And, IMO, the era of doing with less is Jon.

A Mom said... 76

wonder if Kate's tour begins at the children's school? Barnes and Noble Bookfair Kick-Off Meeting: it's tomorrow morning before Kate's Satelite radio show. Wonder if the kids would be proud or run and hide if she showed. LOL

Thought a little "funny" would be fun!! ~ Administrator said... 77

Kate belongs in the era of excess. Whereas the rest of America learned to do with less and hang on to any job they can get. Even if it meant separating families when Daddy went to another state to find work. And, IMO, the era of doing with less is Jon.


Amy I think you nailed it. I never realized this before, but TFW and Jon are symbolic of what we've been going through the past several years.

TFW, with her excess in everything, most of all spending, was how we got to where we are now. Now, at the time living large was the thing to do. That was before the bubble burst and we realize what greed did to us and are paying dearly for it.

Jon represents how we will get ourselves back on track--good ole fashion get your hands dirty hard work.

TFW is, unfortunately, a bitter reminder of mistakes made and an old lifestyle we were once encouraged to embrace but now is but a memory. ~ Administrator said... 78

The "I don't see people" tour.


Baw-haha. That's going to be literally and figuratively this time.

Lalalalala said... 79

I went to the Katie Couric) Show website to see if there was anything on Kate and all they are showing are videos of her appearance from when she was on the show 2 years (?) ago? Anyone have any ideas about this?

Tucker's Mom said... 80 (Administrator) said... 68
Remember years ago I talked about momentum and how when the momentum is in your favor it can be very hard next to impossible for the other parent to change that? Everything feels like yet another nail in the coffin like you'll never recover.

Bit by bit Jon has clawed and scraped his way back to getting that momentum to shift
I clearly remember discussing that and Kate really had the wind at her back at that time.
Jon's image was in the crapper, and he just wasn't helping himself on so many levels.
He does seem to be settling back into a comfortable life now, though he truly tried to rush that years ago, with women, puppy love, things and the wrong crowd.
Basically, he's maturing, and that's great.
One thing is for sure, it's always been apparent that he loves his kids in a soulful sort of way that's way more palpable than salt water swimming pools or garlic knots.

Mt. Joy Momma said... 81

wonder if Kate's tour begins at the children's school? Barnes and Noble Bookfair Kick-Off Meeting:


It's a meeting to prepare for the annual book fair in November -- nothing to do with authors, or signings or selling or promoting their books.

It's interesting that no stores in her own state are included on the tour, and still the sheeple keep asking where she is going to be. She's not telling.

AuntieAnn said... 82

SeeSaw said... 55

I looked at the book on the B&N website this morning. It was ranked #50,995.


tsk, tsk. What a shame.

She'd better just set up her book signing table inside the closet. It'll save a lot of time.

High Sodium Content (aka Kate's Cart) said... 83

Okay I’ve come up with a new name. Was thinking about canned soup or canned beans, but to incorporate both, I’ve come up with High Sodium Content. Seems to fit.
All the hullabaloo about the worldwide book tour, OMG. Kate doesn’t have to leave her house for the
9/23 “National” Radio Tour. Probably won’t be on until at least 8am on the Today Show on
9/24, so technically, she could get up early, limo it to NYC in plenty of time, then her taped segment for ET. Is her part of Katie already been taped? Were the kids held out of school again to be pimped out? An impartial child advocate should monitor kid’s attendance at school. These absences do not teach anything about being a responsible student. What happens when they get the flue or strep and really need extended time out of school?
9/24 7-9ish at B&N on Staten Island
9/25 7-9ish B&N in Paramus, NJ. After that, she could be home by midnight and ready for the 6:00 a.m. wake up call – no overnight nanny needed. (Save $$ as Milo likes to say).
9/27 should be home – no appearance until 5pm on 9/27 at the Baltimore Book Fair. Only a hundred miles from home, should be there to get the kids lunch, if it is not their weekend w/ Jon. Book fair closes down at 8pm – so home way before midnight again.
9/28 almost the same book fair schedule as day before.
Would have all day home Sunday the 29 and at least to see the kids off to school on Monday the 30th and home for dinner on the 2nd.
If she’s gone the entire week and a half w/o going home – it’s because she wants to be away and is most likely spending her own money to do so.

Tess said... 84

LOLOL - you are all cracking me up :)

Admin, I do remember you talking about momentum. That explanation was the key to understanding how a good friend's custody situation had gone so horribly wrong. Her kids are finally all of legal age and no longer with the abusive custodial family. I told her about momentum and now that she can freely talk with the kids, she has been able to explain some of why things ended up the way they did. She as also able to explain "obsessed parental alienator" to them. A lot of healing still to do, but they have a start. Obviously there were many factors, but, my point was that it was here that I learned those terms and meanings!

chefsummer #Leh said... 85

I refuse to go away tour.

Tucker's Mom said... 86

If she’s gone the entire week and a half w/o going home – it’s because she wants to be away and is most likely spending her own money to do so.
When Robert covered the G story and was following Kate/watching the house, Kate would be gone for weeks at a time and when she did get home, she'd either unload and repack, or take off for spa time.
So yes, once she's on the road, she's not going back to "piece and patch" mommyhood while she can. She's not going to squeeze it in.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 87

SeeSaw said... 55

I looked at the book on the B&N website this morning. It was ranked #50,995.

That's interesting. When I've figured total book sales for the month, I've always calculated in BN being about the same as Amazon in sales, however if her book ranks 50,995, I've been figuring way too high for total monthly sales. Which really begs the question, why would HCI print enough books recently to bring up the number to 50,000 in print? It makes no sense.

Melissa NV said... 88

Back to the fan who doesn't know what to do when she finishes watching Kate. Now this is sad...

Live,Laugh,Dance ‏@lilly_time 44m
If I get a tweet from @Kateplusmy8 It will change my life

Live,Laugh,Dance ‏@lilly_time 22m
@Chablis4u @lilly_time @Kateplusmy8 because she is my inspiration so it will fulfil my dream of somehow contacting her in any shape or form

Live,Laugh,Dance ‏@lilly_time 38m
@Chablis4u @lilly_time @Kateplusmy8 it will make my life better then how it is now

AuntieAnn said... 89

chefsummer said... 83

I refuse to go away tour.



TOO funny, Chef!

Somewhere In Time said... 90

The "He Carries My Purse" Tour

Hypocrisy Yet Again said... 91

Summer Days And Nights said... 176
They're nuts...nuts, I'm telling you!

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 2m
@FireyTopaz1 @Kateplusmy8 Jon has a right to his privacy. However, what did he expect after VH1 call-in, Dad's interview, ET & lawsuit?

It's all Jon's fault that someone stalked him and followed him to his home -- because he did an interview? He deserved it?

People here blame Kate for everything inappropriate directed at her, saying it's her fault for being in the public eye. How is their stance any different? ~ Administrator said... 92

Kate can do 100 interviews and write 100 cookbooks and tweet 10,000 times and I still would not feel she "deserves" a stalker/paparazzi coming onto her PRIVATE PROPERTY.

Not sure what your point is, since it's always unacceptable, at all times, for paps to go on your private property, period. No matter who you are what you've done what you've said. ~ Administrator said... 93

For Breaking Bad fans, the Native American with the truck in last week's episode is Saginaw Grant. I met him at a Pow-wow last year. I had no idea he was an actor, I simply thought he had one of the most interesting faces I've ever seen. I asked him if I could photograph him and he said sure. Very nice guy.

deepintheheartoftexas said... 94

Vomit Gosselin Style Tour! ~ Administrator said... 95

According to TMZ, Jon will not be pressing charges against the pap, stating that he believes she's learned her lesson.


Mature response. Not everything needs to be solved with a lawsuit. Sometimes it's fine to just accept things the way they are, even if you were wronged, and try to move on.

Somewhere In Time said... 96

People here blame Kate for everything inappropriate directed at her, saying it's her fault for being in the public eye. How is their stance any different?


Once again, no matter what she does, how badly she behaves, and if she puts herself out there in the public eye 24/7, it is never appropriate to stalk or follow her home and confront her on her own property. I don't think that anyone here condones stalking Kate and pestering her at her own home. She would have a right to defend herself.

chefsummer #Leh said... 97

The gift of gab tour.-coming 2 a closet near you.

Gift cards and cash accepted.


Amy2 said... 98

Staying Away from my children Tour

seven said... 99

"But the No. 1 thing is, I spent every single day with my children for five years. That's time you'll never get back."

Except when he was off chasing hair plugs and getting free teeth whitening, fame with Ed Hardy, church bilking expeditions, and free trips to FL for his birthday.

Let's not rewrite history here. Yes, Jon was present a helluva lot more with those kids than Kate was, but he was still part of all that happened in the beginning.

I like to see Jon being humble now. I could think of more than a few other 'reality stars' who'd do their fan base proud to act as humble as Jon is.

Rhymes with Witch said... 100

I am not trying to rewrite history and I don't think Jon is either.

The man has every right to be bitter about TLC backing TFW in the divorce, etc. (no, I'm not ignoring his behavior).
My point was this is how he chooses to remember those years - spending time with his children. Not the trips or the perks, but time with his kids.

chefsummer #Leh said... 101

seven said... 99

Same thing can be said about Kate when she runs off with Steve to Chicago and to NY and LV and Australia.

And to the derby twice the kids only get a vacation if they work for it.

They only get a vacation if they're being used for mom's gain.

And Kate was being humble when she told people mag and. The world that she changed and now she suing Jon and Robert and the haters.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 102

Let's not rewrite history here. Yes, Jon was present a helluva lot more with those kids than Kate was, but he was still part of all that happened in the beginning.

Yes, and he's admitted that publically over and over again. He has said he will live with guilt for the rest of his life. ~ Administrator said... 103

Obviously he wasn't there every hour every single day. Few parents can do that. But I took that statement as I was the "day-to-day" parent and I don't regret that. And that is true.

seven said... 104

Same can be said about Kate when she runs off with Steve to Chicago and to NY and LV and Australia.

chefsummer, all due respect, but Kate's not the one who said she 'spent every single day with her kids for 5 years'.

I don't give a rat's ass what Kate did. She's beyond redeeming, in my book.

I do think Jon is redeeming himself nicely. He just needs to stay away from the hyperbole statements and remember he was a part of all those same freebies and trips that Kate was in the beginning.

Rain said... 105

Chefsummer said...

"I refuse to go away tour." Perfect.

Hypocrisy Yet Again said... 106

Somewhere In Time said... 96
People here blame Kate for everything inappropriate directed at her, saying it's her fault for being in the public eye. How is their stance any different?


Once again, no matter what she does, how badly she behaves, and if she puts herself out there in the public eye 24/7, it is never appropriate to stalk or follow her home and confront her on her own property. I don't think that anyone here condones stalking Kate and pestering her at her own home. She would have a right to defend herself.

People here have insisted that she doesn't need a bodyguard, made fun of her for it, etc. Why is having protection in public not okay but whipping out a gun and firing a "warning shot" is just dandy? People can be in danger in both public places and on their own property.

Please. If Jon had truly believed he were in danger, he would not have fired a "warning." He would have shot the person. He also would not have followed the person when she left the property. This was not an act of self-defense of a man truly in fear.

And with all due respect to the gun lovers here, a man with eight young children carrying a gun on his person is not acting responsibly. That is a tragedy waiting to happen. ~ Administrator said... 107

And with all due respect to the gun lovers here, a man with eight young children carrying a gun on his person is not acting responsibly.


Those eight children are exactly why he got that gun. I am not a gun lover. I have never even fired a gun in my life. But I respect that man's right to protect his children with a firearm. ~ Administrator said... 108

Are all gun owners with children "a tragedy waiting to happen?" Responsible gun owners don't have tragedies. They avoid tragedies, as Jon did with this stalker. As I said, for my friend who was shot and lost both his parents, a gun could have saved their lives. ~ Administrator said... 109

People here have insisted that she doesn't need a bodyguard, made fun of her for it, etc. Why is having protection in public not okay


No one was making fun of anyone for protecting themselves from legitimate harm. People were making fun of Kate because she lives in a world where she thinks she's important enough to have a bodyguard. At this point, it had started to seem really silly given how far her star has fallen. Plus, he doesn't "protect" her. At the book signing he was nowhere near her, he was off to the side chatting. There's no way he could be in any position to protect her from harm. There was real security there next to her. You can see one of them in my pics, wearing a white uniform. Steve was more like an assistant who makes her feel important.

But I'm rethinking that. Perhaps there are more crazies out there than I realized after this family and she does need protection. But, thus far they didn't go after Kate. They went after JON.

I am One of Eight said... 110

I just wandered over to Pioneer Woman's facebook page to see what she was doing about her book tour. I never knew she wrote children's books about their dog, Charlie. She was listing where she was going to be for signing for the latest book, Charlie Goes to School. Isn't Milo always trying to get TFW to write children's books about Shoka?
How about Too Late Kate book tour!

capecodmama said... 111

Upstater...72 I agree. Am loving Last Tango in Halifax.

chefsummer #Leh said... 112

seven said... 103

chefsummer, all due respect, but Kate's not the one who said she 'spent every single day with her kids for 5 years'.

But she did say that she hates being home with her kids so much that she wants to cry.

And with all due respect what loving mother would say that?

Also Kate was with him when he got the hair plugs and his teeth whited.

Over And Out said... 113

People here have insisted that she doesn't need a bodyguard, made fun of her for it, etc. Why is having protection in public not okay but whipping out a gun and firing a "warning shot" is just dandy? People can be in danger in both public places and on their own property.


Steve is a bodyguard? Who would have thought it! Steve was hired, by his own admission, to keep obsessed fans away from her, and quite possibly later, to protect people from her going off on them. We've discussed this time and time again. He is not a bodyguard. He guides her through airports, deletes photos from cell phones, and tells people to move along at book signings. Google the job of a professional bodyguard...what he does. where he walks. A bodyguard does not carry his client's purse nor consoles her in bookstore closets.

"Please. If Jon had truly believed he were in danger, he would not have fired a "warning." He would have shot the person. He also would not have followed the person when she left the property. This was not an act of self-defense of a man truly in fear."


You're kidding, right? Shoot first, ask questions later. It amazes me that someone would really think that.

I hate guns. Never owned one and never will. Never fired one. The situation with Jon and the kids is not your run-of-the-mill man toting gun scenario. If he's been threatened (and he certainly has been...tweets of horrible hatred), what is he supposed to do if someone shows up somewhere and tries to do harm to him, or kidnap one of his children? Beg him not to do it, negotiate and then buy him a burger at McDonalds? Yeah, that will work.

chefsummer #Leh said... 114

And with all due respect to the gun lovers here, a man with eight young children carrying a gun on his person is not acting responsibly.

And with all due respect a family German sharped can turn on the kids. ~ Administrator said... 115

I think when Kate leaves the kids behind with just a 20-something nanny and a gate with a code, that's hardly responsible. Especially in light of recent events. Shouldn't Steve stay there or get bodyguards for both the children at home and Kate?

Unknown said... 116 (Administrator) said... 107
''....I respect that man's right to protect his children with a firearm.''
As the oldest of six children, living in the middle of nowhere on a farm & ranch, I grew up with guns, and all six of us fired guns often, supervised by my Daddy. As long as I can remember, there was a loaded rifle beside the front door. That fact doesn't make me a gun lover, or someone that believes everyone should be armed, but a person that understands guns. I believe in the total regulation of guns.

Jon is working two jobs in order to support himself, and there is no way he can afford a bodyguard when his children are with him, therefore he is solely responsible for the safety and protection of his children.

Many recent events of mass shootings have made it very clear that horrible things can happen in a matter of a few minutes. Some 'locals' have said that he could have the police?/sheriff's department? at his home in the woods within ten minutes. Just imagine what could happen to an unarmed Jon and his children within that ten minutes!

I also believe in Jon's right to protect his children with a firearm, and only wish that his children were protected by a bodyguard when TFMJG is away from his children!

Starz22 said... 117

society made it possible SO society better be there to support me tour

rainbowsandunicorns said... 118

rhonda ‏@r3boz 25m
How do we no ur book signing schedule @Kateplusmy8 Nashville ??

She's just not going to tell. The only reason I can think of is that, after Milo's excitement about a world-wide tour, is that she's embarrassed to only be scheduled in a few cities. What else could it be?

"Some 'locals' have said that he could have the police?/sheriff's department? at his home in the woods within ten minutes. Just imagine what could happen to an unarmed Jon and his children within that ten minutes! "


An armed intruder breaks into his home and threatens to kidnap one or more of the children. What does Jon do? Use a bow and arrow or Civil War sword? Bring out the old baseball bat? Common sense dictates that he must protect himself and his children.

I was also rethinking my feelings about Kate having a bodyguard...a REAL bodyguard for protection. With the hatred on Twitter against her, and the sheeples' rabid obsession, it might not be a bad idea for her to hire someone.

Anonymous said... 119

I read the whole book on amazon and I looked at the kids pictures, and kates pictures, and pictures and more pictures, and her accolades to those who helped her write the book, thanks to her kids, to Steve, and she did a good job of thanking everyone and giving them credit. Too good as the acknowledgement and dedication was way too long. But, it was nice and she is very excited about what she wrote, and about the book.

I can see the recipes and the food pics, the whole book. Why buy it if you don't promote it kate? Fans can save the pics and they are done.

BTW, their kids are very handsome for the boys and the girls are pretty. She will have trouble later with that many teenagers being so good looking and popular. lol She and Jon did good :)

Her fans don't have to buy it to use the recipes or copy her traditions. It's all right there. Kate, make them want to buy it.

The only problem Kate, is you holding back. This blog has been telling you for years to promote yourself, and you are so afraid of doing that, that you do nothing. There is nothing wrong with your cookbook. It's yours, own it. Be proud of it.

There is no doubt to me, that KG is still very much in love with JG. She would never admit it, but I believe she is. They need to work things out. They are grown now and need to come to a truce.

He needs to move back home in that apartment and help her with the kids. She won't be able to do it alone much longer. It's hard, really hard to be alone and take care of kids. (Forget hired help, they come and go, the kids need their dad, and she does too.)

These two do not hate each other, very quiet the contrary.

seven said... 120

chef summer said ... Also Kate was with him when he got the hair plugs and his teeth whited.

chef summer, please reread my last post. I clearly indicated Kate and Jon were together during most of this.

chef summer said... But she did say that she hates being home with her kids so much that she wants to cry.

Again, chefsummer, re read my post. I said this: I don't give a rat's ass what Kate did. She's beyond redeeming, in my book.

Also, I've never heard Kate say this. Never. I read a post from Robert Hoffman who said it and is going to include it in his new, revised book. I have his old book on kindle, actually. Read it front to back twice.

Is it not possible to discuss Jon without dragging in She Who Must Not Be Named every single time?

My post was quite clear.

westcoastie said... 121

I, for one, am thrilled the children are able to see a parent with a work ethic. As opposed to a parent without an ethic whatsoever!

And I agree, Last Tango in Halifax is wonderful.

Hawkeye said... 122

Just read a B&N review that made me laugh:

With pictures and some antidotes we see a much calmer and happier Kate.

I guess some of those recipes may be poisonous! ~ Administrator said... 123

I had wondered at times if she's still in love with him. She is very preoccupied with him. It could be "in love" it could just be obsession who knows. I'll never understand that noggin.

She reminds me of MTV's Macy and Ryan. It's very clear to me Macy is in love with Ryan, meanwhile Ryan moved on years ago and has a serious girlfriend. Will she ever admit she wants him back? Absolutely not. Which is kind of sad for their preschooler. ~ Administrator said... 124

I think this could have just as easily been Kate chased down, or god forbid the kids. I think they all need bodyguards now and not just booby guards. Things have really escalated in the past several months or so and I think that incident with Jon should be seen as a wake up call. They both may have stirred the pot and helped to renew interest, but that does not mean ANYONE deserves to be in an unsafe situation with a pap/fan/non-fan, whatever.

They should have been circling the drain by now but gosh darn it all these people will not flush. So bodyguards it is.

Anonymous said... 125


clap clap


Meagler said... 126

For the sheeple who are being harsh with Jon about firing the warning shot...

Dont forget your queen tried to escape a pap once by speeding with her lights off in the dark to evade the photographer, which IMO is just as dangerous, perhaps more so.

Jon has a license to carry a concealed weapon, I doubt TFW has any type of defensive driving course.

Unknown said... 127

Anonymous said... 118
''.....(Forget hired help, they come and go, the kids need their dad, and she does too.) These two do not hate each other, very quiet the contrary.''
''......There is nothing wrong with your cookbook. It's yours, own it. Be proud of it.''
I agree that the children need their dad, and even agree that TFW needs Jon. However, I will never ever agree that it would be good for either Jon or his children to be back together with TFMJG.

I don't believe for one second that Jon is still in love with TFW. I do believe that TFMJG's interest in Jon is her intense desire to punish Jon for walking away...not from her, but from the television show. Somewhere inside her, she realizes that Jon's absence is the reason the show was cancelled. I don't think she will ever forgive him or stop trying to get revenge on him for that.

Why should TFW ''own'' her cookbook, when you can't even ''own'' your post with a name?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 128

Anonymous said... 119
I read the whole book on amazon and I looked at the kids pictures, and kates pictures, and pictures and more pictures, and her accolades to those who helped her write the book, thanks to her kids, to Steve, and she did a good job of thanking everyone and giving them credit. Too good as the acknowledgement and dedication was way too long. But, it was nice and she is very excited about what she wrote, and about the book.

Could you provide a link where the whole book can be read. Thanks.

Meagler said... 129

I think they both made a mistake selling themselves and their kids to TLC.

I think TFW had little patience towards her husband and her kids, often being quick to anger.

I felt sorry for Jon and the kids.

Jon got a brain, realized what TLC was doing to their lives, and tried to stop filming.

Kate had a hissy fit, divorced Jon, and set out on her own to continue the exploitation of her 8 kids.

That is why I cut Jon slack, and have no respect for TFW.

We all make mistakes, its what we do to try and correct them , that counts. Jon's trying, TFW is not.

Kirkland said... 130

Upstater and capecodmama,
It was me who recommended "Last Tango in Halifax" I'm so glad you're enjoying it. I haven't seen tonight's episode yet. I can't wait to watch it.

For anybody who hasn't seen it, you can watch it Sunday nights on PBS. Tonight's episode is #3, but check the PBS schedule, they show reruns.

PatK said... 131

Anonymous said... 119

There is no doubt to me, that KG is still very much in love with JG. She would never admit it, but I believe she is. They need to work things out. They are grown now and need to come to a truce.

He needs to move back home in that apartment and help her with the kids. She won't be able to do it alone much longer. It's hard, really hard to be alone and take care of kids. (Forget hired help, they come and go, the kids need their dad, and she does too.)

These two do not hate each other, very quiet the contrary.


Oh, my.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 132

The only problem Kate, is you holding back. This blog has been telling you for years to promote yourself, and you are so afraid of doing that, that you do nothing. There is nothing wrong with your cookbook. It's yours, own it. Be proud of it.


Seriously? I have no idea who this anonymous @ 119 is, but the whole post is odd. There is plenty wrong with that cookbook. And I don't think many here think KG has been holding back promoting herself because what, she's shy or lacks pride? We think she's just strange in how she refuses to do any meanngful self-promotion yet is relying on that very thing to do her piecing and patching.

And if she does not hate her ex, she has a strange way of showing that. I think the ex has moved on emotionally from her, and has no desire to occupy the garage apartment. Again, that whole post is odd.

Anonymous said... 133

If any of you have not seen the video of Beyonce Knowles Carter, the biggest and highest paid celeb/singer in the industry, getting pulled off stage by an over zealous male fan last week, you have to go to utube and watch it.

She was petrified. Scared too death. She mouthed to security "help me". I was scared for her. It took security a few seconds to gain back control of the situation.

TMZ had a really good video of the incident in slow motion. She needed a CPTED before the concert to make sure that did not happen in the first place. Big mistake for security, huge mistake.

Fans are dangerous and unpredictable, kinda like some paps! Even when they don't know how bad they are, all is ok with them and their actions.

In their mind, like Milo, it is perfectly normal to do what they do.

Kate needs security and so do her CHILDREN. Jon needs a way to protect himself and his children. Guns are allowed.

Everyone needs a back up plan. If you don't have security guards or gates, and say you don't like guns, buy a good taser or pepper spray with capisum. Just make sure you don't spray yourself.

Get an alarm system with heat and motion sensors. And adopt or rescue a loud barking dog for inside or outside your property and car, or make a video/tape of a barking dog to use when strangers approach your home.

And never talk on your I-phone while alone outside, or walking down the street or in a parking garage.

I like to help celebs and the public be safe as I am certified and trained to do so. Life can change in less than a blink of an eye. Be prepared as you can be, without living in fear.

A free public service announcement brought to you by:



Starz22 said... 134

Chased down? Anyone who care's knows where TFW is. Many have stood outside the gates hoping to get a picture when there was " interest". TFW never had people crossing the line,trying to break beyond the gates. TFW's bodyguard was solely for personal reasons. She didn't have anyone there protecting the kids when she wasn't on the compound.

Jon was a non-issue....the one thrown under the bus. With the lawsuit people want to see how far Jon has fallen. Some reporter followed him home trying to be the first to get the "hot shot" Jon's cabin in the woods. I believe Jon had every right to protect his privacy in any way he saw fit. He's not new at this...he knew if he threw his hands up in the air and said "No NO NO you are violating my privacy" would not stop the photo-hog from going any farther. Jon is not begging for attention like TFW.
He's got a real job and is enjoying life.
So what if he's waiting tables?? So are people really saying if you wait tables you have hit rock bottom?

Jon was never after a life as a celebrity . He's not a movie star gone wrong.He's a reality star unlike most who was willing to let go of his 15 minutes and welcomed a NORMAL life with his kids.
Thats bad because?
I do believe he has said enough and needs to go quiet again. Time will show it's TFW trying to stay in the spotlight and she's willing to reveal anything to put her there again.

As for her upcoming appearances or interviews? Do you really care? I'm pretty sure we know how its going to go. Single mom bla bla bla...8 kids bla bla bla...lie lie lie....feel bad for me....give me money...I do it all.
No thanks! I wont be watching or tuning in to hear anything this proven liar has to say...not even to snark on it. TFW has been playing the same song for the last 5 years.

I will tune in for the judgement of this case. Where I'm sure TFW will be shocked to see she didn't come out "winning"!!!

fidosmommy said... 135

Why does this recent event bring back haunting thoughts of the West Nickel Mine school? A serene place, a building full of children, a person coming onto the property... It's not the same, but then again, it is.

I have to wonder if the teacher would have used a weapon if she had one (if it were not disallowed by the community's faith). Did she wish she had one? I guess we won't know.

All I know is with all the school shootings, all the abductions and all the horror going on,
every parent is hopefully finding their own way to avert a tragedy. Jon found his.

Thank goodness this woman was not more persistent or bold than she was. She might have
had a plan B to get closer. Jon needed her to leave immediately and let her know that in a legal and steady way. ~ Administrator said... 136

Could you provide a link where the whole book can be read. Thanks.


I think they meant they read the entire portion of book that was available on Amazon. If you click on Look Inside Amazon really does have tons of pages of the book for free. Plenty to get a very good sense of it.

Obviously there is no link to the whole book nor would I publish a post containing that. ~ Administrator said... 137

I've always been interested in the psychological aspect of this. What causes someone to be unable to move on from a very old past wrong, even if it was truly a "wrong" or at least to them felt very wrong?

Sometimes I wonder if for these people it's not REALLY about the "current" wrong they can't get past. Perhaps it's more about some other wrong deep in their past. Perhaps even abuse of some sort, or a dysfunctional relationship, or some kind of bad experience last time they forgave a wrong. (for instance, they forgave a very serious violation only to be burned again). Perhaps in the past, wrongs were never fully dealt with in a healthy manner. Thus any other major wrong after that can't be forgiven either. I think there could be some very damaged people here, perhaps damaged since childhood even. I just tend to believe that it is human nature to eventually move on from things. You need that ability to stay in the moment. Cavemen can't be thinking about that animal that attacked them last week and what a jerk he was. Rather they have to be on alert for all the new animals out there this week. So when someone is doing something against human nature, there are usually reasons for it.

Unknown said... 138

Anonymous said... 118
''.....(Forget hired help, they come and go, the kids need their dad, and she does too.) These two do not hate each other, very quiet the contrary.''
''......There is nothing wrong with your cookbook. It's yours, own it. Be proud of it.''
I agree that the children need their dad, and even agree that TFW needs Jon. However, I will never ever agree that it would be good for either Jon or his children to be back together with TFMJG.

I don't believe for one second that Jon is still in love with TFW. I do believe that TFMJG's interest in Jon is her intense desire to punish Jon for walking away...not from her, but from the television show. Somewhere inside her, she realizes that Jon's absence is the reason the show was cancelled. I don't think she will ever forgive him or stop trying to get revenge on him for that.
Why should TFW ''own'' her cookbook, when you can't even ''own'' your post with a name?

NJGal51 said... 139

Wasn't someone just wondering where "Oh yes she did/is!" has been? I think she's alive and well and posting as our current anonymous and jus4u.

Anonymous said... 140

Katie Couric tweeted about and posted the below on her website, "

Katie is dropping in on former reality TV star Kate Gosselin and her family! What’s it like raising 8 kids? She’s now a cookbook author who’s even showing Katie the ropes! Plus, Julianne Moore and the cast of “Days of Our Lives!” "

Sounds like Katie is going to Kate's home and will be interviewing the kids also. There she goes using the kids again for her ratings and selling her cookbook.

Wowser said... 141

TFW is NOT interested in the book signing or meeting fans and THAT is why she is not promoting it....all she is interested in is the TV time and the makeup and NYC!! The book signings are just "annoying" to her I'm sure.

Berks Neighbor said... 142

Wowzer...I'm thinking you are right. TFW doesn't want to hob-knob with the mediocre. She wants to sit on couches and have her ego fondled by celebrities while the cameras role.

Dmasy said... 143

The crowds won't be as large. The hotel rooms might not be as lavish. The paps won't be as persistent. The profits, if any, will be less.

But, for this next week, Kate can play the role of a star. She's back in the limelight of her own mind.

Tucker's Mom said... 144

she realizes that Jon's absence is the reason the show was cancelled. I don't think she will ever forgive him or stop trying to get revenge on him for that.
Remona, in fact, Kate journals that she was told (by her manager or TLC, can't recall exactly right now) that the Gosselins were "the total package" and thus, the deals and opportunities were rolling in, and the sky was the limit.
Kate and the family were indeed receiving and taking up to and including 6-figure deals at the time, and Kate's eyes were as big as saucers, focused on even bigger things, like having a custom built house for free.
I'm not sure why that one didn't pan out, but her team was quite confident they could make it happen. Can you imagine?!
So, yes, Jon's departure broke the magic formula and Kate alone could not keep it going. How does one "sell" a "single mother of 8" who travels the world with her brood.
The ability to relate to the masses was inversely proportional to Kate's demanding Diva behavior.
Diminishing returns and all that stuff=cancelation.

Tucker's Mom said... 145

Starz22 said... 134
I agree about Kate's book tour and media appearances. For me, I figured it was coming and it's nothing to get worked up over. Well, besides the lawsuit and perhaps Jon's firing his gun.
I think Kate put this cookbook back out there now to get attention any way she can. She's got no show, no media job, no co-hosting job etc.
Kate's still got name recognition and she can parlay that into a book with a tour. I'd be shocked if she doesn't have the next kid exploitation book in the works. It will probably be something like 'Kate plus 8 teens" , or "Pimples x 8, Oh GR*!", or "Driving Miss Katie- The Gosselins Turn 16".

Roxz said... 146

TFW selling her story: ‏@MMNCNET 10m

Exclusive #KateGosselin Comments on Ex Husband Jons Recent Behavior for Licensing

capecodmama said... 147

Anon...119 Do you honestly believe Jon is still in love with TFW?! Really. Jon moved on from TFW a long time ago. He's not going back to her hell hole. My feeling is TFW is so angry with Jon because she's still in love with him but back in the day her desire to be a star got in the way of that. Jon seems happy and content with his life and his relationship with his children. He's the one person who knows what TFW is truly like and what she is capable of and I can't imagine he would go back to that.

Tucker's Mom said... 148

Meagler said... 126
For the sheeple who are being harsh with Jon about firing the warning shot...

Dont forget your queen tried to escape a pap once by speeding with her lights off in the dark to evade the photographer, which IMO is just as dangerous, perhaps more so.

Jon has a license to carry a concealed weapon, I doubt TFW has any type of defensive driving course.
Thank you!
I've been thinking this myself.
Robert's book is full of stories of Kate's reckless speeding and dangerous maneuvers while driving. It is documented that this has happened with the children in the car.
Anyone can access the information about Kate's speeding tickets. How many does Jon have again?
The fact is, Kate broke the law by speeding and violating various traffic laws and Jon was within his legal right to discharge his weapon on his property.
How Kate's fans just gloss over this is sickening.
Kate has repeatedly shown reckless disregard for herself, her children and the rest of the public sharing the same roads on which she drives aggressively and offensively.
To sum it up, Jon's weapon is a registered gun. Kate's weapon weighs over a ton and travels in excess of 80mph.
Yes, driving drunk, impaired or recklessly while flaunting the law is using your vehicle as a weapon.
Wake up sheep.

Tucker's Mom said... 149

seven said... 120
I understood that you were just pointing out that Jon was not with the kids 24/7 for 5 years.
He was Mr. Mom a whole lot, but he certainly did travel with Kate for church gigs, filming and media appearances.
He's prone to hyperbole, that's for sure. I think as he matures, he's finding the middle ground and moderation.

Tucker's Mom said... 150

He needs to move back home in that apartment and help her with the kids. She won't be able to do it alone much longer. It's hard, really hard to be alone and take care of kids. (Forget hired help, they come and go, the kids need their dad, and she does too.)
Very bad idea. When J+K naively announced that they would be rotating custody in the home, I cringed. It would never work out.
What happens when mom and/or dad start dating? Their lives are going to personally diverge and they need their own distinct personal space, and besides, why waste money on a second domicile for each of them when their not in the manse?
Jon and Kate are both raising their kids and if Kate can't handle things as is, she needs to sell that mansion and downsize, period. Kate is asking for the burden of that huge home. It is not a necessity whatsoever.
Kate should sell the home, downsize, drop the lawsuit and do everything she possibly can to repair her relationship with Jon so that they can co-parent successfully.
Right now, as far as co-parenting goes, I give them both an F.

Hypocrisy Yet Again said... 151 (Administrator) said... 108
Are all gun owners with children "a tragedy waiting to happen?" Responsible gun owners don't have tragedies. They avoid tragedies, as Jon did with this stalker. As I said, for my friend who was shot and lost both his parents, a gun could have saved their lives.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said that carrying a gun ON HIS PERSON is irresponsible with eight young children around and I stand behind those words. Not all gun owners carry guns on them. Some have them in a locked box that is inaccessible to their children.

NJGal51 said... 152

@Kateplusmy8: And, T minus less than 24 hours til Love Is In The Mix makes its official debut!
Preorder yours here NOW: #soexcited
Does she really not know that the book has been available on the (bottom) shelves at B&N for over a week now? #cluelessorjustlazy

mamaK said... 153

The most interesting part of the book is where she thanks "Susan" (no last name, naturally) for her work on the book, saying (parapraising) look at our baby! So, I'm assuming it was Susan who actually wrote the book and then, of course, gets no credit.
The tips and traditions are no any that we haven't heard about before. Interesting mention of not doing Santa Claus, telling photo of the kids in costume for Halloween, (so, clearly the Santa thing isn't because of religious beliefs but because TFW wants to be sure the kids know they got the presents because of HER), popcorn surprises, making everything hearts for Valentines day. The weirdest section is her "brillant idea" for Easter where instead of giving the kids candy in their baskets she gave them "bunny money" that they could trade for candy, as a way to keep candy costs down. Now, if you were all consumed with healthy eatting, why would you give them so much candy? I don't claim to be a health nut, but my kids don't get much candy in their Easter baskets at all. Just enough for a little treat. Also, I think this is a good tell on her (non) religious beliefs. Easter for her isn't about church or Christ, but Candy. (and really, the bunny money written on the 'coins' in the picture looks like a child's handwriting, so I think it's possible this is all made up anyway!)

Formerly Duped said... 154

So we are to turn on our radios anytime, anywhere as 'you will probably hear me." WOS has NO clue, does she!

chefsummer #Leh said... 155

seven said... 120

Sure I don't have to bring Kate up when we talk about Jon and his past behavior or current behavior.

But why not bring her into?

And Kate never denied Robert was a liar she never denied that she didn't write. Those words and she is still using her kids for her own gain.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 156

The crowds won't be as large. The hotel rooms might not be as lavish. The paps won't be as persistent. The profits, if any, will be less.

But, for this next week, Kate can play the role of a star. She's back in the limelight of her own mind.

Exactly. Perfectly said.

NJGal51 said... 157

@Kateplusmy8: About to be talking 'Love Is In The Mix' on a bunch of radio stations (possibly near YOU)! Tune in, cuz you'll probably hear me!
Wouldn't most people give you either the call letters or the names of the shows that they'll be on so that you can actually find the show? I hate to tell TFW but she's not on the station that I'm currently listening to Howard Stern is interviewing Metallica NOT TFW. Could it be that she doesn't want people calling in? #cluelessorjustlazy

Formerly Duped said... 158

mamaK said... 152

I agree the Easter 'tradition" is very weird and the kids end up with candy anyhow and that bunny munny thing is strange, again her getting credit, this time taking it fo rom The Easter bunny lol...but I do think it's her own printing which is very child-like- I think she's left -handed (not that left-handers aren't neat) but accounts for the slant. The writing in her journals and lists we've seen is very messy and child-like.

Berks Neighbor said... 159

Listened to one of the phone/radio interviews. TFW was actually asked about how she felt about Jon being in the news etc. Kate tried to throw Jon under the bus about by saying he has had so many jobs she just doesn't keep track anymore. They pushed for more information on how Kate gets along with Jon and if they talk, or if she has help, etc. The tone in Kate's voice changed and it was like she was getting p#ssed but trying to hold back.
I'm sure those questions were not on the list of approved ones.
BTW...she still talks about her kids as a 'team'. . . never as a 'family'.
There's no "love" in her words when it comes to how she feels about the kids.
She fessed up that Nala was 'crazy' and she couldn't handle her.
She fessed up that she has no body guard when she is at home, and that they analyze the security issues on a case to case basis (guess that Zumba class/Fundraiser was a HUGE security risk).
She fessed up that she has 20 hours of week help, but no house keeper. She said she does that herself.

I cry Bull on so much of what she said, but the interview was a waste. Didn't even say where to get the book, didn't plug her coupon site, didn't plug her website, didn't plug the Baltimore Book Festival, didn't do anything.

Here's the tweet following one of the radio personalities after they interviewed Kate:
Ali Kaplan ‏@AliShops
Best way to follow up Kate Gosselin on a Monday morning? Jersey #Housewife @melissagorga! That's @mytalk1071. Tune in! cc @lexandthecities ~ Administrator said... 160

He was pissed off that a pap followed him, which is completely understandable. I would be too. His reaction, however, is not.


Since none of us were there, I'm not sure we can really say with any certainty that his reaction was not "understandable." Jon didn't give us the second by second play by play of all that happened. There is no video or audio of the incident to be able to judge just how frightening it was.

I don't even really see this as a gun issue. The way I see it gun control debate is about when guns are misused. How to prevent killing of innocents, accidents, mass shootings and the like. I don't hear anyone talking about how they want to restrict guns so a man can't protect himself, his children and his property from a stalker. Guns used in self defense is something very few people object to, according to the polls. ~ Administrator said... 161

. Kate tried to throw Jon under the bus about by saying he has had so many jobs she just doesn't keep track anymore.


The hell? So has she! She's bounced around from job to job more than anyone!

You know what, witch? Those "so many jobs you can't keep track" is how America is getting back on track. Because people are willing to work hard and do WHATEVER IT TAKES even if it means piecing and patching job to job. Even if it means you're on your 100th job.

You picked the WRONG YEAR for this crap. ~ Administrator said... 162

. I said that carrying a gun ON HIS PERSON is irresponsible with eight young children around


A nine year old is going to take down a 200 pound 36 year old man and grab the gun on his person? LOL.

On his person is exactly where the gun should be in an emergency. ~ Administrator said... 163

Also how do you know the gun wasn't in a locked box in his car? He simply retrieved it when he realized he was being hunted down by a stalker?

I doubt Jon walks around with a gun sticking out of his pants at his job.

TLC stinks said... 164

Some contributing sheeple writer for The Stir wrote about Jon and the pap gun incident. LOL, the comments are 99% in Jon's favor. The writer had the gall to imply his behavior could affect his custody. I think the female pap was hired to tail Jon and get a reaction. Sounds like "somebody" knows how to "mastermind" and twist Jon to this very day. I do wish he had pressed charges, but should at the very least have the pap investigated as to hired her.

Over And Out said... 165

She fessed up that she has 20 hours of week help, but no house keeper. She said she does that herself.


To do what? The kids are in school all day. She's there with them on weekends. The "help" grocery shops for her? The "help" does her laundry? Exactly what does this "help" do in 20 hours a week if she does all of the housework? So much for her doing everything by herself. However will the sheeple spin this?

Tucker's Mom said... 166 (Administrator) said... 161
. Kate tried to throw Jon under the bus about by saying he has had so many jobs she just doesn't keep track anymore.


The hell? So has she! She's bounced around from job to job more than anyone!
Same crap response that she gives regarding Jon's girlfriends. "Oh, can't keep track".
I think *she's* the one with a very short attention span and absolutely NO staying power.
The irony is that when Jon did have a solid computer/IT job, Kate badgered him to quit! For a reality tv show that anyone can tell you, doesn't last!
I remember watching Kate BEG Jon to quit and stay at home with her. Distinctly. They were in the Etown kitchen and she was using her wiles to persuade him to stay at home with her.
Now, he's got a huge hole in his resume and Kate's going to throw him under the bus for not being able to jump right back in where he left off?
She's got nerve. She ought to try to see who wants her out of date and practice nursing skills.
Gawd, sorry, that pisses me off. ~ Administrator said... 167

Is Kate projecting here? I don't understand this. She's the one who won't get a steady, solid, predictable, stable job. Does she hear the words coming out of her mouth and how ridiculous it sounds when all she does is flutter around from project to project herself?

Over And Out said... 168

Very bad idea. When J+K naively announced that they would be rotating custody in the home, I cringed. It would never work out.


You and me both, Tucker. I gave it no more than six months. Did it even last that long? ~ Administrator said... 169

She fessed up that she has 20 hours of week help, but no house keeper. She said she does that herself.

"The help" story changes all the time for her but as it stands now 20 hours a week is four hours a weekday--basically the entire time the kids are home from school. So I'm not sure why she can't get all the little projects she wastes the weekends on during the week so she could actually spend some quality time with the children. ~ Administrator said... 170

The writer had the gall to imply his behavior could affect his custody.


She has no idea what she's talking about. There's no way on God's green earth an incident like this, given what PA's laws are and their long tradition of respecting a man's right to protect his property especially when things are very rural, would affect custody. Not in a million years. If anything the judge would be asking TFW would steps SHE has taken to ensure the children's safety.

Anonymous said... 171

I had wondered at times if she's still in love with him. She is very preoccupied with him. It could be "in love" it could just be obsession
who knows.

My feeling is that she is obsessed! She lives to make Jons life a living hell. It doesn't matter to her if the kids are effected by this at all.
It reminds me of one of those Lifetime movies.

Over And Out said... 172

Sounds like Katie is going to Kate's home and will be interviewing the kids also. There she goes using the kids again for her ratings and selling her cookbook.

It's already been of Katie with the kids in their home. Katie's hashtag was eight is more than enough.

Tucker's Mom said... 173

She fessed up that Nala was 'crazy' and she couldn't handle her.
Can you give more detail about this exchange?
My head is about to explode.
You don't just try a dog on like a pair of jeans.

Tucker's Mom said... 174

If anything the judge would be asking TFW would steps SHE has taken to ensure the children's safety.
Um, well, she tweeted that even the dog can breach the house downstairs. Just ask Shoka, your Honor, he blogged about it! ~ Administrator said... 175

Wouldn't it sound better for Kate to say the opposite?

That she has help for 20 hours but they do all the things like the housekeeping and cooking so she can spend all that time with the children?

It doesn't make a whole lot of sense not to stick those 20 hours of help on housekeeping so you can be with the children. After housekeeping what does she have to do but either cook or be the nanny? I like when wealthy people go this route--they hire a housekeeper/assistant to run the entire house from top to bottom so that they can be the ones picking up the children from school and being with them, when mom/dad is home of course. Instead of hiring a nanny and trying to pick up the slack of running the house yourself. Not sure what she is doing now, but Pam Andersen had not had a nanny for years and years. She had an assistant, a really cool guy who was an awesome D.J., and her mother came from Canada when Pam was out of town. Pam was always the one doing the kid drop offs and going to games and the like, not the DJ. That arrangement made sense for her, because he freed up a lot of her time so she could devote it to her two boys.

Nala was "crazy" because she wasn't a responsible dog owner who invested the time and energy into a puppy to help her become a great adult dog.

Irresponsible dog owners are just as bad as irresponsible gun owners.

Berks Neighbor said... 176

Tucker's Mom, they asked about the dog(s) in reference to all that she has to do, and she said they just have 'Shoka' as Nala was just to "crazy" (they were all talking over each other at this point)...and she couldn't handle two dogs and only brought one back because of the 'new divorce'.

I wish I would have transcribed it better, but I'm sure there is a copy of the exchange somewhere. The interview lasted all but 8 minutes (probably less).

Mel said... 177

@Kateplusmy8: And, T minus less than 24 hours til Love Is In The Mix makes its official debut!
Preorder yours here NOW: #soexcited

Good grief. Doesn't she have anything to say other than #soexcited? ~ Administrator said... 178

Good grief. Doesn't she have anything to say other than #soexcited?


"Excited"--interesting. I wonder if when you buy twitter bots you tell the company, I want them to say things like they are SO EXCITED about me!

localyocul said... 179

Isn't 20 hours per week, if it's weekdays, pretty much all the time the kids are home AND awake? My grandmother had 9 kids in 10 years and had no help. She's no mother

TLC stinks said... 180

There is no way in hell Kate still is in love in Jon. She is OBSESSED with him, and not in a good way. If I were in his shoes, I'd carry a gun too. Doesn't make him the crazy one. ~ Administrator said... 181

The time she is actually on her own with the children is less than Jon's. According to the 20 hour timeframe that only leaves her the weekends alone with them, and every other weekend they're with him. Jon is apparently getting Fri-Monday every other weekend plus a weekday visit. He was pushing for a second weekday visit.

He has the kids on his own more than her--baw-haha.

Formerly Duped said... 182

WOS did admit to having 'helpers' for homework and showers ( when the twins are not doing this) and we know she has Katherine for meals. I imagine she has the nanny and housework 'help' too. This does not include the special services of Pool Boys, Lawn Boys, Mr. Water Man, groomer-chauffeur etc as well as the aid of Mr Smith when things break down or the Amish farmer for the chickens...I think she tweets household woes like the error code to lead people to believe she does it all herself.

Her method of cleaning is to pitch things out- such as Jon's items in the basement/apt and the twins' belongings, as well as toys hurtled downstairs in the old house. That maybe why she says she never enters the twins' room- she doesn't need to, since she has helpers.

localyocul said... 183 (Administrator) said... 169

She fessed up that she has 20 hours of week help, but no house keeper. She said she does that herself.

"The help" story changes all the time for her but as it stands now 20 hours a week is four hours a weekday--basically the entire time the kids are home from school. So I'm not sure why she can't get all the little projects she wastes the weekends on during the week so she could actually spend some quality time with the children


I just said the same thing. Ridiculous. And she has all day alone to get stuff done.

AuntieAnn said... 184

She fessed up that she has 20 hours of week help, but no house keeper. She said she does that herself.


What a lying liar. What a lazy lying liar. She doesn't do the housework, she makes the kids do it. At least that's what she wanted people to believe when she wrote out the Gosselin household manual for CWS. Or was that a lie? hmmm. Make up your mind Kate.

It's good that she has help 20 hours a week though. Leaving her on her own with the kids could put them in danger.

Over And Out said... 185

Jon did say that the nanny is the one who handles the transfer of the kids. Sheeple said it was a lie -- Kate didn't have any help. Oops. I guess there really is a nanny there, and the 20 hours a week includes her helping with the pick-up and return of the kids that Jon spoke about. ~ Administrator said... 186

What is she doing at 7 oclock at night that she can't help with showers? What is she doing at 5 oclock in the afternoon that she can't help with homework? She doesn't WORK. She can piece and patch a 500 word blog post when the children are at school. She can phone into radio shows when the children are at school. 99% of what she does can all be done when the children are at school so she doesn't need help.

Talk about a waste of money. If she really is concerned about money she should let this hired help go. With the rare exception she goes out of town, it's completely unnecessary.

PatK said... 187

I have to wonder if Kate silently swore to herself when she found out Jon mentioned her having a nanny. Oops! lol

Jumping In said... 188

This "cookbook” is simply her latest tool created to get herself back on television. The book signings are the price she must pay to claw her way back on those couches she so longs for. She'll promote it front of a camera, her reason for being there, but it will quickly turn to the pitch.

The pitch is for another show of course, but first, she must be sure to throw Jon under the bus, then move on to the same old story. I agree with the poster up thread who said the books will keep on coming, apparently it works, it gets her in front of the camera. And, it's easier than running marathons! ~ Administrator said... 189

@Kateplusmy8: About to be talking 'Love Is In The Mix' on a bunch of radio stations (possibly near YOU)! Tune in, cuz you'll probably hear me!
Wouldn't most people give you either the call letters or the names of the shows that they'll be on so that you can actually find the show?


NJ I'm afraid this is as good as were gonna get. Usually there is no promotion at all!

TFW for some odd reason thinks playing cat and mouse games with viewers is intriguing, will draw people in. She doesn't seem to understand if you make people work to find you most of them will just give up and quit.

TLC stinks said... 190

Nala wasn't crazy, IMO. The dog did not like Kate, Geez, she treated the dogs horribly. Nala saved herself by probably showing Kate some teeth. Smart dog.

Katie cry-duh said... 191

Hey Kate, if you have a nanny for 20 hours a week, why is it you can't work as a nurse? ~ Administrator said... 192

You cease to become a paparazzi the moment you cross private property lines. You have become a stalker at that point.

Now you're reading into things. Withdrew could easily mean withdrew from a lock box or locked gloved compartment. It could also mean he retrieved it from a lockbox, put it in his pants, then withdrew it after he said he warned her repeatedly to leave. That said, I don't agree keeping a gun on your person is necessarily dangerous. If it's not on your person or quickly accessible in a lockbox, it's pretty useless to you in an emergency. I'm not sure why you're getting so angry about this even to the point of cursing. We can't change what happened nor does Jon care what we think about it. ~ Administrator said... 193

Hey Kate, if you have a nanny for 20 hours a week, why is it you can't work as a nurse?


This is what makes no sense lol. She says all her money will go to a nanny if she is a nurse (completely untrue but for argument's sake, okay.) But she has a nanny ANYWAY and barely works. So if she can afford one anyway why not just go back to work? A nanny is clearly in her budget and has been for a long time even though she has not had much of any significant work other than a few blog posts in over a year. So what's the problem here?

TLC stinks said... 194

Of course there has ALWAYS been a nanny. We saw an assortment of them at the bus stop over the years and Jon would hand off the kids at the gate to the nanny. She probably feeds them dinner and puts them to bed. We always wondered why Kate was tweeting so much during the early evening hours. That used to be my most hectic time.

And do not forget the laundry helper. And I've always thought someone did the grocery shopping. Whenever Kate was pictured at the store grocery shopping, there was just not much stuff in her cart. She has a family of nine. Get real. This is when the lying makes no sense.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 195

Can't wait to read/hear about her book tour on here. Surely the links will be posted soon.......I'm #soexcited. It's like waiting to open up your presents on Christmas morning!! LOL.

chefsummer #Leh said... 196

"The help" story changes all the time

I think she only admitted to having help cause Jon outed her to having a nanny.

Other wise she'd be saying "Oh no I do it all alone I don't have any help".

chefsummer #Leh said... 197

Who wants to be Steve is her Mr. Security man for the week.

Lynne In RI said... 198

Hey Kate, if you have a nanny for 20 hours a week, why is it you can't work as a nurse?


So why doesn't someone ask her that question? I'm sure that would bring out "the look," and lots of ums, ums, ums, ums...
You'd have to think fast, Kate!

chefsummer #Leh said... 199

And of course TMZ got KK at the grocery store. And she looks fablous by the way.

SeeSaw said... 200

This morning's book sales rankings (with PW for comparison):

B&N: Kate: 53,966/PW: 172
Amazon: Kate: 9,034/PW: 86

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