September 24 - Today Show
September 24 - Entertainment Tonight
September 24@ 7pm, Barnes & Noble, Staten Island, NY
September 25 - Katie Couric
September 25 - Inside Edition
September 25 - Extra
September 25 @ 7pm - Barnes & Noble, Paramus, NJ
September 27 & 28 - Baltimore Book Festival, MD
October 1 @ 7pm - Chapters Bookstore, Yorkdale Mall, Toronto, Canada
October 1 - Roger, Darren & Marilyn Show - CHUM Radio
October 1 - The Marilyn Dennis Show
October 2 @ 8 - 8:20am - The Roz & Mocha Show on KISS 92.5
October 2 @ 9:45am - 12:15pm - The Steve & Chris Show
607 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 607 Newer› Newest»I cannot understand why this is a fun activity for children. Many children do not like touching or smelling it.
I was thinking that. Most men's, and for that matter women's shaving creams have a VERY strong scent. You know when someone's shaving from a mile away. Womens are usually more gentle like flowers but men's are usually a strong, zippy cologne scent. I can see most 2-3 year olds being very uneasy about the smell. It also has a very dense, unique texture that I can see might unnerve many young children. And the second they get some in their eyes you've got a screaming kid covered in shaving cream, just what every mother wants.
Has she ever actually TRIED this odd little activity on toddlers or is she just blabbing away?
I couldn't even listen to the full radio segment....my bullsh*# meter was going off the chart!!! Paleeeeeze! She wrote ALL her own recipes?! She is so full of crap. I think this whole media tour is going to be an epic fail. The love she has for herself is definitely a forever kind of love and there is NO room for anyone or anything else!
On another note a surprisingly large number of kids that little hate any kind of substance on them, from finger painting to shaving cream to mud to sand to even water. Put kids in any of those situations and without fail many of them are screaming. They are far more sensitive to new textures than older children and adults. It's not very fun if some of the kids aren't enjoying it.
Oh, yeah. The Broccoli recipe...she must have been channeling Julia Childs when that brain busting recipe came to her...hahahaha!
Sorry, Julia for that awful insult. May you RIP.
Has she ever actually TRIED this odd little activity on toddlers or is she just blabbing away?
From reading Robert's book (reading the correspondence between Kate and her handlers/people), it seemed as though Kate was given ideas for activities to present on the Rachael Ray Show.
Kate presented making ice cream in baggies and some sort of sailboat. She seemed wooden and I didn't think she rehearsed well.
Starts at around 4:57
And have you ever tried julienning a baby carrot? I did once because my husband brought the wrong kind of carrots home and while doable, it's not easy.
I cut my finger doing that. Baby carrots are cut that way to eat them whole, that's the entire point of them.
The love she has for herself is definitely a forever kind of love and there is NO room for anyone or anything else!
That's not going to make Milo or the Irish Creeper very happy!
No worries Sleepless.....milo and Creeper don't want TFW to love them...they need to Love Her which is why their totally dysfunctional twitter relationship is so perfectly...welllllll?!?... Dysfunctional!! It's a ménage a trios twitter style where TFW gets all her egos stroked.
Didn't the book originally have 108 recipes? Now it's 80? Also some people are giving information that sounds like some recipes were edited to give due credit.
I would love for whoever interviews her to ask her how she expects the average home cook to scale her recipes to 1/3 or 1/2.
Wowser it's very dysfunctional especially how one-sided it is. They do not get back what they put in.
There have been a lot of anonymous comments the past few days that are otherwise appropriate. Please pick a name.
The policy about not being able to bring in outside books sounds like something Kate herself would do, doesn't it? (Can't you see her stomping her foot and INSISTING that the books HAVE to be bought there THAT day. Then those poor schleps who bought books at Amazon or another B&N will need to buy another copy to get it signed. That would be Kate thinking of more $$$ sales.)
If Pioneer Woman's signings don't have that policy then it doesn't sound like it's corporate B&N.
But it could very well be a B&N policy directed at KATE'S books (and other signings where they expect mediocre sales) because of their uncertainty of sales and trying to cover the cost of having her. Maybe.
When I've done B&N signings, I don't remember anyone at B&N directing that no outside books could be brought in. Usually, they try to accommodate the author AND guests and appreciate them both being there. They're DELIGHTED to get people coming in, even if they don't buy. Foot traffic is foot traffic. It's the whole point of having an author sit in--get people in the door who might not have come otherwise. I find that policy Kate's talking about odd. It just sounds so....suspiciously Kate.
If you see a big stack of crookbooks by Kate, remember the unsold copies can be returned. B&N prepares by ordering extra copies above what they think an author can sell (plus a buffer). Whatever isn't sold above the inventory they'd normally carry will be usually be returned. They might give it a few days for those who missed the signing.
Even B&N stores not having Kate signings may return some of those 5 copies we've seen on shelves--if they don't move quickly. In fact, you can't get on to a B&N shelf unless your books are guaranteed returnable.
#superfunbooktour. Yay! (lol, love it, Auntie Ann!)
You all have been making me lol on here. I love the Kate, the breathtaking waste of space, Dmasy!
I have to say, I was a preschool teacher for years. Shaving cream play was an awesomely fun activity for 3 and 4 year olds. No tablecloth, the typical school furniture preschool table (which was always very clean after we played!) and a can of shaving cream. We had a few who tried to eat and quickly learned not to ! It is a great sensory activity, a gret way for kids to practice making shapes and letters, And they really love it.
Why didn't they make it easier & just say to get a bag of matchstick-cut carrots? I only use the baby carrots for casseroles like a chicken pot pie cuz they are easy to cut in half quickly & cook great. I use the regular sized carrots for something that requires a large amount of carrots like carrot bread. I don't have the skill to junillnne carrots so I just buy them already junillnned. Aka matchstick carrots!
Can't pick a name it won't publish under anything than anonymous
AuntieAnn said... 182
Another lie she told on the radio program this morning was she never thought of writing a cookbook, but her fans begged her to.
What the...? She's been yibbering and yammering about it for years. Why lie about that? Why not say, I've been wanting to have one published for years? It's called 'telling the truth', Kate.
And wasn't there a cookbook that Zondervan published, then couldn't market in the US?
Was Milo not a fan during Kate's heyday? I'm in the South, and I know Kate was as close to two hours away from me for appearances. Unless two hours is too much for Gladys.Kate traveled pretty extensively then.
The whole can food meals remind me of the Duggars overly processed canned food casseroles. Michelle and Kate haven't grown from the teenage cooking phase. Yes the both got married young and had a bunch of kids but that does not make either a cook. I'll admit I was a horrible cook when I first got married. I had just finished grad school. I wasn't embaressed to ask co-workers about how to make food from scratch or even spend a few evening with my senior citizen neighbor learning recipes. I imagine Kate could have had wonderful recipes from her past life as a church goer, Jon's family, and I'm sure all the volunteers when the kids were little could have taught her great dishes. Of course I doubt she would ever admit she needed help or to learn a recipe.
No worries Sleepless.....milo and Creeper don't want TFW to love them...they need to Love Her which is why their totally dysfunctional twitter relationship is so perfectly...welllllll?!?.
What we have here is the cast from the "Chicago" musical. Razzle Dazzle as Billy Flynn; TFW as Roxie Hart; Milo as Mama Morton ("When you're strokin' mama, mama's strokin' you), and Irish as Amos Hart, Mr. Cellophane, who has been for the most part, ignored ("Cause you can look right through me/Walk right by me/And never know I'm there").
Maybe they should take this on tour. It would be a more #superfunshow than the book signings.
jellybean @nswru1 20m
@katiecouric @Kateplusmy8 Would love to see you get Milo her greatest supporter, to come on your show and meet Kate and 8. LOYAL
I'd pay big bucks to see that. They'd need EMTs standing by, though. Milo would turn to jelly at Kate's feet. Then again, maybe Milo likes feet.
AuntieAnn said... 182
Another lie she told on the radio program this morning was she never thought of writing a cookbook, but her fans begged her to.
What the...? She's been yibbering and yammering about it for years. Why lie about that? Why not say, I've been wanting to have one published for years? It's called 'telling the truth', Kate.
Not only talking about it, but her former publisher, Zondervan, had planned to publish "Love is in the Mix" in fall 2009 per this article (and many others found on google).
Jane said... 160
Anja Garrick @Hengelo25 2h
@katiecouric How much $$ did she receive from your show?
Katie Couric @katiecouric 2h
@Hengelo25 0.
My understanding is that she's paid for the use of photos and film. Not for appearance on the show, although the show can pick up hotel, meals etc.
YEP. Just like Casey Anthony was paid $200,000 by ABC for "licensing fees" for pics of poor Caylee in the summer that Caylee was "missing".
Jennifer Allison @JAWeilex 33m
I really hope my @Kateplusmy8 book arrives tomorrow so i can go to the book signing if not I may cry
There might be considerable tears shed when they realize that they have to buy another cookbook.
3) There are 8 chapters (oh how predictable) and 88 recipes.
Silimom - Thanks for your first impressions of the "making marginally edible stuff with canned goods" book. So if there are only 88 recipes, does that mean there are, indeed, 20+ other tips/traditions included to reach that 108+ magic number on the cover?
Kate looked awful in that video. That outfit is something you wear when you're cleaning the house or working out. As Stacy and Clinton like to say, it takes just as much time to put on a pair of jeans and shirt as it does sweat pants and t-shirt. And she has lost way too much weight. Yikes. Someone pass her a burger please.
I noticed when the pap said "now that you have joint custody...." , Kate didn't correct him. It was nice to see she hasn't lost her sunny disposition.
Hi Silimom! you mean the book is about the size of the recipe books you might buy for a church fund raiser? curiouser and curiouser.
I went to the B&N webiste to read reviews. They have a Meet the Author section. Why is her picture there a really old one? It's from way back before all the plastic surgery and hair frying.
Not only talking about it, but her former publisher, Zondervan, had planned to publish "Love is in the Mix" in fall 2009
Zoe & Anonymous 17
I know. It's almost like she's flipping the bird at the facts. It's such a strange habit of hers to just outright lie about things that are common knowledge among anyone whose been following her stupid antics for the last six years. Even Gladys knows the book was 86'd in the U.S. What in the hell is the matter with sheep? They just go along with her lies...well, if Kate baaa says so, baaaa it must be so...baaa baaaa.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 180
Here's another reason to allow outside copies. While you're standing there puttering around waiting for TFW to come out of the utility closet,
HAHA!! Your trip to the booksigning is still my favorite story. lol!
Virginia Pen Mom said... 13
The policy about not being able to bring in outside books sounds like something Kate herself would do, doesn't it? (Can't you see her stomping her foot and INSISTING that the books HAVE to be bought there THAT day. Then those poor schleps who bought books at Amazon or another B&N will need to buy another copy to get it signed. That would be Kate thinking of more $$$ sales.)
Yes it does sound like some bizarre little money-making scheme she'd come up with. She doesn't care if some poor college student who thinks she walks on water empties their bank account to buy her book, just as long as she can make money. That's just mean.
Actually when I think about it, if there are college students who are falling for her dreck and buying up her books, I fear for the future. ha!
lukebandit - You are a sweetheart. I'm so glad you are doing well. Stay strong :o)
Maybe TFW was upset with Chris because he was more interested in Jon than her. He didn't ask any questions about her new cookbook tour. She is lucky he didn't ask her about the law suit. What a happy woman she is NOT. There is no possible way she didn't know about Jon. She checks her twitter all day long.
Call Me Crazy - There are 60 pages of Tips and Traditions. The traditions are are what you saw on the show or what she's tweeted about in the past, including but not limited to pumpkin carving (My favorite line? "I used to get all worked up about the mess, but I've learned the mess is temporary. Memories last a lifetime!"), and winter fun in the snow (although, in the accompanying pictures, they don't look like they're having much fun but that could either be because the sun's in the eyes or the fact that they're posed for the picture, standing in a line), winter fun with toddlers (solutions apparently marinate in her mind. Interesting word painting there) - this is the pudding, shaving cream, pasta stringing and edible dough section - etc. etc.
Her tips include: Cooking ahead, Grocery shopping without or at most just one of your kids (literally that's the gist of it), handling picky eaters, aka "If they don't like a certain food, just keep serving it over and over until they give up and eat it" and "Lie to them and tell them they're eating rubber bands instead of calamari", feeding a large family on a budget, a whole huge section on her lunch packing rules, the sick kid diet (basically a BRAT diet but with Goldfish or saltines, gatorade, cheerios thrown in for good measure.
And my favorite part of the hints and tips: "How to Begin Eating Organically".
Note her CYA phrase: "...to feed them organically as I can afford to as as availability allows".
There's a whole page with her personal diet on it. She eats a cup of fiber cereal with skim milk, a small banana and lots of coffee with fat free Coffee mate; almonds or hummus and veggies as a snack; her K8 salad or wrap for lunch; and a small portion of whatever she fixed for dinner plus 50-60 ounces of water a day and little sugar and carbs. Then she talks about how to be organized in the kitchen and finally "leftover night" with her "must choose one of this or two of that" menu choice list.
Susie Cincinnati said...
You forgot the butter. There's butter in that recipe! LOL
Yes, I forgot Kate's secret sauce!
What's wrong with PA's school system? Could this be why it appears many of PA's citizens make the 'private school' decision?
I found the photo credits to be an interesting read: Cover photo by Ariana Falerni (www.arianafalerni.com), Inside family still photos and food still photos by Ariana Falerni, food styling by Parikha Mehta.
Kate Gosselin's food photos by Joshua Longbrake, SharpSeven Design
Food Stylist and recipe tester: Kierstin Buchner, SharpSeven Design
Recipe tester: Heather Morrison
I will say this - the pictures of the food look delicious, however I don't think that's what they will look like when I make them myself. I personally think they looked at Kate's recipe and then "remade it" so that it would look good.
But we will see.
Since March 29, the day her book went on pre-order on Amazon, TFW has sold an average of 3.41 books a day. Nearly 3 and a half. And that's including Canada, the UK, Germany and Japan. (why Japan? Australia would have made a lot more sense to document.)
I really wish there were a way to track total sales - online, bookfairs, book stores, etc. but I doubt that' made public unless the book is a huge hit.
Anonymous, Zoe, AuntieAnn
"Not only talking about it, but her former publisher, Zondervan, had planned to publish "Love is in the Mix" in fall 2009 "
That could be it's own post. Love is in the Mix Redux
Did Steve have anything to do with getting her the gig in Baltimore for the festival?
Doubtful, but isn't it odd how she always seems to migrate there? Uncle Steve. I cannot believe she has crowned him with that title when those kids have flesh and blood uncles banned from their home. He is much, much more than a business acquaintance or partner to her. His wife has got to be either money hungry or totally doesn't give a damn to allow Kate make him part if her family. Kate has got to be delusional if they are not having a physical affair. Maybe she thinks that by bestowing him that title she has staked her claim on him. All I can say is the day he walks someone will pay a price (like Jon).
Tucker's Mom said... 2
I absolutely adore white balsamic.
Try oven roasting brussel sprouts and splashing some on at the end. It's so bright and delicious!
Ahhh TM, you had me at oven roasting. I especially love the crispy outer leaves that fall off during cooking. I will absolutely try your addition the next time I make them.
I still think it's odd that the kween of the kanned kreations thought to included this more specialty item (did she get it in a grift basket?) in her otherwise basic recipe.
I saw some chatter online about only buying the book from B&N for the signing about a week or two ago.
I'm on VaPennMom's side of the fence on this. This sounds like quintessential Kate. This ain't her first rodeo with these book signings.
The twitterverse has been saying for over a week that she's encouraging people to pre-order through Amazon while knowing full well they probably won't be signed. They accuse her of forcing her fans to buy another copy at the book signing, using her fans while she win$ again.
The Today Show has her listed as "In the Kitchen"-so she's actually going to make one of her "inventions"? Wonder how many times she'll insert some dialogue about MEMEMEME? Wonder if it'll be her "invented" broccoli recipe?
On the Today show website, there is a block at the top of the page. The block has times and segment descriptions and TFW is not mentioned. In fact, she is not mentioned on the homepage at all.
Looks like the bar has not been updated for Today's show, but still no mention of her coming on the show.
Love it! They are featuring a story on IVF.
"The uterus is NOT a condominium"
How ironic that TFW is on today
My notes: Kate on Today Show.
When Savannah brought in that TFW is coming up, TFW was all grins when she was introduced with her cookbook, but as soon as her lawsuit with her ex was mentioned she frowned and looked ticked that they mentioned it.
Highlight reel shows divorce and then Kate making meals.
She is skinny
Says recipe book is for a family of 8 - 10.
Same schlep about the fans wanting them and the kids begging for them for when they are older.
She says the kids are really happy, and they are in a good place. (I call BS)
Kate says she's learned what are real battles and what are important battles are. (guess that includes suing her hubby Jon)
Does not regret anything in her life. Would do the show again.
Savannah brought up lawsuit (show's picture of Jon from the stalker episode, not a good one of him).
TFW can't talk much about it.
She says it's because of internet bullying and losing employment opportunityies. Blames Jon (w/o saying his name) for all the bullying. (big smile on her face).
I just don't understand Kate's need to constantly lie. Why doesn't she just say the deal with her old publisher fell through, but she persisted and got it published. Would have made for a great narrative.
Well, Kate's sitting on the Today Show couch for her interview. She looks very nice, with a modest dress and nice hair.
Oh wait, she's on right now....
Montage catching up with the past several years, blah blah blah
Now Kate is raising kids on her own (WHAT???)
Kate's kids asked for her recipes so they can make them when they grow up.
No mention that the kids were actually 8 or 9 when she really first wrote the book for release by Zondervan. But now, the kids line up on the island stools to "watch Mommy's cooking show".
"I guess I talk a lot while I cook, I mean, I talk a lot". Lots of hand flapping and eye rolls.
Regarding the lawsuit, Kate basically said what she wrote on her website. She's been bullied and lost employment opportunities and for her sake and the sake of her kids and their futures, she needs to go after the source (Jon).
So basically, Jon ruined her career prospects.
Lots of ums, eyes darting-still hard for her to simply relax and make eye contact.
Savannah Guthrie soft balled it, but did ask if she had regrets, but Kate claims that she's changed soooo much since doing the show, blah, blah blah. She now knows what's important, which apparently is to sue the father of her kids, the father SHE picked and went to extraordinary measures to conceive.
Jon got ZERO credit for raising the kids. If you weren't keeping tabs on the family, you would certainly be led to believe he's not in the kids' lives and is not raising them at all.
Finally, I truly believe now more than ever that the whole point of filing, or filing at this time, was to score more couch time on TV shows.
This interview read like any other. No real emphasis on Kate's cooking.
It's mind boggling why Kate wouldn't be doing an actual cooking segment. They're done all the time in the Today Show studio.
Such a major fail at selling cookbooks. But then, that doesn't surprise me at this point.
Just watched the interview on Today, nothing new. Although, I noticed that she can not move her eyebrows or forehead. It looked strange. She claims that she lost jobs due to the rumors. I can't wait until she actually has to prove this in court. She will have to show absolute proof and that should be interesting.
No mention of her on Today's facebook page. One twitter message that links to an article on Today show about their birthday traditions which mentions a cake she 'always' makes. She says the icing is chocolate peanut butter, yet the picture is of a cake with white icing. In fact, there are two pictures with white icing.
Overall, a minor segment on about 8:40 and was only promoted once during the show.
I hope CC's Scott K. is asked to weigh in (by Jon's camp) about exactly why Kate was shitcanned from Coupon Cabin and whether it had anything at all to do with Jon, or online antics between the lovers and the haters.
I have a feeling it doesn't.
The non-sheeple - non-hater comments from regular Today Show watchers are pretty scathing on TFW's twitter line. I'd post some but I'm a bit
Darcel @xxxxxxxxxxxx 4m
Haven't watched The Today Show in a while. I Don't like Kate Gosselin and her stiff face. Feel sorry for her kids.
Kelly McWilliams @xxxxxxxxxxxx 6m
I'm sorry @TODAYshow; this interview with Kate Gosselin just seems like a ploy to get another tv show. Her words sound incredibly rehearsed.
MJ @xxxxxxxxxxxx8m
lmao at kate gosselin pitching a cooking show while getting interviewed.....im going to turn the tv off now
Kris Wong @LoveK418 9m
Wow, Kate Gosselin is unrecognizable. The power of plastic surgery has made her look like a stereotypical MILF... #smh
Anne L. Fritz @xxxxxxxxxxxx10m
I can't hear a word Kate Gosselin is saying on @TODAYshow because of her way too long French mani.
Kolleene Humphrey @Kolleeneee 10m
Disappointed that the @TODAYshow is interviewing @Kateplusmy8. She is a washed out diva. Just lost a viewer for sure
Cheryl Marton @xxxxxxxxxxxx 11m
@TODAYshow OH NO, NOT KATE Gosselin. PLEASE! She is so OVER.
JamesBond @xxxxxxxxxxxx 12m
@TODAYshow Are you freakin kidding me...Kate Gosselin! I just changed the channel!!!!!
There's more...but these are the highlights.
I can't believe I actually listened to her while packing my daughters' lunch. Ugh. She is truly nauseating.
Her kids asked for the recipes, so they can cook them for "their kids" . Right. GAG. Just pure BS start to finish.
Suze said...
What's wrong with PA's school system? Could this be why it appears many of PA's citizens make the 'private school' decision?
PA's school system is comprised of 500 school districts and not all of them are strong. Please do not assume it is a state problem, rather it is a Coatesville school district problem. My children attend a PA public school in a very strong district that is rated very highly. People in this area tend to send their children to private schools for religious reasons or if their home district is weak. In SE PA, most districts are strong with some exceptions.
OT, loved Sting's new song that he performed on Today.
I don't know if anyone else mentioned this already, but if you go to the website for the Katie Couric show, it lists KG and Julianne Moore for the 25th--and the picture is of Julianne Moore. Hahaha, too funny.
RE: shaving cream activity
I wonder if any of the tups had speech therapy. My son was in speech therapy and the shaving cream (on a mirror) was an activity they did there.
My son, however, HATED to be messy and would freak out if his hands were dirty or sticky. In fact, the only word he would say was "ucky." I tried telling our therapist that and she pooh poohed me, saying all the kids loved this activity. I knew it wasn't going to go well, but said go ahead.
She sprayed a big handful of shaving cream on my son's hand and he was immediately horrified and holding his arm stretched out as far as it would go started screaming "UCKY UCKY UCKY."
She never tried those kinds of activities with him again ;)
That was the only place I have ever come across the shaving cream as a toddler activity....until now.
Suze said... 35
What's wrong with PA's school system? Could this be why it appears many of PA's citizens make the 'private school' decision?
While I understand reacting negatively to the idiot school administrators, this post was worded very offensively. PA schools are excellent, but like with every state, some school districts are better than others. Coatesville is not the best school district, and one would guess a reason for that is the administration.
Kim Weiss talks about TFW on the Today Show (via Facebook)...note that she skims past any discussion of Kate Herself, and that she calls the book, "really a rather lovely cookbook," crediting the photographer, not Kate:
Fabulous Today Show piece. They showed the book full screen (at least) 3X's - publicity 101= Yay!!!
Dang, the one time I don't go up to NY to be with my author on the Today Show, STING is one of the guests. Dang, dang, dang.... (iron age expression)
Justin Timberlake just said "shmuck" on The Today Show! Goodness gracious. My mom would have called that swearing (back in the iron age). I'm old.
Today is OFFICIAL BOOK LAUNCH DAY of Kate Gosselin's LOVE IS IN THE MIX. You can watch her on the TODAY SHOW. Today in the 8:00 -9:00 hour!! Enjoy! http://amzn.to/18mzKUW (really, rather a lovely cookbook with photos by the exquisitely talented (and former HCI girl) Ariana Falerni
I would love for whoever interviews her to ask her how she expects the average home cook to scale her recipes to 1/3 or 1/2.
I'm not sure the average cook has to change anything except the serving size. I was looking at the book on amazon and noticed that one of the recipes said it served 6-8 and it used 3 chicken breasts.
For people not on starvation diets like she keeps her kids on, those portions might be a tad bit small.
Vanessa said...
Love it! They are featuring a story on IVF.
"The uterus is NOT a condominium"
How ironic that TFW is on today
I thought the same thing when I heard that line. Best line of the morning!! "The uterus is not a condominium". Guess they forgot TFW was coming on.
Forgot to add re: Kate's Today Show interview-- more parental alienation.
Kate emphasized that the "9 of them" have pulled together and are very happy.
No mention of the kids enjoying time and loving their dad.
Perhaps they are hardly ever "9" when with Jon, with the kids taking shifts visiting him, but there are still 10 people in that family.
So, in other words, sounds like Kate was just "filler" for the Today Show. I have to admit I am in awe of how well and how often she lies. I don't think I've ever seen anyone lie so well.
I live one school district over from that school system, and no, people don't "chose" private because of this. This is not typical, it is shocking, disgusting, and horrifying. There is a school board meeting tonight which I expect to be very electrifying. I hope all the board members resign. The school district contains the only true "city" in the county and there is a large minority population. The school buildings themselves are beautiful, but apparently the people who run them are not. The fact that these two administrators talked like that behind those kids backs is cruel and unforgiveable. And they didn't limit themselves to blacks; they slurred Jews, women, Mexicans, and gossiped about the sex lives of teachers.
Hi Silimom!
Glad to see your posts about the cookbook. Can't wait for your reviews when you prepare a 'typical' meal to 'feed' your family!
How can WOS say these are HER own inventions when she has Nana Janet''s roast, is it Aunt Helen's something, Jamie's broccoli and the traditional American flagcake ?
Ahhh TM, you had me at oven roasting. I especially love the crispy outer leaves that fall off during cooking. I will absolutely try your addition the next time I make them.
I still think it's odd that the kween of the kanned kreations thought to included this more specialty item (did she get it in a grift basket?) in her otherwise basic recipe.
The lightly burnt nibbly bits are delicious!
Love your kwik-witted kwirky pun!
Same old rehashed, rehearsed crap on the Today Show. She has the charm and wit of a wet gym sock. One thing that really stuck out to me was when she insinuated that Jon is responsible for all the cyber-bullying. Isn't that a libelous statement that could get her in trouble?
So, in other words, sounds like Kate was just "filler" for the Today Show. I have to admit I am in awe of how well and how often she lies. I don't think I've ever seen anyone lie so well.
The lying is infuriating, baffling, yet fascinating. She lies when she doesn't NEED to lie, which is the crazy part. She has to be some kind of compulsive liar at this point, she really can't even help herself they just come out for no reason at all. For instance the cookbook? Why not just tell the truth? You don't have to go into the gritty details of the first one being dumped overseas. All you have to say is I've wanted to write one for years and it took a long time to finally get it off the ground but it's finally here.
I just watched the clip of TFW and Chris in the grocery store parking lot, and it's just too funny. TFW was trying soooo hard to look annoyed, but she was obviously stalling for as much camera time as possible. I have a big family, and I can stuff two carts full of groceries in the back of my car in 30 seconds flat. No time to waste. But there she was, slowly positioning a couple bags at a time just-so in her car. And if she's so annoyed, why take the time to carefully tie the tops of plastic bags? If she wanted them tied shut, why not do it in the store? Nope, she wanted to drag her pap encounter out for as long as she possibly could. Obviously waiting for the moment when the topic turned to HER. But all Chris wanted to know about was Jon. I bet that ticked her off.
Oh, and the gray pants? Oh, dear. Why did she feel the need to show all that in public? Is she that desperate for attention? Not to mention putting her flat, saggy arse on display. Kate, honey, if it looks nasty, please cover it up. If not for yourself, then for the rest of us.
I have to admit I am in awe of how well and how often she lies.
And everyone says that she has no talent!
swimgirl said... 49
Just watched the interview on Today, nothing new. Although, I noticed that she can not move her eyebrows or forehead. It looked strange.
That's Botox. She's definitely been injected recently. No "11" between the eyes, smooth-as-glass forehead and the left eyebrow in permanently arched and can not relax into a normal position.
Why do her teeth look different/horsey? Maybe it's because she's almost always interviewed from the left?
One thing that really stuck out to me was when she insinuated that Jon is responsible for all the cyber-bullying
This is where her delusion and paranoia is really apparent. Here's Jon, "would you like to hear our specials today?", working at a restaurant, taking care of his children, taking them to normal places, and holding baby deer in the woods. He doesn't even HAVE internet. This idea she has in her head he is part of some massive internet conspiracy to bully her into what I don't know, is just that, a conspiracy. A ludicrous one. They stripped RWA looking for his IP and could....not....find ..... it. There IS no conspiracy here. This entire ridiculous notion was manufactured in Kate's head and now it's resulted in a lawsuit that's exploded on her.
Talk about projection. She is the bully. She is the obsessed one. Didn't that tweet say that HER camp was calling Jon at his workplace?
I bet John and Robert's law firms are taking note of what she is saying publically. She really does think she is invincible, huh?
Not being mean but she just looks odd to me her appearance just looks odd.
And she drives me nuts saying um every other word. She talks like a teenager or she tries to and it drives me nuts..
I just don't understand Kate's need to constantly lie. Why doesn't she just say the deal with her old publisher fell through, but she persisted and got it published. Would have made for a great narrative.
Exactly. Why lie? There's nothing wrong with that. Lord knows she's not the first author to be turned down. If anything that would be inspirational. Hey I got a rejection letter but this is something I really believed in so I went back to the drawing board tried again and now I'm thrilled HCI saw what I saw and believes in it like I do. Heck she might even provide inspiration to other authors whose books are struggling.
I mean there is just NO reason to lie about this. None. She doesn't GET IT.
I see the Today show also had Ilan Hall on for a cooking segment. Wonder if he took a look at Kate's 'cook' book?
Kate was definitely pitching a cooking show.
It's so sick that Kate's kids (according to Kate) just pour themselves into Kate's activities, but it doesn't seem to go the other way.
Kate isn't instilling a love for cooking in her kids, she's reinforcing their job to praise and notice her in everything she does, be it running, fitness (such a hard stomach, Mommy!) or cooking.
For Pete's sake, get the kids into their own activities and not your yours, TFW!
She is the bully. She is the obsessed one.
I agree. Yesterday someone wondered why she insisted on lying on that TMZ shot that she had no idea about the shooting. It's because she was pretending that she doesn't give her ex a second thought. She does not know what he is up to and really does not care. It came off as completely disingenuous though. It's obviously the opposite.
I can feel her GREED and SELFISHNESS through the television set.
She does not know what he is up to and really does not care. It came off as completely disingenuous though. It's obviously the opposite.
And makes her look like a bad mother. As a mother, you should be fully aware of any incidents/confrontations with paparazzi and stalkers involving your family, especially when they occur on the property YOUR CHILDREN spend significant on.
But that's exactly it, she wants to pretend like Jon who, whatever, I don't pay attention to what Jon does. When the reality is she pays attention like a hawk to every single little move.
Okay, y'all! Amazon reviews are open for business. "Be the first to review this item."
Only saw the last half of the Today, Kate interview. What a bunch of BS. For a person who says: I can't talk about the law suite, she did, instead of saying like Jon did: can't talk about it, and didn't. Kate looked terrible a couple of days ago, and today: she looked old, her neck look like a turkey neck, her hair looks dated(she is too old for that hair style, looks terrible on her, makes her look like a older woman, trying to be 20 something) , the stripe dress did nothing for her, and her skin looked weird, like too much cover makeup, she looked worn out. Poor eating or law suite, or both.
Okay, y'all! Amazon reviews are open for business. "Be the first to review this item."
Keep in mind that Amazon has a "verified purchase" feature now where you can tell if the reviewer actually bought the item. If all the reviews are from folks who never even purchased it, it's probably going to just look like a sheeple-hater war.
I haven't watched The Today Show in years. Thank you guys for taking the hit. I knew it would be nothing new. She has got a lot of nerve blaming Jon for her lack of career. I would love for Jon's attorney to depose CC's CEO as to why he fired Kate. I know that The Stir got a lot of hater comments with every one of her posts, but so what? The site got hits and that's what it is all about. And not all the comments were from haters, some were just legitimately questioning why this woman writes worthless dribble about herself.
I guess ol' Stevie was off camera. I wonder if they spent the night in NYC enjoying an intimate meal. Kate must be high as a kite with him escorting her.
ITA the B&N deal that you must purchase the book there to have her sign it does indeed sound like one of Kate's demands.
She'll never learn. She got to meet @Sting which is the Twitter page for TNA Impact Wrestling, Venice Beach, CA.
. She has got a lot of nerve blaming Jon for her lack of career. I would love for Jon's attorney to depose CC's CEO as to why he fired Kate. I know that The Stir got a lot of hater comments with every one of her posts, but so what?
If anything couldn't you argue the controversy that CC signed up for actually brought more hits? Who cares if people are fighting as long as they are clicking on Coupon Cabin's coupons, which I bet they were.
And the thing is, Scott made it crystal clear his issue was with Kate HERSELF, not on any image the non-fans suggested of her or anything they said about her. He made some snide comments about her "staff" and her being inauthentic. I don't see how in the world that can be blamed on anyone but Kate herself. No one can MAKE another person inauthentic.
The woman has no passion other that to be on TV whether it's a cooking show, dating show, whatever. I always thought that kitchen remodel, paid for by TLC, was a set up to eventually do a cooking show. She just will not let it go. Wait until people TRY those recipes!
She mentions that in her book. She claims she now realizes that messes are just temporary and family fun is more important.
Did she come to this realization after the episode where the kids helped bake for the dialysis patients and if the kids dare make a mess, to pick up any geraniol of sugar from the floor?? I'm sure the kids will have a lot of warm memories of their baking with their mom, Not!
Gigi B
Kate needs to stop blaming others for her failures in life she needs to take responsibility for her own action and bad behavior.
But she won't her ego is to big.
I stopped watching Today after Ann Curry was so unceremoniously dumped. Thanks for all who summarized the appearance of TFMJG.
Except for the occasional musical act, I generally watch Good Morning America.
Last night on DWTS, everyone was having such a good time! They showed Tony and Leah discussing the Scientology issue, she said something like the church is waiting for her to fail so they can say to other members ” see what happens when you leave”. So Tony said that she is working hard and doing well. I was a little pleasantly surprised they addressed it so directly
Is the host fawning over her appearance? Does she mention her fitness program, aka running in any way? #MarathonMama?
And once again she drove me nuts with all the um's and trying to talk like a teen.
How come we never heard why The Stir let her go? She made damn sure it made all the internet tabloids when she was hired. A kid in high school could write a better blog than she did for CC and The Stir. How insulting to real writers that these companies would hire such a no talent just to get hits. So if indeed these companies accomplished their goal of driving new folks to their sites, then WHY LET HER GO?
Talking like a teen confirms she never outgrew the juvenile stage. What a poor role model for those kids.
And once again Kate is contradicting her self she just said in people mag that it was her diva behavior that put people off.
From people mag
" she says, admitting that her own diva-like behavior may have led to her current unemployed state.
So which is it Kate is it all Jon's fault or your own fault that you can't keep a job???
A cooking show would be too much work for Kate. I don't see that happening. It would be a total failure. A dating show would be more her style. She wouldn't really have to do any work. She would just get her ego fed.
So Kate stated in her "pap" interview from yesterday that she pays no attention to what Jon's up to yet she's been able to pinpoint Jon as the person behind all the so-called bullying. Hmmm.......
Kate's interview in a word? Yawn.
BTW, I believe the "ums" are what is called a "deceptive indicator" of lying.
The way I see it, Kate lies for two reasons: 1. To manipulate people into loving her and 2. To protect her ego.
If I remember correctly, Zondervan did not publish the cookbook because of the divorce (they are a Christian company and didn't want the backlash). She can't admit she had a completed cookbook that was set to publish but didn't, because she'd have to re-live the reasons why it didn't publish, and that's too much beating for her ego. Better to recreate a new world to live in where she just came up with this idea.
So Kate stated in her "pap" interview from yesterday that she pays no attention to what Jon's up to yet she's been able to pinpoint Jon as the person behind all the so-called bullying. Hmmm.......
Exactly. If she's not keeping tabs on him how in the world does she know he's behind this conspiracy manufactured in her head? That doesn't make a whole lotta sense, TFW.
The Today show isn't for me - I'm more a CBS or GMA girl - but I tuned in for a few minutes to see the charade, which is exactly what it was.
She's botoxed to the max and looks like every other blond on a Real Housewives show. Cheap. What happened to that fresh look she had?
Lots of lies which have been talked about above. She said that online bullies caused her to lose work and when "she" (BV) looked deeper found the bullying was coming from others, alluding to Jon. So, if she's suing him for computer fraud, what do her alleged online bullies have to do with it? Makes no sense unless there are two lawsuits.
She said that online bullies caused her to lose work
She better be able to back that up with actual documented proof.
That said, your employer is pretty darn weak if a few "online bullies" would have any bearing on whether they hire you or not. For heaven sake, TONS of celebs have hateful tweets written about them at some point. Maybe that's really on her employer if they can't withstand the fire. How does any controversial celeb get work? And yet they all usually do somehow. Like chef said she really needs to stop blaming others for her own shortcomings.
She's clearly insane. The lawsuit is about wiretapping, identity theft and computer hacking which is a joke in and of itself. Does she think one of the claims is 'Masterminding Bullying', because I didn't see anything in her lawsuit that states any law against despising Kate Gosselin and saying so, Why would her lawyer even let her speak out on this case? She sounds like a lunatic.
Tucker's Mom said... 70
Kate was definitely pitching a cooking show.
She did it in a sly way by using the kids once again.
Does she think one of the claims is 'Masterminding Bullying', because I didn't see anything in her lawsuit that states any law against despising Kate Gosselin and saying so, Why would her lawyer even let her speak out on this case? She sounds like a lunatic.
She IS sounding very disconnected from reality in recent months. It's a bit concerning.
The lawsuit is NOT about bullying it's about her getting Jon and I think she knows it, but she has to keep peddling this nonsense about getting the bullies so she can keep her sheeple interested. It was a bait and switch, period. She drew them in with promises to save them from the bullies, then turned the tables and went after who she really wanted, Jon. She used her sheeple, yet again, to accomplish he deranged goals.
Thank you to those who watched the Today show, I appreciate your iron clad stomachs. So the KG media trainwreck continues, along with the Botox.
She's botoxed to the max and looks like every other blond on a Real Housewives show. Cheap. What happened to that fresh look she had?
She looked so odd she looks thin as well and not a good kind of thin.
"I just don't understand Kate's need to constantly lie."
She's a narcissist (and sociopath). It doesn't go further than that. Same answer to the question of why the kids have to be into her activities and not vice versa. It's amusing how much time people spend trying to understand her. It's like trying to understand why someone is tall or short. It's just what they *are*.
Silimom - Thank you for providing further details about all the amazingish tips and traditions TFW included in the book. I hope she didn't hurt herself thinking up those new and unique tips (obviously "cooking ahead" is a particularly taxing idea that no one would have EVER thought about doing before she imparted that wisdom).
And her tip to do the grocery shopping without or with, at most, just one of your kids will play extremely well with all the mommies and daddies who don't have a not-a-nanny and would be a tad uncomfortable leaving their babies or little children home alone to fend for themselves.
And I laughed at the "Lie to them and tell them they're eating rubber bands instead of calamari". HA! She is basically saying that her calamari is chewy like a rubber band. Sounds delicious.
Berks Neighbor said ...47
Says recipe book is for a family of 8 - 10.
Berks, did she really, truly, honestly, actually put this out there? If she
did, she just unwittingly succeeded in putting a restriction on the book that will automatically diminish her potential audience enormously. Why wouldn't she say that all the recipes can be easily adjusted for smaller families??
Wow. Just wow.
I think she does also want to get the internet bullies. Maybe she does think Jon's behind them all? In her mind, people can't possibly not like her on their own, she's so lovable, so therefore, it has to be Jon's masterminding. He must be paying people off to be this mean to her!
Unfortunately, it is not. People don't like her all on their own. And getting an attorney to prove in court that Jon is the mastermind is impossible. The closest thing an attorney can get Jon for is computer fraud, and even then, it's a very weak case.
Maybe she does think Jon's behind them all? In her mind, people can't possibly not like her on their own, she's so lovable, so therefore, it has to be Jon's masterminding. He must be paying people off to be this mean to her!
The thing is, a good number of us, heck even the majority, came aboard when she and Jon were still aligned, the gravy train was flowing, and Jon was all part and parcel to every last bit of it. While it's fair to say that many of us liked Jon better and thought he was the better parent, most still recognized he was part of this mess and responsible for it.
My point being, tons of people smelled something fishy about this family WAY before Jon defected. So how exactly is this "hate" a conspiracy organized by Jon when we didn't like Jon's role in it either??
It all makes such little logical sense and every breath she utters about this conspiracy just makes her sound even more nuts than she already does.
I think the reason KK keeps mentioning bullying is because they know this case is a loser and will go nowhere, but she's setting up herself and BV for a national media tour against bullying. It's shameless and stupid but that would never deter those two narcissists.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 76
Okay, y'all! Amazon reviews are open for business. "Be the first to review this item."
Keep in mind that Amazon has a "verified purchase" feature now where you can tell if the reviewer actually bought the item. If all the reviews are from folks who never even purchased it, it's probably going to just look like a sheeple-hater war.
Yes, exactly. Just like the B&N reviews. How many will actually be, "I tried the Broccoli Surprise (or whatever) and here's what I thought...." Not many.
She is a Stepford guest on these talk shows and interviews. She sticks to her talking points, making sure to hit the key points like throwing out ideas of what an able and chatty cooking show host she'd make, even going so far as to rephrase the hosts original questions to fit those talking points in. Her malignant inauthenticity will be the ruin of her.
Tucker's Mom said...
It's mind boggling why Kate wouldn't be doing an actual cooking segment. They're done all the time in the Today Show studio.
They really should make her prepare something from scratch. Somethng of her own that was divinely inspired as she rested her eyes, something that allows her to really show off her skills. Not like they did on GMA years ago where all the ingredients where prepared for her ahead of time, the meatloaf cooked til it was "pink in the center", and the sandwiches already stacked and ready to eat.
A blindfolded monkey could have done what she did.
I'm just getting caught up on more than a day's worth of posts. Formerly -- I watched bits and pieces of the RV episode online. My take, and I may be completely off base here, is that Cara was tasked with controlling Collin's behavior, under penalty of severeness. Although Clay may have been behaving himself during the filming, we don't know the history there. He may have a history of setting Collin off, and that's why Cara didn't want him around. At any rate, I think the behavior was uncharacteristic of Cara, who mostly seems to be fairly stolid and uncomplaining. She's a lot like Jon in temperament, fairly easy going most of the time. I think there were things going on behind the scenes that provoked her outburst.
Please do not assume it is a state problem, rather it is a Coatesville school district problem.
I just read one article this morning but I think this is just a person problem not even a district problem. Any of these people could be found anywhere. It's just very sad they were found in a place that is supposed to not only teach children lessons, but respect, too.
Why wouldn't she say that all the recipes can be easily adjusted for smaller families??
Because she hasn't been prepped for this. Because she can't think before she speaks (and never has been able to). Because Milo hasn't DM'ed her enough to tell her what to say.
When she commented that fans begged her to write a book, etc., wouldn't you have just loved to hear the answer to the question, "You wrote a cookbook in 2009 with the same name, Zondervan published it. What happened to it?"
Her response. Nothing but a deer in the headlights look.
Her kids asked for the recipes, so they can cook them for "their kids" . Right. GAG. Just pure BS start to finish.
That's an unusual thought for a child to have. She needs to stop projecting her adult thoughts into a child's brain.
t was a bait and switch, period. She drew them in with promises to save them from the bullies, then turned the tables and went after who she really wanted, Jon. She used her sheeple, yet again, to accomplish he deranged goals
How is that class action lawsuit coming along? Any case number? Any attorney of record? I don't see the fans tweeting much about it.
She said that online bullies caused her to lose work
She better be able to back that up with actual documented proof.
I'd like her to produce all of those rejection letters for the nursing position for which she has applied; or waitressing jobs; or that job flipping burgers at McDonalds that she always claimed she would do...all of which would give the reason that she wasn't hired because of online bullying.
That's an unusual thought for a child to have. She needs to stop projecting her adult thoughts into a child's brain.
exactly Admin ....kids just don't think that way, esp at their young ages .
" she says, admitting that her own diva-like behavior may have led to her current unemployed state.
So which is it Kate is it all Jon's fault or your own fault that you can't keep a job???
I hope that the attorneys are keeping good notes of everything that Kate has said and done since the divorce. She's put her foot in her mouth so many times and these contradictions are going to come back to haunt her.
Bitchy Pants said... 114
I agree, although Cara has been seen having major tantrums- like in Farm to Table when she wouldn't share instruments with Mady. (Also the little girls were really mean and rude to Clay while playing with Play Doh in the Basement Reorganization.)Cara's attitude to Clay was just plain nasty on the RV trip. But yes, who knows the history.
But what broke my heart ( this has been mentioned before) was when Leah & Hannah held hands when Kate was driving the RV, and Leah refused Alexis' hand when she offered it.
@Kateplusmy8 What kind of jack holes could justify robbing a mom of 8 the right to earn income ?
I believe the Goody person contacted Dancing With The Stars to try to keep the show from having Jon as a contestant. It would have been income for him. Oh, that's right. Jon never has the kids and doesn't spend a cent on them, or so the fans say.
If there was even a chance at a class-action lawsuit, they would have left RWA alone and let the haters keep chirping. The longer the time between RWA being shut down and no lawsuit, the more obvious it is that there was never a class-action suit. Every day that that fictitious lawsuit isn't filed is another day of comments being removed by the statute of limitations, whatever the statute is on a bunch of women who don't like each other - which went both ways.
I've often wondered if TWF not only thought that Jon/Robert were frequently stirring things up at RWA, but perhaps thought that they *were* RWA.
Sure seems like she thinks that they're *all* the tweeters...apparently she thinks they both have a million socks, and do nothing all day other than post bad things about her.
Since Jon says he doesn't have the internet, I guess he must go to the library all day to post stuff.
Admin said...
The lying is infuriating, baffling, yet fascinating. She lies when she doesn't NEED to lie, which is the crazy part. She has to be some kind of compulsive liar at this point, she really can't even help herself they just come out for no reason at all.
I think TFW became so entrenched in living one life and appearing as someone else for the cameras that she now doesn't know the difference - thus the major reason she comes across as so 'inauthentic'. I don't think she knows who she is. She's fake, stiff, and is constantly caught in stupid lies; she doesn't realize what being honest and real means and would do for her image. She wants to blame Jon and internet bullies for her problems, but she need only look in the mirror because the truth would stare back at her. The sad thing is that I don't think she's equipped to acknowledge or embrace the truth and then live it.
I remember the first time I asked my mom to give me some of her recipes so I could copy them down and have in my own kitchen - about a month or two before I was married.
She started that cookbook for the first time when the little kids were around four and living on craft services food. Were a bunch of four year olds really clamoring for mom to write a cookbook at age four? Ususally kids at age four plan on living with mommy and daddy forever. That is, kids in a healthy, happy home think that way. I have no ide what must have been going through the Gosselin kids' minds except looking for an escape hatch from the TV set they lived on.
TFW's Today Show segment can be seen here:
Here's the Today Show interview link:
On top of the lies, she looked old, hard and when you have to say everything is "for the kids," she sounds desperate. She is reaching the Pathetic stage.
Flo said... 101
''She's clearly insane. The lawsuit is about wiretapping, identity theft and computer hacking which is a joke in and of itself. Does she think one of the claims is 'Masterminding Bullying', because I didn't see anything in her lawsuit that states any law against despising Kate Gosselin and saying so, Why would her lawyer even let her speak out on this case? She sounds like a lunatic.''
I believe that the lawsuit was filed about wiretapping, identify theft and computer hacking because those are the legal issues her attorney could glean from the mountain of narcissist mind/mouth of TFMJG's claims of being mistreated.
I really believe that deep down inside, TFW knows that it was Jon's absence that caused her show without him to be cancelled. The problem is that in her ''lunatic'' mind, she twists that fact into JON being the reason that everything wrong in her life is Jon's fault, because it can't be that SHE is responsible for her own problems.
Everything is boiled down to one string of convoluted narcissistic 'thought' which is full of untruths. Robert wrote a book using information from my computer, which Jon gave him. It's JON'S fault. People read Robert's book and used my journal. It's JON'S fault. People say mean things about me, and that is bullying. It's JON'S fault. I can't get another job on television, and that is JON'S fault. I had to file a lawsuit in order to punish Jon for all the things gone wrong in my life, because it is ALL JON'S FAULT!!!!!!!
Just queing up here the west coast. God! That plastered on smile? I want to poke her in the veneers!
Loved how they showed Sting out mingling with the crowd.
Won't see TFW doing that. She can't be bothered with the mediocre people.
Freaking twaffle!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 103
''The lawsuit is NOT about bullying it's about her getting Jon and I think she knows it, but she has to keep peddling this nonsense about getting the bullies so she can keep her sheeple interested. It was a bait and switch, period. She drew them in with promises to save them from the bullies, then turned the tables and went after who she really wanted, Jon. She used her sheeple, yet again, to accomplish he deranged goals.''
BINGO!! !!!!!!
Kate wrote this in March 2012, six months before Robert's book was released. She now has twice as many followers as she did then. Kate should have included a chapter on eating her own words.
Thx,all 85,003 of my wonderful followers!I ❤u all! &2the haters, u help contribute so much2my past&future successes w all the buzz!Thx2u2!
I want that bra!
Today video now online (Today site) "8:36 am Kate Gosselin suing Jon for the safety of my kids".
She says doesn't regret anything.
HEY!! Remember that fakedy fake re-wedding in Hawaii?? And remember how you sat there with your children and told them mommy and daddy would be together FOREVER?
You lying sack of horse shit.
I don't care to watch Kate on these talk shows anymore, so I'm glad to read these reports here from those of you who did.
Has TFW or the sheeple ever said exactly how Jon has tried to ruin her or kept her from getting employment? Specifics?
Be careful as Amazon is cracking down on targeted negative reviews. Besides the book is horrible and it won't need our help to tank. I think targeted negative reviews like those we have done in the past will just help Kate with her "Bullying" defense.
Katie Couric's website posted a few of TFW's recipes. The Stir Fry and Chili are there, but also posted is TFW's pizza recipe, which includes how to make the dough and the sauce.
The sauce is made from canned goods(what else?), not fresh tomatoes.
Kate just went on national TV and accused Jon of trying to ruin job opportunities by somehow orchestrating the disgust people have for her. I hope he doesn't take this slander lying down, but I'm afraid he will.
She added that "the most unexpected and disappointing" part of it all was learning "who was at the center of it." And although she believes that to be the father of her children, who can be seen in the video during an alleged run-in with a paparazzo, she doesn't regret taking legal action.
"It has to be done for the safety and the future of my kids," she told TODAY's Savannah Guthrie.
For the sake of her kids, she publicly slams their father again with serious allegations? Her kids will hear her words whether through the internet or from their peers.
NBC has no ethics either in supporting TWF's allegations by posting the worst picture possible of Jon as the backdrop for her venomous comments. Can Jon sue for slander/defamation/alienation?
Didn't Jon say in the ET interview that it was almost impossible for him to find gainful employment? Why doesn't he blame HER for it? She's been on a mission since day one to make sure her never makes another dollar. Called him or inferred he was a deadbeat. Post divorce she was in her glory throwing him under the bus on any talk show that would have her. She STILLdoes it
I think it's laughable that anyone would think that online bullying stood between TFW and her 'opportunities (as stated above it most likely brought more hits/attention to sites), but let's say she was given that reason for not being hired for a media job.
I think it's very possible and probable that someone would tell her that rather than be brutally honest and tell her that she has no talent and that she stinks on camera. I think it'd be very difficult for anyone to state that, without a doubt, her having online 'haterz' was THE deciding factor in her losing 'opportunities'. No way. No how.
Does anyone out there buy that the kids say "mommy's cooking show"? Yeah, we get the hint, Kate.
She didn't mentioned Jon's name as the instigator of the internet bullying, but she MOST definitely implied it. She just can't help herself slamming the guy.
The most annoying interview ever. My God, those French tips were about to take off flying!
Remona Blue said... 131
"I really believe that deep down inside, TFW knows that it was Jon's absence that caused her show without him to be cancelled."
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exactly. Kate thought that her gift of gab was the key to their success. She thought Jon was a liability who would hold them back because he didn't share her ambition and she felt that he was inarticulate (the reality being that she mocked him everytime he trie to speak). The reality is that Kate is the liabilty that brought down the show. Kate cannot deal with this reality and is determined to not let Jon succeed in any facet of his life.
Yes, one eyebrow got more Botox than the other.
TFW used that same "For the safety of my kids" line when she explained on J+Kplus8 why she filed for divorce. 4 years ago. If there was such a safety issue the judge wouldn't allow Jon to have custody of the children.
"It has to be done for the safety and the future of my kids," she told TODAY's Savannah Guthrie.
''It'' is filing the lawsuit? How on earth is filing the lawsuit about ''the safety and the future of my kids?''
Is it TFW once again using Jon's children as her shield for HER irrational behavior? If so, she really is a stuck on stupid waste of space!
PoohBear said...58
I'm not sure the average cook has to change anything except the serving size. I was looking at the book on amazon and noticed that one of the recipes said it served 6-8 and it used 3 chicken breasts.
For people not on starvation diets like she keeps her kids on, those portions might be a tad bit small.
The meat portion is fairly easy to halve and it’s easier to see how much meat you would need. Vegetables are probably easy to scale back too. You usually want them in about equal portions. . It’s the measurements of the seasoning, vegetables and whatnot that may be a problem. Some of the recipes have odd measurements. Like how do you halve a 1/3 cup? I’m not that great at math so it will not be easy to immediately be able to come up with the scaled back measurements unless I pulled out my measurement chart.
Paula said... 61
So, in other words, sounds like Kate was just "filler" for the Today Show. I have to admit I am in awe of how well and how often she lies. I don't think I've ever seen anyone lie so well.
It is incredible how those lies come out her mouth with such fluidity. It's actually jaw-dropping.
If it were just her, lying her way through life without any children, the harm it does wouldn't matter as much, but there are eight kids involved and what it does to their heads is seriously a worry. They're growing up with her twisted mind.
Kate is not A textbook case of NPD she is THE textbook narcissist.
"Narcissists lie gratuitously, about matters great and small. Their lies are an affront to your right to see what you see, hear what you hear, and know what you know. They won't hesitate to say that black is white or that square is round. They lie to you about facts they know you know. They lie to you about what you have said and done. Even if you said or did it only one second ago. They lie to you about what they have said and done in your presence. "
~~ Kathleen Krajco - Say No to Narcissism
Has TFW or the sheeple ever said exactly how Jon has tried to ruin her or kept her from getting employment? Specifics?
Not a peep. Just crickets and insinuations.
So I wonder if she'll head home for a few days when there's that 29-30 break before Canada, or a little vacay with Steve? Maybe he'll go back to the McMansion with her?
Maybe in her delusion is thinks that Robert's book was bullying and Jon supplied the info, therefore Jon is bullying her?
Just as we suspected, this book tour is not about the cookbook, but about bashing Jon and implying he is the source of internet bullying. Seems to be what came out of that interview and what is being picked up on the internet. I would think she is opening herself up to some blowback from Jon's attorney?
Berks, I think she uses that "safety for my kids" line so she can ingrain to the world what a lousy parent Jon is and she should have full custody. It's what this is all about: get rid of Jon and take total control of the kids.
I don't think Kate STILL understands what "bullying" means.
Someone *cough* we all know who *cough* apparently convinced her it's fashionable to call public opinion bullying and use it to blame her own miserable existence and failures on.
Shall I take one for the team lol, and go see if there is a huge turn up in Yorkdale Mall in Toronto, I don't live too too far from it. I def will not be buying her book though. I don't get why she is not going to a mall more downtown ... seriously Yorkdale?!
holy crap! I watched the Today Show segment, and TFW's face is completely frozen! When she talks, her mouth moves, but nothing else. Her parallel lines between her brows are gone, and the deep commas around her mouth are also gone. In fact, her whole face looks like it was filled in with cement! Why would she do something like that to herself? And yet the wrinkled neck remains untouched, making it all look even more bizarre.
She keeps blaming Jon because in reality, he IS the reason no network will air a show with her. She wants a job on TV and KNOWS the only way that will happen is if Jon agrees/makes an appearance. Therefore, he IS the reason she can't get a job. She won't "go back" to being an "ordinary civilian" after her taste of stardom so, in her mind, Jon is holding her back. Everything she is doing is to get a job back on TV, which will bring in money and help her kids' future etc. Everything fell apart for her when he left and filming was stopped so of course it is all his fault!
The Today show interview is now on yahoo.com Comments are almost 100% negative. Definitely (TFMJG also uses that word a lot).
I remember back when she said that she wanted a career in show business because she just "knew" she was cut out for it, and so many of us wondered what that meant and we're still wondering. It is a source of amazement that she still gets on these talk shows.
It is not what Jon or anyone else has prevented her from doing, it's that she's so totally unqualified for any aspect of the industry. She has no talent and shows zero adaptability whenever an opportunity has arisen i.e. skating with the stars and ET co-host gigs.
She alone is responsible for every abysmal failure she's encountered since her reality show ended. Nobody wants to hire her because of her. She really, really, really doesn't get it.
Where to begin. Questions were asked and she didn't answer. She was asked if she was suing for the money or to set the record straight. She didn't answer that. If she wants a cooking show then why not have a cooking segment to let us see just how great she is at it. I mean she does it all the time for her kids at home. Lost jobs? What jobs and why? What rumors are out there that have caused her to lose jobs? She didn't deny one thing that was in that book that RH wrote, so that can't be it. Lots of umms and foot rocking. That doesn't seem like anyone that is comfortable in front of the camera. And Kate there is a difference between having the gift of gab and just talking. We know you love to talk, but it seems to be lying that you are good at.
I have not read all the comments, yet. From the Today Entertainment site "Kate Gosselin on suing Jon: 'It has to be done' for the safety, future of kids"
With Kate doing her media tour, Jon and RH's lawyers are getting more ammunition for their lawsuits against her. Suing for the safety of her kids. That is not what the law suits are about and she knows it. These lawyers are smart and are probably having their interns paying close attention to these interviews in order to use it against her in court. Kate is not as smart as she thinks she is.
Suzee said... 126
"I think TFW became so entrenched in living one life and appearing as someone else for the cameras that she now doesn't know the difference - thus the major reason she comes across as so 'inauthentic'. I don't think she knows who she is."
I think you hit the nail on the head there Suzee. I agree, I don't think Kate has any real sense of self other than being a mother to 8 children. Though, it's pretty clear to anyone with eyes and two brain cells to rub together that she does not now nor ever has truly enjoyed being a mother.
I think she WANTS to be the talented, charming, gift of gabbing, in-front-of-a-camera, adored by the masses, American sweetheart. She WANTS people to respect, admire and fawn over her. She WANTS an entire planet of YES people holding their breath when she walks into a room.
And for a few years she had it. For a few years her distorted ego had an endless supply to feed it.
Now it's gone...how can that be her fault when she had so many people treating her like a queen? Like she was so fond of saying, I didn't change, he did. So, ipso facto, it must be Jon's fault.
It seems to me, as evidence by the fact that she is more than likely shelling out for this book tour, that for her it's more about the fame and adulation than it is about the money.
I've never known any mother to be so consumed by and focused on how much their kids adore her and squeal with delight at everything she does.
She didn't have those kids so she could be a mother, she had those kids so she could have live in, lifetime fans. And that's going to backfire much worse than the stupid lawsuit.
Narcissists lie gratuitously, about matters great and small. Their lies are an affront to your right to see what you see, hear what you hear, and know what you know. They won't hesitate to say that black is white or that square is round. They lie to you about facts they know you know. They lie to you about what you have said and done. Even if you said or did it only one second ago. They lie to you about what they have said and done in your presence
Exactly! And that's why I give Jon a break. You start to doubt yourself, your own sanity when you have the displeasure of having a narcissist in your life. We've mentioned Gaslighting here on many occasions. He is a victim of it, and no doubt the kids are too. It's not by accident that he's said on more than one occasion "I know the truth, my kids know the truth". No doubt he's gone for counseling and has seen how manipulated, used and abused he was.
These lawyers are smart and are probably having their interns paying close attention to these interviews in order to use it against her in court. Kate is not as smart as she thinks she is.
Wouldn't Kate's lawyer be advising against talking about the lawsuit? None of this makes any sense.
I've been trying to wrap my head around the logic of the lawsuit for ages and I finally got it. Jon must be a super villian like Lex Luthor. He is controlling the minds of everyone who ever tweets a negative thought about Kate. He causes the blogs and articles to be published that expose her lies. If she can just get to court the judge will be like Superman and save her by locking up Jon.
Except that you don't go to jail in a civil lawsuit. Except that even if the judge says she's right about everything, it won't make a difference to the twitter crazies both pro and anti. There is nothing she can do about the twitter mess except close her account.
I took a look at the video posted on Today's website and I have to say, Kare looks horrible. Her face is way too thin, she looks worn out, her color is way off and her botox treatment must have been done at CVS because it looks bad. This is not a healty woman.
Susantoyota said... 161
The Today show interview is now on yahoo.com Comments are almost 100% negative. Definitely (TFMJG also uses that word a lot).
Link please? The only one I could find is the video from NBC and can't find the comments. And it keeps freezing up
So TFW is going to be on Steve and Chris next week. They were looking for questions on Facebook to ask her. Most of the comments were that the viewers were not going to watch if she was on the show. I did ask the question why she can pay for a nanny and not work. But can't pay for a nanny and work. I am sure any questions that are asked by the viewers will never make it to the show.
I just watched the interview on the Today show. The think that comes to the front and center is the comment, "It has to be done for the safety of my kids." If I were Jon I would be livid and I would hope that he and his lawyers address this. This is one comment that as a parent to those children, I would not let stand without addressing. That is just terrible.
she couldn't handle a cooking show, I know it's been discussed, but "Next Food Network Star" truly shows how much work it is. And those people actually have personality and can cook!
The judge needs to ask her why, if she's so distraught and upset over the bullying, why she's still on Twitter. That's just stupid. I'm sure Jon has "masterminded" all of the thousands of negative comments about Kate on all the news stories also. As my grandpa used to say, "Girl ain't too bright".
Yes, TFW, when I was 9 I remember asking my mom to write down my recipes so that I could make them for MY kids!! LOL She expects intelligent people to believe that?
PoohBear said...58
I'm not sure the average cook has to change anything except the serving size. I was looking at the book on amazon and noticed that one of the recipes said it served 6-8 and it used 3 chicken breasts.
That is just sad. If serving six, each get one-half chicken breast and certainly no second servings. Protein is important for growing bodies, chicken is a lean protein. Further, my mom used to plan on having left overs, for lunches or perhaps to use in another meal later in the week. You never can be sure exactly how hungry your children will be until they sit down at that dinner table. Sometimes my son eats lightly and is full; other times, he is a bottomless pit and eats two full dinners! I would never make just enough for one smallish serving.
I have never seen anyone with such BAD TASTE in choosing clothes. The outfit wasn't bad in that it wasn't her usual slutty choice, but it didn't do anything for her, either. Scale of 1 to 10, it was a 3 or 4. Less than mediocre.
And she does it every time. If she wants to get back on TV, one of the first things she should do is hire a stylist. And then listen to him/her.
Also....listen to her voice. She has a robot voice most of the interview, just regurgitating her talking points she'd been prepped on.
But when they got to the question about the lawsuit, her voice tone completely changed, and so did her body language. Went to a completely different place. Her voice got shaky, there was some emotion in it finally. Interesting.
Wouldn't Kate's lawyer be advising against talking about the lawsuit? None of this makes any sense.
Kate's lawyers see only one thing - $$$$. Remember her Fishtown lawyer has admitted he needs clients and money. This lawsuit is a joke, but as long as they get paid......
Jessch said... 158
Shall I take one for the team lol, and go see if there is a huge turn up in Yorkdale Mall in Toronto, I don't live too too far from it.
If it's not in inconvenience, I'd love to hear your first hand report about the book signing.
I've never known any mother to be so consumed by and focused on how much their kids adore her and squeal with delight at everything she does.
You're right,, and she just keeps doing it, totally unaware that her blog, her tweets, her interview comments are all about HER and her sainthood as a mother. You'd think by now she would have figured out that all of this "I'm the best mom in the world and my kids keep telling me that" would have worn thin with fans by now. But she doesn't get it. When Carrie Ann said that Kate has no self-awareness, she really hit the proverbial nail on the head. TFW is totally incapable of stepping back, looking at all of her "how wonderful she is" comments and just shutting the heck up about it. Something in the wiring in her brain just isn't making contact the way it should. I suppose it's all part of a mental illness issue, but for heaven's sakes, wouldn't you think that she would have someone there to advise her? When you have sheeple such as Milo who keep telling her that she is the most perfect woman and mother on the planet, she believes it. The sheeple are feeding her ego and are, in my opinion, perpetrating this whole thing and doing her more harm than good. What she needs is someone to sit her down, explain the facts of life to her -- that not everything is the fault of everyone else and to accept responsibility for her actions and behavior. Who knows...maybe some have tried that and it just goes in one ear and out the other. Perhaps there is no reasoning with someone like her, and after awhile, it's frustrating so they give up.
Kate has no idea who she is and you know, at her age, that's very sad. She switches roles as often as you change a baby's diapers. She wants to be a star, wants that celebrity status, but what do you do with the kids while trying to resurrect a dying career? Or do you rely on those children to keep her propped up so that she has a career? For her, it's a dilemma and she's never going to be able to reconcile her role as a mother and as a celebrity. Something's gotta give.
Blowing In The Wind said... 118
How is that class action lawsuit coming along? Any case number? Any attorney of record? I don't see the fans tweeting much about it.
I knew it was all baloney. Especially when it was claimed a subpoena was served, but no one could ever indicate the case name, the number, the court it was filed in, etc. Subpoenas come AFTER a suit is filed and served, not before. 100% phoney baloney.
It looks like she got herself gooder good bra.
Wouldn't Kate's lawyer be advising against talking about the lawsuit? None of this makes any sense.
Marie, maybe her lawyers advised against the tour, but she did it anyway. Or maybe her lawyers told her to say--no comment.
"[Jon] lives his own life," she said. " ... I'm my kids' sole supporter, and I'm supporting them and concerned about their safety, and he lives his own life."
(Bolding added for emphasis)
Another PW/TFW comparison: PW not only goes to books signings, she visits local schools to talk about writing and answer questions.
ETonline has as article about TFW's interview today. I though this was supposed to be a "book tour"? It's more "how can I throw Jon under the bus tour".
An excerpt:
"Asked if she's seen the recent ET interview with Jon in which he opened up about his job as a waiter, Kate said that she is not at all involved in his life.
"No, I don't really pay attention," Kate commented. "I can't really say that I have anything to do with him except, obviously, we're trading the kids when they visit him."
Asked if she was surprised about his new profession, she remained diplomatic.
"He lives his own life," she said. " ... I'm my kids' sole supporter, and I'm supporting them and concerned about their safety, and he lives his own life."
Kate of course expressed "concern" about reports that Jon allegedly fired a gun into the air as a warning to a paparazzo over the weekend.
"It’s definitely concerning … The rational and safe thing would have been to go inside and shut the door -- that's what I do and have been instructed for years to do," she said about the tense situation with paparazzi."
If she had been instructed to "go inside and close the door" when the paparazzi showed up, how come there are tons of pictures of her and the kids at her house that were taken by the paparazzi?
I have more to say-but I will refrain for now.
Oops, forgot to link the source of the quote about being the G8's "sole supporter":
Kate of course expressed "concern" about reports that Jon allegedly fired a gun into the air as a warning to a paparazzo over the weekend.
"It’s definitely concerning … The rational and safe thing would have been to go inside and shut the door -- that's what I do and have been instructed for years to do," she said about the tense situation with paparazzi.
As for what the biggest misconception about her is, Kate said that it's "heartbreaking" to hear that she's "hard to work with."
After reading all the comments on Kate's twitter and here, I decided to watch the interview on today's website....Oh My Lord!!!
Not only does she look deranged and unhealthy, she was sooo nervous. Hands flapping worse than ever, along with that leg that just won't stay still. I bet a body language expert would have a field day with that interview.
Her lies and her looks are getting more pathetic, how much longer will she be able to carry off this charade?
That's Botox. She's definitely been injected recently. No "11" between the eyes, smooth-as-glass forehead and the left eyebrow in permanently arched and can not relax into a normal position.
LOL! The left eyebrow! Yes, it's like she's going for the Spock Star Trek look again!
She still hasn't lost the "um, honestly, um" that is so annoying. I just watched a brief snippet of the video...that's about all I can take.
Did she say who or what she is protecting the kids from? For their future and safety? From Jon, from bullies...exactly why is this lawsuit necessary for the safety of the kids?
Go inside and shut the door? Was he anywhere near the house? I thought this was on the private road TO the house. And if he waits to go inside now she's got pictures of his house, his private home he's trying to keep that way.
It seems "rational" to stop her the moment she stepped onto the property. Not to wait until she got all the way to the front door! And what's more unless she was there how can she say it wasn't perfectly rational to resort to a firearm. She doesn't have the foggiest idea how dire it may have been but she of all people should know how serious it could be. She really just needs to say I wasn't there so I'm not going to comment.
TFW mentions in the ET interview that she's "dealing with the very very end" of her TLC contract, " after which she and the kids will be "completely free to sign on for anything....There's huge interest..."
Hmmmm. Jon, do you have anything to say about this?
Again, the link: http://www.etonline.com/news/138778_Kate_Gosslin_Talks_Jon_Gosselin/index.html
Wouldn't Kate's lawyer be advising against talking about the lawsuit? None of this makes any sense.
She's going to end up shooting herself in the foot, and she just won't stop. Perhaps they did advise her not to say anything, but she doesn't understand that the opposing counsel is looking at everything she says. She's right, and everyone else is wrong, so gosh darn it, she's going to say what she wants, when she wants to say it.
What kind of person would direct her fans to preorder her cookbook on Amazon months ahead of time and then if they are able to attend one of her very limited book signings are then informed they need a receipt from the Barnes & Noble as proof that they purchased her book at that specific store? Like I've posted before, the media and book tour is all about spending time away from her kids with Steve. Her fans mean nothing to her, it's all about the $$$.
"It's in the middle of litigation, so I cannot say a lot about it.," the mother-of-eight noted while appearing on Tuesday's Today. "I can say that when we started out investigating the source of what was happening, I made the decision back then to push this. It's a lot of Internet bullying. Actually, I've lost a lot of employment opportunities over the rumor mill circulating false stuff."
The above quote from Kate's interview today stumps me. Why is the statment about internet bullying placed smack dab in the middle of this? What does her claim about internet bullying have to do with her lawsuit against Jon?
Didn't she realize how stupid and disjointed she sounded? If I were someone watching that interview who had no idea about her history, I would be like "whaaat?" lol
Excuse me...isn't Kate supposed to be promoting her cookbook here? She continues on the road to self-ruination with her Parental Alienation Tour. Wow, she is one sick lady.
If it's not in inconvenience, I'd love to hear your first hand report about the book signing.
If she's AWOL for any length of time, don't forget to check the closets.
Oh my god she gets more and more horrible
1. What is with the music in the back ground?
2. She will to do ANY tv show with her and the kids but mainly her?
3. She is the kids sole supporter?
4. She's talking some about the lawsuit on ET but couldn't on TV ?
She's flipping her hair and talking like a teenager and saying um a lot again.
Ah, the real truth is revealed. The TLC contract is up and she wants to use those kids to keep herself in the limelight. NOW, we know why she is so desperate for Jon to disappear from their lives.
The Wheels on the Bus said... 191
TFW mentions in the ET interview that she's "dealing with the very very end" of her TLC contract, " after which she and the kids will be "completely free to sign on for anything....There's huge interest..."
What? This is very confusing. I thought TLC cancelled the show 2 years ago? Was the original contract actually for another two years and they decided to just keep paying her even though they weren't filming?
If so, then what about CWS?
Can someone explain this to me, I'm lost.
You know what just occurred to me? We've mentioned why on earth Kate would put baby activities such as shaving lotion and Play Doh in her book and I think I know why.
I think it's because the book was actually written when the tups were *just* out of toddlerhood. Love Is In The Mix: Making Meals Into Memories was set to be released by Zondervan Oct. 13, 2009. So, that means it was written in 2008/early 2009, when the twins were 7 and the tups were about 4-5.
The cookbook is flying off the shelves today... 1 copy sold since she was on the Today Show. Guess she should have talked more about the book than bashing Jon again.
The Plot Never Ends said... 188
After reading all the comments on Kate's twitter and here, I decided to watch the interview on today's website....Oh My Lord!!!
Not only does she look deranged and unhealthy
Well, if it quacks like a duck...
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