Dylan and Cole are 21 now, and Dylan has decided to leave acting, go to college at NYU and work in a restaurant (Cole goes to NYU too). Inevitably, the "rock bottom child star" rumors followed. Dylan was so offended by the gossip, he took to tumblr to set the record straight. Dylan called the comments about his new profession "pretty rude" and said that he is financially secure but wanted to try out a new job. He said being a host is "a way to try a new experience, working somewhat below the means I’m used to, as well as a way to socialize and get out of the house. I feel most comfortable when I’m working and doing something, to criticize someone of that is pretty odd. I will potentially return to acting someday, but in no way do I think any experience is a step down for me, but rather a new step in another direction."
Good for you, Dylan. There's nothing to be ashamed about when it comes to living a normal life and working hard.
425 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 425 of 425 Newer› Newest»Said about TFW's cooking demo: Yikes. This is painful to listen to.
Said about the kids with Katie Couric: no conflict resolution skills. It was painful to watch.
By asking about Jon's favorite recipes and what's the worst thing she ever made, I have the sneaking feeling the audience was laughing at her, not with her.
Why couldn't she answer what Jon likes to eat anyway? Surely she cooked for him at some point. Her hatred runs so deep she can't even talk about what he liked of her cooking because they're divorced you know.
I love tuna salad and I love egg salad but not tuna and egg mixed together. But people really like it mixed together?
Mel said... 1
It's interesting also the kids don't seem to respect Kate as the adult in charge
They sure don't seem to, do they. It's kids like that who, when they get away from their parent, are hellions.
They don't respect *anyone*....be it adult or kid. They're the ones who run roughshod over the other kids, and show no respect to the adults who are supposed to be in charge.
You are so right, Mel! Well said.
From her cooking demo: "This is how I cook...sloppy and horrible...but oh, well."
Uh, and I would want to learn what from you, then???
Virginia, agree 100%
This severe tension among the siblings makes me so sad, especially being part of a relationship with siblings that is very healthy and normal and does nothing but enrich my life. BFFs.
They seem to view each other as the competition and the enemy. The thing is, they are all they're going to have when they are older. I don't mean they are going to be alone. Surely they will have friends, hopefully some family, and even families of their own. But in terms of what they went through as children, no matter whether you think their experience in the public eye was good or bad, for a Gosselin kid there are only 7 other people in the world who are going to really understand it. They went through something very unique together and I would like to see them rally around each other and bond and support each other over this, not put up barriers. I think they will really need each other as they get older, and the idea that discord and stress and unhappiness is being fostered and encouraged instead of calm and positive and healthy sibling relationships, is just devastating.
Sarah all .... the .... time here. Never in my life saw or heard of that on the East Coast.
I don't think I will ever want it or get used to it. Now avocados on everything I can get used to. :)
Yes listening to one of the short clips of her demo was painful.
I don't think anyone felt they were asking advice from a cook, it was the curiosity of the reality show...and oh yeah your cookbook.
The sassing and talking back was shocking, and I thought I saw spitting too.
Agree about the spitting and the behavior was NOT good. Lots of pouting and poor sportsmanship that they are too old to be demonstrating.
Kate seemed like a cold fish. Katie was pulling teeth to get her to interact in the kitchen. Very inhospitable to a guest in her home.
"Maybe this wasn't a good idea". You got that right, Katie. Those kids acted like babies when they didn't win or get their way.
Mady cracked me up-- she wasn't having any of it.
Kate-- 1992 called and it wants its too-long pinky pink and whitey white French manicure back.
Jane said... 191
For all the Vince Gilligan and David Shore (House) fans - this looks interesting:
My son told me about this. How exciting! I live 1/2 hour away from Battle Creek.
Eggs and tuna--not my favorite combination, either, but they're key ingredients for Salad Nicoise, a classic French recipe. Here's an Americanized version:
Admin, I think of the Paul Simon song, "Mother and Child Reunion"
No I would not give you false hope
On this strange and mournful day
But the mother and child reunion
Is only a motion away
Besides the idea of the flavor and texture of cooked chicken and egg together...it just seems wrong...lol!
Well I am willing to accept the fact that I may be in the minority here. Grabbing my turkey club on toast and I am outta here! :) :)
Oh no wonder I don't like it--it's French!
He-he JK.
And the scary thing is these red flags were all pointed out when they were toddlers. The aggressive hitting, the endless fighting, the absolute firestorms over the smallest thing, the sheer lack of conflict resolution skills, and TFW doing NOTHING about it and in fact frequently not even there to see it.
I can't believe Kate's response to Katie asking what she does to help resolve problems between the kids. Nothing. Zero.
Are you kidding me?
Kate lets the kids go all Lord Of The Flies and she just sits there with a half bottle of wine poured into her gigantic glass.
Me thinks Katie observed some bad behavior, which prompted that specific question.
I think it's the idea of it is why I never mix chicken with egg.
It's like mixing the mother's body with her baby. Weird and gross. Kosher has similar principles of not mixing with the mother's milk.
You HAVE to get involved sometimes and help them learn to resolve conflict. Otherwise, the law of the jungle prevails. You have to help them learn to ask themselves the right questions.
Jon was always the one seen actually intervening and speaking to each child, getting down on their level and explaining to them rationally and age-appropriately, that their behavior was not acceptable.
Kate just stands there and yells.
We did all those games when I taught VBS with classes of similar ages and much younger. Tug of war, running with eggs across the field, hulla hoop wars. And that parachute!
I never remember any crying or hitting or sulking or spitting. I remember lots of giggles and FUN. The whole time I saw that clip I kept thinking why aren't they having fun?
Of course some of my friends still think it odd to eat smoked salmon, capers and a bagel for breakfast.
These days there is such a wide variety of food and cuisine available.
We get what we like...as opposed to getting what we get!
Tucker's Mom said... 18
Lord of the Flies was my first thought when I saw the Katie Couric footage.
The local disc jockeys this morning were talking about some celebrity, saying, "He can do anything. Everything he does is great because he's so invested in all of his projects."
Unlike TFW who isn't invested and thinks the stah treatment should just be handed to her for simply existing.
In one of the clips she said she does not "tolerate" if the kids have food aversions. Good grief.
Question, why is it unacceptable for a child to dislike certain foods? But totally acceptable for an adult to dislike certain foods--as we're talking about right now with the "eggna" salad. If Kate expects her children to never dislike any foods then I expect her to eat everything. Everything, whether she likes it or not.
I use up hard boiled eggs in tuna salad from time to time. Doesn't bother me, but I don't use eggs as a rule because I think they get lost in there.
How's this for a weird salad combo? Chicken salad with fried oysters!
It's a Philly/Jersey thing.
DH and I came across it on a menu this weekend and I just had to smile thinking about my mom: she LOVED it.
Then again, she adored pickled herring and duck's blood soup too ;-)
" kept thinking why aren't they having fun?"
Because there are charts all over the house on how to do things correctly. Because they are JUDGED and graded on everything they do.
By now certainly that is how they are wired. The anxiety of not being the best.
Now I really must go. I enjoy your blog admin.
I thought I was the only one who hated hard boiled eggs and tuna together.
We always use hard-boiled eggs in tuna salad, along with celery, parsley flakes, mayo, a little dry mustard and pickle relish. I've never heard of combining egg salad salad with tuna salad, though.
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