Dancing With the Stars kicks off again this month, and Tony Dovolani's partner couldn't be more of a firecracker. And an inspiration. Forty-three-year old Leah Remini has had steady work in Hollywood since she was 13 years old, and eventually, like many seasoned stars, found her way to the Church of Scientology. For years she was a devoted follower, until she started seeing some things that just weren't right. When she tried to say something about it, she ignited a war with the church.
Here is a summary of what happened this summer, from the L.A. Times:
Leah Remini made headlines in July when she publicly left the Church of Scientology. In August she filed a missing persons report for church leader David Miscavige's wife, Shelly, who allegedly hasn't been seen in public for six years.
"We can confirm that the missing person report has been taken, and that's all the information we have at this time," a Los Angeles Police Department spokesperson told Us Weekly.
TMZ confirmed that an ongoing investigation into Miscavige's whereabouts is underway. LAPD did not say whether Remini had any connection to the case, but a source told the site that Remini had filed the report shortly after cutting ties with the church last month.
Previous reports indicated that the "King of Queens" star left the church because it allegedly bars members from questioning leaders' management and reportedly forces them to "disconnect" from family members deemed "suppressive persons" if they choose to leave the church.
Remini told People that "no one is going to tell me how I need to think, no one is going to tell me who I can, and cannot, talk to."
Any previous tension Remini may have had with the church is surely being exacerbated amid these most recent reports.
In the past, Remini was allegedly derided by Tommy Davis, the former head of the Scientology Celebrity Centre, for asking about Shelly Miscavige's whereabouts at Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' wedding in 2006. The incident was among the alleged reasons that Remini broke ties with the church. Davis reportedly scolded her and told her she didn't have the "rank" to ask about Shelly.
Former Village Voice editor Tony Ortega runs the Scientology blog Underground Bunker, which chronicles the church's inner workings. Ortega, whose reliability has been denounced several times by the church, reported that Remini filed the report recently. He also said that in 2006 Shelly was transferred to a "secret compound near Lake Arrowhead in the mountains above Los Angeles." The place is the headquarters to the Church of Spiritual Technology and is home to about a dozen Scientologists who are "completely cut off from the outside world," he said.
The church's response was that this is "harassment."
Tony's partner is a breath of fresh air. The only bully here is Scientology.
1215 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1215 Newer› Newest»"Get a grip" was out of line, and it's very unprofessional to disclose how much she was paid. I will never be told to get a grip about child exploitation.
They obviously are novices and inexperienced when it comes to this kind of thing. A company does not say "get a grip" nor would they disclose money that exchanged hands. You don't do that. You just don't. This seems to have been a learning experience for them, but gosh, they do need to learn the importance of professionalism, and what to do if they find themselves in another situation like this.
I just wanted to chime in that I think the arguments New Name has presented are logically sound. I dislike Kate as much as the next person and was amused to see Em let her have it, but what New Name says about it being a business relationship is accurate. Em sent her products; those products were advertised in the show. Advertising doesn't have to be blatant; many times it's just a matter of a label on a product being shown. I am certain Em Tanner was mentioned in the show and that she was listed in the credits, and anyone curious could have easily Googled her and found her business.
Now, this doesn't mean that is the *only* reason Em sent Kate products, or that she *only* ever sent products that were being shown in the show or that part of Em's motivation was not being kind. But to completely deny that there was any product placement or advertising going on is, IMO, silly.
From the company...
"Some people love her and many just can't stand her."
LOL!! This sounds like more people dislike her than like her! Why not say "some people love her and some just can't stand her," or "many people love her and many just can't stand her."
admin said...
Permission was given to do it, then yanked back and her reputation was slammed. This is what narcissists do. Leave you guessing. Leave you on edge. Leave you wondering what's up and down, what's what.
Narcissists change the rules, and always exploit the good intentions of others.
The fact that Em designed the damn calendar makes this all the more ridiculous. It wasn't like Kate designed it and Em manufactured it. Unless there was a contract stipulating otherwise, Em has the rights to the intellectual property.
Also, Kate clearly is in violation of the FTC rules that require disclosure of payment or free products in return for reviews. The IRS also would consider this taxable income, even if it was only the swim suits in exchange for reviews. The IRS considers anything received in exchange for goods and services to be taxable.
Coincidence--my thoughts are with you. I'm sure your dad would be very proud of you, and maybe that thought will help you get through this. And, you know, nobody is perfect. If an unintended thought or emotion excapes in this difficult time, give yourself grace and be gentle with yourself. The service is about your dad, even if someone else is trying to make it about themselves.
Was the nonetz post a slam against Jon? The graphic is of an Asian man pulling his hair out. They did make the #bitter comment in one of their tweets. $350 might fill all of her vehicles with gas but won't pay the rent. I guess she is jut patching an income together. AND, HA! Kate, you didn't even get the full $500 fee. Better call them and ask for the rest.
Lets Throw Tomatoes At Her
@NoNetzSuits I'll admit I'm extremely disappointed that you gave in to the bullying. Kate has far more fans than bullies:(
Yeah right. Someone should link NN to the People article comments. The sheeple are just as delusional as KG is.
15 % of the 350 should have been put in trust. It works out to 17.50 a boy. Great pay day there.
Right, but they paid HER to write the review. The boys didn't write the review and I wonder if the company even gave it a thought that they would be photographed and used as models, in which case, they should have received something, even if all they did was just to stand there.
The company could be fined if they didn't comply with all the child labor laws. I don't know if they would be liable for a client not complying with the FCC. But they should keep talking, this is getting interesting.
NoNetz tweeted the following:
NoNetz Bathing Suits @NoNetzSuits 2h
@SchmeckyGirl2 we have released a statement on our website. Tell the others who have been unfairly harassing us. Let it end here
NoNetz Bathing Suits @NoNetzSuits 1h
@ashymama2 We have released a statement on our website. Tell the group to end the harassing tweets ,blogs & emails and move on.
Now it seems some of the fans are on their case for "backing down".
@NoNetzSuits I understand and yet disappointed. People need to stand up to bullies and not allow them to alter their lives. It's the USA!
@NoNetzSuits I'll admit I'm extremely disappointed that you gave in to the bullying. Kate has far more fans than bullies:(
@NoNetzSuits @SchmeckyGirl2 You caved to a small group of Kate harassers. No respect for you or your company. #cowards
Maybe they should tweet Kate and ask her to tell her fans to stop harassing them also.
I agree with the characterization of the company, but....... I do not in any way believe they are responsible for making sure that TFW is complying with applicable law. That is TfW's job.
I tend to agree because J+K were responsible for work permits in PA, not TLC, IIRC. That surprised me.
NoNetz sounds like a new company and may in fact not be all that aware of the legal aspects of using images of minors (and adults).
"The company could be fined if they didn't comply with all the child labor laws. I don't know if they would be liable for a client not complying with the FCC. But they should keep talking, this is getting interesting. "
I am sure it was exactly comments like this that were sent to the company...threats that the fcc or labor board would be contacted if they didn't pull out that made them cave. Good work. Keep it up.
But to completely deny that there was any product placement or advertising going on is, IMO, silly.
Agree it was product placement. I think Em gave a foot and Kate took a mile, kind of thing.
Product placement is common practice. It's more than a cottage industry for many celebs.
Kate caught on to this very early on and sold her kids on every single level that she possibly could. Her drive to sell their image knew no even the limit of making a game app featuring them, a la Diner Dash.
"Watch them cry! Feed them! Change their diapers!" said the Carnival Barker.
The company could be fined if they didn't comply with all the child labor laws. I don't know if they would be liable for a client not complying with the FCC. But they should keep talking, this is getting interesting.
Wouldn't you think by now they would know enough to zip it, and just move on? Since the photos were shot in PA and used on a website in NY IF the labor laws apply then they could be fined. Kate and crew got off with a slap on the wrist last time but they were warned that it should never happen again. The thing here is, though, did they need work permits for this?
Were work permits needed when the kids "modeled" for her cookbook? I would think that they put in some long hours on a photo shoot for that, and are they entitled, under PA law, to 15 percent being put into that trust. Was there a set teacher in place, or someone monitoring the hours?
Betcha someone contacts the DOL to find out.
the sheeple are idiots but if 3 mild-ish tweets are harassment what do you call the boat load of tweets from the truthers?
I think the company wrote a very casual and non-professional message and apparently rude tweets to the 'public' they aim to please? (Haven't read all the comments.) They certainly did NOT do their homework. As some have mentioned, the shoe J&K+8 became nothing but commercials for this and that over the years as companies gave them freebies and TFW demanded more and more from them.
(BTW neither my husband or son v ever complained of discomfort with the traditional netting in a swimsuit)
Oh, and couldn't Kate be the one liable to NoNetz in the end if she does not take her 'review' and pics down?
Someone asked if she was the only one that wanted to see a yearly special so they could see hale the kids have grown and here's the sheeple reply.
@BuzzedBunny: @TANiSHAJ_ @Kateplusmy8 @TLC No millions feel that way. Her TL is full of people asking if she'll ever do another show.
Um, I think those "millions" are really just a couple of dozen twitter bots at any one time tweeting what they're paid to tweet and they key in on specific words or phrases Maybe they'll come out now because the magic phrase is "yearly special". They bots should be require to put #ad wit their tweet.
My opinion is that a photog took the pictures of the boys specifically for the review. They're much better (especially the jumping in the pool shot) than what you get from an iPhone and TFW has already said that's all that M has. One would have to have a very steady hand to get that shot with an iPhone.
NoNetz sounds like a new company and may in fact not be all that aware of the legal aspects of using images of minors (and adults).
Well, then they better darn well find out fast, and consult with their attorneys or business managers. You don't launch a business like this (swimsuits for kids) without knowing the legal aspects of using images of kids on their site.
Was the nonetz post a slam against Jon? The graphic is of an Asian man pulling his hair out.
It's an Asian man? I didn't see it as that. I just saw it as a man (generic) scratching his head.
I'm waiting for Kate's poor me victim blog post. It's coming. Pass the hotdogs and hamburgers.
Did NoNetz have anything to do with TFW's new coupon site?
(Miss a day around here & you can miss a lot, lol!)
I'm waiting for a Harassmentville.com site to pop up.
Also confused why NoNetz said they did not send her anything free , then explained for a product review, one sends the person the product, presumably free, then it is reviewed? Doesn't that contradict itself or do they mean the review is the payment for the suits? Sorry if this was addressed!
Tucker's Mom - They've only been in business a year. Two of the five women who started the company invested $25,000 of their life savings to start up the company. They found a local company to manufacture the product although that doubled their production costs. Their manufacturer is going out of business so they're trying to find a new one. They sold only 1000 product last year. Even if they sold their highest priced item, which is $65 I guess from the article I read, that's $65,000. Not bad for a first year but after taxes, advertising, materials, manufacturing, shipping and salaries, they probably didn't net much profit. That's normal for most small businesses starting out, who usually don't start generating profit for 2-3 years. (This info is available on the No Netz website under their Reviews. It's taken from a local newspaper article they posted if you'd like to learn more about them)
For this company, $350 is probably their advertising budget for the month. I think they probably thought they had scored a good deal in Kate Gosselin, who looks very good on paper (especially the way she markets herself) and really were caught off guard by the reaction they got for using her.
As someone said earlier, they got Gosselinified.
jbranck1980 said...
As of now, her review is still on her website.
I doubt she'll ever remove the review. This reminds me of the Red Cross photo mess. She never removed that photo from her blog either.
The company doesn't get it that it wasn't the review that was the problem. It was her blatant use of her sons and their pictures in her review, in order to get people to go to her website. Remember, this is what she tweeted:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 5 Sep
Have you seen my ��review of @NoNetzSuits ? Go here to read AND see cute pics of my boys: http://www.kateplusmy8.com
She didn't provide a direct link to the review. She linked to her home page, and she used the pictures of the boys as bait.
I agree! The company also doesn't get that Kate refuses to be open and transparent in her reviews by tagging them (per the FCC guidelines) as such on Twitter and her blog. She's too used to twisting words to suit her purpose and has long acted as if she doesn't have to follow guidelines and laws like the rest of us do.
Formerly Duped--I understand it to mean that the review was in exchange for the suits and the payment, so technically Kate didn't get anything for free. Kate paid them back by writing the review.
When Kate did the Wantable review, she put this at the bottom of it:
"While the opinion expressed in this review is my own I did receive complementary product and/or compensation."
Was she so excited for an excuse to get more hits on her site, that she conveniently forgot to include that little blurb?
All she said in her NoNetz review was
"We received these amazing swim suits from NoNetz.com. I was asked by this growing company to “try them out” — or my boys were,rather".
IMO, that's not full disclosure by FCC guidelines.
I'm suspicious by nature but this whole thing smells like a set-up. Kate does a post using her boys knowing full well Twitter will go nuts. NoNetz caves rather quickly to what they call bullying and harassment. I can see Kate and Razzmatazz taking notes and using this as another example to prove Kate can't work because of the haters. And of course, NoNetz did respond to one poster like he or she were Jon. This whole incident seems staged.
nofanofKateG said... 13
"The company could be fined if they didn't comply with all the child labor laws. I don't know if they would be liable for a client not complying with the FCC. But they should keep talking, this is getting interesting. "
I am sure it was exactly comments like this that were sent to the company...threats that the fcc or labor board would be contacted if they didn't pull out that made them cave. Good work. Keep it up.
September 7, 2013 at 10:26 AM
anyone who wants to do business and make a profit in any state in this country should learn the laws that apply to them. One way to do so is to retain a good business attorney, a good accountant, and other business professionals, to help guide you through the various laws and regulations that govern your particular business.
If NoNetz violated a child labor law, and someone reports them, that's on them. They are selling children's swimsuits for pete's sake. They use photographs of children modeling their swimsuits. How are they unaware of the laws that govern that aspect of their business? *shaking my head*
It's not about making a small business owner "cave" to "threats." It's about assuring that business owner is following laws that are in place to protect children.
Two extreme views re: children and social media.
Followed by some advice oops, information for TFW: I forgot for a moment that she doesn't take advice.
OOPS, make that FTC, not FCC in my comment about TFW not being open and forthcoming re: being compensated for her review. IMO, I don't think disclosure/ethics has ever played a big part in TFW's life, at least as far as the realest reality is concerned.
Dear coincidence:
I'm so sorry for your loss. Clearly, you have much love for your father and the good memories you have of him will always be with you. I liked the advice from another poster about putting on a Stepford Wife smile and doing your best to ignore your mother's antics.
In the end, it really doesn't matter if she was included in the obit, or if she plays up the grieving widow at the service. It's momentary. Your good memories of your father will never fade, and that's what's most important here. He clearly made a difference in your life and I'm sure in the lives of many others. That is our true legacy on this earth - the memories we leave behind us. Are they good memories, happy memories? Did we leave a circle of love behind? I think your father accomplished that. May he rest in peace.
"We have taken her review down and have asked her to do the same on her site."
They may have asked her to remove it from her site, but so far, she has not done that.
This blog also did a review . I hope these boys were paid under the child labor laws.
What about the mother on the the Real Mom Reviews website? I thought it was a very good review, and yes, she did put a disclosure up regarding the fact that she received the product for free from the company. But she also used a picture of her little boy. Should he be paid a modeling fee?
What about any other mom blog that puts pictures of there children up almost daily, for a product review or not?
I read a couple, and even though I enjoy reading about these people's lives and trying out recipes, etc, I often wonder if it's wise for them to use their children's pictures so much.
I'm talking about some well-known ones such as PW and Big Mama and also about blogs of every day people that I have come across while searching for recipes online.
One young mother of three small children, whose father goes away to work the oil rigs for two weeks at a time, puts numerous pictures of her kids on her blog. Some in their underwear or bathing suits. She shares every detail of those kids' lives, down to when one of them has a potty accident. She posted a picture of her daughter's kindergarten registration, showing their address and phone number. I have often thought about contacting her to tell her she could be putting her family in danger, but is it really my business? I just know I would feel awful if something happened to her or one of her kids. I don't 'know' her but she puts so much personal information on her blog that I feel like I know her better than my own sisters!
What are your (meaning anyone who cares to answer) feelings about this? I realize it's not the same as celebrities, but where should the line be drawn regarding children's privacy?
@DanielleB, you bring up some good questions. I can only speak for myself, but I think it is wrong for any parent, "famous" or not to use their children to further their own careers. My children are not my "possessions" to do with what I please.
What are your (meaning anyone who cares to answer) feelings about this? I realize it's not the same as celebrities, but where should the line be drawn regarding children's privacy?
I don't think ANY parent can be too safe or go too far in protecting their children's privacy - in every situation, whether it be online, in person, whether the child is in the entertainment industry, or a private citizen.
If the mother you described who has the blog is living the rest of her life as recklessly as she's blogging, she's fortunate she and her kids are safe. If she has an e-mail address, I'd probably send her a very polite note telling her about your concerns. At least you'll know you did all you could to make her aware of the potential for trouble and your heartfelt concerns for their privacy and safety.
This blog also did a review . I hope these boys were paid under the child labor laws.
It would depend upon the child labor laws in their state. I think this might be a gray area in regards to a "working child." Do photos on a blog mean that the child is "working?" If it's just a personal blog, I don't think it would fall under child labor laws, but if it's an endorsement for a company, would they be considered to be working?
I don't think just a blog post of your own kids counts as working though the law is unclear. But NN went beyond that by posting the pics on their own site like any regular model. That's where they're pushing falling under the modeling child labor laws IMO.
Looks like NoNetz changed their statement a bit. Are they reading here?
They deleted this line "But people, get a grip." They also changed "Clearly this choice of a product reviewer has pissed you off" to "Clearly this choice of a product reviewer has really struck a nerve."
They also deleted the part about asking Kate to remove her review from her website.
Then they added this:
"Our company consists of four people. This review has inadvertently invited strangers to personally harass us. It's gone well beyond established business boundaries which led us to take her review down - for our own personal safety. We are contacting the authorities and are taking this weekend to regroup."
This last part was revised as I was posting this, adding the line about their "personal safety".
What do they expect the "authorities" to do? Seems like they've been speaking to BV or one of his minions.
What really is disheartening to me is that the fans don't give a darn about Kate using the kids or having their photos plastered on the internet. It's not about the kids. They'd probably do the same thing with their kids if given the opportunity. It's all about Kate...always has been. She does not wrong. If she thinks it's fine and dandy to use the children as she sees fit, then they support her in this. They'd praise her no matter what she would do, and if the kids are involved, who cares? They just don't get it, and when your mindset is such, there is no amount of logical thinking they could apply to the situation. I guess that's why they are called sheeple. In a way, when you think about it, it's sad to go through life like that -- always following, never leading, and being just plain blind and dumb.
Let's Throw Tomatoes
The graphic is an internet meme, basically used to express frustration with a conversation (a hybrid of "WTF did I fall into" and "enough already") - go here for a little more info: link
/first-time poster, lurker for years - just hate to see those poor NN folks get slammed for anything worse than their initial error(s) in judgement
In observation of Rule 1, call me WFHell
They may have asked her to remove it from her site, but so far, she has not done that.
Why would she take it down when she knows keeping it there will give so many hits to her blog to see if she has taken it down? Her cookbook is on there, and she needs as many pre-orders as she can get.
TFW, where is the talent agent? You know, the one you have with a contract? Did you forget about her and her cut of that money for endorsements?
It's common practice for a company to search out bloggers to send free samples so they can review the product on their sites. The bloggers usually will state that X company sent them Y product to try. I have never heard of a company *paying* the blogger a fee on top of that, and frankly, I find that unethical because at that point, the person becomes a paid spokesperson; they are being paid to say good things about the product. To insist on a fee on top of the (presumed) free product is typical Kate, but I'm sure she didn't expect that fact to become known by the general public!
I have a question. Kate has a faulty hit counter on her website that shows much more traffic than she gets and has also purchased twitter followers, allegedly.
So, lets say she is seeking out companies to review products, I'm pretty sure false advertising wouldn't be correct, but wouldn't that fall under some sort of misreprsentation and couldn't a company go after her for that? I'm not saying this would or could happen to her as she is on a much, much smaller scale that other companies, but still, could she be held liable for that if a company took a loss because of believing more than ten people actually like her? For her saying she is a such a contract honorer (yeah right) she's not much for following laws.Isn't purchasing twitter followers against their TOS?
Does anyone know what the fine is for failing to disclose that she received compensation for her review if there is one?
NoNetz rubs me the wrong way. When they thought they were talking to Jon about HIS children on twitter comment was reprehensible. Their twitter comment to SchmeckyGirl to TELL people to stop harrassing them? WTF is that? They said in their statement it's a roll of the dice of what may be said in a review, well you take that chance with cutomers also when you chose who you're going to deal with.
LeeLee: loved your comments, you hit the nail on the head with each one.
You just can't make this stuff up. Pass the ketchup.
That NoNuts company will never get my business now.
They're contacting the "authorities"?? Why on earth would they jump to that???
How exactly does that call go? Hi, is this the NYPD? I'd like to report a string of tweets that don't like us.
Seriously, it's the weekend. Leave the authorities alone to do their jobs and just go away.
No-Netz is the type of company we, as Americans, should look to support - small business, American made. That being said, these ladies really need to learn some business acumen or they are doomed to failure.
So is the company of four people afraid for their safety and have contacted authorities because of the harassment by the haters for using the kids' photos, or because the sheeple are pestering them and calling them cowards for taking the photo down?
Or both...?? :-)
I'll bring the beer and tortilla chips if someone contributes the salsa.
What do they expect the "authorities" to do? Seems like they've been speaking to BV or one of his minions. 42
It wouldn't surprise me if someone contacted bv about this. Admin you're right - you can't make this stuff up.
DanielleB said... 37
Your sentiments echo strongly with me because you're right, it's not just Kate. I'm even getting weary of The Pioneer Woman using her kids so much on her show. The last 2 I watched featured them prominently. They were the center of the story arc and the cooking and recipes were window dressing, seemingly.
Of course it's nowhere near the exposure that the G kids have had, which is what I think makes people so sensitive about them.
In my area, there's a Mommy Blogger who has been quite successful. Think in the same pantheon as Dooce, maybe not quite as much exposure and money, but her blog was a huge hit. Spawned other blogs and advice columns. A really big score in the blog world.
She's an extraordinary writer with a unique penchant for snark and a way of offering up her problems that is relatable and even funny. Lots funny.
Yeah, she's good.
And, seemingly humble, and "mediocre" and a really loving mom, but... I can't embrace it all. Everything her kids have gone through has been documented microscopically, photgraphed from the time they were in utero. Sure, lots of good, but also struggles and trials and you know, the things that should remain mostly private and secret and held to one's self until it's the right time, if ever, to share.
I don't know all the answers to the questions and concerns about this phenomenon, but I do know that while reimbursement for work performed or images used is very important, my biggest quandary is over the issue of consent.
a coincidence...my sympathies on the loss of your dad and I hope everything went better than you expected.
$37. for a swimsuit!!! FWIW, my five year old grandson wears Quicksilver suits and has never had a problem. My daughter puts him in the one piece ones that zip up the front. They are form fitting, have short sleeves and go down to his knees so they are also good at protecting his body from the sun. They also have no mesh in them and they certainly don't cost $37. There's no way in he!! she would pay that for a swimsuit for a child.
I was just about to ask if Milo is MIA in all of this drama, and then I saw that she just sent a DM to BV.
Sheeple -- to your muster stations! Clap, clap -- get moving!
IMO, NoNets is run by a bunch of morons. I'd like to hear the telephone call to the local police, where they complain because some unkind comments were left on their twitter feed. Because, you know, the police have nothing better to do than hold their hands and tell them, "there, there."
Are you allowed to endorse products by name on Twitter?
They're contacting the "authorities"?? Why on earth would they jump to that???
They're scared. Obviously they have no experience in this area, and the talk of labor laws, money exchanging hands, etc., has them unnerved. They never should have published anything regarding her payment, how endorsements work, etc. You open your mouth and find yourself confronted with opposing arguments, you respond and you keep digging that hole. They're inexperienced and they know it. Time for them to keep quiet now. Nothing to see. Move on.
Look for a story on ROL on this very soon. Is BV considered to be "the authorities"? How man "harassing" tweets did they get...10? 15? I think SG had a very civil conversation with them. Yes they've changed their statement but don't they realize that people have screen shots of the original and everything else that went on? Once you've put it out on the Internet there's no taking it back. They gave as good as they got, epically in the tweet where they thought they were talking to Jon. They may now have bitten off more than they can chew. If they're reading here I hope that they take the advice to stop now before it goes too far. You won't gain any customers by hooking your wagon to this particular star.
LukeBandit - thanks for the link to 12tomatoes.com
I think that THIS is what chicken cacciattore is supposed to look like
I had a simple solution to the net many many years ago. I cut it out of the suit. Done.
Is the anything TFW does or touches that doesn't backfire on someone else??????
Does anyone know what the fine is for failing to disclose that she received compensation for her review if there is one?
The FTC says: "There is no fine for not complying with an FTC guide.
Are you monitoring bloggers?
We’re not monitoring bloggers and we have no plans to. If concerns about possible violations of the FTC Act come to our attention, we’ll evaluate them case by case."
If my try at making the link clickable fails, c/p this:
I didn't know you could have a red alert on the weekends.
This is not a drill!!
If you read their revision it has nothing to do with labor laws as to why they are contacting the authorities. I am thinking they got some threatening emails. We have discussed here in the past that the 'hater tweeters' are over the line. Who knows what they may have said or done.
"Our company consists of four people. This review has inadvertently invited strangers to personally harass us. It's gone well beyond established business boundaries which led us to take her review down - for our own personal safety. We are contacting the authorities and are taking this weekend to regroup."
Where is TFW during all this controversy? Is she in hiding, or on a shopping spree spending her $350 bucks?
You'd think she would pop in on twitter to offer her support to NoNetz, even if it was only to tell them to "block the bullies".
After she tweeted about the review Thursday morning, she made 3 more tweets and has been MIA ever since.
Bullyville @BullyVille 2m
@NoNetzSuits DM when you get a minute please.
So it looks like someone got BV involved. Was it Milo with her DM to them, or was it the Queen herself?
Someone pass the rumspringa and the popcorn, please.
I think what disappoints me the most is that NN is buying into, oh this is all just hate. Yes, there were I'm sure some tweets and emails that were needlessly hateful, without a doubt. But there were many others that made perfectly reasonable points: Were these minors paid? Do you support a woman who sues her ex husband and alienates him from children? Do you support a child and animal abuser (and I'm not talking about just in Robert's book, the show itself and pap photos show just how she treats her children)? Were the minors sufficiently protected under applicable child labor laws? Were laws even followed?
If I were them I would say nothing at all, or if I must, I would say as a company that works primarily with products designed for children, good care and a positive working environment are the utmost of importance to us when it comes to the children who work with us. We would never want to jeopardize that and we apologize deeply if any minor ever working with us wasn't 100% protected, happy and healthy.
They really just completely missed the many good points made here.
@BarbaraJean_s: Just noticed there's a discussion going on at Reality TV kids relevant to the swimsuit review/statement. http://www.realitytvkids.com/2013/09/tonys-new-partner-guts-of-steel.html?commentPage=3
Get ready for the weekend trolls!
I have no idea how credible that is, that they are being personally harassed. What is their definition of that. If that is what is happening by all means handle it with the authorities. But if it's just waa I don't like your company you are losers, that's hardly harassment. There is a different between a scathing, nasty, vile review of your company, which any big company will deal with eventually--and personal harassment.
Given their previous and repeated immature behavior, I have my doubts about what they claim.
Where is TFW during all this controversy? Is she in hiding, or on a shopping spree spending her $350 bucks?
Probably on the phone with lawyers interrupting their weekends to try to figure out who she can sue for this.
Honestly if I were NN I would be concerned I might be next. She might see this as their fault for "caving."
I haven't been following anyone's Twitter, so is the banter that bad? Have the haters threatened anyone? The fans threatened anyone?
What exactly do you call the polar opposite of the Midas touch?
Don't know if this was posted>
I see Kate is in hiding. Start controversy then hide, she must have been something as a kid. Kate did say her brother defended her most of the time, even took her punishment or blame for what she did. So, her thanks to her brother is to disown him, for not going her way. She is a tool!
I didn't know you could have a red alert on the weekends.
This is not a drill!!
I always have to chuckle at this when I imagine a flock of them running around the barnyard as fast as they can, getting to their posts by the fence, listening to commands by the Chief Ewe with instructions as to their plan of attack...especially watching one of them give orders while holding a caterpillar on a stick.
Seriously, though...if this company has been threatened, then by all means they should not handle this on their own. Authorities should be contacted, but given the drama surrounding this whole thing, I would bet that such is not the case. Seems like they are getting publicity out of this and could be milking it for all it's worth. Who knows?
The bathing suit worked for her boys and she wrote a great review....
For 350 bucks, anything would work for me.
They look silly paying her. There are plenty of ways to get reviews without paying for them and basically making the whole thing suspect. They could start with throwing their stuff on Amazon.com, creating a store there. They'll get plenty of reviews.
NoNetz just revised their statement again and added:
"Make no mistake - we do not cave to bullies. We are assessing our personal safety and the safety of our families. If anything, we have erred on the side of over reaction - better safe than sorry for such a new arena."
IMO, they more they say and the more they change things, only makes them look worse.
I remember when Quilted Northern put up a statement about their relationship with Kate. They made the statement and then let it go.
Seems like NoNetz is continuing the controversy rather than let it go, which is contrary to what they tweeted earlier today.
BTW, they have now made their twitter account private.
Bullyville @BullyVille 2m
@NoNetzSuits DM when you get a minute please. 69
Cue the ROL article - coming soon.
LOL they keep burying any complaints Kate might legitimately have.
Oh so they DON'T cave to bullies! So does that mean that they thought about their relationship with her and ON THEIR OWN decided she was wrong for them? So much for the fans claiming bullying--they weren't bullied according to them.
Agree, THEY are the ones dragging this on and on now. Why? Why are they still talking???? Stop talking!
Look for a story on ROL on this very soon. Is BV considered to be "the authorities"?
He will be the "EXCLUSIVE" insider on this.
What exactly do you call the polar opposite of the Midas touch?
Everything fingered turns to S##T?
Why in the world is that graphic of an Asian man pulling his hair out at the top of the page explaining the review? Do they still think it was Jon who contacted them? Wow, they really are stepping in it, aren't they!
They are probably getting it from both sides now--one side for ever posting it, and the other for taking it down. I do feel a little sorry for them. All they were doing was trying to generate some buzz for their products. TFW definitely deserves the backlash. After viewing tat graphic, I am beginning to believe the company deserves at least some of it, too!
Tucker's mom said...
I haven't been following anyone's Twitter, so is the banter that bad? Have the haters threatened anyone? The fans threatened anyone?
What exactly do you call the polar opposite of the Midas touch?
That would be the touch of shit!
What exactly do you call the polar opposite of the Midas touch?
The Sidam Touch. Although I prefer the TFMJG Touch.
What exactly do you call the polar opposite of the Midas touch?
TFW Homing Guidance Missile.
Sherry baby--
Didn't see your post until after I posted mine....great minds think alike!
They have definitely been coached that this is all Jon's fault. Gosh who would tell them such a thing?
There is no way they would have said don't take your issues out on your ex on us without someone putting that idea in their heads first. Only people who closely follow this would say something like that. That was FED to them. As soon as they saw an avatar of Jon they thought oh SEE just like we were told Jon is after her! They were told this by Kate, by fans, who knows. But it was fed to them.
This whole blame Jon thing is so out of touch with reality and is starting to sound very conspiratorial and irrational. Paranoid, really.
On the NN website, the twitter timeline is empty. However, the google search page shows this: "@nonetz kate gosselin has tweeted about us, and her boys have our swimsuits! Really?"
So much for disclosing that she was a paid reviewer!
We are assessing our personal safety and the safety of our families.
The safety for their families? Exactly why would they be worried about their families? Are the haters going to hunt them down, hide outside in a van with black windows and ambush them, go to their children's schools...?
For the love of all that's holy, they need to just shut the heck up about this (unless they are loving the drama and are enjoying the attention)...
They are exaggerating. If there were really a "threat" against them or their families they wouldn't be playing around on the internet reading her and revising their statement as we point out what was wrong with it. They would be talking to authorities and busy making police reports. I dislike them for their hyperbole and I dislike them for NOT GETTING IT.
Quilted Northern got tons of complaints on their FB page when it seemed like they had given TFW free toilet paper. Their parent company, Georgia Pacific made one simple statement in response to all the negativity received, and it's still on their website.
It didn't say they were harassed, it didn't say anything negative about or to the complainers-it was just a very simple statement explaining Kate's tweet about them.
The complaints are still on the QN FB page-they didn't delete them-although you need a FB account to read them.
NoNetz could take a lesson from them on how to handle controversy.
NoNetz could take a lesson from them on how to handle controversy.
Yes, they were professional. And, it blew over. Like, fast. Within a day or so no one was talking about it. I still buy their TP and don't think they did anything wrong.
If anything, I bet it's the fans feeding them information that these are "threats" and that they and their families are in danger. It's all so RIDICULOUS.
I can just imagine Jon sitting in his quiet cabin when:
Ring Ring!
Hello... what?
I did what now?
You gotta be...
Holy hell...
Not again...
OK, I need an old priest and a young priest...
This whole blame Jon thing is so out of touch with reality and is starting to sound very conspiratorial and irrational. Paranoid, really.
Twitter...The Seventh Plague.
More fans than bullies? Really? Do they actually believe that the 6 devoted fans are more in number than the dozens of "haters" that BV 'doxed' and the posters on this blog (oh, I forgot, we are all one person)?
Their delusion is just plain scary. If Kate has so many fans, why did her show fail? Why was her cruise cancelled? Why has her book barely sold any copies? Where are her numerous product endorsements? TV appearances? After all, "once you meet her, you love her" and she's met many, many tv people. WHY have NONE of them invited them on her show?
Snooki may not be my favorite person but she sure knows how to milk her 15 minutes. She's made her own products (ear phones, sunglasses) and is still appearing on shows. Could it be that she is COOPORATIVE and willing to learn?
I agree with whoever said this was fed to them. Just like TFW fed a story to Coupon Cabin, which they fell for, until TFW did herself in.
Formerly duped,
No chafing? Are you sure? Should you ask? Do you need to post pictures? Chafing is a public concern, dontcha know?
@BuzzedBunny: @TANiSHAJ_ @Kateplusmy8 @TLC No millions feel that way. Her TL is full of people asking if she'll ever do another show.
Millions? MILLIONS?
Okay. Yeah. Whatever.
How did THAT conversation go down? When Kate is having that business teleconference with this company to make sure she gets her freebies AND her fees, does she also say, oh and by the way if you get any hate mail or tweets it's from my EX he has orchestrated this whole big internet campaign against me. He has this little army of soldiers he sends to battle on my behalf every time I try to say something nice about a pair of swim trunks. He has so much ANGER and bitterness toward me!
You wouldn't question that at all? You know given how NUTS it sounds? It's just so absurd. Not to mention awkward. Like any company would care about your stupid problems with your ex. In fact it should be a red flag okay back out and NOW. Except this one didn't get the red flag. Missed it by a mile.
Now the swimming suit company sounds like a Bullyville advertisement.
I can see Kate and Razzmatazz taking notes and using this as another example to prove Kate can't work because of the haters.
TFW can work all she wants. Her kids are the ones who we object to working. Does Razzmatazz (love that name) work for them too? Doubtful.
Thank you Suzee, I appreciate it and your link worked. Interesting info.
WFHHell thanks for posting that about the graphic. A great big HMMMM on that considering the swimsuit co's statement.
Chief Ewe and manning of battlestations is cracking me up.
NoNets is now worried about their personal safety? I never saw a death threat to anyone in regard to anything Kate, hater, sheep or business on twitter or anywhere else. Not prior to Bullyville or after. Unless you count Bullyville's minions or McGibney (sp) alluding to "taking someone out" but that could mean anything with all that goes on as far as they are concerned.
This is not going to end well and is looking really bad for Kate and Bullyville. It's too out of control, they are too much alike and there is too much based on lies. I don't know a word to describe it.
Once agan, a company that didn't do their due diligence on their newest spokeperson. I can't believe how many companies don't appear to do ANY due diligence.
And then cry when they get gosselinized.
TFW can work all she wants. Her kids are the ones who we object to working. Does Razzmatazz (love that name) work for them too? Doubtful.
Exactly. She can review swimsuits until the cows come home, just don't use the children as bait for the job. Haven't they had enough? Not to mention she used it to try to drive business to her cookbook too. Outrageously unprofessional. She was there to do a job for a swim trunks company, her cookbook should have been left out of it and she should have linked DIRECTLY to her review.
And, she still got her fee. It's not like they asked for it back. She worked just fine. The fact that they decided to remove her review later is irrelevant.
She does not wrong. If she thinks it's fine and dandy to use the children as she sees fit, then they support her in this.
Have the EVER commented on Blankenship? EVER?
Nope. Child porn peddler having access to images of those kids is FINE with Sheeple. In fact, I think a few of them may be in the same category as Blankenship. Why else would they not be outraged?
To quote Charlie Brown: "Oh, good grief!"
Talk about mountains being made out of mole hills! (not anyone here, I'm just talking about the tweeter, haters who sent emails and the owners of this company). I agree, had the company ignored it or just said "We thank you for your comments. Rest assured, we will look into the matter," that probably would have taken care of it.
If you go to NoNetz website and look under their "Reviews" tab, there is a newspaper article about the company. This really is a small company. The invested $25,000 of their life savings into the business, it's only been open since last year, and they've only sold 1000 suits. They just lost their manufacturer, who was based in Broolyn if I remember correctly, and are scrambling to find another one, as they want to stay locally made/made in America.
I concede they haven't handled this professionally. But, like a lot of small business owners, I don't think they went into this with a lot of education/training on how to run a small business. They most certainly didn't expect to get the response they got from hiring Kate and I think their inexperience shows. Remember, unless you know the back story, Kate can present herself very well on paper and these four women would not be the first to be taken in by her. Look how long it took the flipping mainstream media to start criticizing her - it wasn't until she filed this most recent lawsuit.
Before anyone jumps all over me, no, I am not saying that they aren't responsible for their responses. What I am saying is that you have four women who probably have never experienced this level of...whatever you want to call it, I can't even think of a word for it - vitriol maybe? controversy? - and are coping to what appears to be the best of their ability. And one other thing to bear in mind - who do you think they probably went and talked to once all this started? Kate. And what do you think Kate told them? Her "poor me, the world hates me, it's all a conspiracy on the part of my ex husband and his sleezy friend to ruin my life and take food out of my babies mouths." They probably are thinking "People, get a grip! It's only a review for our bathing suits, she sent us the photo, why are you getting so mad over somebody you don't even know?"
Sorry, maybe I'm jaded but I've seen this response from neophytes to the world of Kate Gosselin before and it doesn't surprise me in the least. If they work with her anymore, which I doubt, they'll soon get to know the real her.
Regarding the photos on the website: The company uses a photographer based out of California to photograph their suits for the website. I'm assuming they haven't written into their contract that the photographer is responsible for making sure all child laws are strictly adhered to. So it's very likely that they have no clue about child labor laws. It probably never occurred to them once that what the Gosselin boys were doing was modeling/working.
As for the boys, I'm sure they didn't see it as working either. Kate probably handed them the suits, said "Put these on," took a picture, and then let the boys go swim while she sent the picture and her review into the company to use. Now, imo, since Kate used them for her review, they should get their 15% each of the $350, especially since she couldn't have done the review without their help, however minimal. She was in essence their agent and it's up to her to make sure the kids are compensated, much in the same way as it is the website photographer's job to compensate and make sure she is complying with all local laws where her under age models are concerned.
I would have had no problem if TFW wanted to model the swimsuits herself. But I DO have a problem with her making her children odel them for free.
She ISN'T just a mediocre mom with a small blog. She's a public figure with millions of followers. Well, 6 followers for sure.
What if some small time sporting goods store was looking for coaches to partner with and decided to do a deal with Sandusky? Do they get to cry and say waaa we had no idea he was so polarizing? Of course not. It's their responsibility to be aware of who he is and how people feel.
Do your homework. Even a kindergartener is expected to do homework. They admitted they didn't know about her, thus admitting they were lazy and didnt do homework. Do your homework and you won't have to cry so much later. It is not the public's job to do it for you. That's just part of business. And it couldn't be easier and faster these days with Google now. I just have such little sympathy for this this time around, and I was always the first to say leave companies alone. Well, leave them alone, but at a certain point they have an obligation too.
"No-Nutz" --- ha ha ha ha.
Is it possible she wrote this review knowing what would happen and plans on using this as a "see I told you so" example in her lawsuit against Jon?
In other words, she'll claim she can't do ANYTHING as simple as write a review and this is what happens. And it's all Jon's fault.
Somethng to ponder!
Is Milo hitting the sauce? Does she think this will help NoNetz business? Oh, I forgot-she doesn't care about them at all-just her beloved Queen Kate.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 12m
@Kateplusmy8 HaHa...did we not KNOW that the #Gators would fall "hook/line/&sinker" 4this #NoNetzSuits STING operation! U've been HAD! :)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 12m
@Kateplusmy8 U followed the script #Gators...2the letter! Totally predictable...all cameras/screen shots were ready & rolling! #CaughtYou
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5m
BTW @NoNetzSuits...Welcome aboard 2 #MadeInAmerica...Bullying/Hatred & Strong-arming is alive & well! @Kateplusmy8 @Bullyville Take A Stand!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3m
@MY_3BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 They all #Waltzed right N there...now its funny 2read how they R JUSTIFYING their actions! 2late now babes!
@BuzzedBunny: @TANiSHAJ_ @Kateplusmy8 @TLC No millions feel that way. Her TL is full of people asking if she'll ever do another show.
Millions? MILLIONS?
Okay. Yeah. Whatever.
If MILLIONS want her to do another show so badly, why don't those MILLIONS pre-order her cookbook to show their support for her and her family as she struggles to piece and patch?
You wouldn't question that at all? You know given how NUTS it sounds? It's just so absurd. Not to mention awkward. Like any company would care about your stupid problems with your ex. In fact it should be a red flag okay back out and NOW. Except this one didn't get the red flag. Missed it by a mile.
Like a pitcher who can't hit the broad side of a barn.
At the very same time NN was making a deal with Kate, she was splashed all over the headlines for suing her ex, the father of their 8 little children.
How does one miss this?
Now maybe you talk with Kate and maybe she makes them feel that the problem is all Jon, and she's a pure as the driven snow.
But..but..but... NN is a company that sells bathing suits for little boys (and grown men) and who are they really marketing to?
Mothers, I bet, 9 times out of 10, are the ones buying those swim suits.
So, bear with me, this won't take long to connect..
You're trying to use for an endorsement, a woman who just declared war on the father of her children, and you are excited about this? This is a good thing? Quite the "get"?
No, it was a huge, huge risk. Perhaps a calculated one, or perhaps not even perceived to its full extent, if any.
The fallout from Kate's association with NN has been surreal (I mean seriously, I think even most of us are shocked just sitting on the sidelines watching this like a tennis match). Some vortex just sucked NN down the rabbit whole and I'm betting they're wondering what the hell is happening to them.
I always have to chuckle at this when I imagine a flock of them running around the barnyard as fast as they can, getting to their posts by the fence, listening to commands by the Chief Ewe with instructions as to their plan of attack...especially watching one of them give orders while holding a caterpillar on a stick.
OMG. Coffee through the nose ......
If anything, I bet it's the fans feeding them information that these are "threats" and that they and their families are in danger. It's all so RIDICULOUS.
Absolutely, and I would bet the farm that the CEE is engineering the whole thing.
NoNetz could take a lesson from them on how to handle controversy.
They are a fledgling company, still wet behind the ears. I hope this experience dries them off real fast.
Silimom I feel for their story. I am the biggest champion of small businesses and I want them to succeed. I guess I see it as just plain common sense to google someone who wants to partner with her. I mean heck these days people even google a new friend or significant other! It's just what you do now. Plus, they seem to paint a picture that they reached out to HER. If they sought her out, they must have had some idea who she is. Where is their common sense? And how could you have seriously not heard that she is at the very least disliked? Are they this out of touch?
I guess they had to learn the hard way. Quite frankly, it's better they learned this now before they partner with, say, Tiger Woods.
Owning a small business comes with a learning curve. Mistakes happen and sometimes those mistakes break you, other times you learn and recover just fine. For them, it's an awful steep one apparently. I feel bad for them, but this is a ticking time bomb. If they didn't make the mistake with Kate, they simply would have made it with someone else further down the line.
Looks like RH has gained some pretty powerful partners while TFW was wasting time n tweety bird land. Good for you and your family RH. And G-d Bless to the people who are standing behind you. AlI can say is wow oh wow and TFW should be a whittle skeered.
Wait, if everything followed the "script" according to Milo, why did NoNutz change their reply on their website a few times? Were they not informed of the "sting" beforehand? I would be PISSED that my small company was used this way!
Bottom line...if her kids are being used to sell swimsuits, THEY should have paid separately and in their own names.
Anonymous said... 114
Looks like RH has gained some pretty powerful partners while TFW was wasting time n tweety bird land. Good for you and your family RH. And G-d Bless to the people who are standing behind you. AlI can say is wow oh wow and TFW should be a whittle skeered.
?? Why do you say that, what partners?
Gladys has stuck her nose in this one, claiming it was all a set up to trap the haters. Was this the plan she came up with when the sheeple gathered for red alert?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 14m
@MY_3BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 They all #Waltzed right N there...now its funny 2read how they R JUSTIFYING their actions! 2late now babes!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 16m
BTW @NoNetzSuits...Welcome aboard 2 #MadeInAmerica...Bullying/Hatred & Strong-arming is alive & well! @Kateplusmy8 @Bullyville Take A Stand!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 20m
@Kateplusmy8 Happy Saturday Kate! I'm so glad U learned early N life 2 #StandForSomething when it comes 2principles N l;ife! @NoNetzSuits
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 24m
@Kateplusmy8 U followed the script #Gators...2the letter! Totally predictable...all cameras/screen shots were ready & rolling! #CaughtYou
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 25m
@Kateplusmy8 HaHa...did we not KNOW that the #Gators would fall "hook/line/&sinker" 4this #NoNetzSuits STING operation! U've been HAD! :)
Mrs. Kravitz is freaking insane. Does she realize what she's saying? She's implicating a company in a conspiracy for Kate to use in her lawsuit and admitting it was a set-up. I hope someone gets screen shots of that before she deletes them.
No-Netz is the type of company we, as Americans, should look to support - small business, American made. That being said, these ladies really need to learn some business acumen or they are doomed to failure.
This is sort of like having a child. You absolutely desperately want them to be the greatest success ever. You want them to soar. I want all small businesses, as long as their products or services are ethical, to soar. Small businesses are our backbone.
But sometimes love means letting the child learn lessons the hard way. Sometimes love means calling the child out on bad behavior and mistakes.
How stupid can you get...admitting something like that? If the company wasn't part of it and suffered any damages and/or loss of business, they would have a very good case for a lawsuit against those who are behind it.
I had given some of the sheeple a benefit of the doubt, that perhaps there were a few who had an ounce of intelligence, but I changed my mind. They are a few tacos short of a fiesta platter.
But sometimes love means letting the child learn lessons the hard way. Sometimes love means calling the child out on bad behavior and mistakes....
...while passing the Nachos and cheese
I think Kate's relationxhip with NoNetz all started when they tweeted Kate and asked for a RT for them to get votes for that Martha Stewart American Made contest. I was able to find the RT Kate made for them on tweetwood.com, but it is no longer on Kate's timeline.
RT @NoNetzSuits: @Kateplusmy8 we need votes. Please RT. thank you! http://t.co/UXFVQaURkF
1 week ago
NoNetz also had it posted on their website under "News", saying that Kate was helping them get votes, but that too is gone.
In a google search it shows:
NoNetz News – NoNetz
@Kateplusmy8 we need votes. Please RT. thank you! http://t.co/UXFVQaURkF. — NoNetz Bathing Suits (@NoNetzSuits) August 28, 2013. NoNetz nominated for ...
Most likely that is when they got in contact with each other and made the deal about the review, which Kate posted the day after Labor Day.
August 28 was 2 days after the news of the lawsuit was posted by BV. How could they not know about it?
Is TFW's number one fan suggesting entrapment?
Remember when that guy said she gave him a dirty look at the UPS store? That was probably when she was picking up her free loot from NN. This is like a whole scripted storyline.
This is better than the movies, and I saw Jobs today!
Milo has to be being facetious, but she's far too stupid to realize it could get the fans in trouble and could be used as evidence it was all actually a set up. Sadly I think this is her way of trying to make it seem like this wasn't yet another TFW screw up.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 21m
Oh my...this is HUGE...this is HUGE..espionage & subterfuge! I think some folks R starting 2feel uncomfortable! Boundaries crossed!
Considering her previous tweets, doesn't she think that she might possibly have crossed some boundaries? Perhaps she should be the one starting to feel uncomfortable, because she isn't doing Kate any favors by what she previously tweeted.
I thought it was a very good review, and yes, she did put a disclosure up regarding the fact that she received the product for free from the company. But she also used a picture of her little boy. Should he be paid a modeling fee?
If you use a photo of your own kid on your own site, no. If you partner with a business for THEIR advertisements, I think the child becomes a model and the applicable state laws apply. The key is who is doing the advertising. For instance, if you give a child a script to read in your living room and they perform it for friends or family, no child labor laws apply. But if you partner with a studio to do it, the child is to be paid and subject to laws, even if the project never gets aired. That's how I would interpret the law anyway. It's a very unclear area still, sadly.
That said, I think the direction the mommy bloggers are going is a very dangerous one, and I'm not the first to say so. Some are better than others, but the worst offenders are pretty bad.
I don't think it was a setup. Just TFW saw an opportunity to grift something, and she was on it in nothing flat.
I do think she forewarned them about Jon orchestrating excessive internet hate though, based on their response about an ex, which made no sense if you didn't think the poster was Jon.
I don't think NN was in on the setup, if there was one, but they are now clearly being spoonfed what to say by BV.
A threat to their families just because someone on twitter asked them why had a known child exploiter on their website????
You're right Over and Out - Milo just said that NN, BV & TFW were in this together and organized a "sting operation" to catch the haters hating. Isnt this some kind of enteapment? At the very least if I were NN I'd deny, deny, deny and then say that this has gone far enough and that they got a little carried away and drop the whole thing. Lesson learned for all hopefully. The "haters" do need to stop attacking every single thing that she does. A review of swimwear is not going to get her back on TV. It's going to get her $350. Not very much for a "celebrity" endorsement. Her glory days are over. Let her have her little jobs here and there.
I can't get past the $350. That's the price of Collin, Aaden and Joel's teensy bit of privacy. Three boys for $350. She really is a carnival barker.
I would have had no problem if TFW wanted to model the swimsuits herself.
I know someone else who wouldn't have a problem with that either. Close To You!
Anyone want to make book that it was one of TFMJG's fans (my money would be on the defective detective or goody), using a fake name and Jon's picture, who made that tweet to NN? That seems like their style. Anything o try to get Jon in trouble.
This is OT, but has anyone been following the story about the judge in Montana. A teacher had a sexual relationship with one of his 14 year old students and was charged with rape. The girl committed suicide. The judge said she was mature beyond her years and as in control of the relationship as the teacher (who is 54). The judge sentenced him to 30 days. Thirty days for rape of a minor! Outrageous! Puts TFMJG and her petty little problems in a different perspective, doesn't it?
Extra salsa has arrived! I also brought more chips and beer. Anyone have cheese for nachos?
Let her have her little jobs here and there. 134
She can have as many little or big jobs as she can get. Just leave the kids out of them
You're right Over and Out - Milo just said that NN, BV & TFW were in this together and organized a "sting operation" to catch the haters hating. Isnt this some kind of enteapment?
If true, what does that say about a company who would be willing to be part of a sting/entrapment operation? Would anyone ever buy anything at all from a company such as that? Good lord. Talk about stupidity.
TWF, not a bully and don't dislike you personally. Do not know you.
But, what as an observer, and not blind, you doing things constantly that involve your children so others will lash out for or against is crazy.
Why not go private with your business and twitter if you want to beg and poor mouth to companies and to other people? Why not use email or the telephone?
But, today on fast forward, how can the 2 be blamed if the child labor laws of PA were broken by only you?
Example: (WF is a possibility of laws broken. The children got a lot of face time....According to the dad, he was not even consulted for the use of HIS children on the show.) Not on sides. Don't know him. This is from only observing as a potential juror may observe. . right? You want a jury trial.
What would lead a reasonable person to believe the PDOL was contacted for permits or what ever else was required, for modeling a product where Mommy got paid?
NoNo loudly slid away from you faster than a snake and said "everyone go away and leave us alone." when asked about the situation.
Set Up or No Set Up,
No No Net can't plead ignorance, as ignorance is no excuse when it comes to the law. Period. Thinking this will cost them a lot more than $350, or what ever fee was paid.
Your friend Milo admitted to you in a tweet everyone involved was set up. That evidence going to hold up in court?. Could you be held in contempt for perjury if it was entrapment and you try to enter it? Just asking, I dunno. Just a perceptive juror.
If a talent agent did not sign off on this NN gig, which if they did, what a disaster for them, then TFW only has her self to blame for trying to skirt her financial obligations to her kids and to her agent, the FTC and the State of PA. And maybe the I R S
Or, wouldn't the required FTC disclaimer have been attached under the review she wrote? And openly backed up by NN? Something a juror would want to know.
TFW, on the flip side, you are not dealing daily with people who have less education, like a potential juror.
Did you not consult with your agent or attorney's before you made the deal?
Anonymous said... 119
''Looks like RH has gained some pretty powerful partners while TFW was wasting time n tweety bird land. Good for you and your family RH. And G-d Bless to the people who are standing behind you. AlI can say is wow oh wow and TFW should be a whittle skeered.''
I am very curious about these ''pretty powerful partners'' for RH. I'm all for those standing behind Robert. So, who are you talking about? Where can I see what you're talking about?
I think Milo got giddy with excitement that BV dm'd NoNetz, and she started poking the haters thinking that this latest stuff will be brought up in the lawsuit and that the "Gators" will be made to pay for complaining to the company about Kate.
However, I don't think she realized how bad she made it seem for the company, Kate and BV. She actually just helped the defense. Wouldn't it be funny if she was called as one of their witnesses.
Isn't Milo the one who said that she only says "nice" things about people? I don't think "Your honor, I was only "joshin' and jokin'" is going to be a good excuse.
Step Right Up! said... 135
I can't get past the $350. That's the price of Collin, Aaden and Joel's teensy bit of privacy. Three boys for $350. She really is a carnival barker.
Ah but it was fun, fun, fun. Just ask her. EVERYTHING they get to do in the way of work for Mommie D is SuperFun. So what if the last remaining shred of privacy they have is still getting plastered on her pathetic website, it was all worth it because it was a delight just to be around their mother. In fact, they probably don`t need friends or a PlayStation or tv or lego or after school activities because hey, they`ve got MOMMIE!!
Seriously, I think we know what happens if they don`t oblige.
134..so you are sayn it is ok to break the laws of PA, and the FTC here and there? She tweeted for everyone to go to her site.
You're right Over and Out - Milo just said that NN, BV & TFW were in this together and organized a "sting operation" to catch the haters hating. Isnt this some kind of enteapment?
Did she come right out and say that the company and BV were all in this together? Where is that tweet? If NN were not part of it, and she's implying that they were, then Milo is in deep doo-doo. If they were not part of it and were being used then those who orchestrated a sting are in deep doo-doo. I can see a lawsuit in the making. If they were in this, shame on them and their company. They're in way over their heads.
I just looked at NoNetz twitter feed. The rabid haters and BV's minions are arguing on their timeline, and including them in their tweets.
I really don't think they expected that asking Kate to review their product, would end up with them embroiled in this ongoing feud. I bet they wish they never contacted Kate in the first place.
Now the blogs Milo posts on can be subpoenaed and we'll learn who that weirdo is. This is getting very interesting.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 141 - here
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 HaHa...did we not KNOW that the #Gators would fall "hook/line/&sinker" 4this #NoNetzSuits STING operation! U've been HAD! :)
However, I don't think she realized how bad she made it seem for the company, Kate and BV. She actually just helped the defense. Wouldn't it be funny if she was called as one of their witnesses.
Usually, the first story you put out there is the one the courts expect you to stick with. Even if it's a lie, or a joke, trying to change it later rarely works. Even if your second story is the truth. It likely wouldn't happen but on the off chance there is something underhanded going on here, that CAN be used as evidence. Whoops.
This is why it's important never to say anything until you have an attorney. If you don't relay things exactly right, which is hard to do even when telling the truth, that's the story you're stuck with. It can't be changed.
I don't believe the company is involved in any conspiracy, but it's pretty clear that this whole thing has been at the very least egged on by Kate's camp. They fed them info that Jon is behind all this and I believe they're feeding them info that they have something to fear here. The idea is to make this as big and terrible as possible to make Kate look like a victim. They are USING this company.
The very idea they felt threatened is ludicrous. There was nothing remotely threatening about any of the tweets. Vile and nasty yes, threatening no. Pony up what was threatening or they're full of it. They are being fed this information and played like puppets and they just don't seem all that bright enough to get themselves out of this mess let alone even realize it. If I were this company I would be very angry at Kate's camp for getting me all in a tizzy. They made this far more worse than it has to be.
Regarding compliance with the FTC and so on, I don't think anyone should ever feel ashamed to respectfully ask a company if they are in compliance. If they are they will have nothing to hide. If they're not, you may have just saved them a bigger mess down the line. Most violations of the law are discovered by average citizens. The police can't be everywhere.
For the life of me I never understood why this always turns into, oh you're coming between someone and their livelihood! If you saw someone robbing a bank or writing fake checks you wouldn't say oh well I can't report them for wrongdoing, it's their livelihood. That's absurd. White collar violations should be treated the same. If you see something off, say something. Ask. There is no shame in it.
We have no idea what NoNetz has received via email. I've been outspoken for a long time starting when the haters began using obscene language. Sadly they got a lot of attention from that. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if NN received some vile and threatening type emails. Were they from haters or fans pretending to be haters? Who knows; sadly the haters set the bar to begin with.
That said, Milo's gone over the top with her "Sting" tweet. I'm sure there are dozens of screen shots of it now.
Thanks, Tweet-le...
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 HaHa...did we not KNOW that the #Gators would fall "hook/line/&sinker" 4this #NoNetzSuits STING operation! U've been HAD! :)
NoNetzSuits STING operation does not mean that they were part of this. She's just calling it a NN Sting operation. At least that's how I read it.
I just have a hard time believing that they would be part of this. I do believe, though, that if they were pawns in this and their business suffered any damage, and someone was feeding them information, those who were involved could be in for some surprises. If I were Milo, I wouldn't be so darn cocky.
We have no idea what NoNetz has received via email. I've been outspoken for a long time starting when the haters began using obscene language. Sadly they got a lot of attention from that. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if NN received some vile and threatening type emails. Were they from haters or fans pretending to be haters? Who knows; sadly the haters set the bar to begin with.
Pure speculation. We always hear about threats but never actually see them. If they did, that's awful, and that's what the police are for.
But why did they say something to the effect of they are LOOKING INTO whether their safety has been compromised? If you got a threat, there should be no question about it. Nothing to look into. You are in danger and you call the police, period. You don't go on the internet to whine about it.
And if they got a threat, why did they spend so much time today reading here and amending their statement over and over? That doesn't sound like someone truly in fear. That sounds like someone trying to get out of a PR mess.
Honestly knowing this particular group of "haters" I don't think they would hesitate at all to say whatever they want to say on twitter. They really don't seem to care. I doubt they would send some secret threat. Plus over email, IPs can be much easier to be traced. I doubt they are that stupid. There hasn't been enough time to send an anonymous letter in the mail.
I think this company is 100% full of it and is being incredibly manipulated. I could be wrong, but I have no evidence otherwise.
I think this company is 100% full of it and is being incredibly manipulated. I could be wrong, but I have no evidence otherwise.
And all of this could have been avoided if they had ignored the tweets or just put out a blanket "your opinions have been noted" once and done. However, being a young and inexperienced company, they just didn't know when to stop and escalated it to the whole "threat and safety...we're the victims" scenario. Live and learn, I guess.
I do hope, though, that screenshots of Milo's tweets have been saved. She tends to delete tweets, and I don't think that we've heard the end of it yet. Milo was high on the thought of catching the haters, and she had no idea what she was implying...she could find herself in trouble. She's like Kate -- she doesn't think before she acts.
I wrote an angry but respectful letter to nonetz earlier today. I see there's something perhaps from them in my inbox. No way will i open that mail as they may be in cahoots with BV. Anyone else get email entitled nonetz and Kate?
I see there's something perhaps from them in my inbox. No way will i open that mail as they may be in cahoots with BV.
Now there's talk that the company is working with BV in capturing IPs. What in the heck is going on?
Now there's talk that the company is working with BV in capturing IPs. What in the heck is going on? 154
You may be paranoid but that doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
Translation - who knows, but no one should trust BV. He's out for himself.
Milo just said that NN, BV & TFW were in this together and organized a "sting operation" to catch the haters hating. Isnt this some kind of enteapment?
I could be wrong, but I think entrapment only applies to law enforcement (police officers) in criminal cases. I don't think it's entrapment if a private citizen is involved and no crime has been committed.
I don't think this is what happened, but if it WAS a sting operation, they could sue for breach of contract. Being part of some sort of orchestrated set up was not part of their contract. They were to pay her a fee in exchange for review, and that's it. They did not agree to be part of any set up. Their damages could easily be proven by showing damage both to their profits from lost customers and their good will. Now THAT would be ironic if Kate is the one who gets sued at the end of the day, lol.
What a mess. What a mess. All this because this company didn't say thank you for your feedback, and left it at that.
Someone's backpedallin'
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 18m
@nancivs I don't think the gals at NN had a clue 2begin w/but they soon recognized the need 2document all this mess. #SmartWomen
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h
Oh my...this is HUGE...this is HUGE..espionage & subterfuge! I think some folks R starting 2feel uncomfortable! Boundaries crossed!
Jen said... 153
I wrote an angry but respectful letter to nonetz earlier today. I see there's something perhaps from them in my inbox. No way will i open that mail as they may be in cahoots with BV. Anyone else get email entitled nonetz and Kate?
I could be wrong, but I don't think you opening the email would give them the IP address but the one you sent would. I'm no expert in all this IP collection crap though.
Saw this on Facebook and thought it appropriate for the dialog on this blog....it was a picture of a child and the message said:
Children shouldn't have to sacrifice so that you can have the life you want. You make sacrifices so that your children can have the life they deserve.
TFW should put this on her bathroom mirror and take a long look at herself through THAT lense!
Jen said... 153
I wrote an angry but respectful letter to nonetz earlier today. I see there's something perhaps from them in my inbox. No way will i open that mail as they may be in cahoots with BV. Anyone else get email entitled nonetz and Kate?
If you sent an email and IF BV is collecting IPs from NoNetz, it's a little too late to worry about opening that email. They've got your IP. Is NoNetz now sending out viruses with their replies? Doubtful. What's next? LOL
Oh, if only everyone had let little NoNetz alone but this is far more entertaining, right? Kate isn't the only one likes a little drama in her life.
Now THAT would be ironic if Kate is the one who gets sued at the end of the day, lol.
As well as the fans who had a part in all of this. A few sheeple may not have the last laugh.
Meant to include this one:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 27m
For the record, I believe the brave ladies at #NoNetzSuits had no idea what was coming their way! Supporter of Kate...saw it coming! :(
Now there's talk that the company is working with BV in capturing IPs. What in the heck is going on?
Well if BV is capturing IPs again or recruiting companies to do the dirty work, then he`s the one driving business away from Kate, not her haterz. Score another backfire for her if that`s the case. Too funny. She``ll lose the few pieces and patches of work she does get because of her associaton with that character.
When I read about things like the tempest in a twitter pot that the twidiots engaged in today, it makes me so very very thankful that the only tweets I am interested in are those produced by actual birds.
Everyone should just go outside and take a nice walk without any electronic devices.
Anonymous said... 143
134..so you are sayn it is ok to break the laws of PA, and the FTC here and there? She tweeted for everyone to go to her site.
How did you get that out of my post? where did i advocate her breaking any laws? Of course she tweeted everyone to go to site because she's trying to sell cookbooks. She has, and always will use the kids as a draw because without them she has nothing. Thanks for your opinion but seriously, is it that hard to pick a name?
Different subject for a minute. Leah Remini looks cute AND glamorous and sexy and spunky in that picture with Tony. I remember TFW' s
picture with her leg draped around Tony and looking like she had just stepped out of Glamoulr for Cheap, Inc. Way over the top trashy, IMO.
And I am not a fan of Leah Remini. I still think she looks wonderful In that picture.
BV is all over this NN situation. BV asks NN to DM him, and suddenly they decide they're being threatened. Hmmm, who put that idea into their heads? Milo DMs BV (or asks BV to DM her, I can't remember which) and suddenly she thinks it's a sting operation. BV is orchestrating all of this. He saw an opportunity to stir things up, and he took it. Convinced NN that they were being threatened so they will go along with him to "out" more "haters".
I read awhile ago that BV can collect IPs and figure out the area a person if from, but can't tell who it is. The emails are his way of figuring out exactly who the hater is. I think he did that with some of the RWA people, and that is how he was able to pinpoint their identities.
Jen (153), I would not open anything that has to do with TFW or NN. This is something that BV has done before to "out" people. No need to hand him any information he doesn't already have.
I doubt that NN is getting any sympathy from TFW. She got what she wanted--free swimsuits and money. She's done with them and will never look back.
The hatred for TFW is at an all-time high lately. If she wants to stop the hate, she really needs to walk away and take a long break from all the drama. Stay home and just be a mom, and wait for it all to blow over. In a couple years, the haters will have moved on and she can give her media dream another try. Of course, she is not capable of this. She must be in the public eye, even if the public hates her. To her, everyone either loves her or is jealous of her, and she gets a thrill out of both. She really wants to believe that there are millions of people who are obsessively jealous of her. That makes her feel like she is better than everyone else. No way can she let go.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 27m
For the record, I believe the brave ladies at #NoNetzSuits had no idea what was coming their way! Supporter of Kate...saw it coming! :(
So she's now saying it wasn't a sting operation? Sounds like someone is a little bit on edge and is starting to realize the implications she made. In her own words, 2 late now babe!
This is OT, but has anyone been following the story about the judge in Montana. A teacher had a sexual relationship with one of his 14 year
old students and was charged with rape. The girl committed suicide. The judge said she was mature beyond her years and as in control of
the relationship as the teacher (who is 54). The judge sentenced him to 30 days. Thirty days for rape of a minor! Outrageous! Puts TFMJG
and her petty little problems in a different perspective, doesn't it?
I have been following this appalling story and others around the world (e.g., India). I am aware that children and women are being sold into slavery; many for sexual purposes. I am horrified and heartsick.
Respectfully, here we are talking about an American woman in a million dollar home with 3 vehicles for one adult, etc. and so on, openly
pimping her children to subsidize HER lifestyle - I think it's apples and oranges.
All are wrong.
No offense meant.
I really don't think they expected that asking Kate to review their
product, 146
They should have listened to the sheeple.
"google is your friend".
BV deleted the tweet to NN asking for them to DM him interesting.
I don't understand this tweet. Is Milo saying that Kate followed the script, and therefore was involved in this, or the haters followed the script? If the latter is true and it was a sting, the marks wouldn't have a script to follow because they would have known nothing about it.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 4h
@Kateplusmy8 U followed the script #Gators...2the letter! Totally predictable...all cameras/screen shots were ready & rolling! #CaughtYou
OT for a minute. I don't know anything about him really, but at first glance his mindset appears to be shades of TFMJG.
My apologies in advance if anyone is a big fan--I'm from KC Chiefs country and our QB's have been bad the last few years. Although his chance of realizing his dream is probably way better than hers, since he is actually talented enough to play in the NFL. Just seems a little narrow-minded not to consider all his options.
Sleepless @ 174 - She did the same thing earlier, too. She's talking to the "gators" through her tweets to Kate. Isn't she the clever one. I don't know why the CIA hasn't put her on their payroll.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 HaHa...did we not KNOW that the #Gators would fall "hook/line/&sinker" 4this #NoNetzSuits STING operation! U've been HAD! :)
A lot of people are asking how this company could not be aware of the lawsuit Kate filed.
It's simple. For a vast majority of Americans, entertainment news in general, and anything related to Kate Gosselin most definitely, is not news they read. It wasn't like this was announced on the radio or the nightly news. It was carried on GMA but even then the segment lasted less than 3 minutes.
Really and truly, the rest of the world doesn't care about her.
Now, as a company, yes they should have vetted her before agreeing to do business with her. I suspect, and this is only speculation on my part, that this company was probably tweeting lots of celebs to get a retweet for the Martha Stewart thing
Commercial Interruption: If you want to vote for someone, check out this little girl's webpage. She has autism but loves to draw and shows that even those with disabilities can make a contribution to their communities - I know, it's just plain common sense, but apparently some people don't know that. http://www.marthastewart.com/americanmade/nominee/80205
Now back to my comment...
and Kate came up on the list somehow. They tweeted her, she saw an opportunity to grift, she told them what an awesome celeb she was, how she has millions of followers, was the world's best known reality tv mom, etc. etc. They probably had heard about the show but not much else and thought they were really scoring a great deal getting her to endorse their product.
And the rest we know.
So I can see very easily how they wouldn't know who she was really and definitely not about the lawsuit.
As for Milo and her tweets, who knows? As Admin said, if someone emailed a threatening letter to NN, then the owners should call the police and file a complaint as it's against the law. Drama, drama, drama.
I'm going to bed. Goodnight all!
Okay, I was going to go to bed, but I hopped onto Facebook really quick. My sister had shared this and, in light of our conversations here about bullying, I wanted to pass it along.
I wish I could give the Gosselin kids enough money to even put a dent in what was stolen in them. Maybe someday I will be able to. I do give a fair amount to charity each year, but my favorite charities are the Red Cross, With Women (homeless shelter), another homeless shelter in DTLA I don't want harassed, and a couple other local charities, and my alma maters--not the Gosselin children. But by the logic I owe them a cut, then any site that talks about me owes ME a cut too. I want my money please. LOL. Internet doesn't work that way. Ads are on almost every site. They make it possible for admins to pay hosting fees and other expenses and sometimes hire a staff. Ads are on sites like CNN that talk about tragedies every day and they don't give any of those people money. Robert has a nice long list of sites that have talked about this family, do they owe the kids a cut too, or just us?
NN wasn't simply discussing something about this family or providing general commentary/debate on the situation or providing some sort of educational value such as an article about how to treat chaffing or how to raise multiples. I wouldn't have a problem with that. They were actively and directly using the children as models to peddle their products, and thus pursuant to NEW YORK STATE LAW, owed them their fair cut. They took the pics down, which speaks volumes. If they did nothing wrong, they would have left it up.
Silimom I remember that woman, that story must be at least a year old, this was awhile ago! I wonder how she's doing now. I loved what she said.
Silimom I remember that woman, that story must be at least a year old, this was awhile ago! I wonder how she's doing now. I loved what she said
I remember that, too. It was a very good message, delivered succinctly and powerfully without resorting to obscenities and tick tock we're coming to get you.
Interesting that it's being resurrected.
Tanks for the commercial Silimom. I just put on my 5 votes for Ella.
Sleepless @ 174 - She did the same thing earlier, too. She's talking to the "gators" through her tweets to Kate. Isn't she the clever one...
Thanks, Auntie. I see that. At least I think I see that. But I just read this tweet and now I'm really confused. Did Milo say that Kate was involved in this or not?
DWTS Daddy! @EmeraldCityJazz 10m
@AlfredoCocozza @NoNetzSuits Please tell police that #MiloandJack says this was a "sting" set up by Kate Gosselin & have them question her
I'm going to bed. I'm getting a headache trying to make sense of this whole thing!
NoNetz has once again changed their post regarding Kate's review. This is what their last changed post said:
"This review has inadvertently invited strangers to personally harass us. It's gone well beyond established business boundaries which has led us to take Kate's review down for now. We are contacting the authorities and are taking this weekend to regroup.
Make no mistake - we do not cave to bullies. We are assessing our personal safety and the safety of our families. If anything, we have erred on the side of over reaction - better safe than sorry for such a new arena."
This is the new revision:
"This review has inadvertently invited strangers to personally harass us. It's gone well beyond established business boundaries which has led us to take Kate's review down for now. We have filed a police report and will forward all mail , tweets or posts containing threatening or slanderous material.
Make no mistake - we do not cave to bullies. If anything, we have erred on the side of over reaction - better safe than sorry for such a new arena."
So what started out as a simple explanation about how Kate came to write a review, has now become a warning and/or threat to those that had anything negative to say.
Sound familiar?
Another thing--
Do they consider Milo's post about the NoNetz Sting to be "slanderous material"? Milo implicated them as being a part of all that went down.
Orange if you're out there, the weather promised me 91 today and I was mentally prepared I could do 91.
Thanks Admin, we actually escaped the heat and took our little grandchildren to Legoland. Carlsbad was warm but not hot, and just a little humid. Stay cool.
Take notice the fun
, this is what young talent means. Google them, Daisy and Lennon.
Or watch Nashville.
The former wife should be doing her homework.
Twitter: It is a form of entertainment. Trolling is like putting a fishing line in a shoal of fish and seeing what you can get
Thanks, Auntie. I see that. At least I think I see that. But I just read this tweet and now I'm really confused. Did Milo say that Kate was involved in this or not?
DWTS Daddy! @EmeraldCityJazz 10m
@AlfredoCocozza @NoNetzSuits Please tell police that #MiloandJack says this was a "sting" set up by Kate Gosselin & have them question her
lol! Calling all cars. Calling all cars.
We have filed a police report and will forward all mail , tweets or posts containing threatening or slanderous material.
Wow. This just never ends.
Here's an interesting article about how to handle mean tweets to your business. Too bad NoNetz didn't know about it, because it does have some good advice.
"You can't win a digital argument. We all know you can’t win an argument with a customer. If you lose, you lose directly; if you win, you still lose — by losing the customer. But online, the rule is multiplied because of all the additional customers you’ll lose if they catch sight of the argument.
So, breathe, slow down, and, above all else, avoid reacting in anger. Try to remember that the people slamming your face in the social medialand toilet — the folks I call ‘‘click puppies’’ — are doing it off the cuff. On the fly. They are not acting like professionals when they express their outrage. Most times, after they’ve trashed you publicly, they've moved on. Keep this in mind as you take the next step in addressing the complaint.
That next step: Turning “twankers” into thankers. Let’s say you’ve spotted an outrageous tweet about your firm:
"Company X double-bills all customers—Must Think We R Suckrs—FAIL"
How should you respond? If this twanker follows you on Twitter, that makes you able to send him a direct message. So do it. Include a direct email address and direct phone number. If, however, said twanker isn’t one of your followers, you’ll need to figure out another way to reach him. How about replying publicly, on Twitter, listing your email address and expressing your chagrin and concern.
By responding this way, you have a good chance to move the discussion out of a public venue and into a one-on-one situation, where you can work directly with your antagonist without thousands of eyes dissecting every move or, worse, catching bits and pieces as things progress, without ever grasping the whole story. This dispute resolution approach is like an in-store situation where you take an irate customer aside, perhaps into your office, to privately discuss the matter, giving you both a chance to work together to arrive at a resolution."
I know they are basically a "new" company, but the first thing any business should learn is public relations, and how to handle complaints, whether via twitter, email, phone, etc., no matter how outrageous those complaints are.
It doesn't seem that they've learned from their mistakes though, but are just prolonging the argument. Number one rule--don't antagonize the complainer. Listen to their complaint and explain your position, and most of all, don't take it personally. Understand that the complainer may not accept your explanation, but say you're sorry they're not happy, and then let it go.
Most important rule to remember--you cannot please all of the people all of the time.
On the Martha Stewart America Made contest site, NoNetz answered this question:
"What's the best business advice you've received?
Don't expect things to go your way,so that when they do you can savor the moments! Also, relationships are key, be nice and it comes back to you in a big way!"
That IS the key to public relations. Unfortunately, in this whole fiasco, they seemed to have forgotten about it.
And now THIS on their facebook. Why do they fuel the fire? Do they think, like Kate, ANY publicity is good publicity? I mean, this has blown up to epic proportions. Why??
I can't believe ECJ has finally protected her tweets! She seemed like she'd never back down.
Wonder why? Anyone know?
Apparently, the sheeple believe that the LAWS do not apply to child models:
Snotty Girl @Snotty_Girl 10h
@Kateplusmy8 Personally I see more pukers of bile than I see truthers. Lots of children model PEROID. YOU only get 2 worry about your own
I can't believe ECJ has finally protected her tweets!
I think she has done that from time to time in the past...
I don't get why it's not ok to send a slanderous tweet *to* NN, but it's ok for them to respond with one.
@NoNetzSuits DM when you get a minute please.
Hmmm. You can't DM someone on Twitter unless you're already following each other. Wondering when and why they first connected..not just reading each other's tweets, but actually communicating with each other.
Maybe Milo could tell us?
Can someone please tell me who appointed little unemployed, bankrupt, foreclosed upon Jimmy McGoofy (aka BullShitVille) the king of Twitter? I must have missed the memo that every tweet must meet with his approval, lest the tweeter be intimidated and threatened by him and his moronic lemming followers.
I can't believe ECJ has finally protected her tweets! She seemed like she'd never back down.
Wonder why? Anyone know?
I've seen her account private before.
At different times many of the sheeple and haterz have gone private, for reasons I've yet to figure out since I don't use twitter, and then come back. It may last minutes or days, but most of them return to their public setting.
We have filed a police report and will forward all mail , tweets or posts containing threatening or slanderous material
Sounds like bullyville wrote this. The very worst thing NoNetz should do is get involved with this disturbed individual. Again, just google "bullyville". Police don't get involved in "slanderous" material - that's a civil matter.
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