"Pedophiles and predators in Hollywood are just as rampant today, if not more so."
A day after Corey Feldman, author of Coreyography, was attacked on The View, some people in the industry are stepping forward to have his back.
Little House's Alison Armgrim, who was molested by her brother as a child and wrote about it in her own book, said that Hollywood predators seek out vulnerable children, such as children who are going through a divorce or who have uninvolved parents.
Anne Henry, of the child actors' rights group BizParentz, said that pedophilia is even more widespread than when Corey was a child: "Pedophiles and predators in Hollywood are just as rampant today, if not more so. The entertainment industry is much larger than it was in their day. Think how many cable channels there are. In Corey's day, there were channels 2-13. We also have the Internet today, which allows predators to virtually stalk and contact child actors in a more personal way."
Thank you Anne and Alison for setting Barbara Walters straight.
And now another story is circulating about the child of a member of a "well-known band." According to a source that spoke to Fox News, the band member recently found out that his underage daughter was having sex with another successful industry figure 25-30 years her senior. The incident was brushed under the rug out of fear of ruining the reputation of the perpetrator and his colleagues.
Thank you Corey for exposing the darkest side of this industry, despite your detractors.
362 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 362 Newer› Newest»That's nice Pam is running with her brother. She is close to her mother from Canada as well, her mother was the children's nanny last time I saw them. She would come out for long periods of time and stay with the boys when Pam had big projects. She was like any normal person whose mom helps out with the kids. Even though she could afford the best nanny in town, she didn't. Pam never had an official nanny that I saw, she had some cool guy who was sort of like an assistant but she usually did the pick ups and drop offs and school volunteering. It was funny you would see at the elementary school a long line of cars full of 20-something nannies, and then there was Pam haha. There are also paparazzi photos last year of Pam giving the boys hugs and kisses at LAX as she sent them off on the plane to Canada. I wonder if they were off to visit Grandma.
"Sherri Shepherd, I’m not familiar with your body of work but I’m sure you’re a lovely person."
Robert, Robert, Robert. Do you mean to tell us that you're not familiar with Sherri's treatise which disproves Aristotle's theory that the earth is round, as well as her historical research in which she concludes that Jesus predates everything?
Sheri's "body of work"??? LOL Robert you give this idiot too much credit. She's puttered around the comedy circuit then landed on the Wiew. That's the extent of her "body of work."
I have boycotted many sponsors over the years and it does work. I think the view sponsors need a wake up call.
Child abuse is not ok. EVER. Why do adults keep pushing it under and pretending like it is ok to abuse innocent children. It is not ok. So wrong to hurt the children who have no voice.
SH you are a disgrace. She wrote the journal. She never denied the truth in the journal. Are you saying you approve of children, babies being spanked in their cribs, denied water, threatened by a big red wooden spoon?
Did The View address the controversy today?
She is a nobody RH, do you hear us? A loud mouth worthless host, Sheri who, who also has no smarts about being an interviewer or journalist. This WILL all back fire on the View who is known as the without a clue show.
The Hollyweird cowards are too scared to speak out. They won't get to announce the winners at the awards show if they take up for children.
The Red Sox won the World Series and kicked the Cardinals ass 6-1. WWHHOOOO HHHOOOO!!!
Let's throw tomatoes...I know you're happy with the outcome as well.
I lost all the comments. I was on a little while ago and it had 225 comments and now there are only three. Did this happen to anyone else?
Admin...Sherri landed on the Wiew. lol
The View .. a group of old, over rated feminists who hate men and are jealous of women.
Okay, I just realized I'm commenting on a new post. My bad. Now I need to go read the post.
I think it's terrible what happened to the Coreys. They achieved a certain amount of fame and he is getting attention for his book. We can only hope his speaking out will help someone. But I wonder about all the un-famous kids. They do a few small commercials or get bit parts of the child in the background. I'm sure they are abused and they may have no one to listen to them. "Stage mothers" can be ruthless, putting the kids back in the same situation over and over. It's so sad.
OT: cape cod mom, I certainly hope you are having a fun evening! CONGRATS! CELEBRATE!
capecodmama said... 5
The Red Sox won the World Series and kicked the Cardinals ass 6-1. WWHHOOOO HHHOOOO!!!
I'll second your WWHHOOOO HHHOOOO!!!
Hurray for the Red Sox!!!
Sherri Shepherd was never in The Color Purple that I know of.
Wasn't Robert saying at one point the timeline of Hailey's texts was so ridiculous it was laughable?
SS was most definitely NOT in the Color Purple, my favorite movie of all time. I have seen it dozens of times and thank the Lord, she is not in it.
Please stop posting anonymous comments. It's in violation of your own rules and it's not that hard to pick a name.
For money? If he didn't invoke the kids or TFW, I'd say okay. But since that's all he's famous for...and he has to remember that TFW is still the kids' parents and they still will read what he says about her.
KK claim to fame is the same as Jon's she had 8 kids and is milking the crap out of it.
Also the same goes for KK the things she said about Jon and not stopping her fans from bashing him with be out there for ever.
I lost all the comments. I was on a little while ago and it had 225 comments and now there are only three. Did this happen to anyone else?
It's a new thread. Could you have been on the old one right before admin put up this one?
I think Robert's 'body of work' was total snark at Sherri. What body of work? He's sarcastic as all get out. haha!
Good for Cory to speak out about this absolutely disturbing, sick problem The man is a hero. I hope it DOES damage the entire industry if it isn't cleaned up.
There's still time for Kate to tweet encouragement to Pam and to urge all her "tweeties" to support her. There is a link to Pam's donation page on Pam's twitter. All Kate has to do is retweet it.
It would be really funny to look at the list of Pam's supporters and see small donations from MiloandJack and the other sheeple alongside the $10,000 from the Ellen DeGeneris show.
I know it's not Kate's style, but if her supporters are reading here ... urge her to go for it.
Alannis Morrisette's song "Hands Clean" is about a 'relationship' she had with a music producer. She was 14 and he was 29.
In addition to the dirty secret of Hollywood predators, kids in showbiz are just not fairing well these days. Just look at the last crop of Disney stars. Demi Lovato- drugs, bulimia and emotional problems. Miley Cyrus- 'nuff said. Jonas Brothers- trainwrecks and just announced their breakup. Zac Efron- spent some time in rehab this past year. Still, thousands and thousands of people flock to LA with their kid, convinced their kid has IT. It seems like for every one child performer who turns out ok, there are 20 who are out of control messes. Money did NOT make MOST of these kids happy or keep them sober.
on and Kate plus 8 minus 2 = The six Little McGees in mamma wants a compound to keep the croud out. I wonder if someone will write a book about her secrets one day. She is just like Kate when it comes to schedules etc. Only difference this time is it's on Own instead of TLC. I can't believe the likeness. In the clip the husband tells the mom she is getting paid well to have neighbors peek. Go dad!
Well, that didn't take Momma McGee very long, did it njay? smh
Boy, do I feel dumb. Sherri Shepherd was in Precious, not Purple. Sorry.
capecodmama happy for you that your team won and now I can say #METSIN14!!
Anonymous said... 15
SS was most definitely NOT in the Color Purple, my favorite movie of all time. I have seen it dozens of times and thank the Lord, she is not in it.
Please stop posting anonymous comments. It's in violation of your own rules and it's not that hard to pick a name.
I actually want to thank Admin for seemingly easing up on this rule. I don't mind the anon comments and I don't need to see a name in order to read what someone has to say. I feel that more people have been contributing because they don't have to pick a name and stick with it. People are scared, understandably so. I have enjoyed the fresh voices. I also wanted to add and I apologize if someone has already brought it up.. but it would be a good idea not to make or use clickable links, just copy & paste the link on your comment as most people are already doing. No sense walking through the front door of someone we don't want anywhere near us.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 14
''Wasn't Robert saying at one point the timeline of Hailey's texts was so ridiculous it was laughable?''
I'm not sure about Robert, but those so-called texts of Hailey's are where that two shoes person gets the ''nail in the coffin'' she is so obsessed with! She also tweets/follows Hailey's mother. For what that is worth.
Bringing over from previous thread...
Ulysses said... 187
''....Jon needs to walk the walk he's talked about and just quietly look after the kids.''
Jon has walked the walk for years, quietly living his life in private, taking care of his children. His former wife sued him anyway. She poked the sleeping bear one too many times.
Now it is her turn to learn to deal with the real truth coming out...not her narcissistic version of the truth.
Gosselin Greed said... 200
''....And he must know he's kind of *playing* with her by doing this interview.
I hope he has an end game and this doesn't turn into another War Of The Gosselins on TV thing.''
Now that there is interest in hearing from Jon since TFW's lawsuit, I think it is quite possible that Jon is following the instructions of his attorney. Perhaps the motive is to show people that Jon is nothing like the person TFMJG says he is? Just a thought.
I just watch the clip of the McGhees. Isn't it quite ironic that Mama McGhee is complaining that they can't camp out because they have no privacy from their neighbors, but yet they are filming the whole thing?
I think Robert's 'body of work' was total snark at Sherri. What body of work? He's sarcastic as all get out. haha!
Absolutely it was snark, which is why I commented (2) about it. I thought it was hysterical. He's a hoot!
Was she the mom in Precious? I don't remember her at all in that!
I didn't like that movie at all but it was decent enough I guess.
OH sheesh Momma McGee. You spilled the milk now you're upset it smells sour.
Anonymous said... 15
"...Please stop posting anonymous comments. It's in violation of your own rules and it's not that hard to pick a name."
So the name that you picked is anonymous?
Anonymous comments are hard to follow, even if there is a signature at the bottom. One tends to read the poster's name first and often misses a signature, name, initials or whatever at the end of the post. However, this is admin's blog. She decides what comments to post and what comments not to post. And so it goes (apologies to Billy Joel)...
Sleepless In Seattle said... 27
Absolutely it was snark, which is why I commented (2) about it. I thought it was hysterical. He's a hoot!
lol! Sorry Sleepless, I don't know how I missed your comment. Too funny! Poor Sherri...dumber than a sack of hammers.
Yeah but the anons aren't fresh voices. They're the same people. And their rants here are a little....crazy? No? Just me? Ok.
Admin -- I don't remember Sherri Shepherd's part in "Precious" as being all that big. She was not the mother. Mo'Nique played the mother and won an Oscar for the role.
I don't get OWN, so I've never seen the McGhee family's show. I live in the area where they do, though, and am surprised to hear that she's becoming like TFMJG. I've read a number of articles and seen interviews on the local stations and they always seemed to be such a grounded, well- spoken, nice couple. Guess TV can go to anyone's head. What a shame. The kids are adorable, from what I've seen.
I also saw a preview for this season, which I'm trying to find a link for, where they are looking at..I believe..a 300.000 dollar home. I'm thinking maybe 3 million but that seems a little outrageous so I think more like 300,000. In the clip they were walking away from a home they just looked at and the husband was freaking out. He was head strong that they didn't need that expensive of a home and she just dug her heels in and said "I WANT THIS HOME!"
Hey, why not? Oprah has enough money to buy everyone in the audience a new home. Come to think of it, I believe it was 3 million. After all, TFW got a home half that price.
Oh, I also read an article while looking for the clip that Sheri Shepherd is pregnant. She found a "drama free uterus." Here is the link. And by the way, sorry I can't make it clickable. I copied and pasted it like instructed but it didn't work.
Hum, it's 12am. I guess my comment wont be seen until later this morning. See you then.
I usually post anonymous posts that are signed because some people have legitimate problems signing in. I am trying not to post anonymous posts that aren't signed. It's not fair to everyone else who at least tries to identify themselves by moniker. Most of the anonymous posts are snide retorts anyway that add nothing of value.
Admin and anyone else. I know this has been talked to death but does anyone think that Robert posting about a movie being on the table could be a bluff to scare Kate into not dropping her lawsuit? I mean, after all, if it were me and I was like TFW, I would do all I could to make sure..in her mind..that there is no way a movie could happen. If she drops the suit then it's a no brainer that she will have no way to stop it from being made.
Admin. didn't you say on the other thread that dropping the suit would be her best move? That Jon and Robert would have the most to loose because there is still no resolve? (my words not yours)
I found it. I was right the first time. It was more like 300,000. Silly me, who would have thought you could find the clip you want on the network i
http://www.oprah.com/own-six-little-mcghees/Has-Mia-Found-The-McGhees-Dream-Home-Videoplayed on. lol.
Anon said...
... I also wanted to add and I apologize if someone has already brought it up.. but it would be a good idea not to make or use clickable links, just copy & paste the link on your comment as most people are already doing. No sense walking through the front door of someone we don't want anywhere near us.
If a link is clickable it's easy to see where you're going. Just hover your mouse over the clickable link and look at the bottom of the screen (at least that's where it appears for me) and you'll see the URL of the page you're being transferred to. I don't see any difference in safety between a using clickable link or one that must be c/p since you can see where you're going with either one. If someone does post a clickable link (which doesn't happen that often) you don't have to click it. If it's clickable, just copy and paste it the same as you do one that must be c/p.
Good morning. OT Has anyone been keeping up with the goings on of LeeAnn Rimes? She's another nutcase who can't control herself on Twitter. She sued a woman and her daughter for bullying her on Twitter and also recording a phone call between them. The lawsuit was finally dropped.
gotyournumberKate, I saw that news about Leanne Rhimes. I'd *love* to know the terms of the settlement.
njay said...
on and Kate plus 8 minus 2 = The six Little McGees in mamma wants a compound to keep the croud out. I wonder if someone will write a book about her secrets one day. She is just like Kate when it comes to schedules etc. Only difference this time is it's on Own instead of TLC. I can't believe the likeness..
I watched this show at first to see if this family was going to be different. I hoped they'd remain the grounded, hard-working parents that didn't let their new found money & "status" go to their heads, but boy was I wrong. A few weeks ago I felt a chill run up my back with shades of J&K+8 haunting me when I watched the show. It's like deja vu. The parallels between the McGhees and J&K are so strong.
The mom & dad shopped for new kids' beds but they only needed mattresses (the kids picked the old ones apart - they showed the holes in them!), but at least they didn't take the kids shopping w/them. They spent OVER $5000.00!! How many families can go out & do that? They took their kids to swimming lessons (expensive matching swimsuits were bought for all) & to spanish class -- all one time activities done just for the show. Gymnastics class, anyone? They did an episode on potty training. 6 potty chairs lined up in the dining/living room with semi-naked kids sitting on them. Yep, another blast from the past.
The end of the season cliffhanger showed them looking at new houses. I agree they are tight in their present house, but the mom says she wants a new one because she "wants privacy for her kids". We've heard that one before, haven't we? Hey, Mia, welcome to the real world. People look at us when we're outside; it's a fact of life. SMH They rent where they're living now. They looked at a $300,000 house. It's more sq footage than they need now & they could very easily find a house for much less, but I'll bet you that their next season shows them moving into a new one. The dad wants to buy a new van for their business.
The parents grew up in broken families & are striving to give their kids more & better than what they had growing up. Bravo for them but most parents feel this way whether their childhoods were dysfunctional or not. They need some guidance. Actually, they need a LOT of guidance.
There are a lot of things that trouble me about the family outside of the way they're exploiting their kids. Mom and Dad eat lunch out almost every day. The parents work in their own carpet cleaning business and they put the kids in daycare 5+ days a week. The kids eat at a tiny child's play table. Mom & Dad don't eat w/them. Their diet is HORRIBLE. The kids should be learning utensil use & table manners but they tear into their food like animals. They are not taken into the house at the end of the day unless food is on the table for the kids. The parents said they are so food driven & melt down if they aren't fed immediately. The food meltdown was shown on the show & it wasn't pretty! I'm VERY concerned about money being saved for the kids' futures. With the way the parents go thru money like it's water, I doubt there will be a cent left for them when they're of age. Does anyone know what Ohio's child labor/entertainment laws are?
Why did I watch? I want sooo much to see these parents finally "get it" & at the beginning I saw glimmers of hope, but with each episode I see them going farther in the opposite direction. I don't know when or if their next season will air, but I don't care. I can see where this is headed and I've already vowed to never watch again. With all the resources at the OWN's disposal, I think what is happening with this family is shameful and disgusting.
Barbara just dismissed it because she most likely knows some of the people Cory is talking about. She's like Oprah, she's made "gods" out of the powerful people in the "industry". Cory is a "nothing" to her, she rubs shoulders with the hobknobs. She thinks she's one of them. Wasn't she all giddy and flirtatious during Castro's interview?
Wasn't she all giddy and flirtatious during Castro's interview?
The word that came to me was "coquettish".
Watching clips of the McGhee's is like watching J+K+8. Like deja vu all over again.
Diet looked awful.
Mom McGhee is getting itchy to spend money that's just burning a hole in her pocket instead of saving and living within their means. I guarantee you she looks at Kate and sees what Kate got and thinks that's coming to her too.
Their house is too small, no doubt, but like ANYONE who is responsible, you have to wait until you've saved up enough money to move into a bigger home. Sure, their home is small, but it's doing the job.
Mom complaining about privacy? Oh, the irony.
I'm so sorry to hear that the McGhees are "living in episodes" and exposing their kids' private moments, including potty training, which is sickening.
gotyournumberKate said... 40
Good morning. OT Has anyone been keeping up with the goings on of LeeAnn Rimes? She's another nutcase who can't control herself on Twitter. She sued a woman and her daughter for bullying her on Twitter and also recording a phone call between them. The lawsuit was finally dropped.
Wow. It looks like it wan't dropped, it was dismissed with prejudice which is what Tuma is asking for.
Kimberly Smiley denied wrongdoing in an interview after the suit was filed.
'I have a right to my opinion,' she told RadarOnline at the time. 'I have never bullied her. She blocked me on Twitter and then I took my account private, so how can I bully her if I’m blocked AND have a private account? It makes no sense.'
'People who don’t like her have a right to their opinion. She’s a public figure. But I have never bullied her.'
On the children having two sets of clothing..maybe it's as simple as their father has a home where people smoke, their mother doesn't?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said...(3)
"Sheri's "body of work"??? LOL Robert you give this idiot too much credit."
Hmmmm, I don't think Mr. Hoffman knows me. And "idiot" Admin? That's kind of harsh. Geeze, just when I start feeling accepted... ;)
Hehehehe I know it's just a typo but I did a double take when I first read that.
I sometimes curse my parents for not spelling my name in the traditional way, you wouldn't believe how many people can't wrap their heads around the "One R and an I".
Fidosmommy - I'm sorry to hear about your health issues. I concur with those though who suggest you just keep at it as long as you are enjoying it. If your company is willing to make accommodations for you it should be seen as a sign that they value your contributions and want you to stay on.
As for Corey Feldman, I'm glad to see he has at least some support in Hollywood. It's a very difficult thing to come forward with the truth about abuse, particularly sexual abuse. Only made more difficult when people don't want to hear about it or worse accuse you of doing it just to make trouble.
Barbara Walters comment was disgusting and outrageous. And people wonder why more children don't come forward.
People are trying to silence an outspoken 40 year old man who I'm sure is not easily intimidated. Imagine how an abused child would react to such criticism?
The word that came to me was "coquettish".
So she's all doe eyed and va va voom for a known abuser of human rights, but a young victim of sexual abuse, a whistle blower, is basically thrown to the wolves.
People are trying to silence an outspoken 40 year old man who I'm sure is not easily intimidated. Imagine how an abused child would react to such criticism?
great point
capecodmama said... 7
The Red Sox won the World Series and kicked the Cardinals ass 6-1. WWHHOOOO HHHOOOO!!!
Hey take it easy on us Card fans! .. we are in mourning today :-(
Seriously though - Congrats to the Red Sox and their fans. It was a good Series.
This Leeann Rimes case is interesting--I hadn't heard of it.
This sounds exactly like Kate:
"LeAnn then turned around and sued them for invasion of privacy, in a lawsuit that angered many because it was a deplorable example of a person using their celebrity and resources to hurt a family in an effort to deflect from their own bad behavior, instead of accepting responsibility for their own actions and moving on. Now the courts are forcing LeAnn to move on, because her lawsuit has been dismissed (for a second time), but this time this time she is prevented from re-filing the case (**doing my happy dance**)."
"LeAnn then turned around and sued them for invasion of privacy, in a lawsuit that angered many because it was a deplorable example of a person using their celebrity and resources to hurt a family in an effort to deflect from their own bad behavior, instead of accepting responsibility for their own actions and moving on. Now the courts are forcing LeAnn to move on, because her lawsuit has been dismissed (for a second time), but this time this time she is prevented from re-filing the case (**doing my happy dance**)."
Whoa A-MEN!
IMO that's exactly what Kate has been doing for years both in lawsuits and in her vicious bus throwing of everyone and anyone that dares to speak out against her. She uses her celebrity status to intimidate and attack to defect from her own bad behavior. Her attacks on Jodi and Kevin, where she even lied and said they left their family to go to NYC, was a perfect example.
I've never really read about the Leanna Rimes thing. This is INTERESTING.
What her husband's ex says about her on Real Housewives makes so much more sense now. You could tell she's holding back but at the same time extremely frustrated with her.
The comments on that article are interesting, with someone explaining that Leann was the one constantly calling this mother and daughter and harassing them, and then this one: "this wasn't a change of heart on leAnn's part. She continually missed or was unavailable to be deposed so she could explain exactly how this lady and her daughter were bullying her. The judge got fed up of the continuous evasions by leAnn and dismissed the case. Go Smiley!!"
Other comments are basically saying you DO realize you are a has-been D lister right? You're embarrassing yourself with this.
Hm, remind us of anyone we know?
LeAnn's case wasn't like Kate's. LeAnn called the Smileys to harass them when she was out to lunch with friends. The Smileys recorded the phone call and it was leaked on line. LeAnn claimed invasion of privacy.
LeAnn's case wasn't like Kate's. LeAnn called the Smileys to harass them when she was out to lunch with friends. The Smileys recorded the phone call and it was leaked on line. LeAnn claimed invasion of privacy.
Facts wise, no Kate never called anyone and had it taped and then posted that I know of.
However the CORE of the case, I believe is EXACTLY like Kate's. At the core of this case is a celebrity and public figure who wants to behave badly then intimidate anyone who wants to reveal this bad behavior to the public. No, doesn't work that way. If you want bad behavior to be kept quiet, then don't sign up to be a public figure and DON'T try to tell that public figure and everything you do to the good public for cash. Her fans who buy her records and whatnot have a right to know about this. She was shut down in court, and Kate hopefully will be too.
Off topic here, but Ms Goody's "nail in her coffin" comments have become rather comical, don't you think? Any time Jon's name comes up on Twitter, you can do a countdown to the "nail in the coffin" follow-up. Oops. someone mentioned Jon! Okay, comment coming in 10...9...8...7...there it is!
So, in the spirit of the upcoming holidays, why don't we make a little game of it? Like the one where each time someone on TV says a cliche'd line, everyone takes a drink. Each time Goody says the "nail in the coffin" line, everyone drink! You can choose whatever drink you like. I recommend a good, strong Rumspringa, but that's just me. Let's have some fun with this!
I agree with Winsomeone, the two sets of clothes may be as simple as smoking vs non-smoking household or it's just easier to have clothes in both places rather than pack a bag to take with them when they go. I really don't see the big deal and it's kind of a nit picky issue with me. If they live (LIVE as opposed to VISIT) there part of the time they should have stuff that stays there.
Fidosmommy - I'm sorry to hear about your health issues. It's sounds like you're working with a great group of people. As long as you still enjoy working and it's not taking a greater toll on your health I'd say to continue. Good luck to you.
Hoosier Girl...52 It was a good series. You guys have a great team. I thought the game would be tougher because the Cards had Waccha (sp?) on the mound. That kid is good. He will have quite a career. Good luck next year.
Isn't Kate a smoker too?
I would hope neither parent would smoke in their house around the kids. Even so, you still have to wear clothes to and from the house, unless you go naked. So trying to keep smoking clothes separate doesn't help much if you have to wear something coming and going.
I tend to think it's just a matter of making a house a home with all their things there.
Njay: OWN is part of the Discovery/TLC/Animal Planet family. So OWN is using the same formula, TLC used.
Suzee said... 42
''....I watched this show at first to see if this family was going to be different.''
''.....They did an episode on potty training. 6 potty chairs lined up in the dining/living room with semi-naked kids sitting on them. Yep, another blast from the past.''
Suzee, I also watched the McGhees the first season for the same reason you did. My hope was that they would do one series of episodes, take the money and disappear with their windfall nest egg.
The potty chairs were brought in at the end of last season, and as soon as I saw the six sitting on them, I changed the channel and knew I wasn't going to watch any new shows.
Reading your account of what is going on now, I'm struck by the similarities to the Gosselins. I believe that is due to the producers following their 'formula' episodes that was started with the Gosselins. I suppose that they made so much money on the Gosselins that they consider that the path to take with the McGhees. They don't care one little bit that the producers/company make the money and the family is ruined. I agree with your comment that ''I think what is happening with this family is shameful and disgusting.''
I see Kate has wasted no time ruining Halloween for the kids, yet again. They are to carve pumpkins this coming weekend. Why? Halloween will be over then. Kate said something to the effect, that the plans have changed. What Kate means is that nobody invited her to be on any Talk show, for Halloween, like the last several years. BOOHOO KATE! TS!
Huh? The kids must have had plenty of time to carve pumpkins in the last week or two. It doesn't have to be done on Halloween - in fact, that kind of defeats the purpose. What's the point in doing it after the holiday? She must be waiting for half-price candy again.
Kate, make sure you buy enough for Christmas ... and Easter!
I'm happy that we'll b able2carve pumpkins(even if a bit late!) this wkend..last min change of plans so now we have all wkend4extra fun! #HH
I wonder if Kate would be stopped if approached from a different angle: her rip roaring mental illness. People are trying to rationalize with an unmedicated sick person. She is doing untold harm to those kids and it's POSSIBLY treatable, or improvable.
PEOPLE mag has a story about Jon:
Jon Gosselin on Kate: We're 'Not on the Same Page at All About Anything'
I just saw a clip of the McGhee potty training episode and it was disgusting. I saw a couple potties lined up and one boy with just a shirt on, NAKED from the waist down, go to sit on the potty.
His privates were blurred out, but my God! Who are the crew? Do they have background checks? Who is editing? Where does the raw footage of children's genitals go? Who has access to it?
I'm going to bet that next season for the McGhees is all about them "movin' on up", to the big house, someone is going to quit working and there will be product placements, endorsements and freebies.
If they bring in an organic chef, I actually wouldn't mind.
Hummm -- which report about LeAnn Rimes is correct? RadarOnline reports that LeAnn "requested the lawsuit be dismissed on Oct. 28, and it cannot be re-filed," others are reporting that LeAnn is getting a divorce and not mentioning the suit, while others are saying the case was dismissed but nothing about any terms.
"A lawyer for the Smileys(the defendants) told the Associated Press that both sides had resolved their differences and wouldn’t comment any further.
However, a source close to the situation exclusively tells Radar the lawsuit in fact ended in a settlement."
Now that I realize this interview will not be a one-on-one sit down with Oprah, the format will likely be as the title of the show suggests, where Jon is in his life now.
What is paramount IMO is that he takes the high road, and does not get mired in the dirt Kate lives in, rather evoking empathy and understanding of his situation. He needs to show the viewers his children come before all else, and that has risen above the bitterness of their very contentious divorce for the sake of their children.
I am sure Tuma's has advised him well and Jon will come out of this interview unscathed. The bottom line is that one day his kids will see his interviews and they just need to see their dad is trying his best for them.
In the clip he said it was a "shame" there was no real communication between himself and Kate and this was hard on the kids. That was an honest statement without defaming TFW. He nicely let us know the door is open on his end to better the situation for their children. He will quietly take away her power if he remains on this tact, and I like that approach.
Someone here asked when Halloween this year (at the Gosselin house), Well there's the answer. Oh what a lot of fun that should be. Carving pumpkins AFTER halloween.
What is with that woman? Is she waiting for the stores to give away free pumpkins? Or has she taken to her fainting couch and been unable to do anything since she's getting spanked (so far) in this lawsuit?
PEOPLE mag has a story about Jon:
Jon Gosselin on Kate: We're 'Not on the Same Page at All About Anything'
Oh oh! How did that one slip by Katie Coyne?? And tfw just keeps getting hammered!! (and I don't mean with booze)
Other comments are basically saying you DO realize you are a has-been D lister right? You're embarrassing yourself with this.
Sad part is she has true talent. Wasn't she a breakout at 14? Too young??
Ms. Organized couldn't schedule time to carve pumpkins? Why didn't she schedule that in place of Shoka's party and have Shoka's party after Halloween It sounds like if it weren't for a change of plans they wouldn't be carving any pumpkins at all. Oh, that's right she's probably lying anyway.
Wondering if Jon has the kids for trick or treating? Maybe they're not back at the "con"pound til the weekend?
Suzee, I haven't watched the show (never even heard of it until now) but from you what said, the McGhees absolutely should not buy a house. In the 1800s, families had gaggles of kids and lived in two room houses. It can be done. Does it involve sacrifice? Sure, but that's what builds character.
I know this is only one couple, but I can't help feeling this is an example of America in general getting way off track. Bigger isn't always better if smaller is what you can afford.
localyocul said... 74
Ms. Organized couldn't schedule time to carve pumpkins? Why didn't she schedule that in place of Shoka's party and have Shoka's party after Halloween It sounds like if it weren't for a change of plans they wouldn't be carving any pumpkins at all. Oh, that's right she's probably lying anyway.
Damage control to deflect away from why there's ZERO manic twittering about Halloween and costumes this year. I vote there's no trick or treating for the G's this year, but maybe they'll get to trade post-Halloween sale candy with each other...again.
My thought is that TFW has been able to schedule something else this week that took the place of carving pumpkins - perhaps media related. Hence her 'giddy' sounding tweet.
Damage control to deflect away from why there's ZERO manic twittering about Halloween and costumes this year. I vote there's no trick or treating for the G's this year, but maybe they'll get to trade post-Halloween sale candy with each other...again.
I just have a feeling Jon is taking them out tonight. She would never in a million years do it. Plus I think she's being very careful about what she lies about these days. Makes it sound like it's going to be such fun carving pumpkins "on the weekend" and not explaining why this is. You're probably right, there won't be any carving going on, but who can say otherwise? People can call her out if she says she's taking them trick or treating? So she does her usual kate-speak.
Tucker's Mom said... 77
localyocul said... 74
Ms. Organized couldn't schedule time to carve pumpkins? Why didn't she schedule that in place of Shoka's party and have Shoka's party after Halloween It sounds like if it weren't for a change of plans they wouldn't be carving any pumpkins at all. Oh, that's right she's probably lying anyway.
Damage control to deflect away from why there's ZERO manic twittering about Halloween and costumes this year. I vote there's no trick or treating for the G's this year, but maybe they'll get to trade post-Halloween sale candy with each other...again
I'm pretty sure Jon took them last year. I remember a tweet about someone who gave out candy to them, saying it was Jon and the six. The were not impressed with the girls' costumes iirc.
I didn't finish my point. If it's not Jon's night, or if they alternate Halloween, they won't be going I'm sure. She would not trade nights to let him take them and she's too lazy to take them.
And what tfw? No haunted house in the basement this year?
Didn't she tweet a few days ago that there'd be pictures of Shoka's birthday party? It used to be she'd tweet happy happy puppy kitten baby lamb tweets quite often but that's not happening these days. And what happened to reminding new fans to block the haters and join in the fun? Maybe life's not a lot of fun for her right now.
Vanessa said... 73
Sad part is she has true talent. Wasn't she a breakout at 14? Too young??
I think so. I don't think she ever garnered any self esteem. She's a walking mess of emotional baggage. I think she needs serious therapy.
I'm sure there's a half-price organic pumpkin sale somewhere in her area tomorrow.
So what was the "last minute change of plans"? Was it originally Jon's scheduled weekend and she told him he can't have the kids because of his "Where Are They Now" appearance and People article?
Remember that K+8 episode for Halloween, where she put on a tail and devil horns and stomped around in the dark in her stiletto boots, bitching the entire time? I think it was the same episode as the pumpkin patch episode where Polly observed the farce that was the show (coupla takes and they were outta there). It was truly laughable, and all about her, and not about the kids - as usual.
That has to be one of the most depressing things I've heard, carving pumpkins AFTER Halloween. What in the world?? What is she one of those extreme frugal people like on TLC's new show? She does realize half the point of pumpkins is to have a nice glowing jack I lantern on your porch TONIGHT.
Who doesn't carve Thanksgiving pumpkins?
Guess she's going to put up her xmas tree Dec 28???
Nancy said... 90
Guess she's going to put up her xmas tree Dec 28???
Oh, no....she'll have that up plenty early so that she can shove all the fan gifts under it!
She's probably withholding the pumpkin carving until after halloween as some sort of punishment. Did the equator fall off the globe again? Is there a granule of sugar on the floor? Did someone touch Steve's pizza?
Nancy said... 90
Guess she's going to put up her xmas tree Dec 28???
Got to remember- it is her half decorated tree that she will put up.
Fidosmommy - sorry to hear about you health. I agree with the others concerning working. Go for it as long as it does not cause harm to your health.
There was a commercial on TV this morning about an upcoming show on dr. Phil. What do u think it's about? Cat fishing! The lady who's the catfish & the guy she fooled were on. They showed the pictures she used- she's obese & has very short hair--- I don't know the whole story but should be interesting. It shows how easy it's to pull a picture off the internet & pretend it's you. Sad story for both of them.
PatK said... 91
Nancy said... 90
Guess she's going to put up her xmas tree Dec 28???
Oh, no....she'll have that up plenty early so that she can shove all the fan gifts under it!
But she might withhold opening the presents until after New Years!
Ya...she's not carving pumpkins at all. Please. This woman is l-a-z-y and so disinterested in her kids unless they're validating her that she is either going to outsource pumpkin carving to a nanny or she'll have the 8 sit around her while she carves her own pumpkin and demand that they say "ooh" and "ahhh" every five seconds at how great she cuts a triangle face.
Last year, Kate bragged about how she was making costumes for the kids using colored duct tape.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 30 Oct 12
On to Halloween! Creating kids costumes! So far I have:
An Olympic gymnast, a cow girl, a clown, 2 baseball players and Rambo!Quite a bunch!
She even tweeted a picture
I found this old comment of mine that I posted on Nov. 1 last year:
Kate tweeted yesterday at 6:31pm ET:
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
I have been in 'twitter jail'--cant read or tweet from my phone!All is well! Worked on halloween costumes all day for trick o treating 2nite
She implies that she is taking the kids trick or treating, doesn't she?
BUT--someone on twitter tweeted at 7:58pm ET:
"I just gave candy to the Gosselin kids! And Jon Gosselin thanked me! OMG 😱 star struck!"
So yes, it looks like Jon had them last year. Nov. 1 last year was also when Liz tweeted the pictures of the kids with her dog.
This year it seems she's keep a very low profile on twitter, probably due to the lawsuit. The last 2 years she was always twittering away about her fall decorations, but there was nothing this year.
So the kids get to carve pumpkins AFTER Halloween? Why even bother? Where's the fun in getting ready for a holiday after the holiday has passed?
Last minute change of plans? How come Miss Organized didn't have them carve pumpkins this past weekend? She could go to her grocery store and get 81 lbs of butter and 41 packages of cheese, but she couldn't get pumpkins for 8 kids and have them carve them Sunday? I guess Shoka's party was more important to her, and even that was a week late.
The only good thing Sheri Shepherd ever did was a small part on Everybody Loves Raymond, when she played brother Robert's police partner. Otherwise, I think she's completely obnoxious and ignorant. If she wants to continue to defend a child abuser and all-around horrible person like Kate Gosselin, that is par for the Sheri Shepherd course.
I don't watch the show, but I think I might try to find out who some of their bigger sponsors are, and at least write a letter to several of them expressing my deep unhappiness that Barbara Walters basically wants to sweep child abuse and sexual predators under the rug. That is so far beyond decency that it should addressed.
I think the whole show could be pulled and few would miss it. But if not, at least get Barbara into retirement, dump Shepherd, and tell the hosts that it's rude to treat guest so poorly as they did Corey Feldman (or is it Haim, I always confuse the two).
Any way you slice it, those kids ALWAYS get the shitty end of the stick.
Winsomeone said... 48
On the children having two sets of clothing..maybe it's as simple as their father has a home where people smoke, their mother doesn't?
October 31, 2013 at 7:06 AM
Maybe, but I doubt it. With TFW, there is never anything that is simple. Secondly, I bet I'm not the only parent who has experienced something similar. I have full custody of my son, but he has always had visitation with his dad. His dad would buy him a jacket, but it could not come back to my house. It was to be worn only when he was with dad. He did the same with pajamas, and the few other items of clothing he purchased for him. Just stupid stuff like that. In the meantime, I bought him everything he needed and had several items go over to dad's house, never to be seen again. Oh well.
I am pretty sure that TFW doesn't want "her" clothing purchases to spend much time at Jon's house. She probably doesn't want to pack for 8 kids either. So they have two sets of clothing, one for when they are with their dad and another set that must be kept pristine, for when they are with their mom.
The thing with Barbara is she could be any one of our grandmothers, neighbors, etc. She's just that old that they say/do things that make you go huh?? But she has a platform and her job is to inform, enlighten and educate. You can't have someone who is stuck in time have their opinion come across as the right way of thinking. If let's say that conversation had happened in private, I would have tskd tskd and changed the subject. No use in trying to reform her, at 84-85? She's not going to change. BUT she's expressing that opinion to the public, that's where she needs to be scolded, reigned in and made to apologize. Apologize to Cory, to her audience and to ALL victims of child sex abuse.
Interesting look at the walls in Jon's house from the clip for the Oprah show. They're covered with the kids' art work! And, scattered around the house are clothes, books/toys, shoes. Contrast that to TFW's house,where the walls are as bare as the day they moved in w/no evidence of any children living there, no clothing, artwork, photos - nothing. SMH at the continued cold atmosphere that the kids live in w/TFW.
Vanessa said... 73
Other comments are basically saying you DO realize you are a has-been D lister right? You're embarrassing yourself with this. *******************************************************************************
Sad part is she has true talent. Wasn't she a breakout at 14? Too young??
Who, LeAnn? Certainly not TFW! lol
Just saw interview that will air on OWN Sunday with Jon.
His cabin in the woods looks so warming and inviting. He has good taste, just the little I could see. Would love to live there.
He wished KKG well and thinks that they need to be on the same page.
He is truly trying to better things for his kids.
Fido, get well soon!
To all posters, have a great night and Happy Halloween to all. Please stay safe. Wonder if miss killjoy will take kids T or T, or will she have another lame excuse. She makes me sick.
Re Ms Goody game, I'm in, I don't drink alcohol but will take a sip of something. This should be fun.
Well, it looks like Barbara Walters and Elisabeth Hasselbeck have a lot in common...STUPIDITY! Read what she has to say about the sex abuse victims at Penn State. Unbelievable!
Lol suzee. Most definitely NOT tfw!!
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy8
I have been in 'twitter jail'--cant read or tweet from my phone!All is well! Worked on halloween costumes all day for trick o treating 2nite
She implies that she is taking the kids trick or treating, doesn't she?
BUT--someone on twitter tweeted at 7:58pm ET:
"I just gave candy to the Gosselin kids! And Jon Gosselin thanked me! OMG �� star struck!"
So yes, it looks like Jon had them last year. Nov. 1 last year was also when Liz tweeted the pictures of the kids with her dog.
Klassic Kate. If she doesn't say, "I, I, I, me, me, me..." If she writes without a subject--she didn't do it, but wants the credit for it.
Duct tape costumes... It must suck to be Kate and have not talent but relentlessly try to convince the world you do!
Raise your rumspringa if you think that "last minute change of plans" means Kate's away, again.
I do hope that the kids got to carve pumpkins and do fun Halloween stuff with Jon.
localyocul said... 80
' 'I'm pretty sure Jon took them last year. I remember a tweet about someone who gave out candy to them, saying it was Jon and the six. The were not impressed with the girls' costumes iirc.''
localyocul said... 81
''I didn't finish my point. If it's not Jon's night, or if they alternate Halloween, they won't be going I'm sure. She would not trade nights to let him take them and she's too lazy to take them.''
Wasn't last year the year she 'slaved for days' over the costumes, and the photos showed she had used free duct tape to goop up something onto clothing they had?
Maybe the ''change of plans'' were the kids getting/?insisting on going w/Jon for trick or treat? That would leave the weekend for the supposed pumpkin carving.
Lalalalala said...(105)
Well, it looks like Barbara Walters and Elisabeth Hasselbeck have a lot in common...STUPIDITY! Read what she has to say about the sex abuse victims at Penn State. Unbelievable!
http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2013/10/elisabeth-hasselbeck-jerry-sandusky-penn-state-fox-friends/ "
OMG! Are people really that ignorant? How does anyone get off being so righteous and callous about children's suffering?
I can understand, if never having experienced abuse as a child, not quite grasping the depths of the pain and fear but this...this is just beyond the pale.
I hope this turn about of ignorance gets the backlash it deserves and maybe, just maybe, we can start an open dialogue about child abuse and how we can improve protections for children and prosecution of abusers.
I'm ashamed to share the same planet as these enablers. They're just as bad as the abusers in my opinion and the reason that secrecy is such a huge problem.
I have an overwhelming urge to rant with all my favourite curse words but I'll resist, take a couple of deep breaths and put on my costume.
Happy Hallowe'en all.
What a POS Elisabeth Hasselbeck is
“You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to follow the money on this one,” Hasselbeck said, adding that “no victim of sexual assault should receive more than half a million dollars at the absolute most.
Can you imagine if the Catholic Church was forced to pay out that amount of money to every kid that was abused under its watch? My God, it would have to declare bankruptcy.”
How ELSE is there any compensation or any justice (other than stringing them by their b*lls??) In this world MONEY is basically the only way to make someone pay. And if it bankrupts organized pedophile rings? That's the cost of doing business. Maybe there won't be such an urge to cover up. Maybe there will be more screening and vetting. Maybe JUST maybe that's the only way to take away their POWER
ITA, she is out of town. Maybe a lawyer meeting? It is something that came up last minute, IMO.
Tucker's Mom said... 108
Raise your rumspringa if you think that "last minute change of plans" means Kate's away, again.
Tucker's, mine is up. Her plans first and foremost always. I'll bet she deliberately put off pumpkin carving because it makes such a horrendously horrendous mess. Oh the humanity. I'd like to meet the family who has ever cleaned pumpkins and NOT made a big mess. The woman is a lazy tool.
I'm pretty sure Jon happily does the pumpkin thing with the kids. It would be a relief for them not to do it with their mother and all nine of them know it. I doubt she'll carry through with the weekend plans anyway.
Who carves pumpkins after Halloween? She's GOT to be the cheapest person on the planet...
I went shopping today, and the pumpkins are on clearance from the $3.88 I paid two weeks ago to $1.00....
I guess WOS has to get them on sale.
what a terrible mother.
(and seems like she said to buy holiday (Easter, Halloween, etc) candy AFTER the holiday, catch it on clearance and freeze it until next year.
Wow! Elisabeth Hasselbeck is a narrow minded evil shrew!
I'm shocked at Hasselback. No one sets out to be molested in some hope later on they'll get millions. If she sat down just once with a child victimized by sexual abuse maybe she would begin to understand no amount of money can ever take away the pain, shame and scars.
Wow, that is possibly the saddest Halloween tweet from her royal pain in the ass ever. Who carves pumpkins AFTER Halloween? I understand she's really not going to do this but why bother sounding so ridiculous. She has had the whole damn month of October to do something, anything about and for Halloween. It's all in the anticipation. Pumpkin patches and fall carnivals have been happening every damn weekend of the month. No one will believe that there has not been one weekend, one day after school for the not a nanny to do this with the kids. But no, she has a dog birthday party instead. Her kids are not babies, they are quite aware of when the holiday is, and what other families, the normal ones, do in preparation and anticipation. This is seriously sad.
The kids are so much older now, I kind of wonder if they've made Halloween plans over at other friend's houses. It would just kill her to admit they have their own lives and plans today they've completely left her out of. This would be completely normal but she can't stand not to be the center of their show and would never admit that they are not nearly as interested in her as she makes it seem.
For some reason, I can't pull up the Hasselbeck article. I get a "page cannot be found" message and searching the site yields nothing. So -- what did she say? Apparently it was something rude and stupid, not that that would surprise me.
My guess is that Jon had the kids last w/e and with their chore load and homework schedule they haven't had the time to carve pumpkins. I hope he had them doing something fun for the holiday -- carve pumpkins or decorate the house or make costumes. Anything to recognize the fun of Halloween.
I've been thinking more about the 2 sets of clothing the kids have and I still think it's silly and vindictive on TFMJG's part. I can see having some clothing at Jon's -- extra underwear, jeans, tops, etc. It saves time and covers last minute plans and emergencies, but what I get from that clip is that they aren't allowed to bring any of their clothing with them except for what they are wearing. What if they want to bring a favorite sweater or pair of pj's? Why should they have to have 2 winter coats (assuming they do)? Just like everything else TFMJG does, she takes it to the extreme. What is a good idea in moderation often becomes a nightmare if it's exaggerated.
Re the McGhee kids and the matching swimsuits. I've seen pictures of them around town and in the local papers and the kids aren't normally dressed to match. There was a spread in the Sunday paper here sometime this past summer, and in one picture they were more or less color coordinated, but that was the extent of it. Maybe the matchy matchy was something just for the show? I'm still sad to read that they seem to be going down the J&K path. I would have thought, based on what I had heard and read about them that they'd be much more like the Hayes family.
The Radar online article about Elisabeth Hasselbeck and the Jerry Sandusky victims is gone, but there are plenty of other articles about it on the internet. Google is your friend.
I wonder if it's gone because it actually took a stand or because the comments were brutal.
Radar dropped their pick up of that Hasselbeck piece. They finally realized it was a parody. Shocking, yes. Factual--No.
Suzee said:
Interesting look at the walls in Jon's house from the clip for the Oprah show. They're covered with the kids' art work! And, scattered around the house are clothes, books/toys, shoes. Co
I noticed that too -- it looked like a home filled with kids, nice and normal and yes, a little cluttered and messy. That's how it should be :)
My favorite pieces of art are those made by my son. I have several framed pieces in my living room and I love to look at them. Yet another way that TFW is so alien to me, in terms of her approach to motherhood. She sincerely does not care one whit about such things.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 109
I'm shocked at Hasselback. No one sets out to be molested in some hope later on they'll get millions.
As if what SHE does passes for "work". I'd like to see her paycheck for doing nothing. Stupid airhead. She has the absolute gall to say Sandusky's victims aren't interested in working, just riding the gravy train? How would she know whether they're employed or not. Non sequitur! One has absolutely nothing to do with the other.
Someone needs to make her STFU!
AuntieAnn said... 71
Someone here asked when Halloween this year (at the Gosselin house), Well there's the answer. Oh what a lot of fun that should be. Carving pumpkins AFTER halloween.
Could it be that Jon has the kids for Halloween and TWF on the weekend. Hence the weekend carving. I know she always seems to ruin it for the kids but I hate to see her accused of something that we may not have all the info on.
Vanessa said... 75
Wondering if Jon has the kids for trick or treating? Maybe they're not back at the "con"pound til the weekend?
Awe Vanessa, you got me before I read your comment. It's funny how it works out that there is nothing new under the sun. Not even thoughts.
We all got gotcha'd said... 121
Radar dropped their pick up of that Hasselbeck piece. They finally realized it was a parody. Shocking, yes. Factual--No.
It's a parody?
Yep, I got gotcha'd then, but it sure sounded like something 'lisbeth would say. lol!
We all got gotcha'd said.........122
Radar dropped their pick up of that Hasselbeck piece. They finally realized it was a parody. Shocking, yes. Factual--No.
Lol! Well I would've believed that Hasselbeck said that. She's an idiot....
They're covered with the kids' art work!
That's the first thing I thought
We all got gotcha'd said... 121
Radar dropped their pick up of that Hasselbeck piece. They finally realized it was a parody. Shocking, yes. Factual--No.
Really?? wth?
njay said:
Awe Vanessa, you got me before I read your comment. It's funny how it works out that there is nothing new under the sun. Not even thoughts
Auntie Ann, I got gotcha'd, too. The satirist at Newslo is good. Read some of the other stories on the sidebar of the Hasselbeck one. They are funny. When you realize how funny they are you "get" how funny the Hasselbeck one is!
Radar apparently swiffered the Hasselbeck article, but you can read about it here:
Apparently, Elisabeth and her co-host Steve Doocy feel that this settlement will make the recipients refrain from working, and that they are just as bad as people who depend on government payouts. I wonder how they would feel if either of their children were one of the victims. Elisabeth even brings the President into it.
"“I know some viewers will get mad at me bringing the president into this—and sure, on this particular case it doesn’t appear he was involved—but this entitlement culture, this feeling of being owed something, this obsession with lawsuits and payouts? We can thank the left and their allies for that,” Hasselbeck asserted.
“I’m not saying what happened to the victims here wasn’t terrible, but enough money to stop working for a few years? This simply isn’t right,” Doocy concluded. “Best-case scenario now, these people are going to be looking for some type of government handout for the rest of their lives.”
How much more stupid can these people be? Do they just need to turn everything into an argument against the current administration?
We all got gotcha'd said... 121
Radar dropped their pick up of that Hasselbeck piece. They finally realized it was a parody. Shocking, yes. Factual--No.
Well, I started this whole thing but I'm soooo glad it's not true. I'm sorry I swung at the hornets nest. I apologize to everyone.
Can we still take a drink if it's someone else who mentions nail in the coffin? LOL
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1m
@Kateplusmy8 Sorry, no sympathy4Jon moaning he gets "no cooperation" fr Kate?? This fr the man who wants 2put the "final nail N her coffin!
I just saw on the site that I linked that the story about Elisabeth Hasselbeck is a fake. It apparently is a parody site like the Onion, and most likely ROL got the story from there. Sorry for the confusion. We got punk'd.
And yes, it does sound like something Elisabeth would say.
Does the drinking game regarding Ms. Goody, also apply to Milo?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m
@Kateplusmy8 Sorry, no sympathy4Jon moaning he gets "no cooperation" fr Kate?? This fr the man who wants 2put the "final nail N her coffin!
I guess Goody is busy, so Milo's taken over the Jon bashing helm for now.
I think they make Kate look weak when they say Jon nailed her coffin. Why would anyone even an ex have that much power over her to put one nail much less the final one in her coffin? Aren't they giving Jon a lot of credit here? Kate can't stand up to him?
Also wasn't it Kate who sued Jon? And didn't provide one single example of anything inappropriate he is doing right now other than those allegations from four years ago? If anyone is coffin nailing I would think it would be the person instigating a lawsuit whining about some silliness over a computer way back when they split.
Milo's always been jealous of Jon. He did something she'll never get to do.
Of course, Milo sees nothing wrong with carving pumpkins AFTER Halloween:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m
@Kateplusmy8 Who cares WHEN you guys do this? Just plan 4 a family fun weekend! Hope all 8 R w/U there 2enjoy it 2gether! #YouAreFamily!
Milo doesn't seem to comprehend that maybe the kids care that they didn't get to carve pumpkins for the actually holiday. Maybe they're not happy to have to wait until the weekend. But as long as Kate is the happy one, the kids' feelings don't matter.
Fired Up 4 Kate@MiloandJack5m
@MY_3BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 He's continuing 2promote HIMSELF & thru misinformation tries 2make Kate appear 2b ALL the problem. So misleading!
Get yer damn blinders off, Milo.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 134
Can we still take a drink if it's someone else who mentions nail in the coffin? LOL
How about we all take a drink whenever Kate's name is mentioned? We'll all be so shnockered we won't even realize who Kate is :) Sounds good to me! Anyone else in or will I be all alone in the back of my closet holding an empty box o' wine?
Milo, it does matter. It does. Halloween couldn't be more of a community holiday. There are festivals and gatherings, haunted houses and hayrides, and trick or treaters tonight. What other holiday involves such an expansive opening of our doors and giving to neighbors and even strangers? By removing yourself from all that and doing Halloween traditions after on your own time, you are isolating yourself from the essence of Halloween and missing the point. Add to that, it's lazy. There was plenty of time to do this if as OP suggested they delayed Shoka's bday. Once again her poor planning and organization has robbed the kids of a lovely tradition. And this is not the first time she has done things half ass last minute. This was all documented quite clearly on the show. The Halloween episode she was also late planning it, picking their costumes at the 11th hour when everything was picked over. The kids and ensuring they enjoy the events of that season is never her priority.
Milo, what misinformation? Kate's going to have to provide specific examples of how she reached out to Jon in a kind, respectful and reasonable manner and explain why his response was unreasonable and unforgiving if I'm to believe any of this is misleading. She is free to explain how she is reasonable and compromises and he is not. She has not. Without that, I believe Jon. That's what happens when all you do is lie. You lose the benefit of the doubt. Jon's explanations are for the most part reasonable and logical. He is credible. She is not.
I hope Jon has the kids and they are out trick or treating tonight. I just drove through my nearby small town and the downtown is full of kids getting treats from the businesses. Lots of smiles and laughter. I thought of the G8 and what they might be missing out on.
Who carves pumpkins after Halloween? She's GOT to be the cheapest person on the planet... (114)
The same person who gives her kids their Halloween candy the day after Halloween, making them search for it in the basement couches, and then brags about it on her blog at Coupon Cabin so the whole world knows what a good money-conscious mother she is. Unlike the rest of us who never ever thought of doing anything as cruel as that.
PatK said... 138
Milo's always been jealous of Jon. He did something she'll never get to do.
I we sure Jon ever had a crack at her?? LOL!
Kate shouldn't have to wait for on sale pumpkins. She has 26 acres that a pumpkin patch could be grown in. She could line her driveway with them.
Well, who ever said that here about, Goody, bashing Jon, every time he gets mentioned in the media, YOU ARE RIGHT! Goody, got right out there bashing Jon. Cause, he did a interview with Oprah.
As, for the interview, are any of us surprised, that Jon & Kate, don't communicate, cooperate, and kate has probably filled the kids heads with all sorts of crap about their father.
I see Milo, must be off his/her meds. Talking crap about Jon. Nothing new there.
njay said... 124
Could it be that Jon has the kids for Halloween and TWF on the weekend. Hence the weekend carving. I know she always seems to ruin it for the kids but I hate to see her accused of something that we may not have all the info on.
It could be, njay, but according to Milo and that other twit, he's busy constructing Kate's coffin this weekend which leaves no time for the kids.
Bottoms up! (Hi Milo! you silly thing you. We KNOW you read here. You keep giving yourself away).
I we sure Jon ever had a crack at her?? LOL!
ARE we sure...sorry, I started early on the contest..teeheehee :)
We all got gotcha'd said... 131
When you realize how funny they are you "get" how funny the Hasselbeck one is!
I see that now, lol! I love a good satirist.
"Is Halloween Turning Your Child into a Socialist Parasite?"
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 That's my pt! Why does he by his words no call her "not cooperating"? She's being quite CIVIL really!
How does Milo know that Kate's been quite civil? Does she have access to the text and emails between Jon and Kate? She has no idea what goes on between them.
I think they're all pissed because Jon got an interview on Oprah's network instead of Kate, plus Jon's getting more press coverage from the media outlets, while there is nothing about Kate. Even their beloved People magazine picked up the story.
I'm surprised they haven't been tweeting to Oprah about it.
In regards to the Smiley case, they aren't being truthful. Lots of Leann fans were harassed by them, but they are painting themselves as innocent victims.
Milo is sickening. Kate has done interview after interview after interview, the last four years and especially in the last few weeks. Wasn't she on at least four TV shows and at least that many radio interviews promoting her book, but talking only about Jon? Jon has done about four or so, and he is 'sabotaging' Kate. She has trashed him endlessly on much bigger platforms but he says they don't communicate or parent in the same way and he's the evil one. If it was Kate on this show saying the same thing, they'd be screaming "YOU GO GIRL!" and giving her high five tweets. Jon is working two jobs and he's a loser but Kate can't work one job during the kids' school hours because how would she pay for daycare on a nurse's salary - even though she pays for 20 hours NOW with no job at all? It's gone from being mildly amusing to laugh-out-loud funny to vomit-inducing.
So many of you make great points. She can fill a freezer with butter and cheese, but can't buy eight pumpkins? She can't see this is THE big community event for kids each year? I wonder if they have learned not anticipate this sort of holiday because they know they'll be disappointed. Their mom is home all day and sticks some free duct tape on their pants for a costume, and other kids who have working parents get full-on costumes, have a fuss made over them and pictures taken, go to parties, carve pumpkins, go trick-or-treating, etc. But these kids get to hear about how stressed and tired their mother is and get the leftovers. It's sad.
even if Kate really intended to carve pumpkins today, today if for school parties and trick or treating afterwards. There is no time to carve pumpkins today, they should be already done and lit by tonight!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m
@SiobhanR111 @Kateplusmy8 By Kate ONLY using txts/e-mail, her words R documented. Lawyers MAY have advised her 2address him this way.
That's right, Milo. However, perhaps her words show that she is uncooperative and that she gives Jon a hard time. Ever think about that? And if they did show that she was uncooperative, you'd cry that Kate's words were altered.
Radar apparently swiffered the Hasselbeck article, but you can read about it here:
ok, maybe too much wine with dinner, but I'm lost
It is pretty amazing that a woman who has all the time in the world, compared to those who work outside the home and raise a family for example, cannot do anything in real time. Planning a pumpkin carving party the weekend after Halloween? Ordering birthday presents for her daughters 2 days before their birthday? Except for the one week this fall she was on 'tour' WTF does she do with her time?
Sorry Milo, your gf is so very wrong with this one. You both should be put in Twitter jail.
I think we should include all the sheeple in the drinking game. Usually it's Ms Goody who brings it up (and isn't it funny she has to go back 4 years to find anything negative he might have said/done? If he's so awful, why can't they find some recent phrase to object to?) So, in light of Milo jumping on the Ms Goody bandwagon and dusting off the old "nail in the coffin" phrase, I say..."Drink Rumspringa!!!"
How about we all take a drink whenever Kate's name is mentioned? We'll all be so shnockered we won't even realize who Kate is :)
What about taking a drink when Goody starts on her hate rants...or for each time she says she's done bashing him and moving on?
How do you pronounce schnockered? Here, it has a "c"" as the second letter, and it's more like schnuckered, rhymes with look!
Siobhan R @SiobhanR111 2m
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Jon needs admit the status of his situation w/Kate. She is suing him for a REASON!
LOL!! Yes, indeed...revenge, and to promote her cookbook, keep her name in the media in hopes of getting a television show. Are sheeple really this dumb, or is it all an act?
Heads up, Kate! Calico Critters are on sale at Toys R Us. Use a 20 percent off coupon on a play set, and with that purchase get the second play set half price. Just being helpful! :-)
I don't care what TFW's rearranged plans are - there's no excuse or explanation for the kids not enjoying the holiday fun on time. Their peers talk about their activities and the G8 know they're getting leftovers. They know their friends' pumpkins have been carved for weeks while they've done none. Whether they enjoy carving pumpkins or not, how much fun is it to do it AFTER the holiday? If pumpkin carving after Halloween was the tradition, everyone would do it then, but it's not and the kids know it. They feel the letdown of wanting to enjoy something so simple as carving pumpkins when all their friends do. She's such a spoilsport!
Kate Gosselin and all of her kids just trick or treated at a lady's house that's in my coupon group...there goes all of her candy!
Awww...at least she took them trick or treating.
Bridget @bridgetbean79 6m
Kate Gosselin and all of her kids just trick or treated at a lady's house that's in my coupon group...there goes all of her candy!
I bet the change of plans was a change in custody days. There's no way in heck TFW would take the kids trick-or-treating. Either Jon takes them, or they don't go. So, Jon would be willing to change his custody days to make sure his kids don't miss out on the fun, and TFW can lock her gates and refuse to hand out candy. You'd think she would love Halloween...the kids get free candy, and she doesn't have to give anything to anyone. Getting stuff without giving is her favorite pastime.
I wonder if TFW still thinks there will be mass chaos if she takes the kids out. Or does she use that as an excuse to avoid taking them anywhere? Remember Polly's report from the corn maze 3 years ago, TFW freaked out and shrieked at Steve, "They're congregating out there!". According to Polly, there were 20 or so locals milling around. She acted like they were being mobbed, and it was all in her mind. Delusional. At least Jon is interested in making sure they get to do normal things like dressing up and trick-or-treating. Thank heavens they have him!
OK, Hasselbitch, I enjoyed you on survivor. Yes, starving brought resolution to your gluten problem. Kudos.
You, *cough* left the liberal view for fox.
ok, who cares?
BUT.. the minute u bow down to "higher-ups" was the minute I stopped hearing you.
It could be, njay, but according to Milo and that other twit, he's busy constructing Kate's coffin this weekend which leaves no time for the kids.
Well, it is Halloween...tis the season for coffin constructin. If she can carve pumpkins after Halloween, I guess he build the coffin after the holiday. Better late than never...right, Milo and the other twit?
PatK said... 138
Milo's always been jealous of Jon. He did something she'll never get to do.
Not so fast. We don't know what the future holds for both of them. "Close To You."
Even if Jon does have the kids this evening, did he have them last weekend? No time for carving M-W this week? Gonna carve up some pumpkins and re-enact Halloween this weekend? Trick or treating up your own driveway. She makes no damn sense. And someday even Milo will figure it out.
How do you pronounce schnockered? Here, it has a "c"" as the second letter, and it's more like schnuckered, rhymes with look!
Shhh...knock...erd. :)
#kateplusmy8 "Bite Me" take your own advice. You live on Kate's twitter feed every day sticking your nose in her and the fans business:(
Ewww...who wants to stick their nose in Kate? Okay, besides the Chief Executive Ewe? There's got to be a better way to word that tweet!
I imagine coffin supplies are half price after today so there ya go.
Well, I stand corrected--TFW took her kids trick-or-treating. You could knock me over with a feather. What about the mobs of people? How will they deal with all the paps descending upon them? Perhaps Steve is with them.
Maybe now Milo understands what it's been like all this time for Jon's supporters to listen to his ex trash him. Not fun is it Milo? See how it feels.
Kate Gosselin and all of her kids just trick or treated at a lady's house that's in my coupon group...there goes all of her candy!
So she's out with the kids. No pandemonium? I still do not understand why the pumpkin carving is taking place post holiday. Crazy bat.
Did she hire Skeevio for trick and treating protection again this year?
Grr! Grr! I'm going to bite soon! TFW and her fans just bring out the worst in me..everything she says is a lie. There was no birthday party for the dog, there will be no pumpkin carving..She is a demented biotch. She reads here, and other places, so she knows, sort of, what normal is...and she pretends she has a grasp on it. I am so itching to have her de-throned: yes, lose the house and acreage, lose custody, lose it all. Quite frankly, the kids would be well served. And I'm sure Jon would be gracious in working out visitations. Grr, grrrr....
Bridget @bridgetbean79 30m
Kate Gosselin and all of her kids just trick or treated at a lady's house that's in my coupon group...there goes all of her candy!
And looks who's butting in again!! And she makes sure to include Kate in the tweet.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 24m
@bridgetbean79 @Kateplusmy8 LOL...well, good things travel N lots of 8 there in PA! Ur privilege 2have that cute bunch among yourselves! :)
So now it's a privilege to have Kate and the kids go to someone's house trick or treating? Oh my word!!
Then there's this one who has a problem with reading comprehension and doesn't get the joke. She actually thinks the lady gave Kate and the kids all her candy.
@bridgetbean79 ....but what a sweet neighbor to hand out all her candy to those adorable kids:)
Bridget @bridgetbean79 6m
Kate Gosselin and all of her kids just trick or treated at a lady's house that's in my coupon group...there goes all of her candy!
I'd laugh if it was just a fan dressed up like TFW (wearing the 2009 KG wig) taking eight kids out trick or treating. I can't see Kate waiting on the lawn for them. No cameras? No Kate.
#139..Milo slipped up, dang that Freud guy...sheets.
I "hope"...
you was right.
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Why would it matter to anyone else? Seriously the kids can take their time and make those pumpkins awesome. #fun
LOL! They couldn't take their time last weekend? What do you do with a Halloween pumpkin that's carved after Halloween? Set it out on the front porch? Use it as a Thanksgiving centerpiece?
Well I'm glad she's making somewhat of an effort. The kids need nights like this far more than they need filming. I pray someday she'll realize that.
comment #139...sorry:(
According to Milo, Kate has been nothing but civil to her ex. Perhaps Milo has missed all of the 'throw Jon under the bus' comments that his ex has made EVERY time she has had a media opportunity. I think civil is what we will hear from Jon in his OWN segment on Sunday evening. Milo has no clue what civil really means, which comes as no surprise.
Karmageddon is a tough nut for the sheeple to crack.
Baby Mama @AskBabyMama 3m
@SherriEShepherd @AlfredoCocozza @Kateplusmy8 Haters don't hate you, they hate themselves; bc you're a reflection of what they wish to be”
Ha! Okay, with that tweet, I WILL have a drink.
Ooh, Ooh, Done, arm waving madly!!
ooh, let me guess!
tommy reads here, needs to rehab her persona, and either pr gurl or lawyer man said... "Hey, re-vamp your image, ...no...not gladiator flinestone shoes, ...take the 8 Hallow-treatin'... yeah!!! that's the ticket!!!!
OrangeChrusher1 said.....183
Karmageddon is a tough nut for the sheeple to crack.
I think I'm in love!
Milo is just not going to let go of this cute baby animal thing -- not after Barb tweeted that she still holds the title. Milo will not be ignored! lol! How long was it before she finally put the Grow A Boyfriend to rest?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 What's w/these critters? They have the market on #Cute here lately! pic.twitter.com/ttpJ701VNK
I'd laugh if it was just a fan dressed up like TFW (wearing the 2009 KG wig) taking eight kids out trick or treating. I can't see Kate waiting on the lawn for them. No cameras? No Kate.
It'd even be funnier if the woman with the kids was Liz. She has blond hair and could be mistaken for Kate, especially if the lady whose house they went to was only looking at the kids.
tommy reads here, needs to rehab her persona, and either pr gurl or lawyer man said
Who is Tommy?
i give up, drinking rumspringas, Austin's by the bye' wAustin's for karmageddon to hit, rainbow-unicorn on the grassy knell beside me! Steve is waiting for me in Aerosmith.
I am at peace.
Kate is a twit said... 188
I'd laugh if it was just a fan dressed up like TFW (wearing the 2009 KG wig) taking eight kids out trick or treating. I can't see Kate waiting on the lawn for them. No cameras? No Kate.
It'd even be funnier if the woman with the kids was Liz. She has blond hair and could be mistaken for Kate, especially if the lady whose house they went to was only looking at the kids.
Funnier yet, if it WAS Kate and no one looked at her.
OMG. Are we jaded?
What if Kate has seen the light? What if she's turned over a new leaf? What if her kids finally come before her? What if she wanted them to have a normal life? What if the lawsuit has shaken her into reality? What if she never wants to see another camera in their face? What if she's dressed as leopard that changed its spots?
If, HUGE IF, the kids did trick-or-treat in said neighbourhood, how would the person know? Silly question...of course they had signs identifying them: the Gosselin Kids!
What a load of hooey.
So how did Milo see that tweet about Kate and kids T or T'ing? She says she doesn't read here. It wasn't on Kate's timeline that I can see.
tommy, the "crusemeister"
scientology is an only explanation to k8's entitlement, and letting kids runs wild and just "be".
lmao, kidding! it's Halloween! pranks are expected !
ps, my Oct 31 is like most people's Apr. 1
Martha (192)...If, HUGE IF, the kids did trick-or-treat in said neighbourhood, how would the person know? Silly question...of course they had signs identifying them: the Gosselin Kids!
I think that Kate Plus HER eight are easily recognized in her neighborhood, especially if the kids didn't wear masks.
Anonymous said... 194
tommy, the "crusemeister"
I'm lost!
i give up, drinking rumspringas, Austin's by the bye' wAustin's for karmageddon to hit, rainbow-unicorn on the grassy knell beside me! Steve is waiting for me in Aerosmith.
China Vector -- is that you? :)
Lalalalala said...(133)
We all got gotcha'd said... 121
Radar dropped their pick up of that Hasselbeck piece. They finally realized it was a parody. Shocking, yes. Factual--No.
"Well, I started this whole thing but I'm soooo glad it's not true. I'm sorry I swung at the hornets nest. I apologize to everyone."
No apologies necessary if you thought it was genuine.
Wow, someone thought this was funny? Posting a fake article about a celebrity saying something so disparaging of abuse victims is what qualifies for a good 'ol har har these days?
No wonder so few people take this issue seriously.
Bridget @bridgetbean79 30m
Kate Gosselin and all of her kids just trick or treated at a lady's house that's in my coupon group...there goes all of her candy!
I don't necessarily believe just because someone tweets Kate sightings they are true. This woman is from Lancaster and could be anyone. She could be Kate's niece for all we know and Kate could have put her up to saying this. I sure wouldn't put it past the manipulator. Wasn't there a tweet earlier from someone who saw Jon with the kids tonight?
Over And Out said...(196)
Anonymous said... 194
tommy, the "crusemeister"
I'm lost!
Tom Cruise.
It takes awhile to get the hang of "franky speak" but once you catch on, it's pretty cool.
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