"Pedophiles and predators in Hollywood are just as rampant today, if not more so."
A day after Corey Feldman, author of Coreyography, was attacked on The View, some people in the industry are stepping forward to have his back.
Little House's Alison Armgrim, who was molested by her brother as a child and wrote about it in her own book, said that Hollywood predators seek out vulnerable children, such as children who are going through a divorce or who have uninvolved parents.
Anne Henry, of the child actors' rights group BizParentz, said that pedophilia is even more widespread than when Corey was a child: "Pedophiles and predators in Hollywood are just as rampant today, if not more so. The entertainment industry is much larger than it was in their day. Think how many cable channels there are. In Corey's day, there were channels 2-13. We also have the Internet today, which allows predators to virtually stalk and contact child actors in a more personal way."
Thank you Anne and Alison for setting Barbara Walters straight.
And now another story is circulating about the child of a member of a "well-known band." According to a source that spoke to Fox News, the band member recently found out that his underage daughter was having sex with another successful industry figure 25-30 years her senior. The incident was brushed under the rug out of fear of ruining the reputation of the perpetrator and his colleagues.
Thank you Corey for exposing the darkest side of this industry, despite your detractors.
362 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 362 of 362 Newer› Newest»All That Jazz said... 195
''I think that Kate Plus HER eight are easily recognized in her neighborhood, especially if the kids didn't wear masks.''
While it IS true that TFW is easily recognized, especially if all eight of Jon's children are with her without masks, what neighborhood are you talking about?
Suzee said... 42
gotyournumberKate, I saw that news about Leanne Rhimes. I'd *love* to know the terms of the settlement.
Hi Suzee....I don't think the case was settled. I think the judge dismissed the case. Correct me if I'm wrong. If you want to read about the whole story this blogger has written tons on LeeAnn. LeAnn has actually tried to get her fired. LeeAnn and Kate are A LOT alike.
gotyournumberKate said... 199
''I don't necessarily believe just because someone tweets Kate sightings they are true. This woman is from Lancaster and could be anyone. She could be Kate's niece for all we know and Kate could have put her up to saying this. I sure wouldn't put it past the manipulator. Wasn't there a tweet earlier from someone who saw Jon with the kids tonight?''
I believe the tweet about Jon with the kids was from last year, when TFW had implied that she was taking them.
However, like you, I'm not ready to believe the tweet either. What a real shame that the lying liar that lies has us so jaded that we believe so little about her! While we don't like her taking away the children's privacy, when she tweets she did something with them, we do not believe her unless we have a photo to prove it. That is what TFMJG has done to herself!
gotyournumberKate said... 199
Wasn't there a tweet earlier from someone who saw Jon with the kids tonight?
Not that I saw. I do believe there was a re-posting of, or mention of, a tweet from last year where someone said they gave the kids candy and Jon thanked them.
Thanks Sheri, for getting my " frankyisms"
no, Tom Cruise was never on "Lost"
Major Tom was almost lost in space.
Space is a science, some call it scientology.
NO MORE CLUES, 'cause frankly speaking, tired.
ps. Sheldon is my Spock
is China Vector. tangerine orange?
yo, pm me pls
Sounds like some of the sheeple might have been hitting the witches' brew pretty darn heavy tonight!
Remona Blue said... 1
All That Jazz said... 195
''I think that Kate Plus HER eight are easily recognized in her neighborhood, especially if the kids didn't wear masks.''
While it IS true that TFW is easily recognized, especially if all eight of Jon's children are with her without masks, what neighborhood are you talking about?
True; she lives in a gated compound on a rural winding road.
I hope it's true that Kate took them Trick or Treating. That would be an improvement.
Ingrid said... 193
So how did Milo see that tweet about Kate and kids T or T'ing? She says she doesn't read here. It wasn't on Kate's timeline that I can see
It would have shown up since it says "Kate Gosselin". Even articles with her name show up although her name isn't in the tweet.
I'd laugh if it was just a fan dressed up like TFW (wearing the 2009 KG wig) taking eight kids out trick or treating.
That's funny because I saw this tweet earlier today:
Caley Shimskey @cshimskey 30 Oct
@drosales75 and I are considering being Jon and Kate Gosselin for Halloween. Let me know if we can borrow your kids.
While it IS true that TFW is easily recognized, especially if all eight of Jon's children are with her without masks, what neighborhood are you talking about?
I was referring to this tweet, and understood it to mean Kate's own neighborhood:
"If, HUGE IF, the kids did trick-or-treat in said neighbourhood, how would the person know? Silly question...of course they had signs identifying them: the Gosselin Kids!
What a load of hooey."
True; she lives in a gated compound on a rural winding road.
I'm confused. What does that have to do with her going out in her neighborhood with her kids to go trick or treating? Nobody's going to get into her house because it's gated (saves her money on buying candy), but that doesn't mean she and the kids can't go out, does it?
So are you saying no one else in TFW's neighborhood goes TOT in groups? I had many " groups" stop by tonight...I never thought it was the Gosselin clan at my door. Thats the good thing about being in costumes...you get to play make believe and no one knows better.
But then again if you had a fame seeking mom doing anything and everything to make herself known....you might be able to guess who they are.
Over And Out said... 197
i give up, drinking rumspringas, Austin's by the bye' wAustin's for karmageddon to hit, rainbow-unicorn on the grassy knell beside me! Steve is waiting for me in Aerosmith.
China Vector -- is that you? :)
LOL. Five rereads didn't help so I give up.
localyocul said... 10
Ingrid said... 193
So how did Milo see that tweet about Kate and kids T or T'ing? She says she doesn't read here. It wasn't on Kate's timeline that I can see
It would have shown up since it says "Kate Gosselin". Even articles with her name show up although her name isn't in the tweet.
Oh ok, Thanks, I read her TL on Twazzup so that's why I didn't see it.
The lady who tweeted that she saw them is in Lancaster. As is the kids' school. So it's possible they all went out in groups with classmates.
LOL. Five rereads didn't help so I give up.
I'm right there with you, Tweet-le, and I haven't even been drinking tonight!
Halloween is now over. Rememberance Month upon us. Please remember, buy a poppy from a vet, and please thiank them for their service. Please proudly wear it, and tell your children why.
my dd wears hers proudly and knows why, does yours?
In the very first episode, 8 little pumpkins, she said it was a "tradition" to go to the pumpkin patch and each pick out and carve a pumpkin (the kids were 2 and 6 so not sure when this "tradition" started). Guess they skipped that one this year.
Over And Out said... 18
LOL. Five rereads didn't help so I give up.
I'm right there with you, Tweet-le, and I haven't even been drinking tonight!
Me either, but it might help!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 144
Milo, what misinformation? Kate's going to have to provide specific examples of how she reached out to Jon in a kind, respectful and reasonable manner and explain why his response was unreasonable and unforgiving if I'm to believe any of this is misleading. She is free to explain how she is reasonable and compromises and he is not. She has not. Without that, I believe Jon. That's what happens when all you do is lie. You lose the benefit of the doubt. Jon's explanations are for the most part reasonable and logical. He is credible. She is not
She was being an uncooperative bitch as early as 2009 when the video was shot where the kids were screaming as Jon dropped them off AT THE GATE for the NANNY to come get them because she would not allow him on the property. My ex always brought my daughter in after his weekend (no need to ring the bell), we would chat and she would transition back to our home.
Ingrid said... 148
Kate shouldn't have to wait for on sale pumpkins. She has 26 acres that a pumpkin patch could be grown in. She could line her driveway with them.
Good point. We had pumpkins growing behind our townhouses because someone spilled some pumpkin seeds FGS
Remona Blue said... 3
What a real shame that the lying liar that lies has us so jaded that we believe so little about her! While we don't like her taking away the children's privacy, when she tweets she did something with them, we do not believe her unless we have a photo to prove it. That is what TFMJG has done to herself!
Yes she has. I have weakened a few times in the past and thought better of her for one reason or another only to find out later that whatever came over me to make me do that was all for naught. She is very good at being sweet little ol' Katie when need be but it's all a facade. She is a master manipulator and I don't think she'll ever be anything but.
Kate is a twit said... 135
I just saw on the site that I linked that the story about Elisabeth Hasselbeck is a fake. It apparently is a parody site like the Onion, and most likely ROL got the story from there. Sorry for the confusion. We got punk'd.
And yes, it does sound like something Elisabeth would say
Sad but true said... 17
''The lady who tweeted that she saw them is in Lancaster. As is the kids' school. So it's possible they all went out in groups with classmates.''
The lady that tweeted didn't say SHE saw them, she said they ''just trick or treated at a lady's house that's in my coupon group''. The tweeter doesn't say what neighborhood that lady is in.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1h
Just put the spider,the army guy,the skeleton,the dark angel,the devil&the FBI guy to bed (the cat&mouse r still up!) #Tired&sugared up! GN!
Hope this is true!
I've also read and re-read and in the words of TFW...I just don't get it! I give up and I'm going to bed.
localyocul said... 27
''Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1h
Just put the spider,the army guy,the skeleton,the dark angel,the devil&the FBI guy to bed (the cat&mouse r still up!) #Tired&sugared up! GN!''
''Hope this is true!''
TFW could be putting Jon's six to bed with the twins still up, after Jon brought them home from trick or treating. So says the cynical and jaded RemonaBlue.
But, like you, I also hope that their mother really did take them trick or treating. I don't suppose I will ever stop wishing Jon's children have some memories of a good mother!
Who wants to carve pumpkins AFTER the holiday?
WTF is wrong with her?
Happy Halloween Everyone.. The witching hour has yet to pass, and then yes, the month " To remember, Lest We Forget!"
I have never seen the episode of TFW out with the Kids trick or treating and cant find it. If anyone has the link greatly appreciatted.
I am glad the kids got to go trick or treating.
I also believe the tweet about the pumpkin carving being delayed to this weekend, was deflection. She knew people would talk about that. I think she was looking for a controversial hit on one of the rag mags, to over shadow Jon being in the rag mags. IMO.
It takes awhile to get the hang of "franky speak" but once you catch on, it's pretty cool.
If you got the hang of it, maybe you could explain this one! :-)
"i give up, drinking rumspringas, Austin's by the bye' wAustin's for karmageddon to hit, rainbow-unicorn on the grassy knell beside me! Steve is waiting for me in Aerosmith."
@Kateplusmy8: I'm happy that we'll b able2carve pumpkins(even if a bit late!) this wkend..last min change of plans so now we have all wkend4extra fun! #HH
Translation...whatever she wanted to do (or thought she was going to do) fell through so now she'll be stuck at home with the 8. Ain't life gr8!
O. M. G.
did she really, on the brink of November, say... " the army guy"???
Yo! k8ie imeanie, those "army guys" are called soldiers, and they would die to defend your pathetic right to call them..just that.
In 11 days, please stop for 2 mins at 11:11, to remember them.
thank you,
ps, puzzle above, think in Newfanese, lol
Can you imagine going ToT w/TFW? Imagine the excitement draining out of the kids as she makes them repeat their line-up order when they get to the neighbor's door or the way they're to say thank-you, or whether they can run or must they walk? I can't imagine her just letting them relax and have run and not try to control their night with some of her stupid rules. I SO hope they had fun!!
Hi Franky!
Sheldon is my Mr Data!
Rerun of Big Bang Theory was on last night, the episode where the guys are going to a Comic Con and stop at the place where lots of Star Trek exterior scenes were filmed, and they pose for photos in their outfits, then Leonard s car gets stolen, and the girls end up arguing about Thor s hammer, and Sheldon programmed Leonard s GPS to do quizzes. And its really funny, and has been broadcast like twelve times, so look for it online.
Hope everyone had a nice Halloween! No more kids at home, so the dogs were a skeleton and a football to help us hand out candy. My daughter dressed up as Cruella de Ville and one of her dogs was dressed as a Dalmatian, too funny!
rainbowsandunicorns said... 184
Baby Mama @AskBabyMama 3m
@SherriEShepherd @AlfredoCocozza @Kateplusmy8 Haters don't hate you, they hate themselves; bc you're a reflection of what they wish to be”
I am so tired of the attitude that if you do not like someone, it's because you hate yourself or you are jealous of the person. It is such an immature outlook. I hate Adolf Hitler. Is it because I hate myself or are jealous of him??!! Maybe, it is due to his actions! I also hate pedophiles. Does this mean I wish to be them? Absolutely not. It is unrealistic to expect that everyone should like everyone. It is ok not to like someone.
BTW, sheeple, the plural of hater is haters NOT hater's.
Anyone have an idea what this means?
DaretoDreamPlaytoWin @DaretoDream_JJS 30 Oct
Went to check up on my printings and my book is being printed with Kate gosselin's new cookbook @Kateplusmy8 pic.twitter.com/OqbbxcvhpD
Is HCI printing more? I thought they said they had printed 50,000.
Franky, I'm sure that you respect soldiers but Kate respects no one. The pool guy, mower guy, plumber guy, she always talks in diminutives since of course everyone in the world is inferior.
So much for that Christian Mom image. I know she ditched it a while ago but a dark angel and the devil? Special Famous Christian Moms direct their kids away from devil and dark angel costumes.
Tom Cruise.
It takes awhile to get the hang of "franky speak" but once you catch on, it's pretty cool.
We do love our Franky!!!
So much for that Christian Mom image. I know she ditched it a while ago but a dark angel and the devil? Special Famous Christian Moms direct their kids away from devil and dark angel costumes.
Ah, yes, those Christian values, the 'Christian Mom' image she tried to foist on the viewers. So quickly forgotten and only spoken of when she needs to exploit them. There's no question how shallow those values were when we see her live the opposite way.
I just took a look at Novelrank, and TFW sold a total of 232 copies of LIITM in October. That's a total of 1,017 hard copies plus the 46 Kindle copies that have been sold, for a grand total of 1,063. In 7 months. Ouch. Even adding in sales from other sellers, she probably hasn't sold more than 2,000. Someone's pocketbook is hurting from this.
I hope TFW took the kids out trick or treating and let them have fun. But looking back on the Halloween that was filmed for K+8, I have a hard time believing that fun would be allowed. The write-up Polly did on the trip to the corn maze did not sound like anything more than work for the kids. And remember when they were wrapping themselves up in toilet paper--someone was complaining, and TFW said, "Hurry up so we can move on to the next activity". Seriously? These activities were not for the kids' enjoyment. It was more like they were part of a checklist--hurry up and get them done so we can move on to something else. I'd love to think that all that has changed with TLC out of the picture, but I don't. No way is rejection and unemployment turning her into a caring mother. So sad.
Give it a rest franky. We all appreciate our military but I don't see anything wrong with saying the army guy as opposed to to soldier. Maybe the kid just wanted to distinguish that he was in the Army rather than Air Force, Navy, etc. I'm an "Army brat" as are my kids. Do we need to stop using that term too? Let's not try to manufacture things to pick on her about because then it does look like we're just picking for the sake of picking.
I am so tired of the attitude that if you do not like someone, it's because you hate yourself or you are jealous of the person. It is such an immature outlook.
Yes, that's just silly. Disagreement over something rarely has to do with the person's own issues, I think. Disagreement is human nature.
So much for that Christian Mom image. I know she ditched it a while ago but a dark angel and the devil? Special Famous Christian Moms direct their kids away from devil and dark angel costumes.
Well and she didn't even participate in Halloween for many years, remember? I seem to remember her hinting it was for religious reasons. Now that's all just swiped away. I think it's rather interesting her whole religious shtick has been completely dropped. In the early episodes they were SO Christian focused, it was very heavy handed. It's barely a mention anymore and no mention this past year. I'd love to be a fly on the wall to how you go from WWJD to Jesus who? in the span of 18 months. And she once had the nerve on Twitter to criticize Jon for not taking them to church.
DaretoDreamPlaytoWin @DaretoDream_JJS 30 Oct
Went to check up on my printings and my book is being printed with Kate gosselin's new cookbook @Kateplusmy8 pic.twitter.com/OqbbxcvhpD
Is HCI printing more? I thought they said they had printed 50,000.
I don't care how much they claim to be a "real" publisher I think they are set up like a self-publisher and I think a lot of their printings are just ala carte. If I ordered one today, they'd send it straight to the printer fresh off the presses.
Do we need to stop using that term too? Let's not try to manufacture things to pick on her about because then it does look like we're just picking for the sake of picking.
Exactly, Sue. Maybe the child wanted to be an "Army guy" as opposed to a Navy guy. Nothing wrong with that. So she didn't use the term "soldier." If my son were dressed as an "Army guy" that's exactly how I would have described him. No disrespect intended at all. Kate's done so much that she can be called out on, but this isn't one of them. It's just what you said -- nitpicking just to find something for which to criticize her about.
So much for that Christian Mom image. I know she ditched it a while ago but a dark angel and the devil? Special Famous Christian Moms direct their kids away from devil and dark angel costumes.
Dark Angel was (is?) a sic fi TV show and is not about angels expelled from heaven so nothing wrong with that and at our church Halloween party we've always got at least one or two little devils running around. If the kids had fun who cares what costumes they wore? Please don't attack me as a Kate fan because I'm not. I just don't see the value in picking on every little thing she says or does.
I agree. Halloween isn't designed as a reverent homage to our soldiers. There are plenty of other times designated for that. It's just a little boy who likes the idea of our military, as most little boys do, and wants to be an "Army guy." It's completely normal and I don't see anything disrespectful about it at all. In fact what a good way to transition into talking to him on Veteran's Day about our troops.
Lots of Christians celebrate Halloween even the darker side of it. We were always allowed to be whatever we wanted growing up and did go to church Halloween parties and no one ever took issue with the holiday. This is not true of all Christians. Some do not celebrate or only celebrate if the costumes aren't dark. I think my point is that Kate was in THAT group that didn't celebrate Halloween. Now like a flip of a switch Halloween is no problem? Exactly what changed her mind?
There are many Halloween consumes now considered poor taste such as cowboy, Indian, 'bum', etc. The real problem to me seems to be what teenagers dress as, in skimpy sexy costumes to their school festivities and parties.
Many professions are parodied such as ...nurses!
Wait, why would COWBOY be offensive??
I have friends in Wyoming who ARE cowboys, and all the little kids go as cowboys for Halloween.
What a world.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 46
DaretoDreamPlaytoWin @DaretoDream_JJS 30 Oct
Went to check up on my printings and my book is being printed with Kate gosselin's new cookbook @Kateplusmy8 pic.twitter.com/OqbbxcvhpD
Is HCI printing more? I thought they said they had printed 50,000.
I don't care how much they claim to be a "real" publisher I think they are set up like a self-publisher and I think a lot of their printings are just ala carte. If I ordered one today, they'd send it straight to the printer fresh off the presses.
Admin, my thoughts exactly. When I saw this tweet the other day, I checked out the author's website, Amazon, etc., and it is definitely self-published. (Publisher on Amazon listed as "Dare to Dream Plublishing" [sic]. I think Kate hired that woman at HCI (name escapes me) as an a la carte service from HCI to be her publicist. These companies do that--you can purchase the services you desire beyond just the printing of the book. But I could be wrong... Kate could be published by HCI through their other arm where they do act as publisher. Not sure why they would do a print run of a self-pubbed book and a traditionally pubbed one together?
Bottom line--if self-published, Kate is losing money. If HCI fronted the money and "traditionally" published Kate, HCI is losing money. Absolutely no way all those books on the shelves of B&N are going to stay there. They'll get shipped back to HCI soon enough. B&N might keep one per store. Maybe.
Oh, with one other caveat. HCI might have a clause in the contract (if they published the book) that says if Kate doesn't achieve X sales, she is liable for all or some of the printing costs.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 50
Lots of Christians celebrate Halloween even the darker side of it. We were always allowed to be whatever we wanted growing up and did go to church Halloween parties and no one ever took issue with the holiday. This is not true of all Christians. Some do not celebrate or only celebrate if the costumes aren't dark. I think my point is that Kate was in THAT group that didn't celebrate Halloween. Now like a flip of a switch Halloween is no problem? Exactly what changed her mind?
She has done a complete turnaround. Those same born-again types also don't condone immodest clothing.
My four year old grandson refers to soldiers as army guys. Of course, he's 4. TFW simply infantilizes her children, that is more irritating.
And sheeple, no one here is critical of Kate because they want to be her, live her life, or anything remotely resembling that notion. Now that's a scary thought.
I personally hope TFW did take her children out for Halloween. This is a huge step considering TLC or some other network isn't taping this for a future episode. I hope her kids genuinely had fun on Halloween. Aside from the book which isn't a bestseller and her book tour is obviously over, what else does she have going for her? TFW's precious time with Steve also appears to be limited. Her final divorce is almost four years ago, and she apparently can't get over Jon and her anger toward him nor Steve. She needs to let go of both of them and to start dating in real life. If she continues to hang on or is holding tremendous anger from her marriage, she need couselling and will have a much harder time moving on and dating others. A divorce that was finalized four years ago at her age is a long time for her not to be dating. As time goes by, it won't be any easier for her and I don't believe her kids are the blame for her inability to date or for TFW to have a relationship with another man. A fake dating show or whatever reasons TFW wants the general public to believe are just masks for her real life emotional problems. She needs to get a real job and to get out in the real world instead of isolating herself and making it nearly impossible to meet anyone. If she continues this mindset, as her kids become older and become more independent, this will take her down.
As far as the delay in pumpkin carving, she doesn't have anyone trick or treating at the house. There apparently isn't any buildup for children being able to trick or treat at her home (I wonder if she purchases and gives out candy while her kids are trick or treating because no children can trick or treat at her compound, that's a joke), so a day late isn't that big a deal. At least she's letting them carve the darn pumpkins before Thanksgiving. Better late than never.
Layla said... 42
I hope TFW took the kids out trick or treating and let them have fun. But looking back on the Halloween that was filmed for K+8, I have a hard time believing that fun would be allowed. The write-up Polly did on the trip to the corn maze did not sound like anything more than work for the kids. And remember when they were wrapping themselves up in toilet paper--someone was complaining, and TFW said, "Hurry up so we can move on to the next activity". Seriously? These activities were not for the kids' enjoyment. It was more like they were part of a checklist--hurry up and get them done so we can move on to something else. I'd love to think that all that has changed with TLC out of the picture, but I don't. No way is rejection and unemployment turning her into a caring mother. So sad.
Good point. I just can't imagine TFW handling all 8 kids by herself. I just can't. Supermom she is not.
I have to say that I don't see anything wrong with TFW's halloween tweet. For once it sounds like a normal mom tweet.
My granddaughters were a fairy princess and a butterfly garden. They dressed their dog, a pit bull, up as a pumpkin princess fairy. Which meant pumpkin costume, tiara, and fairy wings. The dog was embarrassed. I finally made them take her costume off.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 46
I don't care how much they claim to be a "real" publisher I think they are set up like a self-publisher and I think a lot of their printings are just ala carte. If I ordered one today, they'd send it straight to the printer fresh off the presses.
Agree. No way a normal publisher would be happy with those sales. They'd yank the book completely by now and sell any already-printed copies for next to nothing just to get rid of them.
I'm wondering if she's going to make an appearance at another day time talk show soon. Printing copies to give to the audience maybe?
Not the point. Even if no one is home because you are out trick or treating, pumpkin carving is done on or before Halloween night. Will she be looking for a corn maze this weekend too? No, she simply did not want to devote a few afterschool hours and now she will make it a twitter photo opp for her devoted few. If the kids were younger, it would be different, but they are old enough to know how/when things are done.
Formerly Duped said... 51
There are many Halloween consumes now considered poor taste such as cowboy, Indian, 'bum', etc. The real problem to me seems to be what teenagers dress as, in skimpy sexy costumes to their school festivities and parties.
OT, but yes, the sexualization of kids is happening younger and younger. Had trick-or-treaters come to my door that were 11. Boys dressed very low key costumes, the girls were in those french-maid-masked-as-a-princess costumes. At 11! As soon as they left I turned to my husband and said "What parents would let them go out like that?!" Granted they may have hid it from their parents, but still. It was sad. :(
Virginia Pen Mom said... 54
Oh, with one other caveat. HCI might have a clause in the contract (if they published the book) that says if Kate doesn't achieve X sales, she is liable for all or some of the printing costs.
Uh oh. Good luck getting that out of her, HCI.
Do you think this has taught Kate anything? Surely she's read the reviews. Or does she ignore them and go on believing she's a best-selling author and candidate to instruct at the Culinary Institute of America?
And I still think 1k-2k book copies sold is way too high. She has maybe 10 twitter fans left and maybe 100-200 previous fans of the show who don't know anything about her that if they saw the book in the store might pick it up.
Think about how much fan base she had in early 2010, right after the divorce, when she sold her third book. It still only sold 10k copies. She has next to no fan base compared to then. It's hard for me to believe she still managed to sell 20% of what she had previously.
Does anyone know the story behind the person 'bud cooper' aka userback on twitter? When did they get into it w/TFW?
Brandon Crismon @RchPri3st
@userback I can't believe washed up famewhore with no talent Kate Gosselin had the nerve to attack you. @KatePlusMy8 #KatePlusMy8
Bud Cooper @userback
@RchPri3st @Kateplusmy8 She did. And I wasn't even tweeting to her. I questioned why she needed donations when she should've had money
@userback @EmeraldCityJazz @ashymama2 are just some of many people who are getting attacked by James McGibney of #Bullyville for no reason.
@Brand0nCrism0n @EmeraldCityJazz @ashymama2 It only strengthens our resolve; we did not deserve the treatment that we got by Kate.
Did @KatePlusMy8 and @BullyVille conspire with hackers to take down @EmeraldCityJazz, @ashymama2, and @userback? For having an opinion?
As I was driving to pick up my son after school yesterday (he's in high school, but both the high school and middle school are on the same street), I saw other kids as they were walking home. There was one girl walking with her friends, dressed in a Playboy bunny costume. Thank goodness she was wearing black shorts, but otherwise the costume was pretty realistic, with a strapless bodice, black fishnet stockings, a cotton tail. Whether she was in high school or middle school, I felt the outfit was inappropriate and if I were her mother, would have not allowed it.
There were many times during my teen years when I was frustrated at what I felt was my old fuddy duddy, very uncool mother. Bless her heart for standing her ground and insisting we meet certain standards.
I was at my small neighborhood post office yesterday and the guy behind the counter was wearing ski goggles and had a ski pole "runniing" through his chest to his back. A fairly simple Halloween costume but I noticed that everyone in line had some comment about it.
Mel said... 59
They dressed their dog, a pit bull, up as a pumpkin princess fairy. Which meant pumpkin costume, tiara, and fairy wings. The dog was embarrassed. I finally made them take her costume off.
Aw. Poor pup. You're a good grandma.
About her book sales, I wonder if that 2k number also includes the books that were given to the audiences of the talk shows she was on. IIRC, all of them got a copy (Katie, Bethenny etc.) That would make about 500 of them "sold" if that is how the numbers are tallied.
I dressed my bulldog as a hot dog. He stood for a couple of pictures (with a piece of liverwurst as his incentive) and then sat down and refused to move. I'm now on the hunt for a turkey costume for him!
Baby Mama @AskBabyMama 3m
@SherriEShepherd @AlfredoCocozza @Kateplusmy8 Haters don't hate you, they hate themselves; bc you're a reflection of what they wish to be”
I'm not sure if this is sheeple wishful thinking, or narcissistic thinking.
I don't hate TFW. I dislike her, and I think she's an awful person. That does not = hate. I may hate some of the things she has done.
I don't hate myself either.
But most importantly - I have no wish to be like TFW, or living her life. Her life is so barren. No family; no friends; and in a few short years, not even her children. What will she do once the children are grown and move out of the house? The only people she'll have left will be people who work for her - housekeeper, gardener, pool cleaner. By then, she really will have dropped out of sight, and who knows what her financial situation might be. If the money is gone, Steve will be long gone too. What happens then? I really cannot imagine what she will do with herself.
Do I want such an empty existence? No thank you. I'll stick with my paycheck to paycheck life, filled with family, friends and co-workers. Currently filled with helping out at the snack bar for the high school football games, or chauffering my son and his friends to games. Filled with helping out my elderly parents, and visits when I can to a sister in a convalescent home. Once my son is grown, and I have time on my hands, filled with volunteering where needed in my community, travel, taking care of another family member who is disabled. That's real life. Busy, demanding, but filled with the rewards of being surrounded by friends, family, good times and good memories. I don't think TFW has anything like that. So I'll pass on the suggestion I'd like to trade places with her.
I was in my local B&N two weeks ago and the six copies of LIITM were gone. I went to the sale section and none there either. Then I went to the clearance/bottom of the barrel section and none there. I'm assuming they were shipped back to the publisher. I love the clearance section of B&N. I recently purchased four books there for my grandson. They were all marked down to $5.98 with another 50% off. And one of them was a beautiful pop up book. I was a happy Mimi.
Radar post about Corey Feldman reporting his abuse to the police 20 years ago. He named names and nothing was done. The responses are overwhelmingly positive in support of Corey.
Suck it Baba Wawa. She never did apologize, did she?
I don't believe TFW is making anything off her cookbook. She spent a few days away with Steve on a very short promotional tour, that resulted in very limited sales and that was about it. As far as her cookbook is concerned, she's finished. I can't imagine what would be next for her. For the most part, she's finished with being a celebrity. Her current lawsuit against Jon, Robert and and unknown Does will not catapult her into the entertainment business. She has no talent in the entertainment business and her lack of promoting her cookbook showed this further. TFW continued to discuss her 4 year old divorce rather than her cookbook and current sales are indicative of this. TFW may claim to have 170,000 followers, but her sales indicate otherwise. Even if she's sitting on a pile of money like Jon said, she needs to get a real job or find a way to do something with her website, life, etc. to make a real difference without using her children. TFW needs get to a real job or she needs to learn to build a business that doesn't include her children. The opportunities are there, even on her website, but is she that lazy or just plain stupid?
Another shooting. LAX. Lord help us
OrangeCrusher1 said... 61
Not the point. Even if no one is home because you are out trick or treating, pumpkin carving is done on or before Halloween night.
Just because you are so stringent about when something MUST be done does not mean other people are. Pumpkin carving is fun regardless of the day it is done, unless your child has been so ingrained with the belief that no fun can be had unless it's done on the "right" day, which would be just plain sad.
Anyone notice that when the sheep wander over here they use a screen name that matches the situation they are posting about? That's what the people who posted at RWA did but the sheep called it "socking". Hypocritical. Although I do agree the pumpkin thing is a little silly. To me it's just ironic that she touts herself as so organized but couldn't get the pumpkins carved before Halloween. I myself hate carving pumpkins, the guts make me gag, and the only reason I ever did it was to have a lit pumpkin on the porch for Halloween. Otherwise I don't see the purpose, but if the kids find it fun, then OK let them carve this weekend if they want.
Just because you are so stringent about when something MUST be done does not mean other people are. Pumpkin carving is fun regardless of the day it is done, unless your child has been so ingrained with the belief that no fun can be had unless it's done on the "right" day, which would be just plain sad.
Is the same thing true of Christmas? Are kids told that Santa comes on December 30, and they go to bed on December 29, thinking it's Christmas Eve, even if all of their friends are playing with the gifts Santa brought THEM on December 25?
What about Thanksgiving? Do they eat their turkey dinners on November 1 because it's fun to do and it really doesn't matter when Thanksgiving is observed?
I've had pumpkins out for weeks now, but only carved one of them last night, just before the trick or treaters came out.
I was so lazy this year, that I took a drill and made various size holes all over the pumpkin so the light would come out all around. It actually is an easy was to get the job done, and spare your fingers!
I don't care when the kids carve pumpkins. The whole point is to display them so people see them, and that's never gonna happen on the compound, so...
Do you think this has taught Kate anything? Surely she's read the reviews. Or does she ignore them and go on believing she's a best-selling author and candidate to instruct at the Culinary Institute of America?
She'll blame the fans. After all, they were the ones who begged her to write it, they were so anxious for a book, and she lovingly wrote it for them out of the goodness of her heart. They will get the blame for not following through and purchasing it.
Cowboy: idk, I saw a list of banned costumes somewhere at a school !
Stop the Nitpicking PLEASE said... 75
Just because you are so stringent about when something MUST be done does not mean other people are. Pumpkin carving is fun regardless of the day it is done, unless your child has been so
ingrained with the belief that no fun can be had unless it's done on the "right" day, which would be just plain sad.
Oh my. Calm down.
I feel your pain. Wanna come make some Valentine's Day cards with me?? I've got plenty of glitter and glue. (thanks to Rhymes!)
Agree. No way a normal publisher would be happy with those sales. They'd yank the book completely by now and sell any already-printed copies for next to nothing just to get rid of them.
I'm wondering if she's going to make an appearance at another day time talk show soon. Printing copies to give to the audience maybe?
Have the fans realized yet that the extensive book tour is over, or are they still begging her to come to a city near them? Looks like a case of you snooze you lose. What was it -- three signings, and Milo had been planning a circumnavigate the globe tour?
@Kateplusmy8 Aw sweet Hannah...always the 2nd #MomInCharge looking after her brothers & sisters! She has not changed! :)
She really does believe that she's part of this family, doesn't she?
I don't think it's that nitpicky to point out the fact that they'll be "carving pumpkins" (still don't believe they'll actually ever do this) after Halloween. For me, it's like putting up the Christmas Tree on December 26th. Why bother?
Now, I'm not knocking military families, or other similar occupations that take parents away for periods of time. They have to change their holiday plans frequently. But are you telling Miss Organized couldn't fit in pumpkin carving when she had a full month to do so?
Angie rethwill @rethwill 35m
Why? Why would someone want to see pictures of kids in costumes, especially kids you don't know and are not your own?
I feel your pain. Wanna come make some Valentine's Day cards with me?? I've got plenty of glitter and glue. (thanks to Rhymes!)
I do, Auntie! I'll bring the rumspringa. We'll either be very late for the 2013 VD celebration, or a few months early for next year. Either way, it works for me!
But are you telling Miss Organized couldn't fit in pumpkin carving when she had a full month to do so?
Remember when she "forgot" about spring break last year? It just slipped up on her. Yeah, right. It's on the school calendar at the beginning of the year, and kids talk about their plans a long time before it rolls around.
I have a question. Has any of TFW's Tweeties ever mentioned that Jon had done something right? Like in the midst of bashing him, they'd give him credit for one tiny thing? I believe the answer is no and I find that curiously disturbing. What are the odds of that? I wonder if she's paying people to tweet this stuff because otherwise it doesn't make sense. I could see one or two being consistent co-captains of the Jon Hater Brigade (Milo and Goody - I'm looking at you) but all the rest? There just cannot be that many consistent fruitloops in her corner can there?
Fido, I'm sending sincere good thoughts your way. I don't have the time to read here consistently anymore so have only caught snippets of your health issues, but know there are a ton of good peeps on here pulling for you.
Kelly said... 88
I have a question. Has any of TFW's Tweeties ever mentioned that Jon had done something right?
Never. In Jon's upcoming OWN interview, he wishes Kate the best in all that she does. Kate has NEVER said that regarding Jon, NEVER.
Here's the kicker for me-- not only did Kate belittle Jon and treat him like dirt on national TV, he has to have read her journals, just has to have. I can't imagine getting over my anger toward the mother of my children who beat them as babies.
I mean, what would your husband do if he read that you picked your toddler up by the hair and hit him so hard that you thought you'd seriously injured him? That you routinely threw babies into cribs because they angered you so much that you thought you'd hurt them, and then you left them in said cribs for hours and hours?
Kate was blessed to have Jon when those kids were babies. He worked all day/night and would go right into caregiver mode, alleviating Kate from all of her duties as soon as he walked in the door.
I'll never forget his face, the way he looked at Kate, when he found Joel(?) on the cold, dark laundry room floor, very ill with fever, totally out of Kate's sight.
But more interesting was what Shepherd said to Showbiz Tonight's A.J. Hammer when he caught up with her immediately after the show:
You know what? To Kate - I'm going to tell her when she gets here. If you've got timber wood, I've got matches because I will burn up the house and tear up a car for you, Kate. You don't have to say you did it. I'll leave my name - Sherri. I'll blow up Jon Gosselin's car."
This is Kate's BFF. Kate never denounced this vile threat to the father of her children.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 86
I do, Auntie! I'll bring the rumspringa. We'll either be very late for the 2013 VD celebration, or a few months early for next year. Either way, it works for me!
Well, come on over! I'll get the glasses out. We can make Valentines, decorate the Xmas tree, wear our Easter bunny ears, eat Thanksgiving turkey, munch on halloween candy and wash it all down with Rumspringa. Wh0oHo0
Kate's tweet; Alexis,worried: Branches fell? Hannah,patting Alexis on leg: Don't worry,Lex,they'll grow back...
...makes theme sound silly and about two years old as usual.
Baby Mama @AskBabyMama 3m
@SherriEShepherd @AlfredoCocozza @Kateplusmy8 Haters don't hate you, they hate themselves; bc you're a reflection of what they wish to be”
Really BabyMama? You're accusing US of hating ourselves because WE want to be like Kate? Aren't you the one who ran up huge credit card bills because you wanted to go on the same vacations as Kate, you wanted your kids to have the same clothes as the G kids, and you bought all the gear that was product placed on the show? You also posted on numerous "I want to be on reality TV" websites. Call me kooky, but YOU clearly are the one who wants to be like Kate. I don't hate Kate. I dislike her because she sold her kids to the highest bidder in order to make a quick buck. She's a joke. I don't want to be like her, I want to be like me. DH and I worked hard (key word being work) to get to where we are now.
As the others have said, telling us we're jellus of Kate or our dislike of her comes from our own self-loathing, is getting #superold. There were 1,000+ negative comments about Kate after the People article. Those were not from people who all hated themselves. They were from people who have figured out from watching her on TV and from her repeated trashing of the father of her children that she is a despicable person.
Stop the Nitpicking PLEASE said... 75
Just because you are so stringent about when something MUST be done does not mean other people are. Pumpkin carving is fun regardless of the day it is done, unless your child has been so ingrained with the belief that no fun can be had unless it's done on the "right" day, which would be just plain sad.
You are purposely missing the point. No one here said that pumpkin carving should only be done on one particular day. However, the general consensus is that if you are going to carve a pumpkin for Halloween, it ought to be done at some point before Halloween has past. Thus, carving pumpkins for Halloween two days after Halloween is over, is pretty pathetic. Especially if you are an unemployed mother who does very little with your time.
You call it nitpicking, I call it actually caring enough about a holiday to do a few simple things with your kids before the holiday passes. I also call it lazy, indifferent parenting. I also call it a pack of lies, as I don't believe TFW will do any pumpkin carving (with or without the kids), because she never does anything.
To whoever described using a drill to poke holes in their pumpkin - I saw that suggestion on some website this year and I did the same thing, except I just used a nail and a light tap of the hammer. I drew on the design I wanted first, then poked the holes. It was a lot of fun.
Auntie, can I come too? I can address my Christmas cards from last year! And I have some marshmallow Peeps left over from Easter, I will bring them and some sangria!
Auntie, I want to join your party, too.
I have some dented New Year's horns. I think the crepe streamers are kinda' frayed looking. But, we could still use them to make noise and annoy each other!
Yes Joy, please do come. Everyone is welcome!
If we roast your marshmallow peeps with peanut butter cups and graham crackers will that make Sh'meeps? or Sh'muts?
As, I posted earlier: I think,Kate was expecting to be on the View this year like, last year. It did not happen. Since her show was canceled, Kate has managed to be away from the kids on Halloween, for her own Trick or Treat, not caring that the kids should be out there doing it, just so she was important. This time she actually had to deal with the kids.
I do remember her saying that on one of the early shows, they did not celebrate Halloween, but then TLC, had her do it for ratings. Even decorating for Halloween, it was not something they did. Did it not seem strange how, Kate always makes the holidays a CHORE! As in it is such a chore to do. Kate puts very little effort into it.(remember Xmas, half lighted tree, nothing else on it) And if she does, it is not her doing it, with TLC, they had a stylist do it, Kate by herself, hired help. I do not remember Kate ever doing or making or finishing any craft worthy project, that she actually started on either show. Lots of talk, screaming, yelling nothing else.
As for doing Halloween after the holiday, it loses it meaning. After 10/31, down comes the Halloween stuff, up goes the Thanksgiving stuff with the fall. For me, after my brothers b-day, on 12/8, Xmas goes up. And that stays till the 3 kings Jan 6th.
What do you guys do?
Oh Dmasy, those will make a great addition to our decorations. The tatterered the better. We'll glue and glitter the horns, too. Fun times!!
We'll show TFW what a real party looks like!
getofftwitter - I usually TRY to get the tree up the first week of December. I am not always successful.
I agree, after the holiday, the pumpkin carving seems meaningless. And we all know how much Kate loves the pumpkin mess. I'll bet she's going to find a way to get out of it.
Millicent: I can't see Kate even letting her kids carve any pumpkins. The fact during the episode on JK8, where she almost had a hissy fit about carving pumpkins, and before Jon & kids were done, she was bitching, about the mess and started to roll the table cover, trying to clean up. So I find it unlikely, she would even let them do that.
I also noticed, no pics, and no pics she had promised. Hey, what happen to her yearly fall, family photo shoot? What happen, did the Photo person, not give her a discount or maybe did not want to be paid in eggs(snark!)?
As for doing Halloween after the holiday, it loses it meaning. After 10/31, down comes the Halloween stuff, up goes the Thanksgiving stuff with the fall. For me, after my brothers b-day, on 12/8, Xmas goes up. And that stays till the 3 kings Jan 6th.
What do you guys do?
My Halloween decorations are coming down this weekend. I'll leave the one intact pumpkin out for a bit.
Turkey Day flag goes up.
Christmas decorations go up right after Turkey Day and come down the weekend after New Years.
Two Christmas trees, lots of decorations and lights outside.
Auntie Ann -- May I come too? I have a chocolate Easter Bunny I can contribute to the feasting. I found it in the back of a cupboard I was cleaning out (That's what happens when you're too short to see all the way back in your cupboards, LOL). The bunny is big enough for all of us to have a bit of stale chocolate. I claim the ears, though.
Fidosmommy -- this is late, but I'm praying for your health to remain stable. I agree with the other posters here. If you feel well enough to do the work and your employer is willing to make those accommodations just to keep you, then you shouldn't feel guilty about keeping the job. It sounds like you are a valued employee and still have a lot to contribute to the company. Besides, it's good for you to have something like a job where you can feel useful and keep your mind active. Best of luck to you.
But are you telling Miss Organized couldn't fit in pumpkin carving when she had a full month to do so?
Exactly, nitpicking. I have no issue with changing things up if there is a real reason for it - military families, illness, extended families getting together. As a matter of fact, my own family will be having Thanksgiving differently this year, on another day, because of schedule/travel conflicts. But to give that slack to a slacker who has all month, and a pretty damn work free schedule the same of kind of consideration, nope. She has a history of doing things like this out of pure and utter laziness. So, yes, perhaps some 'nitpicking' about pumpkin carving, but for good reason.
Now, back to addressing last year's holiday cards.
I think the reason TFW makes the holidays so hard is because she can't stand seeing the kids enjoy themselves. She has to make it look like she's supermom. She HAS to do holiday stuff so she looks like she gives a shit. I bet it kills her. If she wasn't try to stay relevant, she wouldn't do a thing. I think it really bothers her to please the kids. We saw this for years...anytime the kids were enjoying themselves and having a good time she would swoop down and suck all the fun away. She would try to make everything about her. What kind of parent gets mad when their kids get some attention? Usually when parents see their kids laughing and smiling you get all warm and fuzzy on the inside. TFW just gets angry and jealous, then that crazy look comes into her eyes. *shiver* I feel so bad for those kids.
I think a certain amount of leeway in when holidays are celebrated is good. Canadian Thanksgiving is on a Monday, and many people have their festive dinner on the Sunday, especially if they are entertaining out of town guests. I remember many tense holidays from my youth, where various extended family members were torn between competing (American) Thanksgiving dinners. How much easier their lives would have been if one side of the family had chosen to have their festive dinner on Friday or Saturday.
On the other hand, Halloween is a "community" holiday. I have heard of communities that celebrate it on a alternate day when it falls on Sunday, but this is announced in advance and applies to the whole community. It doesn't make sense for one house to give out candy on Sunday and the house next door to give it out on Saturday! Or for trick or treaters to come around any day they feel like!
Holiday decorating can be done for a longer or shorter period of time, depending on the holiday, your traditions, and competing events like family birthdays. But a decorating period that doesn't include the actual holiday does seem weird to me. If a holiday is being moved majorly (like having Christmas in March to include a loved one who is overseas) I would be inclined to decorate (and celebrate) twice, once for the actual date and once for the rescheduled date.
Sh'meeps? Sh'muts? 97
Auntie I really needed that laugh.
Count me in -. bringing leftover Halloween candy (from yesterday - sorry). It rained and our numbers were down. Lots of really cute little (2-6 yo,) kids but leftover candy has to go.
Starrz22: Exactly. If I had kids, they would be first and center of attention. I would be the camera mom. I do this with my pets. Trying to take a pic of my fishes. I remember my dad, always with a camera, right next to my mom, both beaming, watching my brother & I having fun and sometimes both would join in. But for my parents it was not about them it was about us kids, cause we would be little only once, adulthood is forever. I don't ever recall my parents, snuffing the fun & joy out of anything we were in(events or holidays). Kate always makes anything with her kids a CHORE. The kids are a chore. Even the smallest event or normal thing, she always has to be a drama queen and it is a chore. Kate gets no joy or pride of : this is my kids, aren't they wonderful! No it's my kids did this, then I did this and then it was soo tiring and boring. Just like the time the school had that picnick out door thing, and Kates reaction was: got to be here(probably cause Jon could not get off work), this is so boring. Not enjoying the kids excitement or even enjoying adult convo with other moms. No it was boring, like a waste of her day. Not that she does anything worth while. I guess, it ruin her day and the extra sleep she could have had. BOOHOO!
Bitchy Pants said... 103
''I have a chocolate Easter Bunny I can contribute to the feasting. I found it in the back of a cupboard I was cleaning out (That's what happens when you're too short to see all the way back in your cupboards, LOL).''
Wait a minute. That Easter Bunny is around not because you are too short...but because the cupboards are too high! At least, that is the way I always phrase things. I'm tall enough...a lot of things are too high!
Bitchy Pants said... 103
Auntie Ann -- May I come too? I have a chocolate Easter Bunny I can contribute to the feasting. I found it in the back of a cupboard I was cleaning out
lol! Bitchy Pants. Sure, bring it and you can eat the ears, even if they're turning white with age. This is a celebration of holidays past, present and future. We'll outdo Kate on this one.
I'll even dust off great-Aunt Hilda's Xmas fruitcake.
Oh Dmasy, those will make a great addition to our decorations. The tatterered the better. We'll glue and glitter the horns, too. Fun times!!
We'll show TFW what a real party looks like!
Can we use the glittery Valentine's Day cards as ornaments on the Christmas tree we'll put up in mid-January?
Starz22 said... 105
''I think the reason TFW makes the holidays so hard is because she can't stand seeing the kids enjoy themselves.''
''What kind of parent gets mad when their kids get some attention? Usually when parents see their kids laughing and smiling you get all warm and fuzzy on the inside. TFW just gets angry and jealous, then that crazy look comes into her eyes. *shiver* I feel so bad for those kids.''
I believe you have explained TFW's behavior toward Jon's children exactly. How sick do you have to be in order to be jealous of your own children having a good time, or being the center of attention? Pretty sick, I'd say...and that is precisely how sick TFMJG is!
Thank goodness the children have their father, who laughs with them and is happy when they are happy.
Math girl: totally agree with you. Changing a holiday or b-day, for a sick person, or someone overseas, or a community changing it cause of maybe the weather or disaster or whatever, is one thing. But, Kate who says she is an expect organizer, and is always planning, is home w/o kids for 9 hours during the week and no kids every other weekend, could not have the kids carve pumpkins before Halloween?
Was it last year, after she got home from the View, took only the twins out(or did they go with friends) and bought candy for the rest. Cause, she was a day late and too tire. After the View, Kate could have been back in time to take all the kids TOT. A 2 hour drive to NYC, the View is on in the morning. Kate is full of BS.
Well, come on over! I'll get the glasses out. We can make Valentines, decorate the Xmas tree, wear our Easter bunny ears, eat Thanksgiving turkey, munch on halloween candy and wash it all down with Rumspringa.
I'm there. We'll be so sloshed on Rumspringa that we won't know what holiday it is, and moreover, we won't care.
Vicki Gunvulson of the Real Housewives of Orange County says being on reality TV broke up her family. Interesting that this happens to just about everyone when they sign up to have their private life filmed for total strangers consumption. Shocking? Nah.
I am in my 30s as is my brother. I was divorced not too long ago, no kids. My mom still loves to give Christmas presents from Santa, wrap stockings for us and our holidays are still the same from when we were little. When we have kids I know it will change, but until then, my mom still fusses over us. Parents always fuss over their children. We tell her it's not necessary, but I know it gives her the joy so we all go along. Now that I am mommy to my puppy, he gets very spoiled. And he doesn't even get it!
Ally said... 116
Ally, I'm the same way with my adult children. Everything has always been the same for them and they wouldn't have it any other way. It makes me so happy to make them happy. I also have them over to decorate sugar cookies just like when they were little. We've done it every year.
Twitter picture of Jon, his girlfriend, and others at the airport today.
Susie Cincinnati said... 114
I'm there. We'll be so sloshed on Rumspringa that we won't know what holiday it is, and moreover, we won't care.
Ha! Yep, we'll be "highly" disorganized....
Bitchy Pants 103 said...
That's what happens when you're too short to see all the way back in your cupboards, LOL
I hear you, BP. :-)
Wasn't that Kate's rationale for putting in new cabinets in her kitchen after they had moved in to the "mansion"? I seem to recall an episode where she complained about how the cabinets didn't have pull out shelves and she couldn't find anything.
TFW reminds me of my DIL. If there is any fun being had,it needs to STOP. Right now. There will be NO FUN.
Drives her crazy when I laugh with the kids about silly things. They must sense it because they get so excited when I start laughing with them. Then we all start laughing and all end up getting into trouble.
I think too tall cabinets are a huge flaw in a kitchen too but she seemed very ungrateful to bellyache about it. Not everything has to go on T.V. It seemed like a conversation better done privately off camera. But that's classic Kate, no filter about how ungrateful she is or at least SOUNDS.
Jon looks so much happier these days. That spark about him is back. I'm happy for him he seems to have found a new peace.
A 2 hour drive to NYC, the View is on in the morning. Kate is full of BS.
Maybe in a perfect traffic-free world. I've never done it in less than 3 1/2 hours. Depending on the time of day, traffic is murder on the GW Bridge and Lincoln Tunnel.
Math Girl 106:
My family often has celebrated Thanksgiving on Friday due to work conflicts with various family members. I agree, flexibility is important. What is important is spending time together not the day you do it.
I'll even dust off great-Aunt Hilda's Xmas fruitcake.
The one from Christmas, 1957? Bring it on. Time to retire it as a door stop...
Math Girl 106:
My family often has celebrated Thanksgiving on Friday due to work conflicts with various family members. I agree, flexibility is important. What is important is spending time together not the day you do it.
I don't see any problem with that. And you're not celebrating on a different day because you're lazy or disorganized. There is a legitimate reason because of work.
Again, Halloween is a community holiday like no other. It all leads up to the 31st when neighbors all come together knocking on each others doors. As Millicent said, it makes no different whether you carve pumpkins any time leading up to that, but it does need to be done before the holiday is passed so they can be ready for that big day of community.
Barring very good reason, it should be done before the 31st. I have never in my life ever heard of anyone carving pumpkins AFTER. Never. But Christmas and Thanksgiving, yes I've heard of that all the time.
There is more flexibility with holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas where it's always a long weekend. Halloween is often on a weekday and there is never a long weekend or week of celebration when kids don't have school. Indeed Halloween was on a Thursday this year with school the next day. Once it's over, it's done and over, it's back to school and Thanksgiving becomes the next season immediately. There is no Halloween season that bleeds past the date like other holidays may.
Socially, it's also important the kids are taking part when every other kid is taking part. This is not a quiet family celebration. It is a community celebration where kids enjoy each others costumes, share food and candy, share about their pumpkins, go to festivals together, and so on. It does a child no good to restrict them from all that until after it's all done and over with. There are a few other day specific holidays like July 4th, or St. Patrick's day, or out here Cinco de Mayo, where you usually really do need to be ready for everything on that day or you'll probably miss out. It won't kill kids, but repeatedly doing that to them isolates them from community and sends them the message that holidays are only for US, and that enjoying the community aspect of it is not of interest.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 122
Jon looks so much happier these days. That spark about him is back. I'm happy for him he seems to have found a new peace.
He looks great. He's moved on and I think that grinds Kate's grits.
He's happy in a long term relationship and she's still hanging out with a married man.
Also this is not the first time Kate has messed with a holiday's date for selfish reasons. Aunt Jodi described in detail how the children were lied to about Christmas in order to get authentic reactions out of that. That I find wrong. If you want to change up Christmas whatever, but don't lie to them.
Tucker I agree. I have noticed that for years about Kate. I don't believe she's happy. There is a flatness behind her smile and eyes. She looks worn down. All this hate for her children's father has ground her down. Jon looks healthy and happy. I think he's removed a lot of worry and stress from his life. He even explained how he's stopped stressing about some of the things he used to with Kate and has let a lot of things they used to fight about go. He strikes me as someone who has probably been to therapy or maybe a life coach and gotten his priorities straight. Whatever it was, he's a different guy. I wish the same for Kate.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 22m
@Kateplusmy8 Here's hoping the day comes soon...that U can tell the #UntoldStory...If people ONLY KNEW what you go through....
Last stage of Celebrity Worship Syndrome.
She (or he) is nuts.
@Kateplusmy8 Here's hoping the day comes soon...that U can tell the #UntoldStory...If people ONLY KNEW what you go through....
Last stage of Celebrity Worship Syndrome.
This IS nuts. Kate's run her mouth for years. She's said everything she's going to say. The untold story was already told. By Robert. But I guess you can shut down any criticism with nonsense like "if only you knew what really goes on." Come off it.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 125
Also this is not the first time Kate has messed with a holiday's date for selfish reasons. Aunt Jodi described in detail how the children were lied to about Christmas in order to get authentic reactions out of that. That I find wrong. If you want to change up Christmas whatever, but don't lie to them
My ex and I split Christmas. One has her Eve til noon, then the other from noon on, alternating yearly. When my daughter was small if it was not my eve/morning, Santa would come a week early. I didn't tell her Chrismtas was early, just that Santa was coming to our apartment early and again to her dad's on Christmas. I would never have Santa come later, though. Good grief.
Local I think that's very nice. You didn't lie to your daughter and tell her it was Christmas (then have her confused at her father's on Christmas). You simply explained Santa came early to mommy's. I imagine many split families do the same. You did that for your daughter so that the split would be positive.
Again, the filming thing was done to USE the children and get GOOD FILM. Wrong.
AuntieAnn - I've got a couple of loaves of Irish soda bread and a Panettone in the freezer. I'll bring them both. However, I need to probably contact TFW to find out if I need to thaw them before we slice them.
If people ONLY KNEW what you go through....
Well gee whiz Milo. If YOU know so much why don't YOU write a book about your sweetie Kate then?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 132
Local I think that's very nice. You didn't lie to your daughter and tell her it was Christmas (then have her confused at her father's on Christmas). You simply explained Santa came early to mommy's. I imagine many split families do the same. You did that for your daughter so that the split would be positive.
Again, the filming thing was done to USE the children and get GOOD FILM. Wrong
I also just dropped her off at the hospital to meet her new half sister after stopping off and buying some baby gifts. Congratulated her dad, went on my way. See, TFW, that's how it's done.
So Milo knows what TFW goes through? Yet if TFW is twitter absent for a day she's asking what's up? Please. Milo, YOU tell us what she goes through! What does she go through? Besides nannies I mean.
Vicki Gunvulson of the Real Housewives of Orange County says being on reality TV broke up her family. Interesting that this happens to just about everyone when they sign up to have their private life filmed for total strangers consumption. Shocking? Nah.
I watched the first several seasons of this one, and I also sometimes watch Bev. Hills and NYC. The others I haven't seen. I think Vicki is right the show put a strain on them. But I also think Vicki has a HOST of issues which mostly relate back to low self esteem she tries to overcompensate for with her money and spending, working to an absurd amount, attacking the other girls, and being loud and obnoxious. She's a real wreck and I think always was or has been for awhile. Which brings up a good point, someone like that probably should never be allowed to go on a reality show. They are already in a rather fragile state and this just made her worse. She was kind of admirable in the beginning what with her business success, now she's a mess.
I like Vicki's daughter. She has her head on straight. She has to basically "mother" Vicki, which is sad. Vicki was with a terrible boyfriend recently and her daughter had to forbid him from being around her and her baby and husband.
I also just dropped her off at the hospital to meet her new half sister after stopping off and buying some baby gifts. Congratulated her dad, went on my way. See, TFW, that's how it's done.
That is heartwarming to hear and from what I understand, the norm. No matter how much someone might dislike their ex, that is their child's sibling. Why could you come between something as wonderful as a sibling relationship? I cannot even imagine how TFW would deal with it if Jon ever had another child.
I think it's kind of funny Milo implying poor put upon Kate she has gone through SO MUCH. Obviously implying Jon.
Meanwhile Jon's minding his own business at some airport smiling like a normal happy go lucky guy with his girl meeting folks and just having a good day. My goodness he really looks like a guy who is putting Kate through the wringer at the moment.
This idea in their heads of Jon plotting away day after day to make his evil plan to bring Kate down work just has never panned out in reality. Heck he doesn't even have a hammer on his belt in the pic, how's he going to nail a coffin all weekend? I'm not sure they even let you bring hammers and nails on planes.
What a bitch!
Great Minds Quotes @GreatestQuotes 1h
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." - Maya Angelou
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Well gee whiz Milo. If YOU know so much why don't YOU write a book about your sweetie Kate then?
lol!! And each page would be sealed with a kiss...red lipstick marks on every corner!
AuntieAnn - I've got a couple of loaves of Irish soda bread and a Panettone in the freezer. I'll bring them both. However, I need to probably contact TFW to find out if I need to thaw them before we slice them.
Didn't you bake the bread in the bread machine? It slices it while it's baking.
Great Minds Quotes @GreatestQuotes 1h
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." - Maya Angelou
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Oh for goodness sake, the drama. What Kate? If it's giving you that much agony just tell it. Set the record straight. Stop hiding behind "if only you knew." It's a cop out.
Great Minds Quotes @GreatestQuotes 1h
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." - Maya Angelou
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Maybe she's alluding to Purse Boy...
Robert has a new post.
Tucker's Mom said... 146
Tucker's Mom is naughty :)
Oh for goodness sake, the drama. What Kate? If it's giving you that much agony just tell it. Set the record straight. Stop hiding behind "if only you knew." It's a cop out.
Just poop or get off the pot. You, too, Milo.
None of us, nor Jon, can be held responsible for what goes thru TFW's head, and what is her reality!
The " untold story" is only worth telling if it is based in facts.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 127
Math Girl 106:
I think a certain amount of leeway in when holidays are celebrated is good. Canadian Thanksgiving is on a Monday, and many people have their festive dinner on the Sunday, especially if they are entertaining out of town guests. I remember many tense holidays from my youth, where various extended family members were torn between competing (American) Thanksgiving dinners. How much easier their lives would have been if one side of the family had chosen to have their festive dinner on Friday or Saturday.
Silimom 125...
My family often has celebrated Thanksgiving on Friday due to work conflicts with various family members. I agree, flexibility is important. What is important is spending time together not the day you do it.
Admin, the comment you quoted was mine, not Math Girl's. I was simply agreeing with her that leeway is needed.
I also agree that a holiday like Halloween or the Fourth of July or Memorial Day don't really apply to the leeway rule, imo. Unless, as someone mentioned before, the whole community agrees to celebrate Halloween, etc. on a different day, it's kind of pointless to do it the day after, again imo.
I have to wonder if Halloween is something Kate didn't celebrate in her family, given that her father was a pastor, and it may have been something she did because Jon insisted and then later it was a good storyline for the show. Now that she's divorced, she may not give it as much of a priority. I don't know one way or the other, I'm not defending her, I'm just speculating.
You know what? If Kate wants to write a book telling her side of the story, she's more than welcome to. She can self publish it, just like Robert Hoffman did.
Cripey, I really hate her passive agressive tweets. She's just mad that Jon is being interviewed by Oprah and she's not. She must have left a bad taste in Oprah's mouth when she was on her show years ago is my only explanation. That or Jon's lawyer arranged it, which is possible too.
Cripey, I really hate her passive agressive tweets.
God so do I. Passive aggressive to an absurd degree. Jon is controlling the narrative and since he's telling the truth and shutting down her lies, she finally has no easy way to weasel her way out of it. It sure was a lot easier when Jon wouldn't blow her cover. So she has to resort to this ridiculous cop out nonsense "well I would LIKE to set the record straight but I can't-- BUT if only you know what I know!" She has played this card for years and it's old. It is a simple and convenient way to cop out from ever having to answer any legitimate criticism that ever comes your way. No one is buying it but Milo and a few other sheep. To everyone else it's obnoxious.
So, Jon is (or was) headed to LA (sorry if this has been discussed) Guess that is the last minute change of plans. TFW was trying to hint that she is the long suffering exwife of someone who changes his custody weekend but instead came across as someone who can't plan pumpking carving. IOW she never planned to carve pumpkins in the first place
joeblack @eojsemaj 15h
California here I come
joeblack @eojsemaj 12h
Jon from "Jon and Kate plus 8" is sitting in front of me on this @USAirways flight
Reply Retweet Favorite More Expand
joeblack @eojsemaj 6h
Was a shooting at LAX. They grounded my plane in Phoenix+won't tell us how long we will be here or if we can get off plane @USAirways wtf
joeblack @eojsemaj 6h
Jon gosselin in coach ballon pic.twitter.com/whWZotyaoU
joeblack @eojsemaj 5h
Now Jon gosselin is sitting next to me at the bar, we wait for our flight. To much of a bitch to sneak another picture. Dudes got 8 kids ha
joeblack @eojsemaj 3h
My dad and Jon gosselin, plus a cool guy from Boston and Jon's gf #amazing pic.twitter.com/lTa2OnlHd5
joeblack @eojsemaj 3h
Also after we got distracted by Jon gosselin this whole time , jimmy Rollins is sitting first class !!!
joeblack @eojsemaj 32m
J+8 is cool as shit fuck Kate hahaha
joeblack @eojsemaj 5m
All my tweets about hanging out with J+8 have been retweeted and favorited by people I don't know.....
I have to wonder if Halloween is something Kate didn't celebrate in her family, given that her father was a pastor, and it may have been something she did because Jon insisted and then later it was a good storyline for the show. Now that she's divorced, she may not give it as much of a priority. I don't know one way or the other, I'm not defending her, I'm just speculating.
I buy that. She may not understand the community aspect of Halloween. She may not understand this idea of everything leading up to the big night on the 31st.
I think this is true of a lot of things for her, even down to raising her children. It's like she understands the motions you're SUPPOSED to go through (carving pumpkins, handing out candy, trick or treating) but doesn't REALLY get the real point behind it or understand those motions on a deeper level. I believe that's possible for sure. Therefore, she wouldn't understand why it's a problem to carve a pumpkin AFTER Halloween. She's carving a pumpkin after all, and that's what you're SUPPOSED to do, right? What's the problem?
She is very detached from normal things that normal people do. I suspect she does not derive the same joy and positivity from such things, which could be due to narcissism or a personality disorder. But I do have to give her a bit of credit for at least trying. That is the first step in trying to improve things. Go through the motions even if you don't feel anything. Do it for your kids' sake, at least.
OH my gosh wow, Jon got diverted because of the shootings. Crazy!
Whatever Jon is up to in LA, I'm sure it's pissing Kate off.
I'm pretty sure it was Jon's PR people who arranged the Oprah interview:
MKS & Associates @MKSandAssocInc 30 Oct
Don't miss Jon Gosselin this Sunday 10pm on Oprah's "Where Are They Now" @OWNTV #wherearetheynow
Maybe Kate should hire his PR firm then! She's puttering around on obscure radio morning shows and some Canadian thing no one here has ever even heard of while he gets Oprah. I realize it's not Oprah herself but it's still her show.
Oh I"m sure Kate LOVES to imply the last minute change in plans was all Jon's fault. More than likely she knew about his trip for ages and just forget, and it's not like she's never taken off for LAX and inconvenienced him. She knows damn well if a media thing happened for HER in LA she would be there in a heartbeat Jon be damned. As I recall he watched the children almost the entire time she was on DWTS and there were pap photos to prove it.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 157
Whatever Jon is up to in LA, I'm sure it's pissing Kate off
I know! Snort. I stumbled upon this when I saw a hater tweet to a sheep that TFW wishes she were there then I followed the trail haha.
BTW I never used the word sheep re TFWs fans until recently. I don't consider her casual fans sheep. I'm talking about the handful of die-hard Jon haters who live on her timeline to either hate on Jon or hate on the haterz.
I have to wonder if Halloween is something Kate didn't celebrate in her family, given that her father was a pastor, and it may have been something she did because Jon insisted and then later it was a good storyline for the show. Now that she's divorced, she may not give it as much of a priority. I don't know one way or the other, I'm not defending her, I'm just speculating.
You know, I can buy that too. She seems to be in a jr high time warp as far as social development, then early marriage and then the TLC faux way of doing things. She really only connects on a very superficial level, and of course, no friends to learn from. It does make sense.
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