Thursday, October 3, 2013

Kate on Bethenny

The pre-taped segment airs today. Check local listings.

364 sediments (sic) from readers:

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URL said... 1

So TFW feels sorry for Jon because he works at real jobs, has a real girlfriend, and has eight kids. What is her excuse for being financially secure, and yet she doesn't even date after being divorced for nearly 4 years and is only in her late thirties? She continues to use the excuse of having eight kids, but somehow Jon, who she feels fake sympathy for and a lawsuit against him, has a girlfriend. Her excuse of not dating or having a boyfriend are really old. She looks so haggard and by now Steve would have left his wife, if he intended to be with her. If she was dating anyone, interviewers would stop asking about her relationship with Jon, but she just continues the charade that no one would date her and she's all alone raising her kids. I call BS to this because basically she is not a nice person, who is still hung up Steve and this has nothing to do with her eight kids. She's desperate for a phony dating show, that isn't going to happen. TFW needs to go into counseling to get over Jon and Steve so she may find some peace of mind to move on beyond both of them. She also needs to accept the fact that she's not going to back to her glory days of being a huge moneymaker for any media outlet.

Tucker's Mom said... 2

Brussels Sprouts Stink said... 194
I just watched the video of TFW on the Marilyn Denis Show. Those are not the fingertips of a woman who constantly cooks, cleans, hauls heavy sacks of chicken feed and dog food and pulls furniture out from the wall to clean some more
Kate's nails are not just her natural nails painted with a French manicure. Haven't been for years. It's at least gel or similar manicure, or tips or silk wrapped nails, all of which are strong and lasting, although can be quite detrimental and destructive to the natural nail.
Natural nails, even "strong" ones, chip and break and are not all perfectly even all the time.
So, don't think Kate's got super duper de-aging, indefatigable nails or she does nothing that she claims to do (could be close though). She's getting a lot more done than a standard manicure is all.
It's sort of like veneers. Looks terrific and polished on the fake surface, but underneath, there's coke whore teeth (Kathy Griffin!).

Katykat said... 3

She's too old for that dress.

Dmasy said... 4

Tucker's Mom, 2 -- thanks for the manicure tutorial.

I know someone who has "elegant" nails. Perfect all the time. She gestures A LOT!

One day, I asked how often she got a manicure. She spilled a horror story of what her "real" nails looked like. She described something paper thin, yellowed and mis-shaped. She said that she was committed to the fake nail because there was literally nothing left to return to.

I garden and don't have a not-a-housekeeper. My nails are more, shall we kindly say, natural.

Tucker's Mom said... 5

Katykat said... 3
She's too old for that dress.
October 3, 2013 at 4:23 AM
How many times has she done interviews on TV? Come on! The dress is way too short and rides up into crotch-baring territory. You can't not know this with that amount of experience.

Tucker's Mom said... 6

I know someone who has "elegant" nails. Perfect all the time. She gestures A LOT!
Sounds familiar!
I've got pretty nice nails, but keeping them all the same length is a challenge. I've gotten gel manicures before, but it takes months for my nails to recover, so it's just not worth it.
If I need my manicure to last a few days, I just touch up chips myself because I always bring my own polish, just for that reason.
I can also get away with a light pink/natural nail polish color on my own. Darker colors, I just don't have the steady hands for! But, it gets me by.
DH and I were away for a couple days recently (a little shore getaway and a wedding) and I marveled at how clean my nails stayed without dogs around to pet! Normally, I'm scraping underneath the nails at least once a day!
My MIL has had fake nails (not sure what process she gets done because it still confuses me) for many, many years, and she simply can't go back. Her nails are ruined.

capecodmama said... 7

Why are they so far apart on the couch? Does TFW have cooties?

Tucker's Mom said... 8

Question-- I read an article on ROL about RHONYC Alex McCord (and Jill Zarin) turning down a reunion show on Bethenny, because Bethenny offered them only $400 to appear.
McCord said it's not even SAG rates and less than Union scale.
So, do these reality stars qualify for actor status as SAG and Union members?
I thought these talk shows didn't pay their guests? Maybe some do?
I makes me wonder if Kate's a SAG and Union member, or if the kids are or could be.
Anyone have insight?

Marie said... 9

She's too old for that dress.

I thought the dress was cute but too short.


Vanessa said... 10

If there had never been a reality show, Jon and tfw would have divorced eventually-no doubt-just would have taken longer. The reason I feel she hasn't been able to sink her fake talons into another male victim is because she's been exposed. She can't lure anyone in with fake sweetness, her deceptive self, the person we all saw at the very beginning. We all had a weird feeling about her, little things that made us go wha??? And then the real her was exposed in all it's gruesome glory. Had it not been played out for the world to see, she'd have another poor poor victim to destroy, and then, on to the next. Who would question her sincerity or her woe is me persona if she wasn't infamous? Who would know right from the get go that she's batsh*t crazy? The world knows it because of the tv show

URL said... 11

I believe TWF's dress is so short because she's still desperate for a some network to put her on a dating show. She wants that crotch baring look to entice someone, anyone to notice her. Same garbage over and over. No one wants to date her because of her eight kids, so she needs a dating show. Oh, and if anyone is interested her kids will appear for a price. She may as well appear on the price is right, she can auction her kids off if the price is right.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 12

I had acrylics on my nails for about six months based on urging from a friend of mine who loved hers. The first time one fell off, I was appalled at how bad my real nail looked, but I went back a few more times. Finally, I said enough and stopped. That was four years ago. My nails recovered pretty quickly, but I would never do it again. Dmasy's friend sure is a cautionary tale! I, too, think natural and real is better.

TLC stinks said... 13

Correct about the never ending manicures. No doubt Kate's natural nails are ruined. The constant hand flapping with those nails is very distracting. Maybe that's the distract the listener from the lies she says?

I do not understand how Bethany ever got a talk show. These dumb daytime shows are trash. I guess networks think women have nothing better to do than listen to yakking by these skeleton thin, long haired divas.

Nobody knows if Steve and Gina are still together. They could be divorced (married in New Zealand, I believe, so no record here, or could be separated). One thing is for sure, Gina has not visited Kate's for years but Steve has been there (Mr. Smith, Uncle Steve, pizza man). He is definitely considered by Kate a member of the family. If Kate wants a dating show or wants to play the single mom card, she most certainly isn't going to announce she has a boyfriend. Well, we have no hard proof one way or the other unless Robert has emails. I am just going to say that common sense is that there is a relationship, maybe just one- sided, but it exists.

Terri said... 14

You know just when I think I can't despise this woman any more than I already do, she opens her yap and says something truly dumb founding. Who in the world says in one breath how she has empathy for her ex and then in the next says if when the kids get older if they don't want to see Jon that's their business. I guess that could go both ways Kate. But really, who says crap like that. This all out tour to rebuild her image is an epic fail because no matter how hard she may try she just can't keep herself from getting her digs in at Jon.

Harvest Moon said... 15

Kate feels "sadness, empathy and pity" for Jon. So she sues him. What would she do if she hated him? A public tarring and feathering and hanging him out to dry?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 16

Yikes, they're both so terribly thin. It's like watching The Return of the Zombies.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 17

She's too old for that dress.

And too old for the cascades of fake hair around her face.

She can say anything she wants about Jon, like he cares about her fake pity/empathy, but as long as she holds onto her angry feelings, she will always be the same. And as for the poor dateless me card, SHE ended the marriage and her anger is not about losing Jon, but that he ended the show for her. Who wants to date that?

Kate could have been Bethany, they are not a whole lot different, well except for the talent and attiitude parts. So many doors opened for Kate, mostly undeserved, and she systematically slammed them shut, one by one. Who wants to work with this woman?

localyocul said... 18

Terri said... 14
You know just when I think I can't despise this woman any more than I already do, she opens her yap and says something truly dumb founding. Who in the world says in one breath how she has empathy for her ex and then in the next says if when the kids get older if they don't want to see Jon that's their business. I guess that could go both ways Kate. But really, who says crap like that. This all out tour to rebuild her image is an epic fail because no matter how hard she may try she just can't keep herself from getting her digs in at Jon


And who drags someone through a lawsuit if they feel those feelings for them?

TLC stinks said... 19

Kate's hair, as Bethenny, looks ridiculous on women their age. It's kind of like the surprise you get when you walk behind a woman with long, dyed hair, nice legs, and then she turns around. Not attractive. Kate looked her best with short hair and highlights before reverse mullet.

I agree. Kate likes to show off her legs so the short dresses.

Don't know if she had her boobs re- inflated, but if she did, I am sure she consulted Uncle Steve. If tge tummy tuck had not been filmed, she'd deny that too.

Harvest Moon said... 20

I had acrylics on my nails for about six months based on urging from a friend of mine who loved hers. The first time one fell off, I was appalled at how bad my real nail looked, but I went back a few more times. Finally, I said enough and stopped. That was four years ago. My nails recovered pretty quickly, but I would never do it again. Dmasy's friend sure is a cautionary tale! I, too, think natural and real is better.


I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I had acrylics for about 10 years, religiously. Never went without them. When I decided it wasn't worth the bother anymore, I was shocked at how horrible my natural nails were...brittle, paper thin, yellow. I could just about peel them off. I was determined not to go the acrylics route and much to my surprise, they did recover just fine. You'd never know the extent to which they had been destroyed. I think that they are stronger now than they had ever been. I'll never do the fake ones again.

AuntieAnn said... 21

capecodmama said... 7

Why are they so far apart on the couch? Does TFW have cooties?


Bwa ha ha ha ha!!

TFW blathered on about what someone once told her about if you feel sympathy ....? Was she speaking in code that she still loved Jon an itsy bitsy bit? That's what I took from whatever she was saying. I think

I'm sorry but when Kate starts talking all I can hear is Snoopy's muted trumpet voice.

capecodmama said... 22

I doubt TFW even knows what the word empathy means. As for Kate saying if the kids decide when they get older they don't want to see Jon, I agree with Terri...14, it goes both ways. How will TFW spin it if the kids decide when they get older they don't want to see her or they don't want to live with her. Jon has said he and the kids know the truth. TFW can throw out whatever spiel she wants. Doesn't mean it's true.

Tucker's Mom said... 23

The reason I feel she hasn't been able to sink her fake talons into another male victim is because she's been exposed. She can't lure anyone in with fake sweetness, her deceptive self, the person we all saw at the very beginning.
I get what you're saying, but I have to disagree a bit and here's why:

Lot of guys would bang her.

Sorry to be so blunt, but it's true. She's turned into a Barbie, boobs and all and some guys really go for that. Kate can be as coquettish as they come, too. We've all seen her flirt and use her dumb California blonde, up-talk voice?.
Guys would date her for the fringe benefits, but I do agree finding a real, good-guy husband will be hard, if not impossible. At least someone who is mature and mentally and emotionally healthy. Those men will run.
No offense to CA blondes, btw.
So yeah, Kate could be dating if she tried. Who knows, maybe she has been but doesn't want to shed her single mom martyr image just yet. Plus, how would Kate get a dating show if she's actively and publicly dating?
Finally, as I've speculated before, I believe Kate gets her testosterone fix via Steve.
"You look great, Kite"
'nuff said.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 24

I had acrylics for some years when my kids were younger. Thought they made me feel a bit glam and told DH it was cheaper than psychotherapy. Plus my own nails do not hold polish well. All that said, they really do limit what you can do even with gloves on. So I also call TFW out as a faker, no way she can get down and dirty with all of those chores. She really does need her 20 hour unemployee for that. Me, I am more than happy with my manicured short nails with only clear polish. And I do plenty inside and outside my house.

Tucker's Mom said... 25

Harvest Moon said... 15
Kate feels "sadness, empathy and pity" for Jon. So she sues him. What would she do if she hated him? A public tarring and feathering and hanging him out to dry?
She'd William Wallace him ;-)

Harvest Moon said... 26

Barbara Gilmer ‏@BarbGilmer 5m

@Kateplusmy8 Zachary reads every night 4 50-60 mins. Guess what book he asked 2read? Ur cook book till Done! He wrote a recipe4school also!


I'm almost afraid to ask this, but how old is Zachary?

Tucker's Mom said... 27

I'm sorry but when Kate starts talking all I can hear is Snoopy's muted trumpet voice.
I call it "word salad". It's just dumped in and tossed about. A big bowl of code-speaka and non-sequiturs.
"Someone once told me it's from love", what? Someone once told me that if I crossed my eyes, they'd stay that way and if I ate sugary candy, I'd get worms.
"Someone once told me" is not an answer.
I hope that Bethany holds Kate to really answer her questions instead of this nonsensical type of retort.

Tucker's Mom said... 28

Kate mentions *again* that Jon changed "overnight"?
That explains NOTHING.
Of course he changed, but so did Kate and way, way more overtly than Jon did.
She became a demanding diva and we've discussed her physical alterations that have left her barely recognizable from the person she used to look like just a handful of years ago.

Amanda, Iowa said... 29

Ive had fake-nails done on me once, about 4 years ago after my mom visited and encouraged me to get some and pay for them. She's had them for years and looooves them. I ended up getting a nice fungus-nail infection under them that ruined 4 of my natural nails, they still look ribbed and weird btw :-( The doctor explained to me that because you get your hands wet all the time while doing house-hold chores it is a perfect feeding-ground for nasties under those I could only sit on the sofa with my feet up all day. There are enough garbage talk-shows on tv to keep you entertained:-)
But I wont be getting those again any time soon! To much to do around the house.

Katie Cry-duh said... 30

Kate hasn't thought her plan through. She sees a tv show as her salvation, something that will make her happy and rich. First off, she won't be happy but a minute because, well, she's not happy. She's still miserable, hateful, petty Kate. And if someone is crazy enough to offer her a show, how long would that last? She'd piss everyone off around her and the audience would protest her continued abuse of her children. I have NEVER seen someone who lacks sadness, empathy and pity more than her. She couldn't care less if her kids or ex-husband are unhappy, in pain, scared or embarrassed. Jon's lawyer has plenty to nail her with in court. Let's bring it on already.

Mel said... 31

Kate mentions *again* that Jon changed "overnight"?

She's brought that up before, especially at the time of the divorce, like she was surprised by it. And she probably was surprised. Jon had been following along for years, and now he wasn't. She was losing her control over him.

And it did seem like all of a sudden Jon had had enough of the filming. So what happened that triggered that? At the time, he was saying on the show that it wasn't healthy for the kids, that they were acting out.

My opinion is that something happened, probably at school, with one or more of the kids. Maybe it was the school calling TFW/Jon and saying, hey! ya gotta do something about these kids...and here's what we suggest.

I can see Jon taking that seriously and TFW telling them to blow it out their ......

Berks Neighbor said... 32

NO need to watch Bethenny. The entire interview is in the clip above...Just watched the show...

LisaNH said... 33

Kate did not answer the question "Where is all the money you made?" She mumbled something about college funds and school then went into the "Jon became a stranger overnight." (paraphrasing).

And didn't Kate say she needed money for the kids' college? Once again she's talking in circles and contradicting herself.

Bella said... 34

Ihave a strong feeling that Bethany is going be very harsh with Kate today. She comes right out with it and is very quick on the draw. Don't think Betany is going to tolerate Kate speaking in code today. Show is just starting now.

Suzee said... 35

So, do these reality stars qualify for actor status as SAG and Union members?

No. Reality tv participants do not qualify for SAG or any other actor's union membership or benefits.

Katie Cry-duh said... 36

It's said that as you age, you look the way you deserve to look. I'd say Kreider is there. What a worn out bitter old hag she is.

Jane said... 37

Terri said... 14
You know just when I think I can't despise this woman any more than I already do, she opens her yap and says something truly dumb founding.


Perfectly stated! There have been (a few) times when I began to feel sympathetic towards her. Raising 8 children isn't easy even with help - I give her that. But then she spews words like empathy for Jon and wants the kids to know that she didn't stand in the way of their relationship with Jon and then turns around and sues him. I mean, really??? Any smidgen of sympathy goes right out the window and my dislike goes deeper than before.

Alberta Girl said... 38

Tucker's Mom said...

Lot of guys would bang her.

I agree. She has that "fantasy" look that some guys like. But I don't think she'll ever find anyone - she's too cold. Sure, she's flirty, etc around men - it's because she likes the attention. But she doesn't know how to relate to men on any other level, except for ordering them around. She doesn't respect any personal relationships (family, ex-husband, kids), so she will never find anyone. Unless, of course, she finds someone as narcissistic as her.

Real relationships are about give and take - with her, it's just take and "gimme".

She also doesn't have any passion - that was clearly evident during her DWTS stint. She has the look of a "sexpot", but doesn't have anything to back it up, IMO.

So, this conversation has just become really weird! LOL!

westcoastie said... 39

I am in agreement with #23 Tucker's Mom: Lots of guys would bang her.

It's what guys do.

However, as far as finding a 'mate'? Not only is her personality and dysfunction out there for anyone with a pea for a brain to see, where is it she goes that she is going to meet Mr. MoneyBags?
Target? The grocery store? The UPS store? Maybe the gas station.
When she is in NY, she's getting her hair done. You don't meet alot of eligible men at a hair salon. Men yes, eligible, no.
It seems she isn't going to church any longer and again, they all know what a cooter bug she is.
So that leaves....wait for it.......THE INTERNET!!!!! And we have all had front row seats to watch how well that's worked for her.
No, sadly, TFW has made her empty bed and will spend the rest of her life wallowing in said bed.
While TFW and Jon both changed over the course of filming, Jon never strayed far from who he was at his core. He knows where he came from and where he's going.
TFW thinks her time on the telly has made her bigger and better than everyone else. Well, except for 'other' movie stars.
She will continue to blame the fact she is alone on the children, because, um, who wants a mom, um, with 8, count 'em, um, 8 kids?
She's alone because of who she is. She is the human equivalent of a leper colony.

Suzee said... 40

... The reason I feel she hasn't been able to sink her fake talons into another male victim is because she's been exposed. She can't lure anyone in with fake sweetness, her deceptive self, the person we all saw at the very beginning...

I agree that's part of it but I also think that TFW has no sense of self and has nothing to offer a new man to make him interested.
When we've seen her interact with new men (the birthday foot licking show comes to mind) her whole introduction was I'm a post-bitter divorcee, woe is me, I'm so overworked, and by the way, I'm a mom of 8.

What common ground would she have with a new man or what would he find interesting about her?
She has no outside interests. She does no interesting activities (or any activities at all). She isn't involved in church or charities. She's awkward, insecure, has poor conversational skills and as you said, her reputation precedes her.
She likes to be on tv. She thinks she has the gift for gab. She thinks she's a good cook. She thinks she's a good author. She's likes to mastermind things. UGH

Jumping In said... 41


She said that looking back, the person she married changed overnight. Did she wake up knowing this the day after her wedding, is that what she is saying?

And, does this woman not have an original thought in her head? "Someone once told her" (translation, "say THIS on Bethenny today, so you look less angry at Jon"). Sadness, empathy and pity for Jon is what she is serving up on Bethenny, but it'll change as the pendulum
swings. My guess is that she was told to look less dismissive of Jon, the father of her 8 children if she wants to get her sorry ass back on television.

Bethenny asked all the superficial, easy-out-type questions, rapid-fire style. Just ONCE, I would like to see someone ask her some hard questions that would require Kate to dig deep for the answer. Dig deep, I just cracked myself up!

Formerly Duped said... 42

Wow, so Kate does not think material things are important? She said school, college and the house are the priorities. Nothing about values or self-esteem or love- the empathy/pity bit was BS. But who is she fooling? She has a mansion, designer clothes, 3 cars, POOL, all the trappings of wealth.And they are important to her.Very much so.

NJGal51 said... 43

I could be wrong, but I think that Bethany asked these questions specifically so TFW could give her new and improved, kinder, gentler answers. He lawyers probably told her to STF up because she wasn't helping her case so she's got a new set of answers for her talking points. This is what she's been coached to say because when left to her own devices she sinks her own ship. I see that she's still only claiming the tummy tuck. I wish that she'd reveal the manufacturer of that "good bra" because I'd sure like to have one to perk my "A's" up a little! I just wish someone would call her out on the boob job and if she still claimed it was a good bra, have her lay on her back, yup, right there on stage, to see if they still stand at attention. Andy Cohen are you listening? Have her on the show again and play are they real or fake. I think TFW wants a shot at a RHO whatever job. She's got the plastic look down.

NJGal51 said... 44

In my previous comment when I talked about real housewives of whatever job I meant to say "divorced housewives of whatever". There are plenty of those around and I'm surprised that it hasn't been made into a show yet.

AuntieAnn said... 45

I am sooo behind the times. I had no idea that the new term for suing your children's father is "fostering the bond". Where's my head been at?

boo said... 46

The notion that Jon is the one that changed is laughable. Look at the two of them now and what they looked like, sounded like, and acted like in the old days. He is virtually the same. She is unrecognizable.

JoyinVirginia said... 47

OT I love the pastel yellow and turquoise color combination on the couch pillows! Not sure about the pink background, that kinda clashes instead of pops.
Meanwhile back in the real world, civilian friend who works on navy submarines and aircraft carriers was determined essential employee, so he can work BUT he won't get paid until after this budget impasse is all settled. Neighbor who works at Library of Congress was jogging yesterday, he is non essential and won't go back to work until after Congress gets their act together. down in OBX, parking places and visitor centers are blocked off at National Park sites. You can still get to the beach off the National Park property, but you have to walk there along the beach from private property. Like you can park in the town of nags Head free beach parking and then walk to the National Park beach area. Even the visitor centers, that are staffed by volunteers, have to be closed under the closure plan.
Hope no one needs a passport any time soon! Last time there was a budget impasse, the standoff lasted twenty one days. I am going to start calling congressional offices to ask them to get rid of their guaranteed for life health care and stop their own salaries to help balance the budget!

Let's throw tomatoes said... 48

Kate has stopped running over Jon with a bus. She is now doing it with a big rig. These are the worst comments she has ever said, from feeling pity ( whaaaat? ) you only feel pity when a person hits rock bottom.
Insinuating that the kids are being forced to have a relationship with him because ????? What the heck does she mean?? What a witch!

Where is the book promotion?? HCI are you listening??

I hope she never gets a show! The only talent she has is..... How to run over your ex-spouse over, and over, and over again.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 49

Katie Cry-duh said... 36
It's said that as you age, you look the way you deserve to look. I'd say Kreider is there. What a worn out bitter old hag she is.


Well said, and thanks for reminding me of that phrase, Katie Cry-duh!

"At fifty, everyone has the face he deserves." --George Orwell

The WOS is well on her way. By fifty...?

Suzee said... 50

From previous thread:
millicent said...
The lady with the green pants, while she seems harmless, would still creep me out. If anyone (male or female) were to stare at me like that, continually try to make conversation with me (when clearly Kate is in the middle of signing other people's books), and otherwise completely disregard societal boundaries - then something is off...

...We go to spring training, we go to regular games and sometimes I'll take him to signings. You pay your money and stand in line for about 5 seconds of time with the player as he signs your baseball or other memorabilia. And then you are whisked out of the way so the next person can have their brief turn. There is no returning to try to strike up a conversation - if you did that, you would be politely escorted off the premises.

When a grown woman doesn't get it - doesn't accept that she had her moment with Kate and now she needs to move on and let others have their brief moment as well, the mental wiring is faulty. For a person like her, clearly Kate does need someone present at signings or other public appearances, just to be a needed barrier.

I think I'm the lone dissenter thinking that TFW and Steve erred in not letting the fan stay and talk. She was at a book fair which is a very relaxed environment. It's a place for fans to talk to authors and for authors to cultivate interest in their books and to interact with fans.

I find it quite different than having a baseball signed where there is a line and the player is there for a limited time. TFW was sitting on her rear end, most likely bored out of her mind with no one waiting to have a book signed. What harm would it have done to talk to green pants - anyone, rather than appear as she did, sitting at her table by herself?

I mentioned on a previous thread that I did art shows/fairs. Of course I loved selling my work, but I did the shows because I loved interacting with the people. I met wonderful people at every single one of the shows, but had I not taken the time to develop a rapport with them and spend time with them I'd not have many of them as good friends today.

I think TFW is missing the PR boat (heck, the whole fleet, lol), but then I don't really expect much more from her anyway. IF she wants to show people she's changed the last thing she should be doing is shooing fans away. She should be up on her feet, greeting people, engaging with them, and drawing them in. But, that's not TFW. She had Steve play keep the fan away instead. You never know who you might meet and the doors that might open because of a chance encounter at a book or art fair.

High Sodium Content said... 51

Just catching up a bite from the previous thread...

Brussels Sprouts Stink said... 194....She has long nails. How does she keep from breaking even one? Does she have her manicurist on 911

Kate has gel or acrylic nails - they are hard as nails. I've had them for years and never wear gloves when cleaning bathrooms, doing dishes etc. Once in a while if you hit them just right one might "pop" off, but they don't usually break, or crack like real nails. No more nails broken to the point of where they hurt. I don't do French, but colored or designed tips and can go 3 weeks or more w/o seeing the regrowth. Polish doesn't chip, I get a gel over the polish.

JR said... 52

She looked incredibly strained, depressed, and tired. Maybe I'm wrong...but I don't think so. Only saw the last half of it where she stated talking about Jon.

NJGal51 said... 53

@brizah2013: @Kateplusmy8 even tho u ddnt admit the rest if surgery i love the new look & ur kids r beautiful
Here's a left handed compliment from a fan. Even they're calling her out on the "tummy tuck only" story.

Lalalalala said... 54

The description of a sociopath. If the shoe fits.....

Marie said... 55

So, this conversation has just become really weird! LOL!
I agree.


chesterctymom said... 56

1. Bethany does not dig tfw

2. tfw is word...yikes...

Gigi Be said... 57

I'm I the only one that's repulsed by Kate Gross-lin's face? It looks like her face is about to crack every time she speaks. And her lips are very thin looking, like an old woman.

AuntieAnn said... 58

Why did she wear her heels on Bethenny, but shuffle around in her loafers on every other show?

The woman is literally a walking contradiction. And I use the term woman loosely.

Dmasy said... 59

Overnight, Jon changed = Jon didn't know how to help her any more.

Ampersmom said... 60

westcoastie said... 39
So that leaves....wait for it.......THE INTERNET!!!!!

Sure because nobody will pull a Catfish on anyone on the Internet

When I saw that side picture of the good bra all I could think about was the move by Disney - Up. That good bra has those girls so lifted they appear to be trying to float. DH saw the picture of her and said if she keeps getting them lifted like that, she could have them do double duty as ear muffs this winter.

thuvia said... 61

Two comments; 1. Kate would never take up with another NPDer. Can you imagine that relationship? " I am the most important one. No I am the most important one. Love me! No love me more!" Persons with NPD seem to be able to seek out compliant mates who just stick with the personality or see the light and change over night. 2. When I was employed as a critical care nurse, the hospital rules on acrylic nails was NO NO NO. At that time a professional journal has written about a neonatal unit that experienced infant deaths and on investigation found the cause to be bacteria from worker's nail beds. When you wash your hands forty times in 12hrs nails get pretty sad looking but healthy babies look better.

NJGal51 said... 62

@_Dollface31498_: @Kateplusmy8 just watched Bethanny and boy you looked good but mean !
Another left handed compliment from another fan.

NJGal51 said... 63

Why did she wear her heels on Bethenny, but shuffle around in her loafers on every other show?
I was going to ask the same question AuntieAnn. I think that this show was pre-taped when she did her NYC media tour last week pre "broken foot".

Amy2 said... 64

Keeping talking Kate, lawyers are most likely listening; if no one else is.

Context Matters said... 65

Formerly Duped said... 43
She said school, college and the house are the priorities. Nothing about values or self-esteem or love- the empathy/pity bit was BS.

She was talking about what she deems important relative to the money earned from the show. It wasn't a general discussion of what is important in life.

Insert Creative Username Here said... 66

Dmasy said... 60
Overnight, Jon changed = Jon didn't know how to help her any more.

I wonder what the catalyst was that did end their marriage. Not that I have a right to know, it's their business, but I'm just curious. It couldn't have been filming, because before their divorce was finalized Jon signed off on another season. Or am I remembering wrong? Does anyone remember what went down?

High Sodium Content said... 67

How can any of Kate's fans think she deserves a talk show or cooking show? Have they not listened to her in any of these appearances. She has not improved one bit from years ago with all the ums and likes. I thought of a way to make her break the habit. For every um she needs to send Jon $100. He'd have money for a home of his own in no time. Or every time she's about to say um or like she must say "Jon."

She does look like she's grown to "DD's" now.

And her recipe measurements are way off. 3 cups of ripe bananas and 1 cup of flour. Most recipes I looked at have 1/2 that much banana to flour ratio. I still don't get the 11 cups of flour to 2 packs of yeast and no resting time for a yeast dough. What's the point of making a yeast dough?

Layla said... 68

TFW has tried every concept she could come up with for a new show--and, apparently, been rejected. She's back to marketing the kids and stressing how much they miss TV. All she has now is the "family of multiples" concept that started all this. At one time, families with HOMs were very much in demand. JK+8, Table for 12, the Masches, the Texas quints, the short-lived show with the NY family with sextuplets, the 6 McGhees. It's been done and done and done again, and people are over it. The mega-multiples trend is over. The mega-family trend is also over, with the one exception of the Duggars. Now, apparently, rednecks are "in". Honey Boo-Boo and Duck Dynasty are on top. TFW's one claim to fame is old, overdone, and stale. If she wants back on TV, she better find something new and interesting. Or she can move down to the deep South (no offense to those who live in the South), take up duck hunting, cook roadkill, and put her girls in pageants. Her choice.

Ingrid said... 69

she could have them do double duty as ear muffs this winter.

Ohh that is a good one LOL!

High Sodium Content said... 70

Regarding the heels, I think this must have been taped last week, the first day she was in NYC when she was still trying to wear heels. She's had the tape on her toes since the weekend before the trip.

SwingsandRoundabouts said... 71

Bethenny said to TFW about Jon: "...he works at a restaurant now as a waiter now, right?..."

I wonder if it frosts TFW just a little to admit what Jon does. After all she married a dentist's son, she was very proud of that fact, and appearances mean everything to her despite her saying the contrary. When the twins were infants she had a sign on their stroller announcing The Gosselin Twins (for their town parade I believe).
The big house she is so proud of, the private schooling for the kids, the pool, the leather sofa, the help, brand name clothing, three cars etc etc., demonstrate that she very much cares about appearances. So I really do wonder if she is just a tad annoyed by Jon's job.

I myself applaud him by the way. He is genuine and authentic while she still lies about her surgeries and the ways in which she herself has changed.

AuntieAnn said... 72

NJGal51 said... 64
I was going to ask the same question AuntieAnn. I think that this show was pre-taped when she did her NYC media tour last week pre "broken foot".

Thanks NJGal.

PatK said... 73

Let's see, her televised show interviews are all done now, right? Well, except the airing of that one taped Canadian show that I believe airs next week--Steve and Chris, or something like that? I know there are some more lowly radio interviews, but it looks like this round of media face time is done.

So...ummmm...what now, Katie? HCI gonna schedule you some more book signings or is this it?

txmom said... 74

Insert Creative Username Here said... 67

Dmasy said... 60
Overnight, Jon changed = Jon didn't know how to help her any more.

I wonder what the catalyst was that did end their marriage. Not that I have a right to know, it's their business, but I'm just curious. It couldn't have been filming, because before their divorce was finalized Jon signed off on another season. Or am I remembering wrong? Does anyone remember what went down?
Well, not specifically...but hey, he'd been living in the apt for months (did he ever live in the house? I doubt it).
Face it, kk was a biotch, he wasn't *ahem* getting 'any', and what 30something yr old married man would be happy with that? not many!

He probably woke up one morning, and said, enough is enough. He wanted to go for marital counseling, kk refused.
So what's he supposed to do, be miserable for the rest of his life?

It's better to have two happy (okay, in this instance, one, lol) divorced parents than two miserable married ones.

Anonymous said... 75

Did I hear that right? She 'gives' the children the 'opportunity' to see their father?

Are any fans expressing concern/empathy about that "broken" foot?


AuntieAnn said... 76

Context Matters said... 66

Formerly Duped said... 43
She said school, college and the house are the priorities. Nothing about values or self-esteem or love- the empathy/pity bit was BS.

She was talking about what she deems important relative to the money earned from the show. It wasn't a general discussion of what is important in life.


Context would matter if she'd answer the question to the point and truthfully.

Notice how she skimmed over the question of money very quickly and started right into the subject of divorce and how Jon changed overnight? Obviously she wanted to bash Jon after she'd learned he was on the View.

Tucker's Mom said... 77

To wit:

"where exactly is Stouchsburg? Wow,that's pretty weak.As for Kate,I'd hit that hard.
— MilesLong1

OK, gotta say, the poster's name freaks me out a bit too, but yeah, she's bangable in many a mans' eyes.

Michelle said... 78

I don't remember ever seeing her neck break out in the red, nervous blotches like they did in last year's Katie Couric interview or the Bethanny video. Seems weird that the longer she has been "in the business" this is becoming an issue. Seems like something you might struggle with initially, but would resolve as you become more comfortable in front of cameras.

Tucker's Mom said... 79

He probably woke up one morning, and said, enough is enough. He wanted to go for marital counseling, kk refused.
So what's he supposed to do, be miserable for the rest of his life?
Jon has related the story about his putting his foot down and going out with his friends finally, after years of being told by Kate that time with his friends and family was time away from his family.
Jon just said, "I'm going". He wasn't the same man-child she married, controlled, manipulated and generally led around by the nose, doing whatever bidding she wanted.
Is this earth shattering to most marriages? Certainly not. In fact, my DH needs more "guy time", but it's hard when friends have kids etc. I always encourage him to maintain his friendships and we strive to visit and be visited by family as much as possible.
So, back to Kate...can you imagine Kate's reaction to Jon wanting some freedom? Can you fathom her anger when he just up and left the house to spend time with his friends?
Think about Kate's reaction to Jon going into Philly to grab lunch with his coworkers ONE day.
Think Fat Man + Little Boy, but bigger.
"This is the worst day in history!"
"Weak boy!"
"Bad father, bad example!"
"Why am I sooooooooo unloved!"

No wonder the man lied to her! Look at her hysterical reaction. How dare Jon defy her.
Jon was damned either way. 'Scuse my French, but fuck it, he might as well have some fun and enjoy it while he could, knowing the unholy shit storm that was going to rain down upon him when his wife got wind of his horrible lunch shenanigan.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 80

How can any of Kate's fans think she deserves a talk show or cooking show? Have they not listened to her in any of these appearances.


Of course they have. But here's the thing. They don't know any better. For them, the bar is set low. It's what they know. To them, she probably sounds very good. Same goes with her writing. They think she's a fabulous writer. Look at their spelling, grammar, writing style. Many of them still can't conjugate the verb, "saw." They consider her to be a wonderful writer because to them, she is just that!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 81

No more nails broken to the point of where they hurt.


I guess I'm just too hard on nails. I remember breaking acrylics and when you hit them just right and they break so far deep down that your real nail underneath bleeds, it can hurt like a, well, insert word there. Unbelievable pain!

URL said... 82

I believe Jon was sleeping in the basement of their old house prior to moving into their new home because their marriage already ended (at least the physical and emotional part). So this was at least five years ago, and everyone should believe that TFW has remains celebate all this time? New boobs, a new body and a constant male companion who poses as her bodyguard, but she has no interest and doesn't date because of her kids. A blizzard came by her house today and left 2 feet of snow.

AuntieAnn said... 83

I think Jon and his former wife are having quite a dispute over this college fund issue. In the last week they've both brought it up. I put money in the college fund. NO, I put money in the college fund.

Is there money missing from it or something? Was it ever in there in the first place?

Dmasy said... 84

Her reaction (in the journal) to his lunch out and the credit card charges was off the charts crazy.

I remember reading the "sooooo unloved" part.

Major disconnect. Her brain is wired in a curious pattern.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 85

Suze: Yes, it was a book fair and more casual. However, the "author" isn't a normal person. She's hated by many. Green Pants got her signature, but kept returning. Steve didn't know who she was or what she wanted. An obsessed fan or an obsessed hater? Who knows what she might have done? Pulled a gun? Monopolized Kate to the point where they'd have to physically remove her? My guess is that they just didn't want it to come to that and therefore, you eliminate the problem before it even goes that far.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 86

Lot of guys would bang her.


Speaking of which, where is Irish Creeper and the Wrestler Person?

High Sodium Content said... 87

Fleecing the Sheeple - that sounds painful. When I used to break my real nails that would always seem to happen below the white, sometimes I would use crazy clue just to get them to grow out a bit for a few days. I've broken the tips of the nails, but not far down, usually they'll pop off on me or I get tired of them, take them off for a few days, then go get a new set. I don't keep them "dragon" length. I've gardened, etc., tried to use gloves then, my mother used to yell at me, LOL that I should to protect my rings.

Formerly Duped said... 88

Context Matters said... 66

Yes, she was asked a question about money but here was a chance to say the things that really matter and paint a better picture of herself. such as, 'yes, we made a lot of money , but the things that matter more are (insert health, happiness etc)...we are comfortable and can pay for school, college and out home.' And yes, she did skip the financial question quickly, I agree,

NJGal51 said... 89

However, the mother-of-eight says that despite their strained past, she claims the former duo is moving forward. "Without going in too much detail, we are making the best of it," she shared. "I definitely want [the children] to know that I did not want to hinder or stand in the way of that relationship with him."
Moving forward? As in moving forward with the lawsuit? I do think the the lawyers put a gag order on TFW since this is not the song she was singing a couple of weeks ago. She hasn't severed ties with BV because she retweeted them yesterday. Ah yes, someone has told her to tone it down because everything she'd said previously just gave Robert's and Jon's lawyers more ammunition. TFW is so transparent.

Tucker's Mom said... 90

I agree Green Pants sounded creepy and it's unsettling to see someone skulk around in your general vicinity.
Normally, one can read others' reactions and if Kate was otherwise engaged or not making overtures or showing open body language that said "hey, come over and talk to me", then it's time to move on.
Obviously, Green Pants did not and that's peculiar behavior that would get my antennae up.

Insert Creative Username Here said... 91

Tucker's Mom, you reminded me of something. Do you remember the episode where Jon was basically sitting at a computer saying that it was his home office, and that Kate wanted him home more or something? I don't remember what he said, but I do remember thinking, "So Kate left him with the kids while she goes traveling!". It was in the new house.

If there marriage was over before the new house (which I think it was), then I don't doubt that the marriage "contract" where they pretend they were married for the show was real. Jon all of a sudden stopped doing the media tours (I remember Kate excused it away as it wasn't "his thing"), but then left him home with the kids. If that wouldn't create a bigger rift between them than I don't know what would.

And anyway, interesting, I wonder what made Jon finally get a backbone? I wonder if it was his family. I believe he grew up, despite his parents divorce, in a tight knit family, to not be around them might have broke him. That and being screamed at for spending money and not using coupons by the wife that spends money on hair, nails, tanning, clothes, etc...

URL said... 92

If Green Pants was such a threat or a possible danger to TFW, why didn't Steve frisk her since he's a bodyguard? If he doesn't carry a gun for TFW's protection, wouldn't he at least carry a device similar to what is used at airports? I don't know what TFW is paying Steve for if she needed four additional security guards to escort her from that book fair.

Hoosier Girl said... 93

Layla said... 69
Or she can move down to the deep South (no offense to those who live in the South), take up duck hunting, cook roadkill, and put her girls in pageants. Her choice.
Hilarious Layla!

I'm a bettin' I know someone down south who'd LOVE to have WOS move in!

localyocul said... 94

So is that it? Is that the last of her appearances? Now she can go home, put her broken toe up and wait for the calls to roll in for a tv show?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 95

What in the heck is this sheeple pestering Kate and Milo about? She wrote a book? Milo, as the Chief Ewe, is now the middleperson between fans and Kate? When they latch on, it's hard to extricate them. I guess they aren't aware of just how annoying they can be.

Nicole Gould ‏@nicolergould 32m
@MiloandJack do you know if Kate got my twitter from Steve? She asked me for it but gave wrong 1 so gave right 1 to Steve! Gave her my book!

Nicole Gould ‏@nicolergould 36m
@Kateplusmy8 did you get my real twitter from Steve?? :) ;) haha Please RT!!! :)

Nicole Gould ‏@nicolergould 2 Oct
@Kateplusmy8 could I get a testimonial from u for my book please?? Trying to promote it and get it recognized!! Thx so much!! Xo love u!!

Nicole Gould ‏@nicolergould 1 Oct
@Kateplusmy8 I gave Steve a note with my twitter on it! Ha! I gave u the wrong 1 bec I was shaking!!! Let me no what u think of my book!! :)

Hoosier Girl said... 96

Two things:

Does anyone remember when WOS first started on Twitter? (Sometimes I really wish I was one of those 'screen shot' types ... but I'm just not that invested.) But ... WOS or one of her more rabid fans really intimated something big happened in the demise of their relationship ... like almost intimating physical abuse without coming out and saying it. Does anyone else remember that? Might have been Milo or Goody? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Or maybe I'm losing my mind and imagining it?

Also, I hope after this lawsuit is over, some nice family lawyer hooks up with Jon pro bono. There are countless instances of parental alienation in her tweets and interviews. Someone needs to sit up and take notice before all those kids have an irreparably damaged relationship with their father.

AnnieD said... 97

AuntieAnn said...77
"...Notice how she skimmed over the question of money very quickly and started right into the subject of divorce and how Jon changed overnight?..."
She didn't want to have to justify the three cars, three freezers and three refrigerators, pool, etc. when she claims they're using coupons and "not wearing top brands" (at least, the kids aren't).

Suzee said... 98

I finally watched Bethanny's show and I have to give her credit for being direct in asking some of the tough questions, but ----
it's too bad the time was limited and she didn't push TFW to answer them. Bethanny is direct and TFW is anything but. Oh well.

Does the clip above show TFW walking onto the stage? I watched it on tv. She didn't limp or favor either foot when walking or when stepping up onto the platform. I saw no outward signs that TFW is suffering from a broken foot. She's a quick healer, I guess. ;- )

Bethenny is a trained 'chef' and she cooks and eats healthy, she doesn't just talk about doing it like you know who does. It's too bad she had a different agenda for the interview than questioning TFW about her crookbook. She could have very easily crucified her about the ingredients and nutrition in the recipes if she'd wanted to. THAT'S something I would have loved to have seen.

JoyinVirginia said... 99

OT current events: lockdown in DC. Apparently car driven by a woman tried to breach barricade at White House, could not so drove toward Capitol and was chased by police, Capitol Police, Secret Service, etc. i'm watching channel 7 DC online via Washington Post website. Shots fired at Capitol and the buildings around they're went on lockdown. Situation over now but details still coming out.

Unknown said... 100

Mel said... 31
''Kate mentions *again* that Jon changed "overnight"?

She's brought that up before, especially at the time of the divorce, like she was surprised by it. And she probably was surprised. Jon had been following along for years, and now he wasn't. She was losing her control over him.

And it did seem like all of a sudden Jon had had enough of the filming. So what happened that triggered that? At the time, he was saying on the show that it wasn't healthy for the kids, that they were acting out.''
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Jon has said that his decision to stop his children from being filmed was because he wouldn't allow them to be filmed as they dealt with their parents being divorced.

I am speculating, but basing my speculation on believing what Jon says. Jon isn't the lying liar who lies...TFMJG is! Jon is the one that paid attention to what his children were feeling, and even TFW in that nasty book gave details about how difficult the divorce was for each child.

Blowing In The Wind said... 101

Kate needs to shut up about everything, and I mean everything. She's the walking personification of conflict in motion. The more she talks, the more she digs herself in deeper. I can't imagine any attorney permitting her to talk about anything. She's not smart enough to know what to reveal and what not to reveal and even the most trivial detail could jeopardize her lawsuit. I'm sure opposing counsel is taking notes on all of this. She has no idea from one day to the next what her story is...does she have money for college? Did Jon change or did they both change? She feels sorry for him and yet files a lawsuit against him? What on God's green earth is wrong with this woman? Her mouth has historically gotten her into trouble, and it's going to be the demise of any potential "career" for which she may be clawing right now.

Blowing In The Wind said... 102

I'm a bettin' I know someone down south who'd LOVE to have WOS move in!


lol!! And that person would be in total ecstasy just watchin Kate, in daisy dukes, drivin around that tractor just a-tillin the fields.

handinhand said... 103

Here's a radio interview Kate gave to a Toronto station yesterday.

Carezee said... 104

If you look at TFW's foot on Bethenny's show you can see the white tape sticking out of her shoe. She may have hurt her toes and has them taped, but we all know how she likes to exaggerate. Now of course the foot is broken.

URL said... 105

Maybe TFW will pay Steve to stay at her home for a few extra days to nurse her broken toes. Otherwise, her kids will have extra chores (as if they don't have enough already) to accommodate her. How will she drive them to and from school with her broken toes? ~ Administrator said... 106

Did I hear that right? She 'gives' the children the 'opportunity' to see their father?
Who in the world says in one breath how she has empathy for her ex and then in the next says if when the kids get older if they don't want to see Jon that's their business. I guess that could go both ways Kate. But really, who says crap like that.


She doesn't "give" the children a darn thing. A judge decides what visitation will occur. It is not HERS to give, it is Jon's RIGHT to HIS children. She has nothing to do with it. Believe it or not she needs to understand his visitation is not within her control and not something that has a single thing to do with her narcissistic self.

That's outlandish to say. Why would you even THINK that is a possibility for your children and their own father to not see each other? Can you imagine if Jon said such a hateful thing about his children's mother? If Jon were as bad as she says, a judge would not hesitate to monitor his visits and restrict his contact. He has not. He has only given him more and Jon just said he is going to go for yet another weekday dinner day.

This sounds like some massive projection going on. I think deep down she's scared it's her they might turn on. She is losing control the older they get and it's clearly driving her nuts. If the kids want to estrange from Jon, it will probably be due more to the parental alienation going on constantly. Parental alienation does work sometimes, sadly.

Molly12 said... 107

I live in a large city in the Southwest. I just started to watch TFW on Bethenny's show and just as Bethenny asked about the money, the station cut over to the shooting in DC. TFW will not be happy that her last tv appearance promoting her 4th New York Best Seller (snark) was cut off.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 108

Mary ‏@marysully9 42m
@Kateplusmy8 please respond and let me know where your dress is from that you wore on Bethenny?!?


Faded Glory from Walmart because they don't buy "brand names."

Ingrid said... 109

NPDKate says he changed overnight. NPDKate was so wrapped up in herself, the show, and the $$ that she didn't notice the change in Jon. She is unaware of anything besides herself and things that benefit herself. (money made off having 8 kids)

I still think the kids are being bought. I can see her telling them you won't get ______ if you live with dad or go to _______ if you live with dad. You see how he is poor and he can't give you all that I can. I bet she goes on shrieking tirades at the kids about this.

boo said... 110

Regarding putting money away, I don't recall Jon specifically saying he put the 80% or 8% (which was it?) in a college fund, just that he put it away for the kids. That could be a savings account, a trust, or whatever. The college funds Kate is talking about could be different, but who knows with these two. I hope they are both telling the truth.

Suzee said... 111

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Jon has said that his decision to stop his children from being filmed was because he wouldn't allow them to be filmed as they dealt with their parents being divorced.

You're right. IIRC he repeated it on one of his recent tv interviews. .

rainbowsandunicorns said... 112

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@nicolergould She's extremely busy rt now just getting back fr bk tour. May have 2give her some time...resend tweet til she catches it! :)

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@nicolergould Just send her a tweet w/a. "Remember me?" & a pic of urself at signing. She will have it then 4sure. :)


Gladys has totally lost it. Last stage of Celebrity Worship. I shudder to think what happens if and when she finally meets the object of her affection. In all seriousness, I really wonder if LOM knows exactly to what extent she's inserted herself into Kate's life. It's scary.

Lalalalala said... 113

She also said on Bethenny that she has no idea why the general public hates her so much. Really, Kate? Really? If I knew the general public hated me I'd be doing some deep research on myself and getting help. Pronto!! But, that's the narcissistic, sociopath coming out in her.

Dmasy said... 114

I recorded Bethenny today. I have never seen the show.

I may pour a glass of wine and sit to watch. I usually fold laundry during any daytime TV. But, I don't want to miss a single Gosselin eye roll or um-um.

Thanks for all your "warnings".

Amy2 said... 115

The mother-of-eight has publicly said that she's had a tough time supporting her family, yet Gosselin has been able to afford a plastic surgery.
Here's the link:

I'd say they've got her number.

Formerly Duped said... 116

TFW says she gives only "Truthful, high road interviews?" On the Kiss radio show, Kate admits the twins are slightly aware of the 'news' out there about the family. But she shelters them and filters info, yet their friends tell them things she must explain. She said they don't have access to the Internet except for homework. Sure.

Sheri said... 117 (Administrator) said...(107)

"She doesn't "give" the children a darn thing. A judge decides what visitation will occur. It is not HERS to give, it is Jon's RIGHT to HIS children. She has nothing to do with it."


And this is the height of parental alienation.

She allowed rumours to circulate about Jon's financial contributions, his employment status and his availability to his children.

She never contradicts a negative story about Jon with even a smidgen of the truth.

She either has no comment, no clue or worse, when she does have anything to say, it's always disparaging toward Jon while painting herself the victim.

Now, to insinuate that SHE fosters the kids' relationships with their father but that it's okay with HER in the future if they don't want to continue????

WTF? She's lost the last of her marbles if she really believes that's how it's going down.

SMH x8

Melissa NV said... 118

Gladys has totally lost it. Last stage of Celebrity Worship. I shudder to think what happens if and when she finally meets the object of her affection. In all seriousness, I really wonder if LOM knows exactly to what extent she's inserted herself into Kate's life. It's scary.


She really does think she's part of Kate's family, doesn't she? Time for intervention, or for Kate to hide the bunny. This most definitely is not normal, and to think that this is a "happily married female" (profile) with two teenage kids. Something is clearly off.

JoyinVirginia said... 119

TFMJG is mistaken. The bat majority of the public doesn't know who she is and doesn't care. Top ratings for the show were ten million. US population is around two hundred twenty eight million or so. So by my calculations, less than five percent of the population watched the divorce episode because they wanted to see a good train wreck. And most odd those folks have moved on to Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty. now, from many reports, most everyone who really knows TFMJG for any length of time does dislike her, but that is a small fraction of the general public. Let's not exaggerate! Most of the TV watching public is just bored by same old same old.
Personal note: children are more savvy to personality issues with parental units at younger ages than you might think. The children probably know by now exactly how to manipulate TFMJG, what to day, and there are some already planning to defy her control at every turn. When you have observed similar situations in real life, you realize some children are more resilient and determined than one might assume. children are unique individuals with different strengths who can be surprisingly resilient in challenging situations.

Melissa NV said... 120

She never contradicts a negative story about Jon with even a smidgen of the truth.


What is disturbing to me is that she allows the trashing of Jon to continue on Twitter. She doesn't care. In fact, she probably enjoys it. Any decent parent would tell the fans on there, including Milo, to just stop all slamming of the kids' father. Give them a warning. If they continue, take down her Twitter page or block those offending sheeple who refuse to comply with her request.

And she wonders why there are so many people who despise her.

Melissa NV said... 121

If Green Pants was such a threat or a possible danger to TFW, why didn't Steve frisk her since he's a bodyguard?


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe that under the law he, as a civilian, is permitted to frisk anyone. That right is given to law enforcement who conduct a pat down if they suspect a crime has occurred, is occurring, or will occur. If he's not a law enforcement officer, and only her "handler," and he had no reason to suspect the person was a suspicious character, then he'd be in trouble big time for laying his hands on anyone. And, of course, you'd have the whole gender thing going on here. This would have been a case of a man patting down a woman. With no probable cause, it would have been lawsuit time!

Rhymes with Witch said... 122

"WOS or one of her more rabid fans really intimated something big
happened in the demise of their relationship ... like almost
intimating physical abuse without coming out and saying it. Does
anyone else remember that?" 97

Hoosier, around the time of the divorce (pre twitter) I remember TFW
saying she was on a flight and "realized" that she had to end the
marriage. This is not verbatim, but i distinctly remember that she
was in a plane and had an 'aha' moment.

"Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Jon has
said that his decision to stop his children from being filmed was
because he wouldn't allow them to be filmed as they dealt with their
parents being divorced." 101

Remona, I distinctly remember Jon saying that.

Millicent, I thanked you for the information about subpoenas on the
previous thread, but it apparently didn't go through. Thank you again
for the clarification.

Berks Neighbor said... 123

I have to say I loved how Bethenny showed a 'before and after' of Kate on the big screen while Kate was denying plastic surgery.

charlez said... 124

I too do not like that french manicure look. Lots of women around me still do it, and it is just ugly, to me. Kate's are disgustingly hideous, as are her stupid boobs. Kate and Betheny are far too skinny to be trying to look young and beautiful with those melons hanging off their chests. Saw Betheny in a bikini, and she actually looks worse than Kate. Disgusting.

A Mom said... 125

Kate Gosselin wanted to do Bethenny to see what she could have had if TV gave Kate a talk show like Bethenny got. However, Brithenny has a better attitude then Kate has ever had 8 kids or not.

Over And Out said... 126

@Paige_Kate8fan @Kateplusmy8 Ha...I already KNOW that! She barks loud & roars 2get things done...but at heart...she's a sweetie! :)


Just get a freakin' room. You're droolin' again.

KG - known by the company she keeps said... 127

Wow Kate. What's with the Jack Nicholson-ish, permanently raised, frozen eyebrows (aka The Joker)??? As for the "overnight" change in your husband? Simple. He snapped. From your abuse. If he had been a woman, badgered, humiliated, slapped, ridiculed? Enough said.

Over And Out said... 128

Has Paige reported how much time she got to spend with Kate, one on one?

localyocul said... 129

Berks Neighbor said... 124
I have to say I loved how Bethenny showed a 'before and after' of Kate on the big screen while Kate was denying plastic surgery.


Did she really? LMAO she's not fooling anyone

Debbie Lavdas ‏@DebLavdas 48m
Woah. Kate Gosselin looks like Heidi montag no?

Katie McKee ‏@Katharine_Mckee 1h
hold the phone, has everyone seen current Kate Gosselin?

Kate McCracken ‏@kamccrack25 16m
Kate Gosselin has had way too much plastic surgery. Didn't know Conrad Murray had an accent. Love @IMKristenBell #enews #Update
Followed by Robyn

Jenna Woyach ‏@jennawoyach 18m
Annnnnnd Kate gosselin's face looks frozen. The tv show money definitely didn't go to her kids.

Well, except this guy:

Chris McLaughlin ‏@Chris_Mc_ATC 19m
Kate gosselin looks so much better w long hair. Thank god she stopped looking like a dumbass...still speaks and acts like one tho. Lol

SallyFromCali said... 130

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't I hear a while back that the kids would have their college paid for by the state of Pennsylvania. It has been a long time, but that's what I remember.

localyocul said... 131

All 13 year-olds are embarrassed by their parents. Can you imagine how mortified C and M must be by both their parents? Especially TFW who insists on doing things over and over that attracts criticism.

Also, I wonder how they felt watching their mother change over the years. Remember their reaction when Jon had earrings in? Now imagine mom coming home with new boobs, then new hair, then a new nose. I have a sister who is a mother of 4; she has always been somewhat of a tomboy, has short brown hair, doesn't wear much makeup and wears jeans and sweatpants. I try to imagine her suddenly bleaching and growing her hair, getting a french manicure, wearing tons of makeup and slutty clothes and I just can't see it. It must have been bewildering to the twins.

localyocul said... 132

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 52m
@Truth_Teller201 @Kateplusmy8 The kids have health insurance/she feed them healthy& organic...they don't lack 4anything! She's managed well!


Did she READ the cookbook?

localyocul said... 133

Milo and that Truthteller are on a rampage tonight against Jon. What's the matter, are they upset that TFW hasn't convinced the world she is a struggling single mom who has changed and loves her ex even though she is suing them because "it is necessary" for the kids?

AuntieAnn said... 134

Berks Neighbor said... 124

I have to say I loved how Bethenny showed a 'before and after' of Kate on the big screen while Kate was denying plastic surgery.


And of course TFW admitted she'd had a tummy tuck and considers the question answered.

It didn't take long for her to flash the dark look when the subject of kids and money came up, either.

I wish she wouldn't think everyone is as naive as her few sheeple. I read some of the positive book reviews of her cookbook on amazon. They all seem to be written either by people under the age of 15 or members of the double digit club.

Martha said... 135

The "before" photos show her, already, altered. Besides the procedures already mentioned, I'm pretty sure she's had a chin implant also. She's obviously had more than one boob job. Can't abide her..

Suzee said... 136

Has Paige reported how much time she got to spend with Kate, one on one?

I don't think she's addressed it specifically but from little things she's said like TFW having to hurry to a next appointment, etc I got the impression that the most time she spent with TFW was when she was on stage with her during the show taping. I think Paige spent 10X more time w/Steve than she did with TFW. lol

Suzee said... 137

SallyFromCali said...
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't I hear a while back that the kids would have their college paid for by the state of Pennsylvania. It has been a long time, but that's what I remember.

PA opened an account for the Gosselin kids when they were born but they didn't fund the account. The account was to be funded by the citizens. No one knows how much money, if any, is in the account, only that the state itself didn't contribute any money to it.

Suzee said... 138

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 52m
@Truth_Teller201 @Kateplusmy8 The kids have health insurance/she feed them healthy& organic...they don't lack 4anything! She's managed well!

How the heck does she know if the kids have health insurance?!#@! She doesn't! And, if TFW is feeding her kids the food she describes in her cookbook, they're NOT eating healthy OR organic!

Dmasy said... 139

Not much of a paraphrase -- TFW said, "To be completely honest....I am just a mom. Like any other mom."

To be completely honest -- any other mom with 3 luxury vehicles, trips to NY for hair styling, a body guard, multiple cosmetic surgeries and a Corinthian leather couch!

gotyournumberKate said... 140

Kate said Jon changed overnight. I think it was more like he woke up and being on the show is what did it. You know how sometimes when you're right in the middle of something it's hard to see what's really going on? I think the public woke Jon up to just how badly Kate was treating and degrading him. He was being made a laughing stock as a wuss who was being abused by his wife. That's what happened to your husband, Kate. If it wasn't for the show you might still be leading him around by the nose, screaming at him, and sitting on your flat arse while he does all the work. If anything good came out of the show it was Jon waking up to your abuse and stopping it.

SallyFromCali said... 141

Thank you Suzee for clearing that up. I don't believe for a second that she put money into a college fund for the kids. I believe Jon would do it, but not Kate.

We all know that when Kates lips are moving, she's lying.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 142

Not much of a paraphrase -- TFW said, "To be completely honest....I am just a mom. Like any other mom."

To be completely honest -- any other mom with 3 luxury vehicles, trips to NY for hair styling, a body guard, multiple cosmetic surgeries and a Corinthian leather couch!


Hasn't she learned yet that if you say, "honestly," or "to be completely honest" it implies that you may not be honest at other times, and, in fact, calls into question if your forthcoming statement really is an honest one?

Just like any other mom? Oh, sure, all moms live in 6500 square foot homes on 20 plus acres, with a pool, five bathrooms, a nanny who is paid for a 20-hour week, landscapers, pool boys, mowing boys, private school...

She just doesn't think before she opens her mouth.

Excuse me now while I open the door for my laundry lady. I'm like every other mom. Giving instructions is so demanding.

SallyFromCali said... 143

Oops I should have referred to her as TFW. I've only posted here a few times. Next time I'll remember.

High Sodium Content said... 144

Kate has so much empathy for Jon, she can't be bothered to get off her lazy ass and do part of the driving so the kids can see him during the week. He has to drive 1/2 hr to go get them, 1/2 hour back to his home, 1/2 hour to bring them home and 1/2 hour back to his house. That's really helping to foster their relationship w/ him. If it doesn't center around her, she has no interest in it and will no put an ounce of effort into anything.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 145

They all seem to be written either by people under the age of 15 or members of the double digit club.


lol!! I was reading some of the Twitter comments from those members, and just for the heck of it was ranking them from low to high on the membership scale. Without mentioning any names, there are two of them on there who appear to be dumber than a bag of hair, slower than molasses in January. Some of the really idiotic comments they make while praising Saint Kate just makes you wonder how they function in the real world. You have to fight the urge to bang your head on the closest hard surface.

NJGal51 said... 146

All TFW and I finally have something in common. We're both unemployed. Oh wait, mine is due to the government shutdown and I know that sooner or later they'll pass the budget and I'll go back to work. Can TFW say the same?

getofftwitter said... 147


I started to watch Bethany and had to change channel. I could not stand the guest she had on yelling, cause a guy took his shirt off, reminded me of switching channels and getting the Maury show and the idiot young women fighting about if the kid is his. So, I watched Judge Judy instead. Did switch back at the end to hear Kate go on about how her & Jon and how he does his visits with the kids. Same crap different show, switched back to Judy.

High Sodium Content said... 148

I think Jon is still being too kind to Kate, who is the mother of his children. He could blow all her shit out of the water starting with the good bra. He's never commented on the fake vow renewal, her and the kids having no relationship with any family on her side. The only thing I ever heard him allude to was his suspicion of her and Steve. If he objected to their traveling together, why didn't TLC assign a female body guard. They are in very big demand now. In barely 3 years the twins will start wanting and needing to know what money they have as they start looking towards colleges. That will surely blow up in her face when they may have barely enough for community college.

High Sodium Content said... 149

What was Paige going on and on last night about a necklace? Did Kate give her one like hers or did she buy it for herself? So much for saving for college. This week cost her and the bf plenty of money. He's at least 10 yrs older, so much have some extra $ to spend.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 150

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 37m

@BuzzedBunny @Truth_Teller201 @Kateplusmy8 I hope he can pay his electric bill this winter...has 2b tough 4the kids N that cold!


You know, for someone who tries to present herself as a good old sweet southern lady, speaking of sunshine and positivity and how wonderful life can be, she really can get those digs in her comments and be quite nasty in the process.

Dwindle said... 151

So.... TFW can never go back, but apparently TLC can. And does. For the right people. Of which That Grossing Woman is not part of.

I haven't caught up on comments and posts, so I am sure you all have seen this link several times, but thought I would share.

Dwindle said... 152

Sleepless In Seattle said... 151
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 37m

@BuzzedBunny @Truth_Teller201 @Kateplusmy8 I hope he can pay his electric bill this winter...has 2b tough 4the kids N that cold!


Dear Milo, send him gift cards. Checks. More gift cards. A car. A side of beef. He is a hardworking single dad and after all, it is all for the kids, right?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 153

Did Kate give her one like hers or did she buy it for herself? So much for saving for college.


I believe Paige purchased a Kate necklace some time ago. I seem to remember when she was tweeting about it, because at the time I thought...sheesh! Single White Female!

chefsummer #Leh said... 154

Sleepless In Seattle said... 143

KK wouldn't know honesty if it smack her in the botoxed face. And she nothing like my mother or the mothers I know.

She needs to get over her self and grow up and be a real mother to her kids be for it's to late.

Dwindle said... 155

Melissa NV said... 121

She never contradicts a negative story about Jon with even a smidgen of the truth.


What is disturbing to me is that she allows the trashing of Jon to continue on Twitter. She doesn't care. In fact, she probably enjoys it.


I firmly believe she pays to have the stories planted, circulated, and dished on. Which is why she is so paranoid that Jon is doing the same thing with every tweetie or poster who dislikes her. Her own dishonesty and sickness leaves her think others are capable of doing the same.
Just my opinion.

chefsummer #Leh said... 156

@BuzzedBunny @Truth_Teller201 @Kateplusmy8 I hope he can pay his electric bill this winter...has 2b tough 4the kids N that cold!

Wasn't it KK who's power went out for two days and SHE didn't have a generator for two whole day and tree fell in her drive way???

Sleepless In Seattle said... 157

Brenda Schuettler ‏@sweetbren66 6m
@Kateplusmy8 my birthday is tomorrow :) is there a recipe for a good bday dessert in your cookbook :) #loveisinthemix I am sure :)


Say what? She didn't buy her buddy's cookbook? She was all gung-ho about making it #1 like Kate's other books.

PatK said... 158

Chefsummer, Paige didn't bleach her hair.

LisaNH said... 159

Sleepless In Seattle said... 143

....She just doesn't think before she opens her mouth.


Exactly right. She doesn't think before she opens her mouth. And when she does say, or I should say yell, something stupid or insulting, she thinks she's full of the cutes.

She is a lot like a co-worker of mine. He's not very bright but he thinks he's brilliant (sound familiar?). But when he starts running his mouth and talking like an expert on this or that, he usually gets all or most of the information wrong and he looks like an idiot.

Although, in my co-worker's defense, he's not a mean guy, just stupid and has an ego the size of TFW's. He doesn't insult people or try to make them look stupid like Kate did constantly with Jon.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 160

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 5m

@Kateplusmy8 was finally able to catch up on all the interviews I missed. No Shocker here, but you looked gorgeous in every single one!


Kate doesn't buy brand name clothing. Did she use coupons for the KMart clothing she wore on the shows?

Over And Out said... 161

I don't have a Twitter account...never did, so there's something I don't understand. Isn't there a TOS that must be agreed to when you sign up? Is the "outing" of other Twitter members part of that TOS? Does Twitter allow a member to reveal the names, addresses, and other information on its members? If not, how does BV manage not to get suspended?

Lalalalala said... 162

Someone, please correct me if I'm wrong but these are the current sales numbers of Kate's crookbook:


October sales - 15
September sales - 265
Current Rank - 1,891


October sales - 1
September sales - 13
Current rank - 199,243


October sales - 20
September sales - 49
Current rank - 934

After all of the press she's been doing these numbers should be way up. Do the sales include the books she's given away on various talk shows?

chefsummer #Leh said... 163

PatK said... 160

LOL oops the other things are still creepy though.

Bella said... 164

Tucker's Mom said... 80
Wow, this is as far as I read just now...........Kudos, I agree and agree a hundred times moe.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 165

Lalalalala said... 164
Someone, please correct me if I'm wrong but these are the current sales numbers of Kate's crookbook:

I'm not sure how reliable NovelRank is now that the book is available in bookstores

capecodmama said... 166

Has TFW even sold 1000 books yet? If not, what a total waste of time and money.

LisaNH...Hubs and I will be in the southwestern part of your gorgeous state next week. How's the foliage?

Dmasy said... 167

That dress wasn't just was alarmingly short.

mamaK said... 168

It looks like she wore a Jessica Simpson dress...meant for 20-somethings, but shockingly affordable. ~ Administrator said... 169

And this is the height of parental alienation.

She allowed rumours to circulate about Jon's financial contributions, his employment status and his availability to his children.

She never contradicts a negative story about Jon with even a smidgen of the truth.

She either has no comment, no clue or worse, when she does have anything to say, it's always disparaging toward Jon while painting herself the victim.

Now, to insinuate that SHE fosters the kids' relationships with their father but that it's okay with HER in the future if they don't want to continue????

WTF? She's lost the last of her marbles if she really believes that's how it's going down.


Agree 100%. She is saying everything a classic obsessed parental alienator would say. She really does think that she is God's gift to Jon's time and relationship with the children. Her perception of their relationship versus what it really is, is 180 degrees. We've had countless sightings and photographic evidence that show what a hands on dad Jon is, how he does normal things with the children, take him normal places, and how the children adore him. I keep picturing that photo of Hannah, arms held wide, big grin on her face as she saw her daddy at the busstop and ran to him. Everything we've seen suggests their relationship is healthy and positive. For Kate to spin things in her head that it's something else is hateful, vicious, and delusional. This is what parental alienators do. They form these delusional perceptions of their ex, their children's relationship with them, their safety with them, etc. Whatever she is selling, the judge isn't buying it or things would be a lot different, and that must drive her crazy.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 170

I keep picturing that photo of Hannah, arms held wide, big grin on her face as she saw her daddy at the busstop and ran to him.


What a very special photo that was. Just beautiful. I think, too, of the time of the kids birthday party when one of the girls told Jon not to go (or don't leave...whatever it was). I remember that it just about broke my heart to hear that.

chefsummer #Leh said... 171

This is funny.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 172

PatK said... 160

Chefsummer, Paige didn't bleach her hair.


Wasn't that Emily who went blonder and blonder? ~ Administrator said... 173

I hope he can pay his electric bill this winter...has 2b tough 4the kids N that cold!

Wasn't it KK who's power went out for two days and SHE didn't have a generator for two whole day and tree fell in her drive way???


And, no one EVER said Jon didn't pay the bill. Kate IMPLIED it but never outright said it. And in fact when locals looked at the areas impacted by large power outages, he was smack dab in the middle of one at that exact same time. Others commented that some companies have policies and in some areas it's even the law that you're forbidden from shutting off power to residences that house children or the elderly.

When losing power, Jon did the safe thing and ensured the children were with a friend who had power. Meanwhile, Kate fluttered around asking if she could use the generator inside the house, as I recall.

Let's throw tomatoes said... 174

I watched TFW On Bethenny and I'm glad that she had her at the very end. Her dress was not to short as she walked in but when she sat down you could almost see her butt! Kate looked jealous of Bethenny's success with the talk show. I think TFW said I'm proud of you more then once.

That was Kate's dream a talk show just like Bethenny's . Actually it is nice. A small audience of women, cozy set and a couch! Kate is going to be one bitter woman if she continues to be ignored!

BTW, the book is a major fail.

chefsummer #Leh said... 175

Sleepless In Seattle said... 172

I knew it was one of her fans that did their hair blonde.

jbranck1980 said... 176

Just watched Bethenny and I must say, from the promos I though TFW would be the first/main guest. Rather glad she was put at the end for the last segment. I also noticed when she first walked in, how thin she looked. I absolutely agree with everyone who talked about an eating disorder of some degree.

Once Bethenny starts talking about money, TFW starts glaring, clenching her jaw etc. It is a quick facial transition for sure. And of course she changed the subject to Jon as quickly as she could without ever really giving an answer.

And who does she think actually believes she doesn't understand why people don't like her. Is she really that self-involved as to not understand how her personality could be abrasive? Didn't she just admit in People how her diva behavior cost her supporters? I think she needs cue cards to keep track of her lies. Unreal.

And I noticed the splotches and increase of "ums" whenever she starts lying....

Sleepless In Seattle said... 177

Kate is going to be one bitter woman if she continues to be ignored!


Was Kate ignored on the show? ~ Administrator said... 178

She also said on Bethenny that she has no idea why the general public hates her so much. Really, Kate? Really?


I'm not sure how the public could be any more clearer about the reasons why they don't like her. They're as specific as a chemistry equation about why. I rarely see anyone say they don't like her without explaining exactly why first.

This is all just part of the myth perpetuated that the world one day woke up and decided to hate Kate. In other words, hate for hate's sake, just general haters--trying to portray her detractors as irrational no good reason haters. Gimme a break.

SwingsandRoundabouts said... 179

Where did the money go? Maybe it's stuffed into her good bra. ~ Administrator said... 180

Kate said Jon changed overnight. I think it was more like he woke up and being on the show is what did it.


I think it's quite possible he did change overnight, what's her point?

Sometimes you really do have that ah-ha moment. It could just be out of the blue or it could be because something happens to spark it. I know some of the changes I've made on certain political stances have been sudden and abrupt. Sometimes things just hit you. But I do get the sense one day Jon woke up and was like, oh my god I cannot put my children through a divorce on national T.V., and oh my god we've become this mass-manufactured BRAND and I am disturbed by it.

I'm not sure what Kate's point is when she always says that. Lots of people suddenly have changes of heart, who cares how slow or fast it happened? And often, as it was in this case, for the better.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 181

I'm not sure how the public could be any more clearer about the reasons why they don't like her. They're as specific as a chemistry equation about why. I rarely see anyone say they don't like her without explaining exactly why first.


Conversely, we rarely see the sheeple explaining exactly why she is such an inspiration and much-admired role model. Young fans want to be just like her, but they don't give reasons...they just fall over themselves in their fascination with her. ~ Administrator said... 182

Conversely, we rarely see the sheeple explaining exactly why she is such an inspiration and much-admired role model.


Yes. Lord knows we've asked for explanations. We always hear something like, She has eight kids, you would do it too! Make love not hate. You're just jealous!

Those are not "reasons" TO like her. Those are excuses for why WE don't like her. There's a difference.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 183

SwingsandRoundabouts said... 180

Where did the money go? Maybe it's stuffed into her good bra.


lol!! When we first got training bras, we always stuffed them, usually with Kleenex. If we really wanted to appear stacked, we used sanitary pads. I remember once in math class, one of my girlfriend's top buttons fell off her shirt, and there she was at the blackboard, with the tail end of a Kotex hanging out of her blouse. We still torment her about it.

Amy2 said... 184

Whether it was an Ah Ha moment or the slow grind of abuse that made Jon realize he had to get out of the marriage, it doesn't matter. What does matter was he looked into the future and knew the only have to protect his children from the media surrounding the impending divorce was to make sure that it wasn't played out on TV. This started Kate downward spiral on hating Jon. Not only did his absence end J/K8 it robbed Kate of a built-in medium to publicize her version of the divorce. With TLC in her pocket she knew the episodes would have been edited in her favor and made Jon look bad. But Jon didn't give her that chance. He walked away from her, the show, TLC and was subjected to incredible pressure from TLC (Kate's henchmen). I was amazed when Jon said on The Larry King Show that TLC hired bodyguards to watch him 24/7. Kate had all the cards, Jon had nothing other than the knowledge that was he was doing was good for his kids.

And that is the difference between Jon and Kate. Jon protects the kids and Kate uses them.

AuntieAnn said... 185

I keep picturing that photo of Hannah, arms held wide, big grin on her face as she saw her daddy at the busstop and ran to him.


I can't imagine what it must have felt like to have the only person in your life who loves you unconditionally banished from your home. I feel bad for all kids who watch their parents go through difficult divorces.
My parents never fought so I have no reference point. If they disagreed on things they were still civil to one another and that's how I thought relationships were supposed to be and carried that understanding of it through to my own marriage.

I cried like a baby when my best friend's parents divorced, I just couldn't comprehend that kind of pain.

And here we are witnessing the Gosselin eight going through it for the entire world to watch if they choose to because of a bitch who thought it was just fine to trade "that amount of privacy" - her words to Bethenny today - for a life in the limelight.

njay said... 186

These pics. don't look like the hand and foot of an old lady. Nor do the tweets sound like an old southern woman

1 SepFired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
I almost eagled the hole! An inch more & I would have holed it out! I did a happy dance rt gal friends were carrying on...:)
Details 1 : 13

1 SepFired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
ur day! And whamo...I sailed it so sweet & high...down the slope, rt past the big old oak tree & it hit perfectly
Details 1 : 12

1 SepFired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
swing being smooth & sending my ball onto the green w/a lil spin 2hold the green. This is what golf is all abt...that one shot that makes..
Details 1 : 09

1 SepFired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
My tee shot was good...straight down #PeachtreeStreet N the middle...had abt 100 yds 2green. I took out my 8 iron & focused..imagined my...
Details 1 : 08

1 SepFired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
Next few holes weren't all that gr8 but then I got 2 #7 par 4.. 250yd hole down a steep slope. Hard shot 2hold the green fr fairway.
Details 1 : 06

1 SepFired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
I was on...although not all that close 2the pin...but my friends were high fiving me...& estactic w/joy N my6 behalf. I WAS playing again!
Details 1 : 05

1 SepFired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
But now I thought..maybe I can make it 2the my 5iron..put my head down & focused....swing slap clap., ball sailed 2the green!

1 SepFired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
On the 3rd hole I had a decent shot off the tee...not long but I was straight N the fairway..Hallelujah I that was just luck!

1 SepFired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
I caught myself & my bad negative, counter-productive thinking. Heck..this ain't me! Just quit stressing & try 2enjoy urself!

NJGal51 said... 187

I'm not sure how the public could be any more clearer about the reasons why they don't like her. They're as specific as a chemistry equation about why. I rarely see anyone say they don't like her without explaining exactly why first.
Respect the chemistry!

njay said... 188

This is an informative link of tweets if anyone is interested.

JoyinVirginia said... 189

OT Big Brother fans, Britney had another blog post about her baby Tilly and says her cancer treatment is going well. Britney mentions how wonderful her husband has been thru this whole experience of finding out their baby has cancer and getting treatment.
Everyone with healthy children needs to hug them, love them, and thank whatever deity you believe in for their health.

The Plot Never Ends said... 190

I watched Bethenny's show today, a first and a last. I thought she chewed Kate up and spit her out. It was actually funny to watch two women so similar in action. (parental alienators)

Kate had the most dour look on her face I've ever seen. She was obviously intimidated and I must confess I enjoyed seeing that.

I had to laugh when Bethenny asked the audience if they were interested in knowing where all the money went and they clapped so hard I thought they were going to break into a standing ovation.

Lol :)

njay said... 191 (Administrator) said... 181

I think it's quite possible he did change overnight, what's her point?
Admin, Jon did say he had an epiphany and stopped the filming.
"I had an epiphany one day," he said tonight on Larry King Live, a hot spot for all things Gosselin these days. "I looked in the mirror and I said, 'I don't want to be this person anymore.'"
That was one of the explanations the disgruntled reality-TV dad offered up as a reason for why he, after once defending the integrity of the show completely, has now ordered TLC to quit filming him and his kids, prompting the network to suspend production.

Starz22 said... 192

This was my 1st time in years watching TFW talk about anything.
She got 5 count them 5 whole minutes to play her game.
Liked it when bethany? said she had made a lot of money from the show. TFW tried to dodge the question but bethany looked right at her and said " you made A LOT of money from the show...I know I was also on a reality show". That was a statement not a question. TFW didnt like that. More attention was given to Jon than TFW herself.

It pisses off TFW that Jon is what people want to talk about in her interviews. He's the draw.Not her. What I also thought was funny is they had someone else on with a cooking segment. Gee, why didnt they have TFW do a cooking thing? Thats one gives a shit.

TFW says people hate her because of what they know the stories that are not true. Right! Let's see her deny the stories coming out in Roberts book. The book he has written pretty much in HER own words. How are you gonna lie your way through that? You are done!
No one likes a child and animal abuser. The proof will be there soon enough. BYE BYE!!

80% of what? said... 193

WONDERING: Is it possible that Jon was correct in saying that he put aside 80% of the show's gross earnings into a trust account for the kids, and by "the show," he meant Jon and Kate Plus 8; and that when TFW confessed to Bethenny that she received the majority of the money they received for taping (of which she adamantly claimed SHE contributed 80% to a college fund) she was referring to earnings from Kate Plus 8? If this is the case, they could both be telling the truth, albeit with much different mannerisms, tones of voice, etc.

Vanessa said... 194

NJGal51 said... 188
I'm not sure how the public could be any more clearer about the reasons why they don't like her. They're as specific as a chemistry equation about why. I rarely see anyone say they don't like her without explaining exactly why first.
Respect the chemistry!


"Yeah B*tch!" Lol

Vanessa said... 195

And I noticed the splotches and increase of "ums" whenever she starts lying....

Yup, tell tale sign

Vanessa said... 196

You might be experiencing domestic violence if your partner:
Calls you names, insults you or puts you down
Prevents you from going to work or school
Stops you from seeing family members or friends
Tries to control how you spend money, where you go or what you wear
Acts jealous or possessive or constantly accuses you of being unfaithful
Gets angry when drinking alcohol or using drugs
Threatens you with violence or a weapon
Hits, kicks, shoves, slaps, chokes or otherwise hurts you, your children or your pets
Assaults you while you're sleeping, you've been drinking or you're not paying attention to make up for a difference in strength
Forces you to have sex or engage in sexual acts against your will
Blames you for his or her violent behavior or tells you that you deserve it
Portrays the violence as mutual and consensual

Don't tell me he wasn't a victim of domestic violence. Yeah, he DID change overnight- in HER eyes. He finally finally stopped being a victim

Vanessa said... 197

If the kids want to estrange from Jon, it will probably be due more to the parental alienation going on constantly. Parental alienation does work sometimes, sadly.

She is slowly but surely doing this. There will be one or more of those kids who will grow up hating their father and turning into the same kind of person as TFW.

Vanessa said... 198

"But she shelters them and filters info"

She means -I tell them my own version of everything and anything, I lie, I threaten, I say one thing one minute and another the next, I gaslight, I rewrite history to accommodate my version of things at that particular moment, and if they question me? Well let's say I've had to purchase a bigger "spanker"

capecodmama said... 199

I didn't watch Bethenny's interview with TFW but I did watch the clip that chefsummer...172 put up. An observation.

In the last four plus years, TFW has been on countless daytime talk shows and evening tabloid shows. In those four plus years she has never said that "she" put money into their college funds. She either said that they were funded or they're wasn't enough money for college. Jon manages to get a guest spot on The View a week ago and he let it be known that he put away 80% of the gross income from filming for three years into trusts for the kids. NOW, TFW decides, eight days later, to say "I", and she emphasizes the "I", put money away for their college. She didn't say that in the Katie interview last week. She didn't say that in The Today Show interview. She didn't say that in any of the night time tabloid shows. She doesn't follow Jon my ass. I wonder if she scrambled to find another show to get on to counter what Jon said and only Bethenny's show would bite. She is indeed transparent. It cracked me up when Bethenny asked the studio audience if they wanted to know where the money went. I immediately thought they're not the only ones. I imagine in a few years eight kids are going to wonder where it went as well.

Off to start my day. I have my gorgeous baby grandaughter for the day. I have to say for being only 10 weeks old she smiles a hellava lot more than TFW and the sh!t in her diaper is way more interesting than the same ol' sh!t that TFW spiels. (I apologize to anyone eating breakfast for that visual.)

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 200

njay said... 187
These pics. don't look like the hand and foot of an old lady. Nor do the tweets sound like an old southern woman

The hand is her daughter's. She sprained a finger. The foot is her husbands. He broke his ankle. So she says.

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