At first blush FOX's Masterchef Junior, a cooking competition for eight to 13-year-olds that's pulling in good ratings for FOX, should raise red flags. Kids participate in an intense competition with tough judges in front of millions of viewers where every week someone gets the axe. Isn't
this child exploitation?
Masterchef Junior airs Fridays on Fox. The first four episodes can be viewed online for free on Fox's web site or Hulu:
Episode One, Here Come the Kids
Episode Two, School's Out
Episode Three, Whip It
Episode Four, Bad Food
Australia had their own version of the show in 2010, and viewers were concerned even then. “All but one [of these kids] will ultimately fail,” said Dr. Guy Redden, of the department of gender and cultural studies at the University of Sydney. “Adults living in a capitalist society are familiar with high-stakes, winner-takes-all competition and are better placed to deal it,” he says. “I’d question whether most adults would feel comfortable watching kids on such an emotional roller-coaster.” However columnist and mom Angela Mollard says failure isn't such a bad thing for kids. We coddle kids too much, she claims, and don't let them learn that sometimes in life you won't get a trophy. She saw nothing exploitive about a friendly cooking competition. Rather, she said it was character building.
Australian producers said they were very concerned with making sure the contestants were not exploited: “Once the kids are selected to go into the Top 50 they undergo a series of psychological evaluations. It deals with IQ, communication skills, self-awareness, and resiliency," explained Executive Producer Nick Colquhoun. “They need to be able to communicate a passion for food in order for the process to be enjoyable and they need a level of confidence. If there are signs they wouldn’t cope because they don’t have the self-confidence and it might affect them if they don’t win a challenge, then based on that advice we might not put them into the competition. By the time they arrive we’re confident they’re going to have the capacity to enjoy the process. People enjoy it because there is a sense of positivity to it.” Visitors to the set noted the children were carefree and playful, and got along well with each other.
Arguably, any time minors appear on television it's exploitation, but it's clear the American version of Masterchef Junior is also taking great pains to treat the children with "kid gloves." There is no yelling and screaming or anger. Their dishes are praised for all their good points, and any sour notes are explained in a gentle way with advice on how to improve next time. We see a different side to Gordon Ramsay, the crass British host with a notorious temper. He tells Jack, one of the most talented pint-sized chefs, that he reminds him of his son. His son's name is also Jack and he loves to cook. (We're betting some viewers didn't even know the tough ole bird had kids--we didn't.) Ramsay shows he can be a good sport too, allowing the kids to dump

under-whipped cream on his head (It wasn't just a food fight. It was a lesson in stiff peaks.). When the kids are making cakes, one of the girls makes a grave mistake halfway through the recipe and starts crying. Ramsay tells her to take a deep breath and wipe her tears, then jumps in and helps her start over, calmly reminding her she still has plenty of time. Ultimately she was sent home, but not before the judges emphasized how incredible a chef she is.
The show is shot exclusively in the studio. It doesn't peek into the children's homes, schools, or private lives. The information revealed about the children only relates to cooking--what they are good at now and what they want to do in the future with their talents. Thus far, anything else has remained strictly off limits. We don't even know where many of the children are from. The cash prize was not mentioned to the children until the competition was well underway. They were only told about the trophy at first.
The kids themselves are wildly talented, with most of them able to pull off a perfect beef Wellington, grilling and frying, various difficult desserts, seafood and dishes with exotic ingredients.
Surprisingly, Masterchef Junior has turned out to be a show that suggests reality T.V.'s true potential: less trash and fighting and more raw talent; respect for fellow competitors, and fun. Said one commentor on Entertainment Weekly: "Everyone should be watching Masterchef Junior. These kids are much more mature than many of their adult counterparts on the regular show. They all feel badly for those not moving on and want to win on their own merit."
566 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 566 Newer› Newest»Sheri - your comment about everyone buying a non-gender specific gift and then everyone taking turns opening a gift and trying to guess who bought it reminded me of something my family used to do. My mom volunteered for many years at a locally run thrift shop. Through out the year, volunteers would pull aside various little items they thought might make nice gifts, and would wrap them in holiday wrap. If they were gender specific, they would indicate that (gift for girl, gift for man, etc.).
These gifts sold for $1 each. The buyer had no idea what would be inside. My mom would buy enough for each family member to open one. It was always fun to sit around and watch each other open these surprise gifts. Some were quite good!
Steve was just a bodyguard, a sub-contractor hired by the show producers.
An employee...who had no business having an opinion about *anything*.
It was when he started objecting to her never being home that suddenly he wasn't ok.
Yes, you are right! I can't believe I didn't think of it before.
The contrast she experienced, leaving rural central PA and 8 children and her husband in a small home, traveling in limos, nice hotels, with the handsome body guard and getting paid to hear herself talk.
She fell in love with this lifestyle with so little responsibility. PB his accent and companionship must have been a big part of it, and she didn't understand why her husband could not get on board with this new arangement?
Thank goodness now she has "empathy."
Imagine the emails and phone calls between TFW, PB and TLC during that time, when they tried to alienate Jon while still keeping him on a leash.
Melissa NV said...
Most people start at Point A to get to Point B. In reading this person's posts, it sounds like she began with the conclusion and worked backward to the premise -- going from Point B to get to Point A, trying to find a premise for the already established conclusion.
Yep..,that is pretty much how my mind works. It is the way my current profession works, which is in finance. I project what the goal is, and it is my job to take what has already happened and make it somehow work. I then present scenarios, or paths of interpretations and pick the one that fits. Most of the time, the information is in concrete and precise, because it already happened. The skill is in casting that information in the best light that supports the goal.
So, believe it or not, there is nothing personal in my comments. I never said that Jon has lied--I was trying to point out that he is vague and inconsistent, and sometimes contradicts himself. Those traits will not help him in a lawsuit. I got bogged down in the details, which were not the point I was trying to make. I hope that the lawsuit is dropped and that all of this can be put behind him and the kids. I also don't think that the rerelease of the book is in the best interest of the kids. I want them to have privacy, and there will be nothing gained by it. JMHO, of course.
Clearly, there are posters here that start with the assumption that I hate Jon, and then twist anything I say to fit that. I don't expect them to ever change their minds.
Insert Creative Username Here said... 166
I liked your comment a lot. The first and best line of defense for children should always be their parents. Parents should be the people who would have their children's best interests at heart, and who can make the important decisions for them. Sadly, there are too many parents who are too immature to do so; too busy living through their children's lives to do so; or simply too greedy to do so.
I think the majority of parents are the ones who are doing their best, but it's the few who are willing to exploit their children that get the most publicity.
I wish the children on this cooking show nothing but the best, and I do think it is a great opportunity for them to learn so many things.
But as a parent of a teenager who is so hard on himself and who feels every mistake deeply and passionately, I would not allow him to participate on a show like this. If he feels the weight of the world when he misses a football pass in front of a crowd of 100 supportive parents and family, how much worse would it be if he was cut from a cooking competition before possibly millions of viewers, then dissected on social media for everything from the way he looked, spoke, dressed, etc.? I wouldn't risk it.
Whatever she did, broke her pinkie toe or had one hell of a blister, she is a Drama Queen. It happens to everyone but I guess she makes it a big deal because, after all, she is a "single mom of eight".
You ask how early did Steve pick a side? Pretty darn early, IMO. You know she must have confided in him that she was unhappy in the marriage. Knowing Steve's background, I'd guess he pushed things along to make Jon out the bad guy. I think there is a pretty good chance they conspired so that Kate would emerge as the winner with TLC and the divorce. In return, Uncle Steve gets to be named trustee instead of a family member around the time of the divorce. It adds up.
Suzy said... 188
The whole broken foot saga--so typical of her to increase the drama effect of something! Someone tweeted her telling her to take care of a callused foot, then it was a broken toe, then now the entire foot! She never corrects them and always goes with whatever the says about it. Broken toe, yes! Broken foot, yes!
The thing is, she's the one who said it was a broken foot! On the show reference above, do the guys say it was a toe or does she? And if then, did she confirm that?
Insert Creative Username Here said... 166
That being said, is being on one reality tv show for one season going to create the type of notoriety that could ruin one of these kids' lives? Probably not (I watch Master Chef regularly, and I couldn't even tell you who was on previous seasons). But it could happen if something they say or do stands out so much that it makes headlines.
You mean like Josh Marks' suicide 10 days ago? What a tragedy. I really thought he should have won over Christine Ha. She was an excellent chef and they obviously gave her some leeway with having an assistant because of her blindness, but I just don't think it was a fair or level playing ground. According to his family his problems started after he achieved some celebrity from MasterChef. The filming was very stressful for him.
This past season of MasterChef sort turned me off because of the badmouthing between Krissi and the other cooks. The show is slowly turning into more about the drama than the food.
So as far as MasterChef Junior is concerned, I remember thinking the Gosselin's were a charming and fun family too when I first watched their show. Boy was I wrong.
I think MCJ is risky business and everyone involved should proceed cautiously.
Imagine staying at home, the only adult, rules and lists posted all over the house, rules made by your spouse, the one who is traveling with the handsome body guard, while you take care of eight children that she insisted on having.
You know if you go outside her many posted rules there will be a melt down.
You imagine your spouse and her bodyguard having dinner together.
But you keep at it, you have eight children to feed and keep happy.
And add to that this spouse has alienated even damaged your relationship with your own family.
And your spouse's traveling companion is on the payroll.
Sleep tight.
Yes I imagine Jon changed.
TLC stinks said... 183
I did not watch that episode where Uncle Steve called Jon "worthless".
I don't recall this. Wow! Any links?
What was the context?
Steve has insinuated himself into the Gosselin's lives and it happened WAY back when.
I think Jon should have told Steve to go pound sand and get the hell out of their lives. I don't really know if he tried, but anyone could see that the relationship between Kate and Steve went way beyond him being her bodyguard.
I don't get Steve's wife either. If I were her, I'd tell him that he had to choose...
I remember having to cook when my Mom went back to work. Any criticism was hard to take. There were no cameras. Lol.
I don't think children's emotions should be sacrificed for our entertainment. These children are polite, but we've no idea what they are feeling. And how did they get there, how many auditions and hoops have they jumped through to entertain "foodie" adults. Nope I think it is wonderful they may have a passion for cooking and no doubt if that is sincere and organic, encourage it, but it is adults making money off the innocence of children. No thank you.
This is my favorite tweet today.
@Kateplusmy8 You haven't been online all day and thats cute what Collin says and did Collin's dad move back in or something
14 hr ago from · Retweet · Reply · Favorite
Did Colin's dad move back in? OMG!
You know that the silly silly sheeple will be tweeting her now through the holidays to find out if she has a hundred people coming for Thanksgiving and Christmas, if she bought eight 80 pound turkeys and she's so awesome to be doing this all alone!
localyocul--After she walked out, one of the hosts mentioned how slow she walked out and then he said "I have to tell you-she broke her baby toe". Then he said, "Tell us what you did with your toe", to which she replies "I broke it in the kitchen", and then gives the story about how she broke it on the kitchen island.
She, herself, didn't say "I broke my toe", but she didn't deny it, or say that it was her foot not her toe. She did say "my toe went to the right, and my body went to the left."
I watched Kate's segment on the Steve and Chris show and man, she can not tell a story. She's doing a food segment, talking about her new cook book and she drones on and on and on about her grandparents dentures and how they were putting each other's in their mouths.
How frickin' gross!
But come on, "uncle" steve is entitled to his opinion, is he not? ; )
How is that coupon site working out for Kate? Is anyone tweeting about how fantastic it is (other than Milo)? I did see one person's tweet (fan?) who told Kate that it's difficult to navigate and she should work on fixing it the clickables.
reader said... 10
Ditto reader! Well said.
I nominate Pooshanella Goober for the best name AND for the best avatar with the Rumspringa photo! now I want a rumspringa!
Quick legal question: So, if TFW loses and the book gets published, can the kids potentially sue TLC and Discovery for child endangerment? If abuse was clearly documented during filming and nothing was done, I would think the kids would have a decent lawsuit against them.
Tucker's Mom, Steve called Jon worthless in the finale to Kate Plus 8. IIRC, he was remarking on how people either love or hate Kate, and made a reference to viewers relating to having a worthless husband like Jon. It was really blunt, and out of left field. No reason for it at all.
. I never said that Jon has lied--I was trying to point out that he is vague and inconsistent, and sometimes contradicts himself.Those traits will not help him in a lawsuit. I got bogged down in the details, which were not the point I was trying to make.
He was not in a courtroom defending himself when he said he had internet, didn't have internet, wanted to invest, didn't want to invest whatever it is that merry go round was going around.
If I were to be taken to task on everything I've ever said in my life and changed what was said from one person to the next then, NOTHING I have ever said would be true. (does that make sense? lol)
We all are guilty of contradicting ourselves in a MINOR way (which is how I see the internet comments) That will not be the smoking gun in this lawsuit as you seemed to have been inferring, you put waaay too much effort in trying to explain it that it ended up not making any sense, to me anyways. Put tfw and Jon in a courtroom together and let's see who is vague, inconsistent and who contradicts themselves.
A little off topic, but this reminds me of a guest on some talk show. She had a photographic memory. She said she learned a long time ago to never correct a friend or a loved one when they told a story because when they recounted how things happened, they were a little off. She would correct them and the person would get upset because THEY didn't remember it that way. Slight details were changed, no biggie she thought, but the to the person who remembered it differently, it was a big deal. She stopped giving them her version.
I think the word he used was "useless" but I may be mistaken.
Still though!
Kate is a twit said... 13
localyocul--After she walked out, one of the hosts mentioned how slow she walked out and then he said "I have to tell you-she broke her baby toe". Then he said, "Tell us what you did with your toe", to which she replies "I broke it in the kitchen", and then gives the story about how she broke it on the kitchen island.
She, herself, didn't say "I broke my toe", but she didn't deny it, or say that it was her foot not her toe. She did say "my toe went to the right, and my body went to the left.
Well there you go, and somehow it turned into a foot. You know if it was a foot she would have said so right then and there.
I guess TFW is getting ready for tomorrow's pretrial conference? Will that be in open court?
Thanks for the info re: Steve calling Jon worthless.
So, I watched Kate regale Canada with her story about spending so much time camping with her grandparents, then she explains on the finale of her show that she "rarely if EVER left the state of PA"
In the finale, Steve didn't actually come out and say "Jon is worthless", but he certainly implied it. He was talking about the people watching the show and how they related to the show. He said that he could see a couple sitting on the couch watching and the wife wouldn't turn to the husband and say "Look darling-see I'm nowhere near as bad as that" and then the husband would turn to the wife and say "Look darling-I'm nowhere as useless as that".
So he only described Kate as "bad"(shrewish would have been a better word) but he did describe Jon as "useless".
Here is the clip. Steve says this at approx. 17:54.
AuntieAnn said... 8
You mean like Josh Marks' suicide 10 days ago? What a tragedy. I really thought he should have won over Christine Ha. She was an excellent chef and they obviously gave her some leeway with having an assistant because of her blindness, but I just don't think it was a fair or level playing ground. According to his family his problems started after he achieved some celebrity from MasterChef. The filming was very stressful for him.
Yes, I had heard about that. So sad. He suffered from Bi-Polar Disorder and was recently diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Both are incredibly tough disorders, and even tougher when they're combined. I don't blame the show, though. From what I've read of schizophrenia (and I'm no expert), I believe it's genetic, although in most cases there's a "trigger". For Josh it seemed to be coming down off the "high" of the show. But it could have and would have probably been something other life event.
I, too, am starting to be turned off to Master Chef. There is always someone who is only a so-so cook who makes enemies. It was Krissi this year, it was someone else the year before, etc...They keep the "hated" person on too long because they think people will want to tune in to see them get their come-up-ance.
I also think they keep people on and kick them off not based on their cooking talent, but based on what their marketability. In other words, Christine did not have the best dishes last year, but stayed over other contestants. I thought she was going to win from the beginning, because it would make for a good story line, more people would watch, and more people could possibly buy her cookbook.
That's what I worry about with the Master Chef Junior version. That they would do "in the moments" and create story lines and edit these kids into a mold to get higher viewership. Also keeping less talented kid because they're more marketable. I've been pleasantly surprised so far, but time will tell if goes down that road. Remember J&K+8 started as a cute show about harried parents struggling to raise 8 kids, then slowly went down the rabbit hole to create episodes and keep the money train going.
Well there you go, and somehow it turned into a foot. You know if it was a foot she would have said so right then and there.
Reminds of the saying "When you give them an inch, they'll take a mile".
Yep-that's Kate in a nutshell.
Someone tweeted to Kate:
"You weren't put on this earth to please other people. Live your life and eliminate the negative people and all stress from it."
If Kate follows that attitude, could explain why she doesn't have a TV show or a job.
"You weren't put on this earth to please other people
No her motto is "Others were put on this earth to please ME!"
"You weren't put on this earth to please other people. Live your life and eliminate the negative people and all stress from it."
The platitudes they tweet are just insane. It's a good thing she's not in customer service. If she lived by that sediment, she'd never be able to hold a job.
Vanessa said... 30
"You weren't put on this earth to please other people
No her motto is "Others were put on this earth to please ME!"
this of course, flies completely against her 'christianity'. (speaking of which, where's the sunday-going-to-church tweets?"
I read a chinese proverb some time said 'in seeking happiness for others, you will find it for yourself.'
my bet is, WOS ain't happy.
on another note, someone upthread said they sorta felt sorry for WOS,having her private thoughts published...I don't, how can you feel sorry for someone who picks their babies up by their hair? beats them into their cribs? makes them lay on the floor? gets angry at herself that she didn't have time to let one of the apologize to her?
Jon should have reported her to the state; he knew what she was doing. So did TLC.
Kate is a Twit-
Thanks for posting the link. In the early shows, Steve was also employed to protect Jon before all of Kate's guest appearances/ book signings. He was employed to protect him, yet goes on national tv to bash him. He's no professional! I kind of wonder how this gig with Kate is going to cost him employment wise? Other than TLc employing him, that is. On a side note, I found it quite telling that Steve asked a question in that same interview and then answered his own question (Kate style!) . The question he asked " Did I ever think that I would appear on every cover of the tabloid magazines? No!".
So Jon was useless, eh?
He was doing all the childcare while she was uh....uh....
busy....confiding in the security guard apparently.
Vanessa and Kateisatwit,
I stand corrected on useless vs worthless. Thanks for actually looking up the episode and the context. Either term is overly harsh and, I feel, quite demeaning. I mean, we've all heard Jon be described as lazy before, but useless?! Damn.
Another school shooting, in Nevada. A middle school, teacher and gunman dead, two boys in critical condition. Father's gun was used. Geez, an epidemic.
Quick legal question: So, if TFW loses and the book gets published, can the kids potentially sue TLC and Discovery for child endangerment? If abuse was clearly documented during filming and nothing was done, I would think the kids would have a decent lawsuit against them.
Anyone can bring a suit against anyone for anything. Whether it would hold up in court is another matter. I would think that they'd have to prove damages, which may be difficult to do after so much time had elapsed, and to what extent there was "abuse." What constitutes abuse? Filming while the kids were on the potty? How have they suffered because of this? Letting kids throw up on a fishing trip? What damages resulted? Did they spend years in therapy because of it -- did they spend thousands of dollars in psychiatric care?
In the hands of a good attorney, though, he/she might find a course of action.
Question-- Did Jon ever really, formally sue Kate for custody of the kids when Kate did DWTS?
Kate said (Inside Kate's Life) that she had no idea until she read it online. So, someone can sue you and you don't even know about it?
I just don't know that we've seen the documentation, if it truly did get filed or if this was a bunch of drama for the show.
Speaking of kids on tv lol, I was watching an episode of What Not To Wear while exercising a few days ago. The person picked is a CA mom of 9, a stage mom, nursing student, busy, busy. 3 of her children played the young kids on Everyone Loves Raymond. Prior to shopping there's an interview segment where's she's talking oh about having been overwhelmed with kids, no time or money for shopping and how having the 10K (!) from the show was just amazing, almost too much. One of the interviewers made a comment about all the money the kids had made, and she look horrified, said something like oh no, that is THEIR money, I may be managing it, but it was never mine to use on clothes or anything like that. Refreshing.
Jin Hong Travel, Inc.? Does anyone know why Kate always changes the name of this corp? Is it the same one or does she have many different corps? There was SK8, a pharmaceutical co, etc.
Probably a stupid question but I don't recall Kate asking for attorney fees in the first complaint but in the ammended complaint she does. Can the attorney do it for free but then ask defendants to pay or would they need proof of Kate actually paying them. Razzmatazz charges $600 for a consultation according to one of his tweets.
Thanks in advance to anyone than can answer.
On the same subject of Jon being called a deadbeat dad all the years. On the Dr Phil show, TFW was interviewed and asked about the Suleman octuplets. I think this was before the divoce. She was asked what had gotten her through all the trials if dealing with multiples. TFW said that she was basically lucky that she had a husband who was "caring, capable, helpful husband by my side who did the same dirty work that I did". Oh wow, so Kate what happend? I thought Jon did nothing and acted like the nineth child while you did it all? Didnt you say that you felt that everything "rested on your shoulders?" It so hard to keep up with her lies. It gives me a headache.
Re TFMJG and PB -- How many times on the show did we hear TFMJG say to Jon "A husband who loved his wife would do blah, blah, blah" when she was trying to persuade, cajole or push him into doing something? Well, a wife who loved her husband would immediately eliminate the perceived rival the instant her husband said he thought that she was having an affair. The fact that TFMJG insisted on retaining Skeeve's "services" says volumes to me about just how much she (didn't) valued the marriage and her relationship with Jon.
Maybe it's because I read a lot of mysteries, but when two things don't quite seem to jibe, I tend to apply Occam's Razor, which is basically the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. Jon said in his Dad's round table interview that he had internet. That interview was in early July. He later said that he didn't have internet at the house. He also said, in the round table interview, that he was starting a new job the end of the month. When he said he didn't have internet at the house (or TV), he said it was because he was rarely home and when he had the kids, he wanted them to spend time together. The second statement came about 2 months after the first. Applying Occam's Razor -- the simplest explanation isn't "Jon lied" or "Jon was vague" or "Jon contradicted himself". The simplest explanation is that Jon cancelled his Internet service. That may or may not be the correct explanation, but it's certainly as valid as "Jon lied", etc. and doesn't require turning one's self inside out, upside down and backwards to arrive at.
I haven't watched MCJ. I don't watch a lot of TV, and almost never watch "reality" shows. I can see, and agree with points on both sides of the discussion here. I tend to think like Admin -- It's unrealistic to say kids can never be on TV, so every effort should be made to minimize the impact on them when they are. It sounds like the producers have made the effort. Will being on the show have a lasting negative impact on the kids? I don't know, and it will take a wiser woman than I am to figure that out.
Angie (32), it was me who wrote about feeling a little bit sorry for Kate that her journals are being read by strangers. Of course I was not trying to make a comparison to what she put those babies through. What she wrote about is appalling, unforgivable. How she could even sit down and type out the words as if she were describing just another day is quite outside my ability to comprehend. I guess I'm just thinking about the fact that a journal is so private, something most people would never voluntarily share, and (if I assume Robert's story to be true) by inadvertently throwing a disk in the trash, she may have tossed out her rights to that privacy. I'm actually surprised this aspect of the book/lawsuit hasn't been debated by this smart and thorough bunch already. Or has it? Did I miss that discussion? If this wasn't TFW but another celebrity, and lets say he/she accidentally tossed a backup to a journal, would it still feel just and appropriate to read those private thoughts, even if publishing them was under similar circumstances as these?
Orangecrusher1, I saw that episode too! Wasn't she great? There wouldn't be a need for laws if all stage moms were like her.
Does she have to be in court tomorrow for this hearing?
On the same subject of Jon being called a deadbeat dad all the years. On the Dr Phil show, TFW was interviewed and asked about the Suleman octuplets. I think this was before the divoce. She was asked what had gotten her through all the trials if dealing with multiples. TFW said that she was basically lucky that she had a husband who was "caring, capable, helpful husband by my side who did the same dirty work that I did". Oh wow, so Kate what happend? I thought Jon did nothing and acted like the nineth child while you did it all? Didnt you say that you felt that everything "rested on your shoulders?" It so hard to keep up with her lies. It gives me a headache.
I think she wanted to distinguish herself from the possible threat to her "uniqueness". SHE wasn't a single mom on welfare. SHE did it the RIGHT way.SHE had a husband. She couldn't very well bash the one thing that set her apart from Octomom. Octomom was not going to steal her thunder.
Mel @186, I thought the same thing when I read that tweet. I've always thought that Kate has to do major damage control for that one kid. Wasn't he the one she spanked in his crib so hard she thought she was going to seriously hurt him? She knows full well that we have talked about this on here many times. Plus she knows Robert has a soft spot for Collin because he saw that Collin was a sweet kid who needed that extra little bit of attention and never seemed to get it from her. Didn't he do an honourable mention in the book to Collin or something like that? He talked about Collin and an ice cream cone and how grateful he was and Robert thought he was sweet and was like a forgotten child. Can't remember.
FYI, in PA you cannot sue for alienation of affection, so even if Jon had evidence, he could not sue Steve.
Rule #3. No..........refusing to let things go and move on.
Why is this so hard for some people?
Looks like Milo, like her Kate, puts herself first, even if it's grammatically incorrect:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 36m
@Kateplusmy8 We're loving Taylor Swift's new song here.."Sweeter Than Fiction" Tune me & teens agree on...:) #FeelLikeDancing U heard it?
Milo...try "teens and I agree on."
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@PatriciaChow1 Me & my youngest occasionally volunteer at local shelter...walk dogs & help socialize them! :) I always encourage #Adopt
Really, Milo? What about "my youngest and I" volunteer...
I wonder if she speaks like this in "real life?" Is this part of the southern hillbilly persona she created? Well, shucks, then, time for me and the kids to git busy cleanin that outhouse! Cold nights are a'comin!
Not Anonymous (40)
I wonder if TFW is now asking for attorney's fees because she is just now realizing that this lawsuit is going to cost her a ton of money. I really believe that she didn't expect Jon or Robert to fight back, so she figured this lawsuit would only cost her a nominal amount. Now, of course, she she is shocked to see that she will have to pay to fight both of them. Amending complaints, depositions, going to court, battling two sets of top-notch lawyers, at hundreds f dollars per hour. She won't back down--she is pathologically incapable of backing down--but she knows she'd better at least try to get her legal fees paid or she could end up spending money she can't afford to lose. Remember after the divorce when she said she HAD to keep K+8 going because she had "major,major, major legal debt"? She is about to figure out what major, major, major legal debt really is. And now she doesn't have the big bucks rolling in from the show to cover the debt. It's all on her, and she has nobody (TLC) to bail her out this time.
I'm way behind, but commenting anyway....
Suzy said... 188
''......She never corrects them and always goes with whatever the person says about it. Broken toe, yes! Broken foot, yes!''
You are so right. TFW never corrects, even confirms by going along with what is said, then complains that over 90% of what is said about her and/or the kids is not true! She truly is a Waste Of Space!
LeeLee #43 said
Did I miss that discussion? If this wasn't TFW but another celebrity, and lets say he/she accidentally tossed a backup to a journal, would it still feel just and appropriate to read those private thoughts, even if publishing them was under similar circumstances as these?
nah, you're just too nice....WOS has a karma train headed her way...she deserves her private abusive thoughts published to offset all the lies she's told over the years.
Good grief.
Kate Gosselin to Host Almost 50 People for Upcoming Holiday Season!
Probably a stupid question but I don't recall Kate asking for attorney fees in the first complaint but in the ammended complaint she does.
Kate did ask for attorneys' fees in the original complaint, This is what she asked for in each complaint;
Original Complaint
1) for compensatory damages;
2) for punitive damages;
3) for liquidated damages pursuant to the PWESA;
4) for attorneys’ fees and costs;
5) for declaratory and injunctive relief:
6) for actual damages; and
7) for such other and further relief as this Court deems necessary, just and proper
Amended Complaint
1) for losses in excess of $5,000 under 18 U.S.C. § 1030(g);
2) for compensatory damages;
3) for actual damages;
4) for punitive damages based on the Defendants’ willful, reckless, and wanton conduct;
5) for attorneys' fees and costs;
6) for declaratory and injunctive relief; and
7) for such other and further relief as this Court deems just and appropriate.
In the first complaint, she requested relief under PWESA-Pennsylvania Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Act. Since they dropped that complaint, they're now asking for relief under the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
Good grief.
Kate Gosselin to Host Almost 50 People for Upcoming Holiday Season!
lol!! This is what happens when sheeple's reading comprehension goes askew! Kate better come up with those 50 members of her immediate family! She'll need a good excuse why that celebration never happens...broken leg, maybe, or excruciating back injury?
Responding to some of the questions about the hearing, no, TFW is not required to appear at this hearing, neither are Jon or Robert; they can if they want but probably won't; this hearing is more like a scheduling conference, a trial date might be set, a date to hear any of the outstanding motions might be set, deadlines prior to a trial date, how much time attorneys think they'll need for discovery (in months), etc. It will probably be in chambers, some attorneys may appear by phone if the judge permits it. A transcript will only be available if a party requests it be transcribed, which isn't likely for this hearing. An order will be entered in a few days documenting any rulings. I thought the defense attorneys would have filed a response to the amended complaint, whether just an answer or another motion to dismiss but didn't see that they have yet. Also didn't see a Rule 26 report filed prior to this hearing; the attorneys are required to conference on things to be discussed at this hearing; like discovery time, deadlines, when they might be available for trial. It may be that the amended complaint filing has disrupted the schedule of filings; I wonder if the hearing might be postponed but it hasn't shown up as rescheduled on the docket yet.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 54
Good grief.
Kate Gosselin to Host Almost 50 People for Upcoming Holiday Season!
I just knew that airhead at Gather was going to write an article like that. What a dufus!!
Anonymous said... 49
Rule #3. No..........refusing to let things go and move on.
Why is this so hard for some people?
This is in reference to ?
Dai Trang Le @DaiTrangLe
Kate Gosselin Plus Eight Holiday Summer No June July August 2015 California Las Vegas Hotel Address Nevada Disneyland Address Anaheim
Well, I'm glad we got that cleared up! Geez...
I just knew that airhead at Gather was going to write an article like that. What a dufus!!
"Kate Gosselin may have her hands full with her eight young kids but apparently that number is going to increase at least six times over this holiday season. What is Kate going to do with so many people?
Kate tweeted that she has been discussing plans with the kids about the holidays and said that there would be over 50 people at her home this holiday season—and that's just close family!"
It's scary that this airhead can't read. The tweet is right there. Kate tweeted "future," but this doofus came up with "THIS holiday season."
"What is Kate going to do with so many people?" What a stupid thing to ask. She's going to set up tables in the barn with the chickens, don't you know, and Steve is going to shuttle the food back and forth in his little scooter.
Kate is a took the words out of my mouth. Just another lie by TFW to garner attention, too. We know she plays "loose" and is highly skilled @ misrepresentation. I don't believe, again, a single word. She lives in here head. And of course she mentions Collin: damage control.
I don't think Ex-nurse should be asked to desist, whether I agree or not. Isn't this a blog, after all? Freedom of expression etc etc..the only thing that's OLD is TFW whining, lying, manipulating and grifting.
Wow, the "50 people for holidays" got picked up. Congrats, Kate. You fooled 'em again.
These Gather writers have a second grade reading and comprehension skills. That's too generous.
Kate is a twit said... 58
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 54
Good grief.
Kate Gosselin to Host Almost 50 People for Upcoming Holiday Season!
I just knew that airhead at Gather was going to write an article like that. What a dufus!!
Do those people get paid?? While it was an odd tweet, I think designed to portray herself as a family gal with a loving hearth, it was obvious what she meant after two readings lol.
RE: kate's tweet about having 50 guests for the holidays. I don't think it's this holiday season, but kids were discussing when they're grown with their own family/friends. That's the only way Kate will have that amount of family around. That is only going to happen if the kids don't leave Kate. Hopefully Jon will get more time with the children and hopefully the children won't like being treated like babies and as they mature and gain knowledge of everything they will be able to make their own decision without interruption from their Mother.
Kate is a twit said... 58
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 54
Good grief.
Kate Gosselin to Host Almost 50 People for Upcoming Holiday Season!
I just knew that airhead at Gather was going to write an article like that. What a dufus!!
Next we'll be seeing Kate cooks and entertains 150 for dinner in a full body cast!
Next we'll be seeing Kate cooks and entertains 150 for dinner in a full body cast!
Does that include her head?
Next we'll be seeing Kate cooks and entertains 150 for dinner in a full body cast!
HA!HA!HA! Too funny Tweetle.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 65
Kate is a twit said... 58
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 54
Good grief.
Kate Gosselin to Host Almost 50 People for Upcoming Holiday Season!
I just knew that airhead at Gather was going to write an article like that. What a dufus!!
Next we'll be seeing Kate cooks and entertains 150 for dinner in a full body cast!
Visual and laugh of the day Well Done :)
"Dai Trang Le @DaiTrangLe
Kate Gosselin Plus Eight Holiday Summer No June July August 2015 California Las Vegas Hotel Address Nevada Disneyland Address Anaheim"
Blowing int the Wind (59): "Well, I'm glad we got that cleared up!"
I don't know exactly why, Wind, but that gave me a really good chuckle. *What* was that tweet all about?!!
I just knew that airhead at Gather was going to write an article like that. What a dufus!!
And nobody has taken her hand, set her down and as simply as possible explained the context in which Kate's tweet was made?
On second thought...she probably still wouldn't get it. Once in airhead, always an airhead. I guess all you can do is laugh...especially at the image of Kate shuffling around in a full body cast, trying to carve a turkey with only one paw exposed.
And nobody has taken her hand, set her down and as simply as possible explained the context in which Kate's tweet was made?
On second thought...she probably still wouldn't get it. Once in airhead, always an airhead. I guess all you can do is laugh...especially at the image of Kate shuffling around in a full body cast, trying to carve a turkey with only one paw exposed.
Imagine those cast in plaster Double Ds!!
This made me think of that classic film the Trouble With Angels where Hailey Mills puts that big plaster mold on her friend's head and it's so thick the nuns have to use practically a jackhammer to get it off. Lol.
Over In TFW's County said... 69
I guess all you can do is laugh...especially at the image of Kate shuffling around in a full body cast, trying to carve a turkey with only one paw exposed.
lol! Yes and if the bodyguard was pushing her around on a fridge dolly, it might even make an entire one-hour episode. After that, bedrest and Steve gets to wait on her.
Geez I think I'd watch that. Someone call TLC, we may have something here.
Hm. That would be a good show. I'd watch Kate have to breathe through a straw, oh yes I would. :)
I'd watch just to see her have an itch she couldn't scratch.
I just read the article on ROL. The two Corey's from the 80's suffered from sexual abuse as they were starting out as celebs in Hollywood. I feel SO bad for those two! Corey Haim has since died of an overdose. Here is the article.
Eighties teen idol Corey Feldman details the sexual abuse he and late friend Corey Haim suffered at the hands of avaricious Hollywood sex predators during their childhood acting careers in his new book Coreyography: A Memoir, has learned.
Haim first revealed the abuse he’d suffered to Feldman when the two shot the 1986 comedy Lucas, Feldman said in the book. He said that on the set of the film, Haim told him “an adult male convinced him that it was perfectly normal for older men and younger boys in the business to have sexual relations, that it was what all the guys do.
“So they walked off to a secluded area between two trailers … and Haim allowed himself to be sodomized.”
An innocent and naive Haim then propositioned Feldman, but nothing ever happened, the actor said, as he informed his new friend that such behavior was “not what kids do, man.”
In another instance, Feldman discusses the sexual predators in his own life, including a man identified as “Ron” who his father had hired for him as an assistant.
Ron often drugged the young actor, then performed sexual acts on the “petrified” and “revolted” youth, Feldman said, adding that “over a period of many years, I would begin to realize that many of the people I had surrounded myself with were monsters.”
Haim tragically died in March 2010 at 38 of an accidental drug overdose at an Oakwood apartment complex in Burbank, Calif.
Feldman advises prospective stage parents to think twice before launching their children into show business.
“People always ask me about life after childhood stardom. What would I say to parents of children in the industry? My only advice, honestly, is to get these kids out of Hollywood and let them lead normal lives,” Feldman wrote.
Elsewhere in the memoir, Feldman details the horrific abuse he suffered at the hands of his mother Sheila, a one-time Playboy Playmate. He recounts one instance after he was fired from a TV film, leading to a savage pummeling from her as a result.
“‘How could you f***ing do this to me?’ she screams,” he recalled in the book. “She is out of control, wild-eyed, like an animal. Her face is bright red and blotchy, her cheeks are streaked with mascara. ‘You know I need this f***ing money. I will kill you. I will f***ing kill you, you worthless piece of s**t.
“She’s bent at the waist, ramming the pole under the cotton eyelet dust ruffle … jabbing at my ribs, my arms, my face, My skin is raw and bleeding. I think that, maybe, she is serious. She really does want to kill me. Then everything goes black.”
My only advice, honestly, is to get these kids out of Hollywood and let them lead normal lives,” Feldman wrote.
I'm not sure the solution to minors on realitytv shows is just acceptance that it WILL happen. Together, we can make our voices heard that we DON'T accept that it just will happen by refusing to watch kids on these shows, writing to producers and advertisers, and making our voices heard.
I, for one, feel uncomfortable just allowing this to happen to kids simply because that's the current status quo .
From Corey Feldman's Wikipedia:
Feldman stated that he began the "Emancipation Proclamation in Hollywood" at age fifteen, when he was granted emancipation from his parents. He stated that he was worth $1 million by age 15, and by the time the judge court-ordered the bank records to come forward, only $40,000 remained.
Oh, my, TFW's fans are in ignorant bunch, aren't they? I'm almost surprised that the airhead at Gather didn't also print that Collin has a child, and is teaching that child where to put dirty dishes.
Do any of TFW's fans really think that TFW has 50 people left in her life to invite? She has alienated everyone, and there are no "immediate family" members left. None. It's ironic how she cut them all out of her life and out of the kids' lives, thinking she had her TLC "family" to fill the void. Then TLC cut her and the kids off, just like she did to her real family. She walked away from her family, and her replacement family walked away from her. If it weren't so sad for the kids, I would say it's just desserts.
Hee hee, Milo is in a snit about the haters destroying TFW's book. She pointed out the number of good reviews, and a non-fan pointed out the terrible rankings at Amazon and B&N. So Milo, of course, blamed the haters for destroying everything TFW does. Sorry, but this massive failure masquerading as a book is all on TFW's shoulders. Her non-fans have not stopped anyone from buying the book. Anyone who wanted it has had the opportunity to do so without interference. TFW needs to own her failures.
Hee hee, Milo is in a snit about the haters destroying TFW's book. She pointed out the number of good reviews, and a non-fan pointed out the terrible rankings at Amazon and B&N. So Milo, of course, blamed the haters for destroying everything TFW does. Sorry, but this massive failure masquerading as a book is all on TFW's shoulders. Her non-fans have not stopped anyone from buying the book. Anyone who wanted it has had the opportunity to do so without interference. TFW needs to own her failures.
Has anyone asked Gladys why Kate's 170,000 followers haven't purchased the book? If Kate has such a tremendous fan base, and is loved worldwide, why don't the sales reflect that? If there are so many positive reviews on Amazon, as Milo points out, then all of those followers should be encouraged to buy the book. Nothing is stopping them.
AuntieAnn said... 78
I'd watch just to see her have an itch she couldn't scratch.
lol!! Same here. Or a bad case of Montezuma's Revenge.
lol! Yes and if the bodyguard was pushing her around on a fridge dolly, it might even make an entire one-hour episode. After that, bedrest and Steve gets to wait on her.
Spitting out my hot apple cider! I keep seeing Kate as Hannibal Lecter!
Gather has a writer I like and respect - Sue Buddy. So, IMO, they're not all airheads. I miss Sue Buddy's comments here and links to her funny articles. Come back Sue Buddy! :-)
Oh Admin thanks for mentioning the old movie Trouble With Angels, I thought the same thing about the plastered face of Marvelanne. Absolutely always loved that movie.
After Katrina, while in Walmart trying to buy things for my 5th wheel trailer that I bought to live in until they started letting us go home and look at the damage to my house. I came upon the movie set of Trouble with Angels and Where Angels Go Trouble Follows, my state of depression went from a 10 to a 1 in 30 seconds. Of course I had to buy a DVD and TV to watch them but never imagined how something from my teen years could bring me back from despair. We were not allowed back into New Orleans for 5 weeks so had no idea what to expect, reports were different with every news station. Just a crazy roller coaster ride I hope no one else every has to experience.
I'm 66 now and still enjoy watching those movies. Another one I found that helped a lot were the Gidget movies, do you remember those?
The Trouble with Angels was one of my favorite movies. I watched it over and over as a kid. I still use that line I have the most scathingly brilliant idea! I also love when Hailey Mills gives "tours" of the nuns quarters like it's a museum. LOL.
Spitting out my hot apple cider! I keep seeing Kate as Hannibal
TFW to Steevo: "People will say we're in love."
hehee. Gads we're wicked.
Hee hee, Milo is in a snit about the haters destroying TFW's book
If you are a good writer, shouldn't you be able to overcome any hate and sell books anyway?
IMO she makes Kate looks kind of weak not able to counteract any "hate" there may be against her. The Goopster and Pioneer Woman have no problem selling tons of books and they have lots of vicious hate.
I still use that same line too.
Loved when the little nun took the girls shopping for bras, she called them binders.
I went to Catholic school all my life, often wondered, what color is her hair, what does she have on under that black dress, is she hot (body temp hot), do they wear bras?
I guess if I was able to get into the convent, I would go on that tour.
Back then, a nun's life was very private and all of us were curious about what goes on in there.
Years later, when I became a nurse, I took care of a few elderly nuns after surgery. They were normal, happy and never had any regret about the vocation they chose.
OT for Netflix watchers. Check out "The Grand." It's about a high-class hotel in Manchester, England in 1920, the owners, staff and guests. Lots of interesting stories.
Milo resurrects the "haters have sabotaged everything Kate does" on a regular basis. Guess she missed Scott's little announcement on CC:
“A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago...Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.”
Oh The Trouble with Angels! Loved that movie too! The only thing that never did sit 100% with me was the Hailey Mills character deciding to stay and become a nun.
Millicent spoiler alert! hehe just kidding I think a movie from the 60s is fair game! I remember both the girls had kind of sad home lives. Wasn't Hailey an orphan and her friend lived with some rich uncle or something. I always thought the implication was that the sisters were cutting them so many breaks because they didn't want to send them back to that. Didn't one have to stay there ALL summer or Christmas or something? That's so sad! They should have been expelled for some of the stuff they pulled but the sisters had a heart.
Please remind me to never watch and/or listen to Jon Stewart while drinking my commiserate beer.
Aw, heck, who am i kidding? Stewart nailed their a***** to the wall.
crap, dd coughing, am istening,
gotta run
Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.”
You do realize that could be made into a form letter;
Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at [ ___________ ]
AHEM, Admin. I have not yet seen The Trouble with Angels. I planned to sit down to watch it TONIGHT, first time in my 60+ years on this earth, and what do I find but YOU, here, ruining the whole thing! So now I know the nuns had soft spots in their hearts . Thanks a lot. Now I have no reason to watch. Snicker. LOL. :-)
I love this blog!
"The Trouble With Angels" is one of my favorite movies, too! Admin, both of the girls didn't have sad home lives. The "Mary" character (Hailey Mills) is the one who was an orphan and lived with her rich uncle (Marvel Ann was her cousin, the uncle's daughter). "Rachel" had parents, apparently very loving parents, but she'd gone to a "progressive" school and was pretty uneducated by it. Did y'all know that the movie is based on the real life memoir of the "Rachel" character? It's "Life With Mother Superior" by Jane Trahey. It's hilarious, although not quite as zany as the movie. The real-life "Mary" character did become a nun. If you want to read the book, you may be able to get it through your library, or from one of the online second hand book stores. I highly recommend .
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 10h
Important DM Kate...
So funny for so many reasons!
the cookbook has the kids front & center and the tiips & traditions all included pictures of the children doing the traditions. it's not as if she put a picture of a pumpkin alluding to a fall tradition, for example. no, she uses a picture of the children to make her point. It's a PHOTOBOOK. Compared to jessica seinfeld's first book, you cantell the difference, Jrssica doesnt bomb the reader with close up pictures of her children. The first book had head drawings of her family, which I thought was unique & cute. she has 2 boys, i think & you couldnt tell who was with the drawings.
Honey Bear @HoneytheKoala 19 Oct
@OBC_LosAngeles Have you researched @kateplusmy8 cookbook? Would you consider her recipes nutritional and healthy? Just curious.
Operation Boot Camp @OBC_LosAngeles 11h
@HoneytheKoala @Kateplusmy8 haven't read the cookbook yet. Our event focuses on family fitness/nutrition. Thx for heads up/will check now
from Beverly Hills, CA
Seriously?! What kind of operation is this OBC/LA? They ask WOS to come promote her cookbook and haven't even looked at the recipes?!
Fidosmommy, here are more spoilers for you! No one went home on Dancin With Them Thar Stars, because they messed up posting the numbers on east coast broadcast last week. So in fairness they threw out last weeks viewer votes. This weeks judges votes will be combined with next weeks, and this weeks viewer votes to determine who goes home.
And no one got kicked off on The Amazing Race either! This is one of those long legs where they are still racing at the end of the show.
I hope theses revelations will not make you never ever watch another episode ever again.
Love "The Trouble With Angels"! I was a good catholic girl who never got in trouble and wished I had Hailey Mill's character's spunk!
I liked the fact that her character became a nun. Religious orders need more people like her......
Thanks Bitchy Pants, I' m going to try and find the book about the character Rachel's life....
Looks like with the failing sales numbers of the cook book, TFW is still trying to get a dating. With the amount of failures from TFW recently, her dream of getting back on teevee seem unlikely. This article states that TFW has yet to prove that she has a "passionate fan base". Hey Milo, what happend to the "millions" Kate fans from throughout the world?
OMG..I have to say, Kates twitter is totally dead. Expect for the usual Fans and Haters...and the occasional dopey article on the status of her "career". Is she not embarrassed by the lack of interest in her? She tweeted a couple of minutes and hardly got a response. How much longer can she "play" celebrity I wonder. Is she trying to take attention away from the fact that her lawsuit is in motion today.....
I'd like to see Milo name one job or opportunity that TFW has lost due to non-fans' interference. Just one. Oh, and I'd like to see her explain why it is "hating" to say that OBC should take a look at the cookbook. What's wrong with looking to see whether it really is healthy? Milo keeps saying the recipes are so healthy, so why is she getting her panties in a bunch? Perhaps she knows her claims of healthy recipes are a load of crap? Perhaps she realizes that others might not believe that multiple cans of processed slop covered in a blanket of cheese is a good way to feed our kids? Her frantic attempts to hide the truth only show that there is something she's trying to cover up.
Oh, boy, it's court day! Will we be able to find out what happens? I'm hoping TFW's frivolous complaint gets a big smackdown by the judge.
Oh, boy, it's court day! Will we be able to find out what happens? I'm hoping TFW's frivolous complaint gets a big smackdown by the judge.
I'm curious if Jon and Robert's lawyers from other states will be in PA to "argue" (?) the case? Have they the right to practice in PA?
Layla said... 107
I'd like to see Milo name one job or opportunity that TFW has lost due to non-fans' interference. Just one. Oh, and I'd like to see her explain why it is "hating" to say that OBC should take a look at the cookbook.
The cookbook sales are abysmal. To my surprise, there are some level-headed, balanced, halfway decent reviews of the book on Amazon. So, it's not the poo-flinging contest I thought it would be, so that's not the reason why she's not selling books.
Could it be that her book tour focused mainly on the lawsuit? Hmm...
Kate herself drove the narrative away from the book, did not cook or even talk about her cooking the vast majority of the time she had some radio or tv air time, and let some horn dog DJ practically give himself a happy ending on air, blathering on about her hot look?
I particularly liked the part when Kate was actually doing something that resembled baking- slathering icing on a pre-made cake- that she talked about her grandparents dentures, stuck wax teeth into her mouth and then put them back into the bowl with the rest, and had food cheeked away (gum, again?) for the ENTIRE segment.
Yummmmy! Pass me a piece of that cake!
That's very sad about the two Coreys being abused.I know he revealed this earlier, and he was also involved in the Michael Jackson trial. IMO he still seems pretty messed up and affected by his experiences. I always wonder why he doesn't get out of Hollywood, which he says ruined his life. Maybe he just doesn't know any other way of life.
From Shawn Tuma this morning:
Shawn E. Tuma @shawnetuma 3h
Fun little day trip to Philadelphia. Back tonight! (@ Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) w/ 3 others)
I saw news item about Cory Feldman book yesterday. Sounds very sad. the article I read said that the other Cory had relapsed but had died from pneumonia. Does anyone have recommendation on more in depth story on Cory Haim? Seems like they both had very sad lives in reality.
Jane said... 111
From Shawn Tuma this morning:
Shawn E. Tuma @shawnetuma 3h
Fun little day trip to Philadelphia. Back tonight! (@ Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) w/ 3 others)
Guess that answers that! YES
PS whenever I see his name I hear Arnold say "It's not a Tuma"
Jane said... 111
From Shawn Tuma this morning:
Shawn E. Tuma @shawnetuma 3h
Fun little day trip to Philadelphia. Back tonight! (@ Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) w/ 3 others)
Well, there 'ya go! Thanks for the link.
I'm thinking Shawn's feeling confident. I hope Jon is too.
I love The Trouble with Angels. And I love this blog for reminding me of it!
Here is a nice little website with a bunch of photos and behind-the-scenes tidbits from the movie:
It also includes a link to 8 pages of letters June Harding wrote home before and during filming.
OMG..I have to say, Kates twitter is totally dead
Wonder if she had to cancel her subscription to the twitterbots in order to help pay for her lawyers? haha!
localyocul said... 113
PS whenever I see his name I hear Arnold say "It's not a Tuma"
Ha, Ha! Love that line!
Joy: I think there will be a lot of info about Corey Haim in the Feldman book, as they were close friends who shared similar experiences. For an overview, the Wikipedia page on him is quite detailed, but as always , never the best source. I don't think there is a specific book on CH's life.
Joy- forgot- there is one book but it looks poor quality so I don't know if if I would bother with it.
License To Dream: The Life Of Corey Haim
by Saurav Dutt
I can't imagine TFW not attending today, being the control freak that she is.
There have had new books released in the past 1 -2 years that are from food bloggers or mommy bloggers lately. I read some of these blogs, as I believe in trying to follow the farm to table lifestyle — i.e. less processed food, no dyes /artificial flavors added, using more different types of sugar besides white sugar. The bloggers are careful to give due credit and say this is adapted from someone else’s recipe. I haven’t read anyone saying they thought and thought about it to come up with the recipe as she tends to claim. If you have read any of their blogs, you will understand what I mean. I have to say I notice not one of their books is shoving information and pictures of their families in our faces. They do not come across as a picture book but an actual cookbook with good tips. No babyish/toodlerish suggestions! *smirk* Tthe books are beautifully done and easy to read. I already have an idea of what books will go on my Christmas list!
Do you know Saveur Magazine has an annual contest for the best food blog awards? That is how I came across some of these blogs and they are bookmarked on my computer. If TWF wants more exposure or get her recipes published; look at these blogs and find out why. If she can actually ‘develop’ recipes from scratch as she claims, this is a good way to get her toes wet. I do have a doubt she would do it without getting the children involved. She hasn’t even gotten People magazine to publish one of her recipes! They usually have 1 or 2 pages featuring a celebrity, chef or a celebrity chef’s recipe. I just don’t understand why it’s hard for her to separate herself from the children when it comes to making a career out of something. That’s why she comes across as a carnival barker, not a mommy preserving her children’s dignity. Do you think the picture with the 3 boys on the counter eating apples as if they are models has dignity? I found that very tacky and unnatural. I went past that very quickly. It was creepy to have them stare at me like that. I knew it was not who they were so why put them in that unnatural posture? I had a feeling she was maybe testing the waters to see if a company would see the pictures and think they were good models. The same thing was done on Chris and Steve show, they showed pictures of the children, professional photo of C & M, the beach picture with her in the white bikini. I mean, what is the point of doing that?
Thanks for the Trouble with Angels link, June Harding's letters home which were like a diary were GREAT. What a treasure trove. Now there was a young woman, 26 years old, who knew exactly what she had and APPRECIATED every minute of it. How sweet was it that she made a movie "scrapbook"? When something like that happens how can you sit around like Kate and say I didn't really appreciate it. How can you not realize what is being dumped in your lap is incredible, once in a lifetime, lightning striking? A 26 year old had no problem recognizing it. She said Hayley Mills was nice, easy to talk to and easy to work with. And at the time she was pretty much the biggest child/teen star around. That's refreshing.
TFW's complaint is based upon information and belief allegations, without real factual support.
Conjecture, for which there is always a probable alternative explanation.
On Computer Fraud:
18 U.S.C. § 1030(g)
(g) "No action may be brought under this subsection unless such action is begun within 2 years of the date of the act complained of or the date of the discovery of the damage...."
My hopes and prayers are with Defendant's counsel for the pre-trial hearing on this perfect sunny Autumn day.
localyocul said... 120
I can't imagine TFW not attending today, being the control freak that she is.
Oh, I sooo agree. She has to be there to tell her lawyers how to do their jobs. And to dazzle the judge with her celebrity staus.
Oh, and I'd like to see her explain why it is "hating" to say that OBC should take a look at the cookbook. What's wrong with looking to see whether it really is healthy?
Exactly. I don't consider it "hate" to simply ask an organization that is supposed to be supporting health to simply read some recipes in what I consider overall to be very unhealthy eating before trying to recruit that cook.
I like how that Twitterer handled it. Respectfully saying just curious have you read the cookbook and could you explain what's healthy in it? I mean that is a fair question. If there's something healthy about 400mg's of salt, I'd like to know myself. And if an organization that is supposed to be about health supports recipes like that, then I want to know it so that I can avoid that organization. That's my right and there is nothing hateful about it.
Good luck to Tuma today! I'm glad he's still enthused about the case and I hope we're able to get some update about what happened. Likely this really is just going to be an informal chat and nothing much will happen today, but hopefully after the PTC he will have some idea what direction this case is going and where Kate's camp stands on all this. Settlement, trial, etc.
You do realize that could be made into a form letter;
LOL! Maybe you could draw one up and save everyone who ever works with her in the future some time.
I just don’t understand why it’s hard for her to separate herself from the children when it comes to making a career out of something.
Because without her children she is just Katie Irene Kreider from somewhere in PA. With her children she is Kate Gosselin, reality stah and mother of 8. She knows that without them she is nothing. She has claimed that she kept the name Gosselin for the childrens' sake so that they'd have the same last name. In reality she's keeping it becasue of the name recognition. If she were to remarry she would probably keep Gosselin as her "professional" name. Too bad Jon can't take back his name.
Love Shawn Tuma's tweet that says he's on the way to PA with 3 other people.
Love Shawn Tuma's tweet that says he's on the way to PA with 3 other people.
Three other people lol. A whole legal team eh! I just pictured that "pre-trial" negotiation scene from Erin Brokovich. Hysterical. I hope Sean Tuma gives any "lame-ass" offer a "see, that pisses me off" and asks Razamatazz to image how much he would pay for his uterus and then "multiply that number by 100."
Suzy 121 said...
If TWF wants more exposure or get her recipes published; look at these blogs and find out why. If she can actually ‘develop’ recipes from scratch as she claims, this is a good way to get her toes wet.
But that's not what she wants, really. The cookbook was just something to do because other celebs do it and it was a failure, IMO. Her recipes are clearly taken from other sources and modified just enough to keep her legit. There was nothing in her cookbook that I considered unique.
As I said in my Amazon review, her fans will love it especially the pictures of the kids. As for the home cook, you're better off buying a Betty Crocker cookbook which at least gives you sections on equipment and basic skills/techniques. For the foodie, don't buy it. These are basic recipes, nothing mind blowing and her lack of seasoning will disappoint.
Three other people lol. A whole legal team eh! I just pictured that "pre-trial" negotiation scene from Erin Brokovich. Hysterical. I hope Sean Tuma gives any "lame-ass" offer a "see, that pisses me off" and asks Razamatazz to image how much he would pay for his uterus and then "multiply that number by 100."
"By the way we had that water brought in special for you...came from a well in Hinkley."
Shawn Tuma has filed a motion to dismiss. Intelligently written it is a breath of fresh air.
My hopes and prayers are with Defendant's counsel for the pre-trial hearing on this perfect sunny Autumn day.
Mine, too, but unfortunately, it's not a perfect sunny Autumn day for Tuma and friends here. It's cool, cloudy and drizzly!
Shawn Tuma has filed a motion to dismiss. Intelligently written it is a breath of fresh air.
Well that's nice to read. Hopefully the motion was based on the 'frivolous grounds' concept.
@Over In, Sorry to rread about the cloudy skies. Hopefully Tuma will bring some sunshine to Reading Pa! he most certainly brings integrity.
I have the weather wrong andI see also s/b "defendants'" counsel. I am hoping both Jon and Robert hear good news from this meeting.
Good grief, Milo is trying to up with a picture of an animal with 8 babies AFTER twf retweeted a pic of the same thing sent by someone else. And what's with the saying 'AW' to twf and telling her to keep chugging on. Seriously these people make it sound like she completely has no back bone and needs them to 'puppet' her. Feel this! Think this! Smile this! Feel the love! Keep you head up! Keep mothering! Why do they think she needs someone to tell her that? Is she on the nerve of a breakdown or something? Or do they thinks she is incapable of mothering without praise from the public?
High Sodium Content said... 128
Love Shawn Tuma's tweet that says he's on the way to PA with 3 other people.
Not to be outdone, Razmatazz will show up with Bullyville, 3 Strippers, and a Showgirl :-)
I need to back away from the keyboard!
I cannot spell or punctuate today.
Hoosier Girl said... 137
High Sodium Content said... 128
Love Shawn Tuma's tweet that says he's on the way to PA with 3 other people.
Not to be outdone, Razmatazz will show up with Bullyville, 3 Strippers, and a Showgirl :-)
reader said... 132
Shawn Tuma has filed a motion to dismiss. Intelligently written it is a breath of fresh air.
?? Another one? I'm confused.
@Tweet-le De ~ Robert's attorney also filed a motion to dismiss. Tuma's motion to dismiss was filed this morning.
Hoosier Girl said... 137
High Sodium Content said... 128
Love Shawn Tuma's tweet that says he's on the way to PA with 3 other people.
Not to be outdone, Razmatazz will show up with Bullyville, 3 Strippers, and a Showgirl :-)
This comment is so worth having hot chocolate "splattered" over both of my monitors!! Thank you for the wonderful laugh!!!!
reader said... 141
@Tweet-le De ~ Robert's attorney also filed a motion to dismiss. Tuma's motion to dismiss was filed this morning
In September, Hoffman's attorney filed a response (not a motion to dismiss):
Also in September, Tuma filed a Motion to Dismiss:
Where are you seeing something that was filed today?
reader said... 141
@Tweet-le De ~ Robert's attorney also filed a motion to dismiss. Tuma's motion to dismiss was filed this morning.
Thanks for the reply. How do you know this?
This morning Tuma filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint.
reader 141 -- Can you post a link to Tuma's motion to dismiss? Or tell us some details of it? Or send Admin the link so she can do a post on it if she wants to? Inquiring minds want to know, LOL. Thanks for the updates. Good to know that Jon and Robert have on-the-ball representatives. I'm hoping to hear that TFMJG is smacked down good and proper by the court. If I listen hard enough, I might even hear her wails of anger and frustration here in central Ohio.
I thought Robert's attorney also filed a motion to dismiss.
I was mistaken.
TWO motions to dismiss? This is going to be a long, expensive day for TFW. Her lawyers will have to argue against both motions.
Who else thinks she wet herself when she saw all those lawyers walking in? Jon is not supposed to have lawyers! Jon is not supposed to fight back! He is not allowed! She is in charge, and that's never going to change, dammit! Her hands must be twitching uncontrollably as she fights the urge to give Jon a few "love taps" right there in the courtroom.
reader said... 145
This morning Tuma filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint.
Oh! Got it! Thanks for the info!! Did you say Hoffman's attorney also filed a MTD? Was that also today? The only thing reported here was the response to the original complaint.
Admin, do have access to the online docket, PACER?
Shes in the court room...I doubt it...
reader said... 145
This morning Tuma filed a motion to dismiss the amended complaint.
October 22, 2013 at 10:52 AM
OK, wow, didn't even know this was a possibility. No wonder he was so chirpy at the break of dawn.
Is this the time when Kate says "you get what you get, and you don't get upset" and she looks in the mirror. Ha ha.
reader said... 147
I thought Robert's attorney also filed a motion to dismiss.
I was mistaken.
I'm thoroughly confused. And Blogger is taking forever to load. I'll be back later to see if the confusion has been cleared up.
Saw this on Pinterest, today and guess who came to mind?
"I"m sorry that I'm having a hard time believing you due to your track record of being a lying liar that constantly lies out of your lying liar hole."
silimom said... 130
The cookbook was just something to do because other celebs do it and it was a failure, IMO.
You have to remember TFW is a hardcore narcissist. She lives in a different (delusional) world. She does not have the same reality as us.
I don't think she schemes on staying famous. I think she thinks she IS famous, super famous, a household name, everyone knows her, and discusses her. In her world she's super mom, the expert in organizing, cleaning, and cooking.
Unfortunately, her world is continually reinforced with twitter. Because one or two tweeties asked for a cookbook, she honestly thought the world wanted her to put it out there. She thought there'd be a lot of interest in it. And I'm willing to bet in her world there was, I mean she had two solid weeks of tv spots and adulation and months of tweeties begging for more recipes and telling her how great she is.
localyocul said... 149
Oh! Got it! Thanks for the info!! Did you say Hoffman's attorney also filed a MTD? Was that also today? The only thing reported here was the response to the original complaint.
It is not unusual for attorneys who are representing different defendants in a case to confer with each other, being that they share an opponent in common. I haven't seen Tuma's motion to dismiss the amended complaint, but it may not be necessary for Robert's attorney to file a separate motion. If Tuma's motion is granted, that will likely benefit Robert as well.
It all depends on whether Tuma is seeking to have the entire amended complaint dismissed, or only certain portions of that pertain to allegations against Jon only.
Either way, TFW's attorneys are certainly having to work hard on this one. If they are not already charging TFW on an hourly basis, they might want to reconsider their fee agreement. At this rate, they are being forced to rack up the hours and have been put on notice that they will have a fight on their hands every step of the way. Considering TFW has always been able to steamroll over Jon, it's nice to see the shoe on the other foot for a change.
Clearly, I'm behind the ball of the current conversation. Although I'm happy that Tuma submitted an additional motion to dismiss (if true), I didn't think that they argued anything today? I thought they were simply setting a future court date?
Bitchy Pants - Admin already posted both Tuma's and Garbus' motions in September and you can still access them:
If this complaint is dismissed, does Kate have to pay the defense's attorney fees?
Bitchy Pants - Sorry, I just read that Tuma filed another motion to dismiss this morning. That was the one you were referring to. My bad. Sorry.
Call Me Crazy said... 117
localyocul said... 113
PS whenever I see his name I hear Arnold say "It's not a Tuma"
I don't like Arnold Schwartzenegger, primarily because he was a terrible governor (I'm from CA), but also because he's a terrible womanizer. However, that movie was funny. My sister is a lifelong teacher and happened to be teaching kindergarten when it came out. She laughed so hard at that line every time she heard it. (Administrator) said... 95
Millicent spoiler alert!
Ooops! LOL - I really should have thought that post through a bit better before hitting publish.
Thanks too to the poster who provided a link to another page about the movie and the letters to home from the other actress in the film. I am going to put the movie on my Netflix queue - that is if other people in California that blog here haven't beat me to it!
Also, I'm not sure if the info I read here earlier is confirmed or not. Did Jon's attorney file a motion to dismiss the amended complaint?
Who else thinks she wet herself when she saw all those lawyers walking in? Jon is not supposed to have lawyers! Jon is not supposed to fight back! He is not allowed! She is in charge, and that's never going to change, dammit! Her hands must be twitching uncontrollably as she fights the urge to give Jon a few "love taps" right there in the courtroom.
I don't believe any of them (Jon, Kate, RH) were required to be present, were they?
I'm confused, too, Tweet-le. Where is this coming from?
Unfortunately, her world is continually reinforced with twitter. Because one or two tweeties asked for a cookbook, she honestly thought the world wanted her to put it out there. She thought there'd be a lot of interest in it. And I'm willing to bet in her world there was, I mean she had two solid weeks of tv spots and adulation and months of tweeties begging for more recipes and telling her how great she is.
Agree. I wonder, though, if she has absolutely nobody to advise her on such things, pointing out why a cookbook like this wouldn't be a big seller and that it's not a good idea. Clearly, she did work on this thing, even if she only pieced and patched from other recipes. Assembling the recipes, getting the photos together, etc., did involve some work on her part. Why go to all that trouble if you know that the last books have tanked? Surely someone could have explained the facts of life to her...or is it a case that she just wouldn't listen because her reality isn't the reality in which most of us live?
Speaking of reality...Milo! I wonder if she's like she is only on Twitter, or if the celebrity worship extends into her daily life. Can someone so far gone limit the adulation to just the internet? If she goes to the grocery store and the total is $8.08, does she tell the register person that those are Kate Gosselin's lucky numbers? If she gets her hair trimmed, does she rant on and on to the stylist about how wonderful Kate's hair looks? Does her family ever tell her to shut the heck up? I don't know, but it's a curious study in the psychological perspective of Celebrity Worship Syndrome. What does Milo get from it just a one-sided attraction and she's satisfied with that? Are they both narcissists and as such, does each of them benefit from this strange relationship? If she's catfishing, she's become darn good at it.
OT, a little. I have been watching my DVR'd cache of the last season of What Not To Wear (and my first season lol). Today it hit me that Ted the hairdresser is Ted Gibson. OK, I'm slow. What a nice man. How did he put up with Skank Kate for so long?
Hoosier Girl said... 137
High Sodium Content said... 128
Love Shawn Tuma's tweet that says he's on the way to PA with 3 other people.
Not to be outdone, Razmatazz will show up with Bullyville, 3 Strippers, and a Showgirl :-)
Lol! Such witty posters on this blog!
Vanessa said... 155
Saw this on Pinterest, today and guess who came to mind?
"I"m sorry that I'm having a hard time believing you due to your track record of being a lying liar that constantly lies out of your lying liar hole."
Love that so much!
Why fly all the way to PA just to confirm a court date?
8.26.13 Original Complaint Filed (TFW's atty)
9.18.13 Motion to dismiss (Jon's Atty)
9.19.13 Answer to complaint (Robert's Atty)
10.02.13 Amended complaint (TFW's atty)
10.22.13 Motion to dismiss (Jon's Atty) ~ "First Motion to Dismiss for failure to state a claim in Plaintiff's Amended Complaint"
Sherry Baby said... 165
Agree. I wonder, though, if she has absolutely nobody to advise her on such things, pointing out why a cookbook like this wouldn't be a big seller and that it's not a good idea. Clearly, she did work on this thing, even if she only pieced and patched from other recipes. Assembling the recipes, getting the photos together, etc., did involve some work on her part. Why go to all that trouble if you know that the last books have tanked? Surely someone could have explained the facts of life to her...or is it a case that she just wouldn't listen because her reality isn't the reality in which most of us live?
I don't know...I tend to think JMC was no where near this one. I think TFW pitched it (or someone somewhere down the line gave her a referral). I think the book was almost done and about to be published with Zondervan years ago, and she just submitted a carbon copy of what she had from that. Then HCI took over from there. HCI took pictures, edited it, promoted it... Someone else does the work, and TFW gets the credit and attention.
Sherry Baby said... 165
Speaking of reality...Milo! I wonder if she's like she is only on Twitter, or if the celebrity worship extends into her daily life. Can someone so far gone limit the adulation to just the internet? If she goes to the grocery store and the total is $8.08, does she tell the register person that those are Kate Gosselin's lucky numbers? If she gets her hair trimmed, does she rant on and on to the stylist about how wonderful Kate's hair looks? Does her family ever tell her to shut the heck up? I don't know, but it's a curious study in the psychological perspective of Celebrity Worship Syndrome. What does Milo get from it just a one-sided attraction and she's satisfied with that? Are they both narcissists and as such, does each of them benefit from this strange relationship? If she's catfishing, she's become darn good at it.
It is fascinating! I don't think anyone who hounds her on twitter have any sort of life outside of the internet. I read this blog once or twice a day, post a comment or two, then live life. To have the continual back and forth that her "followers" (both lovers and haters) have, it just doesn't leave enough room for healthy non-TFW-focused relationships. Twitter is definitely a cesspool that gives off the type of stink that attracts the clinically insane.
Sherry Baby said... 164
Who else thinks she wet herself when she saw all those lawyers walking in? Jon is not supposed to have lawyers! Jon is not supposed to fight back! He is not allowed! She is in charge, and that's never going to change, dammit! Her hands must be twitching uncontrollably as she fights the urge to give Jon a few "love taps" right there in the courtroom.
I don't believe any of them (Jon, Kate, RH) were required to be present, were they?
I'm confused, too, Tweet-le. Where is this coming from?_____________
I don't believe any of them (Jon, Kate, RH) were required to be present, were they?
They were not required to be but we were speculating that TFW is such a control freak she would go. I think I would too if i were suing someone, actually. Although i can't imagine suing anyone.
Tuma keeps checking in on his Four Square LOL He was at the courthouse in Reading 40 minutes ago, then the Turkey Hill 25 minutes ago. Sheesh, find a Wawa at least. So funny!
Insert Creative Username Here said... 156
she had two solid weeks of tv spots and adulation and months of tweeties begging for more recipes and telling her how great she is.
That was not a real book tour. It first started out looking it was a media tour about Jon's gun incident, the lawsuit and life after reality TV. It was more about her promoting the gun incident & lawsuit. Remember there were almost no cooking demos or a good discussion about the book. It was as if the book was put on the back burner and was hardly mentioned. Then going into the 2nd week I think, it finally started feeling more like she was actually promoting the book rather than her personal life. She was finally starting to give cooking demos and talking more about the book. Even if the story about her grandparents camping out has nothing to do with the book, it was a story after all, rather than 20 questions about Jon and the lawsuit. I do believe after the first interview or two, she was told to zip it about the lawsuit. She also did VERY POORLY on promoting her schedule. She thought we would do it for her, I guess.
Shawn E. Tuma (@shawnetuma)
10/22/13, 3:19 PM
Federal courthouse in Reading, PA (@ Madison Building)
Shawn E. Tuma (@shawnetuma)
10/22/13, 3:19 PM
Federal courthouse in Reading, PA (@ Madison Building)
Shawn E. Tuma (@shawnetuma)
10/22/13, 3:19 PM
Federal courthouse in Reading, PA (@ Madison Building)
Shawn E. Tuma (@shawnetuma)
10/22/13, 3:35 PM
I'm at Turkey Hill Minit Market - @TurkeyHillMM (Reading, PA)
Sherry Baby (164)
I don't think TFW, Jon, or Robert are required to be there, but we were discussing (yesterday?) how TFW is too much of a control freak to stay away. She needs to be in control, so I'd bet my bottom dollar that she will be there, trying to make sure things go her way. She just can't sit back and let someone be in charge.
localyocul said... 173
Tuma keeps checking in on his Four Square LOL He was at the courthouse in Reading 40 minutes ago, then the Turkey Hill 25 minutes ago. Sheesh, find a Wawa at least. So funny!
Ooooh, Turkey Hill Ice Cream.
localyocul said... 173
Tuma keeps checking in on his Four Square LOL He was at the courthouse in Reading 40 minutes ago, then the Turkey Hill 25 minutes ago. Sheesh, find a Wawa at least. So funny!
October 22, 2013 at 1:01 PM
LOL, someone tell Milo there's a new sheriff in town. LOLOLOLOLOL
Hoosier Girl said...(137)
High Sodium Content said... 128
Love Shawn Tuma's tweet that says he's on the way to PA with 3 other people.
"Not to be outdone, Razmatazz will show up with Bullyville, 3 Strippers, and a Showgirl :-)"
Bahahahahahaha, snort. That is funny. :P
Insert Creative User name, you have pointed out what I have missed, and it.should be so obvious! TFMJG does have a different way of perceiving reality. Of course in her mind she should be entitled to special treatment at stores. Of course only the things that make her look good in her own opinion are acceptable in her view of reality. Whether it is cute things children say or what celeb mothers do.
thank you. thinking of this as TFMJG world view makes me a tiny bit more sorry for her. Just a tiny bit. I feel more sorry for all the other family members.
If Tuma tweeted a picture of the courthouse, then said he was at Turkey Hill 15 minutes later, then he must have taken the courthouse picture on his way out. Hmmm, I think the fact that he bothered to take a picture of the courthouse is a good sign. Why bother if it wasn't a good experience for him/his client? The Reading, PA courthouse isn't terribly interesting otherwise.
I wonder if we'll be seeing any posts on gosselinbook soon...
She needs to be in control, so I'd bet my bottom dollar that she will be there, trying to make sure things go her way. She just can't sit back and let someone be in charge.
Kate's M.O. when shit hits the fan is to tweet rainbows and unicorns. What little tweeting she's done today is just that, so I think she's "whistling past the graveyard", so to speak.
Tucker's Mom said... 178
Ooooh, Turkey Hill Ice Cream.
LOL, it's also a gas station/convenience store, much like Cumberland Farms, Sunoco, etc...
@Over In, Sorry to rread about the cloudy skies. Hopefully Tuma will bring some sunshine to Reading Pa! he most certainly brings integrity.
I have the weather wrong andI see also s/b "defendants'" counsel. I am hoping both Jon and Robert hear good news from this meeting.
lol! He did just that. Turned out to be a beautiful, sunny day!
It is not a Tuma! Laughing at that one. I didn't think of that when I read his name, but now I will! Love that movie.
I made the Asian pork chops some time ago, and really, they weren't bad. I bought more chops, didn't want to use the same recipe, but I took some of the ingredients from it and tweaked it. Well, actually developed my own. I added peach preserves, some apple cider and orange juice, and natural (sugar free) apple butter, ginger and cinnamon, rosemary and some Duck sauce I had leftover from Chinese takeout. Oh, my gosh, it was so good! Much, much better than Kate's recipe. Problem is, since I threw in this and that, I don't remember exactly what I used or the measurements, so I can't include it in my cookbook! ;-)
Maybe Shawn Tuma didn't have to go to Philly today for court but remember he lives in the Dallas. This is as good an opportunity as any for him and his staff to meet Jon eyeball to eyeball. There's no substitute for that.
Ooooh, Turkey Hill Ice Cream.
Did you know they recalled the Chocolate Peanut Butter, and the Moose Tracks (metal fragments)? I read about it when I was eating the CPB!
She also did VERY POORLY on promoting her schedule. She thought we would do it for her, I guess
Are the fans accepting the fact that this worldwide extensive tour is over (only three signings) or are they still all giddy that perhaps she will be in their city soon? They blinked and it was over. So much for all the hype.
Hoosier Girl said... 137
High Sodium Content said... 128
Love Shawn Tuma's tweet that says he's on the way to PA with 3 other people.
Not to be outdone, Razmatazz will show up with Bullyville, 3 Strippers, and a Showgirl :-)
OMG! LOL LOL Funniest thing I've heard/read all day!!!
Hoosier Girl, don't you think razzle dazzle will show up with eight, count'em, eight showgirls?
I made the Asian pork chops some time ago, and really, they weren't bad. I bought more chops, didn't want to use the same recipe, but I took some of the ingredients from it and tweaked it
Sounds delicious- building flavors is what it's all about. Sweet and sour sauces are my favorite with pork.
I usually have my laptop in the kitchen with me and will scramble to write it down in a file before I forget what I did.
Over In TFW's County said... 187
Oh no! Moose Tracks is my favorite. Been eating it for years.
Flo (186)
I think it is great that Tuma and 3 colleagues showed up today. Shows his commitment to his client, and his willingness to fight for him (Jon). It's been a long time since Jon had someone to fight for him. Perhaps nobody ever has, at least as far as TFW is concerned. TFW always had the big guns in her corner. Let's hope the tables have turned and someone will stop TFW's relentless bullying of Jon. That is what this lawsuit really is--bullying. She just wants to hurt him. Let's hope Tuma can stop her.
Layla, he signed into Foursquare at the courthouse, like he does wherever he goes. And it's the Federal Courthouse in Philly, not Reading. Easy mistakes to make, so I'm only clarifying "for the record".
Insert Creative Username Here said... 156
You have to remember TFW is a hardcore narcissist. She lives in a different (delusional) world. She does not have the same reality as us.
I don't think she schemes on staying famous. I think she thinks she IS famous, super famous, a household name, everyone knows her, and discusses her. In her world she's super mom, the expert in organizing, cleaning, and cooking.
I wonder if she has forgotten that most of her followers are paid twitterbots, and now actually believes that she has thousands of real live fans.
I agree that TFW's mind does not function in what we might consider the normal or average way. She does not live in reality, and that's why it's almost impossible for her to function in the real world without some sort of buffer (whether it was Jon, then TLC handlers, and ultimately Ratclaws). When reality intrudes too much, she just shuts down and retreats.
Layla said... 192
I know it's pie in the sky to even hope that Tuma shut down the lawsuit, or at least Jon's portion of the lawsuit, today. But if not today, I hope soon.
Yes, it's great to see Jon have true talent with academic rigor and commitment in his corner. TLC was an unstoppable juggernaut that sought to crush Jon and make him pay for stopping their cash cow.
I certainly don't want to see the same forces come to bear directly upon Kate, however, I do hope this case ends very soon in Jon's favor and is put to bed forever.
That way, maybe, both Jon and Kate can begin to heal the wounds inflicted from this horrible divorce.
Kate especially. I think she is a broken person who perhaps is not even aware of how deep the waters within her run.
She's deny it-- why look how good she looks on the outside! But, she's been deeply affected by the events of the past several years, as has Jon, and of course the kids.
Only if and until Jon and Kate can truly forgive and move on will the kids have happy, healthy parents.
Over in TWF' s County, your pork "recipe" sounds delicious, and I am a VERY picky eater. What you did is exactly what great cooks are able to do - take what's on hand and turn into a tasty, memorable dish. If I had a chef's toque to doff, I would doff it.
JoyinVirginia said... 190
Hoosier Girl, don't you think razzle dazzle will show up with eight, count'em, eight showgirls?
Oh my, you're right! ... or maybe just 7. He'll have Kate there in her hooker heels and a bustier to round out the 8 :-)
Flo (193),
I just looked, and it definitely says Madison Building, Federal Courthouse Reading, PA. Am I missing something?
You have to remember TFW is a hardcore narcissist. She lives in a different (delusional) world. She does not have the same reality as us.
This is spot on. This is why most of us find TFW so maddening, and yet are so fascinated by her mental illness - we could not imagine thinking like her or acting like her.
I just looked, and it definitely says Madison Building, Federal Courthouse Reading, PA. Am I missing something?
The Madison Building is in Reading...on Washington Street. He tweeted that's where he is/ well as at a Reading Turkey Hill. I doubt he would have driven from Philly to Reading just for a Turkey Hill experience!
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