At first blush FOX's Masterchef Junior, a cooking competition for eight to 13-year-olds that's pulling in good ratings for FOX, should raise red flags. Kids participate in an intense competition with tough judges in front of millions of viewers where every week someone gets the axe. Isn't
this child exploitation?
Masterchef Junior airs Fridays on Fox. The first four episodes can be viewed online for free on Fox's web site or Hulu:
Episode One, Here Come the Kids
Episode Two, School's Out
Episode Three, Whip It
Episode Four, Bad Food
Australia had their own version of the show in 2010, and viewers were concerned even then. “All but one [of these kids] will ultimately fail,” said Dr. Guy Redden, of the department of gender and cultural studies at the University of Sydney. “Adults living in a capitalist society are familiar with high-stakes, winner-takes-all competition and are better placed to deal it,” he says. “I’d question whether most adults would feel comfortable watching kids on such an emotional roller-coaster.” However columnist and mom Angela Mollard says failure isn't such a bad thing for kids. We coddle kids too much, she claims, and don't let them learn that sometimes in life you won't get a trophy. She saw nothing exploitive about a friendly cooking competition. Rather, she said it was character building.
Australian producers said they were very concerned with making sure the contestants were not exploited: “Once the kids are selected to go into the Top 50 they undergo a series of psychological evaluations. It deals with IQ, communication skills, self-awareness, and resiliency," explained Executive Producer Nick Colquhoun. “They need to be able to communicate a passion for food in order for the process to be enjoyable and they need a level of confidence. If there are signs they wouldn’t cope because they don’t have the self-confidence and it might affect them if they don’t win a challenge, then based on that advice we might not put them into the competition. By the time they arrive we’re confident they’re going to have the capacity to enjoy the process. People enjoy it because there is a sense of positivity to it.” Visitors to the set noted the children were carefree and playful, and got along well with each other.
Arguably, any time minors appear on television it's exploitation, but it's clear the American version of Masterchef Junior is also taking great pains to treat the children with "kid gloves." There is no yelling and screaming or anger. Their dishes are praised for all their good points, and any sour notes are explained in a gentle way with advice on how to improve next time. We see a different side to Gordon Ramsay, the crass British host with a notorious temper. He tells Jack, one of the most talented pint-sized chefs, that he reminds him of his son. His son's name is also Jack and he loves to cook. (We're betting some viewers didn't even know the tough ole bird had kids--we didn't.) Ramsay shows he can be a good sport too, allowing the kids to dump

under-whipped cream on his head (It wasn't just a food fight. It was a lesson in stiff peaks.). When the kids are making cakes, one of the girls makes a grave mistake halfway through the recipe and starts crying. Ramsay tells her to take a deep breath and wipe her tears, then jumps in and helps her start over, calmly reminding her she still has plenty of time. Ultimately she was sent home, but not before the judges emphasized how incredible a chef she is.
The show is shot exclusively in the studio. It doesn't peek into the children's homes, schools, or private lives. The information revealed about the children only relates to cooking--what they are good at now and what they want to do in the future with their talents. Thus far, anything else has remained strictly off limits. We don't even know where many of the children are from. The cash prize was not mentioned to the children until the competition was well underway. They were only told about the trophy at first.
The kids themselves are wildly talented, with most of them able to pull off a perfect beef Wellington, grilling and frying, various difficult desserts, seafood and dishes with exotic ingredients.
Surprisingly, Masterchef Junior has turned out to be a show that suggests reality T.V.'s true potential: less trash and fighting and more raw talent; respect for fellow competitors, and fun. Said one commentor on Entertainment Weekly: "Everyone should be watching Masterchef Junior. These kids are much more mature than many of their adult counterparts on the regular show. They all feel badly for those not moving on and want to win on their own merit."
566 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 566 Newer› Newest»I've noticed a big change lately when kids are T.V. and this is a wonderful thing. Instead of just saying hey here's our show and we've thrown some kids on it, producers seem very preoccupied with the children's mental health. The IQ and communications tests and so on Masterchef Australia put the kids through is to be commended. They truly made an effort to make sure any child they put on T.V. would be able to handle it. I just can't picture this level of detail happening but for so many people speaking out about issues with kids being on T.V. Perhaps this is a real sea change. IF producers are this careful, perhaps there are ways for SOME kids to be on T.V. in a manner that is not harmful to them. The pluses without all the minuses we've pointed out so much.
Gordon Ramsey is not perfect-I really dislike the swearing and yelling and belittling on Hell's Kitchen- but he seems like a good father, respects kids and also is an animal rights' advocate. I saw an excellent documentary where he traced the shark fin trade, and almost was killed. I am now aware of the slaughter of sharks for only their fins ( for soup) and the sinister & illegal dealings GR was trying to expose.
However columnist and mom Angela Mollard says failure isn't such a bad thing for kids. We coddle kids too much, she claims, and don't let them learn that sometimes in life you won't get a trophy. She saw nothing exploitive about a friendly cooking competition. Rather, she said it was character building.
I couldn't agree more with this comment. In life, sometimes you win some, sometimes you lose some. What's wrong with that?
I've watched all of the episodes and I'm just so impressed with these talented kids. I've also been learning a lot from watching them cook :)
Lala I agree. I understand where that professor is coming from worried that the high stakes could be too much pressure for kids to win. But I think the win-win culture is scary. In life sometimes you lose and sometimes things don't work out. The kids who are being eliminated on MasterChef are learning what mistakes they are making and are going to emerge even better.
If kids aren't learning disappointment now when exactly are they going to learn? If you wait too long they could turn into very nasty adults who can't deal with even the smallest of hiccups.
There was a commentor on that article who made another good point. Most of these kids I'm sure have seen Masterchef and other cooking competitions. They know that people lose and people win and they know it's intense. She was saying please don't insult kids. They're not stupid and know what this competition is.
I am watching MCJ and am really enjoying the show. The kids are really talented and I am amazed at what they create in the short amount of time given. While I'm a good cook (cook not chef) I'd never be able to make a layer cake without the help of Betty Crocker. I watch Master Chef and can't believe that these are the same judges. Well, Graham is always nice but the difference in Gordon and Joe is incredible! Joe has not given even one of the kids his famous "stink eye" and I don't believe I've heard Gordon curse once. I don't know anything more about the kids other than they're amazing cooks and I don't need to know any more about them. I'm glad that the judges are showing their dad side and helping the kids out and rather than harsh criticism they are telling them how to improve on what they've done. I am a fan of the show and will continue to watch. I'm enjoying this show much more than the Guy Vs Rachel show which never really clicked for me. Go ahead and stone me now!
I LIKE nice Gordon Ramsay better than mean one. He is endearing.
He did curse once. He said the S word when whipping cream was dumped on his head. It was cute, he covered his mouth like WHOOPS the kids! LOL.
I have watched a few episodes so far, and have been really impressed with the manner in which the hosts, generally known for far more surly behaviors on their adults show, have handled the kids. The kids are really, really talented (TFW could surely take more than a few pointers), and I feel that they understand what the concept of competition is. I do not get the feeling that any parent pushed an ill-prepared and emotionally ill equipped child to perform. They are, as a group, amazing chefs. Unlike their singing/dancing peers, there is also no focus on what they wear, how they look, etc. It is all about the cooking. My 4 year old grandson is fascinated with the show - imagine, kids cooking on tv. This one has been handled very well IMHO.
Oh also Gordon Ramsay spies on his teen daughter. I really didn't even know he had kids. He sounds like a good dad.
. They are, as a group, amazing chefs. Unlike their singing/dancing peers, there is also no focus on what they wear, how they look, etc.
I really love that too. Some, really most of the kids are kind of nerdy and socially awkward. I'm not sure if school is the easiest place for them. But here they are allowed to just shine on their talent alone. It doesn't matter if they're nerds, or not the best looking kid, or not the most social kid. The bottom line is they've found what they are good at and have worked very hard at it. It's really great. I've never seen a show like this.
Who would have thought GR would be so great with kids. On his show Ultimate Cookery he cooks with his children and mom in his own kitchen at home. He's very patient, which surprised the heck out of me when I watched it the first time. I think it's his best show. His kids are typical the way they roll their eyes when he says something dumb to them but they pitch right in. His mom will let him know if she doesn't like something he's made... she'll tell him straight out. She isn't afraid of him at all, lol.
I'm really impressed with the level of maturity each child is showing. They are there for one another and have each others back's. They comfort one another when something hasn't gone well with one of them. They're also happy for one another when they succeed. If there was backstabbing and ill will towards the other contestants, I would not watch.
I believe Gordon has four children. I watched a special on his life some time ago and they had a segment where he was home with his family. His kids were helping him hunt for snails in their backyard and then they went into the kitchen and cooked them up. He was so gentle and loving towards them. And none of his children "shrieked with delight" at the finished product.
Gordon is one of those adults who talks to children with the respect they deserve. If the kids are behaving like adults, they deserve to be spoken to like you would an adult. He pushes them and expects a lot from them, but never disrespects them. If he sees they are breaking, he stops what he is doing and calmly helps them. I was really touched by how he stepped in to diffuse the situation with the young girl who was messing up her cake. That was just fantastic.
His style reminds me of reports of how Michael Landon was. He treated the children like adults, not cute little performing puppets.
Lala if this is how he is at home I imagine he is a wonderful father.
I have not watched this, but now I am going to seek out the episodes online and watch. Gordon Ramsey being nice? Wow! We did see a glimpse of this when he went to that restaurant in Arizona with the impossible couple, and he was so concerned about the wait staff not getting their tips.
thanks for the recommendation!
I haven't seen this show, but I have known some competitive dancers and have watched Abby Lee's elimination contest.
There have always been child performers, who have had to withstand rejection and disappointment. Kids have participated in the nationally televised spelling bee and on Jeopardy. Only one winner there. Sounds like the kids are spared the sarcastic and mocking comments, and are given constructive feedback that will help them improve. Unlike Abby, who routinely makes cruel remarks.
Glad to know that they are evaluating kids to make sure that they are emotionally and mentally able to withstand the pressure of competition. It is definitely a step in the right direction. In general, kids who display early talent tend to be much more mature than the average child.
In the last Project Runway, one of the finalists runs a sewing camp for kids. I would persnally love to see a pint-sized Project Runway.
This is hardly the same as having cameras installed in their homes 24/7.
lala - on one of his shows (the F Word) his family raised two pigs from little piglets. His kids were told at the very beginning that when the pigs were full grown they would be taken to slaughter. The idea was to show them where their food on their table comes from and to appreciate the animals.
When the time came to take them into the butcher for killing, Gordon went in, without the kids, to watch them be slaughtered and butchered. It was all very humane and fast. The pigs of course didn't know what hit them. Gordon was quite saddened. I found it difficult to watch, but agree with the idea that we do need to appreciate the food on our table and the processes it takes to get there.
Now if only all slaughter houses treated animals that way, I'd feel a lot better about eating their meat.
He's hilarious with his kids. On one show he and his oldest daughter were preparing a chicken dinner. He told her some day she'd be cooking this for her boyfriend, and won't it be wonderfully cozy and romantic eating this delicious chicken by candlelight..."just three of us". He cracks me up.
I have tried to post this a couple times in order to respond to some of yesterday's comments. Then, I am moving on from this topic.
The false premise here is that Jon would have had to have access to her passwords at all times. Snooping software makes an actually recording of keystrokes, along with visual screen that can then be replicated.
High Sodium Content brought up this monitoring software, which is guaranteed to be 100% undetectable and monitors all types of devices.
"Records everything-email, IM, websites, plus searches, keystrokes, Facebook and takes screenshots with video-like playback, and only Webwatcher sends it all to your online acount so you can view anywhere/anytime"
The way the timeline is laid out, and the change in wording, seems like they may be conceding the point that Jon had legal access to any and all computers and information while they were married, since he was the administrator. The amended complaint differentiates that period, with the time beginning after the divorce, going forward continuously and systematically.
How could this be proven? If RH had any information that he made public that could only have come after the divorce--i.e. dated emails, time-stamped photos, etc. They may be able to get banking related account records documenting every time an account was accessed.
Even if Kate upgraded her computer, there would still be ways to access it, and/or the contents, remotely, through a home network. It may be that they had a server in the house, which are not routinely upgraded every few years as personal computers and pcs are.
Even if it were a simple case of not taking the action of changing a password, that does not mean that access is there for the taking.
Did TFW change all of the locks and codes on the gates, garage doors and all other points of entry? If not, would people here feel that it would be within Jon's rights to enter the house and take her most personal belongings?
I never said the Jon lied--other people introduced that word, not me. I said that I thought it was a discrepancy. The reason why I do think the internet access issue may directly relate to the lawsuit is that he may be asked in a deposition to explain why he describes having internet access 6 weeks before the lawsuit is filed, and then, immediately after the filing, he is quoted as saying he has no internet. I think that it is better that he prepared to answer this rather than being blindsided at the deposition. Internet access is integral to the complaints against him.
It is similar to the other issue I brought up, which is that he has been quoted as saying that he has major debt, that he might lose his house and that he can't work in his profession to generate income. Then, just this month, he is quoted as saying that he may invest in the Black Dog Cafe. He is being sued for money. Kate wasn't the only one who moved money--he did, too.
I might have been one of the first posters to mention this show. Included in my comment was the phrase that I was "enchanted" by these young chefs.
Then I began to read some negative remarks. One poster even took me to task for my "enchanted" word.
I re-thought my position. I wondered if I was being a hypocrite by enjoying Master Chef Junior. I watched the next episode with an expanded perspective.
Well, I am still enchanted by these amazingly talented young people. (They are actually more professional than some of the adults on the original Master Chef.)
I don't have the voyeuristic feelings of invading a child's life for entertainment purposes.
I am still willing to re-think my opinion. I could be persuaded that there isn't a place for kids on reality TV.
I agree with Admin that these are probably not the traditionally popular kids. They are young people with a passion and a goal. They are in a format where they are being recognized for their uniqueness and their skills. I would categorize them with young athletes, olympic gymnasts or spelling bee contestants -- truly talented competitors.
This competition is nothing like watching a child eat, pee or act out while a parent profits.
It is similar to the other issue I brought up, which is that he has been quoted as saying that he has major debt, that he might lose his house and that he can't work in his profession to generate income. Then, just this month, he is quoted as saying that he may invest in the Black Dog Cafe. He is being sued for money. Kate wasn't the only one who moved money--he did, too.
The interview in which he said he is in debt and might go to jail was more than a year ago. Couldn't things change over the course of a year? I didn't read the Black Dog interview. Did he say he wants to invest money, or just say "invest?" Investment doesn't always involve money...he could want to invest his time, marketing knowledge, skills, abilities, etc.
Just a thought...
The interview in which he said he is in debt and might go to jail was more than a year ago. Couldn't things change over the course of a year? I didn't read the Black Dog interview. Did he say he wants to invest money, or just say "invest?" Investment doesn't always involve money...he could want to invest his time, marketing knowledge, skills, abilities, etc.
Just a thought...
Agree. This is what we're talking about when logic is based on a false premise. Because Jon said he had debts means he must have been lying when he said I may want to invest. Not so.
He didn't say I'm going to invest today. He said I WANT to invest. That also could have meant, should I be better off in the future I would consider investing. It could also mean a portion of his paycheck goes back into the restaurant. That's easy enough to do. Also, it is possible to be in debt and still invest. People do it all the time when they have 401ks. I would venture to say most investors carry some kind of debt, if only their mortgage. There are strategic reasons to carry some debt, such as the tax break. In fact most financial advisors instruct you to start investing right now and don't wait until you're out of debt. You may never be, and it builds good habits getting used to that money being invested upfront before you ever get a chance to spend it, good habits for when you're out of debt.
Dmasy I think enchanted is a good word for this show. I'm not convinced those that take issue with it have actually seen it. I know before I saw it I didn't like it. Now I don't see anything wrong with it.
I was struck by the game show feel of this show. It is no different than Double Dare or the many Nickelodeon game shows featuring kids. No one ever suggested that's exploitation. It is about one thing, cooking, not about the kids themselves.
Apples and oranges from reality tv. In fact I think it's a misnomer to call it reality T.V. To me that implies your character is yourself and the show is about your character. More properly, it's a game show. These kids are going to cook whether they are on T.V. or not. If it's not MasterChef it will be local competitions. I kept looking for something to find fault with and it just wasn't there.
I also watched Gordon Behind Bars, where he started a bakery in a prison. His younger brother apparently is 'lost' to the drug world and I think spent some time in correctional institution.He treated the inmates on his brigade with respect, as well. Gordon grew up in an unhappy home and really made something of himself, yet treats others with dignity. I loved when I saw his mum on a show where they had a bake-off, and she won. She was a feisty little lady!
I also caught him on Ellen, and he managed to cut his finger pretty badly while cooking a stir fry and tried to hide it at first. He and Ellen ended up laughing hysterically as she bandaged him up..
Ex Nurse said:
The reason why I do think the internet access issue may directly relate to the lawsuit is that he may be asked in a deposition to explain why he describes having internet access 6 weeks before the lawsuit is filed, and then, immediately after the filing, he is quoted as saying he has no internet.
I'm a little late to the game here, and I understand you said you wouldn't be talking about this subject anymore, but could you first give me a link to the quote where Jon said he did not have internet. Thanks.
He does marketing for the restaurant, as well as acting as maître d', making sushi and taking on a few general manager duties. Gosselin's also looking to get even more involved. He's planning on investing money in the place, too, and maybe changing the decor around a bit - including removing an taxidermied ram's head from the wall.
From the Black Dog interview:
"He does marketing for the restaurant, as well as acting as maître d', making sushi and taking on a few general manager duties. Gosselin's also looking to get even more involved. He's planning on investing money in the place, too, and maybe changing the decor around a bit - including removing an taxidermied ram's head from the wall."
I haven't found anything where he makes that statement directly.
Stepping back to the previous post --- Gosselin twin decorated stroller.
This was discussed several years ago, and a poster familiar with that town's parade enlightened us. ALL baby strollers are decorated that way for the 4th of July celebrations. Jon and Kate were not doing anything other parents didn't do on the same day.
I forgot to include the Black Dog interview link:
Over And Out said:
The interview in which he said he is in debt and might go to jail was more than a year ago. Couldn't things change over the course of a year?
This is what Jon said during the Round Table interview in July:
"Google my name and it’s, ‘His net worth is a million dollars’. Really? Where? Because I know how much I paid for my divorce, I know how much I paid to the network for getting sued. I know how much I paid out in lawyers. I know what I owe, which is astronomical. But it’s done. I can’t do anything about it. It’s a guilt on my part and my shoulders but I don’t know if I’ll ever make that much money again."
he may be asked in a deposition to explain why he describes having internet access 6 weeks before the lawsuit is filed, and then, immediately after the filing, he is quoted as saying he has no internet.
No he wouldn't. His internet access in his home is completely irrelevant to the case, since anyone can just walk into a Starbucks and get internet.
It would be ridiculous to say oh I don't have internet access therefore I couldn't have done such a thing and Shawn Tuma never suggested such a thing.
Once again the reason Jon was talking about his internet was just to describe how he's made a simpler life for the kids in the woods. He never, ever claimed that he or the kids NEVER use the internet. He simply talked about how it's something he has not wired his home for. He was not trying to limit his liability and to twist and turn it around that way is a real head scratcher for me. Ok, whatever.
I also watched Gordon Behind Bars, where he started a bakery in a prison. His younger brother apparently is 'lost' to the drug world and I think spent some time in correctional institution
Oh, I saw that too. I think it's on youtube. He was great with those prisoners. I found myself thinking he's found his second calling. He should set up that program in several prisons.
I don't get all the worry about where Jon is getting money to invest, or that he wants to invest in a restaurant.
Didn't his grandmother or someone pass away recently? Maybe he received a little money in the will?
As far as a restaurant being a risky investment ... it's certainly no worse than WOS investing in a cookbook, plastic surgery, etc., in hopes of getting a second chance at celebrity. In fact, I'd say a restaurant has a better chance of succeeding.
Again, you can invest in many things while still owing "astronomical" debts.
If you look online at financial web sites they explain why investing while you still owe debt is wise and with the anticipated returns will almost always put you AHEAD at the end of the day. This is especially true for low interest debts like student loans and mortgages. It is financially prudent to pay the minimum and invest the rest. The numbers work out better every time out of the gate. *Shrug.*
Hasn't that restaurant been around for ages and is doing great? That's different than a start-up restaurant. But someone has to take the risk or there would be no restaurants. That business is not for me but I don't begrudge someone who want to go that route nor criticize their financial choices. A woman I worked for invested in California Pizza Kitchen when it first started. She is a millionaire now. But I suppose yet another pizza joint was a "bad" investment at the time.
@andreabarber: @Xxxxxxxx I have 7.5 toenails left and I'm in the I-hate-running stage. : /
Kate recently tweeted with Andrea Barber so it prompted me to take a look at what Kimmie Gibbler is up to these days (yes i watched Full House). Apparently "Kimmie Gibbler" is a real runner. This is one reason that I will never believe that TFMJG is a real runner. She's never complained of anything like this and after changing her mind (at the last minute) and running a full rather than a half marathon in LV, not only did she cross the finish line looking fresh as a daisy (in full makeup) but also donned her heels the next day and bragged about it. Nope, never gonna believe that she's anything more than an occasional runner or guilt runner (as in running to burn calories because she feels guilty about eating).
This is what Jon said during the Round Table interview in July:
"Google my name and it’s, ‘His net worth is a million dollars’. Really? Where? Because I know how much I paid for my divorce, I know how much I paid to the network for getting sued. I know how much I paid out in lawyers. I know what I owe, which is astronomical. But it’s done. I can’t do anything about it. It’s a guilt on my part and my shoulders but I don’t know if I’ll ever make that much money again."
I was referring to the interview in which is said he might lose his house, in response to Ex Nurse's post in which she that Jon said he might lose his house. I thought that was the interview to which she was referring. That interview was in August 2012.
I don't get all the worry about where Jon is getting money to invest, or that he wants to invest in a restaurant.
I'm not sure that I do, either. What does his wanting to invest whatever in a restaurant have to do with what he might be asked in a deposition regarding the hacking/theft/conspiracy complaint?
OT: re Toronto elephants. On their way to PAWS in CA. Bob Barker, the former game show host, had offered $880,000 of his own money to fly the elephants! There were many mishaps/delays in the plan and the elephants are going by truck. I listened to a clip of Bob Barker stating he will always help animals, and is just one of many people born with a love for them.
What a kind and generous man.Someone using his fame and money for the betterment of life and nature.
What does his wanting to invest whatever in a restaurant have to do with what he might be asked in a deposition regarding the hacking/theft/conspiracy complaint?
Nothing. This reminds me of clients who are so sure this or that information is so relevant who come in with boxes and boxes of apperspapers. Sigh, it's not relevant.
Look at the elements of each cause of action. Each and every piece of information must be directly related to those elements. If it's not, it's not part of the lawsuit. I'd be objecting backwards and forwards if in a hacking case anyone asked my client about his investments or what he wanted to invest in. None of your business, frankly. The fact that you may invest or not invest does not prove or disprove a single thing about whether you hacked or anything else.
How could this be proven? If RH had any information that he made public that could only have come after the divorce--i.e. dated emails, time-stamped photos, etc. They may be able to get banking related account records documenting every time an account was accessed.
If RH released any post-divorce data, WOS and Razmataz still have to prove that RH got that info from Jon. Perhaps RH goes through her trash every month, every week, once a day. Perhaps there's a really unethical person working for her bank, accountant, mortgage co, etc. Perhaps Skeeve or one of her not-a-nannies is playing both sides. This is where the Does come into play.
I think it will be very very difficult to prove Jon gave RH anything, unless RH were to say 'I got everything from Jon' or there was a witness to that transaction.
@Kateplusmy8 High Rollers, Chicken & Corn, Gosselins, Silver & Brown, White & Brown, Silver & Gold, White Gold, goldie
Who or what is this thing? A screwed-up paid bot, or just someone yanking some chains?
Tweedle--I see you posted the same thing I was typing. The first internet quote is from the Dad's Roundtable article (Part 1, I think), where he basically says that the kids have internet at school, so there is no point in restricting them in the house. And, that they when they google their own names and watch YouTube, he is sitting right there with them.
There were many stories out in October that carried a headline or contained in the articles, the phrase "no internet". It is also referenced in the Black Dog interview.
You are correct that there are no direct quotes on the no internet or investment of money--the writer summarized his comments.
Again, I am not commenting one way or another as to whether Jon should invest, or the wisdom in investing in a restaurant. Or, for that matter, whether he should or does have internet. I am only saying that he should be prepared for questions as why he has said materially different things about internet access and money 6 weeks before the lawsuit was filed, and immediately after the lawsuit was filed. He is, after all, being sued for money for actions that, with the exception of the creation of the disks, took place while using the internet.
There may be nothing to it, but I would sure be asking those questions.
Over And Out said... 35
I was referring to the interview in which is said he might lose his house, in response to Ex Nurse's post in which she that Jon said he might lose his house. I thought that was the interview to which she was referring. That interview was in August 2012.
And the quote I posted was showing that things apparently haven't changed in the past year when you said:
"The interview in which he said he is in debt and might go to jail was more than a year ago. Couldn't things change over the course of a year?"
Other than hoping Ex Nurse will give me a link to where Jon said he does not have internet, I'm done with all this talk and speculation. Everyone is just going around and around.
And Admin, regarding:
If you look online at financial web sites they explain why investing while you still owe debt is wise and with the anticipated returns will almost always put you AHEAD at the end of the day.
I don't think I'd go so far as to say "almost always."
Admin said....
Again, you can invest in many things while still owing "astronomical" debts.
Yes, if your name is Donald Trump. You have to have a positive net worth, meaning, your assets have to outweigh your liabilities. Either he has the money to invest, or he doesn't. Maybe he is making payments on his TLC lawsuit, has outstanding legal bills--doesn't really matter. If he doesn't have the money on hand, then he will need to use debt to get the money to invest. Believe me, banks do not hand out loans for investment in a restaurant to someone who, until 2 months ago, had not worked in a restaurant in 10 years, and has no track record of success. They also don't give loans to people who owe more than they have, including all retirement accounts. So, maybe Jon has a little bit of money to invest, or maybe someone will give him a personal loan. But, the money has to come from somewhere.
If Jon didn't give out this information, there would be no questions about it. Which begs the question of why doesn't he just say that his financial situation is off limits and not really anyone elses business? He has always been his own worse enemy when it comes to opening his mouth. Some things should be private, and, IMO, finances should be one of them.
Everything that has been said or is being said about what Jon did, didn't do or may have done is pure speculation. No one knows. I feel like this subject has been hammered to death.
Admin said...
Look at the elements of each cause of action. Each and every piece of information must be directly related to those elements. If it's not, it's not part of the lawsuit. I'd be objecting backwards and forwards if in a hacking case anyone asked my client about his investments or what he wanted to invest in. None of your business, frankly. The fact that you may invest or not invest does not prove or disprove a single thing about whether you hacked or anything else.
Wait a minute--isn't part of the complaint that there was a conspiracy to make what was private public for the intent of profiting? If this makes it to trial, wouldn't Jon, in his own defense, disclose all income in order to disprove the claim? After all, TFW is not the only one with a history of taking money during the separation--he did it, too. According to news articles, he did it first, and she did it after him. Lots of people here have routinely asserted, as absolute fact, that TFW hid assets during the divorce--yet, there has never been an article that verified that she did.
Admin, you brought up the question of TFW ethics as justification for snooping during the divorce to disclose all assets. There is plenty of evidence that TFW has no problem with being unethical and a common grifter (church offerings). But, that is a far cry from commiting fraud and withholding income from the IRS. The wealthy don't hide income, they inflate deductions and find tax shelters that exploit tax code loopholes. As a corporation, they could have legally sheltered millions from taxes through the use of retirement funds and even gotten tax deductions for variable or whole life insurance premiums that would produce retirement income. All, perfectly legal.
Yes, if your name is Donald Trump
Lol. I'm not Donald Trump. However I have invested a portion of my income since the day I started work. I still have debts.
I have some debts, but still have portions of my checkout taken out for 401K and Stock Purchase plan.
Ex-Nurse, again, with turning the conversation around to Jon. Seriously, you've made the leap from reality with your latest quest to prove Jon liar.
Now you all have got me interested in watching MCJ.
Paula, please watch MCJ. Share your thoughts with us.
Dmasy...will do. This is totally OT, but all of this "lawyer" talk got me thinking about a PBS Series that was shown a month or so ago called "Silk". It was about a competition between 2 British lawyers, a defense attorney and a prosecutor, vying for the appointment of "Queen's Counsel". It was excellent, as most PBS shows are.
sure are a lot of strange "bot" tweets and Mrs. Goody is winning fans right and left.
X-nurse, you sure seem to defend Khate a lot and take every chance you get to bash Jon. Makes me pretty much skip over your posts
O/T - The elephants should be arriving at PAWS by 5PM California time. An amazing journey!
Kate was selling her twins before the 6 pack were born. I also saw that clip of her and the "Gosselin twins" attached to the stroller. That was before she had the other kids. The only reason I remember it was before the 6 were born was because I remember thinking at the time, what an idiot. Who writes a sign like that unless you are looking for attention....'hey everyone....look at ME'...... but does anyone really care that this woman at the parade had fraternal twins? Lots of people have them. Why did she think that she was so special? Kate was looking for attention way, way back then, in the early days of her relationship with Jon.
I'd always thought she did that because Jon's dentist doctor was well known in the community and she wanted to show off Dr. Gosselin's grandchildren and want some attention because of that.
Admin said...
Look at the elements of each cause of action. Each and every piece of information must be directly related to those elements
#33 from the complaint:
'Hoffman and Jon Gossein supplied various tabids with stories painting KG in a poor light after they had unlawfully obtained this private information.
#34 Hoffman and JG then used the stolen private information to make stories more salacious fr the tablids and draw further attention to the highly sensitive and private information they had obtained, which equated to higher PAYOUTS for their information.
Doesn't that tie Jon and RH's financial records into an element of the case? I am guessing that one of the ways of proving that they did not do this, or, at least, Jon didn't do this, would be to show all income received during the period in question. No?
I watched the last episode of MCJ when they made the cakes. I was quite impressed with Gordon when Sofia started crying that her cake mix wasn't working out, and he went over there to help her. I felt so bad for Alexander, especially when he was so convinced that he was going home and was happy for him when he wasn't.
The way the kids took the Mystery Box items and turned them into meals really amazed me. They are all so talented for such a young age.
I keep scrolling by all the "Jon's finances" posts. It's gotten obnoxious. I don't believe he's sitting on a pile of money and claiming poor like the ex-wife is, so who cares?
Here is a link to The View video, where Jon is responding to a question that he can't get an IT job because of the federal charges of hacking and wiretapping. He is then asked if this is why he doesn't have internet and television, and he responds that he chooses not to have those thing. So, no, he did not directly say those words, but he confirmed them and offered no correction. It is around the 3:10" mark.
Re: the stroller.
I can see decorating for a parade, but the 'twins' was definitely emphasized. What would you put on your one child's carriage, The Smith Singleton?
Hadn't thought TFW was showing off the Gosselin name- but seeing that she has kept it now that's she 's a 'single' mom' as she claims and it's related to her TV persona, I can see her using the name back then too.
I'm bored with all the Gosselin talk, so I decided to check out MC Jr. The talent & enthusiasm those kids have brought tears to my eyes. Because I don't live in the USA I had to watch on Youtube. Here is the 1st episode
I've avoided the show on TV, but now I'm hooked & looking forward to the rest of the episodes.
A Seattle Mariners baseball players wife stole another Seattle Mariners baseball players wife's credit card information and went on a spending spree. She bought 180K of merchandise online and the bank contacted the police, but it was the Secret Service who busted her!
Jon's Investment Counselor, I agree with you and am now scrolling past all of ex-nurses posts. I've grown tired of it and if Jon has hacked into TFW's computer, all her bank accounts, her email and her elevendebillionth pink iPhone he's got a good paying job with the government in his future!
I enjoy master chef jr and am impressed with the kids' cooking skills. Their knife skills put me to shame.
A neighbor of Ariel Castro was arrested.
Elias Acevedo, Sr., 49, was charged late Thursday with the kidnapping, rape and murder of his 30-year-old neighbor, Pamela Pemberton, found strangled in 1994, and another woman believed to be Christina Adkins, a pregnant 18-year-old who disappeared in 1995. He also is charged with the rape of two young girls.
The indictment against Acevedo includes 115 kidnapping charges and more than 173 charges of rape involving Adkins, Pemberton and the repeated rapes over a period of months of two girls, starting when they were 8 and 11 years old. He was also charged in the 1993 rape of his brother's common-law wife.
The claws come out...what is it with her fans...are they all on meds? Can they not investigate an individual for maybe 3 tweets to see where they are coming from before attacking?
@d********2650 @Kateplusmy8 Lady, I don't know if you're on some bullshit or what, but Kate doesn't have lists nor does she follow any lists. Also, I suggest you stop begging her to follow you. That is something she rarely does.
Ex nurse, would you rather be right or happy? Not saying that you're right, but you ARE exhausting.
Katie cry-duh, I appreciate that Dr. Phil line.
The choice -- happy or right. I have checked myself more than once and realized I was continuing a "debate" (with just saying maybe, hubby) because I wanted the feeling of being RIGHT.
The other day, Dr. Phil accused a guest of being a "right fighter". He tagged her well.
I am done, too. I have said everything there is to say about this...time will tell if any of it matters. Sounds like a good time to take a break from posting, since I don't have any interest in the topic of this thread.
Off to watch the Panda cam!
Freakin' exhale(62)--I saw that tweet and wondered what business of hers it was whether the other fan asked Kate to follow her or not. It's Kate decision and it's also up to Kate to respond not her. I was happy when the fan that that was tweeted to responded:
@msgoody2shoes21 @Kateplusmy8 I'm not begging her to follow me and i can talk to her if i want to
Good for her!! Milo and Goody complain about the haters butting into the fans convos on twitter, but they do the same thing, and act as self-appointed PR reps to answer questions asked of her.
Let's just all make it a point to discuss THIS POST which is about these wonderful, talented young people who I have grown to admire. It's a lot more interesting than speculation on a dead subject that can't be resolved here.
Ex-Nurse....please stop. I like hearing all sides but this has gotten to be very boring and non-conclusive.
Anyway, how about that nine-year-old, Sarah. What a little firecracker! That kid has chops!
@kate is a twit, Yes! They (her minions) indulge creeps, retweet the quotes of madmen, lick the shoes of BV and attack those emotionally attached. They investigate no one, good or bad.
And through it all, TFW ignores these young emotionally attached women.
Like stepping over a child in a tantrum. She creates chaos and then ignores the effects. COLD. If she would only understand, this IS HER FAN BASE.
Lalalalala, when I am watching competition shows, I usually have a favorite. The show is better because I am cheering for a certain player.
Those great kids -- how could anyone pick the one you want to win? They are all favorites!
I don't have as much confidence at my "old" age as bitty Sarah has right now.
I think they all have a chance to have a tremendously successful life.
Here is a link to The View video,
I watched that video 3-4 times when I was searching for an interview in which Jon actually said, "I do not have internet" which, of course, doesn't exist.
Jon did start to say something about the internet, but the woman who asked him the question regarding living in the woods and having no phone, no TV and no internet, interrupted him (one reason I hate talk shows-why ask a question and then interrupt when someone is answering it) and I couldn't tell what he was saying about the internet.
I always appreciate a link when someone makes a statement then everyone goes off on a speculation binge . If there's no link and no proof of the actual thing being said, I usually cruise on by the whole convoluted discussion that goes on. I just don't get why people want to spend days speculating about why Jon doesn't have internet when he has never come right out and said that.
Children should not be behaving like adults.
What do you mean? Why shouldn't a child be mature and respectful with good ideas and incredible talent and worthy to be spoken to as if they are something a little better than a cute bubbly little idiot?
Dmasy I can't pick a favorite either. I do like little Jack, he reminds me of many kids I grew up with. Little miniature Italians. But then the next kid charms me and I'm rooting for them. I do like the older kid with redish long hair, his skills are amazing. What amazes me is not that they can just look a great steak but that their skills extend to many other areas. It's one thing to know how to make a great steak. Quite another to be able to also make a great pasta from scratch, a great burger, a great salad, a great seafood, a great beef Wellington, a great cake. They are good at a whole range of things in the kitchen including many of them baking. This is a great show.
Here's a nice recap of the last MCJ show from Buddy TV. The author also has the same thoughts about Gordon as some of us here had.
Come to think about it, TFW approaches anyone and everyone who disagrees, like that child mid tantrum on the floor. Just step over them.
Family, employees, husband....even fans who push too much.
If they don't agree, ignore them. If they become a bother, hire someone to handle them. (good or bad)
I think most people bother TFW; fans and critics.
We still don't seem to get it...She had 6 babies at once! This should provide a lifestyle filled with luxury the likes central Pennsyltucky has never seen!!
Adore her accomplishments; laying on her back holding a flashlight to the dishwasher, having her hair amplified pre-couch interview while suffering a mortal foot wound, and my God, shlumping it to the bus stop in her Abercrombie sweats....
Have a heart.
Get this woman a TV show.
And remember its all for the children. She has no idea what Jon is doing...but it sure as hell is wrong!
Why shouldn't a child be mature and respectful with good ideas and incredible talent and worthy to be spoken to as if they are something a little better than a cute bubbly little idiot?
I absolutely love seeing a child(ren) who is respectful and with such talent. As an adult, I feel, at times, as if we are failing our younger generation. We talked earlier about tuning out the news...just look at how the "adults" act talk and act these days with little respect for those who do not look like us or whose beliefs, religious or other wise are different from each other. As the old saying goes "A Child Lives With What They Learn".
Thanks for the recap. This part was my favorite part:
"Sofia bursts into tears; her mixer is stuck in the batter. Gordon arrives to console her. "Don't worry, don't worry. Don't you worry, my darling. We can do this, we've still got time." For a minute or so, he instructs her: cream it, add our eggs. Get that butter really nice and whipped. We can pull this back. Now tie your apron, deep breath. You can do this. (Awww!! In these brief moments I could almost be in love with Gordon Ramsay. Almost.)"
What a great way to teach a kid how to deal with a crisis. It's okay, don't freak out, it will be okay. Let's figure out how to tackle this. Don't give up. Here, I will help. When things go wrong friends help out. Sigh, that was just perfect. I hope Sophia remembers that life lesson from Gordon Ramsay forever.
Dmasy said... 69
Well said, Dmasy. I, too, love competition shows but I find my reactions to this one quite different. I want them all to win (and they do because of the talent) but I get teary-eyed when they win OR lose. I just want to hug them all and tell them what a great job they're doing. I don't have that reaction when I watch Top Chef. I guess I'm just a big, mushy, lump of emotion when it comes to kids.
The kids who are being eliminated on MasterChef are learning what mistakes they are making>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
In front of millions of strangers.
IQ and communications tests and so on Masterchef Australia put the kids through is to be commended. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The kids are lab rats and the people doing it to them are to be commended?
I find this wrong.
I agree with you Dmasy, it's hard to pick a favorite on this show because all of the kids are so amazing and I choke up every week when one of them leaves. I don't think that I'd do half as well as these kids are doing. Beef Wellington? I don't think so!
Paula I agree and I think that's one of the greatest mistakes we've made with children on T.V. We have often treated them as cute little commodities for our entertainment and forget that they are people. When the sheeple talk about the children most of the time they talk about them as objects to say "aww" over and rarely do I ever see a sheeple talk as if these objects have thoughts, feelings and opinions. The show certainly fostered this idea they are this eight pack of cuteness put on display to make us go "aww" and not eight individual people deserving of more than that. People deserving of respect. In many ways this is a mistake made in real life, too. Dumbing down of kids. I think Kate dumbs down her kids, confining them to cute statements and simple thoughts. I remember even as a child thinking how silly it was when an adult would speak to me in that "oh you're so cute" voice some adults seem to think is necessary when speaking to children. And it can be very frustrating and demoralizing to most children when your thoughts and ideas are brushed off because you're "just a child."
Both the Little House kids and Ron Howard say they were treated with respect, spoken to like adults, on the set. And that it made all the difference. for them. They felt important and valued. They felt like there was more to them than just a cute face. They were never made to feel like trained monkeys, as the Full House twins describe their experience. These Master Chef children are encouraging about the state of the next generation and they deserve all the respect in the world. They certainly deserve the respect and treatment adults get, hands down.
If the kids are behaving like adults, they deserve to be spoken to
like you would an adult
Children should not be behaving like adults. 69
I took this to mean the these children are behaving respectfully
regarding the task at hand, which they demonstrate passion and skill
for. They should be taken seriously, respected for AND supported in
their endeavors. It appears that that is what is happening.
No one implied that these children should have adult responsibilities,
such as supporting their respective families.
Is the Red Cross aware the TFW is at home having to do most of her "to do" list herself?
"Only 3 here today to share mine with. But did most of it myself so far...."
Text book passive aggressive.
Admin...That wasn't me @ 78...
I have always hated the expressions "children should be seen and not heard". I have always listened to my children's thoughts and opinions - they are, after all, real people. In the end, though, they know that while I value and respect their opinion, I am the parent and I will make decisions based on what I feel is best for them.
I enjoy and appreciate all that take the time to post, including those that swim against the stream. Ex-nurse, I read your posts with interest.
We still don't seem to get it...She had 6 babies at once! This should provide a lifestyle filled with luxury the likes central Pennsyltucky has never seen!!
Where is central Pennsyltucky? Do I live there, too? :)
My daughter and I love MasterChef Junior. I'm not sure I would put my child into such a contest on national tv, but I agree, the producers and the hosts are handling the kids very well.
Ex-Nurse - Have a nice break and hope to see you back when you're ready. Say hi to the Pandas for me. :-)
The kids are lab rats and the people doing it to them are to be commended?
I find this wrong.
What? The kids on this show are far from being lab rats. Do you even know what that means? They have a tremendous gift and they are working hard to show their talent. They are passionate about food and cooking. THEY HAVE A GIFT.
If anyone's kids were lab rats it was TFW. As someone said earlier, they are not pooping, peeing, having meltdowns and being punished for nothing and then later someone will say, oh, how did this experience harm the children? We know nothing about these kids except they cook and do it well.
Did anyone else here have to do the Science Fair thing in school? Some kids were very serious about it and did well with their projects and other kids weren't so serious and did poorly (me). It wasn't my thing but I didn't get upset when I didn't win because I didn't care about the project and I didn't expect to win. These kids are good at what they do and I don't think any of them were forced to perform.
I think it's sad that some people won't acknowledge talent, no matter what the persons age is. Tell that to Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, etc.....
If he doesn't have the money on hand, then he will need to use debt to get the money to invest. Believe me, banks do not hand out loans for investment in a restaurant to someone who, until 2 months ago, had not worked in a restaurant in 10 years, and has no track record of success.
He never said he's going to a bank requesting money to invest. Heck, he never even said he's going to invest at all. That quote came from personnel at the restaurant...and they didn't say now, immediately, within the next few months. Could be a year from now, could be five years from now, even if he is interested in investing. If and when that times comes, I'm sure he knows exactly what to do and how to do it.
"Some things should be private, and, IMO, finances should be one of them."
Then why are YOU discussing them?
Posters are correct -- this is exhausting, nothing but speculation without facts to back it up. Jon's mouth is not getting him into trouble. I'm sure that he knows exactly what he is doing -- there are just so much nobody knows about what transpired in this whole alleged hacking, supporting his kids, if he has internet or not, that it's ridiculous to make these kinds of assumptions.
The kids are subjected to 'countless' prep tests to be selected for this show. How are the hundreds of other kids feeling that DIDN'T get selected?
There's plenty of time for kids to show their talents. They don't need to do it on a reality tv game show in front of millions. Their parents have shades of Kate and Jon, IMO.
How does a kid who doesn't make band or chorus or get the lead in the play feel? That I don't buy. That we shouldn't do this show because not every kid will make it. The kids that don't make it will learn to deal with perhaps their first major rejection and work harder and try harder next time, or they will find something else they are good at. That's what will happen. Not the end of the world. And the next time they don't make the cut, they will deal with it even better so that when they are adults and things don't always work out, they will be able to handle it without a crisis. As for the cash prize, the kids seem more interested in cooking. There are lots of opportunities for cash prizes when you are a child, especially scholarships. There are cash prizes for sports, chess matches, and academic events like spelling bees. Should we take all those away too because it's just too much for kids? There's a difference between saying there might be a problem with putting kids on TV, and saying that a competition itself is harmful. Those are separate issues. The competition itself I have no problem with. They want to be chefs. It's competitive. The sooner they learn to deal with it in a healthy manner the better.
Paula2 said... 90
The kids are subjected to 'countless' prep tests to be selected for this show. How are the hundreds of other kids feeling that DIDN'T get selected?
I guess they will just have to deal with it because that is LIFE.
I think it's Baltimore that has an extensive culinary arts program in one of their high school and the kids have won thousands in scholarships. They feel pressure to win because for many it's their ticket out. Is that harmful? Those kids love that program and some say they would be lost without it, but they still feel pressure. Oh well, pressure is life.
I think this is exactly what that columnist was saying. In our quest to shelter kids from anything harmful we are sheltering them from life's lessons. This is apples and oranges from something artificial like invading their privacy on a reality show. Having your privacy invaded is not a "life skill" to learn to deal with because presumably, you should always have privacy throughout your life. Competition and rejection, however, are life skills that are good for kids.
Agree lala.
Look at it this way. Even the best chefs in the world get customers who complain about their food. They have got to take it in stride and not let it crush them.
These kids want to be chefs. So being told sorry that dish was not the winner is something they are going to hear a lot if they are chefs. It is good for them to understand this is part of this profession and that like any profession that is based largely on your work being judged constantly you either need to figure out how you will deal with that or maybe decide to choose something else where you're not judged so harshly.
Will they turn out like Amy and attack when customers don't like their food? Or will they turn out a successful professional chef who says thank you for your feedback we will try harder to give you a great dish next time.
What's more, I really doubt this is the first time anyone has ever told some of these kids their food was not the best. There is no way that most of them got to be as good as they are without someone giving them some good feedback and criticism. Otherwise they'd never be able to perfect their dishes the way they have. No way. I'm sure the kids who don't make the cut are just fine. And if they're not just fine, maybe that was a good wake up call for them that they are in the wrong profession.
How does a kid who doesn't make band or chorus or get the lead in the play feel?......................
They're not failing in front of millions of viewers. I don't have a problem with competition at all. I just don't think the process should be farmed out to the public for viewing. Who's making the money here? The producers. They are exploiting these kids for profit. Sure, they kids get a cash prize at the end, but I'll bet the network is making far, far more. Kind of like the Gosselin kids. MILLIONS were made off that family and not much was paid out to them.
It's creepy behaviour to watch little girl's cry because their cake didn't rise. Gordon's help or not. That's on the internet now for everyone to see forever. How much is Gordon making with this program, anyway?
It is good for them to understand this is part of this profession and that like any profession that is based largely on your work being judged constantly you either need to figure out how you will deal with that or maybe decide to choose something else where you're not judged so harshly.
I agree. Just don't put it on tv. Simple.
I'm on pins and needles waiting for WOS to show us pictures of Shoka's birthday cake and party. Oh what, her tweet didn't get the desired grifting effect? Surprised? ya, me either
Over And Out said...
(from previous thread)
I'm still trying to figure out what the lawsuit has to do with the "safety of the kids," which is what she stated in her bog explanation of the lawsuit.
It makes as much sense as TFW saying she needs a bodyguard "for the safety of the kids", while the kids are left alone with a 20 something babysitter when she's away. That's TFW's logic for you. I gave up trying to understand it years ago.
Oh good lord, Milo is tweeting as if she were her dog now and speaking to Shoka. This woman is nuts
8 yr. olds should be out playing, not cooking on television. Where are the parents??
There may be nothing to it, but I would sure be asking those questions.
You might, or perhaps RazzleDazzle might try -- but as Admin pointed out, any questions that are irrelevant to the actual issues and allegations of the complaint will be objected to. An attorney can ask any sort of question during a deposition -- which is why every party should have competent legal representation, so that when something inappropriate, irrelevant, or immaterial is sought, the attorney can proffer the appropriate objection.
I feel you would like to see Jon hoisted "by his own petard." However, I cannot follow your line of reasoning in this particular instance. You seem to see something nefarious and underhanded in his responses as to whether he has home internet connection NOW as somehow relating to whether he might have accessed bank accounts or e-mail accounts in 2009.
OT....I found a pair of pale pink suede oxford shoes while thrifting today! Never been worn. Doin' mah happy dance over here!
I'm wearing them to work tomorrow....even though the forecast is calling for snow. I'll just have to run fast.
I wonder if TFW ever takes pleasure in the simple things.
As well as these young chefs-in-the-making may be treated, and as enchanting and gifted as they may be, they are still being exploited. They're on tv to make ratings/$$$ for FOX. I hope they have good representation and get their fair share of the profits.
Moving on said... 60
Jon's Investment Counselor, I agree with you and am now scrolling past all of ex-nurses posts.
ME TOO. It is getting so old.
My take, Jon Gosselin probably changed a minimum of 75,000 thousand diapers, changed the same amout of pajamas, clothing, baths and fed as many meal and bottles. Cut that poor Dad a break. He is still toiling over them with not a complaint many years later.
I have never one time in any interview or taped show hear that man say he was exhaused. No complaints whatsoever. Who has shown pure love for each child? Certainly not the Mother. Scroll and Scroll by Ex-Nurse, you have become so tiresome.
Thank you again, Millicent. Your comments are dead on. Because of your ability to distill the real focus of this case, I have not felt the need to comment in the threads about the lawsuit.
I worked as a steno mask court reporter from the late 80s to the mid 90s in the Baltimore/DC area. (I then received my paralegal certificate and worked in a law office, until we left the DC area, in the international trademark practice, which is about as obscure as possible. LOL.)
When I was a court reporter, as literally the "Officer of the Court" I participated in thousands of depositions/hearings/and Administrative hearings. The objections during depositions are important. Often an attorney with object simply for the record. But when the questions go so far afield or become repetitive, a good attorney will simply tell his client not to answer, and let the judge rule on those questions. Yet another way to force the court to rule of the merits of the case. Depositions of the parties can be a bit contentious, but in the end, this is where most discovery occurs and often where a case is settled (not likely here) is dismissed by the court or the counts are so narrowed in scope that the point of the law suit becomes moot.
One last thing, the attorney who calls the deposition pays for the Court Reporter's time only. The real money is spent for the transcription. The actual record of the deposition is owned by the reporter or the company they subcontract with. A really good attorney will get all his points made for the defense at the Plaintiffs' cost. This lawsuit is really a money pit for Mrs. Gosselin.
Ex Nurse said... 45
''Wait a minute--isn't part of the complaint that there was a conspiracy to make what was private public for the intent of profiting? If this makes it to trial, wouldn't Jon, in his own defense, disclose all income in order to disprove the claim?....''
Wait a minute. In this lawsuit, TFMJG must prove HER claims. Why would Jon be required to disclose his income?
The complaints from the lawsuit you keep quoting are things that TFW has told her attorney, who filed the complaints. The fact that a complaint was filed does NOT prove it is correct. The person filing the lawsuit is the one that must PROVE their claim is correct. Jon is the defendant.
It seems to me that YOUR wanting things to be explained by Jon are one thing, and twisting yourself halfway to China in order to ''logically'' accomplish that using the lawsuit is not going to happen.
Your wishes are your wishes. The law is the law, and it is more and more clear that you are not an attorney...just someone that wants Jon to be a liar, a hacker, just somehow proved to be wrong. This has been going on for months. Please just stop.
The objections during depositions are important. Often an attorney with object simply for the record. But when the questions go so far afield or become repetitive, a good attorney will simply tell his client not to answer, and let the judge rule on those questions.
This sounds like a judge is present at a deposition. Perhaps you mean that once it gets to court, the judge rules on what is relevant and admissible? I've been to a few depositions, and there has never been a judge present. Attendance is for those being deposed, the attorneys, and those making the transcripts.
Believe me, banks do not hand out loans for investment in a restaurant to someone who, until 2 months ago, had not worked in a restaurant in 10 years, and has no track record of success.
Of course they would...if their credit is good, they have the collateral to back the loan,, and perhaps is investing as a silent partner. One doesn't have to have worked his way up from busboy to server to chef or to manager to obtain a loan to invest in a restaurant.
I would think that a lender would validate the establishment in which one is investing...their balance sheets, length in business, success in the food industry, etc., NOT how many years the potential investor himself had experience in that field.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 22m
In a kids voice, Collin says:my little kid will say daddy what do I do w my plate? & I'll say buddy, take it 2 the dirty dishbin! #cute
Owner @Owner09708009 3m
@Kateplusmy8 aw Jon called him buddy. Sweet.
He probably still does. Last I heard, Jon has not passed away.
The person who told Kate and Milo about hashtags should be hung up wet and left outside to dry.
As well as these young chefs-in-the-making may be treated, and as enchanting and gifted as they may be, they are still being exploited. They're on tv to make ratings/$$$ for FOX. I hope they have good representation and get their fair share of the profits.
Auntie Ann, this! FOX doesn't care if they're 'helping' kids, they only care about ratings and $$. The hoops these kids must have had to jump through to get cast sound lengthy. Would anyone here allow their child to be 'tested thoroughly' to see if they can handle fame? If as much preparation went into this silly show as they're saying did, then these kids have been jumping thru networks' hoops for many months. Its exploitive, period, IMO.
My take, Jon Gosselin probably changed a minimum of 75,000 thousand diapers, changed the same amout of pajamas, clothing, baths and fed as many meal and bottles. Cut that poor Dad a break. He is still toiling over them with not a complaint many years later.
That's what being a 'parent' is. Millions of us do this every day and we don't get cut a break. We also didn't sell out child's lives to the media. So, no, not cutting Jon slack here.
Kate in her usual poor communicative way says she and kids were talking about future holidays when there will be 50 for dinner (counting kids and their kids) but is so unclear that her fans think she's having 50 for dinner over the upcoming holidays.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 43m
Such a detailed conversation w kids tonight abt our future holidays..w upwards of 50 people here with just our immediate family! #can'twait
Misty Brady Meyer @mstmeyer 41m
@Kateplusmy8 In my opinion, that's what it's all about! Enjoy!
Veronica Hodges @VeronicaHodges2 36m
@Kateplusmy8 wow! Enjoy I love big family holidays :)
Erika T @bellabrunette85 34m
@Kateplusmy8 we have a huge immediate family too! It gets alittle tricky to see everyone but I wouldn't have it any other way!
DI (dry ice!) @LakeRat2014 29m
@Kateplusmy8 Love big families! It's cute the kids & you are so excited.
Cristina Rich @Sienna_Star 8m
@Kateplusmy8 Coool 50 ppl! Sounds like ur holidays will be awesome. Not sure what I'm doing yet.
Have to laugh. It's like some Twitter version of "Dumber and Dumbest."
Lalala. . . How was your Mackinac trip? Hope you had better weather than we did two weeks ago -- rain and fog and cold and wind for days.
When does anyone suppose TFW will decide this lawsuit is more folly than anything? When it costs her $50,000? $100,000? More? What is her criterion? I truly believe money will be her deciding factor on that, not the case's flaws or the effect it has on her 8 children she "wakes up and breathes for."
Kate in recent twitter says the holidays will be at least 50 immediate family for the children. Whose Kate inviting; Jon's family and/or is Kate making up with ALL her family for the sake of the Gosselin 8?????
''Wait a minute--isn't part of the complaint that there was a conspiracy to make what was private public for the intent of profiting?
Read the invasion of privacy count carefully. There is no claim he profited under this count. That's probably because profiting is not an element of Invasion of Privacy. Their invasion of privacy claim appears to be based on common law and therefore it only requires two elements: 1. disclosure of facts highly offensive to a reasonable person, and
2. is not of legitimate concern to the public. (this comes from the Restatement which is basically a summary of common law)
Nowhere in the Restatement does it require someone profit or ask that we peek into someone's investment ideas. So nope, his finances don't have a darn thing to do with it no matter how much you want them to! Moreover, what someone is or isn't investing in is still irrelevant even if the money came from profiting off their ex (how exactly did Jon profit again? They never explain. Hasn't Kate, arguably, profited much more off of him by creating drama with the divorce to talk about on talk shows?). It's not how you SPEND the money, it's how you got it in the first place that would be relevant, if this is even relevant at all. So if someone were asking him about his investments i would jump up and down like nobody's business over such a thing--none of your bee's wax!
Silly TFW, she's assuming her children are even going to LET their future families see her!
Mel 100...Lucky you.
I do hope the conversation about Jon and his finances, internet, investments et al is truly over. It gave me a headache.
I am glad to hear that Gordon, Graham and Joe are being helpful and respectful to the kids on Master Chef, Jr. I am also glad to hear that the producers have taken some precautions as far as psychological evaluations. However, I am still not convinced that this reality show is not a danger to these young contestants.
I agree with some posters that children need to learn that they can't always win. I disagree that a reality show is the proper vehicle to teach that lesson.
No matter how much psychological testing and counseling is done, there is no way to predict how being on the show will affect these children. The judges can be as nice as pie and as helpful as can be. This will not prevent the kids from being exposed to the same pressures and pitfalls as all other reality TV participants face. It is not only their culinary skills that are being marketed and judged and, yes, exploited for the entertainment of the masses, it is their personalities and behaviors.
These kids are becoming celebrities in their own right. And we have all seen how fleeting celebrity has destroyed many an adult. I don't see how it could not have similar negative effects on children. Will they mourn the loss of the spotlight? Will they expect the attention they are getting to always continue? How will they be treated by classmates and friends? How will they feel when the attention goes away?
We all know that the end game is not simply to show off the cooking skills of some talented youngsters. The end game is to use these talented youngsters to make a boatload of money for a network and producers and advertisers, period.
It all makes me uneasy, and no matter how talented these kids are, and how enjoyable it may be to watch them and the judges' interactions with them, it does not change my position that no child should ever be on a "reality" TV show.
I think people may be misinterpreting Kate's tweets. This is what she tweeted:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1h
Such a detailed conversation w kids tonight abt our future holidays..w upwards of 50 people here with just our immediate family! #can'twait
I think Kate meant that they were discussing when the kids are grown up and have families of their own, and what those holidays will be like. Especially since she then tweeted:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1h
In a kids voice, Collin says:my little kid will say daddy what do I do w my plate? & I'll say buddy, take it 2 the dirty dishbin!
It was probably similar to other conversations she's mentioned having with the kids, talking about how many kids they will each have when they grow up and what their families will be like.
However, some people on twitter are assuming that she meant the current holidays coming up. I don't think that's the case at all.
And I thought I was the only one exhausted by ex-nurse's Jon posts. So much time spent digging around the internet to find something to hang him with. It's one thing to say you don't like him, but this has turned into a personal vendetta of some kind. Glad she has decided to take a break, I just don't get it.
I don't know that TFW has set a price point on this lawsuit fidosmommy. I don't know if she's ever going to say enough. Our older model lawn mower wouldn't start on Saturday so we took it in to Sears for repair. The charge to find out what the problem is, $45. They will call us to let us know how much the final repair will be. While we were filling out the paperwork the service rep said that he was surprised that an older model Craftsman was coming in because they seem to have a lot more problems with the newer models and see a lot of them coming in for repair. We saw some new models on sale for $279 however after the rep told us that they've got problems with them we set our price point at $200. We figure our trusty old guy is probably worth it. My guess is that it just needs a good cleaning and a tune up and will probably only run about $100-$150. My rambling point is, TFW needs to set her price point and decide when not to spend any more money on a hopeless cause. If we do end up having to buy a new mower it probably won't be a Craftsman because the service didn't paint a glowing picture of them!
@Kateplusmy8: In a kids voice, Collin says:my little kid will say daddy what do I do w my plate? & I'll say buddy, take it 2 the dirty dishbin!
Translation - Dirty paper plates go in the garbage. She's heard Steve call it the "dust bin" and this is her play on words.
Kate in recent twitter says the holidays will be at least 50 immediate family for the children. Whose Kate inviting; Jon's family and/or is Kate making up with ALL her family for the sake of the Gosselin 8?????
This is Kate's tweet:
"Such a detailed conversation w kids tonight abt our future holidays..w upwards of 50 people here with just our immediate family! #can'twait"
I may have misunderstood, but I didn't think that she was saying that there would be 50 people there from her immediate family, but rather that the kids were discussing what they would like at a family dinner -- a big gathering.
Remona said:
"It seems to me that YOUR wanting things to be explained by Jon are one thing, and twisting yourself halfway to China in order to ''logically'' accomplish that using the lawsuit is not going to happen,"
Most people start at Point A to get to Point B. In reading this person's posts, it sounds like she began with the conclusion and worked backward to the premise -- going from Point B to get to Point A, trying to find a premise for the already established conclusion.
Does that make sense? Probably not, but then again I'm the one who has problems with inductive reasoning puzzles, still trying to figure the one out from last night -- how Tim could wiretap Sally's lemonade stand without internet access. Or was it a hotdog stand? Or is Tim the one selling hot sausage and pepper sandwiches from a cart?
I don't get what you're trying to say. Internet, no internet! Who the hell cares whether Jon has (or had) access to the internet. It's a non-issue.
Even if everything you accuse Jon of doing (lying about his access, the timing, etc), how is that relevant?
I have access to the internet. That doesn't mean I had anything to do with the Seahawks winning the game last Thursday. Huh, you say? Well, that's what I say. One has nothing to do with the other.
From many descriptions, this sounds like a good show, and that producers are at least giving some thought to the fact that the contestants are minors. However, I still cannot watch it. I decided that I would not watch any reality tv show that featured minors, because I have serious reservations about their capability of understanding exactly what they might be in for. There are not enough legal protections in place for minors on reality tv, not by a long shot. Until good Federal laws are in place that protect minors on reality tv, I will be tuning out.
I think the reality is that kids on T.V. are not going away. Kids are not going to be banned from T.V. even though I know many people here feel strongly they have no place there. I've sort of accepted that kids will be on T.V., and rather than campaign to completely remove kids from the entertainment business, which isn't going to happen, I'd like to see productions doing a decent job of making the experience a good one for them. There ARE positive stories from child stars out there and when I read them I always try to figure out what it was about their experience that made it good and how can we duplicate it for other kids.
I think where the psychological examinations come in is that people complain that some kids just aren't mentally prepared for such things, but then when they do make a change and put tests in place to try to weed out more fragile kids, people complain it's invasive or not conclusive. They can't win.
I guess what I see is an effort. And effort to TRY to do better by these kids. They may hit some sour notes along the way but at least they're trying to do better than some past mistakes. There are no laws for the many protections they're trying but they're doing them anyway. And for that I commend them. On another note, this is filmed in California, which treats reality t.v. kids the same as actors, so all these kids on Masterchef are being paid and having the money put in trust, and there is a set teacher on set at all times monitoring their welfare, as well as limited hours, built in breaks, and a parent or guardian there at all times.
upwards of 50 people here
Random note: I haven't heard "upwards" used that way in years. Is that a PA expression? I only ever remember hearing it in the Northeast. It reminds me of the 80's. Retro Kate!
Her occasional "cute things my kids say" posts are always so odd. I never find them particularly cute, unique or funny. She can definitely be one-upped by a mile in that department.
Her occasional "cute things my kids say" posts are always so odd. I never find them particularly cute, unique or funny. She can definitely be one-upped by a mile in that department.
She uses it when thing are slow on Twitter -- anything to get tweeties' attention. They comment that the kids are so cute. She eats it up.
No wonder Kate's keeping the big house. Where would she lay Christmas gift opening spot markers for 50 in a smaller place?
OT: This weekend younger daughter told me about new season of American Horror Story: Coven. We watched it on demand, fx had it online also. So good! Plot has holes you can drive a truck thru, but the cast is great and I think this will be a fun ride. Jessica Lange, Kathy Bates, and Angela Bassett are the most noted actresses chewing up the scenery so far, its only been two episodes. Everyone in this show is just fun to watch. Plus it has New Orleans! Witches! Killer vaginas! Swamp people! Voodoo! alligators! Flashbacks to 1800s! And only two episodes in. what else is in store for us, and what other guest stars will we see?
on topic: revised complaint from TFMJG. After really reading the thing, and thanks for posting it admin! , I would like to quote my favorite Face Off judge Glenn Hetrick: ” It punches you in the face with how bad it sucks.”
I think TFW's tweet about 50 immediate family members coming foe thanksgiving in the future was about the kids being married with children of their own all coming to her place to celebrate the holidays. I don't think she meant this coming thanksgiving or anytime soon. At least that's my take on it. When I was that age I never even thought of such things. She's got such wonderful, insightful kids who are already planning future thanksgiving dinners.
A Mom said... 107
After I read your comment, I looked at Kate's tweet and interpreted it like you did, but shook my head. Then I read it again and saw another interpretation.
I believe by "future holidays" she's talking about holidays in the far future, when the children have children of their own and they all come to Kate's house for holidays (as if). If Kate's kids have an average of 5 kids each, and they all come for dinner, that's 1 + 8 + 8*5 = 49. Wonder who the extra person is? It's just a math exercise, and a pretty unrealistic one at that. Five kids each on average? They all come at once? Good luck with that!
I may have misunderstood, but I didn't think that she was saying that there would be 50 people there from her immediate family, but rather that the kids were discussing what they would like at a family dinner -- a big gathering.
What Kate is trying to convey in her inept way is that they had a discussion about future holiday dinners when, with all the kids there with their own families, there will be 50 people. Kate's fans now think she's having 50 for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner and for the next 8 weeks they'll be tweeting how AMAZING she is that she's cooking for 50.
Random reality TV thoughts: couple weeks ago a coworker shared that his next door neighbors had been on an episode of Wife Swap. It was a few years back. He had been filmed but was happy his little segment didn't make it on the actual show. He and the neighbor husband were set up to ride bicycles together and ” we were taking smack about the new wife”. Just kind of generally complaining about her. The shot was set up and a production truck drove in front of them with the camera and sound guys at the back doing the filming. Coworker says he was paid a little something also, didn't tell us how much. He did say the crew was there for a full two weeks filming. Three production staff were actively directing action and prompting family members what to talk about, even tho they had no formal script. Coworker said that experience opened his eyes to how fake reality TV must be.
boo said... 105
Lalala. . . How was your Mackinac trip? Hope you had better weather than we did two weeks ago -- rain and fog and cold and wind for days.
Boo, it was perfect. It was so foggy going over on the ferry you couldn't see your hand in front of your face but everything else was wonderful. Thanks for asking. Sorry the weather wasn't better for you.
Math Girl - Good news. When you factor in 8 spouses, the kids will only have to have 4 kids apiece!
I keep thinking about the lawsuit that TFW has filed against the father of her children and can't help but think that this could have been taken care of in so many other, better ways. It just doesn't make sense to me. IF she was so concerned about her privacy, her reputation, her children's welfare, why didn't she file a criminal lawsuit against Jon and Robert? Why file a civil lawsuit when she knows that Jon and Robert do not have any money to compensate her with? She could have done this behind the scenes with her lawyer, changed all of her passwords on her accounts (i.e., bank accounts, email accounts, etc.), changed her actual bank account numbers. If they concluded that there was spyware on her computer, she could have had it removed or gotten a whole new computer. The very public way she is doing this is only hurting her children. For some reason, she can never put the best interest of the children before her own selfish reasons. I think that by filing this civil lawsuit, she thought this would put her back in the public eye, maybe someone would feel sorry for her and offer her another show because she's a single mom trying to raise 8 kids, or she was just trying to sell more cookbooks. This all could have been taken care of behind the scenes without dragging the kids into it.
Even if Kate upgraded her computer, there would still be ways to access it, and/or the contents, remotely, through a home network. It may be that they had a server in the house, which are not routinely upgraded every few years as personal computers and pcs are.
Ex Nurse, the webwatcher software has to be installed on the computer that you want to monitor. It doesn't work on a server. If Kate had replaced her computer after Jon left the house, Jon would have had to have access to her computer to install the webwatcher software on it again.
Math Girl said... 134
A Mom said... 107
After I read your comment, I looked at Kate's tweet and interpreted it like you did, but shook my head. Then I read it again and saw another interpretation.
I believe by "future holidays" she's talking about holidays in the far future, when the children have children of their own and they all come to Kate's house for holidays (as if)........
When I first read TFW's tweet I thought how fun!, she is starting to see the light and share her fortunes (kids and mansion) with her family. How sad it's not meant to be.......She always disappoints me......
Call Me Crazy said... 138
Math Girl - Good news. When you factor in 8 spouses, the kids will only have to have 4 kids apiece!
I thought of spouses, but didn't she tweet or blog recently that the kids were talking about how many kids they want (yeah right)? And it seems to me they all wanted 3 or less except one kid that wanted 4. So I have no idea where she is getting 50. Does she really think all kids are going to have 4 kids and all 8 will be there at once and none of them at their in-laws or living too far away?
NJGal51 said... 122
I agree with your interpretation of the Collin tweet. However what I want to know is why this comment is tweet-worthy? Makes Collin sound silly.
We have seen them throw those paper plates into a bulging bin that doesn't look like a recycling container.. She only seems to wash pots and pans and bigger bowls.
Last week we talked about the show "Sex Box" and now Joy (@132) is talking about a show with " Killer vaginas!" in it. How do I keep missing these shows?
This all could have been taken care of behind the scenes without dragging the kids into it.
So true Marie. It goes back to she HATES jon MORE than she loves her kids. This whole lawsuit if jam packed full of lies, false accusations, implausible scenarios etc. She has made a career out of lying, she can look straight into whomever's eyes and bold face lie, period. Naricissists are delusional and paranoid. This book coming out has just pushed her mental illness over the edge. This is the final nail in her coffin so to speak, and to cope, she's dreamed up these outlandish accusations. Because she cannot believe she was an total NINCOMPOOP by tossing out HER journals she's made this huge convoluted dream of how things went down. She's fabricated an almost a parallel universe in her head where she absolutely will deny the truth. For her it's HER truth.
I don't foresee every one of her children coming back home for the holidays. She just wants everyone to envision her home as warm and cozy in future holidays, the gathering place for all family and extended family. OH THE IRONY!!! Her own parents and some siblings, nieces and nephews are not invited currently because she has cut them out of her life and she thinks her home is welcoming?! She is delusional.
Formerly Duped said... 143
NJGal51 said... 122
I agree with your interpretation of the Collin tweet. However what I want to know is why this comment is tweet-worthy? Makes Collin sound silly.
I think TFW likes to make the kids sound like they are toddlers. THEY ARE 9 YEARS OLD! My three year old granddaughter might say something like that, but not a 9 year old.
She has no moral compass, she lacks any empathy, she's known to disregard laws of the road, laws of society, so why is it hard for some to believe she's made up the whole "hacking" story?
It's common for kids at their ages to envision having large families but Kate makes it sound like the kids want large families because they LOVE growing up with many siblings and they LOVE their mother and want to be like her. Can you imagine what kind of monster-in-law she would be? No Kate, I think most of the kids will spend the holidays home with their own families. Wow, they may even want to spend the holidays with their dad, the guy who treats them like individuals.
@Kateplusmy8: In a kids voice, Collin says:my little kid will say daddy what do I do w my plate? & I'll say buddy, take it 2 the dirty dishbin!
"In a kids voice"? Really? What the heck other kind of a voice would he have?? I'm pretty sure his voice wouldn't sound anything like James Earl Jones or a possessed Linda Blair. It's just her ridiculous way of alerting the world that her kids are still little kids. She is one strange egg.
Maybe the kids should start learning that you should only have as many kids as you can afford. For the average family these days that's probably only going to be a few. And as I recall when asked a few months back most of the kids only wanted one or two kids anyway. Good for them. They shouldn't feel pressure to have a big family or any kids at all.
And they could have "upwards" of 50 people now between all her family, Jon's family, and friends. Easily. The kids seem to like the idea of a big gathering like that. Why not make it happen?
Vanessa agree with you Kate has lied so much I have no problem believing this is a lie too not even counting how ridiculous and paranoid it sounds. And even moreso because she especially loves to lie and distort things about Jon. She's virtually spend the past four years trying to convince us he's a deadbeat dad who gives NOTHING to these kids, doesn't care about them the way she does, and is a "risk" to his children.
I think four years of unmonitored and increasing contact with his children from the judge, not to mention hearing his take on things which almost always sounds more reasonable, rational and plausible, is plenty enough to prove otherwise.
You're right, in her head this is her reality. To an objective person looking at the situation from the outside, it's delusional.
Kate has a beautiful home, but it strikes me as cold, sterile, with posted rules, and certainly not a welcoming place to come home to for the holidays.Her attempts at holiday decor included paper plates and a half-decorated tree.I thought the E-town house seemed more homey.
I haven't caught up on the comments, but I watched another episode of MCJ the other day, and one of the eliminated girls said something like, "I am disappointed that I didn't win, but everyone but one will be sent home eventually." How incredibly smart and mature of that girl to think like that!
Wow, they may even want to spend the holidays with their dad, the guy who treats them like individuals.
I keep thinking about the 8 when they're finally adults and have their own kids. This was a time in my life where I really figured out what my mother was. My response or reactions to the "stress" of having kids compared to hers. Her constantly bemoaning how hard she had it, how difficult we kids were and my "conscience" effort to NOT do these things, the list could go on and on...well let's say there is NO relationship with my mother. She is old and ailing and she is STILL playing victim, rehashing sh@t she thinks was done to her, all that she did for us ...yada yada yada. As a kid you believe these things, as an adult? Well now you see it for what it really was.
I've sort of accepted that kids will be on T.V., and rather than campaign to completely remove kids from the entertainment business, which isn't going to happen, I'd like to see productions doing a decent job of making the experience a good one for them.
Admin - I don't object to kids being in the entertainment business. I object to children being on "reality" shows where the "characters" they are playing are themselves. Such use of children eliminates the safety net that separates a child's actor self from his or her real self. Any judgments, criticisms or discussions leveled at a "character" is far more easily handled than when those same judgments, criticisms or discussions are leveled at the genuine article.
She's virtually spend the past four years trying to convince us he's a deadbeat dad who gives NOTHING to these kids, doesn't care about them the way she does,
Well, she's actually right there. He *doesn't* care about the kids the way she does. Thank goodness!
He doesn't see them as money makers to fund his desired lifestyle.
Kate has a beautiful home, but it strikes me as cold, sterile, with posted rules
I always thought the latest house looked sterile, too. Much like a set or one of those little model scenarios you see set up in a store. Hmmm...
Poor kids. Imagine living in a model living room set up in the store window. And all those gawkers standing outside on the sidewalk.
Admin - I don't object to kids being in the entertainment business. I object to children being on "reality" shows where the "characters" they are playing are themselves.
Yes I agree. Playing a character versus just being yourself is why reality T.V. is so invasive.
That's where MCJ has gone right. We know nothing about these kids themselves. It's just about what they put on the plate. Like I said before we don't even know where most of them are from. I really expected little segments showing the kids at home cooking or trying to show us more about who they are as people. That hasn't happened. It's straight up "cook this, go!" Like I said, it's more like a game show than a reality show.
How do I keep missing these shows?
You got lucky?
"Random note: I haven't heard "upwards" used that way in years. Is that a PA expression? I only ever remember hearing it in the Northeast. It reminds me of the 80's. Retro Kate!"
LOL, admin! We say it here. I don't know if it's a regional thing or not, but it's common to read a newspaper account of how many attended an event: "Upwards of 500 people were on hand to celebrate..." or if someone asks how much you should expect to pay for something, you answer, "Oh, upwards of 100 dollars..."
Sounds kind of silly now that I say it!
Well, she's actually right there. He *doesn't* care about the kids the way she does. Thank goodness!
So right! Her mediocre comment, her platter comment, her deserve the best comment-this is her trying to convey, (like admin said-to the objective world we see her as delusional) that she is a good mom all the while trying to get their mugs back on tv. She is trying to "act" like a normal mom. She says the words that she thinks are what she's supposed to say but they fall short.
TFW is always working the numbers, isn't she? Now she is projecting even bigger numbers for the future, all gathering around her adoringly of course.
Or.....she is already subtlety pitching a new show idea "The Gosselin 8 Have Kids & Gramma Takes Charge"
I love misplaced modifiers. I never saw anyone prepare cranberries in a deposition. How does that work? They call in craft services? :)
DI (dry ice!) @LakeRat2014 1h
@AlfredoCocozza @Kateplusmy8 Robbie's going 2 be revealing just who made the cranberries in deposition? Totally not surprised. #riveting
These "deadbeat dad" rants all seem to have started around the divorce. It was discussed here before, but I think it was both TLC's and TFW's every intent to sabatoge Jon's image. Steve even got into the action by calling Jon "worthless" in the Kplus8 final episode. So much for being a professional bodyguard and keeping out of the personal affairs of his "client". His job was to protect, then shut up.
Remona Blue (106)
I agree with you about the burden of proof in this civil case. TFW made all the accusations here. The burden is on her to prove that they are true. Jon doesn't have to prove his innocence. If TFW fails to back up her accusations with hard proof (and not just assumptions and speculations), she will lose. And unless there is something big that she is hiding, she does not have any concrete proof that Jon or Robert did anything illegal. Did she find her missing hard drive in Jon's possession? Did she hire a forensics expert to check out her computer and document any sort of spyware or hacking attempts? Is there a log of unauthorized access to her accounts? If there is, then wouldn't it say so in her complaint? The case would be much more likely to move forward if there were some sort of proof stated in the complaint. There's not. Her "beliefs" don't prove a thing.
I think the real hang-up for TFW is her attitude about the term "unauthorized". Remember on the RV trip, she b**ched endlessly about people taking unauthorized photos. Well, she and the kids were in a public place, they are public figures, so there is no law saying that private citizens cannot take pictures. To TFW, though, there is a problem. Those pics were "unauthorized" meaning she wasn't getting paid for them. She thinks that she is so special that anythng in her life that she does not "authorize" (meaning "get paid for") is wrong and people must be punished. She needs to get over herself.
That's where MCJ has gone right. We know nothing about these kids themselves. It's just about what they put on the plate.
I so hope you are right. But, at the risk of sounding argumentative, which I am not trying to be, I still have deep concerns. Although we may not know where they are from or see their home life, it is not possible to hide their personalities or behaviors or demeanor or reactions to events. Those are on full display and, unfortunately, the viewing public will judge them on such. I hope I am over-reacting and my fears will not be realized.
After reading the comments, I have to say I respect the posters who voice dissension with having kids on reality TV.
It is a crapshoot to have a kid on tv no matter what. I think the biggest risk is the notoriety that comes with a tv appearance, and what that notoriety is for.
For example, the Olsens and I think Jodi Sweetin have said that the Full House set was fine, however the cutesy lines are what did them in the public's eye. Jodi couldn't go anywhere without people wanting her to say "how rude". Same with Urkel. The set was fine, but he was so type-casted afterwards and given a hard time by others in life.
And then, with Nellie from LHOTP. Her life was hard after the show because people associated her with her character. Same with the older brother from Wonder Years. And probably one of the worst cases was the poor kid actor who played Anakin in Star Wars Episode I. He was treated so terribly after the airing because people associated his performance with the ruination of the Star Wars series. And all those actors were playing characters, they weren't on reality tv being themselves, but still had a hard time of it.
That being said, is being on one reality tv show for one season going to create the type of notoriety that could ruin one of these kids' lives? Probably not (I watch Master Chef regularly, and I couldn't even tell you who was on previous seasons). But it could happen if something they say or do stands out so much that it makes headlines.
My point is that it's a risk any time a kid's on tv period, and as a parent you have to weigh that risk. But sometimes, no matter what laws you put in place or what precautions you take, you just can't see a thing coming at you (specifically the child actor in Star Wars, how on earth could any good parent know that the kid would be bullied so badly after the release of the film?!). Some would say it's never worth the risk, others are okay with the risk. Neither is right nor wrong, it's all about your comfort level. But if you do let your kid be on tv in any shape or form, you have go into knowing the risks, and have a game plan in case it goes badly.
Layla exactly, she often seems to confuse "I don't like this" with unauthorized. There's a difference.
Does anyone remember way back when, when they had the sixGosselins web site? This was when a FEW media articles FIRST started reporting negative things about them. That Kate was difficult, that the marriage was on the rocks, that there were concerns the kids were being exploited, things like that. I believe this was also when Aunt Jodi's sister was first talking too. Most of the media was still positive, but this was their first taste of negative articles as mild as they were. Anyway, they posted this notice on their web site that unless you hear it from Kate and Jon themselves "officially" everything else is not true!
Well, that's silly and over the top, because many thing reported from other people who were there could be the truth too. Nice things and nasty things.
Anyway, I think that was our first look at how Kate views the world. What I say goes and that's the truth and everything else, no matter how credible, not matter that they might have even been actually THERE, is "unauthorized."
I think by the time the G kids have their own families, they will be wise to the issues of TFW. My husband's ex is a lot like TFW and now their son basically refuses to spend holidays with her. My stepson's wife has admitted that she doesn't like her mother in law and doesn't approve of how she has treated and "raised" her family. Both stepson & his wife have told us that stepson turned out OK because he had our influence when growing up. Unfortunately his siblings (his mother's children with another husband) didn't fare as well.
Stepson now has a 14 month daughter and when they are in town, they stay with us and make the obligatory visit (never more than 1-2 hours) to stepson's mother. She doesn't want to travel to see them, and they are ok with that --they just don't want her in their lives...
I foresee the same thing happening with TFW. Family gatherings will be at Jon's. TFW will be all alone.
Exactly! And try being MARRIED to that!
And she's accusing him of hacking, hacking hacking...I can't wait to hear what comes out regarding how SHE ended up with all the money.
Insert Creative Username agree, there will always be a risk. There is no way to completely get rid of that risk. That's true for a lot of things in life and a lot of things with kids. It's a risk to let your kid do the school play. They met mess up and be ridiculed.
Kids in entertainment aren't going away and neither are kids on reality shows. We learn and understand more as time goes by about how to better protect them. It's a work in progress. I just don't see it going away, so my focus is on what productions are doing a good job and what ones aren't. What states have good laws in place and which ones are still lacking. I understand there were always be people not happy until it all just goes away, and I understand that. That's just not where I'm coming from at this point.
Millicent said...(138)
"I don't know. I guess they are hoping this will jump start their sales and they'll have lots of sales all the way through Christmas. For me, it just takes away some of the specialness of the season. To see Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas items all on sale at the same time, and Christmas flashed in my face for several months before the actual day, takes the luster right off.
There's not a darn thing I can do about stores pushing up the Christmas sales season. Probably in a year or two, they'll start right after 4th of July! But I can change my shopping habits. For the last several years, my family has all agreed to opt out of commercial Christmas, and instead give homemade gifts, or simply donate to charity instead of giving gifts to adult family members. It really cut down on the stress of the holiday season, and is now our new tradition."
OT from last thread because I don't watch MC Jr and I don't have much of a mind for a the legal discussion...
Up here too, even before Hallowe'en, stores are shoving Christmas down our throats. I agree Millicent, it totally takes the shine off the season.
We started a new "tradition" in our family a few years ago as well. It has made our holidays much less stressful and so much more fun.
Each adult in the family buys 1 non-gender specific gift for under $10.
At the beginning of our celebration all those gifts go into an appropriately decorated box or bin then we take turns drawing a gift.
Once all the gifts are drawn we go around the room and one at a time each open the gift we drew. We have a lot of fun guessing who bought which gift and laughing at how well we know each other's personality and tastes.
Finally, we open the floor to trading for anyone interested.
The gifts we choose aren't precious and no one's feelings get hurt, it's just all in fun.
Now back to our regularly scheduled conversations about things that are going right over my head. ;)
Kate's appearance on the Steven and Chris show is now online. This show was taped on Oct. 2. Her segment is at the beginning of the show.
In the show, they say that Kate broke her baby toe, but on Oct. 6(4 days later), Kate says she has a broken foot. Maybe instead of her nose growing when she lies(like Pinocchio) her toe grows and it turned into a foot.
When they introduced her, the host said she had written three books. Maybe they didn't count the one Beth Carson actually wrote.
Haven't watched the whole segment yet. You can watch it here:
Sheri our family started doing that a long time ago We call it white elephant or sometimes joke and say dirty elephant when it gets intense!
We have WAY more fun doing that than trying to figure out presents for everyone. I also think that teaches our kids how to have fun around the holidays without breaking your bank. I don't want the next generation to feel like they have to go into debt just to get the best Christmas presents. Presents are a fun part of Christmas but there doesn't have to be a truckload of them or even expensive ones.
She could have her home filled with family now! They could be experiencing these wonderful memories and REAL TRADITION now! Conversation and good food, cousins, freinds, laughter! So much more enriching than where to put the dirty plates!
I get the feeling she has no interest in mending fences. But if she really loved the children more than her own ego, she would do it, and how proud the kids would be.
As the children get older they will question in their own minds more and more behaviors; the absence of family and friends.
Just because a child doesn't vocalize concerns doesn't mean they aren't questioning. Children learn quickly how not to upset the adult in charge.
And the Norman Rockwell image she has in her head, well she'll be in her 60's by then. And she assumes that unlike the life she has lived, all 8 and their spouses will want to gather at her home.....a complete shift in the current environment.
If that is the case, why don't more family, adults, friends gather there now for the holidays?
What will have changed?
I wonder why I even comment on it. Once Jon walks away from this stupid lawsuit, I am done with thinking about this mess.
I was wondering, could it be that perhaps the children realize families gather at the holidays and are attempting to "comfort" TFW, knowing that this season, in that house it will be TFW and the kids. Just a guess.
It is so telling that a little boy, in thinking about family and holiday dinner, remarks on the proper placement of the dirty plate.
I have to get away from reading about this person, its just sad.
So many have been alienated and she doesn't realize this lawsuit, win or lose she will alienate so many more.
She has the power to change all that, for the kids.
Sheri 170 - What a great tradition! We write all the names of the adults and put them in a hat and everyone draws a name. Then you only have to buy for that person and we put a $40 cap on how much you can spend. It works great and allows us to focus on enjoying time as a family - playing games, doing puzzles, playing in the snow, enjoying great food, etc.
Now that someone straightened me out on the future family holidays, I have to say TFW's lil 'ol narcissistic mind continues to amuse. She has cut out extended family on both sides from their lives and yet she envisions a future where her children, their spouses and their children will all cozily return to the family home to celebrate holidays together. In your dreams, Kate. And not just because that family mansion will be long gone.
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #22,182 in Books (hardcover)
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #79,286 Paid in Kindle Store
And here's a recent 5 star review!
*****The pics in the book make it worth it. There's about 40 never before seen high quality pictures of the kids. So if you're a fan and want to see how the kids have grown and changed get the book 10 dollars well spent in my opinion.*****
Agree, Admin. I think, like with everything that has to do with kids, it comes down to the parents they have. Do the kids have the type of parents that will pull them off the show if they feel like they're being exploited? Or do they have the type of parents that will egg producers on to exploit for the sake of fame and money?
They can make laws to protect children against exploitation, but they can't make laws that will force parents be good parents.
Does TFW feel suing the children's father for millions is a step towards the large family gatherings 25 years from now?
Paula2 said... 95
Who's making the money here? The producers. They are exploiting these kids for profit.
Agree. The entertainment industry has proven time and time again that they are out for one thing: to make money. They will only do it ethically if there are solid laws in place and if the public puts pressure on them to have sound practices.
There could be many reasons why MCJ seems to be looking out for the kids, but I am guessing the biggest reason is public pressure. The producers and Gordon Ramsay know the public and media are sensitive to kids being exploited, so they were conscious in the show's design to treat the kids well.
In this way I think the Gosselins did do a public service in that they showed the world what NOT to do with kids, and the public/media are now starting to see the exploitation. I think Toddlers and Tiaras, Dance Moms, etc... added fuel to the fire, but I think the J&K+8 was the first show who brought attention to the dangers for kids in reality tv. So at least there's some positive that came out of the show.
Who the hell says they have a broken foot when it's actually their pinky toe? No one! They say they broke their TOE! What a weirdo drama queen
I think it was both TLC's and TFW's every intent to sabotage Jon's image.
Agree. Before that TFW thought Jon was a fine long as he did as he was told, did all the work, and didn't try to take any of the credit.
As long as he did the work of childcare while she traveled with Steve, Jon was just fine.
It was when he started objecting to her never being home that suddenly he wasn't ok.
It did seem kind of unfair. He was in the nitty gritty of raising small children, 6 of them the same age, while she got to say, "Oh, but I'm working!"
Well yeah, she was working I guess. But not in the same context as a normal working spouse, who works an 8 hour shift, commutes, then participates in child rearing when they get home.
She was more of an absentee parent. And not like an absentee parent in the military who is actually working.
She was being wined and dined and security guarded, flying first class, and calling it work.
No wonder Jon objected.
I did not watch that episode where Uncle Steve called Jon "worthless". That's an eye-opening statement for a bodyguard to say on TV. Uncle Steve has a high opinion of himself, LOL, as purse carrier, door opener, dinner partner, on call handy man, and pizza maker for her highness. I think Jon's intuition was on the mark when he felt he was being eased out in the family. Steve is in it for the money, Kate or maybe you are just fine with that.
Kate is a twit said... 172
In the show, they say that Kate broke her baby toe, but on Oct. 6(4 days later), Kate says she has a broken foot. Maybe instead of her nose growing when she lies(like Pinocchio) her toe grows and it turned into a foot.
Argh, this foot talk gets me so annoyed (not at you Kate is a twit, but at TFW). My friend broke her pinky toe once during a freak treadmill accident and the entire side of her foot turned purple. She had a boot on her foot and crutches for weeks, then a walking boot for a while longer. It is no joke when you actually break your pinky toe. TFW did NOT BREAK ANYTHING. She either got a blister or stubbed/sprained her toe and that's it. The fact that's she's still talking about it and still getting sympathy for it annoys me to no end.
Interesting that when she quotes one of the boys it often (always?) Collin.
Why is that? He's often the only boy at home?
Out of all the children, that poor soul has the most need to please if she's objecting to the kids going to Jon's I can see him choosing to stay back, trying to please her.
Out of all the kids, Collin is the one that I feel the worst about. He's the one most likely to have life long scars from her behavior.
Does TFW feel suing the children's father for millions is a step towards the large family gatherings 25 years from now?
Exactly. She just does not get how stupid she is/sounds. If you want to be surrounded by family down the road, it would be a good idea to be inclusive, warm and loving NOW.
The whole broken foot saga--so typical of her to increase the drama effect of something! Someone tweeted her telling her to take care of a callused foot, then it was a broken toe, then now the entire foot! She never corrects them and always goes with whatever the person says about it. Broken toe, yes! Broken foot, yes!
Out of all the children, that poor soul has the most need to please if she's objecting to the kids going to Jon's I can see him choosing to stay back, trying to please her.
Or maybe she's lying, again, implying it's him because of what's going to be read about her feelings towards him from the book. Damage control, in her feeble mind?
That comment of Steve's is the first thing that pops in my head whenever I read his name. It was so obnoxious of him to say that on camera. Kate, at least, was married to the guy, but Steve was just a bodyguard, a sub-contractor hired by the show producers. To me, his making that comment spoke volumes about his involvement with Kate and how much she shared with him. I just wonder, how early on did he pick a side?
Insert Creative Username Here said... 166 and 178
They can make laws to protect children against exploitation, but they can't make laws that will force parents be good parents.
Insert Creative Username - Excellent posts. Your statement about making laws to protect children reminds me of a great quote from Parenthood, one of my favorite movies:
Tod (talking to his girlfriend's mom): "You know, Mrs. Buckman, you need a license to buy a dog, to drive a car - hell, you even need a license to catch a fish. But they'll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father."
Obviously, the same can be said about some mothers as well.
It was when he started objecting to her never being home that suddenly he wasn't ok.
Yes, "jon's changed" "he's not the same man" "I don't know this new Jon"
It was stand with me or stand against me with everything and anything with that one.
She has cut out extended family on both sides from their lives and yet she envisions a future where her children, their spouses and their children will all cozily return to the family home to celebrate holidays together.
There's the fantasy world she's created in her pea brain again.
I didn't join in the MCJ discussions yesterday, but this morning I found some comments I wholeheartedly agree with. If I had TV I wouldn't watch and here's why:
Call Me Crazy said... 118
It all makes me uneasy, and no matter how talented these kids are, and how enjoyable it may be to watch them and the judges' interactions with them, it does not change my position that no child should ever be on a "reality" TV show.
Millicent said... 125
However, I still cannot watch it. I decided that I would not watch any reality tv show that featured minors, because I have serious reservations about their capability of understanding exactly what they might be in for. There are not enough legal protections in place for minors on reality tv, not by a long shot. Until good Federal laws are in place that protect minors on reality tv, I will be tuning out.
Insert Creative Username Here said... 180
The entertainment industry has proven time and time again that they are out for one thing: to make money. They will only do it ethically if there are solid laws in place and if the public puts pressure on them to have sound practices.
Just started reading, so don't know if this has been said, but on The View today, is a family that just had quints, and they already had 4 children. They
now have 9-count them 9-children under the age of 7! 9 TFW, 9! And the mom is slim and trim and looks happy to boot. What do you think of that TFW?!
Not that I don't agree with what you said Mel, I totally agree
Insert Creative Username Here said... 185...
But were's the drama in having a simple blister?
I'm not saying she didn't break it. She may very well have. My son broke his little toe a couple years back during the holidays. He tripped over something, we figured it was bruised/strained and had him put ice on it. When it didn't improve after two days, we took him in to see the doctor. They took an x-ray and sure enough he'd broken it.
The orthopedist that we talked to at the time said to simply start buddy taping it, keep icing it and elevating it and it would heal in about 4-6 weeks. We scheduled the follow up appointment and went home.
He didn't need a boot or anything like that and while he was in some pain, it wasn't anything that ibuprofen and tylenol couldn't handle.
Injuries can affect people differently. What is excruciating to one person is not that big a deal to someone else and vice versa. And, based on my experience, they don't always put your foot in a boot if you break a toe.
Do I think Kate went and had a doctor check it out? Probably not. She likely came to the conclusion that it was broken and worked on self treating it. After all, she didn't have time to have a broken toe. And there was no way she was going to miss her interviews. That'd be like taking a bottle from a baby, after all. She lives for those moments.
Crash and Burn said:
And here's a recent 5 star review!
*****The pics in the book make it worth it. There's about 40 never before seen high quality pictures of the kids. So if you're a fan and want to see how the kids have grown and changed get the book 10 dollars well spent in my opinion.*****
Not one word about the recipes. Just an opportunity to see pictures of someone else's kids, for $10 a pop.
Last night I watched Drop Dead Diva. There was a story line about a teenage TV star who was accepted Princeton and wanted to attend. Unfortunately, her stage father only wanted her to work to ensure that a steady stream of money was coming in. The father didn't know about Princeton but the teenager knew her father was not approve of her walking away from her hit show. The father was enjoying being the parent of a celebrity and wouldn't want to give up the perks. Through some legal manuverings the teenager was able to attend Princeton but only after the lawyer tricked the father into thinking it was his idea. It was an excellent story line. One that could have been ripped from the headlines of any teenage show business celebrity (without the drugs).
I've been trying to take a break from TFW chat, so I may be backtracking on the discussion, but I just wanted to say that I see this lawsuit as Kate's last chance to stop the book. If she can get a judgement or settlement in which the journals are determined to be stolen property, then Robert cannot publish. I believe she and her lawyers assumed Jon and Robert were too broke to hire good representation, or to see it through to trial. I further believe she expected them to begin settlement negotiations right away, in which she would get Robert to agree to never publish the book and to handover or destroy whatever form his information is in (disk, hard drive, stone tablets, whatever). The trumped up hacking part of her complaint against Jon, is to cover the facts that A) she feels certain Jon is involved (and I don't blame her for that, I'd be really suspicious too) and B) Jon may have been legal custodian of the backup disks prior to the divorce, so she has to convince the court that he stole them after the divorce. Maybe I'm not seeing a bigger picture, but I don't see how this is about custody or even revenge. This book is on its way, again, and she still has a lot to lose. I believe she is desperate enough to waste quite a bit of money, and throwing wildly nonsensical accusations around, if it may either stop the book entirely, or so defame Jon and Robert that no one will take it too seriously.
On a side note, am I the only one who feels ever so slightly sorry for Kate that she's being outed by her own journals? I've been known to journal from time to time, and I'd be mortified if anyone ever read them.
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