'I have a disability called Down syndrome. But some people call it Up syndrome because I am an up kind of guy.'
Snowboarder Kevin Pearce was poised to be the only athlete who had a chance at usurping superstar Shaun White in the 2010 Winter Olympics when, just weeks before the event, Kevin suffered a catastrophic head injury on a risky jump.

Then after that fateful few seconds (yes, they show it--we had to cover our eyes), the documentary shifts to chronicling Kevin's long, slow journey back from nearly dead. The Crash Reel can't decide which of several important issues it really wants the theme of the movie to be, so it tackles them all. This includes recovery from serious brain injury, safety in extreme sports, the dangers of our bigger, better, faster culture and other famous tragedies (Sarah Burke), a parent's guilt when their child is hurt, acceptance of a grown child's decisions even if you don't agree, and how two young men in similar situations handled being mega-celebrity. (One made his girlfriend sign a non-disclosure agreement and trained in secrecy, the other always took his core group of several friends and often family, including his special needs brother, anywhere he went and tossed confidentiality, and smugness, out the window.)
All of this is a fascinating character study of one brilliant young man and his passion. This is not a snowboarding film. It's a film about devoting your all to something, whatever that may be, and then having it suddenly taken away. How can you ever be the same again? Kevin's search for that old life is painstaking and tragic. You'll root for him to feel as alive as he once did sailing through the air. But you will want to shake him when he selfishly says he's going to snowboard again, even as his mother is crying and doctors are telling him he could die. Your heart will break when he gets back on his beloved snowboard and realizes he can't even jump a two foot barrier. And you will feel as shattered as his parents do when you see how much it pains them to think of their boy ever getting hurt again.
The Crash Reel finally finds its voice when the story shifts to Dave, Kevin's younger brother with Down syndrome. Dave is eager, opinionated, funny, and adores his famous brother. But Dave struggles with his own demons. Namely, he can't accept his Down syndrome. Sometimes, he just goes up to his room and cries, he says.
The parallels between Kevin and Dave's struggles become more apparent as the film reaches its bittersweet conclusion. As Kevin starts to accept things can never be the way he wishes, so does Dave. The brothers grow together and teach each other, and emerge closer than ever. Kevin and Dave's relationship defines who Kevin is just as much as snowboarding did, and once the film hits on this, it truly finds its voice.
The Crash Reel is one of the most beautiful and important sports documentaries ever to be made. And one of the most touching and sensitive films about Down syndrome we've ever seen. At nearly two hours, it earns every minute of it. A must see.
Seeing the film: The Crash Reel is set to premiere in U.S. and Canada theaters in December. It premieres in the UK today. For HBO subscribers, it can also be found right now on HBOgo.com before its official release in theaters.
642 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 642 Newer› Newest»Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2m
Dear broken foot, My running shoes say they miss you terribly...
I'm so frustrated I could cry that I can't pound the pavement for awhile :(
I guess since none of her tweeties asked her about her "broken foot" that she figured she'd bring it up herself. Of course she is also using it as an excuse why she can't run.
Cue the sympathy tweets.
I'm not a lawyer, don't work for one, but from what I know, any of her claims in the lawsuit will be up for discovery.
So, not only how the information was obtained, yes, that will be surely addressed as she has claimed she was hacked, the victim of identity theft and outright theft of her 'intellectual' (I use that loosely) property.
Has she claimed that they published untruths? Therefore, it opens up the journals for exam. Were the words pulled from her journals as Robert states? Therefore, are the contents contained within the book false, all, some, what ones are true, which ones are false? A HUGE can of worms.
Loss of employment due to being bullied and harassed, which then brings her twitter account in discovery, for said bullying and harassment. Where it will get sticky for Kate, is that it will pull into focus her timeline, what was tweeted to her yes, but also what she tweeted, others to her and with her in 'copy', ie. Jon, what was said, by herself, by her ewes, what she RT, how she did nothing to stop it, discourage it, thus in turn, bullying her ex and the father of her children, opening herself up to counterclaims.
She can't close the gate after it's open, she won't be able to have it stop when she feels she's deposed enough by her attorney's. Jon and Roberts attorneys will be free to ask her questions about everything she claims in her lawsuit, says in discovery and she won't be able to use the excuse I have 8 kids, I'm exhausted, feign tears to get them to stop. She won't be able to change her story midstream (as she is want to do, depending on who's interviewing her) or for a different lawyer, because they will catch her. Like it was stated above, that's perjury and the courts take that more serious than actual crimes at times!
She's opened one ugly ass can of worms and again, like someone else said, if it isn't dismissed and if goes far enough for a 'declared' winner at the end, it will be a hollow victory.
Some ugly, ugly stuff will come out and no one will be unscathed. I sense that Kate will be the one hurt the most by it all, as many think the worst about Jon already and he's been dealing with that since the divorce. However, some truths that the ewes have been disputing will be brought home to roost and it will be in Kate's own words, in a court of law and cannot be denied. altered or made to go away.
I am getting lost about the legal timeline. Does anyone know for sure whether the motion to dismiss was denied, or when there will be a ruling that the lawsuit will go forward?
Depositions usually occur at an attorney's office with the attorneys, the person to be deposed and the court reporter being the only ones present. I do not have to file my depositions so they are not available to anyone looking at PACER. Both parties receive a typed transcript.
Kate will not be able to avoid answering questions like she does in her interviews. As someone said, she will be kept asking the question until she answers it. There can be objections from her attorney, but it is very rare for an attorney to object. If she continues not to cooperate, in my district, we contact the Judge. This is a last resort and is rarely necessary, thankfully.
I think Kate thinks is going to be the same type of case as when she was sued for non-payment for counseling services. Unfortunately, this is a much more involved type of case. I feel bad that Jon and Robert are going to have to spend money and time in order to defend it. Their time and money would be better off spent on their families.
I work on contingency. Kate's type of case I imagine is a case in which she has to pay an hourly rate. I cannot figure out what she hopes to gain through this lawsuit.
Her toe may be broken but her foot is not. There is a big difference between a broken toe and a broken foot. Toes taped together = broken and/or sprained toes. Foot in boot and/or cast along with crutches = broken foot. I believe that TFMJG is only sporting the toes taped together look. Her sheeple will believe anything and this is the first that she's mentioned running in months.
reality check said... 189
If at the pretrial meeting there is no resolution they will move forward to depositions. I think what needs to be remembered here is that Kate is not the only one who will be deposed. Jon and Robert will be also. They could also subpoena Ellen and Hailey who has the phone texts. What I am saying here is that it won't be the slam dunk you all are talking about. The lawyers will be more interested in what was the phone texts than if Kate had plastic surgery.
How can they say anything about the texts? They are Hailey's property and she refused to allow Kate to use them. Just my opinion, but I think Hailey fabricated them, then panicked when Kate said she wanted to use them in a lawsuit. I could be wrong. Yes, Radar said they "authenticated" them, but it's Radar.. not the New York Times.
Also, I don't think anyone here implied that this was a slam dunk. Just that this is serious business with real consequences.
autumn breeze said... 7
reality check said... 189
If at the pretrial meeting there is no resolution they will move forward to depositions. I think what needs to be remembered here is that Kate is not the only one who will be deposed. Jon and Robert will be also. They could also subpoena Ellen and Hailey who has the phone texts. What I am saying here is that it won't be the slam dunk you all are talking about. The lawyers will be more interested in what was the phone texts than if Kate had plastic surgery.
How can they say anything about the texts? They are Hailey's property and she refused to allow Kate to use them.
Uh, because it's a legal case and the texts can be subpoenaed?
Smoochie said... 3
- - - - - - -
You mention twitter, I just read an article about a month ago about twitter and how they handle subpoenas. While people think they can delete their tweet and it's gone forever, it's not. Twitter keeps every tweet made on every account. I never opened a twitter account and I'm glad I never did. It seems like more trouble than it's worth.
autumn breeze said... 7
''How can they say anything about the texts? They are Hailey's property and she refused to allow Kate to use them. Just my opinion, but I think Hailey fabricated them, then panicked when Kate said she wanted to use them in a lawsuit. I could be wrong. Yes, Radar said they "authenticated" them, but it's Radar.. not the New York Times.''
I don't think that you're wrong at all, autumn breeze. Remember that Hailey threatened to sue TFW if she used the texts in a lawsuit? There was MUCH discussion about the entire exchange of emails between TFMJG and Hailey when it happened, and the opinion of most on this blog was that Hailey had 'fabricated' the texts! I'm sure the entire thing is in the archives of this blog.
Just purchased some books at my local Barnes & Noble. Could not resist asking about how the latest crookbook sales were going....the clerk very nicely looked it up and said that ONE book has been sold in the 36 weeks it has been available. HA HA! ONE. Reminds me of a song, "One is the loneliest number............"
Uh, because it's a legal case and the texts can be subpoenaed?
It's a civil case. My SIL was involved in something like this. Cell phone companies are loath to turn over text messages (even if they still have them) via a lawyer-initiated subpoena. Many times it takes a judges order and it's hard to do in a non-criminal case.
Hailey would have to still have the messages on her phone or her cell-phone company would still have to have them (unlikely after all this time). After all of that, it would have to be proven they came from Jon's number AND that he sent them.
A few thoughts:
I also noticed that tweeted ground beef and noodle picture does not resemble the recipe list.
There's Kate, abandons the kids for roughly two weeks while she plays Barbie's book tour, only to bemoan the fact she can't ditch them to go running for hours once she finally lands back home.
Kate will have a harder time with the depo than Jon because she has so little practice telling the truth...especially on this book tour.
Millicent said... 179
sillimom said: (quoting court rules)
"During the 90-day period (which may be extended by the court), access to the transcript in CM/ECF is restricted to court staff, public terminal users, attorneys of record or parties who have purchased the transcript"
It sounds as if you have access to one of the court's public terminals, you could probably access the deposition transcript. If I read that correctly, then it is available to the general public, but only those that can go down to the courthouse and use one of their terminals. If you live far away, like most of us, you would have to wait until it was made publicly available on PACER.
Just want to jump in here to make comment on this - this information only applies to a transcript of a hearing or trial NOT a deposition transcript. Federal court has reporters that report hearings and trials, and only if the transcript is ordered by and paid for by someone. Any depositions will be taken by a reporter hired by one of the parties/attorney; it may be videotaped if the party/attorney taking the deposition hires someone to do that. In my experience, the only time a deposition transcript is filed on PACER is when its being used as an exhibit to a motion; sometimes they only file the pages being referenced or sometimes the whole transcript. So the public won't be able to see the deposition transcripts unless they are filed by one of the parties.
''The former reality star said she’d be “fine if the kids wanted to write a tell-all book.”
So much of what’s been written about them is “untrue,” Gosselin insisted during an interview with Michelle Lewis and Ron Olson of Memphis radio station, WMC-FM, that her children should be able to tell their own history.''
Reading this comment by TFMJG exposes exactly how her narcissistic mind works. She 'hears' the question to be about the children telling their tell-all book, and says they should be able to tell their own history.
Apparently, it never enters her vapid mind that those children would be telling all about HER! You know, the monster mother that turned them into robotic workers, doing work that SHE should be doing. The monster mother that beat the toddlers for not potty training after five days..the twins are old enough to remember that! I know that all of them are old enough to remember that horrid wooden spoon that she used to happy them up!
No matter how many times I read the things that WOS says, I continue to be shocked at the way her mind works!
OT, though i have not read topic, title touches muy heart.
So, thinking about changing my posting name.
I have always everywhere used franky, but a snark name came to me.
so....franky, or
Khatie Irene Breeder?
Oh sorry I posted before I saw CarolJB's comment.
Anonymous said... 16
I like it but I like franky more <3
Gayle said... 6
Her toe may be broken but her foot is not. There is a big difference between a broken toe and a broken foot. Toes taped together = broken and/or sprained toes. Foot in boot and/or cast along with crutches = broken foot. I believe that TFMJG is only sporting the toes taped together look. Her sheeple will believe anything and this is the first that she's mentioned running in months.
October 6, 2013 at 12:27 PM
I have to disagree, respectfully, and it's because I've learned a great deal from others who specialize in areas like the law, being published authors, etc.
Learn every day, it seems!
The toe (phalange) is a part of the foot, so yes, a broken toe is as much of a broken foot as is a tarsal or metatarsal.
(bonus points if you can point to your sustentaculum tali!)
Depending on the toe, it is more or less involved with propulsion, so it could take 2-3 months to get back to running after a fracture.
Medically, speaking, it's "ouchy"!
That said, sure, it does seem that Kate's got to get that narrative out there that but for her broken toe, she'd be running.
Just not telling you about it as she did to excruciating detail last year.
You know, Running Barbie Kate.
To Anonymous (#16): I love it! That all TFW is, nothing more, nothing less!
Tucker's Mom. 15 first page.
The description was a total 'snap, Canadiana style.
franky, for now
Anonymous said... 16
I really like the name franky. And Khatie Irene Breeder takes longer to type!
franky @ 16
''so....franky, or
Khatie Irene Breeder?''
Well.....since you asked...I think that she should never have her name mentioned. I agree with Jon, who called her ''my former wife''. TFW or TFMJG is much more descriptive about that woman's status.
BTW, are you aware of the pejorative connotation of the word ''breeder''?
The toe (phalange) is a part of the foot, so yes, a broken toe is as much of a broken foot as is a tarsal or metatarsal.
So if one breaks a finger they can also say they broke their hand?
Oh poor thing, but when exactly did TFW last pound the pavement in her running shoes anyway?
Just sent friends home? Whose friends K8? Please don't tell us you joined the girls at the slumber party, so uncool. Also uncool to order gifts online this close to the birthday. WTF do you do all day,all week, again?
DUTCH TULIPS! Is in da house.
You're right, anything other than franky, seems weird.
But I had a whole kibble' n bits speil ready...You are right, franky I am by Sam, franky I will always be=)
Read RADAR on Kate Gosselin and she wouldn't mine if children wrote a tell-all-book. Kate say the boys insanely love Legos. That is just so sad that 9 year old boys have no real interest in sports or other activities. Seems Kate just want to make those boys her slaves while the girls will be whatever they want.
that is just so sad that 9 year old boys have no real interest in sports or other activities.
Just because they like Legos doesn't mean that they have no interest in sports or other activities. They have a father who was always athletic, so perhaps he's taking them to games and sporting events.
tweetle and deck,
thank you
franky is who i have ever been, was just a brain fart thinking about changing.
thank youse all by da ' by.
can breathe easier, TFW has left the country.
We may be a quiet nation, but we are quite the nation.
So if one breaks a finger they can also say they broke their hand?
...and the nose is part of the face, and the face is part of the head, so if I broke my nose, did I also break my head?
Pink hasn't been posting for a while...:(
Tuckers Mom said...
Yet another photo that does not reflect the ingredients in the recipe. Mushrooms can clearly be seen and maybe even sliced chuck or sirloin vs. ground beef?
I see no ground beef at all. This seems to be a stroganoff type/influenced dish.
It's crying out for some dairy.
You're right again. No ground beef to be seen, it's sliced beef of some kind. Definitely mushrooms in the photo. And did you notice the 1 T garlic salt in addition to the salty, store bought gravy? Blech! She definitely had someone else prepare the food for the photos. I'd say that the editor needs to be fired, but the book probably couldn't have gone to press w/o the pro's food prep, but did they actually think no one would notice? lol
I like franky.
Barbara Gilmer @BarbGilmer 2h
I've cooked 2 recipes @Kateplusmy8 from your cookbook, BIG HITS!! Many more to cook! Have a WONDERFUL DAY!! ;)
After Barb tweeted this, someone asked her which recipes she made, and Barb replied:
Barbara Gilmer @BarbGilmer 2h
@AnyaIW @Kateplusmy8 Mac&cheese tuna and peas, & Happy face hash brown casserole. Next is yummy stuff.
I had to laugh that she's praising the Mac & Cheese recipe as a big hit. She should really praise Kraft, Annie's or whatever brand mix she bought from the store. I don't see how anyone can give credit to Kate for that recipe, especially since it is often a "suggested recipe" on the back of the box.
I was making Mac & Cheese with tuna and peas before Kate was born-only difference is I made the sauce from scratch. It's just like her "flag cake" recipe. Completely unoriginal.
I really wonder how much of this praise if true, or if it's just another ploy for some of them to get a tweet from Kate. Of course, they wouldn't dare tweet that they tried on of her recipes and that it was a disaster.
Yes Remona, total ' snap intended.
lol, canadiana style
360 24/7 365 and 1/4
never underestimate the 1//4
can't believe i am doing this..Oye Vay...
a Mom @27
MyDe went to Legoland last year, um..legos are as cool as barbies, according to her, never after 10 .
ps, I deletedexplenatives, she is 16 noh8's leggoland, loves Ennis, Montana.
This is a bit OT, but I just read this and had to share. To Kate and those fans of yours that dissed pit bulls, just because Liz happened to own one, the American Humane Society named their 2013 American Hero Dog last night. And guess what breed that dog was?
Yes-it was a pit bull!!
''The former reality star said she’d be “fine if the kids wanted to write a tell-all book.
So much of what’s been written about them is “untrue,” Gosselin insisted... that her children should be able to tell their own history.''
If she believes that so much written about them is untrue, why on earth is she continuing to push to get them all back on TV? Why would she want to continue to expose her kids to that? The alleged untruths about her got so bad that she partnered with BV to take down haters. Throwing the kids out there in that environment is borderline abusive IMO.
Kate say the boys insanely love Legos. That is just so sad that 9 year old boys have no real interest in sports or other activities.
My 9 year old grandson loves Legos too. But he also loves swimming and plays baseball and tennis. He is also an avid skier and is looking forward to winter. So loving Legos, doesn't mean that no other activities exist.
Tuckers Mom said...
Yet another photo that does not reflect the ingredients in the recipe. Mushrooms can clearly be seen and maybe even sliced chuck or sirloin vs. ground beef?
I see no ground beef at all. This seems to be a stroganoff type/influenced dish.
Has anyone ever seen a cookbook like this before? I mean where the pictures are different from the recipe posted? I can't believe this was allowed.
This recipe/food photo discrepancy is kind of like TFW herself. There's what we know to be true about her because we've seen it with our own eyes and then what she presents in her interviews which bears no resemblance to that truth.
franky..please keep your name. I have a picture of you in my mind and I don't want to lose it :)
Orange crush: Kate was not home for almost the last 2 weeks. You know Kates business/job trip and me time.
Marie: I was looking at PW cookbook, now there is a wonderful book for beginners. It has step-by-step pics in preparing the dish. Just like the GE micro-wave cookbook is set-up. I love when they show you how to prepare, and what it show look like when done. This book is even good for an good or experience cook,, lots of tips. If I could fit in budget I would get it.
My 9 year old grandson loves legos, and will play with them on a rainy day, or if there's no neighborhood kid to play with. His prefefence these days is more to be outside playing with his friends. Or playing video games...which Nana doesn't allow very often. :-)
He'll always love legos, but his interests are starting to mature.
TFW has many farmers markets near her house where she can acquire fresh produce for most of the year. There is nothing fresh coming out of her multiple freezers with dates on packages that are months out. You cannot compare all her frozen food that is available through her local farmers or whole food market that are freshly made, and are not frozen for several months, including coo
I religiously go to the farmer's markets and I freeze various foods from there. I never had a problem with frozen food. They come out of the freezer just as fresh as when I put them in. I love freezing summer produce and then pulling it out of the freezer during the winter, tasting the goodness of summer!
OH CRAP! I hope I didn't sound like Milo in my last post about franky's name. I just get a picture in my head about people who post here based on what they say and how they say it. Is that weird? Am I the only one who does this? franky, you are very unusual in the way you word things. It's very interesting to me. I want to keep the image that I have of you in my mind :)
The picture tweeted is the recipe and picture of "Yummy Stuff" which consists of ground beef, store bought gravey, egg noodles, garlic salt, parsley. Isn't "Yummy Stuff" a brilliant and imaginative name?
Didn't the sheeple ever hear of Hamburger Helper? That's basically what it is, but with less work!
"I have no idea how it is possible and it baffled me when I read as much in Robert's book..her demands at that hotel in New York, her disappointment in her "only" $500 gift card."
Remember her riders? KOBE beef. I guess she didn't appreciate that it wasn't just your garden variety Giant brand.
Tuckers Mom said...
Yet another photo that does not reflect the ingredients in the recipe.
I think that's the BAIT AND SWITCH game. Kate has that down to a science in every single aspect of her life. That is her MO.
Like Paula deen: A lot of shows show here in the US are Canadian owned or produced or even filmed here or in Canada. Stargate SG1, was Canadian made, shown here, in US, Steven & Chris are Canadian made, shown here on Livewell channel and The Property Brother, which was filming this year in Austin, TX, and the 2 brothers live in Las Vegas, and have reality offices in Canada & US, are made by Canadian TV (Cineflix). This is done all the time. We get a lot of Canadian shows on cable, and a few on mainstream from time to time. PBS, picks a lot of them up.
Anonymous (franky) said... 35
''Yes Remona, total ' snap intended.
lol, canadiana style
360 24/7 365 and 1/4
never underestimate the 1//4
Well franky, all I can say is that I wish I knew what on earth you're talking about, since your ''snap'' seems to be directed to me. But then again, maybe the ''snap'' has nothing to do with me. Who knows?
He refused to answer, but his attorney told him that he had to. I remember him being livid that they trying to involve his family in something unrelated to them.
I, too, think TFW is in for a big surprise there.
Oh, yes, without a doubt. If you say something in a depo that you think is benign and totally without controversy, the opposing counsel will dig deeper into it, and if you said it, they have a right to question you on it, even if it doesn't have anything to do with the case. You open that can of worms, and they are going to go digging around IN that can of worms. She is in for the shock of her life because she has no idea what a depo involves. She has historically stuck her foot in her mouth whenever she has opened it. She is not going to be prepared for this and I can see her attorneys pulling out their hair when they prep her. Then, and only then, will they realize what they have gotten themselves into. Even if they play devil's advocate in the prepping, she's going to try to um her way out of it, and it's just not cut the mustard this time.
capecodmama said... 33
I like franky.
+1 Always.
hey Cape, i like you too, lmao.
yup, where is Pink and bluebird..Mon oiseau, t'est tu aux alentours?
Kate is a twit said... 37
Hurray for pits bulls!
Btw OT- my dog had to have 14 teeth removed under anesthetic- the bones had thinned and teeth were dying, having lost their blood supply. Any tips on giving pooch with sore chops antibiotic pills? I have exhausted disguising them ( crushed) in beef, salmon, ham, tuna, cheese...what would Kate do - I will do the opposite!
"Why men fall in love" is at the bottom of the blog atm! Where's Stephanie?
sonyamccurdy @sonyamccurdy 2h
@Kateplusmy8 can you purchase your book at any certain stores?
Why would Kate want to purchase her own book? A bookstore might be a good start. Barnes & Noble perhaps? lol!
Tiff Jenn @gchs2013 5h
@Kateplusmy8 may i have a birthday tweet when it comes to my birthday
Certainly. Kate will keep guessing the date of your birthday!
Gotta love these sheeple!
Formerly, sorry about you older dog. I have one, too. He has needed surgery twice to remove teeth. I give him his antibiotic in a dab of peanut butter. He loves it and licks the tablet up with the sticky treat. Good Luck.
Any tips on giving pooch with sore chops antibiotic pills?
Rather than fight w/my dog being suspicious and spitting out absolutely everything I disguise the pill in, I gave up trying to be sneaky. I now just put it in the far back corner of his mouth (he doesn't seem to mind). He has a large, wide mouth, though and IDK if that makes it easier. He swallows and it's over for the day.
Over In TFW's County said... 50
''...She is in for the shock of her life because she has no idea what a depo involves. She has historically stuck her foot in her mouth whenever she has opened it. She is not going to be prepared for this and I can see her attorneys pulling out their hair when they prep her. Then, and only then, will they realize what they have gotten themselves into.''
Oh, my...I'm remembering the prep that my attorney did w/me before the deposition I was involved in. He spent over an hour forcing me to ''sit with the ''correct'' body language''. (Relaxed, arms on the arms of the chair with open palms up, legs loosely crossed at the ankles).
Then he asked questions and jumped down my throat when I didn't respond as he had told me to....''Listen carefully to the question and answer THAT question only and then shut your mouth.'' That one I really didn't grasp till he asked me what time it was, and I said ''I don't have a watch'', causing him to raise his voice and say, ''Did I ask you if you were wearing a watch???!!!'' LOL
I think that TFMJG will have a MUCH more difficult time than I did.
Any tips on giving pooch with sore chops antibiotic pills?
When my dog has to take pills, I take a bit of cream cheese and cover the pill. Works like a charm every single time.
I just caught up to the finale of Newsroom. This season's story line was laced with depositions of the news crew.
Kate better hope that Aaron Sorkin isn't the person who composes her questions.
Ahigh, lala. done=)
hope that picture includes native looks, waist-llength hair, and, most importantly, a wise eye.
I hope i look like my mamie=)
I think most come here with same general opinion of what a mess Kate has made. I would have to add that a catalyst, in fact a major player was TLC and all of the "yes" men & women surrounding her for years. All of those production people who were bringing home healthy paychecks by agreeing and turning there heads the other way to things that their moral compass could not agree with.
But I have to say, and I am guessing I will be unpopular with this opinion, saying things like, "Breeder" or "dropping a litter," along with personal comments about her body shape...lacking hips...thinning hair....well people who make these comments sound like trolls to me.
The comments are vulgar and shallow and honestly along with the obsession over her broken toe, the reason i am leaving this site.
Admin, I like your opinions. You and Millicent, your opinions and your legal background attracted me here. It all seemed very civilized..
Thanks for your blog.
Gala, oH CRAP had me spitting out my beer.
u owe me..
but lol, cheeks hurts i laughed so hard.
g-d i love this group...rastafari
Hello everyone, I've been lurking but have not posted in a long time. So yes franky I'm still around.
I want to thank the person who posted the link to the Dionne quintuplets movie. I looked at it this morning, it was 3 hours long, but was worth the time. Someone should send the link to Kate, she would see that she's exploiting her children in the same way.
Thanks everyone for the dog tips! It is so hard when the mouth is involved as you can't be too forceful. She's on to my tricks but I shall persevere. Dmasy, this is her 2nd dental surgery too :( Thanks, all. Will report tomorrow in success,Ii hope!
Remona, 'snap is universal, never intended towards anyone.
i do not point fingers, ever.
Marleytaught me well. I an i.
lol, just joshing you=)
I love all the posters and this group, so also love we van agree to disagree and then discushugs to all
Did Nicole the author ever get a reply from Kate? For some reason, Twitter isn't working for me right now. Is she still making a pest of herself?
Hello, Bluebird. Good to see you!
Moving on with life said... 61
''....But I have to say, and I am guessing I will be unpopular with this opinion, saying things like, "Breeder" or "dropping a litter," along with personal comments about her body shape...lacking hips...thinning hair....well people who make these comments sound like trolls to me.
The comments are vulgar and shallow and honestly along with the obsession over her broken toe, the reason i am leaving this site.''
Well my goodness! Perhaps you missed my comment that ''breeder'' has a ''pejorative connotation''? I do agree that comments that call people ''trolls', ''vulgar'' and ''shallow'' sound like a very good reason to leave this site.
Maybe once TFMJG is more involved in lawsuit mode, you will return for Admin and Millicent's legal backgrounds and opinions. I hope so.
Can't get the email link to work...is it on my end?
Didn't Kate do the same thing when she blogged for CC...was supposed to talk up the site and her blog there when she did her appearances, but turned it into a spiel about her kids, the divorce, and everything else but what she was expected to do?
Did Nicole the author ever get a reply from Kate? For some reason, Twitter isn't working for me right now. Is she still making a pest of herself?
I don't see anything on TFW's twitter acknowledging this fan at all.
.But I have to say, and I am guessing I will be unpopular with this opinion, saying things like, "Breeder" or "dropping a litter," along with personal comments about her body shape...lacking hips...thinning hair....well people who make these comments sound like trolls to me.
I don't think "troll" is the word you want. An internet troll frequents blogs to upset the natural flow of things or disrupt discussion for the purpose of provoking an argument. I don't see how regular posters here are "trolls," but whatever...
Anonymous said... 62
Gala, oH CRAP had me spitting out my beer.
u owe me..
but lol, cheeks hurts i laughed so hard.
g-d i love this group...rastafari
And THIS is exactly why you should keep franky as your name. I had to read your post 3 times but I finally got it. You make me work. That ain't a bad thing. Don't EVAH change!
Ditto on suzie's technique.
I pull keyla's jaw open, send pill on it's way to being effective.
day's it, dat's all.
being a first responder here has probably affected my touch
somewhat, maybe
Lalalalala said... 58
Any tips on giving pooch with sore chops antibiotic pills?
When my dog has to take pills, I take a bit of cream cheese and cover the pill. Works like a charm every single time.
So does peanut butter. I stick it at the back of her tongue and she has to smack her mouth to get the peanut butter down and down goes the pill.
Has anyone on Twitter asked her why there is such a discrepancy between the some of the photos and the actual ingredients in the recipes?
Moving on with life said... 61
I completely understand what you're saying.
When you're participating on a blog you literally have more than a hundred people with their own ideas and opinions about everything and anything. We're all strangers but we've connected. Do I agree with everything everyone says? No. But I feel I can tell everyone here that I don't agree with a comment and my opinion is respected. If you felt so strongly about something someone said then you should have said something. It could have opened up an interesting dialog. I'm all in..24/7, for interesting dialog :) but it just so happens that I agree with what you said. Some things shouldn't be said but that's human nature. You can stand up for what you believe in or just ignore.
I'm interested in what you have to say. Please don't leave because there were a few posts that upset you.
That OP has a point. Some comments here are plain old nasty. I just scroll. *shrug*
Sleepless In Seattle said... 76
Has anyone on Twitter asked her why there is such a discrepancy between the some of the photos and the actual ingredients in the recipes?
Actually one fan did, not one of her 6 die-hards. Wish I'd posted it but was distracted by something else, then forgot. My bad. Of course Kate didn't respond.
So does peanut butter. I stick it at the back of her tongue and she has to smack her mouth to get the peanut butter down and down goes the pill.
That always worked with my dogs...except one. She was so clever, knew what was in that peanut butter, managed to work the pill out of there, spit out the pill and swallow the peanut butter!
Thank you JM for the info on what type of transcripts would be available via PACER. I was surprised to think that depo transcripts would be available, and your info cleared that up. I should have known that - only documents filed with the court are part of the court file.
Bluebird, your complete elegance has been missed.
sorely. en passnt, he veut recommencer a danser
pm moi, srp
Remona - your depo prep reminds me of what my boss (attorney) often says about trying to prepare clients for a depo. It is very important to listen to the entire question (don't anticipate, don't interrupt), and then as simply and briefly as you can, answer only that question. Then stop. Wait for the next question. Pause before answering. Then answer only that question. Sounds easy, but it's very difficult for people who are used to having conversations, not answering questions under oath.
I wish I could be a fly on the wall during Kate's depo. It will probably be a doozy (and maybe not finished in one session either).
Moving on with life said: but I have to say, and I am guessing I will be unpopular with this opinion, saying things like, "Breeder" or "dropping a litter,
I do agree with you that the term "breeder" or otherwise implying Kate is like an animal simply because she had 6 babies at once, is not something I care for or feel comfortable with. I dislike TFW, for very specific reasons, having to do with the cruel, hard-hearted, and terrible way she has treated her children. I remain appalled at the way she treats Jon as well.
When I see comments that I don't care for, I just ignore them. I think people on this blog are pretty intelligent and like to carry on intelligent conversations. I'm sorry you are leaving, but I understand. Hope you will come back and check in from time to time though.
Kate thanked Paige for the CARDS she sent to Mady and Cara. Paige, however, tweeted...
Paige C @Paige_Kate8fan 39s
@CrazyforKate @Kateplusmy8 she can tell the kids my present was from you too:D
Present? Kate said nothing about a present!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2m
Dear broken foot, My running shoes say they miss you terribly...
I'm so frustrated I could cry that I can't pound the pavement for awhile :(
So now that the Kate the Cook idea is kaput, is she resurrecting the Kate the Runner idea again?
Oooh, Remona #68
!!! SNAP, and a good one.
right hereby yer side=)
Suzee said... 71
I don't see anything on TFW's twitter acknowledging this fan at all.
She tweeted Kate several times today. Here's the last one:
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 9m
@Kateplusmy8 wish I could get a RT! Wondering if you remember me from Toronto? I gave u my book! Pls RT it would mean so much Kate! Luv u xo
Millicent, perfectly said. I'm an internal auditor for our company, trained in auditing business practices and the conformance to them. Same idea, answer the question as asked, no more, no less. LOL you just love the ones where you ask a simple yes or no question and they're off to the races and as we say, leading us down the garden path! Luckily I'm the internal auditor, so we can catch those wandering away from the garden path, get them back where they need to be, to ensure we keep our ISO certification, when the external auditors come to visit.
I'm sure that's how many people get 'caught', so to speak, by answering more than asked and then opening up a new avenue/range of questions.
Paige C @Paige_Kate8fan
@Kateplusmy8 awe:( maybe try sit-ups or something to get out your frustration or swim if your pools not too chilly by now!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@Paige_Kate8fan can't swim... I asked:( I'm a goin crazy!
Who did she ask? She can't swim with a broken toe, or she can't swim...period?
Oh oh. Kate was tweeting with Paige and the 13 year old. I think Em got a little "jellus"
Emily Creighton @EmCr68 17m
@Paige_Kate8fan @Kateplusmy8 it's been way too long for me! ;( I'm gonna have to take a road trip to PA very soon!
Emily Creighton @EmCr68 15m
@Kateplusmy8 I've had a few career changes for the better, I think you're going to be very proud of the direction I'm going to take :)
Everyone certainly has the choice of scrolling past something they don't care to read. Heck, one even has the choice of leaving or not participating! I wasn't aware this was a new concept.
Aren't Paige and Emily just a little told old for girl crushes on celebrities? I would have thought they should have outgrown it by now. Three decades from now, will we have two more Milos running around?
lol, thanks lalaa#73, imagine my kid.
lol karate intense since 4... She is stronger than me, lol
who needs a shotgun?
we ARE lethal weapons
Wonder if Milo's a bit miffed that Kate didn't reply to her tweet about LOM FedExing his icky used cast for his broken ankle.
Kara_lovesKateX8 @CrazyforKate 1m
@Paige_Kate8fanShe should redo the cruise thing! I would go..And me and you can hang out talk about Kate and hang out with her!@Kateplusmy8
I'm sure that this is on Kate's bucket list -- going on a cruise and hanging out with a 13-year-old and an 19-year-old. :-)
@Paige_Kate8fanShe should redo the cruise thing! I would go..And me and you can hang out talk about Kate and hang out with her!@Kateplusmy8
And a 13-year-old is going to afford and participate in a cruise by herself?
It seems Kate needs to stop leading on these youngsters. They don't need a 39 year old BFF. That Em girl is now stating she needs to take a road trip to PA because she hasn't seen Kate for so long.
Oy vey.
OT: I've been busy and just took the time to watch Dancing With The Stars from last week. I knew Bill got eliminated, but had no idea how bad he had injured himself. He tore his left quadriceps the week before DURING his performance, at the end. THEN he insisted on performing last week with a leg brace on. It was inspirational. And very risky, but the risk paid
off that time. I hope he gets surgery to fix things soon.
She tweeted Kate several times today. Here's the last one:
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 9m
@Kateplusmy8 wish I could get a RT! Wondering if you remember me from Toronto? I gave u my book! Pls RT it would mean so much Kate! Luv u xo
She also loves TLC, and is enamored with Theresa Caputo! She kind of reminds me of Brownie. If she tweeted Kate to tell her that she found some expired cereal, I bet Kate would respond!
@TLC u would make my night if u replied to me! I luv u so much! would make me so happy to have a reply from u! #LongIslandMedium
lol, tweet-le! Yes, Emiliy had to get her two cents in there! She wants to go to PA? That sleepover this summer didn't work out too well, so I don't think she should hold her breath for an invitation.
Thanks, Dmasy.
Glad to hear from you franky, but I have no idea of how to pm you, sorry.
Once I had to testify in court as a witness. I was soooo nervous! The opposing atty started out with easy questions, to put me at ease I guess.
He asked how many siblings I had. I was so nervous I couldn't think of the answer. I glanced at my brother, who was holding up 5 fingers.
Then everything stopped while the judge screamed at both of us about not coaching the witness. I thought I would die of embarrassment.
It was so hard to calm down and think straight after all that. I think my leg shook for two days afterwards.
Emily Creighton @EmCr68 15m
@Kateplusmy8 I've had a few career changes for the better, I think you're going to be very proud of the direction I'm going to take :)
What career changes? She's a freshman in college, she's supposed to be able to change her mind about what she's studying. Do you even have to declare your major as a freshman? t's not a career until you've got a job. Although if her family has enough money I guess she could be a career student. Is she leaving college to participate in a reality show or has she decided to become a theater major rather than a career in nursing?
Melissa NV said... 90
Maybe she asked Steve if she could go swimming and he told her whatevea.
Lynne In RI said... 93
Aren't Paige and Emily just a little told old for girl crushes on celebrities? I would have thought they should have outgrown it by now.
I have like three girl crushes Sandra Bullock & Mariska Hargitay & Sandra Oh mine are normal I think lol.
Now KK's girl fans are obsessed with her especially Milo.
Kate tweets about her broken foot. Fans give sympathy. Fans ask how she broke her foot. Kate won't answer.
Such a darn tease, and so predictable.
@kateplusmy8 Just spent an hour & a half on your website
Doing what? Must be a very slow reader. I hope she/he didn't take those "News And Events" too seriously!
Lalalalala - I give my bully his pills in my "hide a pill peanut butter balls".
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup honey
2 cups dry milk (such as Carnation)
Mix all together and roll into the size balls you want. Store in fridge in an air tight container. Wen ready to use, poke a hole big enough to slip pill in. They're also good human treats. If making them for yourself or family, after shaping into balls fool in nuts or crushed cereal, cinnamon sugar, etc. chill and store the same way.
Formerly Duped...53 So sorry to hear about your dog. That sounds painful. I agree with other posters with regard to peanut butter or cream cheese. Either one works on our dog.
localyocul said... 166
I predict she will mirror Cindy Anthony in this deposition..she tried to refuse to answer as well:
Thanks for that link, I just watched the first clip and I agree, TFW will be just as defiant. Cindy and Kate could compete in the "dark look" competition. I'm not sure who would win.
Cindy must have been a lawyer's nightmare client. Defy, deny and think you know much more than the attorney questioning you. Her own lawyer seemed unable to muzzle her. I'm surprised she got away with what she did when it came to Cayce's trial.
Entering chlorophyll in a search engine does not bring up chloroform. Except if you're Cindy Anthony.
The outcome of that trial still baffles me to this day, but it's a reminder to me that narcissists have an incredible power of persuasion. And that is a very frightening thought.
for lalaand
i do solemnly swear to never change.
calgary 7.....78
I agree with your comment and I also scroll past overly harsh comments of TFW, (which are rare and said out of utter frustration). What I really enjoy about this blog is the analysis, and insight along with our collective effort in trying to understand Kate's motivation and her twisted thinking. I rarely comment on her appearance, but I am often annoyed by her denial of having cosmetic surgery, which seems far more plausible than her de-aging theory. She has morphed herself in to a Barbie-type-figure in an attempt to snag another TV gig for herself.
Generally speaking, the vast majority of posters here comment on their concern for TFW's children, Jon and how she spins a different story to further her agenda on any given day. The biggest frustration, for me at least, is how she seems to stay in the entertainment news. Every time I see her on television I shake my head and ask myself WHY is this woman still getting air time. Have these daytime shows dumbed themselves down this much? I guess I just answered my own question!
Katie Couric completely dropped the ball, and to think she has done reports for 60 Minutes, she should be ashamed of her lame, lazy and lightweight interview of TFW. Watching Katie Couric being manipulated by the likes of TFW was embarrassing to say the least. But, I can't but help wonder why Couric would give TFW a free pass, why they ALL do to varying degrees, and why she is so bullet-proof on these shows? I would love to know the answer to THAT question, anyone?
Every time she appears on these shows she is given an opportunity to spin her web of lies, and no-one seems to take the time to call her out or hold her to account.
Coming soon...The Lawsuit Tour.
Moving on, this is my opinion and my opinion ion only, but your moving on would have a little more impact if you are a regular poster and used your regular name. As it stands, I don't really care that you're moving on because I don't recognize you as a regular poster. I also don't see where anyone here has an obsession with TFMJG's broken toe or foot. We've just commented as to whether or not we think it's a broken toe based on the picture of her with toes taped together or a broken foot as many of us picture a broken foot.
When my sister had a broken toe she was told that she could swim (good exercise and no weight placed on foot) and bike (as long as she wore proper shoes). That is why TFMJG's statement that she was told she couldn't swim doesn't make any sense at all.
Finally, one or two breeder comments does not an entire blog make. I think your intention is to stir the pot. Again, my opinion and my opinion only. I will now be moving on from this subject and won't comment again if you come back to bait us.
Kate responded to the Author Lady. Big mistake, Kate. Huge. She will be tweeting her night and day until she finishes that book and tells her how wonderful it is. Moreover, she'll be using Kate's name to pester other celebrities!
Nicole Gould @nicolergould
@Theresacaputo @biglarrycaputo would u like a copy of my book? in the hands of Kate Gosselin ! :) pic.twitter.com/48VtiSdp88
Nicole Gould @nicolergould
hoping my book will get recognized! Please RT so more people know about it!! @Kateplusmy8 pic.twitter.com/lnkh2Gy68s
Nicole Gould @nicolergould
@Sudburynative omg did you see she replied to me?!!! shes reading my book next!!
Nicole Gould @nicolergould
@Kateplusmy8 ya!! Make sure u let me no what u think! Possibly a testimonial? Ur very welcome! Thx for urs as well! Xo
Kate certainly does attract fans who latch on and don't let go!
Speaking of when Paige met Kate onstage, did anyone notice just how wooden Kate was when they hugged?! No warmth in her greeting whatsoever!
In reading Kate's TL, it seems like 90 percent of her fans are teenagers. Is that because kids that age just aren't mature enough and haven't yet developed critical thinking skills to be able to see her for what she is? For them, they see only sunshine, lollipops and rainbows and want to be just like her.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@Paige_Kate8fan can't swim... I asked:( I'm a goin crazy!
I don't think I've ever heard of this before in my life - no swimming because a bone in your foot is broken? I broke my foot (2 bones) and had to wear a 'boot' for 2+ months. Talk about a PITA!
TFW wasn't on crutches. She wasn't wearing a boot. She had 2 toes taped together. She was seen on camera without a limp or favoring a foot, yet she can't swim? Crazy
moving on with life
I get what you're saying,but it is easy to scroll by the stuff you don't want to read. You get use to some of the names who seem to harp on the same things and dissect the most trivial things. Sometimes when you voice a different opinion and don't go with the flow...agree with what the majority is saying you get attacked.
But..Thats why this blog is good. All opinions are allowed here if you follow the rules. Most of the people here are insightful and offer up good advice. I don't speak as eloquently as some here do,but I've been posting here for years and come back because this is a blog that accepts most everyone.
Someone posted a twitter? From that Milo person? Saying LOM is her boss? Her ruler like Jesus? I wonder is Milo is in Hoh DD relationship? That would explain alot! If she's not off line when he demands she's in for some punishment?.Maybe that's why she agrees with TFW's domination over the kids. Things that make you say Hum....
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@Paige_Kate8fan can't swim... I asked:( I'm a goin crazy!
Since when did she start liking water? Remember the rapids on the RV episode? You think her biggest fan would know everything about her.
Sorry, but I can't remember the name of the radio show where she called in her interview, didn't she say that Maddy took the pictures? Maybe it was just some of them. Does anyone know? Thanks. Oh, the guy announcer thought she was beautiful. That's the interview I'm talking about.
dear TFW, I can tell you from experience that I am going through right now. Law stuff SUCKS! I have two pending lawsuits going possibly in my favor, filed on my behalf, and the stress from both is KILLN me.
Those two suits will be maybe over in 1-2 years from now before they are settled. They are both CIVIL with one filed, the other to be filed soon. Talk about a lot of work!
The 3rd law stuff, is a job appeal from termination from a boss who singled me out to hate, and then she had me terminated because she lied.
It is civil, but just like like criminal court. Just as serious and the stress will keep you up night and day. The appeal process is so much like a court case. Same rules on being under oath, stress.
Then more law stuff, the UI appeal, which I won hands down, but have yet to see any $$$ was so so hard. It was no great victory. It was hard, & heart breaking to go through and it will tear you up inside.
Why anyone would willingly file a personal civil lawsuit without really good motives is beyond me, unless you plan to win at least $500,000, or more, which is unlikely in this case. Where would it come from? The lawsuit is costing a LOT of money.
I can maybe see someone filing in small claims court to regain a loss, but not a huge civil case like yours, maybe a landmark case, that might not go in your favor. Then what? Counter suits? Oh, oh oh not for the faint of heart.
The suit will go on and on and on and on....you will be called back again and again, and AGAIN for big stuff and little stuff.
Perjury is so serious, scary serious, and some people do it with out meaning too, and they will make you SO nervous reminding you over and over YOU ARE UNDER OATH. You will be under video and microphone. It will be so quiet, you can hear yourself breathe.
Your life, all of it, will be out there and your kids will be brought into the suit.
Right now, you don't have to prove anything. People won't like you or dislike you any better if you don't or do go through with the lawsuit.
But with 8 kids, and dealing with family court for the next 9 years, or longer, or concentrating on your career and children, how can it be worth it?
I will never do it again in my life, if it at all can be prevented. I never want to see the inside of an attorney's office, (no offense admin, lol) or courtroom, or hearing room, or A DEFACS, or UI Office again in my life.
And last, people believe they hire an attorney and they do all the work for you,. NOT TRUE. YOU do the work,if you want to win. No matter how much you pay, you still have to have your ducks in a row.
How can you book tour, tv tour, twitter, shop, run around to casino's, travel, be a full time mom, and still have time to work on a law suit? It might be easy if you were answering the suit, but you filed it. The burden is on you. What is your secret to not sweating this?
Good luck to you.
.Mon oiseau, t'est tu aux alentours?
At first glance... Monday oh say test two alienators?
Just goes to show how simple minded I am. Took a second or two to realize it was not english. Good job Franky. You made me chuckle at myself.
JoyinVirginia said... 198
I agree with you and it is just our opinion. Just observing what is already public record. No bashing intended.
I don't know how she does it. PD broke down many times. During, and after. I can't even talk about any of it without tears coming to play. I am a somewhat strong person. Not as strong as I use to be, that is for sure.
I have broken down many times. I am scared and I am in the right and still scared. They make me look bad, that's the game, right?
Lawsuits are something else, and this one will be watched as close as any criminal trial ever dared to be. But, she is so calm and collective about the whole thing, and that is good, right? But I don't get it.
Good luck
Haileys texts can be subpoenaed but I don't see that they are much value. They don't prove that Jon obtained the items he sought, rather he was merely talking about wanting them. I can talk about wanting a big screen tv but that's no proof I committed a crime to get one. They also don't prove that if he ever did obtain certain items, he didn't do so perfectly legally, just as described in Tuma's brief. The texts IMO are irrelevant. Anecdotal evidence at best.
watch the video and the bottom, around the 2:20
Even a doctor is of the opinion that a uterus is not a condominium. I get the joke.
"Breeder" doesn't seem vulgar to me when it refers to someone who is very unclear about how & why she managed to get pregnant with 6.
She put it out there, she made a career out of exploiting the fact that she indeed is a child breeder. She's not my sister, cousin, friend-she is someone who wanted to be in my living room on tv. She wanted me to watch and observe so she could become rich and famous. So if she gets called "breeder" it's fair game.
I get the joke.
Sandie @SandieBellz 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Oh, Lord. Are you wearing a lovely black boot for six weeks? Not so pretty.
Yes, Kate, let's see a pic of your boot, cast, whatever. Oh, toe tape? My bad.
Gayle 112 I agree with you completely.
AuntieAnn said... 109
localyocul said... 166
I predict she will mirror Cindy Anthony in this deposition..she tried to refuse to answer as well:
Entering chlorophyll in a search engine does not bring up chloroform. Except if you're Cindy Anthony.
Yep! Speaking of perjury, Cindy Anthony should have been charged with it. Andrea Sneiderman was convicted of it for lying in the trial of her husband's murder.
Anon going thru lawsuit, I hope you can get thru the rest of the process with as little stress as possible. Years ago my father and his siblings were disputing validation of some things left in a will with one other sibling. They finally consulted attorney who told them cost of litigation would eat up everything in the estate. The lawyers involved convinced both sides to come to an agreement without going to court, and even that took about two years!
I still think Kara_lovesKateX8 @CrazyforKate is a sock account made by a hater or a fan.
Re: 118
I recall several episodes where TFW declared she is not "waterish."
First was on the getaway Florida trip with Jon.
njay said...
Sorry, but I can't remember the name of the radio show where she called in her interview, didn't she say that Maddy took the pictures? Maybe it was just some of them. Does anyone know?
Yes, TFW said Mady took pictures for the book, but she didn't specify 'all' of them. Professional photographers were used and are credited in the book. IMO, Mady took some of the more candid family photos while the pros took the rest.
I'm catching up on posts, and this is completely OT, but getofftwitter 48 -- "Stargate SG-1" was not "Canadian made", at least, not in the sense that I think you mean. "Stargate" (and the two subsequent series SGA and SGU) were filmed in Vancouver, BC, but the production company is American. A lot of American shows are filmed in Canada. A good example of a "Canadian made" show would be "Flashpoint" -- Canadian production company, filmed in Canada for Canadian TV, and picked up by US TV. Others would be "DaVinci's Inquest", or "Avonlea" or "Emily of New Moon". All Canadian produced and filmed and very popular here in the US, also.
Tucker's Mom -- I can't specifically point to the Sustentaculum Tali, but I assume it's part of the Talus, or rear part of the foot, near the heel. Broken toes hurt like the very devil, but I really question whether TFMJG has a broken toe. Not with the shoes she's been wearing. Even going to flats or more "sensible" shoes would be very painful with a broken toe. I broke the 4th toe on my right foot running into a bed leg about 20 years ago. My toes were buddy taped, I was on crutches for almost a week, and I couldn't get a regular shoe on my foot for nearly a month. I was relegated to a flipflop or house slippers. Anything else was much too painful. I certainly wouldn't have been capable of striding out onto a TV set without favoring my foot. In fact, it still shrieks sometimes, if I land on it wrong.
Formerly -- Have you tried crushing the pills and giving them to your dog in jarred baby food (meat flavored of course). It really works for cats. Just be sure you get a brand that doesn't put onion powder in the food.
I know it's frustrating (very much so!), but I had an aha moment about this, just this morning. Substitute any politician's name for Kate's in the OP below. Still works, doesn't it? It might in fact be more true in some cases than others, but thing is: Most of us suspect there's some sort of media bias, working against our favorite people/cherished points of view.
Jumping In said... 111
calgary 7.....78
The biggest frustration, for me at least, is how she seems to stay in the entertainment news. Every time I see her on television I shake my head and ask myself WHY is this woman still getting air time. Have these daytime shows dumbed themselves down this much? I guess I just answered my own question!
Katie Couric completely dropped the ball, and to think she has done reports for 60 Minutes, she should be ashamed of her lame, lazy and lightweight interview of TFW. Watching Katie Couric being manipulated by the likes of TFW was embarrassing to say the least. But, I can't but help wonder why Couric would give TFW a free pass, why they ALL do to varying degrees, and why she is so bullet-proof on these shows? I would love to know the answer to THAT question, anyone? Every time she appears on these shows she is given an opportunity to spin her web of lies, and no-one seems to take the time to call her out or hold her to account.
McLaughlin Kraus @NannyDiaries 27 Sep
@Kateplusmy8 so great chatting w you today in the green room. Hope ur foot heals quickly--and wishing you a blister-free future
Sleeping Bear said... 105
Kate tweets about her broken foot. Fans give sympathy. Fans ask how she broke her foot. Kate won't answer.
Yupe she did it be for with her car story she told them it broke down and never really told them why.
CNN did a really interesting piece this morning about putting your kids online via YouTube, blogs and Facebook and how that does or does not violate their privacy.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@Paige_Kate8fan can't swim... I asked:( I'm a goin crazy!
Kate sounds like she's a channeling Milo with this tweet.
I meant to say "a channalen" , not "a channeling". :)
FandM Alumna said... 130
Re: 118
I recall several episodes where TFW declared she is not "waterish."
First was on the getaway Florida trip with Jon.
But she went fishing and scuba diving with sharks and water rafting.
RT said... 135
McLaughlin Kraus @NannyDiaries 27 Sep
@Kateplusmy8 so great chatting w you today in the green room. Hope ur foot heals quickly--and wishing you a blister-free future
October 7, 2013 at 6:06 AM
Why does she LIE? here's a tweet that clearly explains the 'broken foot'.
As far as her not being 'waterish', I clearly remember all the screeching she did about not wanting to get wet during the water rafting. Who does that that??
She also stated on numerous episodes (ski trip comes to mind) that she was an 'indoor' girl...she preferred spas.
I see TFW is blaming Twitter for no birthday pics of the twins. Please stay 'broken,' Twitter. No one needs to see 13 year olds at a sleepover. Personally I have doubts any party happened but not my business. Or, "no camras alowed" like the twins' sign from filming days.
Thanks to all who offered dog & antibiotic pill advice. Well, the cream cheese worked last night but today she bolted, very suspicious. Bitchy Pants, off to buy baby food.Thanks for the idea!
TFW managed to go to a casino with her broken toes. The injured foot will become much worse now that she's home with her kids. TFW probably wrote a list of additional chores she expects the kids to do so she can rest the foot. I don't think she bumped into her island, unless she drank too much boxed wine. She may have dropped a case of her unsold cookbooks on her foot that she took home from one of her venues
Regarding the dog having to take an antibiotic. I went through the same problem for years with animals. I don't know why they can't make a pill that tastes more appealing to the animal, even a liquid or powdered form that tastes similar to their food, bones or treats. I would always try burying or crushing the pill in food or treats just to have it spit out of thrown up after it was eaten.
Someone mentioned that an Amended Complaint was filed. Has anyone posted about how it differs from the original?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 123
Haileys texts can be subpoenaed but I don't see that they are much value. They don't prove that Jon obtained the items he sought, rather he was merely talking about wanting them. I can talk about wanting a big screen tv but that's no proof I committed a crime to get one. They also don't prove that if he ever did obtain certain items, he didn't do so perfectly legally, just as described in Tuma's brief. The texts IMO are irrelevant. Anecdotal evidence at best.
Not so sure about the putting a "nail in her coffin." That bears some explaining, I'd say.
How can it be proven that Jon sent them? That's my question.
I recall several episodes where TFW declared she is not "waterish."
First was on the getaway Florida trip with Jon.
But she went fishing and scuba diving with sharks and water rafting.
True. The water rafting she clearly did NOT like. Remember how she freaked when people started teasing about splashing her?
She actually threatened to withhold supper from whomever splashed her!
The shark thing...she did seem to enjoy that, surprisingly enough. She was all smiles as returned from that.
Although wasn't the shark thing towards the end of the show? After TLC had had enough of her & was trying to think of things to send her over the edge?
Looking back, I think they were trying to think of stuff to have her do that would be too much for her, and then she'd quit. But no luck.
I heard on the radio this morning that Esquire has named their "Sexiest Woman Alive" for 2013.
And it wasn't TFW! Oh noes!!!! Bet she's drowning her sorrows today!
localyocul said... 129
I still think Kara_lovesKateX8 @CrazyforKate is a sock account made by a hater or a fan.
Whoever she is, she showed up at a book signing and posed for a picture with Kate.
If, IF, Kate had an xray of the most distal part of her body, I GUARANTEE you the radiologist would indicate if the TOE were broken, by saying:
Impression: radiograph shows fracture of 4th and 5th metatarsals.
If she broke a tarsal bone, in the FOOT, the impression would state clearly which tarsal bone it was.
I doubt she went to a doctor. And I think she could swim, but perhaps kicking with that foot could hurt.
Toes and feet are different.
Doesn't matter much as we all know Kate is a liar.
Formerly Duped, we medicate our dog 2x/day. I push his pills into hot dog slices. He doesn't even chew them, just swallows them whole. I just say 'hot dog!' and he and the other dog come running and she gets a slice too. Down the hatch they go, intact and never close to any teeth. And these are small dogs. Good luck - it can be frustrating. The other dog had meds once and she was a master of taking everything but the pill. But I think if she had to have them now, she'd just swallow them a in a hot dog slice.
Former Poster
The shark thing...she did seem to enjoy that, surprisingly enough. She was all smiles as returned from that.
She enjoyed it because she was swimming among her homies!
Shannon Holly @Shannononair 27m
I'm interviewing @Kateplusmy8 Gosselin tomorrow. What do you want me to ask her?
If there was a sleepover, TFW played no role in it. Too out of character. If, big if, she allowed one, one of the helpers would have planned it. After all, TFW wasn't around last week.
The photo of her at the casino would tell a story...doubt she was there in flats. Unfortunately, we sw only the head shot.
I agree with using the word "breeder" as it applies to her. In fact I would choose to say she "spawned" those children.
localyocul said... 129
I still think Kara_lovesKateX8 @CrazyforKate is a sock account made by a hater or a fan.
If it is, then the hater or fan used her daughter, friend, relative to show up at a signing and have her picture taken with Kate. Who would scheme like that just to have fun with Kate, the fans or the non-fans, and who would use a 13-year-old child to do it?
If it's not a sock account, then that child has some serious issues in her life that need the attention of adults and/or therapists.
".Mon oiseau, t'est tu aux alentours?
At first glance... Monday oh say test two alienators?"
I thought she was saying that two aliens were giving tours on Monday, but I didn't know tours of what or whom! Roswell?
"I doubt she went to a doctor. And I think she could swim, but perhaps kicking with that foot could hurt."
If she had a blister, as first reported, and it is open and raw, then swimming might not be such a good idea.
Only in the world of Kate Gosselin does a blister turn into a broken foot!
Not that I know why her foot is "ouch-y".
No pics of the party means there WAS no party. KK is the lying liar who lies...
I bet the kids were still with Jon.
She lies about everything...remember the massive tree damage? She stated she lost ALL her trees along her driveway...I believe Robert said she had a few branches down.
Face it, she lies. She spends 80% of her waking time in the kitchen? doing WHAT??
Says she can't swim in the pool do to a broken foot? She has teevee footage from her show saying she doesn't know how to swim.
How does a person walk on a broken foot? with no boot? no limp?no grimace?no pain?
she had a blister. probably from a new pair of $400 shoes the kids bought. boo hoo.
You ladies are so kind to offer dog/pill tricks. Seems with my dog, things work once,then she;s not duped LOL. I will buy hotdogs and baby food today YUM!
Shannon Holly @Shannononair 27m
I'm interviewing @Kateplusmy8 Gosselin tomorrow. What do you want me to ask her?
Why, oh why, do people open themselves up to that?
Wouldn't it be funny if she got no responses because no one cares?
I'd like to read TFW's depositions in response to Jon and Robert's lawyers. Maybe one of the gossip sites will leak these when the time comes. Some of these sites like TMZ, who the owner, Harvey is friends with her attorney may put it out there. Then again, BV seems to be moving on to creating additional websites in attempt to make more money and putting his twitter account in the hands of someone else. He's apparently not making enough money from the account. You never know who my leak TFW's depositions for the right price. I also agree with other posters that she will be in for a rude awakening regarding the deposition process. This isn't like her divorce with TLC backing her and a husband that had a lousy attorney and wasn't informed with this process and was forced to settle.
I am a regular poster, posting with permission under a different name. I am also a local Berks Countian less than 10 minutes from Kate. I used to tell local stories, but with the outings that happened here I ceased rather than continue to disclose my location.
A visit to a relative took me near Kate's property on Sunday. It was around Noon. The property was deserted. No cars, no kids, no sign of Shoka -- honestly, the place looked vacant and a little neglected. The chicken barn also looked deserted as the fenced yard where the chickens would run is overgrown. It was a nice day; wouldn't chickens be outside?
I didn't think anything about this until I saw that Kate tweeted (about an hour after I passed her house) that she was just sending everyone home after a massive sleepover.
While it's possible that not a sole was stirring I find it very, very difficult to believe there was not one car or any sign of life with so many kids at a party.
Formerly duped, like former poster, I have had good luck with the small hot dog slices. I have also used cheese slices, the Kraft plastic wrapped slices, wrap the pill in about one third of a slice. My little Boston who died in June had to have seizure pills twice a day for six months.
Sounds like you have a very smart pup!
Lots of different subjects going on...... nice!
I do not want to call Kate a Breeder because that's an insult to my dogs. None of my dogs have ever hurt children, other dogs, or bit the hand that fed them. Kate has done all three!
I broke my toe once cleaning my bathtub and it hurt! I wasn't able to wear shoes for six weeks but I wore sandals and did everything else I normally do.
Moving On= Kate fan??? Kate is who she is. Nobody enabled her!
I always read everyones comments. If you take the time to write, I will take the time to read whether I agree or not. But I do have favorites and I miss them when they leave!
She also loves TLC, and is enamored with Theresa Caputo! She kind of reminds me of Brownie. If she tweeted Kate to tell her that she found some expired cereal, I bet Kate would respond!
She's back at it already today. She told a fan that the book is about life's struggles. I'm sure that Kate is excited to read that one, considering that nobody but Kate is going through rough times! "Landed" in the hands of Kate Gosselin? LOL! No...she gave it to her at a book signing and has been tweeting about it ever since!I I Wonder if LIM will bite and ask her to send her a book!
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 1h
@mattiajoyce would u like a copy of my book? landed in the hands of Kate Gosselin! PLEASE RT! pic.twitter.com/pCGcjDICrN
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 12m
hoping my book will get recognized! Please RT so more people know about it!! @Kateplusmy8 @Theresacaputo pic.twitter.com/lnkh2Gy68s
"It seems Kate needs to stop leading on these youngsters. They don't need a 39 year old BFF. That Em girl is now stating she needs to take a road trip to PA because she hasn't seen Kate for so long. "
This one wants an autograph from Hannah. How weird is that?
missnobody @PanikMaedchen 16m
@Paige_Kate8fan @Kateplusmy8 oooh I wish I had one from Hannah…
Apparently there is a Gosselin Family FB page. I don't have FB or Twitter, but I went to the link and this is what showed up:
Who created this page?:
Michelle K
Have you ever pretended to be Kate or the kids?:
Do Kate and the kids have facebook?:
No as of January 17, 2012 Kate has confirmed that she still doesn't have facebook. However she has a website: www.kateplusmy8.com
what is Kate's twitter:
what's Gosselin family website?:
does kate know about this fan page?:
Yes she does!
Who is Michelle K? What comes to mind is the cereal lady, although there may be many other Michelle K's out there. Her name is Michelle Kemper (Brownlow).
Wonder if Milo's a bit miffed that Kate didn't reply to her tweet about LOM FedExing his icky used cast for his broken ankle.
lol, Tweet! Gladys is tryin again!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 6m
@Kateplusmy8 Lites Out Man..Aka "Boot Man" thought U would be thrilled he offered 2share his >> http://twitpic.com/d7dk4u No response fr U? :)
I was thinking about something today regarding the fans. Kate uses them to feed her ego; she uses them when she wants support; she uses them for sympathy (the broken foot, which may only be a blister); she accepts gifts from them. One fan turned the tables on her (the author fan), gave Kate a book and now wants a testimonial from her and is using Kate's name to get her book out there.
If I had twitter, I would want an interviewer to ask if she has tweeted her support to Tony and Leah on DWTS
If she had a blister, as first reported, and it is open and raw, then swimming might not be such a good idea.
Yes...I was just about to post that. You want to keep the blister dry, not swim in pool water that might have some bacteria in it.
Local: I think we all suspected there was no party with the convenient 'broken Twitter, no pics" Sad if things are neglected and those chickens and Shoka stuck in the doghouse or coop..I hope the kids were with Jon having fun, and Kate was napping her 'ouchy foot' away.Kids would definitely be up and out on a nice day if at home or having a party IMO. I wonder if the chickens are just neglected when the boys are not home to look after them.
Would kids ask the twins today at school if there was a party?
Also wonder if the house has ever had break-in attempts if it looks vacant at times.
Thanks for posting!
URL said... 160 Some of these sites like TMZ, who the owner, Harvey is friends with her attorney may put it out there.
Do you have proof of this. I've asked before yet no one can provide any. Thanks.
Flipping through channels and I landed on The American President. He is giving his "least Presidential" comment. What a great movie.
If Kate's pool is still open she won't have to worry about swimming or not swimming with a blister/broken toe/broken foot. Cold front moving in (tornado watch), heavy rain, temps in the 40s tonight. Sadly, I believe summer just gave its last hurrah.
Thanks , Joy. I remember your dog. :( Got this morning's dose in with an unorthodox method, some gravy with crushed pill in syringe. but she won't go for that again. I will try one of the suggested methods for the PM dose.
Local but Anonymous, thank you for that report.
If TFW didn't lie so often we wouldn't be so skeptical of what she says.
Formerly Duped said... 172
Thanks , Joy. I remember your dog. :( Got this morning's dose in with an unorthodox method, some gravy with crushed pill in syringe. but she won't go for that again. I will try one of the suggested methods for the PM dose.
Oh my goodness, you need a new method with each dose. How long will this be going on? Ten days?
#360 ...that not a sole was stirring
Something fishy about that! LOL
Thanks for witnessing what we all are thinking...that WOS is lying about being home, lying about a party.
I bet she wasn't even home....
Jon has had the kids ALL THE TIME WOS has been on her 'world wind' tour. lol.
He has the right of first refusal when she is not home.
Which leads me to think that the chickens are GONE...chickens need to be fed and watered daily..no one's been there in almost two weeks...
So where is Shoka?
the kennel?
Formerly, you have one very bright dog! Hang in there. Humans must prove themselves to be smarter!
Lynne In RI said... 93
Aren't Paige and Emily just a little told old for girl crushes on celebrities? I would have thought they should have outgrown it by now. Three decades from now, will we have two more Milos running around?
I was wondering the same thing. Aren't they both in college? I remember when I was in college, I was too busy having a good time (mixed with the appropriate amount of studying of course!) to be interested in some D-list celebrity, beyond casual discussion with friends. Don't either of these two young women have a group of friends to hang out with, go do fun things with, and generally be more focused on 20-something things, rather than some nearly 40-year old woman who used to be on a cable tv show? I wonder if these particular two young women are lacking in some social skills or otherwise don't have many friends.
It just seems so odd to me. Life is right at your feet when you are in your early 20's. Young, full of energy, full of possibilities -- what is the attraction they feel for TFW, who does nothing with her life? A vain, aging, anorexic woman - I don't get the allure. Fortunately, I think young women like Paige and Emily are the exception rather than the rule. Most college students have better things to do with their time then obsess and cry over a nearly 40-year old has been/never really was D-lister.
pink bitchy pants said... 175
#360 ...that not a sole was stirring
Something fishy about that! LOL
Oops Pink Bitchy Pants ... good catch. Get it. Catch.
Maybe I was thinking about her broken foot and lack of shoes :)
Aren't Paige and Emily just a little told old for girl crushes on celebrities?
Well, look at the Sandy chic. She is definitely crushing on the TFW, along with Milo. And those ain't some young chics. Creeps me out.
Meredith Lanier @Meredith_Lanier 26m
Pretty sure one of Kate Gosselin's kiddos just requested me on Instagram! If this is real, I'm loving it! Lol 😁 pic.twitter.com/FsMCLLoTXy
There are 2 Instagram accounts in the twins names:
The pictures that are posted there are from Kate's twitter, Kate's website and various other places. None of them is original One account even has a picture that someone sent Kate of cookies she made from Kate's recipe.
I don't understand why Kate or Steve doesn't go after those accounts and have them shut down. They are not fan accounts-they are actually someone pretending to be Mady and Cara who are duping others into believing they are the real thing.
Shannon Holly @Shannononair 27m
I'm interviewing @Kateplusmy8 Gosselin tomorrow. What do you want me to ask her?
Hmm. Kate looking for a writer to help her get a show/job?
Shannon Holly
I'm a MOM, wife, radio personality on the KS95 Morning Show, voiceover talent, and reality show writer out of Minneapolis.
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 5m
@Kateplusmy8 if u like my book could I get a tweet with a pic of u holding my book? Would be so amazing and would make my life complete! :)
This woman is shameless or crazy.
Well, look at the Sandy chic. She is definitely crushing on the TFW, along with Milo. And those ain't some young chics. Creeps me out.
Yes, but they are adults, old enough to know better and should be mature enough to figure out that Kate is using them for whatever she decides she needs from them. There's no hope for fans like that. They got caught up in fandom and for some, like Milo, it's too late. She can't back down. It would be admitting that her gushing all along was a mistake. She'd never live it down. The more Kate is criticized, the thicker she lays it on. It's at the point now where she has put herself into Kate's life and may actually think that she is an important member of Kate's family, even though she's never met her.
It's the young ones who are the concern. They should be concentrating on their education, activities and socialization with peers, NOT wanting to be best friends with a 39-year-old divorced mom of eight kids, with one of them tweeting that she misses a celebrity so much she wants to take a trip to see her. or a 13-year-old who wants to take a cruise, talk about Kate all night and hang out with her. These are young, impressionable kids. Hopefully they will outgrow this fascination. If not, they'll be obsessed adults, still tweeting away about Kate's rockin hard body, dyeing their hair like Kate, and sending her gifts and cards...anything to get noticed by their idol.
Its funny how magically she can't post on twitter. Perfect timing, wouldn't you say? I guess she has to keep up her charade. I would venture to guess she's no where near home. She can't stand the thought of going back. I wonder if shes on a crying jag. " PLEASE NOOO, I DON'T WANT TO GO HOME..DON'T MAKE ME. WAHHHH."
This one will just not stop.
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 15h
@Kateplusmy8 ya!! Make sure u let me no what u think! Possibly a testimonial? Ur very welcome! Thx for urs as well! Xo
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 9m
@Kateplusmy8 if u like my book could I get a tweet with a pic of u holding my book? Would be so amazing and would make my life complete! :)
First she wants a testimonial and now she wants a picture of Kate with her book. Is she going to use that to market her book just like she is using Kate's tweet to her?
She is now tweeting various celebs, asking for a retweet about her book, and including a screenshot of Kate's tweet to her. These are just a few of her tweets:
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 3h
hoping my book will get recognized! Please RT so more people know about it!! @DrPhil @Robin_McGraw
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 2h
hoping my book will get recognized! Please RT so more people know about it!! @MaciBookoutMTV @taylorswift13
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 2h
Hoping my book will get recognized! Please RT so more people know about it!! @TheEllenShow @Abby_Lee_Miller pic.twitter.com/lnkh2Gy68s
Does she really think that just because Kate said that she will read her book, that all these celebrities are going to jump on her bandwagon?
I wonder if Kate will do as she asks, or will Kate actually realize that she's being played to get free advertising for this tweetie's book.
I'm surprised that none of Kate's tweeties have warned her about it.
Kate's getting used big time-I wonder if Kate will even realize it.
Marie said... 1
OT . . . I am going to buy Pioneer Woman's cookbook. It looks beautiful and I have tried many of her recipes and have never been disappointed.
I am sure I would like many of her recipes, but the one I've made that I got from PW's website was a basic recipe for fried round steak. The only thing I do differently is that after cooking each side, I put some chicken or vegetable broth into the pan, and let the steaks simmer for at least 15 more minutes. Longer if I have the time. I keep adding broth as needed. This makes the cube steak so tender.
But I liked how she walked her readers through every step, along with pictures. First picture is the finished product. Then as she goes step by step, the next photo is of a package of cube steak, so if you are unfamiliar with the term or this style of beef, you can see what it looks like. She gives an alternative if your store doesn't carry this. She shows a photos of flour, spices and pepper. She shows a photo of how the piece of beef looks after being dredged in the flour mix. It really does walk you through the steps, and for a beginning cook or someone who never made anything similar, this is ultra helpful and reassuring.
Kate cannot compete with this level of professionalism. Good luck to anyone so foolish as to buy her latest cookbook, and break out the can opener!
Kate is a twit said... 186
I will say this about her, she is doing more to promote her own book, than TFW ever did for her book on twitnerd. She is kind, but pursuant, asking for pics and retweets, and is basically excited about her project. I did not see any enthusiasm from TFW on her book like this tweeter. I saw one tweet from one celeb and that was it for TFW book.
It's the young ones who are the concern. They should be concentrating on their education, activities and socialization with peers, NOT wanting to be best friends with a 39-year-old divorced mom of eight kids, with one of them tweeting that she misses a celebrity so much she wants to take a trip to see her. or a 13-year-old who wants to take a cruise, talk about Kate all night and hang out with her. These are young, impressionable kids. Hopefully they will outgrow this fascination. If not, they'll be obsessed adults, still tweeting away about Kate's rockin hard body, dyeing their hair like Kate, and sending her gifts and cards...anything to get noticed by their idol.
It really is strange. I often wonder what is going on in their lives that they have this strange obsession with a woman so much older than they are. I can understand idolizing a person your own age . . . like the Justin Bieber fans, etc., but I don't get the idolization of a 40 year old woman with 8 kids? Maybe they need a mommy figure? Who knows.
Paula Deen fiasco....retailers were pulling her stuff off the shelves...but maybe due to the legal rulings and the public's short memory, her items were on the shelves last week at my local walmart.
Where is all this "Jon has right of first refusal" coming from? I don't recall that Jon was granted the right to choose whether or not he will take care of the kids while WOS is gone on her "poor me" tours or vacays with Stevie.
In fact, I'd be willing to bet she'd just as soon stay at home than hand over the kids to Jon for a week or two at a time.
Improbable Dreams.....134
Thank you for your insightful comment. Oddly enough, I too had another thought about the Katie Couric interview just this morning. The interview was lightweight, Couric went to TFW's turf, and the kids were used as reluctant participants for the piece.
What really bothered me though, was Couric defending her on the Friday wrap-up, asking the public to leave Kate alone, stating "she's doing the best she can". Upon reflection, I am wondering if the network (ABC, I think) told Katie to play it down the middle to see if there might be an appetite for having Kate and her 8 back on television. Ok, I know, that's a stretch, but It would explain why a person with a journalistic background would allow such a sham to play out without an a ounce of push-back.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
Dmasy said:
Well, she has 4 more days to go , twice a day!
And I am having trouble doing just that, Dmasy ! Everyone is taking turns as she loses trust in each of us each dose- they must be particularly nasty -tasting The painkiller was in syringes, so I could squirt it in all the gaps in her mouth she has now, but this is a uncoated pill so it's harder to mix and disguise.
She has not even eaten her food for two days and keeps eying us, watching what we do with it! Drinking water though.
Per Kate's publisher, Barnes and Noble purchased 7000 books. With my local store sales of just one I wonder how the execs are feeling about this decision? Obviously B&N did not do their homework as to how TFW's last cookbook did not sell. AND many of her recipes were proven to be plagerized.
I was thinking about this author fan. If I were Kate, in this instance, I'd ignore it. This one is just as annoying as the cereal lady. You've got to nip it in the bud; otherwise, she just won't stop. I would think that Kate isn't going to endorse a stranger's book, nor would I. There are other ways in which this person's life would be made complete.
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 8m
@Kateplusmy8 if u like my book could I get a tweet with a pic of u holding my book? Would be so amazing and would make my life complete! :)
Formerly Duped, just wondering, could you dissolve it in water and squirt it like you did the liquid painkiller?
My little Doxie was like your doggie. I couldn't fool her twice. I never had a long regimen of having to give pills. Ug.
I'm still not buying that broken foot story. Even her number one Canadian fan, who spent time with her last week (although more time seems to have been spent with Steve) is referring to the "injury" as a "toe". She has tweeted that she is glad she didn't step on TFW's "toe".
and hopes "it" heals fast.
Patk -- didn't Jon say he had the right of first refusal in one of the interviews he's given recently? Maybe the Dad's Roundtable?
I don't have a dog now, haven't had one for years, but I've had a couple of cats who were very difficult to pill. One of them, a random-bred I rescued at around 5 weeks old, was a real trip. She had, shall we say, lots of purrsonality, and was a very determined kitty. Thankfully, I didn't have to pill her very often, but when I did, she suddenly developed 64 legs, 2 foot long fangs, and foot long claws, and she wasn't afraid to use them. I tried wrapping her in a towel and she clawed her way out of a bath sheet. Not a bath towel, mind you, a bath sheet. One of my Cat Fancy friends suggested the baby food trick and it worked. Never had another problem pilling her. There are compounding pharmacies that can make up meds in attractive flavors. When I had a run (pardon the pun) of giardia here, my vet sent me to a compounding pharmacy for fish flavored meds. I had kitties lining up for a second dose, LOL.
Where is all this "Jon has right of first refusal" coming from? I don't recall that Jon was granted the right to choose whether or not he will take care of the kids while WOS is gone on her "poor me" tours or vacays with Stevie.
In fact, I'd be willing to bet she'd just as soon stay at home than hand over the kids to Jon for a week or two at a time.
This was reported quite a while back, when he won more visitation with the kids.
Jon DOES have the rights of first refusal, when WOS goes out of town for 'work'.
Local but Anonymous said... 161
I am a regular poster, posting with permission under a different name. I am also a local Berks Countian less than 10 minutes from Kate. I used to tell local stories, but with the outings that happened here I ceased rather than continue to disclose my location.
A visit to a relative took me near Kate's property on Sunday. It was around Noon. The property was deserted. No cars, no kids, no sign of Shoka -- honestly, the place looked vacant and a little neglected. The chicken barn also looked deserted as the fenced yard where the chickens would run is overgrown. It was a nice day; wouldn't chickens be outside?
I didn't think anything about this until I saw that Kate tweeted (about an hour after I passed her house) that she was just sending everyone home after a massive sleepover.
While it's possible that not a sole was stirring I find it very, very difficult to believe there was not one car or any sign of life with so many kids at a party.
October 7, 2013 at 8:45 AM
Her entire life is a lie. There was no party. She wasn't even home. I wonder what the twins think about her lying about a party?
Anonymous said... 197
I'm still not buying that broken foot story. Even her number one Canadian fan, who spent time with her last week (although more time seems to have been spent with Steve) is referring to the "injury" as a "toe". She has tweeted that she is glad she didn't step on TFW's "toe".
and hopes "it" heals fast.
there was no 'injury'. A person tweeted that she hoped kk recovered from her BLISTER. (the tweet is upthread).
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