'I have a disability called Down syndrome. But some people call it Up syndrome because I am an up kind of guy.'
Snowboarder Kevin Pearce was poised to be the only athlete who had a chance at usurping superstar Shaun White in the 2010 Winter Olympics when, just weeks before the event, Kevin suffered a catastrophic head injury on a risky jump.

Then after that fateful few seconds (yes, they show it--we had to cover our eyes), the documentary shifts to chronicling Kevin's long, slow journey back from nearly dead. The Crash Reel can't decide which of several important issues it really wants the theme of the movie to be, so it tackles them all. This includes recovery from serious brain injury, safety in extreme sports, the dangers of our bigger, better, faster culture and other famous tragedies (Sarah Burke), a parent's guilt when their child is hurt, acceptance of a grown child's decisions even if you don't agree, and how two young men in similar situations handled being mega-celebrity. (One made his girlfriend sign a non-disclosure agreement and trained in secrecy, the other always took his core group of several friends and often family, including his special needs brother, anywhere he went and tossed confidentiality, and smugness, out the window.)
All of this is a fascinating character study of one brilliant young man and his passion. This is not a snowboarding film. It's a film about devoting your all to something, whatever that may be, and then having it suddenly taken away. How can you ever be the same again? Kevin's search for that old life is painstaking and tragic. You'll root for him to feel as alive as he once did sailing through the air. But you will want to shake him when he selfishly says he's going to snowboard again, even as his mother is crying and doctors are telling him he could die. Your heart will break when he gets back on his beloved snowboard and realizes he can't even jump a two foot barrier. And you will feel as shattered as his parents do when you see how much it pains them to think of their boy ever getting hurt again.
The Crash Reel finally finds its voice when the story shifts to Dave, Kevin's younger brother with Down syndrome. Dave is eager, opinionated, funny, and adores his famous brother. But Dave struggles with his own demons. Namely, he can't accept his Down syndrome. Sometimes, he just goes up to his room and cries, he says.
The parallels between Kevin and Dave's struggles become more apparent as the film reaches its bittersweet conclusion. As Kevin starts to accept things can never be the way he wishes, so does Dave. The brothers grow together and teach each other, and emerge closer than ever. Kevin and Dave's relationship defines who Kevin is just as much as snowboarding did, and once the film hits on this, it truly finds its voice.
The Crash Reel is one of the most beautiful and important sports documentaries ever to be made. And one of the most touching and sensitive films about Down syndrome we've ever seen. At nearly two hours, it earns every minute of it. A must see.
Seeing the film: The Crash Reel is set to premiere in U.S. and Canada theaters in December. It premieres in the UK today. For HBO subscribers, it can also be found right now on HBOgo.com before its official release in theaters.
642 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 642 of 642 Newer› Newest»Testing...AGAIN! I'm trying to upload an avatar but I seem to be in the dark about this stuff. I should have the 5-year-old that lives behind me do it for me. GAH!!
I'm reading and trying not to cry. My son is 31 and my daughter is 29. What I wouldn't give for those wet, slobbery kisses again and the hugs that lasted forever. It goes by way to soon. In a heartbeat, it's gone.
And the way they ran to you when you picked them up at school...wanting you to swing them around before you put them into the car.
Sunrise, Sunset, Swiftly flow the days, Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers, Blossoming even as we gaze.
Ex Nurse said... 199
I'm "jus jellus" of my peers who are grandparents now. My daughter, who has been married for five years doesn't want children and my son, who is single, just recently said the same. If you don't want them, don't have them but I do have a little ache in my heart about it. These are different times.
"Take a picture. Phone. iPad. Camera. Email the photo to your computer or upload it to your computer. Use the Tool tab to size it to the smallest profile. Save to your documents. Then go into your blogger profile and click on edit. You will be able to choose change the avatar. Choose the photo from documents."
LOL, Dmasy! You might as well be writing all that jn serbo-croatian: although I never wear crocs or birkenstock sandals, I'm really just an old hippie without the faintest palest shade of any technological savy. I use a computer and Internet for my work, and listening to opera and... well that about sums it up. I'll have to wait for my son to help me, but, soon, I will change my avatar for that placemat, I promise.
To all: thanks a million times for this afternoon of tender, lovely, sweet memories. The "taking the garbage out as a hobby", the s...-storming dog, the little boy signing his full name on a birthday card for his own mom, the nieces working hard to save their grandma's recipes...And notice: none of these memories implied a trip with a camera crew.
Is Kate still scamming gifts from teeny boppers?? I'm sorry but she's disgusting! She has no shame.
Do you have the tweet? Did she hint at sending gifts, or are the fans asking what the twins want so they can send something to them?
Ex Nurse, congratulations. Don't forget "Where the Sidewalk Ends" for you book box. Happy for you.
Congratulations, Ex Nurse!
Great stories!
What, no pic of the twins sleepover yet?
That darn Twitter!
The twins probably had a sleep over Friday night when "the nanny" was in charge and when Kate & Steve got home Saturday morning Kate was tired and said "sleep over is done; go home".
The sleepover would have been on Saturday night. Kate tweeted on Sunday that she had just sent them home.
My son made me a ceramic ashtray in 3rd grade. I about died!
Our son's kindergarten Father's Day 'story' as told to his teacher started with "My daddy drinks beer for breakfast". Which he did, occasionally. At that time DH was in his residency program, often had overnight shifts and would come home, have a beer with breakfast and head off for a day's sleep. We think the teacher knew that LOL.
Congrats to Ex Nurse with a GRANDSON on the way! I love your idea of a grandma box. My 4 grown kids are between 28 and 38 and I am not sure I will ever have grands. So happy for you as you plan and enjoy, You deserve it, friend!
grandee4 said... 194
WOW. reading here today has put me on an emotional rollercoaster.
You older posters will know I used to be a regular and now - not so much. But Grandee, my old friend, your post here was right on the money. Remona mentioned just a bit ago about what a great blog this is, and you both are correct. These are great memories and REAL emotions everyone is sharing, not made up crap for film and TV ratings that hurt someone off camera in the making. {{hugs all}}
FlimsyFlamsy said... 186
I'm reading these precious memories, after all of yesterday's
thoughtful pet care advice, and wondering how one of Kate's
fans could dub this blog a "cesspool of hate." Thanks again,
Admin, for all your hard work. It's much appreciated!
Yes, I second that emotion! Stand still a minute while some of us line up to give ya a huggggg. !
Dwindle, you will never be forgotten. Pop in any time. Long time posters and new names....this is one of two blogs I follow and today has been a sweet and provocative day of reading.
White Organza...I will wait (eagerly) for your avatar placemat!
this is to Lynne in RI, grapes can kill your animal. Please look up dangerous foods for pets
I'm sitting on my own here and laughing at all of your funny posts. I love this blog! Dwindle, Dmasy, Ng girl, Lalalalaa, White Organza, Tucker's Mom, and many others, you make my day!
And as for Kate, she has no idea of what she's missing.
CarleneMarie @CarleneMarie_1 1m
@Truth_Teller201 @ljohnson2006 @Kateplusmy8 It is. And now to attack her kids, is truly the lowest of lows.
Are the non-fans (okay, haters) attacking the kids? Why?
Brooke P. @Wikiandthewife 1m
@Kateplusmy8 I love the two cakes with the numbers on each one. Brilliant for twins!
Yes! Absolutely brilliant. No mom of twins has ever come up with the idea of two cakes for twins with a number on each one. It's beyond brilliant. It's stupendously brilliant to the genius degree and more!
Milo hasn't wished the twins a happy birthday? Maybe she communicated it in that "other" way.
Bluebird 18
This is the woman who threw out her children's Sunday School projects sight unseen on her way our of the church.
No sympathy from me.
No one is talking about the post write up, but it sounds lovely and I love "Up Syndrome".
Loved the kid stories . . . here's one. My nephew's preschool had the children draw pictures for Christmas to put down the stairs as people came in. My sister came to pick my nephew up, and was admiring all the drawings down the stairs. They had a snowman theme. All lovely, and his was at the bottom. Instead of the coal pieces as buttons on the snowman, he had given his boobs and a belly button. He was 3 . . . . . and now 21 and a senior in college.
New post up on Robert's site.
All lovely, and his was at the bottom. Instead of the coal pieces as buttons on the snowman, he had given his boobs and a belly button.
How high up was the belly button?
Milo hasn't wished the twins a happy birthday? Maybe she communicated it in that "other" way.
That "other way" scares me. Just sounds very creepy.
The night is still young Give her time. Maybe she's on a road trip north to deliver gifts and birthday wishes in person.
Is the slobbering over yet? I hate Feelings. LOL
Dmasy, are you sure you aren't really a Disney princess? Like Giselle in Enchanted? I think you'd make a great one! :)
Harvest Moon: I think the belly button was where it should be. :)
Are the cakes for Cara and Mady on paper plates? One plate is overlapping the other and then they are both on a large plate. For someone who declares they are the best of the best, she does not know how to present food in an appealing way.
Rhymes with Witch said... 22
Bluebird 18
This is the woman who threw out her children's Sunday School projects sight unseen on her way our of the church.
No sympathy from me.
Well you know, less "clutter" that way. It hurt to see her do that. With her disorder, I doubt she'll even regret it some day. That's what is so sad, not for her but for those kids.
I hope they de-clutter their home of all her stupid books some day too. "Come get yer popcorn, we're havin' a bonfire."
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 21
Milo hasn't wished the twins a happy birthday? Maybe she communicated it in that "other" way
Milo is all about TFW and hating Jon.
grandee4 said... 194
Got pissed at Lena for saying "your way is not the right way
That is not what I said. I said that the OP's way was not the ONLY way. I said nothing about it being "wrong."
Auntie 630
She will never have to de clutter since she never lets clutter in in the first place.
Poor soul.l
Now this is just sad.
@Xxxxxxxx: @Kateplusmy8 @Xxxxxxxx
I would wish they sold your book hear
In texas
I also read here daily - I don't comment that often, but this thread has really touched me. My boys are 7 and 8, and are starting that phase where it's not that cool to hold mom's hand all the time.
But when they do - I cherish every second. As my beautiful angels/devils sleep, I still place my hand on their chest to ensure they are breathing. Old habits die hard.
Thanks to everyone tonight for reminding some of us that are still in those "long days", to appreciate the everyday and mediocre things in life.
My comment was from Rhymes with Witch
I'm with franky-damn phone.
Hate to ask, but is there a link to the mind-blowing birthday cakes?
I just want to give Robert more kudos. lol
Thank you to everyone who shared such beautiful, funny, sweet stories today. It was a joy to read them.
Time really does go by so quickly. The anecdotes today made me think back on those days of small voices giggling and laughing; listening to little feet slowly making their way down the stairs; wide-eyed looks of fascination with the world; and soft little arms holding tight around my neck. I pity Kate that she has never seemed to be able to feel that joy.
I am sitting here in my office staring at a piece of pink construction paper with red hearts glued on it. The words written on it by my little girl (now all grown up) are worth more than any house or car or material possession. I hope you don't mind if I share.
Mommy is a nurse
when I start to bleed
Mommy is for caring
when I start to need
Mommy is a cook
when I start to rumble
Mommy is my words
when I start to mumble
Mommy is a teacher
when I need to do right
Mommy is my teddy bear
when she kisses me good night
Mommy is for sweet
even when I am sour
Mommy is for alarm
when I sleep past the hour
Mommy is for brave
even when I am not
Mommy is for love
because I love her a lot!
Lalaland, if your kids are, like mine, in there 20s, don't give up hope. Parents are having children in later stages than may generation ( I am amost 60). Seems like when they hit their early thirties, that's when the blogical clock really starts ticking--for men and women.
Also, there are lots of opportunities to be involved with children. Volunteering to mentor students at school, community centers, coaching, tutoring, scouting etc. I know it isn't the same as your own grandchildren. So many families live far away from their families and would love to have a new aunt or uncle in their childrens' lives.
The anecdotes today made me think back on those days of small voices giggling and laughing; listening to little feet slowly making their way down the stairs; wide-eyed looks of fascination with the world; and soft little arms holding tight around my neck. I pity Kate that she has never seemed to be able to feel that joy.
I was thinking about that this morning. The Oatmeal Kisses really made me tear up. I feel sorry for Kate. I really do. She spent so much of their childhood worrying about grass stains, ice cream on shirts, plastic bags on kitchen counters, chore charts, throwing their toys down the stairs and their projects into the trash that she's missing the simple things. I believe there are many here who would give anything for just one more day of taking their child to the beach, watching them as them walk barefoot in the sand for the first time. It all goes by much too fast. Did we appreciate every minute of it when it happened? I hope so, because we can't go back and do it over again.
Crazy: That is beautiful...so insightful. Thanks for sharing. How old was she when she wrote that?
I love the memories of when kids were little. Thinking back, I love all of it. I love Legos as much as my kids did! And why are Legos only for boys? Did you know there are pink Lego sets? And has anyone ever been involved in the FIRST robotics competitions? That was fun. Playing board games for hours, making cookies together, hustling at Girl Scout cookie sales, camping, just watching bugs. One summer we had a gorgeous garden spider with a web right outside the porch door, we would check on her daily and just watch her. Sometimes you don't have to do anything, just sit and watch. Its fun to go on trips and do activities, but also fun to observe what is in your own back yard.
New post up. "America's oldest reality show stars"
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