'I have a disability called Down syndrome. But some people call it Up syndrome because I am an up kind of guy.'
Snowboarder Kevin Pearce was poised to be the only athlete who had a chance at usurping superstar Shaun White in the 2010 Winter Olympics when, just weeks before the event, Kevin suffered a catastrophic head injury on a risky jump.

Then after that fateful few seconds (yes, they show it--we had to cover our eyes), the documentary shifts to chronicling Kevin's long, slow journey back from nearly dead. The Crash Reel can't decide which of several important issues it really wants the theme of the movie to be, so it tackles them all. This includes recovery from serious brain injury, safety in extreme sports, the dangers of our bigger, better, faster culture and other famous tragedies (Sarah Burke), a parent's guilt when their child is hurt, acceptance of a grown child's decisions even if you don't agree, and how two young men in similar situations handled being mega-celebrity. (One made his girlfriend sign a non-disclosure agreement and trained in secrecy, the other always took his core group of several friends and often family, including his special needs brother, anywhere he went and tossed confidentiality, and smugness, out the window.)
All of this is a fascinating character study of one brilliant young man and his passion. This is not a snowboarding film. It's a film about devoting your all to something, whatever that may be, and then having it suddenly taken away. How can you ever be the same again? Kevin's search for that old life is painstaking and tragic. You'll root for him to feel as alive as he once did sailing through the air. But you will want to shake him when he selfishly says he's going to snowboard again, even as his mother is crying and doctors are telling him he could die. Your heart will break when he gets back on his beloved snowboard and realizes he can't even jump a two foot barrier. And you will feel as shattered as his parents do when you see how much it pains them to think of their boy ever getting hurt again.
The Crash Reel finally finds its voice when the story shifts to Dave, Kevin's younger brother with Down syndrome. Dave is eager, opinionated, funny, and adores his famous brother. But Dave struggles with his own demons. Namely, he can't accept his Down syndrome. Sometimes, he just goes up to his room and cries, he says.
The parallels between Kevin and Dave's struggles become more apparent as the film reaches its bittersweet conclusion. As Kevin starts to accept things can never be the way he wishes, so does Dave. The brothers grow together and teach each other, and emerge closer than ever. Kevin and Dave's relationship defines who Kevin is just as much as snowboarding did, and once the film hits on this, it truly finds its voice.
The Crash Reel is one of the most beautiful and important sports documentaries ever to be made. And one of the most touching and sensitive films about Down syndrome we've ever seen. At nearly two hours, it earns every minute of it. A must see.
Seeing the film: The Crash Reel is set to premiere in U.S. and Canada theaters in December. It premieres in the UK today. For HBO subscribers, it can also be found right now on HBOgo.com before its official release in theaters.
642 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 642 Newer› Newest»How could Jon have made the decision to put 80% of the gross income of JK+8 into an account? That is a decision they would have had to make together, so if that happened and he is taking sole credit, he is lying. Same goes for Kate.
This confuses me too. I think either when they say they put money aside, they either mean over the other parent's objection and they just did it or they took the initiative with it and the other parent never bothered to go through with contesting it.
Or the other possibility is that post divorce Jon asked a judge if he could set aside 80% of their income and the judge permitted him to do so. Post-breakup if you can't agree what to do with the children's money you must ask the judge to decide. Perhaps that was his decision.
I do know he eluded to Kate having some issues about the trust funds he says he set up. That doesn't mean she didn't want the children to have money saved--he hasn't elaborated. Perhaps she just wanted different terms. Keep in mind he did say it was 80% for three years--and it was just about the last three years of filming Kate Plus 8 and Jon and Kate that he and Kate were estranged. I do find it telling that Kate hasn't disputed his contention that HE put 80% aside. Merely chimed in that she put aside some too. We all know she doesn't hesitate to jump in and dispute what he's saying--she has not this time.
Admin - thanks for the review - I am very interested in seeing this documentary!
VA Penn Mom said:
It's not a choice, though. It's a forced decision. I wish my state DIDN'T have it.
I see that someone posted on the other thread that the new rate quoted you might be reduced by the Federal subsidy. That's how I arrived at my under $100/month figure for insurance for myself. I know I had many choices of types of policies on the CA exchange. You may want to check out the website for your state's exchange, to see if you qualify for any subsidies and look into other rates available. Best of luck to you and your family!
(One thing I didn't know until just recently is that thanks to Kaiser Permanente in California, they have helped keep overall health insurance rates lower than in other parts of the country, because Blue Cross, Anthem and others have had to compete with Kaiser rates. Hopefully the same thing will spread to other states with the health insurance exchange program.)
Should have been a post about the new Elizabeth Smart interview/update. She's written a book, too.
Thanks for the new post admin! I remember watching the coverage of snow boarding, and I remember watching this crash, which was horrible. It will be nice to see the rest of Kevin s story.
From the last thread: I love the name Bitchy Pants. Makes me think of Tina Fey s book Bossy Pants. And that makes me laugh!
She is a complete joke!
I woke up early dreaming of my second chance at fame and easy money!! No wait I just woke up early to go to work.
Nessie @NessieYacc 13m
Was nice to meet @Kateplusmy8 last night! Thank you for chatting about your book and visiting @VFCasinoResort! pic.twitter.com/MRA2uhrilZ
When is she going to go home to her kids?
nanb said... 5
She is a complete joke!
With Kate's tight income causing her to clip coupons and the kids not wearing name brand clothing, she might want to rethink her many lawsuits. This Teen Moms' SLAPP suit was slapped down and dismissed. She was sanctioned for a total of $30,000 plus the attorney fees for Starcasam and Perez Hilton. In dismissing the suit, the judge wrote that people who willingly and purposely insert themselves into the public eye should expect their actions to be reported upon. Apologies if this has already been discussed here.
Looks like the Battle of the Boobs
Paige C @Paige_Kate8fan 50m
@HCI_Books @Kateplusmy8 and I said ya see that shirt she's wearing? I touched it! Haha jk but seriously #teamkate :)
Good grief, Paige...get a grip!
What a joke.
Nessie @NessieYacc 45m
Was nice to meet @Kateplusmy8 last night! Thank you for chatting about your book and visiting @VFCasinoResort! pic.twitter.com/MRA2uhrilZ
View photo
In describing how TFW came across on Bethenny's show. Bethenny unfortunately comes across like she's very wired . At least she was trying to ask TFW some questions regarding her finances and her current feelings towards Jon. But TFW just sat there and lied about her fake empathy or is it love for Jon, denying her unusually close relationship with Steve, the current lawsuit out of hate (which wasn't even mentioned), and the fact that the marriage was over prior to her not knowing what happened to Jon during that period of time when he was sent to sleep in the basement and then the apartment of their current home. I also believe she's just brainwashing her kids to not wanting them to have a relationship with him years later and that will backfire on her. She certainly did appear to be blotchy and her face looked very drawn during the interview. There was noo mention of her current cookbook. So much for that promotional cookbook interview. Another promotional interview bites the dust.
Watching PW make pizzas. Chicken broth in the marinara (in lieu of white wine)
Admin, I have HBO and I definitely plan on watching "Crash Reel". Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Also, I'm wondering where I can see the Bethenny interview? When I go to Bethenny's website all I see is clips. I'd like to see the whole interview, not just portions of it.
From the Toronto Star:
"One thing that is true: Gosselin barely resembles the mom we first met on TV. Slim-fitting slacks and a fashionable crimson blouse have replaced the sweat pants and waist-tied cardigans. Her hair, once a sensible bob, is now long and straight, a shock of flaxen gold that screams Melrose Avenue more than soccer mom."
Has this writer been in a coma for the past 4 years? Kate ditched the sweatpants a half dozen years ago and has been seen in public dressed like a hooker.
I totally agree her fashion choices have been much better recently. She doesn't appear to dress like a high schooler at this point in time.
TFW and Steve were in a casino in Canada. Are they going to report their loss or earnings for their business trip? That about sums up her phony boob/book tour. As usual Bethenny's interview didn't even address her boobs. At least she bought up Steve, but TFW did her usual answer with a head shake, no and the fake laugh. That reaction is beyond old, especially when you need to look off to him in other interviews for the right response and are spending additional time away from home at a casino with him. But there are no other men who may be interested in her to date because of her children. Who is she kidding at this point in time? As if she's been celebate since 2008 and hasn't been dating anyone since then? I just don't believe it.
Anon #8, I hadn't heard anything about the 16 & Pregnant SLAPP lawsuit and now sanctions. Thank you for the link & info! I can see some overlap into TFW's suit against Jon and Robert. Verrrry interesting, particularly: In dismissing the suit, the judge wrote that people who willingly and purposely insert themselves into the public eye should expect their actions to be reported upon.
Not sure if this was posted yet or not.
FM 100 Interview with Kate
Just stepping back to the Bethenny/Kate interview, it was interesting to observe that after Bethenny asked her where the money went, Kate's convoluted response quickly moved from the finances directly to the divorce and then the bashing of Jon. Bethenny did not raise the topic of Jon....Kate did!
I do appreciate that the Toronto Star writer calls Kate's cookbook what it *really* is; a ploy to get back on TV.
Sure, she's been worked on, has uber-blonde hair, pearly white veneers, fake boobs, a tropical tan and is a lollipop, but please, dear writer, don't be fooled by the "kinder, gentler" Kate 5.1 version she's attempting to roll out.
This is the woman who BEAT her toddlers, THREW them into their cribs and carries around a mixing spoon, affectionately known as THE SPANKER, everywhere she goes, should any of her children need to be "happied up".
Again, If I were Kim fro HCI, I'd be pulling my hair out.
Kim, you got suckered, duped...sold a bag of goods.
I hope you learn a good lesson from this. Kate used you. You were and still apparently are, a pawn in her gambit to recapture her now falling star.
If you deny this, I do not believe you. Remeber, pride goes before the fall. Own your mistake and move on.
You're not the first and you won't be the last.
She also keeps saying that the reason she was a bitch on the show was because she was "sleep deprived" and "stressed". She's said that a few times now. Is that the excuse she's going to use when the truth comes out in court that she did beat her children?
On Dr. Phil, she said she had 100 volunteers a week.
On the show, it was filmed time and again that she slept in until at least 8, and had Jon bring her coffee in bed.
What mother sleeps in until 8?
Spin spin spin.
Hey, Kite, let's try on this narrative and see if anyone buys it.
Nope. Not buying it.
Admin, thanks for posting! So moving. When I read something like this and compare to Kate's "woe is me, I'm a poor little rich woman w/ 8 kids feel sorry for me and give me a tv show" spiel I just get angry.
ET News
September 24, 2013
"He lives his own life," she said. " ... I'm my kids' sole supporter, and I'm supporting them and concerned about their safety, and he lives his own life."
Living your own life and successfully co-parenting your children are not mutually exclusive.
If Kate had better life skills, she'd be doing both. But she's practically boasting about the acrimony that still, after 4 years, exists between her and Jon.
I'd shut my pie hole about that because it reflects terribly on both of them.
It's like, get your shit together, buck up, buttercup and do the right thing.
And stop telling every fool that listens to you that you are the "sole provider".
No one, but no one is buying it.
Unless Kate is paying for Jon's rent, all of this utilities, all the food and clothing and furniture, all the meals out when the kids are with him... YOU'RE NOT THE SOLE PROVIDER!!
She pays for the school and health insurance because that's what Jon agreed to. He earned every bit of that money, just as Kate did, just as the kids did.
Kate might have continues grifting at churches when Jon's conscience got the best of him and she might have been on the road (loving her kids from afar, which she admits is optimal) half the time, but it was Jon taking care of the kids, keeping the home fires going.
I don't pity Jon. I bet Jon doesn't pity Jon. So, it's an insult for Kate to say she pities him.
Mediocre folks don't need Kate's pity.
I've seen people live in single wides and not bemoan life as much as this multi-millionare who lives in a mansion on a compound.
Actually, I think TFW was in the VF Casino near Philly...
No one, but no one is buying it.
Except Milo and Goody and the other sheeple who are totally clueless about things in the real world. Dumber than dumb. Blinder than blind; hence, the name Sheeple.
She pays for the school and health insurance because that's what Jon agreed to. He earned every bit of that money, just as Kate did, just as the kids did.
If she is taking the funds out of the kids' account, she's not paying for that. They are. According to the Department of Labor rules, that money can be used for the kids' welfare, safety, health and whatever. I find it hard to believe that she's dipping into her own stash when she can take out whatever she can from the kids' account, justifying it by claiming it's for the benefit of the kids.
TFW and Steve were in a casino in Canada. Are they going to report their loss or earnings for their business trip?
According to the tweets, they were in the VF casino resort, which is in King of Prussia, PA, about an hour from her home.
When is she going to go home to her kids?
I bet the kids love it when she's gone.
In the Toronto Star interview Kate said she spent 80% of her time planning and preparing meals . So she spends 19.2 hours a day on meals, now that's impressive!
Seriously, Kate's on the road, away from the kids for days and days and when she comes home, she's out at the casino?
Let's throw tomatoes said... 28
In the Toronto Star interview Kate said she spent 80% of her time planning and preparing meals . So she spends 19.2 hours a day on meals, now that's impressive!
That's just plain stupid, and btw, what a braggart. She's just so out of touch. Mom's everywhere are like "hey, must be nice". They get home and throw together a meal after putting in a full day's work, and there's Kate with her French fake nails, spending all freaking day long in the kitchen.
It makes her sound incompitent. Does it really take you THAT LONG to make a meal?
When ever does she find the time to go to NYC for her hair, and how about the permatanning and manipedi?
I call bs.
url1 said... 16
At least she bought up Steve, but TFW did her usual answer with a head shake, no and the fake laugh. That reaction is beyond old, especially when you need to look off to him in other interviews for the right response and are spending additional time away from home at a casino with him. But there are no other men who may be interested in her to date because of her children. Who is she kidding at this point in time?As if she's been celebate since 2008 and hasn't been dating anyone since then? I just don't believe it.
Yes indeed. There's the rub. lol.
You're right about the no and the fake laugh. I thought it was overly rehearsed which just gives her away.
Seriously who but Skeevo would want to sleep with her after watching her emasculate her husband for years on her show? What if their performance isn't up to her standards? What if they don't measure up? */* Does she keep some kind of score card for that too? What's the penalty of severeness for that transgression?
So yup I agree, only her handler would know how to handle her in bed.
Thanks a lot. Now I have to go pour bleach on my brain.
Starz22 said... 192
This was my 1st time in years watching TFW talk about anything.
She got 5 count them 5 whole minutes to play her game.
Liked it when bethany? said she had made a lot of money from the show. TFW tried to dodge the question but bethany looked right at her and said " you made A LOT of money from the show...I know I was also on a reality show". That was a statement not a question. TFW didnt like that. More attention was given to Jon than TFW herself.
That was brilliant! It's like Bethenny was saying, "look, I was on a RTV show, so don't bs me here, I KNOW the game. It's not my first rodeo".
Kate also didn't dispute a recent article saying that she was pulling in a 7-figure salary.
It's about time people called her out on how much she pisses and moans about money, but has made more of it in the past half dozen years than most people will make in a few lifetimes.
In the Toronto Star interview Kate said she spent 80% of her time planning and preparing meals . So she spends 19.2 hours a day on meals, now that's impressive!
Or 134.4 hours a week planning and prepping meals, which is 5.6 full days. Gosh, she really is an amazing mom, isn't she? Guiness Book of World Records contender?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 20m
I doubt that U can do much running now...#BrokeFoot @Kateplusmy8 so I will do a brisk walk 4U. Heading out now...fall is in the air! :)
Ah, so sweet. Milo is going to be doing her walk by the pond, hand-in-hand with an imaginary Kate. Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?
Casino stop on the way home? She really has no idea how conflicting her "images" are. And thus she gets far less empthy than she thinks she should have. Oh forget empathy, all the biotch wants is a tv show, could not have been plainer on her "cookbook" tour. Hostess at the VF Casino is more her true calling IMHO.
Lying through her veneers, as usual. How anyone can feel a shred of sympathy for this WOS & WOM(oney) brings me almost to the boil. Thanks for the Toronto Star interview...it's a tabloid, as opposed to the Globe, but the interviewer nailed her..albeit less rather than more.
In the People article, the anon TLC production assistant claimed Kate was impossible to deal with and there was no pleasing her. Kate agreed that she was difficult.
She just told the TS interviewer that maybe she didn't appreciate K+8 as much as she should have. In the same interview she admitted that the way she was shown on TV was real. In the next breath, she blamed non-fans for sabotaging everything she tries to do.
Non-fans didn't make her yell at Tony Dolovani and tell him he wasn't "teaching her right" causing him to temporarily quit. Non-fans didn't make her treat Sarah Palin and her family like dirt. Non-fans had nothing to do with her being difficult with TLC. According to Scott Kluth, non-fans didn't figure into Kate's dismissal, an "authenticity" problem did. She so, so desperately wants to hold a handful of people accountable for her current unemployment.
Yet, by her own admission, the biggest sabotager of Kate- is Kate.
I wonder how much of the kids' money she lost at the casino.
I agree Berks, I think she was at the Valley Forge Casino near Philly
Scheming @37..
Bang on comment! Kate is Kate's biggest sabotager.
According to TFW Jon has the kids every second weekend. I am certain she tweeted like she had the kids last weekend, so they likely are with Jon this weekend.
If the TFW would just truly own her past and all its notoriety, she may actually have a chance at a future she wants...
@SandieBellz: I hope you rolled lucky 8s last night! Did you win? @Kateplusmy8
@MY_3BCOLLIES: @SandieBellz @Kateplusmy8 The woman admitted she mistook someone else for Kate. :)
@MY_3BCOLLIES: @SandieBellz @Kateplusmy8 Sandy it was a false report. A woman thought she saw Kate in a casino but it was a case of mistaken identity.
This just in and ya gotta love the sheeple defending TFW. I do there is a picture so I guess it was not a case of mistaken identity because that's clearly TFW in the picture. As they say, a picture is wort a thousand words. #mudonsheeple'sface
Lord I wish I'd learn to proof before hitting publish...My post at 41 should read *I do BELIEVE there is a picture*.
Kate, the sole support and provider for her children, does not have to return home quickly. She can have a casino "date" with Steve.
Why not admit that she has extended paid child care OR Jon has the children for complete weekends? Why not acknowledge that she has lavish ME time?
Oh, I forgot. She is a mom just like every other hard-wroking mom.
Yet, by her own admission, the biggest sabotager of Kate- is Kate.
All of this could be avoided if she would just learn to shut the heck up. Keep that mouth closed; don't venture into that place where you will need to figure out what you've said previously, thus compounding your statements with what can easily be refuted. Her contradictions are out of control. I think maybe that tape on her foot is due to the past few weeks when she's shot herself there so many times.
Martha Sorren @marthasorren 20m
@Kateplusmy8 are you doing a book tour for your new book? Any dates in the NYC area? I'd die to get you to sign my copy.
Aw. Another Johnny-come-lately. Great job publicizing that book tour, Kate!
Remember when Kate took some me & Steve NYC time on the back end of the AU trip? She sent her jetlagged kids on home for someone else to deal with while she took in some theater.
Oh, that's right, the kids LOVED that 20+ hour plane right.
Question-- if Kate has legions of hater who spend all their time sabotaging her, why is she just suing Jon and Robert? How can they be singled out?
Another thing--Kate's claiming over and over that the case is "in litigation". There's a motion to dismiss and a denial, but that's it. It's not in court, so what's up with that?
The case is in litigation. There is an amended complaint and a pretrial conference is scheduled for October 22.
Funny, that tweeted link to a pic of TFW at the casino is no longer there. Hm, gotta keep up that poor struggling single mom image.
Tucker's Mom said... 46
Another thing--Kate's claiming over and over that the case is "in litigation". There's a motion to dismiss and a denial, but that's it. It's not in court, so what's up with that?
Kate's using the term litigation correctly. All it means is that an action has been brought in court. You can't file a motion to dismiss unless you are in court. A judge is the one who decides motions. No litigation = no motion to dismiss. The case is "in court". It just hasn't reached the trial stage of court. Legal actions can drag through court for years and years.
WOS said on the radio interview that she would love it if her kids wrote tell all books about their family. She really needs to rethink that statement. I'm sure Joan Crawford never expected to be blasted, nor Bette Davis or Shirley McClain.
She also said that the lawsuit and the reason for it could potentially ruin her reputation. Potentially?? LOL!
Has anyone else noticed that it appears Barnes and Noble is no longer selling Love is in the Mix? Nada. No searches work, no links, no bookmarks that I had, can't be found. That's not a good sign for the kids. Wouldn't want to be around her this weekend.
Thanks for the info re: litigation.
Kate's reputation is in the toilet. Kate's ruination is at her own hands, in her own words.
If there's more where Robert's first book came from, I can't imaging how bad it is.
Beating the kids
Abusing the dogs
Rejoicing in another woman's failed pregnancy
Talking smack about adoring fans and other RTV families
Kate's got plenty of reason to fear the release of the book 2.0
IF that link tweeted pic has gone missing, I have a copy of it...
High Sodium Content said... 51
Has anyone else noticed that it appears Barnes and Noble is no longer selling Love is in the Mix? Nada. No searches work, no links, no bookmarks that I had, can't be found. That's not a good sign for the kids. Wouldn't want to be around her this weekend.
Wow, weird. I'm certain they were selling it before and read some reviews. Hmm...
ps... I also searched Kate's other books and they're not appearing either.
Tucker's Mom said... 29
Seriously, Kate's on the road, away from the kids for days and days and when she comes home, she's out at the casino?
Like Robert said, I think TFW was crying at the thought of going home to her kids.
Try searching for anything on the B&N website right now and you will get this message:
Sorry, we could not find what you were looking for.
It appears that the search feature is not working, not that Kate's book has been pulled
Steve Neild's Linkedin page lists him as owner of Prudential Associates, which advertises private investigation in domestic matters and computer forensics among its services.
Gee I wonder why Jon has No Trespassing signs or signs of that ilk on his property. Whether or not he is the boyfriend, it appears TFW is with Steve more than any other adult. There is a close relationship of some kind, and she holds him in confidence.
If my ex had such a companion, I too would post signs and carry.
Jon is not allowed past the gate where that large home sits on 20+ acres of a property that he helped acquire, but Uncle Steve can come and go.
User Actions
kids first said... 48
Funny, that tweeted link to a pic of TFW at the casino is no longer there. Hm, gotta keep up that poor struggling single mom image.
It's still there:
Was nice to meet @Kateplusmy8 last night! Thank you for chatting about your book and visiting @VFCasinoResort! pic.twitter.com/MRA2uhrilZ
There are additonal comments on the article in The Toronto Star. Some poor soul actually thinks she has a chance to replace Barbara Walters on the View.
High Sodium Content said... 51
Has anyone else noticed that it appears Barnes and Noble is no longer selling Love is in the Mix? Nada. No searches work, no links, no bookmarks that I had, can't be found. That's not a good sign for the kids. Wouldn't want to be around her this weekend.
Just did a search of Barnes and Noble. It's for sale:
I found it on B&N's site for $14.90:
Must have been a clitch w/ Barnes and Nobles, because it's back now. Sorry for misleading anyone.
What's TFW doing at a casino? I just can't picture her having any fun at one. She's too uptight. I wonder if was Steve's idea? Was she hoping to make a couple of bucks. I don't get it.
High Sodium Content
I just browsed Barnes and Noble and the book is still available. I noticed most of the reviews, and there aren't many, are negative.
The tweet showing Kate at the casino hasn't been removed...yet!
@NessieYacc: Was nice to meet @Kateplusmy8 last night! Thank you for chatting about your book and visiting @VFCasinoResort! http://t.co/MRA2uhrilZ
Kids first.... here is the link to the picture. I just seen it. pic.twitter.com/MRA2uhrilZ
Also it does say that she was at VF Casino Resort.
Steve Neild's Linkedin page lists him as owner of Prudential Associates, which advertises private investigation in domestic matters and computer forensics among its services.
Was this part of his job description in the past? I'm not remembering it.
Has anyone else noticed that it appears Barnes and Noble is no longer selling Love is in the Mix?
It's still in our local store. Just checked this morning. Either they sold out and got more in, or they only sold one, because nine are still on the bottom shelf.
Does anyone else think that it's more than creepy that some of these fans (one in particular) have a penchant for giving {{{{{{HUGS}}}}} in their tweets? Do they go around in "real life" hugging strangers? Ew...or should that be "EWE?"
I may not post here all the time - Don't have to, many of you have Kate's number and like others have said, You guys are much better at saying what I am thinking. But I read here several times everyday. Mostly for the wonderful witty replies. And I have learned a lot from you guys.
Kate at the casino. hmmm. Gambling must be a new method for her to "piecing and patching " to make ends meet. Remember Kate, per the IRS, the gambling losses claimed on your tax report can not exceed your gambling winnings but you do have to pay taxes on the the winnings. That twitter picture - unless someone professional is doing her hair and makeup, she just looks "rode hard and put away wet" (One of my DHs sayings)
Seriously, Kate's on the road, away from the kids for days and days and when she comes home, she's out at the casino?
Maybe she was handing out free signed cookbooks to the high rollers...anything to drum up business!
Some are saying that the woman who claimed she met & spoke with Kate last night at the casino later retracted her post & said she was mistaken. I see the original tweet (with photographic evidence of their having met), but I don't see the retraction.
Nessie @NessieYacc 6h
Was nice to meet @Kateplusmy8 last night! Thank you for chatting about your book and visiting @VFCasinoResort! pic.twitter.com/MRA2uhrilZ
Proof is in the picture said... 72
Some are saying that the woman who claimed she met & spoke with Kate last night at the casino later retracted her post & said she was mistaken. I see the original tweet (with photographic evidence of their having met), but I don't see the retraction.
It didn't happen. The person who tweeted there was a retraction doesn't have any problems telling little fibs here and there.
Maybe Kate is looking for a job. Kim Kardashian use to get $250,000 to show up at a nightclub in Vegas . Do they have a nightclub at the casino where she was spotted??
Heck if they only pay her $5,000 per night that's more than what she's going to make on her cookbook!
She probably was at the casino because she got an invitation to the grand opening if the high limit slots area. I don't think she was a true VIP because she wasn't pictured with the ribbon cutting.
@VFCasinoResort: Everyone is set for a crazy Friday night with our Valley VIP grand opening, ribbon cutting ceremony ! http://fb.me/6vvP3v5VO
NJGal51 said... 75
She probably was at the casino because she got an invitation to the grand opening if the high limit slots area.
Of course she would be in the high limit area. No hanging by the common, mediocre folks by the penny machines. Was she hoping to find a high roller boyfriend?
Meagler said... 40
''According to TFW Jon has the kids every second weekend.''
Every single time I hear TFW say that, I wonder why she doesn't realize that means that TFMJG HAS THE CHILDREN EVERY OTHER WEEKEND!
If it is so 'awful' that Jon has the children every other weekend, then it is equally 'awful' that TFW has the children every other weekend! If Jon is able to pick up a second dinner night each week, wouldn't that mean that TFW has the children for dinner only one night more than Jon?
I'm so through with her. That nasty piece of work stuck on stupid waste of space stomps all over my last nerve!
I just read that TFW was at the Valley Forge Casino near her home. That's even worse than being out of the country or thousands of miles away from home. She just wants that additional alone time with Steve and will do anything not to be home. Even if the kids were with Jon, she could have spent that wasted time cooking casseroles, freezing cookies, doing laundry or taking care of the dog and her 50 chickens.
Steve is behind Kate's lawsuit. He has long been involved in P.I.work but must have hired some computer forensic geeks. He's not a nice guy, IMO.
CarolJB said... 47
''The case is in litigation. There is an amended complaint and a pretrial conference is scheduled for October 22.''
CarolJB, do you have a link to the ''amended complaint''?
I finally watched the Bethenny interview and yes, Kate was blotchy up to her chin by the end of it.
The women in the audience looked as though they didn't like Kate and weren't buying any of it.
Kate stronlgly emphasized "I, personally" put money in college accounts. What a tool! Jon simply stated that he put 80% of the money away for the kids, no grandiose 'I, I, I, me,me,me". Just said it plainly and moved on, not expecting a pat on the back.
"we don't get designer clothes", Correction, the kids don't but Kate still does.
She really should consider a layered hairstyle because of her receding hairline. It's really noticeable now and that poker straight curtain hair drags her face down and looks horsey.
I also wonder if she wears clip in hair, because sometimes it looks far thicker than others.
I also wonder if she wears clip in hair, because sometimes it looks far thicker than others.
Tucker's Mom,
If you compare TFW''s hair on Bethany's show to the picture of her at the casino it's obvious she's using clip in extensions. Her hair was full and much longer for Bethany and was shorter, thin and damaged looking in the tweeted pic.
Remona Blue said... 77
''According to TFW Jon has the kids every second weekend.''
Every single time I hear TFW say that, I wonder why she doesn't realize that means that TFMJG HAS THE CHILDREN EVERY OTHER WEEKEND!
Well, there ya go. WOS will try and twist everything and anything around to her favor even if it makes no sense!
Yes, Kate also has the kids every other weekend. Works both ways, Kate.
And yes, Kate's hair appears a bit shorter and far less full than her other appearances on TV.
A video from TFW atty Jordan Rushie.
Harvey has another inane story about waiter, Jon Gosselin from rural central pa. I guess no one bit on the pap/gun deal. He cannot let go!
Is Razzamatazz friends with Harvey?
TFW's camp.....is really something.
I finally found a reality tv show that Kate should try out for:
Gladys should start contacting the show's producers!
Re: Kate dreaming about maybe getting that second chance and knowing she blew it the first time. I was wondering if she let her hair go brown (au natural), stopped the tanning and nails and wore more conservative clothes, would people be more inclined to give her that second chance. Who knows, I might. Never say never. Kate needs to come down to the regular folks level and start there. I think the blonde bombshell Hollywood, skinny mega -boobed tart look is what is doing her in. She got popular because she was a regular harried mom who bickered with her husband. Maybe she should go back to her roots so to speak. On the other hand, if she does want to be an actor, she should stop waiting for someone to scoop her up and give her that break like TLC did. Why not take acting lessons and go for auditions and show that she is trying like every other wanna-be actor out there. But oh no. She was given too much the first time without any effort. TLC spoiled her and turned her into an entitled beeotch with zero marketable talent. She has tried to capitalize on just normal stuff; coupons, running, cooking, organizing which has gone no where real fast. In other words, she has nothing exceptional going on for her that any other tom dick and harry doesn't already have. But she does have the look which takes me back to my point. The very thing (sex kitten) she is trying to market is unfortunately her undoing. Hope this makes sense!
Jon said he put 80% of HIS divorce settlement money in a trust for the children. This is why he has no money now because he took 80% of what HE got in the divorce and locked it away for his children.
As for whatever Kate may have put away for the kids, I believe she only put away what she was required to AFTER the law passed.
Exterior Designer. said... 88
Jon said he put 80% of HIS divorce settlement money in a trust for the children. This is why he has no money now because he took 80% of what HE got in the divorce and locked it away for his children.
Jon's words were, "I put 80% of the money from the show in a trust for the kids." He didn't say anything about money from the divorce.
mine all mine said... 85
''...Is Razzamatazz friends with Harvey?''
Razzamatazz is bullyville's buddy. I think THAT is the thing to remember!
Like the late John Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 87
Excellent post, Paper Plates!
It all comes down to Kate's inauthentic self. She doesn't know who she is. She's forever trying to be whoever everyone else thinks she should be. On the Jon and Kate +8 show she became the over-dramatic shrew because it got her ratings. She pretended to be OCD because that's what people talked about. She became a sex kitten, wearing daisy dukes and 6-inch heels because she thought that's what people wanted to see. She TRIED to become "can do Kate" but that didn't work because she can't do anything! She's trying to be super mom because that was the original "plan" for the show. Her whole life revolves around what the outside world wants. What do people want from her? How can she conform to other people's expectations? That's her life. SHE HAS BUILT HER LIFE ON SAND. I truly believe she is a sociopath. She has no idea how to operate in the real world. That's why everything she touches turns to shit. Everything is orchestrated in her world. Nothing is honest or real. Everything is a means to an end.
What she doesn't understand is the normal every day person can usually smell fakeness and dishonesty from a mile away. She can't comprehend that. It's not part of her makeup as a human being. If I were in her position I would have put myself in a shoebox and hid forever because of the embarrassment and humiliation. But not Kate. She's still trying to be front and center. Who does that?
She needs some serious help, a life coach and for Jon to continually be the rock in that family.
Remona Blue said... 90
mine all mine said... 85
''...Is Razzamatazz friends with Harvey?''
Razzamatazz is bullyville's buddy. I think THAT is the thing to remember!
That's right, his buddy and his lawyer.
An anonymous person posted that Razz and Harvey were friends or that Harvey was friends with one of Kate's lawyers, but never came back with any proof. After that, everyone ran with the Harvey and Razz are friends scenario.
I also wonder if she wears clip in hair, because sometimes it looks far thicker than others.
If she does her own hair and blow dries it, it's going to look straight and thin. If she goes to hair and makeup, such as she might do for a show, they probably use volume products, flat iron curling or hot rollers, which is going to make it look much fuller and thicker.
I pulled the information from PACER so unfortunately I don't have a link to the Gosselin amended complaint. I do know that Shawn Tuma has been admitted pro hac vice on behalf of Jon Gosselin. Robert, however, only has a local attorney, James Golden, representing him at the time.
On October 22, 2013 there will be a pre-trial conference which basically means the dates for discovery, adding other parties, trial will be set.
In my District mediation is mandatory. I think that is the case in Eastern Pennsylvania. So Kate will have to meet with Jon, Robert and the attorneys and try to settle the case out of Court. Note I say try.
Please let me know if I can answer any more of your questions. I don't practice in Pennsylvania so I am not familiar with the local rules, though. I haven't actually read the amended complaint yet.
Paper Plates wondered:
Re: Kate dreaming about maybe getting that second chance and knowing she blew it the first time. I was wondering if she let her hair go brown (au natural), stopped the tanning and nails and wore more conservative clothes, would people be more inclined to give her that second chance.
I think it's too late, and that Kate has already squandered more second chances than I can count on one hand. On her one, she is not exceptional in any way. There are countless bleach blond 30-somethings in Hollywood, each one trying to look 23 again.
Her one claim to fame was having 8 children, six of them at one time. She has played that to death. The only way she's getting another shot at a tv show would be to go for another HOM and I think even Kate realizes that would be a crazy road to go down.
I hope in the end she burns Steve just like she burns everyone who crosses her path. Or that they take each other down. Those two are equal rats in my opinion.
Steve Neild's Linkedin page lists him as owner of Prudential Associates, which advertises private investigation in domestic matters and computer forensics among its services.
Was this part of his job description in the past? I'm not remembering it.
I don't remember the computer forensics, but who knows? He's a man of many talents, jack-of-all-trades, everything from investigative services to advice on inflatables. Whatever you want him to be, he is!
Don't forget ladies, that Jon, some time ago, won the right of 'first refusal' regarding child custody, should WOS go out of town.
Those kids have been with Jon ALL this time.
I hope they are loving it.
She's going to be in a really sour mood when this media tour is over, and she splats back down to Earth.
Responding to Paper 87 and Lala 91.
As someone noted recently, TFW is not looking for a second chance but a fourth or fifth one.
FW get over yourself.
Rhymes with Witch (from my phone)
See Kate's fans have no clue to what their drama queen is doing. There was 2 reported sighting of Kate at the casino, one pic. If you go to Kates time line, the person who posted the pic, click on them, it says VF casino, King of Prussia, Pa. So Katie is making a full escape from the kids, almost 2 full weeks away from them. Those kids must think they went to heaven. I guess poor little Katie Krieder, has to have a mini vacation after this world-wind book tour. How many cities, and book signings? I can almost count them on my fingers, some toes. Oh, yeah, world-wind book tour, 1-2 Canadian cities and NYC and one in Maryland. That is sure one long world-wind book tour. 2 weeks. Oh, don't forget, poor Kates ouchy foot!(who talks like that a 3 year old) .
And I agree with the people who think Kate was trying to nab a TV contract, for a TV show in Canada.
The only way she's getting another shot at a tv show would be to go for another HOM and I think even Kate realizes that would be a crazy road to go down.
I don't think that even that would work. Viewers are so over HOM shows. They were saturated with them at one point, and I don't see more of them would generate any interest. Those shows were yesterday...viewers had their fill and have moved on.
CarolJB said... 94
''....I pulled the information from PACER so unfortunately I don't have a link to the Gosselin amended complaint. I do know that Shawn Tuma has been admitted pro hac vice on behalf of Jon Gosselin.''
Thank you for your response, CarolJB. Google is my friend, so now I know that ''pro hac vice'' means...
''Pro hac vice (IPA: [prəʊ hæk 'vi:tʃei]), Latin: "for this occasion" or "for this event" (literally, "for this turn"),[1] is a legal term usually referring to a lawyer who has not been admitted to practice in a certain jurisdiction but has been allowed to participate in a particular case in that jurisdiction.
The right to appear pro hac vice is not guaranteed. Rather, the attorney wanting to practice in a jurisdiction within which he or she is not licensed must specifically request permission from the court to be able to appear as an attorney of record. This is accomplished with a motion to appear pro hac vice, in which an attorney who is licensed in the jurisdiction requests that the non‐licensed attorney be admitted to practice in a particular case.''
''On October 22, 2013 there will be a pre-trial conference which basically means the dates for discovery, adding other parties, trial will be set.
In my District mediation is mandatory. I think that is the case in Eastern Pennsylvania. So Kate will have to meet with Jon, Robert and the attorneys and try to settle the case out of Court. Note I say try.''
If TFMJG has a lick of sense, she will FINALLY grasp what discovery means, and back away. However, I don't think she has a lick of sense, and she will once again make the wrong choice, and be the one that sinks her own boat!!
Melissa NV said... 100
The only way she's getting another shot at a tv show would be to go for another HOM and I think even Kate realizes that would be a crazy road to go down.
I don't think that even that would work. Viewers are so over HOM shows. They were saturated with them at one point, and I don't see more of them would generate any interest. Those shows were yesterday...viewers had their fill and have moved on.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
How about this... Kate goes to Honey Boo Boos house and tried to help the family "organize" and "eat organically." This would be priceless.
I can almost count them on my fingers, some toes. Oh, yeah, world-wind book tour, 1-2 Canadian cities and NYC and one in Maryland.
It wasn't just the book signings. The television shows, interviews, radio shows, also contributed to her being exhaustedish.
Milo tweeted that Kate was extremely busy, back home from her signings and she needs some time to recuperate before she was able to respond to her tweets. Guess Kate wasn't doing much communicatin with Gladys if she didn't know that Kate was extremely busy at a casino, pulling those one-armed bandits.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3 Oct
@nicolergould She's extremely busy rt now just getting back fr bk tour. May have 2give her some time...resend tweet til she catches it!
More of her nonsense...
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 8h
@LakeRat2011 @Michelle_Radio Yep...#Gators can't stand the FACT that Kate is a pretty lady...& when a guy notices...they go bonkers! :)
As does one particular Chief Executive Ewe! lol!
There sure are some strange people in Twitterland, and Kate seems to attract them...
rmoney @camilasravioli 18m
I think Kate was looking for a cooking show, in Canada. On the Livewell Cable channel, a lot of the shows are Canadian made. not filmed there, just produced, by Canadian TV. But Kate could not keep the subject of her world-wind book tour on the cookbook. They talked about everything except the cookbook. I saw Mit Romney & wife on Rachel Ray the other day and what difference. The Romney's were there talking about stuff and the cookbook and why a cookbook and did a great demo. No, slopping it into the pan or mess, very pro. I don't care for Mit Romney, but do have to say, they did a wonderful job, with explaining the cookbook and the demo. Kate could learn a few from Rachel Ray and yes even the Romneys. I was impressed.
And this non-sense of Kate spending 80% of her time in the kitchen! PLEASE! If she did that where would she put all of the food she made. Did she not say in a very recent interview that all 3 freezers and frigs are full? Such a drama queen BS'er!
I don't think has a clue what she in for during discovery in her lawsuit. I deal in a very narrow area of law and am always amazed at the depth of questions asked in depositions. Lawyers are very skilled in explaining how questions that do not seem to relate to the case actually do pertain.
My depositions only last 3 to 4 hours, but both plaintiff and defendant are always very stressed out after it is over. Robert will end up knowing more about Kate then he ever dreamed of if Kate pursues her lawsuit, in my opinion.
(101): In my District mediation is mandatory. I think that is the case in Eastern Pennsylvania. So Kate will have to meet with Jon, Robert and the attorneys and try to settle the case out of Court. Note I say try.''
I can't keep up with the rules of the court, but I thought that the mediator determines if the case is eligible for mediation and then advises all parties of the findings before it actually goes to mediation.
I'm probably wrong. I usually am!
Kara_lovesKateX8 @CrazyforKate 18m
@Kateplusmy8 Can u tweet the pic of my nails please? :D 😊 Ilysm. 💖
Huh? This is the one who cried for 24 minutes and says that Kate is her everything, her entire life.
I see the fan who gave Kate her book jumped back on immediately when she saw Kate was home. Milo told her to give Kate time because she was extremely busy, but I think that one has the proverbial ants in her pants! What does she do -- watch Kate's TL to see when Kate is back to tweeting? lol!
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 18m
@Kateplusmy8. Hi Kate! Remember me? I gave u my book and gave u my wrong twitter!! Here is my real 1 !!
"Robert, however, only has a local attorney, James Golden, representing him at the time."
Does this mean that Martin Garbus' pro hac vice request has been denied, or that it could still be pending?
I'm sorry, but the world-wind tour is driving me bananas. Maybe try a whirlwind tour.
Melissa NV said... 104
There sure are some strange people in Twitterland, and Kate seems to attract them...
rmoney @camilasravioli 18m
And then she tried to clarify the first tweet: (LOL)
rmoney @camilasravioli 1h
@Kateplusmy8 @camilacabello97 i meant please nto plus
get off said --
"But Kate could not keep the subject of her world-wind book tour on the cookbook."
Do you mean "whirlwind" tour? Of course, probably in Kate's mind she was on a world tour, even if it meant only three states and Canada!
CarolJB said... 106
''I don't think has a clue what she in for during discovery in her lawsuit. I deal in a very narrow area of law and am always amazed at the depth of questions asked in depositions. Lawyers are very skilled in explaining how questions that do not seem to relate to the case actually do pertain.''
I mentioned before that I was once sued by a family member, and my attorney was VERY skilled with his deposition questions! By the time he finished questioning me and then the family member, the family member was advised by his attorney to ''settle..do not even try to take this into court!'' My family member listened to his attorney...what do you think the chances are that TFMJG would listen to hers?
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 18m
@Kateplusmy8. Hi Kate! Remember me? I gave u my book and gave u my wrong twitter!! Here is my real 1 !!
She's another Brownie-type person. Can't remember her twitter name, the one who used most of her 140 twitter characters in !!!!!!!!!! and bought Kate a ton of outdated cereal in hopes of meeting her.
This Nicole person actually tweeted that Kate was reading her book. Total BS.
Kara_lovesKateX8 @CrazyforKate 52m
Did you read my letter? I hope you get the overall gist of what I'm trying to say...... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! 💖 @Kateplusmy8
This poor child. You just have to wonder...where are the parents or guardians?
Lalalalala said... 50
She also said that the lawsuit and the reason for it could potentially ruin her reputation. Potentially?? LOL!
Yet she still never denied that what was on that which was stolen was not true. Why wont any ask her that? As if we didn't know.
CarolJB said... 106
I don't think has a clue what she in for during discovery in her lawsuit. I deal in a very narrow area of law and am always amazed at the depth of questions asked in depositions. Lawyers are very skilled in explaining how questions that do not seem to relate to the case actually do pertain.
My depositions only last 3 to 4 hours, but both plaintiff and defendant are always very stressed out after it is over. Robert will end up knowing more about Kate then he ever dreamed of if Kate pursues her lawsuit, in my opinion.
Several years ago, my DH was rear ended at a fairly high speed and seriously injured. The driver was programming his GPS and failed to notice slowing traffic. He made this admission at the scene. We sued him and his employer since he was working and driving their truck.
You would think this would be simple. Man, minding his own business, rear ended by careless, distracted driver. It wasn't. The discovery for this was brutal. Like you said, I left drained and upset. We won, they settled out of court. But it was like they had to beat us up first and then rub salt in the wounds. Can't even begin to imagine discovery for the Gosselin suit.
She's another Brownie-type person. Can't remember her twitter name, the one who used most of her 140 twitter characters in !!!!!!!!!! and bought Kate a ton of outdated cereal in hopes of meeting her.
MBrownlow? The one who tweeted Kate something like 80 times from the store, asking Kate how many boxes to buy? She was a hoot!
Emily Pietropaolo @emilypietro8 21m
@Kateplusmy8 just look at the picture I drew of you!! pic.twitter.com/AOU6VltcRI
A young fan captured the Spock Botox eyes!
Jennifer Murphy @sassypants98 3m
@Kateplusmy8 ok I want to buy a cookbook are there easy recipes too? Can I order on Amazon
Check Amazon! Duh!
CarolJB said... 106
''I don't think has a clue what she in for during discovery in her lawsuit. I deal in a very narrow area of law and am always amazed at the depth of questions asked in depositions. Lawyers are very skilled in explaining how questions that do not seem to relate to the case actually do pertain.''
Also, isn't discovery used to access what kind of witness everyone will be on the stand?
If the talk show appearances are any indicator... Turning red and blotchy, umming and uhhhing.. not answering questions, combined with her cold black stares and glares... TFW isn't looking so hot as a witness a jury could fall in love with.
Another issue is the truth and nothing but the truth. Perjury. This isn't The View or Today where she tells her version of the truth. Martha Stewart was not nailed for insider trading, they got her for perjuring herself regarding the trading. The rapper Lil Kim was nabbed for perjury as well. Either no one has spelled this all out to her, or they have and she doesn't believe them.
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 3m
@Kateplusmy8 pls RT me! Im the one who gave u my published book at ur signing in Toronto!!
What a pest!! For heaven's sakes, Kate, answer her!
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 18m
@Kateplusmy8. Hi Kate! Remember me? I gave u my book and gave u my wrong twitter!! Here is my real 1 !!
Exactly what is Kate supposed to do with this Nicole person's book and the right Twitter?
Lalalalala said... 91
Ditto. Excellent post. You get what I'm saying!
I try to keep up with all the abbreviations, but can't figure out WOS? Please share. Thanks!
Millicent...she is exceptional...in her nastiness.
Oh, someone PLEASE be sure to get a camera in the room when this discovery takes place!
Seriously though, will it be online for public viewing afterwards?
Paper plates...you are too kind. WOS doesn't follow or play up to anyone's expectations. She is totally self absorbed..dances to her own off key tunes. I can't look up megalomaniac right now, but I think it describes her. Years ago, a friend spoke of j&k and the Duggars. I'd never watched, nor heard of either. My friend predicted the Duggar kids would end up on psychiatrists' couches. So, I tuned in. From the first episode I had TFW's number: lazy, ungrateful shrew. The Duggars, ostensibly, had parents...two parents, who cared. It wasn't all about them. TFW is utterly mean, selfish and diabolical. I recall all the helpers she had and not once was she grateful or thankful.
LaLaLaLaLa (#91) has an awesome post. PaperPlatesForever (#87) is also good. I wonder if LaLaLaLaLa is in the psychology field. she seems to have TFW's number.
Aunt Connie, WOS stands for "waste of space". I believe it's used here for Kate because someone recalled that Kate called the Grand Canyon a "waste of space".
Aunt Connie (125)
WOS=Waste of SPpace
Regarding the court case, I wonder if Steve will be there to "handle" TFW. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he is. She can't function without him.
No offense to Milo if you're reading here, but I had to share this with everyone. I was looking at movies on Hulu Plus and came across a movie named "Bad Milo!". Here's the description.
Duncan's stress starts to trigger a gastrointestinal reaction. He discovers that the root of his stomach pain is a demon living in his intestine that, triggered by excessive anxiety, forces its way out and slaughters the people who have angered him.
As you may have guessed Milo is the demon (and you don't even want to know how it is released). The trailer that I watched was pretty funny. Gators beware!
Admin - Thank you for the wonderful post. This is truly an inspiring story and I'm looking forward to seeing it when it comes out in theaters.
like Paula Deen? - I've never heard of these types of sessions being made public unless either side leaks information to the media - I'm thinking about the Kim Kardashian/Kris Humphries divorce, for example - but I could be wrong.
Kate was in court before, wasn't she? Seems like I remember pictures of her going there. Maybe it was the divorce. So, this will be very different?
Do you mean "whirlwind" tour? Of course, probably in Kate's mind she was on a world tour, even if it meant only three states and Canada!
World-wind, whirlwind ... meh. It was an embarrassment. All this silly little tour did was confirm that nothing has changed about her except her boobs. She still wants something for nothing. No matter which way she tries to sell herself she can't deliver. The poor, struggling, exhausted, single-mom-with-eight-kids routine is worn out. No one had to lift a finger to debunk it either, she did it to herself. The cookbook...well let's not even go there. Plain and simple, it's awful.
All this tour did was prove for the umpteenth time she's just an insipid fame whore who refuses to go away. She's about as enticing as a cockroach.
Hey, you all know what Kate did with her book, trashcan.
Sleepless: did you look at the 2 pics, Kate has had stuff done to her face, eyebrows, nose, eyes, chin, mouth. The second pic hardly looks like her.
Susie: one of her lunie fans, tweeted that she was on a world book tour. In that fans mind and Kates. What 4 cities and TV/radio/ whatever in those cities, yeah, that was a world tour. What it really was: was a, plug for a show/bashing ex/trying to stay in the limelight/pity me/I've changed tour, had hardly anything to do with book.
In the Toronto newspaper article, TFW said she didn't appreciate her first chance at TV, so now she wants another chance to hit it out of the ballpark. So, she thinks that if she can claw her way back onto our TV screens, she will be so amazing-ish and interesting and likable that everyone will love her? Not likely. We have all seen so much ugliness from her. Most people either don't care about her or don't like her. Does she think she is such a good actress that people will fall for her antics? She's not. Has she developed an amazing personality, or done something that makes her incredibly interesting? Worked on developing any talent? No? Didn't think so. We won't be watching her no matter what, so even if she were capable of "hitting it out of the ballpark" (she's not), it wouldn't make any difference because she doesn't have a big enough following to get the ratings.
WOS = waste of space, and we are not talking about the Grand Canyon!
TFW = the former wife
TFMJG = the former Mrs Jon Gosselin
like Paula Deen? - I've never heard of these types of sessions being made public unless either side leaks information to the media -
How did Paula Deen's deposition become public?
get off twitter said "...On the Livewell Cable channel, a lot of the shows are Canadian made. not filmed there, just produced, by Canadian TV..."
If a show is being filmed AND produced in the US, how can it be Canadian made? If the producers are Canadian but work in the US, wouldn't they then be AMERICANS? I don't get it.
If Steve handles security, possibly including computer issues for WOS, I would think that Jon and Robert's lawyers would want to question him.
I would hope that Steve is not allowed in while Kate is being deposed.
like Paula Deen said...139
As I said, I could be, and apparently was, wrong. Because it's an interesting question, I did some research online. I found this. It sounds like there's a 90 day period before it is available for public access. Those with actual knowledge of the law, please correct me or explain in more detail as needed.
During the 90-day period (which may be extended by the court), access to the transcript in CM/ECF is restricted to court staff, public terminal users, attorneys of record or parties who have purchased the transcript from the court reporter/transcriber, and other persons as directed by the court (e.g., appellate attorneys). Also, during this time, parties may redact personal identifiers. After the 90-day period has ended, the filed transcript will be available for inspection and copying in the clerk’s office and for download from the court’s CM/ECF system through the judiciary’s PACER system.
Layla said...137
So, she thinks that if she can claw her way back onto our TV screens, she will be so amazing-ish and interesting and likable that everyone will love her?
She was just on a slew of talk shows and she wasn't any more amazing-ish or interesting than she was before. In fact, since she keeps saying the same things she was saying 2 years ago, I'd have to argue that she's probably even more boring.
I know this has already been discussed, so I apologize if I am rehashing things already pointed out or said, but her comment about sadness, empathy and pity being rooted in love and implying, but never stating (at least that I could tell) that she still loved Jon (and I think love in the sense of caring about, not necessarily romantic, "In love" kind of feelings) really irked me. Just the week before she was going on about how she had to sue Jon in order to protect her children from him. Which is it? You care about him and his wellbeing or you feel he is a threat to your children and must be punished? Or is this her bizarre version of tough love? Does she somehow believe (or is going to try to spin) that her lawsuit against Jon is her attempt to help him, that by treating him so harshly that she feels she is going to, in the long run, make him a better person?
Kate could learn a lot from people with downs syndrome. There is a restaurant near me called Tims Place. Its owned by a man with down syndrome. He is great to his customers and employees. He is positive and encourages everyone he meets. The food there is amazing. Its comfort new mexican food at its finest. If you are ever in Albuquerque I suggest going there.
Here's the link for people that haven't watched the Dionne quint story..
Lalalalala said... 83
Remona Blue said... 77
''According to TFW Jon has the kids every second weekend.''
Every single time I hear TFW say that, I wonder why she doesn't realize that means that TFMJG HAS THE CHILDREN EVERY OTHER WEEKEND!
Because by saying every second weekend it makes it sound as if he only has them one weekend a month. Most people say first , second, third, fourth when they are talking about time but not her. If she said every other weekend then the sheep would figure out that he actually has them twice a month, not once a month like WOW implies
getofftwitter said... 105
I think Kate was looking for a cooking show, in Canada. On the Livewell Cable channel, a lot of the shows are Canadian made. not filmed there, just produced, by Canadian TV. But Kate could not keep the subject of her world-wind book tour on the cookbook. They talked about everything except the cookbook. I saw Mit Romney & wife on Rachel Ray the other day and what difference. The Romney's were there talking about stuff and the cookbook and why a cookbook and did a great demo. No, slopping it into the pan or mess, very pro. I don't care for Mit Romney, but do have to say, they did a wonderful job, with explaining the cookbook and the demo. Kate could learn a few from Rachel Ray and yes even the Romneys. I was impressed
I just saw her on GMA and am impressed too. I also am no Romney fan but the clip made me kind of want to buy the book. It seems to be what TFW wants her book to be, but actually real. She raised 5 boys, has 22 grandchildren, and seems real. Their love seems real. She talks about using an ironing board as a kitchen table as newlweds, driving around the block to get a break when the boys were young, and having the boys sleep in their church clothes so they would be on time.
That's the thing about TFW. Her fake blonde, fake nails, fake boobs are so, well, fake.Her "traditions" are fake. If my mom looked like that when I was 13 I would have been mortified.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 129
LaLaLaLaLa (#91) has an awesome post. PaperPlatesForever (#87) is also good. I wonder if LaLaLaLaLa is in the psychology field. she seems to have TFW's number.
Thank you so much! I'm not in the psychology field but I can usually read people very well. Kate is a fascinating 'character'.
Angie said... 97
Don't forget ladies, that Jon, some time ago, won the right of 'first refusal' regarding child custody, should WOS go out of town.
Those kids have been with Jon ALL this time.
I think so, too. I noticed that when one interviewer asked her where the kids are and she dodged and said at school. Not elaborating or accurately answering the question (which she fully understands) is her m.o.
A good example of this is when she ducked the question on The View about the kid's Halloween plans a year or two ago. Her interviews are so inauthentic and unrelaxed because she listens to questions with the discerning ear of a fame seeking narcissist using the coveted opportunity to put forth her agenda;
Get a new TV gig
Convince people she's a good person
Back the bus over ex
Historically, there are some very troubled people who also have this ability to listen to questions with their main goal in answering being how they are perceived and what message they want to send. The truth never enters into this format if it isn't part of the preplanned agenda.
Yikes! Did TFW say 'world-wind tour?" I must have missed it, shucks.
I did see her tweet "it must of not went through." if she wrote that, not Paige...
Two grammatical errors in one phrase, if she tweeted that!! Even if it was someone else,it is still pretty bad. No gift-o-gab there.
Millicent said... 86
Please don't give her any ideas. I don't want to see no- talent mug on my tv again. What she needs to do is get professional help, admit that she doesn't have the personality/ talent to be on tv, and then get a real job.
Re: my #149
Oh, It was Paige who tweeted that... remember how she got an A on that awful essay? I wonder if Kate claimed tweets not going through to avoid talking to 'fans?' like Paige the Persistent?
If Steve handles security, possibly including computer issues for WOS, I would think that Jon and Robert's lawyers would want to question him.
I would hope that Steve is not allowed in while Kate is being deposed.
It doesn't matter if Steve is in there or not. If Kate is deposed, the questions will be directed to Kate to answer under oath. This isn't a game. This isn't a talk show. A deposition is a serious thing.
Not elaborating or accurately answering the question (which she fully understands) is her m.o.
And she is *very* good at it. She has it down to a fine art.
What floors me is that people let her get by with it.
It seems that tv interviewers let things slide in that no one will want to be on their shows if they call them on things. Whereas the print interviewers are more willing to call her out.
She is home now.
What's next?
Her staring role in a law suit.
Excerpt from Dity Laundry:
"When all Kate would admit to was a tummy tuck, Bethenny asked, “You said publicly you kind of need to support your kids. You need money to support your kids. So I think people want to know where the money went, where the money is.”
You know what Kate’s response to that was? That she had nothing to hide. You know who says they have nothing to hide? People who have something to hide. And it’s very likely Kate is one of them. We know she’s spent a ton on plastic surgery, but the amounts she made on her reality shows were almost sickening – there’s no way all of it went on plastic surgery.
After a lot of prodding from Bethenny, Kate finally admitted to ‘stashing away’ some of the money for the childrens’ college fees. Suuuuure. And it’ll all come out twenty years from now."
My brother was deposed once in a matter related to business. He was stunned at the kinds of questions asked of him...things about his young children who obviously would have nothing to do with the business stuff (it was related to financial stuff).
He refused to answer, but his attorney told him that he had to. I remember him being livid that they trying to involve his family in something unrelated to them.
I, too, think TFW is in for a big surprise there.
Oh, no! The poor @whirpool guy in Russia is still getting tweets about the dryer. At least if his breaks down he will have many fix options on hand!
dmaxey3 @dmaxey3 24m
@Kateplusmy8 @Whirpool Mine did the same and it was a sock that moved down to pump
Layla said... 137
In the Toronto newspaper article, TFW said she didn't appreciate her first chance at TV.
She didn't "appreciate" being paid huge amounts of money to travel and spend time with her kids. She didn't "appreciate" the giant piles of freebies and having people take care of every unpleasant aspect of daily life for her. Geez. How is that even possible?
Martha said... 128
Paper plates...you are too kind
Thanks for that. Listen. That woman makes me sick. But I believe almost everyone can change for the better if they truly want to. Unfortunately, she is headed to Karmaville and should be winning the mayor's position fairly soon if she doesn't smarten up. Kate is an anomaly in that she has lasted this long. I just wonder if somehow she can turn things around for herself. This could be her claim to fame. Anything is possible I guess.
But unfortunately, for us non-fans, the fact she has those 8 kids will always be her "staying power". Plus she is addicted to the compliments about her hot, smokin body and this drives her to stay in the limelight. If you go your whole life never being perceived as a hot sexual babe and then all of a sudden you are one and people are noticing, guess what happens. You work it. Hard. And that is what she is doing. The more she hears it, the more she is driven to eat those Kate salads and drink sparkling water. But watch out Kate. A friend of mine is losing her hair right now because of stress (divorce). She looks like shit because of it. I have a sense you may be suffering physically too from all the stress you say you are under.
Does she somehow believe (or is going to try to spin) that her lawsuit against Jon is her attempt to help him, that by treating him so harshly that she feels she is going to, in the long run, make him a better person?
It's so frustrating, isn't it?
No one is doing the common sense follow-up questions that looks for clarification on this conflict of ideas. If Kate needs to protect herself and the kids from Jon, how is it that he's got unsupervised visitation.
If Jon's machinations and scheming is that harmful, how is it that a judge hasn't imposed supervised time with the kids?
How can Kate try to punish Jon for alleged crimes against her, done YEARS ago, allegedly, and still think he'll have a snowball's chance in hell of not being left homeless, destitute and unable to care for his kids?
Why is it NO ONE asks Kate if she pays for Jon's domicile, food, proprietary food, clothing, toys, computers that are for the children? If she doesn't, then she is NOT the SOLE supporter.
It's blatantly false and misleading.
She's sitting in a mansion, on a compound, with 3 luxury vehicles and a pool, obviously looking well manicured and pampered to a level most moms can not and would not lavish on themselves, and point to Jon not paying child support?
It's so stupid, but the fact is, these tv shows and hosts are not going to be in business for very long if they excoriate their invited guests.
They're not Woodward and Bernstein; they're fluffy entertainers doing what passes for journalism these days.
In that vein, I think Bethany came the closest to driving at Kate to get truthful answers and not let her deny that she's made a boatload of money, and not let her cry poor.
"She didn't "appreciate" being paid huge amounts of money to travel and spend time with her kids. She didn't "appreciate" the giant piles of freebies and having people take care of every unpleasant aspect of daily life for her. Geez. How is that even possible?"
Well, Michelle, according to TFW, it's all because she was sleep-deprived. That's her story and she's sticking to it. ;)
To be fair to Kate, she did say that Jon had the kids "every other weekend". I went back and listened to it myself. I think this is the first time I've ever heard her say it.
I'm really curious about her recent comments about Jon - the "we can't talk about it but he can" (and I guess by we she meant herself and Steve since that's who she looked at before responding to the reporter doing the interview.), he has them every other weekend instead of every secon weekend, etc.
Seems like her attorneys finally convinced her to stop running at the mouth.
I guess Honey BooBoo isn't too famous for outside activities Nd doesn't cause. Panic when she goes out.
@MamaJune_BooBoo: Alanas troop is selling discount magazines if you're interested in buying or renewing your subscription u can online! pic.twitter.com/y7kKCgKnFr
Michelle said... 158
Layla said... 137
In the Toronto newspaper article, TFW said she didn't appreciate her first chance at TV.
She didn't "appreciate" being paid huge amounts of money to travel and spend time with her kids. She didn't "appreciate" the giant piles of freebies and having people take care of every unpleasant aspect of daily life for her. Geez. How is that even possible?
I have no idea how it is possible and it baffled me when I read as much in Robert's book..her demands at that hotel in New York, her disappointment in her "only" $500 gift card. They were less than a year out from being financially struggling...how could they forget what it was like and not appreciate it and be thankful for it? If I won the lottery today I would certainly appreciate it and hopefully give back. She simply felt entitled to it. Period. And it baffles her that her magic wand is now broken.
Oh and Kate? One more thing about the hair loss. If you think alcohol takes some of the edge off, I think my friend hits the bottle pretty hard as well so that theory goes out the window
Mel said... 156
My brother was deposed once in a matter related to business. He was stunned at the kinds of questions asked of him...things about his young children who obviously would have nothing to do with the business stuff (it was related to financial stuff).
He refused to answer, but his attorney told him that he had to. I remember him being livid that they trying to involve his family in something unrelated to them.
I, too, think TFW is in for a big surprise there.
I predict she will mirror Cindy Anthony in this deposition..she tried to refuse to answer as well:
If Steve has a role in her "management" then Steve needs to be fired.
Martina Fernqvist @martinalouise 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Made "Yummy stuff" today. It was yummy stuff! :-) pic.twitter.com/6BnDqNyANC
The picture tweeted is the recipe and picture of "Yummy Stuff" which consists of ground beef, store bought gravey, egg noodles, garlic salt, parsley. Isn't "Yummy Stuff" a brilliant and imaginative name?
I'm beginning to feel kind of sorry for the fans. Perhaps they've never put together some noodles and ground beef and need those common, every day kinds of ideas. Maybe they lack the imagination to make anything without written instructions. After all, many of them do seem to lack the know-how to make a dressing for salad and what to do with a meal after it's been taken out of the freezer.
I don't think TFW will know what hit her having to answer the questions regarding the depositions for her lawsuits against Jon and Robert. She may be have had a good time at a casino in Philadelphia and her bogus book tour with Steve. But all this will end in court when she personally has to respond to the depositions/ discovery for their cases. She can lie, but her answers will come back to bite her.
Maybe Andy Cohen's next reality show can be Real Divorcee's of Reality TV and all those D listers who still think that've got a shot at fame can get a job.
I remember seeing bottles of Ken's salad dressing in the picture where Kate was cleaning the fridge ( strange method) as well as spaghetti and BBQ sauce. She uses plenty of not-from-scratch products as we know from the show, these pictures, and some of her recipes
.There really was no need for her to write a cookbook- if it was originally for her daughters Leah and Alexis, they would have been 5 or 6 years old at the time of their 2009 'request." Couldn't she just photocopy her few original recipes for the kids? That's what I do, using friends' and family members' recipes and put in a binder. Surely the kids know the 'traditions,' ahem, included in the book and also that Mommy's yummy food 'requires' canned or bottled foods.
Also TFW had her produce in plastic bags in the fridge pic. You should not store 'veges' and fruits that way- they will go bad more quickly. Obviously not from Henry's organic stand.
She can lie, but her answers will come back to bite her.
Isn't that a given that she will lie? The woman can't speak the truth ever! Can a narcissist be broken? if so, it's possible this deposition will do it. She will have to answer for everything that Robert has written. If she think this deposition/trial is only going to be about how Robert obtained this info she is as delusional as we all know she is.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 168
Martina Fernqvist @martinalouise 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Made "Yummy stuff" today. It was yummy stuff! :-) pic.twitter.com/6BnDqNyAN
Yet another photo that does not reflect the ingredients in the recipe. Mushrooms can clearly be seen and maybe even sliced chuck or sirloin vs. ground beef?
I see no ground beef at all.
This seems to be a stroganoff type/influenced dish.
It's crying out for some dairy.
Admin...Thanks for doing the post on Kevin Pearce. You said the The Crash Reel would be released in theaters in December. Is this the same movie/documentary I watched on ESPN recently or is it something different? I'm confused.
get off twitter...105
All the proceeds from Ann Romney's cookbook are going to charity. No matter how you feel about the Romney's or their political views, they seem like genuine people.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 168
Martina Fernqvist @martinalouise 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Made "Yummy stuff" today. It was yummy stuff! :-) pic.twitter.com/6BnDqNyANC
The picture tweeted is the recipe and picture of "Yummy Stuff" which consists of ground beef, store bought gravey, egg noodles, garlic salt, parsley. Isn't "Yummy Stuff" a brilliant and imaginative name?
I'm beginning to feel kind of sorry for the fans. Perhaps they've never put together some noodles and ground beef and need those common, every day kinds of ideas. Maybe they lack the imagination to make anything without written instructions.
I wonder if her fans are even old enough to be around a stove. Did you see that picture someone drew of her yesterday. lololol!!
Emily Pietropaolo @emilypietro8 21m
@Kateplusmy8 just look at the picture I drew of you!! pic.twitter.com/AOU6VltcRI
Yup, that's Kate's fanbase. 12 and under. She should have written that cookbook in crayon.
And what's with her #1 Canadian fan tweeting a photo of herself crying?? Who does that?
So, it seems like during a deposition, the lawyers can go far afield in the line of questioning.
I can see this as a golden opportunity to go where Kate's the weakest; plastic surgery and her relationship with Steve.
If anything is in her journal, or in anyway disprovable, then she's between a rock and a hard place.
I can't imagine how difficult this will be for the kids. Not one, but both parents going through/being dragged through one of the most stressful (on every single level) experiences that there is, at the same time and worst of all, against one another.
Just think about how f*ckd up that is!
Talk about harming the children!
I would hope that Steve is not allowed in while Kate is being deposed.
I believe this holds true across the board (and not just in California lawsuits). During a deposition, usually only the attorneys, the deponent (person being deposed) and a court reporter are allowed in the room. However, any other party named in the lawsuit can also be present during the deposition. Non-parties (like Steve) are usually not allowed. Kate and/or her attorney can ask if Steve may sit in on the deposition, but chances are high that Jon or Robert's attorney would object, and that would be the end of that. The only one "holding her hand" during the deposition would be Kate's attorney.
sillimom said: (quoting court rules)
"During the 90-day period (which may be extended by the court), access to the transcript in CM/ECF is restricted to court staff, public terminal users, attorneys of record or parties who have purchased the transcript"
It sounds as if you have access to one of the court's public terminals, you could probably access the deposition transcript. If I read that correctly, then it is available to the general public, but only those that can go down to the courthouse and use one of their terminals. If you live far away, like most of us, you would have to wait until it was made publicly available on PACER.
I know nothing about how depositions work. I hope you can answer my question.
Kate is a liar. She has perfected the art over several years. In addition, she knows how to evade questions. During the depo is she continues to liar and evade question, typically, what would or could Jon and/or Robert's attorneys do about the situation? Specially, they are not getting answers to their questions.
Thank you.
It must have really grated Kate to see Bethany sitting in the coveted "talk show host" chair instead of her. She can't figure out how Bethany could land a talk show, and she's been angling for years for one and nada.
I think Kate would do poorly in a deposition. She would try to avoid answering questions by giving non-answers, but attorneys are not talk show hosts and they won't let it slide. They will keep asking and re-asking the question, until they get a direct answer. And they don't mind if you lie - because they will then use your perjured testimony against you later on in the case. I also feel sorry for her attorney - almost!
I think lying comes naturally to Kate. Remember, Kevin said he was the one who got in trouble when she did something wrong. She's no doubt been lying and getting away with it since she was a kid. She probably doesn't know it half the time, and that's not to give her an excuse. Just saying it's second nature. It's obvious the way so much of what she says is contradictory. What may come out in the deposition is just that, what she says one minute contradicts what she says another time. It definitely would be interesting to watch and see the reactions of those present or then again, maybe just totally frustrating to all involved.
Gloria Patterson @pattersonglo 2m
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 PIONEER WOMAN has already sold 3000 books on QVC today! She will be on QVC in the next hour. That is a book!
Oh dear, another missed opportunity.
I'm not trying to comment as anonymous, just URL, but my comments are having trouble going through. I understand this is a new internet system and I will have to get used to it. TFW freezes a lot of food and does many things that are not associated with real cooks, especially whole foods or organic foods who do not buy in bulk to freeze for months to come . Just because someone has multiple freezers doesn't mean they are a good cook, quite the contrary. TFW has many farmers markets near her house where she can acquire fresh produce for most of the year. There is nothing fresh coming out of her multiple freezers with dates on packages that are months out. You cannot compare all her frozen food that is available through her local farmers or whole food market that are freshly made, and are not frozen for several months, including cookies.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 183
Gloria Patterson @pattersonglo 2m
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 PIONEER WOMAN has already sold 3000 books on QVC today! She will be on QVC in the next hour. That is a book!
Oh dear, another missed opportunity.
Oh, that will probably be next!
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 183
Gloria Patterson @pattersonglo 2m
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 PIONEER WOMAN has already sold 3000 books on QVC today! She will be on QVC in the next hour. That is a book!
Oh dear, another missed opportunity.
I forgot about QVC, right in Kate's backyard.
I believe you have to go through a bit a training if your product is accepted. They don't want any guest to be hmming, hawing, umming. They work hard and and looks grueling at times. It's just nonstop!
Yes, that would have been a great opportunity.
Have any of Kate's books been sold on QVC or HSN?
TFW freezes a lot of food and does many things that are not associated with real cooks, especially whole foods or organic foods who do not buy in bulk to freeze for months to come
I have to disagree a bit here, respectfully. Although I think Kate's baked goods could deteriorate in taste and texture a bit in the freezer, vegetables and proteins do quite well.
I'm an avid farmers market goer (that sounds weird, but!) and have been for years. People will buy the summer's bounty in bulk and process it such that the nutrients are preserved, and freezing is especially good for this.
I buy little to no canned vegetables and opt for frozen because the nutrients are locked in during the quick freezing process. Same especially goes for seafood and the proteins I get from the farmers market are sold frozen and kept that way until I thaw them.
They last for months.
I have put up about 25 quarts of marinara and stewed tomatoes at the end of this summer and several bags of corn and lima beans.
The quality and availability of summer veggies diminishes in the winter months, and I love going into my freezer and grabbing them for the closest to fresh I can get.
Oh, not to mention all the berries and cherries! For them, local is SO much better, and I have them year round because I freeze them.
Sorry to rant(ish), but this is a passion of mine.
Paula said... 173
''Isn't that a given that she will lie? The woman can't speak the truth ever! Can a narcissist be broken? if so, it's possible this deposition will do it. She will have to answer for everything that Robert has written. If she think this deposition/trial is only going to be about how Robert obtained this info she is as delusional as we all know she is.''
Paula, I think we all 'know' TFW well enough to be certain that she really does believe that everything (the lawsuit, deposition, jury trial she demanded) is going to be ONLY about how Jon gave Robert the information that Robert used in his book.
I believe that TFMJG will be stunned/overwhelmed with what is about to happen...something that SHE started. Of course, she will never ever ever accept that everything is on her head. It will ALL be Jon's fault!!
If at the pretrial meeting there is no resolution they will move forward to depositions. I think what needs to be remembered here is that Kate is not the only one who will be deposed. Jon and Robert will be also. They could also subpoena Ellen and Hailey who has the phone texts. What I am saying here is that it won't be the slam dunk you all are talking about. The lawyers will be more interested in what was the phone texts than if Kate had plastic surgery.
Wow, TFW is just ordering the twins' birthday gifts NOW? She wouldn't she have masterminded their birthday better? Wonder if the sleepover was really just Kate and maybe the tup girls. Seriously, I hope Cara and Mady did have a fun sleepover with friends. No pictures? Well, that's good, but she usually posts some.
Kate will only use Hailey if those text messages are "real". Kate has the burden of proof ON her to prove the accusations in her lawsuit.
Paula, I think we all 'know' TFW well enough to be certain that she really does believe that everything (the lawsuit, deposition, jury trial she demanded) is going to be ONLY about how Jon gave Robert the information that Robert used in his book.
It was especially apparent during the Today Show interview last week. Kate seemed to think that suing Jon and taking him to court was just a formality to prove he did what she alleges he (and Robert) did.
Uh, not so fast there, Kate.
The lawyers will be more interested in what was the phone texts than if Kate had plastic surgery.
Of course they will, and no doubt, many people will get dragged into this. No one will come out of this unscathed, nor will anyone "win".
A hollow victory, perhaps, not a happy one.
Bwahaha! Too funny!
hater hater@BuzzedBunny3 Oct
@ashymama2 @Allisstair @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Speaking of PR, whats up with the biz license of jons firm?
MKS & Associates@MKSandAssocInc18m
@BuzzedBunny @ashymama2 @Allisstair @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 All paperwork is in order :). If we may ask, why is this a concern? Thx!
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy832m
Just sent house full of friends home after a super 13th bday sleepover.. Finished ordering bday gifts from lists->hope they arrive fast!
Wow, Kate planned and prepared for that party FAST, considering she was at a casino the night before! lol
And she's just NOW ordering their gifts? Not surprised. smh
Tucker's Mom said... 191
What Katie Ate:
Those photos are gorgeous!!!
Re depositions: I looked back at the timeline of Paula Deen's debacle. Her deposition was given May 17, 2013 and an article from savannah now online states it was filed June 17. The story also notes Lisa Jackson the plaintiff gave her deposition in February but that was not ” unsealed” until May.
If you read the entire Paula Deen deposition to the very end, the plaintiff attorney was discussing documents that had been requested as part of discovery from Paula Deen's corporation, and the Deen legal team was saying they disagreed and were not going to produce those documents. And the plaintiff attorney made some statement about they would have to take other steps if the Deen team remained uncooperative.
Interesting how as soon as the Paula Deen deposition was filed that transcripts were available and news media knew about it. Disappointing that news media focused on the racism part and virtually ignored the pervasive sexual harassment the plaintiff had to deal with.
I take from all this a lesson that anything dealing with legal issues and lawsuits will take time. And what may or may not be made public, we just don't know.
I also take from the Paula Deen example that her original legal team thought that Paula and they were untouchable because they were really big fish in the relatively small pond of savannah. They forgot about the larger pond of a nationwide TV audience and public relations.
No master how this lawsuit eventually is resolved, TFMJG will always be known as someone willing to sue the father of her children, after already leaving him apparently destitute from the divorce. And any company thinking of doing business with her in the future may have second thoughts.
No way you look at it, is this lawsuit a good PR move.
And all this is my opinion protected by my first amendment rights and caused by nothing more than observing the 2013 poor me tour.
I know nothing about how depositions work. I hope you can answer my question.
I think Millicent . . . 181 answered this very well. TFW will be under oath. If she lies, she will be committing perjury, which is a crime, which the Court will take very seriously as it undermines our whole justice system. It ain't no joke.
Thank you Marie. I appreciate it.
OT . . . I am going to buy Pioneer Woman's cookbook. It looks beautiful and I have tried many of her recipes and have never been disappointed.
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