When Corey Feldman went on The View today to talk about his bad experiences as a young actor he has written about in
his new book Coreyography, he never expected to be treated so harshly. The ladies of The View regarded this brave whistleblower like nothing less than a criminal himself, with Barbara even going so far as to accuse him of "damaging an entire industry" when Corey explained that there are some pedophiles out there still working in Hollywood. Corey also revealed in his book that people in the industry gave him drugs at age 13.
"They want me dead," Feldman said of the industry. With attitudes like Barbara's, that's not hard to believe.
Fortunatly, reactions around the web have been mostly outraged toward his cold reception on the View. Will Barbara and the rest of the ladies apologize tomorrow?
Watch a clip here:
228 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 228 Newer› Newest»Whoopie has said some stupid things too. "It wasn't "rape" rape" when referring to Polanski and she always defends her Hollywood "friends" including Mel Gibson.
Whoopie has said some stupid things too. "It wasn't "rape" rape" when referring to Polanski and she always defends her Hollywood "friends" including Mel Gibson.
I don't agree with each and every one of her opinions. In fact I often disagree with her. She is very liberal and I'm very conservative.
My point was when she does spout off, she knows what she is talking about. It may be outrageous, unique, a minority opinion, and many people may disagree, but she is informed.
It's time for Barbara to retire. She's lost all her credibility as a serious journalist over the last few years. Corey Feldman deserves respect for having the courage to speak out. Why is the victim being victimized again? It doesn't make sense.
Oh I wanted to add I thought Corey handled himself very well. He just kept pressing his points and explaining what happened and didn't get upset, even when the ladies were being utter TOOLS.
Remember how confused Barbara was during Jon's interview? I think she couldn't even remember there was a set of twins. And then she asked such a RUDE and condescending question, do you support your children? WTF! Would she ask a mother that or do just dads get asked that? Does she think the family law court doesn't have a very good handle on the situation and can handle child support with her nosey and rude question? I think at her age she doesn't want to tackle any real issues anymore, she'd just prefer that everything just fall into line. Sex abuse is too much to delve into. She has lost her edge.
I agree, it's time to retire. There is no shame in slowing down. Just like there's no shame in talking about sexual abuse as much as you would like to talk about it. There is nothing wrong with knowing when it's time, no matter what your age. I've always admired people who quit while they were ahead instead of dragging it out to the bitter end. I think it's often much more dignified.
Admin, I call it "Mary Tyler Moore Smarts". She knew to pull the plug on her VERY popular TV show because it was simply a smart move. She did not want it to die a slow burn-out death, but to go out in a wonderful blaze of tissue worthy glory. Perfect.
I have never, ever been a fan of Barbara Walters. I have always thought she thought way too highly of herself, and also that she has qualities of a very self-absorbed person. I just was never impressed with her in any interview, 20/20 edition or the View program she was involved in. Her 10 Most Fasscinating People specials were anything but special and most of her choices were questionable, IMO. She would have done better interviewing herself. "Tell me, do you really believe you are a good journalist?" "How long ago should you have retired?"
What the ladies on The View did was exactly the reason why young people, or anyone for that matter , are sometimes afraid to speak out about abuse.
IMO, Barbara making the comment " your damaging the whole industry" tells me she darn well knows there are pedophiles scattered throughout that whole industry.
We KNOW there are pedophiles in he industry. One of them worked on the Jon&Kate +8 production. An industry that has children in it WILL have pedophiles in it.
Pedophiles are very good at infiltrating organizations with children. Canada's own Graham James, left the country,changed his name and managed to find himself a job working with Children!!
Barbara and Sherry and any of them that would downplay a persons disclosure of abuse are as guilty as a bystander of a kid being bullied. Even worse! No wonder they all want to support TFW.
Pfftttt to all of them. Shame on them. Disgusting. Corey, I am sorry you had to go through that, but I am glad you are gaining the support of may others.
I do want to bring this from the other post. I really do believe that TLC ( as much as they stink also) was definitely telling a story about TFW in those last few episodes. below is my post
I watched the Alaska Show.. Oh my Localyocal @ 134 The child DOES say " I didnt touch it with my hands", referring to the Moose Burger, and this was BEFORE pizzagate.
TLC showed that clip on pizza gate on purpose. They knew this was a big hissy fit issue for Kate!!!!
I also noted TFW is bemoaning how people would ever want to pretend to be homeless .....
Jees Kate, thought you and your grandparents did a lot of camping, in Canada, when you were young?? Remember the denture story ? So which one is a lie? The denture story, the camping with your grandparents, or your comment to the Palins?
I wonder how many other hints of foreshasdwing did TLC give us in those last episodes?
I always thought she was a bit overrated too. She has always been retirement age as long as I can remember, so I don't know if she was any good when she was younger. I've hard a lot of things about her dysfunctional home life over the years and even Barbara seems to admit that. Her daughter was a runaway as a teen, and Barabara didn't even take a maternity leave when she adopted her. The statements she has made about that all are very off and concerning (i.e. I'd rather not know what my daughter was up to.) You know what, if you want to be in the dark about your kids because that's easier for YOU, please don't adopt a kid.
I see that her daughter recently got a DUI for being so drunk she started parking in the middle of the freeway. Good grief.
Mary Tyler MOore, I like that. Seinfeld did the same thing. The show was still on top and they could have continued for years but they knew when it was time to let a good thing go.
In contrast, I think it's kind of sad how I Love Lucy just dragged it on and on and even did spinoffs until it bore no resemblance to the genius show it was in the beginning. I would have rather that show say goodbye on top as well.
This applies to so many things in life. It is good to have a sense when enough is enough, when it's time to quit, or when you are being greedy or pushing the limits. It's good to be confident to bring something to an end even if you COULD continue it on and on. I know Michael Phelps's mother really wants him to go for it one more time but I respect Michael for saying no you know what, that was one part of my life and it was great but it's time to bring it to an end now. There is NO SHAME in this. None. Good for him for knowing when to close that door even with his own mother pushing him to do something he knows deep down is not wise.
This is like Kate and show business. She should have stopped this nonsense ages ago before it got so embarrassing and she became the butt of every joke. But because of her greed and inability to bring a good thing to an end before it had a chance to decay and inability to actually quit while she was ahead, she couldn't.
Same goes for gambling and a host of other things. It's a good skill to recognize when to leave the table.
I'm going through this very question in my personal life. I'm 60, have a progressive disease of the lungs ( not cancer or emphysema) that has caused my heart to start failing. Walking has become difficult. I LOVE my job and they have agreed to let me work half time and from my home. They WANT me to stay on and nothing would please me more. Still, for the better good of the people, my retirement might be the best option. Not for me, but for them. I am struggling with the decision daily whether to make us all happy or to step aside and let new, healthy leadership take over. A painful choice.
As much as I wanted Whoopie to be the voice of reason...she's not. She is willing to shut up and go with the flow to get a pay check. As for Barbra waa waa...her time is done...she knows nothing about the 90's or 2000's. She has fallen into the celeb rag mag reporting.
The woman knows nothing about the people coming onto her show..if she does...then she really has hit rock bottom. To kiss up to someone like TFW says it all. Really? Ms. Walters you really think supporting a Child and Animal abuser gets you ratings?
Someone like Ba ba and whoppie, who goes with the flow isn't really on the cutting edge... I have no respect for either of them anymore.
Hell...we have lost all the great reporters...who focused on the facts....not who gave up every thing they said they believed in.
you gotta know when to hold'em, know when to fold them, know when to walk away.
you'll never find your money, while you're sittin' at the table....
TFW sits too much..
I think Baba WaaWaa is so in thick with Hollywood, she would defend them no matter what they were accused of. How else will she get the Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie interviews?
I watched the interview. Jenny, during the transition to commercial break, told Corey "I give you so much credit". And she was blown away by his story.
I like how he defended his good friend Corey.
Ex Nurse--IIRC, his original tweets indicated that there was something she could have done to prevent the book. Anyone else remember that?
I remember it vaguely but not his exact words.
Thanks for the new post admin! And thanks for pointing out the actions of the View ladies.
a journalist could phrase questions differently, if they really wanted to investigate things further. Like ” why have you waited until now to reveal this?” Or ” were any of these events ever reported to police?” Or things liked that. Not asking about a desire to ” bring down an industry”.
If the only people in power that Cory knew as a kid were pedophiles, it does make sense that he would have been groomed to think this was normal. And because of his mothers problems and his talent, he was the perfect victim. I want to read the book and check out the whole story.
What a piece of work! Mouth gaping open NOT because she's shocked at his experiences but SHOCKED that "You're damaging and entire industry!" Oh no! Who would have thought that there were PEDOPHILES in and industry that deals with children!? Why IMPOSSIBLE!
UNREAL!! Now are you sure about that Cory?
I didn't see the entire show so I can only comment on the clip. I refuse to watch that drivel. I believe it lowers your IQ. Anyway, Barbara Walters is an idiot who only does fluff journalism. She is not to be taken seriously. She is part of the establishment that Mr. Feldman is talking about and of course she will defend that establishment. I wish him all the best and I wish that we as thinking people would not put any stock in these talk shows. They are all Jerry Springer to me, just different venues.
Watching that short video was enough to make me sick. Barbara Walters should have retired from the show when she had TFW on her special as one of the most intriguing and up coming celebrities a few years back. She's too old to be interviewing anyone on this daily show. Throwing Corey's abuse back at him to protect the industry was so uncalled for. Someone should put her out to pasture already.
Isabelle Mitchell @MargaretForr87 8h
@Kateplusmy8 your website says you will be returning to @AustraliaZoo on Nov 16 is that correct?
Um, Kate, might be time to update that News&Events tab on your website! Good grief!
fidosmommy said... 11
All the ladies on the View have to defend Hollywood...they can't bite the hand that feeds them..
As for Barbara's interviewing skills? I was done with her yrs ago when she asked someone she was interviewing, "If you were a tree, which one would you be'. I thought that was one of the dumbest questions I had ever heard.
Meagler said... 8
I do want to bring this from the other post. I really do believe that TLC ( as much as they stink also) was definitely telling a story about TFW in those last few episodes. below is my post
I watched the Alaska Show.. Oh my Localyocal @ 134 The child DOES say " I didnt touch it with my hands", referring to the Moose Burger, and this was BEFORE pizzagate.
TLC showed that clip on pizza gate on purpose. They knew this was a big hissy fit issue for Kate!!!!
I also noted TFW is bemoaning how people would ever want to pretend to be homeless .....
Jees Kate, thought you and your grandparents did a lot of camping, in Canada, when you were young?? Remember the denture story ? So which one is a lie? The denture story, the camping with your grandparents, or your comment to the Palins?
I wonder how many other hints of foreshasdwing did TLC give us in those last episodes?
I couldn't believe it when I hears that child say that. When my daughter was a toddler and she was eating Goldfish she delighted in sharing them with me. Even when I said "no thank you" she would say "you're welcome" and pop them in my mouth. I was endeared, not disgusted.
I also posted the clip of TFW shoving a boy across his seat in the New York Episode. Witch
Great point about the camping. She went on and on and on about not understanding why people would think it was fun, even belittling little Piper. Now, the shallow thinking fans say we harp on every little inconsistency and that everyone makes mistakes or misremembers. NO. She is a bold-faced liar. If her lips are moving, she is lying. And not just little white lies WHOPPERS
It never ceases to amaze me when people downplay child abuse in any form. The sheeple are so quick to defend Kate by saying she had 8 kids, so of course she was stressed or she doesn't do that anymore or the worst yet, it's none of our business. WTH? Child abuse, child sexual abuse ARE NEVER ALL RIGHT. And wouldn't any normal person err on the side of caution rather than blindly support her. I mean just what if, what if it's true? Don't children deserve protection? I will never understand the turn your eyes away mentality. It's inexcusable!
I lost respect for Barbara Walters when she was on Oprah (doing her autobiographical book promotion) and she and Oprah spoke about having affairs with married men. Oh, come on, their rich, famous and certainly that mitigates things, right? Ruined marriages and political careers notwithstanding..
But, but, but!!.... they were NOT committing adultery because they weren't the married ones and they were NOT mistresses because they were successful career women, supporting themselves, not the other woman "on the side" set up in their apartment by their lover!
They high-fived each other over that bonding moment.
What a thing to be proud of and celebrate. Hold your heads high ladies!
@MKSandAssocInc: Don't miss Jon Gosselin this Sunday 10pm on Oprah's "Where Are They Now" @OWNTV #wherearetheynow
Kate's not going to like this. :)
Ingrid -- I don't remember Robert's exact words, but I think the the gist of it was that he wouldn't publish if she 'fessed up and got help.
BaaaBaaa WaWa has become a very unfunny joke. The sad thing is that she was once a good, and highly respected, journalist. She was a pioneer for women in journalism. I'm old enough to remember when she and Nancy Dickerson were the only female faces reporting the news. She managed to score an interview with Fidel Castro and managed to ask, and get some answers, to hard hitting questions. Unfortunately, she's gone the way of info-tainment instead of journalism the past 10 years or so. I do believe there is a place for infotainment/celebrity news, etc. in the world, but not at the expense of truth or integrity. Her attitude toward Corey for trying to bring to light a shameful and dangerous truth about the entertainment industry is just further evidence of how far she's fallen. Unfortunately, it's reflective of our "blame the victim" culture, particularly when crimes involve sex. "Well, she must have been giving off 'vibes' ", "she shouldn't have been wearing such a short skirt or tight top or revealing clothing", "he should have just slugged the guy", "why didn't he/she fight off the attacker" and on and on and on. Never mind if the attacker is a 6'2", 200# guy and the victim is a scared kid or a 5', 100# woman caught unaware. If you get raped or sexually abused, its somehow your fault. And in Corey's case, if you try to bring it to light, you are trying to destroy something instead of trying to protect the generations who come after. Disgusting! And frustrating.
fidosmommy said... 11
Wishing you peace and comfort as you make this decision. Sorry to hear you're not well.
I just checked the OWN "Where are They Now" listings. Sunday. 9:00 central time. There was Jon's name with a few others.
I set my DVD.
Oprah...well, well, well.
First Look: Oprah Where Are They Now
Jon's picture is on the page, but I can't find a clip. He looks happy though!
I wonder if this was taped pre or post lawsuit filing?
fidosmommy, I hope you will be at peace with your decision and this transition. Prayers and hugs!
Jane said... 26
@MKSandAssocInc: Don't miss Jon Gosselin this Sunday 10pm on Oprah's "Where Are They Now" @OWNTV #wherearetheynow
Kate's not going to like this. :)
Neither is MsGoody. She's liable to blow a gasket!
I really doubt this, but I hope the kids were not filmed for Jon's part of Oprah's "Where Are They Now".
Jon's message in his recent Dad's Round Table interview was positive and I think reassuring if the kids read it. I'd love it if this interview is more of the same.
The kids have seen enough of Chicken Little proclaiming the sky is falling.
She must be spitting nails....I wonder if she'll watch....Tee Hee.
Neither is MsGoody. She's liable to blow a gasket!
She blows a hate gasket on a regular basis. This will be nothing new.
Anonymous said... 13
you gotta know when to hold'em, know when to fold them, know when to walk away.
you'll never find your money, while you're sittin' at the table....
TFW sits too much..
franky, I quote this song to myself many time when I making a decision! It somehow helps me put things into perspective.
BaaaBaaa WaWa has become a very unfunny joke. The sad thing is that she was once a good, and highly respected, journalist.
I have started to wonder if Ms. Walters has started down the dementia path. She surely does not seem to track with the conversations. She doesn't have the facts straight, or even seem to realize that there are facts to be known.
fidosmommy, I've enjoyed your posts for a number of years now, and I'm really sorry you are in such a position. I hope the right and peaceful answer surfaces for you and that your health might improve.
I predict there will be a Sheeple Protection Shield in place around Kate on Sunday and Monday. lol
Bitchy Pants I agree with everything you said about Barbara. If it's sex, the victim is always questioned. It's like some people truly can't believe that there is such a thing as inappropriate sex. It makes me wonder if MAYBE some of them have been on the other end of things, or had a close friend on the other end of things. Or even wanted to or thought about it. Perhaps they had sex with someone very young or even worse. There is way more defensiveness about people like Corey than is warranted and it makes me raise an eyebrow. I think people like Barbara make themselves look suspicious when they refuse to believe these things. As someone said if it's a industry with children it is always going to attract some deviants. This is true of ANYTHING involving kids. Hollywood is not some special exception. They need to open their eyes. I'm sure the vast majority of people have good intentions but that doesn't mean there are NO deviants among them just like in anything that involves kids, wake up.
Marie regarding how Barbara is of course going to defend an establishment she is a part of. This is totally unacceptable. Many other people have refused to defend the establishment even if they are a part of it. This is no excuse for her and shame on her if that's how she feels. Does a teacher defend another child molester teacher because they are a teacher too? That's absurd.
And wouldn't any normal person err on the side of caution rather than blindly support her.
Kylie I've been saying this for years! If child abuse or sexual abuse or what have you is disclosed, wouldn't the best thing to do is tend to believe those disclosures until proven otherwise or at least be very skeptical? Even courts detains kids first and ask questions later. You don't screw around saying hmmm did it happen did it not? You have to assume it did happen and then go from there. This is not the same as accusing someone of an affair or something, where there is time to dilly dally around investigating it and getting to the bottom of it. We're talking about children who could be hurt even worse. Why wouldn't any decent human being err on siding with the CHILD until everything is sorted out? Astounding.
See this really bugs me. Why step up now? Well, he has a book coming out. Seriously, if this stuff has been eating away at him for so long, why wait till now?
He isn't just stepping up "now." If you watched the news, Corey disclosed this abuse AGES ago. In fact, in AUGUST 2011! (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2025357/Paedophilia-Hollywoods-biggest-problem-alleges-child-star-Corey-Feldman.html) He went public ages ago! Of course like any sexual abuse story it was quickly brushed under the rug as soon as possible. He then went on to gather all the story together in a book and it's now being released in 2013. This is not his first rodeo, he has been talking about all this for free for over two years.
I also don't think just because you have written it all down in book form that it must be only about publicity and money. Sometimes a book is the best way to tell your story and help others. It does not make what you are saying false. There is nothing suspicious about this at all.
If you were a tree, which one would you be. I thought that was one of the dumbest questions I had ever heard.
Barbara asked Kathryn Hepburn this question. On a followup interview several years later with Hepburn, Barbara admitted she got a lot of backlash from the public for asking that question.
Barbara comment: I agree. Its time for her to step away from the camera including her BW specials. She lost her way several years ago and is just glidding on her past journalist reputation.
The view comment; It's time to pull the plug on the show. Sherri and Elizabeth are/were jokes. Sherri doesn't do her homework and comes off incredibly dumb. I loved it when Lisa Ling was in Elizabeth's chair. Now that is one smart lady. She was up on current events and could contribute to the discussion. Whoppie I like, though I admit she scares me at times when she goes too far on a topic. Joy was the best. She saw right through the BS some of the guests were spouting. I think Joy got out at the right time.
Jon's Oprah interview: I'll be watching the interview. Hope it all goes well for Jon.
Isabelle Mitchell @MargaretForr87 8h
@Kateplusmy8 your website says you will be returning to @AustraliaZoo on Nov 16 is that correct?
Um, Kate, might be time to update that News&Events tab on your website! Good grief!
GOOD GRIEF! And how many times have the sheeple been confused by this error on her web site and how many times have we said here she needs to update her web site events? It's not even amateur. It's more like LAZY. How hard is it to remove one little event from your web site that occurred TWO YEARS AGO? Goodness. She doesn't work! She can't take 5 minutes out of her day to get this done?
I also think Barbara may have some shades of dementia. I don't think it's that hard for someone who was as sharp as her to remember that a man has a set of twins and a set of sextuplets. It was odd, it was almost like she didn't understand the concept.
Fido my thoughts are with you!
What a piece of work! Mouth gaping open NOT because she's shocked at his experiences but SHOCKED that "You're damaging and entire industry!"
Did you see the part too where Barbara kind of said "ohhh" and looked away?
It wasn't a shocked and appalled ohh. It was an Ohh, COME OFF IT, you're full of it. Unbelievable.
” why have you waited until now to reveal this?” Or ” were any of these events ever reported to police?”
Yeah but see I think even those questions put him on the spot and make him seem like he's lying. If they understand sex abuse at all, they would know some people wait ages before they're comfortable with talking about it and sometimes never, and they would also know that many incidents of sex abuse are never reported to the police.
I think questions like when, who, how, what happened, are more appropriate and sensitive. The public isn't stupid and doesn't need to be spoon fed skepticism. They can decide for themselves if they want to believe it without some hack journalist telling them they should be skeptical.
It's more like LAZY. How hard is it to remove one little event from your web site that occurred TWO YEARS AGO?
And the other little event -- the December 4 Las Vegas marathon!
@MKSandAssocInc: Don't miss Jon Gosselin this Sunday 10pm on Oprah's "Where Are They Now" @OWNTV #wherearetheynow
Kate's not going to like this. :)
Baw-hahaha. I just love when he gets things like this but for the simple reason I can picture TFW seething when she hears.
Oprah is hit and miss but I think she will be sympathetic to him and I think she has a better chance than most of asking good questions.
So now Jon is scheduled to appear on Oprah this Sunday? What a mess this family is. The kids can't get a break from either parent. How many years will these kids have to put up with their parents being interviewed by media outlets to set the record straight? If the parents are in the middle of a lawsuit, shouldn't they both be keeping their mouths' shut? These poor kids will have to put up with this garbage until they are at least 18 and beyond.
I thought Baba was leaving The View. There was alot of hullabullu last spring when Joy said she was leaving and it was reported that Elisabeth's contract was not getting renewed. And Baba said on a show that they loved Elisabeth and she wasn't fired blah blah blah. I swear Baba said around that time she herself was leaving the show. Now we all know Elisabeth did leave and went to Fox. It is time for Baba to move on. At the 25 second mark, after Corey says they don't want me here right now, you can hear Baba sigh and it looks like she starts to put her hand towards her forehead as if to silently say, I can't believe he's saying this shit. The camera zooms in to Corey and Sherri so you can't see what Baba does with her hand or the look on her face. I hope she gets lambasted by this. We're always telling our children they have to speak up when something happens they know isn't right. Corey finally speaks out and he's treated with disrespect and disdain by Baba Wawa. Way to go Babs.
URL I have to say I strongly suspect this is all part of Jon's new strategy. He rarely did interviews before. But since he hired Shawn Tuma this has been part of the game.
I am merely guessing, but I think he's got a two-pronged approach here. Not only to get the best lawyer in town and dismantle her complaint, but also to turn on the tables on her in the media and be the one in the media calling all the shots. He's in charge now. If this shuts her down once and for all such that she finally leaves him alone, it's a good thing.
I've noticed she hasn't been trashing Jon as much lately. I actually think this is working. I think she's sitting there so in shock this is happening, that someone other than her is calling the shots, that she is absolutely clamping up on all her normal shenanigans. The last time she breathed mention of Jon was about the gun and even that was quickly never mentioned again, she stopped with that crap IMMEDIATELY. It's all farting rainbows and puppies now and she won't dare mention anything else. It was almost like she is running scared from him now. If this shuts her down, good.
I was reading the View message boards, and someone there said that Corey was on the Wendy Williams show this morning. The commenter compared WW to BW. This is part of the comment:
"I am watching an interview on Wendy Williams with Corey Feldman.
Wendy Williams did not try to accuse him of destroying the industry or anything like that. She treated him like an interviewer should, and not with the complete disrespect shown to him on The View.
I think it is terribly unprofessional to argue with the person you are interviewing, or trying to look away, or looking like you can't believe they are saying what they are saying by staring into space. BW was very rude to Corey. He has a serious story to tell and should not be judged by her or anyone else. Shame on you BW!! When you conducted you interviews with world leaders like Fidel Castro or Ghaddafi, who had both done horrible things to people, did you roll your eyes or yell at them? Indeed not! You just were riding the high of being who you are interviewing who you were interviewing."
The commenter also stated:
"One thing I noticed that many of you commented on was why he did not name names. He clarified that in this interview today that he DID name names in the book, but the publisher insisted he remove them.
Even on this show, he mentions a couple of companies that these pedophiles were involved with, and the names were blipped out by the Wendy Williams show."
Barbara is slated to retire sometime next year. She really should do everyone a favor and retire now.
The camera zooms in to Corey and Sherri so you can't see what Baba does with her hand or the look on her face. I hope she gets lambasted by this. We're always telling our children they have to speak up when something happens they know isn't right. Corey finally speaks out and he's treated with disrespect and disdain by Baba Wawa. Way to go Babs.
Exactly, and here's the thing. Of course once in awhile there will be people who completely make up accusations like sex abuse. Of course not every single accusation be it sex abuse or otherwise is true. HOWEVER, that is a risk we have to take. We have to treat each and every disclosure with respect and a listening and sympathetic, welcoming ear. I would rather let a few false accusations slip by which can be gotten to the bottom of later, than have a whole host of people reluctant to disclose truthful accusations in the first place because of how Corey was treated. The drawbacks of treating each person who discloses abuse with distain are far worse compared to letting a few false ones slip by. Most of the time they don't even name names anyway.
fidosmommy said...
Not for me, but for them. I am struggling with the decision daily whether to make us all happy or to step aside and let new, healthy leadership take over. A painful choice.
So sorry to hear of your health problems. I am the same age, and also experiencing chronic health issues that impair my ability to work. Since you love your job, and your employer has approved a schedule that would allow you to take care of yourself while still working, why not give that a try before making any permanent decision? Once you leave, you may lose the option of returning--you can always make the decision to retire in the future. Aging and illness brings about so much loss--why lose meaningful and enjoyable employment just because you think you should get out of the way? Being iinvolved in something you love has so many benefits, including preventing the isolation that chronic illness often brings. It sounds like you are valued and appreciated and that your employer and co-worker value your contributions. If your employer can accomodate your health status, there is really no reason to leave.
Barbara is slated to retire sometime next year. She really should do everyone a favor and retire now.
Yes but before she does, apologize for yesterday.
That's such a good point about Fidel Castro. Where was her puh-shawww eye rolling when she interviewed him? GOOD GRIEF!
Milo keeps tweeting baby animal photos to Kate. Yesterday Kate said that Milo's picture was cute, but Barb holds the title for cutest animal picture ever. Bet Milo couldn't stand that...to be upped by Barb, and she's tweeting yet again to be top dog in the cutest baby animals contest!
It's funny to watch!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1m
@Kateplusmy8 A lil #Chip off the big #MomaHip! "Don't mess with me...Mom's got my back...>> pic.twitter.com/rky7oZny4G
Baba Wawa was not on The View today.
I think it's kind of disgusting that ABC would let Barbara Walters embarrass herself like this. My mom had dementia and trust me, Barbara doesn't know she's slipping. It's up to the people around her to gently and compassionately stop her from embarrassing herself. If that was my mom, I would not let her sully her long, respected career by going out this way. I know it's just The View and not World News Tonight or whatever, but someone has to step in and help her.
Remona Blue said...
I think you are recalling INCORRECTLY. I would have to see an actual quote that indicates what you are saying before I would accept your memory.
Ingrid said... 15
Ex Nurse--IIRC, his original tweets indicated that there was something she could have done to prevent the book. Anyone else remember that?
I remember it vaguely but not his exact words.
I found this on an old blog post in late April 2012, during the countdown. I think this was one of the ones I was remembering, and there may have been more later:
"56 more days Kate!! It's not too late to change your ways. Follow us for updates!"
I know what you did @Kateplusmy8, and in 51 days so will the world. @radar_online, @usweekly, @DiscoveryComm
"Good Moms have sticky floors, messy kitchens, laundry piles, dirty ovens and HAPPY KIDS!"
Everyone should have Julie on their side. She is incredibly insightful and a savvy strategist. I couldn't agree more. Veritas!!
Kate, we'll give $1,000 to the charity of your choice if you'll post some pictures of You stuffing all the plastic Easter eggs.
“You know, love is the best discipline of all.” – Kate Gosselin 1 of my favs!
Hi Julie Carson May! Can't wait 4 u to read about ur greatest creation! You must be so proud of yourself! gosselinbook.com
56 more days Kate!! It's not too late to change your ways. Follow us for updates!"
and trust me, Barbara doesn't know she's slipping. It's up to the people around her to gently and compassionately .....not let her sully her long, respected career by going out this way.
Exactly what I was thinking. She has no idea and probably would be appalled if she did know.
I just hope that Oprah takes a different tact with her interview with Jon. Just once, I would like to hear someone, anyone, ask relevant, thought-provoking questions.
Here are the questions I would like Jon asked:
Do you understand the obvious hostility your former wife harbours toward you, has Kate explained to you why she remains so angry?
I understand you are not permitted on Kate's property, surely this cannot be healthy for the children to witness, is there any chance this may change in the future, it does seem like extreme behaviour on Kate's part.
You pulled out of your own television show with Kate to protect your children's privacy, but I have heard you would not get in the way of Kate putting them back on TV (as in CWS), have you compromised your integrity to keep TFW happy? What do the children REALLY want?
I understand you are being sued by Kate, surely the children must be stressed knowing this, how are they coping?
The public wants to know what happened to the relationships with Kate and her own family, especially Kevin and Jodi, do the kids see them while you have them in your custody, are you still in contact with Kate's family members? And, there appears to be a gag order in place with her family, did they sign a confidentiality agreement? Kevin and Jodi were certainly vocal at one time and advocated for the kids, where are they now?
This book Kate is trying to block outlines her abuse toward your children, did you witness these things firsthand, and if so, did you intervene or tell anyone she was (allegedly) out of control?
This book portrays you both as professional grifters, selling out your unique situation (having 8 kids) for cash, how did you feel about asking for "donations?" Did it start to feel like a business opportunity?
Kate often refers to herself as a single parent raising 8 kids on her own, how do you feel about her not including in the parenting of your own children?
Or, will it be........
I hear you're working as a waiter now, how's that going?
Do you miss filming now that you have had some time to look back?
How is your relationship with Kate these days?
I know you can't talk about the lawsuit, but how are you holding up?
How often do you see the kids?
We'll see on Sunday night which way it will go.
Somewhere In Time said... 49
It's more like LAZY. How hard is it to remove one little event from your web site that occurred TWO YEARS AGO?
And the other little event -- the December 4 Las Vegas marathon!
TFW doesn't remove these things because then she'd have nothing at all on her Upcoming Events tab. She'd rather paople ask about events from two years ago (it's not like she's going to answer, anyway) than have no upcoming events posted at all.
I was appalled by the View women and their treatment of Corey. it took a lot of courage for him to speak up, and I'm sure a large part of it came from him wanting to speak up for his friend Corey Feldman, who isn't here to speak for himself. What a brave young man, and they just bashed him. Barbara's condescending attitude was absolutely revolting. I hope Corey knows that despite all the nastiness of Barbara and her nasty bunch, he is an exceptional man who is stepping up to protect other children in the industry. Well, done, Corey!
Fidosmommy...I'm also sorry for your health problems. I echo Ex-Nurse's comments.
If your employer wants to accommodate you, and you can still do it and want to do it, why not? I agree with Ex-Nurse that trying it for a while might be a good idea. See how it goes.
I wouldn't think so much about stepping aside to make room for someone new....there's plenty of time for that down the road. Right now it's about taking advantage of your expertise while accommodating your health issues.
BMA said... 59
I think it's kind of disgusting that ABC would let Barbara Walters embarrass herself like this. My mom had dementia and trust me, Barbara doesn't know she's slipping.
Barbara is able to still recover from her slips, but they are coming more often now.
I guess I just don't get her. Barbara's career has been stellar and ground breaking-- ceiling breaking, even. After open heart surgery, at her age, I'd think it's time to retire and smell the roses. Especially in light of the fact that it was successful and she's recovered beautifully. Many folks don't at her age. She's been given a new, albeit somewhat limited, lease on life.
With all of her money and access and freedom to do whatever she wants, I don't get the choice to hold onto a chair on a gossip-y, downwardly spiraling talk show.
I think the older one gets, the less all that crapola matters.
Admin, I believe your intentions are good, but I don't understand why Jon needs to go to another media outlet such as Oprah's for whatever reason considering he has a lawsuit against him from his ex-wife and he stated that he wants to protect his kids and to remain private? What more could he say about his children, parenting, his ex wife, his personal beliefs or lifestyle that hasn't been told prior to this interview? He has an excellent lawyer, so why is he doing another interview and not keeping his mouth shut? I can understand Robert doing interviews because he is the one trying to republish the book with a possible made for tv movie, but not Jon.
BMA said... 59
I think it's kind of disgusting that ABC would let Barbara Walters embarrass herself like this. My mom had dementia and trust me, Barbara doesn't know she's slipping. It's up to the people around her to gently and compassionately stop her from embarrassing herself
Thank you for sharing your story of compassion.
I just wanted to share a link to a touching story I read in today's Washington Post Food section about Paula Wolfert, a vaunted cookbook author, who is experiencing cognitive impairment/? early Alzheimer's.
Related to TFW, Wolfert bemuses that now with her cognitive impairments (it's difficult to follow instructions and compound sentences) she has to follow her own recipes, and "some of them are so hard!".
She noted that interviews became difficult and she would steer the conversation back to something she knew in her long-term memory.
I would hope to see viewership of The View drop dramatically. How much unveiling of the real motivations behind this show must take place before viewers realize they are being sold a bunch of goods? This show, and others like it, exist for the sole purpose of promoting whatever the parent corporation (Disney?) wants promoted. Anything going against that marketing plan will not be tolerated.
Every single host on that show is a sell out to the industry, and Barbara is the current ring leader. Her past accomplishments have very little meaning to me now.
The only thing that will make them at least try to be a little subtle about their real purpose is a substantial drop in viewership.
fidosmommy said... 11
I'm going through this very question in my personal life. I'm 60, have a progressive disease of the lungs ( not cancer or emphysema) that has caused my heart to start failing. Walking has become difficult. I LOVE my job ...
Oh fidosmommy - am so sorry to hear about your health situation. If you are able to do your job effectively now, then I don't see anything wrong with continuing. At some point, you will decide that it's time to retire.
url said... 51
So now Jon is scheduled to appear on Oprah this Sunday? What a mess this family is. The kids can't get a break from either parent. How many years will these kids have to put up with their parents being interviewed by media outlets to set the record straight? If the parents are in the middle of a lawsuit, shouldn't they both be keeping their mouths' shut?
Well, the interview is part of a show called "Where are they Now?" so perhaps the focus isn't on setting the record straight, but merely talking about the experience of being on a reality tv show, and now his new reality of dealing with finding work, paying the bills, and being a "mediocre" person once again. Jon has an excellent attorney for the lawsuit, and I think it's quite likely he would not do any interviews without the attorney's approval and a clear plan of what can and cannot be discussed.
Those who watch the interview will share what was discussed, and I'll see if my guess was correct or not :)
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with either Jon or Kate going on a talk show, or giving interviews, etc. My main issue has always been having the children and their lives broadcast as entertainment. As long as Jon or TFW are going solo, then I don't really have a problem with it.
Admin - I think you may be correct in that Jon (on the advice perhaps of wiser heads) is trying a new tactic in dealing with TFW and in rehabbing his own image. Maybe this is laying some groundwork for an attempt at even greater custody? He gives interviews here and there, keeps the interview focused primarily on what he is doing now, allows people to see him speaking in a positive forward-thinking manner, etc.
fidosmommy - I am so sorry you are struggling with health issues and the difficult decision you are faced with. Sometimes we get so caught up in the desire to please others, we forget to do right by ourselves. It is OK to do what is best for you and not worry about the "better good of the people". Or, just maybe, those outcomes are one and the same.
I wish you peace.
Here is a sneak peek video of Jon's interview. It looks like it was filmed at his house.
I'm don't think that Oprah, herself, does these interviews. I've looked at a few clips, and you don't see or hear the interviewer, you just see and hear the celeb's response. I think the only thing Oprah has to do with this show is that it is produced by her company(Harpo) and is on her network. At least that's my take on it, since I don't get OWN and have never seen any of the shows.
Jumping In maybe you should interview Jon instead of Oprah. I know you would do a hell of a better job then Katie Couric did when she interviewed Kate.
Great questions. I wish SOMEONE would ask them!
I've seen Oprah's "where are they now" previously, and most likely, Oprah herself will not be interviewing Jon. She only does the "big" stars or news makers. Most likely, a production crew was sent to his home to film him, and all you will hear are his responses to the producers questions.
That being said, she will probably only do the VoiceOver, giving the viewers a synopsis of the story.
Should still be interesting though. I'll watch.
Of course not every single accusation be it sex abuse or otherwise is true. HOWEVER, that is a risk we have to take. We have to treat each and every disclosure with respect and a listening and sympathetic, welcoming ear.
Much like when police are called to a domestic violence situation, don't they have to arrest the alleged perp? If the victim (mostly women) recants, don't the police still have to bring them in?
URL said... 67
He has an excellent lawyer, so why is he doing another interview and not keeping his mouth shut?
He does have an excellent attorney. So one of two things is probably going on here:
1. His attorney knows about this Oprah interview and said, "I see no problem with giving this interview. Here are the things I do not want you to discuss, because it could be detrimental to the case."
2. His attorney knows about this Oprah interview and does not approve, and Jon is going against his wishes.
Do we think it is more or less likely that Jon would purposely go against Tuma's advice? Tuma is representing him pro bono and doing a bang up job.
As someone said if it's a industry with children it is always going to attract some deviants. This is true of ANYTHING involving kids. Hollywood is not some special exception. They need to open their eyes. I'm sure the vast majority of people have good intentions but that doesn't mean there are NO deviants among them just like in anything that involves kids, wake up.
Good God, what does she think of the WORLD WIDE abuse in the clergy, sports, Scouts etc.
But, but, but!!.... they were NOT committing adultery because they weren't the married ones and they were NOT mistresses because they were successful career women, supporting themselves, not the other woman "on the side" set up in their apartment by their lover!
They high-fived each other over that bonding moment.
What a thing to be proud of and celebrate. Hold your heads high ladies!
Seriously? Unbelievable!! Those 2 have got their heads so far up their....
ExNurse @56 - what a terrific post :)
Every single host on that show is a sell out to the industry, and Barbara is the current ring leader. Her past accomplishments have very little meaning to me now.
I used to think that Barbara's infatuation with Tom Cruise was at the very least, a bit creepy. After he jumped on Oprah's couch like a disrespectful school boy, I just couldn't be bothered with his once-cute, tighty whitie-clad bottom.
But then Babs defended Scientology recently, saying that their schooling system is wonderful (and same for the one that Will Smith started) and I just didn't know who she was anymore.
In fact, now it's Babs that creeps me out. Somewhere along the line, she sold her soul.
just checked the OWN "Where are They Now" listings. Sunday. 9:00 central time. There was Jon's name with a few others.
Sorry, will be watching Walking Dead. I'll get the details from here:)
Fidosmommy-it sounds like you work for/with a great group. If they feel you can still do what's required of you, you should stay, so long as it's what YOU want. You should be very proud that they feel this way about you:)
I've seen this show too, and I guess I missed the episodes where Oprah didn't do the interviews. When she does do them, she asks real questions. I saw her talking to Robin Thicke and she asked about the Miley thing and also about him being photographed with his hand on another woman's butt. At least the clip shows that he indeed does have shared custody and they are not 'visiting' as Kate always implies. They live at both places, period.
"Well, she must have been giving off 'vibes' ", "she shouldn't have been wearing such a short skirt or tight top or revealing clothing", "he should have just slugged the guy", "why didn't he/she fight off the attacker" and on and on and on. Never mind if the attacker is a 6'2", 200# guy and the victim is a scared kid or a 5', 100# woman caught unaware. If you get raped or sexually abused, its somehow your fault.
And we're talking a CHILD here. Children "ask" to be violated. They certainly give off "vibes". Yes, DISGUSTING
I have to agree though, tfw must be fuming!! hehehehe!
So, I took what BW said as "Hey victims of abuse. Whatever you do DO NOT disclose the profession of the abuser as it will tarnish the entire industry." I hate to say it but there are abusers in EVERY industry you can possibly imagine. I LOVED Tim Robbins Oscar acceptance speech and home it encouraged more victims to seek help and speak out.
Jumping In maybe you should interview Jon instead of Oprah.
This is not an interview by Oprah. It's a "where are they now" format, not an in-studio talk show. Production will film at his house, ask him a few questions, let him talk...no hit-him-in-the-face with hardball questions. How much he reveal is up to him. I'm sure he's smart enough to know what to say or not to say about the lawsuit.
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with either Jon or Kate going on a talk show, or giving interviews, etc. My main issue has always been having the children and their lives broadcast as entertainment. As long as Jon or TFW are going solo, then I don't really have a problem with it.
Me too, and I'm pretty sure that there has been a consensus here that a "Where Are They Now" show involving the kids is OK, from time to time. I think we accepted it as inevitable with TLC.
Now, I'm not so sure that TLC will ever film Kate again (without Jon), but that's just my guess. Maybe another network will want to do such specials.
Again, one special every couple years or a segment on a show? Sure. I expect that.
Many HOM kids have cameras capture them every few years for things like milestones, but I couldn't pick any of them out of a line up.
Jon's segment on Oprah's show seems like it will be more of the same stuff that WE know, but perhaps his message will reach more people.
Jon says he and Kate have virtually no communication and share nothing, from clothing to parenting experiences. He also wishes it were different and that he wishes Kate the best in what she does.
Jon seems so genuine and from the preview, no kids involved.
Admin may be right-- this could be a new strategy to reach out to Kate and try to heal their relationship so that they can move forward and co-parent successfully.
I can't find fault in that.
Fido's mommy, please accept my sympathies; I'd share ex-Nurse's diagnosis. Work from home, and see how it goes.
If TFW is clamming up, it's because Skeve and/or her lawyer(s) are sitting on her throat: the former not necessarily metaphorically.
I'm on the fence (as Tucker's mom would say) regarding the upcoming "where are they now?" program. When I have more time, I'll investigate my opinion more thoroughly. Meanwhile, I love reading everyone's here.
It wasn't a shocked and appalled ohh. It was an Ohh, COME OFF IT, you're full of it. Unbelievable.
True. And what was she so appalled about? What didn't she believe?
That it didn't happen? Or that he had the audacity to speak of it?
fidosmommy...Sorry to hear about your health issue. I agree with Ex-Nurse @56. If you enjoy your job, your a valued employee and your boss is willing to work with you, try that for a while. You can always make the retirement decision at a later time.
I mean Corey Feldman speaking up for his friend Corey Haim. I put the wrong last name there. Sorry!
Anonymous said... 83
I've seen this show too, and I guess I missed the episodes where Oprah didn't do the interviews.
The show where Oprah interviewed Robin Thicke and others is called "Oprah's Next Chapter". On that show, she does conduct the interviews. However, the show that Jon will be on, "Where Are They Now", is a totally different show.
Sorry, twit, I know that and got confused! But I have seen others where she did interview the 'where are they' people. I doubt she'd lower herself to go to that cabin in the woods, so everyone who thinks it's a production crew is probably right....
Millicint, I love your posts, but we do not know the financial arrangement between Jon and Shawn Tuma. We just don't.
I wish Jon wouldn't give interviews ever
Did I mention...EVER!
From the clip on OWN about Jon:
"After 10 years of marriage, eight children and a hit reality TV show, Jon and Kate Gosselin decided to end their marriage. Jon opens up about co-parenting octuplets and where his relationship stands with his ex-wife."
Octuplets? Seriously? @@
Publicly, Jon needs to put his lawyer where his mouth is until this entire lawsuit matter is over.
Did anyone else catch the glaring mistake in the blurb below the "Where Are They Now?" clip?
Copied and pasted from their website:
After 10 years of marriage, eight children and a hit reality TV show, Jon and Kate Gosselin decided to end their marriage. Jon opens up about co-parenting octuplets and where his relationship stands with his ex-wife.
Tune in to Oprah: Where Are They Now? this Sunday at 10/9c.
Big difference between octuples and twins/sextuplets! Although both TFW and Octomom both seemed to have ulterior motives for their HOM pregnancies........
Turtle Logic
Publicly, Jon needs to put his lawyer where his mouth is
If that clip is any indication of what Jon has to say, I say Good for Jon!
He's setting the record straight in what sounds like a very honest and respectful manner.
It's certainly a better approach than throwing her under the bus in social media like she does to him.
I think its a good move for Jon to do interviews..its not really important what he says. By doing this he takes control out of her hands and puts it into his. It takes a lot of power away from Kate. Think whatever you want but believe me ..this is a smart move on his part. I LOVE IT...this is her worst nightmare come true. She doesn't want him to have a "voice". She wants to be the only one to tell HER side( ME ME ME. ) Well that's over baby. I would bet the farm this is killing her. I think for once she feels helpless....she cant just run to the TODAY show and call him a liar anymore. Her phones not ringing off the hook to hear "her" side. This is the best thing hes ever done. I hope she has enough wine to soften the frustration she feels right now..
Vanessa said... 90
It wasn't a shocked and appalled ohh. It was an Ohh, COME OFF IT, you're full of it. Unbelievable.
True. And what was she so appalled about? What didn't she believe?
That it didn't happen? Or that he had the audacity to speak of it?
Oops, re-read your comment admin, you didn't say she was appalled.
Tucker's Mom said...
They high-fived each other over that bonding moment.
What a thing to be proud of and celebrate. Hold your heads high ladies!
So I guess Barbara Walters thinks the victims of the Sandusky case ruined him and the people that covered for him?
That woman needs to go away.
Tucker's Mom said...
They high-fived each other over that bonding moment.
What a thing to be proud of and celebrate. Hold your heads high ladies!
Sad commentary on that generation of women defining success by acting like their male counterparts.
I can't wait to watch Jon on Sunday. The haters and KK are going to be mad.
Pictures of cute puppy dogs ..MY ASS. I bet shes got broken glass all over the floor from throwing her empty wine glasses at the wall. HA...I'd give anything to see her in action right now. Those poor kids are getting the brunt of it I'm sure. I have no doubt that shes foaming at the mouth...
If Jon is doing a OWN interview with Ms. (I will make you look bad) Oprah, that means he has snapped. He has a great lawyer right now for all this nonsense the witch has brought down on his head. Now he can speak freely and I hope he has done just that with Oprah. I hope Kate Karma is in the can....so to speak.
Both Jon and Robert had to know at the time of this interview with Opra, that Kate was suing. They braced for it, but stayed the course. Enough is enough. Robert is more than confidant, (legal) he speaks the truth and so does Jon.
How many times can a ball busting woman keep taking her shots? How much abuse can be heaped upon one man before he says, ENOUGH?"
Jon was a hands on very young father. He never failed to step up to the plate and take care of his children and all of thier needs. All Kate did was let everyone know how Exhausted she was....Never once heard Jon say he was exhausted. At the end of his very real exhaustion, he always had one more hug and one more kiss for all of his children. Cry me a river Kreider, you are a phony, vile, extemely lacking, excuse of a mother. Kate and her hooker shoes come first.
From the http://dadsroundtable.com/spotlight/2013/07/jon-gosselin-interview-part-2/2/
Is there any level of civility that has come from 4 years of being separated?
To being friends or acquaintances? That’s not happening. We still argue about custody. She says the kids want to do this and I’m saying, they’re right here saying something else, so she’s speaking for them and they’re speaking for themselves when they are here.
So emotions are raw?
Honestly Jimmy, I haven’t spoken in 4 years, so now I’m doing stuff and it is all coming out because I don’t care anymore. Are you going to sue me? I don’t care. I’ll go to court by myself and for what? For freedom of speech? For freedom of expression? For actually telling the truth? I’m not under injunction anymore and I think that’s the fear of the network and the fear of my former wife but the truth is actually going to come out because one day, I’m just going to snap. Then it is all going to come out. I’m not bashing her but she has got to do what’s right for the kids. You know? When lies come out, I’m going to defend myself. I’ll go to court and tell the judge, here’s the proof, this is what my child wants, and no more B.S. and branding and marketing and product placement. They’re children. The court’s job is to protect the children, not us. The state doesn’t care about us. The state cares about the kids and to uphold the law, so do whatever. I have no fear anymore. I have no fear of the network. I don’t have fear of my former wife.
I loved that interview and cannot wait to see the whole thing. I am so glad he is finally having a chance to have his say. You go Jon.
I just saw the video and he was great! I am so glad he is finally getting his side out there. He is put up with her crap for so long and been bulldozed so often. You go, Jon
Ex Nurse. said... 106
Tucker's Mom said...
They high-fived each other over that bonding moment.
What a thing to be proud of and celebrate. Hold your heads high ladies!
Sad commentary on that generation of women defining success by acting like their male counterparts.
IIRC, Oprah and Barbara W. were patting each other on the back for not being "mistresses" because they weren't "kept" women, but rather wealthy and successful.
That's about as big a distinction between trash and rubbish.
Oprah in not doing the interview? What does it matter no one is going to ask the tough questions. Even if they would Jon is not going to bad mouth Kate. He never has.
Didn't he fire his lawyer ( a friend of his dad ) because he called Kate an unfit mother or something like that when Kate was doing DWTS. If anyone knows what a horrible mother Kate is it's Jon . The only reason Jon is suing Kate is because she sued him first, so he's only defending himself. There is nothing in that lawsuit about her abusing the kids.
I'm not watching that interview unless " Jumping In " does it! Wouldn't that be great. Finally we would get some answers to that whole mess called " Gosselin Land "! Poor kids!
Capecodmama good luck with game 6 ! Go Sox!! #donotlikecardinals
I'm glad Jon's doing it, too. Good for him.
I'm surprised at the number of folks here who thinks he needs to still be swept under the rug.
That clip was so sad...How can they not even communicate? That is unbelievable to me. What do the kids think when your mother and father don't say two words to each other. How do they co parent? Unreal...She is really angry with him...he took away her "living" and she will never forgive him. WOW
Sadie said... 95
Millicint, I love your posts, but we do not know the financial arrangement between Jon and Shawn Tuma. We just don't.
Sadie, I stand corrected. I don't think either Jon or Tuma have ever publicly stated the terms of Tuma's representation of Jon (and it's really no one's business but theirs anyway). I don't think Jon could afford to pay Tuma his usual hourly rate, but whatever the case may be - they have certainly come to some sort of agreement.
Whether Tuma is doing the case pro bono or whether Jon is paying him, it would still be a bad idea for Jon to go against Tuma's advice regarding interviews.
That Oprah video preview was great! It's about time. He comes across as sincere and honest. And what a difference in how he talks about TFW verses how she talks about him. And I thought it was very interesting that Jon mentioned how hard the different parenting styles were on the kids. I wonder what he might be alluding to. Some custody changes in the works?
Let's throw tomatoes said... 113
,,,The only reason Jon is suing Kate is because she sued him first, so he's only defending himself. There is nothing in that lawsuit about her abusing the kids.
Where did you get the idea that Jon is suing Kate? Kate is suing Jon and all Jon's lawyer did was respond to her complaint with a Motion to Dismiss.
That is NOT the garage of a type A neat freak. It IS the garage of someone who gets a lot of freebies.
I was looking at reviews for the cookbook, and came across this one at Goodreads. It seems like a very fair and unbiased review and was interesting to read.
This part is very telling about the lack of promotion for this book:
"I planned to review "Love is in the Mix," as Kate’s publicist at her publisher had told me she would send me a copy. That never happened, and when I emailed the publicist again, she never responded. Sigh. I try not to be jaded when it comes to Kate Gosselin, but it’s hard. It really is.
I put the book on hold at the library and soon had my hands on a brand-new copy."
The reviewer goes on to say that she tried several recipes and they were good. She says the recipes were the "good part" of the book. However she didn't like the writing style and had this to say about the pictures:
"Some of the photos grated as well; one shows Scrabble tiles spelling all the kids’ names, and Kate’s, and even their dog’s — but not Jon’s. Kind of sad that even Shoka rates higher than the kids’ dad. Then there are the fakey-looking photos of Kate and the kids, all perfectly made-up and smiling like they just won the lottery. My daughter and I cracked up re-enacting one photo which showed Kate feeding a chip to one of the boys. Moms, do you put chips into your 9-year-old son’s mouth?"
And to sum it up she says:
"In short, I would have found this cookbook perfect coming from the Kate of 2004. Coming from the 2013 version of Kate, it comes off pretty much like Kate herself: fake and opportunistic."
Oprah in not doing the interview? What does it matter no one is going to ask the tough questions. Even if they would Jon is not going to bad mouth Kate. He never has.
I've seen some of the "Where Are They Now" shows, and the focus has not been on asking/answering tough questions...it's a program that does just as the title suggests, shows what has become of well-known people after "whatever."
"The only reason Jon is suing Kate is because she sued him first, so he's only defending himself."
Jon is suing Kate? On what grounds? When was this filed, and who is his attorney?
Did anyone notice this at the bottom of Robert's blog post? Ruh Roh:
Mommy's Journal.doc
Created: 06/30.2006 22:17:00, Kate
Modified: 07/23/2007 09:38:00, Kate
Last Printed: 09/02/2006 15:07:00
Total Editing Time: 42:24:00
Revision Number: 118
(I am sure someone did)
Wow that review is good! Much of what we have been saying. I was thinking about this the other day and meant to post it; when I saw photos included in Romney's cookbook, they were snapshots. They may have had some portraits in there I don't know but i saw a lot of candid photos. The only semi candid photo I saw in TWFs cookbook (from the Look Inside on Amazon) was the one on the mound of snow when they were little, and even that was posed. The kids were too young to force smiles on though so it was semi genuine;
And I thought it was very interesting that Jon mentioned how hard the different parenting styles were on the kids. I wonder what he might be alluding to. Some custody changes in the works?
Jon has alluded to Kate keeping the kids isolated, while he allows them to interact with the world and encourages "normal" experiences, without the hysteria of all hell breaking loose if they go out in public en mass.
Again, I'm glad that Jon is putting it out there, that he would like to get on the same page with Kate. It puts the ball in her court, and let's face it, that's really all he can do.
I believe Jon's intentions to be true.
He has come a long, long way from that "I despise Kate" interview. Yeah, that was really, really bad, but to see him grow and get beyond the past is why I'm in his corner and why I'm very happy that he's the kids' father.
Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dumb said:
Neither is MsGoody. She's liable to blow a gasket
Please Ms. Goody, give us a early Christmas present!
Let your gasket blow, let it blow, let it blow, let it blow!
I'm also glad that the public will finally be able to see that the infamous "cabin in the woods" all the tabloids gleefully keep referring to (inferring something vaguely sinister) looks nothing like the unabommber's. It's a little house. In a secluded private property. In a wooded area. Normal and wholesome.
Catching up.....I'm stacking my responses.
Meagler said... 7
''...Pedophiles are very good at infiltrating organizations with children.''
You are so right. They are like Willie Sutton, who said he robbed banks ''because that is where the money is''. The sickening thing is that powerful people in the industry are aware of what goes on, yet no one does a thing about it. Now I'm wondering if THEY are also involved!
Virginia Pen Mom said... 36
''...I quote this song to myself many time when I making a decision! It somehow helps me put things into perspective.''
I do the same thing. I've found it helpful in walking away instead of arguing. I'm still a work in progress with that issue, but those lines from the song in my head really do help!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 42
''...Sometimes a book is the best way to tell your story and help others. It does not make what you are saying false''
This is SO true. Think what we would know about TFW's abuse of her children and dogs if not for Robert's book. A book that was only available for a few days!
I'm getting a kick out of Jon being on Oprah. I don't know what questions she will ask him, but it seems to me that Jon has himself together now, and will not stick his foot in his mouth. I also don't think that Jon would be on Oprah if it had not been discussed with Tuma.
lukebandit said... 125
Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dumb said:
Neither is MsGoody. She's liable to blow a gasket
Please Ms. Goody, give us a early Christmas present!
Let your gasket blow, let it blow, let it blow, let it blow!
Her high heels might blow off lol.
Interesting the Jon is on Oprah. I don't remember Kate ever being on Oprah except when Aunt Jodi, Jon and the kids were with her. Kate did not have a one-on-one with Oprah.
Thar she blows!!
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 2m
@kateplusmy8 Why the hell would Kate co-parent w/ a man that wants to nail her coffin AND is BFF w/ Robert Hoffman? #ThatWouldBeCrazyDrama
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 2m
@kateplusmy8 Why the hell would Kate co-parent w/ a man that wants to nail her coffin AND is BFF w/ Robert Hoffman? #ThatWouldBeCrazyDrama
She's so hung up with this "nail her coffin" that it's become really quite funny!
Since Kate is doing the suing, it sounds like SHE is the one who is holding the hammer.
Let's throw tomatoes said... 113
,,,The only reason Jon is suing Kate is because she sued him first, so he's only defending himself. There is nothing in that lawsuit about her abusing the kids.
What? When did this happen? Rumor or fact?
Last Printed: 09/02/2006 15:07:00
Total Editing Time: 42:24:00
Revision Number: 118
I'm not sure I understand this. Does this mean that Kate edited her journals? Maybe for her so called book "I Just Want You To Know"?
If someone knows, please share.
Amy2 said... 129
Interesting the Jon is on Oprah. I don't remember Kate ever being on Oprah except when Aunt Jodi, Jon and the kids were with her. Kate did not have a one-on-one with Oprah.
Neither is Jon. Oprah is not interviewing him.
lukebandit said... 125
Let your gasket blow, let it blow, let it blow, let it blow!
You crack me up! Hilarious!
Okay, my gosh he did not sue Kate! But thank you for proving my point that he would never sue Kate. I saw the clip and he is beyond kind to her!
No one will ever know the extent of her abuse to those children unless one of them speaks out when they're older. To little to late!
Ex-Nurse @56,
I loved your comment to Fidosmommy.
To Fido, I don't know what job you do but I hope you factor the working relationships you have built with your co-workers and customers into this decision. "New, healthy leadership" is always an option, but growing into the position and relationship building is a process that takes the time you've likely already invested. That time for you can be spent more productively. Don't sell yourself short. If they're willing to accommodate you like they've offered, you still have capability they value. Trust that you'll know when the right time has come to make this change.
Was it spiteful Kate's idea that Jon buy a second set of everything for the kids to have at his house? I'm guessing ...
I've seen a lot of selfish and spiteful people in my life. She takes the cake. There is really no hope that those kids will come out of this undamaged.
*puts hand to ear*
What's that I hear?
Holy... good God....oh no....it's....it's....
fwiw, her eminence, Pope-rah herself, in all her holiness, is not interviewing Jon. It's one of the producers and I bet dollars to donuts Kate will be profiled at some point too.
localyocul said... 122
Did anyone notice this at the bottom of Robert's blog post? Ruh Roh:
Absoulutey Yes. Robert always had the goods. He took a lie detector test, he has stretched his neck way out for all to see. Yes, Robert wlll get his day. Go Robert,, publish again, please.
I challenge, MsGoody, to actually watch Jon on Where Are They Now. She claims she's never seen an episode of Jon and Kate + 8 but feels she has a say in the never-ending saga of The Gator's vs The Fans on Twitter. If you've never seen an episode, how can you defend The Queen of Gosselin Land? And, why?
Am I understanding this correctly that Kate even makes Jon have separate CLOTHES for the children at his place? Those poor kids, Kate has made it her life's work to remind them over and over day after her day they are children of a bitter divorce. I imagine at some point they'd like to just forget that.
That said, that really blows her I support them on my own crap out of the water. On the contrary there have been very clear lines drawn here such that Jon fully supports them when they are with him and she with them, right down to the shirts on their backs. She can't claim she provides the support when she's drawn such firm lines like that. Did she think no one would ever disclose their true arrangements? Oops.
Let's throw tomatoes...Thanks! It's gonna be tough though as the Cards have a damn good pitcher on the mound.
Ex Nurse at... 61
Thank you for locating and c/p some of Robert's taunting comments to TFW. They made me smile all over again. I knew he taunted her, but he really was poking her w/a pointed stick of hints about what he knew about her.
I see him challenging her to change her ways, but I don't see even a tiny hint that if she changed what she was doing that he would go away. If you do, then we disagree...but it sure won't be the first time will it?
Don't know if this was mentioned above, but I think it's critical to remember that OWN is a JV with Discovery/TLC, so I doubt you will see much in the way of serious questions or any interest whatsoever in Jon's honest answers. You can be pretty sure that anything deemed "negative" towards TLC or their behavior vis-a-vis any/all of the Gosselins will not make the cut.
I just posted about Barbara and Oprah's high fiving and my doctor came in and I think I hit enter too soon. I don't think I finished it.
Barbara and Oprah's high-fiving each other about having affairs with married men and thinking that they haven't SINNED and in the CLEAR and high- fived it makes me sick!
They are sooo wrong on that subject!
But on the subject of widespread child molestation and child abuse in the Hollywood Entertainment Industry, I don't think there will be a repeat of a high-five ceremony with Barbara and Oprah on this particular subject.
Oprah was molested and raped as a child, was impregnated and had a stillborn baby.
Did you know that OPRAH had a huge affair with JOHN TESH while in college? Oh. My. Lanta!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 131
Am I understanding this correctly that Kate even makes Jon have separate CLOTHES for the children at his place?
Yes you are. You understand. Jon does not lie. Can you imagine the stress he is forced to put his children through. One day, soon I say. Krieder will get what is coming to her...Very soon. You cannot think you have that kind of mean spirited power that cannot come back to you. She is vile. She is about to have her ass handed to her on an AIRWAVE, Thank you OWN, thank you lawyers.
Did she think no one would ever disclose their true arrangements? Oops
Yes, Kate really thought she would always control the conversation. She is all about control, control, control. She has now lost that control. As you said, "OOPS".
Wow, Kate is so warm and fuzzy. Her priorities are her children. I can see that. Can you? Yup, good Mom. Cares about her childrens needs, wants, etc. She is a real peach.....And Skeevo, even he can't stop her. He has his hand out, show me the money Skeevo, screw those kids., sign the check. I hope one day Jon Gosselin has the opportunity to punch that idiot, cheating fake body watcher in the face.
That Goody thing is sure fond of the 'nail in the coffin' thing, isn't she? If she's not encouraging Kate to put the final nail in Jon's coffin, she's accusing him of trying to put one in hers. She claims to have never seen an episode and yet gets so wrapped around the axle about every little thing and most of the time, nothing at all. Maybe she's Kate. haha.
I think the fact that the kids have their own set of clothes at Jon's means that they are there a lot more than TFW kets on.
Typo...meant to say ... A lot more than TFW LETS on.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 131
Am I understanding this correctly that Kate even makes Jon have separate CLOTHES for the children at his place?
Now how does that work, exactly? Do the kids have "travel" clothes that belong to neither house, but are left in the various vehicles? Or do they just go naked? I have never heard anything so ridiculous in my life! She is some piece of work.
It makes sense to have an extra jacket and pj's at dad's but to make the poor kids have an entirely separate wardrobe just further alienates him. Even the clothes they wear there Kate has to alienate. Those poor kids are going to need years of therapy.
There's a new post on Robert's blog.
New post... Robert, you been reading here ;-)
If you've never seen an episode, how can you defend The Queen of Gosselin Land? And, why?
Easy. She hates men. Jon's the scapegoat. I don't really think she likes Kate that much, but Jon is like all men...a vile, disgusting, less-than-human creature to be poked, prodded, tarred and feathered and hung up to dry. Somebody really did a number on her and she hasn't moved on yet. Lots of issues there.
Tucker's Mom said... 155
New post... Robert, you been reading here ;-)
I was laughing at the top part i didn't get to read the letter yet. My bad. Off to read.
When my grandkids were little, I had clothes for them at my house. When they'd come to visit all they needed to bring was their cute little selves. It was easier for Mom; she didn't have to pack and unpack, etc. I had jammies, play clothes, socks, underwear, jackets, toothbrushes and toys.
OK I read it. Again, ROFL LOLOL
Jenny McCarthy, you’re the reason that I can’t do it.
For the past 15 years, you have been the one and only name on my wife-approved laminated list. I wouldn’t be able to focus on the interview, or the ambush, or whatever it would be. I love you Jenny McCarthy! There I said it. Don’t tell my wife. She's not interested in this crap anyway.
It makes sense for the kids to have some separate things at Jon's house. It would be a real pain in the butt to transport things like bicycles and some toys and stuff like that, but CLOTHING?? It's probably because Jon doesn't care if they match and he lets them wear their old clothes and, heaven forbid, even get DIRTY!! TFMJG couldn't allow those tainted things in her pristine house! Perish the thought (snark, snark). What a piece of work she is.
Ms. Goody -- we all know you read here, so I'll spell out the answer to you in simple words -- BECAUSE IT IS BETTER FOR THE KIDS if their parents can at least be civil to one another.
It'll be interesting to hear about Jon's interview (I don' get OWN). I hope that it'll be available online at some point, but I'm looking forward to reading about it here, too.
GO BOSOX!! #reallyreallydislikethecards
I'd like to weigh in on the View. Look, they're out to make money, plain and simple. Every tv show ever, the bottom line will always be viewership and money. They can't attack a mother of 8, but they CAN attack a white male. It's our culture. Feel badly for women no matter what they do or how awful they are, look down on men. The only exception is if the woman is a porn star, or similarly trashy.
But I hope more and more people speak out and create backlash against these types of interviews. Drain the money and they'll change their methods.
This clothing situation happens much more often than some of you may think.
Divorce is ugly for many people.
Also, why do WE need to know about the kids' clothing situation anyway? This tit for tat is ridiculous because you just KNOW Jon's baiting her. Now she'll respond and then.....gah.
Poor kids, indeed.
Oh, my word. Are sheeple really this darn dumb, or just this one in particular? They think that Jon just walks up to Kate, puts his arm around her, whispers sweet nothings in her ear, and says he wants more time with the kids and she says, "Oh, okay. Whatever makes you happy, dear!" Have they never heard of court-ordered custody and the battles that ensue over custodial time?
Siobhan R @SiobhanR111 11m
I don't understand y peeps r so TROUBLED by what Jon is happy 2 have! If Jon wants MORE time w/his kids he'd get it, right? :)
Lauren @ljohnson2006 4m
@Kateplusmy8 Kudos for never letting the trolls get to you. You're content and so blessed in life. Don't you wish the same for them?
Where do these people get this stuff from?
I watched the clip of Jon on Oprah's "Where Are They Now" and what comes through for me is his sincerity. He certainly seems to want a healthier relationship with Kate for the sake of his children. Operative word being healthy. She has a sick mind and needs therapy to accept her lot in life, which is to care for and love her 8 children without a commercial reward.
I agree with whomever said up thread that this interview would not have happened without Tuma's guidance and approval. Jon seems deeply saddened by Kate's behaviour in that preview. I think Jon will come off as a concerned and loving father. He seems to willing to do whatever it takes to provide stability for their children.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 154
It makes sense to have an extra jacket and pj's at dad's but to make the poor kids have an entirely separate wardrobe just further alienates him. Even the clothes they wear there Kate has to alienate. Those poor kids are going to need years of therapy.
It could be spiteful...okay its TFW...so yes it's spiteful, but it might not be such a bad thing. For one, the kids have their OWN clothes. No matchy matchy. Secondly, they can get dirty. They can get dirty without TFW breathing down Jon's neck to keep the clothes clean for her to later consign. Thirdly, it's plain easier. If the kids are really over there that much, they won't have to continuously pack up their stuff. They can just pick up and go.
So while I hate TFW and her vindictiveness, this is probably a good thing for Jon and the kids. They have a chance to live a life completely separate from TFW.
And here's another one. In what kind of a fantasy world do these fans live? Kate, content? Good gawd.
Lauren @ljohnson2006 4m
@Kateplusmy8 Kudos for never letting the trolls get to you. You're content and so blessed in life. Don't you wish the same for them?
Localyokul (122),
Robert is putting the proof out there, isn't he? The full records of creation/modification, both done years before he ever got the discs. The sheeple still insist that the journals were altered, but there is an electronic record of every change to the journal entries. And none of it happened when he had them. Go, Robert! Of course, the sheeple will ignore the fact of the electronic data, but the truth still stands. How sad to have to ignore or deny all that is real and true in order to justify liking that vile woman.
I am going to try to defend the concept of clothes at Jons. It is their second home. Having your belongings there makes it home. You shouldn't have to pack clothes to go "home". We are blessed to have a vacation house and we keep clothes there always. Clothes that say 'we are relaxed and home" . I am sure the clothes that they wear at Jon's don't have to match their siblings, they are allowed to get messy and dirty, and are in sizes that fit now. And in the positive, as someone said, it shows that they do spend a significant amount of time there, hopefully. But either way, I'm glad that they don't have to pack and then unpack to travel between parents.
Kate wanted to do the Hollywood Barbie thing...big boobs, long blond hair, and her best buddy on DWTS was Pamela Anderson. She was going for that Pam look. Pam just got her hair cut...will Kate follow suit?
I too wish Jon wouldn't do an interview. The best way to get back at TFW is to not say anything at all. Don't bait her, don't react to her, don't open the door to her getting attention.
I know it's tempting to get his story out there and feel validation for what he's having to deal with, but ultimately it's not worth it. The only way I could see it being worth it is if he would expose some TFW's abuse.
Jeremy yes, I see what you're saying now and maybe you're right this is actually better especially without having to pack and unpack all the time. However I doubt if this was Kate's idea she did it out of anything other than spite. Divorce sure isn't easy. It is nice they spend enough time there to warrant a new wardrobe. But like I said how does that fit into Kate is the SOLE supporter as she stated? Liar.
I hope the haters don't pick up RHs open letter and start up again tweeting to Shepherd. She's an ignorant idiot but they just need to let it be.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 172
But like I said how does that fit into Kate is the SOLE supporter as she stated? Liar.
She's the sole supporter...when the kids are with her. And she's a single parent...when the kids are with her. She is the queen of half-truths.
This tit for tat is ridiculous because you just KNOW Jon's baiting her. Now she'll respond and then.....gah.
She hasn't responded hardly at all to his interviews lately. He's out there setting the record straight and she's been shutting her pie hole, completely speechless. This is NEVER what I would have advised him to do but now that I see how it's playing out all I can say is wow, it worked who knew?
The problem is she's playing by a different set of rules. Ignoring them or just keeping quiet would work in most situations. It hasn't here. She's just gotten worse of the year. Jon finally said enough is enough, poke me 100 times and on 101 I will fight back. He finally took back control over the situation, got in the driver's seat and is calling the shots, and the difference in Kate is remarkable. She has been completely subdued. I think the very fact that she withdrew the majority of her complaint is a gigantic victory for Jon. She would likely have had to have agreed to dropping all that, and since when does the Kate we know agree to such concessions? I mean these concessions were MAJOR. She's been totally cut off at the knees and is running away dropping half her lawsuit as she goes. Well done.
Susie Cincinnati said... 172
Kate wanted to do the Hollywood Barbie thing...big boobs, long blond hair, and her best buddy on DWTS was Pamela Anderson. She was going for that Pam look. Pam just got her hair cut...will Kate follow suit?
She's so cute! I saw her on Chelsey Lately recently. She has two teenage boys. One is doing or going to do a marketing internship in Europe and one is a competitive surfer.
She's the sole supporter...when the kids are with her. And she's a single parent...when the kids are with her. She is the queen of half-truths.
Ah yes. She just forgot to say "when the kids are with me, and Jon is the sole supporter when the kids are with HIM."
Jon described it exactly that way. Why is it that Jon is able to say that with no problem? Will no one call her out on this?
Oh, and she's running a marathon (New York maybe)? She said she hadn't run more than 14 (i think) miles and Chelsey was like yeah you won't make it LOL
Jon must know that she DOES know what goes on in his house, even if he doesn't know or care to know what goes on in hers. She's made comments about how she doesn't agree with his parenting style when the kids are with him, and says it's one of the many reasons she divorced him, so she definitely has information, probably grilled out of the kids. Could be one reason she trashes him at every opportunity - knowing the kids could see it and hopefully be convinced their dad is wrong about literally everything.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 41m
@Kateplusmy8 So another day 2encourage U 2go from where you are to where you dream to be! Keep your hopes/goals always in front of U! :)
This is just one example of why, especially recently, I think Milo is really worried about Kate. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think Milo knows Kate personally and genuinely cares about her. I don't think she is just some obsessed fan and I think she knows rock bottom is near.
Anonymous said... 179
Jon must know that she DOES know what goes on in his house, even if he doesn't know or care to know what goes on in hers. She's made comments about how she doesn't agree with his parenting style when the kids are with him, and says it's one of the many reasons she divorced him, so she definitely has information, probably grilled out of the kids. Could be one reason she trashes him at every opportunity - knowing the kids could see it and hopefully be convinced their dad is wrong about literally everything.
I was just thinking about that...i also bet she threatens the kids NEVER to talk about her or what goes on at HER house.
Layla said... 170
Localyokul (122),
Robert is putting the proof out there, isn't he? The full records of creation/modification, both done years before he ever got the discs. The sheeple still insist that the journals were altered, but there is an electronic record of every change to the journal entries. And none of it
happened when he had them. Go, Robert! Of course, the sheeple will ignore the fact of the electronic data, but the truth still stands. How sad to have to ignore or deny all that is real and true in order to justify liking that vile woman
YES He is showing that he can prove that the journals are not altered.
Gotyournumber they always treat Kate with kid gloves like she's going to break at any moment and needs constant building up and praise and support. It's odd isn't it? If I were Kate I'd feel rather patronized. I'm a grown woman I don't need a "great job" sticker and the promise of a trophy later if I make it to lunch just to be motivated to drag myself out of bed!
The saddest part of the Dad's interview was the picture Jon painted of Kate desperately trying to put words in the kids' mouths and Jon saying the kids were standing right there saying something completely different. I felt so bad for them. I imagine she does that to them all the time, not just about Jon. I had a family member that used to do that to the kids in the family and even though it was never over anything too significant. For instance the kids "want" to do this or that when that wasn't necessarily true. An adult wouldn't like to have someone else speak for them and tell them how they feel, and a kid doesn't either.
The poor kids constantly told how they think and feel and what they want. That is going to backfire on her BIG TIME during the teen years. They won't accept that anymore.
localyocul said... 179
Oh, and she's running a marathon (New York maybe)? She said she hadn't run more than 14 (i think) miles and Chelsey was like yeah you won't make it LOL
"He's out there setting the record straight" ---- To who? His fans? I thought he didn't want an 'entertainment/tv' career.
"she's been shutting her pie hole, completely speechless." -- to be fair, she just got home for a whole bunch of televised and radio appearances.
" I think the very fact that she withdrew the majority of her complaint is a gigantic victory for Jon. She would likely have had to have agreed to dropping all that, and since when does the Kate we know agree to such concessions? I mean these concessions were MAJOR. She's been totally cut off at the knees and is running away dropping half her lawsuit as she goes." --- Yes, I agree the great lawyer and legal response DID help a lot. So....why continue with these interviews? For what purpose?
Jon needs to walk the walk he's talked about and just quietly look after the kids.
Also, why do WE need to know about the kids' clothing situation anyway? This tit for tat is ridiculous because you just KNOW Jon's baiting her. Now she'll respond and then.....gah.
We'll see, but I suspect this information about the kids clothing at his house was somehow tied to a question about child support. I can't imagine what new information is going to be covered in this interview that hasn't already been told during his fairly recent 'I'm working in a restaurant' interviews.
localyocul said... 179
Oh, and she's running a marathon (New York maybe)? She said she hadn't run more than 14 (i think) miles and Chelsey was like yeah you won't make it LOL
I'm confused. Whose this? TFW? TFW has "run" a full marathon and had tweeted she practiced for said marathon by running over 20 miles?
Wow Brandon is doing a marketing internship in EUROPE? He's only a senior! GOOD FOR HIM. Pam is a wonderful loving mother has been involved with her kids from the beginning far more than most Hollywood moms, and now that they are almost grown this is the payoff. She also TRULY coparents with their dad and gets along with her ex's, there were just photos of her with her younger son getting icecream with her ex. This is when you get to brush your hands off sit down for lunch with their dad and say well done, the both of us.
"Sherri Shepherd, I’m not familiar with your body of work but I’m sure you’re a lovely person."
Snorting hot cider on my computer. Thanks, Robert. Funniest thing I've read all day.
"I hope the haters don't pick up RHs open letter and start up again tweeting to Shepherd. She's an ignorant idiot but they just need to let it be."
Agree, but they will. Best to let him have the last word and move on. It's more amusing that way.
"she's been shutting her pie hole, completely speechless." -- to be fair, she just got home for a whole bunch of televised and radio appearances.
In which she barely mentioned anything specific about Jon, even though she was pressed for details about him incessantly.
Jon needs to walk the walk he's talked about and just quietly look after the kids.
And how is this relevant to Jon's appearance on this show? There are some people who really seem to want to stifle Jon in every way possible.
So, Robert's time stamps are to show that he didn't alter Kate's journals, although apparently she did. All the same, he's saying the words in the journal were put there by Kate.
So, when Kate writes something like this on The Stir:
"Lastly, I always tried to stay calm and not get upset when accidents happened, no matter where. It's very important that potty training is a GOOD and positive experience, no matter what, or it could turn into a battle of the wills which could cause a crappy (sorry, had to) result!
Good potty luck to you!"
anyone who cares to compare and contrast this heaping, steaming pile of donkey dung to Kate's own account of losing her mind and spanking her little boy but good for pooping after 5 whole days of potty training can do so, and draw their own conclusions.
Both... are Kate's own words.
Will the real Kate please stand up?
Insert Creative Username Here said... 189
localyocul said... 179
Oh, and she's running a marathon (New York maybe)? She said she hadn't run more than 14 (i think) miles and Chelsey was like yeah you won't make it LOL
I'm confused. Whose this? TFW? TFW has "run" a full marathon and had tweeted she practiced for said marathon by running over 20 miles?
Pam Anderson is the one who is running the NYC Marathon this Sunday--not Kate.
Why do you need to know that his children have their own clothing at his house? Sincerely, I want to know.
I'm not stifling anyone. Just asking questions like an adult.
Paula said... 193
And how is this relevant to Jon's appearance on this show? There are some people who really seem to want to stifle Jon in every way possible.
It's 100% relevant because he has claimed repeatedly that he wants to be a regular guy out of the spotlight. Giving multiple interviews is completely contrary to that.
re: the clothes Jon has at his house. He mentioned before about having clothes for kids at the house on some interview lately. (View, Roundtable or something)
I bet Kate would be having a hissy for the condition "her" future consignment clothes came back in because Jon would let them PLAY and not worry about getting dirty!
I wish my ex would have supplied clothes for my daughter when she was there. His girlfriend/wife had a daughter same size and it was often that I got her back with different clothes missing. A pair of pants, pj's, socks etc. I didn't have much money so it was difficult to replace them sometimes.
No, not TFW! Pam Anderson is running a marathon. It's in that article actually which I hadn't read when I posted that. She's running the NY marathon this weekend.
"Gotyournumber they always treat Kate with kid gloves like she's going to break at any moment and needs constant building up and praise and support."
Isn't this the bottom line? She does need praise and constant build up. She's the most insecure person I've ever witnessed.
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