Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Breaking news: Kate drops lawsuit against Jon

Kate stipulates it will be dropped with prejudice. The portion of the suit against Robert Hoffman and the John and Jane Does remains.

Thank you Shawn Tuma and congratulations.
















 NO.: 13:4989







Plaintiff Kate Gosselin, by and through her attorney, A. Jordan Rushie, and Defendant

Jonathan K. Gosselin, by and through his attorneys, BrittonTuma and Orwig Law Offices, files

this Joint Motion to Dismiss with Prejudice pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 41(a)

and (c) and in support thereof, state as follows:

Plaintiff Kate Gosselin agrees to dismiss with prejudice all claims and potential claims

that she has or may have against Defendant Jonathan K. Gosselin that were or could have been

asserted in this case.

By this motion, Plaintiff Kate Gosselin is not dismissing her claims against any

Defendant other than Defendant Jonathan K. Gosselin.

Defendant Jonathan K. Gosselin agrees to dismiss with prejudice all counterclaims or

potential counterclaims that he has or may have against Plaintiff Kate Gosselin that were or

could have been asserted in this case.

Dismissal with prejudice of the claims and/or counterclaims between Plaintiff Kate

Gosselin and Defendant Jonathan K. Gosselin is appropriate pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil

Procedure 41(a) and (c).


Case 5:13-cv-04989-JLS Document 18 Filed 11/19/13 Page 2 of 2

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Kate Gosselin and Defendant Jonathan K. Gosselin agree that

an order dismissing the asserted and potential claims and counterclaims between them with

prejudice is appropriate and respectfully request that the Court enter such order.

 Respectfully submitted,

Dated: November 19, 2013

 2424 E York Street, Suite 316

 Shawn E. Tuma

/s/ A. Jordan Rushie

Philadelphia, PA 19125

p. 215.385.5291

Attorney for Kate Gosselin

/s/ Shawn E. Tuma


7161 Bishop Road, Suite 220

Plano, Texas 75024

d. 469.635.1335

f. 972.767.3181

e. stuma@brittontuma.com

 Richard L. Orwig (Associate Counsel)

Orwig Law Offices

2213 Quarry Dr., Suite B001

West Lawn, PA 19609

p. 610.898.9880

f. 610.898.1323

e. rlorwig@orwiglaw.com

 Attorneys for Jonathan K. Gosselin


The undersigned hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been served

via ECF upon all counsel of record in the above-styled civil action on November 19, 2013.

 /s/ Shawn E. Tuma

 Shawn E. Tuma


538 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 538 of 538   Newer›   Newest»
TLC stinks said...

ITA with above commenters that Kate was using BV and the lawsuit to out anyone who spoke to Robert. See, even if the journal could not be used for his book, he still has his sources who have spilled their guts. It is amazing to me that she believes she can silence everyone she had contact with over time. If she was a decent, normal person, what people say to a reporter would not be problem for her. I would guess she was seeking out names of those who broke a confidentiality agreement and then sue.

JoyinVirginia said...

I remain mystified as to why TFMJG has a twitter account and yet has never used it to publicize her appearances. It is so ironic that fans must find out about appearances from this site.
same old boring TFMJG, who does the same predictable things over and over. Ho hum.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Well at least one of the nonfans and now a fan are wishing Daisy a happy birthday:


There have been several non-fans wishing her a happy birthday. Good for them.

I was thinking about this sheeple thing and their spin on things. If the three or so of the more intellectually-challenged fans would just shut up, not comment on Twitter or their blogs, this whole thing would blow over. Problem is that they don't have the smarts to see this, and all of these wild theories they are coming up with is doing nothing more than making them look like real jerks. There is a time to know when to fold and when to walk away. They haven't figured that out yet, and I doubt they ever will.

Blowing In The Wind said...

The fans appear to stir the pot. Marie will probably be next tweeting an insult and then telling the haters not to tweet her trying to get them suspended. Ho hummmm!


That's the one thing they are really good at. Problem is that the haters take the bait. If they would just ignore them, you'd think that the sheeple (Marie, in particular) would soon get tired of it. I think that both sides really enjoy this mutual master-baiting.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Although I don't understand it, clearly these few fans get something from their association with TFW, so that they close their eyes to her repeated rudeness.


What they get out of it are bragging rights -- "I KNOW Kate Gosselin...we chat often...she knows me...aren't I special." I can understand this with young, impressionable fans like Paige and Emily (who also thinks that a pop singer is her bestie), but for middle-aged women (like the Uggs person, Lauren, and Milo) to carry on like this is just very strange. You'd think they would have outgrown these girl crush obsessions by now. To refer to celebrities as "my buddy," ask them personal questions and expect these celebrities to care and respond, is very odd. It's not only with the Kate fans. If you read some of the timelines of Kate's fans, you can see that they do this with several celebrities, never getting anything in return...and they don't wise up.

Blowing In The Wind said...

I agree that she's on a self-imposed pouting blackout.


lol!! That's one way to put it. Perfect! She'll come around. Just give her time. I don't think that even Gladys stayed in exile this long. It's not in their nature!

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Kate doesn't tell her tweeties she is going to be on TV because she is afraid of the non-fans bombarding the station with negative comments about her appearance. Nothing more complicated than that. Quite sad when you think about it. I wouldn't want that to be my celebrity status.

AuntieAnn said...

Blowing In The Wind said... 4

I think that both sides really enjoy this mutual master-baiting.


lol! They're all gonna go blind.

I loathe this "woman" and "her" entire brand! said...

From Daniel Radcliffe (he played Harry Potter):
To all of the stars on Twitter, listen up— Daniel Radcliffe has an important message for you.

During an interview with Sky News , the Harry Potter actor shared that he prefers to stay out of the limelight and explained that "there's certain things you can do to make it a lot easier on yourself."

Like what, you ask? Well, Radcliffe gave a few examples. "If you don't, for instance, go to premieres that aren't for a film you're in, or don't just turn up at other events and stuff like that, then that's going to help to not fuel the interest," he said.

WATCH: Daniel Radcliffe talks about his massive crush on Katy Perry

Radcliffe then stated that he stays off of social media, and noted that celebs who are active on Twitter and constantly updating fans with their every move cannot be angry at their lack of privacy.

"Also, I don't have Twitter and I don't have Facebook and I think that makes things a lot easier," the actor said, "because if you go on Twitter and tell everybody what you're doing moment to moment and then claim you want a private life, then no one is going to take that request seriously."

The 24-year-old celeb also spoke about being a childhood star and how it affected his lifestyle growing up. "When I was 18 or 19 there was definitely a level of frustration around... I did have to think where I went more than a lot of my friends and you do get a little frustrated around that age, but ultimately it's childish, petulant—oh I want that too," he said.

"People always say to me, 'Do you feel like you missed out on a childhood? Do you feel like you had your childhood taken away?' And I'm like: 'No, what a ridiculous, like, kids who are abused have their childhoods taken away from them.'"

Radcliffe is currently working on the second series of A Young Doctor's Notebook on Sky Arts 1 alongside Jon Hamm, and was recently cast as Olympian Sebastian Coe in Gold.

PHOTOS: TMI Tweets: Male Celebs Who Need to Stop

Hoosier Girl said...

I heard someone use the word sycophant last night and of course I thought of Kate and her fans. That's a given!

But, it also got me to thinking about those kids' social problems and Kate's 'parenting' style. She's trying to raise those kids to be her sycophants!

Yah, I know, you all probably had that figured out a long time ago ... but it was a big moment for me! :-) All the pieces finally fit together as to why she has to isolate and control ... all the praise and adulation she credits them as giving her ...

Okay ... going back to my stack of work! Happy Thursday everyone!

Hoosier Girl said...

AuntieAnn said... 8
Blowing In The Wind said... 4

I think that both sides really enjoy this mutual master-baiting.


lol! They're all gonna go blind.

Two count'em TWO comments of the week WINNERS! :-) Ya'll crack me up!

CS said...


Matt Lauer's Most Annoying Habit, 40 seconds in. Katie's most ashamed interviewed. Guess who?

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said...

Administrator, I hope you do your annual TFMJG Top 10 List again. It should be a DOOZY.

TLC stinks said...

Coincidence that Kate and Milo are rather silent these past few days?

JoyinVirginia said...

Auntie Ann, comment of the month!
From Matt Paxton, www.5decisionsaway.com
” we are all just 5 decisions away from a life changing reality. It goes both ways, you could be 5 decisions away from sh#tying in a bucket or 5 decisions away from becoming a millionaire. I've seen both.”

PatK said...

CS said... 12

Matt Lauer's Most Annoying Habit, 40 seconds in. Katie's most ashamed interviewed. Guess who?


Woweee! Ouch! lol

Ally said...

It would seem to be the most ironic time for this to happen but for the first time in my life I had a dream about Kate last night! She was my BFF! I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat and state of panic....ugh! I usually so enjoy my dreams...I have to put this one in the nightmare category I suppose.

jolie Jacquelyn said...

CS said... 12

Matt Lauer's Most Annoying Habit, 40 seconds in. Katie's most ashamed interviewed. Guess who?


Canadians can't view this clip…description please?

localyocul said...

PatK said... 16
CS said... 12

Matt Lauer's Most Annoying Habit, 40 seconds in. Katie's most ashamed interviewed. Guess who?


Woweee! Ouch! lol


That's twice I've heard that from her. When she left the news, someone asked her and I either read or saw the clip, which interview will she miss most or something and she said "moms of multiples". LOLOL Wonder why in the world she had TFW on her show

Mel said...

Too funny!

The guy throws out a generic idea...in which he lumps together octomom, the duggars...to which she could have said, 'Yeah, like that."

But she doesn't! She specifically corrects him and says "Sextuplets".

She was very much thinking of TFW. What a hoot!

Anonymous said...

chefsummer said... 195
Admin said...
I got my check last week. Five dollars and 95 cents!!! Wooo hoo!!!

Well if you're feeling charitable you can go to the dollar tree and get three of KK's books. -)


That is the funniest thing I've read all week.


Millicent said...

Blowing in the Wind said:
To refer to celebrities as "my buddy," ask them personal questions and expect these celebrities to care and respond, is very odd.
I agree with you, that a teenager or perhaps even a young 20-something might not yet have the maturity to move beyond a celeb crush. But it seems very sad when a 30-year old (or older) person will tweet and ask a celeb to wish them Happy Birthday, or retweet something for them. You would hope that by the time a person reaches 30 years old, they would have a circle of friends and family that would provide them with the real, actual caring they need.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Ally said... 17
It would seem to be the most ironic time for this to happen but for the first time in my life I had a dream about Kate last night!

Phew I thought I was the only one who had a dream about Kate.

But in my dream she we were at the grocery store and I met her she was nice to be. But was super mean to other even slapped a few people lol don't ask me why cause IDK why.

Tucker's Mom said...

CS said... 12

Matt Lauer's Most Annoying Habit, 40 seconds in. Katie's most ashamed interviewed. Guess who?
Put Katie Couric on the list of 100% of people who like Kate when they meet her.
Couric said her most regretable interviews are those moms of lots of kids. Andy Cohen says "like Octomom" and Katie says "more like sexputplets".

Amy2 said...

I thought everyone who met Kate loved her. Well, not so much with Katie Couric, no love lost there.

kris said...

OH. MY. GOODNESS. I can not believe Katie Couric said that!! LOL!! She seriously must have REALLY disliked Kate b/c even if she didn't care for doing the story but liked Kate she would have given some generic answer. But no, she specifically said the word Sextuplets. Octomon & the Duggars don't have sextuplets. Wow, just Wow.

getofftwitter said...

Kate is plotting, her next move. Way too silent, and she is probably not even out of town. Maybe she is cooking more of those labor intense bagels, this time with wholes in them. You know they take all day to make. LOL When she does surface, she will either ignore the lawsuit questions, act like nothing happened, or tweet something one of her kids said. Or rt/tweet one of those annoying quotes, about being strong in the well of disaster. Maybe Kate should be taken to where the recent twisters hit and dumped off, and see what real people, who are dealing with real reality, are coping with. Her little disaster or in her mind, a greater disaster then these people losing in some cases everything are dealing with. Kate has no compassion for anyone except herself.

Mel said...

I thought in the latest interview that the two Kate's did not look at ease with each other. No rapport whatsoever.

Body language-wise, Katie Couric was the dominant one.
TFW just looked ill at ease, uncomfortable. Very closed off.
Just following Katie's lead.

Melissa NV said...

You would hope that by the time a person reaches 30 years old, they would have a circle of friends and family that would provide them with the real, actual caring they need.


That's why I wonder about fans like Milo and her sub-minions. Milo is what -- 50 something? If she has a husband and teenage children, family and a circle of friends, what is missing in that relationship that these people need to turn to a celebrity to provide them with the actual caring and support they need? Even Milo's profile says, "I'm a happily married female supporting Kate Gosselin." Supporting her? Why does she need support? I thought her good bra did that.

The six or so other sheeple who make it their life mission to support Kate -- what about them? Is it really about defending her, or has this evolved into nothing more than a battle with the haters?

It really is one for the textbooks.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

PatK said... 16
CS said... 12

Matt Lauer's Most Annoying Habit, 40 seconds in. Katie's most ashamed interviewed. Guess who?

Is this recent as in after her last interview with Kate and kids?

Bitchy Pants said...

Finally getting caught up on comments and posts. I'm of 2 minds about TFMJG dropping the portion of the suit against Jon. He must feel like a 1000# rock has been lifted off his chest. OTOH, I was looking forward to reading about TFMJG being smacked down in court and Jon being vindicated for once. Of course the smack down, at least, may happen with Robert. If Jon had won in court, I wonder how the Sheeple would spin it. Probably, she held back and didn't present all her evidence in order to protect the kids.

I completely agree that one of the points of the suit was to uncover who talked to Robert. It will probably come out, and I don't think she's going to like what she finds out.

Melissa NV said...

It would seem to be the most ironic time for this to happen but for the first time in my life I had a dream about Kate last night! She was my BFF!


That's what happens when you make one of Kate's meals from her cookbook. No more of her sausage cacciatore before bed!

PatK said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 29
PatK said... 16
CS said... 12

Matt Lauer's Most Annoying Habit, 40 seconds in. Katie's most ashamed interviewed. Guess who?

Is this recent as in after her last interview with Kate and kids?


I just googled...and it looks like that aired in June of 2012. :(

Anonymous said...

Looks like that Katie Couric interview was in July. Or at least it was posted on youtube in July. She's interviewed Kate again since then, oddly.

Tucker's Mom said...

Mel said... 27
I thought in the latest interview that the two Kate's did not look at ease with each other. No rapport whatsoever.

Body language-wise, Katie Couric was the dominant one.
TFW just looked ill at ease, uncomfortable. Very closed off.
Just following Katie's lead.
Totally agree. Being the cheerleader that Katie Couric was, you could see she was working hard to lift the energy and mood.
The kids were flat, Kate was monosyllabic and cold and busied herself with pizza and didn't even try to be a good hostess.
It's like "hey, be amazed by my kids so I don't have to interact with you'

You could see Katie realized that the "games" were not going well and the kids were totally not into it. I bet she feels like shit for making them perform like monkeys for the cameras.

Serendipity said...

I just read the article on Daily Beast about BV. "In a series of tweets, he (BV) argues that adults don’t deserve his support..."

He went to bat for Kate. Isn't she an adult?

PatK said...

Serendipity said... 35
I just read the article on Daily Beast about BV. "In a series of tweets, he (BV) argues that adults don’t deserve his support..."

He went to bat for Kate. Isn't she an adult?


Seems to me it was solely for publicity.

Anonymous said...

New post at gosslibook..talks about Tom Cruise!



fade2black said...

Serendipity said... 35
He went to bat for Kate. Isn't she an adult?
Define adult.

Layla said...

I think TFW is silent because she is trying desperately to come up with some kind of response to Robert Hoffman's MTD. She does not want the charges against him dismissed, so she has to scramble for something. If she can't, and she dismisses the charges or a judge does, how on Earth are her sheeple going to spin that? I think she is in a panic, trying to figure out something to put on paper to save her case.

A legal question: Robert's MTD was basically his lawyer saying "Ditto" to Tuma's MTD. Do TFW and her lawyer still have to go point-by-point through the entire thing and try to counter each and every reason Tuma gave to dismiss? Most of the charges were leveled at Jon only. Without Jon, the conspiracy stuff is out the window. Just what, exactly, are the charges against Robert now? It would seem that TFW needs to file a whole new complaint that outlines what, exactly, she is alleging against him. No wiretapping, no hacking, no theft--those were supposedly done by Jon. It looks like all she has left is the one allegation that says that the journals are true but used without her permission. But the rest of the stuff is still in there. Do they need to clean it up and resubmit it? It would seem like they should have to.

Gayle said...

One sheeple's spin on things.

@RealZiggyFlo: Wonder if Jon is going to make a public statement of why he settled with Kate & released all his rights to take action against her?

PatK said...

Someone Tweeting as "James" (lol) apparently read here about Katie Couric's comment on Watch What Happens Live and is bringing it to TFW's timeline.

chefsummer #Leh said...

How many times has Kate met Katie?

Did KK say that once you meet her you'll like her and she met Andy Cohen he doesn't like. Her either or Tony Dovolani and the Palin family doesn't like her after meeting. .

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

I don't think they will ever understand why most people would not want to sue or carry on this nonsense with their ex for years later. More than likely Jon agreed not to go after her for this little stunt so that they can all just move on. It is probably as simple as that. Because most people at this stage would just want this to STOP.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Can KK's sheep read did they miss this part?

"The former reality television mother dismissed the suit with prejudice against her husband of 10 years, barring her from bringing an action on the same claim."

If I was Jon I would agree to especially if it meant I wasn't going to be sued again for the same crap.

Lynne In RI said...

So it's been what...5, 6 days since Gladys has tweeted Kate? How long can she hold out? Has she ever gone this long before?

I don't think that Kate wants to stop and move on. She seems to thrive on vengeance. Remember, no never means no. She'll hound Jon with something else.
Layla, I have the same questions regarding the complaint against Robert. Will a new one have to be filed? For what is she suing him? Illegal hacking, ruining her reputation, libel, trash diving, befriending Shoka?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Can KK's sheep read did they miss this part?

"The former reality television mother dismissed the suit with prejudice against her husband of 10 years, barring her from bringing an action on the same claim."

If I was Jon I would agree to especially if it meant I wasn't going to be sued again for the same crap.


Exactly. Most likely it was you (Kate) drop all of this and agree never to do this crap again and I Tuma will give you the GIFT of not suing the ever living pants off you for this little stunt. It was a gift.

CS said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB,
"Is this recent as in after her last interview with Kate and kids?"

Yes, it aired a week ago today.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Looks like KK was on a few mins ago twitter to tweet and re-tweet.

MarkSteines ‏@MarkSteines 19 Nov
#KateGosselin #Kateplusmy8 #TLC #LoveIsInTheMixCookbook http://fb.me/6yVvg0I3L
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 49m
@daisygirl2650 happy 30th! Hope it was fab! :)

Georgiegirl said...

Most likely it was you (Kate) drop all of this and agree never to do this crap again and I Tuma will give you the GIFT of not suing the ever living pants off you for this little stunt. It was a gift. 46
I doubt that she is done.
She is never wrong, remember.
And Zippo and her minions will feed twf's delusions.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

This MTD has NOT been signed off on by the judge. Check PACER, Admin. You must have access to it being a lawyer and all.


I don't disagree. No one said it has been. It's most likely inevitable though. What's your point? The inevitable is coming.

Everyone has access to Pacer. I just found the site an absolute mess and don't like fiddling with it. Those that use it much more frequently and are comfortable with it pull the docket and briefs for us. I've never seen a case search site so terrible. If someone can pull them faster and easier than I can, I appreciate that.

Starz22 said...

I think TFW is absolutely shocked at what happened. She lost!

For years, this woman ( I always pause when I have to type that) has been in control of everything. She's had her every request given to her. She was pampered and protected. No matter what she did, even if it was wrong, she was given a pass, given the title of Supermom. She was able to abuse her husband and children and the dogs, and yet...nothing.

Now it's all crashing down around her. People are calling her out...People are questioning her. I bet she is just stunned. If Roberts book is released there will be no redemption for her. The woman is not well and this could send her over the edge. I'm glad to see it finally happen,but I hope Jon is keeping watch for the kids protection. And before people say why are you glad to see someone in misery. TFW abused the kids and dogs. Like any other abuser, I have no love for them,they deserve to get caught and be punished.
As for her next move? I think she'll use some ideas from this blog. Drop out of sight for a few months...claim she realized she had a problem,got help for it and clawed her way back for the kids. Not sure if her problem will be a mental one...or an eating disorder or a full blown breakdown.
I do believe she is completely thrown by losing the suit against Jon. What happens with the next one will be telling of whats to come. She might be thrown,but she hasn't given up yet. She might be locked in her bedroom,on her second box of wine...but she's not down just yet. She's plotting. Time will tell.

Greedy Gosselins said...


Should make a post about this.

Gayle said...

TFW retweeted this tonight. I hop that it is just a really bad angle on her right arm in that FB picture because if she is now that thin all I can do is tell her to read up on Karen Carpenter. It is not healthy.

@MarkSteines: #KateGosselin #Kateplusmy8 #TLC #LoveIsInTheMixCookbook http://fb.me/6yVvg0I3L

Layla said...

I agree with your post 100%. TFW was on top of the world for so long, and now it is all crashing around her. I don't think she quite knows how to deal with it all. A few years ago, every time anyone said anything she didn't like, she could run to TLC's legal and say, "Can we sue?". No problem for her--she wasn't paying for it. Now she has failed to get another show, failed to sell a book or a cruise, failed in her blogging, failed at suing Jon. People are openly mocking her, and there's nothing she can do about it. She has got to be seething. After well over 2 years, anyone else would see that being in the public eye is not working for them and move on. Not TFW. I think she has convinced herself that she will get that second chance if she just holds out long enough. Then she's rolling in money again, back in the spotlight, and she can get revenge on everyone who crossed her when she was down. That woman has a lot of rage bottled up, and she needs to let it out. We all saw it when she smacked Jon around for the slightest reason. Now he has left her, she can't hit him without being arrested, and her only remaining option for bullying him--suing him--has failed. Her rage and her quest for vengeance/redemption are what seem to keep her going these days. I agree that a breakdown of some sort is coming. I just hope the kids are protected when it happens.
Interesting you mentioned an eating disorder. Often people with eating disorders feel that their worlds are spinning out of control, so they focus on the one thing that they can control--what they eat (or don't eat). TFW's extreme weight loss could be her compensating for feeling like her life is out of her control. It makes sense.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h
Just done w some EXCITING Christmas shopping--an early Christmas addition 2our family..oops..did I say addition?! #hard2keepitquiet #excited

Ah this is what she's been doing and of course the sheep are asking if she's w/child.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I think she'll use some ideas from this blog. Drop out of sight for a few months.

I don't think so Kate needs her ego stroked and she loves the limelight.

I bet she'll find a way to get some lame poor pity me tour with fake tears maybe. A fake apology while using the kids and Jon in some fashion.

Gayle said...

Wow! Robert is really putting TFW on notice with his latest post. Yes Robert, "Someone should write a book."

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 5m

Just done w some EXCITING Christmas shopping--an early Christmas addition 2our family..oops..did I say addition?! #hard2keepitquiet #excited


She adopted Milo!!

Anonymous said...

here come the rainbow and unicorn farts. She has an exciting addition for Christmas. Probably a box full of her failed crookbooks for the kid's hopechests.


Gayle said...

@Kateplusmy8: Just done w some EXCITING Christmas shopping--an early Christmas addition 2our family..oops..did I say addition?! #hard2keepitquiet #excited

Right on cue, farting rainbows. La, la, la, la everything is fine and we've gotten an addition to our family. Let the sheeple guessing begin. Deflect, deflect, deflect.

Angie said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h
Just done w some EXCITING Christmas shopping--an early Christmas addition 2our family..oops..did I say addition?! #hard2keepitquiet #excited
anything to DEFLECT from her EPIC FAIL with the lawsuit. lol
hey....maybe it's chickens!! lol
(well, she did order her fertility drugs online......)

Over And Out said...


"Carter's finances were handled by his parents: his dad acted as business manager, and mother was his manager. As Aaron told it earlier this year: "There was lot's of money made, hundreds of millions of dollars." But, eventually problems arose between the singer and his folks about where that money was going. "When I was 13-14, I started paying attention to what my mom and dad were doing [with my money], and I wanted to know about stuff. I started getting familiar about taxes. ... I was becoming very inquisitive and my parents didn't like that." He eventually cut business ties with his parents."

A Mom said...

Kate Gosselin says some exciting Christmas shopping done; an early Christmas addition to our family. probably something to keep the kids with her for ALL the holidays since Jon won her law suit. Such a BAD Mother/person.

chefsummer #Leh said...

And she back to taunting her fans.

Tucker's Mom said...

chefsummer said... 55
Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h
Just done w some EXCITING Christmas shopping--an early Christmas addition 2our family..oops..did I say addition?! #hard2keepitquiet #excited

Ah this is what she's been doing and of course the sheep are asking if she's w/child.
Please, not another animal for that household. Noooooooooooooooooo!

Anonymous said...

She probably bought another $2 fish. How does she do it? She is so AMAZING!

Tucker's Mom said...

chefsummer said... 64
And she back to taunting her fans.
Cue the sheep to start begging Kate to tell.
"I know something you don't know! Nanny nanny boo boo".

Grow the f up, Kate.

Ally said...

Interesting FYI...I was retreading Roberts book and 10 years ago today, November 21, 2003, Kate found out she was pregnant was septuplets. Happy anniversary kids!

Susan said...

That witch probably bought herself a little foo foo dog.
All for her.....kids will be forced into another chore. Poor animal, a miserable life.


Over And Out said...

Good grief, Kate. GROW UP! This "I know something you don't know" game is for elementary school kids. I don't believe her tweeties ever found out what the last surprise was..."good things coming...you'll all be surprised." They stopped asking. Was that in the spring?

jolie Jacquelyn said...

My last post seems to have disappeared. Canadians can't see this video …


Can someone please explain what Katie Couric said about TFW?

Ally said...

This is one of my biggest pet peeves of hers. She is always very ambiguous in announcements. My ex husband used to do the same thing, though not in the same way. She taunts.. He would always answer maybe, possibly, I don't know...never yes or no. My nickname for him was "the master of the ambiguous response". He hated it...and by extension that indecisive/juvenile behavior drove me nuts!

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Still happily shopping for Christmas presents with no income? My, my Kate. How do you do it, you poor struggling mother of 8. Something doesn't add up here. LOL.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Still happily shopping for Christmas presents with no income? My, my Kate. How do you do it, you poor struggling mother of 8. Something doesn't add up here. LOL.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tucker's Mom said... 65

Maybe her grow-a-boy friend finally grew.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tucker's Mom said... 67

Grow the f up, Kate.

She is truly a twisted person and I think she enjoys taunting her sheep.

PatK said...

Maybe she bought another car.

PatK said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 58

She adopted Milo!!



Gerismum said...

My guess is that the addition to the family is an old school bus which they can all paint in cool geometric designs and then hit the road ala Shirley partridge and her family....best not forget buying groovy threads and musical instruments!

Bitchy Pants said...

Why do I have this sinking feeling that she's bought a horse? Don't ask me why that popped into my head, it just did. Several of the kids love to ride, and so does she, so . . . It would also be a way to force the kids to stay with her instead of going to Jon's -- "But who's going to feed/groom/ride if you aren't here?" I can just hear her say something like this.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Gayle said... 53
TFW retweeted this tonight. I hop that it is just a really bad angle on her right arm in that FB picture because if she is now that thin all I can do is tell her to read up on Karen Carpenter. It is not healthy.

@MarkSteines: #KateGosselin #Kateplusmy8 #TLC #LoveIsInTheMixCookbook http://fb.me/6yVvg0I3L


I see what you mean about that right arm! I'd looked at the photo and never noticed that. It IS strange. As you said, maybe a bad angle--but her head is sure looking big on her body.

Tucker's Mom said...

Bitchy Pants said... 80
Why do I have this sinking feeling that she's bought a horse?
That would be awful if she kept a horse secluded on her property. No way.. Horses are an incredible amount of work- very time and cost intensive and although huge, they are extremely fragile.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Still happily shopping for Christmas presents with no income? My, my Kate. How do you do it, you poor struggling mother of 8. Something doesn't add up here. LOL. ;


It's amazing how many gifts you can purchase if you've become a master of piecing and patching, or maybe the Christmas presents just drop from above, kind of like Jesus feeding the multitude with five loaves and two fish.

PatK said...

Can you just imagine when Milo sees that tweet?

What to do...what to do??? lol

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

She adopted Milo!!


Poke some holes in the box!

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Tucker's Mom said... 82

Bitchy Pants said... 80
Why do I have this sinking feeling that she's bought a horse?


That was my first thought.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 84

She adopted Milo!!


Poke some holes in the box!


lol! And then tape the lid shut!

Virginia Pen Mom said...

ANNA LOWE said... 79
My guess is that the addition to the family is an old school bus which they can all paint in cool geometric designs and then hit the road ala Shirley partridge and her family....best not forget buying groovy threads and musical instruments!


LOL, and then on the first episode, we hear Kate in a voice over (a la Shirley Patridge): "If you'd told me that I'd be traveling around the country singing with a EIGHT teenagers, I'd have said you were crazy ... "

Gerismum said...

Naaaaaahhhhh.......she probably bought her own koala.....

A Mom said...

This little guessing game that Kate created will last till Christmas and get ALL away from Jon's win and a win by Robert and the publishing of Robert's book in 2014. It also tells Jon the kids are hers cause they choose "ME" for holidays and what I/me can do for them that Jon can never do !

Over And Out said...

She dangles the bait, gets them excited, then disappears waiting for a tab to pick up her tweet...anything to deflect from the lawsuit.
She's pathetic and immature, but her m/o is always the same.

A Mom said...

Just wondering if the addition are pigs; ham & eggs LOL

Kristine said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 (via 11/2013 Twitter)

GKid (LXXX): I wanna b the longest living lady in the whole universe&I want2live 2b 200!
Me:Well then, u better eat your vegetables!


I don't care where Kate's plugging her veges... aka Veggies these days. (#CookbookTanked) The recent suit drop was pure greed. She doesn't want Jon to lose a dime of the Couple's Therapy funds, by paying (His & Hers) legal fees. The ROL article on Jon in Couple's Therapy was something else.

Is that you, Katie? Do they expect us to believe they would air a show on Jon and the Glassman kid, when he's been in a committed relationship with Liz for years? Really? Who writes this rubbish-- TFW?

Kristine said...

Fun fact... the Kobe Bryant (rape) victim, demanded a live Koala Bear as part of her Colorado lawsuit. She wanted to keep him as a pet in the bedroom at her local parent's home.

Kristine said...

Well, in that case- I choose Jon for Christmas this year.

AuntieAnn said...

chefsummer said... 75

Tucker's Mom said... 65

Maybe her grow-a-boy friend finally grew.


Now if only she had a grow-a-brain in a cup of water.

AuntieAnn said...

Gayle said... 53

TFW retweeted this tonight. I hop that it is just a really bad angle on her right arm in that FB picture because if she is now that thin all I can do is tell her to read up on Karen Carpenter. It is not healthy.

@MarkSteines: #KateGosselin #Kateplusmy8 #TLC #LoveIsInTheMixCookbook http://fb.me/6yVvg0I3L


It's hard to tell whether or not it's a bad angle. She was wearing that when they interviewed her last Friday and she keeps her arms tucked close to her when she's talking, even though she uses her hands a LOT. It makes you wonder if she's aware of how they look.

It's obvious she's lost quite a bit of weight but if she thinks that's going to help her get her a cooking/talk/reality show she's sadly mistaken. What she needs to lose is her awful personality.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Well if that's all she's got, teasing tweets about live Christmas presents, how pathetic is that? What is this, a na-na-na to her legal messes? She is the most immature adult her kids could possibly have for a maternal role. So fine, she bought a new fish :-), maybe she can name it Milo. Whatever this is all about, it's just a childish diversion ploy - better to just stay off the twitter for awhile, maybe put together a real career plan, because honey the one you have is not working so well for you, is it?

JoyinVirginia said...

OT something I missed posting about when it was announced. A&E canceled Hoarders and officially announced it in September. Matt Paxton, everyone s favorite trash man, commented on it. ”I got used to being a TV star and that's gone now”. So he pursued different business opportunities, and now is partnered with Service Master, training their teams in hoarding cleanup.
He is also quoted saying, ”A&Es job is not to make a social statement, A&Es job is to sell ads.” And ” for a show about trash, we had an amazing run”.
Read more at www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/hoarders/2013-sep-25-canceled-Paxton-servicemaster
In some of Matts podcasts at 5decisions away, he has discussed his realization that the entire objective of TV is to sell, to sell ads, to sell product placement which is another form of ads. It really doesn't master how good your show is. Can you sell enough ads? can you attract enough viewers that advertisers want time on your show? That's the question that determines if you go on the air.
So on topic: can TFMJG sell ads? She can't sell cruise cabins, she can't sell books, she can't really sell herself because she is same old, same old, BORING.So utterly predictable. The only reason people watched was to see the cute kids and their nice henpecked (now we know abused) father. Kids are not little bitty cute toddlers anymore and never will be again. Jon was kicked to the curb. And TFMJG cannot carry a show or even be an engaging guest.
Time to find something else, TFMJG.

JoyinVirginia said...

OT: Thursday evening Big Bang Theory had the most hilarious Thanksgiving episode I've ever seen on a sitcom. View it online if you want to really laugh out loud. And at the end chuck Lorre has vanity cats with random thoughts. One thought tonight was ” i'm thinking about starting a twitter account do I can share my innermost thoughts with total strangers.” Golly, put it that way, who wouldn't want to twit away!

Anonymous said...

Do I hear Maria, from the sound of music"???

Anonymous said...

this is just too easy, thankz tfw.

what F name shall we give new fish????



silimom said...

Kate's new "addition":

1) She bought a new goldfish

2) She got another dog

3) She got a rabbit

4) She got an engagement ring for Steve

5) Steve got an engagement ring for her

6) She got the girls new "American Dolls"

7) She got herself 6 of those life like baby dolls and they look like each of the sextuplets.

8) She bought a new house.

9) She bought a cat

10) She got a new nanny.

Anonymous said...

Oh, goolord, just had a horrible thought.

please...please do not let it be a turtle.

OMG, I have a 7yrld slider.

been through 3 tanks already, and he'll live 25 years, and keep growing. Un the winter, I heat the livingroom just for him.,

Am pricing wall-aquarium now.

OYE...please, let it NOT be a turtle


Ingrid said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 86

Tucker's Mom said... 82

Bitchy Pants said... 80
Why do I have this sinking feeling that she's bought a horse?


That was my first thought.
Mine too! Yikes.
Unless it was a very unique horse/pony and calm as can be, it is an accident waiting to happen. Inexperienced kids and mom would know nothing about making the horse know you are boss. So many other reasons for why she shouldn't get one too.

I remember her saying once she would have preferred a small house dog instead of the ones they got. I could see her maybe getting that.

reader said...

Whatever it is she is probably as we speak, making up a new laminated chore chart to suck the life out of the pleasure it would normally bring. I pray it is not a living thing. No simple pleasures.

Tucker's Mom said...

That was my first thought.
Mine too! Yikes.
Unless it was a very unique horse/pony and calm as can be, it is an accident waiting to happen. Inexperienced kids and mom would know nothing about making the horse know you are boss. So many other reasons for why she shouldn't get one too.
Those kids have more than enough chores to do. Can you imagine making them muck the stall every day?
Well, I'm going to put the thought out of my mind for now, because any more living creatures in her home is upsetting, given Robert's testimony.
...the thing is, I don't put it past TFW to reinvent herself once again and use this for PR.
"Look at me! I'm an equestrian now! Let the magazine offers pour in and oh, I'm available for appearances and will write another book based on my paucity of experience!".

Tucker's Mom said...

Then again, who "shops" for a pet/animal?
I can't imagine using that term- it's so cold if indeed you're talking about a living creature.
DH and I are thinking about getting another Bichon and we would never consider it "shopping" for a dog, nor would we use that distant term.

capecodmama said...

Ingrid...105 I remember her saying once she would have preferred a small house dog instead of the ones they got. I could see her maybe getting that.


Did TFW really say that? In a house with over 6,000 sq. ft., a german shepard would be a small house dog. I can't believe she thinks a german shepard is not a house dog. All dogs are house dogs. I don't care what size your house is. What a f#%*ing idiot. The last thing this family needs is another animal.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sometimes the numbers to add up!
Kate's cookbook, Love Is In The Mix, is currently ranked 14,636 and has sold about 200 copies for Oct. and Nov.
Here's what her book signings looked like with maybe 50 people:

Ree Drummond's new cookbook, A Year Of Holidays, is ranked 9 and has sold about 4200 books in Oct. and Nov.
Here's what her book signing looked like:

The phenomenon of fanatic followers waiting for hours and hours, back during the Multiple Blessings days, are long, long gone and it has nothing to do with Jon and nothing to do with an obscure book (no slam on Robert) that was released for 2 days.
Nor is it lack of sleep or editing or whatever excuse du jour Kate can come up with.

Me said...

Great deflecting, TFW! Your best yet!!

NJGal51 said...

localyocul said...


Formerly Duped said...

Bitchy Pants said... 80
Why do I have this sinking feeling that she's bought a horse?

I thought the same! They do have a horse barn. Does TFW like to ride? I wouldn't have thought she was horse-ish. I pity the poor beast if this turns out to be true. I hope it's another fish or something. Not any animal to live outside and be neglected by TFW and the kids (remember them kicking Shoka and hitting him with a bat?)

TLC stinks said...

Not to worry. It won't be a horse unless one of the kids is responsible for it. I bet it is just an aquarium. Easy to delegate that job to the kids.

Regarding the picture of her skinny arm. I think that is what she looks like. When you lose weight, skin sags and my friend, who is a plastic surgery nurse, says the arm flaps are reduced all the time. In fact, although Kate wants people to believe her firmness is due to exercise, it is the result of plastic surgery. Because she does not have a waist, her smallness in photos is deceptive.

Angie said...

ya know, the woman is a total mind $%^&. She has been harping harping harping on this lawsuit against Jon for 'the safety and future for my kids'.
The day of (or after,idk) she tweets that INANE tweet about being happy happy happy about shopping for a new addition to the family.

She's completely LOST it. A normal person, If they were were really concerned for their family's safety, would be doing some serious thinking about the results of having to drop the lawsuit. Instead of that, she just pooped out that ridiculous tweet. Total deflection. She needs help.

TLC stinks said...

Could also be guinea pig. Another pet that will be solely taken care of by the kids.

reader said...

Looking for something else, but found this and had to laugh...it is an old tweet from TFW and it made me laugh....and yes I guess she is always trying for freebies even after the fame.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 19 Jul 12
@Pai*******n of all the iPhones I've gone thru,I've never had THAT happen lol-I love @Apple too! Would die w/o my iPhone-- it's my brain!

TLC stinks said...

Last I heard she said she kept the chickens in the horse barn.

reader said...

TFW ignores (again) the elephant in the room.
Her modus operandi is to ignore confrontation without considering what she might lose; just demand you are right, say something cruel and walk away, slam a door, roll up a car window and speed off.
She thinks this is how you win arguments.
In legal battles it doesn't work like that, each side gets their say.
Thrilled Shawn Tuma and Jon won this argument.

Below is parenting advice TFW gave a new mom in a tweet from the past.
TFW modus operandi in handling life's difficult situations.

Krystal ?@Kr*******m 5 Apr
@Kateplusmy8 what do I do when my 19 month old has a screaming tantrum when she doesn't get her own way?

Kate Gosselin ?@Kateplusmy8 5 Apr
@Kry*******m ignore her. Walk over her (If on floor, throwing fit). She is looking for a reaction :) don't give her one:) GL..

Kate is a twit said...

Kate loves to play the "let's guess what I'm talking about" game, doesn't she? Anything to deflect from the other things(lawsuit) happening in her life.

Her "new addition" is most likely something like a new computer, game system, or even just a new appliance.

She just likes to play with her tweeties, and I can see her "giggling" at everyone's speculation and guesses as to what the "new addtition" may be.

It's all a game that she likes to play to get her fans(and her haters) to get on a different subject and ignore the elephant in the room.

I can just imagine her thinking "how do I get them off the subject of the lawsuit--I know, I'll give them something else to speculate about."

Berks Neighbor said...

I don't think it's a horse. They converted the Horse Barn into the chicken coop to house her 8million chickens. I do think it's a tiny 'designer' dog though. ala Paris Hilton.

Berks Neighbor said...

oh crap...look...it worked. Now we're talking about her 'surprise' instead of the lawsuit.
TFW is so very sneaky...and so very good at deflecting.

Curse it! Curse it all to Hades! ! !


Astounding ignorance said...

RealZiggyFlo ‏@RealZiggyFlo 10h
@XXXXX IMO Kate was fully prepared 2 go forward in her suit against Jon.Jon didn't believe she would. When he realized he caved.

She does realize it was Kate's lawsuit right? That Jon couldn't drop it or 'cave' ??? Only Kate could 'cave' ???

The ignorance astounds me.

Jon was just gracious enough to let her 'cave' and agree not to counter-sue on this issue now or in the future. How hard is that to figure out?

Katie cry-duh said...

Well if it's another fish with an f name, then its name should be F**kmylife.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

@msgoody2shoes21: IMO @Kateplusmy8's lawsuit against creeper Robert Hoffman should be lesson for celebs & regular folks to SHRED personal info BEFORE TRASHING


Well that's the first tweet I've ever agreed with from that woman. It's Kate's fault if there was something she threw out that she didn't want anyone to see. She should have shredded it.

It's called being a responsible public figure. And given that it's pretty rare that anyone finds such a treasure trove in other celebs' trash, I'm guessing most celebs know this already.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

She does realize it was Kate's lawsuit right? That Jon couldn't drop it or 'cave' ???


They're embarrassing themselves at this point. You can't "drop" something you didn't file. It was on Kate to drop it. All on Kate. SHE filed!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Jon didn't believe she would.


Nonsense. Jon took this seriously or he wouldn't have hired Tuma and likely spent untoward amounts of money for his expertise. Their briefs suggest that they fully believed Kate was serious, and that they in turn were very serious about stopping her.

reader said...

Hoffman, a Creeper? Please. If I had been to a friend's house as part of that ugly scene, moving things out in boxes and bags, while twins watched from a window..(can it be any more sad) and learned the next day any remaining items would be thrown in the trash, well then as a human being with a brain and a conscience I too would come back and take the trash....I'm just sorry there weren't any little breads wrapped in plastic for Hoffman.

TLC stinks said...

Right. A"new addition" could be anything. It is also deflecting off the lawsuit. Clever. Let's stop guessing.

Robert nailed it that if her lawsuit against him proceeds, deposition could be interesting plus emails between her and Steve, etc.

reader said...

Love Hoffman's post about "Garbage Man." Way to own it.

No hacking, no wiretapping, no text confessing some covert operation...just a raging woman throwing a tantrum and putting her secrets out front to be carried away by the Garbage man.

Amy2 said...

Who cares what her new addition is. Its all a game to her. She isn't interested in the real elephant in the room, losing her lawsuit with Jon. As others have said she's a master at deflection. Its the look over there isn't that pretty, don't the look at the train wreck I created. She has done this some many times in the past that its routine for her.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said...

Who cares what her new addition is. Its all a game to her. She isn't interested in the real elephant in the room, losing her lawsuit with Jon. As others have said she's a master at deflection. Its the look over there isn't that pretty, don't the look at the train wreck I created. She has done this some many times in the past that its routine for her.


She needs help. She needs help to understand that if you light a fire that turns into a fireball, a mature woman does not walk away from it farting rainbows leaving everyone else to pick up the pieces. A mature woman walks back to the fire, picks up a bucket, and helps to put it out. And a mature woman then takes ownership for the fire. She acknowledges her responsibility for it, and offers a deep and sincere apology to anyone who got burned.

No, you don't just flutter away tweeting some nonsense about Christmas presents like nothing ever even happened. She is 37 years old! Grow the F up.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Sorry, TFW, I ain't takin' the bait about your super-secret holiday surprise. I think you're just lacing up your grifting boots for Christmas,
as well as deflecting from the fiasco you yourself started with that lawsuit.

So TFW's fan says the lawsuit is a cautionary tale about shredding personal info. Would that be an admission that the personal info was REAL, and not some fabrication as others have claimed? So it's TRUE that, according to her own words, TFW physically abused her toddlers to the point that she worried she wouldn't be able to stop herself? Okay, got it. There's your hero. There's the woman whose every word you hang on. There's your plate-spinning, ball-juggling Supermom. There's the person some of you younger fans are probably scrimping and saving to buy a Christmas present for, only to get a group thank you tweet as an acknowledgment. If they still can't see that she wouldn't spit on them if they were on fire, then I can no longer muster up any compassion for them.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate Gosselin ?@Kateplusmy8 5 Apr
@Kry*******m ignore her. Walk over her (If on floor, throwing fit). She is looking for a reaction :) don't give her one:) GL..

No, no, no. Tell the truth now Katie Dearest. You yank them up by their hair and toss them very hard into their cribs. Then you leave them there for four hours.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

oh crap...look...it worked. Now we're talking about her 'surprise' instead of the lawsuit.

But it only works for awhile for her, as she thinks she has won another round in the deflection game. And it is a game she really plays only with herself. She is 37 years old and needs to grow the eff up as said above. But she won't. Twattering on twitter makes her feel good, and since her life is carefully orchestrated to be about her, she thinks this crap works.
As for the sheeple, they are even more stupid than she is if they actually think Jon 'dropped' the suit she filed. Facts mean nothing to them.

Tho I do wonder if the Xmas shopping deflection means she does not have the kids for Thanksgiving, so of course, with no family and friends in her life, she will be on twitter silence for the next week, and is just moving onto HER next holiday. Remember, it is always, and only, about her.

Amy2 said...

Kate is just playing another game of deflection.

I say let the Real Games Begin (lawsuit against Robert). And "may the odds be ever in Robert's favor".

The game Kate played with Jon turned out to an excellent CheckMate against Kate. She could not say the info in the book was true because that would expose who she really is. And in she could not continue with the suit until she admitted that it was info was true. Check and Mate.

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