Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Jon and girlfriend Liz cast on Vh1's reality show 'Couples Therapy'

The show, which also features other reality has-beens like Taylor Armstrong and Farrah Abraham, premieres this January. Here's Vh1's press release:

Dr. Jenn Berman is Back as Therapist and Host for the Series
LOS ANGELES, CA – Relationships are hard enough, but imagine the pressure of having your hook ups, “bumps” on the relationship road and breakups as fodder for the tabloids. More and more, it seems couples whose matters of the heart play out in the public eye are calling it quits and throwing in the towel on their relationships. Why is it so tough for these couples to stay together? Looking to shed light on the issue, VH1 will examine the complicated and often misunderstood world of high-profile relationships with VH1 Couples Therapy.
In season 4 of Couples Therapy we will get a look at four-and-a half couples who are facing very complicated issues never before discussed on the show made even more complicated when half of one couple is a no-show. Taylor Armstrong (RHoBH) & John Bluher, Farrah Abraham (Teen Mom), Ghostface Killah (Rapper) & Kelsey Nykole, Whitney Mixter (The Real L Word) & Sara Bettencourt (The Real L Word) and Jon Gosselin (Jon & Kate + Eight) & Liz Janetta will all take a seat on Dr. Jenn Berman’s couch. “VH1 Couples Therapy” is set to premiere January, 2014 with 8, one-hour episodes on VH1.
From the producers of Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, VH1 Couples Therapy is the first reality show to examine firsthand the real life experiences of a group of buzzed-about couples. For some of these couples, living under constant scrutiny from the media and fans makes it increasingly hard for them to stay together and VH1 wants to see why they can’t seem to go the distance. These four-and-a-half couples, at a crossroads in their relationships, will join together for over 2 weeks as they undergo intensive relationship therapy. Under the guidance of Dr. Jenn Berman, a nationally renowned relationship therapist, the couples will participate in group and individual therapy along with relationship exercises out in the “real world” to see if they can rekindle the love they used to have for one another — or if it’s simply time for them to move on.

550 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Insert Creative Username Here said... 1

Bringing this over from the other thread...

And what was sad is any member of his family would probably raise that daughter better than Farrah can. I don't even know why she still has custody.

At least the other one, the North Carolina one, Jenelle, had the common sense to give custody of her kid to her mom. Farrah doesn't have to give it to her mom, but a sane member of the father's family might not be half bad.

From what I remember, I think Farrah cut them off because they were mean to her when they found out she was pregnant. A good reason at 16 to cut them off? Yes. 4 or 5 years later? Not so much.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 2

Was the fight between Farrah and her mom televised? I just read about it


No, I don't think cameras were there when it happened. Debra's not that dumb. If she was going to snap, she wasn't going to have it filmed as evidence.

It's kind of a shame it wasn't filmed. I don't trust Farrah's version of events as far as I can spit, and if I remember Debra never really told her side. Probably on the advice of her lawyer, since she was arrested for it and had to do programs.

I can envision something where Farrah is on an absolute rampage screaming, spitting and insulting her mother and daring her to shut her up, maybe threatening to not let her see Sophia which she loves doing. She plays vicious emotional games with those who love her. I have a feeling that's probably how it went down and Debra, who is unstable emotionally, just couldn't take it anymore.

Teen Mom was sort of our Netflix binge reality show guilty pleasure last year. I have to admit most of it was spent laughing, it's sort of that kind of show. OH is a big fan of Gary. "He's such a pimp!" he always says and he loves how Gary's baby mama met her boyfriend in Walmart.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 3

whom she say has not deserved the right to be called her father so she calls him Michael)


That always drove me crazy. She says it with such a nasty, disrespectful tone too. I would slap that girl silly if I were her dad. Excuse me young lady, I am "Dad" to you and that's IT. Don't like it, then you need not speak to me at all. Truly, she is like Kate on speed, she's NUTS. Kate's breed of nuts is usually just infuriating. Farrah's nuts is sort of more pushing scary and psychotic.

Insert Creative Username Here said... 4

Yup, I never understood why her parents didn't kick her out earlier. If she was going to make her mom babysit on a whim and not be responsible, just kick her out, force her to do it all on her own. It's a hard decision, but a necessary one in Farrah's case.

Unfortunately Farrah still doesn't have to be responsible because she has Teen Mom money to keep her going. One day she's going to fall and hard. That money can't last forever.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 5

At least the other one, the North Carolina one, Jenelle, had the common sense to give custody of her kid to her mom. Farrah doesn't have to give it to her mom, but a sane member of the father's family might not be half bad.


I always though the irony of that show is that Tyler and his girlfriend, that really sweet young couple I think from Michigan, gave up their baby Carlie to a nice couple who lets them see her. And yet Tyler and GF would have made the best parents of anyone on that show. Both their parents were screw ups and they were both extremely parentified and always having to take charge of things. They were mature well beyond their years. They were even going to therapy to deal with it all, which is very mature for high schoolers. Good for them trying to give Carlie a better home, yet sad because I think they would have done just fine with her.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 6

From what I remember, I think Farrah cut them off because they were mean to her when they found out she was pregnant.


Yes I never really heard her explain exactly what it was they did to her that was so terrible. She got pregnant at 16, what did she EXPECT from them??? They came around eventually and they both adore Sophia, so maybe it's time to move on. She knows full well if Sophia gets pregnant at 16 she would freak too.

Insert Creative Username Here said... 7

Ironically, Tyler and Catelynn were recently on Couples Therapy. :)

Yes, glad they didn't raise their baby in that environment. I do feel sorry for them. I think the open adoption is a very hard choice. On the one hand you get to see your child, on the other hand doesn't that make you miss them that much more?

Anonymous said... 8

I can't stop laughing. I counted 4 different sites this week and it is only Tuesday, that told her to STOP, KNOCK IT OFF, and like the freight train that she is...she just kept plowing through until she finally derailed for good.

He warned you KG. He told you over and over to leave him alone or he would snap back, and he did. He waited years to do it, and it is nobody's fault but yours. How do you think a counter lawsuit is going to look on you now? I see lawsuits are in such high fashion these days from reading ROL. Your fav celeb site.

Yes folks there is finally something here to see, no need to move along, you may finally stop and stare at the train off the tracks for good.

drop the lawsuit for your kids sake. you can't go up against the truth. you think your "can we sue" will scare everyone off, but not anymore. Waste of the kids money. let it go.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 9

Remember when Farrah just all of a sudden was like screw you guys I'm moving to L.A.! No family out here, no friends, nothing for Sophia tying her here. I think she's from Nebraska. Her poor parents, devastated they weren't going to see their granddaughter anymore and terrified about shipping them off to a strange big city, nonetheless drove her all over the place in L.A. trying to get everything sorted out and trying to be totally supportive of this totally selfish and half-baked idea. In the end either Farrah never went or only went for like six months and then that was over. The real world caught up and she realized L.A. is expensive and living all on your own cost money, and it ain't so easy when suddenly no one is around to dump Sophia on. Their very nice house and guest house in Nebraska is the equivalent of a small studio on the east side in L.A.

It was just the most immature, F-U, half-baked idea ever.

Oh and also she used to dump Sophia on her parents all the time and go clubbing six days a week. Her mom would say look I adore spending lots of time with Sophia I'm just really worried she's not getting enough time with her mother. Exactly how much was Farrah gone for Debra to be concerned Sophia wasn't seeing her own mother enough? Good grief!

localyocul said... 10

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 5

At least the other one, the North Carolina one, Jenelle, had the common sense to give custody of her kid to her mom. Farrah doesn't have to give it to her mom, but a sane member of the father's family might not be half bad.


I always though the irony of that show is that Tyler and his girlfriend, that really sweet young couple I think from Michigan, gave up their baby Carlie to a nice couple who lets them see her. And yet Tyler and GF would have made the best parents of anyone on that show. Both their parents were screw ups and they were both extremely parentified and always having to take charge of things. They were mature well beyond their years. They were even going to therapy to deal with it all, which is very mature for high schoolers. Good for them trying to give Carlie a better home, yet sad because I think they would have done just fine with her


I agree! I love them and they both come from dysfunctional families (and their parents married each other I think) and they are awesome and mature.

localyocul said... 11

Insert Creative Username Here said... 7
Ironically, Tyler and Catelynn were recently on Couples Therapy. :)


They were? Again, though, couples that go on there aren't necessarily in trouble with their relationship.

localyocul said... 12

It was just the most immature, F-U, half-baked idea ever.


Well, except making a back-door porn video. Farrah and her mom make me think of Casey Anthony and Cindy. Not that Farrah would do anything to her baby, but the dynamic.

Starz22 said... 13

As for Jon doing this couples therapy show...I really don't care. I'm sure his every sentence or minute of screen time isn't going to be about the kids. I don't believe the kids are an issue in their relationship. Jon came with a lot of baggage, none of it being his kids.
Jon was ridiculed,laughed at,screamed at,dismissed, emasculated,and abused in his last relationship. I do believe this is what his problems are.
Whether he's really seeking help (if you can get that on a reality show) or a pay check I don't care. I know it wont consist of his kids.

Just like DWTS...I never watched the show,didn't care...even when TFW went on it, I never watched not even to make fun of her. Like this show? I won't watch. I like Jon but don't have time for the crap.
Many here have said the same thing...let TFW find a job, in tv or not...as long as the kids are not the focus,more power to her. She has yet to get a "job" where the kids are not the focus. Time will tell if Jon makes it all about the kids. ( I'm willing to bet its not) So...more power to him if it puts money in the bank for him. I bet he will make more money in a few weeks for this show than he's making in a year of waiting tables. And no, I have no issues with waiting tables.

Starz22 said... 14

From all I'm seeing here is Farrah farrah Farrah...I'm not thinking the Kids will be much of an issue! =)

Aunt Connie said... 15

localyocul said... 10
Insert Creative Username Here said... 7
Ironically, Tyler and Catelynn were recently on Couples Therapy. :)


Some of those couples that go to that "VHI Couples Therapy" show are just in it for another chance to be on reality TV. Dr Drew used to be the therapist. I think he is still involved with the production of that show in some way. He had to slow down some because of prostate cancer, but that VH I show is pretty raunchy. Lots of vulgar talk, etc. I have watched it, but usually just for a short time. Can only take a few minutes now and then.

former Jon fan said... 16

I'd like to say I told you so about Jon's trip to LA but I can't and I won't.

OMG, those poor children.

WTH, Jon?? So much for private life. Things had really died down, too, until Kate came out with her silly law suit.

I don't understand it. How could Jon do something as sleazy and gross as this show is? Especially after going on and on about his cabin in the woods, no internet, no tv spiel.

My heart breaks for those children. The one parent that was assumed to be the *stable* one, turns out is not.

I hope those kids are safe at home with their shrew of a mother. They sure lost the parent lottery in life.

Ex Nurse said... 17

I have tried to post several comments responding to some of the question asked, but none of them have shown up. I'm not aware of breaking any rules, so, if that is the case Admin, please let me know.

I am recuperating from a broken rib sustained from coughing. I've been sick for several months and was diagnosed as having severe asthma. So, very optimistic because it is treatable. But, on heavy duty pain meds for the fracture, so, a little out of it --in other words, I blame the Vicodin!

Layla, thank you for sharing about your son's progress. I know that you are very proud of him, and I am very grateful for his service.

Tucker's Mom said... 18

Starz22 said... 13
From all I'm seeing here is Farrah farrah Farrah...I'm not thinking the Kids will be much of an issue! =)
November 12, 2013 at 7:02 PM
For me, it's about associating with these people, not how much screen time each one gets. Just being in this milieu of z-list fauxlebrity salad spinner of f*ck (thank you Veep) is toxic and a horrible example to set for 8 impressionable children. Jon's father must be rolling in his grave, a dignified man, a pediatric dentist (orthodontist?) and pillar of the lovely, small Berks community.
Anyone who would go on this type of show or offer their therapy sessions up for money and public consumption is clearly not sincere about getting REAL help.
This is a SHOW with a CAST. Period.
Still not feeling it and not liking this Liz right now either.
She is a mother and she is thus far, by and large, a private citizen. I think she's playing with fire.

Layla said... 19

You know, the sheeple are going to spin this couples therapy and say it's proof that Jon and Liz are having problems. Please, like this is "real" therapy. Hello, it's a reality show. These people are there for a paycheck, not for serious therapy. Now, think what the sheeple would say if it were announced that TFW and Steve (just an example) were going to be on the show...they would praise TFW for taking every opportunity to provide for the kids, they would praise TFW and Steve for getting help to build a strong relationship, blah, blah, blah. They would make this out to the best thing that ever happened to TFW. But since it is Jon, it's proof of a bad relationship.

I do think it's funny that the sheeple now have to acknowledge that Jon is still with Liz. That means they have been together for around 2 years now. And he was with the one before her for close to two years. Definitely not flitting around from one woman to another like the sheep claim. They were absolutely convinced that this is a new girl, definitely not Liz. I think it really bothers them that TFW is still alone. They like to claim it's because she's so devoted to the kids, but she spends plenty of time away from them in NYC or LA. She could meet someone new if she really tried.

I haven't seen Ms. Goody tweet the network to tell them that Jon doesn't pay child support. Isn't that what she did when he was rumored to be on DWTS? Perhaps she's sick today.

Greedy Gosselins said... 20

I feel like Jon suckerpunched me in the gut.

Maybe he should try his hand at poker.

Midnight Sun said... 21

What's next Jon? Celebrity boxing?

Wow. Just wow. ALLLLLL that good will he earned is gone *snap* just like that. He's going to be eaten alive by the very people he had won over with his subdued lifestyle.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 22

Yes Tucker, I really don't think Farrah is a good person to be around or really Taylor either. They are the epitome of reality shows preying on the mentally ill and train wreck personalities and putting them in stressful situations then filming the fallout. Why would you want to even associate with such a mess? It's very gross. If Jon wishes to just collect a paycheck and not get much screen time he picked the right cast. I guarantee Farrah and Taylor will hog the screen time with their antics. Guarantee it. And this is going to get good ratings because there's a real following for Farrah and her crap.

As for the lovely Tyler and Catelynn, I imagine that was just a paycheck for them. Their show has documented quite carefully that both of them have been doing everything they can to keep themselves mentally healthy. They both went to REAL therapy both separately and together, and they talked frequently to a social worker at the adoption agency. Catelynn even went on a therapy-oriented retreat with other moms who had given up their babies for adoption. Their way to deal with their problems shows a maturity beyond their years. For instance I remember once they were eager to have Carlie come to their graduation but didn't want to overwhelm her parents with meeting all their family and moving the meetings from neutral ground. So they talked it out in therapy and with the social worker and with each other, and really reflected on whether to ask them. After what seemed like a long time they finally decided it would be best not to invite them. Very refreshing from a typical young person, or even adult, who wouldn't think deeply about an important decision like that and might rather just do something rash. They were not relying on some silly therapy show for their mental health needs. I wanted to say there was one exception in the parents department. Tyler's bio mother seems very nice and has good advice. Thankfully he takes after her. I think those two are one of the nicest, sweetest, most mature couples to ever show up on reality T.V. Kate and Jon could learn something from them.

PatK said... 23

I do have to wonder why Liz even agreed to this. Is she selfishly trying for her 15 minutes of fame via Jon's coattails, or just trying to help Jon earn some decent money? Very strange.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 24

Wow. Just wow. ALLLLLL that good will he earned is gone *snap* just like that. He's going to be eaten alive by the very people he had won over with his subdued lifestyle.


It's a real shame. I think he's worked very hard to garner support and I think he was in a really good spot with the lawsuit going well and public opinion shifting his way. He may have squandered it all. I'm not going to say it's a done deal but just the association with reality trash isn't that good for the much solider public image he has now. Although it's possible the payout was so good, enough to cover attorney bills and maybe even go back to court for more custody, that he doesn't care if it trashes his image.

Someone said earlier today that how Jon feels in one moment is sincere and how he feels in another moment while it may be different is still sincere. I think that's a perfect description and it reminds me SOO much of the Type B's who have passed through my life. They're sincere. They really do not think like us Type A's do. It's like he's incapable of understanding that the ship has leveled out and everything is smooth sailing so why would you set up the plank and prepare to jump off? Things are going your way! He just doesn't seem to think on this spectrum. I really don't think he realizes it. It's just sort of like well this sounds good to me now.

I'm not going to say I sort of understand where Kate was coming from in that marriage, because on the contrary I think she had a really good situation with him and I think he was very good with all those little children, however what I will say is this. Is is unlikely that a very strong Type A personality would ever understand or be truly compatible with a very strong Type B personality. More likely than not the Type A would always want to strangle the Type B, while the Type B would just stand there saying what? What'd I do? Because they truly wouldn't know.

Midnight Sun said... 25

You know, the sheeple are going to spin this couples therapy and say it's proof that Jon and Liz are having problems.

Not to be disrespectful, but I'm not sure you're seeing the forest for the trees. Who cares about Jon and Liz? That's a seemingly minor issue as compared to what comes with doing these vapid, disgusting shows -- tabloid mag interviews, tabloid tv interviews, pap pictures, pap followings and rubbing elbows with the likes of Michael Lohan.

Are any of the couples who were on this show still together?

Jon's mom was reportedly wary about him doing that OWN interview. Now we know why. Jon likes shiny objects just as much as Kate does. How incredibly disappointing.

Why Jon???? said... 26

"Wow. Just wow. ALLLLLL that good will he earned is gone *snap* just like that. He's going to be eaten alive by the very people he had won over with his subdued lifestyle".
I have to agree with you. I am so disappointed that he decided to do something like this. I think this was a really bad move and will not end well for him. If he is doing it for the money, no amount of money is worth the negative feedback he will get from this.

I have always been a supporter of Jon but I really question why he is doing this. I would love to be proven wrong about the whole thing but we will have to wait and see.

Tucker's Mom said... 27

PatK said... 22
I do have to wonder why Liz even agreed to this. Is she selfishly trying for her 15 minutes of fame via Jon's coattails, or just trying to help Jon earn some decent money? Very strange.
November 12, 2013 at 8:11 PM
I would think that Jon would say, "hey, look at me, I'm a cautionary tale, making my life public" and protect her from this pernicious lifestyle. And, by extension, protect her children.

I have no idea how old they are, but the ARE going to see this sorry show and the people their mother "got into bed with" to earn a buck.
What price the soul and isn't Jon the very one who said "reality tv is not a career"?

(thanks all for not jumping on me with my harsh reaction today... this has really taken me by surprise and I'm just trying to be objective and even handed)

Fencer said... 28

I feel like Jon suckerpunched me in the gut.


Excellent choice of words! Me, too.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 29

The thing is too, even if it is a lot of money, does he really need this money? I understand the lawyers are costing a bundle but he has a job now and things can be worked out. Tuma seems like a reasonable guy, even if you have to pay him back for 10 years I bet he would work with him. And I feel like he understands that the kids don't need trips and stuff and all the things that Kate has spoiled them with. He seems happy with his house in the woods and a scaled back lifestyle and like I said, he has a paycheck now. Why this now? I thought he had gotten to a place where he was content with living like how the rest of us live and was providing the children an alternative to the Jones' lifestyle that is so bad for them.

Would we all enjoy a reality show salary? Probably. But I think most healthy people understand you don't NEED such a salary and can be very happy without it.

AnnieD said... 30

Unfortunately, Jon will be judged by the company he keeps. I'm disappointed that he has chosen to do this show.

JoyinVirginia said... 31

The Greek mathematicians and Isaac Newton and I have been playing basketball - badly - since they all watched VCU BEAT UVA with me. Yippee! Its actually a miracle and both teams should be ashamed of how many foul shots they missed. Anyway, we will have to try this again when there are no distractions. I have to get everyone back home and return the time traveling phone both before midnight.
I promised Democritus, the ” laughing philosopher” , that he can come back and watch Couples Therapy with us. Her has laughed a lot at all the reality TV shenanigans we have described to him.
Night everyone!

Greedy Gosselins said... 32

I would think that Jon would say, "hey, look at me, I'm a cautionary tale, making my life public" and protect her from this pernicious lifestyle. And, by extension, protect her children.

You'd think. I feel like I've been punk'd.

One thing is for sure, not one more minute of my sympathy or compassion will be spent on Jon Gosselin.

Remember those rumours about Kate and Jon getting back together and how silly we all thought it was? Would not surprise me one bit now.

They can both kiss my fat butt.

Meanwhile, 8 children need to be raised up.

Ex Nurse said... 33

I have tried to post several comments responding to some of the question asked, but none of them have shown up. I'm not aware of breaking any rules, so, if that is the case Admin, please let me know. I appreciate those who support my right to express a dissenting opinion. 

I am recuperating from a broken rib sustained from a long-term cough. I've been very sick for several months and was diagnosed today as having severe asthma. So, I am  very optimistic because it is treatable. But, on heavy duty pain meds for the fracture, so, a little out of it --in other words, I blame the Vicodin! 

Layla, thank you for sharing about your son's progress. I know that you are very proud of him, and I am very grateful for his service.

One of my missing posts suggested that Admin put a halo on Jon, or remove him from the head of the blog. It never fails that the exact moment I finally get where everyone else is about him, something happens.

I don't see how this show squares up with his recent statements. I guess reality tv is really bad for kids, but really great for intimate relationships? At least Liz is a consenting adult, so I don't really have much of an opinion on this, other than concern for the privacy of the kids. 

I watched some clips and trailers of previous seasons, and it seems pretty formulaic and predictable. At least one extreme nut job to provide maximum drama (Farrah, from what some of you have said), one with anger issues, an offensive chauvinist pig, rockin' hot bikini bodies, lots of trash talking and one very lucky couple that will rediscover the magic in their relationship and go off into the sunset together. Maybe that will be Jon....or, Kate and Milo in the next season. 

Since this is actual therapy, there will be no excuses that their ex, or anyone else, is to blame for their problems--whether their ex was a narcissist, a serial killer or Adolph Hitler, for that matter. Any attempts to pin any current problems on an ex will backfire, in a big way.

While I think that this is a huge mistake, it is his life, and his relationship. Hopefully, Jon will protect his children's and they will be off-limits for the show. The focus of the show is the adult relationship--I don't think the network will gain by dragging the kids into the spotlight, and I doubt that the demographic for this show will care about kids, anyway. 

I have never agreed that TFW should be forever barred from the media because it was the kids that put her in the spotlight, so I think Jon is also entitled to participate in any project, as long as he leaves the kids out of it. 

I think that this is a terrible idea, because it is unpredictable. Unlike a serious documentary, this will be edited for macimum entertainment, and I think that there is considerable downside for his reputation, and not much to gain in any kind of a meaningful way. 

Why anyone would participate in this kind of show, and, subject a loved one to this kind of Jerry Springer crapfest is beyond me. Maybe Jon is earning the investment he hopes to make in the Black Dog Cafe.

In any case, I am looking forward to Admin's recaps, and reading all the positive spin that people will try to put on this! 

Auntie--please pass the popcorn!

Ex Nurse said... 34

Midnight Sun said... 24
You know, the sheeple are going to spin this couples therapy and say it's proof that Jon and Liz are having problems.
I think that one of the premises of the show is that the participants are at a crossroads in their relationship, and that one of the goals of coiples's therapy is to evaluate whether to continue the relationship or break up.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 35

I think that one of the premises of the show is that the participants are at a crossroads in their relationship, and that one of the goals of coiples's therapy is to evaluate whether to continue the relationship or break up.


That doesn't make it real. I don't believe for one second that Tyler and Catelynn took this show that seriously. They have their real therapists and social workers they have been seeing for YEARS. I'm sure it was just a paycheck for them, a way to give Carlie a very nice Christmas and maybe a down payment on a house. Who knows how the other stars have seen it.

Sherry Baby said... 36

Jon likes shiny objects just as much as Kate does.

Maybe he likes paying the mortgage (and the attorneys) even more. When all is said and done, when the negative feedback slaps him down, when the media runs with stories that aren't so nice, he can say that it's all TFW's fault for filing a suit against him. He was having financial problems before, and now, thanks to Kate, he had no other choice. Attorneys and court fees have to be paid.

That said, I, along with many others here, am disappointed in him. I know absolutely nothing about the show, nor the cast of characters, but if it's raunchy, then I am surprised that he's agreed to do this. I just don't get it. Hopefully somewhere down the road he will explain why he is doing this.

Unknown said... 37

Like most everyone else, I was surprised to learn that Jon agreed to do the show...but I admit my first reaction was to laugh that Jon got a show, thanks to TFW's lawsuit jerking him back into the public eye. I do understand everyone being upset and feeling that Jon has done something really bad. Since I've never seen or even heard about this show, I think I'm not as upset as those that know exactly what the premise of the show is.

On the other hand, as best I can figure out, this thing he and Liz are involved in is only eight episodes, not an actual Reality Series. Am I correct? Does anyone know how long the shoot goes on? Is it shot in eight days real time, or condensed into a shoot of a few days? As someone up thread said, Jon knows his way around contracts now, and I suspect he managed to get a pretty good payday for a short investment of their time.

It will be interesting to see the actual episodes. In the meanwhile, I'm not going to be hating on Jon, OR on the people who are so upset with him....(on this blog, I mean) As for the sheeple and TFMJG, I will probably just laugh at them, being so insulted that Jon, without seeming to even try is on TV, and WITHOUT his children, something that TFW hasn't managed to do in spite of two years of begging!

getofftwitter said... 38

Perhaps, Jon is doing this for money to pay legal fees. If anything is wrong between Jon & Liz, it might be something as simple as getting married again. Perhaps both have issues with that or it could also be issues with ex's and even kids. A lot of people are not willing to get married a second time.

I really don't care if Jon goes on TV, as long as the kids, stay off. Just as I don't really care if Kate goes on TV as long as she is not using the kids, to keep her in the media.

Kate lackeys are coming slowly out of the woodwork.

And gee, isn't Kate very quiet! No tweets in 2 days. What happen to that gift of gab? Did the her lawyers shut her up?

OrangeCrusher1 said... 39

Will someone please explain to me how half a couple fits into a show about working out relationship issues? Is this Farrah such a draw? I have never paid much attention to the teen mom dramas. Why is she on this show?

AuntieAnn said... 40

I'm so out of the loop that I have no idea who the hell all these other people are who will be on this show. I've been living in ignorant bliss of reality tv. But I think perhaps Jon is doing this to settle the score with Kate on the platform on which SHE chose to attack him. His going private didn't shut her up, maybe this will. We'll see.

Anyway, the popcorn machine is on overnight delivery, ladies :0)

(And I have REAL butter)

sad day in the Gosselin world said... 41

Obviously, Jon has shown his true colors. He learned NOTHING from his past. Absolutely nothing. smh

He says on national tv that his kids have morality problems. Hmmm...wonder why Jon? He is contributing to that as much as Kate is now.

Duped, punked, sucker punched and lied to.

What is THIS little stunt teaching the already troubled 8?

EX Nurse said... 42

Nevertheless, from the original post: "From the producers of "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew," "VH1 Couples Therapy" is the first reality show to examine firsthand the real life experiences of a group of buzzed-about couples. For some of these couples, living under constant scrutiny from the media and fans makes it increasingly hard for them to stay together and VH1 wants to see why they can't seem to go the distance. These four-and-a-half couples, at a crossroads in their relationships, will join together for over 2 weeks as they undergo intensive relationship therapy. Under the guidance of Dr. Jenn Berman, a nationally renowned relationship therapist, the couples will participate in group and individual therapy along with relationship exercises out in the "real world" to see if they can rekindle the love they used to have for one another -- or if it's simply time for them to move on." So, according to their own press release, the show is hoping to explore why couples who are publicly scrutinized can't sustain long-term relationships. And, the phrase 'rekindle the love they used to have" implies that they are on the verge of a breakup, or, at least, have serious problems." I can't to speak to the motivations of the participants, but that is the premise of the show.

EX Nurse said... 43

And, the host of the show and her trained staff are REAL therapists. It is similar to Celebrity Rehab--Dr. Drew Pinsky is a real doctor that specializes in addiction treatment.

Math Girl said... 44

I was looking through articles on the Couples Therapy show trying to see how it is filmed. Though each season airs as 8 episodes, it is filmed over a 2 week period. The couples live in a "couples" house and are filmed 24/7. They may be filming now for the new season (just announced) that will air in January.

Here is one of the shorter articles about what is involved:

Other articles talked about the 24/7 filming and the fact that Courtney Stodden on season 2 got to go away at night because she was 17 years old and was protected by California's laws regarding minors working in the entertainment industry!

This show sounds really manipulative and exploitative, but it's rating on IMDB is higher than the rating for Celebrity Wife Swap. Imagine that!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 45

What is your point Ex Nurse? Good grief.

It's two weeks of therapy. I would assume as a nurse you would know two weeks of therapy no matter how intensive is nothing. I refuse to believe that that a couple like Tyler and Catelynn got more out of this than the years, and years and years and years of therapy, social workers, retreats, and other intensive services. That's all I'm saying.

And it's for a reality show. Get real. It's all staged. I don't care how real the therapists are. It's a reality show and a pay check, make no mistake.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 46

But I think perhaps Jon is doing this to settle the score with Kate on the platform on which SHE chose to attack him. His going private didn't shut her up, maybe this will. We'll see.


It wouldn't surprise me if he has been offered this show the previous three seasons. It wouldn't surprise me if after Kate's lawsuit was filed he decided to give them a call again and see if season four was available. That's really one of the few ways to get to Kate, hit her where it hurts the most. Money and going on T.V.

He said he would "snap." The sheeple got all up and arms thinking he meant something physical. Of course that wouldn't be the case, but I wonder if it meant something like this as in he will get Kate where it hurts. She's really done it this time. I really don't think we'd be here but for that lawsuit. She pushed him over the edge. You know in many ways she's just like Jon in that when things are going well she can't just let things be. She can't sit back and let it ride. She HAS to stir that pot of stew, she has to pick at it and scrutinize it and open that lid over and over. Eventually, the meal gets ruined.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 47

I'm so out of the loop that I have no idea who the hell all these other people are who will be on this show.


You're in for a treat with Farrah. As for everyone else, waste of space!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 48

Is this Farrah such a draw? I have never paid much attention to the teen mom dramas. Why is she on this show?


I didn't even know she was in a relationship and even on the show she doesn't appear to have a partner. On the show she couldn't even get past the first date she was that neurotic. Seriously, she was a first date girl and that was it the men went running.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 49

Maybe he likes paying the mortgage (and the attorneys) even more. When all is said and done, when the negative feedback slaps him down, when the media runs with stories that aren't so nice, he can say that it's all TFW's fault for filing a suit against him. He was having financial problems before, and now, thanks to Kate, he had no other choice. Attorneys and court fees have to be paid.


If he comes out and spins it like this, I think that will be the ultimate revenge. Hey Kate look I didn't want to steal your thunder and go back on reality T.V. I didn't WANT to be the one on T.V. and you the mediocre one, but Tuma's gotta be paid and you sued me and now I have all this legal debt. You forced me to take this high paying gig so I can weather this lawsuit, sorry.

Oh she'll be steaming. I have never, ever seen a celebrity lawsuit backfire so terribly.

Yes Remona, my first reaction was laughter, I own it. When you put all the other concerning issues with this aside, it really is downright hysterical, in epic proportions, that HE has a new reality show and not Kate. Side splitting.

EX Nurse said... 50

Who knows why Jon ever does what he does? Call him Type B, an abused spouse and everything in between--the guy has serious relationship issues. He has always been his own worst enemy, and until people stop enabling him by giving him this heroic victim narrative, he will not change. People hear have an exceedingly low bar of what is acceptable behavior while TFW is held to an impossibly high standard. She is a horrible mother and the ex from hell, but she can't even make a homemade cake without coming under artillery fire.

Those two came together for a reason--like jigsaw puzzles. They both have enormous work to do on themselves in terms of personal growth, or they will both keep recycling through their same patterns.

Tucker's Mom--you commented earlier today on how much TFW has changed.,, and that she didn't start out as the monster we now see. I agree with this. The tendencies were there, but the unique circumstances of wealth and fame brought out the worst in both of them. If there had never been the tups and show, I think that they may have had a relatively normal country life. Not a perfect one, and not free of problems, but probably much more on the scale of we mediocre people. Maybe they would have grown apart, or, maybe without the extreme circumstances their relationship would have deepened. No one will ever know what could have been. I think that is a tragedy for their innocent children and future generations of their family. It is very hard to deviate from family scripts.

Unknown said... 51

I'm posting this again, since the first one seems to be floating 'out there' somewhere. (Now watch the first one appear as soon as I hit publih for this one!)

Like most everyone else, I was surprised to learn that Jon agreed to do the show...but I admit my first reaction was to laugh that Jon got a show, thanks to TFW's lawsuit jerking him back into the public eye. I do understand everyone being upset and feeling that Jon has done something really bad. Since I've never seen or even heard about this show, I think I'm not as upset as those that know exactly what the premise of the show is.

On the other hand, as best I can figure out, this thing he and Liz are involved in is only eight episodes, not an actual Reality Series. Am I correct? Does anyone know how long the shoot goes on? Is it shot in eight days real time, or condensed into a shoot of a few days? As someone up thread said, Jon knows his way around contracts now, and I suspect he managed to get a pretty good payday for a short investment of their time.

It will be interesting to see the actual episodes. In the meanwhile, I'm not going to be hating on Jon, OR on the people who are so upset with him....(on this blog, I mean) As for the sheeple and TFMJG, I will probably just laugh at them, being so insulted that Jon, without seeming to even try is on TV, and WITHOUT his children, something that TFW hasn't managed to do in spite of two years of begging!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 52

and until people stop enabling him by giving him this heroic victim narrative,


What in the world are you talking about? Just when I think we agree, there you go again.

Meagler said... 53

Well well well.... what a change of events. I think the Gosselins are going to be like herpes. it never really goes away. Just when you think things are cleared up, here comes another outbreak...

I am getting a bit bored. I thot something good was going to come out of the lawsuit and Roberts book, but everything is starting to feel like smoke and mirrors.

Like someone upthread said...those kids still need to be raised. I hope they have good not-a-nannies! I wish them well.

I think I will be outta here for the next while things are getting scary hairy and the Christmas season will soon be upon us. Happy holidays to everyone. Think I'll check back in 2014 to see if anything has moved forward.

take care all...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 54

Orange, how do you work on a relationship that doesn't exist? Isn't Farrah single? You got me. I can see maybe working on how you ARE in relationships what kind of partner you are, but again that's hard unless you can provide examples from a relationship .... has Farrah ever even had a relationship? Other than her baby's father, but she was just a kid. She can't get a date as far as it was portrayed on the show. She acts like a psychopath to anyone she meets and they bolt. They're going to have to go back to basics with her, like how to have a first date without scaring the ever living crap out of the guy.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 55

Meagler we'll miss you but believe me I understand. It is starting to feel VERY repetitive, I agree. I enjoy the community here and the funny and intelligent comments way more. I'd be long gone and this blog bid a grateful farewell if not for this fine group.

Perhaps at some point shortly we need some kind of non-Gosselin post with perhaps a great screening party or some other virtual party, just to get away from this nonsense for a bit!

Math Girl said... 56

Since the entire season of the show is filmed in a little over two weeks, doing it is not a major time commitment. Take two weeks' vacation, fly to LA, film, bank the check, and go on with your life. A bit longer commitment and screen time than Celebrity Wife Swap, but not that much more. Certainly nothing like DWTS or JK+8.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 57

I also wanted to thank CarolJB for popping in to answer some questions about federal court. I don't think most of the rest of the legal eagles here have much experience with federal court, which can be a different ball game. Thank you Carol, please stick around.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 58

I am so sorry that some of you feel 'sucker punched' by Jon Gosselin. If I felt that way I would know I was overly involved in a stranger's life. That said, I guess this bemuses me. The man is going to make some money in a way that really rubs the ex the wrong way. Yes, finally he snaps, and no one cannot say she wasn't warned. After all she did to keep him from being paid for appearances, she and TLC were in cahoots for years. Karma, karma and more karma.

The plot Never Ends said... 59

I think some of you are being way to harsh on Jon. I think it's great he's going on this show. He's not exploiting the kids at all. He made it very clear that he wants privacy and no public cameras for his children and I'm sure the children will never even be mentioned in this show, except for the fact that he is a father of eight.

Guess what! He might even make enough money to BUY the Black Dog café or open one of his own! Wouldn't that be terrific?

I say...Go Jon! Enjoy yourself and let Kate see what it feels like for once. After all, Kate went on Wife Swap and she didn't even have a husband! At least he has a girlfriend who cares enough about him to work on their relationship and make a few bucks in the meantime.

Don't hate me. Lol

url/URL said... 60

He was having financial problems before, and now, thanks to Kate, he had no other choice. Attorneys and court fees have to be paid.

I fully understand that this lawsuit Kate brought about is probably costing Jon a ton of money. I get that.

What I don't understand is why he said he wanted a private life even AFTER the lawsuit was filed. Why he told us he was trying to help his kids' life from the effects of being ON reality tv.

Just be honest Jon. If we're confused, can you imagine how confused eight little kids must be?

Do as I say, not as I do?

Mel said... 61

Kinda funny...TFW is on CWS but she has no husband, so she participates with her dimwit make-up artist..

Jon gets on a couples therapy show and actually has a significant other to go with him. He isn't bringing his make-up artist or his security guard as his partner.

So...which one's the loser....

Ex Nurse said... 62

Good grief Admin, the typical rehab for addiction is 28 days. There are very successful workshops that take place in weekends, or over a week, including treatment for PTSD. I'm not sure what point you are even disagreeing with! I basically restated the premise of the show, and that the therapist are real. Believe me, there are many participants who will go to years of private therapy, and are completely faking it.

My enabling comment was too harsh--it is more like a denial of reality. IMO, that is why so many people have expressed a feeling of betrayal--they had what they thought was a coherent picture of who he is, and then, something like this seems to come out of nowhere. It is actually quite traumatic, and I am sorry that good people who have invested considerable time and support of Jon have been let down by him. I know what it is like to feel this kind of betrayal, and I wish no one ever had to experience this in their lives. Jon has lost a lot today, whether he knows it or not.

Although his behavior seems random, it actually is 100% predictable, based on the patterns of behavior that we have already seen. He clearly cycles through phases of some very disturbing behavior. Attempts to rationalize his behavior, are useless. Jon has always been his worst enemy.

I apologize for the enabling remark--it was inappropriate.
It will be interesting to see how he holds up under the pressure of intensive therapy,

AuntieAnn said... 63

EX Nurse said... 50
She is a horrible mother and the ex from hell, but she can't even make a homemade cake without coming under artillery fire.


I will admit I'm very critical of her. But couldn't she just make a homemade cake without claiming she invented the recipe, godammit?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 64

Even a 28 day program would come with a recommended months of aftercare. You know that. And I've rarely seen anyone recover from anything without at least a 90 day program. If only it were so easy. It's not.

Couldn't you just as easily argue that rather than being enabled, Jon has been so harshly criticized he must just figure what does it matter I can't do anything right in their eyes so I'll just do whatever. To make the argument outsiders have any influence on his decisions right or wrong goes both ways, Ex nurse.

Jumping In said... 65

One of the more damaging narratives TFW has put out there since her divorce is finding someone "willing to take on 8 kids". While this would be daunting to a prospective suitor, it always comes off as if the children are at fault for her being single. Jon always seemed to be the parent who made sure his kids remained his focus, his priority.

Now, out of the blue he is going to appear on a therapy couples show with his girlfriend? What on earth does he hope to achieve publicly that cannot be worked out in private if this relationship is important to him? I am dumbfounded.

I have no idea what the format of this show is, but it will be intrusive and confusing for his kids. They must struggle everyday with the toxicity that comes with their mother's hatred for their father, and now this crap! Their parents marriage crumbled and became tabloid news, and now their father is trying to save his relationship with Liz on television! How much more turmoil can these kids take? Kate has to be raging with anger that Jon bagged an 8 episode deal, and the kids are on the receiving end, and this on top on the lawsuit.

What will they have to say to a therapist? Unless their problem is intimacy, how can they NOT talk about him having 8 kids, and TFW?
The very reason any of us know his name is because he is the father of these children, and the much maligned ex-husband of a well-known shrew. The irony of him being on a reality show to talk about how a reality show ruined his marriage and family is beyond the pale.

The kids may not be on camera, but their father is there because of them, their existence made him famous. Yes, there will be a pay cheque, and maybe he can pay his lawyer or get his a restaurant, but at what cost to his children? It's one thing to say, "let's watch daddy on DWTS", and quite another to say, "let's watch daddy talk about how hard his relationship with Liz is!", not that there is a hope in hell they'll see it at home.

Sure, it's good to see karma come around, but this is not how I envisioned it.

Millicent said... 66

I'm not thrilled that Jon has chosen to be on another reality show, although this one is without the children. I will wait to see if there is any discussion of the children during this "therapy" baloney. Hopefully not.

If it really does just focus on working out issues that couples often have - I still won't watch it, but I will not jump on the condemnation band wagon. Hey Sheeple - remember, he's the father of 8 kids and he's just doing what needs to be done to support them! Ha.

We've speculated that Jon's financial situation is probably pretty dismal. So if he took this gig to bring in a nice hefty paycheck, so be it. Not the route I would go, but then again, I only have one child and no crazy narcissistic ex hounding my life.

My main hope is that the children are not mentioned, except perhaps in the generic way of discussing how a couple blends their families together. That is certainly a real issue that many new couples face these days, and nothing personal or specific need be said about any of the children involved while still having a discussion about how to cope with blending two families.

If I didn't say it before, I won't be watching this show. Any show that involves a former "Teen Mom" is most definitely not on my list.

Canadian Mom said... 67

...it will be intrusive and confusing for his kids. They must struggle everyday with the toxicity that comes with their mother's hatred for their father, and now this crap! Their parents marriage crumbled and became tabloid news, and now their father is trying to save his relationship with Liz on television! How much more turmoil can these kids take?

Jumping In, I co-sign your post along with the many others here today. As a mother, I am appalled at Jon's behaviour. I gave him the benefit of the doubt many, many times. I bought his whole 'private, simple life in the woods' spiel and thought "now THERE'S a parent who's truly, unabashedly trying to normalize those precious children's lives after having to grow up on telelvision by sacrificing the glitz and glamour and freebies their mother so covets."

How wrong we were. Sorry, how wrong I was. I don't speak for anyone but myself. And as someone quite snarkily suggested to another poster, yes, it would look like I am slightly overinvolved in this. But not with Jon's life. I'm PASSIONATELY involved with these children's lives. By that, I mean I root for them and hope and pray their suffering at the hands of their mother is alleviated in some way. If that's wrong, so be it. I'm passionate about ALL children. I'd like to think we all are but I'm not assuming.

The irony, as someone mentioned, is just so very poignant. That Jon learned nothing, NOTHING, about appearing on a reality show when a reality show destroyed his life (and more importantly the kids' lives) not even a handful of years ago, makes me sick. Everything Kate and Jon went through, all the trials and tribulations and it was all for naught. Neither were able to recognize that fame and fortune were their downfall since the beginning and are doomed to repeat their past mistakes. And the children will suffer for it. Again.

Dashed hopes for the kids? Oh yes. Disheartening? Definitely. Jon and Kate are absolutely pathetic. The only pity I feel is for Alexis, Hannah, Leah, Colin, Joel, Aaden, Mady and Cara. I wish them every good thing in life and more. Stay strong, babies, stay strong. All you really have now is each other.

Hoosier Girl said... 68

As long as Kate has a need for the spotlight to feed her ego, Jon will never be allowed to live in obscurity.

Kate's shtick revolves around 'poor me' and bashing him every chance she gets. It's just gone from 'love taps' to backhanded snide comments on Twitter or in the media. I don't see that ever changing. That's all she's got.

I'll be interested to see how he comes off in this little endeavor. His public reputation is so tarnished that I'm not sure he can go anywhere but up ... but we'll see. I'll be rooting for him.

the bennefit of the doubt said... 69

I think all those condemning Jon's being on Couples Therapy are not accepting of the reality of his situation (no pun intended) Jon is flat broke, he walked away from TLC and that sham of a marriage with nothing. He let Kate take it all, maybe just desperate to get away or maybe because he wanted the kids to have the house, etc.
Fast forward to today and he is a waiter. He may very well struggle with keeping a roof over his head and he does have food/related costs when he has the kids. He has said no one will hire him for an I.T. job. Maybe he has come to conclude that no one will ever hire him because he has too much tabloid baggage and if you can't beat them, join them.
As far as the impact on the children with his appearance on this show, I say wait and see. In all of Jon's recent interviews to date, he has appeared sincere and genuine. I do believe he loves his kids more than anything and would not do anything that harms them.
So I am hopeful that this does not to be the disaster as so many on this blog seems to fear. I also don't think Kate is in a snit about Jon being on this show. since every time his name is mentioned it seems hers seems to be as well and I know she lives for that! She is probably thinking that Jon's appearance will drum up interest in herself and that there may be new interest in a dating show for her.
Anyway, just my two cents. Time will tell!

Vanessa said... 70

Well this certainly is not where I thought things were going with Jon. What a cop out. He obviously has a manager or pr team and THIS is all they could come up with? If they were the only interested party, that should tell you something Jon. I guess that genre of tv obviously has a certain type of person it attracts, they keep going back to it. Sad sad sad. And aligning yourself with DR DREW?? He's a bigger famewhore than the people he has on his shows. He gets as much airtime as his "patients".
Very disappointed.

like it is said... 71

Jon's decision to participate in reality TV again has drawn a mostly negative reaction here and has sparked a lively, but civil debate.

The sheeple have accused us many times of being Jon lovers and that we defend him no matter what. Which is so ironic, no? We have proved time & time again that we can call a spade a spade. The sheeple do not have this ability, they defend Kate no matter what she says, no matter what she does, no matter which Playboy bunny/sex tape participant she leaves her kids to be filmed with. One sheeple even immediately starts inventing excuses for her.

We can discuss Jon objectively, they are completely unable to do the same with TFW.

Katykat said... 72

I'm torn about this. On the one hand, I don't like the idea of Jon missing custody time (and I don't even know that he did). But if he needs the money, and it's not the kids being filmed or being bashed, it is an honest job and not my place to criticize because I don't walk in his financial shoes. I just hope he comes across as his usual, well-liked self so the general population can say, "Wow, how did such a nice guy stay married to that B**ch for 10 years?"

Localyocul said... 73

I guess I don't feel sucker punched because I never fully trusted jon. I still think he gave TFW legal custody and in return she agreed to agree to minal or no child support .

KitK said... 74

"The thing is too, even if it is a lot of money, does he really need this money? I understand the lawyers are costing a bundle"
I think this and like-sentiments is naive. OF COURSE he "really" needs the money!! In fact, I bet that some of his creditors are not so edible about "making arrangements" for payment as some have suggested. I think it might even have been said in no uncertain terms: "Look, you could pay me and I expect you to do what it takes to make that happen." And he apparently is doing that.

I will not sit in hypocritical judgement of him for actually doing something about his situation that is not at all like J&K+8. If I am J's child, I just hope that I appreciate that as much as J hates compromising himself that he didn't throw me in front of a camera (this time). How this plays out is all on J, and that he is reduced to this says volumes about his integrity - he's even willing to make himself look like a schmuck TO EVERYONE to pay his bills.

It's not up to any one of us to be 'disappointed' in him

TLC stinks said... 75

Don't watch VH1 and have no idea who the people are you guys are talking about. It sounds pretty trashy, a la Jerry Springer. Anyway, I don't get Jon and why he and his girlfriend would do this unless it is some publicity buildup for something bigger on the horizon. I realize he needs money but if Kate had not launched her lawsuit, then I guess this type of opportunity would never have been offered to Jon. In effect, she has brought him back into the fame whore world. Too bad.

The next shoe to drop will be Robert's book and then watch out for a deluge of Jon and Kate on the tabloids and TV. I guess we can forget about those children ever living a normal life. Once someone has tasted fame and easy money, the temptation must be tremendous to jump at any chance to get their mug back out there. Shame on Jon. If he needs therapy, do it privately, for real and not on some reality show. If the sheeple bash Jon, so be it.

Angie said... 76

Re: child support.
We don't know why Jon was relieved of child support. Obviously he doesn't have 50/50 custody, so some sort of deal was made.
If it was due to his past payments being so astronomical and his subsequent decrease in salary, it will take WOS about 5 mili-seconds to file a petition to ask for child support due to his new tv reality show.

Vanessa said... 77

It's not up to any one of us to be 'disappointed' in him
Whether or not it's up to us, it's how A LOT of us here feel.

Anonymous said... 78

I really don't remember a lot of things that happened when Jon was sued by TLC for breach of contract. Is it possible that Jon, as TFW stated recently, is at the "very, very end" of HIS obligations at TLC as well? There were comments the other day about 5 year contracts. Is it possible, as part of the resolution of that lawsuit, that Jon was banned from doing any television shows while the contract was still in force? Or does the lawsuit for breach end the contract completely?
He's only recently come out of the woodwork. The timing is interesting.
Admin, (and the other legal eagles here) could this even be possible?


TLC stinks said... 79

So if you needed money you would prostitute yourself? How does agreeing to appear on a trashy reality show reveal Jon's integrity? He talks out of both sides of his mouth. What is it...reality shows are good or bad? Integrity is not selling yourself to the highest bidder.

Sure, I do believe Jon has financial woes, but whose fault is that? Totally his. People sometimes go through these kind of things in life and they learn from their mistakes and build themselves back up by not back sliding into what got them into trouble in the first place. Sorry, but I have been following his story for too long to not be disappointed in him.

localyocul said... 80

Here is why we are not sheep. Those of us who were rooting for Jon (well a lot of us) are now saying WTF? And are disappointed. On the other hand, TFW's sheep will spin and deflect anytime she shows bad behavior. There is NOTHING she could do that would make them turn on her or admit she is less than perfect.

reader said... 81

Admin, sending you an email. It made me chuckle, nothing much but it just goes with the "spirit" of this whole (debacle) lawsuit.

Tucker's Mom said... 82

Guess what! He might even make enough money to BUY the Black Dog café or open one of his own! Wouldn't that be terrific?
I hold out little hope that there is a higher purpose to Jon's appearance, and that he'll be done with reality tv and finally will be the "just Jon from the country" guy, but one can dream!
I stand by my humble opinion that this is a poor example (in a string of poor examples) for a father/parent to set.
Reality TV, apparently for some, becomes their Brokeback Mountain:
"I wish I knew how to quit you".
Perhaps it's no coincidence that Couple Therapy comes from the same stable as Celebrity Rehab.
Just a thought ;-)

Tucker's Mom said... 83

url/URL said... 60
I read Jon's Dad's Round Table interview and only saw the snippet of Jon's OWN interview, and in each case, Jon did not indicate that his back was against the wall and had to consider television again. In fact, he seemed to be in a good place with his restaurant jobs,his life and his clear vision of what his children need.
I hold Jon to the same standard as Kate, whom I've criticized for promulgating the false dichotomy that it's TV or nothing.

NJGal51 said... 84

From what I read it's a two week gig (8 episodes). Serve me up a big bowl of who cares because I won't watch it and I tend to agree with Those that are not condemning Jon right off the bat. I enjoy reading here because I do believe that the kids have been/are still being exploited and we have many good off topic discussions but I have nothing invested in any of the players. So sucker punched, duped, lied to, betrayed, deceived, let down by Jon? None of the above. People have said that they'd support TFW on a show that didn't involve the kids so what's the difference with this? No matter what type of show either of them are on they're always going to mention the kids because it's a fact of life that they've got 8 (count them 8) kids. How they do it is another matter. So as I said, I'm not up in arms about this but I won't watch it either.

Vanessa said... 85

He's a sell out. Says and/or does what he thinks fits the situation, a lot like his former wife. (I can't believe I just typed that)

JoyinVirginia said... 86

Shows like Couples Therapy always have to have a somewhat normal couple for the shenanigans of the other guests to stand out as extreme as they really are. Jon and Liz are the NORMAL couple on this edition! Look at Taylor Armstrong, her first husband killed himself then it was reality TV fodder!
Jon and Liz from Pennsylvania are going to be the NORMAL couple. AS Such they will be portrayed as paragons of reason. Maybe they will even get a televised wedding out of the deal!
Ok, that would be just a lot too ironic. But still. Maybe this will focus on how you get along with a psycho ex. And they will still both be paragons of reason.
I am going to watch. Of only to find out what is the real name of Ghost face Killah!

Vanessa said... 87

So if you needed money you would prostitute yourself? How does agreeing to appear on a trashy reality show reveal Jon's integrity? He talks out of both sides of his mouth. What is it...reality shows are good or bad? Integrity is not selling yourself to the highest bidder.
Have to agree with you there

Vanessa said... 88

Is it possible that Jon, as TFW stated recently, is at the "very, very end" of HIS obligations at TLC as well? There were comments the other day about 5 year contracts. Is it possible, as part of the resolution of that lawsuit, that Jon was banned from doing any television shows while the contract was still in force? Or does the lawsuit for breach end the contract completely?
He's only recently come out of the woodwork. The timing is interesting.
Admin, (and the other legal eagles here) could this even be possible?

Sounds VERY plausible to me. You might be onto something PJ

chefsummer #Leh said... 89

"Wow. Just wow. ALLLLLL that good will he earned is gone *snap* just like that. He's going to be eaten alive by the very people he had won over with his subdued lifestyle".
I have to agree with you. I am so disappointed that he decided to do something like this

I'm with you two ugh come on Jon.

No offence to Jon but I was so hoping that he stayed off TV. I was hoping that he stayed with the hardworking dad w/o a TV show.

No offence but I just wish he and his ex-wife would go away. Now that Jon got his TV time I just now his ex-wife will some how get her's.

When will the Gosselin train end?

reader said... 90

I don't think I could ever say a mean thing about Jon. After surviving all that she has done to him; now more than DECADE of mental and emotional abuse, financial rape, and multiple lawsuits; no I won't say one bad thing about the guy.

TLC stinks said... 91

I agree that the timing is suspect about the end of any TLC contract or settlement with Jon popping up on TV. Here we thought it was all about him seeking a normal life when it may have just been he could not make money because TLC would sue. Interesting. Oh the horror. Now both Jon and Kate will be wheeling and dealing to claw themselves back on TV? And in the mix is Robert's book, which will serve as nothing more than a catalyst to bring publicity to both Jon and Kate? Have we been duped?

TLC stinks said... 92

reader, remember it was widely reported that Jon and Kate argued constantly off camera. He wasn't the pushover we saw on TV. I think they got carried away with what TLC wanted them to "appear" as because it sucked in viewers who related to the couple. Jon is definitely easy going and Kate is the polar opposite, but he may have exaggerated his role as the complacent husband per the producer's instruction. We have been reading for a long time now how these reality shows are scripted.

Tucker's Mom said... 93

localyocul said... 80
Here is why we are not sheep. Those of us who were rooting for Jon (well a lot of us) are now saying WTF? And are disappointed. On the other hand, TFW's sheep will spin and deflect anytime she shows bad behavior. There is NOTHING she could do that would make them turn on her or admit she is less than perfect.
This is truly the strength of this site.
"Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night"

The opposing positions about Jon's decision to participate in Couple Therapy will continue, but I'm confident the conversation will remain vigorous, yet respectful.
I've been spouting off about this since yesterday and appreciate everyone's thoughts, which seem to be all along the spectrum.
Not boring, n'est-ce pas?

reader said... 94

This offer did not happen in a vacuum. I don't think he made this choice easily. Good money for only weeks of work is quite the draw when crushing debt and a lawsuit that could put you under your ex's power forever keep you up at night.
Honestly even after this is over, win or lose, does anyone think she will ever stop?
She chased him through the house, up the stairs, frothing at the mouth over a coupon. My guess is she will continue to hound him forever.

Vanessa said... 95

For some reason some of us will always give Jon and pass for his bad behavior. If you remember, on the show, he wasn't always a "nice" guy. Toward the end, when he didn't want to do the show anymore, he was downright nasty to the children. I remember one time in particular when he was with the kids making something outside. I can't remember what episode, but my point is, there are two sides to everything
I started giving him a pass because I felt he was (still think he was) a victim of narcissistic abuse. You start to question yourself, your own judgement, the gaslighting that goes on takes it's toll on your person, your very being. When you're in the company of such a toxic person, you tend to mimic and follow LIKE HE DID. I still believe she was behind the "masterminding", getting the freebies, the donations, and ultimately THE SHOW. He was a good little soldier because he was under her thumb. There's a "aha" moment that us victims have when we realize we HAVE been abused, controlled etc. This is what I "thought" happened to Jon. He regained himself (or who I "thought" he was) when he demanded they not film anymore, even going as far as being sued for breach of contract. He was fighting for his kids. He got himself out from under the claws of his ex wife AND tv. Now this?? Tying himself along with the other bottom feeding scums of reality tv? Getting right back into bed with one of the huge contributors in his mess of a life?

TLC stinks said... 96

Well, I guess I am sounding like a Jon basher with my posts, but this couple's therapy reality show is really junk TV and I am just trying to figure out who Jon is: the guy living off the grid working a regular job or a fame whore like his ex. So far, I am not feeling good about this. If the kids are involved in any way in the filming of this crap show, then for me both parents are d- bags. Both parents haven't done much since the TLC show went off the air. Why is that?

TLC stinks said... 97

Let's see if Hailey sues Jon for that alleged $200,000 he borrowed and never paid back now that he will make some coin from the show.

Vanessa said... 98

If it was due to his past payments being so astronomical and his subsequent decrease in salary, it will take WOS about 5 mili-seconds to file a petition to ask for child support due to his new tv reality show.

Exactly! How many "ex wives from hell" stories have we heard? There are women who will never stop trying to get blood from a stone. She'll no doubt try to get her acrylic claws into any ANY money he makes now until the kids are adults.

Tucker's Mom said... 99

TLC stinks said... 95
reader, remember it was widely reported that Jon and Kate argued constantly off camera. He wasn't the pushover we saw on TV. I think they got carried away with what TLC wanted them to "appear" as because it sucked in viewers who related to the couple. Jon is definitely easy going and Kate is the polar opposite, but he may have exaggerated his role as the complacent husband per the producer's instruction. We have been reading for a long time now how these reality shows are scripted.
I recently went back and re-watched Kevin and Jodi's interviews from a few years ago. They were present for much of filming and their first-hand account was that there was an incredible amount of fighting between Jon and Kate. So much so that they had difficulty finding footage that would make for an episode.
I have no doubt that the "formula" for Jon + Kate's dynamic was "Kate the Type A shrew" and "Jon the somewhat aloof, laid back foil".
Hey, it worked like magic. The show failed without it.

Call Me Crazy said... 100

I've come to believe that it takes a certain kind of person to allow themselves to be drawn into the world of Reality TV. Even those burned badly in that world seem to find it impossible not to be drawn back into it. Maybe it's the idea of easy money. Maybe it's for the meager measure of fame skating on the outskirts of celebrity. Who knows? Whatever the reason, in its most basic form, it comes down to the scorpion and the frog: it's in their nature. Jon is a foolish, foolish man.

Ex Nurse - I'm sorry to hear about your broken rib and your battle with asthma. I hope your health returns quickly.

Kelly said... 101

Oh Jon. What a foolish misstep in my opinion. I always tried to justify his original begging on the triplets forum and subsequent t.v. whoring of his children because I believed (and still do) that Kate was behind it. I also cut him slack for being very young, p whipped with an incredibly large amount of children nearly all at once to support. But I have to say that from time to time in the back of my mind, I wondered it he missed the attention or the money himself. I imagine that combo could be quite intoxicating and a hard habit to break. Now I believe I was right and he was waiting for the opportunity and I do give him credit if he keeps the kids out of it but that's not likely to be under his control. His kids are/were the reason he's relevant and I'm sure this and his infamous ex will be brought up....repeatedly during his newest stint on reality t.v..

I understand the argument regarding the need for money but it does not justify placing himself (and therefore his children - intentionally or not) before the world's cynical and bullish audience to heckle and laugh at once more. Enough should have been enough and he should have known this. No amount of money is worth this Mr. Gosselin. NONE.

My sympathy is gone for not only TFW but Jon now as well. How terribly sad for those kids. I imagine life in the big house will get a little worse as well when Daddy and Liz get their airtime. TFW will be one angry, seething, jealous mix of ugliness.

TLC stinks said... 102

Oh, there is no doubt he was abused. None. But I think their opposite personalities were played up for the camera. Totally agree she masterminded it all and he played along until the marriage was over. That was when he wanted out for him and the kids.

Vanessa said... 103

reader, remember it was widely reported that Jon and Kate argued constantly off camera. He wasn't the pushover we saw on TV. I think they got carried away with what TLC wanted them to "appear" as because it sucked in viewers who related to the couple. Jon is definitely easy going and Kate is the polar opposite, but he may have exaggerated his role as the complacent husband per the producer's instruction. We have been reading for a long time now how these reality shows are scripted.

And JON of ALL people should know just how they can expose one person's traits, faults, personalities.We saw his ex wife's personality, faults, traits etc., the kids'... He HATED being labeled %$##@whipped, having no b@lls, a doormat, a loser etc. Hated that he couldn't be "just Jon". He was just starting to earn his reputation back, have A life. Now he's just opened up that old can of worms he knows oh so well.

Vanessa said... 104

And I don't think this is khate's karma, this is Jon's taking a u-turn

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 105

Let's see if Hailey sues Jon for that alleged $200,000 he borrowed and never paid back now that he will make some coin from the show.


That statute of limitations is long gone.

JR said... 106

Back to court Jon...so Kate can get her hands on that money you're gonna make. Momma needs another face lift. You know whatever she squeezes out of him she will use for herself just for the sick fun of it. What a mess....those kids will never see a dime of that reality t.v. money...I bet you she already asked her lawyer to take action so she can drain him dry..

chefsummer #Leh said... 107

I'm a little bit disappointed. in Jon I never thought he go back to TV again. But on the other note I know that he needs the $$ for himself and the kids.

I just hope that he doesn't go crazy once he gets paid. Please Jon don't relive the 09 ed hardydays.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 108

So if you needed money you would prostitute yourself?


No, me neither. But I think that's one of the problems with the type of people that end up on reality shows. They're willing to do the types of things that would horrify most people. There are a lot of things I think most people wouldn't do even for a million dollars. I think that list however is much shorter for some people, and some may not have anything on the list at all.

chefsummer #Leh said... 109

JR said... 108
Back to court Jon...so Kate can get her hands on that money you're gonna make.

I can see MsGoody bringing up the CS again and nailing Jon to the wall for the CS.

Vanessa said... 110

This offer did not happen in a vacuum. I don't think he made this choice easily.

That's what's so sad -make a list of pros and cons and CONS list wins?
He went into this knowing exactly what he was signing up for and he went ahead and signed anyways?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 111

Sure, I do believe Jon has financial woes, but whose fault is that? Totally his.


Well I don't know if I agree with that. Divorce, especially when you divorce a narcissist and parental alienator, is financially draining and often ruinous no matter how careful you are with every penny. And it is not his fault that Kate has chosen to sue him. I know several people who are very good with money who when they got divorced lost everything. One of them was even close to declaring bankruptcy. But, the solution is to go back out there, plug along and get a real job again and a steady paycheck like those people did and he was doing. Instead he's taken the easy out, a trashy reality show for a quick buck. I guess once you bite that apple....

Marie said... 112

I have no idea what the state of their child support issues are, but I do know this . . . It is also Jon's responsibility to provide for his children, not just Kate's. The court doesn't do something just because Kate WANTS it when it comes to support of children. It does what it does based on the law. If Jon is told to pay child support the he needs to do it. It is his obligation.


JR said... 113

Jon doesn't give a crap what anyone thinks...he's tired of being "without". Those 2 are cut from the same cloth. Yes Jon is the more decent one by far....Hes gotta do what hes gotta do. I don't think he cares much about public opinion right now..he needs cash. She is dragging him through the mud. Give the guy a break. As long as your not related to him...who cares!

Silimom said... 114

::shaking head::

Jon, Jon, Jon. I understand he's doing it for the money definitely and perhaps the attention also.

What I don't think he's getting is that this really seems to undermine what he's been saying the past few months. I wonder if he spoke with Tuma before moving forward on it? Tuma seems like he has his head screwed on straight. Could this be a strategy move to disprove Kate's claims that negative press keeps you from getting work in reality tv? After all Jon has had the most negative press of the two, IMO, and yet he can still get reputable interviews (The View, Oprah) and a two week stint on a reality show. If he can do it, what's Kate complaining about?

Anyway, I think it was a poor long term choice and I would have hoped he'd make a different decision but it's his life. We'll see if he can keep the focus off the kids but I doubt it as if this is couple's therapy, the kids are a factor in their relationship. Plus, it's what Jon is known for.


Vanessa said... 115

They're willing to do the types of things that would horrify most people.

Then don't cry foul when you you're called out, critiqued and judged. Same applies to him as it does to her as it does to everyone making the conscience choice to expose yourself. This isn't an interview, it's not a superbowl appearance, or a cameo etc. IT'S REALITY TV for pete's sake! Remember Jon, you get what you get and you don't get upset.

Kylie said... 116

Ex nurse, you are really tiresome. Yes, we ALL understand you can't stand Jon. We get it. I can feel your glee thinking this decision will bring him crashing to earth. Could you ever just let something go?

I don't know if this is a good or bad decision for Jon. But considering what he has had to endure at the hands of the witch he was married to and TLC, if the kids aren't involved and he can make a bundle, I say go for it. I just love the idea of seeing Kate's head spinning around wondering how did things get so turned around. I'm supposed to be on TV - not Jon, I'm supposed to be making money -- not him.

I'm at the point now of, who cares? Sure I want Jon's lawyer to trample Kate in court, but I wonder if it's worth hanging around to see because these court things can take a long time. I'm with Meagler, I just get weary of watching.

getofftwitter said... 117

Well, perhaps, Jon & Liz are going on this show, because of all of the kids involved. Jon's 8 and Liz 3. From what Jon said about his kids, recently, having a issues with getting along with other kids, people, right from wrong, fighting etc. Maybe, the kids relationship with Liz has changed, from friendly to mean, with liz & her kids. We don't know what crap Kate has been pumping into those kids heads about Jon, and the G8 are lashing out. This might be a recent thing. This might have started with the dog pics, then the law suit, and the book failure, Kate might be taking it out on the kids, so when they visit dad he gets it too. It could be something that simple. And /Or, perhaps one wants to marry and the other doesn't, because of kids, or other. And for money. There are many reasons why he is doing this show, but it could be a rather simple common reason.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 118

localyocul said... 80
Here is why we are not sheep. Those of us who were rooting for Jon (well a lot of us) are now saying WTF? And are disappointed. On the other hand, TFW's sheep will spin and deflect anytime she shows bad behavior. There is NOTHING she could do that would make them turn on her or admit she is less than perfect.


Exactly what I love about this site. And even those that haven't changed their minds on him have reasonable reasons for it, such as well I'd like to see the show first before I pass judgment. Fair enough. I always felt that most people here at heart were behind the kids, and if someone was making good choices for the KIDS, then they were going to support it. And if that same someone or anyone else started making bad choices for the kids, then they wouldn't support it. It didn't matter who they were.

Vanessa said... 119

The court doesn't do something just because Kate WANTS it when it comes to support of children. It does what it does based on the law. If Jon is told to pay child support the he needs to do it. It is his obligation.
Yes, but she can keep taking him to court, as she's proven she loves to do. If she sees he's now come into some chaching$, what's stopping her from taking him to court? She could win, she could lose, what does she care? And yes, it's his obligation as it is every single parent's out there.
Easy $ for 2 weeks? sure! But the true consequences are incalculable-well actually NOT for Jon, he KNOWS the consequences

chefsummer #Leh said... 120

. . It is also Jon's responsibility to provide for his children, not just Kate's

Can you really call it providing when you are using them constantly?

Formerly Duped said... 121

This show is entertainment, not real therapy. Iirc, Tyler & Catelynn did have problems and called off their wedding. I loved them as a couple but you could sense Tyler was itching to move on in life while Catelynn was stuck in a comfort zone and was parentalized by her alcoholic mother. I think they were hoping to adopt a sibling of Tyler. Not sure why since his mom seems ok, or maybe it was not her child but his jailed father.. They have a very dysfunctional mixed- up family and are amazingly mature caring young people.I wish them the best.

Farrah is on the show since she has been in the news for blowing her Teen Mom earnings on a nose and boob job, sex tape, DUI, bombed music recordings, giving up Sofia so' she- the child- can life her own life at age 4', to her mom again, and for her general nastiness.
Unfortunately personalities like this make people want to watch the train wreck. I won't be watching unless clips are posted on here.Farrah gives Kate a run for her money, I will say.

Vanessa said... 122

Maybe, the kids relationship with Liz has changed, from friendly to mean, with liz & her kids. We don't know what crap Kate has been pumping into those kids heads about Jon, and the G8 are lashing out.
Hey, that's an honest theory, but why go on a tacky pseudo-therapeutic piece of crap hosted by, like I said earlier, a bigger famewhore than his guests? If their intentions are genuine, you don't air it so the producers can use WHATEVER footage they get, HOWEVER they want. You sign "yourself" away and you can't even "set the record". Unlike an interview, you can defend your words, explain they were taken out of context. Khate always said "the realist reality show out there" until the backlash got sooo huge she blamed it on editing. The footage is the footage, period. Look how long it took for the sheeples tide to turn? Alaska? RV trip? They show what they want, how they want, when they want and the subject of said film HAS NO SAY

Anonymous said... 123

There may be another reason Jon is doing this show that has not been discussed. Maybe Liz is pressuring him or even drawing the line that if you don't do this then we are done. I truly hope this is not the case. If she is pressuring him in anyway, then that should be a huge red flag for Jon. One, it means that she is riding his coat tails for the fame and money. And two, it would mean that she does not have Jon's best interest at heart. Again, this is just speculation. I am hoping this is not the case.

localyocul said... 124

Marie said... 114
I have no idea what the state of their child support issues are, but I do know this . . . It is also Jon's responsibility to provide for his children, not just Kate's. The court doesn't do something just because Kate WANTS it when it comes to support of children. It does what it does based on the law. If Jon is told to pay child support the he needs to do it. It is his obligation.



When my ex lost his job he wanted CS modified. We went to the modification conference, they plugged in the numbers and he said he could not afford it. She said well you can mutually agree to any number down to zero. I offered some off, he didn't like it, he appealed and lost. So if that's what happened, TFW can request a modification right now. I don't think, contrary to what her lawyer said, you can "give up all rights to child support forever". However, I think Jon has the legal custody thing that he would go for that if she ups it again. I really think a judge would look at the two of them, see that they don't see eye-to-eye on anything, and keep legal custody with her since she has had it. If two people can't agree, then a judge will often not grant shared legal custody.

Insert Creative Username Here said... 125

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 24
I'm not going to say I sort of understand where Kate was coming from in that marriage, because on the contrary I think she had a really good situation with him and I think he was very good with all those little children, however what I will say is this. Is is unlikely that a very strong Type A personality would ever understand or be truly compatible with a very strong Type B personality. More likely than not the Type A would always want to strangle the Type B, while the Type B would just stand there saying what? What'd I do? Because they truly wouldn't know.
My in-laws are like this. They've taken just about every personality test they could and they are always polar opposite. My FIL is very type A, very organized, very check off the boxes on his list type person. My MIL is very type B, very social, bounces from activity to activity, not very scheduled or rigid. They both drive each other crazy at different points, but they love each other. They have the same views and outlook on life and share most of the same goals.

I think that's the difference in a marriage. You can be two totally different personality types, but you have to share a connection with common views of events and you have to have common goals. I think J&K's relationship initially worked. They drove each other crazy but they had common goals. And then...they didn't, which ultimately led to the divorce.

Tess said... 126

I am so disgusted. Those poor kids. I don't care what his reason for going on this show is, I thought he just got done saying how he is still helping the kids deal with the fallout from reality tv and now this. Even as I was reading through the comments trying to look at it from the different takes being presented, my gut was saying, "very bad idea". The media tide had turned in his favor with comments saying TFW needed to move on, but now it will once again be THEY need to disappear. The kids are too well known for anything either parent does in the media not to have an effect on them at this point. Damnably frustrating. Again, all I can think is the poor kids do not deserve any of this.

Tess said... 127

Chefsummer 122

. . It is also Jon's responsibility to provide for his children, not just Kate's

Can you really call it providing when you are using them constantly?
You nailed it in one sentence.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 128

I can't wait until Kate states that she has no plans of ever watching this show. Yeah, Kate! We believe that...NOT.


LOL she'll watch every second of it. Twitter silence for three days now. She is either a. seething and hitting the boxed wine b. penning her next 'set the record straight' blog post about this c. trying to get her own one-up reality show, or all three.

Insert Creative Username Here said... 129

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 29
The thing is too, even if it is a lot of money, does he really need this money? I understand the lawyers are costing a bundle but he has a job now and things can be worked out. Tuma seems like a reasonable guy, even if you have to pay him back for 10 years I bet he would work with him. And I feel like he understands that the kids don't need trips and stuff and all the things that Kate has spoiled them with. He seems happy with his house in the woods and a scaled back lifestyle and like I said, he has a paycheck now. Why this now? I thought he had gotten to a place where he was content with living like how the rest of us live and was providing the children an alternative to the Jones' lifestyle that is so bad for them.

Would we all enjoy a reality show salary? Probably. But I think most healthy people understand you don't NEED such a salary and can be very happy without it.


Some would say no amount of money is worth it, but if you're so far under water that you can't see the surface, you'd do anything to get a gasp of air.

I hope Jon is doing this for one of two reasons: he's in so much debt because of the divorce and TLC that this money could help make him stable again, or that he's doing it to expose TFWs abuse. Those are the only two reasons worth doing it in my opinion.

I don't think Jon should concern himself with public opinion at all. If we all lived our lives concerned what others thought of us, that's just too much weight on a person. He should live his life how he sees fit without concern of what others think.

However, he should be concerned with his children's opinion. And how are they going to think of him when he's on a show like that? I mean Tyler and Catelynn made it through the show unscathed, so maybe there's hope he won't be associated with the rest of the cast. But it's like putting your hand into alligator infested waters. Is there a chance you can come out unscathed? Sure. Is it likely? No.

URL said... 130

I'm not sticking up for ex-nurse, but I also have reservations regarding Jon and Liz appearing on this show. I watched a few minutes when Courtney Stodden was on with her perverted husband, and I couldn't stand watching them together. So now that disgusting, perverted marriage is breaking up. No surprise there. Obviously, Jon is doing this for the money, but why put a nearly two year relationship with Liz on this type of reality show. Even if there are real problems he's asking for trouble. Aside from what may be bought up regarding their relationship problems and possibly the children, it's a known fact that reality shows cause even more problems with relationships and breakups. Why hasn't he learned that? God help those poor children. I can't imagine anything positive coming out of this, other than a few dollars in his/her bank accounts. I'm assuming Liz is being paid also. I've never put Jon on a pedestal and I always believed if some opportunity came along for him to be back on TV, regardless of what it was, he would take it. It appears I was right. TFW may be a full blown narcissist, but Jon is definitely showing signs of being an inverted narcissist as well.

Anonymous said... 131

I think it would be interesting for everyone to make their guess at how much Jon will be earning on this show. Remember Liz will be paid too. My guess is $30,000 to 50.000. I think most will think more. But it is only 8 episodes.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 132

The court doesn't do something just because Kate WANTS it when it comes to support of children.


Well Kate can bring him to court to request a modification any time she wants so in that sense she can set the narrative here. If she chooses not to say anything about it the court will never know.

The biggest problem for Kate is his custodial time. The more he has the less he pays. With that extra day during the week now too it's going to be hard for him to owe anything that significant just by law. And if she files for more support the first thing he should do is file for more time. If she doesn't want to risk the kids having more time with him she would be smart not to say anything about support.

That's one thing Goody always overlooks. Go ahead slam Jon for child support. But expect a request for more custodial time in the morning. That is the easiest way to defend against an ex's request for support. Is she willing to risk the judge just giving it to him? He already gave him the extra weekday and Jon said he was going to go for another.

Even so, it is just a 2 week gig. It's highly unlikely the court would change his support based on that unless the job was ongoing.

Silimom said... 133

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 112

Nicely said.

Marie said... 134

Can you really call it providing when you are using them constantly?
I'm just trying to make a point that they both are responsible in providing for the children. I may not agree with how they do it, but it is what it is.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 135

I'm just trying to make a point that they both are responsible in providing for the children. I may not agree with how they do it, but it is what it is.


And as Jon explained, they both provide when the children are with them. Unless Kate gives him an allowance to fund the entire lifestyle he has created for them, he provides just as much as she does. If Kate feels that this is unfair since she has the children more often (although most of the time they're in school), child support is available to her to make up the difference. If he has the children MORE, his child support goes down. This is a fair system that generally works. You might not LIKE how it shakes out for you, but it is designed to be fair.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 136

I don't know why my posts never get put up, but I'm going to try again. I don't know why we feel like we have an investment in Jon and his b


Usually it's because you're breaking rule 3 and 4.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 137

Admin, there could be a (d). She's flitted off to Mexico with one of her best friends. I've often wondered why she doesn't take off for a week of relaxation and me, me time with all her money. True, someone might see her and report it on twitter but Kate is not the type to worry about what others will think of her going on a little vacation. I say she is due for some fun in the sun without the kids. Very soon.........

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 138

Admin, there could be a (d). She's flitted off to Mexico with one of her best friends. I've often wondered why she doesn't take off for a week of relaxation and me, me time with all her money.


Oh yeah no doubt. She does get spotted sometimes. She was spotted just last month in a casino. And there was another time she went to see a show in Vegas, and another time she was spotted in Wyoming again. She is enjoying her riches. Where the kids fit in to these little jaunts who knows.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 139

The only way I see this maybe working out is if he negotiated a HUGE payout that would pay off all his debts and attorneys fees in one full swoop, and he had some kind of production role where he can veto footage that he doesn't like or that would be embarrassing for his kids. And if he agrees not to discuss the family, to only talk about Liz. I think all this would be very difficult. It's playing with fire. It's just VH1. How much could they possibly be willing to pay him that it would be worth it? I would much rather see him on DWTS.

Marie said... 140

And as Jon explained, they both provide when the children are with them. Unless Kate gives him an allowance to fund the entire lifestyle he has created for them, he provides just as much as she does. If Kate feels that this is unfair since she has the children more often (although most of the time they're in school), child support is available to her to make up the difference. If he has the children MORE, his child support goes down. This is a fair system that generally works. You might not LIKE how it shakes out for you, but it is designed to be fair.
Not arguing that at all. Just saying they are both responsible for supporting the children.


chefsummer #Leh said... 141

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 137

LOL KK doesn't mind getting me time.

She went off the many other states and countries w/o the kids. At one time. She said she sit by the phone waiting for the kids to call and where was she Mexico with Steven.

Silimom said... 142

I doubt he's making enough to solve all his financial woes.

I don't think Jon has a problem himself being on reality television. I think in his mind this gig has nothing to do with the kids whatsoever. They aren't being filmed after all (aside - now we know why he and Liz were flying to L.A.).

And we don't know what he told the kids about doing this show. I don't think the younger six will care but I do think Mady and Cara might view this as hypocritical.

What Jon doesn't get, IMO, is that even if they aren't being filmed, the kids will still be discussed on the show. To what extent we don't know but if it's a therapy based show I have to believe some personal information regarding the kids will come out.

So that bears asking - How much should Jon or Kate or any celebrity be allowed to share about their kids? Where do you draw the line?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 143

Obviously he doesn't have 50/50 custody, so some sort of deal was made.


No. It doesn't have to be EXACTLY 50-50 to be relieved of child support in PA. I forgot the exact numbers, but once you start approaching that 30-40% mark or so, it starts falling drastically and it's GONE before you get to 50%. The exact calculations are all online but when I read it, I was thinking that's why Jon doesn't have to pay, Kate didn't give up anything. I think that makes sense, since usually the parent with more time the kids are in school for much of that time anyway, and once you start getting CLOSE to half, the differences in what you are paying get more and more marginal. We're looking at basically one parent paying a bit more in groceries and gas and that's about it. Kate herself also only has them every other weekend, and since most expenses occur on the weekend, she can't be paying that much during the week. Especially if Jon or a donor pays a portion of their schooling to cover lunches, etc.

Vanessa said... 144

There may be another reason Jon is doing this show that has not been discussed. Maybe Liz is pressuring him or even drawing the line that if you don't do this then we are done. I truly hope this is not the case. If she is pressuring him in anyway, then that should be a huge red flag for Jon. One, it means that she is riding his coat tails for the fame and money. And two, it would mean that she does not have Jon's best interest at heart. Again, this is just speculation. I am hoping this is not the case.

(Pure snark here)she better be careful, if this is indeed what's going on. Jon may just get a whole new gaggle of groupies- more Haileys, more Kate Majors...you know, just the kind of women these "stars" attract.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 145

We're getting a lot of anonymous comments. Some are trolls, some are just good comments that aren't assigned to a name--I am deleting most of them unless they are signed by someone who legitimately cannot sign in.

Remember no anonymous. Especially when there is a lot of discussion. Be courteous to those trying to follow the discussion and pick a name.

Vanessa said... 146

I would much rather see him on DWTS.
AGREE! Anything anything but this type of joke of a show

Anonymous said... 147

There may be another reason Jon is doing this show that has not been discussed. Maybe Liz is pressuring him or even drawing the line that if you don't do this then we are done. I truly hope this is not the case. If she is pressuring him in anyway, then that should be a huge red flag for Jon. One, it means that she is riding his coat tails for the fame and money. And two, it would mean that she does not have Jon's best interest at heart. Again, this is just speculation. I am hoping this is not the case.

I had that thought too, Leslie. One thing we know will come out of this: People will be able to see Liz in action. Did Jon hook up with TFW 2.0? We'll know more when the show airs.


Mel said... 148

To those who think this is a pro-Jon blog….that we think he can do no wrong, yada, yada….this latest debacle clearly shows that most of us on here are not 100% pro Jon. We’re just less anti-Jon than we are anti-TFW. We certainly have not put him on a pedestal.

We hold BOTH parents accountable for what has happened and is happening to those poor kids. I would say that most of us are 100% pro kids.

Stay strong, babies, stay strong. All you really have now is each other.
Sadly, I think this is true. They only have each other. This is how I grew up. We only had/have each other. My spouse doesn’t comprehend (and resents every second of) the bond I have with my brothers. I will defend each of them until the day I die.

Vanessa said... 149

Especially when there is a lot of discussion
Thanks for posting the comments so quickly Admin. As always you do a great job especially when it's a hot topic

Amy2 said... 150

I think Jon is doing it for the money and a forum to talk about the abuse he took from Kate. He has said when Kate pushes him too far, he will snap. Well, IMO the lawsuit was his breaking point. He's probably tired of being broke and being continually bashed by Kate in her interviews. This is forum for him to to say "enough is enough and I'm not going to take it anymore and I'm telling my side of the story".

And, I agree with others that Jon most likely consulted with his attorney before signing on for this reality show. I am looking forward to the recaps that Admin is going to do as I have no plans to watch the show.

Amanda, Iowa said... 151

Why would you want to have another,broken, relationship played out on tv? Of all people Jon should know better, besides the fact that this is going to be major ammunition for TFW and the haters....proof that it was all Jons fault. Dumb move Jon! Dumb, dumb, dumb. And if you have problems in your relationship and if you really want to work on it you do not do that on tv!

Lalalalala said... 152

I don't know how I feel about Jon being on the show. I guess I'll just wait and see what happens and try not to speculate about what will or could happen.

JoyinVirginia said... 153

This cast is fascinating! I agree with tuckers mom, NOT BORING! YEA for not boring!
So ghost face killah is a rapper who is part of WU-TANG CLAN! I am way behind on my pop culture hip hop rapping star info! His real name is Dennis Coles and he is a very successful rap artist. Wu-Tang Clan has been producing albums for over twenty years now, they are a successful business and artistic entity. He is originally from NYC.
Taylor Armstrong is a former Real Housewife, and her husband killed himself, partly because of how he was going to be portrayed as a physically abusive souse on the reality show according to some interviews with his family. Bravo got a lot of criticism for airing anything related to that. Then there is the lesbian couple, that appeared on The Real L Word on Showtime. And the Teen Mom, well we csn write a book about her dysfunction.
my story and I am sticking to it: Jon and Liz were cast as the NORMAL couple in this krew! It us going to make him look so reasonable and likable you will not believe it!
Reality shows are scripted, and you can predict this script from ten miles away!

URL said... 154

When TFW met with Jon last spring and apparently discussed his child support payments being discontinued, wasn't this when TFW wanted the twins to go on her cruise and also she thought at that time she could get the children back on television and even in some type of children's program? Maybe my memory is off, but I do remember her being delusional at that point regarding the children, at least the twins cruising with her as entertainment and also the possibility (in her mind) of putting the children in some type of children's television program. That's why I think she made the deal with Jon to eliminate child support. He apparently couldn't make the required payments, so he agreed.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 155

I think this and like-sentiments is naive. OF COURSE he "really" needs the money!! In fact, I bet that some of his creditors are not so edible about "making arrangements" for payment as some have suggested. I think it might even have been said in no uncertain terms: "Look, you could pay me and I expect you to do what it takes to make that happen." And he apparently is doing that.


No I understand he could be in a very bad situation, but what would he do if he could no get a reality T.V. show like Kate can't, or what would he do if reality T.V. shows go away, cease to be fashionable, as they slowly are anyway? He would have to figure it out just like everyone else figures out their financial woes. He is not the first person to have financial struggles. Many people have been there and they manage to crawl themselves out somehow without resorting to bad things like reality T.V., prostitution, stealing or anything else suspect.

I think maybe that's part of the problem is both Kate and Jon see reality t.v. as a fallback option, a quick buck, when it shouldn't be on the table at all. It should not be an option any more than stealing or prostitution is an option when you are struggling.

In fairness to him he never said I will never do reality T.V. ever again. He mostly talked about how the show was wrong for him because it was commercialized and controlled and wrong for his children because they were going through a divorce and couldn't just be kids. In fact he was doing a number of T.V. spots right after he quit Jon and Kate. As others have said I don't think *HE* sees it as selling out at all. He kept his promise to keep the kids off T.V. and I don't think he sees this at all potentially harmful to the kids even if they're not on T.V. I think he thinks he's got it under control. I think he will always think he's go things under control, that's that type B personality again. The plane could be going down and they'd say don't worry it will straighten out, we're fine.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 156

That's why I think she made the deal with Jon to eliminate child support. He apparently couldn't make the required payments, so he agreed.


That's not possible in PA once an order is in place.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 157

You know I wonder if it's like this. You have a big fat check sitting on the table you could just grab and cash and your money troubles would be over. The only catch is you have to humiliate yourself and your kids on national T.V.

You wouldn't really work hard for it, and it would be easy, sleazy money. But, it would solve everything right there and then.

I think many people would easily walk right on by that check and say nope, and go out and get a real job and work hard and crawl back the conventional way. But I think there are other people who just will never be able to say no to such a thing. I guess we can sit here and make moral judgments an decry how terrible and unethical that is and how we would never do that. And I believe that many people would never do that. But that's the fundamental difference between those like the Gosselins and their sheeple who think reality T.V. and the like is okay and an "option" to solve problems, and those who do not see it that way, like the Aunt Jodi's of the world. We may never meet in the middle.

Serendipity said... 158

Ex nurse, you are really tiresome. Yes, we ALL understand you can't stand Jon. We get it. I can feel your glee thinking this decision will bring him crashing to earth. Could you ever just let something go?Ex nurse, you are really tiresome. Yes, we ALL understand you can't stand Jon. We get it. I can feel your glee thinking this decision will bring him crashing to earth. Could you ever just let something go?


Obviously not. There have been many times when this poster has said that she's moving on, letting it go, taking a break, but that doesn't last very long. Good suggestion...just scroll past if you get tired reading it.

Jane said... 159

Off topic but interesting in light of the sheeples continued yelps about libel and defamation.

"A Manhattan architect has filed a $1.25 million defamation lawsuit against his ex-lover for trashing his reputation by making Web posts claiming he is a sex addict with a “tiny STD-infested weiner” who “sleeps with anything that moves,” according to court papers."

Wasn't it MsGoody who was spewing venom on Twitter and in blogs about Jon's anatomy?

Michelle said... 160

Canadian Mom said... 67
Dashed hopes for the kids? Oh yes. Disheartening? Definitely. Jon and Kate are absolutely pathetic. The only pity I feel is for Alexis, Hannah, Leah, Colin, Joel, Aaden, Mady and Cara. I wish them every good thing in life and more. Stay strong, babies, stay strong. All you really have now is each other.
Ditto! How are Jon and Liz going to do any type of therapy without discussing major issues like the ex-wife from hell and 11 kids between the two of them. Issues that should definitely NOT be discussed on TV. Maybe they won't go there, but how? Seems like a high price to pay for some cash.

I'm beginning to think the only hope for these kids is Mady and Cara file for legal emancipation in three years and take custody of their siblings. Kicking both parents to the curb may be their only hope.

Angie said... 161

No. It doesn't have to be EXACTLY 50-50 to be relieved of child support in PA. I forgot the exact numbers, but once you start approaching that 30-40% mark or so, it starts falling drastically and it's GONE before you get to 50%. The exact calculations are all online but when I read it, I was thinking that's why Jon doesn't have to pay, Kate didn't give up anything. I think that makes sense, since usually the parent with more time the kids are in school for much of that time anyway, and once you start getting CLOSE to half, the differences in what you are paying get more and more marginal. We're looking at basically one parent paying a bit more in groceries and gas and that's about it. Kate herself also only has them every other weekend, and since most expenses occur on the weekend, she can't be paying that much during the week. Especially if Jon or a donor pays a portion of their schooling to cover lunches, etc.
I was under the assumption custody had to be an even 50/50, to absolve either parent of child support. Most parents I know, the kids literally spend one week with dad, one week with mom...

As far as Jon paying for his weekend costs when he has the kids, that still doesn't account for the kid's private school tuition, medical and dental bills, health insurance, etc... it's not fair to WOS, if she is paying 100% of these expenses (not taking into account her mansion, that is her expense since she could downsize).

Jon buying the kids food to eat every other weekend and one day a week hardly compares to the above mentioned expenses.

Serendipity said... 162

So if you needed money you would prostitute yourself? How does agreeing to appear on a trashy reality show reveal Jon's integrity? He talks out of both sides of his mouth. What is it...reality shows are good or bad? Integrity is not selling yourself to the highest bidder.

Sure, I do believe Jon has financial woes, but whose fault is that? Totally his. People sometimes go through these kind of things in life and they learn from their mistakes and build themselves back up by not back sliding into what got them into trouble in the first place. Sorry, but I have been following his story for too long to not be disappointed in him.


Jon's not prostituting himself. Not a good analogy. Perhaps he was very happy living in a cabin, just doing his thing, working his jobs, until this lawsuit came along. I think the bills that must be mounting in regards to that must be staggering. Financial woes now are NOT totally his fault, but partially the fault of the person who initiated this ridiculous lawsuit. That would be TFW.

I'm among those who are reserving judgment until I see what actually happens on this show.

chefsummer #Leh said... 163

That's why I think she made the deal with Jon to eliminate child support. He apparently couldn't make the required payments, so he agreed.

I thought she did it so she and the kids could do CWS.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 164

I was under the assumption custody had to be an even 50/50, to absolve either parent of child support. Most parents I know, the kids literally spend one week with dad, one week with mom...


No. I really don't have time to find this again on PA's government web site, but it's all there if you'd like to labor over the exact calculations.

As far as Jon paying for his weekend costs when he has the kids, that still doesn't account for the kid's private school tuition, medical and dental bills, health insurance, etc... it's not fair to WOS, if she is paying 100% of these expenses


Of course not but that can all be brought up to the judge and for all we know Jon pays a portion of those expenses which could have been factored in when reducing or eliminating his support. The judge is not stupid.

However I have to disagree about private school. If Jon wants the kids to go to their district's excellent public school and Kate wants them in their private prep school, then it's up to Kate to figure it out. Jon is not required to fund a lavish, unnecessary and spoiled lifestyle if he feels that is not in the family's realistic budget.

Marie said... 165

As far as Jon paying for his weekend costs when he has the kids, that still doesn't account for the kid's private school tuition, medical and dental bills, health insurance, etc... it's not fair to WOS, if she is paying 100% of these expenses (not taking into account her mansion, that is her expense since she could downsize).

Jon buying the kids food to eat every other weekend and one day a week hardly compares to the above mentioned expenses.
Don't foget, they also take into account each parent's income. If TFW has a lot more income than Jon, that may be why he pays less in child support.


Marie said... 166

This probably won't get posted. But since I have been called out on breaking rules, why does stuff like this still get posted:

Serendipity said... 158
Ex nurse, you are really tiresome. Yes, we ALL understand you can't stand Jon. We get it. I can feel your glee thinking this decision will bring him crashing to earth. Could you ever just let something go?Ex nurse, you are really tiresome. Yes, we ALL understand you can't stand Jon. We get it. I can feel your glee thinking this decision will bring him crashing to earth. Could you ever just let something go?


Obviously not. There have been many times when this poster has said that she's moving on, letting it go, taking a break, but that doesn't last very long. Good suggestion...just scroll past if you get tired reading it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 167

g. Financial woes now are NOT totally his fault, but partially the fault of the person who initiated this ridiculous lawsuit. That would be TFW.


And that's where TFW shot herself in the foot. If this lawsuit saddled him with outrageous legal bills he might have finally said ok I have no choice I have to do it, I have to go back on T.V. I'm sure that is NOT what Kate intended. #WHOOPS!

This is CLASSIC Kate. She never thinks of anything but the one scenario she envisions in her head. In her mind she would sue him, Jon wouldn't be able to defend himself, he would default, she would win all the spoils whatever that is and Jon would fade away and his parental rights would be terminated. This is the one and only scenario she saw.

She was completely incapable of imagining that maybe a good lawyer would stick up for Jon. Maybe even, the best in the country in his field. She never envisioned that public opinion would see HER as the shrew and he as the picked on nice guy. And she sure as heck never thought that this would translate into HIM getting his mug back on T.V. instead of hers! But, you've got to consider all the scenarios whenever you do anything major like that. If no one ever sat her down and said but Kate, have you considered this might backfire or you might lose?, then they were doing her a great disservice.

PatK said... 168

Perhaps Kate's lengthy Twitter silence is due to being busy organizing the boxes of her book in the basement. There WAS an extra printing, wasn't there? lol

Paula said... 169

Normally the conversations on this blog are respectful and interesting. However, I am taking my leave from this particular post. It's become nothing more than a pissing contest between the sheeple and others. This blog has always been about the Gosselin children and what is best for them - not about what jobs their Mother and Father decide they need to take - unless such job involves their children. Quite frankly, what Kate does without her children and what Jon does without the children is their private business. So, Jon wants to do a "reality couples show". So what? Get over it and grow up. Admin, love you and this blog, but this conversation has gotten old and ridiculous fast.

Angie said... 170

However I have to disagree about private school. If Jon wants the kids to go to their district's excellent public school and Kate wants them in their private prep school, then it's up to Kate to figure it out. Jon is not required to fund a lavish, unnecessary and spoiled lifestyle if he feels that is not in the family's realistic budget.
I agree with your statements, but Jon was 100% on board for the kids to attend private school from the very beginning! I've never heard him say he thinks it's too cost prohibitive...he might be paying a portion, idk...
who knows? maybe the kid's trust fund is paying the tuition bill in it's entirety, so this financial aspect is moot! (same for health care, braces for the girls, etc....)

Vanessa said... 171

I'm just perplexed about this choice he's made. He wanted out because he didn't want his divorce to shared with the world. Now he's going to have couples "therapy" in a game show environment? He was upset with DrPhil for not giving them actual counseling, that all he wanted to discuss was their "brand". We all laughed when he had a "taped" therapy session with Rabbi Shmuley (well I did anyways).

So that bears asking - How much should Jon or Kate or any celebrity be allowed to share about their kids? Where do you draw the line?
I can just imagine the sessions too- asking about their sex lives, how do they make time for intimacy, where do they find time with so many kids...this will be total sensationalism.

TLC stinks said... 172

I didn't think about the statute of limitations for Hailey suing for the loan of 200K she claimed she gave to Jon. That's a lot of money to write off, so I'm thinking she was lying.

I've been reading the comments. If Jon and Liz were sincerely having relationship problems either due to the number of kids or Kate's interference, then the normal thing to do is to go into couple's therapy PRIVATELY if they have a serious relationship. I believe going on this show will be a disaster. Why does Jon get involved with these women who go along with the publicity? This development is such a 180 from what he has been saying for months. Frankly, I thought his excuse for not holding down a regular job over the years was weak. There just is something flighty about him. I can almost, almost see Kate's point of view about marrying someone who jumps from job to job. And it was always weird how even the paps showed up taking pics of Jon working manual labor. Someone had to have tipped them off.

Having said all this, I would not have been opposed to him appearing in DWTS because it is pure, wholesome entertainment with a large audience. Music and dancing is a pleasure to watch and it is insightful to watch the famous out of their comfort zone and their reaction to criticism. Kate really blew it but I think Jon would have come across much better. But to go back on a trashy reality show like Kate did with "Wife Swap" is another whole ball of wax, IMO. I really don't see how his appearance with Liz will help him rehabilitate his image.

And yes, Kate reamed him in the divorce (thanks to him using lousy lawyers and TLC footing Kate's fees) but he also did not financially prepare for the future like she did when he had cash. Sorry, but spending wildly on girlfriends, cars, etc. was really dumb. I do appreciate he says he put money aside for the kids, but he burned through his cash.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 173

Also we determined the kids would qualify for PA's health care program what's the name, and with eight kids their premiums are rock bottom cheap. The rates are all listed right there, it's CHEAP. Kate and Jon could be splitting that expense right down the middle, done and FAIR.

As far as Jon being on board with private school, lots of parents are on board with private school when they have the money. They had the money for it then. If circumstances change later, you may have to change your stance and say look I know it was nice before but we simply cannot afford this anymore. That school is ridiculously unrealistic until they are 18, astronomical. Jon is right if he wants them in public school. Even Suzy Orman says the first thing that needs to go is private school. This is the problem with America is that we got all these "wants" and treated them like needs. But they're already IN private school and it's such a nice school and oh dear oh bother dash. For heaven sake if you have a huge expense you cannot afford, you need to STOP. That's just plain old financial common sense. Doesn't matter how much you were on board with it before, if the money stops, it stops.

Oh and I hate the nanny state too :)

Lucille said... 174

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 135

And as Jon explained, they both provide when the children are with them. Unless Kate gives him an allowance to fund the entire lifestyle he has created for them, he provides just as much as she does.


You can't have typed that with a straight face. He buys them food for the few days a month he sees them and has clothes for them. Medical care? That's on Kate. School? That's on Kate. Extracurricular activities, if there are any? Those are on Kate. It is not a 50/50 arrangement and you cannot spin it to become one.

Angie said... 175

Don't foget, they also take into account each parent's income. If TFW has a lot more income than Jon, that may be why he pays less in child support.

true, but what viable income has WOS had the past few yrs?
All this financial stuff is fascinating, I'd love for a CPA and an atty do a financial accounting of this mess. LOL
(for all we know, the KIDS are supporting themselves!)

Angie said... 176

Wouldn't the PA health insurance plan take into account assets, etc? I don't see how they would qualify with the assets WOS has accrued...

Well, back to the private school thing again, the twins were on scholarship when the show started; Jon didn't have a problem with that! I think he's said in the past the kids like their school, etc, so to me that implies he is on board with the private schooling...

thanks for the discussion! :)

TLC stinks said... 177

I have to say Paula that I think there is no way around it that the kids will not be brought up in that reality couples show. They may not be filmed, but it will be discussed. And Kate will be watching too just to jump in if anything derogatory is said about her. This is a dumb decision on Jon's part.

Lucille said... 178

Of course not but that can all be brought up to the judge and for all we know Jon pays a portion of those expenses which could have been factored in when reducing or eliminating his support. The judge is not stupid.


JON said that Kate pays medical expenses. Why would he lie about it?

AuntieAnn said... 179

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 166

This is CLASSIC Kate. She never thinks of anything but the one scenario she envisions in her head. In her mind she would sue him, Jon wouldn't be able to defend himself, he would default, she would win all the spoils whatever that is and Jon would fade away and his parental rights would be terminated. This is the one and only scenario she saw.


I wonder if she's ever envisioned herself being sued. Maybe she should cuz in case she hasn't noticed, that karma train is gaining momentum.

Insert Creative Username Here said... 180

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 139
The only way I see this maybe working out is if he negotiated a HUGE payout that would pay off all his debts and attorneys fees in one full swoop, and he had some kind of production role where he can veto footage that he doesn't like or that would be embarrassing for his kids. And if he agrees not to discuss the family, to only talk about Liz. I think all this would be very difficult. It's playing with fire. It's just VH1. How much could they possibly be willing to pay him that it would be worth it? I would much rather see him on DWTS.


I would think that VH1 would only want him on if he talked about TFW. How else would they make money off of him? I'm willing to bet that his appearance will be one big rant against TFW. I hope not, but that's what VH1 will want.

Serendipity said... 181

This blog has always been about the Gosselin children and what is best for them - not about what jobs their Mother and Father decide they need to take - unless such job involves their children.


Don't parents' jobs involve their children, supporting them, paying bills? If you have kids, how can you separate those two factions? Kids' welfare depends on their parents being able to take care of them, and that's the result of their having the financial means (through jobs) to do just that.

AuntieAnn said... 182

Talking about a waste of space and money, what's the purpose of having that big house sitting on a chunk of land she only uses for 50 chickens and to park three cars in the driveway. She's no farmer.

They don't need all that. They could be living in town in a nice five-bedroom house which would reduce the living expenses in big way.

Blowing In The Wind said... 183

I'm beginning to think the only hope for these kids is Mady and Cara file for legal emancipation in three years and take custody of their siblings. Kicking both parents to the curb may be their only hope.


That's not possible. They'll only be 16 in three years. In order to be emancipated, there's a very tough set of criteria that has to be met just to emancipate yourself, let alone take custody of siblings. It would never happen, even if they dropped out of school because there would have to be proof of sufficient income provided to show the courts.

Carezee said... 184

Perhaps Jon and Liz went on the show not because there is a problem between them. Maybe it has to do with TFW poisoning the kids against Jon and Liz's relationship and the relationship they had with her children. I know going on TV is not the best way to settle this but maybe Jon is sick of being accused of being a loser and a deadbeat dad . Maybe he wants people, like the sheeple to really see what he has to deal with daily with Kate. I am by no means condoning him. I am just trying to understand why he is willing to go on the show. Keeping quiet hasn't helped. I have the feeling after this TFW better go into hiding. Or maybe she already has with her twitter silence.

Millicent said... 185

KitK said... 74

"The thing is too, even if it is a lot of money, does he really need this money? I understand the lawyers are costing a bundle"
I think this and like-sentiments is naive. OF COURSE he "really" needs the money!! ... He's even willing to make himself look like a schmuck TO EVERYONE to pay his bills.
It's not up to any one of us to be 'disappointed' in him
Agree. Anyone with 8 children to feed, clothe and support (unless independently wealthy) certainly does need to earn as much money as possible.

And I will continue to take a wait and see approach to this show, before I condemn Jon for participating on it. Simply being part of a reality tv show is not enough for me to run him down. I want to hear about what is said and done by him on the show; I want to know if it compromises the children's privacy; I want to know if it involves the children in any way. If it is merely him and Liz discussing their relationship issues (without specifics about any of their children), then I agree with KitK - who am I to sit in judgment of him?

And I am on record here as saying that I would not begrudge Kate another TV gig, as long as it did not involve the children. She's the one who shares their supposed "cute sayings," uses them in her mediocre cookbook/photo album, blogs about them, etc. If Jon starts doing something similar, then I would have a problem with him.

marie said... 186

I don't think it will bother TFW that Jon is on TV again. It will definitely bring a lot of attention back to her.


marie said... 187

Strange that Jon was on TV just a week ago talking about his concerns regarding the kids and a week later we find out that he has signed onto a TV show that will put a lot of private information out to millions.

Vanessa said... 188

Medical care? That's on Kate. School? That's on Kate. Extracurricular activities, if there are any? Those are on Kate. It
As it should be since she got the bulk of the loot they ALL made doing the show, books, talks etc.- and then she went for everything he was earning when they split, the 'alleged'$22,000 a month

Anonymous said... 189

(Leslie) Lucille, all of the money that Kate has earned had been off the backs of her 8 children. Jon and Kate Plus 8 was because of them. Kate Plus 8 was because of them. So was Wife Swap about the kids.Even DWTS was because of them. She was only invited on DWTS because she was known from J&K Plus 8. And she talked about the kids and drew hearts in the air every time the camera was on her. Her 3 books were 100% about the kids. Even her fourth book, the cookbook, has numerous photos and stories about the kids in it. Her website and blogs were mainly about the kids.

So Kate has never supported those children any more than Jon has. I think the kids have earned the money for that house, private tuition, medical & dental care, clothes, food, etc. And the kids are 50% his and 50% hers. So as far as I am concerned, the kids have supported themselves the great majority of their lives.

It burns me up when Kate blurts out on TV that she is the sole supporter of the kids. Bullshit...the kids has supported themselves since the first special when they were less than 2 years old. And the government and Jon's father supported the family before that.

At least Jon has worked actual jobs without his children for the past many years. In fact, he is a waiter at two different restaurants now. Kate has not worked an actual job in the past 6 or more years. And Kate has a 20 hour babysitter now. So she could easily work 3 twelve hour shifts a week as a nurse. And for the few hours when she would not be home, the babysitter (who she is already paying) could fill in the gap. But Kate is super lazy. All what Kate does is a little cooking and driving the kids to the bus stop.

Insert Creative Username Here said... 190

I was under the assumption custody had to be an even 50/50, to absolve either parent of child support. Most parents I know, the kids literally spend one week with dad, one week with mom...

As far as Jon paying for his weekend costs when he has the kids, that still doesn't account for the kid's private school tuition, medical and dental bills, health insurance, etc... it's not fair to WOS, if she is paying 100% of these expenses (not taking into account her mansion, that is her expense since she could downsize).


A lot of states, it's not 50/50. I think 40/60 is the threshold. TFW makes (or least did at the time of the change in support) more than Jon. This might be a factor. And TFW has primary legal custody, so she is responsible for choosing schools, and making medical, dental, and legal decisions, so she's responsible for paying for those things.

Vanessa said... 191

Having said all this, I would not have been opposed to him appearing in DWTS because it is pure, wholesome entertainment with a large audience
I think we're on the same page here.

Ruby said... 192

I was speaking with an associate about this case and she is familiar with CFAA trials. She estimates that if this goes to trial and Jon needs expert witnesses, depositions, computer forensics experts, travel and lodging costs for all of the above and for his TX attorney, the out of pocket expenses for Jon will be close to $100,000 before this case is over and that's BEFORE Shawn Tuma or the PA attorney pocket one penny. We've seen how much time Shawn has spent on this case already with his very detailed motions to dismiss. Kate forced Jon's hand. This is all on Kate. No lawyer in his prime earning years with five kids to raise can do this kind of work pro bono. He has to keep the lights on at home and in his office, plus pay for all his help. This is Kate's doing. I feel badly for Jon that he has to go through this crap to pay his massive legal bills, but right now I don't see what his options are. The bills must be paid. You want to bitch at someone, go on Twitter and bitch at Kate, not that she cares.

Vanessa said... 193


url said... 194

I don't understand why posters jump all over ex nurse's posts. I find them informative and as much as I can't stand the Neanderthal beast, that is TFW, I'm not a TFW supporter or completely on Team Jon either . This latest upcoming television show indicates to me, at least, the reasons why I'm neither team Jon nor Kate. My interest is what impact these self absorbed fame whores have on their kids. This just appears to be terrible parenting from both sides. I just want to know what good will come out of Jon's show for the children? And I don't care if Jon owes a boatload of money to his attorney or anyone else. Is his current attorney advising Jon to go on these type of shows so he can paid? I doubt it, but this type of show and Jon and Liz being on it (not even married) is really disturbing to me.

Mel said... 195

My take on their finances:

The 'family' money (the money they all earned) pays for TFW's security guard (momma has to be protected), food, house, utilities & other household expenses, 3 cars/related expenses, clothes, hair, nails ( momma has to stay looking nice to get gigs since she's the sole support) and her vacations (as a single mom she *deserves* me time),
the kids' school, food, their clothes, medical/dental/optical, any trips/outings, extra-curricular activities.

TFW's money pays for uh, uh, uh...I don't know.

Jon's earnings pay for his house, his and the kids' food, clothes, any outings when they're with him, his own medical/dental/optical, household expenses such as insurance/garbage/utilities, his car/related expenses.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 196

Lucille what proof do you have who pays the medical, school and activities? Unless you see the checks you have no idea who pays what. You could just as easily say it's all Jon, split, or some other arrangement. We have no idea. And if it's so unfair, I trust Kate is capable of hauling herself back to the judge to get it straightened out.

AuntieAnn said... 197

That's not possible. They'll only be 16 in three years. In order to be emancipated, there's a very tough set of criteria that has to be met just to emancipate yourself, let alone take custody of siblings. It would never happen, even if they dropped out of school because there would have to be proof of sufficient income provided to show the courts.


Just thinking positively here. ha! But...
Robert says she has millions in the bank and Jon said she is sitting on a pile of money so if we were to assume that is true, we know and lawyers could prove that that money wouldn't be there if the kids hadn't earned it FOR TFW. It should be enough to support them nicely until they're old enough to send their mother off to Hollywood where she'll never be seen or heard from again.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 198

Jon never said Kate pays. Huh? Legal custody doesn't mean you're responsible for paying for those things. Not by a long shot. Two different things. Kate may have legal custody but the judge could also assign part or all of certain expenses to Jon. I also thought its possible child support was dropped because he may be providing in other ways like picking up those tabs.

Anonymous said... 199

Ex-Nurse, I applaud your skepticism and appreciate your comments. You sound a lot like me. ;) Trust no one and you won't be disappointed. LOL I like to trust my gut feelings about people. My gut tells me Jon is perhaps misguided, but his intentions are basically good. For him, I wish for the gift of discernment.

I have a very weird way of looking outside the box and coming up with far-fetched scenarios. I don't necessarily believe my own fantasies, but it's fun, none the less. What if Jon and Liz are doing the show as a role playing exercise? Jon plays himself and Liz acts like, oh, I don't know, let's use the example of, say, a narcissist and the therapist teaches techniques for managing such situations? Just me being wacky.

Or it could be the money. (shrugs)

Ex-Nurse, hope you have a speedy recovery from your broken rib and other ailments.


Insert Creative Username Here said... 200

Primary Legal Custody should mean that TFW pays as Jon has little to no say in what TFW chooses for those kids. If TFW chooses a fancy school and Jon wants a public school, TFW wins the argument. If TFW wants fancy clothes for the kids and Jon is fine with second hand store clothing, why should Jon pay for that? If Jon is fine with paying for necessary dental visits, but doesn't want teeth whitening, etc...but TFW does, why should he pay for that?

I agree that the judge could make Jon pay a portion of it, but I find it unlikely that Jon was made to pay for TFWs expensive lifestyle if he's perfectly fine with a more humble one.

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