The tragic shootings today at Los Angeles International Airport ending up affecting one of the Gosselins, according to tweets.
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Courtesy of @eojsemaj |
As of press time LAX has reopened most terminals, but hundreds of flights are cancelled or delayed. The person tweeting the updates said he had not heard when they will be able to take off again and get into L.A. At one point they reboarded the plane in Phoenix, sat on the runway for 45 minutes, and then deplaned again. Philadelphia Phillies shortstop Jimmy Rollins was also on the ill-fated flight.
joeblack @eojsemaj 15hCalifornia here I come
joeblack @eojsemaj 12hJon from "Jon and Kate plus 8" is sitting in front of me on this @USAirways flightReply Retweet Favorite More Expand
joeblack @eojsemaj 6hWas a shooting at LAX. They grounded my plane in Phoenix+won't tell us how long we will be here or if we can get off plane @USAirways wtf
joeblack @eojsemaj 6hJon gosselin in coach ballon
joeblack @eojsemaj 5hNow Jon gosselin is sitting next to me at the bar, we wait for our flight. To much of a bitch to sneak another picture. Dudes got 8 kids ha
joeblack @eojsemaj 3hMy dad and Jon gosselin, plus a cool guy from Boston and Jon's gf #amazing
347 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 347 of 347 Newer› Newest»PatK said... 146
If Kate takes out her frustrations on the kids, that's on HER. Personally, I think because they are much older now, she does NOT terrorize them like she used to. She wants to be their best friend.
Go do what you have to do, Jon. They know how to reach you if she becomes too unbearable.
This is spot on. Robert wrote in his book about how the kids told their teachers at school that they were locked in their rooms at night. A phone call was made. They are no longer locked in their rooms.
While I imagine that she's still a drill sergeant, as far as losing it and hitting them, I have to believe she doesn't do that much anymore. First of all, the tups are 9 1/2. They are experts by now in avoiding her wrath. They are fully able to tell people what she's done, and apparently they have. I agree with Pat, if anything she's probably being more lenient in order to turn them against their father.
franky you outed yourself when you gave us your FB page about heroes and I spell it "compromise" just like you and I. From the U.S. If spelled cimpromise by someone it was probably a typo.
Mickey, so what do Polly and Al have to say about the lawsuit and everything else going on? You only seem to pop in to be their (especially Polly's) spokesperson. That picture you linked was sooooo photoshopped.
As others have said, we don't know why Jon is in CA and I agree that the jump from Jon going to do interviews to Kate being mad and consequently beating the kids is nothing more than diversion which seemed to have worked. Does she physically beat them anymore? IDK but think it's probably more emotional abuse at this point. She guilts them into seeing things her way. Speculation: the reason the twins don't see Jon as much is because when the six go over she wines (red or white) and cries that no one loves her or wants to be with her. The twins say " we love you mommy" and stay to placate her.
Does anyone think that those china person tweets are Walt back from wherever he was? There is a purpose to them but I haven't figured out what it is yet.
Maybe milo is Kate. She never can meet Kate in person, she slobbers over Kate's broad backed body, she thinks it's important that Kate "wins", and she speaks like no real person. The only thing is she doesn't misspell things like the grammar bitch TFW does
Layla I think you're right about her wanting everyone to know that Jon, for whatever reason, didn't keep his custody weekend. But couldn't it have been because she owed him one because he took over while she was on her "worldwide" book tour? I didn't see him complaining about that.
The one thing I REALLY don't understand is why does Jon have to make his choices and worry about if everyone who gets wind of it agrees or not? He is in a loose loose situation when it comes to TFW and how it will effect his children.
WHO CAN LIVE THAT PERFECT. We make our choice and pray that it will be the one with the least negative consequences. Most of the time the negative comes from all the nosey people butting into others lives.
I know that that is a harsh statement and I don't mean it personal to any one person. I mean it extremely general. Take out that factor and what is left? We have our opinions yes but when anyone speaks up and means their comment to cause harm, or to to get others to look negatively at another then it becomes wrong. That is something we have to look inside and judge ourselves according to our own heart. Because THAT is when we reap what we sow or karma comes a knocking. If there is no malice then it's just an opinion.
I think Kate is living her worst nightmare. Jon is getting favorable media attention. Jon is traveling. The lawsuit is going Jon's way. And she's at home with the kids, not Jon. She can't use her old schitck (sp?) of poor pitiful single mother. The truth is slowing coming out and there is nothing she can do.
"Interesting..looks like those two go to Millersville which is in Berks Co."
Nope - it's in Lancaster County - right in my backyard, lol!
Interesting..looks like those two go to Millersville which is in Berks Co.
Millersville University is in Lancaster County.
"She sounds REALLY in turmoil about something. Perhaps everything is not so rainbows and lollipops in lawsuit land? This can't really be ALL because Jon got one wittle free trip to L.A."
I thought the same thing, Admin. I'm wondering if she didn't get the news late Friday that the lawsuit has been dismissed.
Sue, re: the china person tweets?
The Chinese tweets remind me of someone using a free online translator program - writing something in Chinese and translating it to English and it coming out jumbled and confusing. I've seen only 1-2 of their tweets that made sense and were readable.
Just based on the short clip promoting the interview with Jon tonight on OWN tonight is enough to set TFW off. You can bet she is already working the phones so she can rebuttal his statement that it's a "shame" there is no co-operation from his ex-wife and that it's hard on their children.
I agree that Jon has every right to present his position, he deserves to be heard (and seen) as a caring, concerned parent. It's the escalation on TFW's part that is worrying. I can already hear the promo on the TODAY show. "Kate Gosselin is here with us this morning to discuss Jon's claim that they have different parenting styles and no co-operation about anything. We will have Kate explain these comments, just after the break" The camera then pans to a demure-looking Kate, leg bouncing, ready to throw Jon under the bus again.
At this point, this seems to be only avenue she has remaining, trying to counter anything Jon says publicly, and that is another shame for their children. We'll see if Kate manages to parlay Jon's interview tonight in to a media opportunity for herself. With any luck, the media is done with her, and all she hears is doors slamming.....and crickets.
Whatever it is Jon is doing here in LA, I hope it is an enjoyable weekend for him. Happy pumpkin carving (hah) to you, Kate. We have moved on to Thanksgiving planning.
"Interesting..looks like those two go to Millersville which is in Berks Co" daughter lives in Millersville, it's in Lancaster County.
Nope - it's in Lancaster County - right in my backyard, lol!
LOL!! Mine, too! Want to go over to Jennies for one of their colossal pancakes?
Well worded, Canadian Mom. This^. Let us not forget Kate's journal, as Auntie Ann said. Kate's capable of anything.
So just back down then? Don't enrage the beast? That's exactly how this all got to this point. Enough is enough! She beat those toddlers BECAUSE everyone cowered under her. People let it go, let it go and let it go time and time again. Did that work to ANYONE'S benefit, other than tfw? She gained momentum AND more power because it was easier to let her be. To let her total domination over that family keep going.
I think I've asked this before, but those with the opposing view that Jon should basically "not even breathe" for fear of pushing tfw's buttons, have YOU been victims of abuse, victims of a narcissist?
Maybe milo is Kate. She never can meet Kate in person, she slobbers over Kate's broad backed body, she thinks it's important that Kate "wins", and she speaks like no real person. The only thing is she doesn't misspell things like the grammar bitch TFW does
I don't think it's Kate. She couldn't pull it off for as long as Milo has. Catfishing takes a certain degree of skill and being able to keep stories straight. Kate can't do that. She would have tripped herself up long before now.
Does anyone think that those china person tweets are Walt back from wherever he was? There is a purpose to them but I haven't figured out what it is yet.
I don't think it's Walt, but I can's figure it out either. He/she not only tweets to Kate with his gibberish. I'm not sure there is a purpose. Maybe the person is just a garden-variety nutcase. Kate does seem to attract all kinds.
Another post at I think Robert makes a whole lot of sense. His posts always hint at what he is leading up to.
Her reputation precedes.
Go Robert.
PA Dutch Mom said... 14
Nope - it's in Lancaster County - right in my backyard, lol!
LOL!! Mine, too! Want to go over to Jennies for one of their colossal pancakes?
Never been there - I'm not much of a diner person though I think my dh has been there. Now stromboli at the Sugar Bowl and cannoli at Two Cousins for dessert - that sounds good to me today! : )
GotyounumberKate 9: Has the lawsuit been dismissed? Or were you just speculating? It would be great if it had but I had a feeling it was going to go on a lot longer than this.
Mickey - Unfortunately, the photo you linked was altered from the original. Google "Kate Gosselin orange bikini" and you can see the original. Glad to see you here again. :-)
New post by Robert:
And Robert H. now knows exactly who is responsible for outright lies and hate behind this. "discovery" anyone?
GWoP without Pity
[The "Gosselins without Pity" without Pity blog]
Over n Out 196 : yep yer right...TFW has a tattoo on her ankle and she has the remainders of one on her abdomen ( and considering where that one must have been placed, I would call THAT one more of a tramp stamp, then a lower back one) , but she has no tattoo on her lower back.
Kate is desperately searching for pictures of Jon in his Ed Hardy days and DMing every sheeple to get them posted. She's also DMing Ms Goody to start her "he wants do put the final nail in her coffin and doesn't pay child support" campaign again while she (Kate) sits back and seaths. Kate cannot have Jon look good in the media because maybe, just maybe people will see him for who he really is and not who Kate wants them to believe he is. Ah Kate, the curtain is being pulled back and we are seeing the wizard for who he truly is. He is not the all powerful and neither are you. Suck it Kate.
Just getting a chance to read this thread.
I must admit that I am completely lost in the whole loverz/haterz outing. Whose on first?
As to hitting someone back harder, all that will do is escalate hostilities. The court room is where this will play out. Robert can do what he pleases, but, IMO, it is unprofessional and does nothing for his credibility. His snarkiness makes any genuine insight he can provide completely useless, because it is so obviously hateful and vengeful.
I agree that Jon actually has a very natural, authentic persona that comes across very well on the camera. I would have no problem with any kind of role as long as the kids are not involved. It isn't like there have never been kids that have famous parents. If Kate is running through the kids money, then someone needs to earn the money to keep them in school and provide for their futures.
IMO, Jon has the kids well-being uppermost in his mind. I don't think that TFW should enter into any decisions he makes. Meaning, not avoiding projects in the hopes of NOT infuriating her (which is every project). But, also, not choosing a project because it WILL infuriate her. He should base his decisions on, first and foremost, what is good for the kids, and, secondly, what will benefit himself.
If, for any reason (ie kids' choice or custody hearing), Jon has more custody time, he will need to earn more money.
So, just speculatin' (that's for you Milo) here--- maybe a reality show of the Black Dog Cafe?
TFW has gone on silent mode before tweeting nothing but platitudes. Its usually been when someone has the upper hand. She will spout rainbow farts, and use diversion tactics, when that doesnt stop 'em from paying attention to what she doesnt want us to see, them she goes to platitues.
Ya TFW, we know, when life gets tough, you get tougher. Let see how this all shakes out in the wash.
On another note how insulting to even begin to imply her life is "tough." Tough is the wife and children who lost their husband and father on Friday in the lax shootings. Kate, your life has been so charmed it's disgusting you don't realize it. Shame on you.
Robert has a new post up. It's more about a TFW fan. Sort of but not quite telling us something.
No offense to anyone who is of the opinion that you shouldnt do anything to anger an abuser for fear she might take it out on the children - but that is a codependent tactic.
No offense to the people who are of the opinion the children are old enough to be able to protect themselves, because NO they are not!
They are old enough to know NOT to tell anymore, and how to try their best to modify their behavior to keep the abuser happy.
The kids will even agree they like the chores ( because it makes mommy happy) want to be filmed ( because it makes mommy happy) will never,ever hand her or another adult food with their bare hands ( because it makes mommy happy) they will even begin to agree they deserved the whoopin they got because they made the mistake ( because it makes mommy happy) they will say they dont need friends or to go to fun events ( because it makes mommy happy) they will even say they are not hungry ( because it makes mommy happy).
Kate needs to be exposed, because covering it up , is codependent and does NOT help those kids. IMO Kate might move from physical abuse ( spanking, whipping kids into cribs, etc), but the mental abuse of a narcisstic is very very damaging.
** Have you ever wondered why, under tense questioning the kids RARELY answered who did it? Remember drawerknobgate & globe gate? I truly believe that after the interrogation was done, the kids all came together and knew that someone had to admit to the offense, and H was the best choice. I believe H the " chosen one" takes " one for the team" on a regular basis. They have all learned there may be no wrath for H. ( I believe the other 2 kids who have been said to act out, are the ones who receive TFW greatest wrath)
I don't know why I thought millersville was in Berks. I knew it was West of Chester Co LOl
Vanessa said... 15
Well worded, Canadian Mom. This^. Let us not forget Kate's journal, as Auntie Ann said. Kate's capable of anything.
So just back down then? Don't enrage the beast? That's exactly how this all got to this point. Enough is enough! She beat those toddlers BECAUSE everyone cowered under her.
I didn't agree that Jon should walk on eggshells around Kate. Quite the opposite. I hope the kids follow his lead.
I'm glad someone is finally stickng a sock in her gaping maw of a fame hole.
Meagler your post is spot on. Well said.
What did I do with my extra hour? Well I'm currently in AZ and there is no spring ahead fall back in this state. It's actually quite nice, however I've got one clock that insists on doing the change on its own so we've got to remember to "fix" it.
Meager, regarding codependency and how damaged those kids ready are: SPOT ON. No wonder Kendra cried; she knew there was something so wrong.
NEw post at Gosselin off to read it, it looks interesting...
Hey, Robert worshippers, please explain to me how the following passage from his book is not creepy. Would you want someone saying this about YOU?
"I wonder if Kate can ever sense my presence? Does she get a tingling sensation knowing she’s being watched? Does she sense my presence
like Darth Vader sensed Obi Wan Kanobi?"
Meagler said... 23
Over n Out 196 : yep yer right...TFW has a tattoo on her ankle and she has the remainders of one on her abdomen ( and considering where that one must have been placed, I would call THAT one more of a tramp stamp, then a lower back one) , but she has no tattoo on her lower back.
When did she have a tattoo on her belly? When was it removed? We've all seen pictures of that huge bare belly when she was pregnant with the tups. There was no tattoo then.
Ex. Nurse, I just totally disagree with you about Robert. Hateful and vengeful? Not at all. He knows some truths and has seen first hand the damage done to those dear children. I'm sure he feels they deserve some help and he is doing it the only way he can.
I agree AA. I think it's just fine for the kids to learn not to be afraid of a bully. And that you can do what you would like to do without worrying what they think or what their irrational reactions may be. And that if someone says something false about you, you are well within your rights to respond. Even in public.
We still don't know what LA is about. Could be media, but believe it or not there are many other things that go on in LA that have nothing to do with the media.
I distinctly remember her trying to grift a tatoo removal out of Dr. Glassman. I forgot what it was but it was near her waist. He said it would be part of the skin removed. Nice two for one deal there. Classic TFW.
The new post is very interesting...The first and last post shows people sharing information that appears to eb based on facts, from seen on the show, etc. No one is saying hate.
The middle post is attackive ( lol, is that a word). TFW wide supports do not know what to say, so lets just attack the messenger.
Wow thats not a bully tactic at all. ( actually it IS, I am using sarcasm )
Other people were seeing the light...long...before Robert came into the picture.
That last article by Jessica Remo, I had never read, but she dismantles the Gosselin story, piece by piece.
Yes, lets go back to the beginning and continue to unravel this story piece by piece.
One thing, Robert, I sure hope you have the blessing of your attorneys to be doing this. Please dont allow a desire to "one up TFW" in a battle that might get in the way of winning the war! (Administrator) said... 39
I distinctly remember her trying to grift a tatoo removal out of Dr. Glassman. I forgot what it was but it was near her waist. He said it would be part of the skin removed. Nice two for one deal there. Classic TFW.
Totally embarrassed that I remember this.... I believe Kate had a rose on tatooed on her hip. Now gone thanks to the free tummy tuck.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 36
I think Kate's tattoo was a flower and must have been hidden under the huge baby bump. Dr Glassman said only the stem I think would be left after the tummy tuck.
Is this part of the belly tattoo:
Sue said... 2
Does anyone think that those china person tweets are Walt back from wherever he was? There is a purpose to them but I haven't figured out what it is yet.
Are you serious? If so, it's a bot. No grassy knoll conspiracy happening.
Have you read the tweets? There is no 'purpose' and they make no sense. They pick up on key words from the timeline.
I remember Walt. Why would he send cryptic tweets? As I remember, he had NO PROBLEM stating his point of view right up front and personal. I really liked that about him.
Katie cry-duh said... 3
Maybe milo is Kate.
If Kate could pull off cat fishing as Milo - she might deserve a job somewhere in the celebrity business :-)
Personally, I don't think Kate has the talent or drive that it would take to sustain a Milo persona.
I think Milo is either (less likely) paid or (more likely) a very lonely and troubled person.
Here you go...
..and this one is NOT airbrushed, TFW has admitted to these 2 tattoos. Looking at the pictures from the Australian trip... if those boobs of TFW's are all natural...why in the world would kate have asked Dr. Glassman for a boob job??? I ask the sheeple that???
NJGal51 said... 32
What did I do with my extra hour? Well I'm currently in AZ and there is no spring ahead fall back in this state.
It was very very nice. IN didn't follow DST until a few years ago. And could we all go with Chicago-time? Nah, that would be too easy! About 3 counties up north went with Chicago and the rest of us went with New York ... because it's so much closer than Chicago if you took 4th grade geography in the Hoosier state I guess ???? Go figure.
Here's another " not a boob job" picture...
Robert Is A Scary Person said... 35
Hey, Robert worshippers, please explain to me how the following passage from his book is not creepy. Would you want someone saying this about YOU?
"I wonder if Kate can ever sense my presence? Does she get a tingling sensation knowing she’s being watched? Does she sense my presence
like Darth Vader sensed Obi Wan Kanobi?"
I'm not a Robert worshiper, (we Catholics kinda frown on that whole worshiping idols and human beings thing,) but I'll answer why I don't think it's creepy if that's okay ...
I don't read that as RH saying he's peeking in her windows or has her house bugged. I think he's saying ...
A whole lot of people have given you a pass on using and abusing your kids. All those people had skin/money in the game. I don't, and believe me, I will call your ass out on it. The end.
And if I'm misinterpreting, Robert can certainly correct me, but that's the way I read it.
She surely does get defensive in a hurry about her relationship with Steve, doesn't she. Makes one wonder why.
Watching that Q&A reminded me again of how little respect I have for her.
She said during that episode that there is enough money for the kids to have the opportunity for college, that the money is there.
She said she doesn't call attention to the paparazzi, etc. in an effort to keep thongs normal for the kids.
Hmmm. I don't call freaking out and shouting that people are 'looking' at them not calling attention. Think about the RV trip and the Statue of Liberty gift shop. She practically had a coronary on the spot.
Isn't that why she has places closed down when they're there, so that no one looks at them?
Way to not notice others.
We certainly havent seen these lines for awhile...
Are you certain you havent had botox or any other facial enhancements Kate. People need to stop asking her about a facelift...its more likely botox or fillers...
Hoosier Girl said... 49
Robert Is A Scary Person said... 35
Hey, Robert worshippers, please explain to me how the following passage from his book is not creepy. Would you want someone saying this about YOU?
"I wonder if Kate can ever sense my presence? Does she get a tingling sensation knowing she’s being watched? Does she sense my presence
like Darth Vader sensed Obi Wan Kanobi?"
I'm not a Robert worshiper, (we Catholics kinda frown on that whole worshiping idols and human beings thing,) but I'll answer why I don't think it's creepy if that's okay ...
I don't read that as RH saying he's peeking in her windows or has her house bugged. I think he's saying ...
A whole lot of people have given you a pass on using and abusing your kids. All those people had skin/money in the game. I don't, and believe me, I will call your ass out on it. The end.
And if I'm misinterpreting, Robert can certainly correct me, but that's the way I read it.
But...he WAS watching. He stood outside her fence and did just that. It's not metaphorical. It's based on his physical presence at the edge of her property.
Are you honestly saying that if someone who you know has picked through your trash and snapped pictures through your fence directed that comment at YOU, you wouldn't be freaked out by it?
lol, yes that's the stem of the rose she has left. Maybe she should guest star on Miami Ink or the like and have it redone. It would be good for her TV exposure, right?
When did she have a tattoo on her belly? When was it removed? We've all seen pictures of that huge bare belly when she was pregnant with the tups. There was no tattoo then.
A large portion of the tattoo was removed during the tummy tuck by Dr. Glassman. It wasn't noticeable when she showed her belly when pregnant because it was below the belly - I'd describe it as being just above the groin area. It was a flower/vine kinda thing. She still has part of it and IIRC you can see some of it in one of her infamous bikini pics taken sometime around the divorce on a beach somewhere by a pap.
"What did I do with my extra hour?"
I relished in it and relaxed. I want another one. lol
Never been there - I'm not much of a diner person though I think my dh has been there. Now stromboli at the Sugar Bowl and cannoli at Two Cousins for dessert - that sounds good to me today! : )
I'm not much of a diner person, either, but if you like pancakes...! Their omelets are wonderful, too.
I've done the Sugar Bowl thing from as far back as I can remember, but never dessert at Two Cousins. I could go for some of their chicken parm and spaghetti right now. Geez, now you did it. I'm hungry. I've been wanting to try the Bonefish Grill. I hear it's excellent.
Thanks Tweet-le and Meagler for the pics of TFW's tattoo. Glad to know my memory is still somewhat intact - just wish it was for important things and not about stupid things like this. LOL
I remember that inquirer article. It's a lot like the Vanity Fair article
Would you want someone saying this about YOU?
"I wonder if Kate can ever sense my presence? Does she get a tingling sensation knowing she’s being watched? Does she sense my presence like Darth Vader sensed Obi Wan Kanobi?"
I don't think Robert meant that statement to be taken in a literal way at all but that's exactly what the fans love to do. As Hoosier Girl said above, and I agree, I believe he meant that TFW's pulled the wool over the eyes of a lot of people, but she's not going to get away with doing it with him, that he's not messing around - he knows the truth. And, that's exactly what Robert's said all along.
So TFW only has the thorny stem left of her rose? Well that's metaphoric.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5m
We have a duty 2encourage one another! Many times a word of praise/thanks/appreciation or cheer has kept someone on their feet!
Oh, wonderful. It's Milo's "duty" to keep Kate propped up. She sure is a strange old bird, but I think the one who creeps me out even more is the one who is obsessed with ((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))) and xxooxxooxxoo. Eeeewwwwww! Who does that with internet strangers?
@AskBabyMama: @Kateplusmy8 did I just see you at the marathon while I was tweeting today? Crazy! #nycmarathon #strength #support
Robert Is A Scary Person said... 53
Give it a rest, huh?
But...he WAS watching. He stood outside her fence and did just that. It's not metaphorical. It's based on his physical presence at the edge of her property.
Are you honestly saying that if someone who you know has picked through your trash and snapped pictures through your fence directed that comment at YOU, you wouldn't be freaked out by it?
Of course he stood at the fence watching. He was working as a reporter at the time. It was his J.O.B. to stand at the fence and take pictures and talk to people. He wasn't alone; there were dozens? who did the same at the time -- it's NOT something that he's doing now. lol If you remember, there was a group of paps and reporters who did the same thing.
TFW chose to be in the media. She knows it comes with the 'job' she wants. And yet even after all of the press and reporters and paps watching and following her, she still says that's what she wants to do. Her choice. I wouldn't want it, that's for sure, but it's the life she says she wants.
Robert Is A Scary Person said... 53
No, I don't think so, you reap what you sow
@AskBabyMama: @Kateplusmy8 did I just see you at the marathon while I was tweeting today? Crazy! #nycmarathon #strength #support
Oh, hail no BM - not another rumor. Remember... TFW has that broken 'foot' and hasn't been training? UGH
Suzee said... 60
I don't think Robert meant that statement to be taken in a literal way at all but that's exactly what the fans love to do.
Except for the tiny fact that he literally did watch her, for months on end, by his own admission. I could understand the metaphorical interpretation if not for the tiny fact that he did watch her...literally.
It has nothing to with being a Kate fan. I would find this equally creepy if it were directed at Jon or my next door neighbor. It is disturbing.
No one seems to want to answer my question. Would you be okay with this type of comment directed at YOU? Yes or no?
Jumping In said:
I agree that Jon has every right to present his position, he deserves to be heard (and seen) as a caring, concerned parent. It's the escalation on TFW's part that is worrying. I can already hear the promo on the TODAY show. "Kate Gosselin is here with us this morning to discuss Jon's claim that they have different parenting styles and no co-operation about anything. We will have Kate explain these comments, just after the break" The camera then pans to a demure-looking Kate, leg bouncing, ready to throw Jon under the bus again.
Maybe. I confess that I don't understand tv programming, especially how they pick guests for morning shows. But Jon's ex seems like old, boring news. No one really likes her. Would they really make a spot for her to offer some sort of rebuttal, when most of their viewers could care less? As I said, I don't know the answer to my own question.
In my rational mind, I think - no way! They will want fresh news and people who attract lots of viewers. Then I see senile Barbara Walters still has a tv show and gets to be rude to guests and act like they are lying about child abuse, and gets away with it. So what do I know lol.
I'm waiting to see if Jon went to L.A. for any reason beyond a simple vacation trip.
No one seems to want to answer my question. Would you be okay with this type of comment directed at YOU? Yes or no?
I'll answer. Nope, I sure wouldn't. And I've had similar unpublished comments posted here, harassing me and making veiled threats like that. Nope, it's not fun. It's creepy.
There are some people who like Robert's tactics. There are also a fair number of people here including myself who, from day one, were very clear that his tactics are creepy. Robert reads here and I'm sure he saw that. I think his recent posts are just more of what he has always done and which I never, ever liked.
The way I see it, I have no right to complain about similar tactics directed at me if I'm going to say it's okay if Robert does it. It's NOT okay. Two wrongs don't make a right. I rather like how Jon is handling it. He's not shutting up, but when he does speak he sounds reasonable, rational and honest.
I like that the truth was told in Robert's book. Publish away. I just don't have to like the WAY it was told.
I don't think Robert meant that statement to be taken in a literal way at all but that's exactly what the fans love to do. As Hoosier Girl said above, and I agree, I believe he meant that TFW's pulled the wool over the eyes of a lot of people, but she's not going to get away with doing it with him, that he's not messing around - he knows the truth. And, that's exactly what Robert's said all along.
Not only that, but I understood it to mean that Kate forgets what she's said in the past, but her words are available for him to pull up because he knows where to find them. She's contradicted herself so many times, has no idea what she said and when, and he's paying very close attention to what she's saying now, and what she's claimed in her lawsuit. There's so much he can dispute because of her own words.
Off topic but I'm almost positive that someone here or someones mentioned that Silkwood from 1983 is a great movie. I saw it on TCM so I DVRed it and am watching it. I am LOVING it. I'm only about halfway through but it's excellent. Thank you!
lol, yes that's the stem of the rose she has left. Maybe she should guest star on Miami Ink or the like and have it redone. It would be good for her TV exposure, right?
Let's watch her have it removed on a television show. She'd get exposure, but probably not the kind she wants. Milo would love it, though!
Maybe. I confess that I don't understand tv programming, especially how they pick guests for morning shows. But Jon's ex seems like old, boring news. No one really likes her. Would they really make a spot for her to offer some sort of rebuttal, when most of their viewers could care less? As I said, I don't know the answer to my own question.
I really doubt it. I think even the media is on board that it's JON's turn to rebut. It's not like Kate EVER offers anything new. She really blew her media appearances like everything else. You need to come in with a new and interesting and often humorous story, every single time In case she hasn't noticed reruns on T.V. are not very desirable unless it's a huge, huge hit. You need something new and fresh if you want to keep making the T.V. rounds. She's as stale as week-old French bread. Unless she comes up with some new hook I doubt there will be any new T.V. appearances anytime soon, or very little at the most. Now even the cookbook is old news which is the only reason she got on before. She didn't even do a lawsuit tour. The tour was really the cookbook tour even though she talked about everything but cooking.
but when he does speak he sounds reasonable, rational and honest.
I agree with you 100%. Jon seems like such a nice guy.
What no one has explained yet is why Jon feels the general public need to know he and Kate don't see eye to eye. Most people already sense that because Kate has always said so herself.
I WANT a reason to root for Jon to do interviews, I really do! I haven't found a satisfactory reason yet. Tell me how these interviews HELP his kids. Please? I really do want to continue to see Jon as the rational parent he has been. And there's NO hope for Kate.
Ex Nurse said:
IMO, Jon has the kids well-being uppermost in his mind. I don't think that TFW should enter into any decisions he makes. Meaning, not avoiding projects in the hopes of NOT infuriating her (which is every project). But, also, not choosing a project because it WILL infuriate her. He should base his decisions on, first and foremost, what is good for the kids, and, secondly, what will benefit himself.
If, for any reason (ie kids' choice or custody hearing), Jon has more custody time, he will need to earn more money.
So, just speculatin' (that's for you Milo) here--- maybe a reality show of the Black Dog Cafe?
Ooooooh boy, imagine if that were to happen. (I mostly doubt it, because it seems like any producer would be pushing to have the children included and Jon wouldn't want that, and his ex would also refuse because a) no show unless she gets prime billing and talking head duties; and b) no show that includes Jon.)
If your stomach looked like that, and your belly button could be mistaken for a nipple, why on earth would you wear a bikini, especially if you had no waist whatsoever? She'd look so much better in a classic slimming one-piece.
Have the sheeple ever addressed the not-a-boob job? Have they ever been asked point-blank to explain those photos? Put up the picture of the black suit (from the Key West trip) where she was inverted (two fried eggs) next to one of those cup runneth over bikini pictures and ask them to explain how a "good bra" could be made invisible. Another "Philadelphia Experiment?"
Admin said,
So TFW only has the thorny stem left of her rose? Well that's metaphoric.
He must have been looking into his crystal ball!
Robert Is A Scary Person said... 35
Hey, Robert worshippers, please explain to me how the following passage from his book is not creepy. Would you want someone saying this about YOU?
*looking around* Don't see any Robert worshippers here. (Administrator) said... 61
So TFW only has the thorny stem left of her rose? Well that's metaphoric.
I thought that too. The petals have fallen.
I'd be sad if that happened for a lot of people, but not her. Her time in the limelight is over.
Millicent! Hi. Just wanted you to know that Canadian Mom and I are not the same person and that I agree with you that assuming things is wrong.
@Kateplusmy8 @PictureEuphoria S⋆M⋆I⋆L⋆E It doesn't get too much cuter than this. The dog looks like Shoka:) NAPS
Is it just me, or is this one very foolish thing to do with an infant, even if it's set up for a photo? Dogs are very fast. Something spooks him, and he's out of that chair in a second, throwing that baby to the ground. It wouldn't be so cute if that child lands on his head,
Robert has another post up. It is the video of Ask Kate.
Please can someone tell me if I heard correctly? At almost the end, when kate is saying what she thinks each of the kids will be when they grow up, does Kate say in reference to Joel...
" Some girl will be suckered in by that beautiful smile, and then realize he is clueless"....
Whaaaaa? really Kate???
I'll answer. Nope, I sure wouldn't. And I've had similar unpublished comments posted here, harassing me and making veiled threats like that. Nope, it's not fun. It's creepy.
Thank you.
Creepy behavior should be judged as creepy behavior, regardless of your opinion of the person to whom the behavior is directed.
Have the sheeple ever addressed the not-a-boob job? Have they ever been asked point-blank to explain those photos? Put up the picture of the black suit (from the Key West trip) where she was inverted (two fried eggs) next to one of those cup runneth over bikini pictures and ask them to explain how a "good bra" could be made invisible. Another "Philadelphia Experiment?"
A lot of non-fans have brought up the boob job. The sheeple say one of two things (like it's a script):
1-It's no one's business (except they spell it noones);
2-Why are the haters so hung up on Kate's boobs?
Have the sheeple ever addressed the not-a-boob job? Have they ever been asked point-blank to explain those photos? Put up the picture of the black suit (from the Key West trip) where she was inverted (two fried eggs) next to one of those cup runneth over bikini pictures and ask them to explain how a "good bra" could be made invisible. Another "Philadelphia Experiment"
They deflect and say we're boon obsessed, it goes to their shallow nomcriticalthinking. They can't see the larger picture about the contradiction with her Christian values and her lying. That's the point not her boobs
Sue ... 2
"Mickey, so what do Polly and Al have to say about the lawsuit and everything else going on? You only seem to pop in to be their (especially Polly's) spokesperson. That picture you linked was sooooo photoshopped. "
If that is what you feel Sue, so be it. However even though I know the answer to your question, sorry, I have no intention of responding to it.
For the record I was looking at TMZ's web site yesterday while waiting for people to show up to pick/buy persimmons and found a blurb re celebs with tramp stamps, recognized Kate of course, and copied the link here. Why? Because I know there are bloggers who have the time to determine if it was legit or if it was in fact photoshopped. Even if I suspected it was photoshopped, who knows, perhaps I missed something way back when, besides I thought that there might be some that would be amused seeing what is out there on the Internet and that not everything you see or read means that it is real.
As for the extra hour this weekend, I decided to donate my roosters to a local family who is having some hard times provided that they come and help me catch them. Unfortunately I forgot to check to see if they knew about the time change so I woke up an hour early which would be two hours before they showed up. Anyway now that all the chores are done around here I'm spending that extra hour reading this thread.
In other words Sue I don't live to monitor the Gosselins these days, and when I do talk to my PA friends it is not necessarily about the Gosselins either. However, I admit I still have an interest in what is going on and even though I do hear some interesting tidbits via the locals, I also count on this blog for some things too.
So yesterday I found the thread re Jon's plane being diverted to Phoenix and today I had the time to read the posts. I have to admit I was a bit lost for awhile because I, like some other bloggers, see that there are some conclusions being jumped to ...yes it took me a little while to figure out that people just assumed that Jon was going to LA to being on TV (like that is the only reason to go to LA) and Kate is at home pissed off and being mean to the kids.
Look I'm sure Kate is not happy these days since I'm sure her phone is not ringing off the hook with potential TV job offers and the cookbook tanked but it still comes down to she will never be able to admit that she all by herself over the years has committed career suicide. Further, until this lawsuit settles -- either in or out of court -- Kate is still going to have to deal with attention, even if it is all negative. Now if Robert's book is republished and/or becomes a TV movie ... again this is all on Kate since his book was pretty much dead until she brought it back to life to it thanks to her lawsuit.
What no one has explained yet is why Jon feels the general public need to know he and Kate don't see eye to eye
Self-defense. because he's responding to Kate's myriad of wild accusations.
Kate has essentially painted this picture of Jon marching to his own drum putting the kids at risk as he goes and that only she is putting the children first.
Jon has explained that, on the contrary, the truth is the problem is Kate is completely inflexible and impossible to get along with or compromise on ANYTHING when it comes to everything especially the kids. Makes perfect sense to me. The explanation explains everything.
Admin, not trying to spoil, but the song at the end of the movie, in
A cappella... is...
Wow. Just. Wow.
Fast forward to the clip Robert posted. Listen to what she says at 8:20. And it came true....
How does this effect the kids? All I'm asking is if Jon realizes that he's angering Kate and surely she'll take that anger out on the kids.
That's extremely speculative. Maybe she'll just tweet platitudes all day to let our her anger. If Jon knows that going to LA will cause Kate to abuse her children, he can go to family law court. The solution is not to tip toe around like you might wake up the baby. Again, Jon cannot continue to be a doormat and victim letting this abuser dictate the decisions he makes for his life. This is his life and too bad for Kate.
Again, we're still speculating what the trip to LA was even about. Just as likely it had something to do with restaurant management and promotion. There are numerous opportunities to be in LA for that. The culinary scene and how to do great promotion for such scene in LA is next to none.
The petals have fallen.
I'd be sad if that happened for a lot of people, but not her. Her time in the limelight is over.
Yep and all that's left of her existence is a thorny nasty dried out stem no one wants anymore. Wow.
Jmo. But I think "milo" is Steve or maybe Jamie. But I doubt Jamie. I did some looking around. Found all of "Milo's" pic on google. One was a flat tire. That's a popular Australian brand. Jmo. That's all.
We have a duty 2encourage one another!
No, Milo. You have no duty to encourage people you disagree with. You have no duty to encourage someone whose morals and ethics differ so much from yours. This whole recent nationwide "Mama bears/women/girlfriends should all stick together" crap is very unfortunate.
Jon has explained that, on the contrary, the truth is the problem is Kate is completely inflexible and impossible to get along with or compromise on ANYTHING when it comes to everything especially the kids. Makes perfect sense to me. The explanation explains everything.
Thank you Admin. It's a great explanation and I believe everything he is saying. Still, doesn't give me a reason to want him to continue to do interviews, like Oprah's show.
He said all of this at the dad's roundtable interview and the internet/online interview some one else did.
I still don't see how continuous media interviews helps him with the kids. Is it not more damaging to them to continue to play this out in the media? How many times does he have to tell Joe Public that his former wife is a bitch? Everyone already knows this.
And what about his 'private life' claims? Gah! He's so wishy washy. Drives me nuts. It also makes me not put much stock into what he says anymore. He's constantly changing his mind, no?
What is the reason for all of these posts from Robert the past 2days? Just wondering.....
So Kate ISN'T a child abuser? Can people stop abusing without help?
Did I say that? No. I haven't the foggiest idea if Kate is currently abusing her children. I have never heard she is CURRENTLY. I have only heard of abuse when they were younger. Maybe she is maybe she isn't. Emotionally arguably she still is. I'm SAYING if going to L.A. causes Kate to abuse her children Jon's REMEDY is to go to the judge who knows this case well. His remedy is not to tip toe around hoping not to piss her off. That's absurd and a victim mentality.
Robert has something new to say about being ''creepy''. Robert, you make me smile!
JR said... 95
''What is the reason for all of these posts from Robert the past 2days? Just wondering.....''
I'm wondering too. My speculation is that there is no way Robert would be doing something that would harm his defense to TFW's lawsuit, or anger the powerful attorney that is representing him. Robert is not stupid. take that speculation another step, I think it is quite possible that Robert knows something about the lawsuit that the public doesn't yet know. Now what do you think that would be?
Maybe she is maybe she isn't. Emotionally arguably she still is. I'm SAYING if going to L.A. causes Kate to abuse her children Jon's REMEDY is to go to the judge who knows this case well. His remedy is not to tip toe around hoping not to piss her off. That's absurd and a victim mentality.
---I'm going to choose to believe Jon. If he's not concerned enough to tell his lawyer, then I guess I won't be so concerned for them either.
When's his interview going to air? I really want to see it!
Well I guess I'll have to agree to disagree with Robert. I find the posts he is doing now embarrassing to the "non-fans". He released some important info with the book. Let it speak for itself. His tactics sound similar to BV and I know how I feel about them.
I DO find the author that moved next door to Sarah Palin "creepy." I do. She has young CHILDREN there, and they showed the guy on her show and he had a pretty darn good view of everything at that house. He would sit out on the porch and look at them constantly. ANYONE would be creeped out by that, I'm sorry. I don't like when someone looks at my house for more than few seconds, it makes me uncomfortable. I can't imagine putting up with it for days and days, months. She has little children there including her grandson and her child with down's syndrome for heaven sake. Is that fair to THEM? Is it right they grow up with some stranger lurking around staring at them?
Is it illegal? No. Anyone could buy that house. Is it over the top and creepy, especially in light of the small children around? You bet.
He may know something about the lawsuit. He acted like this last time he knew they were about to get the powerhouse attorneys on the case.
I tend to think when you win a lawsuit or things are going your way in the lawsuit, you are better served to just quietly enjoy the victory in a respectful manner and let things play out. Heck you might even shake the opposing party's hand. Gloating is rarely attractive. Good sportsmanship is something I value. Next time, you might be on the losing end, and it's much nicer to get a handshake then a snide and gloating grin. Kate will get her due, it's pretty inevitable now--why be a jerk about it?
I dont agree with paparazzi stalking anybody. The best way to stop that is to stop watching the tv, and stop buying the rag mags. I dont buy the rag mags but I do buy some magazines that might tell a story or 2 about a celebrity.
I do not watch any reality tv shows that include children anymore, because it is a Peeping Tom into their lives.
I just want the truth exposed on Kate and for the kids to stop being exploited. I had been liking Roberts posts, but now you have me thinking. Maybe he needs to just not until he is able to either publish his book, or sell his story to a made for tv movie.
I have to think about this. Yes, it is more fun when its against " them" not so fun when again ts "us". So need to make certain am not being the hypocrite here.....
MickeyMcKean, I will always be offended by you commenting that "Robert wants to tap kate's ass", back at the blog you used to leave very long comments at. I hope you were mature enough to apologise to Robert, and his wife about it. You may think it is cool to think out of the box, but that comment was just plain nasty.
Meagler I just keep thinking about BV's posts about me and his ticktock, his threats to me that I have to apologize to Kate for some post from over two years ago or he was going to out me.
I did apologize because it was the right thing to do, and never even got an acknowledgment from Kate. I wasn't seeking it, but really? She can't even acknowledge something her camp was threatening me over? And then the real kicker was they STILL outed me even after I did what they said. So what was the point if the threat is happening either way?
That whole experience is just far too similar to this current nonsense to find anything funny or positive about it. Playing games is not my cup of tea.
Robert Is A Scary Person said... 35
Hey, Robert smear lady I know exactly who you are.
"I wonder if Kate can ever sense my presence? Does she get a tingling sensation knowing she’s being watched? Does she sense my presence
like Darth Vader sensed Obi Wan Kanobi?"
Hey Shit Stirrer, I just searched Roberts first book. Not one mention of Obi or one word you just said here you phony trouble maker. I suspect you are that thing from Texas thinking we are as stupid as you. You are Not one word you have stated is in Roberts book. You just give all the more evididence to his question?/claim today. Where is the hate coming from. You,You Kate Gosselin and your so called "besties"
You bold face liar with the nerve to come here and try to stir the pot. You gve TEXAS and women a bad name. BE ASHAMED.
You are the scary one.
Millicent said... 79
I used the the seach tool on Roberts Kinde book. those words do not exist in any way in his book. That poster is a liar of the first kind, just like Kate. One of her nasty dirty ilk.............Never ever did Robert say that.
Meagler 83 -- yep, you heard TFMJG correctly. She's compared Joel to Jon more than once and called him clueless more than once. IMO, Joel is the boy she is most abusive to, not Collin, the lifting up by the hair and throwing into the crib notwithstanding.
I LOVE that Robert published the book and I LOVE that he has the guts to stand up to TfMJG and tell her to bring it on. I LOVE that he won't back down. I DO NOT love some of his tactics. They give me the creeps. Some of his descriptions in the book of him following and observing TFMJG, when it was not for his job, seemed stalkery and obsessive.
The really creepy thing about the author who moved in next door to Palin in order to observe her and the family, is that Joe McGinniss is a highly respected non-fiction author. I agree that there was a story there and that it needed to be written, but I highly disagree with his tactics, especially, as admin said, when there are children involved.
I tend to think when you win a lawsuit or things are going your way in the lawsuit, you are better served to just quietly enjoy the victory in a respectful manner and let things play out.
This is exactly how I feel with Jon! Yes, I hold him to a higher standard than Kate. Kate is unredeemable. Jon is the loving father.
I guess he's not being a complete *jerk* about it but the publicity and interviews are just silly. Let it play out Jon! You've almost won!
So this is what Kate's TL has come down to: Milo trying to get one up on Barb for the cutest baby animal pic; Sandie and the Collie Person tweeting human baby pictures; the China guy stumbling around trying to use the Google Translator; the slower sheeple begging for pictures of the dog's birthday party and kids' Halloween costumes; the Hatfields and McCoys still going after each other; Milo tweeting platitudes because it's her duty to lift Kate up; Kate retweeting the platitudes because it's' Milo's duty to lift her up.
Does that about sum it up? What happened to the Irish Creeper?
Susan2 said... 99
Tonight on OWN, 10 pm Eastern.......I will be watching.....
I know we're not supposed to blog bash so this may not go through. There is another blog that instead of posting positives about TFW they bash Jon Robert and this blog. They go on and on about how creepy Robert is. That may be who is is pointing that post about or them as we'll. They love to copy and paste from here
prairiemary said... 103
Do not for one NY minute think you are PM........yees, get out of town.
It's amusing reading over this afternoon's comments. The sheeple are absolutely having breakdowns over Jon's tv appearance and trip to LA.
Susan said... 105
Millicent said... 79
I used the the seach tool on Roberts Kinde book. those words do not exist in any way in his book. That poster is a liar of the first kind, just like Kate. One of her nasty dirty ilk.............Never ever did Robert say that.
Actually, I saw the quote on another site, with Kindle locations 30346-30347 specified. I do not own the book, so I cannot verify it and if it is untrue I will apologize. Despite your accusation, I am not a "liar of the first kind."
Joe McGinnis moved close to the Palin family. In my opinion it was a "stalkerish" action. He has written some very good books. Fatal Vision is one of the best true crime novels I have read.
He has a solid reputation. I thought he tarnished with his Palin vendetta.
MickeyMcKean said... 87
You are articulate and know your stuff.... I always enjoy your comments. Why you need to explain yourself here is a "duh" moment for me. Do not change Ms. Mickey... I always enjoyed the other blog, she was timely, intelligent and her words were necessary in the scheme of things.
Susan said... 105
You know, when I read that, I didn't recall that being in Robert's book either.
When things are slow with TFW and her Twitter, we get all the nut jobs.
Susan, here is the reference in Roberts book.
I wonder if Kate can ever sense my presence? Does she get a tingling sensation knowing she’s being watched? Does she sense my presence like Darth Vader sensed Obi Wan Kanobi?
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 30346-30347). . Kindle Edition
I have not read Robert's kindle book other then the bits and pieces that were here. I did not realize he said in his book that he followed her even when it was not part of his job. Did he say why? Was he THAT concerned about her kids, or curiousity gone overboard? Okay, that is a bit creepy. I find the comment about " I wonder if TFDW knew I was watching her..... a bit off. Roberrt..dont do that, its not okay!!!!
Admin...yes... BV only played by his own rules. His tactics are the definition of what it is to be a Bully. After having him use his tactics against you, I commend you for refusing to " bully" back. That is a strong person. Something I sometimes am not. BUT, then I catch on and try to change my ways :)
I easily found it. It was in a passage talking about what happened on Easter. I'm the first to say I don't like his recent blog posts--but to be fair, I think Robert was just reflecting on whether Kate even thinks about the fact that during this time period there were people watching them. He was making the point that what she says happened and what he actually saw were often different. In context, the comment is more like a head scratching doesn't she realize she's being watched when she says these things?
Wow. Just. Wow!
Ok, now for the ‘reality’ of the Gosselin’s 2012 Easter Sunday, because I was there, at Kate Gosselin’s house, watching, from 7:30 am until dusk. That’s how sad my life is.
Kate did, as promoted by her on Twitter for a week, take the kids to church on Easter Sunday. I was there watching, and photographing as they entered and exited the building. Despite online rumors that they left church early, the Gosselins stayed inside the church through the entire service and exited with the rest of the huge crowd.
I wonder if Kate can ever sense my presence? Does she get a tingling sensation knowing she’s being watched? Does she sense my presence like Darth Vader sensed Obi Wan Kanobi?
After church, as she was leaving the parking lot, Kate stopped her van to take a photo of a donkey that was tied up behind the church. She posted and used the photo to prove to the Twitter world that she actually did make it to Easter services. What’s funny, at least to me, about her Twitter photo of the donkey? If you look in Kate’s side mirror, you can see my car directly behind her … watching. At the time I couldn’t figure out why she was stopping and holding up traffic. I thought she saw me and was coming back to confront me. Nope. Just a routine snapshot of a jackass.
Susan, Yes, it's Me, not kidding!! Thanks for keeping an eye out, my name has been used in the past, but this time it is really me!
I guess I don't usually have such a strong opinion, but I had just gone back to that blog, and read what she had commented, and it still bothers me after all of these many months.
Joe McGinnis moved close to the Palin family. In my opinion it was a "stalkerish" action. He has written some very good books. Fatal Vision is one of the best true crime novels I have read.
He has a solid reputation. I thought he tarnished with his Palin vendetta.
Thanks for the info Dmasy. I'm not familiar with him but I do agree with you. If he has a solid reputation there was no reason to do that. There were tons of people willing to go on record about the real Sarah Palin. Look at the book Game Change? What is he honestly going to find out just staring at their house? She knew he was there, did he really expect anything earth shattering. It bothers me the most how young two of the kids there were. They deserve to know that such behavior is not normal or something they have to just get used to.
I am sorry that my comment about M.M's comment upset you. We all have our own opinions on things that are posted, the freedom to say what we want to, but that one comment really bothered me, as it came from someone that I was surprised would say something like that. To me is wasn't only running Robert down, but I thought it was cruel towards his wife. That's all.
No one seems to want to answer my question. Would you be okay with this type of comment directed at YOU? Yes or no?
You can stop stomping your foot.
Robert's statement would not have bothered me in the least then and doesn't now. It was his JOB to look at me and take pictures and talk about me, I'm not taking his words literally and I don't think he meant them to be interpreted literally.
Anonymous said... 90
Fast forward to the clip Robert posted. Listen to what she says at 8:20. And it came true....
Wow! "Someday you all are going to be in charge of cleaning and I'm gonna sit and watch YOU"
That was Joe McGinnis who moved next door to SP? That's surprising. Yes, his book about Jeffrey MacDonald was excellent! Very sad, scary, and detailed.
You know I should add it doesn't change the message itself to have an issue with the messenger. This is a classic deflection technique.
I can dislike the paparazzi and some of their tactics all I want, but it wouldn't discount the info itself just because it might have come from paparazzi who use techniques I don't like.
We can debate forever what is appropriate and what is not, and that's interesting. But the sheeple are just doing this to discredit the info and deflect from Jon, which is an entirely different motivation. And, it does no such thing. They have no real motivations to have an adult debate.
You know, when I read that, I didn't recall that being in Robert's book either.
I do remember it, and for the most stupid reason. I wondered if Obi Wan was spelled correctly!
PrairieMarie 103
Way back when I apologized to ALL that was offended by that particular comment BUT I also noted that there was a reason I specifically said it too.
I hope you can understand that where I live, who I am friends with and who I have worked with, "taping that ass" is not only a common saying but is socially acceptable.
In fact it was just yesterday that I had a visitor here and he saw three young roosters chasing one small hen who was missing a lot of her feathers thanks to the boys. Anyway my visitor made a comment to me about the roosters wanting to tap her ass which prompted me to make plans to get rid of the roosters ASAP.
That being said, I am mature enough to acknowledge that it went over the line on the blog due to the audience which of course included you.
The bottom line is that I have been around a lot of men in general, blue collar and cowboys in particular, and therefore I think I know men well enough to know that whereas Kate is very pretty, where she has been called "polarizing" on a few occasions, there is no doubt in my mind that there are men - even married ones - who would be interested in sleeping with her but not wanting anything permanent.
Anonymous said... 90
Fast forward to the clip Robert posted. Listen to what she says at 8:20. And it came true....
Wow! "Someday you all are going to be in charge of cleaning and I'm gonna sit and watch YOU"
Just watched it. Oh. my. gosh. What a horrible thing to say to a toddler. And what an even worse thing to do to young children--memories of that horrendous chore chart on the fridge. She knew all along what her strategy would be. As soon as they could pick up a cleaning tool, they were gonna have to use it. She's the Wicked Witch of Wernersville, for sure. I doubt anyone in that town can compete!
admin, 128...They have no real motivations to have an adult debate.
Nor the intelligence to do so. They are, however, very good at deflection. They have that mastered.
There are ways to say something like that, without using those words. And why mention that a married man, that you don't know, would want to do that? Not classy. Glad you apologised to that blog. Done now. Goodnight.
OMG, I don't find Robert creepy at all. On the contrary I see him as a hero. He's the only one who has been brave enough to take on Kate and her abusive ways.
What I do find creepy and scarey is a woman who mastered minded a plan to have children and then abused them. As she raised her hand to hit them while they looked at her with frightened eyes, maybe crying and saying no mommy, she kept on hitting! And no one did anything to stop her! And now Kate's fans come here to attack Robert who single handedly is bringing Kate down! What a creepy guy, not!
Sorry Kate's fan I'm not easily manipulated and I'm not a follower. I think for myself and you are not convincing! And I hope that Kate gets everything she deserves.
Although I have been reading, I have not commented on this blog for ages. I appreciate Admin allowing us to exchange opinions here and thank her for the updates and interesting topics. That being said, I hope it is okay to share something a little OT. Did anyone see Pam Anderson’s post NY Marathon pic? She actually did it in less than six hours, bless her heart. She did it for charity, too. Perhaps TFW could take a page from Pam’s playbook? While I am at it, I would just love to find out from the “running buddies” of TFW the real story of her “completing” a full marathon. How interesting it would be if those two running buddies could be deposed so the truth could come out? Meanwhile, I will keep praying for those precious children who did not ask to be born into such chaos!
I hope you can understand that where I live, who I am friends with and who I have worked with, "taping that ass" is not only a common saying but is socially acceptable.
Socially acceptable? By whose standards? No matter where one calls "home," it's a very "unclassy" thing to say, and while I'd be annoyed if someone said that about my husband and another woman, I'd probably just consider the source.
Regardless, it appears to have been a very unkind thing to say about Robert, especially since ass-tapping (or his desire to do so) was nothing more than speculation. You just don't accuse someone of something like that, socially acceptable or not. (Administrator) said... 128
''You know I should add it doesn't change the message itself to have an issue with the messenger. This is a classic deflection technique.
I can dislike the paparazzi and some of their tactics all I want, but it wouldn't discount the info itself just because it might have come from paparazzi who use techniques I don't like.
But the sheeple are just doing this to discredit the info and deflect from Jon, which is an entirely different motivation''
That is a very important point, Admin, and I appreciate you making that point...for the 'lurkers' to see.
Let's throw tomatoes said... 134
''OMG, I don't find Robert creepy at all. On the contrary I see him as a hero. He's the only one who has been brave enough to take on Kate and her abusive ways.''
''....And no one did anything to stop her! And now Kate's fans come here to attack Robert who single handedly is bringing Kate down! What a creepy guy, not!''
I am SO with you on your comments. I've said for a long time that Robert is my hero, and I have so much respect for him having the courage to expose that nasty woman, and even more for refusing to back down one single inch!
California Suzy said... 135
Although I have been reading, I have not commented on this blog for ages. I appreciate Admin allowing us to exchange opinions here and thank her for the updates and interesting topics. That being said, I hope it is okay to share something a little OT. Did anyone see Pam Anderson’s post NY Marathon pic? She actually did it in less than six hours, bless her heart
Can you post a link? That's awesome! I bet she looked sweaty and like, well, like she ran 26.2 miles.. Good for her. Chelsea will eat her words, she told her there was no way she would make it.
Mickey said...
"I hope you can understand that where I live, who I am friends with and who I have worked with, "taping that ass" is not only a common saying but is socially acceptable."
I guess I live a sheltered life here, but I've never heard that term used before...and from the sound of it, I'm not missing much! I don't know what "audience" would find it acceptable! ;-)
Jazz -- I agree, that phrase is definitely not socially acceptable and is definitely not classy. It's derogatory, speculative (in this case, anyway), dirty minded, rude and just plain nasty.
McGinniss's "Fatal Vision" was so good. My favorite of his books, though, is "The Selling of the President", about Nixon's 1968 campaign. You might enjoy that one, admin. He's written several other excellent true crime books. I haven't read his book on Sarah Palin, and I'm not sure I want to. I think his creepy tactics would taint it for me.
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66 22m
@Kateplusmy8 hi buddy. How is the foot? I have not reached out in a bit. I hope all is well. Glad the cookbook is doing well #BookSignPA ??
Aw, Brenda wants a book signing in PA. Wouldn't you think that if Kate is such a good buddy, she could drop one off at her home and have Kate sign it -- or mail one to her to sign?
Watching now...ha ha "Kate filed for divorce". We recently caught up with Jon in Pennsylvania.
"They have trouble with manners and morals and what's right" I think we've seen the problems with manners with Jamie's kids.
Jon is on! In opening clip, it showed the whole family on Oprah in 2008. The kids were acting up, and Jon got up to deal with them while TFW sat there stroking Hannah's hair and ignoring them. He lives on 30 acres, says it's peaceful. He has the kids every Tuesday and every other weekend Friday-Saturday-Sunday. Cute pictures on his walls shown--"I love Dad".
Just saw Jon on " Where are they now". Wont give any spoilers, but there was absolutely nothing wrong with that interview!!!
I did notice though... those hairplugs are still there. Its not your typical male baldness pattern, but when he is looking straight forward, you wouldnt know he has the "circle" up top!
Cute pictures on his walls shown--"I love Dad".
And Kate just implied not last month that the kids would decide for themselves whether they want to see Jon when they are older. Implying they have a bad relationship. Suck it, Kate. This is why he's deciding to take the reins now. You poked him one too many times.
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