Friday, November 1, 2013

Jon's flight diverted to Phoenix after LAX shootings

The tragic shootings today at Los Angeles International Airport ending up affecting one of the Gosselins, according to tweets.

Courtesy of @eojsemaj

Jon apparently hopped a U.S. Airways flight from the East Coast this morning to Los Angeles. While Jon was airborne, the shootings occurred at LAX at about 9 a.m. local time, and the airport was shut down. According to another passenger on Jon's flight, who tweeted two photos of Jon, the plane was diverted to Phoenix. Jon sat in coach, and the passenger described him as "cool as sh&t."

As of press time LAX has reopened most terminals, but hundreds of flights are cancelled or delayed. The person tweeting the updates said he had not heard when they will be able to take off again and get into L.A. At one point they reboarded the plane in Phoenix, sat on the runway for 45 minutes, and then deplaned again.  Philadelphia Phillies shortstop Jimmy Rollins was also on the ill-fated flight.

joeblack ‏@eojsemaj 15hCalifornia here I come
joeblack ‏@eojsemaj 12hJon from "Jon and Kate plus 8" is sitting in front of me on this @USAirways flightReply Retweet Favorite More Expand
joeblack ‏@eojsemaj 6hWas a shooting at LAX. They grounded my plane in Phoenix+won't tell us how long we will be here or if we can get off plane @USAirways wtf
joeblack ‏@eojsemaj 6hJon gosselin in coach ballon
joeblack ‏@eojsemaj 5hNow Jon gosselin is sitting next to me at the bar, we wait for our flight. To much of a bitch to sneak another picture. Dudes got 8 kids ha
joeblack ‏@eojsemaj 3hMy dad and Jon gosselin, plus a cool guy from Boston and Jon's gf #amazing

347 sediments (sic) from readers:

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silimom said... 1

What's Jon's gf doing? It looks weird especially with the red eye. ~ Administrator said... 2

Eh, looks like she's just being goofy, she's photo bombing!

Nothing makes you feel like photo bombing than being diverted and told you have NO IDEA when you'll get in to where you were headed. Not fun. And to hear they made all those people get on the plane then just SIT and never take off, then get OFF again? Ugh. On the radio this afternoon they were talking about how we need to take better care of passengers when things like this happen. They suggested emergency stashes of food, drink, pillows, etc. Everyone understand why the lockdown needs to happen but we don't need to treat people like refugees. They also said it was not fair to people that they gave them very little updates. These people had NO IDEA what was going on at first. Even if it's just an update to say we don't know anything we will tell you as soon as we can, it would go a long way.

They interviewed a woman with a baby at LAX who was made to wait for over 5 hours on the plane without food for her baby. They were offering her pretzels and she was like, he's four months old he can't eat that!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 3

They interviewed a woman with a baby at LAX who was made to wait for over 5 hours on the plane without food for her baby. They were offering her pretzels and she was like, he's four months old he can't eat that!


I'm not the most organized person, but I have never traveled without small ready-to-drink bottles of infant formula in the diaper bag. You just never know when an unexpected event such as this is going to happen.

localyocul said... 4

Is that Liz? Because the Sheep are insisting Jon broke up with Liz.

Tucker's Mom said... 5

Maybe Jon's doing press in conjunction with his segment airing on OWN on Sunday.

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." - Maya Angelou

C'mon Kate, bare your soul about what Robert alleges about your past and ability to conceive naturally...
For anyone who has had an abortion, I can not imagine having to live a lie and act as though it never happened. That's got to eat you up inside.

gotyournumberKate said... 6

"What's Jon's gf doing? It looks weird especially with the red eye."

I thought that was hilarious! It looks like they must have a blast together. It's nice to know he's with someone he can laugh with. He's such a fun guy. I remember seeing pictures of him going to the fence at the mansion and laughing and joking with the paps. Kate brought him down and I suspect he's finally getting back to his old self.

localyocul said... 7

Sheesh the local news shows that shooter was from South Jersey. The younger brother got a text from the shooter that he was suicidal

Jeremy said... 8

And now we understand the reason for kate "change of plans this weekend" tweet- a subtle dig she hoped her sheep would ask about - change must be that Jon is away so she will have all kids for the whole weekend.

NJGal51 said... 9

@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Here's hoping the day comes soon...that U can tell the #UntoldStory...If people ONLY KNEW what you go through....
Milo - I think she's already told her story in her journals and as soon as the book is republished everyone will know what the kids went through. ~ Administrator said... 10

I'm not the most organized person, but I have never traveled without small ready-to-drink bottles of infant formula in the diaper bag. You just never know when an unexpected event such as this is going to happen.


Always a good idea, but you'd be surprised how many parents aren't that on top of things and I don't think a helpless child should have to suffer because of poor planning. Poor kid. :( ~ Administrator said... 11

Why can't she tell the story now? If it clears things up won't this help everyone, even the kids? What's the hold up here?

Cough-cough B-S!!!

Bitchy Pants said... 12

Oh my, can you just imagine the dramarama if that were TFMJG's flight being diverted? Remember the trip to Utah? She'd be screaming and crying and creating all over the place because she might have to wait with the mediocre. Jon just hangs out with fellow passengers like a normal guy. ~ Administrator said... 13

She would be tweeting up a storm making sure we all knew how disruptive those shootings or whatever were to her precious schedule. Making sure it was all about her. Jon on the other hand makes the best of it, chatting with fans and photo bombing.

Ulysses said... 14

I do so hope Jon isn't going to LA to do more interviews. Kids don't need more turmoil in their life. Obviously Kate's already pissed off about him going. Doesn't he worry about their safety with her?

I think it's sad if I'm worrying more about them than he is.

Also, why does he need a PR firm?

These kids deserve much better parents than these two. :/

ncgirl said... 15

Robert's latest post is an old article about Jodi and Kevin testifying at the hearing and there's a a quote from Barbra Streisand's song "Memory." What is that about?

hard to keep loving Jon said... 16

I think she did tell us her story. The reason 'her poor kids' have to carve pumpkins the day after Halloween is allllll Jon's fault.

It's always Jon's fault, isn't it Kate? *rolls eyes*

Looks like Jon is starting his Redemption Tour. But for who? According to him, they already know what's up. This won't end well. Kate's already fit to be tied. ~ Administrator said... 17

How did Jon's trip mess up her pumpkins anyway as she implies? The pumpkins should have been carved before. A trip on nov 1 should have absolutely nothing to do with it, as it occurred after the holiday.

We haven't heard of any more appearances. Perhaps this has to do with the restaurant.

Unknown said... 18

hard to keep loving Jon said... 15
''....Looks like Jon is starting his Redemption Tour. But for who? According to him, they already know what's up. This won't end well. Kate's already fit to be tied.
Maybe in your mind it's Jon's ''Redemption Tour''. In my mind, Jon is finally being given a chance to show the general public what he is really like, instead of the person TFW has said he is. Who cares if TFW is ''fit to be tied''? What is she going to do, sue him? Oh wait...she's already done that. I believe the one ''this won't end well'' for is TFMJG

Jon is doing just fine. Smiling and making friends with random people, who then tweet what a nice guy he is.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 19

On the radio this afternoon they were talking about how we need to take better care of passengers when things like this happen. They suggested emergency stashes of food, drink, pillows, etc. Everyone understand why the lockdown needs to happen but we don't need to treat people like refugees. They also said it was not fair to people that they gave them very little updates. These people had NO IDEA what was going on at first. Even if it's just an update to say we don't know anything we will tell you as soon as we can, it would go a long way.


I had that refugee experience once! I was traveling alone out of state when the massive airport closed suddenly (due to extremely bad weather and a plane crash--both). I had gone to visit my dad, who was hospitalized and in bad shape. This was such a hellish experience that it took me a lot of years to get over it and to fly again.

I learned the news because I was standing at a payphone next to a pilot who was also on the phone. As I was telling my husband I'd leaving soon, I heard the pilot say a plane had skidded off the runway and the airport would be closing. What a way to find out!

I was a nursing mom (that sure gets uncomfortable) who had expected to only be gone about 5 hours from my baby. I ended up sleeping on the floor of the airport, no pillow or blanket because they were in very short supply. I was sort of sleeping on my purse because how do you protect it while you're asleep? There was no transportation, no buses, no hotel--it was truly awful. It took about 24 hours to finally be put on another plane. But it did make for a good story later, that's for sure!

Tucker's Mom said... 20

Jon on the other hand makes the best of it, chatting with fans and photo bombing.
If it happened to Kate, Steve would be giving fellow passengers the Heisman, and Kate would be panicking about people taking her photo, demanding Steve get them deleted.
Jon managed to make a friend and impress, even under the crappiest of circumstances.
Regarding Jon doing interviews (if that's why he's in LA) and hurting the kids-- cut me a break. Jon's message has been positive. His ex-wife has filed a lawsuit that if it had any merit, could bankrupt and potentially ruin him. His ex-wife is placing undue stress on the entire family (yes, they still are a family) just to get her vanity book more attention, and get more media coverage, yet Jon can now keep his composure, step back and WISH THE WOMAN WELL IN EVERYTHING SHE DOES.
I don't know if I could be that bigger person, so cut me a break.
Kate turned her cookbook tour and turned it into yet another Jon-hate tour. He's "dangerous" and she needs to "protect" her kids and her future, blah, blah, blah. Oh, he fired a gun to warn a pap to stay away from the property where his kids live when with him! Yeah? So?
If Kate did that, her sycophants would be fist pumping, "Mama Grizzly!", and claim Kate would do anything to protect her kids.
One is very, very bitter and looks every bit of it, and the other is happy, content and looks better than he has in years.
I think it goes to intent of these interviews. I think Kate's agenda is not so hidden and involves prolonging the divorce drama and pity for her, and Jon's message has been forward-facing, positive and doesn't smack of grudge holding.

lukebandit said... 21

Remona Blue said...18

Jon is doing just fine. Smiling and making friends with random people, who then tweet what a nice guy.


You can't buy that kind of PR!!! Jon looks so much better! The stress in his face is not there. He looks genuinely happy, posing with his new friends from the plane and his GF is photo bombing the picture.

At first glance, it looks like kate when she is on a rampage with the kids. You know kate is fit to be tied. SO WHAT? It is Jon's turn to shine, not kates. She has had her many, many, many chances to shine and she blew every single one of those chances.

I have always for the last couple of years for Jon to be on a SUPERBOWL commercial. I think the time is right for Jan. 2014. Would love Jon's PR people to do the best they could to get one for him.

Did you see the picture of Jon standing in the aisle of the plane looking at his phone and I believe his GF standing behind him in the hoodie and the backpack? Wow, what a difference from kate.

High Maintenance DIVA!

The root of kates evil is she is greedy AND A SLOTH! It would of been beautiful for pumpkins to be placed at the trees lining her driveway with white LED lights in them at just about dark. Oh, well, just another gate.



Sideline Observer said... 22

Great Minds Quotes ‏@GreatestQuotes 1h
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." - Maya Angelou
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin


What's stopping TFW - fear of self-incrimination? About the only thing she hasn't done yet is claim getting swept up in the banality of evil.

What has been told already wouldn't take up more than a couple pages in Mad Magazine.

Suzee said... 23

joeblack ‏@eojsemaj
All my tweets about hanging out with J+8 have been retweeted and favorited by people I don't know.....

And, 90% of the retweets and favorites were done by names I've never seen before (not regulars in twitter convos). Jon has SO many more fans than he realizes.

Tucker's Mom said... 24

Did you see the picture of Jon standing in the aisle of the plane looking at his phone and I believe his GF standing behind him in the hoodie and the backpack? Wow, what a difference from kate.
A far cry from a micro mini and hooker heels! Who dresses like that when flying? It's all about comfort and I don't believe for one blessed second that Kate's super human de-aging powers extend to her feet being immune to hurting like hell in heels after a while.
Sorry, can't fool me with that one, or any woman who's worn high heels for any period of time, for that matter.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 25 (Administrator) said... 17
How did Jon's trip mess up her pumpkins anyway as she implies? The pumpkins should have been carved before. A trip on nov 1 should have absolutely nothing to do with it, as it occurred after the holiday.

It must have infuriated Kate that Jon was flying to L.A. Then she had to come up for a reason it infuriated her, even if it was totally irrational, so she implied that his trip messed up the pumpkin carving. Totally irrational. That's like the time Jon went against her directive regarding what shoes everyone would wear to the amusement park. Cara wanted to wear flip-flops and Kate freaked and said ALL the kids would be losing their shoes so SHE butted in and said SHE'D solve it and Kate let Cara wear open toed, backless sandals which made NO sense because they could fall off just as easily as flip flips and were just as unsafe. Totally irrational.

How Jon put up with that for 10 years boggles the mind.

Terri said... 26

I have always thought that Jon was truly the better person. There is one word that comes to mind to describe him. "GENUINE". That is something Kate will never be able to show. It's just not in her DNA. Something else I wonder about is why the sheep never question Kate about her empty promises such as pictures coming soon of the twins sleep-over party and recently her promise of a Shoka party pictures. It just boggles my mind that these people can't see through her.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 27

I think it's sad if I'm worrying more about them than he is.


This sounds like something Milo (and the sheep) would say. Nobody here could possibly know how much Jon worries about the kids. I'd say, though, that from the interviews, he is indeed concerned about their welfare and making a life for them that is free from the intrusion of those who would keep them in the eye of the public.

Vanessa said... 28

I'm sure Jon feels the same way kHate

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 29

Life Tools ‏@LifeTools 1h
Life is full of give and take. Give thanks and take nothing for granted.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin

Kate, that doesn't mean everyone gives and you take.

Suzee said... 30

Is that Liz? Because the Sheep are insisting Jon broke up with Liz.

I haven't seen enough pics of her to know for sure, but it does look like the same person from a few years ago.


Oh my, can you just imagine the dramarama if that were TFMJG's flight being diverted?

Unfortunately, I can imagine it and it's not pretty. One thing I can guarantee is that she'd never be taking genuine smiling pics with other passengers!


Maybe in your mind it's Jon's ''Redemption Tour''. In my mind, Jon is finally being given a chance to show the general public what he is really like, instead of the person TFW has said he is.

I agree. I've felt all along that all that was needed for him to be 'redeemed' was for people to see the relaxed, friendly, genuine and a loving Dad. I don't think it's so much what he's said in interviews but more the way he's said it. He comes off as genuine and relateable - 2 things TFW is NOT. I don't think any more interviews are needed or warranted after this Oprah thing. There's not much more that can be said about his life now. After the suit is over - maybe yes, but for now, I've heard enuf.


Julianna said... 31

Great Minds Quotes ‏@GreatestQuotes 1h
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." - Maya Angelou
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin


I doubt that Kate even knows who Maya Angelou is. Perhaps she (and Milo) should read another of her quotes before whining about an untold story:

“I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights. I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life. I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as making a "life." I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance. I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back. I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision. I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one. I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. I've learned that I still have a lot to learn. I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Administrator said... 32

It must have infuriated Kate that Jon was flying to L.A. Then she had to come up for a reason it infuriated her, even if it was totally irrational, so she implied that his trip messed up the pumpkin carving. Totally irrational.


I know right? It's completely irrational. Plus, she claims she always has the twins anyway so what does it matter? I can just picture her ranting in texts to Jon about this L.A. trip and the pumpkins and Jon being like....Halloween was Thursday. This trip was Friday. LOL.

Regarding Jon "worrying" I'm not sure how it helps the kids to pace and bite your nails the entire time they are with Kate. A judge made a custody order he has to follow. Better to just make the best of it. It's good for his children's mental health not to burden them with any worries, to be supportive of them having positive time with Kate and know that Daddy doesn't hate her or worry. If only Kate would do him the same courtesy. It sounds like his relationship with his children is good, and I hope they would tell him if anything is wrong at Mom's.

Silimom said... 33

I agree Admin. A Nov. 1 trip has nothing to do with Halloween, or shouldn't. Especially if the tweet was true and she was out trick or treating with the kids. Kate, you took them out Halloween night, you don't need to carve pumpkins unless you're planning on making homemade pumpkin pie and freezing it until Thanksgiving (which I personally wouldn't do, I like my pies fresh, but to each their own). ~ Administrator said... 34

s unless you're planning on making homemade pumpkin pie and freezing it until Thanksgiving (which I personally wouldn't do, I like my pies fresh, but to each their own).


Which hopefully she knows should never be done with big pumpkins, being a chef and all.

Paula said... 35

What is the saying "The Best Revenge is a Life Well-Lived"? Jon has moved on from Kate, other than dealing with issues surrounding the children. It's obvious from the constant Jon-bashing that Kate has not and will never move on. As many have said Kate's anger at Jon, for whatever the reasons in her own mind, have turned her into a bitterness, ugly woman whose only "friends" are those in twitter land. Sad, really. ~ Administrator said... 36

Virginia that's terrible! A couple years ago around the holidays NYC had a bad snowstorm that shut everything down for three days. I had a connection coming through there toward the end of it when planes were finally getting through. I think it was JFK. In any case, that airport was disgusting. It looked like a homeless shelter. They had put out cots everywhere and people were tired and gross and was it ever crowded. Blech.

I agree with Remona, Jon is doing fine. Surprisingly so. I couldn't have predicted this one. He's practically left Kate stammering, the only thing she can do is passive aggressively imply he ruined the pumpkins (which only backfired on her when everyone asked why the heck she didn't do this before Halloween.) It's jumping to conclusions he's doing an interview in L.A. Who knows, it could be to talk to someone in PR about the restaurants for all we know. Even so, if he wants to do an interview, go for it. He is finally controlling the narrative here, and the way it's sort of stunned Kate is both shocking and refreshing. He stood up for himself and took the power away from her, and not only did she think twice about 2/3rds of her lawsuit, but hopefully she will think twice about any other crap she might be tempted to pull in the future. Finally.

You know, Kate is like many bullies I've encountered. They are all puffed up and smoke and He-man. But the minute you take a pin out and burst their stupid little bubble, they run for the hills. Deep down this woman is a coward and she'll puff and puff and blow your house down unless someone actually has the guts to yell at her to stop her crap. Then she'll just run away farting puppies and rainbows as she goes. ~ Administrator said... 37

Just another note, most programs are not going to film on the weekends. Most of Hollywood actually works a Monday-Friday week. If it is an interview, either it's not filming until Monday, or it's with a small lesser-known outlet willing to film on the weekend.

Mel said... 38

Another word to describe Jon....authentic. He'd lost that before the divorce, but has it back 100% now. And it shows. Good for him.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 39

Something else I wonder about is why the sheep never question Kate about her empty promises such as pictures coming soon of the twins sleep-over party and recently her promise of a Shoka party pictures. It just boggles my mind that these people can't see through her.

There must be a few who see through her, but they can't very well admit it, even to themselves, because then the non-fans would be right. You know they see Austin's tweets asking her if she received such and such a gift, and they see that she never replies. They know she's hardly promoted her cookbook, nor has she changed her blog regarding information on ordering it even after Milo pointed it out. They know her upcoming events aren't current. She's not getting nearly the number of tweets from fans that she used to. Many of her fans' tweets are directed at the "haters" who just want to start trouble with them. They're interspersed with pictures of baby animals. LOL ~ Administrator said... 40

I think some of them see it too Tweet but as you said are too prideful to admit they were wrong about her. Which is pretty sad. I mean most of us here have similar stories, that we watched the show thought it was interesting and the kids were cute. We had no problem admitting we were wrong about this show and even Kate. It's not really a big deal. Everyone was fooled.

What's with the baby animals anyway? Why are the sheeples' interests always so juvenile? I mean they're very cute and all but I think the heyday of my "awwwing" over baby animals was in 8th grade.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 41

I really don't get the baby animal pictures. Yes, they're adorable but why do they all have to start doing it? I think they so want a personal response from Kate that they'll do just about anything. I just don't understand that mentality. Especially since they know she ungrateful, doesn't follow through with promises (Em and Austin's trip to see her), etc. It's a mystery.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 42

I think the word authentic sums it up. Jon, and whatever flaws he has, is authentic, and pretty much lives in the real world. He works, parents his children, and now is simply on a weekend trip to the LA area, whatever his reasons. If the ex had not pushed his buttons with that ridiculous law suit, would he be giving interviews today? Who knows?

His ex, on the other hand, did bring that ridiculous lawsuit, lives in the world of Twitter, does not work, and constantly draws attention to herself in inappropriate ways. The latest 'look at me ploy', the vanity cookbook, is a dismal failure. This weekend, after Halloween she is carving pumpkins with her kids, and actually I rather doubt she is really going to do that messy job. She is also RT'ing loaded messages about 'untold' stories. What is untold in her life? Her journals 'told' enough to damage her for years to come. Perhaps the RT she really needs to put out there is 'Silence is Golden'.

So Jon, do enjoy whatever takes you away this weekend. Sorry the ex is such a baby that she is probably seething at home in PA, hopefully she really is staying away from the pumpkin carving knives. And whatever you said in your OWN interview, I imagine it was a) articulate and b) did not throw the ex under the wheels on the bus.

sunny said... 43 (Administrator) said... 40
I think some of them see it too Tweet but as you said are too prideful to admit they were wrong about her. Which is pretty sad. I mean most of us here have similar stories, that we watched the show thought it was interesting and the kids were cute. We had no problem admitting we were wrong about this show and even Kate. It's not really a big deal. Everyone was fooled.

In order to remain of fan of Kate, many of the sheeple kept their blinders on 24/7. "Oh, she's just stressed- she has 8 kids!!" "Jon is like a 9th child- no wonder she's always grouchy!!" "She does it all by herself- give her a break!" "Until you've walked in her shoes- you have no right to judge."

This was the status quo until the Sarah Palin crossover. That was not "editing." That was pure unadulterated, unappreciative, disrespectful, difficult Kate Gosselin in action.

I give props to the many sheeple who could no longer defend this and left the flock. There was no good explanation or excuse for this behavior and it clearly wasn't edited. I think it's safe to say that when SP met Kate, she didn't instantly "love" her.

For the 6 fans who remain, I agree that they are more interested in fighting with the nonfans. They seem heavily invested in defending Kate's right to get rich by exploiting her children, rather than defending her personally.

Lynne In RI said... 44

What does Kate have left? Her TL is dead, except for the haters vs. sheeple fight that will go on until the Apocalypse and even then nothing will be accomplished; the authors who are begging for a testimonial, tweens and teens who can't live without her love; inane platitudes and pictures of sunsets and baby animals, a Vector guy who makes no sense, and someone who has been giving instructions for a few years on how to make a Kate Halloween costume.

Where are her hundred thousands of followers? They obviously didn't buy the cookbook. Where are all the praises for how her coupon site is saving them money? Milo is too clueless to know that all you have to do is go to the merchants' websites and get the same deals with much less effort.

What does Kate have going for her? Nothing. But I'm sure she'll think up something. Maybe updating her own website and the news and events page might be a start. Her attention span is zilch. I've never seen anyone who gets so bored (or is so lazy) that she just moves on from one thing to another without success at anything. Whatever happened to that ab equipment? That was gone in a blink of an eye, along with the surprise make-up and jewelry boxes and Bella bars.

sunny said... 45

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 41
I really don't get the baby animal pictures. Yes, they're adorable but why do they all have to start doing it? I think they so want a personal response from Kate that they'll do just about anything. I just don't understand that mentality. Especially since they know she ungrateful, doesn't follow through with promises (Em and Austin's trip to see her), etc. It's a mystery.
Rule number one in the Kate Gosselin fan handbook: Deflect, deflect, deflect.

There's nothing cuter or more innocent than a baby animal. Kate is a trainwreck. No job, no man to share her life with and the big, bad lawsuit is bombing. Miserably. This is what they are left with, comparing her to a mother rabbit or whatever with her litter. Anything to sanitize her to a more palatable product. I'm starting to suspect their emotional growth ended in the 7th grade, like Kate's did.

Midnight Madness said... 46

What does Kate have left? Her TL is dead, except for the haters vs. sheeple fight that will go on until the Apocalypse and even then nothing will be accomplished


I have to laugh at the one non-fan who hops on twitter late at night, responds to tweets from 10 hours earlier, nobody is there, and basically just ends up talking to herself (or himself).

lurker said... 47

"Great Minds Quotes ‏@GreatestQuotes 1h
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." - Maya Angelou
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin"

I think her next ploy will involve hitting the talk show circuit to divulge the alleged sexual abuse when she was young. That will garner sympathy and clean up her image.

NJGal51 said... 48

Admin said - What's with the baby animals anyway? Why are the sheeples' interests always so juvenile? I mean they're very cute and all but I think the heyday of my "awwwing" over baby animals was in 8th grade.
And you nailed it exactly because it seems that TFW is mentally stuck at that age. After all, when she and the twins saw the baby dolphin picture her hash tag was #wescreamedinunison. WTH! ~ Administrator said... 49

If the ex had not pushed his buttons with that ridiculous law suit, would he be giving interviews today? Who knows?


DOUBT IT. The crux of the interviews he has done were about giving him a fair chance to respond to Kate's accusations. Even I think it was Good Morning America said they had reached out to both Jon and Robert for comment. They're at least trying to get the other side of the coin.

If it is an interview, now Jon's got a most likely free trip to LA out of the deal. Kate's lawsuit backfired big time in many ways, and this is just one of them.

Gayle said... 50

I think her next ploy will involve hitting the talk show circuit to divulge the alleged sexual abuse when she was young. That will garner sympathy and clean up her image

She'd have to be very careful with something like that because her family is alive and can contradict her especially if she makes up the stories. A slippery slope.

JR said... 51

She is losing whats left of her mind...Manic tweeting platitudes like a lunatic. Whenever there is something going on she doesn't like..... I'm loving it ..she really gives herself away. She can't stand that Jons getting some attention. I knew it would torture the hell out of her. I would expect this "farting" to go on all weekend until her head blows up! THIS is something she can't minor as it seems to most people...SHES the star, SHES the only one who matters. How dare he! HA HA HA HA ...I hope he does 50 more interviews..

OrangeCrusher1 said... 52

"Great Minds Quotes ‏@GreatestQuotes 1h
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." - Maya Angelou
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin"

I think her next ploy will involve hitting the talk show circuit to divulge the alleged sexual abuse when she was young. That will garner sympathy and clean up her image.

In order to get on the talk show circuit, I think she would have to be invited, and she does not seem to be much in demand these days. Besides her toxicity, and her generally poor performances on the interview couch, her 'story' has been told ad nauseum. The counter suit puts her in an increasingly bad light, and I doubt there is much interest in her on talk shows right now. Look where her cookbook 'tour' took her. And let's not forget her 'needs' - the paid bodyguard, the first class travel, the hotels, etc. She is simply too high maintenance. Looks like Jon hopped on a plane, in coach, for whatever he is up to this weekend.

Kirkland said... 53

This is totally, totally off topic...but I had to share these wonderful images!

Portraits of the Elderly as they once were

This is a series of photos by a photographer named Tom Hussey. I think you'll agree they are wonderful photos! ~ Administrator said... 54

I took that same flight from Philly two weeks ago, US Airways. It's usually the cheapest one from Philly. There are five or six of them all day long. I think my ticket was like 300 bucks. Good for him not being too good for coach and not being too good for the cheapest flight. ~ Administrator said... 55

Kirkland those are just gorgeous. I love the HDR-like processing too.

AuntieAnn said... 56

lukebandit said... 21

I have always for the last couple of years for Jon to be on a SUPERBOWL commercial. I think the time is right for Jan. 2014. Would love Jon's PR people to do the best they could to get one for him.


What poetic justice if Jon was the one who wound up in 'the business' and made a successful career of it, doing the very thing Kate has failed to achieve.

Martha said... 57

These are my thoughts:
Jon took the kids out for Halloween
There was no g.d. dog party
There was no sleepover
There will be no carving of pumpkins...because there were never any pumpkins.
As feathers!

Kylie said... 58

It is oh so nice to see Jon traveling to be on television. It is finally turning around for him. And it is especially nice to see people who actually see him tweeting what a down to earth, nice person he is. You know, coach class not first class says a lot about him. He doesn't demand first class treatment. I love the thought of how she must be feeling about all this. It's called karma and I have never known anyone who deserves it more! ~ Administrator said... 59

What poetic justice if Jon was the one who wound up in 'the business' and made a successful career of it, doing the very thing Kate has failed to achieve.


Poetic justice, and also just flipping hysterical. He has a better chance of it than Kate does, frankly.

JoyinVirginia said... 60

OT: I am behind poop culture ever since youngest dd left for college. But she sends me links of Facebook to keep up! So today I just watched ” Spell Block Tango” parody video with Adam Lambert! as Captain Hook, Amber Riley! as Ursula the sea witch, and More! Its so cute, look it up.
Another OT, we went to see Enders Game last night. The dh and I both liked it a lot. I have been a fan ever since I read the original short story in Analog magazine about thirty years ago, then Orson Scott Card expanded it to a novel, then he wipe more about the universe of Enders Game, then most recently he has done a series of novels about Bean who is enders main lieutenant in the books, starting with Enders Shadow. So the novel combines some elements from Enders Shadow as well add the original Enders Game. I liked the cast, I think the kids were cast well. Loved that Ben Kingsley and Asa Butterfield were together again after seeing them in Hugo. I think the film works for people who have never read any of the books, and it pleased us as long time fans.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 61

Jon is very personable, and articulate, two necessary qualities for a media career. TLC really blew it when they supported Kate. I am not sure he is grounded enough for life in the big city, but of the two, he is certainly better suited for a job in the biz. Now would'nt that be delicious karma?

Blowiing In The Wind said... 62

Kirkland, thanks for sharing. Those are beautiful. I have never seen anything like it. It reminds me of the lyrics to a Glen Campbell song, "Dreams Of The Everyday Housewife:"

"She looks in the mirror and stares at the wrinkles that weren't there yesterday
And thinks of the young man that she almost married
What would he think if he saw her this way
She picks up her apron in little girl fashion as something comes into her mind
Then slowly starts dancing remembering her girlhood
And all of the boys she had waiting in line
Ah such are the dreams of the everyday housewife
You see everywhere anytime of the day
And everyday housewife who gave up the good time for me

The photograph album she takes from the closet and slowly turns the page
And carefully picks up the crumbling flower
The first one he gave her now withered with age
She closes her eyes and touches the housedress that suddenly disappears
And just for a moment she's wearing the gown
That broke all their minds back so many years
Ah such are the dreams...
Ah such are the dreams...
Ah such are the dreams..."

Amy2 said... 63

Kate flies first class. Jon flies coach.
Kate has a delay, she goes ballistic. Jon has a delay, he has a drink with a stranger.
Kate is a Star (in her own mind). Jon is everyday man.
Kate's time has come and gone. Jon is giving, or maybe being sought out to give, interviews.
Kate's interviews are the same old crap. Jon does not bash his ex in the interviews Seems like a person who cares for his friends, his community and above all his kids.
Kate believes in me-me-me. Jon is about others.

Layla said... 64

sunny (43)
I think the Sarah Palin episode exposed TFW for what she really is. A miserable woman who would rather be miserable than help herself be happy. During her camping tantrum, she was whining about being cold, and SP's father told her to come closer to the fire so she could warm up. TFW refused, and said, "I'm beyond help". If you're cold, you go over by the fire and warm up. Problem solved. But she didn't want to warm up. She wanted to be miserable and ruin it for everyone. She ranted about not having what she needed to make sandwiches for the kids. But they were shown eating burgers, hot dogs, and s'mores. Why do they need sandwiches, too? She's offered a moose hot dog, and instead of at least trying it, she refuses, then throws things around and says, "I'm hungry!" Well, the food was good enough for everyone else. And we know she eats hot dogs and s'mores, because she has before on the show. Why all the fuss? Because she wanted all the attention to be on her. She didn't like sharing the spotlight with all those other people. And she sure didn't like the fact that she had to camp out instead of going to a 5-star hotel and ordering room service. How dare they make her camp out? Camping is soooo beneath her!
Then, in the first RV episode, getting into the RVs, she makes that sarcastic "Oh, the life of a princess" comment to Jamie. Once agin, she thought she was too good for her accommodations, and made sure everyone knew it. Wow. These are adventures for the kids. How can she spoil it for them, just so she can relax in luxury and be pampered. No thought to what the kids might like. It's all about her. And if it's not what she wants, then she won't let anyone enjoy it. Not even her kids.

Anonymous said... 65

@shawnetuma: The smart money was never on Goliath: Does BigLaw have the same disadvantages? - ABA Journal

Good article.

Martha said... 66

I remember that song, but hadn't heard of it in eons. Another one comes to mind (or is straining to): something about never going to Paris ...wind I hair. I'll recall it as so as I press publish, I'm sure.
But I'm overwhelmed with the feelings these evoke within, and will try to process them

Layla said... 67

I wonder if TFW is feeling pity for Jon right now... ~ Administrator said... 68

When she made that comment about him being mediocre the other part of that quote is often left off. She also said that Jon is content with a "regular" job but she wants better for her children. And that her being in the media was the best way to provide for her children "vs. nursing" according to her tweet right after.

Well, you know what. You get what you asked for. Now Jon's doing some media, the same job you said was the best way to provide for your children. Isn't he just doing what you asked? Suck it Kate lol.

Kickland said... 69

Blowiing In The Wind,
Thanks for sharing the words to that song. I'm glad you liked the pictures, they really resonated with me for some reason. My parents are in their 90's and I wonder what they see when they look in the mirror.

What do we all see when we look in the mirror? Do we see ourselves as we are now, or do we see ourselves as we once were. Looking back to our younger selves is something we all do, not just the elderly.

I love taking pictures, I may just try to take some pictures of my parents using this same technique. I have a few awesome pictures of my mom and dad when they were young. Including a school picture of my dad when he was only ten!

Over And Out said... 70

What the heck is up with Milo? Is she too dumb to realize that her tweets are making Kate look like an underachieving, washed-up, down-and-out has-been who is struggling to find the strength to get up each morning and get through the day? Her platitudes of "encouragement" aren't helping matters!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 45s
@Kateplusmy8 Non-achievers blame their circumstances; winners RISE above their circumstances! #HeelsHeadAndStandardsHighKate :)

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m
@Kateplusmy8 Be the whole person U were meant 2b. Don't settle 4anything less. Don't look back. Look 4ward 2the best days of ur life! :)

Over And Out said... 71

...and she keeps going with them!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4m
@Kateplusmy8 I'm following U & where Ur heart is....just know we feel the same! #StayingPositiveAndStrong

This would totally creep me out. Glady following me! Geez.

Meagler said... 72

I think Kate was planning on going away this weekend, or having the weekend away from the kids. Each has the first right of refusal for the kids if the custodial parent needs to go away. ( At least that is what Jon has said. No, I dont have inside info)

So, change of plans for Kate, and now she CAN carve pumpkins with the kids. This just confirms that kate is the MASTERMIND, but has no clue how to ORGANIZE herself to get it all done.

I agree the pumpkins are usually for Halloween, but in her case, I would rather the kids get the experience then not at all. You could carve other pictures with a thanksgiving them into them I guess.

TFW is a twit, but if the kids are getting to experience something, and have fun ( without being all stressed to the max about mess) then I hope she is doing it with the kids. Or the not a nanny, whatever.

TFW, maybe even get the kids to help you roast the seeds.

I am gad they caught the shooter at LAX and that injury was not as horrific as it could have been. How awful for the victims and their families and the people in the airport!

NJGal51 said... 73

@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 I'm following U & where Ur heart is....just know we feel the same! #StayingPositiveAndStrong

@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Non-achievers blame their circumstances; winners RISE above their circumstances! #HeelsHeadAndStandardsHighKate :)

@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Be the whole person U were meant 2b. Don't settle 4anything less. Don't look back. Look 4ward 2the best days of ur life! :)
TFW will be lucky if she doesn't get cavities with all the sugary sweetness being thrown at her by Milo. She may even need a shot of insulin by the time Milo is through. When is enough enough Milo? If TFW is such a strong, independent woman she shouldn't need all your platitudes to buck her up. The karma express is pulling in to the station and TFW's ticket to ride has been punched many times over.

JR said... 74

Whats with all the "pity tweets" from Milo today? does she know something we don't...

Katie cry-duh said... 75

Oh poor tortured TFW and her untold stories:
Not infertile
Did not try for just one more
Not born again
Not even a passable mom
Not a natural D cup
Never finished a marathon
Not de-aging (love that one, actually keep that, lol)
Et cetera.

Go on,TFWof JONGOSSELIN, tell your story, bitch!

Rhymes with Witch said... 76

She criticized Corey but defends Jenny McCarthy.

JR said... 77

If I was Kate I would tell Milo to SHUT THE F@#K UP. Milo is making Kate look like the loser that she actually is...

JR said... 78

New post at Gosselinbook...Its great

PatK said... 79

Oh, Robert. lol

Keep 'em coming, bud!

Rhymes with Witch said... 80
New post! ~ Administrator said... 81

Oh yeah Barbara that's right the criticism about Jenny was so unfair.

How many people didn't get their kids vaccinated because of her and put them at risk? And now to find out it was all based on bogus research?

I think her heart was in the right place and I understand she was desperate for answers for her son, but she has to understand when you have a public platform and are a celeb sheeple do what you tell them to do--or not do.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 82

Yes, since poor Kate was obviously looking forward to some kind of me weekend, this has to be business for Jon. She probably is in no position to refuse that, either under the terms they agreed to, or given the law suit situation. She must be seething.

Milo, again, STFU. You make the both of you look pitiful. ~ Administrator said... 83

Yep their custody probably has written into it if they have business out of town they can switch days. Of course when they put that in it Kate assumed it would only ever apply to her I bet. Now that is applies to Jon I bet she's pissed.

I don't care for Robert's taunting. He is another shit or get off the pot person.

kids first said... 84

About Robert's latest post...wouldn't that be a hoot if he was referring to Milo and that her identity will be revealed? ~ Administrator said... 85

About Robert's latest post...wouldn't that be a hoot if he was referring to Milo and that her identity will be revealed?


I don't care who her fans are. I think it's more fun to speculate.

kids first said... 86

I was thinking that it would be funny if it turned iut that Milo is being paid or is Steve.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 87

Seems to be that's what Robert is doing, speculating. ~ Administrator said... 88

"Tick tock" is taunting. That's what BV did.

Kirkland said... 89

Admin said:
"I don't care for Robert's taunting. He is another shit or get off the pot person."


Admin, I totally agree!!

PatK said... 90

Oh, Admin, I think Robert IS "shitting" (i.e., he knows what he's doing).

Patience, dear.

Paula said... 91

Some may not like Robert's taunting, but we aren't being sued by Kate Gosselin either.

NJGal51 said... 92

Taunting, snarking or speculating, it's all in how any given individual interprets the post. I say right back at TFW and BV with the #ticktock

OrangeCrusher1 said... 93

I totally agree about Robert's taunting, it is juvenile and unprofessional. At the moment the only adult player appears to be Jon. And yes, I am also sure that Kate never thought Jon would have any kind of business interests that would require her to switch custodial time with him. Sweet.

KristyAnn said... 94

Haven't had posting capabilities.
Sherry Shephard is now on How I Met Your Mother and has made numerous sitcom appearances. She was also on DWTS. I don't like her but she does have a "body of work" that is better than some others who are considered celebrities.

Baba needs to retire. NOW.

Robert is terrific. I love his teases. #TickTock and I love how he can't go on the View because Jenny is on his "laminated" list (Friends reference).

You all are very funny.

Layla said... 95

Robert's latest post is interesting in light of Milo's sudden need to prop up TFW's spirits. Something is going on.

KristyAnn said... 96

I think Kate and her minions deserve to be taunted. Many people were outed in Kate's name. Many people have had their workplaces called and their lives "destroyed" by Kate's fans.

Taunt away, Robert. You are my hero.

Formerly Duped said... 97

Martha said... 57

These are my thoughts:
Jon took the kids out for Halloween
There was no g.d. dog party
There was no sleepover
There will be no carving of pumpkins...because there were never any pumpkins.
As feathers!


Sadly, I agree with you. TFW thinks by just mentioning something , it's reality.

Lalalalala said... 98

I, for one, am highly entertained by Robert's taunting.

IPTriangulate said... 99

If the technology exists to find out who the haters are then it can find out who her sheeple are.

PDMan said... 100 (Administrator) said... 88

"Tick tock" is taunting. That's what BV did.


Maybe that's the point he's trying to make. Maybe, just maybe, BV is involved.

Layla said... 101

*ticktock* doesn't bother me at all. Unlike BV, Robert has always had the goods to back up everything he does/says. And after all the times TFW and BV used that term to threaten him, I think he's earned the right to throw it right back at them. TFW loves to put it all out there when she is the one in control. She might just be figuring out that it's not so much fun to have it come back at you. Just desserts.

Mel said... 102

Njgal...I agree. Right back atcha BV/TFW.

If you two hadn't made such a production out of claiming that people were posting as more than one name (the horror of it!) it wouldn't be quite so deserved.

Karma, baby!

JR said... 103

I don't care if he shits or gets off the pot...I love it! I totally believe in the "Universe". What ever you dish out always, ALWAYS comes back It might take time, sometimes years can go by. But it always happens...I've seen it too many times to doubt it. And it usually comes back in the same form. You're watching Karma in progress.

Anonymous said... 104

KristyAnn said... 96

I think Kate and her minions deserve to be taunted. Many people were outed in Kate's name. Many people have had their workplaces called and their lives "destroyed" by Kate's fans.

Taunt away, Robert. You are my hero.
November 2, 2013 at 1:40 PM
No matter what "side" you're on, I think the taunting is juvenile. Most of the outings were done by a non-fan.


Paula said... 105

Most of the outings were done by a non-fan.

BV is a non-fan? Who knew...LOL

JR said... 106

So what...he's taunting her...BIG. DEAL. After the long, long, list of disgusting things she has done to her own kids and her family over many years???? Are you kidding me! I can't believe what I'm reading. I think that's the least of her problems right now anyway. "Just desserts" ...damn right!

Marie said... 107

I've always believed that Milo is either a plant or Kate herself. No grown ass woman acts like that with someone she admires. A teen might, but not a married woman.


hard to keep loving Jon said... 108

I believe the one ''this won't end well'' for is TFMJG


The kids, Remona. Remember them? Jon riling up Kate by going on another talk show won't end well for THE KIDS.

Unknown said... 109

I am loving Robert's taunting posts. I loved them when we didn't know what he was talking about and love them even more now that we do!

kids first at... 84, I think that Robert IS saying he knows who Milo is, and is letting him/her know that he knows. Go Robert!

Paula at... 91 ...You are SO right. TWF is suing Robert, and not for the first time. I say taunt some more Robert. Go for it!

NJGal51 said... 92
''Taunting, snarking or speculating, it's all in how any given individual interprets the post. I say right back at TFW and BV with the #ticktock''
I say right back too...and hit, taunt, poke them worse than they did you! My daddy taught us that if we were hit, to hit back hard enough that they wouldn't hit us again. So...hit 'em again Robert! Harder!

Unknown said... 110

hard to keep loving Jon said... 108
I believe the one ''this won't end well'' for is TFMJG
The kids, Remona. Remember them? Jon riling up Kate by going on another talk show won't end well for THE KIDS.
OR...''Jon riling up'' TFW could actually end up with ''THE KIDS'' being 'saved' from their mother, and allowed to choose being with their father! Shining light on TFW's behavior is, in my opinion, always better than allowing her to hide in that compound, inventing imaginary events and hiding her abuse of Jon's children.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 111

I've always believed that Milo is either a plant or Kate herself. No grown ass woman acts like that with someone she admires.


It's possible. Google Celebrity Worship Syndrome. Milo doesn't know when to shut the heck up. She can't help herself. No wonder her family or neighbors packed up and left in the middle of the night. If I were Kate, I'd be darn pi$$ed off with all of the inspirational platitudes. It makes Kate look inept and helpless. Milo is just too hung up with her need to encourage, protect and guard Kate's heart.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 112

Most of the outings were done by a non-fan.

BV is a non-fan? Who knew...LOL


Yep. The outings were done by a non-fan. The one Kate called on to bring down the haters...the one who posted photos, places of residences, their IDs, and all of their tweets on RWA. THAT non-fan! LOL!

kids first said... 113

Hard to Kerp Loving....but it is Ok for the kids for TFW to go on talk shows and trash their father. Plus leave thrm for a week or more.

hard to keep loving Jon said... 114

Regarding Jon "worrying" I'm not sure how it helps the kids to pace and bite your nails the entire time they are with Kate.

That's really not the point. The point is that if he's going to LA to do more interviews, Kate's going to be in a rage. We all agree that she's really mad, what with the platitude tweeting and such, right?

How does this effect the kids? All I'm asking is if Jon realizes that he's angering Kate and surely she'll take that anger out on the kids.

I'm not Milo, nor a fan of Kate, nor a fan of Jon. I'm thinking of how the kids are faring while they're stupid parents are too busy to notice.

NJGal51 said... 115

And now it's time to backpedal. Maybe Milo is worried about Roberts latest post #ticktock

@MiloandJack: LOL So easy 2provide amusement 4the gators. At least I gave them something 2do this afternoon! :)

Anonymous said... 116

Well well well.... I was a casualty of those bv outings. Just because I chose to voice my opinion. Tfw did some public comments referring to the marathon bombings / fun sandy / and that zumba fundraiser. I told her how insensitive she is. She spoke about these transgressions publicly and I spoke back. One right after another they came out TFW couldn't help herself and well basically neither could I. I came into this drama wayyyyyyy later but I did follow stories that would be in magazines. Never twitter. But after I was publicly posted I saw how many many many people felt like me. I got familiar with twitter handles and learned about who the sheep were and who the truthers were. ( I do not have a twitter account too complicated) I am very proud and in awe of the THRUTHERS who call out TFW on all the lies / grifting / and down right condescending tweets she puts out. This saga is most definitely riveting to say the least. This sheep/ THRUTHERS relationship is like the hatfields (THRUTHERS ) and mcCoys but I will say the hatfields in this case farrr out number the mcCoys. We can be objective and give TFW the benefit of the doubt. But that is impossible . She constantly reinforces why we feel the way we feel. Her passed will never be separated by her future. When you blow spoke to the public via interviews and say your not the same person you used to be and then proceed to ultimately publicly destroy the father of what you say is " everything you do you do for them" well that falls short. I have said nothing that thousands of others haven't already said. Whether blogs/ ROL/ stir and here.
I don't care what tfw says in regards that she doesn't listen to my kind of dribble and she takes the high road. It does affect her, she is driven by it. She can't fix it that is why we have law suits going on. The bottom line is this... One , two, or three mistakes you make publicly as a " former reality star" the public is very forgiving but unlike TFW her mistakes were toward tiny babies in diapers/ puppies still learning and to have it all handed to you on a silver platter by tlc and you take and treat people as disgusting as TFW did well.... This is what you get. You get hundreds of people commenting about every move you make because honestly it seems you can be left alone to do it right. She can preach all day long about whatever / wherever but she doesn't practice any of it. It's all fibs. I do strongly believe milo is kate. I makes perfect sense.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 117

IPTriangulate said... 99

If the technology exists to find out who the haters are then it can find out who her sheeple are.


I think that most of them are known, all except Milo, who, for some reason, has done a good job at keeping her identity known. It would be very interesting to find out if this is a Catfisher. I'm not at all in favor of outing, but hey, in this case, no names, addresses, ages, places of employment should be revealed, but it would be interesting to know the gender of this person, if Kate knows him/her and if he/she is paid to act like a love-sick fool.

As for Robert's posts, they're creative and entertaining. Let the clock tick on.

Lalalalala said... 118

The kids, Remona. Remember them? Jon riling up Kate by going on another talk show won't end well for THE KIDS.


Jon's life ends because the Queen of Gosselin Land might get mad? I would say that's Kate's problem, not Jon's. Why is all of the responsibility for everything put on Jon? Responsibility for Kate's emotions lies with Kate.

JR said... 119

..I think kate hit an all time record. The most platitudes retweeted in one day...she is such a jerk...go get a job. Tweeting isn't a career..

Layla said... 120

hard to keep loving Jon (108)
Jon riling Kate up by going on another talk show won't end up well for THE KIDS.
So, you think her abuse of the kids is his fault? Does Jon need to sit there and take being abused, being thrown under the bus, sued, taunted...forever, just because she has the kids? Fact is, TFW is an adult. Her actions are her own responsibility, and nobody else's. She was never held accountable for her words or actions when she had TLC in her corner. Now she's on her own, and she needs to figure out how to control herself. if she can't, then that's on her. Is TLC required to give her another loser reality show because it's not good for the kids to cut her loose? Are the PA residents required (once again) to support her because it's not good for the kids if they don't? No, of course not. Time for her to own her actions, grow up, and learn to cope like every other adult in the world.

JR said... 121

@108...Jon can't live his life trying not to "rile" kate up. He can't worry about her reaction to everything he does. That's ridiculous...that gives her control over him. Can't happen..

JR said... 122

Jon can't worry about Kate's reaction to everything he does. Utterly ridiculous. Now he has to worry about being on a talk show because it might "rile" Kate? Give me a break...

Smoochie said... 123

I don't understand why he needs to remain quiet, to never speak up for himself, defend himself, make a living how he pleases or see's fit, etc. Why should he have to take the endless bashing, backhanded passive aggressive comments ... to satisfy Kate, his detractors or her sheeple. Clearly, they'll never be satisfied, they weren't when for years, he never said a word and was out of the public eye, it's just the way they are!

As long as he is not pimping out his kids to make a living, I don't have an issue with him, as I wouldn't if Kate stopped doing it! I don't hate her, but I don't really like her either, she just doesn't have a likeable personality, but to each their own. If she can get a job in the 'media' based on her talent alone (I know, LOL) then more power to her, but leave the kids in the shadows, to grow up with the privacy they've never been afforded.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 124

Robert's latest post is interesting in light of Milo's sudden need to prop up TFW's spirits. Something is going on.


Speaking of Milo...Robert's cartoon is that of the hookah-smoking caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland. Wasn't there something about Milo holding a caterpillar on a stick?

You're right. Something is going on.

Lynne In RI said... 125

While I'm not sure about Milo's age, emotionally she's about 13-14, and intellectually, gosh, I couldn't even venture a guess. She's still tweeting pictures of baby animals. Seems like once she gets stuck on something, she stays stuck.

AuntieAnn said... 126

hard to keep loving Jon said... 108

I believe the one ''this won't end well'' for is TFMJG


The kids, Remona. Remember them? Jon riling up Kate by going on another talk show won't end well for THE KIDS.


Having TFW as a mother won't end well for the kids period. What we are seeing is probably about 2% of what those kids go through on a daily basis with that malicious mother of theirs. Remember her journal?

Jon has every right now to live his life as he please. Even Kate said it, except when she did say it, she had no idea he'd be doing this. Karma is biting her in the bum now and it's by her own doing.

MickeyMcKean said... 127

Guess who has a tramp stamp?

Based upon the haircut she has had one for awhile ... I just found it surprising that I did not see a photo of it until today ~

MickeyMcKean said... 128

Has it been posted yet that tomorrow, Sunday night on OWN, that Oprah is doing a "Where are they now" show and that Jon Gosselin is one of the people Oprah interviewed?

hard to keep loving Jon said... 129

Why is all of the responsibility for everything put on Jon? Responsibility for Kate's emotions lies with Kate.

I agree with you Lalalalala! The thing is, though, I think we've come to a consensus that Kate is beyond taking responsibility for anything.

So, yes, that leaves Jon. I just expect better of him. He won me over through the years but if he's deliberately 'poking the bear' when he KNOWS how abusive Kate's been in the past with the kids, then he loses any goodwill he had. JMO.

Greedy Gosselins said... 130

Of course Jon's life doesn't end. I think he just needs to remember to put the kids FIRST. Kate obviously won't. They need one parent to be stable for them. Stirring up Kate won't help the kids any.

Why would Jon even care if people know he's a 'good guy'? He's got a job he apparently loves, plenty of friends (he said so) and he says it only matters what his kids think, so....why the publicity and interviews?

Mel said... 131

 Jon riling up Kate by going on another talk show won't end well for THE KIDS.
Probably not. But is he supposed to live under a rock the rest of his life?

Although that scenario is probably what she wants....

Mel said... 132

Maybe TFW should refrain from going on talk shows because Jon doesn't like getting publicly trashed every time she does.

Doesn't seem like fair play that he has to avoid something harmless to her because she's going to take it out on the kids, whereas she can actively harm him with no fear that he'll take it out on the kids.

fidosmommy said... 133

I agree Robert's posts are entertaining. I don't see any reason for him to stop. Juvenile? Maybe, but since Kate sees the world through the eyes and emotions of a 14 year old girl, "juvenile" posts seem fittingly on target for her.

Canadian Mom said... 134

hiding her abuse of Jon's children.

So you'd rather she get so angry that she beats them and then loses custody? Oh dear.

I think some want to see Kate's comeuppance at any price. Including the kids. I find that sad.

All of this childish behvaviour by both Kate AND Jon, the tit for tat, Robert Hoffman's ridiculous taunting, well, it can only lead to an explosion. And, as usual, the children are caught in the crossfire.

Canadian Mom said... 135

Why should he have to take the endless bashing, backhanded passive aggressive comments ... to satisfy Kate, his detractors or her sheeple.

He should because that's what parents do. They sacrifice for their kids. It's not easy, for sure.

hard to keep loving Jon said... 136

Doesn't seem like fair play that he has to avoid something harmless to her because she's going to take it out on the kids, whereas she can actively harm him with no fear that he'll take it out on the kids.

Who ever said life was fair? It's not. Not at all.

hard to keep loving Jon said... 137

Jon has every right now to live his life as he please.

I agree with you, Auntie Ann. I guess I don't understand why Jon is appearing to change his mind living his private life. It's not so private anymore.

Martha said... 138

So Greedy Gosselins 129...Jon should be held hostage because TFFW (extra F intended) isn't responsible for here own actions? Totally absurd.

Lynne In RI said... 139

So you'd rather she get so angry that she beats them and then loses custody? Oh dear.

I think some want to see Kate's comeuppance at any price. Including the kids. I find that sad.


So everyone in her path has to tip-toe around her to make sure she doesn't get angry? Kind of like The Incredible Hulk. She better stay out of heavy traffic -- she might get mad, and for heaven's sakes don't make her stand in line at the grocery checkout line...she may get angry and take it out on the kids.

If this is the case, she needs therapy now. Not yesterday. NOW.

Lynne In RI said... 140

MickeyMcKean said... 127

Has it been posted yet that tomorrow, Sunday night on OWN, that Oprah is doing a "Where are they now" show and that Jon Gosselin is one of the people Oprah interviewed?

Yes, and it's been discussed that most likely Oprah isn't the one who is doing the interviewing.

hard to keep loving Jon said... 141

He's hardly held 'hostage'. He has a job, a GF, a is he held hostage?

He said he wanted a private life. It looked like a great one, too. Why the change? He's already owning her in court, where it counts.

But, whatever. I'll be interested to see where this leads. With my fingers crossed for the children. Good luck, Jon. I hope you win custody in the end.

Unknown said... 142

Canadian Mom said... 133
''hiding her abuse of Jon's children.''
''So you'd rather she get so angry that she beats them and then loses custody? Oh dear.
I think some want to see Kate's comeuppance at any price. Including the kids. I find that sad.
All of this childish behvaviour by both Kate AND Jon, the tit for tat, Robert Hoffman's ridiculous taunting, well, it can only lead to an explosion. And, as usual, the children are caught in the crossfire.''
Wait just a dad gummed minute, Canadian Mom! THIS is what I said: ''OR...''Jon riling up'' TFW could actually end up with ''THE KIDS'' being 'saved' from their mother, and allowed to choose being with their father! Shining light on TFW's behavior is, in my opinion, always better than allowing her to hide in that compound, inventing imaginary events and hiding her abuse of Jon's children.''

How you decided that was me wanting Jon's children to be beaten is in YOUR mind...not mine! The children are not toddlers any more, unable to speak for themselves. They are of an age to be able to tell the court that being at home with her behind closed gates is NOT what they want.

Everyone keeping quiet in order to not upset the raging narcissistic has NOT protected the children from her ''explosion'' in the past, and in my opinion, it is idiotic to believe that it would protect them now.

Canadian Mom said... 143

So everyone in her path has to tip-toe around her to make sure she doesn't get angry?

No, not at all. However, Jon is (I thought he was anyway) very aware of Kate's temper. For Jon to do media interviews now is like him sticking his tongue out at her. Pettiness.

Better that he follow the advice of a trusted attorney, follow the legal steps and get the children safely in his custody legally so no more harm is done to them by their mother. If that means no media interviews until then, then I guess it's just too bad

We'll see, I guess. I do so hope I'm wrong and that Jon is in LA for some other reason. If so, I apologize.

Katie cry-duh said... 144

If Kate is really posting positive supportive comments to herself online...well, that's really sad and so effin crazy! She only has a few sheeple as it is. Dang! She is really truly lost in her own little demented world, isn't she? Luv ya, Kate!!! From Kate. Lol.

PatK said... 145

MickeyMcKean said... 127
Guess who has a tramp stamp?

Based upon the haircut she has had one for awhile ... I just found it surprising that I did not see a photo of it until today ~


That is SUCH a photoshop.

PatK said... 146

If Kate takes out her frustrations on the kids, that's on HER. Personally, I think because they are much older now, she does NOT terrorize them like she used to. She wants to be their best friend.

Go do what you have to do, Jon. They know how to reach you if she becomes too unbearable.

Canadian Mom said... 147

Remona, I apologize for my jump to a conclusion.

We'll have to agree to disagree. Politely, of course. :)

I honestly don't see any common ground here between us. And that's ok. Your previous post saying this " My daddy taught us that if we were hit, to hit back hard enough that they wouldn't hit us again. So...hit 'em again Robert! Harder! " made that decision quite clear in my mind.

Again, I did not mean to put words in your mouth. I am sorry for that. I get so very frustrated with the entire situation. Time to step away from the keyboard, I think.

JR said... 148

Thank you this went from Jon doing an interview to the kids getting beaten is just over reaction....calm it down with the dramatics...ridiculous

foxy said... 149

So what if Jon took a weekend off and flew to LA. It would not have been known if for not that horrible tragedy at LAX. He is still a private person. Kate will ALWAYS mistreat the children whether Jon is away for a few days or if he is at his residence. This abuse will be for the rest of their lives, not just the present. Trust me, I know first hand about abuse as many others here have also posted.

anon this one time said... 150

I think some want to see Kate's comeuppance at any price. Including the kids. I find that sad.

All of this childish behvaviour by both Kate AND Jon, the tit for tat, Robert Hoffman's ridiculous taunting, well, it can only lead to an explosion. And, as usual, the children are caught in the crossfire.******

Well worded, Canadian Mom. This^. Let us not forget Kate's journal, as Auntie Ann said. Kate's capable of anything.

Anonymous said... 151

She doesn't have a tramp stamp. That pic circulated a while ago and you can see the original photo of her, along with many others, with her mouth hanging open (as usual) showing her as the dolt that she is, minus tramp stamp. She had one that was removed by her FREE tummy tuck and she sports the oh-so-class Pooh on her cankle, but no tramp stamp. If you look closely, it's too perfect, too dark, etc.


marie said... 152

I have to agree with Ramona. Tiptoeing around an abuser and keeping quiet about it does not help the ones being abused. It just protects the abuser.


AuntieAnn said... 153

Everyone keeping quiet in order to not upset the raging narcissistic has NOT protected the children from her ''explosion'' in the past,


That's how they roll. Narcissists are masters of emotional blackmail.

Excuses, Excuses said... 154

Paula said... 91
Some may not like Robert's taunting, but we aren't being sued by Kate Gosselin either.
His taunting behavior began long before the lawsuit.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 155

MickeyMcKean said... 127
Guess who has a tramp stamp?

Based upon the haircut she has had one for awhile ... I just found it surprising that I did not see a photo of it until today ~

I don't see it here:

or here:

You can run your cursor over them to enlarge.

Someone is a big fat liar..... said... 156

taking pics of Kate Gosselin's dog w/@Smeezus & his parents today #truestory

Millicent said... 157

hard to keep loving Jon said... 114

Regarding Jon "worrying" I'm not sure how it helps the kids to pace and bite your nails the entire time they are with Kate.

That's really not the point. The point is that if he's going to LA to do more interviews, Kate's going to be in a rage. We all agree that she's really mad, what with the platitude tweeting and such, right?

How does this effect the kids? All I'm asking is if Jon realizes that he's angering Kate and surely she'll take that anger out on the kids.
1. We don't know Jon's reason for going to Los Angeles. Could be a nice little getaway for him and his g/f. You know that old adage about assuming, it makes an ass out of u and me :)

2. I don't agree that she's really mad simply because she is tweeting platitudes. She tweets goofy stuff all the time. Could be she has nothing to say (since nothing is going on in her life) so she tweets a platitude. Could be she hit the wine box a little too hard. Could be many things.

3. Are you seriously asking if Jon understands what makes Kate tick at this point? Are you forgetting that he lived with this individual for ten years and experienced her controlling nature, and anger, first hand? If there is anyone who is the expert on Kate's mood swings, it is Jon.

4. I am questioning your concern. I think you don't like Jon. Just own it. So whatever he does, you will find fault. Don't try to coat it in concern for the children. and

5. Doesn't really matter what Jon does - living with Kate is probably 99% misery for the children. If Jon doesn't set her off, a little piece of missing globe will, or a speck of salt on the floor, or some other nonsense. She's a crazy lady. Don't blame her crazy on Jon. It's all her.

Carezee said... 158

Does anyone know why Jon is in Cali? Are we sure it is for interviews? Could it be business related or to get together with his lawyer?

Someone is a big fat liar..... said... 159

Oh....and the tweet apparently refers to a PA kid with the last name "smith".... As in the "family friends smiths"? So now she lies in advance...can't wait to see the pumpkin carving/doggy bday cover up pics...coming soon to k8's poor excuse for a website. What bothers me about her lies, is that like most habitual liars, she assumes the rest of us are stupid. If your going to lie, as least TRY to be good at it!

AuntieAnn said... 160

hard to keep loving Jon said... 137

Jon has every right now to live his life as he please.

I agree with you, Auntie Ann. I guess I don't understand why Jon is appearing to change his mind living his private life. It's not so private anymore.


Well, Kate poked the bear one time too many. How long would long enough be for him to be silenced by her lies and accusations? If she'd left him alone and let him live his so-called mediocre life, he probably would have continued to go on living a private life but she wouldn't. She didn't even try to stop her sheeple-minions or BV from poking at him either. Nor could she restrain herself from tossing him under the bus on every talk show appearance she was on. He took her crap and abuse for 10+ years, but something finally pushed him over the edge to make him poke her right back. I think her lawsuit against him was what did it.

Millicent said... 161

Hard to Mom Keep Canadian Loving Jon: Woah, woah, woah. No one said they thought if Jon's appearance on a talk show provoked Kate to beat the children, it would be a good thing because she would then lose custody. Purposely twisting what someone says makes me distrust you and your intentions.

Jon is not responsible for what his ex does. It is perfectly fine should he be asked to be a guest on a talk show (which, btw, we don't even know if this is the situation). As long as he's not dragging the children along, what he does on his own time is his business and his right. I don't remember seeing you around condemning his ex when she did her recent round of publicity.

AuntieAnn said... 162

NJGal51 said... 115

And now it's time to backpedal. Maybe Milo is worried about Roberts latest post #ticktock

@MiloandJack: LOL So easy 2provide amusement 4the gators. At least I gave them something 2do this afternoon! :)


You mean to say she spent the day soothin' n' platitudin' her wounded sparrow all for our benefit? Awww. That's so sweet.

Starz22 said... 163

I say more power to both Jon and Robert. Jon has been made out to be a deadbeat cheating loser POS dad for years. All because TFW said so. For years TFW has been treated as a hero..a martyr because of the bs she has said about Jon. He has been ripped to shreds by the media...wasn't he on the most hated list one year? Made fun of...ridiculed relentlessly...
Now he has the chance to set things straight. Why the hell not? It's about damn time. He's not being mean and vicious. He's not dragging the kids out for photo opts. He's not exposing personal information about the kids to get a book or tv deal. He's not even farting bullshit stories about the kids puking rainbows all over him saying he's just the best damn dad ever. He's not saying anything the kids don't already know. Now he has the media saying good things about him. Do you think for one second that TFW didn't that against the kids? Look kids...even the tv says your dad is crap.

I don't care what Jon does on tv as long as he isn't using the kids to get there. Both Jon and TFW will always have to reference the kids. Thats the only reason anyone thought twice about them...was the 8 kids. Jon is using class and not the kids. TFW is flipping her lid cause she is not gold one takes her word as god anymore. Reality is kicking her ass hard! It's called comeuppance kate. Look it up. When you abuse children and animals it's bound to come back to you sooner or later.

Layla said... 164

Maybe Jon is making appearances so he can make money. He can't make much as a waiter, and he has said he's deeply in debt. He needs to have a roof over his head. He feeds and clothes the kids when they are with him. That takes money.
To claim that he should not earn money because it might upset TFW and make her hurt the kids is ridiculous. It's not like she has no choice but to abuse them. She knows her past behavior is public knowledge. She knows that people are watching and scrutinizing her treatment of the kids. And she knows that if she steps out of line, it will be noticed and the resulting consequences--and, more important to her, the following media storm-- will result in her losing custody and will bury her dream of the limelight forever. Is she so emotionally weak that she can't control herself if Jon gets media attention? Jon has every right to defend himself against her incessant attacks. To say he should just sit there and take it is not reasonable. Yes, I know, TFW isn't reasonable. Well, time for her to get over it and grow up. There's no big studio to coddle her now. She's going to have to learn to cope.

Layla said... 165

Remona Blue (142)
I could not agree with you more. Kate is responsible for her own actions. Nobody else. If she doesn't want Jon to be given a platform to answer to her constant put-downs, then she needs to shut up. This is all on her, not him.
Think about it, how far should he have to go to placate her? If she had her way, he'd be living in a tent and eating bugs to stay alive. So, does he need to quit his job and pitch that tent so she doesn't hurt the kids out of frustration? Of course not!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 166

I'm watching a Netflix movie, "Flawless" with Michael Caine and Demi Moore, pretty darn good. In the movie Michael says:

"You know that old saying, 'Two wrongs don't make a right?' Well, that's nonsense. Sometimes to make it right you have to do something just as wrong."

Interesting, isn't it, how it pertains to what's been discussed here today with RH and his "tick tock?" Some think he's repeating BV's taunts and don't think RH should stoop to that level. Others think BV deserves the taunts. Sometimes it takes a bully to beat a bully? Another BV taunt, but RH's taunts are ok? Hmmmm.

Personally, I didn't like BV's taunts when they were aimed at us, but for some reason I think RH is justified in his. I truly have to think this through. There's a double standard going on. It makes me uncomfortable.

BTW, I saw someone on Twitter doesn't like me very much. It's not the first time for me that being honest with my thoughts and sharing them has offended some. NBD to me. I've never been one to go along to get along.

Meagler said... 167

TFW doesnt have a tramp stamp...its airbrushed on that picture.

Alberta Girl said... 168

The kids are already "losers" in this battle, and have been for the last 5 years. Don't tell me that they don't know their mother hates their father. I don't know what the solution is, but time has clearly not eased TFW's contempt for her Ex. It has gotten worse.
Maybe this is his only way to try and effect change in the situation.

And by the way, isn't this what TFW wanted? In her journals, she always spoke about Jon being a "weak minded" man.

As Admin has stated: suck it, Kate! ~ Administrator said... 169

Count me in as saying Kate is responsible for her emotions and reactions and Jon shouldn't base his decisions on how Kate might react. Suggesting he shouldn't go on a talk show or go off to LA or whatever because Kate might be upset is ridiculous. Jon can do what he wants, and Kate needs to grow up about it. The old Jon would have been manipulated by such shenanigans. Not anymore.

A Mom said... 170

administrator you are so correct. It's looking like the tides have turned and just possibly his kids will have a chance to have a voice and select their Dad who has their best interest at heart while making some extra money. Go Jon Go Robert It's time Kate realizes it takes both parents to raise children and Jon is looking like the better parent and maybe leading the way.

Anonymous said... 171

Re: Robert's taunting: Go for it Robert. Everything that happens to her she brought on herself. Is it a bit juvenile? Yes. And she deserves it after what she's put everyone in her life through. Go get her!

No one but Kate is responsible for her emotions and reactions. She's quite skilled at manipulating good people to get what she wants/keep control. Jon's evolved past that IMO and isn't going to fall for it any more.


Anonymous said... 172

I was outted too!

Kept having to tell Admin, I stand by my name, but was outted by her magesty, who decided I was actually s guy living in Florida.

Which is true, I share a name with some guy on this planet....


& billions of people...
what are the odds??.

thank goodness the defective detective figured T HAT.. out!! b


kids first said... 173

Jon is on a plane to LA and suddenly he is back in the media? I think that is jumping to conclusions a bit.

Anonymous said... 174

Curiously wondering, does anyone think Milo could be Carla? She has a thing for caterpillars. and before her blog went private, posts of nature, hunting and dogs. And, she seems to have been a push over when it came to Kate. A low paid employee. Maybe Kate said she would pay her.

Paula said... 175

Does anyone know why Jon is in Cali? Are we sure it is for interviews? Could it be business related or to get together with his lawyer

We don't have any idea why Jon is in Cali. In fact, we would know he was in Cali if the guy on the plan hadn't "tweeted" the info. Some of created a diversion with this to again make Kate's misbehavior Jon's responsibility. D-I-V-E-R-S-I-O-N.

Susan said... 176

Millicent said... 157
I agree with all five of your points.

And I remember Kate on Bethany show saying how she felt pity for Jon.
TFW just won't stop taking jabs at Jon. It's time to stand up for himself, he has the right to.

localyocul said... 177

Anonymous said... 174
Curiously wondering, does anyone think Milo could be Carla? She has a thing for caterpillars. and before her blog went private, posts of nature, hunting and dogs. And, she seems to have been a push over when it came to Kate. A low paid employee. Maybe Kate said she would pay her


Carla the laundry folder/helper? Isn't she also Ashley's mother? I didn't know she had a blog

localyocul said... 178

Carla the laundry helper? Isn't she also Ashleys mom? Didn't know she had a blog..

Anonymous said... 179

who let the sheep out???

lol, again, as a Canadian, no we are not complacent, and we often spell words differently, such as compromise, vs cimpromize.

Well, you get the gist ( or is it gizt?)


JoyinVirginia said... 180

Enquiring minds want to know, why bother having a website TFMJG if the news and coming events are never updated for going on two years now? What is the point? Seems like Amy reasonable person would keep that section updated. Another mystery. Ho hum.
I hope that if it is nice outside wherever you are, that you get outside and enjoy the sunshine! I plan to run the lawnmower over the leaves today to mulch them.

Shelly said... 181

kids first said...
Jon is on a plane to LA and suddenly he is back in the media? I think that is jumping to conclusions a bit.


I know. SMH at the leaps being taken; from going to CA to be on tv (and even if true, so what) to the kids being beaten. I think some imaginations are in overdrive.

localyocul said... 182

Someone is a big fat liar..... said... 156
taking pics of Kate Gosselin's dog w/@Smeezus & his parents today #truestory


Interesting..looks like those two go to Millersville which is in Berks Co. So they took pics of Shoka yesterday ? Are they going to be pics that look like a bday party? Why not wait and lie about the party the day the pics were being taken? Oh, that;s right the kids were supposed to be at Jon's so she might get caught by a random Jon sighting tweet. Why not just have a damn real party? Interestingly, none of the girls' friends responded to her tweet. Those few teen/college fans of TFW are the exception I believe.

Call Me Crazy said... 183

Canadian Mom said... 143

Better that he follow the advice of a trusted attorney, follow the legal steps and get the children safely in his custody legally so no more harm is done to them by their mother. If that means no media interviews until then, then I guess it's just too bad.

CM, have you considered that maybe he IS following his attorney's advice? It is quite possible that he has been encouraged to do interviews so he can start to undo the damage TFW and TLC did to his reputation.

A win in the court of public opinion can be very valuable.

Suzee said... 184

Carla the laundry folder/helper? Isn't she also Ashley's mother? I didn't know she had a blog

I think the OP question about Milo being Carla is possible, but I don't really think Carla has the time for all the twitter nonsense. She homeschools and is busy with a house full of kids. Anything is possible though. And, yes, Carla had/has a blog that she took private a few years ago because of the flak she was getting about her and Ashley's involvement with TFW and the kids. Many were suggesting they were enabling TFW's exploitation of the kids and were quite vocal about their opinions.

localyocul said... 185

Reading over some of last nights posts...good healthy debate. It's nice to know we are not sheep...we all have diverse opinions. Well done. ~ Administrator said... 186

CM, have you considered that maybe he IS following his attorney's advice? It is quite possible that he has been encouraged to do interviews so he can start to undo the damage TFW and TLC did to his reputation.


I agree, it's entirely possible his attorney is perfectly fine with the public statements. Not every attorney believes in no comment in every situation. Personally I think Team Tuma is turning out to be a master at this "game." Not only did he talk circles around Kate's briefs but he's got his client out there shifting public opinion in his direction finally. Boy did this EVER backfire on Kate.

Vanessa said... 187

With Tfw there's no rhyme or reason as to what "upsets" her. To lay blame on Jon is the same as laying blame in the kids. Yes he's the adult but bowing down or remaining silent is continuing to enable her. Goes back to blaming the victim for the abuser's abuse. He has a right to speak on his behalf (if he is even doing so in Cali) ~ Administrator said... 188

With Tfw there's no rhyme or reason as to what "upsets" her. To lay blame on Jon is the same as laying blame in the kids. Yes he's the adult but bowing down or remaining silent is continuing to enable her. Goes back to blaming the victim for the abuser's abuse. He has a right to speak on his behalf (if he is even doing so in Cali)


Yes and the other thing too is that Kate seemed pretty pissed off to me even when Jon was in silent mode. I don't think it matters what he does, it's going to piss her off. So he shouldn't worry about her and just do what he feels is right for him and his kids and his court case. *Whatever* to her. She is not his problem. ~ Administrator said... 189

..I think kate hit an all time record. The most platitudes retweeted in one day...she is such a jerk...go get a job. Tweeting isn't a career..


LOL this made me crack up. I used to say that a lot about her. Get a job. Just get a job.

Honestly she is wasting her life on Twitter. It's pathetic. She could have made so much money in two years if she just went out and got a job the day the show was cancelled. Imagine it. ~ Administrator said... 190

By the way, happy one extra hour day everyone. What will you do with your extra hour? ~ Administrator said... 191

I just read a handful of the platitudes she was manically tweeting yesterday and almost every single one, the gist of them is when life gets you down beats you up keep on fightin', sister, cause you're the B-E-S-T!

She sounds REALLY in turmoil about something. Perhaps everything is not so rainbows and lollipops in lawsuit land? This can't really be ALL because Jon got one wittle free trip to L.A. How many fun trips has SHE gotten over the years? Get OVER yourself. She's so juvenile.

Girl From Up North said... 192

Bottom line, only TFW is responsible for TFW behaviour.

If someone slandered me over and over, I MAY be able to ignore it but when it moves into court, then I would come out swinging. Don't forget that the lawsuit has the potential to make Jon unemployable. This may be the opportunity to shut her down for good, and if doing interviews is part of the strategy, he should go for it.

Lastly, the kids will grow up, either with TFW or Jon. They may be stuck with TFW, but they will want to know that someone fought for them. If not, they will be resentful. ~ Administrator said... 193

Totally off topic but for those in So. Cal. I went to Dia de los Muertes at Hollywood Forever cemetery yesterday for the first time. What an experience. I can't recommend this more. What a beautiful and elaborate cultural experience. They charge 15 bucks but they should charge 50.

Also next weekend is Moorpark's Civil War reenactment, which I highly recommend. Those in central CA could make that one a day trip. It is the best one I've seen.

PatK said... 194 (Administrator) said... 186
By the way, happy one extra hour day everyone. What will you do with your extra hour?


I did what my idol Kate (lol) does....slept in!

Anonymous said... 195

the sheeple should YouTube" "my name is Joe, and I AM CANADIAN", or, better yet, @)!) gold hockey song!, only # months left for bragging rights.

Quiet Canadians, bwahahaha


Over And Out said... 196

Meagler said... 167

TFW doesnt have a tramp stamp...its airbrushed on that picture.

She has a Winnie the Pooh on her ankle and something on her stomach. She pointed it out during the tummy surgery.

Layla said... 197

I have always thought she is bipolar (I think it was mentioned in Robert's book, too). She has been on a "high" for so long due to all the media attention, but now she may have just crashed. Her cookbook is such a huge failure, her lawsuit is a huge failure, Jon is getting media attention, her promotional tour has ended, and she is stuck alone and ignored. When she said in that interview in Sept that the TLC contract was at its end, and there was huge interest in a new show, I think that she really thought something would materialize. Nothing happened, and her immediate opportunities to beg for a new show have ended. Having to drop half her charges before her case ever made it into the judge's hands had to have been a crushing blow to her ego. The arrival of two top-notch attorneys to fight back against her bullying must have been mind-boggling. And now she is sitting alone in PA while Jon is off in LA. Ouch! SHE is supposed to be in LA, not him! I don't think her ego can take it. Of course, she will retweet platitudes and fart rainbows on twitter, but things are not rosy in her little world.

Anonymous said... 198

just to clarify, no one knows why Jon went west, or whether it was free, as far as I know.

so..I'm not the only one who watched Mike & Molly last night...featuring Tina?


Layla said... 199

One thing for certain, TFW is furious that Jon went to LA. When she "mentioned" the change of plans this weekend, it was to make sure everyone knew that he wasn't keeping his custody weekend. She had to find something to say about it, so she came up with the pumpkin carving. Her real motive was to make sure her sheeple knew that there was something to bash him for. "Jon didn't keep his custody weekend! Go get him, ladies!"

lukebandit said... 200

Remember when kate said that the Grand Canyon was a "waste of space" ?

She is so blessed that this didn't happen to her right after she said it!

She has got some nerve calling one of the wonders of the world, one of God's creations, a waste of space. What a nutcase.

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