Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Kate on cover of inTouch

It's been awhile since Kate got the cover of this magazine or any tabloid, but the headlines this time around are scathing. InTouch says plastic surgery has made her desperate for cash, and that fame destroyed her. "Kate's Sad New Life," the headline proclaims. Read more in the November 6 issue.

123 sediments (sic) from readers:

chefsummer #Leh said... 1

Ugh go away.

I guess the sheep are going to say that this is all lies printed by some haters.

jillygee said... 2

yeeeeeouch...that's GOTTA sting.

localyocul said... 3

chefsummer said... 1
Ugh go away.

I guess the sheep are going to say that this is all lies printed by some haters


That Ziggy dummy is saying Jon and Robert MUST be the unnamed sources. ~ Administrator said... 4

Did you see the tiny story in the corner. Wowser what in the WORLD has Renee Zellweger done??? She's a totally different person! Here's some more pics.

If I didn't know who she was I don't think I'd be able to tell she had plastic surgery. So in that sense the plastic surgery is good, and I think she looks pretty. But the thing that breaks my heart about this is how she's so dramatically changed her look. She may not have been classically pretty but she was a very pretty girl next door woman. It breaks my heart she or any woman would feel they have to change themselves that much. There was nothing wrong with her before. ~ Administrator said... 5

That XXXX is saying Jon and Robert MUST be the unnamed sources.


I doubt it, but so what if it was? Kate smashed the hornet's nest with a baseball bat. She is suing Jon for millions and dragging his name through the mud. Not only has she been playing dirty for years but she has relentlessly tried to drag him down into the mud with her. He resisted and ignored her for YEARS. He even used to give interviews about how great she was. No more and Kate has NO ONE, NO ONE to blame for herself if the other side has suddenly decided IT'S ON. You don't get to trash someone and chase down someone for years and expect them to never, ever fight back, even in ways you don't like like MAYBE being a source for a tabloid that is going to trash her.

I get it, only Kate is allowed to play war but not Jon? Ok good to know.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 6

Better on this thread than the last so reposting.

Oh my. That Karma Train is chugging out of the station now. Looking at her face, this is certainly not a sought after rebuttal. And seeing the words 'costly plastic surgery' splashed all over the cover, no, there must be great seething in PA today. Should have kept your pie hole shut Katie Irene, you are, once again, your own worst enemy. And the PR folks at TLC are no longer at your disposal. Spin it, Milo, can't wait.

Mel said... 7

Says the first insider: “She keeps hoping a major media outlet will take pity on her and offer her an opportunity.”

Yeah...I'd be *real* proud of getting a teevee show because someone took pity on me.

And so they give her an opportunity. So what? She'll just wreck it, like she's wrecked all of her other opportunities.

It's not like she only wrecked one opportunity, so let's cut her some slack. She's wrecked multiple opportunities.

Who wants to hire someone that is the kiss of death to everything they touch? ~ Administrator said... 8

It amazes me she always plays the pity card hoping a network will take pity on her and give her a show. Surely she has spent enough time in the business now to know they don't care. They don't take pity on people or give people shows out of pity. It's dollars in dollars out and perhaps a few other minor factors like good PR and good will and no drama with ex's or kids' problems, and that's it. There is no "pity." I just can't believe she could be so delusional as to think this would have any role. If I were her I would focus less on my sob story and focus more on a good, solid pitch to a network for a good, solid half hour reality show, or other show. Pitches and pilots get shows, not pity. Wake up.

Mel said... 9

From the blog:

But when you sign up your kids for the ride at Fame Whore Six Flags before they are old enough to carefully consider the consequences and give any kind of informed consent (legal or otherwise) to participation in the public surveillance of their private life, you're a special kind of irresponsible and selfish.
if Jon Gosselin manages to convince anyone that raising your kids via reality TV may not be the best idea, it will be the most responsible act of parenting to ever come out of that show.

Thinking about it....I guess I don't fault J&K quite so much for the first run (well, I do fault TFW a lot, Jon not as much), but by the time of the second show, they clearly knew the effects of raising children on reality tv. And especially the negative effects on *their* children.

And TFW decided to go ahead anyway. It's not about the kids, it's about her rich and famous lifestyle.


TLC stinks said... 10

If someone gets the magazine, please let us know what it says. On other thread I said I was not so sure this article was Kate's pity party attempt. I think it could be Robert using his connections. Just depends on what the article says as to how it plays. For Robert, this is war. About time someone took her on.

JR said... 11

I just got home from shoprite ....saw it on the checkout stand. I thought maybe I had a scoop but you beat me to it....Damn...I read some of it. She's not gonna like it . It paints her out to be this pathetic has been. So happy they are reporting the truth..HA ha

Mel said... 12

Local radio disc jockeys this morning were on a rant....saying do not DARE to tell me you care about your kids when you get on twitter and bash your ex, and allow/encourage others to do so. Get off twitter and take care of your kids!!!!! Don't you dare tell me that you care about your kids when you spend your time twittering.

They weren't talking about TFW, but they could have been.

TLC stinks said... 13

ITA, Admin. The pity card doesn't work for Kate. People see her living on an estate and all the kids in private school and Kate not working. How does she expect anyone to feel pity for her? And she is trouble and ALL the cable networks know it.

chefsummer #Leh said... 14 (Administrator) said... 3
That XXXX is saying Jon and Robert MUST be the unnamed sources.


I doubt it, but so what if it was?

Nah maybe KK's running low on the mortgage this month.

Insert Creative Username Here said... 15

I think it was local yocul who originally posted this. Great article!

Best part:

"That's right. Kate Gosselin, the same woman who thought it entirely appropriate to depict the everyday development of her children in the most public of forums, weekly series television (to which she owes her current livelihood, the 173K Twitter followers she continues to keep publicly apprised of her children, and her status as an iconic Halloween hairstyle), is now of the holier-than-thou opinion that discussing the potential consequences on their development is... wait for it... inappropriate to do in a public forum.

Which is hilarious, because if Jon Gosselin manages to convince anyone that raising your kids via reality TV may not be the best idea, it will be the most responsible act of parenting to ever come out of that show. "

JR said... 16

To be was a very degrading and negative article. I wonder if she got paid for that garbage. You never know...she is desperate for cash. And they did use her image. I wouldn't put it past her. ~ Administrator said... 17

I hope she responds on her blog to this one. Now that would be amusing.

She needs to examine her life and try to figure out who the mole is. Because I think she can't see pas the nose on the end of her face. She is so hyper focused on Jon bringing her down I think she may be ignoring someone like a housekeeper, pool boy or even bodyguard as a potential source for the tabloids, quietly collecting their paycheck every time.

Insert Creative Username Here said... 18 (Administrator) said... 6
It amazes me she always plays the pity card hoping a network will take pity on her and give her a show.
In the past it's worked. If the general population pities her, then a network exec might give her a show thinking they'll make money off of it. But it's not going to work any more. No network executive is willing to take the heat of having a reality show that puts her particular kids in the spotlight. They'd get too much heat from people who don't like her. I think she and Jon both have reached the Spencer and Heidi level of annoying-ness to the public. A network can't make money off of that.

Amy2 said... 19

Kate has to be soooo happy she's finally back on magazine covers. (Snark)

chefsummer #Leh said... 20 (Administrator) said... 6

But see Adm Kate has no shame in her game she said she'll basically do ANY show she's up for Anything.

This woman has on pride or shame but her ego is huge.

TLC stinks said... 21

Ha. Maybe she has driven Steve to want out and he is the mole.

Mel said... 22

Agree, Admin. We've talked about this before. It's about business, not about pity.

Watcha got that I wanna buy? Watcha sellin?

The only thing she appears to be interested in selling is 8 childhoods to the highest bidder. And for now, no one wants to buy that.

She could have several things of interest to sell if she wanted to put some work into it, but like one of those articles said, she's only interested in a fast buck.

Well, she does seem to be interested in selling a sob story: poor me, single mom, does it all, rotten ex, bodyguard, 8 unloveable kids, piecin' and patchin', life is soooo hard, so many struggles, so hard to manage with only 3 cars.

Which could work if it was true. But it's not.

Over And Out said... 23

Kate just doesn't know when to shut up. Those typing fingers should be Crazy Glued together. Historically, it's been seen over and over and over again that she just can't think before she speaks or posts. She gets in deeper each time. Robert's book would have been long forgotten, but she called attention to it with the lawsuit. Now we have this convoluted mess with the Oprah thing. She poked him by filing suit, he does an interview, she responds on a blog and she's in the media again, only not in a good way. She just will never learn. She does what she wants to do on the spur of the moment without sitting down and what would happen if I do this, and is this really what I want the outcome to be? She thinks that the six or so crazy sheeple are going to pat her on the back, tell her everything is going to be fine because she's an awesome mom, she tweets her love for them and believes that those few strangers are going to be enough to see her through the rough times. Many of those blind fans are dumber than a bag of barber's hair (I heard that the other night on a Christmas movie, and it describes them perfectly). It ain't gonna happen. It's over for her and she has nobody to blame but herself.

PatK said... 24

Karma. Sometime's it's sweet.

Formerly Duped said... 25

I don't know if it's really true TFW is desperate for cash. She is continuing her lavish lifestyle. Wouldn't she be forced to downsize and remove the kids from private school if so? I think she's just playing the pity card and the journalist ran with it.( mixed metaphors!)

Insert Creative Username Here said... 26

Even Rob is turning his back on her!

TLC stinks said... 27

If any of us had made the kind of money she made, there would be no pity parties. And if she didn't want to go back to nursing, the opportunities out there were endless with her cash to start up a business. She seems to be stuck on the kid pimping which is why she got pregnant in the first place. Maybe deep down she knows she has no talent.

Kylie said... 28

She just can't help that grimace around her mouth. It is pure Kate.

Over And Out said... 29

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 20m
@Kateplusmy8 Oh so very true! &YOU young lady react w/such class & discernment! You R such a gift 2ur children who will learn so much fr U!

Like greed, entitlement, and how to bash your ex-spouse and father of your children in a public forum?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 15m
@Kateplusmy8 Ur response was perfect..and notable that a RESPONSE was needed! Thanks 2U the record re: ur children was 100% set straight! :)

Oh, my word. I have never in my life seen such a butt-kisser.

TLC stinks said... 30

When I see her property on the market is the day I'll believe she has run through the money,otherwise she is full of it

kids first said... 31

More and more I think that Milo is Steve.

TLC stinks said... 32

At least she got rid of her frown marks, lol.

Milo must be Kate's other personality with all the Jon bashing and Kate love.

Localyocul said... 33

I wondered if the number on He bottom of Roberts blog was a tax parcel number and found the property record. There is a trust liste as an owner. Doe this mean the kids are paying the mortgage?

OrangeCrusher1 said... 34

Milo, Milo, Milo - how do you ever see the light of day with your head so firmly entrenched high up Kate's a*@? So hoping the two of you are on the karma train to oblivion.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 35

I don't think Milo's heard the news yet. She's tweeting HCI and Kate about "deelish" sloppy joels. It sounds like a recipe site tweeted it and Milo's all puffed up and proud and wants to be sure HCI knows about their girl. But, Milo, Kate's got way bigger fish to fry this morning. Milo will go into hyper-tweeting soon. The alarm MUST be going off by now. It's time for the sheep to go down the fire pole! (Every time, this image reminds me of Seinfeld, where the bookstore security cop says, "Swarm! Swarm! Swarm!")

Localyocul said... 36

Apparently Jennifer Lawrence got a KG reverse Mullet haircut. Lots of tweets about it haha

@cschulzie: @NicholasHoult your gf looks like kate gosselin

AuntieAnn said... 37

PatK said... 24

Karma. Sometime's it's sweet.


Life is like a box of chocolates...

Amy2 said... 38

Is it time for..... you get what you get and you don't get upset.

kids first said... 39

How timely...the recipe name " Sloppy Joels" is a slam.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 40

Uggh. What a mess. And as a side note, what do you guys think of Renee Zelwegger's "New Look" on the cover of the magazine? I actually think she looks lovely. Why are people ripping her to shreds for improving her looks? She has the money for it. ~ Administrator said... 41

I don't like it because her face before was just fine. What kind of message is that sending her young fans? And girls and women? It's just sad.

chefsummer #Leh said... 42

OrangeCrusher1 said... 34
Milo, Milo, Milo - how do you ever see the light of day with your head so firmly entrenched high up Kate's a*@?

Well someone had to replace the stick.

kids first said... 43

What I meant with my last comment is that she is even derogatory towards her children in the names of her recipes. Yet Jon is the bad guy talking negatively about the kids? And it is really funny that is the recipe that Milo is pushing right now. That passive-aggressive thing again?

Susan said... 44

This article from 2009 says it all for me. Everything is unraveling for her, all by her own hand. No network will touch her because of all the negative out there. Who wants to watch such a vile person on any type of show.
Finally, truth is coming out and it will be an avalanche of snowballs.

Kate Gosselin’s Body Language and Abusing Jon in the Travel Store With Kids Looking On Shows Why He Said He Despised Kate! Her Behavior Was Despicable!

Autumn Leaves said... 45

When I looked at Renee's latest photo I was shocked. If I were to see that photo out of context I'd think it was someone who looked vaguely familiar.

Lalalalala said... 46

Kylie said... 28

She just can't help that grimace around her mouth. It is pure Kate.


She looks more and more like the GRINCH every year!

IWantNobu said... 47

Ah to be a fly on TFW's wall. She probably kicked the island with her "good" foot.

Cry Me a River said... 48

It's way too late for KK to pretend she gives one sh*t about the kids' feelings.

White Organza said... 49

And as a side note, what do you guys think of Renee Zelwegger's "New Look" on the cover of the magazine? (40)

I think her career in films is more or less caput after that. From what I see, the major change was done to her most distinctive feature, her squinty eyes: that gone, she doesn't look anything like the Renée Zeilwegger we knew before, anymore. Same thing happened to Jennifer Grey of Dirty Dancing Fame when she had her strong nose redone: her face lost most of its distinctive caracter somehow. Or, even sadder, Meg Ryan... Nothing, absolutely nothing was wrong with her face and she just had to put those ridiculous clown lips on herself. Go figure.

AuntieAnn said... 50

The photo of Renee on IMDB is much nicer than her new face. She had a unique look, even though sometimes she looked like she had just finished sucking on a lemon. She was quite beautiful now she's quite er... dare I say it...mediocre.

Formerly Duped said... 51

It is funny TFW has so many young fans who probably never saw the show.How do they know about her? I agree she is a poor role model all-round, for her kids and for her fans. Plastic surgery, excessive dieting- terrible she put her own diet in a cookbook- and materialism. Plus are these people going to try for multiples- remember the case of a bunch of girls in one town ( Rockport or Gloucester MA) who all got pregnant on purpose following the example of Teen Mom type shows?

TLC stinks said... 52

Renee Zelleger completely changed her looks. The only way I was able to recognize her was in the photos where she smiled.

Kate looks worse, too, even with the Botox, etc. on her face. Now, I don't have an issue with a little freshening up as we age, but these total facial surgeries are not flattering.

I remember that passport scene in the travel store. I was soooo embarrassed for Jon. What if that was a man talking to his wife like that in public? He would most certainly be labeled an abuser. I have absolutely no doubt she speaks to the children like that too. Imagine what it must be like to be afraid that you will send mommy into an angry fit if you make a mistake.

willowmom said... 53

Mel said... 12
Local radio disc jockeys this morning were on a rant....saying do not DARE to tell me you care about your kids when you get on twitter and bash your ex, and allow/encourage others to do so. Get off twitter and take care of your kids!!!!! Don't you dare tell me that you care about your kids when you spend your time twittering.

They weren't talking about TFW, but they could have been

I just listened to that segment again. They are so ON POINT for the situation they were discussing, as well as this Gosselin mess.

Gotta love Jalexis.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 54

Susan said... 44
This article from 2009 says it all for me. Everything is unraveling for her, all by her own hand. No network will touch her because of all the negative out there. Who wants to watch such a vile person on any type of show.
Finally, truth is coming out and it will be an avalanche of snowballs.

Kate Gosselin’s Body Language and Abusing Jon in the Travel Store With Kids Looking On Shows Why He Said He Despised Kate! Her Behavior Was Despicable!


Susan, that article was SPOT on! Well worth the read. What's most amazing about it is that Dr. Glass called it well before any (or at least most) of the media did. At that time, Kate was the golden girl and couldn't do anything wrong. I believe the blogs were the only ones really calling her out on her bad behavior back then--as i remember, anyway. TLC had reporters in some kind of death lock.

NJGal51 said... 55

Well the floodgates have been opened and if she goes on a pity party tour she will now be asked about plastic surgery and I don't think anyone is going to accept the "tummy tuck/good bra" lie any more. The karma train has arrived. I almost feel sorry for her....nah!

Millicent said... 56

TLC stinks said... 27
If any of us had made the kind of money she made, there would be no pity parties. And if she didn't want to go back to nursing, the opportunities out there were endless with her cash to start up a business. She seems to be stuck on the kid pimping which is why she got pregnant in the first place. Maybe deep down she knows she has no talent.
No kidding. I often tell my son that if I won $1 million, I could live very comfortably on that for the rest of my life. That conversation usually occurs when he is discussing the salaries of professional football players.

I believe we've heard stories that Kate, perhaps as a teenager, read about a set of multiples and was fascinated. I think this is when she developed a plan in her mind on how to obtain fame and fortune by having multiples. And when she meets Jon, the son of a wealthy dentist, she probably thought it would improve the chances of attracting a show if her multiples were "half" Korean. They would stand out more.

I think her brain got stuck in a groove and that's why she is unable to think beyond making money off of having multiples. Atrophy probably.

Or maybe the deep down realization that she has nothing else to offer. What she cannot accept nor believe is that she had her 15 minutes and that's all it was ever going to be. A brief period where she could make hay (and tons of money) off her kids. Which she did. But like so many other reality tv participants, they start believing it's never going to end and when it does, they still can't come to terms with their new reality.

Millicent said... 57

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 40
Uggh. What a mess. And as a side note, what do you guys think of Renee Zelwegger's "New Look" on the cover of the magazine? I actually think she looks lovely. Why are people ripping her to shreds for improving her looks? She has the money for it.
It reminds me of when Jennifer Gray had a nose job after being in Dirty Dancing. She didn't look like herself anymore, and it took away what I thought made her uniquely her.

I think Zerwilliger now looks more uniform and matching up to what society/the media says is attractive. That's why I find it a little sad. But basically, it's none of my business and like you said, she can certainly afford it

JR said... 58

I have to say..I don't know how she takes this daily barrage of negative press and insults. There would HAVE to be something wrong with her mind to be able to tolerate this crap day in and day out. I know how "I" would react to it, and I realize everyone handles things differently. Her mind can't be a restful place to be in the past couple of years. I mean..this is the kind of "stuff" normal people have a hard time handling. Why does she continue to constantly expose her life to the world....STOP ALREADY...Is this what she wants? This is making me sick to my stomach. Doesn't she want her Privacy?....Or does she even know what that is..That family is one big tragedy...These parents need to ZIP IT now. ITS ENOUGH..

TLC stinks said... 59

Yep. Meg Ryan's career has been over since her plastic surgery. Why can't these women do something subtle and geez, they can afford the best plastic surgeons. Did the plastic surgeons in Hollywood learn online?

BTW, in Robert's book, it mentions that Kate made an appt. in NYC to have her "lumpy" thighs taken care of, so no wonder she liked to prance around in her skimpy bikini. Yeah, right, firm thighs from running.

lukebandit said... 60

Milo sent a tweet to HCI about an article a woman wrote about the recipe Very Sloppy Joels. I think that is a horrible title for that recipe. It shows how much hate and distain she has for those kids. It is a full article, she is pro kate and there is a huge picture of Joel holding the very sloppy Joel with the very sloppy sloppy Joel mixture smeared on his face and that forced smile. I tweeted to them and the article it is on Milo's timeline and asked if Joel was going to get paid for modeling the Very Sloppy Joels for their article or was their mother getting more $ for her coffers. HCI sent a tweet back, Thanks, Milo!

xxxxxxxxxxxxx 23m
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 **** Carla. You are hurting Kate's reputation worse than it is.

She told her to shut the you know what.

Funny, kate has done that to herself and more is coming due to her own self.

Anonymous said... 61

She's got dead eyes.


Kelly said... 62

I wonder if TFW thinks that because the Roloff show was resurrected, there's hope for her. It must really stick in her craw that LPBW went off the air and are now back on yet seemingly no one is interested in her.

Time to start filling out those McDonald's applications Katie.

Kelly said... 63

And you guys are cracking me up with the "you get what you get and don't get upset". So funny and so true. She's just a walking fountain of do what I say and not as I do.

Kelly said... 64

She's got dead eyes.


True that. Now I'm thinking of Quint's famous line in Jaws:

"Y'know, the thing about a shark, he's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes after ya, he doesn't seem to be livin' until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white..."

Now I gotta watch Jaws. I was going to watch Bridget Jones but after seeing Renee, I'd find it too depressing. She was lovely the way she was. How sad that an industry can compel someone to mutilate themselves in such a way.

JoyinVirginia said... 65

Remember when Andy Cohen had TFMJG on watch what happens live, and she said she de-aged? I think the bartenders were smirking at that response, and I am sure Andy has seen enough botox and silicone that he was amused by her obvious lies.

getofftwitter said... 66

Did anyone read that GM, quote crap/saying or whatever it was, that Kate said on twitter. Then she #Imlearning. Well, either Kate's lawyer stepped on her or she had too much wine, it did not make any sense.

As for the Intouch mag rag: If I were Kate I would be hiding. Just reading the title,, it does not put her in a favor light. It sounds very negative. Or did Kate, or one of her friends or PR send the story, to Intouch magrag? Intouch is a bottom of the barrow rag mag. They are copy cats of other mags. This is a desperate Kate doing. I'm sure you will see a phrase: our/my souces, close to Kate, said. We can figure out who those could possibly be. Your not fooling us Kate.

Oh, and on a few of the article on this nasty nonsense, there are a few commentors that are saying this blog is a Jon lovers blog. Got to be Kates lackeys.

Serendipity said... 67

Will Kate now sue In Touch for ruining her reputation? She better add all of the online tabs to her suit -- it's going to keep her (and Razzie) darn busy!

getofftwitter said... 68

JR: If Kate did not rebuttal, what Jon said, and let it go, saying nothing, it would have died in the media. But Kate does not think. And yes she is trying to use the pity poor single mom crap, Kate it's getting old. People are not buying that crap, anymore.

TLC stinks said... 69

Stay tuned. She has probably been working the phones with her buddy Katie at People to get a rebuttal article.

Math Girl said... 70

Mel... 12 and willowmom... 53

Could you post a link or at least tell us who they were talking about? My tabloid-celebs education is sadly lacking.

Susantoyota said... 71

A little OT, but an interesting article.

Call Me Crazy said... 72 (Administrator) said... 8

It amazes me she always plays the pity card hoping a network will take pity on her and give her a show. Surely she has spent enough time in the business now to know they don't care. They don't take pity on people or give people shows out of pity.

Unfortunately for her, I think she glimpsed only a very small, and very well-insulated part of the business. For a long time, she was the sun around which TLC revolved, so she never had to worry her precious little head learning about the "reality" of how things truly operate in the entertainment world. Add to that the fact that making people feel pity for her was a huge part of the formula that worked so successfully in the past and has allowed her to continue her grifting ways.

She is completely incapable of grasping the fact that the good ship Pity has sailed, and she was the pilot that caused it to happen.

White Organza - You read my mind as far as Renée Zellwegger is concerned. She eliminated the one feature, the shape of her eyes, that made her so interesting looking in the first place. Big mistake.

Localyoxul said... 73

xxxxxxxxxxxxx 23m
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 **** Carla. You are hurting Kate's reputation worse than it is.


I'm confused. Who said this?

Blowing In The Wind said... 74

I'm confused. Who said this?


Apparently a non-fan, who addressed Milo as "Carla." They've been razzing Milo, saying she is Kate, Steve, Carla...

Amy2 said... 75

I'm curious where is Julie May when this is going on. Julie is/was? Kate's PR manager. Isn't a PR manager suppose to be working on damage control. Or is Julie no longer working for Kate?

Katie cry-duh said... 76

TFW: the jig is up. You lost. No one EVER liked you; they tolerated you and manipulated you to get to your kids. And you let them. Chose reality tv over everything: kids, husband, marriage, happiness, friends, family. No one wants you on tv. No one will touch your kids. Jon has outfoxed you and it wasn't hard to do because you have always been in the wrong. Way back when you hatched this horrible idea to have all these babies without the means to support them. You "can't" support them now on a nurse's salary, do how did you expect to do so when you begged Jon for another round of in vitro. He was never lazy or stupid. He let you get away with what you did because he used to love you. He has been kinder to you than you ever deserved. And, well, those 8 little faces. Sigh. There are no words. It's just too tragic.

willowmom said... 77

Math Girl (70) - the conversation was about Charlie Sheen/Denise Richards/Brooke Mueller and the little twin boys Bob & Max. Sheen has been doing some of his crazy twitter rants about his boys, child protection, and Brooke.

reader said... 78

Order and stipulation that plaintiff shall have through November 12, 2013 to file a response to the defendants’ motions to dismiss.
Signed November 5th by judge and entered today, November 6th.

Ingrid said... 79

Localyoxul said... 73

xxxxxxxxxxxxx 23m
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 **** Carla. You are hurting Kate's reputation worse than it is.

Owner something or other. Seems she keeps calling Milo by name of Carla?

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 you protest too much Carla.

Layla said... 80

JR (58)
I keep wondering how it feels to see yourself mocked and ridiculed every day. I would feel humiliated, but she is just angry and looking for someone to blame. She wants to hurt someone, and picked Jon and Robert because she thought they wouldn't be able to afford to fight back. Now they are fighting harder than she ever imagined they could, and her rage has got to be out of control. She had to drop half of her charges before her complaint ever went before a judge. Imagine the reaction from her when her lawyers had to try to talk some sense into her. I wonder if they told her it's a good idea to just drop the whole thing before it gets tossed out or she gets destroyed in court. She, of course, would not have wanted to budge, even a tiny bit. I don't know how they got her to drop the 4 charges. No way would she have been willing to do that without a huge fight.
It's hard to imagine that things could get worse for TFW in the future, but it will. Once her case goes to court and the facts of what she has done start to come out, once her lies are exposed, once the book is is going to be a storm. If things seem horrible in her life right now, just wait a year or two. The media mocks her now. But by then, there will be loads of true, irrefutable information that will be everywhere, reported on every outlet. She will be a massive vortex of rage. And the kids are going to be the only outlets for that rage. That scares me.

reader said... 81

I believe Jon's comments in the interview and am glad he spoke up.
Everything has a cost.
And was that mind numbing reality show "entertainment" really worth the social and academic development of those children?

JoyinVirginia said... 82

Time for another posting of acronyms used on this site frequently!
TFW the former wife = TFMJG the former Mrs Jon Gosselin = Ms Kreider maiden name of TFW.
WOS = waste of space, the term TFMJG used to describe the Grand Canyon (I am not making this up, tlc has it on film!). Here some use WOS to refer to TFMJG.
I'm sue others will post more helpful acronyms.

Jumping In said... 83

I am carrying my thoughts over from the previous thread, which now parlays into the InTouch article. My wish is that Jon had been a bit more saavy during his OWN interview so Kate's rebuttal was more about her lack of parenting skills rather than the children's issues. These kids are a product of their environment. While Jon acknowledges his concerns about their exposure on television, resulting in behavioural issues, Kate remains in denial. I wish he had placed more responsibility directly at her feet.

What Jon could have said is that his kids are confused, unable to separate the life of privilege they knew (provided by TLC) and the reality they are living now. These kids lives are in a state of suspension, permanently on-hold, waiting for that second chance their mother lives for. As a result, they must believe their value is attached to the cache they once held as the darlings of TLC. Sure, they have social problems, because they do not know who they are as individuals. Their mother keeps them sequestered and separate from their peers. Familiarity does breed contempt, and these kids need a break from one another, they need friends!

Finally, I have a question: Did Jon permit the kids to be on CWS and Katie Couric, or does he have a say legally or otherwise? This is what I don't understand.

Anonymous said... 84

At the end of the day which was more powerful??

What Jon said during interview?

Or what kate said in response ?

Hands Down Jon's points are poignant and heartfelt. And he gained nothing from speaking them.
Kate on the other hand had everything to loose. Hence self serving.

fidosmommy said... 85

Here are some others, Joy. ;-)

WTF= way too funny
WTH= wild turkey hullabaloo
OMG= outing Ms. Gosselin

AuntieAnn said... 86

JoyinVirginia said... 82

Time for another posting of acronyms used on this site frequently!
TFW the former wife = TFMJG the former Mrs Jon Gosselin = Ms Kreider maiden name of TFW.


Joy, I had not been able to keep up with this blog for awhile this past summer and when I finally could again I wondered why everyone was calling Kate "The Fame Whore". Found out later it was the former wife but I guess either will do.

(You're getting an extra- special glitter crown for your joy-filled posts, btw :o)

Angie said... 87

Well, if Jon thinks reality tv damaged his kids....can he or WOS sue TLC?? that seems to be her favorite thing to do........

Math Girl said... 88

willowmom said... 77

Thanks. What a mess! I had read that Denise Richards was relinquishing custody of the boys, based on bad behavior that she blamed on Brooke (the boys' mother) but didn't know Charlie (the boys' father) had gotten involved.

It seems like these guys all have enough money to pay for professional 24-hour supervision for the boys whenever they are with EITHER parent. Of course, that assumes the published reports are accurate. Maybe under those circumstances, Denise would be willing to try again.

Denise seems to be the only responsible adult in this, and she isn't even related to the boys.

Call Me Crazy said... 89

Joy - In addition to your stellar work as Vacation Planner/Cruise Director/Reminder that TFW is boring, you also do a tremendous job as keeper of the acronyms! Nicely done!

JoyinVirginia said... 90

Fidos mommy, your acronyms are funny!
Auntie Ann, a glitter crown! Yea! It will go with my crocs when we have the 11/12/13 party to celebrate another response filing!

LaLaLandNoMore said... 91

It was always the kids everyone was interested in viewing. Simple fact. They are beyond the age of cuteness and I don't believe they will ever have another show. TFW is so delusional and apparently has not been receiving or accepting any kind of good advise. Kate can wish and hope, but she may need to join the job market at some point. I give credit to Jon for getting out there and working and not complaining about living like a normal adult male. He has always been concerned about how the kids are affected by the filming. He came across in the Oprah interview as authentic. I am not convinced the children should be discussed on television, but Jon is a real dad living in the real world.

handinhand said... 92

It amazes me she always plays the pity card hoping a network will take pity on her and give her a show.
For a large portion of her grifting career pity worked rather well for her. Pity got her freebies for the tups, pity got her a house makeover, pity got her church donations and college funds established for the kids, pity also brought her volunteers, paper towels on her doorstep, a van, Beth and others leaving checks on her countertop and a baby nurse just to name a few. Pity may have even played a part in Kevin doing her chores when she was younger and coercing the first and second doctor into proceeding with fertility treatments.
It's a hard habit to break when it's worked so well for all these many, many years and brought her what she loves the and freebies.

handinhand said... 93

Now they are fighting harder than she ever imagined they could, and her rage has got to be out of control. She had to drop half of her charges before her complaint ever went before a judge. Imagine the reaction from her when her lawyers had to try to talk some sense into her.
Order and stipulation that plaintiff shall have through November 12, 2013 to file a response to the defendants’ motions to dismiss.
Signed November 5th by judge and entered today, November 6th.
The dawn of the holiday season bring all of this to Kate's universe.
Happy Holidays, kids.

The Plot Never Ends said... 94

If Kate had played it smart she would have completely left the media when the show was cancelled. No twitter, no interviews, no cookbook, no nothing. Then maybe the public would have had at least one iota of respect for her making their lives private. More money was made than in most people's lifetimes and she was set for life, and could solely concentrate on raising the kids in the best way she knew how.

But NO, it was never enough. She is like a bottomless pit of needs, never satisfied, only wanting more and more. Once she tasted ''celebrity'' and the 'rich & famous' lifestyle, she would never go back. She even said it herself when asked if they could go back, and she said NO.

But she could have. She could have saved her marriage and her children but she chose not to. The money was just too good, and she set out to show the whole world that she was a good Mom, when in fact, she was just the opposite. She knew it when she wrote her journals, it was her way of trying to justify her behavior. It took a very sick mind to write the things she did, and an even sicker mind to DO the cruel things she did.

She is done now. Finished. It's all over but the shouting, which is happening as we speak. Even the handful of supporters she had are grasping at straws, blaming Jon & even Oprah for having him on. It's finally occurring to the thickest of them that maybe the show wasn't a good idea after all.....

PatK said... 95

Does anyone else here who reads TFW's twitter timeline wish Jennifer Lawrence would NOT have cut her hair like Kate's? Geesh. lol

Insert Creative Username Here said... 96

Localyocul said... 33
I wondered if the number on He bottom of Roberts blog was a tax parcel number and found the property record. There is a trust liste as an owner. Doe this mean the kids are paying the mortgage?
It's not a tax parcel number, at least it isn't for her home in PA. I looked up her home in PA too, because I was curious. The parcel number is different.


Interesting. I wonder why that is. Anyone else know more about these things?

White Organza said... 97

It's interesting to see how one can be flavour of the month in the media for the longest time and then, for no clear reason, it's over: the snowball effect starts taking place, slowly but surely gaining momentum.

I think it's Dmasy who, around the time Jon gave the interview on that Dad's blog, asked us if we noticed that the media had lately been using pictures of TFW in which she looked hard and mean, or old, or dishevelled... I was in a big work rush so I didn't answer, but I had noticed the exact same thing. Not only that, but the trend had started going the other way regarding Jon: more and more, his photos showed him looking good, smiling and dressed nice. Gone were those horrible pictures showing him dressed in Ed Hardy shirts and baseball cap worn backwards, something that he hadn't been doing for at least three years anyway.

Something IS happening in that whole saga. It could be that the media got tired of TFW's story, -who was always the same old, same old, anyway-, and are now working the Jon's angle to reignite the public's interest and sell more magazines. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised at all if this InTouch cover was just the first indication that the TFW is about to be systematically shown tarred, feathered and metaphorically dressed in Ed Hardy T-shirts. That would be nice.

All That Jazz said... 98

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4h
@Kateplusmy8 Sit N a roomful of positive thinkers & U will THRIVE! Sit next 2one negative whiner & U may wish 2die! #StayInTheLight :)

What an incredibly stupid thing to tweet. Why would she say something like that to Kate, who is probably very depressed as it is. Milo is so darn dumb and just doesn't THINK.

I guess, though, since Kate is a whiner, that maybe Milo shouldn't be in the same room with her if the outcome is that she'll wish to die.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 99

Nightline ‏@Nightline 4m
What do Brad Paisley & Kate Gosselin have in common? Both were victims of a hoax that leveraged a young cancer victim TONIGHT on #Nightline

Does anyone watch Nightline? If so can you let us know what this is about? Thanks.

Kelly said... 100

I have the same concerns Layla. I cannot imagine anything worse than being secluded with that maniac when the truth finally makes it's way beneath the botox & silicone. Thank God they have Jon. It could easily be their only respite from her. I'd like to see him get most of the custody time & I believe she'll hand them over once they're no longer profitable & are cutting into her box-o-wine time.

Lalalalala said... 101

handinhand said... 92

It amazes me she always plays the pity card hoping a network will take pity on her and give her a show.


Yes, Kate does want pity. Lots and lots and lots of it. Where does personal pride enter in here? Someone who has pride, self-confidence, self-awareness and motivation is very uncomfortable with people pitying them. It's embarrassing and demeaning.

All That Jazz said... 102

Huh? You think Kate called this magazine and told them her life is ruined and she's hoping someone will take pity on her and give her a television show so that they'd put a terrible pic of her on the cover with a negative headline?

Yeah, that makes sense.


LOL! Yes, I'm sure Kate called them and personally selected that photo to be used on the cover, and wrote the headline, "Destroyed By Fame," as well as the sub-head alluding to her plastic surgery (which, of course, she denies).

All That Jazz said... 103

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 35m
@deannatweeting @Kateplusmy8 I see 31 of #LoveIsInTheMix! Hate 2show my ignorance...never used Poppyseed...taste? Sweet/salty?

Hate you show your ignorance? Uh, Milo, I think you might be late to the party on that one...a few years too late, actually!

NJGal51 said... 104

PatK - I think Jennifer Lawrence's haircut is adorable. The pixi cut was around long before TFW sported it and will be around for a long time to come. I don't think JL is wearing it with the reverse mullet though. My understanding is that she cut it because her hair was in terrible shape due to over processing.

TLC stinks said... 105

New post by Gosselinbook. ~ Administrator said... 106

Someone did email me about this Nightline thing I just forgot to mention it. I think the main interview will be with the country star and then perhaps the other celebs will be listed as "also fooled." I wonder what exactly happened to Kate, did she send money or gifts or call her? That's interesting. I don't know if they'll go into what happened to her. I Tivoed it anyway because it's on in the middle of the night here but maybe East Coasters will see us and let us know if there's anything of interest in it.

I also find this terribly ironic, the scammer got scammed. Lol!

And this is why when someone who has something tragic or trying going on asks for help, money, donations, what have you, we have to ask questions. It's not being rude, it's not being mean and nasty, it's not trying to bring down a nice family who needs help. It's simply being smart and protecting yourself and your money, because unfortunately there are a lot of scammers out there. There is nothing wrong with asking questions in a respectful manner when someone asks for something. In fact it's become our obligation. How many people will have to get screwed over before we allow people to ask the questions that need to be asked before writing a check?

Here's an idea, how about Kate write a blog post about what happened. Now that I would read with interest because scammers and schemers interest me, how they fool people, how people get fooled and who gets fooled, the psychology behind it. But no why would she write anything remotely interesting (that could even get picked up by Huffington and other outlets) when she can just pace all day plotting her next move to bash Jon? ~ Administrator said... 107

Sit N a roomful of positive thinkers & U will THRIVE! Sit next 2one negative whiner & U may wish 2die! #StayInTheLight :)


You may wish to DIE?? Goodness. When I ever sit next to a negative whiner usually I just think, wow, that's quite a negative whiner. Then I go on with my life.

TLC stinks said... 108

This hint by a Robert about the trust; did she ditch the attorney and now she is the sole trustee?

Over In TFW's County said... 109

admin, what time is the show airing on the East Coast? I couldn't find it in the listings.

Katykat said... 110

Awww...Kate's sad? We can't have that! Well, someone get the wooden spoon and Happy Her Ass Up. ~ Administrator said... 111

Over I found it at like 12:30 in the morning out here. I don't know if it's the same on the East Coast but if it is wouldn't that be 3:30 AM? Yikes even our latest night owls might not catch this one. I'll be dead asleep by 1230 I can promise you that.

I guess when they say NIGHTline, they really mean it.

Meagler said... 112

Cant remember who pointed this out on the previous thread, ( kate is a twit perhaps??) but when TFW said in her blog about the twins being 13 and says...

"When these difficult moments arise, I am striving to love them and be patient with them...."

Striving to love...means she can only love them when they behave in a way acceptable to kate.

That is what is called Conditional Love. Love with strings attached.

Ooo boy, these kids are in for an emotional roller coaster...! I hope they turn around and use Kate's line.. " can we sue?" ...when they are older!

Meagler said... 113

Okay this is mean to say, but its kind of fun watching a narcissist go down.....

Paula said... 114

Here is the online article on the scam:

Uncovering Dying Daughter Hoax Story

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 115

Here's an idea, how about Kate write a blog post about what happened. Now that I would read with interest because scammers and schemers interest me, how they fool people, how people get fooled and who gets fooled, the psychology behind it. But no why would she write anything remotely interesting (that could even get picked up by Huffington and other outlets) when she can just pace all day plotting her next move to bash Jon?

Kate, blog about something serious, newsworthy? Never happen. She's not a serious thinker and she definitely doesn't have the vocabulary to write about serious things. She'd have to have someone else write it, which, of course, she did with her last entry.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 116

TLC stinks said... 105

New post by Gosselinbook.


Robert's reading Milo's tweets! Come on, Robert, who is this Catfisher? Spill! lol! ~ Administrator said... 117

Here's the part about Kate. Wow! What episode was that??

Gosselin had even dedicated an episode of "Jon & Kate Plus 8" to a woman who had supposedly died of cancer. In the credits, it said, "In Loving Memory of Hope." My colleague Sally Hawkins reached Gosselin by email, and Sally was actually the person to tell her that her conversations with the real Hope Jackson, which had lasted for months, were based on lies.

"This is the first email in a LONG time that I read, and realized my jaw had actually dropped and my mouth was hanging open," Gosselin wrote back.

Anonymous said... 118

"This is the first email in a LONG time that I read, and realized my jaw had actually dropped and my mouth was hanging open," Gosselin wrote back.

She must not see many pap photos of herself. She is most often photographed as the knuckle dragging mouth breather that she is. Picture after picture after picture of her standing there with a blank look on her face and her mouth hanging open.


Meagler said... 119

First email she had read in a LONG time...... really Kate??

Also, Good for you Alexis, you tell her!!! Luv your spunk kiddo!

Over In TFW's County said... 120

Thanks, Paula. Interesting story. Munchausen By Internet. It's on at 12:35 here, according to the story... should still be awake then, but barely! ~ Administrator said... 121

If you read the article, which is great, you'll see that most of the celebrities eventually figured it out that they were being scammed, some sooner than others. Some even pressed charges. Guess who didn't connect the dots? Kate! Haha. She had to be told by Nightline, oh by the way you were scammed, you didn't KNOW?? She's not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed is she.

Ex Nurse said... 122

She absolutely reeks of fear and desperation while she sits at home waiting for lightening to strike twice. 

Lillian Glass wrote another post about TFW--she called her "itless" and predicted the trajectory of her career.

Joy--she said some great things about Saint Tony, and based much of her opinion after seeing TFW's abusive treatment on DWTS.


"Personally I cannot imagine a successful  a show featuring  ITLESS Kate alone without her kids. Let’s face it, the only reason  she is in the media at all is because  of her kids.

The woman in my view has absolutely nothing  whatsoever to bring to the table. She is not a professional. She is not knowledgeable. She has not been the “mother of the year” with being abusive to  ex husband in front of her kids as well as being verbally abusive to them.

She is not interesting or watchable in my view. She is not talented and she is definitely NOT likable. No matter how hard TLC tries to revamp her image by dressing her up and placing hair extensions in her head,  or getting her to cry on cue or coaching her what to say in interview, she is still Kate. The real Kate will always emerge and it will take years of therapy to see a real change,  if change if we can ever see a change at all.

Personally I think her personality issues that we have all seen run very deep. Her inner anger, self absorption, not getting along with family members and alienating so many who were her friends and who worked with, her speak volumes. Since she would need a licensed therapist to diagnose her underlying pathology. Therefore,  I will leave that to them."

Suzee said... 123

Localyocul said.
Re: the property ownership. There is a trust liste as an owner. Doe this mean the kids are paying the mortgage?


The kids have always paid the mortgage and almost everything else, or at least that's what I've always felt. At first a local attorney was joint trustee w/TFW, but a couple of years ago she changed it and she's now listed as sole trustee. No one knows the terms of the trust although many have speculated. I've always thought the trust meant that the house 'belonged' or was being held in trust for the kids (as J&K originally said on the show) and was just being administered by the trustee until they were of age, but who knows.