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Real Housewife's star Tamra Barney and her ex Simon have been fighting since their divorce a few years ago about the fate of their children. Tamra wants them on the show, Simon does not. Up until now, Simon has successfully kept the children off T.V., asserting it is a legal custody decision and he has veto power under California law because he and his ex have joint legal custody, and that the show would be harmful to the children. Last week, Tamra filed a motion to contest that, asserting a theory that this doesn't qualify as a legal decision that Simon would be able to veto, and therefore she is allowed to put the children on T.V. during her custodial time without his permission. On Friday, the judge refused to make a temporary order allowing the children to go on T.V. and ordered the evaluation.
Such independent evaluations are usually refered to as California Evidence Code 730 exams (or a "730," for short), and are performed by a psychologist agreed upon by the parties from a "730 panel" appointed by the courts. They are relied on often in California's family law system when parental alienation or other dysfunctional behaviors are going on. A 730 evaluator can make expert recommendations about custody, visitation, mental health of the parties, parental alienation, and a variety of other issues. An evaluator's opinion about what should happen to the children in a case can be crucial. However, 730 exams usually take several weeks to accomplish.
[From the Evidence Code: When it appears to the court, at any time before or during the trial of an action, that expert evidence is or may be required by the court or by any party to the action, the court on its own motion or on motion of any party may appoint one or more experts to investigate, to render a report as may be ordered by the court, and to testify as an expert at the trial of the action relative to the fact or matter as to which the expert evidence is or may be required.]
Kudos to the judge for recognizing the grave psychological nature of this issue and relying on experts to assist.
548 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 548 of 548 Newer› Newest»Maybe Kate thinks the photo is exceptionally good re: copyrighting it. Guess she liked the lighting and thought someone might want to use it for a Christmas calendar. LOL.
Wishing Admin and her helper elves, and all the wonderful posters here, a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season in whatever you believe and celebrate. I hope you all have a lovely evening tonight and a tomorrow filled with joy and peace. ♫
I hope everyone has a very happy merry holiday. I have plans but snow coming overnight so may have to wait to get together. I am such a chicken driving when snowy.
Same here, only I'm not worried about my driving; rather, it's the other crazies out there who seem to think they are invincible and just go barreling along like the road was dry.
Act of kindness today. We had a snow squall go through today -- whiteout conditions. I was carrying my packages outside the store to the car and the sidewalks were slippery and I misjudged a step. I fell, packages sprawling and me humiliated. A very nice young man came running over, picked up my packages, helped me up and carried everything to my car. I didn't have a camera to take his picture. Darn. He looked like he REALLY wanted that cookbook.
Have company coming in a bit and then busy through the weekend.
Just wanted to pop on and wish everyone a Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday with lots of love, laughter and light.
Lukebandit, congratulations on your improved health and wishing you continuing progress throughout the New Year.
Best of the Season to All! :D
You betcha she does!
She must be slipping though to have let a full 16 minutes lapse between the stranger's tweet and her interception and tweet to her. LOL
When you think about it, that's really pathetic...that obsession just isn't normal, no matter how she spins it.
Those Jersey seagulls are ballsy!
We were eating outside on a dock and saw seagulls swoop down and snatch no less than 3 stuffed shrimp from the table next to us. We literally had to hunch over our food to protect it!
LOL!! My son, who was about four at the time, was eating a hotdog at an outdoor patio on the boardwalk. A gull came down and grabbed the dog right out of the roll, leaving my son sitting there looking at the empty bun. We laughed, and we still talk about the time the gull stole the hotdog.
My good deed was not getting in the 10 items or less lane with my 11 items.
Ok, while this is true, I am KIDDING about the good deed part.
thuvia, I love it when the seed catalogs start coming.
Well, I finally got around to perfecting my tweaked and tweaked again batch of home made Rumpsringa Irish Cream. Will be testing it throughout Christmas Eve to make sure it's just right for that chubby little elf in the red suit. Hope I don't burn the shortbread. It's a *cough* tradition. lol!
Happy Holidays to all you wonderful people here on 15 minutes.
Admin, thanks for the rockin' community you've created here. Merry Christmas! hohoho!!!
You're welcome Dutch Mom. It's warms the heart to know there are so many good people out there.
Imagine all the mouths Kate could have fed with the money she wasted on that useless book of hers.
Auntie Ann, I was thinking about that today. In fact, it wasn't only the money she must have poured into that cookbook, but those attorney's fees cost her a pretty penny. Think of the gifts and food she could have bought for underprivileged kids in her community with that money.
Well, I finally got around to perfecting my tweaked and tweaked again batch of home made Rumpsringa Irish Cream. Will be testing it throughout Christmas Eve to make sure it's just right for that chubby little elf in the red suit. Hope I don't burn the shortbread. It's a *cough* tradition. lol!
Does this mean that you will be drunk posting tonight?
1shoremama @1shoremama 8m
So @Kateplusmy8 r gettin ur dough ready4ur #ChristmasDay sticky buns!? I know I am! And am also making ur chocolate chip-banana pancakes :)
Does this mean that we can look forward to more pictures, along the same lines as the pizza sauce and pizza?
OMG. Not sure if anyone remembers or cares but I was the one who adopted that pup for my son that we named 'Taffy'. Anyways, my son's father (who we have no contact with any longer) has a great aunt that we JUST found out about yesterday.
She's taking my son and I to Disneyland in February for a week!!!! Turns out she has a condo in Palm Springs and invited us to visit. She's paying for the return airfare too!!
It's a Christmas miracle for us!!!! SOOOOOOO thankful! (Taffy will be well cared for by lovely neighbours while we're gone) I'm a bit nervous as we've never met but we face timed last nite and she's just a lovely lady. She and my son just fell in love with each other. So blessed!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Lauren @ljohnson2006 24m
@CrazyforKate it's best to block the bullies. @Kateplusmy8 has great positive fans! You just have to know who to block
This Lauren person really has a fetish with trolls and bullies. She consistently mentions them in nearly every post.
Does this mean that you will be drunk posting tonight?
lol! No, it means if I drink too much I'll burn Santa's sweetbreads I mean shortbreads.
Actually I don't like to drink too much especially on Xmas eve. I hate hangovers.
(Gee, I hope you buy that story "o)
PA Dutch Mom said... 4 Same here, only I'm not worried about my driving; rather, it's the other crazies out there
Definitely! If those people were not on the road I could stay at 20 mph instead of trying to get up to 50 to keep out of their way. I often pull off on side roads to let them by me.
I am asking for anyone who prays, to pray for my Dad, as he had a heart attack last night, as well as early this morning. The ambulance took him to the city hospital. which is a 4 hour drive, where they are doing tests on him. I am waiting, but not patiently. Life can be so short. I will not be here for awhile, but am thanking you for the prayers ahead of time.
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all our 15 Min. posters, and to Admin and The Board Girls.
May you have joy and peace in your lives at this time of the year and always.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. A special thank you to Admin for running this blog.
At approximately 4:35PM today my son in law saw Jon at the Giant grocery store on Lititz Pike. He was alone. No big deal, this was just my first semi-sighting. lol Merry Christmas to all!
prairiemary - My thoughts and prayers are with your dad and your whole family.
Wishing each and joy to all during this holiday season and throughout the new year. I also want to send my thanks to Admin for running this blog.
And now it's time to settle in and begin my 24 hour marathon of A Christmas Story. The tradition in our house is to have at least one TV tuned in to it during all waking hours.
I am praying for your dad and for you and your family, too. Hopefully this is something treatable and your dad will have many happy Christmases to share with the family.
@Kateplusmy8: Merry Christmas (red and green!) salad.. Dinner, finally! Yum! pic.twitter.com/H2B6eLkBIx
All I can say is WOW! She seems to be very proud of this salad because it's red and green. Cheese (feta probably), beets and some lettuce. That's Christmas Eve dinner? Again, WOW! If I were still trying to sell my cookbook I'd at least try to make the salad a little more appetizing looking.
Sending prayers, prairiemary.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 15m
Reading The Night Before Christmas ... Mady style (complete with acting out)! pic.twitter.com/7C2jFhSlUK
Why would they be reading that if they never believed in Santa? Is that the bird in the corner? Why didn't she copyright her salad pic? So many questions...
(Gee, I hope you buy that story "o)
Not for one minute.
Over And Out said... 14
Lauren @ljohnson2006 24m
@CrazyforKate it's best to block the bullies. @Kateplusmy8 has great positive fans! You just have to know who to block
This Lauren person really has a fetish with trolls and bullies. She consistently mentions them in nearly every post
She's also a hypocrite. Just today she tweeted this:
@PerezHilton @MariahCarey needs to learn how to dress appropriately for her age. #fact
A salad with a bit of cheese and beets on Christmas Eve? Oh that's sad.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 28
A salad with a bit of cheese and beets on Christmas Eve? Oh that's sad.
It seems that is all she eats, and has been for the past several years. So sad.
prairiemary said... 17
I am asking for anyone who prays, to pray for my Dad, as he had a heart attack last night, as well as early this morning. The ambulance took him to the city hospital. which is a 4 hour drive, where they are doing tests on him. I am waiting, but not patiently. Life can be so short. I will not be here for awhile, but am thanking you for the prayers ahead of time.
Healing prayers and strength to you and your family.
This is her Xmas Eve dinner? Sad, really, since I think that's it for her, not a side dish. Canned beets and a few tablespoons of feta cheese. Wonder what she fed the kids. We had Caesar salad, a lemony crab spaghetti and DH is making a chocolate soufflé. Shrimp apps. And each other's company. Sounds like K8 is eating that salad alone by her 'finally' comment.
Speaking of Kate's pizza sauce recipe, I'm curious about the worst recipe you ever tried.
For me, it's my Lemon Chicken. I still get teased about my Lemon Chicken which I made years ago. I doubled the recipe, which meant double the lemon and it turned out horrible. I remember going all out that day, setting a really nice table and my family was so nice about it. They really tried to like that Lemon Chicken, but it tasted really bad. We threw it all away.
I think the recipe would have been fine had I not doubled it. My husband (who is a chef) said some recipes are just not meant to be doubled, and Lemon Chicken is one of them!
So what was your worst recipe experience?
Guess whose book was NOT on this list? :)
Washington Post’s best cookbooks of 2013
Kirkland - Wen we were first married I made a tuna casserole that was pretty bad. We dumped it and went out to eat. I've never made another tuna casserole in the 30+ years we've been married. I don't know what we did wrong because as I remember it we followed the recipe exactly as written.
I posted on that picture of the salad that it looked like after she ate it, it was being saved to go to the compost pile.
Can you imagine her presenting that to the CHOPPED judges? Instead of chopping another contest for leaving 2 ingredients and not enough salt in their prepared dish, they would chop kate for using all the ingredients and not making it all work cohesively for that salad as an appetizer!
Would love for it to be Chef Geoffrey Z.!!! He's rough! Or, Alex. She's rough too! haha
Auntie Ann, thank you for posting that story about the cashier. That was so wonderful.
Let's keep these great acts of kindness coming!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night..
Prairiemary I will be thinking of you and sending prayers for your dad,
So what was your worst recipe experience?
I love garlic, so I doubled the amount without taking the fact that it was raw into consideration. After dinner I was doubled over in pain. I haven't eaten pesto since.
A bit of humor - autocorrect keeps changing pesto into people. Just in case - I am most assuredly not a cannibal
Prairiemary, sending prayers for a complete recovery for your dad as well as strength and courage for your whole family.
Greedy Gosselins, what a nice surprise to find a relative - especially at this time of the year. I hope your trip is just the start of a long and meaningful relationship for you and your son with his great aunt.
And, to everyone here at 15 Minutes, I'm wishing you all a very Merry Christmas with bountiful Blessings to all in the coming year.
Merry Xmas morning!
I saw those tweets. She just had to insert about Mady's acting while reading the story. By God, she is determined that child will be an actor! Gotta support mommy some day, poor Mady.
And again the kids are lined up on the floor like bowling ball pins.
That salad had to be just for Kate (I hope because that would suck for the kids). That must be all she ever eats. Not nourishing at all.
For the bird experts here: why is her bird all wrapped up like that yet has lights shining down on it? Are they heat lamps? Why all the wrappings instead of just a cover?
he he
Sandie @SandieBellz 12h
@Kateplusmy8 That's dinner? 7 fishes here. You would love it.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy821m
Merry Christmas All!The ripping&tearing&shrieks of joy are complete...And every1 agrees: it's been the best Christmas ever (already)! #happy
And there you have it. The shrieking and the best ever.
Notice one boy- think I know which- is sitting back behind the other sextuplets?
Checking in, and Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and good day to all others!
Ah Kate - why can't you just be a mom for once, and enjoy the holiday without twittering pictures about it. The world knows about the shrieks of joy and the best Christmas ever. Same old every year. Give your body the real treat - eat something besides lettuce today. And everyone else, have yourselves a merry little holiday too.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy821m
Merry Christmas All!The ripping&tearing&shrieks of joy are complete...And every1 agrees: it's been the best Christmas ever (already)! #happy
Why, because they were bought off with lots of "STUFF"? I feel bad for Jon, how will he compete with the best Christmas ever? How will he teach the kids the real meaning of the season when he has to contend with this? Hey who won the contest? It's over right? Bueller?
Merry Christmas everyone celebrating!!!
@Kateplusmy8: Merry Christmas All!The ripping&tearing&shrieks of joy are complete...And every1 agrees: it's been the best Christmas ever (already)! #happy
Why is it that she feels compelled to post a picture of her red and green Christmas salad, the staged reading of The Night Before Christmas (do any of your really believe that M actually read AND acted out this Christmas classic? Didn't think so.) but nary a picture of the piles of presents that she wrapped (giving her a backache) nor of the 8 ripping into them with shrieks of joy? Why, oh why are those kids still shrieking at their ages? I grew up in a family of 7 kids and yes we were loud a lot of the time but never did we shriek. All that constant shrieking would give me a headache.
Merry christmas to all.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy821m
Merry Christmas All!The ripping&tearing&shrieks of joy are complete...And every1 agrees: it's been the best Christmas ever (already)! #happy
Are those kids still shrieking? Aren't they past the shrieking stage? Good grief.
Merry Christmas, everyone! Off to glaze the ham...
Did you see too that was kale salad?? Blech, few people just eat kale plain like that. It's usually made into kale chips, put in green smoothies, cooked, or mixed with a lot more ingredients to hide the strong taste.
Of course it's the nastiest most bitter healthiest green on the planet in her salad. Something is wrong with her. It's bad enough to be eating salad Christmas Eve but kale, good heavens.
Sandie for sheeple of the year! Funny girl.
Spending $$$$ for the 'best Xmas ever' is a contest only in K8's mind. With their dad, they are free, free from Twitter pictures, free to have their artwork on the wall, free to go bowling, fishing and all the other normal kid experiences. You cannot buy that. So happy kale salad to the crazy lady.
Kirkland - Thanks for the link to the article on cookbooks. I bought the soup cookbook!
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas! Hope all of you get everything you wish for.
Admin and helpers, thanks for another great year of blogging, you keep this blog exciting and in line and I know that's not easy.
Enjoy your day and looking forward of more good discussions in the year to come.
I also wish the G8 a very Merry Christmas, hoping and praying they get to spend time with both parents.
Merry Christmas to everyone at 15 Minutes. Have a safe and happy holiday!!
So many sheeple tweeting about getting the cookbook for Christmas, so I checked out Novelrank and wow--only 110 copies sold this month. 73 in the US, 20 in the UK, and 17 in Canada. You'd think there would be bigger numbers sold in December (Christmas gifts), but sales are as crappy as ever. The number sold by Amazon is just over 1300 (including Kindle), so maybe 2000 total copies have been sold. Ouch. If, as Milo said, there were 50,000 copies in print, then Kate has a room filled with unsold books to unload. She needs to step up these contests if she hopes to get rid of them.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Prariemary, prayers being sent your way.
Lukebandit, so happy for you. Hope the New Year brings you more good news and better health.
Ok, ok I'm trying to say it. Merry, um Merry um Christmas um TFW/WOS, there, I said it. Now get off Twitter and act like a parent on Christmas, not a kid. Also, please eat something.
Laney Brown passed away early this morning. A fitting day to pass from this earth for a special girl. Rest in peace.
In fact, Robertson claims he and his family are the ones who have been treated disrespectfully -- by the producers of the show, and the entertainment industry in general.
In an interview two months ago with the Christian Post, Robertson said that television editors in Los Angeles "with no moral compass" have routinely manipulated the show's footage to intensify the language and make the family appear more profane and unruly than they really are.
"They inserted fake beeps like somebody had used profanity, but no one had used profanity. If you want that, you can get all of that you want," Robertson continued. "Just turn the station. There's plenty of that! And if we're not using profanity, why make it look like we're using profanity? What is the point? Why don't you just run it and say what we say?"
Eventually, he said, producers gave in and "quit doing that." According to Robertson, the editors also took out the phrase "in Jesus' name" when the family prayed.
It makes you wonder exactly how much reality is behind some of these reality shows.
And now, it looks like the whole spectacle of Robertson being taken to the woodshed by the network could be part of the show. According to Entertainment Weekly, A&E will -- starting January 15 -- air new episodes of the show that will include scenes featuring Robertson.
These new episodes were already in the can. Still, if A&E is sincere in its outrage over what Robertson said, then it should stop trying to profit from the show he helped make successful.
Good point. Phil can't say what he wants, but A&E can put words in his mouth? What's more, curse words? Any Christian would be deeply offended. Or really anyone who didn't say those words in the first place. It's such a double standard. I am beginning to think more and more he'd just had it with this and was in self sabotage mode.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 56
Laney Brown passed away early this morning. A fitting day to pass from this earth for a special girl. Rest in peace
Yes. Unbelievably sad. I just read her entire FB page from the beginning. How tragic. A guy from Gator Boys showed up to visit her on the 23rd and it was the last thing she was able to participate in. He made her smile though.
" Our doctors stayed by our side the entire time from when we arrived at 9am till we left at 7pm. We had not intended to be at the hospital as long as we did so we had to make arrangements for another pre-planned bucket list item to meet us at the hospital instead of home. It was late in the evening when Paul from the Gator Boys walked through her hospital room door. Laney had been fighting all day to breath and was exhausted. The medication changes were kicking in and she was becoming more lethargic. But when Paul came in her eyes opened up so brightly with her mouth agape. She was in shock. She perked up for the time he spent with her talking about gators. Her face will be forever etched in my mind. It was pure joy on her face.
After her visit with him she closed her eyes and has not opened them since. She is no longer talking either."
RIP little Angel
Well, my daughter is home from her dad's (see how that works?) so we're off to my mom's. Have a nice Christmas everybody
Just got back from Christmas with our son and his TFW clone of a wife. Pure torture.
Merry Christmas! For a gag gift, my older daughter gave me a copy of Eight Little Faces! She picked it up at the dollar store yesterday! She also got me the Big Bang Theory edition of Clue, so I forgave her!
IMO, it is just not normal to eat the same thing every day. There is something wrong with her that she eats salad all day, every day. This has been going on for at least a couple of years now. Wouldn't most people get bored? How does she keep loving salad every day? She must be so skinny and gaunt looking. I guess until Hollywood officially stops knocking, she will have to keep her figure nice and trim. I still think she skimps on the food so that she can drink her calories with alcohol every day.
Enough of that dolt, to admin and all the great posters here, have a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, whichever you like!! from Beautiful British Columbia!!!
NJGal51 said... 23
If I were still trying to sell my cookbook I'd at least try to make the salad a little more appetizing looking.
At this point I think we can all agree that Kate's shown no interest in selling her cookbook. Thus the "not a contest" to get rid of the unsold books.
If, as Milo said, there were 50,000 copies in print, then Kate has a room filled with unsold books to unload.
Maybe she shipped them to Milo, who is giving them out as gifts. Remember that Milo said she has a large circle of friends, then there's her go-to-meetin group, and all of her Twitter cohorts. Perhaps she played Santa and gifted everyone with a copy of Kate's to-die-for book.
Merry Christmas to everyone here, and thanks to admin, the blog girls and the pool and mower boys!
The kids were up at 5:15. I had just gotten to sleep (putting things together that needed screws that weren't provided; assembling a toy piano that was missing a microphone, and hot-gluing pieces on a monster-size dollhouse because the factory inspector obviously was sleeping on the job).
This is the first year that my scalloped oysters/stuffing actually was perfect. My grandmother would have been proud. No salad here today!
Off to watch Christmas Story...if I don't nod off.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 17m
@Kateplusmy8 Kids tend 2b all about "what they got"..sure hope ur 8 appreciate all the hard work & love U invested in them!
How do you respond to a comment like that? I have no words...
Joy, would of loved to have been a fly on the wall to see the look on your face when you opened your gift and saw Eight Little Faces by TFW!!! hahaha
Yes, a Clue themed gift would erase the horror of receiving THE ELF book!!!
@Kateplusmy8 Kids tend 2b all about "what they got"..sure hope ur 8 appreciate all the hard work & love U invested in them!
Invested in them? Invested in them? What are they, Milo? Stocks and bonds? Merrill Lynch Wealth Management?
I wonder which tweetie suggested she copywrite her photos. What a tool. Guesses anyone? lol
Merry Christmas everyone!
I haven't been around too much in the past couple months, though I do check in to see what you all are chatting about. Had to stop by to share my gag gift this year, especially after reading about JoyinVirginia's. Hubby had an iPhone cover made special with Kate's mug plastered on it. It is so random. I laugh every time It catches my eye. He posted a pic of it on his Facebook page and no one knew who she was. Someone asked if it was a pic of a family member. Happy Christmas everyone.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 17m
@Kateplusmy8 Kids tend 2b all about "what they got"..sure hope ur 8 appreciate all the hard work & love U invested in them!
Milo does not care about the kids, nor is she interested in them. It is all Kate, all the time. But invested is not really a bad word, it is an interesting word, because frankly isn't that what Kate see them as.
And oh drats, forgot to take a photo of DH and I helping to serve lunch at our local senior center today. I know we were appreciated but we really enjoyed doing it. Off to the rest of Jewish Xmas, a movie and meeting friends for a Chinese dinner. Good tidings to all.
I hope everyone's day was good. I had a nice Christmas day. Drove to mom's last night because when I got to work they sent some of us home due to lack of work (yay!) so I was able to ride with my kids. I wouldn't have liked driving alone today.
I wonder which tweetie suggested she copywrite her photos. What a tool. Guesses anyone? lol
The copyright probably was done so that nobody on other blogs or internet tabs can post the photo and poke fun at it. Remember her "can we sue?"
I haven't been around too much in the past couple months, though I do check in to see what you all are chatting about. Had to stop by to share my gag gift this year, especially after reading about JoyinVirginia's. Hubby had an iPhone cover made special with Kate's mug plastered on it. It is so random. I laugh every time It catches my eye. He posted a pic of it on his Facebook page and no one knew who she was. Someone asked if it was a pic of a family member. Happy Christmas everyone.
lol~~ Did he tweet that you are a fan?
Jack Kelly @JackOnTheMap 25m
@Kateplusmy8 my wife is a fan. I had this made for her for Xmas for her iPhone. We both had a good laugh this morn. pic.twitter.com/hUlhqhkqmJ
Kate tweeted the copyrighted photo of the 10 stocking hung by the chimney with care. Someone asked her...
karla rave @karlanolastname 39m
@Kateplusmy8 are there 10?
...and another asked.
Deb @babysarms 21m
@Kateplusmy8 Are they hung in birth order or just random order! Merry Christmas to you and your blessings!
The first thing I saw when I looked at that photo was that the two on the left aren't aligned with the other ones. If you are going to take a photo like that, and COPYRIGHT it, why would't you straighten out those two so your photo has symmetry?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 24 Dec
Merry Christmas (red and green!) salad.. Dinner, finally! Yum! pic.twitter.com/H2B6eLkBIx
It's a picture of lettuce and red beets. Hasn't anyone tweeted her yet, begging for the recipe?
♡Ciara♡ @adoremikeyy 1h
✨It might be a crazy life... But it's are life✨ @Kateplusmy8
This tweet cracks me up just because it says "are" instead of "our", just like she pronounces it Haha
Keri @klraycraft 47m
@Kateplusmy8 aww 10 stockings! Does Jon come to the house for Christmas? If so, awesome! :)
With just two words, Jon was thrown under that proverbial bus once again:
Keri @klraycraft
@Kateplusmy8 aww 10 stockings! Does Jon come to the house for Christmas? If so, awesome! :)
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7m
@klraycraft oh no. The tenth stocking is for Shoka:)
And she responded to LeeLee's husband about the iPhone cover!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2m
@JackOnTheMap oh wow. That was super wonderful of you! And I am having a good laugh now as well! #xo2urwife
Over And Out said... 75 .......lol~~ Did he tweet that you are a fan?
@JackOnTheMap 25m
@Kateplusmy8 my wife is a fan. I had this made for her for Xmas for her iPhone. We both had a good laugh this morn. pic.twitter.com/hUlhqhkqmJ
Kate hasn't read here yet I guess.=
@Kateplusmy8 2m
@JackOnTheMap oh wow. That was super wonderful of you! And I am having a good laugh now as well! #xo2urwife
I am having a good laugh too.
localyocul - That tweet is funny, but I pronounce "our" as "are" also. Have lived all over the world but still can't shake some of the regional pronounciations that I grew up with.
OMG. The gift that keeps on giving. Yes, my honey tweeted to Kate and got a response. He calls me a fan because I follow her comings and goings, know way more than I should and rarely go more than a day without checking up on the conversation here. I'm admittedly a little preoccupied with Kate, even if I am no sheeple. Can't honestly argue with the broad strokes, and he couldn't care less if there's a distinction between her die-hard sheeple fans, and those like me who are just trying to figure her out. Kate is on my phone, ironically, and there she will stay, for when I need a chuckle.
LeeLee said... 83
OMG. The gift that keeps on giving. Yes, my honey tweeted to Kate and got a response. He calls me a fan because I follow her comings and goings, know way more than I should and rarely go more than a day without checking up on the conversation here. I'm admittedly a little preoccupied with Kate, even if I am no sheeple. Can't honestly argue with the broad strokes, and he couldn't care less if there's a distinction between her die-hard sheeple fans, and those like me who are just trying to figure her out. Kate is on my phone, ironically, and there she will stay, for when I need a chuckle.
That was your hubby? I thought it was quite a coincidence hahah
NJGal51 said... 82
localyocul - That tweet is funny, but I pronounce "our" as "are" also. Have lived all over the world but still can't shake some of the regional pronounciations that I grew up with
Actually so do I haha but people here seem to think it's weird.
You know, you leave for one night....
Kate gave an XO to LeeLee, one of the "haters"? Baw-haha. Hi TFW.
LeeLee, your husband is cute. :) And yeah, I can see a man not understanding the subtle and not so subtle differences between "fans" and "haters." Lol. Similar to men and food. Is it edible? Can I chew and digest it? Made on a grill? I'm good!
Why does Shoka get a stocking but not what's his face the bird? And what, no 50 stockings for the chickens? Oh the humanity! Where's Auntie Anne when you need her?
localyocul - That tweet is funny, but I pronounce "our" as "are" also. Have lived all over the world but still can't shake some of the regional pronounciations that I grew up with.
And that's funny because where I grew up people over pronounce "our" so it comes out like hour only like a two syllable hour, hour-er. Lol.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
Prairiemary - prayers to you
Greedy Gosselins - VERY happy for you! Enjoy!
LukeBandit - Best news I've seen all day!
Happy Holidays, all :)
A former parental alienator writes about her mistakes and regret:
Hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful holiday!
As I look through Kate's tweets, I am not sure if the kids did in fact "shriek" because they know this is what Kate expects, or if she is exaggerating this to make sure everyone gets how happy they were with their gifts. Either way, it is pathetic and over the top- I am sure the kids were happy with their gifts, but everything she does, says and proclaims is so over the top. Narcissist.
She continues to post pictures of the kids on Twitter and her blog, with no show in over two years. My question is serious- does Jon have a say in her constant publishing photos of the kids on Twitter and her blog (show has been over for over 2 years). She is still "advertising" them to a degree, but does he have any say if he chooses privacy for his kids?
I have no issues with anything Kate does solo, even going as far to say Good Luck to her, but wondering if these kids have earned any rights to privacy at this juncture?? If some have no opposition to photos, fine, but I find it hard to believe that all 8 are okay with this.
Maybe Kate could just post photos of those willing, or do all of them agree at this point, just to keep Kate happy and off their backs. I say this, because as a kid, I hated getting my picture taken (not sure why) but my family was okay with that, except for occasional (repeat that word) family photos.
Sorry, but just wondering when the kids get a break from their mother posting photos non stop and if they have any say in this? She just can't stop.
Admin, thanks, he is a cutie and has quite the sense of humor (likes to stir things up). He joked last night that his tweet has cost me some street cred. Lol.
PrairieMary, love and hope to you, your dad and family.
The "our" /"are" regional accent pronunciations live on. Never mind "wooder" for water and "droor" for drawer. Kind of makes us special : ) Wouldn't have it any other way.
Don't even get me started on Phila accents...but we enjoy the differences, as this makes us all unique. All accents/dialects in the Northeast are proudly respected and enjoyed and kidded about amongst the NE as it is a group of very proud people. We enjoy our differences.
I always say "Warsh" instead of "wash" and "Warshington" instead of "Washington." Also say "are" instead of "our."My kids think it is funny!
Maybe the 10th stocking is Steve's? LOL
I'll have to pay closer attention to the people around me next time in mass when it comes time for the Are Father.
I hope everyone celebrated a good holiday, even though for many the holidays were not ideal. I'm praying for those to push through and celebrate something miraculous during the next few months that will carry them through to a more joyous next year's holidays.
And TFW 's kids are lined up on the rug and are shrieking over gifts again? So old and predictable!
Did Shoka even get to enjoy his stocking? It appeared from her photo that he didn't even get past the front door. The poor dog doesn't even get to be a part of the upstairs festivities. He's either banished to the basement or most likely left for the most part outside, aside from any treats or being involved with the family on a regular basis. The whole stocking for him appears to be a joke.
And TFW's meal last night looked quite unfilling unless it was an appetizer salad. Considering she claimed this concoction to be her main course, yikes. There was nothing to it. She probably needed at least a half a bottle of red wine to fill her. Or maybe that was what she was aiming for, to let the win knock her out.
I also feel that the parrot will not make it very long. Hopefully, she doesn't kill it and will get rid of it when it is still healthy. Although, it may need some therapy by the time she gets rid of it. That poor bird. It appears to be nothing more than a new toy for her and her kids.
Mostly lurking said... 90
A former parental alienator writes about her mistakes and regret:
Thanks for posting this link. What an amazing turnabout this woman made when she finally realized how much love she was depriving her daughter of by trying to keep her from her father. Kudos to her for admitting how awful she behaved. Is there any possibility that TFW will find this moment of clarity? I think not, but will continue to hope so.
JMO - I'd never thought about it but I do say droor.
Granny - Most of my brothers and sisters say warsh but that's one that I never picked up on.
localyocul - You gave me a good laugh this morning because it is Are Father for me!
I saw Wolf of Wall Street yesterday. Quite a wild ride! It was def worth seeing in theaters.
I wonder why all TFW tweeted was the stockings. Was it to emphasize that Shoka had one- is the other for Zorro or her? We know she buys herself gifts but does she put them in a stocking and what point would there be in that?
She used to tweet pics of the tree, kids dressed up for church ( even AT church), gifts, and a festive table. Is that all gone now? It can't be that she learned the sense of keeping private things private.
So I guess they really don't alternate Christmas with their dad. I find that really really sad. I wonder where Cara was? The one tweeter spotted Ms. Organized and Mady buying a present at the last minute on Christmas Eve, and she wasn't in the Night Before Christmas pic.
NJGal51 said... 99
localyocul - You gave me a good laugh this morning because it is Are Father for me!
Yeah, I cracked myself up LOL. Well, time to go warsh up.
I do hope that Jon got to have some sort of Christmas visitation with this kids this year. And that ALL his kids chose to see him.
I do hope that Jon got to have some sort of Christmas visitation with this kids this year. And that ALL his kids chose to see him.
I seem to remember at one point someone, probably Jon, saying one gets Christmas Eve and one gets Christmas day. They are otherwise on the standard every other holiday visitation schedule, so if it's not Jon's year, he wouldn't get them. I do think he had them for Thanksgiving though. All these photos of the kids at Christmas yet not a single photo of the kids at Thanksgiving, even though Kate loved to imply she had them? So where's the photo proof? Why tweet all these photos of Christmas but none of Thanksgiving? Why can't she just admit, just once, that the children share some holidays with Jon as is fair?
I just saw the photo of Mady's one-woman show of Night before Xmas, but that could have been anytime- IMO did not look particularly festive, and also Mady with Shoka. I may be wrong but as I posted above I did not see any really Christmassy pics this year.Just the usual declaration of shrieks of joy and tearing apart packages. The salad led me to think maybe TFW was alone?
I always say "Warsh" instead of "wash" and "Warshington" instead of "Washington." Also say "are" instead of "our."My kids think it is funny!
My grandmother always said "warsh." I don't know where she got that because she was PA Dutch through and through, and it's very uncommon to hear in this area. We do, however, say "are" instead of "our." I love the dialect here, especially the old-timers who always use "w" instead of "v." Therefore, when they order veal at a restaurant, they order "wheel."
"Are" weather guy is going to have lots of 'splaining to do. I checked the forecast last night, and it was for "possible" flurries this morning. I just swept about three-four inches off "flurries" off the deck and front walk. The roads were horrible, with multiple accidents, and a closed turnpike. You'd think with all of the computer "models," Super Doppler" radar they could at least have predicted, with some accurately, how many flurries we'd have to shovel.
Why does Shoka get a stocking but not what's his face the bird? And what, no 50 stockings for the chickens? Oh the humanity! Where's Auntie Anne when you need her?
...and the fish.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 104
I do hope that Jon got to have some sort of Christmas visitation with this kids this year. And that ALL his kids chose to see him.
I seem to remember at one point someone, probably Jon, saying one gets Christmas Eve and one gets Christmas day. They are otherwise on the standard every other holiday visitation schedule, so if it's not Jon's year, he wouldn't get them.
Except last year she made a big to-do about how the kids CHOSE to spend Christmas with her so she had them last year..maybe they went to Jon's for Christmas after presents were open. I hope so.
Except last year she made a big to-do about how the kids CHOSE to spend Christmas with her so she had them last year..maybe they went to Jon's for Christmas after presents were open. I hope so.
Classic parental alienation. Manipulating the children into staying with you (by promising things like the most fun, the best presents ever, iPods, stay up late, way more fun than Dad's), then turning around and saying what can I say the children just CHOSE to be with me. As if you didn't actively and aggressively orchestrate the whole thing. I wish she would get help.
Most epic recipe failure....meant to put evaporated milk in my mac and cheese. Had a brain fart and used a can of sweetened condensed milk. Mac and cheese tasted like a batch of cookies! BLECH!
Most epic recipe failure....meant to put evaporated milk in my mac and cheese. Had a brain fart and used a can of sweetened condensed milk. Mac and cheese tasted like a batch of cookies! BLECH!
That's why you can't drink Rumspringa while you're cooking!
I always say "Warsh" instead of "wash" and "Warshington" instead of "Washington."
Sometimes I hear a subtle R sound in British accents in certain words, where there is no R in the word itself. I wonder if things like "Warsh" are ways of speaking leftover from the British settlers here.
Amber aka Taylor @AmberHayesSwift 10m
@Kateplusmy8 Are you coming to Connecticut anytime soon?
Why would she? I guess some didn't get the memo that the book signing was over before it really began!
I wonder if Miss Lead Foot had anything to do with this.
I'm out of the loop with TFW's not-a-contest -- were the cookbook winners revealed yet? And it's almost time for the mass thank-you tweet from TFW for the gifts sent by fans: "Thx SO much for amazing gifts + cards! We luv U guys! XO! #BestFans"
Why does Shoka get a stocking but not what's his face the bird? And what, no 50 stockings for the chickens? Oh the humanity! Where's Auntie Anne when you need her?
ha I'm right here and just catching up on reading all the comments. I had to laugh at 'copyright by Kate Gosselin' on that pic. She can plagiarize a phrase from Moore's poem for the caption, but don't anyone use my photo without my permission. What a horse's patootie. Don't worry Kate. No one wants it.
Hope everyone is enjoying the festivities of the season. I got another Julia Child cookbook. So far I can't find a darn thing in it that resembles Kate's gateau de bitter green sheep chow with beets and le feta fromage.
Hi everyone and belated Merry Christmas! I've been following the conversation on my phone, but haven't have a lot of opportunities to comment.
Prariemary- prayers for your dad. I hope he's feeling better and recovering.
I cried when I read about Laney- may God shine His perpetual light upon her.
Will catch up more, but for now, adding my latest cooking disaster.
I'm trying to up my sauce-making skills and have been getting really good at making a red wine pan sauce for steaks/chops.
I decided to combine this sauce with sauteed mushrooms, and everything was looking good, until I decided that maybe I'd puree it and make it into a smooth, thicker sauce.
I wound up with what can only be expected in a baby's diaper. It probably tasted OK, but it got tossed!
Kate tweeted that picture of all those cinnamon rolls she said for kids and " friends". Turns out in another picture she tweeted that these were for their teachers. These people are not her friends. Baked goods are nice but teachers really appreciate gift cards more. But then, only Kate wants gift cards and would never share.
That picture of her salad could be that she did not have the kids at that time because you would think she would photograph a meal from her cookbook for the kids.
Hope everyone in TFW's area is safe-- driving was treacherous this morning and there's a huge pile up in Reading, PA.
DH and I got caught in it driving South down I-95, just north of Baltimore. It started to flurry- oh! beautiful!
Then the snow got heavier... OK
Then, the snow started to stick, very quickly, and we saw about a dozen accidents and spin outs.
It wasn't much snow-just a clipper-type system moving quickly through, but it was a bad brew combined with the temps and atmosphere today.
Home safe now though ;-)
Tucker's Mom said... 118
I decided to combine this sauce with sauteed mushrooms, and everything was looking good, until I decided that maybe I'd puree it and make it into a smooth, thicker sauce.
I wound up with what can only be expected in a baby's diaper. It probably tasted OK, but it got tossed!
Tucker's, since my dh's stroke left him with dysphagia I've had to puree a lot of his food, so I hear ya. When I set it in front of him I always tell him it looks like hell, but it tastes like heaven. He doesn't always agree, however. lol.
Apologies if this has been addressed ( I am guilty of reading from the bottom up!).
Does anyone think TFW has actually done the WORK to copyright those photos or is she simply plastering the words over the top thinking that's all it takes?
Auntie said, "...Kate's gateau de bitter green sheep chow with beets and le feta fromage. "
Auntie, you elevated that salad to something elegant!
Okay, I missed something somewhere along the line. How did a cake become bitter green sheep(le?) chow with beets and feta cheese? Sorry. My brain just isn't working right any longer.
So sad about Laney. Losing a child is horrible, but to have it happen at Christmas time is devastating. Prayers for her family and friends.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 116
I'm out of the loop with TFW's not-a-contest -- were the cookbook winners revealed yet? And it's almost time for the mass thank-you tweet from TFW for the gifts sent by fans: "Thx SO much for amazing gifts + cards! We luv U guys! XO! #BestFans"
Knowing Kate, she'll probably just notify the "contest" winners privately via email so as not to upset the losing Tweeties.
As for the mass thank-you tweet for the Christmas grifts, I expect IF there is one, we'll see it sometime in January. Or March.
Dmasy, her crazy concoctions need all the help they can get.
I had planned to have our Christmas dinner on the table around 5:30 - 6:00. I bought one of those electric roasters a couple of weeks ago (Dwindle will be so jealous) and yesterday I used it to roast the turkey. In order for it to self-baste you're not supposed to lift the lid. I figured a twelve pound turkey would be about three hours, but after 2 hours I couldn't stand not looking at it and I took a peek. I stuck the thermometer in and it was done. Any longer and it would have been turkey stew so we ate an hour earlier. It was so moist and tender, I'll be using it from now on.
westcoastie - I was going to ask the same question. My feeling is that TFW hasn't done the work because she doesn't realize that there's more to it than just plastering the word across them. She'd be better off saying "property of - all rights reserved".
That constant "shrieking" of the kids reminds me of those dolphin-shows where they make the dolphins "shriek" at the sound of a whistle. Trained behavior! I hope they didn't forget to thank her endlessely for the best Xmas everrrrrrrrrr
I really liked reading about the recipe disasters from the few who responded to my question. I'd like to read more. Again, let's hear about your recipe mistakes. They are fun to read.
Bitchy Pants said... 124
Okay, I missed something somewhere along the line. How did a cake become bitter green sheep(le?) chow with beets and feta cheese? Sorry. My brain just isn't working right any longer.
So sad about Laney. Losing a child is horrible, but to have it happen at Christmas time is devastating. Prayers for her family and friends.
I agree, devastating anytime, but worse at Christmas. As tragic and sad as her death is, after watching their little girl suffer so much it must have been a relief for her family to see her finally close her eyes and rest peacefully. Still so sad. She touched so many in her short life.
About the photo. It was a cake? I thought it was a salad.
This was an embarrassing thing- I made a nice salad (not as the main course) for a dinner for unexpected out-of- town guests- I did not have time to make a dressing so I took out a bottled one from the fridge- unfortunately I grabbed marinade sauce and liberally doused the greens!
It tasted...odd.
I have a recipe disaster story that involved me, but wasn't my culinary mistake. The story was submitted to Reader's Digest years ago and was actually published.
I was a new bride and working in Washington, DC. There were several "older" women secretaries in the office. There was another newly wed woman in our group. One day she said that her husband LOVED sweet potatoes and his deceased mother had a special recipe that she made. He was wishing for that sweet potato dish. She asked if we could share our recipes with her and she could see which one might match her husband's memories. We all contributed ideas -- sweet potatoes with pineapple, sweet potatoes with marshmallow crust, sweet potato casserole with pecans. You get the sweet potato idea! She tried each suggestion. The next day she would shake her head "no" and tell us that just wasn't what her hubby remembered.
After one sweet potato failure, she added a shy comment. She told us that none of our recipes had really worked. Sorry. There was something that her husband's mother did that made the potatoes turn orange.
PS: I have already told this story here awhile ago. I will never forget the look of awareness that fell on the faces of co-workers and we began to understand what she had been doing!
Oh, dear...
Over the last few quiet days, as I have never seen an entire episode of K+8 (just bits and pieces), I tried to watch an episode from beginning to end to see if the show actually had any redeeming qualities. What is it that the sheep are seeing and I'm not?
Soo...to start off, I tried the Halloween episode since I love Halloween. What a bore! Kate shops for dedorations. Kate takes the kids shopping for costumes and there's nothing to choose from since she waited too long so that TLC could pay for it. Kate brings the dog home. Kate and the kids shop for dog food, which she apparently put off until the last minute so TLC could pay for it. Buying pumpkins, corn maze...I really lost interest at that point. It was all shopping (what else can I make TLC pay for?) and complaining about the number of kids she has ("I came with 8, let's see if I leave with 8. I have five, so there's 3 missing) We get it, Kate, you have 8 kids. I gave up.
Later, I tried some of the vomit-fest boat ride. I have never heard anyone going on for so long about vomiting. It's a vomit-fest, Gosselin-style! It was like popcorn in the microwave! (sorry, I don't get that one. Why is vomit like popcorn in a microwave? ) At one point there were four kids--1-2-3-4--all throwing up at the same time! Ugh, we get it. The kids went on a boat and threw up.
By that point, I was done. I tried, I really did. But I failed to find anything even remotely interesting about some whiny, greedy woman trying to manufacture drama in everyday situations. Jon and Kate, in the beginning, was kind of cute. By the time K+8 came along, all the cuteness was gone. Kate tried to substitute freak-outs for the cuteness factor, but it just didn't work. That show just had no redeeming qualities. None. Sorry, sheeple, I tried...
Kirkland said... 130
I really liked reading about the recipe disasters from the few who responded to my question. I'd like to read more.
I'm assuming you don't have a copy of Kate's cookbook.
I have a recipe mishap to tell. I tore a recipe from a magazine that involved chicken and peaches. The photo looked wonderful, and my prepared dish did too. However, for some unknown reason, it didn't taste 'right'. We all picked at it but no one complained. As I was cleaning the kitchen, my five year old came in and suddenly her hand moved as quickly as a cobra and grabbed the recipe from the counter, wadding it into a tiny little knot. I got such a kick out of her determination that we would never again have to deal w/that mess!!
There were also MANY horrible messes until I finally learned to make gravy...it was either too thin or almost a solid mass. I'm smiling now, remembering the time that he actually got the gravy on his plate and cut it with a knife an fork to put on the mashed potatoes!!
I fully expect that sometime in the near future, TFW will abscond with admin's recipe disaster and announce that she has invented Mac and Cheese cookies. YUM!
LeeLee, your gift from your dh was terrific!
Hope everyone is having a nice Boxing Day, esp Franky!
My recipe disaster really is more of a new bride cooking disaster, or so my new groom thought. When I made pancakes for the first time, he said he "couldn't eat" those pancakes. I made German pancakes that are plate-size. That is what my mother always made and I didn't know any other way. He asked why they were so big. He said he had always had "silver-dollar" sized pancakes, and he just "couldn't eat" those big, ugly pancakes. They weren't ugly at all. He wouldn't even taste them. Well, that was my first experience with things he just "couldn't eat." He is still overly fussy and no fun to cook for. It doesn't make any cook feel like cooking if the hubby sits and "picks out the peas" or pushes the lima beans to one side. I have learned to avoid most things he won't eat, but it sure does cut down with variety. No fun what so ever to cook for.
Auntie Ann -- Now I'm even more confused. Gateau is a cake, isn't it? I admit -- I took Latin, Spanish and German, not French, so maybe I'm confusing that with a similar word? Anyway, bitter sheep(le) greens with beets and feta cheese makes more sense if it's a salad. But still -- I'm sooooooooo confused. I think I've been reading about TFMJG for too long!
My biggest recipe disaster -- After I moved into my first apartment, I invited my parents to come over for dinner. I decided I'd make something really special, so I borrowed a couple of cookbooks from the library and finally decided I'd make chicken divan. The recipe called for wine in the sauce. None of us drank and I didn't know a thing about wine, but I had some red wine vinegar. The dish looked delicious but it was inedible. You can just imagine how horrible it tasted. Dad made a quick run to a KFC. He teased me about it for years afterward.
Too bad Boxing Day in modern times brings out the irritable and greedy side of people who go to exchange gifts or take advantage of the latest sales.My dd who has a retail part-time job, just came home with plenty of tales of pushy rude people. Nary a photo of good deed to be had. I am waiting to go do my few exchanges for a few days!
(I always wonder why sales are named after things like Presidents Day or Memorial Day- surely shopping is not the reason for those holidays??)
A cooking disaster.
We were going cross-country skiing for a couple of hours, so came up with the following plan for dinner: prepare a soup/stew up to the point where it was boiling, then turn it off and leave it on the stove while we were gone. Sort of like a slow-cooker, but without the heat source.
And it would have worked, except somebody forgot to turn off the burner, and it was on low the whole time we were gone.
The surprising thing it that we managed to salvage it! About the bottom half-inch to inch of the pan contents was burned on and solid, but we scooped the top part into another pan, added water, and finished cooking it. It was really good! The only loss was the leftovers that we had been hoping for.
We thought the pan might be a write-off, but it actually came clean with repeated soaking.
Cooking Disaster: I used to buy baking supplies in bulk and when I was making torte di mele (apple cake) I got the flour and the baking soda mixed up. The result was a foaming disaster all over my oven.
Before my ex and I were married, his mom taught me some cooking skills, such as making gravy. His favorite dish was roast beef, gravy, and mashed potatoes. So trying to impress him with my new gravy-making skills, I cooked my first meal for him - an expensive beautiful roast. After it cooked, I took it out of the oven, and promptly dropped the pan on the kitchen floor. All the "juice" to make the gravy was lost. I was so devastated.
Cooking disasters? Does testing Kate's recipes count?
when I was first married I tried to make meat loaf but when turned out of the pan it fell apart. Unable to afford the loss of the ingredients, the next night I added tomatoes, cooked elbow macaroni and served goulash.
Hey, LeeLee...I see Kate sent hugs and kisses to you because of your hubby's tweet. How special do you feel today? lol!
I had to chuckle over this tweet. Fear of haircuts, also known as tonsurephobia?
trailoftears @feathernative2 4h
@AlfredoCocozza @ashymama2 @HarryTNacious @TwitTartwif @Kateplusmy8 I do remember that- he had a look of shear terror!
Cooking mistake -- making pumpkin pie with canned Libby's filling and forgetting to add the sugar. This really was "Yuck" pie.
As a newlywed, when cooking my first holiday dinner to impress the family, I decided to make a bread pudding for dessert that called for a tablespoon of rum. I added a cup instead because I figured that one tiny tablespoon really wasn't going to add any flavor. I never was able to live down that "yo, ho, ho and a bottle of bread pudding" dessert..
The RN who is the Facility Admin at my clinic posted on FB last night about 5 pm. (Christmas Day) that he and his wife were going to have a Christmas baby!!! I thought the baby was due around the 1st of Jan.
He was born 4 hours later and mom and baby and dad are doing great. I am so happy for them!!!
When he was leaving almost 3 years ago to take a different job, it took forever for him to leave because of the surprise party, gifts and all the nurses and techs were sobbing and hanging on to him because they just loved him dearly. He is that special! I was way in the back and was looking toward the front desk. He saw me and came back to say goodbye. I wanted to jump up and hug him, but I was on the machine and I was laying really low down close to the floor in the chair. He walked up to me and I thought, instead of a hug, I will shake his hand.
I put my hand out and I said, I love you, dude. I thought, oh. my. lanta. I had not planned to say that. His name starts with d. but we laughed, we both had a tear in our eyes. He is that special!!!
When I get back on FB, I am going to post this on his picture, I am going to put, I love you, little dude!!! lol
I wonder if kate got a send off like that when she left her clinic! BHAHAHAHAWAW
I just thought. Someone posted that Jamie and kate first met at the hospital in Reading. Does anyone know in what capacity did they meet? Was Jamie a secretary at the clinic? Was the clinic in the hospital? Was kate working at the hospital in the dialysis clinic?
Auntie Ann, Julia Child would be horrified that TFW even printed her crookbook. But, she would be so proud of you coming up with the recipe name like you did! So funny!
Tucker's Mom said... 120
Hope everyone in TFW's area is safe-- driving was treacherous this morning and there's a huge pile up in Reading, PA.
Yes, that clipper was quite a surprise to wake up to. And what a mess:
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