Saturday, December 21, 2013

Judge orders psychological evaluation of Real Housewives' children to decide if they should be on reality T.V.

In what appears to be a reality show first, an Orange County judge has asked for outside help in making the important decision whether to allow three minors to appear on reality T.V.

Real Housewife's star Tamra Barney and her ex Simon have been fighting since their divorce a few years ago about the fate of their children. Tamra wants them on the show, Simon does not. Up until now, Simon has successfully kept the children off T.V., asserting it is a legal custody decision and he has veto power under California law because he and his ex have joint legal custody, and that the show would be harmful to the children. Last week, Tamra filed a motion to contest that, asserting a theory that this doesn't qualify as a legal decision that Simon would be able to veto, and therefore she is allowed to put the children on T.V. during her custodial time without his permission. On Friday, the judge refused to make a temporary order allowing the children to go on T.V. and ordered the evaluation.

Such independent evaluations are usually refered to as California Evidence Code 730 exams (or a "730," for short), and are performed by a psychologist agreed upon by the parties from a "730 panel" appointed by the courts. They are relied on often in California's family law system when parental alienation or other dysfunctional behaviors are going on. A 730 evaluator can make expert recommendations about custody, visitation, mental health of the parties, parental alienation, and a variety of other issues. An evaluator's opinion about what should happen to the children in a case can be crucial. However, 730 exams usually take several weeks to accomplish.

[From the Evidence Code: When it appears to the court, at any time before or during the trial of an action, that expert evidence is or may be required by the court or by any party to the action, the court on its own motion or on motion of any party may appoint one or more experts to investigate, to render a report as may be ordered by the court, and to testify as an expert at the trial of the action relative to the fact or matter as to which the expert evidence is or may be required.]

Kudos to the judge for recognizing the grave psychological nature of this issue and relying on experts to assist.

548 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Kate is a twit said... 1

Here is Kate big announcement. It's another contest to win a signed copy of her book.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 5m
BE KIND, GET SIGNED...copy of #LoveIsInTheMix!
Details in RED.Email:
#Ends12/25 #Top12win

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 4m
News announced! Happy random acts of holiday kindness! Email me your story for your chance to win a signed copy of my new cookbook!

Now her tweeties will be asking how to find her email address on her website. Why doesn't she just tweet it?

Poor tweeties-they all thought it would be a new show. ~ Administrator said... 2

Here is Kate big announcement. It's another contest to win a signed copy of her book.


cathyn518 said... 3

this is very encouraging and I hope it will set a precedent that will prevent all children from being pimped out on reality shows

OrangeCrusher1 said... 4

Seriously? This is her big announcement ? What exactly does SHE know about random acts of kindness? And a signed copy of her crapbook. Now if she had offered up a pan of her special Whole Foods baked goods . . . .

Blowing In The Wind said... 5

From the other thread...

"Still want to defend his right to free speech? The guy's a lunatic! I know it takes all kinds but this kind of free speech incites violence."


I wasn't aware that there are "kinds" of free speech. Is that written in the Constitution? Freedom of Speech is what gives you the right to post that, in your opinion, this man is a lunatic.

Kate is a twit said... 6

Here are the rules for her contest. She wants everyone who enters to give her their name and address. Why does she need that now? Is she creating a mailing list?

Here are her rules:

Spread The Cheer! Make someone smile this holiday season! Lend a hand, bake some cookies, donate to someone in need, go out of your way to help...You get the picture! Get creative...And I want to hear about it!!

Send me your STORY explaining your random acts of holiday kindness.

**You must include your NAME, ADDRESS, and a PHOTO showing your kindness to be considered.**

I guess she figures if she can't sell her cookbook, she might as well give it away.

Another thing--people are busy getting ready for Christmas now-she should have announced this at the beginning of December, not 4 days before Christmas.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 7

hmmmm. Why the hell waste your time bitching about people wasting their time? It would appear she still has your attention, too.


lol, Auntie! Yes! I was just about to post the same thing. Makes no sense to bitch about someone wasting their time while you're wasting your own time to bitch about the other person wasting their time. In an odd way, it's kind of a Catch-22. Oh, well... ~ Administrator said... 8

You have to include your name address and PHOTO to even get through the gate? The hell? Why does she need anyone's photo? Is she going to keep a database now of her sheeple and haters? Will Milo send a photo?? And how does she prove that photo is the person? I could send any old photo.

I've never heard of such a thing, unless you're applying to be on Amazing Race or something. A photo!

Also, wasn't someone explaining that the minute you turn a drawing into a JUDGING thing (i.e. instead of just drawing at random from the stories Kate's picking the BEST), all kinds of laws and legalities apply? For instance mentioning that minors may not participate, isn't that solicitation of a minor's address and photo???

And the funniest part of all who is she to judge who has the best act of kindness lol. This from one of the meanest people I've ever seen on T.V.

AuntieAnn said... 9

Email me your story for your chance to win a signed copy of my new cookbook!


Stealing Ralphie's line from A Christmas Story here...

That's it? A crummy cookbook? Sonofabitch!

JoyinVirginia said... 10

How refreshing that an objective third party, an expert psychologist, will have the opportunity to advocate for the best interest of the children involved! In an ideal world every child involved in reality TV and entertainment would have an objective person advocating for their best interests. Not a manager or agent with a financial interest, but a truly objective expert.
Merry Christmas! Let's hope that TFMJG can inspire some selfless altruism from those who enter her contest. Bless her heart, sincerely, she does have a good idea. Its a good way to help get rid of all those extra books, plus she can post the stories others submit, so she can have a break over Christmas. ~ Administrator said... 11

Briefly back to the Tamra discussion I think this case is turning out to be groundbreaking. Already the judge has set a great tone that this kind of thing is serious enough to involve a psychologist. I love that. Shows he understands this is more than just a petty dispute among two parents who hate each other, but rather a serious issue of psychological consequence to the children. Wonderful. And whatever way the judge rules, I'm guessing that it will be taken to the Court of Appeal. If that happens, we're looking at potentially this even going to the California Supreme Court, depending on how far these two parents want to take this. This is definitely going to be one to watch. I don't see a case number anywhere but if anyone can find it we can keep better track of the docket.

Also please continue to submit your ideas for Kate's worst moments if you're so inclined. Include your address and a photo.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 12

Here is Kate big announcement. It's another contest to win a signed copy of her book.


Someone on here called it yesterday. Who was it? Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner, and the prize will be...a signed copy of her cookbook!
Does this contest involve running around the Walmart parking lot, yelling and holding up a sign? ~ Administrator said... 13

Also when you're performing a random act of kindness it's often pretty awkward to whip out a camera and take a photo. I mean many people do the thing where you pay for the person behind you, how do you take a photo of that without looking like a creep?

Yet another hair brained idea from the Wolf's Lair.

Sheri said... 14

From the last thread... (Administrator) said...(119)

"Someone brought up Hitler and I'm glad they did because that reminded me that Mein Kampf is routinely taught in schools. It was on my summer reading list junior year, public school.

No one is condoning hate, but educators believe that there is value in that book in terms of understanding it. How it happens, where they're coming from, what we can do to make sure it never happens again. I want to hear what people are thinking and saying, Phil of course, and even Hitler--even if I disagree or even think it's hate. If we shut our ears to it how do we know what we are dealing with? If we shut our ears to it, how will we know what information needs to be put out there to counteract what they are saying so that people who may only have heard one side of things get another perspective? We do a disservice to society by shutting these people up. All it will do is grow and fester behind closed doors. I'd rather have it out in the open than a secret. Either way it's going on, so don't we want to know?"


Excellent point Admin. Free speech enables, when we can manage it, intelligent debate on serious social issues. If we ignore what people are saying just because we don't like it, we'll never get to the point where we understand where they're coming from.

I accept Mr. Robertson's view as being just that, HIS views. They are not my views but that does not make them any less valid to him.

His religion teaches that homosexuality is a sin. So technically, anyone being indignant over his intolerance of gays is being equally intolerant of his religion. See how that works?

Besides, does any give think for one minute that he cares one way or the other whether or not you or I agree with him? He believes he's right, I believe I'm right.

Getting upset and angry at people who merely point out his constitutional right to express his views does nothing to enhance or further the debate.

Understanding, note I DID NOT SAY AGREEING, someone's perspective is the first step to trying to find a common ground. You can't change intolerance by throwing more intolerance around.

Anyway, that's all I will be saying on this matter.

Hope everyone is getting into the holiday spirit and enjoying the lead up to their celebrations.

Kate is a twit said... 15

She's asking people to share their stories about doing "random acts" of kindness. Yet she tells people to get creative and do things. If it's pre-planned and you also take a picture, how is that consider a "random act" of kindess? Also, random acts of kindness are usually done on the spur of the moment without any thought to what can be gained from it.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 16

And all those who were believing (and hoping) that this big surprise was a new television show are now hanging their heads, saying, darn...wrong again! ~ Administrator said... 17

Joy, you always live up to your name. :)

I too am thrilled a psychologist will be involved. It's about time. It really feels like a no brainer actually, of course an expert should be involved. All of us have just been arm chairing the best we can. Usually (sadly) right, sometimes wrong, but it would be great for a professional to weigh in.

And I like your Pollyanna take on this contest. I just wish she would take people's word for it and not require photographic proof.

Shelly said... 18

Now her tweeties will be asking how to find her email address on her website. Why doesn't she just tweet it?


She did - the tweet shows her email addy as "" but when you copy/paste it, it appears with the html and www prefix. Milo is trying to help (of course she is!) by posting the correct one.

TFW's SUCH an idiot.

‏This is how the tweet appears
BE KIND, GET SIGNED...copy of #LoveIsInTheMix! Details in RED.Email: #Ends12/25 #Top12win

On previous page - oops, I posted that she was giving away 'a' cookbook but it's actually 12 - the way she squeezes numbers in makes it hard for old eyes to read esp when they're in light blue.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 19

Great news about the psych evaluations being ordered! I'd love to hear a statement from Paul Petersen about this. It certainly feels like a huge "win" for anyone advocating children's rights.

About TFW's of yourself doing kind acts? Are junior high school kids advising her these days? The juvenile tone of everything she says is disturbing. We joke about her arrested development, but there is truly something off there. Does she sound like someone who's almost 40 years old?

Shelly said... 20

I agree Admin, "Kudos to the judge for recognizing the grave psychological nature of this issue and relying on experts to assist." but I'm concerned that interviewing and researching the effects of reality tv on a minor can't be easily evaluated in a short period of time. I think this is a huge decision that would require LOTS of research and time. It doesn't seem that this is a simple matter of law and parental rights, but a larger one of industry wide concern. Am I making more of this than should be made at this juncture? ~ Administrator said... 21

Agree about this being the last weekend before Christmas, people are already crunched for time so asking them to participate in this so last minute is pretty poor planning. I doubt the turnout will be big. This is a particular bad year with Christmas falling on a Wednesday and many people working Monday and Tuesday--everything's got to be finished up today and tomorrow. Christmas contests usually are announced the beginning of December. They are going to have to scramble to get this done by the 25th. Very amateur.

LOL she's already tweeting that people have sent stuff in but forgot to include their name and address--haha sheeple can't follow directions or are refusing to!

PatK said... 22

I wonder how many people will send in fraudulent pictures grabbed from the internet to try and win a signed crookbook? I can't stop laughing.

What an idiot she is. ~ Administrator said... 23

Great news about the psych evaluations being ordered! I'd love to hear a statement from Paul Petersen about this. It certainly feels like a huge "win" for anyone advocating children's rights.


Me too. IT's huge. It cannot be overstated. I'd love for Paul to know about this and weigh in.

This is groundbreaking just to have a judge acknowledge this is a PSYCHOLOGICAL issue. Not just a contract issue, not a custody issue, not a which parent has the better more persuasive argument issue. A psychological one. This is the first time to my knowledge a court of law has recognized reality T.V. as having a psychological impact on children. Huge breakthrough.

Kate is a twit said... 24

Admin-exactly, How do you prove it by taking a photo? Do you say to the person who you just bought lunch, coffee, etc. "Excuse me. I was the one that bought that for you. Can I take your picture so that I can enter Kate Gosselin's contest?"

Kate gets an idea into her head, and just doesn't think it through. I still don't understand why she needs an address now. Couldn't that wait until she decides the winners?

Also, is this contest only open to her twitter followers? She didn't specify. After the last contest fiasco with Baby Mama, you'd think she'd be more specific.

Shelly said... 25

Admin said...
Also, wasn't someone explaining that the minute you turn a drawing into a JUDGING thing (i.e. instead of just drawing at random from the stories Kate's picking the BEST), all kinds of laws and legalities apply? For instance mentioning that minors may not participate, isn't that solicitation of a minor's address and photo???


I think she's stepped in a pile of doodoo again. Couldn't happen to a nicer person.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 26

Also when you're performing a random act of kindness it's often pretty awkward to whip out a camera and take a photo. I mean many people do the thing where you pay for the person behind you, how do you take a photo of that without looking like a creep?


This is about the dumbest thing she's ever come up with. You don't make your act of kindness public. You do good for others quietly, knowing that it's coming from your heart of hearts. It's not a bragging competition. You don't spread holiday cheer in hopes of winning a cookbook -- you do it without the expectation of getting something in return. Why in the world would you write a story about it and send it to Kate? Good grief.

url said... 27

This current TFW contest to win a signed copy of her already failing cookbook is just too much. She needs to stop with her holiday grifting and this new parrot is just a distraction from all her other problems which she refuses to acknowledge.

Layla said... 28

I called it!!! Last thread, I predicted that Kate would come out with some stupid contest, with the prize(s) being signed copies of her book. That goes to show how very, very predictable she has become. She hints at some exciting announcement to come, which whips her fans into a frenzy. They think she's going to announce a new show (at least, that's what they are all hoping for, and she knows it). Then she walks away to let the suspense build, then she comes out with some lame-arse excuse for an event (her book, some stupid contest, a web site). Her fans will scramble to praise her and proclaim their excitement, even though they are all incredibly disappointed that the big announcement turned out to be crap. lather, rinse, repeat. I'm sure the fans are, at this moment, sitting at their computers, thinking, "I got all excited for THAT?". Get used to it, Kate-fans. Supporting her is going to be one big letdown after another.

AuntieAnn said... 29 (Administrator) said... 13

Also when you're performing a random act of kindness it's often pretty awkward to whip out a camera and take a photo.


Unless you have Chris lurking at the gas station with a camera at the ready.

Which brings up another point. What random acts of kindness has Kate performed lately, if ever? I'll send her a signed coloring book if she can come up with just one.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 30

YollieR ‏@yollie 3m
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate. Would you consider this? I randomly purchased coffee for 2 people behind me at Starbucks.

lol!! Where's the photo? Where's the photo? Can't you see someone doing a random act of kindness, whipping out a camera, asking the person to pose for a picture? The recipient asks...WHY...and you say that you are sending the picture to Kate Gosselin! What's Kate going to do with the picture? Post it on the blog?

Kate is a twit said... 31

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 53m
BE KIND, GET SIGNED...copy of #LoveIsInTheMix!
Details in RED.Email:
#Ends12/25 #Top12win

Jake S ‏@sliech21 43m
@Kateplusmy8 it says is not a valid email address!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 33m
@Kateplusmy8 Ah...some got confused on what U put as e-mail address...:) Should be Is that not correct? :)

Leave it to Milo and not Kate to tweet her actual email address. What would Kate ever do without her?

rainbowsandunicorns said... 32

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 9m
@Kateplusmy8 everyone should strive to do one random act of kindness during the holiday season.

No, Lauren...kindness to others should know no "season."

Shelly said... 33

OMG, AuntieAnn -- you never fail to bring a LOL, rofl moment to the blog.
Thanks for this most recent one!

"Stealing Ralphie's line from A Christmas Story here...

That's it? A crummy cookbook? Sonofabitch!" ~ Administrator said... 34

I agree Admin, "Kudos to the judge for recognizing the grave psychological nature of this issue and relying on experts to assist." but I'm concerned that interviewing and researching the effects of reality tv on a minor can't be easily evaluated in a short period of time. I think this is a huge decision that would require LOTS of research and time. It doesn't seem that this is a simple matter of law and parental rights, but a larger one of industry wide concern. Am I making more of this than should be made at this juncture?


The 730 panel is pretty good. I've worked with a lot of them, and if they feel like the issue is bigger than one sit down they will say so. I've seen many of them say well I believe this person is showing signs they MAY have this or that, however my recommendations are they be evaluated on a more consistent basis in order to determine that. They will do the research even if they need more time. They also run all the industry standard psychological tests, it can take several sit downs!

What's probably going to happen is a 730 evaluator is first going to determine the mental stability of all the kids and how they are under pressure and how they are handling the divorce. Then he might get into how they really feel about being on T.V. without Tamra breathing down their necks to say this or that. If they can't even get past concerns with that, which many kids wouldn't especially in a contentious divorce, it ends there. If the kids come out glowing--well adjusted, able to tackle anything, not affected by the divorce, it would be a tougher call for the 730 evaluator.

I would not be at all surprised to see a 730 panelist say that they've researched the effects of reality T.V. and that although the children appear mentally stable now the affects are uncertain in nature. It may be a 730 that merely provides some more information to the court about the kids themselves and their state of mind, and the judge will from there have to obtain more information about the show and other facts. 730s do not always come out with firm recommendations, but rather can just be additional info for the court to weigh.

I think it's all a good thing and nothing to stress over. I think it will turn out well for the rights of kids not to be put on T.V. If I were Simon I'd be doing a victory lap. And even if it doesn't, it still sets a precedent to involve psychologists in the equation. And, just because a 730 may come out glowing about the kids' stability doesn't mean a judge can't still rule they're not to be on reality t.v. ~ Administrator said... 35

I wonder how many people will send in fraudulent pictures grabbed from the internet to try and win a signed crookbook? I can't stop laughing.


Same thought! Bah-haha! How the heck does she police this one? She has no idea what she got herself into.

JR said... 36

This is almost comical...A BOOK???? Someone did call it yesterday. I actually ignored it because I thought it could never be that stupid. What is the reasoning behind this idiotic idea? There has to be an ulterior motive behind this. This grifter does nothing unless she gets something out of it..she's really hit rock bottom, don't you think..

AuntieAnn said... 37

rainbowsandunicorns said... 7


lol, Auntie! Yes! I was just about to post the same thing. Makes no sense to bitch about someone wasting their time while you're wasting your own time to bitch about the other person wasting their time. In an odd way, it's kind of a Catch-22.


Rainbows, I learned my lesson in the first grade. I tattled on a classmate 'Dougie' to the teacher that he had his eyes open during the Lord's Prayer. ~ Administrator said... 38

If you look at Pioneer Woman's contests for NON-crummy stuff like blenders, mixers and iPads, she almost always makes them RANDOM and bends over backwards to indicate this is all random. I know nothing about contests but it seems to be an issue if you've got a contest that is not random. Anything I've seen that's a judging contest has two pages of rules and regulations and COAs.

Kate is a twit said... 39

Layla-Congratulations, you called it!! From the last thread::

Layla said... 56
An announcement...I'm predicting that she's come up with some kind of contest, with signed copies of her book at the prizes.

Admin-if Layla sends you her name and address, will you send her a prize? ~ Administrator said... 40

I'd love to win a coloring book signed by Auntie. I fed my dog this morning does that count?

JR said... 41

Why would they try to win one when they can go to the dollar store and if they can piece and patch 50 cents together they can get one now...HA HA.......This ones just too funny.

Kate is a twit said... 42

BUT according to Kate, now it's not a contest:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 4m
And to be clear, this isn't a contest.Your kindness is just being rewarded w/ my kindness! #payitforward @HCI_Books

Sorry Kate, but if you enter something in the hopes of winning something, it is a contest.

Another way for her to get her tweeties to do things in order to try to make herself look good. Let them do the random acts of kindness, and she can just sit back and do nothing except send signed copies of her books. Is she going to pay the postage?

Formerly Duped said... 43

That's ridiculous. A photo? I think a random act of kindness is negated if you photograph it, repeat it, toot your own horn and publicize it.

Shelly said... 44

Thank you Admin, I appreciate your explanation of the 730 panel. This is the first step in the huge issue of children/parents and reality tv.

Kate is a twit said... 45

She still won't give out her email address on twitter. What's the big deal? Milo already tweeted it. Anything to get people to go to her website.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 8m
You can find my email address here: #BeKindGetSigned ~ Administrator said... 46

Besides, does any give think for one minute that he cares one way or the other whether or not you or I agree with him? He believes he's right, I believe I'm right.


I agree. A commentator a lot of people don't like nonetheless had a good point about this. Unless you're ACTING on the views, which is another matter, why worry about where someone thinks you will go when you die? If you don't believe such a thing then there's nothing you have to worry about. Let him sweat about where you will go, no skin off my nose. I think usually people this extreme end up looking ridiculous without any help, which is pretty much what happened to Phil. His views are mostly ridiculous IMO but as was said if we're going to have serious public discussion and debate about such important things, the ridiculous views need to come in too. The debate here and elsewhere about Phil has been great. I've been surprised a fair number of people from the LGBTA community have defended his right to state his views and some have pointed out what they see as potentially hypocritical--you need to be tolerant of our views but we're not tolerant of yours. There's no consensus here from reasonable minds but that's what America is all about. I enjoyed hearing all the viewpoints here and around the media. One of the best discussions I've seen in awhile.

Tucker's Mom said... 47

A book giveaway. Yawn, too easy ;-)
I seem to remember there being some issue discussed here, when Kate gave away another one of her books (IJWYTK?). I think the "winner", and I put that loosely, was a minor, and Kate solicited her contact information over the internet.
Is this legal? I thought it violated some sort of Federal law.

And, I'm laughing my ASS off at Kate's insisting that the submissions include a photo!
So, how am I supposed to enter when my act of kindness happened a week ago, and I did it for unselfish reasons and never thought to memorialize the moment... to win something for myself!
Oh, the irony. You could cut it with a wobbly, plastic knife. ~ Administrator said... 48

Layla, congrats, all I have is a leftover cheese ball thing from this week's Christmas parties. Will that do?

IF you send a photo.

Shelly said... 49

I've never been to her site and don't have any idea were to find the address, but this is ridiculous, imo. She's REFUSING to post her email addy and make it easy for her fans.

You can find my email address here: #BeKindGetSigned" ~ Administrator said... 50

Also, random acts of kindness are usually done on the spur of the moment without any thought to what can be gained from it.


A fair question, is it really a random act of kindness if you're actually doing it for the self serving reason of winning a signed cookbook from your favorite celeb?

I would submit it is not.

Tucker's Mom said... 51

"Honey, I'm going to take these baked good to our neighbors, grab the camera!"
"Honey, did you take a selfie when you dropped off those toys at the Coffee Shop's collection box?"
Wait!! Hold on a tick!! I'm going to go to Macys and see if I can go through their surveillance tapes and grab that footage of me giving the lady ahead of me a $20 coupon to use!

The fact that Kate insists on seeing physical proof of this, AND her "poster" contest to keep her gasping-for-air show on the air is PATHETIC.
Will the crazy lady make another sign and have her husband take video of her parading around in the Walmart parking lot again?
Can't wait to see!!

OrangeCrusher1 said... 52

Oh for heaven's sake, who in their right mind would send this woman an address and a photo? It's blog fodder for her, and frankly, what an invasion of privacy for what, a signed crapbook? Oh look at the line of sheeple furiously typing away. And you are right, this is NOT what you do the weekend before a major holiday. She lives in her own clueless bubble. ~ Administrator said... 53

Why won't she post her emai? The hell? She is one odd bird.

Hey is she still using that silly runningmommaof8tool email address or is it back to just Kate?

AuntieAnn said... 54 (Administrator) said... 29

I'd love to win a coloring book signed by Auntie. I fed my dog this morning does that count?


I'll be needing your social security number as well as a photo of you feeding your doggie.

Rhymes with Witch said... 55

Auntie,I made coffee for my dh!
Ok, that's not really random because he's a bear without it.

P.s. I think Layla should win the coloring book for calling the contest. ~ Administrator said... 56

I almost feel sorry for her in that she has such an ego at this point she actually thinks her crummy book (thanks Auntie) is a good prize. It's a pathetic prize. Simply pathetic.

Plus, why wouldn't most of her fans have her book already and have sent it to her to be signed? Who needs two copies of the same book?

Tucker's Mom said... 57

Another thing--people are busy getting ready for Christmas now-she should have announced this at the beginning of December, not 4 days before Christmas.
Common sense isn't a strong suit. People are traveling and won't be home over the next 2 weeks, also will be having guests and busy with other things. Moreover, if they wanted to give it as a gift, it's too late.

Bitchy Pants said... 58

Carrying this over from the previous discussion -- Sleepless, isn't it interesting that the people who invoke the Bible to say that wives should submit to their husbands very conveniently forget the other part of that verse, which is "Husbands, submit to your wives"? Guess that doesn't fit into their "keep 'em barefoot and pregnant" mentality.

So good to hear that at least some children will get the benefit of an evaluation before a judge proclaims that they can be on reality TV. It's a shame that Jon can't get a judge wise enough, and humble enough, to say that outside evaluations are needed to make the decision.

My nominations for TFMJG's top 10:

Filing a law suit against the father of her children (then withdrawing it about 3 months later)

The Crookbook, which appears to consist of previously published (by others) recipes and inedible combinations, while containing multiple, awkwardly posed pictures of the kids.

The Crookbook "tour", complete with whining about finances and multiple throwings of Jon under the bus, while failing to actually promote the book.

Celebrity Wife Swap/contest of wills with 3 year old

Bragging on TV that she didn't even let Jon know that the kids were being filmed for Celebrity Wife Swap

The forced and awkward play session with Katie Couric and the kids

The chore chart

Purchasing an expensive parrot, bragging about all the gifts to be wrapped for Christmas, and grifting for expensive concert tickets while complaining about having to "piece and patch" to make ends meet.

Acquiring yet another pet to neglect

The Twitter dust-up with Carl Gosselin

Enlisting and encouraging Bullyville to fight her battles for her

Sorry, Admin, I guess that's 12, not 10. You're going to have a job trying to pare the list down. I don't envy you! ~ Administrator said... 59

She doesn't understand the implications of the last weekend before Christmas that falls on a Wednesday because she 1. doesn't have a real job and 2. doesn't live in the real world because she has lots of money and hired help.

It is easy for her to just take her millions and troll around Amazon all day and order everything then wrap it. It's easy for her to just order baked goods from Whole Foods. This is not how the real world works. The real world has a job to go to and no nanny or hired help and can't necessarily afford those trays from Whole Foods or the other things she pays for out of pocket. That means Christmas takes longer to prepare for. Most people are happy to do it, but that leaves very little time for some silly contest interrupting things four days before the big day.

Tucker's Mom said... 60

That's it? A crummy cookbook? Sonofabitch!
I'm thinking about Clarke Griswold's meltdown when he found out he was enrolled in the Jelly Of The Month Club.
"Clark: Where do you think you're going? Nobody's leaving. Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no. We're all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here. We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse."

Ah, good times!

Kate is a twit said... 61

Some have tweeted Kate about the sick girl in Reading. She finally responded to one of them:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 16m
@twittyboy2 can you give me more details..?! I've been hearing a lot about her #sweet&special #inspiring

Someone should tweet her the link to Robert's blog that has a link to her FB page!! LOL

I did check out the girl's FB page and it was heartwarming to read that Taylor Swift did contact her and they spent time chatting together on FaceTime.

Rhymes with Witch said... 62


Use cash. ~ Administrator said... 63

Another awesome thing about the 730 panel is that if the judge relies on their opinion not to put the kids on T.V., as long as there was nothing shady about the evaluation or anything like that, that is going to be pretty indestructible on appeal. There is no way that would ever be overturned on appeal no matter how much Tamra whines. Once and if that 730 doc says this is a no go, Simon has as good as won this case forever.

Over And Out said... 64

It is easy for her to just take her millions and troll around Amazon all day and order everything then wrap it. It's easy for her to just order baked goods from Whole Foods. This is not how the real world works. The real world has a job to go to and no nanny or hired help and can't necessarily afford those trays from Whole Foods or the other things she pays for out of pocket. That means Christmas takes longer to prepare for. Most people are happy to do it, but that leaves very little time for some silly contest interrupting things four days before the big day.


Exactly. If she's going to run some dumb contest that is ridiculous for so many reasons as pointed out here, why not announce it over Thanksgiving? It's a holiday cheer contest. Thanksgiving is a holiday. Why not promote it from then until the New Year?

No matter how you look at it, the woman truly is an airhead. Thinking logically just isn't in the cards for her.

jbranck1980 said... 65

I can't wait for her to complain about how tired she is reading the THOUSANDS of inspirational stories that are sure to come her way in the midst of celebrating the holidays with the 8 count 'em 8 kids!!

Anyone else think the kids are with Jon this Christmas and she needs something to do besides drink wine and talk with Zorro?

Rainbirdie said... 66

She probably has numerous boxes of unsold cookbooks sitting in the basement. If she does a 'give-away', can she write off the books as a marketing expense?

Rhymes with Witch said... 67

More O T

Over In TFW's County said... 68

admin said, "I'd love to win a coloring book signed by Auntie. I fed my dog this morning does that count?"


I'd love to sit down and have a Rumspringa with Auntie. Okay, maybe two or three or four. I'd even buy. It might be a contest to see which one of us would be able to walk a straight line.

Rhymes with Witch said... 69

Meant to add, Beyonce could win Kate's stupid contest easily, complete with a photo. ~ Administrator said... 70

Meant to add, Beyonce could win Kate's stupid contest easily, complete with a photo.


It would be funny if someone posed as Beyonce and sent this in to the "contest". I mean how would Kate verify it is or isn't her? Is BV still working for her and on the case?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 71

AuntieAnn, if you do send your coloring book to Layla for calling TFW's contest, I think it'd be nice to include a handmade crown! Of course it would mean leaving your coloring book station and moving to your craft station, but consider it a random act of kindness! Oh, and don't forget to take a picture -- there could be a crummy cookbook in your future!

Free Speech?!? said... 72

Am I the only one who sees the irony of people complaining about Phil's free speech rights being violated while posting on a moderated blog?

AuntieAnn said... 73

Tucker's Mom said... 60

I'm thinking about Clarke Griswold's meltdown when he found out he was enrolled in the Jelly Of The Month Club.


They played that sound byte on the radio yesterday morning and without censoring the expletives! I don't know how they got away with it.

Only Chevy could deliver it the way he did. I had to find it on youtube and watch it. Too funny! That was a great movie. ~ Administrator said... 74

Oh and I always do a best moment of the year too so feel free to submit your BEST moment of 2013. In the past it's been Tony winning DTWS and Anderson' Cooper's hysterical commentary on pizza gate.

Although I'm pretty set on what (who) it is.

Rhymes with Witch said... 75

I think the lawsuit and her association with BV are 1 & 2.

Over In TFW's County said... 76

LOL she's already tweeting that people have sent stuff in but forgot to include their name and address--haha sheeple can't follow directions or are refusing to!


Why does she need their name and address? Did she hire one of her fans to vet them? Did she ask for their birthdate as well? How does she know these are not minors? So many legalities that she hasn't thought through.
After wanting haters to be taken down, I'd be extremely careful about sending her anything, especially a name, address and photo.

Amy2 said... 77

Bitchy Pants....
#13 Bethany asking Kate about where did the money go
#14 Bethany asking Kate about Kate's plastic surgery

Over In TFW's County said... 78

Sandie ‏@SandieBellz 17m
@Kateplusmy8 My act today was giving $25 to the person collecting carts at the grocery store. My reward was his smile.

And you just had to tweet about it? Shouldn't your reward be knowing that you did something without mentioning that you did it? YOU know that you did it and that's all that matters.

I fed my dog today, too, admin, and my reward was that she smiled at me...or was she just baring her teeth because the cat got too close to her food dish? :) ~ Administrator said... 79

Am I the only one who sees the irony of people complaining about Phil's free speech rights being violated while posting on a moderated blog?


I don't see the free speech violation. No one suppresses your right to say whatever you want, you just can't post it here if it's disruptive to a nice community. Like others have pointed out, free speech is about the government suppressing you. We're not the government, and neither is A and E. You can set up a blog in two seconds flat and say whatever you want about this place or anything else.

It's not much different than A&E "moderating" Phil. Phil can say those things, A and E just doesn't want him if he does. Which is different than what some people were asking for--Phil to not say those things at all, anywhere at any time. The first is not a free speech violation, the second certainly is. ~ Administrator said... 80

After wanting haters to be taken down, I'd be extremely careful about sending her anything, especially a name, address and photo.


Exactly. I wouldn't do it. We have no idea she isn't sending all this info straight to Steve or BV or some of the defective detectives or whoever. What is she going to do with this info? How will it be kept secure? Didn't she just claim Jon is continuing to hack her? Laughable yes, but she seemed to believe it. So if she believes Jon is hacking her how can she guarantee their sensitive information is safe with her?

I think she never thinks things through. Thinking it through is not her strong suit.

Kate is a twit said... 81

I noticed that in the tweet where she denied that it's a contest, she included HCI Books. They must be neglecting her now, and she has to point out the wonderful thing she is doing by giving away signed copies of her books. Maybe she's hoping that they'll be so touched by her "kindness" that they'll arrange another book tour for her. ~ Administrator said... 82

So is the 10% Target discount today and tomorrow for everything, even gift cards? No strings attached? I can't find anything that explains any of the details. That is quite a deal if true. I just might do my necessities shopping today and use up some coupons over there.

Over In TFW's County said... 83

It would be funny if someone posed as Beyonce and sent this in to the "contest". I mean how would Kate verify it is or isn't her? Is BV still working for her and on the case?


It is a "not-a-contest," ranks right up there with the "not-a-nanny."

OrangeCrusher1 said... 84

Her 'act of kindness' is gifting someone a copy of her crappy cookbook? Does she ever read what she writes? Hey, Kate, how about your start this off by bragging about one of your humble acts of kindness. A contest to see who amongst the dumb sheeple can write the brag guest story. Shaking my head. The way this should go would be to have people write about acts of kindness that they have witnessed, you know describing acts done by others, nominating them for whatever. And sorry, honey, your cookbook is no great shakes in the prize game.

Over In TFW's County said... 85

She has to have a motive for this. Does she expect to make ROL and have the tabs gushing over her spreading holiday cheer? Question is...why is she sitting back and expecting others to do these acts of kindness?

She really doesn't think these things through. It is a contest, no matter how she looks at it, and as such, there are legal issues involved. Didn't she learn the last time? If judging is done, it is a contest. I would think that the "rules" of such a contest must be clearly defined.

Kate is a twit said... 86

Although it's somewhat related to the BV stuff, how can we forget Kate tweeting with the so-called hackers, MadBritishGuy and AnonymousNL? Remember the love fest, and how she called them her heroes?

Then there's her article on BV about how she has been "bullied" all her life.

I guess most of Kate's worst moments were actually the result of her association with BV.

jbranck1980 said... 87

Amazing how she states it isn't a contest but she needs your info IF you win. So, if it isn't a contest, then shouldn't everyone who submits a story get a book? Perhaps that is why she is only giving away 12 :)

JR said... 88

Its just another useless attempt to keep herself relevant . PERIOD. For once in my life..I'm at a loss for words.

Over In TFW's County said... 89

I'm thinking about Clarke Griswold's meltdown when he found out he was enrolled in the Jelly Of The Month Club.
"Clark: Where do you think you're going? Nobody's leaving. Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no. We're all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here. We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse."


Ah. but Tucker, according to Cousin Eddie, the Jelly of the Month Club is the gift that keeps giving the whole year. I doubt if Kate's signed cookbook has a longevity of twelve months. Receiving the Jelly of the Month Club membership would be much better.

I'm off to do some last minute shopping. Can't forget my camera in case, well, you know, I see someone who needs help crossing the street. I'll grab someone to snap a photo of us in the middle of a busy intersection.

JR said... 90

Someone just reported her to the proper authorities because there might be minors involved... her asking for addresses and names. What a JERK.

AuntieAnn said... 91

Over In TFW's County said... 84

She really doesn't think these things through. It is a contest, no matter how she looks at it, and as such, there are legal issues involved. Didn't she learn the last time? If judging is done, it is a contest. I would think that the "rules" of such a contest must be clearly defined.


Yep anytime you say "chance to win" it means it's a contest.

Looks like Kate made yet another 2013 faux pas. We'd better add it to the list.

Over And Out said... 92

If people are submitting their stories, and there is judging involved, it IS a contest. She's an idiot. If everyone who sent in stories and photos (and whatever else is "required") would receive a cookbook, then it's not a contest, but rather a give-a-way.

Better look up the definition, rules and regulations of a contest, Kate. Just because you say it isn't doesn't make it so.

Rhymes with Witch said... 93

Its a good way to help get rid of all those extra books, plus she can post the stories others submit, so she can have a break over
Christmas. 10

Oh for heaven's sake, who in their right mind would send this woman an
address and a photo? It's blog fodder for her, and frankly,
what an invasion of privacy for what, a signed crapbook? 52

There you have it folks. TFW has run out of things to talk about and is soliciting ideas from her legion of fans.

I do have to ask - a break from what?

Sheri said... 94

Bitchy Pants said...(58)

"So good to hear that at least some children will get the benefit of an evaluation before a judge proclaims that they can be on reality TV."


Am I mistaken in the thought that adult participants are already required to undergo a psychological evaluation before signing on?

I realize this would merely a formality to protect networks and producers from being sued in the case that someone has a breakdown.

Nevertheless it stands to reason that children, being much more vulnerable to any negative psychological effects, should also automatically be afforded the same.

In any case, just glad to hear that the judge outright denied making any temporary concession until the evaluations are done.

It may be a small one but it's still a victory for children and any parents trying to protect them from exploitation.

Formerly Duped said... 95

I would consider it a random act of kindness if Kate does NOT send me her for Taylor Swift, she performs so many acts of compassion for sick children and never brags about them. TFW is so out of the loop. You would think she would know of Laney Brown's battle, with her living in the same state and the FB links .

Imagine if you asked a homeless person you gave some money to , to pose for photo!

Just Milking It said... 96

Renee ‏@Renee7Richards 3m
@Kateplusmy8 I carried and delivered twins as a surrogate for my friend. I also gave hem breastmilk for free 😊

Photo? Proof of pumping, please? Kate needs that!

If you were to charge, what's the going rate for a quart of breast milk? ~ Administrator said... 97

Am I mistaken in the thought that adult participants are already required to undergo a psychological evaluation before signing on?


Yes some networks do, but it's given by them in a self serving way to protect themselves. Just in case someone shows up suicidal or something they won't hire them for fear they'll be blamed. I can't imagine half the people on reality T.V. really are mentally stable enough to handle such pressures, the network doesn't care about that they just care if any of this is going to lead to liability problems. If not, you're on. A network probably wouldn't say no to a POTENTIAL future problem for a kid whereas a judge might feel different.

This is different and better in that it's an independent party, the judge, who is ordering an independent evaluation from a court sanctioned panel, who then has the power to tell the network that per my custody order and ruling you may not film these children.

JR said... 98

doesn't she know at this point if she makes one wrong move the haters on twitter will be all over it. Does she ever learn her lesson? She thinks shes untouchable is the problem. She has to be very careful when involving personal info. Who the hell would trust her after all that crap that went on with BV. Trust her? Hell NO

Rhymes with Witch said... 99

I guess most of Kate's worst moments were actually the result of her association with BV. 85

Since her lawsuit was probably inspired by her association with him, I
agree with you.

cathyn518 said... 100

Admin said...
"Also please continue to submit your ideas for Kate's worst moments if you're so inclined. Include your address and a photo."

Too funny!

Just Milking It said... 101

Kate makes the announcement this morning, and sheep are already rushing out with cameras and sending their stories to Kate? Boggles the mind, doesn't it...and for what, a signed copy of a cookbook that's going to end up in the dollar store by Easter.

Rebecca ‏@eaglewhnsheflys 3m
@Kateplusmy8 Just sent mine in. Glad lots o people have been doing nice/helpful things. Love it.

AuntieAnn said... 102

Formerly Duped said... 94

I would consider it a random act of kindness if Kate does NOT send me her crookbook.



I was thinking her book would make a great booby prize for any contest.

AuntieAnn said... 103

Just Milking It said... 100

Boggles the mind, doesn't it...and for what, a signed copy of a cookbook that's going to end up in the dollar store by Easter.


And even then that's only IF the dollar store doesn't reject the shipment. ~ Administrator said... 104

Sara Hawkins is an attorney and has a pretty good article about blog contests:

TFW's already broken the law in terms of what must be included in the official rules of her web site:

Official rules must always include:

“No purchase necessary.”
The alternative method of free participation.
Geographic area of the sweepstakes and/or who is eligible to participate in the sweepstakes.
Opening date and scheduled termination date of the sweepstakes.
Complete name and address of the sponsor and promoter of the contest.
Number of prizes, the accurate description of each prize, the retail value of each prize and the odds of winning each type of prize.
Whether all prizes offered will be awarded and how the prizes will be awarded.
Manner of selection of winners and when a determination of winners will be made.
Where and when a list of winners can be obtained.

She should talk to a lawyer to make sure this is not an illegal lottery. I don't know if requiring people to simple do an act of kindness is enough "skill" to transform it into a legal contest. She is also engaging in potentially solicitation of a minor.

Does no one advise her?

Rhymes with Witch said... 105

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Random acts of kindness coming in already! Thanks, but PLEASE INCLUDE
YOUR NAME & ADDRESS to receive your signed book, if you're chosen!

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
And to be clear, this isn't a contest.Your kindness is just being rewarded w/ my kindness! #payitforward @HCI_Books

Say what? ~ Administrator said... 106

Sara Hawkins even mentions in her article be careful asking for personal information like addresses/ssn (which is required when the prize is a certain amount) because that is a BIG RESPONSIBILITY. That's right, it is a big responsibility. Also if you allow Canadians to participate, which Kate never says they can't, you must follow Canada law no matter what every state's law is (and she must follow every state's law or exclude the state). And Canada law is different. ~ Administrator said... 107

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
And to be clear, this isn't a contest.Your kindness is just being rewarded w/ my kindness! #payitforward @HCI_Books


BAw haha! It is a contest. It is. And therefore she has to follow the law.

LOL you can't say oh no judge I wasn't stealing I was borrowing. Doesn't matter how you see it, it's not up to you what something is. It's objective, not subjective.

Rhymes with Witch said... 108

Does no one advise her? 103

Who would she take advice from? ~ Administrator said... 109

Renee ‏@Renee7Richards 3m
@Kateplusmy8 I carried and delivered twins as a surrogate for my friend. I also gave hem breastmilk for free 😊


Well then!

Folks the contest is over. Unless a sheeple can carry and deliver and breastfeed twins in four days, I say Renee wins.

Rhymes with Witch said... 110

xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx@kateplusmy8 Please send me the tweet of the young girlas I would like to retweet as well as a couple of followers.


Berks Neighbor said... 111

Sweepstakes, Contests & Giveaways – Laws Bloggers & Brands Need to Know

Another key rule is the whole 18 and over regulation to the twitter contest/post/consideration etc.

These haphazard attempts at keeping herself relevant are going to backfire on her. ~ Administrator said... 112

These haphazard attempts at keeping herself relevant are going to backfire on her.


That's the thing, if you're this fast and loose about everything it will catch up indeed. This reminds me of that housewife Teresa with the tax problems. They played fast and loose for years and nothing happened. They just got more reckless and more brazen. It finally did catch up and now they're looking at jail time. I'm not even necessarily condoning anyone reporting her. She will be in a pickle eventually without anyone trying to force it along. If it's not this it will be something else.

Sherry Baby said... 113

Does no one advise her?

They might advise her, but she wouldn't listen. Kate does as Kate wants to do. She writes the rules. She parks in fire lanes.

Rhymes with Witch said... 114

@Kateplusmy8 I carried and delivered twins as a surrogate for my friend. I also gave them breastmilk for free �� 108

Wonder if she included a picture.

Formerly Duped said... 115

Her cookbook is hardly new. And she considers it a 'kindness' from her to give it out as a prize? Very conceited if you ask me, to think that people would want to win it..but apparently some do! Wonder how many copies she is planning on getting rid of?

Anonymous said... 116

Oh, yeah, Canadian Laws vary from provinces and Territories. She should really check out Quebec Laws about that, and the consequences, lmao


Sherry Baby said... 117

Admin said...
"Also please continue to submit your ideas for Kate's worst moments if you're so inclined. Include your address and a photo."

And your SS number, your phone numbers (both cell and landline), your birthdate, driver's license number, any financial accounts (checking, savings, securities), latitude and longitude, name of next of kin and any life insurance beneficiaries.

Sherry Baby said... 118

Folks the contest is over. Unless a sheeple can carry and deliver and breastfeed twins in four days, I say Renee wins.

Not necessarily a winner. Kate needs a photo of her with the breast pump and "free milk" sign included. ~ Administrator said... 119

This is when having a husband/boyfriend/significant other/close friend who is honest/ someone to "check" you is so important.

Everyone needs a check. Everyone needs someone else to balance them out, question them from time to time, help them to see things differently, take them out of their bubble. This person would have said oh you want to run a contest and you're a public figure, I hear that's dicey....wait a sec, let's do some googling, make some calls first, honey.

I don't see that Kate really has this person in her life. I don't believe that the few friends she has left are much of a "check" on her, most of them seem to just enable her (especially Deanna, she's the worst) and the one person who is still trying to help her she refuses to speak to other than via texts. Not much Jon can do anymore.

I think we can't even begin to know all the things Jon guided her away from doing during their marriage. She's sort of rogue now, and is completely nuts. Sometimes it's funny, but it's equally sad and uncomfortable at the same time. ~ Administrator said... 120

Sandie @SandieBellz 17m
@Kateplusmy8 My act today was giving $25 to the person collecting carts at the grocery store. My reward was his smile.

And you just had to tweet about it? Shouldn't your reward be knowing that you did something without mentioning that you did it? YOU know that you did it and that's all that matters.


I kind of took this another way. I think Sandie is slamming the contest, in a nice way. She's saying look I don't need a contest or book, my reward was his smile. I like what she's saying. It's not a competition. Just do these things and let it be its own reward. Forget photos or contests.

And, I think this is a really nice act of kindness, especially if she lives in a cold climate. That's an awful job and I can picture that really making a young man or woman's day. I don't think she would have tooted her horn about it but for Kate saying I'm going to turn kindness into a competition. Isn't Sandie one of the one of the more grounded sheeple we tend to like? :)

Sherry Baby said... 121

Sara Hawkins even mentions in her article be careful asking for personal information like addresses/ssn (which is required when the prize is a certain amount) because that is a BIG RESPONSIBILITY. That's right, it is a big responsibility. Also if you allow Canadians to participate, which Kate never says they can't, you must follow Canada law no matter what every state's law is (and she must follow every state's law or exclude the state). And Canada law is different.

Yes, and she even defines "contests." Kate, you can spin this any way you want and say it isn't a contest, but it clearly is:

"Contests choose a winner based on some merit. The winner is chosen based on some criteria such as best photo, most votes on a video, best recipe, etc."

It's not difficult to understand. There is no gray area here. This IS a contest. I guess the sheeple are so gullible that they believe everything she says.

Sherry Baby said... 122

Isn't Sandie one of the one of the more grounded sheeple we tend to like? :)
For the most part, but not always. In recent months she's come up with some "doozies," typical of sheeple thinking.

Tucker's Mom said... 123

Rhymes with Witch said... 113
@Kateplusmy8 I carried and delivered twins as a surrogate for my friend. I also gave them breastmilk for free �� 108
Well, unless you've got a photo of those kids emerging from you birth canal, I'm afraid you're SOL :(

Really, I have to thank Kate- this blog has had some heavy exchanged recently and this really lightens the mood. ~ Administrator said... 124

Someone yesterday was complaining about an ad. I have no idea what ad you saw because we all get our own ads. Ads are based on what you browse and somewhat what we're talking about here, I don't pick them. Maybe examine your browsing habits! Just kidding, but not really--based on your habits Google thought that that is the ad you should see. As we all know, it has its hits and misses....

Just Milking It said... 125

Folks the contest is over. Unless a sheeple can carry and deliver and breastfeed twins in four days, I say Renee wins.


Not so fast there. Isn't there a sheeple who has been living with holes in her heart, and blood pressure of 250/180 for a few years? If she can survive that, I'll bet she could get pregnant and deliver triplets in three days, and have them breastfeeding from inside the womb.

Photo, please?

Tucker's Mom said... 126

Berks Neighbor said... 110
Sweepstakes, Contests & Giveaways – Laws Bloggers & Brands Need to Know

Another key rule is the whole 18 and over regulation to the twitter contest/post/consideration etc.
Does the COPPA Rule apply here in any way?
I'm wondering if it would be suspicious to collect not only a minor's name and address, but a PHOTO to boot.
Does Kate plan to use the winners' likenesses on her blog or post them on Twitter? Does she need permission to do so?
What exactly are the contestants (or whatever they are in this "not a contest") agreeing to in turning over their personal information?

Aiyaiyai.... seems fraught with peril to me.

Sherry Baby said... 127

Someone yesterday was complaining about an ad. I have no idea what ad you saw because we all get our own ads. Ads are based on what you browse and somewhat what we're talking about here, I don't pick them. Maybe examine your browsing habits! Just kidding, but not really--based on your habits Google thought that that is the ad you should see. As we all know, it has its hits and misses....

Mostly. yes, but how did so many of us manage to get Stephanie? lol! Gosh, I miss her, especially over the holidays.

Tucker's Mom said... 128 (Administrator) said... 105
Sara Hawkins even mentions in her article be careful asking for personal information like addresses/ssn (which is required when the prize is a certain amount) because that is a BIG RESPONSIBILITY. That's right, it is a big responsibility
On the heels of a failed lawsuit that Kate enacted, accusing Jon of computer hacking, and Robert of stealing her trash which included computer discs full of her personal communications, how could anyone trust Kate with their personal information?
If I found my minor kid entering this contest-ish thing, I'd be fit to be tied.
Not only that, but Kate would be able to track the IP addresses, would she not?

Sherry Baby said... 129

Really, I have to thank Kate- this blog has had some heavy exchanged recently and this really lightens the mood.

Yes. Tucker's, I was thinking the same thing as I was reading the posts. Kate may not intend it, but there is humor in some of the things she comes up with. ~ Administrator said... 130

Mostly. yes, but how did so many of us manage to get Stephanie?


You're a better judge of that than me!

Tucker's Mom said... 131

Manner of selection of winners and when a determination of winners will be made.
My 13-year olds will decide.

Rhymes with Witch said... 132

Really, I have to thank Kate- this blog has had some heavy exchanges
recently and this really lightens the mood. 123

Amen to that. I also have to add, kate really is a twit. Perfect name, KIAT

AuntieAnn said... 133

@Kateplusmy8 I carried and delivered twins as a surrogate for my friend. I also gave them breastmilk for free


And this was 'random'?

Yeesh. Explain that one to your husband..."sweetie, guess what I did today..."

Sherry Baby said... 134

b ‏@wyomissings 3m
let's stan kate gosselin and the gosselin children

Is "stan" a verb? I always thought Milo was a "stan" (obsessed fan, sometimes a stalker), but I never heard it used as a verb. But, what do I know?

Why would anyone suggest stalking the Gosselin kids?

Tucker's Mom said... 135

Ah. but Tucker, according to Cousin Eddie, the Jelly of the Month Club is the gift that keeps giving the whole year. I doubt if Kate's signed cookbook has a longevity of twelve months. Receiving the Jelly of the Month Club membership would be much better.

I'm off to do some last minute shopping. Can't forget my camera in case, well, you know, I see someone who needs help crossing the street. I'll grab someone to snap a photo of us in the middle of a busy intersection.
Yes, I'd rather eat toe jam than Kate's 5-can bake.

jbranck1980 said... 136

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 58m
Keep them coming.. My kids are helping to read and sort through all your wonderful stories of kindness #BeKindGetSigned

And yet again, putting her kids to work....

Dmasy said... 137

Just goes to show -- there are 10 days left until the end of this year.

Kate could contribute several potential candidates for Admin's list of 10 dumbest decisions.

Tucker's Mom said... 138

Dmasy said... 137
Just goes to show -- there are 10 days left until the end of this year.

Kate could contribute several potential candidates for Admin's list of 10 dumbest decisions.
She's been holding out on us! This not-a-contest is a gem.

Tucker's Mom said... 139

And yet again, putting her kids to work....
OMG, let you teens go play with their friends! It's Saturday, and it's the Holiday break! For the love of everything holy, open the compound gates!

Anonymous said... 140

I love it when two different topics are bouncing back and forth on a single thread.
I just read this: "Am I mistaken in the thought that adult participants are already required to undergo a psychological evaluation before signing on?" Right under a post about people participating in Kate's contest, and started to snort out the Coke I was drinking. I thought it was in reference to her contestants. You know I don't think her contestants could pass a psychological evaluation. LOL LOL

On another note I was going to submit what I thought were Kate's worst moments in 2013, but saw the request for my name, address and photo and am way too scared that Administrator may send me a copy of Love is in the Mix if my suggestions makes the top of the list. Sorry, I love to cook and am an even more avid baker. I can not risk contamination of my lovely collection of cookbooks with any contact with that toxic tome.

However, I do love coloring books and think I should win one- This morning I helped an elderly person across the street. It wasn't easy because she just didn't want to cross the street. She even tried to hit me with her cane and kept yelling. I think she should have been more understanding that this was to WIN a contest for ME, ME, ME! Anyway while I was smiling for the camera, you know for proof, trying to look pretty a Mack truck kind of struck her. Honestly, not really that hard, but she made a huge fuss-the big baby. They say she will be okay and may even walk again someday. Does that count? I hope I won.

Little Miss Smarty Pants

Meagler said... 141


I just had to come back and see what kate's big announcement was about....

1. Kate, why not yourself do a Random Act of Kindness

2. Random Acts of Kindness, even paying it Forward, like others before me have just that... random... also.. to truly be an Act of Kindness, people do it without expecting ANYTHING IN RETURN.

Now we have a bunch of selfish people out there only doing pseudo acts of kindness, because they are looking for something in return. This truly is a narcisistic way of feeling good about yourself.

3. Its not a Contest????

Kate tweets: "News announced! Happy random acts of holiday kindness! Email me your story for your chance to win a signed copy of my new cookbook!"

Chance to win...errr.....Lookey here.....chance to win...nope no contest here.....lookey there....No Officer I was not speeding. The odometer just says 180kms because it knows that I need to be home with my kids... what a dufus.

"PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR NAME & ADDRESS to receive your signed book, if you're chosen!' still legally sounds like a contest!!

I believe she included HCi in her tweet as they inboxed her a reminder about running a contest has she thinks that by twweting " Hey Folks its not a COntest" and included HCi in her tweet to get them off her back.

3. Kate does NOTHING out of the goodness of her heart. There is an underbelly to this....

She is hoping to have her story picked up by a rag mag. She is hoping to deflect from another big announcement. Who knows maybe even this whole Orange Country Story concerns her. Perhaps like some one else said, she needs to give away books to write off as marketing. Why pick 12 books when 8 is her number..

Oh Kate, you havent changed your are still a Wolf in sheeps clothing!

Unknown said... 142

Have only read this far, so someone else has already said it, but.....

Over In TFW's County said... 76
''Why does she need their name and address?''
My very first thought when I read she needs their name and address was that it is to provide more names for BV to 'out'. She refuses to give out her email address because she wants more 'clicks' on her site.

She is a piece of work, that is certain.

Tucker's Mom said... 143

Little Miss Smarty Pants
Very funny!
Reminds me of the movie Two Weeks Notice, when Sandra Bullock's bleeding heart character tosses coins into a homeless guys cup of coffee- except he wasn't begging, he was... drinking coffee.
What the hell???

Serendipity said... 144

Manner of selection of winners and when a determination of winners will be made.
My 13-year olds will decide.


But it's not a contest! No judging involved here, folks! We put all of the entries in a bag and pull out 12 of them. Oh, wait...does that make it a sweepstakes or a lottery?

Whatever, there are rules to be followed for contests, sweepstakes and lotteries. It appears that she's above those rules. ~ Administrator said... 145

Manner of selection of winners and when a determination of winners will be made.
My 13-year olds will decide.


I thought you were joking about this....then I realized not!

Layla said... 146

Admin (48)
A leftover cheese ball? Cool! That's a better prize than a signed copy of Kate's cookbook. Remember, I tried out some of those recipes. My family thought I was trying to kill them.

Serendipity said... 147

Anna McGee ‏@CheerAnna 29m
@Kateplusmy8 how will we know if we won?

Bless her heart. If she wins, will Kate post her photo? Kate, this is a high school freshman, a minor who, according to your "rules" sent you a photo of herself. You're skating on very thin ice here.

Serendipity said... 148

Milo's driveway doesn't quite reach the road. She just doesn't get it, and never will. She and the sheeple just can't grasp the fact that an act of kindness doesn't expect a reward in return. They can't see that Kate is sitting on her leather sofa, judging a contest (that may or may not be legal), and encouraging fans to perform acts of kindness in expectation of getting something out of it while she does NOTHING.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 5m
@BuzzedBunny @Kateplusmy8 Ha..believe it! We have often said Kate could find a cure 4cancer/negotiate world peace..& they'd still find fault

Over And Out said... 149

Her TL has been dying a slow death, except for instructions on how to make a Kate Gosselin Halloween wig, or costume, or whatever, and some blabbering idiot from China Vector who is enamored with Hannah and Alexis. She needed something to perk it up, and I guess this is all she could come up with.

FYI said... 150

Now Milo's putting her own spin on why Kate wants a picture.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 5m
@Kateplusmy8 I do believe U asked 4a pic 2verify the deed because unfortunately some internet good deeds turn out 2b hoaxes! :) #Genuine

She just doesn't it get it, does she? If you have to prove that you did a good deed, it takes away from the deed itself. It becomes all about you, and not what you did.

Plus even pictures could be fabricated. I could take a picture of a Starbucks cup and said I bought it for the person behind me.

Does Kate really want people to send her pictures of the recipients of their good deed? Does she not realize that that is so wrong, and also an invasion of those people's privacy?

She dislikes having her and her childrens' pictures taken in public, but she's now encouraging others to do that to perfect strangers.

There are so many wrong things about this not-a-contest. ~ Administrator said... 151

Another thing too is way to impose upon 13 year olds the idea that kindness can be judged, ranked, ordered, and compared. Why not teach them that all acts of kindness are a good thing and that is is wrong to stand in judgment about which is better or worse or bestow on one chosen person as the most kind as if you are God?

It's that old story if one person who is a millionaire gives a million, but an old woman is poor and gives everything she has all her worldy goods and every last penny, who is really "kinder"? But in Kate's kindness campaign I suppose the millionaire wins, right?

Life is not a competition, especially when it comes to kindness. How sad this is made into a competition. If I've said it before I've said it again, to Kate, life is one giant game of "points." Everything is tit for tat, even good acts. Milo indeed does not get it: The acts themselves are wonderful, great. Turning it into some silly competition is what's bizarre and defeats the purpose.

Tucker's Mom said... 152

We have often said Kate could find a cure 4cancer/negotiate world peace..& they'd still find fault
Kate couldn't negotiate a cup of coffee with the father of her children and so I think World Peace is off the table when what she did manage to do was file a lawsuit against him.
Peace? Ha! Try The War of the Roses.

kids first said... 153

I think with this latest stunt even her die-hard sheeple must be starting to get repulsed by her. Twitter is the final nail in her coffin.

TLC stinks said... 154

What is Kate's random act of kindness? Bueller? Bueller? This is from a person who accepts gifts from people who have much less money than her. Despicable. Oh, and I'm betting she hopes one of the internet sites picks this "contest" up. ~ Administrator said... 155

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5m
@Kateplusmy8 I do believe U asked 4a pic 2verify the deed because unfortunately some internet good deeds turn out 2b hoaxes! :) #Genuine


Like you said, even pictures can be faked. And say you do something like stop a veteran on the street and thank him for his service and you end up chatting and taking him to lunch. How do you explain what happened in just a picture? A simple picture of lunch doesn't prove anything --who he is, how this came about. Many acts of kindness cannot be proven or explained in just a picture, and if I did such a thing I would feel awkward and embarrassed to interrupt the moment by asking that person for a pic. It's not appropriate.

Not to mention, she's essentially implying that her fans can't be trusted and would lie to her so she needs proof. This is her paranoia creeping in making her irrational, since a photo doesn't prove much of anything either. I'd be offended if I were a fan, as if I would lie to her?

kids first said... 156

She had better hope that this DOESN'T get picked up by an internet site! It only makers her look more like a stupid unthinking jerk than she already is.

Rhymes with Witch said... 157

Oh and I'm betting she hopes one of the internet sites picks this "contest" up. 153


At the same time, that would publicize the questionable legality of the "not a contest."

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 158

And to be clear, this isn't a contest.Your kindness is just being rewarded w/ my kindness! #payitforward @HCI_Books

First of all, she is relentless in her attempts to show the masses the new, softer, more generous Kate so that she can get back on TV. She's using the "kindness" angle now. Before it was the "I don't sweat the small stuff anymore" angle, ie. "you can quit hating me now because I don't stress out like I did before". How come we don't hear any locals get on twitter and talk about something kind that Kate has done in her community? It doesn't even have to be someone local. Just anyone out there who has seen her do something nice without expecting her to get a pat on the back for it. And for that egocentric POS to say she is rewarding someone with her "kindness" is just unbelievable. Why does she have to throw herself into the equation each and every time.

Rhymes with Witch said... 159

I'd be offended if I were a fan, as if I would lie to her? 154

I'm not sure how many fans can follow that thread of logic and would be thrilled that Kate wants a picture of them.

Paula said... 160

The smell of desperation is in the air....She's so done. Giving away her failed cookbook. SMH.

Tucker's Mom said... 161

I'd be offended if I were a fan, as if I would lie to her?
I would be too.
Of course, I'd be offended by paying for a cookbook with 2 entire pages wasted on 2 boxes of macaroni and cheese and a can of tuna.
The think is, Kate would never be caught dead doing what silly antics that she goads her fanatics into doing.
A grown woman waving a homemade sign around in a Walmart parking lot, barking at passers by to watch Kate +8. Teenagers placing sings in their windows and neighborhoods.
These are demeaning things they've done. Plain old undignified in my eyes.
Yet, their Queen sits back and watches them ask "how high?" when she says, "jump".
The inequality is astounding.
All they need is a little bone now and then, and they come clammoring to lap up any soupcon of attention they can get.

Gerismum said... 162

I committed a random act of kindness! I bought ten copies of Kate's lousy book to help her clean out her storage room of all those bookstore returns! #theydontknowhowtohelpme#getthesedamnedbooksoutofmybasement

Layla said... 163

My next prediction is...Kate will ask the winners of her not-a-contest to send her prepaid envelopes for their not-a prize cookbooks. No way is she going to pay postage to mail out 12 cookbooks.
Also, perhaps she's hoping that people will send her gifts/gift cards as their "random acts". Those will be the ones who automatically win, as long as the amount spent on her is high enough to meet her approval.

Layla said... 164

Note to Kate:
Ann Curry thought of it first. And she did it right--she encouraged multiple acts of kindness without taking pictures or expecting some prize in return. Kindness for the sake of kindness--that's how to do it right. ~ Administrator said... 165

Note to Kate:
Ann Curry thought of it first. And she did it right--she encouraged multiple acts of kindness without taking pictures or expecting some prize in return. Kindness for the sake of kindness--that's how to do it right.


I knew this sounded familiar! THAT'S what it is.

So nice, now she's also ripping off Ann Currey.

FYI said... 166

I guess Kate thinks all of her fans are exactly like her. She seems to think that they wouldn't do acts of kindness, unless there is something in it for them. Just like she doesn't do anything unless there's something in it for her.

If I were a fan, I would feel highly insulted to even be asked to participate in such a not-a-contest, and especially having to prove what I had done. Giving and being kind is a personal issue, not something to be shared with your tweeties and children.

Rhymes with Witch said... 167

Smarty Pants 140

I was going to comment in a similar vein, but not only did you do it first, you did it better. :)

SallyFromCali said... 168

Shipping 12 cookbooks via USPS Medial Mail would cost roughly $40.

Of course it takes "work" to pack and send out the cookbooks. Guess the kids will be doing that too.

Somewhere In Time said... 169

Admin (48)
A leftover cheese ball? Cool! That's a better prize than a signed copy of Kate's cookbook. Remember, I tried out some of those recipes. My family thought I was trying to kill them.

I'm just surprised that the "prize" isn't a left-over, dried out, passed around and re-gifted (or re-grifted) fruitcake from 10 years ago.

Rhymes with Witch said... 170

No offense to Ann Curry.

Rhymes with Witch said... 171

I'm just surprised that the "prize" isn't a left-over, dried out, passed around and re-gifted (or re-grifted) fruitcake from 10 years ago. 169

Shhhhhh.......we're not supposed to mention THAT fruitcake.

Kirkland said... 172

Speaking of friends...whatever happened to Jamie? Is she still around? I'm just curious.

Rhymes with Witch said... 173

Re twf's prize, of course it's an unsold copy of her book. She's got lots.

PA Dutch Mom said... 174

I see Milo is resuming her duties as Kate's official weather reporter, as if Kate can't check Accuweather herself: I'm surprised that Gladys doesn't google incident reports in Kate's area to advise her of traffic delays.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 51m
@Kateplusmy8 @twittyboy2 Ha...but short lived #WarmWeatherGirl...Tuesday nite I think I see your weather is going down to 18 degrees! #Ouch

JR said... 175

She is getting hammered on twitter...Every hater is out in full force tonight. They are totally disgusted with her. It is really brutal. If I was her I'd be crying right about now. Poor do they protect such a willing victim.

Rhymes with Witch said... 176

Speaking of friends...whatever happened to Jamie? Is she still around? I'm just curious. 172
I don't know, but I think that RV trip was a turning point in a lot of ways.

Where's franky? My phone keeps auto correcting to tv.

Rhythm Of Life said... 177

JR...174: "She is getting hammered on twitter...Every hater is out in full force tonight. They are totally disgusted with her. It is really brutal. If I was her I'd be crying right about now. Poor do they protect such a willing victim."


She deserves to get hammered. This has got to be one of the most idiotic things she's ever come up with...sending addresses and photos. What person in his/her right mind would send an address and photo to her, especially considering the fact that she calls the great outer, BV, her hero? It's surprising she didn't ask for the birth date and SS#.

JMO said... 178

Kate is a twit said... 166
I guess Kate thinks all of her fans are exactly like her. She seems to think that they wouldn't do acts of kindness, unless there is something in it for them. Just like she doesn't do anything unless there's something in it for her.

If I were a fan, I would feel highly insulted to even be asked to participate in such a not-a-contest, and especially having to prove what I had done. Giving and being kind is a personal issue, not something to be shared with your tweeties and children.

I totally agree.

Her manipulation of "good will to all men" is sad, at best. Trying to get credit for encouraging "good will" so she does not have to do anything, other than send out 12 books gathering dust. While accepting freebie gifts and not paying it forward HERSELF. Yet she will take credit for all good deeds, without lifting a finder.

The whole concept is created to drive people to her site, so she can take credit for acts of kindness while doing none herself. The requiring proof is simply ludicrous. And anyone who responds to this is being totally manipulated as usual.

Formerly Duped said... 179

Jamie came to clean the oven hood since the RV trip and one other time iirc....

BTW I agree, good deeds should not be judged or ranked, and not by Kate and her children of all people, for a prize of a failure of a cookbook. What tosh!

Layla said... 180

Kirkland (172)
Kate posted pictures after a visit from Jamie and her kids a couple years ago, but there hasn't been much said about her since. I found it odd how, on K+8, Kate said that Jamie had been her best friend for years, but on the final episode, Jamie said that Kate was one of her best friends. One of her best--but not her best-- friend. She talked about how much Kate had changed, was obsessed with her appearance and how thin she was. I can see distancing oneself from someone so self-absorbed, especially if her behavior on the RV episodes was typical of her after the show began. That one statement Jamie made about watching all the love leave Kate's eyes--ouch!

I think Kate is very much alone right now. Her friends, family, Jon--all gone. No wonder she wants the kids to stay with her instead of going to Jon's. Otherwise she'd have nobody. She has spent several holidays alone since the divorce. She doesn't even have anyone to spend a holiday with when the kids aren't there. If she had even one real friend, wouldn't that friend invite her over for a holiday rather than leave her to spend the day alone? Perhaps I should feel sorry for her, but I don't. She threw them all away like trash. It's her own fault.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 181

The whole concept is created to drive people to her site, so she can take credit for acts of kindness while doing none herself. The requiring proof is simply ludicrous. And anyone who responds to this is being totally manipulated as usual.


And who is doing the vetting? The defective detective? How is Kate to know if these people are really who they say they are, and not some random haters with fake addresses who are just pulling the wool over her eyes?

Anonymous said... 182

I think Kate might just read here. So, Kate dear-you have encouraged others to do kind acts. I like that so let us all say together-YOU FIRST!
Let me give you a suggestion. You have two young teens. You know what they like and what is popular. Even the most generous of charities that provide gifts and toys to kids at Christmas almost never include children over 11. It isn't that they don't want to, it is just a lack of contributions. So how about you giving a whole boat load, you know piece and patch lots of gifts for that age group and ask all your fans to match it? Hey, lurked here a long time, I would even expect your nonfans to pitch in too.
(and I don't mean signed copies of your swindle cookbook)

Little Miss Smarty Pants.

Kirkland said... 183

Well, I think that's sad she doesn't have friends!

Kate is a perfect Scrooge and I think she could really benefit from a visit from the Ghost of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Future.

Can you just imagine Kate waking up Christmas morning after seeing her past, present and future? I'd love to see that movie!! :)

Anonymous said... 184

Has Kate mentioned Deanna in the past year or so? Just curious. Kate use to include her tweets, but no longer.

fidosmommy said... 185

Where's Jamie, you ask. Wait til summer.
Kate will have a bunch of major cleaning projects planned to coincide with Jamie's visit.

Ingrid said... 186

I think those who enter her "not a contest" should "undergo a psychological evaluation."
If she puts the winners pictures and names up on her website will that be infringing on their privacy?Will she have to have them sign a release?
Of course the contest rules don't apply to Kate "because she says so." All the fans believe everything from her lying lips "because she says so."

I have to wonder how being a surrogate mother is random. Did this person just walk up to a couple on the street and say I will have your babies without talking or research about it? Kindness yes, random no.

Formerly Duped said... 187

I agree, Layla. There is no love in Kate's eyes. They seem totally devoid of emotion until she puts on that 'mean' look with the kids. Almost reptilian. Shudder. ~ Administrator said... 188

Has Kate mentioned Deanna in the past year or so? Just curious. Kate use to include her tweets, but no longer.


Not lately and not only that but last I checked Deanna has not tweeted a single tweet since OCTOBER. Just total abandonment of twitter. And, her last tweet was to Kate.

Remember back in the day Deanna would take up for Kate all the time? Even about things Deanna couldn't possibly know? I'm glad she's grown up.

Tucker's Mom said... 189

Remember back in the day Deanna would take up for Kate all the time? Even about things Deanna couldn't possibly know? I'm glad she's grown up.
I thought I remembered Kate's #1 Fan would lasso her into all the Twitter kerfuffles, and Deanna would come to Kate's defense.
It's great if Deanna has disengaged from Kate's drama. I don't care if they're still buddies, good for them, but it's not healthy to be drawn into someone else's drama all the damn time.
It gets old.
Deanna has a career and a bf and hopefully a well-rounded life, and all this Twitter bs is a waste of time.
Being in a one-sided relationship gets old to most healthy people, too.

localyocul said... 190

That one statement Jamie made about watching all the love leave Kate's eyes--ouch!


I don't remember that statement. Actually I don't think I watched that last epi..what exactly did she say?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 191

Not lately and not only that but last I checked Deanna has not tweeted a single tweet since OCTOBER. Just total abandonment of twitter. And, her last tweet was to Kate.

Remember back in the day Deanna would take up for Kate all the time? Even about things Deanna couldn't possibly know? I'm glad she's grown up.


I think, though, that Milo continues to pester her about her whereabouts and how much she misses her.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 192

I have to wonder how being a surrogate mother is random. Did this person just walk up to a couple on the street and say I will have your babies without talking or research about it? Kindness yes, random no.


She tweeted that it was a friend of hers.

localyocul said... 193

Isn't a random act of kindness supposed to be sort of spur of the moment, um, RANDOM, and usually anonymous? Are you supposed to whip out your pink iphone and take a selfie of yourself doing something good? I don't have extra money or time to be doing all sorts of good deeds or contributions but I try and be kind to people all the time..go out of my way to tip well, treat people the way I want to be treated. It's nothing big but just the way I try and live. One of the things I can't stand about TFW is the way she treated people like the organizer, the water tester, Tony, the sky jump guy, and on and on. Like dirt beneath her feet. I have the most respect for the garbage men, the landscapers, the minimum wage holders. They are doing jobs noone really wants instead of "piecin and patchin".

getofftwitter said... 194

LAMEMO! Too bad Kate does not practice what she preaches & quotes! Geez, can't even give that book away! She is desperate to change her image, your too late Kate. She is desperate to get back on TV, and why not? The Roloffs have, and a whole bunch of other reality personalities have. I can't stand Matt Roloff, he is such a selfish A-hole! Everything is about what he wants, and when anyone else is happy or finds a better solution to a problem or says NO!, he has a hissy fit or pulls a I'm sick crap. I don't know how Amy puts up with him.

Ingrid said... 195

She tweeted that it was a friend of hers.

~~~ I guess I missed that

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 196

Gabriella Villarreal ‏@Hi_Im_Gabriella 16m
@carroll_co_ga @Kateplusmy8 the cinnamon rolls in the tray to make the tree it's creative in my opinion :)

lol! Google it. It's all over the internet. Nothing creative coming from Kate! It doesn't take much to impress the sheep.

JoyinVirginia said... 197

Re reality TV participants and mental health: the concept for Survivor was first produced for TV and aired in Sweden in 1997. The first person evicted from the island later committed suicide after the first episode aired.
Because of that, the USA production of survivor carefully screens participants and, when they exit the game, the first person they see is the staff psychiatrist who is there to provide support.
still some questionable contestants get on. Prime examiner Colton this past season, who admired at the reunion he could not cope when he was not in control and that is why he left early both times he was on. The first time he faked abdominal pain, they pulled him out for tests.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 198

Everything is about what he wants, and when anyone else is happy or finds a better solution to a problem or says NO!, he has a hissy fit or pulls a I'm sick crap. I don't know how Amy puts up with him.


What's the old saying? It takes two to tango...

JMO said... 199

In Kate's eyes, nothing is worth doing unless someone knows about it. The fellow Narcissists will respond to please Kate, and diminish their own selfless acts to please Kate. Sad, but their leader has spoken and judge their acts.

This from a person who has millions, and placed her kids' clothes in a consignment shop, rather than paying it forward (donating the clothes), as an example to others to help others out.

Sad but true. What is this teaching her kids?

localyocul said... 200

Sherry Baby said... 129
Really, I have to thank Kate- this blog has had some heavy exchanged recently and this really lightens the mood.

Yes. Tucker's, I was thinking the same thing as I was reading the posts. Kate may not intend it, but there is humor in some of the things she comes up with.


AMEN I have been scrolling past the Duck Dynasty stuff..too charged. I've also been scrolling lie...I grew up with someone, a good person and animal lover, who is pretty high up at Seaworld Orlando. She has PTSD from the day Dawn was attacked, and was depicted very unfairly in Blackfish. That's all I have to say about that.

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