10. For crying out loud.
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We weren't the only ones to shed a tear
for the Gosselin kids in 2013.
As 2013 comes to a close, we hear Kendra's expecting again. Good luck to the Basketts on baby number two; they are wonderful parents and should never doubt themselves about that just because some shrew from P.A. with an egg fetish tried to tell them otherwise.
9. The ninth Gosselin child comes forward.
Kate's always talked about that blighted ovum she had, but we never knew until now he was alive and kicking in Texas. Carlos Gosselin is a fun, carefree, yet hard-working 20-something music producer from the Longhorn State. Yes, Gosselin is his real name. It's not exactly Smith, but the surname is pretty widespread. One early Wednesday morning, Carlos tweeted "I love you mom" to @Kateplusmy8.
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Courtesy of Carlos Gosselin |
No, not my e-mail too! But I've had it since eighth grade.
2013 marked the year when people stopped being bullied by Kate. Carlos stood up to Kate, calmly telling her he would do no such thing and that it was just a joke. A funny one, Carlos. Thanks for the giggles. Update: Carlos's twitter reveals he's still hard at work and quite successful in the thriving east Texas music scene, managing various artists and pulling marathon sessions in the studio even on everyone else's day off. Carlos, you do your generation proud.
8. Kate accepts freebies at a fundraiser for crash victims.
A horrific accident after church. Two precious little girls gone. Most bloggers thought it was great to see the community come together to help the family through such a terrible time. A fan of Kate's organized a Zumba charity event and invited Kate to come. All still looked well, with Kate signing books and posing for photos, until photos were posted of Kate gleefully accepting freebies from the fan, including a pair of Uggs and an ornament. Token gifts are sometimes given to celebrities at charity events, but this one seemed particularly inappropriate given the tragic nature of the event. If gifts must be given, it should have been done quietly. There was also a level of suspicion that the event was used as a rouse just so a certain big fan could meet and spend time with Kate (almost all the Facebook posts from the event were of Kate, when the event was about so much more than that), which left a bad taste in many bloggers' mouths. Perhaps the items would have been better donated back to a charity and the focus of the event shifted to the family and the community who helped them, not a D-list celebrity.
7. Piecing and patching with Audis and One Direction tickets.
Kate and the kids graced the cover of People magazine this summer for an unnecessary update. There were lots of "head shaking" moments, but one of the biggest was when Kate claimed she is "piecing and patching" to get by. This is just insulting at this point. Her lifestyle this year did not reflect that she is hurting for cash one bit and hasn't been for a long time, from her annual trip to the ritzy Kentucky Derby, to buying One Direction tickets, an expensive parrot and a new Audi when her first one was only purchased in 2011, to initiating a huge lawsuit against Jon and author Robert Hoffman. Not to mention the house and private school and yet another lavish Christmas.
However, the kids were old enough to be interviewed this time, and Mady offered an incredibly insightful comment about the show: Had the show and trips continued, "we could have wound up being really bratty," the 12-year-old said. Yes, kid, good point. Too bad your mom doesn't listen or care.
6. Writer's Bloke
Kate managed to scrounge up another pathetic blogging job this year, this time for The Stir, and as usual her posts offered nothing helpful, insightful, or worthwhile to the over saturated world of Mommy blogging. Several me, me, me posts later and the job was over before it ever even started. What happened? This is one of those to add to the Gosselin black hole of things we'll never really know for sure the truth about. But we sure can guess, and it probably starts with something printed on thin pink paper.
5. Tug of Katie
Katie Couric headed out to the Gosselin compound in September for an update interview, and the kids were anything but adorable. Rather, they were irritable and awkward and so out of control Katie couldn't even play a simple game of tug of war with them without it erupting into a firestorm. Katie might have just caught them on a bad day, but whatever the reason, it was embarrassing for the children and a stark reminder that when child stars grow up, it's rarely ever cute anymore. It's over, time to move on.
4. Watch out for the sharks
Kate used her children yet again for another paid endorsement this summer, this time for NoNetz swimsuits. The public had finally had enough of the exploitation, and told NoNetz so, as is their right. It wasn't so much what Kate did do, but what she didn't do. When NoNetz showed themselves to be complete amateurs when dealing with a PR crisis (they claimed they had no idea Kate was controversial and posted multiple versions of a press release responding to the criticism), Kate never intervened or took the blog post at issue down, as they asked her to. As per her usual behavior, Kate acted like nothing ever even happened and left NoNetz to deal with the fallout. For a couple of measly swimsuits. If you're expecting this woman to ever have your back when things get tough, she won't. She took her freebies and ran out on these nice ladies just trying to make a go of a small business idea.
3. Crookbook
Kate's been carrying on about a cookbook for years now, but this year it finally hit bookshelves. For a hot minute anyway. The book was so embarrassingly amateur it's hard to believe a real publisher was involved (even then, the publisher takes a lot of self-published projects). Greasy, slimy, fatty, salty meals were the order of the day, with mostly grainy cell phone photos and a few awkwardly posed shots of the kids from a quick photo shoot. What's worse, Kate's "book tour" consisted mostly of Kate whining about her finances and throwing Jon under the bus (sadly, Jon had had enough and let it loose about Kate this year, too, most angrily in a recent interview with Philadelphia Magazine). She barely promoted the book anywhere. The cookbook itself was as much of an afterthought as those little breath mints you get at family restaurants.
If ever there was proof of Kate's judgement issues, this was it. She aligned herself with the nefarious, lawsuit-prone web site Bullyville.com, writing a blog post for them claiming she was bullied as a child (Twenty years ago! Time to get over it, millionaire!), but it didn't stop there. She then actively encouraged a bizarre campaign to "out" her "haters" that bordered on actual threats and went on for months. She called the suspect people running this terror her heroes. Even this site was not immune. Bullyville demanded an apology for a blog post swiffered over two years ago or they would "out" us. Even when this blog saw it was appropriate to apologize and did so, there was no acknowledgment of the apology by anyone from that "side" and we were soon outed anyway. That's not the rules of war any decent man lives by. As quickly as this alliance was born, it was gone, never to be mentioned again by Kate. Kate and Bullyville were the biggest bullies of all in this mess, and yet they never saw the irony.
1. May the criminals you end up defending be less terrifying than the bar exam.
Kate's delusional behavior has been going on for years now, but it was never worse than when she decided to sue her children's father, along with author Robert Hoffman. Kate's moving papers described an elaborate and blatantly implausible scenario in which Jon and Robert conspired together on one dark and stormy night to "get" Kate, I guess, sorta. Even Hailey resurfaced and got in on the game with some text messages that were just so perfect it was too good to be believed (later, Jon would explain he wasn't even using the cell phone carrier that Hailey claims the texts came from). Speaking of apologies, we demand Kate apologize to Jon and his children for this stunt or we'll out her. #ticktock!
While surely this suit wasn't fun for Jon and Robert, it was entertaining to read all the excellent legal briefs (from the defense side anyway), see Kate's attorneys fumble around and tweet passive aggressive tweets about how much it sucked to be them, and watch public opinion sway firmly against Kate. Most people were outraged Kate would stoop so low. Most bloggers thought Kate was likely sitting at home scratching her head, wondering how on earth this went so terribly wrong; that she really thought that as soon as she just explained what happened with Jon, the public will understand and sympathize with poor put upon Kate.
Fortunately due to Jon's lawyer Shawn Tuma and Robert's stellar legal team too, the lawsuit never really got off the ground and was quietly dropped a few months later. Sadly the incident will never really be erased from the record books, someday to be found quite easily by the children. Which makes Kate's blog post, upset with Jon for sharing in the press some serious concerns he has about the children's social skills due to their bizarre upbringing on T.V., rather hypocritical.
And now for our annual "best of" the year. It's always hard to pick just one, so why try? This year we selected five--five people actually:
5. Ashton Kutcher. He never had a job he was better than, and he never quit a job until the next one was lined up. Oh, and he worked hard. Darn hard. For all the greed, gluttony, and entitlement this country has seen in recent years, boy was this refreshing.
4. Lorna Colbert. She raised 9 kids all by herself after her husband and two other children died in a plane crash. One of those kids grew up to be the brilliantly funny Stephen Colbert. Colbert put on a serious face for a moment and gave a moving eulogy upon her death.
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2. Megan Kowalewski

And the best
1. Shawn E. Tuma, Esq.

As predicted, no finally meant no and it wasn't long before Kate dropped the lawsuit in full before it hardly saw the inside of a courthouse. Check and mate! Not only did Tuma save Jon a lot of time, stress and money, but we believe he helped put a stop to what was surely a great deal of turmoil and uncertainty for eight young children. Add him to the list of people who decided to put a stop to her bullying this year. Oh, and he's strangely kind of cute, too. Well done, counselor.
299 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 299 Newer› Newest»Oh NO
Ali Welch @AWelch08 14m
@Kateplusmy8 hope to see you on tv this new year!😊
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3m
@AWelch08 I'm betting the chances are good :D
Ali Welch @AWelch08 14m
@Kateplusmy8 hope to see you on tv this new year!😊
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3m
@AWelch08 I'm betting the chances are good
Nothing like starting a new year with a laugh.
Thanks for the post Admin.
Great post, so many excellent points. I forgot about NoNetz. What a disastrous alliance that turned out to be.
Lorna Colbert was a very touching story that I don't think I'd have known about unless reading about it here.
Shawn Tuma- class act and talented lawyer. I hope Jon makes the best of what Mr. Tuma has done on his behalf.
Ali Welch @AWelch08 14m
@Kateplusmy8 hope to see you on tv this new year!��
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3m
@AWelch08 I'm betting the chances are good :D
I see another "set the record straight" tour after Jon appears on CT on VH1.
I love that pic of Carlos Gosselin giggling. I always imagine he's giggleing at TFW.
Admin did you see this tweet from Walt:
Walt @Underwalt 2h
And a look back to all those from 2013. First Toast is to the ADMIN who runs the tightest ship on the Internet.
Nicely done, admin! I had forgotten about the Uggs lady...haven't heard much from her lately. I guess after being rebuffed so many times after inviting herself to Kate's pool, she gave up and moved on to other celebrities (Lara Spencer and Sherrod Small). Kate's probably breathing a sigh of relief that she's not being pestered any longer.
Admin, well done on this year's Top Ten Worst Moments! What a trip down memory lane. lol
As for Kate teasing about her good chances for being on tv in the new year, I can only shake my head. What the hell does she have up her sleeve now? God help us all...AND her kids.
I'm also beginning to wonder if Robert didn't sell his soul to the she-devil, so to speak. I'm thinking the suit against him didn't just quietly go away without his family jewels being snapped up by Kate. He's been too quiet and I'm very suspicious.
Outstanding list! Great job, Admin :) I think the #1 best moment/person is my fav!
Anybody see this exchange:
Emily Creighton @EmCr68 26m
Thank god @Kateplusmy8 is on twitter tonight! I don't feel as bored now! ☺
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 20m
@EmCr68 you would surely not be bored if you were HERE Miss Emily.. As you well know!
Emily Creighton @EmCr68 17m
@Kateplusmy8 hahahah I wish I was! (But I'm sure you already know that!)enjoy your relaxed night! tell the kids(&pets) I say hello and #hny
Remember TFW wanted Em to visit? Shortly after, Em tweeted that dreams really do come true. I wonder if TFW had Em come there and Nanny but made her sign a confidentiality agreement? Would explain why Em tweets she misses the kids even though it seems she only met them at that one race.
re PatK said... 7
Reruns. The old shows are always playing somewhere.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 23m
@Kateplusmy8 No fear...I doubt we will make it much longer either here...game has about 10min left...then 2bed! #BetterHealthTomorrow!!
So LOM turns out the lights on time...not even allowed to stay up until midnight on NYE?
Nancy Savage @HotMamaSavage 1h
@Kateplusmy8 I have 2 kids and want more, my husband wouldn't mind stopping. What are your thoughts? Should I worry about the $$ part of it?
I'm waiting for Kate's answer to this one.
Happy and prosperous New Year to all!
Remember TFW wanted Em to visit? Shortly after, Em tweeted that dreams really do come true. I wonder if TFW had Em come there and Nanny but made her sign a confidentiality agreement? Would explain why Em tweets she misses the kids even though it seems she only met them at that one race.
I thought Em was too busy with Carnie to care about Kate and the "kiddies.". Guess not...
localyocul said... 9
Anybody see this exchange:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 20m
@EmCr68 you would surely not be bored if you were HERE Miss Emily.. As you well know!
Cheeky monkeys!!! ; ) ; ) ; ) Ooohhhh they have a gurl secret (winky winky!) Those two aren't blatently transparent at all!!! (throwing up a little in mouth)
Yeah, I'm guessin' that Em found her way to Wernersville at some point last summer. Em's family is wealthy and Kate is darn sure going to align herself with that. Just like out of all the hundreds of volunteers who helped with the babies, Kate aligned herself with only 3- fabulously wealthy Beth and the two "Nanas" who folded and ironed laundry.
Admin, your year end 10 worst is fantastic! Kate is such a pathetic loser, I almost felt sorry for her as I walked down the memory lane of her failures. I then snapped out of it and realized it was just the bitch that is Karma in full play!
Happy and healthy new year to all!
Well played indeed. Another stellar recap. Here's to more fun in 2014.
Well done Admin., well done!!
Happy New Year to everyone who has become my posting family.
Thanks for your prayers and support while my dad was so sick, though
I don't 'know' any of you, I look here first for support. He had surgery, and is home doing well. We missed Christmas this year, but will make it up for Ukrainian Christmas, just around the corner.
Look forward to getting back on here soon!
Happy 2014 to all:)
sparkle said... 14 Yeah, I'm guessin' that Em found her way to Wernersville at some point last summer.
and perhaps forgot to let Austin Martin in on the visit so he got lied to and left out again??
Good job Admin. When I see all those disastrous moments listed together I just shake my head.
Thanks also Admin for creating and running a great blog which I seem to have become addicted to and I can't believe that I have been reading here for some years now. I have learned a lot and laughed a lot and sometimes cried thanks to the wonderful exchanges that happen here daily. This place has become so much more than just the Gosselin train wreck.
Happy New Year everyone!
Just an update on the Exit6 bar vs. Starbucks story. There's another story on Yahoo, and according the Exit 6 FB page, the owner is going to be on Fox&Friends on Thursday.
The best part of the story--they are now selling a beer called "The F Word". I love it!!
Here's the link to the Yahoo story:
From Exit 6's FB page:
"So this Starbucks thing has gained some traction I guess. I just want to thank each and every one of you for the kind words, the messages, the phone calls and every thing else showing your support for Exit 6 Pub and Brewery and small businesses everywhere. Never thought it would get this crazy. Not only has it blown up on line but I will be on Fox and Friends Thursday morning to discuss it more. Wow. Thanks for the support. Have a happy new year. Enjoy a couple pints tonight. Drink responsibly. Drink local. Cheers!"
Happy New Year everyone. Wishing all of you good health and happiness in 2014.
Stellar job on the list Admin!
My favorite line...some shrew from PA with an egg fetish. LOL!!!
Thanks for the recap admin! Entertaining as always!!
Happy New Year to all!
Great recap! Have to admit Carlos is my favorite (young person who handled TFW well.) Close seconds are the wonderful Mr. Tuma ( and yes, he is cute) but also a brilliant lawyer who is so down to earth, very likeable and a good person, to boot. And Walt for acknowledging what a great job Admin does here each and every day.
Thanks, Admin for taking the time to write this post. You hit the nail on the head and did it with your wonderful sense of humor. The smiles that came across my face while reading this were the first ones of 2014. I so enjoy your blog. Happy New Year!
Brava, Admin!
I so appreciate the time you give not only to produce this list, but to keep this joint open and running as well as it does.
I'm such a fan of your writing.
*A tip of the hat to the blog girls as well. Yeoman's job, all of you!
This would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. I shook my head through the entire post.
sparkle said... 14
localyocul said... 9
Anybody see this exchange:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 20m
@EmCr68 you would surely not be bored if you were HERE Miss Emily.. As you well know!
Cheeky monkeys!!! ; ) ; ) ; ) Ooohhhh they have a gurl secret (winky winky!) Those two aren't blatently transparent at all!!! (throwing up a little in mouth)
Yeah, I'm guessin' that Em found her way to Wernersville at some point last summer. Em's family is wealthy and Kate is darn sure going to align herself with that.
And I'm sure she got herself some free nannying in the process!
Happy New Year, everyone!
Admin, thanks for the annual top ten worst list, and thanks for the best list too!
Great list, Admin! Forgot about the NoNetz, but yes, it deserves rank.
Happy 2014 to you and everyone on the blog. The drama has not stopped yet.
Looked at TFW's pathetic NY Eve spread- I really think the kids' sickness is an excuse, but who knows. What's with the blurred pic of her and Hannah?
Happy New Year you wild and crazy gals! You've outdone yourself again Admin....I agree with an earlier poster...funny, but tragic for those Gosselin children. I had forgotten about the No-Netz swimsuits, another company victimized by Kate Gosselin.
So, Kate is betting the chances of her being on TV are good this year. More of her wink-wink, you-just-never-know crap. Of course the chances are good. The chances that she'll worm her way onto Access Hollywood or the Today show to whine about Jon's stint on CT. But a new show (which is what the tweeter is really talking about, and he knows it)? Not so good. CWS and Katie Couric appearances show that Kate is no easier to deal with, and the kids have not only lost their cuteness, but they are difficult to work with. As the years pass, people move on to new things. They're done with the old.
Look at the new reality shows that are popular, like Duck Dynasty or even--yikes--Honey Boo Boo. While their antics may be cringe-worthy at times, they seem like they are fun, loving people who are probably easy to work with. The crew can film them without dealing with meltdowns and tantrums from both the parents and the kids. Dealing with nastiness and bad attitudes on-set is a killer for the production budget because it takes longer to get usable footage. And tantrums and meltdowns have always been the norm when filming Kate and her family. Plus, they're boring. What is left to film?
Great recap, admin! It must have been hard to narrow down the 10 worst of a year filled with bad moments.
Carrying this over from the previous thread in case some missed it.
TY localyocul for finding the article and posting it. It's well worth the read. It's a brilliant. wonderfully snarky, as well as a spot on analysis of Kate's atrocious behavior on Palin's Alaska show.
Another quote from the article: " Virtually everything that Kate Gosselin has said on-camera to this point has been a complaint, and the Palins surely realized that she'd be miserable out in the woods. There's even a storm brewing! God is trying to tell you something, people. Or maybe it's just God punishing Gosselin for being one of the planet's worst human beings-- you make the call!" bwahahahaha
localyocul said...
OK, I'll change the subject. Someone posted this on twitter. I had never seen it before but holy cow it is great! It's about the Alaska episode. The writer calls her a, wait for it, SHRIEKING banshee. She talks about the You are no longer a Gosselin comment, and about how apparently TFW bullys children.
Thank you everyone, the year in reviews are one of the most fun things I do on this blog. When you see it all compiled like that, it really is pretty crazy and puts "everyone knows Kate is an a-hole" in context. The scary thing is, this is just her public behavior. Lord knows what happens behind closed doors. Happy New Year one and all!
First I think it's nuts she has a fan at her house. How much vetting did she really do other than she's pretty and looks normal enough? The kids need to learn to be careful with these sort of people, most of their interests are mostly selfish and most of them just want to brush shoulders with famous kids. They've got to learn to identify who is a real friend who doesn't care who they are, and who is just a moocher on their fame. Why doesn't a pretty, normal 18 year old have New Year's Eve plans by the way? Even if it's just a game night? Strange.
Second she needs to be really careful here. Even if Em is perfectly safe for her children and even quite good with them, I wouldn't advertise that she has built this relationship with a fan. That's the quickest way to breed jealousy and resentment among the others. If those feelings strike someone unstable all of a sudden you may have a problem on your hands. You never, ever create divisiveness among your fans. You never show that you are playing favorites. Celebrity 101.
CWS and Katie Couric appearances show that Kate is no easier to deal with, and the kids have not only lost their cuteness, but they are difficult to work with.
For all those reasons and one more--Jon. Quite frankly he's a loose canon. He runs his mouth and there's no telling what he would do if some network tried to start a series with his kids, namely a lawsuit or trashy interview.
It's just not worth the hassle or risk. It's not. T.V. like many things is a delicate balance of risk vs. reward. If you see some child is part of some big dust up and that you intervening could make it worse, why risk it? The good thing about reality T.V. is there a hundred other adults and kids lined up to take part. Networks are going to look to that line and drop this controversial family's head shots into the garbage.
Kate is also suffering from has-been syndrome. If you're starting a brand new fresh show, most networks don't want the stigma of a has been star or someone who seems past their prime or desperate (unless trashy is what they want, like the VH1 type shows). But most networks want someone fresh and new or if you're old news like the Little People, you better come up with a darn good fresh idea (in their case, weddings, everyone loves weddings right?). Your Honey Boo Boos and Ducks and whoever is next in line are what they are looking for.
Look at how Bravo is handling the Tamara Barney fiasco. They're saying NOPE not gonna go there NOT filming these kids until the judge gives the last word on this and you two have sorted this all out. They're not going to risk some huge fallout and they don't "need" these kids. If Bravo is like most networks, which I believe it is, they're not going to take a chance on Kate.
If 2013 was anything, it was the year where we knew this is so, so over. Will we see the kids pop up now and again for "where are they now" segments? Even perhaps another one-time thing like CWS? I'm sure, occasionally. But a real regular series I'd bet the farm that will never, ever happen ever again. Kate, it's 2014. Time to get a real job like Ashton Kutcher suggests.
Great recap, Admin, as always. Snark is what you do best! :-)
I'd forgotten about most it, Carlos Gosselin, NoNetz, the monthly beauty thing. It never ends with her, does it.
Bullying first and foremost, followed closely by grifting. What a great two qualities to be known for.
The monthly beauty thing! Forgot that!
Well an addendum. In 2013 she shlepped a variety of products to the sheeple that she didn't REALLY care about, other than the paycheck, and the sheeple lapped it up like the sheep they are. Once she sold the units she was supposed to sell it was gone and forgotten.
Another thing about the kids and their very kid-like behavior. Filming now would not be like when they were toddlers. At this age if they ever did a show they are going to be expected to do a lot of couch interviews, to go here and there, to wait here and there, to talk, to shut up, to wait some more, to say some more. Kate said it was fun for them because they just played while she did the work. Well, this time it would be work for them, no question. Running around shrieking and crying isn't going to cut it. If these kids can't keep it together on a set and are causing production delays and a lot of grief, they're not going to want anything to do with them. And eight kids at their ages who are irritable and uncooperative would be a production's worst nightmare.
A kid can be the most amazing actor in the world or the most engaging reality subject, but if production thinks they are trouble on the set, they will pass. If Honey Boo Boo were a problem on the set she never would have had a show. I'm betting that girl does what she is told, goes where she is told, is polite and easy to work with.
There's just no way. No way! And this is a relief.
I happened to have TLC on while sewing last night...HoneyBooBoo was on. Guess the theme....a vow renewal or something.
These producers just have no sense of creativity. I suppose the daily lives get boring after a while, as all people's would, so they think they need to stage something.
Gracious. If you've done that idea on the last 20 shows don't do
it again. Even worse than boring.
Maybe the answer is not to have it be a weekly show. Make it monthly. Or sporadic.
Well, the list just shows what a true Cluster F#@* Kate Gosselin really is and the sad thing is there has been no improvement in attitude over all these years. She is the most intellectually stunted person I think I've ever had the displeasure of coming across.
There are a LOT of daytime talk shows out there who are desperate for guests. I suspect Kate WILL be invited to appear here and there during the year, even though she'll have nothing new to promote.
This may not be the year we see her completely disappear, but her appeal is definitely waning. Perhaps by 2015, she'll finally be just a bad memory.
I agree that there is no regular series in her future. What's amazing is that, if memory serves from the People article, the one network (TLC) that would give them regular update shows she turned down simply because they wanted Jon to be on. For someone "piecing" together a living, this seems rather short sighted of her.
I am glad this saga is winding down. I am looking forward to reading the recaps of CT, and I will always continue to check in on both the Gosselins and, more importantly, the goings on of the 15 regulars, but I find myself more and more just feeling "meh" about most things Kate related.
Carole said... 31
I always believed at this point is where TLC stopped covering Kate's bad behavior, and probably had enough. If I remember correctly, executives of TLC were called out while Kate was "melting down" (there are photos of executives meeting with Kate somewhere during the famous melt-down) and I have always believed that this was the beginning of the end for 2 reasons: 1) Insulting high political figures and acting like a spoiled brat- (No matter whether you like Palin politics or not) is not a good idea, as there is always somewhere bigger with more clout. Insult a political candidate- sign your death warrant. Still wondering what Kate was thinking but obviously about herself and certainly not the kids; and 2) I think TLC execs and their employees had enough of her antics. From that show on out, her bad behavior was shown for all to see, instead of the hitting the cutting room floor. No one ever said she was bright. Egotistical, yes, smart, not too much.
Okay, so here's an honest question, posted here because I'm unable to give a good answer.
If you were to list Kate's Top Best Moments, what would they be? Not things that fell into her lap, but things she set out to do?
Well she didn't copyright the photo this time. I noticed she tweeted for nearly 6 hours straight from the time she 'announced' they were having a low-key party. So much for family quanity time spent on the last day of 2013. I see she still prefers tweeting with strangers than her own family.
Second she needs to be really careful here. Even if Em is perfectly safe for her children and even quite good with them, I wouldn't advertise that she has built this relationship with a fan. That's the quickest way to breed jealousy and resentment among the others. If those feelings strike someone unstable all of a sudden you may have a problem on your hands. You never, ever create divisiveness among your fans. You never show that you are playing favorites. Celebrity 101.
...and NOT with an 18-year-old fan. I don't care how pretty one is; how much money one has; if one comes from a good, wealthy,. upstanding family, an almost 40-year-old woman does not befriend a college freshman, even if the relationship is innocent enough and the fan is good with kids (as a babysitter). It's just strange.
Good job with the recap, admin. I had forgotten about those beauty products..,what was it, Wantables? Remember how the kids shrieked when opening the boxes (those kids seem to shriek a lot)? Seems like the sheeple forgot about it, too. They're kind of like Kate. They have the attention span of a gnat.
Silimom, totally agree. While I don't post a lot on the blog, I do read here...well, I stopped on the previous post when it got all crazy. I've read books that were discussed, I've made recipes that were discussed and I appreciate it as a place where people can disagree, but it's done in respectful manner. You cannot really find that much in our society.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 37
I can't envision another show with Kate and the kids getting paid to travel lavishly. I think what might have worked is a show that shows the kids not as babies, toddlers and little kids, but as growing up with diverse talents and interests.
The problem as I see it, is that the kids, especially the tups, are not involved in personal pursuits like dance, ballet, boys and girls clubs, sports of any kind, musical instruments.
Truly, I hope they are, but I can't imagine Kate wouldn't be bragging out the wazoo about it, which is to say, "pitching' it.
Kate only mentions that the kids have chores around the house, including pets, and that they play "school", "musicals" and Legos, all on the compound.
Jon has never stated that he is involved with his kids' activities, and frankly, if he's seeing them once a weeknight and every other weekend, he can't possibly be involved and leading/encouraging them in these pursuits. Just not possible. I've heard from to many parents how crazy the schedules are.
Sad and that lack of building their own life experiences, not including being involved in heavy filming and traveling as small kids, will not help them in the least when they apply to college, if they do.
Times have changed and this type of thing is apparently quite important in building that application.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 34
CWS and Katie Couric appearances show that Kate is no easier to deal with, and the kids have not only lost their cuteness, but they are difficult to work with.
I agree. Even before that the twins were acting out left and right and a couple of girl tups were outright nasty to Jamie's kids. Kate expected everyone else to manage her kids' behavior, and I think collectively Jamie and Ashley had had enough of Kate's "hands off" approach, as they were handling 11 kids, and getting a lot of crap (and no support) from Kate after her 2-3 hour shower and make up/hair sessions. On a camping trip to boot : ) And she flipped out out water in the canoe, as she did not want her spray on tan to be damaged? Who does that on a camping trip?
For some reason, I don't get the impression Kate manages the kids well at home either, as she is trying to be the "favored" parent over Jon. 13 year olds can run circles around you if you let them, but Kate seems to think they are her "besties.". This whole debacle is depressing and sad. NOT going to turn out good, as if it has to date.
I'm not even sure the kids have the charisma for that kind of show, Tucker. I'm sure they're great kids but they are very flat on camera like many kids would be. That special spark is not there with the exception of maybe Mady, and even then that's nothing to write home about. Someone suggested a show about Jon being a single dad having custody of his kids and ironically I think that's just about as interesting of a pitch as I've ever heard. But since Kate can't even bring herself to do an update special with Jon she would never dream of it. Even though it could make the family buckets of money and everyone could get rich. She hates Jon more than she loves her kids, but she also hates Jon more than she loves money, which is surprising.
HNY! It'll b a year of Good Luck 4 us! Walking on my kitchen cabinets while making brunch! Alexis says 'It's a boy!' pic.twitter.com/dFWDdBuxea
The ladybug was making brunch? Wow...that's one talented ladybug! I wonder if he/she was using Kate's cookbook.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1m
@Kateplusmy8 Okay...now how does ur little #ResidentBiologist KNOW that this is a "boy buggie"?? :) #AlexisFriendToAllThatCrawl
The person who told Milo about the hashtag should get a few lashes with a wet noodle and hung out to dry!
PatK said... 40
There are a LOT of daytime talk shows out there who are desperate for guests. I suspect Kate WILL be invited to appear here and there during the year, even though she'll have nothing new to promote.
Agree. We know Kate does the media circuit every so often, lest she get the DT's. But, I've often wondered why we don't see Jon on many shows.
I know he did a very short segment on The View, and OWN, but I think that's been it for a while.
Oh, Jon seems to also have buddied up to Kate's old pal, Rob Shuter, although I doubt you get paid to call into a radio show for a short time.
...and NOT with an 18-year-old fan. I don't care how pretty one is; how much money one has; if one comes from a good, wealthy,. upstanding family, an almost 40-year-old woman does not befriend a college freshman, even if the relationship is innocent enough and the fan is good with kids (as a babysitter). It's just strange.
It can be. I have a few mentor type friendships with women much older than me, I don't think it's odd. They enjoy sharing wisdom with me and I enjoy listening to what they think. But, I don't worship them or put them on a pedestal like Em does to Kate.
I think it's less odd for Kate in the sense that I think she loves that someone young and hip worships her, it makes her feel young and hip herself. As a bonus, she gets some free babysitting (illegal unpaid labor? careful there Kate). For Em, it could be a bit concerning and perhaps unhealthy. I wonder what her parents think. It may sound harsh but I could understand this better if Em weren't so pretty, wealthy, and just starting college. I would understand that a young woman feeling like she doesn't belong latched on to someone who made her feel a part of things. But for Em, the world is her oyster! She has everything going for her. What is she doing wasting time on Kate? What does she need out this? It's like we're missing a piece of the puzzle because from what I can tell she should not be giving Kate the time of day. The no New Year's plans was rather a red flag....maybe she doesn't have many friends? Yet in her year book she seemed popular enough. Maybe she is not as well liked as she seems. She seems preoccupied with the "mama" aspect of Kate and all the kids, maybe there is something missing from her home life. Wealthy family, maybe the parents work long hours and weren't really there for her. Maybe her own mother isn't warm or very into doing mother type things.
Anyway I find her nearly as fascinating as Milo. The whole fandom thing I never find boring.
Just dropping in to wish everyone a happy new year--Great post Admin, as always!
There are a LOT of daytime talk shows out there who are desperate for guests.
I've always wondered where they find all these people from. It must be a nightmare. And a real pain in a butt if you're a celeb who hates the talk show circuit. Just channel surfing in the morning and not only does every network have a talk show but sometimes local affiliates have their own talk shows in the bigger cities, plus a good deal of CABLE networks now have morning crap too! Goodness, are there really enough celebs to go around?
Happy New Years Day to everyone! I can't predict anything for TFW regarding a permanent job with any network outside of a possible interview on some really minor network or radio show. I believe she's done for the most part. Even with Jon's interview and appearance on the upcoming Z grade reality show, I believe they are both done in the entertainment business. They both need to just raise their children privately for the New Year and beyond. I also believe the only way TFW would be a guest on any reality talk show is if the show is desperate for ratings and is on the verge of cancellation. TLC doesn't even want her back and that says a lot.
Can you imagine the frustration of the TLC execs....they give TFW the opportunity of a life time and she blows it!
Who wouldn't want to take advantage of having the opportunity to do something with the Palins, even if you did disagree with their politics?
Think of all the long-term connections she could have made, connections that could have propelled her tv marketability into the stratosphere.
Maybe if she'd been nice to that poor little Piper, who wasn't doing anything more than innocently standing there.....
I actually thought Piper was projecting some compassion towards TFW whereas the adult Palin's were pretending to ignore her (while secretly noting everything, to be discussed privately later....hmmmm?).
I thought Piper had an innocent curiousity about TFW. She truly didn't understand what the problem was.
And then TFW has to go and berate the kid's family to her. Nice.
It's bad enough that she treats her own kids like sh*t, but to bully an innocent kid who was just trying to be nice to you?
Ali Welch @AWelch08 14m
@Kateplusmy8 hope to see you on tv this new year!��
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3m
@AWelch08 I'm betting the chances are good
The woman has a thick skull. 2013 was an epic fail from start to finish. What makes her think the deck is stacked in her favor now? I have never seen anyone so willing to make an ass of themselves as many times as she has. It's past embarrassing at this point.
The woman has a thick skull. 2013 was an epic fail from start to finish.
And what was really accomplished? What exactly can she sit back, dust off her hands and say job well done? When most people reflect back on 2013, they want to see some kind of progress. Either at work, in relationships, with their children, financially, spiritually. You want to be able to say yes I accomplished some goals.
I just don't understand this way of approaching life. Don't you want to get your hands dirty once in awhile, work hard at something and ACCOMPLISH something? She had a cookbook that sat on shelves for 2 weeks and was universally panned. She spent the rest of the time trashing Jon and writing useless blog posts. The rest of this year was just plain forgettable. Wouldn't you miss working or doing something productive? If you don't work at a traditional job, wouldn't you want to volunteer, or start your own project, or SOMETHING?
I guess I mostly feel bad for the kids. The way she lives is not realistic. In the real world they're going to have to work. They're going to be busy and tired. There won't be much time for all this puttering around she does with lady bugs and appetizers on twitter. Basically she lives like a spoiled little princess, never accomplishing anything productive, never making any contribution to society.
AuntieAnn said... 58
Ali Welch @AWelch08 14m
@Kateplusmy8 hope to see you on tv this new year!��
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3m
@AWelch08 I'm betting the chances are good
The woman has a thick skull. 2013 was an epic fail from start to finish. What makes her think the deck is stacked in her favor now? I have never seen anyone so willing to make an ass of themselves as many times as she has. It's past embarrassing at this point.
Makes me wonder if she has something line up. Blech
Look at how Bravo is handling the Tamara Barney fiasco.
I was more thinking Bravo may be the one encouraging her to try to get permission for the kids to film to boost her tired storyline.
For those vegging today, Nat Geo is running a marathon of Locked Up Abroad. I'm tuning in sporadically as I begin a new tradition of trying out a new recipe on New Years Day. I'm starting with a chicken, pepper and sausage roast from Tre Guidice's cookbook which I received as a Christmas gift.
I don't know why it's feeling like Sunday to me today. I keep thinking I need to check the game time for the Packers who survived last weekend to fight another day. I've been way off the mark on what day it is for over a week.
Does anyone know who or what this Victor64China thing is? A sheeple? A fan...or just some really crazy spammer?
If she's as concerned about her kids as she makes out to be, we'd really never hear from her again. If motherhood was her passion which it plainly isn't, there would no time left for that idiotic twittering with fans who are obviously as dense as she is. She really would have her hands full. No one has ever sid that raising eight kids was an easy job, but she's proved it is for HER. It's amazing what she's gotten away with NOT doing as a parent.
Happy New Year to everyone here! I wish for the healthiest year for everyone.
Admin thank you once again for your wonderful year in review top 10
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3m
@AWelch08 I'm betting the chances are good
Yep she can say it because she knows there is a rerun of her on Home and Family on Thursday. I hope that will be it for her for the year.
Underwalt is one of the very few people that make me literally lol in 140 characters or less.
Love his patriotism and that he seems like a guy that walks the talk.
It can be. I have a few mentor type friendships with women much older than me, I don't think it's odd. They enjoy sharing wisdom with me and I enjoy listening to what they think.
Oh, of course. You're right. So do I. But I'm not 18 years old and don't worship these people. That's what I find odd about it. This is a celebrity (okay, has-been, pseudo-celebrity) who SHOULD be having social relationships with people her own age or older...not with a young fan who hangs with celebrities, either in person or on Twitter. I also find the "mamaG" thing interesting. It's as though she does look to Kate as a surrogate parent, but I'm not sure that Kate thinks of her as a daughter, but more of a starstruck fan and Kate eats it up. She'll take whatever praise and worship she can get. Does she really have anyone else, other than internet strangers? Kate herself seem to be emotionally stuck at Emily's age, so I guess it's easy for her to identify with her. They seem to be on the same playing field, although not in their actual physical age.
I agree with you about the world of the fans. The sociological aspect of it is fascinating, particularly what each faction gets out of it and why the sheeple continue to hang on to Kate's every word, never being able to see any other side of an issue. It's a cult-like attraction. At what point, though, do they abandon ship?
localyocul said... 60
Makes me wonder if she has something line up. Blech
I think Kate lives by the 'wish upon a star' theory. All she has to do is think it and it will come to her easy peezy. And it very well might, but it really should be something with some substance and lasting like Admin was just talking about. Do something of value even if it doesn't pay off in $$. She'd get some satisfaction out of her life then. What she's doing now is basically farting in the wind.
Underwalt is one of the very few people that make me literally lol in 140 characters or less.
Personally, I've read quite a few of his tweets, and I wasn't at all amused by the expletives he directed toward admin on Twitter and the now-closed blog, as well as the derogatory remarks made about some of the posters here.
I don't know why it's feeling like Sunday to me today. I keep thinking I need to check the game time for the Packers who survived last weekend to fight another day. I've been way off the mark on what day it is for over a week.
LOL!! I know. I'm doing the same thing...sick with the flu or cold or whatever, still in my pajamas, and I was just thinking -- what Sunday basketball games are scheduled for today!
Melissa NV said... 69
Underwalt is one of the very few people that make me literally lol in 140 characters or less.
Personally, I've read quite a few of his tweets, and I wasn't at all amused by the expletives he directed toward admin on Twitter and the now-closed blog, as well as the derogatory remarks made about some of the posters here.
In the early days, his tweets were somewhat amusing but as time passed, they became bitter, nasty, very vulgar. The things he said about Admin and this blog, as well as both fans and non-fans went way too far. IMO.
I was more thinking Bravo may be the one encouraging her to try to get permission for the kids to film to boost her tired storyline.
That may be true, who knows, but they're not about to make any moves until they have permission from the judge. They're sitting on their hands waiting for this to draw to a conclusion. And they have a lot of money to play with. Smaller networks wouldn't have the money or ability to risk a drawn out battle like that. Plus, Tamara has been on their show for years. She's someone they've invested a lot in, so it may be worth it to them to let this battle play out. A new network would be taking on Kate fresh and how do they know whether a legal battle would be worth the time and effort?
I don't find Walt funny either and I don't like the stuff I've heard about him calling in to order pizza for Kate, etc.. I had to ban him from this blog. I don't understand where this praise for this blog is coming from all of a sudden. He's been so nasty about me and this blog in the past. Thanks, but I don't get it.
Great list, Admin. I can't imagine how hard it was to narrow TFMJG's year down to a top (bottom?) 10. It could have been 15 or 20 easily.
Does anyone else think TFMJG might be grooming Emily to be Ashley 2.0?
Hope everyone has a wonderful year with lots of good things happening.
Doesn't Kate know that "ladybug" is probably an Asian beetle that infests homes every year. They bite, stink, and get in everywhere they can when it starts getting cold. So I think she is not going to get the good luck she thinks she is.
Great top 10 worst list admin.
Happy New Year everyone!
Great job on the Top Ten List, again, Administrator! But its too bad that sicko, TFW, can't get EXTENSIVE therapy and slink into obscurity, though.
Happy New Year 2014 to everyone!
JMO, I agree 100% with you about the "Gosselins do Alaska" shows being the catalyst for TLC to end the series. If they'd ever had any doubts about her before, those shows proved without any doubt that it was time to shut it all down. Scratching my head about what took them so long, but I guess better late than never applies in this situation, too.
Jane said..."In the early days, his tweets were somewhat amusing but as time passed, they became bitter, nasty, very vulgar. The things he said about Admin and this blog, as well as both fans and non-fans went way too far. IMO."
I agree. Way back when he posted here, the posts were amusing and he brought a kind of comic relief to the blog. Then things turned nasty, and it wasn't amusing any longer, especially when he went to other blogs, bashed this one and admin, then returned here to vent some more, then flip-flopped and continued on other blogs, vowing never to return here. I wasn't amused by any of it. In fact, some of the tweets and posts directed at Kate were vulgar, both in language and content. No matter what one thinks of a person, there are some things that just shouldn't be said.
I don't find Walt funny either and I don't like the stuff I've heard about him calling in to order pizza for Kate, etc.. I had to ban him from this blog. I don't understand where this praise for this blog is coming from all of a sudden. He's been so nasty about me and this blog in the past. Thanks, but I don't get it.
Maybe it's not praise all of a sudden. It sounds to me more like sarcasm and/or snark.
Carole said... 76
JMO, I agree 100% with you about the "Gosselins do Alaska" shows being the catalyst for TLC to end the series. If they'd ever had any doubts about her before, those shows proved without any doubt that it was time to shut it all down. Scratching my head about what took them so long, but I guess better late than never applies in this situation, too.
In an interview about TLCs PR gal Laurie Goldberg, Eileen O'Neill, (President of Discovery Communications) said about Kate's poor treatment of the Palins: "I'm still paying for that one."
That wasn't an unnamed source, an unnamed production person, bad editing or a rumor. That was Kate's former boss acknowledging that Kate's behavior was so bad, at that time, she still faced repercussions for it.
Any other questions, sheeple?
Thanks you Admin for another great recap of the Kate's Yearly Top Worst Moments. She never disappoints, does she? Thanks for keeping the blog fresh, relevant, interesting and a fun place to visit daily. I appreciate having somewhere to join like minded friends in lively, respectful discussions.
Happy New Year to you Admin, the blog gals and pool guys, too and each and every one of you wonderful readers and posters! I hope 2014 is a happy and healthy year for all as well as being the end to the Gosselin children's exploitation.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 78
Maybe it's not praise all of a sudden. It sounds to me more like sarcasm and/or snark.
I agree Fleecing. I think he speaks with a forked tongue.
Wonderful list yet again Admin :) I loved the handwritten cartoon "Guess what? You're fired!"
I will always remember Stephen Colbert's moving tribute to his wonderful mother. He is a shining example of what a difference having a strong, loving loving, accepting parent can make in a child's life. I believe he once said that his comedy began after the tragic loss of his father and two siblings - when he would try to make his mother laugh. I think every one of the Colbert children has turned out well.
I think Kate lives by the 'wish upon a star' theory. All she has to do is think it and it will come to her easy peezy.
Right, Auntie, and then there are the sheeple who just coddle her, spoon-feeding her platitudes about wishin and dreamin and makin it happen. She thrives on this to the point where I think she actually believes it. The fans keep encouraging her, but where does it get her? They want to be entertained. They want to see videos of life inside her house. They want her on a new show. I guess when you have a few of these people tweeting their adulation, you start to believe that you have one enormous fan base and anything is possible. It's positivity, don't you know?
And so she keeps dreaming and keeps believing in those platitudes. Did we ever find out what it was that she mailed that was SWAK?
I don't know why it's feeling like Sunday to me today. I keep thinking I need to check the game time for the Packers who survived last weekend to fight another day. I've been way off the mark on what day it is for over a week.
Xmas and NY on Wednesday is a bit disorienting.
DH and I will be eating homemade pierogies later-- first time making them. I tried making them a few years ago and the dough was such a disaster, that I gave up for a while. But, we're good to go now.
He's such a great sous chef.
Meanwhile, we're taking down the decorations, starting outside and working inside.
Hmmm... not one pic of a Xmas decoration or tree or exterior illumination from TFW's house? Not even a half lit Charlie Brown tree?
Happy New Year!
If TFW tweeted about watching a 1D movie, I assume she meant One Direction. Wonder what her sons were doing while this chick flick was on -- feeding the chickens?
Does anyone else think TFMJG might be grooming Emily to be Ashley 2.0? 73
That's a scary thought, but sadly Em would probably love it.
Happy New Year everyone!
Thanks for the heads-up on the writer of the Exit 6 bar's future appearance on Fox and Friends. So it's fine for Starbuck's to use the name of Starbuck, the young chief mate of the Pequod, but a bar can't sell a beer with the F-word name. The couldn't come up with an original name for their company and had to borrow from a 19th century novel?
I wonder if Starbucks' attorney consulted with Melville's attorney to clear that copyright issue going back to the mid 1850s!
In an interview about TLCs PR gal Laurie Goldberg, Eileen O'Neill, (President of Discovery Communications) said about Kate's poor treatment of the Palins: "I'm still paying for that one."
That wasn't an unnamed source, an unnamed production person, bad editing or a rumor. That was Kate's former boss acknowledging that Kate's behavior was so bad, at that time, she still faced repercussions for it.
Any other questions, sheeple?
Perhaps someone should remind Milo of this when she keeps spouting off about EVERYONE who meets Kate absolutely loves and adores her!
In an interview about TLCs PR gal Laurie Goldberg, Eileen O'Neill, (President of Discovery Communications) said about Kate's poor treatment of the Palins: "I'm still paying for that one." 79
I had not read that before. I did not see the episode but by all accounts tfw acted like a rude, spoiled child while the Palins were gracious hosts.
No sympathy for TLC though, they got bitten by the monster they helped create.
The end of 2013 also makes me think of what a huge flop BV's threats were to those who speak out against Kate. He got lucky that the coward who ran RWA caved to him, but the outing of others seemed to have had no ill effect after all was said and done. It just made some of them have more purpose in being vocal about disliking TFW.
I chuckle at the few sheeple who STILL cling to him and his army as if he was the second coming of Jesus. Perhaps they still think there's a chance they're going to score big $$ from the non-existent class action suit against Kate's "haters"? LOL LOL
And just what damage did BV cause Robert? None that I'm aware of. Robert certainly wasn't intimidated by the bullying tactic.
It was all pretty much a big failure, if you ask me.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 83
Did we ever find out what it was that she mailed that was SWAK?
Oh cripes I forgot about that. I think we did, but she's made so many failed attempts at promoting herself I can't remember what it was.
Tucker's - good luck with your pierogies. I love those things but they are work intensive. I always have trouble with some of them opening in the water as hard as I try to seal them. Someone has to know the secret. Maybe Kate does. She authored a cookbook. nyuck nyuck
Eileen O'Neill and Kate were hatched out of the same egg. They deserve each other.
Tuckers good luck with your pierogies. I love those things but they are work intensive. I always have trouble with some of them opening in the water as hard as I try to seal them. Someone has to know the secret. 91
I haven't made pierogies, but I do make Chinese dumplings. Have you tried sealing them with an egg wash?
RIP James Avery from "Fresh Prince of Belair"
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 58m
@UseCmmonSense @Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 Jon poor excuse of man & Kate should steer clear of him forever. He's toxic & needs 2 let go of past.
Isn't MsGoody the one who keeps harping about Jon paying child support and that Kate should nail him in court, demanding that she should petition the courts for support? How can she "steer clear of him forever" if she's dragging him into court?
Shaking my head over the hypocrisy of the sheeple.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 85
Happy New Year!
If TFW tweeted about watching a 1D movie, I assume she meant One Direction. Wonder what her sons were doing while this chick flick was on -- feeding the chickens?
Eggsactly what I was thinking. Sounds like everyone has to watch the same TV show or movie at the same time and I can't imagine the boys being into Harry Heartthrob or... or... or..
Hopefully the boys were building a fort in their room and well, being boys.
PatK said: "I chuckle at the few sheeple who STILL cling to him and his army as if he was the second coming of Jesus"
Whatever happened to the sheeple who couldn't decide what fence she was on, then went gangsta, aligned herself with BV and thought that he was the Second Coming? Is she still around? Darn. I can't remember her name.
It's been some year in the Gosselin/sheeple/haters saga, hasn't it?
Lauren @ljohnson2006 4h
@Kateplusmy8 may 2014 be a year of many memories for you and your family. You have the chance to write another 365 page story. Happy 2014!
And just as many "worst moments" for admin to post! :)
In an interview about TLCs PR gal Laurie Goldberg, Eileen O'Neill, (President of Discovery Communications) said about Kate's poor treatment of the Palins: "I'm still paying for that one."
Sunny, TY - I'd never seen that quote before. Eileen and TLC deserve every bit of flak they've gotten because of TFW's ridiculous behavior! They catered to her demands, they richly deserved the repercussions. lol
I haven't made pierogies, but I do make Chinese dumplings. Have you tried sealing them with an egg wash?
Tucker's you just answered my question. (Slapping my forehead here) I make pot stickers and won ton soup quite often and never have a problem with either. They stay sealed with a little powdering of cornstarch or tapioca starch and then a dab of egg wash on the wrappers and voila. I'll try it with pierogies next time. Thanks lol!
My apologies Rhymes! That last post was meant to be addressed to you.
No worries Auntie. I first read that you use tapioca AND cornstarch and thought.that was overkill. Reread and saw it was "or".
Great Top Ten List Admin.
Even if TFW does manage to get her butt back on TV for something the sheeple won't know about because she never tells them. She would rather play coy and let them keep guessing.
AuntieAnn said... 100
Actually, the pierogie dough is rather moist with sour cream and we didn't need to use anything but pressure to seal them, followed by crimping with a fork.
I was very relieved that every one simmered to soft perfection and then of course, they were fried in a bit of butter and onions.
It was a great confidence builder when it comes to homemade pasta ;-)
Heh heh...the last two sentences are priceless. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/02/business/media/for-a-tlc-spokeswoman-no-comment-is-an-art.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
Telling Kate to steer clear of Jon for life is insane, and these fanatics think they are on the kids' side. They are not.
I can't remember people railing here about wanting either parent losing custody or never speaking to one another. We've advocated many times for therapy, counseling, spiritual guidance and most of all, a mediator and a court-appointet ad litem.
It is a complet and utter failure of parenting for BOTH Kate and Jon that they do not co-parent, moreover, are at constant vicious odds with one another.
It is not enough for either of them to beat their own chests and proclaim how much they love their kids and give them whatever x,y,z experiences in life because they are not doing it together.
Fleecing 87 -- There's also JoJo Starbuck, the ice dancer (of Starbuck and Shelley) and a character named Starbuck in Battlestar Gallactica.
I was very turned off and disgusted by some of Walt's posts, both here and, as reported here, elsewhere. I also remember that when I posted on here about an animal rescue in New York that was forced to evacuate because of massive flooding and were in desperate need of supplies because they were taking in more animals displaced by the flooding, he was one of the first to respond and, I learned later, that he actually followed through and helped the rescue. So -- I have serious doubts about some of his behavior, but I also know that he has a heart.
We haven't heard much from TFMJG's other teen fan, Paige, lately. Or from the young girl in England, also named Emily, I think, who sent TFMJG and the kids gifts periodically. I hope for their sakes they've grown and moved on.
One thing to which I make take issue in admin's worst moments list. Shawn Tuma isn't "strangely kind of cute" -- he's absolutely adorable!
Ooops -- hit publish too soon. I meant to say -- It's possible that Starbucks Patented or Copyrighted or whatever you do with a unique product name -- the name Frappuccino (sp?). In which case, they'd be within their rights to go after anyone else marketing a product using the same name.
Ooops -- hit publish too soon. I meant to say -- It's possible that Starbucks Patented or Copyrighted or whatever you do with a unique product name -- the name Frappuccino
Oh they have protected the name, they even said so. I don't think anyone was saying they didn't have full rights to the name. It was the big business sticking their big guns legal team and skipping straight to a C&D, threatening legal action. The business was a tiny little bar that had only sold a couple of the drinks anyway. A hole in the wall in the midwest that doesn't make much money.
What I got out of it is a simple phone call could have resolved the matter just as easily. I felt like the bar owner was saying, wow you went to all this trouble just to threaten to bury a tiny little business? Way to support small businesses. Not! And you're going to pay for it because I'm going to make fun of you and post it on the internet. He's been getting overwhelming support. Big business like Starbucks can learn a lot from this.
Great list Admin. Let's hope that in 2014 TFW becomes so obscure that you're going to have a hard time finding a top 10.
FlimsyFlamsy @ 85 - Thanks for pointing out that 1D was One Direction. I thought TFW was saying they were watching a 1D movie as opposed to a 3D movie and was wondering why she didnt just tell everyone the name of the movie. #iamadope.
As far as TFW getting a show? Not gonna happen. She had a couple of appearances on that Home & Family show and she was very wooden and uncomfortable looking on camera. She wasn't much better with Katie C. I'm guessing that at the end of the shoot KC probably said something like "that was great, we'll have to do it again". TFW, being the narcissist that she is, didn't take it as polite conversation but rather as "they love me and I'm going to be hosting a show with her soon". She probably spends her days making kissing noises to the bird and waiting by the phone for that call that's never going to come.
As far as her saying that M wants to act and tweets every little thing that she does, it's going to take much, much more than that because, let's face it, she's a Gosselin and not a Barrymore and I don't think the name Gosselin has enough pull to open many doors.
Wanting it and tweeting it won't make it happen for either of them. They've got to put in the work necessary to actually get it.
Finally, I agree with Ingrid. It's probably an Asian beetle and not a ladybug.
"Eileen O'Neill and Kate were hatched out of the same egg. They deserve each other."
Agreed. She was a huge promoter of Kate during her heyday. If she got any flak, she deserved it.
Happy New Year to everyone. I mainly lurk but enjoy the blog. I've picked up books from here. Currently reading Defending Jacob(I believe it was recommended here). Thanks for the laughs.
Amy Pollard @apollard327 4m
@Kateplusmy8 my 10yr old daughter just told me she watched 63 episodes of J/K+8 and she has waaaay more shows to go! #happynewyear#netflix
I think your 10-year-old daughter should get out with her friends a little more! ;-)
Tucker's Mom said... 104
Actually, the pierogie dough is rather moist with sour cream and we didn't need to use anything but pressure to seal them, followed by crimping with a fork.
Tucker's - That must be why mine are rather chewy and won't seal. I use milk and eggs in my perogie dough. I'll try sour cream next time, it sounds good. Thank you for the tip.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 20h
Wanna know what this is? It's a Zorro hair extraction! He's obsessed w/ hair & gets caught often! Hannah2the rescue!
Um Kate. If you're going to let the birdie out, tie back the long hair on the girls and yourself, you dumb cluck.
Tucker (104)...Um Kate. If you're going to let the birdie out, tie back the long hair on the girls and yourself, you dumb cluck.
The bird shouldn't be anywhere near her hair. She'll learn the hard way.
Dumb cluck? I haven't heard that for a long time. My mother often used that expression!
Oops! Sorry. That was Auntie Ann who called Kate a dumb cluck.
Um Kate. If you're going to let the birdie out, tie back the long hair on the girls and yourself, you dumb cluck. 112
But then what would she have to photograph and tweet about?
Tuckers, congrats on your culinary success.
Also - the article about the Gs on Sarah Palin's Alaska was great.
<--------Just for you Kate!
A link to the Laurie Goldberg article:
A quote from it:
Perhaps Ms. Goldberg’s most sensitive project was Ms. Palin’s reality show, for which she put aside her strong Democratic views. She traveled to the Palins’ home in Wasilla repeatedly, dining one night on smoked caribou and salmon that had been hunted and fished by Todd Palin.
She even baby sat the children one rainy day when, in a programming stunt of sorts, Ms. Gosselin went camping with Ms. Palin. In the ensuing episode, Ms. Goldberg can be seen listening to Ms. Gosselin list her grievances about the trip — “I am freezing to the bone. ... I’m hungry.”
“I felt like Forrest Gump,” Ms. Goldberg told Ms. O’Neill when she returned.
In an interview, Ms O’Neill joked: “I’m still paying for that trip.”
Interesting. She babysat whose kids? The smaller Palin child who stayed behind?
Also, in the video it appeared that TFW was talking to herself. She must have had Laurie on speaker phone, eh?
Admin, you did a great job of making a list again this year. Thank you.
Happy New Year to the fantastic posters here.
Now, I really want a Pierogie. And, I still don't respect Kate Gosselin.
Interesting. She babysat whose kids? The smaller Palin child who stayed behind?
I'm really fuzzy on the details of that trip. I just can't remember whether Kate took a babysitter on that trip. If she didn't, maybe she's the one who babysat the G8 after Kate and Steve took off on their own for a few days.
Interesting. She babysat whose kids? The smaller Palin child who stayed behind?
Ignore my previous comment; I don't know what I was thinking. LOL The article clearly said she babysat the kids one rainy afternoon, not 2-3 days.
Interesting. She babysat whose kids? The smaller Palin child who stayed behind?
I think maybe they're a little fuzzy about what she was babysitting for. Kate and Sarah did leave the kids behind one day, but it wasn't for camping. And Sarah was very clear they were left with the nanny. That is maybe Laurie?
I remember this because this is when Sarah and Kate went to go target practice and Kate said she would do what it took to protect her children including using a firearm. So for Kate to take issue with Jon doing just that and defending his children using a firearm is hypocritical.
As far as Kate hinting about being back on television, I really think the only option left would be the dating-show option. I watched the E! Hollywood Story about her today and was surprised to learn the ratings numbers she brought to DWTS, actually beating out American Idol! We all know it wasn't her dancing skills, so why did we watch?
I know I tuned in because I felt she would expose herself as the diva she had become. She couldn't hide behind her "mom” persona, so, it was just her showing us who she really is, all while not learning how to dance.
So, I suppose my question is, how many people would tune in to see her emasculate a bunch of guys looking for their own 15 minutes on a lame dating show? As twisted as this concept is, it just may draw ratings. Yes, I can see it now "Kate Plus Dates" Gag.
Admin., thanks for the list, and to all a happy and healthy new year.
Now, I really want a Pierogie.
Same here, and we just finished a very big pork and sauerkraut New Year's Day supper! There's always room for a good pierogi.
“I felt like Forrest Gump,” Ms. Goldberg told Ms. O’Neill when she returned.
I'm dense, why did listening to Kate complain about Alaska make her feel like Forrest Gump? I don't get it, lol!
And if she IS saying she came along to babysit the kids on the actual camping trip, that is pretty pathetic. For goodness sake Kate, ditch the nanny and take care of your own damn kids. You're standing right there. Maybe if you focused on looking after the children you wouldn't notice the cold so much. If that's what she means, there's the proof right there Kate has no interest in these kids and will pass them off on the hired help if possible even if she's RIGHT THERE. Did she have some romantic notion that camping would be like a spa of sorts and she could dump the kids on the nanny and relax and enjoy it without being bothered with them?
Layla said about Duck Dynasty (and Honey Boo Boo)
"ikes--Honey Boo Boo. While their antics may be cringe-worthy at times, they seem like they are fun, loving people who are probably easy to work with."
I cannot accept that description of "loving" about Phil Robertson. Not only has he made homophobic statements and said that blacks were happy before they had civil rights, he recommends that men marry women before the age of 16 when they can be easily controlled. I am disgusted that anyone could give him a pass on this, he is recommending that men marry children.
The devil you know is better than the devil you don't I guess. Since what what he's advocating for is illegal anyway why worry about it.
Also he did not say blacks were happier when they didn't have civil rights. She said the blacks he knew worked hard and did not complain. Just because you have a good attitude or "look" happy doesn't mean you're actually happy, he needs to realize that. I don't like what he said, but I also don't like the way it's been distorted. I guess A&E got over it quick. Predictable. I think this was a publicity stunt and one that worked like a charm if people are still talking about it.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5m
@Hollybm78 @Kateplusmy8 U getting the one digit temps too? That is worrisome...will make the snow turn to hard ice! #SlipperyAndDangerous
No, MIlo. It's supposed to be a very light snow, and with 40 mile an hour winds, it will be blowing everywhere. The snow will not turn to hard ice.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 48m
@Kateplusmy8 Hope U are preparing ahead of time 4possible pipes breaking?
You prepare for pipes breaking by keeping the heat turned on your house, I would assume that Kate keeps the temp at 55 or above. Open the faucets to a bit more than just a drip. She's Kan-Do Kate, remember? She doesn't need Milo's advice.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5m
@Hollybm78 @Kateplusmy8 U getting the one digit temps too? That is worrisome...will make the snow turn to hard ice! #SlipperyAndDangerous
No, MIlo. It's supposed to be a very light snow, and with 40 mile an hour winds, it will be blowing everywhere. The snow will not turn to hard ice.
Milo doesn't know much about cold climates. Even if it was snow sticking to the ground, snow doesn't usually freeze. We had temperatures in the 10's and 20's all last month when I was back East, snow on the ground the whole time, and the snow was fluffy as can be. Perfect for snowmen and sledding. I don't know a lot about weather, but I know from experience snow does not usually turn to hard ice except very rarely under certain conditions. Even then it's just a top layer. Usually it's freezing rain under specific conditions that cause the very rare ice storms that coats things, but if you step on it the ice cracks and there's the fluffy snow underneath. Why is Milo worried about Kate's weather? That's so odd. Let Kate worry about Kate's weather and Milo can worry about Milo's.
I agree with those who said that the Alaska episode was the beginning of the end for Kate. It's not like she wasn't difficult before, but perhaps the folks at TLC chalked up her bad attitude to marital stress and thought it would improve without Jon around. But in Alaska, her behavior was inexcusable. I think it was then they realized that this was the real Kate, and that they had created a monster. Time to cut ties.
I also think the RV trip was TLC's revenge. She expected to be treated like a princess (remember her snide remark to Jamie--"Oh, the life of a princess" as they were getting into the RV?),and they were going to make her go on a mediocre trip across America rather than the first-class, 5-star international travel she thought she deserved. And boy, was she mad! From the "Stop playing 'We're filming a TV show and get some real work done, because I'm really done here' line to the pizza meltdown, they caught her at her worst, and filmed it all for everyone to see. Did she forget that this was her job? That she needed to perform or get fired? Well, I guess she figured it out.
Somewhere along the line, Kate stopped being grateful for all that TLC gave to her. She felt entitled to more and better, and she expected them to deliver--or else. She forgot that she could be fired--that TLC didn't owe her a job. She will never return to nursing. She is looking for someone to shower her with money and trips and the lifestyle to which she has become accustomed. Nursing will not do that. It will take awhile for the money to run out, but when it does, it will be interesting to see what happens. She says she HAS to be on TV. But if TV doesn't work out, then...what? What happens?
I have a feeling Milo has heard a few exaggerated stories about bad winter weather and assumes everyone has terrible luck. It's really fine. The news seeks out the most dire terrible stories and reports them as if everyone is going through something just like that. Most of the time it's no big deal and you just get through it. Winter comes every year. The only time it gets dicey is when the power goes out, but most people prone to that plan ahead with either a generator or someplace else to go like a hotel. We'd pack up and go to grandma's a few hours away, power outages are rarely that widespread.
Pipes breaking are really not a common problem. In fact in 20 years of living in a very cold Northeastern climate near the Canadian border, I don't remember ever once hearing of anyone's pipes breaking I suppose because everyone knows how to prevent it. She heard something on the news and is an alarmist.
You know what's funny is I don't really hear anyone from Northern climates saying oh my god it's so incredibly hot where you are how DO you do it?
I don't know, you just do it. Put on your big girl pants! :)
1momski (127)
The issues with Phil Robertson are just now coming to light, after years of filming their show. And none of this has been shown on the show. For years, all the public has seen is a close, loving family. It is because of that goodwill that so many stood up for Phil and the network decided to put him back on the show. We may not agree with everything he says, but overall they seem to be a nice family. They do seem to love and respect each other. And they seem to enjoy their work, rather than bring nasty attitudes to the table whenever the crew shows up.
OT - I don't post often but read frequenttly. Our family had some sad news today. Our African Grey parrot, who was 37 years old died. He was currently living with my sister, but we all grew up with our bird. We all thought he would outlive all of us. My sister is very upset, and it is sad to know we won't hear our bird talk to us anymore. We have many happy memories and silly stories to share.
I just hope the Gosselins appreciate and take care of all their pets.
Came across these great tips, some will just amaze the are so simple!
The countdown is brilliant. Should be a Top 25. There would be no problem writing that. Great job, Admin!
If TLC had really wanted to change the show when they got divorced they could have and TFW would have not been able to do squat about it. They could of had Jon be the divorced dad, working piecing and patching and dealing with the ex from the psych ward.
TLC was in complete control on what TFW and Jon did so either TFW conform to the new show format or hit the road, Jack. They could of shown the kids seeing their family, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jodie, their cousins. Should of just paid the witch and left her off and just have the kids say, Mom just dropped us off.
Like they did Chrissy Snow on 3's Company. Just show her at the phone with a telephone table with a vase w/flowers and a lamp and a picture on the wall.
My, My. What would TFW thought about that?
This is another thing too where our beef is with legislatures, not this guy.
The legal age to get married in Louisiana is 16, as long as you have your parents' permission. You can get married even YOUNGER if a judge signs off on it. How young, well as young as a judge will allow apparently. He's advocating for something completely legal in his state. If that shocks and appalls people, we need to talk to Louisiana lawmakers.
The bird shouldn't be anywhere near her hair. She'll learn the hard way.
Dumb cluck? I haven't heard that for a long time. My mother often used that expression!
PA - I got that expression from my mother too. She never swore around us when we were young. My dad on the other hand was always being reminded by her that 'little ears' were listening.
Anyway we seem to be on a real egg-related theme today thanks to Admin's remark about Kate's egg fetish haha. Guess you could say we're on an egg roll.
okay, okay I'm leaving.
Milo, Wikipedia has a list of major ice storms that warrant more than a footnote, ever since 1920. As you can see from this list, a major ice storm is incredibly rare. There are only half a dozen major ones a decade in the entire country. Snow does not "turn to ice" except about six times a decade.
Somewhere along the line, Kate stopped being grateful for all that TLC gave to her.131
I was never under the impression that her gratitude for anything was genuine.
She always gave the impression that someone would provide.
She donated what, 50 dollars and got a 50 dollar gift card in the mail (very early on).
TLC fed the monster and reaped what they sowed.
E O'N had to "pay" the AK episode?
She owes much more to those eight children.
They probably all got new gear for that camping show besides...those jackets looked pretty new. And all matching of course. I wonder if they got new hats, boots, mittens, too? And long underwear?
Notice that TFW's jacket was snow white.
Always a good idea for a camping trip with 8 kids. Especially when you're going to be making sandwiches on your arm.
I cannot accept that description of "loving" about Phil Robertson. Not only has he made homophobic statements and said that blacks were happy before they had civil rights, he recommends that men marry women before the age of 16 when they can be easily controlled. I am disgusted that anyone could give him a pass on this, he is recommending that men marry children.
momski1, I agree 100% with you. And this Phil Robertson person is now in a position of power with so many 'fans'. Scary.
I always thought Christianity was about love. Not exclusion and judging.
AuntieAnn 138
Even your puns are funny. Admin's egg fetish comment was hilarious. No surprise that it prompted comments/puns.
Pipes breaking are really not a common problem. In fact in 20 years of living in a very cold Northeastern climate near the Canadian border, I don't remember ever once hearing of anyone's pipes breaking I suppose because everyone knows how to prevent it. She heard something on the news and is an alarmist.
In the north, houses usually are built with the pipes inside of the building insulation, and unless there are holes in the building, having a pipe freeze is rare. Where Milo lives, however, pipes are often outside in an unprotected area.
That said, even though the inside temperature was kept at 65 degrees, we had a pipe freeze during a cold snap, resulting in a river flowing through the kitchen. Thank goodness for insurance.
Hit publish too soon. Nope, Milo, snow doesn't turn to ice. Sure, you might get a freezing rain or ice on top of snow that causes a thick crust on the snow, but a light, powdery snow is not going to turn to ice.
What a doofus (dufus?)...whatever.
I am One of Eight said... 135
OT - I don't post often but read frequenttly. Our family had some sad news today. Our African Grey parrot, who was 37 years old died
I am so sorry to hear that. Did they find out the cause of death? Did they do an avian necropsy? A death of any pet is so sad, but when you've had one for three decades and grew up with that bird, it's all the more upsetting and difficult to get through.
I lost a female eclectus rescue parrot not long ago. She was fine at night, eating well, pooping just fine, happy outside her cage, with no apparent signs of illness. When I went to feed her in the morning, she was lifeless at the bottom of her perch. The avian vet said it was egg binding, but without any symptoms. She was such a sweetheart. I miss her every day and night (when she always said, "Time For Bed Now.").
Thanks, Sleepness. I don't think my sister is going to find out what the cause of death was. She had an appointment tomorrow, said he wasn't eating much in the last week or talking much. He could never say Merry Christmas, he would just say Merry Chris. He had a big vocabulary. My husband taught him the Johnny Carson theme song when we were dating.
And, no, we didn't walk around with him on our shoulders and let him play with our hair.
Is she/he talking about the same Kate who had to run around at the last minute trying to find a generator, and then asking if you can use it in the house?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2m
@Kateplusmy8 Ha...I guess its best 2b 4warned...plan ahead as U always do! #SmartResourcefulMom :)
He could never say Merry Christmas, he would just say Merry Chris.
It's funny how sometimes they just can't seem to finish a phrase or lyrics. One of mine has tried to sing American Pie, but just can't get the last word. He sings, "Bye, bye, Miss American..." as clear as day, but for some reason, can't get to the "Pie."
Again I am so sorry to hear about the Grey. They do become part of our lives, don't they?
Many older homes here in OH have pipes inside on outside walls with no insulation. Those burst all the time.
Oh man, I remember the ice storm of 2011. Bad, bad storm. We got lucky, only without power for 18 hours. Others were without much longer.
Cally Bloxam@CallyBloxam1h
"Hannah pooped... in Hannah's undawears." Cutest moment in Jon and Kate Plus 8 history. @Kateplusmy8
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy832m
@CallyBloxam :) they watch it and even they say 'we were sooo cute!' Lol!
So is Kate trying to convey that Hannah just might NOT be embarrassed about this after all?
I remember the winter of 1993-94 holy ice storms in PA. It was ice storm after ice storm and snow storm. I was living back home to save money for my wedding and was cooped up with mom and sis for weeks and they drove me NUTS. Not looking forward to this snow tomorrow. I hate shoveling.
I remember the winter of 1993-94 holy ice storms in PA. It was ice storm after ice storm and snow storm. I was living back home to save money for my wedding and was cooped up with mom and sis for weeks and they drove me NUTS. Not looking forward to this snow tomorrow. I hate shoveling.
Oh, gosh, local. I remember that, too. It just kept coming and re-freezing, and husband was stuck at his work in another city and couldn't get home. I couldn't get outside because we lived in a rural area and nothing was plowed and everything was frozen, and it was day after day after day of nothing but icy roads. Cabin fever!
Was that really twenty years ago? Where did the time go?
Maybe if she'd been nice to that poor little Piper, who wasn't doing anything more than innocently standing there.....
Admin, can a minor be held to a confidentiality agreement? Could Pieper speak about what happened there?
FOTK -- That 2011 ice storm was horrible. We got 4 1/2" of ice on top of about 5" of snow. Didn't lose power where I live but my pipes froze. I was trapped in my house for almost 2 weeks because my doors froze shut and I couldn't get anyone to come and dig me out. Thought I'd go nuts after a few days. There's nothing like not being able to go out to make you really want to!
Is she/he talking about the same Kate who had to run around at the last minute trying to find a generator, and then asking if you can use it in the house?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2m
@Kateplusmy8 Ha...I guess its best 2b 4warned...plan ahead as U always do! #SmartResourcefulMom :)
The Halloween storm. Not so smart then, was she? She actually had to go on Twitter to get advice from strangers.
Milo totally blocks these things from her mind, and sounds like a total jerk when she makes idiotic tweets like that.
So, I suppose my question is, how many people would tune in to see her emasculate a bunch of guys looking for their own 15 minutes on a lame dating show? As twisted as this concept is, it just may draw ratings. Yes, I can see it now "Kate Plus Dates" Gag.
Just My Opinion - Probably a lot, as good people are often drawn to bad behavior, (Think OJ Simpson trial - How many of us were drawn to watch the trial with that fiasco in disbelief). With TFW, it would be a WTF factor. How does this polarizing witch keep getting recognition?!!
People watch to see her fail miserably. (and she does a great job with that.)
Sincerely, I don't think it will happen, as she has burned so many bridges. But I have been wrong often about this very twisted person, who does not deserve another show.
Forgot to add that with narcissists - The more you give- the more they want. (Greedy bunch that they are.) Narcissists believe they are "entitled and deserving" of things coming their way. I will give Kate this, she knew how to "dress up" her narcisstic requirements, under the guise of having 8 kids.
TLC would buy 8 outfits for the show; Kate would probably demand 16 for the day after, as she didn't have time to do wash. All while having handlers to do the wash. She really knew how to work her greed, and TLC catered to it. For far too long, thus creating a monster.
I don't think we have a clue of how much this woman scammed out of greed. Never mind she always took the kids' free clothes to a consignment shop. Her Christian values never came through. Inauthentic : )
In addition, stores (Gymboree, etc...) donated clothes, yet Kate never considered paying it forward. After all of her gratitude talk on her Christian tour, she never ever walked the talk.
Um Kate. If you're going to let the birdie out, tie back the long hair on the girls and yourself, you dumb cluck.
As always, Auntie Ann is a gem!
The Halloween storm. Not so smart then, was she? She actually had to go on Twitter to get advice from strangers.
Kate's house is what? Over 6000 square feet? 8 little children. She's absolutely foolish to not have a house generator.
I was flabbergasted when she asked if she could use a generator inside.
Sure, if you want to kill everyone and everything in it.
How about skipping your annual KY Derby fling and lavish trips to Las Vegas and get a generator for your PA home?
Admin said:
"the legal age to get married in Louisiana is 16, as long as you have your parents' permission. You can get married even YOUNGER if a judge signs off on it. How young, well as young as a judge will allow apparently. He's advocating for something completely legal in his state. If that shocks and appalls people, we need to talk to Louisiana lawmakers."
Admin, I am frankly shocked at your recommendation that Phil Robertson not be held accountable when he preached that men marry girls younger than 16. Whether this is still legal in the state of Louisiana in no way makes this more heinous. Phil Robertson is a celebrity with influence and in his position has his own sheeple.
I have always considered you a strong child advocate so why you are excusing Phil Robertson's stance on marrying young girls is baffling to me.
Over In TFW's County said... 153
I remember the winter of 1993-94 holy ice storms in PA. It was ice storm after ice storm and snow storm. I was living back home to save money for my wedding and was cooped up with mom and sis for weeks and they drove me NUTS. Not looking forward to this snow tomorrow. I hate shoveling.
Oh, gosh, local. I remember that, too
Me too! I was living in Bucks Co. at the time and remember the ice. I had to get into work, but the roads were not drivable. It took me 3 hours each way, using the train and subway to get into Philly.
If I did drive, my car would often just follow the ruts in the ice.
I'm sure the alignment and shock absorbers were never the same again. I have a squeak in my dashboard that never went away!
Oh, and I didn't get mail for about 2 1/2 weeks because I couldn't begin to try to dig out the ice around my mailbox!
PatK said... 151
Cally Bloxam@CallyBloxam1h
"Hannah pooped... in Hannah's undawears." Cutest moment in Jon and Kate Plus 8 history. @Kateplusmy8
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy832m
@CallyBloxam :) they watch it and even they say 'we were sooo cute!' Lol!
So is Kate trying to convey that Hannah just might NOT be embarrassed about this after all?
Since Kate's sooooooooo into football for some inexplicable reason, I'll say that I'm throwing a flag on this play.
No way, no how, now WAY a young girl coming into her tween years thinks public (to EVERYONE) footage of her in poopy diapers and poopy "unawears" is cute.
It's embarrassing.
You are very aware of your looks and get embarrassed easily.
I totally believe Jon when he says that Kate puts words into their mouths.
Even saying that Hannah declared a "ladybug" was a boy. Having no understanding of sex differences in animals is something I'd believe in a preschooler, but not a 10-year old.
You find out the sex, understand how to determine sex, and don't assign sex that immaturely.
If those kids truly do spout such immature ramblings about the world around them, I hope they have extra help in schooling so they can keep up with their peers.
I am One of Eight said... 147
I'm so sorry about your feathered baby and friend.
Is that age on the younger side for passing?
Over 30 years is a very long time- more than a generation.
It must feel like a life partner is gone.
I feel pretty confident she has Julie May out there hawking some reality show for herself. Here it is, 2014, and Kate will not give it up; but don't be surprised if she pops up on TV and tabloid covers. People find train wrecks fascinating so she manages to pull in ratings. And she does not care if she is hated or looks like an idiot. As long as she gets some gig, she will always believe she is a star and marketable.
Frankly, I think Jon is no better. TLC created a couple of big egos and both of them think they deserve to keep getting publicity. It's been entirely their own choosing to keep themselves public. I like Jon better because he is relatable but I cannot defend him.
and was surprised to learn the ratings numbers she brought to DWTS, actually beating out American Idol! We all know it wasn't her dancing skills, so why did we watch?
I'm not so sure Kate was the one responsible for the ratings numbers. I agree that she drew viewers especially towards the end when people just wanted to watch her make a fool of herself, but Nicole Sherzinger, Pam Anderson, and Chad Ochocinco's huge fan bases are nothing to sneeze at. The sheeple like to think she was THE one responsible for high ratings, but I beg to differ.
Nicole's twitter followers: 4,629,000
Chad: 3,662,000
Pam: 993,000
Kate: 182,000
For those following the SeaWorld saga, PETA protested the SeaWorld float at the Rose Parade out in Pasadena yesterday garnering nearly 20 arrests.
Tucker's Mom 162-
Since Kate's sooooooooo into football for some inexplicable reason, I'll say that I'm throwing a flag on this play.
There was apparently some discussion with Milo on Twitter in which Kate stated she wanted to meet her dream man while learning about and following football. (Of course, Milo was talking about a college game.
Could be a joke or not, but think Hank, who she was drooling over.
I can see Kate being drawn to a Sports Star (no matter who), as they are masculine and make good money. Problem is, Kate can't get along with anyone. Who's left?
"Smart, resourceful mom?" I never did watch that fishing fiasco (a/k/a
Vomitpalooza), but it sure sounded like TFW was utterly unprepared to meet her children's comfort and safety needs. These accolades and compliments for TFW ring completely false to anyone with even a passing knowledge of this woman and her behavior.
The sheeple like to think she was THE one responsible for high ratings, but I beg to differ.
Nicole's twitter followers: 4,629,000
Chad: 3,662,000
Pam: 993,000
Kate: 182,000
I think Kate was teetering on the edge of drawing the eyeballs of people who loved to hate her while she was on DWTS. The other names on the show were huge and I don't give Kate the lion's share of the ratings credit either.
Now, people are past wanting to see her to hate her. People just don't want to see her. Look at any given article about her and you'll see many, many comments, "go away!!".
Nicole's twitter followers: 4,629,000
Nichole had an amazing career before DWTS, and she used her stint on DWTS to garner bigger gigs, and her career is going really strong.
She's got "IT", no doubt.
"A source says, "Nicole was the most popular member of the 'X Factor' panel this year and is the real winner in terms of bankability"
Nicole has also landed a 4.5 million dollar album deal with Sony.
So, to sum up, a haus frau from PA with a talented uterus drew eyeballs, or talented entertainers who can dance like Ginger Rogers and ooze sexiness drew eyeballs?
Kate was good for a laugh or two, but the serious DWTS fans like the contestants who can dance or if they can't dance, can entertain and lift your spirits.
Could be a joke or not, but think Hank, who she was drooling over.
I can see Kate being drawn to a Sports Star (no matter who), as they are masculine and make good money. Problem is, Kate can't get along with anyone. Who's left?
Ah, I didn't think about the Hank connection. Connects to Kendra and Hank.
I was wondering what this most recent reincarnation was leading to...
Hey, Kate... hows about learning about sports by having your boys join a team??????
TLC stinks said... 164
Thank you and I agree.
Tucker's Mom said... 161
Over In TFW's County said... 153
I remember the winter of 1993-94 holy ice storms in PA. It was ice storm after ice storm and snow storm. I was living back home to save money for my wedding and was cooped up with mom and sis for weeks and they drove me NUTS. Not looking forward to this snow tomorrow. I hate shoveling.
Oh, gosh, local. I remember that, too
Me too! I was living in Bucks Co. at the time and remember the ice. I had to get into work, but the roads were not drivable. It took me 3 hours each way, using the train and subway to get into Philly.
If I did drive, my car would often just follow the ruts in the ice.
I'm sure the alignment and shock absorbers were never the same again. I have a squeak in my dashboard that never went away!
Oh, and I didn't get mail for about 2 1/2 weeks because I couldn't begin to try to dig out the ice around my mailbox!
Wow 20 years that's true! I worked 20 miles away and remember sliding along the 30 bypass on a wing and a prayer and having a lot of near misses with the guard rail. And I've long ago divorced the guy for whom I was living at home to save money to marry haha
Tucker's Mom - thanks for your comments. We all thought our bird would live a lot longer. My sister has had him for a long time at her house so she is very distraught.
Tucker's Mom said... 161
Over In TFW's County said... 153
I remember the winter of 1993-94 holy ice storms in PA. It was ice storm after ice storm and snow storm.
Aaahhh! I remember them well. I also remember Action News doing a clip to a song with many people falling on the ice, as if a "ballet" of sorts.
It was actually amusing as pretty much everyone was taking a fall at that time trying to navigate life during that time, which lasted quite a while. Wish I could find that clip- was not mean spirited at all, but laughing at how gracefully people fell or slid in the midst of this storm.
JMO said... 175
Tucker's Mom said... 161
Over In TFW's County said... 153
I remember the winter of 1993-94 holy ice storms in PA. It was ice storm after ice storm and snow storm.
Aaahhh! I remember them well. I also remember Action News doing a clip to a song with many people falling on the ice, as if a "ballet" of sorts.
Wow, flashback!
I was taking classes at Hahnemann U. (defunct, now Drexel) and remember walking on the sidewalk, on my way to class. By the grace of God, it wasn't me, but a young woman next to me who slipped and fell out of the blue.
I tried to help her up, but she couldn't get up. Too much pain in her leg. I had to go find security, anyone, who could get her a stretcher or an ambulance.
She broke her kneecap.
There was just no rhyme or reason as to who fell, or spun out or just careened off the road.
Was driving home on 113 and the car in front of me just BLOOP! went off the side of the road. Holy hell!!
Tucker's Mom-171
Hey, Kate... hows about learning about sports by having your boys join a team??????
Amen! When my dad died at 40, my mom. who knew nothing about football, went to my almost all of my 2 brother's football games. Not to meet a man but to support them.
The 3 boys have been back shelf for far too long and either Jon or Kate or both need to step up to the plate with football, baseball, soccer, hell anything! What are they waiting for?
I am betting the 3 boys would all love the comraderie with sports. Being part of a team, can be a great experience. Did either parent ever ask them if this is something they would enjoy? Sorry- I meant SUPER parents, as Kate describes.
Guessing the queen, does not want to block out any time for ridiculous future filming schedules.
I have always considered you a strong child advocate so why you are excusing Phil Robertson's stance on marrying young girls is baffling to me.
Not excusing it. Just saying if you're going to be angry at him you should be angry at lawmakers too who allow exactly what he's talking about.
I believe strongly in free speech. Even Westboro's free speech, as much as I hate what they say, has been repeatedly upheld over and over by the courts, even as far as the Supreme Court. Actually that's a great Supreme Court case if you get a chance to read it. They can say the vile things they say and it's protected in this country, because that's what this country was built on. We don't get to arbitrarily decide what's okay to say and what's not.
I am fond of the quote, I hate what you have to say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
I remember that Action News ballet clip LOL I love Action News.
The football thing's a little weird. She acts like no one seems to have more than an elementary understanding of a complex game. So who is turning on the football all the time exactly? I rarely see people just turn on your everyday football game as background noise unless they are really into football. There are so many other things on T.V. on a Sunday for someone only half interested in the game. Odd. I would say maybe there's a man there but who knows.
I'm not so sure Kate was the one responsible for the ratings numbers. I agree that she drew viewers especially towards the end when people just wanted to watch her make a fool of herself, but Nicole Sherzinger, Pam Anderson, and Chad Ochocinco's huge fan bases are nothing to sneeze at. The sheeple like to think she was THE one responsible for high ratings, but I beg to differ.
Yes I've always said that. I'm not sure why it was assumed it was Kate when there were at least two celebs on her season with true cult followings. Cult following will turn in to watch moss grow on a tree if it means their celeb is standing right there. Kate has no such thing, not even close. Pam they had been trying to get on the show since season one, I'm betting their estimated numbers for what she'd bring in were pretty high for them to court her for so long.
There are so many other things on T.V. on a Sunday for someone only half interested in the game. Odd. I would say maybe there's a man there but who knows.
Me too.
Just too odd that there's so much football. Kids don't play, no one in house has a college alma mater, never heard of anyone tailgating etc., nothing to indicate she's a fan of anything.
Now, suddenly, there's football?
I LOVE football now, but as a kid it just wasn't on my radar and I would not enjoy watching it on tv.
I never remember Jon being really into football. I know he took the kids to a baseball game once. And he doesn't even have cable. A true fan of football would find it hard to live without cable, so I don't think he's that big of a fan.
Maybe the boys picked up an interest from friends. Even then, they are awfully young to be able to keep track of what games are on when on what channel and tune in. And I can't picture Kate keeping up with the games.
Maybe it's a male nanny or assistant turning on the boob tube. Is it possible they have a live in?
Melinda @bobbiejean1529 9h
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack What happened to the local college that said they could go there free?Probably still can but KG don't say that!
What local college was that? I don't remember anything being said that a local college offered them free tuition?
Milo is worried about 4-5 inches of snow and 2 degrees?!
She must lead a VERY sheltered life. That isn't much more than a skiff of snow and normal winter temps for most. It's a good thing Kate doesn't live in the Dakotas! Milo would spend all winter absolutely beside herself with worry.
We got 5 inches, still snowing, temp was 1 this morning, but now a balmy 16 with 17mph winds (blowing all the damn snow I just shoveled back onto my sidewalk!) Our high Monday is supposed to be -4.
I hope Milo is worried about my well-being too! :-)
JMO...177 You hit the nail on the head. When TFW wakes up every morning hoping for lightning to strike, she is essentially putting not only her own life on hold, but the lives of her children. She has all of them in a state of suspension, waiting for fame to come knocking again. Can you imagine being any one of those kids (save Mady) with a genuine interest, knowing your mother only has one thing she wants from you, and FOR you, and that's to get her (them) back on television. Everything else is likely just background noise, especially when her children discuss their own interests. As for the boys, she was never interested in them in the first place. Until she gives up on this, those children will be finding their own way. She is not guiding them toward anything other than being back in front of a TV camera.
"Smart, resourceful mom?" I never did watch that fishing fiasco (a/k/a
Vomitpalooza), but it sure sounded like TFW was utterly unprepared to meet her children's comfort and safety needs.
Milo lives in her own fantasy world where she is blind to such things. Kate certainly wasn't smart or resourceful when she was unprepared at Disney (the dripping ice cream) and hadn't even put a clean shirt in a tote, nor in New York when she had to take off her shoes. She never thought to slip a pair of comfortable flip-flops in her bag. Or on the fishing boat...didn't anticipate that the kids might get sick, so she had no change of clothing for them. Smart? Resourceful? On what planet?
What local college was that? I don't remember anything being said that a local college offered them free tuition?
Joe Paterno visited Kate in the hospital when the kids were born. A little odd since neither Jon nor Kate are Penn Staters. But that shows the role JoePa had in that state, in Pa when something major happened you were more likely to get a visit from him than the governor. If I recall he brought the kids stuffed Nittany lions. I think he joked about the kids going to Penn State for free, so that's where that came from. However that was obviously just a joke. Even so, with eight kids and a fine state school at their doorstep, they could all go to Penn State for a reasonable price and get a good education out of it to boot. They hand out scholarships and grants like candy, so if the kids have decent grades they could be in good shape. Now whether this school will be "good enough" for Kate remains to be seen. Many kids from their prep school go to the Ivy leagues.
You know it would be interesting for Kate to have a conversation about something of substance once in awhile. Like an intellectual conversation. How about a blog post during the PSU scandal sharing her thoughts about Penn State and JoePa, given that he bent over backwards to bring a smile to her face in the days after the kids' birth. And she has eight kids, so surely this story moved her as a mother, right? She could write and contribute to society on a level that means something if she wanted to. Instead we get drivel about swimsuits and broken down sports cars.
Oh wow PSU actually still has a photo of this visit posted. I have never seen this photo!
The only reason Kate brings up watching football on TV occasionally because 1) it's a hint for a rich man; 2) something to tweet about; and 3) she saw how Kendra lived and wants that lifestyle. If she is so much into football, has she attended any games? Tail gated? Invited friends over to watch? Who's her team? Just another ploy to make herself more of an eligible single woman (and maybe a dating show out of it). She is very transparent and molds herself into different personalities instead of being herself, whatever the hell that is.
she is essentially putting not only her own life on hold, but the lives of her children. She has all of them in a state of suspension
Yes, yes, yes. This just can't be good for the kids psychologically. Being able to accept and appreciate the past for what it was but to move on anyway and be happy is a life skill. Being a forward looking person, instead of looking behind, is healthy. This is true for many things in life. A broken relationship, a lost job, friends who move away, losing a relative. There will be losses and disappointment in the children's lives, that is life. But if you dwell forever on it and have some kind of bizarre notion that if we cross our fingers hard enough the past can come alive again, you'll hold yourself back from a healthy and happy future.
It's a life skill to accept that "things will never be the same again." Because so often, this is how life goes. Have a reasonable grieving period, of course. Mourn the show and the crew. But once that's over, it's time to look forward.
TLC stinks, ahhh I think that could very well be it.
So she is THAT GIRL who pretends they just LOVE football, and car racing, and greasy cheeseburgers, because they think that's what their man wants. Except she's doing it even before the man shows up. Does she even know who she is?
I remember the first time TFW had a Superbowl party, a couple of years ago. She admitted she didn't know what was going on. IMO, she is trying to get into the swing of things and have something to post on Twitter.,World news, even local events, seem beyond her, so she opts for 'celebrating' things with the kids because she's such an involved, resourceful, knowledgeable mom trying to 'culture' her kids...not.
And also the kids are definitely at that crucial age where they need to start finding their own activities and interests now or they're going to miss the boat. You can't walk onto the baseball or basketball team junior year. Not in this day in age. You've got to be doing all the preparation in your younger years to compete with the other kids. Same for many other things that kids do now. They're going to be hopelessly behind if steps aren't taken now to prepare them for sports, music, art, other extracurriculars.
And, not getting involved in these things now means a lot of lost opportunities for friendships. Some kids may be able to swoop in late to these things and be fine, but these kids don't strike me as particularly socially adept at such situations. They're almost certainly going to need the long background in their interests to be able to succeed later in high school.
We got 5 inches, still snowing, temp was 1 this morning, but now a balmy 16 with 17mph winds (blowing all the damn snow I just shoveled back onto my sidewalk!) Our high Monday is supposed to be -4.
Just another day in paradise.
Seriously Milo, we Northerners have been doing this since the pilgrims. We've figured it out by now. We're okay, I promise.
IMO, she is trying to get into the swing of things and have something to post on Twitter.,World news, even local events, seem beyond her
Ahhh.... so she wants to seem relevant and current with what's going on. But is so afraid she can't speak intellectually to current events that she uses sports as a crutch. Because if a woman doesn't understand sports that's fine because it's cute, right? Not so cute when you don't understand the hard news stories. Can you imagine if she tweeted about health care or Syria or Egypt and then pulled the whole, what's going on trying to explain this to my kids it's so cute that I don't understand this because i'm a woman! LOL, silly right?
What's funny is that I find most current events are easier to understand than football of all things.
The only reason Kate brings up watching football on TV occasionally because .....3) she saw how Kendra lived and wants that lifestyle.
She's a Kendra wannabe.
She reminds me of that girl in high school who always had to copy everything you did, because she had no personality of her own.
Hmmm...if she's copying Kendra...wouldn't you love to see TFW do that diving show or whatever it was that Kendra did??
She reminds me of that girl in high school who always had to copy everything you did, because she had no personality of her own.
Shades of Single White Female.
Speaking of Penn State football, I just saw that Bill O'Brien is leaving! Noooooo!!
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