Saturday, December 14, 2013

Real Housewife continues to battle ex-husband over putting her children on reality T.V.

Perhaps Tamra and Simon's long squabble over their children being on reality T.V. was overshadowed by the more epic battle between Jon and Kate that began about the same time. But things are heating up for the Real Housewife and her ex once again. 

Simon, who has successfully kept his three children off T.V. since 2010 and even once ended up in jail for domestic violence during the feud (he says the charges were completely fabricated by Tamra in order to try to get full custody and put the children back on T.V.--the charges were subsequently dropped), could be back in court soon.

In a statement, Tamra says she's going back to the Orange County family court again with a new theory. Tamra says that California law should be interpreted to allow her to put the children on T.V. when it's her custodial time (she concedes she cannot put them on T.V. during Simon's custodial time). Joint legal custody typically gives both parents "veto" power over the other's legal decisions. Joint legal can be a never-ending nightmare when parents don't get along, however only in limited circumstances does California allow full legal custody to one parent. Tamra and Simon have had joint custody since their divorce was finalized in an October 2011 settlement. The settlement also instructs both parents not to make derogatory remarks about the other to the children or the public, and says that each parent is responsible financially for the needs of their children during their custodial time--there is no child support or alimony. 

For his part, Simon maintains the show is harmful to his children. "I don't believe it is in our children's best interest to be exploited in this way," he said.

Stick to your guns, Simon.

In other news, a letter from production to Simon was leaked this week asking him to shoot a staged scene in which he gets ice cream with the children then exchanges them with Tamra. It is but one of many pieces of evidence that show how fake the Real Housewives is.

213 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 213   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

I can't help but think that had Jon and Kate ended up in California how different their divorce would be.

It likely would have been an even split down the middle from day one, with no one paying child support. And a judge would have allowed Jon to veto the kids being on T.V., as the judge did here for Simon. Barring some extreme circumstances they move heaven and earth in CA to split everything straight down the middle, no buts about it.

I would be very surprised if Tamra's latest ploy works. I think her interpretation of what joint legal custody is, is incorrect. Simon DOES have veto power over a decision like this, just like she would have veto power if Simon was the one who wanted to film. Don't like it, move to Pennsylvania! ~ Administrator said... 2

Oh another thing Tamra said was that this is disingenuous of Simon and in bad faith because he let the children be filmed before.

I think that's a pretty ridiculous comment. He simply changed his mind. There is nothing disingenuous about that. This is exactly what happened to Jodi, Kevin, Jon, probably Beth, and many other people who used to be fine with the Gosselins being filmed. They started filming and it seemed innocent. As time went on, it was not so innocent. They then changed their minds about filming. It's allowed. It's not hypocritical, disingenuous, or in bad faith. It's called circumstances evolving and changing such that you've changed your mind on something.

JoyinVirginia said... 3

I have never been able to get into The Real Housewives franchise, it just seems so fake the little I've seen. So good for Simon in this case, thinking about what's best for his children.

OT : watch this video and get into the holiday spirit. (it doesn't play on a phone)

Gayle said... 4

I would have rather seen a Christmas post, but not my blog. I hope Simon does stick to his guns on this.

The Empress Has New Clothes said... 5

There are no true heroes in this case. Tamra's a hot mess, in my opinion, and Simon's got issues of his own. Still and all (and given the focus of this blog), I give Simon credit for his efforts in this regard. "Childhoods should belong to the kids, not the highest bidder," as you so rightly said. ~ Administrator said... 6

I watched the show in the beginning and I thought Simon was kind of a jerk. I didn't like Tamra either. But I also give him credit for sticking to this here. You've got Bravo and Tamra's lawyers fighting him and the court of public opinion. The easy way out is to just say fine fine, just film them. He has not, and in the process he's stood up for fathers and all parents who are trying to stop actions by the other parent that are harmful. Still, he has the benefit of being in a state that is more than willing to back him up on this, so his battle has not been quite as arduous as Jon's has been.

Formerly Duped said... 7

I don't watch those housewives I will share a little pre-Xmas tradition. Maybe this can be a combo thread?

For the Twelve Days of Christmas, we hide a little Lindt chocolate bear somewhere in the living room where the tree is, for each kid (now in their early 20s!) to discover. A bit of fun, after dinner while carols play.We follow the original meaning of...

'The Twelve Days of Christmas are the festive days beginning Christmas Day (25 December). This period is also known as Christmastide and Twelvetide. The Twelfth Night of Christmas is always on the evening of 5 January, '

Mean People Indeed said... 8 (Administrator) said... 140
I can't sympathize with this woe is me twitter sympathy ploy. It's for attention. Guess what, lots of people have it very tough around the holidays. But the way to deal with it is not to go on social media soliciting a bunch of strangers to feel sorry for you. That is taking advantage of others. And I do kind of see where her family is coming from telling her to get over it. I doubt they said it to her that way, and they too may wonder how much of this is legitimate emotions and how much is simply behavior crafted for attention.

Alberta Girl said... 154
Milo - people that will have it rough over the holidays: those poor families observing the horrible anniversary tomorrow.

Get over yourself.


I certainly wouldn't want either of you for friends. Your lack of empathy is striking. Holiday-related depression is not just something people make up for attention. And telling someone to "get over themselves" because some other group has it worse is an unkind response. What happened in Newtown was absolutely horrific. It also is completely irrelevant to an individual's depression level. It's not a freakin' competition with one "winner" in the "has the right to be depressed" category.

Layla said... 9

I'm going OT here, but I made TFW's Pork Chops and Pears last night. If anyone else is thinking of trying it, my advice would be...don't. It was nasty. I followed the recipe to a T, so I know it wasn't some substitution I made. The flavor was not strong, but it was just unpleasant. To the point that nobody was willing to take a second bite. Even after we rinsed the chops off, our dogs wouldn't eat them. We ended up ordering pizza. I have to wonder, though...the Gs like this stuff? I have tried a few of TFW's recipes, and so far there has not been a single thing that I would consider good or that I would ever make again. So, are the G kids so used to nasty cooking that they think this is good, or are they starving to the point that they will eat anything? I just don't get it. And I'm done subjecting my family to any more of TFW's nasty recipes. Blech. ~ Administrator said... 10

Holiday-related depression is not just something people make up for attention.


I disagree. I think many people make up or exaggerate the blues for attention. And I think someone that is taking to twitter with a woe is me attitude is highly suspicious of doing just that.

No one said there aren't many people with legitimate blues around the holidays. No one said we don't have tremendous sympathy for those experiencing legitimate pain around the holidays. That's not what was said. I firmly believe that many, many people truly have it tough around the holidays. I'm simply suspicious of someone going on about it on Twitter, that's all. And the fact that her own family is losing patience with her suggests that I am not alone. ~ Administrator said... 11

I also think it can be incredibly helpful to compare and contrast our own lives with tragedies like Newtown. It can be tempting to think we have it bad but when we think of others who have it worse, it can help us appreciate all the good we do have. Suddenly things that maybe really put us in the dumps around the holidays are less painful. It is fine to be upset about things but if you have the desire not to feel that way, perspective is one way to help.

Perspective is a good thing, a healthy thing. There is nothing wrong with thinking about the Newton tragedy today with somber hearts, or thinking of others who have it bad, and realizing that maybe things are not so bad in our own lives. I saw this positive attitude recently with my sibling who was in a car accident. Yes the car accident was a huge emotional hassle, insurance companies, possible lawsuit, police reports, buying a new car. But they keep saying at least I am alive and not hurt. At least I am alive and not hurt. I guess you could go around the holidays being sad and annoyed and angry about all the garbage you have to deal with from your car accident, or you could go around the holidays being grateful to simply be here. Their attitude is inspiring to me.

NJGal51 said... 12

Formerly Duped - We always keep our decorations up, both inside and out, through the Epiphany.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 13

Layla... 9

Interesting. What were the ingredients?

Formerly Duped said... 14

Layla said... 9

LOL, sorry! Your poor family and dog! Are you going to try more of TFW's recipes ? No 10/10 rating I assume! ~ Administrator said... 15

Anonymous, some people make up things for sympathy. How can this be denied? It's documented. Look at all the catfish. Many others do not do this and are experiencing legitimate pain. If anything it is an insult to you that people do that. Don't leave because of that. No one said you and many others aren't in pain. It's because of you that fakers make me so mad.

Geek, but not a computer geek said... 16

I just wanted to let everyone know about a new, nasty bit of spyware/browser hijacker I unknowingly invited into to my computer. I was simply looking for a coupon code before making an online purchase. I thought I found a good one, although it was a site I wasn't familiar with. I clicked on it to reveal the code, but it said the code was expired. When I went back to searching, these pop up ads kept inserting themselves in the pages. They said brought to you by Scorpion Saver. Scorpion Saver by AdPeak is evil enough to waltz right into your hard drive, even with the best of anti-virus protection installed. Worse, it was designed to be almost impossible to get rid of, at least by the average layperson. I had just recently read about the other nasty threat out there, the virus which literally holds your computer hostage until you pay them... ( I thought it was a joke but it is not.) That article advised to keep your computer completely backed up at all times and updated regularly. It also advised that in this new era of undetectables viruses, services like Carbonite are becoming almost a necessity if your life's work & photos are on your computer.

To get rid of Scorpion Saver, I spent all of last night restoring my computer to factory settings and then reinstalling all my programs and backed up material. Because of reading the article about the ransom virus, I had just made sure I was backed up last week. I thought Norton would never let something like this in, but the criminals are working overtime to invade our computers undetected. Stick to only the tried, true and reputable sites. Be wary of everything you click on. Even downloading free software is risky anymore. Often, they come packed with toolbars and other spyware that you don't even know is attached. Be safe out there!

Anonymous said... 17

Formerly, ours ends Jan. 6th,...La Fete des Rois. , Not that I celebrate that, but my cousin was born on that day. School starts the day after.

This year, dd and I are going go a hotel/spa the 24th, since bro isn't coming


Anonymous said... 18

who let the Sheeple out???? #8, and Layla? roflmao


JoyinVirginia said... 19

Layla, thanks for the recipe review! It had to be bad for the dogs to not want pork chops!
Formerly duped, I love to hear about holiday traditions! I am getting a bit more decorating done every day. Hope to get the tree up this weekend. Dh and I went out this morning and put some unbreakable outdoor ornaments on an evergreen in the front yard.

Rhymes with Witch said... 20

Another interesting article on reality tv.

p.s. I don't comment or reply a lot, but I do read here with interest
and enjoyment.

reader said... 21

"Real Housewives" in title only.
I think "Searching for Bigfoot" is more credible.
Narcissists, they all have the same hobbies, drinking, tanning, hair extensions and nails. Oh, wait I forgot texting. Can you imagine attempting a conversation with one of them?
Again I swear these are the types of adults jumping on the reality show band wagon.
The idea of getting paid for being the center of attention outweighs any sacrifices their families may endure.

SwingsandRoundabouts said... 22

We are putting the tree up tonight and it will remain up until Epiphany too. Egg nog is made and enjoyed by all of us while we trim the tree and we have carols playing also. Egg nog is not everyone's "cup of tea", but my husband makes it really well.

As for the Real Housewives, I personally don't believe that any minor children should be filmed. Once they are of age then they can decide for themselves. I also hope Simon stands firm against Tamra. She is one of the worst Housewives. She should be aware and beware what she is modeling for her children. They are not professional actors and their lives should remain private.

Rhymes with Witch said... 23

I think "Searching for Bigfoot" is more credible 22

Maybe I'm contradicting myself but I need to reply to the above.


p.s. I agree

AuntieAnn said... 24

Layla said... 9

Even after we rinsed the chops off, our dogs wouldn't eat them.



Well Kate did say her recipes are for making meals into memories. I guess you could say it was a meal you'll never forget.

Somewhere In Time said... 25

I do agree, there are people who want others to indulge them, they are looking for attention, but on the internet which one of us can tell the difference. How many attempted suicides, suicides or other acts of violence are carried out by people under the care and supervision of professionals? Often no one sees it coming.
And yes it is not a contest of who has more tragedy. In my experience news of tragedy, whether personal or national may compound an individuals misery.


True, but then again, it could be taken on a case by case basis and the history of the individual. This was Milo. She's been known to do many times? Pouting, hibernating, playing the martyr (remember when her friends disappeared during the night?), then returning when tweeters have showed concern about her. Sometimes, I guess, it's the old story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf. With the internet, you never know, but with this particular person and the things she has pulled in the past to get attention, it seems to be kind of a given that she's looking for sympathy from strangers, and particularly, Kate, and she gets it most of the time. It's too bad that her family isn't helping her in dealing with it. Maybe they know her better than anyone else.

Tucker's Mom said... 26

Layla, thanks for the report back. Was the pork really dry? Just wonder since Kate picks the wrong cuts of meat to cook for hours.
Neat story about hiding the chocolate!

I'm sure we can share recipes and traditions since Xmas is almost upon us.
DH and I just made a baklava- pistachio and apricot with orange and cardamom syrup.
Tomorrow we'll make Carmelitas- they're amazing! Look up Kelsey Nixon's Carmelitas. I make them with salted, roasted cashews and they get gobbled up.

The holidays were all planned out (travel, visiting, fun stuff) but MIL might be facing heart surgery this coming week, so we're trying to "stay calm and carry on" until we know what we know.

Snowing in PA again (per Kate)? How about decorating a Christmas tree with enough strings of light?
And my gosh, it's Sat. and it's snowing and all Kate can do is bitch and complain and whine about it not being spring.
These are the lazy days we should enjoy with our friends and family... ~ Administrator said... 27

. It's too bad that her family isn't helping her in dealing with it. Maybe they know her better than anyone else.


Yes. Although maybe they have. Maybe they've gotten family therapy for it and been very sympathetic and bent over backwards to help her out of whatever is going on. Maybe they're frustrated when nothing worked and threw up their hands. That's understandable. Plus their wife/mom is turning to twitter and all these strangers for help, that's got to be rather concerning for them.

I agree, you just don't know who is catfishing you on the internet. It something smells fishy, it probably is. There are plenty of legitimate people out there with sympathetic stories that are important to be aware of for these cat fish to try to get a piece of good people's sympathy. It's wrong. ~ Administrator said... 28

"Real Housewives" in title only.
I think "Searching for Bigfoot" is more credible.
Narcissists, they all have the same hobbies, drinking, tanning, hair extensions and nails. Oh, wait I forgot texting. Can you imagine attempting a conversation with one of them?
Again I swear these are the types of adults jumping on the reality show band wagon.
The idea of getting paid for being the center of attention outweighs any sacrifices their families may endure.


Plus, the format of these Real Housewives shows is just pure guilty pleasure. You don't learn anything, you don't get inspired by anything. All it is is a group of six rich women who are on again off again friends. They go out to various staged events and sometimes vacations and have various staged cat fights over stupid things. It's just straight up guilty T.V. I cannot think of any redeeming value in taking your kids aboard that silly train. Not to mention, they are all in the tabloids all the time. There is little interest in Tamra's kids right now because no one knows who they are. If they go on that show that all could change.

If this was, say, Alaska the Last Frontier, or one of the many reality shows where arguably you learn about people and interesting places and their cultures and there's some educational value to it, this might be a different matter. But Tamra wants to just put her kids on reality show trash/garbage/sludge. There are no positives to it. Only negatives. Even Jon and Kate had more redeeming value than RH. At least in the beginning it was about how a family with a bunch of babies gets through the day. There was some value to that, at first. I do watch RHs, but I've consciously limited myself to one or two of them to follow. I could sit there and DVR all of them and watch them all but I try to remember what it is, a guilty pleasure. And with guilty pleasures it's usually better to limit yourself to one or two cookies, not the whole box.

PA Dutch Mom said... 29

Snowing in PA again (per Kate)? How about decorating a Christmas tree with enough strings of light?
And my gosh, it's Sat. and it's snowing and all Kate can do is bitch and complain and whine about it not being spring.
These are the lazy days we should enjoy with our friends and family...


Yes, and she's not telling a whopper this time. It's snowing and not going to get any better until the wee hours of tomorrow morning. It's our pre-Christmas snow, which really doesn't happen too much around here. I wish it would be Christmas Eve, although I hate to see people have to travel to family and friends when the weather is bad.

PA Dutch Mom said... 30

I agree, you just don't know who is catfishing you on the internet. It something smells fishy, it probably is. There are plenty of legitimate people out there with sympathetic stories that are important to be aware of for these cat fish to try to get a piece of good people's sympathy. It's wrong.


Yes, it is, and it's also sad that one has to be so suspicious of everyone and everything because these catfishers manipulate the good people who just want to help. Once you're burned by one of them, you are just so reluctant to fall for it again.

Another one of my pet peeves are the ones who pay it forward, give to charity, help those who need help, but then take to the internet to make sure that everyone knows. Why do this? Why not do it quietly with expecting kudos, knowing that it comes from the heart? Austin may be a wonderful, thoughtful person, and there are many others like this, but why do they have to announce it? I don't know...maybe it's my opinion to react this way. People may do this all the time -- share what they are doing, when and for whom.

@Kateplusmy8 went shopping for needy families yesterday! #PayItForward #Christmas

FlimsyFlamsy said... 31

I don't know Simon and Tamra, but can see the connection between Jon and TFW, with the dad changing his mind about filming. But for Tamra to say Simon is being "disingenuous" because he permitted filming in the past, is there no credit for the maturity it takes for one to change one's mind? Jon admitted his regrets about letting his children get filmed, and said something to the effect of never forgiving himself for some of his decisions. Why do people like TFW and Tamra think it's so amazing to dig your heels in and never change your mind, ever?
Circumstances change, feelings change, people change. Or, to put it in TWFspeak, sometimes no should mean no. It's part of being an adult, and I certainly think it's a part of being a responsible parent.

Tucker's Mom said... 32

It is ironic that J+K initially had some teachable moments in the beginning. Of course, when their show turned into "see kids poop, see kids puke, see kids cry, watch the kids travel to every zoo and attraction and get lavish vacations", well, it jumped the shark.
The Housewives franchise really was (is still?) lightning in a bottle for Andy Cohen. I used to watch the OC show, but it's just so fake, lather, rinse, repeat. Vapid women. Catty women.
Really, a disgrace to the x chromosome.
The only other Housewives franchise I watched was D.C., which failed epically. Reason being- D.C. does not suffer fools. The requisite weave pulling, "Boo" calling, conspicuous alcohol consumption and slutty dressing does not portend good things inside the well-heeled Beltway.
I did get one hell of a kick out of the Salahi's, though! ~ Administrator said... 33

But for Tamra to say Simon is being "disingenuous" because he permitted filming in the past, is there no credit for the maturity it takes for one to change one's mind?


Exactly, since when it is disingenuous to change your mind?

Plus, maybe Simon was okay with it before because they were married and he was THERE for filming. It's different when it's just one parent at filming instead of two to keep each other and production in check. Plus there's two of you to stand up for the kids and look out for them instead of just one. Three kids for one parent to keep track of during filming, make sure everything's okay and they're happy and not exploited, is a lot.

Same for Jon. After the divorce, he couldn't be there to make sure everything was okay when the eight of them filmed with Kate, which was probably part of why it was so upsetting for him. In fact the kids were filmed many times when Kate wasn't even there, either she was in another room or in some cases in another state.

AuntieAnn said... 34

I agree, you just don't know who is catfishing you on the internet. It something smells fishy, it probably is.


Brings to mind the great Penn Mommy debacle from a few years ago. It was practically a reality show of its own. ~ Administrator said... 35

I was among the first who questioned Penn Mommy. The reason was because she had said her son was at UCLA I believe and had died. I know enough about UCLA to know that ANY student's death for ANY reason would have made the student news. It did not. Red flags went off for me and I said so.

Just like this time, I was among those jumped on for not being sympathetic to poor PM. Except, being skeptical has nothing to do with sympathy. In fact usually the root of it is about having tremendous sympathy for those whose emotions are toyed with. Oh well.

Tucker's Mom said... 36

Brings to mind the great Penn Mommy debacle from a few years ago. It was practically a reality show of its own.
Can anyone give me an executive summary/Reader's Digest version of this? I've seen this Penn Mommy references a lot. This was a catfish?
Thanks! ~ Administrator said... 37

Tucker I'm afraid I didn't follow it closely even when it was going on. But the REALLY REALLY abridged version if I recall correctly is that PM was a poster who had a bunch of sympathetic stories and got a bunch of people really caught up in her stories. This included her son dying. Then she was exposed as a fraud. I think she also claimed to have known the Gosselins personally, I think. She may have claimed to work for them or volunteered or something. I was confused by it all then and still am.

Rhymes with Witch said... 38

Tucker's 36, I found these links on google.

AuntieAnn said... 39

Admin I was trying to recall exactly what happened there so I just googled the name and up pops 'the pen mommy rosetta stone' story. It looks like it might explain the whole story but appears to be a very long read which I haven't got time to do right now. Christmas is coming. ha!

But I agree exactly with what you are saying.

There is a sure-fire method of not getting outed for catfishing and that is don't make up stories in the first place. I think if a person is truthful about their circumstances and feel the need to share their story, it is easy to detect their sincerity. I think this blog is good for spotting the stinkers and that's why we all gather here at sleuth city.

JoyinVirginia said... 40

My dad died years ago, in early December. His birthday is tomorrow. I get sad at times, when I look at old photos, if I see something I think he would really have liked. He loved holidays, celebrations, he was like a kid at Halloween, and he always had fun. Its normal to miss loved ones around holidays or anniversaries. When the sadness is still overwhelming years later, the person may need some counseling to deal with the loss. Complaining about your family not being sympathetic on the interwebs is not going to help change their behavior or undo your loss. focusing on the positive and what you do have, appreciating what you have and the people in your life, is a good way to cope.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 41

I was around in the Penn Mommy days, and don't remember all the details. But I do remember that I fell for it hook, line, and sinker, and felt like an idiot when it was revealed to be a hoax. I seem to remember a blog entry after the alleged death from PM's other "son," saying that his brother had died, and thanking everyone for their prayers.

Betsy said... 42

I rarely post here, but I do read nearly every day. My husband shared an interesting story about his business partner, Mark, who lives in another state. This guy never shared anything about his childhood with my hubby (who has known him for 30 years),and he found it strange. Well, as it turns out, Mark spent nearly his entire childhood and into his early teens as an extra in movies and TV. Most of his education was on-set, because he worked constantly in the business.

Mark worked with many, many big names, including Ron Howard on the Andy Griffith Show. Mark told my hubby that Ron Howard's mom insisted that Ron attend the set school with the other kids, instead of being privately tutored. She did this to give Ron a semi-normal childhood.

Mark told my hubby that he was miserable as a child actor, and he eventually rebelled around age 15, quitting the business forever. His mom fought him, tooth and nail, about this decision, and he told my hubby that this ruined his relationship with his mother.

We talked about why Mark would have never shared this info about his childhood with my hubby until now, and all we can figure is that the memories are so awful, that he just never wanted to bring it up...

remembering said... 43

I seem to recall that Pennmomy lived in California and claimed to have volunteered at the Gosselins. PM was very convincing and some of the stuff she wrote about Kate still is passed around. Even Robert quoted her in his book. It was all a lie. She never met the Gosselins. She claimed her son died. That was a lie also. Apparantly her husband divorced her and he got custody of the kids.

TLC stinks said... 44

She bitches about the cold because, hint/hint, she wants to be some place warm.

She is tweeting about how much the bird loves her. He makes kissing noises to her. I guess that's the only action she has going on these days.

PatK said... 45

Let's see...wouldn't this be Jon's visitation weekend again? I wonder which kids stayed home this time to play with the bird.

Georgia Peach said... 46

Once I was reminded about PennMommy, I started thinking about the
level of insanity that the intercene warfare between the fans and the
nonfans got over the years. People started taking things much too
personally and sometimes people who were merely expressing an opinion
got caught in the crossfire.

A non fan even tweeted recently that someone should call Gina's
employer. WTF?
(I'm not going to elaborate, but I saw it).

Public people and public tweets are one thing. Invading someone's
privacy is another, especially when it is a private person. While I'm
on my soapbox, I think the rag mags go over the line with public
people, as well.

Back to Kate, the fans are fans and the nonfans are nonfans, never the
twain shall meet.
Everyone please, live and let live.

Sherry Baby said... 47

She is tweeting about how much the bird loves her. He makes kissing noises to her. I guess that's the only action she has going on these days.

Well, maybe, if you're excluding all of the butt-kissers on Twitter.

Sherry Baby said... 48

I seem to recall that Pennmomy lived in California and claimed to have volunteered at the Gosselins. PM was very convincing and some of the stuff she wrote about Kate still is passed around. Even Robert quoted her in his book. It was all a lie. She never met the Gosselins. She claimed her son died. That was a lie also. Apparantly her husband divorced her and he got custody of the kids.

What happened to her? All of that was before my time here! I seem to remember bits and pieces of the story, but never knew how long it lasted, exactly what she set forth in the scam, who was involved, or anything else...just that she set herself up claiming to have worked for the Gosselins. Was she asking for money...was there a financial scam involved? Was Kate aware of it?

Sherry Baby said... 49

Rhymes, 38...thanks for the info. I read from the bottom up (guess I shouldn't do that, huh?) and posted before I saw your links! ~ Administrator said... 50

Public people and public tweets are one thing. Invading someone's
privacy is another, especially when it is a private person. While I'm
on my soapbox, I think the rag mags go over the line with public
people, as well.


Right, and it's beyond me why anyone wouldn't understand why a father wouldn't want his child thrust into that world, Simon and Jon and any parent. ~ Administrator said... 51

All of that was before my time here! I s


It was before THIS blog itself's time!

JoyinVirginia said... 52

Betsy 42 thanks for sharing your story.
With the 50th anniversary of Mary Poppins coming up, and Saving Mr Banks movie opening, I have read some interviews with Karen Dotrice who played young Jane Banks. She had a wonderful time making Mary Poppins and especially remembers how nice Julie Andrews and Walt Disney were. But, she retired as a teen from acting and now says she would rather not have been a child actress. Its an article in the telegraph UK news paper site from Dec 14

getofftwitter said... 53

Layla: I think it's in her cookbook or she did a blog, on what she does with so-called leftovers, that they have pot-luck dinner once a month, with whatever is left over to clean out the freezer. Guess what is the so-called left overs: the food the kids did not like. Since that dish was terrible, and so were a lot of the others, they have a lot of so-called leftovers at the end of the month to eat. Kate only makes enough food(we have seen how much food each child gets), as to never have left overs. If she does, it's the food they did not like.

Math Girl said... 54

PA Dutch Mom ... 30

I totally misunderstood the part of your post that said

@Kateplusmy8 went shopping for needy families yesterday! #PayItForward #Christmas

I thought it meant TFW had gone shopping for needy families, which would be a very surprising event. Actually, it was one of Kate's young fans tweeting to her. I would tend to give him a pass on tweeting this because of his age and his desire for approval from the "celebrities" he tweets. Or maybe he is trying to shame TFW into doing likewise? Nah, never happen.

Layla said... 55

Tweet-le (13),
Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you. DH and I went shopping in the pouring rain (Snow in PA, rain in MD). It took almost an hour to find a parking place! Such is life in the Baltimore/DC corridor.
The pork chops recipe had apple juice, lemon juice, garlic, dry mustard, rosemary, salt, pepper, brown sugar...maybe just too many things going on, flavor-wise, but it was just nasty. I have no desire to try any more of her recipes, because there are none (yet) that have been any good at all.

Tucker's Mom (32)
I agree with your assessment of the DC housewives, and you're right-DC does not suffer fools gladly. It is a very buttoned-down, conservative town, and acting in a conspicuous manner is not tolerated. No way would any woman at the top of the social food chain in DC ever agree to appear on a show like that, either. I guess the network had to take what they could get. It can be pretty stuffy around here. The Salahis are really something, aren't they? They keep the DC gossips busy.

Rhymes with Witch said... 56

There is a sure-fire method of not getting outed for catfishing and
that is don't make up stories in the first place. I think if a person
is truthful about their circumstances and feel the need to share their
story, it is easy to detect their sincerity. 39

Auntie I agree with you, although some catfishers are very convincing.
At the same time, some sincere people come on with stories that appear to be far fetched. Sometimes it's hard to tell.

I can't speak to other celeb fan/nonfan blogs, because I don't read them, but in the years of. Gosselin blogging, some of these sincere people on both sides of the
equation have gotten hurt by the zealots on either side.

Sherry Baby said... 57

Wow. I just read that dissertation on the PM saga, with the list of characters. A television movie could have been made! It sounds like the person also had a bit of Munchausen By Internet going on there. What a mess.

Tucker's Mom said... 58

The Salahis are really something, aren't they? They keep the DC gossips busy.
What's SO funny is that Tareq wanted to get it on with Kate!

The antics of Tareq and his bat shit crazy wife were the biggest tip about how set up and fake the RH shows are.
The Salahis live in an ok home way outside of DC. But the lifestyle they pretended to live was outrageous!
That whole "traditional" grape stomping that Tareq had the cast go through was a total set up, and the grapes were bought from a nearby store- they did not come from his vineyard.
Oh, they had to pay cash for those grapes, because everyone knows they have no credit and are known for welching and leaving fake designer watches!

Tucker's Mom said... 59

Some of the catfishing stories on Dr. Phil will leave your mouth agape. I guess people believe what they want to and what their heart wants to.
I guess I grew up in an age when if you didn't meet someone face to face, well, you didn't know them.

High Sodium Content said... 60

SwingsandRoundabouts... enjoy your eggnog. Hope it's spiked! LOL
We get some from a local small dairy farm, it's expensive, but it's to die for. Unlike the commercial kind it isn't sickenly sweet, just nice a creamy. Not something you have everyday, but a few over the holidays is something to enjoy. Good night to cozy up as we get a foot or so of snow tonight.

Rhymes with Witch said... 61

OT Happy Birthday Bob Barker. ~ Administrator said... 62

Karen Dotrice seems like such a sweet woman. I've watched some interviews with her before. Her recollections of Mary Poppins are so cute. The adults bent over backwards to make it pure fun for the kids. A lot of times they didn't tell them the movie making secrets so their reactions would be genuine. She says a lot of times when she is standing there her mouth wide open in shock, that was real shock! LOL. They were allowed to just be kids on the set, goofing around and laughing. Despite it being a totally different time in terms of child labor laws, I think they were graced with some very kind adults who loved and protected them.

The boy who played Michael tragically died after falling ill on a trip to India. He was only 21. Karen says she regrets sort of losing touch with him, that he should have remained her "brother" but instead they lost touch. She need not be so hard on herself, but shows the kind of person she is.

Layla said... 63

Hi--one more TFW-recipe comment, and then I'll drop it. TFW has added her chicken enchilada recipe to the search-able recipes on, and the recipe has 4-5 cups of salsa, 4 or 5 cups of cheese--and only 3 cups of chicken. Where do I even start with that one? No way would I subject my family to that! Just imagine...

prairiemary said... 64

Glad to see you back posting, The Empress! Sometimes a poster will say something, and there will be 50+ posting after it, and it is hard to catch up, as it is pretty much old news by then, and the topic has changed!
Christmas always started at our house when we began playing the Boney M christmas music! I still have the original cassette, and it starts to get draggy in some parts of it, I have had it for 33 years already. When I was a kid, my mom would pull out her old 78 rpm record, and we kids would gather around while we listened to the Chipmunks singing about Christmas. The kids in the area thought we were so lucky, they loved coming over to listen to it with us, and mom would stand there forever until we were tired of listening to it. One of my few, but happier childhood memories I cherish still. When my girls were little, I used to gather them around the big table my husband built us, and ever December we would do a craft. One year I split walnut shells in half, cleaned them out, and we would glue a piece of rubber band at the end for a tail. Next we took a hazelnut, and with a fine point jiffy, draw a little face on it, then glue it into the walnut, opposite of the tail. As a final touch, we would cut little scraps of fabric, then 'cover' the body of the nut, as a blanket, and they were called "Mice in Beds".
After so many years, I still have most of them. That is a happy memory for my kids.

Math Girl said... 65

I don't know if there has been any mention in the US of the "Westjet Christmas Miracle".

The video is on youtube at

Hope those we are interested can watch it.

PA Dutch Mom said... 66

Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you. DH and I went shopping in the pouring rain (Snow in PA, rain in MD).


Send the rain here. I'll trade you. It's a Winter Wonderland out there, but no fun if you have to drive in it. We're hunkered down here, drinking hot (spiked, of course) cider and wrapping Christmas gifts. So far the weather guys haven's messed up on the forecasts for snow. I'm anxious to see what the total will be tomorrow, and how close they came in their predicted amounts.
I think I hear freezing rain coming down now. That's not good.

Anonymous said... 67

PA Dutch, I so agree with everything you said. I was personally catfished from someone on this site, after I innocently answered a question. At least 8 'people' were introduced to my life before I managed to escape. And I know I wasn't the only one.

I agree about the horn tooting too. We left a giant church that could not stop patting itself on the back, from the pulpit, to twitter, to facebook. They bragged about literally everything they did, counting the number of turkeys collected to clients served on community day to number of socks collected by kids for kids. The pastor tweets his oh so important thoughts to thousands at least 5 times a day. It is so arrogant! And very unBiblical as well.

Layla said... 68

Tucker's Mom (58)
I remember the grape stomping thing. Tareq had been banned from the winery (family business), so he had to improvise. They were well-known scam artists. They lived way out in Front Royal, in a pretty ordinary
house, and the scenes filmed in their "home" were actually filmed elsewhere to make them look more affluent. Did you hear the story about Tareq's supposed $300K Patek Philippe watch that he handed over to the court to pay for landscaping, which turned out to be fake? They never paid their bills, so everyone had to take them to court to get paid for just about anything. Some locals in their hometown said that when paps showed up, they would order pizza to be brought out for the paps to eat, so that they would stick around. Michaele ran off with Neil Schon from Journey, and they are now engaged, and I think Tareq was planning on running for office in VA. You have to admit--they are entertaining people. But DC elite? No, never.

I don't get the whole "cat fishing" thing. Life is complicated enough! I don't remember Penn Mommy, but I do wonder about Milo. Something is off there, we just don't know what.

PA Dutch Mom said... 69

I don't get the whole "cat fishing" thing. Life is complicated enough! I don't remember Penn Mommy, but I do wonder about Milo. Something is off there, we just don't know what.


She says she has health issues, but who knows since we really don't know if this is your garden variety catfisher. Something, though, is not quite right there, especially with her Kate obsession..

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@BarbGilmer Hey there Barb..nasty auto-immune diseases just jumped up a few notches on me again! Battling 2get back 2my "silly normal"! :)

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@BluMyst Thanks...wish it were just "under the weather"...chronic conditions here that will take me 2my grave! Tryin' 2beat it though!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@KellyJeanturner Thanks 4concern...not flu...just health issues that R chronic & really flare up sometimes/worst N winter! :(

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 BTW...I'm already truly BORED w/this bed rest thing....:( I want 2b up & doing something...

Tucker's Mom said... 70

Layla said... 68
The stuff that the Salahi's grifted! Now THAT is something to write a book about!
Presidential suites, dinner at The Inn At Little Washington!, use of estate homes, salon services including Jason, you know, Kate's bff!

I'm pretty sure that Tareq isn't holding his "goat rodeo" on the Mall anymore. Front Royal is for horses and polo and steeplechase, but doing it on the Mall was at least a joke, and at most an affront.
Sorry I'm digressing about RHODC, it was just such a train wreck.

reader said... 71

I have no interest in, nor will I ever watch the "Real Housewives." Complete waste of time. I stopped watching the self serving TFW long before the show was stopped. Why do people support this tripe?

reader said... 72

I am not going to attack any posters here. I do not believe Milo is anything but perhaps a bit over zealous sometimes. I think she is a big fan of Kate's, simple as that.
I agree with Anonymous who said pain is a very personal thing,
I don't think it kind to question someone's pain or suffering.

Rhymes with Witch said... 73

I need to say that for someone who "doesn't post much" I posted a lot today. It's snowing, I'm hunkered down and had a lot to say.
In any event, I really do read with interest.

Millicent said... 74

I hope Simon is successful in fighting Tamra's latest attempt to exploit the kids by having them on that garbage show. I can't believe the original HW (of Orange County) is still being filmed and that Tamra is still one of them. I admit to watching that show during seasons 1 and 2, before I finally tuned it out. Total and complete junk! I really could not stand Vicky, the blond who sold insurance. She was so horrible to her husband, and so clearly insecure and constantly needing validation.

As to holiday traditions, we have many little ones, like watching A Charlie Brown Christmas, or The Christmas Story. We also hang up our stockings on the mantle about 10 days prior to Christmas. I have several Christmas music CD's that I like to have playing in the background all the time. This is the one time a year that I make fudge, which my son loves. I have been decorating a little at a time, with the latest being a string of lights that I swagged into a "tree" shape on our front door. Then I realized that the trunk is the end of the light strand, with the plug. I further realized that we won't be able to go in or out of the door whenever I've got the light tree plugged in. Doh! The extension cord is slid through the window frame and reaches across to the plug. (Not sure if I'm explaining well or not, but the point is, I've got an extension cord running across my front entry way. LOL Live and learn)

I don't remember PennMommy, but some years ago I was on a single moms message board. A woman joined and soon began posting quite a bit and then starting to take over. The descriptions about PennMommy remind me of this woman. Turns out the woman was a big liar in many ways, even going so far as to pretend to be some kind of psychologist, giving out advice and so forth. It was all unearthed as untrue in time. There are just some people out there who, for many reasons, willingly con others. In this case, there is no financial gain, so I guess it's some psychological need that must make them need the attention of strangers.

As to depression around the holidays - it's so common and I've experienced it myself at times. What has helped me is to try to find ways to help others in need. I will go out and pick up a warm coat to donate, or a couple toys that will go to foster kids. I think of my neighbors and try to put together some simple food gifts for them. (I sound like a goody two shoes, but I really am not. I've just learned that the quickest way to stop feeling sorry for myself is to start thinking about what I might be able to offer to others.)

I know people must be getting tired of snow, but oh how I wish we would get just one snowfall here where I live. Preferably on a day where I can stay home and just admire it from my living room window.

Layla said... 75

Tucker's Mom (70)
That's right, the America's Cup Polo on the National Mall! Ugh, what a conspicuous display. I forgot that Michaele and TFW shared a hairdresser (Jason). I think he was filmed for the RHODC, too. Yet another link between the "missing links" TFW and the Salahis. The hairdresser, the grifting, the Tareq-wants-to-date-Kate thing. I'm starting to think that the two of them really should hook up. She wants a guy without kids, he wants a skinny bleached-blond. Perfect!

PA Dutch Mom (69)
Interesting how Milo claims to be on bed rest, just like TFW was. What kind of illness could she have that confines her to bed rest, but doesn't put her in the hospital? She said autoimmune disease, but no specifics.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 76

Interesting how Milo claims to be on bed rest, just like TFW was. What kind of illness could she have that confines her to bed rest, but doesn't put her in the hospital? She said autoimmune disease, but no specifics.

Darn, the name slips my mind at the moment. It's a disease that destroys the bones. Milo posted the name once.

PA Dutch Mom said... 77

PA Dutch Mom (69)
Interesting how Milo claims to be on bed rest, just like TFW was. What kind of illness could she have that confines her to bed rest, but doesn't put her in the hospital? She said autoimmune disease, but no specifics.


I know, Layla. I thought of that when I read it. Kate was on bed rest for 120 weeks. Now Milo is on bed rest. She tweeted yesterday:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 13 Dec
@Kateplusmy8 Was this tweet 4me? Hmmm...#WishesKissesFixesDishes Love 2see U rhyme O friend of mine! Are we starting 2think alike? :)

Just really weird.

Jane said... 78

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 76
Interesting how Milo claims to be on bed rest, just like TFW was. What kind of illness could she have that confines her to bed rest, but doesn't put her in the hospital? She said autoimmune disease, but no specifics.

Darn, the name slips my mind at the moment. It's a disease that destroys the bones. Milo posted the name once.

Did she once say osteonecrosis, or am I imagining it?

I was reading up on PennMommy earlier. It was right around that time it all went down that I became interested in the Gosselin saga. I wasn't aware of just how sick that whole thing was - the information coming out at the time was all over the place and it was hard to know who or what to believe. I didn't realize how involved GWOP was. It makes me think that quite a few of the fans and non-fans are socks and/or catfishing. We'll see a tweeter get suspended and in a day or so a new name appears sounding exactly like the one who was suspended.

reader - Like you I think Milo is an overzealous fan. I do think she has some serious psych issues, too - an over identification with Kate and an odd 'need' to protect her and be her spokesperson.

Rhymes with Witch said... 79

She said autoimmune disease, but no specifics. 75

Just my opinion, but Milo's over the top tweets are fair game, but her health issues are hers to share or not as she sees fit.
If you think she is just seeking attention, don't give her any. If she genuinely needs sympathy, let her get it from sympathetic people. No skin off our noses.
Personally, I shudder at the thought of posting personal information on twitter, but I also shudder at what Miley has been doing. I can only do what I do and try to teach my children well.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 80

Jane, yes! It's osteonecrosis. Thanks.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 81

Darn, the name slips my mind at the moment. It's a disease that destroys the bones. Milo posted the name once.


I can't remember it either. It was a degenerative autoimmune bone disease. Myelofibrosis something, or osteoarthritis (hip)?

Rhymes with Witch said... 82

I was reading up on PennMommy earlier. It was right around that time it all went down that I became interested in the Gosselin saga. I wasn't aware of just how sick that whole thing was - the information coming out at the time was all over the place and it was hard to know who or what to believe. I didn't realize how involved GWOP was. It makes me think that quite a few of the fans and non-fans are socks and/or catfishing. We'll see a tweeter get suspended and in a day or so a new name appears sounding exactly like the one who was suspended.

reader - Like you I think Milo is an overzealous fan.

I came on the scene just about when PM was exposed. I also had no idea how bizarre everything was or would get.
I too think Milo is a FAN. I won't even try to explain her over zealousness.

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just me said... 83

May I chime in here? Mental illness, including depression, is not something one can simply *will* away. Kate said she 'willed' post partum depression away and people were alllll over her for that. And rightly so.

When one is depressed, there's an actual physical change in the brain. You simply cannot 'snap out of it' or 'get over it'. And that, in itself, makes one feel even more depressed. Because people seem to think one can.

I'm all for open conversation with mental illness. Let's not blanket 'seasonal depression' as something one can DECIDE to get over. Depression doesn't work like that. Let's not blame the victims for something they truly cannot help.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 84

The things sheeple tweet. Kate had tweeted that she made pumpkin roll (wrapped in something). This one asked...

laura ‏@adidasqt6 8m
@Kateplusmy8 what did u use instead of the towel? I always worry it'll put fuzzys on it.

Don't you just hate getting a mouth full of those fuzzys (sic)? :)

Jane said... 85

It's tweets like this that make Milo fair game:

@Kateplusmy8.Thought we'd check N & say "HI"! :) Wish U had come out 4some #TwitterPlay?? Missing you....
1 hr ago from

reader said... 86

just me said..."Depression doesn't work like that. Let's not blame the victims for something they truly cannot help."

I could not agree more.

Rhymes with Witch said... 87

Let's not blanket 'seasonal depression' as something one can DECIDE to get over. Depression doesn't work like that. Let's not blame the victims. 83

Agree. The same applies to all mental health problems.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 88

Let's not blame the victims for something they truly cannot help.


When was the victim blamed? I don't think that anyone contradicted the fact that depression is serious and is, in fact, something that shouldn't have been ignored. What was discussed here was that with internet cat fishing and tweets for sympathy, it's often difficult to know if someone really is a victim, or just wants attention.

reader said... 89

My compassion for those suffering from illness and depression far exceeds my dislike of TFW's fans. Compassion. So we disagree on reality star worship and silly tweets, if that gets her through the days of pain then fair enough.
The lawsuit is over and it was a pleasure to read the words of Shawn Tuma.
I wish you all well and be kind to one another. And now and then reach across the aisle.

Unknown said... 90

PA Dutch Mom (69)
''Interesting how Milo claims to be on bed rest, just like TFW was. What kind of illness could she have that confines her to bed rest, but doesn't put her in the hospital? She said autoimmune disease, but no specifics.''
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 76
''Darn, the name slips my mind at the moment. It's a disease that destroys the bones. Milo posted the name once.''
I've not read all the comments, so someone else may have already said this:
I have Lupus, which is an ''autoimmune disease characterized by acute and chronic inflammation of various tissues of the body. Autoimmune diseases are illnesses that occur when the body's tissues are attacked by its own immune system.'' (quoted from internet medical site) In my case, the joint and connective tissues are most affected....though I have other Lupus issues that sometimes cause me to 'take to my bed', as we say in Texas.

I agree w/Tweet-le that Milo has said she has something that destroys the bones.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 91

My compassion for those suffering from illness and depression far exceeds my dislike of TFW's fans. Compassion. So we disagree on reality star worship and silly tweets, if that gets her through the days of pain then fair enough.


I don't disagree with that, but the thing is that nobody knows if any of what is tweeted is to be believed. People don't like to be duped, and heaven knows, there's plenty of that on the internet.

"Just my opinion, but Milo's over the top tweets are fair game, but her health issues are hers to share or not as she sees fit.
If you think she is just seeking attention, don't give her any. If she genuinely needs sympathy, let her get it from sympathetic people. No skin off our noses."


Yes, and I don't understand why so many share their health concerns with total strangers. It is sad to think that immediate family members don't want to offer compassion and support, but this happens. In that case, why not seek out local support groups, other friends, or see a mental health professional? Wouldn't that be much more beneficial than tweeting about your issues to internet people you have never met, will most likely never meet, may tweet support but in reality don't care a darn about your problems?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 92

I guess this one also could be filed under "Amusing Things Sheeple Say"--

Simo Lukkarila ‏@SimoLukkarila 13m
@Kateplusmy8 Does it tickle when you get a pedicure? I know it would for me.

just me said... 93

People don't like to be duped, and heaven knows, there's plenty of that on the internet.

How are you duped by anyone tweeting, Sleepless? Unless of course if you're following her on twitter. It's not like she's scamming people for money.

It's Christmas. How's about some good old fashioned good will towards men? Or....just ignore her. *shrug*

grandee4 said... 94

Penn mommy, now that's a name I have not thought about in a while. I was just starting to make my way around the blogs about the G's.
Anyone remember what blog she posted on? I know Imperfect Woman was named something else before. Was it GWOP?

I first googled the G's after the tups third birthday party. Wanted some answers why none of her family was there and why the kids never saw their grandparents. I think Jon's grandmother was there.

Trying to recall some of the posters names. Can anyone help me out here? I also followed IMDB for a long time, then I found this blog. ~ Administrator said... 95

There's compassion for those manipulated too though. Whose emotions and sympathies are taken advantage of.

Thank You said... 96

Re: Milo.Kate hasn't tweeted to her all of November (except for 3 re-tweets) and well into December. No wonder Milo went AWL, that didn't work, so she came back VERY sick & on bed-rest, that too didn't work. no sympathy from Kate. She's being a martyr and feigning illness for some attention, but sadly, none from Kate.

SwingsandRoundabouts said... 97

High Sodium Content said... 60

Yes the eggnog was spiked with a lovely brandy this time. And the tree looks amazing. Every year when we finish the tree we all sit back to admire it and sigh AAHHH. Even the admiring sighs have become tradition. LOL

Tucker's Mom said... 98

I agree w/Tweet-le that Milo has said she has something that destroys the bones.
Lupus, especially during acute exacerbations, is treated with steroids which can cause osteonecrosis.
It is a very serious disease and in and of itself can be very emotionally challenging, due to it's chronic nature, manifestations, flare-ups with hospitalizations and even life-threatening nature in some patients.

The Empress Has New Clothes said... 99

Back to the topic at hand, I liked this comment re Tamra's lawsuit, via another website that's featuring her lawsuit (RealityTea):

“'These threats have prevented me from exercising legal control over the minor children during my periods of physical custody as the network will not allow the minor children to participate in the filming of the Series due to the Petitioner’s previous threats, without either the Petitioner’s execution of a consent form or finding of this court that I may consent independently.' Well, geesh Tamra how about giving up the tv show for your kids then? If you really want to spend time with them and your tv show is interfering with that make the right choice and jettison the fake show."

Unknown said... 100

Speaking of the DC Housewives and the Salahis, I heard that Michaele is marrying Neal Schon of Journey today. We can all watch it on Pay-per-view! ;) Yep, $14.95 and we can watch the wedding...

the old days said... 101

grandee4 said... 93
Penn mommy, now that's a name I have not thought about in a while. I was just starting to make my way around the blogs about the G's.
Anyone remember what blog she posted on? I know Imperfect Woman was named something else before. Was it GWOP?

--------- was the site that morphed into IW. Several of the moderators from the old site are still with IW and post on Twitter as fans both with their IW prefix and with other names.

Dmasy said... 102

We were snowbound yesterday. Once the snow stopped falling, farmer husband got on his tractor and cleared our driveway and and lanes of several neighbors.

We are free to leave this Winter wonderland today and attend the family Christmas celebration 2 hours away.

It is beautiful but very cold here in Illinois.

Be safe shopping and celebrating.

Dmasy said... 103

I have never (Really, don't feel sorry for me!) watched a single housewives from wherever program. The only housewives I know by name are the ones that eventually showed up on Celebrity Apprentice.

Until they make a "Real Housewives of the Country Cornfield" or something similar, I probably won't be tempted to view.

Tucker's Mom said... 104

Pooshanella Goober said... 99
Speaking of the DC Housewives and the Salahis, I heard that Michaele is marrying Neal Schon of Journey today. We can all watch it on Pay-per-view! ;) Yep, $14.95 and we can watch the wedding...
December 15, 2013 at 5:38 AM
Only if she walk down the isle in her Redskin's cheerleader uniform and pompoms!

localyocul said... 105

reader said... 89
My compassion for those suffering from illness and depression far exceeds my dislike of TFW's fans. Compassion. So we disagree on reality star worship and silly tweets, if that gets her through the days of pain then fair enough.
The lawsuit is over and it was a pleasure to read the words of Shawn Tuma.
I wish you all well and be kind to one another. And now and then reach across the aisle


I agree

Gayle said... 106

Actually Thank you @95 Kate did send well wishes to Milo when another fan wished her (Milo) well and Kate's tweet started a whole tirade from Milo about Kate being like her and rhyming.

@Kateplusmy8: @ljohnson2006 @MiloandJack HI! Well wishes,hugs&kisses, prayers for quick fixes, & hearty home cooked dishes to fix you all up! XO from 9!

Tucker's Mom said... 107

Last Cyber Monday was the biggest online shopping day EVER! Over 2 Billion dollars spent.
Just think of the cut that Kate could have got if she tried one little iota to drive people to her site for coupons.
I think Kate's officially done with I think it was yet another endorsement that she got paid to promote, then forgot about.
Which makes me wonder, why does Kate need hot yoga to work on her core when she's got that phallic ab rocket thingy that she promoted??

Tucker's Mom said... 108

Dmasy said... 102
I have never (Really, don't feel sorry for me!) watched a single housewives from wherever program.
Your brain cells thank you!

Dmasy said... 109

Tucker's Mom, thank you.

I do think I have probably managed to destroy some brain cells on other programs, however.

Started years ago by watching "The Newlywed Game"!

Formerly Duped said... 110

TFW has yet to post any real Christmas tweets, like her tree or decorations or shopping for her gr8 kids...nothing but Zorro and the 1D tix. Not even pleas for help with lights or a pic of a half-trimmed bannister or the tree itself. I wonder if Xmas will indeed be black for the kids?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 111

Layla, thanks for getting back to me and posting the ingredients for Kate's pork recipe. I think that combo of ingredients was just too mixed. It sounded like an herb/sweet & sour type thing that fell short in every respect. She should have made one or the other. Ug.

RonnieandMaggie said... 112

I think Tamra must be concerned about if she will have an interesting storyline next season and fears getting the axe. They got rid of Gretchen and Alexis so she does not have them to fight with. I was rather amazed that she got a spin-off show about her wedding without showing her kids with Simon. She and her current husband must depend on this gig to stay afloat and promote the gym they started.

JoyinVirginia said... 113

Dmasy, be careful out there driving to your party!
We are to far south for the snow this time, got a ton of rain yesterday tho. We only ventured out to friendly neighborhood sports bar to watch our VCU rams lose to Iowa.
Re last thread, I watched the repeat of Sound of Music with Carrie last night. I liked it! It was very theatrical presentation, and its always beret to see that with a live audience. I think the performers and the audience have a shared energy, that energy was missing. And the TV audience is used to laugh tracks, or seeing shows like Big Bang Theory filmed in front of a live audience with those live reactions on the sound track.
everyone involved in SOM should be commended for their willingness to try something new and different and out of their comfort zone. ~ Administrator said... 114

Dmasy said... 102
I have never (Really, don't feel sorry for me!) watched a single housewives from wherever program.


LOL. I'll light a candle for you.

No really, it's like meth. It's just better never to try it in the first place. ~ Administrator said... 115

I think Kate's officially done with I think it was yet another endorsement that she got paid to promote, then forgot about.


It almost feels like it never started. Apparently she set it up this summer sometime but never announced it. Maybe it was set up and then after some head scratching she decided she really wasn't as interested or impressed with the site as she thought. So at that point she decided to abandon the idea and focus on the cookbook maybe.

But then somebody found it, I think a "hater." And then the sheeple for some odd reason felt like they had to act like this is in the top five greatest things she has ever done and some of them went bonkers promoting it.

I honestly don't think it crossed the sheeple's minds that maybe Kate wanted to dump the site. They're too stupid to just let her let it quietly die. I don't think she's EVER promoted it or if she did it was only once or twice. It was almost like a "beta" run or test run that she left by the wayside.

Tucker's Mom said... 116

It almost feels like it never started. Apparently she set it up this summer sometime but never announced it. Maybe it was set up and then after some head scratching she decided she really wasn't as interested or impressed with the site as she thought. So at that point she decided to abandon the idea and focus on the cookbook maybe.
Appthemes Clipper may have set it up (would never think Kate would or even could do it) and it could have been in exchange for Kate's endorsement. Looky here:
"Clipper is genius! With my busy schedule, I didn't think I'd have enough time for my very own coupon site. But with Clipper, it's no sweat!"

Celebrity Couponer


Tucker's Mom said... 117

The coupon site was a talking point during a couple of interviews, to which Kate responded with a dull-eyed nod.
She never really talked about it or explained it.
I love how the Clipper site spun it, saying that when Kate left CC, she wanted to to start a coupon site of her own.
Ha! Kate got publicly shit canned and she couldn't write anything of value for CC, and even used it for her own dirty laundry-airing.

TLC stinks said... 118

I thought the picture above when I first glanced at it was Kate. She sure went Hollywood with her look. I think that look is dated now. Looks like the celeb women are going for the more natural, cute short cuts. Maybe that will be Kate's next big reveal. ~ Administrator said... 119

AH Tucker, I think you cracked the case. It was just an endorsement deal. She collected her paycheck and went on with her life. Since the contract probably didn't require her to continue to tweet and promote it, why would she unless she's getting paid? It was never something she had passion for, it was simply lending her name and face in exchange for cash.

Remember the movie Catfish? I watched it again over Thanksgiving, pieces of it anyway. When the sh&t started hitting the fan and Nev had pretty much figured things out, all of a sudden Angela got really desperate and started claiming that she had uterine cancer and was dying. This later turned out to be a flat out lie, she's fine. Sometimes catfish play the fatal disease card when they are desperate. I've noticed Milo always takes care to mention this is fatal. I know several people who have serious conditions that are life threatening but not a single one of the takes care to point out over and over the life threatening nature of the disease. It is what it is and everyone knows that, there is no reason to keep mentioning that. ~ Administrator said... 120

Remember Lake Up North? I'm pretty sure she was our own little catfish. Woman with a dozen kids or something and one on the way.

Jane said... 121

DMasy - I'm with you (almost)! Maybe I've watched 30 minutes of two Real Housewives shows. I think Atlanta and New York and I could see that if I started watching, I'd get hooked. Not sure how I resisted LOL! I understand Anderson Cooper is a big fan!

If anyone's into the chef world, I recommend Mind of a Chef. Narrated by Anthony Bourdain, this show is 30 minutes on David Chang, one of the most innovative chefs around and it's fascinating. I was recently in NYC and went to one of his restaurants - Momofuku Milk Bar - that's known for bakery goods. Speaking of Anderson, I once heard him say that he loves Chang's Crack Pie. Anyway, the series streams on Netflix and is worth watching.

Blowing In The Wind said... 122

LOL. I'll light a candle for you.

No really, it's like meth. It's just better never to try it in the first place.


I hope you have two candles, \because I'd appreciate it if you'd light one for me. I've never seen the shows, and wouldn't know any of these people if they showed up at my door with cheese, wine, and Christmas gifts.

Blowing In The Wind said... 123

My compassion for those suffering from illness and depression far exceeds my dislike of TFW's fans. Compassion. So we disagree on reality star worship and silly tweets, if that gets her through the days of pain then fair enough.
The lawsuit is over and it was a pleasure to read the words of Shawn Tuma.
I wish you all well and be kind to one another. And now and then reach across the aisle


I agree


But so often you have to be hesitant and cautious before you reach across that INTERNET aisle, especially when donating to individuals and charities that you know nothing about.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 124

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 11m
Recently, I told a friend 'If @amazon was a man, I'd marry him in a minute! He's got it all!'
Hahaha! I order daily..and find it all! :)

More rubbing her fan's noses in how much money she has.

Why in the heck would she order from them daily? ~ Administrator said... 125

Actually I take it back there is only one Housewife who should be in your life, Lisa Vanderpump, and also her little dog Giggy. Gigster! She is hysterical. And also, a true dog lover. She is a good wife, mother and shrewd businesswoman.

But you could have seen her on DWTS so that would take care of that. ~ Administrator said... 126

Amazon is not exactly the best place to hang out "daily" when you are piecing and patching! Good grief.

Tucker's Mom said... 127

If anyone's into the chef world, I recommend Mind of a Chef. Narrated by Anthony Bourdain, this show is 30 minutes on David Chang, one of the most innovative chefs around and it's fascinating. I was recently in NYC and went to one of his restaurants - Momofuku Milk Bar - that's known for bakery goods. Speaking of Anderson, I once heard him say that he loves Chang's Crack Pie. Anyway, the series streams on Netflix and is worth watching.
Thanks, will set my dvr to record.

Tucker's Mom said... 128 (Administrator) said... 126
Amazon is not exactly the best place to hang out "daily" when you are piecing and patching! Good grief.

Agree. I've been a Prime member for years and you have to check yourself because it is so easy to click and buy.
Don't get me wrong, I love it and think it saves me time and money when I can have something dropped at my door vs. using gas to go look for something. But daily, wow.
That's Kate's thing though. She's not going to be the one hauling carts-full of groceries around the Giant and schlepping them home. She's more geared toward point and click and delivery.
Although, it would be a pain in the arse to have to go pick up all my stuff at the UPS store. I love having it delivered to my door.
Then again, I don't have a gated property...

Dmasy said... 129

Thank you, Jane. I will find Mind of a Chef and DVR.

I get the best recommendations for this site!

I remember Lake Up North. She might have been my first exposure to this-is-just-too-over-the-top-to-believe.

Blowing In The Wind said... 130

Kate tweeted that she orders from Amazon daily, to which someone responded:

Charlotte Brown ‏@mycharlotte5244 27m
@Kateplusmy8 @amazon how does someone who is piecing and patching together an income order daily from Amazon...grifting much?

Actually, if you are piecing and patching (not sure, though, in Kate's case if I believe this), Amazon has been a great place to do so this Christmas. If you go to their main page, click on Today's Deals, and then on Lightning Deals, you can see the current and upcoming deals. A few weeks ago they had some fantastic at 75 percent off, jewelry, watches that sell regularly there for $150, on sale for $35, and yesterday's bonus deal was kids' coats that sell for $85 at Carters and Oshkosh, on sale for $14.99. I did, notice, however that the closer we get to Christmas, the prices aren't as good as they have been in the past weeks.
Toys Ru Us was also having some wonderful clearance deals, with $499 pieces of kids' furniture going for $38, and $50 toys on sale for $5.99, many of which have free ship to your home. I got some wonderful baby toys (regularly priced at $15.99) for just ninety-nine cents. You just have to know where to look and when these things are going to be offered because prices are constantly changing. ~ Administrator said... 131

This is a big reason why people like Milo make me suspicious. Especially with her history of manipulating. She is not a trusted and credible person. Her history on the internet is simply fraught with manipulation of other's emotions. Fraught.

"Hope" really toyed and twisted with people's emotions. In particular the Paisleys were obviously devastated by what she did to them. No, it wasn't a physical scar, but it sure was emotional. Don't they deserve sympathy just like the ill? Shouldn't this be a lesson that the internet really isn't the best place to anonymously reach out for emotional support? Also I think folks here were pretty clear we weren't talking about those who are legitimately ailing so I'm not sure why people keep saying the legitimately ill deserve our hearts--of course they do, but we're not talking about them. ~ Administrator said... 132

Oh yeah no question Amazon's deals are decent especially if it's something that can be bought second hand. But I still maintain going there daily will end up costing you more money not less.

You might get a great deal on watches and jewelry but do you really NEED watches and jewelry? The problem with Amazon's daily deals is that you end up buying things you never would have in the first place.

If you save 50 bucks off 90, that's still 40 bucks spent. 40 bucks out of your wallet you won't get back.

The best way to save is not coupons, or deals, or Amazon, or coupon codes. The best way to save is to never spend in the first place!

A Mom said... 133

Kate probably doesn't order daily from Amazon, but probably doing a little grifting of "stuff" or more free shipping. Get a JOB Kate. Your bored and boring.

When is Robert's book coming?

TLC stinks said... 134

This Amazon daily comment...think she has a shopping addition? People do that to get a rush.

Blowing In The Wind said... 135

If you save 50 bucks off 90, that's still 40 bucks spent. 40 bucks out of your wallet you won't get back.
The best way to save is not coupons, or deals, or Amazon, or coupon codes. The best way to save is to never spend in the first place!


Yes, but if you need items, you sometimes have to spend in the first place. it's a great place to save. If you are expecting a baby and need a crib and it costs $189 at Target in the store, but you can get the same item at a place such as Amazon for $79, then you go with the deal. You're not going to get back your $79, but you'll have the crib that you need.

Or if you need Christmas gifts for your kids, and the item you want in the store is $49.99, but you can get it for $10.99 on Amazon, that's what you do. If your child needs a winter coat, and you find a good price on Amazon where you can save $80 on one item, it would be foolish to walk the malls or discount stores to try to find the same deal when you can get it online with free shipping.

You just have to be careful of impulse buying just because it's a great deal. You don't buy something you don't need or will never use simply because it's too good to pass up.

Formerly Duped said... 136

No one needs to shop daily unless they are very disorganized and/or greedy. Right, both in this case.

Didn't she used to shop daily at Henry's Vegetable stand? I guess she shops to fill time. ~ Administrator said... 137

I've started to notice that about her shopping. Do you suppose she's using it as an emotional crutch? If she fills her time shopping and spending money and collecting more STUFF it might be giving her some sort of release, in the same manner a cigarette does for some people.

Truly organized people good at saving money don't usually shop more than once, twice a week tops. Daily shopping on Amazon is ridiculous, I'm sorry.

Jane said... 138

Dmasy said... 129
Thank you, Jane. I will find Mind of a Chef and DVR.

I get the best recommendations for this site!

So true!!

Jane said... 139

A Mom said... 133

When is Robert's book coming?

I was hoping it would be released before the holidays but it's not looking good. He's been supported by so many, how nice it would be if he could share some news about the book. If it's not being released, let us know. We can handle it :)

NJGal51 said... 140

Remember Lake Up North? I'm pretty sure she was our own little catfish. Woman with a dozen kids or something and one on the way.
I remember her Admin and hadn't her husband just died? Something just never smelled right about that poster.

I'm hanging my head in shame now, my guilty pleasure is Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I then have to watch the after show to hear Andy's take on everything. Vanderpump Rules? I love Lisa but I can take it or leave it with that show.

I have to chuckle when I read about the snow (both here and from family members back East) because my biggest concern right now is will it hit 70 next week so that I can get my rear window re-tinted.

Blowing In The Wind said... 141

Truly organized people good at saving money don't usually shop more than once, twice a week tops. Daily shopping on Amazon is ridiculous, I'm sorry.


It could be an addiction to fill some void. Shopping just makes some people feel good. However, if she knows about the lightning deals that only come up from day to day, then maybe that's why she is visiting their site every day over the holidays. But if she's been doing this regularly for quite some time (shopping at Amazon every day), it must be taking a chunk out of her piecing and patching stash.

Layla said... 142

Thank you, everyone, for the information on Lupus. I have never known anyone with any sort of autoimmune disorder, so I'm pretty much clueless. I did read up a bit, but there is so much more to something like that than short internet articles cover.

So, TFW now fills her day with tanning, mani-pedis, hot yoga, and shopping at Whatever happened to her so-so-so busy mom with a to-do list as long as her arm persona? She went from "I do it all", "Move fast and keep on moving" to filling her time with online shopping. She claims to be piecing and patching, but obviously has someone else doing all that work for her while she orders from Amazon on a daily basis. I guess she's decided to stop faking poverty and just own it. She's loaded, and she's tired of pretending otherwise. She used to have a show to make her feel like she's better than the rest of the world. Now she buys stuff to make her feel that way. Lots and lots of stuff. ~ Administrator said... 143

An old tweet from August 2011 but timely given Nelson Mandela. Remember when TFW was grifting for a South Africa trip?

GlitterGift Tia Kaii
@Kateplusmy8. When are you and your wonderful kids coming to South Africa? #SafariTime
42 minutes ago

Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@GlitterGift omg to the max! Dont make me cry! IF I can get my kids there,my total life dream will hav come true!I hav 2 do it before I die!
5 minutes ago ~ Administrator said... 144

Amazon's deal of the day today is a juicer. This is a want, not a need. They also have an electric razor, a cutting board, kettle bells, and night vision glasses. Lol.

Not really things someone piecing and patching needs to buy! Amazon is great as long as you don't get sucked into buying things you never set out to or don't need, like night vision glasses. I like their wish lists. I go in knowing what I want or need, add it to my wishlish, and watch to see if it goes on sale or someone puts up a good deal on a gently used version.

PatK said... 145 (Administrator) said... 143
An old tweet from August 2011 but timely given Nelson Mandela. Remember when TFW was grifting for a South Africa trip?


When is Kate NOT grifting for a trip?

Rhymes with Witch said... 146

When is Robert's book coming?

I was hoping it would be released before the holidays but it's not
looking good. He's been supported by so many, how nice it would be if
he could share some news about the book. If it's not being released,
let us know. We can handle it :) 139

From the previous thread

Correcting myself.....

* "when judgment is formally entered" ...judgment here, is the wrong word.
In 90 days, most likely we will see an "Order" from the court,
formally closing the matter. 168

This might explain the current lack of news on the book.

Layla said... 147

A Mom (133) and Jane (139)
Remember when we first got news of the book--Robert was sending hints to TFW, and then suddenly went quiet. We all were wondering if the book was a hoax, or perhaps he decided not to release it. And then, suddenly, it was released. I'm hoping that this is a similar situation. Robert fought his battle with TFW, posted a few messages about the book, and now is quiet while he works to get it re-released. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

TFW made sure to tweet @amazon. That means she's trying to grift. Otherwise, why not write or just Amazon? Everyone knows what that means. But she wanted to make sure that a tweet went out to Amazon. She wants something, most likely gift cards from @amazon. Plus she's hinting to her fans to send her amazon gift cards, too. She shops there every day! She must need gift cards! Oh, and throw a Chipotle gift card in the envelope with it, while you're at it, fans! Just don't expect anything in return.

Formerly Duped said... 148

So that's why TFW goes to UPS so much, to pick up her daily shopping?
What on earth could she be buying? I know we've see the rows of household products in the basement, but after a while, wouldn't you run out of 'stuff' to buy? I can believe she is plowing through those millions if this is true. So she's a hoarder and a shopping addict? Boy, she has a lot of issues..

Bitchy Pants said... 149

Make that three candles, Admin. I've never seen one of the RH shows either. I've read some articles about them, and I know who some of the participants are, but the shows never sounded appealing or interesting.

I agree, I think Lake Up North was our very own catfish. Although . . . was she the only one?

Tucker's Mom said... 150

If Amazon were a man, he'd cover his giblets, turn, and run with reckless abandon.
Oh, the allegories...

OrangeCrusher1 said... 151

Either shopping at Amazon daily is just another exaggeration or if true, then it's a real problem. Or it could be just another TFW grifting ploy. But since she does spend so much time home alone, I tend to think she shops online addictively. Piecing and patching, yep.

Hoosier Girl said... 152

I haven't read the first comment yet, but want to say ...

I can't stand Simon. Thought he was an egotistical ass, control freak, keep his wife in her place type of guy. In fact, I still think that.

Have to give him HUGE kudos on this though. I'm pretty sure his motives are probably more geared towards hurting her and less geared towards protecting his kids ... but whatever works to keep kids from being exploited on this crap TV.

Alberta Girl said... 153

I am the commenter who wrote for Milo "to get over it".

As the conversation was about people baiting others for sympathy on twitter, that was what I was referring to.

If others want to make it out to be a comment on mental illness, empathy for others, and the type of person I am, then....get over it.

Happy Holidays

Anonymous said... 154

Bitchy Pants, she most definitely was NOT the only catfish! I bet you can guess who created her!

I wonder if Kate means she adds items to her cart daily and cashes out once in a while. I do that - but certainly not ever day - just until I qualify for free shipping!


Tucker's Mom said... 155

One thing is for sure- Milo is an enigma and probably will never be revealed for who he or she is.
I wouldn't kick anyone when they're down, even if they spew on us on Twitter and other sites (wouldn't know, don't read them). But, I get the distinct feeling that if any of us were on fire, Milo wouldn't even deign to spit on us.
My heart does not bleed for this.. entity, or whatever it/he/she is, but I wish no harm.

Tucker's Mom said... 156

Alberta Girl said... 153
I like your "shoot from the hip" style!
Also, I think it's so cool how many Canadians we have in our ranks. I've learned so much.

Tucker's Mom said... 157

I always thought Simon was a bit of a dweeb. Good looking, but an empty vessel, which gets a 0/10 rise out of me.
He appeared to be a wanna-be, living beyond his means as a glorified car salesman.
I don't support him or not support him, but I think this legal matter of keeping his kids off reality tv is very interesting and could set precedent for this type of situation, where a couple has their kids on tv, then divorce, and one has a change of mind.
Does on "NO" have veto power?
In this instance, erring on the side of caution, I hope so.
If a mother, be it Tamara or Kate, finds themselves in a position that if they do NOT film their children, their income goes away, they've made a huge mistake that should not be furthered by a judge agreeing to keep children working so that the bills can be paid and lifestyles maintained.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 158

Anonymous said... 154
Bitchy Pants, she most definitely was NOT the only catfish! I bet you can guess who created her!


Bitchy Pants said... 159

FRP -- ;>) .

Layla, you likely know a number of people with autoimmune disorders, and just don't realize it. There are a lot of us out here, and there are a lot of chronic disorders that fall under the category of AI. For instance, asthma, multiple sclerosis and Type I diabetes are all immune-mediated disorders. So are certain types of arthritis. Some are more easily treated than others. Lupus is one of the bad ones, because it can affect so many different body systems.

Alberta Girl said... 160

Thanks Tucker's Mom!

westcoastie said... 161

Admin 120-
Remember Lake Up North? I'm pretty sure she was our own little catfish. Woman with a dozen kids or something and one on the way.
And husband recently deceased in a car accident. Yep, it just got better and better.

Blowing In The Wind said... 162

Truther ‏@Sarelya23 4h
@nancivs #Kateplusmy8 And she's wasting $$ on shipping if she's ordering every day!

"I wonder if Kate means she adds items to her cart daily and cashes out once in a while. I do that - but certainly not ever day - just until I qualify for free shipping!"


You don't need to do that, and I can't imagine Kate spends any money on shipping. There's a thing called Amazon Mom and you get three months free two-day Amazon Prime shipping on any item. You don't even have to wait for it to kick in. It's right there on your first order.

Yes, there are times when shopping on Amazon really pays off. Daughter wanted a toy that lists for $100 at various stores. Although at the moment I'm not piecing and patching, there is no way I would spend that much on this particular toy. It just wasn't going to happen, even if it IS Christmas.

A deal came up today, and the toy was available with free shipping for ten dollars. I "grabbed it" online, and it was sold out in three, count 'em, THREE seconds. There were five thousand available, and that meant that five thousand people were sitting with their fingers ready to click on it the minute it went on sale. Funny to think about so many hunched over their computers, ready to zoom in for the kill, and I was one of them. ;)

Blowing In The Wind said... 163

So, TFW now fills her day with tanning, mani-pedis, hot yoga, and shopping at Whatever happened to her so-so-so busy mom with a to-do list as long as her arm persona? She went from "I do it all",


She claimed she spends all day in the kitchen, prepping, cooking...what was it? 12 hours? 18 hours? Anyone have the quote? She has to sleep, I would think. If she shops Amazon every day, is the rest of her time spent perusing Amazon? Or did she say she spends all of her time in the kitchen (not necessarily cooking)?. Maybe she tweets, grifts, and shops online in the kitchen.

Blowing In The Wind said... 164

DENISE ‏@Mydmaxx 59m
@Kateplusmy8 Only 10 more days till 🎄. Have all your shopping done?

Well, I'm glad a fan got that cleared up. I wondered if Kate would be able to figure that out all by herself.

Anonymous said... 165

Blowing, wow, that's awesome! I'm not much of a shopper though, so I do tend to fill up a box, so to speak. I would rather get a good box of CDs, books, DVDs, etc., than one item here or there. None of them are high demand items.

Tucker's Mom said... 166

A deal came up today, and the toy was available with free shipping for ten dollars. I "grabbed it" online, and it was sold out in three, count 'em, THREE seconds. There were five thousand available, and that meant that five thousand people were sitting with their fingers ready to click on it the minute it went on sale. Funny to think about so many hunched over their computers, ready to zoom in for the kill, and I was one of them. ;)
Were you alerted when this deal was happening??
I'm a Prime member so curious about these kinds of deals.

Lalalalala said... 167

I absolutely hate to shop. I mean I REALLY hate to shop. Amazon and are my go to places for Christmas gifts. I save a lot of money and I can shop from home. I wouldn't do it any other way.

Tucker's Mom said... 168

Lalalalala said... 167
I absolutely hate to shop. I mean I REALLY hate to shop. Amazon and are my go to places for Christmas gifts. I save a lot of money and I can shop from home. I wouldn't do it any other way.
Online is the way to go on so many levels.
I buy DH the better part of his yearly wardrobe this time of year at a Men's store. The Christmas sales are insane.
I prefer to go online because it makes physically going to the store a waste of time. I pick out his clothes (with his input too), pick the size and boom, I'm done. Beats the hell out of rifling through the racks and shelves.
Then, it's sent for free.
Unless he's buying dress pants that get tailored, we don't bother physically going there, unless we happen to be in the neighborhood.
Guys are so darn easy that way!

Starz22 said... 169

Oh my flipping god! Fan or not...the Packers pulled out of the fire to win! I thought we were done for...but they brought it all back in the 4th to take the win! We live to play another game!!! Go Pack!!!

Tucker's Mom said... 170

OT a bit-- just wanted to say "thanks" to all who recommended Breaking Bad. DH and I binge watch and we are equally horrified and laughing our butts off!
The show is a great ride.

Tucker's Mom said... 171

Starz22 said... 169
Oh my flipping god! Fan or not...the Packers pulled out of the fire to win! I thought we were done for...but they brought it all back in the 4th to take the win! We live to play another game!!! Go Pack!!!
Thank you Packers! My Eagles lost today, but the Packers came through and that really helps the Birds.

Anonymous said... 172

Tucker's Mom, I binge-watched almost all of season 2 yesterday! Not exactly putting me in the holiday spirit, LOL! We were in Albuquerque a few weeks ago and went to Walter White's house and a few other spots! DH was thrilled!

Jane said... 173

Tucker's Mom - I envy you watching Breaking Bad for the first time. One the best shows ever, I was so sad when it ended!

PA Dutch Mom said... 174

Unless he's buying dress pants that get tailored, we don't bother physically going there, unless we happen to be in the neighborhood.
Guys are so darn easy that way!


lol!! Yup. Little boys are like that, too. You put whatever on them and they don't complain, as long as it's not an itchy wool sweater. Girls are another story...the sleeves are too long, the pants have zippers (would rather have an elastic waist), it's a size 5, I wear a 4, I can't wear this because it's too big (or too small), it doesn't have pockets, I want a nightgown, not Ralphie bunny pajamas...

Dmasy said... 175

I have the first season of Breaking Bad....still in shrink wrap. The first moment that life slows down I am going to treat myself to a binge. Too many smart ladies here have convinced me.

Jane, have you watched West Wing.

Jane said... 176

Dmasy - The West Wing, be still my heart LOL! Until Breaking Bad, I thought WW was the best show ever. Now, I'd have to call it a tie. I hope you enjoy Breaking Bad. :)

Dmasy said... 177

Jane, that is exactly what my son said. I do, indeed, have a treasure waiting for me!

Amy2 said... 178

My take on Kate being busy busy busy is that she's not in her kitchen for 18 hours a day. She's busy reading this blog and playing games on her iPad, iPhone. I'm not a gamer so I don't even know what the hot game now-a-days is. But by daughters and husband play World of Warcraft and its addicting. Its so easy for them to get lost in the game and forget about the real world. Or maybe she's playing Angry Birds. The game doesn't matter, what does matter is that its another way for her to stay away from her children even though they are in the same house at the same time.

Blowing In The Wind said... 179

Were you alerted when this deal was happening??
I'm a Prime member so curious about these kinds of deals.


Tucker. some of these deals are available to Kindle owners (through Amazon). If you have Amazon Prime, shipping is free. They had a Keurig for $20, $200 juicer for $20, Kindle for $19, $200 train set for $25.

Toys R Us was flashing similar deals -- a $400 stroller for $25. They didn't seem to inflate the regular price just so it looked like you were getting a good deal. In the store, the stroller was selling for the original price they had listed and you could only get the deal online.

For the Kindle Only special deals, you are sent an alert to your phone, and they tell you how much the item is and when it goes on sale. You have to be fast, though, because they sell out immediately. If you go to Amazon, the special Kindle deal prices will not be shown because they are available to Kindle owners only.

If you don't have a Kindle and want good Amazon deals, go to their website, click on Today's Deals, and near the bottom it will say Lightning Deals. You can see the items that currently are available, and the ones that have sold out, or you can wait list them (sometimes). Click on Upcoming Deals, and they tell you the time the item will go on sale, but not the special price. That only appears the minute the item goes on sale. If you add it to your cart immediately. you have fifteen minutes to read the reviews on it and figure out if you really want it. Right now it seems like they've been trying to unload watches so if you need a watch or want to purchase one as a gift, this is the place to go. The deals were much better a few weeks ago.

Blowing In The Wind said... 180

Once again, Milo reminds her tweeties that she and Kate do their communicatin in other ways!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 23h
@pattersonglo Kate has been very kind/supportive 2me..more than what U just see here on twitter! I don't expect her 2baby me..LOL she has 8!

Tucker's Mom said... 181

Blowing In The Wind said... 179
Wow, thanks, I think! I might be in big trouble now...

Andrea said... 182

Penny Mom was linked to another catfish scam. She was character called Razing Ruth. Razing Ruth was from a very strict evangelical home. She ran away around the age of 18. Her stories got more and more dramatic as time went by. She begged for donations and I think got quite a lot. A forum outed her and the blog has since gone silent. The scam went on for a number of years. Its sad that a lot of people were fooled into giving this person money.

Rhymes with Witch said... 183

Penny Mom was linked to another catfish scam. She was character called Razing Ruth. 182
That explains some of the results of my google search. THANKS.

Wow it all got so convoluted.

NJGal51 said... 184

Blowing - I have a Kindle but have never gotten any Kindle only deals. How do I sign up?

I envy those of you watching Breaking Bad for the first time. You are in for a treat and binge watching is the absolute best.

Blowing In The Wind said... 185

Blowing - I have a Kindle but have never gotten any Kindle only deals. How do I sign up?


It's not available on first gen Kindle. On newer ones (Kindle Fire) there should be a tab that says "offer." If you have a newer one without the special offers tab, you can talk to Amazon and they can turn it on for you. No charge to turn it on, but you have to pay them to turn it off (fifteen dollars). You would only turn it off if you don't want the ad to pop up. It's only one ad (it's only on when you turn on the Kindle...not popping up the whole time). You can sign up on Amazon's website for the Kindle deals.

Anonymous said... 186

PA Dutch Mom...174

You apparently have not met my 8-year old son. LOL There are some days where I swear he is worse than my 11-year old daughter to get dressed. The same shirt he wore last week with no complaints will get a ton the following and back to liking the next.

I had bought him a bunch of athletic pants for the fall because he complained he didn't have enough last year and too many jeans. Well, this year he's all about the jeans and no athletic pants. I tried to get him to wear this vest from Old Navy this fall just to give him some cover on cool mornings. Wouldn't touch it until a friend of his starting wearing one and then the best was cool. Ugh! LOL Boys are just as bad as girls in my house.


Serendipity said... 187

Sheeple are so darn easy to amuse:

Leigh Shahan ‏@LEIGHSHAHAN1 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Oh Christmas treats..Oh Christmas tasty u can be!Oh Christmas treats..Oh Christmas treats plz dont put 10lbs on me!

Patricia Chow ‏@PatriciaChow1 2m
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 I love this, your so funny ! :)

NJGal51 said... 188

Well that explains it Blowing. I have the Kindle Paperwhite.

AuntieAnn said... 189

Bitchy Pants said... 149

Make that three candles, Admin. I've never seen one of the RH shows either.


This could turn into a bonfire. Better make it four. I never got around to watching any RH.

I wish I could find it on the PBS website, but there was an article there some time ago about Johnny Carson. After he retired he went into seclusion of sorts and avoided the camera as much as he could, although he did agree to the odd appearance and interview. At any rate in the piece I read, he said he thought reality shows would be the death knell of quality television. I didn't know it (reality shows) even existed before he died. The man certainly had foresight.

Sometimes I wish I'd never even watched J&K+8. It started out innocently enough but who'd have thought it would turn out to be THEE farthest thing from "reality". ~ Administrator said... 190

Johnny Carson died in 2005 so that would have been the height of bad reality T.V. There were a couple years there where most of the lineup was reality T.V., plus the writer's strike was going on. Most of it was crap.

It makes me happy to hear others enjoying Breaking Bad. Really good T.V. can be such a pleasure. How sad to think of what could have been had all those garbage reality shows been replaced with scripted T.V. It really was a shame and I'm sorry Johnny didn't live long enough to see reality T.V. lose steam and great scripted T.V. return.

I lived about a mile away from his home when he died but I'd never seen him nor had anyone else. He really was a bit of a recluse. When he retired, he meant it.

AuntieAnn said... 191

Admin, I meant to post this a day or so ago but got sidetracked. I was going to comment that there will be no problem coming up with 'Kate's worst moments of 2013'. The trouble will be which one will be number one. For all her efforts, the entire year was an epic fail . ~ Administrator said... 192

Ha no kidding Auntie Anne. Although I'm pretty sure I've got number one and number two worst moments finalized. It will just be hard to narrow down the other eight!

AuntieAnn said... 193

Kate laid out a smorgasbord of choices for your list this year. lol.

I'm looking forward to it.

Millicent said... 194

Andrea said... 182

Penny Mom was linked to another catfish scam. She was character called Razing Ruth. Razing
I have heard the story of Razing Ruth. Whoever this person is, I have no doubt they have already begun to weave another web of lies under a different online name.

JoyinVirginia said... 195

OR: for any Survivor fans. Last episode of current season Blood vs Water assured Sunday night, then reunion show. this has been one of my favorite seasons. The conclusion, eventual winner, and civil discussion at reunion show were very satisfying.
The next season will be ”Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty” Jeff announced, and says its going to be very good. Which means its filming has already concluded. It will be interesting to see what happens next. Survivor, the grandaddy and best of reality competition shows.

Anonymous said... 196

Joy, Survivor is my guilty pleasure. I loved the show last night, can't wait for B vs B vs B!!!


Anonymous said... 197

A cautionary tale about Amazon. I found the perfect pair of earrings for my daughter, 14 carat gold, $94. When I went to check out, I noticed a $6.95 shipping cost, still not a bad deal for 14 carat gold. My el-cheapo gene kicked in and I decided to look at the company's website. I found the same earrings, $82 with free shipping. Now I always check company websites before I purchase from Amazon.


JoyinVirginia said... 198

Hi Franky, Survivor never gets old for me! Love that Jeffy Probst!
I would watch TFMJG if she was stuck on an island with no bathroom facilities. or if she was stuck in the Big Brother house with no phone. It would be entertaining in a train wreck kinda way. Britain sometimes has American celebrities in their celeb version of Big Brother, maybe TFMJG could get that gig.

NJGal51 said... 199

Not a good week for some of the old stars. RIP Joan Fontaine, Peter O'Toole and Tom Laughlin (Billy Jack).

Blowing In The Wind said... 200

A cautionary tale about Amazon. I found the perfect pair of earrings for my daughter, 14 carat gold, $94. When I went to check out, I noticed a $6.95 shipping cost, still not a bad deal for 14 carat gold. My el-cheapo gene kicked in and I decided to look at the company's website. I found the same earrings, $82 with free shipping. Now I always check company websites before I purchase from Amazon.


True. That cheapo gene should always kick in ! If you have Prime, it will tell you that there's free two-day shipping. If you don't have Prime, the shipping charge will show up in your cart before you place the order. With the Lightning Deals, they give you fifteen minutes before you place your order to decide if it really is a deal. There are price-matching sites where you can compare the prices, or if you know that another store could be selling the same item, you check there before you place your order. I always do this because on some things, I don't trust that they don't inflate the cost just to make it appear that there really is a deal. It always pays to check around; I'll never order something, especially toys, before I look around to make sure that other companies aren't selling the item much cheaper. There's a store (won't mention the name) who has been listing toys at 50 percent off, but it's off their regular prices, which are so much higher than their competitor's regular prices, sometimes double their prices, so the fifty percent off deal off their regular prices really isn't much of a deal.

I actually made out quite well this holiday season, even in stores. One place offers price matching and Amazon had the toy at a lower price. They price matched Amazon, I had a store coupon and manufacturer's coupon, so I got a $40 item for free....not a penny out of my pocket. I didn't even have to go to Kate's website to do it!

The thing is, looking for deals and price matching can drive you nuts, and if you spend 12 hours in the kitchen every day for meal preparations, it could really cut into your cooking time! Snark.

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