"I will not sign the consent form for my eight-year-old daughter or my other children, to participate on the Shows, because I know the negative impact and consequences it will have on their health and well being."
Simon Barney has responded to his ex-wife's Tamra's bid to ask a judge to allow her to put their three children back on The Real Housewives of Orange County.
Portions of the response filed in Orange County family law court last Friday include the following:
“They have been targeted and are the subject of consistent embarrassment due to the content of the show and their mother’s involvement…The show (has) started to become increasingly more about the alcohol, intoxication, sex and bad behavior …. The truth is consistently manipulated in the show in order to make the story line more dramatic and to boost ratings. The manipulation and falsification of original statements and actions results in a negative perception from the public and it destroys one’s reputation….
"All major decisions pertaining to health, education and day care shall be made jointly by the parents. She is seeking to take away my right to parent and make decisions regarding the lasting effects and impacts the show may have on my children. This is not a unilateral ‘routine’ decision, it is a ‘major decision’ that must be made jointly….[Sophia is] too young [and] unable to make a decision on her own regarding her participation in the show as she does not understand the consequences it may have. Respondent states that Sophia has expressed her desire to be on the show, but that is only because Respondent has told Sophia that she has to sit out on all ‘fun’ activities because I won’t let her be filmed. An eight year old child us going to want to be a part of the activities is she is told they are ‘fun’ and she is being forced to sit out...
"…Our children appeared on the show from time to time, as one of the focuses on the show was out family and encouraged our familial relationship. The show first aired in 2005 and I appeared briefly on the show from 2007 to 2009. My children made appearances in those years, but with strict supervision and approval from me. If my children were to be on my show, I had stated to the production company… that I was to approve all footage and the children were only to be filmed with my supervision and presence. At that time, (the production company) agreed. It was a good thing that I was on the show and supervising my children. One time while the show was being filmed, one of the cast members stated something about “T-Bagging” which is an inappropriate sexual comments, while Sidney, age 10 at the time, was present. I immediately took my daughter away and stated to the cast member that such comments were inappropriate while children were around. Later, he agreed that I was correct in needing to be present. It was around this time that the show deviated sharply from the family oriented dynamic it had while I was on the show [and was] the major reason I refused to allow the children to continue on the show....
"(The production company) will only air the footage of my minor children if I give my consent, or if the Court orders that only Respondent’s consent is required for the children to be filmed. I will not sign the consent form for my eight year old daughter or my other children, to participate on the Shows, because I know the negative impact and consequences it will have on their health and well being.”
522 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 522 of 522 Newer› Newest»Regarding a blighted ovum - someone close to me had this as well. While it is not an embryo and Kate certainly took it too far, especially allowing the kids to name it, I can understand why someone would mourn or be sad over a potential for life that never developed, especially if they'd been trying for a while, as the person I knew had been.
Regarding the Duck Dynasty stuff - I have to agree that A & E is being lame in their handling of the affair. They knew full well his beliefs and feelings on those matters, so it's disingenuous of them to all of sudden be concerned by it.
Something that is getting lost in the shuffle as Phil Robertson's interview comments are being discussed, is what he said about black people living under Jim Crow laws in LA when Phil was a young man. He believes they were godly and happy under those laws. He says he never saw a black person being mistreated. He seems to think black people were quite happy when they didn't have many of the civil rights they have today.
I find the man offensive in his whole demeanor, choice of words, and opinions. However, I fully support his right to speak freely about his beliefs. Having free speech does not mean you are free from criticism when you say things that people find offensive. However, Phil and his family are huge money makers for A&E, so Phil will be back on the show pretty soon. Most fans will rejoice, except perhaps those that did find his remarks unsettling. Advertisers will be a little more cautious about putting their ads on the show and some will choose not to.
Eventually, viewership numbers will drop as the show becomes repetitive and probably more and more ridiculous. It's the pattern of reality tv shows.
However, if Phil continues to make similar statements in public, I think the show's arc would have a quicker end than if he stops doing so. Those views are no longer mainstream.
Tucker's Mom said... 167
He was talking about the Jim Crow era. Do you think AFrican Americans were generally happier then, too? I find that a tad bit ignorant of him.
I don't know. I didn't live in that era in the South, did YOU?
Apparently, Phil did, and he related his life experience, and I can not comprehend the notion of ignorance to ANYONE relating their life experience.
Don't get it... where'e the insult to calling people hard working and self sustaining?
Wait...someone had to live in an era to be knowledgeable about it? You must not have much respect for historians. Phil didn't live as an African American in the Jim Crow south, so how is in a position to claim that they were "happy." As for what's insulting about what he said, I'll let the NAACP and HRC explain. Excerpted from their letter to A&E:
"These remarks go beyond being outlandishly inaccurate and offensive. They are dangerous and revisionist, appealing to those in our society who wish to repeat patterns of discrimination. We urge A+E to immediately denounce and repudiate Robertson’s comments. Furthermore, we call on you to see that Phil Robertson apologizes for his vitriolic comments. Surely a brand like A+E does not want to be
associated with such racist and homophobic remarks.
We want to be clear why Phil Robertson’s remarks are not just dangerous but also inaccurate. Mr. Robertson claims that, from what he saw, African Americans were happier under Jim Crow. What he
didn’t see were lynching and beatings of black men and women for attempting to vote or simply walking down the street. And his offensive claims about gay people fly in the face of science. In fact, it’s
important to note that every single leading medical organization in the country has said that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being LGBT – it’s not a choice, and to suggest otherwise is dangerous."
Aunt Connie said:
People have "freedom of speech" so they can burn the flag or walk on it, but some "sensitive" topics can get you canned.
I imagine if anyone burned a flag at their place of employment - that would get them canned as well. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say or do anything you want while at work, or while representing your employer. Phil was in the course of giving an interview when he made these statements. Doing so may well have broken a clause in his contract. It certainly caused an uproar and A&E may have feared loss of ad revenue and loss of viewership (leading to further loss of ad revenue). His comments could have a negative financial impact for his employer. That's why they put him on hiatus (he's not fired, just placed on the bench for a few episodes probably).
I'm still wondering if Phil Robertson was hoping he would be released from his contract by making these remarks.
At least Phil isn't pretending to be something that he isn't, unlike someone else we know that was on reality tv.
Tucker's Mom said:
I just can't help but think that A+E are hypocrites. They KNEW the Robertson's beliefs, but wanted to make countless million off of their image of red neck, bible thumping Christians, and sell that image with a Vaseline-smeared lens.
Oh I definitely agree that A&E knew all about Phil's religious beliefs before they signed him on. On the show, he's never this open about certain of his beliefs and I'm sure if he says something the producers deem too controversial, it is edited out.
A&E, like TLC, like Disney, and like every other corporation - only care about one thing. Making money, and tons of it. They will sell whatever will make them money. If this year, it's Duck Dynasty redneck, ZZ Top bearded men - then so be it. If it's Honey Boo Boo - bring it on. Woe to anyone under contract who might interfere with the money-making process.
Phil is getting a time out from A&E and a stern talking to. A&E are going to lay low and hope this all blows over. They are probably reassuring advertisers that the money making will continue unabated. They do not want their most popular show to go anywhere.
So yes, I agree they are hypocritical. They don't care what Phil believes. They just want him to keep those thoughts private, so that they can make the most money possible.
He never said blacks were happIER under Jim Crow laws. Never. This is the typical spin and twist on his words. He said the black people he knew were happy and didn't complain. That is simply his observation. I think lots of people can be happy and positive in the midst of hardship. It doesn't mean just because you are happy that life and laws are fair. I don't understand why someone is forbidden from remarking on their own personal observations. Bill Cosby has made pretty similar remarks about changing attitudes. Why is he allowed to say that but not Phil?
Layla said... 194
I really chuckled at your post! I would even submit it to a family magazine with maybe a few more antics.
I know it's tongue-in-cheek- but we found a large baby-gate ( round) around our tree when our dog was a pup worked well.
Millicent said... 6
I have no idea what's in Phil's contract, but it makes me think about the Gosselin's contract and I wonder how TLC let Kate morph into a street walker AND travel around with a married man when there were rampant rumors about them having an affair.
TLC's brand of J+K was wholesome, Christian and conservative and not at all in line with Kate's many near nip slips, Daisy Dukes and hooker heels.
I'm still wondering if Phil Robertson was hoping he would be released from his contract by making these remarks.
Jon in as much said he sabotaged himself to get TLC to fire him. Not sure that was a good plan, but he got off the show.
I can only imagine how much he hated filming alongside Kate.
We want to be clear why Phil Robertson’s remarks are not just dangerous but also inaccurate. Mr. Robertson claims that, from what he saw, African Americans were happier under Jim Crow
Phil never claimed any such thing. He simply did not say that. Do these people even read the article, or are their comprehension skills really that bad?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 7
He never said blacks were happIER under Jim Crow laws. Never. This is the typical spin and twist on his words. He said the black people he knew were happy and didn't complain. That is simply his observation. I think lots of people can be happy and positive in the midst of hardship. It doesn't mean just because you are happy that life and laws are fair. I don't understand why someone is forbidden from remarking on their own personal observations. Bill Cosby has made pretty similar remarks about changing attitudes. Why is he allowed to say that but not Phil?
He should not be speaking for African Americans, period. Whether he said they were "happy" or "happier" is irrelevant. Apparently Phil never saw a black person outside of the cotton field. Were they singing and happy while sitting on the back of the bus? Were they singing and happy while drinking out of their own drinking fountains? Were they singing and happy while attending their segregated schools? If he never heard one black person complain about treatment from a white person, I don't think he was listening very well.
Again, he was commenting on what he saw. His truth is his truth. He needs to understand just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've never seen segregation, I am from the north and I was born after most of it was over. It doesn't mean I don't believe it happened. In any case he was talking about welfare and government benefits, not segregation. He has a right to say this is what I saw, and others have a right to say what they saw.
Happy and happier does matter, because some people are accusing him of saying people were happier when we were segregated, and IMO that is a terribly horrific accusation to make when no one ever said that. All that does is get the low information voter all worked up over something that never even happened.
OT- Today is 33 years since we got married, but does not feel like that long to us, which I hope is a good thing! I was just 20, he was 31, I brought a daughter to the marriage, and we had another 2 daughters shortly after. We have had more than our share of trials and tribulations, but we have pressed forward thru them all. My husband likes to tell the guys at work that he married me young enough so he could properly train me to be the kind of wife he wanted!
Here in North Central Saskatchewan, with the very cold temperatures in the high -30's, with the wind chill factor it could get to -50 celsius this weekend! We are celsius, the U.S is farenheit, but our temps match up when it is -40. It has been a very cold winter so far, hope it is a short one.
In any case he was talking about welfare and government benefits, not segregation.
He was talking about life in the pre-Civil Rights era, not specifically about welfare and government benefits. You can't separate segregation from a discussion of life in the pre-Civil Rights era in the south. The comment about pre-entitlement came after his initial remark. (And there's a series of ellipses in the quote, so we don't know what was cut before the pre-entitlement comment.)
Happy Holidays to everyone. I hope your preparations are accompanied with Christmas carols and good cheer!
Prairiemary, happy anniversary to you and your husband!
prairiemary said... 15
OT- Today is 33 years since we got married,
Congratulations and brrrrrrrr!!
Our temps are going to be spring-like for the next couple days. I don't think it's going to be a white Christmas ;-(
Insert Creative Username Here said... 191
I skipped most of the comments because this is starting to get back into a discussion on how offensive Phil's comments are rather than a discussion on whether or not he has a right to say them without getting fired.
Phil has a right to say whatever he is on his mind, but he also has to deal with the consequences of his words. Free speech is protected from government regulation under the constitution, but the constitution does not protect you from the consequences of your words. The constitution also does not state a person has a right to a job. A&E has every right to take action f they feel that what Phil said was offensive. If I said things publicly that my company felt reflected badly on them, then I, too, would be fired.
Sorry this is so long, but I am tired of hearing people state that Phil's 1st amendment rights were violated. They were not, he was not arrested or prosecuted. Your words can have consequences. If he is going to state his opinions publicly, then he has to accept the consequences.
With rights, go responsibilities. We are so quick to demand our rights, but not so quick to talk about our responsibilities.
I predict a huge increase in Duck Call sales.
Just want to add that Phil has an African American grandson, Willi's adopted son.
Geeez..Milo just called herself a "nobody", compared to Kate. NOW I get the fascination with TFW. Milo feels unimportant and clinging to Kate makes her feel like shes worthwhile. WOW Just WOW...
Happy Anniversary, Prairiemary!
Do you realize that Phil has a master's degree in education?
Tucker's Mom,
I must disagree with your interpretation. By supporting Phil's right to express his opinion which is a direct condemnation of gays, you are indeed supporting this attack on homosexuals. It would be the same if one was supporting the right of Hitler to express his hatred of the jews-It is his opinion after all!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1m
About to announce something fun and exciting.... Stay tuned!
Oh, no! I was about to walk the dog. Dare I leave?
Oh no... Kates about to announce something exciting....GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...
She'll drag this out for a week....
BRACE YOUR SELVES!, IT"S EARTH SHATTERING! !!! Kate just announced(3:19pm central time!) that she is about to announce something fun & exciting! OMG! Can't wait !!!! OHHHHHH!!!!!!
(secretly I don't give a shit) SHHHH don't tell Kate, she might throw a hissy fit! or tell Santa, and I won't get anything for Xmas :(
She just loves to tease, doesn't she? Hey, Kate, here's my announcement about something fun and exciting:
Christmas is only 5 days away!!
1momski said... 25
Tucker's Mom,
I must disagree with your interpretation. By supporting Phil's right to express his opinion which is a direct condemnation of gays, you are indeed supporting this attack on homosexuals
Oy vey.... I'm not supporting Phil's views but think he should be able to express them.
I can't help if one can not make the distinction between the two.
And Hilter? Really?
In honor of Godwin's Law, I'm officially done commenting on Phil and what Phil thinks because I really don't much care what Phil thinks.
Besides, Kate's about to announce something big!!! My sphincter tone is increasing as I write!
Thanks Dmasy, LaLaLa, Tucker's Mom! With this weather we are going to stay home in front of the fire, only company will be our 4 dogs. DH gave me a big box of Harden&Huyse chocolates, and we will be sipping some nice wine. Tucker's Mom, would give anything to have one of your warm days right now, I will close my eyes and try to remember a much warmer day!
Happy Holidays-Merry Christmas to you all:)
Kate Gosselin's next fun exciting eventI! Wonder if she's promoting Hoffmann's releasing his book!!!! LOL Hopefully it's not on TV but just another animal in her house!
Kate is so juvenile. A woman of almost 40 teasing like this is embarrassing.
And wow, she baked for teachers. How about getting them a gift card you cheapwad.
Please not another blogging job...I mean what else can it be? Who is stupid enough to hire her given her record of employment. I'm sure she's trying to trump Jons gig.
Or maybe another pet? Shes opening a zoo..Ha Ha.
Can't wait to here what bizarre idea she has now to make quick money....
Maybe shes moving...foreclosure can be fun and exciting..depending on how you look at it.
I've run out of ideas....I think shes tried just about everything else
So is Milo peeing her pants over Katie's announcement?
1momski said... 25
Tucker's Mom,
I must disagree with your interpretation. By supporting Phil's right to express his opinion which is a direct condemnation of gays, you are indeed supporting this attack on homosexuals.
So are you saying that by supporting someone's right to express their opinion means that you agree with said opinion? That's totally illogical.
There are a lot of opinions here(including yours) that I don't agree with, but I fully support your right to express it. Supporting someone's freedom to express what they feel and think, is a far cry from supporting what that person is saying.
Wow, a judge is ordering an evaluation for Tamara and Simon's kids!
"In a brief hearing Friday morning in an Orange County courthouse, the judge ordered an independent custody evaluation and investigation to determine if the former couple’s three children should appear on camera. It was a dramatic development, and the judge refused to issue a temporary ruling allowing the kids to appear on the original Bravo housewife franchise, pending the results of the investigation."
It's about time professionals assess the effects of RTV and children.
Way to go, Judge!
The exciting news:
The bird laid an egg!
Now the bird and Kate really have something in common.
Maybe she's giving Jon custody of the kids so she can fulfill her destiny as a big movie stah. We all know how deserving she is!!
Happy anniversary prairie Mary!
Dmasy, merry Christmas!
JR 35
Thanks for the laugh.
What ever it is..I'm sure its "small potatoes"...another stupid idea hatched from that entitled brainless idiot. Trying to squeeze money from those poor pathetic few fans she has. OY....I hope Milo survives the waiting. Poor thing...
Kate is a twit said... 37
Thank you. How this is difficult to grasp is beyond me.
Tamara Barney is an idiot:
“I am currently in a happy and “healthy” marriage for the first time in a very long time. My husband and I having ‘fun’ at a bachelorette/bachelor party is not atypical of what other soon-to-be spouses do prior to getting married. In any event, we do not involve the children in any of these scenes and the Petitioner’s self-serving declaration and exhibits verify this fact.”
I saw part of that episode. Tamara fought with her fiance and was very upset that he was getting lap dances. She went spying on him and his buddies at the titty bar they went to because she's that insecure, and she was PISSED. Huge fight.
To justify this juvenile behavior, she states "hey, everyone else does it!". Uh, no, you boobed-out, bleached, tucked and plucked BIMBO, that's not what real men do.
When a real man loves a woman and wants to marry her, he doesn't have some stripper grinding on his crotch.
Thanks for trying, Tamara.
Layla, I laughed so hard at your cat story that my Dog came over to see what was up!
The bird laid an egg!
Please, no.
An announcement about making an announcement. lol this will never not be amusing.
The other aspect of this Phil debacle is that it really isn't a first amendment issue of free speech. The first amendment declares that the government or state does not have the right to censor the speech of its citizens. Phil is under a private contract with a corporation that has every right to be concerned with his despicable (yes my opinion) comments.
There is a distinct legal and ethical difference between free speech and hate speech and I believe that it is bogus to argue that Phil did not show scorn for both African Americans and Gays. I cannot believe there are those that are trying to frame these comments as "innocent"
Those sweet rolls do not look good. Where is the icing? She sucks as a cook. I hope to heck she does not have a cooking deal in the works.
I wonder if TFW thinks the teachers will be eating her baking...after all, she wouldn't eat her own children's culinary creations.
Her pending announcement? To TFW world calamities are fun and exciting.
Sandie @SandieBellz 2h
@Keomiberry People’s facial features change as they age. Not necessarily plastic surgery. @Kateplusmy8
Looks like the sheep are still denying that Kate had any work done. Stupid what they come up with. Sure, facial features change as they age...perhaps over a 15-20 year period, but not in the short time that Kate has changed. When you age, the lines between your eyes don't disappear, your jawline doesn't become pointed, your nose doesn't get more narrow, and your boobs don't inflate and stand at attention! At least they don't without any help!
If these fans have looked at a side-by-side comparison from five years ago, they wouldn't make these dumb comments. If wrinkles, lines and crows feet disappear as we age, I can't wait for the next 20 years to pass...
I've run out of ideas....I think shes tried just about everything else
Irish Fan proposed and she accepted? Or maybe Grow A Boyfriend really grew and morphed into a real live person. Now that would be exciting. Not sure, though, how Milo would feel about it.
Someone just suggested a cooking show...OMG..I can't stop laughing.
I must disagree with your interpretation. By supporting Phil's right to express his opinion which is a direct condemnation of gays, you are indeed supporting this attack on homosexuals
Oy vey again, and good grief. Do we need to once again bring up Voltaire's quote - "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.'
Geeez..Milo just called herself a "nobody", compared to Kate. NOW I get the fascination with TFW. Milo feels unimportant and clinging to Kate makes her feel like shes worthwhile. WOW Just WOW...
I read that. With some of the comments she makes about her family (they tell her to "get over it"), I wonder if she really has a very poor self image. There's something that Vivian says in Pretty Woman, "People put you down enough, you start to believe it."
An announcement...I'm predicting that she's come up with some kind of contest, with signed copies of her book at the prizes.
Tucker's Mom said... 11
We want to be clear why Phil Robertson’s remarks are not just dangerous but also inaccurate. Mr. Robertson claims that, from what he saw, African Americans were happier under Jim Crow
Phil never claimed any such thing. He simply did not say that. Do these people even read the article, or are their comprehension skills really that bad?
I know you are not trying to offend people, I really know that. But it is offending me, so I have to suspend our conversation. I am just too upset by this. I don't understand how people can turn a blind eye to racism, no matter how folksy-ish it is expressed.
Theres a couple of her fans that are finally on to her..they're sick of her teasing and they are saying so. Good for them.
She's going to take the kids somewhere fun (and warm) over the Christmas break and then suck all he fun ou of it by filming for her soon to be announced you tube channel.
Tuckers Mom, congrats on finding a way to incorporate the term sphincter tone in a post!
Maybe TFMJG is going to announce that she plans to post a photo of Christmas decorations!
Oooh, can't wait!
Seaworld said they were setting the record straight in their full page ad. Gosh that sounds familiar.
I don't know how they can deny they separate calfs from their mothers. There is a long list of incidents in which they did just that. The reason the trainer was pulled under by his foot some years ago, though he survived, was because the whale was agitated from recently being separated from her calf.
It's only "fun and exciting" if it's fun and exciting for KATE and results in $$ for her.
God only knows who or what is taking an interest in her...and why.
Tucker's Mom said... 36
So is Milo peeing her pants over Katie's announcement?
If they do their communicating in so many different ways, then Milo has already been informed about the big surprise. She's probably sitting on her tweeting fingers, just a-waitin to announce to her tweeties that she's known this for quite some time.
Why not said #59...Kate's taking kids away for Christmas break. Think that is more likely then a cooking show or even a spot on TV. Since Jon had kids for Thanksgiving, Kate probably has kids for Christmas.
This just in on TMZ.com:
Tom cruise has settled his libel suit. the publisher has issued a ”carefully worded apology”. Each side will party their own legal fees.
Also on TMZ.com today: exclusive from an unnamed source, a publicist was with Phil Robertson during most of the GQ interview.apparently Phil and the reporter went off to ride ATVs, the publicist did not ride, and ”the reporter saw his opportunity to ask Phil questions on those incendiary topics.”
How constructing is the contact if a member of the DD family can't even talk to a reporter without a publicist present to monitor what you say?
I'm thinking the folks who posted that maybe Phil wanted to get fired were not too far off the mark.
Good Lord! Can we all agree to disagree on the Phil thing? Isn't that what America is about?
I don't agree with Phil but he has every right to have a thought, an opinion and a statement on any damn thing he wants!
Differing opinions, different ethnic groups and different EVERYTHING is what makes this country so great.
Let's just give this a rest, please. No one here is right or wrong.
Here are my guesses for Kate's announcement: She will be a regular "contributor" to the show Home and Family, she has managed to get TLC to film several update specials (or another network),another mediocre blogging job, another book, official spokesperson for Bullyville. I would rather hear Robert announce that he is going to republish his book since I never got the chance to read it the first time.
She's going to take the kids somewhere fun (and warm) over the Christmas break and then suck all he fun ou of it by filming for her soon to be announced you tube channel.
And they are taking Milo with them as Kate's "handler" because Steve is busy over the holidays.
Can you imagine..? lol!
Maybe TFMJG is going to announce that she plans to post a photo of Christmas decorations!
Oooh, can't wait!
Maybe this year she found lights for the bottom half of her tree!
While this is about sperm whales, it does address orcas and Sea World.
I think Kate's going to give away some crapbooks, I mean, cookbooks.
My prediction of Kate's big announcement?? She taught Zorro to say, "You is kind, you is smart, you is important" as it sits on her leg while she reads her million e-mails every morning.
The bird laid an egg! 35
Dmasy were you serious?
Ok, maybe I'm naive............
Kate made Radar's "Top Cheapskates" list.
Not sure what her announcement is and really don't care too much. I'll read about it here, so thanks to those who are following it so I can bake cookies instead. :-)
Perhaps Kate managed to hook up with another company like Wantable and they're going to have a contest to get some free products, just like Wantable did.
I doubt it's anything like a new show. It's probably just another way for her to get her fans to spend their money.
BTW, whatever happened to Bella Bars?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 33m
@mscatie @Kateplusmy8 Oh please..take a step back. I'm loved, valued& treated like a princess by hubs, & family! Large circle of friends! :)
Isn't this the same person whose family, not so long ago, wasn't very supportive when Milo was depressed about the loss of her father and aunt? Hasn't she complained about her family in the past...some fights with hubby, kids with attitudes toward her, and I can't remember what else.
Is this the same person whose friends disappeared in the middle of the night and left no forwarding address or phone number?
Does this "large circle of friends" know that she supports/worships a child and animal abuser?
Happy Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Prairiemary! 'Tis the season for love and light--thanks for sharing yours.
Lalalalala @72 - I love your prediction and I also agree 100% with your comment @66. Amen and Amen.
Happy anniversary prairiemary.
Formerly Duped (8)
Oh, we have tried to use a baby fence-type thing to keep the psychotic cat away from the tree. That lasted for about an hour. She sat outside of it and howled this long, drawn-out, mournful howl until our heads were ready to explode and we took down the fence. She was delighted with her victory and immediately batted off every low-hanging ornament with hysterical glee.
We're waiting to see what she does about the angel at the top of the tree. She has been obsessed with getting at it for years, but learned pretty quickly that climbing the tree doesn't work. It's fallen over (with her in it) more than once. There is a chair near the tree, and a couple days ago she climbed on the back of the chair, spent an absurd amount of time adjusting herself to try to make the leap to the top of the tree, then finally sprang at it--and completely missed the tree by about 6 inches. The boys laughed until they cried while Lucy stalked off with as much dignity as she could muster. She got her revenge later that night by attacking their toes as they slept. That'll learn 'em, as my grandma used to say.
I know! TFW was very cryptic about whether or not she scored tickets for a concert (can't remember who the boy band is though). My prediction is that not only did she grift tickets but she'll also get backstage passes AND if the concert is being filmed the twins will be special correspondents.
All those defending for that backwoods hick Phil's freedom of speech can stop. It's over. He said it and was not killed or thrown in jail for it.
Let's now get to the heart of the issue which is what he said. For this idiot to assume that African Americans were 'happy' back in the Jim Crow era, is an insult to an entire race of people. And are people REALLY taking his word for it? He admits he was a drunk and on drugs then.
The guy is a moron. Hard to believe he was edumacated. What exactly do these learnin' institutions teach, anyway? Intolerance?
He and his ridiculous family need to crawl back into the swamp they came out of. Apparantly none of them want to learn what's beyond their own nose. How selfish.
It IS upsetting, isn't it Millicent? You think you know someone and then....they open their mouth.
I'm curious to know this. In light of TMZ digging up that old footage of Phil being outright and blantantly homophobic, how can anyone now give him the benefit of the doubt with his comments in GQ?
And the comments he made about black people being 'happy' in the '60s? That's simply beyond my capabilities to understand. I don't think I had to have been there to know black people were oppressed, discriminated against and abused.
Lalalalala said... 72
My prediction of Kate's big announcement?? She taught Zorro to say, "You is kind, you is smart, you is important" as it sits on her leg while she reads her million e-mails every morning.
I think that covers it, we're done here.
Maybe her fun and exciting news is not only has Zorro learned to talk, but he now going to write a blog about himself similar to the Shoka Diaries. He will be dictating his thoughts to Kate so that she can write them for him and post it on her website.
I even have a name for it---"Bird Droppings".
‘They invent ways of doing evil’ - Phil Robertson
Still want to defend his right to free speech? The guy's a lunatic! I know it takes all kinds but this kind of free speech incites violence.
It appears he thinks he IS a god. Do as I say not as I do.
I went to see Saving Mr Banks tonight with dh and twenty year old dd. we all three really enjoyed it lots! All the actors are just perfect. The credits and after are lots of fun, you see photos of the real people. Its inspired by the true story of the author of Mary Poppins spending two weeks in California to work with the creative team on the movie. To get the rights, Walt Disney agreed to let her have script approval, something he never did. Even tho I know it was only inspired by a true story, I really enjoyed it and yes, we all cried a little. Emma Thompson is fabulous!
Bird Droppings!
That made me laugh out loud.
Thanks Kate Is A Twit!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 183
While it has never happened to me, I do know someone it happened to and there's nothing to mourn about it as there is no person or even a group of cells to mourn. They never shed a tear unless you'd like to cry over a sac. However, they did have a miscarriage before and that was devastating. It's not even remotely the same.
silimom said... 1
Regarding a blighted ovum - someone close to me had this as well. While it is not an embryo and Kate certainly took it too far, especially allowing the kids to name it, I can understand why someone would mourn or be sad over a potential for life that never developed, especially if they'd been trying for a while, as the person I knew had been.
Thank you Silimom for stating that so nicely. It is absolutely something mourn. After fighting fertility issues I was thrilled to finally have a 'positive' on the pregnancy test. I was then devastated to learn about the term 'blighted ovum' (which is considered a miscarriage by the way). Soon afterward, life-changing events meant I would never be able to have a baby. So I very much mourn that "non-pregnancy". I do agree that Kate is ridiculous to make a "blighted ovum" into something it's not when she has 8 (count 'em 8) beautiful, healthy children.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 33m
@mscatie @Kateplusmy8 Oh please..take a step back. I'm loved, valued& treated like a princess by hubs, & family! Large circle of friends! :)
Isn't this the same person whose family, not so long ago, wasn't very supportive when Milo was depressed about the loss of her father and aunt? Hasn't she complained about her family in the past...some fights with hubby, kids with attitudes toward her, and I can't remember what else.
Is this the same person whose friends disappeared in the middle of the night and left no forwarding address or phone number?
Milo has tweeted that she adheres to the Biblical principle of wives submitting unto their husbands. It sounds like he rules the roost, so maybe if she does as he says, she is treated like a princess. She certainly does obey him when he tells her it's time for lights out.
I think there's also something in the Bible about idol worship.
Feeling a bit snarky tonight.
Kate is a twit - love the name "Bird Droppings" but you'd better copyright it or TFW might just take it and claim it came to her in a dream.
Kate probably got grifted tickets to one direction concert and can't say anything until C/M open and that's after Christmas. Nothing say I love you to receive a free gift!
I'm sorry but I don't believe shrugging off Phil's statements is turning a blind eye to racism. I was not shocked by what he said or offended. I DO NOT agree with what he said...but I'm not gonna get all worked up about it. What he said will not make me change my beliefs or how I treat people of different color or sexual preferences. I never watched the show and could care less about it.
What I find wrong is how people are demanding that Phil be fired or the show to be cancelled just because "they" don't agree with what he said. That seems to be how things go now-a-days. If someone speaks about something that isn't the trending topic...they get pounced on and should be made to suffer! Get them fired! Make them issue an apology we know they don't really mean....hell....will Phil end up in rehab for his misdeeds?
Freedom of speech does work many ways....but seeking revenge on someone who believes different than you is wrong. Let it go. Did you believe in this person to begin with? Do you feel let down by this being "outted"? I really don't think so. I think you would have never known about this until it hit the headlines....because you wouldn't have bothered with this person from the get go. /shrug
Unlike TFW and Paula, he never pretended to be something he wasen't. Treading lightly here....this blog is about TFW. Most can't stand the woman and call her out for the fake she is. People spend lots of time trying to "out" her on all her faults...from her cooking to her driving skills...the way she dresses...the failure of a parent that she is...getting a bird while many here also harbor a bird. Watching everything she is on just to bitch about it. Don't get me wrong...I can't stand the woman...but I don't waste my time watching her everything. I gave up the show 2 years before it got cancelled. Why the hell would you waste your time and money to cook something from TFW? You know it's going to be crap and you'r not going to like it.
So like I said it works both ways. Who you are going to let upset you is totally up to you. The way TFW abuses the kid's and animals will make me speak out....other than that ...I don't give a shit.
The DD guy? So what? Stupid is as stupid does!
Kate's big announcement will be.... ohh looky over there , something shiny...... and we will never hear another word.
Been there done that. Doubt she will follow through on whatever it was she was cooking up in her head.
Merry Christmas everyone. Its late here am winding down and decided to pop in. Hope everyone is doing well!
take Care!
Paglia: Duck Dynasty uproar ‘utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist'
The suspension of Phil Robertson from A&E’s Duck Dynasty is outrageous in a nation that values freedom, according to social critic and openly gay, dissident feminist Camille Paglia.
“I speak with authority here, because I was openly gay before the ‘Stonewall rebellion,’ when it cost you something to be so. And I personally feel as a libertarian that people have the right to free thought and free speech,” Paglia, a professor at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, said on Laura Ingraham’s radio show Thursday.
“In a democratic country, people have the right to be homophobic as well as they have the right to support homosexuality — as I one hundred percent do. If people are basing their views against gays on the Bible, again they have a right of religious freedom there,” she added.
Robertson has been suspended from Duck Dynasty due to comments he made to GQ that have been deemed “anti-gay.” According to Paglia, the culture has become too politically correct.
“To express yourself in a magazine in an interview — this is the level of punitive PC, utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist, OK, that my liberal colleagues in the Democratic Party and on college campuses have supported and promoted over the last several decades,” Paglia said. “This is the whole legacy of free speech 1960’s that have been lost by my own party.”
Paglia went on to point out that while she is an atheist she respects religion and has been frustrated by the intolerance of gay activists.
“I think that this intolerance by gay activists toward the full spectrum of human beliefs is a sign of immaturity, juvenility,” Paglia said. “This is not the mark of a true intellectual life. This is why there is no cultural life now in the U.S. Why nothing is of interest coming from the major media in terms of cultural criticism. Why the graduates of the Ivy League with their A, A, A+ grades are complete cultural illiterates, etc. is because they are not being educated in any way to give respect to opposing view points.”
“There is a dialogue going on human civilization, for heaven sakes. It’s not just this monologue coming from fanatics who have displaced the religious beliefs of their parents into a political movement,” she added. “And that is what happened to feminism, and that is what happened to gay activism, a fanaticism.”
getofftwitter said... 29
BRACE YOUR SELVES!, IT"S EARTH SHATTERING! !!! Kate just announced(3:19pm central time!) that she is about to announce something fun & exciting! OMG! Can't wait !!!! OHHHHHH
She knows what Admin decided to make number 1 for 2013.
Interesting Milo keep comparing herself to Kate.....which was not the question people on Twitter we're asking her. They asked if she is Kate. That's all. No mention of the qualities Kate has that Milo doesn't have. So why bring up that. I can't believe she cannot say yes or no! She keep mentioning Super Mom every time someone sakes her if she is Kate.
The first amendment gives you the right to not be jailed for saying whatever (mostly).
The dude isn't jailed. (He wasn't even fired. Only suspended.)
You have the right to not be jailed for calling your boss an as*hole. They have the right to fire you for same, unless it's allowed in your contract.
And who knows what his contract said.
The first amendment gives you the right to not be jailed for saying whatever.
It does *not* give you the right to say whatever and be free of any consequences.
I defend his right to say what he said. I still think he's a barbarian, and A&E is hypocritical.
stick a fork in Phil, he's done
My guess: Kate got One Direction tickets for Cary and Mady. Guess what ? Guess what? One Direction is coming to my city and I got tickets for my daughter for her birthday! On, my, what a good Mother I am!!! Now, bow down and worship me!!! Where are my sheeple???.
Paula said... 101
My guess: Kate got One Direction tickets for Cary and Mady. Guess what ? Guess what? One Direction is coming to my city and I got tickets for my daughter for her birthday! On, my, what a good Mother I am!!! Now, bow down and worship me!!! Where are my sheeple???.
I don't doubt this might the the exciting announcement, but you really would have to have your head up your butt to think you Twiddiots would be overjoyed at the news!
I just crack up that the "About to announce" announcement.
Lol SAra that'd be a hoot. Well it's that time of year again and I need your help. What do you think should be included in Kate's worst moments? Post here!
Seems to me that TFW's getting reckless with the stuff she's posting to Twitter. Google makes it easier than ever to verify the truth of whatever it is that she's tweeting. And now that people are attuned to K8s word tricks, they're increasingly skeptical of almost everything she says--to the point where they're calling her out on her timeline. So why, then, is she so brazen? To coin a phrase, "I just don't get it!"
@Kateplusmy8 Ms Claus (me) moved 2 Santa's Bakery (from wrapping room) early this am. Special treats 4 special teachers! #Enjoy pic.twitter.com/meBz612ek4
@XXXXX @Kateplusmy8 You 'moved' to the kitchen but you didn't claim to actually bake those tins from Whole Foods. You're a veteran liar by omission.
Admin, I suggest you don't write your Worst Moments list in stone yet -- there are 11 more days for TFW to misbehave over! Eleven -- as in TFW, her 8, Shoka, and Zorro! See how I made that number connect
to TFW? Wasn't that awesome-ish?
Worst moments:
Celebrity Wife Swap
claim of 'piecing and patching'
blog job
Starz (93): People spend lots of time trying to "out" her on all her faults...from her cooking to her driving skills...the way she dresses...the failure of a parent that she is...getting a bird while many here also harbor a bird.
Nobody here is outing Kate. Kate outs herself, time and time again, without any help from anyone. She does it with her behavior, or whenever she opens her mouth and tweets.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said...(103)
"Well it's that time of year again and I need your help. What do you think should be included in Kate's worst moments? Post here!"
I think filing a frivolous lawsuit against her children's father should be included for sure.
Still want to defend his right to free speech? The guy's a lunatic! I know it takes all kinds but this kind of free speech incites violence.
Yes. We live in America. There are plenty of lunatics here, and violence happens regardless of who is speaking out -- the sane, the insane or unstable. The right to speak your mind isn't taken away simply because someone "might" be labeled crazy by others. Way back when, in the days of the Revolution, men were considered traitors because they spoke out against various laws imposed under British rule. Did violence ensue? Yes, a full-blown war, in fact, which resulted in many deaths. The end result, though, was the right to speak out. I can't imagine a gag order imposed on anyone simply because they voiced their opinion or beliefs, whether they are lunatics or not.
Hee-hee, Kate got busted again! She tweeted about "moving to Santa's Bakeshop" early in the morning and tweeted pics of danishes and rolls in Christmas-tree pans for the kids' teachers--implying that she made them. Some eagle-eyes non-fans immediately recognized them--they came from Whole Foods. Too funny! In true Kate-style, she didn't actually say she made them herself, but she definitely wanted to give that impression. Wow, is she ever manipulative! You have to pick apart her verbiage in every statement she makes to get to the truth.
Admin, I think you may have to lengthen the list. 2013 was an epic fail for Our Lady of the Looney Bin. She should have just spent the year doing what she does best...Sleeping.
I just skimmed through the posts and saw the thread with Carl Gosselin. I hope you'll include her little twitter battle with him, demanding he change his ID immediately. lol!
OT: Has anyone ever had Oreo balls? OMG, my co-worker made some and they are so decadent!
Starz22 said... 93
Watching everything she is on just to bitch about it. Don't get me wrong...I can't stand the woman...but I don't waste my time watching her everything. I gave up the show 2 years before it got cancelled. Why the hell would you waste your time and money to cook something from TFW? You know it's going to be crap and you'r not going to like it.
hmmmm. Why the hell waste your time bitching about people wasting their time? It would appear she still has your attention, too.
@Kateplusmy8 Ms Claus (me) moved 2 Santa's Bakery (from wrapping room) early this am. Special treats 4 special teachers! #Enjoy pic.twitter.com/meBz612ek4
Looks like the stick on bows came with her. The wrapping room? Oh right, she lives in a McMansion. Hope her poor aching back didn't snap under the weight of her Whole Foods baking project. Actually, the teachers are lucky that she did not bake them teeny breads this year. I think. And still I do wonder how she explains away the complete absence of family at the holidays to her children.
beyond batshit said...(86)
‘They invent ways of doing evil’ - Phil Robertson
"Still want to defend his right to free speech?"
I wasn't going to get involved in this debate at all but I just have to comment to this.
Yes, of course I still want to defend his right to free speech. His right to free speech is also my right. So even though I think what he is saying is wrong, narrow minded and bigoted, I have the right to say so.
Are you willing to give up YOUR right to free speech just to keep people like him from expressing theirs?
" And still I do wonder how she explains away the complete absence of family at the holidays to her children. "
I think she hopes that the piles of gifts will distract them so they won't notice they're celebrating alone. Again.
I'm going to Whole Foods today and will look for those Christmas tree tins. Wole Foods makes a jalapeƱo/cilantro humus that is to die for. My husband actually eats it and that's saying something.
Someone brought up Hitler and I'm glad they did because that reminded me that Mein Kampf is routinely taught in schools. It was on my summer reading list junior year, public school.
No one is condoning hate, but educators believe that there is value in that book in terms of understanding it. How it happens, where they're coming from, what we can do to make sure it never happens again. I want to hear what people are thinking and saying, Phil of course, and even Hitler--even if I disagree or even think it's hate. If we shut our ears to it how do we know what we are dealing with? If we shut our ears to it, how will we know what information needs to be put out there to counteract what they are saying so that people who may only have heard one side of things get another perspective? We do a disservice to society by shutting these people up. All it will do is grow and fester behind closed doors. I'd rather have it out in the open than a secret. Either way it's going on, so don't we want to know?
There is a new post with a Real Housewives update. I will close this one shortly!
Kate has a public twitter account. No one needs to out her. She outs herself daily! It's the easiest "outing" ever lol.
LOL good ole Carl Gosselin if there had to be a funniest moment of 2013 that would be it!
I posted this on the new thread, but I'll post it here also. Kate's big announcement is that she's running a contest to win signed copies of her cookbook.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 13m
BE KIND, GET SIGNED...copy of #LoveIsInTheMix!
Details in RED.Email: http://www.kateplusmy8.com/
#Ends12/25 #Top12win pic.twitter.com/4mMWLKWInZ
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 11m
News announced! Happy random acts of holiday kindness! Email me your story for your chance to win a signed copy of my new cookbook!
Ms Generosity herself has announced her big announcement. What a tool.
She's giving away "A" free copy of LIITM crookbook if you're selected after sending her an e-mail with name/addy describing your random act of holiday kindness. UGH
News announced! Happy random acts of holiday kindness! Email me your story for your chance to win a signed copy of my new cookbook!
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