Twitter hate is par for the course sometimes. The question is how a celebrity deals with it. Carrie Underwood took on the role of Maria in an NBC live version of The Sound of Music tonight, and it wasn't long before she was sucker punched all over Twitter.
The endless nasty tweets, which have gone on for weeks now, include ones calling her a "retarded Maria" and a "bimbo," tweets blasting her acting ("she can't act her way out of a brown paper package tied up with string"), and photos comparing her acting coach to a wooden board. One tweet even asked for a moment of silence for the children whose first experience with The Sound of Music is with Underwood. Some tweets are funny, while others sound frightening. Underwood has even reportedly received death threats.
Underwood's response to all the hate? A mature and matter-of-fact, "I know I'm not Julie. I know my place."
Carrie is no Julie Andrews that's for sure, but she is a mature adult who knows how to deal with Twitter hate in an appropriate manner. Refreshing.
As for Julie Andrews, she gave her blessing to Underwood, but indicated a live show would be difficult. "She's lovely and I'm a fan," Andrews said.
774 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 774 Newer› Newest»89 calls this morning for tickets? Guess she had no parenting responsibilities today. Maybe the kids were re-watching The Sound of Music, any version. Perhaps she should go check StubHub, and pay even more $$$, at least she'll have tickets. Or see if ROL is interested in helping a poor mom of 8 make the holidays happier.
Again, spending the kids money on Steve. Why not buy a ticket for their Dad and you go as a family? Oh,'s Kate.
Kate is a twit said... 200
. For another the things she does choose to spend her money on usually poor investments, like sports cars and expensive consort tickets.
Admin-I don't know if the "consort"
Well unless Steve is her man-(doubt it) she's still paying him.
And it's been what 2yrs since her show was canclled and Steve is still around?..He's making good money off KK.
The "expensive consort tickets" gave me quite a chuckle too. Same on you Admain!
Someone told TFW to pull the " do you know who I am" while trying to get tickets and her answer was:
@Kateplusmy8: @K4os_Theory no!!! I don't do that. Doesn't matter who anyone is, we all just want tix to make our teens dreams come true!!! :) #moms4tix
And her latest conversation with Milo. Methinks that she may be grifting free tickets based on her cryptic answer.
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Thing abt teens..U have 2get tickets almost a yr N advance..then when #TeenCrush concert comes..teen has already moved on! LOL
@Kateplusmy8: @MiloandJack that crossed my mind...but we shall see... Can't reveal end result. It may not be an issue in the end after all tho...
NJGal - like your avatar! I actually stuck my tongue on the frozen iron railing on our back steps when I was about five years old even though my brother warned me not to. It's true what they say. It does stick and it takes off a few layers of your tongue when you pull it off. I suffered for a week or so after that. Lesson learned.
In keeping with the theme, I picked "it twas, it twas.... SOAP POISONING!"
Ugh...ugh and more...if TFW successfully grifts tickets and a vocalist is ridiculed, there is absolutely no meaning in this stupid world.
AuntieAnn - I too stuck my tongue on something (can't remember what) and the secret is to have warm water poured on it for an instant release.
Fr the movie there was a small hole in the flagpole with a vacuum inside which caused his tongue to stick to the "frozen" pole.
@Kateplusmy8: @MiloandJack that crossed my mind...but we shall see... Can't reveal end result. It may not be an issue in the end after all tho...
But wait just a gosh darn minute. Milo knows EVERYTHING. She lives there, and if she's not there, they are communicatin in other ways. Surely she knows if and how Kate got the tickets.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Ha...leave it 2Alexis 2make U feel #ForeverYoung....let us know when U officially "grow up" Kate! #FutureGrandma :)
So apparently Milo realizes that Kate is emotionally immature and is stuck in the pre-teen years! They are two peas in a pod.
@Kateplusmy8: Alexis: 'Mommy, you're going to be a goooooood grandma when you grow up'
#whenIgrowup? #laughsbyalexis
Will TFW ever learn that attributing things like this to a 9.5 year old doesn't make her sound cute or funny it just makes her sound.....well you know. #they'renottoddlersanymore
Is there anyone on Twitter who could tell the Daisy tweeter that Kate is not going to call her, nor is Kate going to meet up with her to get to know her? I really feel sorry for that person. I know that she's generally ignored by Kate and the fans, but she seems like such a poor soul. I don't have Twitter or I'd do it as gently as possible.
Will TFW ever learn that attributing things like this to a 9.5 year old doesn't make her sound cute or funny it just makes her sound.......
************** her Mommy is creating all these conversations in her head.
9.5 year olds do not talk like that. Toddlers talk like that. Enough said.
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 21m
@Kateplusmy8 @Theresacaputo @SarahMcLachlan support from 1 author to another :) xo
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 23m
@Kateplusmy8 thx so much for retweeting! love that us women can support each other! :)
Us women can support each other? I hope this "author" had a good editor!
More tweets that aren't credible. A little kid doesn't think about the idea that their mom will someday be a grandma, and until a certain age can't even grasp the concept all that well. I don't believe she ever said that.
The only way Kate can get kudos is by her tweeting them herself about herself. IMO she really is looney tunes.
"More tweets that aren't credible. A little kid doesn't think about the idea that their mom will someday be a grandma, and until a certain age can't even grasp the concept all that well. I don't believe she ever said that."
And even more so when you think about the fact that these kids hardly know what a grandma is/should be.
Kate gives herself away when she tweets her 'kute things my K8 kids say' twitter episodes. She is getting farther and farther away from any minute speck of sanity she might have ever had. Just because she's off her nut doesn't mean the rest of the world is. Kids do not talk that way. What makes her think any of them would ever think she'd make a good grandma? I do not think any one of them would ever allow her near their child after the way she's treated her own. God she's so FULL of herself.
NJGal, I always wondered how they did that tongue stuck to the pole for the movie. Thank you for enlightening me. And also thanx for the warm water tip. I'll remember that for next time ;)
Kateplusmy8: Alexis: 'Mommy, you're going to be a goooooood grandma when you grow up'
#whenIgrowup? #laughsbyalexis=======
Will TFW ever learn that attributing things like this to a 9.5 year old doesn't make her sound cute or funny..........
twf or the 9.5 yo? Seriously, neither presentation is cute.
No snark. Just sad.
You're welcome AuntieAnn. I've always thought that that was an interesting bit of trivia. I love your avatar also. Tis the season for all things A Christmas Story.
Sleepless, I think that some of the non fans have tried to tell Holly that TFW is never going to answer her and they've been very nice to her. I read twitter but don't have an account. I still sometimes wonder if Holly is someone just poking at TFW for the sake of poking at her. If not I really feel sorry for her because all her tweets seem to be to TFW.
Did anyone listen/watch some Internet TV interview Kate did today? It takes too long to load on my computer. Anyone? I I love how much she cares for her fans, not telling them that she is going to be on anything or at a place. Kate your not that important or famous, no one is going to mob you! Cause no one cares!
Did anyone listen/watch some Internet TV interview Kate did today?
Kate did television interviews today? What show?
Kate did an interview with that teen author that she met at the Baltimore Book Festival, Lenore Luca. Lenore and her brother have an internet show, and Lenore interviewed Kate at the Festival. It wasn't done today. You can see it here, but it does seem to take a long time loading, and also once it starts, it keeps stopping. I had watched it earlier and had no problem.:
Kate's part starts about 13:40. Nothing new. Talks about how she came to write the cookbook because her kids wanted her recipes written down and acts like it was just done recently. She, of course, doesn't mention that she previously had a cookbook with the same title that was due to be published in 2009. She also tells how Mady took some pictures for the book, and the Cara proof-read it, and all the kids helped with it. Then she says that all her books that she has written and those to come are really a legacy for her children or some crap like that.
Then I forget what they were discussing, maybe kids being away from home, since Lenore is a college student, but Kate gives a story about how she tells her kids to think before they act, and to imagine "mommy" on their shoulder and think "would I do it if mommy were around". Some kind of BS like that.
Basically, it was the same old, same old. And she didn't seem to be in pain from having a "broken foot"
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us."
Robert, if you read here, the quote you're using today (above) should be attributed to Marianne Williamson (from *A Return to Love*) and not Nelson Mandela.
getofftwitter (22) and fleecing (23)
Yes, I did. The interviewer tweeted about it, and Kate re-tweeted. The link is here:
It was a very amateur interview, I believe internet only, done at the Baltimore book festival. I mostly half-listened while I was also reading here. The entire interview was about 22 minutes; Kate was interviewed from about 13 minutes to the end. I couldn't fast forward, so it was a pretty hard slog.
There was nothing new or earth-shattering in it. The funniest minute was right at the beginning of WOS's interview.
I found the amusing part of the interview again. Lenore started out by asking "Do you think you're special Kate?" and got a record number of ums in reply. Obviously WOS did NOT get the questions in advance, like she usually does. Lenore jumped in and let her off the hook, then she composed herself and pulled out a faux-modest response "Well, 8 people think so."
Thanks, Math. Get off @22 said it was a television interview, which is why I asked what show (network).
How would those kids know what a good grandma is? They've spent 'zero' time around one!
Kate is a twit said... 24
Kate did an interview with that teen author that she met at the Baltimore Book Festival, Lenore Luca. Lenore and her brother have an internet show, and Lenore interviewed Kate at the Festival.
I just got a Q-Tip to clean my ears because I could swear TFW said 'don't speed' when she was talking about that mommy on your shoulder thing. What's that? Do as I say, not as I do? Good luck Mommie Dearest. Your life is about to become a living hell.
If she thinks she's set the standard for good behavior that her kids are to live by, she's in for a rude awakening. If anyone watches how you conduct yourself in life, it's your own children.
RE: the recently posted online interview:
She keeps saying in interview after interview that the kids were begging for her recipes. In theory, that could be true, because there are many things that both my mother and grandmother made that I still cook today. I never had to ask for written recipes for most of them though, because they taught them to me directly and often, right there beside them. Yup right there in their actual kitchens, with my germ infested kid hands. Can you imagine? Obviously, it's a sad tale of a childhood hardship and woe that I survived. Countless wooden spoons (gasp) that I had to stir, the cold steel metal ones that were used to taste, and I shutter to admit that I didn't even know that I wasn't supposed to like it. No, from the chocolate puddings to the cookies that were still warm from the oven, I loved it all. Heck, most of the time, they didn't even give me a plate. Nope, they just gave me to cookie right off wire cooling rack (with their BARE HANDS). Oh the horror! How was I to know that I was being deprived of written recipes? That instead of toiling away beside those I loved, they could of just written a self indulgent cookbook and banished me to the basement instead? I know. I know. So sad. Maybe some of you endured similar deprivation? But we must remember that those were different times. Self and vanity publishing options were not what they are today. Our mothers and grandmothers did not know that spending time with us was the wrong way to show motherly love and devotion. Thank goodness we have Kate Gosselin to show us the error of their ways, and we can all go forth in the new millennium and break this pattern. Oh wait... Never mind. I just realized that Kate Gosselin is an idiot, and that my mother rocks! Even better- she actually taught my brothers too, so if I forget a recipe that wasn't written down, all I have do is make a call. Yes Kate boys can cook!
Seriously Kate? During an actual on the record interview you say the girls can cook and the boys wives can cook FOR THEM! What time warp are you living in?
"Get thee to a nunnery" Kate! (For the sheeple who lurk-that's a Shakespeare quote from Hamlet I reference to Ophelia's growing madness)
westcoastie, ITA. They have no concept what or who a grandmother is or does.
No wonder TFW claims The Sound of Music as one of her favorites.
Until he lightened up, Captain Von Trapp was a humorless martinet and emotionally distant from the kids.
Just like TFW. She must have thought of him as a kindred spirit.
Anyone notice the DVD's Kate was hawking at the Baltimore Book Festival? Look at bottom-right of the picture of the interview with Lenore Luca. Shouldn't Jon get half of the sales?
Oh geez, a nine and a half yr old saying "Mommy..when you grow up..." I don't think Kate listens to how her children really speak or she would make their 'cute' comments sound more credible.
She did not 'disclose' anything further about the @1direction tickets...
Kate is a twit said... 180
In her first tweet about the tickets, she included a screenshot that included the phone # for Ticketmaster. Why would she even bother calling? It would be easier to just go online and order them. Maybe she did plan on using her "name" to strike a deal.
Because both calling and trying online ups your chances of success. Been there, done that many times.
T 31, I hope you write an expose about your incredibly functional childhood! And to imagine, teaching icky boys to cook! Seriously, doesn't TFMJG recall her visit from famous MALE chef Emeril?
TFMJG has said a lot of stupid things, but saying the boys wives can cook for them is right up there close to the top.
So no disclosure means what? No tickets? Grifted herself a deal? Since this concert is not until next summer, this was just TFW's twitter tease of the weekend and I predict she will say no more until day of concert. Onto her next piece of nonsense.
I used to watch Little People, Big World with the Roloff family, now I keep up with their nonsense by occasionally reading a blog about the show. There was an episode where a county employee entered their property, Amy "escorted" him off, and a lawsuit ensued. The only reason I mention this is because Matt/Amy named the blog owner in their suit. They tried to force them into providing IPs, names, etc of those who had ever commented there. Sound familiar?
Here's a paragraph from one of the entries on that blog that pertains to BV, Gosselin, and bloggers rights to express their opinions. From reading the comments it sounds like Matt has one option left which would be to take his appeal to the Supreme Court.
"The Roloffs lost the appeal on all counts including the part that involves this blog. Part of their stated reason for appealing was that the original judge (Judge Mosman) granted Spiritswander's Motion To Quash the Subpoena the Roloffs filed demanding that the personal and private information of myself and every person that has ever posted a comment on this blog be handed over to Matt and Amy Roloff. Matt posted on Facebook (and linked to his twitter at the time) that his act of subpoenaing Google was perhaps the "funnest" thing Matt had ever done in his life. The appeal court upheld the original ruling about the value of anonymous online speech outweighing the Roloffs need for discovery."
Because both calling and trying online ups your chances of success. Been there, done that many times.
I have a friend who had a couple computers and a few cell phones going at the same time the minute tickets went on sale.
It's been a little more than a week since TFW caved on her million dollar, federal lawsuit that included accusations of wiretapping, hacking and identity theft.
11/19 and 11/27 TFW caved.
She dropped the case, "dismissed with prejudice" against Jon in less than 3 months of filing.
More of the children's money down the drain for her anger and ego.
And it reminds me of how she wants only praise and adoration and has others do her dirty work.
Don't put your journal of confessions in boxes in your yard and expect the Garbage man to bury it.
Someone responded to Kate's tweet about the concert tickets by saying "poor you". Kate responded with:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 34m
@danjberube oh no! Was quite a challenge.... But can't reveal outcome yet!
What is so secret about whether she got them or not? Either she did or she didn't. Or perhaps, she wasn't able to get them but still has the hope that someone will provide them to her. Perhaps she got emails from people telling her they are working on getting tickets for her and she doesn't want to say anything in case it doesn't pan out.
She just loves to tease, doesn't she?
To deflect, she again tweets about Zorro, but no picture this time:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 29m
Somehow,having Zorro is like having another child. Found myself saying2him:
Why did u 'bite' Mady? U made her very sad!'
"He nibbles sometimes"? And she thinks by telling him that it made Mady sad, that he's going to stop? I hope she realizes that if she doesn't start training him to stop, she may have a bigger problem on her hands.
The more she tries to make herself look cute and funny, the more she comes across as an idiot.
Oh, yes, the mistakes made in our grandmother would take raw ground beef and shape in into patties with her hands! And (gasp!!) she let me shape my own!! I always made animal shapes, and the only time she ever objected was when I made a giraffe and it was hard for her to flip the burger without breaking its neck. ("No more giraffes! Anything but a giraffe!) Oh, if she had only known how very, very wrong it was to let a child be creative in the kitchen! Remember grabbing handfuls of chocolate chips to toss into the cookie dough? No measuring cup, just tossing them in until it looks right.
And speaking of chocolate pudding, one of my favorite coking stories from childhood was when I learned to make chocolate pudding. At age 3 or 4, I was terrified of the Boogeyman. There was a man who worked as a night watchman at a business near my house, and he would cut through our yard to get to work. It was dark, he was coming toward my house...of course I thought it was the boogeyman coming to get me. I would go hide behind my bed. My mother finally let me in on a little secret. The Boogeyman's favorite dessert was the same as mine--chocolate pudding. If, each time we made chocolate pudding, we left a dish out on the table for him, then he would eat it and be happy and he wouldn't "get" me. It worked. Each time we made pudding, I was the one who stood (on a chair) at the stove and stirred it forever, and each morning afterwards the dish on the table was empty. And the Boogeyman never got me. Even when I was in college and came home on the weekends, I would make pudding and leave some out for the Boogeyman. I still do that with my kids, too. They love it! And no complaints from the kids about doing all that stirring.
Reality stars don't have the buffering big fame brings. Their egos are bruised to learn people outside the "yes Men" film crew dislike or disapprove of their behavior, and speak out about it.
And honestly I think anyone who signs on for reality tv in a venue requiring extensive exposure to their home and children is simply not a well adjusted adult.
Ego and greed.
I don't think reality tv changes these individuals, I think these are the personalities who seek out such fleeting high risk fame.
Look at all of the knee jerk decisions made by TFW, In my opinion this is not a person who considers much beyond what she wants in that moment.
T said... 31
RE: the recently posted online interview:
She keeps saying in interview after interview that the kids were begging for her recipes. In theory, that could be true, because there are many things that both my mother and grandmother made that I still cook today.
It's too bad Kate didn't just write down her recipes, go to Kinko's and have them run off eight copies for her kids. She would have saved them and herself the embarrassment of actually putting that undecipherable piece of trash in bookstores. Not to mention the thousands of $$ of the kids money she wasted just so she could go on a little road trip to get away from them.
Jon just made extra doing the Vh1` show, what if he already got the tickets for the girls? I think he has a better chance right now of getting them without grifting.
What would TFW think of that one? Hope they have a bed for her when she breaks.
Suzee said... 39
Here's a paragraph from one of the entries on that blog that pertains to BV, Gosselin, and bloggers rights to express their opinions. From reading the comments it sounds like Matt has one option left which would be to take his appeal to the Supreme Court.
"The Roloffs lost the appeal on all counts including the part that involves this blog. Part of their stated reason for appealing was that the original judge (Judge Mosman) granted Spiritswander's Motion To Quash the Subpoena the Roloffs filed demanding that the personal and private information of myself and every person that has ever posted a comment on this blog be handed over to Matt and Amy Roloff. Matt posted on Facebook (and linked to his twitter at the time) that his act of subpoenaing Google was perhaps the "funnest" thing Matt had ever done in his life. The appeal court upheld the original ruling about the value of anonymous online speech outweighing the Roloffs need for discovery."
So if I understand correctly, the Roloffs never even received the information they were looking for. When an IP address is subpoenaed, the IP provider first notifies the IP address holder of what is happening. Then, the IP address holder can file to have the subpoena quashed. Just because Matt Roloff wants to be a spiteful little turd, doesn't automatically mean he gets the info handed right over to him. A judge has to decide if giving this info has a valid legal purpose. Apparently, the judge in this case did not think so. The Roloffs appealed and lost again. Another victory for the 1st Amendment. And another attempted abuse of the legal system by an egotistic reality show participant. Don't want your family to be publicly dissected? Don't put them an national TV.
Kate tweeted that Zorro bit Madie, and made her sad.
T 31, thanks for your wonderful post about your mom and grandmother, that is the way it was done back then.
My older sister has mastered an Oyster Dressing that my dad always made for TG and Christmas. She learned right before he died.
Last month, she had a near death illness and almost didn't make it.
I realized that after all these years I never knew how to begin to make the stuffing. The 2 nights before TG I went to her house in Mississippi and chopped, diced and helped her put it all together. All the while, we talked and laughed and of course, had a few disagreements.
The stuffing came out great but we were enjoying each others company, talking about old times and just being together that I forgot to write it all down. So I'm back to square one. But I did get to spend some quality time with my big sis, she is doing great but still has 24hr oxygen and will be on some strong meds the rest of her life. In the last few weeks we have shopped twice, did lunch and cooked together. Oh, and about a year ago, we never hang up the phone without saying "love you too". So glad we were given a second chance. Love my sister!
-Joy, yes I should write that book, but alas I have no iPhone to write it on...sigh...maybe someday TFW will teach me how to grift one?
-Zorro bit Mady.
-And this tweet exchange is illuminating. Freudian slip or did she lapse into honesty? She's grateful that her (EIGHT) preemie children can work? What the $&@%!
@Kateplusmy8 you have so much to be grateful for. 8 healthy kids, 6 of whom were preemies. Health Don't ever let people bring you down.
@ljohnson2006 yes I never ever 4get that! Ability 2 breathe, work, run & enjoy life! And all 8 were considered preemies btw:)
11:39am - 8 Dec 13
Kate tweeted that Zorro bit Madie, and made her sad.
It made Kate sad, or it made Mady sad? Of course the bird is going to bite. One of these days it is really going to take a chomp out of someone and they'll be afraid, and therefore, it will be banished to the cage forever. Glad she did extensive research on parrots biting...
So if I understand correctly, the Roloffs never even received the information they were looking for. When an IP address is subpoenaed, the IP provider first notifies the IP address holder of what is happening. Then, the IP address holder can file to have the subpoena quashed.
Then how was RWA closed down and the IPs obtained...if the IP holder can request the info to be quashed?
OMG, she did NOT use the word "work" instead of something like "play"?? What a louse of a mother.
"He nibbles sometimes"? And she thinks by telling him that it made Mady sad, that he's going to stop? I hope she realizes that if she doesn't start training him to stop, she may have a bigger problem on her hands.
There's no way that Kate can train that bird to stop biting. It requires knowledge of the bird's behavior, why it bites, an understanding of bird psychology, time, patience and commitment...none of which Kate has and most likely has no desire to have.
I personally think TFW tweeting about the bird biting Mady, is a set up to get rid of the bird. I think she didn't realize how loud, disruptive, and messy, the bird would be. She also tweeted a few days ago it wouldn't go to sleep. She will get rid of it - I mean, she's always concerned about the SAFETY of her kids, right?
As for the concert tix, after presales for fan clubs, credit card holders, radio stations, etc., in reality, when the official ticket sale date comes, there are really only a few thousand tix left for te general public. That's why we hear of concerts being sold out in 2 minutes of the sale beginning. I also believe she had some idiot sheeple message her, and said they would get her tix.
Oh, and 1 more thing - as for her tweeting to the actual "band" (I hate when ppl refer to these groups as "bands". They don't play any instruments, or come up with any of their own music! Ok - got that off my chest! :0)). What makes her think that some 20 year old males from the UK would actually know or care who she is? I am so sure they spent their youth watching the show. NOT.
It's still funny how Kate's ardent supporters have been so silent about her dropping the lawsuit against Robert (and yes, even Jon). I'm guessing that about now they are also realizing no lawsuits are forthcoming against the "haters". They still support this woman even though she has made terrible decisions resulting in failures and makes herself look the fool more and more. What's wrong with these sheeple?
All they have to cheer about is the fact that RWA got shut down by dubious means. Whoop-dee-doo. Didn't stop the opinions that Kate's a whack job. Big win, huh? smh
Sideline Observer said... 33
No wonder TFW claims The Sound of Music as one of her favorites.
Until he lightened up, Captain Von Trapp was a humorless martinet and emotionally distant from the kids.
Just like TFW. She must have thought of him as a kindred spirit.
I also think she hopes to seem just like Maria, the savior of a talented army of happy children. Next she'll have the 8 singing in the fields of Wernersville... Wait for the home video. : )
AuntieAnn said... 30
I just got a Q-Tip to clean my ears because I could swear TFW said 'don't speed' when she was talking about that mommy on your shoulder thing. What's that? Do as I say, not as I do? Good luck Mommie Dearest. Your life is about to become a living hell.
If she thinks she's set the standard for good behavior that her kids are to live by, she's in for a rude awakening. If anyone watches how you conduct yourself in life, it's your own children.
I absolutely agree with you, Auntie Ann. Mine are close in age, so I had four teenagers at once for a few years. Even if you've tried to set a good example and raise them well, the teenage years are still a constant challenge. Then there's Kate's parenting....
She thinks she's "in charge and that's never gonna change." She is blithely walking in to THE most trying years of her life with the way she's raised those kids and the examples she's set. Wait for it. Karma's coming, and Kate ain't seen nothing till she's seen the Teenage Karma Train. Woo wooooooo..... headed her way!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 29m
Somehow,having Zorro is like having another child. Found myself saying2him:
Why did u 'bite' Mady? U made her very sad!'
Oh really? What a surprise. That bird should not be in a home with 8 kids who are allowed to handle and fondle at will. Recipe for disaster.
And yes, let's remind anyone who comments on your 8 healthy children that 'they were considered preemies btw'. Grow up.
Layla (43)-
LOVED your chocolate pudding story, and called one of my brothers to see if he remembered having to take turns to stir the pudding. He said "Yes, it took forever because Mom wouldn't let us use instant, but we were terrible at stirring and it always burned the bottom of the rice pan". Then we reminisced about how we loved the burned bits best and the "rice pan". In our family the pots and pans were called by what we made in them, instead of the proper names (i.e. Quart pan, casserole dish, etc.), so you would get out the "rice pan" to make rice, but also anything else you might make in a medium sized sauce pan such as chocolate pudding or boiled potatoes. We had a nice laugh about that, which somehow got us talking about our grandmother and all the great things she would make for us, and exactly what dish she would serve them to us in. She would make us soft boiled eggs and put them in a chipped marigold yellow teacup, cut up the egg nice and small, add salt, pepper, and butter, and call it "egg in a cup". We loved those eggs, but we don't eat them much anymore because they just don't taste as good without a grandmothers love and the chipped yellow cup.
Fortunately, we grew up without much. We invested our memories into need instead of want, and now all these years later it has paid off as we luxuriate in memories of love and not fancy trips or or toys.
I'd choose that old battered yellow teacup over Kate's golden platters any day.
All the locals out there...stay home, drink hot chocolate (or rumspringa), wrap gifts and decorate the tree. The roads are a mess and it's getting worse. There was a fatality on the turnpike. Stay safe and warm inside!
I'd choose that old battered yellow teacup over Kate's golden platters any day. 62
I think most of us would. :)
So it's fine for her bird to bite ha-ha let me tweet about this, but she has a cow over Liz's dog who has never bitten?
Okay, TFW. What a hypocrite.
On another note has anyone else seen the documentary Blackfish about the Orka whale who killed his trainer? It was one of the most difficult films I've ever seen but so informative and important. Bands are canceling appearances at Seaworld as a result.
I don't think she understands what a hashtag is.
And is she implying that her children still BITE when she says he's like having another child when he bites??? What in the world? They are 9 and 13! Let's hope they left biting behind almost a decade ago.
I think she just likes the gaggle of kids performing for the masses aspect of Sound of Music. I bet she fancies her kids so similar. I'm sure some of the other more important themes went right over her head. For one, the captain was very reluctant to allow the children to perform because he didn't think his family was born to be put on display like that, and the only reason he finally reluctantly let them was because it was part of their plan to pony up to the Nazis while planning their escape. The film also stands for someone standing up against something wrong for what is right against all costs, even risking their life. That's something the Aunt Jodi's and Robert's of the world can probably relate to a lot better than TFW can. I haven't the foggiest idea what causes she would stand up for, other than perhaps green salads and chickens!
Oh and the Sound of Music is also about how much all children desperately need their father. And most of those kids were girls too.
Admin (64)
On another note has anyone else seen the documentary Blackfish about the Orka whale who killed his trainer? It was one of the most difficult films I've ever seen but so informative and important. Bands are canceling appearances at Seaworld as a result.
Yes. Loved it! Should be required viewing before anyone buys an admission ticket.
We loved those eggs, but we don't eat them much anymore because they just don't taste as good without a grandmothers love and the chipped yellow cup.
Great story! I have my grandmother's small glass bowls that we always used for applesauce, and each time I use them, I have to think of the memories of her dishing out her homemade applesauce that she made from the apple tree in our backyard. I love those dishes...more than any set of expensive matched China.
She also made those eggs in a cup...we called them dippy eggs -- our cups were light green with some kind of flower decal on them (worn off after all of the years). Oh, and our small sapphire blue tomato juice glasses. I broke one a few years ago, bawled when I was cleaning up the pieces, and one of the kids asked, "Why are you crying like that? It's just a glass." Sigh. One day they will understand.
T (60),
I had those hard boiled eggs with my grandmother, too! My sibs and I would spend Friday nights at her house, and on Saturday mornings she'd make hard boiled eggs with butter, salt, and pepper, and we'd all sit on the living room floor in our jammies (even Grandma) and eat our eggs and watch cartoons. Always in her white bowls with little pink flowers on them. Eggs never tasted as good as the ones eaten at Grandma's while watching watching cartoons. One of my favorite childhood memories.
You made a good point about stirring the pudding. It was a pain to stir for so long, but my mother found a way to get me to do the stirring and get rid of my biggest childhood fear at the same time. Smart woman. The pudding for the boogeyman is still a family tradition, which I carry on with my kids. They laugh about it--none of them has ever feared the boogeyman--but they love it just the same, and never let me forget to make an extra dish to leave out on the table at night.
PA Dutch Mom said... 61
All the locals out there...stay home, drink hot chocolate (or rumspringa), wrap gifts and decorate the tree. The roads are a mess and it's getting worse. There was a fatality on the turnpike. Stay safe and warm inside!
I went out right when the snow was starting and it was bad then!! Cars sliding and stuck everywhere. No salt/cinder trucks out at that point.
Gladys was hawking Kate's coupon site again, so just for the heck of it, I went over there to see if anything has changed for the better. Clicked on Walmart, brought up 30 percent off rollbacks, clicked on that, and it brought up the Walmart page. Fine. If I wanted to see what Walmart had on sale, I would have gone directly to Walmart. Same with Penneys. Clicked on Gap...sorry no coupons found. Clicked on Kohls. Page not found. Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.
Yeah, so is Kate. Cookbook sales and a network show.
I'm glad Milo is enjoying the site, though.
I went out right when the snow was starting and it was bad then!! Cars sliding and stuck everywhere. No salt/cinder trucks out at that point.
Didn't they pre-treat the roads? I read an article on LancOnline that quoted a responder saying that the roads were getting slippery, and then he added that he was sliding into a guardrail as he was speaking. I think I counted more than a hundred accidents on the live incident list at one point...
We stayed inside, even though we needed bread! I just made tuna melts on Engllish muffins instead. I hope the power doesn't go out tonight during the icing phase of this. I am so not ready for winter weather.
@ljohnson2006 yes I never ever 4get that! Ability 2 breathe, work, run & enjoy life! And all 8 were considered preemies btw:)
11:39am - 8 Dec 13
Work?? They're CHILDREN! Who is grateful that their child can WORK? Hey at least she admits it, they have worked, a lot and very, very hard.
Funny they're saying that the Roloff sheeple are saying the Roloffs "won" their case. How do they figure that? Well I suppose the same way the sheeple figured that Kate won this case. I guess all sheeple think alike!
I'm glad the Roloffs addressed the blog issue in this case. I think there's a lot of confusion out there about what the relatively new forum of blogs and the internet can and cannot say about celebrities and this is just one more nail in the coffin for those who seek to silence free speech. (Administrator) said... 64
I don't think she understands what a hashtag is.
My 15 niece is obsessed with saying hastag after ever sentence lol she use it better than KK does.
Lol chef that's cute. (Administrator) said... 77
Lol chef that's cute.
Not when you on a 14 hour road trip lol. (Administrator) said... 65
I think she just likes the gaggle of kids performing for the masses aspect of Sound of Music. I bet she fancies her kids so similar. I'm sure some of the other more important themes went right over her head. For one, the captain was very reluctant to allow the children to perform because he didn't think his family was born to be put on display like that, and the only reason he finally reluctantly let them was because it was part of their plan to pony up to the Nazis while planning their escape. The film also stands for someone standing up against something wrong for what is right against all costs, even risking their life. That's something the Aunt Jodi's and Robert's of the world can probably relate to a lot better than TFW can. I haven't the foggiest idea what causes she would stand up for, other than perhaps green salads and chickens!
Excellent points, Admin, and really on point. I believe that's exactly what she thinks--8 talented kids from the same family.
Meanwhile, Kate's out in their field, her hair in Swiss braids, twirling in a circle with her arms outstretched, and all the kids are singing, "The hills are alive with the sound of Gosselins...." Hahaha. I love to imagine what goes through Kate's mind.
Work?? They're CHILDREN! Who is grateful that their child can WORK? Hey at least she admits it, they have worked, a lot and very, very hard.
Was the word "play" a deliberate or accidental omission?
Kate's out in their field, her hair in Swiss braids, twirling in a circle with her arms outstretched,
She would probably be sitting in her white chair barking orders at the kids and Steve while tweeting with stupid #lookwhatmykiddid #justlikemom.
Was the eord "play" a deliberate or accidental omission? 80
Impossible to tell, but telling none the less.
Sorry I'm a little late to the party. I've been busy with activities for my own family and haven't had time to really follow Kate all that much.
I did want to comment on the One Direction tickets. I am in California. I just googled "One Direction PA" and pulled up both the Ticketmaster and Vivid Seats ticket selling sites. Vivid had four seats available on the floor in section F15 for $333 per ticket. Ticketmaster had them as resale tickets available for $758 per ticket. . There are also tickets available in both the mezzanine levels and the nosebleed seats at less expensive prices (they're still outrageously priced in my opinion, but they're in the $150-300 range which is cheaper then $758).
They're probably going to be making a concert movie, so why not save the $1300 - $3000+ and instead buy a bunch of movie tickets and then let the girls invite their friends, then take them out to dinner and then the movie and later a sleepover? If she has that much money to fork over for tickets, then frankly I never want to hear her complain again on national television how poor she is, how she's piecing together a living.
Sillimom that is outrageous. It is such a shame the kind of money parents have to spend these days to be able to do the sort of thing that we did as kids without breaking the bank.
I saw Barenaked Ladies, great seats, for maybe 30 bucks. Season passes to Six Flags was less than 100 bucks and you could go every day if you wanted to. Who can afford several hundred dollars for the same privilege? These events that should be available to everyone for a fair price end up putting parents in debt and Kate reenforces the idea that only good moms would bend over backwards to buy such things. It's wrong. I think both Kid Rock and I think it's Madonna have stood up to this price gouging. Both of them still charge an old fashion low price, 20 bucks or something. I don't care who the band is, people need to stand up to this and refuse to buy tickets that outrageous. What would happen if no one bought them until they were marked down to a fair price? Why does a band like One Direction or any flavor of the month band have to be multi millionaires a hundred times over? Can't they just make a reasonable salary, charge reasonable prices to see them, and be done with it? It's absolutely out of control and I don't like the message it sends to kids.
Vivid had four seats available on the floor in section F15 for $333 per ticket. Ticketmaster had them as resale tickets available for $758 per ticket. 83
Wow. Even as a poverty stricken student I could afford an occasional concert ticket or same day (half price) theatre tickets on Broadway. I prioritized then and continue to do so. I repeat: wow.
silimom said...
I think the movie and slumber party would be way more fun for the girls with friends instead of going with "Mommy." Is TFW going to pretend she is BFF with the 1D boys and loves their music? Sure, a live concert is exciting, but they've been to them before, and are only 13. Other chances will come along, maybe when they have part-time jobs like regular kids outside the home.They can shriek and whoop with delight at home.
For that price, won't Kate be revealing she is NOT poor?
PS. I do not like 1D and don't see the appeal. But I'm not a 13 yr old girl or OF 13 yr old mind like Kate
Well, if for some reason Kate manages to grift tickets and backstage passes, she'll be able take a picture of her and the kids with1D. Then she'll have something else to post on the "inspiration" page on her website, that's been "Coming Soon" since the day she opened it.
So, say TFW gets tickets to this concert. What happens when the next heartthrob group comes to town? Will this be an ongoing expectation of her daughters'?
My parents would not have spent $20 for concert tickets unless it was something "classic". The only movies they took me to see were "The
Sound of Music", "Gone With the Wind" and Dad took me once to see a Batman movie because we enjoyed the tv show, laughing, POW!ing and
OOOOFFFing along together. I never once felt my parents were deficient because they didn't feed a teen girl's pop culture vacuum. They filled me up in countless other ways. Most didn't involve large outlays of money, even though money was never a problem.
We don't pay a lot of money for concert tickets BUT my favorite group in the whole world is Eagles. They came to our city this summer and we paid almost 200 a piece for tickets. We didn't get to see them the last time in 2011 and we figured it was the last time they would tour since they are all over 65 years old. However, we have raised our children and it is just the two of us and we WORK for our money. We rationed that we deserve it once in a while. NO ONE GAVE it to us.
PA Dutch Mom said... 72
Didn't they pre-treat the roads? I read an article on LancOnline that quoted a responder saying that the roads were getting slippery, and then he added that he was sliding into a guardrail as he was speaking. I think I counted more than a hundred accidents on the live incident list at one point...
We stayed inside, even though we needed bread! I just made tuna melts on Engllish muffins instead. I hope the power doesn't go out tonight during the icing phase of this. I am so not ready for winter weather.
I left after it had started snowing (about 15 min), I wanted to stay in, but my dh had an operation and needed something. Did pretty good getting out of the development and almost to the grocery store - figured if I went right away, it wouldn't be too bad. Went to make a left hand turn to go to a road to the grocery store....and just sliiiiiid past it. So I took the longer way around on roads more heavily traveled. Was in the grocery store 15 - 20 minutes & then went back, the roads still hadn't been touched.
Was almost back home when I had to turn onto a road that led to our development that goes up a bit of a hill and then levels out. There were cars EVERYWHERE including one that slid onto the side of someone's yard over a kind of ditch area. Several people had gotten out to try to get the car out of it. There were people at the top of the hill and people at the bottom of the hill waiting to get up and people on the side that just couldn't go anywhere.
All of a sudden, I heard something that sounded like a train whistle blast - the salt truck was coming. After it finally was able to get past everyone and the snow had melted a little, I was able to get up the hill. Never so glad to get home. I thought I was going to have to leave the car at the bottom of the hill and walk home!!
They knew this was coming, they should've pre-treated. Around here they like to wait and see how bad it's going to get before they send the guys out, I think. They'd rather not have to do ANYTHING to the streets, it's crazy.
Check this picture of kate and her bones sticking out. Also, her hair. Wasn't this interview done right after the Balt. cooking demo?
Doesn't she look like a 38 year old? Wow. Absolutely. not.
lukebandit said... 89
1. Thank you for this I laughed pretty good.
2, Looks like she finally took Jon's advice lol.
So, say TFW gets tickets to this concert. What happens when the next heartthrob group comes to town? Will this be an ongoing expectation of her daughters'?
That's my question. It's an unsustainable form of entertainment. The girls are unlikely to treat this as a once in a lifetime event never to be repeated. When the next flavor of the month band comes along they'll want to be at their show too, more and more money to be spent. Then the tups will be old enough for concerts and they'll want hundreds of dollars spent on them, times six.
Seeing a nice concert should not be reserved just for the elite and wealthy or for those willing to go into debt to do it. The responsible middle class who has to pass on this kind of lifestyle isn't exactly rewarded.
silimom said... 83
They're probably going to be making a concert movie, so why not save the $1300 - $3000+ and instead buy a bunch of movie tickets and then let the girls invite their friends, then take them out to dinner and then the movie and later a sleepover? If she has that much money to fork over for tickets, then frankly I never want to hear her complain again on national television how poor she is, how she's piecing together a living.
The face value is $53 to $121. If she scored tickets today during the regular on-sale, she paid in that range. Why are you assuming that she's paying scalper prices?
I'm sorry, but seeing a concert movie and seeing your favorite band live are two totally different experiences. If she wants to spend a couple hundred bucks to to give her girls something that is very exciting to them, why is that such a terrible thing?
*************** (Administrator) said... 84
I think both Kid Rock and I think it's Madonna have stood up to this price gouging. Both of them still charge an old fashion low price, 20 bucks or something.
You are incorrect. Kid Rock has offered seats at $20 to some shows, but his prices are in line with other artists, as are Madonna's. He has a show coming up in February with tickets ranging from $95 to over $200.
Rhymes with Witch said... 85
Vivid had four seats available on the floor in section F15 for $333 per ticket. Ticketmaster had them as resale tickets available for $758 per ticket. 83
Wow. Even as a poverty stricken student I could afford an occasional concert ticket or same day (half price) theatre tickets on Broadway. I prioritized then and continue to do so. I repeat: wow.
These are scalper prices, not the face value of the tickets.
Kid Rock said this "It's gotten out of hand, price of concerts, the price of entertainment, period," he told Piers.
"I've been very fortunate, I've always tried to keep prices what I think are fair, and I've always said I'm proud that I can walk around with my head held high and look someone in the eye, knowing that I haven't taken an un-honest dollar from a working man."
Apparently he did an entire summer tour this year with only 20 buck tickets. I don't know what's going on today, if he's changed his mind or management made him or what. I'm getting his stance from this:
I think I'm mistaken about Madonna because I can't find anything about that. But it was someone like her who I distinctly remember asked fans to pay "what they thought was fair." I believe fans were paying about 20-30 bucks.
I'm thinking that Kate is playing the concert guessing game because the twins have friends who are on Twitter and she doesn't want them to spoil her surprise for the girls. But why even bother to put it out there unless she was grifting? You keep quiet about it, go on Stub Hub and get your tickets. Not all of those are scalper can get some really good seats on there without having to go through the TM nightmare.
All this talk about the price of concert tickets has me glad my child is not clamoring for any of them. However, we do like to see the Giants play baseball during the season. I go on craigslist and look for tickets. You hear about people being scammed, but I have had good luck and I also keep that person's e-mail for future reference, so if they have tickets to sell again, I know they are trustworthy.
Anyway, I've scored some decent deals on seats this way, especially at the last minute.
Growing up with 8 kids in our family, a big outing for us was when my parents would pack us all into our van and head to the drive in movies. We would stop at A&W first - this was before there were drive thru fast food places. A&W had speakers in the parking lot and you could order from your car. We would get our food and rootbeer and head off to the drive in. I'm sure my dad paid some flat rate for having 5 or more in a vehicle! We'd have our sleeping bags and snuggle in to watch the show, many of us falling asleep during the 2nd feature. And that was our big family outing, and remembering those times brings a big smile to my face. My parents never once bought an expensive concert ticket for me or any of my brothers and sisters.
I remember how shocked I was at the Hannah Montana concert prices, and I wished that parents had flat out refused to pay that amount. But they didn't so Disney raked it in.
These are scalper prices, not the prices you would pay for the tickets. 95
Thanks for that info
PA Dutch Mom said... 72
I went out right when the snow was starting and it was bad then!! Cars sliding and stuck everywhere. No salt/cinder trucks out at that point.
Didn't they pre-treat the roads? I read an article on LancOnline that quoted a responder saying that the roads were getting slippery, and then he added that he was sliding into a guardrail as he was speaking. I think I counted more than a hundred accidents on the live incident list at one point...
We stayed inside, even though we needed bread! I just made tuna melts on Engllish muffins instead. I hope the power doesn't go out tonight during the icing phase of this. I am so not ready for winter weather
I went to work around 12:30. I had to go five miles and made the mistake of going my usual back road. The road must have a slight incline because cars going the other way couldn't make it up the hill. We were (Chester County) only supposed to get 1-2 inches then change to rain around nine. I got out of work at 8 and it had stopped precipitating and we had at least 5 inches. I hear there was a fatal accident on the turnpike....we do have a 2 hour delay for tomorrow.
I got out of work at 8 and it had stopped precipitating and we had at least 5 inches. 101
There go Katie's trees again
Everyone, "be careful out there."
Reminiscing about dishes. On Thanksgiving I opened my sister's pantry and there was Grandma's mashed potato bowl. Blue with flowers and it brought tears to my eyes. Turns out she found it at a yard sale and had to have it. I pity the G kids because they have missed out on what for me was an incredible relationship.
We were (Chester County) only supposed to get 1-2 inches then change to rain around nine. I got out of work at 8 and it had stopped precipitating and we had at least 5 inches. I hear there was a fatal accident on the turnpike....we do have a 2 hour delay for tomorrow.
The turnpike accident happened when the driver had a fender bender and got out of his car and was hit and killed by another driver. Reports are that there were 30 cars involved.
County Mom, Glad you got there and back safely. Problem with PennDot is that they listen to forecasters, who have a lousy track record. We were supposed to get a coating to an inch and ended up with nearly 5. When the weather boys say flurries, we can count on several inches; if they predict 10 inches, we get a few snow showers. You just have to go with the opposite of what they are saying.
I wonder if Kate has her generator hooked up inside, ready for the power outage and ice that will take down her trees again. ;)
Is everyone here over a certain age? It appears very senior here. Not that there's anything wrong with that! LOL I just find it interesting. But I'm weird.
Gail said... 106
Is everyone here over a certain age? It appears very senior here. Not that there's anything wrong with that! LOL I just find it interesting. But I'm weird.
.............. Why'd you ask?
Admin...with my eyes covered I watched Blackfish. I think it's awesome that some bands are refusing to play at Sea Worlds. Altho I think no animal should be caged unless an injury would keep them from surviving in the wild. Orcas need our help the most. They are taken from the wild....from their families (orcas are forever families).
They are put in tiny pools (compared to their life in the ocean) and made to perform for us humans. Just so we can see them up close.
They are isolated swimming in circles all day until they are forced to preform for us. Just like any other animal trapped in cage,with all of their freedom taken away from them....they go insane.
Like zoo's...animals kept in too small cages have nothing to do but pace back and forth. They are ticking time bombs and one day will lose it and strike out. So we blame the animal and kill it. No biggie...We'll just get another one to take its place. It makes me sick that we as humans think we have the right to do that.
There are many things in my life I will never see first hand. I'm ok with that. I will never think its ok to take a wild animal and encage it just so I can see it. I don't buy SW excuses that they could never release the whales cause they would die cause they dont know how to survive. BS...Net off an area in the sea...(or something like that) Watch them...toss what they need to eat to survive in with them. They are WILD animals for christ sake...they will remember how to hunt...its in their nature to survive!
But sadly it's all about the money!
Brilliant post!!
Gail, I'm definitely old enough for an AARP membership. Have been for several years.
Is everyone here over a certain age? 106
Well, i can say we were all quite a bit younger when this whole thing started.
Sad to say.
Rhymes with Witch said... 111
Is everyone here over a certain age? 106
Well, i can say we were all quite a bit younger when this whole thing started.
Sad to say.
Well, i can say we were all quite a bit younger when this whole thing started.
Sad to say.
With much less gray hair back then, Our heads were in much better shape then, too. All of this head banging on the walls has taken its toll.
(108)...Admin...with my eyes covered I watched Blackfish
How is that possible?
Age is just a number Gail. Does it really matter how old (or young) any of the posters here are?
I had to go and look at Kate's coupon site. Just to see how bad it is. I had a good laugh when I saw the following at Macys:
Free duffel bag with any large spray purchase from Ed Hardy mens fragrance collection.
Starzz the orcas just break my heart, I think there's been enough serious accidents now and scientific research about their needs (they swim 100 miles a day) to know this captivity idea isn't working out. I've been to marine zoos twice, once when I was a child up in Canada somewhere, Ontario I think. I don't know if it was Sea World but they definitely had orcas. I think it might have been called "Marine Land." I remember a commercial with a tune "everyone loves marine land!" and a girl being kissed by an orca. After I saw Free Willy and read up on orcas I started to believe strongly they should not be held captive and have felt that way ever since. This film confirmed my views but was terrible to watch, especially hearing about how Tilly was repeatedly housed with two females in small quarters at night. They didn't like him and he would emerge with bloody cuts and bruises every day from their attacks all night. Makes me cry.
The second visit, I am very ashamed of. I had a relative stationed in San Diego who wanted me to come down and visit and we decided to go to Sea World for something to do. There was a good military discount. I knew it was wrong even then but I knew my military relative wanted to do it and I didn't want to disappoint him. What I should have done is researched all the many other things we could have done for fun in San Diego and explained that I couldn't go to Sea World because of my beliefs. Instead I went, we watched the show, and I could barely stand it. This was just about nine months before Dawn the trainer died in Florida, so they were still swimming in the water with them. It was such a circus act and the tanks were SO small. :(
My wish is that all orcas could be free in the wild. Some have been released back to the wild and there has been good success with this. Because of sound traveling well underwater they are able to find their pods and go back to living wild. As they said in the movie, fifty years from now we will look back on these parks as barbaric. Sea World has been severely restricted by OSHA, god bless them for taking a stand. Trainers can't even go in the water anymore with them. This may be the beginning of the end for Sea World since that prevents them from doing so much.
I don't know most people's exact ages but a lot of times I've noticed a lot of people here draw on their experiences having already been through motherhood from infant to adults.
I have a feeling many people who don't like Kate don't like her because they HAVE been through motherhood and being a wife and being a career woman and know that the choices she claims she has to make are nonsense. And on the flip side, a heck of a lot of her sheeple are AWFULLY young. It's not like I see very many people Em's age hanging out here.
Maybe it's just a maturity thing, growing up and realizing that these sort of choices made for this family are usually not good ones. So much of the things the fans say sound very immature, even things like I love you I love your kids! You don't even know her or her kids. That is not "love."
I also saw Blackfish documentary. OMG I will NEVER, EVER go to SeaWorld again. I have seen that Shamu show a couple of times, enjoyed it. At the time I believed all the BS SeaWorld was selling about how this is good for whales' survival. Now that my eyes are wide open, I won't ever return to see another show.
There are many things in my life I will never see first hand. I'm ok with that. I will never think its ok to take a wild animal and encage it just so I can see it. I don't buy SW excuses that they could never release the whales cause they would die cause they dont know how to survive. BS...Net off an area in the sea...(or something like that) Watch them...toss what they need to eat to survive in with them. They are WILD animals for christ sake...they will remember how to hunt...its in their nature to survive!
But sadly it's all about the money!
SeaWorld has made a career of lying. They lie about everything, from how people got hurt to an orca's needs to even this, that they won't survive in the wild.
Marine biologists have a system of integrating them back into the wild ready to go. You go to "rehab" first, then when the pod is located they are released fully. It can be done. You don't lose your instinct. That's the whole point, their instincts are fighting this lifestyle.
"Springer" was a killer whale released back in 2002. She was spotted just this year, this is a full ten years later, and she has a baby! She has survived TEN YEARS back in the wild. Suck it, Sea world. They should all be released back.
I have a feeling many people who don't like Kate don't like her because they HAVE been through motherhood
I'm not a mom yet however I have a wonderful mom who would do anything for me and my two older brothers.
My mom stayed on the job for years when she could have retired just to put me and my sib through college.
My mom never ever asked us for monies unless she really really needed it also my mother never bash my father-(who was abusive drunk)
So watching Kate I don't think she's a good mom and when her fans say so I have to roll my eyes.
Amy you aren't alone. This documentary is really galvanizing people and it's turned into a snowball effect for SeaWorld. They've completely shut down the orca show right now until at least next year. It's not one band cancelled, it's several. It's not one customer not returning it's thousands. They are grappling to figure out how to save this disaster. I have never heard of them completely shutting down a show for such a long period of time. The lost revenue is going to be astronomical. Goes to show that people can make a difference and can stand up to big corporations. Kudos to all those involved in this fine film.
I have not liked them for a long time and was familiar with many of the things they talked about in the documentary. However what I did not realize was the extent of their lying. I cannot believe all the lying they have done about everything, even on the witness stand. How can you trust them about anything, including the happiness and comfort of the animals, when all they do is lie? They can't be trusted to disseminate any information. They even lied about how Dawn was killed. It wasn't until all the eye witnesses came forward saying wait a minute that is not how it happened that they back peddled. Did they think all those people there weren't going to speak?
I liked how in the film the ex-Sea World trainers took a lovely whale watch and saw several orcas up close. They were crying. That is how to see orcas if you must see them. Kudos to them too for speaking out. I suppose they are protected under whistle blower statutes but I'd still be afraid Sea World might sue them for speaking out.
Hi Gail, I agree with Rhymes with Witch, we were all so much younger when this started, lol.
I ended up here when my teen daughter told me about this cute show we had to watch with this cute couple and all their kids. So we did, and my dh after watching maybe five minutes including a couch session with Jon and TFMJG (the former Mrs Jon Gosselin), told our daughter that was not the way for anyone to talk to their spouse, and he could not understand why Jon stayed with her if she treated him like that. I started wondering why no grandparents, and why did this couple stay together, and with a little bit of research found preesi, Polly, and this blog.
I agree with admin, women who have raised families and had long term marriages were disturbed by the abusive way she treated her husband and her children. And that's only what we saw on the edited shows, how much more horrible is she when the cameras are off, many of us wondered.
not much interest by teens now because so 2011.
I agree with admin, women who have raised families and had long term marriages were disturbed by the abusive way she treated her husband and her children. And that's only what we saw on the edited shows, how much more horrible is she when the cameras are off, many of us wondered.
not much interest by teens now because so 2011.
There are a lot of women here who have 1. raised one or more children into adulthood or at least the teen years and 2. are in long term marriages.
I just don't think that's a coincidence.
Admin thanks for mentioning how Kid Rock gave back to his fans with a $20 per ticket concert series. My dh and I have seen him in concert 3 times, the most recent being the $20 tour. We had excellent seats, 20th row, center. I realize his music doesn't appeal to everyone, but he puts on one heck of a show. He understands and appreciates his fan base and always makes a point several times during his shows to thank his fans for being there.
He is also a huge supporter of our military. He's performed concerts overseas where there were literally combat helicopters flying overhead and warnings given in the event of an attack during the show. Recently, he donated 100k to Operation Homefront, an outstanding support resource for our military. Yes, some of his music is quite raw and he's made some questionable decisions in his life, but he owns who he is.
Maybe if Kate would have taken the same approach of owning who she is and being grateful to her fans, she could have held onto her fame and better weathered her storms. She possibly could have changed the tide after Robert's book was released had she owned what she did and held herself accountable for her actions.
Good for you Amy! And Admin...I never heard about the whale you are talking about. I'm very happy to hear Springer was released back into the wild and still living free and happy. It reenforces the BS that sea World loves to preach. So if they can do this with 1 whale....why not the rest?
Again it comes down to money. As long as the people pay...they will hold the animals hostage. Most don't realize that the animals are suffering...they believe what the "experts" are telling them is true.
Let SW keep helping injured animals and release them when
possible. Stop holding wild animals captive. The more people speak out on this,we might be able to make a change.
Well now we know why Marty Singer turned Kate down! He's been busy representing Ryan O'Neill in a dispute over am Andy Warhol portrait of Farrah Fawcett worth 12 million dollars. Ryan says it's his, Farrah's alma mater says it's theirs.
Kate can't even begin to understand a "real" dispute like this one. The grownups are in the middle of a messy lawsuit.
These are the sort of cases that end up in your Wills and Trusts book second year of law school.
Sea World has been great at spin that's for sure. They've spouted so much garbage and no one had any reason to doubt them until recently.
When Tilly was captured the older members of the pod tried to lead the boats away while the mothers and babies would dive deep and wouldn't surface and went the other way. That is amazing. They have enough intelligence to not only understand they were after Tilly or another baby but actually hatch a plan to try to protect the babies with the older ones sacrificing themselves. They have also been known to beach themselves when one whale is beached. Some scientists even say they are socially and emotionally MORE complex and interwoven with each other than humans.
The film even tracked down a man who helped capture Tilly and he feels just sick about it. There was another time when Sea World separated Tilly's baby from the mother and the mother wailed for days, long-range sounds.
Shamu does Christmas shows. Where did you read they cancelled the orca shows??
I am totally against any 'show' that exploits animals held captive and which make a buck off their 'tricks' . This applies to circuses, water shows, zoos and the like. Ghandi said something about judging a man's society by how it treats its animals. So true.
I am also a mother of an adult child. I am "a certain age" that can joke about wearing a muumuu and Crocs!
Saturday Night Live on their December 7 show did a parody of The Sound of Music as the show opening. You can probably view it online at their website. Its really, really funny, with a few old cast members returning to help out.
Ghandi said something about judging a man's society by how it treats its animals. So true.
So true. I was mortified in Italy to see some towns that had packs of dogs roaming wild. No one could give a crap about them. It was like they were invisible.
Made me sick.
In Naples, there were boxes of puppies for sale on street corners.
Again, really disturbing.
Let's see... she's been twitting that Mady helped her bake. Looks like Mady can do it all and is the only one who helps in the kitchen ( with Kate's knife skills it could be dangerous in there).
Someone tweeted her from New Zealand supposedly. She had to respond how warm it is there now and loved the country (no doubt why LOL).
I think she got the concert tickets, grifted with backstage passes. She wants to make a big announcement about it when she takes the twins and Steve. She never strays from her pattern of behavior.
FYI, I will just say I haven't hit 60 yet but if I had a daughter like Kate, I would not walk away from my grand children. Kate must be a parent's and in law night nightmare to the extended family. I bet, as a narcissist, she shut them out because they were critical of her odd behavior and treatment of Jon and the kids. Perhaps some of the children bend over backwards to please mommy because they know she will shut them out also.
It's only the Seaworld Orlando show that was shut down until the spring, I can't speak for other Sea Worlds. That's where the trainer was killed. They say it wasn't because of Blackfish, which is probably yet another lie. You don't shut a huge money maker show like that down until SPRING unless something major happened.
I saw an interview with Jack Hanna and the filmmaker and she had a good point. Yes, having Orcas in captivity has increased awareness that they need to be protected in the wild and it has helped scientists learn much about their biology and behavior but the most important thing it has taught is that whales do not do well in captivity. Knowing that, why do we continue to capture them and put them into exhibits?
Regarding the scalper vs face value of the tickets - Since Kate was complaining she couldn't get tickets, I think it's natural to assume she would be looking at paying scalper prices if she was still trying to make her daughter's dreams come true.
There are many live theater events that I would love to take my children to more often but can't/won't because the pricing is prohibitive. We tend to go to a lot of amateur productions, which usually run $10-25 a ticket or we find free events to go to, of which there are a lot in the Bay Area, fortunately.
That being said, sometimes we have taken our kids to events and paid $60-100 per ticket, although we usually only take one kid at a time to make it affordable. If Kate or any other parent chooses to take their children to a concert or play, etc., then more power to them. That doesn't make any of the complaints listed here about ticket pricing less valid, in my opinion. In addition, Kate has often complained of how tight money is and how she needs that new show to make ends meet because she can't do it as a nurse. In light of that, spending even just $600 on four $150 tickets seems a bit extravagant. But again, that is just my opinion. We can agree to disagree.
The awareness and conservation cop out is just what they spew to justify the billions of dollars they've made off them. This is the same stuff that Terri Erwin spews to justify her croc shows where they tease and torture the crocs with bait.
You can spread awareness about conservation by showing crocs, whales and other animals in their natural habitat. Anderson Cooper did a great piece for 60 Minutes where he dived with a croc. That was a way to learn about the animal on the animal's home turf without capturing him. Whale watches are another way to learn. There are also enough sick animals that need nursing to be able to observe them in captivity for research purposes without doing it to a perfectly healthy animal.
Do any of you watch Animal Planet's Pitbulls and Parolees/ It's all about giving a second chance at life to this misunderstood 'breed' and young men working with them upon release from prison. Very inspiring .
Here it is lol
I've never seen that show but I do remember when the gal from that show told Kate to STFU about Liz's pit bull! LOL!
A normal person would be embarrassed to be chided like that so publicly.
Formerly Duped said... 138
Do any of you watch Animal Planet's Pitbulls and Parolees/ It's all about giving a second chance at life to this misunderstood 'breed' and young men working with them upon release from prison. Very inspiring .
YES! I love that show! I left it on for the dog when we went out yesterday. LOL
If she did manage to score, err grift, those tickets and passes, hope she grifted the limo ride too. Piecing and patching? Sure.
PA Dutch Mom said... 72
Didn't they pre-treat the roads?
Didn't seem to. I'm originally from New England, and when they were talking about a couple of inches a snow, it seemed like a frenzy was going on. I went to Walmart early in the morning and there were 50 million people. I asked my husband, and he said "oh, they probably want to get home before the snow". I said they were crazy, it was only a couple of inches, this wasn't blizzard weather! What I didn't realize is that the towns don't treat snow and ice as seriously down here as they did up north. In NE they had plows going by constantly, pre treated roads, and salt and sand trucks. I didn't see a single plow go by our house. My husband went out this morning and he said the main roads were fine but the roads near our house were terrible! It's definitely something to get used to!
PB & P is a great show. The woman who runs the rescue center says they do it to raise awareness for the dogs and the funding of the HQ. The parolees are part of it and their stories are inspirational yet not all 'make it" I would say it is a very REAL reality show. There is 'typically" a rescue of a dog(s), a parolee's story and an adoption on each episode. They are a motley crew but it's something I would support for sure.Have tissue handy!
In light of that, spending even just $600 on four $150 tickets seems a bit extravagant. But again, that is just my opinion. We can agree to disagree.
Madame Gosselin wouldn't be so lowly as to drive herself and park remotely!
Formerly Duped, I absolutely love that show. Our dog attacks the TV when any mammal is on, including the Snuggle bear, so we have to make sure she's in another room. Did you see when Tia's daughter made a sling for that one guy's lame arm? That made me cry. They love each other, they love those dogs, and there is redemption all over each episode. It's a beautiful thing to see.
Gail, I follow K8 because she is very much like my mom, minus the piles of cash. She was a lazy, lying ass who did nothing in the house but cook and I did literally every other daily household chore and weekly big chores (such as cleaning the bathroom 6 people used). My curfew was 10 pm and I always came home to a huge pile of dishes that 5 other people could have washed while I was gone. But no. That was MY chore. She'd be smoking and drinking on the couch when I walked in, would point toward the kitchen, and not move. After that, I had to fold 2 big loads of laundry and sweep/vacuum before going to bed. She routinely beat the snot out of me and controlled us like little soldiers. I struggle with being controlled and maintaining control to this day. My mom is not well now amd lives in a filthy hovel and her husband is dying and nobody wants to step up to take care of her, including me. Only one brother has much to do with her, out of 4 kids. I dread the day her husband dies because it'll probably be me to make some decisions for her.
And I'm no senior citizen, and was afraid to have kids because of my upbringing....
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7 Dec
Alexis: 'Mommy, you're going to be a goooooood grandma when you grow up'
#whenIgrowup? #laughsbyalexis
OMG, are those poor tups mentally disabled?
This is the thinking of a 4-5 year old.
Just wow.
JoyinVirginia said... 132
Saturday Night Live on their December 7 show did a parody of The Sound of Music as the show opening. You can probably view it online at their website. Its really, really funny, with a few old cast members returning to help out.
Saw it and it's definitely worth watching. One Direction did a great job in the opening!
FRP , yes I saw that episode. Those girls are so caring and kind.(Love Earl and his 'Miss Tia') It shows not to judge a book by its cover- the tattoos and weird hair etc. These people are DOING something for the guys, the dogs, and on a personal level. Love them. Tia is so unpretentious. attractive woman who couldn't care less how she looks on TV she's ether for her family, the guys, and the dogs.
Did you see when Earl threw the firstpitch pitch at a baseball game- he was so determined to do a good job for Villalobos despite his paralyzed arm.
Sorry, OT!
Didn't seem to. I'm originally from New England, and when they were talking about a couple of inches a snow, it seemed like a frenzy was going on.
We've got another one coming tomorrow that is supposed to be worse than yesterday's. Hope the PennDot guys are on the ball this time. The roads were very icy early this morning. I hate this. I complained about the heat and humidity this summer, but looking back, I'd much rather deal with that.
County Mom -- get what you need at the grocery store today! Joe Calhoun says this is going to be a measurable "impressive" system.
Because of all of your blackfish comments, I googled and came across this article which I thought was pretty fair:
I don't tend to like modern documentaries, because most I come across are fairly one sided. Documentaries are supposed to be snapshots in time, not leading the audience one way or another. However many documentaries today start with a premise and film whatever they need to lead the audience in that direction.
After reading your comments and reading the opinion piece, this is my opinion. Orcas should never ever be captured, ever. The current owners of Sea World seem to be chasing the money. My first trip to San Diego I went to Sea World. The Killer Whale show was ridiculous. It was so obvious to me that they were still trying to capture the money of the Free Willy movies. They were even selling those wooden necklaces that the little boy had in the movie, and this was only a few years ago!
However, Sea World isn't all bad. Almost every time I hear of a water rescue mission for animals, Sea World is involved. And almost always quietly. You never hear about their contributions. They way they fund this is through their shows.
I really wish they had a way to fund the rescues without their shows.
I do wish there was a way to have a humane zoo/oceanography program, not for our entertainment, but to see what these creatures are really like in the wild and up close, to learn about them in a hands on way while giving them the respect they deserve.
There was another time when Sea World separated Tilly's baby from the mother and the mother wailed for days, long-range sounds.
"Civilized" societies are still doing this and getting away with it in the 21st century? Instead of calling it what it is - cruelty and inhumane treatment of animals - just change it to 'increased awareness and conservation' and continue to exploit them. Sometimes I'm ashamed to be a member of the human race.
No wonder Jesus wept.
You never hear about their contributions. They way they fund this is through their shows.
Sympathetic villains.
Well, will you look at that...Sarah Palin got a new reality TV show!
Still think you're too good for the great outdoors, Kate?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 31m
@Kateplusmy8 Just checked out the SUPER FAST coupon-money-saving-site! A few seconds of time saves many $$ of mine!
Milo, you are insanely funny and don't even know it. We know that you read here. I commented yesterday about your hawking the site, and sure enough, there you are on Twitter. Go ahead, click on Kate's site. Want something on Gap? Sorry, no coupons found. Want something on Kohl's? Sorry, page not found. Want something on Walmart? Click on the link, it will take you directly to the Walmart site. You want to save time? Click on those webpages directly. Avoid the middleman!
PA Dutch Mom said... 150
We've got another one coming tomorrow that is supposed to be worse than yesterday's. Hope the PennDot guys are on the ball this time. The roads were very icy early this morning. I hate this. I complained about the heat and humidity this summer, but looking back, I'd much rather deal with that.
County Mom -- get what you need at the grocery store today! Joe Calhoun says this is going to be a measurable "impressive" system.
My husband said that this would be a record breaking year for snow in the area because we moved down from NE partly to get better weather. That is just our Charlie Brown luck. :)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 45m
@Kateplusmy8 Hey busy lady..don't want 2interrupt U...because I know Ur doing what critics always say U can't do >> Ur being SUCCESSFUL! :)
SUCCESSFUL scoring concert tickets maybe, and busy running to the bank depositing those checks from that SUCCESSFUL cookbook? Exactly what is it today that is making her SUCCESSFUL?
PA Dutch Mom said... 157
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 45m
@Kateplusmy8 Hey busy lady..don't want 2interrupt U...because I know Ur doing what critics always say U can't do >> Ur being SUCCESSFUL! :)
Just simply put, boggles the mind. Busy being successful? At WHAT? There are no words.
PA Dutch Mom (157)
Haha, Milo's forgetting what critics say TFW can't do. And that is, get another TV show. So grift away, Kate! Go for the concert tickets and a trip to New Zealand (that one is never going to happen). We all know that the one thing TFW wants more than anything else in the world is a new reality show. And that is the one thing she will never get.
My husband said that this would be a record breaking year for snow in the area because we moved down from NE partly to get better weather. That is just our Charlie Brown luck. :)
So you to blame for all of this? Last winter the shovel never came out...just a few times when a broom was all we needed.
You've just got to love this fan.
@ljohnson2006: I hope that 2014 brings less @Kateplusmy8 troll drama. She's hardly in the news, but people keep bringing her up, and spreading lies.
Yup, much to TFW's chagrin she's hardly in the news!
Gail said... 106
Is everyone here over a certain age? It appears very senior here. Not that there's anything wrong with that! LOL I just find it interesting. But I'm weird.
LOL! I think we have all ages here, from possibly a couple of 20-somethings, more 30-somethings, and so on. I know we have some grandmas here too. I like how it's all ages. I myself am in my early 50's, with a teenager at home. I guess I am old enough to be a grandma, but I'm still very much involved in raising my child and dealing with the high school years.
I grew up in the 70's, before the advent of cell phones, computers, the internet. I lived That 70's Show lol. When I was growing up, we had one telephone, a rotary phone, which was installed in the kitchen. If you wanted to talk in private, you had to go around the corner in the cold hallway that led upstairs, because that's as far as the cord would reach. We had one television set, which was in the family room. It had rabbit ears and we got about 6 television stations. We had to vote on which shows to watch some nights, and my dad's vote overruled us all at times. We used to listen to records, 45's and LP's.
My mom loved having all her kids around, and my parents both loved the hustle and bustle of activity. I never felt like we were a burden to our parents, or that my mom wished we would just shut up and leave her alone. I could always go to my mom when I was unhappy, or needed a hug, or discuss my little problems. She would so often go along with out little games. When I was a little girl, I once asked my mom to pretend I was a mouse and put a piece of cheese on a plate under the kitchen table for me. She did!
My younger sister and I would sometimes play "school," and we'd ask our mom to pack us a lunch of potato chips in a little baggie. Then we'd go sit behind the couch and eat them.
Just little memories like that and of having a mom who thought her children were fun and special and went along with their sometimes silly requests.
So yes, I'm an old-timer of sorts. And I guess I'm in a sentimental mood this morning. Must be because of getting out my Christmas decorations and remembering Christmases past.
chefsummer said... 92
lukebandit said... 89
1. Thank you for this I laughed pretty good.
2, Looks like she finally took Jon's advice lol.
Thank you chefsummer, I must of been under a rock, but what advice did TFW finally take from Jon? lol
Today would have been the 107th birthday of Rear Admiral Grace Hopper. Go to google, check out the google doodle of the day, then read about her remarkable life and accomplishments. She did an interview with David Letterman when she was 80. She came up with the term DEBUGGING the computer, when the computer they were working on, that was 50 feet long by 8 feet high and 8 feet deep, malfunctioned and a mouth had got in the workings. The notebook with her handwritten notes and the actual bug taped to the page is on display at the Smithsonian.
Since we are talking about Sea World, the whales and the ocean, I was on my homepage and there was an article about the ocean. It is called "The Ocean is Broken". I read it and I was absolutely stunned and tears flowed.
It is about a man who makes trips on his yacht from Australia to somewhere I forgot like ten years ago and this year, he talks about what is not happening like it use to. He said every day, he could throw in a fishing line and catch a fish and cook it up with some rice to eat for lunch and or supper. On this last trip, He only caught 2 in 28 days.
There is so much garbage in the ocean from the tsunami in Japan that a factory smoke stack sits above the water. His boat was dinged and dented from all the debris. You can't turn on your boat engine without worrying about entangling a power pole cable line into your motor fan. In the ocean, he said.
Here is the link:
Sea World reminds me of TLC. Big corporation, BS pros, lies, deflects, won't accept responsibility for their actions. What SW and TLC needs to do is accept responsibility to their charges (the whales and the kids) and get them help so they can start the healing process and get them prepared to go out into society and have normal relationships with people and their peers. SW had the trainers reinforce their charges and TLC had kate Gosselin reinforce her charges.
It is so funny. On this blog is an ad for the Perfect Polly fake bird!
kate, Perfect Polly is what you should of got, instead of poor Zorro. No way would PP make Mady sad. PP dances side to side and churps when you get near. If you don't want to see or hear it for a time, it can be turned off. You would love not having to feed PP either, kate, because PP is perfect for you because you don't believe in feeding the kids and the animals the correct food, and portions anyway.
When was the last Chem 10 or 20 panel you had done? Bet your numbers are wack-a-doodle and surprising. Praying the kids have had one recently or get one when they go to the doctor.
Those kids by the way they look, health wise, worry me.
Chefsummer, I forgot to ask you...btw I think it is wonderful your mom sacrificed for you and your brother to go to college. That is what moms are supposed to do. kate, not so much, let me rephrase that, kate, Hades to the No! I did for my boys all of their days with me until and after they moved out, especially when their dad left. I was wondering did you go to college and/or culinary school? I thought that you might of went to culinary school because of the chef in chefsummer.
They showed the PA turnpike bad wreck on the Today Show this morning. Al Roker said a woman was hit and killed and that 30 something cars were involved. Someone posted that it was a man. Wow. That county should of pre-salted that turnpike and what they do before it that got bad.
PA Dutch Mom said... 160
So you to blame for all of this? Last winter the shovel never came out...just a few times when a broom was all we needed.
That's what our in-laws kept telling us. "You'll hardly touch a shovel!" Enticing to someone from New England, right?
But we just had to bring all the weather with us. And New England? Guess what they got? Rain and slush!
I would ike to commet on the "not knowing their grandma" commets above. Their maternal grandparents and extended family members apparently are not in their lives. But I cannot believe that they and Jon did not visit his mom when he had them. Maybe they didn't get the cooking with grandma experiences but I'd bet they knew one grandma. I'm among the "seniors" here -- raised 3 kids, have grandkids and even great-grands., Buried 2 husbands and holding on tight to this one. My kids learned by watching and then doing whether it was cooking, housework, or helping others. It did't help some -- one DD isn't into cooking but she keeps a lovely house; the other DD is a terrific and adventuresome cook but a miserable housekeeper. DS cooks, cleans and does his share and more with their son.
Thank you for sharing the information about Rear Admiral Grace Hopper! "She came up with the term DEBUGGING the computer, when the computer they were working on, that was 50 feet long by 8 feet high and 8 feet deep, malfunctioned and a (moth) had got in the workings."
I knew it was a moth that had gummed up the computer, because this was the million dollar question on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, and the guy playing was this young, sort of nerdy guy. He got the answer right and won the $1 million, and it was so fun to watch.
I enjoyed the Sound of Music starring Carrie Underwood. It was a live production so of course there were some glitches. Many years ago my young daughter played one of the Von Trapp children and I played a Nun in a summer outdoor theatre production. So much fun and the music was beautiful even sung by amateurs. Carrie Underwood did a fine job, as did the other performers!
My husband said that this would be a record breaking year for snow in the area because we moved down from NE partly to get better weather. That is just our Charlie Brown luck. :)
PA Dutch Mom said... 160
So you to blame for all of this? Last winter the shovel never came out...just a few times when a broom was all we needed.
Because Kate was nearby looking for a way home?
Millicent, thanks for noting the correct bug. Auto correct strikes again! It was indeed a MOTH, and not a mouth, that was the bug in the computer!
The dh works with mainframe computers, and years ago he saw Grace Hopper speak in person. She talked about the history of COBOL, how things got started, scavenging office furniture, funny anecdotes. She also did not experience any marginalization being a woman in the military, because she would not put up with any nonsense. Dh says in person she was funny, direct, and you could tell she was very tough and hard working.
Well, will you look at that...Sarah Palin got a new reality TV show!
Whatever your opinion of Sarah Palin, she continues to successfully keep herself in the public eye AND rake in money.
Al Roker said a woman was hit and killed and that 30 something cars were involved. Someone posted that it was a man. Wow. That county should of pre-salted that turnpike and what they do before it that got bad.
Fifty cars, according to tonight's local news. It was a 24-year-old man from Pittsburgh who was killed. He was in a minor accident and got out of his car to help others who were involved in the multiple car accident. A woman was trying to avoid those who were out of their cars and she hit him. Reports are that the road was pre-treated, but who knows. So sad.
Hunkered down and waiting for the next round coming early in the morning. I hope it's just a dusting. If Kate flies by on her broom, I'll invite her in for a cup of hot mocha coffee and sandtarts. Keurig, of course. ;-)
@ljohnson2006: I hope that 2014 brings less @Kateplusmy8 troll drama. She's hardly in the news, but people keep bringing her up, and spreading lies.
Huh? That tweeter brings her up on a daily basis, tweeting Kate platitudes and reminding her of all of the trolls and haters she has.
County Mom and Insert: The latest from the road crews...""There are no plans to pre-treat the roads today (Monday) due to residue left on the roads after treating them for the latest storm that extended from yesterday morning into this morning. There is plenty of salt on hand for this storm," a PennDOT news release stated.
So apparently they DID pre-treat the roads before the last storm. and we can rest easy that they are not going to pre-treat before tomorrow! lol! But they are saying that they will have 310 plows on the road for the next round coming. I'll believe it when I see it!
"So yes, I'm an old-timer of sorts. And I guess I'm in a sentimental mood this morning. Must be because of getting out my Christmas decorations and remembering Christmases past."
I'm feeling the same way when I look at all of the ornaments from my childhood, and from my kids when they were babies. Unfortunately, I stored them in a place that must have been a bit too warm, because the little wax lamb that was given to one of the kids on his first Christmas now looks like a smooshed, headless sheeple.
lukebandit said... 167
They showed the PA turnpike bad wreck on the Today Show this morning. Al Roker said a woman was hit and killed and that 30 something cars were involved. Someone posted that it was a man. Wow. That county should of pre-salted that turnpike and what they do before it that got bad.
It must have been in Chester County (my county) because the County posted this on FB (apparently there was a rumor that pic was from the accident but it was not):
However, it is up to PennDot to treat the turnpike, not the County. If fact it's done by municipality. I can always tell when I cross from West Goshen Township to West Chester Borough because the Borough is terrible about snow removal.
However, it is up to PennDot to treat the turnpike, not the County. If fact it's done by municipality. I can always tell when I cross from West Goshen Township to West Chester Borough because the Borough is terrible about snow removal.
I can always tell when I cross into Maryland from southeast Pa on Route 83. I don't need a sign to tell me I'm in MD...the Maryland side is clear. It's as if there were a line drawn between the two states.
Fifty cars, according to tonight's local news. It was a 24-year-old man from Pittsburgh who was killed. He was in a minor accident and got out of his car to help others who were involved in the multiple car accident. A woman was trying to avoid those who were out of their cars and she hit him. Reports are that the road was pre-treated, but who knows. So sad.
A friends friend on Facebook said her husband was the one who gave him CPR. He, the victim, was a doctor and his wife and 2 children were in the car. So sad.
PA Dutch Mom said... 180
However, it is up to PennDot to treat the turnpike, not the County. If fact it's done by municipality. I can always tell when I cross from West Goshen Township to West Chester Borough because the Borough is terrible about snow removal.
I can always tell when I cross into Maryland from southeast Pa on Route 83. I don't need a sign to tell me I'm in MD...the Maryland side is clear. It's as if there were a line drawn between the two states.
Haha my friend from Ohio then DC told me years ago she could tell when she crossed into PA. We have the worst roads.
.the Maryland side is clear. It's as if there were a line drawn between the two states
Yes. That would be the Mason-Dixon line LOL
PA Dutch Mom said... 178
Unfortunately, I stored them in a place that must have been a bit too warm, because the little wax lamb that was given to one of the kids on his first Christmas now looks like a smooshed, headless sheeple.
As horrible as it probably was to discover the fate of the wax lamb PA Dutch mom, I laughed. I apologize.
Insert Creative Username Here...143
There was a 53 (I believe it was 53) car pileup outside of Worcester, MA last week. Cars and trucks were slipping and sliding all over the place. Fortunately, no one was killed. My first thought when I saw it on TV was, didn't they treat the roads? They knew what kind of weather was coming. MA doesn't put as much salt in their treatment as other NE states. My oldest daughter went to college in southern Maine. As she was a member of the women's basketball team, my husband and I traveled all over NE to watch her play. With regard to snow removal, the roads we traveled in ME, NH and VT were always in much better condition than in MA.
Millicent...I was a teenager in the 70's (I turned 54 this past Saturday). As much as I have a wonderful life with my hubs, two daughters and two grandkids, if anyone asked me what my favorite decade was, it would be the 70's. My friends and I had alot of fun back then. I spent the day Sunday with one of those friends. Even after 42 years, we're still best buds. That's something TFW will never have.
"Springer" was a killer whale released back in 2002. She was spotted just this year, this is a full ten years later, and she has a baby! She has survived TEN YEARS back in the wild. Suck it, Sea world. They should all be released back.
Admin- I think Springer was actually found alone and malnourished, having been separated from his pod and was then only kept in a seapen for a month or so before being reunited with the pod. Thankfully Springer was never subjected to the abuse SeaWorld and other entertainment venues foist on orcas.
A friends friend on Facebook said her husband was the one who gave him CPR. He, the victim, was a doctor and his wife and 2 children were in the car. So sad.
I just read the story on Pittsburgh online. Our local news reported him to be 24; he was 35, a doctor of internal medicine. Good-looking man. Reports said he died instantly. My heart goes out to his wife and children who were right there on the scene. How tragic.
capecodmama, I'm with you. I was a teen in the 70's and I think it was one of the best decades ever. My 19 and 21 year old daughters are envious! Some of the best music was made back then. You just don't see bands like Fleetwood Mac, Supertramp, or Led Zeppelin anymore...I loved the 70's and like you, have amazing memories of those days!!!! That 70's Show is a great depiction of that time.
Something folks don't realize, when you have ice falling on the roads, pre treatment is not going to be very helpful. And scraping the roads after everything has fallen may pack everything down into an icy mess in places. The worst is when it thaws some during the day then refreezes at night. For wheel dive doesn't help much on ice. It can give you a false sense of security, then you are going to fast and realize its to late to stop in time to avoid hitting someone.
Fortunately the icy stuff fell West and north of us this time.
West yes Springer was not a Seaworld whale but had significant human interactions such that people were skeptical releasing her back would work. It did, which is great.
Keiko was a circus whale, that was the real Free Willy whale. He was also freed. They called that mildly successful. He did continue to take an interest in humans that was abnormal (there were reports he enjoyed swimming with humans near the shore), but in other respects he did quite well. Unfortunately he got pneumonia and passed away a few years later, so he wasn't really in the wild long enough to really get a good sense if it would have worked long term. But that's got to be better than swimming in a tiny tank doing tricks for the masses.
I'm kind of skeptical about pre-treating roads too Joy. I worry people will think I don't have to be careful because the roads were pre treated. That is very dangerous.
I was back east for the Thanksgiving blizzard. Even had a harrowing Southwest flight during the thick of it. We had to circle the airport for them to plow, lol! I even noticed a difference in snow removal town to town. We were in the airport town and the roads were a mess, but the second we crossed into the next town they were clear. You could barely tell there was a bad storm. Snow removal can be done very well, but not all areas are made equal. I remember being astounded how slow and poor removal it is in most areas not used to a ton of winter snow like how I grew up. Even in the worst storms it was RARE for anything to be closed. We could go entire winters with a ton of storms but no school closures. Only if it was so fast and brutal that no one could keep up. We were more likely to see closures for wind chill, not snow!
Just think kate. If you would of behaved on the episode with the Palins, she might of invited you to have you as a guest appearance on her new reality show.
It has been going on now 3 years since you have been on tee vee with your own reality show. If you would of behaved and not acted like Sarah's dad said you did since you first got there, and not have thrown the temper tantrum about being cold, hungry (yourself), throwing the food on the ground, saying the horrible comment about pretending to be homeless!
You were camping out daggum it!
M did not want her picture taken with you and the kids and you got very angry and manhandled her and grabbed her arm and hurt her and drug her over to the river and forced her to stand there while you stood there with your face with that fake smile with your expensive veneers and said, cheezzzzzzzzzzze.
It must of been bad because Sarah's camp was going to call the authorities. But of course Circle 8 and TLC convinced them not to and they said we will just leave. Can't believe they didn't call.
Then kate told the kids who were having such fun with Sarah's dad told them if they didn't get up and come with her right then, they would be Palin's and not Gosselins. It had to flash in the younger kids head that could of meant to them that they wouldn't be Gosselins anymore and that they had to stay and never see their dad anymore.
kate was hateful to Sarah's daughter. I can't believe when kate was manhandling M that Steve should of grabbed kate and manhandled her to her tent and told her to shut the heck up and CALM DOWN! But, why would he melt the butter before it is spread on his bread?
He must love money that bad. Really bad. Steve, don't you know that every dollar you earn from your *cough cough* employer is blood money? Hoping when "The Book" comes out that Steve (and if Gina is involved) all go down with kate with the animal, child and the kids money abuse.
Something folks don't realize, when you have ice falling on the roads, pre treatment is not going to be very helpful.
Joy, nearly all of the accidents here occurred when it was snowing...there was no ice until later at night, and when I checked the road conditions/webcams and incident reports there were very few accidents then because we didn't get the ice that was expected, which was a blessing because it meant few downed power lines.
There is some kind of "special" pre-treatment mix they put down specifically when the weather forecast is for all ice. I'm not sure how well it works, but I heard one of the PennDot fellows explain how they decide what mixture to use.
Yes, Sea World helps with many water rescues for sea creatures. I just don't understand why they need to imprison and force healthy animals to perform. There are more than enough animals injured that won't be able to make it in the wild they can do their "research" with. If those mammals don't consist of Orcas...then too bad.
I'd like to know what ground breaking information they found by keeping Orcas in tanks. It wasn't hard to figure out that captive orcas are miserable.
The information they discovered while imprisoning the orcas is that they are even more intelligent, complex and emotional than we first thought. They scanned their brains and discovered that they have an entirely different portion of the brain than humans do that has to do with emotions. Apparently many humans don't like the idea of an animal being more emotional than we are but that's essentially what they discovered--their emotions are on an entirely different level than ours. Their emotions are deeper, more complex, their bonds are stronger (which is why ripping their babies away is just as hard for them or worse than ripping a child from his human mother--it was separation from her baby that was cited for the reason Ken Peters was attacked and nearly killed by a female), they have a true "sixth sense."
Essentially they discovered they are one of nature's most incredible living beings. How these people sleep at night caging them up like this is beyond me. Actually many couldn't sleep as the research went on. The amazing thing about this is the mile-long line of ex researchers, marine biologists, Sea World employees, captors who have come forward to say I used to think this was okay now I don't and this is why. Rarely do you see this many whistleblowers at once.
It has been going on now 3 years since you have been on tee vee with your own reality show.
Wasn't Kate Plus Eight cancelled in the fall of 2011? I lose track of time sometimes!
PA Dutch Mom said... 193
Joy, nearly all of the accidents here occurred when it was snowing...there was no ice until later at night, and when I checked the road conditions/webcams and incident reports there were very few accidents then because we didn't get the ice that was expected, which was a blessing because it meant few downed power lines.
I don't know what kind of snow was falling when it first started yesterday, but we didn't even have half an inch of it and it was the slipperiest darn snow I'd ever seen. Like "snow ice". It was nasty.
btw: the 24 year old guy that was killed was killed near Philly. He was from Lebanon, PA.
Pa Dutch Mom: I owe you an apology too.
When I read your description of the baby lamb with its head gone and it looked like a swooshed headless sheeple. Oh. My. Lanta.
I am not trying to top westcoastie's laughing, but I am really apologizing, because I laughed so hard. So hard, I had to lean over
and grab the railing and put my head down into my arm and stop and gasp for air. Best laugh I had for at least a couple of days.
I think it was the sheeple part.
Milwaukee area had some bad roads and accidents Sunday. They posted a video of one of the pileups. Amazing how many were driving way too fast. I am glad I live where there are mostly 2 lane highways and country roads. Those freeways would scare the bejeebers out of me.
RIP Eleanor Parker. For those of you who don't remember her, she played The Baroness in the movie "The Sound of Music". She died yesterday at the age of 91. Ironic that we're discussing another production of SOM at the time.
The Pennsylvania Senate will be voting on legislation this week to overhaul the state's child abuse laws. It is firmly believed after debate on wording only, these bills will pass. Truly a good feeling.
Admin, wondering if you are interested in making this a topic of discussion. I am surprised at the few mentions of the bills up before the Pennsylvania Senate this week in order to "widen" Pennsylvania's current definition of child abuse.
Numbers looked good against the national average, because Pennsylvania's definition of child abuse is so narrow. There are 2.8 million children in Pennsylvania. Last year, 3,508 were listed as victims of child abuse. This translates to a rate of 1.4 per 1,000 children -- compared to a national rate of 9.3.
An excellent interview with PA Senator Mensch and Cathleen Palm, co-founder of the Protect Our Children Committee in 2003 where she currently serves as the Executive Director....aired on NPR.
If anyone is interested in listening, it is really informative,here is the link.
Cathleen Palm is a resident of Berks County and was a victim of child abuse.
Cathleen's organization, the, "Protect Our Children Committee" has a website.
Busy week here in Pennsylvania! Hopefully Christmas we will be celebrating change for Pennsylvania's children.
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