Thursday, January 2, 2014

Discussion Thread: Couples Therapy episode 1, 'Therapy Begins'

Jon and his girlfriend Liz are on the popular VH1 reality show tonight. Check local listings.

968 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 968   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

I know! I saw that, but I thought she got it from a tweeter who used it, who probably read it here. I didn't check the time on Kate's tweet.


Wow that expression really made the rounds today then. I had no idea Paradise was so, um, "loose."

PA Dutch Mom said... 2

Wow that expression really made the rounds today then. I had no idea Paradise was so, um, "loose."


I was in Paradise this morning, not too far from Intercourse!

Watching the show night. So far, yawn.

Suzy said... 3

Hope everyone is doing well today.

Okay, anyone figure out why in the world would 2 sick kids be watching the younger kids ANzd they offer to make dinner?!? Something's off. Plus you do not take a sick child to the dentist. Are they conganious by the way? These were strange comments she was tweeting today. A lot of stuff constraining each other.


Georgia Peach said... 4

From the previous post:

IMO, Kate's contradictory tweets insult her kids and her fans.
The sheeple will disagree and make up reasons, but that's what makes them sheeple. ~ Administrator said... 5

Correct me if I'm wrong but mothers are supposed to cook for their sick kids. Why is Kate acting like she's the one suffering and needs a night off? Her kids are the ones who are ill. I get it, looking after sick kids is no picnic, but that's what all the other mothers do. It's part of the job description! Don't like it, you don't have to sign up.

Georgia Peach said... 6

IMO, Kate's contradictory tweets insult her kids and her fans. 4

Meant to add, they also make her sound stupid.

prairiemary said... 7

I notice that the happier Jon is, the more handsome he gets, must be so much stress gone from TFW idiotic lawsuit. And Liz looks naturally pretty, has such a fresh and natural look. As far as I know, no plastics or injections, no personal makeup artist, expensive hair, and she looks so much younger that TFW. Just my opinion.

Jeanne said... 8

I will read the updates but I cannot bring myself to watch Couples Therapy. Ick. I can't believe people do this show.

I just want to say about the antibiotics that at 13 yrs old some kids can swallow pills and some can't. It's very individualized. I learned pretty early but went to high school with kids who couldn't do it. I have no idea why there are 13 bottles. None of my addition works for that.

The twins can make dinner even though they're sick because Kate never eats what they eat anyway. She has no mothering instinct to make sick kids feel better. To her, her day WAS as hard as she tweeted and she deserves the night off. No thought of how hard it might be for sick kids to make dinner and take care of the "littles". ~ Administrator said... 9

Liz is a dead ringer for one of my best friends. She is genuine looking and just is one of those people that anyone would feel comfortable approaching, just like my friend. A welcoming personality. I hope she brings many positive things to the kids being in their lives.

Localyocul said... 10

Looks like they won't even get to jon tonight. But #couplestherapy is trending I on twitter ~ Administrator said... 11

Well, I don't know about you guys, with your dentist or orthodonist, but mine would have canceled the appointment or refused to see me if I were sick


Yes. Plus how uncomfortable for the poor child! If you're stuffy you'll have to breathe through your mouth with a bunch of instruments in it. If you're coughing leaning back like that in the chair probably makes it worse.

And, it's just freaking rude to take your sick kids out to public places unless you have to. She is NOT in a bind. This is not the one day off a year where she could possibly take care of this. She could take them ANY time or heaven forbid ask Jon to take them. Spare the dentist, the other kids, and the rest of the public the exposure to your germs. Be a considerate person for once.

Gayle said... 12

Paige tweeted earlierr about meeting TFW and another fan tweeted that she blew her chance to meet TFW at the LV marathon. TFW replied: @Kateplusmy8: @PatriciaChow1 @Paige_Kate8fan Argghh! Had you been at the finish line, I may have fallen on you! Omg I was half dead lol!

Wait, wait, wait! As I recall, she crossed the finish line fresh as a daisy and went right back to wearing heels. Are we to believe her latest revision of history or believe what we actually saw and heard? She really can't remember her lies. ~ Administrator said... 13

I do like though that she scheduled these appointments on the weekdays. She doesn't work, and has all the time in the world to take care of these things on weekdays as long as the kids are off anyway.

If you don't WORK, it is just considerate to try to schedule appointments, shopping, and things of that nature on weekdays and save the weekends for those who do work and desperately need to squeeze in an appointment for the kiddos on limited weekend hours.

I remember Dmasy once talking about how she tries to schedule errands during the week and it strangely moved me. Lots of people do lots of big acts of kindness that we're very aware of, but it's the little things like that that go unrecognized yet help make the world go round. If everyone decided to just take care of things on the weekends cause that's the thing to do, the weekends would be even more of a packed nightmare than they already are. ~ Administrator said... 14

Looks like they won't even get to jon tonight. But #couplestherapy is trending I on twitter

That's a shame. What will the sheeple get all worked up about if he's not even on? ~ Administrator said... 15

What school sports? Kids go back to school on Monday. There are varsity basketball games tomorrow, but not today. I seriously doubt that any of the 3rd graders are on the varsity team!


School sports are not just about games. She just said sports, not games. Surely there are practices before the game that are not public record? Our practice schedules were never made known except to those on the team and their families and even then sometimes we'd go off the schedule. Or does this public school advertise all their practices? Anyway I assume she meant practices.

Jeremy said... 16

Well, Jon was just in the previews of next weeks CT, and the clip was a therapy session about Liz's reaction to catching Jon masterbating. Kids will be so proud. I am disgusted by him.

Rhymes with Witch said... 17

Anyway I assume she meant practices. 15

You're also assuming that she is telling the truth ~ Administrator said... 18

Eww Jeremy. Gross. What a mess, what a mess, what a mess, as Cody's grandmother from Country Boys would say.

I don't think I will even bother to recap this if Jon wasn't even on. Unless I feel like snarking this weekend. How did Farrah do? She's the one to watch. ~ Administrator said... 19

Ha true! Well she could just say sports to mean she went to get Cara a new pair of socks for lacrosse. That's how much she lies. Or TWISTS. "Sports" could mean ANYTHING.

Tucker's Mom said... 20

I think we should collect hazard pay for Admin to recap CT.

lukebandit said... 21

Oh, how awful! Liz and Jon were sitting and talking, Liz was turned facing his side and Jon was looking ahead and Liz called him a P***Y!!! It is not puppy, I assure you. As soon as she said it, he took a drag off a cigarette.

THOSE POOR KIDS!!! I can't believe this.

If kate were ever brought into questioning for a crime that the police thought she was involved in, can you imagine the many different, twisted versions of her version of events that took place? She had to have known the kids were sick the night before! Then when you get up TFW you can very easily fix chicken noodle soup in the crock pot, even if it is canned. Add chicken that you have frozen in your freezer from leftover chicken that you have deboned. Add noodles when you come in, only takes about an hour to cook the noodles. Another crockpot with hot chocolate. Maybe grilled cheese, if they felt like eating those. I love to mix Campbell's Cream of Chicken and C Chicken Noodle Soup together.

Have plenty of Pedilite, popsicles and most of all LOVING CARE BY A LOVING MOM.

Oh, I forgot, you might have to trudge in the horrible ice and snow back to town to Target and buy a loving, caring Mom for your kids. They are on aisle 4. No batteries or assembly required.

Her crazy tweets are driving me nuts! The lying. is. what. gets. me.

lukebandit said... 22

Tucker's Mom said... 20
I think we should collect hazard pay for Admin to recap CT.


We should at least chip in and get her an umbrella, raincoat, gloves and goulashes for the recap.

Dmasy said... 23

Admin, thank you. I am flattered that you remember what I said about weekday errands. I still try to make that my practice. The Saturday grocery store line is one person less.

Couples Therapy -- cringe worthy. Jon and Liz won't join the house until next week. They were seen in some quick preview clips. Suffice to say, they are not a classy couple. Another kind of "couch interview" -- Liz berates Jon and he talks about something the kids should never hear.

Count me in for next week!

lukebandit said... 24

I wonder if Jon told Robert about his experience on CT. I wonder if he told him what he said/she said.

When is the book coming out. We deserve an answer either way.

lukebandit said... 25

I forgot to add, I wonder what Robert thinks about Jon going on CT.

lukebandit said... 26

Isn't it strange that TFW is shuffling all the kids to the dentists, ortho and getting their meds while they are all sick and having to come home to cook dinner, but her girls feel bad for her doing it all and are going to cook dinner, WHILE Jon makes his debut on CT and what a debut it was!

Cursing, vulgar topics, destruction.

Her timing is impeccable to be doing it all for the kids while Jon is on CT acting like a nut.


PatK said... 27

Let's put it this way. I know Jon does it, but I don't want to hear about it on tv. Eww.

Boy will this ever give the nutcase Jon hater sheeple more ammo.

PatK said... 28

Fired Up 4 Kate‏@MiloandJack14m
@Kateplusmy8 Well, you two probably eat the same seeds & nuts! LOL You eat like a bird! Miss Slim & Slender #HealthyLiving :)


Milo, you REALLY need to get over her rockin' body. It's digusting for you to be going on and on about it.

PA Dutch Mom said... 29

She just said sports, not games. Surely there are practices before the game that are not public record?


True. but if they are not on the varsity basketball team, what are they practicing for?

abby said... 30

As a favor to me, and hopefully others, can we not go into vivid detail defending masturbation like was done while defending peeing outside?

Please. I implore us all! LOL

PA Dutch Mom said... 31

WHILE Jon makes his debut on CT and what a debut it was!

Cursing, vulgar topics, destruction.


I didn't see Jon make his debut. I dozed for a bit, but didn't see him.

PA Dutch Mom said... 32

Lots of people do lots of big acts of kindness that we're very aware of,


Speaking of acts of kindness, do we know who won her not-a-contest? ~ Administrator said... 33

True. but if they are not on the varsity basketball team, what are they practicing for?


I'm confused. There is sure a lot more to sports for kids other than varsity teams! Sports run year round in most areas, not just through schools but there's endless club teams. Just endless. You could go broke putting your child in club sports. There's aways something you could do sports wise, though it may not be 10 minutes away. In the winter it's often club basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, swimming, indoor football, hockey, etc. Any time you play it's called a practice. It's completely plausible to me the kids have sports opportunities/practices, I just don't know how much I believe they are allowed to take advantage of the numerous athletic activities out there. ~ Administrator said... 34

Ugh, hazard pay please. I don't want to recap sex talk. Who would.

What happened to us? When did sex become something special and private between two people and something to share with the world? If your boyfriend masturbates, why can't you deal with it privately?

Virginia Pen Mom said... 35

I remember Dmasy once talking about how she tries to schedule errands during the week and it strangely moved me. Lots of people do lots of big acts of kindness that we're very aware of, but it's the little things like that that go unrecognized yet help make the world go round.


You know what? I remember that too, Admin. I think of it sometimes when I'm at the grocery store. ~ Administrator said... 36

Speaking of acts of kindness, do we know who won her not-a-contest?


Nope, and in most states you are REQUIRED to make the names of the winners available. Another law potentially broken.

What's to stop Kate from not giving the prize to ANYONE and just telling everyone who entered sorry you lost thanks for playing? This is why the winners names must be made available.

PA Dutch Mom said... 37

There's aways something you could do sports wise, though it may not be 10 minutes away. In the winter it's often club basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, swimming, indoor football, hockey, etc. Any time you play it's called a practice.


They practice according to what they are playing in a particular season. Perhaps in public schools that have the sports you mentioned, they practice. However, at their school there is no football, no swimming, no volleyball, no hockey, no gymnastics, so I have no idea what they would be practicing right now. There is no indoor tennis or indoor lacrosse.

Localyocul said... 38

Jeremy said... 16
Well, Jon was just in the previews of next weeks CT, and the clip was a therapy session about Liz's reaction to catching Jon masterbating. Kids will be so proud. I am disgusted by him.


Eeeew really? I missed that thank goodness

PA Dutch Mom said... 39

Sports run year round in most areas, not just through schools but there's endless club teams.


She did say school sports, I think, unless I read the tweet wrong. I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just not sure what school sports she is talking about.

PA Dutch Mom said... 40

Couples Therapy -- cringe worthy. Jon and Liz won't join the house until next week. They were seen in some quick preview clips. Suffice to say, they are not a classy couple. Another kind of "couch interview" -- Liz berates Jon and he talks about something the kids should never hear.


I just wonder how much of the nitty gritty details of their private lives actually happened, or if it's scripted and they were told to make it as graphic as is allowed on television -- all for ratings and drama. What I saw of the show was so bad, not even remotely interesting. Then again, it takes a lot to hold my interest in these darn reality shows.

Rhymes with Witch said... 41

I for one, have no interest in anyone's sex life but my own, which is private.
Tact and diplomacy, please.

Rhymes with Witch said... 42

I'm just not sure what school sports she is talking about. 39

I'm not sure that she knows either.

Rhymes with Witch said... 43

I think what Kate does in her blog posts and twitter could be called "mommy babble" which is kind of analogous to "psycho babble" but for mommies who are trying to sound like they are important and know what they're doing but.......

ncgirl said... 44

"Speaking of acts of kindness, do we know who won her not-a-contest?"

Kate addressed this in a tweet:

@Kateplusmy8 are the #bekindgetsigned winners posted yet?

still working on them... Had a set back with sickness and no water.. Coming soon!

AuntieAnn said... 45 (Administrator) said... 34

Ugh, hazard pay please. I don't want to recap sex talk. Who would.

What happened to us? When did sex become something special and private between two people and something to share with the world? If your boyfriend masturbates, why can't you deal with it privately?


'Friends'. The episode where Monica catches Chandler doing it while watching porn on tv and when she walks in on him he quickly changes the channel to a program about sharks, so Monica thinks sharks turn him on.

That's my guess. Next topic please.
(I'll chip in on the hazard pay, lol)

PA Dutch Mom said... 46

Eeeew really? I missed that thank goodness


I missed it, too. Did Liz actually come right out and say that she caught Jon being a master baiter?

You just know that Kate is going to bask in all of these "poor Kate" lamentations (is that the right word?) from her sheeple after this thing airs. They will all commiserate together.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 47

still working on them... Had a set back with sickness and no water.. Coming soon!


LOL!! Coming Soon? So are her inspirational posts on her blog from 2011.

Amy2 said... 48

Ewww. Some things should remain private.

Jeremy said... 49

are CT: they showed clips of next week, when Jon joins the house. Showed how excited the other housemates are that the J of J&K is there. Showed a therapy session. Liz ridiculed him. Cause that never happened in his marriage so he handled if well. They talk about her catching him enjoying himself and how upset she was. Therapist asks her why she didn't climb on instead of getting upset. How horrible for his children. No one can talk about Kate at the club getting her foot licked and then defend him on CT. They also showed the therapy excersiE of several couples smashing furniture and Jon talks about wasting 10 yeRs of his life. I'm sure his 9 year olds will love hearing that too. Even if they don't see the show. It will be a available on video forever. The show is already trending on twitter, TLC never had that exposure. And kate can throw it in his face, and to the kids, forever.

AuntieAnn said... 50

What's to stop Kate from not giving the prize to ANYONE and just telling everyone who entered sorry you lost thanks for playing? This is why the winners names must be made available.

And it's no small thing either. Even if you enter a contest to win a chocolate bar the fine print is filled with regulations about who is eligible, how old you have to be, where it's prohibited...on and on. You need a magnifying glass to read them all in fine print.

Why does she always think rules don't apply to her?

OrangeCrusher1 said... 51

Oh please, she had a set back? She had plenty of time to square that nonsense contest away while her children were visiting their father after Xmas. Or while she tweeted away hours since then. Pathetic.

And while I have absolutely no interest in any details about Jon's intimate life with Liz, I will say he looks normal and happy in her company. As for Kate, has she even had a date since the divorce? They each may have a lot of problems, but only one is seriously screwed up IMO. ~ Administrator said... 52

I missed it, too. Did Liz actually come right out and say that she caught Jon being a master baiter?


Are you sure she didn't mean he was caught looking at porn or something?

Nonetheless, ugh. Relationship issues are normal but it's not normal to tell the world. I don't even notice most people my age talking about sex at all, even with close friends. It's just private. With everything else about our lives that is so public these days, that's the one last thing we've kept relatively quiet and sacred. ~ Administrator said... 53

What does having no water (huh?) have to do with whether you can deliver on a contest like you promised?

She really needs to be careful with these not a contests. In some states they are considered contracts with the players, and if you don't deliver when and what you say you will, you could be in breach and potentially sued. Plus we know the kids, ALL the kids, were with Jon part of the break. Haul yourself awake at a decent hour one morning when you have the entire house to yourself and get your work done and out of the way then go on with your not-a-real-job life. Good grief how lazy can you be?

As so many have said she just likes the funs and games of things. She doesn't want to do the actual work. The fun was getting people in a tizzy about the contest and fawning over her grand idea, so that was easy for her to promote. The work of actually reviewing entry after tedious entry? She'll put that off as long as possible. Can you imagine if you just told your boss yeah sorry didn't get around to that project due DECEMBER 24 cause you know my kids were sick and I was out of water. You'd be fired. And yet she considers this her job.

fidosmommy said... 54

Silly me. I didn't even think about "ped appt" meaning a trip to the doctor's. I thought it meant PEDICURE appt! Seriously.

Tammy said... 55

Interesting you chose to bring up both the westboro church and phil Robertson today. This is why the DD clan is dangerous. They have supporters and fans like these. ~ Administrator said... 56

I stopped worrying so much about Westboro when they came to something I was involved with to protest who even knows what. They never really explained. It was like 3 people and no one cared. Literally no one cared. They stood there whining for a few hours, the cops stood next to them more for their protection than anyone else, and then they left. It was truly nothing. They are a joke to most people. Actually they've oddly brought out the best in people. Photos of all the "angels" standing around whatever they are protecting are really moving. That's how it works. They have every right to stand there saying vile things, and others have every right to create a protective wall of angels around their targets. A free marketplace of ideas is what democracy is always about, even the most vile ones.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 57

They also showed the therapy excersiE of several couples smashing furniture and Jon talks about wasting 10 yeRs of his life. I'm sure his 9 year olds will love hearing that too. I


Did he say that he wasted ten years of his life (with his kids) or that he spent 10 years with Kate and for what? I only caught a snippet of it, and it sounded like he meant his marriage and being controlled. I think I'm going to wait and reserve judgement until I hear the context in which it was said. ~ Administrator said... 58

Yeah I wonder about that wasted 10 years of your life comment. He could just mean he gave up a lot and put a lot on hold to get married to Kate so young. I have never heard him imply that the eight children that came out of that marriage are ever something he regrets. However, you have to be careful saying that because a kid could interpret it as directed at them when most parents would never dream of letting them think that. My friend who is divorced whenever asked always makes sure to say no I'm not upset or regretful. I have two beautiful children who are my life. Keeping it positive like that ensures kids won't feel like you regret them. They need some kind of therapist who is an expert on broken families who could help them learn to frame things in a manner that is positive for the kids.

Tammy said... 59

. It was truly nothing. They are a joke to most people.

Were any of those Angels laughing? I don't think they are a joke to grieving families of dead soldiers. The Robertson have Westboro fans now? That is indeed frightening. Not amusing at all.

Anonymous said... 60

I think he wasted 10 years of his life comment might be in reference to how he was not himself and was a doormat and way too passive for the 10 years he spent with Kate. ~ Administrator said... 61

They are "a joke" is an expression meaning their views are not taken seriously by most people. No one was literally laughing at the protest I saw. I think what they do at funerals is horrific. Just horrific. Justice Alito was the lone dissenting opinion, and he agreed saying this: ""In order to have a society in which public issues can be openly and vigorously debated, it is not necessary to allow the brutalization of innocent victims like petitioner." 8 other justices, however, said they're allowed to do it by their interpretation of the law. Until we change our free speech laws or the whole basis on which this country was built, it will continue. ~ Administrator said... 62

However, at their school there is no football, no swimming, no volleyball, no hockey, no gymnastics,


The school doesn't have football, swimming or volleyball at all? No hockey team either in chilly PA? That's sad. That would have eliminated four favorite sports at my school and left a lot of kids missing out.

In any case yes she did say school sports, so who knows. Maybe she's lying. I'd like to think the kids are actually involved in sports and on a regular basis, and more than just Cara. Sports, and music, were the best things that ever happened to me as a kid. ~ Administrator said... 63

I think what Kate does in her blog posts and twitter could be called "mommy babble" which is kind of analogous to "psycho babble" but for mommies who are trying to sound like they are important and know what they're doing but.......


YES, nailed it! I detest most mommy blogging. Of all the Mommy blogs out there, there are probably only a dozen of them even worth the time of day. What happened is that there were a few good Mommy blogs out there and then everyone thought they could do it too. ~ Administrator said... 64

Watched the extended preview of the season. Unless I missed it, I don't see anywhere that they are talking about Jon masturbating. Liz mumbled that he had slept with other people and he was in bed with someone. It's bad enough, no reason to hear things that never were said.

The therapist got it though, she said Jon is still rebelling against Kate even in his relationships. I think that's true.

Also I think Taylor is a flat out liar about her deceased husband. ~ Administrator said... 65

Jon was also really, really upset when he said he wasted 10 years. Like in flat out tears. Whatever the context, he was deeply emotional over it. He wasn't messing around.

For all we know he was talking about the media and public eye in general, signing up for all this.

Rhymes with Witch said... 66

I think he wasted 10 years of his life comment might be in reference to how he was not himself and was a doormat and way too passive for the 10 years he spent with Kate. 60

I agree. I have never believed that he meant this in reference to his children.

Unknown said... 67 (Administrator) said... 64
''Watched the extended preview of the season. Unless I missed it, I don't see anywhere that they are talking about Jon masturbating. Liz mumbled that he had slept with other people and he was in bed with someone. It's bad enough, no reason to hear things that never were said.''
You did miss it. No one used the word masturbate. Jon used the phrase ''beat it'', and Liz got angry when she discovered him...then the therapist asked why she didn't join him. So...things WERE said, just not the specific word masturbate.

Think About The Kids said... 68

It doesn't matter what anyone here thinks he meant by his wasted 10 years comment. It matters what his children think. And if anyone thinks that comment doesn't have the potential to harm his children, you are in denial. He should never have said that on national television.

url/URL said... 69

So...things WERE said, just not the specific word masturbate.

And.....this is supposed to be in better form? 'Beat it'? My god. Those poor kids DO have to go to school and face their peers. This is just BEYOND crazy. How does Jon figure those kids will be 'private' when he puts his sex habits out there in the public?

AND this season of CT was trending of twitter?? Heaven help those kids. Jon's playing right into Kate's hands. Idiot! This is indefensible.

Ingrid said... 70

lukebandit said... 22

Tucker's Mom said... 20
I think we should collect hazard pay for Admin to recap CT.


We should at least chip in and get her an umbrella, raincoat, gloves and goulashes for the recap.

Or a hazmat suit?

Anonymous said... 71

word to the tea candle warmers

use. - 40 C , yes, celcius here ! with windchill), sorrow prariemary

handinhand said... 72

Correct me if I'm wrong but mothers are supposed to cook for their sick kids.
Not only cook, but every nurturing instinct just kind of kicks into overdrive. It's when normal parents shine the brightest.

handinhand said... 73

Couples Therapy -- cringe worthy. Jon and Liz won't join the house until next week. They were seen in some quick preview clips. Suffice to say, they are not a classy couple. Another kind of "couch interview" -- Liz berates Jon and he talks about something the kids should never hear.

And for this we kicked Admin's stellar top ten list off the front page?
Can we sue?

Anonymous said... 74

fidosmommy said... 54
Silly me. I didn't even think about "ped appt" meaning a trip to the doctor's. I thought it meant PEDICURE appt! Seriously.


Not silly at all, I thought the exact same thing.


Anonymous said... 75

Jon and Liz appear to be the draw of the show, holding them off till the end. What I did see is a very crass Liz. Classless women don't do much for me. I wouldn't want my kids around a woman who behaves like that.


JoyinVirginia said... 76

OT we recently saw movie Don John with Joseph Gordon-Leavitt, Scarlett Johansson, Julianne Moore, Tony Danza. The lead character is addicted to porn, but you do not see a lot of porn. There are discussions about porn. The story is very good, acting very good, really good film.
I forgot CT was on, but no problem, vh 1 generally reruns everything multiple times.

abc said... 77

As did I, anon 74 and fido 54.

Vanessa said... 78

Happy New Year!

People were saying wait to see, wait to see...there is no such thing as a "classy" "reality" show on VH1. TLC can't even deliver! There was NO WAY they wouldn't air the salacious, the tacky and "the nasty". It's allll that sells with these types of shows. We know it, Jon knows it, his girlfriend knows it, whether it's staged or not. And he wanted to shed that dirtbag label? What's this going to accomplish? Just like Kevin O'Leary likes to say--MOOONEEEYYY. Hope it's worth it.
And don't tell me they won't be running to Google to read anything and everything that's being said about them. Talk about depressing!!

TLC stinks said... 79

Probably Jon meant wasting 10 years of his life MARRIED to a monster. I don't believe he regrets his children, probably that he was tricked into having so many. It's a shame he signed up (with Liz) to appear on a trashy TV show. He's either desparate for money or needs an ego boost. Why can't he just be a classy person with a classy girlfriend?

ITA Kate shared her tweets as an overworked single mom to rile up her fans while Jon is on TV. Typical manipulation of the facts. The woman has HELP. What a freakin' liar.

Both parents are a hot mess. The kids will be a hot mess if not already. It's so embarrassing this is all playing out publicly.

And Robert, I do not know what is going on, but there is absolutely no LEGAL reason why you are not providing an update on your book. Frankly, this is unprofessional. Not impressed. I was hoping we could finally get a fact filled, well-written book on this debacle. Your silence is suspicious.

SwingsandRoundabouts said... 80

Anonymous said... 74

fidosmommy said... 54
Silly me. I didn't even think about "ped appt" meaning a trip to the doctor's. I thought it meant PEDICURE appt! Seriously.


Not silly at all, I thought the exact same thing.



Yes, me too. It's interesting that our first thoughts are that she is taking care of herself. More me time. lol

FlimsyFlamsy said... 81

About the not-a-contest winners...TFW's delay of the whole thing gives you a little peek into her soul, in my opinion. Going over heartwarming stories and pictures of random acts of kindness, for me, would be a pleasurable and inspiring experience, not a chore. Especially as it seemed like a holiday/end-of-year gratitude exercise. But TFW's making it sound as if it's just another thing on her neverending to-do list: "pick up antibiotics, photograph antibiotics for Twitter, judge stupid contest,..." Oh, and having sick 13-year-olds cooking dinner
for their poor mother? Parentification at its finest.

TLC stinks said... 82

@davidgoehring1 hahahah I don't know! I've been SO bored, that I can't be bothered deciding which knitting project to start #hahaha #Iwish

Which is it, Kate? BORED or BUSY? Looks like she can't decide or is lying. BTW, if the kids are sick, why are they doing sports? Ped appointment? Her toes are very important! Ha. Know way to know the truth. Why are there 13 bottles of the same medicine?

TLC stinks said... 83

Fan asked if she was taking the kids to the PA Farm Show this week. Kate tweets:

@NoraSaysNo no. I went every year as a kid -- would be fun but no can do :(

Has she ever taken the kids there? Ever?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 84

I'm thinking about the admonition, "Be careful what you wish for." Silly me, I was hoping for no more urination talk, and look what happens!! Live and learn.

This whole Gosselin fiasco from beginning to...(no end?) is becoming too disgusting to deal with. It's all trash, they're trash. I'm beginning to feel like trash reading about it.

Formerly Duped said... 85

Geez, what's to say Mady and others of the kids might not sneak and watch this show on TV like Mady said she did Kendra's? Jon's solo activity should NOT be on national TV.

oh, and with regard to Hannah's Lego masterpiece, it's not too good IMO and surely they must have 'bodies' among all the Lego the kids reportedly have? Why post that?

getofftwitter said... 86

Admin: there was a lot of clips they showed, for this show during the commercials. I think there was a clip of Jon, smashing furniture and saying maybe 10 years of a (swear word) perfection, something about everything has to be perfect, and for what! and another of him saying something about the marriage & putting up with 10 years of crap or something like that, they did the clips fast. They were giving you a little peek. The Home & what ever Hallmark channel show,(today at 10am central, Comcast 131) Kate was on, it's the Kate doubleheader, surprised that her lackeys have not posted about it.

Vanessa said... 87

Geez, what's to say Mady and others of the kids might not sneak and watch this show on TV like Mady said she did Kendra's?
Oh my gosh, they'll be able to find it on the net in no time. 13 yr olds?

JMO said... 88

Sorry trying to catch up with this debacle, and respond to comments that make a lot of sense to me. Of course, it never ends with these 2 at the helm : ) They are both an enigma to me, with all of their choices over 15 years.

Jeremy said... 16
Well, Jon was just in the previews of next weeks CT, and the clip was a therapy session about Liz's reaction to catching Jon masterbating. Kids will be so proud. I am disgusted by him.
I am have no words. Really.

Tucker's Mom said... 20
I think we should collect hazard pay for Admin to recap CT.
Not even going there; reality TV is good for what?. Did not watch CT, and most likely won't in future.

lukebandit said... 21
Oh, how awful! Liz and Jon were sitting and talking, Liz was turned facing his side and Jon was looking ahead and Liz called him a P***Y!!! It is not puppy, I assure you. As soon as she said it, he took a drag off a cigarette.

THOSE POOR KIDS!!! I can't believe this.
Lovely! Total snark. I expected more out of Jon, but once again, his head has spinned in a different direction. Kind of like a broken compass. Buy a new one Jon!

Jeremy 49- They also showed the therapy excersiE of several couples smashing furniture and Jon talks about wasting 10 yeRs of his life. I'm sure his 9 year olds will love hearing that too.
Umm, why did he do this trash show? Help a girl out.

AuntieAnn 50-
Why does she always think rules don't apply to her?
I think TLC and the sheeple helped her along with this quite a bit. Just guessing. : )

fidosmommy said... 54
Silly me. I didn't even think about "ped appt" meaning a trip to the doctor's. I thought it meant PEDICURE appt! Seriously.
: ) 99.9 % of the time, Kate is doing her Pedicure apptmts. Looks like she squeezed the pediatrician in for the .01% remaining time.

My apologies for stacking comments, but trying to catch up without creating multiple posts. I would also like to add that I am obviously very ignorant of the "Walt history" so if his comment towards Admin was derogatory, my apologies.

For the NE folks, what a snowfall! Be careful, very slippery out there with the very low temperatures!

lukebandit said... 89

Ingrid said... 70

lukebandit said... 22

Tucker's Mom said... 20
I think we should collect hazard pay for Admin to recap CT.


We should at least chip in and get her an umbrella, raincoat, gloves and goulashes for the recap.

Or a hazmat suit?


Yes. So funny. My aunt has a business that makes hazmat suits and coverings. I could grift you a suit and maybe a backup, just in case. But, she is not one of my favorite aunts. lol

Watching Home and Family. The counselor on CT is on this morning and she was going to answer questions from viewers. Then they said that CT debuted last night and that they had a clip. I gasped! Then the told the hosts in their ears that they didn't have the clip. Then they were saying, Oh, we don't have the clip. Then they went on to answer questions from viewers.

I also agree about Roberts book. I wonder if TFW had anything to do with it not being published. We deserve an answer! Either way, Print or Not to Print. That is the question!

On the Today Show this morning they showed amateur made videos for the Superbowl for Doritos. The winning video will be shown on the Superbowl. The budgets for the videos range from 300 to 5K. The funniest one to me is the one with the ostrich! I lol so hard. It was made for only 800 dollars. I guess the big high price ad agencies are cringing in their boots! They looked just like a normal ad. ~ Administrator said... 90

Jon and Liz appear to be the draw of the show, holding them off till the end.


I assumed they weren't on the first episode because of their flight being a day late due to the LAX shootings.

Vanessa said... 91

Lalalalala said... 92


Vanessa said... 93

Very odd that tfw hasn't given any sort of rebuttal or comment about the "a**hole" article???? She must be chomping at the bit. ~ Administrator said... 94

And if anyone thinks that comment doesn't have the potential to harm his children, you are in denial.


I don't see that anyone said it doesn't have that very potential. That's what the whole conversation was about.

Not in a million years do I think he regrets his children, but he needs to realize that when he talks about the mistakes of his past, little ears don't always interpret things the way adults do.

Vanessa said... 95

I don't see that anyone said it doesn't have that very potential

Not yet Admin, it's still early:)

Vanessa said... 96
Oh come on! See? You're at their mercy. why why why did Jon do it AGAIN?? You sign up, you give them what they want. Period. ~ Administrator said... 97



OMG. They practically blackmailed him into participating even when he told them over and over that their relationship was fake and that he didn't want to do the show because it was wrong. See? You can't quit reality T.V. No one lets you do it. The only way out is on THEIR terms. This is slavery with a paycheck, is it not?

Also if anyone follows this freak Farrah even loosely, you would know it's highly unlikely she has a real relationship or real boyfriend, at least not someone as nice as him. She is that much of a nut job. ~ Administrator said... 98

And Robert, I do not know what is going on, but there is absolutely no LEGAL reason why you are not providing an update on your book. Frankly, this is unprofessional. Not impressed.


I have not liked how he's handled this from day one a year and a half ago, and always said so. I'm not surprised he is annoying and irritating folks once again.

Vanessa said... 99

Also if anyone follows this freak Farrah even loosely, you would know it's highly unlikely she has a real relationship or real boyfriend, at least not someone as nice as him. She is that much of a nut job.

Exactly! Before she (or ANY of these people) get "couples" counseling, they need to seek professional help in regards to the BIGGER issues in their lives and do it PRIVATELY. And what a joke the actual therapist is! Famewhore like all of them. Right off the bat, your credentials mean sh#t!

Vanessa said... 100

And Robert, I do not know what is going on, but there is absolutely no LEGAL reason why you are not providing an update on your book. Frankly, this is unprofessional. Not impressed.

ditto ~ Administrator said... 101

Farrah actually has gone to therapy before, a real therapist. It didn't do much. She really is so mentally ill though she may be beyond help. She is most likely a raging narcissist, maybe even a sociopath. In many ways she's worse than Kate in the sense that at least Kate manages to take care of the kids and look after the house and more or less be responsible, even if she relies heavily on passing off the duties on someone else. And she has her moments where she is kind to her fans even if it's fake. Farrah is just a fart in the wind totally inept and irresponsible. Every word out of her mouth is designed to hurt someone else. With Kate you worry the kids will be messed up, but with Farrah you wonder if her child will even SURVIVE.

Vanessa said... 102

? You can't quit reality T.V. No one lets you do it. The only way out is on THEIR terms. This is slavery with a paycheck, is it not?

And I can give this guy a bit of a break, he really didn't understand the ramifications. JON? Fool me once, shame on YOU, fool me twice, shame on ME...

JMO said... 103

Admin 52-
Nonetheless, ugh. Relationship issues are normal but it's not normal to tell the world.
Amen, but neither of these 2 have stopped with notions of reality TV, interviews, appearances, etc. Sell you soul to the devil, while you have 8 kids. It is not going to come out well with either of these 2 at the helm.
They both need to get NON CAMERA therapy, but not interested, as they will not make any money doing so.

Sorry but the "wasted 10 years" comment was not okay, IMO. I know he is referring to the 10 year marriage, but it is an immature, selfish comment. A lot of us have had bad experience, but we learn and move on. No pass for Jon, as he chose to go on TV (yet again)) and I don't think the term "wasted," was a good choice of words. Kids were all conceived during this period.

Why are either of these 2 on RTV after all of these years? Seriously. Move on with your lives. Selfish egotistical parents.

Vanessa said... 104

Farrah actually has gone to therapy before, a real therapist. It didn't do much. She really is so mentally ill though she may be beyond help. She is most likely a raging narcissist, maybe even a sociopath. In many ways she's worse than Kate in the sense that at least Kate manages to take care of the kids and look after the house and more or less be responsible, even if she relies heavily on passing off the duties on someone else. And she has her moments where she is kind to her fans even if it's fake. Farrah is just a fart in the wind totally inept and irresponsible. Every word out of her mouth is designed to hurt someone else. With Kate you worry the kids will be messed up, but with Farrah you wonder if her child will even SURVIVE.

And yet here she is, getting paid (very well I imagine) for her mental illness.

Vanessa said... 105

And I can give this guy a bit of a break, he really didn't understand the ramifications. JON? Fool me once, shame on YOU, fool me twice, shame on ME...
After reading this back, it comes across as "I" was fooled by Jon. I meant it as Jon was fooled

Localyocul said... 106

{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

\f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 My daughter has asked me if I regret marrying her father and I always say no because if I didn't I wouldn't have you. And it's true}

Sheri said... 107

url/URL said...(69)

And.....this is supposed to be in better form? 'Beat it'? My god. Those poor kids DO have to go to school and face their peers. This is just BEYOND crazy. How does Jon figure those kids will be 'private' when he puts his sex habits out there in the public?

AND this season of CT was trending of twitter?? Heaven help those kids. Jon's playing right into Kate's hands. Idiot! This is indefensible.


I couldn't agree more and it's just as I thought. No shame, no restraint, no class. He bemoans Kate's penchant for twitter and making the kids' lives public but he goes on t.v. to discuss his masturbation practices? That's better?

What has become of our society that this type of exploitation is considered "entertainment" and worthy of our attention?

How long before our citizenry is made completely up of souless, lying, throwing loved ones under the bus for any amount of money, fame whores?

I didn't think it was possible but my heart just broke even more for those kids. Sad, sad, sad.

milkshake said... 108

TLC stinks said... 83
Fan asked if she was taking the kids to the PA Farm Show this week. Kate tweets:

@NoraSaysNo no. I went every year as a kid -- would be fun but no can do :(

Has she ever taken the kids there? Ever?
I'm going to take a stab and say no, they've never been there. It's crowded and smelly. It's also a uniquely wonderful PA experience, rich in history.

The Farm Show would have been a very interesting and educational trip while filming are show. I would bet 10 failed Love is in The Mix cookbooks that TLC tried to make this happen and Kate refused. Not fancy or exclusive enough for her. Not to mention that closing it down for them to film would never happen.

Localyocul said... 109

Was jon like this when he was married to HFW? If I were her is be embarrassed I ever married him.

Localyocul said... 110

I have no idea what that is above my comment! Admin can you remove the gibberish!

Layla said... 111

Kate tweeted that she can't take the kids to the PA farm show? Are you kidding me? I have gone many times with my own large family, even when many of the kids were small, and had a great time. Her kids aren't even little anymore, so it's not like they'll get lost. What, is she worried that there will be paps there? HA! It's a farm show. They have livestock there. You watch the horses and the dogs herding sheep (my kids' favorite since we have Aussies). Eat way too much in the food court area, check out crafts. It's good, wholesome fun and there's no reason (other than laziness) why she shouldn't take the kids.

I don't get her tweets from yesterday at all. The kids were sick (she even said on NYE that some had fevers) so she dragged them out to the dentist, orthodontist, pediatrician, etc? The peds appointment was probably a sports physical for Cara, so she threw in the school sports thing to make it look like she was busier than she really was. And then she was so exhausted from her drive in the snow to the pharmacy that the sick, feverish twins had to cook dinner and watch the little ones. She needs to get over herself. Try navigating the DC beltway in rush hour traffic in the driving snow like I did yesterday, and then she has grounds for complaint.

Carole said... 112

Oh please, she had a set back? She had plenty of time to square that nonsense contest away while her children were visiting their father after Xmas.


Especially since it wasn't a *contest* (per TFW herself). And, since it wasn't a contest that means it must be a random drawing, right? And, if it's just a random drawing then what in the heck takes so long to put your hand into a pile of names/pics and pull out a few?

Just like with everything she does, there's little follow through, no priority put on it - especially if it has to do with her fans, and just because she's masterminded something, it doesn't mean it'll hold her attention for long.

It's typical Kate. Anything different would be unexpected.

PA Dutch Mom said... 113

Eat way too much in the food court area, check out crafts. It's good, wholesome fun and there's no reason (other than laziness) why she shouldn't take the kids.


Don't forget the milkshakes (and the sheep-to-shawl competition)! ~ Administrator said... 114

Was jon like this when he was married to HFW? If I were her is be embarrassed I ever married him.


I don't think he could have changed this month, he's probably always been like this. I seem to recall him being described as the really cool biker guy, too cool for school. Bad boy. With another girl he left for Kate.

Listen, she picked him. Surely she knew who he was before she married him. I think in her younger days she liked it, it was exciting. Now that she's grown up, *cough*, it is a nuisance.

Actually I really think she'd still be married to him to this day if he had just gone along with all her plans to exploit the children to death. I firmly believe that. She left the guy because he wanted to stop her gravy train, period. His bad behavior that she had no problem with before suddenly was a convenient excuse to tell the public why it was over.

PA Dutch Mom said... 115

Try navigating the DC beltway in rush hour traffic in the driving snow like I did yesterday, and then she has grounds for complaint.

Oh, gosh, Tucker, I have to do that next week and I hate it even on a sunny day. I keep watching the weather reports. So far, so good, but that can change in a matter of hours. ~ Administrator said... 116


Layla said... 117

Good grief, Kate just tweeted that she loves living in a farming community. Of course, it's because her farmer neighbor plowed her driveway for her, but didn't she complain about living in a farming community on one of the RV episodes? It was where they were doing laundry and she said she wanted to move to Wyoming, and that she asks herself every day why she lives in PA, if you've seen one farm, you've seen them all. And she constantly complains about the snow and cold. Now she says she loves it because she got something out of it. She'll go back to hating it tomorrow, I'm sure.

Carole said... 118

How did Farrah do? She's the one to watch.

Admin, if you believe the tabloids about Farrah, the boyfriend was a sham... someone who agreed to play her BF on the show to earn some money. If you watch CT with that in mind, Farrah's scenes are cringe worthy, pathetic, LOL acting.

PA Dutch Mom said... 119

Fan asked if she was taking the kids to the PA Farm Show this week. Kate tweets:

@NoraSaysNo no. I went every year as a kid -- would be fun but no can do :(

I can understand this. The kids aren't feeling well. I wouldn't drive an hour one way to the Farm Show in sub-zero temperatures with sick children They should be home resting right now, not walking around in a crowd at the exhibits. The kids have school next week, and that leaves only next Saturday. Maybe that's their day with Jon. ~ Administrator said... 120

It's always struck me as odd where she chose to live because most of her interests seem to be city girl, Hollywood type interests. Strange. Why not move closer to NYC or LA? My best guess is TLC had a big hand in deciding where they would move. ~ Administrator said... 121

There are so many ethical regulations for the mentally ill, especially protecting their privacy. Yet there's no ethical code for reality T.V. It's this uncharted area that no one seems to be taking seriously. In any other context it would be deplorable to exploit the mentally ill, but on T.V. society has sort of accepted it as par for the course. What happened?

snowbird said... 122

It doesn't matter what anyone here thinks he meant by his wasted 10 years comment. It matters what his children think. And if anyone thinks that comment doesn't have the potential to harm his children, you are in denial. He should never have said that on national television.

I'm with the others and am withholding my opinion of Jon's statement until I can understand the context in which it was made. I think it's so wrong to judge one sentence without knowing the whole story.


What I did see is a very crass Liz. Classless women don't do much for me. I wouldn't want my kids around a woman who behaves like that.

I don't know Liz but I don't think it's fair to judge someone as classless and not want them around children from a few snippits of edited tv. I agree that she used crass language, but how do we know whether or not she is a great parent, very loving, caring, warm, a hard worker, good citizen, and responsible? SMH at how quickly judgements are to often made on people's character or fitness to parent with almost no info.

I makes me very sad that people are judging others based on so little and in this case, what is seen was edited and manipulated for the greatest impact to cause conflict/interest. Maybe it will turn out that many first impressions were accurate but jumping to conclusions isn't fair to anyone. I thought this group of non-fans waited to learn all the facts before passing judgement. Perhaps I was wrong.

JMO said... 123

Layla 111-

Try navigating the DC beltway in rush hour traffic in the driving snow like I did yesterday, and then she has grounds for complaint.
I don't live close to DC area, but I hear you (horrendous! did I say awful?) Have visited area several times a year, and although it is a great area to visit, actually awesome, the daily drive would not be fun AT ALL!

Layla said... 124

PA Dutch Mom (113)
Oh, the milkshakes! Yummy! Of course, everything is yummy, fattening, and irresistible there. I'm hoping the roads are clear enough to make the trip up there this weekend. I have never seen the sheep-to-shawl competition. How did I miss that?
I was the one who had to navigate the DC beltway traffic yesterday. I hate driving on the beltway anyway, but rush hour and blinding snow just make it a nightmare. I hope the weather is clear while you're here. I have to say, I love the perks of living close to DC and Baltimore. We can go to the theater, the ballet, the restaurants any time, but after battling the traffic and crowds, there's something so soothing about going up to PA. DH has family there, and there is one "family house" that is used by all of us as a weekend getaway. DH swears that his blood pressure drops 10 points every time he crosses the PA border. He is a type-A personality, always on the go, sleeps 4-5 hours a night, but in PA he even takes naps. Heavenly!

Carole said... 125

Jon and Liz appear to be the draw of the show, holding them off till the end.

Admin said...
I assumed they weren't on the first episode because of their flight being a day late due to the LAX shootings.



Ex Nurse said... 126

Carole said...
Admin, if you believe the tabloids about Farrah, the boyfriend was a sham... someone who agreed to play her BF on the show to earn some money. If you watch CT with that in mind, Farrah's scenes are cringe worthy, pathetic, LOL acting.
The same thing was said about Jon--that he was "shopping around" for a girlfriend. And, that he wanted Hailey because of the ratings. Since the clip showed Liz saying he had moved someone else in (that's what I heard, anyway), maybe they weren't together when the opportunity came up.

Midnight Madness said... 127

Let's see -- there are fans who want to know if you defrost cookies before you eat them, if you can use store-bought pizza crust when making Kate's special pizza, if the bread maker slices the bread, and this one, who apparently doesn't know where to find pictures of snow:

@Kateplusmy8 Put pictures up of the snow..Im in S.C no snow

You just have to shake your head. There are only a few of the original die-hard sheeple remaining, and just when you think you have figured out which one of them is really the slowest, one like this pops up.

Carole said... 128

Admin said...
Farrah actually has gone to therapy before, a real therapist. It didn't do much. She really is so mentally ill though she may be beyond help. She is most likely a raging narcissist, maybe even a sociopath.
... Every word out of her mouth is designed to hurt someone else.


I agree. I think sociopath more than narcissist tho.
I noticed when Farrah was on Bethanny a couple of months ago, right before doing CT (basing this timing opinion on the way her lips looked that day when she said she'd just had them done. lol) that she'd obviously had a LOT of intensive media training. She's changed her whole demeanor (or tried hard to), her manner of speaking, her diction, even her choice of words. The change is startling and dramatic - totally different from her Teen Mom days and not typical of the way a 22 yr old speaks. She is scary. She tried sooooo hard on Bethanny to stick to her new image / script of a single woman enterpreneur but she couldn't pull it off. The look in her eyes when Bethanny challenged her was frightening. I really worry about her daughter Sophia, not just with Farrah's temper but also the crazy ideas she has of parenting. I think she's never more than a split second away from losing her temper and hurting someone if provoked.

Not Slavery said... 129 (Administrator) said... 97



OMG. They practically blackmailed him into participating even when he told them over and over that their relationship was fake and that he didn't want to do the show because it was wrong. See? You can't quit reality T.V. No one lets you do it. The only way out is on THEIR terms. This is slavery with a paycheck, is it not?
No it is not and it is offensive to compare this to slavery. If the guy agreed to participate and then changed his mind, that is a breach of contract issue. It is not akin to slavery, your melodramatics notwithstanding.

Is anyone really surprised that reality TV isn't real?

Vanessa said... 130

I thought this group of non-fans waited to learn all the facts before passing judgement. Perhaps I was wrong
The fact that they even signed up to do this trash show makes me judge them. You air your personal life, your "dirty laundry" to the public, expect to be judged, highly OR poorly. Just the "choice" of doing the show (take out any of the footgage, whether it's staged or their just showing the juicy scenes) makes me question their parenting. I don't care now if it's all scripted, it's the decision to do it in the first place that I'm judging..

Hoosier Girl said... 131

Can someone ask Kate - what the hell is 'organic' hay? Born and bred farm girl who did my share of baling ... and I've never heard of 'organic' hay! Some new hay hybrid? Or Kate needs to learn how and when to use the word organic?

AuntieAnn said... 132

JMO said... 88

Not even going there; reality TV is good for what?. Did not watch CT, and most likely won't in future.


I agree JMO. Reality TV = Hell in a Handbasket. Watch too much of it and the brain eventually turns into a mass of gray mush slopping around inside the skull.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 133

And, that he wanted Hailey because of the ratings.


I'm confused. What ratings? For CT? Jon made it perfectly clear in the interview what he thinks of Hailey, so I don't believe that having her on the show would ever fly. It's just too far-fetched for anyone to believe that they were back to being a couple, no matter how good the acting or scripting might be.

Carole said... 134

How fun, the PA Farm Show in the winter! I'm used to farm shows being held in the summer or fall when it's hot and sticky and oh, so smelly. I'd absolutely love to be able to walk through one at this time of the year. I'm so envious of all of you who attend. Just thinking of all of the great food is making me hungry!

PA Dutch Mom said... 135

DH swears that his blood pressure drops 10 points every time he crosses the PA border.


At this time of year you can always tell when you cross the border. PennDot.

Sorry, Layla. Brain freeze, along with every other body part right now. I thought it was Tucker who negotiated the beltway in the snow. You are one brave soul. I was stressing out yesterday because of Route 30 in the snow. I can't imagine the beltway.

TLC stinks said... 136

Snowbird, I get what you are saying, but there is something "not right" when Jon and Liz agree to participate in a so-called reality show that makes them appear crass and classless for MONEY. If either one of them had any intention of just living their lives quietly, the appearance on this show blows that up. Once again Jon cannot let the fame go away and his girlfriend is right there beside him just like Halley, etc. We bitch and moan about Kate and her "friends" who end up getting recognition through their association with Kate, but isn't this the same with Jon? Jon has been quiet, I totally believe, because of some legal settlement with TLC and now that the time constraint has passed, he is showing us the same ol' Jon who loves attention and the money. Other than he appears to relate better to his kids than Kate, they tasted fame and are addicted. I don't ever want to defend Kate, but I kind of get her frustration with him as the breadwinner before TLC. Seems to have been rather spoiled and not very mature so I suspect Kate realized that to achieve her financial goals, she had to plot some "hook" to make money. Jon may feel he wasted 10 years with his marriage but I seriously doubt he would trade that for the money he made and the fame he has achieved.

TLC stinks said... 137

Vanessa, you and I are on the same page regarding Jon and this show.

URL said... 138

My opinion of Liz is that she is a classless, possibly low self esteem woman with her pussy comment and Jon's masturbating and frankly Jon picking up and sleeping with women after a short break in their relationship is disgusting. I don't know why she is still with him. It appears when a relationship isn't going as planned with Jon's current girlfriend, the girlfriend has to endure a lot of garbage. He has two daughters who are 13 years old. One has already indicated that she has watched Kendra and I have to believe these girls will also have access to watch him on this show. It's just a disaster for these kids.

Radar also had an article regarding Farrah faking the entire boyfriend relationship because she just wanted the money to get on the show. Pretty pathetic, but not surprising. ~ Administrator said... 139

Farrah has a strange utter lack of eye contact and very stilted body language. It's unsettling to say the least. If you google her name and sociopath it's crazy how many people are saying the same thing. ~ Administrator said... 140

If you read the article you would see the guy said he never signed anything. The paperwork would be done when he got to LA. So no, it's not a breach of contract issue. It's blackmail. ~ Administrator said... 141

Jon said he and Liz were doing it to try to make it work after their split. I don't get where the sham is in that. Unless similar paperwork emerges like in Farrah's case, that's a pretty wild and baseless accusation.

PA Dutch Mom said... 142

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 17m
@PatriciaChow1 @Kateplusmy8 Yes, it is! Clearly, neighbors appreciate reciprocated each way! #WinWinForAll :)

Neighbors and Kate? LOL, Milo. Read this...

NJGal51 said... 143

And she's back to watching and tweeting Chopped. I wonder if she's still hoping for a cooking show. Many that have won FN competitions still don't have their own show. Maybe she's still hoping for a spot on a celebrity cook-off.

@Kateplusmy8: @Mydmaxx no, we are watching #Chopped on @FoodNetwork #welovethisshow

BTW, next week they're doing Chopped Canada.

Anonymous said... 144

Localyocul said... 109
Was jon like this when he was married to HFW? If I were her is be embarrassed I ever married him.

If TFW isn't embarrassed about her own behaviour, she doesn't have the right to be embarrassed by others.

Admin, month=much? Either one works for me.

PJ ~ Administrator said... 145

I agree with snowbird about how you need the full context to be fair. For instance reports of Jon tearing up a room turned out just to be a therapeutic exercise everyone was required to do. However, on the other hand he of all people should know that a trashy reality show is only going to take bits and pieces of what you said and spin it in a way that is as controversial as possible. So to sign on to something that will do that to you and you have no editorial control is IMO extremely reckless.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 146

Hoosier Girl said... 131
Can someone ask Kate - what the hell is 'organic' hay?

Somehow I doubt Kate has been certified as an organic hay grower.

Vanessa said... 147

Vanessa, you and I are on the same page regarding Jon and this show
yes, TLC, it's not even the drama or the spin. It's the simple fact that they signed up. that's it, that's all.
And I was behind him all the way when he wanted a private life, that he regretted the show yada yada yada. I was judging him there too, I gave him kudos etc. I can't grasp why he'd take this on after the hell he went through with TLC and everything else. And again, you air your sh*t, expect backlash and opinions and judgement. Also, I think I mentioned in a previous post, you can blame "editing" (just like tfw) but they can't edit what you "don't" give them.

Turtle Logic said... 148

The Governor of Minnesota just ordered all schools and kid's activities closed on Monday. The temperature is predicted to have a low of -30 F to a high of -15 F. The wind chills will reach -50 F. At this temp, exposed skin will freeze solid in a few seconds; you can't leave a 1-inch gap between your hat and scarf to see through because your eyes will freeze. School buses will not even start.

Hotels, churches, and even some shopping centers will house the homeless that overflow the shelters because it will be deadly to remain outside for any length of time. Neighbors, friends, even strangers will gladly offer refuge if our heat or electricity goes out, and we gladly offer the same. This is where Minnesota Nice really comes in handy!

librarylady said... 149

Can someone ask Kate - what... is 'organic' hay?
It's the thing now to have your hay certified as organic. My family does this and makes more money when selling it. Animals have to eat certified organic hay in order for the animal products to be considered organic, just as with feed.

It's kind of a pain to get certified, because of the records to be presented, but anyone who makes less than a certain amount from selling can say they are organic without being certified.

Despite Milo's claim of Kate's supposed special marvelous neighborly ways, that is how it works between land owners in any rural area. I can guarantee that Kate is reaping a financial benefit by leasing the hay fields/crop to the neighbor, even if minimal - the farmer plowing is the one who should be praised because he is being the "nice guy" in the neighborhood, that's just how it's done. :)

PA Dutch Mom said... 150

Was jon like this when he was married to HFW?


No. Not that I can recall. I never saw him like this. I have no idea what happened.

Vanessa said... 151

. So to sign on to something that will do that to you and you have no editorial control is IMO extremely reckless.
I agree. The fact that he knows first hand the repercussions makes me question his judgement. He can't blame anyone else if the fallout is horrible. THIS time it's all on him.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 152

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 17m
@PatriciaChow1 @Kateplusmy8 Yes, it is! Clearly, neighbors appreciate reciprocated each way! #WinWinForAll :)

Oh, Milo, just when you think she has reached the bottom of the stupid barrel.

Turtle Logic said... 153

It looks like TFW is trying to get invited to compete on Chopped. She would of course insist on being in the Celebrity Chopped specials, and doesn't even realize that the prize money won from these specials all goes to charity. She would be hilarious as a contestant, but would be eliminated after the first round. I would love to hear her excuses as to why she failed. Would she blame the judges for not realizing her genius? Or the basket-fillers as haters out to get her? ~ Administrator said... 154

You know what I forgot in the worst moments? Wow can't believe I missed this. Kate's blog post about the Boston Marathon waxing on about how awful it was that finishing was robbed from the runners.

Um no Kate, people were just glad to be alive and horrified that some of their comrades had died. No one cared about some stupid race. Yes sports mean a great deal to us but not more than a fellow American's LIFE.

Vanessa said... 155

You know what I forgot in the worst moments? Wow can't believe I missed this. Kate's blog post about the Boston Marathon waxing on about how awful it was that finishing was robbed from the runners.

Oh God, yeah! hmm, maybe Farrah ISN'T worse than tfw?

Anonymous said... 156

Kate was on Hallmark Home and Family the past 2 days. They showed her repeat show the past TWO days in a row. What gives? I hope to heck they are not going to fly her out to be on their show on a repeated basis. This would make me sick.

Midnight Madness said... 157

Oh, Milo, just when you think she has reached the bottom of the stupid barrel.


I don't think that there is any bottom of the stupid barrel for Milo. It's a bottomless pit. She (he?) just keeps getting worse.

lukebandit said... 158

Honorable mentions to the Top 10:

Her horrible tweets about the kids, what they say and do. Embarrassing them.

Her horrible blog about the tow truck, using stock photo w/o credit, AND making fun of the tow truck driver.

Buying a 1K plus bird w/accessories while piecing and patching.

Allowing smeared Very Sloppy Joels on Joel's face for a photo in the crookbook.

Twittering the day and night when she could be taking care of her kids.

Speeding, parking in loading zones, fire lanes and a hit and run and miraculously manages to get by without any responsibility.

Doesn't encourage the kids, especially the boys into extra activities to enrich their lives.

handinhand said... 159

For anyone wanting to read the VH1 analyst's analysis of some of the couples:

Susie Cincinnati said... 160

Speaking of fans and their naivety. The author who wants a testimonial from Kate tweeted:

Nicole Gould ‏@nicolergould 19h
@Kateplusmy8 hope to be a great nurse like you Kate!! Yr my inspiration and a great role model! :) xoxo

If she doesn't know Kate and neither worked with her or was a patient, how in the heck does she know that Kate was a great nurse?

The Vector64 person? The looney spammer on Twitter? Apparently this "author" sent him one of her books.

Nicole Gould ‏@nicolergould 27 Dec
@Vector64China im sending your book today...let me know when you get it ok?

Nicole Gould ‏@nicolergould 17 Dec
@Vector64China 4 book- should i put apartment before # or just the # ?

Do these young fans have any idea at all who they are getting involved with? I don't understand it.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 161

Speeding, parking in loading zones, fire lanes and a hit and run and miraculously manages to get by without any responsibility.


Was she "caught" again in 2013 for those offenses?

lukebandit said... 162

On the Facebook page, A Minor Consideration, Paul Peterson wrote this and it is wonderful!!! I don't know how to link that post to this blog so I brought it all here. hope this is ok.

A Simple Start…

I never got to go to Summer Camp because I was working on The Donna Reed Show (age 12 to 20). One day my neighbors who served the Gardena/Carson YMCA asked my wife, Rana Platz-Petersen, RN, to volunteer as a Camp Nurse in the YMCA facility in the San Bernardino mountains (Camp Whittle and Camp Round Meadow). Rana had never been to camp either, so the two of us got our Background Check and Fingerprints done and prepared for eight days in the mountains…she as Camp Nurse, me as a “Senior Counselor,” Uncle Paul some thirty years older than other “counselors.”

I meant to change the world. Imagine what I could do with eight days in close association with my wards, none of them kid actors.
There were fights and conflicts those first two days. Kids from our neighborhood, I found, did not have the tools for civilized behavior. They fought over pathway rights, places at the meal tables, even their places in the meal-time line-ups outside the chow-house. It seemed more than I could deal with.

Rana counseled me to get down to basics. Boiling down the lesson I learned, here’s what I discovered: When all else fails do your best to impart the following “short list” to kids: Teach them how to say “Please” and “Thank You.” Show them how painless it is to say, “Excuse Me” and “I’m Sorry.”

Four little things, I know, but crucial to civilized behavior.
After eight days our kids ceased fighting over crowded paths. Food was happily shared at table. The rough-and-tumble of crowded living conditions turned into generosity and forgiveness…and non-confrontational cooperation.

On the seventh day a nine year-old added to my list by explaining the additional value of saying, “You’re Welcome.”
Thank You. Please. Excuse Me. I’m Sorry.
Late in the week an under-sized eight-year old boy who shared my breakfast table had an accident…spilling his grape juice over our pancakes. His cowering look of fear stabbed deep into my heart for it was plain he had been harshly disciplined for this sort of minor accident in the home he came from. I quickly said, “Hey, wait a sec. Maybe you invented something.”

We both dug into our sopping pancakes, newly bathed in grape juice, and you know what? They were delicious! In seconds eight tables of eight young campers duplicated our happy accident…and a boy who’d been abused at home felt like a champion at the YMCA camp.

How little it takes to admit to past accidents we’ve all suffered. Who hasn’t spilled a drink?
You can fixate on clumsiness or you can take advantage of God’s unexpected gift. Believe me, the pancakes tasted great, and the relief on that small boy’s face when laughter replaced physical punishment was worth every day on the mountain. The added lesson I learned and cherished for the next seven years of volunteering at Y-Camp is to say “You’re Welcome” when even the smallest child thanks you for caring…and know that you mean it.
Paul Petersen


Bravo to you, Paul and Mrs. Peterson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rainbowsandunicorns said... 163

Nicole Gould ‏@nicolergould 17 Dec
@Vector64China 4 book- should i put apartment before # or just the # ?


Huh? :)

lukebandit said... 164

That story that Paul mentioned about the boy spilling grape juice by accident and turned those lemons into sweet lemonade, reminded me of what my dad did when I was a kid.

We were all starving one day and my mom was busy as a bee fixing cheeseburgers, all the fixings, French fries, side dishes. The smells were wonderful. My dads mother was there and she was starving too. My mom finally got it all on the table and we all sit down ready to eat and my brother who was about 5 or 6 accidently knocked over his glass of milk.

My dad went ballistic. He stood up and got his hand and arm and slung the food, everything off the table unto the floor. We all just sit there stunned. One of many. After all that hard work that my mom did to get it on the table and my mother was very sick. She has had cystitis since she was a teenager and has been in severe pain for decades and does not use pain meds. Then she had to clean it up and make bologna sandwiches for us to eat. My grandmother was so angry that she called one of her daughters to come and get her.

I told my mom that what you should of done was got the keys, me, my brother and my grandmother and we should of left and went to town to the dime store and ate.

Formerly Duped said... 165

Great article by Paul Petersen, thanks for posting.

I notice TFW makes the kids say thank-you for every single thing, which is fine, but makes you wonder if it's part of the adoration and compliments she insists upon. Remember Mady reading the hidden card on the show saying "we appreciate the delicious meals you make" or the like? Later she said she hated eggs!

I also noted TFW thanked some salespeople or tour guides etc but never looked them in the eye.I find that quite rude and demeaning .

AuntieAnn said... 166

PA Dutch Mom said... 150

Was jon like this when he was married to HFW?


No. Not that I can recall. I never saw him like this. I have no idea what happened.


Actually I think that's exactly what happened. Being married for ten years to a manipulating shrew from PA with the mindset of a tweenie and an egg fetish is enough to drive anyone batshit crazy.

But that was then and this is now. He came out on top of Kate's featherbrained lawsuit. He got employment outside the business of reality tv and he entered into a relationship with someone who appears to be fairly stable. So in the end I agree with Vanessa. What he's doing now is all on him.

Rhymes with Witch said... 167

She may be am exceptional 9 year old (I dk) but how different from the picture Kate presents of her six.

Localyocul said... 168

Guess what my 14 y/o nephew did all day? Made a lot of money shoveling driveways

rainbowsandunicorns said... 169

ROL has an article about stars who have been BUSTED in big lies. I thought maybe Kate would have been included, given her "good bra" fib (great pun), but nope, nothing.

I agree with the posters who commented that in regards to Jon and his disclosures, I'd rather wait and see exactly what was said before I pass judgment. Things are often taken out of context, such as his smashing up the room when others were encouraged to do the same. If, on television, he discussed his self-enjoyment, then (in my opinion) it's disgusting. I almost typed, "If Jon discussed his masterbating on television," and then realized it would have been a horrible misplaced modifier!

Layla said... 170

I have to agree with those who are disgusted with Jon for appearing on something so trashy. Between this show and his last interview, he just comes off as crass and opportunistic. He should have stayed private, passed up interviews and definitely passed on that awful show. The whole Jon and Kate saga is just so sordid on both sides. There is so much negativity and vindictiveness and ugliness involved with them that it makes you just grimace when either name comes up these days.

Let's hope neither one of them is holding out for reality TV as a career (okay, we know Kate is), because there are no positive connotations attached to either of their names. Time for both to fade away into obscurity and hang onto whatever dignity they have left, if any, for their kids' sake. Kate says everything she does is for her kids. Well, how about stopping the humiliation they have to be experiencing from their parents' behavior?

Vanessa said... 171

Being married for ten years to a manipulating shrew from PA with the mindset of a tweenie and an egg fetish is enough to drive anyone batshit crazy.
pffft!!!! hilarious! Egg fetish- oh lordy beeee!

NJGal51 said... 172

Rhymes With @ 167 - I'm guessing that the 8 would stand there and shriek because that's all they ever seem to do.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 173

So Milo closed out the year by admitting that she loves Kate. Doesn't that just tug at your heartstrings? LOL!!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 31 Dec
@Kateplusmy8 THIS ATTITUDE is WHY I love U so much...U always inspire me...U dig in & never quit..U always see the positive...perseverance!!

Kate just rocks Milo's world. Isn't it so precious? ~ Administrator said... 174

Milo, it's okay to quit things sometimes. Grow up and get away from the cute kitties posters. Never quitting means you're just stubborn, not inspirational.

Rhymes with Witch said... 175

Just when there might have been hope for quality television.

Game of Arms” (AMC) Reality series about competitive arm-wrestling.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 176

Snotty Girl ‏@Snotty_Girl 24m
@Kateplusmy8 CWS was such a nice choice of a show for you to appear on. I'm sure you turn down many trash offers, even with 8 to support

Wait a minute. CWS was such as nice show? Trading places with a former HH girlfriend who made a sex video that was on the internet for Kate's kids to watch; having this stranger show up at their house while Mommy went trotting off again to live with someone else, once again putting her kids out there on television for the amusement of the public, and this was a good thing?

I guess whatever floats your boat...

AuntieAnn said... 177

Vanessa said... 171

pffft!!!! hilarious! Egg fetish- oh lordy beeee!


I know! That one is courtesy of Admin. I'm still chuckling over it.

Vanessa said... 178

Kateplusmy8 THIS ATTITUDE is WHY I love U so much...U always inspire me...U dig in & never quit..U always see the positive...perseverance!!
******************************************************************8 NOT tfw. She needs some help. Does she follow anyone else on twitter, any other d-list faux celebrities? If so, does she lay it on as thick with them? Her lips must be a permanent shade of brown.

Vanessa said... 179

NJGal51 said
Rhymes With @ 167 - I'm guessing that the 8 would stand there and shriek because that's all they ever seem to do.
Good one.

That is remarkable though ~ Administrator said... 180

They have both done trash. Why can't we just agree on that, sheep, and stop being sheep? Goodness, at least Jon didn't make his children work while he was doing his trash. They got LUCKY that Kendra was a nice person and good with kids. On paper no good mother would dream of leaving their child with her given her resume. Admit it, sheeple.

AuntieAnn said... 181

I just finished taking down the tree and all the decorations. I am now experiencing the usual brief episode of post-yuletide blues. I wonder if there is a Ukrainian family that will take me in for a week or so.

abby said... 182

This is slavery with a paycheck, is it not?
I highly recommend the film '12 Years A Slave'. That would be an accurate portrayal of slavery.

Signing a contract and then skipping out on it is definitely not in any way, shape or form, slavery. ~ Administrator said... 183

Slavery by definition is being bound to another and treated like property. He did not sign a contract or skip out. He explained he signed nothing. They then proceeded to blackmail him. That was not right.

getofftwitter said... 184

I see Kate kind of grifted. So, Kate, leases out, part of the property to grow organic hay(sic) or does she?, the neighbor, according to Kate harvest "our organic hay" and then in trade, plows her property. That does not seem like a fair trade. The neighbor is doing all the work(sucker). Is she sharing the profits of the organic hay? She is a tool!

Rhymes with Witch said... 185

I think that enough stories about the unbelievably restrictive contracts signed for reality tv have come out that it seems a bit like selling your life away.

At the same time, IMO, there are analogies that people should be really careful about making. These include slavery, comparisons to Stalin, Hitler and the Nazis. I'm sure there are more but those come immediately to mind.

getofftwitter said... 186

Auntie ann: still have mine up till 3 Kings Jan 6. I saw a poor xmas tree out by the trash the day after xmas, poor tree, did not even make it to New years. Then I think why even buy a real tree? Just to trash it the day after xmas. I like my non-real tree, I have no guilt about it, I did not kill a beautiful evergreen, just to decorate it for less than a month and throw it out. JMO ~ Administrator said... 187

On the flip sign I think sometimes people put too much weight in words that have far more broad of a context and definition than one historical event.

Rhymes with Witch said... 188

the neighbor, according to Kate harvest "our organic hay" and then in
trade, plows her property. 184

If it's on her property, kate will consider it hers whether or not she actually profits from the sale of the hay. She wants credit because it's organic. Farmers are a pretty savy bunch.

Carole said... 189

the neighbor, according to Kate harvest "our organic hay" and then in trade, plows her property. That does not seem like a fair trade. The neighbor is doing all the work(sucker). Is she sharing the profits of the organic hay?


Profit? Kate doesn't sell the hay. It's a trade with the farmer who plows the driveway in the winter and takes care of the fields for her, which is where the hay comes from. The previous owners established this deal with the farmer and J&K said on one of the shows that it was a nice trade. Since they weren't using the fields for anything anyway and the farmer was doing them a favor by mowing the fields for them it benefited them both. I think the farmer also helps them with any egg overproduction when needed, too but I'd imagine she'd be paid for whatever was sold in his organic market/stand.

Formerly Duped said... 190

getofftwitter said... 186

In our town you have to have your tree out on the roadside by your regular garbage collection day for pick-up. Some people go away for New Year's so maybe they take it down early? I agree it's kind of a waste but I still prefer a real tree since they are grown on tree farms and are returned to the soil. Still. I try to get 5 weeks' worth out of ours.

AuntieAnn: I get post-Yuletide blues, too. I find if I buy something for next Xmas like clearance wrapping paper or cards I feel better, knowing Xmas WILL come again lol. I also allow snowmen and other wintry themes to continue in home decor, socks, candles etc. I'm a case!

Somewhere In Time said... 191

Auntie ann: still have mine up till 3 Kings Jan 6. I saw a poor xmas tree out by the trash the day after xmas, poor tree, did not even make it to New years. Then I think why even buy a real tree? Just to trash it the day after xmas.


Perhaps they bought it and set it up a few weeks before Thanksgiving (since Thanksgiving was so late this year), and they were tired of it by the time Christmas rolled around. It happens. Sometimes, too, if the tree wasn't freshly cut when they bought it, it isn't going to last. It's better to dispose of it than have it around the house and have to clean up needles. Often, too, it's tradition in the family to put up the tree Thanksgiving night (or the day after) and take it down the day after Christmas, just like your tradition is keeping it up until January 6. It's what works for them.

I've had live trees that absolutely refused to drink water. Instead of dropping needles, they petrified (like fossils). You couldn't pull off the needles. Those things would have stayed in the same condition until Easter and they looked like artificial trees.

Somewhere In Time said... 192

Does she follow anyone else on twitter, any other d-list faux celebrities?


I don't know who she follows because I don't have twitter and can't see it. She does correspond with Deanna. In fact, she just tweeted her to find out where she is. Of course, Gladys always has her nose in Kate's business and worms her way in to Kate's conversations with other "celebrities," tweeting them about how utterly (udderly?) fabulous Kate is...

Localyocul said... 193

I'm pretty sure jon was still filming CT when the lawsuit got dropped. Wonder if we'll learn any details

Somewhere In Time said... 194

When there's nothing worth watching on television, one can always go Kate's TL and read little ditties from the fans. It's always good for entertainment...

Rebecca Cort ‏@beckabrooke 29m
if you don't respect kate gosselin you need to go read her blog or watch the last season of jon & kate plus 8 or just try to understand her

Rebecca Cort ‏@beckabrooke 31m

Jennifer Gernant ‏@galindafied247 32m
@Kateplusmy8 holy moly I always wondered how that worked when everyone was on meds at once. I'm sure perfected by now 😄

Forbidden Fruit ‏@CharlieRoseSk8s 14h
I loooove @Kateplusmy8 mind set her mentality & way of thinking soo logical

Ingrid said... 195

Carole said... 189 the neighbor, according to Kate harvest "our organic hay" and then in trade, plows her property. That does not seem like a fair trade. The neighbor is doing all the work(sucker). Is she sharing the profits of the organic hay?
It sounds fair to me. I have about 2.5 acres of hay ground. Years ago my neighbor would cut and bale for me and keep half for doing it. I would sell the other half. It added to his supply for his dairy cows and it kept my fields trimmed instead of overgrowing with weeds.

The last few years the quality of my "hay" has gone downhill. Another neighbor is now baling it up for his horses for free so it keeps the weeds down for me. I think I win because I have never had to buy tractor, hay mower, hay rake, hay baler, hay wagon.

Tucker's Mom said... 196

AuntieAnn said... 181
I just finished taking down the tree and all the decorations. I am now experiencing the usual brief episode of post-yuletide blues. I wonder if there is a Ukrainian family that will take me in for a week or so.
We took down our decorations NY day, BUT, I did a bit of holiday decoration shopping after Xmas, when it all goes on sale 75% off, so we're opening boxes like it's Christmas Day here tonight!

handinhand said... 197

I wonder if there is a Ukrainian family that will take me in for a week or so.
Not Ukranian, but this Italian/German family would love a good natured, quick witted Auntie Ann to replace ex-sis-in-law of same name who cheated and then skipped out on her family moving 2,000 miles away.
You in?

handinhand said... 198

On the flip sign I think sometimes people put too much weight in words that have far more broad of a context and definition than one historical event.
I understood the broader context of that reference and feel the same way as you do.

Ingrid said... 199

PA Dutch Mom said... 119 Fan asked if she was taking the kids to the PA Farm Show this week.
I believe that 'this' year she can't take the kids to the Farm Show because of illness, BUT we know she doesn't take all 8 anywhere there is a big crowd if she isn't filming. She makes no mention of taking them other years so I think she never took them--ever. Too bad cuz the boys might have loved it.

I am surprised she didn't find a way to set up a booth to sell her gookbook though. (yes gook as in gross looking inedible recipes)

Somewhere In Time said... 200

We took down our decorations NY day, BUT, I did a bit of holiday decoration shopping after Xmas, when it all goes on sale 75% off, so we're opening boxes like it's Christmas Day here tonight!


Thanks for the reminder! Some of our stores are having 90% off sales this weekend. There are often some really nice things left. You can't pass up a deal like that, especially on wrapping paper.

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