To those interested in housing for outside/feral cats. I volunteer at a local no-kill (hour northeast of TFW) and we suggest the following DIY if you don't have an existing area to adapt.
- 20 gal plastic storage container - 30(ish) qt styrofoam cooler that will fit into container above - insulating material such as sawdust, styrofoam peanuts, hay, etc... - duct tape
Steps to assemble: - tape the lid of the cooler shut - cut an opening just big enough for the cat (6x6 is usually enough) in the middle of the lids of both the styrofoam and plastic containers - line the bottom of the plastic container with enough insulating material that will put the top of the styrofoam cooler level with the plastic tote - put styrofoam cooler into plastic tote, fill sides with insulating material, make sure openings align - snap on plastic lid, tape if you feel its necessary.
When you put it outside, make sure the opening is away from any wind. It is more than enough for these already toughened animals to survive in the PA winters (even this seasons). Thanks for caring.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 12m Uh oh...Mom has a fever!?! Oh well..Meals 2b made, 'undecorating' to be done, cleaning & lunchpacking & the list goes on!
Well, that's to be expected. ME ME ME ME ME ME. I'm so wonderful. ME ME ME ME ME ME.
Doesn't she realize that she does this, or in the case of a narcissist, you just can't help yourself? I've never seen anyone like it, but then again, I've never known a narcissist.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy816m Uh oh...Mom has a fever!?! Oh well..Meals 2b made, 'undecorating' to be done, cleaning & lunchpacking & the list goes on! #momsdontget2bsick
Of course she had to make sure her throng of fans know she finally got sick. Anyone want to bet she takes to her bed and M & C take care of everything for her?
It would be great if you could make a tutorial video of making the cat shelter. There maybe videos already on youtube. I am not into cats at all because I was attacked by one when I was little. But I don't want them to suffer abuse or this horrible cold weather. But now dogs is another story. Love my dogs.
Again...the kids have LIVED this shit and they know. Just like people waiting for the kids to write a tell all...thats ok right?
No it's not ok. I think it's pathetic that the Gosselin kids were born into this circus act and even more pitiful that both of their parents keep adding chapters to their kids' tell-all books, should they choose to write them. Jon and Kate would both be unknowns if they hadn't shilled their children in the first place and neither of them would be able to make easy money on sleazy reality shows if it weren't for the G8.
I have never seen an individual, must less a Mother, who is as "me-centered" as Kate Gosselin. So sad.
Down South here it's expected to be around 8 degrees tonite - highs mid-20s tomorrow. A few months ago I made the comment that I had not pulled out my heavy winter coast for several years. Paying for that comment now.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 12m Uh oh...Mom has a fever!?! Oh well..Meals 2b made, 'undecorating' to be done, cleaning & lunchpacking & the list goes on. #momsdontget2bsick
Oh so sad. Well, it would be sad if she were not such a narcissistic dweeb. I thought her twins were all poised to do her chores. And if she had even a decent working relationship with the ex, or had a real friend or two, this would not be such a big deal. Just call the not-a-nanny and crawl into bed, which is probably what she has done - and if you're so sick, and have so many mommy duties, how the hell are you able to Twitter? Poor Kate.
It is a chilly -34C / -29F on the thermometer. A deer is outside munching on our Juniper bushes. He seems so unaffected by the cold, almost like he's humming as he eats. I don't get it.
Thank you to all the Breaking Bad fans who encouraged the rest of us to give the show a try.
I am in Season 5....the unexpected second WW reference.
Dmasy - ditto to that. I didn't know what I was missing. I probably shouldn't have, but I found the lawyer Saul Goodman to be very entertaining. What a character.
The only thing on that list that can't wait til the hired help gets there on Monday is the meals/lunch making.
Of which the kids should be able to take care of themselves. Surely they all know how to make a bowl of dried cereal, make a peanut butter jelly sandwich, or run something in the microwave. One of the kids can't just remove a pre-made meal from one of the 4 freezers and nuke it?
Or maybe TFW could summon up her last bit of energy for the day and put it in the oven? And then collapse in an sick heap onto the kitchen floor where Steve finds her hours later and lovingly carries her to her bed, and washes her forehead with a cool cloth.
Isn't packing lunches one of the chores on the 52 point chore list? I thought we saw the girl sextuplets packing lunches on CWS? And it was one of the chores that Kendra had them swap with the boys?
Why the kids don't have time for fun stuff
And why didn't she include @HCI in the picture of the kids being forced to do her follow up on her ill-conceived contest? Guess they are charged with picking the "best" of the Oh, Look How Great I Am contest entries so that Kate can wave her freshly manicured nails lazily over a pile eenie, meenie, mineie, mo'ing her way to the 12 winners. If the contest were not illegal before, forcing nine year old children to do the grunt work sure should take it over the edge!
Laugh of the day people: Kate replyed to someone asking about canning, things from ones garden, this person thought Kate had a garden. Kate has no garden as she tweeted back. Kate have a garden? She can't even shovel snow, or take care of the chickens(the boys job), or clean house, cook or hold together a marriage or get back on TV. Her do gardening, she might break a nail, or worse get dirty, remember how anal she was with the kids getting dirty, geez, she doesn't even want to go back to nursing too dirty, germaphobic. Even if Kate did do a garden, that neighbor, will probably do all the work and Kate will take the credit, cause it's her property. You all know: mine all mine!
...Starzz (182): As much as TFW was hated...You watched...and you still watch anything and everything she's on. Pot calling the kettle black. Sorry to offend anyone...but really?
If you believe that you might offend someone,. then it's better if you don't say it (posting rule #3). You THINK before you comment, something that Kate has never seemed to have learned.
Came across this on Pioneer Woman. Oh, what would I give to have been her that day! I had a crush on Jimmy Rockford! When I first got Netflix, I binge watched the first 4 seasons. I now have it back and want to binge watch Downton Abbey but they went to Amazon streaming and I think you have to be a prime member to get that for free?
...getofftwitter (15): geez, she doesn't even want to go back to nursing too dirty, germaphobic.
Where did she say this? In a book, in a on-couch interview? I never thought she didn't want to go back to nursing because it's "dirty," but rather because it's actually WORK and much too mediocre.
Why the kids don't have time for fun stuff said... 14
And why didn't she include @HCI in the picture of the kids being forced to do her follow up on her ill-conceived contest? Guess they are charged with picking the "best" of the Oh, Look How Great I Am contest entries so that Kate can wave her freshly manicured nails lazily over a pile eenie, meenie, mineie, mo'ing her way to the 12 winners. If the contest were not illegal before, forcing nine year old children to do the grunt work sure should take it over the edge!
So, Kate prints out the millions of entries to a competition to see who has the best story and *cough* photo of a *cough* random act of kindness for her kids to read? Does she not read them herself first? What if there are some nasty replies to her request among all those submissions? Surely they're not all stories of angels swooping down on gossamer wings.
Celebdirtylaundry has an item about J & K both trying to land new reality shows. It states in part:
And a little birdie tells us that Jon and Kate are both looking to get their own reality shows, which is why they’ve been so present in the media lately. Kate thinks that despite her cookbook and business failures, she still has a strong Twitter following, and she can leverage that into a show. Jon, on the other hand, has been giving interview after interview in the hopes that he’ll be able to prove that he still has the ability to draw interest, especially with his controversial remarks about his ex-wife.
What a posed picture of the girls, one with her hand thoughtfully perched on her chin. How presumptuous of TFW to be judging people's good deeds, and what suckers to enter this nonsense.
TFW says she has a fever. She very well may, or she is lying or is one of her infamous twists on words. She says she has a fever. It could be CABIN FEVER meaning she is sick of being cooped up in the house with the kids and it being so cold outside.
Here is my take on Steve picking up TFW off the floor. Steve being her Knight in Shining Armor lovingly picking her up THE BODYGUARD style and gently putting her to bed and patting her feverish face with a 1000 thread ct. wash cloth doused with Perrier Spring water. lol
Wish she was sprawled out on the cold laundry room floor, clinging to a big bucket, a raging vomitus.
What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
The contest she is running, can't anything be done? How do you start the process of reporting her? The Berks Co. District Attorneys office? With it being the internet. She has broken so many rules in this contest. Not posting the rules, the age requirements, wanting names, address and photos. What if she posts a minors picture? Just because she has 8 kids and piecing and patching, according to her does not give her a pass at all!
I posted awhile back that she gets speeding tickets, parks in fire lanes and loading zones and was involved in a hit and run. That was a couple of years ago when J and K was on. She hit a car and just kept on going. The victims got her tag and called the police and the police went to her house and she pitched a fit and told them she didn't have time to deal with it or something to that effect. The local posters here may know more, I am just trying to remember what I read. But TLC swooped in and smoothed it out. Must of given them an offer they couldn't refuse. Don't recall hearing anymore about it.
Can you believe that she did this contest on her own and did not mention HCI at all and after we talked about it, now when she tweets about the contest she tacks on @HCI. They should send her a cease and desist letter and tell her she is on her own on this train wreck. She only has herself to blame.
Saul Goodman is getting his own series, it's set before he meets Walter White. Filming will start this year.
That's great. I will look forward to watching it. I was amused by his quips like 'you'd be better off going to the lawfirm of Larry, Moe and Shemp'. He provided some comic relief in an otherwise dark story.
Formerly Duped said... 22 What a posed picture of the girls, one with her hand thoughtfully perched on her chin. How presumptuous of TFW to be judging people's good deeds, and what suckers to enter this nonsense. -----------------------
Milo thinks it's a great learning experience to have the kids read the not-a-contest entries:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 8m @Kateplusmy8 What a fine way 2include ur kids/get their perspective on this/teaching them 2analyze & also telling them their viewpt matters!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 7m @Kateplusmy8 U are such a good teacher as a MOM...I see the subtle things U do 2prepare ur kids 4adulthood & decision making! #GreatJobKate
Really, Milo? Judging a not-a-contest is the way to prepare the kids for adulthood? Judging other people helps with decision making?
She just doesn't get it that once again Kate is using her kids, and there's nothing subtle about it.
I agree completely with you, Formerly Duped (#22). I now think of Jon and TFW, not as THING 1 and thing 2, but as IDIOT 1 and IDIOT 2.
To Jon: Do you REALLY think it was NECESSARY to tell the entire world about your masturbation habits? Your 8 kids will have to deal with this for the rest of their lives. Good move, Jon. Good move.
So funny. I wrote about Steve picking TFW up THE BODYGUARD style and I just posted it and went channel surfing on the tv and on FUSE the BG is playing! lol
haha!! I love it! "Set between Intercourse and Bird-in-Hand, PA" That is hilarious. If I'm ever down your way I am visiting that place. It sounds like a hoot.
@Kateplusmy8 Hannah&Leah's turn to read your #BeKindGetSigned (copy of #LoveIsInTheMix ) submissions!! Whose stories will they ❤️?\
She just admitted she and the kids are JUDGING the entries. In what alternate universe is having something judged and winning a prize for your entry not a contest!? And, she's getting away with this!
haha!! I love it! "Set between Intercourse and Bird-in-Hand, PA" That is hilarious. If I'm ever down your way I am visiting that place. It sounds like a hoot.
And I'll bring a bigger keg!
Just make sure you let me know first, and I'll take you to Paradise after we finish at the Brewing Company.
Someone mentioned that Kate is a dweeb. I never heard that expression here. We just say "Dummkopf." I like dweeb better.
And do the boys get to read the submissions too? Doubt it. Actually I doubt whether the younger ones have the reading skills or maturity to read those things. And hey Kate, it's getting way after the holidays, so who cares about this anyway? Timing, which is clearly do not have, is everything.
Lauren @ljohnson2006 Hey @Kateplusmy8 and fans! Follow @The_KidNation. It's an account against bullying. We will not let the bullies win
Lauren @ljohnson2006 I don't know what worse. The people who bully @Kateplusmy8 and her fans or the people who support #jodiarias
Lauren @ljohnson2006 @BHappyLoveLaugh yes! We all need to band together and stop this. This bullying has been going on long enough. They don't care about others
Lauren @ljohnson2006 The bullies accuse people of things they have no proof to back up. I choose to ignore them and live my life. They don't know me
Lauren @ljohnson2006 I stand up to bullies because I have the right to defend myself. If being strong makes them of after me more, so be it.
Lauren @ljohnson2006 1h These bullies can't let #kateplusmy8 post anything without blacklash. No empathy. They need to move on and look at their own lives
Lauren @ljohnson2006 I have all of #kateplusmy8 trolls blocked so I can't see their crazy convos. I kinda wish I knew what they were saying but not really
Lauren @ljohnson2006 @Kateplusmy8 tweets that she has a fever and the bullies bring her down for it. #SoSad. #FeelBetterKate! :)
Good grief -- this sheeple is obsessed with bullies. She sounds like a broken record. Looking at her TL, though, it appears that she is quite the bullier (is that a word?) herself!
Serendipity: I never said Kate said that. I was making a comparision/referring to the fact, she does not like getting dirty or being or having germs around. Nursing is a dirty job, and a lot of work. Two things Kate does not like. I truely think Nurses & hospital tech, & doctors are very BRAVE people, to want to be near, in the presents of and take care of sick people. They put their own lives on the line, to help others, something Kate won't do. Geez, she hardly takes care of her kids when they are sick, gives them very little comfort, but whines, when she is sick.
She just admitted she and the kids are JUDGING the entries. In what alternate universe is having something judged and winning a prize for your entry not a contest!? And, she's getting away with this!
Of course she is...the same way she gets away with parking in fire lanes. If I were Kate, I would have checked the rules and regulations about running an internet contest, because clearly this IS a contest, no matter what she claims.
She just admitted she and the kids are JUDGING the entries. In what alternate universe is having something judged and winning a prize for your entry not a contest!? And, she's getting away with this!
Astonishing isn't she. This from the woman who has her lawyers on speed dial just in case someone breaks a rule and there's a chance she can sue. I hope she gets in some hot water over this.
Is she prepared to disclose/make available upon request the full legal names of the winners of her not a contest, as is required in many states? Do her sheeple know that if they win, by law they could be "outed"?
Dmasy - My husband is watching the final two episodes of Breaking Bad. I'm enjoying it just as much as the first time around - maybe more, I find little things I didn't notice when I first watched it. Did you enjoy it as much as West Wing?
I guess all of you smart ladies with years of experience with birds were wrong because Zorro is already talking. Not only does TFW have the most brilliant kids and dog (remember he was able to unwrap and eat all that banana bread last year) but her bird is already speaking. Why he'll be recitingg Shakespeare in no time at all.
@Kateplusmy8: In the last few days, I SWEAR I've heard Zorro repeat 'love you' & just now I said 'thank you (bc he kissed my cheek) &he repeated me! #WOW
I'm glad everyone is enjoying Breaking Bad. I'm looking forward to Saul's show.
I always thought it was so funny I think in the first episode Saul was in where Walter and Jessie kidnap him to threaten him, and the whole time he thinks he's being threatened about some OTHER incident with OTHER people. That just cracked me up. Exactly how many people are you expecting to do this to you, lol!
PA Dutch Mom said... Nursing is a "dirty" job? How so? -------- I took that to mean that it is a very hands on job. But, it is also can be a dangerous job. I have known 2 nurses who contracted and subsequently died from hepatitis from accidental needle sticks. There are also all of the strep, flu and other transmittable diseases that patients spread to health personnel. There are certainly areas of nursing where the threat is minimal, but, it is an occupational hazard.
NJGal51 said... 50 I guess all of you smart ladies with years of experience with birds were wrong because Zorro is already talking. ----------------------------------- Until she has a video that I don't think is altered I don't believe her. If the bird is truly talking it may be from the work the pet shop may have done with it too.
I used to sort of be in the camp that Jon and Kate can do what they like in pubic as long as they don't involve the kids. I've changed my mind.
It has become clear to me that neither of them are able to do something on their own without either directly or indirectly invoking the kids, or having people constantly ask about the kids, or behaving so atrociously that if the kids see or see in the future, it would be an incredible humiliation to them, or by further dragging out the messiness of their divorce and ongoing feud in the public, which is undoubtedly harmful to the kids. Given how this all started, it's just not all that realistic to expect to be in the public eye without drawing the kids in too. I don't see that either of them are strong enough to carry the day completely separate from the kids. They don't have "it."
The thing is, lots of celebrities who have kids do embarrassing things in public, but we don't usually know their kids. I can think of only a handful of celebrities where I would actually recognize their children without the celeb right there. Otherwise without their parents there they are just a face in the crowd. Being an embarrassment in that situation is not the same thing since the kids can disassociate much easier from their parent's public persona. It's still no picnic, but it's easier if mom or dad is doing something particularly embarrassing that is maybe even making the news--to just go out with friends or the nanny, blend in and no one cares.
But these kids, due to their fame and ties to their parents that are so public, do not have that luxury. I think both Jon and Kate need to be grateful for what they had for all these years and call it a day, sign off, go back to obscurity. They have utterly failed, both of them, at maintaining a public persona that is separate from their kids. If they have any desire at all for the kids to be given the gift of obscurity, I don't see any other choice.
And the twitter account against bullying has KID in it. That might be a sheeple's first clue this is about stoping bullying against children, not bullying against millionaire celebrities.
Really Milo? Because I think it's a terrible thing to teach children to analyze, judge and rank acts of kindness.
All acts of kindness are good no matter how small. And not everyone is in a position to perform anything all that spectacular. Does that mean a person with money who can afford to pay for everyone's lunch in the room is more kind than someone who can just afford to pay for one lunch? They are both kind.
AuntieAnn, here's another recommendation for you: Lilyhammer, it's about a ex-mobster who's going in the witness protaction in Norway. It's very funny, kind of a mix between northern exposure and the sopranos, Steve van Zandt plays the lead character, I enjoyed it very much.
Admin, ITA. Neither is capable of not using their kids for fame and money. Now I am starting to believe Jon put up a stink about filming the kids just to get back at Kate for dumping him.
.You watched...and you still watch anything and everything she's on.
Many people don't watch the things she appears on or Jon. Some people just like snarking about what they hear or they like the community here. I've tried to keep up because I'm supposed to be running a blog about them, even so I've missed my fair share of things. But without the blog I wouldn't-- I don't enjoy watching anymore. It used to be fun to snark, it's not anymore. It's mostly painful and embarrassing these days.
Rhymes with witch, I think national ASPCA has high administrative costs, and donations to them dont really go to local efforts to provide direct care to animals. Iirc
Football game is at minus 12. Everyone is sitting there enduring it. I hardly ever watch professional football but this is oddly interesting. Erin Andrews is kind of cute all bundled up and two braids!
But, it is also can be a dangerous job. I have known 2 nurses who contracted and subsequently died from hepatitis from accidental needle sticks. There are also all of the strep, flu and other transmittable diseases that patients spread to health personnel.
That is awful, Ex Nurse. My SIL worked in housekeeping in our city's hospital. She cleaned the OR regularly. Last year she got some superbug that shut all her organs down. She was gone in two days.
Now I am starting to believe Jon put up a stink about filming the kids just to get back at Kate for dumping him.
Who knows. He sounded credible at the time. I hope that's not true about him saying those nasty things about Kate just to drum up interest in another show for him. That's deplorable. Not that Kate's not guilty of the same thing. They have got to stop seeing fame as a safety net. Get a real job, stay with the real job, and forget fame. Stop seeing it as a quick bail out to put cash in the bank.
What's next, a show about the two of them trying to live together again? I'll believe anything at this point.
TLC stinks said... 62 Lilyhammer on Netfix is awesome. Just started season 2 binge watching. Highly recommend. --------
Thanks for that recommendation! I started watching The Walking Dead but I'm not sure it's for me. I'll give it one or two more episodes. HBO just finished a terrific show - "Getting On". It's available on HBO Go - very dark humor. I can't wait for season 2.
Admin 59, nicely stated. I haven't watched anything about either of them side before the vow renewal. I remember thinking, who renews their vows at 9 years? I was so ignorant about reality tv then.
The whole thing has gone from snark worthy to sad to disgusting on both sides.
That said, count me as be who enjoys this community.
Thanks for that recommendation! I started watching The Walking Dead but I'm not sure it's for me.
I'm looking for a new one to binge and I finally picked The Walking Dead too. I don't think anything can compare to Breaking Bad, I feel like I've already seen the finest thing out there on T.V. and can't expect anything to be the same again. I'm not scared by zombies but I can see so far it's interesting and well written and I'm going to stick with it for awhile.
I think I'm the only person who couldn't really get into The Wire.
The thing is, lots of celebrities who have kids do embarrassing things in public, but we don't usually know their kids. ------------------------------------------
Nursing is a "dirty" job? How so? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not sure who asked, but nursing IS indeed 'dirty' at times, dealing with all types of bodily fluids, street people who have not been able to bathe, patients with infections, drains, catheters, scopes, running ulcers, open wounds, parasites, viruses and more. This is a literal answer. It is also emotionally taxing work .
I've noticed there's a small group of people who watches things and reports back here and a small group of people who keeps track of what's going on on Twitter and the rest of us just read here and snark at what we heard happened. The watch and report group is quite kind to do that for the rest of us. :) I never have to check twitter, which makes things easier! (Administrator) said... 64 Football game is at minus 12. Everyone is sitting there enduring it. I hardly ever watch professional football but this is oddly interesting. Erin Andrews is kind of cute all bundled up and two braids! ***** LOL! I thought the same thing. Love her braids.
Oh and you must continue on with the Walking Dead. So good...... Following each character's journey is worth it...
Oh and you must continue on with the Walking Dead. So good...... Following each character's journey is worth it...
Yes I'll give it at least several episodes. I recently finished playing The Last of Us, which was the most beautiful PS3 game I've ever experienced. It is also sort of an end of the world zombie scenario but is so real and moving. It kind of made me more open to this scifi stuff.
I've noticed there's a small group of people who watches things and reports back here and a small group of people who keeps track of what's going on on Twitter and the rest of us just read here and snark at what we heard happened.
----- -----
And conversely. There is a group of non-fans on Twitter who read here and report back on Twitter, especially when there is something really important going on, such as the docs for the lawsuits. Nothing wrong with that. It just makes things more interesting, especially when the fans read here religiously, tweet (either on Kate's TL or their own) and you just know that they've been checking things out here even though they'll deny it until their dying breath.
admin said, "What's next, a show about the two of them trying to live together again? I'll believe anything at this point."
----- -----
Somehow I don't think that Liz would take too kindly to that idea! Or maybe all three of them could live together. Now *that* would be a show.
"All acts of kindness are good no matter how small. And not everyone is in a position to perform anything all that spectacular. Does that mean a person with money who can afford to pay for everyone's lunch in the room is more kind than someone who can just afford to pay for one lunch? They are both kind."
Exactly, but Milo and the sheeple are incapable of thinking things through. There's no logical reasoning in their make-up. That's what is so sad about many of those fans. There is no cognitive thinking ability, no reasoning why this or that is wrong, or what would happen IF...or how someone else would feel IF...
Don't you love it when TFW contradicts herself on Twitter? What's being a "hater" about simply acknowledging conflicting statements?
Back to the not-a-contest: it's bad enough the kids are being enlisted (read: forced) to help judge, but aren't they still sick? So they're going back to school tomorrow, but spending the last day of winter break doing Mom's bidding. "Hey, you, put down that cough medicine and pick up an inspiring story! And I don't want to hear you breathe while you're reading it!"
Exactly. What if some young sheeple spent the last of their allowance to save an orphan goldfish from death row? But other people did much more spectacular charitable acts. Will they be CRUSHED if they don't win?
It used to be fun to snark, it's not anymore. It's mostly painful and embarrassing these days ******************** Agree...very embarrassing for those poor kids. The parents seem incapable of being embarrassed about anything.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h @Kateplusmy8 I think U will HEAR & we shall SEE some funny /interesting tweets in your future! #ZorroSpeakethAtLast. :)
If that bird speaketh already, I'll eat the paper on the bottom of his cage. Unless he's a bird prodigy, it's highly unlikely that he's saying three words. Even so, I doubt if Kate would recognize his words. Their "speech" isn't as clear as a Grey or Amazon. It's very gravelly, kind of like a low growl.
I had an eight-year-old Painted who wouldn't talk, despite many efforts by the Grey to try to get him to say even one word. He could whistle, make kissing sounds, and even mimic a laugh, but there was no way in the world he was going to say anything. Of course, that was when I was around. Who knows what he might have said when nobody was listening...maybe even laughing his little head off because we were trying so hard to get him to speak, and all along he knew that he could!
When and if this bird talks, I hope she makes a video, and not one that is over-dubbed by some other parrot.
Exactly. What if some young sheeple spent the last of their allowance to save an orphan goldfish from death row? But other people did much more spectacular charitable acts. Will they be CRUSHED if they don't win?
Yes. How does a contest "judge" determine the degree of charitableness when the contestants aren't on the same playing field? I still don't understand how she can run a not-a-contest and not have to post the rules, criteria for judging, and the names of the winners.
Of course, that was when I was around. Who knows what he might have said when nobody was listening...maybe even laughing his little head off because we were trying so hard to get him to speak, and all along he knew that he could!
Like the frog in the Bugs Bunny/Tweety that sang showtunes, but only for the man who found him. He thought he'd become rich and famous, but the frog wouldn't co-operate.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5h @Kateplusmy8 U are such a good teacher as a MOM...I see the subtle things U do 2prepare ur kids 4adulthood & decision making! #GreatJobKate
Gladys is lookin in those windows again. Isn't there a law against that? I wonder if Abner (LOM) ever tries to rein her in!
Since there is a discussion her about nursing, I feel the need to answer some of the questions about nursing being a dirty job. I am 66yo and still work 12 hr shifts, 3 nights a week.
Nursing is a very dirty job but it is also very rewarding and at times exciting.
First for the dirty part. The superbugs that are out there are not to be dealt with lightly. MRSA, VRE, Acinatabacter and E choli are the most dangerous. These superbugs are resistant to certain antibiotics and take weeks of IV therapy to clear up. Everyone that enters a hospital or ER with a weak immune system is at risk.
As far as nurses, docs and other that do bedside care, we have certain precautions to follow while taking care of a patient with a superbug. These bugs can kill someone fast. Once the body is attacked, sepsis sets in and sometimes it's too late if left untreated. Sepsis can destroy organs in less than 24 hours.
I work in a LTAC, long term acute. Our patients come to us for long term IV antibiotic treatment, usually 3-4 weeks.
The reward is just seeing a patient get better every day and really appreciate what we do for them.
The exciting part is seeing a patient come in on a ventilator, in a coma with a bad prognosis and we are able to get them off the vent, wake them up, start therapy and walk them out of the door to go home.
I never did expect praise for what I do because I love what I do and I'm just doing my job. Its nice to get letters and cards from former patients thanking us for all the wonderful care. Of course, anyone who brings us food is at the top of our list. lol
As far as Kate going back to nursing. OMG, I've said this many times here. She would not last a day. Things are very different then they were 9 years ago. Staffing is at a minimum, patients are sicker and there are a lot of superbugs that have been discovered since she worked as a nurse. Miss OCD would be chewed up and spit out. You must be organized to survive but being too particular just don't work.
Hope everyone is having a great playoff weekend and may your favorite team win.
Crazy, sorry your Eagles lost last night but they played and excellent game. I know a lot of you are from Pa. It could have gone either way, it was a heart attack ending. Now we move on to Seattle. I have faith in our team. WHO DAT!!!!!
@Kateplusmy8: Uh oh...Mom has a fever!?! Oh well..Meals 2b made, 'undecorating' to be done, cleaning & lunchpacking & the list goes on! #momsdontget2bsick ======== Can someone please tell me what 'undercorating' is? Is it something that you do to a bird?
Un-decorating, as in taking down the Christmas decorations. lol!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 58s @Kateplusmy8 "Fall seven times, stand up EIGHT." ~ Japanese proverb HaHa...U & I both know about this one! :)
What the heck does this mean?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7m To bed early tonight 4me! So thankful I felt better 2day! I made Nanna Janet roast,did laundry,cleaned, &tried2control ice on driveway!
I don't know how I missed this. Intercourse, Bird-in-hand, Mount Joy, Paradise. Good grief. Who names these places? lol!
Don't forget Lititz, pronounced Lit' its, with the accent on the first syllable. It is not Le Tits, as some out-of-towners say. And in Mount Joy, you have Bube's Brewery, pronounced "Boobies."
These are actually wonderful little towns, with great places to eat, quaint shops and some of the nicest, friendliest people anywhere. Their names, however, do bring chuckles from tourists.
We could hit 'em all up,. Auntie. There is no shortage of Rumspringa.
Jody silverstein @myaspie 4m @mumlvs2run @Kateplusmy8 ok I need this book . What is the title ?
Come on, Milo. Get with it and tell her where to get it. You're slipping up on the job.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7m To bed early tonight 4me! So thankful I felt better 2day! I made Nanna Janet roast,did laundry,cleaned, &tried2control ice on driveway!
Don't forget Lititz, pronounced Lit' its, with the accent on the first syllable. It is not Le Tits, as some out-of-towners say. And in Mount Joy, you have Bube's Brewery, pronounced "Boobies."
These are actually wonderful little towns, with great places to eat, quaint shops and some of the nicest, friendliest people anywhere. Their names, however, do bring chuckles from tourists.
We could hit 'em all up,. Auntie. There is no shortage of Rumspringa.
PA Dutch Mom - lol! I'm all in.
I have always thought your New England states were gorgeous. I would love to visit them someday.
Sorry If I offended anyone...But really? I get why the sheeple watch anything and everything she is on....They are fans. We are not,but yet,we watch everything. WHY??? As for Jon being on this what? You feel bad for the kids? Really? Jon making money off a show its real or not...again SO WHAT!!!! He got on a show w/o using the kids....if you give a you dont...then don't watch. Unless you have been in his shoes....used and abused for 10 years...How can you judge him?
This one still is posting a picture of the young Gymboree model. I wonder if the girl and Gymboree know that this child's picture is being used on a blog.
MyMomShops @mymomshops 7h Is Kate Gosselin's daughter a Gymboree model? (I guess people want to know- it's my most visited post right now).
Unless you have been in his shoes....used and abused for 10 years...How can you judge him?
I did not think it was fair for Jon to be judged when he was remaining quiet and trying to live a normal life. But now he chose to do a public T.V. show and now he's fair game. There is no special exception for him. Much like Kate's public behavior is judged, so too should his public behavior. Every consenting adult who puts themselves on reality T.V. consents to being judged.
Sorry If I offended anyone...But really? I get why the sheeple watch anything and everything she is on....They are fans. We are not,but yet,we watch everything. WHY???
Who is "we?"
"As for Jon being on this what? You feel bad for the kids? Really? Jon making money off a show its real or not...again SO WHAT!!!!"
I can't speak for others here, but I am concerned about the children seeing this (or finding out about it). A psychologist or someone familiar with child development could probably much better assess whatever emotional damage this may do to the children, if not right now, then in the future.
Jon is making money off the show, and then this makes everything acceptable? This sounds like Kate's justification for doing reality shows.
I have a little perspective on this new revelation about Jon's appearance. I took care of my dad when he was dying, staying in his house. I was putting some clothes away and right there was a sample of Viagra with a couple pills gone. I literally dropped them like they were on fire. I was very creeped out and grossed out. Mortified, really. And nobody else was there or knew. I found other stuff when he died. Again, EWW. And I was in my 40s. I feel very sorry that this is being made public, because the kids will know. And they should not know nor would they want to know. Voice of experience with decades more experience than they have, processing adult things. FRP
Of course, anyone who brings us food is at the top of our list. lol
I take freshly baked cookies to the nursing staff every time a family member is hospitalized. These people work 12 hour shifts and don't have time to bake. I do.
I understand kids grow up too fast these days. But even so not only are these kids far too young to be hearing about anyone's sex life much less their father's, but it sets a very bad example about boundaries. Your sex life is private. It is not to be shared with millions. There's nothing wrong with getting therapy, but it should be private. I have always wondered about their sense of boundaries due to so much of the family's private life being exposed. This could manifest itself in many ways as they get older. Some may end up so fiercely protective of their privacy they might have trouble making friends because they can't trust anyone and guard themselves to the point where they can't open up to anyone. Others might do the opposite and not have a good sense of what's appropriate. They may behave inappropriately in terms of what is normally private and get themselves in trouble.
Really? Jon making money off a show its real or not...again SO WHAT!!!! He got on a show w/o using the kids....if you give a you dont...then don't watch.
If not for those kids, would you recognize the name Jon Gosselin or know who he was if he just appeared on a reality show?
I think it may be Jon who doesn't give a shit. He doesn't care who likes him or who doesn't.
It doesn't mean I don't have any sympathy for him having to live with that shrew Kate for 10 years because I do. But why go back to airing his dirty laundry and discussing very personal issues on tv again? If that's the real Jon whom he said he wanted to be, then I don't have to like him any more than I do Kate for doing the same thing.
Auntie Ann said... That is awful, Ex Nurse. My SIL worked in housekeeping in our city's hospital. She cleaned the OR regularly. Last year she got some superbug that shut all her organs down. She was gone in two days ----------- Wow, what a tragedy, Auntie. I hope that the hospital put some additional procedures in place to prevent any family from going through that again. And, I hope they took responsibility for it at the time. One of the nurses I knew was a student with me, and the other was a co-worker on the burn unit.
"As for Jon being on this what? You feel bad for the kids? Really?"
Oh, absolutely I feel bad for the children. Yes, really. There are eight other people involved here whether they chose to be or not...because he is their father.
And no, I won't watch.
"But even so not only are these kids far too young to be hearing about anyone's sex life much less their father's, but it sets a very bad example about boundaries. Your sex life is private. It is not to be shared with millions."
Grandee, re health care, don't forget about tuberculosis and that scary drug resistant tb! Uncommon but it is out there. Also, when hospitals, nursing homes, etc cut costs, they have to have registered nurses at work, but they may cut housekeeping, other supportr services, cut the hours. So your professional working nights also may be responsible for emptying the trash on the night shift. Not to mention just run of the mill stuff, patients who have been nauseous and vomited, patients with continence issues, draining wounds, etc. yes, can be dirty work in very literal meaning.
I just wish both parents would go away from public life, and take care of their children and give them the privacy they deserve.
Yes. Like I said earlier, we gave them almost two years to make it without their kids. That was a very fair shot at it. Neither of them were able to do it. It obviously can't be done. Time to pack up and get off our T.V.'s. And Twitter!
admin said, "What's next, a show about the two of them trying to live together again? I'll believe anything at this point." -------------- I really think that they truly deserve each other--they are opposites of the same coin. They are both very damaged people and there is no evidence that either one of them is emotionally equipped to raise a hamster, let alone 8 children. The kids spend most of their time in Alcatraz, and get their respite in a fraternity house.
If not for those kids, would you recognize the name Jon Gosselin or know who he was if he just appeared on a reality show?
Excellent point. It's BECAUSE of the kids that he got on this show. They're the ones who will have to deal with the aftermath of it all, but we're not supposed to feel bad for them?
The kids spend most of their time in Alcatraz, and get their respite in a fraternity house.
I think, though, that I'd rather live in a fraternity house with a father who loves me and lets me just be a kid, rather than in a prison with a controlling mother who uses me because it's the only way she can get the attention that she thinks she deserves.
There was an article in the local paper about the first set of high order multiples born in Eastern NC. There were six babies originally but one died. They are 13 now and have a 16 year old brother. Their mother works at the hospital and their father is an electrician. They have no health problems and are regular teens. Their brother and grandparents help out. No reality show.
Ex Nurse - The coroner who did the autopsy on my SIL at a larger center discovered the cause. Had she sought medical help earlier he thought she might have had a fighting chance. As it happened, she thought she had a bad flu but by the next day, from the time the ambulance was called until it came, she had gone into a coma and then passed quickly in the ER. It all happened so fast.
It was kept quiet except for hospital staff, and yes they did take necessary steps to prevent more of the same. What those steps were, I'm not sure of, but understandably they didn't want panic to ensue among the public. It was a terrible time and very frightening. (I wrote that it was last year, I meant 2012. Haven't yet adjusted to "2014")
I have to say this though... I really think there are far too many visitors allowed at hospitals these days and too many extended hours to visit. I am old enough to remember when there were stricter rules about that. Only spouses, or close relatives were allowed and only two at a time. Maybe it's time to go back to that. After having spent time in there with my dh I don't know how anyone can convalesce in a noisy hospital any more.
Sorry If I offended anyone...But really? I get why the sheeple watch anything and everything she is on....They are fans. We are not,but yet,we watch everything. WHY??? __________________________________
Starz22 - You did not offend me, but I would greatly appreciate it if you would not continually paint everyone with the same broad brush just because we read and comment here. "We" do not watch everything "she" is on. Some people do; some people don't. Some, like me, can't stomach seeing TFW or hearing her voice at all, so we avoid her like the plague.
Since I don't watch anything featuring TFW or Jon, and I am not on Twitter, I rely on others to share news about what they are up to. I guess this makes me an information moocher, but I'm OK with that.
I very much appreciate when others share information because it enables me to participate here and enjoy all the commentary and different opinions about both TFW and Jon.
PA Dutch Mom said... 91
Don't forget Lititz, pronounced Lit' its, with the accent on the first syllable. It is not Le Tits, as some out-of-towners say. _____________________
At Christmas I was introduced to the most delicious chocolate - Wilbur Buds from Lititz, PA! YUM!
There no proof Jon is doing anything frat like when the children are with him. He has been spotted numerous times with them doing age appropriate activities. Oprah's interview showed age appropriate things at the house for them like art, forts, fishing and campfires. He may behave in a way people don't like in the media but that is no reason to assume he is that way with his children.
Which reminds me, how come the sheeple get to judge Jon? Until they have walked a mile in his shoes.... Or does that tired mantra only apply to their queen?
Ex Nurse: I'm glad to hear from you again. I have always enjoyed reading your posts and your thoughtful responses to various issues. I haven't always agreed with you lol, but I'm always interested in your point of view.
It doesn't mean I don't have any sympathy for him having to live with that shrew Kate for 10 years because I do. But why go back to airing his dirty laundry and discussing very personal issues on tv again? If that's the real Jon whom he said he wanted to be, then I don't have to like him any more than I do Kate for doing the same thing. ***************************************************************** Excellent point
Jon is making money off the show, and then this makes everything acceptable? This sounds like Kate's justification for doing reality shows **********************************************************
So many great comments, so little time : ) As we welcome a new year, I always find it is a great time to evaluate my life, future, and past choices, etc.... You know the drill.
With that said, I sometimes find myself wondering why I still spend time on this blog. The answer is simple - there is a great group of very intelligent, caring, thoughtful, funny, mature, passionate, insightful women, who have very diversified backgrounds, and keep me on my toes!! Best yet, is that we generally agree to disagree respectfully when our opinions vary. Posters share their past mistakes, laugh at themselves, and overall, have good hearts, minds, and share experiences that remind me I can always be a better person.
Enough sap! Nothing to add to prior comments. As always, you all have covered it well. Now back to our regularly scheduled discussion of 2 people who have us scratching our heads left and right with their selfish choices........... : (
Posters here have generally been critical of BOTH parents' bad choices. Not because we hate either one but because there is a greater interest/good involved here - 8 minor kids vs. 2 selfish non-stop parents. Not really hard to figure out after 15 years - IMO. (I use 15 years as this started the orchestration of the multiples -twins.) And J & K's obvious conflict over having more. Never mind the fake adoption requests K claims to have made. It was all very obscure. (In her case, she might have viewed a web site once - who knows?)
So Jon spent 10 years being browbeaten and 4 years away from that. Where's the growth that normally takes place in 20-30 somethings during those years? Some may overlook the first 10 years he spent with Kate, but now four years past that? That Philly interview shows his maturity level as that of a delinquent teen...I'm not even sure frats would allow him to rush.
There no proof Jon is doing anything frat like when the children are with him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nor is there proof he doesn't.
Giving him the benefit of the doubt when he doesn't have the good sense to keep his language and behavior under control during a print interview and on the CT clip, albeit short, is not a leap I'm prepared to take just now.
Kate's tweets imply that she does the work, don't they? I highly doubt she did anything in regards to that long driveway other than throwing out some handfuls of salt near the doors.
As far as Jon, now that he can weasel his way back on reality TV thanks to the TLC settlement being lifted, I got to wonder if I have misjudged Walentis and his book. I so wanted to believe Jon was a victim but I don't any longer. It makes sense now that both Jon and Kate tipped off paps for kickbacks and I even have a bad feeling that Robert has not been forthcoming about his relationship with Jon. Not that I'm saying I believe Kate's assertions that Jon stole CDs, but that it makes sense that Robert would have contacted Jon about what he found in the trash and Jon did nothing to stop the publication of Robert's book. Why? Surely, as a good friend, Jon would have asked Robert to return the material to him. I believe there was a deal made. I think it is time to step back and stop making excuses for Jon and Robert and just understand that what comes out of their mouths, including Kate's, are BS. Maybe it's time to just realize that these people are manipulators who use fans and non fans to keep themselves relevant.
Jon is making money off the show, and then this makes everything acceptable? This sounds like Kate's justification for doing reality shows
So not the argument.....Kate an do all the "reality" shows she wants, but DO NOT involve the kids. That was always the view. But now, some have changed their tune because Jon now has the reality show? Un huh.....
@Kateplusmy8 12:50 PM - 5 Jan 14 Uh oh...Mom has a fever!?! Oh well..Meals 2b made, 'undecorating' to be done, cleaning & lunchpacking & the list goes on! #momsdontget2bsick
@Kateplusmy8 8:39 PM - 5 Jan 14 To bed early tonight 4me! So thankful I felt better 2day! I made Nanna Janet roast,did laundry,cleaned, &tried2control ice on driveway! #GN
Did she forget she solicited sympathy tweets because she was sick or did she change her mind and decide to go for the super-mom accolades instead? Or both! lol
She's not only a super-mom, she's also a super-recoverer who while battling her fever, she cooked, cleaned, supervised contest entry judging, played laundry attendant, and ice removal technician.
Does anyone get the feeling that Jon would do porn movies if the price were right? My opinion of him is the same as it always was..just glad some others are finally seeing what I have always seen in him.
How does one control ice on the driveway? Other than scraping it with a shovel, which you probably wouldn't do if you were sick.maybe 8 little 'volunteers' put down the not-a-contest entries and each had a portion to de-ice. Great way for the kids to recuperate.
TFW says she made "Nanna Janet" roast. First, she spelled Nana wrong, and second, if so sick, why not defrost one of her labeled casseroles or make the easy mac and tuna?
Jon fought to keep his kids of KP8. Then last year or so suddenly he decided it wouldn't be such a bad thing for them to be on TV. Then suddenly child support went away. Then TFW sued and he decided reality tv was terrible for the kids Then he went on a trashy reality show. They're both fame whores.
Sure there is. This is not a no proof either way situation. There have been countless sightings of him with his children and all of them have been positive. We have numerous pap photos showing how much the kids adore him and just melt into him. We have also seen a very kid friendly house. We also have a few locals who have posted here for years who have assured us that he is perfectly appropriate and good with his children. We also have a judge who despite Kate's constant bellyaching gives him plenty of unmonitored overnight contact with his children. That is plenty of evidence to calm any fears that he is behaving badly around his children. I don't like his behavior on camera and I do think it could be harmful if his kids hear about it, but that doesn't automatically translate into him being a bad father when he's with his kids. Plenty of parents have a wild side, and you can debate whether that's good or not, but it doesn't change the fact that plenty of them shut it off when the kids are around.
Add me to the list of people who are disappointed in Jon. He and Kate both need to go back to real "reality", work hard, amke an honest living, and quit humiliating those poor kids.
If anyone is in the mood for a giggle, two years ago today Kate announced the Kate Cruise! That has to be one of the most bone-headed--and hilarious--things she has ever done. It's kind of fun to look back at her idiotic schemes to cash in on what she thought was her celebrity, knowing as we do what an epic fail it turned out to be.
In other news, LIITM sold only 152 copies (hard copy and Kindle combined) in December, according to Novelrank. Total numbers after 9 months was 1,392. Adding in other sources, she may have sold as many as 2,000 copies! Let's hope Milo was exaggerating when she said there were 50,000 copies in print. Otherwise, someone is out a lot of money. Current Amazon rank is 47,926. That should be a clear message to Kate that her few remaining fans are not going to make her rich.
In other news, LIITM sold only 152 copies (hard copy and Kindle combined) in December, according to Novelrank. Total numbers after 9 months was 1,392. Adding in other sources, she may have sold as many as 2,000 copies! Let's hope Milo was exaggerating when she said there were 50,000 copies in print. Otherwise, someone is out a lot of money. Current Amazon rank is 47,926. That should be a clear message to Kate that her few remaining fans are not going to make her rich.
Did she break even with this mess, or would she be in the red?
Does anyone get the feeling that Jon would do porn movies if the price were right? My opinion of him is the same as it always was..just glad some others are finally seeing what I have always seen in him.
Absolutely not. No way. Just because he's on a trashy reality tv show does not relegate him to making the porn circuit. I think that's far beyond what he would even consider doing.
Milo would be right over the edge here this morning....23 below. And the high for the day is supposed to be 15 below. Wind chill is 50 below. Blowing snow is making the roads slippery.
There's been a run on milk, eggs and bread at the grocery store. Apparently when it gets this cold we all make french toast.
If I don't make it through, it's been nice knowing y'all. :-)
To Blowing in the Wind (#135 and 136): TFW must have lost a mint of money on the crookbook. As far as Jon and porn, I bet he would do it. He has proven himself to be such a low-life slime. WHO goes on national TV knowing that your children will see it, and talks about your masturbation habits? Jon has NO CLASS and NO LIMITS to what he would do for a buck. TFW is no better. Eeeew.
Blowing In The Wind said... 135 In other news, LIITM sold only 152 copies (hard copy and Kindle combined) in December, according to Novelrank. Total numbers after 9 months was 1,392. Adding in other sources, she may have sold as many as 2,000 copies! Let's hope Milo was exaggerating when she said there were 50,000 copies in print. Otherwise, someone is out a lot of money. Current Amazon rank is 47,926. That should be a clear message to Kate that her few remaining fans are not going to make her rich.
Did she break even with this mess, or would she be in the red? ******************** If she self-published, and there were 50,000 copies printed (I don't know where Milo got that number), then she is out a pile of cash. If it was published in the traditional manner, then the publisher takes the loss. I can't imagine that the publisher would print many copies after the dismal sales of her last book. I'm wondering where Milo got that number--she said there were 50,000 copies in print (not sold, mind you, just in print). Kate didn't respond. Let's hope nobody was dumb enough to put that much money into printing a book that was destined to fail.
I don't think we can speculate if Jon would do porn, or Kate for that matter. As for most men, I would say that a good half would not- I hope! I would not be surprised if either J or K might pose for a certain type of magazine- TFW a la Red Cross ! As for Farrah's porn tape, ew. She claimed she did it for herself to watch!
That is plenty of evidence to calm any fears that he is behaving badly around his children. --------------------------------
I guess we all have our different threshold evidentiarily speaking. A pic at a bus stop, a Twitter post that he's bowling or those who see him out and report here (a blog that usually tends to be more pro-Jon), or PA judges who never protected those kids from jump street only tell a small portion of a story. One could also find evidence that paint him to be a hard partying, vulgar, job hopping wishy washy trouser pilot with a revolving door of relationships that he may or may not introduce into the kids lives. Would you leave your charges in his care for a weekend?
Let's say Jon did CT but didn't talk about personal things like his sex life or say anything that the majority of the readers here feel is inappropriate. Would that be OK? I ask this because it feels that the tide has shifted to now thinking that neither Jon nor Kate should be doing any tv, reality or otherwise.
I wish they'd both stay away from cameras and reporters (and in Kate's case Twitter and blogs) because they don't recognize boundaries and can't stop exploiting the kids or embarrassing them, but if they did or could, would it be OK with you (a collective 'you') for them to pursue tv projects?
This is why Kate stays with Twitter. Read this from CelebDirtyLaundry:
See guys, Kate Gosselin’s totally a good mother. She takes care of her kids, even if she’s sick. She makes sure that they’re all fed, clean, clothed, read to, and taken care of. To be fair, the kids actually do seem like they’re doing well, even if that wasn’t the case a couple of years ago. So even if she consistently tweets about her parenting skills, at least she’s a better parent than Jon Gosselin? She can rest easy knowing that much, no matter what he says. It’s not like either Kate’s nor Jon’s image with the public is all that great, but everybody knows Jon’s pretty much a deadbeat father who barely takes care of his children.
I would live to know what the arrangement is. I do not believe anything she tweets.
Well I've listened to Howard Stern for as long as I can remember and masturbation is often a topic. You'd ne amazed at the number of "A" list stars that discuss not only masturbation but their sex lives in general. I only hope that Jon will be open enough to discuss it with his boys when the time comes because they will do "it". No, they're not going to go blind nor will they get hairy palms from doing "it". It's better to be able to discuss it openly than to be afraid of a screaming banshee coming after you. My son took many, many long showers (and not cold ones) when he was at that certain age. Should Jon be discussing it on TV, who knows and who really cares. I won't be watching.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7m To bed early tonight 4me! So thankful I felt better 2day! I made Nanna Janet roast,did laundry,cleaned, &tried2control ice on driveway!
Was 't Nana Janet the ironing lady ? The one about whom she wrote something like "Our temperamental ironess quit today" and other negative things?
There's been a run on milk, eggs and bread at the grocery store. Apparently when it gets this cold we all make french toast. ******* And poop a lot!! Toilet paper goes along with the milk, eggs and bread. Maybe snow scares the shit out of us?
Agree. Kate suing Jon was a mistake for many reasons, but if I was in her position, I would have a very hard time believing that Robert just happened to show up on the right trash day, and looked through the right box, and just happened to come across the mother load. It is not hard to imagine that Jon wanted Robert to have those disks, and to release their contents, and that Robert being with Jon on the dark and rainy night was no accident. I can totally see Kate, having a fit that Jon brought a reporter to her house, and proclaiming that it's all going to the curb if they don't take it all, and then Jon makes sure Robert sees him tucking the disks into a particular box. Kate, not knowing what's in the boxes, puts them out for trash pickup, and Robert shows up, finds the right box, and voila, Kate just threw out her own journal.
Like you said, if Jon never intended for Robert to get his hands on those disks, then he should have been publicly standing by Kate, trying to stop the release of such private and damning family secrets. He could even have accused Robert of possibly stealing them on the dark and rainy night, right from the garage apartment.
The fact that Jon appears to still be friends with Robert and has not made a single comment suggesting he is against the publishing of the tell-all, certainly leaves open the possibility that he had a hand in making it happen. I think Kate was set up on the dark and rainy night. Maybe it was for the kids, for justice, to make TFW pay for her cruelty. Or maybe it was just revenge. We may never know, and there is a lot to this story we will never know. I find, the more I learn about these two, the more tragic the story gets. Getting really tired hearing both of them pull out the pity card. They have been playing games with their family's well being for years, and they're both losing.
Nursing is a "dirty" job? How so? ***** Well, cleaning up vomit and other bodily functions is part of the job at times. Plus, the general public crosses all spectrums so I imagine that not every patient is as clean as you might wish them to be.
The bottom line is though if Kate didn't want anyone getting the disks it was her responsibility to crush them. It can be easily done with a stapler or hammer or any small tool. She was woefully careless with her diary. Most celebs wouldn't dare keep a diary with such incriminating information and if they do it would be fiercely guarded. And as I understood it Robert took everything on the side of the road not just the one golden ticket box with the disks. What's more, even if Jon did turn over something the problem with that suit has always been she never explained what's illegal about doing what you wish with marital property. Don't like your husband touching your stuff don't get married.
I was putting some clothes away and right there was a sample of Viagra with a couple pills gone. I literally dropped them like they were on fire ****** It really is mortifying as a child to even think about your parents' sex life! I can't imagine the embarrassment the G kids are going to feel when another kid brings up Jon jerking off. This kind of stuff is what parents have to contend with, with adolescent boys, not the other way around! I know Jon's a good dad in a hands-on kind of way, I just don't think he realizes that he must lead by example.
Great discussion! Here is one point I am not sure anyone has mentioned. Could this be a carefully chosen direction for Jon's ”brand”? Think about it, what demographic would couples therapy and ” tales of the nightmare ex” appeal to? is vh1 looking to maintain and increase market share among 18-49 yo males, who enjoy smashing things and discussing ” personal habits”? Hmmmm. This may be just as calculated as Farrah's fake boyfriend.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7m To bed early tonight 4me! So thankful I felt better 2day! I made Nanna Janet roast,did laundry,cleaned, &tried2control ice on driveway! ********** What a dipshit. Yesterday, the sun and a bit of rain got rid of any and all ice on driveways. Even my neighbor's sheet of ice driveway (they were away) was totally clear by the end of the day. My MIL is getting discharged from the hospital today (heart valves replaced-she's doing amazing.) and I decided I'd do a whole bunch of cooking for her and my FIL. DH and I made a nice pot roast, 3 racks of St. Louis-sytle ribs, a big pan of baked ziti with turkey Italian sausage, 2 pans of Shepherd's pie and chicken Francese. Suck it, Kate. It took me a couple hours each day and I could feed an army. Not that hard.
(Leslie_ Does anybody recall when Robert found the disks? I wonder why he never published his book in Kate's hay day of sorts. He would have made a killing in 2009/2010. I think now the public is over her. His time is off. Heck, he probably could have sold the disks to someone and had someone else write a book about it. and still made a bundle. Kate was very hot stuff to the public back then and Robert really could have cashed in super big time.
If anyone is in the mood for a giggle, two years ago today Kate announced the Kate Cruise! That has to be one of the most bone-headed--and hilarious--things she has ever done. ***** But, but ..wait. That DIDN'T happen? I though Kate never gave up, never failed!? I wonder how many, or what percentage of "celeb" cruises crumble because of lack of interest. I'm guessing not many.
Crazy, sorry your Eagles lost last night but they played and excellent game. I know a lot of you are from Pa ***** I was devastated! I really had high hopes of the Eagles in the Super Bowl. DH and I were at the game 2 weeks ago when the Eagles trounced the Bears. They were on fire. Oh well. I told DH that I'd still like to have a SB open house kind of thing, and I'm still planning on making roast pork Italians, the King of Philly sammiches.
As far as Kate going back to nursing. OMG, I've said this many times here. She would not last a day ********** Agree. Kate's clinical skills would need major work and she's just not cut out for working that hard. Floor nursing is hard. It's not having 8 kids that is stopping her- in fact, a 3-day work week would be fantastic. As I wrote above, MIL is released from the hospital today and thank goodness. Hospitals will make you sick!
"I used to sort of be in the camp that Jon and Kate can do what they like in pubic as long as they don't involve the kids. I've changed my mind.
It has become clear to me that neither of them are able to do something on their own without either directly or indirectly invoking the kids, or having people constantly ask about the kids, or behaving so atrociously that if the kids see or see in the future, it would be an incredible humiliation to them, or by further dragging out the messiness of their divorce and ongoing feud in the public, which is undoubtedly harmful to the kids."
Exactly why I changed my mind about this too. As long as the brand is "Gosselin" those kids will be affected by whatever their parents' do publicly.
The recent revelations about how CT producers tried to blackmail, then bribe, a potential participant into being on the show (Farrah's supposed boyfriend) was a real eye opener.
This show is not about Jon setting any records straight, telling his story or moving on with his life. It's about EXPLOITING his brand, his name and the name of his children just to make a buck.
Starz22 said...(96)
"Sorry If I offended anyone...But really? I get why the sheeple watch anything and everything she is on....They are fans. We are not,but yet,we watch everything. WHY??? As for Jon being on this what? You feel bad for the kids? Really? Jon making money off a show its real or not...again SO WHAT!!!! He got on a show w/o using the kids....if you give a you dont...then don't watch."
Starz, I can't tell if you're being deliberately antagonistic or just passionate so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
However, I do agree that it's not fair that you continue to paint everyone here with the same broad, sweeping strokes.
No, not all of us watch "anything and everything" Kate is on. Many of us don't watch at all and I certainly won't be giving CT any ratings.
But I will continue to say my piece on behalf of 8 innocent children who did not ask to be born into this mess. I gave Jon a lot of leeway because, like you pointed out, it must have been hard on him to put up with Kate for 10 years and then the subsequent torment TLC put him through.
But it's been 4 years since the divorce. How long does he get to milk that? 5, 6, 7 years? At what point does he become responsible for his own actions, especially ones that do/will affect his children?
Whether he even mentions them or not, just by participating he is teaching his children that privacy, integrity and truth all have a price.
Really? "SO WHAT!!!" What kind of argument is that? You don't care that he's making money peddling lies, misconceptions and a completely fabricated reality?
It's a freakin' REALITY SHOW. It's SUPPOSED to be real. What's he going to do when the kids ask him about trashing a room full of furniture and screaming about how he wasted 10 years of his life?
"Oh, no worries kids. It's like that Christmas we staged when you were all toddlers or the vow renewal in Hawaii when I was actually living above the garage. No big deal."
I'm looking for a new one to binge and I finally picked The Walking Dead too. I don't think anything can compare to Breaking Bad, I feel like I've already seen the finest thing out there on T.V. and can't expect anything to be the same again ****** We're almost done and I think I'll be in mourning when it's done. I hear the same thing about The Wire, so that might be my next binge. I also am enjoying Longmire and Luther.
(Leslie) In other news, LIITM sold only 152 copies (hard copy and Kindle combined) in December, according to Novelrank. Total numbers after 9 months was 1,392. Adding in other sources, she may have sold as many as 2,000 copies! ++++++++ Layla that is interesting! What sources does Novelrank include? I mean what stores or websites does Novelrank cover? If Kate only sold 2,000 that is beyond pathetic.Some did buy straight from Kate and that number would not be included in the above. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt and say she sold 3,500. That would still be mean really, really awful. And it shouts to how unpopular she is. She had to have lost money. Or the very least not made a dime.
I doubt she will write a children's book like she said she would. I thought she was secretly partnering up with that Brownlow woman who is an artist and was Kate's number one fan when she first started twitter. Brownlow was looking to be published too.No proof but something made me think that when she tweeted that she wanted to write a kid's book. She is the one who bought all that cereal for Kate and lives near her. Who would possibly publish any book in the future that Kate writes.
Rhymes with Witch said... 68 Admin 59, nicely stated. I haven't watched anything about either of them side before the vow renewal. I remember thinking, who renews their vows at 9 years? I was so ignorant about reality tv then. ***** It was all for ratings, in fact, their marriage was OVER. But there's Kate, spouting on about how Mommy and Daddy will be together forever. All for the kids, you know! She was lying and she knew it. There was NO wishful thinking, Kate had to sell the sham ceremony for the cameras. Both Jon and Kate couldn't have looked like colder fish to me, and that's at their own vow renewal! After so many years, love grows deeper and I think I'd be more emotional if DH and I renewed vows, not less. (Administrator) said... 50 I always thought it was so funny I think in the first episode Saul was in where Walter and Jessie kidnap him to threaten him, and the whole time he thinks he's being threatened about some OTHER incident with OTHER people. That just cracked me up. Exactly how many people are you expecting to do this to you, lol! ***** I love Saul's character. He's such a lovable schmuck.
Like you said, if Jon never intended for Robert to get his hands on those disks, then he should have been publicly standing by Kate, trying to stop the release of such private and damning family secrets. ********* It was Kate who put the "trash" out, not Jon. Sure, Robert probably knew it was coming, but Kate, being predictable and spiteful, holds the bag for putting those disks on the curb. Why would Jon denounce Kate's own words? It was her journal, her words. Why the heck would he, or should he care? She was an absolute bitch to him- still is!
I give him a pass on that one. If he said anything the next questions would invariably be is it true, and next thing you know he'd either have to lie or incriminate Kate, which would create further turmoil for his children. And Kate for years insisted he was involved apparently largely based on Hailey's texts. Based on her threats of legal action which have been going on years and was the proof the SOL had run, he was wise to keep his mouth shut and force her to make the first move. There was nothing he could really say here to help Kate or help the situation and all it would do is perpetuate it.
There no proof Jon is doing anything frat like when the children are with him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nor is there proof he doesn't.
Sure there is. This is not a no proof either way situation. There have been countless sightings of him with his children and all of them have been positive. We have numerous pap photos showing how much the kids adore him and just melt into him. We have also seen a very kid friendly house. We also have a few locals who have posted here for years who have assured us that he is perfectly appropriate and good with his children. We also have a judge who despite Kate's constant bellyaching gives him plenty of unmonitored overnight contact with his children. That is plenty of evidence to calm any fears that he is behaving badly around his children.
Over the years, I have seen him with his children, and for me, that's proof enough that the feeling of love on both sides is mutual. I don't agree with him being on this show, but in no way does his behavior around his kids border on a boozing, carousing frat house existence.
Gossip Free? @GO_GOSSIPFREE 35m @Kateplusmy8 Heard gossip about u on tv and I'm sorry 4 all the gossip u endure.Maybe u could get the media 2 take the gossipfree challenge!
Oh, gosh, what airheads these sheeple be. Certainly Kate will contact the media and ask them not to print any gossip about her, and they will bow down and say, "Your wish is our command. Consider it done."
Both Jon and Kate couldn't have looked like colder fish to me, and that's at their own vow renewal!
Yeah, and the wedding reception that followed got even worse. Jon and Kate could barely stand to touch each other when they danced and then iirc, Kate had to beg Jon to kiss her to make it appear like they at least still knew each others' names. He complied, but it looked like he was being forced to kiss a poisonous snake. Which he was.
Tucker, you had me at baked ziti! Any particular online recipe you use or one of your own? I love it when the discussion takes a turn down Culinary Blvd.
Starz, I can't tell if you're being deliberately antagonistic or just passionate so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
However, I do agree that it's not fair that you continue to paint everyone here with the same broad, sweeping strokes.
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If I'm not mistaken, this poster was warned before about this kind of thing, particularly insulting others here. You're right, it's not fair to make everyone here out to be hypocrites by saying that posters here criticize Kate but nevertheless watch with exuberance every show that she's on. I'm not going to give the CT show ratings, nor will I ever watch anything that Kate or the kids are on, or Jon, for that matter..
So does anyone think that the newly crowned Queen of Football know that there is a really big game on tonight? Happening place to be out here in Pasadena: DH and son are going to the game. Having friends on both sides, I plan to be Switzerland on the couch.
Tucker's Mom - That Eagles/Bears game was amazing! How great you got to witness it in person! Another favorite was the Blizzard Bowl against the Lions. I'm sad the season is over. Are we all invited to your SB open house? I will bring the cheesesteaks, wid or wid-out.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7m
To bed early tonight 4me! So thankful I felt better 2day! I made Nanna Janet roast,did laundry,cleaned, &tried2control ice on driveway! ________________________________
I mean no disrespect to the dearly departed, but you just have to shake your head at TFW's bizarre choice of wording (not to mention her atrocious spelling). "Nanna Janet Roast?" She makes it sound like dear Nana is a cut of meat or ingredient. Weirdo.
handinhand said... 172 Tucker, you had me at baked ziti! Any particular online recipe you use or one of your own? ****** I think I may have overdone it- the thing weighs a ton! It's just my own recipe- a box of cooked ziti, ricotta, eggs, cubed mozzarella, cooked turkey sausage and I even took a little help from Paul Newman for the sauce.
Call Me Crazy said... 175 Tucker's Mom - That Eagles/Bears game was amazing! How great you got to witness it in person! Another favorite was the Blizzard Bowl against the Lions. I'm sad the season is over. Are we all invited to your SB open house? I will bring the cheesesteaks, wid or wid-out. ******* The game was so amazing. The place was electric. Would love some cheesesteaks! We tried John's Roast Pork when we were in Philly. Freaking tasty! I like rabe more than spinach though, so DiNic's still wins out for me.
I think I may have overdone it- the thing weighs a ton! It's just my own recipe- a box of cooked ziti, ricotta, eggs, cubed mozzarella, cooked turkey sausage and I even took a little help from Paul Newman for the sauce.
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Paul helps me with quite a few things. He makes the best chicken cacciatore. Cut up the chicken, brown it, then put it in the crockpot. Add a jar of his Sockarooni sauce and a half jar of his tomato basil sauce. Stir everything together in the pot, and you can spice it up with some oregano. Cook on high for two hours, then reduce to low until it really starts to get thick and it "looks" ready. If it's too thick, add the rest of the tomato basil sauce (sometimes I put some red wine in there, too). Add some fresh parsley (or dried) and the family will think you spent all day in the kitchen.
It's a no-brainer and my instructions sound very Kate-ish, but it works.
Anonymous said... 165 (Leslie) In other news, LIITM sold only 152 copies (hard copy and Kindle combined) in December, according to Novelrank. Total numbers after 9 months was 1,392. Adding in other sources, she may have sold as many as 2,000 copies! ++++++++ Layla that is interesting! What sources does Novelrank include? I mean what stores or websites does Novelrank cover? If Kate only sold 2,000 that is beyond pathetic.Some did buy straight from Kate and that number would not be included in the above. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt and say she sold 3,500. ******************* Novelrank covers all sales by Amazon, and a published author who posts here said that Amazon sales typically make up the largest number of books sold, with another 1/3 to 1/2 of that number from all other combined sources. So, going by those numbers, even if Kate sold another1/2 through other sources (doubtful because Amazon was cheaper than buying through her website and B&N ranked the book even lower than Amazon), then she's still under 2,000. But--even if she sold an equal number from other sources, that's still under 3,000. No matter what, her sales are horible. There were plenty of stories online about the poor sales of IJWYTK, but that one sold several times the number that this cookbook has sold. Kate may not realize it, but her make-money-quick schemes are probably hurting her if she wants to get back on TV. Her cruise (reportedly) sold only 30 or so tickets. Her cookbook and the book before it sold miserably. If a TV exec wonders about her marketability, all he or she has to do is look at those numbers to realize that Kate's days of pulling in a big audience are over. She just doesn't have a large fan base anymore. Apparently she still wants a dating show, but how many dating shows are still around? Not many. They seem to have died out already. The contestants on them have always been young, single, had careers, great personalities. Now think of a Kate dating show. She is almost 40, bitter, divorced (and still battling publicly with her ex spouse and just sued him), unemployed, with 8 kids and a major chip on her shoulder. And she hits men and berates them on camera. She would not be an good candidate for a dating show.
(Leslie) Remember when Jon's attorney went on Nancy Grace in Spring 2010 and announced that Jon was paying $22,000 a month in child support. And those monies were put aside in a special fund in the divorce decree for this very reason. Well, I wonder and would love to know how many times Jon paid the $22,000 a month. What exactly did Jon wind up paying in child support back then when he was order to pay the $22,000 a month. That is a hell of a lot of money that went to Kate. The public never mentions that of course. I wish Jon would publicly talk about that if he is allowed to. Perhaps if the public knew he has paid $200,000 or $500,000 or more in child support that would help him and his children in the public eye. It would have been great if Jon could have mentioned that high figure when Barbara point asked him if he paid child support. And it would make the sheeple shut up perhaps.
And another point is that Kate does not support those kids anymore than Jon. Forget who has the kids more, etc. It does not matter at all. Those kids have supported themselves their entire lives and will in the future. The monies spent past and future for all those kids have come from THEIR reality TV show. Even the $250,000 every episode Kate earned for Kate Plus 8 was because of them. And her 3 books were 100% about the kids. Even the cookbook she had to put their faces on it and talk about them in the book. Just because Kate writes the checks and her name is on the numerous bank accounts does not mean a thing. And I hope the kids realize this one day.
Perhaps that is why the judge let Jon stop with all child support payments. He probably saw the amount he already paid with the $22,000 a month payments. And he realized he did not have the money to support them anymore with his income. Kate probably had to show to the judge a huge bank balance to allow this to happen. And that huge bank balance was from filming/books. Even DWTS was because of the kids. Did anyone hear Marie Osmond talk about her 8 kids on DWTS. No. But Kate talked about hers non-stop. And that stupid heart she drew in the air was disgusting too.
This is very important I think. Kate was on The View during DWTS and Joy point blank asked Kate if he paid child support. (Remember he was order to pay $22,000 at this time). And Kate answered in such a way (can't really remember though) that highly implied that he did not pay anything. She did not say those words but I guarantee you if you look up the episode anyone and everyone on the face of the earth would agree that she was implying "Hell No". Disgusting again! And Kate was going on all the talk shows at that time and People magazine saying she HAD to do DWTS for the money to support her kids. She HAD to be away from her kids and travel every week across the country to support them. And the public bought it. It was a huge lie. Kate's income during DWTS was the following. (Continued)
Kate Plus 8 was to be shown in 2 months from DWTS. The contract was already signed with her to receive $250,000 per episode. Then Kate With A Twist was very strongly in the making. TLC even publicly announced that the show would be out that Fall. So she strongly thought at that time she would have income from that TV show too. Then she had her third book come out during that time. She didn't know it was going to be a flop. She probably received a big check from Zondervan for that book too based upon the high success of other books performing well. Plus she was receiving $22,000 a month in child support and had been since the divorce. And she already had to have at least a million or more in her bank account prior to DWTS from preview filming/endorsements/books. And she lied and lied that she had to do DWTS to support her kids. Remember she told People magazine how bad the kids were hurting and in fact a therapist was coming to help her children. Well, anytime you hear Kate say that she puts her kids first remember this. Her kids according to her were in desperate trouble emotionally and she choose to do DWTS for the fame and glory. PERIOD. Again for the fame and glory...not the NEEDED paycheck to support her kids. She point blank choose fame, glory and more greed (more money to her millions) instead of being there for her 8 small hurting children.(And less than 6 months from DWTS two of her kids were expelled from kindergarten from severe emotional problems.) She did not need DWTS paycheck in the least. And to go on The View and very strongly imply that Jon was not paying child support when he was paying $22,000 a month is beyond mean and spiteful. And she is saying her kids father is a deadbeat jerk too.
Robert should have written all this in his book. Why was not any of this ever written about or talked about in the media? All of this is public knowledge but nobody seemed to put it together. And that tweet that Kate wrote that it works best for her family for her to be gone a week working (yeah, working my ass) and then home a week should have been blasted in the media. Remember she said it works for her family that she be gone 50% of the year. Not that she NEEDS to be gone to provide 50% of the year but that it works BEST for her family. If that does NOT speak to her terrible motives and her terrible parenting then nothing else will. It probably did work best for the family because Kate can't stand to be with her 8 kids for any period of time. She can't tolerate her 8 little money makers for any period of time or even knows how to parent them with love. Kate loves to spend lots of time in 5 star hotels and parent from afar with phone calls as she receives first class treatment and plenty of relaxation with Steve. That tweet should have sunk her in the media and closed the casket on her disgusting flat ass.
I need some help from anyone who knows LA streets and neighborhoods well. Is anyone familiar with the area around the 2400 block of Beverly Boulevard? Safe area? Parking? Bad traffic area? Thanks in advance.
In other news, LIITM sold only 152 copies (hard copy and Kindle combined) in December, according to Novelrank. Total numbers after 9 months was 1,392. Adding in other sources, she may have sold as many as 2,000 copies!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Does this number include the amount given away to the audience of the talk shows she was on? I think the numbers are even worse than that personally.
rainbows - thanks for the crock pot recipe for chicken cacciatorie! I always am on the look out for new crock pot recipes. Every Saturday I head out early to do grocery shopping and usually pick up a roast or other large piece of meat (sometimes a tri-tip if on sale). I salt & pepper both sides and brown it on the stove, then place the roast in my crock pot. I blend together Paul Newman's balsamic vinegar salad dressing with some mustard, a dash or two of red wine vinegar, a little nutmeg and then spread the mixture over the top of the beef. Cook on low for 8 hours and it comes out fork tender and delicious every time.
And she hits men and berates them on camera. She would not be an good candidate for a dating show.
----- -----
And what man could put up with that constant eye-rolling and hand-flapping, um, honestly, um speaking, not to mention cow-chewing-its-cud thing going on? Not many, except for, well...Milo.
Speaking of which:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5m @Kateplusmy8 "Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." - John Wooden You always find a way Kate! #BeingSuccessful
Being successful? At what? NOW what is Kate finding a way to do? lol!
Robert should have written all this in his book. Why was not any of this ever written about or talked about in the media? All of this is public knowledge but nobody seemed to put it together. *********************** It's not "public knowledge." The $250,000 per episode figure is rumor, not fact. The rest of the story you pieced together is heavily laced with your own personal spin.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 4h @Kateplusmy8 Believe it or not...U KNOW how much I HATE cold weather...temp in teens...I'm going 4my WALK!!!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 22m @Kateplusmy8 Coming in from the #DeepFreeze & trying 2thaw out! Amazing how metal parts attract the cold 2ur body! LOL #FozenBodyParts
Poor Milo, she so badly wants and "atta girl" from Kate and seldom gets one.
rainbows - thanks for the crock pot recipe for chicken cacciatorie! I always am on the look out for new crock pot recipes. Every Saturday I head out early to do grocery shopping and usually pick up a roast or other large piece of meat (sometimes a tri-tip if on sale). I salt & pepper both sides and brown it on the stove, then place the roast in my crock pot. I blend together Paul Newman's balsamic vinegar salad dressing with some mustard, a dash or two of red wine vinegar, a little nutmeg and then spread the mixture over the top of the beef. Cook on low for 8 hours and it comes out fork tender and delicious every time.
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Thanks, Millicent. I'm going to try that. I use Paul for so many things!
Sorry my instructions aren't all that clear. I've been doing the cacciatore for some time and I've added different things to it, depending upon what I have on hand. You could also add some green peppers and onions, but really, the Sockarooni has so much in it already that a lot of other herbs and spices aren't needed. If you like a hotter sauce (we don't like really spicy chicken here), just improvise and dump in whatever you think would be good.. But with the Newman pasta, you have a good base, and it's one of those things most often requested by the family.
Sure beats Kate's watery sausage concoction or whatever that was.
(Leslie) Just a follow-up to my previous comments. Lets say Kate signed the DWTS contract months and months before she know how bad off her kids were emotionally. Well, for one thing, she knew the divorce was going to be final in a few months and certainly she would have foreseen that it would take a huge toll on her kids. But I think if Kate chose not to do DWTS even after signing the contract, that DWTS would have let her out of the contract. She could have, if she wanted to, gone to them with proof that her kids were signed up for therapy and needed her to be home with them instead. I don't think DWTS would have made Kate do the show under those circumstances of 8 well-known and publicly loved kids having bad troubles and needing their mother at home. And don't forget that TLC had powerful attorneys that could of handled the situation for her. And if DWTS demanded some money for her to drop her contract, I am sure TLC would have paid it without a problem. Again, Kate wanted to do DWTS and kids be damned.
And Kate lied and lied in the media about how much time she was spending with her kids during the months of DWTS. She lied about how she flew home after the show etc and was mostly practicing in her basement. Admin has the calendar that prooves she was away a lot--a whole lot-- more than she was telling the public.
(Leslie) Her earning $250,000 was not a rumor. It was reported by TV Guide a very respected magazine. And what "spin" did I write about. I think everything I mentioned is fact. Please enlighten me. Thanks!
Would you leave your charges in his care for a weekend?
Yup, wouldn't hesitate. I have seen zero evidence of him being abusive to children. I wouldn't leave them with her for 5 minutes.
PJ ****** Jon may be TMI on Couples Therapy and he's put his foot in his mouth enough times, and of course, he's quite sartorially challenged, but he's not dangerous to his kids. Seriously, who was the one who beat them? Who feeds them like birds? When Jon takes them out, he talks about how much food those kids can put away.
I do not disagree with anything you wrote, and I don't generally let myself get caught up in conspiracy theories, so I'll limit myself to one counterpoint and move on: It is possible, in my opinion, that Jon planted/hid those disks specifically for Robert to retrieve in the trash, knowing TFW would put it all out with the trash, like she threatened too. If my completely made up theory were true, then TFW never knew the disks were there, and was played by Jon and Robert. Hell, even if Jon wasn't in cahoots with Robert, but decided he was okay with Robert having the disks after the fact, TFW may still have been completely clueless that the disks were there and would not have knowingly tossed them. (I am in no way defending the content of the diary) Moving on.
I need some help from anyone who knows LA streets and neighborhoods well. Is anyone familiar with the area around the 2400 block of Beverly Boulevard? Safe area? Parking? Bad traffic area? Thanks in advance. ----------
I worked not far from there once upon a time, cannot speak about parking, but it is mid-town Los Angeles, so I would use caution. Not a bad area, but it is urban, so comes with it's share of traffic and related issues.
LeeLee, I would not go as far as what you believe (that Kate was set up) but I do believe Robert told Jon what he found in the trash and Jon was ok with him keeping it. I just can't imagine him not telling Jon if they were friends.
Now I'm really pushing it by bringing up old business; still catching up ;-).
Jon going on CT is unfortunate, and I feel a little duped by the past 2+ years of Jon laying low, devoting himself to being a regular, working dad while speaking out against reality tv. He made some really positive gains with his public image, had begun to widely shed the Ed Hardy reputation. CT lays waste to all those good intentions. However, as others have noted, lots of celebs with kids do a raunchy interview, movie/show or interview from time to time. Diligent parenting can absolutely ensure the children aren't forever scarred by something like this. The fact that the kids themselves are celebrities may be a factor, sure, but I still feel that I'd much prefer either parent working on their own merit, even tacky crap like CT, than to continue to use the kids. Personally, I'm in the camp thinking the G8 aren't likely to see or hear about Jon's comments on CT (at least, not if both parents are doing their job) but those pics in the cookbook were really humiliating. JMO
And Kate lied and lied in the media about how much time she was spending with her kids during the months of DWTS. She lied about how she flew home after the show etc and was mostly practicing in her basement. Admin has the calendar that prooves she was away a lot--a whole lot-- more than she was telling the public. ****** According to Robert (which I believe as it's first-hand), Kate was away for NINE days when she did (or didn't do) the LV marathon. I can't wrap my head around it. Talk about WTF...
968 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 968 Newer› Newest»To those interested in housing for outside/feral cats. I volunteer at a local no-kill (hour northeast of TFW) and we suggest the following DIY if you don't have an existing area to adapt.
- 20 gal plastic storage container
- 30(ish) qt styrofoam cooler that will fit into container above
- insulating material such as sawdust, styrofoam peanuts, hay, etc...
- duct tape
Steps to assemble:
- tape the lid of the cooler shut
- cut an opening just big enough for the cat (6x6 is usually enough) in the middle of the lids of both the styrofoam and plastic containers
- line the bottom of the plastic container with enough insulating material that will put the top of the styrofoam cooler level with the plastic tote
- put styrofoam cooler into plastic tote, fill sides with insulating material, make sure openings align
- snap on plastic lid, tape if you feel its necessary.
When you put it outside, make sure the opening is away from any wind. It is more than enough for these already toughened animals to survive in the PA winters (even this seasons). Thanks for caring.
Millicent said, "And of course, it's really all about Milo's creepy imaginings of Kate in a cheerleader's outfit."
LOL!! Milo probably likes a person in uniform. In this case, it's cheerleading uniforms!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 12m
Uh oh...Mom has a fever!?! Oh well..Meals 2b made, 'undecorating' to be done, cleaning & lunchpacking & the list goes on!
Well, that's to be expected. ME ME ME ME ME ME. I'm so wonderful. ME ME ME ME ME ME.
Doesn't she realize that she does this, or in the case of a narcissist, you just can't help yourself? I've never seen anyone like it, but then again, I've never known a narcissist.
Kate Gosselin@Kateplusmy816m
Uh oh...Mom has a fever!?! Oh well..Meals 2b made, 'undecorating' to be done, cleaning & lunchpacking & the list goes on! #momsdontget2bsick
Of course she had to make sure her throng of fans know she finally got sick. Anyone want to bet she takes to her bed and M & C take care of everything for her?
It would be great if you could make a tutorial video of making the cat shelter. There maybe videos already on youtube. I am not into cats at all because I was attacked by one when I was little. But I don't want them to suffer abuse or this horrible cold weather. But now dogs is another story. Love my dogs.
Starz22 said... 183
Again...the kids have LIVED this shit and they know. Just like people waiting for the kids to write a tell all...thats ok right?
No it's not ok. I think it's pathetic that the Gosselin kids were born into this circus act and even more pitiful that both of their parents keep adding chapters to their kids' tell-all books, should they choose to write them. Jon and Kate would both be unknowns if they hadn't shilled their children in the first place and neither of them would be able to make easy money on sleazy reality shows if it weren't for the G8.
I have never seen an individual, must less a Mother, who is as "me-centered" as Kate Gosselin. So sad.
Down South here it's expected to be around 8 degrees tonite - highs mid-20s tomorrow. A few months ago I made the comment that I had not pulled out my heavy winter coast for several years. Paying for that comment now.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 12m
Uh oh...Mom has a fever!?! Oh well..Meals 2b made, 'undecorating' to be done, cleaning & lunchpacking & the list goes on. #momsdontget2bsick
Oh so sad. Well, it would be sad if she were not such a narcissistic dweeb. I thought her twins were all poised to do her chores. And if she had even a decent working relationship with the ex, or had a real friend or two, this would not be such a big deal. Just call the not-a-nanny and crawl into bed, which is probably what she has done - and if you're so sick, and have so many mommy duties, how the hell are you able to Twitter? Poor Kate.
It is a chilly -34C / -29F on the thermometer. A deer is outside munching on our Juniper bushes. He seems so unaffected by the cold, almost like he's humming as he eats. I don't get it.
Dmasy said... 190
Thank you to all the Breaking Bad fans who encouraged the rest of us to give the show a try.
I am in Season 5....the unexpected second WW reference.
Dmasy - ditto to that. I didn't know what I was missing.
I probably shouldn't have, but I found the lawyer Saul Goodman to be very entertaining. What a character.
The only thing on that list that can't wait til the hired help gets there on Monday is the meals/lunch making.
Of which the kids should be able to take care of themselves. Surely they all know how to make a bowl of dried cereal, make a peanut butter jelly sandwich, or run something in the microwave. One of the kids can't just remove a pre-made meal from one of the 4 freezers and nuke it?
Or maybe TFW could summon up her last bit of energy for the day and put it in the oven?
And then collapse in an sick heap onto the kitchen floor where Steve finds her hours later and lovingly carries her to her bed, and washes her forehead with a cool cloth.
I thought the kids packed the lunches anyway.
Isn't packing lunches one of the chores on the 52 point chore list? I thought we saw the girl sextuplets packing lunches on CWS? And it was one of the chores that Kendra had them swap with the boys?
And why didn't she include @HCI in the picture of the kids being forced to do her follow up on her ill-conceived contest? Guess they are charged with picking the "best" of the Oh, Look How Great I Am contest entries so that Kate can wave her freshly manicured nails lazily over a pile eenie, meenie, mineie, mo'ing her way to the 12 winners. If the contest were not illegal before, forcing nine year old children to do the grunt work sure should take it over the edge!
Laugh of the day people: Kate replyed to someone asking about canning, things from ones garden, this person thought Kate had a garden. Kate has no garden as she tweeted back. Kate have a garden? She can't even shovel snow, or take care of the chickens(the boys job), or clean house, cook or hold together a marriage or get back on TV. Her do gardening, she might break a nail, or worse get dirty, remember how anal she was with the kids getting dirty, geez, she doesn't even want to go back to nursing too dirty, germaphobic. Even if Kate did do a garden, that neighbor, will probably do all the work and Kate will take the credit, cause it's her property. You all know: mine all mine!
...Starzz (182): As much as TFW was hated...You watched...and you still watch anything and everything she's on.
Pot calling the kettle black.
Sorry to offend anyone...but really?
If you believe that you might offend someone,. then it's better if you don't say it (posting rule #3). You THINK before you comment, something that Kate has never seemed to have learned.
Came across this on Pioneer Woman. Oh, what would I give to have been her that day! I had a crush on Jimmy Rockford! When I first got Netflix, I binge watched the first 4 seasons. I now have it back and want to binge watch Downton Abbey but they went to Amazon streaming and I think you have to be a prime member to get that for free?
Link to the article:
...getofftwitter (15): geez, she doesn't even want to go back to nursing too dirty, germaphobic.
Where did she say this? In a book, in a on-couch interview? I never thought she didn't want to go back to nursing because it's "dirty," but rather because it's actually WORK and much too mediocre.
Why the kids don't have time for fun stuff said... 14
And why didn't she include @HCI in the picture of the kids being forced to do her follow up on her ill-conceived contest? Guess they are charged with picking the "best" of the Oh, Look How Great I Am contest entries so that Kate can wave her freshly manicured nails lazily over a pile eenie, meenie, mineie, mo'ing her way to the 12 winners. If the contest were not illegal before, forcing nine year old children to do the grunt work sure should take it over the edge!
So, Kate prints out the millions of entries to a competition to see who has the best story and *cough* photo of a *cough* random act of kindness for her kids to read? Does she not read them herself first? What if there are some nasty replies to her request among all those submissions? Surely they're not all stories of angels swooping down on gossamer wings.
AuntieAnn said... 11 : I probably shouldn't have, but I found the lawyer Saul Goodman to be very entertaining. What a character.
Saul Goodman is getting his own series, it's set before he meets Walter White. Filming will start this year.
Celebdirtylaundry has an item about J & K both trying to land new reality shows. It states in part:
And a little birdie tells us that Jon and Kate are both looking to get their own reality shows, which is why they’ve been so present in the media lately. Kate thinks that despite her cookbook and business failures, she still has a strong Twitter following, and she can leverage that into a show. Jon, on the other hand, has been giving interview after interview in the hopes that he’ll be able to prove that he still has the ability to draw interest, especially with his controversial remarks about his ex-wife.
What a posed picture of the girls, one with her hand thoughtfully perched on her chin. How presumptuous of TFW to be judging people's good deeds, and what suckers to enter this nonsense.
TFW says she has a fever. She very well may, or she is lying or is one of her infamous twists on words. She says she has a fever. It could be CABIN FEVER meaning she is sick of being cooped up in the house with the kids and it being so cold outside.
Here is my take on Steve picking up TFW off the floor. Steve being her Knight in Shining Armor lovingly picking her up THE BODYGUARD style and gently putting her to bed and patting her feverish face with a 1000 thread ct. wash cloth doused with Perrier Spring water. lol
Wish she was sprawled out on the cold laundry room floor, clinging to a big bucket, a raging vomitus.
What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
The contest she is running, can't anything be done? How do you start the process of reporting her? The Berks Co. District Attorneys office? With it being the internet. She has broken so many rules in this contest. Not posting the rules, the age requirements, wanting names, address and photos. What if she posts a minors picture? Just because she has 8 kids and piecing and patching, according to her does not give her a pass at all!
I posted awhile back that she gets speeding tickets, parks in fire lanes and loading zones and was involved in a hit and run. That was a couple of years ago when J and K was on. She hit a car and just kept on going. The victims got her tag and called the police and the police went to her house and she pitched a fit and told them she didn't have time to deal with it or something to that effect. The local posters here may know more, I am just trying to remember what I read. But TLC swooped in and smoothed it out. Must of given them an offer they couldn't refuse. Don't recall hearing anymore about it.
Can you believe that she did this contest on her own and did not mention HCI at all and after we talked about it, now when she tweets about the contest she tacks on @HCI. They should send her a cease and desist letter and tell her she is on her own on this train wreck. She only has herself to blame.
Dutch Tulip said... 20
Saul Goodman is getting his own series, it's set before he meets Walter White. Filming will start this year.
That's great. I will look forward to watching it. I was amused by his quips like 'you'd be better off going to the lawfirm of Larry, Moe and Shemp'. He provided some comic relief in an otherwise dark story.
Formerly Duped said... 22
What a posed picture of the girls, one with her hand thoughtfully perched on her chin. How presumptuous of TFW to be judging people's good deeds, and what suckers to enter this nonsense.
Milo thinks it's a great learning experience to have the kids read the not-a-contest entries:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 8m
@Kateplusmy8 What a fine way 2include ur kids/get their perspective on this/teaching them 2analyze & also telling them their viewpt matters!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 7m
@Kateplusmy8 U are such a good teacher as a MOM...I see the subtle things U do 2prepare ur kids 4adulthood & decision making! #GreatJobKate
Really, Milo? Judging a not-a-contest is the way to prepare the kids for adulthood? Judging other people helps with decision making?
She just doesn't get it that once again Kate is using her kids, and there's nothing subtle about it.
I agree completely with you, Formerly Duped (#22). I now think of Jon and TFW, not as THING 1 and thing 2, but as IDIOT 1 and IDIOT 2.
To Jon: Do you REALLY think it was NECESSARY to tell the entire world about your masturbation habits? Your 8 kids will have to deal with this for the rest of their lives. Good move, Jon. Good move.
So funny. I wrote about Steve picking TFW up THE BODYGUARD style and I just posted it and went channel surfing on the tv and on FUSE the BG is playing! lol
Auntie, I love your new avatar - so apropos.
Formerly Duped said... 22
What a posed picture of the girls, one with her hand thoughtfully perched on her chin.
Looks like a lot of blank pages are carefully scattered around too.
And hark! Is that the infamous Red Cross blanket over there on yonder couch?
Rhymes with Witch said... 25
Auntie, I love your new avatar - so apropos.
Aw thanks Rhymes. It's a lot of work having to keep refilling that keg though. I'm almost as exhausted as Kate.
Dutch Tulip, thanks for that info. I agree with Auntie. Attorney Saul was good for a laugh (even his wardrobe) when I was watching some very tense TV.
Aw thanks Rhymes. It's a lot of work having to keep refilling that keg though. I'm almost as exhausted as Kate.
Well, Auntie, you're just going to have to come over here to the Rumspringa Brewery. They do the fillin for you!
Aw thanks Rhymes. It's a lot of work having to keep refilling that keg though. I'm almost as exhausted as Kate. 27
Truly an act of kindness. I nominate you to win...........anything but a crookbook!
PA Dutch Mom said... 29
Well, Auntie, you're just going to have to come over here to the Rumspringa Brewery. They do the fillin for you!
haha!! I love it! "Set between Intercourse and Bird-in-Hand, PA" That is hilarious. If I'm ever down your way I am visiting that place. It sounds like a hoot.
And I'll bring a bigger keg!
Hannah&Leah's turn to read your #BeKindGetSigned (copy of #LoveIsInTheMix ) submissions!! Whose stories will they ❤️?\
She just admitted she and the kids are JUDGING the entries. In what alternate universe is having something judged and winning a prize for your entry not a contest!? And, she's getting away with this!
haha!! I love it! "Set between Intercourse and Bird-in-Hand, PA" That is hilarious. If I'm ever down your way I am visiting that place. It sounds like a hoot.
And I'll bring a bigger keg!
Just make sure you let me know first, and I'll take you to Paradise after we finish at the Brewing Company.
Someone mentioned that Kate is a dweeb. I never heard that expression here. We just say "Dummkopf." I like dweeb better.
And do the boys get to read the submissions too? Doubt it. Actually I doubt whether the younger ones have the reading skills or maturity to read those things. And hey Kate, it's getting way after the holidays, so who cares about this anyway? Timing, which is clearly do not have, is everything.
Lauren @ljohnson2006
Hey @Kateplusmy8 and fans! Follow @The_KidNation. It's an account against bullying. We will not let the bullies win
Lauren @ljohnson2006
I don't know what worse. The people who bully @Kateplusmy8 and her fans or the people who support #jodiarias
Lauren @ljohnson2006
@BHappyLoveLaugh yes! We all need to band together and stop this. This bullying has been going on long enough. They don't care about others
Lauren @ljohnson2006
The bullies accuse people of things they have no proof to back up. I choose to ignore them and live my life. They don't know me
Lauren @ljohnson2006
I stand up to bullies because I have the right to defend myself. If being strong makes them of after me more, so be it.
Lauren @ljohnson2006 1h
These bullies can't let #kateplusmy8 post anything without blacklash. No empathy. They need to move on and look at their own lives
Lauren @ljohnson2006
I have all of #kateplusmy8 trolls blocked so I can't see their crazy convos. I kinda wish I knew what they were saying but not really
Lauren @ljohnson2006
@Kateplusmy8 tweets that she has a fever and the bullies bring her down for it. #SoSad. #FeelBetterKate! :)
Good grief -- this sheeple is obsessed with bullies. She sounds like a broken record. Looking at her TL, though, it appears that she is quite the bullier (is that a word?) herself!
A little birdie told us...
You mean Zorro spilled the beans to CDL about J and K?
Way to go Zorro! You do have "inside information"!!! LOL
Serendipity: I never said Kate said that. I was making a comparision/referring to the fact, she does not like getting dirty or being or having germs around. Nursing is a dirty job, and a lot of work. Two things Kate does not like. I truely think Nurses & hospital tech, & doctors are very BRAVE people, to want to be near, in the presents of and take care of sick people. They put their own lives on the line, to help others, something Kate won't do. Geez, she hardly takes care of her kids when they are sick, gives them very little comfort, but whines, when she is sick.
Auntie Ann, you are a riot!
Gossamer Wings! hahaha
So are you lukebandit!
"You mean Zorro spilled the beans to CDL about J and K?" lol Good one!
Nursing is a dirty job, and a lot of work.
Nursing is a "dirty" job? How so?
She just admitted she and the kids are JUDGING the entries. In what alternate universe is having something judged and winning a prize for your entry not a contest!? And, she's getting away with this!
Of course she is...the same way she gets away with parking in fire lanes. If I were Kate, I would have checked the rules and regulations about running an internet contest, because clearly this IS a contest, no matter what she claims.
Carole said... 36
She just admitted she and the kids are JUDGING the entries. In what alternate universe is having something judged and winning a prize for your entry not a contest!? And, she's getting away with this!
Astonishing isn't she. This from the woman who has her lawyers on speed dial just in case someone breaks a rule and there's a chance she can sue.
I hope she gets in some hot water over this.
Maybe she 'better call Saul'.
We are snowbound with a blizzard raging outside.
I just finished watching the final moments of Breaking Bad. I need to decompress and shake off some intensity.
Tonight, I will sip hot tea and tune into Downton Abby where the "violence" is genteel.
Is she prepared to disclose/make available upon request the full legal names of the winners of her not a contest, as is required in many states? Do her sheeple know that if they win, by law they could be "outed"?
Dmasy - My husband is watching the final two episodes of Breaking Bad. I'm enjoying it just as much as the first time around - maybe more, I find little things I didn't notice when I first watched it. Did you enjoy it as much as West Wing?
Looking forward to the return of Downton tonight!
I guess all of you smart ladies with years of experience with birds were wrong because Zorro is already talking. Not only does TFW have the most brilliant kids and dog (remember he was able to unwrap and eat all that banana bread last year) but her bird is already speaking. Why he'll be recitingg Shakespeare in no time at all.
@Kateplusmy8: In the last few days, I SWEAR I've heard Zorro repeat 'love you' & just now I said 'thank you (bc he kissed my cheek) &he repeated me! #WOW
I'm glad everyone is enjoying Breaking Bad. I'm looking forward to Saul's show.
OT- can anyone refresh my memory about the pros and cons of the aspca? Thanks.
I always thought it was so funny I think in the first episode Saul was in where Walter and Jessie kidnap him to threaten him, and the whole time he thinks he's being threatened about some OTHER incident with OTHER people. That just cracked me up. Exactly how many people are you expecting to do this to you, lol!
PA Dutch Mom said...
Nursing is a "dirty" job? How so?
I took that to mean that it is a very hands on job. But, it is also can be a dangerous job. I have known 2 nurses who contracted and subsequently died from hepatitis from accidental needle sticks. There are also all of the strep, flu and other transmittable diseases that patients spread to health personnel. There are certainly areas of nursing where the threat is minimal, but, it is an occupational hazard.
NJGal51 said... 50
I guess all of you smart ladies with years of experience with birds were wrong because Zorro is already talking.
Until she has a video that I don't think is altered I don't believe her. If the bird is truly talking it may be from the work the pet shop may have done with it too.
I used to sort of be in the camp that Jon and Kate can do what they like in pubic as long as they don't involve the kids. I've changed my mind.
It has become clear to me that neither of them are able to do something on their own without either directly or indirectly invoking the kids, or having people constantly ask about the kids, or behaving so atrociously that if the kids see or see in the future, it would be an incredible humiliation to them, or by further dragging out the messiness of their divorce and ongoing feud in the public, which is undoubtedly harmful to the kids. Given how this all started, it's just not all that realistic to expect to be in the public eye without drawing the kids in too. I don't see that either of them are strong enough to carry the day completely separate from the kids. They don't have "it."
The thing is, lots of celebrities who have kids do embarrassing things in public, but we don't usually know their kids. I can think of only a handful of celebrities where I would actually recognize their children without the celeb right there. Otherwise without their parents there they are just a face in the crowd. Being an embarrassment in that situation is not the same thing since the kids can disassociate much easier from their parent's public persona. It's still no picnic, but it's easier if mom or dad is doing something particularly embarrassing that is maybe even making the news--to just go out with friends or the nanny, blend in and no one cares.
But these kids, due to their fame and ties to their parents that are so public, do not have that luxury. I think both Jon and Kate need to be grateful for what they had for all these years and call it a day, sign off, go back to obscurity. They have utterly failed, both of them, at maintaining a public persona that is separate from their kids. If they have any desire at all for the kids to be given the gift of obscurity, I don't see any other choice.
Bullying feels so 2013 doesn't it?
And the twitter account against bullying has KID in it. That might be a sheeple's first clue this is about stoping bullying against children, not bullying against millionaire celebrities.
/teaching them 2analyze
Really Milo? Because I think it's a terrible thing to teach children to analyze, judge and rank acts of kindness.
All acts of kindness are good no matter how small. And not everyone is in a position to perform anything all that spectacular. Does that mean a person with money who can afford to pay for everyone's lunch in the room is more kind than someone who can just afford to pay for one lunch? They are both kind.
AuntieAnn, here's another recommendation for you: Lilyhammer, it's about a ex-mobster who's going in the witness protaction in Norway. It's very funny, kind of a mix between northern exposure and the sopranos, Steve van Zandt plays the lead character, I enjoyed it very much. (Administrator) said... 48
Do her sheeple know that if they win, by law they could be "outed"?
It would be poetic justice for a certain few of them if they were. And over a silly not-a-contest of all things, courtesy of Kate. ha!
Admin, ITA. Neither is capable of not using their kids for fame and money. Now I am starting to believe Jon put up a stink about filming the kids just to get back at Kate for dumping him.
.You watched...and you still watch anything and everything she's on.
Many people don't watch the things she appears on or Jon. Some people just like snarking about what they hear or they like the community here. I've tried to keep up because I'm supposed to be running a blog about them, even so I've missed my fair share of things. But without the blog I wouldn't-- I don't enjoy watching anymore. It used to be fun to snark, it's not anymore. It's mostly painful and embarrassing these days.
Lilyhammer on Netfix is awesome. Just started season 2 binge watching. Highly recommend.
Rhymes with witch, I think national ASPCA has high administrative costs, and donations to them dont really go to local efforts to provide direct care to animals. Iirc
Football game is at minus 12. Everyone is sitting there enduring it. I hardly ever watch professional football but this is oddly interesting. Erin Andrews is kind of cute all bundled up and two braids!
Ex Nurse said... 53
But, it is also can be a dangerous job. I have known 2 nurses who contracted and subsequently died from hepatitis from accidental needle sticks. There are also all of the strep, flu and other transmittable diseases that patients spread to health personnel.
That is awful, Ex Nurse. My SIL worked in housekeeping in our city's hospital. She cleaned the OR regularly. Last year she got some superbug that shut all her organs down. She was gone in two days.
TLC stinks said... 62
Lilyhammer on Netfix is awesome. Just started season 2 binge watching. Highly recommend
Very funny wasn't it, I binge watched it to, can't wait for season 3.
Now I am starting to believe Jon put up a stink about filming the kids just to get back at Kate for dumping him.
Who knows. He sounded credible at the time. I hope that's not true about him saying those nasty things about Kate just to drum up interest in another show for him. That's deplorable. Not that Kate's not guilty of the same thing. They have got to stop seeing fame as a safety net. Get a real job, stay with the real job, and forget fame. Stop seeing it as a quick bail out to put cash in the bank.
What's next, a show about the two of them trying to live together again? I'll believe anything at this point.
It would be poetic justice for a certain few of them if they were. And over a silly not-a-contest of all things, courtesy of Kate. ha!
We should all send self addressed stamped postcards to TFW requesting, per the law-ish, for the names of all the winners. lol.
TLC stinks said... 62
Lilyhammer on Netfix is awesome. Just started season 2 binge watching. Highly recommend.
Thanks for that recommendation! I started watching The Walking Dead but I'm not sure it's for me. I'll give it one or two more episodes. HBO just finished a terrific show - "Getting On". It's available on HBO Go - very dark humor. I can't wait for season 2.
Admin 59, nicely stated. I haven't watched anything about either of them side before the vow renewal. I remember thinking, who renews their vows at 9 years?
I was so ignorant about reality tv then.
The whole thing has gone from snark worthy to sad to disgusting on both sides.
That said, count me as be who enjoys this community.
Thanks for that recommendation! I started watching The Walking Dead but I'm not sure it's for me.
I'm looking for a new one to binge and I finally picked The Walking Dead too. I don't think anything can compare to Breaking Bad, I feel like I've already seen the finest thing out there on T.V. and can't expect anything to be the same again. I'm not scared by zombies but I can see so far it's interesting and well written and I'm going to stick with it for awhile.
I think I'm the only person who couldn't really get into The Wire.
The thing is, lots of celebrities who have kids do embarrassing things in public, but we don't usually know their kids.
Good point.
Thanks Joy. I stick with my local no kill shelters. Big tv commercial push from the aspca prompted the question.
Nursing is a "dirty" job? How so?
Not sure who asked, but nursing IS indeed 'dirty' at times, dealing with all types of bodily fluids, street people who have not been able to bathe, patients with infections, drains, catheters, scopes, running ulcers, open wounds, parasites, viruses and more. This is a literal answer. It is also emotionally taxing work .
I've noticed there's a small group of people who watches things and reports back here and a small group of people who keeps track of what's going on on Twitter and the rest of us just read here and snark at what we heard happened. The watch and report group is quite kind to do that for the rest of us. :) I never have to check twitter, which makes things easier! (Administrator) said... 64
Football game is at minus 12. Everyone is sitting there enduring it. I hardly ever watch professional football but this is oddly interesting. Erin Andrews is kind of cute all bundled up and two braids!
LOL! I thought the same thing. Love her braids.
Oh and you must continue on with the Walking Dead. So good...... Following each character's journey is worth it...
Oh and you must continue on with the Walking Dead. So good...... Following each character's journey is worth it...
Yes I'll give it at least several episodes. I recently finished playing The Last of Us, which was the most beautiful PS3 game I've ever experienced. It is also sort of an end of the world zombie scenario but is so real and moving. It kind of made me more open to this scifi stuff.
We don't have a garden yet,
That's interesting, since she has tweeted before in 2012 about their garden:
“@XXXX you're so energetic miss gardener:) tomorrow we plant our organic veges inside then will move outside when they sprout yay!”
I've noticed there's a small group of people who watches things and reports back here and a small group of people who keeps track of what's going on on Twitter and the rest of us just read here and snark at what we heard happened.
And conversely. There is a group of non-fans on Twitter who read here and report back on Twitter, especially when there is something really important going on, such as the docs for the lawsuits. Nothing wrong with that. It just makes things more interesting, especially when the fans read here religiously, tweet (either on Kate's TL or their own) and you just know that they've been checking things out here even though they'll deny it until their dying breath.
admin said, "What's next, a show about the two of them trying to live together again? I'll believe anything at this point."
Somehow I don't think that Liz would take too kindly to that idea! Or maybe all three of them could live together. Now *that* would be a show.
"All acts of kindness are good no matter how small. And not everyone is in a position to perform anything all that spectacular. Does that mean a person with money who can afford to pay for everyone's lunch in the room is more kind than someone who can just afford to pay for one lunch? They are both kind."
Exactly, but Milo and the sheeple are incapable of thinking things through. There's no logical reasoning in their make-up. That's what is so sad about many of those fans. There is no cognitive thinking ability, no reasoning why this or that is wrong, or what would happen IF...or how someone else would feel IF...
Don't you love it when TFW contradicts herself on Twitter? What's
being a "hater" about simply acknowledging conflicting statements?
Back to the not-a-contest: it's bad enough the kids are being enlisted
(read: forced) to help judge, but aren't they still sick? So they're going back to school tomorrow, but spending the last day of winter break doing Mom's bidding. "Hey, you, put down that cough medicine and pick up an inspiring story! And I don't want to hear you breathe while you're reading it!"
.or how someone else would feel IF...
Exactly. What if some young sheeple spent the last of their allowance to save an orphan goldfish from death row? But other people did much more spectacular charitable acts. Will they be CRUSHED if they don't win?
It used to be fun to snark, it's not anymore. It's mostly painful and embarrassing these days
Agree...very embarrassing for those poor kids. The parents seem incapable of being embarrassed about anything.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 I think U will HEAR & we shall SEE some funny /interesting tweets in your future! #ZorroSpeakethAtLast. :)
If that bird speaketh already, I'll eat the paper on the bottom of his cage. Unless he's a bird prodigy, it's highly unlikely that he's saying three words. Even so, I doubt if Kate would recognize his words. Their "speech" isn't as clear as a Grey or Amazon. It's very gravelly, kind of like a low growl.
I had an eight-year-old Painted who wouldn't talk, despite many efforts by the Grey to try to get him to say even one word. He could whistle, make kissing sounds, and even mimic a laugh, but there was no way in the world he was going to say anything. Of course, that was when I was around. Who knows what he might have said when nobody was listening...maybe even laughing his little head off because we were trying so hard to get him to speak, and all along he knew that he could!
When and if this bird talks, I hope she makes a video, and not one that is over-dubbed by some other parrot.
PA Dutch Mom said... 35
Just make sure you let me know first, and I'll take you to Paradise after we finish at the Brewing Company.
I don't know how I missed this. Intercourse, Bird-in-hand, Mount Joy, Paradise. Good grief. Who names these places? lol!
Exactly. What if some young sheeple spent the last of their allowance to save an orphan goldfish from death row? But other people did much more spectacular charitable acts. Will they be CRUSHED if they don't win?
Yes. How does a contest "judge" determine the degree of charitableness when the contestants aren't on the same playing field? I still don't understand how she can run a not-a-contest and not have to post the rules, criteria for judging, and the names of the winners.
That's interesting, since she has tweeted before in 2012 about their garden:
“@XXXX you're so energetic miss gardener:) tomorrow we plant our organic veges inside then will move outside when they sprout yay!”
LOL, admin! Kind of like the Coming Soon on her blog tabs!
Sleepless In Seattle said... 81
Of course, that was when I was around. Who knows what he might have said when nobody was listening...maybe even laughing his little head off because we were trying so hard to get him to speak, and all along he knew that he could!
Like the frog in the Bugs Bunny/Tweety that sang showtunes, but only for the man who found him. He thought he'd become rich and famous, but the frog wouldn't co-operate.
Milo tweeteth:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5h
@Kateplusmy8 U are such a good teacher as a MOM...I see the subtle things U do 2prepare ur kids 4adulthood & decision making! #GreatJobKate
Gladys is lookin in those windows again. Isn't there a law against that? I wonder if Abner (LOM) ever tries to rein her in!
Since there is a discussion her about nursing, I feel the need to answer some of the questions about nursing being a dirty job. I am 66yo and still work 12 hr shifts, 3 nights a week.
Nursing is a very dirty job but it is also very rewarding and at times exciting.
First for the dirty part. The superbugs that are out there are not to be dealt with lightly. MRSA, VRE, Acinatabacter and E choli are the most dangerous. These superbugs are resistant to certain antibiotics and take weeks of IV therapy to clear up. Everyone that enters a hospital or ER with a weak immune system is at risk.
As far as nurses, docs and other that do bedside care, we have certain precautions to follow while taking care of a patient with a superbug. These bugs can kill someone fast. Once the body is attacked, sepsis sets in and sometimes it's too late if left untreated. Sepsis can destroy organs in less than 24 hours.
I work in a LTAC, long term acute. Our patients come to us for long term IV antibiotic treatment, usually 3-4 weeks.
The reward is just seeing a patient get better every day and really appreciate what we do for them.
The exciting part is seeing a patient come in on a ventilator, in a coma with a bad prognosis and we are able to get them off the vent, wake them up, start therapy and walk them out of the door to go home.
I never did expect praise for what I do because I love what I do and I'm just doing my job. Its nice to get letters and cards from former patients thanking us for all the wonderful care.
Of course, anyone who brings us food is at the top of our list. lol
As far as Kate going back to nursing. OMG, I've said this many times here. She would not last a day. Things are very different then they were 9 years ago. Staffing is at a minimum, patients are sicker and there are a lot of superbugs that have been discovered since she worked as a nurse.
Miss OCD would be chewed up and spit out. You must be organized to survive but being too particular just don't work.
Hope everyone is having a great playoff weekend and may your favorite team win.
Crazy, sorry your Eagles lost last night but they played and excellent game. I know a lot of you are from Pa. It could have gone either way, it was a heart attack ending. Now we move on to Seattle.
I have faith in our team. WHO DAT!!!!!
@Kateplusmy8: Uh oh...Mom has a fever!?! Oh well..Meals 2b made, 'undecorating' to be done, cleaning & lunchpacking & the list goes on! #momsdontget2bsick
Can someone please tell me what 'undercorating' is? Is it something that you do to a bird?
Un-decorating, as in taking down the Christmas decorations. lol!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 58s
@Kateplusmy8 "Fall seven times, stand up EIGHT." ~ Japanese proverb HaHa...U & I both know about this one! :)
What the heck does this mean?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7m
To bed early tonight 4me! So thankful I felt better 2day! I made Nanna Janet roast,did laundry,cleaned, &tried2control ice on driveway!
No shocker. She tries to control everything else!
I don't know how I missed this. Intercourse, Bird-in-hand, Mount Joy, Paradise. Good grief. Who names these places? lol!
Don't forget Lititz, pronounced Lit' its, with the accent on the first syllable. It is not Le Tits, as some out-of-towners say. And in Mount Joy, you have Bube's Brewery, pronounced "Boobies."
These are actually wonderful little towns, with great places to eat, quaint shops and some of the nicest, friendliest people anywhere. Their names, however, do bring chuckles from tourists.
We could hit 'em all up,. Auntie. There is no shortage of Rumspringa.
Never mind. I'm a dope. Un-decorating.
Jody silverstein @myaspie 4m
@mumlvs2run @Kateplusmy8 ok I need this book . What is the title ?
Come on, Milo. Get with it and tell her where to get it. You're slipping up on the job.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7m
To bed early tonight 4me! So thankful I felt better 2day! I made Nanna Janet roast,did laundry,cleaned, &tried2control ice on driveway!
No shocker. She tries to control everything else!
She really set herself up for that one!
Don't forget Lititz, pronounced Lit' its, with the accent on the first syllable. It is not Le Tits, as some out-of-towners say. And in Mount Joy, you have Bube's Brewery, pronounced "Boobies."
These are actually wonderful little towns, with great places to eat, quaint shops and some of the nicest, friendliest people anywhere. Their names, however, do bring chuckles from tourists.
We could hit 'em all up,. Auntie. There is no shortage of Rumspringa.
PA Dutch Mom - lol! I'm all in.
I have always thought your New England states were gorgeous. I would love to visit them someday.
"I would love to visit them someday." ???
Whoa (or is it woah). I just realized that's Kate's line.
Sorry If I offended anyone...But really? I get why the sheeple watch anything and everything she is on....They are fans. We are not,but yet,we watch everything. WHY???
As for Jon being on this what? You feel bad for the kids? Really? Jon making money off a show its real or not...again SO WHAT!!!! He got on a show w/o using the kids....if you give a you dont...then don't watch.
Unless you have been in his shoes....used and abused for 10 years...How can you judge him?
@Kateplusmy8 I am blessed that's your felling getter
It's always a good thing in your life to be blessed when your getter is felling. There's nothing worse than an unfelling getter.
This one still is posting a picture of the young Gymboree model. I wonder if the girl and Gymboree know that this child's picture is being used on a blog.
MyMomShops @mymomshops 7h
Is Kate Gosselin's daughter a Gymboree model? (I guess people want to know- it's my most visited post right now).
Unless you have been in his shoes....used and abused for 10 years...How can you judge him?
I did not think it was fair for Jon to be judged when he was remaining quiet and trying to live a normal life. But now he chose to do a public T.V. show and now he's fair game. There is no special exception for him. Much like Kate's public behavior is judged, so too should his public behavior. Every consenting adult who puts themselves on reality T.V. consents to being judged.
Sorry If I offended anyone...But really? I get why the sheeple watch anything and everything she is on....They are fans. We are not,but yet,we watch everything. WHY???
Who is "we?"
"As for Jon being on this what? You feel bad for the kids? Really? Jon making money off a show its real or not...again SO WHAT!!!!"
I can't speak for others here, but I am concerned about the children seeing this (or finding out about it). A psychologist or someone familiar with child development could probably much better assess whatever emotional damage this may do to the children, if not right now, then in the future.
Jon is making money off the show, and then this makes everything acceptable? This sounds like Kate's justification for doing reality shows.
I have a little perspective on this new revelation about Jon's appearance. I took care of my dad when he was dying, staying in his house. I was putting some clothes away and right there was a sample of Viagra with a couple pills gone. I literally dropped them like they were on fire. I was very creeped out and grossed out. Mortified, really. And nobody else was there or knew. I found other stuff when he died. Again, EWW. And I was in my 40s.
I feel very sorry that this is being made public, because the kids will know. And they should not know nor would they want to know. Voice of experience with decades more experience than they have, processing adult things.
grandee4 said... 88
Of course, anyone who brings us food is at the top of our list. lol
I take freshly baked cookies to the nursing staff every time a family member is hospitalized. These people work 12 hour shifts and don't have time to bake. I do.
I understand kids grow up too fast these days. But even so not only are these kids far too young to be hearing about anyone's sex life much less their father's, but it sets a very bad example about boundaries. Your sex life is private. It is not to be shared with millions. There's nothing wrong with getting therapy, but it should be private. I have always wondered about their sense of boundaries due to so much of the family's private life being exposed. This could manifest itself in many ways as they get older. Some may end up so fiercely protective of their privacy they might have trouble making friends because they can't trust anyone and guard themselves to the point where they can't open up to anyone. Others might do the opposite and not have a good sense of what's appropriate. They may behave inappropriately in terms of what is normally private and get themselves in trouble.
Really? Jon making money off a show its real or not...again SO WHAT!!!! He got on a show w/o using the kids....if you give a you dont...then don't watch.
If not for those kids, would you recognize the name Jon Gosselin or know who he was if he just appeared on a reality show?
I think it may be Jon who doesn't give a shit. He doesn't care who likes him or who doesn't.
It doesn't mean I don't have any sympathy for him having to live with that shrew Kate for 10 years because I do. But why go back to airing his dirty laundry and discussing very personal issues on tv again? If that's the real Jon whom he said he wanted to be, then I don't have to like him any more than I do Kate for doing the same thing.
Auntie Ann said...
That is awful, Ex Nurse. My SIL worked in housekeeping in our city's hospital. She cleaned the OR regularly. Last year she got some superbug that shut all her organs down. She was gone in two days
Wow, what a tragedy, Auntie. I hope that the hospital put some additional procedures in place to prevent any family from going through that again. And, I hope they took responsibility for it at the time. One of the nurses I knew was a student with me, and the other was a co-worker on the burn unit.
"As for Jon being on this what? You feel bad for the kids? Really?"
Oh, absolutely I feel bad for the children. Yes, really. There are eight other people involved here whether they chose to be or not...because he is their father.
And no, I won't watch.
"But even so not only are these kids far too young to be hearing about anyone's sex life much less their father's, but it sets a very bad example about boundaries. Your sex life is private. It is not to be shared with millions."
Amen, and especially not for money.
Auntie Ann(104)--Thank for putting into words exactly how I feel.
Jon kept on saying he wanted a "private life". I don't think discussing your sex life on national TV is the way to go if you truly wanted that.
I just wish both parents would go away from public life, and take care of their children and give them the privacy they deserve.
Grandee, re health care, don't forget about tuberculosis and that scary drug resistant tb! Uncommon but it is out there.
Also, when hospitals, nursing homes, etc cut costs, they have to have registered nurses at work, but they may cut housekeeping, other supportr services, cut the hours. So your professional working nights also may be responsible for emptying the trash on the night shift.
Not to mention just run of the mill stuff, patients who have been nauseous and vomited, patients with continence issues, draining wounds, etc. yes, can be dirty work in very literal meaning.
I just wish both parents would go away from public life, and take care of their children and give them the privacy they deserve.
Yes. Like I said earlier, we gave them almost two years to make it without their kids. That was a very fair shot at it. Neither of them were able to do it. It obviously can't be done. Time to pack up and get off our T.V.'s. And Twitter!
admin said, "What's next, a show about the two of them trying to live together again? I'll believe anything at this point."
I really think that they truly deserve each other--they are opposites of the same coin. They are both very damaged people and there is no evidence that either one of them is emotionally equipped to raise a hamster, let alone 8 children. The kids spend most of their time in Alcatraz, and get their respite in a fraternity house.
As always, my heart aches for them.
If not for those kids, would you recognize the name Jon Gosselin or know who he was if he just appeared on a reality show?
Excellent point. It's BECAUSE of the kids that he got on this show. They're the ones who will have to deal with the aftermath of it all, but we're not supposed to feel bad for them?
The kids spend most of their time in Alcatraz, and get their respite in a fraternity house.
I think, though, that I'd rather live in a fraternity house with a father who loves me and lets me just be a kid, rather than in a prison with a controlling mother who uses me because it's the only way she can get the attention that she thinks she deserves.
There was an article in the local paper about the first set of high order multiples born in Eastern NC. There were six babies originally but one died. They are 13 now and have a 16 year old brother. Their mother works at the hospital and their father is an electrician. They have no health problems and are regular teens. Their brother and grandparents help out. No reality show.
Ex Nurse - The coroner who did the autopsy on my SIL at a larger center discovered the cause. Had she sought medical help earlier he thought she might have had a fighting chance. As it happened, she thought she had a bad flu but by the next day, from the time the ambulance was called until it came, she had gone into a coma and then passed quickly in the ER. It all happened so fast.
It was kept quiet except for hospital staff, and yes they did take necessary steps to prevent more of the same. What those steps were, I'm not sure of, but understandably they didn't want panic to ensue among the public. It was a terrible time and very frightening.
(I wrote that it was last year, I meant 2012. Haven't yet adjusted to "2014")
I have to say this though... I really think there are far too many visitors allowed at hospitals these days and too many extended hours to visit. I am old enough to remember when there were stricter rules about that. Only spouses, or close relatives were allowed and only two at a time. Maybe it's time to go back to that. After having spent time in there with my dh I don't know how anyone can convalesce in a noisy hospital any more.
Every consenting adult who puts themselves on reality T.V. consents to being judged.
Consents? Nay, invites! ANY publicity is good publicity. It makes these crazy people money.
Starz22 said... 96
Sorry If I offended anyone...But really? I get why the sheeple watch anything and everything she is on....They are fans. We are not,but yet,we watch everything. WHY???
Starz22 - You did not offend me, but I would greatly appreciate it if you would not continually paint everyone with the same broad brush just because we read and comment here. "We" do not watch everything "she" is on. Some people do; some people don't. Some, like me, can't stomach seeing TFW or hearing her voice at all, so we avoid her like the plague.
Since I don't watch anything featuring TFW or Jon, and I am not on Twitter, I rely on others to share news about what they are up to. I guess this makes me an information moocher, but I'm OK with that.
I very much appreciate when others share information because it enables me to participate here and enjoy all the commentary and different opinions about both TFW and Jon.
PA Dutch Mom said... 91
Don't forget Lititz, pronounced Lit' its, with the accent on the first syllable. It is not Le Tits, as some out-of-towners say.
At Christmas I was introduced to the most delicious chocolate - Wilbur Buds from Lititz, PA! YUM!
There no proof Jon is doing anything frat like when the children are with him. He has been spotted numerous times with them doing age appropriate activities. Oprah's interview showed age appropriate things at the house for them like art, forts, fishing and campfires. He may behave in a way people don't like in the media but that is no reason to assume he is that way with his children.
Which reminds me, how come the sheeple get to judge Jon? Until they have walked a mile in his shoes.... Or does that tired mantra only apply to their queen?
Ex Nurse: I'm glad to hear from you again. I have always enjoyed reading your posts and your thoughtful responses to various issues. I haven't always agreed with you lol, but I'm always interested in your point of view.
Auntie Ann said
It doesn't mean I don't have any sympathy for him having to live with that shrew Kate for 10 years because I do. But why go back to airing his dirty laundry and discussing very personal issues on tv again? If that's the real Jon whom he said he wanted to be, then I don't have to like him any more than I do Kate for doing the same thing.
Excellent point
Jon is making money off the show, and then this makes everything acceptable? This sounds like Kate's justification for doing reality shows
Another excellent point
So many great comments, so little time : )
As we welcome a new year, I always find it is a great time to evaluate my life, future, and past choices, etc.... You know the drill.
With that said, I sometimes find myself wondering why I still spend time on this blog. The answer is simple - there is a great group of very intelligent, caring, thoughtful, funny, mature, passionate,
insightful women, who have very diversified backgrounds, and keep me on my toes!! Best yet, is that we generally agree to disagree respectfully when our opinions vary. Posters share their past mistakes, laugh at themselves, and overall, have good hearts, minds, and share experiences that remind me I can always be a better person.
Enough sap! Nothing to add to prior comments. As always, you all have covered it well. Now back to our regularly scheduled discussion of 2 people who have us scratching our heads left and right with their selfish choices........... : (
I agree with Vanessa and Auntie Ann 120 and 121.
Posters here have generally been critical of BOTH parents' bad choices. Not because we hate either one but because there is a greater interest/good involved here - 8 minor kids vs. 2 selfish non-stop parents. Not really hard to figure out after 15 years - IMO. (I use 15 years as this started the orchestration of the multiples -twins.) And J & K's obvious conflict over having more. Never mind the fake adoption requests K claims to have made. It was all very obscure. (In her case, she might have viewed a web site once - who knows?)
So Jon spent 10 years being browbeaten and 4 years away from that.
Where's the growth that normally takes place in 20-30 somethings during those years? Some may overlook the first 10 years he spent with Kate, but now four years past that? That Philly interview shows his maturity level as that of a delinquent teen...I'm not even sure frats would allow him to rush.
There no proof Jon is doing anything frat like when the children are with him.
Nor is there proof he doesn't.
Giving him the benefit of the doubt when he doesn't have the good sense to keep his language and behavior under control during a print interview and on the CT clip, albeit short, is not a leap I'm prepared to take just now.
Kate's tweets imply that she does the work, don't they? I highly doubt she did anything in regards to that long driveway other than throwing out some handfuls of salt near the doors.
As far as Jon, now that he can weasel his way back on reality TV thanks to the TLC settlement being lifted, I got to wonder if I have misjudged Walentis and his book. I so wanted to believe Jon was a victim but I don't any longer. It makes sense now that both Jon and Kate tipped off paps for kickbacks and I even have a bad feeling that Robert has not been forthcoming about his relationship with Jon. Not that I'm saying I believe Kate's assertions that Jon stole CDs, but that it makes sense that Robert would have contacted Jon about what he found in the trash and Jon did nothing to stop the publication of Robert's book. Why? Surely, as a good friend, Jon would have asked Robert to return the material to him. I believe there was a deal made. I think it is time to step back and stop making excuses for Jon and Robert and just understand that what comes out of their mouths, including Kate's, are BS. Maybe it's time to just realize that these people are manipulators who use fans and non fans to keep themselves relevant.
Jon is making money off the show, and then this makes everything acceptable? This sounds like Kate's justification for doing reality shows
So not the argument.....Kate an do all the "reality" shows she wants, but DO NOT involve the kids. That was always the view. But now, some have changed their tune because Jon now has the reality show? Un huh.....
@Kateplusmy8 12:50 PM - 5 Jan 14
Uh oh...Mom has a fever!?! Oh well..Meals 2b made, 'undecorating' to be done, cleaning & lunchpacking & the list goes on! #momsdontget2bsick
@Kateplusmy8 8:39 PM - 5 Jan 14
To bed early tonight 4me! So thankful I felt better 2day! I made Nanna Janet roast,did laundry,cleaned, &tried2control ice on driveway! #GN
Did she forget she solicited sympathy tweets because she was sick or did she change her mind and decide to go for the super-mom accolades instead? Or both! lol
She's not only a super-mom, she's also a super-recoverer who while battling her fever, she cooked, cleaned, supervised contest entry judging, played laundry attendant, and ice removal technician.
Does anyone get the feeling that Jon would do porn movies if the price were right? My opinion of him is the same as it always was..just glad some others are finally seeing what I have always seen in him.
How does one control ice on the driveway? Other than scraping it with a shovel, which you probably wouldn't do if you were sick.maybe 8 little 'volunteers' put down the not-a-contest entries and each had a portion to de-ice. Great way for the kids to recuperate.
TFW says she made "Nanna Janet" roast. First, she spelled Nana wrong, and second, if so sick, why not defrost one of her labeled casseroles or make the easy mac and tuna?
TLC stinks said... 126
ITA with your post
Jon fought to keep his kids of KP8. Then last year or so suddenly he decided it wouldn't be such a bad thing for them to be on TV. Then suddenly child support went away. Then TFW sued and he decided reality tv was terrible for the kids Then he went on a trashy reality show. They're both fame whores.
Nor is there proof he doesn't.
Sure there is. This is not a no proof either way situation. There have been countless sightings of him with his children and all of them have been positive. We have numerous pap photos showing how much the kids adore him and just melt into him. We have also seen a very kid friendly house. We also have a few locals who have posted here for years who have assured us that he is perfectly appropriate and good with his children. We also have a judge who despite Kate's constant bellyaching gives him plenty of unmonitored overnight contact with his children. That is plenty of evidence to calm any fears that he is behaving badly around his children. I don't like his behavior on camera and I do think it could be harmful if his kids hear about it, but that doesn't automatically translate into him being a bad father when he's with his kids. Plenty of parents have a wild side, and you can debate whether that's good or not, but it doesn't change the fact that plenty of them shut it off when the kids are around.
Add me to the list of people who are disappointed in Jon. He and Kate both need to go back to real "reality", work hard, amke an honest living, and quit humiliating those poor kids.
If anyone is in the mood for a giggle, two years ago today Kate announced the Kate Cruise! That has to be one of the most bone-headed--and hilarious--things she has ever done. It's kind of fun to look back at her idiotic schemes to cash in on what she thought was her celebrity, knowing as we do what an epic fail it turned out to be.
In other news, LIITM sold only 152 copies (hard copy and Kindle combined) in December, according to Novelrank. Total numbers after 9 months was 1,392. Adding in other sources, she may have sold as many as 2,000 copies! Let's hope Milo was exaggerating when she said there were 50,000 copies in print. Otherwise, someone is out a lot of money.
Current Amazon rank is 47,926. That should be a clear message to Kate that her few remaining fans are not going to make her rich.
In other news, LIITM sold only 152 copies (hard copy and Kindle combined) in December, according to Novelrank. Total numbers after 9 months was 1,392. Adding in other sources, she may have sold as many as 2,000 copies! Let's hope Milo was exaggerating when she said there were 50,000 copies in print. Otherwise, someone is out a lot of money.
Current Amazon rank is 47,926. That should be a clear message to Kate that her few remaining fans are not going to make her rich.
Did she break even with this mess, or would she be in the red?
Does anyone get the feeling that Jon would do porn movies if the price were right? My opinion of him is the same as it always was..just glad some others are finally seeing what I have always seen in him.
Absolutely not. No way. Just because he's on a trashy reality tv show does not relegate him to making the porn circuit. I think that's far beyond what he would even consider doing.
Milo would be right over the edge here this morning....23 below. And the high for the day is supposed to be 15 below. Wind chill is 50 below. Blowing snow is making the roads slippery.
There's been a run on milk, eggs and bread at the grocery store. Apparently when it gets this cold we all make french toast.
If I don't make it through, it's been nice knowing y'all. :-)
Does anyone get the feeling that Jon would do porn movies if the price were right?
Couples Therapy is sort of a gateway drug you're saying? :)
Does anyone get the feeling that Jon would do porn movies if the price were right?
I have a feeling a LOT of guys would make a porn movie if the price were right.
To Blowing in the Wind (#135 and 136): TFW must have lost a mint of money on the crookbook. As far as Jon and porn, I bet he would do it. He has proven himself to be such a low-life slime. WHO goes on national TV knowing that your children will see it, and talks about your masturbation habits? Jon has NO CLASS and NO LIMITS to what he would do for a buck. TFW is no better. Eeeew.
Blowing In The Wind said... 135
In other news, LIITM sold only 152 copies (hard copy and Kindle combined) in December, according to Novelrank. Total numbers after 9 months was 1,392. Adding in other sources, she may have sold as many as 2,000 copies! Let's hope Milo was exaggerating when she said there were 50,000 copies in print. Otherwise, someone is out a lot of money.
Current Amazon rank is 47,926. That should be a clear message to Kate that her few remaining fans are not going to make her rich.
Did she break even with this mess, or would she be in the red?
If she self-published, and there were 50,000 copies printed (I don't know where Milo got that number), then she is out a pile of cash. If it was published in the traditional manner, then the publisher takes the loss. I can't imagine that the publisher would print many copies after the dismal sales of her last book.
I'm wondering where Milo got that number--she said there were 50,000 copies in print (not sold, mind you, just in print). Kate didn't respond. Let's hope nobody was dumb enough to put that much money into printing a book that was destined to fail.
I don't think we can speculate if Jon would do porn, or Kate for that matter. As for most men, I would say that a good half would not- I hope! I would not be surprised if either J or K might pose for a certain type of magazine- TFW a la Red Cross ! As for Farrah's porn tape, ew. She claimed she did it for herself to watch!
That is plenty of evidence to calm any fears that he is behaving badly around his children.
I guess we all have our different threshold evidentiarily speaking.
A pic at a bus stop, a Twitter post that he's bowling or those who see him out and report here (a blog that usually tends to be more pro-Jon), or PA judges who never protected those kids from jump street only tell a small portion of a story.
One could also find evidence that paint him to be a hard partying, vulgar, job hopping wishy washy trouser pilot with a revolving door of relationships that he may or may not introduce into the kids lives.
Would you leave your charges in his care for a weekend?
I have a question, something to think about.
Let's say Jon did CT but didn't talk about personal things like his sex life or say anything that the majority of the readers here feel is inappropriate. Would that be OK? I ask this because it feels that the tide has shifted to now thinking that neither Jon nor Kate should be doing any tv, reality or otherwise.
I wish they'd both stay away from cameras and reporters (and in Kate's case Twitter and blogs) because they don't recognize boundaries and can't stop exploiting the kids or embarrassing them, but if they did or could, would it be OK with you (a collective 'you') for them to pursue tv projects?
The porn? Ewwww! I've bleached my eyes over the years with visuals of the due to some similar comments about her, fair is fair.
JMO 120 :-)
TLC stinks- good theory, something to ponder.
This is why Kate stays with Twitter. Read this from CelebDirtyLaundry:
See guys, Kate Gosselin’s totally a good mother. She takes care of her kids, even if she’s sick. She makes sure that they’re all fed, clean, clothed, read to, and taken care of. To be fair, the kids actually do seem like they’re doing well, even if that wasn’t the case a couple of years ago. So even if she consistently tweets about her parenting skills, at least she’s a better parent than Jon Gosselin? She can rest easy knowing that much, no matter what he says. It’s not like either Kate’s nor Jon’s image with the public is all that great, but everybody knows Jon’s pretty much a deadbeat father who barely takes care of his children.
I would live to know what the arrangement is. I do not believe anything she tweets.
Well I've listened to Howard Stern for as long as I can remember and masturbation is often a topic. You'd ne amazed at the number of "A" list stars that discuss not only masturbation but their sex lives in general. I only hope that Jon will be open enough to discuss it with his boys when the time comes because they will do "it". No, they're not going to go blind nor will they get hairy palms from doing "it". It's better to be able to discuss it openly than to be afraid of a screaming banshee coming after you. My son took many, many long showers (and not cold ones) when he was at that certain age. Should Jon be discussing it on TV, who knows and who really cares. I won't be watching.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 139
Does anyone get the feeling that Jon would do porn movies if the price were right?
I have a feeling a LOT of guys would make a porn movie if the price were right.
I have a feeling a LOT of guys would make a porn movie for free.
Blowing In The Wind said... 135
Total numbers after 9 months was 1,392. Adding in other sources, she may have sold as many as 2,000 copies!
Which means there were 2000 people out there who didn't know how to use a can opener.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7m
To bed early tonight 4me! So thankful I felt better 2day! I made Nanna Janet roast,did laundry,cleaned, &tried2control ice on driveway!
Was 't Nana Janet the ironing lady ? The one about whom she wrote something like "Our temperamental ironess quit today" and other negative things?
There's been a run on milk, eggs and bread at the grocery store. Apparently when it gets this cold we all make french toast.
And poop a lot!! Toilet paper goes along with the milk, eggs and bread.
Maybe snow scares the shit out of us?
TLC Stinks, 126
Agree. Kate suing Jon was a mistake for many reasons, but if I was in her position, I would have a very hard time believing that Robert just happened to show up on the right trash day, and looked through the right box, and just happened to come across the mother load. It is not hard to imagine that Jon wanted Robert to have those disks, and to release their contents, and that Robert being with Jon on the dark and rainy night was no accident. I can totally see Kate, having a fit that Jon brought a reporter to her house, and proclaiming that it's all going to the curb if they don't take it all, and then Jon makes sure Robert sees him tucking the disks into a particular box. Kate, not knowing what's in the boxes, puts them out for trash pickup, and Robert shows up, finds the right box, and voila, Kate just threw out her own journal.
Like you said, if Jon never intended for Robert to get his hands on those disks, then he should have been publicly standing by Kate, trying to stop the release of such private and damning family secrets. He could even have accused Robert of possibly stealing them on the dark and rainy night, right from the garage apartment.
The fact that Jon appears to still be friends with Robert and has not made a single comment suggesting he is against the publishing of the tell-all, certainly leaves open the possibility that he had a hand in making it happen. I think Kate was set up on the dark and rainy night. Maybe it was for the kids, for justice, to make TFW pay for her cruelty. Or maybe it was just revenge. We may never know, and there is a lot to this story we will never know. I find, the more I learn about these two, the more tragic the story gets. Getting really tired hearing both of them pull out the pity card. They have been playing games with their family's well being for years, and they're both losing.
PA Dutch Mom said... 42
Nursing is a dirty job, and a lot of work.
Nursing is a "dirty" job? How so?
Well, cleaning up vomit and other bodily functions is part of the job at times. Plus, the general public crosses all spectrums so I imagine that not every patient is as clean as you might wish them to be.
This is an odd tweet from a Kate fan. Does she not trust Kate to take care of her children and pets? I'm surprised Milo hasn't replied to her.
Lauren @ljohnson2006 11m
@Kateplusmy8 please keep your pets and kids safe during this cold time.
The bottom line is though if Kate didn't want anyone getting the disks it was her responsibility to crush them. It can be easily done with a stapler or hammer or any small tool. She was woefully careless with her diary. Most celebs wouldn't dare keep a diary with such incriminating information and if they do it would be fiercely guarded. And as I understood it Robert took everything on the side of the road not just the one golden ticket box with the disks. What's more, even if Jon did turn over something the problem with that suit has always been she never explained what's illegal about doing what you wish with marital property. Don't like your husband touching your stuff don't get married.
I was putting some clothes away and right there was a sample of Viagra with a couple pills gone. I literally dropped them like they were on fire
It really is mortifying as a child to even think about your parents' sex life! I can't imagine the embarrassment the G kids are going to feel when another kid brings up Jon jerking off.
This kind of stuff is what parents have to contend with, with adolescent boys, not the other way around!
I know Jon's a good dad in a hands-on kind of way, I just don't think he realizes that he must lead by example.
Great discussion! Here is one point I am not sure anyone has mentioned. Could this be a carefully chosen direction for Jon's ”brand”? Think about it, what demographic would couples therapy and ” tales of the nightmare ex” appeal to? is vh1 looking to maintain and increase market share among 18-49 yo males, who enjoy smashing things and discussing ” personal habits”?
Hmmmm. This may be just as calculated as Farrah's fake boyfriend.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7m
To bed early tonight 4me! So thankful I felt better 2day! I made Nanna Janet roast,did laundry,cleaned, &tried2control ice on driveway!
What a dipshit. Yesterday, the sun and a bit of rain got rid of any and all ice on driveways. Even my neighbor's sheet of ice driveway (they were away) was totally clear by the end of the day.
My MIL is getting discharged from the hospital today (heart valves replaced-she's doing amazing.) and I decided I'd do a whole bunch of cooking for her and my FIL. DH and I made a nice pot roast, 3 racks of St. Louis-sytle ribs, a big pan of baked ziti with turkey Italian sausage, 2 pans of Shepherd's pie and chicken Francese.
Suck it, Kate. It took me a couple hours each day and I could feed an army.
Not that hard.
Does anybody recall when Robert found the disks? I wonder why he never published his book in Kate's hay day of sorts. He would have made a killing in 2009/2010. I think now the public is over her. His time is off. Heck, he probably could have sold the disks to someone and had someone else write a book about it. and still made a bundle. Kate was very hot stuff to the public back then and Robert really could have cashed in super big time.
If anyone is in the mood for a giggle, two years ago today Kate announced the Kate Cruise! That has to be one of the most bone-headed--and hilarious--things she has ever done.
But, but ..wait. That DIDN'T happen? I though Kate never gave up, never failed!?
I wonder how many, or what percentage of "celeb" cruises crumble because of lack of interest. I'm guessing not many.
Crazy, sorry your Eagles lost last night but they played and excellent game. I know a lot of you are from Pa
I was devastated! I really had high hopes of the Eagles in the Super Bowl.
DH and I were at the game 2 weeks ago when the Eagles trounced the Bears. They were on fire.
Oh well. I told DH that I'd still like to have a SB open house kind of thing, and I'm still planning on making roast pork Italians, the King of Philly sammiches.
As far as Kate going back to nursing. OMG, I've said this many times here. She would not last a day
Agree. Kate's clinical skills would need major work and she's just not cut out for working that hard. Floor nursing is hard. It's not having 8 kids that is stopping her- in fact, a 3-day work week would be fantastic.
As I wrote above, MIL is released from the hospital today and thank goodness. Hospitals will make you sick! (Administrator) said...(53)
"I used to sort of be in the camp that Jon and Kate can do what they like in pubic as long as they don't involve the kids. I've changed my mind.
It has become clear to me that neither of them are able to do something on their own without either directly or indirectly invoking the kids, or having people constantly ask about the kids, or behaving so atrociously that if the kids see or see in the future, it would be an incredible humiliation to them, or by further dragging out the messiness of their divorce and ongoing feud in the public, which is undoubtedly harmful to the kids."
Exactly why I changed my mind about this too. As long as the brand is "Gosselin" those kids will be affected by whatever their parents' do publicly.
The recent revelations about how CT producers tried to blackmail, then bribe, a potential participant into being on the show (Farrah's supposed boyfriend) was a real eye opener.
This show is not about Jon setting any records straight, telling his story or moving on with his life. It's about EXPLOITING his brand, his name and the name of his children just to make a buck.
Starz22 said...(96)
"Sorry If I offended anyone...But really? I get why the sheeple watch anything and everything she is on....They are fans. We are not,but yet,we watch everything. WHY???
As for Jon being on this what? You feel bad for the kids? Really? Jon making money off a show its real or not...again SO WHAT!!!! He got on a show w/o using the kids....if you give a you dont...then don't watch."
Starz, I can't tell if you're being deliberately antagonistic or just passionate so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
However, I do agree that it's not fair that you continue to paint everyone here with the same broad, sweeping strokes.
No, not all of us watch "anything and everything" Kate is on. Many of us don't watch at all and I certainly won't be giving CT any ratings.
But I will continue to say my piece on behalf of 8 innocent children who did not ask to be born into this mess. I gave Jon a lot of leeway because, like you pointed out, it must have been hard on him to put up with Kate for 10 years and then the subsequent torment TLC put him through.
But it's been 4 years since the divorce. How long does he get to milk that? 5, 6, 7 years? At what point does he become responsible for his own actions, especially ones that do/will affect his children?
Whether he even mentions them or not, just by participating he is teaching his children that privacy, integrity and truth all have a price.
Really? "SO WHAT!!!" What kind of argument is that? You don't care that he's making money peddling lies, misconceptions and a completely fabricated reality?
It's a freakin' REALITY SHOW. It's SUPPOSED to be real. What's he going to do when the kids ask him about trashing a room full of furniture and screaming about how he wasted 10 years of his life?
"Oh, no worries kids. It's like that Christmas we staged when you were all toddlers or the vow renewal in Hawaii when I was actually living above the garage. No big deal."
Yeah, gee, stellar parenting there.
I'm looking for a new one to binge and I finally picked The Walking Dead too. I don't think anything can compare to Breaking Bad, I feel like I've already seen the finest thing out there on T.V. and can't expect anything to be the same again
We're almost done and I think I'll be in mourning when it's done.
I hear the same thing about The Wire, so that might be my next binge.
I also am enjoying Longmire and Luther.
In other news, LIITM sold only 152 copies (hard copy and Kindle combined) in December, according to Novelrank. Total numbers after 9 months was 1,392. Adding in other sources, she may have sold as many as 2,000 copies!
Layla that is interesting! What sources does Novelrank include? I mean what stores or websites does Novelrank cover? If Kate only sold 2,000 that is beyond pathetic.Some did buy straight from Kate and that number would not be included in the above. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt and say she sold 3,500. That would still be mean really, really awful. And it shouts to how unpopular she is. She had to have lost money. Or the very least not made a dime.
I doubt she will write a children's book like she said she would. I thought she was secretly partnering up with that Brownlow woman who is an artist and was Kate's number one fan when she first started twitter. Brownlow was looking to be published too.No proof but something made me think that when she tweeted that she wanted to write a kid's book. She is the one who bought all that cereal for Kate and lives near her. Who would possibly publish any book in the future that Kate writes.
Rhymes with Witch said... 68
Admin 59, nicely stated. I haven't watched anything about either of them side before the vow renewal. I remember thinking, who renews their vows at 9 years?
I was so ignorant about reality tv then.
It was all for ratings, in fact, their marriage was OVER. But there's Kate, spouting on about how Mommy and Daddy will be together forever.
All for the kids, you know!
She was lying and she knew it. There was NO wishful thinking, Kate had to sell the sham ceremony for the cameras.
Both Jon and Kate couldn't have looked like colder fish to me, and that's at their own vow renewal!
After so many years, love grows deeper and I think I'd be more emotional if DH and I renewed vows, not less. (Administrator) said... 50
I always thought it was so funny I think in the first episode Saul was in where Walter and Jessie kidnap him to threaten him, and the whole time he thinks he's being threatened about some OTHER incident with OTHER people. That just cracked me up. Exactly how many people are you expecting to do this to you, lol!
I love Saul's character. He's such a lovable schmuck.
Like you said, if Jon never intended for Robert to get his hands on those disks, then he should have been publicly standing by Kate, trying to stop the release of such private and damning family secrets.
It was Kate who put the "trash" out, not Jon.
Sure, Robert probably knew it was coming, but Kate, being predictable and spiteful, holds the bag for putting those disks on the curb.
Why would Jon denounce Kate's own words? It was her journal, her words.
Why the heck would he, or should he care? She was an absolute bitch to him- still is!
I give him a pass on that one. If he said anything the next questions would invariably be is it true, and next thing you know he'd either have to lie or incriminate Kate, which would create further turmoil for his children. And Kate for years insisted he was involved apparently largely based on Hailey's texts. Based on her threats of legal action which have been going on years and was the proof the SOL had run, he was wise to keep his mouth shut and force her to make the first move. There was nothing he could really say here to help Kate or help the situation and all it would do is perpetuate it.
There no proof Jon is doing anything frat like when the children are with him.
Nor is there proof he doesn't.
Sure there is. This is not a no proof either way situation. There have been countless sightings of him with his children and all of them have been positive. We have numerous pap photos showing how much the kids adore him and just melt into him. We have also seen a very kid friendly house. We also have a few locals who have posted here for years who have assured us that he is perfectly appropriate and good with his children. We also have a judge who despite Kate's constant bellyaching gives him plenty of unmonitored overnight contact with his children. That is plenty of evidence to calm any fears that he is behaving badly around his children.
Over the years, I have seen him with his children, and for me, that's proof enough that the feeling of love on both sides is mutual. I don't agree with him being on this show, but in no way does his behavior around his kids border on a boozing, carousing frat house existence.
Gossip Free? @GO_GOSSIPFREE 35m
@Kateplusmy8 Heard gossip about u on tv and I'm sorry 4 all the gossip u endure.Maybe u could get the media 2 take the gossipfree challenge!
Oh, gosh, what airheads these sheeple be. Certainly Kate will contact the media and ask them not to print any gossip about her, and they will bow down and say, "Your wish is our command. Consider it done."
Both Jon and Kate couldn't have looked like colder fish to me, and that's at their own vow renewal!
Yeah, and the wedding reception that followed got even worse. Jon and Kate could barely stand to touch each other when they danced and then iirc, Kate had to beg Jon to kiss her to make it appear like they at least still knew each others' names. He complied, but it looked like he was being forced to kiss a poisonous snake. Which he was.
Tucker, you had me at baked ziti!
Any particular online recipe you use or one of your own?
I love it when the discussion takes a turn down Culinary Blvd.
Starz, I can't tell if you're being deliberately antagonistic or just passionate so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
However, I do agree that it's not fair that you continue to paint everyone here with the same broad, sweeping strokes.
If I'm not mistaken, this poster was warned before about this kind of thing, particularly insulting others here. You're right, it's not fair to make everyone here out to be hypocrites by saying that posters here criticize Kate but nevertheless watch with exuberance every show that she's on. I'm not going to give the CT show ratings, nor will I ever watch anything that Kate or the kids are on, or Jon, for that matter..
So does anyone think that the newly crowned Queen of Football know that there is a really big game on tonight? Happening place to be out here in Pasadena: DH and son are going to the game. Having friends on both sides, I plan to be Switzerland on the couch.
Tucker's Mom - That Eagles/Bears game was amazing! How great you got to witness it in person! Another favorite was the Blizzard Bowl against the Lions. I'm sad the season is over. Are we all invited to your SB open house? I will bring the cheesesteaks, wid or wid-out.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7m
To bed early tonight 4me! So thankful I felt better 2day! I made Nanna Janet roast,did laundry,cleaned, &tried2control ice on driveway!
I mean no disrespect to the dearly departed, but you just have to shake your head at TFW's bizarre choice of wording (not to mention her atrocious spelling). "Nanna Janet Roast?" She makes it sound like dear Nana is a cut of meat or ingredient. Weirdo.
handinhand said... 172
Tucker, you had me at baked ziti!
Any particular online recipe you use or one of your own?
I think I may have overdone it- the thing weighs a ton! It's just my own recipe- a box of cooked ziti, ricotta, eggs, cubed mozzarella, cooked turkey sausage and I even took a little help from Paul Newman for the sauce.
Call Me Crazy said... 175
Tucker's Mom - That Eagles/Bears game was amazing! How great you got to witness it in person! Another favorite was the Blizzard Bowl against the Lions. I'm sad the season is over. Are we all invited to your SB open house? I will bring the cheesesteaks, wid or wid-out.
The game was so amazing. The place was electric.
Would love some cheesesteaks!
We tried John's Roast Pork when we were in Philly. Freaking tasty! I like rabe more than spinach though, so DiNic's still wins out for me.
I think I may have overdone it- the thing weighs a ton! It's just my own recipe- a box of cooked ziti, ricotta, eggs, cubed mozzarella, cooked turkey sausage and I even took a little help from Paul Newman for the sauce.
Paul helps me with quite a few things. He makes the best chicken cacciatore. Cut up the chicken, brown it, then put it in the crockpot. Add a jar of his Sockarooni sauce and a half jar of his tomato basil sauce. Stir everything together in the pot, and you can spice it up with some oregano. Cook on high for two hours, then reduce to low until it really starts to get thick and it "looks" ready. If it's too thick, add the rest of the tomato basil sauce (sometimes I put some red wine in there, too). Add some fresh parsley (or dried) and the family will think you spent all day in the kitchen.
It's a no-brainer and my instructions sound very Kate-ish, but it works.
Anonymous said... 165
In other news, LIITM sold only 152 copies (hard copy and Kindle combined) in December, according to Novelrank. Total numbers after 9 months was 1,392. Adding in other sources, she may have sold as many as 2,000 copies!
Layla that is interesting! What sources does Novelrank include? I mean what stores or websites does Novelrank cover? If Kate only sold 2,000 that is beyond pathetic.Some did buy straight from Kate and that number would not be included in the above. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt and say she sold 3,500.
Novelrank covers all sales by Amazon, and a published author who posts here said that Amazon sales typically make up the largest number of books sold, with another 1/3 to 1/2 of that number from all other combined sources. So, going by those numbers, even if Kate sold another1/2 through other sources (doubtful because Amazon was cheaper than buying through her website and B&N ranked the book even lower than Amazon), then she's still under 2,000. But--even if she sold an equal number from other sources, that's still under 3,000. No matter what, her sales are horible. There were plenty of stories online about the poor sales of IJWYTK, but that one sold several times the number that this cookbook has sold.
Kate may not realize it, but her make-money-quick schemes are probably hurting her if she wants to get back on TV. Her cruise (reportedly) sold only 30 or so tickets. Her cookbook and the book before it sold miserably. If a TV exec wonders about her marketability, all he or she has to do is look at those numbers to realize that Kate's days of pulling in a big audience are over. She just doesn't have a large fan base anymore.
Apparently she still wants a dating show, but how many dating shows are still around? Not many. They seem to have died out already. The contestants on them have always been young, single, had careers, great personalities. Now think of a Kate dating show. She is almost 40, bitter, divorced (and still battling publicly with her ex spouse and just sued him), unemployed, with 8 kids and a major chip on her shoulder. And she hits men and berates them on camera. She would not be an good candidate for a dating show.
Remember when Jon's attorney went on Nancy Grace in Spring 2010 and announced that Jon was paying $22,000 a month in child support. And those monies were put aside in a special fund in the divorce decree for this very reason. Well, I wonder and would love to know how many times Jon paid the $22,000 a month. What exactly did Jon wind up paying in child support back then when he was order to pay the $22,000 a month. That is a hell of a lot of money that went to Kate. The public never mentions that of course. I wish Jon would publicly talk about that if he is allowed to. Perhaps if the public knew he has paid $200,000 or $500,000 or more in child support that would help him and his children in the public eye. It would have been great if Jon could have mentioned that high figure when Barbara point asked him if he paid child support. And it would make the sheeple shut up perhaps.
And another point is that Kate does not support those kids anymore than Jon. Forget who has the kids more, etc. It does not matter at all. Those kids have supported themselves their entire lives and will in the future. The monies spent past and future for all those kids have come from THEIR reality TV show. Even the $250,000 every episode Kate earned for Kate Plus 8 was because of them. And her 3 books were 100% about the kids. Even the cookbook she had to put their faces on it and talk about them in the book. Just because Kate writes the checks and her name is on the numerous bank accounts does not mean a thing. And I hope the kids realize this one day.
Perhaps that is why the judge let Jon stop with all child support payments. He probably saw the amount he already paid with the $22,000 a month payments. And he realized he did not have the money to support them anymore with his income. Kate probably had to show to the judge a huge bank balance to allow this to happen. And that huge bank balance was from filming/books. Even DWTS was because of the kids. Did anyone hear Marie Osmond talk about her 8 kids on DWTS. No. But Kate talked about hers non-stop. And that stupid heart she drew in the air was disgusting too.
This is very important I think. Kate was on The View during DWTS and Joy point blank asked Kate if he paid child support. (Remember he was order to pay $22,000 at this time). And Kate answered in such a way (can't really remember though) that highly implied that he did not pay anything. She did not say those words but I guarantee you if you look up the episode anyone and everyone on the face of the earth would agree that she was implying "Hell No". Disgusting again! And Kate was going on all the talk shows at that time and People magazine saying she HAD to do DWTS for the money to support her kids. She HAD to be away from her kids and travel every week across the country to support them. And the public bought it. It was a huge lie. Kate's income during DWTS was the following.
(Leslie)- Continued
Kate Plus 8 was to be shown in 2 months from DWTS. The contract was already signed with her to receive $250,000 per episode. Then Kate With A Twist was very strongly in the making. TLC even publicly announced that the show would be out that Fall. So she strongly thought at that time she would have income from that TV show too. Then she had her third book come out during that time. She didn't know it was going to be a flop. She probably received a big check from Zondervan for that book too based upon the high success of other books performing well. Plus she was receiving $22,000 a month in child support and had been since the divorce. And she already had to have at least a million or more in her bank account prior to DWTS from preview filming/endorsements/books. And she lied and lied that she had to do DWTS to support her kids. Remember she told People magazine how bad the kids were hurting and in fact a therapist was coming to help her children. Well, anytime you hear Kate say that she puts her kids first remember this. Her kids according to her were in desperate trouble emotionally and she choose to do DWTS for the fame and glory. PERIOD. Again for the fame and glory...not the NEEDED paycheck to support her kids. She point blank choose fame, glory and more greed (more money to her millions) instead of being there for her 8 small hurting children.(And less than 6 months from DWTS two of her kids were expelled from kindergarten from severe emotional problems.) She did not need DWTS paycheck in the least. And to go on The View and very strongly imply that Jon was not paying child support when he was paying $22,000 a month is beyond mean and spiteful. And she is saying her kids father is a deadbeat jerk too.
Robert should have written all this in his book. Why was not any of this ever written about or talked about in the media? All of this is public knowledge but nobody seemed to put it together. And that tweet that Kate wrote that it works best for her family for her to be gone a week working (yeah, working my ass) and then home a week should have been blasted in the media. Remember she said it works for her family that she be gone 50% of the year. Not that she NEEDS to be gone to provide 50% of the year but that it works BEST for her family. If that does NOT speak to her terrible motives and her terrible parenting then nothing else will. It probably did work best for the family because Kate can't stand to be with her 8 kids for any period of time. She can't tolerate her 8 little money makers for any period of time or even knows how to parent them with love. Kate loves to spend lots of time in 5 star hotels and parent from afar with phone calls as she receives first class treatment and plenty of relaxation with Steve. That tweet should have sunk her in the media and closed the casket on her disgusting flat ass.
OrangeCrusher1: I'm going with Florida State for the win.
I need some help from anyone who knows LA streets and neighborhoods well. Is anyone familiar with the area around the 2400 block of Beverly Boulevard? Safe area? Parking? Bad traffic area? Thanks in advance.
In other news, LIITM sold only 152 copies (hard copy and Kindle combined) in December, according to Novelrank. Total numbers after 9 months was 1,392. Adding in other sources, she may have sold as many as 2,000 copies!
Does this number include the amount given away to the audience of the talk shows she was on? I think the numbers are even worse than that personally.
rainbows - thanks for the crock pot recipe for chicken cacciatorie! I always am on the look out for new crock pot recipes. Every Saturday I head out early to do grocery shopping and usually pick up a roast or other large piece of meat (sometimes a tri-tip if on sale). I salt & pepper both sides and brown it on the stove, then place the roast in my crock pot. I blend together Paul Newman's balsamic vinegar salad dressing with some mustard, a dash or two of red wine vinegar, a little nutmeg and then spread the mixture over the top of the beef. Cook on low for 8 hours and it comes out fork tender and delicious every time.
And she hits men and berates them on camera. She would not be an good candidate for a dating show.
And what man could put up with that constant eye-rolling and hand-flapping, um, honestly, um speaking, not to mention cow-chewing-its-cud thing going on? Not many, except for, well...Milo.
Speaking of which:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5m
@Kateplusmy8 "Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." - John Wooden You always find a way Kate! #BeingSuccessful
Being successful? At what? NOW what is Kate finding a way to do? lol!
Robert should have written all this in his book. Why was not any of this ever written about or talked about in the media? All of this is public knowledge but nobody seemed to put it together.
It's not "public knowledge." The $250,000 per episode figure is rumor, not fact. The rest of the story you pieced together is heavily laced with your own personal spin.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 4h
@Kateplusmy8 Believe it or not...U KNOW how much I HATE cold weather...temp in teens...I'm going 4my WALK!!!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 22m
@Kateplusmy8 Coming in from the #DeepFreeze & trying 2thaw out! Amazing how metal parts attract the cold 2ur body! LOL #FozenBodyParts
Poor Milo, she so badly wants and "atta girl" from Kate and seldom gets one.
rainbows - thanks for the crock pot recipe for chicken cacciatorie! I always am on the look out for new crock pot recipes. Every Saturday I head out early to do grocery shopping and usually pick up a roast or other large piece of meat (sometimes a tri-tip if on sale). I salt & pepper both sides and brown it on the stove, then place the roast in my crock pot. I blend together Paul Newman's balsamic vinegar salad dressing with some mustard, a dash or two of red wine vinegar, a little nutmeg and then spread the mixture over the top of the beef. Cook on low for 8 hours and it comes out fork tender and delicious every time.
Thanks, Millicent. I'm going to try that. I use Paul for so many things!
Sorry my instructions aren't all that clear. I've been doing the cacciatore for some time and I've added different things to it, depending upon what I have on hand. You could also add some green peppers and onions, but really, the Sockarooni has so much in it already that a lot of other herbs and spices aren't needed. If you like a hotter sauce (we don't like really spicy chicken here), just improvise and dump in whatever you think would be good.. But with the Newman pasta, you have a good base, and it's one of those things most often requested by the family.
Sure beats Kate's watery sausage concoction or whatever that was.
handinhand said... 143
Would you leave your charges in his care for a weekend?
Yup, wouldn't hesitate. I have seen zero evidence of him being abusive to children. I wouldn't leave them with her for 5 minutes.
Just a follow-up to my previous comments. Lets say Kate signed the DWTS contract months and months before she know how bad off her kids were emotionally. Well, for one thing, she knew the divorce was going to be final in a few months and certainly she would have foreseen that it would take a huge toll on her kids. But I think if Kate chose not to do DWTS even after signing the contract, that DWTS would have let her out of the contract. She could have, if she wanted to, gone to them with proof that her kids were signed up for therapy and needed her to be home with them instead. I don't think DWTS would have made Kate do the show under those circumstances of 8 well-known and publicly loved kids having bad troubles and needing their mother at home. And don't forget that TLC had powerful attorneys that could of handled the situation for her. And if DWTS demanded some money for her to drop her contract, I am sure TLC would have paid it without a problem. Again, Kate wanted to do DWTS and kids be damned.
And Kate lied and lied in the media about how much time she was spending with her kids during the months of DWTS. She lied about how she flew home after the show etc and was mostly practicing in her basement. Admin has the calendar that prooves she was away a lot--a whole lot-- more than she was telling the public.
Whoa...who said anything about abusive?
Her earning $250,000 was not a rumor. It was reported by TV Guide a very respected magazine. And what "spin" did I write about. I think everything I mentioned is fact. Please enlighten me. Thanks!
Anonymous said... 190
handinhand said... 143
Would you leave your charges in his care for a weekend?
Yup, wouldn't hesitate. I have seen zero evidence of him being abusive to children. I wouldn't leave them with her for 5 minutes.
Jon may be TMI on Couples Therapy and he's put his foot in his mouth enough times, and of course, he's quite sartorially challenged, but he's not dangerous to his kids.
Seriously, who was the one who beat them? Who feeds them like birds?
When Jon takes them out, he talks about how much food those kids can put away.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 189
I've been doing the cacciatore for some time and I've added different things to it, depending upon what I have on hand.
And I'll bet a hundred bucks you've never added snowpeas OR string beans.
Your recipe sounds very good.
Admin, 155
I do not disagree with anything you wrote, and I don't generally let myself get caught up in conspiracy theories, so I'll limit myself to one counterpoint and move on:
It is possible, in my opinion, that Jon planted/hid those disks specifically for Robert to retrieve in the trash, knowing TFW would put it all out with the trash, like she threatened too. If my completely made up theory were true, then TFW never knew the disks were there, and was played by Jon and Robert. Hell, even if Jon wasn't in cahoots with Robert, but decided he was okay with Robert having the disks after the fact, TFW may still have been completely clueless that the disks were there and would not have knowingly tossed them.
(I am in no way defending the content of the diary)
Moving on.
I need some help from anyone who knows LA streets and neighborhoods well. Is anyone familiar with the area around the 2400 block of Beverly Boulevard? Safe area? Parking? Bad traffic area? Thanks in advance.
I worked not far from there once upon a time, cannot speak about parking, but it is mid-town Los Angeles, so I would use caution. Not a bad area, but it is urban, so comes with it's share of traffic and related issues.
LeeLee, I would not go as far as what you believe (that Kate was set up) but I do believe Robert told Jon what he found in the trash and Jon was ok with him keeping it. I just can't imagine him not telling Jon if they were friends.
Now I'm really pushing it by bringing up old business; still catching up ;-).
Jon going on CT is unfortunate, and I feel a little duped by the past 2+ years of Jon laying low, devoting himself to being a regular, working dad while speaking out against reality tv. He made some really positive gains with his public image, had begun to widely shed the Ed Hardy reputation. CT lays waste to all those good intentions. However, as others have noted, lots of celebs with kids do a raunchy interview, movie/show or interview from time to time. Diligent parenting can absolutely ensure the children aren't forever scarred by something like this.
The fact that the kids themselves are celebrities may be a factor, sure, but I still feel that I'd much prefer either parent working on their own merit, even tacky crap like CT, than to continue to use the kids. Personally, I'm in the camp thinking the G8 aren't likely to see or hear about Jon's comments on CT (at least, not if both parents are doing their job) but those pics in the cookbook were really humiliating. JMO
And Kate lied and lied in the media about how much time she was spending with her kids during the months of DWTS. She lied about how she flew home after the show etc and was mostly practicing in her basement. Admin has the calendar that prooves she was away a lot--a whole lot-- more than she was telling the public.
According to Robert (which I believe as it's first-hand), Kate was away for NINE days when she did (or didn't do) the LV marathon.
I can't wrap my head around it.
Talk about WTF...
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