Thursday, January 9, 2014

Discussion Thread: Couples Therapy episode 2, 'Love Hurts'

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1001 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Ex Nurse said...

I thought I already posted this, but not seeing it published.

Since the previous cover also featured her children, as does the current one, it is a pretty sure thing that interest is in the children, not TFW. And, putting the twins in this one leads me to believe that she has finally come to that realization, too. So she will use them to keep her stupid mug out there, and her kids will know better than object. I'm sure life is much lea saunter in Alcatraz when mommy dearest is getting her fix of fame.

chefsummer #Leh said...

chefsummer - I'm glad to see you posting. I hope all is well.

Why thank you I'm doing so much better I hope you are doing well to

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 145
I imagine her family probably didn't work as a team because one team member was her and she's impossible. I think it's deplorable she continues to slam them like that to millions when they can't really even respond. Grow up.
I can't see Kate having a relationship with her parents or most siblings if she publicly puts them down like this. So, I'm thinking the kids still have no relationship with their family.
With all of this escalation between J+K, I've been wondering about Jodi and Kevin, and what they've been experiencing. Comments like this must really hurt them.

Ex Nurse said...

Regarding Robert's comment about the lawsuit:

If Kate is suing him, why would a settlement involve her paying him, instead of the other way around? That doesn't make sense--at least to me. A payment to her, or a cut of the profits would make sense. If she was willing to pay him off, why bother filing the lawsuit?

Also, why didn't she go the copyright infringement route in the original lawsuit. To start all over seems to be a ridiculous waste of time and money. I know, I am trying to make sense of complete insanity!

Layla said...

Terri (104)
You're right to wonder why, if this is a story about Mady and Cara, Kate is all over it. My though on the matter is that, if it's just the twins, then they are the ones who would get paid since they are the only ones who did the interview and pictures. But Kate wormed her way in so that most of the money will come to her. She gets the check, and all she has to give M&C is 15%. She keeps the rest. The girls get a bird and promises of 1D tickets, so they don't question it.
Kate's greed is why she's a part of this. Pure greed.

Serendipity said...

The Talk on CBS! ‏@TheTalk_CBS 5h
.@JulieChen on Kate Gosselin: "She’s a single mom of eight, she needs to put food on the table; so, who are we to judge her?" #TheTalk

Too bad that nobody asks Ms Chen if putting food on the table also includes private school tuition, NYC hair styling, owning three cars and a million dollar house that requires pool boys, landscaping maintenance, high heat and utility bills, as well as taxes, and everything else that goes along with owning such a home.

Tucker's Mom said...

chefsummer said... 163
A couple things stood out. On the inner page, they had another picture of the twins and TFMJG. White background, everyone dressed in the white clothes, with TFMJG sitting in profile on a white couch, laughing with her mouth looking "unhinged" as Tucker's Mom describes it above

You mean like this

And ur welcome for the nightmares lol.
Oh, that photo is of Kate tossing back a couple baby pandas and a floppy eared bunny rabbit for good measure.

Michelle said...

Julie Chen's tweet is sad. How does Kate's obligation as a mother to "put food on the table" make exploiting her children for financial gain okay? She made millions already from exploiting her children. Haven't the kids done their part? Most kids have no expectation to financially help out their families while they are children. I don't have Twitter but I'd love to ask Julie Chen if her thoughts apply to all mothers or just Kate?

Somewhere In Time said...

Well, golly gee, Julie Chen, then why doesn't she get a job that will provide her with a regular paycheck, like so very many single moms out there manage to do? So is JC condoning the exploitation of these children because the end justifies the means -- putting food on the table? These people make me ill.

The Talk on CBS! ‏@TheTalk_CBS 5h
.@JulieChen on Kate Gosselin: "She’s a single mom of eight, she needs to put food on the table; so, who are we to judge her?" #TheTalk

Mel said...

Her family seemed pretty teamwork to me....Kevin/Jodi watched ALL the kids, some of whom were sick, while Jon/TFW went on yet another another state. What's not teamwork about that?

sparkle said...

The Talk on CBS! ‏@TheTalk_CBS 5h
.@JulieChen on Kate Gosselin: "She’s a single mom of eight, she needs to put food on the table; so, who are we to judge her?" #TheTalk

Oh brother. Kate is no longer married because Kate no longer wanted to be married. Jon was emasculated every week for America to see, a balless wonder. He still wanted to go to counseling and save the marriage. Kate admitted as much. She chose to file for divorce anyway. Kate is not a single mother, she is a divorced parent. By her choice. This is just another example of how Kate brings adversity to herself, then whines like a little girl while begging for pity and handouts. She is an embarrassment to real moms everywhere.

Somewhere In Time said...

She will stop at nothing to perpetuate the brand. It's become her entire reason for living.


But what is "the brand?" That term is thrown around in the media, and I still don't know what it means. How many ways has Kate been "branded?" Is she the hoochy single gal who bar hops in NYC, displaying fake body parts; is she the soccer mom driving kids around all day to activities; is she the celebrity who, at the height of her "fame" had a Hollywood lifestyle; is she a best-selling author? Exactly WHO is she?.

I'm still not sure what her "brand" is supposed to be. Moreover, I doubt if she knows. She just throws things out there to see what sticks, and so far, nothing has.

Rhymes with Witch said...

With all of this escalation between J+K, I've been wondering about Jodi and Kevin, and what they've been experiencing. Comments like this must really hurt them. 3

I sincerely hope that Kevin and Jodi have figured out who Kate is by now and.let such comments roll off their backs.
I'm willing to bet that their concern for the children remains.

Tucker's Mom said...

Some time ago, I thought it was discussed here that people cannot sue for behavior they themselves indulge in. There was a name for it.
Are you thinking of not having "clean hands"?

chefsummer #Leh said...

OMG Kate has 8 kids.

She should provide for the lives that she made people need to stop acting like she's doing something special by trying to provide.

And she only 'providing' by using her 8 know kids. Once she gets a real job the doesn't use the kids in any way I'll give her a break.

Truth said...

That evil sheeple does not own rights to that name. I can take out an email in anyone's name I choose. If I don't use it for fraudulent purposes it's nobody's business. That moron @Trutherville pretends he's a legal eagle but he's the same one who warned all the "Does" in Kate's lawsuit to retain lawyers and he also said it's perfectly normal to drop half your lawsuit after the opposing motion to dismiss. He also took a picture of someone's pool off Zillow and said it was his and bought his wife one of those Princess Di replicas and showed it off not realizing it's the most famous knockoff ring in the world.

Serendipity said...

Whoever or whatever this is, it's clearly out of its mind. No normal person carries on like this, so blinded by love/lust for another person that he/she is obsessed in such butt kissing.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Clearly all ur kids R doing so well..U have a loving team of bright, healthy fun kids who survived 2009 because of YOU! #Gr8Mom

I hope that we find out if this is a bot, a paid pr person, an old guy in a facility somewhere, a skilled catfisher, or whatever. It just surprises the heck out of me that nobody seems to know.

Speaking of identities, I don't understand how BV can release the personal info that he does. Doesn't Google or Twitter have any kind of terms of service? I can't believe this is allowed to go on. Anyone else doing this would have been suspended and slapped on the wrists a long time ago. How does he manage to get away with it?

OrangeCrusher1 said...

People came, tossed it in the trash. Julie Chen? Well, she owes her current media career to her media mogul husband, so perhaps she doesn't speak for anything resembling a real working mom.

capecodmama said...

alberta rose...165

I was thinking the same thing. Did the girls understand they were talking to a reporter and that what they said would be in an article in a national publication? Did TFW even tell them that they were talking to a reporter for an article in People magazine? Did the girls know they would be on the cover of said magazine? We all know how TFW words things. Did she even tell the girls what this was for?

AuntieAnn said...

Somewhere In Time said... 11

But what is "the brand?" That term is thrown around in the media, and I still don't know what it means. How many ways has Kate been "branded?"


I'm not sure how 'brand' is defined in modern terminology. It seems like more of a catch-phrase of the 21st century that everyone uses but no one seems to know what it means. When I was younger and living on a farm, brand meant to mark cattle to provide proof of rightful ownership when they were brought to market, or if they were stolen or found dead. Personally, I don't think too much has changed definition-wise.

If given the chance, I'd gleefully put a hot iron on Kate's rear end if she's so bent on being branded. She is such a cow.

AuntieAnn said...

And may I add that the one thing I most despised about living on the farm was branding time. It is cruel.

Just My Opinion said...

Does anyone else here wish that Dr and Mrs Glassman would have never helped TFW change her physical appearance? I bet they do!
Thinking back, I believe that is when TFW changed. I can't help but wonder if she would have reached the stardom that she did, had she remained the plain Jane that she was. She was just an ordinary woman in PA. with eight children.
Yes! She has always been a bitch! She just happened to get worse after the tummy tuck and having her hair and makeup redone. I seriously doubt that she would have been running around half naked in a bikini with her "jowls of a dog" hanging out!
Watch the video. Boy, has she changed.
Surviving Sextuplets & Twins One Year Later pt 2-6

I don't think that she started hitting Jon until after her make over.

Millicent said...

The Talk on CBS! ‏@TheTalk_CBS 5h
.@JulieChen on Kate Gosselin: "She’s a single mom of eight, she needs to put food on the table; so, who are we to judge her?" #TheTalk
Dear Ms. Chen:

The former Mrs. Gosselin had two lovely twin daughters. She and her then husband were both working, and were able to support their family of four on their income. But that wasn't enough for TFMG, and she decided she wanted another round of fertility treatments, which resulted in 6 more children. She chose this route, so she needs to quit crying "poor me" and get to work.

Further, she is not a "single mom." She is the divorced mom of 8 kids, and the children's father is fully participating in their upbringing. Before you speak next about TFMG, maybe you ought to educate yourself on the full situation.

Anonymous said...

The Talk on CBS! ‏@TheTalk_CBS 5h
.@JulieChen on Kate Gosselin: "She’s a single mom of eight, she needs to put food on the table; so, who are we to judge her?" #TheTalk
This comment and thought is very prevalent among most people that support Kate. Their thinking is: Poor thing, she is sole providing for 8 kids when her husband is a douche-bag and doesn't support the kids. Poor thing, give her a break, she has to do this exploration to put food on the table otherwise her kids would starve. Does she really think Kate's budget is dependent upon this cover shoot to provide food for her kids!

This drives me nuts. Does Julie realize Kate has made multi-millions so far? That she lives in a 1.2 million home on 23 acres and drives 3 new expensive cars. One car is a Mercedes and another an Audi. Does she realize all of her kids go to an exclusive private school. And that Kate has lots of money stashed away for their college already. And yet she thinks Kate has to do this to provide food. Nothing could be further from the truth. The money she has earned from this shoot will go toward buying "fluff stuff" no doubt. You know "fancy pants" for her daughter, ID concert tickets, botox, fancy New York haircuts & coloring, etc.

This is what Kate wants the public to believe. She promoted this during DWTS that she had to be away to provide for the kids. Bullshit. Even the woman on The View promoted this thought. When she was fired from TLC she went on The Today Show and implied she needed to get another show to provide for her kids.

How many freaking millions does this Mother need to provide for her kids when she hasn't worked an honest days work since her kids were toddlers.?

PJ's momma said...

It looks like Julie Chen deleted that tweet. I can just imagine the responses she got!

Localyocul said...

{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

\f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 @CarrieCornish: Dear @peoplemag quit putting Kate Gosselin on your cover. Next to a traffic ticket, her face is the last thing I want to see in the mail.}

Millicent said... (Administrator) said... 156

People are sooo petrified if they don't indulge their kids the kids will hate them. And yet look at the result of Kate running around town indulging Cara's whims. So they don't hate you but at what price? This behavior is selfish. The parents'. It's about them not having to deal with kids upset with them and that's selfish.
Well, those parents might have children who get everything they want, but they do not have children who love them, respect them, or appreciate them. What they end up with are spoiled unlikeable grown children.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Julie Chen would look like such an hypocrite saying, yes, Kate should get a job and quit pimping her kids given she's in the media herself. Difference is that people don't hate Chen like they do Kate. So of course she would tell people to leave Kate the hell alone. God, these people make me physically ill. I rue the day I ever heard of the Gosselins. Thanks TLC. This polarization of Kate Gosselin is just warped and we owe it all to you. I don't think it's weird and malevolent that people want Kate to get what she deserves. There must be a good reason for it. I don't think the masses are off kilter. Majority rules if you ask me.

westcoastie said...

You know, as I read the article, I thought, 'oh, that's something to mention' and ' that's a bullet point'........
But the thing that FROSTS MY ASS is this quote
'When the show melted down along with the Gosselin marriage AFTER ( my caps) Jon was caught partying with other women..........'
Has kate croyne crawled up the ass canal of the devil TFW?
Is there anyone alive with a smidgen of common sense who doesn't know the timeline?
I have subscribed to this crapfest for too long. I will be terminating my subscription ASAP.

Localyocul said...

@logancummins: Jon and Kate Gosselin are like herpes. You can temporarily relieve yourselves from them but not get rid of them forever.

Anonymous said...

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 27
Julie Chen would look like such an hypocrite saying, yes, Kate should get a job and quit pimping her kids given she's in the media herself.

+++The huge difference is Julie is not using her kids in the media. Her millions and fame are not earned off the backs of her children.

And the "little 6" will read the article as the years pass and they will have excellent ammunition against Kate in regards to her buying special pants that Cara wanted and then driving all around town to find them. She is going to have to do this expensive and time-consuming treatment for all of her soon to be 8 teenagers. It would only be fair. I would not want to be in her shoes in the future.

Kate's cost will escalate terribly when she has 8 pre-teenagers, teenagers, and college age kids. The cost of clothes, make-up, sports, cars, auto insurance, school trips, vacations, food, designer clothes, concert tickets, computers, iPhones, etc is going to be through the roof. She is setting a bad prescient by tweeting and putting in print her giving in to her twins whims by buying concert tickets and special pants

I wonder if she is going to pay for her 5 daughters breast implants?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Julie did delete her tweet lol I wonder why.

Melissa NV said...

People are sooo petrified if they don't indulge their kids the kids will hate them.


Here's one who isn't. We could afford to purchase designer clothing for them, all kinds of tech gadgets, things kids want these days (we worked to be able to do this) and we are very comfortable. However, we don't indulge the kids. They want something, they work for it. We go shopping and I tell them not to ask or beg for anything. If I want to buy it for them, I will.

If they do see something, usually a tech thing, they SAVE FOR IT. If they don't have enough of their own money, there are times when I have matched what they save, but this is rare. When we shopped for Christmas gifts, we picked up quite a few things that were needed by a local social services organization. While I bought many of the things, they did spend their own money selecting some toys for kids...we took the items home and wrapped them, and then delivered them to the organization. They actually really liked doing this.

They don't understand how, if we can afford things, I don't cater to them or indulge them. Once you start something like that, where does it end? How do you stop it? They may not like it, but we're not out to win a popularity contest. That's the way it is, and I think that by now they've gotten used to it! I have never, though, had any of them tell me that I hate them, or that I am annoying. They may think it, but would never say it directly to me! They're really good kids.

That said, I love the kids to death, and it is very difficult not giving in to them. But you have to do what you have to do, and know the end result will be that kids will not feel entitled and spoiled. Their friends may get whatever their hearts desire, and you know, it's really difficult for our kids not to be on equal grounds with their peers when it comes to parents spending and indulging them. But that's the way it is, and I am really not a stingy old miser! Oh, and I don't drive around from store to store looking for a particular brand of jeans! They wear what they have!

Melissa NV said...

LOL! Now tell us how you really feel about Milo! I think that Milo used to be a jester of sorts, kind of harmless, kind of creepy, good for a laugh, but nevertheless, mostly ignored. However, it seems that over time she or he has morphed into something that really gets under the skin, and it's not going to go away any time soon.

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 milo --may god have mercy on your soul- u really think u have it right? U can't be more wrong.u make my skin crawl

Starz22 said...


Yes I get a little bitchy or call some out for going over board on TFW crap. This blog has been awesome at catching and calling TFW out on her lies and bullshit. But when we get people harping on what I consider stupid makes the blog look like we are out to get her for everything, not just the important stuff. I may not always say what I want to say correctly, and I don't mean to insult anyone here. The cookbook? We knew it was a bunch of nasty tasting crap looking food ,non original recipes. I just think people wonder why people would go out of their way,using their time and money to make her food when we agreed it was shit anyway. I think this blog played a big part of getting the real world to see TFW for what she is.
A lying, conniving , desperate woman willing to step on anyone who gets in her way. Even her own children won't stop her from what she seeks. I agree....we need to keep calling her out on her lies and bs...but some things some focus on is silly and not helping the cause.
I hope I got that out right.

Admin... every time you make a LHOTP reference I know it pretty much word for word and know exactly what episode it comes from. Not sure if thats a good thing lol. But the show was a great show for its time with values and morals. Lessons we can still use in 2014.

Melissa NV said... addendum to my previous post:

I find it interesting that when our kids have saved enough money for something they want to buy, they are very reluctant to spend their own money for it. It is so much easier to spend someone else's money. Seems like when it comes to that big thing they wanted and couldn't live without, they find that they don't really want it as much as they thought they did!

Carole said...

Did the girls understand they were talking to a reporter and that what they said would be in an article in a national publication?
Did TFW even tell them that they were talking to a reporter for an article in People magazine?
Did the girls know they would be on the cover of said magazine? We all know how TFW words things.
Did she even tell the girls what this was for?

IMO the answers are yes to all of the questions posed. I think the girls positively knew their photo would be on the cover, that their words would be quoted in the magazine, the reason KCoyne was there, and that they were to give her the interview/answers TFW had been priming them for for years. It doesn't make me happy thinking it, but I believe the girls are probably pretty pleased that they're on the cover and had an article written about them.

silimom said...

capecodmama - Yes, I believe the girls knew they were being interviewed. I had a chance to read the People article (a friend gets the magazine and passed it along).

A couple things stood out for me:

1) They were at a studio for the photo shoot so I do think the girls knew exactly why they were there. During the shoot, Mady blared One Direction using the sound system in the studio and Cara sat slumped in a chair, playing on her iPhone.

2) The marriage apparently ended when Jon was caught partying with other women, according to People. This, despite Kate's admission the marriage was over before that happened.

3) The part where Kate is talking about her "us against the world" bond that helps them heal - I think the context there, to be fair, is that the girls were old enough to understand what was going on and knew about the various headlines and were upset by them. Through talking with Kate (Mady did the talking, Cara listened), she was able to help them process the divorce. This laid a groundwork for helping them through the emotional moments that happen now they are teens. (Not saying whether that's good or bad, just saying that was my impression reading that part of the article).

4) Kate says "They'll have as normal a life as possible, given all (that's happened). I tell them "Your a kid, and your job is to be a kid".

Make of that what you will.

5) After they made the comments about Jon's dating habits during the divorce, they "fall silent". Then Mady tells Cara she doesn't remember her being there, just the really ugly clothes she wore. Cara tells Mady she had really ugly hair. Mady agrees that she did.

6) Kate acknowledges the twins are very aware of the tension between Jon and Kate but that she believes they can cope with it. She also acknowledges that they hear about things at school so now she gives them warning ahead of time. They're "walking a tight rope".

7) After Mady's snippet about the younger kids, the article quotes a pediatric psychologist called Lynne Kenney author of "Bloom: Helping Children Blossom" who shares that often when kids have a lot of younger siblings, they get "over responsible, busy taking care of everyone else." She says there's a difference between being a responsible teen and an adult. It's easy for these kids to "get angry and bitter because your needs were passed by while you cared for everyone else".

Kate acknowledges that the twins are "wise beyond their years" but then goes into how much they help her out. She (Kate) was having a bad day, the twins were fighting and she asked them to stop because Kate was "having a tough time here". Apparently this is when the twins got quiet then put away school lunches and did chores.

Hmmm...Somehow I don't think Kate was that calm about it.

8) Regarding the crew, both girls want to be on another reality show partly "because of the family that formed around them during the filming as their parents' marriage came apart".

9) Cara's exact quote, following the yoga pants request: "Why don't you just admit you hate me? It's clear you totally hate me!".

10) Cara is the one who goes on about how Kate wants the best for them. Mady says she's "fantastic. She's a better parent then anyone realizes."

11) Kate mentions how she thinks she's doing okay as a mom and then she hears about how 15 year old girls are and gets worried. Her final quote "Here's what every parent wants - to see that your hard work and effort is appreciated...My girls show me that they're grateful at the end of the day, which means everything. We've come a long way."

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Interesting -- this showed up on Yahoo today. Exactly what was being discussed here about teens.

Greedy Gosselins said...

Can anyone explain to me how a judge looking at C and M's interview and photo spread, directly discussing their father, is not textbook parental alienation?? I do not understand why Jon hasn't RAN to the court with this. I'm sure someone would have found court evidence if he had. This entire situation is ridiculous.

Ingrid said...

PJ's momma said... 24
It looks like Julie Chen deleted that tweet. I can just imagine the responses she got!
It was the Talk that posted it so it is on their twitter. Julie's twitter was just mentioned in it. @TheTalk_CBS

lalalandnomore said...

I have not read any articles, but in reading here it was interesting to find out that TFW believes she has taught the 8 how to work as a team. That is laughable. When did that happen? We just couldn't make this stuff up. Any one of us who have seen any of the now defunct show will question that one. Surely, TFW's extended family shake their head at her. She will take any and all opportunity to throw them under the bus. She exhibits no family loyalty whatsoever. That will all come back to haunt her. Sad, really sad. One word comes to mind and that is "blamer."

lukebandit said...

westcoastie, please let People know WHY you are canceling their you know.

In other news, Kate Coyner tagged along with Jon and Kate and kids of Jon and Kate plus 8 this week to a furniture store to look for beds for the kids. The salesman gave TFW a catalog to look at after showing her many many beds and she couldn't decided after comparing prices, even though they were going to be donated to the family!

While TFW's head was buried in the catalog, the editor of People magazine was increasingly stressed out and was starting to tell TFW that she had to go to the bathroom. TFW, oblivious to her suffering continued to study the catalog as if she was studying for a semester final in statistics and logic.

Kate Coyner, was finally at her wits end, starting to dance around and hold herself and begging for help. Fortunately, for Kate Coyner, Jon, the loving dad came in and noticed that Kate was in pain. He asked Kate what was wrong and she said that she had TFW up her anal canal and it had to come out, NOW! Jon tried to get TFW to help her, but she refused because she was afraid she would not get the free beds.

So, Jon took Kate Coyners hand and led her out to his van and proceeded to DE impact TFW out of her anal canal.

I know this story is stupid, but I don't care. I am so angry at the 2 kates, them teaming up and doing those girls like they did. Kate needs to have a gag order on her, and Kate C. needs to be fired.

Oh, Serendipity, I tweeted to Julie Chen and The Talk. they were both on the tweet. I also send a couple to JC and put TFW's name on there so she could see that I tweeted to JC the link to the media inquiries about the book by Robert. I took care of it.

lukebandit said...

TFW and Kate Coyner 2 pigs in a pod. ~ Administrator said...

I think the girls knew what the interview was I think though a thirteen year old isn't able to really grasp what that really means. A kid that young can't understand something like that even if they act like they do.

I saw Divorce Corp tonight, narrated by Dr Drew. It was disturbing. Everyone who is confused about why Jon drew the short straw in court should watch that.

silimom said...

I saw the trailer for that film, Admin. It looked interesting. Is it worth the money to see it in the theaters or should I wait for Netflix?

capecodmama said...


Thanks for the breakdown of the article. I didn't read the article but your post answered my questions. This interview did nothing to change the image of TFW and it makes the twins look bad. Same old sh$t.

capecodmama said...

Where did this People interview take place?

Anonymous said...

just had to say

" khatie irene still sucks, more than ever"


handinhand said...

I see Kate's influence and poor example really impacting the twins in this interview.
The girls seem much too preoccupied with appearance.
Rudely calling out their mother's crop top and talking about each other's ugly clothes and ugly hair. Didn't one of the kids call Clay ugly on the RV trip? These eight are going to be a handful that even the most talented of parents would have a hard time with.

Thanks for the abridged version Silimom.

handinhand said...

Kate's sequel to Multiple Blessings could be entitled Multiple Issues.
I take no comfort in the fact that during her custodial time, she's in charge of parenting them through the difficult years that lie ahead.

The Empress Has New Clothes said...

Sillimom said 38 10) Cara is the one who goes on about how Kate wants the best for them. Mady says she's "fantastic. She's a better parent then anyone realizes."

11) Kate mentions how she thinks she's doing okay as a mom and then she hears about how 15 year old girls are and gets worried. Her final quote "Here's what every parent wants - to see that your hard work and effort is appreciated...My girls show me that they're grateful at the end of the day, which means everything. We've come a long way."

Thanks, Sillimom, for the more thorough summary of the article, and for providing actual quotes.

To my mind, those last two points are at once deplorable and sad. At first blush, M & C might seem (overly) assertive. But a deeper read suggests they've assumed a defensive posture -- about their mother's choices, mainly--at an age when they should be forging their own paths. So much here seems scripted. I'm more convinced than ever that the tone and contents of the article were preordained, and not an organic outcome of an honest conversation.

Oh, and one last thought: how totally clueless could TFW be, to have wrapped things up with a quote about being rewarded for all her hard work by increasingly appreciative daughters? Such a lack of self-awareness! So utterly, and maddeningly, self-absorbed.

Formerly Duped said...

The part that got me was the girls 'received therapy from my mom?" WTF? Do they mean she facilitated real therapy or she herself was the 'therapist?' Oy, add that to TFWs list of not-talents.

mamaK said...

A comment on the timelines here:

The People Magizine articule was done at the end of November. BEFORE Jon's December interview in which he calls Kate an A88hole.

Jon's comment about going out in January jives with the divorce/marriage breakdown timeline. Kate said in an interview (Inside kate's world maybe?) somewhere that she was on a plane one September and knew that it was over. This would have been September 2008. Right after their trip to HI that summer to renew their vows, and before their move to the new house that October. I believe Jon at this time was still hopeful that it would work out.
In the kitchen remodel episode, Kate herself explains that in Jan of 09 they were having problems. And that is when Jon says he went out without intent to come home. He was still hoping that that could work things out, and Jan 09 is when he realized that his marriage was over.
Then in May 09/June 09 is when they filed for divorce, and it was finalized in Dec 09.

chefsummer #Leh said...

We should give Julie a break lol she didn't tweet that thing in KK's defense.

The twins may have said those things but mommy dearest put the word's in their mouths\heads.

Susantoyota said...

I lost my post. Will try again and hope it doesn't show up twice.

I realized this morning that the interview took place on November 25 2013, which was a MONDAY, right? Assuming that the twins did not have the whole week off for Thanksgiving, TFMJG pulled them out of school for an all day trip to New York (is that where People magazine is located?) so they could bolster her image in a magazine that is rapidly losing what integrity it has. Did they travel to New York on Sunday in order to be fresh for their day in the studio? Reference was made to a long day in the studio in the article. Way to pull a Kris Jenner by taking your kids out of school to pimp them out.

This is even more chilling when you look at the timeline of the lawsuits. TFMJG must have set this up when she first realized she would have to dismiss the lawsuits OR else it was planned as a 'victory' article for later this spring and it was moved up.

I agree with the other posters. Jon needs to take this article and run to Family Court.

NJGal51 said...

In this tweet (especially attachment) by Milo she sums herself up perfectly.

@MiloandJack: LOL!! Twitter pananoia! >>

mamaK said...

In that self-serving one on one interview on TLC, Kate says they had a lot of discussions "sometime last year" about their relationship and their future. That interview was filmed in Oct of 09.

handinhand said...

Oh, and one last thought: how totally clueless could TFW be, to have wrapped things up with a quote about being rewarded for all her hard work by increasingly appreciative daughters?

And insulting us all by saying that's what EVERY parent wants.

Honestly Kate, those kids have become conditioned to telling you over and over and over and over again how grateful they are for alllll your hard work. It's survival for them and they know it.
How they find time for all the stroking they're required to give you after completing that burdensome chore chart is anyone's guess.
Oh, that's right. They're savvy. Wise beyond their years.
Your words.

localyocul said...

After they made the comments about Jon's dating habits during the divorce, they "fall silent". Then Mady tells Cara she doesn't remember her being there, just the really ugly clothes she wore.


Besides the rudeness of the comment, this statement stands out to me because it makes no sense. How can she not remember her twin being there?

But she can remember life before the tups came along and ruined it?

localyocul said...

Cara's exact quote, following the yoga pants request: "Why don't you just admit you hate me? It's clear you totally hate me!".


Did she say that during the interview or is that TFW recalling what happened? I'm sure TFW lets C know how inconvenient it is to have to drive her to sports things, and her favor of M is obvious to us, I'm sure it's obvious to C.

localyocul said...

"Here's what every parent wants - to see that your hard work and effort is appreciated...


Um, no. That doesn't cross my mind. It is nice when mine expresses gratitude and I do hope that when she grows up she realizes, like most people do, that her parents did what they thought best for her because they love her. What I want MOST is for her to grow up healthy, happy, productive, kind, and surrounded by good friends. ~ Administrator said...

"She’s a single mom of eight, she needs to put food on the table; so, who are we to judge her?" #TheTalk


Um, WTF? We ALL need to put food on the table. And the vast majority of us do it without exploiting our children so suck it. Why is Kate special?!

JON needs to put food on the table too but he doesn't put his kids on T.V. or in magazines. ~ Administrator said...

"Here's what every parent wants - to see that your hard work and effort is appreciated...


Um, no. That doesn't cross my mind. It is nice when mine expresses gratitude and I do hope that when she grows up she realizes, like most people do, that her parents did what they thought best for her because they love her. What I want MOST is for her to grow up healthy, happy, productive, kind, and surrounded by good friends.


Oh my God Kate. A-men, Local. Parenthood is not about recognition. If that is what you want, go join a bowling club or something. Don't bring a life into the world, please.

Jumping In said...

Silimom 38..... Thank you for the People recap, the following statement really expresses the dynamic in that household.

11) Kate mentions how she thinks she's doing okay as a mom and then she hears about how 15 year old girls are and gets worried. Her final quote "Here's what every parent wants - to see that your hard work and effort is appreciated...My girls show me that they're grateful at the end of the day, which means everything. We've come a long way."


I thought every parent's dream was to have happy, healthy, well-adjusted kids. Sure, my parents worked hard, but I can't say I remember thanking them for their efforts at the end of each day. They knew they were doing a good job by watching us thrive, learning by their example, being respectful to them and others, that's all the thanks they needed.

For TFW there is just one goal she works for and that is getting herself (and possibly her kids) back on television. I imagine many conversation at home are, "if anyone ever asks your if you miss our show, I better hear YES, or all of this goes away, do you want to live like your father does, and go to public school"? "I work every day to try get us another show, so we can keep all this"!

That People magazine was nothing more than a promotion piece to float yet ANOTHER concept for a television show. "Kate Faces The Teen Years" ~ Administrator said...

@MiloandJack: LOL!! Twitter pananoia! >>


I guess there is no option on Milo's little chart for all the normal people who think nothing of it. lol

OrangeCrusher1 said...

My children are grown; they have children. We most certainly did not raise them so that they could show us how appreciative they are of all we did. Ridiculous Kate speak. We raised them to be the wonderful people they are, and are grateful that they are independent, self-sufficient and productive human beings. We KNOW we are appreciated, and do not look to them to tell us. We also are grateful that they, as siblings, are close and have good relationships with each other. And we are grateful that they also like us, and enjoy spending time with us. Kate, who has blown away her family, and friends, and treats her children like objects, has no idea what lies down the road. She is a selfish fool. ~ Administrator said...

I thought every parent's dream was to have happy, healthy, well-adjusted kids. Sure, my parents worked hard, but I can't say I remember thanking them for their efforts at the end of each day.


Kids don't usually dwell much on thanking parents not because they are necessarily ungrateful people, but because they don't understand it should be anything different. A good parent has taken care of them even before they were born, so it doesn't cross their mind to fall all over themselves thanking them because this is just how it is.

Your thank you as a parent comes when you have a happy and well adjusted adult before you, especially when they are able to have healthy relationships of their own with others and for some their own children. But it might not be a verbal thank you. There is more to parenthood, and any relationships, than a thank you. And there are more to thank yous than words. Eventually a kid gets out in the real world and does realize that there are bad parents out there and then it might dawn on them that they were very lucky. But he still may not say it. But maybe he will have that thought in mind when he sends his mom flowers and an I love you on Mother's Day. A good mother doesn't need validation.

She had these kids for her own ego, and that is the worst reason to have children. ~ Administrator said...

She should provide for the lives that she made


Simply put yet so true. Yes she should. To be blunt, you have a few options when embarking upon such a thing. You could not partake in fertility treatments that have a risk of high order multiples. There are many other fertility options that don't involve such risks and they weren't even trying that long. You could adopt. You could abort some of the fetuses. Otherwise you get the number of kids you get and you need to be prepared to provide for that number, whether it's 1, 2, or 6. If you cannot provide for that worst case scenario number, then you need to be happy with the twins you have and move on. The whining about it 9 years later is getting to be absurd. ~ Administrator said...

She's a better parent then anyone realizes.


See, if you're really a good parent, people will see it and realize it. Good parenting is not done in secret. People can see it, feel it, sense it. There is no reason someone should be a better parent than people realize, it doesn't work that way. Parenting is far too pervasive. Doesn't anyone ever stop to think gee why does everything think Kate sucks at motherhood? This stuff didn't come out of thin air one day. ~ Administrator said...

"We've come a long way" ....Why do I picture Kate insisting night after night they must thank her for this that and the other thing, hug her and lavish her with love, Mommy dearest style. Poor kids. They've come a long way indeed. In appeasing her that is. I hope Jon doesn't make them fall all over themselves worshiping him. They need a break. ~ Administrator said...

I saw the trailer for that film, Admin. It looked interesting. Is it worth the money to see it in the theaters or should I wait for Netflix?


There's no reason to see it in theaters. Wait for Netflix. I bet it will show up there, it's a Netflix kind of movie.

I am more disturbed this morning as we've been talking about what we saw. The system runs on money and if you have it, you can make out on top in the divorce. If you don't, good luck to you. ~ Administrator said...

Well, those parents might have children who get everything they want, but they do not have children who love them, respect them, or appreciate them. What they end up with are spoiled unlikeable grown children.


Sadly, like these kids. This is exactly what everyone has warned about with the helicopter parents generation. Exactly the terrible consequences everyone predicted.

This is not a "in the good ole days kids had respect" tired tirade. This is truly like nothing we have ever seen before. This is a case where even 20-somethings are saying what the heck is going on with kids these days, when before it used to be only 70-somethings saying that. THAT is scary. My best friend is a teacher in a public school near to the one we grew up in and she cannot believe the way kids and parents act today. Just so spoiled and entitled and rude. This is just downright disturbing, and Mady and Cara are just two more victims.

Reality Check said... (Administrator) said... 62
"She’s a single mom of eight, she needs to put food on the table; so, who are we to judge her?" #TheTalk


Um, WTF? We ALL need to put food on the table. And the vast majority of us do it without exploiting our children so suck it. Why is Kate special?!

JON needs to put food on the table too but he doesn't put his kids on T.V. or in magazines.
He would if the kids were living with him or he had legal custody. Both of them will do anything for a buck or to keep their faces in the news. They both got a taste of fame and all it brings and liked it. Don't kid yourself. Jon may be more loving toward his kids but he's just as bad. ~ Administrator said...

Can anyone explain to me how a judge looking at C and M's interview and photo spread, directly discussing their father, is not textbook parental alienation?? I do not understand why Jon hasn't RAN to the court with this. I'm sure someone would have found court evidence if he had. This entire situation is ridiculous.


You especially should see Divorce Corp. I think it will help anyone understand why Jon can't just snap his fingers and have the judge "fix" this terrible situation. Numerous fathers participated in this documentary, some much worse off than Jon but all facing the same corrupt system. ~ Administrator said...

Until Jon actually does put his kids on T.V. or magazines, I'm not going to say "he would too." He hasn't for four years and he's had them with him plenty of times to do so. Why couldn't he take the girls up to NYC for an exploitation trip on a weekend he has them? Woulda coulda shoulda doesn't cut it for me. ~ Administrator said...

I find it interesting that when our kids have saved enough money for something they want to buy, they are very reluctant to spend their own money for it. It is so much easier to spend someone else's money


I was the same way as a kid, when the rubber met the road there were few things I really wanted to spend the money on that seemed worth it. That is the whole point of not indulging them, it makes you start thinking like an adult about money, thinking through needs and wants, whether something is worth it, how you will feel with an empty bank account to show for it. The sooner they start these thought processes the better.

westcoastie said...

"Here's what every parent wants - to see that your hard work and effort is appreciated...
This was one of the bullet points I was wanting to address. Then I came across the supposed Jon cheats timeline.
If ever there was a 'tell' that TFW had children for all, and I mean all the wrong reasons, this would be it. She tosses it out casually but she reallyreallyreally believes this. And that is one scary concept.
It's obvious to me in that one sentence that she is somehow deeply psychologically scarred , whether it's in her mind or some outside event growing up.
I am a parent. I want my children to be happy, healthy and successful at whatever they chose (is it chose or choose? I hate that word!)
I also want them to be polite, open minded and giving.
Never once did I want them to grow up to bow down to me.
She is deranged. And she is damaging those 8, count 'em, 8 kids. ~ Administrator said...

Julie Chen would look like such an hypocrite saying, yes, Kate should get a job and quit pimping her kids given she's in the media herself. Difference is that people don't hate Chen like they do Kate. So of course she would tell people to leave Kate the hell alone.


The thing they don't understand is that it's not the media or any job that is the issue, so they can stop taking it so personally. It's that she has used these kids to make her money since the moment they were born and it has got to stop. And for her, the way to make that stop is to get her ugly mug off our T.V. and GO AWAY.

So the media isn't the most noble job on my list of noble jobs, but we're not talking about that. We're talking about USING children to PAY YOUR WAY.

localyocul said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h
I'll take this torrential down pouring rain over snow or ice any day!
Collin says it 'smells like the rain forest out there'
Fine by me!


The rest of the picture: A sits in a corner ignored, C & M are shrieking and fighting while 1D blares, and C is plotting to steal mommy's yoga pants. ~ Administrator said...

'When the show melted down along with the Gosselin marriage AFTER ( my caps) Jon was caught partying with other women..........'


Eh, typical Kate Coyne. Like one day in a vacuum Jon decided to leave a perfectly happy marriage and home life and go party. Yeah that's how it usually happens. NOT.

The marriage was on life support first because despite Jon's efforts Kate refused to tend to the store. Then Kate gave Jon permission to see other women, and he did. Pass the extractors, we've got major surgery to do to get Kate Coyne out from up there.

westcoastie said...

Also- to whoever upthread first mentioned the 'if you have that many you should be able to provide for that many'.......
I couldn't agree more. Providing is not just monetary either. Providing also includes their mental and emotional wellness.
Ex: Kids aren't born bratty. That is learned behavior.
Kate is as whacked out as Octomom. She just isn't as desperate.

handinhand said...

He would if the kids were living with him or he had legal custody. Both of them will do anything for a buck or to keep their faces in the news. They both got a taste of fame and all it brings and liked it. Don't kid yourself. Jon may be more loving toward his kids but he's just as bad.

Not by a long shot, not yet, anyway. In the Philly article Jon said he's turned down 10-20 reality shows. I dislike what he's doing now, however he is not whoring himself or the kids out to the highest bidder every chance he gets.

Meagler said...

Formerly Duped @53: Those were my words " received therapy from my mom". I was playing with words. The twins thot one thing until their mom got a hold of them ( references her alleged comments about how she helped the twins get thru the horrible divorce) and then had a completely different perception.

We all know how TFW likes to rewrite history, and now she is even rewriting history for her kids...

Somewhere In Time said...

Okay. Now we know everything in People is accurate and sanctioned by Kate. She just opened herself up to more criticism. She doesn't THINK!

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 3m
@MiloandJack @peoplemag ALWAYS does such a lovely accurate honest job--pics and articles. They are #topnotch & a breath of fresh air!;)

Formerly Duped said...

I think Jon would like the fame and the money from TV etc for himself but not the kids. He doesn't see that his 'brand' is dependent on these kids whether they are actually on TV...forever. The kids are still earning via small things like People, CWS, KC. I think that's the difference between Jon and Kate's take on being on TV themselves. Kate would be perfectly happy with her own talk show, or yoga series, whatever, but uses the kids to be relevant. Jon is just taking Liz on board with him so far. The #don'tsayIdidn'twarnyou makes me believe that there was some discussion about the children, perhaps? ~ Administrator said...

6) Kate acknowledges the twins are very aware of the tension between Jon and Kate but that she believes they can cope with it.


Better yet, it would be nice of these two adults would grow up and end the tension so the children don't have to deal with tension at all. Call each other up and agree to go together to therapy with a therapist who is an expert at conflicts and divorce. If you love your children, you will do this for them.

Anonymous said...

She's a better parent then anyone realizes.
See, if you're really a good parent, people will see it and realize it. Good parenting is not done in secret. People can see it, feel it, sense it. There is no reason someone should be a better parent than people r
realize, it doesn't work that way.
Amen Admin. excellent comments! And how would 13 years old know that "others" think that Kate is not the great mother that they think she is. I mean think about it. Why would the twins even say that. Who is telling them that to begin with. Kate is! Very strange indeed. How pathetic she has to have her 13 years olds "vouch" for her great parenting in a national magazine. THAT is not normal.

Thank you Silmon for the great recap. This is what stood out for me. "After they made the comments about Jon's dating habits during the divorce, they "fall silent". Then Mady tells Cara she doesn't remember her being there, just the really ugly clothes she wore. Cara tells Mady she had really ugly hair. Mady agrees that she did"

I think they felt embarrassed after they made those ugly comments about their father. They felt uncomfortable doing so. So they fall silent and then do what is so natural for them. They start attacking each other with Mady taking the lead. I thought they were always super close. So I really don't believe they don't remember each other during the divorce period. I think it was a terrible silence after they attack their father and Mady just naturally resorts to what we have witnessed since she was 4 years old...attack others. Very sad indeed. Again in a national magazine they are saying very ugly things to each other. ~ Administrator said...

Not by a long shot, not yet, anyway. In the Philly article Jon said he's turned down 10-20 reality shows. I dislike what he's doing now, however he is not whoring himself or the kids out to the highest bidder every chance he gets.


Exactly. I also don't like what he is doing (if he will ever actually make an appearance on this show! LOL). My anger and frustration is over him embarrassing his children. That is not the same thing as exploiting his children.

Embarrassing kids vs. exploiting kids are two entirely different things. Both may be terrible and we can debate just how terrible their individual actions are, but it does not change the fact that they are two completely different things going on here. To date, Jon has not once put his kids in the media since he vowed to take them off four years ago. Not once.

Somewhere In Time said...

I wonder if she ever gets tired of kissing rear ends. There must be a word for people like that,. but I can't think what it is! lol!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 5m
@Kateplusmy8 Ms Coyne @peoplemag does an excellent job of capturing the dynamics between U three! Was a cute/fun/informative interview! :)

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 5m
@Kateplusmy8 @peoplemag Also I noticed @deannatweeting did a lovely job w/the hair and make-up! All looked beautiful...yet so natural! :)

FLmama said...

I get People on my Kindle Tablet, and there is an interesting caption to one of the photos:

"They know we're struggling somewhat, but we're still so lucky." says Kate, who is living off proceeds from her cookbook Love is In the Mix, her website and investments. "They've learned to enjoy what you have while you have it". ~ Administrator said...

How pathetic she has to have her 13 years olds "vouch" for her great parenting in a national magazine. THAT is not normal.



I can picture exactly how this goes down. Kate sits them down and says mean ugly people like Daddy and the media and the non-fans say I'm a nasty parent but it is up to US to show them that is NOT TRUE. YOU TELL 'EM!

Why the hell are kids this little even the least bit concerned about what others think of their mother's parenting unless Kate tells them they should be? These kids are going to be so messed up. ~ Administrator said...

Now piecing and patching has been modified to "struggling somewhat"??

If you're struggling somewhat why did you buy yourself a sports car this year or take off to the Kentucky Derby? If you're struggling somewhat maybe now would be a good time to transition them to public school before high school begins, no? What a tool. ~ Administrator said...

There was nothing "cute" about that interview and there's the problem with parents like Kate.

They think this behavior is cute. We think it is disgusting.

AuntieAnn said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 16m

@Kateplusmy8 I had 2read ur @peoplemag cover story N digital format...went 2 THREE stores yesterday...all sold out! #AnotherBestSeller :)


Aw now there's a diehard fan for ya Kate.

Can't you just picture poor old Milo driving around town late at night, searching desperately for that one last precious issue of Sheople, wiping away the tears as she climbs back behind the wheel and drives on to the next store, alas, only to find the racks empty.

Oh the humanity.

Meagler said...

I havent read the People magazine, but from the snippets posted on here..

I really do not think that article represents a healthy relationship between those twins and their mother, or with their other 6 siblings.

The 2 Kates think they may have done a bang up job of presenting the facts...but sadly what TFW sees her kids doing, and what they really may be feeling could be in direct conflict with each other.

These 2 girls know how to "perform". They have been well coached on what to do when cameras are rolling, or cameras are flashing.

I believe a wedge is growing between at least one of the twins and the younger siblings. In the adult years, I predict several of the siblings will separate themselves from the others.

Kate says she thinks she's doing okay as a mom?? Well there is some narcissism for ya!!

I dont know very many mom's in my world who are so quite as confident as that! You might hear " I hope I am doing a good job" ... but in the quiet of the night, many moms sadly worry they are NOT doing a good job.

AND the most TELLING quote from those twins that says to me they are NOT doing as well as they might want to have us believe.....

is the one where they say the reason they want to film again is because of the family the crew formed around them when their parents were going through a divorce.... REALLY KATE!!!!?????? It was a bunch of paid young men who provided the comfort your twins needed when they were hurting the most????

and your kids are saying the " family" they felt they got then, is a feeling they still want and need!

My goodness KATE!!!!! get those kids in contact with their grandparents, their aunts and uncles and cousins!!!!

Your twins just announced to the world, they are desperate to be on TV because they are desperately in need of that " family" feeling. Get it from their blood line, not a bunch of paid 20somethings!!

I predict that Kate will find herself in a made for tv movie... post humously... after 1 or more of her kids set the record straight, or write a tell all. It will be a sequel to the Mommy Dearest Movie.

Thank goodness there are some laws to protect kids in the entertainment industry... it still isnt enough.

And as someone once told me.. Sadly , not all immorality is against the law.....

Calling it said...

It is blatently obvious that Kate has the twins on board with her program, lock, stock & barrel.

Kids that age are able to give a judge their preference of which parent they want to live with. I'm predicting that Kate and the twins move to Cali in the next 2 years for Mady's "acting career." Should that not pan out, Kate is going to perpetuate the Kris Kardashian program of being famous for being famous and notorius, mixed lightly with the business plan of the Olsen twins. The excessive clothing talk smells to me like future plans of a clothing line. I actually see TFW leaving the tups with Jon, with the hopes of when they come visit in CA they will want to stay. By that time, they will be easier to be encouraged to get with the program.

Kate is as transparent as thin air, and as subtle as the anvil that always falls on the Roadrunner's head. She has big, big, plans for these girls and this was their debut, if you will. Like Alex in 'Fatal Attraction,' Kate will not be ignored. She is not going away. She doesn't care if 90% of America despises her, to Kate thar's green in them thar haterz. She's going to make a buck off it somehow. The above is only my opinion and personal observations.

PJ's momma said...

Thanks for the clarification that the tweet came from the show. However, they must be deleting responses because I see only 2, both from the same person, and 1 of them is in response to a name that is no longer there. Interesting. ~ Administrator said...

AND the most TELLING quote from those twins that says to me they are NOT doing as well as they might want to have us believe.....


Do they mean financially?

Oh boooooy. Give that another few years and wait until they have older brains and can start putting two and two together. They will start thinking so where DID the money go? Into cars and houses and private school and upkeep? And how come we weren't paid for years and years of work until the state of PA had to intervene? How come we're struggling when we were on a show that made a network hundreds of millions of dollars?

Someone really should forward this article to Missy Francis. She might want to give them her number. ~ Administrator said...

Some time ago, I thought it was discussed here that people cannot sue for behavior they themselves indulge in. There was a name for it.
Are you thinking of not having "clean hands"?


Yeah unclean hands....although that's not exactly what unclean hands is. Sort of. It's not like if there was a mutual fight, you both can't be arrested and prosecuted for assault.

Formerly Duped said...

Meagler:oops, I didn't catch that lol. But I wouldn't be surprised!

localyocul said... 80 Exactly.Love the yoga pants thing. And two boy tups are playing with Lego while C smells the rainforest, H and L are holding hands and playing with Calico Critters.Zorro going into his cage for a potty break while squawking "I love Kate" and Shoka looks in, dripping wet, at the warm house inside while he is ignored. ~ Administrator said...

So is JC condoning the exploitation of these children because the end justifies the means -- putting food on the table? These people make me ill.


And how far do you take this? Can you turn your child into a prostitute because well, you need to put food on the table? Where do you draw the line? I know my personal line is drawn long before putting your kids to work in front of millions.

Kevin and Jodi were more than just teammates they bent over backwards. I can see a good many siblings saying eight kids?? Um, yeah, we're busy that day! Jodi watched them ALL THE TIME.

JoyinVirginia said...

OT: its college basketball conference season! Fun, exciting, entertaining games and more are going on all across the country!
the VCU Peppas are one of the best pep bands in the country. And when VCU played George Mason last week, they had an interesting response when the visitors tried for free throws. Check out the January 10 story at

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I can picture exactly how this goes down. Kate sits them down and says mean ugly people like Daddy and the media and the non-fans say I'm a nasty parent but it is up to US to show them that is NOT TRUE. YOU TELL 'EM!

Why the hell are kids this little even the least bit concerned about what others think of their mother's parenting unless Kate tells them they should be? These kids are going to be so messed up.


She's been unsuccessful at convincing the public that she's a wonderful mother, so she USES her twins to do her dirty work for her. She's that desperate. When all else fails, put your kids out there and tell them what to say. Maybe they will be believed. Ye gods...

People magazine is a breath of fresh air? In what universe is it okay to approve an article in which your own kids berate their siblings? Calling a child rabid and wild is a breath of fresh air? She's totally lost it if she thinks this is fine and dandy.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 3m
@MiloandJack @peoplemag ALWAYS does such a lovely accurate honest job--pics and articles. They are #topnotch & a breath of fresh air!;)

Audible Click said...

Somewhere In Time said... 90
I wonder if she ever gets tired of kissing rear ends. There must be a word for people like that,. but I can't think what it is! lol!


chefsummer #Leh said...

I'm sorry Milo but there's nothing natural about Kate from her body to her personality she all around fakeness.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the crew, both girls want to be on another reality show partly "because of the family that formed around them during the filming as their parents' marriage came apart".
Just like we expected and talked about the crew became family. This is so bizarre. The grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins should have and would have (except for Kate) been around those kids during the divorce. Not some transient band of ever revolving employees. No wonder the kids miss the crew so badly. That was probably the only family they ever had. They traveled with them everywhere. Again THIS is not normal in the least.

As I stated before, do the kids realize that by some very remote chance TLC gave them another reality show that more than likely "the crew" would be all different people with perhaps maybe one familiar face. And if another network gave them a reality show the crew would be total strangers. It really seems like the kids do not realize this. They just want "their crew" back.

Also the divorce was FOUR years ago. That is half of the tups lifetime ago. Get over the freaking crew. And how come the crew has not been back to visit "their family". If the Gosselins have kept in touch with the crew, we would not be hearing over and over again how the kids miss the crew. Remember Kate said that the crew were like Daddies" to her kids. Sick, sick, sick!.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 5m
@Kateplusmy8 @peoplemag Also I noticed @deannatweeting did a lovely job w/the hair and make-up! All looked beautiful...yet so natural! :)

Milo, you fool. It was heavily airbrushed. Get out in the real world...if LOM allows you to do so, or if the facility will take you on a field trip once in awhile. I guess she thinks that the other cover magazine of Kate in the bikini is the real thing, or that beach shot sans belly button shows Kate exactly as she is! So natural!

Amy2 said...

Kate knew Jon was going to be on Couples Therapy, she was going lose the lawsuit and Robert would most likely re-release his book after the lawsuit was done. She did the interview in November from the angle of what a good Mom she is despite Jon's whoring around. She alone brought her children through the difficult times and now has happy, well-adjusted children.

Kate was ready for the bad press and had prepared this article to show a positive spin on her parenting skills.

Now, who is talking about the lawsuit (other than this blog) one. Who is knows about Robert re-releasing his one. Who remembers Jon's dating escapades....everyone.

Kate set herself up well for the general public to look at her positive new image. The thing that she hasn't planned on is the public doesn't like her.

Her next move will be interesting.

chefsummer #Leh said...

AND the most TELLING quote from those twins that says to me they are NOT doing as well as they might want to have us believe.....

Here's a better question Kate why do 13 year girls know this?

Why are you making your 13 yrs girls deal with adult problems and issues?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Remember Kate said she loves psychology?

And now we know why she loves it so much God she is so sick.

Bitchy Pants said...

westcoastie -- re choose/chose -- choose is present/future tense -- I choose to go to the store today. I will choose to go to the store tomorrow. Chose is past tense -- I chose to go to the store yesterday. In your sentence either choose or chose could be correct depending upon your intent. Sorry -- raised by an English teacher.

I agree, Admin. We've seen nothing from Jon to indicate that he has even considered the possibility of putting the kids back on TV. In one interview a year or so ago he said something to the effect that the kids are older now so they would discuss it if the opportunity arose. Doesn't mean it's going to happen. They could discuss the possibility of sending the kids to the moon next week too. Doesn't mean it will happen. I think Jon's misguided and foolish to do a show like CT, but that's HIS choice. Of course it will embarrass the kids, if they become aware of it (and they WILL become aware of it. TFMJG will make sure of that). At their age, kids are embarrassed by the mere existence of their parents. Doesn't mean the parents should stop existing. Jon can choose to pimp himself out all he wants. It doesn't necessarily follow that he'll make the same choice for the kids. He appears to have enough sense, intelligence, and insight to be aware of the dangers media exposure presents for the kids. I just wish he could apply some of that to himself.

Admin, do you think there's any possibility that CT has edited out Jon and Liz, in favor of increasing the exposure of the more volatile Farrah? Or is that just wishful thinking?

Somewhere In Time said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h
I'll take this torrential down pouring rain over snow or ice any day!
Collin says it 'smells like the rain forest out there'
Fine by me!

When were they in a rain forest that Collin would know what it smells like? I didn't think they've ever been in Caribbean islands or Central or South America, have they? Did they go to a rain forest in Australia? I can't remember.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kevin and Jodi were more than just teammates they bent over backwards. I can see a good many siblings saying eight kids?? Um, yeah, we're busy that day! Jodi watched them ALL THE TIME.
Exactly. As I wrote before, Jodi and Kevin much be hurt so badly by all of this. I'm sure they miss their nieces and nephews, but I have no doubt the G kids' minds are poisoned against them.
Say what you want about Jodi and Kevin speaking out, but whether you agreed or disagreed, they said their piece and went away, like gone.
I'm sure they've bitten their lips many, many times, this latest slam in People notwithstanding. But, to date, they have not "set the record straight".

Somewhere In Time said...

s p a m ‏@iPukeHelloKitty 1m
Im defff gonna obsess over @Kateplusmy8's daughters while i read this article 😍

Say what? Obsess over 13-year-olds? Is that bizarre or what? There are some strange people on Twitter. Very strange. ~ Administrator said...

And Jon just told the media AGAIN that the kids come to him and have told him they've had it with being on TV, they do NOT want to go back on TV. This was just printed again in USWeekly.

Why would he say that then turn around and put them on T.V.? That would make him really look like a jerk, since at least Kate tries to claim they want to be on T.V.

Anonymous said...

"They know we're struggling somewhat"
Damn, these kids are beyond spoiled. And Kate is the one telling them that they are struggling because they don't have a reality tv show anymore. How are they struggling? They are in the best private school, are driven in three high end vehicles, great food, live in a huge house on 23 acres, have iPhones, computers, legos, tons of Christmas presents, special jeans, expensive concert tickets, voice lessons, soccer, etc. How exactly are they struggling?

I will tell you. They don't get to travel the world anymore on free, super expensive vacations anymore. Wow! Again,THIS is not normal in the least. And again Kate is reminding them this is because they don't have a show anymore. I can hear it now: "Gee kids, if you talk it up about how you want to film again, we can travel again around the world on someone else's dime". Disgusting! ~ Administrator said...

I agree Chef, there's no reason a child should be burdened with financial difficulties. They are children! Their job is to go to school and play and be with friends and that's it. It is not their job to balance the checkbook. If things get really tough they will need to understand that the family has to give up some things and really be careful with how we spend but that can be done in a manner that does not BURDEN children with worries.

And what's even more concerning is that a 13 year old who goes to one of the best private schools in the country, has iPads and iPhones, has traveled the world, lives in a McMansion, and has mom running around creation trying to get her the precious jeans that she wants, has been brainwashed to think they are struggling.


So you didn't get the iPad mini you wanted this year or go to Australia AGAIN. As Sillimom said, first world problems!

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Here's one positive comment about the People article - since it was obviously meant to be a winter white January 'look', at least TFW was appropriately dressed, no short tight whities, no boobage, etc. Best I got for that rag mag.

Golden Globes are tomorrow, she is already last week's news.

Tucker's Mom said...

FLmama said... 91
I get People on my Kindle Tablet, and there is an interesting caption to one of the photos:

"They know we're struggling somewhat, but we're still so lucky." says Kate, who is living off proceeds from her cookbook Love is In the Mix, her website and investments. "They've learned to enjoy what you have while you have it".
And yet, they want the life that comes with filming back again. ~ Administrator said...

I was wondering though what about their lifestyle have we been mislead about in terms of they are saying they are not as well off as we believe?

Was that a cut out of Kate at the Kentucky Derby and not really her? Is that a fake sports car that doesn't really run and just sits in the drive way? Is the McMansion really someone else's house and they just visit there once in awhile to take some twit pics to make it seem like they live there? Is the full time nanny Jon says they have a lie? What about the rest of the upkeep, all lies?

Do they get on the bus to go to their fancy prep school and really get dropped off later at public school? I mean girls, please don't insult our intelligence. You may be wise beyond your years but we are not stupid.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Administration 99..

Maybe the twins mean they're not doing well emotionality as Jon said.

If these kids feel like they need a film crew cause they have no connection to their family members besides their sibs it sad.

Kate doesn't care or seem not to care that her girls are crying out for real family and not a film crew.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

PJ's momma said... 98
Thanks for the clarification that the tweet came from the show. However, they must be deleting responses because I see only 2, both from the same person, and 1 of them is in response to a name that is no longer there. Interesting.

If by responses, you mean delete what is tweeted to you, you can't delete those. You can only delete what you have tweeted.

Anonymous said...

Somewhere In Time asked" "I wonder if Milo ever gets tired of kissing rear ends. There must be a word for people like that,. but I can't think what it is" Well, I think I have the word or (words) you may be thinking of:
SYCOPHANT: a person who praises powerful people in order to get their approval. Or better yet how bout these words: apple-polisher, bootlicker, brownnoser, fawner, flunky, lickspittle, suck-up, toady, yes-man; hanger-on, leech, parasite, sponger; henchman, lackey, lapdog, minion, running dog, satellite, slave, stooge; admirer, cultist, devotee, enthusiast, fan, groveler, idolater, worshiper , zealot; adherent, camp follower, convert, disciple, follower, need I go on!

Somewhere In Time said...

And what's even more concerning is that a 13 year old who goes to one of the best private schools in the country, has iPads and iPhones, has traveled the world, lives in a McMansion, and has mom running around creation trying to get her the precious jeans that she wants, has been brainwashed to think they are struggling.



And here's the thing. If she brainwashes them to think this, then they believe that in order to keep things going there, it's up to them to make sure that they can afford that lifestyle. She's preparing them for a future job on television, if it's offered. This means that they know that they better get ready for it, and do it because it's their responsibility.

JoyinVirginia said...

here is a way you can help children! The Infiniti Coaches Challenge asks college basketball fans to vote for their favorite coach and they will award a donation to the charity the winning coach is partnered with. You can vote once a day! #shamelessBegging #Favorite Coach #LetsGoVCU

Carole said...

AND the most TELLING quote from those twins that says to me they are NOT doing as well as they might want to have us believe.....

is the one where they say the reason they want to film again is because of the family the crew formed around them when their parents were going through a divorce.... REALLY KATE!!!!?????? It was a bunch of paid young men who provided the comfort your twins needed when they were hurting the most????

and your kids are saying the " family" they felt they got then, is a feeling they still want and need!

My goodness KATE!!!!! get those kids in contact with their grandparents, their aunts and uncles and cousins!!!!

Your twins just announced to the world, they are desperate to be on TV because they are desperately in need of that " family" feeling. Get it from their blood line, not a bunch of paid 20somethings!!


Best comment of the day, Meagler!

Re: Kate saying the twins are wise beyond their years --
When was it ever considered good parenting that kids their age had deal with their most private issues splashed on TV and in the media? She's proud of this fact, when she should be embarrassed! WE know it, but she and her sheeple will never recognize or acknowledge how totally screwed up and damaging this is.

I give any adult credit for sticking with the family and dealing with TFW knowing how screwed up she is and how she's brainwashing the kids. As we've said many times before, she hates Jon (and loves fame) more than she loves her kids, but I think it must also be said that Jon (with sometimes questionable choices), and anyone who has stuck with them thru all of the BS, loves the kids much more than they hate TFW.

Hook 'em Horns said...

I've not posted in a while, but I get People on my mini, so I got to read it. I agree with all the other posters as well, but what stood out to me was Mady saying she did not see what her dad was doing (new women "every second" according to Cara) was wrong then, but looking back she does. Which tells me Kate told her how horrible it was, that their dad was a dirtbag and a scumbag. They were young and did not realize, but Kate filled them in.

AuntieAnn said...

FLmama said... 91
"They know we're struggling somewhat, but we're still so lucky." says Kate, who is living off proceeds from her cookbook Love is In the Mix, her website and investments. "They've learned to enjoy what you have while you have it".


Good thing she said investments at the end there, because if they were actually living off the 'proceeds' of her cookbook and website, not only would they be struggling, they'd be homeless.

Michelle said...

Doesn't matter how much you WANT a TV show. The numbers don't lie. Ratings for Kate Plus 8 went nowhere but down. Why would any network go down that road again? TV is a numbers game. The numbers weren't there, so you are gone. It's going on three years now. Move the F""K on already!

As has been said countless times, if Kate wants a media career, put some damn work into it. Learn to speak without the ums, learn about current events, expand your universe beyond the tip of your nose. Then maybe (slim maybe) you'll have something to offer that TV execs will be interested in. Otherwise, again, move the F***K on already! Quit living your life dreaming about the past.

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 76
Until Jon actually does put his kids on T.V. or magazines, I'm not going to say "he would too." He hasn't for four years and he's had them with him plenty of times to do so. Why couldn't he take the girls up to NYC for an exploitation trip on a weekend he has them? Woulda coulda shoulda doesn't cut it for me.
I get confused re: legal custody vs. shared custody etc. So, my question is, can Kate "veto" Jon doing an article or photoshoot with the kids?
Obviously, Kate can do just about anything she wants with or without Jon's consent, let alone knowledge.

PatK said...

FLmama said... 91

"They know we're struggling somewhat, but we're still so lucky." says Kate, who is living off proceeds from her cookbook Love is In the Mix, her website and investments. "They've learned to enjoy what you have while you have it".


Oh, for Pete's sake, Kate. It's so obvious you're working them to ensure they ( continue to enjoy the good things without having to downsize and go without the best.

She's such a disgusting human being.

Lalalalala said...

This was a comment on the People site.

To anyone worried about Shoka. Someone is going to the house now to check on welfare of animal. Will keep you informed.


Seems neighbors or passerby's have been worried about Shoka?

Anonymous said...

"who is living off proceeds from her cookbook Love is In the Mix, her website and investments"
What a lie. Living off of her proceeds from her cookbook. Please! She wants the public to think her cookbook was successful when it bombed. But at least the article does acknowledge she is living off her investments. And to live off one's investments in this day and age one has to have a hell of a lot of money invested. It proves she is rich if she is sole supporting 8 kids in a very well-to-do lifestyle just off of investment money. Admin., how much do you Kate makes off her website per month? Any guesses?

handinhand said...

If you're struggling somewhat maybe now would be a good time to transition them to public school before high school begins, no? What a tool.

You've gotta sweeten the pot for her.
Tell her she can blame all the kid's potential future issues on the public schools.

handinhand said...

ere's one positive comment about the People article - since it was obviously meant to be a winter white January 'look', at least TFW was appropriately dressed, no short tight whities, no boobage, etc.

Only because the twins didn't like the crop top she tried to wear.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Or better yet how bout these words: apple-polisher, bootlicker, brownnoser, fawner, flunky, lickspittle, suck-up, toady, yes-man; hanger-on, leech, parasite, sponger; henchman, lackey, lapdog, minion, running dog, satellite, slave, stooge; admirer, cultist, devotee, enthusiast, fan, groveler, idolater, worshiper , zealot; adherent, camp follower, convert, disciple, follower, need I go on!


I like "suck-up toady." That just about sums it up!

Meagler said...

I am hoping one of my comments has not been taken out of context. I saw this copied a few times:

"AND the most TELLING quote from those twins that says to me they are NOT doing as well as they might want to have us believe....."

but those are my words, and I was referring to this next comment I made...

"is the one where they say the reason they want to film again is because of the family the crew formed around them when their parents were going through a divorce.... REALLY KATE!!!!?????? It was a bunch of paid young men who provided the comfort your twins needed when they were hurting the most????"

TFW and the twins are trying to tell us they are okay...but then the twins talk about wanting the crew back, because they miss the sense of family they got when they were there. THAT tells me they are NOT okay emotionally!

However as far as financially goes...flmama said the following quote was a caption under a picture in the rag mag..

"They know we're struggling somewhat, but we're still so lucky." says Kate, who is living off proceeds from her cookbook Love is In the Mix, her website and investments. "They've learned to enjoy what you have while you have it"."

That one I am leaving alone as many young teens want more then they have.

My kids have enough, but if I offered to buy them more, sure they wouldnt refuse it! I do find the less you have, the more you appreciate something new and shiny. The more you have, the new and shiny loses its appeal faster.

Also when I was a stay at home mom, and kids asked for something and we said no..they would ask if it was because we were broke? I would say, No. I would tell them.. " We have enough money for food on the table and clothes on your back. We can pay the bills and go out once in a while to a cheap movie. We are not broke, but we dont have a lot of extra, so we have to make the extra purchases wisely". They understood. So I dont think its so awful the twins know they might be struggling a bit...

However, it is quite another to tell teens you might be struggling, but they see you buying sports cars, trips, pedi's/mani's, all those extra's for yourself, but not for them. I assure you, I was not doing any of that when I was a stay at home mom!

Anyways, just want to be certain my comment out of context wasnt causing people to believe the twins had said something they had not....

Remember who they live with and remember that kids become mirrors of their parents. Currently they seem to spend a lot of time with mom, so she will be their biggest influencer right now.

The true test of their character will be when they are 18+.

If anyone is to be blamed for their behavior, lets look at the adults in their life!! Their leaders... the ones who have allowed these kids to speak ugly to each other, hate to each other, to spit at each other, to hit, etc. The adults need to STOP that behavior, put consequences into place and then do the follow up.

No one does a good job when they are trying to parent from behind one of many pink iphones! You have to get up off your butt, or walk over to where the chaos is, and be involved. I know how difficult it can be with 2 kids, so can only imagine the time involved with 8. However Kate, that is no excuse to NOT do it!

At the Cover shoot, Kate was likely off chatting with other people, and picking out her own costume rather then sitting and monitoring the "interview" and the words her kids were saying to the other Kate.

Kate has no filters in life to know what is appropriate and what is not. Therefore her kids have not learned these filters!

Oh my, sorry for the lloonngg post! best get back to my housecleaning!!

foxy said...

Kate is thanking all those who helped M & C with their FIRST cover shoot. She is going to make those kids support her the rest of their lives. She, however, is in for a rude awakening. She is raising selfish self centered children just like she is and they will not share.

PatK said...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy820m
Can you believe I am STILL reading the stack of #BeKindGetSigned (copy of #LoveIsInTheMix ) submissions? Your kindness is making us smile! 👍


Why yes, Kate, we CAN believe it because it's another one of your brainstorms that you've put on the back burner for the most part!

Meagler said...

I do want to say that Kate telling People the girls know they are struggling, when they are living in the McMansion. and going to a private school, when many people in America are stuggling to pay the bills and living in the streets... is def First World problems...

Kind of like a skinny person saying " I need to lose weight" to an obese person.

Connie said...

Is it possible that Milo is cat-fishing every one who reads his/her crap on Twitter? Is it possible that this person finds it hilarious that he/she has so many people reading what he/she writes? Is it possible?

Serendipity said...

Leslie, 124: "Somewhere In Time asked" "I wonder if Milo ever gets tired of kissing rear ends. There must be a word for people like that,. but I can't think what it is" Well, I think I have the word or (words) you may be thinking of:


For heaven's sakes, why doesn't Milo just get a room and consummate this relationship...get it over and done and put an end to her torment? This one-sided lusting must be painful for her.Since Kate is such a fabulous nurse, perhaps she could also give Milo a sponge bath.

Milo is beyond sickening. I'm thinking parasite would be a valid description.

Serendipity said...

Macey wanty ‏@maceywanty488 2m
Everyone Reilly needs stop @Kateplusmy8 is this not funny anymore she's has feelings too hope your ok kate

lol...from a fan. Yes, someone needs to stop Kate, but I doubt this is what the sheeple meant by this tweet!

handinhand said...

I actually see TFW leaving the tups with Jon, with the hopes of when they come visit in CA they will want to stay.

That's a possibility.
That cover with just a portion of the family on it was odd. Maybe Kate's sending out the message to TV prospects that she's no longer encumbered by the six. She's a better risk because she's perfectly willing to ditch them for either a show for herself or to be momager to the twins.

Serendipity said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h
HUGE thx 2 Jessica,Kate, Nigel,Deanna & every1 who worked on Mady&Cara's @peoplemag shoot. You made their 1st covershoot SO FUN&MEMORABLE!

Well, there you have it. Their 1st cover shoot. Expect more. This is not going away.

handinhand said...

It's a shame that Jon never got redeemed by the twin's words in that article the way Kate did. When they dis their mother for her clothing or talk about her being annoying they were able to also end by saying she's great and she tries to give them everything.
I wouldn't be surprised if the girls were equally complimentary about their dad (once Kate left the interview room) but between the two Kates, those words never made it to print.

Serendipity said...

Connie, 124: "Is it possible that Milo is cat-fishing every one who reads his/her crap on Twitter? Is it possible that this person finds it hilarious that he/she has so many people reading what he/she writes? Is it possible?"


It's entirely possible. Some have commented here that Milo is a very experienced catfisher. Regardless of who or what she is, she just won't shut up, and that's what is so annoying. Her tweets get more crazy and creepy the longer this goes on.

My question would be...if this is a catfisher, does Kate know it? Milo claims that they do so much communicating with each other, and Kate has seen her picture and knows her name. But is it her REAL name and her REAL picture? That's what we don't know.

jbranck1980 said...

I love the plug for her crookbook too. As if she made any money off of it....

Serendipity said...

Macey wanty ‏@maceywanty488 9m
@Kateplusmy8 why does everyone have to bash her leave her alone

How about another video? Leave Britney alone! Sniffle, sob!

chefsummer #Leh said...

So Kate is living off the monies she made from her lame cookbook?

Now that's funny.

handinhand said...

"They've learned to enjoy what you have while you have it".

And have they also learned to work, plan, save, do without or maybe even downsize to ensure enjoyment in the future? Or is it let's live high on the hog now because TV offers will be flooding in any minute, you know because Kate is such a good mom and the girls are so savvy. Kate Coyne said so. Whatcha waitin' for entertainment industry?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Also how is Kate making money off her website she never does anything with it.

Math Girl said...

Haven't the twins been on the cover of People several times before (though in a larger group)? In what sense is this their "first" appearance? Solo (but Kate was there)? Without their younger siblings?

When you have to qualify "first" but fail to, then it ain't true.

Formerly Duped said...

Why does no one ask her why she doesn't get a real job if they are 'struggling?" Living off investments may leave little for the future when you have eight kids to give 'everything' to .As for income from her website, how does that work, Kate? We know about the crookbook, though!

If Kate knew what the article said why brag about the expensive bird, and the 1D tix etc? She may lose out on some grifting,like when the kids needed socks and someone provided UnderArmor ones.

Ingrid said...

jbranck1980 said... 149
I love the plug for her crookbook too. As if she made any money off of it....
and money from her website????? hahahahahahaaaaaaaaa

TLC stinks said...

The tups are at an awkward age now. The twins appeal to the tweenies and this is what Kate is going after. She has plans to market them, no doubt about it. I just hope Jon makes sure Kate doesn't manage those girls out of any future income.

We should not be surprised by any of this. Kate has been singing her praises of Mady, in particular, for months now. . . Acting, photography, etc. She is using Twitter to get the word out she has a talented daughter (maybe). Problem is, if Mady is a Kate Klone, will anyone take her on? And can you imagine Kate the Stage Mom?!

Frankly from both girls' entitled tones in the article, I don't believe they are well liked at school. I thought there was hope for Cara, but not anymore. I went to school with girls like them, very cliquish and stuck up.

Zoe said...

As to the "missing the crew", if the kids aren't just parroting the party line, maybe they don't mean they miss the individuals within the crew. Maybe they just mean they miss having a crew of other people around.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Math Girl said... 154
Haven't the twins been on the cover of People several times before (though in a larger group)?


I think mommie dearest meant the cover of just her and the twins minus the little kids.

Formerly Duped said...

Yes, the eight kids were on People's cover and they were all photoshopped out of recognition. I think it was for Kate plus Eight and the younger girls had navy dresses and Mady a 'cool' hat. These are average -looking kids with no particular talents we know of- they are not going to be models or stars. Remember how pissed off Kate was when the talent agency director did not sign the twins? She also had headshots done for them as a 'rare treat."(free)

FYI said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 3m
@MiloandJack @peoplemag ALWAYS does such a lovely accurate honest job--pics and articles. They are #topnotch & a breath of fresh air!;)

If People does such an accurate and honest job regarding pics, why was her belly button missing in one of the pictures when they did her bikini cover shoot?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3h
@Kateplusmy8 I had 2read ur @peoplemag cover story N digital format...went 2 THREE stores yesterday...all sold out! #AnotherBestSeller :)

I went to a store yesterday, and they still had the old People issue. When I asked if they had the new one, they said that they hadn't received their shipment yet. So I doubt the stores that Milo went to were all sold out.

Didn't she say the same thing the last time Kate was on People in August?

If the photo shoot took place in NYC on Nov. 25, who was at home taking care of Zorro, who Kate claimed in her website article(date Nov. 25) they had just gotten the day before. Was Zorro the bribe for the tups, because Mommy, Cara and Mady had to leave for NYC? Or did Kate fake the dates about when they actually did get Zorro?

Zoe said...

Connie said... 142
Is it possible that Milo is cat-fishing every one who reads his/her crap on Twitter? Is it possible that this person finds it hilarious that he/she has so many people reading what he/she writes? Is it possible?
Agree! Being the subject of so many conversations must be a real ego boost for her.

Unknown said...

AuntieAnn said... 129
"They know we're struggling somewhat, but we're still so lucky." says Kate, who is living off proceeds from her cookbook Love is In the Mix, her website and investments. "They've learned to enjoy what you have while you have it".
''Good thing she said investments at the end there, because if they were actually living off the 'proceeds' of her cookbook and website, not only would they be struggling, they'd be homeless.''
Well...she had to tell them something! She sure wasn't going to reveal that they are living on the money made by Jon's children !! !!!!!!

AuntieAnn said...

chefsummer said... 151

So Kate is living off the monies she made from her lame cookbook?

Now that's funny.


Yes. Her jocularity just lights up the room.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate is a twit said... 161
. So I doubt the stores that Milo went to were all sold out.

Or Milo bought ever copy the store had so in a sense they were sold out.-lol

Anonymous said...

Seems neighbors or passerby's have been worried about Shoka?
I don't think it necessarily had to be a neighbor or passerby. It good have been any one of of one hundred thousand plus tweeters who were appalled that she confessed she kept Shoka outside with a heating pad (not heated house) in one digit cold temperatures. They probably called the animal authorities in her neighborhood and rightfully they are checking out the situation. Kate will probably have her kids lie to the authorities about how Shoka loves to live in 9 degrees outside.

Just like Meagler said: "Kate has no filters in life to know what is appropriate and what is not. Yep, she bragged about Shoka living with a heating pad outside and it is coming back to bite her in her ass.

NJGal51 said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h
HUGE thx 2 Jessica,Kate, Nigel,Deanna & every1 who worked on Mady&Cara's @peoplemag shoot. You made their 1st covershoot SO FUN&MEMORABLE!
And Deanna makes her appearance once again. I guess she was their make up artist.

getofftwitter said...

Well, Kate is very much in her own world! Very delusional at best. Kate you & those girls & the rest of the kids, have been on many covers. Is this a passing thing or is this the direction Kate is heading to stay in the media? I looked at the People article today at the store. It was mediocre at best, lots of non-sense BS, crap talk from 2, 13 year olds a mother who actually, did not need to be in any of the pics, The crap teen talk, puts those girls in a bad light. It makes them out to be brats, spoiled, & entitled, and backs up everything Jon said about them on Opahs show. The article was nothing special or worthy of wasting money to buy the magazine. People out there, go and buy Womans World, and/or First magazine. These 2 magazines, have fashion tips, food ideas, craft ideas, health info, and other stuff. Far more interesting and better bang for your buck as they say. Unless, your are a Kate fan/lackey/worshipper, and just have to see/lust for the twins pics and Kates mug, so you can cut the pics out for your wall, by all means buy it, it's your money to waste. Not mine!

PA Dutch Mom said...

Agree! Being the subject of so many conversations must be a real ego boost for her.


But what kind of a nutjob enjoys being put out there as the subject of ridicule and enjoys being called out for being an idiot? You've got to have something very loose upstairs to see that you are the brunt of jokes and humiliation.

PA Dutch Mom said...

If People does such an accurate and honest job regarding pics, why was her belly button missing in one of the pictures when they did her bikini cover shoot?


LOL! I think that was mentioned upthread, along with that highly airbrushed (or photoshopped) picture of her on the cover, showing off her toned body in a bikini. Then we saw the "real" Kate with the wrinkled knees and cellulite. It didn't look like the same person. I wonder if they think that they are really fooling anyone. Nobody is that stupid (well, except for some sheeple).

Michelle said...

I went back and reread Jon's recent interview where he called Kate an asshole. I was appalled when I originally read the article. After this week's People article, I had a much more sympathetic view rereading it. Kate has an amazing ability to make Jon look better when she opens her mouth.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Or Milo bought ever copy the store had so in a sense they were sold out.-lol


She's got to get those bathrooms wallpapered!

Our two grocery stores didn't have them yesterday. The rack was empty. That didn't mean they were sold out...they just hadn't gotten them there yet. I wonder if Milo asked if they were sold out, or if their shipment hadn't arrived.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Macey wanty ‏@maceywanty488 9m
@Kateplusmy8 why does everyone have to bash her leave her alone

How about another video? Leave Britney alone! Sniffle, sob!


Just checked to see her TL (because she's so funny) and it says User Suspended. That didn't take long!

Calling it said...

TLC stinks said... 157
The tups are at an awkward age now. The twins appeal to the tweenies and this is what Kate is going after. She has plans to market them, no doubt about it. I just hope Jon makes sure Kate doesn't manage those girls out of any future income.

The constant talk about the girls clothing leads me to believe a clothing line is in the works for M&C. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Kate and the twins move to Cali to pursue their "careers." Could Jon contest this if the twins say this is what they want to do? I could see Kate leaving the tups with Jon, in the hopes that when they come to visit they'll tell the judge they want to stay as well.

Kate is as transparent as thin air and as subtle as the anvil that always falls on the Roadrunner. She's got something up her sleeve and it's her twins. This People cover was their "debut," if you will. She is following Kris Kardashian down the momager/famous for being notorius route. Like Alex from 'Fatal Attraction,' Kate will not be ignored. She will not go away. She will not downsize and work a regular job. Never.

The above is my own observations and opinions.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 50s
@Kateplusmy8's kids speak the truth about their lives. Out of the mouths of ppl who live it. Kudos for raising 8 well adjusted happy kids.

So that's why Cara told her mother that she thought Kate always hated her?
Well, okay then...

PatK said...

Kate is a twit said... 161


If the photo shoot was on Nov. 25th, that was a Monday. Did she haul the twins out of school for this?

Ingrid said...

The crew was paid to be there. Paid to be nice. Confidentiality forms signed. It was their job. Yes they might have enjoyed playing with the kids while they filmed but it is not the same as true family. The crew had to watch what they said to Kate to keep her from having them fired or sued. Family were vocal about things that they saw that were wrong and were banished from her kingdom.

Of course the kids would like the crew to come back. They don't have much for visitors otherwise that I can tell. (my kids loved when we had family/friends over often or they went to visit them) The G kids have no steady family around (except maybe with Jon) No aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins etc so they attached themselves to the crew as if they are family. They were all pretty young when Kate cut family out of their lives so all they have is what Kate feeds to them for how a family should be. And with all the "secrets" they are told not to talk about, Kate keeps them on a tight leash to make sure they don't slip.

PA Dutch Mom said...

The crap teen talk, puts those girls in a bad light. It makes them out to be brats, spoiled, & entitled, and backs up everything Jon said about them on Opahs show.


I missed that show. Jon said that the twins are spoiled brats and entitled? Is there a transcript of this show?

PatK said...

Macey wanty ‏@maceywanty488 9m
@Kateplusmy8 why does everyone have to bash her leave her alone

How about another video? Leave Britney alone! Sniffle, sob!


Just checked to see her TL (because she's so funny) and it says User Suspended. That didn't take long!


By golly, it IS suspended! LOL ~ Administrator said...

But what kind of a nutjob enjoys being put out there as the subject of ridicule and enjoys being called out for being an idiot?


People who like being celebrities are cut from a different cloth. Many of these people just want to be talked about, be it good or bad. ~ Administrator said...

Kate forgot to thank the good people at Adobe who make Photoshop and help make this and every other celebrity on covers look like something they are not and continue the unrealistic expectations of all the other mediocre women out there. ~ Administrator said...

I regularly see only three or four copies of every magazine the grocery store carries and I regularly see empty racks of various magazines.

I don't assume they are necessarily sold out, I assume they need to be restocked and grocery store workers are busy. How can you tell which is it?

Paula said...

The constant talk about the girls clothing leads me to believe a clothing line is in the works for M&C. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Kate and the twins move to Cali to pursue their "careers

That thought i WAY out there..To have a teen clothing line, one has to have some type of fame and a following, a la Selena Gomez. These girls are not famous nor do they have any type of "following". They have not been on television for over 2 years and the viewing audience of Jon and Kate Plus 8 was hardly the teenage demographic.

Berks Neighbor said...

If this was the twins' big debut' then it failed miserably. They came across as bratty and entitled.
They don't have the draw of talent like Tia and Tamera Mowry (Sister,Sister), nor do they have the cuteness factor of the young "Olsen Twins".
They aren't Kardashian-ish because their mom (TFW) doesn't have the money nor the power to wield any sort of strength of opinion in the industry (if she did she'd have a show already).
This was a sad attempt and a huge example of scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Once again she has to rely on her children for any sort of notoriety.

What impressed upon me with the excerpts from the magazine is that Kate STILL does not have a job. She is relying on the money (investments) she made off the TV show she had with the kids. She's still not able to do anything on her own.

I feel horribly sad for the younger six kids as they are now being tossed to the side like so much trash as TFW still has her sights set on something bigger.

Berks Neighbor said...

I do want to add about the 'Monday' photo shoot.
A lot of schools in PA take the Monday after Thanksgiving off as it is the first day of hunting season. It's rather a tradition here. ~ Administrator said...

There is no WAY that web site is providing her with anything more than pocket money! When you compared stats of this web site to hers, we have much more traffic, posts, comments, and activity, and I could barely take the regulars here out to lunch once a month.

How can a mother of eight live off a pathetic web site! Unless you're Pioneer Woman or someone else with a huge following, don't start a web site thinking you're going to get rich. And definitely don't start a celebrity web site to make money because google it, celebrity sites rarely if ever make money. Perez Hilton does very well, but if he had a web site about camera equipment he would make 10 times what he does now.

Even if you count the endorsements, they are so few and far between and NoNetz even TOLD us how much they paid her. Wasn't it like 250 bucks? I mean that is like one grocery shopping trip.

I think the bulk of her money comes from money from the show and from little stunts like this plastering the kids on people for a cool 75,000 or whatever they negotiated. I resent that she is trying to lie to us and pretend that she actually pays for these kids with her OWN endeavors. Bullshit. You use the money THEY earned for most of your expenses, just own it.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

The young kids I see on any reputable programming have talent. Their parents have made sure they are prepared by giving them acting, dance, gymnastics, music, etc. lessons.

TFW's fame came too easily. No one in that family worked for any of it. Placed in their laps and they believed it would never end. The delusional thinking is still happening. The babies were cute. Notice I said, "were cute." Being themselves was enough to keep interest for a while. But, when the trips, furniture, mini-mansion, freebies were happening faster than the filming could keep up, the public caught on to the grifting. If your family is struggling, it is no fun watching a family prospering for doing nothing but having 8 kids. Then, add to that the remodels and "mine all mine" remarks out of TFW's mouth and there you have it. I will never consider TFW a loving mother and productive citizen until she is not exploiting her children. There will be no more reality shows for them. Not enough interest! How could any producer in their right mind who reviewed the tapes ever want to work with that? ~ Administrator said...

Does anyone remember when Jaden Smith did that interview with either Leno or Letterman, and he also came across as a spoiled and entitled smart ass. People were outraged over him too, couldn't believe the lip on that kid. I know he gets a few roles here and there, mostly on his dad's projects, but he is hardly the huge star that he could be.

I think that interview soured a lot of people to him and he might have been a lot bigger star now if he was a bit more likable. This kind of press, even from young people, hurts, not helps.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Ugg - guess I was ignoring the fact that People paid that biotch real $$$ to pimp out her chldren. Again. Their 'first' photoshoot. Yep, she sure does have plans to make some bank off of them, and as often as sh can. Someone has to pay her bills, and she certainly has no plan to ever get a job again.

Formerly Duped said...

I think Kate wished the twins were identical. They might have had more selling power. She used to dressed them identically. I never saw the point in that. But no, they could not be like the Mowry or Olsen twins because they do not look alike.( as Berks mentioned)

The tups are looking less alike, as well.Too bad for TFW they are not identical ( the girls, and the boys, or preferably all girls like their dearly departed egg sac) as the Dionnes were. I wonder what they think of this whole debacle if they follow it- they must be saddened.

Paula said...

I'm still amused that Kate Coyne is so poor at her job as Editor, that all she could come up with for a cover is a long ago washed up reality tv star and her twin daughters. So, Kate Coyne, you couldn't get a "real" star to agree to be interviewed??? Seriously????.

Gayle said...

I feel kind of sorry for Macey wanty if she's suspended because I think she's mentally impaired. I don't think she intends to be funny or mean.

They know we're struggling somewhat, but we're still so lucky." says Kate, who is living off proceeds from her cookbook Love is In the Mix, her website and investments. "They've learned to enjoy what you have while you have it".

TFW's comment about enjoying what they have while they have it translates to.....if the money starts to run out TFW's wants come first.

Anonymous said...

Admin. said: There is no WAY that web site is providing her with anything more than pocket money! When you compared stats of this web site to hers, we have much more traffic, posts, comments, and activity
Of course your website generates way more traffic. But good that ridiculous (lying) meter at the bottom of Kate's website be generating far more income by fake counting? Wouldn't that meter say she is generating tons of traffic and therefore generating tons of money? ~ Administrator said...

I also agree that "enjoy it while it lasts" is ridiculous advice to teach kids.

No, you don't enjoy it while it lasts. You save most of it for the future, you give a portion of it to charity, and only after that can you enjoy the small portion of it left over. You also at the same time work on lining up other opportunities like a steady job to ensure your future when the money runs out. They are the worst kind of lottery winners if I ever saw them.

getofftwitter said...

PA Dutch Mom: I was referring to, what I got out of the article, as the it makes the girls entitled, spoiled, brats etc. I don't remember if it was the Oprah show or the article Jon did, both around the same time, where Jon was talking about how the kids were affected by being on the reality show. How they have trouble getting along with their peers, each other, no manners etc. what Jon said Kate verified it. And yes, this I think is not a one time thing, this is the direction she is going now. Put the girls on the cover and get her sorry mug there too.
Their was a article with a pic of a young girl who looks a lot like one of the tups, doing a model of the Gymboree clothes, did anyone catch that? the article is on the My Mom Shops site, dated: 12/17/2013: Is Kate gosselin daughter modeling, or something like that?

mamaK said...

Ok. so she is living off of her website (ha!), and her new cookbook (right.), and investments. And Jon isn't paying any child support, so Kate must have tons of money socked away if those investments are paying for the house and school tuition.

The twins. They have no future in 'show business'. If they had a following, or some sort of 'draw' to them, people might put up with the entitlement attitude, but they don't. That attitude is not going to encourage anyone to want to work with them.

I sure hope that there is some investment money left over when these kids get of age. The therapy bills are going to need it! ~ Administrator said...

Speaking of former child stars who still can't shake their problems, David Cassidy was arrested for his THIRD DUI this weekend.

mamaK said...

I totally get Jon's articule now. He probably found out about this interview from the twins after it was done. Kate is an a**hole.

Sherry Baby said...

Their was a article with a pic of a young girl who looks a lot like one of the tups, doing a model of the Gymboree clothes, did anyone catch that? the article is on the My Mom Shops site, dated: 12/17/2013: Is Kate gosselin daughter modeling, or something like that?

At the bottom of this page, I now have the ad for Gymboree showing this young girl. I neither clicked on the Gymboree page, nor sought it out. It just randomly showed up because someone mentioned it here. How does that happen...does everyone have that ad right now?

This is not one of the tups, and I'm surprised that Gymboree has no copyright set in place that would prohibit a blogger from lifting a photo from their website of a minor child and putting it on a blog.

"I feel kind of sorry for Macey wanty if she's suspended because I think she's mentally impaired. I don't think she intends to be funny or mean."

I thought it was the Daisy fan who was mentally challenged. Who is Macey? Is she a frequent tweeter?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I have a prediction, based on this People cover. Anyone else think there's a "Tups Turn Ten" issue planned for their May birthday? Since
M & C have been cover girls solo this time around, that would clear the way for the six pack to have their own spread -- with TFW's veneered mug front and center again, of course. Unless the backlash from the current issue puts the kibosh on it. Aw, maybe we should give the poor single mom a break -- those Kentucky Derby hats don't pay for themselves...

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